#there's going to be kind of a big creature dump here in a little while lol
calypsolemon · 4 months
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some silly doodles in between working on more serious content
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grailfinders · 2 months
Grailfinders #337: Hai Bà Trưng
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happy easter y’all, I hope you’re all enjoying your chocolate, eggs, chocolate eggs, and eggs in the shape of chocolate. we’re back at it again with a crisis, both a water monster crisis, and the fact that I can’t really spell the Trưng Sisters’ names right on this keyboard, so from this point on expect me to use the wrong kind of u.
spelling aside, the Trung sisters are a combo of Glory Paladin for their winning attitude and glowy weaponry, as well as an Echo Knight Fighter because… duh. there’s two of ‘em.
check out their build breakdown below the cut, or their characters sheet over here!
next up: “so what’s it like being split into a thousand consciousnesses?” “eh, it has its pros and Cons”
Ancestry & Background
the Trung sisters are probably human, unless you believe in that ascending to the heavens bit, but either way they’re close enough for it to work here. that means they get +1 Strength and +1 Charisma, as well as proficiency with Animal Handling for their elephants and the Ritual Caster feat to actually get those things. with this feat you get two first level wizard spells like Find Familiar and Comprehend Languages that you can ritual cast as many times as you like- the former one of your lil elephant friends, and the latter is the grail translating for you. you can even add new spells to your ritual book if you find them lying around in scrolls or other spell books, so keep an eye out!
also the Trung sisters are Nobles, so they get proficiency in History and Persuasion. if you took a shot every time we released one of these builds with a noble background the only thing that would save your liver is our update schedule. and again, we know noble is a big step down from king, but we do what we can.
Ability Scores
going off the standard array, Charisma should be your highest stat to start out with. it’s literally one of your abilities, and it makes all your paladin stuff extra juicy. second highest is your Strength, since you kill things with spears and swords. R.I.P., Infinitiger. your third highest stat has to be Intelligence since that’s how we qualify for ritual caster, and you definitely know your way around a battlefield. this means our Constitution is lower than I’d like again, but it’s okay for now. the real problem is your low Dexterity making your outfit choices a little difficult to work with, but at least that’s better than your Wisdom. half of you is too busy being a siscon to pay attention when they’re on watch, and you died because your underlings betrayed you. rough.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: starting as a paladin gives you proficiency in Wisdom and Charisma saves, as well as Athletics and Insight. despite dumping their wisdom, the Trungs are good leaders and judges of character. paladins also start out with a Divine Sense, letting you pick out extraplanar creatures nearby. you learn their location and what they are, but not who they are. I don’t think the kons are extraplanar, but if they were that would make them so much easier to round up. also if they get chomped on by a fishman you can patch them up with Lay on Hands- you get five HP per day per paladin level, and you can touch someone as an action to either heal them or use five HP to cure a disease of theirs. real useful when you live on a deserted island with no casters.
2. Paladin 2: second level paladins get a Fighting Style, and while Defense would be the smarter choice for +1 AC your spear and sword are both one-handed weapons, so I’m getting the Dueling fighting style instead. that gives you +2 to the damage done with a one-handed weapon every time you hit with it! extra armor might protect you from some damage, but killing will protect you from all future damage!
you also learn Spells which you cast and prepare using your Charisma, but the only spell I really want at this point you’ll get permanently next level so I’ll cover it then. for now, you can also use your spell slots for some Divine Smites- burn a spell slot, deal extra radiant damage when you hit something, deal extra extra damage when you hit a demon or zombie.
3. Paladin 3: third level paladins have Divine Health, so now you can never get sick. anime characters don’t get sick unless they do, and if they do it’s plot related anyway so your DM probably won’t let you off the hook even if you have this.
more importantly, you are now fighting for the Glory of your people, so you get some oath spells! they’re always prepared and they don’t count against your prep limits- Guiding Bolt hits a guy and gives the next person to attack them advantage, and Heroism is the spell I was talking about in level two. with this spell, you can give a creature immunity to being frightened plus some bonus temporary HP every turn for up to a minute!
you also get two Channel Divinity options, and you can use one of those each short rest. you can either become a Peerless Athlete for ten minutes to make up for how spread out your stats are, or you can use an Inspiring Smite to give temporary HP to nearby creatures after you make a divine smite. both of these options use your bonus action, so you can squeeze them into your turns pretty easily right now.
4. Paladin 4: now that you can cast spells you can become an Eldritch Adept using your very first Ability Score Improvement- technically I should save you getting your Armor of Shadows for later to coincide with your third ascension but I’m not going to leave you at 10 AC for the whole dang build. now you can cast Mage Armor on yourself for free, adding 3 to your AC total while unarmored.
5. Paladin 5: fifth level paladins get an Extra Attack each action, so now you can hit twice a turn! I mean. there’s two of you, that tracks. you also get 2nd level spells, including your freebies Enhance Ability, again to overcome stat spread, and Magic Weapon, to make your weapons all glowy for your NP.  they also get +1 all attack rolls and damage rolls.
you can also Find Steed now to give your elephant the boost it needs to be ridable! sure it’s still not elephant sized yet, but you can get it up to a warhorse, that’s pretty neat! also you can use Gentle Repose to keep those water monsters from doing their con-eating trick. they might not be undead, but it keeps them from getting up again so it’s close enough.
6. Fighter 1: we’ve got plenty of Trung now, so let’s work on the sister part. bouncing over to fightergives you a Fighting Style, which means we can take Defense after all! or Dueling if you were smart and took the AC first. speaking of AC, you also get a Second Wind once a short rest, letting you heal up as a bonus action!
7. Fighter 2: second level fighters get an Action Surge, so now you can make a second action with a second attack for a total of four in a single turn!
8. Fighter 3: third level fighters can become Echo Knights, letting them Manifest Echo as a bonus action. this creates a copy of you with better AC and 1 HP that you can move around the battlefield as you wish, as long as it stays within 30’ of you. you can attack from its position as well as your own, and you can even swap places with your sister as a bonus action too!
you can also Unleash Incarnation up to Constitution Modifier times a day, adding an extra echo attack to your attack action! right now that’s only once, but it’ll get better as we go.
thanks to the echo knight’s funky splitting, we can use buffing spells like Magic Weapon and it will improve both sisters’ weapons at the same time!
9. Fighter 4: fourth level fighters get another ASI, so grab the Slasher feat to round up your Strength score as well as protect the precious cons! once a turn you can slow down a creature you hit with slashing damage, and your critical hits force disadvantage on the attack rolls of whatever you sliced through! if you’re going to bring marshmallows to the front lines, it’s best to make sure they don’t die.
10. Fighter 5: fifth level fighters get… nothing! extra attacks don’t stack like that.
11. Fighter 6: as a consolation prize, sixth level fighters get a bonus ASI, so bump up that constitution for 11 points of health (remember that +1 each level is retroactive) and for more unleashed incarnations! now you can attack up to six times in a single turn! that would use up literally every spell slot you have right now, but you can!
12. Paladin 6: sixth level paladins have an Aura of Protection, so everyone around you gets a +3 bonus to all their saves! now your cons won’t get blown up by a fireball… as much. I’m sure a successful save would still get the cons knocked out though.
13. Paladin 7: seventh level glory paladins get an Aura of Alacrity, so everyone around you gets a movement speed boost. again, it’s keeping the cons out of harm’s way!
14. Paladin 8: at eighth level you get another ASI, so bump up your Strength for stronger attacks!
15. Paladin 9: ninth level paladins get third level spells, and you get Haste and Protection from Energy for free! I’m sure you could argue a D&D build would have to be perma-hasted to even stand a chance at keeping up with a servant, but really the only third level spell I want here is Elemental Weapon. in contrast to magical weapon, you still get a +1 bonus to attacking, but the bonus damage is a little stronger, and you can make that damage an elemental type like acid or fire. I’d use cold damage here for their demon slayer-esque water sword attacks. or you could use something like Crusader’s Mantle to give everyone around you mini-smites for up to a minute.
16. Paladin 10: at tenth level your natural leadership abilities give you an Aura of Courage, so nearby creatures can’t be frightened while you’re around. it’s a shame it only has a range of ten feet, that would’ve really come in handy while you were alive.
17. Paladin 11: I hope you like radiant damage, because an eleventh level paladin has an Improved Divine Smite, adding a d8 of the stuff to every melee attack you make. that basically doubles your damage output most of the time- there’s a lot of doubling going on in this build, almost like you’re two people or something.
18. Paladin 12: twelfth level paladins get one last ASI, so bump up that Constitution again to not die! not dying’s my favorite hobby, and I bet its yours too, we have so much in common.
19. Paladin 13: our last level of paladin gets you Compulsion and Freedom of Movement and a bunch of other spells but who cares because it also gets you Find Greater Steed, letting us finally have an elephant-sized elephant. well, actually a rhino-sized elephant but it’s waaay closer than a horse.
20. Fighter 7: our true final level is going back to fighter to become an Echo Avatar. now you can transfer your mind to your sister and basically play as her, with the max range of the echo increasing to 1,000 feet while you do so. this also doesn’t prevent you from switching places with her, so you can trivialize a lot of traps by just sending the more expendable sister ahead of you.
obviously I don’t think this level’s in character, but it’s at least slightly moreso than the next paladin level where you can break curses by touching people, so here it is.
Pros & Cons
while I didn’t go over it much in the build itself, Paladin has some nice spells, and unless you’re super dedicated to playing in-character I highly recommend you look at the full spell list before committing to just using spell slots for smiting and elephants. also, ritual caster doesn’t look like much on the surface but if you play your cards right it gives you access to a ridiculous amount of Utility, giving you plenty to do outside of combat. with ritual caster you have access to spells no paladin would ever be able to cast like drawmij’s instant summons, and you can become the party’s communication hub with spells like Contact Other Plane or Skywrite.
you can attack way more in a single turn than a paladin really should be able to, which means you take the paladin’s burst damage potential and crank it all the way up to eleven! with action surge and unleash incarnation, you triple the number of attacks a paladin should ever be able to get, making you a burst damage machine. assuming a regular longsword with elemental weapon on it, you deal 6d8+36 slashing + 25d8 radiant + 6d4 cold, for an average of just under 200 damage in a single round.
 I know this last one isn’t much, but. riding an elephant is so cool y’all, it gets its own section.
pretty much all the damage you do is either radiant or physical, so the second you come across something that can handle those two your damage output is completely neutered. I really hope there aren’t any celestial monsters on the islands…
I know paladin spell slots are really, really good for smiting, but as written we aren’t using them for anything else. okay yeah there’s summoning elephants, but that’s still a very small part of what paladins can do- they’ve got plenty of healing spells and defensive buffs they can offer, and while that might not be in-character, it’s a smart tactical decision.
your AC is bad. but you can just wear heavy armor if you feel like it. yeah two of these are just “if you deliberately kneecap yourself, you play worse,” and I’m sorry, but paladin’s a good class, fighter’s a good class, they’re just two great tastes that taste great together. their biggest real weakness is a lack of area of effect spells, but that’s not super punchy, and even then you can slice through six guys like it’s nothing with the only area you’re really affecting being your sword!
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thewalkingfishttrpg · 2 months
Hey fishsticks, today I will be talking about the beautiful world of Vundabar! Where all our campaigns take place!!!! SO WORLD LORE INFO DUMP BABY!!!!
Vundabar is a world filled with magic, emotion, love, hope, and despair. At times it can get a little silly but underneath it, lies a hopeless goddess yearning for her love, a dark fog that creates to destroy, a walking fish that started it all, and eldritch horrors that represent nothing and everything.
Let's dive in shall we!
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Here's a map! Created by our good friend @theccrowsnest (go follow them) On the left is Dehd and to the right is Vundabar!
Let's talk about Vundabarian history!
It all started about eleven thousand years or so with a fish that could walk, he was born in the middle of nowhere but he looked up to see the moon so he spoke to her. She answered and told him how to build a beautiful world with magic so great it'll make a mark on the universe for as long as it stands. So he tasked a wandering giant to help build the new world and more. The giant could mold rivers with a kick, build mountains out of dirt, and breathe fire into the world for everyone to use. After a hundred years or so of creation, the fish wished to give the world a gift so it tasked the giant once again to build a mountain like no other, an enormous mountain as big as itself, one that could reach the moon, so that everyone could see it no matter where u were. "Bauhaus". The giant created smaller giants to help and those giants created smaller giants called "Dwarves" to help some more. It was around this time though that a malevolent entity grew aware of Vundabar and began to lurk... "The Dark".
It presents itself as a black fog never revealing anything else for if you saw its face then you're already dead. The Dark is the representation of evil in the universe, going by many names throughout history, it created "The Symbols" horrifyingly powerful abominations with one goal in mind. The Moth, The Owl, The Bear, The Beast, and The Wolf. Each one is stronger than the last, each one a different horror story on its own, each playing a different part in the darks mission to destroy all life. Thankfully none are seen around as much anymore except for one...
