#this was supposed to be my light fic
arofili · 19 days
35 with spring with russingon >:]???
“Swear to me,” Findekáno insisted.
Maitimo rolled his eyes. “This again? Finno, you know—”
“Swear to me, Russo!” Findekáno rolled over on top of him, grabbing his wrists and pressing them into the soft, grassy earth. “Say it. I want to hear it.”
Maitimo sighed, still not seeing the point of this foolish endeavor. “I swear,” he intoned, only for Findekáno to laugh and silence him with a kiss.
“Don’t sound so serious about it,” he teased. “Just tell me. Tell me you love me.”
“I love you,” Maitimo said simply. It had been hard to say at first, but it came naturally now. Of course he loved Findekáno. How could he not? How could there be a world where he didn’t?
“Swear it,” Findekáno murmured, his lips brushing the sensitive tip of Maitimo’s right ear. “Mean it.”
“You said not to be so serious—”
“I love you, Findekáno Astaldo,” Maitimo murmured, baring his neck for Findekáno to bite, should he desire. He was rewarded immediately with a soft kiss, deepening slowly as those beloved lips traced their way down to his collarbone. “I swear it. I love you.”
“To the ends of Arda?”
“And back,” Maitimo promised, his voice going raw, and not just because Finno had begun to grind against his hip.
“To the ending of the world?”
“And its remaking,” Maitimo vowed.
Findekáno growled softly, his hröa hot and eager against Maitimo’s. “That’s right. You love me. Always. You promised.”
“I promise,” Maitimo whispered. “I love you.”
“And I you,” Findekáno swore in return. “Though the Valar themselves cast us out; though the stars cease shining; though the Trees should fall—”
“Speak not of such things,” Maitimo said, his hands coming to grip his lover’s waist. “So long as I have hands with which to hold you, nothing so dreadful can happen. So long as you are with me. I swear it.”
Findekáno kissed him, hard this time. “I am with you,” he rumbled. “As you swear, so do I. In Eru’s name.”
Maitimo shivered. It was too close to blasphemy—nay, too close to a promise they never could break. And he wanted that, he did, but...
But what?
“In Eru’s name,” he vowed, caring not what anyone thought but his beloved and the One. Was it marriage, or no? He did not care. Not so long as Findekáno was with him. “I love you, Finno, I...”
He did not finish his sentence, with Findekáno atop him, their love binding them together. He did not need to, not with Eru smiling down upon them from above.
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nethhiri · 1 month
Marooned: Chapter 31
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy/infertility
(I meant for this to be funny/lighthearted but it turned slightly angsty? Don't worry though. It's sandwiched between fluff.)
Killer woke up before you did. At some point in the night, the positions changed until you were now the little spoon and he was curled around your back, face pressed into your hair, inhaling the way you smelled. His hand rested on your stomach, having very innocently moved your shirt out of the way so he could feel the soft skin underneath. It slid down to gently knead at your love handle. He wanted to stay like that for longer; unfortunately a ship of hungry pirates was not pleasant to be aboard. "Y/N," he whispered. "You're gonna help with breakfast, aren't you?"
You groaned, pulling the sheets over your head. "Not now, boss. M'sleepy." Clearly, you were somewhere else in your head.
His fingers prodded your ribs until a soft giggle came from under the sheets. "Wake up, breadcrumb."
"Killerrrrrrrrrr." You turned to face him with half-lidded eyes, barely peeking out from the sheets. You were about to plant a kiss on him, but shrunk closer to him when you heard boots approaching the door to the bathroom. He was also turned on his side, facing you, so you were hidden behind him, still under the sheets.
The door opened and Killer half-turned to see Kid standing in the doorway. "Killer, why are there three toothbrushes?" Kid's eyes were narrowed. 
"You must have taken out another one when you were drunk." Killer didn't feel like dealing with Kid this early in the morning. 
"No. Mine is blue, yers is red, and now there's a purple."
Killer straightened slightly. "Mine is blue."
"Pretty sure mine is the blue one."
"Kid!" Killer knew all too well what Kid did with his mouth and frowned at the implication they had inadvertently been sharing. "Why the fuck would I use red when that's your color? I'm blue. You're red."
Kid shrugged. "I like blue." He shook his head. "Wait that's not what I'm here to argue about. Why is there a purple!?" Kid walked around Killer's bed to see who was in it. He had a suspicion that Killer hadn't invited him to your nighttime activities like he promised. Kid grabbed the covers and yanked at them, but they didn't budge, firmly in your grip. So he did the next best thing and snaked his hand underneath, finding a small foot. "Aha!" He dragged you out from the end of the bed.
You tried to grab something to hold onto to no avail. "Killer, help!" You reached for him and giggled. "Noooooo!" You yelled as you were rudely pulled out and left to plop onto the floor. "Ow, Kid." You sat at the foot of the bed on the floor, letting your head fall back against the mattress behind you. 
"I knew it! Ya fucked without me!"
"No, we didn't, Kid." Killer rolled his eyes and reached for his helmet on the side table. "Swear on your life."
Kid looked confused. "Why not? On yer period or somethin?" Why else would you be in the same bed as Killer and not fuck?
Killer scoffed. "What does that matter?" He got out of bed and started to get ready for the day.
It was your turn to roll your eyes. "I don't even remember when the last time I had one was." You didn't think anything of it. Kid was, again, ruining your nice moments with Killer and it was annoying you. "Believe me. I tried." You added, "We just... cuddled. It was... nice." You felt yourself starting to flush and took that as your cue to leave before Kid could make fun of you. You moved in the shadows, trying to avoid being seen leaving Killer's room in pjs and simultaneously praying you didn't get a splinter in your bare feet. Somehow, you were successful on both fronts. Emma and Quincy noticed your absence all last evening, but they assumed you had been helping Killer in the galley and then stayed with Kid. You didn't correct them. It was weird. You could care less if people talked about you and Kid. Killer, though, you wanted to keep that to yourself. It felt wrong to talk about it, especially since it respected his privacy, too.
You met Killer in the galley to help with breakfast. Every time he put his hand against your back to push past you or grabbed something from you, brushing your hand, you felt hot. You kept feeling hot. Really hot. The feeling didn't go away and you were sweating. You leaned against the counter, feeling lightheaded.
Killer stopped his buzzing around the kitchen to put his hand on your forehead. "Are you ok?"
You shook your head. "I think I need to lay down." You felt fine when you woke up so why did you suddenly start feeling cruddy? 
"Do you want me to come check on you later?" Killer probably would have just done it, however he didn't want to overstep, afraid that you would feel suffocated if he gave you too much attention too soon.
"I'm okay." You didn't want Killer wasting his time looking after you. After all, you were the doctor.
You headed directly to the infirmary, rifling through the cabinets for a few things. Before you had the chance to take the rainbow of pills sitting on the counter, a wave of nausea overcame you. Sprinting into the bathroom without a second to spare, you were hung over the toilet, heaving your guts out. Mostly bile came up since you had digested the previous night's food already. When your stomach decided to calm down, you dragged yourself to lay on one of the gurneys, promptly passing out.
