#very silly goofy quirky of me
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starberry-fag · 2 months
just saw a take so bad abt a character i like and actually my cat jusr walked in. i'm fine
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no-wings-no-angel · 2 years
it’s “yeah i got no sensory issues” until it’s time for school and i have to experience the Horrors of
Ten-Percent-Cotton-Ninety-Percent-Polyester Cloth Uniform that makes my skin crawl;
The Lights That Sometimes Seem Really Bright But Sometimes Not that make me regret cutting my hair short so i can’t cover my face;
and of course, the Absolute Terror Of
Professor Tapping The Microphone Real Hard to the point it make me want to grind my bones to dust. why don’t you just say “test test one two three”, my good sir? do you really need to torture me like that? you gonna break the mic one of these days, did you know that? yeah, of course you fucking didn’t, but i do. i fucking do. tapping the mics damages the inner parts of the equipment to irreparable states. and it pains me. it pains the microphone. and it pains your pocket cause this shit is expensive. just be normal about it.
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unkown-boi-blog · 1 year
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Rusty gets a little goofy goober, I am obsessed with the concept of this shatter space Metal, like as if Amy and Metal have swapped personalities in the New Yoke universe so Rusty just wants to kill/capture Sonic to please the Chaos council/complete her objective, where as “Metal” (what’s this guy’s name…) just wants to hang out with the quirky blue hedgehog cuz he’s fun to race or whatever.
I’ve seen very mixed opinions since the trailer came out but hey Prime is quite literally about alternate universes and Sonic meeting alternate versions of this friends and enemies, so give me silly guy Metal, and maybe he will still be a killing machine, we only saw like 5 seconds of him after all
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anti--transid · 9 months
As a medium supports autistic person who will literally never be able to live without a caretaker,
Transautistic people fucking sicken me , because they only ever want to be the "silly, YIPPEE, tbh creature, very low support needs, 'ideal autistic', able to mask perfectly" autistic person and not the "physically cannot mask, will always need a caregiver, cannot perform basic everyday tasks, requires an aac, ostracized for being autistic, high/medium support needs autistic person, violent when overstimulated"
Transautistic people will ignore us medium/high support needs autistics because they just want the "quirky, silly goofy" parts of autism.
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healer-pop · 1 month
going on the tragic Hero origin stories blizzard has been releasing lately, imagine just how devastating it would be if venture accidentally caused another catastrophic Omnic uprising.
some spoilers for ow under the cut!
their story is so cute and they’re so quirky, funny and goofy and that’s wonderful that we have heroes like that because honestly they are my favorite types; but come on now. You guys honestly can’t believe that blizzard is just releasing them without some thing they’re not telling us. that they’re just there for comic relief. A big part of overwatch is tragedy and misfortune. How different things would be if only something small changed. And yes, there are aspects of hope and light and persistence in the face of hopelessness. But think about Widow’s backstory. Think about Illari’s backstory. A big part of overwatch is the tragedy all the heroes have faced at one time or another — whether self-inflicted or by some random misfortune.
By hinting how venture unearthed Anubis? It would really play against their positivity and optimistic personality and bring a nice balance to their origin story. venture talks about Aurora all the time, how they admire her. Which in itself would be innocuous, but considering they have currently been one of the only heroes to do so while also being shown to find Anubis????? makes me extremely suspicious. Anubis was a god program that was supposed to be quarantined at the end of the first Omnic uprising by overwatch, it was never killed, and this is shown in Ram‘s voice line with Pharah. it’s still there, it’s just inactive. and overwatch hasn’t been around in a LONG time.
this would also make sense, lore wise, to why some of the characters can be on the same team. having talon and overwatch team up to fight against another uprising from a god program makes a lot of sense. Especially factoring in Ram’s motivations. There’s not really a character I see that wouldn’t fight against the Anubis. Maybe Mauga? they don’t have to like each other, but being committed to stop a greater evil is a very good way to pull a party together. dnd rules —
imagine how horrible it would be for Venture to realize they reactivated anubis. they were the ones who undid all aurora sacrificed. their hero, the reason for their passion, and here they are, absolutely destroying everything Aurora built. with one fell dig swoop.
Yes, venture is my favorite character so far and yes, I do enjoy putting my silly little favorite in absolutely horrible situations.
anyways rant over. let me cook while I can.
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gidaryeong · 5 months
2023 drama roundup
Unchained Love: I still hum the unhinged flute intro on a regular basis, easily my fave intro of 2023! I didn't actually finish the show due to dwindling interest, but for the first 14 episodes or so I took a keen pleasure in it (and it made me go on a eunuch webnovel spree, expertly curated by @mercipourleslivres). I love it when heroines are allowed to be truly funny, rather than just quirky or ditzy. Also appreciate the goofy Lamp Prince turning into a brutal incel tyrant the moment he got power.
