#victorian vampire voice: My Love
possessyou · 2 years
@batsobey​  ♡ ‘d for a starter ! 
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“ — Okay.”   Yeah, he’s definitely feeling it now.  His head is hanging off of Eddie’s mattress, the blood rushing.  It leaves him a little lightheaded, but it isn’t the only thing making his blood rush.  Eddie’s legs are all tangled up in his and they’re nearly done with their second blunt.  
They probably should have slowed it down. 
“Truth or dare.”  
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𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝑴𝒚 𝑳𝒂𝒅𝒚 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟏
(𝑺𝒆𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑴𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒔 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
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🎀Age in bio or blocked🎀
Rating: Mature
Category: F/M
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler
Relationship: Sebastian Michaelis/CielsCousin!Reader
Characters: Sebastian Michaelis; Reader
Summary: You visit your dear cousins manor in the countryside to get a well deserved break from the humdrum exhaustion of the city after an illness. What you do not expect from your quaint retreat is the start of an exhilarating illicit affair with the butler. But taboos mean nothing when lust love transcends human norm.
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut; Sex; Vaginal Sex; Eventual Smut; Neck Kissing; Kissing; Gentle Kissing; Surprise Kissing; Making Out; Implied Sexual Content; Phantomhive manor; Reader-Insert; Victorian
A/N: not beta read. We die like men.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1: 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔅𝔲𝔱𝔩𝔢𝔯; ℑ𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔐𝔬𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤
“My lady,” you hear a soft voice calling you, “My lady, you must wake up, it is morning.” You open your eyes. The sheets around you are soft, freshly laundered. Your head sinks into the large white pillow, and you take a deep breath that turns into a yawn and turn over to go back to a more comfortable position. But the voice rings out again. “Now, that won’t do at all...” You twist your neck toward the direction of the voice. The sound in meats your ears like the gentle beat of a raven’s wing. Shielding your eyes because of the bright sunlight streaming in through the windows, you squinted to see a dark black figure stood before the opened curtains around your bed.
Sebastian Michaelis; the imposing shadowy butler of your cousin, Ciel Phantomhive who’s estate you were staying at while you visited the countryside after your illness. This man’s efficiency left you in awe. Managing an entire household with three other servants, an old butler, and a young master who was still very much a child. His roles extended far beyond that of an ordinary butler, to that of baker, chef, driver and even a pseudo parent. Additionally, with his smooth, silky, jet-black hair and contrasting pale skin he looked rather like a vampire – one from the cheap romance novellas you would pick up from the bookstore to keep yourself entertained. You definitely wouldn’t mind him sinking his teeth into your neck. You had been inappropriately lusting after the man ever since he greeted you into the Phantomhive manor. He was gentle and helpful, and you had found yourself yearning for the feel of his hands upon your skin. Sebastian seemed to sense your longing and took it upon himself to torment you with his sly touches at every opportune moment. He took your hand to help you down stairs, tied your shoelace if he thought it wasn’t done up well enough kneeling in front of you, he even lifted you and took you to bed one night when you were feeling especially tired from the day’s activities. You had been mortified to have been treated in such a manner but when he had leaned down and kissed your ear whispering a soft goodnight you exploded on the inside. Ever since then, you had been thinking the lewdest thoughts about the man- who would often catch you staring at his back and would wink at you and laugh when you turned red. And often your fingers would slip between your thighs, to rub over your mound below in an attempt to quell the aching need.
“Your maid seems to have caught a slight cold my lady.” Sebastian speaks drawing you back to the present. He smiles. “I hope you don’t mind me standing in for her this morning. I wouldn’t want you to exert yourself so soon after having recovered from one illness.” His eyes crinkle and he tilts his head while his smile grows wider.
For a moment, you stare at him and then understand the implications of his words. Still not fully awake you muster up the energy to ask, “But, who is to help me with my dressing?”
“I’m pretty sure you will find me capable enough, my lady.” He says, still smiling. You sit up quickly. Heart pounding in your chest.
“Sebastian!” you expel in admonishment “Surely that would not be proper!”
Sebastian prowls over to the the edge of the bed and leaning down, says, “Would it be as improper as this my lady?” He plants those smooth pale lips onto yours. They burn hot against your cool pink ones. You feel his hand caressing your cheek. Your heart beats hard in your chest and you sit rigidly unable to process what is happening around you. Is Sebastian really kissing you? Are his lips truly on yours? 
But before you can fully digest what happened, he moves away. “Are you awake now my lady?” he asks. You touch your lips feeling incomplete without his warmth and nod. “Good.” He says. “I want you to be awake for this.” He smoothly takes off his black coat and lays it down on a chair, then his vest, then as he unbuttons his shirt he climbs onto the bed. “Impropriety has been a recurring thought in your mind, has it not my lady?” he says to you. He kneels down in front of you. You feel your heart beat – loud enough for the whole mansion to hear.
“Wh– whatever do you mean, Sebastian?” You feign ignorance, trying to ignore the loud pounding of your heart.
“Don’t be coy my lady.” He smirks, his body almost enveloping you on the bed and playing with the string on the neck of your nightgown. He pulls it – untying the bow that your maid had made the night before. So smooth. His movements flow like a stream of water. Almost inhuman. You look into his eyes knowing that however improper it may be, you wanted the man. You wanted him in the basest way that a human may want a human. He cups your cheek in his hand and you can’t help yourself, you move forward to feel his burning lips against your own once again. He runs his fingers through your soft hair and wraps his arm around your torso pulling you closer. You pull off his already unbuttoned shirt. The heat of his body penetrating your thin nightgown. He presses his body against yours, kissing you, a hunger in his movements like no other you knew. His fingers reach your breast and he kneads it roughly. His tongue seeks entrance at your mouth. You open up readily, moaning softly at his touch. He tastes spicy yet at the same time sweet; it reminds you of chocolate a rare taste for such a rare man. Wanton moans drip from your throat and you just want more and more. Your head feels heavy—intoxicated. 
You close your eyes and pull him closer. He’s lean, yet you can feel hard muscle under the skin. Sebastian holds the bottom of your nightgown and looks at you with heavy lidded eyes.  “Are you sure about this my lady?” For a moment you think you see them flash a dangerous red but shake it off seeing them their regular brown.
You close your eyes and nod, biting your lower lip. It is what you want. Damn all the restrictions of society. Damn it all. It was your body and here was a man who made it writhe and respond on its own accord – without your control. You wanted him to feel you, touch you, make love to you. And you knew, he would appreciate you to the fullest – you would bloom like a flower beneath his touch.
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A/N: This was originally posted on AO3 back in 2017. Since then much time has passed and i wasn't feeling the motivation to continue this series, but now with this resurgence of Kuro I would like to take this series up again. I am posting it here now, with changes made and small edits. Just to make it a better read while still keeping my original story intact. I hope you've enjoyed. As always, Likes and Reblogs are much appreciated and Comments will earn you kisses.
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wholoveseggs · 15 days
Hi there!! I been reading your works and I love your writing. This my first request ever.
I had this idea, and I was thinking about a gothic vampire reader with the personality and the looks of Morticia Addams, and the love for the macabre. And Elijah catches her attention and she catches his attention. Of course, they meet at a gala, a opera etc. And for weeks, they have been getting to know each other. Until one day, he comes over to her house, they are having a good time then the visit turns steamy and smutty, it is passionate and feral. And maybe with blood sharing between the two.
But of course, if you don’t want to then you don’t have to and you can ignore this.
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Elijah meets an intriguing woman at the opera, leading to an evening of music, wine and vampiric indulgences.
♡♡ Thanks for the request @thealienartist!! Absolutely obsessed with this idea, I LOVE gothic romance & horror!!! This was an absolute dream to write. Can Elijah please be the Gomez to my Morticia heart? ♡♡
5.9k words - Warnings: smut, oral sex, blood drinking, I was self-projecting hard with this one... {I just want to be her}, black cats, chocolate cake, vintage wine, a love letter, Victorian gothic everything... I listened to Totentanz on repeat while writing this... {its a vibe}
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Elijah had always enjoyed the arts, whether that be in music or literature or even painting and live performances. He found that the arts were one of the only things that made him feel truly alive. Even with his undead heart beating within his chest.
Around the turn of the century, Elijah discovered his love for horror. It amused him to see how humans depicted the supernatural, their interpretations of his kind were rather off. Vampires living in run down castles, with no regard for the world around them, their main purpose to drain the blood of the innocent. It was almost laughable, though some of his kind did enjoy that lifestyle.
It was during this time that he fell in love with opera, something his siblings didn't exactly agree with. Rebekah found it to be dull, Klaus found it to be pretentious and Kol didn't care either way.
They just didn't get it, the music, the drama, the costumes, had him completely enraptured.
So, when he heard that La bohème was being performed, he immediately made plans to go. He had seen it many times, but never got tired of the performance. He just wished that he could have somebody to go with, but none of his family wanted to attend.
He put on his favorite four piece suit, combed his hair, grabbed his black trench coat and made his way to the opera house.
As the lights dimmed and the stage lit up, Elijah couldn't help but feel a little sad, wishing he had someone to share this interest with, but he was content watching alone.
He watched as the curtains parted and the actors began their first scene, he immediately fell into a trance as he took in the performance.
Intermission was announced and he went outside for some fresh air, he was surprised to see a woman, who looked like she was plucked straight out of the past, standing on the balcony.
She was smoking a cigarette, the long stick held elegantly in her fingers. Her nails were red talons and her dark hair cascaded down her back, stopping at her hips. She was dressed in a all black Victorian style dress, which complimented her pale skin, making it look almost ghostly.
She tilted her head at him in acknowledgement, then went back to staring out into the night.
Elijah usually wasn't the one to approach women, he preferred for them to make the first move. But something about this one intrigued him, he was curious about her.
He stepped onto the balcony and approached her slowly. Watching the wisps of smoke rise into the air.
She looked up at him and smiled.
"Elijah Mikaelson, I presume?" Her voice was deep, but still feminine, her eyes darker than his own. She was strikingly beautiful, there was no doubt about that.
"You know who I am?" Elijah raised his eyebrows.
She chuckled, gracefully flicking her cigarette butt away.
"Who doesn't? The infamous Mikaelson's, who rule the streets of New Orleans with blood and fear... I'm a big fan," she said.
He smiled and shook his head, "We do not rule the city, we simply protect it from our enemies."
She hummed, a smirk gracing her ruby red lips.
"You do have a reputation," she replied.
Elijah nodded and stepped forward.
"What is your name, darling?"
She chuckled and leaned against the railing, gazing up at him with a smirk. "Y/n," she said, extending her hand out to him.
He grasped her hand gently, his lips brushing against her knuckles, her eyes sparkled as she watched his lips.
"Hmm, they don't make them like you anymore," she mused, her eyes traveling up and down his body. "You are so very old-fashioned," she added with a sly smile.
"Well I am quite old," he jested, matching her smile.
They stood and stared at each other for a moment before Elijah broke the silence. "What do you think of this performance?" He asked, gesturing towards the theater.
She shrugged, "I've seen worse, I've seen better," she replied.
Elijah found himself smirking at her response, not really knowing why. Maybe because he had found himself feeling the same.
"May I ask what brings you here?" He wondered why she was attending an opera alone.
"I was bored, looking for someone to eat," she stated. Her eyes roaming over his body once more.
Elijah let out a chuckle and ran a hand through his hair. There was only a handful of times in his long life that a woman actually made him nervous, this being one of those times.
She reached forward and placed her hand on his chest, leaning closer towards him, her lips ghosting against his ear, her scent surrounded him, it was intoxicating and Elijah found himself leaning into her.
"I'll see you around Mr. Mikaelson," she whispered and gently pulled away from him, giving him a wink before going back inside. Elijah watched her go, letting out a sigh as he shook his head, not being able to wipe the smile off of his face.
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You considered yourself a solitary creature. Even in your human life, you tended to keep people at a distance. You felt misunderstood, even a bit judged by your peers, you didn't really like being around people.
After you were turned, things hadn't really changed that much, you still found it difficult to connect with others, but now you were mostly untethered and unburdened by society's rules.
The freedom of being a vampire was nice, to be able to go and do whatever you pleased, whenever you pleased and live however you saw fit.
You spent most of your years traveling, seeking out new places, experiencing new cultures and meeting people along the way. And with all this knowledge you learned exactly who you are and what you like.
New Orleans was one of your favorite places, full of vibrancy and life. It was an aesthetic heaven for you, a place that celebrated death, promoted the macabre, had strong connections to magic. Not to mention their appreciation for the arts.
For the last few decades, you had taken up residence in an old Victorian home. You compelled the local historical society to allow you to paint the exterior completely black. Planted dark red roses along the windows and hung little chandeliers made of animal bones along the porch.
You had spent quite a bit of time decorating the interior, making it a space that you could feel truly comfortable in. Something that made your home feel like it truly reflected your personality.
The house fit you perfectly; outside looking like something from a B-horror film, but the interior was homely and feminine, decorated with macabre pieces, gothic furniture, tapestries adorned the walls and candles were scattered everywhere.
You never really acclimated to modern society, you were turned in the 1800s and preferred to live according to the time. You liked old things, dark antiques, things that held a certain kind of energy within them.
So when you met Elijah Mikaelson at the opera house, you knew you had to add him to your collection.
You had heard about the Mikaelson family for a long time, whispers of them among the vampires. You had become intrigued, they were the oldest of your kind, the knowledge they possessed fascinated you.
You couldn't help the smirk that had stretched across your lips when you finally came face to face with Elijah, he was exactly how you imagined him. Tall, dark and handsome, dressed to perfection, emanating wealth and power. Finding him at the opera added to your attraction, knowing that his interests matched your own made it all that more charming.
Elijah Mikaelson was the fine wine of men and you wanted to bathe yourself in it. Wanted to drink up every drop of it, savoring the taste of it on your lips.
You sat in your living room, your cat on your lap, purring contently as you ran your fingers through his fur. You were dressed in a large silk robe, your hair tied up in a bun, dark wine colored lipstick on your lips. A mug filled with blood sat on the table beside you.
You were writing out a letter to him, with ink and parchment, your favorite fountain pen adding a certain flourish to your lettering. Your cat jumped off of your lap and you grabbed an envelope to place the letter inside. You folded the parchment and stuck it in the envelope, sealing it with wax and writing Elijah's name onto the paper.
You hoped he would like the gesture, you knew he was an old fashioned man, so sending him a letter with a gift was bound to catch his attention. It had been a long, long time since you felt nervous, and it had been at least a hundred years since you had a crush like this.
You grabbed the parcel with his gift in it and walked over to your front door, slipping on your heels, you headed out of the house and down your side walk, plucking a rose along the way.
The postman was close to leaving, just as you approached his mail van.
"Hello," you greeted, and watched as he turned and jumped, clearly startled by your sudden appearance.
"Jesus lady, I didn't hear you coming," he stammered, looking you up and down, a nervous smile on his face.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to catch you before you left."
He shook his head and smiled, waving away your concern.
"I have a parcel for you to deliver," you said.
He nodded and held out his hand for the letter.
"What's the address?" He asked, staring down at the envelope, taking note of your fine penmanship.
"The Abattoir, in the French Quarter. For Elijah Mikaelson," you told him, running your fingertips along the thorns of your rose.
The postman nodded his head and placed the letter in his van.
"Have a nice day," he said as he walked away.
You watched him climb into his vehicle and drive away, a smirk playing on your lips, hoping your letter would get the attention you desired.
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Elijah was spending the day lazing about, enjoying a rare day of peace and quiet, catching up on his reading. He wasn't expecting any visitors, but a knock sounded at the front door, which was a highly unusual occurrence.
He wandered downstairs, a nervous looking postman was waiting at the gate, looking around the old compound with fascination and hesitation.
"Elijah Mikaelson?" He asked timidly.
"Yes?" Elijah looked at him in bewilderment, it had been a long time since he had received anything in the mail, it wasn't like he had a registered address.
"This is for you," he said, handing him the envelope and a small package, wrapped in crimson coloured paper and tied with a black ribbon.
Elijah thanked him and made his way back into his home, he wondered who could have sent him a letter, the handwriting was immaculate, a skill that wasn't common in today's world.
He realized who it was from instantly when he saw the initials, y/n. A smile graced his lips, feeling like a giddy schoolboy instead of a thousand year old vampire.
He quickly undid the black ribbon and opened the paper, revealing a beautiful piece of art, depicting a flying demon eating a young woman's heart. The detail was incredibly fine, and he realized after a quick sniff, that the red of the painting was not paint. It was blood.