But back to the history lesson!
After another hundred years or so Bauhaus was almost finished WHEN SUDDENLY.
"Her." arrived. The Goddess of the Moon and Creator of the Universe.
It's not known what exactly happened that day but the fish and giant both disappeared abruptly afterward and a great war commenced against her. She sat at the top of Bauhaus while her army laid waste to the few who stood up against her, this was a time of great peril, and many lives were lost. Thankfully the first group of heroes rose from the stardust called "The Miracle".
In the universe, there is a "god" aka "The L1ght" The Creator of Life. The L1ght is also the energy that flows through all living creatures and is what is known as your "soul". Back to history class!
The Miracle. The first group of heroes on Vundabar, all representations of one of seven virtues and filed with the L1ght. They formed when the world needed them most and so they established peace, order, and kindness. They defeated all those with "Her" and The Dark's abominations sadly though during the final war that gave them their victory against her their leader was killed and a deity called "The Mother of All Creatures" died to her hand. This act caused "The Great Crack" to happen that split the sky in four and the land in two which created the continent "Dehd". Now "Her" is said to still reside at the top of Bauhaus to this day but no ones ever confirmed it as for whatever reason during the war Bauhaus was cursed to be unclimbable and unescapable except for giants of course who could come and go as they please due to building it but anyone who dare enters is certain to die.
So yeah that's pretty much it and there's a bunch more I could talk about like "Dehd" or "The Woods" or even "The Thin Place". Maybe I'll talk about "N0TH1NG." next? Who knows but until then have a great day!!! Though I'll probably talk about Vundabarian Gods, Deities, and Creators next!
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penname-artist · 2 months
So I know that "avian" universes have been created by a few Planes folk, or at least just by buddies @c-119 and @ask-dusty-boy (that I'm aware of currently) but I'm quietly toying with a similar idea of my own, just on the...Opposite side of the scale?
By which I mean, goddamn tiny bird people.
So this is where I wanna dump all of that plated spaghetti of unsorted ideas. I have lost my writing muses so pardon the mess.
I know for normal-sized people to have bird wings, generally the rule of thumb is that you make them bigger, and their wings much bigger, to reach accuracies and such for how they'd get into the air. And also power. Big powerful bird person cool.
For me, creating my own little side-dish sandbox of "human Planes characters but with bird wings so I can play birds too because fuck you still you one human person from an unspecified number of years ago who wouldn't let me play with them" means going the other way. Making them TEENY. fairy sized. Dollhouse scaled. Itty-bitty please do not step on them little bird babies.
This might also be so I can save a bunch of DIY dollhouse items to my Pinterest and melt over them with an excuse that I'm "conducting research" for such a world.
Somewhere I already said and or drew or did something where I was like "Blade. Hummingbird boy. Nuff said." But like LEGIT, I bring this up again. He would have a hummingbirds wings and have similar qualities. Probably would struggle with discerning reflective surfaces in bright sunlight so he's probably hit his head more than once on stuff.
Baby go boom, pass out on ground for while til someone hands him an appy juice (natural sugar is very helpful for replenishing an exhausted hummingbird's energy)
Dusty is probably one of those small wild birds you hear in the morning. Maybe like a robin or something. Loud in the morning, chirpy, big on vocalization and tree branch hopping
...Nick's probably a chickadee. The colors tho. The little round ass fucking body, that thing is so B O R B. He is small round borb. A mess of feathers.
I also won't take literal fairies off the table here because that would be an interesting combination. Or butterflies! Or moths! Or literally any other type of small creature capable of flight. And the likes, for the non-fliers as well
*cough* spider Maru *cough*
Fuck now I want to ironically make Cabbie into some kind of tiny bat thing
The SJ can be his bugs- I mean um beetle styled people
I imagine there's a terrible pet industry for them if that's the case, but my point still stands that if you take good care of them you should get to have them around as trusty companions! Maybe less like a pet hamster and more like a befriended hive of bees
They have predators. Likely just any animal that would eat what they would be animal-wise. But like not each other. That'd be weird. Also if that was the case Cabbie would be down like, five Smokejumpers. So no it's just the big pred animals going after them not them after themselves
Cats are NOTORIOUS for getting to them. I fully believe Rip would have set one on Dusty in their final race, on purpose.
They probably aren't like, just woodland fairy like creatures anymore, like the stories would have you believe. I think they'd all be integrated somewhat with the modern world and have a lot of evolution themselves, so they basically have scaled down versions of everything normal humans have, even down to styled choices of clothing...well, minus the added wings
They probably don't lay eggs
They do molt though when stressed
I have to imagine there's SOME sort of process to the insect ones on shedding skins?? That's kinda gross but like? It's nature??
*cough* spider Maru *cough*
Catching them is probably illegal, especially inhumanely (ie in ways that injure or risk injury to them, like using bug nets, zappers, etc) and accidental capture (like from mouse traps let's say) may be fineable
(okay but someone stuck on a sticky mouse trap is kind of funny to me. They have such an angry grin and the occasional 'flflflflfl!' of wings)
That's it that's my post byeee
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The Monsters from Tellawna-4
This has been a draft in my docs since a year and ten days ago 😅😅😬 But here! Have a fic with Tech, Hunter, and Omega as the main cast!
Context: This is set in season 1 of The Bad Batch. Also, semi incorporates an au where Tech is physically younger than the others because a "glitch" of his experimentation stopped his accelerated aging factor at 5 (phys. 10) years old. So he's about 16 here even though he should be like 22-24. I plan/planned on writing a rewrite of season 1 from Tech's perspective in this au, I only have the first two episodes "done." This is therefore a deleted scene of sorts that'd fit in there somewhere
Summary: Hunter and Tech introduce Omega to the monsters that live aboard their ship.
Word Count: 1457
Warning: This is a tickle fic
Hunter watched Tech with a furrowed brow. To anyone else, his vod’ika would look fine as he sat in the co-pilot seat of their ship, one leg curled up to his chest to support his datapad while the other acted as an anchor for him to swing gently back and forth; the picture of relaxed. His brother’s words, however, betrayed this tranquility. Tech was info-dumping, borderline rambling, about the wildlife of the planet they were on. That in itself was normal for him, but the rapid fire facts going on for this long worried Hunter. That typically meant Tech was distracting himself, which meant Tech was stressed or tired or worried. Their lives had been nothing but chaos the past couple of months and it hurt to see that it was getting to his brother. Hunter couldn’t let him carry on much longer.
“What about invasive species?” Tech perked up at Hunter’s question. “What would a creature like, oh I don’t know, the one from Tellawna-4 do here?” His brother stiffened. Hunter, who tried to school his features, continued.
“Because I am pretty sure it’s stowed away on the ship again.” Before Tech could even protest, another voice piped up.
“There’s a creature on the ship?” Both of them turned to see Omega, clad in pajamas and holding Lula, probably coming to say goodnight. But now, her eyes were wide in excitement, looking expectantly between the two.
“Yes!” Hunter beat him to it. “We keep trying to shake it but somehow it follows us from planet to planet and gets on board.”
“Really? What’s it look like?”
“It’s very sneaky, hard to get a good look. But I’d say it’s fairly big, can walk on its hind legs if it wants. Its arms are great for capturing its prey, right Tech?” Tech just gave a shrug, trying to ward off his and Omega’s attention.
“Its prey? Is it dangerous?” Hunter couldn’t help the way the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“Hmmm, it can be. This creature is a tricky thing. Never strikes the same way. Sometimes it waits and pounces, other times it lures in prey with sounds.”
“Woah, what else does it do?”
“Well it doesn’t just devour its prey immediately. It’ll tire them out first, doesn’t it Tech? You can typically hear the prey from a distance because of it.” By this point, Tech had pulled up both of his legs to his chest and was watching Hunter’s every move, every little gesture, waiting for him to pounce. Hunter smiled.
“Tech knows all about this creature, don’t you Tech? He says that sometimes this creature teams up with others of its kind to corner their prey.” Hunter threw a wink in Tech’s direction as Omega turned towards him.
“Mm-hmm.” Tech swallowed. “They employ both hunting tactics here. One attracts the prey with the sounds they emit while the other strikes from behind.”
Omega squeaked as a hand dug into her stomach. She squirmed and thrashed, nearly doubled-over as Hunter, it was Hunter’s hand, continued to wiggle his fingers into her midriff. Giggles started pouring out of her mouth, Omega couldn’t seem to stop them. She had been tickled before, Wrecker had introduced her, but it was still so new. She didn’t quite know what to do. It did not take long for her legs to tremble and Hunter quickly caught her in one arm and stood from his seat, hand never stopping as he lowered them to the ground.
“You see Omega, this creature from Tellawna isn’t just any ordinary animal. It’s the tickle monster, and you seem to have been caught by two.” He looked over at Tech, who slowly unfurled himself from his protective position and sat down on Omega’s other side. With a tentative smile and an encouraging nudge from Hunter, he squeezed Omega’s knee.
“Thahahat’s mehehean!”
“Mean? Was it mean when that dragon took our power cell? Or when a tooka catches a mouse? They are just getting something to eat. And likewise, this catch will be a very nice meal for the two of us.” Omega didn’t answer Hunter, she just kept laughing.
Tech, for his part, was nearly never on this side of tickling. When they were younger yes, but as they got older, and his brothers got bigger, Tech stopped daring to do so. It was always a fight he knew he’d lose. So while he wasn’t a stranger to doing this, Tech was no longer used to being in this position. But what did he have to be nervous about? That he’d tickle Omega incorrectly? Tech tried to shake off his strangely timed fears.
Squeezing Omega’s knee seemed to be working well enough, but reaching behind to scratch at the back, that elicited a squeak. Tech had to bite down a laugh of his own at her reaction and did it again, rewarded with another squeak and stream of giggles. Hunter was smiling too, watching Omega (and Tech out of the corner of his eye) with immense fondness. She was very wiggly, not knowing what to do or how to escape. Hunter used that to his advantage, tickling one side of her ribs and letting her wiggle away into his other awaiting hand.
Tech decided to make matters worse for Omega and scribbled his fingers into her sides. Omega seemed to give up on squirming as means of escape and instead tried to curl up, grabbing at their hands.
“Now that just won’t do. Tech, can you take care of that?” Understanding his brother’s idea, Tech crawled up to the doorway of the cockpit to sit next to Omega’s head. Taking her wrists in one hand, he clawed his other into her underarm.
Omega threw her head back and began to kick. Hunter, sitting in the danger zone, likewise changed course and grabbed her ankles with one hand and scribbled fingers up her soles. Both Hunter and Tech kept their tickling light, spidering their fingers over Omega’s tickle spots. They didn’t want to tire her out too badly. The tickling lasted only a couple minutes more, Tech skittering his fingers down to Omega’s hip and back as Hunter wiggled a finger against her arches. Both brothers knew to stop when Omega seemed to accept her fate and melt into the floor.
“Hey Hunter, aren’t we forgetting something?”
“W-whahat could yo-you possibly be forgetting?”
“No, Tech’s right. We need to decide what to eat.”
“Eat?!” Omega exclaimed. “Eat how?”
“Oh,” came a voice from behind Tech, “like this.” Tech was lifted from the ground and wrapped into a large set of arms. He couldn’t help but squeal as a raspberry was blown into his neck, laughing as his attacker rubbed their stubble over the spot.
“You see Omega,” Hunter explained as Wrecker pinned Tech next to her, “sometimes tickle monsters will team up against themselves.” His grin was borderline wicked as he watched Tech get taken down oh so much like Omega as Wrecker’s hand vibrated into his tummy. Unlike Omega, Tech went to shield his ever-reddening face rather than fight back.
“So,” Wrecker chirped, “dinner?”
“Dinner,” Hunter agreed before he and Wrecker took dramatic breaths and blew a cacophony of raspberries into both their tummies. The cockpit echoed not only with the silly sounds of the ultimately ticklish torture method, but also childish laughter as Omega and Tech were overpowered by two evil tickle monsters.
The tickling stopped suddenly as both monsters let out a short yell and flinched away from their victims. Omega and Tech glanced up to see their savior, Echo, digging his hand and scomp between Wrecker’s and Hunter’s ribs.
“I think they’ve had enough.” Echo declared. His expression told them all his decision was final, though the look in his eyes betrayed his utter amusement. Wrecker sighed.
“Bedtime.” He scooped Omega and Lula up into his arms and carried her down to the gunner’s mount with the promise that everyone would stop by to say their goodnights. Echo and Hunter seemed to be having a silent conversation which Tech knew he was the subject of. It ended with a nod and a wave goodnight from Echo, leaving just Hunter and Tech in the cockpit once again.
Hunter stood and shut the door, giving them the tiniest bit of privacy on their small ship as Tech sat up, finally getting himself composed after that surprise attack.
“So…” Hunter started, “you’ve talked a lot today, but I don’t think you’ve been saying what’s really on your mind.” Tech shrugged in response.
