#what group always forms negative ions
healthandfitness786 · 5 months
Enhanced Protection: Harnesses negative ions to shield against electromagnetic radiation.
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writtenwrong · 1 year
Stabilizing the Element
or Even our atoms need each other
When atoms are far apart, they attract each other. This attraction is stronger for some kinds of atoms than others. At the same time, the heat, or kinetic energy, of atoms makes them always move. If the attraction is strong enough, relative to the amount of heat, atoms will form a solid. If the attraction is weaker, they will form a liquid, and if it is even weaker, they will form a gas. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
It's the hot Central Valley summer of the second long distance, the second hand ticking away uncountable minutes, the seconding of everyone in my orbit that I am not quite interesting enough to really bond with. No one said it first, but I am pitifully made aware that I cannot be created nor destroyed, only transmuted transfixed and transformed, the ever unstable element on the table for discussion.
Chemical bonds are the strongest kinds of attraction between atoms. The movement of electrons explains all chemical bonds. Atoms usually bond with each other in a way that fills or empties their outer electron shell. The most reactive elements have an almost full or almost empty outer shell. Atoms with a full outer shell, called noble gases, do not usually form bonds. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
I do not understand my parents, well off and independent of one another. How do you breathe the same oxygen every night and remain unmoved? I cannot help but react and I reach, desperate to fill myself, desperate to fill others, to give and receive. But in this hot Central Valley summer I grasp only air.
There are three main kinds of bonds: ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and metallic bonds.
In an ionic bond, one atom gives electrons to another atom. Each atom becomes an ion: an atom or group of atoms with a positive or negative charge. The positive ion (which has lost electrons) is called a cation; it is usually a metal. The negative ion (which has gained electrons) is called an anion; it is usually a nonmetal. Ionic bonding usually results in a regular network, or crystal, of ions held together. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
I had forgotten what it was like to live on the affluent side of town, to not see people starving, to not have people all around who are unstable, reactive. Knowing they are still here, still reacting, only kept out of this sterile lab environment through aggressive sanitizing of unwanted elements to avoid cross contamination, I am not comforted by comforts. I am lonely.
In a covalent bond, two atoms share electrons. This usually happens when both atoms are nonmetals. Covalent bonds often form molecules, ranging in size from two atoms to many more. They can also form large networks, such as glass or graphite. The number of bonds that an atom makes (its valency) is usually the number of electrons needed to fill its outer electron shell. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
Board games and conversations on the street corner spread conversations far and wide, and everything belongs to everyone on that street corner for the day. I meet a man who asks me if I want a cigarette while beating me thoroughly at chess, a woman who has a little dog wearing a sweater in better condition than her own, a guy who watches each tournament and pulls at his sleeves, someone is writing resources on the community board.
In a metallic bond, electrons travel freely between many metal atoms. Any number of atoms can bond this way. Metals conduct electric current because electric charge can easily flow through them. Atoms in metals can move past each other, so it is easy to bend, stretch, and change the shape of metals. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
Remember the weeks of watching for news of Seattle's community? Of parsing through hyperbole and lies for glimmers of a people committed to radical restructuring? Remember what it felt like to wonder if this was the beginning of something significant? I remember changing and stretching into something new, something I thought was stable but could not have been more reactive. Maybe that isn't a bad thing.
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The Glitterin' Guide To Crystals: How To Use, Which To Choose & The History Of Crystal Healing
*pushes glasses up nose*
A crystal is a solid material that contains repeating, three-dimensional arrangements of atoms, ions or molecules that form a ‘crystal lattice’. They are often identifiable by their flat faces and geometric shapes.
For eons we have been intrigued by sharply cut and brightly coloured semi-precious stones.
Much like the gems we capture in engagement rings or sorry-I-did-my-secretary-it-was-only-twice apology gifts, we have always been affording these sparkling stones purpose.
Ancient Egyptians buried their dead with lapis lazuli in the form of a scarab to protect them in the afterlife.
Western men of the 1960s put quartz in their watches to help them tell the time.
And no beauty guru would dare leave the house without a quick massage from her rose quartz face roller.
(“Use the code THISISPROBABLYTINTEDGLASS at checkout for 40% off.”)
From New Age beliefs to more practical purposes, we have always been drawn to crystals. Some believe they contain mystical powers and healing properties - others think they’re rocks.
But we can all agree on one thing: they so pretty!
And yet, it’s not always as simple as that is it? Whilst many of us - myself included - use crystals to elevate the positive energy in our lives, for some they bring nothing but the negative.
There is a dark, exploitative side of the crystal world. Darker than any obsidian protective amulet.
Today we discuss everything you need to know about crystals: what they are, what they do and how to use ‘em. But first, we need to go all the way back to where the crystal comes from. We need to face a hard (and often invisible) truth.
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I’ve always been drawn to rose quartz. It’s my anchor, it’s the beating heart of my crystal collection.
I have smooth rose quartz, I have raw rose quartz and I even had a little one studded on my go-to necklace. But of all the stones in my possession, I can’t distinguish between the ones that were mined by workers given fair wages and safe working conditions, and the ones that would be a prime case study for human rights violations.
The violations associated with mining crystals are part of a larger mineral or metal mining issue. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 7-year-olds can be found working in cobalt and copper mines, looking for the metals that feature in our phones. In Afghanistan, it’s the Taliban that’s profiting from the mining of lapis lazuli.
The cash from crystals is sometimes used to fund conflicts and gang violence and is yet another cog in the criminal underworld.
Some sellers do try to trace back their stocks to ensure they meet the ethical standards of goods promising to provide healing powers, but this isn’t the only issue at stake.
What about the environmental concerns associated with mining?
Crystal mining is on a much smaller scale than metal mining and is more of an ‘afterthought’ to snap up as much cash as possible from the recent surge in demand. But as it occurs at the same time as metal mining, it is thoroughly entrenched with the unsustainability associated with it.
But this isn’t to say every crystal collector is funding evil, underground gangs and groups. Crystal mining is one shard of criminal activity taking place across the world. In fact, everything you own probably can be attributed to similar origins.
I can’t trash talk people that buy from unethical sellers on my laptop - a laptop which which is probably crammed full of minerals and metals that bloodied the hands of innocent children.
But neither should we ignore it altogether.
You can find out more about sourcing ethical crystals from this really interesting blog post I found.
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What Are Crystals? And What Is Crystal Healing?
Crystals are a solid material which contains a specific structure of atoms or molecules. They are minerals formed underground which contain 3D repeating patterns.
Their colour, shape and type is affected by the conditions in which they grow.
For example, my dear rose quartz is a mineral composed of silicon dioxide molecules and they form at around 700 degrees celsius. It is formed when magma rises and cools. This causes minerals to bond together - here, silicon has bonded with oxygen. The more the magma cools, the greater the mass of silicon dioxide grows.
It is only when titanium is present that the quartz takes on a pinky, flushed hue. That’s the rose bit.
What makes this a crystal is its repeating structure. And it’s this same structure that some believe invests them with a special type of memory. Memory that can retain and give out energy...
Crystal healing is a pseudoscientific, alternative-medicine practice that claims crystals can help boost positive energy, banish negative energy, release blocked energy, and transform your aura.
There are many different ways to use crystals, all of which aim to bring balance to your life and your mind.
Think of them like tuning forks. They all have unique energy patterns, frequencies, and energy fields and this gives them their associated properties. We have been trying to harness this energy for at least 6000 years.
A Brief History Of Crystal Healing
The use of crystals today doesn’t stray too far from its origins. Crystal healing has been found in our favourite ancient civilisations including ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, ancient Greece and ancient Rome.
It started with more magical uses.
Historians have traced it back to the ancient Sumerians (one of the earliest known civilisations dating back to 4500 BC) who used crystals in their magical formulas. And on Plato’s fictional island of Atlantis (400 BC), they used crystals to read each other's minds, suggesting he took inspiration from their real-life uses.
It’s around the time Plato first mentioned Atlantis that links between crystals and unique properties emerged.
Talismans and amulets containing crystals soon took their first steps into fashion - if something bad happened, a certain stone would be used to counteract the negative effects.
In 3100 BC, Ancient Egyptians matched this aesthetic by making jewelry with the crystals they believed could emit metaphysical properties. They claimed they could provide health and protection - and so one of the civilisation’s most pervasive images was born:
The lapis lazuli scarab.
These glistening blue beetles were buried with their dead to protect them in the afterlife. But the not-so-dead Egyptians were also wearing amulets containing crystals. Crystal shape, inscription, colour and the ritual associated with it provide a specific purpose. These amulets were worn as jewelry.
A few thousand years later, in 1200 BC, the ancient Greeks were starting to take a similar interest in crystals. But they were most obsessed with clear quartz and amethyst.
They believed clear quartz was water that had frozen to the point that it wouldn’t return to its liquid form. And if they wanted to skip out on a hangover, they’d wear amethyst. In fact, in ancient Greek, amethyst actually means ‘not intoxicate’.
The medicinal properties of crystals developed further into the Middle Ages. The powers of precious stones became so essential that the information associated with them was collected in texts called lapidaries (pocket-sized guides to different crystals) which were fiercely popular until the 17th century.
It was only as recently as the 1970s that a resurgence in crystal healing emerged. The New Age movement that spanned Britain, the US and India took on other belief systems to form specific crystal healing practices.
For example, British pagans associated crystals with modern witchcraft whereas Indians associated them with holistic healing.
Crystal use is mainly associated with Western paganism and is rooted in the UK. In fact, our modern practices are typically simplified versions of ancient rituals. Some separate practices then began to incorporate crystals, for example Western astrology associates each star sign with a different crystal.
Native American cultures have also always been associated with crystal healing. Through word of mouth, various traditions have been passed down over the years. Generally, they believe crystals are an entity and therefore they must be respected. In some traditions, they are worn to benefit from healing vibrations - but different crystals used together must never touch.
Today, the New Age movement uses crystals to align the chakras, to help with meditation, as a part of religious rituals or during yoga sessions. But the emphasis, especially in pagan circles, is that you use your crystals as you want.
It’s a practice that is unique to you.
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How To Choose A Crystal
Throughout history, different crystals have been associated with different properties. And across borders and over time, the powers have of course varied.
Often, the powers the crystal can provide guides us to the ones we choose, buy and use. But choosing your crystal shouldn’t necessarily follow this pattern.
Sure, if you want to help a physical or emotional ailment, finding a specific crystal with specific properties is useful. But finding a crystal relies on a personal connection.
You should be drawn to your crystals - you should want to touch them, want to hold them, want to be near them. This is why you should avoid buying them online as you need to tap into your higher sense of self, your subconscious to then choose your new stone.
If you’ve decided on a specific type of crystal, there are a few different shapes to choose from:
There’s chunk - rough or raw crystals that haven’t been smoothed or cut into a specific shape.
There’s cut - they are shaped to capture more light which can enhance the energy it contains.
There’s tumbled - they’re smooth and more comfortable to hold.
And there’s wands - they have a point and direct energies in a direction.
Here is a handy list of the most common crystals and the properties they are associated with:
Amethyst = spiritual awareness - tranquility - relieves headaches
Citrine = invites success and money - self esteem boost - good for heart, kidneys, liver and muscles
Clear quartz = healing - can be used for any purpose
Garnet = health - creativity - gets rid of nightmares
Jade = ambition - longevity
Lapis lazuli = focus - meditation - gets rid of sore throats and fever
Moonstone = peace - harmony - good for the digestive system
Obsidian = protection
Opal = amplification - creativity - balance moods
Rose quartz = love - comfort - gets rid of anger
Smoky quartz = survival instinct - focus
Tiger’s eye = stability - personal power
Turquoise = healing - protects the environment - protects against disease
Cleansing And Charging Your Crystal
Now you’ve coughed up for the newest addition to your collection, you’ll need to purify it so you can charge it with your personal energy. This is cleansing a crystal.
Cleansing is essential after purchase as they can travel long distances and be handled by numerous people. They can absorb negativity from other people, so the cleansing removes this bad energy.
Cleansing is pretty simple. The most common ways of doing so include putting it under running water or bathing it in salt water.
WARNING: Some crystals should not make contact with water. They can disintegrate, get damaged, or rust. Find out if your crystal is safe to cleanse with water here.
Natural sunlight and moonlight can both cleanse and charge crystals.
Charging crystals amplifies their powers and prepares them for programming. You can also bury crystals to charge them as this reconnects them with the earth.
Programming typically involves setting your intentions with the crystals in a meditative state, i.e. ‘I charge this crystal with the intention of making me more successful at work’. You could be holding it, you could be sitting near it, you could be breathing on it; it’s all about making a personal connection with the crystal.
Your ritual is your ritual, whatever matches your beliefs and your intuition. Do what feels right.
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6 Different Ways To Use Crystals
#1 - Put ‘em under your pillow
Set yourself up for a new day by sleeping near or with your crystals.
Several different crystals have been known to calm nightmares or anxiety, helping you sleep peacefully and boosting your creative imagination.
But just being near fully-charged crystals for a good eight hours can ensure you are surrounded by the positive energies and the vibes you have programmed the crystals with.
#2 - Make a crystal cocktail
Allow me to repeat my warning:
Some crystals should not make contact with water. They can disintegrate, get damaged, or rust.
Recently, it’s become very common to infuse your water with your favourite, cleansed crystal. In fact, some even claim it changes the taste of the water - but this might not be a good thing.
If you’re using a crystal that shouldn’t be submerged, you might be in much closer contact with your crystal than you’d like. And by that I mean you could swallow some of it.
No, mam.
#3 - Open up your third eye
Many practitioners place crystals on or around the body whilst meditating. One of the most popular placements of a crystal is on your ‘third eye’ (the centre of your forehead).
Do this whilst you lay on your back and imagine the energy opening your sixth chakra. Unlock your psychic power and take the moment to relax.
#4 - Create a crystal grid
Amplify your crystals’ energies by creating an even grid. This makes your crystals work together by using ‘sacred geometry’.
(Who knew maths was so mystical?)
First, you have to define the purpose of the grid, such as moving forward from jealousy or finding courage in a tough situation. Then, you have to pick specific crystals to support this energy. Arrange your crystals using your intuition - AKA what feels right to you.
Then, simply leave the grid to do its magic.
#5 - Resurrect your houseplants
Burying your crystals is a go-to cleansing method. But it might serve your plants a purpose, too.
Healing crystals placed in their pot should help save dying plants and give them a boost of growth, too
But if your crystals shouldn’t get wet, you shouldn’t do this. When you water the plant, the crystal could get damaged.
