#this isn't what it looks like (hijinks/crack)
longsightmyth · 1 month
Honestly one of the biggest problems here is that everyone has the same bland, stilted dialogue, and it's all designed to hit every beat of every tortured romance ever without giving us the tortured romance. There did not used to be anything getting in the way of Kelsey and Ren banging outside of my own deep conviction that he was gross, but the characters don't share that view.
So when all the characters speak exactly the same way, it makes them all blend together. When they all speak like wikipedia pages or like a ten year old wrote a conversation they think adults would have, it just adds to the bland and emotionless effect.
“Hmm, maybe you have PTSD.”
“What’s that?”
“Post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s a condition you get when you’ve been exposed to terrible trauma and high stress levels. Soldiers in combat usually have it. Remember when you told Kishan that when you heard my name, all you could picture was Lokesh torturing you, questioning you?”
“Right. There’s still some of that, I guess. But now that I know you better I don’t associate you with him as much anymore. I can distance that from you now. It wasn’t because of you that it happened.”
“Part of your symptoms with me might still be related to that. Maybe you need a therapist.”
Ren chuckled, “Kelsey, first of all, a therapist would put me in an asylum for claiming I was a tiger. Second, I’m no stranger to bloody battles or pain. It wasn’t the first time Lokesh has tortured me. It was definitely an experience I wouldn’t want to go through again, but I know that you are not to blame.”
This is by no means the Wikipediaest of sections, but bear with me.
(Also the Tiger question could be resolved by simply turning into a tiger, and even if the therapist did think you were hallucinating or having delusions and good therapist would still try to help you with your ptsd)
(How does Ren know about asylums but not shellshock/ptsd)
(Undergoing similar traumas does not mean you can't have ptsd from one or both)
"Maybe you have PTSD," I said, almost to myself.
"PTSD?" Ren asked, sounding out the letters clearly and individually rather than running them all together.
I winced. "Post-traumatic stress disorder. It's a thing a lot of soldiers get, from combat and all the other trauma."
Since I didn't have a whole lot of expert knowledge on the specifics of PTSD, I added quickly, "You told Kishan that when you heard my name, all you could think about was Lokesh torturing you. That's a thing, I think? A flashback."
"Oh, shellshock." Off my look he pointed out, "I was alive during the Great War, Kelsey."
"Anyway, that doesn't happen anymore," Ren assured me a little too quickly, and when I frowned at him clarified, "Not often. I know it wasn't your fault. I can tell myself that and it works sometimes."
"I think it's pretty clear you're going to deal with that for a long time," I said, trying not to sound as hurt as I was. "You probably need a therapist."
Ren cracked a laugh. "I'm sure a therapist would believe me about the curse. I'll recover. This isn't the first time I've fought for my life, or even the first time I've been tortured."
I didn't think how many times somebody was tortured mattered much in the grand scheme, but I also didn't think I was going to convince an ancient Indian prince who's been living as a tiger for more than a hundred years to go to therapy in one night.
Even in a linear conversation there's going to be give and take outside of specific circumstances. In a first person narration, you get to add an internal monologue to circle in and around for more fun hijinks. Since this specific conversation is a slow one happening without particular urgency, breaking up the dialogue can convey a thoughtful or slow discussion. Giving the characters specific knowledge or different knowledge or the same kind of knowledge under different terms because the characters have different backgrounds informs the characters and makes them distinguishable from the others.
Anyway. This isn't the only way to rework this bit, but it's A way.
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allycat75 · 18 days
What is bothering me about "Red One".
Terrible movies are about as common as the lies our former president spews from his cracked and diseased face, so why is this one so different? I think when you start looking at something, you start seeing things you can't unsee. Kind of like when Brad Pitt decides to make a movie about the two women who helped bring down Harvey Weinstein, even though Mr. Pitt not only knew for years what he did after confronting him in the early 90s for harassing his girlfriend, ran straight toward him to produce his movies even though his wife at the time was traumatized and requested he not do it. But that is a rant for another day.
Overall, this movie just doesn't seem warm and Christmas-y. I almost feel forced to participate and enjoy it.
The Rock is a flim flam man, as many are in Hollywood, but the fissures are starting to show in his "nice guy" image. He is vulnerable to his fragile male ego and can't admit a failure, which only makes it worse. He created a real life villian of himself with the whole Black Atom/DC controversy that is so convoluted, the only thing I know is that if a woman had attempted these hijinks she'd be branded a hysterical, compulsive liar who should not insert herself in matters that don't concern her.
The marketing for this movie has already started with a lie- that it has tested "through the roof". Just the irony of being dishonst about a Christmas movie- maybe because they know this is already a big steaming lump of coal.
Here, the Rock's describes this gem of a movie:
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Or I can just watch any of those movies individually and get sick of Dwayne Johnson playing the same character over and over in every movie, and enjoy Harry Potter and It's a Wonderful Life on their own. Truthfully, is that meant to sound good? (He also referred to it as a "joy bomb", and like most things he says I can only believe about half of it).
You know what also doesn't sound warm and Chrismas-y? This:
The film has been described as "a globe-trotting, four-quadrant action-adventure comedy, imagining a whole new universe to explore within the holiday genre." If you're wondering, "four-quadrant" refers to the four major demographics Hollywood is always looking to win over — males, females, people under 25, and people over 25. And Amazon evidently feels "Red One" will appeal to all four quadrants.
Yeah, let me take my four-quadrant family on opening weekend! So welcoming.
Also, both leads are over paid and need a hit as they have had some major, I mean major, debacles to overcome. And it is not great being known as profit poison at a time when there is much more scrutiny of the bottom line. I can sense the desperation of this cash grab oozing off of them.
Interestingly, only a few years ago CE was named one of the best bang for your buck actors. Now he can barely get work and no longer has an audience (he alienated his fans and the general public either doesn't know him, doesn't care, or thinks he is hella creepy). But he has said he wants to quit and smoke pot all day, so maybe Hollywood will call his bluff this time. Besides, I doubt they were able to get the best performance out of him, considering his life was beginning its implosion while filming, even if he might not have known the full extent of the eventual destruction at the time. The mindset he displayed wasn't conducive to authenticity and Christmas-y-ness.
