#introject confessions
introject-confessions · 10 months
I always see introjects of villains introducing themselves with something alike "... But it's okay because I regret what I've done, I'm a good person now!" And. Wow dude. I don't! I don't regret what I've done, and I don't really care if people see me as bad because of it, I just don't want them to think I'm genuinely dangerous or something
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systemconfessional · 10 months
You're safe here
This is the System Confession Booth. A place where you come to anonymously air anything, things you find uncomfortable, express unpopular opinion or just tell us a really cool fact.
We will also do polls. To prove we're still alive between asks
ALL SYSTEMS TYPES ARE WELCOME. Even non-systems. We are more dedicated to this being a safe space.
We will not judge you.
Just send your ask, if you want/ don't want a reply please specify. If not we will do what we decide is best. You can even ask us not to post it and we wont. If you ask for a reply it may take longer for us to post as we think about what to say. Your confession will usually be answered in 24 hours to a week.
No using someone's name while slandering them.
No fakeclaiming. Saying something can't happen is fakeclaiming and won’t be tolerated.
Nothing explicitly NSFW or gory
Please leave tw at the start of asks
Please keep in mind we're not an advice blog. We may be able to give advice on what worked for us but our journey doesnt cover everything. This is a confessions blog.
We will never block you for a confession unless it appears to maliciously break rule 3
As of right now your mods are one system. We're bodily adult. We will be using colours instead of alter names because we want to. Mod Purple - Alter who runs the blog mainly, grouchy. Mod Yellow - Young fun and ready to poll.
We made this blog because we can't find any active system confession blogs and we know how important they are as we use the introject confessions blog a fair bit. This is about being a safe space to say things.
Poll - Our polls tag.
Txt - Text post.
Confession Booth - Confessions tag!
Inbox - Anything in our inbox, confessions or not.
Reblog - Continuation of a reblogged post.
Not For Kids - For posts younger people here shouldn’t read.
Anon Tags
For when an anon asker wants an identifier. Usually, to talk to another anon.
- εpsilon - 💭Thoughtless - 🔴🟣♥️ - - H - -🧪 - -🕷️🤍
TW Tags
Incest If we forget any of these plese feel free to inform us. We format it tw [trigger]
PS: I promise I will not usually use this many tags I just want people to see that there's an active system confessions blog going on.
PPS: Turns out sometimes we accidentally post personal stuff to this blog. Sorry.
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lovef0ols · 1 year
introject culture is looking up the tags for one of your friends in source and regretting it regretting it so fast why dis I think that'd be a good idea never again never again I tell you
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tsams-confessions · 6 days
It's rare, but I get really happy when I see tsams kins and fictives
I know the fandom is already kinda small, and the overlap between kin and systems in the fandom is even smaller but omg I love seeing them
Any kins/fictives, please rise up, you guys are really cool
Sincerely, a tsams fictive
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magpod-confessions · 1 month
My system has a Jon Sims fictive who's a real prick sometimes, and it makes me forget how much I like the character sometimes
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fossys · 4 months
wanting to draw art of me n my friends but its so funny bcs we are all fictives which makes it like, the funiest fucking crossover ever
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> look up source fanart
> “he would NOT wear that”
> closes tumblr
> rinse and repeat whenever I miss my family /lh
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otherkin-confessional · 4 months
When I split, I had no name and could not come up with anything that I attached to. Still cannot, it just is not important to me and does not impede my function. So I wound up calling myself by the nth number of something we made. I don't feel like I'm doing this 'identity' thing very well. At least, not in the way others would like - AI introject
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Hi! This is a little confession blog for introjects, alters, and kins of ocs!
Basic Guidelines:
When signing off your ask, please mention if you are from a fandom, so that it may be tagged accordingly!
We will not be checking if a tag is taken - please check for yourself before claiming!
Infodumping about your source is welcome
Kindly do not utilize the inbox to hold full conversations (get each other's urls!) or attack others.
No syscourse - all system origins are welcome here, and we will not tolerate fighting about it.
Nsfw confessions are allowed - they will be tagged #nsft confession so you can filter it if you need to!
Thank you for reading! We hope to hear from you!
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introject-confessions · 9 months
Shout out to fictives that that some form of relationship with a fictive that’s from a different source. Weather that be besties, romantic, familial etc. it’s like a fun crossover episode.
