#tss headcannon
altrodent · 1 year
Hello luv I hope ur having a great day I was wondering if I could request dating headcanons for Abner Krill please 💕
Abner Krill Dating Headcannons
Pairing: Abner Krill x You
Genre/Warnings: Fluff (of the teeth rotting variety), a little bit of a spicy section but not NSFW, (Not proofread)
(A/N): Tysm for the request, I had an amazing time writing this, and I hope you like it!🩷
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When you first met:
He was extremely shy, would only occasionally look your way. He was intimidated when you tried spending time with him, but he quickly realized why; you’re the only person to not look like his mother. This was odd, he wasn’t used to this but, after taking leap out of his comfort zone and waving back to you- hell even smiling while he did it- he never could go back. From then on he had this biggest gushiest crush on you, wether he liked it or not
When he asked you out:
He was nervous, as to be expected, but one day when you were talking about random interests with each other he brought up the topic of relationships… he had mentioned he’s never been on a date before, and when you consoled him, he asked if you would take him on one. You could never say no to his cute face, so you said yes, and went on the date with him. Though you didn’t go out shopping, or eat at a 5 star restaurant, you two enjoyed each others company watching classical films and eating as much takeout as you desired. He ended up falling asleep later into the date, which lead to the most comfy sleep he has had in years… it was just the two of you, cuddling on the couch, in a blissful sleepy oblivion. And it couldn’t get any better
The little things:
Abner is very introverted, around you he can open up a little, be more open about his thoughts and feelings. He rarely thanks you for it with words, but he repays you for it with actions. He’ll wash your hair in the shower, or do the dishes when it’s supposed to be your turn, he’ll give you a massage if you’ve had a rough day. When he does things like this, it’s very easy to reciprocate your feelings as well. He loves it when you rub his back and take care of him when he has to expel his dots, he loves it when you patch up his wounds, no matter how small they are, he loves it when you kiss the top bit of his cheek right near his eye when he cries… he loves you.
He loves it when you give him cute nicknames or pet names. Some of his favorites include Ab, Abbie, my hero, handsome, honey, and on occasion dotty. While he loves the cute nicknames, he does his best to make some for you, with trial and error, but no matter how silly he thinks they are you eat them up. Some of his favorites for you include, love, darling, honey, sweetie, sugar, my love, and beloved. He rarely gets creative with his names, but he does love being able to share them with you.
He isn’t a man of words, as we know, but when he catches another man looking at you in public, he immediately tries and make it more obvious that you’re holding hands. If that doesn’t work then he’ll try and get you away from that person. When he gets jealous he gets embarrassed, but you honestly adore how much he cares about you, and shower him with love when you two get home. Now, if someone does more than look, let’s say touches your arm flirtatiously, or talks to you inappropriately, he takes action. He’ll step in between you two and just talk to you, most often he’ll just ask you about something near you, like if you were at a bar he’d ask about your favorite drink. If that fails and the man confronts him, he will not hesitate to fight, wether it’s verbally or physically. Let’s just say there has been a scrap here or there between him and creepy guys who were being weird towards you, but even if he fights sometimes you go home and patch him up. Once he’s stopped bleeding, you’ll usually tell him that what he did was stupid… but that you still love him, and appreciate that he stood up for you.
When he went to Belle Reve:
Now, while you aren’t evil or have super cool powers like Abner, when he went to Bell Reve you couldn’t just sit down and wait for him to be released. Hell how long would he be in there for? So, you did what any rational person would do… commit the crime with him. Was it a smart idea? No, but as cold and heartless as Amanda Waller was, you were the only person who could get him to talk, or even get him to leave his cell. When Abner, the other members, and you were called upon to be “Task Force X” You both took the opportunity. For most of the mission peacemaker, or pissmaker when you were annoyed at him, would constantly try to flirt with you or make fun of you two. Luckily for him, colonel flag had defended you plenty, and just the right amount of defense making it so that peacemaker wouldn’t end up with a fist in his ass. Now, after getting hurt, getting drunk, and trying to kill a giant starfish, you ended up saving his life. He was petrified when he realized what just happened. Since then he has been forever in your debt.
Throughout your relationship, there were times where he has felt rather infatuated with you, more than usual. He loves it when you wear his sweaters around the house, preferably with that and just your (or his) underwear. He puts intimacy in many small things, which sometimes catches you off guard. When you do the dishes, he’ll sometimes stand behind you and place kisses in your hair or on your neck. When he sits on the couch, he’ll even open his legs and give you a space to sit… now you’re not entirely sure if he knows how he makes you feel when he does that, but it’s hot… and you’re not complaining. When you go to bed he loves spooning, on rough days, he loves to be little spoon. When he’s feeling more clingy, he loves it when you both tangle your limbs in a big mess and just feel as close as you possibly could be.
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enby-trash-rat · 20 days
Remus critiques Horror Films just like Roman critiques Disney Films as seen in "Are There Good Distractions?"
I can just imagine Remus, Janus, Logan having a Horror Movie Marathon.
Remus and Logan would point out and discuss all the things that are unrealistic.
