#titus 2 woman
baambastic · 11 months
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I never realized how much I needed this episode
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Full offense, if you’re an unmarried teenager you have absolutely no business on this app making posts about traditional marriage or motherhood. It’s fine to aspire to being in a traditional relationship or being a homemaker, but now is the time for you to listen and learn from older more experienced women who are living those lives currently.
You don’t know the first thing about the dynamics of marriage, and you will not until you get there.
Humble yourselves and seek mentorship from women who lead the lives you wish for yourself and your future spouse and children.
“Similarly, older women should be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers, not addicted to drink, teaching what is good, so that they may train younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, chaste, good homemakers, under the control of their husbands, so that the word of God may not be discredited.” - Titus 2:3-4
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annagracewood · 6 months
Growing into beautiful Titus 2 womanhood
Titus 2, 3-5, The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Many Christians have…
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lovechristianity · 2 months
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Work on being a better godly women day by day until the right one that fears God come in 💪🏻
A Godly Woman is:
She is a woman who is humble, obedient to God, and loving. Luke 10:27
She is a woman who is willing to sacrifice her own desires for the sake of others. Philippians 2:3-4
She is a woman who is prayerful and who seeks to know and do God’s will. James 5:16
She is a woman who is modest in her dress and in her behavior. 1 Timothy 2:8-10
She is a woman who is careful in her thoughts and in her actions. Philippians 4:8
She is a woman who is a good role model for other women. Titus 2:7-8
She is a woman who is always learning and growing in her faith. 2 Peter 3:18
She is a woman who is an example of God’s grace to those around her. Romans 12:16-21
She is a woman who works on forgiveness toward others. Ephesians 4:32
She is a woman who values God’s opinion above ALL others. Proverbs 31:30
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artsyhamster · 1 year
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Tarot part 2! Again with ramblings under the cut
Again getting explanations and quotes from this page 
THE EMPRESS - “[The Fool] first recognizes his Mother - the warm, loving woman who nourishes and cares for him.” Lena is among the first people who Harry meets after his bender. He knows nothing and searches for guidance and Lena worries about him and his mental state, helping him recall the basics of the world. Also come on, she is such a sweet heart. q.q
THE EMPEROR - “ He is the representative of structure and authority.“ And hear me out, a lot of things apply to Kim too (guy’s authority is through the roof and he is structured as heck), but I can only assign one card per character so, I chose Titus, because during my first playthrough I struggled so hard succeeding with my Authority check, you have no idea. He is the king of the neighborhood. And while not necessarily a father figure to Harry, he’s at least a cool bro.
THE HIEROPHANT - “[The Fool] is exposed to the beliefs and traditions of his culture and begins his formal education. The Hierophant represents the organized belief systems (...)” Yeah so basically Joyce is your source of education about the world, the belief systems and everything beyond the understandable (the pale).
And yes, that pose is from her concept art, it was too fitting :)
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grigori77 · 3 months
Once again, to celebrate this awesome day, I thought I'd give another shout-out to some more of those wonderful ladies that I alove and admire, both those who hve inspired me for a while now, and those that I just recently discovered ...
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IMAN VELLANI. Oh my sweet girl! :3 Exploding onto the scene thanks to the recent acclaimed hit/fan favourite that was the Disney/Marvel Ms. Marvel streaming show, the most adorable geek girl in ALL THE WORLD really got a major, much deserved profile boost (regardless of the problems) thanks to her co-starring return to the role of super-popular young Marvel superhero Kamala Khan in The Marvels. She's a genuine absolute SWEETHEART and she deserves all the success that's surely coming to her.
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GIDEON NAV & HARROWHARK NONAGESIMUS. Yup, I have FINALLY gotten round to reading Tamsyn Muir's ridiculously popular sci-fi fntasy novel series The Locked Tomb! It's still early days, I'm only on Gideon the Ninth, but I am ALREADY falling head over heels in love with the story's central duo, the reluctant warrior Gideon, a snarky oversized golden retriever of a woman, and her "hated" charge, Harrow, the scheming, overly-ambitious scion to an ancient clan of intergalactic necromancers, who's a metaphorical vicious little soaked ferret. I love them, they're so adorably dysfunctional ...
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AWKWAFINA. For me, one of the funniest people around, this musician, comedian and actress deserves every ounce of success she's earned for herself. I mostly know her for her acting, having been a fan ever since she was in Ocean's 8, since showing up in a raft of great roles in the likes of Shang-Chi & the Legend of the Ten Rings, Raya & the Last Dragon, Crazy Rich Asians and Swan Song, although she's REALLY hitting her stride now, showing up in REALLY BIG stuff like Renfield, Quiz L\ady and, now, the incoming (and long-awaited) Kung Fu Panda 4.
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TATIANA SUAREZ. Perhaps the most incredible sportswoman I have come across in a good long while, this one is a TRUE INSPIRATION REVELATION. A strong up-and-coming contender for UFC World Champion, she's been through SO MUCH in her life to get where she is now, having had her teenage dreams of being an Olympic Gold Medal wrestler dashed after an accident during training led to the discovery of a burgeoning case of thyroid cancer. Fighting off the condition, she then fought her way back after embracing judo and then mixed martial arts, before AGAIN suffering a debilitating neck injury which NEARLY ended her sporting career again, forcing her to take another long-term hiatus to get back into fighting shape ... just as COVID hit. Now she's back again, fighting fit and better than ever, hungry for that next chance and looking like she's definitely gonna get it this time ...
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SINEAD O'CONNOR. The last 13 months have been really tough, we've had to say goodbye to some truly wonderful people, but one in particular REALLY HURT. The music industry lost a true GEM with the passing of this genuine GODDESS, the Irish singer-songwriter best known for her INSANELY popular cover of Prince's Nothing Compares 2 U, although those in the know recognise that she was ONE HELL of a force nature in her own right, courting controversy throughout her career for her outspoken religious and political views. She NEVER backed down on what she believed, and earned my undying respect and admiration for it.
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FLORENCE PUGH. A completely amazing young actress who's had a trily ASTOUNDING rise to fame in recent years, I've be a fan of Flo's ever since she broke out in a MASSIVE WAY in the twisted psychological drama Lady Macbeth. She's blown us all away since, lighting up the screen in the likes of midsommar, Don't Worry Darling, Oppenheimer and, now, Dune, Part Two, but now, for me she will ALWAYS be Yelena Belova, the true successor to the MCU's Black Widow mantle.
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MIZU. One of my favourite female characters of the past year (although I'm sure she would balk at actually bringing up her gender), the titular lead protagonist of Netflix' wild runaway success new animated series Blue Eye Samurai is a genuinely fascinating and intoxivating character, who prompts profound debate about gender roles and personal identity while kicking arse in SPECTACULAR FASHION indeed in feudal Japan.
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TEYONAH PARRIS. Definitely one of THE MOST AMAZING African American actresses coming up right now, this young lady is definitely earning her breakout star status. Having come up through sterling turns in the likes of Dear White People, Chi-Raq, If Beale Street Could Talk and Candyman, before finally making good on all that promise with high profile lead turns in THey Cloned Tyrone and her ongoing role as MCU superhero MOnica Rambeau/Photon in Wandavision and The Marvels.
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BILLIE EILISH. What do I REALLY need to say about one of the most popular and astoundingly unique musical artists of the moment? Ever since her breakthrough at just THIRTEEN YEARS OLD with her wildly successful first single, Ocean Eyes, which became a massive runaway smash on Youtube, this incredibly talented young singer songwriter has consistently impressed with ever release, entirely deserving her immense success with an amazing debut EP and two subsequently BRILLIANT albums. She keeps going from strength to strength, and at just 22 years old is only just BEGINNING what's sure to be a MONSTER of a career ...
