#meta. \  …      †   locked away in a box ‚ ooc.
killshope · 2 years
`lt. \ … † stranger things ‚ ic.`
ben is 29 , he moves into town not long after will returns and the news of barb’s death gets out . working in the fbi as a research expert (thanks to his family connections , mother in administration & father in undercover field work) he decides to move to hawkins and join a crew looking to track the ecosystem in hawkins. 
taking on a new moniker and station, he moves into hawkins as kylo ren , working 'with' local fish and game specializing in natural disasters . this makes him privy to many conversations post pumpkin / crop disaster in hawkins as well as during the earthquake . he is not force sensitive or special in this au . 
his skills are purely learned such as his talent for hand writing analysis , interrogation and environmental work . he lives in a suburb not far from the wheelers after housing began to open up with people moving. when the creel murders pop up, he’s especially interested in tracking down the truth and makes himself known around town as a bit of a trouble maker [especially by the government and lab employees].
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antigonewinchester · 27 days
🔥 jack
I quite enjoy him as a character and dislike the majority of fandom discourse around him.
Jack is clearly favored by the writers & story in his seasons: he’s given the sympathetic cute white guy treatment in casting AlCal, he’s an entirely new character who becomes arguably the 3rd lead, he a part of major plots and has narrative focus**. given all that, I can very much see why some ppl dislike him, his role in the story, etc. hate away! but the other side of it, fandom’s woobification of him, making him literally a child, or downplaying his choices / agency / incredibly strong powers, is also incredibly boring. despite his narrative focus there’s room for a lot more fandom explorations of Jack.
Jack’s ending of becoming God was foreshadowed from S13 and I think the writers had something like it in mind from early on.
Kelly's death & sacrificing her life so Jack could live influenced him from Day 1 and Jack was going to have major guilt issues and feel like he had to do good / live a good life even if he hadn't been raised by Sam, Dean, Cas. some of Jack's issues are all his own.
S14 is by far the best Jack season and the tragedy of it doesn’t work unless Jack is actively making choices and has agency within his story—choosing to sacrifice his soul to save his family, choosing not to tell Sam & Dean (or Cas) about almost killing Stacy, choosing to brutally kill Nick, etc. 14x16 – 14x20 from Jack’s perspective is excruciating and that’s what makes it so good! put that guy through the horrors!! as messed up as 14x20 is, the fandom framing of Evil Abusive Dean going to kill Poor Sweet Jack misses 1) the deliberate narrative reversal of the beginning of the season w/ Jack saying they'd have to kill Michael!Dean to protect the world, and the season climax in Dean believing he has to kill Jack [and himself] to protect the world, What Could It Mean, and 2) Jack actively choosing mercy instead of fighting. Jack could’ve run or easily incapacitated / killed Dean with his powers but decides he'd rather die than risk hurting or killing someone else. which is a fucked up but compelling & interesting character choice!
speaking of 14x20, I’m surprised I’ve never seen a comparison between 4x20/4x21 and 14x19/14x20. [there’s… a very cynical meta-through-line I’ve thought about here, but I’m not sure if I’m reading too much into it.]
reveal of Sam drinking demon blood & his ‘monstrousness’ > Dean & Bobby lock Sam in the panic room > Sam breaks out thru angelic power > Dean goes to confront Sam
reveal of Jack killing Mary and his soullessness > Dean & Sam lock Jack in Ma’lak box > Jack breaks out using his angelic powers > Dean goes to confront Jack
**Dabb & his writers wanted to keep exploring generational traumas & familial cycles and brought in Jack to continue that thread as Sam & Dean had mostly worked thru their issues, but there’s a feel of warped or forced character development to make it all fit—say, Dean as Jack’s “cool uncle” is arguably more realistic given Dean’s understandable distrust of Jack and resistance to parenting him from early S13, but the writers wanted to explore the conflict of Dean as Jack’s father figure and so that’s what the dynamic had to become. so it's less that the characters are OOC but the way the writers approach it & the narrative framing of it all that's overly simplistic.
Send me a “ 🔥 ” for an unpopular opinion.
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progeny-of-the-fury · 6 years
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Drachen Trials: Instructor Guiscareaux | Part I
Log date:  2/13/18
OOC Note: The text in these logs are strictly for the reader’s enjoyment. Anyone using the knowledge displayed within this text without the participant’s knowledge risks the potential of blacklisting from future communication and roleplay. Please do not meta-game!
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We had just returned from a rather... unenjoyable theatre performance. If one could call even an onze of that performance worth anyone's time. Regardless, I was... anxious. Anxious to get away from all this mess surrounding me. And most importantly, anxious to begin my ambition...
Lucius Guiscareaux walked into the room, and carefully placed the hat under the crux of his arm. Noting the lack of a chair, he would nod. "I'll stand, then."
Adelise De'bayle: "I figured the lack of chair would not bother anyone, standing did not kill anyone, nor do I expect it would kill someone such as yourself. Though if you wish to sit, we can move," she scoots her chair back.
Lucius Guiscareaux: "I have no problem standing, just making a joke is all." He took the seat regardless. "What did you wish to discuss?"
Adelise De'bayle: "Apologies, I have never been one for jokes. Especially after this evening," she brings a tired hand up to the bridge of her nose, pinching there. "My upcoming trials. When did you wish to begin, I would like to be swift in starting. And where shall we start?"