Six Flying Dragons: I don't think I can write anything succinct enough for the roundup format so I direct you to my "my sfd tag" if you want to access my enthused livetweeting. Show of all times, lives were changed.
Tree with Deep Roots: I literally can't think of a better topic for a tv show than Sejong the Great constructing hangul together with his band of nerds, one of whom he has a weirdly intense, vaguely erotic relationship with. Han Suk-kyu carried this entire show on his trembling shoulders. What an actor! What range!!! It was such a treat to watch him smugly debate his ministers, roleplay a farmer, and hiss half-mad soliloquies to himself in the dark. It took nuance and depth to portray the kind of inner conflicts and generational trauma that Sejong battles in the background of this drama. To be honest I didn't always enjoy the Milbon subplot which I felt got repetitive, and often found myself wanting to fast-forward the wuxia scenes. In a better world the show would have centered the whip-smart palace maids and their alphabet workshops. But I will definitely rewatch this soon. And maybe also write a fix-it where Sejong and Soo-yi fuck idk.
Quartet: Cute little murder mystery about a found family of freaks, liked it a lot.
My Country: The New Age: As entertaining as ever. Very fun to rewatch this back to back with Tree with Deep Roots, since Jang Hyuk plays diametrically opposite characters with the same vigor and commitment.
Gone with the Rain: Sometimes you watch something which you understand is technically a masterpiece but it doesn't do anything for you, and sometimes you watch a piece of campy silly fun and it makes you tingle with joy. This was the latter category for me. I liked the first and middle parts enough to make up for the lukewarm fizzle of an ending.
The Autumn Ballad: Has some fucked up elements that are difficult to stomach, but the parts that are good are really good.
Not Others: Bingeable! But imo they could have cut out the stalker/murder cases and just focused on the excellent family drama.
The Matchmakers: This surprisingly swooped in towards the end of the year as my favorite comedy of 2023, all thanks to a rec by @haraxvati. I adore Cho Yi-hyun in this role!!! She is so hot as a shrewd matchmaker with a fake mole and a twinkle in her eye. Love the virgin prince with his yearning-induced panic attacks (Rowoon didn't work for me in The King's Affection in a quite similar role, but he's so much weirder and lamer here, which is something I like in a man). I am obsessed with the side plot of the crossdressing romance novelist and the solemn police officer who is trying to capture her and ends up giving her free home renovations and smouldering looks instead. Also, Park Ji-Young and Lee Hae-Young are two of my favorite villain actors on their own, and here they are married!! Still have a few episodes to go, but I intend to binge them as soon as I post this.
Dramas I dropped or paused:
Our Blossoming Youth: I shipped the heroine and her cute maidservant a little too much to bear the dull prince they stuck her with. But I might rewatch it some day bc I want to write a Sherlock Holmes fic for the girls.
Little Women: A real disappointment, because I love Louisa May Alcott and I love Jeong Seo-kyeong. Once again, letting the women kiss might have solved much of it.
Island: Casting Kim Nam-gil as an expressionless cool-guy action hero offends me personally. (Yes Song of the Bandits I'm giving you the stinky eye also.) But Lee Da-hee and Cha Eun-woo were delightful!
See you in my 19th life: I couldn't, even for my most darling Shin Hye-sun, go beyond episode 1. There's something about a kid dating another kid even though she's a literal adult inside her brain that I can't really vibe with.
My Dearest: I do intend to finish this, but I lost the thread after the first half. It got a little too dark for me I think.
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cloudysonder · 4 months
On "Daddy Issues"
Ok, I know I'm a bit late to the game here, but I was gathering my thoughts after experiencing episode 5 and 6
Let me preface this with the fact that I am a Hazbin Hotel fan; it's cringe and it's not the best writing in the world, but I love the characters and the concept and the art. I know a lot of people disagree and completely despise it and hey, you do you, but this is a silly little thing I enjoy and think is fun
but oof. episode 5 and 6 were rough, execution-wise. Also worth mentioning that episode 5 followed on the heels of episode 4, which was dealing with a lot of heavy topics and gave Angel a lot of character development very quickly and had a wonderful song and a budding relationship between Husk and Angel that was fantastic, so to get a confusing and overwhelming yet completely inefficient episode (ep 5) and then an episode with SO MUCH HAPPENING that it absolutely bowled you over with plot points and world building that weren't given a single second to breathe was really disappointing. I'll put the meat under a read more, but that's the thesis
this post is just gonna be on episode 5, and I'll make another one on episode 6 bc christ almighty both of them are gonna be long
Episode 5 was something I was really looking forward to-- Of the main cast, Charlie and Vaggie seemed the least intriguing to me (oh, did I say "seemed" past tense? haha! they still most definitely are the least interesting!), and I wanted to see how they would introduce something they've been building up to for a while: Charlie's famed "Daddy issues"!
