#what usually forms the negative ion
cobragardens · 8 months
A Meta on Crowley's Miracle Meltdown
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gif by phaxxion via Tenor
What exactly is happening in this moment? Why is it happening? Why is it included in this story?
I don't mean "Why does Crowley have a frustration meltdown after a huge argument with his partner about helping their former abuser Jeff Bezos?" We've all been there. But not all of us discharge a huge bolt of red infernal energy when we lose our temper, and more to the point, Crowley doesn't usually do that either. What gives?
And, as ixi of Fuck Yeah Good Omens asks and illustrates, why does some of the infernal energy Crowley discharges travel sideways into Give Me Coffee?
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Here's my proposal for answers to these questions.
Insofar as angels and demons were created expressly for the purpose of channeling miracle, maybe to angelic stock refraining from miracles is a bit like holding one's breath is to a human. Human bodies move air in and through and out of themselves as an automatic process. They can refrain from that process, but because breathing is the default, refraining takes a positive sustained effort.
And if you're holding your breath when someone punches you hard in the gut, you don't just lose track of holding your breath, you gasp, you make sounds, you breathe hard. You move a lot of air through your respiratory system for a few seconds until you regain your equilibrium.
Since coming to "a sort of generalised understanding" with Hell, Crowley hasn't been doing many miracles. Aziraphale says he thinks Heaven would notice if he "performed even a minor miracle," and Crowley agrees, "I don't want Hell taking an interest either"; this implies that they've both been trying to keep their miracle usage minimal. (From his continued abuse of London's traffic lights we can infer that Crowley, as usual, has somewhat more latitude in this regard than does Aziraphale.) But he's so freaked out by the appearance of Jeff Bezos Jimbriel and so angry about Aziraphale's line-in-the-sand insistence that the two of them help Jim instead of protecting themselves that Crowley feels approaching a loss of the ability to hold his breath, miraculously speaking.
So before he accidentally curses the bookshop, he goes out into the street away from everyone and tries to get control of himself. If he's not successful, then he's at least away from everyone and able to discharge miracle into the sky where it can dissipate, just like the spiritual smog of evil produced by the M25 dissipates without affecting any one person or thing.
Crowley channels the miracle into the form of lightning, but Crowley's lightning behaves like miracle, not like lightning. Lightning is a huge shock of static electricity, i.e., the sudden mass movement of positively and negatively charged ions toward each other; it does not come up through a person's body from Hell, and it doesn't damage mobile phones.
It takes a direct lightning strike to damage a mobile phone, and when that happens it doesn't just fry the phone, it burns it. An arc of circuit electricity strong enough to fry an unplugged mobile phone would be strong enough to shock and burn the person holding it as well. Nina and Maggie both have their phones on them when the lightning hits Give Me Coffee, but neither woman gets struck by lightning or electrocuted. Their phones get bricked because that is how Crowley thinks lightning works and therefore his lightning works that way.
And it is for this same reason that the "lightning" Crowley puts out hits Give Me Coffee: because it's not lightning, it's miracle. Miracle depends on the miracledoer's familiarity with the thing the miracle is acting upon.
When Crowley has his frustrationgasm, he doesn't have perfect control over where he's aiming miracle in that moment and/or he's concentrating on keeping it away from the bookshop and Aziraphale and the Bentley, so a tongue of miraculous "lightning" (which behaves the way Crowley thinks lightning behaves) slips sideways towards the next most familiar thing on the street to him: Nina's coffee shop. Crowley went there just a few minutes before this scene.
As far as I can tell, this moment serves two functions in the story. Firstly, as many others have pointed out, it establishes the color of Crowley's miracle to be red (continuing the motif of red as the color that represents him) in order to indicate the importance of the Supreme Archangel's purple and the purple of the miracle plume Crowley and Aziraphale's joint miracle produced.
But maybe it's also included because it explicitly establishes a mechanic we see repeated on a smaller scale in 1827: that an angel or a demon's control of the miraculous power they channel isn't always perfect. It can slip if they get really upset.
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Monday Musings
Let's talk about macrocrystalline quartz vs microcrystalline quartz. I see sooooo many people argue over these in rockhounding groups that I think it is important to address. First, they are the same chemical formula
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Whether it's amethyst or chert this is what it is on an atomic level. So, what makes them different?
Well, a big part is how they are formed. Macrocrystalline quartz grows by adding molecules to the surface, layer by layer. It essentially grows in three different environments:
1.) In silica-rich molten rock during cooling and solidification
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2.) in pegmatites, during and following pneumatolytic processes
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3.) In hot water solutions of silica under various conditions (usually hydrothermal) The water is between 100 and 450 degrees Celsius and often at high pressures. (underground)
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There are no free SiO2 molecules in the solution, instead quartz crystals grow by the addition of dissolved orthosilicic acid (H2SiO4). The four photos above show the process on a very basic level.
In igneous rocks, the formation of quartz is caused by positively and negatively charged ions floating around in the molten rock soup. In fact, these silicate ions cause magmas to become more viscous. SiO4- usually forms long chains in the magma.
When magmas cool rapidly, like at the point of eruption, the chains don't have time to break and new bonds to form so silica-rich magmas often for volcanic glass or pumice.
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When magmas cool slowly under the surface, like in granite, crystals of different minerals will in the melt in order of chemical composition. With granite, micas form first, the feldspars, then finally quartz. Because quartz is last, it usually doesn't have great shape since it is filling in all available space.
Quartz in magmas will often have an onion-like internal structure of layers added on top of each other reflecting a gradual change in the residual liquid parts of the solidifying magma.
Okay, now for the microcrystalline quartz: chert and chalcedony (and the bazillion names given to different colored varieties of that).
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Chert can form under two different processes: biochemical and and replacement through solution in water.
Biochemical chert is formed when siliceous skeletons of marine plankton are dissolved during diagenesis with silica precipitating out from the resulting solution.
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Replacement chert forms when other material is replaced by silica usually by water such as petrified wood.
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Chert has the same properties as macrocrystalline quartz i.e. same hardness, fracture, etc.
Chalcedony also forms by precipitation of dissolved silica in water but it is usually formed from watery silica gels which give it the botryoidal look it is well-known for.
It is often deposited in cavities and fractures, spaces too small to form proper quartz crystals, by the release of silica from weathering of other rocks (often volcanic in origin).
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Isn't quartz wild?
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Meet the Chemiballs: The Metagaming Metalloids!
So you know metals? They’re metallic, conductive, and usually form positively charged ions? And you know nonmetals? They’re not metallic, insulators, and make negatively charged ions. So yeah, what do you call stuff that’s like, not one of those two things? Y’know, semiconductors and shit.
Metals are only metallic because they’re bad at holding on to their valence electrons, and elements tend to get worse at that the closer they are to the bottom left of the periodic table. Because physics.
But there’s a stair-shaped boundary line between the two where it’s really hard to decide if they’re one or the other so we sort of just gave up and called them metalloids.  
