#vis. \  …      †    a boy in a mask ‚ ic.
killshope · 2 years
`lt. \ … † stranger things ‚ ic.`
ben is 29 , he moves into town not long after will returns and the news of barb’s death gets out . working in the fbi as a research expert (thanks to his family connections , mother in administration & father in undercover field work) he decides to move to hawkins and join a crew looking to track the ecosystem in hawkins. 
taking on a new moniker and station, he moves into hawkins as kylo ren , working 'with' local fish and game specializing in natural disasters . this makes him privy to many conversations post pumpkin / crop disaster in hawkins as well as during the earthquake . he is not force sensitive or special in this au . 
his skills are purely learned such as his talent for hand writing analysis , interrogation and environmental work . he lives in a suburb not far from the wheelers after housing began to open up with people moving. when the creel murders pop up, he’s especially interested in tracking down the truth and makes himself known around town as a bit of a trouble maker [especially by the government and lab employees].
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
Maribat and Other Crossovers Works Masterlist
One Shots
Damian Wayne, the Sy-on Boy | AO3
Pledge Myself to You | AO3
Remembrance | AO3
The Perfect Blend | AO3
Camellia japonica | AO3
Aime Trent | AO3
The Bird Who Cried Coffee | AO3
Fox DCW: The Birth of Inari | AO3
The Assistant Poser | AO3
Maid for Each Other | AO3
One True Three | AO3
Cloudburst | AO3
Reunions | AO3
Petals of You | AO3
Sketching Strangers
Menace | AO3
Secrets, Masks, and Family Gatherings | AO3
A Real One for Christmas | AO3
It's Just Me, You, and the Cosmos | AO3
The Apple Doesn't Fall Far | AO3
Double Lives | AO3
Chaptered Works
Fox DCW (Tumblr Only)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Rebirth (continuation of Remembrance) | AO3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Proximal Universe | AO3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Heirs Apparent (a DP x DC x MLB story) | AO3
Part I: A Message Has Arrived
Part II: Back in the Demon's Den
Part III: The Consequences of Her Visit
Part IV: Secrets, Thrice Divulged
Part V-1: Fight for the Throne: First Kill
Part V-2: Fight for the Throne: Obsession
Part V-3: Fight for the Throne: Dreams
Part V-4: Fight for the Throne: Battle
Part V-5: Fight for the Throne: Babysitting Bat
Part VI-1: Escapism: Overshadowing and Intangibility
No, Mr. Wayne, You Can't Adopt Me! | AO3
Part 1: in which Tim Drake tries to propose to the PA
Part 2: in which Damian Wayne wakes up to an odd breakfast
Part 3: in which Jason Todd is saved from a catfish
Part 4: in which a boy becomes jealous of his niece
Part 5: in which Marinette Dupain-Cheng is behind schedule
Part 6: in which he orders a strawberry lemonade and peach iced tea
Part 7: in which Marinette gets a new career: making Lex Luthor's life an absolute hell
Part 8: in which Bruce is not the only aspiring Marinette-adopter
Part 9: in which nights are spent, kisses are missed, secrets are laid out
Part 10: in which Marinette Dupain-Cheng submits her resignation
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Dead | AO3
Part 1: a perfect day
Part 2: a girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Part 3: the list
Part 4: about the Paris Mademoiselle
Part 5: on the sixteenth of April
Part 6: lost
Part 7: the heroes of Paris
Soul-Stitching: The Heir and the Guardian | AO3
Hey, if you like my works, you can support me on Ko-fi :3
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ohmeadows · 10 months
what are some of your favorite and/or most unhinged kafhime thoughts?
oh boy let's seeeee. and also caveat of course these are my own headcanons but i'm not going to fight to the death for them and eventually i'm sure they too will change. it's just fun!
so kafka is into fragile things right. but the real thrill of something being fragile and ephemeral is the fear we have to contend with at losing it, at watching it be destroyed and crumble. take the fear away and it's not the same. and that's kafka in a nutshell, right, she lacks the fear component. having fear again would make her truly appreciate the fragility of everything withering around her. the fragility of love.
i think kafka is very empathic just not in the regular degular sense. again, lack of fear, so she feels empathy but without the fear that tinges our social conventions compelling her to extend it beyond those she considers near her. and it expresses itself in ways others would find gross, i guess, like how she quarantines blade's mind and senses to keep his mara contained. you can be empathic without being soft-hearted or overly friendly.
both kafka and himeko are very sure of who they are as people and aren't seeking validation of themselves in the other. it makes slowburn extra great in my opinion. himeko doesn't need kafka, strictly speaking, and vice versa. that calm self-confidence and self-assurance is why i see them as being more middle-aged, like they've been around, they have tested themselves, they have done the work and resolved a lot of issues. well, at least himeko has. and so them being together becomes a choice, a curiosity, a kind of... dance towards something.
i think kafka falls in love first, and himeko way later. himeko keeps a lot to herself, she's travelled for a while and has said a lot of goodbyes. it's not that she is an ice queen but she is reserved in letting others close.
i think a lot about her casualness on jarilo-vi. she worried very little about the trailblazers on the ground. she seems a bit more blasé about dangers than i initially assumed and the way she shrugs off kafka's repeated interferences in the keeping up with star rail was so funny. she's got this sense of direction heading forward and kafka loves the chase to keep up with her. himeko comes out on top a lot and it has kafka coming back for more.
also, corny maybe but their dates would 1. be mostly arranged by kafka, 2. extremely over the top romantic. think candlelit dinners in a gazebo with soft rain outside. think orchestral concerts with box seats. think invitation-only masked balls. (especially the bigger functions are all about slipping away for quiet moments just the two of them. the contrast.) do these dates impress himeko? nope. she finds something to critique and kafka finds that so endearing.
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byakkomaruu · 2 years
head-canons [sfw/nsfw] - brahms heelshire
nsfw head-canons below the cut.
gender-neutral reader; no pronouns used.
warnings - swearing, switch!brahms, hinted predator play(?), somnophilia, voyeurism (typical), hinted phone sex(?), sadism, hinted bondage, choking, begging, lingerie, brahms is rough and borderline violent at times(?), size kink, hinted shower sex.
i. after revealing himself to you, he doesn't often use the child voice. it's usually to taunt you when he gets bored and feels like leading you through a goose chase through the heelshire estate. sometimes he uses it to make you laugh, or just because brahms is a little shit.
ii. if he doesn't ask for a kiss goodnight (or just kisses in general), something is wrong and there is a disturbance in the force.
iii. despite his colossal stature, he moves around the manor very quietly. life in the walls taught him the language of silence. it's very hard to hear his footsteps. since you won't always hear him coming, expect to be spooked often, even if he doesn't mean to scare you.
iv. he hates malcolm. sure, malcolm is the one that brings the food, but brahms is very clingy, and he obviously can't be with you when the grocery boy is around. if malcolm is here, brahms is most definitely watching. he refuses to leave you alone with malcolm, even though the other man means purely business.
v. he would definitely eat stuff like nutella or marshmallow fluff straight from their jars. very few condiments of those kinds don't have sloppy excavation lines from brahms taking a fork or spoon through them. ice cream is absolutely included, but that one's a given.
vi. brahms hangs onto his mask like a lifeline. once every blue moon will he take it off around you. he trusts you, sure, but the porcelain face brings him comfort.
vii. if he cut your hair in your sleep before revealing himself to you, he will try to return it to you at one point, like a cat bringing a dead rodent to its owner as a little present. you obviously won't take it back, but the gesture is nice... right?
viii. he would let you do anything to him; he absolutely adores you. wanna paint his nails? sure, but make sure he actually lets them dry. wanna cut or style his hair? he won't like sitting still for long periods of time but play with his hair a little bit and he's sold!
ix. when he wants to be alone, for whatever reason, he will retreat back to the catacombs of the manor. however, he won't be completely gone: if you call out to him, he will make himself known by knocking on the walls to let you know he's still around. he's never too far behind.
x. he loves helping you cook. he won't often involve himself in chores unless you ask for his help, but in the kitchen, he's always there, grasping at various things and wondering how he can help you with whatever you're making. his two main motivators: you and fresh, warm meals-- he will never go back to cold or microwaved leftovers again. beware, though: he will lick the spoon and taste everything, whether it tastes good or not. he has yet to learn his lesson after he tried to eat a spoonful of straight cocoa powder.
xi. speaking of food, he hates spicy things. if you're eating super spicy stuff, brahms will look at you like you're the crazy one. he will never understand how on god's green earth you can tolerate it. it's one of the few kinds of foods that brahms despises. alongside pickles. he hates pickles as well and i don't accept criticism.
xii. brahms is really intelligent. probably smarter than you, no offense. he's definitely not patient enough for things like puzzles or math equations, though. he'll only really do stuff like that if you're there with him; he doesn't care about whatever it is, he's just clingy as shit.
xiii. there's no hiding spots for you, no little nooks or places you can put things so brahms won't find them. he'll find them eventually.
xiv. brahms is a very light sleeper. there's no sneaking away from him, especially if he's sleeping in bed with you. if you toss and turn, he'll grab you and hold you close so he can actually get some rest (also, he's one of those freaks that sleeps on his back, live with it).
xv. if you like to dance to a song you listen to, try getting brahms to join in! you'll have to lead him around by holding his hands and pulling him along. he has no idea what the fuck you're doing, and he isn't the biggest fan of your taste in music, he's just following you along while he watches you sway and swing to the rhythm. his movements as he follows you are very awkward and bashful-- yes, he will step on your shoes, and it will hurt like a bitch --but he's got the spirit! :D
xvi. he has a massive size kink (no pun intended). standing well over six feet tall, he very much enjoys towering over you, even if he's not the one in control. however, there's a voice in his head that tells him how fragile your neck must be.
xvii. please god do not think he has poor hygiene just because he borderline had no choice. he doesn't mind showers or baths but would gladly them with you. he won't keep his hands to himself, though, fair warning.
xviii. he hates teasing of any sort. if you crack open a dictionary to find the definition for the word impatient, brahms' picture only isn't there because he was too short-tempered to deal with turning it in. if pissing him off is something you want to do, tie him down somewhere and give him a show! listen, he's a voyeur at heart, but he hates being forced to sit and watch when he is right there next to you.
xix. want some exercise? play hide and seek or let brahms chase you through the manor! it's a great thrill for him. most of the time, he will beat you though, and he always insists on a reward for his victory (hint hint, wink wink, nudge nudge).
xx. sometimes after sex, mostly when he plays the dominant role at the time, he'll steal your underwear. yeah, he doesn't need to since you're his now and you can just give them to him if he asks, but what's the fun in that? he does return them... eventually.
xxi. another big kink of his is somno, for either of you. when he wakes you up with his face between your legs, he'll start apologizing to you once he realizes you're awake, telling you that he couldn't resist and that he's sorry for disturbing your slumber, but he won't stop unless you make him. if you wake him by, for example, sucking his cock, you have until he fully wakes up to have your fun: he takes it as an invitation.
xxii. good lord do not let malcolm call you, brahms will most definitely pull some shit. or do! brahms will pitch a fit if you really need to talk to malcolm, and if you chase the masked man off so you can speak with the grocery boy, he'll make sure you can't walk afterwards. yeah, good luck talking to malcolm if your voice is raspy and weak. :D
xxiii. kisses. everywhere. he especially loves marking up your neck, legs, and wrists. as much as he wants to, he knows he can't leave anything in a place you can't hide it (fuck you, malcolm).
xxiv. toys are definitely on the table. at first, he hated them almost as much as malcolm-- how dare you even consider a plastic device over him --but when you introduce them to him, he changes his mind completely. get him a few for himself, he'd definitely enjoy them when he can't get ahold of you.
xxv. if you're into choking, good news!: the first time he ever choked you, he got really into it. his hand was exploring your chest as he fucked you against your mattress, and when you grabbed his wrist and moved his hand up to grab your throat, you could hear an alarmed gasp from beneath his porcelain mask. you almost passed out and you had to let him know when to stop so he doesn't actually hurt you, but he is so ungodly into choking you if you introduce it to him.
xxvi. the first time he ever fucked you was his first. he's not stupid or clueless; he just hasn't interacted with anyone face-to-face aside for his parents in twenty years. when he first put his cock inside you, he was very quickly thrown into an internal battle between pounding into you without giving you a chance to breathe or stopping to give himself a chance to savor this feeling to keep himself from cumming too quickly. you created a monster, good luck!
xxvii. brahms' sex drive is so ungodly high; it isn't even funny. he is so down to fuck 24/7 it is mental. it is also incredibly easy to get him hard, too, take notes. this motherfucker needs a leash and a muzzle to behave, good lord.
xxviii. if you think you're able to masturbate alone, you're dead wrong, brahms is most likely watching you in silence (he's a voyeur at heart, everyone). the moment he hears you cry out his name, it's game over: he also thinks of this as an invitation. the first time you moaned his name while masturbating, you heard him stumble from inside the wall across from your bed.
xxix. eye contact during sexual acts is your best friend with brahms. with him in charge, it empowers him, makes him grin like a madman beneath the mask and tighten his hold on you. with you in charge, the longer you hold eye contact the more he crumbles. he will never ever be the first to turn his gaze from yours.
xxx. lingerie is well appreciated in brahms' eyes, but the moment he sees you, he'll pounce like an animal. he won't admire you for too long. he'll try to rip it off of you, too (he has done so several times), so it's best to leave more expensive clothing items for a time when he can't tear it up-- or just be quick about taking it off.
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kellyvela · 2 years
"He made many a toast, laughed loudly at every jest, and attacked each dish like a starving man, but beside him the queen(Cersei) seemed as cold as an ice sculpture."-Jon(AGOT). "The queen's face was a mask, so bloodless that it might have been sculpted from snow." -Sansa(AGOT). Sansa and Jon both saw that Cersei was angry with Robert in AGOT. They both described her as sculpted from snow.
Thanks anon!
This is not the only time that GRRM uses a similar wording for Jon and Sansa to describe some Lannisters. Let's see:
Jon’s first impression of Joffrey:
Prince Joffrey had his sister’s hair and his mother’s deep green eyes. A thick tangle of blond curls dripped down past his golden choker and high velvet collar. Sansa looked radiant as she walked beside him, but Jon did not like Joffrey’s pouty lips or the bored, disdainful way he looked at Winterfell’s Great Hall.
—A Game of Thrones - Jon I
Sansa’s first true impression of Joffrey:
“I don’t want to marry you,” Sansa wailed. “You chopped off my father’s head!”
“He was a traitor. I never promised to spare him, only that I’d be merciful, and I was. If he hadn’t been your father, I would have had him torn or flayed, but I gave him a clean death.”
Sansa stared at him, seeing him for the first time. He was wearing a padded crimson doublet patterned with lions and a cloth-of-gold cape with a high collar that framed his face. She wondered how she could ever have thought him handsome. His lips were as soft and red as the worms you found after a rain, and his eyes were vain and cruel. “I hate you,” she whispered.
King Joffrey’s face hardened. “My mother tells me that it isn’t fitting that a king should strike his wife. Ser Meryn.”
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa VI
But the one you mention, how Jon and Sansa describe Cersei as an ice/snow sculpture:
Two seats away, the king had been drinking heavily all night. His broad face was flushed behind his great black beard. He made many a toast, laughed loudly at every jest, and attacked each dish like a starving man, but beside him the queen seemed as cold as an ice sculpture. "The queen is angry too," Jon told his uncle in a low, quiet voice. "Father took the king down to the crypts this afternoon. The queen didn't want him to go."
—A Game of Thrones - Jon I
Everyone was staring. Sansa saw Ser Barristan, and the king's brother Renly, and the short man who had talked to her so oddly and touched her hair, but no one made a move to interfere. The queen's face was a mask, so bloodless that it might have been sculpted from snow. She rose from the table, gathered her skirts around her, and stormed off in silence, servants trailing behind.
—A Game of Thrones - Sansa II
Reminds me a lot of Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen. Especially because in the tale the main protagonists is a little girl called Gerda, and the main villain is The Snow Queen, who abducts Gerdas's best friend, a boy called Kai.
That evening when little Kay was at home and half ready for bed, he climbed on the chair by the window and looked out through the little peephole. A few snowflakes were falling, and the largest flake of all alighted on the edge of one of the flower boxes. This flake grew bigger and bigger, until at last it turned into a woman, who was dressed in the finest white gauze which looked as if it had been made from millions of star-shaped flakes. She was beautiful and she was graceful, but she was ice-shining, glittering ice. She was alive, for all that, and her eyes sparkled like two bright stars, but in them there was neither rest nor peace. She nodded toward the window and beckoned with her hand. The little boy was frightened, and as he jumped down from the chair it seemed to him that a huge bird flew past the window.
The snowflakes got bigger and bigger, until they looked like big white hens. All of a sudden the curtain of snow parted, and the big sleigh stopped and the driver stood up. The fur coat and the cap were made of snow, and it was a woman, tall and slender and blinding white-she was the Snow Queen herself.
The Snow Queen kissed Kay once more, and then he forgot little Gerda, and Grandmother, and all the others at home.
"You won't get any more kisses now," she said, "or else I should kiss you to death." Kay looked at her. She was so beautiful! A cleverer and prettier face he could not imagine. She no longer seemed to be made of ice, as she had seemed when she sat outside his window and beckoned to him.
—The Snow Queen - Hans Christian Andersen
In ASOIAF, Cersei is a villain that kept Sansa as a hostage in the Red Keep and later she accused Sansa of murdering Joffrey and put a price on her head, and she also planned to send one of the Kettleblacks to the Wall to kill Jon Snow:
“Your Grace has forgotten the Lady Sansa,” said Pycelle.