Turns out, instead of actually keeping it as a point of intrigue for Charlie's character and using it as a point of tension to show that hey, Charlie isn't actually a perfect person, and she's also in pain with the rest of the sinners because her own family relationships are falling apart, they solve it in a single episode. That's right! The long-awaited, complicated, divorced parent and child relationship that twisted Charlie into a validation seeking, people pleasing princess that "wants to fix other people so she doesn't have to deal with her own daddy issues" (quote by Husk) is solved with a charming performance by Jeremy Jordan and a song!
Look, it's no secret I'm a huge fan of Loser, Baby-- I clearly have no qualms with storytelling through song. But you cannot song-plain this one away. We've established over 4 episodes that Charlie and her father have kept in minimal contact for seven years. That's a Long time (don't go trying to be like, oh time to charlie works differently, bc that shit's not established, and everyone in the show still treats seven years like a long time). We know that the last time they called each other was 5 months ago.
"More than Anything," solves basically everything by making the following points
Charlie was inspired by her Dad's dreaming
Lucifer was ashamed of his failures and hid away from her
Lucifer does, however, want so so deeply to know Charlie
Charlie wants to know Lucifer
They love each other <3
these are fine endgame points. Dare I say... good endgame points to arrive at?? But you can't stuff ALL these revelations into a single song and call it a finished relationship arc when they haven't spoken for real in 7 YEARS. Also, making Lucifer so goofy and silly and fun and charming is Not helping the establishment of his character as a self-hating former dreamer who doesn't want his daughter to make the same mistakes he did. It just turns him to tumblr sexyman cute quirky sympathetic never did anything wrong and loves his daughter, completely downplaying his absentee parenting.
You can't have him turn from "I do not care about your life. I do not care about your project. I will not ask about your passions and your dreams. I am already ashamed of my own." to "ur so right bestie!!! dreaming is so slay mama!!! I love you so much you're my little baby girl I love you so much, you're right and I will support you!!!" in the course of a single episode without like.... at least 3 real, in depth conversations happening. The song is beautiful, but you can't poetry your way out of an actual relationship arc.
BUT! But, but but! The fault does not lie completely with Lucifer, but also with Charlie. girl just forgave him??? For everything????? Despite having been so scared to call him at the beginning of the episode? It's very unrealistic for a kid to just accept that a parent loves them apparently so so deeply when they've never seen proof of it in the last idk just spitballing a number here SEVEN YEARS. If you want to make the crux of a failed parent-child relationship miscommunication, you're gonna have to get into the ugly--- the grieving of what you could've had earlier, the wondering why you didn't reach out earlier, the anger at why they've suddenly changed now--- and you're gonna have to explain why the miscommunication went on so long.
sometimes, if you have a pair of completely uncommunicative people, seven years may be reasonable. But Charlie is open about her passions! She's public! She constantly reads about "The Story of Hell" and paints Lucifer in a positive light! And Lucifer is quick to reciprocate any interest Charlie shows in him! He's quick to offer help, to spoil Charlie and show love! (Lucifer's points are two points that make SEVEN YEARS of MINIMAL CONTACT and MISCOMMUNICATION make ZERO SENSE).
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additionally, Charlie's lowkey only point of intrigue that was set up (her relationship to Lucifer, the King of Hell) is now just... kapoot. solved. pish posh. now she's a done character.
THEN EXPLAIN WHY I STILL DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HER???? I haven't seen her actually struggle in a way that's not played off as a bit, we don't get a real charlie breakdown monologue, there are no stakes for me as a hazbin hotel viewer to want everything to go well for charlie besides my acab rad leftist ass being like redemption and forgiveness is good and ultimately benefits society
she's fun, she's bubbly, she's kind! but those are all basic things we knew from minute 1 she was on screen. I need to see her struggle. For a main character, she sure as hell doesn't feel main. And I expected better female characters from female writers (feat. in my next post, Vaggie????? What the hell?).
goodnight new york city, you've been great!
