#they should have fuck in front of everyone at the party but i think ray and mew may have had stokes whatever i got what i wanted
25shadesoffebruary · 7 months
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I dare you to kiss Top.
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luuknowsbetter · 9 months
|Bucky Barnes x reader|
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soft!bucky | smut | MUY soft
Characters: y/n (reader). Bucky Barnes. Sam wilson. Natasha romanoff. Steve Rogers. Tony Stark. Wanda maximoff. Clint Barton. Bruce banner. Thor. Loki. Vision. Pietro maximoff. Stephen strange. Peter Parker.
Word counter:
Warnings: Mild smut, explicit language, and soft.
A/N: Hey, this is my first time writing a fic and I hope you enjoy it! Also,my first language is not English so some words are going to sound a bit weird sorry about that :/
The rays of light coming through his window managed to wake Bucky from his sleep…that and his girlfriend yn who had practically jumped on him yelling at him and saying a lot of sweet things congratulating him.
-Happy birthday my dear, you are now officially an old man! Said the girl in front of him leaning towards him to kiss his lips.
-You still love me yn- Bucky said and immediately kissed her again. The kiss intensified and before they knew it Yn was already on Bucky's lap, both half naked and the girl with her legs slightly spread. Un began to spread kisses all over her boyfriend's neck and bare chest as he let out sighs and a few moans. Yn's attention was drawn to the ex-soldier's pajama pants where there was a (not small) bulge down there. The girl smiled and directed her hands towards that lower area but just as she was about to do so the door to the room burst open revealing the avengers who had prepared a cake for Barnes.
-HAPPY BIRTH - OH GOD - Tony immediately closed the door of the room, bucky and yn looked at each other totally surprised and blushing because of what had just happened a second ago.
-We should have knocked, damn - Tony exclaimed as he looked at the rest of the team with a shocked expression on his face.
"That solves where yn was," Clint whispered to Natasha and she just nodded with a slight smile. -I think we should go to the living room and wait for them to come down," suggested Captain America and everyone agreed
"Oh fuck," Yn says, completely blushing, even over Bucky, who is still trying to process what just happened. "I think we'll leave this for later, sweetheart," Bucky says, somewhat blushing. Yn nods, they both get up and begin to dress quickly, after a few minutes they both arrive at the room, where all the avengers were.
"There you are," Natasha exclaims. "Nice gift, Buck?" Sam asks mockingly, Bucky just rolls his eyes, blushing. "Yeah, well, that surprised us all," says Steve as he takes a sip of his coffee. -Not me. - Sam, Nat, Tony, Wanda and Clint respond in unison. making yn giggle
The entire team continued with their things as they normally did. yn and Steve had organized a party for Bucky later that night, so they were getting things ready for the party, when suddenly yn walks up to Bucky, who was sitting on the couch in the living room reading a book, and yn walks up to him. behind and hugs him
"You can claim the gift later if you want, handsome," Yn whispers in Bucky's ear.
"I hope so, doll…" Bucky responds and places a kiss on his girlfriend's neck.
Needless to say, Bucky had a great time on his birthday.
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hughungrybear · 9 months
In today's episode, it seems everyone wants to have a clear definition of what they are to the other person.
It's clear with Nick, the way he pushes Boston to say that they are "boyfriends" rather than whatever bs term that Boston tries to feed him (sex friends, fuck buddy, friends with benefits, etc.), only to be disappointed every time.
It is clear with Ray and Sand. Though Ray insists they are 'friends', yet he cannot help but flirt with Sand every chance he gets. And Sand trying and (visibly) miserably failing not to fall for it. And Ray thinking that he still likes Mew more than a friend should further complicates things.
It is clear with Top and Mew where Top introduces Mew as his boyfriend only when convenient. Just look at that scene at the bar where they were dancing with headphones on. A man (possibly, an old fling) openly flirts with Top in front of Mew and Top just lets him. He didn't even bother to tell the guy that his boyfriend is right in front of him. However, during the hostel party, he has no problems claiming Mew as his.
As for Boston, he uses the murky definition of everyone's relationships to get what he wants (s*x with Top). The only ones safe from his mind games are Chueam and April.
Things are getting much more messier with Nick using his tech abilities to spy on Boston. With the way things are going, it seems Nick is more than a match for Boston when it comes to devious plays - and it's only Episode 3! Good gods, I wonder what else P'Jojo has stored for us? 😊
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stelladjarin · 2 years
Poolside Heartbreak
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Steve Harrington x fem!Reader
[3.9k] Best friends to lovers, childhood, mutual pining, crushes, heartbreak, Steve Harrington has a heart of gold, kept promises and fighting words. This needs a part 2 or 3 or 4, who knows?
It’s deafeningly silent. The lapping of the water against the edge of the pool is the only sound to hit your ears as night greets dawn’s rosy and warm fingertips, and there’s a soft golden hue to the clouds just off the horizon. The birds aren’t yet awake. There are no cars on the road. Steve hasn’t come downstairs. 
You rubbed the exhaustion from your eyes and took a languid sip of beer that’s too warm now. Sleep evaded you. The pool had offered to swallow your tears— repurpose them, reuse them the next time someone cannonballed into its depths. So, here you were: morning had come as it always does, and you were the only soul awake at the Harrington residence. You wished you were anywhere but the Harrington residence. 
It wasn’t anything Steve had done; no, your best friend, Steve, with his heart of gold and charming smile could never do anything to upset you, but he was still here with her downstairs in the bedroom that had been set aside for him and you. Not her. His car sat empty down the driveway, catching the first rays of sunlight as it filtered through the evergreen trees. He was still here, and you were still here, but you were not still here with him. 
The beer had numbed the pain, but you knew you’d get an ear-full from Steve Hawkins’ #1 Lifeguard Harrington for drinking so close to the water. “You could drown,” he’d shout as he shoved people onto the lawn nearby. “No CPR on my watch.” Ridiculous. Steve Harrington was ridiculous.
But he knew how to throw a fuckin’ party. The sun was rising, but it was only about an hour ago that the last party-goers had left. Everyone else crashed in a room, sauntering up the stairs and slamming doors too loudly, groaning as their heads hit soft, plush pillows. Everyone but you because she had left with him a long time ago. Back when the music was still blaring and Steve was twirling you around the lawn in a clumsy sort of dance. Ridiculous. 
You hadn’t noticed your boyfriend’s absence until you’d excused yourself to head to sleep much to Steve’s dismay. The bedroom door had been locked, but it wasn’t closed all the way, so, confused, you pushed it open slowly enough to see his limbs tangled with her and loud snores echoing off the walls. 
A rock settled in your throat, and electricity shot up your spine as you stood frozen for entirely too long. Your feet had moved before your brain did, retreating back into the hallway and avoiding everyone around you. If anyone had thought something was wrong, they didn’t stop to ask as your feet carried you to the treeline behind the Harrington house. It was dark, and you were drunk, and you were alone, and you weren’t thinking clearly, and someone really should have stopped to ask if you were okay, but your feet wouldn’t stop walking past the tall pines and into the grassy woods. One foot in front of the other, and soon you were breathing better. Your heart stopped pounding, but nausea took over. You blamed the alcohol in your system as you tried to forget him. Forget them. 
God, what a fucking idiot you’d been. The party was great. You caught up with friends and drank and had a beautiful time with your boyfriend, Dalton. He made you feel special. His eyes twinkled when he looked at you, and even when you weren’t, people always told you how in-love with you he was. He’d gone to get drinks when Steve had drunkenly pulled you over to the stereo, joking that, “you never dance! Come on! Like old times; for me?”
And you could never say no to the sweet puppy eyes Steve wore so well. Before you knew it, you were dancing with Steve to ABBA, and Dalton pushed a drink into your hands as he excused himself to the restroom. Song after song played before your legs threatened to give out, and your brain was beginning to think, I haven’t seen Dalton’s cute face in a while. 
You’d slapped at Steve’s shoulder and leaned into his ear as you yelled over the music, “I need to go to bed. I think Dalton’s asleep already.” 
Steve had given you a massive frown, but after much begging for you to stay and have fun, he relented and let you leave. 
And now here you were— feet dangling over the pool’s edge, sunlight beginning to warm the cool Indiana air, and birds waking the rest of the world up. There were no more party-goers trying to sober up, stretched across the lawn before their drive home. Steve was upstairs, sleeping soundly and unaware of the fact that there were cheaters in his downstairs bedroom, and his longest friend was poolside and heartbroken. 
The fact that you hadn’t even seen it coming was what hurt the most. Dalton was a steady boyfriend. You’d met freshman year, and things were going great. Of course, nothing was ever perfect, but you were happy and content with the relationship you had. He got along with all your friends, and, sure, Steve tended to give him a hard time, but it was all in good fun. Dalton never complained. Always brought flowers. Never argued. Always took you to dinner. Never flaked on plans. Always offered to carry your books. By all definitions, he was as lovely as lovely could be. So why was he in bed with another girl?
You couldn’t even think about her. Who was she even? You hadn’t stayed frozen in the doorway long enough to get a good look at her. Was she a mutual friend? Was she someone he’d met off-handedly at the party? Part of you wished it was someone you knew so you could at least lie and say, “oh, I always knew this would happen.” But the other part of you wished it was a stranger. Someone you wouldn’t have to wonder if there was always something between Dalton and this mystery girl. 
Beggars can’t be choosers. 
You knocked back the rest of the beer beside you and pulled another from the 6-pack you had stolen from inside. The empty bottle rolled a few feet away, clinking across the stone pavement. 
“Littering’s a bad look on you, sweetheart.”
“Jesus Christ,” you jumped, whirling your head to see a sleep-mused Steve Harrington padding barefoot towards you. He wore a lopsided smile and unkempt, wavy hair, groaning slightly as he took a seat beside you and let his feet sink into the water. He hissed at the cool water creeping up his warm skin, still cozy from bed. 
Steve chuckled as he relaxed and took in your appearance. Christ, you didn’t even want to guess what you looked like. His fingers reached and moved some hair behind your shoulder. “Did you sleep in your dress and makeup? I don’t know if you know this, but there’s this new thing called showering,” he teased, a curious look dragging his eyebrows into a knot. 
You sighed, trying to smile at his stupid joke. Yeah, you were sure your hair was a frizzy mess. Dress still clinging to your sides and riding up your thighs. Makeup smudged across your skin. “Sure, Steve,” you grumbled, and you hated the rasp of your voice, “didn’t get around to sleeping yet.”
“What?” He asked as he scooted a little closer to you. He leaned his weight onto his palm which rested behind you on the pavement, and his free hand gripped your knee. “Are you alright?”
That dreaded question. 
“Yeah,” you breathed, shrugging. You stared across the pool at a light beneath the surface. “You know, just, Dalton’s in bed with someone else, so, couldn’t really fall asleep after that.”
A heart beat of silence passed before Steve’s hand on your knee moved to gently guide your chin to face him. His eyes were intense. Piercing through you, his deep pupils sucked you in, freezing you in place. “He cheated on you?” Steve asked with a voice you’d only heard a few times while he threatened some out-of-line classmates. It was a tone reserved for fights and aggression. Yet his body language was nothing but concern. 
Steve was leaned in close to you with his fingers still ghosting around your jaw. His shoulder leaned against your’s, and his eyes held you in a steady gaze. 
It was all you could do to nod softly before tears fell across your cheeks, and that lump in your throat was back. It burned your skin, blurred your vision, constricted your chest until you could breathe, and you were collapsing onto Steve’s chest as sobs rattled your ribcage. 
He held you firmly against him. A hand buried in your hair, Steve mumbled promises against your ear. That idiot better not let me see his face. You’re alright. I swear to God, I’ll find out who it is and how long it’s been going on for. Hey, breathe for me; I’ve got you. I promise you’re alright, sweetheart. 
His skin was warm. His words melted like honey down your heart. His arms stopped your trembling. His shirt absorbed your tears. His lips moved to your temple to press a short, chaste kiss before he moved back to inspect your face. 
“You’re okay,” he whispered as his thumb swiped your tears away. He nodded his head to the side. “Come on; let me make you some breakfast before I tuck you into bed, yeah?”
Lightning shot up your spine. “Steve,” you hurried, “they’re—“ still here, but the words died in your throat as the image of them tangled in sheets together flashed before your eyes. 
Steve’s gentle expression took a moment to harden as the unsaid words pieced together in his mind. “No fucking way,” he half-laughed, disbelieving. His head shook as if trying to wake himself from a dream; his tongue poked the inside of his cheek, and there was a wildness in his eyes now. He stood, dropping his grip on you and marching back to the house. “Stay there,” his voice called to you over his shoulder. 
“Hey, dickhead!” Steve’s voice was booming as he swung the backdoor open. 
Minutes passed, and the sun was creeping further up the length of the trees, warm light sparkling off the water’s surface and beginning to blind you with its brilliance. The birds were in full-swing with their early morning chorus of calls and tweets. You took a half-hearted swig of beer. No use in sobering up now. 
There was a commotion outside on the other side of the house. “Yeah, go fuck yourself, Jones,” you heard Steve shout. “Get in your car, fuck off, and don’t ever look at her again. Do you fucking hear me? I don’t want to catch you near her again, asshole.”
Muffled shouting followed, but the words were too slurred to make out. The voice, however, was distinctly Dalton’s. Deep baritone rumbling across the lawns to hit your heart and shoot poison into your bloodstream. 
“Oh, are you gonna cry?” Steve mocked. “Go home, and write in your diary about it, fuck face.”
A door slammed incredibly loudly, and moments later, Steve was storming out the back door towards you again. His eyebrows were pinched together, and that look in his eyes was ever-present as he knelt before you, gently coaxing the beer bottle from between your fingers. “Hey,” he whispered in an attempt to relax. Oxygen flooded his lungs, puffing out his chest and smoothing the lines that had etched his face. His eyes closed for a moment. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and when he looked at you again, he was kinder, warmer, gentler. “Hey,” he repeated as his fingers brushed hair behind your ears, “breakfast time?” 
You swallowed back the anxiety that was building in your stomach. You weren’t hungry at all, but the promise of Steve’s loving attention and honey brown eyes looking at you so intently was enough to make you nod your head. “Are they gone?” You found yourself asking.
“Who?” Steve grinned. “No idea who you’re talkin’ about, princess. It’s just us.”
You blew a laugh through your lips and rolled your eyes at his nonchalance. “Is that dickhead and his new girlfriend gone, Steve?”
“Oh, them. Yeah,” he nodded, a more serious look overtaking his features. “Kicked ‘em out. You won’t be hearing from him again.” Steve offered you his hand, palm laid open to you and fingers curling over yours as you accepted his grasp. 
With unsurprising ease, he pulled you to your unsteady feet, but Steve had apparently anticipated your stumbling since he carefully wrapped an arm around your waist and guided you slowly towards the house. 
“Do I know her?” You whispered gently. 
Steve hummed. “Don’t think so. She’s a freshman, actually. She came with Stacey, I think. Rebecca? I think that’s her name, but, hey, don’t worry about that shit, okay?” He looked down at you, and the look in his eyes seemed to be begging you to agree. “You’re too good for that piece of shit anyways. You know how shit he is at diving? Slapped the water like a fuckin’ dead body last meet. You don’t need that in your life, okay? Believe me, you can do so much better.”
He held the door open for you and let you walk ahead of him into the cool air of the kitchen. The lights were off, and the house was steeped in a relaxing silence, almost like a museum showcasing the debauchery that had gone on the night before. 
“A freshman,” you mumbled. “He cheated on me with a freshman?” 
“He’s a creep. Forget him, please?”
You settled into a barstool at the island and watched as Steve moved to pull out pans for breakfast. “What the hell did I do to deserve being cheated on with a fucking freshman? That’s fucking insane.” 
“Hey,” Steve said, voice firm and commanding. He was staring at you with a frying pan swinging idly in his fist. He paused to watch you, and you felt like you were kids on the playground again, waiting for Steve to make the next move. “How do you want your eggs?” He asked gently. 
“Scrambled,” you answered as you resigned to dropping the Dalton situation. Steve was right— stop wallowing in self-pity over a loser. 
But Dalton wasn’t a loser. He was popular like Steve. They ran in the same crowds. That’s how you met. You’re Steve’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean you’re popular and well-liked like he is. No, you’re popular by association, so it was at one of Steve’s infamous parties that you met Dalton and his charming smile and funny personality. He’d wined and dined you not long after, sweeping you off your feet, and the next thing you knew, you were at swim meets cheering Dalton on and sharing kisses at his locker. 
Without Dalton, you were back to just being Steve’s friend. And now, you’d be even more on the outskirts of the crowd, shunned by Dalton’s friends. Steve’s friends were no better. Carol and Tommy tolerated you, but with ammo against you, who’s to say they wouldn’t torment you under the guise of just poking a little fun. It was their favorite pastime, poking fun at anyone who was down. Steve didn’t really partake, but he didn’t stop them either. Maybe he wouldn’t stop them when they had something to say about you. 
Of course he would. He’d kicked out and verbally abused Dalton 10 minutes before, and now he was cooking breakfast for you in his kitchen. Of course he’d defend you. You’d been friends since kindergarten. 
The memory was hazy; years of friendship turning the day you met sepia with nostalgia, but you knew the gist of it. You’d been climbing the monkey bars, hanging upside down to show off how long you could withstand the rush of blood to your head when a certain little boy had claimed he could do it longer. He’d crossed his arms in front of his chest and grinned that stupidly smug smile at you as you blinked away the dizziness. 
Frowning, you challenged him, and, well, that’s where it gets hazy. Your mom says you both ended up in the nurse’s office, sick from nausea but still arguing over who had really won the competition. 
Thus, your friendship began. A little over a decade later, Steve was still your best friend and strongest supporter. You pushed each other to be the best you could be. Follow dreams and all that coming-of-age movie bullshit Steve always found so charming. 
You huffed a laugh and watched Steve now as he made a show of flipping a pancake by shaking the pan around. He beamed at you when he succeeded, and you bit back the reluctant smile that danced on your lips, opting to roll your eyes instead. “Very cool, Prince Charming,” you drawled, which made Steve laugh. 
A heartstring was plucked at the sound of it. Defrosting the chill that had stopped it for the past few hours. Steve always seemed to have that sort of effect. Pulling the ones he loves most out of their pit of despair. It was perhaps his strongest asset, and certainly the one you valued the most. 
His eyes were creased into happy half moons, crinkling in the corners as he smiled at you. “Why, thank you,” he bowed slightly in mock respect. He took a plate down from the cabinetry and filled it with a pancake, eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. He slid it across the kitchen island. “For you, my dear.”
“Thank you, kind sir.” These games of excessive politeness were always comical. Steve was good at making you laugh at his over-the-top expressions and mannerisms. Ridiculous. Steve Harrington is ridiculous. 
Steve had his own plate, but instead of sitting, he opted to stand beside you and inspect the bites you took. You peered up, popping an eyebrow at him. “Can I help you?” 
He smiled almost shyly and looked down at his own plate. “Just makin’ sure you’re actually eating something, not just picking at it,” he said. “Eat, then we can put you to bed, yeah?”
“Sure,” you breathed quietly. His sincerity was never missed since it never disappeared. He was always like this. With those big brown eyes and unwavering kindness. “I should, um,” you cleared your throat and ripped your eyes away from him to stop the fluttering in your chest. Your gaze landed on the various beer bottles and trash littering the floor. “I should help you clean, Steve. Not fair for you to throw a great party, come to my rescue, and clean.” 
“No, no, no,” he said quickly, waving his fork around. “You came to the party, danced your ass off, got cheated on, didn’t sleep, and drank all my beer until the sun came up.” He leaned forward a bit and wiggled his eyebrows with a smirk on his lips. “Get some sleep, please.”
You leaned forward too. Inches away from his face. A flicker fast as lightning crossed his features before he returned to his playful smugness. But you held his gaze coolly. “Okay,” you whispered before retreating. 
It was weird. This back and forth game you two played. You weren’t sure when it began. Middle school, probably, when the hormones start going crazy, and being in close proximity to Steve Harrington did nothing but fuel the fires of your infatuation with him. You knew there had to be a part of him that felt the same, but it never manifested into anything other than recess flirting. There was the occasional kiss in a heated moment, but those were few and far between. Reserved for school dances or drunken parties. More often were the friendly, reassuring forehead pecks. A break-up or a congratulations. But nothing was ever serious. You’d never dated, and you’d certainly never slept together. No, Steve had a whole pond of girls waiting to jump at his line. He had plenty of blonde cheerleaders and rich classmates to occupy his time. You were separate. 