Lucius Guiscareaux nodded, his face flat, expressionless. "Jokes are the only thing that got me through that concert. No matter. Your trials may begin as you request. But understand the order is not as glorious as we were in the times of the Dragonsong."
Adelise De'bayle: "I am well aware," she gestures out a hand, "I may not have slain a dragon, least, not yet. Though, I have slain one of Shinryu's 'brood'. A Hakkinryu. Earned me the title of Adelise, the Hakkinslayer during the Ala Mhigan liberation."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "I've heard, aye. But titles are titles, are you aware of the risks inherent to your trials and the possible dangers?"
Adelise De'bayle: "I have heard some Dragoons do not even make out of them alive. Believe me, I am well aware."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "Aye. This is a serious request and more then one noble has attempted this for the sake of their own personal glory rather then service to the Holy See."
Adelise De'bayle: "Do not mistake my desire. Every onze of what I do, is for my people and for the power to be strong enough to lead them. It is as much for myself, as it is for them, and Her Fury. I choose to walk in Her image."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "Many others have spoken in the same way; you wish to lead your fellow Ishgardians?"
Adelise De'bayle: "I would have it no other way. My goals come from my desire to walk in Halone's image."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "I've heard talk of this from people twice your age; why do you presume yourself worthy of leading the Holy See?"
Adelise De'bayle: "Have you seen where the city currently stands? It is not say I wish to take our Lord Commanders position, but rather I wish to be a figure that can help ignite change. That can help guide our people back onto a path of righteousness. Away from the lies that were sewn into our very being. I wish to see our people once more truly be followers of Halone. Not simply speak of Her. I do not expect to change the world, Ser Guiscareaux. No. No great leader changes the world. They strike change into the hearts of people. That is where true change lies. I see weakness in people's hearts, and I try to help them see past it. To guide them from that. I want them to change their own world, by standing on their own two feet. People rely on strong leaders for that though. That is why I need to be a stronger figure head."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "The life of a member of the Knights Dragoon is not fit for those wishing to be a Role Model, Adelise De'bayle. We are solitary hunters, now protectors of the pilgrims and traders into the hinterlands. Do you wish to be a role model, or a Knights Dragoon?"
Adelise De'bayle: 'Times are changing, Ser Guiscareaux, it is about time you change with them. The Knight's Dragoon are considered to be an elite task force. Even more so, those with the title are granted a status almost higher than that of a nobleman, that much you should know well. That sort of social power does entail being a role-model. To dismiss that, is to use your power in vain. I presume you would not do such?"
Lucius Guiscareaux: "I did not become a member of the Knights Dragoon for the title, or to be an inspiration. I joined the order to serve the Holy See and the country that I love.  I spent my nights on the Dravanian Hinterlands, with naught a companion. My deeds will not be recorded or written in books of history, and that is something I have understood all my life. You speak true, that in the storm we find ourselves in, such titles may lend you greater influence, but that should not be why you find yourself a member of our order."
Adelise De'bayle: "You presume heavily that my desire to lead and bring glory back to the See means I expect to be placed on a pedestal. I do not care if I am ever written in any tomes. Or ever once preached about in classes. I want this just as much for the reason you did. Because I love my country and I wish to see it strive. While our reasonings differ, I see there are more avenue's to this particular job than just slaying things. And with the War over, Ser, we most certainly will need to find other avenue's to make our polearms of use. I doubt you wish to live out the rest of your life as an escort. As I see it, there is plenty we are still capable of. More for us to offer, and the order will be what brings Ishgard back onto its feet. That will help it become the shining beacon we wanted to believe it was."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "I did not presume you to be seeking fame, I believed you to be using the possible title of a member of our order to garner influence. We are not merely slayers of wyrms, tis truth you speak, my polearm has done more then kill. It is a weapon of protection, it has saved more lives then it has slain. While the truths revealed during the conferences have tarnished our legacy, Ishgard has been my home and will always be the beacon of light in this world. The Eorzean peoples have grown slack in their peace, and find themselves barely able to assist their allies in overthrowing the shackles of the Garleans...yet began a two front conflict that may indeed bring those very legions to the borders of our own cities. But nevermind this. You wish to use the Knights Dragoon to foster change in Parliament, to assist in the restoration of Ishgardian glory?"
Adelise De'bayle: "Who knows how much change a half-breed will be able to manage," she notes blandly, "but I intend to use the influence of my title to reach the hearts of those who can. To use my spear to protect people, to protect my people. Our city. My home and world from those who would seek its destruction. I seek true justice for this place, Ser Guiscareaux. Zealous, is it not? Only the zealous make it by. I will not stop until my ambition to see Ishgard truly a beacon of peace is achieved, not a shining false image built on lies and the lives of people who got tangled in them. I have seen what it has done to our city. What even that mindset has done here in this very household. I cannot stand it. You and I might stand for different things, but if you are any man of Ishgard, you will know I want for nothing more than the best for our city-state."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "Know that this path is not an easy one, and you may be required to choose your profession over your loved ones." The man paused, hesitating to speak for a moment. "Family."
Adelise De'bayle: "I am well aware. I have spoken to Killian already. If I need travel, he wishes to accompany as a healer. I have no intentions on having any children, this body was not fit for such. This is all I have to offer this world. I need make the most of it," she remarks in some unwavering determination.
