#tmc fluff
morgandoesstuffsig · 1 year
jonah x reader x adam? both of them are literally my comfort duo (despite adams behavior in volume 4 but regardless-) can I have some Headcanons or even a scenario of them? i absolutely love your writing style <3 i can just imagine both of them fighting over who gets to cuddle with you or who gets to have you to spend quality time.
explodes (/pos)
c.w // none
start below cut
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lord have mercy
these two will fight relentlessly just for a shrivel of your attention
who gets to go shopping with you?? arguing
who leaves to pickup food?? not him, commence fighting!!
"You got to hold them during movie night last week!!"
"So what??"
"So I should be the one cuddling with them tonight!!"
yeah, this can go three ways
1 : one ends up sulking as the other is victorious
2 : both are sulking since you didn't hang out with either
3 : you ended up having them both hang out with you
3 is the best option, besides the slight glares they give eachother
but oh well
they both are similar on one thing though
that they really love you <3
hnnngggggggggh sorry this was short :(( my motivation is slowly dropping for no reason
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iguessigotta · 1 year
no thoughts head empty what if alt!Gabriel x reader warnings: none here, but there will probably be some with alt!Gabe in the future
you obviously get big scary dog privilege i mean come on
no one's touching you but him
which......might not always be a good thing...?
at least you're safe from the other alters
he wraps you in his wings a lot
i headcanon Alternate Gabriel to be like 12ft tall so. you're tiny compared to him
he puts his hand on your head a lot. just like. engulfs your entire noggin
i also headcanon that he's able to change size to some degree (look he's probably Literally Satan he can do some Weird Stuff ok)
which means he is able to shrink himself down a bit
but 7'2" is the shortest you've ever seen him
he tends to watch you. a lot
i mean he's gotta perfect his disguise and what would be more helpful than a live subject to study?
listen he loves (well...love might not be quite right) you in his own way but he is also some kind of Creature so he's gonna be a bit odd
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Yay requests are open! :DDD
Can I maybe get something with mandela catalogue because WHY NOT YLDLYDYLDLYFK
I maybe went beyond you with Alternate y/n but can I get something like so fluffy and they so God damn sweet it so silly like????
They so kind and Affectionate to everyone like wtf (maybe hug out of no where they would squeeze the hell out of the person or compliment non stop with heart eyes like <3333 *nothing suspicious Of course!!*)
Would like Scenario with mark, any Alternate (might intruder specifically but whatever u like!) And Gabriel! :0
U can choose or make more than one I would be 10× happy <33
I know it's tough or annoying and you are free to ignore this request but please tell me so I won't wait <3
Love your writing please keep going and take care of yourself!
I just did the three you requested ^^ Took me a bit to figure out scenarios but hope you like 'em!
"Your place of worship has..quite the vastness. Are all of them like this?"
"There's smaller ones around town, but this is the one I've pretty much grown up in."
"I see...it's quite lovely. All the flowers and stained glass windows add a nice touch."
"Mhm.." Mark nodded his head, keeping a vacant gaze on the church's altar as he fiddled with the rosary tangled in his fingers.
You, in the meantime, were intrigued by this house of god--the same place Preacher once infiltrated to adopt one of the nuns' forms. But luckily, she had moved on since then and hasn't disturbed these grounds.
It was a surprise that Mark actually allowed you to accompany him tonight..considering you were quite adamant about stepping through the doors. You thought he'd become distressed upon learning his sanctuary had no spiritual nor physical barriers that kept Alternates out.
But he apparently knew that already and accepted it, as he invited you anyways, insisting he didn't wish to be alone.
When he knelt down to pray for some time, you left him be while exploring the church for yourself, looking at the architecture.
You continue to be impressed by what humanity has built for their religion.
When you returned to the pews, Mark was no longer kneeling, instead sitting there with a blank stare. And judging from his empty responses to your remarks, he seemed...lost.
Didn't he come here to put his mind at ease? You thought you'd see him become less tense after finishing his prayers, but he looked just the same--if not more upset.
"...I couldn't think of anything new this time."
Confused, you sat down next to him. And he took your silence as a sign to elaborate.
"I mean...I-I keep praying for the same stuff. For my friend to be at peace, wherever he is, my parents to talk to me again....and for things to go back to normal. But it feels like I'm asking for the impossible. It just..doesn't seem worth it anymore.."
"I believe all of those things are still worth praying for, Mark..be it one time or a hundred." You softly interjected, frowning a bit. "Life may not entirely go back to what it once was, but you can always pray for better days ahead. You have survived the worst of them, and you'll survive plenty more."
He was quiet for a moment, before shrugging. "It feels like even that's too much to ask for nowadays. Maybe...He forgot about me, or my prayers aren't enough-"
"I doubt anything's ever "too much" for your god. I'm sure He hears you and knows you're trying to stay faithful in such difficult times. If I were Him, I'd think your prayers are good enough for...."