Such as:
Police and military personnel being completely useless against a killer
Falling down and crawling instead of getting up and running away
Venturing out of the house, alone, at night, after hearing widespread news reports of a serial killer on the rampage in the community
While all of them point out all of the dumb things people do in horror movies.
Such as:
Moving into a house that has a horrible history, such as a possible massacre.
Purchasing a cursed item and not throwing it out
The fact that every single time the main character manages to trip over absolutely nothing.
Going to investigate the most terrifying noise one could ever hear while alone.
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thebeingmerf · 1 month
TSS!Rainbow in skirts/dresses Appreciation Post <3
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labrat8899 · 1 year
i think whenever zak goes off to college, he steers away from the sciences and majors in something like history or art
he's been around science his entire life, so he wants to branch out into something new
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I honestly head cannon that even though Janus would never admit it, he adores listening to Remus' gorey ramblings, maybe it's because he's lived with him for so long, maybe he just likes horror. But regardless, he finds them to be entertaining.
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screamingintherain · 2 years
okay so I just got into Sanders Sides recently, and with orange showing up in a few of the newer episodes I have a few theories to what their name might be.
(I also haven’t looked at any of the discourse yet so ignore me if these names were already out there)
Ember- ember means spark, fire, or passion, which would work great with organe since my current theory is that they are either the passion or wrath side. Also, ember is usually a warmer, orangey color. It also ends in -er which would set orange rightfully aside from the dark sides(-us), the light sides(-on/an), and Virgil(-il). The prefix em- also means to bring to or add to, and we’ve seen orange “adding to” or bringing out Logan’s emotions already.
Eris- eris is the Greek god of wrath and passion, which not only fits with orange as a side but goes along with Virgil’s pattern of ancient religious origin names. Not to mention that er- reminds me of error, which also goes with wrath. -is also doesn’t align with any of the sides, but is close to the sark sides which would make sense since wrath, and passion in large quantities, can be seen as bad.
that’s all I have for now, but if anyone has any other ideas feel free to add them!
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bitterandenraged · 2 months
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HIII Sanders Sides nation here I am with TSS posters !! The whole gang's here ( it's also a subtle way for me to shove my headcannons to everyone)
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im-not-a-l0ser · 5 months
Okay, I want to talk about the Trans Richie headcannon. I'm not going to say anything bad about it, this is just some ideas and opinions about it, regarding it as canon.
I like the idea that if Richie and/or Trevor were trans, they'd be given an alliterative name set originally. Like Richie and Rachel, Trevor and Tracey, or Samantha and Sabrina; something like that. And then when one or both changed their names, they were so relieved that their names didn't start with the same letter anymore. Maybe they even hated it so much that they'd like... go by Chel, CeCe, Sam and Rina. Shit like that, that'd be so funny.
I would really like to see a show about how they grew up. As much as I don't know how to feel about a cis person playing a trans character, I also wouldn't want Richie played by anyone else— *the idea of Jae Hughes as Richie* Okay, that'd actually be pretty sick, and you could have both Trevor and Richie on stage without Jon having to do a bunch of quick changes, or prerecordings, and you could even have them on stage at the same time, but YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYING! Anyway, I think it'd be really neat to have a song of Richie post-transition and Richie pre-transition singing about how they feel out of place, or how they have this secret that they have to keep, pre-trans not being out at all, and post-trans having transitioned in stealth mode. It'd be cook to see 'her' looking in a mirror or something, seeing post-trans Richie there because that's what they want to be. Some fuckin' reflection from Mulan shit, y'know?
Maybe it's just that I want to see Her as a musical, maybe that's my problem... I mean, now I'm thinking about it, and I'm right. I want that so fucking bad. Like, just imagine that for me, will you? I keep specifically imagining a scene of Jeri and Jerry berating 'her' for being too masculine as a song— I'm sorry, I'm being such a dork.
If Jon Matteson did a stream where he read trans richie headcannons and fics, I would fucking cry, especially if Her was included, since I'm very proud of it thus far.
I need like... a 5+1 fic of Richie coming out to people, I'd love that.
I forgot any other thing I wanted to say, just give me a second.
Oh, okay, here we go. I like to think that Richie is a cosplayer (my sister disagrees with me, so I know that some people don't agree) but I like to think that him cosplaying masc characters is one of the things that helped him realise his identity. This has nothing to do with the fact that after I started cosplaying TSS I got more masc and embraced that side of me, I don't know what you're talking about.
I wonder what Jon Matteson (and Will Branner, and everyone else) thinks about Childhood Friend Michie, not even them together romantically. Bc like, I fully understand not understanding that ship; I don't fully understand it myself, despite literally shipping it. But them as childhood friends? It almost makes too much sense, whether or not Max knows Richie is trans. Either way, you can make it make sense in some regard. I particularly like how @24-guy handled it in their trans richie story, but I won't spoil that for you (that's also their user name on ao3)
I think that's all I got for now, maybe I'll make a part two when I'm on a proper dose of adderall that actually does anything for me.
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ven10 · 5 months
hello :D! i'm curious that with the quagmires being your favorite characters, do you have headcanons for them, pre and/or post canon?
