#then what will you do when the art or whatever is flawless?
ryouverua · 1 year
Minor quibble with some of the posts I’ve seen going around the last few weeks but I don’t think that finding a reason to say ‘this thing was secretly bad, actually’ is needed to boycott a creator’s work. If you’re trying to make a moral statement, don’t get lost in alleviating your FOMO.
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frenchkisstheabyss · 11 months
♡ Stray Kids Giving You Booty Slaps ♡
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♡ Tis another reaction request fulfilled and honestly these are actually quite fun. Send them to me forever♡
Pairing: boyfriend!skz x reader
Genre: fluff & a tad suggestive
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Warnings: all the ✨booty pats✨
♡ @anyamaris and so begins your eternal tags ♡
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♡ Hyunjin likes to use your booty as a pillow when he's doing sketches in his notebook or scrolling his phone cause it's so comfy and lightly slapping it soothes him. It truly doesn't matter to him where you guys are at the time. The beach with friends. A picnic at the park. Wherever. If you're lying on your stomach, he's going straight to his fav spot.
♡ Changbin brings you to the gym because he does sincerely want to share his passion for fitness with you but it's also the best excuse ever to slap you on the booty. Even if your form's flawless he'll avoid congratulating you too much, choosing instead to slap your booty every time you slip up which will be often. So obviously he has you working on your squats a lot.
♡ Lee Know considers booty slapping to be a passion. An art, even. There's no reason for him to do it other than because he wants to and this man always wants to. His methods range from soft pats when you're sitting on his lap to grabbing handfuls of ass in public or chasing you around the room slapping it hard simply because he doesn't want you to know peace.
♡ Bang Chan plays your booty like it's a set of bongos whenever you're in his arms. Not only does the physical contact with you feel nice, your booty has some solid acoustics, honey. He spaces out sometimes humming the tunes to songs he's brainstorming. If not for his love of drumming on your cheeks Case 143 may have never happened.
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♡ Seungmin uses booty slaps as a way to get you to focus all of your attention on him because he struggles to outright ask you for it. He tries to be sneaky at first with little pinches here and there but if you ignore him he'll get bolder, slapping it so hard that it's audible and you have no choice but to give the puppy whatever it is that he wants.
♡ I.N can grab your butt whenever he wants to but you can't grab his whenever you want to. It's against the rules. What rules? His. Don't question this man. You'll never see him smile wider than the moments when he knows he's made you happy or when he's in a possessive, bratty mood and successfully gets his hands on your cheeks.
♡ Felix loves a nice, soft plushie that he can cuddle, kiss, slap, and squeeze with all of the aggressive affection his little bbokari heart has to offer. Of all his plushies, your booty's his absolute favorite. For this very reason, he can only really touch it the way he wants in private. The risk of him getting way too into it in public and forgetting other people can see is super high.
♡ Han couldn't hide when he was about to pat your booty if he wanted to because he has a habit of being so vocal with it. He has to tell you what a cute butt you have, how adorable you are, and how much he loves you. Once Han gets started it's gonna lead to cuddles 100% of the time so if you try to run and he catches you just get comfy.
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astroariska · 1 year
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATION [Chapter 5] ✨ - The North Node Version
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North node represent the new growth we are heading into. So it's very normal if you feel like you are uncomfortable to do everything related your north node chart.
But when you did it, your life starts to change
Once a Virgo north node started to get their fruits smoothies instead of wine, slow cooked meals instead of takeouts and having their schedule wrapped with yoga and pilates ... I swear it's DONE for y'all!
Virgo North Node need to carefully pick wisely who are worth their help. Because sometimes, people go through shit as their own consequences and yet feels like victimized????
I just want you to know that your Scorpio North Node friends is actually wishing changes in their life. They want change. They know that things supposed to change in order to grow. But what all they get is sometimes annihilation, destruction and even violence and that's not a pleasurable change for them.
Stop telling Scorpio North Node to let it go. They don't need them. Start to ask Scorpio North Node what can they do from the ashes. Transformation is the real fear of this placement. They had no idea if it will work or not and most time, they will feel the sorrow of having no idea is their adaptation to the new things is going to be painful or not.
This is the most underated documentary for Leo North Node. But i think Leo North Node is never about fame and get famous. It's more about strength and in general. Most people forget that Leo is a sign that represent fortitude and only highlighting the part of being "famous" and "taking the center stage" which is not true.
Leo North Node people learn to use all of their mental, physicological and soul power to cope with whatever life has thrown to them. They need to understand they have fight for their right instead giving it away to people (and this is when the fame and luxury come from, from finding what's already yours)
Pisces North Node and the art of letting go. It's not like they are holding into things that makes them uncomfortable. But it's learning that sometimes you can't fix what was broken from the first time. That life is imperfect, flawless and sometimes vague in it's own way and what they need to do is; just keep swimming.
Also, this north node need more sleep than other people. Sleep is the way they will gain productivity and mental clarity. Enough sleep provides them power to do the right things everyday.
Sagittarius North Node and the faith. It's not like they need to stick into one religion. But it's more like they need to hold the higher moral code and standard over a shortcut. Of course, you will outsmart anything. But this life calls your integrity and your morality as human being. Life ask your wisdom. So always be wise.
Sagittarius North Node is also a placeement that speak the law of assumtion and the law of attraction. So, positive mindset is needed because things will manifest easily with positive mind.
Aries North Node, y'all so angry. But what if i told you that life demands your action and not your insight? This is the north node that ask you to be the first who doing the impossible, the first who doing the things that nobody did it in the first place. You know what you need to do, so it takes courage to turn the table.
Aries North Node also have a knack to relieve after ... yes, cursing. Cuss some bomb and shit till it feels easy and lightweight again.
Taurus North Node. This is the most bitter north node that i've encountered because this north node is about self dignity and respect. They need to uproot themselves from what people has taught them to act and start building the strong boundaries and foundation for their own life.
No, Taurus North Node. This is not your time to be the biggest enemy of yourself. Because how people treat you, depends on how you TREAT YOURSELF.
Gemini North Node and equality. They are the type who need to understand that their difference and diversity doesn't mean that someone is in higher or lower class. So treat people equal and treat yourself as equal too. Treat the waitress over the restaurant the same respect like you treat the politician on their office.
Also Gemini North Node. STOP FIGHTING WITH YOUR NEIGBOURS AND BROTHERS/SISTERS. They will unlock you some good things in the future. So stay your COOL.
Capricorn North Node's pressure. In this lifetime, life wants you to be the authority figure of your own, so it's understable that you'll disappointing some people who love you and taken care of you. In turns, you'll see that sometimes loves and cares is form of emotional manipulation to prevent you from the growth you need. Don't get easily swayed by the fake love.
