#touchstarved scenarios
trappolia · 2 months
FEELING HUMAN, HOOKED ON YOUR BREATH ── leander + gn!reader, 430
leander is painfully aware of his reputation; knows that you've heard rumours of how the corner room you currently occupy in the wet wick was once exclusively for him and his one-night-stands, vere's little quips of him getting some action with a stranger or two in dark alleys, and he hasn't exactly been subtle with the way he looks at you in the candlelight when you're huddled together in one of the booths. he knows that you're no fool, that you're not deaf to the warnings to stay away from him lest you fall too deep into his spell of dark magic—
but you stay anyway.
perhaps it is because he is one of the few to offer you some semblance of comfort in the unfamiliar streets of eridia without asking for anything else, or because he is the only one capable of touching your bare hands and remain sane enough to see the exact shade of your pretty eyes, but whatever the reason, he finds himself unable to care. he finds himself doing a lot of uncharacteristic things since you've come around, actually.
leander does not believe in god, has never even entertained such thoughts of a divine entity existing with the sort of life he's led since birth, but he thinks that despite your curse, you are the closest thing to an angel he's ever met. leander feels bad about it, really; the thoughts that plague his mind when he lets you trace the grooves and scars of his calloused hands, your darkened fingertips ghosting upon the skin of his forearm like a dancer from the amaryllis district. he feels guilty, as if he's taking advantage of your trust like this, even if you're the one who's touching him, but it's outweighed by that something that leander still can't name even after all those nights of laying awake in night or nursing his nth bottle of rum in the wet wick at some ungodly hour of the night; something about how you touch him like he's the only solid thing in the world, the look in your eyes when you find your fingers wandering over to the scar on his face.
there is no such thing as heaven or hell, just the monsters (soulless and mortal) that linger in the space between, but your touch is divine, and for the first time in his life, leander wants nothing more than to repent for his sins, to whisper his confessions against the warm dark-gold of your knuckles as if he could find some semblance of forgiveness in your skin.
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© trappolia 2024
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justbreakonme · 5 months
A touch starved whumpee who’s too scared to actually hug or cuddle anyone, so Caretaker gives them a heated weighted blanket, so they can feel “touch” without being scared.
Whumpee sleeps so well it worries Caretaker because they don’t move for about 12 hours straight, and they wake up all groggy and sweaty with those lines across their cheek from the pillow case. But they wake up happy.
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jump-in-the-whump · 7 months
They lie there, wheezing, their body heavy, even their bones are hurting. 
They feel one hand slowly passing through their sweaty hair. Such a small thing that means so much to them. This is the first time, in what feels like months, that they have been touched this gently.
Suddenly, almost unconsciously, they feel their eyes become hot and wet, but they don’t dare open them for fear of what they might see. 
They just want to imagine they are safe and sound. 
Just for once.
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epiclamer · 29 days
Self-care day ❤️
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Your specialist couldn't make it today unfortunately, but we've allotted you one of our very best as compensation. The words mulled over in the hero's mind as they headed to their room, a little disappointed but mostly unbothered by the change of plans.
Hero hummed as they undressed, neatly folding their clothes into a small pile on their allocated bench before wrapping a towel around their waist and laying themselves facedown on the massage table.
Their weekly sessions were one of Hero's guiltiest pleasures by far. They were here so often that it was just muscle memory that led them to their place on the table by now. But god did they ever enjoy these spare hours.
The few minutes that they laid patiently awaiting their masseuse flew by as they heard the sound of the doorknob rattling, followed by a set of footsteps entering the room and the usual 'click' of the door locking. Goosebumps ran up the hero's back in anticipation, they let themselves relax completely against the soft cushion below with a deep breath.
"You know, when I first saw your name on the chart I wasn't sure if it was a curse or a blessing." Every muscle in the crime-stopper's body froze. Their breathing stopped, their heart dropped, their thoughts imploded. They whirled upright, coming face to face with the sultry gaze only ever worn by Villain.