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writtenwrong · 1 year
Stabilizing the Element
or Even our atoms need each other
When atoms are far apart, they attract each other. This attraction is stronger for some kinds of atoms than others. At the same time, the heat, or kinetic energy, of atoms makes them always move. If the attraction is strong enough, relative to the amount of heat, atoms will form a solid. If the attraction is weaker, they will form a liquid, and if it is even weaker, they will form a gas. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
It's the hot Central Valley summer of the second long distance, the second hand ticking away uncountable minutes, the seconding of everyone in my orbit that I am not quite interesting enough to really bond with. No one said it first, but I am pitifully made aware that I cannot be created nor destroyed, only transmuted transfixed and transformed, the ever unstable element on the table for discussion.
Chemical bonds are the strongest kinds of attraction between atoms. The movement of electrons explains all chemical bonds. Atoms usually bond with each other in a way that fills or empties their outer electron shell. The most reactive elements have an almost full or almost empty outer shell. Atoms with a full outer shell, called noble gases, do not usually form bonds. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
I do not understand my parents, well off and independent of one another. How do you breathe the same oxygen every night and remain unmoved? I cannot help but react and I reach, desperate to fill myself, desperate to fill others, to give and receive. But in this hot Central Valley summer I grasp only air.
There are three main kinds of bonds: ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and metallic bonds.
In an ionic bond, one atom gives electrons to another atom. Each atom becomes an ion: an atom or group of atoms with a positive or negative charge. The positive ion (which has lost electrons) is called a cation; it is usually a metal. The negative ion (which has gained electrons) is called an anion; it is usually a nonmetal. Ionic bonding usually results in a regular network, or crystal, of ions held together. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
I had forgotten what it was like to live on the affluent side of town, to not see people starving, to not have people all around who are unstable, reactive. Knowing they are still here, still reacting, only kept out of this sterile lab environment through aggressive sanitizing of unwanted elements to avoid cross contamination, I am not comforted by comforts. I am lonely.
In a covalent bond, two atoms share electrons. This usually happens when both atoms are nonmetals. Covalent bonds often form molecules, ranging in size from two atoms to many more. They can also form large networks, such as glass or graphite. The number of bonds that an atom makes (its valency) is usually the number of electrons needed to fill its outer electron shell. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
Board games and conversations on the street corner spread conversations far and wide, and everything belongs to everyone on that street corner for the day. I meet a man who asks me if I want a cigarette while beating me thoroughly at chess, a woman who has a little dog wearing a sweater in better condition than her own, a guy who watches each tournament and pulls at his sleeves, someone is writing resources on the community board.
In a metallic bond, electrons travel freely between many metal atoms. Any number of atoms can bond this way. Metals conduct electric current because electric charge can easily flow through them. Atoms in metals can move past each other, so it is easy to bend, stretch, and change the shape of metals. (Wikipedia, 6/26/2023)
Remember the weeks of watching for news of Seattle's community? Of parsing through hyperbole and lies for glimmers of a people committed to radical restructuring? Remember what it felt like to wonder if this was the beginning of something significant? I remember changing and stretching into something new, something I thought was stable but could not have been more reactive. Maybe that isn't a bad thing.
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alkonic · 1 month
How Alkaline Water Ionizers Work: A Comprehensive Guide
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Do you know there’s a great home appliance out there available on the market that can improve your overall health? This miracle home gadget is an alkaline water ionizer’ or simple ‘Water Ionizer’. An alkaline water ionizer is a home appliance that raises the pH of regular drinking water by using electrolysis to separate the incoming water stream into acidic and alkaline components. Let us explore the world of alkaline water ionizers and how they function and turn regular water into the claimed ‘miracle water’.
What is alkaline water?
Normal drinking water has a pH level of 7; On the other hand, Alkaline Water has a higher pH (more basic) than normal tap water, often falling between 7.5 and 9. It is also known as high-pH water or ionized water.
Introduction to alkaline water ionizer
An alkaline water ionizer is a device that can make regular water into alkaline water. This alkaline water is then purified and filtered. Drinking alkaline water is considered best to maintain the pH levels of your body. These alkaline water ionizers are easy to use and are not very expensive, which makes them a great investment.
A guide to how an alkaline water ionizer works.
1. Source Of Water: The water ionizer is connected to a tap water source, which ensures the supply of water for the process of ionization.
2. Filtration Process: This tap water now passes through various stages of filtration, which includes activated sediment filters and carbon filters. These filters then remove the impurities from the tap water such as chlorine, sediment, heavy metals, and other contaminants, making the water clean and safe to drink.
3. Electrolysis Chamber: The filtered water then enters the electrolysis chamber, which contains special electrodes made of materials like platinum or titanium.
4. Electrolysis Process: When the water flows over the electrodes, an electrical current is applied. Electricity is passed through the electrodes, splitting water into alkaline and acidic components. These electrodes are typically divided into two sections: positively charged anodes and negatively charged cathodes.
5. Alkaline Water Production: Alkaline ions accumulate near the cathode to form alkaline water. The pH level of this water is usually higher than that of the original tap water, often from pH 8 to pH 10 or higher, making it more alkaline.
6. Acidic Water Production: The formation of acidic water is caused by the accumulation of positively charged hydrogen ions near the anode. Acidic water is typically less acidic than tap water and is usually obtained by draining or collecting the alkaline water separately.
7. Adjustable Settings: The alkaline water produced by ionizers can be adjusted with the help of user-configured settings, such as pH and strength. These settings may vary by model and manufacturer.
8. Dispensing: The alkaline water is dispensed for immediate consumption by the water ionizer. Certain models may come equipped with storage tanks that can hold alkaline water for convenient usage at a later time.
9. Maintenance: Routine maintenance is essential for the effective functioning of the ionizer. This includes cleaning the electrodes to prevent buildup and changing the filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Get alkaline water at home
You can make your ionized alkaline water at home by simply installing an Alkaline Water Ionizer at your home. Set up an Alkaline Water Ionizer today with Alkonic. You can also book a free demo from https://alkonic.com.
Source: https://alkonic.com/how-alkaline-water-ionizers-work-a-comprehensive-guide/
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askthebests · 4 months
The Hair Straightener: What to look for
Curls and waves on a person are beautiful. However, if you wish to smooth them out, these hot tools, irons, brushes, and combs can work wonders. Certain flat irons offer us crispy ends and cramped hands, while the others, like the ones listed here, offer us sleek hair. There are multiple options around, but hopefully, our favorite hair straightener for curls can help narrow down your search.
What to Look for in a Good Hair Tool?
A straightener can either be a flat iron, and a flat iron is a straightener, however not all straighteners are flat irons. These come in other forms too, including brushes and combs. No matter which you go with what you call it, or what your budget is, here are a few things you should bear in mind.
It should be easy to hold and manage:  If a flat iron requires all your strength to keep the plates closed, you will end up in pain by the end of the straightening session.
It should feature a range of easy-to-read temperatures: It consists of dials with no indication of what temperature you are using that are confusing, and this way you can end up burning your hair and skin.
It should not snag the hair: This is a basic problem among flat irons, as hair can get caught in cheap plates and pulled out. Hence watch out for simple designs, that can help prevent this.
Flat irons should not be used on wet hair. It is advised to style only wet hair if the tool is manufactured for that, like a blow-dry brush.
What are Ions, Explained
Most experts agree that hair is generally positively charged because of its water content, and the negative ions these flat irons generate usually help dissipate that water. “You get controlled application of the heat you are applying, and you can use only as much heat as you need to smooth and straighten your hair, which can prevent damage,” they say.