A thought crossed his mind, he wondered if it was a piece of your art, he found your work to be truly frightening, beautiful and enchanting, reminding him of the piece Nighthawks, though darker and macabre.
Opening the letter, he read it carefully,
Dearest Mr. Mikaelson, I hope this letter finds you well, if not please pardon my forwardness. I never understood the flirting etiquette of the modern woman. I find myself longing for the company of a man with your refined tastes, such a delicate palette. I was intrigued from the moment we met, our meeting felt fortuitous. I must confess that I have not felt this way in centuries, being in your presence awakened something within me that I wasn't aware still existed. I find myself completely enamored. Perhaps my feelings are returned? If not, then please accept this gift in hopes of extending our friendship. Though I do wish you share in my hopes of something a little more. I will be home tonight, perhaps you would do me the honor of joining me for a drink? Until then I remain Your Admirer, y/n.
Elijah couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he gently folded the parchment and placed it on his desk. He immediately went to check himself in the mirror, fixing his hair, combing it neatly to the side. He found himself anxiously changing his tie, nothing matched what he was wearing, but he wanted everything to be perfect.
He found a pair of ruby cufflinks, feeling that they complimented the letter and would perhaps set the mood.
Grabbing his black wool jacket and adjusting his tie, he made his way outside before stopping and running back inside, he couldn't possibly come empty handed and he knew just the thing to bring you.
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You waited nervously inside your house, you had decided to wear a simple black slip dress, your hair flowing over your shoulders in waves, your black winged eyeliner perfectly defining your eyes.
You needed a way to quell your anxiety, so you decided to play a tune on your organ, something to fill the silence, create a soundtrack to go along with the nerves that bounced around inside your mind and heart.
If he didn't show, you would understand. It had been quite a while since you've expressed your affections to anyone. It had been a lifetime since you were courted.
Your fingers idly drifted over the ivory keys, producing a somber yet melodic tune. Your nails were filed into sharp talons, painted a deep crimson, matching the lipstick on your lips.
The melody flowed through the house, the tune reverberating against the walls, seeping through the floorboards. Your cat jumped up and settled in your lap, the soft vibrations from the organ lulling him into a purring trance.
A soft knock broke the melody and you felt your heart stutter. Placing your cat on the seat you walked over to your door. Taking a steadying breath, you grabbed the handle and opened the door.
Men usually didn't have you so utterly flustered, but with Elijah, it seemed like even your centuries old blood could grow warm.
"Good evening, I received your letter and gift, thank you."
He greeted you with a genuine smile, an excited glint in his eyes. You let your eyes wander over him, taking in his appearance, he was dressed to perfection, like always, obviously following along with your old fashioned aesthetic. You liked that you didn't have to ask him, he just got it.
"Please, come in," you stepped to the side to make room for him, you shut the door as he walked inside.
"Quite a lovely home you have here," he said, admiring the interior of the house.
You took his coat and led him into the sitting room, pointing to one of the antique sofas.
"Please, take a seat."
He sat and placed the bottle of wine he had brought on the table.
You took the bottle and marveled at the label, your interest peaked, feeling slightly taken back, it was one of the rarest reds, bottles of this were difficult to come by, most of them now lying at the bottom of the sea.
You knew it was not a simple gesture, this was the kind of thing you save for very special occasions. Knowing that he considered this date that special made your stomach flutter.
"Now how did you manage to get your hands on this?" You asked, placing the bottle beside the two glasses you had set out earlier.
"My brother was the culprit behind a number of shipwrecks, during the golden era of piracy," Elijah responded, a smirk gracing his lips.
You chuckled as you grabbed the corkscrew. "That is no surprise," you replied as you popped the cork out.
You grabbed the glasses and walked over to him, passing him one of the glasses before sitting across from him.
You both raised your glasses and clinked them together, taking a drink, closing your eyes and savoring the taste.
"I heard you playing as I approached the house, you have a lovely talent," Elijah said.
You smiled and nodded your head, looking down at your wine.
"That was very sweet of you to say," you looked up at him through your lashes, admiring his handsome features.
You took another sip and watched him over the rim of your glass, his eyes watching you as well.
"What were you playing? Totentanz?" He asked.
"Indeed, it’s one of my favorites," you said, tilting your glass in his direction, "and it felt appropriate," you jested.
A beautiful smile stretched across Elijah's face as he let out a chuckle. His smile made your lips curl up, mirroring his expression.
"So tell me," he began, "What made you decide to come to New Orleans?"
You shrugged and crossed your legs, the sliver of skin left exposed as the fabric cascaded over your thighs, capturing his attention.
"I love it here, the culture, the art, blood tastes sweeter here," you said, letting a sly smile grace your face. "I like the way this city weaves death and beauty," you paused and took a sip, "it just feels like home to me."
Elijah nodded his head in understanding, he appreciated what you had said. "Yes, there is a certain allure about this city,"
"Your family helped build it back in the 1800s, no?" You asked, running your finger along the lip of your glass.
He nodded, "yes we did, from swamps and brothels to one of the wealthiest cities."
You chuckled and shook your head, "yet the swamps and brothels remain," you mused.
"But not nearly as much," he joked.
You both sat and talked for hours, getting to know each other, laughing and drinking. Elijah was surprised to find that you didn't mind listening to him talk about his travels and life, in fact you hung onto his every word. To him, you were utterly enchanting, the way your eyes lit up as you talked, your laugh, the way you looked at him.
At one point he got up and sat closer to you, his hand gently grazing your thigh, leaning in close as you spoke, his eyes locked on yours. Your lips parted and you felt his breath ghosting across your mouth, his eyes flicking down to your lips. He was such a gentleman, waiting for you to initiate the kiss, but you wanted to do one last thing before you tasted his lips.
"I made something for us, if you would like to try it," you whispered.
He leaned back and tilted his head, his eyes curious.
You smirked and placed your wine glass down, slowly standing up.
"Follow me," you told him.
Elijah trailed after you into your dining room, a large wooden table in the center of the room, filled with silver platters and a centerpiece of black and white roses.
You had made a decadent chocolate cake using human blood, the dark rich blood mixing with the cocoa, making a sinfully dark and delicious dessert.
You pulled out a chair for him and motioned for him to sit.
"This looks delicious, did you make this?" Elijah asked.
You nodded and cut a slice for him, placing it on a plate.
"Yes, I made it from scratch," you said, a small smirk playing on your lips. "Gathered all the ingredients from local suppliers."
Elijah hummed, taking his first bite, his eyes widened and he let out a soft groan.
"This is divine," he exclaimed, the veins around his eyes darkening.
You sat and watched him eat the entire slice, his eyes were blown out, the bloodlust apparent in his expression. You bit your lip, trying to hold in your excitement.
You pushed your plate towards him, a wicked grin on your lips. "Would you like another slice?"
His eyes flicked up to meet yours, the bloodlust making him look feral, his eyes completely black.
"I would prefer to taste something else," he said.
Your lips curled into a smile as he stood, pushing his chair back and pulling you out of yours.
His arms snaked around your waist, his hand coming up to tangle in your hair, pulling you flush against him. You ran your hand up his chest and wrapped it around his neck, your lips meeting his.
He tasted like red wine, chocolate and just a hint of blood, his mouth soft and pliant, his tongue brushing against your lips. You nipped at his bottom lip and he growled, pushing his hips against yours, walking you backwards, pinning you against the wall.
"Where did you come from?" He marveled, his hands grabbing your ass.
You laughed and ran your hand through his hair, giving it a light tug.
"Does it matter?" You whispered, pressing your lips against his again, kissing him hungrily.
"You've been in my city for so long, yet I only just met you, how very unfortunate," his voice was gruff as he spoke, his hips rolling against yours.
"I guess we will have to make up for lost time," you said, your voice dripping with lust.
Elijah picked you up and flashed up the stairs, his hands cupping your ass, his lips attached to your neck. He walked you into the bedroom, tossing you on the bed.
You laid there, propped up on your elbows, staring up at him, a teasing smirk on your lips, your dark hair fanning out on the pillow.
He looked at you in awe, your red lips were swollen from his kiss and the hem of your slip had risen up your thighs. He climbed onto the bed and crawled towards you, hovering over your body, his mouth finding yours again, his hands running up to the hem of your stockings, his fingers teasing the skin under the material.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and flipped him, straddling his hips. Your hands ran over his chest, undoing the buttons of his shirt, revealing his toned chest.
His hands roamed over your body, slipping the straps of your slip off your shoulders, revealing your black corset, his hands trailing over the boning, the lace covering your breasts, the garters that held up your stockings, and the panties that were already ruined.
"I miss when women would dress this way," he sighed, his eyes drinking in the sight of you, a look of hunger in his eyes.
You chuckled, bending down to nip at his bottom lip, your lips moving along his jaw.
"Happy to keep the tradition alive," you whispered, nuzzling your nose against his neck, your fangs running along the artery, feeling his pulse against the tip of your fangs.
Elijah flipped you over and pressed his body against yours, his hand wrapping around your throat, squeezing the sides, his thumb tilting your head back. His other hand found the ties inn the front of your corset, slowly undoing the knots, the ribbon sliding through the eyelets, the corset loosening with each pull.
You watched his eyes flicker over your breasts, his fangs extending, his breathing heavy. He looked up and met your gaze, his face shifting, his veins spreading underneath his eyes.
He bent down, his fangs sinking into your chest, your blood filling his mouth, dripping down his chin. Your eyes rolled back as he fed from you, his hand squeezing your breast, his fingers pinching and twisting your nipple.
The pain of his fangs and the pleasure of his hands were overwhelming, you felt drunk, you felt euphoric.
You grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled his head back, your mouth colliding with his, tasting yourself on his lips. He groaned into your mouth and rolled his hips against yours, his bulge pressing against your core.
You both frantically began to undress, his pants and belt tossed aside, your dress and corset ripped off, thrown onto the floor. You laid back, wearing nothing but your stockings and panties, his boxer briefs the only piece of clothing left on his body.
He grabbed your hips and pulled you back underneath him, his lips finding yours, his hand running up your leg, hooking his finger into the thin strap of your panties, tearing them off.
"That was entirely ungentlemanly," you said, a teasing glint in your eye.
Elijah smirked, kissing his way down your stomach, stopping at your pelvis, his fangs lightly scraping the skin above your pussy.
"You don't seem to mind," he mused, his hand pushing your thighs open, his lips wrapping around your clit, his tongue flicking over the sensitive bundle of nerves.
Your hips bucked and your hand grabbed a fistful of his hair, tugging it, urging him on. You appreciated his enthusiasm as he indulged in pleasuring you.
His tongue felt deliciously warm against your skin, your eyes shut, your breath ragged. It had been so long since you had a man between your legs, and Elijah was no ordinary lover, his skill level matched his age.
You moaned and writhed beneath him, his thumb pressed against your clit, your wetness covering his chin.
"Fucking hell," you panted, your body starting to tense.
Your hands gripped the bedsheets, your body a ball of pent up tension, with one final stroke of his tongue, your orgasm broke through the last sliver of control.
You shook and gasped as your climax took over, your whole body erupting in pleasure. Elijah lifted his head, watching you, his lips curling into a sly smile.
"That's a sight," he praised, sitting up and wiping his chin with the back of his hand.
You slowly opened your eyes, a blissful smile plastered on your face.
"Indeed it is," you replied, your breathing uneven.
"But you should watch your language, I thought you were a lady," he teased, his eyebrow raised, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.
You narrowed your eyes and smirked, leaning forward, grabbing his shoulders and rolling him onto his back. Your bodies were slotted together, your faces close to each other.
"When have I ever claimed to be a lady?" You asked, kissing along his jawline, nipping the soft skin at the end of his neck.
Your hands trailed down his body, running over his chest, letting your nails run down his torso, breaking the skin, long bloody tracks appearing.
You kissed your way down his chest, licking the blood up, your fangs scraping against his abdomen. You looked up and caught his hungry gaze, his body tensing under you, his erection straining against the fabric of his boxers.
Smirking, you kissed the fabric that separated you from his cock, your hands reaching up and tugging at the waistband, pulling them down slowly.
Your lips wrapped around the tip of his cock, licking the pre-cum. His eyes fluttered shut and he hissed in pleasure, his hands tangling in your hair.
"Mr. Mikaelson," you said as you slowly descended on his cock. "I may look like a lady," you popped off him and kissed the head. "but I fuck like a dirty, filthy whore."
Elijah groaned at your words, the hands in your hair tightening, gripping your strands, guiding you back down, taking in more of him.
You bobbed your head along his shaft, sucking and lapping at the vein along the underside, one of your hands pumping the part you couldn't fit in your mouth, the other gently cupping his balls, squeezing and massaging them.
Elijah slowly began to rock his hips, matching your rhythm, his breathing heavy and rapid, his voice hoarse as he murmured your name.
Pulling his cock out of your mouth, you looked up at him, tilting your head, "yes?" You smirked, blowing air onto the tip.
Elijah pulled you up and kissed you, flipping you over and once again pinning you underneath him. He pulled your thigh up to hook around his waist, gripping your ass, letting his cock rub along your slit. He pulled on the hem of your stocking, letting it snap back against your skin.
"Gorgeous, intoxicating thing," he cooed, slowly sinking into you.
You threw your head back and let out a moan, your leg hiked up to allow him deeper access. He placed one hand under your thigh, holding your leg in place, while the other found your neck, his thumb grazing your windpipe, applying the perfect amount of pressure. The hand under your leg holding you firmly. You knew that a part of him wanted to give into the bloodlust, the animalistic side of him that was desperate to sink his fangs into your neck. His gentleness mixed with his aggressiveness drove you wild.
You felt every inch of his cock as he slowly rolled his hips, pulling out of you almost fully before entering you again. He leaned down and kissed you deeply, his tongue dancing along yours. It was intense and overwhelming, the way he had all your senses tied up in his touch, his mouth, his taste, the sound of his breathing, his movements.
You struggled to hold it together, your pleasure building with each stroke, and he knew, he loved seeing you come undone.
He began to pick up his pace, his hips snapping against yours. It was like the perfect dance, his hips moving so smoothly and perfectly in time with yours, both of you chasing the inevitable crash.
Your eyes met, and everything else seemed to fall away as you lost yourself in his gaze, everything slowing down. He kissed you softly, tenderly, making you melt in his hands.
You brought one hand down to rest on his cheek, holding his face against yours, kissing him back just as tenderly. You ran your index finger along his jaw line, your sharp nail drawing blood, dipping your finger between your lips. He tasted so much better than you imagined, like pure power and divine lust.
Elijah groaned at the sight of your blood stained lips and he sped up, his lips on your neck, his fangs running over your skin.
You tugged on his hair, urging him to bite you, to drink his fill, you wanted nothing more than to give yourself over completely.
His fangs sank into your neck, your blood spilling into his mouth, some of it dripping onto your chest, his teeth slicing into your skin.
The sensation pushed you over the edge, your orgasm ripping through you, your hands grabbing at his shoulders, a strangled cry of his name leaving your lips.
He didn't stop, just as he was reaching his peak, he sank his teeth in deeper. He growled, his hips losing their rhythm as his climax hit him. You were both a gasping, moaning mess, clinging to one another, your fingers digging into each other's skin.
The two of you collapsed in a sweaty heap, tangled in the sheets, your skin glistening, breathing heavy.
You felt light headed and euphoric. His gaze was piercing and loving, his fingers brushing across your neck, softly wiping the blood off. His mouth gently caressed yours, his hands cupping your face.
He brushed your hair behind your ears, pulling you into his embrace, his fingers tracing your skin. It was hard to believe that you had only known him for a night, it felt like a lifetime.
A long overdue release of tension and you were happy to be the object of his affections. He was by far the most interesting man you had ever met.
You melted into him, his hands wrapping around you, holding you close. Everything felt perfect, the dim lights, the sound of rain in the background, the weight of him beside you.
The slow creak of your bedroom door opening, cut through the stillness of the night. The soft mew of your cat greeted the both of you, followed by the sound of him jumping onto your bed. The comforting feeling of his paws walking along the sheets as he came to investigate the disturbance in his home.
He walked along Elijah's body, bumping his head against Elijah's outstretched hand, purring happily.
"And who might you be?" Elijah asked.
"Erebus," you responded, stroking Erebus' fur. "It means darkness."
Elijah nodded, the corner of his mouth turning up in a smirk.
"An appropriate name," he mused, watching the black cat turn around on his chest, finding a comfortable spot to settle.
Erebus yawned and curled into a ball, closing his eyes.
You smiled and snuggled in closer to Elijah, your head resting on his shoulder.
"I guess Erebus wants me to stay," He chuckled.
You laughed and reached over him, scratching the cat behind the ears.