Stopping, you heard him sniffle and gazed at him in worry, seeing his shoulders slumped. "Mark?" You were especially alarmed when he suddenly began to sob, bringing his hands to his face.
In that moment you feared that you've accidentally said something MAD-inducing. "I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean it like-"
"I-In all my years going to..c-confession..nobody's ever told me that." He cried quietly. "They said my soul was doomed the moment I met that intruder guy...a-and there's only a small chance I can be saved if I keep praying.."
You blinked, bewildered by what you were hearing. "Your whole church knows about that night? And they blame you for encountering him? But that wasn't your fault...you were a child."
"Th-They don't care. They never did. But of all people..I never expected an Alternate to tell me something so....r-reassuring..." Mark looked up at you, and the smile on his tearful face confirmed he wasn't upset with you in the slightest. "Thanks, [y/n]. I..I really need to hear that."
"But of course." You smiled back and brought him into an embrace, squeezing him tightly as relief swept over you. "There's no need to weep anymore, little lamb. For I am here and I see your good heart and soul..even if others don't."
All he did was nod in response, and that was enough for you.
You'll definitely have Six's head on a silver platter for this someday.
"Tell me, Six..have you grown soft for the prophet?"
"..what ever do you mean, traitor?"
"Does "I cradled him in my arms, my sweet boy" ring a bell?"
Six scowled as you mimicked his voice, grinning cheekily at his reaction.
You were just getting a kick out of angering him at every possible turn. Especially ever since he knew you've been "siding" with humanity as of late, looking after a young man you've come to see as a friend.
He didn't like that one bit--yet he couldn't say anything to Gabriel.
Your leader figured you were only acting this way as a means to destroy humans from the inside-out once you've gained their trust enough.
But Six, on the other hand, knows you true intentions. You wanted to protect them.
Unfortunately for him, the "angel" threatened him not to disrupt your plans again..lest there be severe consequences.
"Oh come now, why the long face, brother?" You teased. "Over 3,000 of their kin you have abducted..and none of their sweet faces have ever touched your heart?"
"What heart? We don't have those, and you know it."
"..what about that Heathcliff boy you spared? You know..he drew a picture of you and showed it to his class a long time ago."
"It wasn't the right...wait, he did what..?" He blinked, surprised that a child would want to draw him. Usually, he frightened them most when he appeared to them in reality and not as their best friend "Stanley".
But nothing surprised him more than when you had Mark's actual drawing in-hand, giving it to Six and allowing him to look at it. You watched his expression carefully, seeing his gaze soften considerably as his eyebrows furrowed.
"This..was made by him? How did you-?"
"His teacher confiscated it, but I've recovered it." You tilted your head, your smile only growing more. "Are you sure you don't care? Because now you look like a father who is proud of his child's artwork-"
"You're wrong. I don't feel any sentiment towards them. Everything I've done was to manipulate them into doing our master's bidding." Immediately, his scowl returned and he glared back up at you-
Only for him to flinch as you wrapped your lanky arms around him without warning.
He squirmed about, realizing you were once again doing this...awful and disgusting thing you've adopted from humans. You've shown it to other Alternates, but he despised it. "Release me!!"
"Don't lie to me, brother. You're weak to their influence as I am." You laughed, squeezing him tight. "There's no shame in admitting it-"
"GET OFF!! Traitorous black sheep!"
Six suddenly glitched out of your embrace, disappearing from reality altogether. You looked around and eventually spotted his silhouetted figure in the nearest TV, white eyes glaring at you.
He was safe..for now. But you've had your fun with him, so you simply left him alone.
Though not without laying the drawing down on the floor where he could see it.
You never noticed his hand creeping out from the screen and grabbing it, dragging the paper into his realm.
"How is your deception of humanity fairing, my child?"
"It is going well." Smiling up at your Savior, you clasped your hands together in front of you. "I'm learning more about what they enjoy..and what their sorrows are. Soon enough, it'll become easier to watch them rot from within."
"As it should. I do want to apologize for the...erratic behaviors of your dearest brother. He does not understand your mission as well as I do."
At the mention of Six, you nodded, trying to bite back your utter disdain for him. There's a lot you wanted to say about him, but you didn't come here to complain about him the entire time.
He wasn't worth wasting your breath.
"No he does not. I liken him to a petulant child." You sighed. "He's convinced you're..."playing favorites" with me when I've done nothing particularly extraordinary compared to-"
"Now, now..you mustn't speak that way." Gabriel's chuckles reverberated through the dark void you two stood in. "Give yourself a little credit, won't you? You have done well, and I know you'll continue to be quite the spy. I was right to bring you into creation..my most loyal servant yet."
Flattered by his praise, you couldn't help but kneel before him, trying to hide your growing smile.
"Thank you, my divine leader. I shan't forget this life you've breathed into me. I receive your generous words wholly."