Your relationship had remained unchanged for the better part of a decade, and you weren’t going to chance a change now that he was largely all you had left. Especially now, after Dalton. God, school on Monday would be hell. The thought of Carol and her shit-eating grin, eyes looking you up and down with unbelievable arrogance. Tommy wasn’t any better. He loved to watch Carol make her prey squirm, then he’d jump them. Steve— 
Steve always watched. Silent. That intrusive thought crept up your spine again. Would Steve defend you? His unpopular friend that was only considered off-limits because of his proximity to you and Dalton. Now that one of those factors was eliminated, would you still be spared? Would Steve be enough to protect you?
“Done?” Steve asked, jolting you from your mental spiral.
“Yeah,” you sighed. “Um, hey,” fuck, “can I ask you something?”
He was picking at the eggs you didn’t eat as he shrugged. “Anything.”
“So,” God this was stupid, “on Monday, do you think I should be worried?”
Steve’s eyebrows pinched together. “Worried?” He echoed. “About what? We got a test or something I forgot about? Shit, do we need to study?”
“No, no, Steve, Dalton? Do I need to worry about what he���s going to go around saying? About what everyone else is going to say?”
“Why would you worry about what that piece of shit has to say? He’s the one that cheated on you with a freshman.”
“Yeah, but,” but, “he’s friends with Carol and Tommy and all of those people. I mean, you’re friends with them too, but you know they like to talk.”
Steve shook his head dismissively and turned to dump the plates in the sink. “Yeah, they like to talk, but fuck ‘em. What, they’re going to talk about you? They can’t talk about you without talking about me, so what are they going to do? Fuck over the only guy that keeps them out of trouble? Yeah, fuck that,” he laughed. 
“Yeah,” you breathed. “So, you— you would say something to them? If they said something bad about me.”
He turned to look at you. His eyes raked over yours. “Of course I would. Are you kidding? You know I would. Fuck those guys. But they’re not going to say shit about you anyways, so don’t even worry about that. You think Dalton’s going to get anyone on his side? You’re joking.”
“Well, he’s definitely got more bitchy friends than I do.”
Steve laughed again, hearty and deep. “Fuck Dalton and his little army of idiot monkeys.” He swung a dish towel over his shoulder and crossed the distance between you two in a few short steps. He leaned onto the kitchen island in front of you, settling his weight onto his forearms until he was invading your personal space. Those brown eyes of his studied you for a moment before glancing down at your lips, back up to your eyes, and raising an eyebrow at you. “You’ve got Steve fucking Harrington behind you, sweetheart. The fuck do you need anyone else for?”
He flashed an arrogant grin at you and spun back to the dishes in the sink. You supposed he was right. Steve ran Hawkins High, and anyone would be a moron to piss him off. The King, they called him. No matter what his foot soldiers thought about the situation, whether they sided with Dalton or not, Steve fucking Harrington was the one to stand behind. 
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physicalturian · 2 years
The lengths I would go to - Hanma Shuji X F!Reader
[Probably contains spoilers from the anime and the manga][She/Her pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone is +18]
[Spoilers from Deranged Love]
Words : 8 084
Summary : You needed to prove you were something, to shows Bonten and Hanma you had value. You did the only thing you thought you do just that : kidnap Ran Haitani.
Warnings : Rape Joke / Voyeurism / Non-Con Voyeurism / Incest Jokes / Hair Pulling / Mention of rape (no rape) / Unprotected sex / Creampie
Right as I sent him a text, I felt some regret.
But only for a second. For just a second. After all, why would I regret what I was about to do? I needed to show him what was going on. Since he was stupid enough to disrespect us a few days ago at his brother’s party in front of so many people, I needed that respect back—one way or another. Bonten did things the hard way, the smart way, the right way .
Sighing contently, I placed my phone on the coffee table in Hanma’s apartment and walked to his— our bedroom. If it all went according to plan, it wouldn’t be too hard to get him to do whatever I needed him to do.
Have you seen the chemistry he had with that woman? They were probably talking about you. He’s not stupid enough to come to you. No one is.
“Of course he still likes me, he threw me a gaze and I felt it. Just one last hope, it’s enough, right? To get him to play my little game.” I told her. If she was going to stick around, why not talk and have fun? I’ve always wanted friends… good ones. Shiho would be gone soon, I knew it. Hanma said so. And Rai? Rai was never leaving. I huffed a dry laugh to myself and took off all my clothes.  
Looking at my figure in the mirror, I gently trailed a finger on the tattoo on my sternum and smiled, “He doesn’t respect me, I’ll show him what I can do.” Staring at myself for a second, my eyes widened shortly, “ Everyone will . I’m not weak anymore.”
Without much care, I opened the wardrobe and reached for one of my best dresses. After all, Ran was an easy man, if a whore was enough to please him—if my person dressed in work clothes was enough to make him want me, then he was a simple man. They all were, all but Hanma.
I caught a glimpse of myself smiling in the mirror and felt my face flush like a stupid little girl before turning around and getting dressed. It was pretty exciting to be doing this alone, of my own incentive. Not only would it show Bonten that I was worth it—after all, I would be putting my hands on one of their executives so easily, something many wanted—but it would also honor Hanma. I couldn’t handle being the reason they hated him even more.
Speak of the devil , I thought upon hearing my phone ring in the other room. Grabbing a pair of heels on my way out, I ran to the living room and picked up the phone a bit out of breath, “Hi.”
“Did I interrupt your fun, doll?” God, his voice. It was so easy to get me to relax the moment I heard his voice, I felt myself smile just from it. “Here I thought I’d fuck you numb once I’m home, guess you won’t be needing it.”
Interrupting him in excitement, I let myself fall on the couch and huffed a laugh, “Oh, we’re gonna fuck alright, I was doing some…” I looked around, finding the room almost spotless from this morning, “Preparations, for your surprise.”
Hanma hummed in curiosity. I heard his shirt brush against the speaker of the phone then the slamming of his door, his voice dropping a few octaves as he smiled, “ Not the biggest fan of surprises. Don’t play coy and come clean already .” Although his tone seemed light enough, I felt his annoyance and my heart beat faster in stress. Should I tell him or still keep it a surprise? I did not have much time to think, so I did the easiest thing, “Come home and you’ll see. Bye, bye.” Then I hung up.
My phone was thrown on the couch like it was scalding hot, I’d rather not see his pissed-off texts or I knew I’d change my mind. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed it again only to put some music on the speakers, something to get in the mood…
Scrolling through everything, I found the perfect playlist and put my phone back on the table before walking up to the alcohol cabinet. Seeing the glasses and bottles reminded me of what I had copped from Shiho yesterday.
“Shi, don’t ask questions but… do you know where I can get any drug to make someone pass out?” I had asked her. She was surprised at the time, speechless for a few seconds as she looked at me with worried eyes before rummaging through her bag. A few seconds passed, and she pulled out a little pouch. It looked like something to stash pads or tampons in, but inside was a more metallic sound of medicine clinking alongside a box. A few more moments passed, and I felt my entire body cold from stress. I had never really done that of my own free will, it was not that bad, right? I wasn’t going to do anything to him, he’d just have to be asleep if I wanted to overpower him… yeah.
Her hand was placed on the table delicately as she slid it toward me.
“One roofie tablet for the lady.” She said with a laugh.
I immediately pushed her hand away, grabbing it and shoving it in my bag, “Thank you.”
“I don’t wanna ask questions, but I’m curious. So I’ll still ask, feel free to not answer but–” She paused, her brows furrowing, “Are they really putting you to the drugging task for their stupid missions and stuff? I mean, I’d rather know you’re safe than be out there shooting people, don’t get me wrong.”
My nervous giggle of relief interrupted her, making her confused. I could roll with that, I thought, “Yeah, I—yeah, I guess I did good during that Casino thing so… thank you for not thinking it was for me, I don’t need that to sleep or anything.” 
“Listen, listen, you may have–” she mimicked slicing her throat, her tongue out and eyes closed, “someone, but he had pressured you… yes.” She nodded, convincing herself. I did not reply, knowing full well what I was about to do out of my own volition with this drug. She smiled and continued her kind rant that defended me, something I just knew she would do until the end. Something I knew was wrong to let her believe, but found solace in. 
As she spoke, I was already imagining how I would drug him.
Opening my bag on the cabinet, I grabbed the tablet and put it in the glass. I made sure to pour something only he would drink. I didn’t know the man as much as I needed to make sure he would go with the plan, but I was confident in my observation skills. He did not seem the type to like fruity stuff, so I poured myself something with red berries—that way I was sure he would not take my drink—and left the glasses there. 
Now all I had to do was wait for him to arrive.
I knew Hanma would be there in about an hour, maybe less, but Ran? If he arrived after Hanma it’d be messy. He needed to arrive earlier to give me enough time to take care of him and prepare my gift to Hanma. “Oh shit, I forgot!” I exclaimed to myself before hurrying to the bedroom and finding a plastic bag I had shoved under the bed.
“Let’s swing by the home depot real quick, I need to get some stuff.” I told Shiho as we got up to leave the café. My eyes glanced at the bathroom, remembering that fight I had with Rai last time we came here. Had I been able to convince her at that time, she wouldn’t—
Oh, what’s done is done. 
It could have gone differently, don’t you think?
What’s done. is. done.
Shiho nodded and put on her jacket, hooking her arm with mine as she led us outside, making me look ahead instead of staring at the bathroom. “I could probably find some nice drapes for Haru’s place, the windows are huge. Don’t get me wrong, I’m into some public stuff, but people don’t have to see me right when I wake up, you know?” She explained, walking rapidly.
Humming, I looked around, feeling like someone was following us, “Suites have blinds, don’t they?” I said off-handedly, my eyes sweeping the streets, trying to catch the person who was following us. I thought I had seen someone looking our way at some point, but they entered a shop soon after, so I let it slide. The odd feeling remained even as we entered the store while Shiho explained how closing the blinds would ‘show they didn’t want to be seen’. How Sanzu argued that showing fear and paranoia would mean we were not strong enough in the eyes of our enemies.
I suppose it sounded like Bonten; if someone had a problem with them, all they had to do was come at them. They were more than kind to listen, the actions taken afterwards were not as kind, however.
“Some rope, but not too rough. Something like…” I reached for a white rope that seemed malleable enough, I could tie it without too much effort. What kind of knot would work, though?
You’re considering drugging a man and tying–
Shut up.
“Damn girl, is there some kinky stuff going on with pole guy? You know, this kinda reminds me of that book with uh–” Shiho started, but I shook my head and was faster to stop her daydreaming, “It’s for Hanma.” It wasn’t a lie, it was for him that I was doing this. “I need to buy some.” It was true. I needed to buy it, not for his use, but ultimately… it was all for him.
The woman laughed and reached for some rope, looping it around her shoulder. She mumbled something to herself then looked at me, “Tell me when.” I watched her wrap, when it was enough so that it did not look too suspicious, I told her to stop and thanked her before cutting the rope. Usually, I’d come to this store maybe for oil for my wooden furniture or nails to hang up pictures here and there.
Never had I thought I’d need to come for this.
It was a quick trip, I paid, was handed a plastic bag with the goods, and left the store.
“I should cut some, I’m not going to need that much…” I pondered out loud, about to get up to reach for some scissors until I heard a knock on the door.
Panicked, I stood up and grabbed the bag with me before throwing it under the couch so it was within range once he passed out.
Putting on Hanma’s bathrobe, making sure it fell off my shoulder as I opened the door, I also put on a smile like a weapon. If it was Hanma, I needed to calm him down; if it was Ran, I needed to get him in the mood to relax. Whichever it was, I needed to look enticing. Taking a deep breath to calm down, I brushed my dress down and pulled at the neckline slightly so it hung lower.
“Coming.” I said in a bored tone, turning the key and opening the door slowly, peeking behind the door. I held back a smirk at the sight of Ran dressed up nicely. He was usually wearing a suit, sure, but the amount of cologne he wore was a bit of a giveaway of the effort he had put into this. Looking him up and down, I met his gaze and smiled, “You cleaned up nicely, Haitani.”
He huffed a dry laugh and nodded at the door.
I opened it fully, showing off how I was dressed. He purposely walked past me, barely giving me a glance, letting me shut the door behind him. “This is Hanma’s place, what’s the catch?” He said, his guard visibly still up. He was going to make this harder than it was supposed to be, I didn’t have time for this.
Rolling my eyes, I walked up to him and gestured for him to hand me his jacket, “He’s not home, I’m just trying to clear the air between you and I.” I said, turning around to hang his jacket before facing him once more. I took off the bathrobe and tossed it on the free seat. “If we’re going to work together, we might as well act like adults and not hate each other, right?” 
Reaching for the cabinet, I grabbed my drink and brought it to my lips before Ran placed his hand between the glass and my face, “What’s truly going on, psycho?”
I sighed and realized he was going to make me say everything he needed to hear before believing anything from me. Pleading looks, he needed that. I glanced up at him with doe eyes then bashfully turned my head to the side, “What you all said at Rindou’s party… it kinda struck a nerve, you know?” I paused, he did not move but was intently listening. The poor man was already hooked, his attention fully drawn to my lips and each word that was about to flood from them, “I overreacted out there, I yelled, I got mad, I was… humiliated.” Lies . I was angered, and exhausted by their lack of respect for me.
“Keep going, I like where this is going. I’m sure you’ve got more of this.” He said with a smirk, his hand reaching for the drink meant for him as he took a sip and stared at me. I held back a victorious smile and reached for his free hand, “I liked how you chased me.” I said softly, he almost spat his drink but swallowed before meeting my eyes with newfound excitement. 
“You cut your hair just like Hanma for me, right? It was cute, you know…”
This time he laughed fully, leaning in with his breath right against the shell of my ear, “You’re gonna have to try harder if you want me to believe you.” His hand gripped the back of my head, tilting it back as his lips ghosted over mine, “That silly game of yours isn’t cutting it, so be honest and I’ll see what to do with you.”
A smile drew itself on my lips, this was something I was never going to admit to anyone but I got turned on by his roughness. Seeing him more forceful, less pitiful, trying to show he was the shit, it was sort of…
“Speak, psycho.”
So I spoke, “ I wanted to get a taste before you picked her. ” Was it a lie? Yes… of course I didn’t want him. He needed to hear this. I didn’t want him, but he wanted me to want him, that’s why I said that. Ran seemed shocked for a second, his grip lessening only a little before he forced my head to the side and inhaled my perfume, “I knew you were fucked up, but cheating’s an all-time low.”
I scoffed and pulled out of his grip, chugging my drink quickly before slamming it on the counter, “You gotta taste different flavors to know which is your favorite, right?” I met his gaze as he mimicked my actions and gulped down the rest of his drink. A chill of excitement ran down my spine, I’d have goosebumps if some were not all over my body already from how mad he was getting. This was too thrilling.
“Then I’ll–” His words died out, cotton-mouthed. His eyes darted to me in confusion, oh , the taste of one-upping him. “I’ll show you.” He was struggling to speak, his glass shattering on the ground as his hand reached out for me. I let out a sigh of annoyance at the display in front of me but let it happen, watching him turning more and more confused, “‘ou ‘ucking ‘itch.” He finally said as his limbs gave in. With a grimace, I stepped back to avoid his body falling at my feet and stepped over it, joining him in seconds when he reached for my ankle and made me fall on the ground.
I swore at him, kicking his hand away as I pushed myself from the floor and hissed at the glass shards that had grazed my skin, “Will you fucking sleep? For fuck’s sake.” One kick in his side, his hand fell by it as he finally drifted to sleep.
“That’s a whole mess, and for what?” I rolled my eyes, brushing the shards out of the way to grab his ankles and drag him to the couch, “You couldn’t pass out on your back? You had to do it face down, dramatic bitch.” I sighed, making myself laugh before the dread of the words I’d uttered reached my brain. My grip tightened around his ankles for a second—I stared at Ran’s body and my eyes widened. Kneeling by his side, I helped his body on the couch and started muttering, “I didn’t mean it, I don’t want him at all. You believe me, right?”
What are you even doing?
“I only want him, not Ran. I don’t want Ran, I want Hanma. You have to believe me.” I looked at the ceiling and smiled, worried, fearing he had heard all the lies I had spilled. This buzzing was growing louder and louder, I could barely hear myself talk.
“We have to show them all we’re worth it, it’s all for you .” I whispered, laying Ran on his side with a loud huff on my part at how heavy the man was. His legs on the side of the couch, I half sat on it as I tied his hands behind his back.
Do you see yourself?
“I see that work needs to be done!” I stood up, looking at Rai only to see nothing, but I continued, “And I’m the only cut to do it! Okay?!” I told her, unnerved by the attitude she was giving me. Ticked off by my heels, I hurriedly took them off and tossed them aside before going to the kitchen to get everything I needed to clean the shards off the ground. It needed to be spotless for him, it was his surprise, it had to go perfectly.
Once everything was tossed away, I helped Ran sit on the couch, his head resting on the back of it, “Now we wait, right? You and I…” I uttered, putting back on Hanma’s bathrobe before slumping on the empty seat in front of Ran.
Humming a song to myself, I looked at Ran and said, “See, if I were the one passed out, you’d be on top of me in an instant.” My smile dropped, and I stood up to pour myself another drink, giving him a dirty look, “Watch how easy it is to not assault people.” I looked around to see what else I could move for the scene to be perfect—staring at the coffee table for too long, I decided to get it out of the way and grabbed some blankets from the bed, laying them in front of the couch. 
Still kneeling on the blankets, I looked up at Ran’s passed-out form and grinned, “It’s going to be such a show!”
Just as those words escaped my lips I heard keys rattling at the door; I had left mine in. In no time, Hanma’s voice was heard. I got to my feet in seconds and was about to open, but instead listened, “If you locked yourself in ‘cause you’re scared…” He trailed off a few seconds, it was exciting, “Then you’re right. But I can’t really hunt you down if you’re locked in. We both know how much you love to be chased.”
I opened the door.
I greeted him in that beautiful dress, his bathrobe on my form, somehow trying to hide Ran behind me which Hanma saw and gently pushed me aside, “Doll.” He turned around, I noticed the bag in his hand and ignored his warning tone. The one I knew would get me in trouble. I closed the door and nodded at his hand, “What’s in the bag?” I smiled.
He smiled back, but without the sweetness.
Handing me the bag, he purposely ignored the body on the couch and cooed, “You didn’t think I wouldn’t get you a gift, right?” When I reached out to take it, he got it out the way, “I bought it before you went rogue, so we’ll open it after you explain yourself, yeah?” Placing the bag on the counter, he grabbed the drink I handed him and chugged it down in two gulps before tapping the corner of his mouth, looking at me intently.
Feeling my heart beat fast in my chest, I stepped closer and held the side of his face before wiping the droplet from the corner of his mouth with my thumb, “There.” I breathed out, my hand trailing down his shirt before hooking on his belt.
He smiled tightly and gripped my wrist before pulling me to the couch and letting go of me; I was offended. With a huff, I made sure not to look at Ran and frown at Hanma, but he gripped my jaw tight, “Do you know how many fucking rules you broke?”
“Since when do we care–”
His eyes widened in a crazed haze, “You’re nothing, do you get that?” His hands cradled my face as he ghosted his lips over mine, his eyes never leaving mine, “The only one who can do shit without consequences—it’s fucking Mikey, no one else.” He laughed dryly, almost exhausted. It wasn’t supposed to go like this at all.
What did you expect? That he’d praise you for being crazy?
I’m not crazy, he gets my vision, I know it.
I was starting to worry, looking at him with wide eyes, “How do you think he’ll react when he learns you kidnapped one of his execs for…?” He trailed off, making me understand I needed to tell him why I did that, so I kissed him hesitantly, he did not return the kiss, “For you…”
He huffed a laugh and let go of me, I reached for his hand and pulled him towards me again, stopping him from walking away, “Doesn’t it show that I’m smart?” I raised my tone slightly, pointing at Ran’s passed out form, “That I am worth something? I managed to get one of Bonten’s executives down. I’m not going to do shit to him, but it shows I’m something, right?!” I brought his hand to my lips and kissed it before wrapping it around my neck, “Tell me I’m something, please. I wanted to show–” My words were getting caught in my throat, how humiliating.
Then I stopped being stupid and dropped the bathrobe before pulling down my panties from under my dress, tossing them aside, “We had to show him how it’s done, right?” Hanma’s hands found themselves on my hips, pulling me against him as his lips grazed my head, “They don’t want us together ‘cause—they’re jealous, that’s what he is, he is jealous 'cause he’s never going to get me, so show him I’m yours.” I breathed out, buzzing with excitement. Ran wouldn’t ever say that, it was too embarrassing to admit after all.
With my hands on his collar, I pulled him closer to me, wanting to be one with him. Our lips a breath apart, I looked him dead in the eyes, pleading, “Show him I’m yours.” I repeated.
“Are ya asking me to fuck you in front of a Haitani?” He whispered against my lips, the smile that adorned his beautiful features sending butterflies to my stomach. I giggled and pushed at his chest, trying to get him to tumble back on the blankets but he held strong, unmoving. It irked me. “I’m asking you to show me off, to claim me.” I breathed out.