Ok, I know we all want original content, but maybe I should have been more specific and added that it needs to be sincere, too. I hear nothing sincere when someone tries to describe "Red One". It doesn't help that this is home grown from 7 Bucks, Dwayne Johnson's production company. They probably looked at the material in an echo chamber and lost perspective. And as we have seen, The Rock isn't know for his humble acceptance of criticism. The following official description sounds like a nerd wanting to show up all the popular kids who made fun of him in high school ("See, I wrote a Hollywood script that is now a movie. Bet you wish you went to the prom with we now, Courtney!"):
Red One is a fire-breathing Christmas action movie that completely reinvents the holiday genre. […] Red One is a really fun original action film for both Johnson and Evans, and it’s a world building piece of IP which lends itself to potential sequels set around different holidays
Boy someone thinks highly of themselves! Already on the make to ruin other holidays. I saw somewhere they claimed this could be a franchise comparable to the "Lord of the Rings". Whoa, Nelly. Pump the breaks on that male privlege. You are embarrassing yourself!
It's this need for empire building, I believe, is what will crush "Red One". This forced joy, what many of us feel at this time of year, has takes away the true spirit and fun of the holiday season.
Well, we know CE can ruin Valentine's Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Looks like he is well on his way to doing the same for Christmas.
This has about 7 more months to play out and maybe I am wrong, but right now it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, like egg nog left out from last Christmas. So, I think the two leads better get their measurements in now for the suits they will be wearing at the 2025 Razzie Awards. Here are some ideas for their rapist-supporting stylist:
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PS- And, by the way, what the fuck is with the name- "Red One"? Sounds like a horror film about an itchy rash that will destroy the world. The Rock is the only one that can save us, but decides there is too much division right now and isn't going to support the President, played by a sad, hollow Chris Evans.
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I'm kinda debating putting a RDR2 crossover out there, but I don't know if this is something that only works in the recesses of my brain or actually workable... it would defiantly be crack like no tomorrow and would not include the bots. Maybe? still figuring out details.
ehm, an actual fic would be a long ways off and I've been working on this sparingly on the side (OUAT and the next OT&T is actively being worked on, exam madness is over so I want to release one of them before Monday!) but I'm just kinda interested so see if there would be any interest in some gunslinger hijinks.
Ashlyn, Jack, Miko, and Raf are all transported to RDR2 via mission gone wrong/weird cave drawings/MC luck
Ashlyn figures out what happened pretty quickly (she should be getting a universe hoping punch card at this rate)
She does not realize that she isn't alone.
Cue one Ms Moore galavanting around the RDR map while the Kids stick around the Vander Linde gang and are Very Confused.
The Kids experience includes;
Jack being renamed "Big Jack" since Jack Marston complains that it's HIS name. Jack is just having a moment. He's pretty sure he was found and rescued by a cult.
Jack joins Charles on a hunting mission, only to find the previously missing Miko impersonating a bush and doing a surprisingly decent job seeking up on the deer. Miko goes on to join the gang with Jack. She keeps trying to sneak into robberies. Hosea always catches her, and she emerges from very comical locations.
Raf initially panics. Then finds himself at a poker table at a train station. Luck is is only a game of statistics and Raf knows numbers. Becomes the Poker King, the nervous face IS his poker face. Overtime he learns everbodies business. Nice side effect of being the only sober gambler in the state. And the youngest. Via this, he turns up at the camp one day. Swanson's like *surprised pikachu face* He hears rumors about a strange cryptid running around and is like "Yeah that checks out. It's Ashlyn."
Meanwhile Ashlyn Moore is;
Roaming the wilderness treasure hunting and gives Downes's house a gold bar. Just pops up in every other town doing side quests. Stories start spreading about the wild thing looking for the Hooch man.
Eventially captured by O'Driscolls. Probably for insulting their vests, refusing to pay a bridge toll, or making some very interesting insults about not being able to rob a potato. That camp doesn’t exist anymore.
At some point, Micah and Ashlyn meet- or fight as a first meeting. She bites. He was not expecting this. Says she must have rabies, this incurred further wrath. Ashlyn is brought to the camp by Micah, saying she’s an O'Driscoll (kids are absent for the time). The girl proceeds to call out every manipulative sentence and asks for a step-by-step torture breakdown.  Poor Kieran is getting flashbacks whenever she brings up gelding. Begins to creep everyone out when she keeps moving in the night. Still tied to a tree, but it’s a different tree.  Mentions scary camping statistics (how many bugs crawl into the ear). The hotel gains a lot of business suddenly.
Ashlyn finally meets Dutch and the look in her eyes makes the kids panic. Spiderman meme is done when Ashlyn realizes others also came with her.
Ashlyn plays poker. She does not know how to play poker, but she keeps winning. Everyone is convinced she’s either cheating or a poker master while Raf is calculating how some of these moves are possible. Arthur finds this hilarious when she asks what the discs mean. Micah’s brain stops working.
Pulls The Batman references via el rata, Javier loses his mind about the incorrect Spanish. So does Raf. Bonding ensures via trying to keep Ashlyn’s mouth shut.
At a certain point, Ashlyn would make eye contact with Dutch while dropping a gold bar in the donation box. Bonus points if he's in the middle of a moneh rant.
"Who'd ya rob for that, missy?"
"A police station."
She's not telling him its the burned out one down the road.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
this is borderline crack, but, steve and robin who get out of hawkins and run away to new york. a sequence of hijinks ensue and they make their way through the ranks of broadway in tiny roles here and there until their big break: Cats The Musical. do I know anything about broadway? no. do I wanna imagine stobin as mungojerrie and rumpleteazer doing flips and singing about stealing shit, all in fuzzy bodysuits and facepaint? Yes. Yes I do.
ANON!!! Listen I've never seen Cats but I have enough peripheral knowledge to NEED THIS!!!! I want musical theater stobin so BADLY. Stick them in the chorus line, make them the support acts, an ensemble cast i don't CARE. I just need to hear about them chatting shit to each other while doing their hair and makeup right before show time, both of them ridiculously last minute because they were too busy deciding on what to order for dinner.
I want them giving nods and checking on each other as they run past each other back stage between scene changes or costume changes. At home in their shared apartment, spending days running lines with each other and ad libbing HORRIFICALLY making each other cry because its too funny and then catching each other's eye on stage and almost corpsing from the memory of their practices.
Essentially sharing a wardrobe because they pretty much live in warm up leggings/too big tshirts/big socks and they genuinely don't know who owns what anymore. For a while Robin could have sworn the fraggle rock tshirt was hers but she really can't be sure.
