#they can share.... a bed.... maybe HEHEHEHEH
rosequartzwriting · 2 years
Need a Doctor
Pairing: Doctor Strange X Reader (gn/no specific pronouns) (no y/n)
Description: You wake up with a cold, Stephen makes you tea and makes sure to help you feel better.
Warnings: Descriptions of cold symptoms
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: I have a cold and wish this was all real like sir make me some tea that's all I ask of you. Also, the little nickname I put for Stephen in the reader’s phone is gonna be a thing in the next Strange fic that I have planned HEHEHEHEH!!!! Also happy 2022!
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev
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You had woken up to the worst feeling: a scratchy burning sensation in your throat and this grossness that had taken over your limbs. Choking on your breath, your mind stirred for a second as worry overtook you. Did something happen? Did another portal open in the middle of the night to swallow you whole? But no, you were safe in bed in your room. 
These feelings along with the discovery of a blockage in your sinuses lead to the conclusion that you had woken up sick.
You groaned after you let out a sneeze, one that ripped out of your lungs and irritated your sore throat. The sudden movement of your body made you dizzy. And the aching feeling all over you made itself known, this chill shivering up and down everywhere.
You had not gotten a cold in a while, you must have caught it while on a mission recently. You cursed yourself and your body, for you had too much work around the Sanctum to afford to be bedridden.
Reaching over to the other side of the bed, you expected the warmth of your man. But it was absent, the sheets and blankets already cold over there. He had been up for a while then, gone while you were knocked out with a cold. All you wanted was him in that moment. So him not being there sucked more than the headache that was starting to form in your skull. 
Instead, you went for your phone on the nightstand. The light from the screen almost blinded you. It was still early but you would have been forcing yourself out of bed by now. You had a few messages but you ignored them all and opened your text conversation with, as he was named in your phone, ‘Doctor Love’.
“I need a doctor”, you typed and sent.
You had no idea where he was or what he was doing, but you hoped that he did not ignore the ping of his phone. You put your own down, the absence of its light like a blessing. Sinking back into bed fully, you tried to tuck the sides of your blanket underneath you. You were now a burrito desperate for some warmth. The chills accompanied your body aches and it was hard not to shiver. 
The ping of a message came from your phone. But you were too enveloped in the covers, so you buried your face into your pillow to rest your eyes for a second. The second turned into a minute, two minutes. 
Then the door to your shared bedroom opened, the light from the hallway blinding when you looked up. And there he was, in his full robes and cloak on his back. He was busy this morning then. But knowing that he came within minutes of your message filled that emptiness that comes from his absence.
“Need a doctor?” Stephen said with a slight cheek in his tone.
“Can you make me some tea, please? If you’re not too busy.” 
When you spoke for the first time that morning, your voice was so rough that Stephen could immediately tell that something was wrong. He was at your side in a flash, his scarred hand coming up to feel your forehead. The coldness of his touch felt so nice on your warm skin. And he looked at you with that doctor look, one that said he was in the middle of a diagnosis. 
“You’re not well.”
With the flick of his free hand, a hot cup of tea appeared. He put it on your nightstand, the smell of its herbs calling your name. He then sat down on the bed, his hand moving from your forehead to cup your cheek.
“How do you feel?”
“Throat burns, a little congestion, and I’m so cold.”
He hummed, “Maybe a cold. You’re staying in bed, you need to rest. I can bring you some soup, too.”
The doctor helped you sit up. Your head spun. He steadied you and handed you your tea. The cup was so warm in your hands and the first sip went down and soothed your aching throat. Stephen’s hands felt the skin of your neck and shoulders and bare arms, sending another type of chill down your spine. But that feeling was replaced with the physical coldness of his hands.
“You’re cold but you’re warm, that’s the worst,” he remarked.
You nodded, finding a little relief in your tea. He got up and went towards the closet. He dug in there for a second and threw over a pair of your fuzzy socks as well as his light blue Columbia hoodie. After more tea you slipped them on and immediately dove back under the covers. The tea in your cup instantly refilled itself, piping hot.
You looked up at him, your beautiful and caring Stephen, and smiled weakly, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, babe.” He came over and kissed your forehead, “I have to get back to work a little now. I’ll bring you soup soon. Text me if you need anything else.” Then he left, seeing it hurting a little. But the smell of the tea reminded you of him.
He was gone for maybe thirty minutes, but time was weird when you were under the weather. So when he returned with a hot bowl of soup for you, it was like he was gone for eternity and never gone at all at the same time.
“I’m staying with you today, mostly have research to do.” Stephen handed you your soup and then opened a portal above your bed nonchalontly. Books poured out of it and landed on the covers in stacks on his side. He changed his sorcerer robes for a t-shirt and pyjama pants, and crawled into bed next to you. 
“Stephen, it’s okay. You can go work. I’ll be fine.”
“Too bad, I’m already here. Now drink your soup.” 
It was like it warmed your soul. And you could tell that he had enchanted it a little. There were specs of herbs and things in there, and the liquid was almost glowing as it swirled around when you moved the spoon. A little extra care from a magic doctor. 
You had been suffering just moments ago, caught up in your now prominent headache and the chills that engulfed your body. Now you had food and Stephen back next to you. Being sick sucked, but having him here was making it a little better. 
After you had slowly eaten a good portion, you went back under the covers. Stephen was already in his own head, nose in a book and reading in light from the lamp on his side table. You scooched closer to him, and he let you tuck yourself into his side. A strong arm wrapped around you. He kissed your forehead, a gesture that was so loving every time. 
If your head wasn’t spinning you could have fallen asleep like this. His body heat was so comforting. The familiar feeling of cuddling him made you feel safe. He always made you feel better, just by holding you. And you got to spend all day in bed like this, a good excuse even if you were in pain. 
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xutokawa · 3 years
ooooo the s/o finding scratch marks is sooo good:0 more pleaassseeee🤲🏻🤲🏻 maybe like samu and iwa too? but anyones fine really<33
pairings: osamu x reader, iwazumi x reader
genre(s): fluff to angst, cheating
warnings: langauge, cheating, allusions to smut
wc: 3k
» masterlist
a/n: hehehehehe yes!! thank you so much for requesting this. I got a little carried away and i really like how they turned out! hope you enjoy!
atsumu and oikawa ver.
kuroo and sakusa ver.
suna and bokuto ver.
akaashi and hinata ver.
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You sighed happily as you settled into your seat, getting ready for take off. Going home to Osamu after a two week business trip was the only thing on your mind, wanting nothing more than to run back home and into your boyfriend’s arms. Two more hours, and you would be in his warm embrace once again.
Little did you know while you fantasized about returning home to your first love, he was indulging in another, lowly moaning out their name, pushing the thought of you to the back of his head.
It wasn’t until you ran into Osamu’s arms at the airport did he start to feel the guilt creeping up from his infidelity. He knew it was wrong, to try and physically replace you for the time being. Osamu just missed your touch, seeking comfort any way he could. Seeing your burning smile, he decided he would never tell you. You were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, and telling you of what happened would ensure that you would never be his again.
Once the two of you arrived back at your shared apartment, you immediately plopped down on your bed, exhausted from traveling. Osamu chuckled as he came behind you, laying down next to you, pulling you into his arms. 
“How was your trip, baby?” Osamu mumbled into your hair.
“It was okay, I just mostly missed you the whole time,” you replied, snuggling into his chest. A pang of guilt hit Osamu once again. You had missed him as much as he missed you, yet all you could think about was waiting until you got home to him while he had given into his urges.
Seeing Osamu visibly troubled, you asked him, “I think the real question is if you’re alright, Samu.” 
Startled, he quickly came up with a cover up, “Yeah, just tired from running the shop, same ‘ole things,” he sighed out.
Giggling, you got up, pushing Osamu to roll onto his stomach, straddling his lower back.
Chuckling along with you, Osamu asked, “What are you doing, babe?”
“Giving you a massage, duh? My poor boyfriend has been working so hard while I was gone. It’s only right to give him a massage as the best girlfriend in the world,” you joked, rubbing his shoulders.
“You don’t have to give me a massage to be the best girlfriend in the world, you’re already the best without trying,” Osamu chuckled into the mattress.
Rolling your eyes, you replied, “Stop complaining, Samu. Let me have an excuse to touch your muscles.” You started moving your hands lower on his back, lightly rubbing as you went down. Worried filled your features as Osamu let out a small hiss as your hands moved lower. 
“What’s wrong, does it hurt there?” You asked, beginning to lift up his shirt. Panic flashed through Osamu as he realized his escapade must’ve left scratch marks on his back, quickly flipping you two around.
“It’s nothing, babe. C’mon, let’s go start preparing dinner,” Osamu nervously let out, hoping you would go along with his lie. He knew he hadn’t fooled you.
“Lift up your shirt, Samu, let me see,” worry evident on your face. You thought he had maybe gotten hurt at work, wanting to see the damage.
“Y/n, stop, it’s fine,” Osamu stated, his tone turning more pleading. You grew more and more suspicious. Why was he getting so defensive?
“Osamu, take your shirt off,” You said, standing up, crossing your arms. Osamu gulped, knowing you were getting serious using his full name.
“It’s fine, really, let’s just go get dinner, we can worry about my back later,” Osamu tried to divert your attention, hoping his final attempt would work. You didn’t buy it.
“I’m starting to think you’re hiding something from me, Samu,” you shot back, wondering what had him so adamant to not show you, “take your shirt off right now or I’m sleeping in the guest room tonight,” you threatened, hoping it would make him give in.
“I'll show you after dinner babe, let’s go,” Osamu said, standing up, walking to the door. Sighing, you gave in, following him out. Halfway to the kitchen, however, you grabbed the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up.
Your heart dropped at the sight.
No wonder this bastard didn’t want to show you.
Startled, Osamu whirled around, eyes wide as if he were a deer caught in headlights. Words began tumbling from his mouth.
“Wait, y/n, I know how it looks, but let me explain, please,” Osamu reached out to you, hurt flashing across his face when you flinched away from him.
“Don’t touch me, you cheating bastard,” You seethed out, eyes burning with a mixture of hurt and hatred, “I’m gone for two weeks and you go and fuck someone else?”
“No, y/n, please! I just missed you too much, but no one could ever replace you! I love you, y/n please!” Osamu continued pleading, eyes growing glassy at the thought of you leaving him.
“Oh shut up, Osamu. You’re not the only one in this relationship. Do you not think I missed you too? I wanted to be with you every second I was gone, but I didn’t go fuck someone else while I was gone,” you yelled out, tears welling up in your eyes.
Osamu walked closer to you, reaching out to you again, “I know, y/n, I fucked up, but please, we can work this out, you’re the only one for me-” 
A loud smack sounded in the room as the sting settled on Osamu’s cheek. You began walking towards him, anger seething, “I’m the only one for you, huh? Tell me, Miya, did you fuck them right here? Did you fuck them on our bed?” An indescribable pain seared through Osamu at the use of his last name. Not giving him a chance to reply, you continued, “Or did you fuck them on our couch, the kitchen counter perhaps? You disgusting asshole!” You spat out the last word.
Osamu opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out. Tears flowed freely down both of your faces, both equally hurting.
“Please, y/n, I’ll do anything to make it up to you!” Osamu began sobbing. Darkly chuckling, you replied, “Do anything for me? How about you pack your shit and get the fuck out, Miya.” Osamu’s heart clenched, knowing he thoroughly fucked up.
 “I can’t lose you, y/n. You mean everything to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, please don’t do this,” Osamu’s mind ran wild, not being able to handle you leaving him.
“Fine, if you won’t leave, I will,” you started for the bedroom, grabbing your suitcase you had yet to unpack from your trip along with your essentials. Osamu felt his world crumble around him as you brushed past him, walking towards the apartment door. He ran after you, grabbing your wrist as you were about to open the door.
Osamu’s eyes widened with shock as you whirled around, wrenching your wrist out of his hand.
“Don’t you dare fucking touch me, Miya Osamu. Don’t you dare tell me you fucking love me, and don’t you dare try to tell me you wanted to spend the rest of you life with me,” you spat out, “because if you truly meant any of those things, you wouldn’t have fucked someone else while I was away, worrying if you were sleeping and eating properly, wondering if you were tired after running the shop.”
Osamu wanted the ground to swallow him whole. He crumpled as he watched the person he loved with his whole heart stare back at him with nothing but hatred in their eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered out, not able to meet your eyes. Osamu never got a reply, the only sound he was met with was the door opening and slamming shut.
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The shrill tone of your cell phone ringing woke you up with a jolt. Groaning, you reached over to your bedside table, patting around for the familiar object. You rolled over to see the name ‘kawa (つω`●)’ flashing on your screen.
“What do you want, Oikawa,” you groaned into the phone.
“Y/n-chan, that’s no way to say good morning,” you could hear Oikawa pout through the phone. You looked over at your alarm clock, mentally cursing the setter for waking you up at 7:00am on a weekend.
“It’s too early for this,” you joked into the phone, “what did you need me for?”
“Y/n-chan, I have something I need to tell you,” Oikawa’s tone suddenly turned serious.
“What is it? It better be worth it,” you playfully teased, not catching onto Oikawa’s tone.
“It’s about Iwa-chan. I think it’s best if I tell you in person. Can we meet for lunch?” Oikawa asked. Curiosity and worry filled your mind as soon as the setter mentioned your boyfriend’s name. He was currently out playing with volleyball with his old high school friends.
Immediately sitting up, you ask, “Is he okay? He didn’t get hurt right? Aren’t you with him right now?”
“Well- he’s hurt, but not in the way you’re thinking. It’s just- let’s meet at lunch okay?” Oikawa sighed into the phone. After agreeing on a time and place, you get up, ready to start your day. You were excited about meeting Oikawa for lunch. The two of you grew close in high school, and he was the reason you were introduced to Iwazumi. You haven’t seen him in a while, only keeping in contact through occasional texts while he was in Argentina.
Soon enough, lunch time rolled around, and you were seated at a small cafe, waiting for the setter to show up. You wondered what he had to tell you, and what he meant by Iwa being hurt.
A cheerful “y/n-chan!” broke you out of your thoughts. Looking up, you saw Oikawa’s smiling face, although his eyes held a different emotion you couldn’t decipher.
“Kawa!” You got up to embrace him, “It’s so good to see you again!”
“I knew you’d miss me too much,” Oikawa teased, causing you to lightly push his shoulder as you chuckled.
“So what’d you need to talk to me about?” you asked as the two of you sat down. Oikawa’s expression immediately turned into a troubled one.
“I just want you to know, I care a lot for you, y/n, and I don’t want you getting hurt,” Oikawa started off, worrying you as he didn’t add a chan after your name.
“Yeah, of course, we’re best friends, Kawa, I only want the best for you too,” you said in confusion.
“This is a bit personal, but when was the last time you and Iwa, y’know, did it?” Oikawa sheepishly asked. You giggled at his expression.
“Hm, maybe two weeks ago? We’ve both been pretty busy lately, why do you ask?” you tilted in your head in confusion. Oikawa cursed under his breath, muttering something before looking up to you, his eyes suddenly holding a seriousness that made you shift uncomfortably.
“Look, y/n, you know how we were playing volleyball this morning?” you nodded in response. Oikawa nervously chewed on his bottom lip before continuing. “Well, while Iwa was changing, I saw he had scratch marks on his back,” pausing as he looked for a reaction. Your mind suddenly went blank.
There had to be an explanation, right? Maybe he just got hurt somehow.
“I’m only telling you this because I’ve been suspecting Iwa for a while now,” Oikawa started, “and when I asked him if you and him had a nice time last night, it was obvious he was lying when he replied to me. There’s no way he would just reply with a laugh and say yes. Usually he would have replied telling me to shut up, calling me shitty-kawa, and it just didn’t sit right with me.”
The voices around you became a blur as you processed this information. You knew for a fact you weren’t the one who put those scratch marks on your boyfriend’s back. You couldn’t believe it. Your Iwa, the Iwa that’s been with you since your second year at Seijoh, the Iwa that gave you butterflies anytime he smiled at you, the Iwa that would blush at your teasing, who held you tight on nights when everything seemed to have gone wrong, the Iwa who was always in your happiest memories.
You hadn’t realized you were crying until Oikawa hurriedly handed you some napkins.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. I would’ve never thought Iwa would cheat. We both know his personality. I’m honestly really disappointed-”
“Where is he now?” You cut off the setter, looking down at the table.
“He went to go get lunch with Makki and said he’d go home after,” Oikawa said softly, looking at you with a worried gaze. “Are you okay, y/n?”
“Y-yeah, I’ll be fine, don’t worry about it,” you gave a weak smile. Oikawa easily saw past your smile, but decided not to push any further. 
“I’ll drive you home, we can grab your stuff before he comes back, and you can crash at my place for the time being,” Oikawa softly said. With no energy left for words, you silently nodded as tears continuously streamed down your face. 
Oikawa wouldn’t lie to you, not about something like this. You knew that, and that’s what made it hurt more. When did he even cheat on you? Was one of his late nights at work really just an excuse to be with another lover? 
You hadn’t realized you made it back to your apartment until your car door suddenly opened. Looking up, you saw Oikawa standing, offering you his hand. Feebly, you took it as you got out with shaky legs. You couldn’t help but think about all of your memories shared with Iwazumi. How he sheepishly held out his hand the same way on your first date, how the two of you walked up to your apartment after signing the rental contract.
When the two of you reached your apartment, Iwazumi was nowhere to be found. Numbly, you went to gather your essential items as Oikawa began packing a small bag of your clothes to take. After you finished packing, you took a look at your apartment. A sob escaped your mouth as you looked around, only seeing the memories of you and Iwazumi. Tickle fights on the couch, countless nights cooking together in the kitchen, the late night movie and cuddle sessions.
“C’mon y/n-chan, let’s-” Oikawa’s voice was cut off by the sound of the door opening. You whipped around to see Iwazumi standing in the doorway, face filled with confusion.
“Kawa? What are you doing here? Why are you- y/n? What’s going on?” Iwa walked closer to you. “What happened, baby? Why have you been crying?” Iwa reached out to cup your face, hurt spreading on his features as you moved away from him.
“Turn around,” you stated.
“Wh-what, why? What’s happening?” Iwazumi’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Iwazumi, turn around right now,” you stated as even more hurt and confusion spread on the spiker’s face at the use of his full name. Slowly he turned around, not understanding the situation. Your hand trembled as you reached out for the hem of his shirt, only for your heart to be shattered as soon as you lifted his shirt. Red, angry marks ran down the length of his back.
Realizing the situation, your boyfriend turned around, guilt and worry evident in his eyes.
“Y/n,” he breathed out, “wait let-”
“Shut up. Stop talking,” you calmly stated, eyes hardening. Honestly, your calmness scared Iwazumi the most.
“Baby, please, wait, don’t leave. Let’s unpack your stuff and talk this through,” Iwazumi pleaded, eyes filling with tears as they darted to glance at the bags you and Oikawa were carrying. He needed to tell you it was all a drunken mistake, that he planned on proposing to you the coming week. You were his everything, he couldn’t let you go.
“I can’t believe,” you started, voice shaking, “you were willing to throw six years of memories down the drain.” Tears falling from your eyes.
“Am I that worthless to you, Iwazumi? Are our memories not enough for you? Am I not enough?” you quietly sobbed. Iwazumi’s heart clenched at your words. How could you think that? You were his whole world, his perfect match. Every moment with you was pure bliss to him, couldn’t you tell? Could you not tell that he would be completely lost without you?
“Y/n, no! That’s not it at all! Let me explain-”
Iwa made his way towards your sobbing figure before he was stopped.
“Get out of my way, Kawa, this isn’t any of your business,” Iwa snapped, eyes still trained on you as he desperately tried to reach you.
“No, it is my business. You hurt my best friend, Iwa-chan. I can’t let you continue hurting them.” Oikawa stated firmly.
“Get out of the way before I punch your pretty face, Kawa,” Iwa seethed. He needed to get to you before you got to the door, before you walked out of his life forever.
“Stop it, Iwa! You made a choice, and now you have to live with that decision for the rest of your life!” Oikawa raised his voice, his anger seeping through his words.