"..hahaha..so eloquently spoken. You may as well be a human yourself! I commend you for adapting their language so quickly." You felt his hand reach down to pat the shadowy top of your head.
His eerie smile stretched even wider than yours, knowing he had you wrapped around his finger perfectly.
Of all the Alternates, you've complimented him the most. The others were too mindless to converse with him as long as you did.
Of course, Six was the exception..but all he ever did was complain about you like some tattle-tail.
You, on the other hand, never acted out of line or questioned his demands.
You were as obedient as a sheep. Exactly as he wanted.
"Now rise, my child, and go forth. We still have a lot of work to do."
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tired-jonah · 25 days
throws and runs away
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yannisrandomstuff · 1 year
Kisses with Alternate Gabriel♡
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Content: fluff and a little bit of spice ;)
His kisses are very cold due to his lifeless body temperature but really sweet
Sometimes when you guys kiss, he will try out a chapstick that has a flavor then both of you will kiss
Likes peppering you with kisses all across your face
You sometimes do that to him too but with a lipstick on so that there will left a kiss mark every time you kiss his face
I feel like he'd be a traditional kisser. Hands holding your body close to his as the kiss went deeper with pure love (can he even feel that?)
He loves kissing the back of your hands whenever you meet him
Every time he kisses you, you'll get a compliment from him
He likes kissing your neck and leaving a mark then licking it afterwards
Love bites whenever yall have a steamy kiss
Sometimes when he's reading news paper (like an old man would do) you get to annoy him by going from behind and suddenly kissing him or biting his shoulder
He tend to scold you whenever you do that
whenever you and Alt gabe have a steamy kiss I feel like it would be French kiss
You sometimes tease him by ignoring his request of you kissing him (he wants attention)
“Why don’t you just turn to face me?”
"What will ignoring me get you?"
He just keep asking you questions on why you were ignoring him until you just give in and give him the attention he wants
He will demand an explanation tho and then you'll start explaining yourself while he got that grumpy look on his face
Don't ignore him with no reason he'll get worried and wonder if he did something wrong
That's all :>
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ice-candy-pop · 2 years
Soft Winter [Sus gabriel x reader] Fluff One shots
It was winter and you had no one at home, just you.
It was dark at home exactly this night and you only had candles lit up in your room. Waiting for your angel... ------------------------------------------------------
"Huff..." You shivered when a cold wind hits off your figure even though you didn't turn on the AC, but of course it's winter. You curled up into a ball, pulling a pillow close to you when tears started to well up into your eyes.
"Gabriel... Where are you..? I miss you.." You softly mumble when tears keep going, eyes shut tightly, teeth chattering from cold.
You hid yourself under the blanket therefore the cold wind stopped bothering you, as you kept waiting for him, waiting , waiting till you snapped.
You quickly stand up and go get a hot chocolate with some marshmallow in it, literally ignoring how Gabriel isn't here yet. Let me tell you that you don't like being alone and you always need someone to be by your side, depending if they want to...
As you finish making your hot chocolate and go back to your room, shutting the door behind you quietly without noticing a big shadow hovering your figure. After that you went to look up at him, of course he's back but it took him so long to come back home.
You angrily shoot him off to the side and sit and drink your hot beverage while watching the snowflakes falling off from the icy blue sky.
"I'm sorry dear." He said softly. His dead blue eyes lazily targets you when he suddenly starts approaching you but you harshly glared at him but in seconds, your eyes soften. but then the voices in your head start talking which you didn't mind at all. Don't forget that he can read your mind.
Voice1: You should be grateful that he's back!
Voice2: Grateful?! But it took him so long to come back! We've been waiting for him for about 3 hours!
Voice1: And? Does it even need to be so harsh to him anyway? Have patience please?
Voice2: 🖕
Voice1: 😒 -------------------------------- "Pfft dear I'm sorry for making you wait that long, I promise to make it up for you." Gabriel disturbs and chuckles deeply, looks like you forgot that he can READ your mind but he didn’t mind it, it was his fault. You finished your drink and finally looked at him, a sad look. “I’m sorry gabriel… I didn’t mean to be that mean to you, I just- I just want you to be here with me.” You mumbled quickly in a low voice hoping he did not hear that. Oh poor of you, a small little bunny was left alone and waited for their partner for so long. He comes closer then sits besides you, wrapped his wings on you so you could be warmer than before. He raises up his veiny skinny hands and hugs you from behind and kisses your head. Snuggling his head onto your neck, tilting your head to the right. “Oh dear that’s adorable but you don’t have to apologize and after all It’s my fault. I love you.” He said in an angelic voice [not the whispering voice?] He pulls you closer as you finally turn around and hug him back, breathing heavily in his crook of the neck. Snuggling closer to him like a hungry cat pleading to an owner. He chuckles joyfully and runs his slender fingers on your silk hair… "I love you too..." And then you quickly dazzed off to sleep. He’s so cold but inside him is so warm yet so calming, he’s the one of your light, YOUR ANGEL.
