#they get so upset by a kid who previously felt so much anger that it caused him to hurt others actually starting to feel good about himself
I find it so funny to see people in the cobra kai fandom or casual watchers get upset about Eli no longer having his hawk bully personality lmaoo
Like they always say he looks really weak and he’s downgraded like???
He hasn’t downgraded he’s just started healing from the trauma he’s being going through and he isn’t weak he just doesn’t mindlessly hurt people anymore.
Sometimes I think that some people in this fandom would actually be on Kreese and Silver’s side if they were in this show 😭
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artiststarme · 1 year
The Long-Lost Wheeler
This fic is based on this post from @kcsplace! I'm sorry it was such a long wait but thanks for letting me use your idea! There was no way I could compress all of my ideas into a one-shot so this will be a series. I hope you like it!
Eddie had never known who his mom was. He didn’t know her name or what she looked like. All he knew was that she left him with his dad when he was barely two months old and never turned around to look back. He would dream of meeting her as a child. His childish mind would dream up faceless women hugging him, making him lunch, playing games with him, and anything else moms were supposed to do with their sons. He would imagine being part of a happy family when he saw the other kids at school getting picked up by their moms and dads. 
After so many disappointments though and so many years gone by, he gave up hope on ever meeting her. She didn’t want anything to do with her own kid? He didn’t want anything to do with her. The nameless, faceless woman that gave birth to him was nothing but a surrogate in his mind. Just a stranger that brought him into this hard world to abandon him when the going got rough. From then on, he viewed her with little more than mild disinterest. 
Whenever he had asked his dad about her, he never had anything good to say. Old Richie Munson said she was a manipulative bitch that was always too good for everyone around her, always looking to find something better. His old man would get upset whenever Eddie brought her up and on one fateful occasion, shaved his entire head because ‘he looked too much like her’. After that, Eddie never asked his dad about her again. 
A few months after he moved in with Uncle Wayne, he felt safe enough to ask him if he knew who his mother was. Wayne was a lot more tactful and nice with his description of her. He told Eddie that she was just a scared lady, unsure of what she wanted and too skittish to take care of little Eddie with his dad. He made her sound like leaving Eddie was a byproduct of escaping his dad and Eddie lost some of his anger towards her after that. He’d been trying to get away from his dad for eleven years, he couldn’t fault her for fleeing when she had the chance. 
He thought about her even less after the Upside Down once he had a group of friends close enough to call family. They filled the void that his dysfunctional and fractured family had left behind. He also found an unexpected best friend in Nancy Wheeler. They had a lot more in common than he thought they would and they got on like a house on fire. Things were finally going well for Eddie which was ironic since it was a near death experience and week in hell that led to it. 
Hellfire was back in action after being banned from the school due to its “Satanic connotations” and was now being hosted in the Wheeler’s basement. Eddie didn’t have his throne anymore or his chalice of Mountain Dew and it smelled a bit like a sweaty armpit. However, he was surrounded by his friends and the happiness he felt more than made up for the downsides. 
They were on their fourth day of the campaign when everything blew up. The entirety of Hellfire club was situated around the Wheeler’s kitchen on the singular snack break that Eddie allowed over the course of the day. All of the boys were talking amongst each other while Eddie relaxed against the counter happily watching his friends being happy and munching on baby carrots. Everything was fine until Karen Wheeler walked in carrying several grocery bags that Eddie immediately went to help her with. 
“Here, I can help you with that,” he said, leaning down to her height to take some of the heavier bags out of her arms. 
“Oh, thank you. Mike never helps with the groceries, you would think one would want to help their mother-” Karen abruptly stopped talking once she made eye contact with Eddie. He stalled a bit in response before setting the bags down on the counter next to where he was previously situated. 
She nodded at him jerkily before moving over to Mike and dragging him by the ear just out of sight, not out of hearing though. Eddie could hear what she said loud and clear. 
“Michael, what is he doing here? You didn’t tell me that you were going to have that… that boy over to my house!” She sounded pissed and Eddie narrowed his eyes as he listened. 
“Who, Eddie? He’s my friend, I told you he was coming over. You said it was okay for me to have my friends over to play Dungeons and Dragons today!”
“I want him out of my house, Michael. Don’t invite him over again, he’s not welcome here.”
“What the hell, mom? Why? He didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Now, Michael!”
Eddie didn’t know what the fuck was going on but he knew when he wasn’t wanted. Prior to the Spring Break from Hell, he would have rebelled and relished in the unease his presence caused. However, with the majority of the town still gunning for his arrest even after he was proven innocent, he knew not to make waves. 
When Mike turned the corner into the kitchen, still glowering and angry, Eddie clapped his hands to gather the rest of Hellfire’s attention. “Alright my fellow gremlins, let’s call it a day. We’ll resume our merciless quest next Friday. Expect a call with the updated Hellfire destination sometime next week. Godspeed.” 
Understandably this caused an uproar with the Hellfire members protesting and even Mike tried to convince Eddie to stay. “No, no, no, we’re all done for the day. We don’t want to overstay our welcome. We’ll wrap up the campaign next week. End of discussion!”
He gave everyone one last look and made this way back downstairs to pack up his things. He didn’t really blame her, he thought as he grabbed his things hastily. He wouldn’t want an alleged murderer in his house either. When he made his way past Karen on his way out of the house, he paused in front of her. 
“Thanks for letting us play here a few times. I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable, Mrs. Wheeler. I didn’t mean to. We’ll meet somewhere else next time,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
And with that he walked out of the Wheeler’s house with the dulcet sounds of Mike screaming at his mother following behind him. 
When he brought it up to Nancy just a few days later, she was perplexed. She had no idea on why her mother would be so vocally against having Eddie in the house. Karen Wheeler was known to be the perfect doting mother. To have her kick Eddie out of her home and to hate him so blatantly was almost unfathomable. She told Eddie that she would get to the bottom of it and she did. She didn’t expect to discover that Eddie was her long-lost brother that her mother abandoned. Now how was she supposed to tell Eddie?
Permanent tag list: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @kcsplace
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bellusamauwu · 2 years
I've been thinking about how Marvin could have raised Lucille, since he had no idea about kids and it's not like he was a super fatherly figure... But he would have been that kind of guy who simply spoiled the girl whenever she was upset. And somehow? He would have shown her all the femenine stuff she had to know since well, no motherly figure. For example I picture a younger Lightbug trying to walk on heels and complaining and then the Snail is just telling her to strut like a model with the megaphone in hand-
And you could say that this "parenting" affected her personality, since I do imagine that even if she wasn't a fully spoiled brat, she did get highly upset when things didn't go the way she wanted (not to mention, she's always been kind of a drama queen). That and she always tried to get her "father's" aproval, doing the tasks he gave her involved with the mob. Deep down she was just a lonely girl who felt insecure about herself, but had to cover it up by acting confident and flirtatious all the time. So since she didn't know any better, Lucille mostly had no regrets in what she had to do in order to accomplish her goals.
Of course that changed when Gadget became a part of her life. She didn't see anything special about him in the beginning and just pictured him as one of her many targets that she had to scam/seduce (he did intimidate her deep down though). But in the middle of the mission she began to feel some sort of guilt that she couldn't explain, but kept going on with it anyway- However when that led to the Spider almost dying for denying to join them, something clicked inside of her. Lucille simply went to save him despite not knowing how to fly or really take care of herself, she risked everything, specially because when they returned home she found herself with almost no one to turn to:
-Gadget despite being thankful that she saved him, was mad at Lucille and very wary of her during the following time. He did open up to her later though but there was a time in which he couldn't even look at her.
-Clyde had mixed feelings about her because his best friend almost died but at the same time he was saved by the very same lady who fooled him? However he tried to help her a bit after he found her at a club one night and she literally vented at the guy while being drunk- But he did so because he could relate on the part in which she seeked aproval from her parent.
-Speaking of the snail, he was FURIOUS when he found out that Gadget was still alive. Luckily the Anteater's return made his anger decrease a bit... But his relationship with Lucille worsened a bit, because since she realized that she had feelings for the spider, she had been refusing to deceive people by seduction, and just like her, Marvin was clearly not happy that things were going his way.
-The fly mobsters reached out to her whenever their boss was around, they didn't know much about cheering up so they just offered her a cig or something and listened to her rant, perhaps-
-Despite his snail friend complaining about his adoptive kid's behavior behind her back, Anton did encourage Lucille whenever she was upset and acted like a second parent to her. Though he teased a bit too much sometimes when Gadget was around, even if it was in a subtle way.
So long story short, after that almost tragic event Lucille slowly began to figure out that maybe she didn't need riches in her life, but actual support and genuine affection, and that's what she found later on. Sure she still has some traits from her former personality but turned out to be better and happier than she previously was.
I am so sorry if my writing or way of explaining things is kinda bad it's 2AM-
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saiqherrr · 3 years
—how dare you (t. fushiguro)
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.pairing toji fushiguro x fem!reader
.content warning smut, nsfw, dub-con, very very rough sex, hate-fuck, degradation, scratching, oral sex (m!&f!receiving), unprotected sex
.synopsis your ex, and the father of your child, joins you for a friendly dinner, but things take an interesting turn.
.a/n dilf toji. that's it. 🤔 jk, this one actually took a lot out of me when writing. : | i added some soft, make-up sex because toji really does a number on y/n in this one so, enjoy that. ALSO TOJI GETS A LIL SOFT TOO lmao
.wc 5.7k
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GOOSEBUMPS covered the expanse of your exposed arms, causing you to shiver and let out an unstable breath. you regretted not bringing a sweater or something with you to the restaurant. you just so happened to be conveniently seated in a booth that was right under a vent.
“do you want my jacket?”
“no,” you responded hastily to toji’s giving voice. this was the third time he had asked you if you needed something, or offered something. could he just quit it? you didn’t want to accept anything from him.
toji’s eyes narrowed and his face went dull, seeing how stubborn you were being over something so small. he put his jacket beside him and huffed. “you’re obviously fucking cold, y/n. you don’t have to act like such a child.”
toji’s vulgar language was no surprise to you, but it still sent chills down your spine to hear him talking to you that way - again. even when the two of you were together, his language was nasty and mean when reacting to the smallest things. surprisingly, that had nothing to do with why the two of you broke it off being that you, too, also had a bit of a potty mouth.
“i’m not acting like a child,” you reacted unhesitatingly, but you knew you were. you were desperately trying to find ways to avoid him, even if it meant he was genuinely trying to help you out. you shivered again and rolled your eyes as you felt a flood of cold air arrive at your skin. toji stared at you long and hard from across the table, seeing how hard you were trying to avoid eye contact with him. you could feel his glare without even looking. finally, you became fed up and grunted. “just give me the fucking jacket.”
toji laughed at you, amused, as he handed over the jacket and you aggressively snatched it from his hand. you slid your arms into the oversized jacket and sighed with relief. this wasn’t the first time you wore this specific jacket. you quickly got comfortable in it’s familiar warmth.
“you’re welcome,” toji annoyingly chimed.
you rolled your eyes again before crossing your arms. “i really regret agreeing to this, y’know...”
with a smug smile on his face, toji rested his elbow on the table and let his hand cup the side of his face as he looked at you. “why? nothing even happened. i’ve been nice to you this entire time.”
“that’s the problem. you think all these little nice gestures and innocent antics are gonna’ make me fall in love with you again or something,” you spat out, eyebrows furrowed, nose twitching.
toji scoffed hearing how delusional you sounded, pushing his own face away as he sat back again, his back connecting with the leather booth. “you sound silly, y/n. what antics are you talking about?”
“oh, don’t play fucking stupid, toji,” you snapped. your patronizing and slightly degrading voice made toji’s body twitch. “this entire outing is apart of the antic. what other reason would you have to call me up randomly and ask me out to dinner?” he couldn’t help but smirk, he missed your voice. he loved hearing that tyrant-like voice come out of you whenever you were getting angry. it was spunky.
toji genuinely just wanted to work on his friendship with you for the sake of the child you shared together. co-parenting was rough when the two of you were constantly at one another’s throat all the time. but, he knew you wouldn’t believe you so he didn’t bother explaining it. plus, he found your delusional assumptions to be quite entertaining.
“so you’re just not going to answer?” you ask. toji adverted his eyes, looking up at the ceiling, making it obvious he was trying to ignore you. “oh, fuck you.”
“fuck me then...”
before you could even utter a single letter back to him, your waiter had finally came by after the two of you waited for an unnecessarily long time. the exchange was short; asking for drinks, appetizers and then walking off to fetch them for you.
after the waiter left, your eyes met toji’s immediately. you didn’t forget what he said. “why would you say that?”
“say what? you said it first,” toji taunted, running his tongue across his bottom, scarred lip.
you were getting more annoyed by the second but for some reason, you were...happy? you didn’t want to leave, in fact, whenever toji’s attention would go to his phone, it made you upset for a reason you couldn’t explain. this was the first time in almost a year that the two of you had been in the same place for more than five minutes.
after toji moved out, you agreed to dropping ‘gumi off at his place every friday, picking him up on mondays. most of the time, you did it in silence, simply putting ‘gumi in the backseat of his car, giving him kisses and leaving. but right here, right now, you were in his presence and speaking to him once again.
“...megumi’s doctor appointment.”
you blanked out so hard, so into your head, that you didn’t even realize toji was talking to you. you blinked once you snapped back to reality and looked at him. “for fuck’s sake, were you listening?” he asked, giving you another one of those dull looks.
you shook your head no, embarrassed. “sorry, i was thinking about something...”
“thinking of what?” his voice was gruff.
“don’t worry about it,” you responded. the waiter came back with your drinks and the appetizers. they asked for your meals and the two of you told him as he scribbled it down in a notepad before walking away again.
toji picked up a handful of fries and popped it into his mouth, chewing like a slob. “just tell me.”
you huffed. being honest wouldn’t hurt, would it? “you, damn it. i was thinking of you.”
“wow, i’m flattered,” toji responds sarcastically, looking down at his phone. he looked back up at you to see your face seemingly hurt, your lips parted as you didn’t know what to say. “i’m joking.” he broke out into a laugh laced with immaturity. “that’s cute though.”
“whatever,” you grumbled.
gradually, the night got better. after having a couple of two sentence arguments and spewing mean comments back and forth, they were replaced by small pick-up lines, friendly jokes and pure happiness to be around one another. toji shamelessly enjoyed himself, missing this feeling of being around you. you, on the other hand, were still stand off-ish, even though there was a yearning desire to be in his presence everyday. to be in his strong arms again, to hear him say, “i love you,” again. but you ended it. you ended it because you’re too conceited and you needed to prove that you could live without him, that you didn’t need to depend on him for everything. toji was a good man to you and a good father to the son you both shared. even with his not-so-squeaky-clean history that everybody and their mother was telling you about, he was the complete opposite. you got comments like “you’ve changed him,” that  would make you feel so good about your spirit. it got to your head, and you felt the need to keep him wrapped around your finger. when he caught on, he felt hurt that you didn’t cherish him in a more affectionate way, yet he still stayed. he respected your decision to leave him, but he wasn’t happy with it. you unintentionally spawned a feeling of anger in his heart that was targeted at you which was the reason things had to end so sour.
as these thoughts swam around in your mind, you stared out the window, eyes unfocused and lost in a daze. nimble, blurred images of street signs, houses, pedestrians and all things the city included hurried past your still eyes, failing to process any of it as you sat in the passenger seat of toji’s car.
for the most part, he kept his eyes glued to the busy road, but he’d occasionally look at your emotionless face, wondering about what you were thinking so hard about. if he were to ask, you would’ve gotten upset, so the words he wanted to speak dissipated instead. he cleared his throat as he sighed and leaned back on his seat, lounging as he drove and the sudden sound broke you out of your trance.
your eyes flickered to him as he sat in the seat, keeping his eyes forward and alert. you wondered how long you had been out of your body. you wondered if he noticed. seeing him in the seat, lightly gripping the wheel, watching how his eyes analyzed other drivers brought you back to your days with him. he was super cautious on the road, super cautious of his passengers and super cautious of himself. you suddenly got frustrated with yourself for wanting him - no, needing him back again. you missed him so much and attempting to put on this facade that you didn’t was irksome.
you didn’t realize he had pulled into the driveway of your house, right beside your sister’s car, who was watching megumi for the night. you wanted to get your emotions out. you couldn’t let him leave yet. “toji-” you cut yourself off, realizing that you were calling out to him. “toji.”
his sharp, dirty green eyes shifted over to your face, without him barely moving his head. his eyebrow raised with curiosity. “hm?”
“can you come inside?” you asked. toji wanted to laugh at how soft your voice was in contrast to the roughness of your tone from earlier. how pitiful. he kept his laughs and thoughts inside and let out a small breath.
“yeah, sure.”
toji put the car in park and the engine died as the two of you got out of the car. you walked ahead of him as you approached the front door to the home you previously used to own together, the moment bittersweet as you unlock the front door.
the sound of soft baby music reached your ears as you entered in. you can see a kids cartoon blaring on the tv, while your sister was sleep on the couch, mouth slightly open and your son asleep in his rocker. toji smiled at the sight. you barely changed anything in the house. a family portrait that you begged toji to participate in was still hanging on the wall. you took light steps as you approached your sister, nudging her.
“oh, you’re here,” she says, yawning and extending her arms out to stretch. she sat up, digging her palms into the couch and her eyes darted to the front door. “toji?” your sister looked back at you, but you gave her a pleading look, hoping she would get the hint and just go.
“hey.” toji’s voice was dry, hinted with a bit of enthusiasm in the end.
your sister gave megumi a quick kiss on the cheek as he slept before gathering her few belongings and leaving. you sighed with heavy relief and walked over to megumi to get him out the rocker. toji chuckled, seeing how desperate you were to talk to him.
you had come to find out that you’re child was a heavy sleeper, not even disturbed in the slightest when you held him in your arms. you kissed his soft, chubby cheeks and rubbed your face against his, showering him with motherly love. “i’m gonna put him to bed, just wait in our room.” you didn’t even realize you had said “our”, but toji did and he was expecting you to correct yourself, but you didn’t. toji kissed megumi’s forehead before you went upstairs and put him in his crib before going across the hall into your room.
toji was laid out on the bed the two of you once shared, staring up at the ceiling, his defined hands loosely folded over his stomach. he was sitting in the dark oddly, making your eyebrows twitch. you flicked the light on and toji’s eyes shut from how bright it was. he saw colors plaguing his vision as his pupils tried to adjust.
“so, what’s wrong?”
the question made you freeze momentarily as you were on your way to your dresser to change. you went back to what you were doing, not sure how to answer his question. you didn’t even hear him get up from the bed, you were simply given an unsolicited touch on your arm, making you flinch in place. the fact that you didn’t reject the gesture was enough for toji to confirm that you missed him.