However, the Ionic hair dryers are quite the same, the experts say “If you have finer hair and you want as much body and volume as possible, the ionic dryer may not be the best,” they add. "So generally it's best to get a dryer with an ionic option that can be turned on and off.”
So, there you have it friends, these are some of the facts about hair straighteners, to help you ‘buy better’.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Study reveals a reaction at the heart of many renewable energy technologies
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/study-reveals-a-reaction-at-the-heart-of-many-renewable-energy-technologies/
Study reveals a reaction at the heart of many renewable energy technologies
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A key chemical reaction — in which the movement of protons between the surface of an electrode and an electrolyte drives an electric current — is a critical step in many energy technologies, including fuel cells and the electrolyzers used to produce hydrogen gas.
For the first time, MIT chemists have mapped out in detail how these proton-coupled electron transfers happen at an electrode surface. Their results could help researchers design more efficient fuel cells, batteries, or other energy technologies.
“Our advance in this paper was studying and understanding the nature of how these electrons and protons couple at a surface site, which is relevant for catalytic reactions that are important in the context of energy conversion devices or catalytic reactions,” says Yogesh Surendranath, a professor of chemistry and chemical engineering at MIT and the senior author of the study.
Among their findings, the researchers were able to trace exactly how changes in the pH of the electrolyte solution surrounding an electrode affect the rate of proton motion and electron flow within the electrode.
MIT graduate student Noah Lewis is the lead author of the paper, which appears today in Nature Chemistry. Ryan Bisbey, a former MIT postdoc; Karl Westendorff, an MIT graduate student; and Alexander Soudackov, a research scientist at Yale University, are also authors of the paper.
Passing protons
Proton-coupled electron transfer occurs when a molecule, often water or an acid, transfers a proton to another molecule or to an electrode surface, which stimulates the proton acceptor to also take up an electron. This kind of reaction has been harnessed for many energy applications.
“These proton-coupled electron transfer reactions are ubiquitous. They are often key steps in catalytic mechanisms, and are particularly important for energy conversion processes such as hydrogen generation or fuel cell catalysis,” Surendranath says.
In a hydrogen-generating electrolyzer, this approach is used to remove protons from water and add electrons to the protons to form hydrogen gas. In a fuel cell, electricity is generated when protons and electrons are removed from hydrogen gas and added to oxygen to form water.
Proton-coupled electron transfer is common in many other types of chemical reactions, for example, carbon dioxide reduction (the conversion of carbon dioxide into chemical fuels by adding electrons and protons). Scientists have learned a great deal about how these reactions occur when the proton acceptors are molecules, because they can precisely control the structure of each molecule and observe how electrons and protons pass between them. However, when proton-coupled electron transfer occurs at the surface of an electrode, the process is much more difficult to study because electrode surfaces are usually very heterogenous, with many different sites that a proton could potentially bind to.
To overcome that obstacle, the MIT team developed a way to design electrode surfaces that gives them much more precise control over the composition of the electrode surface. Their electrodes consist of sheets of graphene with organic, ring-containing compounds attached to the surface. At the end of each of these organic molecules is a negatively charged oxygen ion that can accept protons from the surrounding solution, which causes an electron to flow from the circuit into the graphitic surface.
“We can create an electrode that doesn’t consist of a wide diversity of sites but is a uniform array of a single type of very well-defined sites that can each bind a proton with the same affinity,” Surendranath says. “Since we have these very well-defined sites, what this allowed us to do was really unravel the kinetics of these processes.”
Using this system, the researchers were able to measure the flow of electrical current to the electrodes, which allowed them to calculate the rate of proton transfer to the oxygen ion at the surface at equilibrium — the state when the rates of proton donation to the surface and proton transfer back to solution from the surface are equal. They found that the pH of the surrounding solution has a significant effect on this rate: The highest rates occurred at the extreme ends of the pH scale — pH 0, the most acidic, and pH 14, the most basic.
To explain these results, researchers developed a model based on two possible reactions that can occur at the electrode. In the first, hydronium ions (H3O+), which are in high concentration in strongly acidic solutions, deliver protons to the surface oxygen ions, generating water. In the second, water delivers protons to the surface oxygen ions, generating hydroxide ions (OH–), which are in high concentration in strongly basic solutions.
However, the rate at pH 0 is about four times faster than the rate at pH 14, in part because hydronium gives up protons at a faster rate than water.
A reaction to reconsider
The researchers also discovered, to their surprise, that the two reactions have equal rates not at neutral pH 7, where hydronium and hydroxide concentrations are equal, but at pH 10, where the concentration of hydroxide ions is 1 million times that of hydronium. The model suggests this is because the forward reaction involving proton donation from hydronium or water contributes more to the overall rate than the backward reaction involving proton removal by water or hydroxide.
Existing models of how these reactions occur at electrode surfaces assume that the forward and backward reactions contribute equally to the overall rate, so the new findings suggest that those models may need to be reconsidered, the researchers say.
“That’s the default assumption, that the forward and reverse reactions contribute equally to the reaction rate,” Surendranath says. “Our finding is really eye-opening because it means that the assumption that people are using to analyze everything from fuel cell catalysis to hydrogen evolution may be something we need to revisit.”
The researchers are now using their experimental setup to study how adding different types of ions to the electrolyte solution surrounding the electrode may speed up or slow down the rate of proton-coupled electron flow.
“With our system, we know that our sites are constant and not affecting each other, so we can read out what the change in the solution is doing to the reaction at the surface,” Lewis says.
The research was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences.
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waterfiltergurus · 9 months
Cation Exchange vs Anion Exchange: What's the Difference?