They rarely do stage door but when they do they are favourites because they practically have a routine going to snipping at each other, making a competition between who can sign the most or get the most photos and the fans love it. It may look like they are frantic and all over the place but it's a practiced performance, in truth they are aware of each other the entire time, always in each other's vision and safe.
Then when they make their big brake? Oh baby Broadway isn't ready for Buckley and Harrington. They worked their way to the top and they aren't about to be pushed back down.
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swynlake-rp · 10 months
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Summer is approaching fast! Will these characters join us for sun, fun, and whatever magical hijinks are around the bend?
Ethan Clade (Ethan Clade, Strange World) - You know what you should do, but you also think know what you want to do and they don't perfectly align. Will you follow the footsteps before you, the path laid out for you, or the secret third option?
Efren Diaz (Airman Diaz, Lightyear) - Call you anything but a quitter! A banged up propeller plane isn't going to stop you. You'll fix it up in no time-- until then, why not enjoy your time in Swynlake?
Abby Park (Abby Park, Turning Red) - Back in your hometown, everyone knew the golden rule: nobody should trash talk magicks in front of Abby Park! Unhinged? Ha! You don't even have hinges. Look out Swynlake! Here comes Abby and her passionate allyship, ready or not.
Luisa Madrigal (Luisa Madrigal, Encanto) - Strong, likable, cool-headed Luisa. Never cracking once, not even after such major upheaval these last few years. You throw yourself into the community like the rest of your family but when will you take care of yourself?
Alberto Scorfano (Alberto, Luca) - Your trusty vespa has never let you down yet! Did it lead you to the right place to figure out what the heck is going on with your freaky new scales? You sure hope so!
Dorothea Williams (Dorothea Williams, Soul) -  You move through the world as smooth as the jazz you create. Will you find who you’re looking for and get your chance to slow down?
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Prompts that got taken down on AO3 #3
Bruno Madrigal leaves Encanto and becomes a Pro-Hero, and either the whole family goes to find him, or just his sisters, because they hear something about him from news brought in from outside, and they are all shocked to learn that time had kind of frozen or slowed down or stuttered in the Encanto for years, and the whole world moved on, AND everyone has "gifts" now.
They are technically the first quirk users, they still have the joint because something like that doesn't just disappear in a few generations, it would take many many many years, like in MHA. Eventually they find him, for story's sake we'll say he somehow went to Japan and is a teacher's assistant to Aizawa or someone at UA.
Hijinks ensue, during a villain attack is when the fam or his sisters make themselves known, because they were on their way to see him when it happened, and they just joined in fighting together with him.
After the fight, introductions are made, and Aizawa tries to arrest them for illegal quirk use, but Bruno explains that their abilities aren't technically a quirk, and that they're technically from before quirks were called quirks. They talk about the fam and their abilities and how they got them etc, before going home.
You decide if Bruno goes with them or not, or if he visits, or what.
We'll say that the cracks never happened because Mira figured out the vision, or snapped at Alma, and they actually sat down and talked about workload and marriages etc. Then they decide to go and look for Bruno, since he obviously isn't in the Encanto, and what's this they've heard about "Pro-Heroes"? 
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
Still thinking about this. Sorry? Lol
Anyway I was thinking of how uh... Kadokura-verse(?) Kimi would vary in terms of story, from "main" YakKimi.
So for modern, I could take or leave her connection to Daigo but I think it could add another element for fun hijinks so I've kept it. It's easy enough to cut however. Especially as they aren't "together" in this verse, just long term confidants.
And especially as she doesn't tell him she's in Japan. In the main story line, he helps her get there to get away from things. In this one, she doesn't really talk about what's going on, liquidates everything she has, and impulsively goes to Japan. She considers reaching out but her crippling fear of being a burden means she just doesn't. (this is all part of an alt timeline I considered anyway)
In the 80s, same basic thing except she went for college and everything that could go wrong, went wrong, and she had no one.
(In mainline YakKimi 80s verse, she ends up Majima's downstairs neighbor, fun fact, and one that could potentially still kinda work maybe?)
Her funds run out before too long, and now she's stuck in Japan, and also high key staying there illegally so.
This is where I figure Kadokura would come into play? With his method of acquiring loyal staff. And she settles into life from there.
She has to come clean about everything eventually but. None of it is that bad, at least not in her mind.
And honestly it really isn't? She isn't like, on the run from anything except her own feelings and inability to cope with trauma. The only person she's avoiding is her father and he's harmless, just really really toxic. Her Yakuza connection, if she has it, is entirely built around being Some Random Dude's penpal, and while she does know who/what he is, it's hard to that keep in mind when most of their conversations are whining about their dads/exes/etc to each other.
But without the personal lens it all kinda looks really bad on her lol. I mean, she's a traumatized girl fleeing her home country, with a lot of repressed anger. A lot of assumptions could be made.
Luckily she's actually super easy to crack. You don't have to crack her at all. Give her even the hint of an opening and she'll over share basically her entire life story.
What she can/can't and does/doesn't keep secret makes very little sense to anyone not her.
(Fun fact! Y0 cuts off the Daigo and Akiyama routes, leaving us with Majima and Kir as romantic options. However! Her first... love? Is Nishitani! Its more infatuation on her end and a lot of complicated other things. For him, he doesn't love her, but he is fond of her. The way one is fond of a favored pet. But alas, canon is as canon does, and that ends. Well. Majima is at least kind when he tells her.)
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lucy/will: i won't do that to you.
It's been a good day. Victory is in the air, mingled with laughter and chattering, as the sun sinks steadily lower. Will's not altogether sure what victory Lucy's team is celebrating; the Sanctuary's giddiness comes from finally rescuing the famous Nessie, not that he can tell Lucy that. 
He wants to. There's a lot of things he wants to tell her these days, but he can't. Still, they manage. They've been trading stories about mischievous siblings and college hijinks for most of the evening, since the teams crossed paths and Henry suggested they all grab dinner together. 
Now, though, Lucy isn't here. Will frowns, glancing around the restaurant. She excused herself to the ladies' room, but that's been a few minutes now, and he's getting a bit worried. Against his will, images of Abnormals catching her off-guard flit through his mind, and he shakes his head, refusing to go there. 
When he sees her, a knot in his chest releases. His relief is tempered, however, when she doesn't head for the table. Instead, she makes her way to a side exit, clearly trying not to draw any notice. 
As quickly and subtly as he can, Will excuses himself, following her out the door. 