The queen bristled. “I most certainly have not forgotten that little she-wolf.” She refused to say the girl’s name. “I ought to have shown her to the black cells as the daughter of a traitor, but instead I made her part of mine own household. She shared my hearth and hall, played with my own children. I fed her, dressed her, tried to make her a little less ignorant about the world, and how did she repay me for my kindness? She helped murder my son. When we find the Imp, we will find the Lady Sansa too. She is not dead … but before I am done with her, I promise you, she will be singing to the Stranger, begging for his kiss.”
Cersei gave him a barbed smile. “Lying with a queen is treason. Tommen would have no choice but to send you to the Wall.”
“The Wall?” he said with dismay.
It was all she could do not to laugh. No, best not. Men hate being laughed at. “A black cloak would go well with your eyes, and that black hair of yours.”
“No one returns from the Wall.”
“You will. All you need to do is kill a boy.”
“What boy?”
“A bastard boy in league with Stannis. He’s young and green, and you’ll have a hundred men.”
Kettleblack was afraid, she could smell it on him, but he was too proud to own up to that fear. Men are all alike. “I’ve killed more boys than I can count,” he insisted. “Once this boy is dead, I’d get my pardon from the king?”
“That, and a lordship.” Unless Snow’s brothers hang you first. “A queen must have a consort. One who knows no fear.”
“Lord Kettleblack?” A slow smile spread across his face, and his scars flamed red. “Aye, I like the sound o’ that. A lordly lord …”
“… and fit to bed a queen.”
He frowned. “The Wall is cold.”
“And I am warm.” Cersei put her arms about his neck. “Bed a girl and kill a boy and I am yours. Do you have the courage?”
—A Feast for Crows - Cersei IV
Thanks again for your message :)
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viastro · 3 years
keeping up with seventeen | pilot
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ミ★ synopsis: thirteen chaotic men given their own reality tv show? more normal than you'd think!
ミ★ word count: 902
ミ★ notes: welcome to the pilot episode of keeping up with seventeen ! just to remind everyone, this is simply a fun project that i’ll be working on whenever i want to write something lighthearted, so updates will be random. there are also no pairings in this series as it is simply just ot13 being chaotic ! hope you guys enjoy <33
ミ★ taglist: @sunlightwoo​​ @coppertrashi​​ @sweetsoonhan​​ @brinnalaine​​ @minluvly​​ @wonunuu​​ @suhfluffy​​ @shuajeong​​ @euphorencia​​ @imjustuhhvibing​​ @minghao-will-be-the-death-of-me​ @shuahaeee​​ @jaeyuni​​ @sunflowergyeomie​​ @cheolliehugs​​ @chanberriees​ @vi-nnx​​ @kodzumo​​ @dwcljh​​ @sbnchaos​ @taeguk-munchkin​ @w8nuzone​ @miyuuraaura​ @semicolorn​ @isa499​ @snowismyfirstname​ @escapewriter​​
ミ★ won’t let me tag: @smileyjmvn 
let me know if you want to get added to the taglist!
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[[ double brackets = setting ]] 
[ single brackets and italics = action made by member & camera ]
| video edit |
bold = speaker
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[[ The video begins with an incredibly zoomed in shot of Soonyoung giggling at something Seungkwan told him, completely unaware of the camera on him. The camera quickly pans to the left when Seungkwan raises his leg up to kick Soonyoung off the stool. ]] 
[ The camera zooms out, suddenly revealing thirteen handsome men who are sitting on the black stools, all conversing amongst one another as they wait for filming to begin. ]
director: so, welcome to the first filming of keeping up with seventeen! can all of you introduce yourselves to the camera please?
[ The camera zooms in towards Seungcheol, who is looking at the rest of the guys to see if any of them want to start first, only to realize that all of them are avoiding eye contact with him. ]
seungcheol: [ sighs dramatically ] Since no one else wanted to go first, I’ll introduce myself. Hello! My name is Choi Seun-
jeonghan: [ cuts off Seungcheol ] My name is Yoon Jeonghan!
[ The camera pans quickly to Jeonghan, who is smiling happily at the camera. It slowly lowers to Minghao, who is snickering behind his hand as the camera pans back over to Seungcheol, who is just staring at Jeonghan with a smile. The camera zooms in on the slight twitch to Seungcheol’s eye. ]
seungcheol: [ coughs into his shoulder before giving the camera a smile ] as I was saying, hello! My name is Choi S-
joshua: [ cuts off Seungcheol with a bright smile on his face ] Hi! My name is Joshua Hong and I’m originally from Los Angeles.
[ The camera pans over to Joshua, who is now high fiving Jeonghan as the two laugh together over their antics. ]
seokmin: we should just do this for each of the introductions, it’ll be funny.
[ The camera zooms out, revealing all the boys nodding their heads in agreement, all except for Seungcheol, who is just sitting there staring directly at the camera, looking like he’s contemplating all of his life decisions leading up to this moment. ] 
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[ Seungcheol just stares off camera, eyes blank. The camera slowly follows Seungcheol’s line of sight, only to discover that he is simply staring at the wall behind the camera man. It pans back to Seungcheol, who still seems to be deep in thought. ] 
“To be honest, I don’t know what I expected to happen.”
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director: [ coughs into his shoulder as he thinks of how chaotic this show is going to be already ] Well. Now that you’ve all introduced yourselves, let’s all hope for a good first season !
[ The camera zooms out and captures all thirteen guys cheering and jumping excitedly for having their own reality show. ]
soonyoung: [ Tries to start breakdancing but falls onto his back, Minghao lets out a loud giggle as he tries to help the latter up, only to be pulled on top of him. ] 
minghao: [ giggles ] Soonyoung!
soonyoung: I saw my chance for free cuddles and I took it, sue me.
minghao: Okay, but you know how the guys react when there’s a group pile so we have to get up right now—
[ The camera pans over to Jeonghan, who already has an evil smile on his face. ] 
jeonghan: [ cups hands over his mouth ] GROUP PILE !!
[ The camera zooms into Minghao and Soonyoung’s faces, catching the moment right as they visibly pale, turning to see ten men yelling and running to them. ]
soonyoung: [ audibly gulps when he sees Seungkwan’s evil smile ] we’re in the endgame now. 
[ The video slows right as Jun and Chan prepare to leap onto Soonyoung and Minghao, the sound of Minghao and Soonyoung’s screams of horror taking up the entire audio ]
| Record scratch, freeze frame right before Jun and Chan land onto Minghao and Soonyoung. |
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[ The camera zooms in on the pack of ice Minghao is holding to his temple as he blankly stares down at the ground. ]
[ Camera pans to Soonyoung, who is also holding a pack of ice to his side. He tentatively reaches out to poke the scratch on Minghao’s temple, only to immediately retract his hand when Minghao shoots him a death glare. ]
soonyoung: [ lets out a nervous chuckle ] Well, I didn’t know all ten of them were going to—AH!
[ Minghao kicks Soonyoung’s chair leg, causing the latter to fall over onto the floor, effectively being cut off from his sentence. The camera zooms into Soonyoung’s face, who has simply accepted his fate, now staring up at the ceiling in silence. ]
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[ The director steps in front of the camera, blocking the sight of the thirteen screaming men in the background. He simply flashes a tired smile, shrugging his shoulders. ]
director: [ sighs ] welcome to keeping up with sevent--
jihoon: [ audibly screams in the background ] SEUNGKWAN! LET GO OF SOONYOUNG!
jeonghan: [ screams so loudly that the director winces, camera pans to the left and zooms in to capture Jeonghan screeching bloody murder as Jun bites his shoulder, the two rolling off the man pile ] GET HIM OFF OF ME!
[ Director quickly grabs the camera, centering it back towards him so that the background blurs. This does not mask the screams and the blurred figures of Seungkwan chasing after Soonyoung with a chair raised over his head. ] 
director: [ lets out a defeated sigh, turning towards the camera ] … welcome to keeping up with seventeen.
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 8 - Student Council President Sakura
“Oh, hello there Sakura.”
She almost lost her balance when she saw her next customers. Standing beside Kakashi with her arm entangled in his was a brunette, a spitting image of Dr. Aki Nohara, a giveaway that this was her sister. Sakura’s surroundings dimmed out of focus, and her hearing became muffled as if she was submerged underwater.
“Couldn’t mistake that green eyes for anyone,” Kakashi continued. “I’ll have a caramel butterscotch with extra whipped cream – make it super heavy – and Rin –“
“That’s supposed to be my order, you dummy,” the woman replied beside him. He chuckled in fascination and tightened his hold on her arm. “Besides, you don’t like sweets.”
“You’re still on a specialized diet so allow me to eat and drink whatever you want while you stick with – “ Kakashi glanced at Sakura, and she immediately mustered a tight-lipped smile. “One iced americano in your smallest size please. Thanks, Sakura.”
She took in a deep breath, suddenly aware that she wasn’t able to acknowledge her teacher and his companion, but so many things have been running through her head – like how did he know it was her? Why was he with Rin? Did he propose already? She hasn’t even confessed yet.
Somehow, in the dragging silence in her ears, she heard Sasuke cleared his throat. That was enough to break her from the spell, and she put on her bravest mask. “Hi Kakashi-sensei. Nice of you to drop by! I’ll have your order ready in a jiffy.”
Kakashi turned around and waved lazily at Sasuke. “One of my students is here too. Are you on a red eye advance study?”
“Can’t sleep so might as well have caffeine.”
“You’re too young to have this energy.”
Rin jokingly slapped Kakashi on the arm. “You talk as if you’re old already.”
“But aren’t I?” The pair slowly drifted away to find a table, but Sakura noticed the flash of recognition when Rin took a long good look at Sasuke, but her friend stared at them like he was throwing sharp draggers.
“He looks happy,” Sakura noted as she fixed their drinks.
“I want your favorite coffee,” Sasuke quipped out of nowhere.
“There’s a thing called palpitations. It’s caramel macchiato.”
“Might do me some good while I wait for you to finish your shift.”
Sakura sighed, feeling the tiredness come upon her all of a sudden so she relented. “Just take it to-go. I want to get out of here.”
She quickly asked permission from the manager, saying she felt sick and fatigued, and with her clocking overtime in the past few weeks, her request was immediately approved without deductions. The mixed winter and spring air hit her lungs as soon as she stepped outside. Sasuke waited for her across the street, a gesture that implied she could go to him or separate ways right now. As she vied for time to decide, she took one last look through the window.
It was a foreign sight. She has never seen Kakashi’s attention torn apart from his books. Even if he was talking, there would be an open page on his side, stealing glances on passages when the conversations got boring, yet there he was, fully attuned to whatever Rin was saying with no book around him…like she was his favorite book and he enjoyed reading every letter of her.
And Sakura realized she could never be the story he would even want to pick up.
She felt the tears coming so she started her pace on the same road. Across from her, Sasuke got the signal and went the other way.
The last term of their second year came like a bazooka. Sakura threw herself on her pet project as a sort of coping mechanism. The announcement was done during the general assembly which did not generate the intended buzz or reaction. After all, it was a tricky topic to handle and many facets of which were still stigmatized when talked openly in public. Naruto, ever the people magnet, broke the agitated atmosphere in the auditorium with a slow clap and was soon joined by many others.
The council created a Google form which allowed students to anonymously register, and they get assigned a schedule on the day their contracted psychiatrist comes to visit. All they had to do was provide their designated client number. The council further complemented this with short programs that serve as mental health breaks for the student body. Sometimes, this would be as light as a block screening of a coming-of-age film or heavy like a conference with faculty and teachers and questions and concerns are remotely flashed.
Then came Valentines’ Day, and the council organized this some kind of literary showcase that presented the opportunity to mingle woes of personal sadness and griefs with confessions that would have been left unsaid. Naruto and Sasuke both helped in constructing the makeshift stage in the middle of the soccer field that would be used later that afternoon.
“Cookie points for my crush,” Naruto grinned as he hammered away. “Thanks for picking the poem I will be reciting tonight, grumpy. Didn’t know you were into literature.” He jokingly elbowed the raven-haired beside him, and he got a death glare in return.
“Do it properly. Look at that nail sticking out like your porcupine hair,” Sasuke grumbled. “And yes, I’m not as uncultured as you are.”
“But I still don’t understand it though.”
“Ugh, just use the internet to search its meaning, idiot.”
A fellow runner peeked into their work area and knocked on wood. “Hey Uchiha. Some girl is looking for you.” Her face expressed grimace, having done this for more than five times already within the span of an hour. If it wasn’t Sasuke, it was one of Naruto’s fan girls or boys.
Sasuke went to her and fumbled around for cash in his pocket. “Next time someone looks for us, tell them we went home for the day. Here’s money for your date later. If you have anyway.”
“Whatever grumpy.” The runner replied, still half-angry, half-frustrated, but she took the money all the same and told the girls that ‘They told me to tell you they went home for the day so shoo shoo.’
Naruto laughed at Sasuke’s successful attempt at bribery. “Look at that rich money. I wonder whether Sakura will give us chocolates.”
“Have you seen their office?” Sasuke flipped open the curtains that will be hang as backdrop. “Their desk is filled with chocolates from her admirers – platonically, romantically, whatever. Some people from other schools dropped by too. You got serious competition.”
Naruto chuckled nervously. “As if I do not know that already. Haven’t you told me before- she likes everyone and everyone likes her.”
Not really true at all now, Sasuke thought to himself. But ignorance is bliss, Naruto.
The three sat on the grass beside the stage, having full view of the student body listening to the reciters. Throughout the program, Sakura went through each package given to her, visibly stressed with evident signs of sleepless nights under her eyes.
“Before I forget, happy Valentine’s day you two. My council-mates told me you didn’t get any chocolates,” Sakura gave each of them a pouch of small chocolate bars. Sasuke didn’t have to guess if it was store-bought or homemade based on the cuts on her fingers.
“Sakura, stop eating. I almost gagged at the seventh chocolate,” Naruto complained. He tried to get the basket of sweets from her, but she just moved it away from his reach.
“Everything tastes bitter,” she muttered under her breath. “I need sugar. My energy can’t keep up with the countless interviews. I understand that the school board liked the exposure, but the burden falls on me. At least have a teacher back me up?”
“Heard Kakashi-sensei volunteered to accompany you in interviews?” Sasuke was too late in shutting Naruto up, but the most that question got out of Sakura was an eyebrow raise.
“I need more sweets.” She proceeded to jam the rest of the Hershey’s kisses in her mouth.
“Okay, we have a submission from Uzumaki Naruto,” the announcer said. “Shout out to our rookie MVP!” A round of applause. “And who might be the recipient of this poem? We heard through the grapevine that he hid from his admirers all day. I know several people are waiting to confess to him!”
Sasuke instructed him earlier to send the poem anonymously and address it to Sakura, but the dumbass blonde mistakenly exchanged it. He rubbed his forehead in annoyance, but he can’t bring it up right now.
“Just read the poem!” Naruto shouted on the side, clearly embarrassed now. Sakura looked up at him, genuinely curious now, and her sticky chocolate-filled mouth was on the edge of firing him questions.
“Sasuke and I sent in poems! Just to support your program, nothing really too deep into it ehe.” Naruto glanced at Sasuke with slightly widened eyes. “Right, Sasuke?”
“Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare,” the person started.
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature’s changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”
Sakura slapped Naruto on the arm. “Didn’t know you read Shakespeare! What a romantic!”
“Isn’t it a tragedy?” Sasuke remarked, a look of disgust in his face when Sakura mindlessly offered him a toblerone. “No sweets for me.”
Sakura guffawed at Sasuke’s remark, and her laughing was a rare sight recently. She was in too deep in her student council functions that they barely see her. And when they did, she’d be a little bit closer to fatigue.
“What’s funny? Who’s Shakespeare? Let me in on the joke!”
“Let’s call on Kakashi-sensei, our very own student council advisor and youngest teacher in the university. He’ll be reciting a poem by Pablo Neruda. A man of culture, we see,” the emcee announced.
Sakura stopped laughing as soon as she heard his name. If Sasuke could glean into her thoughts, she’s probably making up excuses to escape right now.
Kakashi stood in the middle of the stage, holding an open book. “Let me just ramble on here for a bit. Neruda is a Chilean poet and a politician, but just as much as he is a revolutionary, he is a romantic and a worshipper of ideals and ordinary things. He often compared his muses to earth and nature – basic providers of our existence. It’s interesting to see. Now, this poem is what I would have wanted to say to someone who is fundamentally part of my existence, but she won’t listen to me.” Kakashi smiled even more at the onset of outburst of giggles from the students. “So you’re gonna be the audience whether you want it or not.”
I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.
I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,
and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.
A thundering applause followed Kakashi’s poem and random shouts of, “Drop her name sensei!” “Good luck to your love life!” “Happy for you, sensei!”
As the lights went out on the stage, Sakura fished another pouch from her vest pocket, and Sasuke knew at once that it was Kakashi’s. She popped a bar into her mouth, staring blankly ahead.
“God, it’s so bitter.” Her lips started to quiver, and she started to cry.
Naruto threw a worried glance at Sasuke, but his expression must have given something away because the blonde didn’t prod, and he looked as if all the puzzles fell into place.
Sasuke just didn’t expect to be confronted about it as soon as the program finished. He was carrying blocks of wood to the shed when Naruto dropped the question – a question he already knew the answer to.
“You like Sakura.”
