amazingmsme · 5 months
You didn’t mention Steph in your “how Hatchetfield characters hint they’d like to be tickled” post, I don’t think, and now I’m curious.
Oops, thought I did! Tbh there’s a lot of characters to keep track of, so I’m not surprised I missed her
But for Steph, I feel like she’d just keep looking at someone (usually Pete) & wait for them to look over at her, & then she stretches her arms waaaay above her head & arches her back & makes a high pitched squeal sound to ensure she has their attention. She’ll look at them from the corner of her eye & if that doesn’t work, which let’s be real, you don’t always get tickled even when you’re trying to bait someone, then she starts to get real sassy & bratty to try to provoke them that way. & by then, the ler in question (usually Pete) catches on & indulges her
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tickletastic · 5 months
Okay, But Who Do You Main in Mario Kart?
Fandom: DC
Ship: JayRoy, Birdflash
Summary: Dick just wants to play Coin Runners, and Jason knows not to fight when Dick has that look on his face. Based on my belief that I could guess who someone mains in Mario Kart based on their personality, and this incredibly clever and big-brain anon. (ps, Dick would totally main Cat Peach)
“I fucking hate Coin Runners,” Jason sighs, watching his older brother choose the next game for them to play, “can we just do another race, dickhead?”
“No,” Dick whines, “I love Coin Runners and we haven’t even played once.”
“Yeah,” Jason groans, “because it sucks.” He looks towards Roy in hopes that he’ll choose a side, but is just met with an apathetic expression. 
“I’m staying out of this,” Roy shrugs, “but your team kind of sucks at mini games, Dick. Why don’t we go back to the races?”
“Hey!” Wally gasps, sending a scandalized look in Roy’s direction, “half of our team sucks, that’s an important distinction.” 
Dick’s jaw drops, pausing his character selection to gape at his boyfriend. “It’s not my fault you decided to take the opportunity to try out new characters!”
“Well it was either choose a new character and have an excuse for losing, or have to admit that my boyfriend absolutely sucks at Mario Kart!” Wally exclaims, gesturing vaguely towards the screen. 
Just as they fall into a rhythm of back-and-forth bickering, the front door opens down the hall, the chattering of Steph, Mia, Cass, and Donna floating through the foyer. Quick, quiet footsteps dash towards the living room, and Steph pokes her head in, looking warily towards the couch. “We brought Dunkin.”
“Fuck yes,” Jason exclaims, rising from the couch to grab a coffee, Roy trailing behind. 
Wally and Dick stay on the couch, customizing their cars as they wait for Roy and Jason, that is, until Donna’s head is suddenly popping into the room, “doughnuts too!” They’re in the kitchen, quite literally, in the blink of an eye, raiding the box of doughnuts while Mia, Cass, and Jason talk about what they’ve been reading. Mia is only interested in talking about Tennessee Williams, ‘going through a phase’ as Roy describes it, and Cass divulges that she’s been in a reading slump. Jason could only suggest Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the only book he’s read in the last two weeks, courtesy of a special request from Lian. 
Dick and Wally get wrapped up talking to Donna about some off-world issue that Diana, Clark, and Hal had been tending to, and whether Dick should bring back the discowing costume. The opinion is a hard, resounding no, but Dick still argues for giving it a new life, now that they’re in a 70s resurgence. By the time Wally and Dick return to the living room, Jason and Roy have already resettled, Cass and Mia also now in the room, sitting on one of the far couches while contemplating joining the game. 
When Dick finally sits on the couch, he notices that the game has been changed; Coin Runners was ended prematurely, and Jason and Roy are in the character selection for a 200cc race. They have already chosen their characters, Wario and Dry Bones, and are waiting for Dick and Wally to select their own. Dick glares Jason’s way, ignoring the impatience on his younger brother’s face.
“Just choose Cat Peach so we can play already,” Jason chides, jokingly grabbing for Dick’s controller on the coffee table. Dick intercepts him, attempting to shoo him away by poking him in the ribs. Jason shies away with a grunt, quickly recoiling out of reach. When he’s upright and no longer as vulnerable, he locks eyes with Dick, eyes squinted. 
Dick grins back, mischievous and lightly malicious, quite Chesire cat. Jason knows exactly what the look means, and before Dick can even move a finger he’s catapulting himself over the back of the couch, making a mad dash down the hall. “Oh fuck no.”
Dick makes chase, giggling maniacally and frantically as he follows Jason’s loud footsteps out of the living room. 
“Leave me the fuck alone!” Jason yells as he’s backed into a corner, seriously considering whether it’s worth it to scale the wall next to the stairs to get to the second floor. He decides that it is, throwing himself as high as he can get, hoping to grab onto the railing. He falls back down with a thud when Dick grabs him around the ankle, tackling him to the ground. “Fucking ow, dickhead.”
“This is all on you, Jaybird. We could’ve just played Coin Runners,” Dick teases, trying to grab Jason’s wrists as Jason bucks wildly. “Hey, Wally?” Dick calls down the hall, back towards the living room. 
“Yeah, babe?” Wally responds.
“I need your help!”
Wally is next to him before he even finishes the sentence, grinning down at Jason and Dick grappling. Jason grunts when Dick manages to gain the upperhand for a moment, stradling Jason, and Dick is quick to tell Wally to grab Jason’s hands. 
“Fuck, no, West, I will kill you,” Jason threatens with a glare. He considers, for a fraction of a second, calling Roy, but that would be admitting defeat. He continues to fight until Wally shoots a slowly vibrating finger towards Jason’s ribs, Jason squealing and tensing enough for Wally to scoop both wrists into his hands. “You’re so dead, you’re not living to see tomorrow, West.”
Wally pales, but plays it cool, “you know, I’m not too worried. You don’t look all too threatening right now.”
“I promise, it will be slow and-” Jason clamps his mouth shut, biting hard on his bottom lip. Dick had brought his hands up to dig into Jason’s sides, going from slow, teasing circles to spidering in with his fingertips, switching at random intervals. 
“C’mon, Jaybird, I know you wanna giggle. I see the smile peeking out,” Dick teases with that disgustingly endeared voice he does when he’s pulling the Big Brother card. 
Just as Jason gets used to Dick’s maddening pattern, Dick reaches a hand back and squeezes Jason’s hip, and Jason snorts loud enough to be heard all the way down the hall, the dam finally breaking. 
“You forget,” Dick grins, “I am your older brother, I know exactly how to get you to break.”
“Fuc- fuhuhucking- no,” Jason cackles, throwing his head back with another snort when Dick continues to squeeze. He makes a show of pulling at his arms, but Wally can tell its nowhere close to Jason’s full strength, something Dick knows all too well. 
When he’s satisfied with how many snorts he’s produced from Jason, and satisfied with Jason’s embarrassment about his uncontrollable snorting, Dick’s fingers move to Jason’s stomach, pinching the skin on both sides of his belly button. Jason squeals, bucking up and down as he starts to giggle, uncontrollably. Jason would have taken this to his grave if it weren’t for Dick, if it weren’t for his older brother analytically conjuring the most embarrassing reactions he can from him. 
“You know, if I didn’t value my life, I would say that this is almost cute,” Wally chirps, and Jason squeals out a string of curses and threats. Wally thinks he can make out something about time travel, and something about Barry and space, but it’s not as scary when Jason is red in the face, giggling uncontrollably as his older brother tickles his tummy. 
When Jason feels his shirt move up, seeing the evil glint in Dick’s eyes, he absolutely screams, bucking as hard as he can, desperately squirming to get away from his brother’s rapidly descending face. “Dihihick, no! Yohou’re so dead! I sw-” Jason cuts himself off with a screech, trying to melt into the floor to get his stomach away from Dick’s lips. Dick just laughs along, giving him a few more before relenting. 
“I’m not done just yet,” Dick teases, “one more spot, Jaybird.” Dick looks up from his brother for a minute and notices Roy leaning against the wall, trying to hide his endeared grin at the state his boyfriend is in on the ground. Dick starts to rub soft, ticklish circles under Jason’s belly button, grinning when his brother starts to giggle again. “Oh look, we even have an audience.”
Jason hadn’t realized his eyes had been screwed shut, but he opens them quickly, looking up at Roy, mortified. “Dihihick, you’re going to die.”
“Well, yeah, we all are,” Dick says in a sing-song tone, “but you first.” With that, his fingers dart up to Jason’s armpits, and his younger brother shrieks, trying to jacknife away from too all-too-knowing fingers. “Good to know this is still your worst spot!” 
Jason tries to dispute it, tries to continue to threaten his brother, but it all tickles so much, and his body feels like a live wire. Something about Dick tickling him always made it so much worse, it made everything tickle so much more, and he always felt completely helpless up against Dick’s Big Brother Skills™ and Big Brother Tactics™. 
Wally suddenly lets go of Jason’s hands, and Jason manages to wrestle Dick away from him, rolling onto his stomach and giggling into his arms. 
“You broke my boyfriend, Dickie,” Roy says, jokingly upset. 
“Nah, he’s just fine,” Dick waves off with a grin, “he’ll sit there and giggle for a few minutes, and blush for the rest of the day, but he’ll survive.” 
Jason groans, something so incredibly embarrassing about how Dick cannot only precisely predict Jason’s reactions, but also the aftermath of his attacks. He tries to sit up, but just continues to giggle, proving Dick’s point as he brings his hands up to cover his face. 
Dick ruffles Jason’s hair, standing next to Wally, “hurry up, we’re playing Coin Runners.”
Jason just groans, flipping him off as Dick and Wally walk back towards the living room. Roy moves closer to Jason, kneeling down so he can see his face. He puts a single finger under his chin and leans in, placing a kiss just on the corner of Jason’s mouth. “That was really cute.”
Jason’s blush grows hotter, glaring at Roy. “Don’t think you’re safe, West is the top of my hit-list, but you’re not too far down.”
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theticklespot · 1 year
Top 10 most ticklish DC heroines:
10: Wonder Woman
Tickle Spots- Armpits, Thighs
Ticklish- 8/10
Most common ticklers: Black Canary, Cheetah, Circee
Wonder Woman once found a little girl alone in rough neighbourhood and gave her a piggyback as she carried her to the nearest police station. On the way, the girl decided to see if Wonder Woman had ticklish armpits. The girl reduced the mighty Amazon to a giggling wreck in a matter of moments. She hadn't dared clamp her arms down for fear of breaking the human's fingers. Wonder Woman had no idea that the little girl was Circee, testing for weaknesses. But she figured it out soon enough, when she was tied up in Circee's cave and screaming in ticklish agony. When she saw that Circee had invited her feline friend, Wonder Woman felt a pronounced terror.
9: Powergirl
Tickle Spots- Feet, Ribcage and Armpits
Ticklish- 8/10
Most common ticklers: Supergirl
8: Supergirl
Tickle Spots- Belly, Belly Button, Waist, Sides
Ticklish- 8.5/10
Most common ticklers: Powergirl
These two have frequent and competitive tickle fights. Powergirl usually wins due to being a little less ticklish. Powergirl tends to start the fights whenever she wants to piss off her friend/rival. That said, Supergirl wins enough to make it a fair fight, and if she ever gets a hold of Powergirl's legs or arms then the fight is basically over. Once, Supergirl managed to pin Powergirl to the ground and tickled her armpits until she begged for mercy. Supergirl showed none, and was granted even less when Powergirl took her revenge. Her fingers ravaged and plundered her midriff and Supergirl was crying with laughter by the time they were through.
7:Black Canary
Tickle Spots-Feet, Legs and Hips
Ticklish- 9/10
Most common ticklers: Wonder Woman and Green Arrow
Just because Black Canary's a tickle monster doesn't mean her 2 favourite victims don't occasionally get one over on her. One time they teamed up. It was a planned assault, her husband and her best friend tickling her to tears for a solid hour. Green Arrow had pinned her feet and tickled her toes with his arrows. Wonder Woman had been sat on the small of her back, ruthlessly squeezing her hips, causing the blonde heroine to buck like a wild animal. The pair had only stopped when she had sworn never to tickle them again. Unfortunately, they had made no such promise and "Tickle Time" was now a common occurence in Black Canary's life, and she can't retaliate for fear of their joint retribution.
Tickle Spots- Ribcage, Hips, Waist, Sides
Most common ticklers: Kid Flash, Robin and Superboy
Never has there been a girl so ticklish who could still muster such a fight against it. Titan tower often rang with the sounds of her laughter and her shouts of defiance. It took the strength of Superboy to restrain her, and the speedy fingers of Kid Flash to sap her of her strength. Cries of "Lemme go" and "Don't you dare" echoed through the halls. One time, Robin was straddling her waist and tickling her hips. She had bucked so hard she had sent him flying into the nearby couch. Her reprieve had only lasted a moment though, as Superboy's hands had quickly found her sides and were goosing her ticklish skin, bringing forth peels of laughter and triggering violent thrashing. Tim had joined in, annoyed by his short-lived flight, and had extracted an apology from the defiant one.
Tickle Spots- Collarbones, Ribcage, Hipbones, Knees, Toes
Ticklish- 9/10
Most common ticklers: Starfire
The first time Starfire tickled Raven it was as a demonstration of what tickling was. Raven had decided quickly that it was worse than the tortures of hell. Unfortunately, Raven had also spent the past week making prickly comments about Starfire's annoyingly upbeat attitude and constant smiling. The opportunity for revenge was too good to miss. Raven had suffered the tickling of a lifetime as Starfire had teased her mercilessly for her smile and her laugh. Starfire had never seen anyone thrash so wildly when she squeezed their hips or goosed their ribs. She'd been ruthless with Raven's toes, forcing the smaller girl to recite "This little piggie" as she played with them, under threat of Rib counting games.
Tickle Spots- Belly, Sides, Thighs, Soles, Armpits
Ticklish- 10/10
Most common ticklers: Raven, Nightwing, Blackfire
Raven hadn't taken her torment lying down, and had instantly returned the tickling with interest. She's discovered that the curvy Tamaranian was ticklish everywhere she was fleshy, contrary to Raven's weakness to tickles on those areas where skin was stretched tight over bone. Starfire had needed to swear to Raven that she wouldn't tell a soul of Raven's weakness, and even after she had done so Raven had continued, pushing her into absolute hysterics. When Raven had informed Starfire that her torture would end only when Starfire had finished singing some ghastly pop song, Raven had noted a despair in her eyes that hadn't dissapated until the last word of the last chorus. Then her eyes filled with hope.
"I said it would end, Star. I never said straight away."
Despair had then returned.
3:Batgirl (Stephanie Brown)
Tickle Spots- Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet.
Ticklish- 6/10 overall before you include how fucking ticklish her feet are. Adding those into the equation brings her to 10/10
Most common ticklers: Harper Row and Cassandra Cain.
Harper lives in the Narrows, a rather unpleasant neighbourhood even by Gotham standards. One night when the three girls were there, the power went out. So, they were stuck inside and they needed some way to have fun. Stephanie had screamed when she'd realised that She was the fun. Each of them had taken a foot, and Steph had howled with laughter and begged them to let her go. When they'd started counting her toes, she thought she would die. Harper's nails and Cass's knowledge of the nervous system had made for a wicked pair. And when Cass had run to get two hairbrushes, poor Steph would have done anything to escape her fate. The tickling had been their only source of entertainment for the evening. And her friends certainly found it entertaining.
2:Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
Tickle Spots- Yes
Ticklish- 11/10
Most common ticklers: Joker. Batfam. Sirens. Birds of Prey.
Barbara Gordon had first discovered her weakness to tickling at the hands of Dick Grayson. Next had been Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, who had restrained her with vines and accidentally discovered her extreme reactions. Batgirl quickly gained a reputation in Gotham as the Ticklish Vigilante. There had been a few embarrassing moments in which villains, thugs and henchmen alike had got away by giving her a quick tickle. When Joker kidnapped her and tortured her for a week straight, Alfred had disclosed some of his techniques for enduring torture which he learned in the secret service. That and an upgrade to her suit meant that Barbara was protected, most of the time. Her friends and family however, liked to remind the cocky redhead of her little weakness. Even after the Killing Joke she still fell victim to those deadly fingers with alarming frequency, and she often joked (rather darkly) that she was lucky to have lost half her tickle spots. Even so, an unseen hand in her armpit was enough to make her let loose screams of pleading laughter.
Tickle Spots- "NO, PLEASE!!!"