"It does seem that way," you teased. "And I have no intention of kicking you out."
Elijah smiled, kissing the top of your head.
"Good," he said. "Because I intend on staying right here."
You looked up at him and smiled, your heart skipping a beat. You had never met anyone who could make you feel so special and desirable.
Elijah's face was gentle, his eyes crinkled, his mouth curled into a smile. He kissed you again, a sweet, chaste kiss, and then he turned his attention back to Erebus, who was now fast asleep on his chest.
"Did you know that Erebus fathered Eros, the god of love and desire?" He asked.
"I did," you chucked, watching your little cats chest rise and fall.
"There is a play house not far from here, they are putting on a performance about it, the play is called Sweet Eros. Would you like to go see it? It's quite twisted, it seems like something you would enjoy."
You nodded and kissed him, a grin on your face.
"Mr. Mikaelson, I think this is the start of something beautiful," you teased, your fingers tracing his collarbone.
"Oh my darling," he said, his lips brushing against yours. "It already is."
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burnorgetburned · 9 months
Homura wins by style points alone.
Anyway. Choice screenshots and my thoughts on them. Plus a few wild theories. Replies, tags, and your own reactions are VERY welcome.
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(You're doing great, sweetie!)
First of all, I’ve already said this, but Homura has usurped Kyubey. She is the contractor in this new system. She calls magical girls and asks them if they can bear the responsibility of fighting (LEAGUES better than Kyubey's misleading BE A HERO language), using a magical lizard phone. She knows better than anyone else how heavy this is.
And she looks amazing while doing it. Look at that outfit! Look at her steampunk-esque aesthetic! Her throne. Which, notably, has glowing magenta eyes and her wings as a backrest.
The moon is either actually, physically repurposed, or she’s made something that looks like it. Not only that, but the pins going into the moon are exactly like the pins that went into her soul gem when she was being experimented upon in Rebellion. Those pins, according to the artbook, are for draining her gem of grief to keep her just before the point of witching.
Well, here’s my first wild speculation: Homura has not only taken over Kyubey’s job as a contractor but also its job of disposing of grief. That moon steampunk device is maybe for collecting, concentrating, and distilling grief into energy - hence the strange tesla coils connected to red liquid in the second screenshot above. She's doing what Kyubey says it's doing - turning the grief of people into energy to prolong the universe's lifespan.
I for one support her reality-warping shenanigans.
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Here are some voices over a phone, sometimes speaking over each other, sometimes together. They call Homura “Akuma-sama” (!!!) which is a distinct upgrade from calling her Good-For-Nothing. They say “Just bring hope” like a mission statement. Are these her contracted girls? Or her Clara Dolls? They seem to show her a lot of respect.
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I’ve also said this, but I strongly feel that this and the girl shown later are some of Homura’s new contractees. Their magic is darker. It warps the world around them, even. Their outfits incorporate black a lot more, too, though that might be the lighting.
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Look at the little sigil on the top left-middle! Looks a lot like Homura’s lizard sigil shown when she was consuming the universe, just with a longer lizard.
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And, of course, the image of Madoka throwing herself off of a building. “Wraith” and “Legend of Bestie” (lmao) show up here. I’ve actually been really looking forward to seeing what they’ll do with Madoka’s… self-sacrificial tendencies, so this might be part of that. Or, because of “Wraith”, it’s… well, I’ll get to that later.
On the other hand, it might not be Madoka. It might be the girl who the speaker in the phone call calls her "best friend", jumping to her death because of a wraith, and Homura saving her to fulfill a wish.
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So glad that the insane architecture from Rebellion is making a comeback. Love what you’ve done with the place, Homura. Look at all those cranes!
The outfit changes are very cool to me. I honestly don’t have speculation for why Sayaka is covered in bandages, but I do have speculation for the changes!: they’re older. Years have passed. Since they’ve changed and grown, their outfits have changed, too. I don't have proof of this - I just like the idea.
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Light shines down on Madoka. Petals fall towards her as flowers bloom above. Behold, Homura's extremely subtle and inscrutable feelings. (Sorry for the blurry Madoka, but I am not going through the ordeal of uploading screenshots to my computer again because Tumblr does not like mobile users).
Homura is apparently waiting for Madoka here. She's standing right in the fountain's water and holding a Victorian umbrella like a vampire. Right now we can see that the visuals of this movie will not miss.
Is this a routine thing for them or is Homura just showing up to greet them this one time, for some reason? No clue. Madoka's expression as she notices Homura could indicate either.
Eagle-eyed people on Twitter noticed this, but in these shots, Sayaka already has her bandages.
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Aside from the multiple and/or teleporting Homuras, there's also a Clara Doll in a ballerina dress and a cute Clara Doll peering over the side of the tower like a little kid.
The tower is interesting. It appears to be made of books or pages, and there's chains throughout it. More notably, it's in the shape of a helix - infinity symbols on top of each other.
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Please appreciate these Clara Dolls. I'm sure they're working hard.
But seriously, those Clara Dolls' details. One has a witch's hat. One has an apple on its head. And the one with a teacup appears to have not only a lizard's tail but a replica of Homura's Devil outfit. Appreciate them!
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Here is Homura(?), lounging or trapped on a chair filled with even more of those pins. Look at her closely. She's wearing a strange combination of her magical girl outfit and her Devil outfit - her shoulders are bare, and she has... feathers? She's sitting on a bunch of nails. But she also has two soul gems - one in her hand, and one hanging from her neck.
Is she cleansing them? Eating them? Holding people hostage? I don't know, but I support her completely.
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She looks so tired.
So: here's some of what I think might be going on.
Homura is using wraiths to repress her worst memories. We know already that wraiths take memories and emotions from their victims. Well, there's no reason it can't be used as extremely terrible coping! Homura actually does this in the Wraith Arc, too - she lets a wraith take her feelings for Madoka.
If it is Madoka, it explains the shot with Madoka throwing herself off a builing - what if Homura has seen this happen in the loops, and out of pain lets a wraith pull it right out of her? The shot says "WRAITH" and billows with smoke. A wraith could have taken Madoka's form to act out this memory. And it doesn't need to be a memory - it could also represent Madoka's self-sacrifice and almost suicidal tendencies. This, too, would explain the multiple Homuras. All wraiths using her form.
This puts forward powerful enemies for the plot, as well as an interesting point of literally fighting Homura's demons. Most importantly, this lets everyone see Homura's pain.
Other wild dartboard speculations:
Homura will try and present herself as a villain. This is, honestly, kind of guaranteed, but it bears mentioning that her magical girls will be very likely to try to defend her.
Kyubey may appear to try and turn the girls against Homura.
Homura made the new magical girl who is drawing a bow. She has a lot of design choices from the Quintet, and people have already noticed how much she looks like Madoka. This new girl plays a role of the hero to Homura's pretend-villain, eliminating the risk that her friends will get seriously hurt.
The new magical girl is actually Madoka. Or the Law of Cycles. Or Kriemhild Gretchen.
The girl who jumps from the tower is a contractee being asked to take a leap of faith. She does so, and Homura rewards her with magic.
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houdikoo · 2 months
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You never expected your apathetic husband to suddenly die. Even tho you never loved him enough to care, the general public made sure to make your widow life harder. With no interest in love, all you wanted was to finally be independent. Until you met a certain count, who just couldn't seem to leave you alone.
𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Vampire!Jungkook x widow!Hesperia(OC)
𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙧𝙚: Victorian era au, vampire au, angst, fluff, slow burn(Ig?)
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: (Unimportant) character death, mourning, ignorant OC, toxic social expectations, stigma & discrimination, blood, financial struggles, false murder accusations, manhandling, simp jk, vampire jk(that needs to be a warning).
Note: This is random idea which came to me. It's kinda inspired by Anna Karenina, like the time period and the style. I haven't written anything(like ffs) for quite some time, so kindly don't mind any errors T-T
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The delightful cool air entered my lungs, as I stepped down the carriage. Warm yellow lights shunned from the now bustling mansion in front of me.
The trembling pain in my temples grew, giving me a sign of what was to come. It has namly been 2 months since the death of my "dear husband".
It would be lying if I said I wasn't tearful, on the contrary, I was saddened by the problems he left me to deal with it.
The enormous layers of my black mourning dress swayed in the light breeze as I moved thru the doors, stepping into the lightened ballroom.
Numerous of familiar and unfamiliar faces turned towards me. Coming here today, I clearly knew what I was putting myself thru. The so called "appropriate" mourning period; which included no social events, wasn't even half done.
Most women I have known, tended to mourn to at least a year, if not longer. Me coming here, so early will be seen as "disrespectful" to many, but I could care less.
As he, was nobody to mourn over. A man with his ego and lust had no place in my heart. I ought to at least wear black, as to respect the death.
By now, the stares turned away. Turning into whispers and careless giggles. I strodd towards the small corner where the white wine was served in dazzling glasses.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw my lovely sister, Annemarie, stepping closer towards me with a sincere yet confused glance. Sighing, I picked up a glass and took a sip, patiently waiting for the interrogation.
"Hespe! Why have you come here?" her voice calm as ever, yet I sensed the anxiety in her voice from a mile away. I answered nothing, giving her my smile and continued to sip on my wine.
"I know you never cared for that man, but he was still your husband, you ought to at least think of the consequences" she grabbed a hold of my sleeve fixing it slightly as it got wrinkled.
"And you also know, that I don't care even if they throw me on the street for me so called ignorance"
An audible sigh was passed thru the air, and I could only chuckle at the way my sister turned away from me to look at the staring strangers.
"Well, isn't it Lady Selwyn… oh excuse me I meant Lady Dosett"
The sleek smirk painted his face, contrast to his actions as he bowed down in front us. Lord whitmore was never a "pitiful" type. His words striking venom everytime he speaks.
He also took the pleasure of degrading every pitiful women in his are. Who else would have been a better target, then a newly widow like myself.
"Pleasure to see you again, Lord whitmore" I crossed my arm over my waist, turning towards the middle aged man. Clearly he hoped for a better reaction, as his displease was showing slightly thru his happy faced.
"I would say the same, but I would be lying if I said wasn't surprised to see" His stare tighten and his smirk returned. I dug my nails into my arm, it was clear where this was going.
"After all it has been only 2 months since Lord Selwyn's death"
I looked at my sister, seeing her side eye him and tightening her jaw. She might not support my ignorant choices, but she wouldn't let anyone disrespect me.
I just look back at him, giving him back the sly smile. "I'm well aware of that, but I can't quit see how my husbands death should affect my social life"
He moved back, his posture launched, clearly he wasn't expect me to actually say this. He seemed to think, as he grasped a glass of wine, stirring and sipping quietly.
I looked away, staring into the distance. Taking a sip from my glass, calming myself down. He will leave sooner or later.
I watched the over the top dressed figures, coming down the grand red carpeted stairs. Which were mostly used by high class figures, trying to appear dramatic or more "important" to the rest.
Among those figures I caught a red like flare. I searched for the source, and that's when I come to contact with red eyes boring back at mine.
They appeared brown, but a hint of red was reflected on the side. I was a bit dazed, looking to see who this individual was who bestod such unique, or rather weird beauty.
To my unhappiness, my thoughts were interrupted as Lord whitmore coughed, rather intentionally loud. I twisted my head to the side staring into him.
" I guess it makes sense, since you didn't really seem to care for the lords death" His gaze being not so friendly anymore, like he was challenging me for a imaginary duel.
"Almost like the news pleased you…"
I held my breath, but continued to look at him with a blank stare. I see, he couldn't make me ashamed, so he decided to implant the idea that I was behind my husbands death.
"Hope you didn't take it the wrong way, I'm not accusing you of anything dear" The words flow out like posing, and that sanistic smile came back. I held still, keeping my gaze on him.
He poured the last drops of his wine, putting the glass on a random tray. My sister fluffed her skirt, and grabbed me by my elbow.
"I would be carefull with such accusations. We shall get going, the dance is about to start" she spoke it softly, but you could hear the slight anger in her voice.
Lord whitmore let out a chuckle and stroked his chin in amusement. "Oh dance, right, well I'm looking forward to see both on the dance floor", he smiled and bowed down while staring straight at me.
The word "both" being emphasized more then the rest. Clearly he wasn't expecting anyone to ask me. Who would even want to dance with a widow like me, right?
I decided to keep quite and just nod to his words. Anna tighten her grip on my elbow, and guided me away from Lord whitmore.
"Lady Dosett, I'm waiting for an invite to the vigils"
I stopped and turned towards him. The vigils, I almost forgot. One of the traditions of mourning, inviting people over to "pray" for the death. I needed to throw one whatever I liked it or not, just to show respect.
"Of course, I make sure to send an invitation soon, Lord whitmore" I answered with a quick smile at the end, before turning around.
We continued on our way towards one of the doors, dividing the two huge ballrooms. We stood side by side, until the extravagant music started playing.
Within a few seconds people already moved towards the middle, starting to move along with the violin and organ sounds. I loved the ball before.
The warm atmosphere and the dancing figures, along with the smell of faint lavender and the not so lovely scent of sweat throughout the last hours.
Sadly, things changed after my wedding. There was no more excitement, with a man standing right beside, gripping my waist tight enough to make me stiff up.
My husband never loved, he called it being possessive over his "belongings". Another one of his disgusting fantasize. Now that he was gone, I could enjoy those things again.
To an extant. A widow was free, free from her family who wanted nothing to do with her, and her death husbands side who felt like a burden was taken away from them.
On the other hand, the society wouldn't leave me alone. Everyone would know me as a widow. According to most, I was doomed. No man would marry me now. Apparently, I crossed the right age for marriage and now I was "used".
I saw a few young man stare at my sister. Of course, she was young and pretty, everyone was interested in her. In this day and age, for a woman beauty and youth was her only weapon.
All she needed was to get herself a rich husband, give him a son, and she would be left alone be hima and free to do most of what she wanted.
That's how it worked, for us. I all I hoped was that she would end up with someone who respected her. Because there is no way to find love with those men.
I looked at Anna, seeing her give a shy smile towards one of the man's way. Giving her a teasing smile, I looked back at the man.
Count Ashcroft, was indeed a handsome fellow. Out of all the young men his age, he seemed least of a jerk. I looked towards my sister, pushing her forwards towards him.
She gave me a frightened look, but shaked my head giving her a genuine smile. I guess she got the clue, as she smiled and speed walked over to the man.
I was left standing alone, in the crowded room. A few giggles and glaces here and there, but I tried not to be distracted. I focused on the view in front of me.
I wandered back to my youth, the time when dreams of a life full love were still alive. I looked forward to the day I met the one for me, but it never came.
All the man around me were nothing but scoundrels. Their words full of empty promises. They say they love, but the only thing they do is their freedom of doing whatever they please.
As of now the turned more calm with elegant flute in the background, leading the flow. I felt footsteps behind coming closer. I shrugged it of thinking it was someone random walking by.
Sudden, lt the air felt colder than before. It wasn't comfortable rather soothing for my nerves. I heard a short and quite inhale from behind.
Goose bumps ran down my spine, as I stood there awaiting the unknown. I thought it might have been on of those young girls who came to give me fake pity while making fun of my now vulnerability.
"Dance with me"
A smooth like ocean waves voice said softly behind me. I chuckled lightly to myself. Well, this wasn't what I was expecting. It wasn't even a question, rather sounding like a demand.
I turned around, expecting to see a possibly underage lad who decided act cool be dancing with an elder women.
To my surprise, there stood a shallow man, black striped suit with pearly white shirt underneat.
His short hair slicked on the sides, as some strands framed his sculpted face. I moved higher, seeing the familiar red flare in his eyes.
His face was determined with no sign of nervousness. "That's not so gentleman way to ask a lady for a dance" I kept my face straight, focusing my gaze on his reaction.
Was this another one of those pranks pulled by the bachelors when they are so drunk they can't remember their name?
"Excuse my actions, I must have forgot myself while being unconsciously blinded" he spoke taking a step closer to me. I furrowed my eyebrows, crossing my hands as I stared at him.
"Blinded by what possibly?" The question lingered in the air, as he raised his hand laying if flat for me. "None other than your beauty, my lady".
I giggled, it was long since I heard such words from a man. I put my hand on his, as he raised it towards his mouth before planting a tender kiss on my knuckles.
"I rather be called by my name, Hesperia Dosett" He slowly put my hand down, but i felt his grip linger on my wrist before letting go.
"A pleasure to meet you, lady dosett. The name is Jungkook Everhart"
I thought a bit, trying to remember if I heard this name before. That's when I remembered a month before my husbands death, a man of the name count everhart took over a large state of land from my husband, leaving him grief over it with bottles of rum for the continuing 3 days.
