#victoria scwab
mica-1989 · 1 year
"—Me duele —susurró August.
—¿El qué?
—Ser. No ser. Rendirme. Resistir. Haga lo que haga, me duele.
Kate apoyó la cabeza contra la bañera.
—Así es la vida, August —dijo—. Tú querías sentirte vivo, ¿verdad? No
importa si eres monstruo o humano. Vivir duele".
Una canción salvaje - Victoria Scwab.
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inklost · 3 years
I made a playlist to listen to while reading dark fantasy YA books.
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urlindah · 4 years
Vicious by Victoria Schwab is a rollercoaster. I mean Eli and Victor ? WHAT EXACTLY IS HAPPENING BETWEEN THOSE TWO ?
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lich-slap · 5 years
"People have an idea of pain" he said. "They think they know what it is, how it feels, but that's just an idea. It's a very different thing when it becomes concrete."
– Vengeful, V.E. Schwab
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bookishnerdhero · 7 years
Kate: Could’ve smashed your head in with a brick, you know?
August: Why would you do that? Why’d you even say that?
Kate: Just thought you should know
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thealternatefangirl · 3 years
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ADSOM - Kell Maresh Aesthetic
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vale-reads · 4 years
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New books! New books! New books!
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
Ooh ooh! For book recs. I also have been TERRIBLE with book reading the last couple years, and coming from someone who used to read near 100 books a year (twas a simpler time back then lol) let's hope 2022's better🤞. What genres you like? Some of my all time faves:
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern for ✨magic✨
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara (warning to anyone this is HELLA dark and disturbing, it's a very heavy read, only read if you are prepared to go down that road...it made me cry multiple times). I had to own it but I probably won't be rereading you know?
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. It's about a fanfic writer!! Also stinking cute!
The Long Way to a Long Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. Feel good scifi, such a fun read with no strings attached.
Literally anything by V.E/Victoria Scwab. Her books and writing are just transcendental.
oh, hey! thank you so much for these recs! <3
i'll be honest, my tastes in literature are kind of all over the place, lol. i'll read anything once. for now, i'm probably looking for generally lighter fare (which means a little life is out, for now) because we are in the depths of the winter blues in lemony land and could really use a pick-me-up, haha.
i really appreciate you taking the time to recommend these to me and if i can get my hands on any of them, i'll definitely let you know what i think!
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alloreli · 2 years
22 things in 2022
Rules: choose 22 books you want to read or goals you want to achieve in 2022. That's it!
Tagged by @bigcats-birds-and-books
Upcoming releases I want to read:
1. Nona the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir (I know, shocking)
2. Seasonal Fears - Seanan McGuire
3. Gallant - Victoria Scwab
(that's it for upcoming releases I have no idea what else is coming out in 2022 because Time is Fake, I'm sure I have more but -shrug-)
Books I have Started, Enjoyed, and then I got distracted from my something shinier that I'm determined to go back and finish because they were still good, dammit:
4. These Violent Delights - Chloe Gong
5. The Raven Tower - Ann Leckie
6. The Unspoken Name - A.K. Larkwood
7. Never Contented Things - Sarah Porter
8. The Mask of Mirrors - M. A. Carrick
Books I've been Meaning to Read but just haven't Made Time For or forget about when I'm Between Library Holds:
9. Anything by Rebecca Roanhorse
10. Children of Blood and Bone - Tomi Adeyemi
11. The Poppy War - R.F. Kuang
12. Skyhunter - Marie Lu
13. The Midnight Bargain - C.L. Polk
14. Anything by Rivers Solomon
15. The rest of the Kushiel's Legacy trilogy
16. The rest of the Baru Cormorant books
Other Assorted Goals (AKA
house projects that are already planned and/or set in motion)
17. Kitchen & Dining room refresh - install a new set of kitchen wall cabinets in our dining room to increase storage. Also add an indoor greenhouse to start my garden seeds in
18. Finish living room refresh - finalize addition of a plant shelf and pick out plants to go on it, maybe change up some of the art we have on the walls
19. Add one last raised garden bed + install irrigation
20. Glue (cement? Mortar?) The bricks around the shed garden together so that Griddlepup stops ripping the garden border apart
21. Expand the front flower beds and add a river rock border
22. Take the rain garden class and install a rain garden in the process (already signed up for the class and I'm SO EXCITE)
Not tagging anyone because I'm boring. Feel free to do if you want!