#6 - Predict the future
Crystals can be used for divination in a number of forms.
You could buy a crystal ball or you could take any ‘old clear crystal or dark crystal with a shiny surface to perfect your scrying talents.
Crystal pendants can also be hung from a string to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions posed to it.
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What’s your favourite crystal?
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shouldntcryoverit · 3 years
the art of discordance
captain rex x jedi fic during clones wars era...
Pure chaos resonated as the small team fought to overcome the controls. The panic bubbling over from the separatist attack didn’t diminish as the smaller ship shot through lightspeed, leaving three half crazed jedi, a few clones, and one injured general.
“Turn the power back on! Turn it on!” Jaida yelled into the cockpit. The victory of avoiding the burning sun they were previously on course to crash straight into was short lived as they swerved dangerously close to another planet.
“I’m... trying!” Aayla groaned, hand outstretched to the lever. It clunked downwards and Jaida, Rex and Aayla fell to the floor with a heavy thud.
The ship plummeted towards the ground, having lost all control over the engines. Smoke encased them through a straight course at least an inch into the growth, leaving a scorched dent in their path. The clones and jedi scrambled to get out the burning wreckage of the ship, though when they all collapsed in relief, they found their situation to be no better.
Anakin was in a bad condition, one that looked to be deteriorating quickly. Ahsoka and Jaida carried him to rest under a makeshift tent, but the young padawan didn’t move as he lay unconscious. Jaida watched with concerned eyes, for her friend yes, but also for the young togruta that shuffled anxiously. The pair hadn’t spoken much; Ahsoka had spent her time training or at the temple whereas Jaida remained very much rooted in battle rooms, but the times they did spend with each other Jaida found the kid’s attitude refreshing. She knew why Anakin spoke so highly of her.
“he’ll be okay kid” Rex reassured. Ahsoka nodded solemnly and sighed, walking forward to talk over her master.
“Jaida and Rex will watch over you, be strong master” the togruta uttered, before resuming her position beside the knights.
The two watched as the rest of the group ran off into the tall grass, leaving them to stand in silence.
Jaida let out a shaky breath as she folded onto the ground, Anakins feet in front of her.
Rex spoke first “he will be okay, sir” it was an attempt to reassure her, though she had not admitted she was worried.
Her response was another huff of breath, followed by a hand running through her hair.
“Anakin has always had the ability to bounce back from injuries, it seems even his body is too stubborn to stop fighting” her words fell heavy as she watched her friend’s chest rise and fall slowly.
Rex’s smile settled “you care more than you let on, don’t you?”
Her eyes lifted from Anakin’s form and met his in a rigid glare. Rex regretted his boldness instantly, but her eyes softened in admission.
“i saw your order” he continued bravely “the men wondered were it all came from” he was referring to the extra order of cotten blankets she had placed a week previously. Rex assumed it was out of compassion as she realised the coldness of the Resolute.
“good, men work better if they actually manage a decent night sleep” She got up and brushed herself down, peaking her head around the corner to check for any signs. Rex felt a twinge in his stomach of her disregard; her kind act now seemed tainted as nothing more than a battle strategy, and it left a bad taste on his tongue.
Rex took a moment actually size up the new general. Her robes were similar to Skywalker’s, but they fitted her form more. She wore black boots and gloves up to her elbow, her collarbone hidden with the same material. Her hair was lighter in the sun, but Rex could still see the way it framed her face and fell loosely from its plaited hold. Her face was still set in that expression of neutrality, though it broke slightly as the hint of serenity curved her alluring lips. Her eyes were young and bright, full of a mixture of gold and blue.
Before she could say anything else, a roar broke the silence, followed by the pounding footsteps of two animals.
Rex shot up, blasters ready, and Jaida ignited her duel blade. They shared a look of panic, before they each dove away to block or attack whatever strike came at them.
After quite some struggle, the pair had overcome their attackers, and the two animals lay dead on the ground. Before the interruption, Jaida had felt a new sense of gratitude towards the captain. That maybe she had misjudged his professionalisms and could enjoy his company further than what protocol dictated. It was when Rex propped himself up that Anakin groaned awake. At the noise, Jaida hurried to his aid.
“Anakin! You okay?” she helped him sit up. He groaned once more and faultered against his injuries.
“this mission- sucks” he managed. As he came to, the surroundings became clearer. “you look like hell”
“always a charmer” she grinned as he helped him up.
“what happened to the others?” Skywalker quizzed
“the went to look for help, actually they should be back soon.”
“so we don’t have a ship, communication or supplies, great” Anakin grumbled
“negativity doesn’t suit you”
“you got a better outlook?” before Jaida could reply to his question, the rest of their team stumbled out of the grass, along with a new companion.
By the time it took to take Anakin back to the village, his condition had deteriorated. Jaida couldn’t budge the irrational feeling in her stomach, but held face as Ahsoka trudged next to her.
“I understand staying neutral, but really? i mean you gotta have an opinion at least!” she ranted
“some people just don’t care about what doesn’t involve them” Jaida countered absentmindedly
They made it to the village, and despite the old chief’s disgruntled disagreement they were allowed to seek refuge. It was no retreat, that was for certain, but Ahsoka for one felt entirely more secure knowing that her master was getting the medical attention he so desperately needed.
He was whisked away by the village medic almost as soon as they arrived, and the three Jedi left remained cautious of theyre situation.
Time passed, with Ahsoka helping a few villagers carry out daily tasks, and Jaida scouting the near area; it actually felt like time had stopped. There was a peacefulness that none of the visitors had experience in such a long time, for clones maybe never. Rex had never been able to sit and watch as children laughed and played, without thinking about how he should escape if need be. It was tranquil and calm, and it made Rex think.
When Jaida returned, she returned quickly.
“Ahsoka! Tell Aayla we’re gonna have company!” her shouted alerted the relaxed captain into a far more rigid standing.
“who is it?” Bly questioned with furrowed brows
Everytime she looked his way there was something that sparked, or snapped maybe - he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t anything good, but he doubted that it was hate. Rex just couldn’t stand the feeling he gave her. So he figured he couldn’t stand her.
It was no different now as the pair waited behind the stacks of nut pods for the enemy to near. A plan had been formulated after they left the village so quickly, and by seeing the extent ifthe seperatist forces it was no wonder they had scrambled to do so. Jaida had already irked him today, by seeming so unbothered by the idea of a new ion canon, one that was able to wipe out all organic matter.
His distractions dissipated when the first shot flew past his head. That was certainly enough to wipe his mind. He ducked behind a pod and began shooting, knocking droids down like a pin ball game at 79s.
The disctractions, those that humanised into the form of a woman standing of few metres to his left, seemed to have a mind of their own. Jaida slunked away from her position, and walked straight out into the battlefield. Rex grinded his teeth as she put away her lightsaber. He had to remind himself that yes she was putting herself in unecessary danger, and that no, that wasn’t what he was angry about.
“im sure your a smart man” Jaida called out, hands calmly behind her back “there’s certainly a more pleasant way to deal with situations” the words fell fruitlessly off her tongue.
“what’s she doing?” Bly muttered with spite, though Aayla dismissed his question with a wave of her hand.
“don’t try to trick me, jedi”
“there is no trick. You are the one with canon of course” she smiled coldly at the separatist, patronism seeping through her tone “although, if we do manage to reach an agreement, your day might just turn out swell”
“was that a threat?!” the hast in his voice caused a loud clunk to be heard as the droids aimed they’re guns once more.
“nope” Jaida said, popping the ‘p’, just before a clankers took a shot, and she dodged it. Perfectly.
It looked like some sort of game on the holonet, Jaida avoiding each bullet carelessly and without struggle, as if they bent around her path instead. She reached a safe distance, and smiled pleasantly, reaching into a pocket behind her back and drawing a small explosive. She threw it into the canon opening, and the problem was solved with a rattling boom.
Her solution did work, but Rex still kept a stern look. Even when the support ships finally rescued them.
He kept it until she rested beside him, both standing against a wall bored and tired.
“you look tired” he commented
“hm” Jaida’s eyes never left the datapad she was staring at. “you should get some rest too, it’s been a long few days” she deliberated carelessly. When the captain didn’t reply she turned her head to face him.
“what is it?”
The captain tittered antagonisingly “why is it that you always have to go off script?”
Jaida looked at him with a more confused look than anger.
“i saved those villagers, you know that was my only intention?” her tone was clear, informative.
“you do never fail to keep battles interesting” Rex quipped
“i think i’ll take that as a compliment” she grimaced
“perhaps you should”
She spoke after a moment of pregnant silence. “captain if there’s something you have to say i suggest you say it”
“with all due respect, you ought to realise that you have a responsibility to your men, to yourself even” he began after a beat.
“it isn’t something i’ve failed to notice”
“you brash, careless- you act like you have nothing to loose”
“we’re fighting a war” Jaida countered
“and we don’t need anymore casualties than we already have” Rex’s voice was no longer as angry as it began, now growing colder as exasperation clawed at his tired mind.
Rex paused, taking a deep breath of his own and trying to rid himself of his own irrational and unprofessional nags.
“i am not a liability, you need to trust me” she was stern now. It wasn’t that the captain had irked her, his anger came from a very real place, but she was just annoyed that she couldn’t find the words to calm it.
“and you need to trust that we know what we’re doing, even without your last minute strategies”
Silence. Jaida clicked her tongue, acceptance though Rex didn’t know to recognise it.
“goodnight general”
She locked eyes with him once more. A second passed, before he left her in silence.
He didn’t hate her. That he knew for sure.
hope you liked this let me know if you want to be tagged in next chapters! :))
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biostudyblog · 5 years
Update: Pictures are working!
There are a few basic chemistry concepts that are essential to understand. For starters, understanding what an atom is and its basic properties.
Atoms are the building block of all matter. They have a positive nucleus, with positive protons, and neutral neutrons. In a large area surrounding the nucleus, is the electron cloud, made of negatively charged electrons.
An atom in its elemental state is always neutral.
When an element has a charge, it is because it has an unequal number of protons an electrons, making it an ion. Sometimes an element’s nucleus has an unequal number of neutrons and protons, making it an isotope. Carbon-14, for example, has 8 neutrons, instead of the 6 that Carbon-12 has. Carbon-14 is also a radioisotope, meaning it emits particles and decays at a rate called a half-life, making it useful for fossil dating. Along with that, radioactive carbon can be used as a tracer. This means it is incorporated in CO2 molecules and used to track metabolic pathways.
The location of the electron affects how the atom will react with other elements. When electrons are in the lowest available energy level, they are in the ground state. When they absorb energy, they move to a higher energy level, entering the excited state. For instance, when chlorophyll absorbs light energy, electrons within it are boosted to higher energy levels. This provides the energy necessary to produce sugar when they return to their ground state level as they release the energy they absorbed.
Elements bond when two nuclei are attracted to each other. Energy is released when a bond is formed. All atoms want to either get rid of all their electrons on their outer shell or fill their outer shell with 8 (or in hydrogen’s case, 2) electrons, which makes them stable. There are 3 kinds of bonds, but for biochemistry, Ionic and covalent bonds are what is relevant.
Ionic bonds form ions (hence the name.) They occur when electrons are transferred. The atom that gains electrons becomes a negatively charged anion. The atom that loses electrons becomes a positively charged cation.
Covalent bonds are made when electrons are shared. This occurs when the two atoms have electronegativities that are closer together than in an ionic bond. Electronegativity is the tendency of an atom to pull electrons towards it. These bonds can be polar if the electronegativity is high enough. A polar molecule is a molecule with a partial charge. For example, water is a polar molecule, as oxygen is extremely electronegative, and water is partially electronegative.
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Hydrogen Bonding
Hydrogen bonding is a specific kind of intermolecular force that is essential to life. It is what keeps the 2 strands of DNA bonded together, and gives water its unique characteristics. Since oxygen has a partial negative charge, and hydrogen has a partial positive charge, they are naturally drawn to each other.
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Hydrophobic vs Hydrophilic
Polar molecules are hydrophilic. This is because they are attracted to the partially charged ends of water. Hydrophilic means they are attracted to water. (Not in that way... sick) NaCl or table salt is hydrophilic. This is why salt dissolves in water.
Non-polar molecules are hydrophobic. This means they are repelled by water. (They’re filthy water haters.) Lipids are hydrophobic, which is why fats and oils do not dissolve in water.
The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer, only allowing nonpolar substances to dissolve through it. Large polar molecules have to use specific hydrophilic channels.
Characteristics of Water
Water is a unique molecule, and without its unique properties, life on earth would not exist as it does, or even at all.
Water has a high specific heat: Because hydrogen bonds are so strong, it requires a lot of heat energy to break them. This is why large bodies of water remain the same temperature, and why coastal cities have a consistent temperature because the water absorbs all the heat energy before it can warm up.
Water has a high heat of vaporisation: A large amount of energy is needed for water to vaporise, which is why sweating is such an effective cooling method.
Water has high adhesion properties: Adhesion is when one substance clings to another. Adhesion causes capillary action, which occurs in the xylem of plants, and is used to bring water up from the roots without expending energy.
Water is a universal solvent: Due to its high polarity, water makes an excellent solvent.
Water is extremely cohesive: Molecules of water tend to stick to each other. This is observed in surface tension and allows for small insects to run across the surface of the water. Cohesion is also necessary to bring water up from the roots, by transpirational-pull cohesion tension.
Ice is less dense than water: Instead of freezing all the way through, ice crystallises, leaving large amounts of space, causing ice to float. This is essential for the survival of marine life during the winter, as they can live beneath the ice.
pH is calculated by taking the -log of the chance of finding hydronium (H30+) ions within a certain amount of water. Hydronium is made in rare circumstances, where a hydrogen ion breaks off from a water molecule. Normally, there is a 1 in 10 million chance of there being a hydronium ion. This is the equivalent of 1x10^-7. The -log of this number is 7, the neutral pH.
Any pH below 7 is acidic. Any pH above 7 is basic. Stomach acid has a pH of 2, while bleach has a pH of 11. Human blood has a pH of around 7.4
Most living cells need to have an internal environment with a pH of around 7. Buffers exist to regulate pH by either absorbing excess hydrogen ions or donating missing hydrogen ions. In human blood, the bicarbonate ion (HCO3) is essential.
There are 4 types of macromolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Carbohydrates are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They supply quick and easy energy. 1 gram of all carbohydrates will release 4 calories of energy. In our diet, they can be found almost everywhere in foods such as rice, pasta, bread, cookies, etc.