With the most respect. Get your shit together, Capricorn North Node. People tend to manipulate you because they can take adventage from you and rob something from you. Don't let them mess your kindness as a weakness.
Aquarius North Node need to take off some privilege they have in this lifetime and be the one who's responsible for greater duty. Responsibility and duty is unavoidable in this lifetime so make sure you handle them with care and love for humanity (people around you). You can't expect life is pleasure because only through the struggle, you'll understand how pleasure is priceless.
I will give some warning for you, Aquarius North Node. If you still feeding your ego, you'll become the public enemy. I've seen this placement falls down and rise up because their community is wishing them to. Make sure that people only wishing you the best so you could manifest easily.
Libra North Node need for the partnership in this lifetime has nothing to do with being in relationship. But being in the middle of the change. Most people in this north node will make the most life changing decision and partnership helps them to keep relate into the change they have made. Relationship happens when you are in the commitment in the change with someone who willing to helps you through thin and thick. So choosing the right partner means choosing the right person to change and evolve together.
No, Cancer North Node. Being in control and having your guard up doesn't mean success. Success to you is a sense of security to feel whatever you want to feel and everytime you want to feel. Your job, your salary and your social status doesn't define you. It's your warmth, present and personality that roots you deep for who you are that matters the most.
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munsonthings86 · 2 months
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eddie munson x painter!reader
thinking about if eddie had a girlfriend that adored painting and spent most of her free time (and even time that she should be using for work or school instead) creating little pieces of art. the two of them would use the guest room in their apartment for a shared studio space for her to work on her art and eddie to make his music.
when eddie would come back home from whatever errand he had, he’d find her in nothing but flimsy pink underwear and a cropped white tank top, a busy paintbrush dancing across a decorated canvas in one hand, and a burning joint in the other. his boots would make noise as he’d walk up behind her, calloused hand finding her neck to guide her head towards his, then pressing a soft kiss to her lips. eddie would smile at the way she tasted of coffee and weed. “what’cha working on today, m’lady?”
“somethin’ for the hallway. the wall is so bare,” she pouted, dipping the messy brush into an ocean blue hue to add to her more than impressive landscape. there was no doubt in eddies mind that she wasn’t anything short of picasso, or van gogh, or whoever. “do you wanna paint somethin’?”
“sure!” eddie exclaimed, sitting down with his legs folded, next to her. he was happier than a kid in a candy store. she went to hand him her paintbrush but his finger was already nosing around in the thick yellow paint on the palette, silver rings getting their own taste of the pigment. “that’s one way to do it, sure,” she shrugged, abandoning the brush and taking a drag of her joint.
she watched intently as eddies clumsy fingers painted what looked to be a sunflower in the field of grass she’d painted hours before.
it stuck out like a sore thumb.
the flower was child-like and clumsy, a stark difference from the neatness and borderline flawlessness of what she managed to create. but the image as a whole couldn’t have been more beautiful. more symbolic of their relationship. eddie taught her that things didn’t have be so technical and perfect in order to be beautiful. and she taught him that it was more than safe to be his whimsical, dorky self. that she’d never judge him for being exactly who he was.
if there was an ideal piece of art to hang up in their little shared apartment, there was no doubt in either of there minds that this was it.
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💌 1 new message from jojo: this is kinda shit but i haven’t written in a while and i miss it, so here <3 pls comment and reblog if you enjoyed ;) inbox is open!
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I never learned to sing again after testosterone changed my voice, but I used to sing opera in my teens. Not professionally, of course, but me and my sister got tutoring/singing lessons, and I actually really enjoyed it, mainly because our teacher really loved tutoring and got visibly excited whenever I figured out how to do something with my voice that she wanted me to do.
Anyway, the most important thing that she taught was that when you're on a stage, whatever you're doing, the worst thing you can do is seem like you're not doing it on purpose. If you fuck up a note or skip a whole verse, just keep going - gesture some wordless apology to the accompanist if you must, but otherwise just straight-up carry on with full confidence. The audience most likely won't notice that you fucked up, and those who do will assume that whatever you were trying to do is just, like, your thing, that you do on purpose.
The show must go on and your performance is flawless for as long as you're doing it with confidence. You can practice not fucking that part up again later, but when you're on a stage, you're perfect for as long as you act like you are. You are brilliant and adorable and everyone is looking at you. It's literally worse to do something flawlessly but seeming so unsure about it that the audience starts suspecting whether you did that right, even if you did.
And yes, this is 100% the kind of logic that an opera singer would not only work with, but actively teach, but I've noticed it works well in art and life in general. Nobody can tell you're doing it wrong if they can't tell what the fuck you were trying to do, and if you seem confident enough in whatever you're doing, they can't tell that you don't necessarily actually know, either. This works for most things.
Except for those "it either works or it doesn't work"-things, like coding, baking, and doing math. You can't bullshit yourself into having a successful cake if you fuck up doing the math.
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oh-saints · 1 year
okay but .... something cute and domestic with ruben where you're cooking or he's cooking anf you're listening to music (whenever I think of this I think of him listening to this portuguese song called princesa (beija-me outra vez) by boss ac and idk I just think it fits him so well) and just holding each other and making out in the kitchen ... him singing the song to you 😫
anon, just so you know, you got me into the song so much since the first time i saw this on my askbox (which has been a while) that i got carried away
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rúben dias x you
word count: 1.3k
tw: mention of sex and suggestive words 👀
notes: happy birthday to our favourite centre-back! gotta celebrate it with a homebody ruben because domestic ruben always sends me... 😫😫 but as usual, i always write at dawn so this is not yet beta-read.
the amazing song's here!
your alarm vibrated your phone against the wooden bedside table and you had never dragged your body up faster than that moment.
for the purpose you were planning today, you had to wake up earlier than your boyfriend. which, ironically had never happened before during your entire 1-year stint with him so far. that was because the giant piece of delicious boyfriend beside you was a morning person and a man of routine—wake up at 7, wash up, wake you up, drink some energy drinks of his own recipe as he waits you to finish dressing up.
funny how you were the one with ordinary 9-5 job yet he always woke up before you and always managed—and so far, without avail—to drive you to work before heading out to his.
so to appreciate all the effortless effort he exerted of being a flawless boyfriend the past year, you intended to celebrate the most important day of his life with something you’d never done before. not with him, and not you’re your exes too, because rúben was worth something else than a mundane, expected gift.
you sneaked out of rúben’s humongous bed, tiptoeing your way out of the room because the centre-back was apparently sensitive to sound as well. multitasking lady as you are, you managed to pick up your boyfriend’s large black shirt he shed carelessly last night from the floor and wore them as you passed by the living room because there’s no way I’m doing this in a Herve Leger dress.
as soon as you reached the kitchen, you ransacked the place, searching for the ingredients you’d scattered all over the place beforehand so rúben wouldn’t get suspicious about the plan you were pulling today. you could swear his ability to read the game reached off the pitch too sometimes and it drove you crazy most of the time.
it might be simple, your plan. it was only putting together his favourite cake, with recipes you got from his mother as well as approval from the club’s nutritionist, but you knew it’d mean the world to rúben because he’d been deprived of the earthly pleasure since he committed himself to the athlete life.
you went on to colonise rúben’s kitchen with your work of art, fully immersed with task at hand and humming along the right lyrics to whatever song was playing.
