#and the romans with their gold weapons and armour
m4gp13 · 1 year
Okay in tlo it said the banners for the Titan army were black and purple (even tho it definitely should have been black and gold 🙄) which implies that the colours of the army itself were black and purple which is fine until you read hoo and find out the Romans fought the Titan army and their whole thing is the colour purple.
The titans had to have known they would be fighting Romans and they had to have known the Romans were really into purple so like
they knew about this beforehand. And they incorporated purple into their colour scheme anyway. I can't believe the titans. They broke their silence for the first time in thousands of years and immediately stole the Romans' brand.
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marcovolta · 8 months
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BASE ~ Maroon & Gold Uniform
Reinforced Hide: Resistant to magic and durable, the maroon material was handwoven and manufactured to withstand high temperatures while keeping troops dry and protected from the elements. The retired tunic was once standard issue for Senate Marshals and was revitalized and modernized for the coming war. Emblazoned in gold embroidery across the back is the sigil of the roman senate, the eagle with its wings spread. Breathable and malleable, the tunic sits well beneath any armour and is a standard requirement for all members of the Allied Senate Forces.
Scaled Under Armour: Shock absorbent and flexible, the craftsmanship of the Alstroemeria Coven lives on in the war. Found amidst their reliquary, the scaled armour will deflect nearly any spell that comes into immediate contact with it. Made from an unknown alloy, the senate unearthed it after Erik's disappearance, aware only that the sovereign had been preparing for some kind of war.
Gilded Finishings: Finely crafted, the buckles across the belt were carved by runes courtesy of the Amaranthus, when paired with the standard issue gloves the buckles can conceal weapons or carry many different forms of artillery at once, allowing soldiers to cycle through as the need arises or change.
Adaptable Stitching: Flexible, woven threads from the Pyramid of Cestius replaced the old stitching within the marshal's standard uniform. Shapeshifters will find that it adapts with their body no matter what form they take, so they'll remain protected from the elements and magic regardless of their shape.
Arcana Scrolls: Spells formed, written, and imbued with reserved magic by members of the Amaranthus Coven. When paired with the Allied Senate Forces' standard issue gloves, even individuals who are not capable of utilizing magic are able to cast the spell within. There is one scroll from each school of magic per soldier: lightning from destruction, binding from alteration, a barrier from restoration, a reverse summoning back to base camp from conjuration, and a fake double from illusion. Each scroll is single use and was handwritten.
Red Potion: An advanced healing potion, this will stimulate regeneration in the body through the blood, close major wounds, render curses inactive, and will get a person back on their feet in the body. Manufactured and provided by the Narcissus Coven, if ingested just before it'll prevent death from an attack that would have otherwise been immediately fatal.
Orange Potion: A potion for vitality, provided by the Ivy Coven, ingesting this potion will give the drinker a temporary but exponential increase in magical capacity, ability, and knowledge. Imbued with intelligence and power, the drinker's skill in combat and mana will temporarily expand.
Food Pills: Provided by the Dahlia Coven, the Volta family recipe is blended with restoration and alteration magic to restore the magic, vitality, and stamina of those who ingest it. Loaded with nutrition, the specially designed food pills supply all the essentials while providing satiety. Each was handmade by Marco Volta with love.
Bag of Holding: This is just a bag that looks small but holds all of your things, designed with illusion and alteration magic in mind it will intuitively know what you're reaching for when you open it and will bring it to your hand.
Manacles: A staple within the senate, reinforced and redesigned by the Ivy Coven, these manacles will seal the soul of the person they are bound to and prevent any creature from using any magic whatsoever. Unbreakable, their metal is resistant to all spells and can only be removed with the associated key.
Arcana Gloves: Imbued with the power of alteration, these gloves will telekinetically return your weapon to your hand if you're disarmed. Designed by the Amaranthus Coven to be paired with their arcana scrolls and gilded finishings, while using these gloves you can interact with magical items specially designed for them without need for attunement.
Golden Ring: The Otherworld is a dangerous place and it's easy to get lost within, rings created by the Dahlia Coven will lead those who find themselves lost back to the base camp.
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anti-rop · 2 years
Oky i have enough of this. What the hell is this shit man? Like is it Tolkien. Seriously!! They spent billions on it but holy god the costumes are atrocious.it feels so violating.the clothes look like costumes from some high school drama or a bad cosplay.Gil-galad, my boy how they butchered you. The actor looks good in real life but that elven dress up make him look pot bellied and old.like some middle aged uncle from our neighbors. Yes he got the long hairs but at what cost. The wig is horrible ,make him looks balding and what is up with that golden roman style crown? And first of all, why everything is golden in this series. Why can't they give each house their own respective colour. The golden color shattered here and there looks so cheap seriously.young elrond looks like he has some serious ADHD,especially with that modern hairstyle.the grace with which hugo weaving has played this role can't be given justice by anyone else.Celebrimbor, I have no comments for you. I The first glimpse I got of him in that navy coloured night gown looking robe, I was left speechless.
Where are the beard of dwarf ladies,and most importantly why the Royal dwarves look like homeless people.the crown of durin made me want to bleach my eyes.that design was so similar to the one that the cave troll leader was wearing in the hobbit movies.and wait two, durins together at the same time seriously??do those set designs represent the magnificence of the dwarven architecture and their skill of forgery?they were said to be even more skilled in the craftsmen ship than elves and this is all what amazon has come up with.i still remembered the vast grandiose of the erebor and the way PJ did the justice to them.look at thror,thrain and thorin,their clothes,jewellery ,weapons and armous speak about their Royal lineage.infact,thorin was still looking more royal in that travelling fur than whatever the fuck these are, from this shit show.The concept art of dwarven women from movies were so gorgeous .they all were bearded,with full of beautiful jewels hanging from their beards and braids.beards are considered a thing of pride for them.then how the hell, Disa, a dwarven princess has a complete hairless face. That's blasphemy!!dwarven people can never accept her and where are her jewellery??she is a freaking princess.she needs to be laden in gold, ruby and sapphires something heavy and gaudy like something of indian vibe jewellery I guess.And now now,galadriel, my dear girl, even though I love cate but this actress is good too but the plot they have given to her character is total disaster.
Galadriel in numenor seriously???like some lowly wandering knight in that cheap looking medieval armour. She was one of the most powerful and influential high elf.look I have no problem with warrior galadriel knowing that she had taken weapons against feanorians at Alqualonde but making her basically,a wandering ranger just doesn't fit right. If They wanted to add some elements they could have done it in better ways. After all, no adaptation are ever 100%true to their sources . You can choose some creative liberties. But i think, a fighting galadriel could have been done in more creative way that doesn't feel forced and cringe. And fighting besides with her own kin makes more sense than her being with mankind. An intricately wielded spear would have been a better weapon choice for her rather than a plane sword. Now come to numenor, look the basis of the conflict was due to mortality and immortality between men and elves. If writers do actually have a brain, they can driven many extended plot lines from this that to establish ,an intriguing and conflicting political relationship and difference in the societal perception between the elves, men and dwarves.
I think numenor should have been based on the ancient Rome empire cuz like numenor, it was massively powerful yet divided. Its political conflict, civil wars, slavery and invasion to other native lands all these concepts can fit so perfectly in the retrospective of numenor. Numenorians were greedy and power hungry like romans and that what made them blind ,resulting in their downfall.look, it was quite evident from the books that they were a sexist society. Tar miriel got married without her will which mean dubious consent.so , basically we can deject this opinion that SA was not a uncommon thing in their society.So, showcasing tar miriel in a battle (let's not even talk about her battle gear) is completely absurd and abysmal. They considered women inferior.Even with galadriel, it is quite out of option. While the elven society had the equal view of both men and women, this degradation of women in numenorean society can set up a very prominent culture difference between the races. Tolkien has stated that female elves can fight just as well as their male counterparts but they generally tend to choose healing rather than aggression. This statement leave us a hopeful open ending.if Amazon really wanted a female warrior, they could have created a new character that could be anything be a general, commander, a simple guard or soldier and even an ambassador.the story would have told from her perceptive,from the eye of a commoner,a simple elf not any Royal blood.how She could become witness and got involved in the grand cycle of events.how the end would bring change in the world and her own personal views. It would have worked better than galadriel being roaming around in numenor. Seriously, fan fiction writers can write better than these apes.
maybe its tooting my own horn, but I know I've written better fanfiction than this shitshow.
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An enchanted bow and arrow that grants me the magical ability to fly. It can shoot flaming or explosive arrows from around a kilometre away. I can spin it like a helicopter propellor to temporarily levitate.
An imperial/golden eagle named Sporades. My watch-guard.
A firey pegasus called Phoenix. Accompanies me on my travels.
Steel gloves with claws and the magical ability to destroy anything. They also can catch on fire and shoot it when in rage or at will, in battle. Also, they have joints, so you can move your fingers in them.