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booktineus · 3 years
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QOTD: What Victoria Schwab books have you read? I've read and really enjoyed Vicious and ADSOM. I really need to hurry up and read more #reppost This post is basically a week late but better late than never right? Between the weather and my little social media break I didn't get a chance to take a photo of @craft_of_stars new Schwab items before they released last friday 🙈 Jess #gifted me this Vicious pin banner and ADSOM bookmark (and a pen I love but forgot to include 😅😅) There are so many pretty patterns in this collection, and in Jess's products in general. Go get yourself some and remember to use the code BOOK10 to save!! //CHALLENGES// #LMSMarch2021 - Book and prop //HASHTAGS// #pins #banner #bookmark #scwab #veschwab #books #bookstagram #auskiwibooksta #adsom #adarkershadeofmagic #vicious #thissavagesong #booknerd #ausyablogger #bookishmerch #smallbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CMjf3mmLB8X/?igshid=11orj1v0jz0w8
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bookworming-101 · 4 years
Onto the next book which I’m so excited to announce issssss ~
The second in the Cassidy Blake Series!!
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brittneyrz · 6 years
Vengeful - V.E. Schwab - Review
Vengeful – V.E. Schwab – Review
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Being an EO sounds great in theory. You get awesome powers and can do anything that you want. But you have to die in the process. You have to experience you breath stopping, your heart beat going silent. You wake up and then have to live with those memories. What if your death is caused by someone else? How do you live day to day with that memory in your head? What if revenge is all that you…
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sleeponrooftops · 7 years
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Sundays are for tea and words and more tea. 📚☕️ . . . I reached 50k for Saints the other day after finishing edits on part one, and was having this weird moment where I just couldn’t start part two. Every time I thought about it, I felt this panic rising up. In the end, I spent most of the day reading and scrolling through Tumblr. The next day, I knew I had to get through whatever this was. I put on my Saints playlist, took a deep breath, and re-outlined the second two acts. An hour later, I had the rest of the book plotted out, and was a page deep in the first chapter of part two. . . . And for the words I’m reading—I’m currently 100 pages into Our Dark Duet, and absolutely loving it. I’m afraid of the ending since I’ve seen so many people weeping about it on Twitter recently, but also eager to see my favorite character again. (Yes, it’s Allegro the cat.) I started The Fireman by Joe Hill MONTHS ago (May!), got 75 pages in of 752, and decided I needed to read some YA. That and Oscar Wilde have been calling to me, though, so going to keep them nearby and hope something happens. . . . I hope your Sunday is relaxing and maybe full of cats! 🌙 #tea #maryreads #amreading #amwriting #saintsnovel #readersofinstagram #writersofinstagram #earlgrey #illhazardicandomoredamageonmylaptopsittinginmypajamasbeforemyfirstcupofearlgreythanyoucandoayearinthefield #holymotherthatwasalonghashtag #ourdarkduet #oscarwilde #thefireman #marywrites
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kbrown78 · 6 years
My Thoughts: Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab
I wasn't crazy about This Savage Song. The side characters were flat and the nothing happened for the majority of the book. There was some potential though and I had heard that Our Dark Duet would be a really good finale, but I was still skeptical. Despite the bar being set low, this book repeated the mistakes of the previous book, and created several new issues. This book was disappointing on so many levels, and I'll delve into why. This review will contain spoilers for This Savage Song as well as Our Dark Duet.
World building: In This Savage Song the readers know that there are three types of monsters, but somewhere in the beginning a fourth monster is introduced, termed the Chaos Eater. This monster is mostly a shadow that immediately makes people violent to the point of murder. It's perspective is written like poetry to reflect that it's there but not whole. It's victims have mirror shards in their eyes, but that's about all you learn. I was also hoping to learn more about the origins of the first monsters, but this goes unanswered, which was a big problem I had with the world building. This is the last book, but so much was left unanswered. These were problems that could be forgiven in This Savage Song because a few were answered and because their was another book to fill in these blanks. There are other cities, and for the first few chapters from Kate's perspective, all we learn about Prosperity, the city she currently resides in after fleeing Verity, is that it is wealthy and their problems are much deeper and slower to show themselves as opposed to Verity's slew of violence. That's all we learn, there are several other cities that we know nothing about. Speaking of Verity, there is group of people that worship the monsters, called the Fangs, which is something that fits with this world but it wasn't mentioned before and they are just used as tool's to show how evil Sloan and Alice are. Back to the monsters, the Sunai, like August, harness soul's through song, but over half way through the book, August can use his music to soothe a soul. This kind of came out of nowhere and we only see this one other time. It's something I really would have liked to be explored more, which can be applied to every thing in this section.