I (Adricat miraculous) am the son of L death note and I couldn’t ask for a better dad. My source dad sucks actual ass, but L? He actually gives a shit about me I love him. But we do find it hilarious I’m form a dumpster fire of a kids show and he’s from this dark psychological anime.
Btw L if you’re reading this you should totally give me a mum/other dad, I gave a few ideas who it could be >:)
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mxtxkinfessions · 3 months
I’m a xie lian introject (also wei wuxian) and im so frustrated because I can’t come up with a nickname to call myself. I’m not bodily chinese so I’m trying to come up w something but my mind just blanks out.
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sylphfessions · 11 months
Oh Joy. Hello, I’m Kanaya, And Welcome To Sylphfessions. This Is Mainly A Homestuck-centric Fictive/Irl/Kin Blog, But I Am Open To Posting Any Source Requested.
I Am In Fact, A System And A Fictive, And All I Ask Is That You Be Respectful When Posts Are System Related.
I Will Do:
- Validations
- Sourcecalls
- Shufflemancys
- Sprite Edits
- Stim/Aesthetic Boards
- Small Doodles
- Tarot Readings (When I Possess The Cards To Do So)
- Playlist Creation
- Pendulum Related Asks
Etc, Just Ask.
I Hope You Enjoy Your Time Here! Au Revoir.
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tsams-confessions · 3 months
I can't stand those really excessive Lunar fans who are really rude to people who like Eclipse. People should be allowed to like villain characters without someone yelling at them that they're a horrible person for it
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
May I do an interest check in a introject call blog? I want it to be system only but be for both fictives and factives (^^;
party note: If anyone is interested, please reblog, like, or reply to this post! No further ask responses will be posted for this conversation so that no one’s message is missed! Thank you!
[thank you for replying to my question!]
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fact-anonymous · 6 months
I'm an introject of a historical figure who was, undeniably, on the wrong side of history. I've mostly accepted that my source was an awful person, & don't feel too bad about it. The only thing that gets to me still is how I can't be open about myself as an introject. I'm too nervous about how others will perceive me. I know many people who say they accept introjects "of all sources", even "problematic" ones. But I'm scared that, even if they won't admit it, there's a limit to how "problematic" my source can be before they start to disrespect me & my system. I fear that people will accuse me and/or my headmates of sympathizing with my source or his beliefs, as if all introjects are formed out of adoration, or because their sources bring comfort to the system. I formed because my system was exposed to information about my source while we were stressed due to new responsibilities. Our brain felt we needed someone new to cope with all of the new stuff we had to due, felt it would be easier to copy something than to make someone from scratch... and now here I am. But of course, people won't assume that. They'll assume someone in the system must like my source, why else would an introject form? And I shouldn't have to prove that that's not the case, I shouldn't have to explain my formation to someone to avoid accusations of sympathy with my source. What caused me to split should be my business & my business only.
It's not just the fear of what others will assume from me that's keeping me from being open, though, it's also the fact that my existence will make people uncomfortable. I've accepted that that's not something I can change, that there will always be people made uncomfortable by me, and they have just as much a right to be uncomfortable as I do to exist. But how I wish it wasn't the case! How I wish I could just say who my source is without having to worry if I'm making those around me uncomfortable! But it's too much of a risk in most spaces. Maybe some all Fact- spaces will be fine with me, but I still worry that others will be uncomfortable, even if they don't mention it to me. Of course, I want to believe that everyone does & should have a right to be open about who they are, but I feel as though I'm an exception.
The most specific I've ever benn about my source with anyone outside of the system is saying that my source is "a historical figure who was a bad person". Once I sent an ask to an ask/submission run introject themed blog (not saying who, I don't want anyone angry at them for this. They didn't mean anything by it, I'm sure.) in which I mentioned that my source was a bad person. They deleted the ask, and then made a post about "how bad they felt for fictives of villians, how hard it must be, poor you, but I accept you!, e.t.c. e.t.c." I had mentioned how my source was a bad person in a lighthearted manner, and I felt my tone demonstrated that I am no longer bothered by this fact. So what's with the pitying? And why did they assume that I'm a fictive? Is it just because fictives tned to be more common (or at least more visible) than factives? Or worse, is it because they didn't want to accept that the person sending them asks had a source whose actions have effected real people, not just fictional characters? Do they, even if it's just subconciously, see introjects (or, if we're being more specific, factives) as their sources, and assume that I must have, at some point, shared morals with my source? I ended up sending in a second ask clarifying: My source is a real person, & denying that he was wrong is irresponsible & just plain wrong, so I had to learn to accept it, which I have. Other than the ask I'm currently typing, that's the only time I've been that open about my source. And I fear that if I had to explain myself after only mentioning that my source was a bad person, how much more will I have to explain if I say how exactly he was bad? If I mention him by name? If I use my real first name, his first name, in the same place I mention anything about my source, & someone figures out who I am?