Instead of laying down, he grabbed me and forced me to my knees in seconds, the pain of them hitting the ground making me hiss. I quickly grabbed his hand to pull him towards me, but he slapped it away and tilted my head back to look down at me with a smirk, “That was fucking embarrassing, do you realize it?” He mocked, taking his vest off.
“I can definitely attest to that, now let me fucking go.” Ran seethed from his spot on the couch, his voice still drowsy and his head still half-tilted on his shoulder in sleepiness. Both Hanma and I faced him in surprise, and annoyance for me. But said annoyance only lasted a few seconds before I got excited again to get my plan in motion.
When I was about to wrap my arm around Hanma’s leg, he stepped towards Ran and punched him in the face, “Go back to sleep brother fucker.” Hanma swore under his breath, pissed off about the interruption I assumed. In an instant, his mood switched when his eyes widened humorously, “ Oh ?” He reached for a pillow and threw it on Ran’s lap, “Cover that shit up.” He spat, pressing his shoe on the pillow between Ran’s legs, “Didn’t know you could even get hard without lil’ bro around.” Seeing him twist his foot like a bastard on the pillow, making Ran try to knee him in frustration, had me keeling over.
“Same shit over and over again, you sound like a broken record.” Ran slurred on the spot and gritted his teeth, “Now put your bitch on a leash and let me out before she bites my balls off just to see what it does.” I did not have time to be offended or to tell him off before Hanma spoke.
“God, shut the fuck up!” He was getting more annoyed just from hearing Ran talk while I was getting more aroused upon seeing him heated. Standing up, I removed Hanma’s tie and as Ran mumbled something, I gripped his hair and wrapped it around his face, forcing his mouth open and tying it behind his head. He had a hard time articulating anything, which was exactly how we wanted it.
The man never speaks for shit, it’s better like this.
I think he’s allowed to complain, you kidnapped him.
It has a purpose, go away now.
Looking back at Hanma proudly, I smiled. I needed to focus back on him, I only needed him in my head or she’d come back. 
Hanma raised a brow, still on edge, his lips turned down in frustration. Taking his hands, I guided them inside the dress and over my breasts, “Now that he’s silent, I want you.” My hands gently wrapped around his wrists, I guided them to my shoulders, under my sleeves then down my arms, making my dress fall from my shoulders. I saw his eyes drop to my chest and helped one of his hands to it, ignoring Ran’s sounds in the back.
Hanma wrapped an arm around my waist and turned me around so my back was facing Ran—I did not mind and wondered why he had done that, but enjoyed the feeling of his hands on my skin. He then smirked down at me and said, “You’d look hotter with my name branded on your skin.”
I pressed myself against him and unbuttoned the first buttons of his shirt, “You’d like that?” I breathed out, my lips pressed to his throat, that slender throat that I wanted to hold tight while he fucked me with no care, “Your name written on what’s yours, just like kids do with their toys, right?”
His eyes shone with thrill as his smile widened in a crazed haze, “Watch your words.” He ripped my hand from his shoulder and placed it on his cock, “You might regret getting me so hard.” He looked down at my breasts and slid his hands back to my waist, then brushed his thumbs on my nipples, “ You’re being too gentle, Shu… are you shy? ” I whispered in a mocking tone, making him look at me with what seemed to be a fire lit by the challenge I had thrown at him. A smirk formed on his lips as he brought a hand to my face and forcefully tilted it back, eliciting a grunt from me, “Does my pretty doll hate it gentle?” That mocking tone, those pleading eyes that showed me he didn't care, all felt so good, “It’d be a shame to have her frustrated from it,” He glanced at Ran, “Right? So annoying if she’d beg for my cock.”
With a hard pull on my hair, I was separated from him as he pushed me to my knees once more, “A fucking shame to show you how much she hates me by using her just how she likes it .” He threw a fake smile at Ran then knelt with just one knee on the ground as he held my chin with his index and thumb, “Isn’t that right? Maybe we should fuck like old times, when you’d tell me you hate me with my fingers inside you…” His lips now brushed the shell of my ear, sending shivers down my spine as he breathed, “Remember?”
Nodding, I shuffled closer to roll my hips on his thigh, the dress still pooled at my waist, “You’re a piece of shit.” I said with loving eyes, something I wanted to believe he returned when his eyes softened for a moment before he fully knelt and helped me to his lap with both his hands under the fabric and on my ass, “Give it more of a fight, more bite.” He said excitedly, nails digging into my skin.
Grinning at him, I unzipped his pants and started stroking his cock out of his pants as I lifted myself to my knees, “I’m nothing like you.” I gritted through my teeth before kissing him hungrily, guiding his cock to my entrance—before I could lower myself onto him, he pressed himself into me with force, making me moan in pain into the kiss and hold onto his shoulders. Hanma laughed maniacally into the kiss, grunting loudly, dramatically, for the show, so that Ran could hear him loud and clear, “There we fucking go, that’s my girl.”
My eyes widened at the words, feeling a weird feeling in my chest at the underlying softness. I stopped kissing him, staring at him instead. He had called me that many times, but this time it felt different for some reason—I couldn’t overthink it much, time didn’t allow it, and he did not allow it when he started kissing my throat, “See, Haitani. She’s a bit tricky like that, she gets a bit in her head.” He said, looking over my shoulder as he pressed me onto him, his hands still on my ass, guiding me to roll my hips against his, “So you gotta make her go silly, turn her stupid little brain numb. It’s very easy, she’s so submissive.”
My body was on fire, burning in embarrassment at the words he was addressing to Ran. I tried to press my forehead against Hanma’s, but he tilted his head and pouted at me mockingly, “What was that, doll? Intimacy?” He then freed one of his hands and cradled my face, “You should know better than to show weakness in front of anyone, try that again and see what happens.”
I let out a shaky breath and nodded, pressing my forehead to his shoulder instead as I started riding him desperately, needing to feel his cock deep inside me. I needed to get him off, to show we were meant for each other, I needed to—
”Putting on a pretty show, isn’t she?” Hanma sighed, leaning back on his elbows so he could watch me ride him. He tilted his head to the side at the sight of my hands hesitantly moving to his neck, a mischievous smile adorning his features, “And she’s so full of anger too!” He exclaimed.
“Help yourself, doll. Choke me if that gets you off, if anything that’ll make me the victim.”
When I wrapped my hands around his neck, I smiled happily and started rapidly moving on his cock, needing more and more friction, “Oh no,” Hanma fake grunted desperately, “She’s raping me, so fucked up, so so fucked up.” He let out a moan right after, more following as I brushed my thumb against his Adam’s apple and looked down at him, losing myself in the bliss of his cock. Meeting my eyes, he grinned and lifted the hem of my dress, exposing my ass fully to Ran.
“Hurt me, mark me, please,” I leaned in and pressed kisses against his lips that he did not return on purpose. His eyes looked at me and then at my lips many times, pride draped on his face as a crown did on a King’s head. He enjoyed seeing me desperate like this, my hands had long since moved from his throat to his jaw, moans and whines of pleasure flooding from my lips. “Please, I need it. I need the pain, I need you, please, Hanma, please.” I started repeating, like a mantra, each word punctuated by a kiss without ever stopping the rolls of my hips, each bringing me closer and closer to utter bliss.
Hanma’s hands moved to my back, his fingers tapping playfully on it as he dug his fingers and met my eyes once more, “Louder,” He gritted through his teeth.
A scream of pleasure tore from my throat, Hanma smiled, “Tell the public how bad this is,” He clawed my back, over and over again, each time deeper than the previous one, “How much you hate it,” I was getting closer, I couldn’t formulate words, my mouth was wide open as I leaned back, my hands still balancing my weight by being placed on his chest, “How much you hate me .”
I smiled, swearing under my breath as I kept riding him, ignoring his words. Not liking it one bit, Hanma stilled my movements and held me down, a strict frown on his face, “The fuck did I just say?”
Smirking playfully at him, I looked over my shoulder and batted my eyes at Ran, exhausted and panting, “Harder, Shuji, fuck me harder.”
He rammed his cock inside me, I screamed in pleasure, my eyes rolling back as I faced him again. Hanma’s face was deep in the crook of my neck, his breathing heavy as he panted out, “Say it.”
“ I love you. ” I whispered to his ear, he laughed and trailed his lips up my neck, to my ear, “Not that, you idiot—are ya fucked dumb already?” He mocked, tucking my hair behind my ear as he trailed his tongue against the shell of it. He smiled, I heard it in his words, “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“Let me go please, I hate you.” I said dramatically, trying to look over my shoulder to Ran again, to make fun of him. Hanma wrapped his arms tight around me, pressing my chest to his as he sat up and reached for something behind me. I watched the pillow from Ran’s lap being tossed aside, hitting the window, “This is so bad–” I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped my lips upon seeing the wet, darkened patch on the pillow. I pressed Hanma’s cheek against mine and started rolling my hips again in an attempt to stop laughing. 
It worked when moans tore from my mouth once Hanma joined in on the fun, but he had to bring the topic back, “Keep at it doll, he sure is enjoying the sight.” Hanma scoffed, making me hide my face against his shoulder as a mix of laughter and moans was all I could muster.
“Let’s get comfortable, yeah?” He leaned back, bunching up some of the blanket to form a makeshift pillow for his head and gestured for me to go ahead. I held onto his waist for support and started fucking myself on his cock, replying, “I don’t care if he’s enjoying it.”
I leaned over Hanma and kissed his neck, unbuttoning his shirt, “I don’t care, it’s for you–” I swore under my breath and let my head fall back again, laughing in pleasure as Hanma’s hands caressed my body. One settled on my hip while the other around my neck, “Mmm, yeah? All of this for me?” 
I nodded, telling him yes over and over again as I felt myself getting closer, my nails digging painfully in his skin from the reddening I could see. Hanma’s eyes flickered to the side, then I heard some tumbling and from the corner of my eyes I saw Ran standing up. Hanma pressed me to his chest and laughed when Ran dizzily said, “Fuck the both of you, you’re so weird. I’m out.”
I didn’t even look at him, I wanted to ignore him and keep feeling Hanma’s cock, but he had to have a conversation, “Mention her little slip-up and I’ll mention your leak-up, yeah?”
Wanting him to keep going, I made him look at me and kissed him, “Shut up, please I’m close.”
“You’re fucking sick in the head, get help, both of you.” Ran spat.
Laughing as he pushed my face away, Hanma simply flipped Ran off. “See ya.”
He did not get an answer, instead, the door slammed shut and Hanma’s attention returned to me, making me all the more excited since we were finally alone.
“Get off me.”
My eyes widened and I did so, thinking I had fucked up something, “Get on the couch.” He nodded at the furniture before zipping his pants back up and getting a cigarette from the pack in the pocket of his coat that was thrown on the free seat. Lighting it up, he puffed out the smoke and smiled at me, “You suck at tying people up.” He spat.
About to put my dress back on, I looked up at his approaching form and said, “It was well tied, I’m sure of it, he–” Hanma slapped my hands away from my dress and tore off the sleeves so they could not cover my shoulders anymore, the dress pooling back to my lap. “Then he’s just that strong?” He asked, bringing the cigarette back to his lips.
The underlying implication was that either I admitted Ran was strong, or that I’d fucked up. Looking down, I uttered, “I thought it was tight enough, I messed up.”
He scoffed, crushing the cigarette in the ashtray by the couch, “You fucked up way before that.” Sitting next to me on the couch, he forced me to turn around and brought my hands behind my back, “See, I got pissed off at Rindou’s lame party.” He started. I felt the rope wrapping around my wrists but did not complain, I trusted him. He wouldn’t hurt me, I knew that, if anything it was going to be fun.
“Their comments were out of my control–” I started.
He tightened the rope roughly, making me wince, “That outburst of yours wasn’t.”
He shook his head, muttering something about me being an embarrassment, “But this?” He was talking about Ran, I felt it.
It doesn’t take a genius to know it’s fucked up.
I ignored her.
With my wrists tied, Hanma gripped my jaw as he stood up, his face close to mine, “This is the stupidest you’ve ever fucking been, doll.” He spelled out each word with poison lacing his tone, making me worry even more. At this point I had nothing to say, I would take whatever he gave me because I had wronged him.
“Wrapping him like a present— it’s not my fucking birthday .” With a click of his tongue, he pushed my head back and sighed in frustration. I wanted to tell him I was sorry but speaking would only make him madder, so I looked at the ground and waited. A short moment passed, then his hand lifted my chin gently, gesturing for me to get up. He smiled sweetly, it was scary, “There is some good we can take from this embarrassing failure of yours. Do you know which parts?” He asked, his thumb brushing over my lower lip.
“That I’m a maneater?” I half-joked.
He barked a laugh and shook his head, “Oh doll, no one would ever want you if they really knew who you were.” With a kiss on my forehead, he tutted me and took my hand in his, leading us to the windows. He opened the blinds to look outside, his hands behind his back. It was off-putting and for good reason, since he then pressed me against the freezing window, his cock at my entrance as his arm held me down, “That you’re devoted. Yeah?” He breathed next to my ear, his hand turning my head so he could kiss me angrily, “Selfless little doll would do anything to get her dignity back.” He laughed, breathless now from the thrusting.
Closing my eyes to enjoy the feeling of his cock back inside me, I chuckled in elation and hummed, “For you, I needed to show them I was–” A moan ripped from my throat, Hanma tutted me and told me to keep talking, so I did, “That I am an asset, I can be trusted.”
“Why would they ever trust you?” He said in a condescending, sad tone. But he was nowhere near unhappy, with his free hand he held my throat, “Why would you seek their approval?!” He gritted through his teeth, “When will you get it in your fucking head that you’ll never be taken seriously, ever. Not by them, not by anyone.” His thrusts were getting more and more hectic. I was moaning and crying at the same time now, tears running down my face mixing with the sweats of pleasure. “If you wanted to be loved, you should have fucked Mikey.” He laughed dryly, “ They’d have worshiped you then , a missed opportunity huh?”
Shaking my head, I sobbed, “I don’t want him, I want you, Shuji.”
He scoffed, kissing the side of my face as his hold on my throat tightened, “Then why are you tryna prove yourself to Bonten? You’re in, it’s done, get on.” 
Closing my eyes, I felt the tears roll down. I reached for his hand, unable to breathe; I felt the pressure around my wrist let go, the rope untied. “I tried to fix my mistake, I want to be good, I swear. I promise I’ll be good.” 
“Being good won’t get you anywhere.” He raised his tone, his forehead pressed to the back of my head, “Just do the job you’re asked to do, that’ll show your worth.” He sighed, frustrated still. I didn’t know he would be this annoyed by my endeavor, but I did not want him to hate me, “Nothing else, no kind fucking words, no niceties, nothing else will do shit for them.” He said with finality, his thrusts also slowing down.
“Then it’s just us.” I said light-heartedly. I tested if I could turn around; he resisted at first, then he let me. Bringing one of my legs up against his side, he immediately grabbed it while I guided his cock inside me and cradled his face, “I prefer it that way.” I whispered, finally calming down as he did too, kissing me lovingly. My heart was full, I loved him so much. Gently, I made him look at me and smiled, “I could never hate you, you’re everything to me.”
Brushing his hair back, I held his cheek, “I won’t kidnap Ran again, I’m sorry.”
Hanma laughed at that, pressing his forehead against mine. Before he could speak, I added, “I never meant to worry you… I won’t act without your approval again.” His thrusts resumed as he held my wrists above my head with one hand, then pressed his lips against mine, chuckling into the kiss, “Such an obedient doll, let’s see how long it’ll last this time, yeah?” 
One hard thrust, “How long until you go against me.”
Another hard thrust, “Until your little need for praise has you ruining everything we worked for.” Letting go of my wrists, he shoved a thumb in my mouth and forced it open to stop me from holding back my moans. I gripped his shoulders tight, whining at every thrust that followed.
“Never.” I whimpered. He laughed in my face, I couldn’t help but get more turned on by him mocking me, my hands now holding on for dear life to his hair, “Because I’m never leaving your side, I’ll be so good, I promise.”
Brushing his nose against mine, he huffed a laugh amidst his heavy breathing, “Promises, promises…” He trailed off, his pace stuttering as his tone was slightly lower, “You are aware of what we do to traitors, aren’t ya?”
“I don’t need to know, it’ll never happen.” I managed to say, making his eyes light up with something I could not describe. Fully sheathing his cock inside me, he let out a long sigh then kissed me once, “It better. Or I’ll be taking care of you personally, understood?”
I nodded, kissing him again, wanting more than just a peck. He gave me that kiss I so desperately needed and then placed his index finger against my lips, “I said, understood?”
“Yes sir.”
“That’s my girl.” He smiled dryly then pulled out, using the fabric of my dress to wipe himself clean, “I guess it’s a lesson learned.” He exclaimed happily, pouring himself a drink.
Dropping the dress on the ground, I grabbed his bathrobe and put it on, “If surprises are not your thing, what should I do for your birthday next year?” I asked, changing the topic. If I’d kept at it, I knew he was just going to act paranoid again and I hated it, I wanted him to trust me.
Which he can’t, since you’re unstable.
I’m just like him, he should get it.
“I could go with shaving that fucker’s head, it’s kinda ugly with all the gel he uses.” He said off-handedly, I wrapped the bathrobe around my waist and huffed a laugh. Looking up at him, I had this need in my chest to be close to him, to hold him, but he had rejected me earlier. Could I still try? Joining his side, I poured myself a drink too, and reached for his hand. He looked down at our hands and quirked a brow as I asked, “What’s your favorite food? We could go to a restaurant, maybe?”
Hanma smiled, bringing his hand to my cheek. He planted a kiss on my forehead and huffed a laugh, “Ya really are something babe, I just left you without letting you cum and you’re being all cute?”
“You can just answer the question, no need to be condescending about it.” I rolled my eyes, pushing myself away from him.
He laughed in his drink and downed it all in one go before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him, “First open my gift…” He handed me the bag he had brought back earlier and I hesitantly reached inside to pull out a cube— a glass cube? Looking at it, I saw inside there was a signed golf ball. Confused, I looked up at him, he grinned, “A little keepsake from your first solo mission, ya know?”
“Did you steal it from him?”
He shook his head, “You can’t steal from rich people, you take back, that’s all.” He shrugged.
I smiled in nostalgia at the item and placed it on the cabinet, “Thank you, I love it.” I was about to step back when he pressed me to his chest, wrapping my arms around him, “Now, let’s talk like you wanted to.”  He made me walk backward before making us slump on the couch, “Let’s have normal conversations.” His voice was somewhat softer.
“After all… why not pretend we’re normal people for a night?” He chuckled, grabbing his pack of cigarettes before answering my question at length.
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invisiblegarters · 9 months
Only Friends Ranking - Ep 3
Just accept that this is going to be a weekly thing, self. Because these mfers keep making me switch it up. I can't even pretend to be annoyed, tbh.
Characters (Most to Least Fave atm)
Boston - not this motherfucker out here doing the most. And not me genuinely not knowing where the truth ends and the lie begins. If it does. Because honestly? Resetting his own virginity sounds exactly like something Mew would do, especially if Ray was too drunk to remember that it ever happened. As far as Mew knows it was just the two of them - it's not like he suspected Boston was being a creep and recording them - and however he felt or feels about Ray it clearly suits him to pretend nothing ever happened. I would fully believe they did have sex, tbh. And I would fully believe it of Boston to hold onto the evidence and play along as if he didn't know for his own ends, until he has a good time to pull it out (like he literally said Mew is a virgin who can't drive to Top in ep 1). I can't even be mad at him for it. I'm too busy cackling with unholy glee. Whatever games everyone is playing, Boston is the one winning at the moment.
Nick - Except this dude right here is now going to be the one in a position to fuck shit up. This dude is set up to go full on insane and a part of me can't wait. Personally, I hope he uses it to blackmail Boston into exclusivity. Why? My own amusement, mostly. I hope he does that and Boston can't do anything but comply (because he does seem absolutely terrified of Mew actually finding out - which is how we all should know that what he's doing probably has very little to do with Mew and much more to do with Boston and Boston's hangups about himself). And then when he finally gets Boston out of his system he should send the file to Mew. As a final goodbye. Yep, he's shady, we knew he was shady, this comes as no surprise to me. Might as well use what he has to get something of what he wants until he can find something or someone new to fixate on.