Roman sword. My one is celestial bronze. It can catch on fire when in rage or at will, in battle. It has an eagle and wolf embossed on the handle. It also has a Roman motto engraved in the blade (something like, 'Pater Mavors vilige', 'For Rome', 'Roma invicta/victrix', 'Death is sweet in self-sacrifice', 'I'll take your soul', etc.). You can see the souls of Rome's enemies being trapped and tortured, in Tartarus, within my blade. You can also hear their screams from it.
A Roman spear, which was used by the legions.
Round celestial bronze shield with Medusa's face embossed on it. Has the magical ability to turn enemies who look at it to stone. It can also clone itself and make a shield-wall. Also, it can reflect a bright light to temporarily blind ememies.
Purple or Burgandy/wine-coloured cape, which drapes from brooches on shoulders. Has the magical ability to blow the wind around it to make itself look more legendary. It makes the undead Roman ghosts' voices whisper curses/hatred towards their enemies, through the wind.
Golden sun-shaped brooches with wavy sun-rays.
Large black angel wings that instinctively appear when I am falling.
Brown leather muscular torso armour. My one has an eagle/lion face on the chest, laurel branches on the collar-bones and rearing stallions on the ribs-all of which are embossed and made of celestial bronze.
Plated Roman armour. My one is made of silver steel with gold brass edges. As soon as I will my lorica segmentata to appear, it falls from the aether, onto my body-one plate at a time, until it fully forms.
Elbow-high celestial bronze arm-cuffs, which can deflect missiles, including bullets and asteroids. Once my arms are crossed, they can shoot a column of fire or a lightning bolt.
Celestial bronze lower-leg armour. Has the ability to give more fatal kneeing.
Brown leather knee-high boots with nail soles. Has the magical ability to cause earthquakes by marching. Can really kick ass.
Imperial shoulder pads with brown leather straps hanging from the shoulders.
Red/purple wool/cotton/polyester knee-length tunic with elbow-length sleeves.
Brown leather Roman military belt with studded straps hanging from the front.
SPQR eagle necklace.
SPQR phoenix tattoo.
Wonder-woman tiara. Has the magical ability to protect the head from weapons.
-Eagle beak whistle attached to a necklace. It has the magical ability to summon my spirit animal companions, even from the other side of the world.
1. Roman General helmet with a red double-crest (two crests).
2. Roman legionary helmet-sometimes with red feathered wings on the sides.
Black warrior braid with Jewish fringe (a strand of hair framing each side of the face).
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-My armour and military equipment can appear from the aether (ethereal air of the gods), at will.
-I usually don't wear my helmet, because I prefer showing my hair.
-The lion on my leather armour represents courage and ferociousness. The eagle represents vigilance, determination and The Roman Empire. The laurel branches represent power and imperialness. The horses represent unmercy, relentlessness, destruction, strength and stamina.
-I got my SPQR phoenix tattoo burnt into my arm when I touched a tree and a phoenix symbol burned into its trunk. I think that it could have been a sign from Mars that he is claiming me.
-I got my bow and arrow from the sky. It fell from the sky and I caught it. I think that it might have been a gift for me from the gods.
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romegreeceart · 2 years
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January 1, 177 CE - Commodus becomes Consul for the first time
* Obverse: Bust depicting a 15 years old consul. "IMP L AVREL COMM-ODVS AVG GERM SAR"
* Reverse: barbarian weapons and armour; "T-R P II COS P P // DE GERM"
Source Münzkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Creator Benjamin Seifert (Lübke und Wiedemann) Copyright Notice CC BY-NC-SA
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darksaiyangoku · 2 years
RWBY: DarkSaiyanGoku's Multiverse Meet-Up
Ruby stared wide-eyed, nearly dropping her scythe, as she witnessed the chaos in front of her and Roman Torchwick. From all corners of the street, she could see several girls that all looked like her. One was wearing combat gear that looked just like hers, only with a red corset and red fingerless gloves. Another had a black jacket with a red hoodie, skirt and black combat boots, alongside a third with sleek red and black armour. The next two looked like opposites; one was decked out in a black catauit with two red pistols by her side and another was wearing a white suit, red cape and boots, with a rose emblem at the center of her chest. The final one looked the most normal, wearing a school uniform.
Roman: *blinks* You're seeing this too, right Red?
Ruby: *nods*
Roman: Good to know. Well.... *runs away*
AoR!Ruby: Oh no you don't! *grabs her pistol and shoots Torchwick*
Ruby: *screams*
AoR!Ruby: Easy there, all I did was stun him. He's not dead.
Ruby: That's not what I'm screaming about! Who are you people?!
VXV!Ruby: Oh right, we didn't introduce ourselves! *nervous chuckle*
CoJ!Ruby: It's all a pretty simple explanation. It'll all make sense
DoR!Ruby: Well... mostly.
After a long explanation, Ruby was able to understand what was going on.
Ruby: So... you're all me from other universes.
VXV!Ruby: *nods* Yep! Each universe different from the last!
DB!Ruby: Well, not mine. See, mine's a twin universe of this Ruby's.
Ruby: ...that sounds like a headache.
DB!Ruby/DoR!Ruby: *deep breath* You have no idea.
Ruby: So, now that I know that you're from other universes, I gotta ask.... *smiles* what kind of weapons do you all have??
VXV!Ruby: Check this out! *takes out her scythe*
Ruby: Awesome!!! It looks just like mine!
VXV!Ruby: No way really? *beams* Is yours a gun too?
Ruby: *nods* Uh huh!
VXV!Ruby: *smiles* And is it called Crescent Rose too?
Ruby: YES!!!
DoR!Ruby: That scythe is impressive, but check this out. *summons a silver longsword and plunges it into the ground* And these. *spins around her pistols, one green and one gold*
DB!Ruby: Well, I have this! *takes out her scythe that transforms into a sword*
DoR!Ruby: Wait, how does yours do that?
DB!Ruby: Rose family secret. *grins*
AoR!Ruby: I have a full arsenal right here. Grapple wrist bracers, stun pistols and specialised escrima sticks which *connects them together* can turn into a badass staff!
Ruby: *eyes wide and mouth gaping*
CoJ!Ruby: I don't really have a weapon. Instead I just, *floats and hovers above the ground*
All the Rubies: YOU CAN FLY?!
CoJ!Ruby: *nervous laugh* It's not that big of a deal?
Ruby: That is so cool!!!!! *bounces up and down*
SoF!Ruby: Well, I don't know if he counts as a weapon, but.... *ahem* Archer, you can show yourself now.
Next to one of the alternate Rubies appeared a young, white-haired man wearing a bright yellow trench coat. He had a stoic expression and folded his arms.
Archer: Master Ruby.
SoF!Ruby: Everyone, this is Archer. He's a warrior spirit summoned from the Holy Grail.
Ruby: Woah!!!! He looks like badass!!!!
DoR!Ruby: Oh my~ He cleans up nice.
AoR!Ruby: I'll say. *purrs*
DB!Ruby: I'll... pretend I didn't hear that.
SoF!Ruby: So now that we've all gotten to know each other, what do you we do now?
Ruby: Hmmm.... do you like cookies?
All the Rubies: COOKIES??? *smile and drool*
Ruby: This is the best day ever!! *smiles*
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lords-of-the-empire · 3 years
Elves and Thrown Weapons
Recently I’ve been looking at late-Roman models produced by Wargames Atlantic. I don’t like the look of their spears, I don’t like how they decided to cut the arms (they’ll be more difficult than they IMO need to be to look good, as-is), and the shields are rounder than I’d like them to be. The main selling-point for me is that they’re sculpted with one of my favourite weapons of all time: the Roman lead-weighted war-dart that replaced the pilum-style javelins in the final centuries of the Roman Empire, the plumbata.
And that got me thinking, a lot. On my LotR sideblog I finally got what Tolkien might have been aiming for when he has 1st Age elf Eöl try to murder his son with a “poisoned dart” that he smuggles into a secret city, and that sparked the idea... what if IC elves used thrown weapons of some variety?
IRL I think the reason they faded out of common use has to do with more, better and more thickly padded armour becoming more common as the technology developed, but that wouldn’t necessarily be a concern for the elves. As strong as they are I think they would definitely still have a place in the elvish armoury - if Arya can impale multiple fully-armoured Imperials by throwing a normal spear (IE not designed to be thrown), what exactly would an elf do with a sling? A javelin? Or, as it happens, a war-dart? Particularly a weighted one? I don’t know if they’d use lead, considering how toxic it is, but copper and silver are also quite dense heavy metals, quite soft metals, and depending where you live, moderately common - especially for elves, who can trade for it or just suck it out of the ground/water with a handy spell. Same applies for gold honestly, though gold is considerably denser heavier than even lead. I don’t think an elf would have issues with ridiculous throws even with gold-weighted darts, though.
Just... Imagine charging an elvish ramshackle “army”, more a mob really since they don’t march or even fight in formation and everyone seems to rock up with whatever kit they’ve got like ancient Greek or Italian citystates did it, and then there’s just... an absolute hail of supersonic balls of lead, copper and so on whizzing through multiple men if they’re enchanted against deforming, or absolutely exploding the guy they hit if they’re not (since soft metals deform easily, they’d mushroom in the body...). They’d be quick to reload as well, since you just put another ball in the sling and spin it a few times before letting go - absolutely broken, in elvish hands.