"I must say, my eagerness is striding me wild, my lady" his voice taking an impatient tone, but still holding that charming note.
I let a audible sigh, thinking it thru before answering. "It's a dance you wanted, alright then" with that said he wasted no time putting his hand around my waist while softly leading me to the dance floor.
I felt shivers down my spine, as his cold fingers touched me thru the dress. He spun me slightly to stand in front of him as we got into position, and the music started.
I would describe this moment as peaceful. At one point it felt like there were only two of us. I saw and felt only him, the deep brown eyes staring at me with intensity and the mouth which opened a bit every once in a while.
This man was a beauty, maybe if I met him before, I wouldn't hesitate in being his partner. Although knowing the situation now, this would end up being a one time thing.
A simple dance, maybe a kiss if we get this far. His eyes made my want to stay, keep swinging and swaying till the morning.
He had the soft yet calm look on him, something I haven't seen that often. It didn't felt lustfull, but admiring?
The dance ended before I even knew it. I looked still dazed from the moment we had. I saw people staring at me, judgingly. My sister, standing amongst the crowd, stared at me confused.
That's when I realized that I was doing. Being called an ignorant wife was one thing, but getting the title of a "bed warmer" would definitely get me on a bad side.
I looked at him, holding myself from wanting to stay. "It was pleasure, but now I must be on my way" I stepped back holding up the corner of my dress.
He didn't let go of me and moved down to hold onto my wrist softly as he leaned in and whispered in my ear.
"This won't be a one time thing, meet me in the abandoned opera house tomorrow at 10pm. I wanna show my type of romance away from those cunning eyes"
I licked my lips, unsure of what to say. I didn't waste no time and turned around walking towards the exit. I stepped into the chilling air, I wasn't expecting leaving this place with shy smile on my face…
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The doors of the old abandoned opera house as I stepped in, making sure to close the doors behind before anyone could see me. This place was restricted to norms, so anyone coming in here could be immediately evicted.
I glanced thru the spaces room with dirty swept red curtains hanging heavily around the stage. The dust lifted up, when I walked closer to the stage.
I questioned my arrival here, I couldn't believe a simple few minute accountant with a unknown man, made me travel to such pace at near midnight.
I sighed putting the strands which fell in front of my face, behind my ear. I stiffed as I heard slight movement somewhere above me.
I hesitated, but nevertheless looked up towards the small balcony just beside the stage.
There, in front of the washed up curtains, a well known figure sat on the railing looking at me with a delight expression.
"I didn't expect that you would come" his grin was big enough for me to see from below here, not to mention the view of his shiny pecks was almost to clear for my purity.
"Maybe I shouldn't have. Who knows, maybe you take innocent girls her to murder them" my voice flew out as a flock of wasps, even though I didn't necessarily feel threatened, I needed to make sure he knew that I wasn't some naivy girl.
On the contrary, coming here was the most naivy move I could have made. But something about him, made me invested.
He giggled heartly at my words, as reached his hand to grab the hanging rope beside him. "Well, I'm glad you gave me the benefit of a doubt".
He stood up pulling the rope closer to his body, before putting the tight clothed leg around it. I raised my eyebrow staring at him closely.
"Are you trying to impressive me by acting like a pirate?" I asked, even tho the motive was clear. He was indeed, going to swing with the rope down to me.
"It's the fastest way down, don't wanna walk down all those stairs"
I chuckled lightly, wondering why he got up there in the first place. He swung forward sending his body to slowly glide down the rope, landing a few steps away from me.
I turned towards him, crossing my arms. "So? Did I come here just to see this, or is there something more you got to offer" the question lingered in the air, as he didn't answer and instead chose to walk closer towards me.
He stepped right in front of me, a thin layer of air being the only thing between us. He was mesmerizing to say the least. The way his hair fall down like oceans waves down the sandy beach.
And the glittery red sparkle in his eyes, and his stare, oh the shivers were real. A thin smile spread over his lips, as he took my hand gently.
He grabbed the rope hanging close by, before staring at me with a wide mischievous grin. "Ready to fly?" his question made me glance at him confused.
His arms, tho they looked masculine enough, I had doubts if he could hold me. He seemed to notice me concern, as he put his arm around my waist, before almost roughly, pulling me towards.
A small gasp left my mouth from the impact. I looked up at him, my fingers clenching his white ruffled collar. I felt a chuckle escape his mouth as stared down at me.
"Only a fool, would drop a girl like you"
The next second, he tucked the rope down, sending us both high up. He used his body and swinged down towards the broken stage. I set my foot down, still clasping his shirt tight in my grasp.
My eyes which I closed a second after being in the air, opened and stared back at the man who looked at me alluringly.
He moved back, letting go as I unclasped my grasp. He tucked his knee back and slightly down, crossing his one arm in front.
He kept his gaze stuck at me, as bend over. "Can I have this dance, my lady?". His words send shivers down my spine, as if that sentence was the scariest of this night.
I felt my cheeks flush, but confusion rose within me. We did just dance last night. Even so, I put my hand forward, letting him take my hand softly. He pulled me closer, almost as close as we were a second ago.
As we got in the correct position, with him holding my waist and hand tightly to the point of blood stop, and me resting my hand on his shoulder. We swinged around the stage, at one point I heard the music from last night in my head.
The notes struck my heart, as my eyes turned tired and glossy. Last night felt intimidating, while this feels soothing. I was away from the eyes of the judgeful people around me.
I thought I enjoyed it, but now I think I just hoped I did. I stared at Jungkook, who closed his eyes as he swayed to the non existing music.
He must have felt my stare, cus he opened his eyes and looked at me. His stare turned soft, almost admiring. His lips parted and slow calm puffs left his mouth.
This felt stupid, we met barely a day ago. Dancing like two strangers at a party. And now I was standing questioning my feelings. I felt attracted to him, in a weird way.
"Last night, wasn't our first ecounter"
His words left his mouth like a calm whisper. My curiosity rose, I never remembered meeting him before. Even tho I heard of his name from my ex husband.
"A year ago, I saw you at your engagement party. And from that moment on, you become someone special to me" He spoke in his deeper tone, and his eyes turned sharper.
He stopped swaying, as his arm moved from my hand towards the back of my neck. "I watched you silently for the past year. Waiting for my time, even tho I believed it would never come".
His face leaned closer, the hand gently grabbed my neck. I let a desperate sigh, I never felt so needy for a connection before know. His words flew past me, I only focused on the fact that he waited for me, for almost a year.
Inside me, I felt he was speaking the truth. His heart did desire me, and only me. He must have felt my anxiety, as his lips met mine. The slow and tender kiss, left me feeling thirty.
He once again stared at me, but this time his eyes sparkled red. My heartbeat stopped as I thought back to a rumour I heard months ago.
A man of the name Jungkook Everhart, possessed red gleaming eyes which both scared and enchanted. Pale skin, which glittered in warm sunlight. It all made sense now, he was a vampire ladies and gentlemen.
That voice range in my head, as I continued to stare at his eyes. He leaned closer, I thought he was gonna kiss me again, but no.
He went passed my lips towards the nape of my neck. His cold breath, fammed my skin as I felt goosebumps form over my whole neck.
I felt two sharp points, grazing my skin. Before I heard his low voice call out my name, trying to grasp my attention. "Hesperia, oh my dear Hesp…".
His voice shivered, like if holding himself back. His arms stroke my waist softly enough to make me melt. "I knew you were gonna be mine, and now… I'll make sure to never leave you alone in despair".
He puffed out, my lips felt dry and my hands held tightly on his arm, almost digging my fingers thru his skin. Before the sharp pain of sharp like dagger teeth sinked in my flesh, he spoke again with honeyed voice, causing my heart to swell with admiration.
"I love you, my dearest…"
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venussaidso · 2 months
Very interesting the connections that Ketu and Jupiter has with Frankenstein's monsters.
In the upcoming film "Bride" Jessie Buckley will play the Bride of Frankenstein and Christian Bale will play Frankenstein's monster.
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Both are Ketuvian. She's Mula Sun, and he is Ashwini Moon. The film is made by Maggie Gyllenhaal who is a Vishakha Sun.
Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller in (National Theatre Live 2011) "Frankenstein" interchangeably play the Creature (Frankenstein's monster) and Victor Frankenstein. Benedict Cumberbatch is an Ashwini Moon and Jonny Lee Miller is a Vishakha Sun.
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The play was literally directed by Ashwini Moon Danny Boyle.
In the film "Lisa Frankenstein", Magha Ascendant Cole Sprouse plays a corpse from the Victorian-era who was resurrected to life (named Creature, commonly being Frankenstein's monster), and his love interest is played by Shatabhisha Moon Kathryn Newton as Lisa Frankenstein. The film is directed by Punarvasu Moon Zelda Williams.
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Cole Sprouse's character reminds me of Emily the Corpse Bride from the film "Corpse Bride", voiced by Magha Moon Helena Bonham Carter and the movie being made by Magha Sun Tim Burton.
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What I found so interesting was how the internet is intuitively sensitive to Ketu energies as they have connected Laura Harrier to this character in online fan-casting. Laura Harrier is literally an Ashwini Moon.
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In the film "Van Helsing" Frankenstein's monster is now played by a Jupiterian instead of a Ketuvian. Purva Bhadrapada Sun Shuler Hensley.
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Purva Bhadrapada Moon Daniel Radcliffe, though he plays Igor, Frankenstein's sickly hunchback assistant, in the film "Victor Frankenstein". And in this film it is Ashwini Sun James McAvoy who played Victor Frankenstein.
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And Tim Burton's "Frankenweenie" animation movie, it is Mula Moon Charlie Tahan who voices young Victor Frankenstein who resurrects his dog.
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Purva Bhadrapada Moon Jacob Elordi will be playing Frankenstein in Guillermo Del Toro's retelling of the story, ultimately replacing Purva Bhadrapada Ascendant Andrew Garfield who was up for the role. AND Purva Bhadrapada Sun Oscar Isaac will be playing Victor Frankenstein.
Link to article
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A couple of years ago, I remember Scarlett Johansson was in talks for a "Bride of Frankenstein" movie, and this was never heard of again. I doubt the project has been finalized or proceeded, considering the fact that it's been four years now. But still noteworthy as she is Vishakha Moon so perfectly fits this post.
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Vishakha Sun Emma Stone stars in the film "Poor Things", based on a book with the same name which is a clever feminist retelling of Mary Shelley's known work.
A film quite aligned with "Poor Things" is actually "Frankenhooker", being that the 'Creature' is a victimized female, starring Punarvasu Sun Patty Mullen who plays a girlfriend accidentally killed by her scientist boyfriend and is resurrected by him with the use of her head and separate body parts of deceased prostitutes.
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This film was literally directed by Magha Sun and Purva Bhadrapada Moon Frank Henenlotter.
Mary Shelley, the creator of the tale of Frankenstein, was a Mula Moon and Ardra Ascendant, a gothic novelist whose work is considered one of the earliest work of science fiction 🖤
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Literally went into more examples about Ketu's connections to transcendence, life, death, resurrection etc. in part 2 of my Ketu exploration. And also my vampire post.
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storiesbyrhi · 1 month
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; light smut; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: You are wide awake. 2340 words.
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Every day Eddie watched the jar. He watched how the moon water moved, alive and with a viscosity different from regular water. He watched the apple slices dry and the sprigs of lavender go stiff. He thought if he watched closely enough, he’d see the magic working, but he never caught a glimmer of craft.
When it was time, you let him plant the enchanted seed in the new coven neighbourhood. Your home would grow furthest out, close to the shade of the woods. A spell later, you were traveling back to Forest Hills to begin packing the trailer up.
It had been months since you’d moved in, therefore you had accumulated a lot of items.
“Do you need all of these?” Eddie asked, holding up one of five shoeboxes, all packed with feathers you had found. “And is this a normal amount of feathers to find? What is wrong with the birds in Hawkins?”
“Yes and no and a lot. I told you that if you are gonna help, you can’t question every single thing you pick up,”
“I’m doing no such thing,” he rebutted.
“Eddie, you told me to cull my jar collection,”
“I stand by it. There are too many. You can collect more,”
“I use them! Frequently! And I don’t just keep any jar. All the ones I have are, like, uniquely shaped or extra sturdy!” you whined. “Asking a witch to not collect jars is just…” You shook your head, not able to find the words to express the atrocity.
Eddie smiled at you softly. “Perhaps I am not the best helper,” he conceded. “Perhaps my time would be better spent doing something else,”
“Something else like use your vampire speed to clean the bathroom, or something else like turn into a bat and sleep?”
An hour later, Eddie was asleep in one of the boxes containing clothes, and you were wrapping more empty jars in bubble wrap.
A monument to witchcraft and love. That’s what Eddie thought when he saw the house. It had the glorious drama of Ev’s Victorian home and the softness of the other witches’ cottages. Expansive stained glass windows. Detailed architraves, the wood so dark it appeared black. Red brick. A single-story structure, but the dome of a conservatory was visible over the roof. It extended back into the woods, settling into the landscape as if it had always been there.
Eddie thought back to all the places he had lived in. The house his father’s rage felt the brunt of as much as he did. The farm he came into adulthood on. The colony caves. The cold and lonely hotel rooms. The trees above Forest Hills. He’d never had a home, apart from your arms, but there it was. Real and in front of him.
The sun was setting over the valley as Eddie stood before the house. You’d seen it early that day, doing your final checks before okaying the move. It was your magic the house grew from, so naturally you were less awestruck by it. The floorplan and aesthetic had been born in your mind. Still, it was a beautiful thing.
“Think it will do?” you asked Eddie, coming to stand beside him.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from it. “It’s…” How many different words were there for ‘home,’ he wondered. What language could fully communicate the depth of emotion?
“Enchanted seeds create homes, not houses,” you told him as you walked towards the front door. “Come and see.”
Eddie followed, almost expecting something to happen as he crossed the front door threshold. Once inside, Eddie clenched his jaw. It was more perfect than he could have anticipated.
The furniture was plush and comfortable, an eclectic mix of antique pieces and modern amenities. Bookshelves stood tall and waiting, ready for the library to arrive. Potted ivy trailed up and around curtain railings and along the walls.
“You never got to see my place in the Catskills. A lot of the furniture comes from there. The rest comes from the seed… It’s the kind of magic that makes me wish we could study it, you know? I want to know the science of it. How does it work?”
“It seems to me that part of the power of magic is in the unknowing,” Eddie replied, as wise as any of the Witches Who Came Before.
“It does appear to be the case,” you agreed.
For a while, you let Eddie wander aimlessly through the house.
He marvelled at the bath, huge and round, like a pond and definitely big enough for two. A huge wardrobe door that opened into a secret library. The conservatory full of thriving plants, flowers, herbs, and other living things Eddie did not have a word for. Every window a different shape but never square. Strange detailing like cat shaped doorknobs and pink quartz basins.
Eventually, Eddie sat on the end of the huge bed, its four posts grand and its linen crisp. He looked over at you and held out his hands.
You walked to him, taking his hands, and standing between his legs. Eddie looked up at you with those sparkling brown eyes, the adoration radiating from him.
“It’s an irrational idea, this fear I have that I’m dreaming. That I am still cursed, haunting this town until the end of time. But a vampire cannot dream. The cursed cannot dream. But still…”
Gently, you let go of Eddie’s hands and leaned into him, snaking your fingers into his hair as he pressed himself into your body, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You are wide awake. Alive… kind of… But definitely here. With me. In our home. Soon-to-be, with our friends. Our family. And just in time for Halloween.”
He purred a happy sound, nodding into you. “A witch’s favourite holiday?” he hazarded a guess.
“Hmm, not all of us. Most of the witches I’ve known tended to find more obscure holidays to worship at the altar of. New Years is a big one, too. Alas, I am but a cliché All Hallows witch,”
“With much respect, I see that,” Eddie said. You laughed, shrugged. He looked up at you again. “You did fall in love with a vampire, after all.”
Far away from the rest of the world, you and Eddie spent almost a week settling into the new house. Grimoires were catalogued into one of the three library rooms. Dandelion puffs were jarred and shelved. Every trinket found its home.
Eddie tested the rainbow light that flooded the rooms, discovering that in the magic there was safety. Sunlight that filtered through the windows did not burn him. He could be free and at ease.
You explained to Eddie the importance of representing the elements within the home. Earth in the plants, wooden carpentry, and the grounding crystals. Fire in the candles, ever-burning incense, and roaring fireplaces that only ever emitted the exact level of heat you wanted.  (“In summer, the flames burn cold,” you told Eddie and watched his smile grow.) Water in the mirrors, seashells, and small fountains found in the glasshouse room. Lastly, air in the wind chimes, feathers, and windows that could remain open without upsetting the temperature inside.