“minha vida,” shivers ran down your back because he used the combination of his bed voice with the nickname he pulled out only when he was being seriously romantic. “what are you doing?”
damn it, he’s not supposed to wake up in another 30 minutes! you groaned inside but outside, you gave him a sheepish smile, embarrassed to get caught red on action. with flours and eggs and whiskers everywhere, you couldn’t escape him anymore.
“I’m cooking?”
“I see that,” oh fuck, not that sly smirk on his sleepy face. you could feel your resolve dissolving slowly but surely because who could resist this sexy motherfucker in the morning? “why are you cooking then?”
you tried to collect yourself altogether while rúben eliminated the distance between you and him in three strides. “for your birthday, of course.”
in rúben’s standard (his words last night), you both had commemorated the sacred day (your words last night) with an early birthday dinner that followed up with an explosive love-making. so passionate you both could barely contain your desires towards one another right after you both stepped out of the elevator. so passionate it lasted till the wee hours.
which was a record because in between yours and rúben’s hectic schedule, it was nearly impossible to have both of your saturdays and sundays off in the same weekend.
but rúben could see you through the thick veil you were trying to wear, and his smirk only grew at your futile attempt to compose yourself before he pulled your chin closer to his gently, despite his rough hands due to countless harsh contacts with the grass. the sensation left you further breathless, and the sensation of you breathless under his touch was what fueled him to cut off the breaths altogether by clasping his lips to yours without mercy.
you gave in without a fight, of course. you gave him away yourself a long while ago, anyway.
it was always satisfying to hear the click that went off whenever your lips got separated, mostly on rúben's account, but it was more gratifying for rúben to see your cheeks red and lips swollen only for him. “go on then,”
he turned you around, back to face the messy kitchen island, while he settled himself on your back. your senses grew hypersensitive with the way his hands rested lightly on your waist and the way he stood ghostingly behind you. so close, that you could feel him breathing down on you, yet so far with how featherly his touches were, so unlike his usual manner of protective hold.
“don’t stop on my account, gatinha,” and you had to hold back an audible gasp at his timbre rumbling against your spine. “if you stop, I’m going to punish you for making an unfinished mess in my kitchen.”
rúben had the audacity to let out a deep chuckle when you squirmed against his hold, as he murmured the word punish directly at the shell of your ear, as if he didn’t know any better of the effects he had upon you. “I’m serious, meu anjo. don’t test me.”
you had to bite back your response of I’m squirming because I know you’re serious. besides, you weren’t one to back down from a challenge—rúben knew that by now. it was one of the reasons he dated you in the first place, your competitiveness reminded him there was still another layer of clouds above the sky.
so you poured every last ounce of your concentration to working on rúben’s cake to the point you didn’t notice he was already moving away from you, towards the conjoined living room to change your playlist of liked songs into his dedicated playlist for you.
it was only when you’d inserted the baking pan into the oven that you realised rúben was singing—half rapping too because we stan a multitasking king—the song he serenaded you with the night he asked you to be his girlfriend, as he slid his feet against the floor with a bit of dancing groove towards you.
enfeitiçaste-me no dia em que te conheci, fico fulo da vida quando eles olham p'ra ti
you bewitched me the day that I met you, I get mad when they look at you
you laughed at his “stage act” as you washed your hands, a bit faster than your usual thorough routine because in all honesty, you couldn’t help yourself for wanting to join him. the song was long forgotten and your goofy boyfriend was reminding you all the reasons why you fell in love with him, and why you were doing all these surprises in the first place.
rúben stretched his arms towards you as soon as he saw you were done drying your hands, and before long he’d had you spun around towards him. he caught you at the right moment, engulfing you in a tight back hug despite his twisted arms on your front. but the awkward position was the last thing in his mind when he had you reaching up to kiss him one more whenever the lyrics said beija-me outra vez (kiss me again one more time) before laughing and smiling in his arms as he swayed you left and right gently.
so bright and blinding and happy like it was your birthday instead of his—and he didn’t mind if it felt like that because you’d brought him more mirth in his life in the past year than his long list of exes had ever done.
he didn’t mind because you’d given him more than enough of reasons to live to love you.
“princesa,” rúben drew his hands down the line of your body, feeling every inch and curve hidden beneath his linen shirt. he thought his teenage dream of having his lover wearing white was insane but in reality, wearing black and nothing else but skin underneath his palms was a whole new different game. “you feel so good,”
and it, indeed, felt so damn good as his hands traced the outline of your outer thighs that you didn't feel ashamed for letting out the most disgusting mewl in between broken gasps.
but the oven got to turn off in that moment.
you broke off from your trance as the ting! sound rang off your ears like a siren blaring but rúben held you prisoner under the ministrations of his hands, you remained puny in his arms as his hands travelled closer to the most pulsating, aching part of yourself right now.
“i want you in my birthday suit, princesa,” rúben growled in your ear as he gently bit off the soft bone, the beast not taking a no for an answer. “now.”
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misseviehyde · 10 months
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Monica Johnson had been pretty fucked over when she had been at High school. A victim of bullying - even though she was now a Mom and a successful artist - she still had night terrors and flashbacks about those awful days in her past.
Her loving daughter Wren had given her Mom a book on art therapy and it had suggested that Monica work out her trauma through her art. She hadn't given the idea much thought - till one day when she was doing the gardening - she dug up a huge lump of weird grey clay and the idea came to her in a flash of inspiration.
She needed to rid herself of her bullies influence and perhaps she could channel that into her art?  She could create something with the clay that she could pour all her fears and memories of the wicked bad girl bullies who had tormented her at school into.
The clay was like nothing she had ever worked with before. It seemed to suck out all the memories from her mind and she almost felt like the clay was shaping her ideas rather than the other way round.  All the malice, evil and bitchiness of her bullies seemed to be drained out of her into the clay. 