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beevean · 6 months
I saw the post about Shadow having NPD and your comment on it, and I gotta say, it does somewhat bother me how fans will shove multiple neurodivergencies, personality disorders, mental disorders, etc on characters as if those are just funny quirks and not highly serious afflictions that influence entirely how you can live life and how others treat you. Autism and ADHD are the ones I see most commonly used, but there's certainly more. And it's treated as just a goofy little personality trait, thrown onto characters in the way that you would say they don't like raisins in their apple pie or are fond of the colour red because they wear red clothing at times. It truly feels as if there is zero regard for how such a divergency would actually influence character behaviour, nor how it fits in canon, and any "proof" often is cherrypicked or plain incorrect (e.g. "Sonic can never sit still, ADHD icon!!!" What, Sonic who likes taking naps and reading books in the games, and Sonic X as well? Even in Boom he lazed around endlessly!). I'm all for letting people write ND characters, but it does get irking to see every single character be characterised with Fun Buzzwords™️ like that, no matter how unfitting or stereotyping.
To be fair, NPD is not one of those "silly disorders" like autism/ADHD (they aren't silly either but I hope you know what I mean), which yes are assigned like candy to characters who dare to be quirky or a little naive. I do understand why people with it would want to destigmatize it.
It's the concept of "I am/have X so my fave is just like me fr fr" that makes me raise my eyebrow.
Do you really believe Shadow is a narcissist? Where? What symptoms does he display? Saying stuff like "I am the Ultimate Life Form" is not synonymous with having such an unstable ego that you crave praise like air.
But if your reasoning is not based on canon interpretations at all, but it's just projecting... that's not a headcanon to me. That's just you inserting yourself in the character you like. And, to be very blunt, I am not interested in this game, because I don't know you, and you haven't given me any reason to even consider your proposal seriously.
Saying "Shadow has low empathy but a solid moral code" is very different already. I can compare your statement with canon and agree. I don't know if this means he has a disorder, and I wouldn't assign one to him (I mean, my man is already Traumatized and recovering, I think it's enough), but at least you are making something that resembles an argument and invites engagement.
I'd even take absurd statements like "Sonic has low empathy", something I read once. At least it comes from an interpretation of canon, one I heavily disagree with, but it still has more thought put into it than "he's just like me fr fr"
I probably sound like a bitch, I'm aware. I'm not preventing anyone from doing what they want (although please put more thought into assigning autism to characters because enough of you seem to think that any kind of personality means autism and ND people are just empty shells of assholishness). I just personally am very, very bored of this approach to canon that can be boiled down to "I want my faves to be like me", when for me the fun is reading canon and extrapolating from it.
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thattimdrakeguy · 5 months
Gonna be honest, do not care how brash it sounds, Ncuti Gatwa is already my second favorite Doctor. A perfect mesh of fantastic performance and good writing.
Both him and RTD just deliver what's their in my head as the 'Doctor-y bits', the things that make any incarnation of the Doctor feel like the Doctor. The stuff that if lacking can make me not care for an incarnation, or really like an incarnation.
They nail that base of the character while adding new things to make the new incarnation unique and it's wonderful.
The Doctor is an enigmatic, scientist, time traveling, adventurer, investigator, that's so eccentric. And while some criticize RTD for making the Doctor's a bit too human, I personally think he's always been very good at writing Doctor's that feel like aliens who've been around humans for hundreds of years...which is who the Doctor is.
And it makes the Doctor so wonderful.
Never liked when people say some Doctor's don't feel alien...simply because they aren't standard socially awkward. 'Cause that always felt a bit unintentionally mean spirited. There's lots of human's that are bad at social cues and stuff. A lot of them are just plum Autistic. It doesn't make them alien.
RTD makes his Doctor's feel alien by the obvious experience the Doctor has that's above any possible human. Knowledges and sciences above what we human's even know. With enough eccentricities with the way they socialize that show they're so used to being around actual aliens that they're pleasantly surprised when something unusual shows up, and they're right at home alongside it.
Now all that stuff I described is almost constantly there...'cause it is the Doctor'y Bits, but it feels more pushed to the forefront with RTD. While other writers either don't make those the elements that stand out, or they write them in a way that feels...it's hard to describe...But sometimes that stuff is written in a way that feels parody. When I feel like the humor is natural 'cause, 'Who the hell can say they done all this'. It could be a directing or performance thing over writing. It's hard to pinpoint. While focusing too much on making the character quirky to the point they feel a bit too over-the-top to mesh, or possibly maybe even inconsistent with other parts of the characterization that's been established.
It's a magnificent balance in the latest special is what I'm saying.