She hasn't gone far; there's a covered awning, with a twisted white gate and a lovely view of the sunset. If she's watching it, though, it doesn't show; she leans against the gate, something distant in her eyes. 
"You okay?" He asks quietly, and she flinches, before turning to face him. 
"Sorry." Her smile is so clearly pasted on that it's painful. "I just needed some air." 
This, he knows how to deal with. Reaching out, resting his fingertips against her arm, he speaks. "Lucy." Her smile cracks. "Talk to me." 
She swallows once, then twice, facade falling away as quickly as it came up. Tears glisten in her eyes, though they don't fall. "I just.. I keep feeling like all of this is going to disappear." A weak laugh. "Like you're going to disappear." 
His chest tightens, and he doesn't fight the urge to tug her to him, relieved when she comes easily. "Hey, I won't do that to you." She's warm in his arms, hair brushing his nose, and he never wants to leave this moment. 
Stiffening, she replies. "You can't promise that. You can't. Any day, I could come back, and you'd just be-you'd just be gone, or you wouldn't even know-" Her voice breaks, and she redirects. "You can't promise that." 
"Come back from where?" He asks, a bit helplessly. "Where do you go?" He's never pushed before; he has his secrets, and he understands that she has hers. But clearly this one is eating her alive, and if she could just tell him, maybe he'd know what to say. 
No such luck, though; she shakes her head, almost frantic,, and he knows better than to keep prying. So he presses a kiss to the top of her hair. "Okay. Okay, I get it, I just-I wish I knew how to help." 
She relaxes, snuggling a little more comfortably against him. "Me too." Little more than a whisper, but he hears it all the same. 
They stay like this for a long time, just watching the sun set and holding each other close, before words come to him. He pulls back, resting his hands against her arms and waiting for her to look up, meeting his eyes. 
"How about this," he says when she finally does. "As long as I have anything to do with it, I will be..." 
The words catch in his throat. She's looking at him so seriously, the weight of the moment hits him all at once. They've been dancing around this for so long, but this-this is it, isn't it? He hasn't done this since Abby, and his heart beats a little bit faster. 
"I will be right here waiting for you when you get back." 
"Yeah?" Her smile breaks through, watery but hopeful, and he kind of wants to make her do that forever. 
Her gaze drops to his lips, and he takes the cue, leaning in slowly. They're only a breath apart when she hesitates, catching him by the shoulder. "This is crazy." 
"Oh?" He studies her, trying to decide if she means the moment, the place, or them in general. 
She nods. "The life I live, it's-I can't-" 
"I get it: if that phone rings, you have to go. Any time, no matter what. And I can't ask questions." 
"I disappear for days. Weeks, even. And if something happened to me-" He doesn't want to think of that, even for a moment. "-you'd never even know." She shakes her head. "I can't do that to you." And with reluctance he knows he isn't imagining, she begins to pull away. 
He releases her arm, reaching up and cupping her cheek. It's hardly the most secure hold, but she stills all the same. "Listen, if you want to walk away, that's fine. I get it. But you can't do that for me; that's not what I want." 
Indecision wars in her eyes. "What do you want?" 
She's mostly stalling for time, he thinks, but he still has to laugh quietly. "Isn't that pretty obvious?" 
Her lips twitch, but she says nothing, clearly thinking things through. At last, she steps toward him, leaning in once more. His eyes start to fall shut... And she freezes. 
"Um." Her voice goes a bit sheepish. "You don't have a dead wife, do you?" 
It's so far out of left field that his eyes fly open, and her cheeks tinge pink. 
"Sorry, I've just had two different guys in my life-" He's always had a touch of a jealous streak, but he steadfastly ignores the feeling, letting her continue. "Who had dead wives that turned out to be... Not so dead, and I just. Can't do that again." 
Jealousy gives way to utter bafflement. "Who are you?" 
She shrugs, and for a moment he thinks he might see right through her. "I'm just a historian," she says weakly, and the pieces fall into place. 
The fear of him disappearing, the odd things she says, and her heartbreak twice over... She's a time traveler. If he hadn't lived this life, seen the things he's seen, he might second-guess if that was even possible, but now, he's seen too much; he knows. 
He won't tell her, not until she's ready to bring it up or something forces his hand, but certainty settles in his gut. "No dead wife," he promises, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. 
This time, when he leans in, she meets him halfway, and for several lovely heartbeats, there is only this: her soft kiss, the scent of her perfume, and the gentle pressure of her fingers against his shirt sleeve. It's everything he's hoped for and more, and he could stay here forever. 
He can’t, of course, and neither can she; their secrets are waiting for them, and they won’t wait forever. But at least they can have this: this lovely moment, hidden from the world.
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bd-agent-doppio · 3 years
((Nephalem!Diavolo: "So I cut myself on a arrow and now-"
(*gestures to [King Crimson], who is just punching random holes in a wall*)
Nephalem!Diavolo: "You two can see it, right?"
Nephalem!Doppio: "...not really, but I do believe you."))
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thescreaminghat · 2 years
Ok but Viktor is so DELICIOUSLY mischievous in Arcane???
Like, I think a lot of us went into the show with the impression that he was going to be this no-nonsense, stoic counterpart to Jayce's brash personality, and while Viktor is level-headed and calm, he has such a biting humor that gives him so much personality and life (at this point I think Viktor is responsible for 90% of the sassy and funny quips in the show).