After a frenzy of work - she stood back and shivered as she looked at the five perfect busts now standing in her studio. The gloating, perfect face of her spoiled rich bully Violet gazed back at her with that wicked twist to her lips - the bitchy look she had always feared. Violet's slutty beta-bitches surrounded her... but her bust was the central piece. What a whore.
"Wow... that bust is kinda hot," suddenly giggled Wren as she walked in and her Mom nearly jumped out of her skin. Wren gazed admiringly at her Mom's work - not understanding the meaning behind it.
"She was the bitch at school who nearly ruined my life," chided Monica gently and Wren's face fell as she realised her mistake.
"Oh shit... I had no idea Mom. Sorry. What a bitch. She is kind of striking though."
Monica looked at Wren. Her daughter seemed fascinated by the bust and couldn't tear her eyes from it. She was flushed and her breathing seemed heavy. There was almost a magnetic charge in the air and without even realising it Wren was being drawn towards Violet.
"Wren... it needs firing, don't touch it yet please," warned Monica and Wren shook herself out of whatever trance she had nearly been in.
"Oh... sorry - I didn't even realise, sorry. Ummm dinner is ready. You okay to come now?"
Wren's heart was pounding as she unlocked the door to her mother's studio and flicked on the lights. She didn't know why she was here... but something had made her desperate to see the busts of her Mom's bullies once again. 
Wren approached Violet's bust. She knew she should hate the face of her Mother's main bully but it was so beautiful and hot. The face of a fucking Alpha bitch and a slutty Princess. 
To her shame she was wet and looking at the now fired bust, it was even finer and more beautiful than before. Whatever weird clay her Mom had found and used had really made it come to life.
Wren drew closer and slowly brought her hands to the face. She had... she just had to touch it. She wanted to know how it felt... she wanted to experience her Mother's bully close up.
Her fingers made contact slowly... almost longingly and Wren groaned in sexual pleasure as she felt the smooth perfect surface charged beneath her fingertips and an erotic tingle swiftly ran up her arms through her hands as the clay seemed to come alive.
"Oh fuck yes," she moaned wetly, not resisting as the clay began to flow and spread over her skin. It magically sank into her flesh and where it passed, her body was transformed and enhanced.
Wren groaned and arched her back as the clay spread like wildfire corrupting and changing her. Her small breasts swelled up with the evil clay and then took on the texture of soft flawless skin and her hips swelled out and her buttocks became round and perfectly toned. Her body was now that of a Goddess and it began to tan as every inch of body hair burned away.
Rapidly the clay spread up her neck and ran through her hair... her short red locks becoming lustrous strands of brunette perfection as the clay reached her face and she moaned as it spread and overwhelmed her freckled face... giving her the superior features of the busts original inspiration. 
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Violet's perfect lips and beautiful eyes came alive as the clay merged with Wren's skin and even her clothing transformed - her demure dress replaced by a tight crop top and tiny pair of shorts. It felt so good and her body was on fire as her voice and even her posture changed. 
Wren's tight new pussy felt amazing and her body thrummed with power. She felt so alive.
Oh yes... you're a fucking hot bully now and it feels so good.
The clay had completed it's work and with a gasp she pulled her new sexier hands free and stated down at a familiar face. Wren's own face... now perfectly rendered in the clay... gazed back at her. She felt a wrench of disgust at how ugly it was. 
Eugh, what a disgusting face. Your new one is so much better. 
Wren smiled as she walked over to the mirror at the back of her Mom's studio and she began to play with herself. "Ohhhh fuck my big tits feel great," she grasped as she groped herself and began to finger fuck her tight wet cunt. 
Yesssss so much tighter than your old pussy. Your ass is so tight too. Imagine how it will feel to get both pounded by all those hot boys you fantasise about at school?
"Oh fuck, that's so nasty. Yes I want it so bad!"
Her fingers went deeper and she rubbed her clit and bit her full, plump lip as she imagined being spread eagled and fucked hard by a bad boy.
"Yessss give it to me!"
Soon it will be real... Violet. Soon you will be the biggest bully and popular girl at school. Now cum and enjoy how it feels.
Suddenly Wren was cumming harder than she had ever cum before and her head was thrown back in ecstasy as she enjoyed her superior new form and squirted into her panties. She was so fucking wet and horny... she loved how it felt.
Standing up she giggled and licked her sticky fingers, then with a slutty hum returned to investigate the bust of herself, idly admiring her massive new tits in the mirror as she did so.
"Such a disgusting face, but I assume I need to touch it to turn back." Wren's hands almost felt repelled as she reached down to touch her old face.
With great effort she forced them down and she groaned in pain as the freshly bonded clay on her body began to flow away and unbind- returning to the bust. Her big tits and perfect body melted away and in moments Violet's face had returned to the clay and a restored Wren lay at the base of the pedestal panting.
"Oh shit... what did I do? I felt so wicked and I liked it."
Conflicted Wren rose, then with a sob she turned away from the gloating bust of Violet and ran...
Monica could see something was bothering her daughter but she couldn't tell what. Wren looked tired, like she hadn't slept properly. Her daughter was dark eyed and seemed agitated.
Deciding it was probably just a phase, Monica wished Wren a good day at school and left - just as Wren's best friend Laura arrived.
"Hi Laura... have a nice day girls."
Wren watched her Mom leave and then turned to her friend. "Thanks for coming. I have to show you something."
Laura shivered as Wren confidently led her into her Mom's studio and she saw the five sexy busts on display.
"Laura. You'll think I'm crazy... but last night I touched this bust and I think I got transformed into a copy of my Mom's bully at school. It really freaked me out, but I've been thinking about it all night and I realise this is a chance too good to miss."
Laura shook her head. "Wren, what the hell are you talking about?"
"I think the other busts will do the same. Mom doesn't need to know that we're using them, but we can become hot and beautiful and more confident. We can have so much fun with these busts. I had such a good orgasm as Violet and I want more. Just  watch."
With a grin Wren grabbed Violet's bust and moaned orgasmically as the clay began to spread. It took over her body much quicker this time and Laura watched in awe as her friend transformed into a hot busty bully.
Wren was clearly enjoying the transformation and as it completed itself she smirked and stretched her slutty body - flaunting it to her friend and showing off.
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"Ahhhhh that's better. I'm Violet now. Now pick a bust you dumb bitch and let's see what you end up looking like..."
"I... I don't want to," sobbed Laura.
"Awww that's too bad bitch," laughed Violet as she grabbed Laura's arms and forced them down onto a bust.
"Did I say you had a fucking choice?"
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Wren smirked as Laura returned from the counter bringing her coffee. How fun to have a lackey. Corrupting Laura into an obedient Beta had been so easy and so much fun.
