#until the kids who were watching started saying 'OOOOOOOH'
shanti-ashant-hai · 10 months
i just went through your stories and you and your bf apparently had a whole childhood friends to lovers arc??
you're living the dream
what will you do if i told you we even had the 'BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU' fight back in 11th
it'd have led to us getting together earlier if only the school wasn't filled with harami people
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spine-buster · 3 years
Patience is a Virtue ft. Matthew Tkachuk | 𝒫𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒
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gif credit @czarniks
CONTENT WARNING: this story deals with cults, polygamous cults, escaping cults, strict adherence to religion, gender roles, abuse, miscarriage, and a character with a traumatic past.  Please be warned.
Word Count: 2,899
A/N: Was I really going to name the epilogue any thing else?
                                                         *     *     *     *     *
Effie had been quiet lately.  When Matthew said ‘quiet’, what he really meant to say was not all there, and when he said ‘not all there’ what he really meant to say was that she was there, with him physically, but her mind was somewhere else.  She had these bouts from time to time.  Effie was always going to be a work in progress, and that meant sometimes she’d regress instead.  He knew that when he signed up to be with her ten years ago now.  He knew that when he raised the idea of buying and building a house together seven years ago, and she said no.  He knew that when he raised the idea of buying and building a house together six years ago and she said no.  He knew that when he raised the idea of buying and building a house together five years ago and she said no.  He knew that when he raised the idea of buying and building a house together four years ago and she said no.  He knew thar when he raised the idea of buying and building a house together three years ago and she said yes.  He knew that when they moved in to said house two years ago.  Some bouts were long, some were short, but he always noticed them.  
This was another one.
She usually came around.  Well, actually, she almost always came around.  She’d ask something or propose an idea and Matthew would learn or realize why she was so withdrawn, why she was so quiet.  Sometimes they were simple, and a short bout: “I want to change the menu at the bakery.”  Sometimes they were vastly more complex, and a long bout: “I know Chantal’s okay with me not having kids, but what about Keith?”  She’d get stuck in her head a lot.  And with someone with so much to learn, as someone who was quite literally going through life learning by doing, it was almost a guarantee this would happen, considering what she came from.  
But Matthew was there.  Always.  
As he spooned her in bed, he could feel how distant she was.  He could practically feel her mind racing and refusing to slow down despite it being late at night.  Matthew placed a small kiss on her shoulder.  “D’you want to talk about it?” he offered.
Effie turned around so she was now facing him.  He could see the worried look in her eyes and started to worry himself.  She took a deep breath.  “Would you want to marry me?”
Matthew licked his lips, and without hesitation, he nodded his head.  “Yes.”
Effie looked away, almost ashamed.  “I had it in my head that you wouldn’t want to because I’ve been married before,” she whispered.
A regress.  Inevitable.  Effie’s mind was a complex ocean.  “You were never married,” he said firmly.  “But if you want to get married, I’d love to marry you.  We could do it however you wanted.”
“What about our marriage?”
“What do you mean?”
“We’d get married, but what would our marriage be like?”
Bad memories, obviously.  The last time she was a “wife” it wasn’t a marriage at all.  It was practically a hostage situation.  An abusive relationship.  “Do you like our relationship how it is now?” Matthew asked.  
Effie nodded her head.  “I want it to stay like this,” she said.
“Then that’s what our marriage will be like, too,” Matthew assured her.
“I don’t know what type of ring I like,” Effie mumbled on the phone to Geneviève as she picked at her lunch, a poppyseed bagel she’d made with a generous spread of lox and cream cheese.  Geneviève was in Sweden, like she was every summer, with Jacob and her twins.  Though they’d be back in a few weeks for the season, Effie couldn’t hold off talking to her.  She never really could.
“Why would that matter?” Geneviève asked.
“Matthew and I talked about getting married.”
There was silence on the other end of the call before Effie heard the dial tone.  She thought the call dropped – it did that sometimes, especially when Geneviève was in Sweden – but then her phone was vibrating all over again, and it was a FaceTime request instead of a simple phone call.  Effie couldn’t help but smile as she accepted the call.
“You and Matthew WHAT?!” Geneviève shrieked, holding the phone too close to her face.  
“Um…yeah,” Effie nodded.  “We talked about it a few nights ago in bed.  I asked him if he would want to marry me and he said yes.”
“Effie, Matthew’s probably wanted to marry you since he told you how to pronounce tomahawk.  What made you think he didn’t?” Geneviève asked.
Effie shrugged her shoulders.  “I don’t know…” she said.  “I just—last time I was married, it wasn’t a good marriage.”
“You were never married,” Geneviève deadpanned.  It was good to know she thought the same thing as Matthew.  “But besides that—has Matthew been anything like him in these past ten years?”
Effie shook her head.  “No way.”
“Then what makes you think he will when you’re married?”
Effie knew Geneviève was trying to make a point – and a good one – but Effie was, for some reason, still apprehensive.  “He comes home soon,” she said.  “I’m going to talk to him more about it.”
Geneviève nodded in understanding.  “Just remember that you deserve happiness, however that comes to you,” she reminded Effie.  “And remember, Effie – you can choose happiness, too.  You can choose to overcome a fear and make yourself happy.”
Effie searched all about engagement rings until she heard the garage door open and Matthew step into the house.  He’d been at the gym, and his own lox and cream cheese bagel was waiting for him in the fridge.  “Hey,” he called out from the laundry room.  
“Whatcha up to?”
“Uh, looking at engagement rings.”
He was silent.  Silent until he rounded the corner and Effie saw him emerge from the hallway that led to the laundry room, his gym bag slung over his shoulder.  “Engagement rings, huh?”
“Mhm,” she nodded, adjusting herself in the bar stool.  “There’s so many different styles.”
Matthew looked at her skeptically, dropping his gym bag before walking over to her.  “There are…” he began.  “But you should look at a style or styles you like, and then we can bring it to a jeweler.”
“A jeweler?”
“I’m not gonna get you just any ring, baby.  It’s gonna be custom made,” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Effie’s research told her that custom made rings were the most expensive types of rings.  While there were so many pretty styles online, custom was definitely something to aspire to for many people, even thought it was out of reach.  “You’d get me a custom ring?”
Matthew looked at her.  Without saying a word, he leaned back into the barstool beside her but grabbed hers and scooted it closer to him.  “Will you please talk to me?” he asked softly, but needily.  “You know I’d get you a custom ring.  You know I’m gonna let you get any dress you want and have whatever kind of wedding you want.  You brought up marriage but the questions you’ve been asking me…Effie, it’s as if you think I don’t love you.”
“That’s not—no,” she shook her head, stuttering out her words.  “I’m sorry, Matthew.  I don’t mean it to be like that.  I know you love me.”
“Then what’s with the questions?”
Effie took a deep breath, avoiding eye contact with Matthew until she knew she had to talk.  “This is what it was like last time.”
Matthew’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach.  “What do you mean?”
“Abraham was nice before he abused me.  He promised me so many things.  And I know you’re not him—you’re nothing like him—and I’ve—I’ve told you that for ten years but—”
“—Effie, if this is too much for you, we don’t have to get married.”
Effie began shaking her head.  And when she began shaking her head, tears started to well up in her eyes, and as they welled up, they fell down her cheeks.  She tried wiping them away but Matthew beat her to it; she was so ashamed she couldn’t even look at him.  “But everybody gets married.  Look at Brady.  And Taryn, even.”
“Effie…we’re already in a committed relationship that’s like a marriage anyway.  I’m devoted to you, and you’re devoted to me…we—we live together, we act like we’re married anyway.  If you don’t want to change that then you don’t have to.”
“Yes I do,” she stressed.
“I do because I want to do something for you.  You’ve been doing things for me for ten years and I know you want this.  I know you want to get married.  So I want to give that to you because you’ve given me so much.”
“You giving me yourself is enough.  You know that.  You’re enough,” he said.
“I know,” she nodded.  “But marriage is a celebration of love.  It’s a celebration of love.  And I want to celebrate our love.  I just have to get it through my thick skull that marriage isn’t a punishment, it’s a celebration.”
Matthew nodded his head, giving her a quick kiss on the nose.  “Want me to call Dr. Barlow?  We can work on this together.”
Effie nodded.
Half a year later, Effie couldn’t stop staring at the rock on her finger.  It glimmered in even the shittiest light.  She was sure Matthew had something put in it to make it shine so much, but he kept denying it.  Geneviève loved it.  So did Jenna.  So did Annica.  
“But do you?” Matthew asked her.
She nodded.  The second he slipped it on to her finger, everything became real.  Everything.  She’d never had an engagement ring before.  She never had a testament to her partner’s love for her.  And here it was now, on her finger, ready for her to wear for the rest of her life.  Matthew gave it to her.  Her Matthew.  Nobody else but her Matthew.
“Oooooooh, Effie,” Chantal’s eyes lit up as Effie walked out of the fitting room of the small bridal boutique in St. Louis they went to on a whim.  Taryn’s jaw dropped in quick succession as Effie walked out and stood on the platform in front of them, a three-panel mirror showing her every angle of the dress.  She watched Chantal through the mirror.  “Oh Effie, this is stunning.”
“Do you think Matthew will like it?” she asked.  
“Matthew’s gonna bawl,” Taryn interjected, causing everyone to laugh.  “I’m about to bawl!”
Effie looked at herself in the mirror, patting down the fronts of the dress, even though it fit her like a glove.  Despite trying on some dresses already while out with Jenna and Geneviève, she didn’t get the same butterflies in her stomach as she did seeing herself in this dress, now, even though this wasn’t planned.  It was the first one Effie chose for their consultant to pull but the last one of the three she tried on, and it was the most beautiful.  She loved everything about it: the eyelet organza, the corset bodice with exposed boning, the A-line skirt with pockets.
The ivory.
The consultant puffed out the skirt for her, letting it fall behind her dramatically.  Effie was quiet as she watched Taryn eye the consultant and say “We need a veil” before the consultant left them alone.  Chantal was covering her mouth at the point, admiring the dress but also as a mechanism to stop herself from crying, probably.  Effie pat down the front of the dress again, her heart beating in her chest.  “Chantal?” her voice was small.
“Yes sweetie?”
“I can wear white, right?”
Chantal nodded automatically.  So did Taryn.  “Of course you can.  You were never married,” Chantal said.
“Even if you had been,” Taryn piped in, “it’s your wedding.  You can wear whatever you want.”
Matthew held Effie’s hand as they sat on a couch in Dr. Barlow’s office together, talking through Effie’s trepidations of marriage and expectations as a wife.  Effie knew that the only reason why she was having trouble with all of this was because of her past experiences; when she thought about it, deep down, she wanted nothing more than to marry Matthew.  But her mind was a funny thing – it always was – and that’s why they were here.  Matthew had been patient in waiting for her to agree to buy a house and move in together; he’d been even more patient in not asking her to get married but letting her make the decision herself.  Now it just all came down to this – the working through the nitty gritty things, the things that still plagued her mind – so she could go into the marriage in the healthiest way possible, just like their relationship was.  And she was going to see it that way.  It helped her immensely to see it that way.  This is just an extension of our relationship.  This is a celebration of our love.
“Have you given thought to any popular wedding or marriage traditions that the two of you would want to follow or not follow?” Dr. Barlow asked.
“Like what?” Matthew asked.
“Effie, will you be taking Matthew’s last name?”
Effie looked at Matthew before squeezing his hand quickly and nodding.  “Yes,” she said confidently.  “I’ll become Effie Tkachuk.  I met this woman through hockey – her husband plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs – her name is Bee Rielly.  She took her husband’s last name and she said the reason why she took it was because she had no connection to her maiden name, McTavish, because she had no real family and her mom was an alcoholic and it only really reminded her of that.  Considering her background, she wanted it gone, and I feel the same way.”
Matthew squeezed her hand back.  Dr. Barlow smiled and nodded her head.  “It’s great that you’ve met someone like that, that can help you see these kinds of things in that perspective,” she said.  “Are you having a church wedding?”
“No,” Matthew took this one.  Even though he and his siblings went to Catholic schools, religion wasn’t a huge part of their lives.  “Just an officiant.  We actually already have her booked.”
Dr. Barlow nodded again.  “Effie, how do you feel about the tradition of someone walking you down the aisle?  Levi?  Matthew’s dad, perhaps?”
Effie shook her head vehemently.  “I love them, but no,” she said.  “No way.  I’m entering into a marriage freely and I’m making the decision.  Nobody is giving me away.”
Matthew smiled.  “And that’s that on that.”
The more that Effie planned, the more she got to experience what normal wedding planning was like.  It was stressful, sure, but it wasn’t your-mom-telling-you-that-you-were-going-to-marry-a-55-year-old-when-you-were-fourteen-years-old type of stressful.  It wasn’t an I-don’t-know-anything-about-being-a-wife-I’m-only-fourteen-years-old type of fearful.  It actually wasn’t fearful at all.  The more decisions she made about how she was going to marry Matthew, the more excited she became.  Decisions about flowers, about table coverings, about décor, about music, about food.  Her favourite was taste-testing cakes samples with Matthew.  Every time they tasted something Matthew would always say, “It’s not as good as your cakes” to her.  
Every.  Single.  Time.  
Between family, friends, and teammates, there were about 130 people at the wedding.  Effie wore her dress, tailored to perfection, and the veil – long and regal and cathedral length, because the only day it was socially acceptable to wear a veil that long was on your wedding day, and Effie was going to take full advantage of it.  They did a first look and Matthew cried.  He cried again when she walked down the aisle by herself.  
When Effie stood holding hands with Matthew, reciting vows to each other, she thought about the past ten years.  She thought about the person she was when she met him at Noah’s birthday party.  She thought about their Starbucks meetings and him teaching her about corn dogs and candy and frappucinos.  She thought about how different she was from then till now, and that though the past still affected her, and crept up on her from time to time, she had been strong back then, and was even stronger now, and that made her proud of herself in a way nobody else could understand.  Not even Matthew.  That she stood here with him, marrying him, making the choice to marry him, spoke volumes of her progression.  It spoke volumes of the person she had been, the person she was now, and the person she was becoming.  She was always a work in progress.  
Matthew was there for it all.  There to help her, there to guide her through it.  There to help her achieve her dreams and expose to things she never thought possible.  Lake Louise.  Moraine Lake.  The Bahamas.  Europe.  St. Louis.  Confidence.  Trust.  Love.
“I love you,” he whispered to her when their vows were done, rubbing his thumb over the backs of her hands.
“I love you too,” she whispered back.  Freely.  Meaningfully.  Deeply.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” the officiant beamed.
For the first time in her life, Effie was married.
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 3 years
Nancy Drew 2x4
You know what Odette Lamar really said “FUCK justice I choose to kill the very nosy teenagers” and that is honestly so valid of her
Also was it just me or was that product placement at the beginning with the water bottle so jarring like please never do that again
God I knew from the fucking getgo that the dybbuk box would not work on the Aglaeca, and I was thinking it would break but I was expecting the Aglaeca to break out, I didn’t think she’d just go ahead and blow it up. That being said the whole thing with the sand being what can hurt her was honestly pretty ingenious, and I am officially counting down the hours until the next episode. Yeah I said hours
Also they have all written obituaries? GUYS. You still have like 24 whole hours left this is not the time for quitting. And I cannot believe the writers really brought Lisbeth back just to do her dirty like that, like I was not the biggest fan of their relationship but my GOD what a way to end things. The entire time I was screaming at Bess “go into the restaurant!” and then she DIDN’T. Like no Bess you’re not a coward but I’m still going to shake you. You straight up ghosted (ha) your gf in front of her parents. She deserved better.
Speaking of people whom I kind of want to shake: how is that Aristotle guy Hannah’s assistant? Also who is he? He can’t be not important with a name like Aristotle. I’m betting he killed or kills somebody and will be a big bad at some point, or at least a minor villain. He will be some form of bad is my point, and let the record show I called it first.
I had two favorite parts this episode, and they relate to each other so let’s see what they were shall we?
One of them, no surprise, the Ace and Carson and Ryan road trip. I was about to die. Carson is a bear and Ryan just cannot or will not stop poking him in the eye with a very short stick, and Ace is the wilderness survival guard waving a sign that says “PUT DOWN THE STICK.” And then their little bonding ‘how to be a father’ moment at the gas station was the definition of precious. Carson saying no, he really had no idea Ryan was the father and was trying to honor Lucy, teaching him how to talk to Nancy. Ryan’s character growth is going to be hard-earned and well-won and I cannot wait to see the kind of man he turns into. We caught a glimpse of it, when he was with Nancy after. Admitting he would’ve had no idea what to do with her as a kid and that he still has no idea what to do now? Figuring out the music puzzle, when he was so proud to be able to keep up with his genius daughter who takes after her mother, and so proud of Nancy. And her admitting she had a “mild interest” in having a relationship with him? Tears.
My other favorite part comes as a direct result of Ryan helping Nancy. One of the perks of this show will always be when Amateur Sleuth Nancy DrewTM really just gets to unleash her truly unrivaled brain power for the purposes of solving a mystery. Memorizing the letters, working out the cipher, going to the church, then the confession box, finding the letters and the necklace. My girl cannot be beaten.
Also I cannot believe they made Odette like six times more tragic by making her gay and having her be torn away from her lady love like what gave them the right. And shoutout to Agnes Marvin, who in the late 1700s, had everything to lose and nothing to gain by attempting to go against her very powerful husband and get justice for a dead woman. Hermione Lodge could never
As far as George and Nick go, it is no secret I do not typically see a whole lot of chemistry from them. I am normally able to overlook it in favor of commenting on the good writing. HOWEVER. This episode changed all that. Their talk at the end, George stressing about Jessie and Nick reassuring her, and him needing George to know that somebody loves her? Sweetest moment yet we’ve seen this season, possibly one of the sweetest in the show so far.
That scene at the end? With the box and Aglaeca? Oooooooh Lordy. I was wound tighter than a two dollar watch, I had the volume unreasonably high, the lights were off, my nerves were frayed, I was set. AND I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED. The Aglaeca slowly rising out of the sea as she recognizes the necklace, reaching for it, her hand changing, seeing her true reflection in the mirror. And then like overcoming the ghostly temptation and being furious. Nancy making an appeal directly to Odette, bypassing the Aglaeca. THE AGLAECA BLOWING UP THE VERY EXPENSIVE DYBBUK BOX. No shit you guys I cannot believe she just exploded a multimillion dollar historical treasure. AND THEN THE SAND TURNED INTO SEAWEED AND STARTED TO CHOKE HER AND SHE FELL BACK BENEATH THE WAVES. “And if we can hurt her...” “Maybe we can kill her.” BRUH
This episode did everything a penultimate season finale (as it was intended to be) is supposed to do, I can only IMAGINE how next week will deliver.