The captain was in his workshop, still miffed about being left out. So what if there was no fucking? Maybe he wanted to snuggle, too. So what if he was a brute? He liked soft things, too. The sound of you entering your side of the involuntarily shared space directed his thoughts elsewhere. Kid heard all the commotion through the massively huge hole in the wall, still not fixed. "If yer gonna puke, at least shut the door. Damn," Kid mumbled. He wondered what had you feeling like shit. Surely, it wasn't Killer's cooking. He couldn't think of a time when he had ever gotten sick from his first mate's food. But there was an itch in his brain. Something you said earlier. It sent him into a cold sweat. "I don't even remember when the last time I had one was."  One by one, every time he fucked you played in his head, and by default, every time he came, some times on you, but mostly in you. "Shit." Kid, paler than ever, went to find Killer. 
Kid burst through the galley doors, trying to be cool, but the shifting of his eyes gave away that he was in his head. "Hey, Kil." He pretended to be interested in the food, which was hardly pretending except for the fact his stomach was doing flips. "Did ya, uh, notice anything about Y/N this morning?" 
That got Killer's attention. Kid had never referred to you by name before, always using 'Rotten' or his other nicknames. Killer continued to cook, "Yeah. She didn't feel good." Where is he going with this? 
"I heard her puking in the infirmary bathroom." Kid seemed anxious.
Killer was immediately concerned. "You think it was my spaghetti?" He sounded dejected. The pride he had in his food would be severely wounded if he had accidentally gave you food poisoning. He felt fine, though, and you had eaten the same thing. 
Kid rubbed his arm. "No. I think it possibly, may be, slightly my fault." He was sweating.
The first mate knew his captain well, and knew that he was struggling to say something. "Kid," he said lowly. "What did you do?" Killer didn't know what to think. Did Kid pull a prank that went wrong? Maybe he accidentally poisoned you. Killer knew Kid had been annoying you by moving stuff around in the infirmary. What if he switched the bottles of something and you took too much of the wrong thing? "You better go apologize for whatever it is if you're sweating this badly over it."
"I don't think an apology will do much." Kid took a deep breath. "Remember earlier this morning? When I said the thing about the period and then she said she couldn't remember the last one." 
Killer put 2 and 2 together. "Kid... We've talked about this." The world didn't need any more red-headed pirates in it.
"I know. I know! But in the moment... And she didn't stop me! So it's not all my fault!"
Killer wasn't all that worried. Sure. It was a very real possibility, but he doubted a woman so hellbent on revenge and being reckless would even allow it to be a remote one. "She's not stupid, Kid. If she wasn't worried, then either there's not a reason to be, OR she wanted to have your kid. And I HIGHLY doubt the second possibility. She can't stand even the one of you."
Kid looked a touch offended. "Killer, you aren't taking this seriously." Kid ran a hand through his hair. He hadn't put that much thought into thatpart of his future. 
Killer shrugged. "It's not my kid." He knew that would rile Kid up, but couldn't resist poking at him. If he was actually concerned, he would be more empathetic. 
Kid huffed. "Well the way the two of ya are getting on, yer gonna be the step-dad." He folded his arms, reminded of being left out.
"Oh my god, you're jealous." Killer chuckled. Kid was so cute when he was jealous. His pouty face and grumbling voice made Killer grin under his mask. Killer shook his head and sighed. "Why don't you leave her alone for now, and later I'll go with you to check up on her, unless you want to go by yours-"
"No. I need ya to come with me." Kid quickly interjected. It's not like he was scared or anything. It was for you, in case you needed Killer's support.
After an entire day of Kid pacing the ship, freaking out in his head, Killer had found him and the two went to check on you. At first Kid was freaking out about the presence of a child on a pirate ship, though none of them were raised in savory conditions in the first place, so maybe it would be fine. Then he was freaking out because the combined personalities of you and he would be an absolute demon of a child, and how would he make it listen. Kid didn't really love the idea of a kid, but he would be damned if he let it grow up like he, Killer, Wire, and Heat did. If you even stayed, or wanted it, or wanted to participate in raising it. There were a lot of uncertainties. Unwarranted, as he would soon find out.
Killer knocked and entered. 
"I told you not to check on me," your voice was strained. They didn't see you initially. You had opted to lay with Mini on the floor, instead of the gurney. Lay was a strong term, you were curled into a ball, shivering. "Don't come closer!" You held your hand out in a gesture to stop. 
"You look like shit." Killer saw how green and clammy you were. Sweating, yet shaking like you were freezing. He could plainly see that you were sick. 
Lifting your head to look at him, you didn't think Kid would be there as well. You assumed Killer would probably come check on you or send Heat even though you said not to. Kid, though, he wasn't the type to show concern for another person. You pulled yourself up to be sitting. He had a weird energy about him. "What's your problem?" You directed it at Kid.
"YER PREGNANT!" He blurted it right out. 
You stared at him blankly. How the fuck did he reach that conclusion? A bunch of things went through your head at once. It was something you didn't go telling everyone. But you realized you probably should have mentioned it to the guy who was shooting loads in you basically every day for weeks off and on. You didn't feel bad, however, because you were still mad at him for a variety of reasons and he deserved to sweat a little. "Well, fuck I would have stopped drinking if I knew that." You got serious and frowned at him. "And what do you plan to do about it?"
Kid stammered. "I-I- uh." He didn't have to struggle for long. He thought you were crying before realizing you were laughing at him.
"Kid, relax. I'm not." You smirked. "Is that why you ran out of here like a scared animal this morning?" You shouldn't be laughing at his mental torment, but seeing Kid a little scared was interesting and you were a little delirious from whatever concoction you whipped up for yourself. 
"Told you." Killer stated, matter-of-factly, clapping a hand on his shoulder. 
"Shut up. I wasn't worried." Kid grumbled, though visibly relieved. "But explain anyways," Kid demanded. "You were puking and... you know all the times-"
"All the times you couldn't pull out because this pussy is too good? Yeah I recall." Mainly, you didn't want to go about your day dripping cum into your panties. You gave up on asking him to pull out however, because he simply couldn't. "I would have been a lot angrier with you if there was a risk of getting pregnant, dumbass. But now I can't help but wonder how many brats you have out there in the world with that shitty ass pull-out game." You were giggling. 
"I'm more careful with whores! Shut up!" Kid was fully red. 
Killer shot you a dubious look.
"Aw, does that mean I'm not a whore to you?" You decided to grace him with an answer. "It's physically impossible for me to have a kid. So you can continue to nut as you please, when I decide to fuck you again." '
"When?" Killer questioned, a cheeky look on his face.
You corrected yourself. "If. If I decide."
Normally Kid would have been focusing on the part about the nutting. However, he was stuck on the first thing you said. You weren't a whore to him, but what were you to him? Both you and Killer had assumed he was jealous of the time Killer spent with you instead of with him. Kid found himself strangely jealous of your attention. He wanted more of it. "Why can't ya?" Kid didn't mean to be rude, for once. He just wanted to know, to be sound of mind.
Killer hit the back of his head. "You can't ask that!" 