“I promise no more monsters tonight so,” he reached towards Tech with grabby hands, the clear indication for cuddles, “how ‘bout we talk, truly talk.” And how could Tech say no to that?
Can you tell I just wanted it done there at the end? 😅 But, I hope you all enjoyed!
I don't know if that season 1 rewrite will ever see the light of day (aka ao3) but a little bit of Tech's feelings on his age can be found in chapter 4 of this fic I wrote here. (I have thoughts and opinions about this au and their canon ages that I want to talk about if that's not obvious.)
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thessalian · 15 days
Thess vs Important Side Quests
Playing a little bit of catch-up.
Back to base. I guess there are worse ways to wake up than morning coffee and cutscenes.
Aww. Erend. You and Kotallo are getting along. (No, really; you are. You would know if you weren't; trust me.)
One thing I've been asking - and I don't know if I can ask GAIA about ... I mean, we have reasonable prosthetics even in our now; they must be better in this version of the future, if they can create whole machine creatures. Can we not ... get ... Kotallo a prosthetic arm, or something? If he wants one?
Varl and Zo are so cute. ...Okay, who's gonna die?
No, but seriously, Varl ... you can't just tell someone to throw out their gods and build new ones. We will fix their gods.
Hi, GAIA. Here's AETHER. How're we doing on--?
Beta. I ... kind of get why everyone's a little side-eyeing you, but I guess the person who finds the "this will not work" in every plan does help refine the plan. Still, could you please give some positives--?
Ah. Okay. Yes. Thank you. No, don't worry, I can can deal with the Quen. I made friends with the Tenakth, didn't I?
...Can we? Now? Fix the land-gods?
Ah, Kotallo already asked about prosthetics! Great! I will definitely help with that!
Side quests ahoy but with all the cutscene, I don't have a lot of time. So over to Cinnabar Sands to free a land-god.
Aaaaaaaand hunting. No big.
...Is ... is that Burrower literally hiding from me? Instead of the other way around? It will not come out from behind that rock. Oh well. Climb rock. Silent STRIKE. And done.
(Like, literally; need to get to work.)
Right. To that little pond where I did sort of free that land-god, but before I had the reboot code--
Aaaaaaaaand there's a Snapmaw.
And ... you will ... apparently stay in the water while I POONK all your weak spots. Win!
I'm loving the little bits of lore Zo's giving about the festivals to the various land-gods. I'm a sucker for world-building.
Aaaand over to Plainsong and-- Huh. Fane. Hi. Ah, dumping seed pouches from Kel and her apprentice because they can't be allowed to grow in Plainsong again. Sucks, but I can see the necessity.
Hi, Zo. I know, finally, right? I've been waiting to do this for ages and--
...Awwwwww. This is ... actually really beautiful. And I like the whole thing where ... I guess Elizabet Sobeck insisted that GAIA (and by extension the subfunctions) be ... at least somewhat human. GAIA didn't just build machines, but machines that look like creatures, because ... c'mon, wouldn't we? We anthropomorphise everything anyway. And if the Plowhorn land-gods have to have a reboot sequence? Have it sing; why not? Utilitarianism isn't the be-all and end-all, and what's life without a little joy, even in the supposedly utilitarian things?
Right. Onward to helping Kotallo pick up prosthetics bits.
If he decides he prefers the challenge of only having the one arm, I ... will respect his choice but be a little miffed at having to fight Spectres and things for him.
...Then again, I wouldn't want him to feel obligated to keep it if he's uncomfortable with it, even if I did go to a lot of trouble.
Right. I'mma let him go back to Base and ponder. Thornmarsh or Tide's Reach? Thornmarsh or Tide's Reach?
*checks quest log*
Thornmarsh. I have hints of issues in Thornmarsh, but no actual quest. I at least want the quest active in my journal.
Hrm. Poisoned water. I have time.
Dam made of machines, and more rebels? Gods, where do they all come from? I took out so many camps!
Hangiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing... Stupid Fireclaw.
Right. Fireclaw goes first.
Oh, pity's sake, I am standing right here, rebels. Does my hair blend into the yick in the river? What.
Theeeeeere we go.
Well. All of this is just plain gross. Rebels are assholes.
Teamwork! ...And I can boot up my work machine while I wrap stuff up!
I ... don't even have time to check what my reward for this was; I gotta get to work fast!
Right. Yes. Worktime. Ugh, they've left the long shit for me again. I hate my colleagues.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Hi Pinnie ,Where is the garden located? Is it outside the celergy behind it or in its own floor, is it a roof top garden? How big is it and does it have pond? Does look like a forest? If remember correctly its big enough to practice performances.
Can costumers go there or is it staff only? I imagine its where they grow alot of the produce animals and plants. I can only imagine Nebul sitting in forest with a bunch of animals just petting them. Like a hauntingly beautiful disney princess .
The Garden
The Clergy's garden lies directly in the premises of the building and it never switches place. However, what lies within it is the furthest thing from consistent. It's a very large space surrounded by thick foliage, and while the forest surrounding it is not exactly part of it, it's also uninhabited by the vast majority of animals out there. Krulu's presence tends to do that...
The best way to describe it, is to say that the place is desaturated. Everything there tends to sport muted, dark or otherwise ashy colors. Regardless of how much The Clergy shifts, a couple of things are permanent to the garden, those being a smooth stone path leading to the main doors and forming varying "branches" through fields of flowers. There is usually always at least one waterfall, though the shapes it adopts are never consistent and the flow of water appears to defy gravity. Some droplets just... Hover in the air.
The flowers, well, they don't really act like their namesake. There's a mix or roses, tulips, lilies, orchids- But they're all odd, sporting more petals than they ought to, swaying on their own, featuring darker colors for the most part. Some are mutated, becoming a breed of animal, growing teeth or limbs with which they can actually move. It's not uncommon to get bitten by one of these critters if you stray too far into the garden's more flowery sides. Which no one recommends really.
In fact, a lot of strange lifeforms, especially plant-based ones, originate in The Clergy's garden. This is due to the fact that the infrastructure is very much alive, and since Krulu pays little attention to this area's details, there's a void of "guidelines" which the building can use to orient itself with. So in turn, the establishment merely mimics what it thinks a garden should look and operate like. It doesn't really understand animals or plants, so it improvises based on the information that is fed to it and the stimulus it's regularly exposed to. Meaning, for example, that if you were to dump a carcass in the soil, The Clergy would potentially absorb it and create something random out of it. Nebul, Belo and Patches are endlessly fascinated by the results of this process.
Since it's so reactive, it's quite hard to get a plantation of any sort going, but Patches and Morell have been trying to secure a less anomalous plot for this. It's uh... In a beta stage. Produce still looks desaturated and tastes odd, but at least it's not talking or running away. Growing livestock here is an awful idea for now, they'll continue to use suppliers.
Another unfortunately permanent feature of the garden are gargoyles... There's a rather large flock of them loitering on the roof and they're generally kind of a nuisance. Yeah sure, they help by hunting the little anomalous critters that pop up sometimes, but they also raid dumpsters and make a mess. They've harassed clients once or twice, basically adopted Ludwig, won't obey Nebul and obsessively want to preen Belo. It's a strange dynamic, though if Krulu really wanted them out, they'd be gone by now.
The staff members that enjoy the garden the most are decidedly Nebul and Sybastian. Nebul definitely loves all the fucked up creatures that occasionally surface, having tried to domesticate more than a couple of them. Syb likes to drop most of his mimiclings in the garden, they learn to survive in an unexpected, hostile environment, which breeds stronger and smarter mimics. It's also a breather from how crowded the establishment can get at times, which stresses Sybastian out.
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snowdice · 2 years
Little Kestrel (Part 48) [Birds of Different Feathers Series]
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Logan & Patton & Virgil (future Virgil/Patton but not in this story)
Main: Logan, Patton, Virgil
Appear: Thomas
Mentioned: Janus
It was supposed to be a quick job either way. Either Virgil would assassinate King Thomas of Prijaznia or he’d be caught and get executed. Yet, when Virgil gets the wrong bedroom and gets caught by Prince Logan and his future royal advisor, Patton, the job ends up getting way more complicated for the 14-year-old. He also ends up sleeping in a (actually pretty comfortable) closet for a few weeks…
Notes: Implied/referenced child abuse, assassination attempt, knives, torture mentioned, captivity, teenagers being really dumb, sexual coercion of minors implied, a minor offering sexual favors
This is a prequel to Kill Dear. I wrote it 100 words at a time on my blog, but this is the edited version. If you want to see how it was crafted (and possibly some future content), look at the tag proofread stories.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38 Part 39 Part 40 Part 41 Part 42 Part 43  Part 44 Part 45 Part 46 Part 47
Thomas was leaving his office when he ran into his son. Or more accurately, his son almost ran into him. “Is everything alright?” Thomas asked.
“I…” Logan said. His hand came out to grasp Thomas’s shirt sleeve, odd behavior for him at least at this age. He used to do such things when he was very small. “Yes,” he said anyway. “Everything is perfectly fine.” He glanced behind himself down the hall.
Thomas looked at him and then looked down the hallway, concerned by his strange behavior. “Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yes,” Logan said, but he wasn’t letting go of Thomas’s shirt.
“You seem a bit anxious, Logan,” Thomas said.
“I am not,” Logan denied, releasing his shirt. Thomas caught a glimpse of something moving above their heads. The hallway Thomas’s office was in had large pillars along the outer wall that really no one should be able to scale despite there technically being grooves in them. Yet, there Virgil clung to the chapiter of one of them. Even more bewildering, he was gripping a pouch of some kind in his teeth.
They met eyes briefly. Virgil tilted his head at Thomas. Then, he removed one hand from the pillar. How was he up there? He made a motion with his hand that seemed to be telling Thomas to step back.
Thomas looked back at his son. Logan hadn’t noticed Virgil, too busy glancing behind him and not looking up. Thomas looked back up at Virgil and took a big step back. The moment he did, Virgil grabbed the bottom of the pouch with his free hand and let go with his teeth. The pouch flipped upside down dropping its contents right onto Logan’s head.
Logan gave a high-pitched shriek that Thomas didn’t think he’d ever heard from him before. “Virgil!” he yelled, now absolutely soaked.
“Learn to look up,” Virgil said seriously, still clinging to the pillar.
“I hate you,” Logan replied.
“Don’t say things you don’t mean in anger,” Thomas reminded. He was a bit worried Virgil may overreact to Logan saying things like that to him, though he seemed perfectly calm at the moment.
Logan scowled at Thomas. “You’re on his side?! He just dumped water on my head!”
“He needs to be trained to be more observant!” Virgil said.
Logan turned his scowl to Virgil. “Come down here, you intolerable creature! I’m done with your so-called training!”
“And what would you do if I did come down?” Virgil asked while arching an eyebrow, wholly unconcerned. “Quote facts about animals at me?”
Thomas was unsure what about that comment angered Logan, but it apparently did.
“You little…”
“Boys,” Thomas interrupted. “What’s going on here?”
They both immediately started speaking at once, doing their best to talk over each other. Thomas didn’t catch much of either rants except something about ‘training’ and Virgil ‘stalking the halls’ and an “exploding muffin.”
“Okay, okay,” Thomas said, putting a hand up to tell both of them to be quiet. “One at a time. Virgil first.”
“Really?” Logan asked.
“Logan,” Thomas scolded.
He mumbled something under his breath, but he did quiet down.
“Virgil,” Thomas started again. “What’s going on?”
“I’m training him,” Virgil said.
“Training him?” Thomas asked. “Training him for what?”
“For life,” Virgil answered. “He isn’t observant enough.”
“Ah,” Thomas said, still fairly confused. “And how are you training him?”
“Right now, we’re doing situational awareness training,” Virgil said.
“And how does that translate to you dumping water on his head?” Thomas asked.
“He wouldn’t have gotten water on his head if he’d noticed me,” Virgil answered, seriously. Thomas tried not to laugh at the look on his face.
“That is, perhaps true,” Thomas said. “However, dumping water on people’s heads is not nice. Perhaps there is a nicer way to do this training?”
“People trying to kill them won’t be nice,” Virgil said.
“No one is trying to kill Logan,” Thomas said.
Virgil just pursed his lips. “Maybe,” Virgil said. “Not yet.”
Thomas was unsure where this fear had come from. Perhaps he had heard about the successful assassination of Lamir’s late queen. Thomas hadn’t exactly publicized the fact that the queen had been killed and not simply died when he’d returned, but he had told certain people including Logan and Patton. It was possible one of them had let it slip and Virgil had freaked out about it.
“Well,” Thomas said. “It still isn’t nice to ruin someone’s day over a threat that doesn’t exist yet.”
Virgil just huffed at him. He was being surprisingly petulant which actually made Thomas smile just a tad. He’d not even been able to imagine this side of him a month ago. “Why don’t you come down here?” Thomas suggested. “We can talk through the issue and come to a compromise.”
Virgil stared down at him with skeptical eyes.
