#there must surely exist an Appeal Process or
*peering down at my own genetic sequence* uh-huh uh-huh bold choice bold fucking choices my friend
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junosartsthetic · 2 years
SDC reacting to you getting catcalled. RIP the catcallers but not really because they deserved it. Contains swear words and some suggestive content. Written for female readers.
It happened while you and the crew were walking along a busy Egyptian street. The sun burned particularly brightly that day, and you had resorted to tying your shirt up into a crop top and rolling up your already short shorts as high as they could go. Despite your efforts, your skin still shone with sweat as you fanned yourself uselessly. You’d never get used to the weather in Egypt—that you knew. But you and the others were on a mission, and no amount of heat could stop you. 
Unfortunately for you, a group of rowdy drunks thought you sweating to death looked appealing enough to shout something about it. Of course. It seems men everywhere on Earth could be complete douchebags. Lovely.
“Hey, baby! Why don’t you take it all off!” yelled an older man, waving a bottle around.
“Nice ass, slut!” called another.
“C’mere and I’ll show you a good time, huh!” a third chimed in.
Gross. Gross. Gross. You cringed, teeth gnashing together as you spun on your heels, ready to tell them off, but it seems your boyfriend had already beat you to it. 
The only thing he muttered was “good fuckin’ grief,” before springing into action. To anyone else, it would look like the men spontaneously exploded—blood flew everywhere as Star Platinum sucker-punched the bastards over and over again. Star didn’t stop until the men lay in a gore-soaked pile, all groaning and crying in pain from their anguish.
Though they didn’t catch it, you threw up your middle finger as a final “fuck you” to the assholes who thought it was a good idea to cat-call you. “Keep your mouths shut next time, motherfuckers,” you spat, shooting a final glare before rejoining your companions. The others stood there, varying degrees of concern or awe plastering their faces.
“You okay?” Jotaro asked under his breath. He bumped into you lightly, causing you to lock eyes with him. He rose a brow. 
You nodded, bumping him in return before linking your arm with his. “I’ve dealt with my fair-share of gross men. If you hadn’t jumped in, I would’ve beaten them myself.”
“I know,” he muttered. “You would’ve killed them, though. I wanted to avoid casualties, even including those bastards.” 
You shrugged. “Doubt they would’ve been missed. Anyway, let’s go. It’s hot as hell out here and I’d like to get to the hotel before I sweat to death.”
“I must have heard wrong,” he hissed. “I know you’re not speaking about my girlfriend like that, right? Because then I’d have to kill you.” You saw Hierophant Green materialize beside him, fists raised. 
The men laughed. A lanky teenager sending threats their way must’ve seemed silly, but they were in for a rude awakening. Before you could blink, Hierophant’s bottom half shot forward, forming a lance as it stabbed through each of the men. They all fell to the ground, holding their wounds as they howled in pain. You were glad Kakyoin didn’t kill them.
Your eyes widened as Kakyoin’s stand wound up for another round—Jotaro placed a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t. They’re not worth it. Forget it. Just make sure (Y/N) is okay.”
Kakyoin turned his gaze to you. You shot him a grateful smile, grabbing his hand. “Thank you. They deserved that.”
“They deserve worse, but that doesn’t matter. Are you okay?” he squeezed your hand. You nodded.
“Fine. Assholes exist everywhere, sadly. Let’s just get going. I wanna swim in the hotel pool before it gets dark.”
He locked eyes with you, as though asking for permission to skewer them. You nodded. Normally, you’d always try to keep your eccentric boyfriend in check, but this time you’d make an exception. These assholes deserved what was coming to them. What was coming to them? A rapier wielded by an angry Frenchman’s stand.
“Bonne nuit!” quipped Polnareff before sending Chariot racing into action. You barely had time to process the situation before you—flashes of silver surrounded the men as blood flew every which way. Cuts formed on their bodies almost by magic. They all moaned pathetically, collapsing, as Polnareff recalled his stand. “Don’t ever talk to her, or anyone, like that again, you bastards!” he shouted, arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you against his chest. He turned you around in his arms, planting a kiss on each of your cheeks. “Are you alright? I’m so sorry you had to hear that, ma cherie.”
You leaned against him, relaxing into his broad chest as you took in the smell of his fancy cologne. “I’m good. Thank you for that.”
“Of course! Nobody talks to you like that and gets away with it! I’ll skewer anyone who tries!”
You glanced at his face, shooting him a look he knew too well. “As long as you want me to, of course!”
You laughed. “C’mon. Let’s get to the hotel. It’s hot.”
You could feel the heat radiating from Magician’s Red as Avdol called his stand into action. “I don’t like your language,” he chastised, flames appearing all over the men’s bodies as they screamed in confusion and terror. “Apologize to her and I’ll let you all go with your lives.”
“Sorry, sorry, oh god, it burns! Sorry! Please! Have mercy!”
Avdol didn’t speak, reflections of the flames burning in his eyes. You looked between the flaming men and your boyfriend. Was he going to burn them to death?
The flames extinguished, leaving the assholes chared and miserable, though still alive. Avdol turned on his heels, an arm wrapping around your waist as he pulled you next to him. As you all walked on, he rubbed your arms comfortingly. “I apologize for their actions,” he said.
You grunted. “Don’t. They were bastards who got what was coming to them. You shouldn’t apologize on behalf of those assholes. You’re leagues above them.”
He hummed.
You stopped in your tracks, grabbing his hands in yours. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You planted a kiss on his cheek. “My knight in shining armor.”
“That’s no way to speak to a lady!” he yelled, Hermit Purple wrapping around their necks and squeezing. “What, were you all raised in a barn? You sound like pigs squealing! Bastards!” By the time he finally returned his stand, the men were coughing gruesomely, curled up in the fetal position and blood slowly returned to their pale faces. “Now get outta here and quit harassin’ people!”
With the little strength they had left, they scrambled away, all sobbing pathetically.
You huffed, crossing your arms. “Boys will be bugs,” you muttered, wiping off invisible dust off your clothes as though that would wipe away their gross comments as well.