"It's fine." It didn't really bother you. You never wanted kids in the first place and in this life, it was a blessing in disguise. A really painful, terrible disguise. You pulled up your shirt, holding the hem in your teeth, and unbuttoned your pants, pulling the waistband down until it was at the edge of your pubes. "You probably never noticed it since you were preoccupied with... other things." There was a pale, silvery, jagged scar about 2/3 of the way from your belly button to your mons, just above your pubic ramus. "Katana got me." You shivered and put your pants back on. 
"Oh," was all Kid said. 
"You really don't look good. Do you need some soup? Water?" Killer saw how uncomfortable you were and also wanted to change the subject since he wasn't sure how much it bothered you. 
"M'fine." You let yourself slide back down on your side. Mini picked up her head and licked you.
Stubborn. "Ok. Will you have someone get me if it gets worse?"
"Probably not."
"It wasn't a question," Killer put on his first-mate voice. He continued, "Kid, why don't you keep an eye on her?"
"I'm not fuckin staying here ta get sick."
"Lucky for you, someone installed an observation window," Killer motioned to the big fucking hole in the wall, "so you can sit alllll the way at your workbench and still see." 
Kid grumbled, walking over to his side of the space and Killer left. 
You barely moved over the next day and Kid couldn't stand the sight of you shivering. So damn annoying. He tried to ignore it, ignore you. Every noise or sudden movement you made had his head snapping up to see what was wrong. He couldn't focus on anything he did. With a frustrated growl, he stomped over to look down on you. "Yer so damn irritating." Shrugging his coat off, he laid it over you. "If ya barf on this, I'm throwing ya into the sea, got it?" You didn't give any response, deep in sleep. His eyes flicked to your right ear. The top part of the helix was missing, damaged from the attack you had endured. He didn't know what came over him the other day, but as he fiddled with scraps, he had an idea. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the small, crescent shaped piece of metal that he hid from Killer earlier in the week. It was cuffed and made from a nice silvery-colored metal. With a gentleness unbecoming of hands so rough and calloused, he moved your hair out of the way and slid the metal prosthetic, though it was more like jewelry, over your ear. It attached to the helix that was left to resemble the part that was missing, like the tip of your ear was dipped in silver. "Hmph." A small flicker of pride lit inside him. It looked good. Of course it does. I made it. He didn't know why, but he did.
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missjoolee · 3 months
Chapel of Love
1.1k words
The barest hint of hot, dry air ruffled against the baby hairs on the back of her neck doing little relief. Long gone were the multi-layered stage outfits, having learned she needed something more breathable underneath the stagnant tent two days ago at the start of the music festival. Instead, she wore a poofy crop top with shorts, and she could feel Luke’s eyes roaming the revealed skin of her shoulders, midriff, and legs with each song they sang together. He'd been winding her up with each set.
Her hands grip the top of the mic stand as she leans into where the mic sits, holding herself in place where normally she would be dragging it over to share with Luke in this moment. But they are halfway through the seventh and final set and his eyes weren’t the only thing she could feel looming nearby. Just outside the Loud & Local tent sat the “Chapel of Love”. And the next lyrics were too close to vows that she might do something stupid if she got too close to him. Why had they written them this way, again?
They hadn’t seen the simple archway that signified the “chapel” when they had arrived to set up, the van being parked on the other side of the tent that held the stage that they would share with four other bands over the three day festival. And when they finally had a chance to roam the festival grounds, Reggie pulling them to the food truck selling fancy milkshakes, they saw it but didn’t know what it was. Even on the information board sporting a map, it was just a tiny innocuous dot.
It had been later on a water run that Alex and she saw a small gathering of people under it, two of them sealing their love with a kiss. Apparently, you could get married at this festival.
"Huh," Alex had said, taking a drink from his bottle and then resting his arm on her shoulder. "That's a decision." "I don't know. I think it's kind of sweet," she'd responded. A snort rang out from above her head. "Of course you would say that." She'd sent an accusatory glare up at him, dropping her shoulder so his arm would fall way. "What's that supposed to mean?"
She had known exactly what he meant though. Her eyes close against the crowd in front of her and drift open to her left, knowing exactly where Luke would be.
She can feel electricity thrum through her body as she begins the call and response moment.
"I've got a spark in me."
She can see the confusion on his face, but he smiles at her as the words slide out of him with ease.
"I've got a spark in me."
She closes her eyes against the assault of love intertwining with the electricity already coursing though her. In her mind, the simple archway looms above them. This is why she was fighting her entire being from going to him. It was too soon. Too impulsive.
"And you're a part of me."
She can't escape the feelings that have been building with each performance they've done this weekend. The euphoria of performing their music with the her best friends, and the man she loves, not caring that she shut her eyes in an attempt to block it out.
"And you're a part of me."
Luke's voice right next to her sends a shiver across her shoulders, her eyes jumping open to see he'd closed the distance to share a mic with her. Not letting her run from him, not realizing she wasn't running. She was trying to reign in some very impulsive thoughts. She can see the concern in his eyes behind the determination and can't help the smile that graces her face, softer than what is normally part of her stage persona.
"Now till eternity."
His response is accompanied by the smile he normally saves for her when they are in the studio. One that Alex and Reggie unfortunately have to put up with because it side tracks things often enough. "Now till eternity."
The mental reigns she's been wrestling are completely forgotten about. She's a goner. Their voices twine together like they have thousands of times before.
"Been so long and now I'm finally free."
The rest of the set goes off without a hitch. The adrenaline and dopamine high intoxicating. She feels Reggie's arm go around her shoulders as Luke's goes around her waist and she looks at all her band-mates with pride. This weekend was amazing and did a lot to promote them, even if they were competing for attention with signed bands that have been around a whole lot longer on two other stages. They take a group bow to the crowd before they disperse like the non-existent wind.
Luke's arm tightens and he leans down to her ear to be heard. "Everything okay?" His voice is raspy and a bit lower than normal from doing seven performances in three days.
Perfect. The word rings in her head, bolstering her onto her toes next to his ear so he can hear her response.
"Marry me." Her own voice rough, lower and more sultry than she expected.
He looks surprised as he processes her words, but not like they made him uncomfortable if that same smile he saves for her lighting up his face means anything.
"Yeah. Okay."
She grabs hold of the hand on her waist, interlacing their fingers as she heads for the exit of the tent with determination. He drags behind her a bit.
"You mean right now??"
The first flicker of doubt hits her. "Yes?"
He drops her hand and scrambles to get the guitar strap over his head. "Oh hell yeah."
Her smile is so big she can feel the ache in her cheeks but she doesn't care. He wants this as bad as she does.
A voice interrupts them. "Uh Julie? Luke? Where are you going? We have to pack up our stuff so Midnight Mayhem can go on."
Reggie looks confused, his thumb pointing over his shoulder off the back of the stage. Alex's looks suspicious. Julie can feel heat soar to her cheeks as she looks up at Luke's face and sees the eager giddiness there and then back at Alex. Yeah, that tracks.
"Sorry guys. Got a little distracted. Band meeting after we get everything packed up."
She pulls Luke back over to their gear to begin packing up. Squeezing his hand before dropping it to unplug her keyboard.
He looks at her with confusion. "Band meeting?"
"We'll need witnesses."
"Riiiiiight. Nice."