Sasuke inhaled sharply and halted his steps. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He stacked the wood against each other and turned to face the blonde. “Besides, shouldn’t you be worrying about exams?”
“What exams? We’re exempted from it,” Naruto bristled.
Sasuke smirked. “No, you’re not. You didn’t qualify for finals.”
“Oh shit.”
“What do we get in return?” Sakura asked as she munched on her bento box. Shouts of the practicing dragonboat team filtered through their space.
“But last time you volunteered!” Naruto said.
“We’re friends so my services don’t come free anymore,” she chided back.
Naruto glared at Sasuke. “If she’s not gonna do it, you’re gonna do it.”
Sasuke nonchalantly shook his head as he skimmed through Naruto’s notes. “What she said.” They weren’t notes per se, but doodles of Sasuke and Sakura and interestingly, projections of different batting stances. “I’m also not gonna forgive you with the duck butt hair.”
“But you have a duck butt hair!” Naruto crossed his arms and huffed menacingly. “Ramen?”
“Same old, same old.” Sakura finished her lunch and started to sip her cranberry juice. “Give us something new.”
“Ramen and…..karaoke?”
Sakura brightened up at the prospect. “Deal.”
“At least add snacks to your place,” Sasuke interjected. “And not just ramen. Put some nuts or fruits in your fridge.”
Naruto grumbled but raised two thumbs up in defeat. “Deal.”
Sasuke has thin patience when it came to teaching Naruto, Sakura observed. She didn’t know how these two managed to do the supplementary math lessons when she wasn’t a part of their group yet. She didn’t mind teaching, but Naruto’s short attention span was a devil of its own. He would be attentive to her for 15 minutes and then drowse off so Sasuke and her agreed on non-negotiables.
“No ramen break for you if you don’t finish this set of problems,” Sakura told him.
“You’re demon spawns,” Naruto cried out in defiance.
“If you don’t get a passing score on this sample test, no kani toppings for you.” Sasuke raised the stakes.
“Demon spawns,” Naruto repeated.
“You won’t call us demon spawns if you see your name on the list of passers.” Sakura started the stopwatch on her phone. “Now go.”
This took her mind off things, from Kakashi’s public confession to the blank career form hidden within the pages of her history textbook. It was a good distraction until the penultimate exams day. Naruto came in with a bandana on his forehead with FIGHTING written in the middle of it. Sasuke, as usual, breezed through it, already finished by the thirty-minute mark.
And she? Well, she liked exams. The time limit and the pressure allowed her the reprieve to shut the rest of the world out so she relished answering each number until the bell rang. It was a moment where she can focus fully on the paper in front of her, the sound of her pen scribbling, and her mind working full force to cull out the answers in her memory. Her utmost concentration on questions suspended her own questions on her feelings for a teacher, on her parents’ divorce, on her future.
When the school plastered the results on the bulletin board, she couldn’t help but release a satisfied chuckle. She turned to Sasuke who was surprisingly stoic about the results. “First place! The bonus point really helped.”
“Why should I bother with a teacher’s middle name for the bonus question?” Sasuke grumbled back. “Congrats. Stop rubbing it in my face already.”
Naruto was too busy pointing his name on the board and bragging about it to the student body, most especially the freshies. When he found them on the back of the crowd, he rushed to them and placed his arms around their shoulders “Drinks on me!!!!!”
“He really shouted drinks on me in the middle of the school, sauntered in here like he’s loaded, and ordered two pitchers of iced tea.” Sakura kept bringing this up since they entered the karaoke room ten minutes ago.
Naruto was preoccupied with inputting song numbers on the machine to respond to Sakura’s banters. “Technically, they’re still drinks!”
Sasuke was on the phone with the kitchen, and from what she could hear, he was ordering almost everything on the menu. When he sat down on the adjacent couch, Sakura leaned forward to him. “Are you gonna finish all of that?”
He jutted his index finger to Naruto. “No, but he will.”
The first notes of Michael Jackson’s Thriller wafted through the room, and the blonde made a quick impression of the artist’s famed moonwalk.
“Why are you opening with that?” Sakura cried out in amusement. “It’s not even Halloween!” Sasuke watched Naruto try to dance with a straight face, but she thought he was itching to face palm the whole time.
Naruto kept beckoning Sakura to join him in the middle of the room, but she was busy laughing at him and taking videos. “I’ll send these to Haru as a pick-me-up. I think this is the best remedy.”
Next was Sakura’s pick – Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle. She couldn’t contain her laughter in between verses when the two boys finally heard that she was tone deaf. Naruto joined her with the other mic, trying to drown out the off-key notes. By the bridge, Sasuke stood up with them, a glass of juice in his hand, and mouthed the words.
“You know this song!” Sakura said excitedly.
“I don’t live under a rock!” He yelled back amid the loud music.
“Okay who’s next?” she asked when the next number flashed on the screen. Sasuke silently took the mic from her and faced the monitor with a hand in his pants’ pocket.
Naruto gripped the mic harder when the song started. “I’ll be your second voice, grumpy!”
She immediately went to the front and started recording. “One for the road.”
“No videos, Haruno,” Sasuke warned.
“Come on, it’s my remembrance,” she whined. He wasn’t able to clap back when the lines started to move.
“Turn around…” Naruto sang.
“Every now and then, I get a little bit lonely and you’re never coming ‘round,” Sasuke’s baritone voice filled the room like an empty coliseum.
“The fuck. You can sing?” Sakura gasped out loud. “How can you have that voice and not sing - like you know, every day?!”’
Sasuke gestured her to stop as he belted, stoic-faced, through the chorus with Naruto singing like a slaughtered pig in the background. Sakura stopped recording and joined them for the rest of the song.
Two hours and three pitchers of orange juice later, they finally settled on the couch and munched on Naruto’s leftovers of fries, buttered chicken, nachos, and calamari. On the karaoke monitor was David Bowie singing Heroes.
“Can’t believe we’re already seniors two months from now.” He stared at the ceiling, his eyes following the tag game of disco lights. “Elections of officers will be tomorrow which means Captain Haru will be formerly stepping down.”
Sasuke reached out and shook his hand. “Good luck next captain.”
Naruto immediately pulled out from his grasp. “What do you mean next captain?”
Sakura chuckled and patted his back as assurance. “Everyone knows it’ll be you. Have you seen how your teammates look at you when you’re discussing strategies?”
In the dimness of the room, she saw the flush on Naruto’s cheeks, and she found it amusing how he cannot take compliments.
Naruto scratched the back of his head. “Well, everything is possible, right? That said, I still haven’t filled out my college form, but I’m really set on getting an athletic scholarship and eventually be part of the national team! How about you grumpy? Changed your mind yet?”
“About what?” Sakura glanced at the silent raven-haired guy beside her. To be able to see this much of him was a nice privilege.
“I’m moving away after high school.” Sasuke fiddled with his half-empty glass, his eyes trained on the slushing juice. “I already sent applications to some universities in Europe.”
“We also have good medicine programs here. I don’t get why you have to move away so far. I’m so bad with converting time zones.”
Sasuke scrunched his nose in annoyance. “Are you dumb? The schools you listed are also out of this district.”
She seemed to be moving farther and farther from their exchange. Like an outsider peeking in, she understood the frailty of the moments in front of her, and by the time the next two months set in, the stopwatch would have started running its last lap. The bonds she has made so serendipitously were in danger of being cut off by dreams. She breathed in, engulfing the noise and scent of this room, panning every color and shape assembled like supercut in her head, praying that someday if she would lose herself, she’d come back here right at this frozen memory and relive the wonderful indecisiveness of adolescence and the chance to say I don’t know without repercussions.
“Sakura to earth?” Naruto’s voice.
“Idiot. It’s earth to Sakura.” Sasuke’s voice.
She blinked fast, returning to the moment that wasn’t finished playing out yet. She quickly brushed her hands on her eyes as if something got into her eyes, hoping they don’t see the small droplets of tears that have formed. “Oh uh, I have a list of prospects, but I’m not quite sure what to take.” The form was still blank actually.
“That’s a usual problem of anyone who’s too good at everything,” Sasuke replied.
“Are you complimenting me?” I wish I was.
“Should I take it back?” He proceeded to gulp down the remnants of his glass.
The monitor suddenly turned off, indicating their time has run out. “Hey guys, for our last term, let’s make the most out of it, all right?” Naruto asked. “I’m so happy we became friends.”
“No hugging please,” Sasuke said, but it was too late. Naruto’s arms were too strong to pull away from so the two allowed him a few seconds of skinship.
Naruto’s words struck a chord in Sakura; it was a resolve she tried to form and disfigure for several months now. Before they could stand up to fix their things, Sakura blurted it out loud before her courage took the best of her.
“For our last term.” She flexed her fingers and curled them up against her palm, placing weight on her lap as she ground her fists onto it. “For our last term, I’m gonna confess to Kakashi.”
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cassava-49 · 4 years
Death 4
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 5/ Part 6/ Part 7
Settle down class," Ms. Bustier said as she vied her students attention. "I know it's very difficult to not be able to visit Marinette. But I must tell you again, her parents have strictly asked you not to go. I would like to remind you all to respect their wishes," she voiced. "But, Ms. Bustier, don't we have a right to visit her? She's our friend and we'd like to apologize for all the terrible things we've done," Alya blurted her concern. "We want to apologize for being too harsh on her," Kim added. "And for not believing her," Nino quietly said. "Please, Ms. Bustier, can you relay it to her parents," Alix suggested. This made their teacher smile but said, "Why not we wait for her to wake up? I heard that maybe in a few days she'll be able to regain her consciousness, so maybe you could all surprise her." This made the class cheer at the idea and began planning. They all seemed adamant to apologize to her, but for what reasons? Is it to make themselves feel better or do they genuinely feel the need they have wronged her? For them, they don't consider their actions as bullying, but simple mistreatment.
"Hold up children. Because of Marinette's incident, it has come to the Principal's attention that all of you would be taught about bullying, it's effects and signs," Ms. Bustier called their attention. This made them groan in chorus. "But we're not bullies. The only bully here is Chloé," Alya defended them as Chloe gave an insulted gasp. "Really Alya? That's very straightforward of you," a voice sounded from across the room. This made them all pause. Next came a shrill cackle as Castigare flew into the room carried by the furies, Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone. This made the whole class gape at the girl.
"Lila?" Rose's small voice squeaked. "Silence!" Castigare shouted as she pointed her sceptre at the girl that made her zip Rose's lips tight. "I'm no longer Lila, I'm Castigare and it's time for your judgement!" she bellowed at them. "Wow, real classic Lila. You willingly accepted another akuma," Alya challenged as she was live streaming. This just made her laugh more as she looked at the girl with hatred in her eyes. "You're actually listening to all the things Marinette told you. I was wondering when you would catch up. But given how blinded you were I shouldn't have expected more, Rena Rouge," Castigare emphasized. This made Alya's sweat go cold as she felt all her classmates' eyes were on her now.
"No wonder Ladybug quit and Lady Luck didn't call you back. Ha! They must've heard since news travel fast. Oh wait, who was out again who got you the exclusive interview with Ladybug? Ah yes, you told me that it was Marinette right, of course Ladybug would know," Castigare continued to twist the knife as she released another cackle. "And you expected me to give you another exclusive interview. Hadn't you caught up yet with all my lame excuses?" she continued as she cackled at the end. "By the way, do continue streaming because I'd love to let everyone in Paris know about my lies as I expose myself and the pettiness of all their 'temporary heroes'," she says with enthusiasm as she turned to Nino wanting to have Alya be the last one to punish.
"Oh sweet hopeful Nino, I'm sure Spielberg would love to have a talk with you. Oh wait, I don't know him. And I'm sure Adrien knew him, but instead you cut ties with him for me, such a good boy Carapace," she annoyingly said making everyone gasp. She then pointed the sceptre at him and made it hit the floor he was sitting on. All of a sudden, Nino's body was engulfed by a large mass of ice that encased him and thickened to the width of his betrayal to both Adrien and Marinette. This made them all to want to scatter, unfortunately Castigare will not be having it. Her next target was Sabrina and Chloé. She transformed Sabrina into a demon as the ground beneath Chloé's get turned into tar and she fell right into it with a cry of pain. But every time she'd try to go out Sabrina would attack her and drop her back in. "Suits you perfectly Queen Bee," Castigare mockingly stated.
She then turned to their teacher and immediately set her ablaze from the inside mostly on her tongue and mouth. "Suits you well Ms. Bustier, don't you think? You have been filling all our heads with nothing but kindness and false promises. You never taught us what the real world would be like. A world full of lies and traitors!" Castigare shouted at the poor teacher. But as she was about to continue her punishing she found that almost everyone was gone except for those she had punished and Lady Luck and Monsieur Noir. "Glad that both of you could finally join. I have a more painful punishment install for both of you!" she heralded as she pointed her sceptre at the two.
Both of them quickly jumped out of the way as Lady Luck aimed her yo-yo at the sceptre in attempt to catch it. However, Castigare was quicker than any other akuma. She immediately pulled out towards her making Lady Luck to retract her yo-yo and jump opposite to Monsieur Noir. "Give us your akuma Castigare. You know that you're not going to get your message through them this way," Monsieur Noir reasoned. "We could do this the easy way or the hard way," Lady Luck added as she menacingly spinned her yo-yo. This made Castigare laugh as she looked at the two. "You are as pathetic as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Always trying to reason with an akuma even though you know it's hopeless," she cried. The two then simultaneously attacked her from both sides. Castigare, on the other hand, placed both her hands on top of her sceptre and tapped the tip on the floor. This caused all types of creatures and demons from Dante Alighieri's Inferno to be released and stalked for its prey. The leopard, lion and she-wolf, began protecting her from the two miraculous holders.
As the two were being occupied, a purple butterfly mask appeared on her face. "Don't forget your end of the deal," Hawkmoth reminded. "Don't worry too much Hawkmoth, my pets will take care of them. I still have some unfinished business with Marinette Dupain-Cheng," she demanded as she looked at them struggling one last time. "Do not let them escape! I still need them for my end of the bargain!" she ordered as she called on Geryon to aid on her trip to visit Marinette.
Click here for part 5
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cherrypieships · 3 years
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the amusement park: chapter two
A/N: whew omg it’s been a while since I posted! Anyway I’m back and better than ever with part two, the finale of the amusement park!! This chapter includes a trigger warning for fake blood and cult mentions. It's a haunted house, so it isn't a real cult, but I'd rather be safe than sorry <3
Ship: davey jacobs x pepper simmons (s/i), featuring my best friend V and my gf Khourey and their respective f/os, race higgins and jack kelly!
Summary: When the sun sets on Canobie Lake park, the amusement park turns into a Halloween extravaganza, where Pepper and Davey find themselves paired up once more.
Once the sun had dipped onto the horizon, the last dregs of color fading from the sky as the stars came out, the group found themselves heading towards the sides of the park, where the haunted houses were set up. Mickey looped their arm through Pepper’s, pulling her close and pointing out the performers walking past; a clown with a chainsaw, a long-haired girl in a tattered hospital gown, a man wearing a pig’s head as a mask.
“So they basically walk around the park and try to scare people.” She explained, and nudged V so they could listen in as well. “But little kids sometimes wear these little glow-y ball necklaces, see? And the performers can’t scare them.” She pointed out a pair of kids walking past, both of their t-shirts illuminated by spiked plastic spheres attached to long black cords. Sure enough, the actors walked right past them.
Vi pushed their bottom lip out, turning towards Mickey. “That’s so fucking cute.” They cried.
Pepper smiled. It was pretty cute, and a good idea on the park’s part. “Do they wear them into the houses?” She asked curiously.
“I fuckin’ hope not.” Jack scoffed. “I wanna get scared, I’m not here to miss a good haunted house cause of some kid.” He smiled when Mickey swatted him. “What? It’s true!”
Mickey’s eyes rolled. “Yeah, but don’t be a dick about it.” They chastised, going to swat him again, and as their hand made contact, Jack snatched it and brought her fingers to his lips for a kiss.
Averting her gaze, Pepper felt something cold swirl in the pit of her stomach at the casual intimacy. She focused on the gum wrapper on the ground beside her shoe instead of whatever that feeling was.
V’s knuckles rapped against Pepper’s forearm, a gentle knock for her attention. “Hey, I gotta hit the bathroom, you wanna be my buddy?” They asked, though the raise of their eyebrows gave the impression that the question was simply a formality; there was no option.
Making the journey to the restrooms a short one, Vi didn’t even pretend they had to pee, instead moving to stand in front of the mirror and check their eyeliner. “So are you gonna make a move tonight?” They asked, voice quieter than usual.
Pepper sighed, of course this was the reason she was in here. “Dude, I don’t fuckin’ know.” She said, exasperation travelling across her features at even the thought of confessing her feelings. She’d talked a big game about it before, about how she loved Davey, about how she’d confess her feelings for him the second she got the idea he liked her back, but truthfully she was… well, she was scared.
Vi barely looked up from the mirror, but their expression softened. “Obviously you don’t have to,” they reassured. “But I bet that if you don’t at least ask how he feels he’ll never tell.”
Pepper rolled her eyes. “That’s because there’s-“
The door to the bathroom flew open and Mickey blustered inside, annoyance clear on their face. “Okay, how dare you two leave me alone with those idiots.”
V grimaced. “Oh shit, sorry. I just wanted a minute to see what was up with Pepper and Davey.”
Mickey’s lips pursed, eyebrows raising onto her forehead. “Oh shit okay what’s the deal?” They asked, moving closer.
