#this was a learning experince
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Cute little comic thing that took way too long!
Special thanks to @allyallyorange, who let me make a whole font out of her handwriting. It looks perfect <3
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positivelyadhd · 1 year
I've been reading a lot of anti psychiatry works and honestly I agree with a lot of them too. I know psychiatry and psychology are important but it's also important to listen to the people you're studying! It's all very interesting.
exactly!! i took a clinical psych module this term and interestingly a lot of it has actually been about the flaws of clinical psych and the harm it can do. while psychiatry and diagnosis can be very useful for some people it can also be very harmful! like most things, its very nuanced and different for every person!! different people also feel very strongly about it and you're right, its so important to listen to what people from both sides have to say!
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rafedreams · 1 year
thinking about how most of my time with cec fanbase and rockafire fanbase here is hell. Yet, I stick around because I like animatronics
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pink-gladioli · 1 year
you know that whole saying of "don't post shit online that you wouldn't say irl" well im kinda forced to live by that because an irl friend follows me and sees all the cringe crap i post
and im kinda glad i have that to keep me in check and ngl it made me confident about talking about stuff i like irl
everyone should have someone they know irl follow on social media to make sure they aren't being toxic and just for the fun of having that one coworker/classmate you see once a week knowing about all the destiel shit you repost
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
why I must live in a desert for opportunities why can't I live where there are jobs I'm interested in that are actively available
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starzalign · 1 year
I’ve never heard someone say they love middle school & that within itself makes me positively sure we should ban it🤷🏾‍♀️
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Streatney+, you agree
I agree so so so so so much
#its THEM. i thibk about them Constantly#its all just so deeply tragic#the way i wish so many of the things thst had happened hadnt happened#and yet very rarely can you actually fault anyone#and most pf the time when you can its all andrias‘ fault#like. when leif gets betweel strength and heart. awful. the start of the end. imagine what could have been if she hadnt#but at the same time. thats a perfectly readonable and fine boundary for her to have. shes allowed to have those boundaries as much as anyon#as anyone else.#nobody in that situation is at fault. its just a shitty situation.#leif (reasonably) expressed a boundary. heart (also reasonably) gets upset and tries ro deal with it in the only way they know how#and then every bullshit What The Fuck Heart thing they do is traced back to andrias. because how are they supposed to know any better#sure they’re incredibly smart but when all the things theyre learning come from *him*. when hes the ONLY person theyre learning from….#sorry bestie i turned ur streartney+ post into heart angst THEM#AND THE WAY WITNEY GETS TREATED SOBS#everyone is SO mean to her for NO reason. dhes just baby guys how xould they be mean to her shes so BABY#HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#you know in a way i think witney is sadder than heart because of like. like sure heart has never experinces happiness before but.#because witney HAS. that means she has something to compare the pain and misery to. she knows what shes missing out on where heart doesnt#THEYRE SO TRAGIC BESTIE IT IS 9AM I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS#Tree Man Posts#asks#wjh#streartney+#funniest ship name ever tbh#like oh you wanna add an extra person to your ship? but cant add their name in? boy have i got the product for you… PLUS SIGN
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caruliaa · 2 years
girls when the world around them cant decide if it thinks freedom comes from adulthood or childhood but you never had a free childhood and in order to earn your freedom as an adult youre going to have to give up your other freedoms and you are never going to win .
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rboooks · 3 months
The Shadow Nation
Zuko will admit that his time as Fire Lord has been a rough adjustment. Many oppose his rise to power, scream for a more prolonged war, and still support Ozai over the banished prince turned tratior (In their eyes at least).
He has dealt with many assassination attempts throughout his two-year rule. Suki and her warriors were working nonstop to keep him safe, but even they couldn't be everywhere at once. So it came to no surpise that one managed to sneak through every now and then.
Ussually, Zuko is able to fight them off. What many people of the fire nation don't realize is that the stories of his bending and combat being weaker then his sister and father are in the past. He has plentely of front line combant experince, has re-shaped his whole fire bending tenchine and has even trained the Avatar.
Zuko, to this day, is much more deadly with his swords than with his flames. The fact his people consider none-bending as a none-threaten is a sadundervalue of his combat abilitiess. The assasins are always so suprise when they learned just how ready he is for them.
They spent the rest of their days in a prision cell, stweing in rage that the Fire Lord contuines to call back troops, return colines and some may say worst of all, welcome the Mixed Blood into the nation.
Mixed Blood are children who resulted from Fire Nation soldiers letting off some stress in conquered areas with other Nations. They were not seen as equals, for Fire stood above all, and those children were servents at best, dirty secerts at worse.
This was a notion that all four elements shared. They disagreed with intermingling with the wrong element. The Mixed were not welcomed anywhere, less if they shared Fire in their veins. There was some tolerance for Water and Earth mixing but only some and only in trading ports that were far out of sight. (Or the pleasure district where all the Mixed eventually ended up)
It saddens Aang; he claimed a hundred years ago that mixed was common, and it's another thing this wretched war ruined.
Mostly, it angered Zuko. He knew what it was like to be an unwanted child, knew the confusion, the anger, the pain of wondering why his birth was such a sin.
He met some mixed children while on the run from the Fire Nation - he suspected Jet was one of them, but he never dared voice his opinion. Being outed as mixed in some places was as good as a death sentence. Ba Sing Se was one of those places.
He decided that the if Fire Nation would heal everything they have done then they needed to make admends for such children. They needed to help them find love and a home. With the help of his friends, he sent out a world wide notice welcoming any Mixed Blood and promising a life where they did not need to hide who they were.
Zuko, will admit that this eagerness to welcome those children may have blinded him from how lowly his people saw the Mixed. His assassination attempts tripled since herds and herds of badly washed, weary eyes, and tired individuals started arriving in the fire nation.
It, apparently, didn't help that Cheif Hakoda did the same after much encouragement from Katara and Sokka. The Fire Nation for the past three generations grew up with nothing but tales on how they should never be like the rest of the world.