“Disgusting,” Joseph grumbled, a hand on your shoulder as he led you away from the scene. “I don’t know where bastards like that find the gaul to be so crude.”
“It’s over now,” you replied, leaning against his side as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer. “Thanks to you.”
“I shouldn’t have let them get away so easy,” he muttered, free hand clenching into a fist.
You elbowed his side gently. “I think they learned their lesson. Being choked out by an invisible force will probably have them pissing themselves for quite a while.”
He laughed. “Probably.”
“But ya know. . . there was one thing vaguely enjoyable about all that?”
“Hmm? What’s that?”
You slunk an arm around his waist. “Seeing you all worked up was kind of hot. . .”
He grinned cheekily. “I’ll keep that in mind for later.”
You heard Jotaro let out a loud sigh. “We can all hear you two, ya know. Good grief.”
You giggled. 
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zabiume · 11 months
insane how, at the heart of it, the arrancars were desperate and driven by an existential quest for meaning (which is why they joined up with aizen in the first place, sure), but their real ‘liberation’ comes from ichigo and his friends. or, a more accurate word would be evolution. the arrancars are a hellish species; their becoming is painful, and often not successful. after all, not everyone gets to make it from adjuchas to vasto lorde. evolution is a lonely process, and aizen manipulates them into thinking it’s a hungry, cruel, power-struggle too because. well. he needs their power and their existence is crucial for his mission with the hogyoku.
but, another thing about the arrancar is that they’re ‘hollows’ -- strong ones, sure -- with their masks removed. and with the exception of baraggan, most of them look remarkably human and it’s no coincidence that the major ones like grimmjow, ulquiorra and nel are ‘redeemed’ by ichigo and orihime’s humanity, loly and menoly are given another chance at survival. even shunsui’s fight versus starrk (painstakingly slow as it is), is a reluctant one.
the point i guess i’m trying to make is that some arrancars like grimmjow, harribel, loly, menoly and nel are able to survive this evolution process where they’re able to adapt to the ‘liberation’ they’re given, others choose to die (starrk) are killed (aaroneiro, yammy, baraggan, zommari) or are simply overwhelmed by the naked truth of existence and die out (ulquiorra). aizen encourages a ‘survival of the fittest’ evolution, while ichigo (and orihime!) encourage a survival of the friendliest one, where they appeal to the ‘human’ side of the arrancar’s DNA, if we can call it that. the process is so unsettling that you even see loly and menoly call orihime a monster for playing with the natural order of things, because in a world where you’re fighting everyone else to survive, seeing someone readily hand you a chance without conditions must seem downright abnormal. wrong. only gods mess with fate like that, but some people’s gods are other people’s monsters and at this point in canon, orihime is, to them, a monster for changing the course of evolution (something only aizen has done before). they’re a different species now, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. they can choose what they become, which is kind of what ichigo and orihime wanted for them in the first place -- and look how that turned out! they’re (albeit reluctant) allies, who help ichigo and his friends in tybw! they survived the brutal, lonely agonizing evolution process after all.
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alcyonei · 6 months
As someone who avoids their reflection for a variety of reasons, but who also cares about their appearance, I don't think Astarion would forget what he looks like entirely.
Like in a pinch I can do minimal makeup without a mirror, including setting my hair and drawing on eyebrows just cuz I've fussed so much so long about these things I know where I like them to go/fall and can do them by touch-memory. If Astarion is anything like that- which he kinda is- then in his first life, he must've fussed with his appearance so much, he just knows. He might've even done multiple reflection checks throughout the day to make sure everything was still in place, not necessarily to marvel or even significantly look at himself. Even as a magistrate, he had an image to uphold, and thats really all he looked for in the mirror.
Regardless, 200 years is a long time to go without seeing your own face, and given his struggles with abuse, torture, and identity, it also must've impacted his self-image. The thing is- and this is drawing from personal experience- he probably has at least two images of himself in his mind, the one that he uses to charm (imaging himself as his most charming, beautiful self, as someone who is undeniably attractive) and that which is impacted by the abuse (seeing himself as broken, worthless, monstrous, etc).
The other spawn obviously can help him with the menial things like doing his hair or whatever, but he probably gets very particular if something doesn't feel right, or if he just knows they're not making him look like he wants, they're combing his hair all wrong, they're using too much balm, etc. He would probably train himself to do it alone, not trusting anyone else to get it right.
So if tav does draw him, more than anything he might just play it off cool, not recognizing himself at first but having a vague idea that it's him. "Is that really what I look like?" he'd say, almost dismissively, as if you either don't have the eye and skill to capture his glorious charm, or how dare you outline such unseemly lines across his carefully cared for visage.
But he'll keep staring at the picture. He'll keep staring so intently he won't listen to anything you answer. He'll drink up every single detail, because even if it isn't directly from the source, it's something. You let him keep the drawing and he hangs it up. Maybe he tucks it into his mirror's frame. Maybe he stares at it as he falls asleep and tries to reconcile his distorted images of himself with an image of how someone sees him. It may be too much to process alone. He falls asleep with it.
Maybe he later begins to question how true to real life it might be given your...bias, because although he remembers being good-looking with some degree of certainty, he doesn't remember ever being quite so beautiful. Why would you draw him like this, he'd wonder. Logically, he knows. Logically, he understands you must find him at least physically appealing enough to be intimate. But the mundane beauty of the man in the drawing, surely that's not him, is it? Just existing. Just beautiful by virtue of being? That's.....that's not.....
He'll never admit to you that it brings him close to tears sometimes. But he'd never stop looking at it.
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thehollowwriter · 6 months
I've always said to myself that I'm the token straight person of my friend group.
Well, this along with being the token cis and neurotypical (insert "girl you're on tumblr" joke here) person since everyone else but me is queer
But I'm not sure about that anymore
I don't think I can say I'm straight because I have thought to myself "wow that girl is so pretty" and felt shy talking to her or "wow Malleus' mom is hot"
I have never had a crush on anyone. I've thought back to what I thought were crushes and honestly I think they were just me thinking "I like this boy so obviously it must be a crush" because all I knew at the time was the Evangelical Christian way of things. I always felt like, even then, that I was forcing myself to have a crush. I do that now from time to time but it barely lasts a few weeks.