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KITTY O'NEIL. A true legend in cinema, even though most of us have NEVER actually seen her face, this little lady was one of the GREATEST stuntwomen and racers of all time, and a MASSIVE inspiration throughout her life as well. Despite going deaf due to illness during childhood, Kitty still went on to become a record-breaking racing driver and professional stunt performer, probably best known for having doubled Linda Cart in Wonder Woman and Lyndsey Wagner in The Bionic Woman. It's a genuine mystery why Hollywood hasn't made a biopic about her yet ...
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HOLGA KILGORE. Probably my ABSOLUTE favourite fictional female protagonist of 2023, the badass barbarian lady from Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves was a pure, unapologetic JOY, thanks in no small part to a wonderfully game turn from Michelle Rodriguez. Holga's just an absolute sweetheart, fully capable of decimating a whole room full of big, dangerous men with her bare hands without ever losing her gentle kindness, simple, honest innocence and unswerving loyalty. TRULY the MVP warrior tank any adventuring party wants in their corner ...
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SIOUXSIE SIOUX. Truly one of alternative rock's true, all time GOATs, the lead singer of one of goth's greatest and most important bands, Siouxsie & the Banshees, is a singular master of haunting, ethereal vocals and a genuine style ICON who lent her look and manner to a whole GENERATION of scary young women ...
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SABINE WREN & SHIN HATI. While my favourite Star Wars offering of 2023, the opening season of the Ahsoka series, was, all round, just SO GREAT for me, there was one particular element that just stuck with me above ANYTHING ELSE - the season-long rivalry between Ahsoka's troubled Mndalorian apprentice Sabine and Dark Jedi student Shin. They raged, continuously tried to kill each other and endlessly traded smouldering looks of hate that bordered on OBSESSION ... all while genuinely SIMMERING with barely restrained sexual tension. They made the whole fandom FERAL, myself includced. #wolfwren indeed ...
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BRODY DALLE. And last, but BY NO MEANS LEAST, a little more personal self-indulgience ith one of my greatest rock-fan super crushes, namely the awesome Aussie lead singer/guitarist of supercool punk bands the Distillers and Spinnerette. Still rocking her iconic status to this day, she remains a genuine inspiration ...
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 months
First line fic game
Tagged by: everyone and yet I'm still stupidly late to the party 😔
rules: don't reblog the first one, make a new post! look at the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any!
1. Medusa and The Blind Woman- She crashes in on an easterly wave. 
2. Teach Me - No thirty-nine-year old freshman should try to pull off a backpack. 
3. My Best Friend's Wedding - "Lexa! Sweetcheeks! It's Clarke. Obviously. Listen, um… I know it's been… oh, God, what? Two months? Three maybe? Something like that… But, I uh, I need you to call me. Actually call me. There's something I really need to talk to you about… And I miss you, of course. So much. I hope you're doing alright on your fancy book tour. Miss Big Shot… Alright, well. Call me. Day or night, I don’t care. I've got my ringer all the way up, so no excuses... 'Kay. I love you. Bye."
4. The Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To (Is when I'm alone with you) - "Pray for me, Clarke."
5. I'd Give Up Forever - “Dude, this is creepy.”
6. Sin From They Lips - "What is she doing here?"
7. With Pleasured Hands - “Don’t play with your food, darling.”
8. The Girl in the Corner - “I love your outfit,” Clarke said loudly, just enough to be heard over the music that blared throughout the large sorority house.
9. Serial Killer au (tbp) - "—has worry growing among residents as the body count continues to rise. Titus Monk of Polis, now identified as the latest victim in a string of killings that has rocked the community over the last six months, was found brutally murdered outside a rest area along I-95. Local authorities are urging any citizen with information—"
10. In Secret (hopefully to be posted tomorrow if the lord has any mercy left for me🤞) - The slanted light of the moon is barely enough to see the entrance of the small hut - a withered and unimposing thing set recessed into the side of a hilltop. A hang of willow leaves and gnarled pieces of windswept branches litter the dirt path leading up place, giving the little structure an air of being forgotten by time; abandoned to only the whisperings of its ghosts.
Idk who to tag because basically everyone's done it already 😅 but if you'd like to do it tag me!
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nocturnalchaos · 1 year
M’kay. So, for those who did not see it previously (as the post was a reblog and is kinda hidden on tumblr), below is the rough draft of the prologue that I am working/pondering on writing. And I am going to include my rough draft of the opening chapter I had in mind when I wrote this.
Author’s Note: This is written as a DamiRae fanfic which will explore what happens when Raven gets pregnant. I’m also contemplating if I should have the fanfic be a JayRae fanfic instead of a DamiRae (ie. Raven is pregnant with Jason Todd’s baby and there is no romantic relationship between Raven and Damian). When I first planned out this storyline I had DamiRae in mind. But a JayRae pregnancy is a storyline that is not really explored by a lot of fanfics (via what I can find on AO3 or Fanfiction.net). Also, I feel like I have a better handle on how I want to write Jason in this situation/fanfic. I don’t know… I will need to sleep on it.
John Constantine had never needed a cigarette so badly in his life.
And alcohol.
He needed a cigarette for the stress and enough alcohol to make him forget all of this shite.
He would have gotten that cigarette by now if he wasn’t afraid of a certain Nutter with a katana removing the hand holding the desired cigarette. The last one he tried to smoke near her had ruthlessly been bisected by a Batarang.
John looked down at the young, very pregnant, woman at his feet. Her panting could be heard over the chaos outside the pocket of calm readiness that enveloped the magic circle. The magic circle beneath their feet gave off a red glow. Giving everything an eerie vibe as they were partially lit from below. John prayed that this magic circle would do its job and provide enough protection from the shit show outside.
“Ahhhh! CONTRACTION!!” She shrieked as her hands clenched and stretched the fabric of her oversized shirt. Her face briefly turning demonic before reverting back to her usual appearance. Sweat dotted her face and dampened her hairline. Purple strands of hair clung to her sweat soaked face.
Bracelets of a matte black metal encircled the woman’s wrists. Hairline cracks had starting to appear in the metal when her first contraction had occurred. With each subsequent contraction the cracks had grown, and occasionally, gave off the odd black spark. Both the magic circle and metal bracelets encircle her wrists working together to protect everyone. Especially the bracelets, they will hopefully prevent her from leveling… everything.
Through gritted teeth she spoke.
“John!” Determination filling her usually emotionlessness voice.
“What!” He snapped the word at her as he stood next to her supine body. On the opposite side of her body, the Nutter stood guarding her with a katana in each hand. The Nutter shot John a glare before going back to his vigilant readiness.
“You’re going to have to deliver the baby!”
Chapter 1 (wip)
*10 months earlier*
Raven smiled softly as she looked at Damian from her reclined position on the king size bed. Afternoon sunlight from the nearby window illuminated her slightly disheveled purple hair as she head rested on a pillow. Titus’s big black blocky head rested on her flat stomach beneath her gentle hand. Eyes closed in contentment, the Great Dane’s big body sprawled on the bed next to his mistress. The dog’s stillness indicated that Titus was awake to Raven.
Titus tended to be a restless sleeper. He would shuffle, scoot, twitch, and curl during his sleeping hours. This habit of Titus’s bugged Damian when he allowed the dog to sleep on their bed at night. As the dog’s restless sleeping habits would wake Damian in the middle of the night. Because of his early upbringing with the League of Assassins, Damian was a light sleeper and always would be.
It had become part of her morning routine to make Damian a strong cup of coffee after nights when Titus was allowed to sleep in their bed. Yes, their bed.