As for the darts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfgMfSZiQSU This guy has another video where he remade them with longer shafts, but even the short ones punch right through though bits of pork and have no problem lodging into wood.
I think I may be on to something here. They might even be popular in peace-time, with beautifully woven slings, still-living ones sung from roots, amazingly artistic darts with jewels set in them for energy so they can have juicier spells put on them... The potential is there.
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AU where Nico dies (don't hate me pls I'm sorry I love Nico and ship the hell out of Solangelo, this is just to allow for some dark AUs) transporting the Athena Parthenos in BoO.
(Sorry it's such a long post) Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, revered praetor and peace-loving daughter of Bellona, loses the ability to share strength. Now, when she uses her power, she saps your energy, draws on your bravery, and poisons your mind with horrific images. Nico's death has allowed suppressed traits to resurface and overwhelm all her progress since San Juan all those years ago. She picks fights. She becomes a dictator in all but name, abolishing the Senate and making War Games a lot more "realistic": weekly funerals become commonplace, words are spoken under breaths, and terror resides in the heart of every New Roman. And so, Reyna Ramírez-Arellano turns her brilliant mind and poisonous power to Gaea's aid. Gleeson Hedge doesn't seem more than a broken satyr at first glance, his smiles never sincere, his voice never loud, his bat never raised. But when he slips off into the wilderness, he does not sit quietly among the trees and reflect. He whispers into the trees' leaves, his twisted words echoing the bitterness that now consumes his being. He has been tricked too many times: Pan, forcing thousands of satyrs to lose their lives in their quest to find him when he was alive all along; Clarisse, who never tried to connect with nature or understand his own ties to the natural world, who teaches his child the game of death while Mellie watches, fading away, unable to fight back; the gods, who, in their promise of protection, conveniently ignored the nature spirits. He is bitterest about Nico's death: about all he could have done, about what the kid should have done. The glint in his eyes scares even the worst monster that Tartarus could send. But it is Gaea he turns his allegiance to. It is Gaea who promises that he will always be good enough for her. And so, Gleeson Hedge turns nature back to its true mother: Gaea. Hazel Levesque is not someone you want as an enemy. Her golden eyes, gold like the masks of the judges of the dead, seem to see everything. Her powers grow stronger, but now she is able to control them. One glance, and she can cause an entire legion to scream and writhe in agony as she manipulates the iron in their blood, twists their shining armour, forces weapons to turn on their handlers. She stops wearing normal, mortal clothes, and now she wears flowing dresses of molten gold and bronze that no spear could pierce nor hand touch. She calls on the remnants of metal in the cave in Resurrection Bay to rise, and rise they do, twisting and weaving together at her command to form a cathedral-like vault with a solid Stygian iron throne. At the front of her temple lies a chasm from which her first creation arises, complete and healed, at last. Alcyoneus clambers out of the pit, back with his mother's life and Hazel's burning desire for destruction. And so, after seventy years, Hazel Levesque joins forces with Gaea of her own free will. Frank Zhang's arrows are no longer aimed at Tartarus's monsters, but at the people he once considered friends. The ruins of the Zhang family mansion become a shrine to Gaea, the ancient walls falling in blissful happiness into the Earth Mother's embrace. Frank returns often with fresh skulls, unfailingly whole - his arrow pierces cleanly through the eye every time. His piece of firewood safe in Gaea's belly, protected where no flame could reach, he is unstoppable. His shapeshifting causes unforseen problems with the allies' plans, it's very hard to plan how to fight a lion when he could turn into a swarm of bees at any moment. He is the ultimate spy, a literal fly on the wall, and for once, he feels needed. He feels worth something. He feels as though he is good enough, something the gods could never give. All the gods ever did for Frank, he realises bitterly, is take. His mother. His grandmother. His self-confidence. His chance for a stable, loving family. Nico. And so, Frank Zhang finds a different kind of family, one that will not let him down, in Gaea. Piper McLean never wanted to be a tragic love story; that was purely for her mother's entertainment. She
cuts her hair short. She kills Gaea's enemies on sight. Her charmspeak forces even her old family, Camp Half-Blood, to turn against each other, brother against brother, sister against sister, until bodies litter the strawberry fields and the Big House crumbles to smouldering ashes. The gods have her no love. Their boundaries mean nothing to her any more. Her love extends to her favourite mother, her boyfriend, the rest of the Seven, Grover, Reyna and Hedge. Beyond that, it is poison. Gaea takes her hands, looks into her eyes, and tells Piper that she is more than the spawn of an unfaithful, air-headed immortal, more than the damsel in distress. She tells Piper that she is who she decides to be. And Piper agrees. Gaea gives her the opportunity to be out of others' shadows. Piper McLean takes the chance and joins with Gaea, her charmspeak almost her most dangerous feature, second only to her unbridled wrath when Nico's death is mentioned.
Jason Grace owes fealty to only one eternal goddess now. He scours the Underworld with Hazel and Frank, relentless like the wolves he was brought up with. He knows no bounds, his destruction barely controllable by even Piper and her charmspeak. He has obliterated entire cities, counties, even an entire nation. He feels no regret, no remorse, no nagging guilt. He seeks out and electrocutes homophobes as his powers grow in complexity, along with his ability to control them. No matter how much they scream, the same two words shoot from Jason's scarred lips like the lightning bolts he commands: for Nico. As the darkness inside him grows, the son of Jupiter advances on Olympus, eyes and hands blazing, to destroy his father, as one of Gaea's allies, as one of Gaea's found children. Jason Grace vows by Nico's soul and Gaea's love to destroy the gods who shamelessly abandoned them.
Percy Jackson has been close to the darkness before. As just one examole, he's controlled poison to choke the goddess of misery at the edge of Chaos. But now, Annabeth's words at the time - some things aren't meant to be controlled - strike differently. Percy doesn't follow rules any more. That brooding, troublemaking face now alludes to his new form: gone is the class clown, here is something more akin to a devil. Like Hazel, he has made hundreds of people and monsters shriek in pain as he controls their blood, contorting their bodies into unnatural forms and snapping necks with a mere snap of his fingers. If Nico's death is mentioned around the pair of them - Hazel and Percy - both turn on the individual, eyes smouldering with the deceitfully cool ashes of the fire of grief, and slowly unleash their wrath. Percy cannot be controlled. He wants revenge. Part of him wishes he had never given his mother the head of Medusa to kill Smelly Gabe; it tore him to pieces when he made the fluid in her head seep out of her eyes. But she wouldn't stop begging him to leave Gaea. She had to go. She was no longer loving him as he knew he deserved. Now, Percy Jackson takes his support from the mother he should have accepted long ago: Gaea.
Annabeth Chase did not accept powers from her new mother, her better mother. She chose to use her mind as her weapon and Gaea respected that. Gaea gave her the resources she needed to wreak havoc on mortals and immortals alike. Now, instead of studying for a stupid internship in a misogynistic, capitalist society, Annabeth unleashes her fury, her grief, her mind on the world. The gods deserve to pay for what happened to Nico. The demigods need to feel her grief. The mortals started this stupid cycle of overwork and inadequate pay. Annabeth is ready to work with the mother that respects her, that loves her, that nurtures her as she deserves. And work she does. Plan after plan is developed, improved, redrafted, mocked up, redeveloped, and finally executed with clinical precision. Her mind becomes what her enemies most fear, even above her reputation: first child of Athena in millennia to reach Arachne, retriever of the Athena Parthenos, survivor of Tartarus. And she laughs, laughs in a maniacal way that makes you want to take a step back as she strides towards you, grey eyes alight with an unnatural glint as you realise that she knows everything about you and she knows how this will end. She will not let herself or her friends die. She refuses to let another situation like Nico's death happen again. So, Annabeth Chase takes Gaea's resources and turns them into a mass genocide, executed with her new mother's blessing.
Grover Underwood leads the nature spirits now. He commands dryads to extend their unstoppable tendrils through the paths that Gaea forms for them, deep in the earth, then sending them exploding through the surface and reclaiming all that was torn from them under the pretence of friendship. His empathy link with Percy allows him some degree of control, both over the son of Poseidon and over naiads. Grover is betrayed and bitterly disappointed in Pan, in the gods, in demigods, in mortals, in Nico. And so, he turns nature back home with Gleeson Hedge. The hauntingly beautiful whistling of his pipes lures demigods, mortals, even gods to their doom. Apollo is the first to fall, trapped by the music of the satyr whose horns now make him seem diabolical as he dances in the flames. Grover Underwood finds his roots in Gaea and his revenge in destruction.
