#very tacky of them ngl
m4gp13 · 1 year
Okay in tlo it said the banners for the Titan army were black and purple (even tho it definitely should have been black and gold 🙄) which implies that the colours of the army itself were black and purple which is fine until you read hoo and find out the Romans fought the Titan army and their whole thing is the colour purple.
The titans had to have known they would be fighting Romans and they had to have known the Romans were really into purple so like
they knew about this beforehand. And they incorporated purple into their colour scheme anyway. I can't believe the titans. They broke their silence for the first time in thousands of years and immediately stole the Romans' brand.
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zikkytheblicky · 4 months
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ofcc!! srry this is late.
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☆ for my ml, angel anon.
⊹content warnings⊹
(don't scroll past this, it's important since i changed up gojo n’ geto + readers attitude 😃)
- both gojo and geto blasian so dont be surprised if you hear suguru’s racist comments and satoru and suguru js speaking ghetto ☠️..
-feminine male reader- anon didnt specify but id they want me to change this i will make a separate post for them 🫶🏾!!
-black reader cuz angel anon is black.
-not smut nor fluff.. i forgot if this type of stuff is called lemon or lime! sorry 😭💓.
-reader gets kinda aggressive im ngl to you like he did not take gojos little antic lightly
-kinda made reader gojo n suguru ghetto. idk i didnt think ts with much thought
-gojo tries to get his lick back, forgetting you were a real 🥷🏾 despite being feminine. he needs to stop playing with m!reader fr
-you’re very spoiled because i’m a SUCKERERR for spoiled reader x jjk character.
-this is not proofread i’m so sorry 😭!! + i did this like at 11-4 or sum
-sadly anon didn’t specify if they wanted top surgery reader or not so to be safe i’m just gonna say he does!!
-use of you/your pronouns except for when gojo is yapping/complaining to you’re brattiness to getou.
-no sourcerer au.
-rich gojo (SHOCKING 😨)
a/n: i hate this piece it sounds so tacky 😭..
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to say you weren’t usually bratty is an understatement— it rarely happens unless you’re joking or you’re being bratty towards someone else not gojo.
it all happened first, when gojo took you to get your nails done and you didn’t give him your signature move for when he gives you something you want— pulling on his collar/tie and kissing on his cheek along with a sweet, “thank you satoru ! i love you! see you later!” or something along those lines— you instead give him a mere glance and a dry, bored “bye, gojo.” before walking over to your bestfriend(s) who were also getting their nails done. and by the way you were giggling into your palm when you thought satoru left shows you were trying to get him riled up.
satoru thought it was cute ,
at first. then it started getting him annoyed and a bit triggered.
and what does he do when he doesn’t agree with something you do?
obviously don’t tell you about it and instead goes to bother his best friend- suguru- about it instead.
“he’s been acting so bratty suguru. i remember when i got him his favorite color of glittery roses and all he did was say a dry response like, “oh thanks, gojo.” HE DIDN’T EVEN SAY SATORU OR A PET NAME RAGGHH” satoru screamed out into his phone microphone, his eyes puffy from all the fake crying he did earlier.
“don’t you have work to do? also he’s just going through a phase satoru, you’ll live.” suguru said dryly, the sound of the clicking of a keyboard and the sounds of a pen being smoothly dragged across a paper filling satoru’s apple headphones.
“you wouldn’t understand suguru..” satoru whined, blinking his bright blue eyes at the camera. His pouting lips sucking up the last bit of juice from his drink.
“all you have to do is punish him y’know?” suguru muttered, he shuts his book staring at satoru with a disgusted face. “Ew . stop pouting your lips while making fuckin sucking motions you look like a monk.” suguru sniffed, grabbing his bonnet and putting his hair up.
“i dont wanna hurt himmmm-“ satoru whined, ignoring suguru’s racist comment.
“not like that, durdur.”
satoru could practically hear the roll of geto’s eyes as he saw the younger dark skinned man pick up his phone and turn off his camera- most likely about to get ready for bed- it was 11 am after all.
“in a sexual way, nigga.” suguru mumbled out, the sounds of crinkling sheets flowing in and out of satoru’s ears nicely.
“oh my god… suguru you mastermind.” gojo smirked, grabbing his macbook and opening it swiftly.
“jesus christ what are you gonna do, satoru?” suguru asked with a sigh, rubbing his temple soothingly- he sounded so tired of gojo’s antics.
“ight so the plan is..”
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it is late. you just got home from an interview of what life is like being satoru gojo’s husband— you hate those types of reporters. instead of worrying about what the content of your creator was, they worried about your status. oh, how annoying they are.
you kick off your jordans, rubbing your eyes gently- thankfully you didn’t put on any eyeliner.
you head into the first kitchen on the first floor, went into the pantry and took out a fruit snack before you head upstairs- when you were pulling up into your driveway all of gojo’s cars were in his drive so you know he is home.
i’m surprised he isn’t cuddling up on me already.. You thought with a snort, twisting your curls in boredom.
your curls bounce as you skip your way up the carpeted stairs, entering you and gojo’s shared room.
there, you say your husband in a thin, silky robe, nike pro boxers on, his 24 carat gold stud earrings glistening in the low light the seeped into the room, a thin 24 carat gold necklace, and slides on. he was at his desk, typing away on his phone, he didn’t even notice you until you cleared your throat, crossing your arms over your chest.
the albino haired man lazily turned over to you, a bored look on his face though you could see a faint smirk on your husband’s face.
what is this nigga smirking for ? you thought with a scoff, your slippers making loud noises as you walk over to him.
“oh. hi, ‘mn’.” satoru’s tone was bored and disinterested, he went back onto his phone and started typing quickly. and he had such an excited expression, a ghost of a smile on his lips like he was trying to hide the fact that he was more interested in whoever he was texting instead of you.
and that pissed you off. like who the fuck is this nigga talkin too that catches his attention more than you? his boyfriend ?
that damn phone i'm about to throw that shit.
no answer.
no answer again. who the fuck was this negro on the phone with?
“SATORU-“ you yelled, pulling his ear out from his bonnet- being careful not to pull his earring out. sure, you were annoyed at him but you aren’t going to hurt him.
“what the fuck- what? damn.” gojo groaned, putting his phone screen to his chest with an annoyed glare.
who the fuck does he think hes talking too?
“nigga who do you think you’re talking to? i’m not the one stop trippin’.” you crossed your arms, releasing satoru’s ear.
“what did i even do?” satoru responded too calmly- the fucker had a visible smirk on his face too.
silence .
silence is what you “responded” with before smashing your lips with satoru’s, grabbing his white dreads and rubbing his scalp gently- completely opposite from your prior action.
satoru’s tongue licked almost every corner of your mouth, tasting the bitter vodka taste left in your mouth.
you both pulled away with a string of spit following each other's mouths.
“don’t dish out the heat if you cannot take the heat back, darling~!” satoru purred out, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you into his lap.
you tsked in response, resting your head on his neck.
and maybe later that night satoru punishes you by forcing you to cockwarm him for an hour straight.
(you failed after 10 minutes.)
ts is short asl ik but like 🙁
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
Hey, hope you're doing fine!
How do you think the kings would react to a MC who has a womb tattoo (yk, the ones succubi are usually depicted with) ?
Hi hi anon, thank you for your patience ^^ I have been trying to like not die my body acting up because it's cold out. But it's all good. I love thinking about MC with a womb tattoo because I already know which devil would go c r a z y y over it. Satan: He saw it because he's the one that's always grabbing and pulling up their shirt because he loves his arms around their waist. When he spots it, he likes to ask MC did it hurt and if it means anything. MC doesn't know how to answer but it's fine, Satan is out here poking it every chance he gets and thinks it's sexy. Mammon: He saw it, wanted it, and got one. MC is surprised to see that it's nearly identical to theirs but he says it's because he wanted to be exactly like his Master's to feel closer to them and ngl it looks pretty hot against his golden skin.
Beelzebub: The moment he saw it, he immediately pulled MC aside to look at it closely. He gave critiques on the craftsmanship, and says that he wanted to add more to it so it would have his personal flair. MC trusts him and he does some minor additions which actually make it look amazing. After it's healed tho, Beel snickers when it glows, letting MC know that it will do that every time they're horny and it calls him to them. Lovely.