And now, because I am me, and I have read the books: Time for DREWSON. God that scene after George kind of yells at Nancy, where Nick talks about how he likes to learn how things work. Nancy realizes this is, again, something about Nick she had no idea existed, he reminds her she never asked. You know what I want? PINING. Not on Nick’s behalf, he just confessed his love to George and all that. I want to see NANCY pining. Because the fact that their relationship did not work out was a mutual thing, but Nancy was the driving force. I want Nancy to (as they become friends) fall deeper and deeper in love with him, and know that she lost him and can’t get him back, and very bitterly regret it. I want her to suffer in silence for like at least a good ten episodes before anyone even notices.
Well only six days twenty hours and twenty-five minutes left, see you next week for 2x5, The Drowned Woman.
Oh and one last thing before I go.
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neverdoingmuch · 3 years
I’m here for the ‘swords not as pets’ agenda. Swords as cars: solid, get you from place to place, potentially dangerous, customizable, something people name. Wwx losing his license taking the fall for a mistake jc made (idk, dui maybe?) and just choosing to mod the hell out of a self-balancing scooter or segway or something so it goes dangerously fast. Alternatively: spending 3 months inventing the first functional actual levitating hoverboard, with an insane top speed. 3 months in the (1/2)
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sawdfert this is delightful!! i saw segway and i immediately started wheezing,, there was no time for laughing i went straight to the wheezing. i think it would make more sense if wwx lost his car and got a motorcycle? like hoverboards and segways are cool but motorcycles have that big reputation of being dangerous and there’s the whole ‘rebellious teen gets a motorcycle and becomes a delinquent’ thing? like motorcycles are fast and if you crash it’s so much worse than if you were in a car and there’s no airbags or anything. but also?? wwx rocking up to school on a segway while playing his flute like the shittiest entrance ever? iconic. but let’s stick with chenqing as a motorcycle/scooter (motorcycle-esque scooter not the ones that try and take out your ankles).
okay so all the major sects are super rich so in a modern au it would make sense for all the sect heirs to get cars. i’m not saying that jc and wwx complain about jzx being stuck-up bc he was given a porsche for his birthday even though they were also given cars for their birthdays,,, but i am. at first it would have been this major point of contention between yzy and jfm bc wwx isn’t even their son so why is he getting a car too but wwx is like ah it’s so i can drive jc and jyl to school! you wouldn’t want their cars being left outside the school all day would you? someone in my maths class had their car get keyed and it was super expensive to fix,, and yzy is like yes wwx may have a car only to protect my children from parking hassles,, also wwx must pay for his own parking. so wwx and jc both get given cars for their bdays.
now wwx gets bored easily,, so you could translate him being a cultivation genius to him being really good at driving. im talking that jc is still getting the hang of switching gears and wwx is out there casually drifting around corners. (this does mean he has to get new tyres really frequently but he’s friends with wen ning, whose family runs the mechanics that wwx likes to go to so he just helps around the shop for a bit and gets a discount (yes its the family discount)). anyway wwx really enjoys driving, also! he just rocks up to wen ning’s place one day and is like dude, i wanna pimp my ride, wanna help and wen ning is like heck yeah. so wwx pays for some upgrades with his own money and he spends hours doing some custom work to make it look cool,,
it’s all going well until wwx and jc go to wen chao’s party one night and jc gets absolutely sloshed,,, like completely hammered. wwx had walked in, grabbed a cup of lemonade or something and was gonna hang with his friends but lwj was there for some reason so he spent the entire night talking to him in the back garden. which means that when jc wanted to leave he saw wwx hanging out with lwj and went ew gross and just decided to drive home himself. he crashes and when wwx comes home the next day jc gets super pissed at him bc he was meant to be the designated driver and if he hadnt been screwing around with lwj jc wouldnt have tried to drive home and now his parents will be super pissed and wwx is like woah chill my grandmother is a mechanic and she can fix this up just give me a couple of days. 
so wwx goes to baoshan sanren mechanics (which is just the back entrance to the wen sibling’s mechanics) and spends the next three days getting rid of all of his customisations and mods so his car looks exactly like jc’s. does he cry when he has to spend like five mins spraying the inside of the car with axe body spray to get the jc stench going on? maybe a little. but he does it and returns the car to jc! and jc is like oh wow my car is fixed, your grandma is a miracle worker and wwx is like haha yeah (:
anyway wwx mysteriously and suddenly discovers a passion for public transport,, it’s a good way to stay humble jiang cheng, he says, also i used all my petrol money buying porn from nhs or whatever. anyway wwx is doing the whole pt to school thing but then one afternoon wen chao and wzh find him and idk maybe the party got too rowdy so the cops came and wc got in trouble with his dad? he assumes wwx called the cops on him so he shoves wwx into his car and drives him out to the middle of no where and dumps him in the burial mounds scrap metal recycling place or whatever. 
the train line isn’t running that day and there’s no phone service either so wwx is stuck there overnight. he gets super bored. so what does he do? he finds an abandoned scooter and starts scavenging for parts. he’s not expecting it to actually work but by the time the sun rises he’s found some actually decent parts and he thinks that he could get it working. tbh he kinda forgets to go back home and just walks into town to buy some food and then goes back and continues fiddling with the scooter. he doesnt live there for the three months but the people in yiling just accept that this random teenager has all but moved into their scrap heap and adopt him anyway. so he goes and visits the burial mounds every day after school so none of his friends or family really see him anymore. 
until! one day he rocks up to school on his scooter. scooters,, are kinda like sad pathetic motorcycles,, but wwx mods his scooter with like a powerful engine and new steering and everything so people see it and go oh! a motorcycle! even though it’s not actually (can you do that with a scooter? idk but suspend your disbelief pls). so lwj is like hnnngg wwx in a leather jacket on a motorcycle but also wei ying, stop riding a motorcycle, *enter statistics about motorcycle crashes here* and wwx is like no! you cant take chenqing away from me. and jc is pissed bc they were meant to be brothers and have matching cars and be able to work on them and give them cool paint jobs together! but now wwx has this bike which has been modded to hell and back and refuses to drive his car bc it’s not as cool as his bike. so we get to have the whole ‘everyone thinks wwx is doing something dumb and dangerous’ bc he has a motorcycle and why isnt he just driving his car anymore? but we also get to keep some of the nuance of the demonic cultivation bc yeah it’s more dangerous than driving in a car but wwx doesnt have a car anymore and scooters are a loottt safer than motorcycles (if my two seconds of research is correct).
so! wwx won’t abandon chenqing and he did most of his work using scrap parts so he goes back to the wens and is like wen ning my best bro check her out and he’s like oooooooh and they start modding chenqing together. wen qing doesnt know why wwx is constantly over at their shop all the time but jc keeps arguing with wwx and wwx grows more distant with his family and friends bc he’s making ~bad decisions~ and a motorcycle is a gateway to idk teen delinquent shenanigans like smoking and doing graffiti so he’s kinda ousted from respectable rich people society and wen qing is like i have two (2) brothers now and they’re adorable not that i’ll ever tell them that. and wwx modding chenqing got him a reputation in yiling like everyone saw him walk in one day and then drive out with this sexy sexy bike so people start coming to him for mods and stuff and wwx earns the title yiling patriarch and wen ning, his trusted best friend and helper, gets called the ghost general bc idk he helps a lot but the customers never meet him. so they become some dynamic duo for car and bike mods!
anyway,, yzy delivers him an ultimatum one day: the car or the bike (or more accurately: the family or the bike) but wwx can’t drive the car anymore so he just gets quietly disowned and drops out of school. (we’ll save jzxuan the suffering in this au he can keep his car). he goes to the wens and theyre like hey whats up? wait no you cant live in a scrap heap,, not even if you buy a tent,,, just live with us please. and then wwx gets adopted by the wens and idk i want them to have a happy ending so wwx and wn go off and do some actual mechanic and modding training with some expert (sqdcfgt imagine if it was the real baoshan sanren who just happened to be in the market for some apprentices and saw wwx and wn’s work and was like them and then later realised it was her grandson). so they get their apprenticeship and they disappear off somewhere for a year or two - when wwx had been disowned he’d deleted everyone’s contacts and was like if they text me i’ll add them back but im not gonna have a contact list cemetery. (no one contacts him). 
eventually the 13 years pass and wwx has been helping the wens raise their little nephew a-yuan who is showing a real aptitude for being a mechanic even though he’s just a kid and just generally enjoying the quiet life of being a mechanic while doing fun mods and lil baby projects. then one day lwj’s car breaks down while he’s driving through the area and he calls up the local mechanic and guess who rocks up? it’s wwx. and then we get to have them dance around each other and wwx being like lwj doesnt trust me, he’s just sitting here and watching me work all day ): and lwj is like dont let him go dont let him go dont let him go,, and eventually they get their romance but this is way too long already so im im gonna end this here
i didnt mean to make this an entire au but i adored your idea so much anon so i kinda had to!!
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kitkatwinchester · 3 years
Happy Fanfic Writer Friday!!! What song lyric best represents one (or more) of your fics?
Happy (late) Fanfic Writer Friday!! 
Alright. You all know how much I love these questions, so you shouldn’t be surprised that I am of course going to do this for every single fic, ‘cause it’s fun. :) 
Also, as such, you should not be surprised that it’s late. XD 
Here goes nothing! 
P.S. Since it’s up on both sites now, I’m going to use the version of The Diamond Girl that’s on AO3, ‘cause I like that one more. XD 
P.P.S. Some of these are a lot longer than others, ‘cause I felt like I had to put a whole line (or five) to really get the full impact lol. 
In Alphabetical Order:
An Angel and a Human: We are the broken ones, who chose to spark a flame, watch as our fire rages, our hearts are never tame, ‘cause we were, ‘cause we were, ‘cause we were, ‘cause we were born for this, we were born for this (Born for This by The Score)
Finally: Time after time, you refuse to even listen, I wouldn’t mind, if I knew what I was missing (You Won’t See Me by The Beatles)
Invictus: We’re not related but here’s good news, friends are the family you can choose (Friends are Family by Oh, Hush!)
Love Will Remember: I know it inside my heart, forever will forever be ours, even if we try to forget, love will remember (Love Will Remember by Selena Gomez)
Sibling Love: What if I’m far from home, oh brother I will hear you call, what if I lose it all, oh sister I will help you out, oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you, there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do (Hey Brother by Avicii)
Supernatural Adventures in Babysitting: My world is waiting, don’t want to stop, give up, I want it all ‘cause I just ain’t had enough, keep up, we’re gonna show the world that there’s just no stopping us (Wildside by Sabrina Carpenter and Sofia Carson)
The Third Winchester: You could give me hell, you could give me death, right before I bend, I will have revenge, fire through my veins, I will fan the flames, until my dying breath, ‘cause I will never go down any other way (Any Other Way by We the Kings)
The Untold Past: Truth is that it was always going to end, this symphony buzzing in my head, took a market of filth, and sold like summer (The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty by Panic! At The Disco)
Archive of Our Own
5 Times Pepper Reminded Tony She’ll Always Be There for Him and 1 Time He Reminded Her: I will show you the way back home, never leave you all alone, I will stay until the morning comes, I’ll show you how to live again, and heal the brokenness within, let me love you when you come undone (Right Here by Ashes Remain)
Always and Forever: Here’s to the ones that we got, cheers to the wish you were here but you’re not ‘cause the drinks bring back all the memories, of everything we’ve been through (Memories by Maroon 5)
Checking In (On You): You’ll always have my shoulder when you cry, I’ll never let go, never say goodbye, you know you can count on me like one, two, three, I’ll be there, and I know when I need it I can count on you like four, three, two, and you’ll be there (Count On Me by Bruno Mars)
Don’t Mention It, Sammy: So hold on, no matter what we’ll take our bruises and our bumps, but know until kingdom come, you’re not alone, and if this world goes up in flames, just take my hand, don’t be afraid, I’ll fight for you until my days on Earth are done, ‘cause two hearts are better than one (Better Than One by The Score)
Family Traditions: Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you’ll be alright, no one can hurt you now, come morning light, you and I’ll be safe and sound (Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift)
I’ll Be There: I’m only one call away, I’ll be there to save the day, Superman got nothing on me, I’m only one call away (One Call Away by Charlie Puth)
Love in Not So Many Words: I never knew anybody ‘til I knew you, and I know when it rains, oh, it pours, and I know I was born to be yours (Born to Be Yours by Imagine Dragons & Kygo)
My Favorite Troublemakers: You are loved more than you know, I hereby pledge all of my days, to prove it so, though your heart is far too young to realize, the unimaginable light you hold inside (Light by Sleeping at Last)
Never Again: Help, I need somebody, help, not just anybody, help, you know I need someone, help (Help! by The Beatles) 
Nothing Wrong with Being Yourself: When the sharpest words wanna cut me down, I’m gonna send a flood, gonna drown ‘em out, I am brave, I am bruised, I am who I’m meant to be, this is me (This Is Me by Keala Settle)
S’More Family Time: This is a place where I don’t feel alone, this is a place where I feel at home, ‘cause I built a home for you, for me (To Build a Home by The Cinematic Orchestra)
The Diamond Girl: My power’s turned on, starting right now I’ll be strong, I’ll play my fight son, and I don’t really care if nobody else believes, ‘cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me (Fight Song by Rachel Platten)
The Meaning of Christmas: So I’m offering this simple phrase, to kids from one to ninety-two, although it’s been said, many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you (The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole)
This Is Where...: We say goodbye, we hold on tight, to these memories that never die (Time of Our Lives by Tyrone Wells)
To An Amazing Big Brother: If you’re lookin’ for hope tonight, raise your hand, if you’re feelin’ alone and don’t understand, if you’re fightin’ in the fight of your life, then stand, we’re gonna make it through this hand-in-hand, and if we fall, we will fall together (Together by For King and Country)
Training Session: I wanna be like you, I wanna walk like you, talk like you, too (I Wanna Be Like You from The Jungle Book)
Welcome to Your New Home: Tell me why the world never fights fair, I’m trying to find home, a place where I can go, to take this off my shoulders, someone take me home (Home by Daughtry)
We’re Winchesters: Fire, faster, everlasting, higher, faster, never crashing, bet you didn’t think that I’d come back to life, stronger (Stronger by The Score)
What You Do For Family: When you lose your feet, fall down to your knees, and your heart’s about to break, I will be your saving grace, when your eyes can’t see, take. my eyes from me, when you’re lost and losing faith, I will be your saving grace (Saving Grace by Kodaline)
Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends: There is no power on earth like your father’s love, so big and so strong as your father’s love (Your Father’s Love by Gary Valenciano)
Who Knew Birthdays Could Be So Complicated: So if you’ve got an anxious heart, you’re not the only one, and I won’t let you fall apart, if you won’t let me run (The Village, the Wolf, and the Boy by Taylor Barrett)
Some of these don’t really fit as well as I’d like them to, but I think they all still work lol. And most of them are pretty spot-on! 
Thanks so much for asking this! Sorry it took me so long to answer, but I really loved this question! <3 
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noona-clock · 5 years
The Risk
Genre: Fighter!AU
Pairing: Park Seo Joon x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 | Words: 1,938
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“What’s the most expensive beer they have?” Seo Joon’s manager, Jang Ho, asked with a rakish smile, though it was clear he was trying to hide just how euphoric he was at the moment.
Seo Joon let out a breath of a chuckle, shaking his head to himself as he eyed the menu. When he heard Jang Ho say, “Waitress,” he looked up with slightly raised eyebrows. His manager was beaming at someone standing behind Seo Joon, and judging by what Jang Ho had just said... it was probably a waitress.
“I’m a... a server, actually,” a somewhat timid but certainly female voice responded. “Like how you say ‘Flight attendant’ now instead of ‘Stewardess.’”
Jang Ho cleared his throat, instantly looking a bit ashamed. “Yes, of course -- Server, a round of your most expensive beer, please.”
“Okay,” the server replied with a soft chuckle. “A special occasion?”
Before Seo Joon could say anything, his manager let out a proud laugh and held his arm out, gesturing across the table to him.
“We have a winner here!” he announced.
“Oh,” the server replied, obviously intrigued. “What did you win?”
Seo Joon finally turned around to the server, prepared to brush it off and request she go get the beers Jang Ho ordered. But when his eyes landed on the girl standing behind him -- when his eyes landed on you -- he found he suddenly lost the ability to speak.
To be honest, you weren’t the most beautiful human being on the planet. It’s not like you were an aspiring model working at a restaurant until you made it big. You were good-looking, certainly, but... well, you just seemed like... a normal person. There really wasn’t a better way to put it.
But... there was still something about you. Something Seo Joon couldn’t quite put his finger on. Something which had left him speechless and dumbfounded.
“He just won an MMA championship,” Jang Ho answered, and Seo Joon watched as the look on your face transformed from curious to confused.
“What’s that?” you asked innocently.
Seo Joon heard his manager sputter, and he started to say, “You’ve never heard of --” but Seo Joon cut him off.
“It’s nothing,” he assured you with as beaming of a smile as he could muster.
Your eyes turned to lock on his now, and Seo Joon had to swallow down a sudden lump of anxiety in his throat. Now that you were making eye contact with him, that mysterious something about you was even more apparent -- yet he still had no idea what it was.
“Oh,” you replied with a shy and somewhat bewildered chuckle. “Well, congratulations, anyway.”
“Thank you,” Seo Joon nodded. “Can we add some cheese breadsticks to that round of beer? Two orders?”
“Absolutely,” you grinned as you jotted it down on your notepad. “I’ll get those right out for you.”
Seo Joon thanked you again, and as he turned back around, he heard his manager singing a very teasing “Oooooooh!”
“What?” Seo Joon chuckled almost under his breath.
“You like her,” Jang Ho announced as he waggled his eyebrows. “You’re blushing!”
Of course, Seo Joon only noticed at that moment his cheeks did feel quite warm. 
“I literally just met her,” Seo Joon replied with what he hoped was a ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ smirk. “We really didn’t even meet. I know absolutely nothing about her.”
“Then why are you blushing?”
“I’m thinking about how embarrassing you’re going to be in about an hour once you’ve had five beers,” Seo Joon quickly retorted. The entire table then burst out into rowdy cheers, and he felt one of his trainers next to him slap him on the back in appreciation.
Jang Ho, obviously, was properly put in his place with that remark, and when you returned only a few minutes later carrying a large tray of beer bottles and two baskets of cheese breadsticks, he didn’t even raise an eyebrow at Seo Joon.
“Are we ready to order or do we need a few more minutes?” you asked after you’d cleared the tray, setting a bottle in front of everyone sitting at the table (seven people in total: Seo Joon, Jang Ho, Seo Joon’s coach Victor, and three trainers from the gym, Kevin, Ji Hoon, and Eddie).
“I think we’re ready,” Victor answered with a nod.