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callme-adam-iguess · 10 months
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He's having a wonderful chat with someone beyond the Picture lol :)
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michuyox · 2 years
AU idea: Toonbriel and Satan/"Gabriel" used to be friends in secret before the start of human distruction happened. Toonbriel thought he could maybe change Satan's way of things, but Satan had an idea. Manipulation and lies. He used Toonbriel, stole his identity, and started the end of humanity. Toonbriel soon realized what he has done and instantly knew there was no way he could change him. Toonbriel failed in misery and guilt, Gabriel was victorious.
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Bad Day
(Character interpretations belong to @shmorp-mcdurgen!)
SUMMARY: Sometimes days just don’t work out in Gabriel’s favour. Thankfully, Dave has a knack for brightening their mood...Sometimes in an odd way.
It’s been a bad day. Please don’t take a picture...
What an ironic song to get stuck in their head. Gabriel would laugh had it not rung far too true for them.
The lieutenant glared at the clock on the far wall, almost willing it to go faster so they could go the Hell home. It wasn’t even 12 yet and they were already sick of this day.
Someone bumping into their desk snapped them out of their grumpy staring and they almost snapped at the klutz, the insult pausing on their tongue when they saw who it was. “Oh. Dave.”
“Hey, champ!” Dave said with a smile, like he hadn’t noticed them until then.
“Would it kill you to look where you’re going? You derailed my train of thought.”
Dave rubbed the back of his neck. “Aw Hell, I’m sorry. Bad day?”
“How did you kn-”
“Lucky guess. Wanna talk about it?”
Gabriel rested their arms on the desk and put their head down as Dave fell silent. They practically heard the lightbulb go off in his head before he cleared his throat. “You know...”
“I wanted to ask you something for the boys in uh-accounting.”
Gabriel raised their head to give him a confused look. “Who?”
“I meant evidence. You know, the younger ones. They wanted to ask you something.”
“Whatever it is, the answer is n-”
“How’d you get so awesome?”
Gabriel stared for a moment before they shook their head, smiling a little. “They’re the ones asking me that, huh.”
“Yeah, they really look up to you.”
“I’ll bet they do.”
“They also want to hang around with you more often. You know, since they think you’re so cool.”
Gabriel shook their head again. “You could just ask me, Dave.”
“What? Me? Nooo, I got-I’ve got a lotta shit to do. Evelin’s got homework tonight so I’ll be in the shop alone, we got a new shipment in that I gotta take care of-”
“And yet you’re standing here talking to me instead.”
Dave sputtered. Gabriel chuckled and stood up, dusting off one of their arms. “I could use a bit of a break anyway. Doesn’t have to be because of your sad attempt to ask me.”
“Yeah, it was pretty pathetic-HEY!”
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morgandoesstuffsig · 1 year
req. : umm you’re writing for MC, right? i wanted to request some fluff Jonah x reader, if it’s ok with you🥺👉🏻👈🏻
a/n : yessiree!! decided on pillow fort fluff because i can
start under cut
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"Hey [Y/N]?" Jonah said. He was sprawled out across your couch, taking it all up.
"Yes, Jonah?" You said, raising your head from the book you were reading and looking at him from the floor.
"I'm boreddddddd...." He whined, and then continued.
"Why can't we do something funnnn... that's the reason I came here......." His voice cracked in the middle of his sentence, making you laugh a little. He noticed and huffed.
"Well then Jonah, tell me, what would you like to do?"
"Hmmm.. Let's...." He seemed to be actually thinking.
"Aha! Let's make a pillow fort!" He exclaimed excitedly. You laughed and shook your head.
"Alright then." You agreed. How could you not? It's been a while since you've made one, and he seems to be really looking forward to it.
"Wow, you're not half-bad at this," You chuckled.
"Hey!! I'll have you know that I am very good at... uh... building..!! Yeah!!" He huffed out, and you laughed again. Teasing him was just too fun.
"Alright then. We're almost done, now all we need-"
"All we need are decorations for the inside and snacks!!!" He cut you off, scrambling to his feet and rushing straight for the kitchen.
'Guess I know what I'm getting now..' You thought, getting up and grabbing small decorations you had lying around.
Later, when you had finished decoration, Jonah had come running out of the kitchen with one big bowl of popcorn and a bunch of candy.
Where did he even find all of that... oh well, he seems happy. You smiled as he placed them down on the floor and crawled into your small fort.
"Well? You comin' in or what?" He teased, grabbing your hand and dragging you down in.
"What movie are we watching?"
...This is a perfect opportunity to scare the shit out of him.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT GAGAHSDGVUSEHBFEFBL!!--" He yelled out, clutching onto your arm. You decided on a horror movie, and seeing him so scared made you wonder how the hell he even became a part of BPS if he was so scared at the smallest jumpscares.