Leviathan: "It's tacky get rid of it." Is his first words upon seeing it. But it's not because he hates it, it's because someone was that close to MC's waist putting their hands on them in the first place while making the tattoo. But after some time, he's fine with it, though still under his breath saying he'll find out who the artist is...so he can have a little 'chat'. Lucifer: He's very neutral about it, but it doesn't mean he doesn't like it. He has a more oft approach, absent-mindedly tracing it while they're in bed together cuddling, or kissing it softly when MC is asleep.
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theflagscene · 4 months
Wait! How!? When!? Where!? How is White suddenly there!? How did Tee meet White!? You can’t just play upbeat music and have the boys running around to show the passage of time and not explain how the fucking villain of the story got the most adorably innocent lil princess boyfriend on the planet!
Phee, bringing Jin on a date to the same place you and Non liked to go is just weird. I hate people who use the same ‘date’ spots for their new partners that they used with their past partners and no, this isn’t me projecting, why do you ask!? Lmao 😂 shut up it’s still tacky af
‘Friend’ the dreaded word.
What is with the ass slapping and window sex!? I mean, I get that they’re supposed to 18 year old boys, who are by definition perverted, but that was some porn level shit. Also, again, no prep. Phee wasn’t even the one blown so it’s not like they were even using spit for lube, or an already lubed condom. What is this, another ABO show? Just having the dudes slick and sliding all over one another apparently.
Ta’s got a decent ass at least, good for him.
“Did you cheat on my brother?” Nah, pretty sure they broke up when Phee saw him being raw dogged by the teacher and then told him to go die, but whatever helps you sleep at night Tan.
“Don’t fall in love with him.” Yeah, I think it’s too late for that.
Oh, mom is not looking so great. Hmm, something tells me that video isn’t real. Mom knows what’s up, it’s finally hit her, her baby’s dead. The actress did a fantastic job of a mother realizing the truth of the death of her child, it’s a startling realization that does take your legs out from under you. Your mind blanks, you can’t think about anything but the last time you saw them, the last terrible thing you said, all you can do is try not to scream. - That got a little too dark and real, sorry.
news.boc.com Cute BoC, very cute.
How long were Phee and Jin supposed to have been fucking by now? Weeks? Months? Because Jin has gotten very emotionally invested very quickly, which is appropriate for teenagers I suppose.
Two years, so they’d be in their what, second year of uni? Tan has gone full mad scientist I see.
Wait, he called to tell Tan that his mom was dead and it was her funeral that day and he just showed tf up! When his dad thought he was still in England!? Lmao, that’s fricking hilarious. I know, I know, wrong reaction to this scene but I’m weird, what can I say.
Oops, bye bye daddy. No wonder Tan is so fucking nuts! That would drive anyone insane. He literally needs Non to be alive otherwise he’s lost everything for nothing.
Is Tan his own guinea pig for his drugs!? Jesus dude, get some help.
Question, were Phee and Jin fucking during their time at university too? Or are you telling me all this ‘I love him’ crap was from one night of decent dick and a few ‘best friend dates’? Like the math ain’t mathing, establish a better timeline here for me when it comes to their relationship because in the first episode it made it seem like they were screwing around for a really long time, months at the very least. But now it seems like they fucked around a couple times in one 12 hour period, Jin decided that was enough to wanna date, caught Phee in a mood because of the fake news report and then they just… what? Kept fucking? Stopped? Jin carried a torch for him for over two years after one night together? Acted like a scorned lover for years because of a single teenaged tryst? Not to be that guy, but girl, you’re coming off a little desperate. I need a more accurate timeline!!!
“This won’t kill them.” Tan, could you try and be a tad more convincing when saying that?
That was a fantastic look from Tan to end on, ngl. Although someone needs to save baby White!
Next episode, we’re back in the present for the most part it seems. Jin somehow still trusts Phee, Fluke somehow gets the gun back and oh look, he holds White hostage, poor bb did nothing, leave him alone! And Tee clearly does know what happened to both Non and Keng as he runs up onto the roof where his uncle is to see the pair… unconscious? Dead? One of each?
I want some backstory about how White fits into all of this next time as well, that would be great. Although considering how little the timeline of events during grade 12 are fully explained, I doubt knowing more about White would make very much sense at this point.
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songmingisthighs · 2 months
I feel very delulu for saying this but i have a weird bittersweet feeling about ateez performing at coachella, i’m so excited for the performances but like i mean they are already well known but think about how bigger they’re gonna get after the two weeks after coachella and then they’re gonna tour and it’s just gonna get so much harder to get tickets and the media is gonna follow them a lot more and ugh i feel so delulu for saying all of this :(
nahh that's not delulu bc that's so real of you and ngl, i actually want ateez to like stop going to the us so much bc i'm trying to gatekeep these boys like oh my god stop oggling and go the fuck back to your lanes you bandwagoning potential blind basic bitches and also i am not okay with us media using kpop as money printing machines like you don't care about them, you care about the money they bring like hello82 with that fuck ass "desert survival kit" or smth like be more tacky with your products istfg i kinda hardkey roll my eyes to the point that i shifted my brain slightly whenever i see someone going like "i've never heard of them before but they seem interesting" like haha no you don't go back to listening to songs about pussies or having bitches or being gangster or whatever, let my boys and their meaningful bulnoriya ayaya be
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noodleblade · 11 months
what do you think would happen if instead of knock out having to repair a beat down and broken breakdown, it’s the other way round? knock out gets seriously injured and breakdown has to be the one to repair him this time.
(also i love your writing, you do such a good job of getting the characters to feel like themselves!! it’s so cool ^^)
ngl, this ask got away from me. I probably could have answered it in a few paragraphs but I wrote out a little fic instead soooooo hope you enjoy that:3 I had too many ideas so tone-wise...it might be a bit of a mess x__x (BUT THANK YOU!!!! YOU ARE SO KIND!)
ao3 link x
Breakdown’s frame moved on pure instinct. He held Knock Out close to his chassis, careful not to jostle the medic too much as he rushed down the halls of the Nemesis. The curious vehicons stepped out of his way as he barreled through, making a beeline to medbay. 
He couldn’t even remember how he’d gotten back onto the Nemesis. The answer was at some point he had demanded a groundbridge and had raced in, bolting out of the command bridge until he reached the medbay. All of that had been done without thought, his processor entirely focused on the unconscious red speedster in his arms. As soon as he had laid his optics on Knock Out, crumpled in the barren red clay, he had jumped into action, scooping up his partner and running on autopilot. 
When the medbay doors opened, Breakdown laid his partner on the first medberth he laid optics on. He did so with the utmost care, making sure he didn’t further damage his already injured frame. Breakdown paid extra attention to Knock Out’s arm, cradled over the medic’s chest as it was only held together by three small wires. 
Breakdown didn’t let the grim sight affect him. He couldn’t . Energon was still gushing from the sliced cables and Knock Out’s red finish was losing its luster by the klik. He had to move quickly. Stabilize the medic at the very least. From there… well, he’d figure it out. That was a problem for future Breakdown. Right now, the only thing that mattered was making sure Knock Out didn’t lose any more precious energon. 
He at least knew what to do there. Breakdown may not be trained as a medic in the slightest, but he had always assisted Knock Out in the medbay. He may not know what each precise reading of a spark monitor meant, but he knew how to hook up the machine to a patient's spark chamber and processor port. He might not have studied cable repair and restoration, but he knew how to clamp up the leaking ones to prevent further energon loss. With these skills in hand, he moved quickly, all the while keeping an optic on Knock Out in the hopes his precious medic would wake.
He kept his panic at bay as he worked through the mental list of stabilizing Knock Out, his patient.  He tried not to let that thought trigger his panic attack and ducked his helm down as he carefully attached each monitor. One for spark rate, one for energon and fluid levels, one for processor activity and a few more he didn’t even know what they tracked. Knock Out would know when he woke up. Knock Out would be able to fix this. Right?