Against her better judgement, Pepper leaned her head against the bathroom wall. “There’s nothing to tell! I don’t have any plans to tell him, and there’s no way someone who talks as much as Davey would have a crush on someone and not say something.” She looked pointedly at her best friends.
“That… is an excellent point.” Mickey acquiesced.
Vi lifted a finger. “Or! Maybe that’s the way you can tell that he does like you.” They moved toward the sink to wash the eyeliner remnants from under their fingernails.
Mickey nodded. “Oh, no, I totally get it.”
“Get what? What are you talking about?”
V smiled, turning to put their damp hands on Pepper’s shoulders. “You just said Davey never shuts up.” Pepper nodded slowly. “He’ll talk to you about anything, right?” Another nod.
“But he never talks about what’s up between the two of you.” Mickey finished. “Literally, even if Jack asks, he brushes him off.”
Brow furrowed, Pepper turned back to Vi, who was grinning. “If you don’t ask, he’ll never tell.” They clarified, an echo of their earlier statement. “Don’t fucking focus on what he says, bitch, you have to ask about what he’s not saying.”
Terrifyingly, that made it click. Something welled up hot and thick in Pepper’s throat, hope or fear she couldn’t tell. Whatever it was, she wasn’t budging at her friends’ optimism. “You two are reading too far into this.” She countered weakly.
Mickey grabbed her hand, squeezed it a few times. “Listen, we’re not pressuring you.” They explained, and Violet hummed in agreement. “You don’t have to ask him anything or tell him anything, if you just wanna vibe tonight, that’s totally cool.”
Just like that, the tension melted from Pepper’s body, her psyche apparently pleased at being left alone for the moment. She looked between her friends, Vi’s warm smile and Mickey’s kind eyes, took a deep breath, and went back out into the park.
Back where the boys were waiting, the curtain to the first haunted house had lifted, and the line began to move. Jack waved them down with a smile, and they gapped into the line. He pulled the park pamphlet from his back pocket and flipped to the back, where the haunted house attractions were listed. “Okay so we started next to the big spinn-y thing. Which is… the cult one, The Culling.” He announced.
“Yeah, Jack.” Race deadpanned. “It’s on the sign.” He pointed above the line, which, sure enough, boasted the name of the site.
Jack swatted his friend with the pamphlet before tucking it into his back pocket. “I knew that.” He grinned, throwing an arm around Mickey’s shoulders and pulling them closer.
Davey nudged Pepper’s side. “Partners?” He smiled, offering his elbow as their group stepped up to the banister blocking off the entryway.
She ignored the wink that Vi threw at her, and looped her arm through Davey’s with a blush and a simper. “Hope we don’t die in there.” She mused.
He patted the hand she’d placed on his bicep, warm in contrast to her poorly-circulated own ones. “If we do, we’ll die doing what we loved.”
Her head tilted. “What’s that?”
“Kicking and screaming.”
Pepper crumpled into a fit of laughs as the employee lifted the bannister. “Have fun.” The woman at the entryway smiled, her eyebrows raising mischievously.
Race and V went first, obviously, Race throwing his arm across their shoulders and pulling them close. Mickey and Jack went next, Jack’s hand curled protectively into the back of her shirt as they ducked through the curtain. A billow of dry-ice smoke kicked out at her and Davey as she gripped his arm tighter, moving through the curtain and into a room flooded with red light.
There was a man in the corner, a pair of bloodied goat horns protruding from his head, who growled lowly at them as they walked past. Davey cast a look in his direction, following in the footsteps of his friends, and they heard Race scream further up ahead. Pepper laughed a little at that, the adrenaline beginning to swirl hot in her veins.
The next room was full of actors, at least a dozen kneeling frozen in mock prayer, and the woman to Pepper’s right let out a broken wail, making her jump. Davey’s hand came to grab hers again, this time his fingers tangling with hers. He was laughing gently at her fright, something that might have pissed her off if it had been anyone else.
They passed through a hallway full of strobelights and white walls painted with bloody handprints, the thrum of electricity the only noise for a moment, and Pepper opened her mouth to ask when the Cult Stuff would start, when a man wearing a decaying goat’s skull for a mask barrelled around the corner, making both her and Davey scream.
She curled into his side, awkwardly stepping on his shoe as she did, and watched the man with enormous eyes as he tilted his mask curiously at them. Davey laughed a little, and whether he was trying to laugh off his fright or genuinely enjoying himself, Pepper couldn’t tell.
They rounded the corner, careful of the actor who’d popped out at them, and turned into a room seemingly devoid of anyone, except for Mickey and Jack, who were giggling as they shuffled into the next room. The walls were tall and painted white, a hidden projector playing a black and white video reminiscent of those old war propaganda commercials. It was too loud for Pepper to hear anything properly, but she could catch snippets of the voiceover, “Join us in… the great and powerful… be afraid…” as the video flicked between church services, goats on farms, hypnotic black and white spirals.
Davey tilted his head at the screen. “Christians, am I right?”
Swallowing a laugh, she jutted her elbow into his side. “This is not the time, David.” She snorted, coyly tugging him closer by the anchor his hands provided. Fuck it, why not get close to him while she had the chance?
The end was in sight, she could see the cool blue light of the outdoors pouring in from the other side of the final room; one that was lined with pews, with a goat-headed preacher at the front, holding a black leather-bound book and screaming about the end of days. The church (cult?) -goers were in various stages of worship, some with their arms in the air, some reading their scripture, some sobbing towards the sky. A shudder ran through Davey, one so intense that she felt it in her own skin, and she wondered, briefly, what was so freaky about this particular scene that he-
The actor in the pew she’d just passed closed his book with a deafening bang. She jumped, screamed so loud it felt like the sound had been ripped from her teeth, and didn’t realize she was shaking until Davey’s arm encircled her, speeding past the latter half of the room and out of the first haunted house.
Pepper swallowed a mouthful of fresh air, held it for a few seconds, and released it with a pleased laugh. She turned her face up to Davey’s, ready to ask him if his heart was racing the way hers was, when he cut her off, gripping her shoulders like she’d disappear. “Are you okay?” He demanded.
Her eyebrows pinched together, her smile melting at the way his eyes were blown wide. “Yeah? I-I’m fine?” She said, reaching up to grip his wrists. “What’s wrong, are you okay?”
Every hint of expression faded from his face. The fire left his eyes, his hold on her softening, his jaw and browline going slack at the realization. “Yeah, I… I thought he-”
Race’s hands landed on either one of their shoulders. “Hey, Jack wants to know if you guys wanna do the hotel one or the factory one next, we’re at a tie.”
Pepper turned to him, blinking back the heat in her cheeks. “Oh fuck, okay, we’ll be right there.”
There were four more haunted houses, each of them with a bit of walking distance between them. Davey didn’t release her hand until they’d cleared the last attraction.
Still reeling from the adrenaline rush of the haunted houses, the group made their way toward the back of the park where the Ferris Wheel resided. Violet and Race were skipping down the lanes, their laughter fluttering in the cool autumn wind. Mickey and Jack were walking in front of them, their pinkies linked as they recounted their haunted house experiences.
Pepper tried to ignore that Davey was still so close to her.
His voice broke her out of her thoughts.
“Which one was your favorite?” He asked, the back of his hand brushing against Pepper’s as they walked. He was looking down at her, nose all rosy and cheeks flushed. He wore autumn so well.
She pursed her lips as she thought. “The cult one.” She settled after a moment.
Davey grinned. “Mine too. Or the hotel was really good.” He turned to her once they reached the line for the ferris wheel. “Y’know, when that guy back there slammed his bible closed I thought he hit you.” His fingers twitched, like he was waiting to reach for something.
There it was. The reason for his earlier freakout.
Laughing lightly, Pepper shook her head, curls falling in her face as she tried to dispel any of his remaining worry. “Oh God, no. Isn’t that illegal, anyway?” She focused on the ferris wheel ahead of them, the eighty feet of blinking lights and rocky baskets that they’d be shoved into; anything besides the bewildering look that was back on Davey’s face. Ahead of them, their friends were being ushered into passenger cars. Jack planted a kiss to the side of Mickey’s head and whispered something into their ear that made them grin.
Pepper tried not to be jealous, and failed.
Beside her, Davey was rambling again. She tuned in right in the middle of his spiel. “It’s some kinda torture house, basically. They just wail on you for like ten hours, and they film it, too. You have to sign a waiver and everything, and it’s like, forty pages or something. I watched a video of this one girl who went there and she said-”
“You two all set?” The ride operator asked, her smile bright as she cut into Davey’s rambling.
He blinked, like he hadn’t realized how close they were. “Oh, um. Yeah, I guess we are.” He resolved.
They clambered into the rocky car and belted themselves in, waited for the attendant to lock their door, and began their ascent.
Immediately, Pepper felt the wind chill. “Holy fuck, it’s freezing up here.” She barked. Davey’s cardigan was warm, sure, but the cold air cut through it like a knife.
Davey turned to her and readjusted the way he was sitting, opening up his arms. “I know, c’mere.” He wiggled his fingers and everything and, well, how was he supposed to say no to that?
She scooted closer until her leg was pressed right up against his, and her upper body curled into him. They’d done this before, a million times, when watching movies or at parties when it got crowded, or when she asked him to read to her, and Davey, ever the wonderful companion, never complained-
Oh, no.
That was what her friends meant.
Davey’s arms wrapped around her tight. Without thinking, her arm did the same. “Better?” He asked, pulling back to look down at her.
Pepper smiled with her heart in her throat. “Always.” She said, and looked up at him.
And there he was. The same Davey as always, with his pale skin and round hazel eyes, now grinning down at her like she had hung all the stars in the sky just for him. Here he was, and he was so close that their noses were almost touching. Not correcting strangers who thought they were dating. Holding her hand and giving her his clothes and sharing drinks with her. Here he was- and she was confused.
His mouth twitched, the way it always did when he was worried. “You okay, Pep?” He asked, quieter now.
A slow nod. “Yeah… just, um, thinking.” She responded. He opened his mouth, eager to ask more, but she cut him off. “About us.” She said, feeling bold now.
Davey’s eyebrows just about skyrocketed off his face. “Us.”
“Yeah.” Pepper’s hands were shaking, but she didn’t think she could stand another minute of this. All of her affections bottled up like a powder keg while he played with them so nonchalantly. “Davey, what are we?” She hoped the question didn’t come out as raw as it felt, but she could almost taste the blood on her tongue.
“Oh.” His shoulders dropped, and he looked away. His arms didn’t move from around her, but his eyes were flicking back and forth. “We’re… you’re… m-my best friend and...” He scrunched his eyes closed and took a deep breath. “You’re my best friend and... I’m so stupidly in love with you.”
Pepper sat up as the Ferris wheel stopped. They were at the top now.
“I know that’s a lot to throw at you, I’m sorry, but all day I’ve just been thinking about you and about how much it feels like you’re this missing piece of me, you know? Like every time I need someone you’re there, and every time I talk about you to anyone I get this big grin on my face. And then earlier when that lady said what she said, it just felt so right.” He’d been gesturing wildly with his hands until she grabbed them.
She pulled his hands into her lap, encasing them with her own cold ones. “Davey.”
He sighed with a wry smile. “You can tell me no, Pep, it’s okay. You don’t owe me anything.”
“Davey.” She tried again.
“And it’s not gonna ruin anything, I promise. I love you but that’s not gonna make me turn into an asshole, I still care about you as a friend.”
“David.” She grabbed the sides of his face in her cold hands. His jaw was tense. “I love you.” She said, plainly, the way you would state any other fact. The sky was blue, the Earth was round, and Pepper Simmons loved Davey Jacobs.
And for once, Davey- sweet, lovely Davey- didn’t start talking about love, or about basic heteronormativity, or fucking haunted houses. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed her.
Any great novelist, or even just your average writer, always compared a great kiss to fireworks. But this, Pepper thought, was better than any fireworks she’d ever seen. It was coming home after a long night. It was sitting by a fire on a cold winter day. It was years of sharing beds and writing texts in secret languages, of sitting at each other’s family dinners, of shared secrets and pinkie promises, playful teasing and pathetic yearning, all wrapped up in a soft press of lip to lip. It was Davey. Of course it was. In retrospect, nobody else had ever stood a chance.
Pepper was giggling when she pulled away from his lips. “I love you.” She repeated.
The lights of the amusement park were glittering in his eyes. “And I love you.” He was beaming, their foreheads tipped together. Then he started laughing, soft and slow and bubbly, as though he were savoring it. “Oy, we’re so ridiculous.” He said as the ferris wheel began to turn again.
She could’ve stayed there for days, looking at each of the freckles on his face like little star clusters in her vision. If there were ever a photo she could keep framed on the walls of her memory, it would be this; his smile, the ivory skin around his eyes crinkled as he laughed. She was laughing too. “Yeah, we are.” Her head leaned against his shoulder, a sigh escaping before she could stop it. “How long?”
There was a beat, and she knew Davey was thinking. “Um, four years maybe? It was the summer before junior year of high school, I know that much.” The thumb of his right hand, still around her, began rubbing at her shoulder.
Pepper sat upright, aghast. “Oh my God, you’re fucking with me.”
“I’m not.” He grinned.
“Holy fuck.” She snorted. “We could’ve been doing this for years!”
Davey poked her side, making her laugh in turn. “How about you?” There was the look in his eyes again, and this time she recognized it. Dreamy, warm, a little vulnerable.
“Senior Prom. Remember we slow danced together?”
The ferris wheel stopped again, this time with them at the back. “Yeah, holy shit. I was so nervous that night.” Pepper laughed, head tossed back. “I’m serious! I was so sweaty, I’m surprised you didn’t comment on it.”
“Your hands were like holding clams.” Another poke, this one less playful. “It doesn’t matter. None of it matters. We’re here now.”
A kiss landed on her cheek, warm in stark contrast to the biting cold. “I can’t believe this.” He was laughing. “I can’t believe you liked me back.” He said.
Pepper nuzzled her nose into his neck. “I know. I can’t either.” She rested her chin on his shoulder, looked up at him and sighed.
He turned back to her. “You know they’re not gonna leave us alone, right?” He asked, tilting his chin towards the baskets below them that held their friends.
“I’m aware,” she mumbled. “I mean, they did call it.”
His lips curled up into a wry smile. “I know they did.” His fingers found the long strands of her hair, wrapped themselves in them. “Race and V haven’t left me alone about you for like, two years straight.” He shrugged. “And oh my God, if I have to hear Sarah and Les talk about it one more time I’m gonna explode.”
Pepper’s jaw dropped. “Sarah and Les were teasing you?”
He scoffed gently. “Are you kidding? They tell me to shut up every time I talk about how pretty you are.” And yeah, maybe she should have expected that, if he truly had been in love with her since junior year of high school, but Pepper’s body reacted quicker than she could recognize, her cheeks going hot and nose scrunching as a smile broke across her features.
“Well,” She said as the ferris wheel began to turn again. “Lucky for us, we probably have some time to kill before we have to face them again.” She bit at her lower lip, glancing up at him and hoping he would catch onto her proposition.
And, since Davey had always been smart, he did. “You’re right.” He breathed, and then leaned down to catch her in another kiss, one that went on, well… a little longer than the first.
Later, they had to face their friends, red-faced and smiling as they admitted what had happened. They had to endure a good hour’s worth of teasing, V and Mickey taking the opportunity to deliver a few well-intended pokes to Pepper’s sides, and Race and Jack offering high-fives to her- well, she supposed he was her boyfriend now.
The two of them climbed into the backseat of Race’s mom’s minivan again, this time hand-in-hand and sharing warm laughter. Davey stole another kiss from her, giggly and content, and promptly leaned his head on her shoulder to get some rest.
She supposed everything else could wait.
7 notes · View notes
killshope · 2 years
ae. \\  …      †    a hollowed out star ‚ ic. 
vis. \\  …      †    a boy in a mask ‚ ic. 
ism. \\  …      †    such ancient eyes ‚ ic. 
dash. \\  …      †   bast : simps for baddies ‚ ooc. 
meta. \\  …      †   locked away in a box ‚ ooc. 
rel. \\  …      †   take my hand ‚ sheresists. ♡
rel. \\  …      †   in another life ‚ hyprnovae. ♡
rel. \\  …      †   girl next door ‚ conniidel. ♡
0 notes
calliecat93 · 4 years
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Well guys, we made it. We made it to the end. The ride to this point has been utterly insane. Political corruption, Amity Arena, thirsty moms, the uncertainty of who to trust at every corner. November feels like a long time ago now, but alas here we are. To say that last week was a shock would be an understatement. It set the stage though, cause while IDK how this is gonna end, I don’t expect it to be happy. Am I right? Only one way to find out. For the final time this volume, let’s do this.
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It’s JNR+Oscar vs Neo, and she’s so far able to hold her own against them. But she is still outnumbered four to one, so she uses an illusion to escape. Before the four can truly ponder on it, the Atlesian guards come after them, forcing them to flee. Meanwhile, Cinder is fighting Winter and Penny and having no trouble, though her anger is slowly growing. She outright says to Winter that, like everyone else in Atlas, they try to expand their power but it just makes those wanting it as well hungrier. And Cinder refuses to starve. It eventually leads to Cinder charging them all through a wall and out of the building, though they each save themselves form following to their death (Cinder via Maiden magic, Penny with her boosters, Winter by Summoning) and the fight continues on. Unfortunately, Cinder is able to break both Winter’s Summon and her Aura, forcing Penny to let Cinder go back into the building to save her. Winter protests, saying that her life isn’t worth it, but Penny disagrees.