When Damian had turned 18 and had been her boyfriend for 2 years, Damian and Raven had decided that they wanted to live together in shared a room in Titans tower as they were both still an active part of the Titans team.
Titus let out a deep sigh bringing Raven back to the present. Sounds of rustling and a deep male grumble came from Raven’s right.
Nearby, a 19 year old Damian Wayne, sat in a wooden chair. Long legs spread wide to support the lap desk holding his sketchbook in his lap. He sat hunched over the thick pad of paper. His fingers were covered in the sooty black charcoal.
Please let me know what you think in the comments or reblog. I am really curious to see what you have to say about how this story should turn out or explore.
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When we last left off, we managed to retrieve our gun. We have twenty minutes in which to lose Kim or we'll miss our last chance to ask Klaasje about Sunday night, but still...
🎵 Disco Elysium, Pt 2
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THE PIGS - The woman stands, slumped. She looks catatonic under her mountain of RCM paraphernalia.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Easy: Success] - Is one of those things a... police cap?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Easy: Success] - There were narcotics in there too. You're thinking of taking them? Do!
Shake her shoulder.
Pick up the RCM cap.
Confiscate the narcotics. (Wink!)
Leave her be. [Leave.]
THE PIGS - The old woman doesn't react to your touch.
2. Pick up the RCM cap.
THE PIGS - She doesn't even flinch as you reach out and disentangle the familiar-looking lieutenant's cap from her mountain of RCM paraphernalia.
Item gained: RCM Lieutenant's Cap
KIM KITSURAGI - "Oh. Is that yours?"
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - It's hard to say. It's been so long since you wore yours.
"I think so."
"Maybe. Probably. You know me."
"Mine? No. It's ours, the RCM's."
KIM KITSURAGI - "It's your hat." The lieutenant nods.
2. Confiscate the narcotics. (Wink!)
THE PIGS - You take the phial of pyrholidon and the bottle of speed. As evidence, obviously.
Item gained: Pyrholidon
Item gained: Speed
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - She didn't consume them. She didn't look high. She 'confiscated' them, a little like you are doing now.
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant coughs. "You're taking those, are you?"
VOLITION [Trivial: Success] - Listen to him. For once.
"Fine, you take them then."
"I'm *confiscating* these. As evidence."
"I need to do this case. I need everything I can get."
Say nothing.
We don't need these at this point.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Thank you." He pockets the drugs. "I'm doing this to help you. We need to focus on the case."
+1 Reputation
Item lost: Pyrholidon
Item lost: Speed
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - He's grateful you did this.
2. Leave her be. [Leave.]
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+1 Authority: Member of an organization
The cap is sturdy and comfortable, and seems to retain its form very well. It fits you perfectly. The inside of it smells... like cheap tobacco and typewriter ink. It feels familiar somehow. Perhaps it, too, is yours? Though how *the pigs* got it is a mystery.
Before we do anything else...
🎵 Whirling in Rags, 8 PM
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TITUS HARDIE - "It's you again..." He acknowledges you gruffly. "What is it?"
"There's an old catatonic lady in the old fish market, on the other side of the bay. She needs help."
TITUS HARDIE - The big man laughs, nearly spitting out his beer. "What's that, copper? You want us to help little old ladies now?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "You're *local law enforcement* aren't you?" The lieutenant looks Titus in the eye. "Helping troubled civilians should fall under your jurisdiction."
TITUS HARDIE - "Yeah, yeah. We'll send someone out. Who is -- wait... It's *The Pigs*, isn't it?"
"Yup. Her."
TITUS HARDIE - He pushes up his cap. "God, poor lady. Don't worry. We'll handle this. I think she's got some family in Couron or something... Bastards left her alone when she got sick, we've been getting complaints."
EUGENE - "Hey," Eugene interjects. "Wasn't Evrart's B Team looking for her the other day? They said something about her... I dunno, finding something?"
TITUS HARDIE - "Yeah, I think you're right, Gene." Titus gives him a beer salute and turns to you. "She have something of yours, pig?"
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - Whatever you do, do not admit to these punks you lost your gun. You will suffer if you do.
"She had my gun."
"Nope! She didn't have anything of mine."
TITUS HARDIE - "No? Well, whatever then, copper." Titus chugs his beer down and wipes his mouth.
EUGENE - "No, they totally said what it was... What was it..." He's still thinking it over in the corner. "Anyone remember?"
ALAIN - The tattooed man scratches his head with his knuckles. "I don't remember, I was fuckin' drunk."
TITUS HARDIE - "Let me know if you figure it out back there," the big man says, turning to you. "Now, anything else we can help you with?"
Task complete: Hardie and the Pigs
+10 XP
"What's her name? Her real name."
"Who was she?"
"How did she get like this?"
"Where'd she get all her cop gear?"
"Thanks for helping out with this one, Titus." [Leave.]
TITUS HARDIE - He takes off his cap and scratches his head. "Auntie LePlante, we always called her. Something LePlante?"
ALAIN - "Marianne, *amigo*," he says pouring himself another drink.
"Marianne Amigo LePlante."
"Marianne LePlante."
TITUS HARDIE - The big guy nods, drinking his toast. "Anything else you wanted to know?"
2. "Who was she?"
TITUS HARDIE - "Was? Like before? Just an old lady. Her kids moved away years ago. Never come to visit, never took her calls. She gets... out every now and then." He swirls his beer. "She did right by lots of us when we were kids. Always was a little off, but still."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - Us kids? That must have been ages ago. She was better then.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - The children kept her together.
3. "How did she get like this?"
TITUS HARDIE - "Get wanting to be a cop, you mean? Well, she..." He furrows his brow in thought. "Shit, I don't actually know. Anyone know why she started acting like a pig?"
ALAIN - "No fuckin' clue," the tattooed man shouts. "It's gotta be the crazy. Who'd *want* to be a pig?"
"Someone who wanted to set the world right before it ends. Ever think of that?"
"More like who *wouldn't*! Cool uniforms, fast machines, packing heat? Sign me up!"
"Law enforcement is a respectable occupation, sir."
"I can't but feel partially responsible for the unhealthy culture that poor woman latched onto. I'm sorry."
+1 Sorry Cop
ALAIN - The tattooed Mesque sinks into his seat, unsure how to respond. "Yeah... you should be."
TITUS HARDIE - The big man shrugs. "Whatever, cop. Don't worry about it. We'll take care of our own."
4. "Where'd she get all her cop gear?"
TITUS HARDIE - "Dunno," Titus says, shrugging. "She lives by the water. Shit washes up all the time on the beach."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Police paraphernalia doesn't just wash up on the coast, people. It's not like we dump it at night. She bought it, collected it."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] - Station 41. A man carries a crate of rusted, unused badges. "You think these would net us something at the annual auction?" A balding detective drags a comb futilely across his head. "Shit, who'd want those? Just dump them into the river."
5. "Thanks for helping out with this one, Titus." [Leave.]
TITUS HARDIE - "No problemo, cop-man. We take care of our mentally ill here in Martinaise. Ain't that right, boys?"
EUGENE - "Sure enough!" Eugene raises his glass in toast. "We're the *real* heroes on these streets!"
2. "I'm going to take off now." [Leave.]
Thankfully, that conversation only took us until 21:51, giving us just enough time to catch Klaasje. So, we'll go say goodnight to Kim.
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SHACK DOOR - "It's getting late and it's raining. Time to call it a day."
"Good night, Kim." (Send him away for the night.)
KIM KITSURAGI - "Good night, officer. We'll meet in front of the shack in the morning."
Enter the shack.
Kim will head off to his room in the Whirling, so now we can participate in some *extra-curricular* activities.