There are 3 kinds of carbohydrates: monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
All monosaccharides have a chemical formula of C6H12O6. It is the placement of the carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen that determines its properties. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are all examples. They are isomers, meaning they have the same chemical formula, but a different structure.
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When 2 monosaccharides join together, they create disaccharides. They all have the chemical formula C12H22O11. Dehydration synthesis is the process that creates them. This process releases 1 molecule of water, hence the name. Lactose, maltose, and sucrose are all examples.
Hydrolysis is the exact opposite of dehydration synthesis. It is used during digestion. One molecule of water is used to breakdown polymers into monomers.
Polysaccharides Polysaccharides are long polymers of carbohydrates. Cellulose (plant cell wall), chitin (exoskeleton, fungi cell wall), glycogen (how animals store carbohydrates) and starch (how plants store carbohydrates) are all examples.
Lipids include fats, oils, and waxes. Most contain 1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids. Glycerol is alcohol.
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Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids and are hydrocarbon chains with carboxyl groups at the end. There are 2 varieties; saturated and unsaturated. (3 if you count trans-fats when extra hydrogen is added to the fat to make the lipid solid)
Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, and are famously unhealthy as they are linked to heart disease.
Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and are good dietary fats.
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Lipids store much more energy than carbohydrates. 1 gram of any lipid will release 9 calories of heat per gram. They can be structural, as in the phospholipids of the cell membrane, or they can be hormones.
Proteins are polymers of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.
Amino acids are identifiable by their carboxyl group, amine group, and variable R, attached to a central carbon atom.
Proteins are complex and perform a vast array of duties, such as growth and repair, being enzymes, membrane channels, and hormones.
1 gram of protein releases 4 calories of heat.
Proteins contain the elements C H O N P S
There are only 20 amino acids coding for the thousands of proteins in the human body.
Protein Structure
There are 4 levels to the structure of a protein.
The primary structure results from the sequence of amino acids making up the polypeptide
The secondary structure results from hydrogen bonding within the molecule. This causes a helical structure
The tertiary structure is an intricate 3-dimensional shape or conformation of a protein and most directly decides the function of the protein. Enzymes denature in high temperatures or in the wrong pH because the tertiary structure is compromised.
The quaternary structure is only found in proteins that have more than 1 polypeptide chain, such as in haemoglobin.
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Enzymes are large proteins
Enzymes lower the energy of activation, speeding up the reaction, as it lowers the amount of energy needed to start the reaction.
The chemical an enzyme works on is known as a substrate
Enzymes are specifically designed for specific substrates. For example, lactase only works on lactose. Notice the naming pattern for enzymes and their substrates.
The induced fit model is an explanation for how they work. When the substrate enters the active site, it induces the enzyme to change its shape to fit the substrate.
Enzymes can be reused as they do not degrade during a reaction
Enzymes are assisted by cofactors (minerals) or coenzymes (vitamins)
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Prions are proteins that cause diseases. Mad cow disease is an example. It is a misformed protein able to influence other proteins to fold in the same way.
Nucleic Acids
There are 2 kinds of nucleic acids: RNA and DNA. They are necessary for carrying genetic information.
Nucleic acids are polymers of nucleotides
The nucleotides are the two purines: Adenine and Guanine, and the 3 pyrimidines, Thymine, Uracil, and Cytosine. Uracil is only found in RNA, and thymine is only found in DNA. Adenine connects with thymine/uracil, and guanine connects with cytosine.
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ramiebread86 · 3 years
Liquid Peptides
Best Examined Products.
Cardio Lowers Body Fat.
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18rik Peptide.
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In order to figure out which enteral feed is ideal suited to a client; the dietitian will embark on an extensive analysis of dietary status as well as current medical problem. The prescription of the feed is tailored to meet specific requirements based upon a persons' particular dietary needs and also the objectives of the intervention. Relevant medical details must be sent with the demand, consisting of professional indicator for testing, appropriate symptoms as well as past medical history. NT-proBNP is released into the circulation in equal amounts to the active hormonal agent yet is significantly a lot more stable as well as for this reason creates an excellent marker of BNP output. In heart failure the heart can not pump highly enough for the body's needs, the heart walls are stretched and liquid begins to build up creating back stress and also therefore a lot more BNP to be released. In human beings there are ~ 90 genes inscribing neuropeptide precursors, which are processed to ~ 100 bioactive neuropeptides. Neuropeptides typically co-exist with other natural chemicals in specified cell populaces, however are included in different storage blisters.
Does LGD 4033 cause gyno?
Gyno: in some cases individuals have experienced gyno (tissue growth under the nipple) when using higher doses and not following appropriate pct. This should be monitored when using lgd-4033 if it is a concern, and the correct pct should be used.
As anticipated, the differences in proteolytic tasks and also healthy protein hydrolysis patterns are much more noticeable when contrasting different Lactobacillus species. A comparable observation was made when contrasting 14 stress of Lb. It is currently acknowledged that diet plays a vital duty in the maintenance of our wellness condition. Listed below, several of the technological, regulative, and also commercial difficulties to bring AMP-based drugs into the clinical development are highlighted. Other than straight management of AMPs, there are several efforts continuous to use agents to raise the endogenous production of AMPs by the body in order to boost the inherent immune feedbacks as well as therefore battle infections.
Best Examined Items.
If unable to send example right away, freeze at -20 ° C and send out at ambient temperature level in the message. For long-term storage space (e.g. to set samples), we advise cold at -80 ° C.
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This will certainly take around 1 day, depending on example focus. These initial data will certainly enable us to review the moment and the experimental conditions (i.e. sort of classified centers, optimum healthy protein, buffer concentration as well as pH) required to obtain a high resolution architectural determination on the individual's protein. There were no differences in pain or useful scores throughout the trial, yet there were distinctions at time points which favoured the collagen group when feature was determined in a second way.
Cardio Lowers Body Fat.
You can think about it as the adhesive that holds all these points together. Actually, the word collagen originates from the Greek word "kólla," which implies glue. Mix 1-2 scoops into a large cup of water, tea, coffee or juice or contribute to foods such as gruel, soups and also shakes. When a peptide consists of an internal proline, strong ion collection due to inner cleavage are observed, extending from the proline in the direction of the C terminus. The very first NMR experiments obtained will certainly check out the state of the healthy protein as well as it's viability for further study at the selected NMR healthy protein focus, getting 1D 1H and/or 2D 15N HSQC ranges.
The carboxylic team loses the oxygen and hydrogen while the thiol group loses its hydrogen and also a thioester bond is formed. Based upon the stereochemistry of the anomeric carbon or its alignment precede, a glycosidic bond can either be an alpha-bond or a beta-bond. In an O-glycosidic link, the carbonyl team of carbohydrates reacts with the hydroxyl group of one more substance.
Pick Items.
This leads to a compound in which the sugar or carbohydrate residue is attached to the oxygen of the various other substance, therefore the name O-glycosidic bond. For arbitrary non-fasting urine collections, results are highly associated with blended meal C-peptide, with high sensitivity and uniqueness for identifying medically appropriate thresholds. Steady for 3 days in Boric acid containers at ambient temperature.
In order to get to the cytoplasmic membrane layer of Gram-negative microorganisms, AMPs have to initially translocate via the external membrane. This design recommends that, due to better fondness for the LPS, AMPs displace the divalent cations and also bind to the LPS. By being bulky, the AMPs after that trigger short-term splits and permeabilize the external membrane, consequently allowing passage of the peptide itself across the membrane.
" I am exploring my legal choices, in regards to where I stand and also what I can do.
Responsible sporting activities nutrition producers and stores guarantee their items are extremely clearly identified and abide by EU legislation.
" These business require to be frightened to place things like ostarine into their products", he suggests.
Basically all performance-enhancing compounds that are banned by organisations like WADA and the IOC are also outlawed available in the European Union.
' you can find more information on highgrade labs's UK bacteriostatic water 10ml here. from the make-up, classifying to the marketing and advertising has to follow the EU regulations implemented to shield consumers.
https://highgrade-labs.com/product/sterile-water-2ml/ could cost me a lot of money as well as I'm not sure I can afford to do that.
Neuropeptides are held within big dense-core vesicles throughout the cell body, whereas natural chemicals are contained in tiny blisters situated at synapses. The Open College is integrated by Royal Charter, an excluded charity in England & Wales as well as a charity registered in Scotland. The Open College is authorised as well as managed by the Financial Conduct Authority in connection with its second activity of credit report broking. Not all set for University study after that search over 900 free programs on OpenLearn and also register to our newsletterto find out about brand-new totally free training courses as they are released. After a month of usage can observe nicer look of skin, nails and also hair. I do like it as well as am always trying to include collagen to my diet now im aging and yes I would utilize this once again.
18rik Peptide.
Most of the compounds in use today are of the androstenone family. There are several different classes of compounds with differing androgenic activity. Testosterone is the most popular and most widely used anabolic compound. The testosterone compound, as well as DHEA, androgene, are all classified as androgens and have androgenic activity. A number of compounds with known androgenic properties are being investigated for their ability to treat male impotency. Various combinations of androgens and estrogens have shown to be more effective in promoting sexual performance than either compound alone.
Sarms are small, sticky white blood cells that play an important role in the immune system. They help to fight off infections by stimulating white blood cells and stimulating natural killer cells to kill infection-causing bacteria. This is perhaps why sarms are often called "ice bacteria killers".
The Sarms Holy Bible.
Selective androgens, including SARMs, are a new class of compounds known as androgens. These compounds were initially discovered in the 1970s by scientists hoping to find a way to treat enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy). They worked out how to convert the ostarine amino acid into an inactive form that was inactive in the prostate and therefore not harmful to the prostate. Since then, collaborating using highgrade-labs.com Shop Uk needle with 1ml fixed needle syringe have shown great interest in the properties of SARMs and in how they might be beneficial to men with erectile dysfunction.
Test 4 included 29 individuals with moderate to moderate osteo arthritis of the knee. Participants were given either a collagen formula (Fortigel ®) or a placebo for 24 weeks. Those that received collagen reported a higher decrease in pain. In this test, 250 individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee were randomised to receive either 10 g collagen hydrolysate or a placebo daily for six months. This trial consisted of 389 people with osteoarthritis throughout 20 websites in the UK, U.S.A. and also Germany.
Rick Collins Esq: Are SARMs legal? - generationiron.com
Rick Collins Esq: Are SARMs legal?.
Posted: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Using Lactobacillus stress for BAP manufacturing is a technique that still suffers from constraints. Applications of BAPs created by Lactobacillus species relying on the manufacturing approach.
Individuals were randomised to get either 10 g of collagen hydrolysate or placebo tablet computers for 24 weeks. Kind II collagen revealed less inflamed joints, joint inflammation and also better stroll time in only one of the tests versus a placebo. Four trials examined collagen versus a placebo and also one checked it versus methotrexate. The tests for entailed between 60 and 503 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.
I can not see the difference that closely because nobody understands your face as you do but I can absolutely see a difference in her skin tone, specifically when she grins. So, seemingly it not just gives assist with your bones and also joints etc however appears to plump your skin. We suggest making collagen component of your everyday regimen as well as for the long-term to see ideal results.
It's such a terrific method to get all the goodness throughout all foods and also beverages! I do wish it came in larger tubs as I make it through mine pretty fast considering I use 2-3 scoops depending upon the recipes I'm making. All in all I can attest this product as well as highly advise it. With the Rite-Flex Collegen Peptides I have seen my skin was looking far better after a couple of weeks, add it to your coffee or morning meal. Ordered a tub for my spouse to try and she swears blind that several of the little creases in her skin have actually vanished.
Texas Sport Supplement Company Owner Pleads Guilty to Unlawful Distribution of Steroid-Like Drugs - Department of Justice
Texas Sport Supplement Company Owner Pleads Guilty to Unlawful Distribution of Steroid-Like Drugs.
Posted: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Some research studies have actually recommended that autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid joint inflammation might be treated by taking an international antigen by mouth, which could wet down your immune system's response. Taking collagen by mouth might introduce some chemicals that trigger joint inflammation right into your body as well as create dental resistance to these antigens, reducing the effects of inflammatory joint inflammation. Glycoproteins where the sialic acid has actually been eliminated are marked by the prefix asialo-, e.g. asialo-α1-acid glycoprotein, as well as asialofetuin. Removal of both sialic acid and galactose lead to asialo-agalactoglycoproteins.
Currently, the two most commonly used compounds in use for sports are Dianabol and Prednisolone. These compounds are available over the counter and are prescribed to athletes by athletic trainers and doctors without any prescription. Anabolic steroids are banned by the Olympic Games and other major sporting associations. It is against the law for athletes to use anabolic steroids if they are participating in sanctioned sports. Therefore, it is against the rules to give an anabolic drug to an athlete without a prescription from a licensed physician.
Lamb submaxillary glycoprotein, collagen, fish antifreeze glycoproteins and also potato lectin are O-glycoproteins (or O-glycosylproteins). collagens, fish antifreeze glycoproteins, lamb submaxillary glycoproteins], as well as those that contain oligosaccharides that cansist of duplicating systems of N-acetyllactosamine (e.g. band 3 of the human erythrocyte membrane layer). Optimization of production of protease by Lactobacillus plantarum SK from bekasam with reaction surface approach.
2 notes · View notes
recordmaraca84 · 3 years
The Power Of Peptides
Best Examined Products.
Cardio Reduces Body Fat.
Choose Products.
18rik Peptide.
The Sarms Bible.
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In order to determine which enteral feed is ideal fit to a client; the dietitian will certainly carry out a strenuous analysis of nutritional status and existing medical condition. The prescription of the feed is tailored to fulfill individual demands based upon an individuals' particular nutritional requirements as well as the objectives of the treatment. Relevant clinical details need to be sent out with the demand, including professional sign for testing, pertinent signs and also past case history. NT-proBNP is launched right into the circulation in equivalent amounts to the active hormone however is substantially more stable and for this reason creates an excellent marker of BNP output. In cardiac arrest the heart can not pump strongly sufficient for the body's requirements, the heart wall surfaces are extended and also fluid begins to gather triggering back pressure as well as for this reason much more BNP to be released. In humans there are ~ 90 genetics inscribing neuropeptide precursors, which are refined to ~ 100 bioactive neuropeptides. Neuropeptides frequently co-exist with other neurotransmitters in defined cell populations, yet are included in different storage space blisters.
Does LGD 4033 cause gyno?
Gyno: in some cases individuals have experienced gyno (tissue growth under the nipple) when using higher doses and not following appropriate pct. This should be monitored when using lgd-4033 if it is a concern, and the correct pct should be used.