Iwazumi’s eyes finally met Oikawas. The setter could see the pain and regret in his friend’s eyes clear as day, only confusing him more. He could tell you meant everything to the spiker standing in front of him, so why did he do it? Why did he betray your trust?
Still staring at Iwazumi, Oikawa called out to you, “Let’s go, y/n.” Iwazumi’s gaze flickered to you, resolve crumpling as he truly took in your appearance. You looked so broken, hurt written all over your face. He was the reason you looked like that. He was the cause of all your pain.
“Please, y/n. Don’t leave me. I can’t do this without you,” Iwazumi’s voice cracked as you looked at you with pleading eyes, tears cascading down his face.
“I can’t, Iwazumi. It hurts so much,” you sobbed, turning around and walking out of the apartment.
All the life drained out of Iwazumi as he crumpled onto the floor muttering out a string of “I’m sorry”s. Oikawa cast one more glance at his best friends figure, whispering, “What happened to you, Iwa-chan?” 
That night, two of Iwazumi’s best friends walked out of his life, never coming back.
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paradisdementor · 2 years
Hellooo you amazing human being 😍
It's my first time asking for smut hehe 👉👈 i love your creations btw 🥺 also im 20 so heheheheh
If its ok with you, can we have dilf erwin walking on y/n while she's touching herself hwhehhehehw
Hi baby !! Thank you so much for submitting <3 hope you enjoy !!
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"What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?"
That's what you told youself. Erwin was a busy man and you knew it, given that he was a few years older than you and had what you often referred to as a "big boy" job, but it was so hard whenever he had those long work trips and you were left alone in his apartment. He hated being away from you, especially because he feared you'd find someone younger and with more free time than him.
Tonight marked day 5 of 7 and he'd be home soon but you just couldn't wait any longer, you needed to relieve yourself, maybe having him fuck you almost every day wasn't a good idea since now you were so used to it. You were currently laying in bed wearing one of his button ups, the ache between your legs was killing you and rubbing your thighs wasn't doing the trick anymore. You tried to remind yourself he'd be home soon, but the thought of finally having him again was only making the ache grow bigger.
"Hmm, maybe I can just, touch myself a little. Just enough to make it go away."
Your hand found it's way between your legs as you spread them, your fingers teased your clothed clit the way Erwin did. You reached for a small vibrator Erwin kept on his bedside table, and turned it on to the first setting which would be enough to please you but not enough to make you cum.
You were so lost in your own fantasies that you missed the faint sound of keys and a doorknob turning. Erwin walked in as quietly as possible since he knew it was late and you were probably sleeping, that was until he heard your soft moans coming from your shared bedroom.
"Mmm, just like that baby."
He froze before he walked into the room, a million thoughts running through his head. Did he really take that long? Was he not enough? Who was it? He was ready to kill whoever was laying fingers on you. He walked closer to the room and noticed a small gap where he could see into the room, he took a deep breath and took a peek.
"Ugh, Erwin..."
Relief washed over him as he saw the vibrator in your hand, but the tent in his pants that had formed earlier from the anticipation was starting to grow at the sight of your dripping pussy and you moaning his name with such neediness.
"Harder Erwin... Please...."
He made his way inside the room slowly, his eyes never leaving your dripping center.
"So needy for me aren't you bunny?"
You jumped in surprise, your face turning red in embarrassment.
"E-Erwin... I- "
"Shh shh shh, I don't want to hear it. 7 days, you couldn't keep your hand out of your greedy cunt for 7 days."
You avoided his gaze and slowly began to close your legs before you felt his big hand stopping you.
"Done already? You haven't even cum yet. Spread them, I'm going to make you cum until you can't stand up on your own. Now, hand me the vibrator."
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🏷: @the-princess-button @melanieph @we-are-so-close @foryeager
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pinkchanelbag · 3 years
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— the short of it is this: megumi fushiguro is very, very good with his hands. 
— when megumi was a kid and still learning to use his technique (as an unconfident and hesitant orphan </3) he had a hard time acclimating himself to his shadow puppet jujutsu.
— the hand puppets were intricate; it took him a long time to fit together even one, even just his puppies.
— when gojo realized the way little megumi was spending up to a minute trying to summon a shikigami and the way he’d grunt and huff in frustration and self-consciousness (</3) the sorcerer decided to do something to help.
— namely, making megumi learn to sew.
— the entire first week that megumi was having to wake up an extra hour early before school to sit with the weird white-haired man and poke needles through random fabric, he was seriously considering running away from jujutsu tech, zenin clan debt be damned.
— especially since gojo didn’t explain anything. when megumi had finally had enough and gojo was compelled to actually tell him why he started the random activity, megumi could only look on in thought and slight awe partly because it was the first time gojo had done something for him that was quite smart and endearingly observant (</3).
— it’s gojo’s turn to be surprised when the next morning, the lil man is coming to him with an open notebook in his hand and saying, “sewing is fine, but i think it would be better to do something i don’t have to look at, and i can’t do that with a needle.” 
— and so it began, on a trial and error basis (or a practice-until-it’s-become-easy-enough-to-no-longer-be-helpful basis). gojo signed megumi and himself up for soap carving classes for awhile. it was fun for both of them and helped megumi a lot, but quickly got too expensive.
— next was learning fishing knots: something for megumi to do while carrying a conversation, walking, studying, etc., but the callouses and rope burns ended up being more trouble than they were worth. 
— painting: too much precision that didn’t allow megumi to multi-task/pay attention to his surroundings as he did it.
— a good handful more, and the last of the "hand classes,” as gojo liked to call them, was guitar. it wasn’t all that special from the others, and actually reduced mobility (since he refused to walk around campus playing the guitar despite gojo’s encouragement), but megumi took a liking to it anyway. it gave him the same feeling as when he was learning to communicate with and tame his dogs. sort of like...bringing something to life.
— whatever the reason, it was the only one of the hobbies that he carried on into his early adulthood. this was okay though, because the several months that he’d dabbled around with the “training” found him more and more able to manipulate his fingers with ease and intuition. 
— in combat training with gojo, he hardly ever had to look at his hands as they spun his technique to life, except maybe on the occasions of summoning a newer shadow. 
— it wasn’t long before he was getting a little taller, a little less merged-with-the-wall shy, a little like he knew who he was, and in combat he was clapping his hands together instinctually without needing to so much as check behind him for his shikigami. 
— despite the success of this training, it’s something megumi never talks about (not that he discusses his past with others much anyway, but this to him seemed especially trivial and kind of embarrassing). 
— but sometimes it peaks through, in the way his fingers idly but expertly spin a pen while he studies, doing tricks and such, to the point where it’s distracting and impressive to anyone else in the room. 
— the way he ties his shoes practically at the speed of sound (leaving yūji looking at him dumbly and “wha—how’d you already tie them...?” while megumi leaves him behind in the very place they’d stopped for him to tie his shoes in the first place). 
— and the way he seems to be good at everything, like when nobara is fuming (even though she was the one who convinced megumi and yūji to let her teach them how to do makeup) because megumi is “putting on eyeliner like it’s the easiest thing in the world” while she’s “had to bust her ass since middle school and go through racoon eye phase” to be as good as she is today. alternatively: gojo got ‘gumi to try his hand at makeup so megumi is partial to a little winged liner now and again. 
— and the way that if someone managed the feat of getting inside of his room, they’d find an ash wood acoustic propped in the corner, or how some nights if you listen closely, you can hear soft strums through the door (though you’d never know about how he’s sat on his bed against the wall with a divine dog laying on each of his shins as he plays them a familiar tune, singing so softly it’s nearly inaudible).  
— and, well, there are other ways. rarer ways, more depraved ways...but that’s for another time. 
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note: nsfw version(s) coming soon heheheheh i’m writing a sfw drabble (and drafting nsfw things) to go along with this but there are things in it that wouldn’t fit that i really wanna share so bheheheh—dedicated to @megumifushi​ ELLI for the ask she sent that launched my brainrot muah. 
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lexaprogemini · 4 years
dating a gen z girl | edward cullen
Pairing: Edward Cullen x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff with a dash of sexual references (you’re welcome)
Content Warnings: Sexual references, maybe some curse words 
A/N: Friendly reminder that my requests are open if your thirst for Edward isn’t quenched ;) Here are the rules to read before sending in your requests!
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first of all
he’s definitely your lock screen on your phone
it’s a candid pic of him laughing, which is a rare occurrence 
you convince him and the rest of his family to get iphones
rosalie, alice, and emmett would already have iphones, MAYBE esme and carlisle too
jasper and edward? ehhhhhhh
edward HATES his iphone
but his lock screen is a selfie of you two (you forced him into taking a pic with you)
to be fair, he is a little outdated
he’ll use it as little as possible
he’ll only use his phone to communicate with you when you’re not together (also a rare occurrence)
he just thinks that he has no use for it; he doesn’t understand why gen z raves about technology so much
fucking grandpa
you two facetime every night; it’s the only way you can fall asleep now
occasionally you’ll beg him to come over so he sneaks into your bedroom
edward literally cannot say no to you
✿✿✿ soft spot!!!! ✿✿✿
so he sneaks in and lays with you in your bed
you two just talk until you finally drift asleep
he usually talks about life before he met you ;-; so many experiences
you try to keep him updated on pop culture but he feels... indifferent
“y/n, all of these apps are the exact same”
“honey, no, instagram and tiktok are completely different...”
you send him memes
a lot of memes
he’ll text you like, “Y/N, go to sleep. We have a test in the morning.”
“omfg edward but look it’s a dresser falling on three babies”
“I’m going to block you.”
“at least emmett appreciates my humor”
“You’re insane.”
“you love it”
after he sends that last text, you facetime him
... he immediately answers :’)
edward definitely has his read receipts off and you hate it 
“baaaaabe this is important i could be dying”
“I can literally read your mind.”
you definitely set up a group chat with the rest of his family
you and emmett send memes
alice occasionally joins in
aaaand edward and rosalie tell you to stfu
they probably have the group chat muted
edward also hates emojis
you BEG him to play 8 ball with you but he negotiates other games
he demolishes you at anagrams, word hunt, chess, checkers... sigh
whatever, you play 8 ball and cup pong with emmett
you demand aux powers whenever edward drives
you have similar music tastes so it’s GREAT omfg
he shows you old tunes, you show him new ones
i think we all know that you both share a playlist that’s meant for sexy times without the premarital sex heheheheh 
edward smirks to himself when he scrolls through the playlist and you melt
i’m getting spotify vibes for you both
you make playlists for each other
LONG ROADTRIPS!!! without interfering with quileute territory
when your parents go out of town, he stays with you at your house the entire time
you force him into movie marathons :-)
then you coerce him into makeout sessions oops
you’re going to be the death of him
trying to get him into video games
i feel like if he did happen to enjoy a video game, it would be something like the witcher or zelda or something along those lines
definitely prefers playstation
but also there’s moments like:
“what’s the point of this???”
“do your tasks and don’t die”
he groans and collapses onto you, suffocating you with his weight
“get off! you’re freezing!”
he starts laughing as you try to free yourself from beneath him, “we could do something to warm you up”
he’s grinning omfg this shit. eating. grin. 
you get excited which turns into embarrassment
your cheeks turn red and you’re all flustered and shy, knowing he’s trying to get a reaction out of you
you hit him with one of your pillows and he easily dodges it
he’s laughing so hard now
you groan in frustration and leave your room, his laughter following you as you sulk down the stairs
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simplysummers · 3 years
Hannah and Bea watch Star Wars
A few weeks ago, my bestie @floatyteabag (Hannah) and I (Bea) watched Star Wars: Attack of the Clones together. I, being a lifelong Star Wars nerd and a lover of all things Obi-Wan, somehow managed to rope this awesome human into watching the second sequel with me, keeping in mind she had never seen them before.
This is some of our live commentary, lacking in any context, which I felt needed to be shared with you all. I’m also leaving absolutely no indication as to who said what, to make it even funnier.
“R2 rolling about, he don’t give a fuck.”
“The face of a man who was WRONG.”
“Imagine R2 but as a hoover/vacuum. Perfection”
“‘He wouldn’t assassinate anyone’ 0-0 bro anyone named Count Dooku ain’t a good bro, bro”
“I don’t trust this man.” “I won’t spoil anything but you really shouldn’t lmao.”
“Captain Tofu?”
“Ooo someone’s in trouble. It’s me, idk why I said that”
“It’s better than my croissant attempt.”
“‘She’s a politician and they’re not to be trusted’ THAT IS THE BEST QUOTE”
“Ew look at the centipedes”
“How is she asleep like that. I would’ve had cramp in my wrist after 5 minutes.”
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“Anakin is me driving.” “Obi-Wan is me in your passenger seat.”
“We’d be a menace to society but that’s their problem, not ours.”
“He fully skydived out of the car.”
“Obi-Wan is so chill. He’s just ‘>_> hate it when he does that’ like he’s done this before??? Aight”
“‘I want to go home and rethink my life’ same babes.”
“Omg Bea that is legit us, me being Anakin, the underage loser.”
“Bestie we ARE Anakin and Obi-Wan.”
“ITS BOBA FETT. No it’s not. YES IT IS. Hmmm.”
“Boba Fettacini.”
“Yoda floating around on the wii fit board.”
“Padme who let you lead a country.”
“Rocking up to space McDonalds” “I’d order a milkshake.”
“I stg if I become attached to this Cody dude.” “I’m VERY attached to the clones and it never ends well in Star Wars, so I’m dragging you down with me.”
“Look at the Pixar lamps!”
“He VIOLATED him for no reason!”
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“All I see are some cotton earbuds”
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“So there’s like 50 clones of the same person running around?” “…..much more than 50.”
“Anakin, many things are smooth on that planet and you are NOT one of them.”
“Padme was over it before it had even begun.”
“Absolute kings. They deserve their own show….wait they have their own show….they deserve MORE Then.”
“🎵 the hiiiiiiilllss are aliiiiiiiive 🎵”
“Anakin’s a communist confirmed-“
“Yes. Step on Anakin”
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“Calm down Harry Potter with your floating Pear.”
“Anakin thinks he’s Shakespeare.”
“An extract from The Prelude: by Anakin Skywalker 🌺”
“I want a jet pack.”
“Ohh kick him!”
“Love how Boba, who is like ten, is just *shooty mcshooty*”
“‘Oh not good’ BABES LET GO”
“Hmmm yes ship is flying away *activates glowstick*” “it’s for the aesthetic.”
“Hey Ani, uh I kinda sold your Mom to some rando but hey we’re still cool right??”
“Boba: hehehehehe 😄”
“‘Get him dad, get him, FIRE’ this isn’t CALL OF DUTY, BOBA.”
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“Mothman wannabe.”
“Obi-Wan: I’m an international…superspy. SUPERSPYYYYYY.”
“Why is Tom Jones there?”
“she can’t die! I’m actually crying…..never mind I started laughing at Anakin’s face.”
“Lmao I love how Obi-Wan was talking for a straight minute and R2 was like ‘I’m busy sir, the audacity.’”
“‘It’s all Obi-Wan’s fault!’ Babes Obi-Wan isnt with you.” “Anakin take a chill pill!”
“‘R2 what are you doing here’ that’s fucking rude. Let him be.”
“Poor Jar Jar he just wants to make friends.”
“Don’t speak of Qui-Gon you HOE.”
“Count Dooku, turning on his voice chair: I want you on my team, Obi-Wan.”
“Parliament would be so much better if they floated in those pods.”
“Padme: maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this.’ Anakin: *grabs glowstick*”
“‘Obtuse’ 3PO HOW DARE YOU.”
“Someone put Padme on total wipeout.”
“‘I want to go home’ ‘what did I do to deserve this’ 3PO is too relatable.”
“Padme chose the wrong day to wear white.”
“‘Obi-Wan’s gonna kill me’ priorities dude”
“‘Good job’ sass king.”
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“Obi-Wan- the king of puns.”
“How is Padme not crying.” “Legit. I bang my hip on the bed frame and it’s like almost waterworks.”
“Ahhhhh my kings they are coming.”
“Oooo a purple wand.”
“Jango doing the spiny gun thing. Show off.”
“I know he did NOT just decapitate jango.” “And his son was just 0-0 off to the side.”
“‘I am beside myself.’ I WISH I WAS THIS QUICK.”
“I care too much about the clones I swear to god.”
“Ooooo hamster wheels.”
“Anakin you pleb.”
“If he has a red glowstick you know he’s a bad guy.”
“That clone just wanted an excuse to go home”
“He just straight up lost an arm. Hope he’s not right handed.”
“Bet Yoda’s glowstick is green……BAM.”
“‘Without the clones it wouldn’t have been a victory’ too fucking right. My boys deserve recognition.”
“The clones carried this.” “The clones carry everything these losers do.”
“It’s like a Vegas wedding. ✨ spontaneous ✨”
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This was genuinely the most fun I’ve had watching a Star Wars movie with anyone. Han’ is hilarious and together we destroyed the movie while ironically loving it. We’ve watched ROTS, up next is Solo. And I actually cannot wait for that trainwreck.
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keiarchived · 3 years
hey love! I figured I would stop by and share the 500 followers event req really quick, so here goes: head very full of breeding, corruption (/virgin kink ish?), and dumbification with step bro!hawks 😳😳 reader can be described as kind of easy to push around, really obedient, kinda built with a rectangular/curvy body? congrats on 500, thank you so much!! ✨💗
Zula Zula Zula, remember this? 😌✨ I’m finally getting to it hehehehehe
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Tw: Breeding, corruption, virgin, stepcest, quirkless, manipulation, some prep but not fully
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You and Keigo are only a year apart in age, but that doesn’t change how he treats you. Belittling you, awing in that annoying baby voice and teasing you about the nonexistent experience you have with sex. It’s not your fault that no one dare to approach you when Keigo literally gives them the death stares whenever they try, even when he’s not be there when it happened; he knows.
Maybe Keigo is right when he said guys could tell whether or not you have experience giving heads and fucking, maybe that’s why they tend to avoid you after the first date. Otherwise, you literally cannot think of any other reason why no one have bedded you yet. What more do they want than this gorgeous curvy body? A lap dance? Some eyes batting? “Is it true that women get this... different glow after sex?” When I say Keigo nearly died from choking on his saliva, I mean it. By the time he looks back at you with widen eyes, his cheeks are red from how much he’s been coughing. “What, never been fucked good enough before? Oh — right, awe. The struggle of a virgin.” With you screaming and kicking at him atop of your bed have long became a norm, as much as you hate each other; spending some time together is now a routine.
“What do you say? Let me help you change that, hm? Think about all the guys you’d have falling at your feet right after, you wanted to know about that ‘glow’ right? I’ll help you.” The way Keigo whispered those last three words with a sinister smile is something you could never rid of from your head, you know it’s wrong but the way he have you pin down and his breath tickling against your skin makes it all the more tempting.
Honestly, it took less convincing than Keigo would’ve thought to have you bouncing on his cock. Shirt draping off your shoulders and skirt bunched up around your waist, he didn’t even bother taking off your clothes. Simply pushing your panties aside after sucking those tits until they were plump and numb. “Fuck me, that’s it. You’re a natural aren’t you? You little slut.” Keigo chuckled, hand resting on either side of you as he guides your hips into moving at a steady pace.
The mere thought of him being your first fuck, first to taste your pussy and hear those sweet moans falling from your lips drives Keigo nuts.
“C’mon, sweetheart. Let me stretch you out nice and fucking good. Let me breed that slutty hole of yours.”
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theoriginalladya · 3 years
Dinosaur Brain
I have the most amazing friends, I swear!
The following ficlet evolved out of conversations about Rhys Shepard and Grunt and dinosaurs ... and then it had to have some commissioned ART, too!  Fabulous art by @thepixelagora​ who somehow managed to take my incoherent ramblings about this and turn it into the absolutely most perfect picture of events!!!!  Thank you so much for lending me your talents!!  
There is more to this story, but it wasn’t quite working how I wanted, so the rest will come later.  In the meantime, have the madness that started it all!!!
The story can also be found on AO3 here.
