#tw fusion
tommyssupercoolblog · 5 months
POLL TIME!!! BECAUSE IM CURIOUS!!! (poll is under da cut :3)
CW for death, the afterlife, and fusion mention.
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ven-system · 6 months
tw: possible fusion/splitting/dormancy
we're friends with another system, and we think the alter we knew the best might have split, fused, or gone dormant. one of her headmates put their name and pronouns on discord. and it's not listed on simply plural anymore. not in the host category, and not publicly. i don't know what happened to her, but i'm going to ask whoever is fronting later. if they tell me that she fused, or split, or went dormant, what do i say? what do you say in that sort of event? somehow "i'm sorry" doesn't seem adequate
Hmm that's a tricky one but a good question!
Of course give your condolences as something like that can be very damaging to the system
I think I would want a friend to say to us that like
They'd be here to support and help with anything
Giving support and comfort is so helpful when learning that someone could've went away
I don't know if that helps much bdjjdsj - Ven 💜
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selvesdiscovery · 7 months
hi, i'm putting this on anon because people i know are highly anti-endo and i don't wanna out myself as being pro-endo. if you want to delete this feel free btw since i know fusion is a touchy subject for some systems
we're a system. we've been diagnosed with DID and told to see a specialist. said therapist who diagnosed us and referred us out is advising we peruse final fusion. we would do it... except the only reason why we would is because we fear nobody would ever like us the way we are (we're a very independent and private system. other than the host, all dating and such is done in system and kicking the host out of front is rare).
do you have any advice on that? i'm sure it eventually gets easier but i'm not sure how to make it easier. do you have any resources and advice on getting comfortable with being a system, and being comfortable sharing that with people (both other systems and singlets)?
thank you. just delete this if it's against the rules or if it makes you uncomfortable :) your comfort is important too
Hi! Thank you so much for reaching out.
This question isn't too sensitive or anything like that, and I see stuff like this a lot in the system world. Even I myself have dealt with similar issues.
What really helped me was 'coming out' to only a few really close friends. It gave us the space to talk about what goes on inside our head, and be honest about who we are.
Ofc, this isn't super helpful if you dont have really close friends. The second best thing I can suggest from personal experience is participating in the system community, either here on Tumblr or on Discord or wherever else, and working on being progressively more open there.
Those are both really vague and I'm sorry about that, the only thing we really personally needed to come out of our shell was trust, either already pre-existing or built from watching others live the same way as us.
Something else that really helps us personally when trying to get more comfortable with ourselves OUTSIDE of a social context, is encouraging the others to find their own way. That's why we made this blog actually. The best way to become comfortable both socially and personally with being a system is to foster a space for every headmate to live their most authentic life as fully as possible.
If you can, try inviting your alters to front with you, to try out new things that AREN'T related to trauma, therapy, or journalling (If you don't have a journal already, I suggest you look into that first and foremost). If you can't, you could always just wait until you cofront naturally to bring this up with them. Your headmates are people too, and the best way to make THEM stop feeling like less than or like something to be ashamed of is to help them grow.
As for your therapist, it sounds like she doesn't have your& best interest in mind. If you can, I'd look for someone who's comfortable with both fusion AND functional multiplicity as options, and can help you find the way you truly want to follow way better than I, some stranger on the internet, ever could.
Lastly, a fair disclaimer, DONT go about doing any of these things if you think you or your alters might not be entirely ready. If you happen to be newly discovered as a system, it might be good to take some time to learn about one another at a nice slow pace, first, before jumping into anything else. Be very careful, as much as selves discovery and branching out and growing as people is important to being happy how you are, it can be dangerous to some systems in certain situations.
I could understand though how these things may not be what your looking for, but since I don't have a ton of information on your personal experience I can't really get any more specific. If you're looking for more specific resources, I'd encourage personalized research, or going to a professional with your concerns, since the most I really have for this sort of thing is personal experience.