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Cation exchange resins and anion exchange resins both provide some form of ion exchange, so they're often mistakenly thought of as the same. However, these resins serve different purposes and remove different ions from water, and they're not interchangeable. In this guide, we've summarized the cation exchange and anion exchange processes, discussed what they can remove, and outlined their main differences when comparing one to the other. 📌 Key Takeaways: - Two common forms of ion exchange chromatography used in water treatment are cation exchange chromatography and anion exchange chromatography. - The key difference between cation and anion resins is that cation resins exchange positively charged cations, while anion exchange resins exchange negatively charged anions. - Both resin beds use the ion exchange method to swap undesirable ions with ions that don't have water quality effects. 🤔 What's The Difference Between Cation Exchange And Anion Exchange? Cation exchange and anion exchange are two distinct processes used in water treatment for removing different types of ions. The main difference between these two water treatment processes is that cation exchange removes positively charged ions, while anion exchange removes negatively charged ions. So, you can't use cation exchange and anion exchange resins interchangeably. Although the two use the same concept of ion exchange to replace unwanted ions with other ions, they each remove their own unique set of contaminants. 🔎 How Are Cation Exchange And Anion Exchange Similar? Cation exchange resins and anion exchange resins are similar because they're both ion exchange resins. Ion exchange is the process of removing undesirable ions from water by exchanging them with ions of a similar charge, which are attached to an exchange medium or resin. This process is popular in water treatment and effectively improves water quality by selectively removing specific ions (usually either cations or anions, depending on the resin type). This helps to prevent numerous issues associated with various water contaminants, including scaling and corrosion. Regardless of whether you're using a cation exchange resin or an anion exchange resin, you can enjoy the general benefits of exchanging ions. Ion exchanger resins provide a long-lasting solution to water quality issues. They're easy and affordable to maintain and provide reliable results without the use of chemicals. Both anion and cation resins also have similar factors that determine their effectiveness and outcome, including the size and surface area of the resin, the time between regenerations, the system flow rate, and the quality of the source water. 🔂 What Is Cation Exchange? Cation exchange involves the replacement of cations, or ions with a positive charge, in the water with positively charged ions that are pre-loaded on a resin or exchange material. How does cation exchange work? This treatment process uses a resin or exchange medium, which has a negative charge to attract and bind to the cations in the water. As the water flows through the resin bed, the undesirable cations in the water are attracted to and exchanged with the desirable cations present in the resin. This exchange process removes the unwanted cations from the water, replacing them with ions that don't cause the same water quality issues. After so much use time, the resin becomes saturated with the removed cations and needs to be regenerated. During regeneration, a brine solution (usually containing sodium ions) is flushed through the resin, causing it to release the captured cations and replenishing the sodium ions. This regenerated resin can then continue the cation exchange process. There's no need to replace the resin and start again, making it a sustainable and effective method for improving water quality in various applications. 🧫 What Can Cation Exchange Remove? Cation exchange uses a type of ion exchange resin that's effective in removing cations such as calcium, magnesium, and heavy metals (like iron) from the water. Nearly always, these cations are replaced with sodium chloride or potassium chloride cations. The most obvious example of a cation exchange system is a water softener. Water softeners use cation resins to exchange calcium and magnesium hardness minerals, preventing the water quality issues associated with these minerals, like limescale, soap scum, and mineral spotting. 🔁 What Is Anion Exchange? Anion exchange uses a very similar process to cation exchange - the main difference is that the resin charge and the anions being exchanged have opposite charges. So, instead of the resin having a negative charge, it has a positive charge. And the resin is designed to exchange negatively charged ions, rather than positively charged molecules. Anion resins have essentially the same setup as cation resins. Water flows through the resin bed, and undesirable anions exchange with the desirable anions that are pre-loaded in the resin. The unwanted anions remain in the resin until it becomes saturated, and the system is regenerated by sending a caustic solution (usually sodium hydroxide) through the resin. This flushes the captured anions down the system's drain line, and the resin is replenished with hydroxide ions, ready to go again. ⚗️ What Can Anion Exchange Remove? Anion resins can remove sulfate, nitrate, chloride, bicarbonate, arsenic, fluoride, and more. The anion exchange process is particularly useful for addressing issues related to high salinity, and the presence of specific anion contaminants that may impact water quality, taste, and safety. The effectiveness of anion exchange to remove specific contaminants depends on the presence of other anions in the water. For instance, you can, in theory, use anion resins to remove fluoride from water, but this isn't our top recommended method because the process efficiency is heavily influenced by the presence of nitrates, sulfates, carbonates, phosphates, and so on. If your water contains these anions, you may need to remove them separately before using an anion exchanger to achieve your desired results. 📑 Final Word So, anion and cation resins offer two very similar processes - but be careful not to mix them up! Anion resin beads won't remove the same water impurities as cation resin beads, so make sure you buy the right ion exchange resin for your needs. Got any specific questions about these two types of ion exchange chromatography? We've answered a few common queries in the FAQ below. Continue Reading: - Best Cation Exchange Systems of - Water Softeners vs Water Filters Examined ❔ FAQ What are the four main types of resins used in an ion exchange system? The four main types of ion exchange resins are weak acid cation resins, strong acid cation resins, strong base anion exchange resins, and weak base anion resins. Does a water softener use cation exchange or anion exchange? A water softener uses a cation resin to remove hardness minerals. Calcium and magnesium minerals are positively charged, and they're replaced with sodium or potassium chloride ions (also positively charged) on a negatively charged softening resin. Should I use anion exchange or cation exchange? Cation and anion resins are both ion exchange resins, but you should use anion exchange resins to remove negatively charged molecules from water, and cation exchange resins to remove positively charged molecules from water. Read the full article
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ambilove1 · 10 months
Gold- Plating- They Are Great One To Be Worthy
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Gold plated jewellery is made of a base metal that is then coated with a thin coating of actual gold. Since its inception, this jewellery creation technique has been utilised to make a variety of pieces that appear to be formed entirely of multiple metals, with gold and sterling silver being two of the most common stacking options. Because gold plated jewellery includes a little percentage of gold, it is far less expensive than solid gold jewellery. A gold-plated ring online can be beautifully produced gold plated, on the other hand, will appear remarkably comparable to the genuine thing.
How Does Gold Plating Work?
The gold plating procedure necessitates that the beginning object be exceptionally clean and polished. Typically, the plater cleans the basic metal parts in an acid or ultrasonic bath. Following that, the object is polished with a high-RPM rouge wheel and deep-cleaned using steam or ultrasound. An optional base layer can be added at this point in the procedure. The object is then immersed in a solution of positively charged gold ions. The jewellery’s negative charge attracts positively charged pieces of gold, which coats the piece in a thin film of gold.
What is the value of gold-plated jewellery?
Gold-plated jewellery is usually always less costly to acquire than real gold jewellery. However, it does not normally keep its value as well, so you are unlikely to recoup much of your investment if you try to sell it again in the future. Every gold-plated object is unique, and a variety of factors influence its longevity. However, there are things you can do to extend the life of any piece of jewellery, regardless of its composition.
While you may polish tarnished gold-plated jewellery, the only effective restoration is replating. If you choose an expert jeweller, ensure sure they know how to recover the underlying base metal. Remember that while gold does not tarnish, the underlying metal may.
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dracademy · 11 months
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General Organic Chemistry
General Organic Chemistry- General Organic Chemistry introduces students to the core concepts of organic chemistry. A solid comprehension of the principles covered by GOC is essential for studying more advanced topics.
General Components of an Organic Reactions- Organic reaction reactants are categorized as follows:
Reagents- Chemical species that cause a reaction by attacking another species. 
Substrate- In an organic reaction, the species that are attacked by a reagent.
The location of the reagent attack can differ depending on the type of the reagent-
Electrophiles- They are species that lack electrons and assault the substrate in an area with a lot of electrons.
Nucleophiles- They are species with lots of electrons that frequently give away their electrons. In general, nucleophiles attack the reagent at an area with low electron density.
In most chemical reactions, old chemical connections are broken and new ones are created. A covalent bond can break in one of two ways: homolytic fission creates species known as radicals, and heterolytic fission results in the production of an ion pair consisting of a positively charged cation and a negatively charged cation and negatively charged anion.
Inductive Effects- A carbon chain is transformed into a permanent dipole when an electron-deficient molecule is added. The difference in the electronegativities of the atoms in the molecule is what causes the dipole, which is why this effect is known as the inductive effect. Down the carbon skeleton, the partial charge's magnitude decreases. From the fourth carbon atom in the chain, its size can be avoided.The inductive effect is a long-lasting phenomenon that depends on distance and is transmitted via sigma bonds. Inductive effects can be divided into two categories: +I (raises acidity and reduces the basicity) and -I (reduces acidity and raises basicity).