Lucius Guiscareaux dug into his jacket, pulling a small locked box. Drawing the key from his sleeve, the man unlocked the container, and lifting the contents to make it plainly visible. "This is a wyrm eye. I am sure you are familiar."
Adelise De'bayle twists her lips in disdain, "unfortunately so."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "Unfortunately. the lengths I went to obtain this eye destroyed my family. This was my grandfather's, and the body count attached to this artifact is bordering on disgusting."
Adelise De'bayle: "A tragedy, I am sure. I have my fairshare of tragedy at the hands of a dragon eyes," she scoffs, bringing a hand into her hat to pull out a decently sized round stone. "Let me ask you this, Ser Guiscareaux. Despite my zealotry, which I am well aware of, will you accept me under your wing?"
Lucius Guiscareaux: "I intend to, aye. But know that your training and devotion to this order should supercede your family and personal relationships. If a choice forces you twixt the order and the blind man, you choose the order."
Adelise De'bayle makes no remarks toward this, simply raising the stone up. "My father syphoned a dragon eye to his own, then conceived me," she remarked out plainly. "With that, came illness. Trouble. I nearly died. I spent nearly eighteen turns now, fighting for this existence." Opening her mouth she exposed sharpened thick fangs. "I know the cost of a dragon-eye, perhaps as well as you do. Though on a completely different spectrum."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "There are costs that must be paid, sometimes in blood, for such power, Adelise."
Adelise De'bayle: "Good thing I did not have the choice, yes?" She remarks bitterly, "but I understand the sentiment. I understand how important this job is, or it would not have the status it does."
Lucius Guiscareaux ran a hand through his own hair, rolling the wyrm eye in his free hand, grimacing. "But it is settled, despite what your father has done, you are a prime candidate for recruitment into the order. Had I my way, I would not have heard of his attempts to garner more power. They are childlike in their futility. Title and power mean nothing to me if they cannot be trusted with such. Your father is a good man, I am sure, but not one I would trust with your training."
Adelise De'bayle: 'He is not all too different from my uncle. Both in which delved into... powers they should not have. I will find a way to be powerful on my own. Not that I have much of a choice anyhow. But... these people. I want them to see the order as powerful for us, not for our trophies. I have plenty of things I wish to set into motion myself, but all things in time. When shall we begin?"
Lucius Guiscareaux: "Only weaklings and imbeciles take the quick path to power, and all of us suffer for their incompotence. We shall begin this coming week, First day, at dusk. Dravania. "Your trials begin once I understand you."
Adelise De'bayle: "Understood. This could not be better timing. I could use getting away from this place," she huffs out.
Lucius Guiscareaux: "Truth be told, I am not fond of the canines Mr. Waltz purchased. The barking penetrates my study. The less time I have to read, the more time I have to be myself, with a lance in hand, hunting."
Adelise De'bayle: "They do not live here, so I am unsure of what barking you might be hearing. Perhaps the neighbors? Also," her eyes narrow, "they are my dogs, and they are trained to the utmost obedience."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "Then I am mistaken. Perhaps it wasn't your canines. I am not fond of animals."
Adelise De'bayle: "To each their own. My dogs have been quite useful, in plenty of ways. I have intention on making them hunting animals as well. Animals are not for everyone, though my mother was quite fond of them. You could even call them a master of them, of the sorts, so I grew up with them," she gestures up a dismissive hand. "They listen on command, so they should not bother you, if ever they are present."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "I've never been much of an animal person, I had no time to find myself in their company, unless I was hunting something, of course."
Adelise De'bayle: "The order has been given quite a bit more time to their leisure, so I was not too worried over my adopting of them. Even then, I have prepared them for a life of travel."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "As you should have. Not much sense to keep them solitary with how often you disappear around Eorzea."
Adelise De'bayle: "Indeed. I have done everything up until this point, with my future career in mind."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "Smarter then most people your age, then. Now, your trials are set. I presume you wish to spend your night with Killian, then?"
Adelise De'bayle: "Most people believe me to be ignorant and full of myself because of my age. Very few understand what I went through to get here. If only I could have had the time to be a child," she shrugs, her voice neutral. "No need for that though. Yes, I will see to spending time with him and telling him about the beginning of them. I think it will do us some good, to get away."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "I had no such time in my life either, my father saw to that; every hour of my life has prepared me for my career and the act of violence."
Adelise De'bayle: "There came a time where I needed to make a choice. I lived with a guardian. I could be a child, go to school. Or be the lancer I dreamed to be. And so I chose the latter, watching from afar at the life I could have had. Do I regret such? There is not room for regret when chasing ambition."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "I have no regrets."
Adelise De'bayle: "Regrets are the seed of hesitation."
Lucius Guiscareaux: "Your father, made a stupid, stupid mistake, and I am sorry you carry the burden of his failures. I do not pity you, of course. That would be disrespectful."
Adelise De'bayle: "I worked too hard for pity, to live this life. I just... feel like I owe the people who helped me live, my best. I owe myself my best. I lived too long in my own hatred of what I was, and the abomination I felt I was, to do that to myself any longer. And I want others, to never have to feel that same sort of loneliness and pain. I want to be someone who protects and changes hearts. I want to be that, and I will be."