During the day, you began work on your garden, creating flower beds in the shape of pentagrams and sewing seeds. Borage for the butterflies and bees, primrose – I can’t live without you; angelica in case you need to break any future hexes; and yarrow, amaryllis, and polypodies.
One evening, just before sunset, you found Eddie rummaging through the apothecary pantry. As you entered the room, his manic smile told you he’d had an idea.
“What’s the story, morning glory?” you asked him, perching on a stool.
Eddie sunk to his knees and shrugged. “The fires are out… The Shire is no longer burning,”
“The Shire being… Hawkins?”
“Yes. And us. We’ve sailed to the Undying Lands,”
“You’re really making Tolkien your whole personality, huh?” you joked.
Eddie smiled up at you. “Until the next book… But what I’m saying is, now that we do not have a battle to prepare for. No conflict upon the horizon. What do we do with all of eternity?”
“Oh… My plan was to eat a lot of Meg’s cinnamon rolls… Try to get Steve Harrington to stop haunting Mel… Maybe work on a spell to make myself teeny tiny so I can ride around on you when you’re a bat…”
“Wait, seriously?”
You gave him a sly smile. “Maybe,”
“Well, I would love that… But, I was thinking a little more introspectively. Back to things we have thought about before. Like, why I am the way that I am… What that means…” He ran a finger along the leaves of the mimosa pudica plant beside him. The leaves felt his touch, curled inwards on themselves. It was one of Eddie’s favourites, the way it reacted to the world around it.
“Any new insights?” you asked softy.
“No… But… If I believe in you and in your magic and the way you make sense of the world… then I… I have to do something,”
“Do something?”
“We get back what we give, right?”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “It’s not always obvious or direct. Or timely. Or even equally fair… But, yeah… There is definitely something like the concept of karma at play. And even if there isn’t, living as if there is can only be a good thing,”
“Then I must show more grace… and gratitude… Even if I am a monster, maybe especially because I am… I can give goodness too.”
Without thinking, you slid off the stool and joined Eddie on the floor. “You already do. You don’t owe the world anything.”
Eddie smiled, first a small soft thing, almost sad, but then it twisted into something else. Ear-to-ear and full of teeth. “I owe it more than one life,”
“But if we count all the lives you have saved. Both by killing what plagued this town, and by preventing deaths at the hands of bad people-”
“Morality cannot be simple addition and subtraction. There is no math that can quantify goodness or righteousness. You know that,” Eddie cut in. He watched your face, saw the pensiveness blossom across it. “Don’t worry, my little witch, my plan is not as life-or-death as this all makes it seem… I just want to do something good for your friends,”
“Your friends,” you corrected quickly. “They’ll be your friends too. Your family. You’re part of this coven.”
Eddie reached out to cup your face in his hands. “Your coven is yours. But I will take the friendship. I have years of loneliness to make up for,”
“Then what-”
He cut you off again, this time with a kiss. You brought your hands up to his shoulders, draping your arms around his neck. Eddie pulled you into his lap and you curled into him like the leaves of the mimosa.
His mouth kissed and sucked at your neck between sentence fragments. “I’m-” kiss “going-” kiss “to plant-” lick “them-” kiss “flowers.” His punctuation a kiss that wanted to be a bite.
You were hardly listening to his words. His words and ideas and introspective musings could all wait.
Eddie laid you down on the floor, the smell of the oak still new. You arched your back and pulled him down by his collar.
“Bed,” you mumbled into his mouth.
“Why build a house if we’re not gonna use it,” he answered.
One hand splayed next to your head to keep him up, the other tickling its way under the hem of your skirt and up your thigh.
“Besides,” Eddie said. “Doesn’t feel like you can wait.” He was sliding your underwear off, throwing them across the room. He rested a hand on you, sliding an index finger through your slickness.
“I can’t,” you agreed, breathy and impatient. “Now. I want you now.”
Eddie didn’t have to be asked twice. With his pants still hanging from an ankle, he was fast to set up and slow on approach. You felt the tip of him follow the path made by his hand, gathering wetness, and shooting electricity through your body.
You melted into jelly beneath him, bliss written all over your face. Eddie loved you like this, pliable and prone to tears of ecstasy.
He held himself back, keeping his pace slow and steady. His vampire muscles screamed to go faster, to rail you into next week, but he liked pulling you apart. Liked how you unconsciously uttered strings of words like ‘full’ and ‘please’ and ‘can’t.’ Liked when you clawed at him to come closer, bit down on his shoulder.
“I love you,” he told you, mouth on your ear, tongue licking. “So. Fucking. Much.”
There was a seemingly endless amount of ways Eddie had learned could make you cum. Talking to you was a favourite for you both.
“You’re so perfect, so perfect… You feel so perfect… You’re so warm and soft and I… I want to eat you whole…”
Your response was in the pooling tears and the nodding and the slack jaw. The begging, “Please. Please.”
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” It was all it took. Your orgasm exploded moments before his. Eddie’s thrusting getting harder and faster for the few seconds he took to follow you. He had to grind his teeth together to stop himself from ripping into your neck.
You kept your eyes closed, not aware of your surroundings. When you felt Eddie’s arms slide beneath you, you smiled and hummed. He carried you to your new bed, cleaning your skin with a warm washcloth before curling himself in behind you.
With the last of your day’s energy, you tangled your fingers through his, falling asleep happily.
As Eddie listened to your breathing find its mellow night rhythm, he saw a vision of you in his mind. Hands full of flowers and foliage. A coven of audience. Glorious and beaming. 
End Note: I made a small Pinterest board with inspo for their house - click here to view.
I hope you are all as well as any of us can be at a time like this. I hope this story continues to provide comfort, escapism, and fuel for daydreams. xo Rhi
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03 @moviefreak1205 @pastel-pillows
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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meiluu · 7 months
Halloween Fun
Leon S. Kennedy/ Reader(AFAB) cw: semi-public, some what rough, pwp, creampie, praise (Leon calls you his good girl). Kind of a AU where RC doesn't happen but Leon is 27 in this and is good friends with the Redfield's. I am so feral for this man Not edited*
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Reader Pov.
Halloween was probably your favorite holiday, a close second to Christmas. It was a night full of devious fun and excitement and even as you've gotten older and stopped trick 'o treating the spirit of this holiday hasn't left you. With the autumn chill raising goosebumps across your skin, you make your way to the Redfield's home where a Halloween party was being held. Dressed in a very cute but tastefully revealing black-cat costume ready to see Leon's costume who had so far kept it a secret from you. Even going so far as to dress at the Redfield's house after he got off work, just so that you would get the full affect of the surprise. Walking up the stairs, your heels clicking rhythmically across the pavement. Making it to the ornate wooden door you knock and not a moment later the joyful face of Claire greets you. A squeal of you name leaves her lips, "Oh my god, you look so good!" pulling you into a warm hug a smile making its way across your face. Stepping away from the hug you admire Claire's costume of a very adorable witch with a massive hat and broom to top it all off. "Claire you look amazing!" your happiness seeping out with your words.
Once you made it inside the bass of a familiar Halloween song welcomed your ears. Tables had been set up with food and punch that had all been decorate to fit in with the holiday spirit. Scanning the people crowding the living and kitchen areas your eyes finally catch onto a all too familiar head of blond hair. And its like he knew your eyes were on him because not a moment later he's turning his head around blue eyes meeting yours. And its almost comical how Leon's face lights up at seeing you-his beautiful girlfriend-. With a few quick strides Leon soon has you wrapped into his embrace, strong arms holding you fiercely. Relishing in his comforting warmth and scent you finally pull yourself away from him to at last view his costume. A Vampire, hair pushed back and a little messy, paired with a Victorian style top the gave you the perfect view of his sculpted chest, and tight black pants and boots that accentuated his beautiful ass. It took every ounce of self control to not just drool and fall into him at just how gorgeous he looked. "Fuck you look so good baby, my imagination did not do you justice." His voice is full of love and desire, the huskiness sending shivers down your spine as your cheeks redden. "You don't look so bad yourself handsome, the wait was totally worth it." a cheeky smile takes hold of your face as you get lost within his gaze sneaking a quick kiss from his plump lips. A heady groan rumbles within his chest-his arms snake around your waist pulling you impossibly closer. Before you can take this further, he is grabbing your hand dragging you onto the makeshift dance floor as the song changes to one that has your body moving to its hypnotizing rhythm. A quick look at Leon has you smiling in pure joy, he has the cutest look upon his face one that is full of adoration for you and that sweet giddiness that made you fall in love with him in the first place.
Leon's warm and big hands hang onto you as you both enjoy each others presence, dancing together letting yourselves get lost within one another. As other bodies dance and move with the beat of the music around you, both of you get lost in the rhythms from each song that plays on the speakers. With a quick glance out the window you can now see the full moon high within the sky. Then your thoughts are interrupted by Leon's face leaning down next to your ear. "You know I've always had this stupid little dream of dancing with a beautiful girl at some party, then making a break for it and making out in some dark closet away from everyone." His chuckle follows his words, and while he laughs your mind is short-circuiting as it dreams up all of the possible scenarios of how that could play out. And as fate would have it you and Leon would fulfill his dream to the fullest.
As the moon your only source of illumination you can barely make the out the silhouette of Leon's figure, seeing as his back was blocking out the moon highlighting his body but his face was still shrouded by the darkness of the room. his lips devouring yours as his tongue dances with yours, heavy breaths leave you both but he doesn't linger for long as his lip leave a molten hot trail down your neck to the tops of your breast that are exposed by your outfit. Sucking harshly upon your skin no doubt leaving a mark behind, repeating this same motion across your neck and your breast surely littering your skin in his love bites. "Do you want to go further? We can stop here if you're uncomfortable." Even though his voice is husky with lust his words hold sincerity with them, your heart skips at how Leon has always made sure you were comfortable. "Yes, Leon please I need you now. Please." you can't keep the neediness from your voice, not that you even tried or cared enough to do so. Not now, not ever, you would never feel ashamed at how much you loved Leon and if you could would stay within his embrace for all of eternity you would.
With hurried movements and the sound of Leon unbuckling his belt, your cunt is wet with anticipation a warmth settling within the pit of your stomach. His calloused hands are pulling your your by your thighs to him a whine leaving your lips as his bulge rubs against your clothed clit sending dull waves of pleasure straight to your core. You were so thankful that your outfit was nothing but a short revealing black dress with some cheap black stockings along with some cat ears and a fake tail attached to the dress. Along with a little pair of panties that you wouldn't care if they got ripped to shreds.
Leon soon sets a teasing rhythm of grinding against your clothed cunt, pushing up your dress to where only your stocking and panties were your only barrier away from his black boxers. Sweet whimpers fall from your kiss swollen lips as Leon stifles his groans of pleasure by biting into his lip. But eventually this became insufficient to what you both wanted- Leon pushes his boxers down freeing his cock from its confines then his hands are ripping into your stockings and tearing apart your panties into nothing but shreds of cloth. Then you are reaching down grabbing onto him, eliciting a sharp grunt from him at your soft hand around him. Guiding him to your wet and wanting cunt, pushing himself into you- making sure to go slow seeing as you both had forgone the typical foreplay you did to prepare yourself for him. Reaching the end, you both are flush against each other. Starting off with a slow but deep pace, waiting until you fully become adjusted to him. Legs wrapped around his torso, Leon's body covering yours as he has his arms rested by the sided of your head. His sounds of pleasure mingling with yours, as he works to his cock in and out of your hot and wet cunt- always so inviting. "Lee- faster please." And as always Leon obeys your command, picking up his pace. Grabbing onto your hips pulling you into him with every harsh thrust. The sound of your connection echoing throughout the room, as your moans and his grunts of pleasure surround the two of you.
"God your always so good to me." Manhandling you once again to have you on your stomach, face down into the ground and your ass up. As he bullies his cock in and out of you, one of his hands leave you traveling up to your neck pulling you towards his chest- the perfect place for him to lean down and whisper into your ear. "Taking me like such a good girl. Love you." voice rough with exertion as his lust makes his voice sound like a near growl. In your pleasure riddled mind you respond with a mewl of "I love you too." In and out your mind is filled with nothing but the pleasure that Leon was bringing you, your cunt perfectly molding to his cock, become the perfect sleeve for him. A more depraved thought was brought up from deep within your mind. Should Leon want it, you would become nothing but a sweet little personal cock-sleeve to use whenever he pleased. Bending you over wherever he saw fit, maybe one day you would tell him this but for now you surrendered yourself to the now mind-numbing pace of Leon's thrusts. Your moans had risen in pitch as the intoxicating sensation of reaching your peak swelled within the pit of your tummy. Your hands desperately latched onto him, one hanging off the hand around your neck the other digging into his thigh. "Fuck- that's it, cum on my cock like a good girl." Not even a moment later you are cumming hard around him, mind blanking out as white hot pleasure rolls through your body. Your cunt convulsing around his cock and warbled moan falls from Leon's lips as soon as he cums, pulling you completely against him, as you both get lost in the feeling of Leon filling you up some of it stubbornly leaking out of you. Sweet kisses from Leon's lips bring you back down from your high, his arms keeping you secure against him. "I love you, you did so good for me my love." and there you both stay for a little while longer just relishing within the most intimate embrace one being can have with another.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN, Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. And Sorry for not posting in such a long time hopefully this makes up for my absence :)
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apolloanddaphnis · 2 months
Sorry if it’s been asked already but, what would horror bimbo wear to a concert date with Eddie?
It hasn't been asked yet and even if it has been, I love this reply. I’ll make a moodboard, but horror!bimbo would look very Danzig girl, like a vampire nymphette. Black, white, or deep red velvet little dresses and tiny articles of clothing, lace ups, poetry blouses worn as dresses that hardly pass her ass, she will wear garters up her thigh, bdsm chokers and collars, dead girl eye makeup that makes her look dreamy and sleepy. She always goes for otherworldly slut,
She always spent the whole day of a concert preparing,
If it was a school day she would play hookey,
Eddie would hate it because he wouldnt get to see his sweet little moth, and would complain dramatically to her about it.
Hands splayed on her provocative hips before squeezing them possessively as he would bury his face in her sweet smelling neck that smelled of her lilac perfume and vanilla body powder, his mouth actually physically water. “You gonna leave me again until nighttime?” he complained.
She giggled and stroked his fluffy chocolate curls.
“Id invite you to stay, but I dont wanna bore you bear.” She always could call him that because to her he looked like a human teddy bear, a very sexy teddy bear.
He lifted his head from her neck, his doe eyes widened and pupils darkened. “Yeah? Youd let me watch you get dressed? Maybe help you wash that back…” he started kissing down the back of her neck causing her to shiver and preen against him. He was half hard thinking about it.
He spent the day getting ready with her. She ran a nice bubble bath with Vaseline vitamin e bath beads that turned the water teal, Crabtree & Evelyn rosewater bubble bath, and apricot kernel bath oil. She had to have Eddie join in her pre-concert ritual naturally, and no one was home but her. She lit lavender candles and played the Icon album Night of the Crime theyll be hearing tonight in Indianapolis.
She had Eddie joined her in the bath, she put an avocado masque on his face and hers and the Rave hair masque with a V05 hot oil treatment, She wanted him to feel pampered too, and they started kissing, he held her in his lap, she warmed his cock in the bath She felt so full like she ate a big meal, he is that big. She couldnt stop herself, felt too good, she started moving.
“Ooh fuck baby, if you dont stop that–”
“Youll what…daddy?” She put on her baby voice, the one that got small and sounded squishy and cute,
He stroked her back and she started to drool in anticipation. He took her face in his hand, turning her to face him and lick up her drool, his other hand squeezed her ample ass, “Fuck you have a perfect body for a whore.” He thrusted his hips up and she squeaked, feeling dizzy with pleasure. “Oh my fucking God!”
“Too bad youre just mine.” He laid a sloppy kiss on her shoulder and grabbed her waist before raising his hips and slamming up inside of her tight pussy, that gushed all over his cock. “Baby girl, making such a mess for daddy, what a messy baby.” He cooed.
After a steamy bath session, they got dressed. She used hot rollers for a sultry look, and slid on her french cut, black, lace panties, her puffy pussy sort of swallowed it a bit, and naturally Eddie had to have a quick taste.
She had a satin white garter with a pink rosette slid up her left thigh by his truly, her right leg adorn with a thigh high fishnet stocking, a revealing neo Victorian, lacey little slip with gaps terribly tied together by dainty bows, exposing her generous cleavage, the thin straps of her negligee falling down her shoulders, She slips into combat boots that contrast her attire, and one of Eddie’s leather jackets that was too big for her frame. She had black under eye to make her look like a haunted doll, and her lips were painted the same color as her nipples.