Electromeric Effect- The whole transfer of pi electrons to one of the linked atoms in an organic molecule causes the electromeric effect. Because there is an attacking reagent present, it has a temporary effect.The electromeric effect disappears when the attacking reagent is removed from the system. There are two types of electromeric effects +E, the pi electron moves towards the attacking reagent when it is an electrophile, which then attaches to the negatively charged atom that still has the bond pair and -E, The pi electron shifts away from the attacking reagent when it is a nucleophile, which attaches to the negatively charged atom that lost its pi-electron.
Hyperconjugation- Adjacent sigma bonds that provide empty p-orbitals with electrons stabilize carbocations. Hyperconjugation is the term used to describe this impact, which is permanent. 
Mesomeric- The delocalization of electrons through a network of pi bonds is a component of the mesomeric effect. The polarity that emerges in organic compounds as a result of interactions between two pi bonds is caused by the mesomeric effect. Consequently, both negative and positive charges can be stabilized. Two different forms of mesomeric effects exist- +M, electrons are donated by a pi-system in this process, and they usually travel away from these groups, -M,Since electrons usually advance these groups, it involves a pi-system accepting electrons.
Resonance Effect- Pi-electrons and lone pairs over molecules are delocalized as a result of the resonance effect. As a result, various speculative molecular configurations called resonance structures are produced. Two distinct resonance effects exist: +R, it happens when a single pair of electrons enters a molecule, -R, It generally happens because of species that lose electrons or species with empty p or d orbitals.
Isomerism- Multiple compounds with the same chemical formula but different chemical structures are said to exhibit isomeric behavior. Isomers are the names for chemical substances that exhibit isomerism. Stereoisomerism and structural isomerism are the two different types of isomerism.
General Organic Chemistry is a vital topic of chemistry for NEET aspirants, it is as tough as well as important to clear NEET. To understand it better, everyone needs guidance from the Best NEET coaching in Bangalore, they provide notes, full guidance, PYQ, and mock tests for students to clear and strengthen their base for NEET and upcoming syllabus.
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aquasoftuk · 11 months
Why Hard Water Can Be Bad for Your Health: A Guide to Water Softener Purifiers
If your water softener were a fictional character; it would say, "Life can be hard, do not let water be too." or anything of that effect. 
However, a home water softener purifier plays a significant role in a comprehensive water treatment approach, especially if you reside in Kent, where there is an abundance of hardwater and soft water is scarce.
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Wondering how hard water forms.
Well, we will explain it to you in detail.
Water naturally becomes solid when it passes through geological formations with significant mineral content. The amount of these minerals in the water, commonly expressed in parts per million (ppm) or grains per gallon (gpg), determines how hard the water is.
Depending on the region and the local geological structure, different areas have different levels of hardness of water. That is why experts recommend water softener system installation from Aquasoft, the leader among water treatment specialists in Kent.
The Importance of Regular Maintenance for Your Water Softener Purifier
You might not be aware of this, but the water softener purifier is what stands between the hard water in your incoming water supply and every device in your home. It serves as your first line of protection against the multiple problems that hard water can bring about.
Consider this: Hard water is significantly more likely to cause long-term damage to any equipment in your home that uses water, including showers, faucets, washing machines, and even water purifiers or filters. They will either have a shorter lifespan or cost more to maintain.
Like every appliance installed in homes, even the water softener system repair is necessary to ensure the optimal performance of the equipment.
We at Aquasoft, the leading water treatment specialist company in Kent, provide the best-in-class water softener repairs that not only are affordable, but are also available at your service whenever you need them.
Having water softener system repair is necessary for your health, as the consumption of hard water has negative implications on the overall health of individuals as it often leads to the rise of problems such as hair fall, skin irritation, and much more.
The Health Benefits of Using a Water Softener Purifier in Your Daily Life
Ion exchange is the basis for how water softeners—also referred to as whole-house water softeners—work. In this, sodium ions are used to replace the calcium and magnesium ions that cause water to become hard. Usually, this is achieved by putting them through a resin bed that contains sodium ions. 
Because sodium ions do not cause water to become hard, the water that is filtered is soft and suitable for use in your home. That is why it is recommended to contact the professionals at Aquasoft to undergo water softener system installation.
Although underutilized, water softeners might be your best ally when dealing with hard water. It has never been simpler to safeguard your household appliances and health from hard water. Invest in the best water softener from Aquasoft today to guard your family.
You can be confident that you will have the option of purchasing water softeners on sale, supported by our industry-leading customer service and support since we are the only installer in Kent permitted to offer Ecowater, Harvey, and Kinetico equipment.
So how about planning your visit to Aquasoft today and placing an order for the best-in-class water softeners!!
For more Info :-
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trywonderx · 1 year
What is the best way to remove rust on metal? - Trywonderx
When it comes to removing rust on metal, nothing comes close to the effectiveness of Trywonderx. Whether you have rusty nuts, bolts or an old antique, you can count on Trywonderx to make them look like new again. Not only is it easy to use and safe on most metals, but it also offers a money back guarantee so you know you're getting the best product for your money. Get rid of rust fast and easy with Trywonderx!
There are a few methods for removing rust from metal surfaces, but the best way to remove it depends on the severity of the rust and the type of metal. Best Way to Remove Rust on Metal  Some common methods include using salt, vinegar, lemon, or oil; using a propane torch; using a wire brush; or using a sandpaper-like material.
Best way to remove rust on metal
There are several methods you can use to remove rust on metal, depending on the severity of the rust and the type of metal involved. Here are some effective methods:
Using a wire brush or sandpaper: For mild rust, you can use a wire brush or sandpaper to scrub the rust off the metal surface. Be sure to wear gloves and protective eyewear, and work in a well-ventilated area.
Soaking in vinegar: Soaking the rusted metal in white vinegar for several hours or overnight can help dissolve the rust. After soaking, use a wire brush or sandpaper to scrub off any remaining rust.
Using a rust remover: You can purchase a commercial rust remover, which usually contains an acid or other rust-dissolving chemicals. Follow the instructions on the product carefully, as these products can be caustic and require protective gear.
Electrolysis: Electrolysis is a method that uses an electrical current to remove rust from metal. This method is effective for heavily rusted metal objects. You can find detailed instructions for this process online.
Regardless of the method you choose, be sure to thoroughly clean and dry the metal surface after removing the rust to prevent further rusting.
What is rust?
Rust is a common problem that affects metallic objects, especially those exposed to moisture and air. It forms when iron or steel reacts with oxygen in the presence of water or moisture. Rusting can weaken the structure of metals, resulting in costly repairs or replacement. If you are dealing with rust on metal objects, it's essential to understand what it is and how to remove it effectively.
The best way to remove rust on metal depends on the severity of the rust and the type of metal you are working with. For light surface rust, using a wire brush or sandpaper can be effective. However, for heavily corroded surfaces, more aggressive methods such as chemical treatments may be necessary. 
What causes rust on metal?
Rust on metal is caused by a chemical reaction between iron, oxygen, and water, known as oxidation. Best Way to Remove Rust on Metal The process of rusting can occur when the metal is exposed to the atmosphere and moisture, which can lead to the formation of iron oxide, a reddish-brown substance commonly known as rust.