And thanks to the beauty of the writing, Ncuti gets to play a three dimensional Doctor right off the back. His serious side, his silly side, his teasing side, his self-doubting size, his scientific side, his adventure loving side. It's all there, and he betrays it so convincingly. It somehow feels like he's already done a full season when this is his first episode as the main Doctor.
And the episode was a total breath of fresh air.
The first three specials were amazing, and already among my top favorite episodes of Doctor Who. But by nature they were an epilogue to a story already started. Which is what made them fantastic.
But on the differing side of the coin is this special, where it's to begin a new on, in a new era, in an episode that's a truly great starting point for new viewers that may not understand the sort of show Doctor Who is.
I've seen some people say it doesn't work as that 'cause it's goofy.
No it's perfect 'cause of that. You shouldn't watch Doctor Who not expecting camp sensibilities. Even at it's most serious, the show still has elements of camp, it's just rather or not it's intentional lmao
Also Millie Gibson is insanely convincing right away. I never seen her in anything, while keeping some faith, since so far RTD has been sort of my man when it comes to Doctor Who, I consistency enjoy his choices. But like, wow, she was genuinely the stand-out to me, above even Ncuti in some ways, because obviously the Companion isn't going to be as naturally interesting as the Doctor is, since the Companion is supposed to be a more average person, while the Doctor is...the Doctor. To make the companion stand out as much as the Doctor is insanely hard...especially when Ncuti is a show stealer by showing up alone from his charisma.
Her performance was amazing though.
I've never been so impressed by a companion's performance (Anymore so than another) before like I was with Millie.
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smash-chu · 3 months
Have to ask, how do you come up with such amazing fan VP designs? I'm aware of the animals you use but the shapes, colors, and details for them! Just, wow!
It's a result of vigorous study of the existing piñatas from VP and trying to make things in the same design spirit, i blame obsessing over the franchise as a kid and having it ingrained in my mind ever since. It's influenced my designs overall, even when not making piñatas, patterns and wacky shapes is my bread and butter :V
Though the process itself feels rather straightforward to me since i do it so often it's not really that different than when making other designs. Start with throwing scribbles around until ya find something that fits just right and continue from there.
Shapewise i tend to start with focusing on one particular shape that i think would be funny and or embodies the essence of the animal in question, piñatas have no bones and as such can be literally any shape you can think of. Let's use the Pandhaw i have been working on recently as an example:
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When i think "panda" my first instinct is a rounded shape, after all real life pandas are pretty rounded and compact. However i didn't feel the oval / egg shape was that unique, it felt very obvious, so i messed around with potential other shapes. And thus ended up with the rounded wedge shape, moving the legs to the front rather than below just to make the shape stand out further. A lot of the process goes into pushing the general shapes in different directions, just to get something that looks interesting and quirky.
The colors and patterns are harder to describe how i come up with them, as i just sorta pick colors i think would look nice together based on color theory. I don't limit myself to the colors of the animal itself because that'd be boring and not piñata like, since they do not have realistic colors - like have you seen a rainbow colored hedgehog? Don't think so. With the Pandhaw i had a focus on green and purple since the very beginning, because that felt like a fun and odd color combo that isn't directly "panda" but can be used to still convey the iconic panda markings. If an animal doesn't have a striking pattern or markings as is then i just mess around with different shapes to make interesting patterns.
It's also fun to keep in mind the general vibe / personality of the piñata, it helps with picking shapes, colors and patterns. The Pandhaw is a goofy and bumbling critter, thus making it look silly was important to me. If that makes sense :V
I'm not the best at describing my design process, but hopefully this gave some additional insights :3
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justicerikai · 1 month
Hi! Thank you for all the translations, I love reading your translator notes contextualising the jokes/puns, they're very informative and really adds to the series tbh. Anyways, I'm not sure if I just missed reading about it but what does Iori's luliho mean? Or is it just something he says haha. Also, do you mind pointing the puns in Rikai's part (in the new song) hfkdjs only if you want to!
Good luck with your job related admin! I respect the dedication omg 💪
offering only the best kind of edutainment on the world wide web.
nowww this is 100% my own interpretation so i'm not going to say it's correct but it does make the most sense to me.
the best way i can contextualize it is by saying that it's a quirky "greeting" or "catchphrase" of some kind that's more versatile than a greeting (well specifically to crsm in da house, since he says it at the end of the lyric).
yui from the oregairu (my youth romantic comedy is wrong as i expected) series sort of has her own greeting: yahallo!