You pulled your arm out of his grip, and he got nervous for a second, thinking he made you uncomfortable. This was quickly dismissed when you wrapped your arm around his waist and leaned him onto your chest. Jonah's face heated up, and he decided to look back at the TV, and you just chuckled a bit.
How cute.
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rosysunsetz · 9 months
Hellooo, could you write n°16 with Johnny from TMC ? He tracks one of his victim, but they fight back and escape him or something like that ? (PLSSS WE NEED STUFF ABOUT THIS MAN 🙏🙏)
i assume you meant fluff😭😭😭 so here it is!!!
16. "you're not getting rid of me that easily." in this context its not fluff🫣
Her lungs burned as she ran in the tunnels. She pushed further, ignoring the ache in her side from the incessant running she had done. Her friends and herself had gone to a house in the middle of nowhere, down the road from a gas station. What should've been a red flag to her friends, was somebody reliable to ask about Maria. And despite her worries, she went with them to the house.
She had talked to the lady with that ugly hair who had opened the door and let them into her trap. The group had walked in like idiots and now, they paid the price. She had no idea where her friends were, if they were even alive. And she was certain the killer around her age was down there with her. She had heard footsteps while she hid in a dark corner and that's when she had taken off down the tunnels.
Footsteps echoed in the tunnels as she ran, and she knew they weren't hers. She stopped running for a moment to catch her breath and ducked down behind a box. This is such a stupid idea. She thought to herself as she barely fit behind the box. There's no way somebody wouldn't see her.
She listened to the footsteps come closer and she held her breath, her heart pounding in her ears. She gulped and tucked her legs beside her.
It was deadly silent for a few painful moments. And just as she had gone to move so she was behind the box more, a figure appeared. She jumped with a light scream and bolted before she could see who it was. She didn't have time to find out who was going to kill her. She quickly took off down the tunnel, hearing the footsteps behind her and a masculine laugh.
She breathed heavily as her stamina gave way and she made it into a room with one of her friends hanging from a meat hook. She gasped in shock and walked backwards, her eyes stuck on her dead friend.
What the fuck.
She trembled and panicked breaths escaped her as she turned around. Her eyes met the guy who had been chasing her and she stiffened. He was walking towards her with his knife in his hands and a smirk on his face. He twirled his knife in his hand and looked her over. She backed up slowly and stood taller, trying to seem like she wasn't afraid. His smirk widened into a small grin and she didn't know whether to feel scared or like she was crazy for finding it attractive.
She looked around her and spotted a hallway. She took a quick glance at him to make sure he was far enough away and he was about 15 feet away from her. She quickly bolted in the direction of the hallway, ducking under bones hanging from the top of the doorway. She ran, with him right on her trail, until she made it to a door. She opened the door and ran up the stairs, completely ignoring the grandpa sitting in his chair in the living room. The sadly, attractive guy, who was chasing her with a knife caught her when she entered a room with no other escape besides where she came in from. She stood in the middle of the room and walked backwards slowly as he stalked towards her.
"You and your friends just couldn't stay away, could you?" He spoke for the first time, his voice surprisingly deep. His arms were on full display and she was ashamed to admit that she took a glance to them.
She takes a step back as he takes one forward, stiffening as he laughed. It wasn't cute, well, not really, it was honestly scary the way he laughed. He sounded sadistic.
"We just wanted to find our friend," She tells him, her voice shaky from how hard she's been shaking this whole night. He raised his eyebrows as she spoke and he tutted, shaking his head.
"Ah. But you were never going to find her, and live, that is. Sorry, darlin'." She frowned at his words and looked behind her as he took a few steps forward.
"You like playing with your food, huh?" She asks, trying to stall. His lips turned up at her words.
"It makes the kill more exciting. But, I don't think I'll kill you yet. I'll have fun with you instead." His voice dropped an octave and he grumbled it. His southern accent had her eyes widening in surprise.. and maybe intrigue.
He suddenly lunged while he had her reeling in confusion and she yelped as his knife grazed her cheek. A slow stream of blood dripped down her cheek and he brought his knife up to slice her stomach. Last second, she brought her arm to cover her stomach and the knife sliced the skin of her arm. She whimpered in pain and kicked him in between his legs. He doubled over, groaning in pain.
She quickly looked at the window she had been eyeing and in a split second, jumped out it. She groaned as the glass hit shattered against her, some pieces digging into her arms and legs. She slowly got up, a few noises of pain leaving her from the action and she limped down the dusty driveway.
The front door slammed open and there he stood. She still didn't know this guys' name but he scared her. She sped up her limping pace and the gate at the end of the driveway started seeming closer. She heard his footsteps rapidly get closer and she sped up as much as she could.
"You're not getting rid of me that easily!" He yelled. But his stamina had ran out. And he stopped running, regaining his composure. By the time he was done, she was already past the gate.