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omaano · 1 year
Tumblr media
…. Just so we all know this is the stage from where I need to pull my little clone portraits together
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raayllum · 8 months
Teach Me How to Name the Bigger Light
summary: Following their successful retrieval of the prison, Callum and Rayla embark on a quest to the Starscraper while Ezran deals with mounting political tensions in the Pentarchy following Zubeia’s sudden disappearance. Claudia seeks a new but no less dangerous direction, and Aaravos waits for his pawns to come all into place. Ch1 is linked above. Ch2 is linked below. chapter summary: Claudia dreams (and schemes). Janai and Amaya reach out to an under utilized resource. The kids try to get Katolis (and themselves) in order. word count: 9.7k
Chapter Two: Spectres
They hitched a ride from a water dragon once they got to shore. There were plenty milling around, as the Sea of the Castout was one of the few places that had a body of water this large this far inland, and Ezran had appointed all the dragons to search as far and wide as they could. The three of them rested on the shore, this one pebbled rather than sandy, while Zym flew out and brought one back with Ezran’s help.
It was far from the biggest dragon Ezran had ever seen, but it was sleek and would be fast, its dorsal fins flapping in the wind. He climbed aboard closer to the head, knowing he’d need to give some directions and guidance—most dragons were flighty and were unused to flying in a manner that suited humans (or elves) as passengers—as everyone else clambered on along its coral-like back spikes. Callum helped get Bait situated, Zym’s wings fanning out on either side of his light blue body on the ground. He’d fly part of the way and then they’d rest when need be.
He wondered if they’d all been as relieved to see the Storm Spire for the first time as he was now, the great mountain cutting through the cloud line. It was maybe two hours from dusk, the sun beginning its descent on the Spire’s other side, basking the upper cloud layer in a warm glow as they landed right at the Pinnacle. 
He patted the dragon, Alba, on the nose once they’d all dismounted. “Do you mind sticking close by?” Ezran requested, voice a little hoarse. Flying high meant your throat dried out twice as fast and they hadn’t had much to drink either, just whatever was leftover in Rayla’s canteen (Callum had made sure she took a few sips for herself). 
Soren had mentioned that Zubeia had been tired after rescuing his brother and Rayla from Lux Aurea, and Ez didn’t know if she’d be up for much even after half a week’s rest. It would’ve taken something serious for her to not show up for them, and especially for Zym. She loved her son and was protective over him more than anything.
The view from the Pinnacle was no less beautiful, though, as Ezran watched Alba circle around and then descend to a lower cloud level, even if they didn’t have time to appreciate it before they headed down the familiar steps to the queen’s personal antechamber. With Ibis gone, if Zubeia needed something she couldn’t get herself, perhaps they could get it for her, just in case she—
She was gone.
Read the rest on AO3
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Sorry if someone's already made this poll I am just DYING to know if anyone else finds it hard to believe, as the show seems to expect us to do, that he entirely failed to notice both these things.
Speaking for myself, I can accept the possibility that Julian was clever enough to hide his enhancements from even a trained spy, especially given his decades of practice at it. But personally I just cannot believe Garak didn't at least suspect something was off when Julian got replaced.
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divinekangaroo · 11 days
I always feel like I'm missing so much in your fics! Tell me something secrete about them!
Oh I nearly missed this! Sorry!
Let me tell you about FIRE:
I was gonna write a giant essay about how I use fire/Tommy lighting a fire repetitively in my fics, quoting the multiple times, meaning of each, how they interlock with his capability, capacity, libido (life drive not just sex drive), etc...but that's probably overkill XD.
Here's the short version: I do use references to fire or the act of lighting fires (not lighting fires) very deliberately. This was motivated by, and ties into, Tommy also doing the same in the show - and I pay special attention to when he can and can't light those fires, and who he might choose to ask to light a fire. For example, in series, there are times when it's John and Arthur, or even Jeremiah (as it comes to Ruby's pyre, which I'll elaborate on because it was such a powerful scene - from what I've been able to find re European Romani funereal tradition, albeit I coudln't *specifically* find period-references to Angloromani or Irish Traveller ritual, that *should* have been Tommy lighting it. Research does have an interesting split between whether it's necessary to stay to watch a funeral pyre burn til the end (as the fam did with Polly) or whether it's actually more respectful/acceptable to walk away early (turn your back on death to face instead to life)).
Then, to add another layer to this symbolic importance of Fire, when I started researching narrowboats and what daily life was like on narrowboats pre-electricity, I also then discovered how important maintaining the stove/fire in the living quarters was. The stoves were Aga or Aga-style, and they take forever to heat up. Basically, you get them going over hours, and *keep* them going, because if they go out you have ages before you can build the heat up again to something useable. And given you could reasonably freeze to death on the water, in an uninsulated boat, in the north, in the night, in winter, the fire/stove seemed very important.
I don't know how much the Shelbys would have been in the worst case northern-style winter conditions in the midlands, but irrespective, England is cold and living on water is freezing: the idea of the kids needing to permanently tend this dangerous and all-consuming, hungry thing dwelling on the boat really appealed to me for multiple reasons - especially because there's no modulation. Either they'd be freezing in those living quarters, or they'd be walking into a hotter-than-hell situation (not possible to temperature-modulate all that well), and they'd have to consciously *keep that fire burning* in a hotter than hell situation, because the heat of hell, at least, was being alive.
So yeah, a secret: if there's a reference to fire or lighting fires in my fics, there's a weight of thinking behind it even if it seems random.
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Commando Ingo Treyn reporting. My pod has landed safely. Any survivors, please respond.
Commando Ingo Treyn reporting, requesting backup from any able survivors. The indigenous species are hostile and I am running out of supplies. Please respond.
Ingo Treyn. I'm injured. I don't know how long I can hold them off. Hard to do with half the firepower. Someone please respond.
Ingo Treyn. No one is coming, are they?
Emmet I'm sorry. It was just supposed to be a simple delivery run. Quick jump to Procyon and back, get paid, take a vacation while you recover. I shouldn't have left you. We would have found a way, we always did. Now I'm dying on some damn backwater. I'm sorry. I love you.
Transmissions from a survivor of the UES Contact Light crash. Commando Treyn ceased transmission 34 hours after the incident and was not found. Presumed dead.
Engineer Emmet Treyn has requested to be placed on the crew of the UES Safe Travels. Request approved. Close supervision by superiors highly recommended.
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Steddie prompt:
Eddie's always a bit lonely because Steve spends so much time with Robin and the kids, but he doesn't want to say anything to Steve because he's worried about being broken up with, so he asks his band mates for advice instead.
Gareth 'just happens' to need to go to family video the next day and drops a seriously 'big hint' to Steve, who promptly arranges a special date night.
(No major angst, just two silly 19-20ish year olds being silly)
Eddie had been acting distant, a little quieter than usual and Steve couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It felt familiar to Steve, reminded him of the time before Nancy broke his heart, he half wondered if Eddie was heading down the same road. In turn, he sought out comfort from those he knew best, dreading the inevitable. He spent more time with Robin, more time driving the kids around without protest, more time with Dustin. The whole time trying to keep his mind occupied and away from the doubts that Eddie was leaving him. 