Leo Valdez wants to burn the world to ashes. There's not a moment he's not on fire, his hair smouldering, his skin aglow. At his feet lies Hera, trussed up like a rodeo calf, bound by the power of the guardian Leo knows he deserved as a child. There is no Piper with her charmspeak to free the ex-queen; at least, Piper is by Leo's side as he blasts her with his searing flames. There's a smile on Leo's face that rivals even Annabeth's as he torches cities, razes acres and lights up the sky with plumes of smoke and columns of fire. His reasoning feels etched into his heart: the gods let Nico die. The gods let us down one time too many. And so he lets the flames go. Gaea stands behind him, her hand on his shoulder, proud and respectful. She knows that he secretly enjoyed starting the war with New Rome. He has fire powers; it's only natural, and that Octavian is enough to drive anyone mad. So, Leo Valdez finally makes his peace with Gaea.
Will Solace goes out like a light as the news of his beloved's death is announced. He lies, broken and silent, in Gaea's arms, tears streaming down his face. He stirs only for Nico's name, and his eyes turn slowly to whoever dared say it. He reaches out an arm, eyes turning black, leaching all the colour from the surroundings as his whisper echoes: there is no hope. Behind him stands Gaea, a tear of her own on her earthen cheek. She feels his pain, raw and fresh. But she takes some of it onto herself. Will Solace shares his grief with Gaea now.
And so they stand, eyes alight and expressions dark and triumphant, by the side of the goddess who did not want to let Nico die.
Gaea smiles.
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whattoreadnext · 2 years
I, Cladius
Robert Graves, I, Claudius
(the fourth Roman Emperor's 'memoirs' of his bloodthirsty forebears)
Ancient Rome
Peter Vansittart, Three Six Seven  (twilight of Roman Britain, late 4th century)
John Arden, Silence Among the Weapons  ("memoirs" of actor"s agent mixed up with Roman dictator Sulla in 1st century BC)
Thornton Wilder, The Ides of March
Anthony Burgess, The Kingdom of the Wicked  (Luke, Paul,and other early Christian missionaries)
Joseph Heller, God Knows  ("memoirs" of Old Testament King David)
Mary Renault, The King Must Die  ("memoirs" of King Theseus of Athens)
Gore Vidal, Creation  ("memoirs" of Persian diplomat who knew Socrates, Buddha and Confucius)
Stephen Marlowe, The Memoirs of Christopher Columbus  (early disappointments and ironic triumph of unscrupulous adventurer-explorer)
Marguerite Yourcenar, Memoirs of Hadrian  (reflections of 14th Roman Emperor and philosopher)
Carlos Fuentes, Terra Nostra  ("memoirs" of Philip II of Spain, in deranged old age)
Augusto Roa Bastos, I, The Supreme  ("memoirs" of Francia, 19th-century dictator of Paraguay)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, The Autumn of the Patriarch  (deathbed monologue of fanatical, deranged South American dictator)
People of the Past (powerful historical novels)
Mario Vargas Llosa, The War of the End of the World  (19th-century South American religious community, communist, waiting for the Apocalypse)
William Golding, The Spire
Helen Waddell, Peter Abelard  (12-th century Paris: a monk falls in love with beautiful pupil)
Barry Unsworth, Sacred Hunger
Nicholas Monsarrat, Running Proud  (one of Columbus" sailors shipwrecked in New World, is taken for a God)
The Ancient World
Mary Renault, The Mask of Apollo  ("memoirs" of actor-spy in 4th-century BC Greece)
Peter Green, Alcibiades His Armour  (Alcibiades, the Oscar Wilde of ancient Athens)
Norman Mailer, Ancient Evenings  (memories of chief minister of warrior-pharaih Rameses II)
Joan Grant, Winged Pharaoh  (Grant describes her own previous existence in ancient Egypt)
Henry Treece, Medea  (powerful evocation of myth-witch, scorned wife who murdered her children)
Hilda Doolittle (H.D.), Hedylus  (Samos, 3rd century BC: ex-courtesan, lover and poet-son meditate delicately on life, love, the arts and politics)
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esamastation · 4 years
carverly: Ezio and bb!Desmond?
Ezio had expected many things from the Vault under the Vatican – and nothing at all. He hadn't dared to – all he had were fears and worries and a vague sense of threat should the Templars get their way. He had prepared, he had been ready for anything, and he had held within himself a conviction that whatever it was, a god, a weapon, terrible calamity about to be unleashed on the world, whatever it was… he would deal with it accordingly if he only may. And perhaps, die in the attempt.
What he does not expect is a ancient goddess of ancient Romans to step forward, with a bundle wrapped in gold in her arms, and say, "This is Desmond. He has a great task ahead of him – and your task, Prophet, is to see him to it."
"I – what – my lady –" Ezio stammers, but, helpless to do anything else, accepts the burden. It is a child, a newborn small and fragile and deeply asleep, with lines of gold still shimmering on his skin as Minerva passes her hand over his closed eyes.
The goddess smiles and steps back, leaving Ezio holding the child as the light begins to fade. "Care for him," she instructs him. "Protect him. See him into adulthood – when the time comes, he will know what to do."
"Wait – wait!" Ezio cries as he realises she is about to leave him, to fade into the darkness she'd came from. "What is his task – my lady – please!"
Minerva shakes her head, gentle. "Desmond will remain asleep for a day and a night," she says. "So that you can make your escape safely – after that, his safety will be up to you, Ezio."
And then she is gone, leaving Ezio gaping in horror at thin air, still holding the sleeping son of goddess. Sputtering at nothing, Ezio looks down on the infant, whose skin now bears no marks, who looks no different from any other infant he has ever seen, bar from the fact that he is wrapped in cloth spun from what looks like pure gold.
"Desmond," Ezio murmurs, utterly confused, and shifts the burden on one arm, over his bladed bracer, so that he might shift the cloth to see – no, the child wears no cloth, no nappy, under the golden wrap. All he has, is the gold, and underneath it only skin and flesh and bones, warm to the touch and utterly vulnerable and fragile under Ezio's calloused touch.
A child, for him – who in their right minds would entrust such a burden on him of all people. He is a killer, he keeps company with murderers, thieves, whores, assassins and cheaters. What does he know of caring for a child? Nothing at all – less than. He hardly knows how to hold the child without putting him at a risk, for his person is covered in weaponry and there is not a soft surface on his armour to rest the child upon. He is made for death, not… not life such as this.
But at the same time. At the end of so many years of strife, of death, of struggle, of pain and loss…
Ezio runs a thumb down a small cheek where a golden light had drawn lines, marvelling the softness of it, and knows, in his heart of hearts, that if he does not do it, he will kill this child as surely as if he put a blade through his chest. His touch is now the only thing keeping the babe alive, his hold the babe's only protection.
"Lord," Ezio whispers, not sure if he's addressing the child or some god above who might be responsible for the confusion his life has so suddenly become. "Should anyone find out…"
A son, a living son of a true goddess. No, it doesn't bear thinking what people would do, should they find out about the babe.
With shaky hands Ezio wraps the golden cloth around the baby more securely, bundling him up tight and secure. Then, realising that the golden cloth gleams and would surely be noticeable, Ezio detatches his own cape, to wrap around the precious bundle. Still noticeable though it is, it will hide the valuable gleam of the golden cloth, at least. Then, holding the child, holding Desmond, to his chest, Ezio looks up, his heart set, his mind steeling with resolve.
He has to get the babe out of the Vatican – and likely he will have the whole of Vatican to fight in order to do it. And this might not be what he expect, but he is damn well ready.
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theatresweetheart · 4 years
A Dragon’s Prince
Part Two
Warnings: Kidnapping, fear. (I think that’s it, but let me know!)
Pairings: Platonic Prinxiety
Characters: Virgil, Roman
Word Count: 1613 words
It had been about a day since the prince had been nicked directly from the castle gardens.
The ground had disappeared under his feet, guards shouting curses and drawing their weapons, his crown toppling from his brow and hitting the ground.
His legs kicking the air uselessly, trying to find a way out of the dragon’s claws and drop back to the ground. Though the higher he had been taken, the more Virgil realized he really didn’t want to be dropped. At all. It would have been a lethal drop. He had, admittedly, let out a pitiful noise at the height and maybe Virgil had been hallucinating with terror at that point, but he could have sworn that the dragon’s talons had closed in slightly more on his arms—only it wasn’t painfully. It was almost like it was trying to prevent him from slipping accidentally.
That and there wasn’t even a chance that the kingdom’s army could do anything without risking the prince a serious injury. They could aim at the great beast all they wanted, but if the dragon made a sudden dip or if they didn’t have a perfect or clear shot, the arrow could end up hitting the royal instead.
A part of him still didn’t truly believe that it had actually happened, but if it weren’t for the large red dragon snoozing quietly in the corner of the cave he was currently sat in, he would be lying to himself.
Virgil had been waiting for the past day for something to happen.
Nothing had happened.
Well, nothing was a relative term he supposed.
He had tried to escape a good handful of times. Each and every time his plans had been foiled and he had been caught in the act. The back of his tunic was scruffed between very long and very sharp teeth (that could very easily tear him to shreds) and heaved him right back over to the same spot on the dragon’s hoard he had been deposited on earlier.