And I really enjoy the fact that the writers gave him this liveliness and soft-spoken charm (and how well Harry Lloyd voiced the lines), because it makes Viktor so human, so optimistic, and so kind, especially when you consider how he literally talked Jayce down from committing suicide. You can feel the passion and energy bubbling underneath his calm exterior, and the little details (like Viktor being ready to risk his own position to help Jayce by sneaking into Heimer's lab only to come up with the ridiculous but hilarious lie of "Oh silly me! I thought I was going into my bedroom but I was actually unlocking a restricted area using these oversized keys" when he gets caught red-handed) is so...perfect? Like you can easily imagine that, as a kid in Zaun, Viktor was likely just as mischievous and willing to get into hijinks as Ekko or Powder. XDD
And OH MY GOD CAN WE TALK ABOUT "TIME TO CRANK IT"??? Again, Harry Lloyd's soft-spoken delivery and gentle accent for Viktor is so perfectly executed for the joke. So the setup in ep 3 is this: when they're working on the hextech research, Jayce exclaims that they'll need to "crank it" (referring to the stabiliser machine, I believe), and Viktor, caught off-guard in his thoughts, says, "Yes, yes, we need to...cRANK it," and what's so perfect about this scene is the awkwardness that Viktor gives to the word. Like, it comes across as Jayce using "slang" or very casual language in his excitement that Viktor finds really amusing and charmingly unexpected, so Viktor tries to emulate the way Jayce says "crank it," but he has a tiny voice crack when he says the phrase (as he's holding in his laugh) that makes the scene so adorable. And then later, the payoff is that right before they test the stabiliser, when Jayce is nervous and stone-faced, Viktor lightens the mood by saying "Time to cRANK it", with his emphasis on awkward syllables, but he says this with, again, that delightful humor and mischief in his eyes. It's such a wonderful and cute scene, and it really captures how Viktor and Jayce are bouncing ideas and emotions off of each other as Science Boyfriends and how Viktor is VERY empathetic, in-tune with social cues and sensitive to other people's feelings (at this point Viktor is so supportive and encouraging of Jayce, and I think that's really important given how Viktor himself may have been at Jayce's low point before he went to Piltover because of his own difficult circumstances).
Anyways, this is to say that once these two have the worst breakup ever according to lore and Viktor falls into a deep depression without any help from Jayce I will look back at these early interactions and cry my eyes out for the hurt that Viktor, a rational but charming innovator who saved a man's life by believing in him when no one else would, will ultimately experience.
Edit: The way Viktor acts and carries himself ISN'T reflective of a man detached from himself and humanity, or a man broken by poverty or his disability. His playfulness, his joy - this is someone filled with happiness, youth, silliness, curiosity, and most importantly, a belief in and love for the world.
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tma-ficrec · 2 years
do you have recs for jon for other entities? like end!jon or spiral!jon?
Hello! Here are a bunch
See the Line where the Sky meets the Sea by The_Floating_World . 59k words. Vast Avatar Jon, minor Jmart and Jon/Oliver.
Summary: When Jon is a child he looks into the infinite abyss of space.  The Vast looks back into him.
In Elegy, Love me by beepun. 20k words. WIP. End Avatar Jon. Jmart. Pushing Daisies AU.
Summary: Someone is dead. That’s old news, as there is always someone dead when the Head Archivist of London’s Magnus Institute is involved.A Pushing Daisies Au
Terror management theory by prismatical. 36k words. End/Eye Avatar Jon. Temporary Character Death. Jmart.
Summary: “It’s a preexisting condition,” Jon explains, sipping more bitter tea.  “I sort of got—hm. You know Spiderman?”
Tim raises an eyebrow.“Heard of him, yeah.”
Jon nods, studying his tea.
“It’s sort of like that,” he says. “A spider killed and ate me when I was a child, and now I can’t stay dead.”
Resurrection isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Sucker's Bet by yellow_caballero. 61k words. Web Avatar Jon. Deconstruction of romcoms. Jmart.
Summary: 27M seeking The Perfect Man: must be passionate, rich, attractive, charismatic, honest, and ready to love.
Jonathan Sims, Avatar of the Web, is the perfect man. He likes Martin, and Martin likes him back. He probably doesn't even have egg sacs. What's the problem?
Well, there's Jon's vain and ditzy personality. There's his overprotective family and meddling sister. And there's the small matter of a two way bet between them: that Jon can't make a man into a monster, and that Martin can't make a monster into a man, in ten days.
There's no way this can go wrong. Maybe there's no way this can go right. And if Jonathan Sims knows, why isn't he telling?
How big, how blue (how beautiful) by screechfox. 17k words. Vast Avatar Jon. Mike Crew/Jon
Summary: From the moment Jon and Mike meet as teenagers, they're caught in each other's orbits.
Occupational Hazards by sunflowerprince. 113k words. Hunt Avatar Jon. Jmart, canon divergence, everyone is an avatar of some time
Summary: Welcome to the Magnus Institute, a creature feature where representatives from every Entity collaborate to preserve and investigate artefacts, examine public testimonials, conduct paranormal research, and yes, occasionally exterminate. There are our rapscallions we're fond of, such as that silly Distortion, always getting up to hijinks and light maiming. But then there are our liabilities, such as Nikola Orsinov and Jude Perry, who really could use some premeditated murder, which our team captain Basira Hussain is more than happy to arrange. We also must eliminate any and all manifestations of the Extinction, because we're trying to have a nice time here.
Feat. Head Archivist and Resident Vampire Jonathan Sims and his Archival Staff, Task Force Captain and Resident Phoenix Basira Hussain and her Squad, and Director Elias Bouchard, which we have no idea what the fuck he is but he sure is something. With special appearances from several departments to include Research speared by Peter Lukas, and our pool of consultants, to include our favourite podcaster and avatar of The End, Georgie Barker.
Step right in and mind the bloodshed and cassettes.
Merry-Go-Round by Prim_The_Amazing. 20k words. Stranger Avatar Jon. Pre-canon, angst
Summary: This place is creepy. His immediate instinct is to turn back around and leave.
And go where? Back to his empty flat? To a bar, to drink himself miserably drunk?
Jon heads deeper inside the taxidermy store. He has to walk slowly, carefully, and still almost pulls a fox to the floor when its fangs snag on his shirt. He’s carefully plucking the fabric free from the teeth when a light, airy, feminine voice says, “My, my, what do we have here?” 
i said i wanted to worship something series by louscr. 8k words. WIP. Hunt Avatar Jon and Slaughter Avatar Martin. childhood friends, pre-canon
Summary of the first part: Jonathan Sims is not born a snarling, ravenous thing. He is born quietly, grows quietly, and watches in silence as slow years pass him by: as his mother and father are buried, and his grandma tugs him through the aftermath.
 (His eyes are much too wide, much too watchful. His teeth are not yet sharp.)
Dread Child Jon series by Ketakoshka. 55k words. One shots for every entity
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vermillioncrown · 3 years
As the F-22 commenter, I feel like I lost my point with said comment. My real interest isn't "haha fighter jet go brrr" so much as it is the complete strangeness of ZYX's life and understanding compared to everyone else. Sense I started reading DBD genre blind, I didn't know that dream/mind reading was a thing, and it fits the plot much better anyway. With that out of the way, I would love to hear more about ZYX's hijinks in the Rouge!zyx AU
it's kinda on me since that's the most obvious 'thing' that distinguishes zyx's modern skillset vs xianxia fantasy. bc lbr, any of us getting yote to the past - doesn't matter what we know because likely we'll only know of it. we don't understand wide-scale implementation of technology in a useful and robust manner (most laypeople).