Out of instinct, everyone else at the table lifted their gazes to look at Seo Joon, assuming he would order first. That’s just how it always was. He was the star, the moneymaker, the one who did the actual dirty work, so he usually ordered first at their celebratory dinners -- or even their normal, regular, average, non-celebratory dinners.
But you had turned to the person to your right, Eddie, your brows raised as you waited patiently for him to order.
Jang Ho opened his mouth, most likely to tell her that Seo Joon would order first, but Seo Joon caught his manager’s eye and shook his head in the most inconspicuous way possible.
Once everyone had ordered and you had promised to be back shortly with their food, Jang Ho furrowed his brow over at Seo Joon, looking quite confused.
“She doesn’t know who I am,” Seo Joon explained even though his manager hadn’t even asked anything. “I don’t need to be treated like a celebrity, and to be honest, I like that she doesn’t know I’m -- well, you know --”
“A big deal,” Kevin interjected.
“A champion,” Ji Hoon added.
“A world champion,” Jang Ho corrected. “Two times over.”
“The most well-known athlete in MMA right now,” Victor piped in.
“Yes,” Seo Joon sighed rather impatiently. He knew he was a good fighter, but hearing all of this praise still made him slightly uncomfortable. “So just let her stay blissfully unaware that she’s serving a two-time world champion, okay?”
Was it so strange that he wanted to be treated as an average person? 
The six other men mumbled their assent, and Seo Joon mumbled his thanks in return. He wanted to celebrate his win, of course; he had trained hard the past few months, and tonight’s win had been particularly satisfying. But it was enough that he and everyone else at his table knew what they were celebrating. For some reason, he didn’t feel the need to clue you in, and he was actually quite looking forward to having just a normal dinner.
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As was typical for Seo Joon and his team, they stayed at the restaurant for over two hours eating, drinking, and being just a touch too rowdy for a public space. They were celebrating, though, and when you put together six guys who are all in a terribly good mood and too many glasses of beer to count... well, rowdiness is inevitable.
That’s why, when everyone finally stood to leave (and call taxis home), Seo Joon left you an enormously generous tip. You had endured quite enough to last you for the rest of the evening -- the week, probably -- and... well, Seo Joon had developed just a little bit of a crush on you in the past two hours.
You were attractive, that much he had known from simply seeing you for the first time, but you were also sharp-witted and clever. You had responded to any number of remarks from Seo Joon’s table with no hesitation, and more than once, your words had made them react in the same way they’d reacted to Seo Joon telling his manager he was an embarrassing drunk. You obviously had a sense of humor and were incredibly smart, two qualities Seo Joon happened to value in a woman.
Not only were you pretty, smart, and funny, though -- you were patient. You kept coming over to the table to ask if they needed anything, and every time someone ordered another a drink or one more appetizer, you hadn’t sighed or secretly rolled your eyes. You had simply smiled, nodded, wrote it down in your notepad, and turned to fulfill the request.
And for that, there was a rather substantial wad of cash lying on top of the receipt for you.
Seo Joon had stayed back to count out the tip, and by the time he turned to leave, he saw no one else from his party still in the restaurant...
Which was exactly what he wanted.
He took his time heading toward the door, keeping his eyes peeled... and when he saw you, he quickly pivoted and made a beeline.
“Hey,” he greeted quietly, following you back to the table he’d just vacated.
“H--hi,” you replied, obviously a bit startled by his sudden presence.
“Listen, I --” Seo Joon began, cutting himself off because, to be frank, he very rarely did something like this. “Please feel free to ignore me, but I was wondering... if I... gave you my phone number... would you... call me?”
You stopped walking, and Seo Joon almost ran into your back. If he’d consumed one more beer than he had, he probably would have.
“Excuse me?” you asked, sounding quite surprised.
“It’s just -- you’re... really funny and -- and smart... and pretty...” he explained.
“Uh... I -- I don’t --” you stammered. Seo Joon felt his heart already start to sink, and then you finished your thought. “I don’t think I would call you.”
It took everything in him not to let out a disappointed sigh.
“Right,” he murmured. “Sorry, just thought I’d --”
“Maybe I would text you,” you interrupted. “I just...  I don’t really like talking on the phone.”
And that sinking heart of his floated right back up as a small smile lifted the corners of Seo Joon’s lips.
“Yeah?” he asked, just tipsy enough to let his voice fill with anticipation.
“Maybe,” you replied with a soft chuckle. You had reached the table then, and Seo Joon quickly took the pen he’d used to sign his receipt. He slid out the customer copy receipt underneath (because who took those anyway?) and scribbled down his phone number.
After he set the pen down, he stood and turned toward you, holding his hand out for a handshake. “I’m Seo Joon, by the way. Park Seo Joon.”
You hesitantly took his hand, shaking it firmly and shooting him a tiny grin. “Y/N,” you replied.
“Y/N,” Seo Joon repeated, mirroring your smile with one of his own. “Nice to meet you. Again, you don’t have to do anything with my number if you don’t want to... I just... wanted to try.”
“Okay,” you replied with a soft, bashful laugh, and Seo Joon noticed your cheeks getting just a bit pink as you somewhat avoided his gaze. You had seemed fairly confident as a server, but apparently, you were shy as a person?
“Okay,” he nodded. “Thank you. I’ll, uh -- Bye.”
He had been going to say something like ‘See you later’ or ‘talk to you soon,’ but he didn’t want to put any pressure on you to contact him.  He honestly wasn’t expecting to hear from you because he had given you no reason to want to. He hadn’t flirted with you, so you almost certainly hadn’t any idea he was interested until just now.
But still.
Like he’d said, he had just wanted to try. He was known for taking risks in the ring, and he figured it was time to take a risk in real life, too.
The worst that could happen was he could never hear from you.
But the best that could happen?
The risk was worth it.
Part 2
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Hey Tricia! I hope you have the time to take in this request. If so thank you so much. 😊😊 Headcanons of each La Squadra member had a pregnant s/o and after years them thinking they were dead they come back to their s/o seeing them with a young boy/girl that's their child.
Ehiiiiiii, hello!! :3 Oooooooh, this request 💖 I mayyyyy, well, have a bit exhaggerated… but!! I hope you’ll like it :3
La Squadra di Esecuzione coming back to their s/o and their children after years spent thought they were dead
(Under the cut for length!)
Risotto Nero
The last thing Risotto wanted was to leave his pregnant s/o alone. But by now things were too out of control and he couldn’t do anything but go on and finishing what he had started: killing the Boss. He promised her he would have been back for sure, for her, for their still unborn child. He kissed her lips and cheeks, more times, before pressing a kiss on her prominent belly, promising to the baby too that their dad would have been back soon. Risotto didn’t come back.
His s/o never got any news about him. Not a phone call, not a word… nothing. It was like he was just vanished in thin air. She knew about his mission and that it was almost surely a suicidal one; with a broken heart, she thought he was dead. And what could she think? He was nowhere to be found. She gave birth to their daughter alone, promising to keep her far from mafia, from what teared the love of her life away from her and their baby.
What she didn’t know was that Risotto was alive. Barely, but definitely alive. He needed many months to heal and even more to start to properly function again. He was so angry at himself, at his own failure… and his thoughts were always on his s/o and their baby. He tried to call her, but maybe she had changed phone number, since she never answered and the phone just ringed and ringed. He wanted to search for her, for their baby, to know if they were fine… and, finally, he could do it. Even if with more scars than before, he was on his own feet, he could walk and use his stand again… he could go back to his love.
And he found her, in the end. Asking around to some old trustworthy informer, he could find where his s/o now lived with… with their daughter. His heart missed a beat when he was informed he had a daughter. Their baby, their little girl… he had to see them, as soon as possible. And so he found himself in front of their front door, feeling weirdly agitated. Not even in a life or death situation his heart galloped so fast. He knocked a couple of times, he could hear, from inside, the noise of pots put on the stove and -his eyes got misty, hearing it- his s/o’s voice that was asking to someone to go to see who was at the door. His heart sank a bit: maybe… maybe she was living with another man? Well, he had been far for years and surely declared dead… but it wasn’t a man the one who came to open the door. It was a little girl, more or less four years old, with bright, oh, so bright crimson eyes.
The little girl stayed silent for some seconds, watching intensely the man in front of her, his red eyes, just like hers. He was rightly as her mother always described him. “Dad?” she called, still staring at him. Risotto could only nod and slowly kneel in front of his child, without breaking their eye contact. When he was at the right height, his daughter smiled at him -and she had his s/o’s smile, oh, that bright smile really was hers- and hugged him tightly, saying with a happy voice that she knew he would have come back, one day.
Not hearing the door closing, his s/o came to see what was happening and what she had in her hands fell on the ground, as she stared, incredulous and shocked, at her Risotto, alive, as he was hugging tightly their daughter. Their eyes met for a second; his own were glossy. And finally she ran towards him, enveloping him in a crushing embrace, loudly sobbing and rubbing her face on his shoulder, as their daughter was nestling in her father’s embrace. Risotto couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe to be finally with his love, with their daughter, to can hug and hold them, to can talk again… he was finally at home.
Prosciutto was confident, while he was kissing one last time his s/o, smiling at her: how could she doubt about his come back? Of course he would have come back. He had never failed a mission and this was nothing different from any other: their enemies were just some kids that his Grateful Dead would have annihilate in seconds. He would have been back for dinner, he reassured her, kissing again her lips and giving a lovingly caress to her belly, huffing a small laugh when his baby gently kicked back. Then, he was out. His s/o, even if he had reassured her, couldn’t restrain the feeling that something would have gone terribly bad, that time. And she was right.
Prosciutto didn’t come back, that evening, for dinner. Neither the following one and the one after. She tried to convince herself that he was just blocked somewhere, that he would have come back or at least called her as soon as possible… but, as weeks, months passed, as she was now holding their just born baby son, the awareness that her Prosciutto was dead slowly sank in her. Facts told this, that he was dead as all his team, but she couldn’t accept it. She didn’t want to accept it. He was alive, somewhere, it must be so. She felt it in her heart. But… now she had to take care of their baby son, his legacy. She couldn’t help but softly smile, when she saw how their baby was similar to his dad, from his blonde hair to the adorable nose that she loved to gently kiss, giggling when he wrinkled it and babblered. For now, she could just wait, keeping their son safe… and hope.
Her instinct was right: Prosciutto was alive. He was miraculously found when he was grasping at life with just one finger and he was in a long, long coma. His wounds were severe, his conditions over desperate: he had lost too much blood, for months he never gave even a small sign of recovery, no one actually knew who he was, since he hadn’t documents with him and he seemed just not to exist… until, one day, rightly the day that coincided with his son’s second birthday, he woke up. He needed time, a lot of time to recover, both mentally and physically. He wasn’t the man he remembered: during the fight with Bucciarati, he lost his right eye and left leg. He was… broken. A broken man. He wanted to sink and never emerge again, but a thought made its way in his devastated mind: his s/o. His love, his most precious treasure, and their still unborn baby. He… he had made her a promise. He had to go back to her.
Prosciutto didn’t even realize how many time was passed until he finally saw a calendar. If he had not been seated on his wheelchair, he would have fallen: three years… three years were passed. His love had been alone for so much time… and she was alone with their baby too. His heart sank at the thought of her forced to take care of their child alone. It wasn’t fair, he… it was his fault. And now he had to find them and make amend for all the time he lost far from them.
It hadn’t been difficult to find them. She hadn’t changed her surname and she still lived in their old flat. He approached the so known door, with his heart in his throat. What if… what if she was angry at him? What if she hated him? And what if she had, in the meantime, found a new man, what if she now had a new life…? Was he just going to ruin it? He swallowed down a heavy lump, ringing the bell. He had to wait just few seconds, before the door opened: his s/o -beautiful, wonderful as he remembered- stood on the front steps, watching him, suddenly deadly silent. He saw her bottom lip starting to quiver and he tried to speak, to apologize, to say hi, to say something, but his vision blurred too and, before he could say something, she threw her arms on his neck to hug him tightly, sobbing and loudly crying on his shoulder. Prosciutto could just hug her back with her same strength, hiding his face in her hair that always smelled so good, keeping her in his lap, relishing in her sweet caresses and kisses on his cheeks, crying when she said that she knew, she always knew that he was alive, somewhere, that she felt it in her heart…
A little after, light footsteps slid in their sobs and sniffs. A baby boy, blonde and sleepy, was trotting to them, rubbing his eyes and calling his mom. Seeing the man in a wheelchair, the boy stopped on his track, looking at him with curiosity. His mother smiled again, a watery, happy smile, encouraging him to come to meet his dad, who finally was back, as she always had promised. The child didn’t lose even a second: thanks to his mother’s stories, he was grown fond to his dad, even if he never met him before. He was on his lap in seconds and Prosciutto was hugging him, laughing and crying and murmuring how much he loved him, how much he loved them both and how much he missed them, while holding them and lightly lulling them both. Finally, he kissed her one last time, gently stroking her cheek and smiling at her. “I came back in time for dinner, you see?” he murmured, making her cry again, but, this, time, it was a cry of joy.
Pesci tried with all his might to hide the insecurity he was feeling. His s/o was already worried enough without his doubts too; he wanted to leave her knowing that she was a little calmer than before. Being anxious wouldn’t have been of help not to her or their baby. He spent a lot of time holding her, caressing her back and belly, murmuring that everything would have gone well, that he was going with his big brother and with him nothing could go wrong: he would have been back for sure. He couldn’t leave her alone, all in all; they were about to start a new, wonderful phase of their life and he wanted to be here to live it with her. Prosciutto too promised her -she was like a little sister, now that she was his little brother’s s/o- that Pesci would have come back all in one piece. She felt reassured by those words and by Pesci’s last, loving kiss and caress on her belly, before seeing them go on their mission. Her hopes shattered when her lover didn’t come back.
As days passed, she understood that Pesci wouldn’t come back. He always, always called her one time per day, always, in every mission, no matter how secret or dangerous it was. But now the phone hadn’t rung for days. She hadn’t news even about the other members of the Squadra: they all just seemed to… to be vanished. And when she heard about a new Don of Passione, her worries became fears and fears became a horrible reality when she heard also that all the infamous Squadra Esecuzione had been annihilated. When she gave birth to hers and Pesci’s baby boy, she didn’t even know if she was crying for the pain of the delivery or for the pain of knowing that she was alone, that the love of her life was dead and that he hadn’t even seen his baby, who he already loved so much… she cried all her tears while holding her baby boy, lulling him and promising him to take care of him, oh, she would have kept him safe, at any cost, even sacrificing her own life.
Pesci had been declared dead, yes, but he wasn’t actually dead. He was among the unknown people in a small hospital near Florence, in a coma. No one knew how he managed to get such deep and terrifying wounds and still being alive. Little they knew that Bruno, in an unexpected act of mercy, had zipped back at least his vital organs and blood vessels, giving him at least a chance to survive. And Pesci grasped it, fighting with all his forces to stay alive. It took a lot of time to the wounds to close and heal, even after his awakening; it took some more to finally remove the bandages and it took even more to learn again how to live, how to function like a normal person. He endured everything, as he had one goal in mind: go back to his s/o and their baby.
He was shocked when he found out that three years and half had passed since that damned mission. So much time… he felt guilt and regret wrapping his guts like a poisonous snake. Was she fine? And their baby? Did she had now another family? He… he needed to know. He wanted to find them again and… and? Apologize? He wanted to make amend, in a way or another. He missed so many years, so many precious, precious years… he would have understood if she had told him not to come back again. He just… needed to be sure they were fine. Nothing more.
He searched for her, finding out that she was living in her old apartment and not the one they had shared before the mission. His heart sank a little: maybe this was the sign that she didn’t want to have anything to do with him, that he was a closed chapter? He steeled his nerves, chasing away those thoughts: he had to be brave, face her and at least try to explain. This was the minimum she deserved. Finally, he knocked at her door, swallowing. The time had come… and here she was, wonderful as he remembered, maybe… maybe a bit more tired, maybe a bit more sad. His heart lost a beat when he saw her. Her tired eyes were open wide, full of shock. She slowly reached to touch his scarred cheek, asking if she was dreaming, ‘cause this was a dream, right? Oh, she had dreamed it so many times, in those years, but this time it seemed so real… and, when she realized that it was indeed real, that the man in front of her was the real Pesci, she broke down without any control, sinking in his embrace while holding him with all her strength, as not to let him go anymore, as to keep him with her forever.
When their son trotted from his room, hearing all that noise, he immediately recognize the man at the door as his father. His mother showed him a lot of photos, always talking about his father’s adventures and his uncle Prosciutto, and she always, also, said that he had inherited his father’s gentleness and determination, other than his green hair. The moment he saw his mother hugging the tall green-haired man on the front door, the child dropped the toy he was holding and run towards them, screaming “Dad! Dad!” and climbing on him, immediately held by Pesci’s arms, who now was embracing him too, crying, kissing his hair and cheeks, with a happy smile that perfectly matched his son’s one. His s/o couldn’t help but weakly chuckle, drying her cheeks, seeing father and son reunite. She was right… their smiles really were alike.
Formaggio’s s/o was used to see her lover coming back battered and wounded, as he was a more physical fighter than, for example, Illuso or Melone, but this time the mission was more than serious and she knew it. Plus, she wasn’t far to give birth to their baby, so she was iper worried and she was continuously recommending him to be careful, to fight at safe distance, if possible, and to please come back in one piece or she… or she wouldn’t have talked to him again, here! Formaggio laughed at her menacing threaten, kissing her one time and one more, poking her nose and promising her to come back for sure, as he had to paint the nursery, right? He also gave a good gentle stroke to her belly, kissing it loudly, chuckling when the baby kicked right on his hand, before straightened up and go on his way, followed by her loud recommendations and advices until he was out of sight. She couldn’t help to feel at unease, this time… and her sixth sense, unfortunately, was right.
She didn’t need to hear it from Risotto, his lover’s leader. She already knew it, as the ring Formaggio gifted her unexpectedly broke. Her heart stopped, when it happened, and she knew that something terrible, maybe the most terrible thing, had just happened. Risotto’s phone call just confirmed what she already knew: her lover, her Formaggio, wasn’t here anymore. She hadn’t even the strength to cry, while she was just sitting, unmoving, not even hearing anymore any sound or noise. It was all… grey. Lifeless. He was gone. Her lover, her best friend, the man whom she loved with so much strength… lost, forever. He wasn’t here while she, at her eighth month of pregnancy, was painting in a soft green the walls of their baby’s nursery. He wasn’t here to hold her hand while she was giving birth to their baby girl. He wasn’t here to make her laugh, as he always managed to do even when she was tired to the bones, and to exult because his baby girl had inherited his red hair… he wasn’t here and his absence was so loud to cover every other sound. She was angry at him, an irrational anger, she knew it. How much she wanted to punch his face!! But also, oh, how much she wanted to hug him again, after the punch, and melt in his embrace… but it wasn’t possible. He was dead and she had to go on. She wanted to be a good mother for their daughter, in his honor too. He would have wanted this.