“Perhaps with tea and cookies?” Thomas suggested.
Virgil tilted his head and slid down the pillar until his feet touched the floor. “What kind of cookies?” he asked.
“We’ll have to see what Helen has made lately,” Thomas said. He turned to Logan and frowned. “You should probably change before you get sick being wet and in the cold.”
Logan nodded and shivered a little bit while rubbing his own arms. Despite the castle being warm, it was no fun to be completely soaked during the winter. Thomas wasn’t even sure if Virgil would have thought to not use freezing cold water. Even with heating elements, the water in the castle could be very cold if you didn’t wait for a bit for it to warm up. Thomas didn’t think Virgil would have thought too far ahead in this ‘training.’
“I’ll take Virgil down to the kitchen and get some tea and cookies for all of us,” Thomas told Logan.
He gave his son a look trying to communicate ‘I’ll talk to him.’ Logan pursed his lips, but nodded, seeming to receive the message.
“Why don’t we meet you in the royal dining room, so the conversation is more private?” Thomas suggested. It would be a much calmer environment than the main dining hall or the kitchens.
“Sure,” Logan agreed, turning to walk off in the direction of the royal wing. The poor thing was huddled in on himself and cold.
Thomas looked over at Virgil and smiled at him softly as Logan left. “Let’s go see what cookies Helen has ready,” he suggested.
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Birds of Different Feathers Master Post
My Masterpost
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dumbangrypuppet · 8 months
Tried to sleep early yk but here I am at 1 am because I went to bed too early.
I promised my little brain I was gonna stop thinking about Comet for a while, (my dumb little dude.)
And when watching YouTube, I got reminded of the Adventure Time Episode, "Thanks for the Crabapples, Giuseppe!"
Specifically, just the poem. And boy. Did I start crying.
What if when Comet dies, he wrote a poem like that for Eris and Hazel?
(btw if you don't know what poem I'm talking about here it is.)
"These are not my tear drops, daughter dear, but just a sheen of dew that lingers here, past other fields where other fathers lie, who kept their daughters better far than I."
IM GONNA CRY. (I say, as if I haven't cried over this silly fictional man and his situation for weeks)
Anyway, if you feel like crying over this man too, here's some angst I wrote for him from an RP.
And here I go, ranting about the parallels between Simon and Comet.
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Thank you Adventure Time for giving me ideas that tear my heart out again and again
(also, I need to draw Comet and Simon meeting, they'd get along fast.)
Like okay. I will literally spell it out for you
Both Simon and Comet literally tried to give up their lives (well Comet is actually doing so, he doesn't have a cosmic god of chaos for girlfriend to stop him and make him see reason) for people they barely knew.
Simon with "wanting" to become Ice King again to save an entire universe,
Comet with giving up his soul, his entire life to a demon so that the town he resides in can be protected from a giant threat.
(Comet resides in a fictional town called Uverney. Every resident there is a monster or creature of some kind, and Uverney is meant to be a sanctuary for monsters. But now, there's a group of monster hunters going into the town, and it's not gonna end well.)
Simon doesn't tell Fionna what's gonna actually happen to him when he puts on the crown. Though I don't think this is from selfishness or anything of the sort, perhaps he just doesn't wanna think about it. But STILL!!
Comet doesn't tell his daughters about the deal, or what the price was, he keeps the fact that once it's all over, he's going to die to HIMSELF. He sold his soul to protect an entire town, full of people he barely knows. (I should also mention, he's literally in the dumps right now for a multitude of reasons, the big one being that his coffee shop had been burned down the night before.)
Simon feels his life has no worth or purpose. People literally liked him better when he was consumed by the madness of the crown.
Comet also feels his life has no worth, and now no purpose. If you read the images above, it mentions things he's lost.
Comet lost his dad at 13, after a demon possessed his body and used it to kill his father. He lost friends because not only were they scared of him, but once his dad was gone, he had to move in with his mother. There his only friends were his brother and sister, who cut off contact after Comet turned 18 and left to pursue music.
If you saw my other post about this stupid silly man, you'll know that didn't go well either.
He fell in love with one of the roadie's, a man named Avery. They knew each other for three months, and Comet thought he was in love.
He was, but Avery wasn't.
No, Avery wasn't even a real person, a real name, instead it was a fake name created by the demon Amon, and all he wanted from comet was to use his body as a vessel. (I probably haven't explained or made it clear, Comet is a trans man.)
So this tragic little guy!! He's just. Torn apart! He's got nobody, nothing!! He never lets anyone in again, he tells himself not to fall in love anymore because all that does is hurt him.
(which totally sucks because Comet is absolutely husband material btw)
So yeah. Dumb little witch man. Hates himself a lot.
Hold on edit time because now I have more.
Simon should have realized that his existence was important after Vampire World, because without Simon there to protect Marceline, the world gets run over by vampires.
Comet doesn't think about all the good he's done for others!! I'll just bring up some events from the rp and some from the canon story.
He finds a girl in the forest with the help of his 4 year old daughter at the time, takes her in and takes care of her. 9 years later, this girl is Eris and her and Hazel are like peas in a pod bro.
Comet finds two hobos living behind his café, and what does he do? He gives them a job. (this action has consequences later because they're the indirect reason his café burns down later)
Eris finds a kid in her flower pot and another in the forest who needs help?? She uses her teachings from Comet to take them in and help them just as what was done for her.
Comet teaches both Eris and Hazel how to properly use magic to protect themselves.
A bloodied girl shows up on the front porch to his house? Comet brings her in, patches her up, makes her HOT CHOCOLATE AND SOME SANDWICHES, and EVEN OFFERS HER A PLACE TO STAY IN HIS HOME until she can get back on her feet.
He is a good person, even if he thinks he isn't.
Just like Simon, he is important, and if he didn't exist or wasn't around, there would be terrible consequences.
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "DANÇANDO MÚSICA DOS ANOS 90! AS MELHORES #shortsvideo #shorts" on YouTube
It's mesmerizing
And as soon as mentioning something else that he's big like his brother was pretty burly and looked really a little bit bigger than anyone could be but nowadays people can get real big like that he was more like a little bit bulkier probably a couple more inches on the arms and chest and legs then the Colossus from the X-Men but his waist was never really huge with our son if he's not poisoned in the magic is not keeping him down he is like the juggernaut from the movie almost the same at that size at that height and he's a little bit more muscular but actually you can't see it that much so if he's a little smaller he's that size and he's only about 10 ft and he is quite like that and dan is not really, but Dan is using spice it's from a certain creature that looks like that and yes it's the one in Okeechobee and you can see him down there gathering it and he's drinking the blood of a goat or something a pig and you can see the movie where he gets it he's one of the two Rock steady no he's Bebop and that's who those two are and they become in the movie and they really mutate too much but they need to figure out how to come back off into a human form and it figures out how to be big like that and not piggish and they're both kind of figuring stuff out it really is intense and it kills people when you do it if you need stuff and they're playing as forcing it and stuff but our son is big like that like like the Juggernaut from that movie when he's smaller he's like the Juggernaut from the original but that's only at about 6 ft 2 it's still a fairly bulky he's a little bit bulk here but it's fair to say that it's hard to get bulky when you're still growing so he looks like that and that guy is very big compared to people and he knows it and he's saying it and her son says it's just wrestle me one of my foot taller. It's kind of looming over him in some sort of homemade image film and he says I'm going to break you like a wooden fence rail the hard to break is what it says and the guys laughing his ass off cuz it's impressive. But what he's saying is the guy in the movie was talking smack and said you got clones and he sees now why they're all over your set and he's saying it too it's not really a set but he sees what he's saying and he says you guys should try and get Giants and if I'm bigger you'll get Giants I think because of psychological and he remembers the day and it says we did get that and it is true there you go stick to your business kid and Bob Bernice wants to but her son is bigger than his brother his brother is a strong man at 9 ft was lifting 4,000 lb up over his head quite easily and that's a lot of weight I signed at 9 foot would look almost as big as juggernaut and we left about 10 to 20,000 pounds depending on the shape if it was in a really good shape and bolt up with muscle 20,000 lb which is the weight of a small school bus or a suburban no it's too light give me a small dump truck or not a 10-wheeler it's kind of hard to say it's about the weight of what those f650 personal vehicles are he lift his own truck up weighs about he would weigh about 2,000 lb so people are not that's incredibly strong and he'd be in the circus before that and he wants to to make some extra cash what Mac is doing on the Big show he wants money outside it and Max says he's willing to do that and Ben Arnold wants to do be the one doing it he says he probably should so they want to go ahead with it but it's still going to be small for a while cuz he's still sick with his poisoning and doesn't have any money for food
Thor Freya
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Can I request if your open, the demon bros reacting to MC revealing they/she's had Vampire, monster men, Siren, and Fae lovers before meeting them? Like, they're playing truth or dare and someone asks MC about their love life and MC just casually reveals their/her long list of ex-lovers, apparently the paranormal beings are not as discreet as they think they are.
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MC having non-human Ex-lovers
Warnings: Monster fucking time :^))), kind of spicy in Satan and Asmodeus’s
Summary: How the avatars of sin react to finding out MC has a long history of dating monsters and other non-human beings (and no I don’t mean MC is a furry jahdljfhakjfhdjk)
A/N: SOME OF THE EXES ARE GIRLS IN THIS AND SOME ARE BOYS !!! just a warning :) also the monster fucker in me jumped out in this 
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- MC was running late when they were supposed to be on their way home from running a quick errand 
- So he was pacing on the front doorstep like a concerned mother, watching the end of the street for the familiar face to turn and rush towards the house, running back to him apologizing for being away from him so long
- What he WASN’T expecting was to see MC turning down the street with a werewolf that appeared to get along a little too well with his MC
- When they got to the front door, still chatting and gigging together, Lucifer cleared his throat loudly
- The werewolf looked frightened, quickly saying his goodbyes to the human before rushing away
- When he drags MC inside, lecturing them on talking to such dangerous creatures and trusting so easily, until he hears them snickering
- “Yea I guess I shouldn’t trust him after how much he hurt me back then,” they say with a agitated look, clearly remembering some pretty upsetting memories, “I mean who text dumps their significant other over text after three years of dating, hmph typical boys..”
- “Significant other.... ???” Lucifer looks at them in shock. “You mean you’ve dated... monsters?” Confusion and a small glimmer of hope hidden behind his cold gaze.
- This means MC would be willing to be with such a big bad beast as himself.
- MC starts to list off multiple species they’ve dated and Lucifer feels his heart speed up knowing that MC had enough experience with monsters to even consider being with him
- If MC is that interested in monsters, then he’ll just have to prove he’s more of a monster than any of those other fools from their past
- Is much more comfortable walking around casually in his demon form, and even tries to look more demonic just to impress the human and gain their attention
- At the end of the day he does inform Diavolo of the recklessness of paranormal creatures in the human realm and how poorly they hide and urges him to ensure the those monsters keep their species hidden better
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- MC had skipped their last class with some guy according to their classmates who he questioned about the human’s whereabouts
- He headed to the rooftop of RAD, knowing if they were led by someone who was from here they were probably brought there for privacy 
- He sees them talking and giggling with some vampire and Mammon felt a pang of jealousy and a bit of fear
- “Oi! Stay away from my human you blood sucker!” Stands between MC and the Vampire defensively
- “You’re human?” The vampire smirks, “I got to them long before you, pretty boy,” Hands are about to be thrown
- When MC explains that they knew him and trust he won’t hurt them because they used to date Mammon just >:O
- But then he gets a bit excited knowing MC wouldn’t reject him for being a monster
- Still sends death glares towards the vampire extremely often to make sure he realizes that since he dumped MC he doesn’t get another chance with them
- When he realizes MC practically only dates monster his head just about explodes
- He really wasn’t expecting this from the puny human, Solomon maybe, but an average joe like MC??? 
- Warns MC about the danger they’re putting themselves in
- “Oh so you’re saying that for my own safety I shouldn’t go on a date with you tonight?” “w-W-WAIT MC THAT AIN’T WHAT I SAID!”
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- Was hanging out with MC playing video games for their weekly otaku sleep overs 
- Mid-game a siren is introduced as the villain and Levi rolls his eyes because he knows how annoying the sirens could be
- “Wow! She’s just like my ex!” Mc shouts pointing at the siren
- “How so?” Levi asks assuming MC was about to roast their ex by comparing them to the monster
- When MC responds with “because she’s a bitchy siren,” Levi almost spits out his drink
- “Haha, you mean she’s loud and manipulative?” He questions trying to find reason in their statement
- “yea that and the fact they’re a siren,” MC shrugs
- MC is a monster fucker?!?!??! Levi.exe has stopped working
- When MC starts to list of all sorts of powerful beings they’d been with he can feel jealousy boiling up inside of himself and he can’t help but want to prove he is stronger than MC’s exes
- Stays in his demon form almost 90% of the time now because he thinks MC will like it (which they do)
- If they ever see one of MC’s exes out in public he gets jealous if they look scarier than himself
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- Satan was browsing the shelves of RAD’s library when he heard hushed voices from behind the bookshelf.
