Me in my room
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ijustbesayinstuff · 6 days
!FAKE BODY!!FAKE GUN!!FAKE KNIFE!Photo dump 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
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ijustbesayinstuff · 8 days
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I wanna be locked away in a hot dudes basement to be his baby
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ijustbesayinstuff · 8 days
any general weight loss tips? st@rv!ng never seems to work for me
i've got a few, will update as soon as i find more
up your protein and fiber intake (fiber slowly or you'll bloat which can cause weight gain) protein is good for your muscles and bones
drink half your body weight (lbs) in oz (for example, im ~100lbs, i need 50oz a day)
limit sugars (unnatural) and processed food, they can cause bloating and constipation which will both lead to weight gain
prioritize sleep, if you can't sleep like most of us, take melatonin, melatonin is thought to increase metabolism anyways
cut back on simple refined carbs, they don't take as long to digest and therefore won't fill you up as long as complex carbs such as whole grains, beans, etc, complex carbs also have more fiber which will also keep you fuller for longer
eat slower, chew your food thoroughly and try to take 20 minutes with meals, it takes our bodies 20 minutes to realize we're full
try to reduce stress, it can make you want to overeat or binge if stress levels are too high. some things to try are going on a walk, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation
use smaller plates, studies show that using smaller plates and bowls will reduce the chances of overeating and will help with portion control
eat more fruits and veggies, they have essential nutrients and a majority are lower in cals and fat
intermittent fast, it's recommended to wait 12h between dinner and breakfast the next day, this will give your body time to break down carbs and glucose which in turn will help with weight loss
reduce or eliminate liquid cals, it's very easy to drink your calorie limit without filling up at all, examples are gatorade, alcohol, tea/coffee with sugar, and sodas. most of us use artificial sweeteners but those can also lead to weight gain in the long run
don't skip breakfast, it might be tempting to fast as long as possible but having breakfast has been linked to helping with metabolism and blood sugars, make sure to have protein like eggs or yogurt so you stay full until your next meal
be physically active (if you're able to), exercising can help tone your body and burn cals which not only can help with weight loss but also fat loss
increase healthy fats, a 12-month study shows that a high fat diet is better for long-term weight loss than a low fat diet, foods with healthy fats include olive oil, nuts, coconut oil, avocados, and seeds. they are still pretty high cal so eat them in moderation
drink coffee, believe it or not it can increase metabolism, boost the breakdown of fatty acids, enhance fat burning during aerobic exercises, especially for those who are normally sedentary, and stimulate your central nervous system
increase probiotics, not only does it help digestion but it's also been shown to reduce bmi, body fat percentage, and weight
avoid trans fat, it's linked to abdominal fat gain, inflammation, heart disease, and insulin resistance
reduce alcohol intake, yes it makes you feels nice but it can also cause belly fat and excess fat storage around the waist
eliminate distractions while eating, it can cause you to overeat by losing track of how much you've ate, it can also help you feel fuller if you see how much you've ate
meal prepping, it'll help you stay on track with eating healthy especially on days where you're busy since it might seem easier to grab a snack and go instead of search through what you have and see what you can make
this took over an hour to write so likes/reblogs are appreciated
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ijustbesayinstuff · 8 days
My thinspo rn
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ijustbesayinstuff · 15 days
Just imagine getting kidnapped by a dude that lowkey cares about you and you don’t have to worry about ANYTHING. Just have to sit there and look pretty for him. No bills no school you have no more responsibilities just nothing. Bonus points if he gets you stuff. You’d be kinda like a stay at home wife except illegal. That would be the life it really would
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ijustbesayinstuff · 18 days
Ever since I started eating like 10-60 cals my side has been hurting. It would only start after I eat something and or when I tense my stomach in anyway. I think it’s has something to do with my gallbladder because of where it hurts but should I be eating more vitamins or something?
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ijustbesayinstuff · 20 days
Not even 24 hours after my last post. I binged on like the worst thing ever. Chinese food. I ate hella rice crab Rangoon and the shitty ribs. I think I’m gonna purge cause I’m so upset but like I only purge once before and it was not pleasant at all so I might just take the L💔💔
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ijustbesayinstuff · 20 days
I’ve lost like 5 pounds in 2 days! Yay! I actually don’t know if that’s good or not but still. I’ve been trying to aim for around 20- 50 calories a day and let me tell you it is not for the weak😭 but I’ve been chewing gum and gaslighting myself and I think I can do this. With my average steps I take I’m around -200 calories so that’s nice. If you guys have any tips for bingeing or cravings please don’t be shy I’m struggling with my sweet tooth💔💔
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ijustbesayinstuff · 21 days
How many steps do you guys do? I usually do around 6,000 and that’s just school and work not including my sports but I want to do more but I don’t know what my goal should be
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ijustbesayinstuff · 22 days
I’m lowkey beginning to like feeling empty.. starving myself wasn’t even like my goal I just want to eat as little as humanly possible but feeling empty and having your stomach growl is so nice it makes me feel like I’m doing something right. I like to think that every time my stomach growls it’s 1 pound off the next day even though I know it isn’t true it just makes me feel better.
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ijustbesayinstuff · 22 days
I just really want to be skinny but I just can’t stop eating. I was doing so good today and of course they had to bring in the chocolate cake for Mothers Day and I just couldn’t help myself. It just makes me feel so bad I’ve considered making myself throw up but I’m such a pussy I can’t.
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