Sand - I never thought I'd demote him but I'm kind of bored. Whatever I wanted from him, I'm not getting it. I swear to god if he doesn't pick up a baseball bat at some point...but yes, he's just not giving me what I want and that's fine, not every character can be for me. I just feel currently, in ep three, like they gave him the most bland, almost predictable edit: he's gonna fall for Ray's shit despite himself, he probably had an ex that Top fucked and he hates him good for it, he probably had a parent (my guess is dad) who drove drunk or was killed by a drunk driver and now he has trauma surrounding it, he's going to put up with Ray and be jealous of Mew and probably cry from ep 5 on but hey, the good part is that this edit more than likely means that he has the best chance of getting out of this heartbroken but not in prison or dead. Just don't get in a car with Ray again.
There are two things that that kept him in the third spot today and not further down for the severe crime of disappointing me: the first was flipping off Top. That was hilarious. Even though I fully expect the problems between them to be about an ex and not that they are exes (I swear to god my poor bingo card is just gonna have one thing crossed out by the time this show ends; this hurts me why do you have to kill all my TopSand exes dreams, show? Why do you hate fun?), that was a great interaction and I want more. The second is that there are still times when he's looking at Ray that I don't see fondness, reluctant or otherwise. I see a man assessing how likely it is that the animal in front of him is going to bite. But more and more I am beginning to think I'm delusional because the guarded, emotionally unavailable man I sometimes think I see in Sand is not the one I'm getting in scenes like one in the car after the party (actually he was so smiley and easy in that scene I at first thought he was drunk. Have some pride, dude. I know you're twenty two and dumb but yeesh).
So yes. Three because he made me laugh and because I've still got the clown shoes on, if not the facepaint and orange wig.
Mew - I still think he's being manipulative, but not at Top this ep. I don't think it was coincidence that every time Ray's attention strayed from him this ep, he was right there to give him some encouragement. Ray might have been drunk when he confessed to Mew two years ago (and I'm betting he was, it's his whole thing), but you better believe Mew remembers, and I get the impression that for whatever reason - genuine feeling, wanting to be special, boredom, etc - Mew very very much wants to make sure that Ray never really looks away from him. Part of me wonders if he is kinda into him but he also knows what a bad decision he is, so he's waiting for Ray to clean himself up or for someone else to do the work to help Ray clean himself up (hi, Sand!) before he swoops in to claim the well-adjusted person that's left. If so, kudos dude. I mean that. Because the one thing that tends to be true about the fixer uppers is that they rarely stay with the person who puts in the work.
Even with that though, Mew fell flat for me this ep. And frankly I will be a bit annoyed if it turns out that he isn't actually a virgin, not because I think his virginity is Important but because I liked the idea of a virgin being as sexually confident as he is.
But also if he slept with Ray his whole speech in ep one to Top about how he'd get if he slept with him is taking on a whole new light. Just putting that out there.
That said, I do not think that the call to Ray was part of that manipulation, unless it's manipulative to know which person will come help you no matter what. I'd have called Ray too. He's the only one of Mew's friends who will drop any and everything for him, and a tipsy dude needs to sleep. In all fairness he tried Top first (foreshadowing for endgame, maybe?)
Top - He will get a pass from me on the anger if and only if it turned out that Mew and Ray actually fucked and I will tell you why. Because I would be furious too, but not about the virginity thing. Or Ray being the one he slept with. I would be furious because Mew has been harping on honesty this entire time while lying to him about this thing, this thing that he's actually using as both shield and weapon in their little battle of wills. Sure, Top wants to conquer the virgin or whatever and that's weird but I'm not gonna fixate on it because I already know how people get about virgins, especially when they start to get into their twenties (it's always either being almost afraid like virginity is catching or fixating on being the one to take it like it's a raffle prize), but for me personally the lying while demanding honesty is the thing. And Mew does wield his virgin status like a weapon.
But here's the thing. If he isn't. If Boston isn't lying his ass off or manipulating a situation to seem like something it isn't. If he in fact did sleep with Ray two years ago and then just decided to pretend otherwise because as far as he knew no one was the wiser. Now Top knows. He knows that Mew is a liar and that he's not above telling the kind of lies that can break things.
He's been mostly playing by Mew's rules. But if all of that is true...he won't be anymore. And that's where Mew's gonna get way out of his depth. Because as manipulative as Mew can be, I definitely think Top is better when it comes to this kind of game.
The reason he is so low is because he knows better than to just trust Boston's word. He should have asked, or done something else, anything else but just trust that Boston wasn't being a manipulative turd. He knows Boston wants him, he knows that he's got a ruthless streak. And he mostly went to him in the end because he was mad Mew put him off again. It's also because if Boston didn't show him a full on sex tape, then he's not only stupid but he's entitled. A kiss two years ago is nothing. A love confession two years ago is nothing. Hell, sex two years ago is nothing, if it weren't for the lying.
but at least he's not as low as
Ray - I keep seeing that Ray doesn't know what he's doing, following Sand around and begging him for time and attention constantly. Yes he fucking does. He just doesn't care. He's exactly like Boston, only I will give him that he isn't trying to pretend that he's after more than he is to keep Sand around. Sand's big, beautiful, dumb head is doing most of the work there.
Sand is convenient and fun now. Doesn't ask him for anything and lets him basically get away with being a total dick with a smile and a shake of the head. Of course Ray likes him and wants to be around him. But wait until Sand stops being convenient. As all people eventually do.
But no, I don't blame him for picking up Mew's call mid makeout or for leaving Sand to go to him. I wouldn't even if it wasn't that Mew was tipsy and didn't have his key. The dude has said over and over again that he just wants sex. He's given no indication he's going to give anything else - oh, he'll happily demand and take more from Sand for sure, because he's selfish and he doesn't think past his own immediate pleasure when it comes to him - but he's not offering himself. That was never on the table,
He's low because he annoys me. And because I do actually think that he sees that Sand likes him more than he's willing to reciprocate, but he just flat out doesn't care enough about Sand to care if he hurts himself over it. Ray wants what he wants, and if Sand ever even hints that what Ray wants isn't enough for him Ray will throw their FWB status in his face so hard it'll rattle his teeth. We've already seen him do it more than once here, and Sand wasn't even asking for more, just trying to warn Ray how he was coming off!
He'll leave Sand for Mew again, too. Mark my words. It'll happen over and over until Sand (hopefully) finally gets it through his gorgeous skull that he's fighting a battle he can only lose and puts and end to it (and then Ray will probably have a rich kid tantrum about it because his toys aren't allowed to decide he no longer gets to play with them). And then when you throw his alcohol issues into the mix...
I have a feeling Ray saw his only time above the low end of this list last week. It was a good run. I am still delighted that I aggressively dislike this character though. Between this and Kang from Dangerous Romance this is apparently my era to dislike characters played by some of my favorite actors and I am living.
I am not even putting my girl Chueam on the list because she had like four lines this week. But hey, now we know Title is playing her bro! I was wondering when he would show up. And I wonder if he still has some connection to Sand, since he did in that one chart Jojo posted forever and a year ago (I am also wondering if Yo is related to them as well - big sis?)
The only relationships I am interested in this week are the ones we don't know much about. Top and Sand, Nick and Sand, Sand and Boston. Kinda sorta Ray and Mew in that I really want to know if they did the do or not (that they will eventually smash is taken as read by me, but I am curious if it happened before too), and whether Mew's apparent disinterest is real or he's just waiting for Ray to get his shit together to be the kind of boyfriend Mew wants.
But if I had to pick an "established" couple (insofar as any of these guys are established, lol), I think I'm most interested in Boston and Nick right now. Least interested in Ray and Sand, but that's par for the course.
Top and Mew I expect to fight Nick and Boston for the number one spot next Sat.
In Conclusion
We're getting some real mess and I for one couldn't be happier. Full speed ahead on the messy train, Nick come on out and go hogwild. Give our boy Boston a run for his money.
I expect we won't see fallout from the car event in the messy olympics for an episode or two. Mew and Top gotta work through the Ray issue (or pretend to), and they both have to settle back into believing that they have the other one right where they want them (or, maybe, actually start to like each other). Nick has to decide what he's gonna do and how much havoc he wants to wreak (my guess is he'll let Boston or Sand talk him into sitting on it for a while, if Boston finds out. But that won't laaaaast). Ray has to maneuver Sand around his own wariness (shouldn't take long) and into the pale imitation of what he really wants with someone else.
They've all gotta get comfortable. But not too comfortable. What would be the fun in that?
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forcebookish · 8 months
the fact that the one time ray took care of mew, ray ended up kissing him without his consent yikes 😬😬😬😬 that relationship is going to end soooo badly especially since I don't understand why suddenly mew wants to be with ray, I get that he's hurt but he's going to get together with RAY. when he even said that ray is "just not right" in the same episode. i hoped that he was playing ray but after the previews for the next ep, i don't think so 😭 but who knows at this point.
but the one thing I'm sure of is TOPMEW ENDGAME ‼️‼️‼️
you either die a normal viewer or live to become a crazy theorist😔 i too think mew is playing ray, anon. the worst part is that everything that i could say to explain why i think so sounds almost identical to all the stupid takes about mew being manipulative leading up to this 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣 i don't even want to say "hear me out" 😭😭 i AM going to get into it though.
let's start here: i'm not totally convinced that mew is going to actually do drugs. he might no longer be a "good guy" but it just seems like SUCH a pivot, and it doesn't seem like he's lost his senses or anything based on how meticulously he is planning out his revenge on boston. binge drinking? sure. he's still going through a breakup, i get that. and whatever this thing with ray is, ray's still going to be a bad influence. however, i'm hoping that this
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is a red herring/not related to drugs, or at least that top is misunderstanding the situation. mew goes back on years of telling ray to stop using, scolding him for getting high at his birthday party, and specifically saying this to top?
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which brings me to mewray. something is... off no i can't say that okay let's try again, i'm getting bad vibes FUCK I CAN'T SAY THAT EITHER ok ok
in the same episode that mew says this,
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and, like you said, that ray wasn't "right," he suddenly changes his mind? it all just seems a little too... convenient for ray. mew is the one to bring up the subject about ray liking him, he seemingly says all the right things, all but dangles a relationship in front of ray, and even says THIS
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which feels completely out of character, right? after years of telling ray that he's an addict and that mew can't stop him, not to mention that mew clearly believes that people should live their lives on their own terms and make their own choices,
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he would go and blame himself for someone else's behavior? i don't buy it.
now we get to the why. i do think that mew is trying to take revenge on ray as well, but i feel like whatever he has in store would be excessive for just sharing the recording and ruining mew's birthday - i think ray might have done something else that we don't know about yet. for one, we still don't know who edited the audio not to include boston's coercion (or if that even comes up😭), or what is up with that sex tape that boston showed top. why was top so convinced it was real? something about it had to be real, and that must have been: ray. how did boston get ahold of a sex tape of ray?
and does boston think that it's real? or was he lying again here?
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(it's possible that boston first told top that mew was a virgin just to discourage him and because it's what mew has been telling everyone, idk, i always thought that was one of the few times he wasn't lying but now i'm not so sure if he knew he wasn't lying🤔)
and now mew knows that there is a supposed sex tape of "him" and ray...
if it's just to "get back" at top, then i don't know what this dancing is about. i wish i knew how to put it, but mew just... doesn't look like himself here. i made a little post about this already, but doesn't he look and act more like he did with gap than he did during his genuine moments with top?
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see? we know the look he has when he's actually horny/flirtatious and that just... isn't it. i know he's going through something right now, and it could all be part of his transformation into this "sexier" persona. but look at him when he's with gap. any time that gap isn't looking at him, he goes back to the mew that we've come to know.
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and isn't it weird that he doesn't put his hands over ray's and the camera focuses on it?
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what i'm saying is, when he's dancing with ray, mew looks like he has his game face on. he looks like he's "in character."
plus, i think mew may have a tell when he's being deceptive (and he's not the only character who has one):
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I DON'T KNOW, ANON. THE BRAINWORMS COULD HAVE FOUND ME. MAYBE THIS FANDOM FINALLY MADE ME SNAP. I COULD BE TALKING NONSENSE. but i'm glad that i'm not the only one, and among the fans who don't think mew's been "evil" from the jump. thanks for enabling me😅🫶
AND TOPMEW ENDGAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💗💗💗💗💗
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taliskermortem · 8 months
i have lots to say about this episode appartently so we're gonna stick it in one post under the cut
okay five minutes into episode 8 and i already want to cry; 'you might even be happier' like you both know thats a lie right, look at their faces; 'let me go already' sand why do you have to hurt me
no no no jennie must be happy at all times what is this take it back i dont want it
straight up not the first time mew has tried a cigarette i dont care what he wants everyone else to believe; its quite nice my ass
is this fucker really trying to get sand to do his community service; wow really you're gonna pull out the orphan card what is wrong with you; sand for the love of all that is holy please grow a backbone if ray says naaaa one more time im gonna flip a table
cheum my girl, firstly fascinated by the fact that at the beginning she was only worried about mew, like does anyone actually like anyone else in that friend group, because if i knew one of my friends had been in love with another one for years and then they got together because the other one was very obviously having a bit of a spiral i would sure as hell be worried about both of them - like it's so obvious that ray is being used and is going to have his heart crushed and just straight up no one seems to care
okay now she's shitting on her other supposed friend; i love her girlfriend but she was definitely lying when she said people were lucky to have cheum as their friend i see very little evidence of that
wow we're really talking about licking ass
but glad to see nick hasn't totally fallen apart and is going after opportunities yadda yadda even if the trailer shows us that this will probably also get messy, at least my boy's trying
boston what the fuck dont make me cry my poor lonley boy why is no one, literally no one in his corner i know he's a shit but being that alone breaks my heart, everyone else is a shit too and they all at least got someone
quite frankly mew, i am also bored of you
im sorry but why would you invite boston and top? okay maybe boston i get because he's part of the hostel they're hosting it at maybe but top? that's just asking for trouble. unless it's like an open invite? but then why did they get notifications? (edit: so apparently cheum invited him but still, what the hell)
i feel like this was a missed opportunity to put mew in some sluttier clothing tbh
alrighty we're doing coke off the table lads
he didn't pick you ray, you idiot, you are literally the definition of a rebound; someone i should love wow what a dick
i love you mew... awkward silence
there are too many lights on at this party
the drink in the face i did not see that coming im cackling, top if i were you i would run from this train wreck
oh wow you really rejected his attempt at a kiss in private but you're literally straight up using him in front of top boy i dont care how broken your heart is dont use other people that way; ray you're an idiot if you dont pick up on this
cheum there is a time and a place and this probably aint it; my mother is dead - jerk, wow what a lovely friendship they have
oh dear i hope this isn't going to turn into a controlling situation for nick but i wont hold my breath, just give the kid nice things for once
didnt we agree to moving on together why is this a conversation i didnt witness, i need this you dont understand
moving on in a circle why is he so funny
boston my guy you have some serious balls turning up to this party but i kinda love you for it
who are you to judge me you know what this is a very valid point, boston being the voice of reason on this show they've all done shitty things to each other and i really cant blame him for being cold to nick, that shit was pretty fucked up
freddie's bi, you're bi, i'm bi, let's make out - honestly most iconic part of the whole episode i think
why didnt you come to me ray im gonna hit you, he's not your property, he's not accountable to you
ray threesome agenda continues i see
fake freddie the only one with any brains what so ever
thank you sand. finally.
ray that was fucked up. like manipulative, controlling, red flag fucked up.
oh shit its cheum's little brother so my god boston you absolutely wrecking ball of a human being
top buddy why dont you just go home, you are clearly not having a good time
honestly boston, walking away is most definitely the right option
how is it that top has pouty eyebrows
oh shit police
top going for the bribery route i see, this will either make him look like a right idiot or make him look like the hero
cheum what the fuck is wrong with you; you're right they dont care about you but quite frankly do you actually care about them? mew yes but the other two you have always treated a bit like shit tbh
this groups needs to fall apart
okay the taking care of the passed out guy is nice but the stroking of the pass out guy is getting a little weird top
so the bribe worked? alright top there to save the day that's going to make things nice and awkward isnt it, at least ray can pay him back so he doesn't have a financial hold over him i guess
sand going through all that shit and he's still the one doing the comforting for nick, their friendship is so good, even after what sand did they're still there for each other
boston my boy, my lonely boy
too much drama he says so i'll sleep with my friends little brother he thinks, god i love this absolute disaster of a human, he tried for a split second there, he really did
slutty boston is back im so glad he didn't get any dick in this episode and that just seemed wrong tbh
mew flirting with randomer in a bar? what about ray? for real - yeah he's taken top, but not currently by you
ooh involving the family (or at least i assume those are mew's mums), personally not a fan, leave families alone dont use them for manipulation
again ray, he's not your property fuck off
i've never been so yielding to anyone in my life well at least you're self aware i guess
yaaa that shot of boston at the end there? lonley and leaning on the bar? breaking my heart right now
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boozles · 9 months
Okay, so I was a bit high whilst watching Only Friends this week, so my live blogging is a little rambly and dramatic XD
* OMG Boston’s cocky face, I want to punch it (I love you Neo)
* Oh gosh, the way Ray keeps looking at him - HE KNOWS HE KNOWS
* OMG HAS BOSTON TAKEN NICK ON A DATE TO THE WATER SKIING (they must have had a ball filming this show)
* Sand is so open with his mum and I love that. The way he was like YEAH WE FUCK BUDDIES I can’t
* Btw Sand’s mum’s make up is stunning - that eyeliner
* Okay, so I totally understand Sand’s need to be rude to Top, but Too was actually being genuine initially. The thing is, it’s the way Top says things.
* Yeah, it’s gonna turn out Top and Sand are brothers, it has to. It’s my head canon until it’s actually canon.
* Oh no, don’t let Top into your head baby boy. WHY DID YOU SMASH YOUR PHONE?
* Top is such a cunt but he so sweet with Mew, idec what anyone else thinks. Minus the cheating he’s a good boyfriend. (I can’t believe I just fucking typed that) he’s so fucking cute.
* OH NO Sand is going to tell Ray isn’t he? I FEEL SO WORRIED
* Ugh I hate the way Ray is just like “are you not okay I like someone else” because that fucking hurts when they say that to you
* Oh fuck the way Ray grabbed that ball and the music suddenly dropped to a negative my stomach dropped
* IT WAS THE RECORDING HE STOLE AND FUCK RAY LOOKS SO FUCKING ANGRY but you can tell it’s because of what’s been done to his friend not just because he likes him
* Ton. TON. You can not defend sleeping with your friend’s boyfriend. Stop.
* Why does Book look weird without glasses now?
* Cheum, you do not help any situation in which you are in.
* Okay, so I get wanting your friends to be healthy and safe but the way Ray treats this who use recreational drugs makes me uncomfortable. He seems to think people should just stop, and it’s not that easy. And telling him he’s going to die from it? Fuck. No.
* Fuck, Khaotung is so good at playing someone on something. He’s so good at acting with his eyes??
* I wish he’d just said what Top and Boston did instead of dragging it all out
* Oh
* Oh no
* He did not just call Sand that
* Oh fuck no
* The panicked breathing. First is too good at acting.
* April is so damn pretty
* Nick my poor baby
* Oh Mew, you romantic little shit
* OMG TOP THAT WAS THE SLUTTIEST “oof” I’ve ever heard as someone hit the mattress
* OMG Mew’s a wee rough one isn’t he? The way he’s pinning Top down is *chef’s kiss*
* Ray did tell him, and Mew still defended Too in front of everybody. No wonder Ray was so broken. Oh gosh.
* My guys, this must have been a difficult scene for Force and Book. You can literally see how uncomfortable Force is, like I know it’s acting but I don’t think any other co star could get THAT look out of him. And Book is blowing my mind with this acting - like that was the sexiest call out I’ve ever seen, and for him to be so tough when talking to Top…and Top seems genuinely intimidated. This is insane acting and I can’t cope.
* Mew blaming himself. That’s hurts. The way he said to just teach him what he wants, basically saying he’d do anything for him…oh, Mew.
* Also, anyone that thinks Top doesn’t actually love Mew needs glasses of their own, okay?
* Also, the fact that Sand refuses to give up on Ray despite what Ray did and said to him. I just fucking can’t with those two.
* Wait - Mew’s eyes looked a bit weird there, we’re his pupils super large?
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dramatothethirdpower · 9 months
OnlyFriends stray thoughts from episode 2 (as sent in my OnlyFriends gc as we watched it)
Oh sweet baby Nick... this isn't what you want!
Whoa okay, this is a LOT of sex for two people not in SOME kind of relationship
Eww, I'm your regular now? Like he's a prostitute?
Tell him, Nick!
I HATE YOU BOSTON! Don't fuck with that boy's head like that! Manipulative as fuck
Oh sweetie no, don't be jealous of Top, he's gross!
Aw, Ray is so soft. I wish I looked like that when I woke up in the morning
Oooh no, don't fall for it Sand. I saw that smile, but this is not the boy you are looking for
Why is Atom so familiar?? I hate him on sight so he must have been the bad guy in something..