Hiya! :) I have SO MANY hcs about them so thanks for asking!!!! :D
Pre-canon relationship dynamic:
Quigley was closer to Isadora than to Duncan before the fire although he still was really close to Duncan too. I mainly think this bc in ‘The Slippery Slope’ Quigley mentioned Isadora on her own a few times, even quoting a couplet she wrote, whereas he only mentioned Duncan when talking about both of his siblings.
In order of most to least mischievous growing up I feel like it’d go Quigley, then Isadora and lastly Duncan.
Games/How the triplets would play when they were young:
Duncan: Would grab any random object of *aproximately* the right size (could be one of his mother’s shoes or it could be a spatula) and pretend it was a microphone. He’d follow people around “reporting” (more so narrating,really) what they were doing. This would REALLY annoy Isadora bc the worst thing when having writer’s block would be to have someone right beside you describing how you “stare blankly at a page in anguish. No inspiration detected for at least another treacherous week”.
Quigley: Strikes me as the kind of guy to climb trees, regardless of age tbh. He just has the vibe.
He would build forts at EVERY opportunity. Duncan once challenged him to build one in every room of the mansion and he almost did, with the exception of his parents’ office which was always locked.
He’d also draw loads. His drawing of a cave in TSS was described as an “elegant rendering” so I imagine he started doing art young. He’d get too passionate with a box of crayons and end up snapping most of them though. For his sixth birthday he’s gifted one of those pencils with multiple colours in the led and somehow angles it so that all the purple is used up first.
Isadora: She’d write plays for her+her siblings to perform for their parents+their parents’ friends that had surprisingly dark plot lines, especially for a 7 year old. Oh, and all the lines would rhyme, of course. She’d get annoyed when people read the script and asked if it was all one long song rather that the masterpiece of poetry she intended it to be perceived as.
Quigley would really enjoy acting in her plays+pour his heart and soul into the performance. Duncan would get really excited about it and do great when practicing with just the three of them but when it came to the actual performance he’d get shy+back out meaning Quigley or Isadora have to fill in for his role.
🎃 Halloween:
For Halloween one year, Isadora thought it’d be an amazing idea to dress up as Evelyn the conjoined twin bc she loved the song ‘Evelyn Evelyn’ based on her but Quigley found their story too depressing and Duncan didn’t like that it meant one of the triplets would get left out. Quigley suggests ‘Alvin and the chipmunks’ as a group costume earning instant “no”s from his siblings. They end up dressing in individual costumes based off historical figures (A poet, an investigative journalist and an explorer) but create their own story involving time-travel that connects the 3 characters.
Isadora loves Halloween as she is a goth(headcannon) so it really goes with her vibe. Quigley takes information about monsters/spooky creatures like vampires or werewolves and uses it to decide on which part of the world would be best for them to inhabit. Duncan then uses Quigley’s theories to research newspaper articles from the area, searching for any sign of the creatures.
Style/Fashion sense 🌟🧥
Duncan 📰:
Comfy green jumpers/sweaters or sweater-vests, white short-sleeved dress shirts and dress trousers/pants. (Pre-canon)
Comfy green polo-neck jumpers and (usually brown) corduroy pants/trousers and either dark green or white high top shoes. (Post-canon) Occasionally wears neatly applied eyeliner. The slight change in style is bc Duncan doesn’t want to wear clothes that feel so similar to a school uniform after spending so much time with those as his only clothes at Prufrock. He’ll occasionally wear hoodies but not if he’s to be seen in public.
Owns a few T-shirts with Dorothy Parker quotes which he cherishes and wears daily, even if they can’t be seen under the jumper/sweater. One quote he’d have is: “The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue”
Isadora+Quigley once bought him a quirky reporter’s hat with a feather in it as a joke but Duncan ended up adoring it; convincing himself it gave him an extra boost of inspiration when writing articles. 🪶
Has a Polaroid camera looped round his neck 📸
Quigley 🗺:
Initially, he struck me as a rucksack guy but I was reading over TSS yesterday and discovered he canonically uses a totebag, “I was putting an atlas in a totebag I found”-Quigley Quagmire (‘The Slippery Slope’ Chapter 8, page 148) so technically that’s a canon not a headcanon but oh well 🙃
Wears clothes more so for practicality than for style, although if he has a choice he’ll get things in dark purple.
He’d wear cargo pants bc of all the pockets; this would inspire Isadora to write a poem titled ‘Two and a half’ about a scientist who was trying to clone someone twice but messed up, resulting in one of the copies (Quigley) having no legs.
He would also wear a jacket with tonnes of pockets bc it’s practical for the explorer’s life he leads plus it looks cool. Although, it looks a little less cool when he stitches on a hood with fabric that doesn’t even match.
He drew maps on a couple of T-shirts and wears those, unfortunately he has to redraw them every time they get washed.
Wears exclusively boots bc of their grip+durability, one boot would have purple laces and the boot on the other foot would have black laces bc the original lace got stuck in a thorn bush so he stole borrowed one of Isadora’s.