Adelise De'bayle: "I will help people see there is more to life than what they are told they deserve."
Lucius Guiscareaux: “You speak of protection and honor, and wish to defend those who cannot protect themselves?. You remind me of myself when I was your age. I ...personally, seek redemption for the actions that lead to my trials at the hands of the inquisition. I’ve committed actions nearly, if not more Reprehensible than your fathers.”
Adelise De’bayle: "Many tell me I will grow jaded in time, but the truth of it all is that I am already jaded. Bitter, scorned by my own existence. I seek redemption as well, for what my father did. I do not hate him. I have forgiven him, as that is what She would want. Mercy. He has expressed his remorse, and that is all I can ask for. However, it does not change what it did to my life and what I must now live with. I believe in that vision, Ser Lucius. I believe there is still a way to be a bulwark and stand for what is good. Even if it means spilling blood."
Lucius Guiscareaux: “Spilling blood is the currency of Justice. Violence is the natural state of reality; but what makes it malignant or beneficial is the context provided by the actions of the perpetrator, Miss Debayle.”
Adelise De’bayle: "Quite so. I am no stranger to violence now... especially since my return. Violence and chaos is the natural state of this reality, but it need not always be that way. I strive to see a change where that does not have to be our reality."
Lucius Guiscareaux: “It is a lofty goal to change reality itself, have you the means to change nature? It is built upon violence, or do you speak of man?”
Adelise De’bayle: "Nature is never soley violence. Nature is a balance between discord and tranquility. If nature were purely violence, this world would be in a constant state of calamity. Life as we know it, would have no means to exist, as it cannot exist on violence alone. Even if you may try and argue otherwise," she waves a finger. "I speak of putting an understanding of that balance into the hearts of people who only know discord. That there is tranquility yet to be have."
Lucius Guiscareaux: “Ah, I understand your point then. Tell me, why did your father attempt to absorb the aether of the wyrm eye, surely he was aware of how dangerous that was?”
Adelise De’bayle: "My family is full of idiots," she notes lamely. "He practically begged for my forgiveness upon my return to the mainland for what he did to me, but even still, I cannot help but wonder if he would have even considered his actions had he not given birth to a sickly child because of it," she shrugs.
Lucius Guiscareaux: “He would not have regretted it. The draw of the power of wyrms drive most men mad. I’m surprised your father managed to maintain his sanity, to be honest, I barely survived.” He noted, folding his arms and leaning back into his chair. “An idiot, but a survivor.”
Adelise De’bayle: "I do not think he did. He ventured out into the wilderness of Coerthas for nearly a turn on his lonesome. Even if the eye belonged to a nobody, it still affected his way of thinking. From what I have heard, he has had its presence mostly siphoned out of him."
Lucius Guiscareaux: “It never truly leaves you. Tis the price of untold power:. He was lucky he had not fallen like Wyrmblood..”
Adelise De’bayle: "I did not even make the choice, and it will never leave me," she notes naturally   After a moment of pregnant silence, she peers up to Lucius. "I am to bring Killian with me, on this journey. As my healer."
Lucius Guiscareaux: “Provided he does not Interfere to insure your safety or question my teachings, I will allow it.”
We conversed on for some time longer before turning in for the evening. While that performance may not have been the highlight of my evening, I was certainly fortunate something came of my time.
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matrixbearer · 7 years
Thank you for the bayverse!Optimus meta. It was very enlightening, and also put into words aspects of him that I had thought of but not really... formulated I guess. The reason why AoE is my fav TF movie is precisely because of the persecution of the Autobots, the injustice that nobody really gets punished for. You mentioned also the sparklings. I attributed their "evilness" to Megatron being their father, but you're right, they come from the Allspark. Part 1/2
Part 2/2: So does this mean that in order for a transformer to turn into a mech like say Optimus or Bumblebee or Ratchet they would have to be educated accordingly? or is it maybe that the Allspark was corrupted? But back to AoE, what I appreciated so much was the realism. Like, you cannot convince me that we wouldn’t use alien robots (who have proven to have a soul) to advance our own technology. The movie might have been too long (that was imo not the flaw) but in that sense it was realistic.
♞ ┊ ( ooc. )
I am glad you found some enlightenment in my response to your question about comparing Tyran Optimus to other iterations. (reference.)
Oh, I have no doubt that humans would use an alien species for their technology, that we would argue ourselves into moral ambiguity for our benefit; we do it for our own kind, I cannot see is proving to better than to an interstellar alien. Having faith in humanity does not mean ignoring our worst qualities; it is about watching for those qualities and trying to put a stop to them. We all know, at our heart of hearts, that if we wanted to be the great species we aspired to we could be. The only price to pay would we could no longer look to another group and see them as Othered in the sense that they don’t deserve the same care we give ourselves. We tell ourselves that to take care of someone of another group would will cost us anything in a burdened sacrifice. We don’t look to someone else and provide for them the same way we do ourselves.
That is animal instinct, that is survival of the self and the tribe. It is only when we get into the tribal instinct to provide our own tribe that selflessness begins to take a backseat. The reason why we’re not cannibals and why we condemn murder is because we taught ourselves as a species that to harm one of our tribe was to harm our tribe, because it diminishes the population of the tribe. Until humans can look at ANY other human as a member of their tribe, we will continue to be the human species we see in AOE && TLK; we will be the humans that turns refugee children away because they aren’t seen as children of our tribe. Optimus Prime puts emphasis on the right of freedom belonging to all sentient beings; there is no other, there is no crossroads of division, it is simply for all. We don’t see that. We haven’t come to see that, yet.