The oxidation process starts when water molecules come into contact with iron in the presence of oxygen. The iron atoms lose electrons and become positively charged ions, while the oxygen atoms gain electrons and become negatively charged ions. This creates a chemical reaction that produces iron oxide, which weakens the metal and causes it to crumble or flake off.
The rate of rusting can vary depending on factors such as the quality of the metal, the amount of moisture and oxygen present, and the temperature. Rust can also spread quickly, so it's important to take measures to prevent its formation, such as applying protective coatings or keeping metal objects dry.
How to remove rust from metal?
Rust can be a frustrating and unsightly problem for anyone who works with metal. Whether it's an old bike, a car or a set of tools, rust can quickly turn your prized possession into junk. Best Way to Remove Rust on Metal Fortunately, there are plenty of options available when it comes to removing rust from metal.
One of the most effective ways to remove rust from metal is to use a combination of baking soda and water. This simple solution is great for tackling small patches of rust on items such as tools or kitchen utensils. Best Way to Remove Rust on Metal Simply mix the baking soda and water together until you have created a thick paste, then apply this paste directly onto the rusted area.
In conclusion, Trywonderx is the perfect solution for removing rust from metal surfaces. It is fast and effective, and it does not require any scrubbing or soaking. Plus, it is easy to use and safe to use around water. So if you are looking for a fast and effective way to remove rust from your metal items, then Trywonderx is the perfect solution for you!
Phone Number: 020 - 2606 1530Location: Suprabha Corporate House, 373, Somwar Peth, Pune - 411 001, India
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drinkprime · 1 year
Water Purifier Vs Water Softener- What's the Difference
A ready reckoner to answer all your FAQs on water purifier vs water softener.
Pure, clean water is the lifeline of any household. Apart from drinking, water is necessary for a plethora of everyday activities, from bathing and cooking to cleaning your house and watering plants. You may be diligent about ensuring that your drinking water is clean and safe from contaminants, by investing in a water purifier.  The water you use for other chores around your house, may not garner so much of your attention.  
A majority of Indian cities get access to only hard water through their taps. This leads to unsightly white patches on utensils, kitchen and bathroom tiles. This may even show up in the form of skin irritation and hair fall. With multiple jargon and processes floating around in the water solutions world, it is natural to be confused between a water purifier and a water softener. In this article, we attempt to address all the common doubts regarding the same.
What is Hard Water?
What exactly does the term hard water mean? In simple terms, water that contains a high accumulation of minerals like calcium and magnesium is known as hard water. A water purifier alone will not help with hard water problems. There are mainly two methods of water supply; municipal water supply and borewell water. Municipal water supply is usually processed to make it fit for consumption. So, in most cases, water available through municipal supply tends to be soft water, free of contaminants and dissolved minerals. The other is a borewell supply, which pumps water directly from the ground. This is not treated and may contain contaminants and minerals, making it hard.
If you notice a white patina-like residue on your vessels and scales on your tiles, chances are that the water you have access to is hard water. The soap or washing powder you use to clean these, reacts with the calcium and magnesium, resulting in  unattractive and stubborn residues. While hard water is not exactly dangerous, it can cause skin irritations and hair fall and also lead to ugly stains which may be frustrating to deal with, on a daily basis. Hard water can also form deposits inside appliances like washing machines, water heaters etc and shorten their lifespan. To help alleviate these problems, a water softener will have to be used, as a water purifier will not soften water.
What is a water softener and how does it work?
A water softener, in its simplest sense, removes calcium and magnesium deposits from the water and ‘softens’ it. This will prevent scale build-up in your pipes, and tiles. Your skin irritations and hair fall may be reduced to a large extent. This will also ensure that your appliances last much longer. One of the most tried and tested ways of water softening is through a process called ion exchange. 
In this method, the hard water passes through resin beads, which contain negatively charged ions. These attract the positively charged ions of calcium and magnesium in the hard water and bind them to themselves. This makes the water mineral free, thus softening it. 
What is a water purifier and how does it work?
The water that is available from water sources may contain contaminants like parasites and bacteria. These are harmful when consumed and may lead to deadly diseases. A water purifier removes these harmful contaminants and makes the water clean and safe for human consumption. Unlike a water softener, a water purifier involves multiple stages of filtration to filter out impurities, heavy metals, pathogens etc. 
Physical filtration weeds out dust, dirt etc while chemical filtration deals with impurities invisible to the naked eye like bacteria, viruses, dissolved solids, pesticides etc. The most commonly used process of water purification is through a method called reverse osmosis. In this process, water is pushed through a semipermeable membrane by applying pressure. The contaminants are flushed away leaving behind safe clean water. 
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What is the difference between a water softener and a water purifier?
Water purifiers and softeners are two different things and cannot be used interchangeably. While a purifier filters out contaminants, impurities, it does not soften water. It may use carbon filtration, reverse osmosis and UV filtration to remove dirt, impurities, sediments, dissolved solids and pathogens. It improves the smell and taste of filtered water. But a water purifier for hard water problems is not a good idea. 
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A water softener uses a different treatment process which changes hard water to soft water, but does not remove contaminants. While hard water by itself is not dangerous, it may cause scale build-up as well as skin and hair problems. So a water softener helps to combat  these issues. A water softener on the other hand will not remove contaminants from the water and so cannot replace a water purifier  in this respect. 
Do I Need a Water Filter If I Have a Water Softener?
If the water quality in your area is very hard, a water softener will help you solve problems related to scaling and residue, help with skin and hair problems and may even improve the longevity and efficient working of your appliances. But unfortunately, that is where the prowess of a water softener ends. 
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A water softener cannot remove the lethal contaminants and dissolved chemicals and pathogens which can potentially cause you harm when consumed regularly. Only a water purifier can help you do that. So investing in a water purifier is essential for maintaining the health of the whole family, as it makes the water clean and safe for drinking. A better taste and odor is an added bonus.
Why a Water Filter is Better than a Water Softener
As we have seen, a water filter and a water softener address two completely different issues and cannot be used interchangeably. It is ideal to use both if the water quality in your area is poor. If however, you have to choose between the two, a water filter will be a better bet. This is because although it cannot soften water, it can remove all the impurities and potentially harmful contaminants thus ensuring  that you have access to safe, clean drinking water. A water softener on the other hand can only tackle the calcium and magnesium deposits and soften the water. It cannot remove any sort of contaminants. 
Hard water, although it has numerous issues related to it, like scaling as well as skin and hair problems, is not as dangerous as contaminated water. So, the first thing you must do is to make sure that the water that you and your family drink are safe and free from pollutants. A water filter is your best bet for this.
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The first step, before deciding on any water-based solution, is to get your water tested by a professional. Depending on the water quality you can then take an informed choice as to the water solution best suited to your needs. 
Water purifiers and water softeners should not be confused with each other and should not be used interchangeably. They address different problems. A water softener cannot assure safe drinking water just like a water purifier cannot give soft water. So, take an informed decision after consulting a certified water professional service.