Ticklish- 100/10
Most common ticklers: Black Canary, John Constantine, Batfamily, SMILE (OC)
Zatanna's ticklishness has caused her untold hours of suffering throughout her life. For one thing, she can't even hear the word "tickle" without shuddering. The sight of wiggling fingers makes her freeze like a dear in the headlights. Her reactions are akin to a nuclear explosion. She will scream, howl, beg, plead, thrash and writhe in her desperation. She's basically a magnet for it too, with her tight wardrobe and cocky demeanour, tempting others to just give her a quick poke. It never ended at one poke though. It only ended when Zatanna was a broken mess on the floor, still giggling and letting out little squeaks of "No" and "Stop" and "Please".
Once, John Constantine told her of an ancient ritual to remove one's ticklishness from their body. Zatanna had gone down a magical rabit hole culminating in her entering another dimension inhabited by a Godess known only as Smile. Smile had told Zatanna that she would need to endure 3 days of tickling in order for the ritual to work. Zatanna had tried so hard, screaming and crying with laughter for two days straight. Until the hundreds of hands had become too much for her to bear. She had cried out a surrender, but Smile had never intended to cure her. Smile wanted Zatanna for her own, and over the next two months, Zatanna was trapped in Tickle Hell.
By the time John Constantine saved her, Zatanna was so afraid of tickling that she'd needed to have the memory erased by magic. However, every night in her dreams she finds herself trapped in that hellish plane of existence, fingers digging into her thighs, squeezing her hips scratching her feet, playing with her toes. They goosed her sides and counted her ribs. They teased her belly button and spidered her tummy and pits.
Every morning she forgot, remembering only when she awoke the next night in that place, gazing up into the grinning face of the Godess of tickling. Aware of it all, and aware that it would never end as long as she lived.
And that's not forgetting of course, the frequent pokes, pinches, gooses and teases she endured on an almost daily basis from friends, and the occasional torments of a villain who decided that the best way to neutralize her was to stop her speaking and start her squeaking.
The most ticklish woman in the world. Almost like she had been cursed at birth by a cruel godess.
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missamyrisa2 · 1 year
😱 can you do the story of the girl that takes her boyfriend to the pro tickler and records and whatnot 🙏🙏
I love how much this prospect teased you all ~ it's like a whole other layer of tickling I can do on your silly wanting ticklish minds ~ I hope you enjoy<33
"Steph, seriously? A pro tickler?" Ben sighed as his girl hooked his arm with hers, snugly pulling him close and making sure he wouldn't back out now.
"You said I could do any activity with you for my birthdayyyy~" she sang, bumping her curvy form against his slender shape. Ben sighed throwing his free hand through his tuft of dark long hair.
"True, true. Right, right..." he nodded as they passed through the entrance to the nondescript commercial building. His eyes wistfully glanced at other options on the business listing sign: couples massage therapy, paint & pour, remodel your life...oh no, she picked the Specialty Therapy, last door on the left and home to apparently a pro tickler.
Stephanie's high brown ponytail bounced and bobbed almost happily with her as they entered the waiting area. Ben nervously cracked his knuckles. "No big deal...you know I'm not ticklish anyway" he murmured, kicking a foot. His girlfriend smirked.
"The woman on the phone said that was okay, she said it wasn't about being, like actually, ticklish but the way we can bond through touch."
"Sounds like a load of new agey baloney..."
"Aww don't be a negatron! Be my Optimus Benny Prime now! I reallly think this will help take our relationship to the next level. And I wanna spend those attribute points on our looooove~" she squeaked and playfully pinched at his sides. Ben squirmed in reaction but successfully choked back any sounds.
"Heyyy. Save it for inside."
She blew a pursing lipped kiss just as the back door creaked open and energetic footsteps filled the room. A bubbly girl with a shock of long silvery hair twirled around the corner. "You must be Stephanie!" She held her hands out and squeezed emphatically, before turning her head to the sullen tall guy still seated. "Oooh and this must be Benjamin!" The girl tilted her head towards him as he gave a wimp wave. "I'm Chelsey and I'm sooo happy to meet you both! Come on back, let's get started come on, come on. I don't bite!" she hustled Ben up and led them through a heavy soundproof door.
The room was mostly sparse, but decorated for relaxation. Gentle plantlife hung from the ceiling, the sounds of soothing water babbled away and portraits of scenic vistas adorned the walls. In the center sat a padded massage table.
"So! We're gonna do some tickling today. Couples really find this brings them together and elevates their relationship, building trust and releasing those essential endorphins." Chelsey prattled on as Stephanie excitedly rubbed Ben's arm. "...First things first. Strip!" She pointed at Ben as Steph stepped away with a shocked smile.
"Wha. Who? Mhh me? You've gotta be kidding." His cheeks ignited in pink as he fingered the ends of his t-shirt.
"Yes, you! You you you!" Chelsey excitedly poked him in his sides. "Strip strip strip! We haven't got all day and you're not getting on my table like that!"
Ben turned to his girlfriend who shrugged and grinned. "Not like I'll see anything I haven't seen before...birthdayyyyy" she reminded.
He sighed and reluctantly pulled up his shirt, and sheepishly handed it to Chelsey who stood very close with a hand outstretched ready to receive his clothes. Ben slowly lowered his pants with a sigh, trying to hide his embarrassment and then repositioning to try and keep his royal member completely obscured in his little blue briefs.
"Laundry day?" Chelsey smiled brightly spying his tiny undies. He growled softly as she poked him over to the table. "We'll have you lay here."
She buried herself with heavy white restraints as he spread out, securing them over his wrists and legs. "Just a precaution of course. We don't want you to get hurt now."
Ben's tummy skipped a beat having now recognized the long blunt tip nails Chelsey was wielding as he laid down on the soft white surface. The silvery color of her nails matched her hair and makeup. His mouth seized his lower lip reflexively when Chelsey began drawing those nails over his sides. She poked lightly at his taut belly, scratched gently along ribs and instructed him to lift his arms so she could ever so carefully touch the fluffy piles of hair under them. His body trembled, his skin twitched, but he held true to his words. No huge ticklishness was found.
"So, what you have here is a very reluctant boyf. You'll notice he's holding tight like a turtle in a shell even when I touch spots like" She poked earnestly at his tummy to the side of his navel, her nail tip probing around for reaction. Ben stifled a gentle squeak and shook his head denying the ticklishness. "But the twitch is the key. You can see it riiight here." She took her other hand and slid nails along the opposite side of his tummy. "See, you can catch those little reactions. That's the key. Reluctant boys are fun though, there's so many ways we can get to the tickles here."
His eyes went to Steph who was looking on with her arms folded. She had a smile he had never seen before...happy and excited in a very, well horny way was the only way he could describe it. But no matter, it would all be done soon. He was going to fulfill that birthday wish and then they'd go home and this would all be over.
That was Ben's relief until Chelsey dipped a nail into his navel and began twisting slowly as her other hand started fanning its tips along his upper chest. "Sshhh." The sound escaped his lips. His cheeks were burning pink, spreading down to his neck. Shiiiiit he thought. Chelsey smiled and worked her technique.
"There's always a way through his defenses see. Benny likes to seal himself up huh? Keep it all down down down in his little belly."
Ben shook his head. Steph nodded excitedly.
"This is what I like to call popping the cork. We want to take all that pressure and stress and use it to our advantage, we work it through the bellybutton and get all that energy flowing from above. Does he tell you he's not ticklish?" She asked, tapping her nail into his navel, occasionally letting it trace the rim as her opposite hand danced and fluttered along his upper body. He couldn't decide which sensation to focus on and try to block, and that was exactly her game. His midsection was clenching, big toes curling over his index toes nervously, hands balling into fists trying not to pound in protest.
"Ooh yes. All the time." Stephanie smiled, pulling out her phone. "Do you mind?"
"Absolutely not girly, I was just gonna say you need to take pics and snaps and everything, take notes. I think we're about to have a breakthrough."
Her nails slid up and started dancing in the piles of hair in his underarms. He watched her lean over in concentration, catching his body's reactions more than he could even realize, stroking around his belly and mercilessly probing around his armpits. He tried to focus on her gold heart-shaped necklace charm as it bobbed.
His secret spilled out in silly squeaking giggles. Chelsey smirked as he finally released, a long pent up stream exiting his gasping mouth as he threw his head back. Suddenly those restraints he thought were a joke became very real, and despite their flimsy appearance did indeed keep him from escaping or hurting himself. His arms pulled uselessly as she suddenly bore into his underarms, thumbnails rubbing relentlessly.
"Once you've gotten your boy out of his shell he's ripe for the picking. All those spots you know that really get his motor running in bed are now tickle spots. It's called the tickle conversion." She continued on, gesturing to his legs as she tickled Stephanie's boyfriend to madness with massaging strokes on his thigh muscles.
Ben watched helplessly through his hysterical laughs as Stephanie leaned in with her phone, taking clips of his gyrating body capturing Chelsey's technique and now his silly face. "MMMhhhh sthhahhpp I'm not ticklissssh nnnnh!!"
"Yes, denial. Always the denial." Chelsey grinned and climbed onto the table, centering her thumbs over his hips and rolling around them in tight circles. "There's a whole variety of words you can use to help him along too. Basically you want him to feel silly. I like ummmh kitchie kitchie kitchiee!" she called out to him as she dug into his hip bones. Ben bounced on the table in protest, his face a mess of pinkened giggles.
"Shhhhutttup don't say thattt you biiiitttch!"
"Temper temper Ben!" Stephanie admonished him, to which Chelsey tossed her locks back and moved back to begin squeezing down his thighs.
"I've been called worse. Now, about these legs. You really want to apply a light but steady pressure. Think of it like massaging and he keeps saying lighter baby, lighter. Pretty soon you're barely even touching and he's just still going crazy." She demonstrated and nodded as Stephanie lowered her phone to watch those masterful hands wrestle so many quivering laughs from the boyfriend.
"It also helps to remind him that he's ticklish."
"Hey Ben, she said you're ticklish."
"I heard her!!!"
"That was good, but it's more like heyyyy boyyy I think you're tiiicklishhh!" Chelsey squeaked, just as her nails invaded under his legs to capture the backs of his knees with stroking tickles. The stream of profanity escaping his laughing lips was amply captured by Stephanie as she moved up to hold her phone by his face.
"C'mon steppph that's enough!!"
"This is going right on my tiktok baby you're gonna be famous"
"Ooh no, we haven't even talked about his feet yet!" Chelsey called back, inviting Stephanie over as she scooted back and began scratching earnestly at his soles through his socks.
"Girl! Look at him struggle! Oooh woow!" Chelsey laughed as Ben nearly bent out of the restraints with how hard he kicked at her tickly touches. "I'll bet he never takes off his socks huh? And always like immediately shuts you down if you suggest a pedicure for him?"
Stephanie nodded emphatically, turning to Ben's blushing face as the evidence of his sensitive feet stacked up quickly. "He almost always has his shoes on in fact..."
"Girllll. You have a goldmine here. Look at these toes!" Chelsey seized one foot and started raking her nails along the underside of the toes. Ben screamed with giggling laughs. "Yep, these are comin off!" She hooked under each sock and plucked them away, handing the discarded footwear to a very enthusiastic girlfriend who kept her phone trained and recording.
"In fact, let's get some toys going now. I have a whole box over there." Chelsey directed Stephanie to a chest labeled "Giggle Box!!" who was quick to pull out feathers and brushes and an electric flosser with a wicked grin.
"Oooh going right for the big guns huh? Benji benji, you are in trouuuuuble!" the pro tickler smiled and showed Stephanie how to fire up the tool. She held one of Ben's feet by the big toe and cooed out as Stephanie tried the buzzing tip on his sole. The giggly scream was nearly deafening, and a total inversion of his usual speaking voice.
"Biiiiiitchhh noo nuuuunooo nuuu stappppp no more sex for youuuu!!!" Ben shrieked out as the tool moved up to tickle under each toe, polishing the ultra sensitive skin there.
"Get him good girl! Now you're cooking with gas. Get him! Floss those toes!" Chelsey encouraged, keeping his foot taut by holding the toe and heel. Ben had no choice but to endure as he was tormented by his girlfriend and her newly discovered wicked tickler streak, legs kicking uselessly and weaker as time went on.
When they moved to the other foot Stephanie handed Chelsey feathers which she began sawing between each toe. "Anything fluffy will work here. Brushes, feathers, those pipecleaners? He's got five alarm tickle spots on these babies so you'll have him right in the palm of your hand." Ben lost his words to nonsensical screeches now, barely able to growl out more threats of withholding lovemaking, not that Steph was even slightly deterred.
"Let's switch it up. Did you see what I was doing to these cute underarms earlier? That's a palming technique. See you can dive right in, but you can also use your palms as ticklers. Especially on a spot like the armpits, and this really does work best when your man has a lot of hair here. We don't want to actually touch the skin, but make him feel every armpit hair." He groaned listening to the lesson, arms pulling uselessly to cover his spots as Stephanie took more photos and clips. And then he was losing himself to ticklish laughs again when Chelsey's knowing hands spread and let their palms glide along the ends of the curly hairs coming out of his armpits.
"I hateeee thatttt!! Staahhapp itttt I'll mmmhh I'll do anything Steph I'll do that thing youuu likeee on your cliiiiit!"
"Pssh. I've found something so much better now!" Stephanie tutted, setting her phone down and following Chelsey's cue to try the technique, palming his underarms as his muscles strained at the wispy torments. Her thicc thighs pressed together as she worked, a rush of pleasure like nothing else filling her form as she worked her man to jelly with such minimal effort.
Chelsey noted the development in the session and reached into her chest, pulling out two fluffy blush brushes. "Know where these are going?" She mused, to which Stephanie nodded enthusiastically, her ponytail bouncing happily.
Ben grumbled a giggle feeling his girlfriend climb onto the table, the sensation alone of her jeans brushing on his skin and then the softness of her sweater touching his heated upper body was making him gyrate like crazy. And then he was full on into the melted madness when the pair of supple brushes began twirling towards his nipples. Chelsey whispered into Steph's ear and smirked.
"Coochie coochie coooo I'm gonna get youuuu~" She sang out, gliding the soft fibers to taunt and tickle and tease his boy buttons. Chelsey smiled and pulled out her own phone, taking a beautiful snap of this cute boy writhing madly under his adorable girlfriend, who was smirking over his face while she drove him to ticklish madness with makeup brushes at his nipples.
Another happy customer~
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f-o-x-t-r-o-t · 1 year
Okay I was initially thinking of Stephanie learning that Jason's chest was a big sensitive spot for him and seeing how much she can tease him through the armor but then it turned to her finding out he might be ticklish and got kinda cute.
Jason has what Steph calls “the most Fuckable chest she has ever seen on a man” This leads to Steph lovingly adoring his pecs whenever and however she can.
It’s only one day, in the middle of foreplay when she’s squeezing and groping that her fingertips brush ever so correctly and Jason tenses up that Steph realizes she struck gold.
Jason has sworn her to secrecy and steph has definitely used this as blackmail. She’ll wiggle her fingers at him whenever she wants him to do small, stupid, little things for her.
She loves to come up behind him with surprise attacks so she can watch him squirm and laugh
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cas-kingdom · 5 years
Have Mercy
A/N: A tribute to the absolute best sitcom ever. Young John Stamos, I miss you.
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Title: Have Mercy
Summary: You’re the eldest Tanner child, and things haven’t been quite right for you since your mother’s death. However, your Uncle Jesse always knows how to make things better.
Words: 4602
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When Jesse had first moved into the Tanner household alongside Joey, the one thing he had to admit he’d been the most surprised at was exactly how much you had grown up. And it most certainly wasn’t change in looks, because you still had your mother’s beautiful, glossy locks, and your father’s beaming smile, and his taste in music… rather, you had changed immensely in attitude. As soon as he’d walked in the door, he’d been expecting three of his nieces to bombard him with hugs, not two. And he definitely hadn’t expected the one who hadn’t to walk up to him and linger behind your sisters for a moment before he grabbed your head and pulled you to his chest. That had been the beginning of his suspicions. Never once had you not raced up to him and jumped into his arms as soon as he walked through the door to the house. It was always you first, never mind the two younger ones. He had to remind himself to be prepared for you whenever he was about to open the door, for Christ’s sake, so why did you act as though it was so different now?