I have never had proper romantic feelings and I have never dated anyone either. I have absolutely no interest in doing so. I've been asked by my family "aren't you interested in dating?" And the answer has always been a firm no.
Weirdly enough, I'm a hopeless romantic and I like imagining romantic scenarios. I like the idea of being held, having someone to wrap my arms around and my bury my face in their chest when I'm upset. Someone to cuddle with when it's cold.
But it's only those parts, really. I don't like the idea of kissing or that sort of thing. Imagining it kinda makes me go "eugh" but I'm not disgusted by it? It's just not too appealing. Then again, I've never kissed anyone.
I don't actually like being touched that much even though I'm happy to do the touching or imagining it.
When I have a really horrible time I like to imagine a character like Jade or Azul is there to hold me or comfort me, but I don't think it's strictly romantic?
When it comes to sex I have zero interest in it whatsoever. I can read smut and look at nsfw stuff and my brain and self will be like "Yeah that's hot" but thinking about doing it? Irl? With someone just makes me cringe or grosses me out.
It could very well be I feel this way because a boy at school harassed me and asked me to have sex with him and that "tainted" my feelings about these things but I've had this thought process before that
I go to a high school so naturally sex and romance is discussed a fair bit and I always feel out of sorts.
Friends or acauantinces will go "wow he's so hot" and yes he will be at the same time I don't... get it? Especially when it's more nsfw stuff because I'm left going "haha what" and I have a dear friend who has no filter at all and will tell me they've done nsfw stuff (no they do not go into detail) and I'll just get uncomfortable and be like "um yeah- what"
I know my discomfort definitely comes from being raised in a strict Christian household were sex before marriage is a horrific sin (I feel guilty even considering being queer) but also concern for my friend because they are underage and this is not something I personally think is healthy.
But even aside both those things I feel like I'm missing out on some huge sort of appeal. Like I missed a class or something.
I don't know existing is confusing
Sorry for the rant guys I just really felt like I needed to get this out
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leqclerc · 3 months
i’m glad i’m not the only one worried here. great for the team and all, but this feels like chaos waiting to happen. i thought we finally had it. even if we didn’t get a wdc, they couldn’t even bother to try and prioritize charles for once.
You're not alone in feeling like this! Being worried and not immediately jumping for joy and accepting every decision the team makes isn't any less valid. Because this is weird, this is unusual, this is something I never thought would happen. It's a lot to process. I've cycled through all five stages of grief today, from "oh lol funny memes" to "alright what the fuck does this mean for Charles?"
I get that a lot of people are super hyped about this, especially if you've always supported both drivers, I get that it must feel like a dream come true.
I'm so conflicted because on one hand, okay, maybe our concerns are unwarranted, maybe this will be the best thing ever, just what the team/Charles needs, massive success all around. But unfortunately I'm a chronic overthinker with pessimistic tendencies so of course I worry 🧍🏻‍♀️
But also, like you said, I thought Ferrari were done with bringing in world champions in favour of making world champions, you know? This just feels like it's going to complicate something that's already very volatile and complicated all on its own (see: plethora of issues that usually held Charles back, whether it be mismanagement or poor strategy, etc.) It already felt like everything needed to come together perfectly for him to maximise his chance of winning and now they throw this massive curveball and I really don't know what to think. Especially given the "multi year" deal (2+1 is I think the version journalists have settled on.)
It kind of just feels like the issues that already existed with Sainz will be magnified, you know? The media machine around Lewis is huge, so that's going to be ten times as intense (Sky is already putting down Charles and it's just going to get so much worse), the fan wars ten times as intense... It just feels like he can't win in any scenario, like all the work he's put in so far to get Ferrari back to their winning ways will be overshadowed by the new big star signing. If they create a competitive package and start winning when Lewis enters the team (even if Charles did the heavy lifting in terms of feedback and development) he will be credited for the team's success. I mean, just look at the way this misleading narrative of Carlos "single-handedly saving the strategy" stuck. Oftentimes people don't care about the facts, if a narrative appeals to them they will perpetuate it.
Plus, there will be so much pressure on Ferrari to "get Lewis that 8th title!!!" Mercedes's inability to do so soured a lot of fans' relationship with the team. If Ferrari really puts team interests above driver interests, then I'm sure they'd see the value in being the team that makes that happen. History book worthy stuff. Kind of concerned that in the midst of that Charles and his ambitions and goals might fall by the wayside. And he's got way more to lose in this situation—no matter how Lewis's time at Ferrari goes, he's a multiple WDC, no one's ever going to take that away from him. Same with Fernando, same with Seb. Charles has never even had a proper chance to go for one title with the team yet.
Like, if you think about it, you have clear "eras", right? Someone says Red Bull, you immediately associate them with Max and/or Seb. Lewis will, I think understandably, be associated with Mercedes due to his long stint and all the success he's enjoyed at the team. I guess I imagined that Ferrari was finally gearing up to be that with Charles going forward. But this shakes things up massively and while winning a championship with Ferrari was already a tall order, now it's, like, full on a herculean task.
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messinwitheddie · 5 months
Have any tutorials of how you draw your tallest? (Or irkens in general?)
If Cini could wear any human casual clothing, what would he wear that is comfortable?
If he had it his way, would Cini change the life of Irken society?( you know with the whole tall and short thing.) or change everything with the empire expansion. We know their people must have many enemies with other alien races but if there was an alternative to that and not concur or go to war with them, would Cini be that one Tallest to break that cycles? I mean he looked tired of being tallest.
I'm not the best teacher. My drawings are pretty inconsistent. The best I can explain my process is, make a mark, erase a mark, rinse, repeat until it looks like a figure.
These were drawn super quick. Not sure how much help they'll be, but I tried to leave in as many reference lines in as possible.
These are some sketches on how I approach drawing a tallest with the typical JV bone-skinny body frame
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The torso is where I struggle the most. I probably draw them too tall, but that's how it comes out.
