#this is definitely what I look like on most days lol
wafflefries13 · 23 hours
Go For It, Jamil!
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Summary: Scarabia hears their Vice-House Warden has a crush and are a little too enthusiastic to help out.
AN: I really like the idea that the dorm mob loves their wardens and vice wardens. It makes me think of the tsum event where all of Savanaclaw was in tears because they thought Leona got turned into a little burrito plush, lol.
I got Omar and Babkak from the Aladdin Broadway musical. There's also a Kassim there but I thought it sounded too close to Kalim so just kept it to the two of them.
Warnings: Pining. Apparently I'm really into that.
Spring had come to Night Raven College. With the blossoming trees, chirping birds, and returning sunshine, one thing everyone could count on was Kalim’s annual Welcome Spring party. Of course, he also had a Welcome Autumn, Welcome Winter, Welcome Summer, Farewell End-of-School-Year, Beginning of School, Halloween, New Year's Eve and Day, basically anything party. The difference here was that there were generally more flowers. 
“And we can have the cherry blossom trees around the entrance of the courtyard!” Kalim was saying. Jamil dutifully followed behind him by a few steps, taking down notes for the numerous things they would need to order. “That way when the wind blows the petals will swirl everywhere and it will be super pretty!” 
“MmHmm,” Jamil muttered, only halfway paying attention. 
“And I was thinking the food should be fruit-themed. Blueberries, strawberries, plums, apricots, rhubarb - is rhubarb a fruit? It’s sweet but it’s like celery, right? Cause it grows in the ground in a stalk?” 
“It’s a vegetable.” 
“Oh, and pastels! I can get bolts of silk and we can have them hanging from the ceiling in panels and string beads between everything.”
“And it’ll be the perfect backdrop when you confess to (Y/N)!” 
Jamil nearly tripped over his own feet. Both of them froze at the sound of a shattering pot. Looking up, Jamil felt dread build in his stomach as a wide-eyed first-year stared at the two of them, obviously having overheard Kalim’s (obviously totally ridiculous) announcement. There was a broken flower pot at his feet. 
“I-Uh-” The first-year stuttered. “Sorry, I’ll get a broom.” He dashed off like his feet were on fire. 
Jamil sighed. The last thing he needed right now were rumors swirling around. “Kalim, what are you talking about?”
Kalim blinked at the retreating student before looking back at Jamil with a beaming smile. “(Y/N)! It’ll all be super romantic, right? And spring’s a time for new beginnings. We’ll have a string quartet and I’ll set up a gazebo with hanging lanterns and you can take her hands and look her in the eyes and say-” 
“Okay, okay, okay!” Jamil quickly said, clapping a hand over Kalim’s mouth before another eavesdropper got the wrong idea. “You have way to clear an image of all this.” 
“Of course! I think it’ll make a great story for your wedding!” 
Jamil heard a gasp. He turned just in time to see the first-year from before ducking behind the corner with another in tow. 
Yup. There was the headache coming. 
“Kalim,” Jamil said, measuring his words as steadily as he could. “I’m not going to confess anything to (Y/N).” 
Kalim pouted. “Aww, why not?” 
“Because I don’t have feelings for her.” 
“What? Of course you do!” 
“I promise I don’t.” 
“Don’t worry, she’ll definitely say yes.” 
“That’s not the problem here.” Jamil sighed. “Look, I get that you have good intentions, but you don’t need to go overboard and be involved in everything. We talked about this, remember? The whole thing about boundaries?” Actually, (Y/N) had mediated that conversation a few days after Jamil’s Overblot. Is that why Kalim had become convinced they had some sort of romantic attraction? Because talking about feelings must lead to the extreme of those feelings? 
Kalim looked chastened, a certain wet puppy dog look that would make most people fold instantly. Jamil was not most people. “Right, I remember. I just…” Jamil waited for Kalim to continue, silently hoping he would just drop it. “I want you to be happy, you know? And I think you’d be really happy with (Y/N)!” 
Jamil looked at Kalim sideways. “It’s more of a two way street, you know.” 
“Well, yeah, but (Y/N) likes you too!” 
Jamil tripped over his own feet again. He felt a strange kind of dread at the way his heart skipped a beat as a warm feeling flooded his chest. 
“She-what-Where did you hear that?” 
Kalim shrugged, smiling coyly. “I can tell. Just like how I can tell you like her.” 
“I don’t,” Jamil said firmly. 
Kalim held up his hands in surrender. “I hear you! Boundaries! I won’t mention it again.” He added under his breath, “Even if I think you two would be really cute together.” 
“I heard that.” 
Behind them, hidden in the long shadows of the Scarabia hallways, a cluster of students were beginning to plot. 
The next day, Jamil was taking some time to relax between classes. Well, as much as he could relax. Mostly his thoughts were occupied jumping between organizing for the Welcome Spring party, creating a mental schedule of what school projects were do when, planning what he would make Kalim for lunch for the next week-
He turned to see (Y/N) waving at him. He felt his heart start thumping rapidly in his chest. Stop it, He thought. I can’t let Kalim get in my head like that. 
“Hi,” She said, coming up to him. 
“Did you need something?” 
“Not really. Just saw you over here stuck in your own head again.” She elbowed him playfully. Jamil felt himself smile without realizing it and quickly schooled his features to a more serious expression. “Want to take a break? I snagged these cookies from Sam’s. Tomorrow’s the expiration date so I got them on sale.” 
Jamil wrinkled his nose. “Is it worth it?” 
(Y/N) shrugged, taking a bite of a cookie. “It’s in the budget. You know, whenever Crowley actually decides to pay me.” 
“You know, if you’re ever short on food you can always come to Scarabia. If Kalim’s not throwing another party with a buffet I can get you something. I always make extras for Kalim, anyway.” This was not entirely true. Jamil had had practically his entire life to get used to cooking for Kalim, and it was only recently that he had started making larger batches, packaging them up to deliver to a certain magicless prefect who’s nutritional health he definitely didn’t worry about.  
(Y/N) smiled and offered him the cookie bag. “You look after everyone all the time, don’t you?” 
Jamil smiled back and took a cookie. They sat in an alcove in the hallway, chatting about nothing of significance. Jamil told a story about how Floyd had insisted Jamil teach him how to spin on his head during basketball practice and (Y/N) told him stories of her recent trip to Harveston, Epel’s hometown, and the sled race against the surprise Royal Sword Academy students. 
Jamil saw movement out of the corner of his eye, but whatever it was disappeared before he could catch it. “Sorry, what did you say?” 
“Oh, about the stuffed animals. Sebeck won’t admit it, but I think he still has his squirrel plush in his room. I don’t think it’s magic anymore but it is really cute.” 
Jamil heard the drag of a bow on strings and looked around. 
(Y/N) frowned. “Are you okay? You seem distracted.” 
Jamil shook his head. “No, sorry, I’m fine. I thought I heard-” 
Music started to pour around them. Although it was the calming, one might almost say romantic, type, they both still jumped at the sudden noise. Jamil jumped up, looking around, and took a hit of sunflower petals directly to his face. 
“Omar!” Someone hissed. “Be careful!” 
“Sorry, Babkak,” A voice squeaked back. 
Wait, Jamil knew those voices. He whipped around the corner, seeing a group of Scarabia first-years. Several formed a string quartet, softly playing music. The other two had a bucket of flower petals, one of them throwing handfuls in the air while the other directed a zephyr spell to blow them across the hallway. The two froze with wide eyes at the sight of their Vice-House Warden. 
“What,” Jamil said, voice steely and arms crossed. “Are you doing?” 
The string players looked nervously at each other but continued to play. Omar gapped like a codfish. Babkak stood up straight with a confident smile. “We’re setting the mood!” 
“What mood?” “For your confession!” 
Oh. Oh, no. Now Jamil realized how he recognized them. Babkak was the one who dropped the flower pot yesterday and Omar was the one he had dragged with him to eavesdrop. They must have heard what Kalim had said yesterday about him and (Y/N) and taken the wrong idea. And, Jamil justified to himself, it was definitely the wrong idea. 
Jamil turned so fast the first-years were momentarily worried about whiplash. (Y/N) stood at the corner, looking curiously at the impromptu band and flowers. Behind him, Jamil could hear them hastily whispering to each other to keep playing and trying to get the effect of floating flower petals just right. 
“Something going on?” She asked. 
“No!” Jamil said, perhaps a little too quickly. “They were just leaving.” He glared at the first-years. “After they clean this up.” 
(Y/N) took a step forward. Jamil felt his mouth go dry as she reached up and plucked a few stray yellow petals from his hair. “Is this for a botany project or something? Kind of romantic, huh?” 
Jamil felt his face burn with embarrassment. 
“No!” Jamil said, at the same time Babkak said, “Yes!” 
“Okay,” (Y/N) said, rolling closed the half-full bag of cookies. “Well, I should probably get going. I need to see what kind of trouble Grim has gotten into while I was gone. I’ll see you later, Jamil.” She waved to him and then the first-years. 
“What made you think this was a good idea?” Jamil asked, trying very hard not to yell, when (Y/N) was out of earshot. 
“Sorry, sir,” Omar said, dejectedly picking up flower petals. He glared up at Babkak. “I told you we should have gone for the romantic dinner. And rose petals, not sunflowers.” 
Babkak waved his friend off. “Don’t be so cliche. Besides, sunflowers are way better! They’re pretty and you can eat the seeds!” 
“Hey!” Jamil snapped. The two boys looked back up at him while the other first-years were trying to discreetly pack up their instruments. “I asked what you were doing? Did Kalim put you up to this?” 
“No, sir, this was all us!” Babkak said, a little too proudly. “We wanted to help.” “Yeah,” Omar said. “We’re all rooting for you, Vice-House Warden, sir!” The other first-years made noises of agrement. 
“Rooting for me?” 
“With (Y/N), to tell her you love her!” 
Jamil groaned, covering his eyes with his hand and rubbing his temples. “I am not in love with the Prefect.” Jamil missed the skeptical look the two gave each other. “Look, I appreciate the…vote of confidence, but I’m not going to confess anything to anyone any time soon. So whatever else you have planned, or whoever else you told this rumor to, you can give it a break. Understand?” 
“Yes, Vice-House Warden,” They all echoed dutifully. 
As Jamil marched away, Omar leaned over to Babkak. “I’ve got twenty madol that say he confesses before the spring party.” 
Jamil’s muscles were burning, and he welcomed it. He needed the distraction after this morning and basketball practice against Floyd in full force was a pretty good diversion. Ace had been uncharacteristically distracted all practice. Although Jamil couldn’t help but notice that Ace seemed to pass a little harder than necessary. 
During a water break, Ace came up to Jamil. He tossed his water bottle between his hands, taking a step away and then closer. 
Jamil knew he would regret it before he even asked, “What’s up, Ace?” 
Ace startled, surprised Jamil had made the first move. “I heard something,” He said. “In potions class today.” 
“Did someone blow up something again? Anyone get turned into an animal or something?” 
Ace pressed his lips together. “Do you like (Y/N)?” 
Jamil couldn’t decide whether to be exhausted, flustered, or annoyed. “Who told you that?” 
Ace’s eyes widened in shock. “You do?!” 
“No!” Jamil snapped back. “People are just going around spreading rumors.” 
“Huh?” Floyd asked, sliding over on the bleachers. “I thought everyone knew already.” 
Floyd flashed his sharp teeth. “Come on, Sea Snake. Everyone knows you’re, what’s the land term? Head over heels for Shrimpy.” 
Ace dropped his water bottle and jabbed an accusatory finger at Jamil. “I knew it!” 