“I’m just saying, Steve, you might have the whole situation wrong.” Robin flitted about, putting away some video tapes in the empty store. Nobody had come in for over an hour and Robin finally managed to drag out what had Steve in distress. He knew he could tell her anything but sometimes he held it too close to his heart and felt like he was giving away too much. Like if he told her enough that one day she would turn her back on him, never look back and leave him folding like a piece of paper in the wind. 
“Rob, I’m telling you. He’s pulling away, I don’t know what I did wrong.” He didn’t mean to sound so defeated but the way Robin came back over to the counter and put her arm on his shoulder made him realize how much he hurt. Eddie was it for him, Eddie was all he wanted, all he had. If Eddie broke his heart, he knew he wouldnt recover. So maybe he was foolish for wanting to hang on, maybe he was stupid for wanting this to all just be some misunderstanding but he hoped it was just a phase in their relationship and they could work past it. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong, but I think you’re just looking at it inccorectly.” She replied, and he sighed, running his hand through his hair and dropping his voice to a whisper as the door opened and someone came through. 
“I always look at everything incorrectly it seems.” He grumbled and she opened her mouth to reply, probably to tell him off, when there was a throat clearing behind him. He closed his eyes for a second, wishing whatever customer it was would just go away and leave him alone, before he turned around with the fake customer service smile he’d perfected. 
“Hey, Steve.” He didn’t expect to see Gareth, stone faced and looking slightly pissed off. 
“Gareth? Is Eddie okay?” He was immediately concerned and Gareth’s face softened slightly before he seemed to remember why he was there. 
“Eddie’s fine…well, less than fine. Listen, I don’t care for you that much.” 
“Okay? Ouch.” Steve muttered, he thought Gareth was the nicest out of all of them but that was proving to be difficult right now. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, hardening his glare at Steve.
“Okay, I do care. We are…friends sort of. Whatever. Not why I’m here, man. I dont care what you get up to in your spare time, but Eddie is my best friend and I know how much he cares about you.” Steve got the feeling he was being lectured, but he didn’t know why. “I may not understand whatever you two bonded over, and why he’s in love with you, but I do know him almost better than myself. And you, Steve Harrington, would do well to remember he exists sometimes. Maybe just remind him that you love him, or something.” 
“What?” Steve stared at Gareth, confused and definitely feeling like he’d been pulled into the principal's office for a lecture on skipping class. “What are you talking about?” 
“Seriously?” Gareth sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. “First I’ve had to deal with Eddie’s moping all day and now this. I’m going to go grey before I’m eighteen.” He grumbled, mostly to himself. Eddie was moping? Steve really did mess up somehow. “Okay look, I wasn’t going to spell it out for you but I will now. Take him out for dinner or something, Steve. He thinks you don’t want to hang out with him anymore and that you’re going to break up with him.” With that, Gareth tapped the counter and headed back towards the door muttering to himself about needing a break from everyone for at least a week. 
“Told ya, you definitely read the situation wrong.” Robin mumbled as the door closed but Steve was frozen in horror. 
“Eddie thinks I’m breaking up with him?” He stared at the door, a million thoughts running through his head before he glanced at Robin. 
“Go, just go Steve. Get your man. If Keith asks me I’ll break out the bone saw.” He kissed her on the top of her head and vaulted over the counter. 
“Love you! I’ll call you tomorrow!” 
He took a deep breath, fixing the collar of his shirt and hesitating as he stood at the door to Eddie’s trailer. The situation reminded him eerily of the first time he came to ask Eddie out. The night sat in Steve’s favourite memories folder, where he kept everything he wanted to remember when he was old and grey and couldn’t remember much of anything. The way Eddie’s eyes shone with hope when Steve stumbled through his confession, the soft pink colour his cheeks turned after they’d kissed for the first time. Steve wanted to treasure every moment with Eddie, and in order to do that, he had to fix their miscommunication. 
He took another breath, and knocked on the door. 
“Steve? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” Eddie’s expression was guarded and it hurt Steve a little that he’d put it there. 
“Robin’s covering for me, had to see you. Wanted to see you, actually.” Eddie stared at him for a second, eyes searching, confusion plain on his face before he tilted his head up the roof and groaned. 
“Gareth needs to learn to keep his stupid mouth shut.” He grumbled, but stepped aside and let Steve in behind him, heading towards his room as Steve followed. 
“I’m glad he didn’t.” Steve said casually, following Eddie onto his bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed, wondering if Eddie was going to think it as funny as he did. Not that he found it funny, but he did find it ironic that they were both stressing about the same thing. 
“You’re glad?” Eddie flopped backwards onto the bed and stretched his arms like a cat towards the ceiling before turning to face Steve. He laid back and turned to Eddie, reaching up and linking their fingers together. 
“Yeah, see.” Steve pulled their hands towards his face and pressed light kisses to Eddie’s knuckles, accenting each of his words. “Here I was this morning, telling Robin that my life is over because my boyfriend is going to break up with me, only to find out that he was doing the same thing to his best friend.” Eddie didn’t look away from Steve, holding his gaze for a moment before he let out a breathy laugh. 
“We’re so fucking stupid.” Steve grinned at him, 
“Yeah we are.” He rolled towards Eddie using their joined hands to pull Eddie close enough to him for their noses to brush. “I've been thinking…”
“Oh, that never leads to anything good.” Eddie teased, eyes crinkling at the edges as he fought a smile. Steve could count every freckle on Eddie’s face, memorize every line. He pulled back at the words, rolling back onto his back and turning his gaze to the roof. 
“Just for that I’m not going to tell you.” He replied, mostly teasing. It worked, it pulled a giggle out of Eddie and he shifted. He moved to straddle Steve’s hips and rest his hands beside Steve’s head on the bed. Steve’s hands dropped down to thumb at Eddie’s waist and he took a moment to relish this picture. 
“Tell me, sweetheart.” Eddie murmured, lifting his hand to trace Steve’s brow. 
“Well…I have two options. One is we take at least one night a week just for us.” Eddie’s face grew softer, his hair tumbling over his shoulders and surrounding his face as he ducked his head. “Because, as much as I love Robbie, and the kids. I really do want to spend more time with you, I’d follow you to the ends of the world if I had to.” Eddie leaned down and closed the distance between them, pressing his lips softly to Steve’s. 
“You already know I’d follow you into hell, I already sort of did.” Steve rolled his eyes and lightly pinched his side. “But that sounds like your best idea yet.” 
“I knew you’d say that.” Steve whispered, pulling Eddie back towards him and silencing him for a bit longer. Finally, Eddie pulled away, rolling off of Steve and curling into his side. 
“Sorry I didn’t talk to you.” Eddie mumbled and Steve wrapped him up in his arms. “I didn’t want you to feel like I was making you choose…I would never make you choose. I just didn’t feel as important for a bit there, now I know I was being foolish.” 
“You don’t have to apologize, Eds. I’m sorry too, sorry I didn’t talk to you either and instead pulled away…I didn’t know what else to do.” Eddie nuzzled further into Steve’s embrace, looking like he was attempting to fuse himself with Steve’s body. 