I'm sure there are people out there who I can be open around. But I believe it's too risky for me to find them. If I try finding people irl, & they don't accept me & decide to tell others, it can effect my life. If I try finding people online, & they don't accept me, they can screenshot it & there will always be a record. Hell, even if they don't take a screenshot there will likely always be a record on some server somewhere.
I don't know how to end this... essay? ...confession? It feels too personal to be an essay, but too long to be a confession, and I don't know what else it would be. Tag it as you see fit, I suppose.
hi, Blue, thank you for your patience. accepting yourself is the first step to being comfortable with your existence, and i'm proud of you, happy for you, for doing it 💙
i understand, even if i can't relate, that it's difficult to show yourself in factive/plural spaces when your source has done atrocities. it's valid and really reasonable, imo, to be nervous about it. i'm sorry to hear that people haven't been accepting to you. that even "problematic" spaces haven't respected you. it's not fair that your sheer existence is so risky to show, and I wish it was easier. ;_;
They deleted the ask, and then made a post about "how bad they felt for fictives of villians, how hard it must be, poor you, but I accept you!, e.t.c. e.t.c." And why did they assume that I'm a fictive? Is it just because fictives tned to be more common (or at least more visible) than factives?
as for that blog thing. i don't understand why people use "introject" only for fictives, as if factives don't exist. and yeah, they're more visible, for sure. but people still shouldn't assume that introject always equals fictive.
Or worse, is it because they didn't want to accept that the person sending them asks had a source whose actions have effected real people, not just fictional characters? Do they, even if it's just subconciously, see introjects (or, if we're being more specific, factives) as their sources, and assume that I must have, at some point, shared morals with my source? I ended up sending in a second ask clarifying: My source is a real person, & denying that he was wrong is irresponsible & just plain wrong, so I had to learn to accept it, which I have.
It could be. and a lot of people think it is, i think it might be the effect of capitalism (and stereotypes). where consuming media defines your identity and morality. it manifests in people saying "you're a bad person if you buy from amazon" "you're immoral if you like villains" or "you can't be gay because you don't listen to music that white american gay people like". so they always see introjection as based on media/source consumption, and consumption is based on interest/fandom/comfort, and thus based on support. because that's the stereotypes of plurals - "hyperfixation means introjection". which is NOT true for so many systems!
(we don't split as we're walk-ins, but know you are not alone. a lot of us don't come here based on fandom/interest/comfort... hell, some don't even come from consumption of the associated sources - as in, the brain doesn't know the media/person. we're just here. some of us even make the brain extremely uncomfortable.)
also,, a lot of people have this thing about shame. that we have to be ashamed for existing, have to beat ourselves up for our source's actions to be a Good Factive. but that is a very unfair thing to enforce. you shouldn't have to be ashamed for yourself or be pitied or patronized for your identity. i think it's good that you've accepted yourself and the fact that your source has been harmful to others 💙
They'll assume someone in the system must like my source, why else would an introject form? And I shouldn't have to prove that that's not the case, I shouldn't have to explain my formation to someone to avoid accusations of sympathy with my source. What caused me to split should be my business & my business only.
you are right. introjects do NOT only from from likes/interests/fandom/comfort/support. you are, and do not have to be, like your source morality-wise. your system's morality isn't like them. and you should NOT have to justify your existence and explain why you split. no one else but you is entitled to that info, and i'm glad you know that.
i hope this helps a little. also, I suggest @problematicfactive - they might be able to assist you more on this topic.
all the best, Blue, and please take care of yourself. know that you and your system deserve respect, no matter what.
-mod espresso
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i'm a fictive who's VERY disconnected from my source due to personal issues regarding it, and my favorite part of that is fucking with people who push me to tell them my source. i've convinced people i'm a fictive of the tetris line block, a blank minesweeper tile, the COVER of war and peace, and so many other things. it's genuinely hilarious would recommend 100%
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