“You don’t know anything,” Jamil said, shoving Ace’s hand aside. 
“Oh?” Floyd said, leaning in a little too close. “So that means she’s available then?” 
“No!” Ace and Jamil both shouted at the same time. Ace glared at Jamil. A few other members of the basketball club glanced over, snickering to themselves at the outburst. 
Ace puffed out his chest, planting himself solidly in front of Jamil. “Look, (Y/N) is one of my best friends. And if you do anything to mess with her then… then…” Ace fumbled, running out of steam with his threats before catching his second wind. “Then you’ll have to deal with Jack!” 
Jamil crooked an eyebrow. “Jack? Not you or Deuce?” 
Ace shrugged. “Jack’s the biggest. But Deuce did used to be a delinquent. I’ve seen him be pretty brutal when he wants to. And I guess Epel can scrap up too, when Vil isn’t around. Probably couldn’t convince Sebeck to help out, he’d just lecture about a knight’s honor or something. Ooh, Ortho had a blast cannon! So, you know, watch out!” 
“I like how you didn’t put yourself in the line of fire there, Crabby,” Floyd said. He rolled his shoulders. “But you know, I think Shrimpy is pretty great, too. I don’t want to see her sad or anything. So if someone were to maybe break her heart,” He glanced sideways as Jamil with crazed wide eyes. “Can you swim, Sea Snake?” 
Jamil just glowered back at him. “Can everyone just stop talking about (Y/N) today?” 
“People are talking about me?” All three of them jumped. (Y/N) walked into the gym, Grim hanging off her shoulders. “I thought I felt my ears burning.”  
“Shrimpy!” Floyd immediately ran up to her, sweeping her up in a tight squeezing hug. Grim jumped off her shoulders with a yelp. Ace yelled and pulled at Floyd’s jersey, trying to pry them apart. 
(Y/N) weakly patted Floyd’s back with a free hand. “Hi, Floyd, hi, Ace. Sorry, I need Jamil real quick.” 
The two boys froze, slowly turning their heads to stare at Jamil, who was busy hiding his face in his hands. They watched like hawks as (Y/N) walked over to Jamil. 
“Hey,” She said. “You okay?” 
“Fine,” He said, waving her off. “Just one of those days, you know?”
She frowned. “You need me to talk to someone? I can chew out Ace if you want. Floyd is sort of out of my league, though.” 
Jamil sighed a laugh. “No, that’s fine.” 
“Oh! Right! Hang on.” She slung her backpack off her shoulder, reaching in and pulling out a familiar water bottle. “Here, you left this in the library. One of the Scarabia first-years found it and asked me to bring it to you.” 
“Oh, thanks. I was wondering where it was.” Jamil didn’t mention that he hadn’t been in the library at all today. As he reached to take it, their fingers brushed. Jamil grabbed the bottle and jerked back like he had been scorched. His heart was hammering, not from the exercise of basketball practice, and he was momentarily worried (Y/N) would be able to hear it. Not to mention if she would notice how clammy his hands had suddenly become. 
“Well,” (Y/N) said. “I guess I’ll get out of your hair-”
The entire basketball team, plus (Y/N) and Grim, turned to the sudden outburst. Babkak had half way thrown himself out of the doorway entrance to the gym, hand extended in a Stop motion. Omar guilty peaked out from the door frame. 
“Uh, I mean,” Babkak said, back peddling. 
“You should stay!” Omar jumped in. “I mean, we should all stay to watch practice! Support your local team and everything!” He weakly punched the air. “Go team?” 
Jamil opened his mouth to chastise them again before (Y/N) spoke, “That sounds fun. I don’t get to see you guys play too often. If that’s okay with you, though.” 
“Oh, um,” Jamil stuttred. 
Floyd jumped up, throwing himself over Jamil’s shoulders and smiling wide. “Of course you can stay! You can watch Sea Snake show off!” 
Jamil elbowed him. “You’re the one who shows off, Floyd.”
(Y/N) shrugged, smiling. (And Jamil definitely didn’t feel his heart flip.) “I don’t have any plans.” 
As everyone got back in position for practice, Ace took his place, whispering to Jamil, “Remember: Ortho has a laser cannon.” 
Jamil rolled his eyes. 
From the corner of his eye, Jamil saw the group of Scarabia first-years shuffle into the bleachers around (Y/N) and Grim. He thought he saw a few of them hiding objects behind their backs, but was pulled back to the game before he could investigate further. 
He lost himself back in the game. Sneakers squeaked against the waxed wooden floor, the bounce of the ball reverberated around the gym, each quick and practiced movement by the players blurring at the edge of Jamil’s vision. Another player passed him the ball. He faked left, turning around Floyd, before lining up a shot at the three point line. He raised the ball, arms tensing in preparation to shoot and- 
A blare of sound echoed through the gym, bouncing off the acoustic walls and tumbling down around everyone in attendance. The ball slipped from Jamil’s hands, falling uselessly in a pathetic arc and bouncing across the court floor. Jamil turned to the bleachers where the noise had come from. The first-years, Jamil now recognized them as the string quartet from earlier, now made up a brass band. The noise he had heard was the blast from a tuba. The rest of the band joined in, trumpets, french horn, and bugle. They started playing a high-energy marching tune. How many instruments did these people know how to play anyway? Omar and Babkak had red and yellow pom poms, waving them enthusiastically. Babkak passed a pair to a bewildered (Y/N). 
“Go, Vice-Housewarden Jamil!” Babkak cheered. 
“Show them who’s boss, sir!” Omar whooped. 
Everyone froze, looking from the impromptu cheering section and band to Jamil then back again. Jamil’s face felt as hot as the Scalding Sands desert at noon. It didn’t help at all when Floyd started cackling. 
He began to march over to confront his dorm mates, again, when a new echoing sound made him pause. (Y/N) had thrown her head back in laughter. She stood, waving the pom poms above her head. 
“Go, Jamil, go!” She cheered. 
Jamil was pretty sure he was going to spontaneously combust at any second. 
The rest of practice had been a disaster. Every time Jamil got the ball the bleachers would erupt in noise, distracting him and everyone else trying to play. Jamil had never felt so off his game, fumbling the ball, bumping into his teammates, and losing focus at every moment that mattered, and most of the ones that didn’t, too. He purposely avoided turning in the direction of the cheering squad, partially because he wanted to discourage whatever activities the first-years were insistent on doing, and partially so he didn’t have to see (Y/N) cheer for him so enthusiastically. (And, maybe, so she wouldn’t be able to see how flustered he was becoming with every second.) 
A teammate had patted Jamil’s shoulder in sympathy as they headed to the showers after practice. “Don’t worry,” He said. “I bet she still likes you.” 
Jamil resisted the urge to punch him. 
Now, at least, he was back in a rhythm of something he knew how to do: cooking. Ever since his stint in the Culinary Crucible, the ghost chefs had tapped him and a few other stand out cases to help out in the kitchen every once and a while. 
The kitchen filled with the scent of roasting spices and sizzling meat, spilling out into the cafeteria sitting area. Students had started lining up way before the kitchen officially opened to secure their plate of Jamil’s cooking. Jamil felt the tension melt out of his shoulders, much like the butter in the pan he was currently using, as he fell into his familiar rhythms. 
“Thanks again for your help,” One of the ghost chefs said, floating by with a steaming bowl of freshly made turmeric rice. 
“Not a problem,” He replied. “It gets me out of my own head.” 
“Oh?” Another ghost asked. “Having troubles, youngster?” 
“Girl troubles, maybe?” Another snickered. 
All the ghosts jumped as Jamil brought down a butcher knife to decapitate a fish. They collectively decided it was maybe best to drop the topic, already deceased or not. 
“Ah, Jamil, chef, sir?” A student volunteer said, warily eyeing the butcher knife. “Someone was having an issue with their meal. They wanted to talk to you.” 
So much for his relaxation. Jamil quickly let the others know what to keep an eye on in the kitchen and headed out to the main sitting area. He scanned the tables. It looked like everyone was enjoying their food as far as he could tell. He looked back into the window of the kitchen. The volunteer student pointed at a table near the back by a window. He was about half way across the room when he realized that the student was a Scarabia student, a first-year in fact. And, now that he thought of it, he didn’t think he had seen that student in the kitchen before he had come to talk to Jamil. 
Jamil froze, seeing exactly who was sitting at the indicated table. This was a set up. He turned around to go back, only to be stonewalled by two now very familiar Scarabia students. 
“Hello, sir!” Omar chirped. 
“Taking your dinner break?” Babkak asked. “Great! We have the perfect table for you.” 
They both hooked their arms around Jamil’s and practically dragged him over to the table where (Y/N) and Grim sat. 
“Oh, hi,” She said, blinking at the surprise arrival. Jamil felt his throat tighten and couldn’t formulate a response. 
The musically talented first-years descended to the table, quickly picking up her plate of food to whisk a tablecloth over the table, setting down a candelabra which was quickly lit, and a vase with a dozen roses. 
“Roses,” Omar whispered to Babkak with a sly smile. Babkak rolled his eyes. The two shoved Jamil into a seat opposite (Y/N). A plate of food was set in front of him. The sneaky Scarabia student from the kitchen grabbed Grim, shoving a plate of tuna tartare in his paws before he could protest. Then, the group of wannabe restaurateurs vanished as quickly as they had appeared. The two left at the table, Jamil and (Y/N), looked at eachother with confusion. Jamil dropped his head to stare intently at his plate, stabbing at the sayadieh with his fork. 
“Hey,” Jamil was jerked out of his thoughts by (Y/N)’s voice. “I wanted to apologize for earlier, at practice. It looked like we were a pretty big distraction.” 
“You don’t need to apologize,” Jamil said. “It wasn’t your fault.” He glared at the first-years eagerly watching from a table a safe distance away. 
“Yeah, but still, I don’t need to make your life any harder.” 
Jamil looked up at her. She was twirling her spoon around the tabouli, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. “You don’t make my life harder,” he insisted. “In fact, you’ve made a lot of things easier. My relationship with Kalim is a lot better now, for one thing.” 
She smiled at him, and his heart definitely didn’t skip a beat. “Well, glad I can help, then. But don’t sell yourself short. You’ve been doing a lot of work since everything that happened.” She waved her hand, regarding the invisible thing they both understood. It was still hard to talk directly about his Overblot, the manipulation, abuse of magic, and kidnapping aside. (Y/N) had told him she wanted to give him space for it, to consider how he felt and talk to others at his own pace, but still trying to address the root of the issues. That was when she had started organizing those sessions between her, Jamil, and Kalim, giving them a place to directly talk with each other without outside pressures and influences, helping them work things together as friends instead of the master/servant role Jamil so often felt himself confided to. 
“This is great, by the way,” (Y/N) interjected, scooping up a mouthful of tabouli. “I can always tell when it’s your cooking. Thanks for those leftovers the other day. I know Grim really likes them too.” 
“Oh, yeah, of course,” He said. He didn’t say, “I didn’t make it for Grim. I made it for you.” He blanched at the intrusive thought and snatched up his water glass, taking a large gulp and trying not to choke. 
“You sure you’re okay?” (Y/N) asked. “You’ve seemed kind of on edge all day.” 
“I’ll deal with it later,” Jamil said, looking over at the first-years who started enthusiastically nodding and giving him thumbs-up. 
(Y/N) drummed her fingers against the table.  “Listen, actually, there’s been something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about-” 
“Lgeimat!” Jamil shouted. 
She blinked at him. “Sorry?” 
“The lgeimat! I left them in the fryer! Sorry, have to go, have a good night!” Jamil shot up and zipped back to the safety of the kitchen. 