So yes, we would treat an alien species as another resource for us to strip clean and pick apart for our sole benefit.
The AllSpark is not corrupted, at least we have NO indication that it is. It is simply the powersource of the unique radiation required to bring Cybertronian metal to life. The rest attributed to it is metaphysical. While we could argue that the AllSpark must be alive because it sources life, I do not feel at all that it is inherently evil or corrupted. Why? Because it goes back to the argument of what is evil. The Nokia phone in the box (TF1) was not evil; we could say it was merely defending itself. If you refer to my previous answer (here), I iterated how Cybertronians are much tougher than humans are. They are naturally more violent than we are because they can survive much more. But to call them inherently evil because they have a higher tolerance of violence is projecting our limitations onto them and turning into a diagnosis.
Cybertronians are more evil than we are—but that is their nature. That is no different than them transforming into another form. It is who they are, built into their CNA. They are not inherently evil, no more than how humanity is inherently evil. With sentience comes freedom, free will, and the right to choose WHO and WHAT we are. They, just as we, become evil in how they behave. Autobots are also violent, but they fight to protect and to defend. Decepticons are evil because they fight to destroy worlds, to hoard resources, and the power to decide who does and doesn’t deserve those resources. That is what we do when we assess someone and decide if they are worthy of partaking in the resources we’ve claimed as ours. Evil comes out when a member of one tribe decides that the member of another tribe is somehow less than and subsequently less worthy of receiving life giving resources. That is when evil comes out.
The Civil War started because of a famine (re: Tyran books). They were in a race to find the AllSpark and they were fighting over who gets to decide who receives their resources. Megatron was evil because he wanted to only give to the strongest, to those like himself. Optimus wanted to give it anyone, no matter what it meant they were because all Cybertronians had the the same rights as he did. That is why the Decepticons are constantly saying they just want to go home, they just want fuel, they just want to rebuild their world—okay, that sounds noble, but they also wanted to deny those very things to others they feel are unworthy. They wanted to rebuild Cybertron in their image, and this was the same fundamental goal the Decepticons had in the end of Transformers Prime and why Optimus chose to destroy the Omega Lock. That fundamental differences in morals is why Tyran Optimus opted to have the AllSpark destroyed and Cybertron critical damaged by way of aborted transportation to our solar system.
What was the deciding factor to turn bots like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, or any of the Autobots away from the extreme violence inherent to their nature? The same factor that decides such with us; free will. We are also a violent species, and there is no need to give explains of our atrocities as a species when we can all think of at least three. But it also refers back to the definition of evil being in the choices we make, and now in how we are born. The idea that someone is inherently evil (born that way) is an ancient one, not so much challenged until recently as we learned more about mental health and also looked beyond our immediate tribe.
This is the whole ❛ nature vs nurture ❜ argument. Transformers Tyran clearly lines out that evil within their species is nurture, not nature, and that humans are the same. The Autobots choose to not be as the Decepticons. Optimus Prime was one of the leaders that ended the tribal wars that carved up Cybertron; they were a lot like the tribes of the British Isles.
Are some people inherently less prone to violence than others? Yes, absolutely, and we can see that in our own kind. Optimus Prime was one of those less prone to violence; he had an eloquence to explain his reason away from violence that made sense to others. Ironhide was one of the first to step away from the tribal wars and follow Optimus towards the unification of Cybertron and its many tribes.
One of the many points of the background apocrypha in Tyran that is missing from the movies is the dyadic reign of Megatron and Optimus. They were High Lord Protector and Prime; one led the military and Cybertronian might, while the other was leader of the civilian side of things. They were equals and balanced each other as two sides of a coin. They were also sparktwins; they came from the same spark but were separated, and were reunited when the tribes were united. Megatron was meant to be the more violent side to balance Optimus’ pacifistic side. Megatron’s job was to protect Cybertron, to enforce its laws and guard its safety. Why? So that Optimus could focus less on the will to survive and more on the will to grow as a civilization beyond the most basic of needs. Without Megatron, Optimus has suffered, being pushed further and further to the edge of their primal instincts, often times to fight the mech that was supposed to protect him and let him just worry about leading their people. It could be assessed that as time passed on without Megatron, Optimus’ more violent instincts were brought out more with time.
There is a lot more realism in the last two movies. To me it shows Michael Bay and the other creative minds behind the continuity have grown and matured as well. If we look at the difference between say TF2 & TF4 there is a lot less of the childish humor. Less sexualization, less crude humor, less easy fixes, and the characters age as well. We no longer have a teenage hero of the story, but a father of a grown daughter. I think it is because they realize their target audience is actually older than they original were aiming towards, and that is why the realism becomes all the stronger and all the darker. This new Tyran Trilogy they are making is my favorite so far. I love the background and the setup of the previous three, but this new story arch is just so refreshing and exciting. 
IDK, I don’t agree with any of the criticism I’ve consistently read about AOE or even TLK. They are long, but I like long movies. I’m not typically a movie person but a TV series person because I like lengthy; I also don’t like reading book series with less than three involved.