He rolled his eyes and wiped his knife angrily, walking past Bubba on the way back into the house. Now he would have to lie to Nancy about what had happened, how he had been outsmarted by one of his victims. He wouldn't include the part where he let her leave and purposely stayed still, no. Nobody needed to know that.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
cuddling mark after the alternate attack that you saved him from, just trying everything you can to help soothe his nerves,,,little nightlight, keeping doors locked, tv's unplugged, etc.. so maybe like reverse comfort/angst with fluff in it,,,
i would do anything to make sure that man is happy and comfortable ughh
SO true bestie. In this house, we reverse-comfort traumatized characters <3
"Oh god, oh my god. I-It's back, [y/n]!! It's inside the room a-and it's gonna fucking kill us both-!!"
"Mark, there's nothing there-"
"NO, NO, NO!! GET AWAY FROM THAT THING!! It's wearing his face a-and it's staring right at-!"
"It's a jacket!"
"....it is..?"
"Yes. That's all..see?"
Despite his blurry vision, the Heathcliff boy managed to blink back tears, struggling to catch his breath.. But he could see you approaching the closet door, calmly removing the article of clothing hanging on it before showing it to him.
And slowly, yet surely, he stopped hyperventilating as he stared at it for some time.
You were right.
That's all it was.
Just a stupid jacket he sloppily hung up after coming home from school one random day. He didn't realize that his careless placement of it would become the thing that sent him into a panic attack.
But he couldn't help it.
In the darkness of his room, it so-happened to resemble an amorphous tall black blob....the shape of those monsters that dwelled in the shadows and tormented him for two days.
Even though you saved him from their influence a while ago, he was still too afraid to go back to school...or even be alone, which was understandable. He wasn't officially diagnosed with M.A.D, though he remained delirious from sleep deprivation and overly paranoid that every moving shadow is an Alternate waiting to kill him.
It didn't help that his own mind was making him see things that weren't actually there--like frightening bastardized imagery of his dead friend.
You never realized how seriously traumatized Mark was until he suddenly screamed in terror while you were both cuddling together on the bed. At first you thought he was waking up from a nightmare after falling asleep..
Then he insisted somebody was watching you two from the closet.
For a moment you believed him, getting up (despite him begging you not to leave) and grabbing a baseball bat you brought over to attack the threat..
Only to find out that the "threat" was just a jacket. There was no actual danger present.
Or at least..not to you.
Yet even when you looked back at your partner, you saw he was still deeply-shaken over everything, gazing at the open closet with a thousand yard stare.
That's when you decided to do something about it.
While you couldn't make him forget about what happened, there's things you can physically do to put his mind more at ease and feel safe in his home again.
So you shut the closet door and locked it tight, propping a chair under the knob for good measure.
After that, you noticed the nightlight in the corner of the room was a bit dimmer than usual, so you went over to unplug it, tightening the loose bulb and dusting off its plastic star-shaped exterior.
When you plugged it back in, it shone twice as bright.
"That's better. Now...I'm just gonna go check out the rest of the house, okay?" You turned back to Mark, who was now looking at you in panic. "I promise I'll be back in two minutes. Just two. That's all I need, alright?"
Tears welled in his eyes, but he nodded in understanding. "Just come back..please.."
"I will. I swear it." After giving him a small kiss of reassurance, you left the room, hoping your task will be quick and easy, while he mentally counted down the seconds you were away.
You triple-checked all the TVs to ensure they were unplugged, deciding to cover the screens in case a certain child-stealing asshole could somehow turn them on.
It can't hurt what it can't see, right?
As for the doors, well...you couldn't install brand new locks with passcodes, chains, or iron bars into them right away. So instead you pushed some heavy things in front of them--things that would make loud noises if they were ever moved by the doors being forced open.
It's a temporary fix, but even you felt safer knowing you did something.
Roughly two minutes later, you returned to Mark's bedroom..only to see that he had shut the door on you, locking it tight.
That was only expected.
Sighing softly, you raised your hand and knocked in a unique rhythm, assuring him it was really you on the other side.
It swung open to reveal him standing there, hood drawn over his head as he hugged one of the stuffed animals you gifted him for Valentine's Day. His nose was buried into its fur, inhaling the faint rose scent still infused into it.
Although it's nice that he kept it after all this time, you could see him clearly using it to hide his tears and the heavy bags under his eyes.
It dug a knife deep into your heart. You hated seeing him look so terrified and broken, wishing you could take all his pain away instantly.
You wanted to make the Alternates pay for what they did to him...and get the cop who ignored his cries for help fired.
But all you could do right now was be here for Mark.
"Thank you for doing all of that..." He finally spoke, voice trembling. "I-I'm sorry. I...I knew it was you, b-but...I just-"
"No, no..it's okay, Mark. I understand. But everything's more secure now. None of those bastards are gonna get us." You softly reassured, going back to the bed with him as he set the plushie down.
Before he could say anything else, you pulled him into your arms, gently pushing back his hood so you could run your fingers through his hair. He sniffled in response, burying his face into your chest since he didn't trust himself not to look around the room and find something--or someone--he didn't wish to see.