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Rhys drops into an empty seat and starts eating immediately, his focus less on the food and more on the datapad in his hand. Across from him, a chair squeaks and shadows flicker in his peripheral vision.  Still, he pays little heed to the disruption until…
“You going all dinosaur brain?”
He would prefer to flat out ignore the question, but there are times that’s worse than responding to it.  Rhys doesn’t bother to look up from the pad.  “Not this again.”
Kaidan’s chuckle of amusement drifts across the table. “What?”
“You know what.”
Kaidan leans over and stabs a piece of Rhys’ meal, retreating quickly.  He chews with a thoughtful look in his eye, then swallows.  “Tell me honestly, when have you never been thinking about them?”
“What’s a dinosaur?”
The table wobbles as Grunt slams his tray down and sits next to Rhys.  This time, it’s Kaidan who is taken aback and Rhys whose interest perks up.  “You want to know what dinosaurs are?”
“Here we go,” Kaidan mutters, rolling his eyes and reaching for his coffee.
Rhys ignores him and turns to face Grunt. “O’Keer never imprinted them on you?”
Grunt shakes his massive head back and forth. “What are they?”
Rhys peeks over at Kaidan, his blue eyes sparkling with delight.  “Translated from the Latin, the word means ‘terrible lizard,’” he explains.  “They are creatures that lived millions of years ago on Earth.”  He grabs his datapad, pointedly ignoring the sputter of choked laughter from Kaidan, and scrolls to the end of the device before passing it over to Grunt.  “This is a Triceratops.  About eight meters long and three meters tall.  They are known for having three horns on their head; one long one above each eye and a smaller one over its nose, as well as a large frill made out of bone.”
Grunt examines the picture on the datapad then glances back over at Rhys.  “Looks like a mighty warrior,” he concludes with a sage nod.
Rhys grins.  “Actually, they weren’t the fighters.  Not unless they were attacked, of course.” He takes back the datapad and sets it aside.  “The real fighters were the Velociraptors and Tyrannosaurus Rex.”
“You know,” Kaidan muses as he sits back in his seat, “I’m going to tell Wrex you’re calling him a tyrant again.”
“Oh, shut up!” Rhys hisses over at him.  He spends the next several minutes explaining about the two different dinosaurs to Grunt before he reaches into his pocket and nabs the Deinonychus claw he always carries with him.  “This is from a much smaller dinosaur, similar to the Velociraptor, called Deinonychus.  I found this on our family’s ranch when I was a kid.”  
Grunt takes the claw and squints at it, holding it up to the light and tilting his head.  “Doesn’t look very dangerous.”
Rhys chuckles.  Pushing his chair back, he stands and lifts a hand to about chest level, just above his elbow.  “They were only this tall when adults,” he explains.  “A smaller version of the Velociraptor, if you will, but older.  They were also very bird-like.”
“You know, Shepard,” Garrus comments from down the table, “if you keep making references like that, I’m going to start taking it personally.”
Kaidan almost spits out his coffee.  Rhys just grins as he retakes his seat.  
Grunt, however, stares at the datapad.  “So, what did you do with them?”
Kaidan starts to laugh uncontrollably.  Rhys kicks his leg beneath the table.  “We didn’t do anything to them.  They died out over time, long before humans were around.  We’ve spent centuries searching for their bones, fossilized in the earth.”  
The krogan sets the datapad down.  “Too bad.  I would have liked to go up against one of them.”
 A week later, while on duty in the CIC with his attention focused on planets, minerals, and potential prothean ruins, Grunt comes thundering his way through. “Shepard!”
Caught in the middle of running a scan, Rhys cannot give the krogan his full attention, and calls back over his shoulder, “Yes?”
Grunt makes some sort of disgruntled sound. “Shepard, what’s a ‘shark?’”
With his fingers flying over the haptic keyboard, Rhys’ reply comes automatically.  “Water dinosaur.”  A heartbeat passes, and he thinks about what he said before turning around to find the krogan standing there, a piece of paper in his hand.  It is an image of a Great White shark.
Kaidan is just exiting the cockpit and happens by during the conversation.  Giving Rhys a bemused look, he replies, “Really?”
Rhys shrugs back at him, but Grunt grins, a spark of delight in his eyes, and turns back toward the lift, chuckling in his usual, deep, rumbly manner.  It’s quite adorable, even if it does leave both men scratching their heads.
 Late in the Collector mission
Stops at the Citadel are opportunities Rhys never ignores.  This time around, however, he isn’t tracking down prothean specialists at the university or the archives, but shopping.  He returns to the Normandy a few hours before required, not surprised to find the CIC nearly empty as he walks through, bags in hand.  What does surprise him, however, is when the lift doors open and Kaidan steps out.  The other man sizes up the current situation and his hand shoots back out to hold the doors open for Rhys.  “What are those?” he asks, nodding at the bags Rhys carries.
Hopping inside, Rhys shrugs.  “Books.”  
Kaidan chuckles.  “Obviously.”  He reaches into a bag and tugs one free.
Sighing and rolling his eyes, Rhys clarifies.  “On dinosaurs.”
The switch from amusement to… well, whatever the look in his eyes is now – half bemusement, half irritation? – is instantaneous.  Kaidan drops the book back into the bag without looking at it and slams his hand on the buttons.  “You need a fucking lab, I swear.”
Rhys chuckles.  “I tried, but Mordin won’t share.”  He’s the first one through the doors when the lift stops outside of Kaidan’s cabin.  The new arrangement works out better than expected, at least until this topic comes up in discussion.  “Besides, these aren’t for me.”
“No?”  Kaidan swipes his hand over the door’s interface.  “Who?”
Almost as if he’s listening in to their conversation, a soft, “Hehehehehe,” whispers through the walls of the ship as they enter the room.  
 2186, Citadel, during the Reaper War
While Kaidan heads off to do Spectre things, Rhys makes his way to Huerta Memorial Hospital.  After the incident on Mars and his time spent there, the desire to visit isn’t exactly thrumming inside of him, but Grunt is now a patient there, and it’s more important to check on how the krogan is doing.  Wrex’s assurances that Grunt is fine aside, Rhys decides to check in on him anyway, just to be sure.  Kaidan promises to meet up with him as soon as his responsibilities are taken care of, hopefully in time to visit the krogan as well.  
Entering the critical care ward, Rhys notices not much has changed in the weeks since his departure.  In many ways, it reminds him of the rest of the Presidium at the moment; hiding the true nature of what is happening in the Galaxy outside of the Serpent Nebula behind common, everyday things like Blasto movies, home redecoration conventions, and the latest varren races.  Nothing like sticking their collective heads in the sand.
Rhys enters to find Grunt sitting up in bed.  There are makings of a few scars – two across his face, another on his upper left arm, and one more across the broad expanse of his chest – but he appears greatly improved since receiving his injuries on Utukku.  As Rhys enters, Grunt slowly turns his bandaged head in his direction.  His voice is on the weak side, but there is an urgency to it that confuses Rhys at first.  “Shepard.”
Rhys takes that as permission to enter, removing his cowboy hat in the process.  “Hey, Grunt. How’re you doing?”
Grunt ignores the question.  “Shepard, what’s a kakliosaur?”
Startled, it takes Rhys a minute to digest the full question.  In the space between, he pulls over a chair and takes a seat.  “It’s… a krogan dinosaur, I guess,” he replies after a time. “Remember the Triceratops? Akin to that, I guess you could say.”
An added spark of life brightens the krogan’s blue eyes.  “Krogan had dinosaurs?”
Rhys chuckles but nods.  “I would point out that krogan are dinosaurs, but yeah. They had creatures very similar to Earth’s dinosaurs.”
Lying back, Grunt’s eyes close, but he manages a small laugh as he drifts back off to sleep.  “Hehehehehe.”  Rhys takes his leave a few minutes later.
After catching up with one another, Rhys and Kaidan reboard the Normandy.  Halfway through the CIC, Rhys announces, “We have a mission.”
They’re just passing Traynor’s station and she hands Kaidan several datapads.  Absently, he replies, “I know.”
Rhys sighs.  “A new one, I mean.”
That, apparently, is enough to catch the man’s attention, and he glances up.  “What?”
Using his chin to point to the galaxy map, Rhys continues, “We need to go to the Phoenix System.  It’s… important.”
Kaidan frowns.  “What the hell are you talking about?”
A grin slips across Rhys’ face.  He can’t help it.  “We are going dinosaur hunting.  Krogan dinosaur hunting, to be specific.”
The blank look in Kaidan’s eyes as he blinks owlishly at him makes it clear he has no idea what Rhys is talking about.  Either that or he thinks Rhys has lost his mind. Maybe both.  “Check your messages.”
There is a hint of apprehension in his steps as Kaidan walks over to his terminal and retrieves them.  “Shit!”
Rhys tips his hat just a bit and turns toward the elevator.  “See? Told you.  Anyway, let me know when we get there.  I know the director of the museum.”
He’s just stepped onto the lift and pressed the button for the cabin when Kaidan calls over, “Have I mentioned you’re a menace?”
Rhys’ grin widens and he winks at him.  “Not this week…”
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cherry-bomb-ships · 3 years
Have any Spamton headcanons to share?
UM OK SO I'M ABOUT TO VERBALLY VOMIT AND THEN PASS OUT FOR BED SO GET READY. So like these are all gonna be headcanons for my ship with him hehehe OK LETS GO
So my s/i would be like. The only other human in the town that Kris and the gang live in and I own a used DVD shop that doesn't get much traffic
Okay so I DONT HAVE ALL THE DETAILS WORKED OUT But somehow I'd get sucked into the Dark World specific to Chapter 2 (I mean a shop with old TVs and tech is probably connected in the same way right?) and ofc I'd come across Spamton teehee
Somehow I'd be able to get out, maybe the same way I came in or maybe I'd follow Kris to the Dark Fountain to make it back into the light world, but now that Spamton knows there's a much more vulnerable human with a [[HeartShapedObject]] around, he'd probably have his sights set on me... and not in the way I may like 😳
So ya know how after his NEO boss fight u recieve a Shadow Crystal and it has a connection to the Light World? Why did he have that? Well to switch between worlds of course! And that's how he would be able to come into the "Light world" aka real world for us to properly meet
Um ok yeah yes part of my ship with him is that he's literally trying to stab me in the back and take my human soul but I wouldnt know that so I would legit just be my normal nice self to him especially cuz I find him Funny but also very sad 🥺🥺
And even in the jumbled mess that his mind's become he'd realize that I'm the first person (or monster or etc.) who's treated him decently in YEARS and he would actually really REALLY regret it if he killed me so maybe he's okay with meeting in the middle, cuz perhaps I'm enough to make him feel like a Big Shot 🥺💖🥺💖
Also y eah the Shadow Crystal would give him a connection to the Light world as long as he keeps it on his person, and I like the idea that he'd only be able to interact between worlds through old technology (CRT televisions, old computers, landline phones etc) and occasionally he'd be able to send me Hotmail emails too hehehehehe
Oh almost forgot to mention he still has access to his NEO form cuz in my ship, he escaped from Kris after they beat him within an inch of his life (and that would be when he decides to come after me instead cuz I wont fight back 😳), so he can still go into NEO form even in the light world but it takes a LOT of magical energy and tires him out quick
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Super BFF Lovers
Warning: Himiko’s Crazy Nature, Assumed Kidnapping, Mention Of Knife, Blood Warning (Lots of blood), Forced Affection. 
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Himiko Toga x Reader 
(As a Hero you always believed in standing up for others. But you never imagined standing up for Himiko Toga would come back to bite you in the ass years later.) 
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“Heheheheh ...” Her laughter filled the air as you stirred awake.“Ohhhhh, aren’t you just the cutest?! Even unconscious, you’re simply beautiful! Hehehehe and soon to be all MINE.” You let out a groan and tilted your head back, feeling a dull ache course through your body. Were you beaten with something? You couldn’t remember, one moment you were running to the sound of someone screaming for help and the next, well it was blank. 
“Ohhhh! Are you waking up y/n!? I can't wait to see those GORGEOUS eyes of yours, hehe.” You let out another groan, slowly opening your eyes. A hiss came from you as your eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room, but once they did you let out a gasp. Your head shooting up, the room itself reminded you of a prison cell. The walls were gray and rust painted a few spots. There was little else in the room beside the bed you were laying in, well at least whoever kidnapped you was nice enough to not leave you on the dirty floor. 
“Hi, sweetie! I’m so glad you’re awake!” Came Himiko’s voice and your eyes widened. Your body acted on its own, quickly trying to turn around but those arms were quicker. Wrapping around your torso tightly and a gasp came when that cold blade pressed against your throat and immediately everything seemed to click. “H-Himiko ...” You whispered her name, it was unmistakable. Though you hadn’t seen her since she vanished, here one day and gone the next. 
You remembered her well, her skill and quirk were impressive. As well as her well mannered and perky attitude. Yet, she was the one person that stood out from the crowd. It was a sad thing though, she was also a victim of bullying which was hard to believe. Fellow heroes doing such a thing. But regardless, you would always stand up for her when you could. Especially when she was cornered by other students. 
She looked so innocent, her arms curled up to her chest and those golden hue eyes on the verge of tears. You hated seeing her like that and while she was always thankful you came to her rescue, you couldn’t help but feel like part of it was just an act. Your suspicions were confirmed shortly after her disappearance and reappearance with the League of Villains. Though little was known at this point about the League, they were still feared. 
“Awe, you look so cute with those big wide EYES! You always had the prettiest expressions! Especially when you’re angry, let me see more!” You clenched your jaw as she pressed the knife harder against your throat and tilted your head back. “There! Now be a good little hero and stay like that!” She demanded though her voice was as cheerful as ever. You swallowed, the blade moving ever so slightly as Himiko easily maneuvered around you. 
She looked the same as ever, apart from her hair which was styled up into two buns and that demented expression she wore. Her eyes themselves had changed as well, that innocent look you had come to associate with her, vanished. You weren’t sure what sparkled in her eyes now, but it wasn’t the Himiko you had defended before. It wasn’t the Himiko you had grown to know in the short time at U.A. it was a villain and nothing more. 
“Awe, what’s a matter? You remember me right!? Hehe.” You watched as she smiled, those thick fangs of her standing out as she did so. You kept your lips pressed together, flinching slightly when she reached her hand out. “Don’t do that, hehe. That last thing I’d want is for this blade to cut you, though the thought of blood being spilled makes me gitty.” What? You looked at her, confused and shocked. Had she lost her mind since going rogue? 
You could feel her hand run through your hair, “You always had the softest hair.” She commented before grabbing a piece of it tightly. Her grip was like a vice and before you could properly register, she pulled it. You let out a cry, feeling that sting from the blade as it cut your throat. A small dribble of blood accompanying it and Himiko giggled in response. “Ohhhhh, did I do that? Oopsie, let me fix it.” She insisted as she dropped the now bloody knife, you could hear it hit the mattress with a soft plop. 
Her hand was still tangled in your hair, giving her perfect access to your neck. “Ah!” You cried out as you felt her tongue lap up the blood from your cut. Her lips sealed around the opening of it and eagerly sucked, the sensation of which caused you to squirm. “Ah!” She chuckled as she moved away and you watched that tongue of hers come out to collect the small droplets of blood that stained her lips; 
“Mm ...your blood tastes so good! Just like I IMAGINED!” She cried out, another happy giggle leaving her lips. “I can’t wait to have more!” You flinched back though it seemed to go unnoticed by Himiko who reached over to grab your shoulders, keeping you firmly in place. Your hands were pressed against your thighs, though they were clenched into fists. You felt completely frozen and partly violated. How could you let this happen? Were your friends or teachers looking for you? 
“You know ...you were the only one who defended me back then! Oh, you were so cute playing the part of a hero for me!” Still smiling, Himiko leaned down to lay her head against your chest. You could feel the soft texture of her hair as she moved her head back and forth, nuzzling into you. “My little hero, always trying to be brave!” You couldn’t help but feel annoyed at those words, almost offended. “Get off me!” You finally snapped, trying your best to shove her off. 
Though Himiko, if anything was known for her skills in combat and she was quick to grab your throat. Her fingers smearing against the blood from your earlier cut. Another hand reached down, roughly grabbing your wrist and she used her body weight to push you back onto the bed. She was quick to straddle your hips, her knees pressing into your sides. You were shocked for a moment, looking at her with owl eyes before you growled. 
Though it only seemed to amuse Himiko and she leaned down, hovering above your face. “You know, you’re the only hero I don’t want to kill! The rest of them can rot, but you ...” She paused and retracted her hand from your throat. Gently placing it on your cheek instead. “I want to save you, just like you saved me back then!” She confessed, smiling brightly. You partly wondered if her jaw ever got sore from smiling so damn much. Though you jerked your head to the side, trying to get that hand away from your face. 
“Awe, don’t be like that!” Himiko said before grabbing your jaw, causing you to cry out when she forced your head back. Leaning further down, she brushed her nose against yours. “I’m going to save you after all, don’t you think you OWE your savior a kiss!? After all, you’re the ONLY one I want!” You cringed at the idea of those lips touching yours, they were still stained with your own blood. But that wasn’t the main issue, you didn’t want her anywhere near you, let alone kiss you.  
But you could feel Himiko dig her nails into your jaw, obviously growing impatient or maybe eager? At this point, you couldn’t follow her crazy methods. “Mm, now don’t bite! Though you can if you want to! It’ll just make me more EXCITED!” She claimed as she leaned close and pressed her lips against yours, you kept your lips sealed but Himiko found it amusing. Giggling against your mouth before she pulled away. 
“Mm ...” She reached up to touch her lips, her eyes set on you as you glared up at her. “A kiss between friends! Oh, does THAT make us LOVERS!? Oh, I’m so happy!” She giggled again, the sound only causing you to get angry. You began to kick your feet, making the bed shake in response. Himiko seemed caught off guard by the sudden movement, but seemed to retaliate a moment later. The last thing you expected was to feel those teeth sink into your neck, the pain shot through your body like a firecracker. 
Regardless, you still tried to fight her. Your free hand reached up to grab the front of her shirt and the other pushed up, trying to free her hand from your wrist. Another cry threatened to leave your lips as Himiko moved her mouth, you could feel the holes from her fangs widen. God, were you going to bleed out? You were beginning to feel light-headed and you could feel the warm dribbles of blood seep down your neck. 
You took a staggered breath, whimpering when Himiko retracted her teeth. Your eyes widened as you saw the blood that smeared across her lips and chin. But she was smiling as if she found joy in causing such harm to you. “Mm, a little blood bath! That’s FINE with me, even a LITTLE romantic. You want to share so much of YOUR blood with me. Oh, we’re going to be BEST friends and LOVERS.” You felt your eyes grow heavy, your shirt collar growing damp as your blood soaked into it. 
“Don’t worry! I’ll protect you! I’ll love you so much! Provide you with EVERYTHING you could ever want!” Himiko said cheerfully as she leaned down once more, her arms wrapping around you and though your shirt was bloody. She nuzzled into your chest anyway, happily giving off a hum. “Oh, and I’ll introduce you to the league! Don’t worry, I'll kill whoever doesn’t like you! Oh, it’ll be so much FUN.” She said, her eyes glancing up at you. Sparkling with a certain kind of insanity you hadn’t known of until now. 
Your breathing slowed and your head began to spin as you saw the world fading. “Hm?” You could feel Himiko move her head, looking up at you. “Oh! Are you sleepy!?” She questioned and you felt her hand's cup your face gently. “Awe, but we were just getting started!” Your lips parted, you wanted to respond but no words would form. But you could already picture the pout that Himiko wore, you had seen it many times before. Before all this happened before she turned to the life of crime. 
“Hm ....” Himiko paused, reaching up to tap her chin. “Well ...that’s okay!” She bounced between emotions so well. “You can go ahead and rest! It’ll give me more time to set up that surprise I have for YOU.” She leaned over, pressing a kiss to your cheek. Leaving behind a mark made of your own blood. “You just rest! The surprise will be worth it!” She giggled before getting off of you and you could hear her steps echo as she walked away. 