Seeing you hanging back, fidgeting absentmindedly with your sleeve and only waiting until D.J. and Stephanie had moved out of the way before you even considered taking a step towards him was completely unreasonable and, honestly, he was shocked. Sure, the last time he’d seen you was only a month back for Stephanie’s birthday, but it wasn’t like you’d never given him bear-hugs after a shorter time gap…
The thought that maybe it was down to something bigger than just you not wanting to hug him properly didn’t really cross his mind until you began to show other signs that perhaps things weren’t exactly… right with you. For starters, since when had he said you were allowed to call him by his actual name? “Uh, that’s Uncle Jesse to you, Bug,” he’d said, a frown on his face as you – accidentally, he hoped – missed out the ‘Uncle’. You hadn’t said much about it, though he thought he’d heard you mumbling somewhat of an apology as you moved to walk out of the kitchen.
It was only really when he saw how much you seemed to have taken on a more adult role to your sisters that he had an idea of what was going on. Truthfully, he wanted to slap himself for having not thought about it before. You’d just lost your mother, and though it was extremely hard for the whole family, how difficult could it possibly be for you, the eldest who’d spent every waking moment with her mother, learning from her and aspiring to be her? The girl who’d been alive longer and would remember her mother when Michelle and Stephanie wouldn’t? The young teen that loved to play mom and help her parents around the house? Jesse could see that part in you so plainly – every little thing you did now seemed to revolve around your father or your sisters. Though he’d only been living in the house for six days, not one minute had he seen you smile, or spend some time alone… everything you did seemed to be moulded around what Stephanie wanted for breakfast, or how much help D.J. needed with homework, or what clothes Michelle should wear that day. Truthfully, he couldn’t even find the point in him and Joey coming if this was how it was going to be.
However, he knew it wasn’t healthy. In essence, you seemed to have derived the belief that you were to step up and become the matriarch of the family from somewhere or other… he wasn’t sure where, but the idea definitely hadn’t sprung from nowhere. You were acting more like a housewife than a fifteen-year-old kid, and Danny had even begun to comment on it, asking you to please sit down for a minute and let Joey put Michelle to bed, or give the laundry over to Jesse so he could fold it… when he’d asked him about it, your father had explained that you hadn’t stopped from your mothering tendencies at all since Pam died, and it seemed to be getting worse. What’s more, he just couldn’t get you to talk about it. Every time he attempted to bring the subject up, you were gone from his sight in seconds. He’d tried to arrange a therapist to speak to you, but you’d refused the help. Nobody seemed to be able to knock hard enough on the protective wall you’d built around yourself to break it down. Really, Jesse was surprised he hadn’t noticed the change during the last times he’d been to visit, but he supposed, since he’d only stayed a few hours before bouncing off, he’d never really been around long enough to figure it out.  But, all in all, the Y/N Tanner he last remembered was not the one currently bustling about the house, that grim and determined look on your face, and he silently made the decision there and then that he was going to fix it.
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“Hold it, Mom.” He quickly stepped into your way as you walked out of the kitchen, Michelle in your arms. “Can I have a word with you a moment?”
You frowned, bright eyes analysing Jesse’s face before you glanced over at your baby sister. “I have to change Michelle.” You moved to dodge him, but he immediately stuck his arm out, thwarting your escape.
“Joseph!” he called, all the while keeping his watchful eyes on you. Michelle babbled, pulling slightly on your hair, but you remained still, standing in front of Jesse’s arm. He had half a thought that you might decide to barge straight through him, but, thankfully, you stayed where you were until Joey came in from where he’d been working on fixing Stephanie’s bike in the back garden.
“You called?” he asked. Jesse nodded, motioning towards the baby.
“Can you take little nugget over here upstairs and change her? Me and Bug are gonna have a chat.” He gave him a meaningful look, and Joey’s eyes widened in realisation. He reached over for Michelle and snagged her out of your arms far too quickly; God only knew how long he had been waiting for someone to force you to speak to them about this, and he was all too happy to take the baby away for a while to give this someone their much needed space and time.
“Gladly,” he said, noticing how you weren’t entirely eager to relinquish your hold on your sister. “Have fun, kiddos.” Jesse waited as the tell-tale thump of Joey walking up the stairs moved into Michelle’s room and the door shut before he let his arm hang limply at his side. You didn’t move, choosing to stay exactly where you were, eyes fixed on the front door opposite you instead of meeting your uncle’s gaze. He sighed and turned around, stepping towards the couch in the living room.
“Let’s sit down,” he said. Thankfully, Danny had taken both D.J. and Stephanie out to a soccer game that afternoon, and there was about an hour left until they’d get back, so he had plenty of time to discuss this with you. He sat himself down on the couch and pat the spot next to him, watching as you dejectedly began to make your way over. It seemed as though you couldn’t deny him and walk past him as you did your father, maybe because his face told you clearly that this was the time that someone was going to discuss it with you. Nobody could really argue with Jesse, though everyone knew that often didn’t stop you.
Silently, you sat next to him, scooting back and lifting your legs up so you could tuck your knees into your chest. Jesse sighed, turning slightly. “I know what this is about,” he said, and you glanced at him.
“You do?” you asked, eyebrows furrowing, before you quickly recovered and turned your head away from him. “I mean… what? You know what… what is about?”
Jesse rose an eyebrow, a tell-tale smirk on his lips. He could see that your cheeks were slowly beginning to get dusted with a soft red hue, and he shook his head slightly in fondness. No matter what anyone said, no matter how grown-up you acted, you would forever be that sweet baby girl he remembered holding in the hospital. “Don’t act all oblivious, now,” he gently scolded, dipping his head a little. “You know what I’m talking about. All this… housewife stuff. It’s not normal, kid.” The man turned, lifting one leg up to tuck under him while he rested an elbow on the couch and leaned his head against it. “Look… I know that things have been… tough recently. We’ve gone through hell as a family, and it won’t get better for a while, but… Buggo, I haven’t seen you sit down once since I came here. Do you even sleep? When do you eat? Go to school? Do you go to the toi-”
“Okay, okay! Jeez, Uncle Jesse,” you frantically shook your head as his smile grew, not thinking about the fact that it was most likely because you’d reverted back to calling him your uncle in your slight aggravation. It told him clearly that you’d been doing it on purpose… you hadn’t somehow forgotten he was your uncle, thank God.
His smile faded a little as he shifted on the couch. “Seriously, though,” he said, voice calmer. “We need to talk about this. Your dad’s already tried, and you completely avoided it, so I know it’s not an easy subject to discuss, but… we’re gonna make some sorta break-through today, alright?” He rose both eyebrows, waiting for you to respond. There was the obvious fact that you may avoid his questions, too, and run off, but he had a feeling that this time would be different. That, this time, you would truly listen to what he had to say. He felt a current of pride surge through him as you turned a little in your seat and looked up at him with big, bright eyes, waiting for him to speak. “Kid,” he began, “we’ve all noticed how you’re acting kinda… not you. You run around the house, looking after all three of your little sisters and stepping in when one of us try to take over… you don’t actually sit down and speak with any of us anymore, or tell us about your day at school, or smile, or laugh, or, oh, I don’t know, actually look happy.” The man’s face was becoming more and more concerned as he went on, eyes brown pools of worry and lips a grim line. “Why’re you acting like this, huh?” he asked. “Why’re you pretending to be this crazy work-obsessed nanny instead of the kid that you are?”
Somewhere along the line, you’d cast your eyes down to the couch, not daring to meet his own anymore. Of course you had an answer to it, and of course you wanted to tell him so that he could help you, but if he helped you, then you wouldn’t have a reason to continue doing what you were doing. It was a question with both advantages and disadvantages to it, and yet, somehow, the former far outweighed the latter. “Because…” you said after a little while, though your voice was a mere whisper. “Because I promised Mama…”
Jesse’s frown deepened. He licked his lips, staring at you intently. “Promised her what?”
“That if- that if anything were to happen to her, I’d look after everyone.” You briefly shut your eyes, the feeling of tears welling in them almost becoming too much for you. Jesse, meanwhile, had changed his expression to one of more or less confusion. When, exactly, had you promised this to Pam? Her death had been so sudden, and she’d had nothing in her life before that indicated the possibility that she could die. His confusion seemed to be mirrored perfectly on his face, and you thankfully decided to look up at that moment and noticed it before explaining more.
“It was a little while before she died,” you supplied helpfully. “Dad was away on business, and I couldn’t sleep so I went to Mom and slept with her. We… we talked for a little while… about a lot of things. And, I don’t know how, but we ended up on the topic of what would happen to us if she or Dad ever, well, you know…” You took a small break, sniffing and blinking rapidly to keep the tears from falling. “She asked me if I could do her a favour and help Dad if anything happened to her… look after my siblings and help him around the house. I never believed it would actually happen and I’d have to do it, but it did, and so that’s what I’m doing. I promised her I would. I said to her ‘I promise, Mama, with all my heart’, and I can’t back away from that now. I c-can’t. I just can’t.” You squeezed your eyes shut, and found that you didn’t quite care when a tear slowly made its way out from under your lid and trailed down your cheek, more following soon after. You did not have the fight in you to resist against your uncle as he reached over and pulled you to him, situating you somewhat on his lap and somewhat on the couch while ensuring your head was comfortably resting against his chest. One hand reached up and cupped the side of your face, thumb rubbing tentatively across the wet skin, and the other wrapped itself securely around your trembling frame, holding you to him.
“Aw, Bug,” he found himself mumbling into your hair while you sobbed into him. “I should’ve known it was about your mom.”
You shook your head, opening your puffy eyes. “S’not your fault,” you told him quietly. “I did-didn’t want anyone to know.”
“Yeah, we gathered that,” Jesse said. He cocked his head to the side, resting his cheek on top of your head. “You know… I don’t think this is what she meant when she asked you to look after your family. She definitely would not want you to do what you’re doing. Definitely not. Sure, help change Michelle once in a while, and teach D.J. math when she needs it, and play with Steph when she has nobody else to, but every damn second? Sweetheart, Pam wouldn’t have wanted this. You don’t need to be an adult. Sure, at the beginning, that was great of you to step up and help your dad… but, babe, this is why me and Joey’ve moved in, isn’t it? To care for you girls. All four of you, not just your sisters.” He poked your back as a way of showing he was including you in all that he was saying. “Step down a bit, Y/N. You’re fifteen, and you’ve just lost your mother. Allow yourself some time to be looked after. Your dad’s here, Joey’s here, I’m here. We’re all here, and we’re more than capable of looking after you lot by ourselves, okay?”
“But... but what about the girls?” you asked, still sobbing. “They lost Mom, and now they come to me with a lot of things... I feel as though I’m responsible for them.”
Jesse frowned. Somehow, that made sense. He could understand why you’d let D.J. and Steph hug him first; because you believed they’d needed it more than you did. And, of course, it seemed to be only natural that they’d go to you... you were the only other woman in their life, now, and things they felt as though they couldn’t go to their father to, they would go to you. He figured that would feel more like an honour to you if you weren’t so crowded by all these other responsibilities you’d added on unwillingly. He shook his head. “Honey, you’re not responsible for the girls. We are. Yes, they lost their mom, and they may sometimes need you there for them, but do not, under any circumstances, feel as though you don’t deserve as much support as them. Though they may be younger, you’ve lost the exact same as they have. It’s hard on all of you, not just Steph and Deej. Don’t feel afraid to come to any of us if you’re ever feeling down; like I said, that’s what we’re here for, okay? Got it? Capiche?”
It didn’t take you long to absorb everything he’d said. Truthfully, you’d been waiting and longing for someone to say those words simply so you could stop wearing yourself out and actually truly believe that this wasn’t what your mother meant when she’d asked you to help around the house. Her death did not require you to take the role as matriarch of the family. Her death did not mean you had to give up your life to care for your sisters and your father. Her death did not mean you had to replace her. Swallowing thickly, you nodded, sniffling. “Capiche.”
Jesse smiled. “Alright,” he said. “Come here and give your Uncle Jesse a hug.” He moved both hands to hold you at your sides and lift you up into a sitting position, pulling you onto his lap where you leant down and wrapped both arms around him, nestling your head into the crook of his neck. You couldn’t help but breathe a laugh when he continued. “And, yeah, I said ‘Uncle,” he admonished, “’cause no matter how old you get, I’ll always be your Uncle Jesse. Even if you’re eighty-five and I’m ninety-four, hobbling around with a walking stick, I’ll still be able to catch you if you miss out that word.” He rose an eyebrow as you turned your head up to him with a soft smile, chin still resting on his upper chest, and he mirrored it almost immediately, reaching a hand up to tuck a few stray strands of hair behind your ear. “I love you so much, Bug,” he said, shaking his head slightly.
Your smile widened. “I love you too, Uncle Jess.” It was silent for a moment, the only sound being the faint voices of Joey and Michelle upstairs and the occasional sniffle which emanated from you. Jesse’s hand was cradling the back of your head as you lay on him, ear pressed to his chest, the soft thump, thump, thump of his heart almost lulling you to sleep. “I don’t think you’ve ever actually told me why you call me that.”
“Well, is it ‘cause you wanna kill me?”
Jesse lifted his head from yours and furrowed both eyebrows. “What kinda question is that?”
“You’re an exterminator,” you said with a shrug, the corners of your lips curving upwards, “you kill bugs and rodents and pests for a living. A little ironic that you call me ‘Bug’, right?”
The man rolled his eyes and leaned back, staring at you unamusedly. “Ha, ha,” he said, voice utterly emotionless, “very funny.”
“So… it’s not because you want to kill me?" You yelped as Jesse growled lowly before grabbing you and turning you over, pushing you back on the couch and hovering over you. He shook his head as you lay there, panting from the sudden exhilaration, giggles moving past your lips every once in a while. Reaching out, he cupped the left side of your face with one hand and smiled.
“I remember seeing you for the first time,” he said. “Danny called my parents up the moment Pam went into labour, and by the time we reached the hospital, there you were. A little baby munchkin, wrapped up in the same white blanket all your siblings were swaddled in the moment they were born, those huge eyes staring up at your mama as she held you. I came in, and she immediately passed you into my arms, and, lemme tell you something, kid… I have never been in such awe since then. I was nine years old, and I had a niece already – can’t even tell you how much I bragged about that at school.” You laughed, and his smile widened. “Honestly, I think at the time I started calling you ‘Bug’ because it just sounded sweet, and, come on, I was nine, don’t blame me for not coming up with something better…” You giggled at that, staring up at him with those exact same eyes he remembered gazing into fifteen years ago. “But, then, as you got older, it got to the point that you just wouldn’t stop following me around everywhere. Whether you were crawling, or toddling, you followed after me like a damn shadow. So, ‘Bug’ proved to be kinda fitting in the end.”
You frowned. “How?”
“Because you were irritating, and I couldn’t get rid of you.”
Mouth falling open in both surprise and offense, you reached up and lightly punched your uncle’s shoulder. He laughed, pearly white teeth showing as he grinned and ruffled your hair. “I’m kidding. You know I love getting attention from girls, no matter how little they are.” A wink was thrown in your direction and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head as you did so. Of course he would say something like that. You redirected your attention as Jesse lowered himself a little, somehow tucking in next to you on the couch and leaning on his elbow. Tentatively, he pressed a kiss to your temple, and when he raised his head back up again, that small smile was still there. “Whatever the reason I call you that, it doesn’t matter. All that does matter, is the fact that it’s something special between just me and you. You’re my first ever niece, my Bug, my Buggy, Bugsy, Buggo, Bug-a-boo-” He chuckled as you breathed a laugh, the long list of names derived from the original nickname all having been directed at you at least once in your lifetime- “and you’re my entire world, babe. You and your sisters mean everything to me, just as you do your dad, and just as you did your mom.”
Your face fell the slightest bit at the mention of your mother, but the warm look on Jesse’s face was enough to not let you linger on it for too long. His words had caused your heart to melt the tiniest bit and the smallest amount of tears to return to your still-red eyes once again, yet the smile on your face held them back. “And you’re my world, too,” you said. “Though I still think you call me Bug because you wanna stick one of those gas things in my room and-”
You heard the growl again, and Jesse leapt into action, moving so he was hovering over you once more and wasting no time in digging his fingers into the sensitive skin of your sides. “Stop quizzing me on my own nickname!” he roared playfully, your giggles immediately filling his ears.