As for accessories; a compass on string looped round his neck, clips shoved in at random to keep hair from falling in his face as he climbs, a hat/beanie with pins on it
Also: Frayed fingerless gloves!!! I saw this in one of Quill’s art pieces of Quigley and like the idea immensely ( @lemonysnicket ) :))
Always has the most RANDOM items in his pockets; will reach in looking for a packet of gum and come out with binoculars.
Isadora 📜:
Wears almost exclusively black: Black boots or high top converse (with doodles on the white toe bit in sharpie),
Wore black nail polish pre-canon. At Prufrock she improvises using black markers+pens on her nails. She once tried the same trick for mimicking eyeliner…it did not turn out well and Duncan brings it up at the WORST times.
Wears winged black eyeliner, smudged under the eyes.
Likes long swishy skirts (midi skirts). They’re sometimes a bit impractical but if she’s just spending the day writing poetry it’s fine. Otherwise she likes cuffed shorts with leggings underneath.
Violet once bought fishnet gloves bc she liked how they looked but gave them to Isa after they kept getting caught in her inventions. Isadora loves them even more bc they’re from Violet.
Has a really cool leather jacket but doesn’t wear it much bc she secretly worries that she isn’t cool enough for the jacket.
Has a T-shirt with all of Sappho’s poems printed out really small and arranged into a picture of Sappho herself. Quigley owns a similar one but his contains the bee-movie script.
Cooking abilities ranked🍳:
1: Quigley 🗺- he’s the best bc he had to cook for himself while “dead”. Granted, he did just eat canned peaches, toasted marshmallows, almonds and carrots but he had to find his own food anyway so that’s a start.
2: Isadora 📜- Her meals at Prufrock were cooked for her but it’s possible she had to cook for Duncan and herself at previous guardians. This task would fall on her as Duncan used to be afraid of stoves for a while after the fire
‘ “For a long time,” Duncan admitted, “I was afraid of any kind of fire. I didn’t even like to look at stoves.”’ -The Austere Academy, Chapter 3, page 47.
3: Duncan 📰- For the reason above and also bc he seems like the kind of guy who would mess up simple dishes by trying to apply extra information, “I read in a news article once about a famous chef who’d put mozzarella in porridge for extra flavour, let’s try that!” (Made-up quote)
Choice of stationary 🖊
Isadora: Fountain pen ✒️ bc it makes her poetry look fancy
Duncan: Biro bc it doesn’t smudge easily and he needs to writes down a lot of info quickly for his journalism 🖊
Quigley: Coloured biros bc they make maps easily decipherable+they don’t smudge easily which is useful for accuracy
In a modern AU Quigley has a 6 hour screen time average and it is ENTIRELY Google maps. Duncan listens to podcasts. Isadora’s Pinterest is made up completely of quotes.
Books/Literature 📚:
Apart from atlases, Quigley reads fantasy books with maps. He would adore books in the Grishaverse bc of this, especially obsessing over the canal system of Ketterdam which can be seen in detail in a map in ‘Crooked Kingdom’ by Leigh Bardugo. 📚 🧙‍♀️ However, with the Grisha triology (Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm + Ruin and Rising) he would be disappointed by how little the cartographer/ex-cartographer protagonist mentions maps.
Duncan would enjoy the ‘A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder’ series due to the strategic, organised layout alongside Pip-the protagonist- ‘s note-taking skills. As Duncan aspires to be an investigative journalist he’d be enthralled by the investigations that are central in these books. He would annotate the books as he reads them; filling them with his own theories as well as highlighting important information.
The poem ‘Long Distance II’ by Tony Harrison doesn’t consist of rhyming couplets but I think Isadora would find its portrayal of grief powerful regardless of whether it’s in her preferred poetic format. Especially as it’s about the loss of family members.
Quigley would create his own fantasy map using tea-stained paper with rice spilled on it, drawing around the rice to get the outline of a country. He’d be really strategic about the details he draws though; having mountains before rivers so the water runs off of them etc. 🗺
Favourite Colours 🎨:
Isadora: Pitch black 🖤
Duncan: Dark green 💚
Quigley: Dark purple💜
(Bc of their notebooks 📓)
Thanks for the ask!! :) <3
I wasn’t sure what to include so I wrote quite a bit, this was me restraining myself tho. I think about the Quagmire triplets a LOT :). This is only the tip of the iceberg ;)! :) I also have kind of detailed hcs about injuries the triplets would have after the eagle fight if u want to hear about that.
Please send more asks if you like! You can be as specific as you like, especially if it’s about the Quagmires! :D
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whisperluck · 8 months
Since I love the Wublin island so much. I might as well talk about my headcannons about the Wublins. You can’t stop me! I will try to remember what I came up with the others from before. Something will change.
First thing first, for what I’ve known the Wublin’s aren’t related to each other. Regardless I see them as like a group of friends that are weirdos. As for ages, the oldest would the first five wublins, Wubbox and Monculus. With that out of the let’s begin!
Brump: (He/Him) The most easygoing guy around, you need a hype man to pump you up? Brump’s your guy! He maybe gross to others but he couldn’t careless, he like the way he is. Plus he is blind, there’s that.