At the end of the day, the Tyran continuity is not going to be for everyone. It is for me because I love the emphasis on how alien they are, the inclusion of advanced technology and magic, and a brutality to balance out the previous continuities kept tame for younger audiences. AOE&TLK are my favorite from the continuity now because of all the reasons I’ve discussed.
That and the music is also amazing, just as with any of the Tyran movies!
Hope to hear from you again, BayverseAnon! I love discussing this continuity as I feel it is under-discussed with less negativity.
And if anyone wants to send worldbuilding anons to my Tyran Optimus, please do so! I love worldbuilding with any of you.
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coruscantholonet · 5 years
Survey Results Part 3 : The Negatives
Been dreading this section! The question was “ Would like to hear what you feel could use improvement? Please be constructive! “
My comments will be in bold.  Identifying comments may have those portions redacted.
Combat System Related
“The combat system is tremendously complicated to configure and use. You have to make templates to guide the new players or they will not attract you. In my case I have decided not to use it, it requires too much time and there are faster options that favor roleplay “
The template suggestion is a good idea.  This is one of the easier to learn systems we’ve used over the years though, if anyone has any trouble configuring it feel free to poke any online staff board or ask in the Discord, we’re here to help! 
“ LRS needs to be balanced, going all points offense is just too much of an advantage “
We’re constantly testing and considering options,will look into this further!
“ Everything. Meter being #1 on at the moment. “
Sorry you feel that way! We do have meter as a “needs improvement”, and high priority in that category.
“ Less complicated systems not everyone is waaaaayy into the Dungeons and Dragons Aspect. i myself am from a era in SWRP where everything was Combat Meter. People will debate that combat meter is not rp and they are right from a certain point of view. However before we attacked someone or another group we extensively rped out the scenario these days its all DICE MATH DICE MATH i am horrible at math i come to SL to relax and just play out my character with the occasional battle here and there. Now i am aware thats all the current generation of SWRP but the freedom is very limited i'd prefer old school honor FFC above meter and dice but i realize there is a huge trust issue in the community which i gotta admit is somewhat logical considering the amounts of people that god-modded in the past especially the Sith and Jedi who all were SUPAH powerfull. Hell i'm a sith too but i hide it and play like Palpatine nobody knows i'm sith unless they are sufficiently alligned with the force to sense the intense dark energy hidden. 
 Eh long story short. Focus more on ROLEPLAY and less on DICE or any other system.
 In the end we all come to SL to escape the hectics of life adding complicated systems like CLOCKS [Large Events only as far as i heard ] does make me want to just walk away. Turfs work pretty neat but requires more consistent rules like Take 1 turf a week to prevent Big groups such as my [REDACTED] to Streamwall it all I can go on for hours but wont bother you guys ;) I love the casual rp on the sim that's what drew me in “
“ feel like things like clocks and turf are bloat “
We’re looking at things like Clocks & Turf for revision or termination.  Those behind it are no longer with us, and we do feel it’s current version is too heavy.  The add ons such as that are not mandatory for players to know, they’re more for group leads and often something they can opt out of as well under certain circumstances.
“ Make LRS more like d20 “
I wish this one elaborated a bit more.
“ Only thing I can really think of, is maybe more instructive ways to teach the LRS system, notecards can be helpful. Explain such things like weapons, armor, items, in general to be obtained, where to get them etc. Host events to maybe entice people to get them. And maybe, have more items with different stats, mind you I realize some share different stats, but from what I can see in the starter items, very few have different stats. Not saying, starter items should be powerful, just saying the things I've noticed. I could be mistaken with the items itself, and may need more experience in it. Anyway, thank you for your time :) “
Some good suggestions here.
“ Leveling/Rank system is kinda meh'. While I do like a system that has leveling/rank to it keeps people honest and cuts down on meta/god emoting and shit. I feel like the gaps between some of the higher ranks and lower ranks seem like kinda insane. Which might be intended if so then I suppose it's fine but I feel like Emi basically can't interact with certain people in a hostile manner once she learns their abilities cause you she would have be insane to try it again lol. “
The gaps are actually much less significant than they have been in the prior systems we’ve used such as SWT & Chimera but will look further into that.  I’ve personally lost to a 1 on a 5, so it’s not invincible mode by any means.
Build/Setting Related
“i feel it might be nice to see more places for people to sit and hang out around coronet, maybe replace some of the derelict vehicles or make it so you can sit on them like benches. id like to see more items handed out as mission rewards even if rarely. “
“ I'd like for there to be more places to sit in Vreni and Corenet. benches or just something as simple like being able to sit on clutter such as crates, vehicles, or even ledges. “
Been working on this, adding in more benches, small parks, etc.  As well as getting more staff the ability to generate items that can be given as rewards. If anyone is running a storyline that they want to request items for ask in the Discord or ask me directly, if I’m busy I can at least point you to someone who can help
“ more fun, less stress ... but I have no clue how to make that happen other than just focusing on RP and letting everything else go entirely “
I agree! I assume this one is more about staff than the playerbase as we’ve been pretty happy with the low number of OOC player vs player incidents.