"Hello, Hero~"
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veryspecificwhump · 3 months
Whumpee whose love language is touch. As in, they need to hug or be hugged pretty often just to stay sane. Whumpee who's so touch-starved and desperate that they crawl up to Whumper after being torture and cling to their leg, begging for a hug, to hold hands, something
I can see this going four ways, with one 'good ending'. First there are the smug options. Creepy Intimate Whumper who'ss smug because they know Whumpee won't fight them about crossing boundaries anymore. Whumpee's just too desperate. Regular Whumper who's smug because Whumpee just majorly overstepped,and now they have an excuse to punish them. (not that they need one, but it's nice to have evidence that Whumpee "deserves it") Who remarks every time there's a pause in Whumpee's screaming that they brought this on themselves. Then there are the shocked options. Whumper who's shocked and angry that Whumpee would ask for such a thing, and punishes them. (spur-of-the-moment as opposed to planned) Who is genuinely disgusted by Whumpee's whining and is willing to torture Whumpee into never doing that again. Finally, Whumper who is shocked, confused, and the slightest bit sympathetic. They hadn't realized how much Whumpee needed (benevolent) physical contact. Maybe they're whumping for a job and their heart isn't in it, maybe they don't really understand how much they're actually hurting Whumpee, but they're just the tiniest bit guilty and they hold Whumpee's hand. (While muttering about how high-maintenance Whumpee is, of course) Maybe they turn into a Caretaker, or a Carewhumper at the least.
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adastra121 · 5 months
Ais: I'm cold. Leander: I'm colder. Ais: It's not a competition. Leander, violently shivering: D-Damn right it's not, I’m d-d-destroying you. Ais: ... Ais: *throws off jacket* Bring it on, pretty boy. MC: Are you two seriously—For gods’ sake. *wraps them both in their jacket in one warm “get along” coat*
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declawedwildcat · 2 months
Kuras doing Mhin's top surgery. That's it that's the post
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scratchandplaster · 1 year
FEBUWHUMP DAY 1 - Touchstarved
CW: Intimate whumper, beatings, blood, injury, defiant whumpee, death, delusion, captivity, obsessive/yandere whumper
"Oh, you think you're clever, huh? Don’t think that I’ll be all mellow now, just because you got roughed up a little."
Whumper’s foot meets their captive’s hip, still unresponsive as they lay on their stomach, just as he left them last evening. Nothing new really, it’s been weeks since they made any meaningful progress. Countless hours of screaming, biting, scratching and whatever else that little shit keeps coming up with to resist settling down.
A sigh echoes through the small basement while Whumper squats down to inspect the person in front of them further. Laying face down and with closed eyes, they are sleeping peacefully for the first time in a while, a fact Whumper doesn’t like to remind himself of. It shouldn’t be like this for both of them, it’s not fair.
"You know what I expect of you, dear. Try to put a little effort into this, and I promise that it will be worth it; just three little words and all of this ends today." Whumpee doesn’t turn to meet their gentle words, they don’t even flex a muscle. Maybe I really overdid it, Whumper ponders as his hand slowly starts to stroke over the greasy strands of hair, clumped together with dried up sweat and dirt.
"Come on, I know it’s hard for you, but I can be reasonable if you let me. The moment we met back in that lousy fucking bar. I knew there was a spark, one you can only find once in a lifetime. We can’t give that up just because of some bickering."
The dim light above starts to buzz, as Whumper settles down to his knees, gaze still fixed onto his little treasure. The first week after he brought them home was the hardest. Whumpee not realizing that he was doing all of this for them, to allow them both to get what everyone deserves: a loving home, a partner who will always care for them, hold them, love them. But it takes two to make a couple, and Whumper’s patience never was unconditional.
"Sorry if I hurt you, honey," he murmurs, still expecting any kind of aversion towards his touches gliding through their hair, down to the small of their neck. "Say the words, so I can patch you right up and forget about all of this. You know I hate eating dinner by myself, so don’t let me go to bed hungry." The corner of his mouth twists into a sad smile, knowing that without yesterday's brutal beating, they would never be this sweet with him.
Not yet, at least.
Typically, they would just twist around in his grasp and try to bite the hand that has nothing but adoration for them. A hand that needs them as much as they need it, yearning for the soft intimacy to fill an otherwise empty house.
As Whumper’s fingers begin to tingle with the electric warmth he oh-so waited for, but only rarely grasps, Whumpee lies still, deaf to everything their keeper could and would offer them. 
So dramatic today, Whumper thinks to himself, still expecting the wild passion - the fire - inside his counterpart to ignite any second. They really shouldn’t sleep this long, especially in the cold and damp basement. His anger already replaced with forgiveness, he slides one hand under their torso to turn them around onto their back, giving him the perfect opportunity to kiss them awake slowly.