- “So wait, tell me again how you know MC?” A succubi asks an incubus quietly
- “Oh we used to date,” They continue to discuss MC and how MC had dated a lot of monsters in the past apparently and he stormed home ready to get answers
- He couldn’t help but smirk a bit on his way home, if MC wanted a monster, he would give them a monster
- He walks towards their room in demon form, not bothering to knock as he slams open MC’s door
- He looms over MC who is sitting at their desk looking at him with curious eyes
- “Hi, Satan, you should really knock you know-””How many monsters have you been with?”
- MC freezes at the question, a bit embarrassed that their past had made its way into the House of Lamentation
-Satan pulls them to a standing position and pushes them against the wall, leaning into their ear and nipping it before speaking
-”So kitten likes to play with the big bad wolves, huh?” He asks the human who stared up at him with a flustered yet loving gaze. “Lucky for you, you’ve got the biggest and the baddest of them all right here, kitten~”
- Spends all night showing his power over them and letting himself be a monster around them (after ensuring they wanted it of course, he’s a monster, not an asshole)
- Makes sure all of MC’s ex lovers who reside in the Devildom know that he doesn’t plan on letting the human go and they’re happier with him than they were with any of their exes
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- They were having a sleepover and were waiting for facemasks to dry
- While waiting Asmodeus suggested they play truth or dare and MC agrees
- MC picks truth and Asmo goes for a question that had been plaguing his mind for a long time
- “have you ever been with a monster?” When MC responds with a shy little “yea” he gets super excited and squeals
- asks for all the details of who hey dated, what species they were, if it was serious between them or not
- They actually discovered they had a bunch of exes in common and had to make a timeline to realize one of the exes had dated them at the exact same time
- They spend hours going off about different lovers they’ve both had and just spend all night gossiping about different type of species and the different ways the species act in bed
- He then realizes he has an opportunity to flirt so he pushes them down on the bed and hovers inches away from their face
- “All monsters have power, but MC, do you want to be with a real monster who can give you a real taste of power”
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- Someone on his team was doing some “guy talk” with a few other guys and Beel heard them bring up MC’s name
- He tuned in, ready to stand up for them if they were going to shit talk his favorite human
- “I mean all three years of being together was rocky, fuckin’ was the only thing that really kept us going-” Beel is too shocked to keep tuned in
- MC had been with a monster for that long before their time in the Devildom?
- At home he sees MC in the kitchen and blushes at the thought of him and MC being together like they had been with that other demon- except he would treat them better and make them feel loved
- “MC, I overheard some guys in the locker room talking about how you had dated one of them for a while in the past” He’s very straightforward and casual about questioning MC
- “I’ve been with quite a few people that go to RAD,  humans are just too boring y’know?” MC giggles at the flustered ginger as he dug through the fridge, determined to fill his endless abyss of a stomach
- They just hang out in the kitchen for a while, casually talking about MC’s past with monsters and Beelzebub doesn’t judge them at all, but he knows some monsters can be cruel and feels a bit worried MC has been hurt
- I feel like in that moment of realization that MC isn’t afraid of him and his species he’d probably confess his feelings for the human
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- He was sleeping on MC’s lap while they talked to Asmo in the common room
- His sleepy self is able to make out the words “Dated” and “monster” so he tuned in discreetly
- He hears MC list all of the species they’d been with in the past and can’t help but blush at the thought of being with MC but he also is frustrated to know he has so much competition 
- Once Asmo starts to change the subject Belphie decides he’d heard enough and heads up to the attic to nap where MC and Asmo wouldn’t yap his ear off
- Has a dream about being with MC, them loving him for himself; even the parts that were meant to scare humans away
- He wakes up to soft fingertips brushing his hair around 
- “My lap got cold without you there,” MC frowns at the sleepy demon in front of them
- Belphie pulls them down to cuddle with him and asks them a question
- “How powerful were they all?”
-”Who? Oh! You heard about my exes haha... I mean they were definitely powerful but not nearly as powerful as you and your brothers,” MC responds
- He tilts their chin up and places a soft kiss on their lips, “Good, cuz I don’t want them to even think about trying to get you back. If I’m more powerful than them then they won’t even think about causing trouble.”
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grailfinders · 2 months
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice #26: Nrvnqsr Chaos
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today on Grailfinders, I’d say we’re due for a big ol’ storm of chaos! Nrvnqsr Chaos specifically, though you’ll have to forgive me if I simply call him Nero throughout the build- I’m not going to remember that alphabet soup of a name.
anyway, our dear friend Keysmash Chaos is an Aberrant Mind Sorcerer to pick up some spicier summons and some flexibility, as well as a Shepherd Druid for summoned beasts out the wazoo that can really pack a punch. check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Ancestry & Background
Nero was a human but now he’s chaos, which is a bunch of animals grafted together in a semi-humanoid shape. you could go Simic Hybrid here if you love the smell of fish, but since there’s no way in hell I’ll find another chance for this I’m going to make him a Plasmoid instead. that gives him +2 Charisma and +1 Constitution, as well as an Amorphous body type that lets you squeeze through small spaces and get advantage on making and escaping grapples. you also get Darkvision up to 60’, and can Hold Breath for up to an hour with no negative consequences. you’ve got 666 pairs of lungs, I’m sure it’ll all work out. your unique body plan also gives you a Natural Resistance against acid and poison damage as well as the poison condition, and you can Shape Self as an action to add or remove limbs and a head from your general shape, or use a bonus action to send a bit of you up to 10’ away in a little cord that can manipulate lightweight objects. chaos doesn’t keep a solid form, go figure.
you used to be part of a reclusive bunch of mages that threw themselves out of normal reality, so calling you a Hermit is pretty spot on. you get proficiency in Medicine and Arcana instead of religion bc I said so, and the Wandering Sea is definitely more about science/magic than gods. I’d argue your backround’s flavor feat Discovery is also pretty in-character for once since it gives you a reason you became goo to begin with, but it’s not totally necessary.
Ability Scores
nero’s highest score is his Charisma. his magic comes from inside, and I mean that literally. next is Wisdom, animals tend to have a high wisdom score, and you are animals. also, mind-controlling you is probably pretty hard given how many you have. third is Constitution, because you don’t die til your beasts do, and your beasts don’t die til you do. a real catch-666 here. this does make your Dexterity a little lower than I’m 100% comfortable giving a caster, but with a healing factor like yours getting out of the way isn’t an issue. your Intelligence is only average- you were smart, and probably still are, but your brain’s been getting eaten by wolves the last millennium, I wouldn’t bet too much on it. that means we’re dumping Strength, which feels weird for a super strong vampire, but we can patch that up with magic better than most other abilities.
Class Levels
1. Sorcerer 1: starting off as a sorcerer gets you proficiency with Constitution and Charisma saves. you can survive the eyes of death perception, which is definitely a high save DC for one of those. you also get proficiency in Intimidation and Insight checks. you have 600+ beasts inside you- that’s a lot of growling and a lot of eyes.
at level one your Aberrant Mind lets you use Telepathic Speech, linking up with a nearby creature for a couple minutes so you can speak with just your minds. you also gain Psionic Spells, which are kind of like a regular extended spell list, but you can swap these out with other divination or enchantment spells as you go. if we do that, we’ll be sure to bring it up.
speaking of, at level one you get Arms of Hadar and Mind Sliver which we’re keeping, but we’re swapping out Dissonant Whispers for Identify. you’ve been around a while, you know what magic is. you also get regular spells this level- Mage Hand lets you send out a lil bird to carry something light for you, Sword Burst flings claws everywhere for some cheap damage, Chill Touch deals damage and blocks healing, and Blade Ward lets you goop up to block the worst of incoming physical damage. for your leveled spells, Mage Armor is practically a necessity since it gives you an extra +3 to AC, and Catapult is nice too, letting you fling a nearby object at a creature, possibly damaging both in the process.
2. Sorcerer 2: second level sorcerers are a Font of Magic, which right now just means you can cast an extra 1st level spell each day by doing some rigamarole. a 1st level spell like Feather Fall perhaps. you’ve got a lot of birds in you, I’m sure they can help break your fall.
3. Sorcerer 3: at third level your font of magic actually becomes interesting, because you can use your sorcery points from that to make Metamagic, altering the effects of your spells to your liking. most of your summons are literally you pulling something out of you, so they’re pretty Subtle. subtle spells don’t require somatic or verbal components, so they’re a lot harder to counterspell too!  speaking of, those summons are basically animals when they’re not in you, so they last a while- an Extended spell can help with that, doubling the duration of whatever you cast.
you also get second level spells now! we’re swapping out Calm Emotions for Hold Person for your weak shitty eyes of enchantment, and Detect Thoughts. mortal mages can do that, and you’ve been around ten times as long, so I can’t imagine it’s that difficult for you. you also get Enhance Ability, giving you advantage on one kind of skill check for up to an hour. and all the options are flavored after animals, score!
4. Sorcerer 4: fourth level sorcerers get their first Ability Score Improvement, so bump up that Charisma for stronger spell, like the cantrip Infestation to sic bugs on people and Shatter to break shit! I think adding a swarm of poisonous insects to your chaos would probably bump you up to at least 6,666 beasts but I’ll allow them to all count as one.
5. Sorcerer 5: at fifth level, everything just kind of goes right for you thanks to your Magical Guidance- spend a sorcery point, re-roll a failed check. you’re a villain, so you have plot armor right up to the end of the story.
you also get third level spells- Haste lets you move fast enough to keep up with arcueid (probably), and your freebies Hunger of Hadar and Sending let you blast some goo to slow down enemies and chaos them to death, or use a cell phone. you were born in the 900s, an iphone might as well be magic to you.
6. Sorcerer 6: a sixth level weirdo gets Psionic Sorcery, so any of your psionic spells can now be cast purely through sorcery points, and doing so makes it subtle as well as allowing you to ignore material components unless they are spent by the spell. that’s important for later.
you also get Psychic Defenses, giving you resistance to psychic damage as well as charms and spooks. you have a lot of brains in there, it’s going to be hard to freak all of them out at once. which is good bc the rabbit one is always freaked out.
also you can finally eat people now! with Vampiric Touch, you can touch people and drain their life force, regaining half the damage you deal as HP!
7. Sorcerer 7: seventh level of a spellcaster means fourth level spells! as for nero, it’s Polymorphin’ time! now you can turn into a beast with a CR equal to your level or less for up to an hour, changing all your stats and basically giving you a big beast-shaped shield to your HP. you also get your new psionic spells, Evard’s Black Tentacles and Summon Aberration! the former’s basically hunger of hadar but again, and the latter’s our very first summoning spell for phantasmals! yeah it took a while to get going, but if putting animals in people was easy everyone’d be a furry already. don’t worry, we’ll speed things up next level.
8. Druid 1: bouncing over to druid gives you more Spells that you cast and prepare using your Wisdom. multiclassing spellcasters gets a lil complicated, so check the PHB to see what spell slots you have at any given time.
the important thing is you get Primal Savagery and Shillelagh, giving you more melee options to avoid having to punch people with your puny caster hands. you can further enhance your physicality with spells like Jump and Longstrider, or drag people into your chaos with Entangle. you even learn druidic! it’s a language!
9. Druid 2: at second level you get to enter the Circle of the Shepherd, which teaches you the Speech of the Woods. not only does it teach you Sylvan, famous for being a language, but you can talk to beasts now as well!
more excitingly, you can summon a Spirit Totem as a bonus action, bringing a phantasmal to the battlefield for up to a minute per short rest. you can pick between three options- the bear giving creatures you choose extra HP and advantage on strength checks and saves, the Hawk letting you grant advantage on an attack as a reaction and giving advantage freely to perception checks, and the Unicorn gives advantage on checks to find creatures and extra HP from healing spells.
to get even beastlier, you can now Wild Shape twice per short rest to turn into a beast without using a spell slot. the CR for this one is a lot more limited, but free HP is free HP. alternatively, you can do the more in-character thing and summon a Wild Companion, letting you spend a wild shape use to cast Find Familiar without materials. it’s not that strong, but a flying spy camera can be pretty useful.
10. Druid 3: if you need a long-distance helper, you can always use Animal Messenger or Beast Sense instead. the former will fursonally deliver a message to someone you describe, while the latter lets you see and hear through a beast for up to an hour, but without any control over what it does.
you can also Summon Beast which is nice. we’re still a ways away from mass chaos, but it’s a cheaper summon option.  hell, it’s honestly the better option for a fourth level spell slot anyway, unless you’re hyped about having a regenerating chaos.
11. Druid 4: at fourth level you can turn into CR 1 creatures that can swim thanks to your Wild Shape Improvement, and you can also use this ASI to bump up your Charisma and Wisdom to max out the former and set up the latter for later.
you also get another cantrip, so I say weaponize that pseudopod of yours with a Thorn Whip. it whips! it thorns!