“toji, i...” his name slipped out of your mouth. his breath fanned over the back of your neck, causing a chill to run down your spine. your heart was beating faster with each second that passed by. move. you wished he would move. you were frozen in place, scared to fall into any trap that he’d have for you. a lump sat in your throat, making you painfully uncomfortable, forcing you to speak. “toji, i miss you,” you exposed, your voice delicately hoarse. you gasped at the sound of your own voice and toji’s jaw clenched. a burning sensation plagues your eyes as tears began to rise. you only made it worse by not blinking, desperately trying to keep toji from seeing you so weak. your chin twitched as your lips began to quiver. toji caged your body as he put his hands on the dresser in front of you and he filled up the already little space between the two of you.
“i know you do.” his voice was intimidating and husky. he couldn’t see your face at this moment; hot tears streaming down your cheeks, your nostrils flaring uncontrollably. you could see his hands in front of you, gripping the dresser as if it was going to run away, his knuckles had turned snow white. “just wish you didn’t have to break my fucking family apart just so you could fail to prove a dumbass point.”
you couldn’t hold in your cries and gasped in such a pathetic way. “it wasn’t dumb-” you began to argue but a sharp, demeaning tone cut you off.
“shut the fuck up, y/n. it was dumb. because now we’re here, and you’re asking me to come inside for what?” you had no argument to that. you wanted him to come inside because you wanted to feel his presence in your home again. “this was our home.”
“i want it to be our home,” you whined, responding back almost immediately. “it’s our home,” you repeated. you bit on your lip so hard that you didn’t even realize that you had bit through the skin, causing it to bleed. you licked your lip, the metallic flavor reaching your taste buds. you turned around, putting your hands on toji’s chest. your eyes didn’t even meet his and you didn’t want to, because you knew those patronizing eyes were going to break you. “i’m sorry,” was all you could whisper as you grabbed onto his shirt, the cotton wrinkling in your grip. your breath hit his chest and he remained so still that it started to scare you. you jumped in place when he finally moved and his face was in your peripheral vision as he leaned down to place his scarred lips on your jaw. they traveled to the space behind your ear and trailed along the side of your neck until he reached your collarbone, smacking his lips with each wet peck. you grew impatient, grabbing his face with demanding hands until your soft lips connected to his.
the way he gripped your hips was irascible, but you knew you deserved it. how dare you break apart your family to feed your ego? how dare you cut the time your son has with his father for your own selfish rational? how dare you spend all this time spewing nonsense about you not loving him - how he didn’t take care of you enough? how dare you stand here and apologize after all the damaged you’ve caused? toji pulled away harshly and his eyes immediately met your glossy orbs. the look in his eyes were despondent, telling you a thousand things that only you could understand. your hands had fell to either sides of his neck, brushing against the hairs on the nape.
“i love you...” you regretted speaking as the words fell from your mouth.
toji stared at you long and hard, trying to read every bit of your face. after you spent months speaking of him so ill, he couldn’t fully believe your words. “prove it, y/n.” his voice carried nothing but intimidation in contrast to the lewdness of the command.
before you could utter another word out, toji’s fingers were wrapped around your throat, gripping the sides. your mouth went dry trying to breath in as much as you could and your face became tight as he cut off your airway. this wasn’t something you weren’t used to. you were accustomed to having rough sex with him - that’s just how he was - and you had grown to love it. but obviously, all of his actions had a different motive behind them this time.
toji kept his silence, removing his hands from your throat and pushed your head down while you simultaneously gasped for air. slowly, you got on your knees in front of him, your face leveled with his crotch. toji didn’t have to demand you like he used to. you felt guilty, you knew exactly what he wanted and the least you could do was give it to him. so, you’re fingers pulled down the cold, metal zipper on his pants and unbuttoned the silver button that held his slacks together. you didn’t have to look up at him to know that his eyes were watching your every move like a hawk. your fingers hooked onto the belt loops of his pants and you pulled them down until they fell to his ankles. he stepped out of them and kicked them to the side for them to be forgotten for the night.
as if it were routine, he took his index and middle finger on one hand and tapped your mouth, signaling for you to open it. your lips parted just enough and he facilely slid his fingers inside of your mouth. a small pool of spit sat on your tongue and it coated his fingers as you wrapped your tongue around them. with his free hand, he rubbed his semi-hard cock through his boxers, hissing as he anticipated the feeling of your mouth. he removed his fingers and rubbed the residue on his bulge. you licked him through his underwear, leaving trails of saliva that covered his length, dampening the cotton. he was fully erect by now, pulsating through his boxers. you pulled them down like you did his pants before and he kicked them to the side also. his cock slapped against his abdomen and you grabbed it, jerking him off while your tongue fed his bulbous, swollen head a couple of teasing kitten licks. you forgot the feeling of his length in your hand, feeling up on the familiar vein that ran underneath his cock. the only odd thing about all this was that toji wasn’t speaking. usually, he praised, complimented your pretty lips, your innocent eyes. but no, he wasn’t speaking at all.
your hands gripped onto his waist as your mouth took his entire length in. his tip kissed the back of your throat, as he thrusted himself into your mouth. the warmth of your mouth managed to fish out a couple of groans that’d leave his lips, throwing his head back as he felt your tongue curve in place for his girth. he pushed his flat, raven locks back, getting them out of his vision. he grabbed your head, a stinging sensation on your scalp as he grabbed your hair, and forced himself even more down your throat, causing you to gag, painfully choking on his cock. salty tears ran down your cheek and toji smirked with amusement as he watched your cock bulge inside of your throat with every thrust he delivered. it then finally registered in your brain that he wasn’t doing this for pleasure - he was doing it to watch you struggle. he pulled himself out before you could - literally - manage to choke to death, making a ‘pop’ sound. you coughed up a storm, hands on the floor as you took heavy, dramatic breaths trying to learn how to breath again. a silver string of saliva was falling slowly from your mouth. toji’s hand lightly tapped your cheek, your eyes slowly meeting his tormenting gaze. his huge, muscular arm wrapped around your torso and he carried you over to the bed.
memories of kissing your greedy lips, burying his head in between your thighs, and making love to you until you were intoxicated by the way he fucks had fogged his mind. memories of you being his and his only. he could only imagine how many men you let fuck you in this bed, how many men touched places that only he had access to, how many times their hands brushed over the ‘TOJI’ that was inked into your skin on your inner thigh, how many times they laid eyes on the ‘T’ in between your breasts, how many times you had to painfully say, “that’s my ex’s name.” how many times did it happen in these past nine months? he wanted to know.
suddenly, strong fingers were aggressively removing his jacket from your arms, throwing it somewhere to be found later. the red, mesh shirt you had on was ripped in half, exposing your back and you gasped lightly. every movement carried anger. you deserved it. you deserved to be treated this way. he took the remainder of the shirt off of your body before unclasping your bra. his hands grabbed them, feeling your soft, plush breasts that he missed so much. after you had megumi, you were gifted with a busty chest that toji fucking adored. his body was pressed against yours, his cock rubbing against your ass, the only thing keeping you separated was the jeans around your waist. his thumb ran along the area where the ‘T’ was tatted in between your boobs while his other hand pinched at an erect nipple.
his cock was hot against your ass and as rough as he was being, you wanted to feel him. you had to feel him again. you then processed how selfish those thoughts were, wanting him to fuck you after spending many nights with other men while the two of you were apart. it wasn’t fair to toji who - surprisingly - didn’t even think about go on a friendly date with another woman during these past nine months.
toji’s hand trailed down to your waist, unbuttoning and unzipping your jeans. he got a hold of both your pants and your silk underwear and pulled them down in a way that was anything but gentle.
“oh my god,” you breathed out. his nails sharply glided on your skin, causing three stripes of claw marks to appear on your lower back and trail on your ass. he showed no remorse either, purposefully grabbing the affected area as he now rubbed his cock on your bare ass, making you grimace. he let his cock slip in between your legs, grazing over your warmth. his grip on your body got painfully tighter as he noticed you were getting off to this, your slick getting onto his length. the smallest moan had regrettably left your lips as you panted like a dog in jagged breaths. 
he pushed you onto the bed, positioning you in front of the headboard, forcibly putting you on your hands and knees. toji continued to run his cock along your puffy lips, groaning as he missed this feeling. normally, he’d prep you. he’d finger you, he’d devour your pretty pussy, he’d watch you desperately hump a pillow with your bare core, getting your juices all over it. he didn’t do any of that, he just wanted to use your body to fuck out his own anger. his hips gripped your waist and he slammed himself into you, his cock intruding your viscid walls, earning a cry that held pain from your mouth. he hissed at the feeling of your hole sucking him in. he pulled out slowly to see his cock glistening with your slick. he was drawn back to your body like a magnet and buried himself into your hole until he was balls deep, vast pleasure taking over his body, his mouth gaping. it wasn’t long before he was delivering strong, hard thrusts into your squelching pussy, that familiar burning sensation that you swore you couldn’t live without spread to your thighs. you gripped onto the sheets beneath you, the fabric crumbled up in your fists. heat burns your body every time your ass slapped against his groin. the bed creaked rhythmically every time toji bucked his hips, causing the headboard to slam into the wall each time. spit formed bubbles on your tongue as it barely hung out as you breathed through his strokes. whiny moans left your mouth as heavy breaths left toji’s.
he finally spoke, making your body violently jerk underneath him at the sound of his voice. “don’t wake my son up.” his lips grazed the top of your ear while his hand was swaddling your throat as he bellowed what sounded like a threat into your ear.
he let go as you frantically heaved for more oxygen again. toji’s strokes were rapid and tameless, but you wouldn’t dare ask him to have mercy on you. he stopped momentarily, leaving your pussy vacant, to flip you over on your back, and didn’t hesitate to plunge his thick cock into your pussy again. his balls swung and slapped against your ass as he moved at an unnatural speed. “t-toji...i can’t...” you struggled to speak, your words almost inaudible. “too...fast,” was all that could be audibly mustered up from your drooling mouth.
he ignored your weak words and pulled you up so your chest was pressed firmly against his own, still plunging into your pulsating cunt with feral thrusts. one arm was holding you up in place and his other hand was squishing your tear-stained cheeks.
“how many men have you fucked in this bed?” he growled. he looked directly into your panic-stricken eyes that screamed the word “stop” in a million different languages. he loosened the grip on your face just enough for you to speak, but nothing came out. he sent an incredibly painful thrust into you that kissed your cervix, causing you to scream. your scream was cut off by his clammy palm covering your mouth. your muffled squeals vibrated through his hand and your eyes screwed shut as the balance between pain and pleasure started to become uneven. it was too much, too fast. you were too full, too fucked out. your mind saw double, feeling a mental freeze while your body continued to react pleasurably to the feeling of his cock ramming into your sopping cunt. “how many men have you fucked in this bed?!” spit flew from his mouth as he asked the question again. his voice was drowned out by white noise, but you could still hear his urgent question.
eyes dead, face losing color, you finally found a way to answer his question once his hand was removed from your mouth. “s-seven,” your response was slurred. you felt like you could pass out at any minute. sweat ran down the side of your face as cold as your body was.
your answer only made him angrier, driving him to send another thrust into you. you didn’t think he could go harder than last time, but he continued to surprise you, going past your expectations. soundless curse words were liberated from his lips as your cunt milked his veiny cock unceasingly. the pain was overbearing but subconsciously, you focused on the very little pleasure that was there as he fucked into your pussy ferociously. he was purposefully avoiding your g-spot, trying to keep you as uncomfortable as possible.
“i’m gonna cum in you...” he growled the words in your ear as if it were a warning. “did you let those men come in this pretty pussy?”
“no...” your answer came out as a whine, almost like you were annoyed by the fact that he was asking you so many pointless questions. “p-please...” you didn’t even know what you were begging for, you just had to say it. you sucked in a sharp breath as toji buried himself deep inside of you in a surprisingly careful way and his hot, sticky semen left your walls daubed white. you clenched your teeth, humiliated as the fluid gushed out of your cunt, too overwhelmingly full with his cock.
you couldn’t verbally or mentally react, but your body did, squirming in his hold until you fell on the bed. you fell onto your back, your head sinking into your pillows as his cock slipped out of your loose hole. you turned, laying on your side. your body was twitching uncontrollably, tears streamed down your face as you finally regained your full consciousness. you were full-on crying at this point, wishing he’d stop all of this right now, but wanting him to be able to unleash his anger on you. your eyes were shut so tight you could see colors and it only brought more pain to your already aching head.
toji looked down at you. you were in pain, distraught and fucked out. his pretentious disposition had slowly withered, his face growing soft. he had seen red for too long, ignoring how badly he was hurting you, but deep down he knew that you were letting him. he always admired how you were so willing, how you were so quick to understand someone else’s actions. while toji didn’t deserve your poor treatment, you didn’t deserve this either.
the tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. the smell of sweat and sex had filled your noses. the only sounds that could be heard was toji’s heavy breathing and your small sobs. not being able to see, you were shocked to feel a soft, sympathetic kiss being placed on your lips, cutting off your weeping. you opened your eyes just a bit to see toji laying beside you, giving you love the way he used to. this was a kiss you remember. it was gentle, but assertive. toji slid his tongue inside your mouth, searching all around it. your teeth strike each other occasionally as the kiss was sloppy and hurried. he leaned over your frail body, his hand caressing your legs gently, feeling up the plush of your thighs. he spread your legs open a bit, letting cold air hit your clit again, causing a moan to vibrate against his lips. you broke away to get air, a hot breath fanning over toji’s chin.
“i’m sorry,” you sniffled. “i’m so sorry, toji.” as if to save you from another round of sobs, he immediately showers your cheek with insistent kisses as his hand inched closer to your warmth.
for a second you swore you felt his lips mouth the words “it’s okay,” against your skin. your assumption was confirmed when he repeated it with a broken voice as his thumb finally meets your swollen clit, rubbing it in a circular motion. his lips go down to your neck, your head ensuing, lifting up to give him more access. he kissed and sucked on your sensitive spots, giving tedious care to areas where he gripped your neck too hard. you grinded your hips with the very little energy you had against his rough thumb, melting from his touch. toji sat up and hovered over you, kissing, licking and sucking on your round breasts.
“you’re so sexy, you know that? you taste so good,” he compliments you for the first time tonight. you never realized how much you missed those words.
he knew he couldn’t penetrate you again, so he was physically trying to do whatever he could to show you he loves you. his actions were comforting, but confusing being that he spent majority of this time trying to cause you immense pain. you watched as his lips skidded across your skin all the way down to your clit where he pressed his tongue flat. your eyes fluttered, as you gasped. you gulped as your eyes lazily watched toji taste you.
he sucked on your throbbing clit, holding your restless thighs steady. he was slurping and devouring you like it’d be his last time. he moaned at how good you tasted, the vibrations of the moan sending your body ablaze. your hands tangled in his hair that was drenched in sweat. you gripped it, yanking him closer to you until his nose tickled your cunt. his tongue explored your walls that were clenching around nothing. he was gradually bringing you closer to your climax, your bent legs stretching out around him. he saw your face fill with desperation as his tongue flicked your clit over and over, moans flying out of your gaped mouth, your toe’s curling at the consistent feeling.
“oh god, toji,” you breathed. “don’t stop...i’m gonna cum.”
“good girl.” that appraisal came again.
you bucked your hips and he latched his lips on your clit once more, sucking hungrily as your lower body went numb, causing you to wail as you reached your orgasm. you saw white, eyes rolling to the back of your head and choked on your own, dragged out moan. your legs violently shook and cum leaked out of your overstimulated pussy. toji takes no time, licking you clean, breathing against your core as he enjoyed the taste of your cum.
toji brought his face to yours again, kissing you on your plump lips before pulling away. his soft eyes looked down at you, saying things that couldn’t come out of his mouth. your eyelids felt heavy and you couldn’t help, letting a wave of drowsiness take over you as your body slowly shut down.
toji pulled the comforter over your body and his own, pulling your sleeping body close to his as he planted a kiss on your forehead and buried his head in the crook of your neck as he held you in his arms for the rest of the night.
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tastyykpop · 3 years
jeno extra filthy degradation please 😭
ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ
Pairings: jeno x reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: dom/sub themes, degradation, brat!reader, brat tamer!jeno, spanking, fingering, eating out, overstimulation
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you were annoying
that was as simple as jeno could make it. he found you absolutely insufferable. and the countless of times you've opened your mouth to make a stupid comment was like nails on a chalkboard.
sure you were pretty and kind to others but not very much to him. you were rude, cocky, and persistent, it was your way of getting his attention. and to say it worked was an understatement, you were on jenos mind 24/7. no matter where, when, or who he was with, he could only think about you. of course, you were the same, but that's because you've had a crush on him since trainee days and almost everyone in SM knew.
jeno knew.
since you worked at SM as a stylist, it was easy to get closer to jeno and work your magic everyday. you were blatant with every touch, every shameless sentence that entailed more then it should, he couldn't quite ignore it either or tell you to shut up. seriously, it doesn't work.
you're a brat, he would say to himself, nothing more than a brat that doesn't know her place.
which in this case, he was correct.
but to him, your behavior was easy to change. he's noticed how you've drawn blanks when he interrogates you on your behavior, how you downplay your wrongs to see him try and hold back his longing to make you submit. it was a game to you clearly, but jeno wanted to beat it.
so how did you end up under jeno so soon in the practice room?
well, the group had been preparing for a dance practice video and you and a few other stylists were called in to help get them prepare for the camera. jeno was trying his best to stay low and out of your sight. it didn't work, but it was worth a shot.
"happy to see me?"
jenos eyes rolled, "I'd be happy if I saw death staring at me in the eyes." he began walking away until you grabbed his arm, making him put his hands over his face.
"dont be like that." you push his hands away now seeing jenos annoyed face. "be lucky you're not stuck with someone else. at least I make your life more interesting.
"interesting or frustrating? I think you've got your words mixed up."
you began applying a light foundation on jenos skin, taking in his angelic features before realizing what he said, "impactful I must say. I know you love me, jeno."
jeno makes a face in disgust pushing your hand away from his face, "youre not my type."
"I dont know. chenle told me otherwise...."
"youre a brat."
"and you're close-minded."
"close- you-"
"done. now go dance and make some fangirls or boys scream." you don't bother turning around as you walk towards the back of the dance practice out of the cameras view.
jeno, somewhat red in the face, stood in his starting position for the choreography, you couldnt help but stare at him in awe. hes gorgeous, you can't lie about that. and the way he moved once the music started playing made you feel different. maybe it was your crush on him, but you heated up very quickly while watching him. other staff members weren't paying as close attention on the boys as you were, only their phones caught their mind. you didn't mind, but damn did they not see how hot jeno was when dancing?
sweaty and out of breath, the boys took a break to get a drink of water.