"Thanks Nikki."
"No problem Violet."
Wren felt a delicious surge of power at her friends subservience. Laura now looked like a beautiful bitch too - but not as beautiful as Wren. Clearly she also felt a desire to serve and please her Alpha. The new names were hot too.
As it should be.
Wren wasn't sure where the voice was coming from - but she really liked it. It made her feel hot and powerful everytime she heard it. It had infected her dreams last night after her experience with Violet. It had made her ache for more. It had awoken new hungers in her once innocent heart. 
You should think of yourself as Violet. Wren is back in the studio in the clay. You're better than her now. 
Violet nodded slowly. The voice was right. She was Violet now. Wren was a nobody. Being Violet felt so much better. She gave a fake smile as two hot boys checked her out. Yes... everyone wanted her now. It felt good.
We have lots to do Violet. Having one lackey is hot... but we need four more to really have some fun. Once you have a gang, no one will be able to stop you. We can take over the school. 
Violet nodded. The voice was right. The voice was always right. She needed more bitches to serve her. She needed more power and she would do anything to get it.
"A sleep-over?" 
Monica was surprised. Her daughter had never asked for a sleep-over before. 
"Yeah... just four friends from school. Laura and three others. You don't mind do you?"
"I guess not," smiled Monica and her daughter grinned a strange smile. "Thanks Mom."
Then Wren turned and went. Her walk seemed different. More sexy... more predatory. It reminded Monica of someone, but she couldn't think whom.
"Stupid bitch," hissed Wren under her breath. "I can't wait for tonight - then you'll see..."
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"Welcome to my sleepover sluts..." giggled Violet as she locked the doors of the studio and spread her arms wide to show them all the four remaining busts. She had not been able to resist transforming and had been enjoying herself in her bedroom with a vibrator whilst her guests arrived. 
"As you can see. I've already changed - now you all need to pick a bust and transform. I have so much to teach you all before school tomorrow."
The other girls looked nervous- but Laura goaded them towards the busts  - taking station behind her own. "Don't be afraid girls - it feels really good. Let it take over you." She moaned as she grabbed her bust and began to change into Nikki.
The girls followed suit as they moaned and gasped in erotic pleasure as each was drawn to a bust - the evil power of the clay corrupting each as they touched their new faces and began to transform.
"Ohhbh it feels good..." they moaned and Violet grinned fiercely as each was transformed into an evil minion to serve her needs. 
"Yes that's right bitches... let it corrupt you. Give up your old lives and embrace the power of being a bully. It's going to feel so good," she gloated.
Suddenly the studio door burst open and Monica walked in with a horrified expression on her face. 
"Oh my God... what is happening?"
"Hello Mommy," laughed Violet. "You're just in time for my sleepover. The girls are just finishing changing."
Monica gasped as the faces of the five slutty bullies she remembered from school took on life and her daughters once innocent friends surrounded her- laughing as they grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back.
"No NO!" screamed Monica as memories of Highschool returned. The girls were too strong and she was helpless as Violet approached. It was just like the old days.
"Mmmmh, sorry Mommy but it feels so fucking good to be Violet. Her evil has totally corrupted me. I AM her now. Thanks for creating her bust and giving me and my friends there opportunity to take the power of your old bullies. Tomorrow we will begin to rule the school and from now on you'll be my little bitch."
Giggling Violet picked up a baseball bat. 
"Now what would a sleepover be like without some games. How about we play some pinata?"
Monica watched as Violet walked up to the five busts... now showing the face of each girl. They were the only way they could ever turn back.
Violet paused  Then with a wicked smirk and a moan of pleasure she began to smash each bust - taking particular glee at the screams of anguish from Monica as she smashed  Wren's head into a thousand pieces.
"Bye bye Wren... now you're trapped as me forever..." she gloated. "Sorry Monica. Looks like I'm your daughter forever now..."
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Violet moaned as her boyfriend climbed onto the bed and obediently put his head between her legs to start eating her out. She loved it when he ate her tight pussy... once she was wet enough she'd let him fuck her too. She felt like having a cream-pie today.
"Make sure you paint my pussy perfectly this time," she moaned as Monica began to paint in the corner and she laughed as her Mom - now a broken woman obeyed without question. 
Destroyed by the loss of her daughter, Monica was now just a plaything for the five bitches.
"Ohhh yes, I love fucking with her head," gasped Violet as she began to cum and she squeezed her thighs together tightly.
Meanwhile Monica painted with gritted teeth and thought of the bust standing on her work table in the studio. A little more glue and a few more hundred pieces and she'd have her daughter back.
She could still fuck with Violet's head yet... and she was at least going to try.
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My redneck neighbor Doug on Tech's Looks
(Me: "Doug, so you know, a lot of people are unhappy that the Bad Batch was made to be lighter then the regs. It's a hot topic."
Doug: "Well, here's my theory on the matter. I hope the kids on the Internet (his words for Tumblr) don't get too spicy over this. It's all in good fun. I hope it makes 'em smile and think a bit.")
After having a firm, peer-reviewed discussion (and by that, I mean endless texts with Doug) it has been concluded that Tech has lighter skin and hair, and a slimmer build, due to the Kaminoans leaning harder into the hillbilly part of Jango Fett’s genes, whereas the regs got the nicer, prettier, more amenable genes. 
In short, Tech looks the way he does…because he is a blue-collar white guy from the American South.  
A Florida redneck, specifically.  
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And let me (by way of Doug) tell you: rednecks do not have beautiful tans, flawless fades, snatched waists, muscular thighs, diamond-sharp cheekbones, the ability to follow directions, or perfect matching armor, all of which a reg has. 
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(Sorry, Howser, go back to guarding Ryloth or posing for GQ or whatever it is you do.)
Back to Tech. Look at that man and tell me the shit he gets up to would not be constantly at the top of r/floridaman
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A lot of people might clutch their pearls, and be shocked at this revelation. 
“He has a fancy accent! He’s persnickety about certain things! He’s my fancy pretty boi and I’m going to dress him up in a gold thong in my fan art!”
You do you, kid. But let Doug and his neighbor here, Dr. Meat Muffin, defend this deranged argument, here. Using anthropological research applying autoethnographic methodologies that they conducted independently at one point. 
(By that, we mean that Doug is from the bayous of Louisiana and has lived in the Florida Panhandle before moving Up North. Dr. MM attended graduate school in a redneck hot zone, lived in said redneck hot zone for a while, and married a Texan as well. Hook 'em gig 'em and wreck 'em)
After all, if you want an army to win over the galaxy and work with the Jedi, you want well-mannered, shiny, handsome men with melanin and agreeable personalities.