12. Druid 5: the real reason we’re here is third level spells, and the only one I care about here is Conjure Animals. by using a third level spell slot, you can summon a single beast of CR 2, or twice as many by halving the CR, all the way to 8 CR ¼ beasts. it says the DM has the stats for whatever you summon, but tbh if you’re going to summon eight extra fighters every combat you should probably just bookmark your own PHB to help out.
13. Druid 6: one last pit stop before we head back to sorcerer- at level six shepherd druids become Mighty Summoners, adding an extra 2 HP per hit die to your summoned beasts/fey, and giving them magical attacks to boot.
14. Sorcerer 8: another ASI, this time you’re Resilient in Wisdom saves, giving you advantage and also rounding up your wisdom score for a cool plus 1 to all your spells and such.
also you can summon a Spirit of Death now, which lets you track whatever it’s zero’d in on anywhere in the material plane.
15. Sorcerer 9: with fifth level spells, it’s time for things to get real spicy. your freebies this level are Scrying to send out a spy bird with none of the fuss (esp. since you can use psionic casting to get around the 1000 gold casting cost) and Telekinesis to lift stuff like the big strong man you’re supposed to be. you can also Summon Draconic Spirits now, giving you access to the most powerful phantasmals available. not only can it deal adequate damage with breath attacks, but it also protects you from elemental damage to boot!
16. Sorcerer 10: now that you’ve spent some time vamping it up, your magic can now be Empowered, forcing disadvantage on one person trying to save themselves from it. you also get the Message cantrip bc I’m running out of good cantrips to give you, and the Enervation spell for a more chaos-flavored way of consuming your prey. you slap a target with a tentacle, and if they fail their first save it latches on, letting you drain their health each turn for up to a minute.
17. Sorcerer 11: I’ll be honest I’m kind of on the fence as to whether Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise should be called your 999th beast or not. on one hand it makes you look more demonic and gives you all kinds of cool abilities, but tbh I think turning into a T rex makes you a lot tougher for less magic cost. either way, you definitely have it now.
18. Sorcerer 12: use your last ASI to bump up your Dexterity to not die as much. yeah you’ve got plenty of spare lives, but it’s a pain to use them, y’know?
19. Sorcerer 13: our final spell of the day is the Finger of Death, which is a big single-target attack that can even turn a person into part of your chaos if it kills a humanoid target. really your whole body is Of Death, but a finger works too I guess.
20. Sorcerer 14: our capstone ability makes you a Revelation in Flesh, letting you transform yourself as a bonus action for ten minutes. for each sorcery point spent to transform, you get one of the four available bonuses. the first lets you see invisible creatures, the second gives you a flying speed, and the third lets you swim and breathe underwater. the last and both most- and least-important turns you into chaos good, letting you and anything you’re wearing move through a 1-inch space, or spend 5’ to break any grapple. it’s technically something you could’ve done already, but now you can do it without getting naked.
Pros & Cons:
you have pretty good health for a caster, but it gets even better when you include all the extra health you can get from your uses of Polymorph, Wild Shape, and of course your vampiric spells. unless they can rush you down, you can cling to life in a fight for a good long while.
your spells are also very flexible, as are you. yes, you can summon 32 wolves or transform into a T Rex to cause havoc, but you can also summon or become smaller creatures for the sake of stealth or reconnaissance. and of course while using these spells on just yourself is in-character, a lot of them can be used on teammates as well to help them out.
you’re hard to deal with, magically speaking. you have solid saves in two of the big three saves, and you resist some common status effects really freaking well, so other mages can have a hard time taking out your HP faster than you can regrow it.
your AC isn’t great, so melee fighters can still carve you up pretty easily. and if one of those happen to get creative with their mystic eyes of death perception you’ll definitely still be in trouble.
also, almost all of your summons are super weak compared to other spells of the same level. Conjure Animals is great for area denial or dealing with large groups of weak enemies, but using a ninth level spell for 32 wolves that’ll survive all of one turn before being fireballed to death just feels bad. the extra health from Mighty Summons is nice, but you’re getting at most 14 extra HP from that if you’re making CR 2 beasts, and that won’t last long at higher levels.
you yourself isn’t that strong either- while you don’t have to worry much about getting grappled, but you’re still easy to push around or fall into a magical strength-save spell.
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latent-thoughts · 3 years
An Offering, A Connection...
Summary: When a little boy gets lost in the woods in England, what hope does he have to return to his home safe and sound? Who will come to his rescue? Well, a very chaotic entity that loves kids.
Author's Note: I usually don't write RPF, but I felt compelled to write this one. This concept had been rattling in my head for a while, but I never felt a push to actually write it. Until now, until today, when I had been down in the dumps, thinking I had lost my writing mojo for good. I guess Loki approved?
Category: General
Warnings: None
Golden, rowdy curls... unsure, confused steps.
The child was… lost, for certain. He had looked around and tried to act brave at first. But soon, it all devolved into panic and fear.
He was now crying. No, he was a sobbing mess. Crying out for his mother, looking around with frantic, wet eyes.
He was deep in the woods and there was no help in sight.
Were his parents not around? Why wasn't anyone looking for him?
The hidden, shadowy figure moved closer to the boy as his sobs grew louder, drawn by his distress. Not a sound was heard, but a rustling of wind through the trees.
Slowly, the inky shadow took on a more solid form, though the shape looked like a mirage. Ever changing, never settling.
The boy hadn't noticed the presence yet, for he was far too perturbed with his immediate surroundings.
Finally, on a whim, the shifting mirage settled on a form, just as his footsteps squished the fallen, half rotten leaves on the wet ground.
It had rained not long ago, and it might as well start pouring again.
Not that it mattered. To him, it didn't…
But the child would be soaked, and it wouldn't bode well for him. Children were fragile little treasures, after all.
The boy turned around just as he heard the wet footsteps approaching, his eyes wide and terrified.
They were a lovely shade of blue, big and expressive.
He smiled, stopping before the boy, letting him observe him.
"W-Who are you?" he asked, his voice cracking with nerves, his little body shaking in response to both fear and the evening chill of the woods.
"That's irrelevant, dear heart. Are you lost?" he asked the trembling boy, extending his hand towards him as an offer.
The boy didn't move, eyeing his hand with apprehension.
He didn't trust him. That was wise. Trusting strangers in the woods was bad form.
But in this instance, there was little room for choice.
Ah, but he knew he had to be patient. Children were delicate beings. Innocent from all wiles, they held a special place in his heart.
Bending down on one knee, he asked the same question again.
"Are you lost, my child?"
It took him a beat, but the boy finally gave him a little nod, his lips trembling as the tears once again escaped his eyes.
"I want to go home," he mumbled, barely audible.
"I see." The proffered hand still extended towards the boy. "Come then, we shall find a way back."
Patience unlike which he usually possessed took over then, as he let the boy take his hand in a slow, measured approach.
"My mum says that I shouldn't trust strangers," the boy stated, even as he grasped his hand with his little fingers.
"That's all true and wise, but your mum should've been here to protect you."
He did feel a certain ire towards irresponsible parents.
"It's not her fault. I ran away and got lost," the boy said contritely, lowering his head. "I didn't listen to her. I just wanted to run, to feel the wind on my face. I didn't see where I was going."
"Ah, I see. So you were being rebellious." He smirked as he rose to his full height. "How very chaotic of you."
The boy grew less scared and weepy and more loquacious as they began to walk, the sun setting behind them, darkening the woods.
"Is that bad? Being chaotic?"
"Not at all. Chaos is but an aspect of life. Without it, nothing would move, nothing would stir. Nothing would grow."
"So… why did I get lost then? Why do bad things happen with chaos?"
"You think it's a bad thing, but perhaps it isn't. For what it's worth, I found you."
"Yes. But what were you doing in the woods? Were you lost as well? Or were you looking for something?"
A chuckle escaped between them. The boy was a curious creature. Good for him.
"No. I wasn't lost, neither was I looking for something. I simply love wandering in the woods. I'm at home with nature."
"Where do you live?"
"Far from here, but close enough to visit these woods every once in a while"
"You sound like a riddle, and you talk in a weird way."
Another chuckle. "Do I?"
"Yup. But I like it."
Slowly, they walked in a straight line and reached the edge of the woods, stepping onto the familiar grey asphalt that served as the pathway for all the manner of modern human conveyance.
"I recognize this road!" the child claimed with newfound enthusiasm, pulling at his hand as he tried to cross over to the other side.
He let him pull him, smiling down at him as he chirped about his house, which was only a block away.
Of course, it was.
Hand in hand, they reached the boy's home in no time at all.
"Come inside," the boy urged, still hanging onto his hand as they approached the house's main door. "Please?"
He let out a sigh. "I must not, dear. I have places I need to be"
The boy pouted. "But you said you just wander around."
"Not without a purpose. I do have things to do."
The boy looked down, then sideways at the door to his house, letting out a little sigh of disappointment.
"Alright. But I want to thank you."
"I accept your thanks."
Shaking his head, the boy looked up at him again, one hand still hanging onto him while the other fished something out from his pants pocket.
"Here, please have it. I wanted to give you something more, something bigger, but that's all I have right now." He raised his hand up, offering him a confection.
He recognized it--chocolate, one of his favoured sweet treats.
"Please have it."
Well, he wasn't the one to reject an offering. Especially so innocently given. But… an offering given so freely had to have its consequences.
Silently, the confection changed hands.
"I shall take my leave now." He bent down on his knee again, stroking the golden haired head of the boy, uttering a blessing audible to no one but him, spoken in a tongue as old as time itself. "Be good, and don't spread too much chaos and mischief. At least, not until you grow up a bit. You'll get plenty of opportunities when you do."
The boy nodded, though his eyes grew sad. "Before you go, can I at least know your name, sir?"
Lightning sparked up in the sky behind him as he rose, illuminating his pitch dark tresses as he gazed down at the boy, a kind smile gracing his sharp features.
"I have many names, but you may call me Loki."
Thunder rumbled then, loud and cracking as the rain came down in a heavy downpour. "Till we meet again, Tom."
Patting his head again, he turned around and walked away, disappearing into the sheet-like rain.
"Wait… how did you know my name?" the little boy called out in confusion, only to receive silence in response.
Silence and the clamouring rain…
[Present Day]
"Tom? Hello, you still there?"
A blink, and just like that, his thoughts scattered, leaving the shadow of the memory behind. He pulled it back under lock and key, like always. This one wasn't meant to be shared with anyone.
"Yes, I'm here. Sorry, bad connection."
"Ah ok. As I was saying, Disney is going ahead with this thing, and it's going to be pretty big. They want new stories, and they're very eager to have one with Loki."
That was… a surprise. He hadn't been expecting this.
"As much as I want this to happen, he's… well, he's dead."
He had to say that with a very heavy heart, even apologizing silently to the one he knew was certainly alive and watching over him.
"We'll figure something out. Are you game for it?"
He rubbed his palm against his face, closing his eyes. He was pretty certain that he heard a chuckle echo around him, light and effervescent and almost inaudible.
"You have to be gentle with my heart, Louis, I can't keep saying goodbye to him. Be still, my heart."
"I understand, man, but this time, you'll get the reins. Tell his story in a more fleshed out way, it's gonna be a whole series."
"A whole series, you say?"
Tom opened his eyes and smiled, shaking his head in disbelief and joy.
"I'm in."
Just as the call disconnected, he went to his kitchen and opened the fridge, taking out a dark chocolate bar.
"Thank you," he murmured softly, smiling to himself as he placed it on the counter and went off to take Bobbie out for a run.
He knew that it'd be gone by the time he'd return. Just like it always did.
The End
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ponett · 2 years
curiouscat has been weird lately so i am going to take this opportunity to archive some more SLARPG-related Q&A stuff in case it goes down again. here's a big dump of questions covering a wide range of topics from throughout 2021:
How much Sonic influence would you say SLARPG has?
there's definitely sonic influence, but it's less specific references or even an intentional desire to make something Like Sonic and more just... sonic was the first game series i really got into as a kid. there's probably gonna be some level of sonic influence in everything i make because those games and the archie comics were formative media for me
i started drawing furries because of sonic. melody is a fox because my first fursona started out as a sprite edit of sonic advance tails, and working off of those sprites (as well as mega man 7 ones because i read bob and george) influenced my pixel art style. the wasteland is on a floating island because angel island made me think floating islands were cool - although it's not intended to just be a reference to that, since obviously sonic isn't the only thing with sky islands. i didn't intentionally set out to make a game about colorful anthro characters going on adventures in a world that blends fantasy, sci-fi, and modern earth elements because i wanted it to be Like Sonic, but i probably like that kind of thing in part because of sonic
beyond that kind of thing there's very little in terms of intentional nods to sonic, but i will say that there is one (1) easter egg referencing idw sonic. but you'll have to play the game to find out what it is!!!!!
