lucca-strangee · 3 months
[Uma thread informativa a todos! <3]
𝕄𝕒𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤 𝕖 𝕄ú𝕤𝕔𝕦𝕝𝕠𝕤💪🏻
[A] Carboidratos:
Principal combustível utilizado pelo corpo como fonte de energia. É ele que vai te fazer aguentar correr, respirar, treinar e etc.
Ele pode ser divididos em dois tipos: carboidratos simples e carboidratos complexos.
— Carboidratos Simples:
São digeridos de forma rápida, produz a sensação de fome com facilidade. Elevam o índice glicemico (famoso pico de energia).
Exemplos = qualquer fast food, açúcares, doces em geral, bolos, massas, etc.
— Carboidrato Complexo:
São absorvidos mais lentamente, promovem sensação maior de saciedade, ajuda o organismo a processar melhor as vitaminas e proteínas. Ricos em nutrientes.
Exemplos = batata doce, arroz integral, vegetais em geral, aveia, feijões, ervilhas, lentilhas, etc.
[B] Proteínas:
Repõe a energia que foi gasta, aumenta e reconstrói o tecido muscular.
Proteína após o treino sempre! Quando você treina, seus músculos ficam "machucados" pelas contrações, a proteína ajudar a "sarar" o seu corpinho pós treino.
Mas, lembrem-se: nem toda proteína é limpa!
A proteína será considerada "suja": quando vier acompanhada de muito sódio e gordura saturada. Evite a proteína que vem de embutidos!
Exemplos: salsichas, nuggets, carnes fritas, e etc.
— Proteína limpa: peito de frango, atum, tilapia, soja, ovo, grão de bico e etc.
[C] Gorduras:
Fonte importante de energia (dá um gás para a contração muscular), promovem saciedade, produção de ácido biliar (essencial na digestão), ajuda na produção de hormônios.
Evitem passar de 15g de gordura saturada por dia, pois, assim como o carboidrato, nem toda gordura é boa!
— Gorduras limpas: oleaginosas, ovo, peixes, abacate, coco, chocolate amargo e etc.
— Gorduras saturadas: todas as porcarias que você imaginar ☠️ manteiga, miojo, salsicha, pastel, nutella, sorvetes e etc.
• O que leva a perda de músculos?
Simples, dietas altamente restritivas e o porquê disso é simples:
Poucas proteínas provocam perda de massa muscular!!
Como expliquei antes, é a proteína que ajuda na construção e manutenção dos músculos, logo, a falta de proteína reflete diretamente na perca dos mesmos!
Aliás, a restrição total de carboidratos também contribuem pra essa perda!!
Mesmo que o carboidrato não ajude no tecido muscular, ele é a principal fonte de energia do corpo, logo, se você consome pouco ou nada, o corpo vai buscar energia em outras fontes, consequentemente queimará músculo.
• Já respondendo uma outra pergunta que muitos fazem: Academia não vai te fazer crescer!!
É simplesmente IMPOSSÍVEL ganhar músculo com você fazendo alta restrição.
Você vai no máximo desmaiar por não comer carboidratos suficiente e não ter energia pra terminar uma sequência de exercícios!!
• E respondendo a mesma pergunta só que ao contrário: Você não vai hipertrofiar (ganhar músculo) comendo tão pouco!!
Multiplica seu peso por 1,6-2g e o total é a quantidade de proteína, em gramas, que você tem que consumir por dia pra ter PELO MENOS uma definição.
Pra ganhar músculo mesmo (hipertrofiar) é de 1,8-2,4g de proteína por quilo. Tem que comer a mais que a TMB e fazer musculação. Faz o cálculo que com o resultado você verá o porquê eu digo que é impossível ganhar músculo comendo 500 kcal!!
[Parte dessa thread não é de minha autoria, foi inspirado na thread de um querido do twt que entrou em rec e desativou, então não tenho link do perfil ou da thread original !]
Espero ter esclarecido todas as dúvidas e acabado com suas paranóias.