As expected, the distinctions in proteolytic activities and healthy protein hydrolysis patterns are much more visible when contrasting various Lactobacillus varieties. A comparable observation was made when contrasting 14 strains of Pound. It is currently recognized that diet regimen plays a crucial duty in the maintenance of our health standing. Listed below, several of the technical, regulatory, and business obstacles to bring AMP-based drugs right into the clinical growth are highlighted. In addition to straight management of AMPs, there are several attempts ongoing to use representatives to boost the endogenous manufacturing of AMPs by the body in order to enhance the natural immune feedbacks and also therefore battle infections.
Best Examined Items.
If unable to send example promptly, freeze at -20 ° C as well as send out at ambient temperature in the post. For lasting storage space (e.g. to set examples), we recommend freezing at -80 ° C.
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This will take about 1 day, depending upon sample focus. These preliminary information will certainly permit us to assess the moment and also the experimental conditions (i.e. type of identified centers, optimal healthy protein, buffer focus and also pH) required to obtain a high resolution architectural resolution on the individual's protein. There were no differences hurting or practical scores throughout the test, but there were distinctions at a long time points which favoured the collagen group when function was determined in a second way.
Cardio Reduces Body Fat.
You can consider it as the adhesive that holds all these points with each other. Actually, the word collagen comes from the Greek word "kólla," which implies adhesive. Mix 1-2 scoops right into a large cup of water, tea, coffee or juice or contribute to foods such as gruel, soups and also smoothie mixes. When a peptide includes an internal proline, strong ion series due to inner cleavage are observed, prolonging from the proline towards the C terminus. The very first NMR experiments gotten will certainly investigate the state of the protein and it's suitability for refresher course at the selected NMR protein concentration, obtaining 1D 1H and/or 2D 15N HSQC ranges.
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The carboxylic group sheds the oxygen and hydrogen while the thiol group loses its hydrogen and also a thioester bond is created. Based upon the stereochemistry of the anomeric carbon or its alignment in space, a glycosidic bond can either be an alpha-bond or a beta-bond. In an O-glycosidic linkage, the carbonyl team of carbs responds with the hydroxyl team of an additional compound.
Pick Items.
This results in a substance in which the sugar or carb deposit is connected to the oxygen of the other substance, therefore the name O-glycosidic bond. For arbitrary non-fasting urine collections, results are highly correlated with combined meal C-peptide, with high level of sensitivity as well as specificity for identifying scientifically pertinent limits. Steady for 3 days in Boric acid containers at ambient temperature.
In order to reach the cytoplasmic membrane layer of Gram-negative bacteria, AMPs need to first translocate through the external membrane layer. https://direct-sarms.com/product/muscle-building-stack/ recommends that, because of higher affinity for the LPS, AMPs displace the divalent cations and bind to the LPS. By being large, the AMPs then trigger transient splits as well as permeabilize the external membrane, therefore permitting passage of the peptide itself throughout the membrane.
" I am exploring my legal options, in regards to where I stand and also what I can do.
Responsible sporting activities nutrition producers and also sellers guarantee their products are extremely clearly labelled and comply with EU law.
" These firms require to be scared to place points like ostarine into their products", he suggests.
Basically all performance-enhancing compounds that are prohibited by organisations like WADA and also the IOC are also prohibited available for sale in the European Union.
' Whatever from the make-up, identifying to the advertising and marketing has to comply with the EU regulations established to secure customers.
Neuropeptides are held within large dense-core vesicles throughout the cell body, whereas natural chemicals are had in small blisters located at synapses. The Open University is integrated by Royal Charter, an exempt charity in England & Wales as well as a charity registered in Scotland. The Open University is authorized as well as managed by the Financial Conduct Authority in connection with its second task of credit score broking. Not prepared for University research after that surf over 900 free courses on OpenLearn and also join to our newsletterto read about new cost-free programs as they are launched. After a month of usage can discover better look of skin, nails and also hair. I simulate it and also am always trying to include collagen to my diet now im aging and yes I would use this again.
18rik Peptide.
Most of the compounds in use today are of the androstenone family. There are several different classes of compounds with differing androgenic activity. Testosterone is the most popular and most widely used anabolic compound. direct sarms offers a bulking stacks , as well as DHEA, androgene, are all classified as androgens and have androgenic activity. A number of compounds with known androgenic properties are being investigated for their ability to treat male impotency. Various combinations of androgens and estrogens have shown to be more effective in promoting sexual performance than either compound alone.
Sarms are small, sticky white blood cells that play an important role in the immune system. They help to fight off infections by stimulating white blood cells and stimulating natural killer cells to kill infection-causing bacteria. This is perhaps why sarms are often called "ice bacteria killers".
Selective androgens, including SARMs, are a new class of compounds known as androgens. These compounds were initially discovered in the 1970s by scientists hoping to find a way to treat enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy). They worked out how to convert the ostarine amino acid into an inactive form that was inactive in the prostate and therefore not harmful to the prostate. Since then, researchers have shown great interest in the properties of SARMs and in how they might be beneficial to men with erectile dysfunction.
Trial 4 included 29 individuals with moderate to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee. Individuals were given either a collagen formula (Fortigel ®) or a sugar pill for 24 weeks. Those that got collagen reported a higher decrease hurting. In this test, 250 individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee were randomised to receive either 10 g collagen hydrolysate or a sugar pill daily for 6 months. This test consisted of 389 people with osteo arthritis across 20 websites in the UK, U.S.A. and Germany.
Rick Collins Esq: Are SARMs legal? - generationiron.com
Rick Collins Esq: Are SARMs legal?.
Posted: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
The use of Lactobacillus pressures for BAP production is a strategy that still struggles with constraints. Applications of BAPs created by Lactobacillus varieties depending upon the production strategy.
Individuals were randomised to obtain either 10 g of collagen hydrolysate or sugar pill tablet computers for 24 weeks. Type II collagen showed less puffy joints, joint inflammation and also better walk time in just one of the tests versus a placebo. Four trials evaluated collagen against a sugar pill as well as one checked it versus methotrexate. The trials for included in between 60 and also 503 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.
Will rad140 show up on a drug test?
RAD140 and the majority of the identified in vitro metabolites were detected in post‐administration urine samples. For controlling the misuse of RAD140 in horses, RAD140 and its metabolite in sulfate form gave the longest detection time in hydrolysed urine and could be detected for up to 6 days post‐administration.
I can't see the distinction that very closely due to the fact that nobody understands your face as you do however I can certainly see a distinction in her complexion, especially when she grins. So, seemingly it not only supplies aid with your bones and also joints etc yet seems to plump your skin. We suggest making collagen part of your daily routine as well as for the long-term to see ideal results.
It's such a great way to obtain all the goodness across all foods as well as beverages! I do want it can be found in larger bathtubs as I survive mine quite quick considering I utilize 2-3 scoops depending upon the dishes I'm making. All in all I can attest this item and highly suggest it. With the Rite-Flex Collegen Peptides I have actually observed my skin was looking far better after a few weeks, include it to your coffee or breakfast. Bought a bathtub for my wife to try and also she vouches blind that several of the little folds in her skin have vanished.
Texas Sport Supplement Company Owner Pleads Guilty to Unlawful Distribution of Steroid-Like Drugs - Department of Justice
Texas Sport Supplement Company Owner Pleads Guilty to Unlawful Distribution of Steroid-Like Drugs.
Posted: Tue, 22 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Some researches have suggested that autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis may be dealt with by taking a foreign antigen by mouth, which can dampen down your immune system's response. Taking collagen by mouth may introduce some chemicals that cause joint inflammation right into your body and also produce oral resistance to these antigens, minimizing the effects of inflammatory joint inflammation. Glycoproteins from which the sialic acid has actually been gotten rid of are designated by the prefix asialo-, e.g. asialo-α1-acid glycoprotein, as well as asialofetuin. Removal of both sialic acid and galactose cause asialo-agalactoglycoproteins.
Currently, the two most commonly used compounds in use for sports are Dianabol and Prednisolone. These compounds are available over the counter and are prescribed to athletes by athletic trainers and doctors without any prescription. Anabolic steroids are banned by the Olympic Games and other major sporting associations. It is against the law for athletes to use anabolic steroids if they are participating in sanctioned sports. Therefore, it is against the rules to give an anabolic drug to an athlete without a prescription from a licensed physician.
Sheep submaxillary glycoprotein, collagen, fish antifreeze glycoproteins and also potato lectin are O-glycoproteins (or O-glycosylproteins). collagens, fish antifreeze glycoproteins, lamb submaxillary glycoproteins], as well as those which contain oligosaccharides that cansist of repeating devices of N-acetyllactosamine (e.g. band 3 of the human erythrocyte membrane layer). Optimization of manufacturing of protease by Lactobacillus plantarum SK from bekasam with response surface technique.
2 notes · View notes
thechembow · 4 years
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Dramatic Textures During Days of Upheaval
May 29, 2020
Why was the energy in the sky so powerfully weighted toward OR on days of violence? Looking at the sky and not knowing the world’s situation, it would be interpreted as a huge energetic shift from DOR to OR, meaning that things are going remarkably well for humanity. Throughout the day on Friday, the first day of Shavuot or Pentecost, the sky reflected a victory of unprecedented proportions. Yet the world is in chaos and civil war has broken out in the United States.
Here on this mountain, far from the violence in Los Angeles, we can see a broad perspective on the energetic field of the Earth. We are seeing humans fighting back against eons of oppression, institutionalized racism, and abuse of government power. The purging process of the parasitic controllers is not being done etherically, but with physical violence because it is all that most people can understand. Humanity was already pushed to the breaking point by being put under house arrest and being prohibited from earning an income or even being in the presence of other humans because the parasites wanted to use the flu for an agenda, a massive experiment in how much they could get away with. Then a disgusting act of hate and the murder of a man for nothing unleashed the torrent of human rage.
If it’s going down this way, you better believe that God is letting this happen. A show of force may be the only way the parasites will get it in their heads that humanity cannot be oppressed like this. There are way more of us than them. No one understands how they got into this mess, nor is the parasites’ legal system, a system based on trickery and fraud, anything most people will ever be able to understand or use for justice. It is all fake anyway, just words on paper. People don’t understand that they chose this by ruling themselves through democracy. This is what has to end, man ruling himself, when we don’t know a damn thing about anything. Then thugs go and work for you, to enforce the laws you wanted. They get badges and weapons, and a whole lot of mind control programming. They are taught to target and kill racial minorities, all to generate violence of brother against brother, as the Bible predicted would happen. If the people were actually going after the enemy that would be one thing, but they are hurting each other. They don’t even know who or what the enemy is. They have literally gone out of control as the parasites have gone out of control. The killer cop’s violent crime was one symptom of an institutionalized problem. This act did not happen in a vacuum.
Still, orgone energy is the answer. This means coming to God and abandoning Babylon. She can’t be healed. Leave her, abandon the cities! This is the End Times. The sky would not reflect magnificence if this situation were hopeless. We don’t need to fight violence with violence. We need to leave behind our false identities, the one on the driver license, the member of a sick society, the role you play. It’s time for a new start, under God’s rule alone, no government by man. We are not meant to be cataloged, numbered, and treated like cattle, with some groups treated as completely expendable! We are all meant to live under God’s law and by obeying it, everything is given to us.
The show in the sky on Friday showed us that God is always in control. Almost no planes could pass through in the high OR atmosphere and confirmation clouds kept appearing in the sky. These are the puffy, negative ion clouds that form seemingly out of nothing in the lower atmosphere as OR clouds collect and evaporate above. These confirmation clouds dance in the sky and change shape continually. The water molecules collect through the hydrogen bond, which is only possible when orgone energy dominates. Whatever is to happen will happen. We can’t hold onto a broken society. Return to Earth, return to God, return to life. Orgone energy is life.
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cha-d · 4 years
Early in the formidable new essay collection “Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning,” the poet Cathy Park Hong delivers a fatalistic state-of-the-race survey. “In the popular imagination,” she writes, “Asian Americans inhabit a vague purgatorial status . . . distrusted by African Americans, ignored by whites, unless we’re being used by whites to keep the black man down.” Asians, she observes, are perceived to be emotionless functionaries, and yet she is always “frantically paddling my feet underwater, always overcompensating to hide my devouring feelings of inadequacy.” Not enough has been said, Hong thinks, about the self-hatred that Asian-Americans experience. It becomes “a comfort,” she writes, “to peck yourself to death. You don’t like how you look, how you sound. You think your Asian features are undefined, like God started pinching out your features and then abandoned you. You hate that there are so many Asians in the room. Who let in all the Asians? you rant in your head.”
Hong, who teaches at Rutgers, is the author of three poetry collections, including “Dance Dance Revolution,” which was published in 2007, and is set in a surreal fictional waystation called the Desert, where the inhabitants speak a constantly evolving creole. (“Me fadder sees dis y decide to learn Engrish righteo dere,” the narrator says.) “Minor Feelings” consists of seven essays; Hong explains the book’s title in an essay called “Stand Up” that centers on Richard Pryor’s “Live in Concert.” Minor feelings are “the racialized range of emotions that are negative, dysphoric, and therefore untelegenic.” One such minor feeling: the deadening sensation of seeing an Asian face on a movie screen and bracing for the ching-chong joke. Another: eating lunch with white schoolmates and perceiving the social tableaux as a frieze in which “everyone else was a relief, while I felt recessed, the declivity that gave everyone else shape.” Minor feelings involve a sense of lack, the knowledge that this lack is a social construction, and resentment of those who constructed it.
In “The End of White Innocence,” Hong describes her childhood home as “tense and petless, with sharp witchy stenches.” Her father drank; her mother, she writes, “beat my sister and me with a fury intended for my father.” Her parents grew up in postwar poverty in Korea—as a child, her father caught sparrows to eat. In order to get a visa to immigrate to the United States, he pretended to be a mechanic, and ended up working for Ryder trucks in Pennsylvania, where he was injured, and fired. He moved to Los Angeles and found a job selling life insurance in Koreatown, then bought a dry-cleaning supply warehouse, and became successful enough to send Hong to private high school and college. He recognized that Americans valued emotional forthrightness in business and developed a particular way of speaking at work. “Thanks for getting those orders in,” Hong remembers him saying on the phone. “Oh, and Kirby, I love you.”