Characters: All of the characters in this book were one dimensional. I even had problems with Kate and August. Kate has been set up as this tough girl who doesn't need anyone, and from what I've heard of Schwab's other female characters this is an archetype that she likes to use, but it made Kate kind of annoying. There were things I liked about her, like her wanting to go back to Verity to stop the Chaos Eater, and her trying to help the Compound by calling them out on their incorrect thinking, and she was never cruel, just a bit cold. That coldness is what made me feel unattached to her, so when her death came, I just shrugged it off. This might also be due to the fact that I could tell either Kate or August was going to die, but I'll get into that in the Writing section. August was kind of interesting in This Savage Song, because of his desire to be human. In Our Dark Duet, he took 4 steps back. After consuming Leo's soul at the end of This Savage Song, August is now hearing a voice in his head that tells him to act like a monster because that's what he is. There is one good scene that addresses this conflict, but other than that August spends the majority of the book coming off as a moopy douche. Sloan also gets his own POV, but this adds nothing to the plot or his character. He was an evil creep in the first book and he is an evil creep in this one. All the readers see of him is killing girls that look like Kate because that's his fetish and just enjoying killing a bunch of people. There isn't any sort of complexity to him, he's just evil because he's evil, which is as flat as the rest of the characters are. There were so many characters that had no personality, I couldn't even remember who's who. I wasn't sad when Kate left her “friends” in Prosperity because I didn't know anything about them other than what Schwab briefly told us, so I didn't care. When Rez died, I saw that coming and felt nothing. I wasn't even upset when Henry was taken, and he's the leader and father figure for August. Soro, the new Sunai, had an interesting origin story, being manifested through a suicide mission, but ended up being a Leo 2.0 until, literally the last 2 pages of the book. I really wanted Soro to die, especially after a scene where she just decided to kill a sinner that August was trying to heal and did it in a way that manipulated August into letting Soro, and was kind of disappointed that Soro lived. The one character that had real potential to be interesting was Ilsa, but she was just shoved away until she was needed to kill Sloan and the Chaos Eater, which resulted in her own death. What a waste! It was cool getting to see her true form, with horns and wings of fire, which make her sound like a holy terror, but we know she can be a sweet person. Overall the characters were incredibly bland and I just couldn't feel any attachment to any of them.
Relationships: It was important to establish how bland I find the characters before reviewing their relationships. Kate was very much an outsider looking in with every social group she was a part of, so the only close relationship she had was with August, but this was in part because she didn't want any friends. August I guess had friends, more like comrades, but because he used the excuse that he wasn't human he never tried to attach himself to any of them. August and Ilsa's relationship was cold and non exitstent this entire novel, and unlike in the previous book, August didn't seem to want to communicate with Henry nearly as much, so that relationship was dead. I'll briefly talk about Sloan and Alice's “view” of Kate before getting to the main relationship. Sloan was just obsessed with killing Kate, but we're given no reason as to why, so the whole thing becomes unnecessary and very creepy. Alice is Kate's Malachi, and also named after her mother, who was an important figure in Kate's early life. Alice is also obsessed with killing Kate, however, since the 2 have never encountered each other it's a little unclear as to why Alice would such an intense desire to kill her. Alice is also obsessed with killing August, which is made clear by the several traps she lays for him throughout the book, and I assume that is for bragging rights. Now to Kate and August. I think Kate feels more attached to August than him to her, because she spends more time thinking about him. When the 2 finally do meet up again, August is very cold and berates her, in the same paragraph, for being stupid and coming back to Verity and then not caring enough to stay in Verity and help fix it. Dude, your just mad she's calling you out on your bullshit behavior. It's this dynamic that makes the kiss scene a little jarring. They are clearly the only person that can break through the other's walls, but did we need to suddenly have them kiss. I personally think they worked better as a platonic couple than a romantic one. Before the final battle, August and Kate briefly hug with the expectation that one of them is going to die. When Kate does die August holds her briefly, than the audience is rushed into the epilogue. This was probably supposed to feel very angsty, but it was way too rushed and I didn't like the characters enough to feel anything for how this relationship ended.  