“Don't worry, we’re both idiots. Idiots in love, and idiots in love we shall be. Just…let's talk about it in the future instead of hiding it.” 
“Agreed.” Steve pressed a kiss to Eddie’s forehead and sighed lightly. They lapsed into a comfortable silence as the light of day started fading into night. 
“Oh, what was your second thing you wanted to say?” 
“Right, I almost forgot. I found us a house, if you wanted to move in with me…we can sign the papers tomorrow.” 
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
Lil idea for the 3 Peter Parkers!
Peter 1, the youngest, often gets snarky with the older two "brothers". They both eventually decide theyve had enough of his jabs about their age, and team up on him, working together to tickle him to bits and teach him to respect his elders
Attitude Adjustment
Okay so if you’re like me and literally can’t keep the numbers straight: peter one (referred to just as Peter here) is tom holland’s spidey, peter two is tobey maguire’s, and peter three is andrew garfield’s. I felt SO silly writing in the numbers but there really is no other way LOL
Also, au where they’re in sort of a Spiderverse situation and the other spideys are trying to figure out how to get back to their dimensions. Absolutely no canon, just vibes. 
“Hey Pete? How do you work this thing?” Peter Two huffs and flails his hands around through the holographic energy core in front of him. It spins listlessly, unsure how to interpret his gestures, and beeps at him. 
“Comin’.” Peter rolls off the couch, chucking his phone onto the rickety coffee table. His new place was small, achingly so, but it was starting to come together nicely. He had pictures on the walls, a rug on the worst spot of the floor, and a bedframe. All progress was good progress. 
“Show me how you’re doing it?” Peter squishes beside Two, who sort of swats at the hologram like an irritating bug. 
“Oh, okay. So, uh, the hologram maps its movements according to your fingertips. If it can’t get a good read, it’s not gonna respond. Here, like this.” Peter pulls his hands into the projected image, twitching his fingertips and twirling his wrists. The simulated core spins and zooms at his whim. Eventually, the image flashes green, and a small loading bar picks up at the bottom. 
“Neat.” Peter Two watches in awe as the computer begins to synthesize his formula. He idly spins the image around. “We didn’t have anything like this growing up. It’s crazy.”
“Glad I could help, grandpa.” Peter grins, giving Two’s shoulder a good-natured squeeze. Two rolls his eyes and shoos him away. 
“What a nice young man, helping the elderly,” Peter Three hums from the ceiling, typing away at his laptop as if his life depends on it. He looks a bit like a goblin, or maybe a vampire, hunched over all of them. 
“I do my part.” Peter salutes, flips back over the couch, and pulls his phone back into his hand with a web. He’d lost his place in the Fantastic Four interview he was reading. He sighs. 
“You both are hilarious,” Peter Two grumbles, watching a holographic array of complex mathematics spin in front of him. 
Peter sinks down into the couch, into the quiet buzz of technology and Peter Three’s terrifying typing. It’s not silence, not quite, but it still gnaws into his bones in a way he doesn’t like. He’s been avoiding being Peter as much as he can lately, instead staying out on patrol as late as his body can handle. Collapsing on a rooftop as Spider-Man is easier than coming back to Peter Parker’s shithole apartment. 
Spending time with people like him, people who get it, it’s…nice. Steadying. He knows it’s going to crush him when they leave, but having them now is more than he could ever ask for. He has no one, but he has them. 
“Hey.” Peter leans over the back of the couch and waves at Three. “Need help?”
“Hm? No, I’m good. Still compiling that list of compatible metals. Hoping to keep this matter projector the size of a rubix cube. Or, worst case scenario, like a suitcase.” Peter Three gnaws at his lip, then squints at his screen. He flings out a web and snags his glasses, catching them out of midair. He puts them on with care, pinning the laptop to his upside-down lap with his free hand. After fiddling with the lenses, he gets them to balance properly. 
“You’re still squinting.” Peter chuckles. 
“It’s part of the creative process.” Three waves an idle hand, then squints more aggressively. “I, uh--I’ve got shit eyesight. It’s fine.”
“The spider bite didn’t fix your vision?” Peter furrows his brow. 
“It did, but I wrecked it again. Too much blue light, too many flashbangs to the face--it all takes a toll, y’know? You should be grateful your eyes still work. Take care of them while you have them.” Peter Three nods sagely. He grabs his mug of long-cold coffee with a web and brings it carefully to his hands. He sips, gags, then comes back for more. 
“Okay, dad.” Peter huffs with no venom. He tries not to be jealous that Three can drink upside down. He’s tried. Repeatedly. 
“You have a remarkable amount of attitude for someone so tiny.” Three stares at him over the rim of his glasses, which shouldn’t be as funny as it is. Peter snorts. 
“Right? It’s his tone,” Peter Two hums. The computer chirps at him that his equation is only sixty percent viable, would you like to try again? He thunks his head into the desk. Three’s mug slowly lowers itself down beside him. Two takes a sip, gags, and deposits the mug in the sink. Three balls up a piece of paper and throws it at his head. 
“Alright, I’m starting to go a little stir crazy. How about we take a break?” Peter Two stretches, popping something in his back. He does the ‘keys, wallet, phone’ patdown on himself, turning in circles to make sure he’s set. 
“Like a patrol break?” Peter perks up. 
“No, a dinner break. I’m starving, and God knows when you two last ate. Or slept.” Two hazards a glance towards Three. 
“Oh, I’m good. Go without me.” Peter Three keeps typing. Two’s glare chills the room a few degrees. He pointedly clears his throat. 
“Y’know what, actually? A break sounds great. Super on board with the, uh, the break time.” Peter Three closes his laptop and flips down off the ceiling. He stumbles as he lands, hissing in pain. The laptop goes flying, but Peter just manages to snag it with a web. He cradles it to his chest. 
“Thanks.” Three nods. Peter nods back. The room collectively sighs in relief. 
“Is it your, uh--” Two maneuvers to support Three as best he can. They limp over to the corner of the kitchen together. 
“My back, yeah. Shitshitshit.” Peter Three inhales tightly and leans up against the counter. He tips his head back against the cabinets and focuses on breathing. 
“It just, uh--well, it locks up sometimes. No clue why.” Three shrugs, then winces. 
“I think I have some painkillers. If it’ll help.” Peter sets the laptop down. Three smiles thinly at him. 
“I’ll take you up on that. I’m usually fine after a few minutes. Just gotta wait it out.” Three winces again, gripping the countertop hard. The cheap vinyl cracks with the force of it. Peter tries not to wonder if he’ll have to pay for that--instead, he fishes out the pitifully empty bottle from his coffin-sized bathroom. 
“Gimme your hands.” Peter Two crowds in front of Three and starts helping him stretch, slow and steady. After a heart-wrenching cry of pain, Three hums appreciatively. He twists side to side, working out as many sore spots as he can. Peter shakes the bottle at him and tosses it. He catches it and dry swallows the pills. 
“Hm.” Peter leans against the wall. 
“What?” Two huffs.
“Nothing.” Peter shakes his head with a smile. Fondness blooms warm in his chest. May used to tell him that he’s the only person who knows how to take care of himself best, what he needs. He wonders if she ever thought it would manifest this way. 