Breakdown looked down at Knock Out’s nearly severed shoulder. The bright red plating was stained in sticky, tacky energon and beyond that was a mess of slashed cables and striped wires. He did his best to make sure the remaining wires weren’t pulled taunt and to keep the loose limb secure and stable. Beyond that…Breakdown was at a complete and utter loss. 
He wasn’t a medic, neither by construction nor by trade. Yes , he assisted Knock Out, but it was always with Knock Out leading and Breakdown happily following. His skills had always been centered around breaking and destruction, not repair and mending. Knock Out was the medic. Breakdown just followed orders and did minor cleaning . His paperwork as Knock Out’s “assistant” had just been a simple ruse to keep them together! He wasn’t equipped - physically, mentally, emotionally- to deal with this!
Unfortunately, as it stood, Breakdown may be the closest mech the Nemesis had to a medic with Knock Out out of commission. It had been the whole reason he and Knock Out had been called to the Nemesis in the first place. And instead of realizing the inherent value of having only one capable medic, Decepticon High Command sent him out for scouting missions to fight the Autobots and putting his life on the line and now-
Breakdown swallowed the panic, its sticky static trying to cling to his intake as he took a heavy vent in and then out. There were no other options. Breakdown would just have to do his best. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t picked up on some things while working under Knock Out. At the very least, Breakdown knew the basics. It may not be enough to fully reattach Knock Out’s hanging arm, but he could hopefully stabilize and stop the bleeding enough for when Knock Out woke, making patching him up all the easier. He had to believe in that, focus his mind on that task and not the ever mounting pressure and panic threatening his servos to start rattling. 
Hasilty, he tried to recall Knock Out’s instructions. Knock Out loved to talk his way through operations and Breakdown had always recorded his speeches, if not for the information, than just because he loved hearing the medic ramble no matter the usbject. It turns out, it might be the thing saving Knock Out’s life. 
“First Step, dear Breakdown: Stabilize. It’s not really advisable to have your patient dying on the medberth, but the clean up is really the worst part.”
Hearing Knock Out, even over the faded, tinny recording soothed the tremoring of Breakdown’s servos. He took a deep exvent in, as he listened to a Knock Out from long, long ago casually list off necessary stabilization and patient admittance procedure.
“You want to make sure there are no active leaks. Usually a cable clamp is a satisfactory temporary measure. If its cracks within the tanks, a stop leak additive can be introduced to the fuel tank to coagulate the energon to prevent further leaks until the tank has been restored. It's important to make sure there is still energon flowing through the patient, otherwise the frame’s nanites cannot begin the self-regeneration process.”
Breakdown had already clamped off the energon leak and Knock Out didn’t appear to have any other active leaks. 
He quickly sped through the next few steps of Knock Out’s stabilization steps. They covered more severe measures for burns, crushed fuel lines, malware corrosion. Breakdown hoped he didn’t need to worry about those, but from what he could glean, the majority of the damage was from the nearly severed arm. 
“Great,” Knock Out’s recording praised. The tone was warm, familiar, reserved for Breakdown alone. It shouldn’t make his spark spin so rapidly it made his chest burn but it did. Everything Knock Out did had that effect on him. “ Now, we are going to want to do a system assessment and diagnostic.”
As soon as the words whistled through his audials, Breakdown felt his spark sink into the depths of his chassis. 
While Breakdown knew the basics of patient intake and quick patches, the realm of actual, professional grade care was above his knowledge base. Knock Out could take one glance at an offset wing and know the issue was a simple alignment or see a shattered knee joint and know the exact reconstruction configuration for that specific frame type. Breakdown surely couldn’t look as a nearly dismembered arm and know how to pop it back into place. 
Breakdown stared at Knock Out and the mess of his shoulder in utter dismay. He didn’t know what to do. Sure, he helped Knock Out occasionally in the medbay but that was in the vein of passing equipment or fetching medicine. It certainly wasn’t anything more than that. He wasn’t a forged medic, he wasn’t even a trained nurse. They just put that on paper so they would make sure they got to stay on the same ship together.
He needed a real medic. Someone that knew what they were talking about. 
An idea…struck Breakdown, less like a bolt of lightning and more like a creeping, dawning dread. He quickly pulled up his comm link and enabled the frequency scrambler. 
Ratchet stared at the anonymous comm link with a chill of dread rolling down his spinal strut. 
The frequency was concealed and somehow managed to get through the several encrypted firewalls the Autobots had set up to protect their network from Decepticon interference. Evidently, more protective measures would need to be implemented. Without opening it, all Ratchet could see was the scrambled frequency and the single word subject: help .
Hesitantly, Ratchet opened the message. It was short, curt. 
::Need your medical advice. Call me. Emergency.::
He frowned deeply. It wasn’t from any of his fellow Autobots and it wasn’t from Starscream. Even Wheeljack, despite his transient and “neutral” status, was in their contact database. There weren’t that many Cybertronians in range that it could be, leaving only a handful of Decepticons possibly on the end of the link. 
Before Ratchet could debate about calling, his anonymous messenger seemed to lose patience and called him . The ringing echoed in the quiet Autobot base, everyone out scouting and the kids thankfully at their homes, leaving Ratchet alone. Curiosity won out at the end as he accepted the call. 
The comm link connected but there was no immediate answer. A faint, quiet buzzing met him, telling him the call connected but the caller was choosing not to speak. 
Gruffly, Ratchet spoke. “Hello?”
“Uh,” came a hesitant, deep register “hey, Doc.”
Ratchet blinked. The voice was not un familiar, but Ratchet wasn’t completely sure he could place it. The image of an angry bulky blue bot came to mind but... 
“This is-“
“Breakdown. Yeah, I don’t really have time to chat. Just need your help for a second. I’ll owe you or whatever.”
Ratchet narrowed his optics. A myriad of questions rolled through the medic’s helm: How did a Decepticon bruiser get his personal comm link? How long has his information been available to the Decepticons? What other holes in their Network were there that any low-ranking Decepticon could just access willy nilly? What business did Breakdown even have with Ratchet of all mechs?
“Help with what? ”
Rather than reply, an incoming video call request came in from the same comm frequency. 
Was this a threat? An attempt at blackmail or ransom? Oh no. Had the Decepticons taken one of his mech’s prisoners? Or what if it was one of the kids or-
Before his thought could even finish, Ratchet accepted the call only to be met by the (goreish) image of a nearly severed arm coated in thick, tacky energon. Several fuel lines had been slashed and nearly every wire snapped, snagged and frayed. 
“Oh Primus, what is this?” Ratchet cried out. 
“A gift from your wrecker, courtesy of his bombs,” Breakdown snarled, anger and the edge of panic in his voice. “Just tell me how I fix him.”
“You have a medic, don’t you?” Ratchet sneered, the image of the flashy speedster conjured in his processor. 
“Whose arm do you think this is?” Breakdown hissed.
Upon closer examination, Ratchet could see the telltale edges of sleek red plating, now chipped and scratched, a sickly gray sheen taking over the usual glimmering finish. Based on the relative silence over the comm link, Ratchet had to assume Knock Out was, well, knocked out . Otherwise, he could only imagine the absolute fit the other medic would throw in knowing his precious frame was in the hypothetical servos of Ratchet . 
“Why would I help you?” Ratchet asked. 
Doing so would only be giving aid to the enemy . With Knock Out out of commission, even for a little bit, that would allow the Autobots to make some moves, finally make actual concrete steps into ending this war and defeating Megatron. Why would he help? Why would he go against his own cause and the great good for Cybertronians-
“Didn’t you take some oaths?” Breakdown asked, his tone veering from distressed to disgust.
Well. He did have a point. The inner fires that had been burning in Ratchet’s chest extinguished with one fell-swoop as he let out a heavy exvent.
Breakdown continued, seemingly taking Ratchet’s defeated sigh as acceptance. “I’m not asking you to actually do it. I’m not bridging you here and he’s not going to be at the mercy of the Autobot. I’ll take care of it-”
“You aren’t a medic!”
“Our only medic won’t have an arm unless I do something,” Breakdown snapped back. A shuddering exvent whistled over the frequency before the normally brutish mech whispered a quiet, desperate, “Please?”