Source: Water Purifier Vs Water Softener- What's the Difference
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riceblackwell81 · 1 year
Are You Solar Generator Power Station The Fitting Way? These 5 Tips Will Help You Answer
Since 2013 China has been the world's leading installer of photo voltaic photovoltaics (PV). They are often processed from liquid solution, providing the potential for a simple roll-to-roll printing process, probably leading to inexpensive, giant-scale manufacturing. However, CSP can extra simply retailer energy in the course of the evening, making it extra aggressive with dispatchable generators and baseload plants. Current cell efficiencies are, nevertheless, very low, and practical gadgets are primarily non-existent. This size inverter can be used with a large amount of different sized electrical devices. It powered camp lights, shower, toaster, charged multiple devices and ran an electric blanket in a single day. Through the day, further power that your system produces however doesn’t use gets despatched again into the electric grid that everybody shares. In 2014, researchers at California NanoSystems Institute discovered utilizing kesterite and perovskite improved electric energy conversion effectivity for photo voltaic cells. These lightweight, flexible cells can be produced in bulk at a low value and might be used to create power generating windows. It can be mounted on the wall of the garage by a screw-like hook that's there to help the handle.
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Easy Outdoor Life- Light And Compact Generator, It’S Easily Portable And Light In Its Class At Just 6.6 Lbs And 5” Wide And 8” Tall, With A straightforward-Carry Handle For easy Travel. Even gentle cirrus clouds cut back this to 50%, stronger cirrus clouds to 40%. Thus the solar power arriving on the floor with the solar instantly overhead can range from 550 W/m2 with cirrus clouds to 1025 W/m2 with a transparent sky. Thus photo voltaic power which is available in daylight solely is used to generate electricity spherical the clock on demand as a load following power plant or solar peaker plant. This process significantly improves light to electricity conversion effectivity, due to elevated mild absorption. Upconversion course of occurs when two infrared photons are absorbed by rare-earth ions to generate a (excessive-power) absorbable photon. Adding an external infrared pumping source to excite intraband and interband transition of QDs is one other answer. However, the absorption of quantum dots (QDs) in QDSCs is weak at room temperature. The plasmonic nanoparticles might be utilized to handle the weak absorption of QDs (e.g., nanostars).
The glasshouse creates a protected surroundings to withstand the elements that can negatively impact reliability and effectivity of the solar thermal system. Fred Hoyle elaborated on this premise by arguing that developed stars referred to as purple giants created many elements heavier than hydrogen and helium in their cores. Crates of valuables may prove to include rare radioactive parts or Easter Island heads, or in some instances, "completely nothing". can you overcharge a solar battery enabled researchers to seek out out the place these particles are accelerated and to what energies. It is a good assist to these previous individuals on the market who cannot discover someone to assist anytime there tire is down and maybe they have waist ache so they can't bend. The good thing about this strategy is that-though it’s easy to do it fallacious, overwhelming the consumer with unwanted features-if done proper, it's going to make an software interesting for much more folks than an usually overly simplistic MVP product would. Get it and also you won't say had I known? Usually, solar panels are given a lifespan of 25-30 years earlier than they get decommissioned.
The objects formed by accretion are referred to as planetesimals-they act as seeds for planet formation. Crater counts give an vital estimate for the age of the floor of a planet. That they continue to happen is evidenced by the collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter in 1994, the 2009 Jupiter impression occasion, the Tunguska occasion, the Chelyabinsk meteor and the affect that created Meteor Crater in Arizona. The impact was in all probability the final within the series of mergers that formed the Earth. Solar generators are a gorgeous power source for people who have concerned concerning the influence of petrol generators on the surroundings. Some individuals want the perfect a hundred and twenty volt air compressor whose chance to disappoint is zero. Proceed to the compressor unit which may inflate a standard tire in some minutes and check if it is as described. Our professional art division can work on any decision and any dimension, and re-size accordingly. This work advantages not just from sturdy funding-NTU scientists drew over S$587 million in grants in 2019-20-but additionally funding from companies like Temasek, which is moving numerous NTU research packages into business development.
In addition, there may be evidence that bifacial panels work higher than traditional panels in snowy environments - as bifacials on dual-axis trackers made 14% extra electricity in a 12 months than their monofacial counterparts and 40% in the course of the peak winter months. Venus shows no evidence of active plate tectonics. The lively area of an natural machine consists of two supplies, one electron donor and one electron acceptor. They used block copolymers, self-assembling organic supplies that arrange themselves into distinct layers. Energy conversion efficiencies achieved thus far utilizing conductive polymers are very low in comparison with inorganic supplies. Powered by a Heavy Duty 457cc Westinghouse 4-Stroke OHV Engine Featuring a long-Lasting Cast Iron Sleeve With Automatic Low Oil Shutdown and Digital Hour Meter. Luque and Marti first derived a theoretical restrict for an IB machine with one midgap power level using detailed balance. With this AmazonBasics portable battery charger which is about as massive as a bank card, you may effortlessly charge your smartphone, tablet, or different portable system quickly and conveniently - from anywhere.
We Cannot Guarantee For Any Heating Products Because The moment Power Could also be Much Higher Than The Rated Power When They are Working, It Could also be Far Exceeding The one hundred Watts That Our Power Station Can Power.. Global mining may adapt and probably develop for sourcing the wanted minerals which fluctuate per type of photo voltaic cell. This kind of cell permits more versatile use of supplies and is often manufactured by display printing or ultrasonic nozzles, with the potential for decrease processing costs than these used for bulk photo voltaic cells. Solar cells are manufactured in volume in Japan, Germany, China, Taiwan, Malaysia and the United States, whereas Europe, China, the U.S., and Japan have dominated (94% or extra as of 2013) in put in systems. With 50 amps of available alternating current these dc to ac energy inverter are ideal to be used backup power supplies for off grid systems. International Energy Agency - Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme. The International Renewable Energy Agency estimated that the amount of solar panel electronic waste generated in 2016 was 43,500-250,000 metric tons. The first Solar panel recycling plant opened in Rousset, France in 2018. It was set to recycle 1300 tonnes of photo voltaic panel waste a year, and might enhance its capability to 4000 tonnes.
The primary commercial shipment of DSSC solar modules occurred in July 2009 from G24i Innovations. As of September 2018, sixty % of the world's solar photovoltaic modules were made in China. In 2014, Malaysia was the world's third largest manufacturer of photovoltaics equipment, behind China and the European Union. In 2014, a system was developed that mixed an adaptive surface with a glass substrate that redirect the absorbed to a light absorber on the edges of the sheet. On the a part of the cell the place the light is most intense, the cell surface changes from reflective to adaptive, permitting the light to penetrate the cell. Together with anti-reflective coating, floor texturing method can successfully lure light rays within a thin movie silicon photo voltaic cell. High Performance And Handy Power Source: 151Wh (40800mAh) compact station is highly effective enough to fulfill different kinds of electricity calls for outdoor usage for house, travel, camping, backseat on long highway journeys.With a weight of 4.07lb and delicate handle, we are able to simply put it in our backpack or car, take to in every single place need power. Recycling solar panels could be a source for materials that would otherwise should be mined.