You gasped for air and struggled to turn onto your side, feeling more blood seep from the wound Himiko had created with her fangs. Your body was trembling and though your vision was going black, you still reached your hand out. “H-Himiko...” You whispered, almost wanting her to come back. But your voice went unheard as the world turned black. Your last thoughts surrounding what surprise she could possibly have and if you actually wanted it.  
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Can you make a part 2 of that request where you're Tom's second wife please???
"Alright, Theo's in bed. What uhh... oh... hey." Tom is at a loss for words as he enters the dining room, seeing you set the table again. You glance up, smiling behind the fallen pieces of hair from the messy bun at the back of your head,
"I made uhh... I made a special dessert, for the two of us. I thought we could... sit and talk, and eat." You say with a shrug. Tom licks his lips and nods, tucking his hands in his pockets. He gestures over her shoulder,
"I have work I uhh, I really should be doing but... yeah, sure." Tom spits out again. You nod, gesturing to the candlelit table,
"Just go ahead and sit." You say sweetly. He nods and gives you a soft smile as he sits at the end of the table. Soon enough, you're reemerging with small tea plates with shortcake on them. You set his plate before him, starting to walk to the other end of the table,
"Oh you don't... no, it's alright, just uhh, you can... sit here or... wherever." He says. You pause and turn, nodding at him before setting your plate beside his,
"Do you want tea or coffee or... milk or something?" He hums,
"Uhmm... w-whatever you're gonna have is fine." He says with a calm smile. You nod and enter the kitchen one last time, turning the light off with your elbow as you carry out two glasses of wine,
"I know these... kinda don't go together but in order to remain somewhat adultish, wine it is." You explain. Tom smiles, thanking you quietly as you sit beside him. As you both eat the sweet dessert in silence, Tom's eyes linger on the bruises he created on your arms a few days before. They were starting to fade, yellow fingerprints tainting your skin that if he touched you know, would match perfectly. He sets his fork down, drawing your eyes up to his. He watches your eyes darken slightly, eyebrows dropping as you cock your head,
"You don't like it." You say, disappointed. He quickly shakes his head,
"Oh, no, it's good. It's really good. I just uhh... I was just... thinking." He says softly. Setting your own fork down, you hold your hands in your lap, focusing your full attention on Tom,
"What about?" You ask calmly. He sighs through his nose, reaching his hand out to take hold of your arm. He's gentle, running his thumb over the faded bruise softly. You glance down, watching him. You look up, watching his eyes change in the candlelight,
"About how... bad I've treated you. Him calling you mum and all and I just freak and I- I should've never put hands on you. I'm just a terrible person at this point and I just-"
"Tom, Tom, stop." He looks up when you interrupt him. His eyes search yours, only glancing down when you take his hand from your arm and into your own. You sigh,
"Its a little... overwhelming. Ya know, I never thought I'd be the type of girl to be put in a relationship with an abusive guy but... I'm still not. You're not abusive. Borderline, but not abusive." You tell him. Standing, with his hand still held in yours, you clamber into his lap, his other arm wrapping around your waist. Leaning into him, you sigh,
"You're a good guy. An amazing father and an excellent husband. Theo and I are lucky to have you. I just- I think your business, the mindset you put yourself in makes you... hostile." You say reassuringly. He nods, playing with the hem of your dress. He slides his hand up to your thigh, resting his hand against the soft skin. You run your fingers through his hair and it comforts him. His first wife never did this type of stuff. She was just as cold and reserved and Theo was one of the only good things that came of their relationship. When he opens his eyes, he catches your smile. His own comes to his lips,
"I just... I want us to work like her and I never could. I want you and I to be that power couple and ya know, you, Theo and I to be this family that other people admire." He says with a shrug. You nod, smoothing the hair you'd made unruly, down. He sighs. Leanung in, you kiss the corner of his mouth,
"I uhh... I've been thinking about us being a family too. I thought... ya know- i-it'll never happen but, I-I've been thinking about having a baby." He listens to you ramble, watching you pick at your dress. He can tell that you're nervous, but he's been managing his anger. He swallows, reaching up to take hold of your chin. He swallows when your eyes meet again,
"I wouldn't... say that it'd never happen. I like the thought of having another baby... with you. Yeah..." Its almost like he's reassuring himself. But he's being somewhat honest. He never planned on having just one child. He's always wanted at least two. And now that he's fallen in love with you, to an extent and you're already married, so having a baby isn't that far out if either of you are honest. You run your thumb over a scar in his cheek from earlier business. Before you even. Something you don't even know the story behind.
"Its alright. That's the least of our problems, ya know?" You say. He nods,
"Yeah, that's... a discussion for another time." He replies. Snagging the wine glass from the table, he downs what's left,
"How bout I... skip the work I gotta do tonight, we just go up to bed and find a movie or something on TV?" He poses, setting his glass down. You nod and start to stand,
"Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great." You reply, starting to gather the dishes. He stops you with a hand over yours, bringing your eyes to his. He smiles softly,
"Lemme help."
"Oh, no, you don't have to I've got-"
"Babe," Tom says lowly, "lemme help." The two of you stay staring at each other for a moment before you nod,
"Okay." You say. He nods and grabs the plates as you take the glasses, dumping your undrank wine down the drain as Tom disposes of the leftover cake. He sighs as he drops the plates into the sink but before you can start to wash them, he takes your wrist. He glances down at the four dirty dishes,
"Leave them, we're being rebellious." He says. You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lifts you, carrying you towards the stairs. You both share a smile before you lean in to kiss him, pulling back when he hums,
"Maybe we'll... do a little more than cuddling and watching TV." You giggle, a wide smile covering Tom's face that for the first time, isn't forced.
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tayegi · 6 years
Revenge is a Dish Best Served... Hot? (m)
When your roommate keeps you up late at night with her noisy rendezvous with male overnight guests, you and Seokjin team up to plot your revenge...  How? With a taste of her own medicine, of course. 
Dedicated to my roommate :”) ily, but please let me sleep.... 
Warning: Seokjin smut
Word Count: 17,051 
Your heart stops in your chest when you walk in through the door of your apartment after a long day at lab—to find your roommate snuggling with a strange man you’ve never seen before on the couch. They look up at the sight of you and casually hold up their hands in greeting, but your roommate doesn’t even bother to move from where she’s practically lying in the stranger’s lap.
“You’re back from lab late,” Lei calls out to you.
You cautiously set your bag on the counter and think through your words before responding, “Yes… and I have to wake up tomorrow at six in the morning to set up an experiment.”
“Aw, you poor thing,” she offhandedly comments before turning back to her new male companion.
You remain standing in the foyer for a few moments, staring at the way she snuggles back into his embrace without a second thought. But neither of them notice your heated glare, and you have no choice but to moodily march into your bedroom… the one located directly next to the living room in which they currently occupy… with the very couch they sit on pressed against the wall of your room, your bed mere concrete inches from their canoodling… Luckily they aren’t having sex this time.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Normally, you are completely cool with your roommate having visitors over. Boyfriends, dates, one-night stands, whatever. You’ve had your fair share of hookups in the past, and it’s not your right to judge… when these hookups take place in the privacy of one’s own bedroom, that is. But your roommate has this strange preference for canoodling in your shared spaces…
And with only a thin wall to separate you from them, you can hear them as clearly as if they were standing right before you. You groan as you hastily change for bed and dive for your earplugs. But of course, it’s useless. You can still hear the high-pitched squeal of your roommate’s giggles through the spongey material. And with each passing second, the anger in the pit of your stomach heats until it reaches its boiling point.
Jin!!! You angrily text your best friend, in lieu of stomping out in the living room and giving the inconsiderate couple a piece of your mind like you’d really like to, She’s doing it again!!!!
Like always, it only takes him a minute to respond, Lei?
Yah. Who else? Ugh, im going fucking crazy!!!
What guy is it this time? The one who grunts like a pig during sex or the one who asked to borrow a pair of your socks?
Neither! It’s a new guy :( 
Just tell them to shut the fuck up.
Srsly, ___. Just do it.
>.< ur no help! Forget it.
Want me to come over and do it for u?
N.O. trust me, Jin, that’s the last thing id ever want.
Y? bc u cant stand to see me saving ur ass again?
No, bc ud only make things worse w/ that scary face of yours.
Not my fault ur blind and cant appreciate beauty.
U look like a mean alpaca
Wut??? Y u lyin? Bitch, im beautiful and u know it!
Whatever. ur no help. Now ill just suffer through the rest of the night listening to their gross scream laughing.
Wanna sleep over instead?
Nah, u live super far away. Just forget it. Maybe I can try to shove two pairs of earplugs in D:
U need 2 just grow a pair and deal with this problem instead of avoiding it.
Asjdflklsdfk maybe one day…
Aite, coward. But don’t turn to me crying.
… why are we even friends again?
Bc no one else likes you.
Jin, r u saying u like me…?;)
No. I tolerate u. plz don’t go putting words in my mouth.
Ya ya whatever. love u too, baby <3
Istg if u call me that one more time…
Goodnight, baby 😘 😘 😘
You smile fondly at that last message. Why is Kim Seokjin such a tsundere? Pretending that he doesn’t care for you, when you know that he probably sees you as a little sister to him. But he’s not Jin if he’s not cold and aloof. Shaking your head in amusement, you place your phone down and lie down on the bed with a smile on your face.
You’re not sure what higher power allowed you to befriend someone like Kim Seokjin years ago in college, but you thank that unknown deity on a regular basis. You don’t know how you’d survive the stress of grad school without Jin’s snarky, dramatic, mostly unwarranted comments every day. Just thinking of your best friend is relaxing enough to put you to sleep and within minutes, you feel your exhausted mind drifting off… Until—
“HEHEHEHEHE, you’re so funny!”
Lei’s high-pitched giggling instantly slams you back into full consciousness. You lay there, staring up at the ceiling in defeat, before flopping over to muffle a scream in your pillow. Fuck your life…
“What are you still doing?” Jin groans as he watches you type furiously at your kitchen table.
“Sorry, I just need a few more minutes,” you say as you hastily type another line of code.
“I thought you wanted to grab food!” he exclaims, “Why are you like this?”
“Shh,” you shush him, “Go stare at your reflection in the back of my laptop and shut up.”
Jin sighs dramatically, “I think it’s very irresponsible for a full grown adult woman like yourself to demand that someone drives her to lunch, only to stand them up.”
“Relax, I’m not standing you up,” you mumble as you hastily delete your line of code and reconsider it, “I just need another second to rerun these analyses… And no one told you to pick me up! I could’ve just taken the subway.”
“And get mugged again?” he snorts, “Like I’m going to let that happen. I can’t deal with that again.”
You shoot him a wry glare, “Not everyone can drive around in their fancy little cars, Mr. Rich Kid.”
“Psht. You’re the one who chose to be a broke ass grad student. Who would willingly want to be a student for another four years?!”
“Six years,” you quietly correct him.
“Six years?! Okay, that settles it. You’re officially insane.”
“At least I enjoy it! You’re the one who sold your soul to the corporate overlords and have to suffer through that boring financial… wait what do you do again?”
“How do you know nothing about me?! Investment—”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can you come take a look at my analyses?”
“Oh my god… I knew there was a reason you wanted me over,” Jin says with a good-natured sigh as he scoots over to peer at your laptop screen, “Your silly overeducated mind can’t handle a bit of math.”
You scowl at him as you show him the output of your analyses, “Just tell me if this is right or not…”
“What’s the magic word?” he chimes in a singsong voice.
“Sweet cheeks?” you offer.
He immediately scowls, “Forget it. Do your own damn analyses.”
“I didn’t mean that!” You exclaim, clinging onto his sleeve before he can walk away, “I’m sorry, dearest Jin! You are as rich in intelligence as you are in beauty! Please bless me with that sexy brain of yours!”
His lips twitch at your exaggerated words, but to your relief, he concedes, “Fine,” he sighs dramatically, “But only because you asked so nicely.”
You feel the urge to retort back, but you stifle it down in order to show him your output screen, “Please look this over and let me know where I fucked up…”
“What a noble man I am, helping you with the most basic math,” he’s as dramatic as always as he pulls your laptop towards him.
“Yes, my savior!” you pretend to swoon.
Jin actually cracks a smile at that, and opens his mouth to respond, but at that moment, two bodies come crashing in through the front door. Your gut twists in annoyance when you identify the intertwined bodies as Lei and her new man aggressively making out in the doorway.
At least they have the decency to briefly separate when they realize that there is company in the apartment, “Oh, hey guys,” Lei greets the two of you.
Both of you hesitantly wave back. Normally, she would spend longer chatting with the two of you (or flirting with Jin, more like), but this time, she is too engrossed with her new friend. As soon as she finishes greeting you, she reattaches her lips to her male companion’s, and they messily stumble onto the couch to make out more.
You stare at them with a disgusted look on your face, before you quickly catch yourself and politely clear your throat, “So, Jin, what do you think about my analyses?” He doesn’t respond, so you poke him after a second, “Jin?”
“Sorry, what?” he says, forcibly tearing himself from the stomach-turning spectacle, “I can’t concentrate when I’m literally on the verge of vomiting.”
You quickly shush him, horrified that your new guests on the couch might hear his offensive words, “Don’t be like this! It’s a beautiful and natural part of life!”
He ignores you, “Is this the shit you have to deal with on a daily basis?” Jin asks you in horror.
You wince, “Pretty much…”
“Damn… Ok, I’m gonna go beat them both up for you. This is unacceptable.”
“No!” you hurriedly grab his hand before he can follow through on his threat, “Come on, let’s just leave. Aren’t you hungry?”
“___, you seriously can’t keep running away from confrontation!”
“I know, but—ugh!” Frustrated, you shut your laptop and tighten your grip on his hand to forcibly drag him out of the apartment, “Lei, I’m leaving!” You call out before you step outside, but of course, she doesn’t even notice.
As soon as you shut the front door behind you, you whirl around in the hallway to face Jin, “I know that this is gross and really inconsiderate, but what can I do?”
“Just tell her to fucking stop,” he says, his solution as simple and blunt as always.
“I wish I could! But you know that her mother’s the landowner of this apartment complex. I’m paying barely half the rent of what a nice two-bedroom apartment like this downtown should go for! I can’t afford to piss her off!”
“That’s such bullshit,” Jin growls, “You can’t just let her get away with everything she wants because she can hold this over your head. Move out. Hell, if you need somewhere to stay, you can crash with me.”
“Ugh, it’s really not that simple. That’s not a permanent solution.”
“Neither is just letting her get away with this without any consequences for the rest of your life.”
“Yeah, I know… I just need to think of a better approach…”
“Fine. If you won’t talk to her, then get back at her.”
That makes you pause, “Wait… what?”
“Two can play that game,” he explains, “How is it fair that she can be so inconsiderate and rude fooling around with guys in your shared living space? So you should do it too. And she’d be a complete hypocrite if she found fault in it.”
“I…” you blink as you try to think it through, “Wait… that’s not such a bad idea, actually…”
“Of course it isn’t,” he says at once, “I’m a genius, after all.”
“No, you’re really stupid,” you absentmindedly inform him as you mull over his suggestion, “Wait… no, I think this actually could work, Jin! Wow, I just need to find a man to fool around with in front of her! This is exciting!” You exclaim, beaming at this point.
“Yes, exactly. Give her a taste of her own medicine. She probably lacks the basic empathy to understand how gross this is. So you need to let her know how it feels.”
“Ok,” you grin, “I think I will, thanks Jin! I’ll call Jung Hoseok tonight and ask if he wants to come over.”
“Wait—Jung Hoseok?” Jin asks with a wrinkle of his nose, “Are you really going to go down that route again?”
“Sure, why not? I mean, he’s the ultimate fuckboi, and I would never date him, but that’s not what I want from him tonight, now is it? And I think Hobi would always be down for a hookup with no strings attached.”
Still, Jin clicks his tongue in disapproval, “That seems excessive and rather dangerous for this ploy, ___.”
“Dangerous?” You repeat in surprise, “How so?”
But he only ignores you, “Why do you actually have to hook up with someone for real? Why can’t you just fake it?”
Your brow furrows in confusion, “Fake it? How would I fake it on my own? Do you want me to pretend to masturbate or something, you pervert?!”
He cringes at the very thought, “No way, you nasty. I was just saying that I’ll help you act it out in front of her.”
“You? Really? Why would you do something like that?” you ask, shocked by the very thought.
He shrugs, “Why not? It’ll be fun. You know I’d love nothing more than to get back at that gross, overly touchy roommate of yours.”
You pull a face of sympathy when you remember all the unwarranted flirting and excessive skinship Lei had subjected Jin to over the years you’ve lived with her. “But she knows we’re friends. She’ll never believe that we’re hooking up.”
“Why not? I’m hot. Of course you’d want to fuck me.”
You glare at him, but don’t have the energy to discipline him for once, “But why would you want to fuck me? That’s the unbelievable part!”
“Why not?” he says in a flippant tone, “I’m hot and horny, you’ve got tits, we’ve been friends for years, and things just fell together. Boom, done. Now let’s go get omelets.”
“Seokjin, they’ve long stopped serving breakfast.”
“Damn it, woman!” he exclaims, “I told you to hurry up!”
You can’t help but grin at that, “Guess we’re just going to have to eat fried chicken again!”
He shoots you a glare, “Again?”
You beam back, “Yup!”
“Ok, she’s supposed to come back from the grocery store any minute now,” you hiss at Jin that next weekend, when you finally find the time to put your plan into action.
“Alright, what should I do?” he asks as he flops down on the couch next to you.
“Hmm… I’m not sure,” you say as you awkwardly swing your legs over his.
He easily lifts your legs and drags them over his lap, “Should I take off my shirt?” he asks, fingers already fidgeting with the top button.
“No!” You exclaim, sitting up to grab his hands, “What’s wrong with you?!”
“Oh please,” he says with a roll of his eyes, “You know you want to see it.”
“No, I don’t,” you snap back, and for good measure, you pull up the front of his shirt to cover him up to the neck, “Keep that nasty shit to yourself.”
“How is she ever going to believe that we’re fucking?” he sighs.
You pull your legs off of his lap, “I knew I should’ve just called Hoseok,” you groan.
“No, we can make this work,” he says, suddenly leaning down to lay on top of you, hands pressed into the cushions on either side of your face to keep from crushing you, “Isn’t this better?”
But you flush at his close proximity. Whenever you think that you’ve finally gotten used to his impossibly handsome face, he proves you wrong. And lying on top of you like this, with his face inches away from yours… You can see every detail of his face from the sharp angles of his jaw, to the intensity of his dark gaze, and the fullness of his pink lips. Flustered, you squeeze your eyes shut, and blindly fumble out of his grip.
“No, it’s not!” You exclaim as you shove him off of you.
He looks at you, surprised by your dramatic reaction, “What’s wrong with you?”
“N-nothing! I just… I want to be on top instead!” You practically shout as you push him on his back.
Confused, Jin nevertheless complies, “Alright, fine. Whatever floats your boat, you crazy woman.”
You sigh deeply. He’s a lot less threatening now that he’s on his back with his lips far away from yours, and you find yourself finally able to relax. Until you realize that you need to climb onto his body. “I just don’t want Lei to get the wrong impression,” you mutter as you awkwardly shuffle around on the couch, looking for the best position, “Can’t let her think that you’re the one in charge here.”
Jin snorts, but nevertheless crosses his arms behind his head and watches you make your approach under half-lidded eyes, “Whatever helps you sleep at night, babe. Now climb on up.”
Your face nearly explodes with heat from his casual use of the pet name. “You’re so annoying,” you grumble under your breath as you swing a leg over his waist. But it feels ten times more awkward to straddle him, and you quickly scramble up to hover above his stomach instead, avoiding his crotch like the plague. There’s a moment of uncomfortable silence. Then—
“Is this normally how you hook up with guys, ___?” Jin asks as he cranes up his head to try to look at you.
You scowl down at him, “Are you questioning my methods?”
“Yup. Stop being so damn awkward and sit down on me already.”
You flush at his word choice, “J-Jin, I—”
But he grows impatient with your hesitance and takes it upon himself to grab you by the hips and yank you down on him so that you straddle him around the hips, making you sit directly on his—
“Jin!” You yell out in indignation, your face as hot as a furnace at this point as you grab at his vast shoulders for balance.