For now, all he wanted was to be surrounded by you and your presence alone.
Where prayers failed to comfort him, you were here to keep him from falling apart.
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hyperfixat · 9 months
baby’s first masterlist :3
ao3 - i don’t always cross post
obey me
levi fnaf err autism
mammon comfort lesson 16 og spoilers
simeon hurt comfort
the fantastic three cuddles
playing house w luke (platonic!!)
mephisto :3
yandere luci chronicle 01
yandere luci chronicle 02
levi + mammon / mc
mammon fluff 01
mammon fluff 02
mammon fluff 03
the fantastic three febuwhump muzzle
lover girl thirteen
demon brothers + affection
side chars + affection
belphie hcs (w a tiny bit of canon) … anon add on
mammon forget
chemist mc
gabriel (tmc)
paint his hair and brush his nails
inspired by a song
brain rot
nap time
my savior !! &lt;3
someone flirts w both gabriels hc thingi
rpg 01
rpg 02
honkai star rail
self aware suiana inspired
self aware 1
genshin impact
sagau in fontaine’s court
all free to use w credit
mephisto prompt (free to use w credit) (om)
nb beel angst prompt (free to use w credit) (om)
courting prompt (free to use w credit) (om)
another mephisto prompt (free to use w credit) (om)
reverse gabriel au from that fic i wrote (free to use w credit) (tmc)
thirteen x mc (free to use w credit) (om)
argenti (free to use with credit) (hsr)
honkai star rail caelus and gepard sloppy
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yannisrandomstuff · 1 year
Ok ok, thus is my last ask foe the day I PROMISE
but you hurt me, HURT MY HEART POOR GABE😭
Could I get hcs for him actually being with his s/o? Without alt Gabe around, just him. Also how would he react to being called Gabe the babe? Also maybe nsfw hcs?? if your ok with it! Ok ok I'm done now, GOODNIGHT
A rainy day with you
Word count:3902
Fluff with Arch Gabe no angst I promise
Arch Gabe disguised as a human to spend time with you but he doesn't know how
He finally had the chance to talk to you face to face
He's happy :>
Spending rainy days with S/O makes him happy like REALLY HAPPY
Looked really calm but doesn't know what to say towards you or act around you since he's always behind alt gabe's shadow
It is a Saturday morning where you just woke up and had nothing to do but to read news paper and drink your coffee. You can't open your television since it is banned in the county to prevent alternate attacks. Your angel roommate isn't home too and would be back after 4 weeks since he's doing his 'angel' Business, it's just you yourself and you alone. It started raining and the sun light was gone, you frowned, one of your plans for today is go gardening to take care of your flowers but that was canceled since it started raining so now all you gotta do is clean your house so you can atleast entertain yourself. You suddenly heard a knock on your door, you didn't think it was "Gabriel" since he has your keys or he would just pop out of nowhere around your house, you then open your door and it reveals to have a man soaking wet from the rain
" I- excuse me-, may I come in?, I don't really have a place to stay for a while and I don't have a umbrella with me"
"Oh dear! Please come in! You're wet head to toe! Please sit on the chair while I get you some clean towels, please wait"
You hurriedly go to the bathroom to get some towel to help the poor man
"Here you go sir, help yourself"
"Ah thank you miss.."
"I must ask sir, what is your name so that u can know who I'm letting in my house"
"Gabriel. The names Gabriel miss"
You were taken back at his response but brush it off as normal since he have the same name as "Gabriel" Your roommate but oh well
"How about you miss?"
"Oh-! My name is Y/N, nice to meet you Gabriel!"
"Hahahaah me too, umm the floor has gotten wet I'm sorry for that and the trouble"
"Ah no it's fine really come in the table there's still a hot water left I should make you some hot coffee or chocolate what do you want?"
"A hot chocolate would be nice, you're too kind"
So then you began making him a hot chocolate to prevent him catching a cold
"Here you go"
"Thank you Y/N. May I ask you a question?"
"Oh sure!"
"Do you live alone or do you have a roommate?"
"Well I do have a roommate but he hasn't comeback yet from his work"
"Oh? I see"
He wanted to tell you and reveal all the things that you deserve to know but for some reason somethings holding him back from saying it, an alone time with you felt different it made him heart melt knowing you can see him and talk to him in a gentle way. He wondered what would happen if you know what alternate gabriel really is and his motives.
The rain had stopped and he's already nice and dry
"Oh I see that the rain had stopped miss Y/N, I must go now. Thank you again for the kindness good bye" he said happily
"Good bye sir Gabriel"
Both of you bid goodbye to each other
Closing your door and cleaning the mess
"He's really kind, but I can't help the fact that he looks like "Gabriel" so much, maybe they're Brothers??, no that can't be possible "Gabriel" is an angel while Sir Gabriel is human. I don't even know anymore I think im just hungry" You talk to yourself
He can never forget the feeling when you help him and smile warmly towards him it's like a dream come true for archangel Gabriel.