“I didn’t know we were having lgeimat tonight,” Omar said from their spying perch. 
Babkak thudded his head on the table at their third defeat. “We’re not.” He grumbled. 
Jamil collapsed on the low couches in the Scarabia common room, arm flung across his face to cover his eyes from the late evening light. The day felt like it went on forever. Jamil had caught himself constantly looking over his shoulder, jerking at every unexpected sound, in anticipation of an over eager group of first-years. 
“Hi, Jamil-Oh,” Kalim stopped himself, looking over at his drained friend. “You okay?” 
Jamil sighed in response. “Long day.” 
“Oh.” Kalim sat down next to him. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
Jamil peered out from under his arm at Kalim. At least that was one improvement, again, thanks to (Y/N) specific intervention. Kalim had slowly been teaching himself not to jump to conclusions or take it upon himself to fix everything by throwing money or extravagance at it, but by taking the time to hear other people, namely Jamil, out first. Of course, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t throw money or extravagance at the problem in the end, but progress was progress. 
Jamil gave Kalim a halfhearted glare. “It’s all thanks to that rumor you started.” 
Kalim blinked. “Rumor? Oh, you mean about how you’re in love with-”
“Yes!” Jamil cut him off, sitting bolt upright. “That! Some first-years heard you the other day and have been following me around, trying to start up some grand romantic gesture.” 
“Oh, yeah, I heard about that. I think it’s sweet.” 
“That everyone believes in you! Everyone knows how hard you work. We all want to see you happy and with the person you love.” 
Jamil stood. “Kalim, I’m not-” 
“Nope.” Kalim said shooting up. He put his hands on the taller boy’s shoulders, forcing him to meet his eyes. “You’ve been different ever since winter break. You smile more when (Y/N)’s around. You’re not so tense all the time. And whenever we’re in a group, like at the cafeteria or dorm meetings or parties, you’re always looking for her. And when you see her your whole face just lights up! Do you know how often you talk about her? It’s a lot, Jamil! ‘Oh, I wonder what (Y/N) would think about this. Do you think (Y/N) has that in her world? Do you think (Y/N) likes spicy or sweet food? Do you think (Y/N)’s doing okay at Ramshackle? Do you think she needs help with any repairs like when we stayed there during VDC training? (Y/N) sure works real hard to catch up with a whole new culture. Do you think (Y/N) would want this extra curry?’”  
“I don’t sound like that,” Jamil protested weakly. 
Kalim sighed, hands on his hips. “I’ve known you my whole life. I know what you’re like when you’re mad, I know what you’re like when you’re sad, I know what you’re like when you’re happy, and now I know what you’re like when you’re in love.” 
Jamil pushed back. “I’m not in love with her!” 
“Yes, you are!” 
“I’m not-” Jamil cut himself off. He felt suddenly dizzy. He sat down hard. “Oh, I’m in love with her.” 
Kalim threw his hands in the air. “Yes! Thank you! Finally!” 
“But,” Jamil continued, and Kalim tried really hard to keep his frustration to himself. “I can’t tell her that. I can’t… put that kind of pressure on her. She has enough going on with Grim and Ramshackle and trying to find a way home and… Sevens, she’s going back home, Kalim! I don’t know when or how, but she won’t even be in this universe! And what, I’m just supposed to show up and dump this emotional baggage on her when she already has everything else to worry about?” 
Kalim sat down next to Jamil. He twirled his fingers together, trying to collect his thoughts. Why was it always so hard to know the right thing to say? “You said feelings were like a two way street yesterday, remember? So don’t you think (Y/N) should have a say too?” 
“Kalim, I can’t-”
“Yes you can!” Kalim shouted, jumping up and clapping his hands. “You’re Jamil Viper! If anyone can do it, can do anything, it’s you! And keeping everything bottled up isn’t fair to you or her or anyone. So-So-” Kalim frowned, trying to look stern, a very strange expression for the normally boisterous boy. “So go tell her how you feel right now, and let her decide what happens next! That’s an order as your house warden!” Kalim flinched. “Please.” 
Jamil stared at him for just a second too long, making Kalim squirm with worry that he had gone too far. Then, Jamil sighed, resigned, a half smile on his face. “Well, if my house warden is ordering it, how can I say no?” 
Despite what he had told Kalim, Jamil dreaded every step towards Ramshackle dorm. Even with the ‘order’ from his house warden, Jamil considered turning back. Instead, with each uncertain step, he plotted out exactly what he would say. Was it just as simple as ‘I have feelings for you?’ Should he have some grand gesture ready? Absolutely not. Those first-years had spoiled that concept for him. 
Before he realized it, Jamil was walking up the pathway to the dilapidated dorm. He stood at the front step, fist up ready to knock. It hovered there. A plan, he still needed a plan. He couldn’t just walk in without a plan of what to say, what to do. He’d had the entire walk over here, how had he not come up with a more solid idea? 
The door snapped open in front of him, Grim hurdling out, crashing into Jamil’s chest. “What-? Oh, hey!” Grim said, rubbing his head at the bump then cracking into a wide smile at the sight of Jamil. “Did you bring us dinner again?” 
“Uh, no, not this time,” Jamil said, already thrown off. 
Grim frowned. “Meh, whatever. I’m going to Sam’s anyway to get some tuna.” 
“Milk and eggs!” (Y/N)’s voice called from inside. “You’re getting milk and eggs! And oranges if they have any.” 
“That too!” Grim said. He winked then sped off down the path. 
(Y/N) appeared at the doorway, clearly having sprinted to catch the dire beast before he left. “Grim, I said we don’t have the budget to- Oh, he’s gone. Right, sure, why not?” She sighed. “Hi, Jamil.” 
Jamil swallowed hard. “Should I come back later?” 
(Y/N) waved the idea off. “No, it’s fine, you’re already here. Come on in.” 
Jamil followed her into the dorm to the sitting room just past the entrance hall. Despite the age and wear of the building, it was clear that (Y/N) had taken a lot of pride in fixing it up and keeping everything in order. 
“Sorry, I was in the middle of doing dishes,” (Y/N) said, whipping her wet and slightly soapy hands against her skirt. “Go ahead and take a seat, I’ll get some tea and snacks.” 
“It’s fine,” Jamil said, quickly standing back up after having just sat down on one of the overstuffed couches. “I know where everything is, I’ll get it.” 
“No, no, you’re a guest. Take a break, I’ll get it.” 
“It’s fine really. I’m sure Crowly has been keeping you busy all day.” 
“And you’re just as busy. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.”
“No, really, I-” 
“Jamil!” Jamil jumped at her sudden outburst, his hands frozen in the air. She huffed and put her hands on her hips. “Honestly. You take care of everyone else all the time. Let me take care of you for once.” 
Oh no. Oh no. 
“Now sit down while I go make some tea.” 
He sat down. This was worse than he thought. He really was in love. 
She wanted to take care of him. Of him. When was the last time someone offered to take care of him, to lighten his load, to take responsibility for the burden? For as long as Jamil could remember that had been his job, his life. Kalim, Najma, his parents, the Scarabia students, everyone and everything. It was like he didn’t realize just how tired he was until (Y/N) offered to help. Why did her snapping at him just now make him feel so relieved? 
Almost without thinking about it, Jamil’s feet took him into the kitchen. (Y/N) was standing at the stove, setting down a heavy teapot on the burner. She was mumbling to herself about something, Jamil couldn’t really hear what. His ears were ringing. 
(Y/N) noticed that Jamil had come into the kitchen, turning to face him. She frowned, eyebrows knit together. “Jamil, I told you that - Oh!” 
Ignoring his anxiety, ignoring that nagging thought that he didn’t have a plan, ignoring the churning nervousness in his stomach, Jamil pulled (Y/N) into a tight hug, burning his face in her hair. 
“I like you,” He said, so softly that he had to repeat himself to make sure she heard, to make sure she understood the depth of his feelings. “I like you. I think I might even- I feel better when I’m with you, like I can be better. I don’t feel like everything I’ve done up until now is just in service to someone else, because all of those things lead me to meeting you. I feel like I can think clearly, that I don’t always have to be on alert. I want to take care of you, I want to be with you, I want us to be together. And I know - I know I’ve done horrible things in the past, I know you’ve seen me at my lowest. But you still see me, me, not anything else. Not the servant, not the diplomatic aid, not the Overblot monster- How could I not fall in love with you? So, (Y/N), please. I just - please.” He wasn’t quite sure what he was asking ‘please’ for, he only hoped she would understand. 
(Y/N) trailed her fingers along his back, threading through his long hair. She pulled back, as much as Jamil’s embrace would allow. The corners of her eyes were dotted with tears. “Jeeze, Jamil,” (Y/N) said. “Way to steal my thunder. I wanted to say it first.” 
Jamil let out a cracked laugh, tears welling up in his own eyes. “You did?” 
(Y/N) hiccuped, laughing. “Yeah, of course. I thought I was being kind of obvious with it. I finally decided to suck it up and tell you at dinner earlier, but you just ran away so I thought you knew what I was going to say and didn’t feel the same.” 
“Sorry, I guess I was nervous. And those first-years all day…” 
(Y/N) laughed out loud. “I was wondering what was up with that. Was that Kalim or something?” 
“For once, no. They took it upon themselves to try and set us up.” 
“Aww, they care about you.” She hugged him close. “And I can see why.” 
That weekend, it was finally time for the Welcome Spring party, and there were, indeed, more flowers than usual. Kalim was flitting around, making sure everything was organized and where it needed to be. Jamil had asked if he could leave for the morning, coming back when it was time for the party to start. And, even though he had been the one to ask for the time off, Jamil had double checked that it was okay with Kalim no less than a dozen times before he actually left. Kalim insisted repeatedly that he would be fine, that he had a handle on everything. And, maybe, for the most part he did. It definitely helped that Jamil had assigned tasks to several other dorm members the night before to make sure Kalim didn’t get too overwhelmed. 
Just as the golden hour set in, magical floating lanterns bobbing along in the air amid swirling flower petals, the guests started to arrive. Kalim had sent out a recommended dress code ahead of time, requesting pastels, whites, and gold. Something to fit in with the refreshing and floral mood he wanted to create. Mostly, he was happy to report, everyone was able to follow the requirements. Heartslabyul students especially were rigidly adhering to the dress code under the watchful eye of their house warden. Most of them wore pinks, as it was the required color when taking care of the dorm flamingos so they already had something that would fit the theme. Savannaclaw didn’t much stick to theme, but had tried to comply with sticking puffy peony blossoms through belt loops or behind their ears. Octavinelle wore light blues and corals, studded with shimmering scales, pearls, and other bits of underwater flora. Scarabia, of course, as the hosts, were the most bejeweled, taking inspiration from the fairy gala that had inadvertently plunged the campus into chaos, but also resulted in beautiful flowing white and gold garments. Pomfiore stayed mostly in lavenders and lilacs, highlighted by golden embroidery in fantastic scenes and shapes. Ignihyde, for those who did show up, dug out whatever was the lightest color in their wardrobe, mostly staying in light blues. Similarly, no one was expecting much from the usually dour-toned Diasomnia. But, not wanting to create a social fopaux at one of the few events he had received an invitation to, thanks to (Y/N) reminding Kalim to expand his guest list at the last minute, Malleus had ensured that all his dorm members wore mint and emerald green with gold dotted throughout. 