SLARPG gets a movie with an all a-lister ensemble cast. Who does Jack Black voice?
i can't say because said character is a spoiler
Do you think any members of the zany cast of SLARPG would make good parents/parental role models? Why or why not.
i mean there are multiple characters on the cast who are literal parents. beyond that, jodie and faith would make good parents for sure. and beverly. probably holly too. they've all got that nurturing nature in their own ways while also having their shit more or less figured out
i am normally not invested in shipping but that tiger and unicorn need to kiss more often
i regret not actually having any scenes where jodie and faith interact in the demo but you will be pleased with the full game
is it possible for the different sapient (are they different races or outright different species?) in Reverie to interbreed? Would an Elf/Beastfolk mix have the potential to basically be a kemonomimi?
we don't currently have any hybrid characters in the game, but it's definitely possible. a lot of traditional fantasy creatures would probably just be part beast folk and part elf/whatever on reverie. centaurs, fauns, that sort of thing. and yes, kemonomimi are probably a possibility
(note: this was answered in june, we now have a couple characters that could be considered species hybrids in there)
if you could add one thing to the game, regardless of potential cost or dev time, what would it be?
i've heavily considered adding alternate costumes, but i just don't think it's feasible. given unlimited resources i'd love to go for that. rpg maker's sprite sheet requirements mean that all of the sprites for the party members (their normal walking poses, specific actions, bespoke poses for story scenes, lighting variants, etc.) are split across a bunch of different sheets, and it'd just be a total pain to have to juggle costume variants on top of that. especially when you get into combined sprites for stuff like two characters hugging, which would then need alternate versions for every possible combination of costumes
on future projects, though, when i'm not working under rpg maker's restrictions, i'd love to do alternate costumes
i mean i'd also love for the game to have a full blown anime-ass opening so that it could truly become the shounen anime for sapphic furries that it exists as in my heart, but the costumes are a thing i've thought about a lot
you mentioned implementng ff6s relic system, are you gonna add any kind of deliberately overpowered BS?
i'm trying to keep the charms fairly balanced so that they all feel useful in their own way, but there's an optional one in the late game that you can only find one of that has the potential to be a little broken. if it suits the build style you're going for, anyway
Would Claire eat a hamburger, with no one in Greenridge (or anywhere with a beastfolk heavy population) thinking it's weird?
there is a very clear delineation drawn between beast folk and regular animals on reverie, so in-universe i don't think these sort of things bother anyone. melody is not a literal fox, she is a beast person who looks like a fox, and so on and so forth
but i just kind of avoid touching on that kind of thing because people can get fixated on it. most of the food items in the game are sweets and drinks or vague things like "picnic sets" lol. if i depict any meat it'll probably just be fish or something made up just so people aren't weird about it
Tell Melody that I said her knees are cute n sexy
i will not tell her that
claire would definitely try to run a speedrun of her own video game just to prove she can and to hold a world record for a day or two before its beaten
claire would absolutely do this
you've mentioned that Melody came out when she was 16, but when did Claire's egg crack? at a similar age, or later? pre or post moving to Greenridge?
claire started to figure it out around 16 or so, but it took her a bit longer to come out. the details will come up in the game
As the creator of SLARPG, do you or anyone you know well enough that have already had opinions formed of all the characters, have any headcanons you kept yourself from fully implementing, or scrapped before finalizations? Or maybe just stuff you would never implement but would keep in your head because it didn't for the narrative or was too spicy?
i think it's natural to have lots of little ideas about your own characters that you can't quite fit into the actual story, yeah. although i'm not sure how much of that i'd wanna share here. given the writing style of slarpg a lot of my fun little character ideas make it into the game as optional dialogue and sidequest content and that sort of thing
like i've been asked if the party plays any video games, and if so what, and now allison's got a fightstick in her house for a little extra flavor. or i decided faith would probably read schlocky romance novels in her spare time, and so you can inspect her bookshelf in her office and there's dialogue about finding one of those
Are there dwarves in SLARPG? Are they the type of dwarf where even the cis women have full blown beards?
i won't rule out the possibility that they exist somewhere on reverie, but there aren't currently any in the game. but because of this i can't comment on what they'd be like
Will you release an image of the world map you made (even it if turned out to be a work in progress when you scrapped it) after the game comes out?
i mean the thing is that the overworld was cut so early that it only ever had proper locations for melody's house and greenridge. the rest is just a vague archipelago where i figured i'd stick the other locations later. (and it's not a huge game, so it's not like there'd be that many locations to visit on the overworld - which is the main reason why it got cut)
right now what's left of the scrapped overworld just looks like this
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(note: the overworld was cut from slarpg because i chose to make the areas connect directly to each other pretty early on. the assets made for the overworld are now used for other things)
Is there any antagonists happen in SLARPG? I wanna see the boss fights in the game
the game does have villains, and quite a bit of the story revolves around them. to say there's a lot we haven't shown would be an understatement. we're keeping them under wraps for now because i think it'll be more fun for players to discover that side of the game for themselves. you'll see what i mean
folks are gonna like them, though. they're fun
What's the Watsonian reason why beastfolk are part animals? Do they share a close common ancestor to Orcs/Elves/other sapient races? Are they technically primates?
the origins of beast folk and the other sapient species on reverie are kind of foggy in-fiction because of all the business with magic and gods and whatnot. it's unclear what's due to natural evolution and what's the gods being like "hey wouldn't it be cool if our planet had cat people?" all beast folk are technically members of the same mammalian race, though, even the ones that look like birds and reptiles and whatnot. and yes, they're presumably closely related with all the other sapient species
Would Paula and the Fortune Teller get along? I'm envisioning Paula overhearing Allison saying that the guy was a jerk and thinking "well if Goleta doesn't like him there's a chance he ain't that bad"
i had to ask anthony and he says: "I think it'd be one of those things where, no matter when or where you ask him, he'd be like, 'Which one is that?' or 'Who?' and then the person would explain and he'd be like, 'Oh, erm right right, she's good. I like her a lot, she's a great friend.'"
personally i think they would get along but they aren't really Friends. acquaintances though, sure. but also paula would definitely be too scared to get a reading from him
we know about the other 2 but what breed of dog is Holly?
holly is a sheepdog, but anthony only decided on this long after designing her so she doesn't really look like a sheepdog
we built this city but the three cows is just claire in different outfits
this is the secret ending of slarpg
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
It’s a book Steve’s actually read.
Well, Nancy kinda mostly read it to him. Which really just makes the whole thing hurt a little bit more.
His speakers were crackling and he had turned the bass up high enough that the song was distorted, vibrating through his car.
It was embarrassing. Scream-singing to Kate Bush while sobbing into your steering wheel in the high school parking lot.
He’s just got a lot of feelings, and Nancy dumped in that alleyway, he can literally see it and Heathcliff, it’s me, I’m Cathy. I’ve come home, I’m so cold.
Which, it’s all just bullshit. Pardon the word.
Because, Catherine and Heathcliff don’t even fucking end up together. There’s something about family difference and he remembers Nancy saying socioeconomic like that word meant anything to him and Catherine winds up dead of bad brain-itis and Healthcliff is a dick so they never should’ve been together anyway.
But, whatever.
He’s feeling very much like Catherine right now. Standing on the moors with a broken heart.
Because fuck Heathcliff. And fuck Nancy.
Kate Bush is the only one he can trust anymore. 
Her and her red dress and Steve’s insides feel like that red fucking dress in a way he can’t explain and Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy. I've come home, I'm so cold. Let me in your window-
He just about jumped out of his skin when the passenger door opened.
One too-tan hand reached out to crank the volume down on the song, and a too-pink tongue slid across too-white teeth and
“Harrington, I’m obligated to tell you that you’re acting like a pussy.”
Y’know, he’s the top of Steve’s Fuck List. Right there with Nancy and Heathcliff, and everyone else who sucks shit and makes people feel bad.
“Can it, dickhead.”
To be fair, Steve was ugly crying to Kate Bush by himself in his car, but he’s allowed to be a pussy by himself in his car.
Hargrove just gave Steve a look that Steve’s pretty sure meant I’m resisting the urge to punch you in the face right now, but was undercut by that stupid fucking tongue of his lolling around like some kinda hyper-sexual golden retriever.
Meanwhile, Kate Bush was still singing and Steve was still Cathy on the moors.
“I’m fucking sad, or whatever. Let me be a pussy.”
“Oh, come on, Harrington. You really this cut up about some prissy little princess? She’s not even the best this town has and that is saying something.”
“Y’know, for a guy that’s constantly calling all the girls in town ugly, you sure do fuck a lot of ‘em.”
“At least I’m getting some. When was the last time the princess put out, eh? Or was she savin’ it for marriage? I could see her bein’ one of those types.”
He said those types like he wasn’t wearing a saint’s pendant around his neck. Like Steve didn’t see his family all sitting uncomfortably silent together in the diner after mass every single Sunday afternoon.
It was weird, seeing Billy in a nice shirt. All buttoned up properly with his hair looking all respectful. Especially since Steve was usually high off his ass and slurping down a strawberry milkshake with cheese fries like he’d die if he didn’t.
“I’m not gonna talk about my sex life with you, Hargrove.”
“Aw, why not, Harrington. Don’t wanna compare body counts? You embarrassed or something?” Billy was grinning that shitty sharp grin of his, still waggling his fucking tongue as he leaned closer to Steve. “You still a virgin, King Steve?”
The song ended. Steve rewound the tape. It started up again.
He needed Kate now more than ever.
“Of fucking course I’m not. I’m just not some gross asshole that goes around telling everyone who’ve I’ve fucked. It’s called being a decent guy.”
“It’s called being a prude. Now, c’mon. Tell me who’ve you fucked. Maybe we’re tunnel buddies.”
Steve wanted to throw up. Kate was on the moors again.
“You’re disgusting. Tunnel buddies. How gross can you even get?”
“I hope that’s a rhetorical question.”
“I don’t know what that means and you’re a shithead.”
Hargrove tossed his head back and laughed, showing off those teeth that looked like they could take a chunk out of Steve’s flesh if Billy got close enough to try.
You had a temper like my jealousy. Too hot, too greedy.
“Seriously, though.” Billy had stopped laughing. “What is this shit?”
“She’s Kate Bush and she speaks to my heart.”
Billy just stared at him.
Yeah, that was a pretty pussy thing to say.
“I just got fucking dumped, dude. Let me be sad about it,” Steve backpedaled.
And then Billy did something very unexpected.
Well, he did something very normal for his character, and then he did something unexpected.
He lit up a cigarette.
And then passed it to Steve.
Steve filled up his lungs with a thick drag of smoke. He held it for as long as he could.
Which was really long.
Swimmer’s lungs. And that.
He blew out the smoke. Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy. I've come home, I'm so cold. Let me in your window.
“Is this fucking song based on Wuthering Heights?”
“Yeah, you dumb dumb. It’s fucking called Wuthering Heights.”
“Okay, dumb dumb, I clearly don’t even know this song.”
“Maybe you’d be less of an ass if you did. Dumb dumb.”
Billy lit a cigarette for himself, letting the smoke trail out of his mouth like he was some kind of dragon.
Billy probably fancies himself a dragon. Thinks he’s this big scary creature that just goes around breathing fire and ransacking villages for their gold.
Ooh, it gets dark, it gets lonely on the other side from you. I pine a lot, I find the lot falls through without you.
Really, he’s probably like a dog of some kind.
“You’re staring at me.”
Yeah. Steve was staring at him. Watching him smoke while Kate Bush played loudly. The speakers still sounded like shit even though Billy had turned down the song considerably.
Steve didn’t know when he had stopped crying.
Probably right when Billy had let himself into his cave of self pity, but his face was still wet.
He wiped it off, not pointing out that Billy had been staring at him too.
“Why are you here so late? Practice ended like, an hour ago.”
Billy shrugged lamely. He kinda looked like a little kid.
Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy. I've come home, I'm so cold. Let me in your window. 
“Bored. Didn’t feel like being home.”
“So you came to sit in the break-up mobile with me. How nice.”
“Mostly I just wanted to make fun of you for listening to this garbage. I could hear it across the lot.”
And sure enough, Billy’s car was parked a good ways down from Steve, about as far away as their two cars could be from one another.
Steve doubts Billy heard Kate all this way, but what’s he gonna do, bring that up?
No. He’s rather sit in this weird silence that settled between them, feeling awkward about himself and his body and listen to Kate.
I'm coming home to wuthering, wuthering, Wuthering Heights
“She’s not worht it, y’know.”
Steve had to do a double take to make sure it was still Billy sitting in his passenger seat, and not some cheap imposter wearing a Billy-suit and saying almost nice things to Steve in a not-mean voice.
“What’d you say earlier? Plenty of bitches in the sea?” Steve would’ve laughed at that comment when Billy made it if they weren’t naked together.
There’s something things you don’t do while naked with another guy, and laughing just isn’t one of them.