It's fun to experiment with different body types;
From left to right; Tallest Spittle, Greezee and Blitz
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From left to right: Tallest Miyuki, Dava and Kii
I have a tendency to draw women tallests with big hips (because that's fun for me), but Irkens really don't have gender dimorphism, and their fashion/ clothing styles are all unisex, so there's no need to follow that rule when you design your own ocs.
I would have to look through my blog to find any posts about how I draw smaller Irkens. Mostly same advice.
As far as Cini's choice in comfortable human clothing; his robes are very uncomfortable, so anything would feel comfy by comparison.
But I imagine he would immediately gravitate towards those flimsy tie dye sun dresses you see in those little hippie boutiques at the mall. Tie dye is something he would never have seen in the empire plus so many swirls and colors!
He would have a field day dress shopping. Most human male clothes would be too lacking in flair.
And to address the third question; Irkens are brainwashed at birth into believing their height based hierarchy is the natural and correct way for their society to operate and have been brainwashed into believing this for MILLIONS and millions of years.
I'm not sure if it's within the limits of his imagination to conceive a reality where Irkens did not serve a tallest who carried out the will and executed the design of the control brains.
BUT Cini wished from the moment he was measured someone, ANYONE else had been measured taller than him. His favorite partabout being tallest was lounging and smoking record breaking amounts of pipe amber.
His passion was his trapeze act and watching performances at the civilian theater. No "important" occupation really appealed to him when he was a cadet; too boring, not enough fun music and visuals. He only served in the military because all Irkens are required to go through basic training. His stats were a joke as far as his height bracket went. He stayed the same rank for almost 200 years.
Cini tried as hard as he could to be a good tallest, as much as his imposter syndrome made it for him. MOST of his reign was actually spent improving infrastructure within the empire's existing territories. He was a generous patron of the arts and sciences (beyond military research). Service drones legally received more off time and better medical benefits. Cini avoided brute force unless absolutely necessary. He loved to play ambassador. The Vortians, the Space Bees, the Inquisitorians, ect all became official allies of the Irken Armada during Cini's rule. He genuinely took the time and effort to listen to their concerns and compromise.
Cini was wise enough to know it's better to make friends than enemies in the long game, especially unnecessarily. The empire wasn't perfect, but Irkens and alien citizens alike enjoyed a higher quality of living under Cini's leadership methods.
It wasn't until the very end of his reign did he declare a war. He did so because of pressure forced down on him by the control brains, who were intimidated by the corrupting freedoms the lesser drones seemed to be enjoying and deeply concerned by the lack of new conquests that have been made over the centuries.
The Irken/ Planet Jacker war was bloody from the very beginning.
Cini would not live down the shame of his decision. Too many casualties on his conscience.
Every drone is worthy of dignity; Cini believed that. He would change A LOT about Irken society if he could. He tried. He wish he had tried harder.
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nacricissa · 3 months
Explaining why singers conceive faster
I now have the lore (I am reading through the illustrated guide) and would like to do more Vampire Biology.
It is noted in the Guide that Joham "had noticed that the more appealing an individual woman smelled to him, the more likely she was to conceive quickly." pg294
I can explain this.
Some people think it strange that such a thing would occur. Surely, it would be evolutionarily favoured to promote reproduction by enabling sex with potentially fertile partners, if such a thing were in fact detectible to vampires. However, sex is not the primary method of vampire reproduction. In fact, the continued existence of vampires is disfavored by sex, because it requires such careful control of bloodlust. This control makes it significantly less likely that the vampire would accidentally turn a human, in the way Carlisle was turned, and thus any mutations that favored such control would be less likely to propagate.
Anyhow, this explains why it would not be evolutionarily favoured to make sexually compatible partners less appealing than others, but not why the opposite might be true. The answer, I believe, is immunological.
Vampirism is a retrovirus. It is a condition, spread through fluid, which cannot reproduce without a living host and which inserts DNA into that living host. It is not specified if it's actually a virus, in the sense that it is unclear if venom contains actual virus particles, however, this would explain how vampire bodies have "venom-like" fluid throughout them; they have venom with the virions removed, thus those substances are not infectious.
Now, since we know that vampire sperm contains some, but not all, of the viral DNA (since hybrids exhibit vampire traits but clearly the egg is not infected in the same way vampires are or it would never be able to develop), it is reasonable to assume that the single copy of the extra vampiric chromosomes is having some effect on the presentation of the sperm cell. This could mean that some viral proteins are expressed by the sperm.
If this is the case, the female's immune system would pick them up, triggering chain reactions that notice pathogens. However, if the cells were more similar to the female's, fewer of those defenses would be triggered, as your body trains it's immune system not to recognize itself.
This is not normally as relevant when fertilization is possible, because the more discriminating parts of the immune system are suppressed when the body expects foreign material (sperm, then maybe a baby) to be present. However, this window is based around the life expectancy of human sperm, which is not very long. If we are assuming the sperm cells are presenting enough vampiric traits to be recognized as a pathogen, it is quite likely that they would be more able to survive the harsh environment of the vagina for longer than human sperm, leaving a larger window where fertilization is possible. This would mean that for two partners having regular sex, more of the vampire's sperm would be in the fallopian tubes when the egg passes, increasing the likelihood of fertilization, if the vampire's sperm was presenting more cellular structures that closely resembled those of the female.
This still doesn't explain the smelling good thing. That one is pretty simple though. Things tend to smell good if they are good for you. This has been somewhat broken as a heuristic by humans' ability to manufacture taste as a separate thing from nutrition, through cooking and chemical synthesis, but in general, the reason a corpse stinks is because it's really hazardous for you to eat it, and so on. This would indicate that singers, which we established above are people more biologically similar to the vampire, are more nutritionally advantageous. This makes sense. Vampires have no digestive tract, no way of processing and extracting nutrients from varied food sources. This is why they cannot eat food, they must consume blood. This would indicate that biologically similar structures are more accessible to the vampire, in terms of nutrition, that the more similar parts can better be incorporated into their bodies. They don't have a method of disposing of waste, so particles unfamiliar to the vampire would simply be used, but less efficiently.
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elffees · 1 year
(Sorry for not putting this under a ReadMore but entire chunks of the post vanish when I do so. Sorry again!)