“Buhut it’s my nihihihihihicknahahame!” you squealed, attempting to roll off the couch. Your uncle trained his devilish fingers up to your stomach as you did that, rendering you weak and defenceless again so your attempts were utterly futile. He scoffed at your words, shaking his head and tutting.
“You know what I mean, crazy lady.”
“HEHEHEY! UHUHUHUNCLE JEHEHESEEHEEHEEHEE!” Tears were now pooling in your eyes for a totally different reason, yet you couldn’t help but bask in what was most likely the happiest time you’d had since the death of your mother. Jesse was grinning and chuckling almost evilly, apparently in full tickle monster mode as he lingered over your squirming body, tickling wherever his fingers could reach. After a few seconds, he quickly moved his head down, pushed up your shirt and blew a loud raspberry right over your belly button. “AHHHHHAHAHA!” you practically screamed, and the man looked up, resting his chin on your stomach and poising his hands at your ribs.
“What do we say?” he asked expectantly, laughter evident in his voice. You lay, panting, attempting to regain both your breath and composure, but it didn’t last long as your uncle wiggled his fingers again and you fell back into a pit of giggles. “What do we saaaaay?”
Jesse laughed. “Alright,” he said, pressing a kiss to your quivering stomach and snorting when your residual giggles rose an octave simply at that. “God, you’re adorable,” he said, grinning up at you, and you somehow managed to roll your eyes between the contagious smiles and laughter before shuffling back and sitting up. You leaned against the couch, shutting your eyes, mouth parted slightly and hair a dishevelled mess.
“Not,” you managed to breathe out.
Jesse rolled over and sat up, the corners of his lips still curving upwards. He turned to look at you. “Oh, you so are, Bug-a-boo. Come here.” He reached over and snagged your arm, pulling you over to him and letting you drape yourself across his lap. He glanced over at the clock on the wall. “Your dad and the girls will be home soon,” he told you, pushing hair back from your face, and you nodded.
“I think I owe him a hug,” you said quietly, and you felt his chest rumble with a chuckle.
“He’d like that. Joseph, too.”
“Deej has science homework to do… do you think Dad’ll help her?”
“Of course he will.” The man gave you a look, one that was a mixture between worry that you’d revert back to busying yourself, and pride for the step you were taking towards normality. “And, if he’s too busy, I will. Or Joey. There are three adults available for her. You can stay here and watch the movie I taped for you the other day, or do something that doesn’t involve your sisters and the house.”
You made a face, glancing over at the TV. “What movie is it?”
“Uh, some romance, I think,” he said. “Danny said you like those sorta things.”
“Will you watch it with me?”
Jesse smiled. “Will I have to tie you to me to stop you from running off every time Michelle cries?”
You shook your head, sitting up and resuming your place on your uncle’s lap, leaning against him and tucking your head under his chin. “No, I think I’m good.”
“I’ll watch it, then. How are you feeling now, huh?” He craned his head a little to see you, and you turned your own to smile faintly at him.
“Better.” And, honestly? You did. Somehow, you felt that this discussion wouldn’t have gone down the way it had if it’d been Joey or your father that you were talking to. Despite what people said, Jesse really did have a way with kids, especially if that kid was his own flesh and blood, and most definitely if that kid was the one person on Earth which he felt he had a relationship with like no other, including his other three nieces. He guessed it was something about being the firstborn.
“Atta girl.” Jesse kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back, the two of you sitting in silence for a little while, just relishing in each other’s company.
Sure, Pam was gone, but she had left behind four of the most beautiful gifts of all, and Jesse couldn’t help but silently thank her, wherever she was, for giving him a bigger purpose in his life.
Full House Masterpost
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andieperrie18 · 3 years
back to you (part one)
Seeing Damian very affectionate was a commotion that rarely ever happens, those who witness it are very few which only consists of family and friends. So seeing so openly display softness towards another person, a civilian at that is a rare case. The spark and softness of his gaze towards her looked so different than those he was previously with in the with. Not that he had anymore than one love interest Rachel Roth. Y/n was a very different case.
She is Tim's ex-girlfriend and past babysitter of Damian, not that he ever needed one when he always claim that he has a mindset beyond his age. That didn’t stop Y/n to interact with him similarly to a child. Tim had devoted himself in being the very close sidekick of Batman which means he leaves Y/n alone all the time.
At the beginning, she was very understanding to a fault that she had let him of the hook for missing dates, movie nights and study sessions for almost two years. And in that time span, he became less affectionate than he was at the first year of their relationship. This left her nights of countless puffy nose and swollen eyes. Damian was the first to notice all the signs of her broken heart. From the her ear to ear smile that will slowly contort upside down as you mutter "oh, okay… may be next time then…", a phrase he has heard for too many times from you as it came out of your lips on a similar deteriorating tone like a broken record.
Damian knew to himself that he wasn't best person to find comfort with. But since then, he became more engaged in their routine together, no matter how childish some of them were. Missed out dates became random food trips and movie nights with Tim became movie nights with Damian.
Y/n poured all the wasted romantic affection she had for Tim into a platonic one through Damian. Teasing and messing with the blood son, to a point that no matter how aggressive his threats were to her, no longer moves nor scare her as he knows she trusts him too much that he never means anything he says.
"Let me guess, he forgot about it tonight?" a defeated sigh escaped Damian's lips, no longer taking a look towards the door to his room where her figure stood. Y/n simply tilted her head to the side, a gesture that meant, "Yes".
It took about five seconds before he stood from his study chair with Titus who was simply sleeping on the floor beside him followed him. "What movie will you be playing to compensate for wasting my time?" Y/n chuckled at his statement as she opens the door more widely. Her hands immediately travelled to the boy's four legged companion that openly welcomed her gesture.
"How does Godzilla vs Kong sounds?" she said.
"Not bad." he replied as she simply smiled as they both head to the movie room of the Wayne Manor.
The movie was good and they both opted for another movie. By the middle, Y/n had fallen asleep leaving the boy alone and awake. The sudden weight on his shoulder caught him off guard but he didn’t really flinch away. The more he admired her sleeping figure the more it was clear to him.
He loves you. Not in the platonic way. There was no way he can deny it. Despite their age gap and her status with his brother, there was no way he could stop his heart from falling over her.
Damian tried to push the idea that what he was feeling was pure platonic. But of course, the more the person denies, the more it only becomes true. The night they slept soundlessly, heads resting against each other with Alfred being the first person to find their defenseless state. Of course he had a camera.
Everything was well, you were still in love with Tim and remained understanding with Damian accepting the fact that he can never ask more of her and she loves another. He became content with just being with her and his feeling will remain to him only and him alone.
And then…
Y/n finds out that Tim started dating Stephanie. A relationship that everyone knew except her and Damian. When she found Tim, lips locked on the blonde vigilante, she didn't scream nor cry. The next thing that happened, Damian found out she left Gotham and Tim was dating Stephanie for three months now.
He turned cold to everyone from the point and everyone in the manor seem to have turn back to square one with regaining his relationship.
As years go by, relationships were fixed, but Damian never really warmed up to Tim quickly. He still blamed him for the wound he left him. Time past again, he met Rachel, they became together and they had good relationship. It was fun until it lasted, realizing that their similarities would also be their relationship major flaw.
Paris, the city of love.
It was cool morning in the city, the sun was slowly rising to meet the clouds above. It's gentle rays seeped into the window of a room.
The warmth between his arms never felt so complete before. His face nuzzled deeper on the nape of her neck, her scent was familiar yet new. Her head rests a top his head, her fingers gently running through his bed hair. They both laid beneath the comfort of the sheets.
She felt his arms tug her waist closer, she smiled feeling a tad bit ticklish. "You're squeezing the life out of me Damian," he didn't reply but started leaving pecks on her skin.
"I can't risk you leaving me again, beloved" Y/n's cheeks tinted at the nickname. He's been calling her that for six months and still, she can't help but feel light hearted and happy.
Ever since meeting Damian a year ago in the small town of Grindelwald, Switzerland, fate seems to find away for her to meet him again, whether at another country or city, she would always find him their even at the corner of her eye. She works as a CPA and business consultant in (your city) and the last straw of trying to ignore him was when she met him again at a local coffee shop near her apartment. In that meeting, he asked if its okay to stay in contact with him. A request she allowed despite half of her mind being against it.
After the surprise encounter, before leaving.
She hugged him, a simple acquaintance hug. A gesture that took Damian a while to return, but when he did, his warmth felt different and embrace meant something else. Its an embrace that one would receive from his significant other. A warmth all too familiar that she wants to be held into forever.
"I know I'd go back to you," he mumbled against her skin in the middle of their embrace.
Reminiscing, Y/n  pulled away to meet his eyes as they remain laid within the comforts of their skin and the bed. "I'm not going anywhere,"
Despite the reassuring statement, Damian's doubtful expression remained in tact.
"How do I know that's true?"
"Because I got you. The only reason I need to stay is you,"
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Stephanie, are you ticklish? *tickles Stephanie's belly to see if she laughs*
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amazingmsme · 7 months
Wake Up (Proto)Call
AN: FINALLY, MY FIRST NPMD FIC!!! Been wanting to write this since I saw it, the brainrot is strong with this one. Just some Spankoffski bros fluff ft. Steph. This fic was an absolute blast to write! This trio literally own my heart now, wtf. Here’s day 29!
Ted walked down the hall toward's Peter's closed door, hands shoved deep in his pocket. He barely gave a knock before opening it.
"Hey Pete, got a min- oh. Well hello." Ted stood in the doorway awkwardly, looking like a deer caught in headlights.
Stephanie Lauter looked about the same, sitting on the leaning against the headboard with a book in hand and Peter napping in her lap. A blush quickly spread across her cheeks as a teasing smirk tugged on his lips. She gave a shy wave.
"Um, hi."
Ted walked into the room, milling about as he inspected his brother's shelves of action figures, comics and other nerdy memorabilia. He held a hand out for her to shake.
"I'm Ted, Pete's older brother." She arched a brow, but didn't shake his hand. He held his hands up in surrender. "Too cool for a handshake, hey, I get it." This seemed to snap her out of it.
"No! It's not that, you just- caught me off guard is all."
Ted gave her a skeptical, albeit amused look. "Mmhmm." He turned his back to her and grabbed a stack of comics. "I owe him 20 bucks now, so thanks a lot." Steph scoffed.
"Excuse me?" she asked incredulously, setting her book aside.
"I thought he was full of shit when he said he was meeting the mayor's daughter at Pasquale's, so obviously I made a bet," he explained as he started to sift through the stack. It was Stephanie's turn to smirk.
"And obviously you lost."
Ted snorted, but didn't pay her much attention beyond that. Steph frowned. "You know he's really particular about his stuff, right?" Ted turned around on his heels, bending at the waist to get closer to her height.
"Seeing as I've known him since birth, uh, yeah I do, lil miss," he snarked. Steph glared at him and flipped him off.
"Don't fucking call me that. I'm sure Peter doesn't want you snooping around his room anyway," she sassed back, crossing her arms, careful not to jostle Peter as he slept.
Ted rolled his eyes, somehow putting his whole body into it. "Yeah I was hoping he'd be gone, but asleep is the next best thing," he said, turning back to face her. "If you must know, I'm just trying to keep track of everything he's got. All this junk looks the same to me, and I can't just ask what he doesn't have, 'cause then he'll know what I'm getting him-" he started rambling.
Steph's expression softened into a grin. "His birthday's still a month away."
"Yeah, and I'm running out of time," he mused, setting the comics back where he got them. He even made sure they were ordered correctly, Stephanie noticed. He glanced at her, looking as though he wanted to say something. Stephanie scoffed and looked him up and down. "What?"
"I really wanna do this thing, but if I do Pete's probably gonna be pissed," he said, mischievous eyes glued to his brother's sleeping form. Mischief came off of him in waves Steph hummed as she reached for her book again.
"Then you probably shouldn't do it."
Ted took one step closer to the door, but meandered his way back to the side of the bed.
"Oh but it's a tradition. You see, it was always my job to wake him up for school, dude sleeps like a fuckin' log-" he started. Steph frowned and shook her head, a hand carding through his long hair.
"Don't wake him up, he's tired. I told him he could nap."
"Yeah but he has a guest over, and that shit's just flat out rude in my opinion. Besides, I think you'd really like it," he said the last bit in a singsong tone. She rolled her eyes and returned to her book.
"I'm serious, don't bother him." Then quieter, she added, "He's cute while he sleeps." He made a gagging motion while she was distractedly looking down at Peter, stopping right before she looked back at him.
Ted turned around in "defeat" and headed to the door, muttering, "Even cuter when he's being tickled." Now that got her attention.
Her tone was joyous and inquisitive and when Ted looked at her, she had an evil smile spreading across her face. That's more like it.
Ted sauntered back, sitting on the bed next to his brother. "Oh yeah, one thing you need to know about my lil bro is that he's like, crazy ticklish. Seriously, you're welcome, I just gave you the key to getting anything you want from him," he chuckled, only have joking.
Steph was looking at her boyfriend in a new light. "Thank you. That is... very intriguing information."
Ted made a show of cracking his knuckles as he spoke, "This is one of the only ways to actually get him up. Yeah an alarm will wake him up, but he won't actually get outta bed, ya know?" He was hunched over Peter's sleeping frame with hands hovering over his torso. He gave her a sly grin. "I don't get to do this as often as I used to, so I'll take any chance I can get."
Steph giggled and ducked her head, "I don't blame you."
Peter was laying on his side with his head resting on Steph's thighs, his knees tucked close to his chest. Ted started poking up and down his side, slow at first but gaining speed as he went. To Stephanie's delight, sleepy giggles slipped past his lips as he began to stir.
Sporadic poking turned to scribbling and the small huffs of laughter grew more consistent. His hands swatted blindly at offending ones, but lacked the strength or accuracy to protect himself.
"C'mon Pete, time to wake up," he cooed, one hand trailing up to scribble at his neck. A tiny squeal slipped out as Peter scrunched his neck, burying his face in the flannel tied around Steph's waist.
"Tehed leave mehehe alooone," he whined in his half asleep state. It took a second for his foggy brain to connect the dots, but once they did he was wide awake. He shot up so fast it startled both of them, Steph even letting out a startled squeak. "TED WHAT THE FUCK? GET OUTTA MY ROOM!" he yelled and pointed at the door, face quickly turning red.
Ted sat on the edge of the bed, completely frozen with his hands in the air as if he'd been caught by the police. He was fighting off his own laughter, mouth gaping open in shock at the outburst. Shock quickly gave way to amusement.
He wore a sly yet somehow sheepish grin as he looked at Stephanie. "I promise he usually isn't like this," he joked, shooting her a wink.
"GET OUT!" Peter repeated, using his long legs to his advantage, kicking his brother in the back to shove him off the bed. Ted stumbled to his feet, giving his brother a bewildered look. What the hell was his deal? Oh right, they weren't alone.
"Alright aright, I'm leaving," he admitted defeat. He only made it two steps before Stephanie spoke up.
"No you aren't." Peter stared at his girlfriend, a look of utter betrayal in his face. Ted's brows furrowed in confusion as he turned back around.
"I'm not?"
"Yeah, he's not?"
"Ted here was just about to give a detailed demonstration on all your tickle spots," she said, so matter of factly. Both Spankoffski brothers scoffed in shock before she continued, "Weren't you?" She looked at Ted expectantly, cocking her head to the side. There was something almost... challenging in her eyes. As if she dared him not to comply to her demands.
"I wasn't planning on it, but if you insist!" It took little to no convincing for Ted to take the golden opportunity presented here.
"No wait!" Peter protested, about to bolt off the bed when a hand around his wrist pulled him back. His nervous smile grew wider by the second. "Steph, let go."
"No," she said, an evil grin firmly in place. She snatched for his other wrist, and he moved it out of reach just in time. He held his arm out to the side as far as he could while Stephanie stretched across him, trying to grab him. She took the cheaters way out in the end and scribbled in his exposed armpit, causing him to slam his arm against his side for protection, a bark of laughter escaping past his lips. She easily caught his wrist and pulled both of his arms above his head.
"Thanks for being so cooperative babe," she said and Peter rolled his eyes.
"You're not welcome," he snarked.
"I'd be nicer if I were you. She doesn't look like she holds back," Ted chuckled as he sat on his ankles to keep him in place. Peter kicked and tugged on his legs, but they remained firmly trapped.