There was a noticeable absence of two usually prominent figures, but Kalim assured everyone Jamil and (Y/N) would be arriving soon. And, although Jamil had tried to slip in quietly while everyone’s attention was focused on the dance floor for an aerial ribbon performance, Kalim’s squeal of delight quickly diverted everyone’s attention. Jamil held in a groan as attention whirled to him and (Y/N). They both wore outfits from the fairy gala, meticulously designed and created by Professor Crewel. She squeezed his hand in support, dragging him further in, head held high while ignoring the stares. A few Scarabia students gave congratulations, thumping Jamil’s back as he passed. Ace caught Jamil’s eye from the other side of the room. He pointed to Ortho, who was waving excitedly, and drew a finger across his throat. Jamil rolled his eyes. 
As the aerial dancers finished, (Y/N) drew Jamil to the dance floor. As a band kicked up (seriously, how many instruments did those Scarabia students know how to play?), (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Jamil’s neck as he placed his hands on her hips. He really hoped she wouldn’t notice how sweaty his palms had gotten. 
“You’re nervous,” (Y/N) said. “I’m not used to seeing you like that.” 
“I’ve just never really done this before,” Jamil said. “Not dancing, I’ve done that plenty. Just the whole relationship thing. I never really had a chance before. I don’t want to mess this up.” 
“I think you’ve been doing pretty good so far.” 
Jamil smirked. “It’s been two days.” 
“Well, see? You’re gaining experience already.” She leaned forward, placing her head on his chest. “I’m nervous, too, you know. Not about this. I’m really confident how I feel about you, and I want to stay with you for as long as I can. I mean about everything going on around us. There’s a lot of unknown. Technically, you know, I don’t even exist. Don’t have any papers like a birth certificate or passport or even a valid nationality. But I know I have great people helping me out, including you. And knowing they’re on my side, it helps make things a little better. And I’m on your side. So everything will work out, you know?” 
Jamil hummed. Lowley, in a quiet voice so he could dismiss it if she didn’t hear him, he asked, “Can I kiss you?” 
(Y/N) looked up at him, smiling, eyes twinkling. “I’d like that.”  
Off to the side, behind a bolt of silk cloth, Babkak handed Omar a 20 madol note.
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 days
Hey girl, I absolutely love your writing style so I was wondering if you could write about reader dating LA knight but them having a huge age difference (like he’s 41 and reader’s in her twenty’s) and people finding out about reader’s age and not being okay with their relationship but LA being so in love with her that he would go against his own fans to protect her from negative comments
first time writing for him!
la knight x reader + rhea x reader (platonic)
‼️a little angst (please tell me you get the reference from the title lol)
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coal digger
“they hate me…” you said throwing yourself on the hotel bed.
“who?” your best friend rhea asked you.
“the fans, the people, everyone!”
“no one hates you” she laughed at your dramatic reaction.
“the comments they are leaving under our post together aren’t nice. the comments they are leaving under my post are mean and terrible! it’s clear that they hate me!” you said. rhea knew what you were referring about.
you and la knight started dating just a few months ago but the sparkle between you two was evident. you worked backstage as one of the social media managers and you loved your job at wwe, especially when you had to tour with the wrestlers to film and take pictures for the socials.
that’s how you two met. you were asked to take a video and you immediately connected. he was fun and charismatic, you were fun and charismatic. he was hot, you were hot. he was kind and you were kind.
rhea said that he was your soulmate and you almost believed her.
five months later, you two confirmed publicly your relationship. your colleague were happy for you two, saying that you found each others. his fans, on other hand, didn’t like you at all.
they thought you were there just for fame and money and that you didn’t really love him. they couldn’t be more wrong but you knew there was no arguing with the fans.
plus, your age difference wasn’t making it easy for you to be more likeable to his fans.
he was 41.
you were 25.
most of the nice comments were about how “gorgeous of a daughter he had” or “he found his sugar baby”, the worst comments were when they called you a “goal digger looking for fame” or just simply a “slut”.
“those aren’t his fans. his fans probably don’t even care about who he’s dating. those are just girls who are jealous because you two are dating and they’re not…you shouldn’t listen to those people y/n” rhea tried to comfort you.
“i know i shouldn’t but it’s not really nice when they’re calling me a slut just because i fell in love…” you were hurt and rhea realised that too but before she could talk, your boyfriend entered the room, sign that he just finished training for his upcoming match.
“hello ladies” he smiled at the both of you. rhea smiled back but you were too lost in your thoughts to acknowledge him.
“i’ll leave you two alone” rhea smiled before going somewhere else.
“what’s on your mind pretty girl?” he said sitting next to you on the bed.
“your fans hate me…”
“no they don’t” he replied back.
“but they do…and”
“and it’s bothering you…” he finished the sentence and you nodded.
“the don’t like me. they don’t like us together and i get it, maybe they are jealous, i would be jealous too if someone else was dating you” you said making him laugh “but it’s the lack of respect that i cannot stand. you don’t like me? just say it nicely please because i can’t stand seeing more comments of me being called a slut just because i love you and we are together…”
“wait what?” he asked a little shocked.
“they called you a slut? are you serious?” you nodded at his question “this is not right at all, i’m so sorry love you have to go through this every single day…i had no idea of the mean comments they were leaving under your posts…they should definitely stop”
“they don’t want us together because of me. if i was your age probably no one would have said anything…but i’m 25 and they keep calling me a gold digger and”
“coal digger” he said making you chuckle.
“not the right time for the modern family reference” you laughed again.
“i know i just wanted to see your pretty smile” he smiled back at you “listen to me…i love you” he said sitting closer to you and opening his arms to let you lay your head on his chest “i love you so much y/n that words can’t even describe it…you are everything to me. i know comments get on your head but you shouldn’t let them okay? i love you for being you and that will never change.” he softly kissed your head and you smiled into his chest.
“thank you…”
“you don’t have to thank me love” he smiled back.
he knew his words would have helped you but he wanted his fans to understand that he was feeling for you was real.
so he took his phone out. took a cute selfie of you laying on his chest with your eyes closed and a big smile on his face.
i’m the luckiest man alive. i love this woman with all my heart, some of you probably won’t even understand but i don’t care. respect my girl and our relationship, thank you.
and then he posted it.
you saw his with your eyes little opened and you smiled. you loved how protective he was and you loved him for that.
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blumisiu · 7 hours
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BOYNEXTDOOR….and where they like to be kissed! ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖
❀ 600 words. fluff! short blurbs. fancy a different story? જ⁀➴ the library is this way!
❀ authors note — just something short and sweet (hopefully)! enjoy my fairies! mwah (。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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sungho ; his shoulders
ᡣ𐭩 will literally melt when you leave soft pecks on his shoulders…the back of his neck will start to get all red and it’ll creep up to his ears. cutie pie <3 really loves when you kiss the spot right near his neck! let’s out the shyest little laugh and buries his face in his hands. “why do you do this to me” acts like he hates it but it’s his favourite thing in the world. whenever you’re out and about with him, one arm looped through his, place little kisses on the very edge of his shoulder and he’ll feel so safe and comforted <3
jaehyun ; his nose
ᡣ𐭩 has the cutest little puppy nose ever :( the perfect place for a kiss! he loves it when you rub your nose against his!! blushes so much when you do. you’ll often kiss him here when he’s being extra adorable, and after every kiss, without fail, he’s always looking at you with the softest gaze. on days he feels really upset, he’ll bury his face in your neck and nudge you like the puppy he is and you know that means he wants a kiss on his nose! “please, just one! it’ll make me feel soooo much better” such a pouty boy
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riwoo ; on the mole under his eye
ᡣ𐭩 when you first kissed it he was literally like :O … was so flustered and had no idea what to say but he did know that it was his new favourite thing. he especially adores it when you kiss all over his pretty face but linger on that spot and give it lots of attention <3 is a giggling mess. if you just give him a simple peck on the lips or cheek, he’ll always look at you expectantly afterwards like this •ᴗ•. won’t leave you alone until you’ve given him one (or multiple!!) pecks on his mole. gives you a phat smooch on your forehead as a thank you <3
taesan ; behind his ear
ᡣ𐭩 he looovesss it. is obsessed with how it’s such a secret little thing, and almost sensual too. whisper “i love you” in his ear before you do it and wooo he is on his knees. in my mind, he’s the slightest bit ticklish there so if you’re in a playful mood, give him a million and watch how he squirms and giggles <3 becomes your little bedtime ritual to ruffle his hair, whisper sweet things in his ear, and then give him the softest kiss right behind it. he goes to bed with the covers pulled up all the way over his face and the biggest grin on his face…literally teehee-ing and kicking his feet. thinks you can’t notice but you do, every time lol
leehan ; his dimples
ᡣ𐭩 don’t even get me started on that sweet, slow smile of his… i hate him (affectionate). usually he’s the one making you flustered but when you first noticed his adorable little dimples… how the turn tables. he was speechless when you leaned in and kissed one of them, out of the blue when he was talking and smiling at you. “wha—what?” regained his composure in no time though and was like “do it again”. was insufferable since then lol!! always expects a two little pecks from you when he’s laughing with you or you’re cuddling together and he’s all smiley <3 even when he’s not, like you two could just be sitting in silence and then he’ll smile and point to his dimples so you know what to do…and sometimes he’ll move strategically so you end up kissing his lips instead
woonhak ; his cheeks
ᡣ𐭩 actually the most cutie patootie boy to ever exist. might be cliché but he loves a good cheek kiss. he’ll definitely try and push you away when you want to give him one but his protests never last for long. is always like “ugh, fine” rolling his eyes slightly but he has the cheesiest grin on his face. praise him before and he’ll start malfunctioning. “you did so good today, woonhak!” kiss “i’m so proud of you!!” another kiss… omg where did he go? he’s a puddle at your feet <3
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☁️ taglist — @luv-y0urself. @lilriswife4life.
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sethsclearwater · 4 hours
Okay possible imagine/blurb idea: Paul gets into a fight and gets arrested (by chief swan maybe??) and calls reader to pick him up and she’s pissed that he got in the fight in the first place so she takes her sweet time going to get him, she gets her nails done with Emily, she does some shopping, she gets a coffee. She finally picks him up and he’s about to be pissed off about her taking so long but she’s like ‘do it again and I’ll leave you there’ and he’s like 😔sorry ma’am😔
i'm obsessed with this lol
"you what?" you repeated back into the phone despite the fact that you'd heard your imprinter loud and clear the first time he said it.
"princess," paul sighed through the line and you almost lost your composure but quickly pulled it back together.
"don't call me that. what the hell were you thinking getting in a fight?" you asked, already knowing it was going to be something dumb. although paul had definitely learned to manage his temper once you came into his life, he still had his moments - especially when someone as annoying as your ex was involved.
"30 seconds remaining," an automated voice cut both of you off before either of you could continue.
paul let out another heavy sigh before continuing, "can you just come pick me up? i don't think incriminating myself over the phone is the best idea," he grumbled and you rolled your eyes, also letting out a loud sigh.
"i'll be there in a little bit. don't do anything stupid," you spoke into the phone before you hung up and emily, who had just picked you up from your apartment, burst into laughter.
"he got arrested? at 9 in the morning?" she laughed and you rolled your eyes, also cracking a smile when you realized just how stupid it was that he managed to get arrested by none other than chief swan (who had taken a bit of a liking to him recently too which made it all the worse that paul was currently sitting in some cell with chief swan monitoring him).
"apparently," you sighed, letting out a breathy laugh, "we can still go to port angeles though, i have until 5 to come get him." you added and emily's smile somehow got even wider.