Haha, no one else seems to think you have great taste in music, Ray
Nick baby, no, don't fixate like this
Do we think Boston has nefarious purposes for these cams? Do I just hate him so much I'm being paranoid? I don't trust hiiiiiim
Mew is so cute. Top is dressed like a dad. How is he the more sought after one??
Oh this is criiiiinge, stop it Top. How is Mew into this??
For real? FOR REAL? You're just going to let some old flame talk to you like that in front of Mew?? How is Mew not just storming away? I'm sorry but if someone told me they wanted to date me and then acted like this with someone else I'd be OUT
Haha, Nick is not thrilled that Sand and Boston know each other. I was really hoping for some hijinks with this reveal. I bet Nick assumes they slept together. Honestly, I assume everyone Boston interacts with is someone he's atleast tried to sleep with
I am not getting a good read here on Sand's reaction to Ray being here. It feel like maybe he wishes he weren't but in the kitchen less so? Is he just being kind of wary because Ray is such a chaos bomb?
Haha, Nick seeing Top. He does NOT like that he's here. Oh he's cyber stalking him. So relatable. (Baby just walk away. If you have to stalk his ex he's not worth iiiiit)
You're projecting a little bit there, Boston. Not everyone is desperate as you to fuck Top.
Oh my gosh, Nick wants to be official so bad, I feel awful for him
Why is no one dressed for a pool party? Also, how are they not all roasting in long sleeves??
Ok I NEED the Sand Top tea, cuz Sand hates that guy (same)
Boston you leave Ray alone! Let him pine in peace! He's not your little pawn!
I don't think Top cares because he likes Mew so much he's jealous, I think he's pissed he might not get there first. Creep.
Oh Mew baby, rubbing salt in the wound "rooting for" Ray and Sand
Ok, controlling much, Top? They're not even actually dating yet, Mew should cut him loose. He's been a giant red flag!
Haha, the lizard behind Sand is a paid actor
Top is being a pouty douche baby for no reason. Who the fuck trusts Boston? Also I'd be super pissed if someone said I was part of their checklist. Oh great, I'm a chore you check off.
Haha, Mew says not tonight, buddy. Don't blame him, that is not great energy Top is putting out
Really guys? You both have apartments. Why are we doing this in the parking lot. Ray is so needy... oh Sand WANTS to be convinced. This does not bode well for him.
Uh oh, Mew lost his keys, sure would be a shame if he stumbled after Top and saw something he shouldn't....
Oh no, all his people are fucking. (He calls Top first! Sweet boy... another way Top is fucking up)
He checked the phone?! SERIOUSLY? OMG dude. Poor Sand, he needed this reality check. He's gone and caught feels
SHOW THE VIDEO!!!! I don't buy it. Mew and Ray do not act like they've been together! I don't trust Boston as far as I can throw him.
This car is way too little for these activities
Please tell me this is a rough handjob, cuz there was no lube shown.
Oh no! Nick!!! Set them on fire Nick, no one would blame you!
Don't do it Mew!! He's gross!!! (From the preview)
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hoes4dylanobrien · 2 years
Mets Dylan (AU miniseries) 4/?
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a/n: I'm on a rolllll. I'm also realizing I'm basing this Dylan au off his slut era and I'm not sorry. I AM sorry that this is trash tho but at least I'm enjoying myself?? 🤷🏾‍♀️ Give a sis a like 
tw: mentions of drug use, swearing, dylan being dumb cute
taglist: @roxic93​
“It’s not what it looked like,” were the words that immediately flew from your mouth. 
Ray and Tom, Dylan’s manager and head coach for the Mets, glanced up from their huddled conversation when you entered.
“We’re not here to accuse you of anything,” Ray said, just as Tom bellowed, “the hell we aren't! We’re paying you to STOP problems from occurring, not create them!!” 
Neither you nor Ray said anything for a beat, knowing the hothead coach often reacted harsher than intended. He continued to go on a tear as he paced the length of the room:
“And I’ve told that boy a thousand times: watch yourself at all times. Don’t matter if you’re out there or in your own home. Nowhere’s safe when you’re in the public eye the way he is. All it takes is one money-grubbing-”
“My bad, ‘M late to the party. What’d I miss?” Dylan greeted. He was wearing the hungover special: loose shirt, sweats, sneakers and sunglasses. His hair somehow looked good, and he was clean-shaven. Even with alcohol poisoning, he looked gorgeous. You could smell the intoxicating aftershave from here. 
You wince at Dylan’s choice of wording, seeing coach about to blow his head clear off he was so mad. If they were in a cartoon, he might’ve. 
It was almost comical the way that he lurched at his star player, Dylan’s eyes widening in fear (you assumed, he was wearing pitch black ray bans) at the sight. 
“Shit, Tom. I know I screwed up, but-
“Screwed up....Naw.... screwed up would’a been swearing in front of little kids. What you did has tarnished our brand. You know we have families, little children that look up to you and your teammates? That’s all blown to hell, now.” 
Dylan’s throat bobbed as he swallowed hard. “Fuck, I didn’t think-”
‘Yeah, that’s the problem, Dyl. You don’t think. Too busy thinkin’ with the other head.” 
To your surprise a light blush appeared on his pale cheeks, either from shame, or the reference to his junk, or both. You almost were starting to feel bad for him; it was nothing compared to how he spoke to you and Ray - coach was really chewing him out. And you knew how much Dylan, how much all of the players really, idolized Tom. It was no doubt like a double punch to the gut to have him so angry and disappointed in him.
“If I may,” you cleared your throat, drawing their attention away from Dylan to you. “And I know I’ve not got a lot of leeway here given I was also caught at the party, but I didn’t see Dylan doing any drugs. I know that’s a low bar but I did see a lot of others at the party doing so, and given the opportunity but choosing not to do it... well, I just think that should count for something.” 
Everyone was quiet as attention turned back to Tom. “Sure,” he grumbled, “but I’ve got no way of verifying that, and neither do readers.” 
“That’s...true, technically. I guess it comes down to your trust in Dylan in the time you’ve known him. I haven't for very long, but he doesn’t strike me as the type to lie. About this, anyhow. I can’t vouch for much of anything else on his behalf, but when it comes to this, I believe him.” 
You turned to smile at him, then, just a small smile. He returned it cautiously. 
“Fine, but that’s just ONE of the stupid ass things he got himself into. What about the strippers? Can’t tell me he didn’t get involved in that, there’s proof all over the internet!” 
“That’s what I thought.” Tom grumbled some more, starting up his pacing again.  There’d be a hole in the carpet at the rate he was going. “Way I see it we got two choices. Since you’re the ringleader here - yeah, I know Josh and Brady and the others are there, but it was at your place, and you were front and center of the cover - you can either take some time off the team, we’ll put out a statement, and we’ll let this die down-”
“Coach, you can’t be serious!- Dylan blurted out.
“OR,” Tom interjected, temper flaring up again, “you can stay on the team, play out the rest of the games of the season, and lay low for a while. That means no parties, and not a foot within the distance of a stripper.” 
Dylan smirked. “That doesn’t sound so bad...”
“You didn’t let me finish,” he said. “If you go with option two, I’m going to be making damn sure you’re toeing the line.” 
“How’s that?” Dylan arched a thick brow, licking his lips nervously. When Tom swiveled his head your way you knew whatever he was cooking up in that brain of his would somehow involve yours truly. And not in any type of way you’d want.
“That’s where y/n comes in.” Your stomach drops. “Pack your bags, you’re moving to New York.” 
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
The one with Ethan’s suggestion
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Description | Ethan suggests something that you had never seen coming - but for how long will you be able to resist him?
Content | smut with a bit of fluff
Pairing | Ethan x fem!Reader
Word Count | 3138
Tagging | @ginny-lily @mywritingonlyfans
"You did not just ask me that."
Ethan didn't even seem bothered by your shocked reaction. Instead, he simply kept looking at you, waiting, as if he had posed a completely normal question. You were certain it wasn’t though - who the hell just came out and asked one of their best friends to start hooking up? Surely this wasn’t just you thinking this was more than odd. You couldn’t stop looking at him, relaxing on a lounger in the sun, book still open in his hand, and how he didn’t seem to care.
“Oh, come one, Y/n,” Vic interjected from where she was relaxing on a pool float. “Poor Ethan hasn’t been with anyone since the pandemic started. The least you can do is help him get laid.”
“Get laid by me?!”
“Who else?” Victoria laughed. “It’s not like he can go out and pick up someone when we go on a promo tour in a week. We’re barely allowed to meet anyone as a safety measure.”
You shot her a pointed look and Victoria being your friend for the longest got it immediately.
“And no, I’m not gonna hook up with him. So it’s gotta be you.”
You couldn’t believe the conversation you were having. Had everyone simply gone crazy? Surely, Thomas wouldn’t be on their side in this, right? You watched as he lazily strolled towards your loungers, cigarette in hand.
“Thomas!” You shouted over at him. “Ethan wants me to hook up with him!”
“Fucking finally,” Thomas laughed as you stared back in horror. Was everyone in on this madness? “He’s been moping around for ages. About time he gets laid and relaxes.”
“See?” Ethan interjected. “Everyone thinks it’s a good idea.”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea!”
“Fine,” Ethan shrugged. You hated how much he didn’t seem to care - how he had posed a question like that without an ounce of awkwardness and how your rejection didn’t seem to faze him in the least. You knew he was open about sex and sexuality, you’d been part of countless conversations among the band and had seen him pick up people at parties more than once, but this unnerved you. "If you change your mind, I'm available."
And with that Ethan went back to his book, Victoria went back to floating around the pool and Thomas went back to smoking his cigarette. But you weren't going to go back to anything, because whether you liked it or not, Ethan's suggestion would continue playing in your head for the unforeseeable future.
Three days. It had been three days since that fateful day at the pool and you could barely stand to look at Ethan. It wasn't because you were embarrassed - you all spoke about such things quite openly - nor were you angry at him having asked in the first place - if anything, it was flattering, a man such as Ethan considering you attractive in that way. It was more of a constant thought in your head whenever you were in the same room with him or he talked to you or you looked at him or he so much as popped into your mind. You kept lying awake at night, intrusive thoughts of Ethan towering over you clouding your brain. You didn't know what it was but you knew you didn't like it.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as Victoria approached you, taking a couple of tomatoes you had spread in front of you and started cutting them up. You had been in charge of making dinner most days, with one or the other coming to join you in your cooking endeavors sooner or later. Today it seemed to be Vic, who was giggling away beside you, quite obviously dying to tell you something.
"And what is up with you?" You asked, a smirk on your face. You were happy your friend seemed so giddy and it had you itching to know why.
"I have a date!" Victoria was never one to keep things like these to herself for long - whenever she was positively excited about something, the world simply had to know. "Her name's Paula, she's on holiday here and we're going to go out for wine."
"Just wine?"
"Well, I'm gonna say, don't expect me back here tonight." She couldn't stop herself from smirking and then breaking out in another round of laughter and you joined freely. Good for her.
"I miss dates," you mused. "Or maybe - I don't know. Maybe I just miss at least staying the night with someone."
"You really need to get laid, babe."
"Who needs to get laid?" Damiano had appeared without warning, sneaking up on the two of you and pinching both of your waists teasingly before hopping on the counter next to where you were working. A slice of tomato was stolen and ended up in his mouth before you could react, only hitting him in the arm when it was much too late.
"Y/n," Victoria answered nonchalantly. You stared at her in annoyance but she didn't even catch your eye.
"So does Ethan! You guys should fuck."
"Not you too," you groaned. All of this seemed like a bad joke. In fact, you were starting to wonder if this was all some weird plot your friends had to get you to sleep with Ethan. But why would they?
"Huh?" Damiano sounded surprised but you didn't put it past him to simply put on a good act.
"Ethan asked her to hook up the other day."
"No way!" Damiano exclaimed. "He actually, fina- I mean, he actually asked you that?"
"Yup, and she shot him down," Victoria explained. You were getting more annoyed by the second. Especially because it felt like your love life (or lack thereof?) was being discussed without you. Plus, you couldn't shake the feeling they knew something you didn't.
"Aw, poor Ethan. You know, you should really give him the chance. Make the most of the fact that you've both got the house to yourselves tonight." Damiano's eyebrow wiggle earned him a tomato slice to the face due to pure irritation on your side. He wasn't bothered, quickly shoving it into his mouth and happily munching away on it.
"Wait, what do you mean? Where are you going?"
You sounded much more panicked than necessary. So what if you were alone in the house with Ethan? You'd survive. Easily. You'd read a bit of your book, maybe watch a movie, go to bed. You didn't even have to spend time with him. Right?
"Going out with my girlfriend, she's in town for work. Not sure where Thomas is off to but he's already left" Damiano shrugged, finally hopping off the counter to hopefully stop being in the way. "So, if there's anything you want to do, do it tonight."
So this was it. You were alone with Ethan. No, this was nothing. So what if you were alone with him? Not like it was going to change anything at all.
You had said your goodbyes for the night to the two lovebirds, wishing Victoria the most possible fun on her little date, before pouring yourself a glass of wine and retreating to the patio. You had no idea where Ethan was and you didn't mind.
The sun was setting, the temperature was more than bearable and you had your book lying next to you. Eyes closed trying to enjoy the last rays of sunshine, your hand grasped the stem of the wine glass, and fuck that moth scared the living daylights out of you. And caused you to spill your wine all over your blouse. Red wine. Crap. One was supposed to wash those out immediately, right? Right? You realised you had no idea, as you sprinted towards the upstairs bathroom, already unbuttoning for fast removal.
You threw the door open, feet set to move towards the basin, when you realised you weren't alone in the room. It happened in slow motion, as much as you hated the cliché of it all.
Ethan's back was towards you, strong, hard muscles visible under an array of water droplets that were slowly, slowly making their way downwards, hypnotising you and keeping your gaze locked on them. Your eyes were still travelling lower and lower when he noticed your presence, turning around out of reflex, and you could not help but notice he was not wrapped in a towel, nowhere close, when your eyes fell on-
In a rare moment of clarity, you tore your gaze away, looking up at his face instead, just to find him eyeing up your cleavage. Your blouse was halfway undone, putting your white lace bra on full display. Then his eyes snapped away and looked into yours instead. For a second, it felt like the world was standing still. Your brain only worked for another moment before it decided to let your body - or potentially your heart? - take over.
You told yourself 'fuck it' - or maybe you said it out loud, judging by the sudden smirk appearing on Ethan's face - and reached for the man in front of you. He reciprocated without hesitation, pulling you in and meeting your mouth with his, as he walked you backward until you hit the wall. His body felt hot against yours, providing a stark contrast to the cold tiles pressing into you. His hands cradled your face softly, fingers stroking along your cheeks, while he kissed you, open-mouthed, in a way that left you breathless.
If you had ever had doubts that sex with Ethan would not be worth it, they had evaporated into thin air altogether.
His hands had started roaming your body, finally landing on the last buttons of your blouse. You had expected him to slowly open them up, but instead, he tore the fabric apart in one swift movement, buttons flying and hitting the ground with little clacking noises. You wrecked your mouth from him for a moment, staring at him in both surprise and awe.
"Spiacente," he murmured, although he didn't look all that sorry. "I couldn't help myself. I can get them sewn back-"
"Ethan, stop talking and start fucking me."
Your bold words took both of you by surprise but none of you minded, simply relieved that you were on the same page. His hands were now grasping tightly onto your thighs and, and without giving you a warning, he lifted you up, still pressed against the wall. Your legs wrapped around him instinctively and he took a step back, finding his strength and balance, and slowly carrying you into his bedroom.
You couldn't stop staring at him. Ethan's beauty was a sight to behold on any given day, but the way his lips looked kissed after just a short while and his eyes had that kind of shine to them that had never previously been directed at you, it felt like you were looking at something ethereal. Never mind the fact that you knew he was completely naked, not just the toned chest that was pressing into your torse, but everything else. Hell, you were sure you felt a certain something press into the back of your thigh quite shamelessly.
He dropped you on his bed, leaving you to bounce slightly on the mattress as you lied on your back. He looked like he was about to devour you and you just knew you'd bend to his every wish.
Without any further hesitation, Ethan moved onto the bed, immediately grabbing onto the shorts you were wearing and slowly pulling them down your legs. He held eye contact with you the whole time and you were convinced you had never seen anything sexier in your life. Your panties were the next piece to leave your body. Normally, this would be the point you got nervous about, crossing your legs, hiding behind hands, anything to protect what little of your modesty you had left, but this was different. Ethan took all shame away from you.
"Is this okay?" He asked, as he slowly crawled upwards, spreading your legs and leaving hot, wet kisses along your calves. As much as you appreciated him asking for consent, you almost had to laugh - at this point in time, you had lost all willpower to deny him anything. So, with a blissful smile on your face, you eagerly nodded at him, your hand reaching down and tangling itself into his hair. He groaned as you gave a little tug and the sound was more than enough to get you even wetter than you already were.
At least that was what you thought up until Ethan put his mouth on you. You had been expecting a bit more foreplay, maybe his fingers, but instead you felt his tongue lick along the length of you. Your moan loudly echoed through the room and you had never been so glad that Vic, Thomas and Damiano had deserted the two of you in the house.
Your grasp on his hair tightened as he started flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. The fact that you could feel his hair tickling the inside of your thighs only seemed to make you more sensitive. Suddenly, one of his fingers entered you, quickly to be joined by a second. Your back arched off the bed in an involuntary reaction as your breathing became more and more laboured. You could hear- hell, you could feel him chuckle against you.
With a sharp tug, you pulled his head away from you.
"I'm not going to be able to take much more, Ethan," you confessed. He looked up at you with wide eyes, chin wet from going down on you and fingers still slowly moving in and out, and you momentarily forgot what you meant to say. "So if you wanna fuck me, I suggest you get a move on."
He didn't need to be told twice. You still sighed in disappointment when he actually removed his fingers from you but you were quickly distracted by him moving them to your mouth and slipping them in. You eagerly sucked on them, twirling your tongue around them, tasting your own arousal, and his composure was slipping with every second he looked at you. He quickly pulled his fingers from your mouth to crawl further up your body, his cock moving against your leg. He was so well endowed it would have almost been frightening if you hadn't been so turned on.
Ethan kissed you with a force that was unparalleled. There wasn't even a question about who was in control. As his fingers trailed from your neck down past your collarbones you both suddenly seemed to remember you were still wearing a bra. You made short work of the piece of fabric, carelessly throwing it across the room, and he thanked you by squeezing your soft flesh in the most delicious way. You repaid the favour by letting your hand wander to his cock and giving him a few strokes. He immediately let out the most sinful moan you had ever heard, head collapsing onto your cleavage.
"I don't think you need any more help from me down there," you giggled.
"With you lying under me like this, I sure don't."
Moving your legs around his waist once more, you slowly guided him into you, your walls swallowing him bit by bit, careful not to stretch you out too fast with his size. It felt like heaven on earth. You both moaned in pleasure as Ethan slowly started moving, making sure you were comfortable as he looked into your eyes, while you broke the eye contact time and time again, too overwhelmed to leave your eyes open every time he thrust into you. You kept grabbing onto what you could, the back of his head, his shoulders, his butt, as he increased his speed, hitting you in all the right places every single time.
You knew you weren't going to last long, not with him on and in and all around you, not with his fingers playing with your nipple, not with his lips clumsily attaching themselves to various places around your neck and shoulders, and as you felt his hand between your legs, softly circling your clit once again, you were gone. You came in waves of euphoria, unashamed of the volume of your moans and the strength with which you pulled on his hair. Your actions, combined with you clenching around him and a few more thrust, had him follow you moments later.
He carefully slipped out of you, never once letting go of you, and turning you onto your side with him so you were facing each other. Both of you were still breathing heavily, vision cloudy, but intertwined. You were convinced he had ruined you - there was no way anyone was ever going to live up to how he made you feel.
"So, did it live up to your expectation?" You couldn't help but giggle as you posed the question. "Getting laid again after such a long time?"
Ethan pushed a damp strand of hair from your face. You hadn't expected such softness.
"It wasn't actually about getting laid, you know."
"It was about you."
"Okay, you've lost me now," you said, brows knitting as your hand searched for his, finger entangling the same way your legs were doing. "What are you talking about?"
"I... I've liked you for a while. And I tried so much, but you never even noticed."
Your mind replayed the last few weeks you had spent with the band in their summer house. Instances of Ethan bringing you food, cocktails, adjusting the shade to make sure you were in it, offering to put sunscreen on your back. Moments of him searching for your company, moving much closer than necessary in the heat, arms constantly touching when you were sitting next to each other. Jokes and teasing from the others, drunken remarks. You hadn't paid attention to any of it. You wondered how you could have been so blind to a man so wonderful.
"Wait, so instead of asking me out like a normal person, you suggested we hook up?" You couldn't keep the laughter in now. The situation was simply too ridiculous and you had not yet stopped riding on your high from the endorphins he had caused.