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an other, not uniquely attributed to a single character but is generally known, is wanbankon. which is konbanwa in a different order. fun fact! chiniwanko from crsm jamboree is a goofy take on konnichiwa in that same vein. (chiniwanko is an other case of unique charisma-isms at play)
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(btw, the eng subs left it out & made it just a general greeting. but you could do some fun stuff with it. my take on it is taking howdydoody and just switching the first letters around- dowdyhoody.)
however while wanbankon & chiniwanko deviates a little in execution, it's the spirit that's the same behind luliho & yahallo: a silly way of saying hello. english is not exempt of it ofc, there's hi-de-ho, yoohoo, hwi etc.
essentially: yes, it is something he Just says. kind of like a custom iori word, unique to him. which is again, a shame that the eng subs took it and localized it into something that removes the uniqueness.
as for the other part: ah there's no puns in rikai song lyric, its just a general grievance i have with the official subs so far. its my fave thing about him......
& thank you! i just simply want to go to school to hone my conversational jpn (and jpn in general) and then find a job in the localisation field. but i have gotten so many curveballs thrown at me during the entire process that i'm about to ohse myself but i have a few days left to, hopefully, finally, get it sorted out. o(-(
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radios-universe · 9 months
why do you love michael holden so much? he essentially stalked and harassed tori into being his friend in solitaire. i do not get the osemanverse fans’ obsession with him.
he was in a silly goofy mood. you don’t get it he was just feeling a bit quirky.
but hey, real answer, i’m not tori spring. if she don’t have a problem with it, i don’t got a problem with it..! despite how their relationship came to be, you can see how they are in the present, and how their relationship is healthy and that they really do care for each other!!
but like, seriously, he really does perfectly remind me of a very specific type of guy who really does exist in british schools. and they’re kinda just like that. you get to know them and love them eventually. might just come off a little weird and first and, y’know what, that’s just character growth!
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grimmmviewing · 3 months
S1E8: “Game Ogre”—B/C+ (Watched 2/29/24)
“No record of where he was born, no record of a family. It’s like this guy just fell out of the sky.” – Hank re. an ogre/giant (Got a, not exactly unhappy, groan from me!)
“Just the facts, right?” – Monroe to Nick/Hank re. the ownership of an important watch (Bonus points for Dragnet reference?)
Exactly how much silliness I find charming and at what point the goofiness should result in some sort of deduction for review purposes are questions I find myself thinking about a lot while watching Grimm. Even the episodes I’ve scored as “A”s have their Moments. And if I had to sum up my feelings about “Game Ogre” I would say that it starts as a fine enough monster of the week story but then, perhaps fittingly for an episode that prominently features a watch early on, it accumulates enough “complications” that it becomes genuinely interesting or noteworthy.
First—the central role of Oleg Stark, an ogre. I did love the very physical performance, which has a lot of stiff-bodied stomping around and grunting and growling. It had to have been fun to try to play that role and to try to make yourself seem as big, burly, and dense (in more than one sense) as possible. The way the camera frames this big boy and the way that shots of him getting physical are filmed and edited to make him feel as large and powerful as possible is just very entertaining. Definitely goofy, but also definitely fun in a C+ sort of way.
Another entertaining C-sort of goofy detail is how the initial murder victim is a judge, and we know that because he’s just got a gavel sitting out on his desk at home. It’s used in his murder to help suggest that the crime was personal, of course, but the placement is still such a ridiculous way to communicate the man’s profession, especially when you consider that we’re also explicitly told he’s a state judge when Sergeant Wu and his partner are investigating the scene of the break-in.
There are some similarly unnecessary-feeling, awkward quick flashbacks in the mix—back to Nick being brutalized by the ogre in his house and to the ogre-killing poison and gun in his trailer. Of course, one way of looking at these is as part of the TV series package: Commercials are a thing, and people come in late. You have to catch up the late-comers and maybe re-establish a sense of drama and of the critical details for folks after the ads. This is one of those things I struggle to identify as a positive or a negative in my subjective assessment since Grimm being so obviously What It Is is absolutely part of the charm and was part of what I wanted out of this whole experience.
And there are a couple of plot oddities here, too, like just how long it takes for someone (Wu) to put together the idea of using Hank as bait for the vengeance-seeking Oleg. Captain Renard going along with Hank to a suspect’s place probably shouldn’t feel weird, but it does since, as far as I remember, this is new behavior for him.
It’s the mounting “complications” that ultimately elevate the episode, though, because of their novelty. Actually seeing Nick kind of shaken and vulnerable after he’s hospitalized from Oleg’s attack offers a new emotional angle from which to view him. He hasn’t been this badly beaten by a Wesen before. Hank similarly gets pushed emotionally in this episode, and the exact nature of the strain on him ends up being a nice twist, with how he and the DA colluded to “lose” evidence that might have gotten reasonable doubt for Oleg at his trial years ago.