Hong feels ashamed, but not of her proximity to awkward English, or her features, or witchy domestic stenches. “My shame is not cultural but political,” she writes. She is ashamed of the conflicted position of Asian-Americans in the racial and capital hierarchy—the way that subjugation mingles with promise. “If the indebted Asian immigrant thinks they owe their life to America, the child thinks they owe their livelihood to their parents for their suffering,” Hong writes. “The indebted Asian American is therefore the ideal neoliberal subject.” She becomes a “dog cone of shame,” a “urinal cake of shame.” Hong’s metaphors are crafted with stinging care. To be Asian-American, she suggests, is to be tasked with making an injury inaccessible to the body that has been injured. It is to be pissed on at regular intervals while dutifully minimizing the odor of piss.
For a long time, Hong recounts in the book’s first essay, she did not want to write about her Asian identity. By the time she began studying for her M.F.A., at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, she had concluded that doing so was “juvenile”—and she couldn’t find the right form, anyway. The confessional lyric felt too operatic, and realist fiction wasn’t right, either: “I didn’t care to injection-mold my thoughts into an anthropological experience where the reader, after reading my novel, would think, The life of Koreans is so heartbreaking!” In “Stand Up,” she asks, “Will there be a future where I, on the page, am simply I, on the page, and not I, proxy for a whole ethnicity, imploring you to believe we are human beings who feel pain?” The predicament of the Asian-American writer, as Hong articulates it, is to fear that both your existence and your interpretation of that existence will always be read the wrong way. At Iowa, Hong noticed other writers of color stripping out markers of race from their poems and stories to avoid being “branded as identitarians.” It was only later that Hong realized that all of the writers she had noticed doing this were Asian-American.
I read “Minor Feelings” in a fugue of enveloping recognition and distancing flinch. I have tended to interpret my own acquiescence to and resentment of capitalism in generational terms rather than racial ones; many people my age seem to accept economic structures that we find humiliating because we reached adulthood when the margins of resistance appeared to be shrinking. I know, too, that my desire to attain financial stability is connected with a hope, bordering on practical obligation, to protect my parents, as they grow older, from the worst of the country that they immigrated to for my benefit. But, for some reason, I haven’t written very much about that. Was I, like Hong’s grad-school classmates, afraid of being branded as an identitarian? Had I considered the possibility of being positioned as a proxy for an entire ethnic group, and, unlike Hong, turned away?The term “Asian-American” was invented by student activists in California, in the late sixties, who were inspired by the civil-rights movement and dreamed of activating a coalition of people from immigrant backgrounds who might organize against structural inequality. This is not what happened; for years, Asian-Americans were predominantly conservative, though that began changing, gradually, during the Obama years, then sharply under Trump. Today, “Asian-American” mainly signifies people with East Asian ancestry: most Americans, Hong writes, think “Chinese is synecdoche for Asians the way Kleenex is for tissues.” The term, for many people—and for Hollywood—seems to conjure upper-middle-class images: doctors, bankers. (We are imagined as the human equivalent of stainless-steel countertops: serviceable and interchangeable and blandly high-end.) But, although rich Asians earn more money than any other group of people in America, income inequality is also more extreme among Asians than it is within any other racial category. In New York, Asians are the poorest immigrant group.Hong describes a visit to a nail salon, where a surly Vietnamese teen-age boy gives her a painful pedicure. She imagines him and herself as “two negative ions repelling each other,” united and then divided by their discomfort in their own particular Asian positions. Then she pauses. “What evidence do I have that he hated himself?” she wonders. “I wished I had the confidence to bludgeon the public with we like a thousand trumpets against them,” she writes elsewhere. “But I feared the weight of my experiences—as East Asian, professional class, cis female, atheist, contrarian—tipped the scales of a racial group that remains so nonspecific that I wondered if there was any shared language between us. And so, like a snail’s antenna that’s been touched, I retracted the first person plural.” Hong doesn’t fully retract it—“we” appears fairly often in the book—but she favors the second person, deploying a “you” that really means “I,” in the hope that her experience might carry shards of the Asian-American universal.
Throughout the book, Hong at once presumes and doesn’t presume to speak for people whose families come from India, say, or Sri Lanka, or Thailand, or Laos—or the Philippines, where my parents were born. The Philippines were under Spanish control from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, and under American control until the middle of the twentieth. Many Filipinos have Spanish last names and come to the States speaking English; many have dark skin. In his book “The Latinos of Asia,” the sociologist Anthony Christian Ocampo argues that Filipinos tend to manifest a sort of ethnic flexibility, feeling more at home, compared with members of other Asian ethnic groups, with whites, African-Americans, Latinos, and other Asians. The experience of translating for one’s parents is often framed as definitive for Asian-Americans, but it’s not one that many Filipinos of my generation share; my parents came to North America listening to James Taylor and the Allman Brothers, speaking Tagalog only when they didn’t want their kids to listen. I grew up in a mixed extended family, with uncles who are black and Mexican and Chinese and white. Ocampo cites a study which found that less than half of Filipino-Americans checked “Asian” on forms that asked for racial background—a significant portion of them checked “Pacific Islander,” for no real reason. It denoted proximity to Asian-Americanness, perhaps, without indicating a direct claim to it. (About a month ago, at a doctor’s appointment, an East Asian nurse checked “Pacific Islander” when filling out a form for me.)
“Koreans are self-hating,” one of Hong’s Filipino friends tell her. “Filipinos, not so much.” My experience of racism has been different than Hong’s, as has my response to it. Much of the discourse around Asian-American identity centers on racist images associated with the stereotypical East Asian face: single-lidded eyes, yellow-toned skin, a supposed air of placid impassivity. I don’t have that face, exactly, and I’m not sure that I’ve confronted quite the same assumptions; when I hear people perform gross imitations of “Chinese” accents, I don’t know if it hurts the way it does because I’m an Asian person or because I come from a family of immigrants or simply because racism is embarrassing and foul.
If you escape the dominant experience of Asian-American marginalization, have you necessarily done so by way of avoidance, or denial, or conformity? What can you do when colonization is embedded in your family’s history, in your genetic background, in your very face? If I feel comforted in a room full of Asian people rather than alarmed at the possibility that my inner racial anxieties have been cloned all around me, is this another effect of the psychic freedom I’ve been granted with double eyelids and an ambiguously Western last name, or does it mark progress in the form of a meaningful generational shift? In the decade that separates me from Hong, the currency of whiteness has lost some of its inflated cultural value; one now sees Asian artists and chefs and skateboarders and dirtbags and novelists on the Internet, in the newspaper, and on TV. Is this freedom, or is it the latest form of assimilation? For Asian-Americans, can the two ever be fully distinct?
“Minor Feelings” bled a dormant discomfort out of me with surgical precision. Hong is deeply wary of living and writing to earn the favor of white institutions; like many of us, she has been raised and educated to earn white approval, and the book is an attempt to both acknowledge and excise such tendencies in real time. “Even to declare that I’m writing for myself would still mean I’m writing to a part of me that wants to please white people,” she explains. She’s circling the edges of a trap that often appears in Asian-American consciousness, in which love is suspicious and being unloved is even worse. The editors of “Aiiieeeee!,” one of the first anthologies of Asian-American literature—it was published in 1974—argued that “euphemized white racist love” had combined with legislative racism to mire the Asian-American psyche in a swamp of “self-contempt, self-rejection, and disintegration.” A quarter century later, in her book “The Melancholy of Race,” the literary theorist Anne Anlin Cheng described “the double bind that fetters the racially and ethnically denigrated subject: How is one to love oneself and the other when the very movement toward love is conditioned by the anticipation of denial and failure?” In the introduction to his essay collection “The Souls of Yellow Folk,” published in 2018, Wesley Yang writes about a realization that he regards as “unspeakable precisely because it need never be spoken: that as the bearer of an Asian face in America, you paid some incremental penalty, never absolute, but always omnipresent, that meant that you were default unlovable and unloved.”
The question of lovability, and desirability, is freighted for Asian men and Asian women in very different ways—and “Minor Feelings” serves as a case study in how a feminist point of view can both deepen an inquiry and widen its resonances to something like universality. Essays and articles about Asian-American consciousness often invoke issues of dominance and submission, and they often frame these issues according to the experiences of disenfranchised men. The editors of “Aiiieeeee!” call the stereotypical Asian-American “contemptible because he is womanly”; Yang often identifies the Asian-American condition with male rejection and disaffection. Hong reframes the quandary of negotiating dominance and submission—of desiring dominance, of hating the terms of that dominance, of submitting in the hopes of achieving some facsimile of dominance anyway—as a capitalist dilemma. I found myself thinking about how the interest and favor of white people, white men in particular, both professionally and personally, have insulated me from the feeling of being sidelined by America while compromising my instincts at a level I can barely access. Hong writes, “My ego is in free fall while my superego is boundless, railing that my existence is not enough, never enough, so I become compulsive in my efforts to do better, be better, blindly following this country’s gospel of self-interest, proving my individual worth by expanding my net worth, until I vanish.”
I hate my Asian self the way I worry about being written off as a woman writer—which is to say, not at all. Hong concedes that the self-hating Asian may be “on its way out” with her generation: for me, the formulation still has weight, but does not capture the efflorescence of the present. The question, then, is whether the movement toward love, as Anne Anlin Cheng put it, can be made outside the grasp of coercion. Is there a future of Asian-American identity that’s fundamentally expansive—that can encompass the divergent economic and cultural experiences of Asians in the United States, and form a bridge to the experiences of other marginalized groups?The answer depends on whom Asian-Americans choose to feel affinity and loyalty toward—whether we direct our sympathies to those with more power than us or less, not just outside our jerry-rigged ethnic coalition but within it. The history of Asian-Americans has involved repression and assimilation; it has also, to a degree that is often forgotten, involved radicalism and invention. “Aiiieeeee!” was published by Howard University Press, partly as a result of the friendship that one of its editors, Frank Chin, formed with the radical black writer Ishmael Reed. Gidra, an Asian-American zine that was published in Los Angeles in the nineteen-sixties and seventies, called for the “birth of a new Asian—one who will recognize and deal with injustices.” (Gidra reported on cases of local discrimination and profiled activists such as Yuri Kochiyama; it’s now back in print.) To occupy a conflicted position is also to inhabit a continual opportunity—the chance, to borrow Hong’s words, to “do better, be better,” but in moral and political rather than economic terms.In one of the essays in “Minor Feelings,” called “An Education,” Hong looks back on her friendships in college with two other Asian-American girls—brash, unstable hellions named Erin and Helen. They made art together, they traded poetry, they got drunk and fought and made up. “We had the confidence of white men,” Hong recalls, “which was swiftly cut down after graduation, upon our separation, when each of us had to prove ourselves again and again, because we were, at every stage of our career, underestimated.” The story of their friendship is a story about the way that loving others is often a less complex and more worthy act than loving ourselves—and the way that love can blunt the psychological force of marginalization. If structural oppression is the denial of justice, and if justice is what love looks like in public, then love demonstrated in private sometimes provides what the world doesn’t. Hong is writing in agonized pursuit of a liberation that doesn’t look white—a new sound, a new affect, a new consciousness—and the result feels like what she was waiting for. Her book is a reminder that we can be, and maybe have to be, what others are waiting for, too.
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nightsky-wonderer · 5 years
The Curious Case of Comets
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Comets.  Fascinating dirty snowballs in space.  The apparent symbol for the Dark Kingdom, suspected hidden power source of Varian’s, and possible origin of the Dark Kingdom’s opal.  Here, I share some cool info about why these celestial bodies are so interesting, as well as a fun, personal insight how our favourite alchemist may parallel them in some ways; possible support for the Comet!Varian Theory?
 (Whoever came up with this theory first, I wish to credit you!)
UPDATE 1.1 few fixes and new thoughts.  Probably more after tent-pole episode
Part 1: The Science (Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
 - Comets are small celestial bodies composed of ice, dust and rock.  Also contains multiple forms of organic compounds and gasses (e.g. carbon dioxide, amino acids, methane, ammonia, etc.)
- Observational studies, such as the splitting of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann, and space missions (e.g. Deep Impact, Rosetta), help suggest that comets are very fragile objects!  Some of the suspected mechanisms behind splitting nuclei include tidal splitting, direct impact, thermal stress, and internal gas pressure (more about splitting mechanisms here).  The internal structure, however, is a topic still left up for debate. 
- Comets start out dark and frozen in deep space.  Upon reaching the inner solar system, they begin to heat up, outgas, and brighten.  The sublimated gasses form an ‘atmosphere’ around the nucleus called the Coma.  Eventually, the comet forms two tails.  The Ion (or Gas) Tail is a result of ionized (removal of electrons) molecules from the coma, and is pulled away by solar wind along magnetic field lines.  They appear narrow and blue in colour, and always point straight, away from the sun.  The Dust Tail appears long and curved, and also is influenced by solar wind.
- If the Coma is mostly composed of Cyanogen (CN) and/or Diatomic Carbon (C2), UV Radiation will cause these gasses in the Coma to glow green or teal (blue-green).  Examples of comets that appeared this way: Comet Hyakutake (1996), 109P/Swift-Tuttle, 2P/Encke, C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy.
- Some observers use the teal/green colour as an indicator that the comet is in an active phase, where experiencing outbursts are high, and that parts of its nucleus is more vulnerable to splitting apart!  Such events, however, are rare.
- There are currently 3,564 comets observed and named, but only a small fraction become naked eye visibility, with even less receiving the title of Great Comet (Those that become exceptionally bright!  e.g. Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997).  There are possibly trillions beyond the orbit of Neptune waiting to be discovered!
- Comets travel in highly elliptical orbits, each one varying in time to make one revolution.  Short Period comets (e.g. Halley’s Comet) originate from the Kuiper belt, and are guaranteed to return within 200 years.  Long Period comets (e.g. Hale-Bopp) take much longer and may not return for thousands of years!  They sometimes appear as the most spectacular to view, due to its abundance of volatiles from their minimal visits to the solar system.  Can be found in the Oort Cloud.  Sungrazers get very close to the sun upon perihelion (closest distance from sun).  They usually evaporate away if they have a small mass.  However, there are a rare few that actually survive the trip.
- More frequent visits to the solar system results in more of the comet’s volatiles and contents getting lost, eventually leaving a rocky core behind!
- Scientific theories portray comets as both the destroyers (e.g. younger dryas), and the creators of life (e.g. emergence of life billions of years ago).
Part 2: Legends and Superstitions (Sources: 1, 2)
- Due to their unpredictable natures and appearances, many ancient cultures saw comets as a message from their gods, and an omen for impending disasters and negative superstitions.
- Ancient legends also helped fuel this negative association with comets (e.g. The Babylonian “Epic of Gilgamesh” describing about floods and fire once a comet arrives).