It shouldn’t make Ratchet’s resolve waiver. Yet, Ratchet found himself soften at the quiet plea. He knew all too well the pain of watching a loved one suffer and as much as he may hate Knock Out, he didn’t relish the idea of being one of the factors in his ill fated injury. He knew the bitter taste of not being able to fix, mend, help .
“It’s going to require surgery,” Ratchet said with a grimace. It looked like Wheeljack’s bombs not only nearly severed the limb but removed the surrounding plating’s protective coating. “It’s not something I can just walk you through. A repair like this is complicated, meddling in it without expertise could cause even more damage.” 
“Can’t we just do a quick patch? To make sure it doesn’t get worse? Something?”
It was odd hearing Breakdown so… panicked . Ratchet, while never quite having the fortune to face off against the Decepticon, he certainly heard many tales from Bulkhead about him, none never quite painted him in such a soft, caring light. Then again, the risk of loss made everyone reveal their true selves. 
“I suppose we can do some light repair work and splint up the rest. Is he suffering from any other injuries?” If it is just his arm, Knock Out should be able to handle the repair, or at least instruct his partner in patching it up. If he really was a medic worth his expensive, ostentatious finish. 
“Not that I could tell. Just scuffed up and some dents. I can buff those out later.”
“How thoughtful,” Ratchet grumbled. “Right, let’s get this over with quickly.” No point in becoming overly familiarized with Breakdown. Ratchet did not intend for this to be a repeat venture. Judging by Breakdown’s general disposition, he didn’t seem to be either. “Okay, first zoom me in on the wire connections and let me see what we are working with. You clamp those cables yourself?”
There was a distant grunt as Breakdown slowly turned the video feed to show every angle of the injured arm. “I’m his assistant. Nurse. Whatever. I help K.O. in the medbay often enough to how to clamp some slaggin’ cables. My helm’s hard but it’s not full of lead.”
Ratchet didn’t want to say he was impressed but…well, it wasn’t like any of his mechs knew how to clamp cables or even what cable clamps were. 
“They look good,” Ratchet muttered the slight praise. He quickly coughed, clearing his intake as Ratchet shifted to a more authoritative, professional tone. “Alright, does Knock Out have anything for splints? Tension cables, mesh tape, any medgrade solvent. You are going to want to keep it clean to avoid rust infections. Oh, and nanite gel will be useful as well for doing some minor restorative work to the light damaged cables…”
Breakdown wasn’t sure how long had passed before Knock Out’s optics flickered on. Warm, red glowed in the dimly light medbay as the medic slowly took in his situation. There was…a strange look on his partner’s face. Breakdown leaned closer as Knock Out slowly looked around. It seemed to take the speedster a moment before his optics landed on Breakdown. 
“Medbay?” he asked, his tone…unsure. Off. 
Worry immediately crashed over him. Breakdown quickly scanned the console monitors but by his limited knowledge, everything looked correct. Ratchet had even confirmed so when Breakdown had shown him all the readings. All Knock Out’s meters were stabilized, his energon levels were satisfactory and even his plating had started to lose the gray sheen, familiar bright red peeking through. 
Oh Primus, what if his processor took damage. Breakdown had been so focused on the mangled arm, he hadn’t even considered damage to his helm. Breakdown barely knew how to apply the temporary welds even with an experienced medic walking him through it. Processor damage though . That wasn’t even Knock Out’s specialty. Breakdown had learned everything he had from his partner and he had done a basic helm check. No dents, no scraps. The virus detector found nothing. 
“Yeah, K.O. You got hit. How’re you feelin’? In any pain?”
“Nope,” Knock Out let the sound pop from his lips. A little giggle followed which was very un-Knock Out.  “I feel great .”
Looked like the anesthesia was still cycling through his systems. Breakdown had hooked up the machine by muscle memory. The machine itself had little use, no injury brought into the medbay really needed more than a mild numb agent. The last time machine had been used was when Megatron had been comatose-
Scrap. In his haste to hook up Knock Out to the machine and to take care of the energon leaks, he hadn’t even thought to recalibrate the machine for Knock Out’s frame. Breakdown swallowed the rising panic of knowing Knock Out’s systems were currently cycling through a Megatron-sized dose of anesthesia. The dosage for a mech nearly double, if not triple Knock Out’s capacity.
He had half the mind to call Ratchet back. He was halfway through enabling the scrambler when Knock Out let out a happy, content sigh.
It…didn’t look like it was having any adverse effects. Sure, Knock Out seemed a little out of it, but if that’s all, maybe he could hold off on reaching back out to the Autobot medic. He didn’t want to test his luck. He didn’t know what would happen if Megatron found him in communication with the Autobots. For any reason. 
“Happy to hear it,” Breakdown said, thankful that as much as this whole situation was a slaggin’ mess, at least he wasn’t in pain. There was still that dazed look in Knock Out’s optics and a looseness in his limbs that Breakdown hoped was just a temporary symptom of the anesthesia. 
“You patched me up?” asked Knock Out with a soft, lofty laugh. The sound shouldn’t peak his anxiety but he’d never , in all the vorns they had known each other, ever heard Knock Out giggle . “Where d’you learn all that?” He was beaming, all too proud for a mech that nearly lost his entire arm. 
Breakdown felt nauseated by the vast contradiction of utter adoration or deep, spark-aching worry. However, despite both of these, he could not burst Knock Out’s bubble that in truth he had called the ornery Autobot medic for help. 
“Only from the best,” he murmured. 
Lazily Knock Out’s optics dragged down his frame, lingering with a small pout at every scratch and dent he spied along the way. It ended at his shoulder joint, which even Breakdown had to admit, didn’t look all that much better with the temporary splints than it had looked just hanging from those scant few wires.
“‘S not bad,” Knock Out murmured, his voice slightly slurred and sleepy. “Aiming for my gig?”
“Not sure my shoddy work is gonna pass any examinations,” Breakdown responded softly, holding Knock Out’s uninjured servo in-between his own. “It’s a mess. You’re going to have to help me clean up whatever I fragged up.”
“Mmmm,” Knock Out hummed, optics unfocused and slightly dim. “Not sure I have the capacity to give instruction now.”
“Just rest,” Breakdown lifted the clawed servo to his lips, speaking directly into the metal. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing, silly?” Knock Out slurred, digits wiggling playfully but oh so weakly between his palms. “You fixed me up.”
“Knock Out-”
“Shhhhh,” the drowsy medic hushed, clawed digit clumsily landed across Breakdown’s lips. “The doctor is speaking.” A sloppy, drug induced smile crawled across his lips plates. “One medical professional to another. Besides-” Knock Out dropped his voice to a soft whisper “-you took care of me. That’s all I could ever ask of you.”
Breakdown swallowed the knot of emotion rising up his intake. He pressed another kiss to Knock Out’s finger before gently placing his servo back onto the medberth. 
“Leaving?” Knock Out asked quietly as Breakdown stood. It made the large mech pause. It wasn’t often he heard his partner so weak, so vulnerable. 
“Just going to clean up.”
“That can wait. Come back here.” There was a slight pout on the speedster’s face. “You know an important aspect of patient care is…” The words failed him suddenly, his pout turning into a confused frown. 
“Bedside manner?”
“Yes. Yes, yes. Exactly.”
Breakdown slowly eased himself back into the seat, his spark warming as the smile blossomed on Knock Out’s face once more. His arm flopped out of the berth to reach Breakdown but it seemed his fine motor skills were too lax to do much than hang limply in the space between them. 
“Okay, K.O.” Breakdown murmured, picking up the loopy medic’s servo once more. “I ain’t going anywhere.”
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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Tacky, @tackytigerfic, hello new friend! What a lovely human they are! (They are a Libra after all. And a Leo rising?? Everything makes sense.)
We first met on Reddit, bonding over a love of character flaws. 🥰 Quickest way to my heart. Outside of yummy snacks, that is. This person also has a big big love for Drarry...They love their OTP as much as I love my Snarry, which I have big respect and admiration for. It brings my heart so much joy to see such passion and devotion for one's ships! They're such a soft, warm, lovely presence in the community and I'm so glad to know them! And to have read some of their works, which are so full of color and joy and care, that I simply must share!