"C'mon guys, this isn't funny!"
"Really? Then why're you laughing?"
"But I'm not-" Peter was cut off with a shriek when Ted struck, squeezing his younger brother's boney knees. He yanked his arms down, catching Steph off guard with the level of strength he displayed. His hands immediately moved to cover his face and clamp over his mouth.
"Oh yeah, forgot to warn you, he's stronger than he looks," Ted added casually, as if he wasn't making Peter scream with laughter. "But knees: major weak spot." Steph nodded in understanding as she wrestled Peter's arms into her hold once more.
"Ohoho you're one toho tahahahalk!" he managed through his laughter.
"This isn't about me though, is it? Nooo, it's about you," he emphasized his point with a poke to his tummy, making him try to curl in on himself with a squeak. Ted continued, "Anyway, his belly's also pretty bad," he noted, forming a claw with his hand and hovered it in the air. Peter saw what he was doing and shook his head frantically.
"NO! Tehehed Ihihi'll kihihill you!" he threatened through giddy, nervous giggles. His older brother merely shrugged.
"I'd like to see you try," he said, not quite as condescending as usual.
Steph had had enough just watching and shifted his hands under her legs so she could join the fray. She looked at Ted expectantly.
"Where should I start?" she asked, smiling at the indignant cry Peter let out. Ted chuckled in amusement.
"Well he's ticklish just about anywhere, so knock yourself out," he encouraged, ignoring the indignant protest that mingled with Peter's laughter.
"Yeah, but what's a good spot?" she pressed further, seemingly unsatisfied with the vague answer.
"Well if you wanna hear the cutest giggles ever then go for his neck. Oh! And if you scratch at this one spot behind his ears he'll snort really loud, it's hilarious!"
"TEHEHED! Shut thehehe fuck uhup!" he shrieked, his cheeks taking on a dark pink hue from the flustering conversation taking place overhead.
"Wow, is that how you talk to your brother?" Steph asked in a taunting tone. Peter shook his head, babbling protests spilling from his mouth as she skittered her nails over his neck. Ted really wasn't kidding: this was probably the cutest sound she'd ever heard her boyfriend make. She was smiling down at him, her grin stretched from ear to ear as she scribbled her nails just behind his ears.
Peter snorted and tried hiding his face in the crook of his arm, but it still left half of it exposed for Steph's viewing pleasure.
“Oho my God, that’s so cute!” she exclaimed, leaning so far into his personal space they nearly touched noses. Ted fake gagged behind her back, for no one’s benefit but his own. “Do it again,” she ordered, using both hands to scratch at that spot.
A loud squeal was abruptly cut off by a giggly snort, and Peter turned a shade darker.
“Steheheph nohoho!” he whined, kicking his legs futilely where they remained pinned.
“Steph yes!” he cried, ducking down to blow a raspberry on his neck. Peter threw his head back, wild cackles filling the air. Ted leaned back, looking impressed and proud.
“Wow, and I didn’t even have to tell you about that!” he teased, reaching out to tweak Peter’s hips. He yelped, twisting side to side.
When Steph blew the third raspberry, Ted decided to show a little mercy. He grabbed a lock of Stephanie’s long hair, giving a few gentle tugs to get her attention, “Hey, we wanna keep him alive, yeah?” Steph looked over her shoulders, leveling him with a harsh glare as she yanked her hair back.
“You do?” Peter asked breathlessly from where he laid beneath his tormentors. They both chuckled and finally relented.
“Mhm,” Ted hummed cheerfully, standing up from the bed and dusting himself off.
“You got a funny way of showin’ it.”
“Hey, what’re brothers for?” he asked with a shrug. He held his hand out for a fist bump. Peter scoffed, looked at the hand, then at his brother. He sighed in defeat and gave him a fist bump. He turned back towards the door, ready to leave for real this time, when he was stopped once again by a familiar voice.
“I’ll get you back you know!”
Ted stopped in the doorway, one arm resting against the frame as he casually leaned on one foot. Peter was sitting up now, leveling him with a determined stare. It was a look Ted had seen before. He smirked; Peter rarely followed through on his threats.
“Yeah? I’d like to see you try,” he said, classic condescending snark returning to his tone. He turned back around, only taking one step before another voice spoke up.
“He’s a lot braver now, you know.”
Ted spun around on his heels, retort ready on the tip of his tongue when he saw his brother standing by his bed, a confident smirk on his face.
Ted’s own cocky smile faltered into something a bit more nervous. He took a step back, holding his hands out in front of him.
“Hang on now, Pete. W-wait!”
Peter cocked his head, like Ted had done so many times at him. Well shit.
“Why would I do that?”
Ted saw movement from the corner of his eye and noticed Steph also stand.
“Hey, I helped you!”
“Actually, I asked for a comprehensive list of his tickle spots, and IIII don’t knooow… that didn’t seem like a fully comprehensive list to me.”
That little bitch!
Ted scoffed, “Did you just use me to get your way?”
Steph wore a truly radiant smile. “Get used to it.”
Ted took another step back. “I had to leave you some surprises!” he defended himself, shrieking when Peter lunged at him. He just barely escaped when Peter caught him by the shirt, sprinting out of his grasp. His celebration was short lived when he was tackled to the ground.
“Oh Ted, I bet you thought this day would never come. But it’s about damn time you had a taste of your own medicine.”
He could never take what he dished out.
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tickletastic · 4 years
For the Spotify fic thing, how about 46 with Cass, Tim, and Steph
Song 46: Grow As We Go by Ben Platt
Having come from small, mostly unloving families, the batkids quickly warm up to their suddenly much bigger family once they’re adopted. Each of them has their separate flaws and problems, but they’re all grateful that they can grow together. 
When Bruce adopted Cass, she became understandably close with Steph. As a result, since the two are virtually attached at the hip, Cass became close with Steph too. 
Steph took it upon herself to introduce Cass to the most iconic movies, and Tim took it upon himself to introduce the most iconic music. Every once on a while, the two of them would argue about what can truly be considered art. 
“Please put some respect on Stacy Ferguson! She has made nothing but hits and M.I.L.F.$ is included in that catalogue, without a doubt.” Tim felt very, very passionate regarding early 2000s pop-stars, and Fergie was no exception. Steph, on the other hand, preferred boybands and R&B over  Tim’s bubblegum pop. 
“No way Tim. We’re listening to Confessions Part One and Two before you can even think about playing any Fergie music from this decade for Cass.”
“Steph you’re literally just wrong, flat out, you are incorrect.”
The two of them bickered, and Cass just laughed as she watched her siblings argue. She was worried when she heard Tim cry out and noticed that Steph had climbed on top of him, her fingers doing something weird. At first, Tim was yelling out, but now, he had started to giggle.
Cass walked over to the two of them, observing the situation in front of her. 
“St-Steheheph sto-” Tim screamed when Steph had quickly leaned down to blow a raspberry onto the shell of his ear. 
Steph laughed, but she kept going, targeting the spots that she knew got Tim the worst. Tim was absolutely screaming as he tried to escape Steph’s fingers, but he couldn’t give in, he could never disrespect Fergie that way.
He almost felt relief when Steph stopped, noticing Cass’ confusion, but his relief would be short lived. 
Cass was trying to figure out what was going on, so Steph stopped to explain. 
“This is called tickling, when I touch Tim somewhere that he’s particularly sensitive,” Steph starts to scribble her fingers over Tim’s tummy, “he giggles and flops like a fish.”
Tim was desperate to get it to stop, it tickled madly, and Tim knew from when the two of them had briefly dated that Steph knew every single spot to get him at. “W-why dohohon’t we shohohow her?”
Steph’s eyes widened and she smiled wide, although Tim was an absolute dumbass when it came to musical importance, giving Cass an example of ticklishness was a very, very good idea. 
Steph quickly scrambled off of a giggling Tim and pinned Cass down to the couch instead, who looked up at her expectantly. 
Steph started with a universal ticklish spot, Cass’ tummy, and she received an instant flood of giggling. 
Tim had finished his own mess of laughter and walked over to Cass and Steph, smiling at the sight. 
“Wanna help Timmie?”
Tim sat near Cass’ head and started to tickle Cass’ neck, higher pitched giggles flowing from her. 
Cass’ hands were completely free, but she didn’t try to bat either of them away.
“You alright Cass?” Steph questioned, her fingers tracing shapes across Cass’ ribs. Cass nodded in response, and Steph smiled, “are you liking it?”
Once again, Cass nodded, and Steph cooed, but it wasn’t long until Steph felt fingers on her sides that she was trying to dodge fingers. 
“C’mon Cass, I think it’s Steph’s turn to be on the receiving end.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
From Head to Toe
What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? I just use a salon shampoo for red dyed hair. I
What’s your favorite color and brand of eyeshadow? It’s been years since I’ve even worn eyeshadow. 
Ever use tinted mascara? I only used black mascara.
Do you think liquid eyeliner is too much or just right? It’s fine.
Lipstick or lip gloss? Lip gloss.
One cosmetic product you can’t live without is: There isn’t one. It’s been a couple years since I’ve worn makeup. What lotion would you want to have a lifetime supply of? I honestly don’t put on lotion very often, but I do like Bath & Body Works’ lotions. Innie or outie? Innie. Where is your biggest birthmark? I only have one, which isn’t big at all, on my right elbow. Are your toenails painted? Nope. Are your feet ticklish? I don’t have any feeling in my feet.
Yummy in the Tummy
What’s your position on sushi? Gross.
What about mushrooms? Gross.
Spicy food? I used to be obsessed with spicy food, but I can’t eat it anymore. :(
Johnny Depp is taking you out! What restaurant do you choose? Would Johnny Depp just be down for some Wingstop? haha.
Favorite drink to order at the bar? I don’t drink.
Favorite wine?
Favorite beer?
Favorite drink to cool off with? Water. Favorite drink to sip by the fire? Coffee. Favorite midnight snack? Ramen. What’s a food both you and your animal companion enjoy? Peanut Butter.
Favorite snack when you’re watching rented movies? I love getting popcorn at the theater, but if I’m just watching a movie at home I don’t usually have anything. What do you cook well? The only thing I cook is ramen, which I think I’ve mastered quite well. ha. Favorite food at a BBQ? Meh, not into BBQ food like hamburgers or hot dogs. I’m more for the sides, like pasta salad or something. Favorite soda when you were a kid? Coke, Dr. Pepper, Mt. Dew (especially Code Red or the blue one), cream soda, grape, orange... Dessert you’re craving right now? I’ve been on a brownie kick for awhile. I like to get these little mini brownies from the bakery section at the grocery store. Favorite fruit to put in a smoothie? I haven’t had a smoothie in yearssss, but I was a simple strawberry and banana type of gal.
Good Times
Who do you know that gives the best hugs? My mom.
Who took you on your most romantic date? I’ve never had a romantic date.
Who do you know that can give a good back rub? I’ve never had one.
What’s a song you and all your friends sing along with? “You and all your friends” cute.
When it’s just you and the girls/guys, what movie do you put in?
Best party you ever threw? I’ve only thrown a couple small parties. 
Who was with you on the coolest road trip ever? The one where several members of my family drove out to Idaho to visit my grandpa 10 years ago. The whole trip was awesome. Who was with you on the coolest camping trip ever? I’ve never gone camping. Sooo not my thing. Who would you take with you on a luxury cruise? I don’t know if I’d ever go on a cruise, honestly. Who’s got your back in a fight? Pfft, I’m not fighting no one. Who makes you feel gorgeous on a bad day? I never feel gorgeous. I have shit self-esteem. Who makes you laugh until you cough blood? Ew, what a way of putting it. Anyway, I haven’t had a real good laugh in a very long time. Like, the can’t breathe, tears, stomachache kind of laugh.  Who would you take with you as a date to your sister’s wedding? I don’t have a sister. Name the first five friends that come to mind.
Hobbies and Interests
What keeps your mind and hands busy when you’re not at work? I don’t have a job, so I’m never at work, but anyway I spend a lot of time on my phone and laptop.
What bars or clubs would we expect to find you at? You wouldn’t find me at a club or bar. 
What magazines do you or would you subscribe to? None.
If you started a book club, what genre would you be covering? Mystery/psychological thriller.
If you could be president of a club or organization, what would it be? Nah. Do you like to shop for clothes by yourself or with friends? I like shopping for clothes online by myself.
Yoga at home or at the gym? No yoga at all.
Where would you want to work, if you could? I don’t know.
Odds & Ends
Did you wish on the last shooting star you saw? I’ve never seen a shooting star.
Are you a fabulous host? No. I don’t like hosting, it’s too stressful.
Why won’t jeans ever go out of style? Because they aren’t limiting and are incredibly versatile – mom jeans, ripped jeans, bell bottoms, skinny jeans, what have you – so it’s been easy to have them adjust to whatever style is trendy any time, any decade. <<< 
Is the truth really out there? About what.
Assuming you ever have kids, what will you name your daughter? Your son?
Has anyone ever crossed oceans of time to find you? What.
Admit it, you loved Dirty Dancing. I’ve actually never seen it. However, I’m very familiar with the movie and know the infamous dance scene where Jennifer Gray runs up to Patrick Swayze and he picks lifts her up above his head. And the line, “nobody puts baby in a corner.”
The Name Game
Who’s the first friend you call when you wanna go out? I don’t have friends, I don’t go out. My going out the past few years just consisted of grocery shopping trips to the store with my mom, the movies with either my mom/my mom and brother/my parents and brother, or doctor appointments, which my mom always attends with me. Ever since this quarantine thing; though, I haven’t gone anywhere.
Who’s the first friend you call when you wanna hang in for the night? I like watching TV with my mom. We have a lot of series that we’re into.
Who do you call when you’re freaking out? I go to my mom or vent about it on Twitter and/or in a survey.
Who do you call to try something new with you? If it’s a new show, my mom. If it’s a new movie, my mom and/or my brother depending on the movie. If it’s a new coffee drink at Starbucks, my brother. I don’t try a lot of new things, so that’s all that’s coming to mind at the moment.
Who do you call when you need bail money? I’ve never needed bail money and I can’t imagine ever being in that situation, but if that ever happened the first person I’d call would be my mom.
Who would kick someone’s ass for you? My mom.
Who would lie to keep you out of trouble? My family.
Who would make you go to the gym, even if you’re too tired? I don’t go to the gym.
Who would come take care of you if you were sick? My parents and brother all do, but especially my mom.
Who would help you host a posh dinner party? I wouldn’t be hosting a posh dinner party.
Who would help you clean your house before you had houseguests? My mom does that whenever we have people over.
Who would enjoy watching Disney movies with you? My mom and brother.
But really, how are you? Shitty. It’s also 630AM, I really should go to bed.
Did you make sure to get in some “you” time today? I’ve had me time all night. I don’t know why I stay up so late.
How many loved ones did you get to talk to today? None so far.
Gonna treat yourself to something tonight? No.
What would you like to dream about tonight? My dreams are always so random and weird.
Did anyone hurt your feelings today? No.
Do you have a furry companion to cuddle up and read a book with tonight? Yeah.
Before we part…
What’s your name? Stephanie.
What’s your sign? Leo.
Ever had Chicken Guadalahara? Nope. Never even heard of it.
Daquaris or Margaritas? None.
Ceasar’s or Bloody Mary’s? None, but what’s a Ceasar’s? 
Mexican food or Italian food? Italian.
Ocean, lake, or river? Ocean.
Cabin in the woods or beachfront home? Beachfront, for sure. That’s the dream. Karaoke or dancing? Both for fun by myself at home. All or nothing? Nothing. ha.
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Tumblr media
You Are My Muse
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Welcome Addition
Part 1
Part 2
One Shots
First Sentence Prompt - Most Impressive Thing I’ve Seen Someone Do
Kissing Prompt - In The Shower, Reason Is Love
Kiss Prompt #63 - Routine Kisses
Kiss Prompt #41 - Forbidden Kiss
Kiss Prompt #58 - Moving Around
Sappy Prompts 11 and 18 Combo
Life In The Spotlight
Scary Movies
Trouble In The Night
Kiss Prompt #1 - Saying I Love You Between Kisses
Sexy Prompt #7 and #11
Movie Night
Prompt #36 - “Is it weird that was a total turn on?”
Prompt #48 - “Our relationship is the most important thing in my life.”
Drabble #1 - Were You Born In A Barn?
Drabble #2 - Can I Have Your Autograph?