- They were also blamed for some of history’s darkest moments (e.g. Julius Caesar’s death, the Black Death in England)
- Cause of scares: When Halley’s Comet returned in 1910, a rumour spread about a poisonous gas being emitted from the comet.  People rushed to grab gas masks and other innovative objects, such as ‘anti-comet’ umbrellas, to help them avoid the supposed danger.
- Natal chart superstition: If comets are present within a person’s natal chart at birth, the person “could be an innovative thinker, and could be associated with shocks, too.  These people may carry out actions to release or may have an overwhelming influence over large groups.  Their attitude and traits may be unpredictable.”(Rod Chang, 2014)
Fun Facts:
- The word, Comet, comes from the Greek word, komētēs, meaning “long-haired (star)”. The Icelandic word, halastjarna, translates as “tail star”, which the Chinese referring to them “long-tailed pheasant stars”, “broom stars,” and “vile stars”.
- Asteroid 2015 TB145, theorized to be an extinct comet, looks just like a skull!
- Just for fun - Colour Scheme: Black nucleus, Blue ion tail, Grey/Yellowish-White dust tail, sometimes Teal/Green Coma.
- Debris left behind by comets are responsible for some of Earth’s annual meteor showers! (e.g. Perseids, Orionids, Leonids)
Connections/Parallels with Varian
Now finally, for the fun part.  
First of all, the Moon theory, created by @ghosta-r , is great! Really well-analysed and has strong evidence (also, please read @nyxglitch ‘s post, it’s very well-done!).   However, there is still that feeling where Canon appears to be bringing lunar symbolism towards a different direction, or a different character. Assuming the hints from “Vigor the Visionary” are pointing towards the Dark Prince theory (created by @forever-tangledup), it may be the crew wish to present the sun/moon relationship in a more romantic direction. There is a chance, however, one or two theories end up being true, or none at all in the end, but it does not stop the fun of speculation before they’re officially debunked!
Keep note, these are just my opinions, and fun personal take on Varian’s potential comet parallels, and you are free to disagree with them.
1. Omens for disaster: 
A.) This one, I felt, was pretty obvious.  Varian has been labeled “a dangerous wizard” in “What the hair”, and in the second half of season 1, was being labelled as “dangerous” in general.  It seems that both Varian and comets are the go-to things to place blame for negative superstition.  However, Varian did rightfully earn his first title for his unpredictable experiments-gone-wrong. 
B.) Interestingly, this negative reputation shares a similar parallel with opals being associated with “bad luck” and other superstitions.
2. Colour palette:  
A.)  From the colours identified, I feel that a majority, more specifically, ¾ colours match up with Varian (Blue, Black, Teal). I do admit, however, that the colours of his shirt and hair stripe can be very tricky to the eyes sometimes.  In some scenes, it appears blue, while in others, it appears greener; I even had trouble deciding which colours to use while making my cosplay.  On the other hand, I think it may be safe to say that the colours are more in the blue-green region.
B.)  The yellowish-white colours appear more prominently when the comet has released enough gas and dust to reflect the sun’s light, usually when it is getting close to perihelion.  This tends to dull out the teal colours of the coma most times.  
C.)  Most of us would probably not be familiar with green comets; Most of the Great Comets talked about in the news are white and bright, and this is due to its close approach to the sun and/or the size of its nucleus (with the exception of Hyakutake, which was small, but made a very close approach to earth). A majority of comets are much fainter, and barely make it to impressive naked eye visibility, thus don’t make the headlines as much.
3. Messenger of the gods: Ok, deities are not really presented, nor do they play much of a role in the series, so this may be a weak point.  However, the first thing that came into my mind was Varian’s appearances in Rapunzel’s nightmares.  More specifically, the one where Varian delivers the message to “face [her] destiny” or all will be lost.  I suppose in a metaphorical sense, the rocks (the gods) send Varian (the messenger/comet) to deliver Rapunzel an important message.
4. Elliptical orbits (one that will be difficult to explain :p):  
A.)  @mycove has mentioned in a recent post that the comet’s elliptical orbit describes Varian’s relationship with Rapunzel and her friends: sometimes far, sometimes close.  Everyone started out as friends in the beginning, but as season 1 came to an end, Varian became very cold and distant from the group.
B.)  Comets remain dark and invisible until they reach a certain distance within the inner solar system, where they increasingly receive solar energy to finally shine.  This is similar to what @nyxglitch described Varian and the Moon in their post: “small and insignificant… also cold and duels in the night, yet needs the sun in order to shine, otherwise it is eclipsed and left in the dark.”  Almost every object in the solar system needs the sun to shine light on them in order to make a noticeable appearance in the night sky.  In terms of plot, Varian’s biggest relevance and actions, being a plot device, occur when he is more involved with Rapunzel (the sun).
C.)  Assuming the comet’s brightness can also symbolize Varian’s actions and influence, the more he interacted with Rapunzel, the more said actions and influence became more noticeable and felt in Corona.  Just like how as a comet became brighter, the more noticeable it became to display both its beauty and its horrors upon mankind. 
D.)  As comets lose more of themselves with each return to the inner solar system, Varian appears to be losing more of himself (his sanity) with each progressing encounter with Rapunzel, notably in the second half of season 1.
5. Fragile Nucleus
A.)   It’s no surprise that Varian is fragile, being presented to be very prone to accidents and injuries. He even suffered a mental breakdown by SOTSD.
B.)  Comets release more gas and dust, and become brighter as it approaches the sun.  But at what cost? Comets experience outbursts that may contribute to self-fragmentation; some end up evaporating completely if they get too close to the sun, and all sorts of other things happen to them that result in the comet losing its volatiles, weakening its structure, and even end up being destroyed completely.  Similar to point D for Elliptical Orbit, Varian’s actions in Corona progressively became very noticeable and felt as he continued to react to Rapunzel’s light, but at the same time, the price of doing so results in his own self-destruction.
6. Natal Chart Superstition: I feel as if these words described Varian very well. Even though natal charts have no involvement in the series, it’s fun to think if his personality is playing along the lines or referencing this superstition.
7. What the hair?! *Literally*
A.) In the Moon Theory, Varian’s hair stripe can be seen as a crescent moon on one side.  In terms of this theory, it could also be seen as a teal-coloured comet streaming across the night sky.  The pointiest part of the stripe is the nucleus, then the rest left/upward from it curves and streams out like it’s tail!
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B.) Comets appear to have their longest and curviest tails around perihelion, aka the point they’re most vulnerable to evaporate.  This could be visual foreshadowing (get too close to the sun, and you’ll burn!). 
Overall, I am excited to see how the series concludes regardless of whatever theory is confirmed; I’m sure whatever the crew has up their sleeves, it will be satisfying.
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madamlaydebug · 5 years
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...Smoking Some Kryptonite🔻
From Alchemy and Ions
To Æons and Gnosis
The Noble Gases...
What makes a Noble Gas noble?
Looking at the etymology of the word 'noble' we find the Latin 'nobilis' which suggests 'having distinguished and admirable qualities' and means 'knowledgeable and well-known'. Furthermore, we find the Proto-Indo-European root 'gno-' and the words 'gnobilis' and 'gnosis'.
The word 'gnosis' is most commonly defined as 'knowledge' ...And knowledge based on personal experience exploring the spiritual mysteries and the illuminations of the higher and holistic self is most often held in the highest regard.
One who is noble, it may be stated, is one who engages in the Great Work of Knowing Thyself.
The noble gases are the chemical elements in group 18 or (VIIIa) of the periodic table. They are the most stable due to having the maximum number of valence electrons their outer shell can hold. Therefore, they rarely react with other elements since they are already stable. The ability to avoid reacting when provoked is largely considered a noble trait in humans.
This chemical series contains the family of the six elements: helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn). A seventh element called oganesson (Og) is variously predicted to be a noble gas as well.
They are all non-metallic elements and gases at room temperature and pressure. Some characteristics and properties of the noble gases are that they all conduct electricity, fluoresce, are naturally odorless and colorless, and are useful in many conditions when a stable element is needed to facilitate and maintain a desirable, safe and constant environment.
They form 1% of the atmosphere, and most of this is argon. Neon, argon, krypton, and xenon are obtained by fractional distillation of liquid air. Helium is also obtained in small quantities using the same source. Radon is obtained from radium salt ...And oganesson is a synthetic chemical element. It was first synthesized in 2002 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, near Moscow in Russia.
The noble gases are used in industry in arc welding, to dilute the oxygen in deep-sea divers' gas tanks and filling light bulbs. Argon is used in arc welding and in common light bulbs, as it does not react with the metal at high temperatures. Helium is used for diluting the pure oxygen in deep-sea diving tanks because the helium has a low solubility in human blood. Helium is also used to inflate the tires of large aircraft, weather balloons, and blimps because it is nonflammable. Neon is used in sign tubing because it glows bright red when electricity is passed through it. Krypton and xenon are used in photographic flash units and in lighthouses, as running an electric current through either element generates a very bright coherent light... Which can even produce lasers.
"A laser is created when the electrons in atoms in special glasses, crystals, or gases absorb energy from an electrical current or another laser and become 'excited.' The excited electrons move from a lower-energy orbit to a higher-energy orbit around the atom's nucleus. When they return to their normal or 'ground' state, the electrons emit photons (particles of light).
These photons are all at the same wavelength and are 'coherent,' meaning the crests and troughs of the light waves are all in lockstep. In contrast, ordinary visible light comprises multiple wavelengths and is not coherent.
Laser light is different from normal light in other ways as well. First, its light contains only one wavelength (one specific color). The particular wavelength of light is determined by the amount of energy released when the excited electron drops to a lower orbit. Second, laser light is directional. Whereas a laser generates a very tight beam, a flashlight produces light that is diffuse. Because laser light is coherent, it stays focused for vast distances, even to the moon and back."
National Ignition Facility & Photon Science
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
What amounts to a constant pursuit for humans just comes naturally to noble gases. Noble gases, most often found as monatomic gases, having completely full outer electron shells, have no inclination to react with other elements... Only very rarely forming compounds with other elements. A nobleman can be influenced to surrender his composure though... getting a noble gas to react is possible, especially for a worthy cause.
With a great enough energy supply, the outer electrons of a noble gas can be ionized, and once the gas is ionized, it can accept electrons from other elements.
There are fascinating associations between the Noble Gases, Ether Harmonics and the Chakras which have been revealed and applied through the development of Inert Gas Energy Technologies...
"The periodic table of elements really stands for the number of ways the vortexes in the Ether have expressed themselves as harmonic ratios and numbers of vortexes per element which appear to us to be a certain number of protons, electrons and neutrons. This 'Law of Three' of the proton, neutron and electron is woven into the Periodic 'Law of Seven' as the elements repeat with great regularity their primary properties at intervals of every 7th element - that is, every octave, every Si - Do. The Primordial Ether is alive with infinite patterns of vortex energy. Protons, electrons and neutrons form atoms which form the basic elements. The basic elements (arranged in the periodic table of elements) combine together to form all the chemical compounds and molecules which make the material world as we know it (including our bodies)."
"The atoms themselves reflect this same harmonic structure of the 'Law of Seven'. The electrons orbiting around the nucleus of each atom always fall into a specific orbital 'shell' or exact distance from the nucleus. Electrons can only orbit at these exact distances from the nucleus and no closer - no farther away."
"Outside of the Law Of Seven arrangement of the elements in the periodic table are the elements of the 'O' group: The Noble Gases. These are the 6 elements which each have a perfect inner harmony of structure where the number of electrons exactly fill each orbital shell so that the atom as a whole has no need to combine with any other atom to attempt to attain a perfectly stable configuration (Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon). I believe that there is a missing Noble Gas which would satisfy the missing Law of Seven symmetry for a total of seven noble gasses - I'll explain in a minute why. Actually, all the other elements in the periodic table are attempting to conform their own configurations to mimic the stable Noble Gasses configuration and the only way they can do this is to share electrons with other atoms. This process ends up forming all the natural compounds we see which make up everything in our material world."
"Experiments have shown that each noble gas has an affinity for each of the seven Chakras except the Crown Chakra (why I think there is a missing Noble Gas!). By placing each Noble Gas in a thin cylindrical container wound with a spiral electrical coil, it is possible to create a Noble Gas Beam by passing an electrical current through the coil. This is the reason I have determined that there is a missing Noble Gas of extremely high resonance and atomic weight which does not occur in nature, but can only be consciously made by us. I also believe that each of the Noble Gasses are naturally distilled out of the associated activity of conscious effort associated with the inner awakening of the energy form associated with each Chakra - therefore we each manufacture our own Noble Gasses with moments of awareness associated with the opening of each Chakra."
Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson, D.C., B.F.A.
excerpts from The Secret Life of Your Atoms
"What can the Inert Gas Devices Do?
The Inert Gas Therapy Beaming Devices available through Natures Energies can achieve many things. The list below is a shortened list of some things that they can achieve;
• Regeneration and regrowth of bodily tissues (e.g., regrowth of teeth, hips, bone, skin and other bodily parts)
• Recovery and removal of scar tissue
• Increased recovery time from injury (e.g., sprains, dislocations, bruises etc)
• Relief of some viruses (e.g., cytomegalo virus (CMV))
• Relief from chronic fatigue syndrome
• Positive effects for some people with cancer
• Positive effects for some people with epilepsy
• Alleviates pain from common diseases
• Provides relief from headaches and migraines
• Stimulated psychic ability
• Significant relief from insomnia
• Release of attachments and negative thought forms
• Improved immunity, grounding ability and energy levels
• Improved memory
• Improved athletic performance"
🔻Read more in the articles linked below🔻
(Much of the content on the page linked above is based on the work of Jon Fox from hilarion.com)
Fluidium Aether,
"Fiat Lux!"
and Gnothi Seauton
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An intro to Lithium Batteries
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Custom Lithium Battery Involving electric cars, cell telephones along with laptops it appears as if battery packs tend to be everywhere. This is not necessarily planning to change any period soon. Global electric power utilize is skyrocketing and mobile phones, tablets and e-readers are generally becoming more common. Within addition, electric batteries are obtaining applications in electricity storage space as the renewable strength market continues to expand. Engineers and researcher get developed many novel technology to supply our storage area demands, but non-e looks to have founded on its own as the ultimate engineering. Flywheel, compressed air in addition to thermal storage are almost all good contenders for grid-scale safe-keeping while lithium-ion, nickel-cadmium as well as nickel-metal-hydride batteries remain competitive with regard to portable electricity hard drive. What on earth is all comes along to is that many of us still have not identified a good optimal way for you to store each of our electricity. This particular article will discuss the actual technology and potential involving lithium batteries.