Little she knew that Formaggio was alive, even if in an almost perpetual unconscious status. Staying awake was so damn painful; sleeping was painful as well. His skin burned so much, he didn’t feel it anymore, he didn’t feel his limbs… nothing. He felt just pain, an eternal pain. How much time was passed? He didn’t know. But, one day, the pain slowly started to withdraw. It was more bearable, now. Slowly, slowly, he managed to stay awake not just for few seconds, but for minutes, hours. His burned skin was healing and he was coming back to life. Yes, not as fascinating as before, but he was alive. He was grateful for this, he didn’t want nothing more, now, than just run to his s/o’s side, to help her in the last months of pregnancy… just that the calendar signed the wrong year. What was that, a joke? Why was it signing 2004? They were in 2001, what the hell. When he was said that they were indeed in 2004, that 3 whole years had been passed, he was utterly shocked. Three years… he left her for three years? Fuck. He had to recover as soon as possible!! He did his best to recover fast, to start to walk, to function again normally… even so, it required few months, bringing the years to four. He was so angry at himself… but now he could finally find her and their baby and he could apologize and he would have even took a slap, as he deserved, but please, he prayed God, he wanted to know they were fine…
And so he was in front of her door, in their old flat. The door had been painted in a nice light blue and potted flowers were at each side of the door. He knocked, swallowing down, trying to calm down his racing heart. When the door opened, his eyes met his s/o’s ones. She stared at him, silent, her mouth thinned in a serious line, her muscles tense and unmoving. Formaggio shifted, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. What if, well… what if she had now a family of her own? And he just popped to ruin it? He was thinking this when her punch hit him right on the nose, not strong enough to make him bleed but surely enough to make him jolt back. He didn’t even have the time to protest that she yanked him down to kiss him, while crying and holding him tightly, with so much strength to knock all the air out of her lungs. He huffed a breathy laugh, enveloping her in one of the bear hugs she loved so much, kissing her hair and face, sighing in relief and happiness. He was home…
He cracked open an eye, when he heard a childish voice come from near. On his lips a wide grin displayed, when he saw that his girl -he had a daughter, a daughter!!- had his same ginger hair and, apparently, his same eat shit behaviour. She immediately addressed at him as “dad” -her mother talked a lot about him and his stand- and, climbing without fear in his arms, she asked him to show her his stand and why he had so many pearly scars, all while touching and exploring his face, making her father chuckle. She really was like him, eh? He couldn’t help but say it to her, while hugging his child and s/o, relishing in their warmth, staring, finally, to make up for the time lost.
One thing Melone was sure about, was his Babyface’s infallibility. The other one was his s/o and, now, also the babies she was carrying in her belly. Melone, in the bottom of his heart, didn’t want to go and leave her alone, even if just for one day. She was almost at the end of the pregnancy, she needed his assistance, even more since she was carrying two babies! But he also knew he had a duty and so he had to go. He kissed his s/o on all her face, lovingly whispering on her lips that he loved her so, so much, and that he would come back so soon that she wouldn’t even notice his absence. Then, he kneeled in front of her, hugging her belly, as he loved so much to do, and planted two kisses, one for every baby, murmuring how much he loved them too and that they would have been happy, that dad had to go just for a little… that “little” became a lot of time.
It had been Ghiaccio the one who called her to say her he had heard Melone dying while he was talking with him on the phone. She didn’t listen to anything, after the words “Melone’s dead”. She quietly sat down, putting down the phone and then unplugging it, in a calmness that was just the anticipation of the biggest breakdown of all her life. She didn’t want to hear anything more, she didn’t want to see anyone: frankly, just her children, a boy and a girl, stopped her from sinking down and down in a sea of sadness and emptiness. She had to live, she had to be strong, for them, for hers and Melone’s children. She could see some of her Melone in them, in their eyes’ shape, in the right blonde hue of their hair… he was living in them and she couldn’t leave them alone. She had to go on. Melone would have wanted it. No one would have ever replaced him, no one was worthy of this. She would have taken care alone of her babies, loving them with all her strength and being their mom and dad.
The poison had been almost fatal, but not completely: Melone was alive, barely, but alive. He had been hospitalized not even half an hour after his poisoning, but the damage the poison made to his organs was severe and extended. He was put in a pharmacological coma, while his body cleaned itself from the poison. However, Melone didn’t wake up even when the meds that kept him in coma were stopped. The doctors didn’t think that the unknown man would have woken up ever again. They were wrong: it took a bit, but Melone woke up, in the end. One year and half was passed, and he was still too weak to even sit up, figure to walk and go around. He knew it, but still, he just… wanted to go. He had to go to his s/o, to their twins… he had already lost so much time, he couldn’t lose more time!! But recovery wasn’t something he could just speed up with a snap. He worked hard in order to recover faster and, finally, he was out of the hospital. He could, now, search for her.
And here he was, in front of their old front door. His heart hurt when he saw that, under the bell, his surname was still printed near his s/o’s one. He took a deep breath, ringing the bell and, after few seconds, he heard her voice -her wonderful, wonderful voice- exclaiming to wait just a second, followed by childish voices that made Melone’s legs tremble. His kids, his beautiful kids were here… The moment his s/o opened the door, Melone took her in his arms and hugged her tightly, so tightly, crying and apologizing again and again. His s/o needed a couple of seconds to register what was happening, but then his smell, his familiar shape, his, oh, so loved voice and hold finally made their way in her brain and she found herself crying as well, hugging him tightly, caressing his wet face and kissing his lips, soft as she remembered, asking him what happened, how could he be alive, where had he been all those time, how…? Melone answered to everything, while kissing all her face and drying her tears, in broken whispers, keeping her in his arms. It was too beautiful to be real…
And then, he saw the children. If he had more tears to cry, he surely would have cried them too; but his eyes were now dry as he kneeled and smiled at the kids, who were holding each other’s hand and were staring at him, curious. Their mother smiled at them, encouraging to go to hug their dad, that it was all fine. And they did it, feeling instinctively that it was all fine, that that man wasn’t a danger, oh no. Melone hugged them tightly, taking them in his arms and kissing their cheeks, chuckling when they giggled at the kisses and hugged him back, making him sob again. He rested his forehead on his s/o’s, while softly lulling his kids, a watery and happy smile on his face. He was home… he was finally at home.
Illuso was smug as always, when he kissed one last time his s/o. Still, she didn’t seem totally convinced: that wasn’t a mission like the others, she knew it. They were going against a whole gang of stand users, it wasn’t something to underestimate! Illuso just hugged her, telling her not to worry, that they all had faced way worse than a group of kids with stands. He caressed her cheeks, with, now, a lesser smug and more reassuring smile, kissing her forehead and nose, to make her smile, smiling too when he saw her lips bent a little; then, he caressed her belly, murmuring to the baby to be a good boy, not to kick too hard and to be good with mom until his return. Getting up, he kissed his s/o one last time, before vanishing in their room mirror. That mirror stayed silent and unmoving for much, much time.
She knew that something was off. The mirrors, even when he was on mission, always seemed… alive. She could feel the reflected world hidden behind the surface, but now… now the mirrors were dull, lifeless. Like all the magic had been disappeared. She knew that there was just one explanation for this, but she didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t. She didn’t want to even think about Illuso’s death. Her Illuso couldn’t be death, it wasn’t possible. He was strong, he was smart, he… he was about to become a dad! He was so happy to finally become so, he couldn’t be dead right now! He couldn’t… she latched to this thought even while she was pushing and pushing to give birth to her little boy, even when during the sleepless nights spent near the incubator, ‘cause he was born premature, her little boy. She stayed near him, softly whispering to him stories about his dad and the magic world behind the mirrors and how his dad was the king of that world. Her little brave boy made it and she could take him home, where the mirrors still eyed from every wall. She never took them down, as she never really accepted her lover’s death: she knew that, one, day, he would have been back and how could he do so, if there were no mirrors around?
Her instinct was right: Illuso was still alive. Horribly scarred, but definitely alive. The sun weakened the virus before it could kill him and, after few hours, Pompeii site guards found him and called an ambulance. Illuso remained unconscious for long time, and during this time he slowly, slowly healed, the wounds closed as nicely as possible and, where he was too scarred, plastic surgery was used. In the end, Illuso was brought back to life and was recognizable again. Still, he didn’t wake up. It took time for him, for not only his body was scarred, but his mind too and no surgery could heal it. When he opened his eyes, he found out that two long years were passed from that cursed day. He… he wanted to contact her, to talk to her, to tell her he was fine and ask her how she was, and how their baby was… but he still was too weak. He needed more months to finally completely recover, to start to talk again, to eat again alone, to walk and move around properly. And, the moment he could finally move, he took the really few things he had and jumped in the bathroom mirror, to finally go to her.
It didn’t take long to his Man in the Mirror to direct him to really known mirrors. He peeked from them, seeing his and his s/o’s old home. He saw all the small changes, such as a different colored painting on the walls, a new furniture, a new carpet… his eyes filled with tears, when he saw a little boy running inside the house, lively chatting with the woman who was following him and that, now, was placing the groceries on the kitchen table, as the boy climbed on a chair. Here they were, his stars, his loves… his family. A watery chuckle escaped his lips, when he saw his son playing with a small hand mirror, asking his mother to tell him again how his dad could pop out mirrors. So… so she didn’t forget him… he took a deep breath, before ordering his stand to take him out. In an instant, he was in front of the mirror; his s/o and his son immediately turned to the new and sudden presence in the room. Silence reigned for long time, before his son jumped on the chair, a big smile -his s/o’s smile, without doubt- and bursted into a loud “Dad’s here, dad’s come from the mirror!” and jumped to hug him, laughing and going on with a happy “Dad, dad!”. Illuso catched him in his arms, holding him tightly, before being almost knocked down when his s/o too ran towards him to envelope him in a crushing embrace, crying and sobbing on his shoulder, making him cry as well, and they all were laughing, even if Illuso and his s/o were crying too among the laughs of pure happiness and relief. Years and years of endless waiting were washed away, leaving space just to a blinding happiness.
Ghiaccio grumbled, when his s/o asked him, as usual, a kiss before his mission. He always grumbled at her requests, but he accomplished it anyway, especially now that she was pregnant. He wasn’t of many words, he just almost ordered them to stay safe and hidden until his return, his hands safely placed on her belly. Her s/o understood the real seriousness of the mission, when her lover gave her a second kiss, thing that he never did before, before parting from her and calling out White Album, skating away. His s/o felt a strange feeling, in the bottom of her heart, as… loss. It was like she was going to lose something or someone. And she wasn’t wrong, as, at the end of that cursed day, she indeed lost her Ghiaccio.
She couldn’t believe it. How could it have happened?! His White Album was impossible to defeat! Ghiaccio was smart, was strong and fast, he was the best after his Capo, how could this happen?! No, she couldn’t believe it. It was surely a lie, a bullshit. Ghiaccio was alive, somewhere. Maybe he was hiding to heal properly, but he was alive. She was sure about it. She never stopped to search for him, even when she was almost on her term. Her mind was always to Ghiaccio even when she was giving birth to their daughter. As she was holding her for the first time, she promised to her little girl that she would have found her dad at any cost. But, now, her first concern was to take care of her daughter; she couldn’t leave her aside to search for Ghiaccio. She knew he wouldn’t have wanted this. And so she did so, surprised by how, since her first months, her daughter manifested her father’s smartness and curiosity. If only he was here too…
And his s/o was right. Ghiaccio was alive. He survived with a damn pole in his throat and doctors couldn’t explain how the hell this was possible. Some of them said that Ghiaccio was gifted with an exceptionally strong will; others said that not even Death themselves wanted to deal with that man that seemed angry even when he was sleeping in a pharmacological coma. Who knew how much time he would have needed to wake up… this happened more or less a year and half after his last fight. He tried immediately to talk, in vain; his vocal cords were still damaged and he was rusty after so much time spent in silence. He was furious at everyone, but especially at himself. He had been a dumbass, an idiot. He had been defeated by two kids, his invincible White Album wasn’t anymore so invincible. And, mostly… he left her alone. He left his s/o and his still unborn child alone. He couldn’t forgive himself and he vented his frustration and pain in anger towards doctors and nurses, silently glaring at them every time they were near. Still, he never actually protested and did everything they said him to do in order to recover faster, especially when he found out he had already lost one year and half of life in that damn sleep. He had to be strong, he had to be again at his best to can finally go to his s/o and… and then? Well, he just wanted to hug them, then he’d have seen.
And finally, he managed to exit the hospital, to everyone’s relief, and go home, finding out that they  were still in Naples, not in their old house, but near. He steeled his nerves, adjusting his glasses, before ringing the bell; his s/o came to open, with a little girl with curly hair in her arms. The three stared at each other for long, endless seconds, before a watery giggle escaped his s/o’s mouth, with a “I knew you were alive”. And then Ghiaccio’s body was moving on its own, enveloping both his s/o and his daughter in a crushing embrace, making his s/o laugh and wheeze and his daughter giggle, as she hugged him back, having recognized him from the photos her mom had shown her since she had memories. He hold them for long, long time, murmuring his apologies in his s/o’s hair, as his daughter toyed with his curl. For the first time since long time, Ghiaccio relaxed, enveloped in his s/o’s warmth and relaxed by his daughter’s fingers in his hair. So… so this was what someone feels when they’re finally in the place they always seeked around? Was this the feeling someone feels when they’re at home? Because, if it was so, he didn’t want it to stop.
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moistmailman · 5 years
House Wife AU part 4
Roman, on the phone: Okay Cindie, you need to learn how to relax and trust us. Just enjoy your anniversary with Pyrrha, and stop calling me non stop to check up on your kids. They’re safe.
Cinder, growling: Well I’m sorry for being worried about my kids being with one of the dumbest people I’ve known.
Roman: Now that’s just offensive. Mercury’s not that bad. He has his smart moments, and he’s honestly pretty good with kids. He’s playing patty cake with Tro-
Cinder: I meant you, dipshit!
Roman: What!? How can you even say that!? I am a master con artist! I’m a genius.
Cinder: I once saw you get swindle out of 60 dollars from a Girl Scout.
Roman, offended: Okay you know those Girl Scouts are persistent! Nobody can win with Girl Scouts! They are on a whole new level than anyone!
Cinder, groaning: Oh my god. I can’t believe this is the man whose watching my kids. What was I thinking!? I need to get home right now!
Roman: What!? No! Don’t! For god sake, enjoy your damn anniversary like a normal woman would! We have everything under control! Spend time with Pyrrha alone with no kids to distract you for the weekend. It’s literally just you, Pyrrha and a bed. This weekend should be amazing for you two, unless you keep interrupting it by calling me non stop! So at least TRY to be calm.
Cinder, sighing:.......okay, fine. I’ll try.
Roman: Great! Proud of you, you’re acting like an actual human being right now.
Cinder: But so help me god, if anything happens to my angels; ANYTHING! There will be no place on earth where you can hide from my wrath. I will literally raise the deepest and darkest depth of hell on to you, and I will flare you alive! Do you understand?
Roman, unfazed: Yep, pain, death, and suffering. Got it loud and clear. Have fun. *hangs up*
Mercury, playing patty cake with Troy: Who was that?
Roman: Who do you think? Mama bear wanted to make sure her cubs were alright is all.
Mercury: Really? What did you tell her?
Roman: I told her to relax and that we have everything under control. There’s absolutely no problem here. *looks at Achilles* Isnt that right, little man?
Achilles: Uncle Roman? I have a question.
Roman, fake tearing up: *sniff* You see that. Called me uncle Roman. I’m so happy. This weekend is going to be a breeze. What’s your question, squirt?
Achilles, looking up at Roman: Is my Mama a criminal?
Mercury, wide eyed:...........
Roman, wide eyed:...........Uh...Mercury, word in private please?
*Roman and Mercury walk into the kitchen*
Roman, Whispering: Okay, we have a giant problem.
Mercury, whispering: What do we do!?
Roman, panicking: I-I don’t know! I didn’t anticipate this! Things went south SO fast. That was like a throat punch to me! I’m panicking!
Mercury: I know! What kinda kid ask a question like that anyway!? They’re supposed to ask stupid questions, like why is the sky blue, where do babies come from, what’s your favorite Pokémon, how do mermaids pee? This isn’t a kid question!!! This is an interrogation question!!! I wasn’t prepared for this! This was NOT in the baby sitter handbook I read! Nothing in that book told me what to do in this situation!
Roman: Okay one, the Pokémon question isn’t a dumb question, mine is Greninja. Two, there’s a baby sitter handbook? And three, what the hell are we going to do!? How much does that boy know in there!? What if he has follow up questions!? If we mess this up then Cinder is going to butcher us!! I don’t want to get butchered! I’m too handsome and charming! I’m not supposed to die like that!! I’m supposed to die surrounded by beautiful women!!!
Mercury, pacing: Okay Okay Okay. Stop freaking out! We aren’t going to get butchered. Maybe it’s not so bad? I mean, maybe they already know? That’s a possibility, right? I m-mean, Cinder’s a straight forward gal, so is it really unlikely that her kids know about their mother’s *ahem* ‘occupations’? A-and maybe he asked that question in the first place because he’s a d-dumb kid who asks dumb questions.
Roman: Are you really suggesting that Cinder, a woman who we didn’t even know was married and has kids until 4 months ago, despite knowing her for 2 years, would tell her children that she’s a god damn criminal!? Did you REALLY suggested that!?
Mercury, rubbing his chin: Ow, What!? *slaps Roman*
Roman, rubbing his cheek: Ow you little- *slaps Mercury* Don’t slap me!
Mercury, slapping Roman: You slapped me first!
Roman, slapping Mercury: I slapped you because you were freaking out! Be a bigger person!
Mercury, slapping Roman: No! I don’t want to!
Roman: *slaps Mercury*
Mercury: *slaps Roman*
Roman, going for a slap but stops abruptly: Wait, what the hell are we doing!? We are in a crisis and are turning on each other! We need to figure something out right now! We are all we have at the moment!
Mercury: Okay, you’re right. We need to stop this. Let’s put our heads together and think of something. We’re two mature adult that can settle this. *starts thinking*
Roman:..........*slaps Mercury*
Mercury: You little piece of....
Troy/Achilles, listening to the constant slapping noises from the kitchen: ???????????????
*Both Roman and Mercury walk into the room with red cheeks, one of them whispering “I won that fight.” While the other saying “You did NOT.”*
Roman, crouching down: Okay kiddo, uh......can you explain to us why you think your mama is a criminal?
Mercury: Yeah, because we really need to know so we can tell your mother about it. So please tell us.
Athena, innocently: Because I once saw Mommy putting Mama in handcuffs one time in their room.
Roman:...........come again?