Revisiting Little Hope and I find the plot twist MUCH easier to swallow when I choose to interpret the characters as actual ghosts haunting Anthony and not hallucinations.
Interpreting them as hallucinations sours them for me as it removes all agency from them. All of their personality traits are simply the biased view Anthony has of them. Any character arcs they experience are just Anthony imagining his family becomes better people or worse than they ever were.
But interpreting these characters as legit ghosts that are haunting this town and especially Andrew/Anthony makes it much more digestible and interesting (for me personally). The characters keep their agency. The “redemption” arcs they can experience are them finally growing as people capable of moving on. Or, if they refuse to change or even become worse, their inability to improve makes them re-experience their brutal deaths and traumas in a never ending loop.
And Anthony, as their last surviving relative, returning back to the town is the catalyst for their change because, with him back as the only one able, willing, to see them, his affection helps them fulfill these arcs.
Dealing with ghosts and the spiritual world is not meant for humans though, so the only way Anthony’s very-human-and-alive brain can process the supernatural events happening around him (his relatives returning as ghosts, them being chased by personifications of their flaws, etc.), his mind disconnects them as family and instead interprets them as merely acquaintances. And with his occupation as a bus driver, it makes sense his first go-to would be to view them as students with John as their professor.
The finale is him, for sure deciding whether to forgive Megan or blame her, but it is also ghost!Megan begging for guidance from her brother, the only one that was ever kind to her. Asking for clarification whether everything was truly her fault, was it simply a matter of circumstance, or was her misfortunate the fault of her abuser—the priest. It is both the last surviving brother and the hated sister trying to come to terms with what happened to them.
And Anthony’s decision to either shoot himself, go with the cop, or walk off into the sunset is basically the same as most people interpret it. Will he continue to blame himself and, in an attempt to both reunite with his family and punish himself, commit suicide? Will he ambiguously meditate on everything that happened and go off with the police, unsure of his role in his family’s massacre, and leave his fate in the hands of other people? Or will he accept all that’s happened, that it really was just a tragic accident, and finally move forward with his life?
Interpreting LH as a story about actual ghosts instead of people that straight up don’t exist makes the twist much more appealing to me. That this is not just Anthony’s personal hell but all of his family’s, and they each must come to terms with what happened and who they truly are in order to move on. Even if my interpretation is completely wrong and nonsense, it helps me appreciate the story more so I think I will keep it anyways lol
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yulia-inferis · 29 days
"Im a devout coward" 
Stanley Kubrick 
I think, in some ways, the conventions of realistic fiction and drama may impose serious limitations on a story. For one thing, if you play by the rules and respect the preparation and pace required to establish realism, it takes a lot longer to make a point than it does, say, in fantasy. At the same time, it is possible that this very work that contributes to a story's realism may weaken its grip on the unconscious. Realism is probably the best way to dramatize argument and ideas. Fantasy may deal best with themes which lie primarily in the unconscious. I think the unconscious appeal of a ghost story, for instance, lies in its promise of immortality. If you can be frightened by a ghost story, then you must accept the possibility that supernatural beings exist. If they do, then there is more than just oblivion waiting beyond the grave.
Brian Eno 
Art is everything you don't have to do
What is considered good art?
What makes art beautiful?
Content vs form 
Form= The process of creating the content
(Painting Is a form of art) 
Content= the subject matter/objects created by whatever art form was picked
Is beauty objective or subjective 
Objective: Beautiful by the proportion symmetry 
Subjective: Beautiful by the emotions it makes the individuals feel 
Can someone be an objectivist about beauty, but not about art? Is the value of beauty distinct from the value of an artwork?
Can people desire non-beautiful things according to the definition of beauty given above?
Can we judge others’ taste if we are objectivists about art – ie, can we say someone has bad taste if they dislike a piece of artwork we think is beautiful because of its formal qualities (like the Darmstadt Madonna)?
Why do we want to be artists? 
Why do we feel compelled to do it?
“Before Darwin, There was no single intellectual matrix to fix all impressions, ideas” “No way of organizing that information”
Darwin found life did not fit into hierarchical catagories (Pyramid) but rather complex multifaceted associations (deep webs)  
^^^^ This is the situation in the arts ^^^^
Idea Of Evolution: Gave you a framework to be able to relate and compare and categorize various forms of life
“One single umbrella under which everything fell”
The real world does not fit in disjunct categories 
What are works of art 
The theory of the elephant and the rider
Elephant= Emotions     Rider = Rationality
The rider can guide the elephant, but not by force. The Elephant has the power to override the riders wishes if need be.
Emotions play a big part of how we view the world, and we use logic to justify those innate feelings. Its very difficult to be purely logical due to the immense control emotions have. (For most people)
If this is true, 
Is beauty a rational choice?
Beauty is picked emotionally, but is the rational choice logically, even if picked for particular irrational reasons by the individual.
Specifically Facial symmetry is linked to the symmetry of one's brain in humans. A better efficient working brain is more suitable to sustaining one's physical fitness.
Beauty is a manifestation of one physical fitness. A reflection of whats going on in the inside 
We are evolved to judge a book by its cover 
Sometimes beauty comes at significant cost to ones ability to avoid predators (peacocks).
In life, there can be a massive asymmetry between what people know of you, and what you actually know about yourself entirely. Make sure not reveal all of it, and use it to your advantage, people will fill in the gaps with assumptions. 
How to satisfy the elephant: The culture Code
What the elephant values most at any given topic at hand  
Anima and Animus
^^^^ Jungian psychology ^^^^
Anima is usually related to the emotional, empathetic, and sensitive aspects, while Animus is related to the active, intellectual, exploring side of the personality. Here it is important to understand that these definitions should by no means be perceived as literally describing certain characteristics, but that these images serve as symbols and are the abstractions of active (Animus) and reflective (Anima) principals correspondingly.