The trust that Nick places in Monroe, a Wesen, by revealing the trailer to him is very much understated and great for it. The fact that Monroe ends up being the one who has to put Oleg down is also a cool, interesting wrinkle. The focus on the .600 caliber “elephant gun” bullets that are over 100 years old in the final scene with Renard and Hank is just a delightful little bit of quirkiness and suspense. That the weapons from the trailer are actually deployed here is something I was glad to see. It certainly makes sense for Nick to use his service weapon rather than swinging around a sword or flail or something, but that armory has been essentially teased up to this point, and it was just good to see some of it put to use.
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kbthebearcat · 6 months
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Art from January! WALL OF TEXT INCOMING (I copied and pasted the desc I typed out on DA hgngh…) I looked up poses for some of the characters that inspire me when it comes to Troy’s character and his world.
The ones I picked here are Fred from Scooby Doo, Doyle from Galaxy High, and StarLord from Guardians of the Galaxy. 
All of these character I feel share similar traits and energy. All of them can be goofy and silly or like to crack jokes,  and even have similar physical characteristics. Fred is usually depicted as being a bit out of touch and does some pretty unexpected and funny things, also gives off “himbo” vibes. His actions or methods to catch the bad guy can seem unorthodox, but still work. Overall just quirky, but means well. I see Troy as that too. Unless it’s a very serious situation, Troy’s silliness and goofiness is going to come out while he’s on the job and in uniform, but that doesn’t mean you can’t count on him to get the job done.
In the more recent stuff they show Fred to have an obsession with nets and traps, and that reminds me of Troy and his love for tacos. He also just gets excited or really happy about certain things in general, which makes me think of Troy too, because he can get like that about things. I could have chosen a lot of poses and expressions with Fred tbh, but I saw him making that one in a clip I was looking at, and I just got an urge to draw it. 
I haven’t gotten to watch every episode of Galaxy High yet, (there aren’t that many as the show didn’t last too long) but from what I’ve seen, there’s a lot of elements in there that inspire me, not just the main character. The overall plot of him and another human girl from earth being chosen to attend a high school in space is already interesting to me. There’s aliens of all kinds co-mingling, futuristic tech, space-related hijinks, and just good-ole 80s vibes! Which of course, I always enjoy. 
Doyle himself is pretty much a jock. Not an extreme one, but I’d consider him being in the category. He’s sporty/athletic, plays football. That reminds me of Troy because he’s athletic and sporty too and plays basketball. That’s why I thought that pose there would be a good one to try.
They make Doyle out as meaning well too, but since he’s a teenager his choices aren’t always the best. There’s usually a lesson to learn at the end of an episode. Even though Troy isn’t a teenager, he’s still a young adult, and can honestly still act like a teen or big kid anyway.
ALSO Doyle works as waiter at a diner, and Troy works as a waiter at a restaurant when in hooman disguise! I didn’t even know about Galaxy High when I made that a thing for Troy, so I thought that was an interesting similarity as well. I’m tempted to draw Troy in the outfit Doyle wears just for the fun of it.
Annd then we have Starlord, who may be the least surprising choice here…. He’s a part of a group called “Guardians of the Galaxy”. They travel around space helping people, fight bad guys… and there’s some comedic flare thrown into the mix. I mean, that’s pretty much Troy’s concept in a nutshell. Starlord himself reminds me of Troy in a lot ways. I could see Troy listening to oldies music while in his ship, or exploring a planet, jamming out and all that. Cracking jokes while he’s fighting with something or someone. All that stuff. 
Whew boy, uh… sorry for this wall of text here. If you made it to the end of this then kudos to you haha. ;w; Just felt like giving a bit of explanation for each character here… there’s many more characters that have inspired me with Troy though. 
Also this was a experiment here, taking screenshots or looking up pics of characters that inspire me and trying to redraw their poses/expressions. I gotta do this more. I’ve never really gotten to before but it really helps with going out of my comfort zone and exploring a character more. 
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raedshadowlegends · 7 months
Poker Face: The John-O Character
Omg hi howdy. Welcome back to a long essay featuring nothing groundbreaking whatsoever! Today we are going to be talking about Poker Face, the greatest show of all time. But more specifically, we're going to be talking about John-O.
For the uninformed-- John-O is a character featured briefly in the first episode of the series. He's only in two scenes but he sure is a silly little guy. Everyone loves John-O.
And upon my 17th rewatch, this time featuring my good friend @room215 , they pointed out that there seems to be a John-O-escue character in every single episode.