Whumpee’s face is illuminated in the yellowish hue of the lights above, and any fairytale fantasy gets snuffed out in an instance. They stare, eyes finally sliding open with nothing but a dull reflection, framed by long red streaks of crusted blood, which cause lies just inches above their eyebrow.
It’s not just a split that drags over their forehead in an angry line, it’s a horrible veil for what lies beneath. The upper portion of the skull starts slowly dragging itself backwards, exposing splinters of bone that shift against each other with a harrowing crunch. Looking at the stiff muscles of their face, the etched-in desperation of the final blow he was responsible for, Whumper can do nothing but stare back.
"Dear?" he finally breathes, breaking the overwhelming silence of the room. Nothing.
"Whumpee, come on!" His voice is getting louder, begging for something that he already knows he is too late for.
Any other begs drifting through his mind die right in his throat, breaking up into silent sobs to wreck through his chest. Each wave carrying regret and desperation, which only add to the rising pressure in Whumper’s ears. Deafened by the blood coursing through his veins, he brings the ice-cold hands of his love up to cup them around his face, holding them up by the wrists. There is no comfort in it, just cold flesh against hot tears. Any remnants of the touch he so desperately craved following them down Whumpee’s hands, lost like the life they were supposed to have.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry," The mantras keep on ringing through the room where Whumper remains, alone again.
"Please, Whumpee, please. Let me make this right." Where he tries to bargain with nothing but a memory of the person he longed to create.
"I love you, I love you, I love you so much..." Endlessly continuing to whisper the words Whumpee refused to utter, even till the end.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2023 Masterlist]
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unforgivenn · 1 month
In the dimly lit room, Whumpee sat huddled in a corner, arms wrapped protectively around themselves in a feeble attempt to give themself comfort from the insufferable pain. Their eyes darted nervously towards the door as Whumper entered, their presence sending a shiver down Whumpee's spine.
Whumper began with an unsettling calmness, the kindest smile playing on their lips. A simple facade to get Whumpee on their fingertips. "My dear Whumpee.." Their voice dripped with false sweetness and pity. "You know my love for you is boundless.. But it comes with expectations"
Whumpee squeezed their eyes shut, their heart sinking. Whumper had loved them so much. And They couldn't even give them back the love that was given to them. They were so.. so selfish.. "I-I'm trying.." They stammered, their voice barely above a whisper from the unrelenting embarrassment. "Please.. I-I'm doing my best" Whumpee's voice cracked, tears filling up in their closed eyes which were too ashamed to meet Whumper's eyes.
Whumper's smile faltered, replaced by a cold glint in their eyes. "Your best isn't good enough" They spoke in a mocking manner hiding a threat under the grey covers of what they said. "But if you meet my expectations, oh, how wonderful our relationship can be."
Whumpee whimpered, their breath coming in a hitch. They knew what whumper expected- Submission, Obediance, compliance. "I-I'll do anything sir..." Whumper simply smiled at their innocent victim.
"That's like it whumpee." Whumper patted whumpee's head, a touch in which whumpee completely melted in. It was as if they hadn't been touched in forever. And Whumper was the one to let them feel it again. How generous whumper was..
Whumper turned around to go as whumpee was left alone in their dark abyss once again, silently resigning themselves to the endless cycle of manipulation and abuse.
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danyvhell-writes · 1 year
Guys guys guys !!!!!! Just picture it.
Bad ending Kuras with this theme.
Kuras slowly revealing his true form to you, wings after wings coming from now what has become a blinding source of light. Too many tearing eyes watching you with what could be described as melancholy. His soft voice echoes through the air, yet his look translates a certain fatality you didn't even consider.
"It is useless, MC. Your apologies came belated."
You feel your body, no, your entire being, your soul crushed with unsufferable anguish. Pure terror runs under your skin, He can't hurt you… he can't, right ?
"Stay still."
His words come adding a weight to you, you're stuck to the ground, unable to move nor talk. You can only raise your gaze to peer at what ressembles his face. The eyes you meet are far too familiar, golden tears flowing from them. He doesn't even try to blink.
It is too late.
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celesteskingdom · 1 month
Requests are open!!