🎵 Miss Oranje Disco Dancer
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KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - “It’s always good to see you.” She cracks a weary smile, leaning back against the railing.
EMPATHY [Trivial: Success] - Something in her demeanour has changed. She's tired, consigned to her fate -- to being here with you and what's to come.
6. "Now that Kim isn't here -- let's talk about Sunday night."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Ah yes." She pours herself some more coffee. "The night before I saw you in the hallway -- and reminded you you're a police officer."
"It's one of the first things I remember doing in Elysium."
"Before you was only the room -- the sound of the motor vehicle. Steam in the bathroom. And darkness."
"Did you... hear something? Sunday night -- from my room?" (Move on.)
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Wow," she nods. "Elysium. You don't hear that term often."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - She's a glib girl, but she liked the wording.
"Did you... hear something? Sunday night -- from my room?" (Move on.)
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "There was the usual ruckus," she nods. "Loud disco music."
"Did I have any visitors?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I can't say -- probably not. Sounded like you were flying solo."
"You mentioned loud disco music?"
"Yeah, that's all I need to hear of this."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Oh yes, various artists. Ostentatious Orchestrations prime among them." She arches her eyebrow, waiting for it to connect with you.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - Oh, *that*. Yeah, whooh... the less said about OO, the better.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "OO were *huge* where I come from. I was very young then, of course. Like seven. 'Life gets haaard!'" she says, half-singing. "'But we go ooooooon!'"
"Yeah, we go on alright."
"It mostly just gets hard, doesn't it?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "It would appear so. At around two o'clock the disco stopped and there was a change of pace."
"What happened?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "A slow, sad song started playing. Like organ music, on repeat. That went on for quite a while. Some of that time you were yelling along to it."
"What was I singing?"
"Was I singing this?" (Show her the tape of "The Smallest Church In Saint-Saëns".)
"I've heard enough."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Yes! There was a church in there. A really small church. Like the smallest, saddest church in the whole world. It was about that. And also..."
"What else?"
"I've heard enough."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "That it doesn't *matter* anymore. And that we are *alone* now. It was difficult to tell, the song itself was very quiet and soft, but you sounded like a wounded boar, sir. It was hard to understand what you were singing on top of it."
"I'm sorry."
"When you say *wounded* do you mean that in a *cool* way? Like a *wild beast*?"
"Then what happened?"
"I've heard enough."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Yes. It was very cool."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - It's impossible to say whether she's being sarcastic or really means it.
"Then what happened?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Then you started screaming and trashed the place."
"Are you sure I wasn't being assaulted?"
"That's so *me*. What did I do?"
"You're making this up. I would never behave like that."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "No, it didn't sound like there was a fight. It sounded like someone was trashing their room." She takes a sip of her coffee and smiles.
"A window was smashed. The tape player probably -- the song stopped -- and furniture too. A real *destructothon*. There was screaming. Then, I think, you passed out."
"Was there anything else?"
"Please tell me there wasn't anything *else*."
"It prides me to hear this. Tell me there was more."
"I've heard enough."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "There was. I think you screamed that you... didn't want to be this type of animal anymore. I may have misheard, but it was sort of memorable."
"I went out afterwards, everything was quiet by then. Around four or five." She nods. "And that was it."
"Thank you."
Say nothing.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "No problem, sir." She feeds herself another cigarette.
Task complete: Ask Klaasje about Sunday night
+10 XP
Let's not press Klaasje on the case without Kim here.
6. "Let's return to this later, miss." [Leave.]
We have one more thing to do tonight.
🎵 Disco Elysium, Pt 2
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LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER - "Aye, the sea's gonna calm down soon. I can feel it. The wind is turning southeast." She nods. "What's on your mind, officer?"
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4. [Suggestion - Heroic 15] She needs to go on a date with *another* drunk. Badly.
+2 Dresscode: Man of charms.
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SUGGESTION [Heroic: Success] - You think she really needs more of that after her man died at sea?
But *what* do I do then?
SUGGESTION - What if I told you... it is actually possible to go on a date sober?
I'm listening.
Get out of here with your crazy fringe theories!
What you're suggesting is highly experimental. Possibly dangerous.
SUGGESTION - *Before* recorded history, men and women were able to do simple, very primitive things together sober. Acknowledge the situation -- and keep it basic.
"I'm a drunk -- don't know if you've noticed -- so I usually ask people to drink with me."
LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER - "I have and I don't really..." She hesitates.
"*This* time, though..." (Imitate drum roll.) I thought I'd ask you for a *walk*."
"Lilienne, walk with me."
LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER - "Just a walk?!" She feigns extreme surprise. "I don't know, officer -- I would not have taken you for an innocent perambulator."
"I am! That's why you should definitely agree."
"Is that a 'yes', ma'am? Is the walk happening?"
"Please, *please* come to a sober walk with me."
LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER - She's thinking, eyes mapping your rugged features. "Where would this... walk take us, officer?"
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - Nothing creepy, *strange*, or out there. Keep it airy and simple.
"There's a nice view on the beach I found." (Point northwest.) "Land's End."
LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER - "Alright, I will walk with you." She raises her finger. "But you need to understand that *nothing* is going to happen. We're just walking."
"Just a good old fashion walk. I like it."
"Something could happen..."
"I understand *nothing*."
LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER - "Me too," she replies with sudden sincerity. "It's been ages since I just had normal conversation with one of you guys."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - She means men.
LILIENNE, THE NET PICKER - "Alright. I'll go put the kids to bed and we'll meet at Land's End in... fifteen minutes."
She doesn't wait for an answer. You better get ready.
New task: Meet Lilienne at Land's End
We'll do that tomorrow.
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opha · 1 month
warning: fallout prime (derogatory) spoilers
i'm giving the fallout show a fair shot (pirated, of course; even if it was the best fallout media in existence i would refuse to give amazon anything for it). everything that isn't the plot is fine. funny, even, at times. first episode, as much as i hated having to see the BoS so soon, was pretty solid. i laughed out loud more than once at the "representation" knight titus brought to the BoS and it's exactly what they deserve.
the plot itself has very low internal logic from episode 2 on that isn't about the lore at first so much as basic inconsistencies (like "how strong is the power armor's punch", "is the ghoul supposed to be superhuman", etc) with way too many contrivances to carry the story forward. everyone is exactly where they need to be at just the right time, and sometimes they don't even bother to justify it.
then from episode 5 on, when they start to establish their original part of the fallout canon, pretty much every plot reveal makes no goddamn sense and it lapses into "we don't need to explain why this non-ghoul woman has been alive for more than 200 years" level plot craters. sometimes it feels like they're writing like the bombs dropped 20-40 years ago rather than 200. shady sands has a fucking vault under it. you know, the settlement that didn't exist pre-war and was created with vault 15's GECK? yeah. not even gonna get into the whole profit motive for the great war making no fucking sense because vault-tec knew roughly how many people were going to be left in the US after nuclear war, which could be intentional, but it still leaves a sour taste in my mouth that they came right out and said who started it at all. it was left vague in classic fallout on purpose.
before ep 5 i thought it could end up marginally better than fallout 3/4/76, at least. the only relief i have now is that i haven't had to deal with the bethesda-esque dumbing down of super mutants so far. please tell me there aren't super mutants.
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eretzyisrael · 10 months
Tisha B'Av - The Ninth of Av
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What Happened on the Ninth of Av?