Custom Lithium Battery
Until the particular nineties nickel-cadmium (NiCad) power packs were being practically the merely choice throughout rechargeable battery power. The major issue with all these devices was that that they experienced a high temperatures coefficient. This specific meant in which the cells' functionality would likely plummet when they warmed up. In addition, radium, one of several cell's main aspects, is usually costly and eco-friendly relentless (it is likewise used in slender video panels). Nickel-metal-hydride (NiMH) and also lithium-ion emerged while opponents to NiCad within the 90s. Since then a head numbing number of systems include appeared on typically the market. Amongst these kind of lithium-ion batteries stand out being a promising candidate for some sort of number of uses.
Lithium-ion tissues are actually used in 100 of applications which include electrical cars, pacemakers, notebook computers along with military microgrids. They can be really low maintenance in addition to power dense. Unfortunately business oriented lithium ion cells have a number of really serious drawbacks. They are usually very expensive, vulnerable as well as have short lifespans with deep-cycle applications. The foreseeable future of numerous budding technological innovation, including electric powered vehicles, relies on improvements within cell phone performance.
The electric battery is an electrochemical gadget. This means that this converts compound energy straight into electrical energy. Normal rechargeable battery packs can convert inside the contrary direction because they make use of reversible reactions. Every mobile phone is composed of a new positive electrode known as cathode and a negative electrode called an anode. Typically the electrodes are placed inside an electrolyte and related via a remote circuit this allows electron movement.
Beginning lithium batteries ended up higher temperature cells with smelted lithium cathodes and smelted sulfur anodes. Operating with around 400 degrees celcius, these thermal rechargeable electric batteries were first sold otc in the 1980s. On the other hand, electrode containment proved the serious difficulty due to help lithium's instability. Eventually heat issues, corrosion and also enhancing ambient temperature power packs slowed up the adoption connected with smelted lithium-sulfur cells. However this kind of is still theoretically an incredibly powerful battery, scientists observed that trading some vitality density for stability ended up being necessary. This lead in order to lithium-ion technology.
A lithium-ion battery power generally has any graphitic and also carbon anode, which often hosts Li+ ions, along with a metal o2 cathode. The electrolyte has a lithium salt (LiPF6, LiBF4, LiClO4) dissolved in an natural and organic solvent such as spirit. Considering that lithium would act in response quite violently with normal water vapour the cell is definitely always enclosed. Also, to be able to prevent a short signal, the electrodes are split up by a porous elements which prevents physical speak to. As soon as the cell is getting, lithium ions intercalate among as well as molecules in often the anode. In the mean time at the actual cathode lithium ions in addition to electrons are published. Through discharge the opposite comes about: Li ions leave the particular anode and travel for you to typically the cathode. Since often the cell consists of the move of ions and electrons, the system needs to be both equally a good electrical as well as ionic conductor. Sony designed the first Li+ battery pack throughout 1990 which got some sort of lithium cobalt o2 cathode and a co2 anode.
All round lithium ion cells have significant positive aspects that have made all of them the leading choice with many apps. Lithium is actually the metal on the actual lowest molar mass and also the greatest electrochemical potential. Therefore Li-ion batteries can possess extremely high energy density. Any typical lithium cell probable is three. 6V (lithium cobalt oxide-carbon). Also, many people have a much reduced self applied discharge rate on five per cent than that associated with NiCad battery power which normally self discharge in  <20%. In addition, these cellular material don't contain dangerous major metals such as lead and also lead. Finally, Li+ battery packs do not have got any memory consequences along with do not need to help refilled. Tends to make them very low maintenance in comparison with other electric batteries.
Unfortunately lithium-ion technology possesses several decreasing issues. Initial and foremost it will be high-priced. The average charge of a Lithium ion cellular is 40% above that will of a NiCad mobile. Also, these devices call for a security circuit in order to maintain discharge charges in between 1C and 2C. This kind of is the source regarding most permanent charge burning. In addition, however lithium ion batteries are highly effective and stable, they get a reduce theoretical fee density than any other kinds involving batteries. Therefore changes connected with other technologies could make these obsolete. Finally, there is a very much shorter cycle living in addition to a longer charging moment than NiCad batteries and are generally very sensitive to great heat.
These issues have created interest in other chemistries, for instance lithium-air, lithium-polymer as well as lithium-iron. Since I accomplish not have time to be able to proceed through all these gadgets, we'll in brief look from lithium-air batteries. During these methods, Li is oxidized with the anode, releasing electrons that travel through a great external routine. Li+ ions then circulation to the particular cathode where these people lessen oxygen, forming typically the intermediary compound lithium peroxide. Inside theory, this allows regarding a absolutely reversible problem to take place, increasing the performance of lithium-air batteries in deep-cycle purposes. However, much like Li+ tissue, these batteries put up with from limited lives. That is due to often the formation associated with oxygen foncier that rot the cell's organic electrolyte. Fortunately a pair of lithium-air power packs developed on their own in this by Jung et jordlag., a staff of analysts from Paris and Seoul, and Andrew d Bruce, who have led a new group at Street. Andrews, seem to have sorted out this problem. Both the actual groups' battery power underwent about 100 asking and preventing powering cycles without having to lose much regarding their capacity. Bruce's unit lost only five per cent ability during tests. Often the battery packs also have higher electricity density than their lithium-ion counterparts. This is the sign how the future involving energy storage may well live with powerful, robust lithium-air chemistry. However we shall initial have to overcome longevity, cost and weight troubles.
Though novel lithium power supply chemistries are currently being developed and also marketed, Li+ batteries continue being near the particular top of the foodstuff sequence for now. While we mentioned in the past, that technology is often considered as the first choice for power automobiles and electronic products due to its strength density. Tesla's Roadster is made up of no less than 6831 lithium ion electric batteries. Specified into packs connected with 69, the cells are competent of taking vehicle via 0 for you to 60 mph in just a few. being unfaithful seconds. Just in event you had been wondering, 69 goes into 6831 just 99 times. Likewise, in the event that you are reading this particular article on your mobile computer, most likely it is power by a lithium cell phone.
The major drawback to help latest Li batteries is usually their very own susceptibility to ageing side effects, especially when heated up. You may have remarked that laptop and cell mobile phone existence deteriorates dramatically soon after a few years. It is largely due to getting older. This concern has made typically the technology not well suited intended for backup and grid-scale energy. Despite this, Li-ion power packs have competed for power storage projects with substitute technologies such as arctic, flywheels and compressed surroundings storage space. Most of these types of installations have been within Florida. Silent Power's Li+ skin cells are being employed to dampen strength imbalances in Sacramento along with Greensmith has installed - your five megawatts of grid-balancing lithium-ion batteries throughout the point out. In addition, AES Electricity Safe-keeping has installed, or maybe with the process of the installation of, 76MW associated with Li+ electric battery capacity throughout the world with 500MW in growth. The principal benefit of this technological know-how is that often we understand that effectively and have often the immediate resources for the idea to work. In significant scale jobs lithium-ion battery power have been almost all productive in sites where there critical space restrictions as well as little maintenance capabilities.
Sometime soon the item seems as if lithium ion technologies is fixed to continue to lead many applications. Li+ battery packs are a proven strategy, not like some other engineering that have always been cloistered in the lab. The actual possible emergence of electric power cars and the growing demand for gadgets can undoubtedly have positive results about the industry. Unfortunately, just about all good issues come in order to an end. Analysts predict that the technology will probably lose several of its cut-throat edge after infant technology such as aluminium-ion, zinc-bromine and lead-carbon can happen the actual market. For example about the issue of lithium ion batteries inside storage area applications, Lux Study explained the following:
"Li-ion electric batteries developed for transportation programs are energy dense safe-keeping devices. Stationary storage plans rarely value this metric, resulting in wasted price to get grid-tied Li- ion battery power systems. Rapidly innovating systems with equivalent or even outstanding performance metrics in addition to greatly lower costs as well as higher useful resource availability will certainly take over the major the grid storage market place in the coming decades. very well
Though they are generally unlikely as you see fit in several grid scale hard drive tasks, Li-ion batteries likely will participate in a large role throughout our future. Their very own large cost will probably decline for the reason that concept continues to be able to mature as well as the devices grow to be more widespread. A survey by simply Mckinsey research discovered in which 1/3 price deals could possibly be achieved through economic climates of scale alone. In fact lithium ion batteries usually are going to have for you to fight to keep the particular advantage they have right now.
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lifesciencepotluck · 6 years
Reverse Phase Chromatography
The ability to purify samples and isolate specific proteins is an important first step for studying proteins. If you want to get the 3D structure of a protein or an amino acid sequence or gain any understanding of how a protein interacts with something, then a basic requirement is having a pure sample. But let's face it your sample has a bunch of other undesirable junk, because nothing can be too convenient in science. Even if you chemically synthesize the protein instead of stealing it from the original source (like a dead anemone) you still have to purify the sample and get your target protein.
How do you do this?
There are a variety of liquid chromatography techniques used for purifying proteins such as anion exchange chromatography (separates proteins based on charge), affinity chromatography (this is really specific since the column will only bind to the antibody or ligand you choose, not just any randy that passes by), Size Exclusion Chromatography (separates proteins based on size) and Reverse-phase chromatography. These techniques exploit a specific property of the protein such as charge, size, isoelectric points etc. to separate proteins. Reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) is one the most important and commonly used forms of liquid chromatography. It separates proteins based on how hydrophobic (water hating) or hydrophilic (water loving) a protein is. 
There are two phases in all types of chromatography. The stationary phase (or the lazy phase which clings to things) and the mobile phase, which slowly seeps through the stationary phase. For Reverse-phase the stationary phase is non-polar (or hydrophobic). The interaction between the stationary phase and analyte is mostly hydrophobic. So, if your protein is really hydrophobic (i.e. it has a lot of valine and alanine resides) then it will cling to stationary phase for its dear life until it is eluted by something more hydrophobic. Typically, the stationary phase in Reverse-phase columns have little beads made of silica gel and you have alkyl groups (hexyl, butyl, or ethyl groups) covalently linked to the beads. These little extensions are non-polar and they play a part in the hydrophobic interaction with your sample. The types of alkyl groups attached vary depending on the type of column you’re using and the kind of protein you're purifying. Of course, there are other types of beads like polymer based beads, which are better if you have the pH of your sample or solvent is above 7. BUT they are not as efficient at separating things.
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Figure 1: Silica resin with C18 chains. 
Source: http://chem-net.blogspot.com/2013/11/reversed-phase-chromatography.html
The second player is the mobile phase or the hydrophobic solvent you will use to elute your protein. Usually as reverse phase happens you increase the hydrophobicity of the solvent and over time the proteins are eluted based on hydrophobic they are. The hydrophilic proteins come out first and the most hydrophobic proteins come out last because you need a higher concentration of your non-polar solvent. Most of the time, a mix of acetonitrile and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) is used for the mobile phase. 
Acetonitrile (ACN) is a non-polar solvent. If you want to make the mobile phase more hydrophobic to elute the more hydrophobic proteins, then you increase the concentration of ACN. TFA is a weak hydrophobic ion-pairing reagent which helps maintain a low pH for our silica resin and helps reduce ionic interactions between the peptide/protein and the stationary phase (because there is always a small chance of something annoying like this happening). You can use other non-polar solvents like methanol, ethanol and isopropanol. Isopropanol works better for ridiculously large and hydrophobic proteins but it places a lot of pressure on the column. If the pressure is too high, your incredibly expensive column will die a horrible and resin-crushing death (Pro-tip: Always check the manual for the maximum pressure limit!).
You can tell how well your purification went based on the chromatogram. A chromatogram shows the UV absorbance for your sample against the retention time. Acetonitrile absorbs UV light very well which is why it's a great solvent for reverse phase. The peptide bonds in proteins absorb UV light at 215 nm whereas, aromatic amino acids like tryptophan absorb UV light at 280nm.  UV absorbance can be used to find the concertation of your protein or it can help determine the resolution for your feeble attempts at purification. 
If you have ‘peaks’ or ‘mini mountains’ that are well separated then your peptides are probably separated pretty well. But if your all of peaks on the chromatogram merge into an indistinguishable and horrifying blob—you have very poor resolution and the eluted sample you get at the end won't be that pure. You can take all of the eluted samples and try purifying them with even more reverse phase or other methods, but you will lose a bit of protein at each purification step. Or you can tweak your method to improve the resolution for reverse phase. 
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Figure 2: What a chromatogram looks like in an ideal world where the experiment actually works. The “peaks” are sharp, narrow and distinct. 
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Figure 3: A blob monster of my own making. I have probably spent more time doing Reverse phase than socialising at this point and I still get chromatograms like this. 
Stuff you need to worry about:
What kind of column your using: Sometimes you want to purify lots of your proteins in one go so you have to pick a column that can handle a high load. Other times you are analysing the purity of your sample and using a sensitive analytical column makes more sense.  If you want to isolate a really hydrophilic protein then using a c18 column is a solid option because it has more alkyl chains that can bind better to proteins that are not so hydrophobic. BUT since you are introducing a really strong hydrophobic interaction it can mess up the structure of your protein to the point where it loses its bioactivity. If you want to protect the bioactivity of your protein using a C4 or C5 column is a decent option.
Pore size: Each column will have its own pore size (the size of the gap between the beads) and you have pick the pore size based on the size of the target protein. Small pore sizes work for smaller proteins (<10kDa) but it most cases a pore size 300 Å works for a wide variety of protein sizes.
Temperature: A high temperature can speed up chromatography and give you better resolution (AKA the sharp and sexy peaks). All of this will come at the cost of your protein being denatured—of course.
pH: Proteins are pH sensitive since the amine, carboxylic and R groups of the amino acids can change charge depending on the pH.  Silica columns have a pH of 2-7, so the basic amino acids exist as positive ions. You need a hydrophobic anionic (negatively charged) ion-pairing reagent (like TFA) that will pair up with the positively charged basic amino acids, since you don't want any electrostatic interaction between the column and the peptide. (remember we only want to separate the proteins based on how hydrophobc they are)
Flow rate: A faster flow rate will allow a better separation. (Pro-Tip: Check the manual for the maximum flow rate. Usually the big, thick columns tend to have a higher flow rate than the thin, small and dainty columns)
Gradient: This is the most important factor which impacts the resolution. If you have a gradual increase in ACN concentration or hydrophobicity of your solvent (AKA a shallower gradient), you tend to get better resolution and higher peaks. However, if the run time is too long then your protein can get damaged since it’s being exposed to harsh chemicals (e.g. Acetonitrile) for a longer period of time.