JNR and Oscar continue to flee from the guards, but Oscar can’t keep up and ends up losing the other. He seems to be saved by Nora… except not. It’s Neo in disguise, and she’s now got the Lamp. Oscar runs with Jaune finding him, but Neo gets past him. Ren tries to stop her… but when he gets close and sees her as Nora looking sad, he hesitates. As such, Neo gets past him. The three boys run into more guards, forcing them to flee once more. The real Nora catches back up… and notices a visibly distressed and tearful Ren. Neo, now disguised as an Atlesian officer, walks away with the Lamp now in her possession.
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If that weren’t bad enough, Cinder has pried open the Aura Transfer Pod and Fria is now awake. The poor old woman doesn’t understand what’s going on or even really remember why she’s been waiting in the facility. Cinder gets her Grimm Arm ready to kill Fria… but Fria grabs her arm. She remembers that she has a job to do, and thus activates the full Maiden power. It causes a massive explosion of magical snow and ice that is so cold, Cinder has to back away from it. Penny and Winter see this as the power explodes through the rooftop. Winter realizes what’s happening, but she too can’t get through because of the cold. Penny, however? She jumps through the hole and into the storm, leaving a shocked Winter behind.
JNR and Oscar are hiding in the training room, the latter feeling guilty for losing the Lamp. Jaune tells him it’s okay, but Ren is much more stressed. He feels that they weren’t ready to become Huntsmen and freaks out about how the enemies have the Relic while they’re failing, forcing Jaune to tell him to calm down. Fortunately, our heroes finally get a breather as Pietro has restored the Comms. He, Maria, Blake, and Yang are commandeering a ship and plan to come and get JNR. Which is good since the guards just found them. One problem though, at some point during this, Oscar left. He comms JNR to tell them that he can’t go with them, having something that he needs to do alone. He doesn’t explain what or why, just running through the Academy corridors. 
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Penny gets back into Fria’s room, even as the ice tries to freeze her leg. She approaches Fria, who seems to be in some kind of trance state, and asks her if she’s okay. Fria notices, remembering that she is meant to protect the Maiden powers until she was ready. She seems to realize that it’s time, and is ready to tell James this. Penny points out what’ll happen, but Fria despite her fading memories is fully aware of this. The storm dies down and Fria collapses, Penny catching her. Fria asks her if she is ‘the one’, and the Protector of Mantle is unsure of how to answer.
In the Vault, Ironwood hears someone entering. He assumes it’s Winter and starts to apologize for what he made her do… but he turns and sees Oscar. While he is holding the cane in an Oz-like manner, this is infact Oscar as he tries to convince Ironwood to stop and repair the damage. Oscar wants to restore the trust, even though at this point even James notes that he doesn’t trust himself. He asks if Oscar is going to fight him, but the farmboy refuses, having the cane just because it helps comfort him when afraid. Though it’s likely due to Oz. He puts it away, trying to reason with James… but once he mentions this, James snaps. He feels that he was right and when he let his guard down, ti cost him. Oscar tries to point out everything wrong that he is doing by doign Mantle… but it all falls on deaf ears. 
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James continues to go off about how people like Robyn and the Council, those he deems unable to look at the larger picture, are in his way… and that includes the person standing before him. Does he mean Oscar? Oz? Or both? You decide. When Oscar, at this point backed to the edge, says “Then you’re as dangerous as she is James”, the man in question points out that his friends call him by his first name… and coldly says that Oscar can refer to him as general. Without any hesitation or emotion, Ironwood draws and fires his gun right at Oscar. This not only breaks his Aura but knocks him over the edge. Ironwood merely watches the boy fall into the chasm below, doing nothing nor expressing anything at all.
Back at the facility, Cinder tries to attack once more, but Winter re-enters and slices off Cinder’s Grimm arm. She is screaming in pure agony as the arm grows back, which gives Winter time to see Penny with Fria and realize not only is Fria about to die, but her chance of getting the Maiden powers is slipping. But Cinder, arm grown back, launches a violent, rage-filled onslaught onto Winter. Penny stays by Fria, wordlessly comforting her as the elderly woman peacefully dies. But it looks like she’s chosen who her Maiden power will go to...a s the blue energy begins to transfer form her to Penny. Cinder realizes this too late as the familiar eye mask ignites vis Penny’s eyes. Yes, my friends, Penny Polendina is our new Winter Maiden.
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Oscar continues to fall, the cane alongside him and his expression is almost blank. It seems like he’s given up and he starts to close his eyes… until a familiar voice echoes in his mind. His eyes flare green and this seems to reignite his will to go on as he reaches for the cane. At the same time, Ruby and Weiss finally arrive at the facility and see a battered Winter. Weiss is concerned, but the second that Ruby sees Cinder, she wastes no time. Her Silver Eyes activate just as Oscar grabs the cane, a green glow emitting from it. He presses the cane forward, blasting apart the bottom of the chasm and plunging him out of Atlas and into the open sky,
Throughout these next few moments as Oscar falls, we get a monologue from Ozpin. About how the one constant of every living thing in this world is fear. How we fear so many things. Failure. Loss. Growing close to someone. And of course, what those fears will manifest into. But it isn’t fear itself that is the issue, it is what we do in the face of it. Who we will become once we are stuck with it. What kind of person will we become? Will we be proud of that person? Can we forgive them? Do we even recognize that person as ourselves? Or do we end up becoming the very same thing that we feared all along?
“I supposed we all find out, sooner or later”
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Cinder escapes, enraged at her failures once again. Neo gives her the Lamp though, which helps her calm down, though Neo is still as un-thrilled as ever. Maria, Pietro, and the Bees pick up JNR and head to pick up the others. Weiss rushes to Winter, who demands to know what she did to become wanted. She tells them to stand down and comply to the General… but a clearly broken up Weiss tells her that they can’t. Therefore, Winter tells them to go. Weiss refuses to leave her, but Winter says she’s giving them a head start as she calls for both medical and reinforcements. Weiss realizes what this means… and she, Ruby, and Penny get on the jet. Penny is understandably conflicted by what happened, but Ruby and Weiss comfort her and her father is also close by. We also get a short, but beautifully somber ballad called Until the End that was not only sung by Casey, but also her first song as the songwriter. Beautiful.
Our heroes escape, but not all is well. Qrow and Robyn are arrested and taken back to Atlas, the latter now having Clover’s bloodied badge. We also find out that Watts is alive, though incarcerated, but he sees something outside that makes him smirk evilly. Oscar is able to create a kind of energy bubble that breaks his fall and land safely but he is now all alone… well, almost. Ozpin is back now and Oscar knows that he saved him… but Oz counters this. It was Oscar who saved /them/. Oz begins to say something, but Oscar cuts him off. Right now, all he wants to know is how they can save Atlas now. As our heroes flee from the Kingdom, a direct parallel to when they first arrived back in the beginning, reports come in of some kind of enemy approach. One like nothing that they have seen before. In the sky, dark clouds emerge as what looks like a giant Grimm Whale emerges from them. That can only mean one thing. The chapter, and with it Volume 7, ends with the arrival of the Wicked Witch, and she is ready to unleash her wrath.
Oh Lord… this was… something…
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There is so much to go over, so let’s get on with it. First is the Maiden stuff. I think we all knew that neither Winter nor Cinder would get the power, but I’m glad that Penny did. I predicted it a week ago, but I’m certianly happy to see it come true. And honestly? She’s earned it. Unlike anyone else in Ironwood’s lot, Penny followed her heart. She valued feelings and emotions, even if she was still learning the concept. She could have followed Ironwood’s orders, but she didn’t. She could have killed Fria to stop her power, but she didn’t. She simply went up to her and talked to her, asking her if she’s okay. Like a compassionate human being. She allowed Fria to have a peaceful death. A death that she accepted herself, and due to ti, rewarded Penny with her power. Penny got her own Blue Fairy, and has now been proven to be a Real Girl. It is the perfect way to conclude her character arc this season, and I am so happy about it.
But it, of course, comes at a cost. Winter doesn’t get it, and unfortunately, she stays by Ironwood. It’s clearly not a choice that she’s making lightly. As I’ve said so many times, she feels that she owes Ironwood and the military. She feels like the General is trying to dow hat’s right, despite her heart telling her otherwise. We even see here, with her constant worry for Penny and ultimately giving Weiss the chance to escape, that she isn’t heartless. Winter still has hope, and er not getting the powers is probably the best thing for her. She didn’t get the destiny she was groomed for, and hopefully, this will allow her to look at the bigger picture and begin carving her own destiny. But t won’t be right now. It hurts her. When she tells Weiss that she’s giving her a head start, she sounds on the verge of tears. But nevertheless, she won’t turn on Atlas. On James. So for now, she and her sister and now enemies, and they both know it. But hopefully, this will only be temporary.
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Upside though, the fight with her, Penny, and Cinder was excellent. It’s been V3 since we saw Winter fight, and while she got beat up pretty hard, she managed to hold her own against Cinder. The fight was excellent, especially when it went into the air. Probably one of, if not /the/ best fight of the volume. Neo vs JNR and Oscar was also good. Neo knew that she was outnumbered, and resorted to using trickery and craftiness just as her mentor would. As such, she got out without a scratch and with the Lamp. But JNR definitely managed to put up a fight and it was a really fun watch. I do worry about Ren though. He was horrified when he nearly harmed Neo while she looked like Nora and the recent events have him frustrated and worn down. I’m pretty sure he’ll stick by the heroes’ side, but with how much more closed off he’s been becoming, I worry if this will make him worse. We can only hope that Nora and Jaune can pull him back if that’s the case.
Then we have Cinder. I expected her to not be happy by the end, but… man, she went Azula-esque insane here. I think it’s becoming more and more clear why. Whatever happened in the past, it made CInder desire power. She doesn’t want to starve. Considering her inspiration of Cinderella, I have a pretty good idea of what likely happened. But even so, Cinder again fails. She’s so obsessed with power, she won’t grow what she has or realize what got her the Fall power, to begin with. It wasn’t because she overpowered Amber, it was because she had Emerald and Mercury there aiding her. But she feels that she’s powerful enough on ehr own now, but she keeps being proven wrong. She’s failed twice now, and with each failure, her rage grows more and more. Not to mention once again, Ruby came in unexpectedly and like before, ruined her chances by forcing her to flee to not get Silver Eyes blasted. Which seeing Ruby use it with zero hesitation just from seeing Cinder? Perfection. Due to it, Cinder lost her biggest chance at getting more power, though she does have the Relic. That’ll likely get her back into Salem’s favor, but I worry for Penny int he future since Cinder knows that she has it…
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But it emphasizes the thing about Cinder. She is desperate for power. Even though she has a great deal already, she wants more and more. No matter what she has to do to get it, or who she has to slay. This is going to be her undoing one day. There’s been some talk about Cinder being redeemed… but I don’t see it. Cinder has taken immense pleasure in killing people, ruining people’s lives, and even jut injuring people like Weiss in V5 out of pure spite. She’s pretty much… well, Adam. She uses and abuses people to get what he wants, she takes pleasure in harming others even if they did nothing to her, she is obsessed with power, and most of all she has zero remorse for any of this. She wants power, and that’s all the justifications he needs. She’s done too much to earn redemption, especially considering what Adam and even Tyrian have done. I just don’t see her doing so. At most, she may turn on Salem, but it ain’t gonna be out of remorse. This chapter confirms for me that there is absolutely more to Cinder’s quest for power than just wanting it for itself… but that will only explain it, not justify it. If anything, with two failures under her belt, I only see her becoming much, much worse…
But now we come to the big thing.
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Oscar tries to appeal to Ironwood but it fails. It is here that Ironwood goes from a good man making all the wrong choices to true villainy. Despite what he may claim, fear has absolutely taken control of him. Everything he is doing is out of fear of Salem winning. Sacrificing Mantle? Trying to raise Atlas? Sacrificing Fria and grooming Winter to do it? Trying to arrest a bunch of kids who tried to reason with him? All of it is because he is afraid, and that fear has shaped him into the very thing he feared all along. He has become like Salem. The moment that proves this? Him shooting Oscar. He shoots a teenaged boy who did nothing to him and only tried to help him. Why? Because he didn’t want to even consider that he may be wrong anymore, Oscar tried to help him. RWBY trie to help him. Even Ozpin, back in Volumes 2 and 3, tried to help him. Even Glynda talked to him! And every single time, Ironwood ignored it. He refused the help or the one time he did he snapped all because of a chess piece.
James was a good man, but he kept failing. He refused to listen, outright overthrew people if he didn’t like what they said even when it wasn’t his kingdom (hi end of V2!), and continued to fail. This is the final step in his fall from grace. No longer is he the good man who despite his missteps has the best of intentions. Even though he knows that he’s causing hundreds of deaths, he’s too lost in his paranoia and fear to care. He not only shot a teenaged boy with zero hesitation but in his mind, shot the man who refused to listen to him from the start. The same person who, in his mind, allowed this all to happen. Despite Oz’s lies, he /did/ honestly try to reason with Ironwood so many times, and again, Ironwood didn’t listen. The only person to blame for his position is himself, but he won’t’ admit it. His hopes are shattered, and they can’t be mended any more. The James Ironwood we met in Volume 2 is dead, now replaced with a heartless tin soldier.
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Indeed, the ending is bleak. Our heroes escaped, but they’re still wanted by the Atlesian military. Penny got the Maiden powers, but it paints a target on her back form all sides and Fria still died. Winter survived, but she stands by Ironwood and thus lets go of Weiss. Oscar awakened his powers, but he’s separated from everyone. Qrow and Robyn have been arrested, meaning RWBYJNR lost one of their best fighters and Ruby and Yang their uncle, and Mantle lost its hero and the Happy Huntresses’ their leader. Atlas doesn’t get raised, but James is as enraged as ever and he still condemned Mantle to die. But worse of all, Salem has arrived. She not only has the giant Whale Grimm, but her massive army of Flying Monkeys. The military is likely unprepared, Mantle is defenseless, and Salem looks more than ready to unleash her wrath. Things… do not look good, folks.
I think the thing that best describes this chapter, and the volume as a whole, is the credits song Fear. Which first, another amazing song! But the song talks about the same things as Oz’s monologue. About how we all feel fear, and do so for various reasons. But it’s what we do in its wake that matters. James gave into the fear and ended up becoming the exact thing that he fought against. If he realizes it like is implied, he’s past the point of caring anymore. As I said, he’s no longer the same man we met. But in contrast, look at Ozpin. He’s lived in fear even longer, and it cost him so much. Volume 6 alone demonstrates this. But it seems like he may have realized it now. He knows what fear can do to someone. What it can turn one into. He’s been there, and he hated the person that he saw. It turned him into someone so different he didn’t even go by Ozma anymore. Due to it, he quit trusting others, and in turn, the heroes no longer trusted him. But has he learned now? It’s hard to say, but he is correct that at some point, sooner or later, we find out what fear turns us into.
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The finale did its job of wrapping things up while leaving things open for the next volume, and did so excellent;y. It wrapped up all the remaining major plot threads, but left a couple open and opened plenty of new ones. It was animated very well. It had so many different emotions and the monologue from Oz was absolutely perfect. The only real bummer is that we didn’t get a stinger for the first time but honestly? It didn’t really need one. I think it ended exactly where it needed to, as mean as that ending is. In the end, I felt… no happy or even sad. I guess the word is somber. I think that may be the perfect way to describe this volume and where it lead us to as a whole, somber.
Volume Eight Predictions
It’s going to be outright war.
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So we have Salem invading, but IDT she’ll unleash all the forces immediately. She’s gonna be smart about this. With the Lamp, Cinder will be able to get back in her good graces I feel, though if Emerald and Mercury are there IDK how they’ll feel about Neo. Emerald especially. James is not only going to want to face Salem for obvious reasons, but he’s going to want RWBYJNRO for both the Maiden and for screwing his plans over as massively as they did. IDK what the heroes are gonna do, though my guess is they’ll flee to Mantle since they’re the most vulnerable and since Atlas won’t save them, they will. But it won’t be easy. The city is without heating still, and at this point, the people are likely broken. Hopefully, they can fix this and resolve any of their own issues like Ren’s problems and any issues that these events will cause amongst themselves. Oscar will likely catch back up with the others very quickly, but who knows?
Any specifics? Well, we have Penny with the Maiden powers, so that could result in who knows what. We have O back and while I think that Oscar is willing to listen to him and accept his help, the others… ehh. Very least, I don’t see either Yang nor Jaune immediately accepting him back. Ruby I cans ee still having her issues, but she’s always but what’s best for others over anything else, so I think she’ll at least listen. Everyone else is right down the middle. Not to mention with Qrow gone, the kids are pretty much on their own now, and considering none of them have been in a war, they’re… not gonna have an easy time. We all thought this volume was rough? IIRC, CRWBY described this as Part One. Up next is Part Two, and all I can say for certain is it’s gonna be wild.
Episode Stats
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Favorite Character: Penny Polendina and Oscar Pine Favorite Scene: All the scenes during Ozpin’s monologue Least Favorite Scene: None. It was all fantastic Favorite Voice Actor: Shannon McCormick (Ozpin) Favorite Animation: Oscar falling through the sky Rating: 10/10
Final Thoughts
I loved this chapter. IDK where it ranks among other finales, but it was still amazing. The emotions were so well conveyed and despite the cliffhanger ending, it wrapped up all that it needed to perfectly. This entire volume has been one heck of ride, and this was the cherry on top. I was greatly satisfied with the ending, and it was another amazing chapter to another amazing volume of RWBY. So Volume Eight? Bring it on.