On Tisha B'Av, five national calamities occurred:
During the time of Moses, Jews in the desert accepted the slanderous report of the 10 Spies, and the decree was issued forbidding them from entering the Land of Israel. (1312 BCE)
The First Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians, led by Nebuchadnezzar. 100,000 Jews were slaughtered and millions more exiled. (586 BCE)
The Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans, led by Titus. Some two million Jews died, and another one million were exiled. (70 CE)
The Bar Kochba revolt was crushed by Roman Emperor Hadrian. The city of Betar – the Jews' last stand against the Romans – was captured and liquidated. Over 100,000 Jews were slaughtered. (135 CE)
The Temple area and its surroundings were plowed under by the Roman general Turnus Rufus. Jerusalem was rebuilt as a pagan city – renamed Aelia Capitolina – and access was forbidden to Jews.
Other grave misfortunes throughout Jewish history occurred on the Ninth of Av, including:
The Spanish Inquisition culminated with the expulsion of Jews from Spain on Tisha B'Av in 1492.
World War One broke out on the eve of Tisha B'Av in 1914 when Germany declared war on Russia. German resentment from the war set the stage for the Holocaust.
On the eve of Tisha B'Av 1942, the mass deportation began of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto, en route to Treblinka.
Aspects of Mourning: The Afternoon Before Tisha B'Av
During the afternoon prior to Tisha B'Av, it is customary to eat a full meal in preparation for the fast.
At the end of the afternoon, we eat the Seudah Hamaf-seket – a meal consisting only of bread, water, and a hard-boiled egg.
The egg has two symbols: The round shape reminds us of a sign of the cycle of life. Also, the egg is the only food which gets harder the more it is cooked – a symbol of the Jewish people's ability to withstand persecution.
Food eaten at the Seudah Hamaf-seket is dipped in ashes, symbolic of mourning. The meal should preferably be eaten alone, while seated on the ground in mourner's fashion.
When the afternoon prior to Tisha B'Av occurs on Shabbat, there is no Seudah Hamaf-seket with eggs and ashes. Rather, the regular Shabbat "third meal" is eaten, albeit without guests and fanfare.
Restrictions on Tisha B'Av
Upon sundown, the laws of Tisha B'Av commence – consisting of the following expressions of mourning:
1. No eating or drinking until nightfall the following evening.
Pregnant and nursing women are also required to fast. If one suspects it could be harmful to the baby or mother, a rabbi should be consulted.
A woman within 30 days after birth need not fast.
Others who are old, weak, or ill should consult with a rabbi. (MB 554:11)
Medicine may be taken on Tisha B'Av, preferably without water.
In case of great discomfort, the mouth may be rinsed with water. Great care should be taken not to swallow anything. (MB 567:11)
2. Other prohibitions include:
Any bathing or washing, except for removing specific dirt – e.g. gook in the eyes (OC 554:9, 11). (Upon rising in the morning, before prayers, or after using the bathroom, one washes only the fingers. See OC 554:10, OC 613:3, MB 554:26)
Anointing oneself for pleasure. (Deodorant is permitted.)
Having marital relations.
Wearing leather shoes. (Leather belts may be worn.)(see: Laws of Shoes and Chairs)
Learning Torah, since this is a joyful activity. It is permitted to learn texts relevant to Tisha B'Av and mourning – e.g. the Book of Lamentations, Book of Job, parts of Tractate Moed Katan, Gittin 56-58, Sanhedrin 104, Yerushalmi end of Ta'anis, and the Laws of Mourning. In-depth study should be avoided. (MB 554:4)
3. Other mourning practices include:
Sitting no higher than a foot off the ground. After midday, one may sit on a chair. (OC 559:3)(see: Laws of Shoes and Chairs)
Not engaging in business or other distracting labors, unless it will result in a substantial loss. (OC 554:23)
Refraining from greeting others or offering gifts. (OC 554:20)
Avoiding idle chatter or leisure activities.
4. Following Tisha B'Av, all normal activities may be resumed, except for the following which are delayed until midday of the 10th of Av, because the burning of the Temple continued through the 10th of Av:
Haircuts and washing clothes. (When Tisha B'Av falls out on Thursday, these are permitted immediately following Tisha B'Av, in honor of the coming Shabbat.)
Bathing. (When Tisha B'Av falls out on Thursday, bathing is permitted on Friday morning.)
Eating meat and wine.
Music and swimming.
Prayer on Tisha B'Av
Lights in the synagogue are dimmed, candles are lit, and the curtain is removed from the Ark. The cantor leads the prayers in a low, mournful voice. This reminds us of the Divine Presence which departed from the Holy Temple.
The Book of Eicha (Lamentations), Jeremiah's poetic lament over the destruction of Jerusalem and the First Temple, is read both at night and during the day.
Following both the night and day service, special "Kinot" (elegies) are recited.
In the morning, the Torah portion of Deuteronomy 4:25-40 is read, containing the prophecy regarding Israel's future iniquity and exile. This is followed by the Haftorah from Jeremiah (8:13, 9:1-23) describing the desolation of Zion.
In the afternoon, Exodus 32:11-14 is read. This is followed by the Haftorah from Isaiah 55-56.
Since Tallis and Tefillin represent glory and decoration, they are not worn at Shacharit. Rather, they are worn at Mincha, as certain mourning restrictions are lifted.
Birkat Kohanim is said only at Mincha, not at Shacharit.
Prayers for comforting Zion and "Aneinu" are inserted into the Amidah prayer at Mincha.
Shortly after the fast is broken, it is customary to say Kiddush Lavana.
When Tisha B'Av Falls on Shabbat
For a full treatment of this topic, see: When Tisha B'Av falls on Shabbat or Sunday.Here is a brief overview of the special conditions that apply:
The fast is pushed off until Saturday night/Sunday.
All other prohibitions of Tisha B'Av (washing, learning Torah, leather shoes, etc.) are permitted on Shabbat itself, except for marital relations. (Of course, regular Shabbat restrictions apply, such as anointing with cream and showering.)
Seudah Shlishit has none of the restrictions of Seudah Hamaf-seket, and may include meat and wine. However, the mood should be somber, should not include invited guests, and eating must stop before sundown.
Ma'ariv on Saturday night is delayed, so that everyone can say "Boruch Hamavdil bein kodesh li'chol," then remove their leather shoes and come to synagogue.
Havdallah on Saturday night is recited only over a candle, without wine or spices. On Sunday night, Havdallah is then said over wine.
Regarding the various prohibitions, some are lifted immediately upon completion of the fast (e.g. bathing, laundry and haircuts), while others remain prohibited until the following morning (meat, wine and music).
with thanks to Rabbi Moshe Lazerus
Source: aish.com
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felassan · 2 years
assorted thoughts on DA: Absolution -
IMDB from a month ago was right
it looks good, I'm excited
stacked voice cast
diverse voice cast & characters
Cassandra my beloved
I hope there will be a Season 2
Qwydion 🥺 Vashoth?
the fact that it's been built in close collaboration with BioWare’s creative team (including head writers and lead creative directors), and that it was a big passion project for the show creator, who spent weeks immersed in DA lore to prepare and said they want to make something fans could be proud of.. 👌
"PS: if you’ve read this far, see you on Dragon Age Day. Or maybe sooner" hellooo what does THIS mean 👁️ you have the attention of each one of my many Pride demon eyeballs. another Absolution trailer, episode one or something of Absolution dropping early as a preview, or something like Absolution character profiles or behind-the-scenes/making of reels on or before DA Day? or something for DA:D?