Agreeing to shelter Mixed like the Southern Water Tribe has many calling for a coup.
Zuko knew this. But he would not stop in his effort to right the many wrongs of his bloodline. He expected the assumptions, he expected the barely hidden insults of his advisors, he expected the resentment from some of his more patriotic people.
What he wasn't expecting was his people trying to rid of him using spirits.
Zuko doesn't know much about the spirits or the spirit world. Aang never really talked about his trips there, and Uncle would only warn him to respect the beings at all costs.
He knew enough to follow, honor them, give them prayers, and how to avoid them but nothing else. So he really isn't prepared for his latest assassin to be an old woman with a spirit trapped in a cursed pot.
Apparently, her family had sealed it away years ago, and in exchange for its freedom, the spirit is tasked with ridding the world of Fire Lord Zuko. The old hag waits until Aang, Uncle, and Sokka- who also surprisingly has some encounters with spirits- depart before attempting her plan.
She rushes into the Gand Courtroom, throwing her pot with a loud release spell on her lips. Zuko is in the middle of a peace summit, so his first instinct is to protect the visiting diplomatics, less the other Nations call war again.
The old woman is quickly taken down by the Kypshi warrior, but the deed is already over.
The pot shatters, and out bursts a blue burning flame that forms into a howling wolf. There are chains along the wolf neck, and no amount of thrashing can break them. The wolf looks up, straight into Zuko's eyes, ignoreing the swords and flames of his guards trying to protect him before it bows it head.
I'm sorry. It seems to say. This is the only way.
He leaps at Zukom by passing every attempt to stop it, before it digs it's teeth into the Fire Lord's neck. Everyone is left watching in horror as the young king screams in agony, blue flames licking all over his body as he truns to dust.
The wolf's chains shatter as the last of the ashes that were once the man who brought peace to the world fall. The old woman laughs, even though the wolf spirit now turns it rage filled eyes on her and her kin.
She did what she needed to do. The Fire Nation will rise.
She is unaware that her actions cause the Fire Nation to burn. The wolf spirit was the nation's original spirit of mercy, and her family was the ones responsible for sealing it away on the order of thelate Fire Lord Sozin.
She is unaware her ancestors were all but wiped out once they successfully put the wolf away, for fear that they would turn on the nation.
There is nothing more dangerous than a spirit that no longer holds mercy. The Fire Nation seems to vanish overnight. It breaks Avatar Aang's heart but world prepares for a second war. A war against the spirits.
But that is the fate of this timeline. Fire Lord Zuko would never know the fate of his people as he was sent far away by Mercy to fulfill another destiny.
It's the least the spirit can do for having to take his human life in part of a deal.
Zuko wakes to find the Blue Spirit Mask attached to his face, laying on his back in what could only be Fire Nation colonies within the Earth Kingdom.
His trusted duel swords tied to his back., his utterly black outfit with only hints of blue undertones, and the most startling feature of all, his now unscared skin.
Zuko has no idea what is going onas he studies his face in a river, tracing his smooth skin with a near-hysterical glee. He's never considered himself overly goodlooking, but for some reason his relection is pretty.
No, not pretty, gorgeous. Unnaturally so, as if he traded his humanity for features as perfect as these.
What in the world-
A scream breaks through the air. High pitch, laced with fear and sp obviously young, Zuko is donning his mask breaking into a sprint before he even process what he is doing.
He does not notice the small flickers of ember he leaves in his wake, multiple colors as his dragon flames, nor does he see that the speed he travels is impossible unless he, too, is an Airbender.
When he breaks through the treeline, he finds himself in a ruined camp. A crowd of Earth Kingdom soldiers surrounds two small children, who look no older than ten, while a third, probably twelve, is desperately trying to free himself from a large boulder that seems to have crushed his legs.
There is blood everywhere, and Zuko burns with rage.
"Mixed Blood isn't welcome here," A soldier spits, kicking the thrashing twelve-year-old. The gut-curling screams the poor thing releases don't seem to affect the soldiers besides a few taunting smirks.
"Spirits help us!" One of the smaller kids cries out and a near by soulder kicks her in the stomech.
"The spirits don't answer to the likes of-" His words are lost as blue flames overtake the small opening, placing a barrier between the children and the adults.
Zuko walks through the flames, a strange sense of calmness washing over him. Deep within, he knows that he will protect these children from the world and burn everything in his path that tries to stop him.
"A spirit," One of the soldiers gasps. "Why is a spirit here?!"
"You attacked children." Zuko's voice is his own but not. It sounds like it's coming from a deep cave, as if the echoing flickers in and out like a candle flame. Somehow, it sounds far worse than Aang whenever his past lives speak through him.
It would have chilled him to the bone if he was in the right state of mind.
"You attacked children." He repeats when he does not get the responses he wants from the soldiers. They are not groveling before the children in regret. They are not freeing the boy from his pain. They are not moving.
"These are not children. These are Mixed- abominations! We were only trying to Agggh No, please. Mercy! No no! Please," One of the soldiers starts, but his words are cut off by the blue flames that suddenly grab hold of him, shaping him into chains and dragging him into the shadows that have formed around Zuko.
Shadows that hold loud screaming voices all being for death for that would be a mercy.
His screams echo alongside the voices within Zuko's shadow as he tilts his head to the remaining soliders.
"You attacked children. Leave" He whispers and at once the screams stop, the shadows draw back into his own human shaped one and his flames blow out. The Earth Kingdom soldier remains on the floor, eyes seeingless, and skin blue.
The rest of the Soldiers don't linger, rushing to leave the angry spirits sight. Zuko watches them leave from behind his mask wondering where such rage had come from. And why he felt numb to the life he just took. Why he felt so unhuman and not be bothered by the thought.
He reaches up to trace the Blue Spirit Mask, feeling dancing flames along his fignertips.
Well done. Our children are safe. A voice whispers in his mind. It's Zuko, but it's also not. It's something more.