Aim For My Heart
Draco/Harry/Ron. Rated: E. 3,471. Polyamory negotiations. Developing relationship. Jealousy. Possessive Harry. Falling in love. Self-discovery.
I wanna note how gorgeous this was. Soft and feel-good, while also acknowledging some darker realities. Such as feelings of jealousy and possessiveness even in polyamorous folk. Polyamory isn't the absence of those feelings, but the desire and willingness to work with and/or through them. And that little bit was so meaningful to me to see, that nod to something so often considered ugly or a failing, and recognizing it as a simple truth and human nature that it is. And that it doesn't have to be a bad thing, nor does it have to spell doom.
Harry's in love, Ron's in control, and Draco just wants a nice lunch. They say three's a crowd, but Harry doesn't always agree. Not when he gets to be in the middle, anyway. - In which Harry's in love with Ron, and Harry's in love with Draco, but they're not in love with each other. Not yet, anyway.
Between the Power Lines
Draco/Harry. Rated: M. Words: 3,261. Road trips. Vacations. Friends to lovers. Falling in love. Very sweet.
For Harry Potter, all roads eventually lead to Draco Malfoy.
Or: this is not an AU! It's just Harry and Draco meeting by chance in an imported food shop in Connecticut and going on a road trip together. Featuring motels, cacti, Americana, and a hefty dose of pining.
Harry/Scorpius. Draco/Harry. Rated: E. Words: 2,814. Revenge sex. Hate sex. Moral ambiguity. Open/ambiguous ending. Angst.
The first of their fics I read! I came for the Scarry, ngl. (Hot pool boy Scarry vs my husband Snarry...🙈) and the "morally dubious everyone" tag really sold me. What a delightfully screwy mess this is!
Scorpius shoulders his way through the crowd, making for the bar just behind Harry. He's waiting for something—anything—but it's still a delicious shock to feel Harry's fingers against the skin of his wrist, dipping maddeningly slow under the cuff of his robe. Scorpius half-turns, raises that pale eyebrow exactly as the mirror had shown him, and lets the sneer drip from his mouth like a curse. 
Call Me Friend, But Keep Me Closer
Harry/Neville. Draco/Harry. Rated: M. Words: 4,164. Cheating. Angst. Jealousy. Moral ambiguity.
Messy and screwy and I LOVE IT.
"Neville Longbottom had always loved plants, but he loved Harry Potter more."
Neville's got a good thing going with Harry... or so he thinks.
Dreaming Skies
Co-written with @sweet-s0rr0w. Draco/Ron. Rated: E. Words: 20,572. Past: Charlie/Draco. Bedsharing. Roommates. Humor. Getting together. Boss/employee. Dragontamer Ron. Warder Draco. Magical theory.
I love me a good Dron!! ���� And I'm forever impressed by (and envious of) people who cowrite! Especially seeing two great creators coming together on one excellent project!
Draco's life is going nowhere, so when Charlie Weasley offers him a job out on his reserve, Draco doesn't think twice before booking a Portkey. After all, it's not as if he has many other options. But when he arrives in Romania, he realises that nothing is quite what he expected... 
(a story about dragons and baking, friendship and little kindnesses, putting down new roots and falling in love)
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inthe-neighbourhood · 2 years
Batfamily Fic Recs: Rare Dynamics Edition Pt2
go check out pt1 too if you like these <3
Misplaced By antrax
Words: 3,320 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: General Audience
Relationship: Duke Thomas & Damian Wayne
After almost a year and a half, Duke still doesn't quite fit in with his new family and he can't figure out why. Or he can, but the answer is a tad complicated, and Damian is very, very blunt.
I like this fic a lot, in fandom you tend to see a romantized version of family, which isn't bad I love that, but this fanfic shows a realistic family while still feeling cozy and comfortable, like you really are in the kitchen, dressed down in pajamas, talking with your brother. Duke's feelings of liking Damian, but finding him annoying and still reassuring him is so sweet, and at the end I almost started crying by how sweet Damian is. I feel like these two would get along really well and this fic shows what I think their relationship would be like.
2. Hot Pocket Disaster by dandelioness666
Words: 4,063 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Mature
Relationship: Duke Thomas & Jason Todd
Jason slumps onto the couch. He pulls a knife out of his thigh-sheath and starts cutting off his undershirt, hissing when the tacky blood soaking through it tugs at his torn skin.
Steph collapses sideways across the cushions next to him and groans, “Literally, I am so bored right now. Does this safehouse have any games?”
No need to read any other JTSG works to read this one! It just kind of thematically fits the vibe so I'm tossing it in with the rest. :)
I love fanfics between these two, there is so much potential for them to be close and so many possibilities for them. The way Jason trusts Duke feels so genuine and realistic considering their relationship, I also enjoyed the domestic nature of the beginning of the fic with the four of them in Dick's safehouse and the Doctor Who joke was pretty funny ngl.
3. Kryptonite By glitter_in_my_eyes
Words: 2,252 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationship: Cassandra Cain & Barbara Gordon, Cassandra Cain & Timothy Drake, Cassandra Cain & Dick Grayson
The one where Cass finds out she has a food allergy - the hard way...
It's a good example of what Cassandra's early dynamic would be with Dick and Tim, and it shows just how much Barbara cares for her which is always nice to see considering how close they are in the comics. Also the little reminiscence of her mindset from being with her dad in the way she thinks was a good addition.
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happy almost birthday! squeezing in some q&a questions before it's too late.
you don't have to answer these: (saw you were playing Sun Haven) what's your favorite video game? what video game do you have the most hours in?
Game Qs:
Any idea how much time (in-game) your series will span? The events will be ongoing for a few years' time?
Will the MC ever meet another Alpha? Spoilers? Will the MC ever have the opportunity to look into why... Alphas disappear... once they enter the employment of the Advocacy?
Does Quinn have any cool scars? What are his hobbies?
Would Sylvia ever want to get matching BFF tattoos with the MC? Tasteful or tacky?
RO Qs:
How do ROs feel about an MC that likes to bite? Affectionate bites <3
ROs reaction if they and the MC got stuck somewhere overnight and it only made sense to sleep next to each other for warmth, but they woke up cuddling the MC?
ROs plan a romantic date night?
Someone is being annoying and persistent, hitting on the MC even though the Mc isn't interested. MC spots the RO and blurts out, "here comes my bf/gf/partner!" RO reactions?
The birthday has come! Let's get into these Qs, heheh!
My favorite game OF ALL TIME is definitely a tie between Pokemon Platinum and Fallout 4! Pokemon Platinum is the first game I ever had that I owned, and Fallout 4... god. I don't know, it's just so good??? Sun Haven is DEFINITELY in spot #2 though.
The game I have the most hours in... hmm. Probably Skyrim. I don't have them recorded because I played it mostly offline, but I know I have well over a thousand hours in it. How many exactly, the world may never know, though...
HMM. This is something I'm still debating! I know at least a year will. Maybe 2. I don't really know the time for each individual game in the series' time frame until I'm in the midst of planning and writing!
The MC WILL meet more Alphas! Actually, they have already, they just... don't know it yet. And yes. MC will indeed be looking into the rumored disappearances of Alphas... it's actually part of the main plotline in Book 4.
Quinn does have some pretty cool scars, with stories linked to each one! To go with the ask for his hobbies, he actually has small scars on his fingers from when he first learned to whittle as a child, and from some mishaps with putting bait on fishing hooks. He has a pretty gnarly scar on his ribs from his youth, when he was only a detective, before he even became his father's deputy. He was investigating the disappearance of a young man, down in a cave not far outside of Armington. He found that the man had been taken captive by a female Arachne... a spider-humanoid creature, and this particular variety has a nasty acid spitting capability. By the time he managed to get himself and the man out, it had eaten through his protective gear and hit the ribs.
As for hobbies though! Whittling, fishing, making sure MC isn't off doing something stupid again, and he likes reading horror or sci-fi books. He's a big fan of Stephen King and James Patterson.