Lords of Fortune once again prominent, again I'm guessing they have a role to play in DA:D
Evariste Lemarque is the latest minor character to ascend in DA's time-honored tradition of Ascended Extras. he was a neat side NPC, I'm looking forwards to seeing his expanded backstory/characterization etc, I love it when DA side characters get some spotlight & fleshing out tbh. he makes sense as a group leader given his history leading the Watcher's Reach refugees. given his appearance in the scene with Cass and Leli and the fact that he can be recruited in DAI as an Inquisition Agent, I guess he is the group's Inquisition contact and that the group are being sent on this quest on behalf of/at the behest of the Inquisition (or Inquisition remnants timeperiod depending). it reminds me a bit of Bull's Charger's, Sutherland's Company, Vaea and co, and the adventuring group questing on behalf of the Inquisition in Genetivi Dies in the End. like a show about an Inquisition War Table mission :) very cool!! the world feels more alive and dynamic when we have the sense that lots of things are happening in the background off-screen around the games
3 fighters, 2 mages and Miriam/a thief, sounds like the classic DA and RPG party with a team leader setup.
the Cass and Leli scene reads like the Inquisition briefing our group on their assigned quest
Miriam's childhood looks like what Fenris' must have been like :( I wonder if the other child in the flashback is her sibling. I wonder if something happened to the other child at the hands of the woman who enslaved Miriam or because of Rezaren, contributing to Miriam's trauma :(
I am once again wondering if, given the heist and thieves plotline, some ideas and aspects from Joplin (with its "spies and heists, secret heroes nobody knows about" vision) were rolled into Absolution. I am also once again thinking about the Magrallen. so our latest macguffin is an extremely dangerous likely Tevinter magical artifact fuelled by blood magic, while the Magrallen was a Tevinter magical device also powered by blood magic which dates back to ancient times, the time of the Dreamers. Titus was using the Magrallen to augment his power, with the intent of restoring Tevinter's greatness using his augmented Dreamer powers to do mind control and brainwashing. he talked about how the ancient Dreamers commanded the fade, "mages sculpting dreams. Dreams sculpting reality". Rezaren also seems to want to build some kind of new, better, grand future for Tevinter regardless of the cost, albeit one that's more righteous and better for everyone involved not just those in power (and the question posed then is: is it ok to fix Tevinter, and create a better future for everyone in it from all parts of the society, if the cost of that is mindcontrolling everyone or whatever else? reminds me a bit of the questions posed by the Control and Synthesis endings in ME). maybe the Circulum Infinitus is a small, mobile/portable version of the Magrallen? it presumably does something similar or adjacent at least. blood magic (and Rezaren appears to be a blood mage) already allows for mind control. With a portable macguffin that boosts blood magic powers, a blood mage could probably mind control many, many people, maybe even a nation or the whole magocracy (all those in power in Tevinter)
the hooded figure with many eyes is tied to the Pride Demon I'm sure
seen a few folks wonder if the horned silhouette is Iron Bull, I don't think this is the case, I think it's the dragon skull/dead dragon from 0:12 in the Absolution teaser trailer
maybe Rezaren and possibly also Tassia are the children of the woman who enslaved Miriam before? Rezaren and the woman's hairstyles and clothes look kind of similar, and that could explain why he's (if it's him) the man at the heart of Miriam's misery. and isn't the flaming sword symbol on Tassia's hammer a version of the Templar symbol? the Imperial Templar Order falls under the authority of the Magisters and the Tevinter Circle of Magi. so for Tassia, as she's dutiful and hardworking, as a dutiful Imperial Templar that could be why she's aiding Rezaren, and her character's personal conflict will be about how much she's willing to stand by and let happen for 'the good of Tevinter', and where exactly she draws the line. if they're siblings, she'd be a non-magic scion of a noble magic house (if Rezaren being born into privilege is anything to go by), and therefore perhaps feel duty-bound to contribute towards the greatness of her house and country in her own, non-magical way, in lieu of being a mage herself.
it threw me for a loop a bit that Matt Mercer isn't voicing the character that looks like Matt Mercer hh
with the way Rezaren sees himself, and the prideful notion he has that he should be the one to build a better Tevinter.. he sounds like precisely the kind of person who would be susceptible to a Pride demon. haha we in danger
what could Hira's secret be? maybe she is a blood mage, that learned the power in order to help her crusade? with her crusade against Tevinter, I wonder if she has crossed paths with Dorian, Mae and the Lucerni
the most powerful man in Tevinter: the Archon? the Black Divine? Rezaren? I wonder if our group are stealing the Circulum from Rezaren or if both they and Rezaren are opposing forces both trying to steal it at the same time from the most powerful man in Tevinter.
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Okay it was in my tags before but now I think about it more Rebel Moon could actually have been a really great first season of a TV Show?? So please consider, with all the spoilers: Rebel Moon Mini Series season one, A Child of Fire:
Episode 1 - We are introduced to Kora, a mysterious woman who recently arrived in a small farming community on Veldt. We are given exposition on the community, learn of her tentative bonds with the community, with the village father, with Ven the hunter, with Gunnar, and there are always hints of something off about her, but it is not spelled out just yet. Then the Dreadnought arrives, and she is like 'well fuck I am out of here' but the village father convinces her that they will make this work, and that she should stay - stay low, but stay - and she does, because she likes these people. Of course things go tits up IMMEDIATELY and now she's killed a whole platoon of soldiers, the village father is dead, and in 10 weeks, the Empire will return, take all their food and probably slaughter everyone. Kora wants to leave, but Gunnar begs and pleads with her that he has contacts within the resistance, and can find them help, but can't get there alone and needs her help and once that's done she can leave and will never have to look back. So she does, because that guy is so innocent and he wouldn't survive half a day out there on his own. They set out together. We also get the Sam and Jimmy scene in this episode, and Jimmy's exposition about the assassination of the royal family.
Episode 2 - This episode opens with the resistance of the Bloodaxe twins (were they twins, I honesty don't remember) taking out some empire freighters or whatever, some way to get food for their people and also weapons. It's a victory, it's a cool space scene, where the tactical skill of the twins is highlighted. There are no losses, it's a clean victory, and it has Noble in FITS. This is where we are first introduced to the twins. Cut to Kora and Gunnar who reach Providence, and it's like a cheesy western movie. On the way there, we had just a brief conversation about Kora's past - she was a soldier, had quite a high rank - nothing specific yet. We are introduced to the bounty hunters and their prisoner (Gunnar's contact) as a 'remeber this, it'll be important later' kind of drop, we don't see Kai exchange money with them, but see them buy him a drink or something, or vice versa, just a 'harmless' interaction. Saloon fight breaks out, Kai gets involved, they make their escape in his ship, he offers to take them off world. With Gunnar's contact to the twins lost, it is revealed he actually doesn't know them at all, so they go with their second best choice, the disgraced General Titus. Kai has to make a few stops along the way, for business - nothing about picking up people on the way, just 'business' - it's implied he's a smuggler and picking up contraband, but Gunnar and Kora don't care bout his activities because they are like 'if he does illegal shit he'll likely not want to get caught, and we don't want to be caught either'. Meanwhile, we also have a look back at the village, where Jimmy is undergoing some kind of awakening after the scene with Sam. Also there, that young soldier kid who was the only decent one is becoming a bit of a figure - he helps prepare the town for the inevitable horror that is to come, he teaches them to defend themselves (just because you can't wield a sword laser gun, doesn't mean they won't make you die by it, might as well put up a fight). Sam is the first to come to him about this, because she never wants to feel so helpless and scared again. And if yall wanna be horny, sure, we can include some tentacle porn with Noble, cause why make the show any less horny than the movie was? Its while he learns of the attack by the Bloodaxe twins or something.