He hears a small whimper that snaps his out of whatever hold the mask has over him snaps. He turns his attention to the three children. The two are trying to push the bolder off of the eldest, their features scream Fire Nation but their eyes and coloring belie their Earth Kingdom.
Zuko stride over, waves a hand and the rock butns to dust harmlessly. The younger children cower and the oldest is too daze with pain to do anything else but sob.
His legs are comepletly smashed.
The cold burning rage returns.
Our children. Heal them. Zuko hears, and he wonders if he's gone mad. It's his own voice, but it belongs to the Blue Spirit.
I can't. I'm not a waterbender. He tells it
We can. We heal with green flames. Heal. It insits
Zuko traces the jaw of his mask before he raises a hand and sure enough green flames lick his fingers. The children start to sob, but he heads their fear no mind as he brings the green fire down on the boy's broken body, willing it to warm, fix heal.
Bones, muscles and skin slowly repair one by one, taking whatever scars once decorated the child's skin and leaving smooth almost too perefect sking behind.
Once done the flames jump onto the other children, fixing the broken bones, the bruises and the many scars other less kind humans have given them.
The three gape up at the spirit who holds out a hand.
"Would you like to come live in my nation?"
"The spirit world?" One whispers wondering if they had not been rescued after all. If that had all pasted to the next world.
The spirit tilts its head before removing its mask and revealing a face so beautiful it could rival the stars and sun. "No, dear child. My nation. My name is Zuko."
A fifth nation is born. The Shadow Nation moves from place to place but can never be taken as the spirits themselves protect the civilians.
Not that Zuko realizes it. He's just trying to get back to the Fire Nation, and if he impulsively stops every time a child is in pain and said child follows behind him like a lost puppy, well, that's no one's business but his own.
The legend of the Blue Spirit, protector of all children, inspires so many before Avatar Aang is found in the Southern Water tribe three years later.
A fire wolf watches from a far and smiles.
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problemnyatic · 5 months
maybe internet leftism would be more effective if so much of it wasn't framed in this sneering, shame-on-you language that seems mote intent on guilting people for not being leftist enough than actually extending an understanding hand to people who people who, believe it or not, do actually realize that something is deeply wrong with society despite not being Properly Enlightened And Educated on All Of Leftist Theory as to why.
Yeah, we all post the You Are Not Immune To Propaganda jpeg, but do you still have an internal threshold of propaganda exposure by which others stop being human to you? Do you write off anyone who doesn't already understand the things you do as stupid? Do you understand that to create a genuinely far-reaching movement, you need to be willing to reach people that are substantially different than you and meet them on their level?
Yeah you believe everyone deserves human rights, but do you actually respect the differences in life experince you'll face when engaging with people outside your circle of theory-reading leftists?
And just to be excruciatingly clear: none of these are rhetorical questions. None of these are accusations, and if your response to these questions is to get defensive rather than to self-reflect on whether your practices reflect your principles, I urge you to then ask yourself if your desire to create effective change is being impeded by your apparent need to feel like a "good leftist".
I really, really get feeling frustrated with the world, with how fucking many people seem content to just buy propaganda, with how frustrating and exhausting it is to walk people through the baby steps of what feels like having a very basic grasp of reality. Your outrage is justified and your feelings are very real and deserve to be respected. I'm not here to tone police people expressing their very real anger and grief at the horrible ways global imperialism is hurting us all.
My point here is that, when your goal is to actually inspire others to seek further education on leftist matters, to actually increase the total amount of leftism in the world, you need to be asking yourself if the methods you are using are actually effective. It can feel excruciating to be patient when the world is already so on fire, but you can't just shame people into not needing to be met on their level. It demonstrably does not work, and will work against all of us if the impression you're giving others is that leftism is the mean, scary option even to people who genuinely mean well and want to do better.
I see so many posts rightfully trashing on the widespread culture in the US and beyond of teachers and authority figures simply punishishing people who don't know what they're expected to yet, instead of actually teaching them. I see so many posts on here about how it's okay to need to learn life skills you were never taught. Why does this seem to evaporate when it comes to teaching others leftist theory? That's not rhetorical either, please, really, genuinely ask yourself this question, let it sit with you for a long time.
I know how urgent it is to get people to come around. I'm panicking too. I'm angry, and I'm frustrated, and I'm dumbfounded at how long its taking so many folks to get a fucking grip on what's so broken about society. But I understand that the assertion that the answers should be obvious does nothing to change the fact that, to so many people, to enough people, it isn't. That we need to meet them on their level, with kindness, if we're to get them on our side. Leftism starts at home. It starts with your personal relationships, how you treat others when it's inconvenient and difficult.
Leftism starts with kindness.
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i-may-be-an-emu · 6 months
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marksbear · 1 year
Hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request the BAU Team x Male reader who's also an agent, reader gets kidnapped by the unsub finding a thrill from the thought of breaking an FBI agent, the unsub changes up what he has been doing wanting this to be more "fun" (unsub SA & tortures reader)
Will the team find reader and the unsub? Will the unsub try and kill reader or keep him as a toy? You can choose all injuries I'm okay with anything from broken bones to missing limbs/eye
I was wondering if could get a lil Derek x male reader like they're really close like unrequited love, they like to tease and joke
Hi! I hope your having a good one as well! I took a lot of creative freedom with this one. Proably one of the darkest and longest fic I had wrote in a while tbh
Warnings! Blood, gore, killing, cannibalsim barely mention like gotta squint, breaking bones, punishment, SA, torture, burning, fire, stabbing, victm reader, revenge, reader goes a lil crazy the end. Twisted ending.
And a lil of Derek Morgan x reader
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It was a late night in the BAU. Most agents were tired only surviving on cups of coffee and energy drinks. One agent was bored and tired and even started to learn how to make origami out of sticky notes and paper
Deciding having enough Y/n tossed the origami swan on Reid's desk he had just got done finishing.
Y/n stands up from his desk before announcing.
