#warning: rant in tags
dollya-robinprotector · 2 months
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Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky~
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Inspired from This post of @just-dol-headshots and this ask from @hakusins. Don't worry I'm still aiming for your ass Haku-Dean :) References and something under the cut
We all have to agree Bully Robin should have some softer and caring sides. When there's only them two and no one else is around to judge, he can let loose and slip back into that kinda of "Original Robin" we know and I love. I mean, that's what JDOLH made that got me into these swap messes from the beginning jsjkhskjhd you knowww the HUG!!
Reference: Barbie Girl (Aqua) and this cute ecchi Clamp Chobit piece
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All in all I'm a pink bietch and Dollya won't be losing her V-card anytime soon that I can promise so hang in there okay mr.Bully.
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kami-kun1003 · 1 year
Sebek is mean to Silver but secretly cares about him so it’s ok ❌
Silver and Sebek have a very complicated relationship that goes deeper than just your generic tsundere “it’s not like I care about you” trope and has a lot of potential to be an interesting dynamic where they’re not exactly friends but can’t bring themselves to outright hate each other ✅
#warning: rant in tags#goddd i am so SICK of the ‘character A treats character B like garbage but they’re secretly in love🥺’ trope#this may sound like a stretch but it just feels like romanticizing toxic relationships#it CAN be good if its written well#like for example winter x moon from wof#but in silbek’s case its not.#almost all the diasomnia fics i read involves sebek being an ass towards silver for no reason#including the diafamily/silbek ones#and silver just accepts it because sebek is just Like That™️#i dont wanna be all ‘they have no chemistry so you shouldnt ship them’#bc i am all for shipping whatever you want aslong as its not gross or illegal#but silbek is just. it feels so toxic and its always written like its toxic#even when its not the author’s intent to present them that way#another good example of this kind of ship is kagehina from haikyuu#in the fics kageyama constantly calls his bf ‘dumbass’ and other derogatory terms in a negative way#this is seen as ‘cute’ and people love to make him toxic and borderline abusive towards hinata#i doubt sebek is THAT bad but he would still be pretty bad in my opinion#i like their dynamic because it has lots of interesting and cool potential#but ppl are obsessed with romance and often water down sebek’s negative traits#to him being an insecure tsundere which somehow excuses all his actions and behavior#tldr: i dont like silbek and it seems like such an unhealthy ship#and it would be much better off platonic imo#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#twst silver#sebek zigvolt#diasomnia#silver x sebek#silbek
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igohungryforlove · 3 months
help i love the little sad @n@ meals people make- like ah yes boiled egg whites and a piece of unseasoned broccoli.. scrumptious-
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skinnycaffine · 9 months
God if I lost weight like I lose my money
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poppiesforthirteen · 7 months
"It's a shame you're not a woman anymore, cause she would have understood." Do you think Thirteen knew anything about letting go. Until the bittersweet end she had her claws dug in everything she could grab
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svramblrdegg · 3 months
My scale broke so I can’t measure myself anymore. I think I’m gonna go crazy…
And I can’t ask my parents to buy another one because I think they’ll get suspicious of me.
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Ewwww I literally hate food that shit is like a toxic relationship
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igohungryforlove · 3 months
you see a worm, wyd
depends on what kind of worm, if its a tapeworm im downing that shit faster then a super model
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cupcakedolly · 5 months
me feeling faint and dizzy after 🌟 ving:
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svramblrdegg · 3 months
100% sure my life would be easier if I was skinny. People treat you nicer when you’re thin and people actually think you’re pretty. The idea of being skinny makes me smile inside and out. Please let me get what I want for once.
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isasan347 · 3 months
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magpie-lu-aside · 1 month
What are some songs that you guys associate with the chain/specific LU characters? I want to expand mine (cuz it's mostly Four and Time) for when I write fics, but I'm also just genuinely curious.....
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r0siesblogg · 5 months
Just a reminder I lost 15 pounds just by barely eating and walking a lot <3 it’s doable 🖤🦇
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igohungryforlove · 3 months
the people in my class where comparing how much weight theyve lost and my teacher goes "well i lost 20lbs but you cant see it because in still fat" (real tho) and a student goes "woah thats so much :0" ..i had to hold back my tounge from saying i lost 64lbs from starving myself and forcefully throwing up-
im still a fat bitch but im not medically obese anymore so we ball 😎
(manifesting i finally reach my Gw by summer, 25lbs to go🕯️🕯️ 🕯️)
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ph1lophob1c · 8 months
Damn fighting with people makes it really fucking easy to st•rve
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crowleyholmes · 9 months
Guys help I think Crowley is possessing me I am very suddenly overcome by such a WAVE of love for Aziraphale????
I mean I've always loved him but Jesus Christ it just got turned up to 100 suddenly I mean he's just so GOOD isn't he???!!!
He's so kind and he's so nice and he's so PRETTY I mean have you seen him in his little outfit with the comfortable-old-couch waistcoat he refuses to ever take off and the silly little bowtie he thinks is so stylish and you know it actually KIND OF IS but ONLY on him??!?! and that beige coat that suits him so well and he just looks so well put together and also so soft and cozy at the same time like HAVE YOU SEEN HIM???
And he's so gentle and he's so full of love for everyone and everything and he always tries So Hard to do the right thing... and he's so ready to change his mind about what The Right Thing is when he is presented with new information like that is such a rare trait!
And he's so FUN, you know all his weird little hobbies I mean who collects old prophecy books and misprinted bibles ONLY this weirdo!! And he's so obsessed with silly little magic tricks that aren't even magic at all when he could very easily do real magic instead but noooo, making people think you're doing real magic when your Not Actually doing real magic is so much more fun apparently idk??? And he collects licenses (shooting guns, driving cars, literally who knows what else, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if my guy knew how to scuba dive and fly a plane), and he learned French the hard way just because?? He likes learning I guess?? And he's so bad at it, it's so silly it's Infuriating but it's also so endearing he's taking such JOY in it!!
And maybe you'd THINK that's all he is, sweet little goofball, but no!!!! Beneath all that soft exterior, this very intentionally soft and fun and kind exterior that he's carefully cultivated for millennia, he's also so incredibly brave. I think about how he was ready to face the thing he feared the most, to save three innocent kids. He was so ready to give up everything he had, fall from grace and spend eternity in hell, just so these kids could live. Just so that family would be spared the grief. Just so they could have a few more short years of human happiness. He lied to his boss for justice and he lied to GOD for justice and he somehow got away with it who does that??? AZIRAPHALE IS WHO. And he Never backs down did you see him pick up his little sword at almost-Armageddon when Lucifer himself rose from hell to end it all and my angel was ready to fight Satan Himself if he had to HELLO???
And then he blew up his halo and casually declared war on hell to save two humans and his former boss and his bookshop what a fucking badass!!?!?
And have I mentioned how pretty he is yes I have but it's worth mentioning again because have you seen his eyes?? Color of the fucking sky, they are, and his nose is so perfectly shaped and his stupid lips with his stupid cupid's bow, and his hair!! Is just so Damn soft it's and I just want to watch him be himself and do his thing but I also want to HOLD him and protect him and keep him safe from everything because if anything ever happened to him I-... UGH.
I don't KNOW.
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