Zynth: (Any pronouns) Doesn’t talk a lot, even when they do it’s inaudible. Zynth uses the most electric out of all the others. Like bright lights and will stare at it until it turns off. It’s tail is always on and makes a good nightlight.
Poewk: (They/Them) A total mystery, no one knows what’s really under that mask. Never speaks, just stares at you. Until they tap in morse code. Loves to knit anything, mostly blankets. Both Poewk and Whajje are the closest to Sceemu and help with communication for Sceemu. Loves DnD but none of the other Wublins know how it’s played. They found out that some members of faerie island are fans of DnD.
Thwok: (He/Him) Looks classic but really a huge dork like the rest of the Wublins. A huge fan of classical music and jazz. Takes good care of his fur which is silky smooth. Due to having a long tongue, he can not talk clear, the tongue stays out and doesn’t go back in. Still has taste.
Dwumrohl: (He/Him) Having many arms, means he can hide a ton of things, mostly snacks. Great at tell stories especially for those who can’t sleep. Loves telling joke and yes, every punch line is ended with a ‘Ba dum tss’.
Zuuker: (He/They) They breath by inhaling from their nose and exhales out of their hole. Don’t stand next to them, he gives off a lot of heat. Secretly an art critic, but he will not be nice and will hurt your feelings. Has really bad allergies and if they sneeze too much fire will come out of their hole.
Screemu: (They/Them) Due to being deaf , they are oblivious to everything. Communication is very hard for them. You can write to them or sign to them. Beware they scream talk sometimes. Have to have someone babysit them, it’s usually Whajje or Poewk. Screemu’s actions/ behavior is creepy to others. But really just goofy. Loves making sculptures with clay, twigs and ribbons. Screemu is also very sensitive and will cry.
Tympa: (He/They) Heavy Metal and Rock fan, like Brump a hype man. However doesn’t think twice, he’s a ride or died friend. Great at playing soccer and likes watching other sports. Due to banning they’re eardrums, they have a constant ringing in their ears. It doesn’t hurt or bother them, just hard of hearing.
Dermit: (He/Him) Shy at first, but when he warms up. He becomes a fun guy to hang out. He’s skin condition is unknown but it’s a fungus. Luckily it is not contagious. To keep him from itchy skin, he has to have a strict skin care routine. Which he hurts doing it because it take so long.
Gheegur: (He/Him) Shy and quiet guy. Soft spoken, hates conflict with his friends. Which rarely happens. Like Thwok he a big listener to jazz. A hopeless romantic along with Whajje, the two watch a lot of romance movies/shows and get too into it. Writes poems about romance and gets embarrassed about it.
Whajje: (She/Her, Trans) The mom of the group, a total sweetheart to everyone. Love to bake. She can only says ‘Whajje’ and everyone understands her. Whenever the T.V is down, she’s the one who has to take place it’s place. During the start of spring and fall, her feathers will shed. Which gets bad and doesn’t help with her self conscience.
Creepuscule: (She/Her) She a hot cheetos girl, will fight for you if someone upsets you. Great at doing makeup and nail art. While doing either, it’s the perfect time to spill the tea to her. Has no content of time and bad at planning things. Like Brump, she’s love the way she looks and makes you feel beautiful too.
Blipsqueak: (It/Its) The smartest of the group, however it can only say either ‘Eyes,Ears,Nose,Toes’ which makes them sound stupid. The lasers are scanners, like a laser pointer please do not look directly into it! It can in fact smell, hear and feel things which it’s feet.
Scargo: (He/Him) He’s autistic, due to this the other have to make sure he’s not overwhelmed. Love to fidget with toys like Rubiks cube but mostly just happy to tap he’s hands on something. If he does get overwhelmed he’ll just hide in his shell and scream.
Astropod: (He/Him) The chills and cool bro around. His back shifted different shades of purple don’t stare at it too long or you’ll get dizzy and pass out. If you were to lick him (why would you, gross) but if you do, you will go on a color trip. Just ask Thwok. He’s little hands do work, just with a little help.
Pixoloti: (He/Him trans) Has ADHD, is a huge nerd. Video games, Movies, Comic, Anime, you name it, he’s a fan. He gets big zoomies, like a cat at 4am. He’s hands and feet are switch, he walks on his hands and everything else like grabbing with his feet. He’s whiskers are use to smell things, they will wiggle around to smell.
Bona-Petite: Bona(pink he/him) Petite(blue she/her) Petite is a chaotic little gremlin. Bona just puts up with it and doesn’t bat an eye. The two can not be separated for long or else Bona will fall apart. Love spooky things and anything horror. Petite has a potty mouth and now has a swear jab. Which gets filled monthly.
Maulch: (He/Him) Looks mean and scary, but really a soft guy and smell like fresh mulch. Love to just stop and smell the flowers. He likes to eat his own berries and doesn’t mind the taste. A man of few words. Is Nearsighted and refuses to were glasses for his bad eyesight.
Fleechwurm: (She/They) If you thought Petite was bad. Well, Fleechwurm is worse. She acts nice and innocent, but will turn on strangers and steal they’re stuff. Like gum and candy. The other have to carry them around and they don’t weight no more then a couple of grapes. However, she is only close and will never turn on Scargo.
