#npmd headcannons
im-not-a-l0ser · 6 months
Okay, I want to talk about the Trans Richie headcannon. I'm not going to say anything bad about it, this is just some ideas and opinions about it, regarding it as canon.
I like the idea that if Richie and/or Trevor were trans, they'd be given an alliterative name set originally. Like Richie and Rachel, Trevor and Tracey, or Samantha and Sabrina; something like that. And then when one or both changed their names, they were so relieved that their names didn't start with the same letter anymore. Maybe they even hated it so much that they'd like... go by Chel, CeCe, Sam and Rina. Shit like that, that'd be so funny.
I would really like to see a show about how they grew up. As much as I don't know how to feel about a cis person playing a trans character, I also wouldn't want Richie played by anyone else— *the idea of Jae Hughes as Richie* Okay, that'd actually be pretty sick, and you could have both Trevor and Richie on stage without Jon having to do a bunch of quick changes, or prerecordings, and you could even have them on stage at the same time, but YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYING! Anyway, I think it'd be really neat to have a song of Richie post-transition and Richie pre-transition singing about how they feel out of place, or how they have this secret that they have to keep, pre-trans not being out at all, and post-trans having transitioned in stealth mode. It'd be cook to see 'her' looking in a mirror or something, seeing post-trans Richie there because that's what they want to be. Some fuckin' reflection from Mulan shit, y'know?
Maybe it's just that I want to see Her as a musical, maybe that's my problem... I mean, now I'm thinking about it, and I'm right. I want that so fucking bad. Like, just imagine that for me, will you? I keep specifically imagining a scene of Jeri and Jerry berating 'her' for being too masculine as a song— I'm sorry, I'm being such a dork.
If Jon Matteson did a stream where he read trans richie headcannons and fics, I would fucking cry, especially if Her was included, since I'm very proud of it thus far.
I need like... a 5+1 fic of Richie coming out to people, I'd love that.
I forgot any other thing I wanted to say, just give me a second.
Oh, okay, here we go. I like to think that Richie is a cosplayer (my sister disagrees with me, so I know that some people don't agree) but I like to think that him cosplaying masc characters is one of the things that helped him realise his identity. This has nothing to do with the fact that after I started cosplaying TSS I got more masc and embraced that side of me, I don't know what you're talking about.
I wonder what Jon Matteson (and Will Branner, and everyone else) thinks about Childhood Friend Michie, not even them together romantically. Bc like, I fully understand not understanding that ship; I don't fully understand it myself, despite literally shipping it. But them as childhood friends? It almost makes too much sense, whether or not Max knows Richie is trans. Either way, you can make it make sense in some regard. I particularly like how @24-guy handled it in their trans richie story, but I won't spoil that for you (that's also their user name on ao3)
I think that's all I got for now, maybe I'll make a part two when I'm on a proper dose of adderall that actually does anything for me.
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hoybero · 7 months
richie lipchitz would definitely be a natewantstobattle fan.
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peatzah-rolls · 8 months
Idk why but this thought came into my head and I can't stop thinking abt it
Max Jägerman being neurodivergent (possibly having autism?) and being terrible at learning speech etiquette so he was unintentionally blunt as a kid, so he gained the status as a 'mean kid/bully' when he was little. This gained the attention of a bunch of not so nice guys who became friends with him (the other jocks we see in the musical) and he decided he'd rather have rude friends than no friends so he just stuck with the whole "bully" thing. I can't stop thinking about it and it's cannon to me because I love him and refuse to think he's being mean on purpose
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starkidblubber · 2 months
Steph: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Pete meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
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januscorner · 5 months
My Hatchefield Headcannons
Garry Goldstein and Richie are Jewish
Richie is hoh
Lex is a m-spec lesbian and a demigirl
Hannah is Autistic
Ethan has ADHD
Paul was raised Jewish, is now agnostic but still celebrates the holidays
Ruth wants to be polyamorous but can’t even get one partner (I’m not projecting you are)
Ted is pan but doesn’t know
Detective Shapiro likes women
Officer Bailey is gay and has ADHD
In some timeline Lex joins PEIP
Linda is thalassophobic
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acutemushroom · 5 months
My version of the "Jon Matteson's characters are related" family tree
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Sorry for the bad image quality, I tried to keep every character the same size without making the page too big
I know the popular headcannon wants Gary to be the father of the twins, but the surnames didn't match. So, to keep it coherent with the ages, I placed him as Paul's cousin on the tree. The twin's father not being Gary, then, I assumed he would be Paul's brother-in-law. Making him Richie's uncle from the maternal side.