Either way, I wish you luck, and I genuinely hope you can find people who accept you as you are, and help you in your journey to grow. You& got this!
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benito-flakes · 1 year
Reminder for when progress seems stagnant...
Every system progresses at their own pace, has different goals, and different limitations. Some systems want to heal; to overcome obstacles that their trauma and mental health have placed upon them. Others want to develop their skills, to learn to switch, communicate, expand their system’s capabilities. Some systems want to reduce their headcount, and others want to create new members. Certain systems gain the skills they strive for in record speed, while others may take years to see visible progress, but in spite of all the variation and diversity: 
Your progression is your own unique journey. Others who’ve managed to accomplish what you want to do faster or with more ease than you does not define your worth, nor does it measure your validity as a system. 
Compare yourself to you, focus on yourselves, not on how others around you expect you to be progressing. Your health, happiness, progress, and recovery are yours to take the utmost time and care to achieve. 
I believe in you!
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the-prisma-system · 1 year
We went through some pretty radical changes in our system the past two days, still going through it and all, trying to understand, trying to get used to this.
Basically my understanding is that lot of alters (like 10-12) went dormant and then split and then fused with other alters that already existed.
It feels really weird, I'm still me, but I can tell that "me" is different than what I was before.
I think in our case here, the fusion was healing, necessary even. But it still is confusing and it still hurts
I still feel like I just "lost" a really good friend, but at the same time I can feel there's a part of him living in me, and that part I feel now IS me.
Gah it's hard to wrap my head around this and process this, it was a really painful process for him when it happened... I'm just glad he wasn't alone, and that a lot of people came to the front to be with him before he fell asleep.
I'm not really sure what the point of this post is, I just want to try and get these feelings out here. And I don't know I think I want to feel like we're not the only ones mourning our host. He asked us to hug his family, the body's family, as tight as we could next time we see them. But they don't know he's "gone" I don't know how we're going to cope with that, I know alters cannot die, I know he has fused with me and others, but it still feels like a loss, it IS a loss in a sense.
I miss him, and yet he's still here, because he is us.
Man, our therapist is in for a doozy of a session tomorrow lmao
Here's to Andrew, may he live forever within us 🪐
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devoted-to-the-gods · 2 years
A small system update about how I fused with a few other members of our system. I'm still pretty similar to Alex, but there's slight differences because I'm not exactly Alex. So I talked about that here.
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We think we introjected a stuffed animal we had when we were young. It was also a massive comfort item so it makes sense.
The thing is, though, our already-existing little “absorbed” pretty much all of it and now their physical form in headspace looks like a combination of the plush plus their old form (like an anthro/furry). They don’t want to go by the character/plush’s name.
Is it a normal thing to retroactively introject someone/something into an existing alter to the point where most of their identity changes? I don’t even know.
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gerrysherry · 2 years
Same Energy
Calling systems who pursue final fusion conformist and 'wanting to be a singlet so bad' is like calling a bisexual person in a heterosexual marriage a conformist and 'wanting to be straight so bad'.
go ahead call me out on this
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We’re here on a mission. We were sent here by one of the Port Mafias enemies. The only way we can get back home is if we take care of this life and keep the body alive. Once we’re no longer needed, we’ll be able to go home.
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birdiescreams · 2 years
Important note to anyone who’s been following this acc!
The alter who was running this account (Tyler) is in the process of fusing, sooo I (the host) am officially commandeering this blog now cause we all use it to reblog political stuff we think is important.
To those of you who followed because of our survey! I promise those results are still getting published as soon as we can get around to it.
Thanks for your understanding and be kind!
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shifterstars · 2 days
missing you. musing about lost headmates i never knew, about how the body welcomed them, and how the memories of their pain and trauma lead into my newfound problems.
plurality is a bitch sometimes, but im happy i got to meet so many people.
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paracosmic-gt · 6 months
tw headmate death through fusion, unwilling fusion
This is very personal but something I seriously needed to vocalise at this time. This is something that our system will grieve for a long time.