Beijinhos <3
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refalthefairest · 11 months
I’m too nice for my own good. Today I felt sad because the main trio of monosaccharides (glucose, galactose and fructose) always ditch fructose, both glucose and galactose are aldoses while fructose is a ketose and when they enter the cell, both use transport proteins while she entres through diffusion. She must feel so sad and left out
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For dinner i really want pasta on rice. With potato. And crackers. And garlic bread.
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thymagicmonkey · 7 months
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I'm so funny /j
If you know, then you know 😂🙏
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the-wizard-library · 8 months
Sourdough Salutations! How does one go about acquiring a library card for this monolith of wisdom? I am looking to check your records for ancient Carbohydramancer Cookbooks. You see, I am one of the last of my order. That is, one of the last of the Carbohydramancers. Our sacred texts were burnt long ago. If any place had any manuscripts remaining, I thought it'd be here.
Signed, @panem-crustus: Bread Wizard.
Welcome, oh Starchy One. It has been a long time since one of your order has graced our halls, and the Librarian is honoured that you would like to make use of our resources. To the South of the Library's main campus, you will find the Baker's Tower, right beside our world-renowned magical boulangerie - you may need to do some dusting, but we offer state-of-the-art kitchens and a full library of magical cookery books. The Librarian would like to assure you that there are at least thirteen first-edition Carbohydramancer Cookbooks in the Tower, as well as a box of scrolls detailing recipes that nobody has yet had the skill or courage to test. If you get lost on your way over, just follow the scent of freshly-baked sourdough. It has never truly faded.
The Wizard Library operates on an honour-based system. Anyone is welcome to enter and browse to their heart's content, however if you would like to borrow any of our resources, then Wizard Library Cards are available, free of charge, from the Receptionist. Please note that they will ask you for an address (this can be as vague or as specific as you'd like), but this is only so that they can settle on loan periods and late fees, which may differ depending on your home dimension and intended method of payment. Cards can be customised as desired.
The Receptionist promises that there is no fine print.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 27 days
Carbohydrates act as storehouses of chemical energy (glucose, starch, glycogen) and are components of supportive structures in plants (cellulose), crustacean shells (chitin) and connective tissues in animals (polysaccharides).
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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lobotomyformybrainrot · 7 months
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Story-fy it with bio witches.
This is Blaise, they have issues with needing to achieve thing in their short short life, therefore, they act very 'self-important'.
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addie08read · 8 months
The big secret
Summary: you have been acting off and Crowley and Aziraphele noticed and confronted you
Warnings: fluff, t1d, swearing, needles, insulin
Fandom: good omens
Azirapheles nickname is Az
It was an average Sunday morning aziraphele was cooking breakfast, Crowley was watching the tv
Y/n: you know it feels weird to wake up at 8:00 and not 10:00 anymore
Crowley: tell me about it
Aziraphale: oh hush you guys will survive plus Breakfast is ready eggs and bacon
Y/n: smells great (goes to eat a bacon strip but stops) I will be right back
Aziraphale: ok don't be too long your breakfast will get cold
Crowley: is she acting weird recently
Aziraphale: actually yes she had
(y/n upstairs)
Y/n: sh*t my sugars low
“Back downstairs”
Aziraphele: good your back
Y/n: (shaking) Yep um az could I see the bacon nutrition facts please
Az: sure?
Crowley: how about you eat your shaking are you ok?
Y/n: never better (eats food)
Y/n: (done eating) I will be right back
Crowley: are you ok y/n
Y/n: ya ofc
Crowley: ok just making sure
(Y/n gives him a smirk)
Y/n: (upstairs) ok that subtract 15 ok 5 units
(y/n draws up insulin in the needle and gives herself a shot)
Crowley: az ik it's not right to spy on people but you won't believe what I saw
Az: well spit it out already
Crowley: y/n put some sort of needle into herself and injected whatever was in it
Az: oh my well we will just have to talk to her than
Y/n: (comes downstairs and sees them both on the couch) Hey guys
Az: y/n could you come sit down ( he pats the seat in between him and Crowley)
Y/n: ok? (sits by them)
Az: so Crowley here saw you do something very concerning and instead of jumping to any bizarre conclusion we decided to ask you about it
Y/n: ya ofc Crowley what did you see?!