As for Boy Jerry, there was nothing saying he had to be Paul's brother, but there was also nothing saying he couldn't. So, yeah, little Jerri is also Paul's nephew.
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Richie is a Will Wood girlie
His favorite album is either The Normal Album or In Case I Make It
He’s definitely not normal about it
Mostly, he listens to anime soundtracks and scores
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icetobes · 7 months
michie headcannons from yours truly
- they discover maxs love for 60s, 70s and 80 music, his favourite song is December 1963 (oh what a night)
- they’ve danced together in richie’s kitchen at 2am one night when they were alone
- max and ruth become unintentional besties because they lightly tease richie about the same silly things he does (he helps ruth make a tinder/hinge and get a girlfriend)
- they go to a fair, max doing the typical “im going to win you a bear” but finds out richie is a master of fair games and max is mesmerised (they kiss on the ferris wheel)
- max has a truck and he and richie often make the back into a bed, lots of blankets and pillows, they stargaze and richie points out stars, max gives them names like you would a pet
- richie has stolen a decent amount of maxs hoodies, i’m return max has a few of richie’s oversized jackets, they have characters and writing on max neither knows or can read but they smell like richie
- richie makes max mixtapes that they play in the car
- max loves being the little spoon, he would never admit it but richie knows
- paul has found them cuddled together on the couch several times (he has many a photo he hopes to show at their wedding one day)
- max and richie have family meals with paul and emma every 2 weeks, they go to restaurant and catch up properly
- they spend college mostly apart, doing long distance, max visits richie on weekends and whenever they have time off, both working jobs on their respective campuses and saving to get a place together
do i give my college/after college headcanons
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fnife · 4 months
back on my bullshit
(Adding to my NPMD playlists)
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They will never be complete. Not as long as my autism stands.
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magical-girl-04 · 5 months
I know most people seem to think that Peter and richie were friends first (is there a reason for this?) But I like to think that Pete and Ruth met in tap dancing lessons :)
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im-not-a-l0ser · 8 months
Max to most: Fuckin nerd (derogatory)
Max to Richie: Fuckin nerd... (affectionate)
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my-fandom-polls · 7 months
Rb with what fandom you think he’s part of
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loooongfurby4444 · 6 months
Hatchetverse Headcanons: Day 18
NPMD Gender and Sexuality Headcanons
1. Richie: Trans and Bi with a preference for men (he/him)
2. Ruth: I have changed my HC Ruth is Genderfluid and bi (any but she/they pref)
3. Pete: Bi and trans (he/him)
4. Steph: Bigender and bi (she/they/he)
5. Max: Cis (he/him) and gay (edit clarifying: he likes men and women but he labels himself as gay) will bully homophobes
6. Kyle: Cishet (he/him)
7. Jason: Bi and Cis (he/him)
8. Shapiro: Bi-curious and transgender (she/her) she left Chicago to start fresh as a woman
9. Grace: Cis (she/her) and represssssssed bi and aro also she is homophobic and transphobic (in a subtle way tho)
10. Mark: Cis (he/him) and deep in the gay closet
11. Karen: Cishet (she/her) also homophobic and transphobic
12. Dan: Cis (he/him) and pan
13. Donna: Cis (she/her) and polysexual
14. Solomon: Cishet (he/him)
15. LiB: 100% are queer but have no concept of gender or sexuality so they are fluid and don’t give a shit (mostly he/him or it/its)
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starkidblubber · 2 months
forced to be a girl, born to be a literal monster
don't need no one to tell me
high school will be my peak
so I'm willing to take advantage
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universalwideweb · 6 months
Richie and Trevor are twins and Trevor had to go to Homecoming sad as hell with Rudolph
You can pry this headcannon from my cold, dismembered hands lmao
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acutemushroom · 3 months
I don't know why, I Hc that Richie's full name is Richard James Edward Lipschitz.
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