He had just kept doing it, right up until the moment he thought the dragon was truly getting upset with him. That was a boundary he was not willing to push, especially not since his life was on the line. He had stopped trying to escape and eventually just started looking around the cave and the hoard in turn. The dragon had seemed content with that and had finally decided to take a little rest as night began to fall.
So, now Virgil just nervously twiddled with the overly ornate sleeves of his tunic, playing with the golden thread before it began to unravel under his fingertips.
His eyes anxiously flicking back and forth between the giant sleeping fire-breathing lizard and the opening of the cave not thirty feet away. The same opening of the cave that showed a beautiful inky black night sky, smattered with stars. A part of him longed to be back out there, but the other part of him knew that if he tried, the dragon would only manage to nab him again.
The dragon was big, Virgil was not.
But, another part of him suggested, if you make it out and make it back to the kingdom, you’d be far safer there.
Virgil nibbled his lower lip.
Well, the dragon did look like it was out for the night. So, before he knew it, Virgil was pushing himself to his feet on the unstable ground of the dragon’s pile of gold.
Freezing up completely as a few stray coins shifted and slid forward creating slight clattering noises, he waited with bated breath to see if anything else would happen. When the dragon did nothing but shift in its sleep, Virgil took that as his go ahead. The prince’s eyes were locked forward, but would flicker between the dragon and freedom every once in a while.
His pace was agonizingly slow, but if that was what got him out of here, then that was what worked.
He could see the outside right there, teasing him. It was a taunt, sharp as a barb.
Come and get me, your highness, it seemed to whisper, you’ll never make it.
Virgil could feel the cool air brushing against his skin. It felt freer out there, certainly more spacious and away from the fire-breathing menace currently keeping him trapped here.
Slow step after slow step brought him closer and closer to getting back to his kingdom and his people alive.
He knew his brother would not be faring well. He would be sick with worry. The king would have immediately sent out a search and rescue party to retrieve the stolen prince, but they had no leads on his whereabouts.
Virgil wouldn’t be surprised if the royal knights never found him.
If he were being truly honest, Virgil didn’t even know where in the kingdom he was, if he was even in the same country.
The sound of a snort from behind him made his shoulders tense.
It didn’t take a genius to know that he had been spotted. He heard coins clattering to the ground and papers and silks fluttering to the floor. The sound of claws clicking against stone caught his attention just as the rumbling from behind him only grew louder and more prominent. It wasn’t long before he felt the hot breath over his shoulders. Another displeased huff blew his hair forward and he turned to look up over his shoulder and the pale red eyes looking back down at him.
Virgil smiled sheepishly up at the dragon and the dragon’s eyes narrowed, before they rolled.
It was such a human expression, it was almost uncanny.
“Let’s not be too hasty now,” the prince said, taking a step forward to test the waters.
The dragon only leaned down and opened its jaw just enough to snag the back of Virgil’s tunic and heft him off the ground and off his feet once more, as if he weighed nothing. Though, compared to the strength of a dragon, Virgil probably did weigh nothing.
“Oh come on!” He growled, trying to wriggle free. He only managed to get himself twisted around as he swayed back and forth in pace with the dragon’s steps.
The dragon huffed at him, blowing more hot air around his shoulders.
Virgil attempted to kick his legs backward and hit the dragon in the throat. He knew it wouldn’t do anything since its scales seemed to be thicker than a knight’s armour, but it didn’t stop him from trying to cause even the slightest bit of discomfort. “You can’t really blame me for trying can you?”
A low rumbling sound vibrated through him and Virgil took at that at face value, even though he didn’t understand what was being said to him.
“Fine!” The prince snipped, “fine. Whatever, have it your way.”
Virgil wasn’t sure if the dragon could understand him, but either way talking to it made him feel better. As if he wasn’t so alone in this prison.
However, instead of being set back down on the same pile of gold and relics and collectibles, he was settled down into the crevice of where the dragon had been resting beforehand. Before he could make another run for it, though Virgil was a bit too confused by this change to really do anything, the dragon was laying back down and curling completely around him. Virgil was entirely encircled by the dragon itself and there was no hope of getting away from here unnoticed.
He groaned at this, pushing at the dragon’s softer underbelly, trying to squirm free.
The dragon responded to this by stretching out its wing and covering him even more. It curled the slightest bit closer to him, before staying there. It seemed that the dragon knew enough about how small and fragile humans were that it didn’t curl too tight around him.
Virgil gasped in response to that, before relenting. It was putting up a futile fight, he knew that. But still.
“You don’t have to be such a big jerk about it,” the prince grumbled, trying to struggle at least a little bit more. He felt the dragon rumble something around him and Virgil ceased his useless struggles. It wasn’t getting him anywhere anyway. “You didn’t win anything by the way. You’re just being the childish one here.”
The dragon snorted, and this time it almost sounded like Virgil was being laughed at. Was he being mocked?
“Oh, you think that’s funny?” He was given another grumbling response. “Please. You think you’re all that just because you can pick me up and carry me around wherever you want, huh? That’s just being power hungry and I do not appreciate it.”
The dragon didn’t response this time and Virgil took that as a win.
He might be completely trapped like this, but at least it was warm. And it was..kind of comfortable. To be real, it was more comfortable than trying to nap on the piles of cold gold. He was going to have to find some silks or something if he was really going to be here so long.
Virgil could worry about that some other time though. The warmth that was encircling him was rather nice and, the longer he listened to the sounds around him, he oddly enough found himself fairly at ease. The steady breathing from around him, the steady thundering heartbeat from behind him. He felt…safe.
Which was weird. He was probably in one of the most dangerous positions a prince could be in and he felt relatively fine.
As he let his eyes slip closed, he found his mind wandering into a dreamless sleep.
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The Altera Family
Lucia’s family on her mother’s side
Current Family motto: Loyalty is strength, Kindness is power
Past Family Motto: Fiery strength through hardship and battle
Blood Status: Pureblood
Europe(Excluding the British Isles, this is where most of their power is)
Northern America
Main Residence: Ariccia, Italy
The Altera name itself goes back to the emergence of modern surnames in Italy starting with Dario Altera I and has lasted since
Within the family itself there are stories of members, even if the Altera name was not a thing back then, which helped found the ancient roman kingdom passed down from generation to generation verbally but whether these stories are true cannot be confirmed nor denied
Their motto changed after 1763 after the death of Lucia Altera who embodied the new motto in it’s entirety 
In the 18th century Priscilla Altera using ancient magic now long lost to create a tower hidden away in Italy from the rest of wizardkind which contains a forge(among other things like books and heirlooms) capable of making weapons and armour that have powers that augment the wearer’s abilities, thus starting many traditions for example when an Altera turns 16 they travel to the tower to forge their own weapon, when an Altera wishes to propose they forge their own rings and let their heart guide them to the gemstones for said ring..
The Altera family is more often than not seem involved in major world conflicts such as fighting against Grindelwald, The Cursed Vaults, both world wars etc with one distinction in that they are never on the side that is the cause of the conflict and if they ever join that side unknowingly they will turn traitor to the other side immediately
There are three branches of the Altera which started with Priscilla’s daughters; the branch of Cecilia(Lucia belongs to this branch), the branch of Gelsomina and the branch of Rosalia who was the founder of the Dark Suns assassin organization in 1770 to avenge Lucia Altera’s death
In 1920, Dario and Francesca Altera approached the other pureblood families in Italy and the surrounding countries to create a tri-annual formal event to encourage friendly relations between them all where they are all on the same level respect wise (unfortunately this resulted in the Alteras being considered the family that if you ever disrespect openly while attending it, it’s basically power suicide to your family)
Misc Facts
When an Altera family member uses their forged weapon, their eyes glow gold and the more power they draw the brighter the glow until it becomes fire and their voice echos
They value Loyalty and Kindness above all and even if the branches may not like each other for what they do, they are still family and will always care for each other.
They abhor blood purists and will get into fights easily with purists with no hesitation for in their eyes blood purity is a thing created by other purebloods to feel superior 
They dislike Grey families that did not take a side in the wizarding wars as in their opinion that’s just as good as supporting Dark wizards 
They do not believe that murder damages souls but that the soul was always damaged
Capturing and/or killing an Altera is the quickest way to get the rest of the family to want to kill you
They are all naturally good at Transfigurations and Defence against the Dark Arts spells
They hate anything that manipulates memories and emotions like Memory charms, love potions to such a degree that quite a number of them will destroy any love potions on sight and put anyone who use Memory charms for nefarious reasons into the hospital or kill them
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mother-snake · 4 years
a guide to the other side pt10
(the final part to a guide to the other side. the continueation from thursday. planning a third and final writing for this series.)
start: thursday previous: a guide to the other side pt9 next: who lives, who dies, who tells your story
taggs: @idkanameatall
warnings: death, beheading, if authour cried be prepeared for feels. blood. angst lvl 100
-the final battle between them all is taking place. janus loses his world-
The kids from yesterday
Theodore screamed, white hot pain flared in his side as he tried to avoid the white and black sludge that swarmed them like hot tar.
He collapsed onto one knee, he touched his side, a sticky liquid leaking from his wound. He hissed in pain at the touch.