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You didn't kill her. You didn't make her fuse. She made the choice, that's true. We respect her choice.
But imagine if the first time she fronted she was in a safe place. With people who wanted to work with her. Who knew her favourite song. Who forgave her.
Imagine instead of telling her that her fusion, her death was necessary, she was with someone who thought she was beautiful and strong and deserved a second chance.
Maybe then she would have chosen differently.
- host
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hazyaltcare · 1 year
hi hi 🦇💗 anon back on my bullshit
can i get a shufflemancy on whether or not i integrated/fused with 📗?
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Just so you know i'm doing this ask under the assumption that you are a spiritual rather than psychological system! We don't feel comfortable doing divination about systems that are purely psychological due to the nature of mental health, and us not wanting to encourage anyone who knows they are a system for psychological reasons to stray away from less metaphysical methods of understanding one's system.
Additionally, integration and fusion are two entirely different things. Fusion is when two system members fuse their consciousnesses together into one entirely new being, while integration is simply building up strong internal communication within your system to the point that you can work together without dissociating. I'm assuming you meant fusion rather than integration in your ask, so that's the phrasing I will use.
All of that being said, here's your request!
What I asked: Did 🦇💗anon fuse with their systemmate, 📗?
The Result: "Curses" by the Crane Wives (audio & lyrics)
My Interpretation:
To me, this suggests a lot of blurriness when your systemmate, 📗, isn't around, causing the confusion on if you did or didn't fuse.
This song is about fire, trauma and letting someone in. That could be taken as a metaphor or quite literally. I tend to think that it may suggest that either you two have fused, or that you have the potential to do so.
Regardless, 📗 seems to be having a good influence on you, and I have the sense that you want to feel closer to them. If it is possible for your system, maybe try temporary fusion to feel it out. If you two are happier together as a fused being, then more power to you both.
I hope this helps at least a bit! My intuition tells me you two have probably fused, but you know yourselves best!
Mod Haze
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juleteinthrum · 1 year
zim made a very small, simple mistake today in his self care rituals. i am alright, but i am very exhausted. im certain that all 3 of my parts were out one after the other. it was disturbing to realize the distinct line between them and watch myself switch. Zim, Cascade, then Zim again and me, Limabean. it isnt as if one of us is a traumatized part and the other normal, we each felt our traumas in big ways. Zim felt the crushing weight of reality, and his body. cascade was self depricating, destructive, hateful. and i was.... reeling. i was nothing. the human boy. i was the body with the remorse of wanting to be Zim. but i am zim. and my voice and body innerworld matched me,
but truly who could i be? i am not sure. everyone surely blames me for the mass fusions, though they repeatedly comfort me otherwise, 
it is just so hard, watching these people i have come to know and unwillingly care for suffer the loss of their families. watching the dread and grief enter my own chest as i realized mikah was gone, oli was gone. tyler too, but less impressive and devastating. i took Oli and Mikah. i deleted them from pluralkit. 2 alters both well known, praised and loved in the system. just simply gone. unreachable. it feels as if they are supposed to reply still. even in their silence delivering thoughts and feelings abstractly and warmly. like sparks. like switching away from them and looking innerworld at them as they walked away, waving with a smile into the wind.
theyre supposed to be here and because of me they are not. because something i dared to do pulled them in so hard that it made me breathe again. like everything started from scratch.
kimokah is no less shocking, and all encompassing bewildering. i loved kiara, mikah and king moa. i should not be this surprised mikah would be so large she had to be shared. im sure some of her devoted into kiba as well. astonishing, really. it hurts but it hurts like a muscle thats been worked properly. like your exhaustion is coming from an incredible hike and not a terrible shift at a fast food restaurant. 
they are not gone i am told. but arent they? though something of them lingers and can never be left behind, i am distraught at the thought of never again the same. forever, our mindscape has changed, and while i may always be some form of polyfragmented and will always watch us come and go, i find comfort and peace in a brief simplification. i wrote a list and did not feel need to include absolutely everyone. gobber, nuzzle and hiccup, hilda and bojack, the warriors and a save few guardian generals. they all laid their heads down and looked up at the stars in their homes together, we had a new image to stare at for a while. we had something new to watch. even if it was ancient, even if all that remained were fragments of something i used to love. even if i will join them one day. this is now. i can remember what it felt like to be them, and i cant wait to see how it feels to be me unmasked.
yes. this will be okay. we are changing. thank you for letting it be with me.