Athena: I once walked into Mommy and Mama’s room, and Mommy was putting Mama into handcuffs in bed. Mommy was saying something about how mama was a bad girl and needed to punished, but I didn’t know what mama did to upset mommy.
Athena: Is my mama a criminal? Did she do something wrong?
Roman:...........*bursts out laughing* YOU SAW WHAT!? OH MY GOD! I CANT BELIEVE THIS!
Athena: What? What’s funny?
Mercury, awkwardly: N-nothing. A-and Uh...dont worry about your parents either. None of them are criminals, especially your mama.
Athena: Really?
Mercury: Yes.
Athena: Oh. Okay then. *starts playing with his toys again*
Mercury, sighing in relief: Oh my god. That was much easier than I expected. I was freaking out there for a second. I was absolutely terrified. How are you doing over there, Roman? Are you okay.......Roman? Are you listening?
*Mercury hears very loud and angry shouting on the other line*
*Mercury hears even more angry and loud shouting on the other line*
Mercury:........kids, this might be the last weekend you will see uncle Roman alive.
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dusk-realm · 5 years
Chrysanthemum [Chapter 12: Pariah]
Tagging: @featurelengthfics​ @thedungeonsbat​ @severussnapesupporter​ @southsiderepresent @pan-lokistan @gbatesx @a-slytherin-sin @wangmangagavroche @theblackdeath87
A/N: Pls don’t let this flop I really struggled to write this one
Harry, Ron and Hermione hurriedly walked to Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom on the first floor, trying hard not to look suspicious after the brief encounter with their current first person on the suspect list, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
‘Oh my, my…’ Hermione’s voice came out with anguish once the bathroom door closed behind them.
‘It has to be her!’ Exclaimed Harry, looking frenzied as if all the pieces of the puzzle had just fitted in all together.
‘Let’s calm down,’ Hermione started, although she was obviously the first one who needed to relax, ‘we don’t know for sure yet.’
‘She could have used that book to do that to Mrs. Norris!’ Ron jumped in.
‘We need to find out first,’ the girl began, ‘there has to be a hint, we need proof. We can’t simply go to Dumbledore and accuse someone of doing such a thing without evidence. Can you imagine what Snape would do to us if we accused someone from Slytherin without being able to prove it?’
‘I’ve got an idea.’ Said Harry firmly. Having caught the attention of his two friends, he spoke:
‘I can use my father’s Invisibility Cloak to follow her around, and if she tries something, I’ll stop her.’
‘Harry you’re crazy! It’s too dangerous!’ Said a very concerned Ron.
‘We don’t have any other option…’ Hermione sighed.
‘Unless,’ Ron raised his eyebrows and motioned the two closer, ‘you, Hermione, can approach her.’
‘Yes, you come closer to her, pretend to be her friend, and in the first chance you get, you flick through the book and see if you can find something she could’ve used! Or the Polyjuice Potion recipe!’
Hermione looked first at Ron, and then at Harry. She was really, really worried, as she was a mudblood herself, as Draco Malfoy had made clear over and over again.
‘It could work…’ Harry muttered, ‘if you can’t find anything on the book, it means it isn’t her.’
‘Very well…’ Hermione let out some air through her mouth and bit her lip nervously, ‘Let’s do this.’
Hermione, Ron and Harry spent the following week chasing (Y/N) around, at a distance they considered safe, although it did not ensure they wouldn’t be caught.
They discovered that the Slytherin spent most of her time in the library, and she always carried everywhere that thick moldy book under her arm.
Hermione gathered her books from the Gryffindor dorm, rehearsed some sentences in front of the mirror, and, plastering on her best smile, she approached the other girl in the library and tapped her shoulder lightly.
‘Sorry (Y/N), is this seat taken?’ Hermione whispered, pointing at the seat in front of them.
‘No’, she answered equally as softly, soon lowering her head again and returning to her book.
A few days later, Hermione found herself being stuck in the Potions classroom with (Y/N) and Professor Snape, and stirring with sweaty palms wasn’t very helpful for her situation.
Hermione had made a huge mistake. As her two friends had been growing impatient, she had attempted to catch a glimpse of Moste Potente Potions and its contents, but the Slytherin caught her red handed. The Gryffindor had quickly put together an excuse about needing some help with Potions, to which (Y/N) selflessly offered her help with some pre-class brewing practice.
She was mortified, and couldn’t tell if (Y/N) was aware of their attempts to weed out the culprit, Slytherin’s heir, and that was the reason why she had taken her to Snape himself, or, on the contrary, she was genuinely trying to help her with the best of her intentions.
Severus discreetly watched the girls from his desk. Judging by the ingredients (Y/N) had picked from the cupboard, they should be brewing a Wiggenweld Potion. 
That potion in particular wasn’t in the Second Year programme. It wasn’t strange for (Y/N) to simply pop up in his classroom and just start brewing whatever thing crossed her mind in the moment, but Miss Granger, however…
The professor decided to take a look at the potion when he heard a little bit of a squabble going on between the two girls. He stood up and walked toward them smoothly and quietly, not willing to interrupt their discussion just yet.
‘I’m telling you, it needs more salamander blood.’ He heard (Y/N) say.
‘No, it can’t be, we’ve added what the book says is the right amount. Let’s just continue with the instructions.’
‘Hermione, it’s not even the colour it says it should be!’
Severus had already reached their desk before Granger could further argue.
‘Is there any problem, girls?’ He asked softly.
‘Yes!’                                    ‘No, professor.’ They answered at the same time, almost making the professor crack an ironic smile. (Y/N) looked a little bit heated up.
‘Wiggenweld Potion, I suppose?’ 
‘Yes, Professor. W-well, I think it still needs some more salamander blood to get it right but Hermione thinks otherwise.’
Hermione gaped, staring wide-eyed at (Y/N) as if she had just committed treason. The Gryffindor shuddered as Snape leaned over the cauldron with a grimace of disdain.
‘I just think we have already used enough blood, Professor. T-the book specifies the amount to be used, sir.’
‘Tut-tut. As your… -oh- so beloved book indicates, Miss Granger, this particular concoction should be showing a pink colour, not this... deviant violet. You would be wise to listen to those who are more competent than yourself, Miss Granger. Five points to Slytherin.’ 
Hermione lowered her head in embarrassment. Her cheeks were visibly flushed pink, so (Y/N) didn’t say anything as to not rub salt in the wound, but she had a rather hard time trying to suppress her smile.
It had been three days since (Y/N)’s last proper meal when she decided to show up in the Great Hall for some supper. It had also been a while since the attack, and everyone had calmed down about that topic.
The Slytherins, however, didn’t take well her newfound friendship with a Gryffindor, especially a muggleborn. 
Some shot at (Y/N) really nasty looks, letting her know that she wasn’t welcome near them at the table.
Somehow, she ended up being pushed around until she could find a spot to sit down, opposite to Draco Malfoy. She could hear some muffled giggles, but she tried her best to not lift up her head, until a ball of parchment hit her head.
Vincent Crabbe found it hilarious, and Draco Malfoy looked really amused.
‘(Y/L/N), how does it feel?’ He asked with a stupid smile plastered on.
‘How does it feel what?’ She asked moodily.
‘Being the next one on the monster’s list.’ Answered a feminine voice behind her. Pansy had just arrived together with Millicent Bulstrode.
Fucking amazing.
Both girls sat down at each of (Y/N)’s sides, Pansy to her right and Bulstrode to her left, as they always did.
(Y/N) frowned slightly and slipped away from Bulstrode and more toward Pansy. Her side was still plagued with the small bruises Millicent did with her constant pinching, even after three days without coming across her at all.
Pansy was glancing at Draco with the same stupid smile as him, and then, she turned around to look at (Y/N) eat.
‘«We’ll teach just those whose ancestry’s purest.»’ Parkinson quoted, ‘maybe you’d do well avoiding all that scum, considering your own status.’ She teased. The Malfoy boy looked amused, like a kid that is seeing a fair for the first time in his life.
(Y/N)’s eyebrow twitched at the word scum, but she said nothing.
‘As much as I know, Parkinson, my blood status could be as pure as yours.’
‘You wish.’ Malfoy spat.
‘Go dine with your new House, traitor.’ said Bulstrode, as she tried to bury her finger below (Y/N)’s ribcage, where the more tender flesh started. 
(Y/N) curved in a C shape, trying to protect her side from the bully.
Pansy joined from the other flank, poking her side too, to which (Y/N) responded slapping her hand away.
‘Watch it, mudblood,’ Pansy hissed. The girl grabbed a fistful of (Y/N)’s hair and pulled toward her, ‘you dare talk to me like that again and you can consider your little mudblood friend and yourself dead.’
(Y/N)’s blood was rushing through her veins, making her ears boil with rage and her heart thump against her chest at a speedy rhythm. Some other students let out some daring Oooooooh!’s, hoping that the scene would explode, laughing and howling like hyenas.
The next thing that happened was cloudy in her mind.
She couldn’t see much, as tears warped and blurred her sight.
She couldn’t hear either, because her ears buzzed intensely from inside.
In less than a millisecond, Pansy Parkinson’s face banged hard against the wooden surface of the table under (Y/N)’s hand, making all the dishes around clink and tremble.
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enbyleighlines · 4 years
For the MDZS modern AU prompts, I'm intrigued by Qin Su and your OC. So maybe them and "falling leaves" ~chi-zi
Oooooooh, okay! I certainly wasn’t expecting this request! But I’m very happy to fill it~
I hope you like this!
Qin Su is excited. Granted, she is usually in a state of near-perpetual excitement, but today, she’s more excited than usual.
It’s Saturday, but she wakes up early. She’s too excited to sleep in.
Because today, Qin Su is going on a date.
It’s not her first date, but it’s her first date with a girl, and it’s a girl she really, really likes. The girl’s name is Zhao Zhiruo, and she’s one grade higher than Qin Su. They met at the school’s GSA club last year.
By all accounts, senior Zhao Zhiruo is far out of Qin Su’s league— not that she’s ever given much merit to high school popularity measurements. But according to every high school TV drama that’s ever existed, Qin Su would be classified as a bookworm, or a teacher’s pet. Something that translates to “nerd, but a girl.”
Zhao Zhiruo would be typecast as the self-absorbed cheerleader, the rich girl, the queen bee. Or, if not the queen bee, then one of the worker bees.
But real high school is different than the movies. That’s why Qin Su was able to ask Zhao Zhiruo out on a date.
The morning creeps by way too slowly. Qin Su sits at the kitchen counter, swinging her feet, and trying not to look at the digital clock on the microwave too often. She is already doing this long before anyone else in the house wakes up. Her date isn’t until 3 in the afternoon.
Qin Su doesn’t know what to do to make time move faster. She feels too restless to read, or to watch television.
Hope comes in the form of Mo Xuanyu, her fourteen-year-old Didi. He grins toothily when he catches sight of Qin Su, fully dressed at seven in the morning on a Saturday. In contrast, Mo Xuanyu is still in his pajamas, with a full on rat’s nest on his head.
“Couldn’t sleep, A-jie?” He guesses.
Qin Su pops up to her feet, to pull a chair back for her baby bro. “What about you, Yu-er?” She asks, “What are you doing up so early on the weekend?”
Mo Xuanyu sits down and pats her arm. “Nightmares,” he answers, “I watched that new slasher thriller last night.”
“I’ll never understand why you watch those kinds of movies when they scare you so much,” Qin Su says, and goes off to start making breakfast now that at least one other family member is up.
“Being scared is the entire point,” Mo Xuanyu explains, not for the first time. “Besides,” he adds, “it’s spooky season. I’m trying to be festive.”
Qin Su rolls her eyes. She pours the cup of rice into the saucepan full of water, and stirs, starting the process of making congee. She also tosses in some leftover fried chicken from the refrigerator, and heats the rest of it up in the microwave for them to snack on while their breakfast simmers.
They enjoy a companionable silence for a few minutes. Mo Xuanyu yawns into his palm, and Qin Su nibbles on the fried skin of the chicken.
“Want some tea, too?” Qin Su asks, already taking out the kettle.
“Please,” Mo Xuanyu says. He combs his fingers through his tangled hair, and scrunches his face up when his fingers get stuck. “Ugh,” he complains, “I bet I look so ugly right now.”
Qin Su giggles. “You look like a mop,” she admits, “but a cute mop.”
He smiles back at her.
It’s a typical Saturday morning, but today Qin Su takes the time to appreciate it. She knows she’s lucky. Her family has always been supportive, even when they don’t quite understand each other. It’s because of them that she had the courage to come out, to join the school GSA, and to ask Zhao Zhiruo on a date.
Slowly, other people begin to wake up: Qin Su’s mother, Mo Xuanyu’s mother Mo Hou, and last but not least, once the congee is finally finished, Jin Zixuan’s mother Ouyang Jiangnu.
Qin Su adds the toppings to the congee and serves everyone a bowl.
The three mothers are too sleepy to talk at first. They’re busy women, working long hours to support their children with only minimal financial assistance from the father, and Qin Su admires them all very much.
But with time, and full bellies, the women begin to perk up. And naturally, Qin Su’s date becomes the hot topic of the morning.
“What time is your date again, A-Su?” Luo Pingyang, her mother, asks.
“And you’re sure you won’t need a ride to the movie theater? It’s really no trouble.”
“I’ll be fine. It’s only a fifteen minute walk if we take a shortcut through the park. I wanted to see all the beautiful foliage, anyway.”
Mo Hou hums her agreement. “It really is beautiful,” she says, “I might have to go for a walk in the park later myself.”
“Hmm, I’m more worried about the yard,” Ouyang Jiangnu admits, “The front lawn is already swimming with leaves! It’ll take at least an hour to rake it all up. Maybe two. I’ll ask Zixuan to do that the next time he comes home to do his laundry.”
Jin Zixuan is a freshman in college now, and he’s living on campus. It’s still weird, not having him in the house.
“Why wait for him?” Mo Hou asks, “We’ve got two strong, capable kids right here.”
Mo Xuanyu snorts, but he says, “Sure, I can rake the lawn.” He stretches out his spine, and adds, “First I have to get dressed, and comb my hair, and wash my face. Maybe put on some foundation—“
“Yes, yes,” Mo Hou cuts him off with a laugh, “You can go get pretty first.”
“I’ll help, too,” Qin Su offers, because she can’t think of any better way to kill time until her date. And also, because she likes to help out.
“If you’re going to help me, then you should change into something else first. I don’t want you ruining that nice outfit with dirt and sweat.” Mo Xuanyu stands from his seat, taking his dishes to the sink. “You can do that while I ‘get pretty’, as my Mama so kindly put it.”
Mo Hou giggles. “That was a joke,” she says, “You’re always pretty.”
“Uh-huh,” Mo Xuanyu hums.
Because of the cute back and forth banter between mother and son, Qin Su is smiling as she retreats to her room to change.
She loves her family so very much.
Unfortunately, Ouyang Jiangnu’s time estimates are way off. By the time three rolls around, Mo Xuanyu and Qin Su are still stuffing leaves into brown paper bags. They only learn it’s three because Zhao Zhiruo arrives.
“Uh, hello?”
Qin Su’s head whips up. She stares, confused, at her date.
Zhao Zhiruo is popular for a reason. She comes from old money, and it’s evident in her choice of clothing. She’s wearing a designer fall coat, white and pristine, that likely costs about as much as Qin Su’s entire wardrobe.
“Zhao Zhiruo!” Qin Su laughs, and hopes there aren’t any leaves stuck in her hair. “I haven’t forgotten about our date! I just... wanted to take care of some chores, and I lost track of time!”
“It’s okay,” Zhao Zhiruo says. She looks from Qin Su to the leaf pile at her feet. “Are you... almost done?”
Mo Xuanyu jumps forward to rescue Qin Su. “Go and get dressed for your date,” he tells her, “I’ll finish up here.” Then he turns to Zhao Zhiruo and waves sheepishly.
Though they’re all regular members of the GSA meetings, Mo Xuanyu continues to be intimidated by Zhao Zhiruo.
“Right,” Qin Su says, “Thanks, Yu-er! Zhiruo, I’ll be right back!”
She rushes back inside, heart beating wildly. She can only imagine what she looks like. When she gets to her bedroom mirror, her fears are confirmed. Her face is smudged with dirt, and there are multiple leaves sticking out of her hair.
Qin Su smacks her forehead, and prays that Zhao Zhiruo won’t hold any of this against her.
Both girls are quiet as they take the shortcut through the park. Qin Su is in her own head, berating herself for already setting a bad first impression.
But when Zhao Zhiruo speaks up, her first words are, “I’m sorry.”
“Huh?” Qin Su looks to her. “For what?”
Zhao Zhiruo fidgets, wringing her fingers together through her gloves. “For being rude... asking you if you were ‘almost done’.”
“Oh.” Qin Su thinks it over, and decides, “I didn’t think you were being rude.”
Zhao Zhiruo gives a small, hesitant smile. “That’s good,” she says, “Sometimes, when I talk, I come across as rude. I have a mean-sounding voice.”
“I don’t think so!” Qin Su is appalled. Who would dare say such a thing to Zhao Zhiruo?
“You don’t?” Zhao Zhiruo blinks, clearly surprised.
“Not at all! And anyone who’s ever told you that is the real meanie!” Qin Su flushes at her choice of insult. But it’s too late to take it back now. “I think you have a lovely voice.”
The other girl blushes, too. “I wish I had a voice like yours,” Zhao Zhiruo confesses, “It’s bubbly, and sweet. Everyone knows you’re friendly just by talking to you.”
“Well, thank you!” In truth, many people find Qin Su’s voice annoying, especially her laugh. It’s too shrill, they say. Qin Su is pleased as punch that Zhao Zhiruo apparently begs to differ. “But you should really appreciate your own voice more. It’s very charming.”
“You don’t think it’s too deep?” Zhao Zhiruo asks, unconvinced, “People say I sound like I’m always being sarcastic.”
Qin Su thinks that over. “Well, you are sarcastic an awful lot,” she admits, “but I can tell when you’re joking, and when you’re being sincere.”
“Oh? How can you tell?”
Qin Su thinks even harder. “I don’t know,” she admits, “It just sounds different.”
Zhao Zhiruo finally relaxes. “I guess I’ll just take your word for it,” she says, and begins skipping a little with each step. She looks up towards the sky and gives a pleased hum. “Autumn leaves are so beautiful,” she says suddenly, “Too bad it’s so cold, or it’d be my favorite season.”
“If it wasn’t be cold, it wouldn’t be fall,” Qin Su points out, “I like it! Fall is my favorite season. Yours?”
“Mine’s summer,” Zhao Zhiruo replies. She kicks at a collection of leaves on the paved pathway. “But fall is good, too. I know it makes me a basic bitch, but I like all the pumpkin spice flavored stuff.”
Qin Su laughs. “Yeah, me too! But sometimes things are popular for a reason.” Like you, she thinks.