“not so strong without your brother, are you?” a voice taunted from in front of him. he looked up and paled ten times more.
White hair, silver leather jacket and pristine white clothes. His silver eyes bore into Theodore’s soul as he looked onwards. He let out a shaky laugh.
“your going to die for hurting my baby brother and his family,” he grinned. “not before you bleed out,” insanity grinned looking at the side who was struggling to stand on his feet.
Roman looked up from the floating piece of the mindscape that he had gotten caught on. his eyes went wide as he saw Theodore’s condition. They had been at this for a good ten minuets and were all growing tired running. They had tried to follow depressions advice but with wrath back and angrier than before, it was getting much harder to do anything.
Roman didn’t know what to do anymore. He barely had enough energy to focus. Whatever that white sludge was, if even got a small drop on you… it felt as if you could go to sleep. he panted as he tried to gather enough energy. something collided with his back, sending him sprawling onto the floor. White hot pain seared into his flesh and bone.
He let out a scream of pure agony as his back collided with the floor. “ROMAN!” yelled Virgil as he used his extra limbs to climb up to the others platform. wrath hot on his heels. He didn’t care. His friend was in danger.
 Logan had ben startled when Janus woke up screaming grasping his side in pain. But what made Logan worry was the fact it wasn’t the side he had thrown the other onto the ground on. “Janus?!” Patton shouted, panicked by the other. “Theo…Theodore…I need to… help,” his eye began to flicker whilst small dribbles of black liquid dropped out of its socket.
Logan backed away slightly, Patton doing the same as well.
Janus’s scales shifted to black, his clothes shifting along with his mind. His old black jumper was a welcome feel as his mind was reeling. His brother was in pain. And whoever did it was going to regret being alive.
He felt his smile grow on his face, he felt his eyes go wide as ideas flooded his mind. “Janus…” Logan said. “we’ve got some sides to turn into corpses,” he giggled standing up. his arms relaxed by his sides.
He slowly tilted his head at the two other sides in the room before turning to the door at the back and skipping over and opening it. “what are you waiting for?” he giggled.
Logan stared at his…no… that wasn’t him… this was his complete snap. He’d seen the other snap half way, the pain from his brother must have been clouding his judgement.
Standing up, he offered a hand to Patton to help him up, and soon they were on their way.
 They had not been expecting to see what they did. Remus was stuck on the ground… Virgil was fighting wrath, stopping him from getting close to roman. Janus could sense his brother, but couldn’t see him.
He lifted his hand in front of himself. A pale-yellow matter surged into life and wrapped around his hand, pulling him up to the sky, his laughter was heard by the others as he hung from the sky by only the yellow… whatever is was.
He let out an ear-piercing whistle. There was nothing after…then…The ground began to shake much more than before. they turned their eyes to look behind the deceitful side…
Two snake slit eyes pierced behind the dark as the form began to solidify.
“holy shit…” Logan muttered…Patton could only nod in response. “Janus!” Logan yelled up, grabbing his attention, “get to Theodore!”
Janus nodded and was off within seconds, the giant snake behind him slithering forwards and making his way to help Virgil and roman.
Logan spread his wings and shot into the sky before diving down and grabbing Remus. “heads up sweetheart!” he said as he dropped him down by roman.
Patton on the ground shifted himself into Lilly Patton. And began to leap onto the platforms to get over and help the others with keeping wrath busy.
Logan seeing them all going to be okay soared over to help Janus as best as he could.
“Patton, are you okay?!” Remus asked looking at Patton with shock. “I’m fine… we need to keep wrath busy until Janus and Theodore fuse together!”
Wrath stared at Patton and laughed, “that won’t happen, insanity wouldn’t let it.” Remus turned to face the orange side, “well then… we can still keep you busy,” he turned to face roman who held the same look on his face. “it’s now or never,”
Wrath caught on too late. A green and red light swirled into one. The form gave f one of authority and power that could barely be rivalled. the colours faded and king stood in its place.
He blinked; his chromatic eyes stared at wrath with rage. Black ink pouring out of one, gold out of the other. the green and red caped flapped in the air as he surged forwards sword at the ready and shield on guard.
Wrath cursed under his breath as he dodged the fusion. This was still bad. Not as bad as self-preservation. But it could still end up putting a number on him either way.
Their weapons clashed together, as they stood in a stand still Patton launched himself at wrath, knocking the side of the edge of the island and crashing to the floor. the snake nodded at them, turning to face wrath and slamming his tail down on the figure. He could keep him busy for now.
The frog, king and spider looked between each other before leaping onto the floating platforms trying to get up to the top.
Janus dropped himself down in front of insanity but in front of his brother. “finally listening to your calling then repression?” insanity said. “no… I’m here for my brother. There’s something we need to do.”
Insanity summoned his rapier. Pointing it at Janus. But he only laughed and summoned his staff, his chest plate appearing in its correct position on his body. insanity lunged forwards, only to get swatted in the side by the yellow sludge. Wrapping it around the side like a cocoon. Swallowing him whole.
Janus relaxed and turned to his brother. He got a small nod; he knew what needed to be done.
Pink and yellow light swirled together. The figure on one knee showed itself through the mist. four eyes, two pale yellow and the other bright pink. Hair tied back in a ponytail. Scales littered the right of their face. Their body was protected by armour and they held a much larger scythe in two out of four arms.
They walked forwards, the other sided arriving from behind them. “you purposefully attacked people who did no harm to Thomas, you got your waring long ago… all these years and you have proven you can’t be trusted….”
He looked at the king. “do it…” king responded, he faced insanity, “the executioner will do his duty. Goodbye old friend.” “goodbye Samuel.” He swung the scythe down…
He disappeared into a silver mist, it swirled in the air before vanishing. A weak smile appeared on his face. self-preservation turned to face creativity. “it’s been far too long Romulus,” “I could say the same to you atlas, but alas I have to leave… as do you.” “goodbye my friend,” atlas smiled. “goodbye” there were two blinding lights.
Red and green split… pink and yellow as well.
Janus held onto Theodore in a hug as they formed. Theodore’s shoulder slung over his own. A weak smile on both their faces.
Roman and Remus formed seconds later holding hands. a wide grin on both their faces.
Time seemed to slow down as Janus felt himself being shoved to the ground. he looked up to see Theodore looking at him with a smile on his face… his eyes locked on his brother. Who collapsed down onto his knees and side.
He felt the phantom pain in his stomach and surged forwards. Cradling his brothers head in his lap. “Theodore? Theodore! Can you hear me?!” he said shaking his brother gently. “are…you…okay?” he whispered barely audibly. “you’re a fool. What the fuck did you do?!” Janus cried, tears pooling in his eyes. “you’ll be fine… you’ve got them,” “how can I live without you?” Janus muttered, tears pouring on his cheeks. “I love you baby brother…” Theodore whispered, tears pouring down his own cheeks. “I love you too,” his voice cracked.
Janus glanced to his left, Logan kneeled down next to Theodore. “it’s okay, we’ll take care of him,” he weakly smiled, tears pricking his eyes, “you can rest.”
Janus felt his brother go limp in his arms and screamed. Not one of pain. Not one of excitement or fear. but pure grief.
His eyes became black, scales shifting along with them. he gently placed his brother on the ground, closing his eyes.
He stood up and turned to wrath who stood still. Staring at Janus with a smirk that seemed to falter as he saw Janus’s broken look. “… enjoy the deepest pits of hell bastard,” Janus growled as he gripped his brothers’ staff and charged with so much speed that he couldn’t react.  Blood splattered the scythe as wraths head rolled to the floor, body collapsing in a heap.
Janus turned back to his brother. Placing the scythe gently on the ground and walking towards him. Scooping him up into his arms… not saying a word.
He walked away…his brother in his arms… no one spoke, they just followed. Logan picking up the scythe before he left.
Each side looked at Janus with guilt and pity, each one of them mourning for the person they had met just that morning.
They arrived at the mirror in the mindscape and walked through… they walked for what felt like hours to all of them. a rock formation covered in vines was their location. Remus felt something inside him break as they walked forwards past the vines and into the cove.
The ruins still there from that day long ago.
Janus placed his brother on the ground kneeling down next to him… “were home,” he muttered voice cracking as he wept.
Remus clung onto Logan as he silently cried into the other. Patton didn’t know what to do. His mind yet to process what was happening. roman cried silently… looking at the figure crying over his brother who wasn’t there. Virgil shook with grief… he may have hated the other… but he was still his friend… and now he couldn’t even say sorry for leaving them years ago.
They stayed there. Until Janus had cried himself to sleep. But none of them had the will to move him. They stood there filled with guilt, wishing to bring Theodore back for their friend.
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Recently, I had a vision of a phoenix symbol appearing to me. In the vision, I was wearing imperial Roman armour and a warrior braid. I touched a tree trunk with the palm of my hand.
Then, a sense of strength surged through my arm. My hand caught ablaze, but I didn't burn. Instead, my hand burnt a phoenix symbol onto the trunk and it simultaneously tattooed into my arm, except with the letters, SPQR. The phoenix symbol, on the tree-trunk turned into a silhouette of itself made of fire.