Drabble #3 - Sway
Drabble #4 - I Am Not Ticklish
Drabble #5 - Cereal
Drabble #6 - Has It Always Been So Small?
Drabble #8 - Close Your Eyes
Drabble Series “Broken”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 (End)
Prompt Nonny
Prompt #1
Thomas Countdown Drabbles for RCD 3
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #1 - Stephanie
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #2 - Ava
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #3 - Stephanie
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #4 - Ava
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #5 - Stephanie
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #6 - Ava
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #7 - Stephanie
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #8 - Ava
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Updated Masterlist
Red Carpet Diaries
Thomas Hunt x MC
You Are My Muse
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
One Shots
First Sentence Prompt - Most Impressive Thing I've Seen Someone Do
Kissing Prompt - In The Shower, Reason Is Love
Kiss Prompt #63 - Routine Kisses
Kiss Prompt #41 - Forbidden Kiss
Kiss Prompt #58 - Moving Around
Sappy Prompts 11 and 18 Combo
Life In The Spotlight
Scary Movies
Trouble In The Night
Kiss Prompt #1 - Saying I Love You Between Kisses
Sexy Prompt #7 and #11
Movie Night
Prompt #36 - "Is it weird that was a total turn on?"
Prompt #48 - "Our relationship is the most important thing in my life."
Drabble #1 - Were You Born In A Barn?
Drabble #2 - Can I Have Your Autograph?
Drabble #3 - Sway
Drabble #4 - I Am Not Ticklish
Drabble #5 - Cereal
Drabble #6 - Has It Always Been So Small?
Drabble #8 - Close Your Eyes
Drabble Series "Broken"
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Thomas Countdown Drabbles for RCD 3
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #1 - Stephanie
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #2 - Ava
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #3 - Stephanie
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #4 - Ava
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #5 - Stephanie
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #6 - Ava
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #7 - Stephanie
Thomas Hunt Countdown Submission #8 - Ava
Open Heart
Ethan Ramsey x MC
Deadly Diagnosis
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
One Shots
Navigating The Job
Kiss Prompt #68 - A Hoarse Whisper "Kiss Me"
In Sickness and In Health
Sappy Prompts 12 and 17 Combo
A Revelation
Don't Be Stubborn. Try It!
Happy Again
Admitting Defeat
Green With Envy
Some Things Are Worth The Risk (nsfw)
I Promise
Kiss Prompt #6 - The Long Kiss That Wasn't Intended
Prompt #16 - Is That My Shirt?
73 notes · View notes
stevie-baby · 5 years
@satans-helper​ thank you for tagging me love! This week has been rough, I have had a shit day looking for jobs, but now I’ve got a beer and I’m answering this because self care or whatever. Leggo!
1. What is your middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
August 20th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
Leo sun; Capricorn rising; Taurus moon
5. What is your favourite colour?
6. What’s your lucky number?
8 or 20
7. Do you have any pets?
not any more :( but growing up I had a corgi mix named Lulu. She was dope. Fun lil origin story about her: my mom missed the majority of my first birthday becuase she had to stay late at work becuase her coworker’s dog was having puppies and had to leave early. My mom was like “Angela if I’m gonna be late for my kids birthday celebration can I at least get first pick of the puppies?” So when the puppies were finally able to go to different homes, my mom sat little one year old me in their pen to let me pick the one we’d take home. Something drew me to the runt of the litter (maybe it was the fact that she didn’t straight up attack me like her brothers and sisters) and she lived a happy 16 and a half years with us.
8. Where are you from?
Southern California
9. How tall are you?
10. What shoe size are you?
Womens 11 but I usually wear a mens 9.5 because I have wide feet
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Like 7 pairs (none of which are cowboy boots or gogo boots which is a travesty)
12. What was your last dream about?
I don’t remember but I know it wasn’t anything malicious, so that’s good.
13. What talents do you have?
I play instruments and I sing. I also do art occasionally.
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I wouldn’t say psychic but I am pretty in tune with the universe. But I do also have dreams that have to do with fertility that are like super heavy with symbolism and are oddly prophetic. I call them my egg dreams. If y’all wanna hear about them I make a post about them or something. 
15. Favourite song?
At the moment it is When the Levee Breaks by Led Zeppelin
16. Favourite movie?
Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Honestly? Honestly??? Sam Kiszka. I’ve always been into bassists and lanky boys with long dark hair, so he’s perfect. Also, I love his personality. He’s just magnetic and Joy is a lucky gal :)
18. Do you want children?
Not really. I’m 19, barely an adult, so kids aren’t in my plans right now. I’m not sure if they’ll ever be in my plans. But if I do decide I want children one day, I would want to have more than one because I am an only child and I wouldn’t want that for my kid. It gets lonely and I will never know or understand the bond that siblings have. Also I’d want adopt and foster some kids.
19. Do you want a church wedding?
Nope unless you count a chapel in Vegas as a church wedding. 
20. Are you religious?
Not religious, never grew up practising anything, but I’m spiritual.
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
Ooof I was always in and out of the hospital. I was always sick or getting injured.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
Not yet
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Quite a few. The most memorable experiences were pouring champagne for Drake Bell when I worked at the country club and when Jack Barakat from All Time Low and Ashley Purdy from Back Veil Brides were hitting on my mom,
24. Baths or showers?
Baths are really therapeutic but I feel bad because I’m not conserving water :(
25. What color socks are you wearing?
I’m barefoot babey ;) I’m starting to feel this beer 
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Maybe, but probably not 
Documenting that I’m now on my second Modelo, just so y’all know.
28. What type of music do you like?
All types honestly. I stray more toward rock though.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Let me tell you the story. So yes, I have skinny dipped. I was very not sober that night, much like tonight, and I was at a sleepover at my friend’s house on the lake. So all of us drunk 16 year olds were like “FUCK YEAH” and skinny dipped on the coldest night in February. It was transcendent. Later that night I gave myself a stck n poke tattoo :)
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
3 of em. One under my head, one between my knees, and one to hug
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
on my side, spoonin a pillow
32. How big is your house?
Big enough :)
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
coffee and OCCASIONALLY a plain eggo waffle
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
yup. took a gun safety class.
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favourite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
fuck (issa classic)
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
74 hours. I was tweaking HARD and crying my fucking eyes out
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
this would be a good time for someone to confess their love for me 👀
41. Are you a good liar?
I’m fantastic at lying
42. Are you a good judge of character?
I’d like to think so
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
a lot of em
44. Do you have a strong accent?
I was back in California for 4 and a half months, so my valley girl accent came back and stronger than ever.
45. What is your favourite accent?
Australian or Midwestern
46. What is your personality type?
old man in a teenage girl’s body
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
One of my formal dresses that was like $120
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right-handed?
I’m ambidextrous
51. Are you scared of spiders?
not particularly
52. Favourite food?
Bean and cheese burrito or carne asada fries
53. Favourite foreign food?
Mexican food, but Chinese food is also near and dear to me (they’re kinda not foreign to me because I’m Chinese and Mexican
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
I’m messy in an organized way.
55. Most used phrase?
“Fuckin siiiiiiick, dude” and yes I sound like Nick Colletti when I say it. No, I’m not doing an impression, I’m just from SoCal and sound like a skater dude
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
About an hour or so
58. Do you have much of an ego?
I’m a Leo and I fit the description
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
Uh yeah who doesn’t????
61. Do you sing to yourself?
62. Are you a good singer?
I’m not bad ;) I’m just a bit out of practice 
63. Biggest Fear?
failure i guess i dunno
64. Are you a gossip?
I was going to say no but I can’t lie. I don’t spread shit, but I’ll listen to some tea.
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
Mid 90s was pretty intense. I dunno that’s the only one coming to mind at the momento
66. Do you like long or short hair?
depends on my mood
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
I’m just gonna say no. 
68. Favourite school subject?
History or science! Loved em
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Major introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
Hell naw. I can’t even watch underwater scenes in movies because I get anxious and I feel like I’m drowning
71. What makes you nervous?
Love/being loved
72. Are you scared of the dark?
Lil bit
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
yup and I do it politely so people can learn from it because I’m not a fuckin dick and I want people to thrive
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumour?
Not that I’m aware of
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
I was on student council does thaf countt??? I got put in charge of prom 2 years in a row because the peoplw that were put in charge fucked up and dropped the ball.
77. Have you ever drank underage?
Currently am. Not the first time nor will it be the last.
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Yeah, yeah I have.
79. Who was your first real crush?
This kid in first grade who had moved here from Russia. We were sat next to each other because our names both started with Z. He was fucking rad. i helped him study for his citizenship test and taught me phrases in Russian. 
80. How many piercings do you have?
seis. five in my ears and one in my nostril
81. Can you roll your R’s?
Yup yup yup. I speak Spanish so its kinda essential
82. How fast can you type?
Fast enough
83. How fast can you run?
I’m asthmatic and have bad feet/knees/hips/spine, ya know what my bones are fucked upp let’s justgo with that
84. What colour is your hair?
Dark brown, almost black.
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
Cats :( and pollen and shit like that
87. Do you keep a journal?
yeah imean i forget about it sometimes but its nice to vent or reminisce
88. What do your parents do?
They both work in the automotivw industry at separate companies on separate sides of the country
89. Do you like your age?
Nope. I’m at a weird transitional phase of being an adult but also still a kid but I don’t relate to most teenagers and I also can’t legally drink here in the states. Issa bummer ya know???.
90. What makes you angry?
We don’t have time for this and i ont have the mental capacity for iteither
91. Do you like your own name?
Fuck no. My name is Zoeie, acomplicated variant of Zoe. Its dumb and I misspell t a lot becauseI’m a whole dumbass and I remember in like fifth grade there was four other gorls wiyh the same name and we all spelled it differentlu (oooo I’m buzzed) Also, dann the man wagner’s dog is named Zoeie and I’m like coolcoolcooltighttighttight I have the same name as his dog thats fuckin siiiiick dude sarcassssssm it bums me out and i dunno why (I’d rather go by Zee or Z on here but if you want to call me Zoeie that’s fine, I’m ccool with it, I just think its dumb because of the spelling its actually not that bad of a name i’m just buzzed and salty)
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
I don’t really wantt kids but if I were ever to have gremlins I’d say Stephanie Renee (Stephanie after Stevie Nicks and we’d use Stevie as her nickname; Renee is my mom’s middle name) for a hypothetical daughter and Harrison James (Harrison after the fucking superior Beatle; James after Jimmy Page and Jimi Hendrix. Basically just after guitar gods) for a hypothetical son. But I’m assuming there’d be another person involved in making that decision in that situation soooo
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I am but a wee child, I don;’t want chilren. Also why the fuck would I want something specific??? you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit. Love your children or some shit like that.
94. What are you strengths?
I can get up in the morning and I thinf that;s real swell of me
95. What are your weaknesses?
I’m a fucking perffectionist anand I get in myown head a lot
96. How did you get your name?
I was nameless for the first day of my life and this was the first name my parents agreed on. Its spelled real fuckin dumb though. And my middle name was my grandma’s middle name.
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
Naw but they were royal guards wayyy back in the Ming dynasty. 
98. Do you have any scars?
am i tripppin large wit no luggage or did i answer this arleady???? the answer is yeah
99. Colour of your bedspread?
100. Colour of your room?
its cream we’re renting this place booooo
I don’t thinkk I’mma tag anyone because my braindoen’;t want to work ahora mismo and I can’t think of who to tag but I LOVE y’all even if idon;t talk to you I love you and appeciate you thank you if you read this :,)
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This batman fantasy au is so precious and pretty. With the way Dick and Damian are drawn/written it's pretty easy to imagine how a lot of their dynamic is/can be. I could see dragon Damian during the winter crawling into Dick's bed under the covers to sleep on his stomach like a cat seeking a warm soft place. (I can't help but think of little dragon Damian as cat like. If he's really comfortable he might dig his claws into Dick whenever Dick tries to move like cats do when they're on your lap).
Thanks so much! I’m glad your enjoying the AU. Damian does like warm places, like snuggling in bed with Dick, or in his lap, or on his shoulders covered by his hair. The way Toni and I talk he is very cat like, which can be good or bad for him. ;) 
This isn’t Damian sneaking into bed to find warmth, but he is trying hard to keep warm by using Dick’s hair as a blanket, and I hope you like it.
Dick was settled on a windowsill of his room just starting a new book when the familiar rustle of small leathery wings alerted him that Damian had come in. It was still early and the castle had yet to warm up with the sun and heat of the day, so it was little surprise that Damian was already hunting him down. His youngest brother hated the cold and if he had to be up, he liked to find warmth, particularly the warmth of being close to another person.
Damian muttered a good morning as he climbed the fabric covering the sill Dick was sitting on, his little claws gripping lightly so he didn’t tear or pull it. Dick had learned long ago not to try and help his brother when he was still sleepy and in his dragon form, he was too likely to be snapped at. So he let his book close against his thumb, keeping his place, and watched as Damian reached the stone, stretching.
“What are you reading already?” Damian asked, starting his climb up Dick’s arm to take his usual perch on his shoulder.
“Just something Cass wanted me to look at.” Dick answered as he felt his brother’s weight settled on his left shoulder. He tilted the book so Damian could read the cover.
“Tt. A romance?” Damian asked.
He felt the light swish of Damian’s tail, loosely wrapping around his neck towards his other shoulder, pushing his hair to expose part of his skin to the chilled spring air. Dick reached up and pushed the hair back in place.
“Cass wanted to discuss it with someone and Stephanie refused.” Dick told him.
“For once Brown has good taste.” Damian said.
Dick rolled his eyes, “I am only a few pages in if you want me to restart.”
Damian agreed, like Dick knew he would, and he turned back to the first page. They read silently. Damian tapped at Dick’s shoulder when he was ready for him to turn the pages, and by then Dick was usually caught up as well.
It was quiet and peaceful. Damian’s warmth rested against Dick’s shoulders easing tension from them. Having him close was like having his own personal heated blanket or like dipping into hot springs. It was pleasant and never too hot unless Dick was already warm.
Damian shifted when the clouds covered the sun and cool air blew against them. He snuggled closer, his tail swishing at Dick’s hair and one back leg reached out to pull some strands close.
“My hair is not a blanket you know.” Dick told him, good naturedly, “We could get one if you’re chilly.”
Damian hummed, his chest vibrating against Dick’s shoulder, “It is fine, the day will warm soon enough.”
“And until then you have me right?” Dick teased.
“If you do not want me here–” Damian said and started to move to climb off his shoulders.
Dick reached up to stop him, hand pressing against his brother’s side through his hair, “I am just teasing you, Dames.”
Damian huffed, blowing white smoke against his neck, and moved to settle back on his shoulder, but one of his claws got stuck in Dick’s tunic and he tripped, slipping. His back legs fell down Dick’s back and he scrambled to find his footing again. His claws skittered across Dick’s shoulder blades tickling him.
Dick laughed, bending forward as the tickles teased giggles out of him, then rocked back again, shaking Damian. His brother yelped, and gripped his tunic tighter before hissing, “Stop it, Richard. I cannot get back up.”
“I’m sorry.” Dick gasped, “You’re just…haha… I’m ticklish there.”
He reached back to help push Damian up and gripped a clump of hair and dragon, moving both up to settle on his shoulder. Damian lurched forward and gripped at his sleeve before adjusting his back legs. When he did Dick’s hair pulled and he gasped.
“Damian hold on, your a bit tangled.”
Damian stilled, then turned his body to find the source of the tangle. His leg jerked and so did Dick’s hair again, pulling tightly against his head. Dick reached back to hold Damian’s back leg.
“Hold on. Let’s go look at this in a mirror.” he said.
“I can manage it if you will release me.” Damian grumbled.
“No way, kiddo. You might be all wrapped up but it’s my scalp taking the beating.” Dick said, shifting the book off his lap then standing.
He stepped over to the full mirror in his room and had to stop a bubble of laughter. Damian glared out at him from what looked like a nest of black hair. It was looped around his arms and claws. When Dick turned he could see one of Damian’s wings pulled awkwardly into part of the hair. Even his tail seemed stuck.
“I’m sorry.” he said, his voice half a laugh, “Oh man, that is bad. Damian how did this even happen?”
“You caught me when you lifted me.” He hissed, “I believe I can work it out.” He tried to swish his tail but only tugged the hair a bit.