There are other applications for Reverse-phase aside from protein purification. It isn't just used to purify and analyse proteins but it can work for drugs, metabolites, fatty acids, aldehydes and ketones. I hope this was a helpful introduction to Reverse-phase for anyone who is interested in the technique or actually has to use this technique. 
Next time, I’ll dive into Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC).
Primary sources:
Dorsey, J. G. & Dill, K. A. The Molecular Mechanism of Retention in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography. Chem. Rev. 89, 331–346 (1989).
Nagy, K. & Vékey, K. Separation methods. Med. Appl. Mass Spectrom. 61–92 (2008). doi:10.1016/B978-044451980-1.50007-0
Recommended readings:
Chromatography, R. Reverse-Phase Chromatography. Proteins 26–34 (2009). doi:10.1201/NOE1420084597.ch409
Bradshaw, T. P. A Users Guide: Introduction to Protein and Peptide HPLC. (2006).
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top-battery · 3 years
How Many Times Can I Charge My Battery?
Today more and more people are using consumer electronic devices containing lithium batteries. The probability of you being one of them is very high.You could have a laptop, Tablets pc, cell-phone or even a other consumer electronic equipment, all of which more likely than not has a lithium ion or a lithium polymer chemical based battery system. If so then one question that you will have eventually is how many times will I be able to charge the battery before it is effectively dead? Is it 300 times, 400 times, or 500 times? The answer is between 300-500 times.
But what does that answer mean? We will take you know something that charging cycle and involves the replenishment of electrons. In order to get a beginning understanding of what actually is taking place during a charge and discharge cycle we need to understand: what a battery is, how it works, what it produces, and finally what happens when you charge and discharge.
What is a Battery?
A battery is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. Batteries have two electrodes, an anode (the negative end) and a cathode (the positive end). Collectively the anode and the cathode are called the electrodes. What is positve and what is the negative terminal? It would be great to simply say that the anode is negative and the cathode is positive, however, that is not always the case. Somtimes the opposite is true depending on battery technology. In between the battery’s two electrodes runs an electrical current caused primarily from a voltage differential between the anode and cathode. The voltage runs through a chemical called an electrolyte (which can be either be in a liquid, solid, or gel state). This battery consisting of two electrodes is called a voltaic cell. Most batteries today are advance forms of the voltaic cells and have additional technology packed into the battery casing to support the overall system and its connected  device. These controls include the connector, fuse, charge and discharge FETs, the cell pack, the sense resistor (RSENSE), the primary and secondary protection ICs, the fuel-gauge IC thermistor, pc board, and the EEPROM or firmware for the fuel-gauge IC.
How Does a Battery Work and What Does It Produce?
We know that the result of a battery converting chemical energy into electrical energy allows us to turn on our laptop, Tablets pc, cell-phone or even a other consumer electronic equipment. But how does the conversion process take place? As stated above the batteries we use today are variable changes of the voltaic pile. In addition to the controls I listed above today’s batteries are made up of plates of reactive chemicals (Li-ion, Li-po, NIMH, NICD) separated by an electrolyte barrier (which can be either be in a liquid, solid, or gel state), and subsequently polarized so all the electrons gather on one side. The system was designed to separate both positive and negative electrons. Then after separation an electron exchange occurs and a current of electron flow moves electrons to and from the anode and cathode. Simultaneously an electrochemical reaction takes place inside the battery to replenish the electrons. The effect is a chemical process that creates electrochemical energy.
Now the electrochemical reaction that is taking place is a chemical change that is necessary in order to create electricity. One factor that needs to be understood is that electricity is the flow of electrons. Specifically, electricity is a property of subatomic particles which couples to electromagnetic fields and causes attractive and repulsive forces between them. This repulsive force between the subatomic particles creates an electric current; the flow of electric charge transports energy from one atom to another. This electrical current is measured in amperes, where 1 ampere is the flow of 62,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrons per second!
Electricity therefore is a created energy source. All electricity in fact is a created source made or converted from coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power, wind, heat, sun, water, biomass and or other chemicals. In batteries today electricity is created by two chemicals in a solution for example: {a Solution of Lithium hexaflourophosphate (LiPF6) – a mixture of Organic Solvents: [Ethylene Carbonate (EC) + DiEthyl Carbonate (DMC) + DiEthyl Carbonate (DEC) + Ethyl Acetate (EA)]}
Charging and Discharging Your Battery
Charge cycling a battery means to completely discharge (or drain) a battery’s created electricity to where there is a charge of less than a 1% capacity remaining. At this point the power to the device will cease and your device will power off. Then after the power is off you recharge the battery to 100% capacity using a power adapter either from a wall socket for example. Regardless of how you charge the battery that process of discharging and charging represents one complete charge cycle.
I noted above that an electrochemical reaction takes place inside the battery to replenish the electrons. The effect is a chemical process that creates electrical energy (electrochemical energy). Lithium is used, amongst other chemicals, as a battery anode material due to its high electrochemical potential. In fact the energy of some lithium-based cells can be five times greater than an equivalent-sized lead-acid cell and three times greater than alkaline batteries. Lithium cells often have a starting voltage of 3.0 V. This means that batteries can be lighter in weight, have lower per-use costs, and have higher and more stable voltage profiles.
Charging lithium can be thought of as the introduction of ions or movement of chemistry. To move the lithium chemistry (lithium-ion, lithium polymer, lithium iron phosphate, etc) you have to have a minimum voltage applied to the lithium. Most battery cells are charged to 4.2 volts with relative safe workings at about 3.8 volts. Anything less than 3.3 volts will not be enough to charge or move the chemistry. One thing to note here is that volts are an algorithmic measurement of current. So in a sense to create current through your battery you have to introduce current into your battery’s lithium .
Introducing current into your lithium is called intercalation. Intercalation is the joining of a molecule (or molecule group) between two other molecules (or groups). When it comes to charging your battery you are in effect pushing ions in and out of solid lithium compounds. These compounds have minuscule spaces between the crystallized planes for small ions, such as lithium, to insert themselves from a force of current. In effect ionizing the lithium loads the crystal planes to the point where they are forced into a current flow. The current flow is then channeled back and forth from anode to cathode and thereby creating an electrical flow to power on your device. Again this can done 300-500 times.
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cnexportbusiness · 4 years
Air purifiers: what are they and what are they for,
Cough at night, itchy throat, blocked nose, stinging eyes, nausea, dizziness.
They are some of the ailments that, together with other allergic symptoms, are increasingly common in homes.
You may have at home a member who is suffering from this type of disorder. You may be yourself, your partner, and more likely, one of your children. You know something is wrong, but you are not sure where the problem is.
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olansi K08A air purifier
When the enemy is at home
That the pollution of cities is increasing is a fact. You already know that.
You are also aware that workplaces, for the most part, are not as healthy as they should be. What you don’t know is that in your own home, there may be more toxic and pollutants than you can imagine.
You think (wrongly) that once you get home, the environment is healthier than when you’re on the street. The opposite is true: The air in your home can have up to 10 times more polluting substances than in the streets of your city.
Without realizing it, you spend more than 90% of your time in enclosed spaces and in poorly ventilated environments loaded with unhealthy particles.
The lifestyle has changed. The modern home has become a center, not only for rest, but for leisure.
You don’t even need to go outside to watch a movie. You can have the gym in your bedroom and shopping is something as simple as turning on the computer.
But everything has a price. The air you breathe is loaded with substances harmful to health. The houses are little ventilated. Nobody wants to hear the noise of the street or that the house gets cold and you have to put the heating back on.
You think the problem comes from outside, when it is the opposite.
Something as simple as roasting breakfast bread, releases harmful substances that accumulate to those emitted by air fresheners, paints, cleaning products, carpets or pets themselves.
So what is an air purifier,
An air purifier is like a trawler. The faster you navigate (air flow) and the larger the net (filter), the more fish you fish. Once the network is full, the ship slows down (energy consumption without benefit).
Neither can fit more fish and you have to empty the net if you want to continue fishing (filtering). Smaller fish will always escape (filter efficiency).
The air purifier does not remove or add moisture. It is neither a humidifier nor a dehumidifier. Another thing is that some of these functions are present in the same device.
There are purifiers that may have other functions, such as ionizing. Ionizing is electrically charging the molecules of gases that form the air. When creating negative ions, they bind to particles that are suspended in the air (dust mites, pollen, volatile compounds).
It causes them to group together, increasing their size and facilitating capture by the filter, or being deposited on furniture surfaces or on the floor.
In itself, air purifiers will improve your life exponentially by avoiding all the problems caused by contaminated air. You will have a safe home for you and yours.
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Olansi K04C Air Purifier
benefits of air purifier in home
1. Air purifiers work to remove airborne pollen, helping people breathe easier
All types of pollen can wreak havoc on allergy suffers throughout the year, specifically during Spring and Fall months.
The benefit of air purifiers with removable/replaceable pre-filters is that they capture larger particles (many types of pollen) while preserving the main HEPA particle filter for smaller particles. This design allows the main filter to last longer.
People have even told us that they have stopped using over-the-counter allergy medication after using their purifier.
2. Helps you sleep better
The benefits of an air purifier in a bedroom allows for better/easier breathing at night, allowing your body to recuperate from the day at a quicker rate. After a good night sleep, a well-rested person is proven to be more productive and energetic throughout the day.
3. Aides people with breathing problems
People with COPD or other respiratory conditions have a challenging time breathing and often times require an inhaler. When people with these conditions use an air purifier they find themselves using their inhaler less, or potentially not at all, while in the vicinity of the device.
Source: Air purifiers: what are they and what are they for,
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP TRANSLATION & REGULATION Objective Questions and Answers
TRANSLATION and REGULATION Multiple Choice Questions :-
1. Which binding is inhibited by pactamycin? A. Aminoacyl-tRNA to the A-site of 30S subunit B. Initiator-tRNA to 30S/40S initiation complexes C. Peptidyl t-RNA to the 50S subunit D. Formation of peptide bond in P site Answer: B 2. Which of the following act as the blueprint or template for the process of protein synthesis that takes place on ribosomes? A. rRNA B. DNA C. tRNA D. mRNA Answer: D 3. Negative regulation of protein synthesis is accomplished by A. allosteric inhibition B. the binding of RNA polymerase to the promoter C. the binding of a repressor to the DNA D. the binding of a repressor to the RNA polymerase Answer: C 4. Site in the ribosome from which the tRNA donates amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain is A. P site B. O site C. T site D. A site Answer: A 5. When was the genetic code completed? A. 1958 B. 1952 C. 1966 D. 1968 Answer: C 6. Which stop codon has been found to encode selenocysteine? A. UAA B. UAG C. UGA D. AGA Answer: C 7. Which of the following is a nontranslated sequence located between the transcription and the translation start site? A. Ending frame B. Leader sequence C. Trailer sequence D. Reading frame Answer: B 8. Which phage always carries a small piece of E.coli genome? A. Lambda B. Mu C. T4 D. T3 Answer: B 9. The final step of gene expression is protein synthesis, which is also known as A. replication B. translation C. transcription D. none of these Answer: B 10. What is the maximum number of different amino acids in a polypeptide chain coded by the synthetic polyribonucleotides (UCAG)5? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four Answer: C
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TRANSLATION & REGULATION Objective Questions 11. What is the direct cause of cell death by diphtheria toxin? A. Formation of an ion channel in the cell membrane B. Inactivation of a translational elongation factor C. Induction of apoptosis D. None of the above Answer: B 12. The development of global regulatory systems in prokaryotes A. determines the exact location of the cell on the globe B. aids in DNA replication C. determines the exact location of the replication site D. regulates many genes under varying environmental conditions Answer: D 13. The interaction between the mRNA and tRNA determined the position of amino acid in a polypeptide sequence. This is called the A. stagerivity B. Wobble hypothesis C. promiscuity D. adaptor hypothesis Answer: D 14. What are the Svedberg values for the subunits of the 70S ribosomes of E. colli? A. 40S and 30S B. 50S and 20S C. 50S and 30S D. 40S and 20S Answer: C 15. Which of the following three codons translate as serine (Ser)? A. AGU B. CGA C. CAU D. AUG Answer: A TRANSLATION and REGULATION Objective type Questions with Answers 16. The role of molecular chaperones is to A. facilitate binding of ribosomes to mRNA B. degrade newly synthesized polypeptides that contain inaccurate sequences C. facilitate binding of RNA polymerase to DNA D. aid a newly synthesized polypeptide in folding to its proper shape Answer: D 17. What is the action of tetracycline in prokaryotes? A. It blocks translocation reaction on ribosomes B. It blocks peptidyl transferase reaction on ribosomes C. It blocks the binding of amino-acyl tRNA to the A site of ribosomes D. Not known with certainity Answer: C 19. The Shine-Dalgarno sequence is A. trailer sequence B. a stop codon C. the reading frame of a gene D. a short sequence that acts as a ribosomal binding site Answer: D 20. Which of the following statement is correct? A. The size and sequence of introns can be deduced from the cDNA sequence B. Restriction endonuclease can cleave ss and dsDNA both C. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) is usually formed in coding sequence of a gene D. Amino acid sequence of a protein can be deduced from corresponding cDNA nucleotide Answer: D 21. What was the first bacterial genome to be sequenced and made public? A. Bacillus subtilis B. Escherichia coli C. Haemophilus influenzae D. No bacterial genome has been sequenced yet Answer: C 23. During amino acid activation a(n) A. amino acid is bound to tRNA B. amino acid is bound to mRNA C. methyl group is attached to rRNA D. methyl group is attached to an amino acid Answer: A 24. The nonsense codon(s) is/are A. UAG B. UAA C. UGA D. all of these Answer: D 26. Three stop codons, which aids in termination of translation are also known as A. pause codons B. nonsense codons C. missense codons D. antisense codons Answer: B 27. The ribosome binding site A. forms a stem-loop structure in the RNA B. is located upstream of the promoter sequence C. is located immediately upstream of the start codon D. is more likely to be associated with an operon than with a gene encoding a single protein Answer: C 28. Which of the following molecule catalyzes the transpeptidation reaction? A. RNA polymerase B. Peptidyl transferase C. DNA ligase D. DNA polymerase Answer: B 29. Which of the termination codon is called amber? A. UAA B. UAG C. UGA D. AUG Answer: B TRANSLATION and REGULATION Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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