"let's do it," she laughed before putting the car into drive so the two of you could continue on your shopping day.
by the time you had gotten back to la push, grabbed your car, and gotten over to the forks police station, it was 4:45 and paul had been stuck in there for almost an entire work day.
you did feel a tad bit bad that you'd left him in there for so long but you also knew he'd most definitely learned his lesson and wouldn't be doing this again anytime soon.
so, when you walked inside and filled out all the paperwork, chief swan brought your imprinter out who looked quite bothered to say the least.
"is that all you needed me to fill out?" you asked charlie as he uncuffed paul.
chief swan nodded, "you're all good to take him home," he reassured, "i just got off the phone with the other party and it doesn't sound like they're going to be pressing charges so you two should be all good. i'll come by if there's anything that changes," he added and you let out a sigh of relief, happy to know paul wouldn't be stuck doing court ordered community service or anger management classes thanks to a dumb one-off event.
"thank you," you flashed charlie a smile before you were grabbing your purse and heading outside, already knowing paul would be following shortly behind you.
as soon as you got in the car and paul got in the passenger side, you both finally turned your attention to each other, "8 hours? you know if it was you i would've-" he started but you quickly cut him off as you turned the car on.
"i wouldn't have been dumb enough to get myself into that situation in the first place. you're lucky i even came and got you - next time you're staying there," you threatened, suddenly much more annoyed with the fact that he was annoyed with you.
paul seemed a bit caught off guard by your sudden burst of confidence, staying quiet for a moment while he considered the pros and cons of getting into a fight with you about this.
after a few moments, he let out a sigh, nodding, "yes ma'am," he mumbled, dramatically leaning away from you so he could rest his head against the window while you drove the two of you back to your apartment.
you cracked a smile at his choice of words, reaching your free hand over to give his hand a gentle squeeze which he seemed to appreciate, quickly interlacing your fingers together so he could hold your hand for the ride home.
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da1e3e · 2 days
༘⋆ 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝑶𝒖𝒕 ༘⋆
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| ⋆ Synopsis: You and your best friend Chan decide to go to party, being invited by two friend of yours- Jackson and Jessi. You notice that a lot was going down, but more importantly you seen the way different girls looked at and basically threw themselves at Chan all night- which made you furious… leading you to Show Out…
| ⋆ Pairing: Non!Idol BangChan x Fem!Reader
| ⋆ Genre(s) : Friends 2 Lovers, Smut, fluff
ⓘ Warning ⓘ - Coercion?, Virgin reader, Pet name [Bunny], Oral, Creampie, a bit rough handle
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⋆ Staring out, lost from reality; you take a hard long glance out of the window, placing yourself mentally directly into the middle of the school’s beautiful field. During the boring lectures and lessons that you would gain no benefit from… at least now, you would pretend to be out there, enjoying the warm sun huging your face as you laid gracefully on your back, with one hand covering your eyes as you rested. You wanted nothing more than to be free of all the exams, assignments, all school stress. You’ve grinded all year, being second to the top student of the class, that was more than enough for you. You were just ready for summer. A chance to recharge your mental peace.
Not noticing the bell ringing, your friend Chan, makes three knocks on your desk, letting you know it was time to go. “C’mon y/n.” He spoke, letting you know it was time for you both to go get lunch. You don’t respond at first- still stuck in the field, leaving the male to bend over, grabbing your shoulder gently. “y/n?… you okay?” You finally hear, snapping you out of your thoughts. You regain focus, turning your head to see a slightly concerned BangChan, His eyes locking with yours once you did so. You could tell he was making sure you were okay, the way he looked all around you with his big alertful eyes. “Yes Chan, I’m Okay I was just… meditating.” You give him a smile, assuring the sweet male that you were okay. “Oh- okay, don’t scare me like that.” He sighs, becoming untense. You then grab and pinch his cheeks playfully, “let’s go get eat.” You rise up out of your seat, starting for the entrance. Bangchan follows without hesitation, a faint smile having a full appearance on his face.
You and BangChan leave campus to get food, going to your usually eat out spot. It was a nice, tiny cafe that sold the most delicious Kimchi. It’s appearance is what caught you the most though. It was a little plant cafe, with such beautiful vibrant colors and exotic plants. It was just trully a pretty sight. “Your usual?” Chan asks, as he opened the door to the cafe, waiting for you walk through. “I wanna go this time— let me order for you.” You pause, giving the male an insisting look. “mm-mm, nope.” Chan shook his head, pointing his arm in the direction of the open door. “Chan seriously, I can—” you rebel, only get interupted by his assertive and intimidating gaze. You knew there was no winning an argument with him, so you just accepted it. You roll your eyes, sighing playfully. As you both walked in, you headed directly to your spot, relaxing in the fitting and safe aura of the shop once you sat down. You looked over to a BangChan waiting in line, giggling to yourself a bit. You couldn’t help but think about how He was dressed in all black as he usually was, in a pastel cafe. Chan gave of this very dark demeanor, but in reality… he was a sweet heart. Even though he was mearly just your childhood best friend, he always gave you princess treatment. It was nice knowing that he was more of a gentlemen then he lead on.
“Rice and Kimchi for the girl, chicken for this guy.” He sets two plates down, sitting down afterwards. “Chicken today?” You ask, raising a brow. He always got different things, but since he was a gym guy, he always stuck to a certain diet. One that definitely doesn’t have chicken in it. It was weird lol. “Yeah, today is my cheat day.” He announces happily, taking the biggest bite. You see that the male was finally enjoying real food, so you don’t mention anything else about it. Instead you chuckle at him, begining to also eat. After some brief moments of silence, Chan finally breaks it, starting with what was on his mind. “So, what’s got our girl stuck in her head today?” the male questions, wiping his hands with napkins. “Nothing. Just ready for the day to be over with.” You answer honestly, setting your chopsticks down to drink your tea. You tended to space out alot, which was expected because you didn’t talk unless it was neccessary. I mean there was no reason to. Your goal was to go to school, graduate, and begin your journey to success. He goes, silent, as you could almost see the gears turning in his head. “Hmm. Would you tell me if.. it was something?” the male urged, pausing the enjoyment of his meal. In all honesty, you were so lucky to have Chan. He was there, killing his enjoyment for you like he always does. He’s been like that ever since you were children… which is why you vowed to always make sure he was okay as well. You place your soft hand on his, rubbing your thumb back and forth.“Yes Chan, I promise. Now stop being such a overprotective marshmallow. I am fine, I promise.” You sighed, giving him a serious but sweet look. “Okay fine, Your just someone I really care about y/n…I just wanna make sure your good. That’s all.” He spoke with a clear honeyed tone, begining to eat again.
As you both returned to your class, Chan of course walks you to your designated class. He did this almost everyday too. You both make it to the classroom, when he stops halfway to the door. “I’ll meet you here later okay?” The male reminds you. You sigh playfully, bowing. “You know someone is gonna think we’re married if you keep this up Chan.” You give him a straight face, watching him begin to make his way own the hallway. “Let them think what they want, I don’t give a fuck.” He slightly shouts back, making you chuckle. He is just such a handful.
Sitting down at your seat, you get your materials ready for your last class of the day. You get real comfy in your seat, when you feel a presence approaching you. You turn your head swiftly, meeting you eyes with a smooth walking Jackson and a Pompous but tender Jessi following behind him. He stops just before your desk, waving sweetly. “Hey y/n, wassup girl.” Jackson’s bubbly smile appears. You give a friendly smile, “Hey guys.” You bow, crossing your arms and one leg. “We just wanted to invite you to our party tonight babe. It’s gonna be off the chain-” Jessi states, showing every bit of her enthusiasm. You didn’t really do parties, they were just too chaotic for your quite and ordinary personnel. “I don’t know, I’m not really a party girl.” You nervously laugh, staring at the top of your desk- then back at them. “Well it’s always your choice Queen, just know your welcome to come. I’ll text you the details, We’ll see you later!” Jessi finished, as Jackson nodded in agreement. They then headed to their seats, leaving to think about the offer. I mean a party didn’t sound bad, it was just that you didn’t…belong at a party. But Jackson and Jessi were two of the most welcoming people you knew, so maybe it wouldn’t be that bad..right?
Your lecture was finally done, and you were more than excited to finally leave. You were a bit exhasuted though, knowing you were due for a nap. Yawning, you pack your stuff up quickly, and heading out the door. Walking out, you instantly met with a promised Bnagchan. There was not one day where he was every late. It made you giggle a bit. “Hey you.” His pearly whites revealing themselves when his eyes landed on you. He also gave a painfully cringe wink. “You seriously need a girlfriend so you can ‘Hey You.’ her instead.” You laugh, as you both begin to walk down the halls. “Eh, maybe. But my best friend will do for now.” He remarks, grabbing the back of your book bag. You then suddenly remembered Jackson and Jessi’s invitation. “Oh Chan, guess what.” You speak, making the male snap his head at you. “Jackson and Jessi invited me to a party that they’re throwing tonight. What do you think- should we go?” He turns his head to you raises a brow, then also remembers that they were going around inviting people, cause he too got one. “I think… we should definitely not go” He smiles sarcastically. Chan did indeed like parties, but he knew you weren’t a party girl, and definitely didn’t want you doing anything that went against your morales. “But you know, the crazy thing is… I actually kind of wanna go.” You look up at the male, giving him a look of consideration. He then chuckles, obviously assuming you were joking. “That’s a good one y/n.” He rubs your back, as silence consumes you both. He then pauses dead in his tracks, grabbing your bag handle. “Y/n, are you foreal?” a shocked expression donning over his face. “Yes, what’s wrong with that?” You shrug. He was being dramatic now, it’s not like you never wanted to have fun or live life on the edge like everybody else did. “N-nothing! It’s just…” The male pauses, smiling at you. “I’ve never know you to like parties. But if your in, i’m in. I’m all for rebel y/n.” He finishes smirking. You laugh, “Don’t start-”
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It was currently 8:47, and you were in your dorm patting blush on your cheeks. As your outfit choice of the night, You had on a some denim blue baggy cargo jeans, with a nice red and black lace corset with some good ole ordinary black dunks. A nice necklace and earings were added to you know, bring a bit of spice to it. You weren’t much of a ‘Get glammed up’ type of girl, but more of a ‘serving comfortably’ type of girl. As you looked in the mirror, you begining to get nervous, wondering if this was a good choice. “You’ll be okay girly.” You coaxed to yourself, regaining back your confidence that left for a brief moment.
Just as you grabbed your purse, begining to gather important items, Chan calls you. You pick up the phone, situating it on your ear between your cheek and your shoulder. “Hey y/n, you ready bunny?” He inquires, as you gathered the last item, which was your charger. “Yep, Im heading down now.” You reply, turning off the lights in your area. You make it down, progressing through the Lobby, finally seeing BangChan- who was dressed in an inky black leather jacket with a white tee underneath, and some dark denim jeans. Topping the whole fit off with black squeaky clean loafers, and a nice chain sitting on the nape of his neck. As you approach him, you couldn’t help but think… damn. this dude was kinda… “y/n, hey-.” he pauses, as his eyes travel all around you. You could see a bit of admiration twinkle in his eyes, but it didn’t last long. He clears his throat, swallowing all of his thoughts. “Wow, I’ve never seen you in anything other than a kimchi stained hoodie and sweat pants. Damn.” He laughs jokingly. “Well, that’s because nothing required me to bring this side of me out.” You twirl playfully, smiling. “Right, anyways… the night isn’t getting any younger. Let’s go.” He takes one more glance at you, before you both head out.
Arriving at the adress, you see a modern house- glazed in neon lights. People were plastered all over the front yard, with red cups in their hands. Once Bangchan pulls in, beside the open curb, you look over to see three people making out on the hood of the car beside Chans. You knew this was gonna be a looonnnggg night.