Plus, he had been a little too focused on figuring out why Billy’s nudity had given him that same hot feeling that nearly seeing Rob Lowe’s dick in The Outsiders movie gave him last year.
“I mean, it’s true. Don’t sweat this break-up. She seemed like an uptight bitch anyway.”
Steve was still a little too sore, a little too fresh from the split to trash talk Nance like that.
“Whatever. Get high. Look at some porn. You’ll be fine.”
Ooh, let me have it. Let me grab your soul away.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
Silence again.
Kate was back to the chorus.
The song was almost over.
“You could always go on the rebound. get her out of your mind with someone that’ll actually put out.”
Hargrove had barely even said it before he was yanking Steve forward, giving him no time to prepare as their mouthed smooshed together in something that was very very awkward, and very very sloppy.
Steve still had tears on his cheeks, and his cigarette was getting dangerously close to the filter, threatening to burn his fingers, and Kate was still singing, and Billy was kissing him, and dear God Steve’s at least a little bit gay.
Heathcliff, it's me, I'm Cathy. I've come home, I'm so cold. Let me in your window. 
They drifted apart from one another just in time for Steve to rewind the song again.
“So, uh, yeah,” Billy said, and his cheeks were this wonderful shade of red, and Steve couldn’t stop thinking about Kate’s red dress and that fucking kiss and he was on the moors again, but this time he and Billy were making out in the grass and oh fuck, oh fuck-
“Yeah. Good.”
“Good?” Billy raised on of those dark eyebrows at him, his cheeks still burning.
“Good. Very good.”
Billy nodded a few times, sucking on his cigarette. Steve suddenly remembered he had dropped his on the floormates and tried to stamp it out before it got singed to bad.
“Okay then. Good.” Billy opened the passenger door, stepping out and flicking away his cigarette. He seemed to think for a moment, before turning around, leaning his upper body into Steve’s car.
Steve thought they were going to kiss again.
He was ready to go for it, ready to let his eyes close and maybe let it lead to more. He was Cathy and he was ready for some action.
But Billy just grinned again.
And skipped the song.
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funtimebunnyblog · 3 years
Pillar men during their heat?
What will their s/o do?
Me: *opens my ask box and sees this*
You got it Anon! 😘🥰😇 Big stronk Himbos feeling the big feelings coming right up!
Pillarmen (separate) in heat and their s/o's reaction...
(Under the cut for length!)
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• On the norm, Kars wasn't overly affectionate with you.
• Sure, he had his times; like when he would put an arm around you when sitting on the couch or when he held you in his lap on occasion while he worked.
• You'd also get rewarded with some sweet little kisses during your daily routines.
• But really, he wasn't really a clingy creature...
• Well... not until his heat strikes, that is.
• When undergoing heat, oh boy, this hulking Pillarman's cold and collected demeanor practically melts away to reveal a cuddly, purring kitten.
• The first time he underwent his heat cycle around you, you knew something was definitely different... yet you couldn't place what.
• "Kars, I have to get ready for wooork..." you whined softly, squirming in his hold under the covers.
• Normally, when you woke up he would already have left to do some work of his own or you two would exchange some loving words and kisses for a brief moment before getting up to start the day.
• But this morning you were pleasantly surprised to wake up to him clinging to you, humming and peppering your face and shoulders with soft kisses.
• You honestly didn't want to ruin such a moment, most especially when it was such a sweet cuddly moment with Kars, but you had been laying here with him for over an hour and you really had to go or else you'd be late!
• The Pillarman only held you tighter in his arms, curling around you almost protectively and nuzzling into your neck; your protests and pushing were helpless against him.
• "Hmmm, no need." He hummed, a tendril of curly violet hair tickled your nose as he snuggled you in his vice-like embrace. "I already called in for you, dear one."
• Needless to say, he wasn't letting you go anywhere anytime soon.
• Another thing; Kars wasn't a man to beg (for anything at all really) most especially attention.
• From ANYONE.
• Usually, he was the one laying back with a smirk; lavishing in any and all of your pleas to have him hold YOU and him give YOU attention.
• He just found it absolutely delicious when someone became needy over him; being not only a gorgeous man but a ruler and Ultimate lifeform as well; your pleas for his touch only fed his ego.
• However, when Kars was in heat, he almost became a completely different person.
• "Kars, please, I just need to get these dishes done first..." you sighed, trying to focus as you were elbow deep in dishware and suds.
• The gargantuan Pillarman clinging to your back and nuzzling you did nothing to help as you tried to complete the task.
• "Oh come now, please? Please, can we snuggle on the couch? I'll put on your favourite show~" he whined, the vibrations of his chest sent trembles down your spine as he begged.
• "After dishes," You told him, trying to be firm but crumbling. "Pleeeeease, beloved one? I haven't seen you all day, my sunshine, and I've missed you so~ We can finish them later, together~" Kars hummed, digging his nose deeper into your neck.
• You were honesty starting to fear he had been replaced with an imposter of some kind.
• It becomes obvious to him that you're not understanding what'sgoing on and it's not long after when Kars follows his natural urges and gets to building a suitable nest.
• If you didn't understand his madness before, he fully intended to make you with this.
• You come Home from work one afternoon to find the Livingroom essentially turned into one giant blanket fort; pillows laid strewn about across the cushioned floor.
• The most notable thing about it all was the Pillarmen laying in the midst of all of it... in all his glory.
• "Come and join me, dearest~" he purred, gazing at you through hungry crimson eyes as you stood there gawking in the doorway. "I've been waiting~"
• Even though you still don't understand, this time you find you can't refuse him. Definitely not while he's licking his lips like that...
• You'll have to call in to work again tomorrow ;)
• When Esidisi undergoes one of his heat cycles, it's best described that he becomes a hot mess.
• Even more of a hot mess than usual that is...
• The man was already a very emotional person but somehow, he became even more emotional when in heat.
• You started to suspect something was wrong with him when you came downstairs one morning only to be immediately met with a spine cracking embrace and a flood of tears.
• He was going on a sobbing rant about how he was so happy to spend his mornings with you, his Mate, and that you were wonderful in every way and the very light of his life.
• Normally, he only got this emotional when watching Cat videos.
• You also couldn't help but notice that he's burning even hotter than his usual warmth.
• Normally, he just felt like one big muscular electric blanket; radiating a comfortable warmth. But now he felt something akin to the scalding blast of heat that hits you in the face when opening the door to an oven.
• You practically had to wear oven mitts to lay hands on him now.
• You couldn't shake the feeling something was definitely off about him when he started leaving you little gifts lying around.
• The things he left ranged from clothing to food to trinkets and just general things you liked; all for you!
• Not to mention the fact he was being extra sweet, going out of his way to give you lots of kisses and loving, and even cooking you more meals and doing all of the chores.
• You appreciated the sentiment of it all but really, you were quite puzzled as to why he was putting so much investment in you. It wasn't a Holiday or your Birthday or anything...
• Little did you know you were also puzzling him.
• You were supposed to be taking interest in him!
• In his eyes, he was dropping obvious hints to his cycle; he took your confusion and lack of response to all of his offerings as somewhat of a rejectment and that actually hurt him enough to make him cry a little...
• He decides then that there's only one more thing he can do... he'll put together a most excellent nest for you! The best nest you'd ever seen!
• "Esidisi?" "Hmm?" He turned to look at you, doe-eyed, arms suspended in the air as he laid out another blanket on top of the growing pile.
• You were Home from work early and he still had much work to do yet!
• "What are you doing?" You questioned with a raised eyebrow. Not only was he rearranging your whole room, he had covered the entire space with blankets and pillows.
• He had even gone so far as to thoroughly douse the area in the perfume/cologne you always wore.
• "I'm making us a nest." He says, almost matter of factly. When you ask him why he's doing that, it floors him.
• Did you seriously not understand?! This entire time?!
• After he sits you down and explains himself, everything clicks with you and you actually feel terrible for not understanding sooner.
• You didn't realize his kind underwent natural cycles like this...
• You ask him if you can finish building the nest together, if this had to be done you wanted to help and have it be done right.
• His heart absolutely soars at your offer, making him teary eyed as he nods eagerly.
• However, you barely get the chance to finish it before you're both putting it to good use ;)
• Throughout his many years living, Wamuu had always viewed his heat cycle as more of a distraction than anything; even though it was a completely natural phenomenon for the Pillarmen race.
• He had much difficulty focusing on training or fighting at all when it happened, making him feel quite useless.
• He always felt too mushy and needy during this time; things he viewed as shameful to see in him when he was supposed to be presenting himself to peers and enemies as a powerful foe.
• When heat struck, the Pillarman would simply hole himself up in his chamber, enduring the entirety of the cycle alone until it was over and done with.
• Eventually, when it passed and he was feeling his normal self he could go out again.
• However... things had changed now that you, his Mate, were thrown into the equation.
• You definitely knew something was different about him when it all started.
• On the norm, Wamuu was strong and he was a man to stand his ground as any proud, battle-hardened Warrior should.
• But when his heat struck... Wamuu became quite flighty.
• It seemed like the littlest of things would have him fleeing from the room; often in a blushing mess.
• He couldn't even sit through a simple kissing scene in a movie you two had been watching the other night.
• "Wamuu, what--" You blinked owlishly as a HUGE bouquet of red roses was pushed into your arms suddenly. It was as if he had picked you an entire field of them!
• "Flowers for you!" He said quickly, practically yelling, before taking off; out of the room and up the stairs. You couldn't see the flaming red in his face from over the massive bundle of flowers he had dumped on you.
• You couldn't help but realize he had a hard time to look you in the eye anymore. In fact, he seemed to break into a sweat if you even did something as little as touch him.
• You were seriously starting to worry that something was wrong with him.
• He on the other hand wasn't sure whether you wanted him or not during his heat and he was scared to act on his primal impulses.
• Usually, he liked to spend his free time with you watching TV or helping you around the household but he was spending more time upstairs, away from you; specifically in the spare room.
• You also took notice that there were a lot of blankets and pillows around the house missing but you didn't really focus on that as you were more worried about Wamuu and his strange behavior.
• After a few days of this, you decided to confront him.
• However, he got to you first; coming downstairs and sheepishly taking your hand, asking you to follow him.
• Wamuu had given into his primal instincts and had spent the last few days perfecting a nest for you both up in the spare room.
• You thought it was an impressive feat; he had turned the entire room into one big cushy and comfy heaven... but you didn't really understand why he had done this.
• Wamuu's eyes go huge when you ask him why. Did... Did Humans do such things for their Mates?
• Poor Wamuu has to sit down and explain it all to you; his off behavior, most importantly the matter of you, the meaning of creating a nest and the cyles of his race behind it all...
• To his relief; you're very understanding and, even more to his relief, intrigued.
• Needless to say however, you and Wamuu don't leave the nest for a good little while afterward ;)
• Much like Wamuu, Santana had often spent his years enduring his heat cycles in isolation.
• Nobody would see hide or hair of Santana from before it happened until the very end.
• The day before it struck he would simply pack up and leave to God-knows-where and stay there; sometimes he wouldn't even tell the others he was leaving.
• That being said; nobody (not even the other Pillarmen) knew what exactly Santana was like during the time of his heat cycle.
• Until you came along that was.
• You were Santana's Mate; the only proper reason for him to stay put when undergoing his heat.
• You'll begin to notice subtle changes, like the fact that Santana seems just a little more alert; attentive even.
• He brings you things before you even know that you want them; like snacks when you're starting to feel hungry or the cup of coffee you enjoy at noon.
• Somehow, he just seems to know.
• You'll also notice his fascination with your clothes or specifically the scent you leave on them.
• "Are you cold, Santana?" You question with a frown. Not only was he wearing your favorite hoodie, he was also wearing the baggy old T-Shirt you wore yesterday.
• Which was strange, as you knew Santana didn't really like clothing aside from the loincloth he wore.
• They were almost comically small on him, despite them being big clothes for you.
• He hummed, burying his face in the baggy neck of the hoodie; he felt as if he was surrounded by a Heavanly warm cloud of just you. "Hmmm, no."
• Surprisngly, it doesn't take long into the cycle for him to start constructing a nest.
• He takes things from all over the house; blankets, pillows, cushions, any stuffed animals or huggable plushies you have lying about, etc.
• Even if you happen to be sitting on them the moment he wants to add them to the growing pile upstairs, he just walks up and wordlessly takes them and then squirrels them away.
• If you happen to confront him on it, don't expect him to give you a detailed answer.
• "Santana, why are you taking the couch cushions?" "Because." "Because why?" "Because I have need of them." "Ok. Why do you need them?" "Because." "Because...?" "Just because." "Just because?" "Yes."
• Once his nest is all made up and deemed fit for you he goes looking for you.
• If you happen to be busy doing anything in the moment where he finds you, too bad.
• He just simply walks up and picks you up, squirreling you away to the nest like everything else as you were the most important thing to go in it.
• The explanation of everything can come later, much MUCH later; now was the time for action ;)
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