Her signature lilac perfume kissed her wrists, neck, and cleavage. Eddie realized the importance of getting ready for a concert.
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sweetheartmotives · 6 months
🍷꒷꒦Yandere Vampire꒷꒦🍷
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Desc and possible Cw: No warnings, it's rather wholesome today! Maybe a tiny warning for Yandere themes but that's about it :)
Let me know if I missed any!
You're sitting on a crimson sofa in front of a fireplace, reading a book. You don't know or remember what the book is called, but it seemed interesting enough for you to read it when Kaan described it. You're not much of a reader, and to be honest, if you had your phone with you right now and this place (Kaan's weirdly massive Victorian mansion) had a signal, you would be using it. But you don't have a phone, and Kaan's 1872 goth mansion doesn't have cellphone service/signal. So you're stuck with books and other things to keep you entertained.
As you think about your phone and how creepy Kaan's house is, the familiar sound of an old-timey song plays in the background on the nearby phonograph that sits on a small side table near the corner of the room you're in. Kaan has a weird 'quirk' of owning multiple phonographs and putting them in almost every room in their house. Now that you're thinking of Kaan... After knowing (being kidnapped by) them for a month or two, you've learned some things about them. One thing you've learned is that they like romance songs from the 1940s and 1960s. It's creepy. Like them.
Sometimes.. when you walk around the mansion at night, you hear the soft yet creepy voice of a certain musician singing. (Ahem- Tiny tim-) One song, in particular, they like playing at night is 'Tiptoe Through the Tulips with Me' by Tiny Tim. You don't know why they play it, but it's creepy nonetheless. Kaan's house is creepy.. they're creepy..
Soon enough, your thoughts get interrupted when the phonograph's record abruptly shifts. You shake yourself out of your daydream and look at the phonograph, where Kaan is seen swapping out the current record for a new one. Naturally, you're confused. They don't come into a room you're in and randomly switch the record on the phonograph—or at least, not very often. You put your book down and cross your arms, keeping a calm expression and demeanor while eyeing them.
A record begins to play;
[Til the end of time]
"My dear, have you heard of this one?" Kaan says in a sweet tone as they glance toward your direction. "No, I haven't. What's it called?" You say your words in a calm tone as you observe Kaan. You've learned that if you show interest in what they're showing you, they'll leave you alone after it's done.
"Til the end of time. It's a classic." Kaan says in a calm yet affectionate tone. "Really? I've never heard of it. Is it good?" You ask. "Very good. I love this song to bits, my dear, just like how I love you." Kaan says in a sweet and enduring tone as they glance over at your sitting form. You hum in acknowledgment and close your eyes, listening to the words of the song.
After a few seconds, you open your eyes and see Kaan in front of you. You raise your head to look them in the eyes, and when you do, Kaan gives you a kind grin and a loving gaze. They extend a hand toward you. Are they asking you to get up? You pause and stay where you are, thinking about your next move. You don't want to be near them, let alone touch them! But at the same time, do you really have a choice? They can get rather forceful when you don't comply. You close your eyes and sigh softly. You take hold of their expended hand and stand up.
"My dear, do you know how to dance?" Kaan says in a warm tone as they continue to smile fondly."Not really." You say it more blandly than you initially liked. "That's no good, my dear. Please, let me teach you a dance. It's called a Waltz dance." Kaan seems disappointed and upset at the fact that you don't know how to dance. How horrible! Their poor darling doesn't even know such basic things! (They think dancing is a common thing everyone knows how to do.) They are very adamant about teaching you how to perform a 'Waltz' dance with them.
After listening to them plead and beg for about 5 minutes, you give in. "Sure." You respond in a much blander tone than before. They always do things like this, just randomly coming up to you to show you things. It's not annoying or anything; it's just odd. Why are they always trying to show you stuff?
Kaan grins happily once more when you agree. "Good choice, my dear." Kaan responds ecstatically. They placed their left hand on your back, right below your shoulders, while their right hand was on your left hand, wrapping their fingers around yours. "Now, don't be upset if you mess up; it's all part of the learning process. Soon enough, you might even be a professional!" Kaan said in a cheerful tone as they smiled widely. "Now, place your hand on my left shoulder," Kaan instructed. You take a deep breath and place your hand on their shoulder. "Good job, my dear." Kaan praises you in a sweet tone. Kaan begins to slowly move around on a series of slow steps and turns; they're guiding the dance and their movements based on the music, from what you can tell.
You let your body follow theirs as you both danced gently around the room. In order to prevent any injuries or falls, Kaan is cautiously dancing around or away from any furniture that may be in the way. Aside from that, while the song cycles and starts over from the beginning, Kaan is staring into your eyes. They continue to slowly guide you around in the same series of steps and turns, while occasionally spinning you.
When the song reaches its end, Kaan dips you and whispers in your ear:
"Til death do us part."
Welcome to the end credits!
This is where I will give information on my new or previous yans :)
Kaan, better known as Yandere Vampire, is a fan of old songs. In their eyes, the 40s-60s were the 'prime' of music. And honestly, I can't blame them! Songs back then sound so cute and cheesyily romantic to the point the lyrics make me giggle and blush while kicking my feet! (〃ノωノ)
Phewwww! It's finally finished! After 4 days of work, it's done! I hope it's understandable and the grammar is alright. I haven't written fics in so long so if my grammar and writing sucks, forgive me! (´TωT`)
I hope you enjoyed reading as I enjoyed writing! >_<
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milkteamoon · 5 months
2023 fanfic review ✨
Meant to do a wrap up a few days ago but I got busy — so I'm doing it today! Here's a big long list of fics I read and enjoyed in 2023 (not all were published in 2023, but several were!). Ratings may vary, so please read the tags!
▷ Ask an Exec by shinyopals — (rated T, complete, 6/6) A series of posts to a workplace management advice form made by a particularly strange poster. This one was so fun to read along with, and Opal always nails it with the unique storytelling methods.
▷ And We Are Full of Stories to be Told by saintbleeding — (rated T, oneshot) a meeting somewhere else. Just...just read it. You'll like it, I promise.
▷ Particular by aza — (rated G, oneshot) Jon doesn't like anyone, but sometimes he likes this one. I love a good ace Jon fic.
▷ Stay Here Under My Tail by ravenxavier — (rated M, oneshot) after Jon's statement habits are discovered, him and Daisy take a ride. I love this fic's depiction of Jon and Daisy's relationship, with just the right amount of s4 anxiety.
▷ The Wounded and the Blessed by hihereami — (rated T, oneshot) an au set in the 1950s where a priest makes friends with a very lonely doctor. Y'all, the yearning in this fic...... literally left me staring at a wall for hours after finishing. A must read.
▷ Strange Manner by inkfingers_mcgee — (rated T, complete, 17/17) needing money, Martin signs up for a dubious app for blood donors and meets a very particular vampire in the process. Also kept up with this fic as it was coming out and had so much fun being tugged along for the ride. A great universe and a great lot of fun!
▷ A Measure Outside the Lines by rend_herring — (rated E, oneshot) after fleeing to Scotland, Jon and Martin navigate their post-Lonely relationship. I know there's a million safehouse fics out there, but this one is just...so sweet... There are so many lines I want to quote but I'd just end up quoting the whole fic haha.
▷ It Blooms by godshaper — (rated M, oneshot) Martin meets a mysterious stranger the day before his wedding. Fae au!! This one has a really fun universe and a deliciously excellent fast burn.
▷ On the Factual Particulars of the Death of Mrs. Blackwood by saintbleeding — (rated T, ongoing, 5/?) primarily sourced accounts from one Mr. Martin Blackwood regarding his new job at The Magnus Archives. This is a really fun victorian au that really nails the style and character voices.
▷ Sun in an Empty Room by transjon — (rated T, oneshot) the in between after the apocalypse. I love a romantic bad-ish end fic, and this one is very fun.
▷ Communion Past the Need of Speech by pieandsouffle — (rated G, oneshot) a hologram and a former borg drone have a lunch date. Star Trek au anyone?? Star Trek au.
▷ Gertrude is Still Around by occudo — (rated T, series) an au where Gertrude is still archivist and the archival crew members are her assistants. This one is technically a comic series but I'm putting it on this because it's my rec list and I can do what I want okay!!!!!!
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autumnmobile12 · 11 months
Predictions for Nocturne
(some serious speculation, some silly)
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Imagining that one scene from Symphony of the Night where Alucard ends up fighting the fake Trevor, Sypha and Grant (Greta.) Cause him being in a situation where he has to kill an enemy that looks, acts, and fights exactly like the people he loved three centuries ago seems suitably heart-wrenching.
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Wondering if Nocturne's going to partially follow the plot of Symphony where Richter is captured and controlled by Shaft the dark priest, so Maria and Alucard are searching for him. I'm basing this solely off the female voice in the teaser (possibly Maria?) saying, "We're looking for someone called Belmont."
So Richter's character arc would be him attempting to regain his honor after all the harm he caused under Shaft's influence?
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Part of me legitimately wonders if St. Germain is gonna be back. Yes, this is a nod to his Curse of Darkness design, but his clothes here are not medieval. (More Victorian than anything?)
Nocturne is supposed to take place during the French Revolution, the first of three beginning in 1789. The top hat is believed to have been invented in 1793. French gentleman wearing the latest fashion?
The series never specifically says St. Germain is from the same time period he wound up in after his first encounter with the Infinite Corridor. Is this why he knows about stuff like toilet paper and is constantly looking down his nose at all the filthy medieval people? Is he just being a whiny bitch about being sent back in time?
He tells Trevor that he knew his family. Is this because he met the descendants? (I suppose this could be his twisted reconciliation about betraying them since he's seen the 'future' and he knows the line endures and Alucard is still alive.)
This is wild speculation that probably won't be the case, but I kinda really want this to happen since Alucard's reaction to a human he thought was dead for three centuries just casually showing up out of nowhere would be priceless.
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The French Revolution was the era of powdered wigs and shockingly fabulous courtly decadence and the Queen having a frickin' boat in her hair.
If we don't get at least one vampire (or Belmont) in a stupidly ostentatious wig, then what are we even doing?
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Two schools of thought in my head:
Hoping Nocturne also does not include the Succubus as an overtly sexualized character in the interest of not objectifying women.
On the other hand, a discomfited Alucard looking the demon lady right in the eye and saying, "Madam, kindly remove yourself from my personal space," is a very humorous image.
On a more serious note, there is also the Nightmare scene in Symphony of the Night to consider where the Succubus shows Alucard a vision of his mother right before her execution in an attempt to trick him, so there's potential for a, "How dare you make me relive that!" moment.
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Can these two come back? They did not get enough screen time in the first round.
Striga's last line to their soldiers is an order to ride west. France is west.
Also, is it really an accident that Morana's hairstyle in Season 4 is a French twist? Foreshadowing....
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m-jelly · 8 months
Chapter 2
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Thank you @ladycheesington for the perfect banner
Vampire Levi x fem!reader
Victorian era like world, vampires, secrets, romance, falling in love, vampire lore, sexual tension, possessive Levi, protective Levi.
This chapter: Levi steals you away before Lord Demont can turn up to take you on a date. Levi seeps you off your feet and shows you a perfectly romantic time. You share a kiss, reveal your feelings for each other and then Levi tells you the secrets of the city and that he is a vampire. Fully accepting the truth, Levi whisks you away and tells you how important it is for you to stay close because now you know the secret world, things will be dangerous.
Part 3
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The dress hugged your form in a flattering manner. Your aim today was not to woo Lord Demont, but simply amuse him enough that he was satisfied and would leave you alone for some time. Your heart was beating for only one man and it longed to be close to him. Lord Levi was a divine being to you. The way he talked, moved, cared and most of all, gazed at you was electrifying. To kiss his lips would be pure bliss.
A biting autumn breeze rushed by you as you stood in the park. Your gloved hands clutched at your cloak to hold it closer to you. A crimson leaf drifted by your gaze causing you to move your attention to the tree shielding you. The mixing colours of the leaves looked as if the tree was on fire. Though the tree was coming to the end of being full of life, it was so beautiful.
Lord Demont watched you closely as you marvelled at nature changing. Entranced by your beauty, he simply stood there unmoving. To woo you was his goal. He had to think about how to approach you so you would fall for him. He wanted to possess you.
“You look lonely.” A smile spread across Levi’s lips when you shivered at his deep voice right against your ear. He pulled back from you and stepped into view. “Are you waiting for someone?”
You hummed as you tried to remember, but Levi was so captivating. “Umm…oh, Lord Demont said he would take me for lunch.”
Levi pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time before quickly glancing over at a hidden Demont spying on you. “It appears he is delayed by a woman?”
Confusion was etched over your face. “What do you mean?”
“Lucius is well known for sleeping around with many women. He is creating a collection. He’s seeing how many he can be with.”
You released a long sigh. “I figured as much.”
Guilt prickled and stung Levi. He was being truthful, but he knew deep down in his core that he only said it so you would not want to go near Lucius again and only want him. Levi wanted you as his. “I see him not showing up as a good thing.”
You gazed at Levi as he looked over his small round black sunglasses at you. “Oh? Are you proposing we go on a date?”
Levi offered his arm to you. “Indeed I am.”
You took his arm as you softly smiled. “Good. I was hoping so.” The scent rolling off Levi was so inviting and intoxicating to you as you walked together. “We seem to always be meeting each other.”
“You’re right.”
You blushed as he gazed down at you. “Almost makes me think it is either fate or this is being arranged by you.”
He purred a little. “It is up to you to decide.”
“I would like to believe in both. That would mean fate and you want it also.”
He placed his hand on yours that clutched his arm. “You are correct.”
Your cheeks burned. “I umm…”
“You don’t need to return my feelings.” He reached the door of the restaurant he owned. “All I need is your attention and company.” A bell rang when he dragged open the door. The mixture of delicious scents of warm food drifted past the both of you. Levi could smell the hint of blood within them. “I do hope you like this place.” He leaned closer and whispered against your ear. “I own it.”
You entered the clean restaurant with varnished food everywhere, along with soft lighting and stained glass windows. “Well, I will make sure to review this place truthfully and brutally.”
Levi ushered you to a private room as he held back a smile, he was rather enjoying your spark. This feistiness was fun. “I expect nothing less.” He pulled your cloak off. “I will make sure you are treated like a Queen.”
You tugged your gloves off and felt a bit flustered at Levi seeing you in such a tight dress. “You’re too kind.”
Levi stopped and stared a moment. The way your dress gripped your upper body was arousing to him. You were such a stunning being to him. The corset was firmly pressed against your breasts. Your bosom moved with each breath you took. “You look…”
You turned your head to hide your embarrassment. “If I had known you were my date, I would have worn something better. Forgive my attire.”
He softly caressed your cheek with deep affection. “You are stunning. However, you now have me curious as to what you would wear for me.”
You moved closer to Levi. “Request another date and you shall find out.”
“I would love to have another date, but first I must ensure this one goes well.” He pulled a chair out for you. “If I fail you might run and do not want that.”
You sat down and gently smiled. “Thank you.”
He took his seat and gazed at you as his heart fluttered in his chest. “What would you like to eat?”
You picked up the paper menu and admired the careful and delicate writing. You lowered the menu and tapped when you wanted. “These. They sound delicious.”
“A pot of tea also?”
Levi rang a bell and waited for an attendant to come in. He softly spoke to them, it was difficult to hear what he was saying and it was intentional. Being a vampire around someone who did not know about them was hard. Every fibre of Levi’s being wanted to tell you the truth, but he was scared you would run. He wanted to gain some of your heart before he told you what he really was.
Levi hummed in thought. “Do you hold affections towards Lord Demont?”
You thought about the white-haired man who wanted to take you on a date. “No.”
“Do you find him…attractive?”
It was hard to hold back a smile, but you did your best. “Would it upset you if I did?”
A delicate blush consumed Levi’s cheeks. “N-No.”
“I desire the truth, Levi.”
He waited for the attendant to place the drinks down and leave. “Very well. Yes. It would greatly upset me if you found him attractive and wanted him.”
You made your tea and sipped it slowly. Normally you weren’t so confident, but seeing an attractive, kind, smart and caring man like Levi on the edge of his seat was exciting. You smiled at Levi. “No. To most he is, but he isn’t the type of man I would fall for.”
Levi downed his tea mixed with blood. “Tch, you did that on purpose.”
You lightly laughed. “Forgive me.”