(bc aerospace is my field, i do get a little grumpus and disillusioned with the excitement. i know the hard work it takes to bring a concept into reality, from the barebones physics to the detailed manufacturing. it's not enough for a single person to prove that they're different or smart or knowledgeable. but let's not bore you with that.)
zyx's weirdness is definitely not as well-hidden (??) as it seems from their pov in dbd. ostensibly, yeah, they can rely on their second life upbringing and patchwork cultural things from their first life, but if anyone takes a longer look past, let's say, the duration of good behavior at the cloud recesses, the cracks really start to show. (eventual hou-shifu and/or zhu yunfeng pov's will go into it)
ah, dream/mind-reading is ... not that common - at least mind-reading as we think of it from western fantasy. the uses in canon are more like permitted possession, another form of communing with spirits. dream-reading is a scum villain thing, and the dream fuckery a la incense burner is via very specific spiritual tools.
either way, you want people to know, huh? know the true depths of gremlin-hood that hide within zyx?
it will come out when it will come out 😎
OKAY, a little more on rogue!zyx...
oh fuck, i just realized that the whole golden core/"bssr's mountain" thing is going to go sideways.
no matter where rogue!zyx ends up post-self-expulsion, no one is blind, deaf, or dumb - we have an actual tangible connection to bssr roaming this fucking land right here right now.
(she's lurking near qishan, trying to find the xuanwu cave with no regards to the canon timeline bc time is a construct)
("how fucking bad can the vibes of the cursed sword be??" fucking bad, apparently)
bc of previous map fuckery, i will posit that yiling and the indoctrination camp are linked via a tributary of the yangtze (also linked to lotus pier), so it's just easy to end up in that area. a desperate wwx does bring up the core transfer w wq, and as they come up with the plan -
"we can pretend that bssr -"
"... wait... do we... actually have to pretend?"
(wq is def fighting between two low probability crossroads:
1) do the transfer w a 50% success rate. +: novel medical surgery; personal innovation; she can supervise the process entirely. -: failure means losing two cultivators; irreparable harm will be done to the donor regardless; lying; active action against wrh.
2) actually find bssr through her disciple, also a low success rate. +: responsibility is out of wq's hands; bssr's cultivation is much better; passive action against wrh that can be excused (thus protecting her family). -: no guarantee what bssr will do, what she'll ask for, or if she'll even help. loss of a chance to try something truly novel.)
they try to hedge their bets. wwx (supervised by wn) will go off to search for bssr/rogue!zyx while wq hides the yunmeng siblings in the 'dungeons'. if they don't find rogue!zyx by some deadline, the surgery will happen.
luckily, they find rogue!zyx nearby. unluckily, she doesn't have good news.
"no matter your mother, wei wuxian, you will not be allowed on that mountain. you are not her disciple."
"and you?"
"technically, i cannot go back either. if i were to return, it would be at great cost to myself. it would be me begging for your shidi's cultivation."
she does not ask wwx to beg her. he dares not (just barely) cross that line.
"if you transfer cores -" she casually brings up and wwx lunges at her, eyes wild and hushing her.
"how did you -"
she pushes him off. "ugh. rude." all hands, no composure - how do they expect anything to succeed with such clumsiness? "if you do a core transfer, it will work. however - it's not about the physical success. there is a mental aspect that will rely on your shidi."
as in, now that rogue!zyx knows, she refuses to let them go through with it unless they thoroughly prep jc. studying under someone closest to ascension, there are philosophies crucial to higher levels of cultivation that bssr knows, and that none of these family sect motherfuckers have (and it really shows). how stable can a man's cultivation be, one begotten through deception, insecurity, and lack of introspection and self-understanding? with unhealthy attachment to the material (not money, but power, reputation, etc), rooted in heart-demons?
it's lucky that canon-jc didn't blow himself into smithereens, and invoke heavenly lightning to destroy lotus pier for a second time.
(something something, there's a lot of heavy involvement with rogue!zyx in helping jc regain either a core (if he mentally can accept what it means and get over himself) or regain self-worth without cultivation)
(if going core-route... let's just say being a model cultivator isn't being a 'good person'. that core has to come from somewhere, someone.
as cultivators get closer to godhood, it's easy to see that a lot of a god's cruelty can be attributed to their indifference)
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ryder616 · 2 years
AoS favorites: 11
thank you for asking! this won't be short xD
11) Favorite Episodes:
(chronological order)
T.R.A.C.K.S.: hijinks ensue until Drama takes over. Tag humor, crack, angst and team as a family 🤭. I also love the non-linear structure.
Nothing Personal: it has two of my most favorite Daisy scenes ever - the confrontation with Ward, in the diner and later on the plane - plus May goes grave digging, Maria Hill cameos and Lola saves the day!
Ye Who Enter Here/What They Become: I always think of these two as one episode. So many things I love to see, from May's flying prowess to Trip's heroism (if only it hadn't been terminal 😭😭😭), Cal and the battle of the dads, Huntingbird and Coulson as tourists in San Juan, nazis getting capped, and of course everything Daisy.
Melinda: finally, Bahrain and May's backstory unpacked! And as if that wasn't enough, Jiaying and Daisy get their best mother-daughter time at Afterlife.
Spacetime: welcome to the Fourth Dimension 🤭 I just adore the premise this episode is built on, the nod to Flatland, the fight training scene, Andrew and May, and Doug the Redshirt who gets to be fake-kicked for an afternoon, over and over. 😂
Self Control: This one is just kind of perfect? All the OG team members have their Moment and it's Character Revealing, even if four of them are robots. Daisy rocks from starts to finish. The Skimmons team-up is probably their best (certainly my favorite) in the show. And the Maybot is just 💔
Orientation: another "everything is terrible but somehow it's hilarious" episode, like AIHAB. The stream of meta jokes is exactly what I love best. It would make my list for "This must be the coolest we've ever looked" alone.
As I Have Always Been: Daisy & Coulson vs Time. And Sousa stanning Daisy like she deserves. And it's very, very funny, until it isn't (Enoch 😭, but what a memorable send-off for the character though). It's also shot with more flair than most episodes, which makes a difference.
AoS favorite asks
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mumufic · 3 years
2xR, say it ain't so!