Writing: It will be hard to distinguish what I want to review in the writing section instead of the dislike section, but I will try. First the pacing. This book was an easy read and that made it go by quickly, but until the last 80 pages of the book, the plot just drags. So the plot was either very slow or very fast. I also want to say that it was hard for me to keep tabs on this book, because of how flat everything was, and it all remained the same. This book is 510 pages, and I could fit all my notes onto 2 pages. In terms of diversity, I could be forgetting some of the side characters, but all the main characters were white and hetero. This didn't bug me until Schwab introduced Soro. Soro is constantly referred to as they, I think to show that Soro is supposed to be gender fluid. I admit I haven't read a gender fluid character before so I don't know if that is the correct pronoun to use or not. Suddenly introducing a gender fluid character to have some diversity felt very forced and unnatural. I do love books that have diverse characters, like Six of Crows or Beauty Queens, but the author needs to make this diversity feel normal and natural to some extent, and I don't think Scwab achieved that with this particular book. I know in the Shades of Magic trilogy, there is more diversity and maybe it's done better in that. There is some exploration of morality and remorse. Kate is remorseful of what she did at the end of This Savage Song, but this is only talked about a few times. That was the issue for all of these concepts, they are only briefly explored and nothing really comes of it.
Dislike: Everything I talked about above could be put in this section. The characters were either bland or annoying, there were many holes in the world building and the plot, there were good concepts that were poorly explored. When we first see the refugees from the north, the first thing August and his group do is insult them. Like they are scared because they want to live but their world has changed very quickly, don't be an ass to them. I also didn't like how crimes and their consequences were so black and white. It's good if a few characters have this world view, you stain your soul so now you have to die, but for everyone to consistently have this view makes the world much simpler than it actually is. There was in fighting at the Compound, which is a realistic problem when trying to rebuild society, but this is only brought up twice, and Henry somehow solves it both times. The readers see August still juggling his humanity, which is even more difficult now that he posses Leo, but we only get a few scenes where he really questions what he is doing. One is during a fight with the Fangs, where he is deciding between revenge versus forgiveness. Nothing comes of it. The other scene is where a man has a stained soul but he is remorseful for what he did, and August just decides to reap him anyway. There are 2 things I want to acknowledge in this scene. One is that just because a person does a bad thing, does not make them a bad person. What if you killed someone in self defense? August or Soro would still reap you. This could be expanded to you don't have to be human to have humanity, but it takes Soro and August a long time to figure this out. The other thing this scene made me wonder is, is it just murder that stains a soul. Every time August reaps, it's from a murderer, but there are other horrible crimes that won't result in murder, or in you directly killing someone. This book had good idea's, but boiled them down to the bare bones which made the book too simple. This book was also fairly predictable. Random characters dying, saw that coming. Kate dying, saw that coming, Sloan suddenly being able to harness the Chaos Eater, saw that coming, even though it didn't make any sense. The only 2 things I didn't see coming made the story all the more disappointing. It's an easy read, and that is probably the best thing I can say about this book.
Final Thoughts: This duology did have great potential to be thought provoking and a new spin on the dystopian or post apocalyptic genre, but it missed the mark far more often than it hit it. Everything about this book is too simple and flat, it might be a good series for when you hit a reading slump but it's not something you can sink your teeth in. I might give Vicious a chance, but it has moved further down on my TBR because of my experience with this series. If you enjoyed it then that's awesome, I personally didn't.  
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momma-g-2020 · 6 years
Books Read In 2017
I had a goal of reading and finishing 20 books this year, and I was able to successfully surpass that by a whopping 8! Okay, so I know 28 books in one year isn’t a big deal, but it really made me happy to know that I could achieve my goal. Here’s a review of the books I read this year:
Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas - 5/5 stars
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - 4/5 stars
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5 stars
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins - 4/5 stars
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling - 5/5 stars
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur - 5/5 stars
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones - 4/5 stars
Castle in the Air by Diana Wynne Jones - 3/5 stars
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Scwab - 5/5 stars
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling - 5/5 Stars
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard - 5/5 stars
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Scwab - 5/5 stars
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling - 5/5 stars
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard - 4/5 stars
King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard - 4/5 stars
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling - 5/5 stars
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas - 5/5 stars
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling - 5/5 stars
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones - 4/5 stars
Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas - 5/5 stars
Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo - 5/5 stars
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn - 3/5 stars
The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell - 5/5 stars
Truthwitch by Susan Dennard - 5/5 stars
Divergent by Veronica Roth - 5/5 stars
Windwitch by Susan Dennard - 5/5 stars
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab - 5/5 stars
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling - 5/5 stars
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bookishnerdhero · 7 years
Soro: You and the sinner are a couple!
August: We are not a couple. We're just friends.
Kate: *Walks out of August's room, wearing August's clothes* Babe, are you in the kitchen? Can you make me some coffee too?
August: Anything you like, Kate, just give me a second.
Soro: ?
August: As a friend.
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