“Okay i'm heading home guys! See you all later and goodnight!” Y/n says to the team as he makes sure he has everything to go home.
"Drive safe and make sure you grab something to eat on the way." Hotch says more like ordering him to do it. "Night Y/n!" Penelope says waving her friend bye.
"See ya Y/n. Don't miss me too much now!~" Morgan says with a wink as Y/n just rolls his eyes.
Spencer gives Y/n a small wave bye which Y/n smiles and waves bye back.
After gathering all his personal belongings Y/n gives the team one more goodbye wave before leaving the office.
Y/n was inside his car tapping his finger to the wheel to the beat of the music in his car. Stopping at the red light Y/n looks around looking at the nearby food places.
Originally Y/n wasn't going to eat anything, but he knew that Hotch would just call him later on and see what he had gotten to eat and would like to see proof.
After the light turned green Y/n drove his car to a fast food place going inside the drive thru.
The line was long and busy, but Y/n didn't mind. Once it was Y/n's turn to order he just ordered his usual and didn't try to make small talk like the worker tried.
Finally once it was Y/n's turn to pay Y/n rolled down his window meeting eyes with a man. The man had a beard with long slick back hair. The man looked like he worked out a ton.
"Late nights am I right." The man says after staring at Y/n's tired figure as he tried to make small talk once more.
"Yeah I guess." Y/n responded back dryly as he opened his wallet to pay.
"I feel ya. What's your job anyway?" The worker says as he reaches his hand out for Y/n's card.
"... Uhm i'm an agent." Y/n huffs out seeing there's no harm in telling him since it's highly unlikely he'll see him again. "A agent?! Like for the FBI?" The man breathes out.
Y/n nods his head yes before handing him card.
"That's so cool! I think about the FBI almost everyday! So it's like a dream come true to meet one in real life." The man says as he scans the card before handing it back to Y/n.
"Are you dating someone or--" The worker drags out watching Y/n's eyebrow raise.
Y/n thinks for a minute before a smirk grows on his lips. "Yeah i'm married." Y/n answers before taking his card back putting it inside his wallet.
"Ohh... Uhm what's their name?"
"Derek..." Y/n answers already thinking to tell Derek about this experince.
"He must be really lucky to be with an FBI agent."
Thankfully the car in front of Y/n moves forward as Y/n looks at the worker giving him a quick thanks before driving forward. The worker stares at Y/n's car for a while before leaving.
After getting his food Y/n drives home. The late night car ride was quiet just the way Y/n liked it. Nothing going on in his neighborhood. No parties, no one having loud sex just quiet and simple.
Finally making it home Y/n drives into his drive through parking the car and turning it off.
Y/n picks up the food and his work bags as he leaves the car closing it and locking it before walking to the porch.
Unlocking the front door Y/n goes inside his home.
Y/n puts his bags and stuff down by the front door before walking deeper inside the house going inside the living room turning on the TV and sits down on the couch.
Y/n kicks off his shoes and takes off his suit jacket without even bothering to wear some comfortable clothes.
As Y/n ate and watched TV tiredness became overwhelming to the agent as he began to doze off. Quickly finishing his food Y/n dozes off watching TV.
After a while Y/n could hear something opening. It was muffled and quiet. Y/n opened his eyes tiredly looking around. It was still dark outside and his TV was still on.
Hearing the noise becomes louder. It sounded like someone was struggling to get something opened outside.
Soon enough Y/n came to his senses and listened more carefully.
"Why won't this damn door open!"
Y/n heard the whispered shout perfectly. Y/n's body took control as his hand flew to the gun holster on his belt taking out his gun. Y/n thanked god for letting him be too tired to undress.
Y/n quietly moved around his house holding his gun tight. Y/n founded a spot to hide moving inside a shadow in his house that gave him a good view around the house.
"Fuck me..." Y/n thought to himself remembering he left his phone inside the living room.
Listening to the foot steps inside the house Y/n held his breath getting ready to shoot and ask questions later.
"Mr FBI agent~ Where are you?"
From the no response the intruder stomps his foot to the ground getting angry.
"I don't like to be ignored! Where the fuck are you!" He shouts again.
Y/n knew he couldn't keep hiding forever, so he might as well try to fight. Y/n always wanted to die in something cool or at least self defense. Y/n quietly moved from his hiding spot.
Spotting the intruder in his bedroom Y/n aimed the gun at his head. Y/n thought for a minute before stalking up behind the man. Y/n strikes fast hitting the gun against the back of the mans skull.
The man almost fell from the pain and surprise, but nonetheless still stood his ground whipping his body around facing Y/n.
Y/n kicked the man in the stomach making him hunch down before hitting him again using the gun to hit him on the back of the head again taking the man down with ease.
The man lets out a loud groan in pain as he falls to the floor.
Making sure he doesn't think of trying anything Y/n stomped on the man's neck.
Out of nowhere hands grab Y/n's head covering his mouth with a cloth. Y/n tries to fight back even managing a few good hits on the person behind him. Y/n body collapses in the person's arms knocked out.
The person puts the cloth in his pocket before gently putting Y/n down on the bed. The person walks to the man on the floor rolling him onto his back before getting on top him choking him.
"You were supposed to distract him you idiot!" The person shouts as they use all their strength to strangle the person to death.
The man on the ground moves around gasping for air as his hands fly to the persons are trying to pull them off of them.
Squeezing their hands tighter the man on the floors grows limp.
Once the person makes sure the man is completetly dead they moves off of him and walks to Y/n.
The person carries Y/n over his shoulder as he picks up Y/n's gun from the floor leaving the house.
"The fuck..." Y/n thinks to himself as he tries to stretch, but sadly couldn't because of something cold and heavy holding his legs down.
Y/n looked around at the walls. The room walls were dark red and the bed was a queen sized one with candles around the room. The room had rose petals around the room some making heart shapes.
Y/n sat up in the bed looking around. Y/n tried to move down on the bed, but the collar chained to the wall behind him stops him.