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are made of low-price supplies and don't need elaborate manufacturing tools, so they can be made in a DIY style. It is reported that multicrystalline photo voltaic cells could be surface-textured to yield solar vitality conversion effectivity comparable to that of monocrystalline silicon cells, through isotropic etching or photolithography techniques. After the metal contacts are made, the solar cells are interconnected by flat wires or steel ribbons, and assembled into modules or "solar panels". However, the strict necessities for cleanliness and high quality management of semiconductor fabrication are extra relaxed for solar cells, decreasing costs. The difficulty, however, is that the conversion effectivity of existing phosphors exhibiting up- or down-conversion is low, and is often narrow band. QD's dimension quantization permits for the band hole to be tuned by merely changing particle dimension. They found the maximum effectivity to be 63.2%, for a bandgap of 1.95eV with the IB 0.71eV from both the valence or conduction band. Furthermore, they discovered the recovery of excessive-worth silicon to be more advantageous than recovery of intact silicon wafers, with the previous still requiring design of purification processes for recovered silicon. Silicon nitride has progressively replaced titanium dioxide as the popular material, because of its excellent floor passivation qualities.
Such surfaces had been first utilized to single-crystal silicon, followed by multicrystalline silicon considerably later. A major highlight was the digicam developed at the institute for the ESA spacecraft Giotto which delivered the first images ever of a comet's nucleus in 1986. A specific problem was the development of numerous scientific devices for the ESA Mission Rosetta, equivalent to cameras, chemical analyzers, and essential parts for the landing module Philae. The recycling process embody a 3 step course of, module recycling, cell recycling and waste handling, to interrupt down Si modules and get better varied materials. 30% by elevating the module 1 m above the ground and enhancing the bottom albedo coefficient to 50%. Sun et al. It's measured on a horizontal floor with radiation coming from all factors within the sky excluding circumsolar radiation (radiation coming from the solar disk). As an example, in 2019 via wet-chemically etched nanowires and a hydrophobic coating on the floor water droplets might remove 98% of dust particles, which could also be especially relevant for purposes in the desert. Wang, Y.-M.; Lean, J. L.; Sheeley, N. R. (May 2005). "Modeling the Sun's Magnetic Field and Irradiance since 1713". The Astrophysical Journal. Zhang, Xiaojing; Huang, Jiangchuan; Wang, Tong; Huo, Zhuoxi (18-22 March 2019). ZhengHe - A Mission to a Near-Earth Asteroid and a Main Belt Comet (PDF).
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5 Benefits of using an Ionic Hair Blow Dryer
Most of us own a simple hair blow dryer, but thanks to technological advancements, we have come a long way in the hairstyling sector. After washing the hair, it was simply a heater that blew hot air into the hair to dry it, but Ion technology can now do much more. Advances in hair dryer technology may have made selecting a hair blow dryer difficult. Continue reading for more information.
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What exactly is "Ionic Technology"?
Ionic appliances produce finer results by interacting with what is on your hair rather than the hair itself. Ions occur naturally in the hair, and their positive charge can cause frizz and volume. Advanced hair blow dryers are integrated with Ionic Technology, which provides additional positively charged ions for volume and negatively charged ions for a smooth and shining professional finish.
 Positive ionic charges from open cuticles and hair follicles usually cause curly hair. Offering negatively charged ions neutralises the effect of frizz, giving you a smoother look.
The Advantages of an Ionic Hair Blow Dryer
An ionic hairdryer will give your hair a salon-like sheen. The modern ionic salon hair dryers include a cutting-edge electric airflow motor that promotes speedy drying and reduces heat damage.
The following are some of the advantages of utilising an Ionic hair blow dryer and air styler:
 1. Faster drying times
Ion technology can break down water particles in wet hair, causing the water to evaporate quickly and shortening the drying time. This method is so effective that utilising an ionic hair blow dryer can cut drying time in half.
2. Aid in the prevention of hair damage
Ion dryers are gentle on hair. They use less heat than traditional blow dryers, and their extensive drying times ensure that your hair is not blown away by hot air any more than required.
3. Reduce Frizz and Static
People with curly hair benefit from negative ions. Ion technology eliminates static electricity and tightens the cuticle for a smooth, lustrous, non-curly finish.
4. Silky, soft hair
These ingenious small negative ions also retain water, making your hair look and feel smooth. Ionic dryers also help to reduce hair surface tension, making it less likely to become tangled.
5. Compact and long-lasting
Amarican Beauty Equipment’s hair dryers are smaller and lighter than typical hair dryers, making them convenient to use and great for travelling. They are more durable than non-ionic hair dryers because they are often manufactured with high-quality components that should endure for many years.
In conclusion
Some high-end, costly appliances that use materials like ceramics and tourmaline heat up faster than standard appliances.
The Amarican Beauty Equipment’s hair blow dryer is shown here in a tiny, lightweight, and travel-size form. It employs ionic technology to aid in the removal of annoying flyaways and frizz from at-home blowouts. It boasts a grip that fits securely in your palms, two heat settings for a completely personalised blowout, and a special nozzle that gives it a shinier and less-frizzy appearance.
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xinghaienergy · 2 years
What is the structure of a lithium ion cell?
Lithium ion cells have now become the mainstream of the market, so what is the structure of Lithium ion cells? Here Xinghai Energy tells you the answer.
Lithium ion cell are composed of four important parts: positive electrode, negative electrode, non-aqueous electrolyte and diaphragm. Among them, the positive electrode and negative electrode contain active electrode substances, conductive agents, binders, etc., which are evenly coated on the copper and aluminium foil collector fluid.
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1. Positive electrode
The positive electrode active substance is generally lithium manganate or lithium cobaltate, lithium nickel cobalt manganate materials, electric bicycles are commonly used lithium nickel cobalt manganate or ternary + a small amount of lithium manganate, pure lithium manganate and lithium iron phosphate are gradually fading out due to large size, poor performance or high cost. Conductive electrode fluids use electrolytic aluminium foil with a thickness of 10 - 20 microns.
2. Diaphragm
The diaphragm is a specially formed polymer film with a microporous structure that allows lithium ions to pass freely, but not electrons.
3.Negative electrode
The active material of the negative electrode is graphite, or carbon with a structure similar to graphite, and the conductive collector is an electrolytic copper foil of 7-15 microns thickness.
4.Non-aqueous electrolyte
The organic electrolyte has a lithium hexafluorophosphate carbonate solvent, while the polymeric one uses a gel electrolyte.
5. Battery casing
The battery casing is divided into steel, aluminium, nickel-plated iron), aluminium-plastic film, etc. There is also a battery cap, which is also the positive and negative lead end of the battery.
Lithium ion cell cathode potential is high, often embedded lithium transition metal oxide, or polyanionic compounds; lithium ion cell negative material is usually carbon materials; lithium ion cell electrolyte is important for non-aqueous solution, by organic mixed solvent and lithium salt composition, where the solvent is mostly carbonic acid and other organic solvents, lithium salt is mostly monovalent polyanionic lithium salts, such as lithium hexafluorophosphate; lithium ion cell diaphragm is mostly polyethylene, poly Polypropylene microporous film, to isolate the positive and negative material, to prevent electrons through the short circuit caused by, at the same time can let the electrolyte ions through the use of.
Xinghai Energy is a lithium ion cell manufacturer, all kinds of lithium ion cells for sale, if you want to order lithium ion cells wholesale, please call 86-19857259662 or 86-13718756298, e-mail [email protected], or log in to https://www.headway-lib.com/.
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