That smug bastard is as unfazed as always, “What?” he says with a cock of an eyebrow.
You tighten your grip on his shoulders, “Nothing,” you spit out, “You’re just really… skinny,” you say, dragging your nails down his torso as a punishment.
He snorts in response and grabs your hands to flatten against his chest, “Does it feel like I’m just skinny?” he says as he forces you to feel the hardness of his pecs.
“Yes,” you growl, “You bony ass bitch.”
His face scrunches into a scowl and he opens his mouth to offer you an undoubtedly biting retort, but at the moment, the front door swings open.
“Hey, ___, I’m back. How are—AH! What is that?” Lei squeals when she realizes that you’re lying on top of a man, “Wait, is that Kim Seokjin?!”
Your best friend awkwardly pops his head out, “Hi.”
“Oh my fucking god… Are you guys hooking up?!”
Jin winces at your robotic answer and tries to make up for it by smoothing a hand up your thigh, making you jump in surprise, “It’s been like a year now,” he informs her, “Where have you been?”
Lei just shakes her head as she puts down her grocery bags on the ground, “I should’ve known. You guys were always too close to just be friends.”
But that comment makes you frown, “What do you mean by that?”
Jin slaps a hand over your mouth, effectively shutting you up before you can question her further, “Just shut up while we’re still ahead,” he growls into your ear, “And fool around with me.”
“What are you talking about?!” you hiss back, alarmed.
Instead of responding, he splays a large hand across your lower back and shoves you flush against him. It takes everything in your power to keep from squealing out in surprise, but when Jin unexpectedly bites down on your earlobe, you can’t help the squeak from bursting out.
“The hell’s wrong with you?” he whispers in your ear, “Can’t you moan like a normal person?”
“I-I’m sorry? I just wasn’t expecting—eep!” you squeal again when he presses a kiss to the sensitive skin under your chin.
He pulls back with a sigh, “Why are you acting like this? You’re the one who wanted to cause a scene, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did, but I—” You stop there, embarrassed. How can you explain that you were expecting to just roll around, faking it? How naïve could you be?
Jin sighs again, “Fine, you can suck on my neck instead,” he says, craning his head upward to allow you access.
You pause at that, gazing down at the sight before you with wide eyes. Here is the most attractive man you have ever seen in your entire life, laid out before you like a seven-course meal, just waiting for you to have a taste. Your mouth waters, and if not for your crippling embarrassment, you might have dived right in to eat him whole. But this is your best friend… your platonic best friend who has never seen you as a woman. He’s just doing this as a favor to you, and you won’t allow yourself take advantage of the situation and enjoy this too much…
Easier said than done.
The moment you lean your face down, his masculine scent overwhelms you, making you lightheaded at once. You silently say a prayer in your mind, then lean down to press your lips against his neck. It’s a dry kiss—just a peck of your lips to his skin, but it still makes shivers slide down your back. How many times have you imagined touching him like this? Back in the budding years of your friendship during college, this was all you could think about. It would drive you insane, fighting back your urges to touch him, and staying awake at night stewing over your jealousies of his new fling of the week. It can’t be healthy opening this door again, when you’ve been doing so well keeping non-platonic thoughts of your friend out of your mind for so long… But how can you resist?
When Jin makes no sound of protest, you grow bolder, greedily parting your lips, and before you can second-guess yourself, you flick your tongue over his pulse point. There’s a beat of silence, where you realize what you’ve done and crippling embarrassment fills you. You’re just about to sit up and beg for forgiveness, when Jin does something very unexpected. He weaves a hand through your hair and pushes your head closer.
“Jin,” you whisper against his neck, shocked by the action.
He simply hums in response, “Keep going.”
Your heart is fluttering like a little bird in its cage as you silently obey. As though intoxicated, you can’t help but plant a series of open-mouthed kisses across the expanse of his neck, admiring the way his muscles flex as he twists his head to allow you room. But when you graze your teeth across a prominent vein, he suddenly groans.
“Do that again.”
The low, rumbly quality of his voice makes shivers wrack your body as you jump to do as he says. You gently sink your teeth into a patch of skin under his ear and soothe over the bite marks with your tongue until he groans again. You know that the sounds are probably for show—to feign pleasure to your snooping roommate, but you can’t help the way they send heat straight to your core.
Another few seconds of this, and Jin begins to shift from underneath you, presumably from discomfort. Instantly feeling guilty for sitting on him so heavily, you spring up to relieve him of your weight. But you’re a bit fuzzy with arousal and miscalculate your movements, unintentionally sliding down on him further… until your thigh rams into a strange hardness in the left leg of his jeans… wait could that be—?
“Ugh, how long are you two going to continue doing that?!” Lei’s shrill voice breaks you from your reverie.
You spring away from Jin as though burned, “Wh-what?” your voice is trembling, but you can’t help it.
Lei glowers at you from across the room, “I am trying to make dinner here.”
As though completely unperturbed by what had just occurred on the couch, Jin smoothly answers for you, “What’s wrong, Lei?” he asks with a perfectly arched brow, “Does this bother you?”
She glares back, “Not at all,” she spits through gritted teeth. “You know what? I’ll just eat out.” And with that, she snatches her purse off the counter and marches out the door.
You flinch as the door slams after her. Then you turn to stare at Jin with wide eyes, “Oh my god… I can’t believe that actually worked.”
He chuckles, “I told you it would, didn’t I?”
You laugh along with him, even as you peel yourself off his body and slide to the floor, “Thanks, Jin. She actually believed it! Now she’ll think before hooking up with a guy in our common space again!”
“Great. Just let me know if you need my help again,” he says as he rises to his feet.
“Wait, are you going somewhere?” you ask in confusion as you watch him pick up his phone from the coffee table and slip it into his pocket.
“Yeah, I have work in the morning. I should go home and prepare.”
“But I thought we were going to get dinner after this?”
“Next time,” he says as he makes his way to the door.
You’re a bit stung by his cold rejection. He doesn’t even have the decency to look at you as he blows off your dinner plans. Normally, you’d scold him for this kind of behavior, but this time, you’re a bit relieved that he’s leaving after such an awkward encounter.
“Ok. I’ll text you?”
“Yeah. See you later,” and without a second glance, he walks straight out of your apartment.
As soon as the door closes behind him, you collapse into an undignified pile on the ground, groaning weakly and clutching at your still pounding heart. What the hell had happened back there?!
Unfortunately, it becomes apparent over the next week that your ploy with Jin did not work at all. Lei brings home a new guy less than three days after your romp on the couch, and to your utmost dismay, they go at it all night long. You’re basically a walking zombie the next day at school, horrifying your lab mates by the way you hog the French press throughout the entire day.
By the time you finally leave lab that evening, you’d like nothing more than to just faceplant in bed hibernate for about a decade. You trudge into your apartment complex, let yourself in through the front door, and nearly jump out of your skin in surprise at the sight of Kim Seokjin chilling on the couch.
“AHH! You scared me!” You exclaim, clutching your heart in fear, “How did you get in here?!”
“Your doorman recognized me and let me in the building,” Jin informs you, completely unfazed by your dramatic reaction.
“Oh… that makes sense… Wait, no! How did you get into my apartment?!”
“I have a spare key.”
“Oh…” You say, blinking at the realization. Then—“Wait, what?! How do you have a spare key?!”
“Your mom gave me one.”
“She did what?!”
“Shh. Keep your voice down. You’re so noisy,” he says with a wince. “I wouldn’t have had to barge in here if you would just pick up your phone… Why are you so late?”
“Late for what? …Oh shit. We were supposed to have dinner tonight, weren’t we?!” Wide-eyed, you dive for your phone, and sure enough, there are three missed calls, all from Jin. “I’m sorry, I don’t have service on the subway.”
He scoffs, “I could’ve just picked you up from lab.”
You hastily shake your head at the very thought of it, “Seriously, it’s not a big deal…”
“Fine… what do you want to eat?”
You hesitate, “Jin… it’s always nice to eat out with you… but maybe it’d be nicer to get take out?”
He squints at you in suspicion, “What’s up with you?”
Damn! How did he see through you so quickly? You widen your eyes, trying to play innocent, “Nothing! I just… wouldn’t this be more convenient?”
Still, he scrutinizes you from head to toe with those sharp eyes of his, “Why are you saying this? And why do you look so terrible? Do you have manuscript deadlines again?”
“No, that’s not it,” you quickly say, not wanting to worry him.
“Midterms? Bad meeting with your advisor?”
“No, no. None of those. Seriously, don’t worry. I just didn’t sleep well last night and I’m kinda tired.”
He leans forward so far that his nose nearly brushes you, making you instinctively jump back in surprise, “It’s Lei again, isn’t it?”
You freeze at that, like a deer caught in the headlights, “N-no?”
But he sees through you like you’re transparent, “Ugh, so our scheme didn’t work?”
You awkwardly drop your eyes to your feet as vivid memories of what had transpired between the two of you in this very room come flashing back, “No, I don’t think so… But hey at least we tried, right?”
You don’t have to look up to know that he’s boiling with anger, “Hell no!” he curses, “Are you seriously going to let that asshole get away with it? No, we’re just going to have to think bigger!” He dramatically declares.
“Trust me, ___we’ll make her regret messing around with you like this.”
“Ok…” you warily agree, “If you say so…” but you can’t shake the excitement that bubbles in your chest at the thought of what he has in store for you.
The next day, you find yourself propped up on the kitchen counter with Jin standing between your legs.
“When is Lei coming home?” he asks as he casually rubs his large hands over your thighs.
But you’re too distracted by the feeling of his warm palms on your bare skin that you can’t think, let alone respond. Why did you choose to wear shorts today, of all days…?
“___?” he says your name in confusion when you take too long to respond.
You jerk your head up in surprise, “Y-yes?”
He frowns at your strange behavior, “Your roommate… Lei. When is she coming back?”
“I… um…” you blink hazily at him, too mesmerized by the beauty of his perfectly symmetrical features up close to process his words, “What?”
He raises an eyebrow, and tries to ask the question for the third time, when there’s the sound of a key in the lock. “Hurry and kiss me.”
But at that moment, he reaches forward to cup your face in both hands and presses his lips against yours. The door slides open, and Lei curses at what she finds in the kitchen, but you barely notice. You’re too fully engrossed in the heady sensation of Jin’s silken lips sliding against your own.
“Hi guys, I’m home!” Lei practically yells to catch your attention.
Jin pecks your lips one more time before he pulls away to flash her a displeased look over his shoulder, “Hey.” And with that, he leans in to kiss you again.
Normally, you’d be embarrassed by this public display of affection, especially with your best friend of the last half-decade. But you can’t process anything other than the fact that the most beautiful man on planet earth is kissing you… finally. Never in a million years would you have ever predicted such a thing.
“What are you doing?” Jin whispers to you between long, languid kisses, “Kiss me back.”
That makes you realize that you’ve been completely still this whole time, unable to move one inch from fear as you passively accept his kisses. Tentatively, you begin to move your lips against his, but as soon as you reciprocate, Jin suddenly freezes. For a moment, you’re terrified that you’ve offended him somehow. Are you a terrible kisser? Do you disgust him?
But less than half a second passes before he emits a sound from the back of his throat that sounds suspiciously like a moan, then deepens the kiss. Surprised by the action, your hand instinctively flattens against his chest, but you’re unsure if this is to push him back or urge him closer. Jin interprets it as the latter and steps forward until he’s flush against you, forcing you to feel the hard lines of his body.
You must be possessed. There’s no other way to explain it. Why else would you take it upon yourself to explore the firmness of his torso with interest? It is completely unlike you to boldly slip your hands under his thin t-shirt and grope at the tight muscles of his stomach like a fucking pervert.
To make matters worse, Jin doesn’t provide an ounce of resistance as he eagerly arches into your touch and slides his hand from your face to grab at your hips instead. Then, he suddenly grabs at your thighs, forcing them to lock around his waist. And that’s when you feel it again. The strange hardness in his jeans that you felt a week ago during that incident on the couch. And there is no fucking way of mistaking it this time: Kim Seokjin is aroused. He has a fucking boner that you caused. What the fuck is happening?!
At that realization, heady arousal slams into you with the force of a sledgehammer. All you can think about is grinding against his erection. You want to touch him, kiss him, feel him all over. But most of all, you just want to make him feel good. It’s more than a desire at this point, but a raw need. At this point, you are so drunk off the sensations of his hard body pressed against yours and his sinful tongue sliding down your throat that you almost do something very stupid. Your hands dart to his belt, tingling with the need to touch him—
But the hard slam of a door makes you break away from him with a little yelp.
“You guys are fucking disgusting,” Lei mutters under her breath as she escapes to her bedroom.
There’s a brief moment of disoriented tension between you and Jin where all that can be heard in the kitchen is your heavy pants. But then he steps away from you, leaving you cold from the lack of contact.
“Jin…” you whisper in a small voice, “Wh-what was that?”
Despite his harsh breathing, your best friend seems relatively unaffected by what had just transpired between the two of you. He nonchalantly shrugs, “What do you mean?”
You stare at him for a moment, but the sight of his flustered appearance, with his full lips swollen by your kisses and his cheeks tinged a rosy shade of pink, only makes the voracious desire in the pit of your stomach flare with need. You tear your eyes away, “I… I don’t know. I think… I think we may have taken that too far.”
“Whatever. It worked, right?” his tone is unexpectedly cold as he responds.
You glance up in surprise before lowering your gaze again, “Yeah… but what just happened… um… should we talk about it?”
“What’s there to talk about?” he snaps, “We took it too far, right? We’re just friends, right?”
“Right…” you hesitantly reply, wondering what you’ve said to piss him off so much, “Just friends… nothing else… It’s not like we’re attracted to each other or anything crazy like that…” you say, praying that he’ll object to that obvious lie. The burning erection in his pants is undeniable proof otherwise.
He snorts, making you look up in hopeful surprise, “Don’t you even try lying to my face.”
“There’s no way you’re not attracted to me, so don’t even try with that bullshit.”
That was not what you were expecting at all. Angered by his arrogance, you flash him the deadliest glare that you can muster, “You’re so full of yourself, Kim Seokjin. Do you really think that every girl in this universe wants to hop on that dick?”
“Of course not,” he smoothly says, “but you clearly do.”
“How is your head so fucking big?” you snap, horrified by how spot-on he is with that assessment. “And look who’s talking: you were hard as a rock, asshole.”
Jin’s eyes pop open, as though shocked that you’ve noticed. “Yeah, so what?” he spits back, even as he awkwardly hovers both hands over his crotch area, “I’m human, of course I’m gonna pop a boner if someone’s fondling me in such a perverse way! Don’t think you’re special.”
Your face heats at the insult, “Really? So you weren’t attracted to me at all? You would’ve just popped a boner for anyone?”
“Yeah, exactly,” he says with a glare, “It’s just like masturbating, isn’t it? Being touched feels good.”
“Great,” you growl, “Well you can go take care of that yourself, dickface.”
“Or you could do it for me.”
That makes you stop in your tracks, “Wh-what?”
He rolls his eyes at your dramatic response, “Don’t get any ideas in that simple little mind of yours. It’ll just feel a bit better than my own hand.”
Anger flares in your chest from his condescending tone, and before you know what you’re doing, you’ve reached over to grab him roughly through the pants. “Does this feel just a bit better than your own hand?” you mock him as you massage his erection with both hands.
Jin licks his swollen bottom lip before shooting you a glare relatively devoid of any real anger, “Barely.”
Your eyes flash, and then you’re reaching into his pants to grab his bare cock. This time, Jin can’t help his instinctive reaction to your touch, doubling over as though he’d been punched, “___!”
You ignore him to squeeze what you can of his length in the restrictive confines of his pants. “Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop.”
His eyes dart to yours, “Don’t you fucking dare do that or I swear to god, ___.”
You resist a shiver at the sound of his uncharacteristically deep voice that’s dropped an entire octave with arousal. Drunk on his reactions, you would happily obey, but a new thought pops in your mind about how the two of you aren’t alone. You pause and try to remove your hand from inside his pants, but Jin quickly grabs your wrist, fearful that you might leave him hanging, “Lei could come out and see us,” you remind him in a hushed voice.
He relaxes slightly at that, “Then we’ll go into your room,” And without waiting for a response, he drags you in that direction.
He practically bursts into your bedroom and kicks the door shut behind him. You blush at the sight of your messy, unmade bed, but Jin gives zero fucks as he eagerly sprawls across your sheets and yanks at his belt. As you watch him, you can’t help but feel a bit of trepidation. This is your best friend of half a decade. If you cross this line, you might as well be flushing years of friendship down the toilet. What are you doing right now?
But at that moment, Jin finally gets his belt undone and yanks down his pants and boxers without a second thought, his hard dick instantly bouncing up to slap against his stomach. As soon as your eyes land on his throbbing length, you’re done for. All thoughts about the ethics of this situation drop from your mind as you crawl onto the bed after him, eyes fixated on his bare cock and practically salivating at the sight.
Jin watches you from under hooded lids, seemingly nonchalant as he lays back against your headboards, hands propped behind his head, but when you grab him in your warm hand again, his entire body spasms.
You can’t get over the feeling of him in your hand, so hard and big, yet velvety-soft to the touch. And the way he keeps twitching, as though trying to jump closer to the heat of your hand, is intoxicating.
You gently squeeze him from base to tip, marveling when copious amounts of precum slide down his cock from your action. It slickens your movements, allowing you to give him longer, harder strokes with each passing second.
After a minute or so, Jin suddenly crashes his head back against the wall with a loud groan of frustration. Startled, you look up at him, and nearly jump out of your skin in surprise to find him already staring down at you, his gaze so heated that you feel almost painfully hot in your own skin.
“Jin…” you whisper his name, cringing at the dry, broken quality of your voice. You lick your lips for moisture, ignoring the way his eyes lock on the gesture, and try again, “Jin, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he says, but the word comes out as a strangled groan, “Fuck.”
No matter what bullshit he tries to tell you, you know that he likes this. He likes this a lot, if the way he shivers and pants, his hands clenching and unclenching in the sheets underneath him is any indication. His teeth are gritted so hard that you can see a muscle jumping in his cheek, revealing just how difficult it must be for him to hold back his sounds.
You pout slightly at the realization. You’d like nothing more than to hear him moan for you. But you have a role to play here—you’re supposed to be completely indifferent, and begging for him to moan your name would ruin that purpose, no matter how much you want it. Somehow, you still value your ego more. Just like he does.
So you pump him harder, lowering your eyes to your work to avoid the heat of his gaze, and biting down hard on your bottom lip to resist the urge to taste him… The hot precum leaking from his tip is so tempting, but you force yourself to stay strong. You can’t let him win, like he always does. Not this time. It’s been your mission in life to prove to him that you’re not just another one of his fawning fangirls hanging onto his every word. You refuse to be that person… maybe because you want to be more than just that to him…
If you let your emotions take control right now, then you’ll be doomed. You’ll let him know how much you care… How much you’ve always cared about him. And then he’ll just laugh you off, like probably does with all the other love-struck admirers. You stand no chance. This will be as much as you’ll ever get from him.
And with that in mind, you suddenly slow down your pace, realizing that this is the only chance you’ll get to ever touch him. You close your eyes as you try to remember every detail—the weight of his cock in your hand, the very texture and warmth; his ragged breathing and the way he looks, whole body drenched in sweat. It’s then that you realize with a sinking heart that no man will ever compare. That this is it.
“Fuck, ___,” Jin groans, tearing you away from your thoughts, “Are you trying to kill me?”
You ignore him to wring your fist up his length, paying special attention to the sensitive head of his cock.
Jin curses again, “Fucking hell, ____! Why are you doing this to me?” He shifts in obvious discomfort on the bed, hips lifting towards your stingy touch.
“What do you mean?” you say as you examine his heavy, pulsating erection. It’s so hot and red, you can only imagine that he’s practically at his bursting point. You almost feel sorry for him. But if he hates this so much, he can just get himself off. His hands are just about as good as yours, apparently.