I'm at the last 2 chapters of writing A Princess... But not in distress, and I already have a new AU lined up because I like being trashy.
I present to you: Zettai Kareshi Gundam Wing AU, in which:
None of our gundam pilots are actually pilots; they're normal people. Except Heero. Heero is never normal in any of my stories.
So the whole events of the anime still take place never take place because the Alliance here isn't made up entirely of dicks, so there's like a global military government under the Alliance.
There's no real war, whatever, I feel like it okay, onto the AU:
Relena Darlian is the insufferable party girl daughter of Senator Darlian. (Think Paris Hilton in the early 2000s). There's no war here, so there's no real impetus for Relena to be serious, hence, she's Paris Hilton on crack.
After one scandal too many, Senator Darlian cuts her off from her trust fund, so now she has to find a real job to support herself.
She's 22, has no skills, no real education to speak of apart from bouncing from one fancy boarding school to another, so she just drifts.
Now that she's just any old schmuck, she realizes that she can't get with any of the hot boys she used to date when she was still Queen of the World.
Lonely and tired with her boring little life, she falls prey to a rogue military operative selling Alliance state secrets and assets to unsuspecting civilians, trying to prevent his division from closing down by obtaining his own funding in the sale of on of the prototypes he'd been working on: an android meant to be the Perfect Soldier, that he now reconfigures to be the Perfect Lover. He and his colleagues decide that in order for their android to be approved for mass production, they should test it out on normal young women looking for a thrill. Enter Relena, stage left.
Relena agrees on a 3-day trial period with the Prototype #01, but it proceeds to creep her the fuck out and she tries to return it to Dr J, only the thing gets damaged, and now she has to find herself a job so that she can pay off the cost of the android she's saddled with.
She gets a job as the secretary to one of the design engineers of a small spacecraft design shop, only her boss is a happy-go-lucky loser who is more interested in getting laid with the 34536546576 women after him than in actually designing spacecraft.
When her boss puts her in the designer's chair and she actually turns out something useful, he starts getting interested in what she can actually do.
Meanwhile, she's still saddled with a 90M credit debt for the cost of that stupid android living in the toilet of her shitty studio apartment.
Hijinks ensue as Relena tries to help her beleaguered boss keep his job, while trying to find a way to get Prototype #01 to stop stalking her and being weird about literally everything jfc she didn't want a robot boytoy!
I'm so here for writing Relena as a 2000s Paris Hilton stand-in who can't get laid or find herself a proper boyfriend, a Heero who is basically a robot configured to be Relena's absolute dream man, a Duo who just wants to design solo flight spacecraft and not the massive liners to compete with the Winner Corporation, a Dorothy who wants the hot new man that Relena always has trailing after her, and the rest of the cast as weird office-working, paper-pushing losers.
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Crack idea spawned from that ask about the four small children (Ella, Etta, Chris, and Manon) somehow getting the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous: Fu intended to give the Miraculous to an older sibling or parent, but through one of three scenarios I've thought of
1) the Miraculous are left in the families home but the small child finds it before it's intended recipient,
2) the Miraculous are placed in the intended owners bag, but due to shenanigans the child gets ahold of it (like, Manon wants a piece of gum and is is allowed to get in her mom's purse to get gum when Nadja isn't around, she finds the box and, being a curious child opens it), or
3) Fu rolls a nat 1 on his pickpocketing check and places the Miraculous in the small child bag by complete accident when they are with the intended weilder
And then, before the kwami are able to convince the small child to not play with the Miraculous or go give it to the person it was supposed to go to or anything, the small child accidentally says the transformation phrase.
Of course, this scenario wouldn't lead to a whole series of literal grade-schoolers being superheroes (unless the Miraculous have a built in Shazam feature that ages them up a few years when transformed, but that is a whole other au in and of itself), just some hijinks involving these like, seven year olds temporarily gaining superpowers, Fu seeing what happened and chasing the small children down, both transformed and untransformed, and maybe the kids trying to fight Stoneheart and 'winning' bc of both Stoneheart and Hawkmoth being all 'wtf?' before Hawkmoth calls back the Akuma willingly bc, like, those were kids, like, kid-kids Nathalie. They look like they're toddlers for crying out loud, what is the Guardian smoking?
I'd imagine it would end with the children detransforming at home infront of the Miraculous intended weilder and them taking it and using it from now on, and definitely chewing out Fu when they finally meet each other.
Hawkmoth: “I can fight teenagers, but I draw the line at fighting actual children!”
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galagaorbit · 4 years
Tumblr media
[im bad @ setting scenes >:[ the first part takes place @ the fountain]
Hajime couldn't focus on his game, how could he? Chiaki's had her head laid in his lap, concentrating on her game trying to beat her previous high score. Hajime's eyes kept shifting towards her, her occasional sniffles made him smile. He wanted this moment to last forever but it was getting late, they'd be kicked off of school grounds soon. "H-hey Nanami, I found this pretty cool cafe in Akihabara, would you, maybe, like to go with me?" he chuckled softly rubbing the nape of his neck. Chiaki hummed quietly, "It doubles as an arcade." Once she heard that she quickly turned her head to look up at him with stars in her eyes, "Really? I'd love to go, when! When! When!" She squirmed in his lap and giggled "Well we can go now but I doubt you'd want to go in your uniform, we should go home and change then meet up... If that's okay with you." Hajime's ears had turned red, maybe if she hadn't moved around so much in his lap he would've been able to keep it together. Chiaki shot up from his lap almost hitting him in the chin and turned to face him "I've never been very good at dating sims but I'll try my hardest to gain relationship points!"
"R-relationship points?! Wh-what are you talking about?"
"Well in every dating sim you get relationship points from dates you go on, I must've already raised enough friendship flags to start gaining relationship points." She gasps. "Unless there's actually a zombie apocalypse and this is just the filler! Now that I can handle."
"I have no idea what we're talking about right now."
"C'mon, we've got no time to lose."
She grabbed Hajime's hand and raced towards the school gate, relationship points? Dating sims? Hajime couldn't help it, he blushed at the thought of going on a date with Chiaki, what would he wear? What would he say? Should he bring flowers? His stomach churned, he was nervous.
They were outside of school property now, Hajime caught his breath "So, should I come pick you up? Or should we meet at the train station?"