Episode 3 - Starts off somewhere else entirely, and we get the backstory of Tarrak I can't speak to because we don't goddamn know it! He's a prince of somewhere? Guess his people were subjugated by the Empire, his family killed, he was sold into slavery, something like that, and ends up chained to that forge place. We see some scenes of his life there, and the arrival of the griffin (Bennu?). Basically the plot of Spirit, we see these two secretly connect, whenever he can get close enough. It's a very quiet episode, not much speaking, just gentle bonding between man and animal, because he's the only one who treats Bennu like a being with feelings and not some wild beast. Enter Kora and the boys. Kai is having dealings with the guy whose name I forgot, but Kora notices Tarrak and asks why he's chained up. They are about to leave when she gets into betting with the guy about Tarrak's freedom, but we already know Tarrak and Bennu have bonded. Still, it is tense, because there's a difference between giving pets in quiet moments, and actually riding a giant winged creature with a beak and claws like swords. But of course he does it, because he's awesome. They are about to leave when Bennu breaks free, kills the guy and catches up with them because she is bonded to Tarrak now (logistic wise, I know she probably can't go on the ship but I just want them together, the shirtless man needs his flying horse bird! And also you got a goddamn GRIFFIN and don't use her for the rest of the movie?? WHY?!!!). Meanwhile, Noble is investigating the twins, and has footage of them making trade with Gunnar, so he's like 'this fucking guy?! Lied to my face?!' and he checks in on Veldt and learns that his men on the ground there were all killed. No one he saw in that barn could do that, but he remembers seeing Kora and he's like 'wait where have I seen her before?' and he goes through records, and lo and behold, he finds her file in the most wanted database and we see her real name (including something that identifies her as Balisarius' ward) and we're like '??? What does it mean?!'
Episode 4 - Again, we start with some backstory on a new character, a nameless woman who's children are killed - by the empire? We dont knwo because the fuckn movie didn't tell us shit about her other than that she lost a kid??? Then we cut to the ship, and some lighthearted banter between the current crew, Kora, Gunnar, Kai, and Tarrak, and Bennu tearing up the cargo bay and being adorable. Gotta establish some friendships! Tarrak and Kora teasing Gunnar about being too sweet, Kai and Gunnar swapping recipes, Kai and Kora being slightly flirty, Tarrack singing songs from his homeworld to Bennu and the others listening in while they work, that sort of stuff. They make a stop on another world for businesss Kai has to do, but find the city is in disarray, talk of a monster. The group goes to investigate, and learn a child has been taken. Kora - flashing back to another child dying on her watch - can't look away, and goes to find out more, against the advice of the others. They arrive just in time as Nemesis goes to confront the creature. Hers is a name only whispered in fear and reverence, the greatest assassin of the known universe, that sort of stuff, and we see her in action - but she isn't violent, she talks with the monster, tries to sympathize with it, as she, too, has lost children, and knows revenge and justice are often only separated by a thin and blurry line. Still, it comes to combat, and Gunnar swoops in to save the child while Nemesis fights and Kora runs distraction. The creature is killed, but it is not celebrated. Nemesis is heartbroken over it, because she understands this creature - because she WAS this creature, in the time when she was fuelled by her greatest rage and grief. When she learns that the party is looking for help to protect a town full of innocent people (including children) from the empire's indiscriminate slaughter, she wordlessly joins them as they leave. She's just there now, making herself comfortable without a fuss. Meanwhile, Noble finds out from his prisoner where the Bloodaxe twins were hiding last and he's like 'guess we're paying a visit to King Levitica'. We see the bountyhunters he dealt with leave, and they go through their newest contracts and we see there is a message from *gasp* Kai.
Episode 5 - Starts with Veldt, and we see what the hell is going on with Jimmy right now. He's experienceing nature. He's going on a full on druidic pilgrimage. He builds idols to the Princess out of leafs and twigs and we see flashbacks in his meditations, of the Princess bringing the bird back to life. And we hear the King say that iconic line about her bringing a kinder future for the universe, and him entrusting her safety to the one spoken to and we think it's Jimmy but then it's revealed to be Kora! And we see Kora being like this big sister figure to the Princess and then a harsh cut to Kora standing in shock over the dead bodies of the royal family, with blood on her hands and like did SHE do it or?! and then she wakes up back on the ship to the crew bickering while Nemesis is somewhere in the vents, eating an apple and watching them like it's reality TV and the most entertaining thing she's seen in half a century or however old she is cause honestly, she's probably a cyborg? we arrive on Pollux and go to the arena to speak with Titus and he's asleep/drunk in a ditch and has no interest in going with them because he is disillusioned and disgraced and all that, so how do we get him back on his feet? we appeal to his honour and his glory and somehow we end up in the arena fighting him and showing of his skills, and he has a particular grudge against Kora and they beat each other bloody and he accuses her of killing the Princess and she's like 'If I had done that I would have killed myself, if you think I could have done that then kill me right now!' and it's honestly emotional and they bond over both having believed in the future she would have meant for the universe and being betrayed by what the believed in, what they fought and killed for. And once they got it out of their system, Titus agrees to join them to protect Veldt. Back on the ship, Gunnar is like 'what the hell??' and THIS is when Kora reveals to him, and only to him, who she really is, but then we cut to Kai who's been listening in because it's his ship and there's no privacy, but also Nemesis was in the vents listening in on HIM listening in on them so she is like what is that guy up to?
Episode 6: The group meets with the Bloodaxe twins and their army. Negotiation begins and they're like 'we got our own food supply line now (as established in an earlier episode), we don't need your grain, why should we help you?' But Gunnar is convincing, and then Kora and Titus chime in and Darrian is like 'shit these guys are exactly what we were not so long ago, just little people tired of being target practice for the Empire, if we don't support them then what even is our cause??' So yeah, just as in the movie, he and his volunteers join them and now we got him and a bunch of resistance fighters with their ships ready to go. He joins our crew, his sister takes the remainder of their army and leaves to find a new hideout because they are certain it's just a matter of time before they're found by someone who has less than good intentions. As if on cue, we see Noble standing over King Levitica, surrounded by his dead people, but he's not even interested in finding them anymore, he's just like 'you were hiding them from our benevolent regent, and for that you gotta die' and beats him to death with his big stick. Back on the ship, the crew sits down for a shared meal, swapping battle stories, comparing scars, bonding (think, the cheese heist lasagna dinner on the Rocinante in season 2 of the Expanse). It's genuinely lighthearted, people are optimistic, they are a strong team, Veldt will be fine! Throughout the entire episode, we see Nemesis trying to get a moment with Kora, but somehow Kai is ALWAYS there. Kai explains he has to make one more business stop before returning to Veldt. As in the movie, they are unloading some cargo in the rain, but something seems off. Nemesis also moves to Kora, slips her a message that just says 'he knows', and she looks up at Kai, she sees him with the bounty hunters, meets his eye and his 'nothing personal' and the trap springs, too late for them to react. Several of Darrian's soldiers are killed immediately, Kora, Nemesis, Tarrak, Titus and Darrian are all shackled and disabled. Kai reveals that originally he had no intention of selling them out but then they kept collecting high profile outlaws and he thought 'actually might as well??' but then came the cherry on top when he realized who Kora really was and how could he NOT? A man's gotta survive, right? The whole spiel about 'I was just like you but there is no justice in the universe and you should have learned that by now'. He offers Gunnar to join him, promises it'll work out better for him. Gunnar refuses, cause he's honorable that way, and Kai calls him naive. From then it plays out pretty much like in the movie: Darrian dies taking down the Dreadnought, Kora has her big fight with Noble, Gunnar kills Kai for betraying them and almost getting Kora killed, the crew fights as a team because they have forged bonds while travelling together. Bennu also comes out and Tarrak is now a mounted combatant, picking off soldiers like fish in a barrel. When the dust settles, the nameless resistance soldier that is now apparently on the team is mourning their fallen comrades and Darrian (this is their origin story?), and Nemesis, Titus and Tarrak comfort them, telling them their sacrifice means nothing if they stop the fight now. They take the ship, tossing Kai's body overboard with the obligatory 'knew that guy was shady from the start!' and they return to Veldt. Jimmy sees them return, the village has started to fortify, and they approach through the fields on their horse-aliens - except Tarrak, who rides Bennu. The final scene is the imperials retrieving Nobles body and hooking him up to that whatever machine, but we don't see him interact with Balisarius at all, we just see him pop back to life and his first new gasp of breath cuts away to the end credits.