Send in requests for scenarios! I do the following fandoms: SBG, Batfamily, TWST, Fairy Tail, Tears of Themis, TOUCHSTARVED, Haikyuu!!, Kuroko no Basuke, Marauders Era characters, and PJO. I am in many other fandoms but these are the ones I'm willing to write for (for now, probably)!
Doesn't have to be x reader or anything. I'll write prompts and headcanons. Romantic or platonic.
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justbreakonme · 1 year
Whumpee who’s never known how to show affection “normally” playfully punching Caretakers shoulder to get their attention, and Caretaker knowing exactly what that means and wrapping them in an unexpected but not unwelcome hug.
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dulcesiabits · 1 year
Anyway I was wondering if you have any headcanons for them (or any of the other characters) that you're willing to share 💜
Yay!! I’m glad to hear that you like my ramblings about Mhin ^_^ !!! They’re also my favorite character… so here are just some general thought I have on them <3
Mhin’s profile states that they like sweet things; I imagine their sweet tooth is something they try to keep hidden just because they know they’ll be teased about it. They know the locations of all the bakeries and patisseries in town, and the vendors that sell the best sugary snacks. They’re a frequent visitor of these establishments when no one else is around, skulking in during the early mornings or late nights to slam down a bag of coin and buy a week's worth of supplies.
Speaking of profile facts, Mhin probably dotes on all the cats they meet on their patrols around town. They sneak cat treats to them, and I bet they’ve given each one a name. They’re probably all simple names (like Spot, Lily, etc because I think Mhin isn't creative but they're thoughtful) based on the cat’s general demeanor and/or appearance. I bet the cats are very friendly with them, never afraid to purr and twine against their legs when Mhin visits. They sense a fellow kindred spirit in them— and it probably helps that Mhin is never stingy with the treats.
It goes without saying that Mhin is touchstarved (badum-tissss) like the rest of the cast. They tell themself they’re fine if they don’t have friends or companions, that they’re used to coming home to an empty house. But whenever someone accidentally brushes against their fingers when they’re reaching for a purchase, or if someone bumps into them on the streets, it makes their skin tingle-- and it takes a while for the feeling to go away. That’s why when you touch them- accidentally, casually, or intimately- their brain goes haywire and they need a moment to remember how to breathe.
Mhin has very nice hair for someone who has such a demanding job. I don’t think they’re particularly meticulous about taking care of their appearance, but it’s not like they completely neglect it, either. It’s just something they have to do. However, they do like it when you run your fingers through their hair or twirl strands around your finger. Scratch their scalp and they’ll melt, or braid ribbons into their hair they're reluctant to undo.
Mhin likes to keep little mementos of you when the two of you are apart. They’re not usually a sentimental person (or so they claim), but a physical reassurance of your presence and affection gives them a little boost of energy every time they see it. They’re not big on flashy gestures, so they prefer subtle items: a handkerchief with your favorite scent, perhaps, or a braided charm they can tie to their belt. Something that they can keep safely tucked away but take out to look at and think of you.
Mhin is a light sleeper. Maybe it goes hand in hand with being a hunter, but they startle awake at the slightest disturbance. In general, they have a hard time falling asleep. They also keep a knife tucked under their pillow, a fact you learned the first time the two of you shared a bed. They tend to take naps in the morning, just so they can be prepared for their graveyard shift.
As a partner, Mhin is surprisingly clingy and a worrywart. Not that they’ll ever express this out loud, of course, but they try to get you to make the first move when it comes to initiating affection (with varying levels of success). Their clingy nature takes the form of sticking close to you and, if you’re spending time together, trying to find roundabout ways to get you to stay with them longer. Of course, if you’re the one to initiate any sort of affection first, they can never refuse you. It's easy to lose track of time and spend the whole day with you. Additionally, they like to check up on you at least once a day. What if something happens to you, and they weren’t there to protect you? They tend to get tense if you come home late, because they know firsthand how dangerous Eridia can be, especially when the sun sets. If you insist on doing risky jobs or running late night errands, at least let them come with you.
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lovepantherjada · 3 months
POV: You're stressed, so he says, "Come here." Then commences to kiss & touch on your entire body, make out with you, and eat the everloving fuck out of you
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vnearthly · 11 months
imagine one of the reasons Vere doesn't hang at the Ais's place ever is because he's fucked himself up in the water after gettin the zoomies there
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cutie-pinay · 1 year
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Mhin is sooooo not catching feelings or anything.....Unless 🤔...
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