And… that’s it, guys. I only have one more RWBY related review to do until V8, and that’s the full Volume Seven review. Though to be fair I am splitting it into two parts cause there is a loooot to cover. But as far as Episode Reviews go, that’s it until RvB18 starts. I’m kind of glad cause boy do I need a breather. But thank you, everyone, who has read this and my previous reviews, and I hope that you’ll stick around for the Volume 7 review. I’ll see you then~!
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tex-mex-lex · 4 years
This will be evidence that I, indeed, have no life.
SUPPOSEDLY if you've seen over 137 films, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen. There are 396 films on the list. Since everyone is on shelter in place, ya know you got the time to do this!
MY Total: 117 (but I have something to say about this)
Rocky Horror Picture Show: ✅
Grease: ✅
Pirates of the Caribbean: ✅
Boondock Saints: ✅
Fight Club:✅
Starsky and Hutch: ✅
Neverending Story: ✅
Blazing Saddles:
Airplane: ✅
The Princess Bride: ✅
Anchorman: ✅
Napoleon Dynamite: ✅
Saw II:
Saw III:
Saw IV:
Saw V:
Saw VI:
Saw VII:
White Noise:
White Oleander:
Anger Management:
50 First Dates: ✅
The Princess Diaries: ✅
The Princess Diaries 2:✅
Scream: ✅
Scream 2:
Scream 3:
Scream 4:
Scream 5:
Scary Movie: ✅
Scary Movie 2:
Scary Movie 3:
Scary Movie 4:
Scary movie 5:✅
American Pie: ✅
American Pie 2: ✅
American Wedding:
American Pie Reunion:
American Pie Band Camp:
Harry Potter 1: ✅
Harry Potter 2: ✅
Harry Potter 3: ✅
Harry Potter 4: ✅
Harry Potter 5: ✅
Harry Potter 6: ✅
Harry Potter 7pt 1: ✅
Harry Potter 7pt 2: ✅
Resident Evil 1:
Resident Evil 2:
Resident Evil 3:
Resident Evil 4:
Resident Evil 5:
Resident Evil 6:
The Wedding Singer: ✅
Little Black Book:
The Village: ✅
Lilo & Stitch:✅
Finding Neverland: ✅
Signs: ✅
The Grinch:✅
Texas Chainsaw Massacre:
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning:
White Chicks: ✅
Butterfly Effect:
13 Going on 30: ✅
Robots: ✅
Dodgeball:A True Underdog Story: ✅
Universal Soldier:
Lemony Snicket A Series Of Unfortunate Events: ✅
Along Came Polly: ✅
Deep Impact:
Never Been Kissed: ✅
Meet The Parents:✅
Meet the Fockers:
Little Fockers:
Eight Crazy Nights:
Joe Dirt:
A Cinderella Story: ✅
The Terminal:
The Lizzie McGuire Movie: ✅
Passport to Paris:
Dumb & Dumber: ✅
Dumber & Dumber:
Dumb & Dumberer:
Final Destination:
Final Destination 2:
Final Destination 3:
Final Destination 4:
Final destination 5:
The Final Destination:
Halloween 2:
Halloween 3: Season of the Witch:
Halloween 4: the Return of Michael Myers
Halloween 5: The Revenge:
Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers
Halloween H2O:
Halloween Resurrection:
Rob zombies Halloween:
The Ring:
The Ring 2:
The Ring 3:
Surviving Christmas:
Total so far: 44
Flubber: ✅
Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle:
Practical Magic:
Ghost Ship:
From Hell:
Secret Window:
I Am Sam:
The Whole Nine Yards:
The Whole Ten Yards:
The Day After Tomorrow:
Child's Play:
Child's play 2:
Child's play 3:
Seed of Chucky:
Bride of Chucky:
Curse of Chucky:
Ten Things I Hate About You: ✅
Just Married:
Nightmare on Elm Street:
Nightmare on Elm Street 2:
Nightmare on Elm Street 3:
Nightmare on Elm Street 4:
Nightmare on Elm Street 5:
New Nightmare:
Freddy vs Jason:
Sixteen Candles: ✅
Remember the Titans:
Total so far: 47
Coach Carter:
The Grudge:
The Mask:✅
Son Of The Mask: ✅
Bad Boys:
Bad Boys 2:
Joy Ride:
Lucky Number Seven:
Ocean's Eleven: ✅
Ocean's Twelve : ✅
Bourne Identity:
Bourne Supremacy:
Bourne Ultimatum:
Jason Bourne:
Lone Star:
Predator I:
Predator II:
The Fog:
Ice Age:✅
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown: ✅
Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs: ✅
Ice Age Continental Drift:
Ice Age Collision Course:
Curious George:
Total so far: 54
Independence Day:
A Bronx Tale:
Darkness Falls:
ET: ✅
Children of the corn: ✅
My Boss’s Daughter:
Maid in Manhattan:
War of the Worlds:
Rush Hour:
Rush Hour 2:
Best Bet:
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days: ✅
She's All That: ✅
Calendar Girls:
Mars Attacks:
Event Horizon:
Ever After: ✅
Total so far: 59
Wizard of Oz:✅
Forrest Gump:✅
Big Trouble in Little China:
The Terminator:
The Terminator 2:
The Terminator 3:
X-Men 2:
X-Men 3:
Spider-Man: ✅
Spider-Man 2: ✅
Sky High: ✅
Jeepers Creepers:
Jeepers Creepers 2:
Catch Me If You Can: ✅
The Little Mermaid: ✅
Freaky Friday: ✅
Reign of Fire:
The Skulls:
Cruel Intentions:
Cruel Intentions 2:
Total so far: 67
The Hot Chick: ✅
Shrek: ✅
Shrek 2: ✅
Miracle on 34th Street: ✅
Old School:
The Notebook: ✅
Krippendorf's Tribe:
A Walk to Remember:
Ice Castles:
The 40-year-old Virgin: ✅
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring:
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers:
Lord of the Rings: Return Of the King:
Raiders of the Lost Ark: ✅
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom:
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:
Basketball Diaries:
Total so far: 74
3 notes · View notes
mixed-imagination · 5 years
Something Borrowed (Pt. 2) - Steve Rogers x Reader (NEW version)
IMPORTANT UPDATE: I’ve decided to rewrite my series “Something Borrowed.” For a thorough explanation click HERE. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: You and Steve keep missing each other. When will it be your time?
Warnings: very little angst
Word Count: 1.9+
Notes: My inspiration for this came from the movie Something Borrowed.
Song of the chapter: Thinking About Your Love - Turner, Skipworth
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Your eyes fluttered open.  It took you a minute realize it was morning.  The sunlight peeked through your bedroom curtains, city cars dully roared outside, and the warm breeze brushed against your cheeks. You blinked and stared up at your white ceiling as the events of yesterday came pooling into your mind.  
“No,” you whispered.  Your chest started to feel heavy, tears building. You closed your eyes and shook your head trying to block out the memories.
After a few minutes, you finally sat up and groaned, rubbing your crusty eyes, “Shit. Friday, what time is it?”
Suddenly your bedroom door flew open. You jolted, “Jesus! Are you insane?” you grabbed your heaving chest. You were almost thankful for the shock because for a short moment you had forgotten everything.
Standing in front of you was Wanda who was holding a tray of breakfast, “It’s time for you to get the hell up, Y/N.”
Your brow raised, “Excuse me?” You laughed a bit, slightly amused. “Please, Friday, what time is it?”
“Good afternoon, Y/N. It’s 1:03 PM,” Friday spoke.
“You know Friday is not Alexa. Don’t treat her like one.”
You groaned again, slapping your forehead and ignoring Wanda’s snide comment, “Jeez, it’s so late!”
Wanda held her arms out and handed you the tray of food, “Here. Eat.”
“Wanda,” You chuckled, taking it from her.  On the tray, there was a plate of sunny-side eggs, bacon, slices of banana and a cup of orange juice. It smelled delicious, but you had no appetite, so you let the tray remain on your lap.
Wanda sat at your bedside and placed a hand on your arm, “How are you feeling, love?”
The color drained from your face as your pleasant expression disappeared faster than it appeared. Heartache started to creep up again, and Wanda’s pained face did not help it go away. You quickly forced a smile, “I’m feeling good.”
“No seriously. Are you okay?”
You nodded and lifted your arms to stretch, yawning, “I feel good.”
“But what about Steve?” her eyebrows furrowed.
A wave of pain washed over you as soon as his name left Wanda’s lips. You coughed and feigned laughter, “Oh that? No need to worry. I have to admit I was a little sad, but after having a good cry, I feel great. Steve sucks. Fuck Steve,” you grinned widely, trying to reassure her.
You knew you didn’t need to hide anymore, but you guessed you lied because you just wanted to forget everything. You didn’t want to hurt anyone or have anyone worry about you. You needed to stay strong, and this was just a way to try and make yourself believe that you really were.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Wanda, please don’t worry—”
“Don’t worry?” her voice raised slightly, “You made me look into your mind, Y/N. I saw your memories. I felt all of your memories—”
Anxiety raised in you, “Please—”
“I felt all the love and all of the pain,” she rubbed your arm, “There was a lot.”
“I saw all those late nights, Y/N. I saw that night at the bar—”
“Wanda, please stop,” you begged, “I’m trying.”
She quickly shut up, but her frown remained as she removed her hand from your side. She leaned back and crossed her arms, noticing that your food had not been touched, “Y/N, you need to eat.”
You smiled weakly and shook your head, moving the tray of food to your bedside table, “Thanks, but I’m not hungry though.”
Her eyebrows furrowed, slightly annoyed, “Why not?”
“I’m just...not,” you sighed and shrugged.
Wanda abruptly stood up, huffing in frustration as she made her way to spread the window curtains apart. She stood there, staring out at the sky.
“You know, Y/N,”  she sighed, “You’re one of my closest friends.”
The twang of pain grew in your chest, “I know.”
“I love you like a sister... Same as Natasha,” she glanced at you before returning to the window, “I would never want to see you or her hurt.”
You nodded, your voice almost a whisper, “I know.”
Suddenly her head whipped towards you, face contorted, “If you know, then why didn’t you tell me?” her tone was stern.
Once again, your stomach dropped as your anxiety and guilt began to grow like wildfire. Your mouth parted, words failing to escape your lips. You didn’t really know what to say.
“I don’t know.”
“Do you not trust me?” she walked towards you.
“No! I do!” you frowned.
“Do you value me less than I do you?”
The more she questioned you, the more your facade failed you. You felt your eyes start to flood with tears. “No, Wanda, you’re my best friend.”
“Then you could’ve told me. I would’ve helped you!”
You shook your head as your tears rolled down your cheeks, “No, Wanda,” you whispered weakly, “I couldn’t. There was no point in telling you or anyone for that matter.”
“No point? You’ve been hiding this secret for so long!”
“You saw the memories. I missed the chance to tell Steve my feelings twice now. The first time was silly because I didn’t realize my feelings until Sharon came around. And then once she was gone, I was trying to grow some balls to tell him. But I was too late because he fell in love with Nat,” you shrugged and let out a nervous chuckle.
“Y/N…” sadness clouded her face.
“When they were together, not only did I feel like shit because Steve didn’t love me, but I felt awful, too. I felt like a bad friend. I was guilty of being in love with my best friend’s boyfriend. Nat would kill me and I would never want to hurt her. So you couldn’t have helped me.”
Wanda grabbed your shoulders and pulled you in for a tight embrace. You instantly wrapped your arms around her, letting your tears drip onto her sweater. “You could’ve talked to me,” she stroked your hair.
“I’m so sorry, Wanda,” you tried to smile, but it wavered as you struggled to keep yourself together.
“It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.”
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After an hour of crying and talking it out, you were snuggled in your bed in with Wanda lying down at the end.  You were watching a movie on Netflix called To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before while sharing a carton of chocolate ice cream.
“I wish I had a Peter Kavinsky,” you spooned some ice cream in your mouth, “Too bad he’s a boy and not a man.”
Wanda shook her head, “Nu-uh, I think he’s kinda cuter than Steve.”
You raised a brow and tilted your head towards her with a smirk, “Yea, he would be your type, wouldn’t he?” You laughed as Wanda rolled her eyes, “Shut up.”
She turned to you and grabbed the ice cream carton before you had a chance to eat some more. “Hey!” you detested. She ignored you and spooned some, “So, Y/N.”
“Tomorrow is your bir—”
“Please don’t finish that sentence,” you cringed.
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to be reminded that I’m getting old—”
“Shut up, you’re not old. Your birth—”
“Wanda, please—”
“I’m only bringing it up because tonight’s the party!”
You groaned and sunk into the bed sheets, “Shit, I forgot. I don’t want to even think about that.”
She twirled a strand of hair, “Maybe you should tell him how you feel?”
“What? No! Are you crazy?? Steve, he...he just got engaged!” you started fidgeting with your nails and stared up at your ceiling, “I already lost my chance with him to Nat, and… and if I tell him… I’ll lose both of them forever.”
“Fine, don’t tell him,” Wanda sighed, “but you can’t avoid him forever. You know he’ll come looking for you.”
“No, no, no, no. I don’t even want to think about Steve right now,” you yanked the covers over your head in frustration.
The thought of Steve hurt. Just hearing his name flashed an image of him in your mind.  You would see his charming smile and his shiny blue eyes, and if you thought for a second more, you’d hear his laugh. Because with every signature smile came his contagious laugh.  It was a package deal… a package deal you wanted out of your mind.  You shook your head vigorously.
Wanda stretched over the edge of the bed and placed the finished ice cream carton on the floor, “Alright, you don’t want to think, so… you wanna drink? I could grab some Asgardian booze from the common area.”
“Nah. Save that for tonight. I don’t think I should drink right now,” you mumbled under the sheets.
As much as you wanted to forget, drinking alcohol was not the way to do it. Your broken heart was still fresh and raw.  Booze would only make the ache in your chest burn and your misery amplified.  You knew your limits, and your relationship with alcohol was no bueno.  You knew if you were drunk, you’d probably do something rash like accidentally roam around naked, or worse, go and find Steve and say the unspeakable… or even MORE WORSE, go and find Steve WHILE naked.
The covers were yanked from over you, “Common, the party’s in a few hours. We have to make you look hot tonight,” Wanda lectured.
You squinted from the sudden light and immediately retreated into your pillow, “I just wanna sleep,” you mumbled.
“But Y/N!—”
You smirked, “I wonder what Vis would say if I told him about your little crush on Peter Kavinsky.”
Wanda’s eyes widened as she sat up a little, almost like she was about to pounce on you if she continued testing her, “You. Wouldn’t. Dare.”
You giggled into the bed, making her laugh along with you.
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The party was exactly how you expected it to be. It was held in the tower’s common area, which was swarming with groups of people, many of which you did not recognize. You were secretly glad there was a surplus of people because that meant you could easily mask yourself in the crowd if you ever spot Steve or Nat. Thank god Tony was always in charge of the guest list.
Speaking of the devil, Tony appeared and sauntered towards you, holding two glasses of champagne, “There she is! Woman of the hour! Look, everyone! The birthday girl is here!” The crowd of strangers cheered. He handed Wanda a glass, but you declined yours.
“You always know how to host a party Tony,” Wanda rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Hey,” he shrugged, “Genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist, right?”
You laugh, “Right.”
Tony gave you toothy grin as he came in closer to hug you. As soon as your mouth was near his ear, you whispered, “Thank you for yesterday, Tony.”
He squeezed you tightly in response and then pulled away, “For you? Anytime, kid.”
Your face flushed as you smiled at him. You were so thankful for Tony.
“So!” he clapped, “You ladies hungry? Let me lead you to the food table.”
“I’ll be the one to do that, Stark.”
The hairs on the back of your neck immediately stand up. You sucked in your breath.
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NOTE: hey yall! sorry if this chapter is a little short. it was originally supposed to be like....5,000+ words l0l..but i decided to split it into three 🤷🏻‍♀️hope you enjoyed some of the character development :D stay tuned this week for more chapters!
TAGS: @blueenemy24 @meaganottiz02
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Miraculous Mystery Skulls: Chapter Three
First Arc: a Spellcaster, a Ghost and a Mechanic walk into a bar Paris
Summary: On their honeymoon in Paris, the City of Lights, the trio of Vivi, Lewis and Arthur encounter more than sightseeing… in the form of monsters, supervillains and a pair of teen superheroes. Sometimes, miraculous things can happen, when you least expect it.
(A Mystery Skulls/Miraculous Ladybug crossover event)
A/N: This all started with this fic by @phantoms-lair and the silly idea of them running into Chat Noir and Ladybug while there. It grew…
It’s a tale of heroes, miraculous, found family and more (with a healthy dose of puns). Co-created and written with assistance from @phantoms-lair, so she deserves some of the credit and a lot of the blame! :P
Back to Chapter Two
Chapter Three. The Grand Master
This time Vivi woke Arthur early. The sun was just barely over the horizon and he groaned at her, pulling a pillow over his head. "It's too early. Wake me at a decent hour."
"Much as I'm enjoying the view," A fingertip trailed up the bare leg sticking out from under the rumpled sheets, eliciting a shiver that ran all the way up his back. "I want to get a move on. We're getting some breakfast at that lovely bakery—”
"And double checking my observations." Lewis chuckled.
"Shoosh you. And then we're doing a little more snooping before we go sightseeing. I plan on making short work of finding this butthead of a supervillain."