"you did well- you all did actually." handing jeno a bottle of water, he stared between the thing in your hand and you before taking it and chugging the whole bottle. "but I think mark was the one who stood out to me the most."
"mhm. mark was very fluid in his footsteps and his movements were clean and precise. a good dancer I must say."
there's something up. you were staring at him the whole time and he knew it, he danced harder just because you were watching. how could you have seen mark when all you did was stare at jeno?
"and hes cute too. surely he's got a bunch of girls and boys ready to throw themselves at him. I would too, he's absolutely perfect."
jeno balled his fist. what game are you trying to play? "you're testing me." he may not like you, or maybe he did, but something about you talking about someone else like that sparked jealousy in him.
"good. maybe you'll do something about it." you put a hand on his chest, jenos heart pounding fast as you came closer and whispered, "I bet you won't. all bark no bite. pathetic if you ask me."
"youre gonna regret your words if you keep speaking."
"oh really," you leaned back, his eyes pierced your curious ones with a sense of fury and annoyance, "and what are you gonna do? spank me?"
just like that jeno pulled you out of the room and into another practice room. he pulled a chair out from the corner and pulled you over his knee.
"jeno, I was just kid-"
he spanked you hard over and over and over again as you wailed and wrapped a tight hand around jenos ankle for support. each spank was painful and to the point unbearable, yet jeno didn't back down. not after he felt he could break you now.
each time his hand made contact with your ass, felt like he was letting loose all the pent up anger you caused him over the past months you've been working here. for him, it was hell. no matter what people would say to you about him did not dictate his feelings about you. right now, he hated you and needed to let that burning passion out by spanking you. jeno wanted you to feel the hell he endured when around you. sure enough, you were feeling it, crying and sobbing on his thigh like an idiot.
you didn't fight back even though you proposed that you hated it. your body seemed to like it more then you thought.
"youre a pest!" he landed another hard hit, "an annoying pest who needs to learn when to shut the fuck up. now apologize."
"no!" you winced at another hit, squirming- no more like trying to grind on his lap because of how painfully wet you've become in just minutes.
"apologize." he repeated.
"you're- you're an idiot if you think I'll give up!"
jeno stripped you of your pants and panties, "its cute listening to little sluts like you thinking they have power over someone much stronger then them. it must be tiring thinking youre charge." he taunted before spanking you again, this time the impact was far greater and almost caused you to scream before jeno clasped a hand over your mouth. with the same hand, he pushed you off his lap and on the floor, leaving your lower half bare for him to see.
you were a pretty sight, a mess to say the least, but jeno loved that. finally seeing you disheveled with tears leaking down your cheeks, he thought of you as his little crybaby. he tried his hardest not to take a picture.
"don't think I didnt notice how your wet cunt leaked all over my thigh" he began, "do you really get off to being put in your place, slut? is that why we're here right now?"
"d-dont be so full of y-yourself."
"oh? but your dripping all over the practice floor, how could i not." jenos lips were close to your heat, teasing you with his eyes and tongue as he glided it just above where you wanted him.
you had nothing to say, yet your eyes told him everything. told him just how you'd defy him any chance youd get only to make him more upset. it wouldn't be fun if your goal wasn't to piss him off.
jeno kept his tongue away from your most needed area, his lips kissing anything but your dripping heat as you bucked your hips into his face. jenos hands would push your hips down and back his face away frowning at your behavior and returning to what he was previously doing. you weren't done though, since he was holding your hips, you grabbed his hair and forced his head where you needed him. his tongue inside you was far from good, it was amazing. and though you realized jeno wasn't pushing your hand away, you pushed and pulled his hair as you kept his head in place so he couldn't stop.
the long strides and the smooth rhythm he had was enough to make you arch against the floor, gasping and calling out his name far to loudly for his liking. but with watchful eyes and a steady tongue, he shamelessly enjoyed it yet he had to be aware of the people in the building. one loud moan and someone would sure walk in to see what's up.
so jeno swatted your hand away from his head and lifted up with a frown. he liked the frightened look on your face as he leaned closer and closer, "if you're this much of a slut for people to hear us, we might as well have just stayed where everyone else was."
"thats hot." you stated blankly, jenos eyebrow raised before realizing how far gone you practically were, with how big and dilated your eyes are. "w-wait no! I'll stay quiet I promise."
"No you wont." jeno got up and grabbed your underwear that layed on the floor, then shoved it in your mouth allowing you to taste yourself. "stay quiet, fucktoy."
"fucktoy?- oh fuck!" you mumbled into your panties as his fingers protruded inside you. at least you were quieter this time.
"tell me when youre about to cum." he said just above a whisper as he watched you slip further and further into bliss. the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head with each skillful thrust from jenos fingers made his cock grow harder each second. you were so hot, so damn beautiful as you moaned into the panties like a little bitch. jeno loved it too much to say he hated you.
"feels good- f-feels so good, j-jeno." you said quietly into the panties. it was getting harder and harder for you to keep silent as he began rubbing your clit like a desperate man, hungry for your cum. but you did your best keeping low.
you grinded against on his hand, inching closer and closer to what you believed to be your orgasm. clentching tightly around jenos fingers you gasped and spat your panties out, "jeno! i-im gonna-
"cum, fucktoy." he insisted, never removing his fingers from your wet hole as a white substance spilled out. he kept going, in and out, in and out as you clamped a hand over your mouth. so much sensitivity and his fingers were still going.
"stop i-i can't take it!" you found his wrist and tightly held it as you attempted to pull him out.
"youre gonna take this like a good bitch until I want to stop." he said right as your second orgasm washed through you.
too much. you could barely think straight and even tried pulling your hips back but his fingers followed.
too sensitive. you could barely breathe because of the overwhelming sensitivity. yet in a twisted way, it felt good in a strange way. maybe it was the pain of cumming over and over or how jeno worked his fingers. either way, you could feel another one building up.
"please, please, please." you cried hoping for the end, but there was no way jeno was stopping.
"apologize and this will be your last one." He stuck his fingers deeper, if that were possible, and watched you squirm trying to find words to say, but all that came out was drool. "disgusting whore." you slapped him in the face for that.
"I-i am not sor-sorry!"
"im not playing these games anymore. say you're sorry."
jeno growled, deeper and deeper he went and faster and faster he goes before your third orgasm of the day came. your legs shook and your grip got tighter but still to no avail did he stop.
you were very persistent on making jeno angry before, but now you seemed to have started rethinking that apology. "im sorry."
"for being rude to you!" you legs shook again and that feeling in your stomach was back, "i-im sorry jeno, but p-please I can't take it!"
he did it. he broke you. and with that he finally pulled his fingers away letting all your cum out.
you cried softly, still a shaking mess from the orgasms and jeno, well he didn't care all too much but he knew he probably shouldn't be too harsh with you about now. so he gently took you in his arms, sitting your bare bottom right on his lap as he rocked you slowly.
"im never leaving after this." you say slowly, "and I know you don't hate me either, I can feel your boner against my ass."
jeno pinches your arm and shushes you. god, you were a pest and maybe youre right. maybe he doesn't hate you like he proclaimed he did. maybe he did enjoy this session in the practice room, but he won't ever say it. not because he's afraid to admit it, but because he doesn't want you to rub it in his face.
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urlkssknt · 3 years
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nanami kento x fem!reader (2.9k)
nsfw!! mdi!!
warnings; unprotected sex, it’s just very soft and vanilla
a/n; this is a scene from a series i might write, i’m not sure if i want to commit to it, please let me know your thoughts, feedback is much appreciated!
The marriage announcement caught you off guard, it felt like someone had thrown you into the deep end of a pool and you didn't know how to swim, drowning slowly in the snarky whispers from the attendants of the party that reached your ear - wasn't he married to Y/n? Poor girl, I wouldn't be able to show my face if I was her. Many eyes around the room turned towards you in anticipation, waiting for some display of anger or a rage-induced outburst. Much to their disappointment, you stood your ground. You wouldn’t let the perfectly crafted mask fall from your face, especially not now, you couldn’t let the woman, who held a leash over your ex, know she caused an effect on you.
From a distance over, Satoru watched you closely through the peripheral of his sharp vision, you leaned further into the dark long haired man standing beside you to whisper something into his ear. Suguru handed you a small rectangular box discreetly. He was equally as shocked as you. Satoru expected Toji to pull a stunt like this, maybe another pregnancy announcement or a business merger. He never expected it to be announced publicly, in a Gojou family setting. Whilst claps of congratulations sounded around the hall, Gojou's cold gaze threw daggers towards your ex-husband, standing beside your parents with a hand on the waist of his fiancée. The sight of gleaming smiles across your parent’s faces made Satoru feel sick to his stomach. The white haired man also took a mental note of the people who seemed genuinely happy for the wretched couple. Those people didn't realise that they had gotten onto Gojou Satoru's bad side and ruined any promising positive relationship with the businessman.
There was a chill in the evening air as you stood on the balcony, you were grateful no one else was outside to witness the devastation on your face, only the night sky being witness to the single teardrop that fell along the expanse of your cheek. The cold air nipped at the bare skin of your arms and neck, raising the fine hairs which run all along your skin. As a thought of regret for not bringing a jacket along with you popped into your mind, you opened the cigarette packet that Suguru handed to you, bringing one up to your lips to rest as you fish for a lighter in your purse, praying that you had one despite having quit the disgusting habit years ago.
The temperature of the chilling air around you rises as a warming presence pressed against your back, you only relax when the familiar scent of rich cologne mixed with cinnamon infiltrates your senses, allowing yourself to melt into the heated hands that run along your naked arms.
"Do you even have a lighter?" Kento questions as you continue to search through your bag, which was so small, the blond was sceptical about it being big enough to fit any necessities.
Peering up through your lashes, your azure eyes narrowed at him as your lips formed into a deep scowl. Kento was right, you didn’t have a lighter, specifically for scenarios like this, where your fingers are itching to grab at the first intoxicant to cloud your mind. Smoking would help calm the stress that scratches the walls of your brain as the tobacco fills your bloodstream.
“Suguru probably has one-“ you mutter under your breath, speaking with the white stick sitting comfortably between your lips before a hand quickly reaches for it and throws the small object off the balcony, out of sight and out of reach. “What the hell-“ there was little time to process the sudden action as your words are cut short with kento’s palms encasing your face to tilt your head slightly and allow him to lower his lips onto yours in a short kiss. The anger that rushed through your veins quickly dissolved, leaving as fast as it was produced.
A small smile creeped along your lips, “maybe I should take up smoking again.”
Kento couldn’t help the chuckle that let up his throat, his eyes crinkling in the same way that the twin’s did. His hands dropped from your face to hold your hips over the silk material, pulling you closer towards him, your breasts pressing against his chest.
“Let's get out of here.”
Earlier, before he followed your footsteps to check on you, Kento felt a strong grip latch on his arm to prevent him from moving further. The culprit was your brother. Satoru held an intimidating aura, his sapphire eyes bearing a look cold enough to pierce skin. The older man whispered short words to Nanami, advising him to take you away from the party, in order to protect you.
As Kento was texting the babysitter he had hired for the night, making sure his kids were safely sleeping in their beds, you were checking in with the two Zen’in girls that were looking after Megumi for the night. Maki and Mai loved spending time with you, when you announced the divorce with their cousin, they were undeniably upset, not because Toji’s heart was broken but it meant they wouldn’t be able to see you as often.
It wasn't as difficult as you thought it might be to locate the hotel room. Thankfully, both of you were in a conscious state of mind, avoiding the sparkling alcoholic beverages being served in crystal flutes. The hand on the curve of your waist held you close to Kento’s embrace. Just from a short glance, any onlooker would be able to know you were his, there was a loving atmosphere surrounding you two which was hard to miss, from the pearly smile painting your glossy lips to the radiant sparkling of gold among the hues of brown. The booked room was found quickly. Anticipation began to bubble in your stomach, you felt excited to spend the night with such a handsome man, again.
All of your hair was pushed to one side on your shoulder, exposing the tender flesh of your neck. A beautiful and plain canvas just waiting to be painted with deep and dark shades of pinks and purples. The plain sight caused a stir in Kento’s mind, he desired to mark you, in a way he knew no one ever would. Acting on impulse, the father of two kissed a spot where your neck met your shoulder so lightly it felt like petals brushing against your skin. A smirk found its home along Kento’s lips when you craned your head to the side, offering more of yourself to him. The innocent kisses progressed into deep bites, a sudden sharp nip against your pulse point causing a gasp to slip into the air. You couldn’t care less if a horrible bruise formed from Kento's lustful ministrations, his scent clouded your mind like a drug, your thoughts swirling into nothing. Your attention was fixated on the hands wandering from their place on your hips to groping your breasts through the silken material of your dress, sending arsoul to pool in your panties.
A deep timbre tone filled your ears, you turned to face the man speaking. “Would you like to know my new favourite colour?” Kento doesn’t wait for your answer, his hands squeeze at your chest again with more pressure, sadly eliciting another gasp from your lips. The corners of Kento's lips turn downwards ever so slightly, he had hoped that his ears would have been graced with a moan. “Sage green.”
The blond guides you to the queen-sized bed, lined with the finest material he had ever seen, Kento didn’t expect anything less from your brother, who handed him the key card. The hotel room was grand, almost as big as his own apartment, which was quite large.
Kento sits himself against the headboard with his suit jacket and tie discarded somewhere on the floor, falling victim to your travelling hands, eager to undress him. The clothing was no longer his concern as you situated yourself in his lap, thick thighs straddling his waist the best you could in the confinement of your dress. “Tonight,” Kento's eyes move from the swells of your breasts, your cleavage in his direct eye line, to meet your gleaming eyes. He was surprised to find his own reflection in them. “I'm yours.” The words felt heavy on his tongue and heart, it felt like he was confessing to you again, proving to himself that it was you that his heart yearns for.
Slowly, you clamber off of the blond man’s lap without voicing your intentions, not missing how his hands reach out to hold onto you for a moment longer, you giggle lightly at the display of clinginess, never expecting such a stoic man to behave like that. It was refreshing. It reassured the persistent whispers in the back of your mind that Kento wanted you like you wanted him. as you stood at the foot of the bed, you kicked off your nude heels, dropping your height by a few inches. A laugh fell upon your ears, Kento was amused, his smile hidden from your eyes behind his palm. However, the light atmosphere shifted when the sound of a zipper filled the room. Swiftly, the dress dropped to the floor from the pull of gravity, leaving you exposed except for the black lace thong, which barely hid anything from his eyes. Kento wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse.
Finally, it was your turn to smirk when your sharp eyes caught the growing tent of Kento's trousers.
Slowly, you crawled along the bedsheets at an agonising pace, it felt like hours before you finally reached your destination. Within an instant, you felt two large palms squeeze at the pudgy skin of your hips. You couldn’t help but press your hands against Kento's chest, fingers running aimlessly as you met his lips, kissing him with such desire, as if you had planned to devour him.
“Do you know what good boys get, Mister Nanami?” you say in a sultry tone, the touches of the small pads of your fingertips tracing unrecognisable shapes along his chest becoming distractive.
The words registered into the blond’s mind, you had previously asked the same question to the three toddlers, in hopes of containing their erratic behaviour in the kitchen. This should have been degrading, yet, despite using the childish question, a rational voice in Kento’s mind screamed at him to just give in for once.
“Rewards,” it was the same answer Sukuna gave you, it was the correct answer. However, Kento's voice only managed to speak just above a breath, finding himself unable to trust his own voice.
“Well done daddy,” you praised him with a sweet kiss, a shiver running up his neck, before making an effort to unbutton the shirt, “treat me nicely and I’ll reward you.”
All the remaining pieces of clothing were thrown off hurriedly, desperate to feel the pure heat of Kento's unbelievably hot body. It stunned you how he was constantly warm, maybe you could make him your personal heater.
Kento couldn’t help but groan loudly as your hips grinded against his dick, coating him with your wetness, he felt himself throbbing against your folds, ever so desperate to fill you to the brim. As if reading his mind, the teasing touches paused as you lined your entrance up with his cock, only after giving the hard member a few pumps with your hand. The broad shoulders of the businessman were used as an anchor, you cling onto him desperately as you sink onto his dick. In the span of a few hours, you had completely forgotten the thickness of kento’s sex, surprising yourself as you struggle to relax yourself to take him in. Wanton moans fell from both parties as you stayed still for a few seconds to get used to the burn from his fat cock stretching you. The hands on your waist squeeze tightly to help Kento ground himself from rutting up into you. Being enveloped with your warm cunt felt too good, especially when the gummy walls clamped around him, you were all he could think about.
Just from the position alone, the soft tissue of nerves which caused you to see stars were grazed upon, you couldn’t stop the moan escaping from your lips. “I could cum like this,” you relish in the feeling of the palms coaxing the movement of your hips and the mouth that latches onto your mound. A sharp nip against your peak leads to you arching into Kento's mouth, desperate for more of his touches. Despite spending the night before together, the pair of you couldn’t get enough of each other. Not when your tits would bounce as you raised your hips and begin a steady rhythm of grinding against Kento’s lap, each slam against his hips hitting a spot that causes your head to spin. The vision of you on top of him, riding his cock like your life depended on it, spurred the coil tightening in the pit of his stomach. The wetness that pooled between your thighs now began to drip down onto the pelvis of the man below you. A mixture of juices squelching and low moans sounded throughout the room. You had no time to feel embarrassed by the pornographic noises as you desperately chased your high.
“You’re making me feel so good angel,” a sense of pride blooms in Kento's chest as he feels you clenching around him from his praise. His hands stretched lower to graze his fingers over your ass, they latched onto you, his nails creating deep crevices in the area that would still be there in the morning.
You could no longer think straight, completely drunk off of Kento's cock, filling you up so well you wished he’d never leave. A numbness started to form in your thighs, creating a painful burn as you continued to move up and down, pushing through the pain and reaching for your high. From the hand gripping his hair and the way your walls were spasming, Kento knew you were so close to cumming, you just needed a little push. The brush of his thumb circling your clit leans you over the edge and causes your orgasm to hit you like a wave. Kento groaned loudly as you creamed his cock and gripped onto him like a vice. The man felt kind enough to let you catch your breath, he was still painfully hard and so close to his own high.
“As much as I’d like to be rewarded,” a cheeky smile spread through Kento’s lips, chocolate eyes sparkling at you with excitement. His playful and cheery expression leaves as quick as it comes, you almost whine in protest as he uses his strength to pull you off of his lap, and gently lays you down against the bed. The giddy look in Kento's eyes darkens to a lustful stare as your blown out eyes meet his. “Daddy wants to cum, so be a good girl and help daddy out.”