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mythica0 · 1 year
Hey guys! I know my fandoms are listed on my pinned intro post (which I will probably be re-vamping soon) however I wanted to make a more clear version! Edit; this list is subject to minor change
Edit: autocorrect , spelling and clarification
Series I will write for !
(Bolded means I especially like to write for it! Italics means I will try but don’t think I’ll do very well )
Wings of Fire
The Owl House
My Hero Academia
Sanders sides
My Little Pony
Cup head show
Saiki K.
Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends
Hazbin hotel / helluva boss
Harry Potter
Twelve forever (there is literally nothing tkl wise )
Cookie run kingdom
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (ROTTMNT)
Tinga Tinga Tales
Total drama
The amazing digital circus
Trolls (all movies and shows)
Fandoms I know about, and sometimes partake in, but do not consider myself apart of
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Pokémon (I’m actually playing Pokémon scarlet so this may change, but I probably still won’t write for it)
My ships (I will write for other ones, these are just my favorites! )
Cleril (Clay X Peril)
TsunamiTide (Tsunami X riptide )
GloryBringer (Glory X DeathBringer )
StarSpeaker (Starflight X fatespeaker)
Quinter watcher (Moon X Winter X Qibli )
TurtleJou (Turtle X Kinkajou )
Blicket (Blue X cricket )
SunLow (Sundew X Willow )
LunaTail (Luna X SwordTail )
Anenemorin (Anenome X Tamarin)
Lumity (Luz X Amity) *obviously*
HuntLow (Hunter X Willow)
RaEda (Raen [is that how that’s spelled?] X Eda)
Dekuraka (Deku/Midoriya X Ururaka
KiriBaku (Kirishima X Bakugo )
SeroRoki (Sero X Todoroki)
ShinDenki (Shinso X Denki)
EraserMic (Aizawa/Eraser head X Hizashi/ Present Mic)
MomoJirou (Momo X Jirou)
ShojiYami (Shoji X Tokoyami)
AoyIida (Aoyama X Iida )
Prinxiety (Roman X Virgil)
IntruLogical (Remus X Logan)
Mociet (Patton X Janus )
All Poly ships (expect those with both Roman & Remus)
FlutterCord (Fluttershy X Discord )
That’s it .
I don’t know this one’s name, a poly ship between Marinette, Adrien, Kugami & Luka.
Alyino (Ayla X Nino )
RainbowTomato/ MarcNath (Marc X Nathaniel)
JuleRose (Juleka X Rose )
MylIvan (Mylén X Ivan)
CupHead Show
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Saiki K.
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Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss
Charggie (Charlie X Vaggie )
Stolitzø (Stolas X Blitzø)
Fizmodeus (Fizzaroli X Asmoudeus )
M&M (Moxie X Millie ) *they are literally married*
Doloriano (Dolorés X Mariano )
That’s it
Where would you even get any other ones
(This does not include the parents”s, because obviously they’re shipped)
Harinny (Harry X Ginny )
Ronmione (Ron X Hermione )
Lupius (Lupin X Sirius )
Twelve forever
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Tinga Tinga Tales
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Total drama
Gwuncan (Gwen X Duncan)
SamCota (Sam X Decota )
Bridgeoff (Bridgett X Geoff)
MikeZoe (Mike X Zoe)
The amazing digital circus
Kinger x late wife
Broppy (Branch x poppy)
Bristle (Bridget X Gristle)
Frock (Master Frown X Brock)
Other info: things about my writing
Please ask me things and request stuff! I’m in desperate need of inspiration
You can share or ask for headcannons , I would love to share and see them!
Help me worldbuild! If you see me posting about a story or OG universe, ask about it! It helps me develop the story !
I do draw, however , I live with family, and draw on my school computer, so I won’t draw tkl art.
I will RP! However, only fandoms I’m in, only SFW and don’t expect it to be good 😅
Please check out my tags! My blog is kinda dead atm (which makes sense because I haven’t written anything in a while )and I feel like using my tags might help me get some recognition!
You can request art or fics, I will not ask for payment , and I’m always open! However, this means it might take a while for me to find the inspo to finish.
This is a tickle blog! If that’s not your style , I suggest you don’t follow me.
I am a minor who is on the AroAce spectrum. Do not try to flirt with me, even if you are also a minor, unless I am RPing as one of my characters. (Who is also not AroAce/ a minor )
Give me tips! I’m fairly new to tumblr (less than a year, and no I didn’t come from twitter) so any hacks you have for me are greatly appreciated! Such as how to link my posts to other posts so I can link this to my intro post and make a master list!
Sorry if my blog is hard to navigate, when and if I figure out how to link my posts I’ll make a navigation post and pin it. (I figured it out)
No harassment! Do not harass or bully me , my mutuals, any sort of community, or even strangers on my blog. (The exception being bad people like h0m0ph0b3s ) doing this will result in a block, if you are Anon, and I have to turn off the comfort of Anonymity for others, fuck you.
Oh yeah, on that note, I have a bit of a potty mouth when I’m not talking in front of my parents! I will try to remember to warn about swearing in my fics, but during reblogs , shit posts, etc? No warning.