You follow Chan inside, being instantly hit with the loud and spicy smell of alcohol, as well as the ear drumming killing music that was blasting loud enough for Europe to hear. “Listen to me y/n, Don’t talk to anyone shady, use your drink cover like I told you- and do not follow anyone anywhere okay? Safety first.” Chan demands, looking back at me to make sure I heard him clear. I okayed him, as we continued to walk, being cut off by Jackson and Jessi. “You guys came! Welcome—” The two said in unison, Jackson grabbing BangChan as Jessi grabbed you. They both pulled you in different directions, having arms around the both of your necks. You and Chan turn your heads to look at each other one last time, before he turned the corner. “I’ll be okay, I promise. don’t worry- just have fun!” You mouth to him, sweetly. His once concerned expression turns into a soft one, nodding. “So y/n, is that your boyfriend? He’s cute~” the female hiccups, taking a large gulp of her drink. She reeked of alcohol, making you want to scoot away from her just a little bit- but her arm clasped so tight around your neck, you couldn’t. You knew she was drunk, which concerned you a bit. “Oh Chan? No, we’ve just been friends since we were in diapers.” You answer tenderly, happy to share your answer. “Oh well, If I were you- I’d bag that hun~” She advised, almost sounding sober for that moment. “Well, enjoy yourself luv- don’t be afraid to have fun!” She cheers, dancing off. You stood there chuckling at her, thinking she was something else. What she said though, kind of had you thinking. It replayed in your head… almost like a clock ticking. You’d never thought of Chan like that. But that added another idea… Has Chan ever felt that way about you?
Shaking your mindset off, you walk to the kitchen to fix you something to drink. The atmosphere was dry, and so was your throat. Rummaging through the fridge, you pick up a pink lemonade Margarita, along with a bottle of water. While doing so, you over hear two girls having a conversation about this guy. Typical girl talk you think, until youn hear “Yeah girl, I just want to rip that Leather jacket off of him… as well as those jeans..” — “Right like he’s so damn fine man.” As their giggles waved through your ears immediately, your mind thinks of BangChan. Closing the fridge, you ponder about it. Were they talking about Chan? No they couldn’t be, there was possibly no way they were. You then take a large swig of the margarita, ambling off to search for him.
Looking high and low in the humongous house, you started to feel more and more tipsy. The rooms started to look the same, everybody started to talk about the same thing. Especially the women, all you heard was very intentive descriptions of what seemed to be… BangChan. With the alcohol mixed in your system, you felt yourself sort of becoming… angry? It was already frustrating looking for him, especially with your condition. Your Margarita glass was empty, and you were just standing in a hallway, figuring out what to do next. When suddenly… “Let’s go Chan! Your a natural!” A woman cheers, coming from only one doorway you haven’t checked. You march to it, standing in the opening. It revealed Several people along with BangChan playing pool. Two women surrounded him, as well as him having took his leather jakcet and tee off. He was present in a white tank top, his muscles flexed, holding the pool stick. You watched, as he held his posture steady, holding the pool stick- finally hitting the balls. His ball goes in, making him jump up screaming “Let’s go baby!! woo!” both of the girls then wrap their arms around him, rubbing all over him seductively. Just watching them… it didn’t hit you at first- but then the alcohol got to talking. This…this made you furious. Your feet act before your brain does, and you march towards BangChan, stopping directly in front of him. Your acrimonious expression wasn’t enough to tell anyone how mad you were. “Oh hey y/n! Guess what- I’m a Pool Champion!” He cheers, followed by everyone else’s. He was a hiccupping mess, only letting you know that he was drunk too. “I have been looking for you… all fucking night- just for you to be playing pool… with two bitches?!” you snarl, locking eyes with a now shocked BangChan. Everyone else in the room becomes quiet, looking at the scene unfolding. “There have been bitches talking about you all night— saying how fine you are, how they wanna taste you- as well as hopping on your dick! well guess what! Fuck you— I’m going home.” you hiccup, pushing his chest. Everything made sense but didn’t at the same. It was like you had a reason to be angry…but what was that reason? You begin walking out the door, when you feel BangChan swoop you off your legs throwing you over his shoulder. “Put me down you ass!!!” You kick and scream. You fought so hard to be unhanded from his grasp, but nothing worked. And what was worse, everyone went back to what they were doing.
He takes you upstairs, choosing an empty room, bringing you both in. He closes the door, as well as locking it, throwing you on the spacious bed. “Y/n whats your problem- why are you so angry???” The male questions, looking genuinley confused. You sit up, fingering your hair out of your face with all the attitude in your body. You don’t say anything, until he asks for the second time. “y/n…” — “I don’t know okay! We came here together though— your supposed to be with me! I’m tired of hearing how all these girls want to sex on you…If anything I should fuck you before they do!” You finally burst, slapping your hands on your thighs. You quickly cover your mouth, realizing what you said. Leaving Chan speechless, he stands their for a brief moment before begining to laugh. You scoff, rolling your eyes. You felt embarrased now, and just wanted to go home. BangChan was pissing you off… so you didn’t wanna be there a moment longer. Getting up, you start for the door- only for BangChan to slap his hand on the door knob. “Let it go—” you growl lowly, looking at the male with deranged eyes. “And if I don’t?” He dares, treading closer to you. You lock eyes with the male, somehow starting to become intimidated. His eyes showcased the dark side of his sweet soul, letting you know that you’ve made a grave mistake. You started backing up, trying to keep a safe distance from the now omnious Bangchan. “Or else what y/n? Come on, i’m your best friend… you can be honest… what’s gonna happen?” His now low, and cold tone spoke. Before you knew it, he back you into a wall, never averting his eyes from yours. “Hmm, Bunny can’t speak now?” The male inquires, placing both of his arms on the plain white walls above you. You were no longer angry, but now alarmed. “I didn’t mean…” you utter, looking at the ground. Everything happened so fast- how did you go from being angry to now being afraid? You couldn’t even finish the sentence, I mean you didn’t even know what to say.
“Well, I’ll tell you what y/n..” He backs up from you, giving you room to finally breath. “If you wanted me to fuck you… you know all you had to was ask. I’m all for you… and you should know that.” The male admitted, smirking. It was like that was all you had to say for him to release how he really felt concerning you. Instantaniously, He grabs your arm- slinging you on the bed. You yelp from the impact, sitting up as fast as you could. He then slips his tank top off, throwing it to the side. “W-wait Chan let’s talk about this, I’m sorry I didn’t mean-” You basically pleaded, but was interupted by him grabbing your shoes, ripping them off. “What is there to talk about? I think you’ve made yourself pretty clear.” He smiles devilishly, biting his lip. Not being able to do nothing but look at Chan, you focus solely on him. You couldn’t help but just sit there- being flustered… and slighlty aroused. aroused?? are you crazy-? This was the first time you’ve ever done anything like this- and it just happens to be with your best friend. This was insane. Once the shoes were off, he moved to your jeans, undoing them with one hard pull. You were really in for it now… Was this really about to happen? I mean if you really wanted to- you couldv’e been escaped… right? What the hell was wrong with you? was it something in the alcohol? You had so many questions and so many emotions coming onto you way to fast- but one thing you did find certainty in…was… Chan was begining to make you feel… moist. From the way his muscles glistening in the moonlight that escaped through the curtains of the room, to the way he was showing a side of him that you didn’t know he had…especially for you.
With one swift motion, your jeans slid right off like butter. He threw them to the side as well, his eyes locked on the bottom half of your exposed body. The forbidding jeans revealed your soft apetizing legs, followed by your plain pink panties with a little white bow in the middle. “Chan— h-hold on a sec-” You try to cover them, failing to do so when BangChan wraps his chiseled arms around your thighs, pulling you forward. “You don’t get to hide yourself from me anymore bunny…” His voice sends shivers throughout your body. You melt within his grasp, hearing those words. Your arousal only grows stronger, begining to make a damp spot where your core was covered by your panties. Everything was just so clear but unclear at the time- you felt like you were going crazy. He placed soft tender kisses on your thighs, going lower and lower, leaving you nothing but speechless. His warm breathe was already so close to your hole, you knew there was nothing more you could do… not that you wanted to anyway. Accepting your fate, you rested on your elbows. “God y/n, I’ve waited so long for this… for you. you just don’t even know…” the male mumbles, before sliding your delicate panties off, planting small kisses on your core. You gasp, moaning slighlty after. For me? you think, finally understanding that he has been thinking of you like that… especially here- in this moment. It was all in the way he was devouring you, licking your dripping folds excitedly. It was like he’s been deprived from you for so long… and now that he finally had you- there was no letting go. His kisses grew sloppier, eventually turning into him latching his tongue to your clit. Your moans grew louder and louder with each passing second. “F-fuck Chan~” You uttered, throwing your head back. “You taste so good y/n… better then I imagined..” the male murmurs with a grin, licking every surface of skin you had down there. He was hungry for you, and he enjoyed feasting too. As he flicked his tongue in your folds, he used a free hand to rub your button, making you jolt from the sudden touch. Your head began spining, as you could only focus on what you feeling below your pelvis, and the ceiling. As his mouth was glued to your bud, sucking and teasing at it, in mere moments you feel a ‘knot tie-ing’ sensation in your stomach. “Chan~… I think i’m close…p-please…” You cry out, jolting up. Your hand takes a fist full of Chans hair, your other one gripping the silk sheets. Your breathing grows heavier, as you struggle to even get a moan out. “Cum for me bunny.” He smiles on your heat, making it enough to send you over the edge. You jolt, snapping your legs closed on him genty, giving him your orgasm.
“Holy shit y/n… I just made you cum.” the male chuckles, as if he had a random shot of adrenaline. He was proud at the fact that he made you feel good, something he didn’t think he would ever do. He then pulls his belt off with one swift motion, making it clatter on the floor. You don’t even know what to think right now. For the first time in your life your not stuck in your thoughts. Your head was all over the place- but one thing that you did finally get a sense of was…you were actually enjoying every single bit of this. As he began crawling over you, you could feel his sweet soft lips placing soft kisses on you as he made his way up. Starting from your legs, all the up until the nape your neck. “Your so beautiful y/n… I wish we could’ve done this sooner..” the male mumbles in between the love bites and smooches he was leaving on the nape of your neck. As he was doing all of this, you couldn’t help but watch him, admiring how much he was showing you just how much he wanted you. It was a new feeling in your life…something you didn’t have to stare off into space for. Lifting you up, He reaches behind you, untying your intricate bow that was used to keep your corset on all night, sliding it right off. Once it was off, Chan took in the sight of your fully exposed body, making his face turn a light shade a pink. He bites his lip, sulking in your nude state. “Well, we’re here now Chan, there’s no going back.” You admit genuinly, wrapping your arms around the male. This was it. Once he crossed that mark, you knew that nothing was ever gonna be the same again…But only better. His lips take yours in a hungry kiss, his hands roaming all over your glistening body. He bit and tugged at your bottom lip, as he was trying to free his throbbing member from their restraining state. You take initiative to help him, undoing his zipper and button faster than he could. You both then look down, as Chan pulled his large, thick pulsating member out of his boxer briefs. Your eyes widened, knowing like hell that wasn’t finna fit in you— You became nervous just trying to figure out how it was going to. “C-chan… that’s not fitting-” you utter, looking the male directly in his eyes. “Don’t worry bunny, It won’t do too much damage.” He smirks, alighning himself up with your whole. “C-chan seriously it’s not—” Your sentence was interupted by your gasp, feeling Chan begining to push himself into you. You throw your head back, jolting your legs around the male. It felt like a really long process, but once he was all the way in, you could already feel yourself trembling just from him entering. “Fuck bunny, your squeezing me so tight already..” He grunts, staying still for you to get adjusted to his size. “Gosh your so fucking big!” you pant, now afraid for your life. He then pulled out just a bit, very slowly too… and then thrusts into you with one huge slap into your pelvis. You knew you were going to die tonight. “Ah!”