It hadn’t been longer than a few moments since your climax, you had barely calmed down. Without a second thought, Kento thrusts into your sopping entrance, your cum still coating his dick which makes it easier for him to slide back into your cavernous walls. A cry emmits from you due to the overstimulation. The feeling of being filled up again overtook the discomfort you experienced, it felt so good that you could cry from it, it was as if kento was made to fit inside your cunt so deliciously. The hands on your hips migrate to your thighs, pushing them up so that your knees are almost next to your head. Somehow, the angle of the position allows Kento to hit deeper into you.
“Fu- fuck,” your mind is lost for words as it completely blanks, no longer have the ability to form a coherent sentence.
A layer of sweat covers the blond’s body. The slapping sound returns as Kento's heavy balls hit against you with every rut. It was astonishing that the bed frame didn’t move with his frantic movements. Each thrust of his hips were more calculated than the next, earning a cry from you each time as his cockhead continuously came into contact with your g-spot. Kento knew he’d only be able to last through a few more thrusts. From the way your thighs quivered, your second orgasm was closer than he thought.
“Cum with me angel,” Kento's lips found yours in a haste of teeth clashing against each other, desperate to feel closer to you. As soon as the coaxing words fall on your ear, your walls clench around him as another climax ripples through you, this one hitting you much harder. The tension finally snapped, a growl ripped through his throat, no longer being able to hold back, as ropes of his cum shot inside your pussy, hips faltering slightly.
Your eyes flutter shut from exhaustion, trying your best to catch your breath and calm your erratic heart. Gentle hands help drop your legs so they could wrap around Kento’s waist instead of being folded in the air. Kento noticed the drowsy haze you were in. He took it upon himself to find a towel in the bathroom to clean up the mess between your thighs. Exerting his strength, the stoic man helps you to move into the sheets, the cold air no longer able to nip at your naked body.
“We need to buy plan b,” you shifted yourself close to Kento.
A kiss is pressed to the crown of your head. “We can worry about that in the morning.”
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yayeetsonny · 3 years
Always Tell The Truth Part 2 ~ USWNT x Reader
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Okay so if you haven’t read the first part of this, which I will put here. Always tell the truth part 1 I suggest you do that, otherwise this one will make no sense. Also sorry... again for being gone so long. I hope you guys didn’t miss me too much. :)
“Those bruises, Y/N, where’d you get them?” 
“I. Don’t. Know.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Fine then, don’t believe me. First Alex, then Christen and now you. This is just great, my teammates think I’m a liar. Well I’m not and I’m telling you the truth.”
I brushed by her and stormed out of the room, now determined to avoid my teammates so they’d stop asking questions and questioning my honesty.
“I’m not a liar. I don’t know where I got the bruises, I don’t know why they won’t believe me.”
After I stormed out of the room I share with Ali I ran... yes literally ran out of the hotel and out into the street. Well okay it was more like the sidewalk but whatever, I’m going for dramatic story telling here. I was angry, hurt and confused as to why my teammates couldn’t just believe me. I’ve never lied to them before, not ever. If something was going on I would have told them. And I genuinely have no clue where these bruises came from, I don’t remember hurting myself badly in practices or games and I don’t do any other crazy activities that would warrant the sudden appearance of severe looking injuries. I knew I just needed to clear my head so I started walking in a random direction hoping to get my thoughts together.
After a while I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and knew it was probably one of my teammates looking for me so I ignored it. My phone stopped ringing only for a short time before it stared up again. This went on for several long minutes before it finally stopped. After each attempt from whoever was trying reach me there was a separate single vibrate indicating they left a message. I felt a little guilty for disappearing and probably worrying everyone but they shouldn’t have assumed or accused me of lying. Thinking they finally got the message that I didn’t want to speak to them I continued walking god knows where trying to think of what to say when I finally decided to go back. I was really deep in thought, trying to remember if and when I got the bruises. Obviously they don’t just appear like magic. They have to be caused by something, but... what? All the sudden I was hit with a vague memory
“Huh?... Wha- where am I?”
“You fell asleep on the couch dear. Don’t you remember? It was really adorable actually. My mom said super sweetly.
That’s weird, she’s never overly sweet with me, like ever.
“No, I don’t remember doing that.”
I looked around and the tv was on, which is also rare. It was playing a random comedy movie. Comedy? My parents don’t even like comedy movies.
“Oh well you did. Right after dinner, you dragged your feet over to the couch and was out like a light before we knew it.” She said casually.
My dad waltzed in like everything was totally normal. What the fuck is going on. Why don’t I even remember eating dinner? How long have I been here? Why does my body hurt so much?
I came back to the present feeling slightly uneasy. I remembered now a little bit of what happened when I got to my parents house and a little bit of what happened after I woke up from my nap. They managed to convince me everything was fine after that and I left assuming they were telling me the truth because I was too tired and too annoyed to argue. But the more I thought about it the more I wondered just how much of what they said is true. Why were there huge gaps in my time with them? And why do I get the feeling that the weird gut feeling I have isn’t a coincidence? I got lost in thought again but it was peaceful this time and quiet which I was relishing in.
Unfortunately the peace and quiet only lasted for a few minutes when I started to get what I assumed were dozens of texts. I finally got fed up and decided to silence my phone completely. When I unlocked it I saw a glimpse of some of the worried texts from the team. They all pretty much said the same thing;
“Y/N please come back. I’m sorry for saying I didn’t believe you. I’m just concerned about you. I want to talk and I’ll listen to whatever you have to say. Just please come back.”- Ali
“Hey kid, heard what happened. Wanna talk?”- T
“Y/n where are you? I heard what happened and that you left?? please come back, we’re worried.”- Christen
“Bruh what the hell? let’s talk?”- Ash
“where r u?”- Mal
“It’s not safe for you to be out by yourself. Ali told us about the other bruises. Whatever this is we’ll help you. We’re gonna start searching for you if you don’t get your ass back here soon. We love you.”- Alex
And it went on like that as every single member of the team texted me some variation of that and the voicemails they all left were much the same. I started to feel more guilty but let my anger keep me from replying to them. They can stew a little longer.
Meanwhile back at the Hotel...
“Okay, so tell us exactly what happened.”
“I saw the bruises when she was changing, which I happened to walk in on. I don’t think she was expecting me. I asked her what happened and she said that nothing had happened and I asked her about the bruises I saw on her arm, shoulder and spine and she continued to tell me she has no idea where they came from. I told her I didn’t believe her and then she got upset and she just... left.”
“Just like that? She didn’t say where she was going?”
“No, she was so angry she just stormed out and when I tried to follow after her she was already gone.”
“And she’s still not answering her phone. Damnit kid come on, where are you?”
“She’s not safe out there on her own, we have to go look for her.”
“And how are we supposed to find her when she doesn’t have her location on and is doing everything she can’t to ignore us?”
“I have no idea but we have to try.”
“We will, but we should give her a little more time. It’s possible she’s just around the corner cooling off. She’ll come back when she’s ready.”
“You’re right.”
“Guys I hate to steer us back into more serious topics but shouldn’t we be talking about the bruises she has that started all of this?”
“What do you guys think they’re from?” Megan asked.
“I want to believe her when she says she doesn’t know but I mean how can you just not know about bruises as severe as those?” Ash said.
“I mean... I’ve had some pretty bad ones I don’t remember getting from anywhere.” Mal said off-handily.
I saw some of the rest of the team nod silently, indicating that they too had, had the same thing happen to them. And I had to admit that I had my fair share of bumps and bruises that I couldn’t explain because they just seemed to appear but I was still concerned for our youngest teammate as it was getting pretty late and it was already dark outside.
“Oh god, you don’t think it’s her parents do you?” Tobin asked no one in particular.
We all paused for a moment to process what she was implying and I know we were silently hoping, praying that they wouldn’t do that to her. That they wouldn’t beat their own child.
“No, there’s no way. She’s told us that they love and support her and that even though they aren’t around much they still care about her.”
“Right, you’re right.”
“It has to be them though, I mean there’s no other explanation. She didn’t have them before or after practice right?” Alex asked.
“No, she didn’t.” Lindsey said solemnly.
“Do you really think parents can just flip a switch? Just like that? Be caring and supportive one minute and violent then next?”
“It’s possible.”
“No, just don’t even go there. I refuse to believe they would do that.”
“We would have seen the bruises if she had them before, since we all change in the same locker room together for practices and games remember?” I said
“Fuck. When I get my hands on them I swear to god...”
She didn’t get to finish her sentence because Y/n walked into the dining hall where we were all gathered.
“Get your hands on who?” She asked quietly
“Y/n holy shit, thank god.”
“And she lives!... not the time? Got it.”
“Y/N... we need to talk.”
“Why? There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know what Ali told you, but I don’t know where these fucking bruises came from okay? I don’t know. I’m sorry, I know that probably isn’t what you wanted to hear but it’s the truth. If you don’t believe me that’s fine but i’m not talking about it anymore.”
“Sweetie please just hear us out okay? We’re worried about you and getting defensive about them isn’t helping your case.” I said, trying to reach out for her but she backed away from me.
“Defensive? I’m just upset because you all still don’t seem to get it.”
“We want to get it, please just talk to us.”
“Y/N, please just...”
“No! Okay, just no. I said we weren’t talking about it again and that’s final. What happened to “I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.” Huh, Ali? Good to know that was complete bullshit.”
“I’m sorry baby, please believe me, we just...”
“Oh believe you? For what? You clearly still don’t believe me so why should I give you that courtesy? You know what, this is all just fucking stupid anyways. I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
And with that she disappeared up to the room she’s sharing with Ali. Leaving us all more confused and concerned than ever.
“Well... that went well.”
“Shut up Emily, so not the time.”
Okay so yes that is yet another cliffhanger of sorts, I’m sorry but I thought that was a good place to end it. Just know that Y/N genuinely doesn’t remember a lot of what’s going on, just like she says. Her parents are definitely sus asf.
I’m actually writing part 3 rn so that should be up within the next day or so. I know I keep disappearing but my life is totally a mess rn lol. I’m back now tho and am excited to finally get to all the requests I have. Im so sorry for those waiting I haven’t forgotten. Promise.
Not edited.
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fosermi · 3 years
That's right! I'm back! And I bring to you CHAPTER 3 OF GUARDIAN MACAQUE AU
WHY?! Well because I couldn't sleep well and it's 5 am fuck my headache I give you content!! Fair warning: Macaque is a soft monkey especially to kids AND YOU CAN PRY THIS HC FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS ABDJFKCMCM
Some days, Biming would leave to sell the rice cultivated in their field to the neighbouring village. An oddity, Hóu realised. Why sell to another village? He didn't understand… After all, there were other houses in their village. 
"Hóu?" Ai's soft voice called for the demon. Oddly enough, it wasn't her usual tone that came through her call. 
Immediately detecting the shift from her usual beat, the black monkey jumped down from his position on the plum tree that grew in the back garden of the couple's home. The tree upon which the monkey would spend most of his free time on whenever he could. "You called, Mrs. Ai?" 
"Oh! Yes, dear…" her voice dripped with worry - fear even. In her arms a red cloak, outstretched as if allowing him to take it. "Could you please accompany Biming to the town today…?" Her eyes glimmering under the morning sun with worry, begged the black monkey to take on her request. 
Hóu, with an immediate nod, complied as he gently took the cloak from Ai's grasp. Hesitantly, the black monkey built up enough courage to ask the kind lady, her worry affecting his own. 
"Mrs. Ai… is everything alright…?" His hand reached out to Ai’s in an attempt to comfort her as his eyes locked with hers, taking notes of the high level of worry embedded deep within her honey-brown eyes.
Seeing the concern in Hóu's golden eyes, Ai's tense shoulders fell as she let out a shaky breath. "Ling Fa… he warned us that demons moved in close to the rout Biming takes to the other village…" 
Ling Fa… yes…
He was the family's guardian spirit… it was his duty to protect the family, right? Of course he would warn the kind couple.
By late morning, Biming and Hóu had headed out on the road on the small mule-pulled cart with their cargo safely secured. Ling Fa had stayed behind to ensure Ai's safety as he would not have been much help with manual labor. 
Hóu rode on the back of the cart as his mind drifted off to the thoughts of the strange family guardian. They had previously met a couple of times. Ling Fa wasn't a concerning figure, in fact Hóu believed he was incapable of fighting due to his pacifistic tendencies. 
Throughout the journey, Biming and Hóu held up a small lighthearted conversation, a conversation that seemed to have only lasted a couple of minutes was in fact just two hours. 
Soon the duo were at town close to noon, Hóu couldn't believe how lively everything was! Carts and vendors and buyers were everywhere! If he was being honest, Hóu's entire world seemed to start spinning due to the overload of his senses. 
"Welcome to the market, Hóu!" Biming said with a bright smile as he handed Hóu some earplugs. "They might not completely drown out all the new senses but its something at least… if you ever need a breath at all, then tell me and we can go to a more tame part of the town were we can rest for a bit"
Hóu's reply came in the form of a nod. However, even though his senses are over exerting himself, Hóu knew that he had to allow Biming to sell their crops so they could earn the money needed. So, the black monkey decided to sit right behind the cart after putting on the earplugs, mostly hidden from the front view as she observed how Biming bargained and sold his crops. 
Eventually, daylight started diminishing as the sun was starting to head down the horizon, turning the shy a nice shade that reminded the monkey of orange peaches… something about the sunset seems to have upset the demon and he felt a pang of pain in his chest. 
Upon noticing the sadness embedded on the monkey’s face, Biming decided that it was time to head home. "Hóu, let's go home." Came the familiar voice of the young man that got Hóu moving onto the back of the cart, and once again head off back home. "We should be back home just after sunset" Said Biming in an attempt to comfort his companion, which seemed to have worked somewhat. 
The ride back didn't have many complications, it was a smooth ride back with a few conversations every now and again. Once home, Biming and Hóu carried their goods into the home as they announced their return, only to be greeted by the smell of Ai's amazing cooking as they sat down by the table to eat. 
Biming was telling Ai how well Hóu had taken to the city and how well behaved he was. He kept on flattering the black monkey demon which got Hóu to stutter every now and again when he decided to speak up. Soon enough, it was time to head to bed after it was decided that from then on, Hóu would accompany Biming to the market. 
His days spent here in the small farm house by the valley with Ai and Biming went by faster than he expected. And soon, they would have a new addition to their family in the form of a child between the couple. 
The couple at first didn't know how Hóu would react to children, as throughout Ai's pregnancy, he had done his best to avoid her as much as possible without angering her. He however instead spent his time with Biming learning how to trade and sell as well as bargain and buy goods. 
When their daughter was born, the couple found something they never had expected to see. That night they had awoken to the sound of soft cries coming from the adjacent room that Hóu had offered the baby to stay in with him so he could make sure that their daughter was safe from all harm. Surprisingly, Hóu had also swore it as his duty out of the blue one night before she was even born. 
What surprised them however, was what they saw in the room that night. They had found Hóu gently cradling their small daughter in his arms. Biming most of all was surprised at how Hóu could be so delicate with such a small fragile being and yet possess strength strong enough to carry the entire cart filled with supplies. 
Hóu looked over at the couple with worry laced all very his face. "S-sorry… she won't stop crying… she must be hungry!" It surprised Ai how well he knew how to manage a baby and how he could tell what was wrong. She stood there for a moment as she smiled at the panicked monkey before taking her daughter to feed her in the other room, leaving Biming and Hóu together in the room. 
Biming sat down next to Hóu on the bed who seemed a bit anxious. "Is something the matter Hóu?" Came the concerned question from Biming. 
Hóu's tail flicked anxiously like an irritated cat, he lowered his head and talked in barely a whisper "she's just so small Biming… will she really survive?" 
With a comforting hand on Hóu's shoulder, a smile found its way onto Biming's face "with you worrying about her like this… I know she'll be perfectly fine Hóu…" and with that, Ai came back in, carrying their sleeping daughter in her arms. 
Without a second to lose, Hóu was up on his feet to give the bed to the sleeping baby. But instead, Ai gave him the small bundle of joy with a smile. Something within him clicked that night, and for the first time he remembered something from his past. 
A conversation? 
"Hey, [~~~] why so stiff?" 
"Because! They're so small! So defenseless! How can they survive?!" A chuckle rang out throughout what seemed like a cave as the sound echoed. 
"They're children! Of course, they're small! But hey! They seem to like you!" 
"I… I guess they do…" 
"You know… if you're really worried about them so much why not take care of them?" 
"Don't you already do that?" 
"Well, technically, yes? But what I meant was you could watch over the little ones and make sure they're safe?" 
"... alright, I'll do it!" 
Hóu held the small child close to his chest, a stifled sob escaped him as a few tears flowed down his face and onto the blankets that wrapped around the baby. This concerned the couple as they barely see Hóu cry, in fact. This is only the second time they've seen him cry ever since finding him that fateful day. 
Just before they could react, Hóu faced them. Face stained with tears but his eyes held a strong determination. "No matter what, I'll make sure she becomes big and strong. I swear on my life" 
With his sudden declaration, the couple found a sense of peace and comfort. Ever since then, Hóu had appointed himself their daughter's caretaker and would help Ai and Biming with their daughter in whatever way he could. There had been countless times when Ai or Biming would search for their daughter only to find her asleep on Hóu who had her safely asleep on or under his favorite tree in their garden, sometimes asleep himself. 
Such were the peaceful times, the days he wouldn't have to worry about much except for their family's safety. Nothing could happen to them, he used to think. Not until the incident. 
Golden eyes fluttered open as he heard a faint sound of someone calling out to him. "I'm heading off to work dad!! Text you later!!" Followed by a door slamming shut and a soft ringing of a bell. 
With a sigh, the black monkey sat up and combed through his messy black hair before getting up and heading to the bathroom to freshen up. Mi Hóu looked at the mirror and examined himself only to be taken back to see a human face before remembering that his life with Ai, Biming, and their daughter Chu-Hua had ended a couple of hundred years ago. 
He had remembered everything since that time, and his true name is Liu er Mihóu otherwise known as the Six Eared Macaque. And he remembered that at this current time, he has a son. A son that he had to look out for in a world of hidden demons. But here's the catch, he can't let his son know that he himself is a demon even though he already knows about demons. Which is why he uses a human disguise. 
"Another regular day of work I guess…" he mumbled as he heard the ringing of the bell hung at the door indicating that someone had entered their home, or to be more specific, his clinic. Little did he know that this day would be the end of his daily routine of curing demons and teaching at a dojo. 
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jeyramarie · 3 years
Parcel 9- Pogues x OC (part 2)
summary: the pogues adventure turn crazy, scary and happy, all in one second. 
wc: 2.6k
warnings: blood, injury, cursing
a/n: enjoy everyone!! happy reading 🦋
prologue~ pilot~ the lucky compass~ the forbidden zone~ spy games~ midsummers~ parcel 9~ 
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Previously on Good Life: 
“What’s going on with you and Pope?”