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joyboythehopepunk · 8 months
unlovable ramble
i would consider myself a spiritual person. and as someone who has seen a lot of suffering and wants to understand the human condition i have looked at ... a lot.
i have looked at history, cultures, and their ideologies. i have looked at science - medical, geographical, mathematics, etc
but it seems the blame ultimately lays with our circumstances - both inner and outer.
there are some things we have the power to change on an individual or collective level. there are other things that may always be out of reach.
like 100% control of oneself or one's environment 100% of the time.
saying "everything is suffering" so one must "detach" and so forth? it makes sense in that sort of hopeless way.
as someone who has wanted so desperately that I hurt myself? that it pushed people away? that i could see nothing else of value?
yes. i get it. i want so badly to stop wanting. for anything. to be dead seemed to me a sort of restful bliss i would only dream of.
because then i wouldn't have to deal with the fact that i am so heartbroken. that i am so hurt by what i've experienced that i see no hope for the genuine connection i seek. that i hold this thing on a pedestal when i may not even be able to savor or feel it..
my heart, my mind, my soul all feel the same way: it would hurt less to stop trying to be close to people.
it would be less painful to see myself as an unlovable monster than a broken human... if only because there are PLENTY of broken humans who receive love without chasing it. without wanting for it so badly.
idk. i'm tired.
detachment. attachment. it all matters how you do it, right? either way, i'm wrong. so.. it doesn't matter for me. there isn't anyone out there for me. not the one i'm looking for.
and if i rid myself of all my perceived flaws, what then? that will leave me where i started any way. searching for someone who doesn't exist.
ah. but i'm seeking enlightenment. so maybe love from others doesn't matter? (though it is untrue. i am sure there are people who love me or who are fond of me. i just... want the one person i'm looking for.)(no other relationship appeals to me)(i've always felt like that)(detached from people)(like there's not a real connection there)
ah. but i have to hide a whole half of my self for people to want to be around me. and do i want those sort of people? ofc i shouldn't. and i don't, really. but i have been alone a very long time. and i can't help but wonder "if everyone is hiding themselves this way, no wonder everyone is fucked"
there is this.. aspect of the culture that is very much about healing and growth and spirituality. but it is.. like virtue signalling. buzzwords. it's a vibe. consumerism. clout. a way to say you're "better". easily processed, easily done... instant gratification.
but this is digging into your unconscious, your subconscious, and conscious minds. this is re-creating yourself from the ground up.
maybe i'm the only one wrong here.
but if you can't be unhappy, if you can't express sadness/despair, anger etc. CAN'T.. then what are you doing but repressing? asking other people to fake? to hide their pain? why? that isn't how you heal - by ignoring a wound.
this has gone on long enough.
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nestaway1 · 7 months
Nestaway Reliable: A Landlord's Guide to Rental Success
Navigating the rental market in India as a landlord can be difficult. It's important to pay great attention while finding the ideal tenants and maintaining your property. With its innovative strategy, a well-known company in the Indian rental market has been creating waves. This blog will examine Nestaway's reliability from the viewpoint of a landlord. We will examine how the company assists landlords in achieving rental success, from its evaluations and ratings to its presence in major Indian cities
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Nestaway Reviews
Among landlords, the company has a good reputation thanks to its user-friendly platform. Nestaway platform is very easy to use and makes it feel like a breeze when searching for the right rental property. This simplicity of use increases the possibility of obtaining good tenants for your rental property.
Additionally, tenants have praised the company's quick customer service in Nestaway ratings. The burden on landlords is lessened by ensuring that tenant concerns and problems are promptly addressed.
Existence of Nestaway in Important Cities
The extensive presence of the Nestaway platform in major Indian cities is one of the features that attracts both tenants and landlords. Nestaway has its operations in cities like Bangalore, Gurgaon, Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Pune, and Mumbai. 
These cities provide appealing rental markets due to the continually high demand for rental homes. Due to the company's presence in major metropolitan areas, a sizable pool of potential tenants will have access to the landlord’s property.
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Nestaway Platform for Landlords
The Nestaway good platform is a distinctive platform made for landlords to make the rental process simpler. Here are some distinctive qualities that set it apart:
Tenant Sourcing: The Nestaway reliable platform handles background checks and tenant sourcing, saving time and work for landlords. This lowers the danger of renting to unverified tenants.
Property Management: The company provides maintenance and repair services as part of its property management services. This makes it easier for landlords to manage their properties without having to become involved directly.
Simple Rent Collection: For landlords, the company offers a hassle-free rent collection solution through the Nestaway reliable app. The platform's rent-collecting system makes sure you are paid on schedule.
Transparent Agreements: The company makes it easier to have transparent rental agreements, which lowers the possibility of issues arising between tenants and landlords. For a stress-free rental experience, agreements must be clear.
Nestaway Acquisition and Future Prospects
When the company was acquired by a major participant in the real estate industry, the company's amazing journey took an exciting turn. The company now has new prospects as a result of this acquisition, which can eventually be advantageous to landlords.
Nestaway acquisition potentially improves the company’s offerings even further. Landlords should anticipate even more improved support and efficiency in property management as the company develops further.
In conclusion, the company has proven to be a reliable business partner for landlords. The responsive and user-friendly platform of Nestaway is indicated by favorable Nestaway review and ratings. Nestaway platform automates the lease process by offering landlords options like tenant searching, property management, and explicit agreements. In light of this and its commitment to reliability, the company is a favored option for tenants looking for a simple rental procedure.
The Nestaway sold out opens up a world of possibilities for the company's future growth and transformation. In the competitive Indian rental industry, the platform is the go-to choice for homeowners looking to succeed with their rentals thanks to its reliability.
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grandhotelabyss · 7 months
Thoughts on Kantbot? Do you think his shift in views and people he associates with is a cynical move or an organic development? (i. e. he met his wife and his social circle changed so he gained new perspective or just had to appeal other people)
I haven't kept up with him in years. A viscerally unpleasant character, smug and nasty. I just checked—he hasn't changed. If I understand the shift in his views correctly, and I'm not sure I do, he's provided a different set of answers, now materialist and information-based where once they were idealist and affect-based, to the same set of questions about how modern power and consciousness operates. He was telling people to read Lukács and Habermas when I stopped reading him; this, too, is completing the system of German Idealism, very explicitly in Lukács's case:
In Section II of this essay we discussed Kant’s view of the ontological proof of God’s existence, of the problem of existence and thought, and we quoted his very logical argument to the effect that if existence were a true predicate, then “I could not say that precisely the object of my concept exists.” Kant was being very consistent when he denied this. At the same time it is clear that from the standpoint of the proletariat the empirically given reality of the objects does dissolve into processes and tendencies; this process is no single, unrepeatable tearing of the veil that masks the process but the unbroken alternation of ossification, contradiction and movement; and thus the proletariat represents the true reality, namely the tendencies of history awakening into consciousness. We must therefore conclude that Kant’s seemingly paradoxical statement is a precise description of what actually follows from every functionally correct action of the proletariat.