Sylvia absolutely would get matching BFF tattoos with MC! She'd probably try to convince them to get something floral or related to birds in some way.
A BITEY MC... excellent. I'm ngl I would love to affectionately bite. Just a lil nibble.
Okay with it: Iri, Adontis
Has a thing for it: Blake, Fawn
Unsure of why or how it's affectionate, but allows it: Freja, Loche
AAAAAAA I LOVE THAT TROPE! I'm taking this as like crushing phase!
Blake... would be all for it. He'd actually probably snuggle closer and fall back to sleep. He is a very cuddly dude, and he sleeps easier when there's someone else in the room with him, especially someone he's romantically interested in. He might even give MC a very light kiss on the temple.
Loche... oh man. Their heart would be POUNDING and they would feel such an intense longing. They'd curl MC closer to them, gently running their scarred fingers ever so lightly over their face, memorizing every curve and dip. There would be a seed of hope down in their chest that this will eventually be something that happens every morning... if Loche can just tell MC the truth.
Freja would freeze. She wouldn't move an inch, she wouldn't even breathe. It'd take a few long moments for her to gently pry the MC's arm from around her waist and extract herself from the warmth of the covers. She'd cover them back up and proceed to leave them to sleep, her mind still replaying the incident over and over and over again.
Iri is a cuddlebug, just like Blake. They'd MORE than welcome MC cuddled up to them or being cuddled up to MC, even that early into their relationship. Iri would have the BIGGEST grin, then simply go back to sleep.
Adontis would wake, taking a moment to breathe in MC's scent, then realize just how close he is to MC. In fact, they're curled up to his chest, his arm keeping them close. He would softly smile, run his fingers through their hair, before easing his way out of the bed, making sure to pile the pillows around them and tucking the covers to keep the warmth in. It would be a memory he holds close, even deeper into the romance.
Fawn... hmm. She's a hard one. She'd stiffen for a moment, her senses wiring themselves up, before she realized what exactly is going on. She'd slowly relax, especially once her body and mind caught up to each other and she realized how comfortable she is with this. With them. She'd bury her nose in MC's hair and keep them close, until she felt them starting to wake. She'd move away, back to her side of the bed, and pretend to be sleeping.
A romantic date night....
Blake is a simple man, which I'm sure you've all figured out by now. He'd probably make dinner and have it outside on a cool but not chilly evening, fresh flowers on the center of the table, and he'd be waiting outside for the moment MC got home. He'd be close all through dinner, and would want to curl up on the couch with MC after, holding them close to his chest. Now, I can't say that when they get to the bedroom it's still gonna be all romantic and whatnot, but he does have their favorite candles on the nightstands and the dresser, and he washed all the bed linens and put fresh ones on. Simple man.
I'm going to be honest, Loche doesn't know much about romance. They're trying to learn, to figure things out for MC, because they want to know how humans show affection and love, so they can give that. They would rely heavily on the team for help, and would eventually decide to do something similar to Blake: Loche would ask Freja to help them make a dinner that is fitting for 'romance' (and Freja would be happy to help, she finds it very sweet and also she's a big romantic herself), have the table set with rose petals leading to it from the door, and probably would take Iri and Adontis's advice to offer MC a massage with warm oil.
Freja, Ms. Big Romantic at Heart, who loves her romance novels to bits... would have to wage war against her crippling social anxiety and fears of [redacted] to do the very best she can. She would have Adontis screen and handle calls for the night, so she can plan her method of attack. I can without a doubt say a hot bubble bath with MC's favorite candles and scents would be part of the night, MC's favorite meal cooked to perfection, and the two of them curling up together on the couch to pick back up on the show they've gotten super behind on. Lots of affection, starting slow as Freja relaxes.
Iri, Iri, Iri... definitely would take MC out to their favorite restaurant, and get them whatever the wanted, no holds barred. And when they get home? There's a full-body, sensual massage waiting for MC with oil and Iri's very warm, big, capable hands.
Adontis... I'm sure it's not surprising that Adontis is a man with expensive tastes. He would buy out the most beautiful point of whatever city or town they're in, have whatever meal MC would like whipped up to perfection, and he'd break out some of his oldest wines. Gentle music playing, the soft sounds of the night creatures, and talking. His hand would migrate to MC's thigh for most of the dinner, and when he gets them home... well. He's worshiping them until well into the wee morning hours, for however long they can handle.
Fawn. God, Fawn's questions are really making me think! Hmm. I definitely know she'd steal one of Adontis's finer wines, a sweet red, and would get flowers that remind her of MC to give to them. She'd have them two gifts: a painting she did of them that's probably not one MC would want the general public seeing, but it's not exactly sexual... just shows MC, through and through, how Fawn sees them; and something more utility-wise, like a knife she made herself or something to keep MC from harm. She's not one for romance, but she'd try to make sure MC knew how she feels about them, and would probably ask them what they wanted to do.
HMMMM, what stage is this? Crushing? Middle of the road? I'll do middle of the road.
Blake would probably nearly choke on his beer, but mostly from surprise. He's not been called a boyfriend in goddamn ages, and here is someone he's really wanting to be with yelling that that's what he is. He'd look between MC and the person pestering them, put two and two together, and go into Big Angry Werewolf Sort-Of-Kind-Of-Boyfriend mode. Very scary if you're on the receiving end, I mean, Blake was a biker for pretty much all of his 'human' years, and he never got out of the ruffian habits.
Loche doesn't socialize much, and the boyfriend/girlfriend/partner stuff is still something they're learning. Like, they know the baseline meaning, but hearing MC call them it wouldn't immediately spark something. Instead, they'd read the exasperation on MC's face and the blatant interest on the pesterers... and. Well. Loche is a lot scarier than Blake, as Loche does not go by the normal societal rules, and was instead brought up in a world where if someone is bothering the person you're involved with... well, sometimes it ends in the death of one of them.
Freja would freeze. Statue-level freeze; not a single part of her body would move, except her eyes. Her mind would be running wild, her heart beating rapidly, but her eyes would be taking in the scene before her. And she'd realize what exactly is going on. When her mind can get over the being called "girlfriend" bit, she'll haul ass over in her very prim and elegant manner, and make this annoyance feel lesser than a fly.
Iri would grin IMMEDIATELY. And would not take the aggressive stance. Oh, no, Iri likes a more... fun approach to things. So they'd swagger over, wrap their arm around MC's waist, and kiss their cheek and ask what all the fuss is about. Meanwhile, staring at the annoying person with such a cold look that they feel nailed in place.
Adontis... is a gentleman in all things. Except when the romance between him and MC starts to grow. Then, well, disrespecting MC is like slapping him in the face. And Adontis does not deal well with being disrespected. He'd give MC a warm smile and crook a brow, before coming to tower over the annoying person... and let them get a glimpse of just what his vampiric form can really look like. Needless to say, they'd be scared shitless.
And last but not least in any way, Fawn would not handle this with any grace. No, Fawn is a lot like Loche in her thinking, and the moment she sees how uncomfortable MC is? Her vision is going red. And she's planning to give one threat to the annoying person... and if they don't take the hint? She'll give them an asswhoopin' that they'll be smarting from for months to come. If she doesn't just y'know. /eyes emoji/
Thank you SO much for the questions and birthday wishes!!! I hope you enjoy the answers!!!
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
ngl I kind of feel like Yasmin is exactly the person Kelly wishes she was. She’s an actual influencer, travels alone all the time and always seems to make friends with people really easily whilst she’s there, she seems to genuinely enjoy her life and have fun. Kelly always just seems like she’s trying too hard to me// But the two are living completely different phases of life and also very different financial conditions, Kelly has a daughter (even if she doesn't take care of it), boyfriend and has money which ends up doing that she doesn't strive for anything, being an influencer is like a hobby for her while for Yasmin it's a job, Yasmin works with cheaper brands, like zara, she showed in the stories these days that she wouldn't buy a channel bag because for her it's very expensive, you see Kelly must have about 200 channel bags, and even with money, resources and contacts she doesn't do a good job with them//Let's not exaggerate with Kelly's wealth.