As a few minutes go by, you begin to get use to the intensity of his thrusting. He grew more within you as well. It was just something about being in you… made him go feral. With each and every time he slid in and out of you, he explored more and more of your sweet tunnel. At this point in time, you were drowned out by the pleasure he was giving to you. You hadn’t even notice He had flipped you over on your stomach, pulling your waist upwards so that your bottom was in the air, exactly like a flag. With no warnings, he thrusted into you again, only this time roughly. Stretching your arms outward, you grab onto the sheets for your sanity. “Ahh~!” You scream, throwing your head into the satin sheets. “Fuck bunny, your doing so good… a little too good..” You barely hear the male grunt. As he was motioning in and out of you, he shifted just once, begining to hit that area within you that was bounded to send you to that level of ecstacy.. your G-spot. “But I need to hear your sweet voice darling..” He continues, lifting you up to where your back was now connected to his chest. He held your neck gently, lifting your face up towards the ceiling, begining to tug on your neck with his teeth. You were a moaning mess, and it didn’t help that you could barely speak. “C-chan! your hitting…fuck~!” you manage to escape at least that. Your walls began to pulsate around him, letting him know that very soon… you were gonna be driven to your high. “Good.” He smirks, speeding up his movement. “Chan!.. I can’t… S-slow down!” You exhale, throwing your head down. You look back up when you realize that once knot snapping back in your stomach. “I’m so close Chan.. Please..~!” You begin seeing the solar system, dragging you out of reality. “Come with me y/n…” the males voice rumbles through your ear, making the knot even tighter. He was going at an unimaginable speed, nothing but squealches and the sound of your skin clapping together can be heard…when you both just snap… “..Ahhh! Chan!” — “Fuck!”
BangChan makes one last long and hard thrust into you, sending you over the hills. Your head gets thrown back, resting on the nape of his neck. You take within you his hot, spurting ropes of cum, as you exhale loudly, begining to shake uncontrollably. As you were both left panting, he releases you, placing you gently back down on the bed, pulling himself out of your walls, watching as his seed oozed out of you. You feel yourself get so exhausted, starting to lose focus of everything surrounding you then fades to black. “y/n..y/n?!”
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Feeling the sun shining it’s rays over your eyes, you begin to bat them open. Your head was pouding, making you wince in pain, slapping your hand gently on your forhead. Once your eyes became fully open, you stair at a part of the window that was slighty uncovered from the curtains. Your body was aching a bit, especially your legs. You quickly sit up alertly, looking around. This definitely wasn’t your house— was what you thought, then imagines from the hours before now flashed in your head. You lifted up the covers, seeing that you were dressed in Chan’s tank top, as well as your pink panties. But what suprised you, was Chan’s hand wrapped around your waist, like he was keeping you safe from something. You look over to see him sleeping soundly under the cover. Just by looking at him, you remembered all the things you both conversated about last night… which made you think.. where do we stand now?
Lost in your train of thought like aways, you didn’t notice BangChan waking up. With the raspiest voice ever, he called for you. “Y/n?…” The male then sits up quickly, looking at you up down to make sure you were okay. Snapping you out of your thoughts, He snatches the covers back, sitting up and grabbing you. “Please tell me your okay- are you in pain? do you need to go the hospital???” his worried face pins straight on you. You couldn’t do anything but smile at the way his care had shined all over you. “I’m fine Chan. Calm down.” the male then relaxes, fingering his hair back, sighing. It then became silent between you two, making the environment a little tense. You literally just has sex with your best friend, of course it was gonna be a little awkward. But after finally finding the courage, Chan finally speaks. “Y/n.. listen.. i am so sorry- I was drunk… I swear I understand if—” You smile and lean over, placing one of your fingers gently on his lips interupting him. “Don’t be sorry for that. Be sorry that you’ve never asked me out on a date.” You giggle, dragging your finger down. the male then smiles, scooting closer to you. He sighs, grabbing your hand. “I just didn’t wanna ruin our friendship… that’s all….I didn’t know when would be the right time to ask. but now that were here… would you perhaps want to go out sometime… like on an actual date?” His tone becoming sweet, rubbing his thumg over your hand. You lean in, kissing his forhead. “Yes. I would love to.” you finish. He then gives you a smile back, pulling you closer to him, to embrace you. You both then hear the door knob jiggle rapidly for brief moment, followed by loud whispers.
“Y/n you go girl!” You hear Jessi’s voice shout from the other side of the door. “Was it good Chan?” Jacksons voice follows, as you hear them bust out laughing outside the door. “Mhmm, could go for another round right now!…” Chan chuckles smirking at you, making you slap his shoulder. You realized just how much you loved seeing his smile, hearing his laugh, his everything. It was almost histerical how it only took for him to rearrange your guts for you to notice that. You never knew just how much you loved him, whether it was friendly or more. And now you had something you could get lost in, instead of your thoughts. Now you had something to be present for… and it was Him.
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thisonehere · 2 days
Shang Tsung, Liu Kang x Vampire reader?⊙⁠.⁠☉
Of course
Gods and Their Monsters
Mk headkanons
A/n: Ooo I like this idea, Shang would definitely b into this lol. Hmm, I wonder what a vampire Liu and Shang Tsung would be like (foreshadowing)
C/w: Blood sucking, seduction of the innocent, mentions of sex
Liu Kang
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This was how it was meant to be. Liu Kang was meant to be the champion of mortal Kombat, titan protector of the realms, an untainted noble hero spared from the sins and temptations of this world. But you...you were his Achilles heel.
You first met when Liu became aware of an outbreak of murder. All followed the theme of the victim's blood being drained from their necks, Liu knew that it couldn't be anything other than a vampire attack. Thus he sent his warriors to capture you and bring you to him to face justice.
He had expected a deranged, bloodthirsty monster to be before him. Imagine his surprise to find you before him. So graceful, so alluring, perfect in so many ways that it would be worthless to count.
Liu Kang found himself lost in you, he stared into your eyes and was lost in them. Your voice was like sirens call, he found you enchanting.
He tries to rationalize himself, this isn't right. You are a twisted creature of the night that feeds off others. But you look at him with those gentle eyes and he struggles to remember that there is any fault in you? Something so beautiful, so.erhing so deadly.
So instead of punishing you, Liu decides that he'll "redeem" you. He's done it before with the likes of Mileena and Tanya, you can't be anymore different. This he welcomes you into his Wu Shi where you are surrounded by monks ready to help you...In more ways than he intended.
Liu Kang was basically giving you meals on a silver platter. Many of his monks go missing while others barely escape bloody and beaten. Yet you act innocent and Liu falls for it completely. Alright, instead of of sending monks, he'll do the world himself.
You find yourself spending the night with him on many occasions, much to your delight. Liu tries to show you how much better life can be without hurting others, he tried two give you more ethical options of feeding instead of prey upon the innocent.
For a time, Liu truly believes that he is helping. Perhaps you're just trucking him, or he's just tricking himself. Doesn't matter, Liu believes that he is changing you for the better and that is all that matters.
That is until one day you cry out in pain. Liu runs to your side and begs to know what's wrong. Blood, that is what you can say. You need blood, real blood, to survive. The substitutes aren't working as much as Liu was hoping. You'll die unless you can get a proper supply of blood for you to eat.
With a heavy heart, he offers his own blood to you. He tucks his hair behind his ear and shows you his large and succulent neck, the very thing you've secretly salivated for so long. You hesitantly climbed on top of him, sitting yourself in his lap, he supports you by placing his hand on your (lower) back.
He takes a deep breath and...he looks into your the eyes and tells you to do it.
It's very painful at first, but as Liu calms down and gets used to the feeling, the feeling is almost... pleasurable. He breathes in and out, keeping his hand firm on your back. (Getting lower and lower as you go on)
Geras is furious when he finds out what happened. He urges Liu to be careful, that such affections for a creature like you is most deadly no matter how much good intentions either of you have. But Liu refuses to listen, he-he is alright with you feeding off of him. It's preferable to you attacking an innocent person and killing them. He's titan after all, you can't him nor turn him into a vampire like you.
Besides, he's helping you, you reformed so much since you two first met, at least he thinks you have. You need him, he refuses to abandon. So against Geras's advice, Liu continues to sit you on his lap, continues to let you feed off of him.
Shang Tsung
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A man with a rotten and twisted heart, it is no surprise that you two came across each other's past. A lover of the dark and the perverted, Tsung finds you absolutely delicious.
You first meet as he establishes himself as a greater and greater threat to the realms. He had desired more minions, lackeys that he could use as power. His attention turned to the monsters of this world and other. If he could just get one of them, he could experiment on them and make an entire army of abominations to be at his beck and call.
That is what led to you and him meeting. He had heard of your kind, an entire species that is strong, eternal, magic users, and all you had to do to maintain yourself was drink of the blood of humans, that sounds too good to be true
So he set out to find you, to capture you. He set a trap for you and waited patiently for you to spring it. He was the trap, he set up camp in an area you frequently often and feigned innocent of your existence. You took the bait and crept into his tent, you crawled on top of him, ready to sink your teeth into what you thought would be easy prey. But Tsung surprised you.
He summoned chains and bound you, it was almost too easy. Tsung is about to take his syringe and take a sample of your DNA, but then he sees you, and your beauty leaves him stunned. 'well, well, well, what have we here?' Tsung says dropping the syringe. He eyes you up and down, he should have known you'd be beautiful. The deadliest thing in this world is the most alluring.
You and him make eye contact and you stop struggling against the chains. Something about him is different from all the rest. You can't play with your finger on it, so you can tell that there is something about him that you find beguiling.
After what is basically an eternity of longingly staring at each other, Tsung drops the chains...as well as his pants.
Since that point you two couldn't seem to separate even if you wanted to, it's like those bounded your souls together. You're a match made in the darkest pits of hell, the realms will grow to fear and despise your union.
You amaze him with your powers and he amazes you with his. Sometimes when you're fighting someone or invading a village, one of you do extra and goury moves in hopes of impressing the other as well as possible one-upping the other. It is like a game you play, who is more vile, who is more twisted, who loves the other more.
Tsung lets you feed off him, not because you need it (you get plenty of blood for all the people you kill together) but out of mere sensation. He loves the feeling of your lips wrapped tight on his neck, you teeth sunk into him, it is such a sensual feeling for him, he loves it, especially when you make love. Gods, if that man ever becomes a vampire like you, then things will become 1000 times worse for all the realms.
Tsung never would've thought he'd be so I'm long with anyone besides himself. He loves you so much to the point that if it came down to sacrificing you or him, he might just sacrifice himself...he might.
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kunireo · 3 days
Random Blue Lock Headcannons
Characters included: Kunigami, Reo, Sendo, Ness, Kaiser, Rin, Bachira, Yukimiya : Brief mentions: Chigiri, Shido, Isagi (I colored the first time each name comes up in an HC to make each character easier to find!)
Summary: Random HCs of bllk characters!
Word count: ~804 words
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A/n: Hi everyone! I wanted to post my first fic to get myself into the fandom lol. These are just a collection of random bllk hcs I have, so I wanted to share them. Also, I have a full fic and actual hcs in the works! Please feel free to leave requests, but please read my rules first! Anyway, enjoy!!!