“Alright, c’mon. What old man joke are you sitting on right now?” Two crosses his arms. His amusement is contagious. 
“I wasn’t going to make fun of you!” Peter laughs.
“One day you’re gonna be a twenty-something with a bad back. You’re gonna be like ‘oh wise and mysterious Peter, please help me with my ailing spine’. Then you’ll get it.” Three grunts. He loudly cracks something in his back and all of them wince. 
“What am I gonna do? Do a backbend over your walker?” Peter snickers. Three gasps and splutters, sending both of them into actual laughter. They’re terrible influences on each other. 
“You are such a brat.” Two chuckles, mostly in disbelief. Peter sticks his tongue out at him. 
“Were you like this?” Two jerks a thumb toward Peter. Three quirks a smile and regards Peter for a bit--the defiant jut of his chin and the fire in his eyes are heartwarming. 
“I mean…yeah. Kinda. Just tall.” Three smirks.
“I’m not short.” Peter scoffs. Two and Three exchange a glance. Three leans on Peter’s head. Peter swats his arm away. 
“You’re barely taller than me!” Peter huffs, throwing his hands in the air. 
“First step is acceptance, buddy.” Two pats his shoulder. “Let’s get our shawarma on.”
Peter Three stifles his laughter into his fist, squinting in mirth through crooked glasses. Peter groans, smacking his face into his palm. He’s hiding a smile, though, and it makes Two smile in turn. 
“Let’s get our shawarma on?” Peter snickers, his shoulders shaking. 
“Yeah, I can’t defend you. That was corny.” Three leans into Peter and soon they’re both giggling, set off by each other’s goofiness. 
“You sound like a dad!” Peter giggles. 
“Scratch that. We’re not going anywhere until we cure you of this attitude.” Two raises an eyebrow. Peter giggles at him which, while adorable, Two cannot stand for. 
“You gonna send me to my room? Ground me? Oooh, I’m so scared--” Peter snorts, then he’s upside down. Peter Two’s got him around the waist like a sack of potatoes. He lets out an affronted squeak and tries to reach for the floor. 
“Whatareyoudoing--” All the breath leaves Peter in a hefty woosh as Two worms his fingers into his sides. He squeals, his legs flailing wildly. He tries to pry Two’s hands away but gravity isn’t his friend at the moment. 
“Spider deterrent,” Two says, deathly serious, but Peter can hear him smiling. Bastard. 
“Nononohoho! Tickling is cheating!” Peter cackles, all hope of playing tough long gone with his breath. No matter which way he tilts, Two’s fingers are waiting to torment him--and he seems to have quickly figured out just how deathly ticklish his stomach is. Almost like he knew already. 
“I didn’t know there were rules--” Peter Two ducks out of the way of an accidental kick-- “Hey! Violence is not the answer!”
“Gonna v-violence your stuhupid fahahace! Lemme go!” Peter growls, prying at Two’s wrists again. Two tuts at him and vibrates his fingers into Peter’s stomach. He shrieks and kicks his legs, all pent-up energy with nowhere to go. 
“Aren’t you gonna help?” Peter gasps at Three, his voice way higher pitched than he’d like. His face is redder than his suit, little giggles still slipping free. He’s (mostly) deathly serious about murdering Two if he can just get out of this. 
“Yeah, come help!” Two grins, beckoning Three over with a tilt of the head. Peter Three disappears out of Peter’s line of sight and he allows himself an evil grin. 
“We’re gonna kick your--” Peter loses the last half of his threat to a yelp, then frenetic giggling as Three claws at his ribs. Peter screeches in betrayal and tries to swat at him, but he’s far from coordinated and it tickles, oh my god--
“Sorry. More afraid of him than I am of you.” Peter Three grins sheepishly, but his eyes shine with mischief. He walks his fingers up under Peter’s arms and he screeches loud enough to make a dog down the hall start barking. He lets out a snort and desperate syllables tumble out to follow. He manages to elbow Two in the gut and nearly gets dropped on his head for the trouble.
“S-Sorry! Tickles!” Peter hiccups and clamps his arms to his sides. 
“You are so squirmy!” Two tosses him over the back of the shitty couch. Peter squeals at the sudden change in gravity, but then he’s squealing because they both follow him over the couch. 
“I-I’m gonna get a noise complaint! Guys!” Peter throws his head back against the armrest and cackles, shoving at the two of them. He’s not sure where the ceiling is anymore, everything’s sort of spinning, but the slight burn in his chest is grounding. 
“Alright, alright.” Two lays off and Three follows suit. Peter flings his arm over his face and tries to remember the sweet embrace of oxygen.
“Oho man. You guys suck.” Peter peeks at them with a goofy smile. 
“Spider deterrent. Works like a charm.” Two puts his hands on his hips. Three leans up behind him and goes to poke his side, but Two catches his hand. 
“Don’t. Do not.” Two points at Three threateningly. Three holds his hands up in surrender, but his grin is anything but innocent. He and Peter lock eyes.
“Spider deterrent, huh?” Peter leans up on his elbows with a cocky grin. “Every experiment needs multiple trials, right?”
“You’re both menaces.” Two grapples with Three, occasionally twitching but still putting up a fight. Peter manages to poke him a few times and get his arm caught, but Two can’t fight both of them.
A hush befalls the room as Peter Two visibly weighs his options, trying not to crack from Three’s pinching at his ribs. 
Two throws himself over the couch, followed by Three, and Peter eggs them on from the safety of the couch. It’s like watching cats wrestle, really--there’s an indistinguishable tangle of limbs and shouting before Peter Three’s shocked cackle emerges from the pile. 
“P-Peter! Help!” Three wheezes, holding his hand out for rescue.
“Oh, you want my help? Yeah, sure, I’ll help.” Peter cackles evilly, kicking off the couch and launching himself at Three.
“Wait, hold on--”
“98 percent viable. We did it,” Peter Two breathes, holding the hologram in his hands. The simulated core spins lazily. After hours of calibration and recalibration, the algorithm finally holds steady. Three squeezes his shoulder and laughs quietly, happily. They’re going home. 
“Should we tell him?” Three casts a glance over to the couch. Peter’s out cold, curled up under a threadbare blanket that refuses to let go of its musty smell. Despite the bags under his eyes, he looks peaceful. 
“Tomorrow. You both still owe me shawarma.” Two smiles, knocking their shoulders together. 
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emyn-arnens · 1 year
How about Aegnor and warmth for the writing prompts?
Aegnor & Angrod, 1.1k
The sounds of the coals popping in the iron braziers, the fire crackling in the hearth, and the soft scratching of Angrod’s quill filled the silence of the room as Aegnor polished his armor. The pleasant warmth of the room and the monotony of his task might have lulled him into comfortable quietude, but for the thoughts that warred within him and turned his mind this way and that.
Across the room, Angrod pushed away the small pile of correspondence he had responded to and turned to collect the mending he had set aside earlier, examining his previous stitches. 
Aegnor hesitated, the words that he wanted to say crowding on the tip of his tongue even as his mind urged him to stay silent. Stalling, he held his breastplate up to the light of the fire and watched the reflection of the firelight flicker upon its burnished surface.