"Let's meet at the station, it'll be more efficient that way. Bye now." She waved at him and started walking home, taking her DS out and walking, how does she not run into stuff? It's a mystery to him, he waved and watched her walk until she was too far to see, he pivoted and went home.
She threw her bag onto her bed and paused her game. She put her hands on her heart & blushed like mad, what would she wear? All she had was her uniform, merchandise and cosplay, what would normal girls wear? She thought about texting her classmates but then decided to trust what's dearest to her, video games. She booted up Kitty Powers' Matchmaker and Hunie pop on two monitors and started to play, after about 20 minutes she knew exactly what to do.
Once he got home he flopped onto his bed, his mind was racing, what to do, what to do. He took off his uniform then stopped, he stared at his binder, would she mind? Would she care? Would she understand? He quickly put on a red long sleeve shirt, he felt plain in it so he put on a horde shirt on top, Chiaki probably plays The Horde...Right? He put on some loose jeans and as he was tucking his shirt in he remembered all those Tumblr posts about bisexual people tucking their shirts in, whatever, it doesn't matter. He finished cuffing his jeans and put on some converse, he tried sticking that one piece of hair down but no matter what he did it always shot back up.
Hajime: im walking to the station now
Chiaki: oki doki!! cant w8! >-< im omw 2!!
Soon enough he reached the station, he assumed she'd take a long time to get there but to his surprise she showed up two minutes later. Hajime's heart started racing, her cat thigh highs, her frilly skirt, her Resident Evil shirt, he felt as if his heart would explode and it almost did, Chiaki's hair was tied into two low pigtails, he didn't think she could get any cuter but there she is. Her jacket perfectly framed her breasts, he tried not to stare but his blush gave it all away. "H-hinata-kun? Do I look bad?" His staring must've made her self-conscious, he rushes to her side & hesitantly puts his hands on her shoulders. "I think you look perfect, not perfect like you're a god or something, BUT YOU'RE NOT UGLY, I've never seen you as ugly. Not that others do! I just think that- I'll s-stop talking." She giggled, "I understand, now let's go, my fingers are aching to play." She wiggled her fingers in Hajime's face.
Soon enough their train came, of course it was full, afterall it is a train to Akihabara, it's bound to be full. Hajime held the pole and held Chiaki close, she took out her handheld, muted it and played til they reached their destination.
(a/n: its considered rude to talk/make loud noise in trains in japan)
Hajime sighed a sigh of relief as he stepped off the train, having Chiaki pressed up against him drove him crazy. She turned to him "Lead the way Master Cheif!" She was beaming with excitment, Hajime chuckled and started walking towards the cafe before he audibly gasped, Chiaki intertwined their hands, she looked up at him and smiled, her smile was his kryptonite, he quickly turned away from her and sped up. "H-hey Hinata! Slow down! I can't keep up" Chiaki was tripping over her own feet and the cracks in the side walk, she puffed her cheeks at Hajime, which in his opinion only made her cuter. "I'm sorry Nanami, I just want to get there before they close yknow?"
"I get it, just slow down a bit." She chuckled and tilted her head at him.
They continued on, they didn't need to speak, just having each other around was enough. As they reached their destination Chiaki's eyes went wide, she could see all the games from the window, she bounced "Let's go Hinata-kun!" Chiaki dragged Hajime inside and once she stepped in her jaw dropped, she felt as if she was in a dream, she spun around, getting a good look at everything around her. She jumped onto Hajime "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Hajime hugged her tightly "I knew you'd like it here." "Like it? I love it? Let's go, c'mon" Chiaki dragged Hajime to the nearest game, he chuckled to himself, she's so quiet and reserved but when it comes to games, she's a completely different person. He thought to himself. Chiaki couldn't take her eyes off the screen, she was so focused that she had her tongue sticking out a bit in between her lips, Hajime wanted to poke it, but why? He had no reason to, he stared at her, he could barely focus on his own screen plus she was doing just fine without him, the flashing lights hitting Chiaki's soft skin made her seem unreal, the reflection of her screen in her eyes, the noises she'd make, it all made Hajime's heart flutter. "I'm gonna go get us some boba, what flavour do you want?" She stayed silent for a bit "Strawberry...probably." Her eyes didn't leave the screen, Hajime walked off to go get their boba. Once Hajime left, Chiaki felt lonely, why? He's still there, he just left to get some boba. Even though Hajime didn't do well with the game she still enjoyed his company, even if he was just standing their, but Chiaki didn't feel lonely for long, she soon felt two hands cover her eyes "Guess who?" She giggled and turned around, not caring about the game, Hajime handed her the boba and sipped on his "Wow, the games are great and so are the drinks" Chiaki held her cup with two hands and took a large sip. Hajime laughed to himself and leaned against the machine behind him, "I found DDR on the other side of the cafe, wanna have a competition?"
She gulped. "I'll wipe the floor with you!"
"Bring it on!"
They rushed to the DDR machine and discarded their empty cups, obviously Chiaki picked the hardest difficulty, Paranoia Survivor Max, hijinks ensued; Chiaki was getting a perfect score as always so Hajime decided to tickle her, it worked, she lost her combo & Hajime continued. Chiaki puffed her cheeks "Hajime, someone's stealing your phone!" Hajime quickly turned around and looked for his phone, Chiaki laughed as she continued to play, they decided to focus on their game however Hajime isn't the most graceful when it comes to DDR. Hajime ended up tripping on his shoelace and landed on top of Chiaki with a thud, he's seen enough anime to know that he's probably touching her breast or his face is in between her legs but no, this wasn't an anime. Even with Hajime on top of her Chiaki couldn't help but laugh, Hajime slowly lifted himself off the laughing girl. His hands were near her head, he was still on top of her but he didn't want to move, he's never heard her laugh like that, he bursted into laughter, he didn't care if people were staring, he was having fun, she was having fun. Chiaki started to snort, she tried stopping but the more she did the more she snorted, Hajime thought it was the most beautiful noise, cuter than her giggles, cuter than her hmph's, cuter than her sniffles, her unrestrained laughter was music to his ears. Once they both calmed down they got up off the floor and smiled at each other, they couldn't help it, it was so natural to them.
"I'm sleepy... Let's go home." She giggled softly as she grabbed Hajime's hand and laid her head on his shoulder. He put an arm around her and hugged her close, in that moment, he felt perfect, no need for a talent, no need to be an ultimate, no insecurities, no doubts, he felt perfect... With her.
hhhh i hope u liek it! im not a writer but i tried my best!
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