I don't know why but I have the feeling that those 200 channel bags are fake. Like why she in Monaco and other places always she stays at her family,bro or Max's places and not at something bought on her own?! If all the 200 channel bags would be real,with the price of buying them you can afford clearly an appartement. Plus they look very cheap and tacky on her. Maybe it could be bc she combines them very dumbly. Like Cha that showed in the paddock the most horrendous fakes of famous brands.Plus if I'm not wrong I saw also at her some Zara things.
And then if she's so rich why she always promotes the cheapest,the most hyped up and the poorest quality things/brands?Like until now she had some things with LV but this is all.If she was so rich she could collaborate imo just with luxury brands like all the famous or rich classic people do.
Imo she's not so rich like she wants to seem. Yes,she could have a higher status than Yasmin,but that just bc she's the daughter of... and the girlfriend of...
The bags seem real to me, but iirc some wags have rented bags in the past so she could do that too, but honestly I don’t think she does. Imo “she” has enough money to afford these really expensive pieces but doesn’t have enough money to get a place of her own, or at least the place she wants to live in since she acts like she’s a celebrity lol. First she lived in Nelson’s apartment, then she lived with Daniil, and two or three months into the relationship she moved in with Max. Then we found out that Nelson sold/stopped renting that apartment and that’s why she left to Brazil as soon as Daniil dumped her.
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wh4thefnk · 1 year
Do you think Alba’s appearance is genuinely concerning in what it says about what Chris is attracted to? Leo consistently goes for women in their 20s but they’re models so while they still look young next to him they still look like “women” in the “acceptable” sense if that makes sense. Alba can’t help how she looks but she’s not model tall like Leo’s girls and while she does have some curves (debatable but I’m talking about her chest and yoga ass 😂) she’s not Salma Hayek or Sofia Vergara or even Shakira for it to make up for her lack of height. I’m not ngl, the shower video made me a little uncomfortable for a second there but that might have just been because of what it was lol. Plus it showed that while she’s not extremely curvy she does have what society celebrates as a banging body.
She’s obviously a grown woman though and in less than a month’s time she’s gonna be closer to 30 than 20. Imo, I do think she looks young but not enough to assign sinister motives to Chris (not defending him btw I hate his ass so much right now lmao) especially lately because those crow’s feet and smile lines courtesy of vaping are something serious. She’s not that youthful in the face and we’ve got to remember Chris sees her in person not just in photos lol.
If you actually look at closeups of her face from even a year or two ago she doesn’t actually look like a teenager. There’s one from her getting ready for MHGTP where she honestly looks like she could already be 30. I’m still 50/50 on how much she deliberately plays into the Lolita thing vs her not being able to help her appearance. What do you think? Should we be side eyeing Chris for being attracted to her physical appearance?
The short answer is no, I don’t think it’s concerning in a sinister way that he’s attracted to her and he should not be called words with meanings that do not apply to him. She does not have a prepubescent looking body, she can’t help how she looks like and she’s an adult; that’s the bottom line. I’d also like to add I don’t really have a problem with the age gap itself; all I thought about that was “Well that’s disappointing, a Hollywood cliche”
He’s still getting a side eye from me; it’s sort of a grey area cause I do feel there is some sort of line of appropriateness that has been crossed; it has nothing to do with legality or “sinister motives”; it’s just icky, for example let’s rewind back to 2020, let’s say she was indeed just one of her instagram a la tinder finds; what did his view look like exactly? Did he see the bird and milk bath photoshoots and any other photos where she looked intentionally very young and overall he still was like “Yep, I’m into her, let me follow”??? Isn’t it tacky that he’s at an age where he can play a teenager’s father (Defending Jacob) while his girlfriend is still playing teens and advertises herself as a teenager through her agency?. To top it off the visuals are striking when seeing them side by side; he looks like her uncle.
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hobiebrownismygod · 5 months
I'm back with the sonas!!
The first sonas name is Santi and his spider name is Sea-Skipper because hes a surfer boy who was bitten by a colossendeis australis sea spider. He is in his early 20s, like 20-21 early and his color pallet is literally just the aroace flag with the acception of brown for freckles and a tan for skin. He's got enhanced agility, balance, speed and reflexs but little to no adhesive grip (it only lasts a few minutes and needs concentration..) He hasn't been accepted into the spider society and never will be because miguel says he's too immature and reckless as spiderman, being less of a hero and more of a teenager swinging around in latex. which is kinda true,,,
Then theres Kian, they use any and all pronouns but loves being called Spider-Man. I've drawn her and Santi before but I don't have the art on me rn because I haven't been home for a week. His suit is everything to do with love, even if they were bitten by a regular spider. Her special abilities consist of durability, speed, night vision, wall crawling and then the basic spidey start pack things. They're more reserved and quiet but that doesn't mean she's shy.. He's a burst of energy. They're often mistakenly called Spider-Woman even if he has a masculine voice.
Then there's my sona :DDD His suit is a mix of patches and stitches. The main color a mossy green color with brown and other "tacky" and murkily colored patches on them. He has organic webs unlike most people and usually wears a heap of bracelets or bandages over the weird lil funky bumps the webs come from. He's such a silly guy.
And my FAVORITE WOOO BABY Morgan! His Spider name is the Anti-Spider but some people call him the Dark-Arachnid. Morgan isn't a villain, but he makes it clear he isn't a hero. He's got powers now! He doesn't care about the greater good. He cares about possessing the greatest things he didn't even know about before he was bitten. His suit is all black with gold accents, gold around the eyes and even cool chrome eyes instead of the regular material. Theyre extra glossy. He has a generally dark color pallet, and even a darker complexion. But what sticks out about him?? His crystal clear spinky wunky cutie patootie blue eyeballs.
aww poor Santi, does he even want to be part of the society?? Is he like 1610 who keeps begging Miguel to let him in
What’s Kian’s Spider-Man name? Are they just spider-man or are they something else? Lovebite would be cute
omg ur sona sounds so cool they’re all earthy!! Do they have a spider-name?
Morgan sounds awesome ngl. But…and this is a very important question…does he have soft blue eyes or bright blue eyes because there is a very big difference and I cannot with sharp blue eyes they’re pretty and all but they’re terrifying. Although it might add to his overall vibe of being more of an antihero than a hero
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yvmeno-kpop · 11 months
Hate Rodrigo - Yena (Release)
-I loveee teen punk concepts!!
-How the “oh my god” line is sung scratches a weird itch inside my brain ngl. Very satisfying, it keeps getting stuck in my head.
-This was the kind of music I grew up on, so it’s really sentimental to me lol-
-It’s giving late 2000’s Avril Lavigne vibes.
-2000’s coming of age movie vibes, too.
-I love that this type of sound and concept is getting more popular within Kpop. 
-Pls more quirky fun concepts in Kpop, they’re some of my absolute favourites! ^^
-Queencard’s little sister.
-This concept/sound is such a good addition to Yena’s discography. It brings something new to the table while still fitting in with her other past releases!
-Yena looks so good in this clothing style! I really like her makeup especially.
-Choosing Yuqi as the feature on this song was ingenious. She really suits this vibe so well!!
-I really like the mv’s storyline of Yena and Yuqi being trendsetter friends in this universe. It’s so cute T_T
-Are those Saiki K antennas lol? I wonder if that was intentional.
-Omg the old anime style shirts- They’re kinda cringe if you’re going off just a first impression, but they fit the concept too well to dislike. There’s an odd tacky charm to them-
-I love collage style mvs so much, man. They’re always so cute and visually appealing.
-Including the baby pictures in the mv was such a cute choice, I always enjoy when artists reference their younger selves. :’)
-Fun unique releases like this are the reason why I’ve continued to listen to Kpop for so long. It never gets old for me.
-The hate this era is getting is absurd. If people actually listened to the song they’d understand it’s not a diss track towards Olivia Rodrigo- It’s so tragic that most of the attention this song is getting rn is hate T_T
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tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
Interested to seethe reception to MM and PH Netflix documentary because… how many ways can they continue to re-hash the same thing over and over again
I think the thing that turns me off about this is when they complained about how the documentary is not the way they would have told their story before it even aired; especially considering they handpicked the team who made the documentary. Like Meghan complaining about her The Cut interview despite handpicking the journalist and there wasn't anything truly bad about it just tells me these two have a perpetual victim complex which tend to turn me off on someone completely. I will forever feel sympathy for how she was treated by the right wing media in the UK and I believe it was right for her to choose her mental health, but The Cut interview? GIRL there was nothing wrong with that, everything cringey about it were your own words.