But I don't know nearly as much about any of that as he does, and I never could read Kant, even though, from my first semester of college straight through my orals in grad school, they kept making me read Kant. "Who cares?" he always demands, now seeing culture, I gather, as epiphenomenal to esoteric economic manipulation. He seems like a true academic in his soul: a genius-level ability to synthesize extraordinary quantities of information coupled with endless reserves of pettiness and spite rendering this intelligence irrelevant. If you demand of someone who hasn't even addressed you, "Who cares?," then you're the one who cares, perhaps inordinately. I doubt his change of views is cynically motivated, though. You really can work your way honestly through your intellectual concerns and only realize later what your mental traversal implies of a practical political shift. Also, those guys are always darkly hinting at what they saw behind the scenes of the far right, the involvement of big money and intelligence agencies, I assume, and, since you have me re-investigating, he just re-X'd this, for example—
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—and has endorsed the lib-media-is-promoting-BAP theory, which I have also come to believe (twice now they've done an "exposé" on him just before he releases a book)—
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—and, as I have never succeeded in attracting the support of big money and intelligence agencies myself, I will take their word for it. I'll leave you with a sincerepost in conclusion:
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I'm sure he believes this; I do too, but how we get from here to there is unfathomably complicated given the world we have co-created around us, and I don't pretend to know all the determinants that have landed us in this dilemma nor all the determinants it would require to get us out.
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mordcore · 8 months
i got sidetracked while doing research for the "appeal to suffering" and how it gets used in online spaces and ended up looking into proposed alternatives to the BITE model for cults and look what ended up looping right back around into the topic at hand.
Demand for Purity. The group constantly exhorts members to view the world as black and white, conform to the group ideology, and strive for perfection. The induction of guilt and/or shame is a powerful control device used here.
Sacred Science. The group's doctrine or ideology is considered to be the ultimate Truth, beyond all questioning or dispute. Truth is not to be found outside the group. (The leader, as the spokesperson for God or all humanity, is likewise above criticism. put in parentheses beacuse i'm not sure that there are leaders here.)
Loading the Language. The group interprets or uses words and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. This jargon consists of thought-terminating clichés, which serve to alter members' thought processes to conform to the group's way of thinking. (example: "you're speaking over <held identity>!")
Doctrine over person. Members' personal experiences are subordinate to the sacred science; members must deny or reinterpret any contrary experiences to fit the group ideology.
Dispensing of existence. The group has the prerogative to decide who has the right to exist and who does not. This is usually not literal but means that those in the outside world are not saved, unenlightened, unconscious, and must be converted to the group's ideology. If they do not join the group or are critical of the group, then they must be rejected by the members. Thus, the outside world loses all credibility. In conjunction, should any member leave the group, he or she must be rejected also.
tumblr discourse in a nutshell. anyways, my source for this model.
(full disclosure i havent read the full article yet idk how this model is meant to be applied.)
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gryllshubham · 1 year
A Checklist : 10 Things You Need To Do Before Your Website Redesign
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1. Define your goals
Any company or organization that wishes to boost its online presence and accomplish its objectives must first update its website. Setting attainable goals that are in line with the organization's overarching aims and vision is crucial before starting a website overhaul.
Identifying the precise issues or difficulties that your current website is facing is the first step in identifying your goals for a website redesign. This could be due to a number of factors, including an out-of-date design, bad navigation, sluggish page loads, little traffic, low conversion rates, or any other problems that are impairing the functionality of your website.
You must develop realistic goals that address the issues once you have identified them. For instance, if your website receives little traffic, your goal can be to double it within the first six months of its existence. Similar to this, if your website has a high bounce rate, you might want to reduce it by 20% during the first three months of introduction.
2. Research your audience
User research can be conducted in a variety of ways, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and even website analytics analysis. You can utilise this study to understand user motivations and goals when they engage with your website, as well as to uncover user pain spots and frustrations.
You can then develop an experience that is suited to the requirements and preferences of your audience using the knowledge obtained through user research. Site navigation, content organisation, messaging, graphic design, and other elements are included in this. You can boost customer satisfaction, boost conversions, and enhance engagement by creating an experience that speaks to your audience.
It is crucial to remember that user research should be a continuous process rather than a one-time event. In order to make sure that your website continues to satisfy the demands of your audience, it is crucial to stay up to date with changes in user behaviour and preferences.
3. Research the competition
Competition analysis is a crucial step in the process of redesigning a website. You may learn a lot about what is and isn't working in your sector by looking at the websites of your competitors. You may use this information to position your website to stand out from the competition and make better educated design decisions.
While examining the websites of your rivals, there are several things to keep an eye out for. Think about their layout and design first. Look at how they produce a visual experience by combining colour, text, and pictures. Consider how you may incorporate any distinctive design elements or features that they employ into your own website.
After that, think about their content strategy. Examine the content they are producing, such as blog posts, videos, or podcasts, and take into account how conversions are being sparked by and users are being engaged by it. Look at their messaging's tone and voice, and think about how you can develop a comparable tone that appeals to your own audience.
Then, think about how they use it. Examine the layout, navigation, and overall usability of their website. Consider how you may build a more streamlined and intuitive user experience by keeping an eye out for any pain points or frustrations that consumers may have.
4. Understand what makes your site unique
The process of redesigning your website must start with an understanding of what makes it special. It's critical to understand what makes your website stand out from the competition and how to make the most of those distinctive qualities.