You do not want a pale-assed weirdo in jeans and a receding hairline who can’t get off his phone to work closely with orphaned space wizards. 
Tech’s an anarchic Floridian piece of tornado bait and that’s why he look the way he do, says Doug.
Here's why Doug says Tech is a Redneck:
Mandalorians are Space Rednecks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Trx7fDdlIo0. I do not own the rights to the video, but my God, it is perfection. A masterpiece. Mandalorians are rednecks in space, who end up colonizing Space Florida, no questions asked. Our theory is Tech is merely the concentrated, Waffle House-fistfighting, chew-dipping, Mountain Dew chugging, part of that. The Kaminoans just leaned into the trailer park part of Jango Fett hard when designing Tech, because no one can fix cars while shooting a gun and yelling at his crazy brothers like a redneck (more on that below). 
Hell, all of the Bad Batch are different brands of Florida Man:
Grizzled long haired tan guy with skull tattoo, obsessed with tracking, knife fighting, and hiding from normal society? Hunter.
Bald tanned dude with weird scars who loves blowing shit up and screaming for no reason? Wrecker
Pale, freaked out man who was kept in a cult’s closet for years? Echo 
Creepy, old, Second Amendment loving white guy with a gun themed tattoo who can’t seem to die? Crosshair 
Maladjusted orphan left behind at a bar by her inexperienced caretakers and almost drowns in the ocean? Omega 
His love of vehicles: We never see Tech whip out a manual to fix anything. The man says it’s because he has an exceptional mind, but that’s edging dangerously close to “Ah don’t need no schoolin’, hoss, I can fix any Ford!”.  Doug thinks it’s just because Tech loves playing with car parts, which is some grade A, hillbilly tomfoolery. And what is more redneck than some white guy ripping apart a vehicle in the dirt while the rest of his family bitches at each other in the heat? It happened right here in Season 2 (this exact scenario has played out many-a-time in Pensacola, trust me). All they need is some Lynyrd Skynyrd blasting in the background to make the picture complete. 
His clothing color scheme: “Oh, no!” you wail. “He just changed his colors to reflect Mandalorian heritage!” 
Tech’s redneckery is blatant here, because his colors switch from 
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“We’re loyal to each other,” says Hunter. And by that, he means the Gators, beloved of many an NCAA following redneck in the Sunshine State and beyond. Orange and Blue, indeed.
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Notice how we first see him in these colors, is while he’s parked his stolen work vehicle on a beach while his brothers are busy being chased by huge-ass crabs as their sister is quietly fishing?! 
Tech was probably trying to get ESPN+ to work on the Marauder, because the Devil works hard, but the SEC works harder during football season. I wonder if he has a tattoo of Tim Tebow on his buttcheek.
His home is his car: Tech, as well as his unemployed brothers and underaged sister who the cops are looking for (how trashy is THAT sentence), live in the Havoc Marauder now that their home was destroyed in a fire fight with the government. 
("Jesus Christ, this argument just writes itself now, don’t it," -Doug) 
This attack shuttle, for all intents and purposes, is a stolen work truck that they live in. It’s filled with posters of guns, as well as other weapons and explosives, and has all the comfort of a Jacksonville gas station at 2 AM. All you need is some cigarette burns on the fender and some empty take out bags from Bojangles and it might as well be parked down by the river in Suwannee County. Just Florida redneckery. Speaking of which….
He loves guns and explosions: Won’t go into detail, but the man knows how to use multiple pistols, rifles, and different tactile maneuvers with glee. Tech’s only notable complaint regarding explosions is making sure Wrecker’s new fancy boom-booms aren’t parked next to his bunk. And the look of calm joy when his sister tells his brother ‘Do some damage, Wrecker!’ as Tech pulls a Bo Duke and flings his vehicle across a locked up work site, while his deranged brother giggles and fires some guns at a government-owned power plant from the back seat. PURE. UNADULTERATED. REDNECK. 
He’s a racer: It is a fact (with peer reviewed research) that rednecks really, really love them some racing. NASCAR, motocross, BMX, you name it. And if you’ve seen ‘Faster’, well, that’s all you need to know about the man. 
He has no fear of large animals: We’ve never seen him hunt, but Tech knows how to distract massive amounts of nasty animals using light, and the first response to seeing a terrifying monster isn't running away screaming, but whispering ‘FASCINATING’., before, ya know, firing a gun at it. It’s one step away from ‘IT’S COMING RIGHT FOR US’. You KNOW that man would be sponsoring gator wrasslin' contests if he could.
His actions towards His family: This is where Tech truly differentiates himself from the typical ‘geek’ character and leans hard into King of the Hill territory. Whereas a normal nerd character might nag and panic when his sister falls down a hole while drilling for explosives in a cave (dear God Doug, how much more redneck examples can you keep pointing out, I’m exhausted), Tech merely YEETS HIMSELF down into the abyss. Or when his brother picks a fight in the mess hall? Does Tech run away, or just start punching people like it's past closing time in the Applebee's parking lot in Daytona and the Dolphins lost? And let's not discuss the season finale :(. Rednecks are some loyal folks, family first, and that’s our man’s right there. 
There you have it, says Doug. Tech isn’t lighter because he’s better than the regs. The opposite.
You can not be a deranged, adrenaline filled, sassy, goggled weirdo flying throughout space and blowing shit up and not be pale AF with twiggy legs and a receding hairline that’s edging towards Hunter S. Thompson level, born out of America's Sunshine state while a hurricane chases you out.
::turns up ZZ Top::
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daystarvoyage · 1 month
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Luz Shouldve Been Dressed By A POC (Person Of Color Or Luz Batista To Show Better Cultural & POC Reprensation)
Hello Tumblers, This is kyoko cane of daystar voyage, as a proud black person who’s genderqueer who makes content creations On Pop culture such as Cosplay & drag, I do talk on Animation & Family Entertainment So glad to get this topic cause what we see on tv can be put into reality, Now (Disclaimer)
I will not accept hate on the daystar voyage anyone who can’t handle different opinions, ship whatever (unless legal) if not walk out or off this spaceship into a asteroid belt and black hole
Don’t hate appreciate.
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One more thing I do love my girl Luz pilot outfits, there goals however wish they had time to put patterns into her clothes often, like I said in my hootview
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However the female cast had a better closet then her, and I did discuss that in my video, for some time they did make her dress in a shonen archetype, (which I made a post about her hair) or an spicy Latina Which of of course personality wise too, (cause she’s made to be the gender non confirming character) but excuse all that cause in a way, the staff shoulda hired someone whos Either Afro, African American Or Latin to dress this girl.