They were out on the waking streets about twenty minutes later, Arthur grumbling along beside them. They were nearly to the bakery when a girl handing out cologne samples attached to flyers accosted them, handing a flyer to Arthur and Lewis. "Try the newest fragrance from Le Parfum Agreste, 'Free Spirit'!"
Lewis smiled politely at her and tucked the sample flyer into his pocket. Arthur scowled at both the girl and the flyer impartially. Vivi was snickering at him when he paused, expression grim. "Hey, Vi? Still got that sharpie on you that you bought last night?"
She handed it over with a curious look and watched as he scribbled on the flyer. "I wasn't sure last night, when you said you knew who they were, but yeah..." He turned the flyer around for their inspection. "Now I am."  On the young blonde model he had drawn a black mask and a pair of pointed cat ears.
Vivi pursed her lips. "Mind you, I was bluffing a little, because that so-called 'master' was getting on my nerves, but I had a pretty good idea. You just confirmed it. How has anyone here not noticed?"
"People see what they expect to see, love. They don't see a teen model in a superhero. Or a baker's daughter." Lewis answered frankly.
Arthur frowned and stuffed the flyer in his pocket.
They arrived at the bakery shortly after. While Arthur and Vivi picked out pastries, Lewis scoped out everything else. When Sabine Cheng called up the stairs, "Marinette, you'll be late for your field trip!" and a flustered girl stumbled down the steps to give her mother a hasty hug, it was clear to see she was exactly who Lewis had said she was.
It was even more noticeable when she tripped over her own feet upon spotting them. Her blue eyes were wide and shocked.
Lewis picked up the sketchbook she had dropped and handed it back with a smile. "Don't forget this."
It took her two tries to get out a thank you, and she bolted for the door as soon as she'd managed to stutter it.
"That girl..." Sabine shook her head fondly after her daughter. "Sorry about that. Did you decide what you wanted?"
"It's fine," Lewis said with practiced ease. "Seven-four is not a height you see every day."
Sabine blinked, confused. Then her expression cleared. "Oh, you're American. Your French is so good I never would have guessed."
"Thank you. Um, how did you guess?" Lewis wondered.
"Metric system versus Imperial." Arthur answered him easily. "If you were from pretty much anywhere but America, you would have given your height as two hundred twenty-four centimeters, or two point two four meters."
Sabine smiled. "My— You both speak so fluently. If not for that, I never would have known you weren't from around here!"
Vivi chuckled. "We all speak it."
"Pretty fluidly, actually." Arthur grinned and elbowed her. She broke down in a fit of snickering while Lewis sighed.
"Ignore them, please." Lewis smiled pleasantly at Sabine. "I'll start the order and if they haven't stopped laughing by the time I'm done, they'll miss out on getting what they want."
"No fair," Vivi whined.
"Then settle down and decide what you want."
"I want to try everything!" Vivi flung her hands wide to encompass the whole bakery.
"I am not buying you some of everything, love. Get something we didn't have yesterday. We still have time to try different treats." Lewis folded his arms and tried to stare down Vivi.
“But, Lewis. One of everything—”
“Don’t make me have to tell my parents they’re no longer your favorite supplier of sweets.”
Vivi gasped, scandalized. “You wouldn’t—!”
“Try me—”
"While they argue it out, I'd love a half-dozen of your croissants and a box of the mixed macarons," Arthur smiled before turning his attention back to his squabbling spouses. "They can pay for their own. Oi, you two, there are other people who want to buy stuff!"
Vivi stuck her tongue out at Arthur. “You hush. You’re lucky I like you.”
Arthur held up his hand to display his golden wedding band. “No returns or exchanges.”
Sabine had a strange look on her face, glancing back and forth between the three of them. Rather than have her asking the question that could be seen burning in her eyes, Vivi and Lewis matched him, showing three matching wedding bands. “Yep, all of us.” Vivi chirped.
“Ahh,” Sabine flushed a little. “Forgive me. It’s not a common thing.”
“We’re used to it,” Lewis told her with a disarming grin.
After they had finally settled on the order, she began boxing up the pastries.
“Man, the posters of that kid are everywhere,” Arthur pointed out the window at a bus that prominently displayed the same young model from the flyer.
“Adrien Agreste. He’s a local celebrity,” Sabine said with a smile. “He’s in the same class as Marinette. She talks about him all the time. I honestly think she has a huge crush.”
Vivi’s grin was sly. “Oh, I think it’s possible he feels the same way.”
Arthur wasn't sure what had driven Vivi to drag them all to a museum after breakfast, but he honestly wasn't complaining too much. Most of their research trips tended to be on the more— hazardous side, so a popular museum, crowded with tourists and school groups, was by far a less stressful choice.
Or it was up until the whole building shuddered. An alarm sounded, a polite voice declaring there was an Akuma alert underway and to please proceed calmly to the nearest exit.
"Another one?" Vivi scowled. "Does this guy seriously have nothing better to do?"
The wall next to her rumbled and collapsed. Lewis managed to scoop her aside before she was hurt. "There you are, interloper!" echoed a loud and very angry voice.
Standing on the level above them was a character that looked like he had escaped a Noh performance.. He wore a horned red and white oni mask, crowned with wild red hair and an elaborate costume. In his hands he held a long, double-bladed staff. He swung it toward them and a glow of crimson power shot out from the sweep of the blade. Lewis yanked Vivi out of the way, but another woman nearby wasn't so lucky. The scarlet power hit her and she transformed into a small, elaborate brooch, clattering to the floor.
"I am the Grand Master. I will turn you all into trinkets to keep the real treasure safe from your greedy, harmful kind!"
Glaring red eyes singled out Vivi and the Grand Master focused on her like a cat on a mouse. He swung his blade again. Three more people between Vivi and him were hit by the second sweep of scarlet and jewelry tinkled to the floor.
Vivi shook off Lewis's hand and leapt to her feet. "You got a beef with me, Grand Mal Puppet? Come and get some, just leave innocents out of it!"
Lewis dropped his human guise, towering flames licking around his skeletal form. He flung a fireball at the Grand Master, who batted it harmlessly aside."You shall not stop my wrath, specter!"
Lewis was unphased and summoned more balls of fire, lobbing them at the Grand Master, who dodged or swatted them aside. But he could not focus on Vivi, who was the obvious target of his ire. He swung the other end of his staff and this time the crimson force ripped through the wall above Lewis, showering him with bricks and debris.
There was still a school group nearby, and Arthur darted toward them, shouting back over his shoulder, "Keep the jewelry junkie busy while I get the innocents out of the way!"
"On it!" Vivi whistled at the Grand Master, still temporarily busy with Lewis. "Over here, you sad excuse for an Akuma! Hey, Lew, gimme something to work with!" Her frost-tinged bat was up and ready.
Lewis fired a fireball into the ceiling above the Grand Master. With a whoop of sirens, the sprinkler system activated. Lewis ducked under a staircase as water rained down.
"Hey, Grand Master, you need to chill out!" Vivi swung her bat and the water turned to ice in midair, a thousand deadly ice needles winging toward the masked Akuma.
Arthur ignored the tumult, herding the kids toward an exit. He had to grab a girl with a tumble of curls and shove her in front of him; she was too interested in filming the fight on her phone. "Record later! Run now!"
He grabbed a strangely familiar-looking blonde boy trying to take cover behind a display and crowded him and the girl toward the exit.
"None shall escape!" The Grand Master howled behind him.
"ARTIE!" Vivi shrieked.
Arthur gave the two another shove and braced for whatever was headed his way. He'd take the hit to shield the kids.
He saw red in the corner of his eye and Ladybug was there, swinging in to grab the one nearest her, the blonde.
Arthur leapt for the girl and wrapped himself around her just before a wave of force slammed into his back.
Whatever it was hit him like a ton of bricks and his breath escaped in a pained hiss as he curled himself tightly around the girl. They hit a glass display case that shattered around them. Wheezing, and pretty sure one of his ribs was broken, Arthur did his best to shield her from the falling glass and bits of jewelry from the case.
He vaguely hoped they hadn't been people once.
Ladybug touched down near him, her arm still around the boy she had pulled out of the way. Even through the haze of pain, Arthur recognized him as Adrien Agreste. He and Ladybug both had flushed cheeks and to judge by their expressions, it wasn’t exertion or fear. Adrien’s eyes were shining as he stared at his rescuer.
“Alya!” Ladybug reluctantly let go of Adrien and rushed over to where Arthur and the girl lay among the rubble of the display. “Are you guys okay?”
The girl, Alya, levered herself up off of Arthur. She had a cut on one cheek but was mostly unscathed. “I’m okay! This guy saved me!” She turned toward Arthur and gasped. From the look on her face, not to mention the thousand little pains he felt, Arthur could guess he didn’t look nearly as unharmed.
Ladybug gave Alya a gentle shove in the direction of Adrien. “Take Adrien and get out of the line of fire!”
Alya took off running, and Adrien followed after with one last worried glance back at Ladybug and Arthur.
With a wary look at where the Grand Master was trading blows with Lewis, staff versus fiery fists, Ladybug crouched next to Arthur. Her blush was gone and her cheeks were pale. “Thank you for saving her. Just stay still now. As soon as we defeat him, my miraculous cure should heal you.”
Grunting, Arthur pushed himself into a sitting position against the bottom of the display. “Be careful. One end of his staff turns people into jewelry and the other—” He barked a pained laugh. “Well, you can see what it does.”
She touched his metal hand. “I will, thanks. You stay still until we’ve taken care of him.”
Vivi had reached them by then and her worried gaze took in Arthur’s battered form. “Ladybug. can you get him out of here and to a hospital? Lewis and I can hold off the freak back there.”
Ladybug rose to her feet. “He’ll be okay, I promise. As soon as the Akuma is defeated, my miraculous cure will heal him and restore all the damage. We just have to stop the Akuma first.”
Vivi looked torn. Arthur waved his hand at her. “Go on, Vi. I’ll be fine. Help her take out the Grand Master guy, okay?”
Vivi crouched to drop a kiss on his temple. “Stay safe. I don’t need two ghost husbands.”
"Hey, don't you know it's bad form to cause a catastrophe in a museum?"
Ladybug looked up in relief. "There you are, kitty! Thought you weren't coming!"
"I'd never miss a chance to see you, Milady." Chat performed a neat bow where he was balanced on a railing above the fight.  "Is this a private cat-fight or can anyone join in?" So saying, he dropped off his perch to block a swing of Grand Master's bladed staff. "Ah-ah. Not a trick worthy of anyone calling themselves a master!"
Grand Master screeched in frustration and flung Chat Noir back with another vicious swing of his weapon. "Stay out of this, foolish cat. The interloper must be stopped!"
"Stop this!" Vivi rejoined the fight with a strike from her bat to the Grand Master's shoulder. Ice crystals formed on his elaborate sleeve where it struck.
Mad red eyes zeroed in on her and suddenly Chat Noir was ignored as Grand Master went after her. Vivi skipped back out of strike range.
Lewis risked the rain of the sprinklers to shield her from a second strike. The wave of force hit him and knocked him back several steps, leaving a ruin of his sleeve where the brunt of the blow had fallen. He grunted. "That actually hurt."
"Do you think I would have no skills against your ilk, spirit?" Grand Master mocked. "I am the protector of the miraculous. You cannot defeat me!"
Ladybug gasped, horrified. "M-master Fu?"
"I am Grand Master and I will protect the miraculous from you, unworthy of being near them," Grand Master hissed, turning his attention to her.
Ladybug gasped and staggered. It hurt worse than a physical blow. She'd feared it, but hearing it... Even from an Akumatized Master Fu—!
Suddenly Chat was beside her, gripping her arm nearly hard enough to hurt. "Don't listen to him, Milady. Your Kwami decided you were a worthy wielder of the Ladybug miraculous! Who would know best? Tikki or him?"
Her voice wavered. "I—” She looked up into Chat's eyes. "T-Tikki thinks I'm one of the best Ladybug's she's ever had."
"Then believe in her... And yourself, Milady. Like I believe in you."
Ladybug looked in Chat’s eyes and drew in a deep breath, holding it before exhaling. “Thanks, my kitty. I needed to hear that." Ladybug drew herself up. "Thank you for believing in me too."
"I—” Chat's voice wavered, and his smile was strangely soft. "I'll always believe in you, milady."
She smiled at him. “I know you will, kitty. Now, let’s take the Grand Master out of play.”
“At your service,” His grin was back to full wattage. “Your black knight is ready to checkmate this master.”
Vivi was back in the fight with a vengeance, whaling away at Grand Master with her frost-edged bat. Even with one arm damaged, Lewis was sticking close to her, throwing fire at Grand Master.
Ladybug swung into play, planting both her feet in Grand Master’s back, throwing him forward into a strike of the bat. “It’s got to be the staff,” she called back to Chat, vaulting backward to land on the railing above the akumatized man.
“Right!” Chat used his baton to vault to the top of a statue. “Looks like we don't rate in this fight, Milady!”
It was true. Grand Master's attention was firmly focused on Vivi and Lewis. Whatever had driven Master Fu into being Akumatized, it must have had to do with them. Ladybug was pretty certain it was because of the confrontation last night.
Ladybug went in for another attack, but the Grand Master saw her coming and hit her with a glancing blow from one end of his staff. It flung her back, and she landed in a panting crouch near where Arthur was slumped at the foot of the shattered display case.
“He's still not distracted enough for us to land a hit, Chat. Think you can help keeping him busy?”
“Always!” Chat gave her a smirk and a flippant salute, springing in to block a blow aimed at Vivi. “Don't you get it? She's way too cool for you!”
Grand Master growled and shoved him back several paces. Lewis steadied him and aimed a fireball at Grand Master's face. It blinded him but only for a moment and he lashed out with another wave of red-hued power. It forced them all to dodge.
There was a tinkle of broken glass, and Ladybug glanced over to see Arthur laboriously pushing himself more upright. “Hey, Master of nothing! Admit it. You're just a coward! Afraid to let the miraculous join the fight and too scared to own up to it! So you picked kids to cover your butt!”
Grand Master's attention snapped to Arthur.
Arthur deliberately winked at Ladybug and forced himself to his feet, shedding bits of glass and jewelry with every movement. “You know we're right, and that's how Hawkmoth got his claws into you!”
It worked too well. Grand Master howled with rage and swept Chat aside as if he weighed nothing. "You know nothing! You are unworthy! I shall protect them from you!"
He lunged toward Arthur.
Ladybug forced herself into motion and yanked Arthur away as gently as she dared. He groaned and nearly collapsed against her.
Vivi shrieked another battle cry and slammed her bat down on the back of the Akuma's head.
Arthur forced himself upright and shoved her away, leaning heavily on the wall. "Go. I can piss him off enough to give you the opening you need!" He barked a harsh, painful laugh. "Trust me. It's what I'm good at." He gave her another shove. "Hey, spineless! Man up and stop hiding behind kids!"
Grand Master howled and lunged again, though Lewis was quick to block him this time, but Arthur certainly had managed to fan his rage into a inferno.
Ladybug decided she'd best risk her "Lucky Charm!" Her miraculous dropped a round, red and black shield into her hands. “Really?”
She brought it up in time to deflect another blow of magic meant for Arthur. She wasn't sure what had done it, but now all of Grand Master's ire was focused squarely on him. It was more than enough distraction— if they could keep him from killing Arthur before they defeated him!
She glanced around, hoping for inspiration to strike. Water from the sprinklers pooled everywhere and ran down the stairs from the second level. Vivi's frost-rimed bat caught her eye and a plan started to form. Hoping Lewis could defend Arthur for a moment, she grabbed Vivi's sleeve and whispered her plan to her.
Brows creased in concern, Vivi nodded and turned her attention to the stairs. Ladybug caught Chat's eye and jerked her head toward the railing of the second floor. He caught on and vaulted up to it. She followed, shield tucked under her arm.
Vivi swung her bat and the water sheeting down the stairs turned to a solid layer of ice.
Ladybug dropped the shield at the top of the stairs, nodding at Vivi who went to help Lewis herd the Grand Master into position.
Chat had obviously deduced her plan, standing with one foot braced on the edge of the shield. “With my shield, or on it, Milady?”
“Little of both this time,” she smiled at him. He took position in the curve of the shield, and called on his Cataclysm. His clawed glove glowed with dark power.
Ladybug braced her foot on the back of the shield and pushed.
Chat surfed it down the stairs like he'd done it all his life, and used the forward momentum when it smacked into the floor to launch himself into an arc right over Grand Master's head. His hand landed on the stave of the double-bladed staff and the weapon began to disintegrate into black dust.
Grand Master staggered and went to his knees, his Akumatized form fading away and leaving a stunned Master Fu in his place.
Ladybug hurriedly caught the Akuma that fluttered away from the ruined weapon. She released it after it was purified with her usual words of farewell and hurried to scoop up the shield. Arthur looked horrible and she was desperate to help him.
“Miraculous Ladybug!” She flung the shield upwards, watching as it blossomed into the swarm of ladybugs that would fix everything. The shattered case was restored and the rest of the damage too. The ladybugs swirled around Arthur where he sagged heavily against Lewis and his wounds vanished. Lastly, Lewis's damaged arm was also healed.
Ladybug allowed herself a sigh of relief before hurrying to Master Fu's side and helping him sit up. “Master Fu!”
He looked up at her, his eyes haunted. “I could not keep him out. He knows I am the Guardian, but he could not command me to hand over the box, because I bade Wayyz to hide it before I was subsumed by his power.”
Ladybug sagged. “At least the miraculous are safe for now, but he knows where to find you now. We have to get you to a safe place.”