“Hmm, yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
After that, conversation comes more easily to them. They enjoy the scenery, and talk about their favorite things. Qin Su gushes about horses and cats. Zhao Zhiruo tries to explain all the convoluted love triangles going on in her favorite TV dramas. Even before they get to the theater, they start holding hands— for warmth, Zhao Zhiruo insists.
Qin Su smiles the entire time. Admittedly, she’s a bit naive about romance... but she feels like she’s experiencing the start of something very special.
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startrekandwars · 4 years
Appearances are Deceiving
Word Count: 1919
Summary: Baves Urety finally reveals who he is to Din while also trying to avoid being killed by Bossk, a bounty hunter who is after the former Jedi. 
Tags: None
AN: Written for @celebrate-the-clone-wars prompt Always A Bigger Fish
Din Djaren has been traveling with Baves for some time now. His new partner wasn't the most talkative person, but he was far from quiet. The thing that Din noticed was that Baves was mostly observant. Maybe too observant. The child seemed to like Baves, and it was hard to fault the poor kid. Baves has this... aura that puts you at ease and makes you want to like him. He's so optimistic even if he doesn't voice it. It's written all over his face. 
The few times Baves has talked about his past, he just mentions his father taught him just about everything he knows. If it wasn't his father, it was one of his brothers. He also mentions that before the fall of the Empire, he worked as a bodyguard, and then decided to become a Bodyguard for hire. People used to pay this man to protect them. They used to pay him a lot.
Now is a good time for Din to observe Baves. He was an inch, maybe two taller. He could only be a couple years older than him too, though it's hard to tell because Baves keeps his face clean shaven. Baves says that he doesn't remember how old he is, and judging by how familiar the miralian is with a blaster, the mandalorian believes him. Baves isn't the strongest person. He looks like he should struggle to hold the child, all long limbs, and not a lot of muscle. He's also flexible. Din has watched Baves twist in ways he didn't realize a humanoid could twist their body. Baves looks like he couldn't hurt a fly, and he often tends to talk his way out of problems. It often works too. His royal blue eyes help soften his face, and the fact that there's a permanent smile on his face helps a lot. Even with out that, there are the beginnings of smile lines around the corner of his eyes. Din has never seen Baves's hair, and he had a feeling he never would. He could guess that his hair is jet black, if he were to judge it based off of the man's eyebrows. 
Din just can't place his finger on it, but he can tell Baves is holding back. He's too aware of things to not be holding back. It's like he knows what people expect him to be able to do, and he tries to embody those ideas. 
Even now, as they were walking through the market and Baves looks like he doesn't have a care in the world, Din has also learned that he is drinking in as much information as he can. "Oooooooh, Din look at this scarf!" Baves picked up a dark green head scarf with teal embroidery in miralian styles. "It's stunning!"
"You have seven scarves on the ship, Baves." Din countered, watching the man. None the less, the look in his eyes was hard to say no to. "When would you even wear it?"
"I don't know, around. I wear all seven of those scarves by the way." Baves countered, looking back at the scarf. "It's very pretty... But I suppose I don't need another one until something unthinkable happens to a scarf, like a grease stain." He put the scarf back, bowed politely, and kept walking. "I'm going to see if I can find any jogan fruit."
Din simply nodded and watched Baves walk away. Oh yes, that man could wrap just about anyone around his finger. Not because he was trying to be malicious, but because he was just so... kind. He was the sort of person you would want to protect. 
"Is that young man with you? Because if so, good for you. I don't know what a Mandalorian such as yourself would see in a man as kind as him, but if you want to win his heart, you should probably buy that scarf." The shop keeper said, sounding amused. She was a Miralian, but unlike Baves, she didn't cover her hair all the time, it was jet black and feel to her shoulders.
"I'm not-" How does he explain that he's not romantically with that man? "He's an associate of mine. We're not involved." 
"A pity, you don't find men like him everywhere in the galaxy. He's really one of a kind." She answered, looking back at Din before going to help a different customer. 
Din simply nodded. "That he is." The bounty hunter started to walk in the direction Baves had walked off in until he heard blaster fire and screams from that direction. Then he started to sprint. 
In the middle of the commotion was Baves, standing light on his feet, but looking relaxed. "Well that was rude!"
"Baves Urety- I am here to collect the bounty on your head. You can come quietly or loudly, but you will be coming with me." Bossk, a Trandoshan. And a member of the guild. Apparently there was a puck on Baves, and if Bossk was here to collect, then it was some bounty.
Baves sighed. He looked... bored. This happens to him a lot. "You know, a wise man once told me that there are always bigger fish out there. So you think you're the bigger fish in the ocean?" His question was really more of a statement. "Listen, Bossk. I just want to buy some jogan fruit and then I'll get out of your way- I'm not really looking for a fig-" When Bossk shot at Baves again, he side stepped, like he knew it was coming without even taking a breath from his sentence, "-ht today. We could leave in peace."
"No way, that bounty on your head can buy me a small planet!" Bossk countered. "Now come quietly. I would hate to make a mess of you."
The Miralian just shrugged. That was it. Bossk has two inches on Baves and several pounds of muscle on him. Anyone else should be very afraid of staring down Bossk, but the fact that there has been noise so far means that Baves Urety had managed to avoid Bossk for this long. "Fine, we'll do it your way. I can't give you a real fight to remember, but I can at least give you a run for your credits." That was when Baves chose to make his first move. He moved fast, faster than anyone can just run. He avoided Bossk's follow up shots with ease, a practiced ease, before jumping high over the Trandoshan, flipping and landing quietly on top of the roof of a shop. "But first you'll have to catch me!" 
Din could have sworn Baves glanced in his direction. He was acting as a distraction, buying Din time to get back to the ship and make sure that the child was still safe. He was doing this intentionally. Din didn't even have time to consider shouting Baves's name. The miralian was already running in the exact opposite direction. So Din was running towards the ship.
Bossk isn't an easy bounty hunter to avoid, Baves just had to hope Din understood what he was doing, that he was buying them time. Besides, he was a bit of a romantic who had trusted Din with his lightsaber, even if Din didn't know he had it. So the name of the game was evade Bossk long enough to get him out of civilization. Or at least innocent bystanders. "Wow- they call you a bounty hunter? I wonder what the Score Keeper thinks of you? I've fought clankers that have better aim than you do!" That being said, Bossk was getting familiar with how Baves was evading him. 
Once Baves could see the end of the market, he grinned and used the force to leap even further than he normally tries, turning around in the air and firing two rounds at Bossk. They were both close but neither of them hit the bounty hunter. "Kriff I miss my lightsaber."
"Running isn't like you- Urety, but it makes for a good hunt!" Bossk kept shooting at him, and Baves was all out of cover. He's good, he can evade people shooting at him for a while, but without his lightsaber, he was going to get shot eventually. 
"Well, I've really needed the exercise and it's been a while since people have tried to kill me, so I'm just drawing this out for as long as I can!" He countered, trying to find anything he could use to his advantage. 
Bossk shot at him again, and this time, Baves decided to get up close and personal. If he was too close for Bossk to use his gun effectively, then the former jedi could last a little bit longer. Again, Baves sprinted, using the force to move even faster and decided to disarm the Trandoshan with the force, flinging the weapon out of his hands, "Now this is what I expect when I made you my prey!"
"You talk too much," Baves countered, blocking the flurry of punches and opting to try to knock Bossk onto the ground. Sure he could use the force but he tries not to. 
Bossk had a wicked smile on his face, and the Force warned Baves of what was about to happen before he could process it. He ducked low, barely avoiding a flurry of blasts from an assassin droid. "Kriff!" He was standing too close.
Overhead, he could hear a ship. Din's ship. Din didn't say anything on the ramp, he just tossed Baves his lightsaber. Din trusts him enough not to just disappear with this apparently. 
Baves caught it and ignited it, the green blade humming into life, just in time to deflect the shots back at the assassin droid, taking it out. "That's better."
Bossk hissed right before Baves hit him over the head with his lightsaber hilt, "Oh shut up please! I've had enough of you for one life time." 
Instead of waiting for Din to land, he just leapt up onto the ramp, turning his lightsaber back off and handing the hilt back over, "Here."
"No- I'm a Mandalorian, weapons are a part of my religion, and I know just what you're doing when you're handing that over to me." Din countered, closing the ramp once Baves was back inside. "You're a jedi."
"Well that's one thing to take away from today- you got the jogan fruit?" Baves had been focused on trying to do what he felt was right until he saw the real prize of today. "How?"
"The shopkeeper was grateful since you managed to not destroy any of his property. I also got you that scarf." Baves didn't need to force to know that Din was watching him as he set the lightsaber down on the seat, picking up a jogan fruit. "Why didn't you tell me?"
The miralian turned and shrugged, "Mandalorians hate the jedi, for good reason, but you need someone to teach the child how to use the force. And I am a Jedi." 
Din looked at Baves, his expression unreadable with his helmet on. Perhaps that's for the best. "So you trusted me with your life... You were right about one thing though, Bossk wasn't the bigger fish."
"True, but there will always be another. Thank you for coming back for me." Baves's signature smile was back on his face, but it was sincere. 
"Least I can do. Besides, you're handy in a fight." With that, Din climbed the ladder back into the cockpit. 
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linaofthemyscira · 6 years
Wish Come True (Jason Todd’s Birthday 2k18)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Words: 1636
Prompt: Sort of a soulmate AU sort of not. You’ll see it’s super cute I promise ;D
Warnings: cursing, abusive boyfriends
A/N: This was super last minute I moved into my college dorm and well, had a limited amount of time to write this so here we are.
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The air was humid and warm the night of August 16th in Gotham City as Jason inconspicuously made his way to his safehouse. He wasn’t particularly happy about what day it was, but that didn’t stop an influx of cards from arriving at his apartment that day.
“Happy Birthday Jason!” they all read. He had shoved the cards into a drawer in his nightstand and tried to forget about them but that sentence kept coming back to him, haunting him even when he wasn’t thinking about it. It had been 4 years since he came back to Gotham, yet he still felt like celebrating his birthday was a mistake.
As he arrived, he got out his keys and unlocked the door to his safehouse, ready to crack open his case files and investigate his most recent venture: Don Falcone.
But that’s not what happened. The lights suddenly came on and he heard two voices shout at him.
“SURPRISE!” they yelled in unison.
Of course. It was Roy and Kori. Jason sighed as he shut the door behind him and walked towards his desk, dropping his bag on top.
“Jason, we are throwing you a surprise party! Are you not happy?” Kori asked.
“Yeah dude, it took us forever because the key I copied from you was having a tough time unlocking the door,” Roy explained. “The least you could do is show a little smile.”
“Guys, I appreciate it, but I’m not really feeling my birthday this year,” Jason said as he took off his shoes.
“You’ve said that every year since you came back to Gotham,” Roy stuck his hands in his pockets.
“Jason, is there something you have against birthdays?” Kori asked as she sat on his bed.
“Not birthdays, Kori. Just mine in particular,” Jason told her.
“Jaybird, it’s been nine years. You can’t hold some kind of grudge against your birthday forever,” Roy put his hand on Jason’s shoulder. Jason rubbed his face with his hands in exasperation, but he knew Roy was right. Jason didn’t even get to celebrate his 21st birthday with a big bash like he had dreamed of when he was a kid. Instead, he sat at his desk with a cupcake and a single candle and sang happy birthday to himself.
Now he was 24, and he knew it was time to view his birthday as a normal thing and not something to dread every year.
“It’s just hard, Bruce has all the fucking news channels playing some ‘In Memory of Jason Todd’ video every year for the anniversary of when I died AND my birthday. I’m getting tired of it. I’ll move on when Bruce moves on,” Jason joined Kori on the bed, laying down with his hands behind his head.
“At least have some cake to celebrate,” Kori offered.
“Fine,” Jason sat up and faced the cake that Kori brought out to him, candles and “Happy Birthday Jason” and everything. The two began singing to him, and Jason couldn’t help but smile a little when they reached “Happy Birthday Dear Jason”.
As they reached the end, Jason closed his eyes and thought about something to wish for. When he finally decided, he opened his eyes and blew out his candles in one fell swoop.
“Yay! What did you wish for?” Kori asked.
“It won’t come true if I tell you,” Jason winked, “now pass a plate, let’s eat some cake!”
The three drank beer and ate cake for a while before Roy suggested they go do something fun for Jason’s birthday.
“What, like go to a club? A bar party?” Jason asked.
“Let’s do 24 things that you want to do before you…” he began.
“Die? Again?” Jason asked.
“No, 24 things you wanted to do before you previously died. Kind of like a last farewell to the old Jason,” Roy explained.
Jason and Kori looked at each other, reluctant to go through with the idea, but they had nothing else better to do, really.
“Okay. That sounds fair. I’ll make a list of 24 things I wanted to do before I died and we ALL have to do them. No backing out,” Jason raised an eyebrow.
“I’m very excited to see what you have planned, Jason,” Kori grinned.
“Oddly, me too,” Roy said.
“Let’s do this.”
☆ ☆ ☆
“I’m fucking leaving.”
“Like hell you are.”
“Fuck off I’m DONE taking orders from you.”
Chad, your now ex-boyfriend, had done it yet again: he came home drunk and hit you, simply for taking his clothes out of the dryer.
That was the last straw. You had put up with it for long enough, and now you were ready to drop him faster than you could say the word “apple”. You had no idea why you continued dating him when you knew his abuse was wrong. Maybe it was because when things were calm, he told you what you wanted to hear. Maybe it was because when the going got tough, he comforted you.
But that wasn’t enough. He clearly didn’t respect you and you had an underlying suspicion that he was fucking other people. You couldn’t and didn’t want to take another hit. So that’s where we find you.
Packing, or angrily throwing, your belongings into your bags. You planned to stay at your best friend’s apartment until you could find your own place.
“Listen to me you bitch--” he began, but all he got was your fist connecting with his face.
“Don’t fucking call me a bitch, you shitbrick!” you yelled. Once you got the clothes you needed, you went into the living room to take what was yours.
“HEY, THAT’S MINE!” Chad screamed at you.
“IT’S MINE I PAID FOR IT!” you screamed back.
Chad unhappily watched you as you gathered the rest of your items and made your way to the door.
“I hope you enjoy your PATHETIC life as an INANE ASSHOLE!” you shouted at him before you slammed the door behind you.
As you walked down the hall, you choked back tears, refusing to show any signs of vulnerability.
☆ ☆ ☆
Jason, Kori, and Roy were skipping down the sidewalk, tipsy, giggly and without a care in the world. Jason had forgotten about all his problems and worries and was living life on his 24th birthday.
“Shhhhhh, guys, we have to be quiet, people live here,” Jason, the least tipsy of the group, shushed his friends.
“OoOoOoOh you’re right,” Kori giggled.
“Kori! Come on, baby, just shhhhhhh,” Roy slurred as he pressed a finger to her lips.
Jason laughed at his friends as he kept walking, wondering where they would go next.
Suddenly you burst out of your apartment building, heading for the curb to call a taxi, but you were so blinded by rage (and your watery eyes) that you didn’t even see Jason and crashed into him. Both of you landed on the sidewalk in a loud thump, causing Kori and Roy to look at you with wide eyes.
“Owwww,” you held your wrist.
“You’re in pain? Try having 4 bullet wounds in 4 separate locations on your body; one on each arm, one on your leg and one in your torso,” Jason absentmindedly revealed. Once he realized that you were a stranger and not someone who knew who he really was, he mentally cursed at himself.
“What? Are you some kind of assassin? Why would you have...four bullet wounds?” you winced as you tried to move your wrist, but it was still hurting.
“Got caught in the crossfire of a street fight, don’t worry about it,” he got up and rubbed his arm. You got up after him, holding your wrist. The two of you stood in silence, not looking at each other to avoid any awkwardness.
After a few minutes, the both of you finally made eye contact, and everything changed. The familiarity of Jason flooded your brain, as did the familiarity of you flood his brain. Something about him made you feel safe and relaxed like he could take care of you in the worst moments of your life.
As for Jason, he couldn’t help but be a little freaked out. He hadn’t figured that it would actually happen, but it did and he was slightly terrified of what that meant. But maybe it was a sign, maybe this was supposed to happen. Perhaps, it was fate you would meet. Everything was finally falling into place.
“Are you okay?” he asked you.
“I-I’m fine. My wrist hurts but I’m sure my friend has an ice-pack at her apartment,” you shrugged.
“You--you don’t live with your best friend?” Jason asked.
“No, I used to live with my ex-boyfriend, but that piece of shit couldn’t channel his anger properly so...we’re over,” you told the stranger.
“You mean he...he hit you?” Jason was getting increasingly angry. You nodded in shame.
“I’m sorry...um…” Jason paused for your name.
“[Y/N],” you told him.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N]. No one should be abused like that. Ever. Why don’t you come back to my place? You can rest there for the night,” Jason offered. “I just met you.” was what you wanted to say, but you felt like you had known Jason for a hundred years. There was something trustworthy about him, so you decided to accept.
“Sure. Thank you…” you paused for his name.
“Jason,” he replied.
“Jason. Thank you, Jason,” you told him. Jason picked up your bags and told Kori and Roy that he was going to go back home with you and that they could pick their adventure later. The two reluctantly agreed and started their own journey home.
As Jason escorted you back to his apartment, he found himself thinking about one thing: how his wish to find someone who could change his life came true.
☆ ☆ ☆
@ladyalexa @impulsivesuperrobin @batarangtotheheart @little-lesbean-queen @where-is-my-jason-todd @makeup-wonder-woman @jasontoddandhisguns @dick-graysns  @solis200213 @books-netflix-and-pizza @dramatic-and-young  @ioczurma @sarcasmismyfirstlove @food-flowers-friends @princessonly2 @the--iceberg--lounge @timsflannels @breadhoods @imaginingadifferentlife @letmestargaze36 @san-penedo @spacedragonsattack @spiderling-tom @redhoodsdoll @hmushkova  
@bvckysmanbun @starryrevelations @sonoflac @boosyboo9206 @thegeekwhocantwrite  @jason-todd-rh @southsidefandoms  @jaydinnelisee @dc-hoe
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ryouverua · 6 years
The Despairingly Hopeful Flashback Light
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“It’s been days since I’ve had a chance to insult people so do me a favour and line up in a row so I can have a go at each of you in turn.”
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“Just.... enough energy... to pick that low-hanging fruit...”
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Have you even slept at all since this all began?!
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She... she’s fully ready to do this? I know it’s not participating in the killing game, but this still not how I want you to use your talent! Not at all!
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Just before I go onto the good stuff, I wanted to bring it back over to Himiko’s fluff text because it’s so bittersweet to have her thinking about Tenko in this situation.
It’s hard to say though, Himiko - I think she would have difficulty accepting the situation in general and would try and encourage you to at least enjoy the time you have left. Would she be mad at you though? Mad, no. Sad, absolutely.