He took your hand in his before bringing it to his lips and kissing it. “Forgiven. You’re lucky you’re so cute and sweet.”
You stared at Levi’s two slightly sharp teeth. “Your teeth.”
Levi moved his hand over his mouth. “What about them?”
“They’re cute.”
He lowered his hand. “Really?”
You cupped the side of his face and ran your thumb over his bottom lip. “I adore them.”
Temptation got the better of him. Levi playfully nipped your thumb making you squeak in such an adorable way. He released your thumb and smiled at you. “That makes me happy.”
You pulled back when the food was placed down. You noticed Levi’s food was red, which was rather cute and fun. You ate in comfortable silence with smiles on your faces. Levi finished first and made your heart race as he watched you closely. You pulled your gaze away as your body became very aware of him. He moved around you in the room and hummed along to the live music played in the other room.
You moved your plate away before sitting back. “I must say, Levi, your restaurant is incredible. I have never had such a delightful meal before.”
Levi offered his hand to you. “I am glad you enjoyed it.”
You took his hand and stood up before him. “When I heard that you owned many places here, I assumed you would be rather…”
“Egotistical? Understandable seeing as Lucius is.” He pulled you close against him and began dancing with you. “I care not for money and riches. I use most of my money to care for my mother and others.” He twirled you around on the spot. “I would like to spend some on you.” He yanked you close and dipped you. “If you would allow it.”
You gulped hard. “I…well…I am not used to being spoiled.”
Levi held you close as he slowly swayed with you. “Then I shall help you.”
You hummed a laugh. “How sweet.”
“I must ask.” His lips inched closer to yours. “May I take you on another date?”
“Please do. I find you captivating.”
He looked down at your lips. “I find your lips captivating.”
You mewled in delight as you clutched his shirt. “Levi, you set my heart ablaze with your words.”
He tilted his head a little. “I am glad.”
A little gasp escaped you. “Levi.”
“May I kiss you?”
You hummed a little in agreement. “You may.”
There was a slight hesitation, only for a moment as if both were making sure it was okay. When the moment was over your lips connected. A passionate fire burned through the two of you and engulfed you with love and passion. You clung to each other tightly as something inside you both connected and seemed so right. Soft lips moved together as tongues shyly touched. As confidence and love filled your hearts your tongues moved together in a delicate dance. The kiss was like nothing you’d ever experienced before. Though this kiss was not yours or Levi’s first, it was certainly the best and most mesmerising kiss you’d ever experienced. It seemed as if the two of you were meant to be together.
Levi released your lips as his fangs tingled. His forehead tapped against yours as you panted together. A deep and lustful growl escaped Levi’s lips. “Forgive me. I got rather heated.”
You shivered under his touch. “I too became heated.”
“I…I have been lying to you.” He pulled back a little. “I must confess before we continue what is between us.”
You held Levi’s hands. “No matter what you tell me, I will still care for you.”
“I…I’m not what I seem.” His eyes darkened as his fangs grew, his voice deepening. “I am a vampire and the man you met in that alleyway who followed you to save you in the park was me. I was feeding on my blood donor and you found me.”
You clutched your chest as you stared at his fangs. The red remains on his plate grabbed your attention for a moment. Everything began falling into place. The coldness of his skin, the dark clothes, the lack of eating and drinking, the knowing where you always were and that he appeared out of nowhere at work seemed to make sense. The man you had fallen for was a blood-drinking being. You had heard the rumours that this city was for the vampires and other beasts at night. It all made sense.
Levi pulled away from you as his heart began to sting. “I frighten you…” Pain filled him as he began to break. The Queen’s wicked and cruel grip on Levi slowly returned. He was beginning to believe her words that he was unlovable. “I disgust you…”
You hurried over to Levi. “No, no that’s not true.” You cradled Levi’s face in your hands. “I am not afraid. I am not disgusted. You have shown me such kindness and care whenever we are together. You had many opportunities to hurt me and yet you never once did. I feel safe with him.”
Levi closed his eyes as we felt tears roll down his cheeks. Never had he met someone so caring and accepting before. His heart was calmed by your touch and words. It was clear to Levi that he should never let you go. Someone like you was rare in his world. Vampires were either met with fear or intense lust and arousal. You were different. You presented love. All wicked words from the Queen vanished and her terrible hold on him went.
He opened his eyes and smiled softly. “You’re too kind.”
“I care for you, Levi. I care for you deeply and romantically. I want to be yours.” You lightly kissed his lips. “To care for you would mean to care for all of you, everything you are.”
He moaned a little. “You are too sweet for your own good.”
“Perhaps.” The tense atmosphere was softened by your sweet giggle. “Is that not one of the reasons you care for me?”
He nuzzled his nose against yours. “You are correct.”
Curiosity buzzed inside you. “May I look at your fangs?”
He parted his lips. “Dangerous thing to ask a vampire.” He licked your thumb and delighted in the sound of your racing heart. “You may get more than you bargained for.” He nipped your thumb. “Look away.”
You pushed his top lip up just a little as Levi opened his mouth. You admired his fangs and how sharp and big they seemed. “Does it hurt?” You removed your hands allowing him to speak. “Getting bitten that is.”
He held your hand and grazed his fangs against your skin. “For a moment, but then it’ll feel good. We have a coating on our fangs. The coating makes those we feed on feel incredibly good and slightly aroused.”
“How exciting.” You placed your hands on Levi’s chest as he pulled you closer. “I look forward to the day you feed from me.”
“You are just extraordinary. You show no fear towards me or about knowing the truth of this city.”
You hugged Levi. “Do all vampires come out at night?”
“Yes.” He kissed the side of your head. “Along with other beings. There are pure-blood vampires and some are made vampires. You can tell who are the pure-blooded, as they have power like I do.”
You looked up at Levi. “You’re a pure-blood?”
“I am.” He tilted his head slightly as he observed you. “Your acceptance of this all…”
You hummed in thought. “Well, I suspected that something like that was going on when I first met Lucius. I was warned a lot about the night here. The police would disappear at night. Plus, Mr Callahan tried to get me to work late on purpose.” You lowered your head. “I can’t forget the night I met you also. My fright was seen that night. However, a part of me was calmed by you.”
You nodded as your heart fluttered. “Yes. I don’t know what it is about you, but I feel so calm and at peace with you. I hold no fear or worries. I just want to be in your arms, always.”
Levi closed his eyes and held you against his body. He had lived for many long years and he had the kindness of his parents, his wonderful friends and met a few people along the way. However, he had never experienced such love and care as you were giving to him. Anxiety filled him as he thought about the possible dangers you could be in now he’d opened your life to his world. The seedy dark side of the city now had its eyes on you and he had to protect you.
He cupped the side of your face and raised your head. “My darling, I must ask something of you.”
You gazed at him with such a cute sparkle in your eyes. “Yes?”
“This is to keep you safe, not because of other reasons.” He sighed. “I need to give you a bit of my blood so I am connected to you.”
You tilted your head. “May I give you some of mine in return?”
Levi’s cheeks burned. “I uh…well…if…if you want to. I don’t want to pressure you.”
You reached up and touched the collar of your dress. “Well, we would need to go somewhere more private so I can remove some of my dress.”
Levi looked away and groaned. “You…”
You held his hands. “Levi?”
He locked eyes with you. “I shall take you to my manor. It’ll be safe for you. You have never had vampire blood before, so you need to be in a safe place to experience it.”
You nodded. “Yes. I’ll go with you.”
Levi grabbed your cloak and put it around you. “I will get a carriage for us.”
It was all so exciting to be going home with Levi. Life before the city was so simple and boring. Every day was studying or reading a book by the window so you could admire the weather now and then. Since coming to the city you have gained an interesting job, learned about a secret world and found the man of your dreams who could love you for all eternity. You had never been with anyone before, no other man had interested you and yet Let walked into your life and entranced you. He had your heart.
You hugged his arm as you walked with him through the restaurant and outside into the streets to see the sun was beginning to set, meaning you and Levi had been so enamoured with each other that you had talked for hours.
The carriage rattled to a stop and looked rather beautiful compared to the ones you had ridden in before. Inside the carriage, the seats were soft under you when you sat. It was spacious as well, so you weren’t so cramped when you were with someone. However, Levi sat right next to you and that’s exactly what you wanted. The carriage swayed so nicely and lulled you into a sweet comfort.
Levi placed a loving kiss on your forehead. “Are you tired?”
“Mm, no I just feel comfortable and safe around you.”
Levi smiled a little. “I’m glad.” He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly. “Mm. I wish I could hold you forever.”
“Me too.”
He closed his eyes for a while as the carriage took you both to the edge of the city. Thoughts of biting you filled his mind. The thought of feeding from you was arousing to Levi. Levi had fed from women and men before and felt no attraction or arousal, but there was something just so magnetic about you. Levi gulped hard as his mouth watered at the thought. He tried to still his heart and not let his desires for you get the best of him.
Levi opened the carriage door and assisted you out of it. “This is my home.”
You gasped in delight as you saw the dark grand gothic home before you with a stunning garden behind it. “This is a dream home.”
“Thank you.” He led you up to his grand door and opened it to reveal the stunning dark wood inside, the simple chandelier, the beautiful paintings, the wooden floors and the soft-looking carpets. “I will notify my butler and maid of your presence. They’ll get a room ready for you.” He kissed your cheek. “Allow me to take you to the sitting room.”
You couldn’t stop looking around the place, it was just so stunning, welcoming, warm, comforting and homely. You bumped into Levi and blushed a little. “Excuse me.”
He sat you on the sofa and kissed your forehead. “Wait here, my darling.”
You shifted on the sofa as you heard his staff talk about you and stare. You gave them a sweet smile making them giggle and get excited. They weren’t mocking you at all, they were actually excited that their master had finally brought a woman home. It seemed that you were the only woman in Levi’s life.
Levi returned to you and sat at your side. “A room will be prepared for you unless you want to be with me?”
You fiddled with your dress. “I uh…I have never been with a man before.”
Levi’s eyes widened. “Really? Someone as sweet and as beautiful as you?”
You giggled. “Levi, you’re too sweet.”
He placed his hand on your thigh and gently squeezed. “I’ll take great care of you, I swear. We’ll take our time as well. Whenever you want me to stop, you tell me and I will.”
You moved closer to him. “I will.”
He reached up to your high collar. “May I?”
“You may.”
He slowly undid the buttons. “I’ve lived for many years and I must say that this time period is odd. I came from a time when women and men wore soft fabrics and silks, but now they cover everything up.”
You hummed a laugh. “It must be exciting to see the world change and develop.”
“It is.” He pushed the top part of your dress open and paused a moment. “All I know now is that I want to watch the world change with you. I don’t want to lose you.”
“I don’t ever want to lose you either.”
Levi leaned closer and ran his lips up your neck causing you to softly moan. “I’ll bite you first and then I will heal you with my blood.”
You shivered at his words against your neck. “Mm, yes.”
Levi opened his mouth a little as his fangs grew. He placed delicate and loving kisses on your neck and enjoyed the sweet hum that came from you. He dragged his tongue over where he was going to bite. With a gentle blow of cool air against your neck to arouse you, he parted his lips and bit down on your neck. Blood burst from the wound and flooded into Levi’s mouth. He tangled his fingers into your hair as his other gripped your waist. He pulled you against him and moaned in delight at how sweet you tasted. Levi had drank from others before, but there was something so divine about yours.
Just as Levi had said, the first part of the bite had hurt you but then it became incredibly pleasurable. You clung tightly to Levi as you felt such blissful euphoria from him feeding on you. You moaned and mewled under his touch as you felt lightheaded. You gasped when Levi pulled back from your neck with blood all over his lips and tongue. You shivered when he licked his lips and purred at you.
Levi moaned before cutting his tongue on his fang. “Open your mouth, darling.” As soon as you opened your mouth and crashed his lips against yours and pushed his blood into your mouth. His tongue moved with yours making you shiver in delight. Levi’s heart throbbed in his chest when he felt the two of you connect through the exchange of blood. He pulled back and panted. He smiled as he said your name. “You are something special.”
Your heart fluttered. “Levi.” A tingle went through your body, you felt alive and excited all wrapped into one. Compelled by Levi’s wonderful aura and his blood, you climbed onto his lap and pushed him down on his back on the sofa. “Levi.”
He gazed up at you and began chuckling. He dragged you onto him and tangled his fingers in your hair. “Look at you. You have taken to my blood rather well.” He hugged you tightly. “I am sorry for the strong arousal, but vampire blood is a bit like a drug if you are not used to it.”
You pawed at his body and lightly rolled your body against his. “Levi, please.”
He rolled onto his side with you. “In time, my darling.”
You panted as you felt electrified. You hid your face in the crook of his neck as you felt slight shame at how aroused and needy you were. “Mm.”
“Don’t be saddened.”
You released a sigh. “I am not saddened but slightly ashamed and embarrassed.”
“Tell me why.”
You looked Levi in the eyes. “I have never felt this way before. I want you so badly. I crave you.” You leaned up and panted a little with your chest heaving in your corset. “I want to give you everything. I want to give you all my firsts.”
Levi growled at you. “Do not be ashamed and embarrassed with how you are feeling. I’m feeling the same, but as I said we will take our time.”
You shook a little. “Mm…don’t leave me.”
He held your chin. “Never. I will never leave you.”
You panted a little. “Hot. I’m hot.”
Levi sat up before scooping you up into his arms. “I will help you cool off.” He carried you upstairs and to his room. He sat you on his grand dark brown bed.  
The bed was beautiful beyond words. The headboard was a dark brown wood with intricate carvings and decorations with a central piece. The main part of the bed was large for two people to snuggle on and more. Candles were lit up making a soft glow to show the dark walls with delicate paintings of roses in key parts. A chandelier hung above was lit up by gas lighting, meaning Levi had the latest additions and inventions in his home. Thick curtains were pulled open to show the tall windows that curved at the top. The view outside was the vast gardens that Levi owned.
Levi cupped the side of your face and kissed you. “I will let the maid in to dress you.”
You grabbed Levi’s hand just as he started to leave. “Mm…stay…”
Levi showered your hand in kisses. “My darling, I will be gone for a moment. I will return to you.”
You whimpered once he released your hand. You clutched your chest and felt a yearning inside you for you to be with Levi again. You gently smiled at the maid as she removed your clothes and dressed you in a light and soft nightdress. She let your hair down to show how soft and long it was. You forgot about the need within you for Levi when she started combing your hair and instantly relaxed.
The maid let you go and softly smiled. “My lady, I have never known my Lord to be so happy before. You are the first woman he has ever brought here. It makes us all so happy.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “I’m glad I make him happy. He makes me happy as well. I understand we have just started our love, but I cannot wait for it to continue for eternity.”
“I am sure you both will be together forever.” She bowed to you. “Excuse me. I will get my Lord.”
You clutched your dress as you felt excited again. “Thank you.”
She moved to the door and opened it to reveal Levi had been waiting outside this whole time. “My Lord, she is ready. I will leave you both be.”
Levi entered the room and closed the large door after the maid. He turned to you and blushed hard. “You…you’re…” He moaned your name as he moved closer. He reached over and caressed your cheek making you weak instantly. “So divine.”
You leaned into his touch. “Thank you.” You wobbled on your legs. “Levi.”
He caught you in his arms as you became weak for him. “I have you.” He scooped you up and said your name sweetly. “I have you.” He kissed you and moaned in delight. “You need to rest.”
You clung to Levi as he lay you on his bed under the covers. “Will you be joining me?”
“Indeed I will, but I must change.”
You clung to the sheets tightly as Levi moved behind a screen to change in his night things. You perked up once he walked out. You were in shock at first because most men wore a night dress like you, but Levi was only in trousers. “Levi.”
He closed his curtains before climbing into bed with you. “Now we have exchanged blood, you are mine. Now and forever.”
You snuggled against Levi. “It is hard to believe this all sometimes. I don’t think I want to leave.” You whimpered. “I do not want to go back to work for Mr. Callahan. I want to stay with you.”
Levi kissed your forehead. “That is only the blood talking. After resting a while you’ll think differently.”
Levi hummed a laugh as he played with your hair. “No?”
“Mm. I want to stay with you.”
Levi released a long sigh. “I hope you feel and say the same when we wake up.”
“I will.”
He held you tightly. “Well, that sounds wonderful. Now, sleep.”
You gazed up at him. “I desire a kiss.”
Levi pressed his lips against yours and moaned in delight as he enjoyed the spark between the two of you. He nipped your lip before pushing his tongue into your mouth and moaning in pleasure as you both shared a passionate kiss together. He tugged on your lip a little at the end and chuckled. “Sleep.”