As for the nickname (*sigh* jk HAHAHAHAHA)
He would be very confused
Is there a meaning behind that nickname? Or you're just messing with him?
Poor man is confused
Though he liked it but isn't sure
" I didn't know you humans like to name people too but this one is rather confusing.."
He doesn't mind really
Either way hes happy that you gave him a nickname.
See I told ya no angst Here
Didn't include the nsfw one sorry KWKWKWK
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picklebunbun · 5 months
mark heathcliff + sibling! Reader
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-------------- ߷۞ꧮ☦︎︎ꧮ۞߷------------
hc or oneshot/series?: headcannons
gn reader, you/yours pronouns
mark heathcliff + sibking reader
genre: angst angst angst angst, but fluff to sweeten it a bit too
romantic/platonic? : platonic
fandom: TMC
cw: religious themes {christianity}, mentions of sewerslide, obvious mentions of de@th
{angel’s note🪽: mark is literally my fav character, also, keep in mind that the reader is heavily implied to be YOUNGER}
ok so, Mark wanted you to live with him since he felt you’d be safer that way
not that he didn’t also want Sarah to go with him, it’s just that he had other things to do
but anyways, you live in a small house with him in the Mandela County, so that should be fun
actual hc:
when the news popped up that these creatures named “alternates“ were showing up, Mark thought it was a way to get people scared, like how the news always does
but, he started to get worried from the missing person reports that were happening more and more frequently
you were confused by this sudden change in attitude, you saw your brother get completely engulfed in paranoia more and more each day
he was constantly worried for sarah’s saftey, calling her every second to see if she was okay
and he was even more worried about you, he’d tell you to always lock EVERYTHING and to be aware
this really scared you, seeing Mark so manic made you suspenful of his health
he wasn’t even properly taking care of himself, not taking the time to give himself basic hygiene or even eat
there were times were you had to beg him to eat or sleep. Crying on the floor and asking him to sleep for just an hour
you always overhear him pray every night, telling god to at least save you and to watch over you
even though there were these really depressing moments, there was also very sweet ones
Mark would make pancakes for you for special mornings {all he really know how to make tbh}
depending on if you’re younger, Mark would read bed-time stories to you, to help you calm down and take a breather
he genuinely loves you, Mark tries to say that every day so you don’t feel like a burden
you mostly spend time in his room, Mark tries to keep you close at all times, leaving his sight would make him get a heart-attack
it all changed when Mark got that call from Cesar
right after he came home he told you to pack your bags because you couldn’t stay there
he said that you were going to sarah’s
you could tell he was dead serious from his expression and how quickly he said it
after that night though
you never saw him again .. it was until you heard that he shot himself that you heard about him
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kinitopet-mp4 · 11 days
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You can call me Rat or Venus! Im a minor, have a bf, and you can use any pronouns but I would prefer they/them. I write fanfics, make art, and overall have fun! I ADORE YouTubers like penguinz0, degenerocity, Layze, Sunnyv2, and more. I'm love indie games as well and indie music like cave town, Melanie Martinez, rio Romeo, and Madilyn Mei!
Fandoms I write for:
The Stanley parable- Both narrator and Stanley but I prefer narrator since he has more character
Ramshackle-The main three only, sorry (I haven’t watched the pilot yet so bare with me)
Undertale-Everyone except frisk and chara, I’ll only write platonically since I don’t age up characters
LMK-Nezha might have limits since I’m not really sure if he’s a minor or not but please tell me if he is!
The manadela catalogue-I do not support Alex kister because he has done some pretty bad things so I’ve heard but I do love TMC and will write for anyone! (Again I kinda forgot a lot about it so be patient with me)
TADC-Except Kaufmo since we don’t know anything about him and Gummigoo might be hard to write for
Hazbin hotel-Everyone
Helluva boss-Everyone and Millie and Moxxie stay together even if you want them separated
FNAF-Everyone except the animatronics since I count them as children and I won’t write for them besides platonically for obvious reasons
Things I will write:
X readers (please specify gender or I’ll make the reader gender neutral and some personality would be appreciated)
Gore (with limits but not that many)
Poly ships (Might need a little help tho)
Things I MIGHT write:
Really long fanfics. Unless I’m in the mood but probably not and I don’t usually write really long x readers, I usually write long stories of my OCs tho if you’re interested
Oneshots, for the same reason above
Things I will NOT write:
Smut (I’m a minor but maybe when I turn 18?)
Underage x adult
Teacher x student (i know some of yall are sobbing rn)
And other obvious things but please ask me if I’m comfortable writing something and if I’m not I don’t have to accept the request, I will try to compromise but will decline the second you become rude
And that’s pretty much it! Also please be polite in your requests, hate, threats, homophobia, racism and stuff like that will be blocked
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