“ Rentals availability notifier “
“ It's hard to find personal rentals. I wish there was a map or something that showed where there were rentals available. “
“ more rental homes i feels like there's not enough rental homes especially on the lower section there's like 4 i beleave maybe bump this up a little if possible as i would belave it would make it better for more people to have homes there. “
Since the survey have added enough rentals to catch up on the waiting list.  While the waiting list is now empty they are all full last I checked so will add more.  The waiting list is why the boxes often auto-lock and do not notify.  When we do have freed up rentals and no list I let people know in Discord announcements. If you want to get on said list let Zenless know, specify which of the rental types/location.  Generally go down the list when one becomes free but if I don’t hear back from someone in 48 hours move on to the next person.
“ The island build kinda tbh “
Would have liked elaboration as to why, I personally enjoy the contrasts in setting.
“ Add a area we can rez items we buy “
We do have a build box, but yeah need to be in the landgroup to rez, this is to protect the sim from griefers.
“ I feel like the furries need to be toned down, a lot of them seem to be pushing the limit on what is okay for a character. Otherwise I don't have a whole lot that comes to mind. “
If you have concerns about an avatar, contact a GM or an Admin.  No one else should be confronting people about avatar appearance.  Mentors will help those wondering if their avatars conform as well.
“ More open areas, like forests, deserts and snowy mountains, depicting the different Corellian environments and bringing more RP scenario options. “
Worked on it with the addition of the RP scenes, currently there are 4, we may switch them up now and then, any player can use these for their adventures. As of writing this we have a snowy one, a shadowy planet, a jungle and a minimalist desert.  It often depends how many prims we have free how details these are.  Things are also added to them specifically for a story, etc.
Story Related
“ Perhaps get more people involved IN the Holonet so we have a wider scope of story coverage from other factions/sources. “
“ StoryLine for the sim. News Reports. “
Would love to! Contact Zenless anytime you have something you would like printed on the news, we’ll take anything from briefs to full length articles. It’s generally me (Zen) who ends up writing most, but would love to have more contributors.
“ Easier access to groups. More storys that involve the "lesser" people that arnt part of a huge faction. Less hiding the roleplayers in faction bases. “
“ More events and gatherings for other time zones. It sucks that all of them are always at 9PM at night US EST. Some of us have jobs... “
“ Perhaps slightly more conflict between the groups. “
“ Most improvements are at the group level. All group leads should be working to give their players some daily content. Whether it be a small quest, large mission, or just something to progress their IC storylines. Right now it seems group leads are more there for policing than GM (game master) “
“ I feel that the Storytellers should put out more events, as well as come to defining the terms of the Clock System in a Simple way. There is too much confusion even among Admins about it. The Sim Build should also be improved to reflect 4D Coruscant. While an Island is nice it is only ever used for beach parties or the Jedi. Whilst every other RP is taking place in Coronet City or the Event Boxes. I am sorry if this was not very constructive but typing it out is a lot harder than explaining on voice. Come hangout with myself or talk to [REDACTED]. “
“ leadership in groups focusing on small scale rp to advance players char's ICly “
“ Could use more roleplay opportunities such as organized events. “
Lot of similar themes in these 6 so I’ll touch on them at once. Our group leads have been great and have been the primary ones responsible for the high levels of activity.  On the other hand since the start we had a story team that did not put much time and effort in other than those who were also group leads.  There was a main story arch yet few if any segments were ever run, and when these people left they asked for their stories not to be used so we had to go back to the drawing board. We’re working very hard to get more people involved in stories/running stories, do let me know if you are interested as we’re always looking for more aid.  Typically we bring on people as mentors first, find out what they do well and help with stories if desired.
“ Not having jedi trying to confiscate lightsabers as if they are the cops... “
You could go to CorSec ICly.  This one really seems like an IC issue as it is technically a violation of Corellian policy/law.
Staff/Management/Leadership Related
“ I feel there is a bias that favors the Jedi with staff “
“ the admins other than Eva do not seem like they care about the players “
“ Some of staff can at times be out of touch with the playerbase and comes off as elitist “
“ One owner has to go as per the jedi discussion on the jedi discord. The rest of the sim is fine. “
“ Admins “
“ Easiest suggestion. Unity. This admin team, just like the old 4D, is being trapped in drama. Things need to be unified and aligned to help the admin team mesh, instead of argue. “
“ some of the staff come off as condescending and rude mostly jedi who are also staff “
“ Consensual basis of decisions by the staff. Seems like things are constantly at odds. “
“ tessa and perry should not be admins “
“ Really wish the admins could be more approachable and stuff :l Except for Ootarian, he cool :D “
“ stop taking on owners who are terrible admins but just have money. wil,perry,lone,keely and so on “
“ I feel the LRS could be slightly more balanced rank-wise. I'd also like to see more LRS items but not too many. Less staff drama would be nice as to not fracture the community and kill RP. More sim-wide events such as Pazaak tournaments, races and even combat-oriented ones would be welcome “ 
“ Not a big fan of LRS but it’s better than most dice systems. Would like to see consensual agreements on staff rather than seemingly duking it out “
As some may have noticed there has been an overhaul of staff, much of this will seek to address any of the comments here. Everyone knows I say what I think to a fault.  So I’ll be transparent in my POV (take as you will) though I’m sure some are going to be unhappy I even touched on this.   The SWL Community was in bad shape after what happened on 4D for those who were here for that, I made a bad judgement call in some of the people I partnered with as our views were incompatible. I was very depressed after 4D (our prior region), and didn’t input as much as I should have when it came to staffing the sim, so they filled the staff with those who I’d consider their “friends”. Staff often became a battlefield of ideology between myself and what I saw as a circle of friends.  In no way am I ever a perfect angel, and there are patches that I could have navigated better so I am responsible for the conflicts within staff as much as the departed are.  Sometimes people just don’t work well together.  What’s done is done though and moving forward I feel we’ve been making a lot of progress in having a more cohesive team.  Still some rough patches as any sim with a decent sized playerbase is going to have it’s share of arguments, but I can say for certainty that everyone involved in leadership now genuinely cares about the community and that we’ll do our best to listen to the players and strive for consistent improvement. 