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That is... exceedingly odd. We’ve only ever found them before by searching - but then again, who would be searching for anything now?
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Maybe, but didn’t he say he wasn’t going to interfere with us anymore? I suppose that could be a lie too, but I can’t imagine why he would do anything like this now.
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Closure is better than nothing I suppose. Though I’d argue that was... sorta, kinda what Kokichi gave us, in a way?
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That’s the, uh, attitude? 8′D
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“They don’t call me the Ultimate Assassin for nothing, kid.”
omae wa mo shindeiru
Alright then... well, let’s see it. She’s right, honestly. What’s the worst that could happen at this point? They’re days away from committing mass suicide! 
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Is it the colours? Are the colours why I love this animated sequence so much?
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Wait, Hope’s Peak Academy?
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So it officially is now??? I always thought it might be in a small way (I mean, come on, Monokuma is there), but literally everything???
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Hope’s Peak Academy, you absolute bastard.
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Man, we’re really just going over everything, aren’t we?
~The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History~, which was then renamed to being the second most awful because METEORS RAINED FROM THE SKY AND WIPED OUT EVERYTHING -
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Here’s Junko -
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The Ultimate Catalyst. >>
Aaaw crap though, if she’s being brought up now... they can’t possibly bring her back for a third time, right? Right???
Now the 78th class’s killing game, most significant to history because that was what led to Junko’s death, I imagine -
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We really are getting the Cole’s notes version of events, aren’t we!
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I guess they can’t outright talk about Danganronpa 2 here, huh? Fair enough, honestly! Might as well give people a chance to play it without spoiling it too badly!
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You gonna expand on that champ? ...... No? Uh, okay?
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Wait are you seriously telling me the cult is the Remnants? I... I don’t know if I’m super happy about that, but okay... I guess it makes sense for them to try and latch onto something like this when their side has lost so much ground. Does that mean there were still a bunch of them lingering, left over from when their fight came to a so-called abrupt end?
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Wait, Makoto did this? Would he be in his 40s or 50s then? I was hoping this would take a good deal after the other events, so I guess that’s one way to do it!
though with that said you didn’t have to literally chuck meteors at the prequels and burn them to the ground that is some serious overkill
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hope hope hope hope hope hope hope
Oh right, before I forget -
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Please don’t sound so happy about that Shuichi, I thought it was actually nice for you guys to be from different schools. 8′/ Though I guess the whole reason were were considered ‘Ultimates’ was because you were selected as a representative of your specialty to attend Hope’s Peak, but still.
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Applied? Weren’t they scouted? I guess Makoto changed the rules or something? 8′D
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????? Am I just completely remembering things wrong because I swear it was a scouting process and not an application process...
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Oh, that I like at least! Wait, does that mean there were 16 classes going on at the same time for a single year of students??? The logistics must have been a nightmare.
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because Makoto’s normal meter has been completely, utterly destroyed by his own old class
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eyes Kaito
......... Are you, now? Exactly... what are the symptoms of the virus, exactly?
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Oh hey, it’s a new ‘New World Order’! Long time no see!
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I know I said I thought we were missing information that would help gel some things together, and this would explain why Monokuma is overseeing this game again, but I still feel like there’s more. I mean, also because even now we’re still in Chapter 5, but that’s beside the point.
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Damn it the ‘h’ word is out of the bag and it’s like the game is trying to make up for lost time. 8′D
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Weirdly enough, having the cult be the Remnants of Despair makes me more suspicious of Kokichi’s claims of being the mastermind? Is that just me? 
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So timeline-wise are we far enough away from Junko’s life and death for her to have become both a historical figure as well as a symbol? Do I have that right?
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Mm, I mean, if we hadn’t had that whole ‘sister’ reveal I could see ‘let me witness the beauty of humanity in the most extreme of circumstances’ Korekiyo Shinguuji being a good, if slightly obvious, choice just off the top of my head, and without any relation to the Remnants. 8′D 
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That I can actually agree with! There’s way too much of a coincidence between how things are being held for it not to be related to them, at the very least.
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Literally my biggest question!!!
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That.... That just seems like such a handwave answer! I know one of Junko’s things was how bored she got, and sure, Kokichi talked about how boring a lot of things could be, but the game was literally how Junko got her kicks! She was quite happy to see it until the end, and I’m pretty sure if Kokichi was following her script he would do the same!
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Eeeeh? But like... Junko’s plan was ruined by Naegi, Kirigiri et al., right? She didn’t just throw it all away the way Kokichi has. Doesn’t that seem weird to any of you guys at all??
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T... The number of times the word ‘hope’ has been said in the last twenty + minutes is leaving me dizzy.
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Normally I’d love to hear more about your inner voice but right now I’d love for you to put it on mute. 8′/
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I love you two but I am debating the pros and cons of pushing you both down the stairs leading to Kaito’s lab r/n
say hope or despair one more time
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Aaaaw Himiko! My tiny shining light in this sea of hope and despair talk!
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I am glad she was revitalized though - it was pretty scary watching her talk about having Maki kill her!
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Sweetcheeks I am judging you inner monologue right now? Do you hear me?! I am judging you right now!!!!
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If he’s the mastermind, it was probably a reward for getting so far, right? “Here’s everything else you need to know about the world that I didn’t get a chance to tell you.”
But if he’s not the mastermind aka lying about it, it seems like this is a way to disrupt his new power? Would he have really done this? Would he be able to access the flashback lights as the new king of the school, if he isn’t the mastermind? I mean, it’s not out of the realm of possibility - he’s got control of the exisals, and that shouldn’t be possible if he isn’t controlling everything - but if he also has the ability to give out flashback lights, why would he do it now? Is this is attempt to make them more interesting again?
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Hypothetically, yes... though that conclusion does seem to be based on Kokichi = Mastermind. I guess to say everything I blabbed earlier more concisely, does Flashback Light Access = Mastermind, or does Flashback Light Access = Control of the School?
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you wizarding nerd he’s not going to pop up if he hears you say his name
Or... would he? If he’s the mastermind, he should have access to whatever method of surveillance being used this game. This seems like a good time to pop up now in that case - gotta quash the rebellion before it starts - but he hasn’t yet.
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Yes!!! Rally around Kaito’s safety!!!
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He did say he wanted the remote for the hangar and that he would be keeping Kaito there! So Kokichi periodically leaves to get food and supplies? I guess with an exisal, there isn’t much any of the students can do to stop him. 8′D
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“Look guys, if I see a ship, I call it.”
also I’m a bloody hypocrite re: my saimota comment earlier
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OOOOKAY that’s uh tmi, anyway thank you for your contribution!!!
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?!?! :O Oh shit, when in the world did you get that? Did Miu have extras in her lab?
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Oooooooh oooooh how clever of you!!! Damn girl, you’re good!
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Alright - so despite Kaito not being there, they’re able to hammer out a pretty good battle plan. Sorry Kaito, looks like you’ve been relegated to the ‘damsel in distress’ position! That’s... sorta close to being a hero? Related? Or something? anyway if you don’t think Kaito being a damsel in distress makes me incredibly happy you don’t know me at all
So they’ll be charging the exisal hangar tomorrow (gotta charge those hammers!) with an electrobomb to disable Kokichi’s access to the exisals and hammers to disable the shutter lock and as a back-up. It’s a good plan, all things considered!
.... But..... why do I have a terrible feeling that someone is going to be dead when they get there? For that matter, I don’t know why I’m saying it in such vague terms - I’ll be shocked if someone isn’t dead either by the time they reach the hangar, or while they’re in there. I posited the idea that Maki’s lab could be an alternative spot, or even Shuichi’s lab, but with both Kaito and Kokichi in there I don’t think there’s any doubt left. I also feel like the ‘potential victim’ list has been cut to the two of them too.... D: 
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Is this not just so incredibly reminiscent of what happened with Kaede? It’s incredibly tempting, I understand that, but we can’t make the same mistake twice! I also feel like this will be another case of 'wrong target’ but that’s a separate issue
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Well said, K1-b0!
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FINALLY a chance to use the nerdmugi tag again! It’s been so long! I’ll let that use of the word ‘despair’ slide this time, but only because of that.
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Despite being embarrassed about being rescued by the others, I bet Kaito would be so proud to know that Maki reached out to the others like this and is working together with them to rescue him! She’s spent so much time caught up in her own emotional walls she created around her heart, you know? And now, finally, she’s letting some people in!
Okay now Maki this may not be integral to the plan or anything but I do insist that if the impossible happens and nothing goes wrong, you carry Kaito outside of the hangar bridal-style. Okay? Okay.
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It’s wishful thinking, all things considered... but we can hope.
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but first, time to get a certain robot’s underwear.
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peachymhaechan · 6 years
“Do you even know how to have fun?”
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Genre: angst to fluff, badboy!au
Warnings: language, mentions of drug abuse, underage drinking, mentions of sex
Pairing: Jeno x Reader
author’s note: this is my first request omg !! requested by @april-diamondthings, i hope you like it !!
if there was one thing you hated, that would be fuckboys
and, hate to break it to ya, but lee jeno was The Fuckboy at your school
everyone thought that jaemin was the school’s resident fuckboy but you knew better
after all, jeno had been your childhood best friend and has lived next door since you guys were in diapers
middle school came along, tho, and wiped out all friendship after you developed a crush on him and he didn’t feel the same and well... 
you guys drifted apart:/
senior year was coming to an end, and it was tradition for the seniors to throw a party with the juniors and pass on the torch of being top dogs of the school
that party, as per tradition, would have lots of underage drinking and drugs (don’t drink or do drugs, it’s not worth it guys!!)
since you had nothing better to do on a Friday night and your friends were bored, you figured why not go? 
besides, what’s the worst thing that could happen?
oh boy, were you about to wish you had just stayed home lmao
your parents all thought you were going to a friend‘s house (luckily none of your friends’ parents or your parents asked which bc uhhhhh y’all would have been found out real quick)
so since your parents were going to a family friend’s house for a lil party, you guys decided to leave at about 8
your small group of three friends climbed into your car and set out on your way
“Okay, guys. let’s make a pact: if one of us gets drunk, we will not let whoever it is get behind the wheel or drunk text. got it?” you announced, setting out ground rules for the night
your friends were all easy going and pretty responsible people, so needless to say, they all agreed
the venue was always the abandoned water park that your city had in the rundown part of town and every year, kids would sneak in months in advance and start decorating
they turned the old waterslides into fully functional slides again by running hoses, they’d string lights everywhere, and transform the wave pool into a skate park
of course, though, since your grade had a majority of the Dreamies (some weird clique that gave themselves a name, which Jeno was a part of), y’all were not prepared for half the shit they had in treat for that party
they deadass got one of the pools to work again
how? nobody knows to this very date, the Dreamies are a fuckin mystery
they also set up a swim-up bar in said pool, where a bunch of the seniors would be constantly pouring drinks for the whole night
a bon fire was going in one of the pools, where a bunch of kids gathered with their drinks and drugs and bs-ed for a while
when you guys arrived, bathing suits under your clothes, you came face to face with the thing of legends
juniors were invited every year, but you didn’t go last year so you had no idea what to expect
and lemme tell ya, it was not that
as soon as you climbed the fence to get in, you found yourself in a fucking amusement park
the kids you had gone to school with since kindergarten all ran around, partying out their last hoorah
like always, cliques stuck together but some intermingled
one of the Dreamies and one of your best friends greeted you right away
“Y/N! So nice of you to join us! We have drinks over there, hope you brought your bathing suit- oh, someone threw up on the fucking slide, damn it Chenle- and so much more pretty much all throughout! Gotta go relight those tiki torches, if you need anything just come find me!” -Haechan, 2k18
“I say we get a drink first,” one of your bffs suggested, pretty much signing everyone’s death warrants then and there
of course, nobody knew then that that’d be a big mistake
you guys put your clothing in one of the lockers the park had and went into the pool and over to the swim-up bar
“Mark! Long time no see, what the fuck is up, my man?” you asked the college boy serving drinks
you figured he had come back home to help out with the party bc 1) he used to be the leader of the Dreamies and Mark was 100% of their impulse control, and 2) they needed someone who actually knew how to make drinks to serve at the bar
“Hey, what’s up, Y/N? What can I get you?” 
“Whatever will fuck me up the fastest.” 
he didn’t bother to tell you what he had given you, and surprisingly (and fucking dumbly, too) you drank whatever it was in one go
“holy fucking shit, I’ve only ever seen one other person handle their strong ass liquor like that and that was a 40 year old alcoholic-” 
“give me more, bud!“
within the first hour of being there, Mark had you fucked up pretty good
you weren't completely drunk, but you were well on your way
because of this, everything was super fun and entertaining
Chenle’s dolphin impersonation in the pool? Hilarious
Jisung splashing the shit out of Renjun? Comedy gold
Jaemin trying to do the sexy lean against the side of the pool to hit on some poor girl and losing balance as he was asking her out? A gift from God
Haechan trying to stand up at the bottom of the water slide and falling flat on his ass? Hoy shit, the best thing since sliced bread
Everything was going great until you found yourself falling into someone’s arms
“Thanks-” you looked up to see who had caught you right before you fell off the ledge of the pool and your eyes locked with a pair you used to day dream in for years
“You should watch where you’re going,” he muttered to you, helping you regain your balance
“Do you even know how to have fun?” 
that question stopped him dead in his tracks, somehow managing to freeze that cocky boy
“Do I know how to have fun?” he mumbled, unsure if he heard you right, partly amused by that question, “Oh, babe, you haven’t had fun until you’ve met me.” 
feeling pretty confident from the liquid courage, you said, “Then show me.” 
Jeno stared at you in shock, not knowing who exactly he was talking to
the last time you guys were considered friends was in junior high, and you had been so timid and he didn’t know how to bring you out of your shell
so jeno took your hand and whoosh! you were off for quite the adventure
first stop: the (fixed! vomit free!) water slides
pretty unsafe but they fixed up one of the ones that went almost straight down and jeno expected you to be super against it but nope, didn’t phase you in the least
“hold my beer” and down the slide you went
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it,” he told you at the bottom, helping you stand up
“Like I asked earlier, do you even know how to have fun?” 
oooooooh that was the wrong thing to say, because from that point on he made it his life goal to prove to you that he did, in fact, know how to have fun
since he had yet to drink or get high, he thought it’d be okay to impress you with his skateboarding abilities
in the ‘skate park’ he wasted no time in showing you all of his best tricks
“Show me how to be- how to be on X Games mode,” you demanded, wanting to know how the hell he stayed balanced enough to do that
the boy was super eager to have an excuse to be closer to you so of course he helped guide you on the board, keeping you on path and preventing you from falling off
his hands were on your waist to keep you steady, and in your heart you were excited because you had missed jeno being in your life but your mind said to cut that shit out right away
did you listen to your head? no, you listened to your heart
“well, was that enough?” he asked you, pulling you guys out of the skating area
“Nope, show me more,” you demanded, walking past the pool and the bar
jeno figured you weren’t paying attention to him so he mouthed :what the fuck did you give to her?!” to mark, and to his surprise, mark replied with “everything, bro! it’s my frat’s specialty. good luck getting her to function tomorrow!” 
jeno realized then that you needed to go home asap
“I’m gonna sit you down here and I will be back in a couple of seconds, okay?” he said as he forced you to sit down by the bon fire
he left you with a bunch of kids singing songs and rolling joints
luckily he appeared a few seconds later as promised, because you were getting more and more on board with trying drugs, too
“Here, drink this,” he told you, placing a red solo cup in your hands
your confused mind thought it was more beer so you chugged it, but became disappointed when the taste registered as just water
“I think that’s enough fun for tonight, yeah? Let’s get you home,” Jeno said, wrapping your arm around his shoulders and supporting your weight as you stumbled around everywhere
you pouted and bitched the whole time, wanting to stay longer
“can I pleeeeeease stay for a couple more minutes?” “no”
“can I please get another drink from Mark?” “No, I am going to have a conversation with Mark about what he serves people-”
“can we take a trip to the beach?” “no” 
“can I please hug Renjun? Oh, god, look at him, he’s so small I have to make sure he’s okay-” “Y/N, he’s so much taller than you are,” “don’t crush my fucking dreams, Jeno” 
“Jeno, I really don’t want to go...” “I really don’t care, you are completely shit faced, Y/N. It’s dangerous being this drunk! We are going home.” 
he put you in the passenger seat of his car and drove to your house, and the whole car ride you sat there and stared out the window
when he got to your front porch, you didn’t even need to pull the keys out, he took them from where your family hid it and unlocked the door
you were surprised that he even remembered that hiding spot from when you were kids
you both stumbled around in the dark, but finally you made it to your room
“Will you be okay to change into pajamas on your own?” he asked, worried about you getting hurt or falling asleep in the process
“Uhhhhh... yes. You can take some of my dad’s clothes,” you informed him, slurring your words to the point where he almost couldn’t understand
somehow, you managed to change out of your nasty party clothes and into pajamas
you curled up in bed while waiting for him to finish
when he came back into the room, he found you curled up into a ball on your bed, looking tiny in the sheets
just as he walked through the door to go downstairs, he heard a small and muffled, “Don’t go.” 
“Don’t you dare leave me again.” 
after that statement, of course he went back into your room and joined you under the covers
your body melted into his and you stared up into his eyes
“Do you ever miss it?” you asked him, suddenly sober again
“Miss what?” he asked, genuinely curious as to what you were talking about
“Being friends. Do you miss it?” 
“Of course I do, Y/N. You were my best friend...” 
“Then why did we let something as silly as a crush ruin it all?” 
“I... I don’t know.” 
“I fucking miss you so fucking much, Jeno. I miss you knocking on my window at three in the morning and coming over because you had a nightmare, I iss riding our bikes to the creek and searching for crawfish the whole day, I miss having snowball fights in the crazy old neighbor’s yard, I miss- I miss you, Jeno.” 
he gazed into your eyes, with an unknown glint that you could not place
he took your hand in his and did not let his eyes leave yours for one moment
“Did you know that my parents still ask about you every day? God, I miss you- I miss the way you’d break into my house and have random baking parties in my kitchen, I miss how you’d make me smell your hair when you’d try a new conditioner, I miss how you’d tease me over nicknames my family gave me, I- I. Miss you. So. Damn. Much, Y/N.” 
“Please don’t think that this is just a decision I made when I was drunk, because i have been thinking about this for a really long time,” you pleaded before stretching up and planting your lips on his
it wasn’t exactly how you had dreamed it’d be for the first time, but you couldn’t argue that it was bad
Jeno fell right into it, pulling your hips closer to him so he could take control of the kiss
that kiss felt like it lasted for years
when you finally broke the kiss for air, he said, “Y/N, please don't ever leave my side again.” 
“Trust me, I won’t.” 