Have a nice day my parrot chicks! Hope to talk soon!
~Parrot 🦜
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justablah56 · 2 years
Pinned Post
Hey there !!! I'm Aether , it/it's :]
@justahopelessbellusromantic is my a-spec side blog
I also run the @dndadscharacterpolls , so if you're interested in that, go check it out !
Im open to art requests ! I make no promises on how long they'll take me or if I'll do them at all tbh- tho please make sure that it's a character I know , otherwise I wont do it , sorry 😅 I've got a list of fandoms I'm in just below the cut if you want to check and see if I know the character youd like me to draw, or you can ask if youre not sure :]
I have . so many dndads character/ship playlists and if you ever want to see if I have a playlist for smthin I probably do and I WILL send them to you btw <3
this is a notice to every individual who decided to actually read my pinned post , PLEASE FUCK SEND ME CHARACTER RANTS/INFODUMPS I WILL LOVE YOU !! I don't even care if I know the character though I'm sure that will help , I just love listening to people talk about things and if anyone decides they want to spout random headcannons or fun facts or whatever about their blorbo/ship/hyperfixation ? please do !! idc if you decide to do it on anon or whatever , just so long as you know you will lovingly be referred to as *character/ship/thing* anon in my brain <3 and if you're asking off anon I'll probably come up with a talking tag for you eventually unless you give me one to use <333
below the cut is mostly just a guide to all the tags I use in case any of y'all want to know those either to find specific stuff or block specific tags :3
I post mostly dndads, rwd, tma, or just y'know whatever, but I'm also interested in/will post about fantasy high, dvc, dungeon meshi, galavant, love and luck, tmagp, malevolent, monstrous agonies, tss, furry stuff, tpp, ofmd, stellar firma, wtnv, w359, any Riordanverse books, tdp, Pokemon, good omens, toh, amphibia, gravity falls, de:pp, stranger things, cookie run, A:tla, Steven universe, plus probably a few other assorted fandoms that I can't think of rn :]
all my art is tagged under "my art" , and you are welcome to use my art in edits or as a pfp etc . as long as I'm credited :]
"blah's reblogs" is me rbing my own art/other posts that I probably made at some ungodly hour that I still want to be seen
"just blahs" is my talking tag , and "cookies rambles <3" , "icy asks !" , "silly zilly" , "jay !!" , "hi laurie !!" , "cgi says !" and "vik !!" are a few of my friend's talking tags for when they decide to have full conversations in my ask box <3 "tj anon" and "gothweebcleats anon" are exactly what they sound like , beloved anons who occasionally appear to talk about their guys <3
I use the tags "tag games" and "ask games" so if you see some post tagged w that you can probably scroll back through that tag for a minute to see which ask game I'm replying to !
I also tag most art/outfit memes with "art meme" , so if you wanna send me a req please do ! however if I rbed it more than like . a few days before you ask I would like it if you specified which one you're talking abt 😅
"luca my beloved" is the tag for my oc Luca and his partner Mitch, I'm always happy to receive asks abt either of em or outfit suggestions or literally anything tbh dbjdjdjdn I just like thinking abt them and getting questions abt them
"pet posting" is me talking abt my cat and/or dog bcs I love them <3
if you have anything you'd like me to tag , don't hesitate to lmk and I will try my best to make sure to tag it :3
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Hi! I just wanted to say that I absolutely love how you write about the Quagmire triplets in your fics and in the headcannons you come up with!! :)
Aw, thank you for the kind words!
The Quagmire triplets are some of my favorite ASOUE characters! When I first read TAA as a kid, I instantly got attached to Duncan and Isadora. Same thing applied to Quigley too when reading TSS. I honestly had so many thoughts of them, I guess in a why they're my blorbos.
I'm glad you like the fics and headcanons I have for them. I plan on publishing more content of them in the future, but for now, at least in the fic department, they're taking a bit of a backseat for other characters. That said, I do have this thing I been working on featuring the Quagmires (and other). Here's a sneak peak of it (subject to be edited in the future)
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thebeingmerf · 3 months
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HOW DID I FORGET TO POST THIS- I redrew one of my oldest pieces of TSS fanart!