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foxcort · 1 month
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“Tragic, for him to die so young and so . . . bloody.”
written for day 5: shapeshifter of @tamlinweek.💚🌷/ one moonlit, eerie night, two monsters strike a bargain. / (SW)
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a/n: this is a little fic based off of an edit i did a while back of a concept of werewolf!tamlin and vampire!nesta but put them in a guy ritchie's sherlock holmes backdrop (or late victorian/early edwardian), because why not.
tw: none.
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He caught her in the gardens, looking as innocent as a thorn on a rose, her crimson dress fluttering around her when she whipped around to face him. As soon as he’d seen her slinking away from the overzealous crowd of guests, he’d followed after her, his steps not quite as silent as hers.
“Are the festivities not to your liking, my lady?” Tamlin gestured a ways behind him, where warm light illuminated the high windows of Greenwood Manor and the sounds of merriment rose and fell to the tune of the small orchestra. “I told my emissary a circus would’ve been more lively this year.”
She didn’t titter or blush at his jest, didn’t flush at being found in an odd position. Instead she glanced him once up and down, a slow perusal not unlike a predator sizing up an adversary. Her heels clicked against the stone pavement as she strode closer to him, still a smile absent from her red painted lips.
Lady Nesta Mandray was more formidable in person than he imagined she would be. Recently widowed and thought to be a recluse, he'd sent her an invitation to his annual Spring Equinox ball anyway and was mildly pleased she'd taken the bait and made an appearance.
Even if her state of dress was not what he was expecting.
The gown that adorned her body was still modest in fashion, as all dresses worn by genteel women of high status tended to be, but the vibrant red was a stark contrast to the lilacs and tangerines and yellows swirling around the ballroom right now.
At last, she gave him a smile, though it was too sharp and too fleeting. "I wasn't aware all your guests were to be kept prisoner in that stuffy old ballroom." She threw a dismissive look at the manor behind him and Tamlin found himself growing more fond of her for it. "Am I not allowed anywhere else on the grounds?"
He chuckled softly, head bowing as he closed a few more steps between them, “Forgive me, I've been a horrendous host." Tamlin paused, taking his turn to study her, and understood that perhaps he was the prey. "Would you care for a tour of the grounds, Lady Mandray?” 
“Lady Archeron,” she corrected. “I’m afraid Tomas’ name died along with him.” Her sharp gaze seemed to say good riddance.
He smiled. The first real one he’d permitted to show her. “Would you care for a tour of the grounds, Lady Archeron?” 
She regarded his offered arm with unconcealed hesitance, her silver eyes flicking up to meet his as she spoke her next words slowly, carefully.
“Should I be frightened of you, Lord Greenwood?” 
“No.” He was not the kind of monster he suspected Lord Mandray had been. “Not as I am now.”
She arched a brow, and he could almost see the cogs in her brain turning, trying to piece together what he meant. Not as he was now. Not when the moon was only half-full.
It was a tentative, deliberate action but after a few moments of silence, Nesta relented, her fingers curling lightly over his upper arm. Even through the layers of his expensive coat jacket and shirt, he could feel the unnatural chill of her touch.
Without meaning to, Tamlin shivered at that touch and she gave him another one of her rare smiles. “My apologies.” She sounded anything but, and he swore an undertone of delight colored her voice. “I haven’t seen much sunlight since Tomas’ death.” A hunting accident of sorts, he’d heard, though Tamlin didn’t doubt he had help reaching his end.
He struck an easy pace through the gardens and the vineyard, moonlight illuminating their path. “I would offer my condolences, but it would be a lie to say I’m not pleased you no longer have a husband.”
Nesta laughed, a cold and lovely sound. “If you’re attempting to court me, you’ll have to do a lot better than that.”
“Without a chaperone? I wouldn’t dare besmirch your reputation.”
She waved a hand in the direction of the revelry, her nose crinkling in distaste. “If I cared for a moment what those peacocks and pigeons thought of me, I wouldn’t risk being caught in the shadows with you.”
They were almost upon the winery now, a more modest building in comparison, but still sturdily built. And conveniently vacant.
Tamlin slowed their pace, coming to a halt before the padlocked front door. “Something tells me you accepted my invitation and came all this way to risk something else entirely.” He felt her grip on his arm tighten almost imperceptibly. “Your late husband was quite a paranoid man, last I remember.”
The shift in conversation seemed to ruffle her feathers a little and Nesta gently pulled away from him, her fingers digging into the folds of her dress. “And when do you remember him last?”
“I believe it was right before his death.” He said it matter-of-factly, his eyes tracking her movements with quiet interest. “Tragic, for him to die so young and so . . . bloody.”
She shrugged, and he had the impression that both of their masks were rapidly slipping. “He wasn’t a very smart man.” Nesta began to walk, circling him slowly, her eyes half-lidded yet somehow more aware. “I always did tell him to pick his marks carefully, and he always did aim a little higher than he should have.” The tips of her fingers grazed over her exposed collar bone, where he could faintly make out the remnants of a scar. Puckered but fading. Almost as if there’d once been a bullet wound there. “I wonder, Lord Greenwood,” her eyes sharpened and she stilled in front of him, “do you consider yourself a smart man?”
“Oh, only the smartest,” he admitted calmly, an amused smile curving over his mouth. “Though I prefer you be the judge of that.” With that, he strode to the door and removed the padlock, quickly pocketing the small key afterward. Tamlin swung the door open and tilted his head towards it in invitation.
Nesta threw him a suspicious, narrow-eyed look but otherwise strode into the dimly lit winery without another word. He guided them once more, walking deeper and deeper into the barrel-filled building with complete confidence that they would run into no one. Other than the fact that his guests and staff were too drunk on spirits and levity to be roaming so far from the manor, Tamlin had strict rules imposed on the security of this particular building. The most prominent being that no one was to step foot in the building after dark and the door was to always be locked. The key was either always on his person or given to his emissary, Lucien, on the nights he needed someone to lock him in.
His staff was more than willing to believe the lord of Greenwood Manor had a haughty opinion of his stock, that perhaps he took certain measures because the secret to his winemaking was something he coveted greatly. And Tamlin let them believe as such. For the alternative — the truth — would see him in bedlam.
They finally halted before a set of cells. Two large, cold imprisonments hidden deep in the winery’s basement, the turn almost blocked by yet another high-stacked row of barrels. Understanding dawned on her face when Nesta took in the contents of the cells. Long, sturdy chains hammered into enforced concrete walls, the ends of them finished with shackles too big for anything human.
“Shackles? In a wine cellar?” She stood at the threshold of one of the open cell doors, a hint of amusement glinting at her eyes when she flicked them up to meet his. “Hardly a proper thing to reveal to a lady, your nighttime . . . activities?”
“Ah.” His mouth curved into a slow grin as he leaned against the iron bars, and when he spoke again his voice had gone rough. “But you’re no lady, are you?”
She turned, her smile unbidden now, as if all the pretense of propriety had been lifted. “No. But you’ve known that for some time now.”
“Ever since Tomas confided in me that he believed his wife would kill him, I admit, I’ve been suspiciously curious.” Nesta’s smile faltered, but he continued on. “He thought my connections with the Yard would be enough to condemn you to a madhouse. I, of course, refused him any help.”
“How chivalrous of you,” she drawled, “Unfortunately, I have no need of a white knight.”
“Good,” he smiled, letting a bit of the contained ferality peek through his expression. “I would hate to disappoint you.”
“Then tell me, Lord Greenwood—” Nesta paused, stepping closer to him, a serious and impatient tone settling over her features, “Why do any of this? What do you want with me?”
“I have a . . . proposition, of sorts.”
“Go on.”
He laughed nervously, taking a moment to admire her straightforward demand, before asking, “Will you marry me, Lady Archeron?”
Those silver eyes narrowed again, and she gave a lazy perusal of him once more, only this time he had the feeling she was sizing him up for entirely different reasons. “Are you so eager to meet an end similar to Tomas?”
He pushed away from the bars to move closer to her, that gruff undertone returning to his speech. “If it were by your hands, I would die a happy man.”
Her eyes widened a fraction and he saw a faint flush of color rise over her cheeks. Before she could indeed make the decision to gut him right then and there, Tamlin said, “I believe a marriage would be beneficial to us both. To the secrets we want to hide and the habits we cannot break.”
Nesta regarded him quietly for a long moment, and he imagined she could see the advantages of his proposal. Of sharing the burdens of their secrets with one another. Of hiding the suspicions that would start to rise for the both of them as the years went on.
Finally, she tipped her chin and gave him another sharp, little smile. “I accept, Lord Greenwood.” Tamlin felt his heart jump at her words, a reaction he hadn’t anticipated when he’d set out to strike a bargain with Nesta Archeron. “Although I wouldn’t entirely rule out the possibility of mariticide, if I were you.”
“If you do decide to murder me, promise me you’ll keep my name.” He offered her his arm again, with the intention of leading them out of the winery to resume their stroll under the moonlight, his smile wider than he could constrain.
“A possessive man? How disappointing.”
“I don’t mean to own you, my lady. I mean to haunt you.”
Nesta laughed as she looped her arm around his, more at-ease now as she followed him back through empty building and out into the night. “I think it wouldn’t be too difficult to keep that promise.”
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a/n: once again a super specific little piece that was meant to be posted a lot sooner 😀 but i had a lot of fun writing it and i hope you guys enjoy it too!
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allwaswell16 · 7 months
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Part 2 of a fic rec of spooky One Direction fics as requested in this ask. You can find part one here! If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
💀 Shadow Dances by @itsmotivatingcara
(M, 101k, FBI/Medium) Harry Styles was brought into the FBI for not only his skills, but his ability to mitigate the influx of spirits surrounding the elusive and obnoxiously infuriating sharp-tongued medium he’d been assigned to. Louis gets under his skin, he’s impulsive and a risk to the team according to Harry.
💀 Demon and Immortal (series) by delsicle / @eeveedel
(E, 90k, demon) Harry is a demon and Louis is his eternal mate.
💀 Suddenly Last Summer by @disgruntledkittenface
(E, 44k, mystery) Suddenly he has someone who listens to him and cares about what he thinks. Someone who really sees him. But their happily ever after is forever marred by an incident at a party during Labor Day weekend, and Louis is left with a choice to make.
💀 Mind of Stone by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
(M, 41k, mythology) Louis gingerly moves around the statues, trying not to look at their faces. The room is quiet, probably a basement from the low ceiling. He mentally curses when he doesn’t see a door leading outside.
💀 Across The Lines by @creamcoffeelou
(E, 28k, haunted house) With a camera in hand, Louis sets off on the road trip of his life to explore the most famous haunted houses of the UK. Things don't exactly go to plan.
💀 Where the World has Come Together by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(M, 26k, magic) For the crime of elven blood running through his veins, Louis Tomlinson spends his days protecting the human kingdom he’s been cast out of.
💀 If You Ever Did Believe by patdkitten
(E, 25k, haunted) While doing research for his newest book, he winds up in a quiet little village with a whole lot of ghost stories and rumours waiting to be discovered and a single man who happens to have just as many stories and rumours that follow him as well.
💀 In the Strangest of Ways by SunTomato / @sun-tomato
(NR, 17k, ghost) When he is hired to research the origins of a mysterious music sheet, he soon finds he’s not the only one at the manor; a dark presence keeps following him around. The more time he spends at the historic site, the clearer it becomes that something tragic happened here.
💀 it's time to find your wings again by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 12k, magic) The first reports are dismissed, as tall tales or folklore. As mental illness, poor Bathilda, she’d gone loopy. As people simply getting scared in the dark woods and seeing things, making things up.
💀 Veni, Vidi, Amavi by @fallinglikethis
(E, 10k, ghost) Harry remembers why he stayed now, why he’s always had that feeling of waiting. He was holding out for Louis, his soulmate. He was keeping his promise.
💀 All The Songs That You Sing In The Dark by pukeandcry
(M, 10k, zombies) What happened was that first people got sick. What happened after that was that they died. But the worst thing was what happened after that. After they died, they came back.
💀 We'll Never Be Lonely in the Dark by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 6k, psychic) Detective Louis Tomlinson keeps getting blocked when he tries to use his psychic gift to locate a missing child.
💀 Somethin' Old and Red by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense
(NR, 5k, vampire) He’d pour a splash into a wine glass —his favourite little joke was telling humans he loved a nice glass of red every now and again— then sat down in his living room and listened to music while he drank.
💀 Then Came The Rain by whoknows
(M, 4k, magic) His vision swims, brain trying to focus, trying to stop seeing double. The rain might begin to wash the blood away, but there’ll be no cleansing of his soul.
💀 Rapture by @allwaswell16
(E, 3k, vampire) It was New Year's Eve in Victorian London, and a lonely vampire could no longer resist the stunning lamplighter he watched night after night.
💀 Needle by @nouies
(NR, 666 words, magic) “You didn’t deserve this,” he muttered between hiccups. “She didn’t have the right.”
💀 Foreshadowing by @neondiamond
(NR, 666 words, horror) Alone at home on a rainy Friday night, Harry reads a story that resembles his own life a bit too closely…
💀 head all full of stuffin' by Lhhome / @lhhomefics
(T, 666 words, scarecrow) “I don’t!” That’s what Louis had said on live television a little over a month ago when asked whether he thinks scarecrows are sentient creatures. He is severely regretting that right at this moment.
—Rare Pairs—
💀 come take my pulse by nicheinhischest
(M, 38k, Zayn/Niall) Zayn sighs and tells him tiredly, “Y'know, you say eerily cheerful things for someone who bashed a zombie’s face in with a golf club today."
💀 Love's First Bite by skipper / @skipperxao3
(E, 6k, Zayn/Louis) For Zayn, love was never a part of life’s equation, not when you’re considered a lowly vampire while working in the Vampire’s royalty club, Love’s First Bite. 
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sugar-omi · 9 months
what are your general thoughts on step 3 baxter bc i was replaying OL1 and i trying hard not to cackle at the fact baxter is 19 years old in like 2016. bc all i can hear is halsey, p!atd, arctic monkeys when i look at him; it's giving tumblr, hot topic, that specific period of alt fashion. like he looks like a k-pop idol, but has a weirdly deep voice and overly formal way of speaking. like that is a rich sheltered gayboy emo nerd, not a suave daddy dom. his ass is grass and mc is gonna mow it. i'm saying i find his whole aesthetic ridiculous even tho i do have a soft spot for his fear of emotional vulnerability.
honestly the only reason i don't clown him is bc I think him being older is 🥵🫣 but yeah I had to laugh when they called me Pepe le pew and Victorian emo man
I was literally getting ready to go out the one day after playing the dlc, and was trying not to fuck up my eyeliner from laughing bc pepe le pew is abnormally funny n idek what or who that is
take em off
OH NO WHAT DO YOU THINK HIS UNDERWEAR LOOKED LIKE.... ik in step 4 he had fall leaves on his butt but what abt step 3.... im afraid 😟
okay I totally almost forgot your question, thank god I read things like 5 times before I'm sure I'm not missing smth but general thoughts....
well first thoughts was "who tf is this flirting w my man🤨"
now it's "who let this vampire out the house" bc baxter is so pale... pls I feel like if I put a firefly on him he'd burn like?!)!&*!^!??
final thought: "are you still looking to be sandwiched" bc poly cove/baxter/mc sounds PERFECT for all my issues (will never recover from the dialogue being different if you have cove at fond or crush when you start dating baxter.....)
also I'd like to eat him, did I say that alrdy? well I'd like to shrink him n nibble on him
knowing he's going to break my heart...... pls... 5 moments wasn't enough imma need reimbursement for this heartache
I wanna sneak into his condo and lay in bed w him and make him laugh until he falls asleep n then I wanna wake him up w breakfast and then I wanna go on a lil stargazing date n walk along the edge of the water, the water only touching his feet when the wave goes up shore
n I wanna find all his lil freckles and moles n count them n be all close n tell him he's pretty like the moon and I wanna put on some song idk the lyrics to bc it's some Spanish love song or smth and make him dance w me even tho the most I can do is spin I a circle and circle literally one hip
and I wanna take him on a long drive w his dumb metal music blasting n make him yell it out w me and I wanna feed him his dumb fries w pie or whatever it was and I wanna make him lay in the grass w me and I wanna go build a dumb sandcastle and get him a silly lil toy that's prbly meant for kids n giggle abt it for a stupid amount of time and when we get home laugh abt it some more and i wanna play my dumb instrument and sing him a dumb song n AKAJHAGA I JUST WANT A FUCKJNG COMING OF AGE MOVIE W HIM I AM JAGADFALAH LOSING MY SHIT
I'm normal 🧍 ... I like this man a Regular amount
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