The room was freezing cold and the candles didn't provide much heat. And it was even worse that Y/n was naked only the bed sheets covering his private part.
The door slowly opens.
The hallway was completely dark. It was hard to see anything in there. You couldn't even see the person who opened the door.
"Oh you're awake! Thank god I thought I killed you. That would be so bad for the both of us."
"God please don't tell me it's that weirdo." Y/n thinks to himself looking at the person walking inside the room.
It was the man from the drive through.
"You lied to me. You are not married." The man says crossing his arms.
"But you were honest about one thing. You are an FBI agent! I mean your Agent L/n I didn't know how I didn't recognize you! You were the agent who took down that famous school shooter. You were all over the news and you even got an award from the major that you turned down." He rants out going to the nearby dresser by the bed getting a newspaper flipping through the pages before showing it.
The newspaper had Y/n's face all over it.
"I can't believe my first victim is a real hero!.... But it still bothers me that you lied to me." The man says while putting the newspaper neatly back inside the dresser.
"We should have some rules." The man says while picking up one of the candles from the dresser. The man climbs onto the bed getting close with Y/n.
"Rule number one. Don't lie to me!" He shouts as he grabs Y/n's free arm burning him with the candle.
Y/n's body went into a fight or flight response closing his hand into a fist punching the man right in his jaw.
The man seemed unfazed to the punch only expression he showed was thrill.
"Rule number two. Don't even think about escaping... I own you Y/n, so don't even get any ideas." He whispers as he moves the candle by Y/n's neck burning him with the flame.
Y/n screams in pain as the fire burns his skin.
"Rule number three. You're not allowed to think let alone talk about someone who isn't me. I'm the only man in your life from now on forward. The only time someone else besides me would talk to you is when your buddies call your phone."
The man moves the candle away taking it to Y/n's inner thigh. Striking it on Y/n's thigh holding it there until the flame is put out.
Y/n screams in pain as he throws his head back. Y/n bit onto his lip trying to contain the noises as he realizes that showing pain will give the man pleasure.
The man throws the candle away as he stares at Y/n.
"Aww poor agent~ Your lip is bleeding. Here let me clean for you." The man takes Y/n jaw harshly yanking his head down. The man greedily licks away before kissing Y/n with all his mouth forcing his tongue inside.
The man's hands moves around Y/n's chest before going down lower and lower until he reaches Y/n's private area.
"I love how you're enjoying this!~" The man teases pulling away from the messy kiss.
As soon as the man pulls away Y/n headbutts him with all his might. The blood rushes out the nose.
"Ohh!~ You like it rough huh? You like it when we beat the living shit out each other your into that?" The man questions as he takes Y/n's private part inside his hand.
"Okay.... I can lean into that."
Ever since then it has been a constant torture from the man. The man was breaking the agent slowly.
It's been a full week since Y/n was at work. Y/n's family had told Hotch that Y/n was staying with them because of family problems.
But that couldn't be farther from the truth.
The once romantic beautiful bedroom had became dirty and disgusting. With blood mostly painting the walls. Some of it was Y/n, the unsub and completetly unknown blood c
Y/n was on the floor with one of his arms broke from the torture yesterday. The reason why he gotten punished because he broke rule number three.
Y/n laid on the floor in a puddle of his own tears with dried blood around his naked body staining his skin. Y/n's vision was blurry but he could see the unsub new victims huddle around him.
Even though he was unchained and free he was too weak for anything. His body was bruised and beaten badly as some of his bones had fractures.
Y/n’s more private areas were sticky and dirty. The agent wanted to cry and scream, but he couldn’t let the unsub win that easily.
"Y/n where are you going?"
The victims behind him call out, but Y/n just ignores them
Pulling his weak body up he slowly moves onto his feet trembling in pain. Y/n walks towards the door with a bad limp as his body feels overwhelming pain. Reaching for the door knob with his good hand Y/n opens the door as quietly as he can.
Y/n stared into the dark hallway before taking a deep breath walking out the bedroom.
"Theres something up with Y/n."
Morgan announces as he sits down at his chair at the round table. The other agents at the table raise their eyebrows and look at Morgan with confusion.
"I'm guessing hes texting y'all and calling right. Theres something up and I know it." Derek adds crossing his arms.
"Y/n doesn't take pictures like that. He doesn't like styling his hair like that in the pictures. And he most definitely doesn't text dry and boring." Derek says as if he was stating facts.
"Maybe because he's with his family and all. It is scientifically proven that families do have a big interference in someones past, present and future lives." Reid blurts out as he turns to face Derek's worried and anxious face.
"I know, but something has to be wrong. It gotta be." Derek says before looking back at the case files that are currently on the table. "And I don't mean to sound crazy, but I just have this burning feeling." Derek adds.
Walking on the cold wood floor felt so new to Y/n. He was so used to that bloody stained carpet in the bedroom he completely forgot what other material feels like.
Going deeper inside the dark hallway Y/n spots a dim light under what seems to be a door. Y/n slowly walked to the source looking under the door one last time before touching the door searching for the knob.
Y/n's fingers graze the cold door knob before opening it. Stepping forward Y/n walks inside the room shutting the door slowly behind him.
Muffled humming could be heard outside the room Y/n was currently inside. Y/n was inside another bedroom. Y/n looked around for a while before leaving searching for the target who is humming.
The unsub stood inside the kitchen cutting up what seems to be a leg turning the meat into tiny pieces before dropping it inside a soup bowl. The unsub snaps his head looking behind him as Y/n hides around the corner holding his mouth tight.
The unsub walks towards Y/n's direction before stopping in the doorway. The unsub stood in the middle of the doorway with Y/n on the wall holding his breath.
The unsub walks inside the bedroom looking around suspiciously. The unsub opens the door to the long dark hallway before walking inside shutting the door behind him before shouting "Y/n! I already told you to keep the noise down!"
Which heavily confused Y/n. But Y/n decided not to think too much of it and hopped over to the door locking it as he muttered a prayer about having a lock on it on the outside. Finally having some time to think Y/n looked around the bedroom in search of his phone or some clothes he could wear.