After that, the firey energy from the phoenix symbol on the tree then quickly, but gradually spread throughout it.
Lastly, sparks rained from the tree branches.
Could you please tell me what you think this vision might mean? Could it be a sign from Mars that he claiming me & is there for me?
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-The anacronym, 'SPQR' stands for 'Senatus PopulesQue Romanus', in Latin, which means 'senate & people of Rome'. This anacronym was painted onto the ancient Roman war flag. So, maybe it's a sign that Mars is indeed claiming me.
-Eagles are not only a sacred symbol of Jupiter, but also a sacred symbol of Mars, because they're on the Roman war flag.
-Vultures are also a sacred symbol of Mars, in Roman mythology. Eagles, vultures and phoenixes are closely related to each-other.
-In the collective conscience of the Romans (inherited in our Roman DNA & programmed by Mars), the phoenix is a symbol of the fallen Rome rising from the ashes like the phoenix. In other words, Rome never truly fell. Instead, it ressurected to the heavens, was restored/repopulated and lives in the spirits of many. Phoenixes are immortal, because they keep being reborn forever. Rome is known as the eternal city.
-The elements of the god, Mars are fire and earth. Fire represents his brave, furious, determined, unrelenting, patrioticly loving and passionate warrior spirit. It also represents the eternal fire of Rome that keeps it alive. Also, fire represents all The Fires of Rome, fires in Roman wars, as well as the Mount Vesuvius Eruptions, which fuel our anger and hence our strength.
Earth represents the homeland Rome we fight for, the weight of the world on our shoulders, holding your ground and being loyally bounded to the battlefield. The Earth also represents not being afraid to get dirty, the place our sweat/blood/tears shall be shed and unrelenting in a barren wasteland without food/water. Also, earth represents the place our enemies shall bleed/be buried, the soil that shall be made Roman, where the spoils of war shall be dug up and the world that shall become ours. Lastly, Mars created the Romans from the soil. He scuplted them in his image and brought them to life. He gave them his strength, as well as warrior spirit and the beauty of Venus. So, the full-blooded Romans are all technically demigod children of both Mars and Venus.
-Bronze-coloured earth has more significance for Mars. Bronze is the colour that the Greek/Roman civilians, warriors and demigods were forged by Mars (Greek: Ares) from. He also made their metaphysical blood liquid bronze. It's also the material of their armour and weapons.
Mortals, demigods and warriors are the Bronze race. Oracles, psychics and divinities (known & unknown. esp. lunar ones. Excluding demigods) are the silver race. The known gods and solar divinities are the gold race.
The gold race uses celestial gold military equipment and the silver race uses celestial silver military equipment. They can both destroy anyone using celestial bronze or silver.
The silver race uses celestial silver military equipment. They can destroy anyone using celestial bronze, but not necessarily celestial gold. It should be noted that oracles and psychics still can't kill demigods, in transcendental form. Also, that some members of the silver race can destroy those with celestial gold military equipment, because they are almost as powerful.
The bronze race uses celestial bronze military equipment. Celestial bronze can only destroy mortals, monsters and those using the same material. It should be noted that mortals don't use celestial bronze, but the normal one, so can't kill a demigod, in transcendental form. Also, that a demigod can destroy an oracle or psychic using celestial silver military equipment, in this form. Mortals can destroy oracles and psychics with normal bronze military equipment, in physical form. They can't destroy oracles, in their transcendental form.
-Red-coloured earth has even more significance to Mars. Red is the sacred colour of Rome. It's the colour of courage, determination, relentlessness, patriotic love, fury in battle, passionate warrior spirit, the SPQR flag, the Roman military uniform and the blood that's shed on the battlefield.
-The ancient Roman soldiers had a tattoo burnt into their skin-probably signifying their rank, cohort and number. That way, they could be more easily identified in battle and couldn't lie about whether they're the tenth.
-The surge of energy that I felt, in the vision could be Mars lending me his strength.
-The tree could represent something to do with my Roman ancestry. Maybe exchanging strength with them. Or them passing on the Roman legacy.
-The tattoo could represent me being claimed by Mars and becoming a permanent member of his demigod legion.
-Children of Mars have fire and earth powers.
-My mortal, as well as demigod spirit have fire and earth powers. My divine-self has air, water and light powers. Both my selves have storm powers as storms are related to war and the Roman war flag. So, I have power over the sky, earth and sea.
The phoenix symbol appeared like this:
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anxiouslyfred · 5 years
Uncontrolled Daydream Mode
Summary: We’ve seen what an ideas generating ‘daydream mode’ looks like in Thomas’ videos but this is what happens when he’s actually just daydreaming and everyone in the mindscape is impacted.
Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit, spiders, brotherly anxceit
When Thomas and Roman give in to daydreams chaos usually ensues for the inhabitants of the mindscape.
With luck, all that would happen would be a few of the shorts characters or Cartoon Therapy characters manifesting and getting in the way for a while. That was a rare occurrence however and Logan could only pray for it as he saw flowers weaving around Roman’s door.
Seeing Patton hovering by the ceiling on doves wings quickly dashed those hopes however. “Pat, are you able to come down from there?” He queried, heading to get some coffee and watching out for Roman
“Not yet. He summoned spiders earlier.” His voice was steady so either the spiders had been vanished or at least scattered out of view a while ago, Logan assumed.
“Is it fright or Roman keeping you up there then?” Logan checked before freezing himself as he rounded the counter.
Virgil was sat cross legged on the floor, looking utterly entranced at several spiders over his arms and shoulders. Logan must have made some noise of concern at recognising a species or two of the spiders as Virgil glanced up. “He can’t summon anything truly harmful, L. Don’t look so worried.”
“Is this something that the daydreams have caused or do you simply have an aptitude towards arachnids?” Logan straightened his tie, taking a step backwards while trying to act like he’d had none of the concerns Virgil suggested.
“Well I do have a few of them in my room. I figure it’s just because they cause Thomas some anxiety that they originally appeared, but now they’re basically pets. If Ro keeps these around, I’ll keep them too.” Virgil muttered, glancing back into the living room. “Looks like he’s coming downstairs again regardless.”
Following Virgil’s gaze, Patton and Logan could see the banister shifting to golden spires with a woven band connecting them. The carpet had already changed to be a red velvet which rippled out to also cover the living room.
When Roman emerged onto the stairs, his outfit was utterly different to his usual one; chain mail armour was covered with a red cotton embroidered with his insignia in gold.
“Ah, Court Adviser Logan, you have arrived.” Roman decreed upon spotting him. “Have you managed to find any information on the beast plaguing the kingdom?”
Logan blinked, making sure to keep the table between them in a futile hope it would prevent the daydream from affecting him. “Can you remind me of what type of creature it is, please Sire?”
“Well, one of the villagers said it had two heads, another insisted on far too many legs, while all of them reported it flying.” Roman mused, his absent expression, ever present for daydreams growing stronger if it could as he focused on the daydreams story.
Alarm however was growing in Logan and Virgil’s expressions as their eyes darted between the spiders, Patton’s wings and each other. Virgil’s final glance at Roman had him slumping a little and gently folding his hands around his neck, trying to disturb his spiders as little as possible.
“Was there any mention of what the heads looked like? It would assist me in locating the mythology it originates from.” Logan tried, hoping they could learn with more evidence who might find themselves with an extra head.
So focused were the trio on Roman that Deceits entrance and frenzied looks around the room went unnoticed as the Prince began to speak. “Well, it had dark eyes on one head, bright yellow-green on the other. The dark eyes were in a serpents head as well, I’ve been told.”
“I’m right here and my eyes are the other way round!” The snapped words made everyone jump and an even more worried gaze from Virgil as they turned to Deceit.
“He wasn’t talking about you. Welcome to daydream central, Deceit.” Virgil snarked back, murmuring to Logan and Patton at their bewildered glances, “We don’t get affected by this when Thomas is denying us or doesn’t know about us.”
As Virgil stood, still moving slowly to keep the spiders calm, Patton backed into the living room, finally landing and Deceit crouched, curling into a corner of the room as though to get away from everyone while staying with them, shrinking into himself. “You really might be best just hiding in your room, Dee. If you think it cause I don’t want you around, would I say that, when it just makes you stick around more? Roman’s influence is weaker in our rooms so it’s less likely to affect you there.”
“I don’t recall you being this upset when Thomas went into daydream mode after you joined us.” Logan observed, recognising that Deceit was beginning to hyperventilate but unsure how to react to the dark side to help.
Virgil however, barely spared him a glance, heading towards Deceit. “You wouldn’t have. I’m good at hiding it, or myself when I want to.”
As he honed his focus in on the Deceitful side, Dee started clutching the right of his neck and the side of his face. “Deceit, I need you to breathe for me, just follow my pattern.” Virgil’s voice was steady as he took the others chin in one hand so their eyes would meet, a spider crawling over it to Deceits left shoulder as he did so.