Crowley: you giving yourself a needle have any explanation !!!!!
Y/n: um uh i- uh
Az: you can trust us we only want the best for you
(Crowley started anxiously taping his foot)
Y/n: fine I'm a type one diabetic I just didn't want you guys to treat me differently or worry about me
Crowley: what tf is type one dia dia-
Y/n: Diabetes well there are 2 types type 1 and type 2 I have type 1 which means my pancreas does not work at all never has never will while the average persons works all the time while mine doesn't work at all so I need to check the carbohydrates in everything I eat and give insulin in a needle people with type 2 have a pancreas that works sometimes also if my sugar is low like this morning I will get shakey and if I don't eat I could pass our if it's high I get a stomach ache and need to use the bathroom a lot and get grumpy so I need insulin it runs in my family
Az: oh my goodness I'm so sorry honey
Crowley: I'm so sorry y/n
(they both hug her)
Y/n: it's ok it's been like this since I was 2 honestly I'm glad you guys know it takes a lot to hide stuff from my two roommates that are also your best friendsds
Az: awe we will always help you no matter what
Crowley: that's right (sniffles)
Y/n: are you crying Crowley?
Crowley: no…
Y/n: (takes off his glasses) Awe sweetie what's wrong
Crowley: I'm sorry I just feel bad that I didn't know sooner to help you
Y/n: awe don't it's not your fault (cuddles him)
Crowley: your so strong
Y/n: thank you
Az: now that we got that out of the way anyone wanna cuddle and watch a movie with some hot coco?
Y/n: I would love too
Thank you for reading if you like it pls heart and reblog!!💙💜
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super-sootica · 1 year
Happiness is stored in carbs
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tenth-sentence · 27 days
Even though the R, S system is widely accepted as a standard for designating the configuration of stereocentres, we still commonly indicate the configuration of carbohydrates using the D, L system proposed by Emil Fischer in 1891.
"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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lucca-strangee · 3 months
Oq são macros? E pq é tão importante?
Oioi, anon
Macros é uma abreviação pra macronutrientes, no caso os nutrientes que o nosso corpo precisa em grandes quantidades!
Eles são: Água, carboidratos, proteínas e gordura.
A importância deles já é autoexplicativo kkkk mas é importante saber a função de cada um, pois pode te ajudar na dieta!
Em resumo:
Proteína: Ajuda na restauração e manutenção dos músculos.
Carboidratos: É o que te dá energia pra correr, pular dançar.
Gordura: Ajuda na saciedade, é fonte de energia, ajuda na digestão e produção de hormônios.
Se por acaso você quer ganhar massa muscular, você já tem o conhecimento de que tem que comer muita proteína!
Enfim, eu tinha uma thread explicando na minha conta que caiu, mas vou trazer a thread novamente pra vocês, porque lá é tudo bem explicadinho.
Foi só uma breve explicação, mas espero ter ajudado!
O conhecimento sobre os macronutrientes e suas funções te ajuda a montar uma dieta adequada ao seu objetivo.
Seja ganho de massa, hipertrofia muscular, perda de músculos, definição ou dieta de perda de gordura.
Tudo isso está relacionado a alimentação e a ingestão desses macros!
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smackdownhotel · 1 month
Tonight’s Special
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Potato 🥔 Curry 🍛 rice 🍚
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Enjoy! B 🔥
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chaos-cubed · 1 year
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What are Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates also called saccharides or carbs are the most abundant polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones or organic compounds in nature that provide energy for our bodies.
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Carbohydrates primarily contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in their structure and are found in plant foods for more about Carbohydrates
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walvitswordsandpoems · 4 months
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