Master Fu struggled to his feet with her aid, accepting his restored cane from Chat and leaning heavily on it. “I feared this day might come. I have a second safe-house. It is not as comfortable as my current one, but everything can be moved there in short order.”
“We can help with that, if you're willing to let us.” Vivi stood in front of Master Fu, her bat gone, and her hand extended. She had a wary look on her face.
Master Fu regarded her, unblinking, for a long moment. Then he solemnly accepted her hand. “We have much to discuss, I believe.”
Ladybug's earrings chirped a warning. She groaned. “I have to go before I transform back. But as soon as I've fed Tikki, I'll be back. We need to get you and the box to safety, Master Fu.”
There was something old and sad in his face. “I think, perhaps you should call me Fu. I do not deserve the title of Master. Perhaps— I never did.”
((A/N: Sorry for the delay in posting. I was sick as heck last weekend. Still trying to get over it, but it was a while before I had the energy to take formatting it.))
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primsgirl89 · 5 years
Hauntingly Incredible: The Plane
Danny and Violet were quick to suit up, after examining the suits and masks, and followed Helen onto a rented plane, owned by someone named Edna. Dani and Danny had made themselves invisible, Violet too, Dani had also done the same for Dash. Danny stayed behind for a few moments to wait for the babysitter to watch Jack-Jack.
It was an emergency so the babysitter understood that he couldn't stay long, he knew that she was a talker and he didn't like talking to her as much as Helen does. As soon as everyone in the small group was on the plane they waited until Helen was in the front before Dani and Dash made a quick change to their new outfits. Somehow the woman who made the Phantoms new super-suit made it so that the ectoplasms wouldn't damage the fabric, it was very similar to the older ones. Dani now wore a full one piece instead of having a crop top and pants.
Danny wanted to talk to Violet, but he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to keep his tone from being sharp. Violet was being bullied and she never once said a thing to him, it made him feel that she doesn't trust him enough anymore, it makes him feel like a failure as a friend. Shaking his head he looked forward only to see that Helen was looking in the back suspiciously, it looked as if she was looking for someone.
Dash ran over to Violet and Danny, but he was no longer invisible which made Helen understand that she was followed. Helen expected it of her kids, but when she saw two white-haired kids with glowing green eyes that put her in mind of Danny and Dani. Never had she expected to see all the teens and pre-teens follow her.
"What did you do with Jack-Jack," Helen asked while pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Danny waited for the babysitter that you usually hire," Violet mumbled. She was mad at Dash for getting them all caught. "Where are we going?"
Helen gave her daughter a hard stare, "I was going to get your father, but now I have four tag-along children."
Violet rolled her eyes and looked out the window of the plane thinking how much her mother was being immature. Her father was old enough to make his own decisions. So what if he went out to use his super strength to make someone's day? It's his right, she was just being overdramatic. She is so busy with her husband that she doesn't notice that her kids are hardly ever home anymore because of the fighting that goes on. Violet thinks that it's worse her mother hadn't noticed that Dash and she had bruises and had tear marks on their beings because of the bullies. The raven-haired girl looked over at her friend, liking his other form just as much as his human form as he would put it. It seems that only Danny cared enough for Violet and her brothers, or so she thinks.
Danny looked over at his friend to see she was staring at him with a dazed gaze directed at him. "Crystal?"
Violet shook her head, "huh?"
A laugh ripped from his lips, "you were drooling."
Frantically Violet wiped her mouth but noticed that Danny was pulling her leg, "ha, ha, very funny."
Danny gave a few more chuckles, but soon he looked at the raven-haired girl seeing that she looked lost in thought, her body faced him but her eyes never seemed to focus for long. "Violet? Why hadn't you told me about the bullying?"
Violet looked at her friend, but a tear fell down her cheek, "I'm not the only one who is getting bullied. Dash has new bruises on him every day. If he was allowed to use his powers then he wouldn't have the bruises, but the stupid no super law makes it hard to avoid for him."
Danny looked at the blonde-haired boy who was talking animately with Dani. He saw that there was makeup on his cheek that had a green tint underneath. He got up letting Violet follow him. "Dash."
Dash looked at a scary looking Danny, he gulped. He didn't do anything bad, did he? Dash got up to stand in front of Danny, he doesn't ever want to be on Danny's bad side. The teen has a bad reputation that scares everyone in the town.
"I want you to wipe your face of the makeup," he put a small shield to hide them from Helen. "Your mother can't hear or see us." Dash sighed as he used the ice block to wipe his face, he cringed as he felt the freezing cold on his overly hot skin. With the makeup off he was covered with huge bruises, Danny growled at the sight.  "Hold still and don't freak out."
Danny's hand lit up green before he placed his hand over Dash. Like a spotlight, Dash was surrounded in the green light. Dash felt a burning underneath his skin, it was so uncomfortable, but to the others, they saw the bruises leave Dash's skin. Dani was amazed at the sight of her cousin healing her best friend, but she worried with the way Dash squirmed so much under the light.
"Done," Danny said before he noticed that Violet and Dash were sweating heavily, "I'll cool the plane off." After he said that a mist came off his body as the plane gradually cooled off making the three other people sigh in relief. "Next time don't hesitate to tell me that you both are being bullied."
He mainly looked at Violet as he spoke, which made her look away shyly. Suddenly the plane was being hit, a window broke making glass fly, which also hit Danny. Violet watched as her friend fell unconscious, she was trying to make a force field, but she was too frazzled to make one. Dani wasn't strong enough to make one big enough to cover the whole plane, but Danny was strong enough. He would have been able to do it if he wasn't knocked out.
Her mother grabbed everyone and jumped out, the sudden rush of air made her blackout for a bit. Danny, though, woke up and flew about to get everyone before he made a shield around them. He was weak and it was taking all he could to keep everyone to drown. Luckily, Helen woke up and gathered everyone went the shield broke. She made herself into a parachute to soften the blow of the water.
As they entered the water, she tried to calm the kids, but she couldn't get the kids to focus on her. Danny saw this and helped out.
"Hey, hey," he called gently the others looked at him with a mix of terror and hope, "we aren't going to die. This is your first mission, so it will be scary." The wound on his cheek was deep and bleeding heavily, he tried to keep himself afloat, "just listen to your mother..."
Once again Danny lost consciousness as he dropped below the waves. Violet was the first and fastest to react as she dove down to bring him up, she barely struggled as she kept him afloat while she waited to get on her mother, who made herself into a raft. Once she was on with Danny she began mouth to mouth luckily she got him breathing again.
"Mom, he lost a lot of blood...Dani can you heal him," Violet asked. Dani shook her head sadly. "Okay," Violet took a deep breath, "can you make a thread and a needle?"
Dani made a tread of her ectoplasm and a needle of her ice. Violet grabbed the water bottle that Dani had to clean the wound of saltwater. "I got this, I got this..."
"You got this, Vi," Dash encouraged. Slowly Violet closed the wound shut before she sat back tired and pale.
"I am so proud of you Hunny," Helen looked back to her daughter. She wonders if there was something more to the relationship of the two older teens than she sees. Instead of wondering for much longer she turned around and steered them to the island.
Danny came back to consciousness right as they came to shore. He was tired but he did what he could to help everyone to a sheltered area.
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I’ve got you.
She learns about him more and more everyday. This is what she knows.
This is my first tryst into the Riverdale fic world. I’ve got a slight obsession with the Sweet Pea x Reader trope so let’s see how this goes.
TW: some violence w/ Ghoulies
She’s been learning things about him since the moment they met with his hair swept back and his frame towering over her. His eyebrow had kinked ever so slightly at the sight of her before she could feel the false bravado slipping over his face like a mask. The smirking and the crossed arms and the effortless way he rolled his eyes at her sarcastic tone.
‘You better watch it before that tongue gets you into trouble’
‘No need to concern yourself with my tongue Sweet Pea’
She could see him swaying in and out of who he was, who he was trying to be and who he wanted to be. There was a softness in his laugh when Toni made a joke. There was a harshness in his eyes when his friends pulled him away from the comments of the Northsiders who belittled him. There was a strange twirling in the pit of her stomach when she turned back to watch him walk away only to find him already watching her back.
She wanted to know him.
She learns about his quiet nature whenever the whole group is around. She’s somehow part of the whole group now. They’re sitting at the bar and he’s always finding his way to the pool tables with no partner, just him and the cue and utter silence. But he’s listening to them, always listening. 
Then they’re sitting in a booth in Pop’s and he’s found his way to the record player with a few dimes and a somber look in his eyes. He flips through the catalogue of songs as Fangs steals another fry off her plate and Toni’s eyes drift off the the redheaded bombshell twirling her legs on the stools.
She wonders what’s going on in his head. What he’s thinking about when he sinks another ball or when he selects another record. Where did he learn to play pool so well? Is this song his mother played in the morning when she made him pancakes before school? Was there ever a time when someone made him pancakes before school?
She finds her eyes drift towards him more often than not until she’s finally pushing herself to go with him. To play a game or pick a song. It’s easy when she’s standing next her him and their arms brush ever so lightly but a fire ignites in her stomach at that effortless grin.
‘If you play that song again they may kill you’
‘Let them try, it’s my favourite’
She first learns about the real pent up anger boiling under his skin when they make comments about the way her legs would look wrapped around them. The moment the words leave the mouth of the man standing before him in the blue and gold jacket she can practically feel the steam. Like he had been caged for too long, been alone for too long, and needs to run his first through a wall. She didn’t know until that very moment that he was a “swing first, ask later” kind of guy. Then his fist connects with his jaw and she’s screaming. 
She could feel it in her throat as they continued to swing and kick and hit each other. She doesn’t know what to do but then Fangs was pulling him backwards, throwing him in the passenger seat of his truck and speeding away before anymore Bulldogs could find their way there.
The guy was dazed and bleeding. His shiny yellow and blue jacked covered in dust from hitting the ground.
She had jumped on the back of her bike without a second thought and sped after them all the way to the Wyrm. Pulling into the bar with her heart racing and her eyes on the specks of red she could see dripping down his cheek.
‘You’re out of your fucking mind’
She's holding the ice to his knuckles and pulls out the first aid kit they keep under the bar to bandage up the open cut above his eye. His eyes are watching her, always watching her. His eyes steely and beautiful and leaving so much left unsaid. She feels them on her when she sits back in front of him. Her legs pressed up against his, her fingers grazing the side of his face to get a better look at the wound.
‘No one ever gets to talk to you like that.’
The way his voice pierces her made her feel like she had no air left in her lungs and all her blood had rushed from her body.
She first learns about the softness beneath the hard lines and edges of his face when they start spending time alone.
First it had been helping him with English, then trips to the drive-in and walking the railroad tracks after school just to stay out of the house a few hours more. 
The first time she sees his room she feels like he’s finally letting her peer into the pieces of himself no one else gets to see. A fragment of his soul he keeps hidden. There are pictures of his little sister on his dresser in a light blue dress and flowers in her arms. She wonders if it’s from a birthday, if it’s a party, if it’s the last time he got a picture of her smiling. There’s a ragged copy of “In Cold Blood” she had lent him weeks ago with the pages dog eared beside his bed. She wonders if he had read it deep into the night like she had, unable to stop turning the pages until his eyes grew heavy and forced him to sleep. There are scattered camera lenses and straps and film littering the side tables in his room. She wonders where he got them all; gifts or bargains or paid for, she doesn’t know. 
They had laid on his bed that night and talked for hours. Barely touching. The few light grazes of their fingers and shoulders were enough to make her think maybe there is something more.
‘You really miss them huh?’
‘I have a family now. I have you guys.’
She first learns about the way jealousy feels when it coils up inside you and slithers across the back of your neck the night Cheryl throws a party. That woman loves nothing more than to bring together the Southside and the Northside for the drama of it all. Or maybe for the Toni of it all, she thinks, but that’s yet to be determined.
They’ve been there for a while and the way the leather skirt keeps riding up her thighs when she moves makes her want to disappear into a never ending black hole. It’s pinching her waist and no matter how many times she shifts the black lace top tucked into it, it doesn’t help.
She’s leaning against the kitchen counter when she catches her eyes on him as she’s scanning the room. She had lost everyone in the shuffling of bodies and the blaring of music but there he was. Tall enough to catch the soft slope of his nose and fine cut of his jaw. Almost as fast as the butterflies in her stomach flutter, they’re crushed to dust.
He’s leaning over someone, hand bracing the wall. She can just barely see the soft blonde curls of some girl his face is way too close too and it feels like someones stabbed her in the side. Hard breathing, tight chest. She hadn’t thought her feelings had gone this far. Hadn’t noticed when they had jumped into the deep end far from where she could reach them and pull them back to shallow ground, to stable ground. 
She catches Fangs as she's slipping her way out the back door.
‘Everything okay?’
She smiles and nods. Afraid of what might jumble out of her throat if she opens her mouth. She needs to go home, needs to get away from here. Fresh air and a cool summer night sound like a good distraction from the sad realization settling across her shoulders that she had fallen for a boy who would never fall for her back. 
She first learns about the unrelenting waves of fear that come from living this life when she’s about halfway to her destination that same night. Her mind had led her down a dark tunnel of how to handle this feeling but her feet had led her subconsciously to the bar. There’s a few lights still on, maybe someones still around to distract her, she thinks. But then she freezes.
‘What’s a pretty little snake doing out this time of night? And all alone?’
They hadn’t done anymore than run their switchblades across her skin, slicing up her skin with thinly veiled threats and warnings. But then one painful flick of his wrist made a deep gash under her eye when she just couldn’t hold her tongue back anymore. 
‘Fuck you.’
The drops of blood hitting her chest as they dripped in a curtain down her face.
‘Run along.’
She had kept her tongue between her teeth as they slipped back into the forest and she found herself practically running. She had nodded along to what messages the man had to say from his leader. When she slams into the bar she throws her back against the hard surface of the door and lets out all the air still trapped inside her.
‘What happened?’
FP’s voice is like a saving grace. She looks up and he’s pulling her forward with alcohol wipes and sad eyes. She doesn’t let the tears spill over, just softly recounts the messages like poison on her tongue. His forehead creases and his brows furrow.
‘Don’t worry, we’ll handle this’
He had been the only father she’d ever known. She’s grateful that it’s him here to wipe the blood and bandage the wound. She isn’t sure she could have held back the tears if it had been anyone else.
She first learns about how deep cares about whatever this is between the when she makes it home. A thick bandage across her cheek as she walks through the door, as she slips out of her clothes, leaving her blood stained shirt to soak in the sink. She finds her way into his t-shirt. He had left it here all that time ago and she found she needed it now more than ever.
She’s barely closed her eyes, barely let the tension in her back sink into the mattress when there’s a heavy banging on her door. She stands slowly, listening as the banging gets louder and then swings open the door. 
Sweet Pea. Wild eyed and angry and pushing through the doorframe to take her in his arms before she can even understand what’s happening. He’s got his arms around her shoulders and her forehead is resting against his chest. He’s touching her softy but his arms are tense like she’s glass about to break.
‘You shouldn’t have left’
His voice cracks as she runs her hands under his jacket and lets her fingers smooth out the creases of his shirt. She’s overwhelmed by the feeling of him, the softness of him, the way he’s holding her. She can’t help that tears are coming and she isn’t sure if it’s left over from the jealousy that had tightened around her heart earlier that night or the remnants of fear from being inches away from being sliced up or worse. 
But she pushes back from him and even though her eyes are spotted with tears and everything that’s about to come out of her mouth is a complete and utter lie, she speaks.
‘I’m fine’
He first learns about the way he feels about her, the way he's been denying he feels about her, when he finds her home that night. He had been looking for her for twenty minutes at the party when Fangs had suddenly remembered her sliding out the back door. He felt panic rise in his stomach, she had left? 
When he gets to the bar and FP’s anger simmers down just enough to tell him what’s happened he feels like he could kill someone. He wants to break skulls and smash bottles. He wants to yell at Fangs from not making sure to take her home, he wants to yell at Toni for letting her be alone at the party. But mostly, he wants to yell at himself.
He barely says a word when he’s slamming the door to get out of the bar and all he can feel is knots in his stomach as he practically runs to get to her. His fist is pounding on the door before he can eve register that he's arrived. He needs to see her, he just needs to see her face, he just needs to know everything’s okay and she’s okay and it’s all okay. 
He’s surging forward at the sight of her and pulling her against him just to make sure this is real and she’s here and she’s fine. She’s wearing his shirt and his heart tightens at the sight. It’s practically a dress swallowing her but it feels like she’s his for this brief second. Just like he’s wanted for months. Just like he’s told himself should never and could never happen.
But he holds her anyway and grinds his teeth, ‘You shouldn’t have left’
Her hands are warm against his shirt and his skin feels like its on fire at the way there’s only a single, thin barrier between her and him. Then she’s pushing back from him, looking up at him and batting away the tears in her eyes.
‘I’m fine’
He brings his thumb to run across the thick white bandage FP has secured and feels that anger on his skin start to dissipate. Just for this moment, just for her. He lets the anger slide deep inside himself so that he can make her feel safe.
He wraps an arm around her shoulder and guides her back to her room without a word. She lets him. She looks tired and worn and he doesn’t want to yell at her from leaving or yell at them for doing this to her. He just wants to hold her. 
She sits down on her bed as he toes off his boots and slips off his jacket. They’re lying face to face and he’s swiping his fingers under her eyes to stop the tears. He reaches out for her hand under the covers and lets their fingers interlock.
‘I’ve got you’
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