Oh boy now that im done rewatching The Owl House there’s so much in store soon anyway,
I do feel its time to start this short post, I have a fashion hootview which is the intermission so there’s still a lot to come meantime, finished my rewatch of The Owl House as an animation lover,
Lets discuss this topic at hand,
2020s animators need to take notes on costuming & style tips to make characters stand out in environments and to treat there characters better in fashion or color coordination,
yes you can have a color coded character and not rely of a main palette to be able to bring out there features & complexion,
Animators need to take notes, how to properly show kids & there audience that good clothing could be put onto a character of any occasion & not have to rely on sexuality or Stereotype (Disney Programs have a hit or miss on certain shows.)
while proper fashion can do justice, that goes into making a franchise and making a product to sell for marketability in retail & consumers.
if the character or product can be sold with a great design if executed flawless by character, design, costuming, and the app that comes within the series,
This goes to the fandom cause there might be future artistsor small indie creators reading this who probably never read, or look up fashion brands, magazines either hot couture or brand clothing and don’t have that knowledge But that shouldn’t stop you from being able to experiment with different color palettes on what goes into your art.
The fandom needs a wake up call that not only is everything’s perfect and people have the right to critic and criticize a show or any form of art.
cause fandoms today has a self righteous way of bullying others of different opinions and ostracizing others and ithas to stop,
Here’s a quick tv trope in color-coded characters, & a Toonsmag article on fashion in animation.
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Marketability is a important factor, industries rely on that to make the money off of that series, be a cartoons or projects,
it impacts the character and representation that kids see when they purchase said item and teaching kids, see good representation within media can matter if done right.
Especially POCs if executed well however
DONW BELOW in some cases miraculous ladybug fumbles it hard, at one point had all the poc of color (EXAMPLE limited to alya and nino if not max be lighter tones on there merch.)
You know lighting character's skin tones like Alya and other brown or dark skin characters, on their products & merch (bad ethnic representation award goes to them).
Not to mention the whole Vas underpaid controversy, that’s been discussed countless times.
(still disappointed about there business decisions)
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I appreciate the love of anyone who can view and read this article if you gotten this far,
thanks for reading make sure to check my Tumblr and YouTube vlog cause so much of this particular series I’m gonna debunk
The show had a-lot going for it however feel flat including in the fashion department along miraculous ladybug that’s another thing to be discuss OH BOY so anyway
here’s an example of the video game art of Guilty Gear showing great costume progress years later
always educate yourself cause I do want my platform to show variety on what I offer creatively and semi-education-wise to be able to let people be inspired and that you don't need to follow trends, thank you very much seeya on the next space voyage.
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theredofoctober · 11 months
Dark!Hannibal Lecter x Reader x Dark!Will Graham fic, sort of DD/LG dynamic
TW: eating disorders, noncon, abusive relationship
She/her pronouns for reader
NOTE: this chapter occurs chronologically pre-leg, within the first month or so of your captivity. I'm writing Manna out of order; when I upload to ao3 I'll put everything in the right place
You pass an evening with Hannibal like so many others, yet unlike for the state induced in you through his studious medicinal enterprise.
You are accustomed to the concoction of drugs that regresses you to a needy youth, the sleepers, the stimulants, the tea that lowers you from the electric heights of your righteous hysteria. Yet whatever element comprises the pill flushed down by water from a gently tipped glass elevates you to orbit a heaven above yourself, so removed from your imprisonment that you observe with an objective eye.
Dr Lecter has bestowed upon you the rare trust that you may eat without assistance, and you have done so, temporarily rescinding your disordered agitation to the mycelium half-dream.
Thus elevated, you watch yourself drape the tines of your fork back and forth across your half-eaten plate, enthralled by patterns on the porcelain that are not there.
Your eyes drift repeatedly to a painting on Hannibal’s wall, mounted coyly for any dinner guest to comment on. Naturally, have seen the piece many times before, in turns startled and disturbed by its subject. Now, however, you find yourself dully intrigued, an attention that does not go unnoticed by Dr Lecter.
“What is it, little one?” he asks, intently, laying down his cutlery on either side of his plate with a quiet clink. “Do you have an interest in art?”
“I don’t know,” you say, confused by the question. “It’s just this picture. Isn’t it... rude?”
Hannibal smirks, eyeing the image with fond appreciation. Its focus is a supine young woman, draped, half-naked, on a rumbled bed, towards which a curious swan approaches with curved neck bowed.
Likely it is the original painting, procured at auction, its price unimaginable; all things in this house are ripe with expense, even you, its demanding charge.
“Artistic nudity is only considered rude by children,” says Hannibal, blithely, “or else by shallow and ignorant adults. Does the depiction of genitalia offend you, my darling?”
You gaze up at the cowrie of a cunt under its shadow cap of hair, pinkly presented on spread silk, and think how often your own has been arranged likewise for Will or Hannibal to admire.
“Why is it in this room, specifically?” you ask; you struggle with the syllables of the word, spit at the sibilants in a manner unbecoming for so distinguished an event. “Doesn’t it put people off their food?”
“I find it makes for an amusing conversation piece,” says Hannibal, pouring himself another generous glass of wine.
You attempt to grimace, none of your muscles quite taking to the motion.
“I don’t think it’s funny at all. Just creepy. Sad.”
“Are familiar with the story of Leda and the Swan?” asks Hannibal, with interest. “Zeus, a virile and insatiable God, looked upon the queen of Sparta and desired her. So, in order to seduce her, he transformed himself into a swan so that she would be fooled by his beauty and appearance of vulnerability to take him to her bed.”
“He tricked her,” you say, quietly. “He didn’t seduce her, at all.”
Dr Lecter’s face scarcely moves, but there is something of laughter in the lines of his strange beauty.
“So it is the deception that unnerves you,” he says. “The pretence that he was an innocent creature rather than the all-powerful and lustful deity he truly was.”
You nod, not wanting to admit that you see your own face mirrored in the brushstrokes of the Grecian queen.
Prophet-like, Hannibal interprets the motion with flawless vision.
“You empathise with Leda. Recognise the parallels between her story and your own.”
“Is that why you put it there?” you retort, emboldened by the miles between you and the girl slumped in the dining chair. “Because you think you’re the swan?”
“The bird is a shield for the truth, remember,” says Hannibal. “So what would the swan be, in me?”
Dropping the fork with a discordant clatter, you consider.
“The polite, handsome doctor,” you say, at last. “You fool everyone; Jack, Alana Bloom. My parents. They would never have left me here if they knew what you really were.”
Hannibal tilts his head at a slight angle, as though by doing so he might uncover some mystery in your face.
“And what am I, little one?”
“I don’t know,” you admit. “There are a lot of things you’re hiding from me. How can I know what you really are?”