“Or not.” Dick said, raising an eyebrow at him in the mirror. “Want me to give it a shot?”
Damian huffed at him, fogging the mirror.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Dick said, reaching back with both hands to work on the knotted hair.
He picked at it for a bit, trying his best not to pinch his brother or grab dragon instead of hair. It felt like some of the knots were only getting worse, and once when he pulled a piece of hair Damian was the one to yelp as Dick also pulled his wing back.
“You know.” he said dropping his arms to cross them, “My hair is almost impossible to mess up.”
“I did not mess it up.” Damian replied.
Dick hummed, “I’d say it was a team effort. Either way, I think we need a pro.”
Damian shifted, trying to pull away again, “We are not leaving this room.”
“Then you are going to be stuck in my hair forever.” Dick said.
“I am fine with that.”
Dick rolled his eyes again, “It’ll just be Bruce. I can, I dunno throw a blanket over you until we get to him.”
Damian opened his mouth to protest but Dick was already turning away from the mirror to root around the room for something suitable to hide his brother with. He pulled a blanket off the bed and wrapped it around himself, tugging it over his head.
Damian’s argument of “No, Richard do not–” was cut off as the blanket muffled him.
He thrashed for a second pulling Dick’s hair, until Dick snapped, “Stop, you’ll only make it worse.”
The thrashing ceased and Dick snatched up a hairbrush before hurrying from his room. It took a few awkward questions to locate his dad, but Dick eventually found him in his private study. Bruce raised an eyebrow at him as he came in but didn’t comment.
“We have a small problem.” Dick said by way of hello, before tugging the blanket off.
Damian huffed and straightened as much as his predicament could allow, his head flopping irritatedly over Dick’s shoulder.
“Hello, Father.” he said.
Bruce made a sound somewhere between a snort and a laugh that sounded a little bit like he was choking. He put a hand to his mouth and held the other one up while his chest jerked and he made a second choking noise.
Dick probably should have given him a better warning before he’d pulled the blanket off, but the damage was done. Bruce let his face drop into his hands, his shoulders shaking for a moment before his back rose as he sucked in a lungful of air.
He looked back up at them and cleared his throat, “How did this happen?”
“Richard thought it would be a good idea to tangle me.” Damian told him.
“Damian slipped and I tried to help him up.” Dick explained, turning his head to look at his grumpy brother.
Damian rolled his eyes, “The point is, I am stuck and would like to be free from this imbecile’s hair.”
“Hey.” Dick said, poking Damian’s head, “Not nice.” Steam brushed across his hand in warning and Dick took the hint, dropping his arm. He didn’t want to add dragon bite to his list of problems.
Bruce waved them over, “Take a seat, I will have to go find a brush.”
Dick waved his as he sat in one of the chairs at Bruce’s desk. Bruce took it from him, stepping behind him. He huffed another laugh, and set the brush down before reaching for Dick’s hair. Dick felt Damian squirm as Bruce’s fingers brushed his back.
“This is unbelievable.” Bruce muttered, tugging at a knot.
Dick tilted his head back to ease the pressure on his scalp, but he couldn’t move it too far with Damian in the way. His brother grumbled and tried to shift so Dick could move, but Bruce stopped them with a hand.
“You’ll tighten the knot again, hold on.”
The pressure finally eased up and Bruce’s hands moved to a different spot.
“How in half an hour you managed this when I couldn’t even get your hair to look windblown as a kid–” Bruce muttered as he worked.
Dick grinned, “Maybe Damian’s magic cancelled out my hair’s.”
“Ridiculous.” Damian said, “Your hair is not magic.”
“My hair is magic.” Dick said, at the same time as Bruce’s voice added, “Dick’s hair is magic.”
Damian grumbled. Then after a moment added, “Well I do not see how anything I did could cancel that out. I do not walk with a layer of magic over me.”
Bruce pulled another bit of hair and both Dick and Damian yelped in unison.
“Sorry.” he said, “But I do wonder. You change by way of magic right? Perhaps it is part of your being instead of something you invoke to change.”
“Maybe that nullified my hair’s magic after so much contact with it. You’re always snuggling in it.” Dick added.
“I am not.” Damian’s tone was slightly affronted. “But perhaps you are correct, Father. Unless you are both lying to me.”
In truth, Dick wasn’t sure. His hair did grow faster than a human’s, and it was difficult to tangle or mess up, those things were facts. If that was because of magic or his fey or elven blood Dick wasn’t sure. Maybe it was a little of everything.
“We could cut it.” he mused, “If Damian’s too tightly stuck.”
His brother’s response was instant, “No.” the word was so forceful a little smoke came out with it, and Dick felt his back heat up as Damian did. “Father, do not do that.”
“Dames, it’s fine.”
Damian shook his head and Bruce made a sound of protest as hair shifted.
“It is not. I refuse to allow your hair to be cut because of me. It is a part of your culture. I will not take that from you.”
There was something in Damian’s tone that made Dick think this was more important to him than it should have been, some note of worry or fear. As if it didn’t have so much to do with Dick himself, but more with Damian. Dick made a note to remember to sit Damian down and talk to him about it later, when he didn’t have to answer both Dick and Bruce’s questions.
His brother was sensitive about his own culture, as shrouded as it was Dick only knew what Damian told him about the dragons, and what the rumors were. He tried to seperate the two from each other since so much of what he’d heard was tainted by fear. There were good parts of Damian’s upbringing so far that he didn’t want to tarnish, and he had a feeling his brother didn’t want to lose them in assimilating into his father’s home.
“I think I should be able to manage it without causing permanent damage to the hair or either of you.” Bruce told him. “But you both need to stop moving.”
They consented both Dick and Damian stilling for a while as Bruce picked at the knots in Dick’s hair. Dick felt Damian squirm again, and heard Bruce mutter another apology as he worked on what must have been Damian’s wing. It kept bumping the back of his head. Then at last, it was free and Dick felt it shift once more while Damian folded it against his back. His brother sighed and Dick felt a twinge of pity for him. It couldn’t be fun to have your wing pulled awkwardly for over half an hour. He’d offer Damian a massage later to work out any tightness built from this misadventure.
After what felt like an eternity, and much hair pulling, Damian’s weight and warmth was lifted from Dick’s back, leaving it cold and strangely light. He turned in his chair to find Bruce cradling a less grumpy Damian in his arms. His brother shifted, but seemed content to rest his chin on Bruce’s forearm.
“Thanks, B.” Dick smiled.
Bruce nodded at him, “If you turn back around I”ll brush it out and work out any lingering tangles. Damian, I’m fairly sure my hair won’t be a threat if you want to watch from my shoulders.”
Bruce lifted him and deposited him on one shoulder. It was so broad Damian fit comfortably there, his tail the only thing stretching further around Bruce’s neck. He looked so much smaller on Bruce than he had on Dick’s shoulders. He yawned and snuggled closer to Bruce’s neck.
“Hu.” Bruce said, glancing down at him, “You’re warm.”
“Of course I am.” Damian said opening his eyes to look up, “It does not bother you, does it?”
“No, I don’t know why I wasn’t expecting it. It’s just different than holding you.”
He picked the brush back up and motioned for Dick to turn again. He did so and soon felt the gentle pull of the bristles through his hair.
“I was surprised too.” Dick said, “The first time he climbed up, Damian’s stomach is warmer than his back.”
“The scales are different there, thinner. You are closer to my fire as well.” Damian said, and Dick could hear a note of something unsure in his voice. “I could move if it is uncomfortable.”
Bruce pulled the brush through Dick’s hair again, “On the contrary, it’s pleasant. You might consider switching shoulders, though. I’ve got a knot on the other one that would benefit from some warmth.”
Dick heard the gentle rustle of wings as Damian shifted, then, “Is this better?”
“That’s wonderful. Like a stone warmed by the fire.”
Dick turned his head to catch Damian’s look of happiness at those words, “It is the least I could do.” he muttered shifting to rest his head against folded arms.
Bruce finished brushing out Dick’s hair and started braiding it. His fingers gently pulled through the strands, and expertly moved each piece into its proper place. Dick loved the feeling of Bruce braiding his hair. And of Bruce brushing his hair. Honestly he loved it when Bruce did anything with his hair.
It always brought back the best memories of being small and tucked into his lap while Bruce fumbled to figure out how to pull it back. Or of the times he’d done it when Dick needed someone close after a scare or bad night. It was soothing and relaxing, and made him feel closer with Bruce than just about anything.
“Done.” Bruce said, tying off the braid with a bit of twine.
Dick stood and stretched, before running his fingers along the now silky braid. He smiled, “Perfect as always.”
Bruce handed him the brush back, “Try not to get it messed up again.” he said, the side of his mouth quirking, “But if you manage to get another dragon stuck in your hair let me know.”
“I do not intend on becoming entrapped in Richard’s hair again.” Damian said, “Though, perhaps you could show me how to braid his hair so I may avoid all danger next time.”
Bruce glanced at Dick who shrugged, “I’ll never say no to you braiding my hair.”
He sat back down and let Bruce tease his hair out of the braid, then listened as his dad carefully began to show Damian how to do it, enjoying the way their voices washed over him and happy to be lucky enough to have them both.
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a-splash-of-stucky · 6 years
A Messed Up Place | Epilogue
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: A wedding and a surprise
Warnings: flooffy goodness :’)
“Professional” Notes: The last ever AMUP update is being posted on Bucky’s birthday — I feel like that’s appropriate, somehow. Also, this was supposed to be a short and sweet epilogue but whOOPS 4k words happened somehow. Self-discipline? Don’t know what that is, never heard of it. #noregrets
“Emotional” Notes: I’m sobbing, I’m screaming, I’m hysterical, I’m not ready for this gAAHHHH!!!!
I’m feeling like a bundle of raw emotions rn. A Messed Up Place has been a labour of love ever since October 12th, 2017, my 19th birthday and the day I posted the AMUP Prologue. Now, nearly 5 months later, it’s coming to its official end. Thank you to everyone who’s stuck with me throughout this journey — your reblogs, comments and reactions have truly meant the world to me. To share this story with you, to see all the love that has come out of it, to have had this story bring me closer to some of my faves…there are no words to describe how I’m feeling. Honestly. Thank you so much, all of you.
Also, I’m sorry I broke your hearts and made you cry — I hope it was worth it all in the end.
AMUP Masterlist
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“My point is, I’ve known Tony for a long time,” says Rhodey. He pauses and cocks his head to the side, before barking out a short, dry laugh. “Actually, now that I think about it, it hasn’t been that long year-wise, but man, with the amount of sh—I mean…stuff he’s gotten himself into, it sure does feel a lot longer.”
As Rhodey takes a sip of his champagne, he catches Bucky’s gaze out of the corner of his eye and  gives an almost imperceptible quirk of his eyebrows. Bucky flashes him an easy smile and gives him a subtle thumbs-up, showing his thanks for the quick save.
Steph’s at the age where she just adores repeating basically every word that she hears. The last thing Bucky needs is for the word ‘shit’ to be added to her repertoire of favourites, alongside ‘laun-de-reee’, ‘no’ and ‘cat dick’.
Though, with a room full of adults in various stages of tipsiness, not adding a swear word to Steph’s vocabulary is proving easier said than done. There have been a few too many close-calls tonight. Why did Bucky ever think that letting Steph stay for the reception was a good idea? Her sleep schedule’s going to be fucked up for the next week.
Bucky pauses, registering his train of thought. God, he’s such a dad.
“I remember when Tony was an insufferable know-it-all,” Rhodey continues, his voice drawing Bucky back to the present. “Oh wait — he still is an insufferable know-it-all.”
That pulls a chuckle out of Bucky and causes a titter of laughter to ripple through the room. Tony gives his best man an affronted look.
“Yeah, but I guess back in the day, he was a hundred times worse,” Rhodey amends, once the audience has settled again. “I mean, c’mon! He was schooling all of his professors in MIT! Gave a lecture of his own, at one point — after hijacking the lectern in true Tony fashion, of course.”
“I’ve watched him as he lived the life of a CEO playboy. I’ve seen him learn what responsibility is. I’ve seen him at the lowest of his low points and the peak of his high points. And I thought I’d seen all the parts of him there ever was to see — until he met you, Pepper.”
The customary wave of ‘aww’s’ sweep through the room. Bucky watches as Pepper — in an uncustomary public display of affection — scoots her chair closer to Tony’s and rests her cheek on his shoulder. Pepper’s strawberry blonde hair has started to fall out of her bun, curled tendrils hanging loosely around her face. Her cheeks have a rosy glow to them that match the happy glimmer in her eyes. She looks relaxed and in love and more at peace than she’s ever been — just like her new husband.
“You bring out a whole different side of him, Pep,” Rhodey says, the fondness evident in his tone. “He’ll deny this to his grave, I know, but you make him soft at heart. You’re good for him and hopefully — he’ll be good to you. May the both of you live a long life, have a healthy marriage and please, for the love of god, don’t let any of your kids get their hands on Tony’s suits. To the both of you,” he declares, raising his champagne flute with a grin on his face. Amidst waves of laughter, Bucky catches the toast being echoed by the rest of the wedding guests.
Bucky pushes off from the wall he’s been leaning on and walks back to the centre of the dance floor. He takes the mic off Rhodey as their paths cross, murmuring a quiet ‘well done’ as they brush shoulders. That’s the last speech of what has been an eventful night, filled with tears (of the happy sort), lots of laughter and two separate occasions of Tony nearly setting Pepper’s dress on fire.
But besides those instances of near-catastrophe, the whole affair has been rather low-key and chilled. It’s clear that Pepper’s done most of the wedding planning. The entire event is being held in the back gardens of the compound. An enormous marquee has been set up, with fairy lights, lanterns and all manner of flowers strung from the ceiling. There’s a dance floor on one end and tables taking up the rest of the space. Everything is pastel coloured and tastefully decorated.
It’s nice. Really nice.
“So, that marks the end of all the speeches we have lined up for tonight,” Bucky says, addressing the assembled crowd. He’s the MC of the reception, tasked with the trying job of facilitating seamless transitions between the nights’ entertainment.
Bucky’s really glad that his work is almost done.
“I’d just like to say a quick thank you, on behalf of our newly married couple, to everyone that’s made this event what it was. And to Tony and Pepper — I’m sure you’re sick of hearing this, by this point, but congratulations,” Bucky says sincerely, flashing the two of them a warm smile. Pepper returns the gesture and Tony nods his head in acknowledgement.
Just then, Bucky hears the tap-tap-tap of patent-leather shoes darting across the floor. He beams when he catches sight of his daughter rushing towards him at full speed, arms outstretched, fine blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders and chocolate cake smeared on her chin.
Typical, he sighs internally. Well, at least there’s no chocolate on her white dress.
As Stephanie runs to his side, Bucky crouches down to welcome her with open arms. He hoists her up in one smooth motion, perching her on his waist. She enthusiastically wraps her arms around his neck and flashes him a toothy grin.
“Hello gorgeous,” Bucky murmurs, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. Bucky spots you sitting beside Pepper and arches an eyebrow in your direction, before looking pointedly at Steph; a silent what’s she up to?
You shrug exaggeratedly, hands raised and palms facing outward. How the hell do I know?
“Daddy,” Steph whines, patting Bucky on the cheek to get his attention, “Wanna go dancing again.”
Bucky’s heart might just have melted a little. He ducks his head closer, “Almost done here, gorgeous, then we can go dancing again, okay?” he whispers, lips brushing the shell of Steph’s ear with each word. He smiles when she giggles and pushes his face away with her pudgy hands; his baby’s always had ticklish ears.
Steph leans back and puts her palm on his cheek, schooling her features into a more solemn expression. “Daddy, I haff something ‘portant to tell you,” she says seriously.
“Oh?” Bucky asks, arching an eyebrow in amusement. “Okay, but is there something you want to say to Tony and Pepper first, gorgeous?”
Stephanie seems to think about it for a minute, brows drawing together and lips pursing as if she’s sucked on a lemon. When it clicks, she claps her hands excitedly as an exuberant grin spreads across her face.
“Yeah!” she cries, making grabby hands for the mic, “I gotta say something!”
Bucky chuckles, holding the mic closer to her mouth. “Go ahead, sweetheart,” he says.
Steph twists around so that she’s beaming brightly at the crowd of expectant faces. As the one and only flower girl in attendance, over the course of the night, Steph seems to have won over the hearts of everyone present.