“ Telling myself that "You seem to be breaking the system, the sith might need their own story system" isnt encouraging. We are here to help the story move along but because we are the only ones really using the Clock system. Our use of it in my opinion should be rewarded not, not discouraged so that way other groups are encouraged to use it also. And this isn't me complaining, this is how what is being said is being perceived. “
The staff member who said this is among those who departed (who have been mentioned often here). We’ll strive for a fair environment for everyone/all groups where goal posts aren’t moved on a whim.
“ More freedom and less bureaucracy “
You and me both :D
“ My friend who had been rping here for a few days before me and participated in two events got told she couldn't rank up because she "only earned 1 exp" meanwhile I got enough to level up and that isn't cool because we both pretty much did everything together so it feels like there might've been some bias there. “
I know it’s repetitive but the person who did this is among those who departed.  Fixed this personally as being consistent is of extreme importance to us.
“ Maybe a little more staff so no one feels overburdened. Would love to see currency added to LRS (kind of like Chimera), most inventory items/upgrades/mods/etc. Otherwise, I love this place. Great people and great fun! “
We are currently interested in taking on another mentor or two as there is a lot of work to be done, but we’re being careful in that we want a staff that can get a long to avoid a lot of the feedback that was brought up here on staff environment being internally hostile.  
“ Clear advertisement of those willing to mesh-build or animate on commission for players would be nice! Even if we don't take them up on it, knowing it is available helps. “
I like this suggestion, will think of ways to try to advertise for them.
“ - More sim events for common people 
- More story events at current scale before we try and move large scale. We really haven't even tested the waters here and yet we're trying to move larger? It's like an amusement park with one slide saying we need to buy more land rather than build more attractions in the available space to entertain people. Lets try and utilize the current setting to its fullest before we decide it needs to go larger - The main social hub moved to a neutral ownership.
 - More balanced meter 
- Less outrageous things being brought onto sim. The more outrageous things get, the harder it is to bring content because that content gets dismissed by one person with the snap of a finger rather than being a tension and toil to overcome It also puts newer players at a huge social disadvantage. “
This one touched on a lot of things so put it in misc.  Pretty much touched on everything but “outrageous” in other sections.  What people consider outrageous is very subjective but we do try to avoid anything too crazy.
“ A lot of people are a bit bossy and obligating others what to do with their character, especially how they look. That makes people, certainly those who put a lot of effort in them, really pissed. Maybe a send out that we all should respect each other in how we look and how we roleplay. Not everyone is a rich ass who can buy what they want or so experienced in roleplay as the other. So the basic thing is respect. “
True.  If any issues with an avatar or anything else, a GM or Admin should be contacted.  Players hostilely confronting other players is often something that will be considered a minor offense which can lead to disciplinary scenarios.  If you need any help do let one of us know, it makes me very sad when I hear about someone being given a hard time over something like that.
In conclusion, thank you to everyone who filled out the survey.  This was the hardest section to give feedback on as it does touch on a lot of “drama” elements.  I’m not the smartest admin, def not the most PR or PC, I speak from the heart.  It means a lot to me that after six years and all the obstacles that people are still here. I’ll do my best to try to improve everyone's experience.  Please keep in mind we are a VERY diverse role-play community and it’s literally impossible to fully please everyone, sometimes the good of the many will outweigh the good of the few but the tyranny of the majority is also something you always try to keep at bay.   
SWRP as a whole has now lasted about fifteen years as you can trace it’s origins back to 2003 while the first groups and sims really got going in 2004 with groups like the Mandalorians under Dazzo Street,  Jedi under Marcus Moreau and others,the first Galactic Empire.  Then in 2005 sims exploded with Korriban, Sirius, New Holstice, Tatooine, the founding of GAR & DLOTS.   We may have had to do a lot of adapting and changing with the times to still be an active community, but fifteen years is an amazing accomplishment for any roleplay community.   We’ll have our ups and downs but I think we’ve proven ourselves to be as resilient as they come.  :)
0 notes
killshope · 2 years
ae. \\  …      †    a hollowed out star ‚ ic. 
vis. \\  …      †    a boy in a mask ‚ ic. 
ism. \\  …      †    such ancient eyes ‚ ic. 
dash. \\  …      †   bast : simps for baddies ‚ ooc. 
meta. \\  …      †   locked away in a box ‚ ooc. 
rel. \\  …      †   take my hand ‚ sheresists. ♡
rel. \\  …      †   in another life ‚ hyprnovae. ♡
rel. \\  …      †   girl next door ‚ conniidel. ♡
0 notes