"It was Vic's idea." He buried his head into the sheets, but you could still see his cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink. "She knew I missed sex and she said you mentioned something similar so she thought this was the way into your..."
"Heart, actually."
You snuggled closer, arms wrapping around him so that your noses were touching.
"Well, as embarrassing as it is, it somehow worked, didn't it?" You stroked over his head lovingly. "And I'm sure not letting you go any time soon."
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bibbawrites · 4 years
Don’t Mention This To Anyone - Alive!Luke Patterson x Reader (SMUT)
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Request: Hi can u do a luke x reader smut with an enemies to lovers storyline? Maybe they’re at a party and they’re playing truth or dare and luke and the reader get dared to play too hot to handle and later on at the party they get drunk and hook up? // can you do rough sex with luke?!! // Can u do a luke x reader enemies to lovers smut? //  Would you make a Luke and Y/N smut and just make it whatever you want but super smutty?
Word Count: 2163 words
Summary: Your best friend Julie invites you and Flynn to come over to hang out with her bandmates, and a game of too hot to handle ends up making you re-evaluate your relationship with Luke Patterson
Warnings: swearing, mention of underage drinking, unprotected sex, choking, praise kink, dirty talk, grinding/groping
A/N: hopefully this makes sense, i’m editing it half asleep lol  i’ve also put together a masterlist which you can find here anyways hope you enjoy :) 
You should have said no when Julie batted her eyes and asked you if you wanted to come hang out with her bandmates after school one Friday night. 
You should have said no when she used alcohol as a bribing tactic to get you to come. 
You should have made up an excuse not to go. 
Don’t get the wrong impression, you loved Alex and Reggie. The two boys had become close friends of yours since the day Julie first introduced them to you and Flynn. 
It was Luke Patterson that you had an issue with. The lead guitarist of Julie and the Phantoms and the lead pain in your ass since the minute you met. 
If you had said no to coming you wouldn’t have been in this situation. 
Staring down at the bottle on the floor after you drunkenly agreed to a game of Too Hot to Handle, watching as the bottle slowly stopped and pointed at the one person you were praying it wouldn’t. 
Luke fucking Patterson. 
“Oh fuck no.” You exclaimed loudly. Luke shook his head. 
“No way. Not doing it.” He said, his tone matching yours. 
“You have to, the bottle chose you.” Reggie grinned. You rolled your eyes. 
“The bottle doesn’t know what it’s doing.” You spat. 
“It’s simple, if you don’t want to do it that bad just give in straight away.” Flynn raised an eyebrow, looking between yourself and Luke. 
“I’m not a quitter, Y/L/N can give up.” Luke said. Your eyes narrowed. 
“What makes you think I’m a quitter Patterson.” You stared at the boy across from you, venom in your eyes. 
“There’s only one way to settle this then.” Julie spoke up after a moment of silence. 
“Play the fucking game.” Alex finished, his head resting on Willie’s shoulder. 
You rolled your eyes, standing up and making your way over to Luke. You knelt down in front of him, glaring at him. 
“I still hate your fucking guts.” You told him. He smirked. 
“The feeling’s mutual princess.” His tone was condescending. 
You placed your hand on his thigh, leaning in and sucking on his neck. He scoffed. 
“Is that all you’ve got Y/L/N?” He teased. 
You pulled away, glaring at him again before moving your hand up his thigh, getting dangerously close to his crotch, your eyes never leaving his. He didn’t even bat an eyelid. 
You held back a scowl, frustrated that Luke was so good at this game. Standing up you sat down in his lap, grinding your ass into his dick. You grabbed his hand and placed it onto one of your boobs, and your friends whistled at the scene. 
Luke fake yawned and this time you couldn’t help but scowl. 
“Are you fucking kidding? Nothing? Maybe Carrie is right and you are in love with Reggie.” You said, and Reggie choked on his drink. 
“Guess you’re not as seductive as you thought, sweetheart.” Luke teased, ignoring the comment about Reggie. You moved again so that you were straddling his hips, and you could feel that his dick was slightly hard in his pants. Motivated by this you started rocking back and forth, trying to ignore the feelings of pleasure shooting through your body. 
“I feel like we shouldn’t be watching this.” Flynn joked, covering Julie’s eyes with one hand and Reggie’s with her other.
“You guys were the ones who wanted this.” You reminded them, stopping and looking Luke in the eyes. You had always known that Luke was an attractive guy, his arrogance often outshining his good looks, but up close he was stunning. You hesitated and he smiled, glancing down at your lips. Your heart started to race and you mentally kicked yourself. 
This was Luke Patterson, the same boy who you had hated ever since Julie had first introduced him to you. 
The boy who was so self centered he couldn’t handle things not being about him.
The boy who you fought with every single time you saw him. 
He lent closer and you froze. Was he going to kiss you? 
“I- I give up.” You stuttered, jumping out of his lap and rushing back to your spot. 
“I knew you’d chicken out.” Luke sung, a smug look on his face. 
You were silent, and Luke’s cocky grin fell, concern flicking through his eyes for a brief moment. 
“Hey Julie, it’s getting late, everyone needs to go home.” Ray said, stepping into the studio and you stood up quickly, rushing to grab your bag as the others stood up slowly. 
“You sure you don’t wanna stay the night Y/N?” Julie asked as you flung your bag onto your back. You nodded.
“Yeah I’m sure, my mum would kill me.” You said, and she nodded understandingly. 
“Can I walk you home?” Luke blurted out, and everyone turned to look at him in shock. He shrugged. 
“What? I may hate her guts but I still don’t want her to be murdered on the way home.” He said, and you could have sworn you saw a slight blush on his cheeks.
“No it’s fine, my house is just around the corner, Alex or Reggie can walk me.” You replied, glancing at your two friends. 
“Yeah I can-” Reggie stopped, noticing the glare that Luke was shooting him. “Actually sorry Y/N, I really have to get home quickly before my parents realise I was gone.” 
“Alex?” You tried. The blond boy shook his head. 
“Sorry babe, Willie and I are heading in the complete opposite direction.” Alex shot you a sympathetic look. You sighed, turning your attention to Luke. 
“Fine, let’s go Patterson.” You said, giving in. 
Luke followed behind you as you left the garage and headed out onto the street, walking in silence for a few minutes before you decided to speak up.
“So what’s your motive?” You asked. Luke frowned.
“My what?” He asked.
“Why are you walking me home? You said yourself you hate my guts.” 
“Can’t I just be a good friend?” He tried. You rolled your eyes.
“We’re not friends.” You reminded him. He shrugged as you turned heading down your street.
“Okay.” He replied simply. You stopped in front of your house, spinning on your heels to look at him.
“So?” You questioned. He hesitated, his normally confident aura gone. He opened his mouth to speak but decided against it, instead taking a step towards you. You looked up, your eyes meeting his, and your heart skipped a beat when you noticed the lust in his eyes.
“Luke.” You muttered quietly, and suddenly your back was pressed against the front wall of your house, his lips on yours.
Your brain short circuited. No one had ever kissed you with that much passion before.
You kissed him back with just as much force, the lust and alcohol clouding your better judgement.
He pulled away to take a breath and you wordlessly grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him towards your front door. You reached into your bag to find your keys, Luke’s lips on your neck sucking hard enough that you were definitely going to have a few marks to cover in the morning. You got the door unlocked and you kicked it open, spinning around to capture Luke’s lips with your own again, kissing him as you dragged him into your house.
“Are your family home?” He questioned breathlessly as he pulled away. You nodded.
“Just mum.” You told him as you lead him up the stairs, him trailing behind you like a lost puppy. “But she doesn’t care if I bring people home to fuck as long as we’re safe.”
You reached your bedroom door and opened it, shoving Luke inside before shutting and locking the door behind you.
He roughly shoved you against the door, lips connecting once more in a passionate kiss full of tongues and roaming hands.
You kicked off your shoes and began to strip down, your lips never once leaving his, and he did he same. You briefly pulled apart for him to remove his shirt, but once it was off his lips were back on yours again.
“Fuck.” He groaned, as your naked bodies pressed against each other.
“Speaking of, can you please?” You teased, pushing off the wall and placing your hands on his shoulders, leading him to your bed.
You gave him a light shove so that he fell backwards, and you climbed on top of him, straddling his waist, almost moaning at the feeling of his hard dick slipping between your folds.
“God Y/L/N.” Luke groaned as you began to move your hips, grinding into his boner.
“Shut up.” You told him.
He flipped you over, pinning you against your bed, his hand coming up to grab at your neck, choking you slightly.
You moaned loudly, not even caring that your mother might hear. She’d know in the morning by the marks littering your body.
“You like that? You like it when I choke you?” Luke questioned, placing a bit more pressure on your neck but not enough to hurt you or constrict your airways. 
“Fuck, yes.” You moaned in response.
“Of course you do, you dirty little whore.” His words made you even wetter, hips bucking up for some kind of contact.
“Patterson please just fuck me.” You groaned. He smirked.
“If you say so.” He sat up, hands running down your sides, before hesitating slightly.
“Do you have...” He paused, his voice uncharacteristically soft.
“Are you clean?” You questioned. He nodded. “Me too. Just fuck me.”
“But what about-” He started.
“I’m on the pill.” You cut him off. “Please Luke.”
He smirked.
“I think you need to beg a bit more.” He teased. 
“Fuck me right now or you’ll be jerking off in the street alone.” You threatened.
“Jesus princess, no need to be so pushy.” He said as he lined up his dick with your hole, pushing in roughly causing you to gasp.
“Fuck.” You exclaimed. He barely gave you time to adjust before he was pounding into you again, causing the both of you to swear loudly.
“Again.” You stuttered out, and he obeyed, slamming into you again.
“That feels so good.” You groaned.
“Oh yeah?” He smirked, repeating his actions to see your reaction.
“Yes you cocky bastard.” You spat, and he grinned.
“Fuck you.” He said.
“Please.” You bit back. He grinned, before beginning to thrust hard, creating a rhythm. His hand went back to your throat again, pressing down causing you to moan loudly.
“Fuck if you keep this up I won’t last.” You groaned. He bit his lip as he continued to pound into you.
“Me neither.” He admitted. He sped up his pace, the room filled with the sounds of slapping skin and your breathless moans.
“Fuck, I’m close.” He said, and you felt the familiar feeling pooling in your stomach.
“Me too.” You said. He glanced at you, seemingly hesitant to say something.
“What?” You questioned.
He bit his lip.
“Could you... tell me that I’m doing good?” He questioned, somewhat shyly.
“You have a praise kink?” You asked.
“Maybe...” He replied quietly.
“God Luke this feels so good. You feel so good.” You moaned, smirking at his reaction.
“Okay yes, I have a praise kink.” He admitted, squeezing your throat slightly as a warning not to tease him. You gasped.
“Yes Luke. So good.” You praised, and he moaned slightly.
“I’m gonna cum.” He said between moans.
“Ugh yes, fill me with your hot cum like the good boy you are.” You moaned, and he came undone, hips stuttering as he came inside you. The feeling of his cum coating your insides was enough to set you off too, your walls clenching around him as you came hard.
“I hate you.” You moaned.
“I hate you more.” He replied breathily.
You rode out your highs together and he pulled out, flopping down next to you.
“Mind if I stay the night?” He asked softly. You hesitated.
“No, I don’t mind.” You eventually decided. You turned your head to look at the boy next to you, his hair stuck to his head with sweat, and you suddenly realised that maybe you didn’t hate Luke Patterson as much as you thought you did.
You forced yourself to get up and clean off in the bathroom before climbing back into bed still naked with Luke.
He snuggled into your side and you pressed a soft kiss to his head, an oddly intimate gesture to someone you had claimed to hate up until an hour or so ago.
“Goodnight Y/N.” Luke whispered softly, his voice full of sleep.
“Goodnight Luke.” You replied, and with that the two of you drifted off to sleep, until the next morning when a shout woke you from your slumber.
“Oh my god did you two fuck?” Alex’s voice startled you, and you groaned, pulling the covers up over your head.
You were never going to live this one down.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Princess and The Pogue (pt. 4)
Pairing: JJ x Female!Reader / Topper x Female!Reader
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: swearing, angst
Part Summary: You wake up at the Chateau in JJ’s arms. When you receive a urgent call from Topper, you return to the Figure 8, much to JJ’s dismay. 
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You wake up to the sound of a faint buzzing. A small groan leaves your throat as you attempt to stretch out your limbs, but are trapped beneath the weight of an arm. Your eyes flicker open and adjust to the golden rays pouring in from the window. JJ doesn't even shift, completely unaware of your moving. You recognize the sound of your phone buzzing and dig around the recliner. You two must've fallen asleep during the movie. Kiara and Pope remain on the floor, sprawled out like starfish. The couch is empty, John B and Sarah are probably in his room. You finally manage to find your phone beneath JJ's hip. You do your best to slide it out without waking him. Slowly, you climb out of the chair, placing JJ's arm down gently. 
“Hello?” You whisper, suppressing a yawn as you step out to the porch to not wake the others. 
“Hey, Princess," Topper's worried voice echoes through the device. "Did I wake you?”
 You settle down on the couch in a ball, shaking your head as if Topper can see you. “No, No, it’s okay," you lie for his sake. "Is everything alright?” 
“It’s Rafe..." he sighs. "He kinda got outta hand last night and he hasn’t been to bed yet. He keeps saying he’s going to go to your house. I don’t think your parents should see him like this.” 
“What?" Your brows scrunch together in confusion. Slowly, the events of last night are creeping back to you. You remember all of it, but some parts are only flashes like photographs. "I’m not even home.” 
“Wait, where are you then?” Topper questions, sounding just as confused as you. 
“I uh... I stayed at Sarah's," you conjure up on a whim. 
“Okay..." he replies, not sounding fully convinced. "well do you think you could stop by my place or something? Rafe won’t shut up until he sees you. Thank God my mom left for Atlanta this morning. I can pick you up if you need.” 
“No, it’s okay. I’ll uh... I’ll borrow Sarah’s car or something. I’ll text you when I’m on my way," you determine. 
“Okay, see you then," Topper agrees, hanging up the phone. 
You drop the device in your lap, resting your forehead against your knees. None of this feels real. What are you even doing here? One minute you and Topper are stumbling out of the locker room and the next you're making out with JJ in a hammock. Holy shit, you made out with JJ in a hammock! Topper is going to kill you! He can't know. No, he can never know. 
“Morning Baby," JJ greets as he steps out onto the porch. He rubs his eyes as he walks over to join you. 
“Morning, sorry that I woke you up,” you apologize. 
"Don't be." He plops down next to you, bringing his arm to rest between your tucked legs. His hand is warm against your exposed knee. A part of you wants to cling to him like a koala, but your mind is also on Topper. "Who was that?” He yawns. 
“Topper," you answer truthfully, though it was hesitant. "Apparently, Rafe is acting out and keeps asking for me. I’m gonna head over there to calm him down a little." 
“Wait, what!" JJ's eyes widen, processing what you said. "By yourself?” 
“JJ, it’s okay! It’s just Topper and Rafe,” you snicker at his dramatic reaction. 
“Yeah! Rafe!" He repeats, turning his body toward you. His arm between your legs moves to your back and is replaced with his free one. "The guy who gave you laced weed, Babe!" 
Your lower lip pouts slightly as you're appreciative of his concern though it's not necessary. Impulsively, you bring your hand to his cheek and he leans into your touch subtly. “It’ll be fine, we’re not going to do anything. I’m just helping out Top. Once we get Rafe to chill I’ll be out of there.” 
“I’m driving,” he names his terms sternly. 
Your lips part as worry starts to build up inside you. “JJ, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I-“ 
“I wasn’t asking," he cuts you off sharply, his lips pressed together. “Either I go with you and wait in the car or you don’t go at all," he offers an ultimatum. 
'Okay, that's hot,' you think to yourself. 
You sit stunned for a second. As much as you hate the name, you're still the Princess of the OBX, no one talks to you like that or gives you ultimatums. Yet, you can't help but be utterly compliant when it comes to JJ Maybank. 
“Okay," you nod, trying your hardest to not blush, but ultimately fail. "As long as there’s no Pogue vs. Kook fistfights," you add to the rules. 
JJ notices your eyes wandering to his lips and leans forward with a smirk. “I can’t make any promises.” 
You grin as JJ brushes his lips against yours, bringing you in for a kiss. When he woke up JJ was nervous that he fucked up last night and that you'd regretted everything. It's just JJ always assuming the worst to avoid disappointment. His arm on you was him testing the waters. After a second, once learning that you're not going to pull away, he deepens the kiss. Your fingers comb through his luscious hair and grip the roots slightly. His hand on your knee steadily glides down your skin, moving between your legs. 
"Oh no!" You gasp against his lips, realizing something. 
JJ jumps, breaking his lips from yours and flying his hands off. “Woah, what! Sorry!” He thought maybe his hand may have set you off or something. He’s not sure what your boundaries are or anything, everything is still so new. 
“I don’t have a change of clothes!" You tell him. 
“Jesus," he rolls his eyes, finally able to breathe again. "Wear my shirt you’re wearing,” he gestures to the black AC/DC shirt hanging on you. 
You raise your eyebrows. “And have them start a fight? No way! They'll know it’s not mine," you explain stressfully. 
"You're right, tell them it's your boyfriend's and to mind their own damn business," JJ determines with a carefree shrug. Only after a couple seconds does he process that he called himself your boyfriend, having not discussed that yet. 
You raise your brows at his remark. A faint laugh escapes you, as if that would go over well with the boys. “As much as I would love to, I don’t think that would go well considering Rafe is already losing his mind.” 
A rush of relief consumes JJ when you don’t reject him. In fact, he’s over the moon when you don’t deny that he’s indeed your boyfriend. 
“So..." JJ drags out, gliding your fingers up and down your thigh. "Did you give Topper a specific time?” 
“No, just that I’d be over as soon as possible." You smirk, already knowing what he's thinking. "Why?” 
"Because if I remember correctly," he purrs into your ear with a smirk. "We were rudely interrupted last night..."
 As much as you'd love to do what JJ has in mind, you owe it to Topper to show up at a decent time. "We have the rest of the day for that," you move back a little, much to JJ's disappointment. He groans, making you giggle. "If Rafe acts up any more than he already has and goes to my house I'm royally screwed." 
"Okay, fine! Fine!" He rises up from the couch and offering you a hand. "But I'm holding you to your word! I expect full tomfoolery later!" 
"Deal." You lean in and plant a peck to his lips, making him blush. 
JJ grabs the keys to the Twinkie while you wait outside. You go over the plan multiple times on the way over, mainly to ease your nerves. JJ will park a few yards down the road, hidden behind the hedges that line Topper's yard. You will tell Topper that Sarah dropped you off and that you'll walk home because you live a few blocks away. Checking on Rafe will only take twenty minutes tops, but you're aiming for fifteen. You've done this before, taking care of Rafe. Get sick, chug Pedialyte, have Mcdonald's delivered, and put him to bed. 
You text Topper as soon as you're on your side of the island. 
Heading over now! 
A minute later, you receive a response. 
Awesome! See you soon! Thanks again Y/N/N. Owe you one! 
JJ does exactly as planned, making sure the Twinkie can't be seen from Topper's house. Reluctantly, he lets you out without him. He warns though that if you don't text him or give him some sign that you're okay within the ten-minute time slot he's given that he'll come in after you. You promise that you'll text him a smiley face as soon as you get the chance. 
You knock on Topper's front door a few times and wait for the tall boy to answer. After a few minutes you call for your friends. "Top! Rafe!" 
"I don't want you! I want Y/N!" You hear from the backyard and make your way back. 
"She's on her way!" Topper shouts. 
"Dude! Just sit down!" You hear Kelce add. 
"Guys?" You pop your head around the corner and find Rafe standing on the edge of Topper's pool, fully clothed in his suit from the night before. 
"Y/N! Finally!" Rafe gleams, gripping a bottle of champagne in his hand. 
"Thank God," Topper grumbles to himself as he approaches you. "Thanks again for coming," he greets with a kiss to your temple. 
"Of course," you smile as you move toward Kelce. You give him a quick side hug as you greet everyone. "When did you get here?" 
"About five minutes ago," he answers, breathless from trying to keep Rafe from jumping in. "Apparently I'm not good enough because he keeps asking for you." 
"Hey, Rafe, what's up?" You call over to the boy as stumbles over to you. 
"Geez, you are the most gorgeous girl in the OBX," he grins. 
"Oh am I now? What have you been up to?" You asking, knowing the answer. He smells of weed, sweat, and stale alcohol. His suit will no doubt need some serious dry cleaning. 
"Eh, nothing too exciting," he waves his hand and places an arm over your shoulder. "After you disappeared from the party the boys and I went back to do a few more lines. It wasn't as fun without you. Where did you go anyway? We looked all over for you." 