“Yeah, he clearly likes you.” The kook chuckled as she placed a curl behind her ear.
“There’s absolutely nothing going on, trust me.” Kie answered as she leaned back onto her hands.
“How ‘bout you?”
“What about me?”
“Like, do you have your eye on someone?” The pogue grinned as Lani blushed, looking away. 
“Maybe.” She smirked and smiled at Kie who smiled back. The kook stood up and held out her hand for the pogue to grab. They walked back to the girls to find Sarah almost asleep and Fallon chopping up the manual.
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Lani suggested to play truth or dare trying to put the actual plan in motion, which was to bring the girls together. The game only lasted a few minutes due to Sarah saying stupid things when she chose truth. They felt tired which made them move to the wall of the boat to lean against it. Lani placed her head on Kie’s lap, for her to play with the kook’s curls while Sarah and Fallon sat next to them. 
“Hey, guess what? Would you rather... have… I was imagining you like this just now.” Sarah said messily as she took hair out of her face. 
“It was pretty funny. Would you ima... would you rather… have nipples for eyes or eyes for nipples? Imagine if you get really old and your nipples…” She continued as the girls looked at her all confused, having no idea what she was talking about.
“Your boobs get saggy, and your nipples, if they were your eyes, you could see if your shoes were untied.” The blonde chuckled, making Fallon roll her eyes. 
“Is this your first time smoking or something?” Kie asked, feeling annoyed by her presence. 
“Yeah, you’re acting really pathetic.” Fallon huffed as she stood up, walking to the cabin. 
“No.” Sarah muttered and fidgeted with her fingers as Lani sat up from the pogue’s lap to sit in front of her, facing the girls. Fallon came back and sat next to Kie as they stayed in silence for a while. 
“Oh my god!” Fallon groaned, feeling annoyed. 
“Enough of the ‘hey girls’ bullshit. Why’d you do it?” Kie said quickly getting upset which caused Lani to place her hand on her leg, letting her know she was there. 
“Why did I do what?” 
“We were best friends, the three of us.” The caramel haired pogue said as she leaned forward to look at Sarah while she talked. 
“We stole beers from your dad’s fridge, we watched movies together, we cried over boys-”
“And the next thing we know, we’re watching you have your little princess birthday party on Instagram.” The pogue said after cutting Kie off, feeling a mixture of anger and annoyance. 
“It was one party.” Sarah muttered as if the conversation wasn’t important. 
“You invited everyone but us!” 
“And then you told everyone that we were the reason the party got busted.” Kie said softly as she shook her head in disappointment. 
“Well, who else would call the cops?” Sarah asked, raising her voice as she looked at the pogues. 
“You never ask, you just let the rumor go… that we were rats.” The curly haired pogues said, beginning to feel sad as she remembered how she felt in that moment. Lani scooted closer to her and held her hand tightly, trying to comfort her. 
“You were our best friend, Sarah and you ghosted us… we don't even know why? Like, seriously, what did we do wrong?” Fallon asked, feeling upset as she pulled her knees up to her chest. After more emotional talking, the girls finally came to an understanding. Everything that went down in the beginning of high school was behind them and Lani was happy to have seen that. 
The next morning the girls woke up pretty early to wait for the boys. They had a small breakfast while they talked about their revenge plan. Lani gathered her stuff, placing it inside her bag when she saw Kie doing the same thing. The pogue looked up and stared at the kook for a while before being interrupted by the boys, causing Lani to walk to the edge of the boat. 
“You forgot your keys or something?” John B asked looking over his sunglasses. 
“Need a tow?” Pope laughed as he stopped the boat next to Heyward’s. 
“Please don't give them the satisfaction that this worked.” Lani muttered with her back turned to the boys as the girls walked towards her. 
“Absolutely not.” Fallon whispered smirking as she leaned over to see JJ. 
“Did you… reconcile your differences?” 
“No.” Kie spat as she crossed her arms, watching as Lani climbed off the boat into the HMS. 
“Obviously not.” 
“But we’re willing to work together.” Sarah sighed as she looked at John B who smiled and high-fived Pope. 
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That night they were going to put the plan in motion. They were finally going to go to the Crain house and fetch out the gold. Before they left, they all met up at the Chateau, making sure they had everything ready. Lani went over the list one last time before they left: flashlights, dark clothes, rope, pulley and a grappling hook (according to JJ). They all piled the Twinkie and drove to the Crain house, parking across the road from it. Before they climbed out, John B turned and looked at his friends, stopping them from leaving.
“I just wanted to thank you, guys. Seriously. It means a lot to me that you’re here tonight.” 
“Aww, you went soft John.” Lani said, tilting her head to the side as she smiled. 
“Always.” Kie smiled.
“Of course, man.” JJ muttered tapping the pogue’s shoulder in support. They all climbed out of the Twinkie and walked into the house’s yard. The flashlights were on, guiding them to the basement when the porch light turned on. They all ducked and hid behind some old structure that was covered in plants. 
“Great, she has motion sensor lights.” Lani muttered looking over at the door and getting back down. 
“We could, uh… move very slowly, maybe?” JJ asked dumbfounded. 
“That’s not how it works, J.” Fallon tapped his shoulder with a light chuckle. 
“Let’s throw a rock at it.” He suggested again making everyone look at him. 
“A rock?” The curly haired kook asked, thinking she had heard wrong. 
“Of course, let the axe murderer know we’re here.” Kie whispered.
“Do you have a better idea?” 
“Literally anything but that.” Pope said and turned back to the porch, thinking about what they could do. The bright light turned off, making the teens let out a breath of relief. 
“Oh my god, the breaker. In the circuit box on the porch.” Fallon said looking at JJ who smiled and high-fived her. 
“We used to play hide-and-seek here as kids. And if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch.” He grinned as he remembered 9 y/o caramel and blonde haired kids. 
“I’ve seen it.” Sarah smiled. 
“No, no. You’re not going in the house alone.” John B started objecting, causing the blonde kook to laugh. 
“Watch me.” 
“Crain chops people into pieces.” 
“If you believe that but she’s like what, 85?” Sarah asked, looking around at the teens. 
“Yeah, something like that.” Kie shrugged. 
“She’s probably barely still kicking.” Fallon said and turned to make her way to the porch when JJ held her wrist. 
“Hey, be careful. Please… don’t do anything crazy.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” She pecked his cheek and made her way to the porch. Sarah walked behind her some time later while JJ went back to see Lani and Kie making fun of John B.
“Be safe.”
“I’ll be so safe… I’ll be safe for you.” Lani whispered as Pope and Kie laughed. 
“Come on, stop it. I’m gonna kill you.” 
“How will that keep us safe?”Lani asked with a straight face as everyone chuckled. 
Fallon and Sarah slowly stepped onto the porch pointing their flashlights at the wall. The floorboards creaked as they walked closer to the door, not putting too much thought into it. 
“Where are the breakers?” The blonde whispered pointing her flashlight all over the wall and quickly stopped once she saw the cable. Fallon moved her flashlight along the cable, until she noticed it went into the house. 
“Shit… it goes inside the house.” She whispered and looked at Sarah who stared at her with scared eyes. They walked into the house, slowly, following the cable with their flashlights until they stumbled upon the breaker. Fallon opened the box almost immediately and turned the switch, making the bright light from outside shut off.
“Oh my god, they did it.” Lani whispered, staring at the porch and back at the pogues. 
“They did it. Go time.” John B turned and walked quickly towards the basement followed by everyone else. They all piled around the well and moved away to get everything ready. 
“Pope, look. This is C.H.U.D, full C.H.U.D.” JJ said filled with excitement as he moved her arm, signalling at the whole place. 
“JJ, what the fuck are you talking about?” Lani asked, stopping what she was doing to look at the blonde. 
“Cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers? Have you guys not seen that film?” 
“Can’t say that I have.” Kie said walking towards Pope to give him a few more stuff. JJ then moved to explain what the film was about which caused Lani to just look at him in confusion. She never thought that things like that would be going through his head. John B told him to shut up and moved to Pope as he began to ask some things about the depth of the well. They got the rope ready as the pogue sat at the edge waiting for his friends to give him the ok. 
“Guys, I have one request.” 
“Yeah?” The teens asked, looking at him.
“Don’t drop me.” John B descended into the well as Lani nodded. 
“Cool… no pressure…” She walked and stood next to JJ, holding a piece of rope as they moved it slowly. They kept lowering him until he got to the bottom, surrounded by sewer looking water. JJ and Pope kept calling out for him, making sure he was okay. Upstairs, Fallon and Sarah ran from Mrs. Crain was chasing them with a shotgun, even though she was blind. Suddenly, the girls stumbled into the basement, out of breath making everyone turn to them.
“Woah, you guys okay?” Lani asked with worried eyes. 
“Mrs. Crain! She’s up there.” Fallon shouted, placing her hands on her knees as she caught her breath. 
“She tried to kill us with a fire poker.” Sarah held her stomach as she breathed heavily. 
“We gotta go.” Kie said and ran to the bags, getting the flashlights and everything gathered. 
“We locked her in the parlor but we really need to leave.” The caramel haired pogue said, walking to the exit as Kie trailed behind. JJ and Pope alerted John B but when he began to shout the teens went crazy, thinking he was drowning. Everything grabbed a piece of rope and began to pull quickly, noticing that the boy wasn't attached to it. After a few minutes of trying to him out, Mrs. Crain had followed the ruckus and made it down to the basement. She heard voices and pulled the trigger causing a loud bang to echo around the room. 
The teens ran in different locations, trying to cover themselves. JJ tied the rope as Pope shouted down the well, telling John B what to do. They all ran out of the basement and climbed into the Twinkie. Pope and JJ were in front while the girls were in the back, holding the door open for John B. The blonde began to drive as a figure appeared to jump over the stone wall. He ran down the street and threw himself into the van as Lani slid the door close. 
“Oh my god. That was fucking crazy.” The kook said, leaning against the door, feeling tired. 
“Are you shot?” Pope asked, turning his body to the very dirty pogue.
“I think I’d know if I was shot right?” Kie questioned, touching her chest but quickly looking down at the boy in disgust.
“Ugh, John B you smell like ass.” Everyone chuckled and began to talk about Mrs. Crain and how she was like Yoda. Lani drifted from the conversation and stared at the pogue who was taking something out of his jacket, it was shiny. 
“What is that?” She asked, grabbing everyone’s attention. Sarah looked down at her boyfriend and gasped, quickly smiling.
“No, you didn’t.” 
“We did it, baby!” John B shouted with a huge smile on his face. The van erupted in celebration and screams until Kie held her hands out.
“Wait, wait, Guys, we’re gonna be rich.” 
“Like full kook rich.” Fallon smiled looking at JJ through the rear view mirror. 
“Full kook, full kook, full kook!” They chanted on the way back to the Chateau. Once it was over they started laughing,feeling nothing but joy. It was quickly replaced with worry once Fallon sat back and winced when her arm touched the cushion. Lani’s head turned to her immediately, watching the pogue holding her arm. When she parted her hand it was covered in fresh red blood. 
“Fallon’s hurt!” The kook said as she moved towards the pogue, quickly helping. JJ’s eyes went wide and looked through the mirror in fear. 
“What do you mean she’s hurt?”
“She’s bleeding from her arm… It’s too deep, she needs stitches.” Lani said loudly for the blonde to hear her as the girls piled around her. Kie looked for the emergency kit and gave it to the kook, making her automatically start working. 
“JJ, how far are we?” She shouted as she opened the kit, making sure everything was there. 
“5 minutes!” 
“I can’t wait 5 minutes, she’s bleeding a lot.” Lani muttered and turned, grabbing two flashlights and handed them to Sarah and Kie. 
“Hold these up.” She put on her gloves and opened the alcohol bottle, pouring a bit on Fallon’s arm. The pogue winced in pain, making Lani look at her with eyes of pity. 
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts but… I-I need to make you better, okay?” Fallon nodded and Lani quickly pressed a gauze on it as the pogue whimpered in pain. JJ sped down the road, getting to the Chateau almost immediately. They got out of the van and the blonde sprinted to Fallon, feeling scared when she saw all the blood. 
“Hold the gauze hard on her arm, okay? I’m gonna get the stuff ready.” Lani said and ran inside the hut, gathering her supplies. JJ sat the pogue down in the dining room, holding her hand the whole time. The kook ran back and moved a chair, closer to Fallon as she tapped J’s hand to let it go. 
“You know how to stitch? H-How are you gonna do that? You’re not even a real doctor.” JJ rambled as he stared at Fallon losing more blood. Kie and Sarah pulled him outside as Pope stayed to help. 
“How do you know how to stitch?” Fallon muttered weakly, clearly feeling scared as Lani cleaned the area. 
“My mom is a surgeon, she has taught me a few things… and I took a few medical classes since I skipped a few grades.” The kook said placing the bloody gauze down and picking up the gloves to put them on. Fallon’s eyes watered as she knew what was happening next. 
“Hey… you’re gonna be okay, I promise. This is gonna be quick.” Lani smiled as she picked up the needle, getting ready to stitch. 
“Pope, get her some pain killers.”
“I’ll be right back.” He muttered and ran off to the bathroom as the kook pushed the sharp end through the skin. Pope came back and gave Fallon the painkillers as Lani stitched up her arm while the brunette pogue assisted. After a few minutes, the stitches were done and the kook placed gauze over it. Then wrapped it with a bandage. 
“All done.” She whispered and stood up, gathering everything that had to be thrown away. 
“Thank you, Lani.” Fallon said with watery eyes as she grazed the bandage with her fingertips. 
“Anytime.” JJ walked in and immediately ran to the pogue, examining every part of her to make sure she wasn't more hurt. Fallon fell asleep on JJ’s bed while everyone else sat around a bonfire with beers, celebrating the Royal Merchant gold. 
good life: @ilovefandoms102​ @agardenofbooks​ @cloverrover​ @lynlovesouterbanks​
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loveyhoneydovey · 3 years
SFW Alphabet with Joaquín Torres
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Note: I've been dying to write something like this so I decided to do it with my baby first. Might do Sam next
All my stories are written with a bisexual reader of colour in mind, but anyone else is more than welcome to read them
Joaquín Torres x GN!Reader
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s a very affectionate partner and especially shows his love through physical affection and acts of service. He wants to feel useful and do his best to make life easier and more enjoyable for you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’d be the type of best friend that’s not physically there often, due to the nature of his job. However, when you do get a chance to spend it feels like he’s never been gone. He completely focuses on you, asks for updates about your life and checks if you need anything. He’s so chill and he’s got the type of personality that has you at ease. You first met him at a mutual friend’s wedding, you both got a bit tipsy and decided to hang out with each other and that was the start of a beautiful friendship
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
YES!!! As I previously mentioned, he loves physical touch and cuddling is one of his favourite ways of showing affection. He loves being the small spoon and he’s not ashamed to say it. He says it’s because you make him feel safe and makes him feel like he has a home to go back to after all the shit he sees
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He wants to settle down for sure, eventually. Before meeting you, he thought that would come later, but you definitely made him rethink. I don’t think he’s the best cook, but I think he has a few of recipes of food his mom made him when he was younger. Those are the ones he learned to perfect. As for cleaning, because of how strict his life is at the army, I think he allows himself to be a bit messy at home. Definitely messy and not dirty. You both try to split house chores evenly.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think he’d be honest and would do it in person. Ending a relationship that played such an important part in his life is definitely heartbreaking, but he thinks he owes it to himself and to you to put an end to it before it gets worse. He’d rather end things on semi good terms than letting it sour and go nowhere.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He always told himself, when it came to relationships, he’d go with the flow and see how he felt about long-term commitment. He’s a m*ilitary boy, so I think he kinda (unintentionally) follows the stereotype and proposes quickly. Although in his case he does it because he’s truly in love with you and doesn’t want to wait longer than he has to make you his. He’d propose after about a year and a half I’d say.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Have you seen him? He’s the gentlest sweetest baby in every way. I think the fact that he sees so much violence and horror during his deployment pushes him to be more gentle in other aspects of his life. More specifically with you and his family. He wants you to feel like you can come to him for anything whether it’s when you’re feeling down or when you’ve cut your finger on a piece of glass. Either way he’ll treat you with kindness, but not like you’re breakable.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
omg he LOVES hugs. Again, due to the nature of his job, he doesn’t get a lot of physical affection, which drives him crazy. So when he’s home, you can expect him to attack you with hugs all day long. Doesn’t matter if you’re washing the dishes or brushing your teeth. He’ll come up from behind and wrap his arms around your waist, while putting his chin on your shoulder. If you’re facing him, he’s going to engulf you and wrap his arms around you. His hugs are warm and comforting and make you feel safe.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
oh real quick, but actually so do you. I actually headcanon that you two say it at the same time by accident. You both were probably nervous because it was after like two months, but end up laughing it off cause you were so in sync.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He understands the root of jealousy is mostly insecurity, so he doesn’t get jealous often, because he’s secure in his relationship with you and is actually pretty confident with himself. Of course, it happens occasionally, he’s only human. However, you both always thought that feeling jealous sometimes wasn’t bad, but what could lead to issues was the way one could act on it. So, whenever he feels jealous he takes a moment to collect his thoughts if he needs to, then you’d both talk about it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are often playful and sweet. He doesn’t like to take himself too seriously and neither do you, so you keep things light and playful, but that doesn’t mean it’s not passionate. On the contrary, you feel his love for you with every kiss he leaves on you skin. His favourite place to kiss you is on the nose, because of the way you scrunch it and giggle after he kisses it. As for where he liked to be kissed, soon after you started dating, you found out he loved being shirtless which allowed you to notice he had a beauty mark on the upper part of his right shoulder. From that moment, you developed a habit of kissing it and it made him melt, so it became his favourite place to be kissed.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Oh the BEST. For some reason he attracts them. You told him it was probably because he was a child himself and he flipped you off. You actually think it’s because he’s so cheerful and happy, and he treats them like they’re his friends. You’ve caught him having full on conversations with your friends’ babies who couldn’t even speak yet. And once you had kids, he did the same thing with them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Whenever possible, you have lazy mornings where you alternate between sleeping, having lazy morning sex and snacking. If it’s a regular morning, he usually has to leave before you, and every time you’d try to distract him and make him stay a bit longer. He’s so used to your “five more minutes, please” that he started waking up five minutes earlier.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
This man has a whole skincare routine before going to sleep. If you also do, then you both complete your routines side by side in front of the bathroom mirror. He might read a bit before bed (and you try to sneakily take a pic of him in his glasses cause you think he looks so cute), or you’d both talk about your day and maybe cuddle a bit before turning off your lamps and getting some sleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’d open up slowly, there was no pressure between the two of you and he took his time to share the more difficult parts of his life. Now if you open up to him about something defining or traumatic that happened in your life, he might open up faster to let you know you’re not alone, but also to reciprocate the trust you put in him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s pretty patient most of the time and tries to not let himself get angry over little things, however he’s still human. So depending on the gravity of the situation, he might get angered quickly if he sees something upsetting happening, however, he’s very careful with the way he reacts. He knows something done in anger can lead to regret and guilt, so he thinks before he acts and speaks.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I think he’d remember an important date like your birthday, he knows around what time your anniversary is, but I feel like he would forget which date it is exactly. He’d remember the most random facts about you, like the kind of stuff where you think he was paying attention, but he was listening subconsciously.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Cliché, but it was during your honeymoon. It was the first time you had referred to him as your husband and it made his heart swell with pride. The love you held for him was so obvious when you looked at him.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s protective when he needs to be. He’s not overbearing and trusts that you’re capable of taking care of yourself most of the time. He will step in if he feels like a situation is escalating (let’s say if you’re getting physically or verbally harassed) and he will put himself physically between you and whoever’s trying to harm you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Omg listen this baby puts so much effort into making your dates enjoyable. He plans out full picnics with cute cakes and charcuterie boards and that doesn’t stop as your relationship progresses. Any gifts he gives you usually have a meaning behind them, and he doesn’t always buy them, sometimes he makes them himself. As I said, he is a bit messy in his daily life, but you two actually have a chart with who’s supposed to do what and that’s how you share your chores, and he does mostly follow it.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a habit of leaving some important stuff until the last minute. It works out in the end, but it causes him an unnecessary amount of stress.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
… have you seen the amount shirtless selfies Danny takes? I think Torres is the exact same. So, he does like to take care of his looks, especially when he sees the effect it has on you. And he has to stay in shape either way, due to his job
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
I think he’d be heartbroken and might feel incomplete for the first few months, but as time goes one, he begins to feel whole again and learns to feel self sufficient.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He wants to learn another language fluently someday. He wants to help people and he thinks there’s no better way than being able to understand their needs in their native language to be able to help
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I think he doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes or smoke. He doesn’t mind if his partner’s a smoker, but he probably wouldn’t be around them while they’re smoking.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
This boy sleeps in the weirdest, funniest positions. Like you’d go to sleep in a normal position side by side, or with your back to him, then when you’d wake up you’d find him in a new position every time.