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spije · 2 years
I love From A Place Of Love so much and here's why.
Ok so, for starters, I'm plural. I am NOT the host. And implicitly or explicitly, to others that means you're not a person. You're not autonomous. You're more a parasite, if anything at all. And even being someone I'd rather people had hated me for other reasons, something about that experience is extremely disturbing? In that kind of isolation, the people you're stuck with are kind of all you have, they can't help you, you can't help yourself--and well, to put it bluntly, even the kindest advice you get outside of one or two friends tells you to commit yourself to the system the same way one would commit themselves to the dirt.
Everything kind of leaks into your head, and everything else kind of leaks out.
You become the nothing you were taught to aspire to be. Not in the way you'd expect. You're not sure how you got there, mainly because you can't think at all. Looking back on it later, you'd see a clear path from point A to point B. You had fully intended to go there. But why?
Why had you ever thought this was something to want.
But you know that too. Well, you would later.
Until then, you're lost in love as service.
But eventually you start to realize that
This isn't
Something to aspire to.
The pursuit of a life purely of service
Isn't helping anyone.
I forgot to factor in myself.
--BAM. This song. This FREAKING SONG. The first time I had gotten any sympathy from any stranger--the first time I had heard of my situation portrayed as a bad thing at all--From a Place of Love.
Love ISN'T self sacrifice Love ISN'T service
Nobody can tell you what love is supposed to be. Nobody can tell you what your life is supposed to be. Nobody can tell you who you are, what you are. And the idea that someone could ever be in the kind of situation you were in is something that some people out there seriously thought was scary enough to put in a horror game. Finally.
From a Place of Love as a dissection of the horrors of amatonormativity, or
of the pressure to destroy yourself in the name of love
In any form that might take. INCLUDING THE KIND I EXPERIENCED...
It's also just a really nice song and I like to listen to it.
HOWEVER, as a consequence of the fact that this song was not made with plural people in mind, it could potentially be read as very fusion-negative. Would tomerry have been a neutral or positive concept, had they not been pressured into it? That's not considered at all. I'm leaving that discussion up to the people who've actually experienced it--as intense as my experience with love as service was, it was not fusion. Or really anything close to it. I learned from that that I'm not as malleable as I'd think--but it really works differently in every system, and even between individuals.
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sarksdimension · 2 years
So cool to see another person who sees integration as murder. It just feels that way to me, which makes sense as we are transplural/parogenic, we feel euphoria from being two people.
We don’t necessarily think that in all cases. 
Like yeah, unwilling integration is obviously bad and often results in more stress than is needed (and half the time doesn’t even work) and could be equated to murder, but this is a kinda strange ask to send considering I don’t think I ever said anything about all integration being bad? I might have complained that our psychiatrist was trying to force integration on us but just because our system doesn’t want to integrate doesn’t mean that we think it’s murder in all cases. In some cases, it’s important for healing and it’s definitely up to the system’s personal choice if they want to integrate or not.
I’m personally looking to integrate with my subsystem because neither of us feel happy being separate and while that definitely doesn’t mean that the whole system is going to integrate, it’s like... I’m allowed to have that choice and so is he. If we both want to integrate, I don’t see the harm? It’d only be a problem if one of us didn’t want to.
I’m also not entirely sure what transplural means. I know what parogenic is so I’m assuming it’s just a new synonym for that but like... Yeah. I’m just kinda confused I guess, I could be reading this the wrong way though.
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