"Where the fuck is it." Y/n groans as he searches the bedroom.
Having no luck in finding it Y/n looks for some clothes he could wear. After finding some that kinda fitted him Y/n left the room.
Y/n went inside the bathroom looking for any medicine of some sort he can take or use. Finding nothing but empty pill bottles Y/n leave the bathroom before heading to the front door.
Ignoring all the pain inside Y/n's body Y/n opens the heavy door using all his strength. Finally opening it Y/n looks outside his way too freedom as a small smile crawls onto his lips.
But soon that smile slowly fades. Y/n felt empty. He felt that he was missing something that was satisfying. Taking a few steps back Y/n turns around marching towards the kitchen before picking up the very knife he man was just using.
Y/n stared into his own reflection at the bloody knife. In the clean part of the knife showed Y/n's dirty and bloody face, but on the other side of the knife that was stained with blood the reflection showed the unsub staring into the knife.
Lowering the knife Y/n gripped onto it hard as he walked back inside the house walking through it.
Finally reaching the door he had locked the unsub inside Y/n unlocks it slowly, but before he could open it the door swings open with the unsub pouncing on him screaming and shouting.
"How dare you try to outsmart me!"
The unsub presses hard against Y/n's broken arm causing the man to let out a scream. Using the hand that Y/n held the knife with he gave a quick stab in the rib cage causing the unsub to take some weight off the agent.
Taking the opportunity Y/n pushes the unsub off of him quickly crawling on top of him before stabbing him in the chest repeatedly.
Blood splatted everywhere staining the fresh clean clothes Y/n just found with blood.
Slowly growing tired of the stabbing Y/n stood up from the dead body picking up the man and dragging him back inside the long dark hallway. Y/n lays him down on the bed with the other dead bodies around it.
More and more alive agents on the ground screaming and crying in fear looking at Y/n.
"Why are you guys screaming and crying huh!?! I'm the one who had to kill the son of the bitch! He was the bad guy not me!" Y/n screamed at the people at the floor as he waved the knife around.
"I'm the hero of the story! I was the one who outsmarted him okay!" Y/n shouts as he points his knife at them.
"Do you wanna be next! Huh? That's what I thought so shut up!" Y/n shouts one last time before limping away. After Y/n leaves the dark hallway he slams the door shutting it leaving it unlocked for those who want to leave.
Finally feeling satisfied Y/n leaves the house bloody and all.
As Y/n walks through the neibhbord he watches cop cars pull up with their sirens blazing stepping out their cars barging inside the house.
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
Crushing on the Same Heroine (Shoto and Dabi) (Two different endings)
Genre: slice of life (??) \\ wc: 711 \\ posted: 12/19/2023 \\ requested
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So in this scnerio you're a few years older than Shoto, and a few years younger than Dabi.
Both you and Shoto are pro heroes. You're four years older than him, and have a lot more experince under your belt.
Shoto immediatly started looking for a hero to work under when he graduated. You were lucky enough to catch his intrest from the dozens who offered.
He became your sidekick and you worked together for about a year.
Shoto fell in love with you in that time, and is completely smitten.
He does his very best to please and impress you, bathing in the glorious bask of your praise.
During an attack initiated by the lov, Dabi saw you up close for the first time.. your beauty immediatly caught his attention.
He defied Shigaraki's orders and attacked you straight on. He was grinning as he flirted with you while the two of you fought.
Your witty remarks and captivating apperance instantly stole his heart, and he became obsessed.
He intentionally didn't hurt you.
After several calls from Shigarki he finally listened when Shigarki started to spew vulgar words at him, promising him pain if he didn't listen.
With a sassy eye roll, Dabi restrained you just to press a kiss to the back of your left hand, leaning down to whipser in your ear:
"Bye for now, Doll."
He then released you, heading back to Shigarki.
Shoto was helping several civillians evacuate at the time.. but when he watched the video the News reporter caught... he was fuming.
He grew insanely protective, staying glued to your side even off hours.
When you scolded him he got really sad and felt guilty. He properly bowed, apologizing.
But before he left.. he left a kiss on the back of your right hand.
You were shocked, you mouth opened slightly as you watch Shoto fade into the distance.
Dabi on the other hand, was in a great mood.
He argued less, simply mindlessly agreeing or waving it off, he was eager to go on patrols and/or missions, and he volunteered to go on grocery runs.
He started disapearing for long hours... but he came back every night.
He was just.. obsessed with you.
He stalked you.. like straight up stocked you.
He learned your schedule, followed you wherever you went, and did his best to seperate you and Shoto whenever possible.
Now.. this good technically go two ways.
(In my book anyways)
One, you fall in love with Shoto.
You and Shoto grow closer, and you slowly start to fall in love with him.
He is completely overjoyed with your new behavior, and asks you out after a few monhts.
You accept, and you go on a lovely date.
Well.. one thing leads to another and the two of you are officaly dating.
You spend almost ever waking hour with each other, falling deeper and deeper in love.
Dabi gets increasingly jealous, and messed up one day.
Shoto catches sight of him, and watches carefully for the remainder of the day, his arm wrapped around your shoulders protectively.
He ends up catching Dabi in the act, and he notifies you and several agencies.
After months of failure, your agency and three others team up to capture him- which you did! He gets put into Taurus, and you are no longer being stocked.
You and Shoto end up getting married two years later, and the two of you are deeply in love.
And two, you fall in love with Dabi.
Dabi commits several crimes just to fight with you again.
He flirts with you each time, and his alluring words and charming grin start to get to you..
One day after a battle he pulls you into an alley, a hand covering your mouth.
He leans down next to your ear, his hot breath against your jaw.
"Doll, talk with me.. I promise I won't hurt you if you promise me a nice little chat.."
One chat became two.. and two became three..
You started to meet up with Dabi in the middle of the night, laughing for hours as you talk about everything and anything.