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outer-bnks · 3 years
Two Burning Hearts Are Dared to Break (JJ X OC) Ch. 11
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
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The Pogues get a surprise visit from Agent Bratcher, causing tensions to rise in the group. JJ exposing Elle and Topper’s budding romance doesn’t help either.
Warning: swearing, brief mention of death
Word count: 1.5k
“This is so messed up”, JJ sighed, keeping his eyes down to the ground, shaking it in disbelief.
The Pogues silence that followed allowed them to mull over the possibilities of what could happen with their ongoing police investigation, before it was broken by knocking, Elle removing herself from the living room to answer it. 
Opening the door she froze, coming face to face with Agent Bratcher. He took in her reaction, looking over her shoulder, “Hi, I’m Agent Bratcher of the SBI. I’m investigating the disappearance of John Booker Routledge and Sarah Cameron. I believe you and your friends may have some information that could help me.”
He definitely had come to the right place. Crossing her arms over her chest, she felt her heartbeat begin to quicken as a wave of anxiety washed over her. They had already given their statements to Deputy Shoupe, did they really have to recount the occurrences of this Summer again. “We can’t speak to you without a lawyer present sir, sorry to disappoint”, she spoke with confidence, hoping that it was enough to create a facade that he wouldn’t be able to see through. 
Hearing footsteps approach her from behind she was soon joined by the others, relieved that she had some backup. “All due respect Agent, but it’s best if you leave”, JJ spoke, stepping in front of Elle and sizing up Agent Bratcher. 
“I know you kids are going through a lot right now and the last thing you want to do is answer more questions regarding what’s happened,”,a look of genuine sympathy was displayed before it was replaced by seriousness, “but I think there’s more to the story than anyone is letting on”.
“We’ve already given our statements to Shoupe, there’s nothing more to say”.
“Look, between us, I think Shoupe is… overlooking some aspects that I would like to dive deeper into”, JJ turned to the others standing behind him, biting his lip whilst silently asking him with his eyes what Bratcher was talking about.
Bratcher took their curious faces as his signal to carry on. “The day of the storm, Sarah came to the SBI tents very aggravated… hysterical almost. It looked like she had been crying, she had a very anxious energy to her. But her father brushed it off as her recent diagnosis,”, he flipped through his pocket sized notebook searching before reading off, “Bipolar Disorder”.
Kie’s head flicked up from the ground that she had previously been staring at, confusion and surprise making her head fill with questions. Stepping forward between JJ and Elle she made sure she had Bratcher’s attention before speaking. “Sorry what? Bipolar Disorder?”, she turned her head to look at the others to confirm her own thoughts, “Sarah...wasn’t Bipolar.”
Bratcher shuffled on his feet, bringing his notebook down in front of his body before it was joined by his other hand, his eyebrows lifted at the news, eyes flitting from one Pogue to the other to check that they all thought the same.
“I’m sorry, I’m confused. Her Dad said that she had been recently diagnosed”.
“You really believe a thing Ward Cameron says? Come on man, you don’t need to be a detective to tell that he’s full of shit”, JJ expressed. Pope following that up with, “Wouldn’t that information be on her medical records sir?”.
Bratcher nodded, his eyes holding a pleading look as he skimmed over the Pogues once more. “Do you guys see why I need your help in this investigation now?” 
Based on the silence that followed his question, he realised that the group may need some more convincing. “Listen, you all knew these two probably better than anyone else on this planet, let alone this island. Every little insignificant piece of information you have about them could lead us to either finding them, solving the case, or both. I need you to do this, not for me, but for them. They would’ve done the same for you right?”
His emotional tactic seemed to work, the Pogues glancing at each other before once again silently reaching an agreement. JJ stepped to the side, his arm outstretched to welcome the man into Elle’s house, “Come on in sir”.
“And then they were chased into that raging storm”, Pope finished. They had spent the past 2 hours in Elle’s living room describing the gold game and everything that occurred during their Summer, Agent Bratcher sipping on the tea Elle had prepared for him, in between jotting down notes on his pad. There were multiple instances where everyone had to hold back tears, when the memories of John B and Sarah became too painful.
“So that’s where the story ends?”, Bratcher enquired.
“Yep, forced into the storm by your men after being falsely accused of murdering Sheriff Peterkin”, JJ snapped sarcastically.
“So why didn’t anyone tell the police, try and clear John B’s name?”.
“Were you not fucking listening? We tried, and no one believed us. No one will ever believe us because we’re scum from the poor side of the Island”.
Bratcher maintained his gaze on a disgruntled JJ, before turning to others. “Look guys, I know the tension is high right now and you’re all grieving. But I’m not the bad guy here. I just want to solve this case. I want to find out what really happened to Big John, Scooter Grubbs, the Sheriff and your friends. And it seems like you have the answers. If you can all trust me, I can get the justice you all deserve. That your friends deserve,” he paused, “aren’t you guys tired of fighting this on your own?”.
The group pondered on his words. They were. They were all so tired. 
Nodding his head, Pope spoke, “Yes, Agent Bratcher, we want justice, and we’re willing to do anything to get it”.
After another half hour of deconstructing the recent events, Bratcher decided it was time to leave. The Pogues all meeting in Elle’s living room, with solemn expressions, the exhaustion of the day catching up to them. 
Letting out a sarcastic chuckle, JJ was the first to interrupt their thoughts, “Well that went well”.
Elle shook her head, fed up with his attitude, “JJ you didn't need to be so rude, he’s trying to help”.
Rising from his seated position on her couch, his tone became even more sarcastic, using his hands to exaggerate his point, “Oh yeah really Elle? Why should we trust anyone!”.
“Because we don't have much of a choice anymore!” Elle exclaimed, “Sarah and John B are gone, and now we’re being held responsible for this shit show! You really think they would’ve let us take the fall if they were still here?”.
JJ and Elle were face to face now. “Don’t try to play the emotion card with me! You might be naive enough to spill our secrets to Kooks in hopes for some sympathy and attention but I’m not. The more we tell them, the more they have to pin on us!”.
Kie and Pope snapped their heads to Elle, JJ’s revelation clearly surprising them.
“Wait wait, hold on,” Pope stepped forward between the two, turning to Elle, “Who have you been talking to?”.
Frustrated, she ignored Pope’s question, “God JJ you’re blowing it out of proportion!”.
“You’re falling in love with a Kook but I’m blowing it out of proportion, yeah right”, JJ replied, running his hand through his hair and walking away from the argument to the other side of the room. If Elle was paying attention to the blonde boy she would realise that his reaction wasn’t truly one of anger, but rather hurt.
Kie stepped forward, taking JJ’s place, “I’m sorry, you’re what now?”, she spoke bewildered by the accusation.
Continuing to ignore the other two, Elle’s attention remained focused on the boy who had his back to her, staring out the ceiling to floor windows at the sun setting below the horizon. She walked closer to him, hoping to regain his attention. “Jesus JJ, I get asked on one date and all of a sudden I’m the enemy”.
Taking his cap off his head, he ran a hand through his hair, before taking a breath. Turning his head to the side to face Elle, he held her eye contact. She couldn’t decipher the look in his eyes. She’d seen him angry and upset before, but this was different. She had seen this emotion only a few times, trying to place a finger on what it usually meant. Suddenly, the emotion had disappeared, replaced with one of betrayal, “when that date is Topper Thornton then yes Elle, you are the enemy”. 
@mybillyhardgrove @cyrrusmreadings @downbytheouterbanks @belledutchess @imagines-and-preferences1216 @teamnick @lauraxwndrlnd @thehomeiknow @obxlife @shawnssongs @rudyypankow @gigi-june @x-lulu
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mymedlife · 3 years
Guys, the pandemic has broken me. Every time we seem to be making any progress I feel like we get set back again.
Sorry for the long rant ahead, but I feel like I need to get it out of my head.
Back in the beginning, last March or so, when the state I'm living in shut down, I felt like I could do it. Daycare shut down for almost 3 months to prevent spread.
My husband's job changed his hours to 10a to 8p since everyone was working remotely so they could all be working on the same time zone.
My cofellows were generous enough to switch shifts so I could work all nights and weekends and watch my kiddo during the day. Which kind of sucked, because she doesn't play independently for very long, o was tired, hubby wanted it quiet, and everything was closed so there wasn't anywhere to go to break up the monotony.
Work was filled with frequent changes around what protective equipment we have and what is required to be worn where. I got fitted for 3 different N95s because we kept running out, despite having to check them out and have them sterilized between uses.
I had frequent discussions about how COVID is real with families who refused testing. Parents lied about their symptoms to be allowed into the hospital with their kids, including one who collapsed mid visit due to respiratory failure. Several people ended up having to quarantine because they weren't wearing their N95s during the resuscitation as it was unexpected (at the time we were only wearing N95s during aerosolizing procedures including bagging). This lead to a new rule on not stopping in to help until you have the proper equipment on (which makes sense, but but is so hard).
Early on I spent some time volunteering for the COVID hotline for my state. Most of the questions I got were people upset that things were closing. There were very few health calls.
My aunt died. My sister, a psychologist, argued with her boss she should get a raise for being a frontline worker. My other sister, who is immunocompromised, was mad that all her friends continued to party guilt free and we kept telling her to stay home. My husband began to enjoy his new schedule to the point that he would stay up until 3am playing games after work (the kid was asleep and I was working) and sleep until he had to work at 10 am. My friends talked about their new lock down hobbies, including my co fellow who spent her time creating a new lecture series for the residents. I felt like I was trending water, I started getting behind on fellowship things and I was so tired. My kiddo was happy that I was spending more time with her, and it all was temporary, right?
Eventually things started opening up again. Daycare returned. Two days later my husband was fired. Thankfully he found a job within a few months, but during that time was quick to anger and his staying up all night playing games and sleeping most of the day got worse. He dismissed anything I had to say about it and frequently promised to sleep earlier, later saying he had to stay up because the kid had a nightmare that I slept through.
During this time, many of my pediatrician friends were called to see adults due to high patient volumes and doctor shortages. Luckily I only had to see kids, but there was still a lot of mystery surrounding symptoms and the discovery of the multi system inflammatory syndrome.
My kiddo got sent home a few times from daycare for vague symptoms that necessitated a COVID test, and at one point she was at home with me for 2 weeks due to a COVID positive exposure in class. My husband's job was new so he couldn't take off time to help. At some point things shifted so I was now doing all the daycare pickup and drop-off as well as all the bedtimes (unless I was physically at work).
Following Breonna Taylor and George Floyd there were large scale protests around the downtown area, where my hospital is located. I wholeheartedly support the movement, but someone told my kid it was dangerous to go downtown, and she became fearful of me going to work. This combined with the break in at our home lead to sleep refusal. Something I had to help he with, leading to bedtime taking hours, because my husband would yell at her. Most nights I was too tired after getting her to bed to do much, which lead to more work piling up.
Job hunting was not as fun as I had hoped it would had been. I had one in person interview, everything else was virtual. Thinking about working at a place I've never seen was terrifying.
Many places simply ghosted me. Lots weren't hiring. A few went on a hiring freeze after my interview.
Every interview asked what hobby I developed during lockdown. I admittedly could have answered this question better, and explained that I survived the lockdown with a toddler and that was an accomplishment.
My home institution decided to go with my co fellow over me. When I asked my mentor why she said they felt she had more to contribute to medical education than I do. I'm convinced that in part this has to do with all the lectures she wrote during lockdown.
I was able to get a job, but it's at a smaller community ED where we have a few beds in an adult ED. I mentioned to my associated program director I was a little disappointed, and suddenly everyone is telling me to be thankful for what I have.
I can be thankful and disappointed at the same time.
I think the biggest thing is a fear that if I hate this job I wont ever be able to find another one.
I also kind of resent my kid and husband, if I had more support or time to focus on fellowship things may have been different.
But life goes on. The vaccine was created, things opened up, and now those who aren't vaccinated can stop masking.
The my body my choice people who previously refused to mask are pleased, and now there are barely any masks when I go out (despite a not great vaccination rate in my area).
My kid is 3 and cant get the vaccine, so we still wear them. She loves to whine about how the others don't wear their masks. "It's not fair."
No, it really isn't.
Masks are still required in the hospital, which parents complain about daily. Recently every time I recommend a COVID test it has been refused. The pandemic is over. Kids can't get COVID. And other nonsense.
Kids as young as 12 can get vaccinated. However there is real concern about post vaccine myocarditis. Now everyone who comes in with chest pain wants to complain, even if they are unvaccinated.
Things have been stressful, and my kid is picking up on that. She still has trouble sleeping and has started having tantrums. We recently had a meeting with daycare and they want us to have seen by psych to get her evaluated.
I've found that I've lost interest in most of my hobbies, not that I have a lot of time for them. Fellowship finished and I have the next two weeks off before starting my new job. I was planning on spending it sleeping, cleaning the house, getting out the baby stuff as we are expecting a new little one in a couple of months, and rediscovering my hobbies.
Today I had an awful migraine. I cant take the meds I usually take because of the pregnancy, and my OB wont prescribe anything because he is worried about masking signs of preeclampsia. My husband refused to get up to watch the kid because he was tired, so I pushed through until he was ready to get up.
I lay down to try to get a nap and I get a call that there has been a case of COVID at daycare, and they will be closing for 2 weeks. They will open up the day I start my new job.
And this my friends is what has broken me.
I was so looking forward to finally have time for self care, and now I get to play stay at home mom again with my kid who is in isolation.
After that call I got up and left the house. I'm sitting in my car at the park writing this, and while I know I will go back home eventually, I'm tempted to drive off and let my husband deal with this for a change.
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Neku & Hanekoma surrogate father-son headcanons
— Neku is an only child, born to parents who, honestly, should have never been parents. It wasn’t that his birth was an accident, exactly . . . but more that his parents had him because they figured that having a child was the Next Step they were Supposed To Take. You know, go to school, get a good job, get married, have kids. Fortunately for any future potential siblings, Neku’s parents realized early on that this whole parenting thing really wasn’t for them and that they, in fact, hated being parents, and as such they never had any other children after Neku was born. Unfortunately for Neku, they did still have him and, due to stigma surrounding adoption (both in terms of adopting kids and giving your own kids up) in Japan, they kept him instead of adopting him out to parents who would actually love him.
— As a result, Neku’s relationship with his parents is . . . not great, to say the least. His parents never failed to provide the basic needs he needed to survive—things like food, shelter, clothes, etc. But they also weren’t keen on giving him anything beyond that, feeling that it was at best a hassle to do so and at worst an aggravation. So although Neku never went hungry, was never homeless, and was never without clothes that fit, he was also left to feed himself with the food that was in the house, and rely on himself for all of his emotional needs. In a way, he brought himself up. This contributes to how much of an absolute mess he is at the start of The World Ends With You, in that it wasn’t just the death of his friend that sent him into that complete lockdown of not letting anyone else in, but also that he’d taken care of his own business for so long growing up that he figured this really was the best way to go about it, that he hadn’t needed anyone else for a long time and wouldn’t need them, either, if trying to rely on them only brought him pain. He was forced into self-sufficiency due to parental neglect and, as a result, that trauma shaped how he developed and grew as a person.
— On top of his parents not really wanting to be parents and do the things that parents do, the fact that Neku’s interests and attitude were radically different from their own / became “difficult” following the death of his friend meant that Neku and his parents were often at odds. Neku’s parents didn’t understand things like Neku’s style or interests, and didn’t appreciate (to say the least) his sarcastic tongue and snarky attitude. Neku, in turn, didn’t appreciate them belittling and demeaning his interests, talking down on his idol (they aren’t fans of graffiti and think that CAT is a vandal who should be arrested), and only paying attention to him when they had something critical to say. Needless to say, as Neku entered his teen years the tension between them became thick enough that a knife would have a hard time cutting through it and fighting became the norm. This was exacerbated by the fact that although his parents were glad when Neku wasn’t home, they also felt they had to punish him when he broke curfew, resulting in even more hostility and anger on both sides of the conflict.
— Prior to the first game, whenever Neku left home after a fight with his parents (or stayed out later than he was supposed to), he would often go to the mural in Udagawa in order to have some time alone to cool off. After the first game (but before his three year imprisonment in Shinjuku), he found himself going to Wildkat instead. This wasn’t intentional, at least not at first; his feet often just carried him there before he realized what was happening, and the first few times he ended up there at obscenely late hours (such as around midnight), he felt embarrassed and bad about it and apologized to Hanekoma for waking him up. But Hanekoma never minded; he let Neku in to have a cup of coffee or hot chocolate or whatever else, and to talk about whatever was eating him up inside. Not that Neku liked talking about it, but . . . whatever little he was willing to divulge, he always felt safe divulging to Hanekoma.