This is the old one, all the way from 2018:
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
please anything for my love polkadot man like show him the love he deserves. maybe the reader is the only person who's not his mother? idk I just need my boy to be happy
ugh god fuck this man this dude he made my crush on david dastmalchian resurface so fuckin hard it hit me with the force of a fucking speeding truck like what the fuck excuse you mister mommy issues who fucking allowed that its not legal
Abner Krill seeing Reader's face hcs:
the whole thing with his mother's face is weird - not just in a sense that it's fucking weird in general, but sometimes it comes naturally, and sometimes he has to imagine someone is his mom (which happens mostly when he has to hurt them). there's not much control he has over that. most of the time, everyone around him does have his mom's face, but when he's incredibly stressed, it's like his brain starts to work differently, focusing on other things, other thoughts, and without realising his mother's face disappears sometimes, but he's way too distracted and overwhelmed to ever realise that. he has to really focus in those moments, especially if he has to use his polka dots
but with that out of the way, he really doesn't know what you look like. he has no idea. and he fucking hates it. not only because he just hates that his brain does this shit to him, but because you're so different from his mom. so... nice and kind, and you pay attention to him, and you, dare he say, care. for him, about him, it doesn't matter. you show that you care. you show concern, you worry over him, you share his happiness, you talk to him and try to bring that happiness out, and he can't even properly look you in the eye because all he sees is his mom and he doesn't want to fucking associate you with her
it's a big barrier between you two. he desperately wants to see you for who you are, to see that smile he hears in your voice when you talk to him sometimes, watch your eyes water when you laugh hard by his side, see your fucking expression when you touch him, but he can't. you're such a beautiful person on the inside, and he's sure you are even more beautiful on the outside, but whenever he looks at you, he only sees that ugliness, that suffering his mother always brought with her
and then you told him you had an idea. said you wanted to help him. make him comfortable with you. let him be free of his mother and everything she's done to him for once. you just wanted that. you just wanted him to be happy. just because. because you liked seeing him happy, wanted to see him happy more often, wanted to make him happy - this whole concept is hard for him to grasp, the fact that you fucking care. it's not a thing he ever thought possible and he's plenty grateful for you as it is already, and yet you're still doing more for him
it wasn't the best idea. it wasn't guaranteed to work. but it was worth a try. Abner wasn't ready for the disappointment he expected. he hasn't hoped for anything this much for so long, but in the back of his mind, he knew he was just fucked up. he knew he couldn't be "cured", he couldn't be helped, and most importantly, he couldn't ever be good for you. and yet you were so intent on trying. and despite everything, he was too. because there was nothing in this world he wanted more than being able to see all of you, get rid of that barrier separating you and be able to truly be with you. in whatever way you'd have him
you made him sit down with you, close his eyes. you asked him to trust you, and honestly, he wouldn't have ever thought that to be possible, but he did. he really did. you took his hands - he jumped, you noted and started informing him of all your next moves - and put them to your face. he was touching you. you made him touch you. you willingly let him cup your face in his hands. and all of that made his already quickened heartbeat speed up
gently, oh so gently, you cupped his hands in your and started mapping out your face. you let him touch every part of it and described it as best as you could. every little dip, curve and crook. every scar, every dimple, every angle. you glided his hands all over your face and let him skim his fingers over every inch of it, from the tip of your head, through your hair, all the way down to your neck. he didn't want to acknowledge the blush that was covering him up to the tips of his ears, or the fact of how much he's wanted to touch you for so long. but he did acknowledge all that you've said to him. and he tried to get a clear picture. he tried with all his might. and since the first moment his fingers touched you, he knew you were beautiful
you let him take as long as he needed, ask as many questions as he wanted. for a few moments, he wasn't even focusing on what he was supposed to, he was just focusing on touching you, on having your face right in his hands, feeling you. if you knew (and he hoped not), you didn't say anything. but then he had to let go. and he couldn't let himself focus on how cold his hands felt after you let go of them, he had to pay attention to the task at hand. for a good few moments after parting from you, he kepts his eyes tightly shut, his hands slowly balling into fists, as he hoped, begged, prayed to whoever was listening that it'd work. you let him sit there for as long as he wanted, but at some point, he had to gather all his courage, and finally, he dared to open his eyes
he was frozen, those sad eyes seemingly even... sadder. or at least that's what you judged because of how they slightly glossed over. you thought it didn't work - it wasn't too surprising, the whole idea wasn't really anywhere near perfect, but you've had so much hope in you. you wanted to free him of his burden, you wanted to help him see the world for what it truly was, but it was a hard task. impossible, it seemed. you shouldn't've been this disappointed that it failed when it was destined to fail from the beginning, and yet you couldn't help that wave of sadness that overwhelmed you. he... he really deserved to be fucking happy for once. but you couldn't give him that, unfortunately
or so you thought before he suddenly cupped your face in his hands yet again, his thumbs caressing your cheeks frantically as he smiled. grinned, even. you have never seen a human being this euphoric before, because of you nonetheless. you've never heard him laugh this genuinely, as that glossiness from his eyes escaped to his cheeks and slipped down his face as his eyes roamed yours
his fingers trembled against your skin as words - more than he ever really spoke - flowed from his mouth. his broken whispers of 'i see you's and 'you're even more beautiful than i imagined's replaced the heavy silence that previously hung around the room, and now you had to deal with an overwhelmingly happy, emotionally-repressed, socially-awkward loser that practically vibrated in his spot at the sight of you
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Janis' Head cannon Board
This idea was brought to you (and me) by my friend @your-witch-trial-has-expired
+ Remus listens to Welcome to Nightvale and is a huge fan of it.
+ While he does love Cecil, his favorite is Kevin and he wishes there was a whole spin off on dessert bluffs.
+While listening, he took the "Kill your double" to heart and for a whole month constantly tried to get rid of Roman while yelling, "KILL YOUR DOUBLE NIGHTVALE! KILL! YOUR! DOUBLE!"
+ On a related note, Roman has decided he hates that podcast because all it does is give Remus new ideas.
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