So we kept track of the John-O's. And now I'm going to be dissecting each one for no good reason.
Now there are no specific criteria for what makes a John-O. It's really just based on vibes. There are similar patterns between characters that are worth analyzing but for the most part you just know it when you see it.
I'll be talking about the first five episodes in this potentially very long post so grab yourself some popcorn and buckle up.
Oh and there will be spoilers. So go watch Poker Face if you haven't already, it's the best show ever actually.
Episode 1: Dead Man's Hand
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There are definitely moments where I could get better pictures of him but I think this one is kinda perfect.
This is John-O. He is a silly little guy who has a history of stealing shit and breaking into places. He seems to be reformed because he states he "don't do this shit no more." So he is morally good. I trust him.
He's very silly and likes to add the suffix "-o" to the end of things he says. Like hey-o and good-o. He's just this goofy old man and his vibes are impeccable.
He's an ally to our friend Charlie Cale, helping her break into Nathalie's home despite his morals. He even offers to cut her in with his playboy sales. What a good guy.
Overall, John-O is a friend-o. He establishes our precedent of the "John-O character" being silly and the vibe that we're after.
Side Note: I love that Poker Face is an episodic show with a rotating cast of characters. It's seriously awesome and you don't see that shit often. However I am heartbroken at the loss of this man cause we probably won't see him again. It breaks my heart. I hope he's doing ok.
Episode 2: The Night Shift
"Meteor Shower" Trucker
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Literally just this dude who is in one scene.
He is only here to tell Charlie about the meteor shower that evening. But he does it in the funniest fucking way imaginable. He literally gives Charlie a heart attack by just saying, "Meteor shower tonight." It's the funniest thing to me.
And I think about him way more often than I ought to. He's kinda skrunkly.
I said on the night during our analysis that he's cute in the same way on old man themed muppet is cute. Y'know? I feel like that makes some sense.
But yeah he's just here to be a jumpscare and tell Charlie about the Leonids. What a silly guy. I wish he was in more than one scene.
So far in our John-O analysis we have two quirky old dudes. The best kind of character imo.
Yeah I don't have much else to say on him </3
Episode 3: The Stall
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Why does he look like that.
Anyways yeah, Beto is the John-O of episode 3. I do think he is pushing the amount of scenes a John-O can be in but it's ok cause he's kinda silly. He's just doing his job, man.
Poor guy is the one who found George's body. He's probably gonna have some issues for a while.
He's got some silly interactions with Charlie and even though they're brief, they're fun.
I actually don't have a lot to say about this guy. Whoops. My bad.
But you may have noticed he is not a skrunkly old man. That is true! He is not that.
I will be grouping this dude into the category of, "Guy who is just doing their job" under the broader "John-O" umbrella.
None of those words were in the Bible, I don't think.
Anyways, that's Beto for ya. Now we get to move on to my favorite guy!
Episode 4: Rest In Metal
Guy Who Threw The Stapler
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Why the fuck would he do that.
I don't even know I can classify him as a John-O character but oh my god I think about him so much. Literally what is his deal, why the hell would he do this.
He is just here to throw a stapler at Gavin and whoop and holler. That's so fucking awesome.
That's all he does so I don't exactly know what else to say about him but I will add this:
My friends and I have been saying, "aREN'T YOU THE BAND THAT DOES STAPLEHEAD??? PLAY STAPLEHEAD!!!!!!!" to each other in the most man baby-escue voices possible for days now. It's the funniest thing on the planet.
*hits you with a stapler*
Episode 5: Time of the Monkey
Gino the Bull
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This random guy in Howard Wolowitz's car.
He meets the flexible criteria of being a skrunkly old man so he gets points for that, for sure. ALSO HE'S KINDA SILLY?
He's just in the car being a silly goofy guy. These dissections are getting shorter and also worse. My bad guys, I'm really tired. Been staying up watching too much Poker Face B).
Anyways yeah, I don't know what his deal is. Very important to be a John-O, you just don't know what their fucking deal is.
I wanna say Gino the Bull is some kind of mafia/mob man? I dunno. I think it'd be funny if that were the case. That's my head canon at least.
So now we have three skrunkly old dudes, one man baby, and one Beto. Awesome.
I'm gonna cut this one of here before it gets too terribly long. Mainly so I can just get this posted. But also I imagine this shit is quite the long read.
My bad B).
These are our first five John-O characters in Poker Face! Tune in soon to learn about the next five!
It's not gonna be as silly. Sorry. Episode 9 and 10 are major bummers and there's not much fun to be had there.
As always, thank you for reading <3
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