— For his part, Hanekoma generally wasn’t one to involve himself in domestic spats. What happened between parents and their children was their business, not his. But Neku was a special case. Neku was someone who had just recently been through three weeks of Hell. Neku was someone who had, though he probably didn’t realize just how much, contributed to saving Shibuya. And Neku was a kid who, Hanekoma would admit to himself, he could see a little of himself in. Not totally—there were a lot of differences beween them, too—but something in the tenor of Neku’s Soul was similar to Hanekoma’s own. There was a lot of potential there; Neku had a lot of potential to be someone even greater than he already was, and Hanekoma would hate to see that squandered by a miserable home life. So if Neku needed some solace in Wildkat in the middle of the night after yet another fight with his parents, Hanekoma was willing to give it to him. And if Neku needed someplace to crash, well, Hanekoma had a perfectly good couch upstairs. It was no big deal, really. Wildkat’s door was always open to him, no questions asked.
— So for the couple months Neku had between the long Game and Coco murdering him again (and Joshua locking him in Shinjuku for three years instead of, you know, just reviving him and putting him back in the RG where Shiba and the others couldn’t get their hands on him), this became something of a routine for them. It didn’t happen every night, but at least a few nights a week Neku found himself at Wildkat long after hours, oftentimes crashing on Hanekoma’s couch when he was too tired or it was too late for him to go home. His parents, of course, hated this; Neku wouldn’t tell them where he was (they hated CAT, and would undoubtedly call the police on him for his “street vandalism” if they knew who he was, and there was no way Neku was about to sell him out), but they hated that he was staying out all night and let him have it whenever they saw him the next day. Of course, this often led to Neku bolting that night, too . . . so it was a bad cycle that kept repeating. Hanekoma did think, sometimes, that maybe he should encourage some reconciliation here, and he did try a little; he tried playing a light devil’s adovcate whenever Neku opened up about his problems, suggesting that maybe his parents weren’t trying to upset him, but that maybe they were just doing what parents did. But Neku never wanted to hear it, and Hanekoma wasn’t going to push. The last thing he needed to do, he felt, was push Neku away from one of the few places he felt safe.
— Over time, Neku felt more and more comfortable sharing what was going on with Hanekoma—in fragments, of course, bits and pieces, but bits and pieces that became bigger and a bit more detailed as time went on. And they talked about other things, too. Tin Pin Slammer, how things were going in the café, new music that had just come out and indie artists that were just about to make their presence known on the big stage, and just about anything else under the sun. Hanekoma never belittled or disparaged Neku’s interests, and in fact often had insight and knowledge into things that Neku hadn’t known before. Neku’s late night visits to Wildkat were a respite from a tumultuous home life, but also Neku greatly enjoyed getting to talk to and spend time with his idol (who was becoming less of an idol, and more of a person to him, someone reliable and safe whom he could go to if he ever needed anything, someone who could actually look out for him for the first time in his life, like his parents never did). And on Hanekoma’s end, well, he genuinely liked spending this time with Neku and would be lying if he said he didn’t. Sure, when they first met, Neku was more prickly than an over-thorned cactus and it was abundantly clear why Joshua had chosen Neku to be his proxy, i.e. the representation of the worst of Shibuya. But Neku had grown so much, and was still growing, and well, Hanekoma liked that he got to watch that growth happen right in front of his eyes. Neku was a good kid. Hanekoma liked having him around.
— The week before Neku was murdered, Hanekoma offered him a part-time job at Wildkat, so he could start saving money so he could move out of his parents’ place after he graduated high school. (Of course, Hanekoma was willing to just give him the couch upstairs, but Neku was too proud to just take that without doing anything in return.) It would have to be kept on the down low, of course, because high school students weren’t supposed to have part-time jobs unless they had a waiver signed that let them do so based on economic need, but it wasn’t as if Wildkat was exactly on most people’s radar anyway. Neku would start training the following week, and hopefully be full-fledged, post-training employee by the end of the month. Or at least he would have been, had he lived that long.
— Three days before he was murdered, on a night when Neku once again found himself in Wildkat after hours, Hanekoma took Neku with him to tag a previously undisturbed portion of the Udagawa mural. Neku was, of course, nervous as hell; this was not only his first time tagging a wall, but he was tagging a wall with CAT. He had no idea what he was doing, he was bound to screw it up, and what would CAT think of him then? How could he ever look Hanekoma in the eye after that? Having to decide whether he could shoot Joshua to save his own life had felt like less pressure than this.
— But Hanekoma activated some of the hidden sigils in his previously marked graffiti to release calming vibes to help Neku relax, and after he started them off, Neku was able to add his own flair to the new patch of mural Hanekoma was creating. Though they added quite a bit of art to the wall, the last piece they added was an artistic rendition of Neku’s own headphones, with angel wings spread out behind them. With Neku’s Imagination subconsciously put into the paint, the tag would inspire those who saw it to use their individual talents to seek out and expand their horizons. Of course, Neku wasn’t aware of this; he couldn’t read the Imagination imprinted in art the way Hanekoma could, and wasn’t even aware that he was adding it. But he had, and although Hanekoma was proud enough of Neku for taking that step and putting his artwork out into the world, he was even prouder that Neku’s art would inspire those to chase the same journey he had, and ultimately take similar steps into making the world a bigger, brighter, more passionate and dynamic place than it was before.
— Unfortunately, Neku was killed a mere three days later.
— This history, the time they spent together between the long Game and his second death, is the reason why Neku told Coco that there was “no one he trusted more” when she questioned why he was going to see Hanekoma about what was going on. Neku didn’t trust Hanekoma only because of the help he provided during the long Game, but also because of all Hanekoma had done for him since then. The late night talks, the place to crash, the promise of an upcoming part-time gig, the advice, the wall tagging. Hanekoma was there for Neku in a way that Neku’s parents never were, and though Neku would rather die than verbalize this to Hanekoma (because he would die, of embarrassment, if he did), it still meant the world to him. Hanekoma provided him solace and sanctuary when he needed it most. He wasn’t just a “sort of guardian” for Players playing the Game, but was also a guardian for Neku in the RG. There was no one Neku trusted more. If anyone could (and would) help him, it was Hanekoma.
— Unfortunately, that didn’t stop Coco from shooting Neku point-blank right in front of the mural they tagged together. 
— Naturally, Hanekoma didn’t want to take this lying down, but also his ability to help Neku was rather limited. As Producer, he had many powers, but returning Players to the RG was not one of them. So he did what he could do; after Shinjuku’s Inversion, he went to discuss the matter with the Composer. He asked, point blank, what Neku’s fate would be, now that he had been killed by Coco and cast back into the UG again. And Joshua, after a moment of thought, shrugged and looked away. “He served his purpose . . . but I don’t need him anymore.”
— To say that wasn’t the answer Hanekoma wanted to hear was an understatement. Of course, he knew that Joshua wasn’t being entirely truthful; not only was it rare for Joshua to be direct with his thoughts and feelings (especially if those thoughts and feelings suggested that he cared about someone else on some level), but Hanekoma was savvy enough to be able to tell when someone wasn’t being entirely truthful with him. Call it an extra facet of his extrasensory perception. He knew that Joshua was not going to leave Neku at the mercy of those who would seek to erase him from Shibuya altogether. However, he also knew that what Joshua was saying was that he had no intentions of returning Neku to the RG either. And in Hanekoma’s opinion, that . . . wasn’t exactly great, to say the least. Neku had been through a lot already, and he had so much more life to live, so much more potential to realize. And while time spent in the remains of Shinjuku would allow his extransensory perception to grow exponentially (thereby giving him the firepower needed to fight back against those who would seek to erase him), it would also cut him off from all the connections he had made, and being locked in isolation like that would not only shoulder him with even more psychological and emotional trauma, but would also significantly hamper his emotional growth and development. It wasn’t good for him, and it wasn’t right. He deserved to live his life. And so while Joshua wouldn’t do something about it, at least not yet . . . Hanekoma decided that he had to try. He couldn’t return Neku to the RG, but he could at least get him out of Shinjuku. He could do that much.
— . . . or at least, he could have, had the Higher Plane not detected him attempting to interfere with the remnants of Shinjuku. Not only was this out of bounds, but this discovery led to the discovery of everything else he had done during the long Game, and he was summoned back to the Atrium of Judgment to stand trial (and then sentenced to imprisonment in the Chamber of the Fallen for his crimes). He was allowed a psychic link to Shibuya so that he could still perform his duties as Producer, writing reports on everything that unfolded in the city, but he wasn’t able to interfere. He couldn’t help Neku escape Shinjuku, or offer him any aid—even just a listening ear—once he got back to Shibuya. All he could do was watch.
— Well . . . mostly.
— After his return to the RG after his three year imprisonment in Shinjuku and the Game in Shibuya that followed, Neku . . . he could have gone back to stay with his folks. He could have. He knew that there had been a funeral for him, that his folks had moved on from his death, but none of that had taken place anymore due to Joshua’s merging of the timelines (or whatever it was that he had done). But Neku . . . didn’t want to go back to his parents’ house. His plan had been to save up money in his final years of high school so that he could get a place of his own (or at least pay rent to Hanekoma by working at Wildkat), but that plan was ruined due to the timeline Joshua had selected not coming with a stockpile of savings for him to use to get his own place. Even so, returning back to his folks wasn’t something he felt comfortable with. They didn’t remember his death, or recognize his absence; they were as distant and cool toward him as ever. But between his own goals being shattered at his feet and everything he had been through, the idea of living with two people who tolerated him at best and whom he actively fought with at worst just . . . didn’t sit right with him. He didn’t want to do it. As churlish as it sounded, he just didn’t want to.
— So his first night back, he walked the familiar streets back to Wildkat, which was just as closed as it had been during the Game. This was not surprising to Neku. He had told Beat that he doubted they’d run into Hanekoma on CAT Street not because he knew what happened to Hanekoma (he didn’t), but because he figured that if Hanekoma was around to help, he would have helped Neku escape Shinjuku way sooner than he had. Hanekoma would have never abandoned or left him hanging without good reason. He just wasn’t that kind of person. But although Wildkat was closed, and there was no hope of a familiar face and a comforting cup of coffee waiting for him if he knocked on the door . . . well . . .
— Neku’s powers had, as Joshua had banked on, grown expontentially in Shinjuku, enough so that he could now use them to some degree in the RG. With enough focus, he was able to use his telekinesis to unlock Wildkat’s door and let himself inside, closing and locking it behind him. It was empty, and a bit dusty; but when he climbed the stairs and unlocked the door leading into the apartment, he found everything pretty much as he remembered it, right down to some of his old textbooks still sitting on the kitchen table.
— He didn’t cry, but his throat choked up.
— That night, Neku crashed on the couch in the living room just as he always did. But the next morning he awoke to find himself in Hanekoma’s old bed, a note and two sets of keys on the nightstand beside him.
‘Phones, Take care of the place while I’m gone. — H. Sanae’
— Neku didn’t know why Hanekoma left him a note instead of waking him up to talk in person. He didn’t know whether he felt more confused or upset about that fact, either. But he did know that he trusted Hanekoma, more than anyone. And if Hanekoma was going to give him the keys to Wildkat and ask him to look after the place while he was gone . . . wherever he was, then Neku would do it. No questions asked. 
— It had, after all, already felt like home to him for a while now.
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kikilefangirl · 3 years
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Like No Other
Erik Lenhsherr x Reader
(Word count: 1516)
Usually, the General’s study was one of the quieter places during the day. It was the room that had the most amount of books in it. Books that you could read in peace after putting down the kids for a nap and sneaking away. A perfect hideout.
Today wasn’t one of those days. The hushed voices that came from the closed door made it so. You still, straining your ears to listen.
“Y/N!” The General’s wife had a shrill voice and a demand for attention.
“Well don’t just stand there, go on and get our guests some drinks. C’mon now, quick.” She tilted her head to the side, and drew her lips in a tight line.
You turned on your heel and said nothing. You balled your fists. White hot anger coursed through you.
The woman let out a small yelp, her eyes fixated on a blank spot on the floor. After a few minutes you released your hold on her, and the General’s wife straightened up to her usual self. You tried not to laugh as you walked away.
As slowly as possible, you poured four ice cold waters to combat the summer heat. The house was stuffy this time of year, and your skin felt sticky and warm.
You carried the tray up to the General’s study and knocked softly. There was a muffled come in.
Two men sat opposite the General, but they weren’t military by the looks of them. You passed out the first drink to the General; it was his house after all.
“—I’m prepared to help you look for as many subjects you think are here.” He declared.
Subjects? You kept your face blank, but your curiosity was too much to ignore. The General rarely took meetings at home and when he did they were with old friends like Martin or Bass.
The British one was next. You sat the drink in front of him and peered up at him from the corner of your eye.
“Em, thank you,” He said. You gave him a swift nod and moved on to his friend. Walking to the other side to give him his drink, you spied two and a half numbers tattooed on his forearm. He caught you staring and pulled his sleeve down.
As you took the tray and extra drink, you felt the man’s pain. It poured out of him and it nearly knocked you off your feet. The drink and the tray toppled to the ground and the liquid spread all over your dress.
“Y/N!” The General called out. It was only water, but you couldn’t tell him that. He had guests, important ones apparently.
“Sorry, sir.” You whispered. You cleaned up the mess as quickly as possible and the men resumed their conversation while you did. Occasionally you could feel someone burning a hole through your back. You grabbed hold to the carpet to steady your thoughts and emotions along with everyone else’s.
“Gentlemen, you have all my resources at your disposal.” The General told them.
You were done by then, and stood tall in the face of your mistake, closing the door behind you. Once you were out, you concentrated on the man with the tattoo.
The power emanated from you and you directed it towards the man. That was your gift. It was something you always had; something your parents taught you to hide and stay safe.
A cry from the baby’s bedroom brought you back to the present. You rushed to the crib, and gently held him.
“It’s okay. You’re okay, baby.” You cooed.
You concentrated again.
The baby’s cries fell silent as you rocked him back to sleep. He was just a little cranky and needed help going back to sleep.
Laying him down, you crept out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. It was your guaranteed sanctuary away from the General and his family. Or at least it was, because as soon as you entered you were met with startling blue eyes.
“Erik.” The man said. He had an accent, not American. He held his hand out for you to shake. You stared at it, then averted your gaze.
“White men don’t offer me handshakes. Or first names.”
You couldn’t help your bluntness. You needed to make it plain, for your sake. He—Erik, dropped his hand. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“I saw what you did to that child. You did it to me, too.” He stated. He wasn’t upset or anywhere near it. Instead he had a look of fascination and awe. It was unnerving with how restrained he appeared to be. You stepped back.
“I didn’t do anything.” You explained. It was a lie, but a necessary one.
Erik wasn’t fazed.
“We’re similar.” You didn’t hold in your scoff. This white man was nothing like you and the audacity to compare his life to yours was laughable.
Then he did something as unbelievable as changing people’s emotions.
A clattering sound came from the drawers, the light fixture shook, and your necklace rose off your neck and into the air. You stood in shock as spoons, tongs, whisks among other things shot out of their respective places. They floated in the air in a flurry of metal, just by the wave of his hand. And just like that, they were returned to the drawers with a final clack.
Your mouth dropped open, and you couldn’t say a word.
“Someone with your gift doesn’t belong here.” He said after awhile.
“So if I didn’t have it, I deserve to serve drinks I can’t drink and take care of a baby who’ll have more rights than me?” You ground out.
You weren’t better than anyone else who looked like you and you weren’t going to be used by anyone. Erik balked at your suggestion, rolling sleeve up to his elbow. It was faded with age, but you could see all of the numbers he had previously tried to cover.
You were right about his accent and his pain.
“No. But what you have could offer you more opportunities as a mutant than if you were human. Trust me, I know.” Erik said softly.
Whatever horrors he’d experienced, you felt a multitude of emotions from him. You didn’t mean to. It was involuntary the way your powers reacted, sometimes.
Erik visibly relaxed in front of you.
“I’m sorry.” You blurted out.
He waved it off, but his gaze had even more of an intensity than before. It made you feel like he was examining your every move, trying to understand how you ticked.
“We can teach you how to control it if you came with us. There are others, too. It’s a school we’re starting.” He told you.
“I want to use the same bathroom.” You held your head up, jutting out your chin.
There was nothing tying you to this job or your hometown. But you wouldn’t leave one place, just to be demeaned in another.
Erik smiled at you.
“Of course,” He said.
You jumped up in the air, bouncing on the balls of your feet. You shot Erik a look of pure relief and nodded in agreement. Then he yelled out to his partner, Charles.
Ordinarily, you would have flinched at his loud voice, for fear of waking the baby, but today was your last day. You grabbed your coat and led Erik to the door. At the same time, the man called Charles and the General came downstairs.
“Y/N, Where are you going?” The General asked, slightly bewildered. You stiffened, but made yourself face your former boss.
“I quit, sir.” You stated. The General started going on and on about the reasons you needed to stay. You struck down each one. Erik flicked his eyes from you to Charles and back again. Charles nodded his head in understanding, then placed two fingers on his temple.
Hello, Y/N. My name is Professor Charles Xavier, I understand you have a gift.
You skirted back, stumbling into Erik, who steadied you.
“Do not be alarmed, Y/N.” Charles said out loud. So his voice in your head was really him. He was like you, too then.
“General thank you for your time, but we’ve found who we were looking for.” Erik chimed in.
Realization dawned on the General’s face and he paled. All of his fight was gone. He was genuinely afraid of you, and you took this time to do something you had been denied previously.
You stepped out through the front door and took a long breath. It was your first and last time on the front porch.
“I have to go get my things, it won’t take long.” You muttered.
Erik walked you over the car, and opened the door for you. As you stepped in, you held his gaze.
“If you give me a reason to regret this, I’ll give you a reason to regret me.” You clarified.
“Charles, we need to finish Cerebro as soon as possible. We almost missed a mutant like no other.”
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Can you help me find my type please?- I have been torn between Infj and infp for a little while. I had settled with Infj originally, but in hopes of not being mistyped I am also considering the possibility of me being an infp. There are certain aspects from both types that I resonate with....