He kissed you one night, and you kissed back.
The two of you secretly dated for years, before he finally convinced you to leave your old life and run away with him.
You both ran away from the rest of the world, settling down in the middle of nowhere.
He proprosed and the two of you eloped.
You didn't have much.. but you loved one another greatly.. and either of you would watch the world burn if it meant the safety of the other.
Dabi's masterlist | Shoto's masterlist | Masterlist | Navigation | You can tip me here <3
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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talks-with-the-void · 5 months
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I tried to tag the commenter but the blog doesn't show up, so I can't. TW: this post does contain what could be interpreted as reality checking and although I don't mean any harm, this could potentially be triggering!
But anyway, this requieres a longer answer - I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and just assume they just don't know better, which is fine, we're all here to learn. So please don't read an attack into this! I also do not experience delusions myself and certaimly don't want to speak over those who do. I am doing my best to be respectful and not accidentally spread misinformation, but if I mess up, please let me know!
Firstly, "delusion" is not a bad word. a delusion isn't "somethign stupid someone believes in, what the fuck is wromg with them", it's a (symptom of) a serious mental illness, often seen in schizophrenia and psychosis. it's an unshakable belief that contradicts Reality (= in this post, Reality with a capital R refers to the reality that is generally shared by all people and can be seen and experinced by everyone - aside from those who may have delusions). "touching grass" won't do anything to help that, it is reality for them and absolutely nothing and nobody can change that. at worst, telling them they're wrong and should just "touch grass" will make them suffer even more.
so, yes, you could say that all p-shifters experince delusions, because nobody but them can see their transformations. at least, there hasn't been any proof at all until today and their beliefs absolutely clash with science and Reality. but here's the thing: there is a condition called clinical lycanthropy or clinical zoanthropy, which describes exactly the experience of believing you can, have turned or will turn into an animal. there are quite a few of them here on tumblr, having their own community which also often kinda overlaps with alterhuman spaces. those people are not p-shifters! p-shifter is not a medical term or anything, instead it is a term that has evolved here on the internet and has a history of cult-like behaviour, lots of manipulation, malicious people, etc. the "original" p-shifters also oftentimes had a lot of ableistic opinions, openly shitting on clinical zoanthropes, using delusional as an insult, etc. the term p-shifter was never ever meant to describe the experience of clinical zoanthropy. it was invented to create the feeling of belonging to an elite group, to put yourself over others. it's even questionable if the majority of p-shifters actually believes they could transform or if they just wanted power over others, promising them to teach them how to turn, knowing all to well it can't work.
nowadays, some clinical zoanthropes try to "reclaim" the term p-shifter - which is a problem, because you can't just take a term that was NEVER meant to describe your experinces and also never used as a slur against you. a different example in alterhuman context would e the word kinnie - originally made by trolls and to shit on otherkin, it always directly addressed otherkin, even if in a deregatory way. it was meant to be used for otherkin. p-shifter was never meant to be used for delusional people. p-shifter will always have its ties to manipulation and cults, it will always be a harmful term.
I don't and will never allow people who call themselves p-shifters on my blog, because of the terms roots.
there is nothing wrong with truly believing you can transforn into an animal, even tho it contrdicts Reality. there is absolutely nothing wrong with being delusional (as in, it doesn't make you a bad person, of course it almost always comes with suffering). there however IS something wrong with proudly using a term that was NEVER meant for you, never described your experiences and instead has a history of manipulation and online-cults. if you proudly call yourself p-shifter and just basically decide to ignore that history, I don't trust you.
THIS is what my post was about, not about the fact that some people are delusional.
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six-eyed-samurai · 3 months
This can be read as a standalone, but if you'd like you can read my previous thoughts on Genya's literacy.
dear aNiki,
kocho gave me a Notebook today aNd told me to write down any after efects or experiNces after eating a demoN iN here but said I should also keep a jourNal to show you oNe day. she gave one to tokito to for his memory loss I thiNk.
she started teachng me how to write receNtly. she said if I caN’t become a hashira or talk to you by the time i've fiNished learNiNg, i can come up with a good apologi letter for you.
himejima-saN is very proud that I'm learNiNg how to write. he was sad he couldn't teach me Himself but Now I can help Him deliver messages he caN't write or Read.
i caN't do aNy breathiNg techNiques, but himjima-saN’s traiNing is iNteNse eNough that i can slay demons eveN without eating them sometimes. maybe i will be able to become the first hashira without a techNique.
Im Not sure yet Of what to write iN here, so thats all for Now. I hope you like the ohagi I seNt you. kocho said she'd pass it for Me.
Dear Aniki,
I'm very embarrassed to say this, but when I showed Kocho my writing it turned out I got a lot of things wrong. She was very nice about it when she saw how red I was but couldn't teach me today so the Butterfly Girls had to do it. I think they were too scared to laugh but it's embarrassing anyway to have them know more about writing than I do.
For one apparently I got all my captal (is that how you spell it?) letters wrong. Small letter n and captal letter N are also very different and it's confusing. And I'm glad Himejima-san won't find out I didn't write his name correctly.
The demon I ate the other day left me with a very weirdly shaped hand that hasn't gone away yet, so I'll stop writing for now since it's tiring to hold a pencil with talons. Kocho offered to cut my nails for me but I said no because she was going to use her katana.
Dear Aniki,
It really hurt me to find out you threw away my apology letter. I really want to apologize for that night but you keep pushing me away. Are you disappointed in me for joining the Corps or because I can't use breathing techniques? I promise I'll do better.
At least you didn't reject my ohagi. I found out because Tokito was eating it when I met him today. The Mist Pillar is really weird. I didn't know his amnesia was so bad to this state he wandered into the room I was staying in at the Butterfly Mansion thinking it was his. I found him standing by the window holding my gun without moving for about ten minutes. I thought he was a girl for a second so it kind of stunned me into silence. He didn't even notice I was there until I yelled at him to put it down.