After that, he fell asleep with you in his arms, not that you really minded lol
that night ended with sharing secrets and worrying about your drunk friends
let’s just say that that was the first of many more to come
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asagi-s-garden · 6 years
Labels can be important
So several weeks ago I was talking to someone about labels for fictional charectors and arguing about if they're important or not, I argued that some people found them very important to identify with, she argued that they shouldn't be important, but the thing is, it doesn't matter if they should or shouldn't be: They ARE, and until today I didn't know how to verbalize why or why it was under my skin so badly, the argument really upset me because "~no labels~" should probably be the more "correct" answer but ... like... there isn't really a wrong or right to the way people personally feel and identify... and now I know why it bothers me so much when people try to say that labels are never important: Erasure
Now before I go forward let me say: I am totally supportive of anyone who doesn't want to be labelled, good for you!! You're strong and awesome and confident for that! But what I take issue with is people who say that people who DO want to be labelled are wrong, as long as you aren't policing someone else's identity, we're cool
I've always liked girls, I distinctly remember when I was eight sitting down with my mom and having the "What would you do if I was gay?" conversation and asking her if she thought I WAS gay- "Do you like boys?" "Yes" "Then you aren't gay" (P.S. Dear Mom, you definitely weren't wrong) but the thing is .. that's kinda all there was when I was growing up: Straight and gay and a tiny population of ace (both things that my mom introduced me to by the way) Bisexuality though... wasn't really much of a thing
Bisexuality was a phase, a kink, a scandal, it was "~~~Oooooooh Angelina Jolie admits to being bisexual~~~~" like it was this sexually devious thing, that's all the media ever presented it as and there was never an easily accessible bi charector around that wasn't a scandal themselves (you know, The Promiscuous Bi Who Sleeps With Everyone) atleast not on the TV I watched, and I've always watched alot of TV so I was never exactly sheltered, so I spent most of my life going "Sometimes I feel gay and sometimes I feel straight and I don't know what the fuck that means" and it was really frustrating and lead to alot of confusion and annoyance and feelings of not being normal
It wasn't until I was a teenager and got on Tumblr that I even started understanding what bisexuality was, and it took alot of fanfiction and alot of identify-yourself posts and alot of "Hi, if you have these feelings you might be this and that's great, good for you!" posts before it ... really started making sense to me and I GOT it and I decided "Ok this is what I am", and I am so, so, LUCKY, that my mom is the "I'll march in the parades with you" type because if she wasn't then I maybe would still be questioning myself and saying I'm straight (wich, for the record, I never felt comfortable with, but I never knew what else to really call it either)
But, ya' know, here's the thing, I'm not really a sexual person, I'm not really a romantic person, I'm kinda on the grey/demi territory I guess? I'm 23 but have never been on a date- ever, and I'm not really bothered by that, but that can be difficult to cope with when someone is questioning their sexuality- especially a sexuality that isn't very black and white "I like girls and have never liked boys and I'm a romantic person who has already dated three girls"/"I like boys and have never liked girls and I'm a very romantic person who has already dated three boys" type of thing, it can feel kind of like Imposter's Syndrome, feeling like you haven't "earned" the label you call yourself because you haven't dated enough girls or boys or whatever other gender to identify that way, and in a hypersexualized society, it can even feel like you aren't allowed to call yourself X-Sexuality until you've had SEX with a certain number of  X-Gender
This is where identity and the importance of NOT erasing an identity come into play
Because alot of sexualities easily become stereotypes- and that's only if they aren't erased to begin with, using bisexuality as an example, there were, when I was growing up, two types of bisexuals: The Promiscuous Bisexual and The Kinky Bi-Curious, think Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl", one of the most famous- if not THE most famous- songs about bisexuality... isn't about bisexuality at all, it's about a kinky exploitative "bi-curious" exploration wile Katy cheats on her boyfreind ("Hope my boyfreind don't mind it") wich just keeps on going with the same nonsense that all bisexuals are hypersexualized and promiscuous and that's using the term "bisexual" very loosely because she admits in the song that she kissed her "just to try it", it wasn't a sexuality, it was an experiment, and to my knowledge (KP fans feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!) Katy has never returned to any kind of bisexuality: It was a phase, just like bisexuality is SO often called
The big reason why people need to see labels in fiction is to help figure out their OWN identities, we NEED to hear charectors say "bisexual" and the fact that, off the top of my head, I can't think of any fictional charectors (who don't fit the "promiscuous experimentation" type) who flat out label themselves bisexual is... very sad, especially since labelling as straight and gay has slowly become more popular lately
Don't get me wrong, it's always AWESOME to have charectors who are bisexual regardless of saying it or not, and sometimes not saying it can express a relationship that transcends sexuality (Will and Hannibal, Apple White and Darling Charming) wich is ESPECIALLY cool, but ... other times it can be really frustrating to see implications that charectors are a certain sexuality without having concrete proof of it- especially given that some examples are ONLY ever implied and not directly stated (an especially big problem in animated genres, be they anime or western cartoons) and media aimed at younger audiences, and wile I 1000000% get why saying an actual *sexuality* is frowned upon with material for kids and even pre-teens because censorship, it's important at times to blatantly say "I like girls instead of boys" or "I like girls and boys", instead of just having little hints like "I'm not interested in boys" or "Oh she's cute isn't she?" or whatever
There are sooooooooooooooooooo many fanfictions out there that handle the idea of sexuality (ALL sexualities) really beautifully, both in coming out and just in casual conversation, little things like wearing the bi flag colors or going "Excuse you I'm bi" or making an "I'm pan because I like all the cookware in the kitchen ;)" joke can be so helpfull to people who are exploring their sexualities, but fanfiction isn't easily available for tons of people- and most don't even know what it IS, wich is why it's up to mainstream media to take the step and make these things clear THEMSELVES
Anyway I said at the beginning I finally understood how to verbalize this and I'm finally going to tell you what it is that brought this to my attention: My mom
I've been openly bi for a few years now and until recently 100% of the bisexual comments have been from me (and if you're straight and *don't* think I constantly make bi jokes oh boy do you need to get some more queer freinds my dude) and my mom has slowly, over the years, gone from short responses like "Ok then" and "Yeah she's really cute" and "Now see if *I* was gay I'd go for *her*" to actually having real conversations about me having a crush on a girl, wanting to marry a girl, telling my dad and my grandmother "She's bi, she might end up with a girl, you need to understand that", but she still has never been *that* into using the term "bisexual" (and for the record I get that, //I// wasn't that sure about the term when I first started getting used to my sexuality either) and then a few days ago she made this corny bi joke, talking about when I was a toddler and went to see my grandfather drive a plane, she went "You know, that was a bi-plane, and you're a bisexual, it's like it was meant to be even back then!" and yeah it's a corny moderately funny joke but it just.... really, really hit me with this huge WAVE of validation, like yes, thank you, I *am* bi, this is a thing, I can be this, I can own this, I'm recognized, and it isn't a question anymore, it isn't a debate, it's like saying I have red hair, yep, that sure is some red hair I've got, yep, that sure is a nice bisexuality I have
And it's almost disgustingly simple, I'm 10000% sure she has no idea how much that meant to me because it was a passing comment in a conversation about airports, but it's the first time she ever just dropped my bisexualiy into a casual conversation and it felt SO good, SO validating, it made the Imposter's Syndrome I occasionally feel take a very long walk off of a very short peer
But not everyone has my mom
That's like... BLATANTLY clear from so, SO many people I talk to who's parents aren't accepting of them, not everyone is going to get a mom who talks to them about having a wife or points out girls she thinks are hot or makes bi-plane jokes, and because not everyone has a bi-plane mom- not everyone has family or freinds or anyone in their lives who make them feel validated, or who they're even out to- they NEED fictional charectors to be able to grab onto and go "Yes, this is me, yes, I can identify with them"
We need Korras, Harley Quinns, Jackson Whittemores, Annalise Keatings... and we need celebrities to come out and say the big bad B too, we need Halseys and Lauren Jaugeruis and Angelina Jolies
To all of my non-labelling freinds: Good for you! I am legitimately happy for you that you can feel comfortable without labels and that there are things out there that make you feel validated too! .. But there are still so many people who NEED labels to understand themselves and need to SEE people/charectors using labels in order to identify themselves and I really hope that you understand when we scream "Say 'bisexual' you cowards!" and beg for a cut-and-clear "I am bisexual, the end" statement of some kind, it isn't to erase YOU, it's to give US... *something*
Ideally, the world can have enough people and charectors that are LGBTQ+ that there can be tons who *do* use labels and tons who *don't*, ideally the world will stop being so blatantly idiotic with their insistence on erasure and refusal to accept non-straight sexualities, but no matter if that happens or not, I hope that there can be an understanding on BOTH levels, that some people DO need labels and that's ok, and some people DON'T need labels and that's also ok
I hope that everyone can embrace the charectors who don't have labels, AND the charectors who do, and understand WHY certain charectors are important to certain people, and WHY some people are so desperate to get clear, black-and-white identification, not to shun people who don't need labels, but to recognize someone like them, to identify themselves, and to feel validated
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henisadventures · 4 years
It started back in august, when I randomly came down from my room to show Sophie a song, I believe it was Pieces by Amanda Lindsey Cook. She told me she really liked it, and that if I like these kind of songs, one of here college friends is singing in a choir, in Lausanne. "Wait, I am gonna show you videos, we even have a CD! Do you want to sing in this choir? " —she asked.
At that point, I had no idea of what I am gonna get myself into. I never in a million years thought that this choir is going to give me friends, social life, unforgettable memories but most importantly it is going to evolve my love for the Lord. I said yes. I said why not, as Emily Wilson thought me.
Yeah, so we were watching the videos, and she told me to decide quickly if I would like to join or not because the first repetition is right around the corner. Also, even though I had like 0 language skills in French,I was like why not.
The first repetition day comes, I was SO nervous, you cannot imagine. I changed outfits at least 3 times, I was barely able to eat, but I had to, cause we were to leave after luch to meet Anouk.
Anouk is now my Psalmodie mommy, I love her to pieces. She’s been the helping hand I always needed, the reassurance that it is gonna be okay, and that „no, no problem if you dont know all the songs” that I replayed in my head every single time I had a doubt in the project or in myself.
Yeah, so we are there, going to Lausanne, I am about to meet 60 new people, there goes the social life hiatus, I am about to make friends there! Aha, yes. But it needed a bit more time, that I expected.
I enjoyed every single minute of every repetition. We started with the warmups, and the „I am so happy, Jesus is my salvation!”, was the first one that I understood. The other one, however I still have no idea about, honestly, what is the lyrics of the do, mi, so, do, do, so, mi, do thing?
Moooving on. We started to sing a new song, Christ est tout pour moi. When I tell you, this song is THE song for me. It was the first one, when I actually felt like I am in a movie. It was the best feeling ever, and we were just practicing. I felt like above the clouds closer to God every single time.
Okay, I have a confession, whenever JD or Marc was talking I didn’t understand 90% of them. Even during the concert, exept, when Marc was speaking in English which was the weirdest thing ever cause I got used to not be able to understand him.
Yeah so we were preparing for the CD recording. I had like 3 weeks to learn seven songs in French and luckily none of them was Garde ma bouche. Who am I joking though, I love that song now.
So, the recording days. I kind of knew a few people, but I was just guessing some names or faces. Oh gosh, it was a very hard but very precious two days.
When we were singing Vase d’argile, that feeling is something I will save into a bottle. It was the best thing ever. The whole two days were a blessing even though I was like extra extra sick a day before. It was a wild ride, but every single minute was worth it.
I am gonna be on a CD!!!!! I still get very happy about it whenever it comes to my mind.
Yeah so back to the repetition phase, we were finally singing Christ est tout pour moi again. I was missing it truly :( Then all the other songs I didn’t know about, AND that was the time I realized we are gonna do CHOREOGRAPHIES. Just imagine. I am concentrating on the lyrics, the melody, the correct time to sing, hand gestures (clap or snap) and then my feet. I was like ok ☺ No worries. Hahahhha, I was very worried.
Shout out to everybody who supported me during the preparation of the concert. Honestly, without you guys (and the Creator) , I wouldn't be able to survive.
Yeah, so the concerts were last weekend, a week ago Nathalie came over to help me with the songs, because 3 days before there were 2 songs that I had no idea about. Eh, lol. c’est la vie.
Thank you Nathalie again!!!
So the weekend comes. What a weekend.
I was barely able to eat. Literally I ate like 3 spoons of lunch after I was suffering with Rigo Jancsi in the kitchen for 2 hours. It was worth it though, everybody loved it.
Then Anouk and Samuel came to pick me up and we were on the way for the concert. My hand was shaking so much, I was either near of these three: crying, stroke or passing out. Only one of them happened, and it was not the stroke or the passing out. I was wearing the scarf and honestly I felt like a Bella. A Psalmodie Bella. I literally went to Giulia and shouted to her that ARE WE THE PSALMODIE BELLAS YES OR NO??
So I was trying to ignore the fact that I don’t know all the songs as much as I was able to, and I am not gonna lie, at some point I was able to. Because the atmosphère of the concert was sooooo so so so magical.
Let us see those concert songs, shall we?
✨Car toi seul est Dieu✨ The intro song, so amazing, I loved it very much. Little backstory, I was listening to this song every time I was cooking on Monday nights. I found a version on Spotify, I knew the alto and there was the perfect music for cooking. Alas! What was the thing I absolutely forgot? The 2nd verse. Haha. I knew the song perfectly exept for the second verse. I realized it exactly where you guessed: during the concert.
✨Bien compter nos jours✨ Ehhh. The song, that I had no full picture in my had until the Wednesday before the concert. Long, long song. I was genuinely frustrated but I acted like I knew all the words and the ending is very epic, 10/10.
✨Oui je crois (Le Crédo)✨ Another epic song, the standing up is just soooooooooo cool, I loved it but I absolutely forgot about the hand-moving part at the 2nd verse, lol. I thought I knew this song, but I had to realize that I was wrong…during the concert.
✨Christ est tout pour moi✨ This song could be my anthem for real. This song is a little more special than the others because it was the first song that I rehearsed really and honestly I felt like above the clouds. Still do, whenever I think about it. Tears of joy, feeling the touch of Heaven.
✨Vase d’argile✨ Oh wow, this song is just wow. When we were doing the recordings, I will never forget that 3 seconds of silence after we finished. This song is also everything we evern need to know. I love it so much. Now I see.
✨Jour de jugement✨ The third very very epic song. I didn’t know all the verses, but as before, I acted like I did. Very deep, very well built up. „la malédiction”… was just…wow.
✨Joie promise dès l’origine✨ This contrast was kind of weird for me, we had the 3 songs before, all very deep, all very epic and dramatic, and then, there comes this bundle of joy with 6 different instruments, all happy, after we were singing about Jugement day. We just casuallytold the people that „hey, actually, no worries, because there is somebody who was promised to save us the scary things!!!!”. Honestly I don’t know if it was intentional, but in my opinion it was brilliant like this.
✨Plus grand que tout autre nom✨Oh well, this song was the „I wish I was just over it song” for me because I was so freaking scared of this, honestly. Lyrics, feet, snap, when to stop, when to snap, when to change snap to clap and just in general sing correctly, etc, etc. It was the most stressful song for me but I loved it, it is a very nice song, and the improvisation on the 2nd concert was a very precious moment.
✨Le saint nom de Jésus✨I knew the refrain, that’s all. Very thankful that JD was singing with us because as I learend in my past 12 with the Gyermekkórus in Szeged, if you just look at the mouth of the leader, it is gonna be fine. Köszönöm szépen Nagyi!!!
✨Un Pére pour l’orphelin✨You repair the broken hearts and make dreams reborn. Thank you Nathalie for this because I had an extra smile on while singing this. I didn’t knew I like this song but is just such a nice and fun song, I realized cannot not like it.
✨Jamais loin de moi✨This was a very special song, because this is the eldest kid’s favourite. When we are walking home from school, or even just randomly playing we just randomly start to sing it. He loves it so much and I am so proud of him.
✨Ta bonté✨ This song was stuck in my head whenever I saw the sunrays through the clouds. It is just so beautiful, with all the instruments and just in general the meaning of the song. It is about the endless love of God. My favourite part in the lyrics was the ooooohhhhhhh
✨Garde ma bouche✨ The Goliat to my David. Guys. If I could learn the 75% of this song, than literally anybody on this planet is able to. There is no impossible. I will never forget, when on one of the repetitions, Marc was telling something like „Yes I know it is fast…” and at least 5 people looked at me with either laugh or pity… I was like „hahhahhahah yeah i know hahahahahha”. It was the time of true hopelessness. But. I aint no quitter, so I learned it. Second by second, word by word. And it became one of my favourite songs.
✨Bénis Dieu✨I have really ten thousand reasons to say this. One of them is Psalmodie.
✨Ne crains rien✨The baby-guitar song. That’s how I call the ukulele because it just looks like a ba-by-gu-i-tar. Okay so I didn’t know the lyrics, but luckily there were some oooooooh-s and the other parts – I gave them to the Lord.
✨Abondance de joie✨This song is just again a bundle of joy. And also epic. I loved SO MUCH when during the repetition before the concert we just kept on singing it without Marc. That was very funny.
✨Yahwe✨ I went to the concert of Collectif Cieux Ouvert and I heard it once. That was all I knew about this song, and because has been singing it since ages and everybody knows it by heart, we didnt rehears it so I was like, ok, I am just gonna follow the chef. It was amazing though.
✨Alleluia de Noël✨The last song. And also a very special cause the middle child has been singing it at home for so long. She loves this song so much. So do I. This song is the soul of Christmas. Here is the Saviour, he is born. And the way we were singing when we came down the stairs. I am forever thankful that we have a video of that because that moment is too beautiful to be only saved in our memories. Whenever I watch that video, my heart is filled with joy.
I cannot be thankful enough for this choir and these people who I am lucky enough to call my friends. I learned so much from them in this past few months, it is crazy. I love every single one of them. I didn’t know I needed Psalmodie until I found it.
Here comes the cheesy part:
Shout out to Lea for being my crazy friend, to Giulia for being the nicest Bella ever, to Nathalie for being there when needed, to Aurelie for the helping words and the notes, to Sebastien for not talking to me haha, to Anouk for being my Psalmo mama, to Lauraine for always smiling and talking, to JD & Marc for being awesome awesome leaders, to Theo for the magic tricks, to Marc for the cow-jokes, to Estelle for being the first person I ever talked in Psalmodie, to Vanessa for the unforgettable car-rides and honestly for every single person who is talking to me in English because I know it is hard just look at me struggling with French. This is an unforgettable experience. I love every second of serving the Lord this way.
I could go on for hours but that is all for today, if you read all that, you can come to collect your friendship award, I appreciate it very much, thank you for your time. 💛
Bénis Dieu oh mon âme !!
Á toute,
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