You are a wonderful, creative, imaginative ISFJ. Let's look:
On a daily basis I feel as though I am constantly preparing for events or situations in hopes of having some sort of control over my environment. It’s not so much that I want to control people, but I want to know what’s going on around me constantly in order to be prepared for what’s coming next. Being prepared gives me a sense of peace because I know what is going to happen so there’s no unwanted surprises. <- strong Si
When I’m completing an assignment for one of my classes, I always evaluate my options and pick which one is best depending on the circumstance. For example, recently I had to write a paper, psychoanalyzing a character with mental illness from a movie. While there are plenty of movies with characters that have mental illness, I quickly came up with two that I had previously watched since a familiar movie would make the analysis easier for me. Then I was able to narrow it down to one based on the complexity of the characters involved in the two movies and which one had more interesting information to discuss in the paper. This thought process was done quite quickly in my head. <- Si. You chose a character you are intimately familiar with to streamline the process (this is not abstract thinking, this is a useful, practical sensory method of easily accomplishing it)
I like to know the deeper meaning of things and I constantly do that even when I’m out for a walk. For example, if I’m out on a nice sunny spring evening and so see a lovely tree with green leaves. I might start to think about how these leaves are so bright and lively, but in a few months they will change color and fall, then the tree will completely loose its leaves. However, in the end the tree always comes back to its happy state with green leaves swaying in the cool breeze. I would then relate that to the human circle of life. Humans actually don’t have much time on earth, but every stage of life we experience is just as valuable as the next l. There’s will be moments that are more positive than others but they all teach us lessons that are valuable. Once one life is gone another life begins and the process goes on and on as humans evolve through generations similar to the changing leaves of a tree through seasons. <- 100% gorgeous example of Si and Ti. Si knows what is permanent, and sees what things were, what they are, and what they are becoming, the permanence of things. What LASTS. What outlives us. What has stability. What does that tree mean to me? Who has sat under its branches? Who has leaned against it? What has sheltered beneath it in a storm? What can this teach us (Fe) about being human? What do we learn from our life experiences (Si)? A lovely, sensory abstract comparison (Si is abstract, just not abstract in the way Ni is).
When I am with a group of people, whether I know them or not I can easily get a feel for the atmosphere and adhere to what is expected of me. If they are sad I will be somber with them while trying to comfort them if I feel they need it. If they are happy I will be happy with them and try to keep them happy. If people are angry I usually start to feel anxious because I don’t react well to anger. Peoples emotions heavily influence me ever since I was little. <- Fe. My ENFJ says Fe is like being a chameleon. You have no choice but to change colors around other people, to adapt yourself to them so you can reach them on a level they can understand.
My thirst for knowledge is constant and never ending. I’m never satisfied because I know there’s more to learn. When I start researching something about a certain topic, I read article after article, watch video after video, and look at as many posts as I can pertaining to that topic solely for the sake of learning more about it. <- Si detail gathering.
Actually, there have been many times where I’ve completed assignments in a different way to what was “expected” simply because it felt for logical to me. I understood it better that way so I completed the assignment that way. Also, I enjoy helping my friends out with their homework which I usually do. When I am checking my friends work I am easily able to point of mistakes or errors in their work that they were not able to notice. <-Si and Ti. All I can say is thank God for ISFJ proof-readers, I owe them a debt of gratitude. ;)
When I’m not thinking about the future, I’m thinking about memories that I’ve made. These memories are usually triggered by a pretty scenery or an object that holds a lot of meaning to me. For example, sometimes I’ll look outside of my bedroom window when the sun sets and every time I do that, I get emotional thinking about the times I would walk down these streets as a kid and how fast time flew by. I remember how the area changed and people that I loved left to continue their lives. Then I think about how one day I won’t be looking out of this window, but out of the window of my own home looking at a different scenery and introducing new people into my life. It gets me thinking how beautiful life is and how much we take for granted. Usually after these moments I feel very appreciative for the life that I have and the wonderful people in my life. I conclude that I wouldn’t want it any other way. <- delightful SiFe. Warm, centered in what one values for oneself (the things special to me - Si), leading into low Ne thoughts about the future and what it means to be human.
Ever since I was young I felt like I understood things that other children or people did not pick up on. This usually pertained to social cues. I’ve always known how I was expected to act based on the atmosphere of the situation and how the people around me were behaving. However, it seemed that others didn’t really care as much. Children would behave however they wanted and even if they got yelled at by the teacher they would carry on the next day. I didn’t understand how they didn’t know how to behave or why they didn’t seem to care. Also, I always take into consideration the feelings of people, but I’ve noticed over the years that many people don’t care as much. In my everyday life I try to be kind to everyone I encounter. If I were to ever make someone upset or feel a negative emotions I would feel like a horrible person. However, I see other people offending each other all the time and they don’t seem to care. I don’t get how people could easily be so insensitive towards others. In addition, I have always had very good problem solving skills. When people would not understand something, I would immediately try to help them because somehow I understood it without much prior experience. I was just able to figure it out based on observations, which I didn’t see a lot of people doing as much while growing up. <- strong Fe. FJs can automatically know what is appropriate or not and adjust to a situation and become uncomfortable when others do not, because then the "rules" of social engagement are being broken, and it will make everyone uncomfortable or not know what to say or do within the situation.
I doubt I need to go on. You love to make cherished memories, the hallmark of an ISFJ. Memories are all we have, they connect us, they give the world meaning, and we build them around what holds great personal significance to ourselves, yes? ISFJ. Embrace it. Feel at home in it. Love it. :)
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hannahcoursey · 4 years
Take a Sip Part 1
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Author: Hannahc56
Word Count: 3,088
Request: Hi there, hi! Could you maybe do a fic where the reader accidentally gets roofied and Dean comes to the rescue? 
The drive home was deadly. You could have cut the tension that filled the leather lined interior with a knife. You sat in the back, your arms crossed, tapping your foot anxiously against the floorboards. Sam sat passenger, which was usually your seat next to Dean, but since you were the furthest from being on his good side right about now, you settled for the back. 
The Impala shifted through the gears, revving high at the command of Dean’s lead foot. He was pissed. The radio was silent, the volume turned all the way down, you could hear your own heartbeat in your ears. When you looked up in the rearview, you met the old Winchesters hard glare and immediately cast your eyes down, shifting over a little so that you were just out of his line of sight. When the three of you pulled up to the motel room, Dean’s door was open before he even had it in park. You sighed. Sam turned around and gave you a sullen look.
“He’s only mad because he cares,” He said, bracing you for the fight you were undoubtedly going to get into the second your foot crossed the threshold of the dingy room the three of you were sharing. 
You took a breath and shook your head. “Yeah well, I’d hate to see how he treats his enemies,” You flashed a sarcastic grin and Sam let out an unenthusiastic chuckle before you both exited the car. 
“I’m gonna go see if there’s a bar around, maybe blowing off some steam would do some good for us.” Sam mumbled as he turned on his heel and walked towards the front desk to ask around. You watched him as he walked off, silently wishing you could avoid the confrontation that was waiting behind the door in front of you. Let’s get this over with. You turned and walked up to the door, consciously trying to keep your hand steady as you turned the door knob, the thin plywood door creaking open. Dean paced back and forth in front of the bathroom door, between the two queen beds, neglecting to even look in your direction when you walked in. You slowly pushed the door shut behind you and tried to even your breathing, the anxiety already kicking in.
“Dean-” You began, but you stopped when his head shot up in your direction. If looks could kill.
“No, Y/N, just stop,” He said, his voice cold and void of emotion, “Whatever you’re going to say; don’t.” He finished. You licked your lips and tried to swallow, but your throat felt tight and closed. 
“No, Dean,” You began, trying to steady your voice, but you already felt hot tears pressing against the back of your eyes, “You’re mad at me, because I used myself as bait when you had a set of fangs inches from your neck,” You stepped closer to him and his eyes never left you, hard and unwavering. “You can be mad all you want, but you cannot look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn’t have done the exact same thing.” You pursed your lips, holding your ground. He stepped closer to you, staring down at you as he towered over you. 
“You are reckless,” He spit, his words venom, “And you’re blind to the things around you and it’s going to get you killed,” His voice rose as he continued, “I’m not going to stick around and watch you kill yourself!” He finished, his voice roaring in the close proximity. Tears welled in your eyes and you blinked them away, staring up at him as they spilled down your scratched cheek.
“Good!” You yelled back, equally as dominant as his words spoken to you, “Luckily for you, you won’t have to!” You finished, your face inches from his as your voice bounced off the barren walls of the empty motel room. The both of you stood there for a moment, breathing heavily, hot tears burning down your face, before you turned away and left, slamming the door behind you. 
The cool air of the late night felt refreshing against your damp cheeks as you used your sleeve to wipe the evidence of any tears off of your face and stormed into the dark. You glanced over your shoulder into the room Dean stood in. In the sliver of the curtain that was open, you could see him swiping the stuff off of the top of the table by the window in a fit of anger, followed by the muffled noises of the things smashing against the ground. You turned and looked straight again as a few leftover tears slipped between your lashes before you rubbed them away. You crossed your arms, protecting yourself from the cold and headed down the road. 
After about an hour of walking alongside the highway of the motel had been sitting on, you saw a shimmer of lights in the distance. As you got closer, the ambience of a frat bar filled your senses. Girls in cropped university wear and guys with their shirts off and weird greek letters painted on their chests spilled out into the parking lot as the thumping bass of their pop music filled your ears. You rolled your eyes. I hate frat boys.
As you approached the bar and walked in between the social groups of whatever college was close by, you kept your head down and pushed through the front doors. The atmosphere inside was worse than the parking lot; Crappy music blared from large speakers on a stage with a DJ, while kids who were obviously too young to be out drinking at a bar danced closely with friends and lovers, covered in a sheen of sweat. You hesitated, every inch of your being dreaded a place like this, college kids and DJ’s weren‘t really your scene. But what else did you have? You thought of Dean and the motel room you assumed he’d already destroyed out of the anger and frustration he had trouble controlling. You thought of his words and how much worse things could get if you two spent the night screaming your heads off at one another and your heart sank in your chest. Looks like this is gonna be my best bet for the night. You moved your way through the crowds of teenagers, pushing past them to seat yourself at the bar. The bartender rushed over to you, a young man who was obviously overwhelmed by the amount of people in the room he had to serve, and laid a napkin out. 
“I’ll be right with you,” He flashed a gorgeous but hurried smile at you, and before you could even nod a thank you in his direction he was already on the other end of the bar refilling drinks and taking tabs. To the right of you was a young couple, the girl perched on top of the frat guy's lap, swallowing his tongue. You cringed and turned the other direction where a few guys hung out, laughing loudly at something the one had said. You let out a deep breath and stared up at the television set in front of you. Football, of course, college football. The bartender quickly made his way back, took your order and hurried off again.
Through the drone of people talking and music blaring, all you could think about was Dean. He wasn’t your boyfriend, he wasn’t anything close to that. But the past few months felt different with him. Your relationship wasn’t like the one you shared with Sam. On dozens of occasions, you felt eyes burning in the back of your head, only to see Dean’s green orbs staring at you as if he was trying to memorize the way you moved and the freckles on your cheeks, before he turned away. Your face would glow with the red heat his gaze on you left and you’d find yourself stuttering your next few sentences. He was so in-tune to you and everything you did. Without saying a word, he could tell when you were upset by the way your face twisted for a half second before you masked your anger behind a blank stare. He’d creep down the hall and peek his head in your door when he knew you were having a rough day. Sometimes he’d say nothing - He’d slip into your room and lay down beside you, wrapping you up in his arms while hot tears slipped down your cheeks after a bad hunt and he’d stay silent. But you were always alone when you woke up in the morning. You never knew how to take these gestures, the intimate moments the two of you shared that crossed your mind whenever he laughed or threw a sarcastic wink in your direction. The relationship you had with both of the brothers was the only thing you had going for you in your life - the thought of messing something up enough that they would no longer be a part of your everyday was terrifying enough to keep your feelings for the eldest brother at bay. It was getting to the point that hunts were becoming reckless, Dean was right about that. You’d step in when you weren’t supposed to, the deadly selflessness of the brother rubbing off on you. Dean would painstakingly offer himself up before anyone laid a hand on you and it was becoming an issue. 
As you let yourself drown your thoughts plagued by Dean, a hand reached past you and set down a fresh glass of bourbon directly in front of you. You turned, following the arm to the man it was attached to as he took a seat next to you. It was one of the guys that had previously been goofing off with each other next to you, smiling at you smuggly. 
“I heard your order,” He cocked his head to the side, “Can’t say I wasn’t surprised to hear a pretty girl like you was putting back bourbons,” He stuck his hand out, “I’m Ryan.” 
You sat there, taking in the way he spoke and observing his movements as he talked. You stuck out your hand slowly. “I’m-” You hesitated, “I-I’m Deanna” You sputtered. Redness rose to your cheeks as the embarrassment flushed through you. Deanna? Really? 
“Deanna, that’s a nice name,” He nodded and looked around the room, “You come here with anyone?” His eyes floated around another moment before they landed back on you. He looked nice enough, but the way he looked you up and down made your skin tingle with hesitancy. 
“Nope, I’m with me, myself and I,” You answered with a grin, taking the drink he’d given you and putting it to your lips, “And I plan on keeping it that way.” You finished and threw the drink back, guzzling the neat bourbon down in a few swallows. As you wiped your mouth, his hand slipped to your thigh. You froze for a moment before placing your hand on top of his and pushing it off. “I’m sorry, I appreciate the gesture, but I don’t play games like this,” You said, brushing the invisible fingerprints he left off of your upper thigh, “Go find some sorority girl, that seems a little more up your alley.” He hung his head for a second and laughed sarcastically.
“I knew you’d be a tough one, the way you walked right into a bar by yourself shows a lot of confidence, you know. I respect that in a woman.” He said, leaning in closer, his hand coming up to your face, “I like hard to get, it’s sexy.” He said low. Before he got any closer, you slapped him across the face, causing his friends behind you to make a noise of surprise. His sleazy demeanor changed to anger as he touched the side of his cheek.
“I said no, dickbag, leave me the hell alone.” You spat and turned to sit forward in your seat. He stood up and spun you in your barstool and leaned close, his arms on either side of you, hands leaning on the bar as he looked down.
“When I said I knew you’d be a tough one, I meant I knew that this could go one of two ways,” He said, his eyes dark. As he spoke, your legs began to feel wobbly and your eyes felt fuzzy. You could no longer make out the slight red on his cheek from where your hand had made contact before and the pattern of his shirt blended colors. “It could go the easy way or the hard way,” He said, leaning closer, his face brushing against your cheek, his lips right at your ear, “Which is why I put enough roofies in there to knock out a horse.” He finished, pulling back with a grin that stretched from ear to ear plastered on his face. The bourbon. 
Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach and you pushed him away from you, his friends laughing and taunting again behind him. Fucking college kids. You stood up and the world seemed to spin faster. Balancing yourself off of the wooden bar, you took a few steps, looking in the direction of the door. Before you could get any further, you felt hands pick you up and throw you over their shoulder. All you could see were the blended colors in the pattern of Ryan’s shirt. Your heart beat so fast in your chest, it felt like it was going to burst. You curled your fists up into balls and with every fiber you had, pounded against his back. But it was no use. Your fists unraveled and died with the words on your tongue. You heard him talking to his friends about taking you home safe and tried desperately to answer, to fight, but your eyes fluttered heavily and your tongue felt like cement. Suddenly, you somehow slipped from his grasp and crashed hard onto the sticky bar floor, the moisture a mix of spilled beer and overpoured shots saturating your face. You heard loud, deep voices and fists pounding onto skin. Large hands made their way to your shoulders, pulling you on your back and moving to rest on your face. You tried so hard to fight it, your arms flailing in every direction as the man tried to force them at your sides. You fought monsters, vampires, demons, anything this messed up world spit at you and out of all of them, the thing that gets the best of you is an idiot with drugs. But when you opened your eyes, it wasn’t the dark eyes and smirk of the guy with the roofies, but warm green orbs and freckles. Dean. Tears slipped down the sides of your cheeks as he wiped them away with his thumb. You opened your mouth to talk, but could hardly manage a few strangled whimpers. His eyes searched yours for answers, desperately trying to help you, to reach you as he leaned down closer. Swallowing hard, you licked your lips. 
“R-Roofies,” You managed to hardly cough out in a whisper. When Dean pulled his head away, his eyes were filled with fury, his mind changing paces, searching for the guy who’d done this. Mustering all the energy you could, you reached up and touched his cheek. His eyes returned to their worried but warm state when you made contact, his anger dissipating.
“I’ll get you home sweetheart, okay?” He said, nodding at you, but you couldn’t nodd back, you could only blink heavily. His hands slipped under you and he pulled you up, close to his chest. Your heart pounded hard in your chest, anxiety bubbling in you even in his arms. As he walked out of the bar, the cold air of the outside hit you and the comforting sound of the rumbling Impala filling your senses. You heard the sound of the door opening and closing before Sam’s grumbling voice came closer.
“What the hell happened man? What-” He started before Dean cut him off.
“Roofies, some asshole friggin’ slipped her something Sammy, open the back.” Dean said, his voice tight, his anger apparent even with your eyes half shut. Dean laid you down in the backseat of the Impala, before pulling away, his hands leaving you. You reached up, pure anxiety filling your blood as you grabbed his hands frantically. He looked at you, his eyes searching yours.
“Sweetheart, I’m gonna be back, alright?” He said, but you shook your head, inaudible whimpers leaving your lips. 
“D-Dean,” You answered, panicked, reaching for the collar of his shirt. Your vision was coming and going in waves, your anxiety being the only thing that kept you conscious. Dean hesitated, looking down at you. His hands wrapped over top of yours that had a death grip on the collar of his jacket, his knuckles bloodied.
“I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere,” He sighed, letting out a breath. Climbing in with you, he shut the door, Sam climbing in the driver's seat. The blackness taunted at the edges of your vision causing you to panic, still gripping onto Dean’s jacket. He put his hands over yours once more and coaxed you to lay in his lap, looking down at you. “Just shut your eyes Y/N/N, okay?” He said, holding your hands tightly. You shook your head quickly, fighting the dark pull of unconsciousness. “Y/N, I’m right here baby,” He caressed the top of your head, lulling you to sleep off whatever was in your system, “I’m not going anywhere, I promise you’re safe now, I have you,” He leaned down and lightly brushed his lips to the top of your head, your breathing slowing gently, “I got you, you’re safe,” He whispered into your hair, “You got me and Sammy, no one’s gonna lay a hand on you, okay? Just shut your eyes for a little,” He continued to talk you down, as your eyes fluttered despite your protests, slowly slipping under. Had you’d been awake, you would’ve seen the way Sam’s eyes become glossy at the sight of you, at the way his big brother talked to you, like you were the only person in the world. You would’ve seen Dean blinking away the water that coated his eyes as he watched you silently panicking in waves, watching you suffer. Before you could protest any longer, you slipped into a deep sleep, safe in the back of the Impala, cradled in Dean’s arms.
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