It was really awkward at first because I had to explain to him it wasn't his room and he had to explain to me he wasn't a girl, then there was an awkward pause where we just stared at each other. He called me a rooster too…which is still confusing.
I find it really hard to believe he's fourteen and already a Pillar. Jealous, really, because he gets to see you and I don't. Although he called you a wolf and I'm not sure what that means when I asked him where he got the ohagi from and he said the “old white wolf looking Hashira…I forgot. I think I bought it…wait, but I didn't bring any money.”
Somehow I ended up agreeing to his demand of training with him first thing tomorrow to show him how to use a gun. Thankfully the side effects of the demon I ate is gone now.
Kocho told me he'll probably forget about it though.
Dear Aniki,
Today's my birthday. Do you miss me as much I do for you? I wish I can still celebrate it with our siblings and mom, or at least with you.
Kinzaki and the Butterfly Girls made me a cake. Kocho gave me a new yukata after I ripped my old one from my last fight. Her tsugoku gave me a coin for whatever reason. But I got really shy and didn't say much.
Muichiro forgot it was my birthday and thought it was Kocho’s, so he gave me her present. He thought it was funny to pin the butterfly to my hair. The girls started giggling at me so I chased him around the Butterfly Mansion.
Himejima-san gave me a cat. She's very cute. I named her Shizu, after mom. She followed me everywhere and even peed on Muichiro’s foot. He said she was stupid but later on I found him carrying her around.
Her white fur made me think of you. If you ever forgive me one day I'm sure you'll love her too. She likes the smell of ohagi too apparently.
Dear Aniki,
Rengoku-san the Flame Pillar and Kanroji the Love Pillar came to visit Himejima-san today. Rengoku-san gave me ohagi, so I thanked him but he said it wasn't from him. I'm praying this means you don't completely hate me.
Muichiro came over to Himejima-san’s estate today too by mistake, but he decided to stay and train with me anyway. He asked to see Shizu and that's when I realized she was missing.
How hard could it be to find a snowy white cat? That's what we thought until we (me mostly, Muichiro kept forgetting where he had looked) hunted everywhere for her. Then Rengoku-san said he saw her run pass him and when we looked she jumped off a tree and took off.
I still can't stop turning red whenever I think about how I slammed into Kanroji chasing Shizu, so I immediately ran off with Muichiro. I hope if I meet her again she'll have forgotten about it.
Dumb cat.
Dear Aniki,
Today that Kamado kid - the one who broke my arm back at Final Selection after I grabbed the Ubuyashiki girl; hope she doesn't hold it against me - picked up the stack of letters I accidentally dropped. You know it's the anniversary of everyone's death today, so I was planning on taking the letters I've been writing to them to burn. Usually I would just leave flowers and prayers at the shrine Himejima-san helped me make because we never got to bury them, but since Kocho taught me to write I decided to make a new tradition.
Anyway I knew he didn't mean to read them but I got mad anyway until he told me his family died the same way and he was happy that I was still honoring their memory of whatever. I wish me and you were like him and his sister. I wonder what would've happened if we had stayed together? I never meant to hurt you like that.
I don't remember writing any of this. Did I change my handwriting or something? Who's Aniki?
I've just chased away Muichiro. I can't believe he got our notebooks mixed up and started reading mine. I hope he didn't read anything…too personal. Foggy brained idiot just stared at me and left.
He came back later. He didn't apologize but handed me a watermelon. He's forgiven…I guess? I don't even want to know he got it from, especially when I can hear Kinzaki and that pig head boy shouting.
Dear Aniki,
Today's the day before the final battle and I don't have much time to write as much as I want to, so I'll make this entry quick.
Muichiro has become a much nicer person, and I've had a lot of fun with him over time. I'm gonna miss training with him and talking and cloud gazing together afterwards. I hope we both don't die. He called me his best friend the other day and although I got really flustered I don't want it to be the last time.
Kocho and the Butterfly Girls celebrated my “graduation” of learning how to write the other day. Maybe one day you'll be able to come and celebrate some other occasion with us.
I will never be able to repay everything Himejima-san has done for me. I owe him for the slayer I am today. I hope the wooden bracelet I carved will be able to convey it. I can write now but I'm no good with words.
I'm really grateful to Kamado and his sister for reminding me during the battle at the Swordsmith Village why I joined the Corps. I'm going to prove myself to you and apologize for once and for all. I don't know what I'm going to do if you keep pushing me away even after all this. I miss you a lot.
I swear we'll be brothers again after this battle.
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rottingpirate · 2 years
Heey babes 💜 could you possibly maybe write cis or ftm reader with poly ghost and soap 🥺.
Poly Ghoap with a trans male reader
First of all, T4T
But who knows ig
I can imagine you being scared to come out to them CUZ LIKE ME TOO
Ghost might have the hardest time understanding and might have some difficulties, but he does know that it's fine if he messes up at first even tho he’s feels so bad for messing up
Confused but he's got the spirit
When you tell them you're trans, they both take time to read as much about trans experiences and they ask about your own experince to learn how to support you better
"So it's like distress because your body doesn't look or feel right?"
They honetsly don't see you as their "trans" boyfrind, you're just you, you're their boyfriend
Soap will have trust in you that you bind safely
Ghost on the other hand...
No one knows how long you might've been binding, so he asks you like every hour 'cause he doesn't want you to be in pain and have back/chest problems
When you're feeling dysphoric then they make you stay inside with them and watch movies while cuddling
Other than that, movie night every saturday
Both of them call you their boyfriend even if no one asked
Down to be the little spoon, which might give some people gender euphoria
If either of them are scared of needles they will stay as far as possible when you're taking your shots
But Ghost does always ask if you need help or have you remembered to take it
When you're gonna get top/bottom surgery, but feel nervous about it then Soap is right there hyping you up
Oh man, they are both not chill with people who just casually misgender or deadname you
Seeing you lose your smile is enough for them to jump the person
The DEATH GLARES Ghost will send them
They just love you so much y'know
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