During the second selection, after Chigiri got stolen by Isagi’s team, Reo and Kunigami got close. They were left with each other and made the most of it. From training together, eating together, and bathing together, they ended up spending a lot of time with one another and became good friends. Also, after we see Shido's team walk in when all the teams that completed the selection do, Reo looked visibly upset Kunigami didn’t make it there. Reo felt the need to defend him being there saying Kunigami didn’t have what it took to get through the selection. I know it’s partly because everyone was upset Kunigami didn’t make it and Reo felt like he had to defend his ego. Despite that, part of me chooses to believe it is because Reo himself was genuinely upset Kunigami didn’t make it through since they became close and Reo said what he said to try and make himself feel better about his friend no longer being in the selection.
Sendo is an amazing friend and hilarious. He might not be the best striker known to man, and he definitely didn’t seem like an enjoyable person during the U-20 match, but I think he’s genuinely an amazing friend. His entire team stood up for him and I think it’s because he’s such an amazing friend. If everyone stood by his side, knowing they might not win, it shows they have a deep connection with him. I also think Sendo is just insanely funny. I don’t really have anything to prove this other than I think he would just be super funny.
Ness has a secret fan account on TikTok where he posts edits of Kaiser. He takes clips of Kaiser’s best plays and makes them velocity edits and puts them to such hype songs. He once made an edit of Kaiser to the song “Me, Myself, and I” (the one trending on TikTok). The edit starts at the part of the song that goes, “And the music does me good and it gets me every time” and at that part, it just shows Kaiser walking around the field. Then when the song does “bum bum bum bububum etc.” it shows Kaiser’s best plays. (When this arc gets animated I need to make that edit).
Rin finds random inspirational quotes on Google like “look in the mirror… that’s your competition” ( I just ripped that off Google rn lol). He has many of them and tapes them on the wall across from his bed. The first thing he sees once he sits up in bed are these quotes. He reads them to himself every single morning, without fail, and then continues on with his day.
Kaiser loves tea. That honestly might be canon and I just forgot. His favorite type of tea is Cardamom. He has no real reason for this (other than it is the best type of tea, no discussion there). There are many health benefits to it though, like improved blood circulation, so he uses that reason when people ask why it’s his favorite. He thinks saying that makes him look more professional and athletic. In all honesty, he just likes how it tastes and he feels fancy because it is “cardamom” and not just black or green tea.
Bachira knows a lot about zodiac signs. His mother was really big on them, so he knows all about them. For fun, he would either guess or ask people what their sign was. If he liked them, he would say good traits about them. If he disliked them, or wanted to mess with them, he would make fun of their sign. When he met Isagi, he had a feeling he was an Aries. Once he found out, it just confirmed what he already knew — they really were a perfect pair. When on a team together during the second selection, Bachira found out Rin was a Virgo. Bachira held nothing back. He basically psychoanalyzed Rin after he found out and explained that Rin cannot accept his imperfections and refuses to make it look like he needs to improve on things. Rin definitely didn’t like Bachira after that one. Bachira can also read birth charts, but that’s something to talk about another time.
Yukimiya wanted to dye his hair once. He thought it would be cool to do. He didn't even want to do anything drastic, maybe pick a random color for his tips, or get highlights, or maybe dye all his hair a natural color. He never ended up doing it because his modeling manager said it would make it difficult for him to get any gigs. He loved modeling more than the idea of dying his hair, so he never did it. Every once in a while, he still thinks about doing it.
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descalld · 5 months
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Practice or smth.. I wanted to take a break from another piece I was working on, so I decided to doodle myself looking all grumpy like. Resting-bitch-face gang~ Also I couldn't be arsed to draw out all the hair C:
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keeps-ache · 2 months
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wink blink look !!
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wonder-worker · 9 months
Thomas Penn writes about 500 year old dead historical figures like they're celebrities in a gossip column
#it's funny to an extent but after a point it gets very grating#he has a wealth of information but he's far too sensationalistic and florid#and tends to choose the most unsympathetic and/or colorful interpretation of every situation and historical figure#he also has a habit of ... narrativizing history which doesn't really work for me#also his fatphobia re Edward IV was absolutely revolting#I was planning on ordering the Winter King but after looking at the synopsis and first 2 chapters that were available online - no thanks#I'm definitely not interested in reading about Henry VII supposedly being 'sinister' and 'Machiavellian' because he...ruled successfully?#because he did what kings (unfortunately) did all the time? How was he any different from the others?#also imagine calling *Henry VII* ruthless & unscrupulous when his predecessor murdered his own kid-nephews and his successor was Henry VIII#like please be serious#I had the same issue with the way he described Edward IV's reign. His descriptions were so theatrical and emphatic but#at the end of the day the things he was describing were very normal lol#or they would be normal if Penn didn't choose the most critical (and mocking tbh) perspective for every single thing#the way he described Henry VI's reign was also annoying but it thankfully had far less pagetime and was not the focus of his work#so it was comparatively more tolerable#i'm glad that he acknowledged the propaganda against Margaret tho. I didn't like how he described her but at the very least he acknowledged#that she was being slandered#also calling Warwick 'the regime's biggest headache' lmfao#and ig some of his analyses on Richard III were interesting. It helps that R3 had a very short and very dramatic reign from start to finish#so Penn's flourishing tone doesn't really feel out of place for it
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akkivee · 4 months
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kuukou has the uncanny ability to find his friends no matter where they are, and it’s supposed to be indicative of how well he knows them, eg him coming to find jyushi at his grandmother’s grave and picking up hitoya at his home after the wake of harmonious cooperation where kuukou’s root problem was he wasn’t really paying attention to his team, but like lol
how does he know this stuff lol????? like how did he come to learn where ichiro went to school???? ichiro looks less than thrilled to see kuukou show up so i doubt ichiro told him where he went to school lol did kuukou just wander around and happen to stumble across ichiro one day as he was leaving (very likely actually lmao)????? mysterious lol
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earl-grey-crow · 4 months
so. coyle.
#that's the best I can do right now I can't think of anything clever#I'm just sorta. WHAT is going on. what is kat not telling alice. what did jacob do. what is anything.#and kat being so close to seeing jacob?? only for the british to take him away??#I think that's why I'm just staring dumbly at my screen right now I can't believe it she was so close#chyler leigh you are amazing at communicating kat's emotions in the most devastating way#that last expression it looked like kat felt she could tear the british to pieces for taking her brother away#anyway. in other news#the way home hallmark#wouldn't be a hallmark series without a founder's day celebration#I'm a little wary of where they're taking del and what's his name? sam? if they're taking them anywhere#I hope they don't end up together partly because I don't like the idea of anyone replacing colton#partly because I don't really like him and partly because I don't think we need it#also have I missed something?? or have they not said that guy's name?? the one always at the coffee shop talking to alice#I still don't know if I like him or not he reminds me too much of brady (except for the fact he most definitely doesn't#have a five year plan) which is weird but he seems mildly interesting?#hmm parallels between the augustines and the town and the augustines and the time travelers? like always observing always something I don't#know I don't have coherent thoughts#elliot's father is. intense. to say the least. I have concerns#also not rita always trying to rip off tourists lol#and best for last: I like coyle tbh I'm so excited for the next episode because it looks like he'll be in a lot of it#I just really really hope they maintain his weird complexity and not be like oh you thought he was pond scum but he's not really it was jus#bad first impressions or whatever#I really hope they let him keep his paradox of sorta bad sorta good it's part of his charm#I was dying over that scene between him and kat like wow go off then#okay I think I've exhausted the tags enough#earl crow ramblings
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widevibratobitch · 2 years
will I ever be normal about those two 😭🥵
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totallyblooktacular · 2 years
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lost your head
#before i complain for the rest of these tags i should clarify this isnt vent art or anything lol we're cool#the fuckin. entire creative process behind the initial idea for this to what it is now is. 📱💥#the idea came at first on account of connecting the dots between two song lyrics#but when i came up w designs that would properly call back to said songs i was like ...#well this would just kind of look like me n saltwater wouldnt it. so i said fuck it its them#or would be. bc ive also been sitting on this for months i didnt start it until like 2 days ago -_-#also i had to bust out 3d models for this and ohhh my god tryign to figure out how to a) pose them and#b) translate that into a sketch that would reasonably fit my normal art style took. foreever#i ended up sketching the pose out like 3 dif times before landing on the one that i went over for these lines O(-<#and then i Fucked Up the head tilt anyways its hardly even tilted its just kind of awkwardly offset from the neck#oh well. theres other compositions...#n honestly like i think aside from the head (the actual point of the piece ...) i honestly didnt do too bad#definitely most limbs and hands are all a bit janky but like definitely not as janky as they couldve been yknow? which is cool#also enjoy the faces those did turn out particularly well i think. so like that is swag too. but god this is underwhelming#im just sitting here like wow this one rules (still disappointed anyways)#one last tag ijust realized i forgot the hair curl. exploding myslef immediately now#anyways i have to add categorizations now..#my characters#myself#underneath the dock
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sack-thing · 1 year
It's funny for me to imagine potential readers on my FFCC script, then imagine them think back about all the Luuram I post on this blog, and then being like "wait where's the ship, was it all a lie?"
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i went through this account’s handful of videos from this show, and i’m pretty confident that’s will roland, next to harrison chad as quince, despite the view being mostly obstructed from the angle this whole time. he’s Most Visible for a moment at the very end lol. since the costuming is just a buttonup and tie w/no especial “it’s This character, or Any character” cues, i’ll guess he’s “will roland” at this point, though that doesn’t mean he wasn’t appearing in some other capacity earlier. every pre-2018 xmas wrole cited in that tweet has been accounted for, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t been some of those characters more than once, as is definitely true for uncle peenie appearances
#the sixth annual show....twenty thirteen....don't know of any more specific info abt this one. like ''oh xyz pic is from then''#i think the third annual show in twenty ten was Probably his first one / the year of peter the coffee kid but that's still technically#an informed guess as it were lol....and evidently he was in the next yr's show as the christmas burgler / also just [ensemble]#but atm so far as i know regarding definite Dates / the Year; there's only this b/w that & the twenty fifteen 8th annual show there#wherein he was uncle peenie / virgin mary dancer / belly button puppet show puppeteer / will roland At Least#was like hmm twenty twelve/thirteen was The Black Suits times; would he have been able to make it...#but the fact that harrison chad does appear to be there suggests it was entirely plausible for anyone else in the cast to be#what with him playing brandon....and lo & behold does seem to be william next to him there#but yeah can't even speculate ''is This the show in which he played [role listed as having been played but hasn't been seen elsewhere]??''#b/c they've all been seen elsewhere at least the once#the other videos are mostly like twenty or thirty or six second increments of mostly the mister chestnut number & like one other full song#but there was like a forty second recording of Virgin Mary Ft. Her Dancers & i was like god can you imagine. i'll lose it.#by which one means be Head In Hands like keeling over a bit. but none of them was him lmao so [oh lord. imagine] averted beyond that#joe iconis christmas extravaganza#will roland#glad there's a more visible glimpse right at the end but my watching it all prior like Okay Come On Now lmfao#i mean at least it was evident most of the way that there was even a person there to go ''oh huh that could be him'' about#just still thinking about the ''mike wazowski'd but for the viewer / listener looking / listening for him'' experience from the other day#npr affiliate station ep abt gtm:pota that at least cited every oscr cast member by name w/the sole exception of will lmao. cmon#billions wide group shot showing everyone's face except whoops winston in the corner blocked by the group of extras. pointing#but w/these glimpses it's like; hey; it's Anything which is impressive; it's identifiable Enough; also hardly guaranteed. i'll take it
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