Start by thinking about the value proposition of your website. What do you provide that nobody else does? What makes your website the first place your target market visits? Think about the goods or services you give, the advantages you offer, and the issues you help your customers with. This will assist you in identifying the distinctive qualities and traits that distinguish your website.
You can utilise this knowledge to inform your design choices once you've determined what makes your website distinctive. For instance, you might want to prominently promote your unique selling propositions on your homepage or develop a unique feature that makes you stand out from the competitors. You can build a website that stands out from the competition and appeals to your target audience by concentrating on these distinctive traits.
5. Define your visual style
One of the most important steps in the website redesign process is defining your visual style. Making a design style guide is necessary to ensure that your website has a unified appearance and feel and to guide all of your design decisions.
Start by researching current web design trends and selecting those that complement the personality and messaging of your brand. Think of elements like font, colour scheme, iconography, and imagery. You want to develop a visual aesthetic that appeals to your target market and reflects the personality of your business.
Create a design style guide that specifies how each visual component should be used once you've determined the visual components that will make up the design style of your website. This manual will act as a point of reference for all of your design choices and guarantee that your website has a unified and consistent aesthetic.
6. Decide on your Content
When updating your website, there are numerous areas of content to take into account. Make sure you decide on your website layout, the kind and volume of information you'll use, and how you'll SEO-optimize that content. Also, think about the platforms and technologies you'll employ moving forward, as well as how you'll manage content. You'll have a better idea of the content you need to produce, how it should be structured and presented, and how to optimise it for search engines before beginning your website redesign. This will speed up the design process and guarantee that the material on your website is interesting, pertinent, and SEO-optimized.
7. Map out your Navigation
It's essential to make your navigation system simple to use and understand while developing it. Visitors should be able to easily navigate your website and find the information they're seeking for in a timely manner. Maintaining consistency in your navigation across the entire website is also crucial. Make sure that each navigational item is clearly and concisely labelled, and that it is arranged in a logical sequence.
Think of creative methods to make your navigation more appealing to increase user engagement. Sticky navigation, mega-menus, and dropdown menus are all effective ways to keep visitors on your website and entice them to explore more of its contents. Also, you may utilise calls to action (CTAs) in your navigation to nudge users into carrying out particular tasks, like subscribing to a subscription or completing a purchase.
8. Create a Sitemap
It's crucial to build a sitemap before you begin the design process. This entails creating an outline of every page and area of your website that will be included in the redesign. This procedure aids in finding any content gaps and guarantees that all crucial pages are included in the makeover.
The hierarchy of your material should be taken into account while designing your sitemap. Create subpages and sections that are linked to your homepage after which. To establish a logical flow and make it simple for users to traverse your website, group comparable pages together.
You can use your sitemap as a roadmap for the development and design phases after you've developed it. The sitemap will ensure that all pages are included in the development process and will aid developers in understanding the structure of your website. The sitemap can be used by designers to develop wireframes and design concepts that complement the organisation of your website.
9. Wireframe your Pages
Create a rough sketch of the overall design and structure of each page before beginning to wireframe it. Either by hand or with specialised wireframing software, this can be accomplished. Pay close attention to where important components like headers, footers, navigation menus, and content areas are placed. Think about how these components will appear on various screen sizes and devices.
Once you've created a basic wireframe, it's crucial to test prototypes with users. Making a rudimentary, interactive prototype of your wireframe enables people to browse the website as they would in the finished product. This can help you discover any usability problems or potential areas for improvement while also providing you with insightful information about how users interact with your website.
Pay attention to how visitors move through your website, where they get stuck, and where they have trouble accessing content while conducting user testing. Make changes to your wireframes and improve your design using this feedback.
10. Prepare for Launch
Launching your website is the next step after designing and developing it. Check that everything on the website is functioning properly before attempting to accomplish it. Make sure to conduct an SEO audit to optimise your pages, and have a strategy in place for testing and evaluating the redesign's effectiveness.
Make sure you have a thorough plan in place before you begin because redesigning a website may be a challenging undertaking. Make sure you cover all the bases and have a successful launch by using this checklist. If you adhere to this checklist, your website makeover will be a positive and gratifying experience.
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ladydragonkiller · 1 year
If you’re having to count the Draculas, you may have a bigger issue on your hands. I’d recommend calling the exterminator.
That is a lovely shawl! I’m fascinated by beaded lacework. It combines the best of both lacework and jewelry making, it seems. The tiramisu also looks good! I never considered the aesthetic aspect that must go into culinary school before. It does look quite nice.
Hobbies, hm? I’d consider myself a writer, though I don’t post things all that often. I play a couple different instruments, one more so than the other. I go to the gym at least once a week, though I’m not sure if that counts as a hobby. I’m also quite fond of reading, though I rarely have much time or energy for it during the school year.
Are there any particular stories behind how you got into culinary arts and/or lacework?
- Vampire 🧛
See, i tried calling an exterminator, but he just ended up being another dracula. it's a real problem around here
beaded lacework is a lot of fun to do! and easier than you might think. and the aesthetic part of culinary arts is fun. unfortunately plating designs are not my strong suit at this point, but i'm great at executing other people's ideas.
all of those are wonderful hobbies! i'd say that going to the gym counts if it makes you happy and/or relaxed. and i completely understand reading falling by the wayside, i have much the same issue during semesters.
I became interested in both subjects so long ago it's hard to remember honestly. for lacework, i think it grew from my existing knowledge of how to knit and desire of taking on more challenging products. Plus, there's a local fair with a craft showcase that my family used to enter, and generally, big lacy shawls and the like did well.
I also enjoy the longevity of many lace projects. though hats are fun to make, they're also very quick (i can do one a day, depending on the weight of the yarn). casting on and binding off is the least interesting part of a project to me, so something like a big shawl with far more in the middle appealed. I also enjoy doing more complicated pattern repeats, as plain old stockinette or garter or moss stitch (and so on) get to be monotonous after a certain point.
as for culinary arts, I mostly just enjoy making food. the process of it is very satisfying and meditative, people are happy when they eat tasty things, and i love following recipes. a list of steps that if you follow closely, you're guaranteed success? count me in.
for your question: what's your favorite drink?
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