Who can blame them, really?
Bucky catches sight of you, sitting in between Wanda and Pepper, watching your daughter with a bemused smile on your face. You’ve got your chin propped up on one hand, a glass of water poised at your lips. You meet Bucky’s gaze and flash him a cheeky wink, just as you take a sip.
“Ev’body? I’m gonna be a biiiiiig sistah!” Steph announces proudly.
It’s lucky that Bucky’s eyes are trained on you, because your reaction to Steph’s revelation is priceless. You choke on your mouthful of water and burst into a coughing fit. Wanda turns towards you to thump your back, whilst simultaneously shooting Bucky an is this for real? expression. Pepper and Tony have bolted upright, their haze of marital bliss disrupted by the commotion. Natasha and Sam look like they’ve gone into shock, and everyone else’s gaze is focused on Stephanie, who is seemingly unaware of what she’s just done.
A stunned hush descends over the room.
“Uhm,” Bucky mutters weakly. He clears his throat and shifts Stephanie on his hip. “Uhh—gorgeous…I think you had something else you wanted to say to Tony and Pepper, right?” he asks. “Remember? You were practicing it this morning?”
Stephanie cocks her head to the side and narrows her eyes. “Oh! Oh, con…gra…chu…lay…shuns?” she says slowly, carefully enunciating each syllable.
“Yeah,” Bucky agrees, his voice strained. “Yeah, um…why don’t you go sit back down with Aunty Nat, gorgeous, and let Daddy finish this off?” he suggests. Steph nods agreeably. Bucky sets her down and watches as she toddles off towards the head table, where Natasha is holding a hand out for her. Bucky runs his metal hand through his hair and takes a shaky breath.
“Okay, well…um,” he starts, “I—guess there’s not much more for me to say. Congratulations, Tony and Pepper. May you have a good marriage and all that.”
He’s pretty sure his words fall on deaf ears. As Bucky hands the mic back to the DJ hovering at the back of the dance floor, he spies you hurriedly weaving through the tables and slipping out of the marquee via one of the side flaps. Sam shoots Bucky a pointed look and jerks his head in your direction; a clear go after her, dude. Steph seems to be well-occupied by Natasha for the moment, and so, silently praying that his daughter isn’t going to start spouting out more secrets, Bucky quickly dashes after you.
When he steps outside, Bucky discovers that the twilight hour has come and gone. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, Bucky spins around in a circle, trying to find you. He spots you sitting on the concrete steps leading into the main building, your elbows on your knees, hands clasped in front of you and forehead pressed against your wrists. He sighs, slowly walking towards you, loosening his tie and undoing the top button of his crisp white shirt as he goes. Bucky plops himself down a couple of steps below you, body angled in your direction.
“She’s only three,” you say weakly, not bothering to lift your head up to acknowledge him. “What did I expect? Ugh, our daughter is terrible at keeping secrets.”
Bucky’s heart does an excited little flutter. “So she was serious?” he croaks out.
You drop your hands. Your mascara’s smudged underneath your eyes and most of your lipstick has rubbed off, this late in the day. But, you’ve still got a smile on your face and to Bucky, you look as beautiful as ever.
“I found out a few days ago,” you admit quietly, “Realised that my period was late and took a test.” You laugh softly, “Got the shock of my life when I saw it was positive.”
Bucky inhales sharply.
“I thought it’d be a nice to have Steph tell you the news,” you continue, eyes flicking up briefly to meet his. “I’ve been practicing it with her and—,” you break off with a groan, burying your face in your hands. “Fuck, why did I ever think that was a good idea? Now everyone knows that I’m pregnant and I wanted to tell you first in private before—and, and now—,”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Bucky interjects, pushing himself onto his knees and catching your wrists in his hands. He pulls them to his chest, ignoring your weak protests, leaving you unable to hide your face from him. When you tilt your chin upwards, Bucky sees the glimmer of unshed tears in your eyes. The watery smile on your lips tells him that they’re not tears of sadness, though. In this moment, Bucky feels like there’s a gurgling pressure behind his sternum, a bubbling spring of emotions itching to spew free.
“For real, princess?” he asks quietly, barely able to contain himself.
You laugh breathlessly, the corners of your eyes crinkling with joy. “Yeah, honey. Really.”
Bucky swallows, then leans in close until his forehead is resting against yours, until his nose brushes your cheek and your breath ghosts over his face. You slip a hand out of his grip and curl it around the back of his neck, fingers combing through his ponytail.
“Tell me again, sweetheart,” Bucky says, voice hoarse, thick with tears. With your palm pressed to his chest, he has no doubt that you can feel the mad thumping of his heart. “I need to hear you say it.”
Your hand on the back of his neck tightens its grip. “I’m pregnant,” you whisper.
Bucky lets out a half-sob, body surging forward to crash his lips against yours. Inside his chest, he feels the dam burst, allowing a tsunami wave of emotions to course through his system. The kiss is heated and sweet and meaningful, all that same time. His brain is spinning, his body is floating, his heart is soaring, his soul is singing. He’s overcome with feelings and he just—he can’t put any of them into words.
“Sweetheart,” he says breathlessly, brokenly. It’s the only word his brain can think of right now. Fuck—he has so many things to tell you. I can’t believe it, he wants to say. I’m terrified, maybe. I’m so fucking happy. I love you so much. “I—oh my god—,”
“I know,” you say fervently, meeting his lips for another urgent kiss, “I know.”
And perhaps, he just doesn’t need to say anything. Maybe you’ve heard all those unsaid words anyway. Maybe, after all this time, you just know.
“Again,” Bucky demands, one hand cupping the back of your head, the other arm encircling your waist. He darts in for another kiss — fuck he never wants to stop kissing you, ever — as he leans forward, forcing you to brace your elbows against the step above the one you’re sitting on. “Tell me again,” he begs, gently nipping your bottom lip as he pulls back to look at you.
He takes in your kiss-bitten lips, your darkened eyes and your messy hair. You curl your fingers into the lapels of his jacket, just as your lips curl into a private smile, for his eyes only. “I’m pregnant,” you repeat, your voice quiet, sincere.
Bucky drops down again, brushing his lips against yours. “I love you so much,” he says, in between kisses, “So fucking much, you know that?”.
“Love you too,” you reply, throwing your arms over his shoulders to hold him close.
Where words fail, actions speak.
Bucky pours every ounce of love surging through his body into every press of his lips, desperately hoping that each kiss is enough to telegraph the extent of his emotions. Words are not enough, actions are not enough — he wants you to know how he’s feeling so bad. His world is shaken by this news — for better, for worse, who knows?
The only certainty he’s holding onto right now is you.
Bucky blankets your body with his, moulding his body to yours and wishing he could do the same to your souls. He kisses you and tastes the salt of your tears, the mint on your tongue. He feels the hammering of your heart, hears your barely-audible sighs and greedily drinks in the exultant joy radiating out of every fibre of your being.
“Sweetheart,” Bucky breathes, cradling the back of your neck with his flesh hand and pulling your mouth closer, kissing your lips like you’re the oxygen that Bucky has been starving for. And maybe that is what you are, Bucky thinks desperately, a fleeting thought in his dizzy mind. Maybe you’ve been his oxygen all this while. Because it’d certainly felt like an agonisingly slow death, enduring all those months without you.
The two of you lose time like that, sprawled out on the steps, tangled in each others arms, rucking up your fancy clothes. You trade kisses and soft touches, murmured promises and meaningful stares. There’s a simmering heat in his belly that Bucky could turn into something more if he stoked the fire and gave it some attention, but for now — this is enough.
From somewhere on his left, someone clears their throat obnoxiously.
Bucky startles, quickly rolling off you as he reaches for the knife strapped to his left calf. When he sees who it is, he allows his posture to relax, although a hot rush of embarrassment does race through his veins.
“If we’d walked out a second later, I’m fairly certain we’d’ve stumbled across you two defiling our porch steps,” Tony remarks dryly.
Pepper gently elbows him in the side. “Tony!” she chastises, “Be nice.”
“Sorry, darling,” Tony says quickly. Bucky doesn’t miss the dopey look he shoots in her direction.
Seriously. Were you and Bucky ever this bad?
Bucky glances down at the gold ring welded onto his metal ring finger, casts his mind back to a warm summer’s day on the beach, sun on his face, sand between his toes, his arms around your waist and thinks no — the two of you were worse.
“Anyway,” Tony drawls, “I must say, your daughter sure does have a knack for dramatic timing.”
“He did learn from the best,” Pepper comments sarcastically, giving him the side-eye. Tony squawks in protest.
“Tony—Pepper, I’m so, so sorry,” you say quickly, sitting up and brushing you skirt back into place. “I—I really didn’t mean to steal your thunder, or anything like that, I swear, it was—,”
Pepper holds a hand up to silence you, a benevolent smile on her lips. “No harm done, Y/N,” she says reassuringly, “Really, we mean it. Yes, it was quite the shock, but—that just makes the night more memorable, no? We’re not mad, honestly.”
Tony snorts. “Speak for yourself,” he grumbles. “Sorry, sorry,” he adds hastily, when Pepper narrows her eyes into a murderous glare. Turning his focus back to the two of you, he clears his throat and says, “Congratulations, and all that good stuff, I suppose.”
Pepper rolls her eyes. “Yes, congratulations, you two,” she says emphatically. “And technically, it is past midnight, so you didn’t really steal our thunder.”
You make a sound that is a cross between a laugh and a groan. “I’m never going to forgive her for this,” you mutter darkly, “There goes her Stark tablet privileges for the week!”
“You say that, but you know she’ll just do something to make you forgive her in the next day,” Bucky points out. “Kid’s got us wrapped around her finger.”
With a resigned, full-bodied sigh, you slump against Bucky’s side. “It’s the thought that counts,” you say morosely.
“Well, I think we’ll leave you two to rejoice in peace,” Tony says decisively, pivoting on his heel and striding back to the party. “Just don’t traumatise any of our guests when they come out here!” he calls over his shoulder.
“Tony,” Pepper says, in a voice that is both fond and exasperated. To the two of you, she adds, “Seriously, no offence taken. I’ll make sure that Nat’s keeping an eye on Stephanie.”
“Thank you, Pepper,” Bucky says, as Pepper glides off towards her husband, her periwinkle blue wedding dress swishing with each step.
The two of you sit in silence, watching as Tony and Pepper slip back into the marquee, hand-in-hand. When the coast is clear, you peel yourself away from Bucky’s side and climb into his lap. Bucky chuckles in surprise, but plants his feet flat on the step below, allowing you to straddle his thighs.
You pay no attention to the fact that your skirt has bunched up in your lap, nor to the fact that someone from the reception could stumble out and see you two at any second. Bucky rests his hands on your waist and tips his head back to look at you, awestruck by the reality of the situation and the enormity of this new adventure.
“How the hell are we gonna manage with two little ones?” he asks quietly, thumbs rubbing gentle circles into your hipbones. “We can barely get by with just Steph!”
You throw your head back and laugh, drawing Bucky’s attention to the elegant column of your neck. Compelled, he leans forward and presses a kiss to the hollow of your throat, letting his lips linger for a while. You hum softly, looping your arms over his shoulders and scooting forward a little, so that your chest is pressed against his.
“I wouldn’t worry about it,” you murmur, “Things always seem to have a way of working out.”
When your lips finally meet, the kiss is tender — languid and lazy, like a sluggish breeze on a sweltering hot day. Bucky’s arms tighten around you, the fingers of his flesh hand tangling in your hair, his metal hand tracing patterns across the skin of your bare back. He swipes his tongue across your bottom lip and swallows your breathy sigh. You mouth opens so easily for him and before long, he finds you rolling your hips against his in slow, sinuous motions.
Bucky’s mouths a trail of wet kisses across your jaw and down your neck, coming to a stop above your pulse point. He feels your thrumming heartbeat against his lips, seemingly beating in time with his own heart.
“D’you think it’s okay if we ask Nat and Sam to take Steph for the night?” he asks, only half-joking, “Y’know. For celebration purposes.”
He feels the rumble of your laughter vibrate through his chest. “Bucky,” you giggle.
“No,” you say. Bucky’s fairly certain he heard your eyes rolling, that time.
“Aw—c’mon, honey—,”
“No,” you repeat firmly. Before he can protest further, you cup Bucky’s jaw in your hands, tilting his head back until he meets your eyes.
Your hair is disheveled, falling around your face in messy strands. There’s a gleaming brightness in your eyes that makes the marquee lights behind you seem pale in comparison. You brush your thumb across Bucky’s stubbled jaw, an absentminded smile playing on your lips. “Not tonight, at least,” you tell him.
Bucky swallows, reaches his flesh hand up to catch your wrist. He turns his face to the side and presses his lips to the heel of your palm, registers your sharp intake of breath. “I’m gonna hold you to that promise,” he murmurs.
You huff out a laugh and lean forward, nosing a path down his cheek. Bucky turns his head and finds your mouth again, pressing his lips against yours in slow, unhurried movements.
“Tell me again,” Bucky whispers, as his flesh hand comes to rest on top of your belly.
You rest your hands on top of his, before swallowing audibly. You hold his gaze, your eyes bright with sudden tears, a pure and hopeful smile on your lips.
“I’m pregnant, sweetheart. We’re gonna have another baby.”
Bucky thinks he’ll never be as happy as he is right now, sitting on some concrete steps with you in his arms, stealing kisses from your lips whilst the sounds of laughter and upbeat music float across the gardens.
Bucky’s glad he stands corrected a few months later, on Steph’s fourth birthday, when he sees the look of delight on his baby’s face as she sets eyes on her unicorn-themed birthday cake. They’re surrounded by their super-family, a collection of opened presents and shredded wrapping paper littering the floor of the common room. Stephanie manages to get pink frosting all over her face, making Bucky laugh until his cheeks are sore. You try to keep the smile from spreading across your face, but it’s a futile effort when you have a daughter as sweet as Steph.
You have a hand resting protectively on top of your burgeoning belly, and the sight only serves to make Bucky’s heart swell a little more.
Bucky’s glad he stands corrected a few months after that, as he cradles his son in his arms, gently rocking him back and forth as he makes his way over to your side of the bed. You take him from Bucky, cooing softly as you stroke your knuckle over his chubby cheeks. Steph, perched on your other side, peers at the baby curiously, as if trying to decide what to make of her little brother. Warily, tentatively, she brushes her index finger over his pudgy fist, gasping in surprise when he wraps his little fingers around it and holds on tight.
“I think I could love him,” she whispers.
Bucky’s glad he stands corrected a few years down the line, as the two of you bring in the last of the boxes and set them on the kitchen counter. The house is a mess, the kids are wreaking their usual havoc and the last thing he wants to do is walk up a flight of stairs to check on them. Both of you are gross and sweaty, but Bucky loops his arms around you and pulls you close nonetheless, planting an enthusiastic kiss on your lips. Moving in has been stressful and exciting, to say the least, but Bucky is eager to start writing this new chapter in your lives. He can’t wait to fill these walls with memories and make this house a place to call home.
Unable to fight the grin spreading across his face, Bucky picks you up and swings you around in a circle. “Welcome home, sweetheart,” he breathes.
Bucky loses track of how many times he stands corrected, as the years go by. Day after day, he smiles until his cheeks hurt and laughs until his sides ache. The years are filled with birthdays and babies, missions and milestones, ups and downs. He watches his children go to school, grow up, get married, have lives — take on the world like they were made of gold dust and vibranium.
“What a life, huh sweetheart?” Bucky asks softly, as another chapter comes to its end.
Time has a funny way of slipping by in the blink of an eye, he’s noticed. Many things have changed over the years, but the one faithful, unshakeable constant he’s held onto is his love for you.
Bucky thinks of this as the two of you lie tangled up on the sofa, your body slotted between Bucky’s legs, your cheek pressed to his chest and his chin resting on top of your head.
“Yeah, honey. What a life,” you murmur, as you slip your fingers underneath the hem of his t-shirt, splaying them across the small of his back. “A crazy, wild, tumultuous, messy life.”
You pause to pull away from him, sitting up a little and craning your head back to look into his eyes. “But worth it all?” you ask.
Bucky grins, feels that joyous fluttering in his heart as he leans forward and presses a kiss to your lips. “Yeah, my gorgeous. It’s all been worth it.”
End A/N: Am I bawling my eyes out? You betcha :’)))
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