All else, I kinda just stopped caring about their inability to actually pick a lane or their nonstop complaining even on the things that they had full control of. Even on the bouts of misinformation they've spread, it's pretty harmless and overall just tacky but doesn't have enough impact for me to linger on. Like at this point like any very thirsty celebrity, I either ignore them completely or give them attention and if I choose the latter I have no room to complain considering I can easily avoid it.
The new pics were cute though ngl.
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gins-potter · 2 years
no context episode 8 thoughts
- no one has to know? Mate your daughter is literally a strigoi someone will work it out eventually - Mason you have returned - Ngl thought you were gonna die off screen - Glad to see I’m wrong - lissa that is quite the outfit you’re wearing - I hate it but I love that you have the confidence to go out looking like that - What is with all the fluffy russian hats? - Stop marrying off children - Jesus - Actually have we established yet how old they are? - It feels very intentionally vague - Dude really stuck a post it note to her boob - rose you’re being very loud with your feelings rn - this lissa is so much more self aware than book lissa, it’s making me hard to dislike her - ASDFGHJL rose - Girl about faced and got the fuck out of there - Christian that suit is… I genuinely can’t decide if it’s amazing or horrible - OH MY GOD ARE THEY GETTING MARRIED NOW??? - Alright the suit is horrible - If the context is that they’re getting married it’s a bad suit - awww not dragozera being cute - Lissa getting married in a pantsuit? Iconic queen - Okay are they getting married or are they abounding their betrothal I need answers - Christian has such a fucking cute face - I just wanna smooch his cheeks - Oh eww not the blood - Rip Meredith interrupting the wedding/engagement - I bet Dimitri thinks of running as therapy - Oh Dimitri talking a little smack about the Dragomirs??? - Spicy - fuck off tatiana - Dimitri you little shit - Bad Dimitri - They really have feeders lying on a table like they’re a meal - Well - They kinda are - Oh wait victor’s husband doesn’t know about sonya? - Bet that goes over well later - “I have a record of 50 and 0” fucking bodied - Rose you’re being loud with your feelings again - So many fluffy Russian hats - Awww Mason you’re such a simp - Oh Christian with that puppy dog face you’re really not threatening - oh dang - awwww Rose is so heartbroken - Her girlfriend got engaged to someone else - Also this fight is almost tacky but at the same time hilariously on the nose for Moroi making dhampirs fight so one of them can get the crown - Also the fact that they are wearing the capes and headbands is fucking sending me - This shouldn’t be hot - And yet - I bet this is how domestic Romitri work out their arguments, just go and spar for an hour or so - “I DONT WANT TO HURT YOU” - “ITS TOO LATE” - DONT TOUCH ME DONT LOOK AT ME - oh shit Dimitri - Awww the baby doesn’t know what to do with himself - He hurt the woman he loves I am emotional - Dang rose you’re beating the shit out of him - lowkey obsessed with Lissa’s necklace - That is one giant fuck off sapphire heart - Very titanic vibes - oh great old dude’s blood in their mouths - I’d spit it out - Screw being king or queen - The memory walker chick awkwardly whispering the price is exactly what it’s like being a retail worker - 10/10 for realism - awww baby Sonya and Mia - lowkey mad that they took the trials which was a great storyline for lissa and gave it to Victor - rip Tatiana who’s still tripping out on the sideline - Oh she mad - ummm girl what? - Dimitri as king? - I mean I love him but absolutely not - DIMITRI WHAT THE FUCK? - i mean like I know why you’re doing this but still - WHAT THE FUCK? - are rose and lissa gonna just keep breaking up in different ways? - oh wait those were christian’s parents? - Welp, didn’t actually recognise them - Christian’s parents murdering Lissa’s? Super unfortunate - wait so are dragozera breaking up again? - Jesus is no one safe in this show? - is this like a one final kiss situation or a jokes we can’t live without each other moment? - and we thought the books timeline was messed up - Oh god running away with Mason? - I mean you’ve been through a lot rose so trying not to judge but yeesh what a choice - I want one of those rock chairs - Why do I think Tatiana has something up her sleeve? - Oh what the fuck Tatiana - This is messed up
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soupbabe · 3 years
Hi there! Could I ask for some hcs for La Squadra with a gn!S/O who's into like thrifting and upcycling when it comes to fashion? Like they'll just walk in on their s/o trying on a shirt they thrifted and sewed/edited and they get curious? Tysm if you end up taking this request, have a wonderful day/night! 💕
La Squadra w an S/O that Goes Thrifting!
Sorbet and Gelato
- They will follow you everywhere you go
- Shopping with them can be a hassle, it's mostly because Sorbet has a tendency of overspending
- Especially when it's at a thrift store, everything is so cheap it's very easy to forget it all adds up at the end
- Please make/pick out outfits for them omg
- They wouldn't be with you unless they didn't think you had a suberb style, it's only natural they want a Y/n-inspired fit
- He's also a frequent shopper of the thrift store, but he's surprised you found something good
- Ngl I just think half of his outfits are thrifted, the other half stolen out of a dumpster
- Finds out you can sew? Oh yea he's asking if you can sew all the tears in his pants for him
- Prosciutto and Melone know how to sew clothes, but Formaggio's clothes can come to them rancid
- Both in stench and in how bad of a condition they're in
- If it's not reduced into a string, Maggio will still wear it
- He adored your sense in style and was shocked to you bringing in bags of clothes from the thrift store
- You didn't know he was there. He was hanging out in your mirror
- Confused him greatly when you started taking measurements and cutting up the bought up items
- You nearly cut yourself on sewing scissors when he showed up, going off about how you're wasting money
- "Illuso, I upcycle them. I make most of my clothes"
- Is he embarrassed to know he was wrong? Yea. But he apologizes anyway (though it was just a brief "sorry" and into the mirror he goes)
- He is so impressed that you make/upcycle your clothes
- He always had a knack for more expensive tastes so seeing you create something out of (what he believes is) nothing, he thinks he adores you even more
- You once took him thrift shopping and he found himself enjoying it
- Granted, half of the clothes there are tacky t shirts and clothes that obviously belonged to someone's grandparent, but he was able to find some diamonds in the racks
- And when you made him his own upcycled outfit?? Oh my god he loves it, only wearing it for special occasions
- He's very impressed and will constantly compliment your work
- He'll also do whatever he can to help you make your outfits
- Even if it's something as simple as pinning fabric down, he's just so happy to help
- He also happy to go shopping with you, sometimes pointing out clothes that he thinks would look good on you
- Overall Pesci thinks you're so stunning and creative shdjdjdn
- I feel like you two mostly bonded over your fondness of sewing
- Ngl it's obvious that Melone made his own clothes, there's no way in hell you'd find his bodysuit anywhere else
- I think going thrift shopping is a common date between the two of you, giving each other small projects/challenges to do out of the stuff you find
- He adored your creativity and your fashion style
- It's a common thing for your go to gifts for each other are various outfits
- I feel like he likes to watch you make your clothes
- He doesn't really care much about your fashion, though he likes how you look and create your own style, he just thinks the process is fascinating to watch
- Though something just tells me he's the kind to nag you about your process if it's not up to his standards 💀
- But it's mostly safety concerns and him putting your pins back into the pin cushion
- He's not a big fan of going to thrift stores though, he doesn't like being surrounded by dirty clothes
Risotto Nero
- He knew that you upcycled clothes, you've always offered to fix his up all the time
- Sometimes you make him clothes and he enjoys trying them on
- Literally the only time you find him wearing a shirt is only when you made it for him
- His taste could be more out there, so having someone who knows their way around a thrift store is a big help when he wants to find something
- And when you show off your new clothes?? He gets so happy to see the proud look on your face, spinning around to give him the full view of your new work
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