JJ crosses his arms over his chest. "Yeah, where'd you go?" He repeats as if you didn't explain it before on the phone. 
You frown at your best friend. Why is he acting like that? "Sarah convinced her parents to give her the car and she took me to her house while her parents were are the party," you repeat the story you rehearsed with JJ. 
"But Sarah was still at the party after we lost you. She told your parents that you left..." Topper replies slowly, almost as though he's accusing you of something. 
"Yeah, I was waiting in the car," you answer without hesitation. 
"Right..." Topper nods with narrowed eyes. 
You roll your eyes at Topper and bring your arm around Rafe. "Let's get you inside." 
"I wanted to go for a swim," Rafe whines. 
"That sounds so fun," you pretend, silently begging him to go inside without any retaliation. "Sadly, I didn't bring my suit." 
"Come on, Y/N, it's not like I haven't seen you in your underwear before," Rafe chuckles as you cross the threshold of the sliding door. 
"Nice, Rafe," Topper sarcastically remarks. 
"Oh no, I think I'm gonna be sick," Rafe coughs, hutching over next to you. 
 "I got this one," Kelce shouts, moving to get his friend toward the bathroom. 
Now that Rafe is inside and in the "get sick" stage, you move on to ordering him McDonald's. Knowing Topper's house like the back of your hand, you walk into the kitchen, leaving the boy in the living room. You hop onto the counter, your legs dangle over the edge. As you tap through your phone, Topper enters the room. 
"Are you feeling better?" He checks on you with a smile, a complete 180 from the attitude he was giving you minutes before. "I was out of it but I vaguely remember us stumbling out of the locker room," he chuckles. 
"Yeah we kinda went a little too far last night," you giggle, recalling the memory. "But I feel much better." 
Topper nods, offering you a faint smirk. He parts your legs, resting his palms on your thighs. "I'm surprised Ward let you and Sarah take his new Porsche considering he won't even let Rose drive it." 
Your heart races, shit. You didn't realize Ward took the Porsche to the party. When Sarah got to John B's she was in a BMW. 
"He must've had a lot of whiskey or something," you ramble out. 
The boy nods, bringing his hands to your hips. "Interesting... and-" Topper scrunches his brows together, glancing down at your body. "What are you wearing right now?" 
"It's uh... Sarah's," you blurt out what JJ said before you can think it through. 
"Sarah owns a ripped-up AC/DC shirt?" Topper snickers, not believing you for a second. 
"What? You don't?" You try to play it off. 
"Did you end up borrowing Sarah's car?" He changes the subject quickly, making your furrow your brows. 
"She dropped me off," you stick to your story. 
"That's nice of her," Topper comments, stepping closer to you. Usually, you'd like having him so close, but there's an underlying tension between you that makes you anxious. 
"For sure," you mutter, avoiding his gaze. 
"So you need a ride home?" He offers. 
"Nah, it's okay. I'll walk," you rush out. 
Topper brings his hand to the collar of your shirt, his fingertips gliding across your collar bone to rest on the side of your neck. "I kinda needed to see your brother anyway." 
You swallow hard, trying to remain calm. "For what?" 
"We're supposed to go out to the course later," he matches your quiet tone. 
"Cool," you nod faintly, starring down at your lap. 
"You and that Pogue seemed friendly last night before I came over... " Topper insinuates. 
Your head snaps up, meeting Topper's burning gaze. "Pogue? What Pogue?" 
"The one bartending," he snickers mockingly. 
"The blonde kid? Oh, not really," your brows scrunch together, nervously fidgeting with your phone case. "I only met him last night, didn't even catch his name," you lie. 
Topper tilts his head to the side. "Isn't he friends with John B? He's been around the Cameron's place a few times." 
"I haven't noticed," you shrug.
You can't tell whether he believes you or not. His stern expression never wavering. You feel trapped with his hands gripping your hips. 
"He's certainly noticed you, hasn't he?" The boy remarks with a wicked smirk as he stares at your lips. 
You shift your head back, taken aback by his words. "What does that mean?" 
"Oh come on, Y/N," Topper mutters your name, not one of his usual nicknames. "You're telling me you didn't notice him looking you up and down? It's why I came over to the bar after your dance with Rafe. I already had a full whiskey on the table." 
You snicker at the information, utterly amazed by the lengths Topper will go. "You ordered a drink just because you thought JJ was "too friendly" with me?" 
Topper narrows his eyes at you curiously. "I thought you didn't know his name?" 
Chills course over your skin as your breath hitches in your throat. Now, you remember that you haven't texted JJ and you're not sure how long it's been. 
"You want to tell me what's really going on, Y/N?" Topper presses. 
"Nothing's happening! I've gotta go," you snap, pressing a hand to his chest to urge him off of you. 
Topper grabs your wrist, removing your hand from him. Abruptly, he slams his lips to yours. Desprately, he brings his free hand to the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. 
"Get-" you mutter against his lips as you try to fight him off. Instinctively you punch him in the chest, causing him to break from you. "Get off of me!" You gasp, hopping down from the counter as Topper stumbles back. "What the hell Topper!" 
His eyes grow wide, comprehending what he's done. He reches for you, but you cower away. "Y/N, I-" 
"No!" Your voice cracks as tears threaten to fall from your eyes. "You don't just get to do that whenever you feel like it! I'm not at your disposal when you want me!" 
He nods frantically. "I know that! I didn't-" 
"Ugh, whatever Top. I'm tired of this interrogation! You and Kelce can babysit Rafe without me!" You wave your hands as your march out of the room toward the front door. 
"Y/N! Y/N, wait!" Topper calls after you. "Y/N!" 
He follows you out the front door to the driveway in a panic. He can't believe he just kissed you, the one thing he swore he'd never do without your permission. He was just so desperate. He could feel you moving away from him and was panicking that maybe you were keeping something from him. 
"Y/N!" Topper wraps his fingers around your wrist. 
You yank your arm free as you spin on your heels to face him. "Don't grab me!" 
"Don't walk out on me!" He barks, instantly regretting it. 
Topper knows this isn't the way to get to you, but he's just so worried that you're slipping away. This wouldn't be the first time you two have fought this way, having it out in front of one of your houses. Similar to an old married couple, you two fight as passionately as you love each other. 
"You don't own me, Topper!" You remind the boy. 
"I'm just looking out for you!" He reasons in a shot. 
"You're the one who's acting like my dad right now!" You scoff. 
"Oh!" He laughs mockingly. "Is that what being an overbearing friend is called now?" 
You huff, turning over your shoulder to continue down the driveway. 
Topper stays where he is, yelling at you as your march away. "You know what, fine! Don't tell me what's going on! I just thought we were closer than that! I must've misunderstood all of last year, all of those late-night conversations and that weekend in Bermuda or all of winter break!" 
"Oh, my lord!" You groan, tossing your head back as you stop in your tracks. "Stop being so dramatic!" 
"What's he doing here?" Topper questions, his volume at a normal level. 
You frown, following his eyes as they linger behind you. Turning over your shoulder, you spot JJ standing at the end of the driveway. 
You hide your face in your hands. "Oh, Jesus-" 
"You have to be kidding me!" Topper shouts with a chuckle of frustration. 
"JJ, can you give us a minute?" You request calmly, giving the blonde a weak smile. 
"You brought him! You bring a Pogue!" Topper can't help but laugh, shocked by how this day has gone to complete shit in a span of fifteen minutes. 
Nervously, you rush over to Topper, pressing your hands to his chest. "Top, just go inside, okay!" You try your best to keep the situation civil. "I'll be inside in a minute-" 
"You're on the wrong side of the island, Pogue!" He points to JJ over his shoulder. 
"Just stick a cork in it, Prince Charming," JJ bites back from his spot. 
You huff, using all your strength to push a stubborn Topper toward the front door. He towers over you and is much stronger than you, so it's a tall task. 
"Prince Charming? Really!" Topper laughs. "Wow, got a real smartass here, Princess," he tells you. 
"Just for the love of all that good and holy go inside!" You beg of him with a grunt as you continue to guide him inch by inch. 
"Not until you get this trailer park trash off my driveway!" Topper bitterly remarks, loud enough for JJ to hear. 
"JJ and I will go as soon as we're done here," you tell him calmly with a huff, giving up on moving him. 
You step back, preparing to leave, but Topper grips your forearms. "No way you're leaving with him! No, you're staying here with us!" 
When Topper grabs you, JJ loses all cool and storms toward your friend. "Touch her again and I'll kick your ass, Kook!" JJ likes to think he's been rather rational and on his best behavior up until this point considering Topper is treating you as his property. 
"JJ! Don't!" You intercept the boy and though he could easily move you aside, he remains in your arms. 
"As if I'd leave her with your tripped-out friend and cluster of misogynistic asshole!" He points at Topper aggressively. 
"You don't know a thing about us, Pogue!" Topper pushes. 
"Topper! Enough! JJ back off!" You instruct sharply. 
With a growl, JJ walks back down the driveway, refusing to turn his back on the Kook. Cooling down slowly, he takes your hand, squeezing it tightly as he leads you toward the sidewalk. 
"You leave with him now and we're done!" Topper declares, making you stop in your tracks. "I mean it! You leave now and you're a Pogue!" 
"You don't mean that," you shake your head in disbelief. 
He laughs wickedly, "I promise you I do! It's them or us! You can't have both, Y/N!" 
It feels as though Topper has sucked all life from you. The light that he's kept going inside of you for so long has burned out. He's been your reason to be happy since you were kids and now he's threatening to desert you forever. All because you're falling for a Pogue. 
Kelce and Rafe appear in the archway of the front door. Kelce frowns, "what's going on out here?" 
"What's that Pogue doing here?"  Rafe questions. He sees your grieving expression and his wild antics become a distant memory. "Y/N?" 
You swallow hard, clenching your jaw in disgust at the Kook you once called your best friend. "Ask Topper!" 
You yank your hand free of JJ's and run down the driveway in the direction of the Twinkie. JJ jogs after you worriedly. He unlocks the car and you rush to get in. As soon as you sit down, you hunch over in your seat, your head cradled in your hands. JJ climbs in next to you and starts the car. He glances over at you and a wave of guilt consumes. He can't help but think this is all his fault. If he hadn't gone to check on you, maybe Topper wouldn't have said what he did. You wouldn't be devastated and you'd acknowledge his presence. 
JJ places a hand on your back. "Baby-" 
Before JJ can finish you cower away from him, moving your body toward the window. His heart drops as a million worst-case scenarios start to play in his mind. You hate him. You hate him now because he cost you, Topper. Of course, he already thought about what it would mean if you had to choose between him or Topper. He just had a naive inkling of hope that maybe you'd choose him and be okay, be happier with him. Now, he realizes by your disgust of him that you would've chosen Topper if Topper didn't push you toward JJ. 
The ride back to John B's is painfully silent. JJ had to turn on the radio five minutes in to drown out the overwhelming self-deprecating thoughts ringing in his mind. As soon as JJ rolls up to the end of the gravel driveway, you see the Pogues and Sarah gathered around the old bonfire eating breakfast. Not wanting to see them, you hop out, the car not even in park yet. 
"Hey guys! Where have-" Sarah stops as she sees you run into the house. JJ climbs out of the van and slams the door shut, grumbling various cuss words to himself. "What's wrong with Y/N?" Sarah asks him once he's closer to the group. 
"Topper called her this morning," the boy answers, pressing his lips together as he sits on an empty log. "Your brother was acting up and wouldn't chill out until he saw her. Long story short, I fucked up and intervened when things got tense with her and Topper," JJ hisses, clasping his hands together. "Topper told her that if she left with me that they wouldn't talk to her again so we left..." 
The group is silent, exchanging worried glances. Sarah's jaw is nearly in the dirt. She never thought in a million years that Topper would ever say those words to you. JJ's knee shakes up and down as he hides his head above his knees.  He rises to his feet, picking up an empty can from last night, and chucks it into the words with all his strength. "Y/N won't even fucking look at me!"
"That's not your fault, JJ," Kiara assures her friend, breaking the silence. "You did the right thing! Topper is a jerk!" 
"She'll come around. It's probably for the best that she's cut off from them. Those guys aren't good for her," Sarah adds. 
JJ exhales deeply, facing Sarah. "Do you know what happened last year or in Bermuda and Topper said something about winter break?" 
"Oh..." the girl's face falls. 
"What is it? Is it bad?" John B asks from beside her. 
"Not exactly. Topper and Y/N... Well..." she struggles to come up with the right words. 
You and Topper struggle to navigate your way through the pitch-black bungalow. You two have just gotten dropped off from the cantina in town. Half an hour before, Topper was doing body shots off of you. The boy leads you through the house, his hand wrapped tightly around yours. Through the moonlight, you notice a pillar right in Topper's path. 
“Watch out!” You gasp, tugging Topper back. 
“Oh shit!” He stumbles into you, pinning you against the wall. 
“I told you to watch out!” You giggle and peek around the corner into the living room. “Oh my god!” Your hand flies up to your mouth. 
“What! What is it?” Topper rushes out. 
“Rafe and that girl from Brazil,” you whisper, suppressing your laughter. 
“No way! You’re kidding!” Through the darkness, you can see Topper's eye grow wide as he steps to the side to see around the corner. 
“On the couch!” You instruct drunkenly. 
“Did they?” He wonders. 
“I have no idea!” You giggle. 
“Holy shit!” Topper laughs as he returns to stand in front of you. 
“He was blasted tonight,” you remember. “Poor Kelce went to bed as soon as we got back." 
“I didn’t mind it,” Topper mutters, gliding his fingertips up and down your arm. “Kinda liked it being just us...” 
“Topper,” you whisper his name warningly, a smile on your lips. 
“What?” He chuckles lightly, leaning in closer to you. 
You shake your head, finding it hard not to blush. “We broke up almost a year ago. You and Sarah-“ 
“Are broken up," he finishes. 
“Yeah, and remember how devastated you were no more than two weeks ago?" You try to reason with him. "You still need to heel and figure out what you want.” 
“I want you," he whispers, brushing lips against yours. 
“Top, I don’t think-“ 
Before you can finish, he kisses you softly. It's not the first time and you know in the back of your mind it likely won't be the last. 
“You’re all I think about, Y/N,” he confesses against your lips. “I need to feel you again. I miss the way you taste.” 
“Top...” You mutter breathlessly. 
You shake your head, despite not stopping him. “We shouldn’t...” 
“We deserve to, don’t we? After everything?" He reasons, tucking his fingers over the band of your panties. "You like me and I like you, we’re both single, there’s history, why can’t we?” 
A million reasons cross your mind, the most important one, your friendship. You and Topper have always been complicated. Things get worse when you add sex to the mix, which is exactly why you two formed boundaries a while back. Then again, you two toss those boundaries out the window every time you drink too much. 
One hand remains on your waist as the other slips down to the hem of your dress. His warm fingertips glide under the fabric, against your thigh. “Don’t you miss it? How we used to be? When we couldn’t get enough of each other," he smirks as a memory pops into his head that he's certain will get to you. “Our ski trip over Christmas.” 
“Okay yeah, you win," you rush out, instantly pressing your lips to his desperately. 
Topper snickers against your lips as he tucks his hands behind your legs and picks you up. Your legs wrap around his waist he just so happens to know effortlessly the direction to his room now. Though he was completely lost minutes before. 
"They dated!" Pope's jaw nearly hits the gravel. 
"No way!" John B wears a similar expression. 
"Yes and no. It's more complicated than that," Sarah tries to explain 
Kiara struggles to piece together the picture. "But I thought you two-" 
"They were friends with benefits before we were dating. Then, when Topper and I started dating, they stopped. Topper and I took a break in the winter and they started up again but stopped after Y/N decided that she couldn't do it anymore. Finally, they all went to Bermuda for a week after Midsummers. They didn't plan on anything happening, according to Y/N, but it kinda just did. They've always had "a thing" for each other. It's only ever been a fling though," Sarah finally manages to lay out the hectic story. 
"And you're okay with that?" Kiara frowns, wondering how Sarah fits into all of that. 
"Nothing happened while we were together," she shrugs but is certain of her words. "I know without a doubt that Y/N would never do that to me. Plus, it was never dating-like... it was more hook-up-ish if that makes sense?" 
"This is insane!" JJ finally voices his perspective, rubbing his hand across the back of his neck. 
"I need a diagram," Pope adds. 
"Wait, so Topper and Y/N are on-and-off again. Meanwhile, Rafe has a thing for Y/N. Does Kelce play a role in any of this?" John B brings up a good point. 
Sarah shakes her head. "Not that I know of." 
"That's one fucked up love triangle," Pope releases a pent-up sigh. 
"This is why we have the "no Pogue-on-Pogue macking" rule. That friend group is a mess!" Kiara reasons. 
"Topper and Y/N have always been super close," Sarah describes solemnly considering the recent turn of events. "She must be devastated! Even if he is an ass. He's only ever been good to Y/N. I was low-key jealous of her when I first started seeing Topper. He holds her up on this pedestal," she admits. 
Suddenly, the screendoor creaks, making everyone turn their attention toward the house. Y/N marches out, back in her dress from last night. 
John B breaks the silence. "Hey Y/N! Where are you-" 
"Sarah, can you drive me home?" You ignore the boy on your way to Sarah's car, unlocking it. 
Sarah stands slowly from her position. "Sure, but don't you-" 
"Thanks!" You cut her off, already climbing into the passenger seat and putting the keys into the ignition. 
"I'll... I'll be back later," Sarah stammers in confusion to her friends. 
Everyone watches as Sarah back out of the driveway then turns their focus to a devastated JJ. 
"I fucked it up. I fucked it up!" He screams, squeezes his hands into fists until his knuckles are white. 
"JJ, it's okay! She probably just needs a minute," Kiara rushes out. 
"I have her for two seconds!" He bursts, his face becoming red with frustration. "Two fucking seconds and I ruined it just like I ruin everything else!" 
"Just give it time!" Pope tries to reason with him calmly. 
"Goddammit!" JJ curses before bolting toward the driveway and out of sight. 
"JJ!" His friends all call for him. 
 "JJ come back!" John B shouts to receive no response. "Well this day is officially shit," the boy huffs as he settles back down onto his log. 
"Do you think they'll be okay?" Kiara worries. 
"Hope so," John B whispers. 
After Sarah drops you off, you hide away in your room for the rest of the day. All you do is cry. You already miss Topper more than anything. You need him. You'll always need him. Then, on top of that, you're torturing yourself for how you treated JJ. None of this is his fault, but you treated him like it was. You cowered from him to keep from crying. You didn't want to scare him away, but in the process, you pushed him away. While you're losing your mind, JJ is losing his outside his dad's house with a half-empty bottle of Jim Beam in his hand. He's looking to pick a fight. He figures that if he's in pain physically that the pain he's inflicting on himself mentally will go away. You started the day wrapped up in each other and in bliss. You're ending it both in pain and willing to do anything to make it go away. 
Tags: @starkeythinker @bethii1 @thegunnerkelly @cc13723things @hockeybabe87​ 
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ilyjohnb · 3 years
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a/n: sorry this took so long! i think i actually like this one! in case anyone is interested, im posting this on my wattpad now! link on pinned post. **gif credit to @lydiaas**
requester: anon “ “Wiggle your fingers. I need to make sure it’s not broken.” maybe this with john b… but it does turn out to be broken and he needs surgery?”
summary: when Rafe Cameron is bothering you, John B doesn’t hesitate to hurt himself to help you
warnings: fighting and a broken arm, both of which are not graphically detailed
word count: 1138
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You loved being a Pogue, except when one specific boy Kook ruined everything. Your parents were Kooks, and everyone expected you, Y/n Y/l/n to be one too. Life simply didn't work that way. You loved hanging with your 3 best friends and your boyfriend. But those 3 dumb kooks always tried to remind you of what you were supposed to be.
This particular instance happened at the annual Bonfire. JJ, Kiara, and Pope all had something better to do, which you didn’t blame them. The bonfire was like any other party that happened all year. John B was right by your side, kissing you and returning the glare Rafe Cameron was sending his way. Everything was going fine, until of course John B had to leave and do something. Rafe made his way over. You backed up as far as you could, but they eventually caught up.
“Hello, Y/n.”
You backed up to the point where you were out of sight from everyone at the bonfire. Which meant that nobody could see Rafe, which means they also couldn't see that you needed help.
“Where's your goons this time?”
“Don’t need them. Not when I have you, the Kook Princess.”
“I’m not a Kook.”
He stepped closer, too close. “I think that the weak-ass excuse of a boyfriend manipulated you into thinking that. You're a Kook. Same as me, same as Sarah, and same as everyone who lives on Figure 8, which you legally do. I think.” He gently smiled over in your direction, lcking his lips. “you need someone to help you remember that.”