Jin throws his head back and groans deeply when you slide a thumb across his slit, “You’re fucking doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”
“Why would I do that?” you snort, “Aren’t you just getting a little desperate?”
“Yeah, because I want to fucking cum and you’re making it impossible,” he spits back, “Why are you so lazy? Why can’t you put in some fucking effort?”
“I’m just not interested,” You smoothly lie through your teeth, “This is so boring to me.”
“If we’re just friends and you’re not attracted to me whatsoever, then why the fuck are you even doing this?” Jin growls.
He’s got you there. “And if you’re not attracted to me either, then why do you want this so badly?” you shoot back, instead of addressing his question.
“Because your hands are soft and I want to fucking cum on them!” he practically snarls, “Don’t you dare think this has anything to do with you.”
Your nostrils flare in anger, and you’re almost tempted to just drop his cock and stomp out of the room. But that would mean that you’ve let him get under your skin. And you’re determined to not let him affect you one bit.
“Fine,” you snap. And with that, you begin jerking him off as fast as you can.
Jin’s entire form crumples at once, as he practically folds his larger frame over you. He’s a bit slow with his reactions this time and doesn’t have the self-control to hold himself back before a strangled moan tears through the room.
You ignore him and the wetness in your underwear as you impatiently stroke him towards his orgasm. His precum is still flowing, but it’s not quite enough, and you quickly duck your head to spit on him to further lubricate your movements.
Clearly not expecting that, Jin shouts out your name, astonished by the vulgar action, “___!”
“Shut up,” you growl in response, redoubling your efforts. He’s so close right now. You can feel it viscerally as if it was your own pleasure. The way his arms shake with the effort to keep him upright, the way his breathing goes haywire, and the way every muscle in his body tenses like a coil… He’s either on the edge or right there. And true to your expectations, it only takes another minute of your harsh pumping before he’s suddenly latching out to grab you with both hands.
“Fuck!” he shouts, entire body trembling as he bursts all over your hands. Any semblance of self-control disappears at that instant, where he helplessly jerks his hips up into your hand, desperate for more friction.
You patiently stroke him through his orgasm, using his excessive cum as lubrication. He meets you stroke for stroke, and the fluid motions of his hips makes your mouth go dry. You’ve never seen anything so fucking hot as Kim Seokjin when consumed mindless by his powerful orgasm.
But all good things must come to an end, and a few seconds later, he pushes away your hands with a shiver of overstimulation. You reluctantly withdraw and stare down at your cum-coated hands. For a second, you’re nearly overcome with the need to taste him by sucking his cum off of your fingers one by one. Somehow, you resist and reach over to pluck a few tissues from the nightstand, “Ew.”
Jin is still breathing too hard to respond. He shakily brushes his sweaty bangs off his forehead and tucks his spent length back in his pants, “Sh-shut up.”
You ignore him to reach for the hand sanitizer instead, intentionally rubbing it on in front of him to prove a point.
A heavy silence suffuses the room, and you have no idea how to address it as you carry on with your act. You realize that the logical course of action is to kick him out of your apartment… But you don’t really want to do that.
“Come on,” Jin says, breaking through the tension, “Lie on your back. I’ll eat you out or something.”
But the way he says it makes it sound like a chore, and your face heats at the implication, “Forget it, asshole. Don’t even front. I know what a selfish bastard you are.”
His brow furrows with indignation, “What the fuck? I’ll prove to you just how wrong you are. Get on your back, kid.”
Clearly that was the wrong thing to say to him as it just encouraged his competitive drive. You try a different approach, “No way. Why do you think I would ever want that?”
“Are you still playing this game? Calm down and let me rub one out for you.”
His crassness makes you shrivel up in embarrassment. There’s nothing you’d want more, but you know that the moment you drop your pants, he’ll realize how turned on you are… You’ve already soaked through your panties at this point, and you wouldn’t be surprised if you left a stain against the bed sheets. And he can’t know how aroused you are from just pleasuring him. You would never survive the embarrassment.
“Stop it,” you say, “Just leave me alone.”
You’re not sure if you’re more relieved or disappointed when he concedes. “Fine,” he bites out, “I didn’t want to go through that effort anyways, so you spared me.”
That stings more than it should. “Whatever. Just go home, asshole.”
Jin doesn’t even look at you as he angrily buttons his pants and yanks his clothes back into place. Then, without sparing you a single word, he marches straight out of your bedroom. You count down from ten in your head, and the moment you hear the front door slam shut, you collapse onto your bed with a deep groan. It feels like all the energy has left your body, making you feel exhausted enough to sleep for a decade.
What you had just done to Jin… That was single-handedly the sexiest experience of your life. And yet… why do you feel so empty?
You don’t speak to Jin for the next week. For most friends, this is a pretty normal occurrence. But you and Jin are so close that it’s odd to not speak to him for even a day, much less an entire week. The first few days are tough. You almost forget that you’re fighting multiple times throughout the week, and pick up your phone to complain to him about the harsh feedback your advisor’s sent you, or the annoying thing Lei’s done this time, before you collect yourself.
But when the 10-day mark rolls by, you feel your defenses crumbling. You find yourself pausing in the hallway outside of your apartment, staring down at your dry phone with a frown. Normally Fridays are your bi-weekly dinner dates with Jin. It’s been a tradition between the two of you since you were in your second year of university. Surely, he wouldn’t be petty enough to forget this… right?
You’re about to pull up Jin’s contact in your phone to call him when a family of four nearly plow you over in their hurry to the elevator.
“Sorry, Miss!” the frazzled mother yells out before she shoos her children into the elevator.
It’s too hazardous to stand out here in the busy hallway, so you quickly unlock the front door of your apartment unit and let yourself in before hitting the green “call” button. You’re just about to toss your keys on the counter when a loud vibration makes you jump in surprise. Oh, you thought you were home alone. Lei was supposed to be out until late tonight. You look up to greet her, but the smile slides right off your face when you find someone much bigger than Lei sitting in the living room. The keys slip between your fingers to fall to the ground with a loud clatter.
“Oh, shit.”
But Jin beats you to it, rushing across the room to pick up your fallen keys for you, “Here,” he says as he hands them to you.
“Thanks,” you resist the urge to shiver as his fingers brush yours. Then you drop your gaze to your feet, too overwhelmed by his sudden appearance to look him in the eye, “Jin, what are you doing here?”
“Tch, don’t tell me you forgot about our dinner night?”
You peek up at him in embarrassment, “Really…? You’re not still mad at me?”
He rolls his eyes at that, “How can I be mad at you for something so stupid? Come on. Put down your backpack and let’s go.”
Suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, you lurch forward to throw your arms around his neck in a painfully tight embrace, “I’m sorry, Jin!”
He chuckles as he hugs you back, “Don’t be, ___... Seriously. Don’t be.”
You’re not sure what he means by that, but you don’t care. All you know is that you have your best friend back, “Let’s never do anything so stupid again.”
His smile doesn’t reach his eyes when he finally lets you go, “If you say so.”
Jin insists on walking you back to your apartment after dinner (even though his car is parked just on the curb), and you decide that it’s only proper to invite him in for a drink. But as Jin watches you fumble around in the kitchen with a beer in his hand, he suddenly shoots you with an unexpected question:
“Hey, ___, have you ever thought about me as more than a friend?”
You nearly drop the glass you had been cleaning in shock, “Wh-what?”
“We’ve been friends for a long time. Surely you must have thought about it one time or the other?” he calls out as casually as if he was discussing the weather.
You slowly put down the glass as you deliberate your next words carefully. But how can you evade the question without straight-up lying to his face? “I… I’m not sure why you’re asking me that,” you slowly say.
Jin sighs deeply and plops down his beer on the coffee table, “Stop cleaning and come sit with me for a second.”
There’s no way you can reject that simple request without appearing suspicious, so you reluctantly wipe your hands and join him, “What’s up, Jin?” you ask as you cautiously take a seat next to him on the couch and fold your legs underneath yourself.
He pauses for a moment, fiddling with the hem of his oversized cream sweater, before speaking, “I know that I’m not your type. That’s what you’ve been telling me since we first met. But surely over the past five years that we’ve been friends, it must have crossed your mind at one point or the other, right?”
You gnaw on your bottom lip, unsure of his intentions behind this line of questioning, but terrified, nevertheless, “I’m not sure what you mean, Jin.”
He sighs in frustration before trying again, “Come on, ___. You can be honest here… Have you ever thought about fucking me?”
Your mouth instantly goes dry at his question, and for a moment it feels like you can’t breathe. “Wh-what are you--? Why… I-I never!” you choke on your words, then hurriedly backtrack to try to fix your mistake, “I mean, I’m not blind. I can admit that you’re objectively hot, but that doesn’t mean that I want to—” You break off, embarrassed beyond belief, “God, Jin! Where the hell is this coming from?!”
But the tall dark-haired man purses his lips together tightly and steamrolls on, “Really, ___? So you’re trying to tell me that in our five years of friendship, not once did you ever think about me sexually?”
You take a moment to inhale deeply and brace yourself, “Never,” you lie through your teeth.
His eyes narrow, “Really?”
He cocks his head to the side as he considers you, brow furrowed as though deep in thought. Then, he unexpectedly lets out a bark of laughter, “Bullshit.”
Your eyes widen in shock, “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Bullshit,” he growls, “I know it’s not all in my head. I know that you want me, ___.”
Your face heats with indignation, “What the fuck’s gotten into you these days?!” you seethe, “I know how you act with the other girls, but can you keep your oversized ego in check with me at least?!”
“Fine, if you’re not the least bit attracted to me, then come here,” he says, grabbing you by the hands to drag you closer to him on the couch so that your thighs touch, “Do you really feel nothing when I’m this close to you?”
“No!” You exclaim at once, though you can’t help the way your body floods with warmth at the feeling of his hands on your skin.
“Really? Look at me, ___. You seriously don’t want to kiss me right now?”
“No, not at all!” you shriek as you try to rip your hands out of his grip, but he’s a lot stronger than you expected.
“So what you’re trying to say is that you feel nothing for me,” he presses on, a strange desperation flashing in his eyes before he quickly masks it, “There is absolutely no attraction between us, and you’ll only ever see me as a friend?”
“Yes,” you lie, since it’s all you’re good at, “I don’t like you, Seokjin, and I never will.”
At that, he drops your wrists as though burned, “Alright,” he mutters in a bitter tone, “I understand.”
You suck in a deep breath through your teeth to try to calm your pounding heart. It doesn’t work. “Good,” you whisper in a hoarse tone. Then you rise to your knees and smash your lips to his.
Jin is completely still for the longest, most devastating second of your life. You’re about to furiously apologize then throw yourself out the window in disgrace when he suddenly grabs you by the back of the neck and forcibly deepens the kiss. And then his tongue is in your mouth, boldly pressing past your teeth and curling with yours as his fingers tighten around your neck, holding you captive.
His kisses are nothing like the modest, chaste ones he gave you in the kitchen a week and a half ago. This time he’s on the edge of violent, devouring you whole and holding onto you so hard that you have zero chance of escape. It’s as though he’s afraid that you might try to leave again. But you wouldn’t even if you could. Because this has been five whole years in the making. You’ve wanted him since the first time you laid eyes on him. And now that you’ve finally got him…
You feel like you’re drowning under the heat of his touch. It’s like the blood rushing through your veins has turned to molten lava, burning you from the inside out. You’re completely powerless as you get swept up by your desires, like a leaf in the wind. All you can do is relish the sensations, clinging onto Jin with both hands as you silently beg him for more.
And he does not disappoint. Without missing a beat or breaking the heated kiss, Jin shoves both hands up your shirt, hot fingers trailing along your stomach and ribcage for a second before he boldly grabs your breasts. You gasp into his mouth in surprise, and the sound turns into a guttural moan when Jin slides his mouth from yours to suck deep bruises into the tender skin under your jaw. The multitude of sensations leaves you breathless. But before you can rip off your shirt to allow him better access, Jin suddenly jumps up and hauls you off your feet with formidable strength you weren’t aware he possessed.
His lips are on yours again before you can comment on this new development, distracting you with hot kisses until your back hits something springy. You break from the kiss with a yelp of surprise to find yourself in your bedroom, pressed flat against your messy sheets as Jin continues to mouth at the crook of your neck. Somehow, he had carried you to your room when you were unaware. And now that he’s not limited by the awkward positioning of your bodies on the couch, he’s able to lower himself on top of you, trapping you under his broad frame with no restrictions.
“Jin!” You yell out in shock when a shift of his hips has you feeling the painfully hard erection in his jeans for the first time.
He ignores you to yank on one of your legs, forcing it to wrap around his waist and allowing himself surface area to grind against as he loses himself to his lust. And then it hits you like a slap to the face that this is actually happening. That this isn’t going to be some casual make out session or another quick handjob. That after all of these years of fantasizing and waiting, you’re finally going to have sex with Kim Seokjin. This is actually happening.
“Seokjin,” you murmur his name when he begins nipping down to your cleavage, making him freeze in his tracks.
“…Yes?” He asks as he stares up at you with fearful wide eyes. You instantly recognize the trepidation in them, confusing you for a moment before awareness dawns upon you. He’s scared… because he thinks that you might ask him to stop. And you know that he would. He would do it in a heartbeat if that’s what you wanted. But he’s so aroused that it wouldn’t be anything short of excruciating.
So you giggle softly to dispel his fears and affectionately lean up to nip his earlobe, “Take off your clothes, Jin,” you whisper in his ear.
Your sultry request incites something within him, because less than a second passes before he’s shooting up onto his haunches and ripping off his clothes at lightning speed. You gasp out loud at the sight of his bare chest, hungry fingers darting to touch the hard muscle, but before you can make contact, Jin pushes your hands away to undress you as well. In a blink of an eye, your shirt hits the ground along with your bra. Jin pauses for a moment there, distracted by the mouthwatering sight of your breasts, but quickly refocuses when you wiggle out of your jeans and carelessly kick them off to the ground, leaving you decked in only a pair of thin cotton underwear. And together, the two of you peel them off your legs, leaving you entirely naked before him.
“Fuck,” he curses, eyes shamelessly devouring you from head to toe as he runs his tongue over his lips over and over, practically salivating at the sight of your bare body spread out across the sheets.
Embarrassed, you try to cover yourself with your hands, “Jin…”
He possessively rips your hands from your body and pins them above your head, “Don’t you dare cover yourself from me,” he growls before covering your lips with his swollen red ones again.
His grip is as strong as steel around your wrists and you couldn’t break free even if you wanted to. You never knew that your handsome, princely best friend possessed such strength, and it’s sexy to say the least. He had always seemed almost delicate, like he would be flimsy in bed, but you could’ve have been more wrong. It feels like a wall of concrete is closing in on you, surprisingly well-defined muscles rippling with every movement, and you feel light-headed from the intensity of your arousal.
“Fuck me, Jin,” you beg as you careen your hips up for friction.
He curses softly at this, but somehow resists, instead slipping his hand down to cup your mound, “How are you so fucking wet?” he asks in shock as he easily slides a finger inside of you.
You clench down on him at once, moaning at the sensations when he begins curling his finger inside of you. But it’s not enough. Not when you know how big and thick his cock is, and how much more nicely it’d fill you up than his slender fingers. “Seokjin,” you whine, “Please just fuck me.”
He bites down on his plump bottom lip at that, but somehow manages to refuse you with a shake of his head, “No. I gotta stretch you out first, baby. So I don’t hurt you.”
“I can take it, Jin!” you exclaim, practically thrashing underneath him when he slips another finger inside of you, rocking them both up against your g-spot in a way that makes you see stars in your vision.
Jin groans softly as you clench around him as hard as you can, clearly imagining his dick in the place of his fingers… which he could easily have, if he wasn’t so damn stubborn. “N-not yet,” he says, but the tremble of his voice gives him away.
“Please!” you mindlessly beg, “I want your dick so bad, I’m going to die if you don’t fuck me right now! Please, Jin!”
He falters at that, and when you lean up to bite down at the thick muscle of his neck, Jin’s resolve crumbles entirely. “Fuck, okay,” he breathlessly agrees, and with one last harsh twist of his thumb against your clit, he rises onto his knees to yank at his belt. “Get a condom.”
You’re so distracted by the residues of pleasure that continue to buzz in your system that you can’t process his words for a moment. But when you finally do, you hastily shake your head, horrified by the very thought, “I’m on birth control… And we know each other. You’re clean, right?”
“Yes, of course!”
“Then please cum inside of me, Seokjin,” you purr, wrapping both legs around his waist and rubbing your drenched slit against the front of his crotch.
His eyes darken at that, and in a blink of an eye, he has his jeans and underwear shoved to mid-thigh and his burning hot erection gripped in his hand. You can’t help the gasp that tears from your throat at the sight. He’s bigger than you remember. Not only is he long, but unbelievably wide in girth. You like dick as much as anyone else, but this is almost excessive. For a split second, trepidation breaks through the cloud of arousal. There’s no way he will fit… not without a great deal of pain, at least.
Jin senses your hesitation, and he lowers his head to give you a soft, reassuring kiss, “I told you to give me time to stretch you out,” he says as he gently slides the flat of his cock against your pussy lips.
That snaps you out of it, and you quickly shake your head, absolutely resolute as you spread your thighs for him, “I don’t care. Do it next time. Right now, I just need you to fuck me before I go insane!”
Jin pauses at that, “Next time…?”
You ignore him to lift your hips up, grinding your sopping wet pussy against his dick, “Please just put it in, Jin!”
He chokes back a groan at that and licks his lips, “Fuck, alright.” And his former line of questioning lost through this distraction, he shakily presses the head of his cock against your entrance, biting down hard on his bottom lip when it pops past the barrier, allowing him to sink in a good inch or two before he forces himself to stop. “A-are you okay?” he asks, voice quivering as hard as the arms trying to brace themselves on either side of your head.
It’s a bit uncomfortable having your entrance stretched this wide to accommodate his girth, but it’s not intolerable. So you nod your head and spread your legs wider, allowing him a full two more inches into your delicious heat before you press a hand against his stomach to stop him. “Ow, give me a moment,” you say with a wince.
He jerks his head in a curt nod, trying to be respectful of your needs, even as his hands grip around the sheets tightly enough to turn his knuckles white. In the minute he allows you, he restlessly noses around your neck, darting his tongue out to taste random spots, as though seeking any distraction to keep from shoving the rest of his cock inside of you like he desperately desires.
Taking pity on him, you raise your hips to meet his until you’ve got nearly half of his enormous cock inside of you. Already, it’s a bit more of a stretch than you can handle, and your body automatically attempts to push this foreign item out of you by tightening and squeezing around him. It’s completely instinctive, like a knee-jerk reflex, and you realize too late that it’s the absolute worst thing you could do to a man with his self-control shred to tatters.
The moment he feels your walls clamping around him as tight as a vice, Jin throws his head back with a gasp, then slams the rest of his length inside of you with a single jerk of his hips.
You’re suddenly overwhelmed, filled to the hilt, and you’re sure he’s hit your cervix by the sharp pain that stabs your lower stomach upon impact, but you wouldn’t dare stop him. Even the pain is poignant, the sharpness chased by the sweetest aftertaste of pleasure that has you hungry for more.
“A-are you okay?” he breathlessly asks, even as he begins to surge forward in your heat, hips immediately picking up a rapid pace.
“Yes!” You yell out, “Please don’t stop.”
“Fuck,” he curses as he digs his fingers into your thighs hard enough to bruise. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, you feel so good.”
You wrap your legs tighter around his narrow waist in response, silently urging him on as he literally fucks the thoughts out of your mind. As a result, neither of you notice the bang of the front door swinging open until a voice calls out—
“___, I’m home!”
You stiffen at the sound of Lei’s voice and dig your nails into Jin’s back to keep him from moving, “Shit,” you whisper, eyes wide with fear at getting caught, “We need to be quiet!”
Jin’s hot pants fill the air as he struggles to hold himself still inside of your hot pussy when all he wants to do is fuck you into oblivion. He manages exactly ten seconds before his eyes flash dangerously, “Fuck that shit,” and with that, he pulls back on his heels and slams into you so hard that your entire body knocks back into the headboard, and a scream of his name come tearing from the back of your throat before you can help it.