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rivertalesien · 2 years
I need something new about Lexa. I need someone to talk about her. What's something we never talked about? Something we could have seen? Anything please give me anything.
I never really saw people talk much about the consequences of having the Flame.
Lexa was a cyborg with access to several people's lifetimes of experience and knowledge, including Becca's. There is no way she was ignorant of her people's history or the history of the world prior to Alie. She would have known about Alie, even possible she knew that she still existed. She should have known about the Ark, about anything Becca knew. Including (though this wasn't thought up till later seasons) the anomaly stone and wherever Becca went when she traveled through it. It's possible she or a previous Commander had the stone hidden away.
It's messy because the so-called "Dark Commander" would have known about it as well and would likely have used it. So another possibility is it was hidden by someone not connected to the Flame, maybe by Cassie.
JR wanted to make this epic scifi series but didn't even know how to use the material he already had.
Making Lexa seem ignorant about things like how leadership worked on the Ark (thinking they would have had a conclave-like system similar to their own) was silly and a waste: having Lexa "mysteriously" understand things the Arkers would think she shouldn't (because Grounders are all "ignorant savages"), up to and including Clarke's condescending behavior in season 2, would have been a nice toy to play with.
Instead of being shot, Lexa learning that Titus held Murphy and learning where Murphy (and Jaha) had gone and knowing exactly what it meant, that could have built up the story to something bigger, including the possibility of communicating with other communities around the world. No need to take off on impossible voyages to improbable planets and introduce a mountain of new characters who are just copies of all the other characters we've met.
Imagine Clarke discovering what makes Lexa different as they learn about another community that has survived, with technology, etc. Imagine Skykru deciding they'd rather go be with that group instead of hanging around Lexa's people. Lexa desperate for this not to happen as she knows those people and she wanted the Arkers help in educating and bring her people up and out of their dark ages.
I kind of hated the "royalty" aspect of the Commander's position. What if Lexa had never held with it and she's constantly trying to organize a more democratic system? Again, she has the benefit of the most amazing history book/AI in her head and has a lot of insight. What if she was constantly writing down these ideas?
What if Clarke catches her talking to "herself" in a serious argument or several, and everyone else is like, oh she does that, and no one knows she's conversing with the other Commanders (or the AI)? Maybe Clarke slowly catches on?
What if she had gone to Becca's home w/the others and was able to deactivate the drones (having a built-in wifi) and knew the passcode to the door?
Nightbloods should have been able to withstand intense electrical shock: would have been fun to see someone try to use a shock baton on her and she just shrugs it off before kicking their ass.
And what if Becca had brought more people back to Earth with her? What if she'd had time to pass around her nightblood serum to a few others and they joined her on the ground, maybe going off to find other survivors and that was how it got around?
What if, during the ceremony where the Arkers joined the coalition, when Bellamy and Pike and co burst in, Lexa learns they were led there by Echo (who has conveniently disappeared). Lexa would have ordered her hunted down. How did Echo know a way in? Maybe from that one time she used to work there and kidnapped a woman named Costia and brought her head to her queen? Would have been interesting to see *that* story in full, instead of following Pike on a path to settler violence and genocide.
Some people get put in charge of these shows and they have no idea where to go with them. And they get years of time to keep messing up.
Meanwhile queer artists like Eliot Laurence can't get three full seasons or a budget for what could have been a masterwork (Motherland: Fort Salem), but has to rush his massive story into 30 short episodes.
Someone like Laurence could have transformed the 100 into something bigger and bolder and much brighter. It's a shame how the CW just kept supporting trash.
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I've noticed in recent years a trend in GWs writing of 40k that honestly kinda frustrates me, and its this tendency to kill off characters with bad fandom reputations especially between works. and like, yeah its not a problem unique to 40k and sometimes ya need to cut an asshole who aint working
but on the other hand, its such a cop out from actually engaging or doing something with the character ya know. buggy from one piece is such an incredible character not just because hes managed to bullshit his way into a position of supreme authority in the setting when he was introduced as an early one off comedy villain. hes interesting cause oda takes that opportunity to give him a really fun and unique story, explore interesting character aspects and depth, throw him into wild situations and see how he reacts or how his skillset can still prove useful.
and perhaps even more importantly, buggy is far from a one off on this kind of character choices! helmempo a poncy rich boy abusing his dads relative position of power to be arrogant ass becomes best friends [with homoerotic subtones] with koby useless exposition fairy in a handful of early chapters with both of them eventually becoming high ranking highly capable marines with strong moral codes and who garp considers the future of the organization itself. hachi is a comedy octoman whos easily fooled and an idiot in general, and he shows up later as a helpful guide with a girlfriend repentant for his past actions as we learn more about the complicated world of racism which spirals into a sympathetic backstory that explains without justifying arlong and his actions. arlong, who is an objective asshole.
god damn jango, a Michael Jackson parody hypnotist who is a fakeout pathetic villain during his introduction, meets up with fullbody, an insignificant asshole jobber to show off how tough sanji is as well as his moral code, in a chapter page dance off competition where they form an inseparable bond of companionship over dancing that crosses the boundaries of their professions. Fullbody risks his entire carrier to save jangos life, and then they both see captain hina once and immediately fall in love with her and proceed to become the biggest simps ever for this one woman. and then they keep showing up outside the chapter pages. and they are wonderfull.
point is, overall, id say partly why one piece is as successful as it is, because that kind writing helps to breath a really interesting living world. they dont just disappear they live weird fantastic lives, and change in often unexpected ways as people. an asshole the one day can suddenly become an amazing bro the next time ya see em, and that breaths life into everything that goes on in one piece.
which is to all say, space marine 2 the game should have been about leandros and not titus. well he hasn't been confirmed as killed off, i have a strong feeling leandros is going to be given gw's current tendency to knock off fandom scrappies. and thats a shame, because space marine 2 should have been about leandros and his experiences following space marine 1. getting to know him, his perspective on things, and how whatever challenges he faced next shaped or changed those perspectives and beliefs.
instead, heres titus. doing what he did last time. yay.
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theboookwitch · 3 months
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Any former evangelical cult kids also read this book as a child? I somehow (against my will) learned about the like “trad wife” aesthetic that’s apparently been growing in popularity, and it made memories of this fucking book resurface (also against my will).
I’m currently 32 and we read this book when I was like 12. We had a whole book club with all the “coming of age” girls and we studied this together to learn how to be good, pure godly girls so that we could please our future husbands and be the perfect wives and mothers. I was kind of a black sheep in my church bc i was one of a few girls who wanted to go to college and I also considered loud and rebellious and I like grew up brawling with the boys my age (Gideon Burnett, if I ever see you, I’m beating your ass). I never fully subscribed to like being a Titus 2/Proverbs 31 woman and I didn’t want to get married till I was like 25 - which was ancient in that child bride emporium where everyone didn’t kiss till their wedding days and got married at 18 (I kissed dating goodbye, anyone?).
I’m fully rambling but this tradwife shit has me so livid and concerned and honestly a little triggered. Being raised that way has been so extremely detrimental and I just can’t wrap my head around people doing it for the aesthetic.
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