“Oh is that right Rafe?” John B asked.
Rafe charged at him, knocking him over. John B got the first punch in by the time you made it over there to help him. Rafe managed to stand up, but you kicked Rafe in the back of his knees making him collapse.
“I think it’s best if you leave now, Rafe.” You seethed.
“You know I'm right, Y/n. Just think about it!” He shouted as he ran over to his car to leave.
You scoffed before running over to John B.
“John B I'm so sorry.”
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault that some dumbass Kook felt the need to try and mack on you.”
You pouted. “Well, I’m still sorry.”
You leaned in and hugged him, so he leaned down for a kiss, but you felt his hand being held at an awkward angle.
“John B? Stick up your hands.” You saw him, his hand was stiff and his fingers were bent. “Did you mess up something in your hand?”
“Uh, probably.”
“Wiggle your fingers. I need to make sure it’s not broken.”
“Fuck, ow.” He tried, but ultimately couldn’t.
“We need to get you to a hospital bubs.”
“Since you can’t wiggle your fingers, it’s probably a break.”
You took him home first, grabbing him a shirt and an ice pack. You walked back to the car and helped him slip the shirt on, opening the door of the van for him so he could get back in.
“I’m supposed to be opening the door for you.” He pouted.
“You broke your hand for me, I think that’s enough chivalry for the night.”
After waiting for an hour, he was taken back and they x-rayed his hand while I sat and waited in the room. Eventually, he came back.
“How’d it go?”
“Great I think I aced it.”
“That’s not how it works, you know what? Good job babe.”
Right after, a man came in.
“Mr. Routledge?” He asked.
“Yes, sir.”
“Hi I’m Doctor Jones,” He reached over and shook both of our hands.
“So it is indeed a break.”
“Nothing that a cast can’t fix, right doc?” John B tried to laugh but stopped when he saw the doctor didn’t look like he agreed with his statement.
“In most cases, yes. The problem with your arm,” He pulled up the X-ray and showed it to us. “Is that you’ve broken both of the bones. We'll put you in a splint for now, but you’ll need to come back in after your swelling goes down. Just fill in this paperwork and confirm that someone will pick you up, and we’ll get that scheduled for you.”
You helped him with the boring paperwork. He got his splint put on and then he was all set for the next three days when his surgery was.
“I don’t want surgery, y/n! I’m fine.” He grumbled.
“No, you’re not bubs. It’ll be okay. I’m dropping you off and then picking you up too.”
You sat in the waiting room for the last half-hour of the surgery. You had spent the time cleaning up a little so it wouldn’t be hard for John B to get around after he got home.
“Ms. Y/l/n?”
You looked up at the same doctor who went over the x-rays with you.
“Yes, I’m here for John Routledge. He had wrist surgery this morning.”
“Ah yes. The surgery went well and with no complications. If he leaves the splint on, and eventually the cast, and comes to his physical therapy after he’s done healing he should get full use of his arm again.”
“Thank you, Doctor. Am I allowed to see him?”
“Yes, he’s in room 210. It’s down the hall here on the left.” He pointed.
You nodded and took off to see John B. You honestly didn’t know what you were expecting. This was a little different than wisdom teeth removal surgery. You had absolutely no clue how he would be.
Post-surgery John B was tired. He was in the splint again as they waited for the swelling to recede after the surgery.
“Hi, Y/n.” He smiled up at you.
“How are you feeling, bubs?”
“Now that you’re here I feel perfect. Wanna know why?”
“Why?” You smiled, amused.
“Because you’re perfect. Excuse me, ma’am.”
The nurse who was writing something on his chart looked up at him, no sign of being annoyed was present on her face.
“My girlfriend is perfect, isn’t she?”
“John B!” You gently scolded. “You’re gonna embarrass me.”
“But you are and everyone needs to know that you are.” He pouted.
“Wait, shit. Don’t cry bubs. I’m sorry. Wanna go home and have ice cream?”
He nodded and you gently wiped away his tears with your thumbs. You quickly signed the discharge paperwork and then you were all set. You held the hand of his good arm as he was wheeled out of the hospital. You gently put him in the front seat and smiled over at him when you were both buckled in and ready to go.
John B was a keeper, and you were so glad to have someone like him in your life.
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bangtangalicious · 3 years
the glow up | pjm, kth (1)
pairing: jimin x reader, taehyung x reader ft. a splash of jungkook
summary: after going off to college, you & your best friend committed to working out. a year later, the results show, and you cant wait for your hot hometown friends to see you. now all you wanna do is wild out and have lots of sex, and enjoy it without feeling insecure
genre: smut, angst drama childhoodfriends!au weightloss!au (is that a thing) friends-to-lovers!au
word count: 3.5k
warnings: body image issues, car sex, road...riding(?), exhibitionist themes, groping, toxic behavior, lots of making out, dirty talk, boys being problematic, weight loss, slut-shaming, unprotected sex (disclaimer: everyone’s body is beautiful. there is no ideal weight or body type! you’re beautiful) 
part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7                                                    masterlist
The sun rays filtered through your blinds, and as you felt the piercing heat on your skin you smiled. Summer was finally here. You had come back from college just a few days ago, and had yet to catch up with your old friends.
You were really excited this time. The past year, you and Jimin had made a pact to hold each other accountable and go to the gym. You were proud of your hard work, and the results showed.
You had always been the chubbier friend. Not to the point where anyone really noticed, but you did. Jimin would relate to you back in the day, as you both would get teased by his friends for his cheeks. Today was Jimin’s pool party, and you were expecting to make a grand entrance to show off your new body. Adrenaline rushed through your veins. Everyone would be unable to take their eyes off of you.
Taehyung had graciously offered to pick you up since he would be in the area to pick up the alcohol anyways. You saw from your window as his white convertible entered the parking lot. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, an oversized T covering the skin tight bikini underneath.
As Taehyung saw you emerge from the building, he pulled his arm back, gesturing you to sit next to him and smiled. He was always really sweet to you. You had known him just as long as Jimin even though you weren’t as close.
“Morning princess. It’s been a while”
You blushed and rolled your eyes. You made a point to show off your tones legs as you got into his car. You didn’t miss the way his eyes scanned your figure as the wind teased your curves under the baggy fabric.
“Hey Tae, damn it really has. I haven’t seen you since last year!” You twirled your finger in your hair absentmindedly. Taehyung kept one hand at the back of your shoulders as he began to drive. Something about the way he was driving had you squirming. He glanced over at you, and you good see the smirk in his eyes from behind his round glasses. He turned on the radio as he pressed down on the gas.
Next thing you know, you’re lowering yourself down onto his hard dick.
When did you end up getting into his lap and riding him as he drove? When did you get completely naked in his car and let his taste every inch of you? The details were a blur. But as you reached Jimin’s house, you were a sweating, breathless mess. Taehyung looked completely fine, as if nothing had happened. He waved to some others who were gathered around the entrance as he stopped the car then turned to you. His hand found your thigh, slowly caressing you as his fingers crept up, his thumb brushing over your wetness, still sensitive from the quick fuck you two shared just minutes before.
“You ready to go in?” He smiled genuinely, it was as if he had turned back into the Taehyung you knew from your childhood and not the boy who was whispering absolute filth into your ears about how many different ways he wanted to destroy you.
“Um, you go ahead, I just need to gather myself”
He nodded in understanding, pushing your hair behind your ears, gazing at you intensely before leaning to kiss you passionately, as if he had been craving you for years and couldn’t get enough. Your hands instantly cupped his face, reciprocating and rolling your body towards him, searching for something you knew you wouldn’t find. His lips were incredible. Soft and tight, teeth grazing over yours and tugging at you. You shifted to get even closer to him, allowing him to grab your waist. It was not the most comfortable position, but you were too lost in sensation to care.
“What the fuck”
As if someone threw a bucket of cold water on you, you yelped and jumped away from Taehyung, realizing how blatantly in public you two had been making out. You turned and saw the shocked and confused expression of your best friend.
You took in the sight of him. He looked hot. You had to blink to make sure you were even looking at the right person. His face had changed strikingly, his jaw sharp, angled, and neck toned. He also seemed to be trying to digest everything he was seeing.
Your mutual staring was interrupted by the sound of Taehyung getting out of the car, slamming the door shut. He came up to your side of the car, tilted your face up and kissed you one last time. You saw Jimin’s knees go week, and fury built in his eyes. Taehyung then playfully pat his back before leaving the two of you to go enjoy the party.
You had no idea what to say. You didn’t know if you should feel guilty. You technically didn’t do anything wrong. Jimin was simply gaping at you.
He finally cleared his throat, seemingly coming to some sort of compromise within himself. “Sorry, I was just…not expecting that.” He opened his arms as an invitation for you to get out of the car and hug him, which you did. You basked in his comforting scent.
“Missed you loser” You muttered. You heard him scoff as he let you go, his eyes flickering over you.
“So…” He backs away so that you two are still pressed against each other but he could see your face, “You and Tae?”
“No! It’s not like that I…”
He clenched his jaw, tilting his head.
“Did he fuck you y/n?”
You nodded. You felt his fists clench. You quickly grabbed his wrist before he turned around to go find Taehyung.
“Wait, what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna fucking kill him that’s what”
He tried to shake you off but you wouldn’t budge. “Calm down. Hey. I wanted to Jimin, it was mutual” He shoved you back against Taehyung’s car, you almost tripped back over the door into the seat but you caught yourself.
“Why? Did you really put so much time and work on that body just to hand it off to the first person you get your hands on? Did you really go through all the hell these past few months, getting up early, sweating every day? All that work and you just toss it to him like it’s nothing? Now you’re acting like a complete whore? Don’t you have any self respect?”
You had seen Jimin angry before, but this was different. He looked dissapointed. You realized with a queasiness in your stomach that your best friend was looking at you in disgust. Judging you. You felt small suddenly, wishing you could rewind and take it all back, just arrive and have fun like you had originally planned.
“Let me see” He demanded. “Show me your body” You were incredibly confused, but did as he asked, lifting your shirt up and tossing it into Taehyung’s car. You observe as Jimin gulps, staying absolutely silent. If he likes what he sees, he makes no indication of it. He looks away.
“Wow. You…you’re hot” He says softly, his voice much kinder but he couldn’t meet your eyes. You swallowed nervously.
“So are you. I’m proud of us” You reached for his arm affectionately. “Jimin, I’m sorry if me fucking Taehyung made you feel uncomfortable, but come on I haven’t seen you in so long. I wanna enjoy today with you. Let’s just move on” Jimin finally looked back at you, sighing and nodding his head.
He led you to the pool. Taehyung was already in the water, playing volleyball with Jungkook and Hoseok. He smiled your way, pushing his wet hair back. You could feel Jimin’s eyes on you like a hawk as you smiled back. He got out of the pool and walked over to you. You couldn’t help but ogle at the way the water dripped down his bare chest.
“Y/n, you should come play with us” He offered sincerely. Jimin scoffed quite loudly, causing others to turn their heads as well. Taehyung ignored him, smiling towards you still.
“Y…yeah for sure. I’ll come in a bit”
“Aw come on, I can carry you, it’ll be fun” He wrapped his arms around your hips, allowing your legs to wrap around him. You giggled as he swung around and screamed as he threw you into the pool. Jungkook swam over and caught you in an embrace, his hand accidentally brushing the side of your breast.
“Hey y/n!” He said sweetly, “It’s great to see you! You look really good” You blushed as Jungkook let his hands travel up and down your back. Jimin was practically fuming. Jungkook’s fingers teasingly toyed with the tie of your bikini, making you heat up inside. Seeing as you didn’t back away, he took it as invitation to advance even more. Making sure his back blocked any sight of what he was doing to you, he slid his hand under your flimsy bikini. He whispered into your ear “You like that?” You nodded, unable to hide the red flush on your cheek. He smirked and pulled you flush against him so you could feel his hard cock through his trunks. “Tell me how Tae fucked you y/n”
“What did you do, hm?” His hands squeezed your inner thighs, spreading your legs out so he could push in more. “Did you give him road head? Did you ride his cock? In a convertible fuck just out in the open for everyone to see? Is that what you’re into huh? You like it when others watch?”
You nodded furiously, your core getting extremely hot with his words.
“What do you think? Want me to turn you around right here? Take you in front of everyone? Take you in front of Taehyung…in front of Jimin? Poor motherfucker would probably die with jealousy”
That statement didn’t sit well with you. Jimin? Jealous? You wiggled out of Jungkook’s grip, swimming away slightly.
“Why would he be jealous?” You asked. Jungkook laughed. Taehyung swam up to the two of you to see what was going on.
“Hyung, what do you think? If I fuck her in front of Jimin, how do you think he would react?”
Taehyung chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. “I know if I were him I would probably beat you up” He pulls you in towards him, kissing your cheek.
Was it true? Did Jimin want you? Is that why he was so upset? You shook your head. There was no way. If he liked you, he had so many opportunities to tell you, and you knew you wouldn’t have denied him. You guys were the closest that two people could be. You didn’t think of him in this way before, but you could definitely admit that he was extremely attractive.
Taehyung lifts you out of the pool. Water molds over you as you emerge from the water. He nibbles your ear “Jimin missed out, I feel kinda bad” He paused, “Actually I don’t. You were incredible” Jungkook whines.
“Lucky” He pouts. “I want her too”
You were lost in thought, still confused over the realization that your best friend might like you. You felt upset suddenly, wishing so badly you hadn’t fucked Taehyung, no matter how good it was. You couldn’t imagine how hurt he must have felt. Your friendship was hanging by a thread.
And these two just could not keep their hands off of you. You hated that you liked the attention. They hadn’t looked twice your way before, but Jimin was always there. Jimin always reminded you that you were beautiful no matter what. He supported you to do things for yourself, not because you needed to impress anyone else.
“Is this just because of my body? Is that why you two are acting like this?”
Taehyung gaped at you. You couldn’t tell if he was offended or guilty.
“God you make me sick” You pushed him away from you, getting up and running into the house.
You began to cry. Jimin was right. How could you have been such an idiot? You looked for a place to find privacy, but there were people everywhere. You shuddered at the thought of what you almost just did with Jungkook, shame overtaking you. You just let him touch you like that. You felt pathetic.
You found Jimin’s bedroom empty, shut the door and curled up on his bed, finally able to voice your sobs.
There was a light knock at the door. You froze.
“Y/n? Are you in here?” Your heart dropped at the sound of Jimin’s sweet voice. You couldn’t bear to face him now. You wished the floor would just swallow you whole. The door slowly opened and Jimin peered in. His eyes were full of concern as he located you, entering and closing the door behind him.
His heart wrenched as he saw your tears. He quickly made his way to you, sitting down by your side and wrapping his arms around you protectively.
“What’s wrong? Hey…” He stroked your face affectionately, “Sssh. You’re okay…you’re okay” His kindness just made you cry even harder, burying your face into his chest.
“I’m so sorry Jimin” You cried out, “I ruined everything. I’m such an idiot”
“What are you talking about? What do you have to be sorry for? I…I’m sorry about how I was acting earlier if that’s what made you upset”
You shook your head, “I didn’t know. I’m so stupid. Jimin, I just…I think I asked Taehyung to have sex with me because he was checking me out, and no one…no one just does that with me, so I got excited. And then I got here and…Jungkook and Taehyung kept”
Jimin growled, “What? Did they hurt you? What did they do?”
“No…no. They just…I liked that they were paying attention to me and…so I kept letting them do whatever they wanted. I’m such a whore”
Jimin cupped your face with his hands, leaning his face so that he could look straight into your eyes, trying to smile for you. “It happens baby”
“You were right. Everything you said was completely right…and the worst part is that…” Another sob escaped you. “I didn’t know…you…were interested in me like that”
Jimin let out a laugh, causing you to flinch in surprise. Had you misunderstood?
“You didn’t know I was interested in you? That’s why you’re crying?” He giggled. You pouted at him. He cooed at you affectionately, laying you down on the bed so he could hold you closer. “You’re so cute y/n”
Jimin kissed your lips tenderly. “It’s my fault” He whispered, “I didn’t have the balls to tell you before. I guess I just, was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way so. I know I’m not the best looking amongst our friends” You smacked him at this statement.
He was beautiful. He had always been beautiful to you. Inside and out.
“Jimin” You exhaled, voice trembling, rolling into him and finding his lips once more. “I would do anything for you. If you wanted to fuck me, all you had to do was ask”
Jimin pulled away. The both of you were breathing heavily. He shook his head, “I…I don’t…just want to fuck you” He sat up and brought you into his lap so you could straddle him. He brushed the hairs off your face, eyes gleaming with adoration. “You’re my best friend” You could see the overwhelming emotion overcoming him, “You’re…everything to me” Your heart was racing. You felt absolutely vulnerable in his arms, but at the same time you knew you were completely safe.
You kissed him, his hands slipping behind you to gently clutch your ass, pushing you closer to him. Your hips roll slightly, wanting to feel some sort of friction. You were both moaning helplessly into each other’s mouths, unable to breath. You reached your hand down towards his waistline but he stopped you, shaking his head.
“No…baby…not today”
You whined.
“You literally fucked one of my closest friends this morning y/n. I can’t exactly not think about the fact that his cum might literally be inside of you right now. In fact, I might need a while to get that thought out of me”
This was true. Thinking back to what was now a blur of events, reminders of the ethereal bliss you had felt, as you bounced yourself like a maniac on Taehyung’s big dick, hands clutching his pink hair, moaning at the top of your lungs as he zoomed down the highway, evidently speeding. It was the riskiest, most profane, dirty thing you had ever done. Anyone could see you, and you didn’t care one bit. You chased after your high as if nothing else even mattered. It was the best sex you ever had.
Your face flushed as you recalled how Taehyung had to pull over because he needed to touch you himself, laying you sprawled out on the head of his car, ravishing every inch of you.
“I can’t believe how good you feel” He groaned, “This is even better than in my dreams”
His words returning to you. How he looked like he was in heaven as he came inside your thick walls. The way his eyelids fluttered in bliss. “Oh my god princess, take my fucking cum” He sucked your tit harshly “I’m gonna fuck you up so good. You’re mine”
After he came how he had become so caring and gentle, but somehow till leaving you breathless. How he had kissed you all over your face softly, whispering sweet nothings. Like how beautiful you were, how much he had prayed for this day to come, how happy he was to see you, how bad he had missed you.
“Taehyung…oh no” You couldn’t stop your remark as you realized what a big mistake you had made. Taehyung wasn’t messing with you. He was letting you live your wildest fantasies. He was everything you wanted. Someone insanely sexy, who would tease you, drive you crazy, and fuck you so well.
You were beyond confused, as you remained in the lap of someone you could never lose. Maybe Taehyung was just a fleeting moment. Jimin was secure. You knew he’d never hurt you. He’d love you right. He was a good guy. He deserved to get everything he wanted.
The more you thought about it, the more unsure you were. Someone was playing with you but you didn’t know who. Jimin sensed your unease.
“Baby” He let his nose graze against yours, “Y/n?”
The door swung open, making Jimin tighten his hold on you. Taehyung barged in, looking more serious than you had ever seen him. He paused to see what he had walking in on before shaking his head quickly.
“Look y/n. If you want Jimin that’s your choice and I respect and support that, but you have no right accusing me of being so shallow” He barked. “You act like today was the first time I looked at you like that when you know that’s not true. I always flirted with you. I always complimented you. I always made moves on you but you were so busy hating yourself to see that. I didn’t fucking care how you looked. You were such a great person to be around. I was always attracted to you. I accept a loss when I see one, but I’ll be damned if you walk away thinking so low of me” He was panting. Your eyes were wide with shock.
“I even” He laughed incredulously, “Just last year. I asked you if you wanted to leave Hobi’s party with me, and you just laughed in my face and said as if someone like you would get with someone like me and I said, wanna bet? and you just laughed and left it at that…god can you like not sit in his lap like that right now”
You obeyed, startled by his confession, standing up and backing away from both the boys.
“Okay Taehyung, I think she gets it. But it doesn’t matter anymore”
Taehyung scoffed, ignoring Jimin, “I just need you to know that I wasn’t just waiting around for you to get hot. It’s not that you lost weight and now we’re all looking at you, it’s just that now you actually notice because before you wouldn’t believe that anyone thought you were beautiful. And one more thing” He glares at Jimin “I would never belittle you for exploring your sexuality. We’re all allowed that. Just because we might have done it in high school and you’re doing it now doesn’t make you a whore.”
With that he slammed the door and went off.
next ———>
A/N: FIRST of all. There is so much toxic behavior in this. I want to make a point about how the “good boys” aren’t always the “good” boys. Jimin better step it up hehe. Next chapters are way more smut and a lot less plot ope. Um, again i’m new here so if you want to be tagged or something for updates lmk i guess lol 
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