There’s the sound of something clanging noisily as it hits the ground in the other room, followed by Lei’s cursing, “What the fuck…?”
Jin laughs under his breath as he continues to drill into you, delighting in the shrieks and bubbles of noise you helplessly emit. “Fuck, ____,” he moans dramatically, so that his voice can be heard through the thin walls, “You feel so good.”
You bite down on your bottom lip to hold back your laughter as you catch onto his wicked plan, “Oh Jin, please fuck me harder!” you wantonly moan at the top of your lungs, “Harder, baby, harder!”
Jin flashes you a brilliant grin before reaching up to bang his fist against the headboard, the loud thuds echoing throughout the room, “Like this, baby?” he half-yells, even though he has fallen motionless inside of you.
“Fuck yes!” You scream so loudly that even Jin jumps in surprise.
That is the last straw, and a second later, you hear the front door opening, “You guys are fucking disgusting!” Lei shrieks in the shrillest voice imaginable before slamming the door shut.
There’s a brief moment of silence before Jin blinks at you, “Do you think we finally got your revenge?”
“I sure hope so… What more can we do?”
A stunning smile stretches across Jin’s handsome face as he peers down at you, “Want to take this to her bed instead?”
You stare at him with huge eyes for split second, shocked beyond belief. He stares back with a raised eyebrow. Then, the tension breaks and the two of you burst into hysterical laughter.
“This is crazy!” you yelp as tears fill your eyes from how hard you’re laughing. This whole thing is just so ridiculous! Not in a million years did you ever imagine yourself to end up in such a wild situation! You clutch your aching tummy as you continue to be overcome by peals of laughter, and as a result, you don’t notice that Jin has fallen deathly silent until he suddenly grabs you by the hips with a snarl.
The laughter dies in your chest as you take in the sudden intensity of his cold stare, “Jin…?”
He tightens his grip around your hips when you shift around to try to look at him better, “Stop. Fucking. Moving.”
You instantly obey, freezing to ice as the implications of his words hit you like a ton of bricks. Your hearty laughter, with him buried deep inside of you, has probably shaken him up in the most agonizing way possible… Flustered, you nervously chuckle, unintentionally constricting and vibrating around his cock again.
Jin falls on top of you with a tortured groan, hands sinking into the pillow on either side of your head as he helplessly drives his hips forward into your warmth, “I thought I told you to stop moving,” he hisses as he pulls out just to ram himself inside of you, up to the hilt. And just like that, the tension breaks as the desire to cum rushes back, ten-fold.
“Oh my god, Jin,” you groan as he begins to mercilessly pound you into the mattress, “How are you so fucking big?”
He chuckles breathlessly, “I hope you’re not in too much pain in the morning.”
“I’ve already lost feeling in my legs,” you say, even as you wrap them tighter around his lithe waist, “What is this damn elephant trunk of yours?
That makes him laugh again, sweaty face flushing with a tint of pink, “I’m sorry baby girl.”
“Don’t be,” you groan, “Because it’s fucking awesome.”
“I promise I’ll be gentler next time,” he guarantees you through heavy pants, “But right now… I need to cum… fuck, I’m so close, ___.”
“Me too,” you groan, blindly lifting your hips for more. And as a result, you’re too dazed by your need for an orgasm to process the meaning behind his words. This whole situation should be unbearably uncomfortable and weird—you’re fucking your best friend of half a decade, after all. But for some reason, it feels right. Like you were meant to have him buried in your pussy. You’ve never known what empty felt like until now that you’ve finally experienced the ecstasy of complete fullness.
Warmth is bursting at the seams of your legs, coloring your vision a rosy tint, but still, it’s not quite enough. So you slip a hand between your sweaty bodies, seeking that extra boost that will send you off the edge. But before you can rub yourself to completion, a hand knocks yours to the side.
“Let me,” Jin offers, brow wrinkled in concern as he resumes drawing circles around your clit for you. It takes you a second to recognize the emotion on his face as jealousy—over your own touch on your body. It’s so childish and yet endearing that you can’t help but laugh at his illogical reaction. However, your amusement quickly dies in your chest when Jin vindictively digs his thumb into your clit with the perfect amount of pressure, sending you catapulting towards your orgasm so fast, you experience whiplash.
“Oh my god,” you whimper as you trash from underneath him, practically bucking him off, “I’m going to cum!”
Jin moans from deep in his chest in response to your warning and leans down to suck a hickey into your neck, “Do it,” he breathlessly commands you, “Cum for me now.”
Like a puppet on a string, your body automatically obeys, and with just one last hard slam of his cock into your fluttering walls, you squeeze your eyes shut and cum all over him. The white-hot pleasure overwhelms you, filling every cell of your body with blinding light such that your mind blanks entirely. Consequently, you’re too caught up in your own pleasure to notice when Jin stiffens above you, his own release triggered by the sudden vice-like clamping of your walls over his dick. He cums noisily, grunting your name and spitting various curses as he snaps his hips back and forth, riding out his orgasm in bliss.
When he’s emptied every last bit of his hot semen inside of you, Jin finally pulls out with a deep sigh of contentment. There’s a few minutes of blessed silence where the two of you simply lie there, nuzzling into each other with soft kisses, and listening to your racing hearts slow. You feel sluggish with exhaustion in the aftermath of your orgasmic bliss. And it feels so nice to have Jin gently mouthing at your neck as he holds you close to his body, both arms looped possessively around your waist like he never wants to let you go. Your eyes feel so heavy that you can’t help but close them, as you reason with yourself that it couldn’t hurt to doze off for just a few minutes…
But of course Jin has to go and ruin the peaceful atmosphere with his big, fat mouth.
“See? I knew you were attracted to me,” he chuckles, voice muffled by your skin.
And just like that, the mood breaks and your jaw drops with indignation, “What the hell?” you angrily shove him off of you.
Bewildered by your sudden shift in mood, Jin nevertheless rolls over onto his back, “Huh? ___, what’s wrong?”
“How are you so fucking arrogant, Kim Seokjin?” you growl as you hunt for your clothes.
“What? No, I’m not!” He protests in confusion, “How is it arrogance when I’m just stating facts? You’re clearly attracted to me! Why else would you have jumped me like some kind of feral animal?!”
Your face grows hot at the unflattering reminder, “Oh my god, shut up, Jin. I must have had a minor stroke or something. I don’t know what else could have possessed me to act in that a way. I’m such a basic bitch!”
“Why are you acting this way? It was good, wasn’t it?” he asks with a touch of defensiveness.
It was more than good. It was amazing. Mind-blowing, really. But there’s no way in hell you’ll boost his ego by letting him know that. “You have a big dick, I’ll give you that. But that doesn’t mean shit.”
He colors at your insult, “And you think you’re all that? All you did was lie down and take it, ___. I might as well have been fucking a ragdoll or something.”
“Oh yeah? Well look at you, asshole. I gave you a handjob and let you fuck my pussy. And what did I get in return? Just a bruised cervix.”
Jin splutters at the complete unfairness of your words, “B-but—what are you even—I tried to reciprocate, but you wouldn’t let me!”
You choose to ignore that, “All I hear are excuses! I seriously can’t believe you, Jin. Were you honestly expecting me to fall to my knees and thank you for blessing me with your dick?”
“Why not?” he hotly shoots back, “You were literally begging me to fuck you earlier. I think you could show a bit more appreciation.”
You heat up further as you remember the shit you said in bed, but you resolutely refuse to allow any embarrassment or weakness to show in front of him, “I don’t know who you think I am, Kim Seokjin. But I’m not one of your fangirls who pray that you’ll look in their direction, and allow you to use them like disposable sex dolls. That won’t work with me. I’m more than that. Jin, you know I am,” you say, hoping that he will agree with your statement.
To your disappointment, he snorts in derision, “Yeah right. You may pretend to be all high and mighty, but I know you’re just as thirsty for this dick as the rest of them. Just admit it, babe.”
Your ego is torn to shreds, yet you make you last attempt, desperate to not let this opportunity slip past you, “I won’t be another one of your playthings, Jin. I deserve better.” There’s a brief moment of silence following your confession. You’ve wanted to say this since you first caught feelings for him all the way back during college, and the fact that you’ve finally gotten this off your chest is both liberating and completely terrifying. You know that your chances are slim at best, but you can’t help but hope against hope.
“Tch, whatever,” is Jin’s gruff response when he finally catches his breath, “Fuck you too.” And with that, he collects his clothes and stomps out of your bedroom.
You sit there for a long time after he leaves, helplessly staring after him. Not even in your wildest dreams or most frightening nightmares could you have ever predicted him reacting in this way. With all of your years of friendship, you actually believed him to care about you. So his blunt, heartless rejection is agonizing to say the least. You had expected an awkward rejection—maybe a half-assed hug and a promise that you’d find someone else at worst. But you have never witnessed such coldness from this man who you had considered to be your best friend.
Suddenly wracked with shivers, you slowly slide under the covers and pull them over your head. The remnants of his cum is still seeping out of you, sliding down your leg to stain your sheets, but you’re too numb to care. You can only lie there and stare up at the ceiling as you fight the urge to cry.
You can’t bring yourself to crawl out of bed the next morning until nearly noon. You know that you look like a hot mess with your hair matted and eyes swollen from crying. All you want to do is grab a glass of water from the kitchen to keep from dehydration, then spend the rest of the day cooped up in your bed.
Unfortunately, as you pour yourself water in the kitchen, Lei hears the commotion from her bedroom, and hurriedly rushes out to intercept you.
“___!” She yells your name, making you cringe.
God, you really need to get your own apartment… You take another long swallow of your water before you slowly put the glass down, “…Yes?”
She places both hands on her hips, clearly upset with you for some reason you can’t fathom, “How dare you pull a stunt like that last night!”
You wince at the volume of her voice, “What do you mean?” you ask, glancing longingly past her to the open door of your bedroom.
“Don’t you even try to play dumb, ___! That stunt you pulled with Seokjin! How could you do that to me?!”
“What the hell are you even talking about?” Irritation fills you for the first time at her hypocrisy, “Maybe we were a little loud, but so what? You bring home men all the time!”
“That’s not what I’m pissed about!” She says with a childish stomp of her foot, “Are you kidding me right now, ___?!”
“Lei, I really have no idea what you’re trying to say!” you exclaim, frustrated by this situation. Why is she acting up like this when you’re already feeling so miserable?
“You can’t possibly be this dense!” she practically shrieks at you, making you heat with anger, “I don’t care if you hook up with random guys! I care if it’s Kim Seokjin!”
“Why?” You yell back, “What’s so different about that asshole?!”
“What’s so different?” Lei repeats, dumbfounded, “Are you fucking—he’s different because I liked him!”
It takes a few seconds for you to process her unexpected confession. You open your mouth, as though to reply, but your words fail you. Instead you’re left gaping at her like a fish out of water as you try to wrap your mind around this. “Wh-what?” you finally croak out, “Lei, what are you even saying?”
“Don’t even try to play dumb,” she huffs, “I know how close you are to Seokjin. I bet he told you fucking everything! That lying bastard… Can you believe he rejected me by saying that he didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but then he goes and screws around with you just a year later?!”
You’re still reeling. “Hold on,” you say as you dig your fingers into your suddenly aching temples, “I need a moment to process this…”
But Lei ignores you to continue ranting, “Seokjin is an asshole, and we all know this. I’m not surprised. And I don’t care if you’re dating now. That’s fine. I don’t even care that you guys show your sickening PDA in front of me… But to fuck the guy who you knew I liked so noisily when you knew I was home?! Now that’s actually messed up, ___.”
You wince at the accusation, “It’s not like that, Lei. I seriously didn’t know!”
Your roommate sniffs loudly, “Yeah right, bitch. I hope that you’re pleased with yourself,” and with that, she turns dramatically on her heel to march out of the apartment.
“Wait, where are you going?!” You anxiously call after her.
“To fuck Jung Hoseok!” She informs you with a perfect flick of her long curls over a shoulder.
You flinch in shock, “Wait, you’ve fucked him too?”
“I guess he got tired of waiting for you,” she snickers before she slams the door shut.
You stare at the front door for a few seconds, contemplating your next course of action. What you really want to do is chase after your roommate and clarify this huge misunderstanding with her, but it’s clear that she won’t be receptive to anything you’re saying right now. So you decide to put that problem on the backburner. But for the meantime…
Your expression darkens as you pull out your phone to scroll to Jin’s contact. Done with being sad, your tears have all dried up and now you’re just pissed. Time to get some answers from this shady fuckboi.
“Oh,” Jin’s eyes widen at the sight of you on his front door step less than half an hour later, “___... when you said that we needed to talk over the phone earlier, I didn’t realize that you meant in person… and right now.”
“Why? Is not a bad time?”
He shakes his head and moves out of the way, “No, please come in.”
You remove your shoes at the entrance before slowly walking across the vast apartment and taking a careful seat on his expensive leather couch. He lives by himself in a luxury apartment tower in the heart of the city. This is what happens when you don’t make the poor decision of entering a six-year doctoral program and living in near-poverty conditions until you’re thirty. Must be nice…
“How did you even get in here?” Jin asks as he pops open two beers from the fridge and hands you one.
You gratefully accept the icy beverage, “The security guard let me in.”
“What? Why?!”
You shrug as you take a sip, “I dunno. He seems to think that I live with you.”
“Oh… That’s weird.”
Things between the two of you are still awkward from the events of last night. All you can think about when you look at him is how good he looked in your bed, drenched in sweat and swollen red lips parted in pleasure. But the heat rising in your blood quickly chills over when you remember the way he had rejected you and crushed your ego mere moments afterwards.
“I had a really interesting discussion with Lei earlier today,” you say as you take another cautious sip of your beer.
“Oh?” His eyebrows raise in surprise, “About what?”
“About something that transpired between the two of you last year…”
“Oh…?” He folds his hands awkwardly in his lap, and it might just be your imagination, but does he suddenly look nervous?
You twist in your seat to face him, “Jin… why didn’t you tell me that Lei asked you out?”
His face blanches at the accusation and it seems like he wants to deny it at first, but thinks better of it, “I… I just… I mean, I didn’t see the importance of bringing up something like that…”
“How is it not important?” You snap back, temper rising, “Lei is my roommate. And you’re supposed to be my best friend! How could you have kept such a thing from me?”
He shrugs and drops his gaze to his lap, clearly abashed, “I dunno… It just wasn’t a big deal…”
“Of course it’s a big deal!” You practically yell at him, horrified by his heartlessness, “And to fool around with me in front of her when you knew she liked you?! How could you have done such a thing?!”
His ears are flushed pink at this point, “You’re right. I’m an asshole. I deserve this…”
But his apology still doesn’t explain shit. “You’re not normally like this!” You exclaim in frustration, “Why are you acting all shady and weird?! This isn’t like you!”
He shrugs again, unable to make eye contact at this point even if he wanted to. His broad form is shriveled up with shame, making him look like a little boy caught stealing. “I don’t know…”
That answer isn’t good enough, “Cut the bullshit, Kim Seokjin!” you growl at him, “And just tell me, once and for all: Why didn’t you tell me about Lei?!”
He chews his plush bottom lip for a few seconds as he mulls over his answer, “Because I didn’t want to,” he finally admits.
You’re practically tearing out your hair at this point, “And why’s that?!”
“I just didn’t want to!”
“Why the fuck not?!”
“Because I was afraid that you would never date me if you knew!”
The confession hits you like a slap of icy water in the face. It’s so unexpected, so completely disorienting that you can’t even wrap your mind around it. For a moment, you fear that you’ve misunderstood, “…What did you say?”
Jin’s entire face is as red as a tomato with embarrassment, but with enormous courage, he forces himself to venture on, “You’re a loyal person, ___,” he says in a small voice, “I’ve known you for five years now, and I know that you value your friendships above all else… Chicks over dicks, right?” he says with a humorless chuckle, “I knew that if you ever found out about Lei having feelings for me, that I’d be off-limits. And then I’d never have a chance with you!”
Oh god… What is he even saying right now? Could the great Kim Seokjin, the ultimate playboy with girls throwing themselves at his feet, begging for a chance, actually have feelings for you…? This can’t be real. “Jin…” you whisper his name, “Do you… do you like me?”
He winces at your question and buries his burning hot face in his hands, unable to respond except for a stiff nod of his head, “More than that…” he finally manages to choke out.
Your world spins dizzily around you, and you’re grateful that you’re sitting, otherwise you might have fallen over with the way your knees suddenly weaken to mush. “B-but… but why haven’t you ever said anything to me?” You croak, trying to process this bewildering situation, but it still feels like you’re in a dream.
“And get my heart broken?” he snorts, derisive, “No thank you.”
“How are you so positive that I’d reject you?” You ask, looking up at him in confusion.
“Are you serious, ___?” he says in astonishment, “You’re the one who tells me every day how you’re not attracted to me. And that you only see me as a friend.”
You flush at the accuracy of his words, “Yes, but that’s because you’re a fuckboy! All you do is hookup, and you don’t care for relationships.”
“Maybe that’s because I’ve been waiting for the right one.”
That statement takes your breath away, “But… b-but,” you stammer, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why does it matter?” he bitterly counters, “You never reciprocated my feelings, and I’m not good enough for you, so why bother?”
“What?!” you explode at that. You’ve never heard anything so untrue. “What the hell are you talking about?! No one said that!”
“You have!”
Your face scrunches into a deep scowl, “What the fuck? No way! I would never say something like that!”
“Are you kidding me?! ___, you literally just said this to my face last night!”
“I did not! Do you have listening comprehension problems or something? Because there’s no way I would ever—”
“ ‘I deserve better’,” He spits out, quoting you word-for-word, “I get it… And I agree, okay? You do deserve someone better than me. But saying that to me like ten minutes after my dream of getting to touch you finally came true… That was too cruel, ___. Even you have to admit that.”
You’re so taken aback by his rant that you can’t even speak for the next few seconds. All this time… through the past five years of friendship and secret longing… this was all due to a simple misunderstanding? For a frightening moment, you fear that you might cry.
“Jin,” you whisper in a strained tone when you finally find your voice again. He peeks up at you in curiosity. You take a deep breath to stay calm, then firmly place both hands on his shoulders, forcing him to look you straight in the eyes. You won’t tolerate any misunderstandings this time. “Jin,” you say his name again, your voice clear and firm this time.
“Yes?” He says, looking up with a glint of hope shining in his eyes.
You squeeze his shoulders, and without breaking eye contact you say in the most serious tone you can muster, “You are the dumbest motherfucker I have ever met.”
His face crumples at once, “What?!”
You ignore his offended expression and tighten your grip in his broad shoulders, “You have no language comprehension skills whatsoever, and I fear that you might be illiterate,” you inform him with a straight face.
“What the fuck are you talking about?!” Jin exclaims, bewildered by your unexpected attack, but offended nonetheless, “I’m smarter than you, at least!”
You shake your head while kindly reaching a hand up to stroke his handsome face, “God must have invested all his time in your face, and forgotten about your brain, you dumb son of a bitch.”
He sits up with indignation, “Look at who can’t even write a simple line of code! I do all your homework for you, you idiot! How dare you call me stupid when you couldn’t survive grad school without my help?! If I’m illiterate, then you’re—”
You cut him off with a rough kiss that momentarily takes his breath away.
Instantly, the anger slides off his face, replaced with something much softer. Jin slowly runs his tongue over his lips and looks up at you with dreamy, half-lidded eyes, “It’s not fair for you to kiss me like that when you want me to shut up… Especially when you know how I feel about you.”
You playfully flick his nose in response, “It’s not my fault that you’re too dumb to realize that I’ve been in love with you since our second year of uni.”
His subsequent reaction is so hilarious that you wished you thought to capture it on film. With his doe eyes bulging, jaw dropping, eyebrows shooting into his hairline, Jin looks like a clown or some kind of slapstick comedian and you can’t help but giggle at his reaction, “You’re so silly.”