“My neck! What’s happening to my neck?” Deceit gasped out, clawing at it until Virgil managed to pull both hands away with his free one, though no more of the spiders on him moved more than needed to stay in their spaces.
“Thomas and Roman are daydreaming, which means a lot of strange things are happening here, including transformations. It looks like you’re growing a serpents head. No, keep breathing with me. It will only be temporary. Come, on, breathe in for four counts.” Virgil’s voice remained calm and patient as he talked Deceit through his breathing techniques, confusing Logan and Patton further since they rarely saw this side of Virgil and never in regards to any dark side.
Deceit was gazing at Anxiety like he was his saviour. “But it hurts.” he muttered, like a lost child would.
“Unfortunately I can’t help that. It seems to work based on how liked you are. I’m sorry Dee.” Virgil’s voice quieted to soothing indiscernible whispers after that, only a dark flicker of his eyes to Roman showing the memories and history they usually ignored.
By the time the serpents head had fully formed, Virgil was cradling Deceit in his lap, looking more like a father than Patton ever had, even with the spiders still climbing over the pair of them. Patton and Logan had left them and Roman in the living room, supposedly to make lunch since they all knew the creative side would only acknowledge them if they fit a role in his dream and be hungry when he came out of it.
At the sound of a sword being drawn though, Virgil could only pray they’d intervene and help him. “Villain, you’ve plagued my kingdom for the last time!” Roman declared, weapon pointed directly at Deceit, even as Anxiety moved them to be between them in a crouch, hissing back.
“Don’t talk to be of villainy, Prince, unless you’ve finally routed it from your ranks.” He snarled back, ignoring the hands now clutching the back of his hoodie and heads on his shoulders.
His opposition was unexpected enough to have Roman blinking, torn between carrying the daydream on and coming out of it from confusion. “There’s never been any villainy amongst my knights.” He tried arguing, even as Logan and Patton dashed in, having heard the exchange start.
“Perhaps, my Liege, we might solve what has been plaguing the kingdom by discussing what’s ailing the aggressor instead of fighting it.” Logan suggested, only the title offered to Roman really acknowledging he still saw it as daydream mode. They all knew  the consequences could be dire if Roman came to blows against Virgil while one was daydreaming and the other quite visibly in his original mindset of Anxiety and needed to avoid it.
Roman scoffed again, though his expression was beginning to clear even more. “The fiend should have done that before attacking my people.”
“Perhaps you’ve not given him a chance to do so. You seldom meet with your people, Prince Roman.” Patton tried to soothe, looking torn between offering comfort to the pair he most often thought of as his children and avoiding the creepy crawley death dealers on them.
Them all reasoning against his daydream seemed to be enough to finally end it and Roman’s sword dropping followed his expression clearing to curiously look at how the room and people in it had been changed this time. “Why do you look like you’re protecting Deceit, Virgil?” He asked, frowning at the only thing he couldn’t understand happening from the story he’d lived, while almost everyone else let out relieved sighs.
“Because I don’t plan on letting him go through the same crap I did alone. Any clue on how long the daydreams are going to stick around?” Virgil explained, his tone sharp, though he was taking a few deep breaths, reminding himself that he’s friends with them all now and doesn’t need to be on guard and scary constantly.
“You’re literally being cuddled by someone you normally can’t stand, but my daydreams are what concerns you?” Roman bristled before concentrating again. “Probably an hour or two.”
The mention of how disliked he was had Deceit’s serpent’s head hissing softly before he finally spoke up, “Totally feeling safe around you three. Wouldn’t you prefer your brother to be supported than alone?” 
“We don’t really work family ties here quite like we did in the subconscious, Dee, just Patton trying to be everyone’s Dad.” Virgil murmured, turning enough that he could wrap an arm around Deceit and subtly check his temperature. “There’s not really the need when we’re trying to work together for Thomas’s best interests.”
The light sides were all in various states of confusion and growing understanding of the pair before them. “We used to argue over the most ridiculous things with Shai when we were teenagers.” Patton mused aloud.
“Or just stop talking to each other for no reason sometimes.” Roman added, “You were so hurt and confused a few times that happened.”
“Perhaps I should do some research into negative brotherly or sibling relationships.” Logan pondered, still thoroughly confused by the current change in the usually hostile pair, still latched to each other on the floor.
Virgil just snickered a little at their comments, tightening his arm and wrapping the other around Deceit too. “We class each other as brothers who hate each others views of the world. For now I’m going to get Dee to his heating rock. This daydream has decreased his already lowered ability to regulate body heat.”
Moving both of them must have taken his concentration since spiders scattered as they sunk out. Logan and Roman jumped and started reaching for either weapons or a way to contain them as Patton shot to the ceiling all over again.
“How long did Virgil have these on him?” Roman exclaimed, trying to herd them together, since creatures dying upset Patton nearly as much as spiders do.
“You’d summoned them before I came downstairs so I’m uncertain. Deceit came down about 5 minutes after me, just as we were trying to learn what else might happen.” Logan called, fetching a large bowl from the kitchen as he spoke.
Roman let out a humm as he finally gathered the spiders close together enough for the bowl to be placed over them all. “That was a new way to be brought out of a daydream though; one of you derailing it and the others suggesting different ways the dream could go. It might help if you need to end one in the future.”
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darksaiyangoku · 3 years
Avengers of Remnant Teaser
Narrator!Ruby: My family are full of heroes. Both and my dad and my sister are off in space fighting an epic battle and me? Well....
Sun: Hey Ruby, get up! We got work to do!
Ruby: *groans* Ahhhhh! I'm coming Sun!
Narrator!Ruby: I'm trying to carry on the family legacy.
[Scene shift- Bank]
Roman: *laughs* Ah, and people say that Vale isn’t exciting anymore. Man, are they missing out. Alright men, we have everything we need. Let’s roll before-
Two of the thugs were beaten down and standing over them were Sun and Ruby, dressed in their superhero gear.
Roman: Ah, Hawkeye and Black Widow. So glad you could join us.
Sun: Didn't your mom ever teach you it's rude to steal from others? *raises bow*
Roman: No but she did teach me the value of teamwork. Get them!
The thugs go in for the assault but a swiftly knocked by Ruby and Sun. They turn to face Roman, only to find that he's driving off in the van.
Sun: Oh come on!
Ruby: Don't worry, I'll get him!
Before they could act, the van is stopped by a man in yellow and white. He beats Roman to the ground with nothing but a shield.
???: Hey, you're not hurt are you?
Sun: No, we're good. Thanks for the hel-
Ruby: OH MY GOD, YOU'RE CAPTAIN ATLAS!!!!!! *smiles widely and shakes*
Jaune: *blinks*
Sun: *laughs nervously* She's a big fan.
[Scene change- Beacon]
Ruby: I can't believe it!!! I get to go to Beacon!!!!
Sun: I'd be careful if I were you. These heroes might not be what you expect when they're out of gear.
Glynda: Please welcome our second year representative; Pyrrha Nikos.
A girl in red and gold armour lands on the stage, creating a massive crater. She takes of her helmet and sees the crater.
Pyrrha: I'm sorry! *waves nervously*
Sun: ...I stand corrected.
[Scene change- Classroom]
Glynda: First years will learn the fundamental basics of being a hero. Such as weapon maintenance.
Oscar: *crafting web-shooter* Yes! *web shooter discharges all over him* Noooo!!!
Glynda: Helping citizens.
Ruby: Hello citizen! I'm Black Widow and whatever help you need, I will be glad to give it to you! *smiles*
Citizen: *holds poster* Can you help me find my cat?
Glynda: And most importantly, training.
Ciel: *Arms stretch and make fists* Okay!
Glynda: Any questions?
Cardin: *raises hand*
Glynda: Yes Mr. Winchester?
Cardin: Why is he called Captain Atlas if he goes to Beacon Academy in Vale?
Glynda: ...seriously?
[Scene change- Vale City]
VNN: We are getting reports of an alien invasion heading straight to Remnant!!
Yatsuhashi: Beacon's prepared us for a lot of things. Aliens wasn't one of them.
Jaune: Maybe not but the only thing standing between them and Remnant is us.
Behind him were the Avengers; Iron Maiden (Pyrrha), Nora, Captain Dragon (Yang) Yatsuhashi, Hawkeye and Black Widow.
Jaune: Priority is making sure the civilians get out okay. Widow and Hawkeye, you're on ground level. Dragon, Nora and Pyrrha are on ariel level. All of you concentrate powers kn the ship make sure no reinforcements are called. And Yatsu? Smash
Yatsuhashi suddenly grew large and his skin turned green. Raising his shield, Jaune cried out.
All the Avengers charge towards the alien fleet.
This will be the day we've waited for!
This will be the day we open up the door!
I don't wanna hear your absolution!
Hope you're ready for a revolution!
Welcome to a world of new solutions!
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution!
In time, your heart will open minds!
A story will be told!
And victory is in a simple soul!
Darksaiyangoku presents
Avengers of Remnant
(Feel free to make RWBY and the other chatacters react to this. 😊)
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