“You wish to say something,” came Angrod’s voice from the other side of the room. “Speak.”
Aegnor sighed and lowered the breastplate to look at his brother. “Do I wear my thoughts so plainly?”
The corner of Angrod’s mouth curved as he threaded his needle. “You were polishing with more vigor than the task demands.”
Aegnor set the breastplate aside, using the moment to gather his thoughts before he spoke. “How did you know that you wished to marry Edhellos—that what you felt for her could not be mistaken for aught else, and that you must either act upon it or forever rue not doing so and think ever of what might have been?”
Angrod regarded him over the sleeve of the tunic he mended. “Do you ask because of Boromir’s eldest daughter, Andreth the Wise-woman?”
Aegnor’s mouth twisted into a wry smile. “Have I worn my affections plainly, too?”
“Not to others, but I know you better than any other,” Angrod said, returning to his mending. “I have seen your eye upon her at the feasts, and you have spent much of this visit out upon the heaths and hidden in the woods. Doubtless you know better how the birds and beasts of Dorthonion fare than how its people do.” Though he jested, his voice was warm.
But all mirth faded as he looked at Aegnor again, and his voice when he spoke now was no louder than the popping of the coals or the crackling of the fire. “But I need not tell you that such a union would end in great grief, Aikanáro. There is no painless friendship between Eldar and Edain, much less the deep love of marriage.” Angrod’s gaze was gentle and compassionate. “Though she is young now, Andreth’s years are few, and the grief of the sundering would be fast on the heels of whatever brief joy you may find together.”
Aegnor smiled sadly. “That I well know, and it is that which complicates the matter, for I know my heart and what it would have me do, but that which I know in my heart is tempered by the voice of my mind, telling me that such desires should never be.”
Angrod watched Aegnor but said nothing, and his silence encouraged Aegnor to continue.
“I had thought that I would never marry, for my heart turned toward none in my youth, and the grief of the kinslayings and the bitter crossing drove any such concerns wholly from my mind. I was content with guarding the leaguer and protecting these lands, but now I find myself at a crossroads, and I do not know in which direction I should turn.” Aegnor twisted the polishing wax in his hands. “My heart tells me that I should not squander what I have found, nor the short time that love lays to my hand, but my mind tells me that the grief such a course would bring would be my ending. 
“And were I to follow my heart’s bidding, where should I take her?” He moved to stand in front of the fire and clutched at the mantle, peering into the flames. “North to the siege and draw her nearer to danger, or flee to the east or south and so leave everyone I and she hold dear? Were I to do so, the guilt of not holding to what has been entrusted to me would dog my heels even in the short time of joy I would have while Andreth lives, and yet were I to choose my duty, I could not escape the guilt of forsaking what has grown between us. The choice before me is bitter and full of woe, and I must lose something I cherish in the choosing."
Aegnor fell silent for a moment, and the snapping of the fire filled the silence. When he spoke again, his voice was softer. “I know what Andreth would wish for me to choose, and I would choose it though it bring me grief until the breaking of the world, but for the warning in my heart that the leaguer will not hold, and my presence will be needed at the front ere her years have run their course.
"If the leaguer broke during her twilight years, it would grieve me beyond words to leave her alone and unaided, defenseless and dependent on the goodwill of others in the midst of great danger. Better it would seem to take her away from the north, but were I to do so, I would have the blood of all Dorthonion on my hands.” Aegnor closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the mantle, and he heard Angrod's soft step move toward him.
Angrod was silent for a long moment, and his voice, when he spoke, was quiet. “I can give you no wise counsel, Aikanáro, for I have no wisdom in this matter, nor, I deem, do any of our people, for such love has never existed between Eldar and Edain, nor, perhaps, was it ever meant to. But such words do not ease the burden of such a choice, nor do they bring comfort.” 
Angrod turned and clasped his brother’s shoulder. “So I will say this instead: Know that whatever choice you make, I will help you bear the burden of it, as I can, for it is a burden and grief none should bear alone.”
Aegnor placed his hand over Angrod’s. “That is a comfort greater than words could provide.”
crossposted to AO3 | send me a character and a prompt and get a ficlet
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edsheerankinnie · 9 months
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Have some fanart of aj n my oc cherry lol
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rolling up my sleeves as I open my doc before writing another variation of the exact same fic I've written a dozen times before
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bug-decal-kissing · 5 months
Hey friends!
Chasing Stars, by time_woods, was updated today, with 5/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Adventure Time AU, chasing stars au, this is like enemies to lovers but one sided enemies and lovers but they dont have a lable for it, neither of them like each other in the begining btw, Sīdus is joke flirter but then it becomes/ gen, this is prismos and scarabs therapy, they colab on the main fic, i put other cause neither of these mfs are cis, they both genderqueer in some way, some of that cosmic gore again, carma has knee problems and its totally not cause im projecting"
You can read it here:
Light! Camera! Action! by SL_22, was updated today, with 8/? Chapters released! It is Not Rated and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, with additional tags "Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Deviates From Canon, Homophobia, Falling In Love, Hurt/Comfort, Flashbacks, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Idiots in Love, Humor, all people, overtime, Office, Friends to Enemies, Enemies to Lovers"
You can read it here:
Sowing The Seeds, by Mezzmer, was updated today, with 2/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, with additional tags "Hurt/Comfort, Character Growth, summaries are hard lol, journey to love yourself bro, Enemies to Friends, maybe more wink wonk, tags change over time, oh my god they were roomates, past grudges, Funny Times, angst here and there, light beta read"
You can read it here:
A new work, Time Room Shenanigans + More by DrakianDH, was published today, with 1/? Chapters released! It has a rating of General Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with no additional tags :]
You can read it here:
NSFW works are below the cut :].
The Beginning is the End is the Beginning, by grylos, was updated today, with 9/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, and Rape/Non-Con, with additional tags "Genocide, Slavery, Sexual Slavery, Bombs, Suicidal Thoughts, Sad, Happy Ending, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Backstory, Slow Burn, Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Physical Abuse, Explicit Sexual Content, Corruption, Consensual Non-Consent, Rape/Non-con Elements, Self-Harm, Grooming, Oviposition, Bugs & Insects, bug sex, Cannibalism, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con"
You can read it here:
Tense, by a_pigoen, was updated today, with 2/3 Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "human prismo, Out of Character, Smut, Cunnilingus, Coming Untouched, Alien Biology, Scarab's got a an alien cock, and an alien pussy, Prismo has a cock, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Bottom Scarab (Adventure Time), Top Prismo, Praise Kink, Subspace, Tags May Change, Begging, Stress Relief, Hand Jobs, Aftercare, Making Out"
A new work, Wrath of the Sea and Moon by othersin, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Mature and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "god AU, prismo is a moon god, scarab is a sun god, someone got the snake angry, Protectiveness, if scarab was not prone he would have some thoughts about his husband being mad, killing gods, Romance, They are married, Don't mess with them, fuck around and find out"
You can read it here:
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kulapti · 1 year
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Pomegranate Heart, Jan 2023, pencil & krita.
46 notes · View notes
cosmicstarbrownie · 1 year
*a montage of me taking all of zar’s works off my list of marauders fics in my notes app with tears in my eyes*
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