That snaps him out of it, “Why am I the one who gets all the blame?!” He exclaims in indignation, “You’re just as dumb as me, if not more! Why would you insist that you weren’t attracted to me?! What did you expect?! For me to try to make a move, thinking that you would never reciprocate? If I’m dumb, then you literally have an IQ of fifty!”
“How am I dumber than you?” you gasp, “You can’t understand spoken language!”
“Yeah? Well you can’t talk!” he shoots back, “ ‘I deserve better.’ How did you expect someone to interpret such a vague statement?! How can you criticize someone for misunderstanding when you can’t even speak properly?!”
His neck is turning red with anger, the veins bulging and his eyes as wide as a frog’s. You open your mouth to berate him, but instead burst into laughter, “Oh my god,” you choke out between semi-hysterical sobs, “How am I in love with such a crazy madman?!”
He pauses at that, “Wait… you’re in love with me?”
“Yeah, dumbass. If you didn’t have the language comprehension skills of a seven-year-old, you’d realize that when I said ‘I deserve better,’ I meant that I wanted to mean more to you than just a hookup…”
He falls silent at that, mouth forming a perfect “O” of realization. “…That does make a lot more sense…”
“Yup…” And with that, you pull out your phone to rapidly type out a text message.
Jin looks at you with a pout, “Wow, you confessed your feelings not even a minute ago and you’re already on your phone! Is this what our future relationship will look like?!”
You glance up from your phone to shoot him a wry grin, “Calm down, you needy child. I’m just texting my friend who recently got licensed as a neuropsychologist. We’re getting tested for our first date,” you say as you affectionately ruffle his black bangs.
Jin’s eyebrows shoot up with surprise, “Why? You know we’re both clean—we literally had sex yesterday!”
“We’re not getting tested for that,” you chuckle, “I’m setting up an intelligence assessment… So I can prove that my IQ is higher than yours, once and for all!”
His jaw drops at that unexpected turn of things, “You’re insane!”
“Am I?” you shoot back, “Or are you just chicken?”
He shakes his head with reluctant amusement, “Fine. Let’s do this. But how are you going to explain to our future children that you brought their father to take a fucking IQ test to prove a point for their first date…? Whatever,” he says with a scoff, “Please hand me that dictionary on the coffee table.”
“…Future children?” you numbly repeat, even as you follow his instructions. Then you quickly snap yourself out of it, “Wait, what are you doing with that dictionary?”
“Studying up,” is his curt reply, “I have to beat you at the test to prove to you how dumb you really are.”
Gasping with indignation, you quickly drape yourself over his shoulders to ogle at the small print of the book in his hands, “You’re on, asshole!” And with that, you reach over him to rapidly flip through the dictionary, trying to disorient him while soaking in as much information as possible.
This whole situation is ridiculous. It’s unbelievably childish and you should be ashamed of this type of behavior at your age… Yet, when Jin briefly turns his head to press a kiss against your cheek before evilly blocking your view of the dictionary, you can’t help but smile. Because as immature and absurd as this situation may be, for some crazy reason it feels right.
“You’re also going to write Lei a heartfelt apology letter for your behavior,” you say with a little nip at his ear.
He stiffens at the reminder, his neck flushing with embarrassment, “Yes, of course. I’ll go and do it right now.”
But you stop him with a hand on his thigh, “It can wait until the morning,” you inform him, “But for now…” you rub your palm over the bulge forming down his left pant leg. “I promise I’ll be patient this time.”
Jin’s eyes are heavily dilated when he twists around on the couch to look at you, “You better,” he says in a quiet, rumbling voice, “Because this time, I intend on enjoying you.”
Your pulse quickens and liquid heat fills the pit of your stomach. Because for some reason, his words sound like a warning… “Yes, please,” you say in a hushed whisper, eyes as round as saucers.
“And this time, you wouldn’t dare accuse me of not reciprocating,” he murmurs, hot breath fanning across your face, “I’m going to eat you out until you fucking beg me to stop.”
“Oh God,” you croak, arousal dampening your underwear at the very thought.
“No,” he smirks, “Just call me ‘Jin’.”
There’s a brief moment of silence as you slowly process his lame joke. Then—“Oh my god, Jin!” You groan as you shove his face away from yours, “Way to ruin the mood, dumbass!”
“Wait, what? No! Come on, ___, you know that was hot!” he says, lowkey panicking as he tries to reach for him again.
You simply sigh as you situate yourself on the couch with your legs spread, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just start eating me out so I don’t have to listen to your dumb dad jokes any longer.”
“Yah! How dare you?! I’ll have you know that hundreds—no, thousands of girls would have killed to—”
“Shut up and get to work,” you bark with a rough tug of his hair.
Chastened, he instantly drops to his knees, “…Yes ma’am!”
Author’s Note: Please don’t ask me about any sequels or updates! This is solely a one-shot and will not be continued :) But I’d love any feedback! 
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diarynikah · 3 years
#3: My Birth Story
This time round I asked on Instagram what you wna know about my pregnancy/delivery and a lot of you wanted me to share my birth story. I’ll also be answering some of your questions at the end of this entry!
First and foremost, my expected delivery date (EDD) was 16th August 2021. And my final appt with my gynae was 5th August. On the first of August, I felt a lot of pain. I thought ykno, maybe it is false labour. The week before, I was told that I was 1cm dilated so I rlly didnt think it could be contractions but braxton hicks instead. 
After almost two hours of pain and much persuasion, I went to take a shower and headed to KK Hospital. Went into delivery suite to get my constractions monitored. I was only 1.5cm dilated. I figured, since I was already there, I might as well induce since I initially decided to induce on the 5th (which was only a few days apart). I was wheeled into the induce ward, got induced at around 7pm and by 9:30pm I had crazy contractions. I was then transferred to my labour ward but not long after, I was transferred to the delivery suite. 
I was given painkillers on my thigh and laughing gas to help with the pain. A lot of people told me the laughing gas doesnt help but thankfully for me it did. Eventually I dilated to 3cm and I opted for epidural because the pain was getting unbearable. (My pain tolerance is super bad, HAHA). I had my cervix checked - 4cm, and my water bag had burst naturally. That was around 8am. The doctor told my husband and I we had maybe a couple of hours before I dilate till 10cm, and that we should sleep now bcus I’d need the energy to push later. So we decided to nap. However our nap was interrupted. at 9am, I was 10cm dilated. I was confused! I dilated to 10cm within 30 minutes?! My gynae told the nurse to prep me to push. I had one nurse and my husband there to help me. I only started to push at 10:20am. After a few pushes, my son was delivered at 10:45am! 
When they let me hold my son for the first time, I teared up a little bcus I honestly never knew I could be a mother, and that I’m so happy to finally meet my son. The first 15mins I had with him on my chest was on of the best 15 mins of my life. My husband was there throughout and I told him to document as much as he can so I can also look back at my journey!
Once I was stitched and cleaned up, I was wheeled back to my labour ward. A couple hours later, that was one of the craziest thing happened. I had a clot. So I had to have my stitches removed, my clot was squeezed, and then I had to get restitched. CAN YOU IMAGINE. I HAD 4 JABS DOWN THERE AND HAD MY RESTITCH DONE WITHOUT PAINKILLERS. bro. i cried murder. It took 4 nurses and 2 doctors in my labour ward. There was blood everywhere on my bed which they eventually cleaned up after. I’m not gna lie I was traumatised by the pain. :’)
All in all was just glad that my delivery itself wasn’t complicated, and that my baby was doing just fine. Alhamdulillah. My birth story isnt that interesting lah but yup thats all hehe. 
Now to answer all of your questions!
Q: Where did you give birth?
A: KK Womens and Childrens Hospital!
Q: Your signs of labour and duration of labour?
A: I induced so I was already prepared for labour hehe. Duration was about 14 hours!
Q: How did you know it is time?
A: I honestly didnt know but my baby’s head was engaged since 32weeks so I was already standing by to give birth once I hit 37 weeks, but I eventually gave birth at exactly 38 weeks!
Q: How did you manage your pain? Did you take epidural?
A: Yup I did take epidural. The process of epidural was quite painful la tbh but like I mentioned my pain tolerance is crap HAHA. Contractions pain no joke though. When I was about 2.5cm dilated, I walked around the induce ward to help with dilation. Just take note when you induce, the pain of the contractions is more painful than regular contractions. 
Q: Did you get stitches? How was the pain during stitches?
A: Yes I did, twice. During the delivery, I didnt feel pain but I felt my skin being tugged. (Try tugging the skin on your elbow, thats the closest way I can describe how it felt) But when I restitched, pain was 10/10 sis, for sure. hahaha. Recovery was alright, by 2 weeks I could walk better already!
Q: How much did you spend? (Baby expenses, etc)
A: My husband and I spent about $3k for baby stuff + mom stuff. I actually had an excel sheet to list all the things I needed as well as to keep track of baby expenses prior to delivery. (feel free to ask me for it if you need!)
For the delivery itself, we paid about $5k in cash and $3k by medisave. I opted for private gynae - The superbly amazing Dr Suzanna (I love her, alot. HAHA) as well as A class ward which is 1 bedder and my husband could stay with me throughout. A class ward food is good too. I had steak and salmon post delivery heheheheh. If you go for subsidised ward, you might not even need to fork out any cash bcus you can pay by medisave!
All in all, just standby about $10k for your entire pregnancy + delivery.
Thats all for now yay! If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me!
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pennedbyzazz · 6 years
(you knew this was coming) Ship: Lazare and Viktor
Send a ship & I will answer….
Who is a night owl: Lazare, I’m pretty sure! He’s certainly not a morning bird LMAO
Who is a morning person: Viktor DEFINITELY
Are they cuddlers: Y E S have you seen these two
Who is the big spoon: Viktor
Who is the little spoon: Lazare!
What is their favourite sleeping position: Well Viktor loves to cling to people when he sleeps so probably holding each other, Laz’s head on Vik’s chest
Who steals all the blankets: Lazare? Vik’s not a blanket thief, and it’s something I could see him unconsciously doing LMAO
What they wear to bed: Viktor usually wears pajama bottoms and t-shirt (typically with a medical pun on it) or a tank top. OR if it’s too hot he just goes shirtless. Lazare said in the Discord that he wears plain flannel pajamas in the winter and in the summer just the bottoms of those and either a T-shirt or no shirt so!
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: VIKTOR. The first time he saw he absolutely adored it and wiggled into the shirt with Lazare still in it hehehehe. Though I could see Laz appreciate Viktor being in his shirts that are snug on him and show his figure more :^)
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Neither, I don’t think? Unless one of them is exhausted :0 in which case it’s nap time for both LOL
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: I think both of them get nightmares? Maybe Vik just a bit more often, though his aren’t too often, either. They usually wake him up right then and there, though.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: LAZARE. He’s probably done it considering how weird he gets when he sleeps LMAO
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Neither have you seen these dorks
Who said “I love you” first: Uhhh I think it was Lazzy!!
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: They probably share a selfie of each other or each have a candid photo of them as a lockscreen hehehehehe
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: I like to think Laz would!!
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Both of these goofballs 
Who initiated the first kiss: Lazare, of course– with a certain little tie pull, I might add :)
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: I think both of them would but it’s definitely Viktor more often because he actually wakes up first LOL
Who starts tickle fights: At first it’s Laz, but then I could see it shifting to Vik after learning how ticklish he is >:3c
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Lazare probably asks Viktor! Then Vik helps him clean and comb out his hair hehehe
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Lazare!!! And Vik absolutely loves it because his boyfriend’s cooking is Amazing
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Technically speaking they haven’t had a first date yet? Like a date out, that is. When they have a certain dinner date on a certain day, that’ll be their first technical date :^) And I’m 92% sure Viktor is going to be nervous on it :)
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Viktor generally kills them, Lazare probs takes them out. Unless he’s scared of them LMAO
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: BOTH OF THEM LMAO Viktor is obnoxious and loud when he’s actually drunk and Lazare is lovey dovey and flirtatious when he’s drunk.
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jessmhe mcfree rolled over 2 teh other side of his bed. his big, confy bed, designed for 2 ppls. somthign was missing. mccree GASPED! his best friedn! little snee snee the teddy bear?!!? he screamt in pane and egg on ee at the tought of losing his friend. but then his tummy growled aggessively. like a bear. he pappted his tummy, chuckling "ha ha i'm hungy". he desided to go to mcdolnalds. Little did Mcree know, this would be the biggest mistake gift he had ever maked in his life!!!!!1
chapper 2
jessy..... metts some new friend!!!! what will happen next!
hehehehehe theres some special friends in this chatper <3
Jesse McCree grabbed his coat and pulled it on. he as ready TO go to MDolnd! he smiled smilingly. what a wondercful day! ":)" Sade mceree. He popt his hedphones in and played his favrourite ssong. wich was coton eye joanne btw
he traveled down the street, lookin as sweggy as sweggy GETS! the sun was shin bright in the are...... what a wondercfuck day ":)"
mcree put his hat on. he was no longer a happy boy,, "haha what a turn of events LOL!" he postd to facbeok. He sat on a bench to share some minnion meams and text his frend gabiel rays.
helo bagrel - mcre
fuck oiff - gabirl
ok :( - mcredn
mcfree sent the last text and runned off into the ally cruiomg. gabby rays was his BEST FREND. how could he have DONE THIS!?!!?! whoich was whem.... a FIGER standed over him!
"i charge 30 cents an hour bbby ;3" sade the weir.d.... robot man? with niple on his abdominal muscles? he was wearing.... STRIPPY CLOTHE? mitochondria, in his hysteria, didnt reealise that the rooboo man was a......... prostetit!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
"wat? i dont hav 30 centes?" said McCree. the prostititie man sighted and face palmed. "your so dumb LOL!" he twetted it and took picture of mcree and sent it to hius also protetute brother. "hanzo cum here thers a guy that doesnt haeve 30 cents dont u charge 2 centsn hour'
sudenly... A figure emerged from the darkness. Climbing out of the trash can, McCree eyed the figure's stern face and toned body. He noticed their strangely revealing clothes, and realised - they weren't just random ass hoes that you'd find on the street. They were... PROTETITS/11!!1!!1!
my parents dont love me lol!
oh WHOOOOO is SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE A MISTY MEMORYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ haha dont worry boys and grisl and non bine m fine! thers some cool stuff about to hapen inthis chapter! stay tunesd!!!~~~~ <23
The figure stood up. He was... kinda short but also kinda tall LOL! cause mcree was sitting down Ha ha!
"hanzo. at ur service. 10cents an hour." hanzer said. mccreeesesxe strared at him witb tears running down his face. he didnt even relise he was crying!
"i don't -" mccree tried to say something in return, but he was quickly stopped ny hamzo. "are we doinjg this or what???????" he retorted. his face was stern and his glare was piercing. mccree started to cry harder. but he still didn't notice it bc hes a dumb bitch lol
"this is why i'm the one that charges more LOL!" genger said. also his name is genji lol! but back to the sorty
"shut yup ganghrene. are we oign to do this or not!" sad hanzo. he was so close to mccree now he was practically brething down his neck. mcree now finaly noticed he was crying. he bursted into teras. hanzo felt somthing.... somethinmg outsoide of all the secks he had.................. was this.. EMOTION (Emotion (stylized as E•MO•TION) is the third studio album by Canadian singer Carly Rae Jepsen. It was released on June 24, 2015 in Japan and on August 21, 2015 worldwide through 604, School Boy, and Interscope Records.[3][4][5][6] Looking to transition from the bubblegum pop-oriented nature of Kiss, Jepsen found inspiration in 1980s music and alternative styles. She enlisted a team of mainstream and indie collaborators including Sia, Mattman & Robin, Dev Hynes, Ariel Rechtshaid and Rostam Batmanglij; culminating in a largely synthpop effort.). Gager chuccld as hanzo blushd anime kawaily but in an anrgy wya somehow. he punchhrt genger in the gnutts. were it hurted.
he reeched fr mcees hand,,, puld him up and stared him ded in the f\ce! "i sorry... ive had totrubled lige.. all ife hade is genger............. ad even then i accidengtaly killed him b34 mursy revivde jhim and we got 39890327372490327980437  dolnas in mnedical bils"
hsnxo shed an single animay teer. he was CRING! genjtgetr gaspted.... mccree dsignred "hanzo... genegr.............. wanna go.............. to mcdoklad?" HAMNZO ANMD GENEGER GASPE! they had never beemn to mchdolands bc theyre foreigners and theyve got no money lol
'shut your whore mouth genji we all know we going to mcdonalds because we live in a trashcan, we're prostitutes, we have NO FUCKING MONEY and this nice man who literally just wanted emotional support after his friend was a dick to him is offering us mcdonalds! get a fucking grip jesus christ" hazer said.
"ok :(" said egnmermglkgi. jhis eyueliner stsarted to run..... as mcree and hanzer left.... genji taged along sadly.. there was something about mccree that striked him as strange... but he couldn't figure out what it was. he decided to push that thought to the back of his mind for now, and dragged his robot feet as he walked to the mcdonalds with his brother and their new friend.... or maybe something more?
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The, "Undyrus Sad but Also Kinda Cute AU Story".
I’m not really sure if AU ideas or anything like that is allowed here, but, hear me out.
You all know the AU where Sans dies, and Papyrus almost always carries a jar filled with Sanses’ dust? Well, this is that, BUT with Undyrus.
Imagine this:
Papyrus starting out being horribly depressed, but because of it, he hangs out with Undyne more and more. Heck, Undyne let’s out her soft side very much just for Papyrus. They do everything they did as if they still lived underground.
They train, they cook horrible spaghetti, they also watch Mettaton’s multiple TV shows.
As they hang out, their relationship as best friends grows unbelievably strong. Papyrus starts feeling a little bit better, and maybe even starts to develop… Feelings, for his fishy friend.
Our sad cinnamon roll, Papy, starts feeling even happier each day he glances at her.
But eventually, he starts feeling as if he would never be good enough for Undyne, even if she’s shown her soft side to Papyrus almost all the time since Sans fell down, he feels as if he’s not extreme, strong, and cool enough to deserve Undyne as his love.
That, coupled with the unbelievable amount of grief he feels for his brother’s death, he basically starts back at square one.
He can barely do anything, he needs help getting out of bed in the morning, the slightest movement makes him exhausted, he even starts eating at GRILLBYZ of all places! (Remind you of anyone?)
Unbeknownst to Papy, Undyne has also been starting to have slight feelings for her calcium comrade. But, she doesn’t exactly know if these feelings are completely correct. They just start out as feeling uncontrollably happy around Papy.
But eventually she starts feeling more than that. She begins to try and ignore these thoughts, burying them deep within her SOUL, but it just ends up making her feel it even harder.
Finally, one day, after getting home from another grease filled day at Grillbyz, Papyrus returns home. That day, he felt as if if he didn’t get these feelings off his ribcage, he would literally explode.
He goes up to Undyne’s room, and makes a half effort to knock on her door, and says, “UNDYNE? A-ARE YOU THERE..? I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING…”
Undyne opens the door, taking in the view of her best friend, making her feel that strange feeling.
He sits down in a nearby chair next to a desk.
Undyne reaponds, “Of course not” she wrapped her arm around Papyrus, “What is it?”
“U-.. UN-D-DYNE.. I… I…”
Undyne is taken back, hands firmly on her face, attempting to cover her blush.
Dispite how fast Papyrus said it, she fully understood.
The feelings Undyne had are now fully confirmed, Undyne can not deny it any more, she embraces Papyrus in her arms, Papyrus almost in tears, he finally remembered what it feels like to be happy.
They back away for a moment.
“S-SO… IS THAT A YES?” Papyrus asks.
There was nothing Undyne could say, words can lie, words can create false hope.
She kisses Papyrus, her lips peck onto Papyrus’ teeth.
And Papyrus, in undescribable happiness, finally utters his long lost catchphrase.
Long after, Papyrus finally has accepted his brother’s death, he lies in bed next to Undyne, his fiance, before turning off the lamp, Papyrus whispers to a jar of dust,
And with that, Undyne and Papyrus embrace into a deep sleep.
The End.
(Sorry for rambling on for so long, I just wanted to share this cool idea I had.)
No need to apologize. This is very cute and based after a great little comic series. :)
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