“Tell me your perceptions, then. There is no need to spare my feelings; after all, you so rarely do.”
Amidst your mushroom-made divinity, you are fearless in your answer.
“You’re a bad person. You’ve done things that would get you into a lot of trouble. Hurt people. Not just me. And you don’t feel bad about it. You think that everything you do is right, somehow. Like you should be allowed to do it. Like you’re a god.”
Hannibal absorbs this with a silence that seems sated, or almost so.
“And what about Will?” he prompts. “Is he, too, a starving monster under the guise of a tender animal?”
“No,” you say, with less certainty. “He’s... sick. You're using him, making him think that this is what he wants.”
Hannibal laughs over the rim of his wine glass.
“That is where you’re wrong, little one. The Will you think you see is only one wing of the swan. Soon, you will see beyond that fragile veil, and feel the mythic need of all immortals to plunder from the weak, merely for the pleasure of knowing that they can.”
A sudden sadness tugs you back to earth like a choke chain, a lump in your throat.
“So you don’t want to help me, after all,” you mumble. “It was all a lie.”
Taking your hand across the table, Hannibal presses a thumb to the pulse at your wrist, a soothing gesture.
“Not at all,” he says, firmly. “To recover from your illness you must be made to relinquish control in its most basic forms. The instances I return it to you are experiments in progress. Remember that Leda did not die after Zeus bedded her: she became a mother. In you, I seek another outcome. More than one, in fact.”
You gaze at him with disbelieving eyes, rejecting the hope he grooms in you.
“What other outcome are you looking for, Dr Lecter?”
Hannibal kisses your knuckles and places the fork back into your hand.
“Nothing you need to think about at the moment,” he says. “Now, finish what’s on your plate. It’s growing cold.”
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sturniolowhore · 4 months
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summary ⎯ a biology project; that's all it is intended to be, a matter of communication amongst classmates in order to succeed yet the more time chris and aluna spend together, the harder it becomes to distinguish the line between requirement and want. they are required to work together, to spend time with one another and to exist beside one another until suddenly it doesn't feel forced. what is supposed to be simply completing a project turns into an unmistakable connection of hearts.
part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
warnings ⎯ chris x fem!poc!oc, cursing, fluff, grumpy!oc and sunshine!chris, eventual smut, not proofread, mentions of anxiety, toxic homelife, mentions of selfharm, angst, hurt and comfort, etc.
A/N ⎯ another series baby! i know i said it would be one long fic but i wanted to get some writing out soon. i've written a few parts so i'll post them all rn but there's more to come eventually!!
i hope you enjoy <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
chris walked towards the door as he heard the bell chiming, his chain dangling a little from the pace he was walking at. he opened the door and saw her in all her glory, looking more flawless than ever. he was genuinely surprised he didn't know who she was before he was partnered up with her. neither him nor his brothers knew of her presence and she was literally in their fucking class. he shook the thoughts from his mind quickly, allowing her to step inside.
"hey," he smiled at her, leading her to the living room where she could already see the sprawled out paper and textbooks for their granted subject.
"hi," she mumbled mindlessly, observing the room with curious eyes that had chris holding back a slight laugh.
he took a seat on the couch and gestured for her to follow, pretending he didn't notice the way she purposely maintained a good amount of distance between them. her hands were back to picking at her nails and he frowned.
"do me a favour, pass me that textbook please?" he pointed at a book on the floor and she sighed slowly.
she picked it up and rolled her eyes to herself as she took in the fact that it was significantly closer to him and he could have easily gotten it himself. he knew he was being stupid but she wasn't picking at her skin anymore so he found himself believing it was worth it.
"so how do you want to do this?" he questioned, toying with the strings of his sweatpants as he observed her face for an answer.
she turned away from his gaze, not wanting to meet his eyes as she spoke, "i'm not fussed, whatever you want."
"you really like giving me nothing to work with," he laughed a little at her short and very undetailed answers throughout.
good. she found herself thinking before she brushed aside her thoughts and faced him to offer a slight shrug of her shoulders.
"okay... i was thinking we could do it like more of an artistic approach instead of just talking at the class. you any good at art?" he studied her as he spoke, eyes never leaving her.
"i'm okay," she told him simply.
lie. art had been one of her escapes for as long as she could remember. she thoroughly enjoyed seeing her ideas come to life with the swipe of a pencil or the stroke of a brush. it made her feel part of something without having to actually involve herself. her bedroom at home was filled with her art pieces yet here she was, hiding yet another factor about herself because why did anyone need to know a single thing about her?
"okay is good enough," he smiled softly before he continued, "should we start with the similarities and then go onto the differences like the basic structure?"
she nodded her head without even truly understanding what he asked her. she wasn't paying attention. she couldn’t bring herself to pay attention but she still sat beside him on the floor when he started to set out a plain sheet of A3.
"if we're going to do this together, i don't wanna be bored out of my fucking mind," he groaned, pausing his typing on his macbook, "tell me about yourself miss i sit at the back of the class and barely speak."
there it was. one of the reasons she preferred working alone. when she was alone, she didn't need to allow another person to get to know her. when she was alone it was just her and her focus on the work. but she was not alone and chris was smiling at her expectantly. it was too bad she didn't know how to talk about herself or talk at all, for that matter.
"look... this is just a project i'm doing for my final grade. i'm not here to make friends," the initial stab followed by the twist when she saw chris' expression drop for the first time since she had spoken to him.
"i know things about people who aren't my friends," he pushed with a teasing grin; did this boy seriously not know how to take a hint?
"what do you want to know?" her eyebrows furrowed together because she couldn't see why someone would want to dig deep into her of all people.
"night or day person?" the query wasn't really what she was expecting so it took her by surprise and she took a moment or so before she fully comprehended it.
"night," was the short reply he received and well, it made a lot of sense in his head despite barely knowing her.
"i can't even act surprised," he pointed out and she furrowed her brows at him again.
he chuckled at her expression before explaining himself, "you don't seem like the type to love sunshine and all that kind of stuff."
how was it that he was able to read her so easily when they had only just met? it scared her. people weren't meant to read her. this was all a bad idea.
"this is a stupid conversation," another shut down but chris paid attention to the way she continuously refused to hold any form of eye contact with him, almost as though her eyes would share every word she didn't dare speak.
"why do you do that?" he found himself pondering aloud before he could realise what he was doing and take it back.
"do what?" she stared at the floor, burning holes into it with her eyes and only proving chris' point further.
"you don't hold eye contact," he commented and she froze because that was just yet another thing he had learnt about her. why the fuck was he so attentive?
"maybe i just don't want to?" not entirely a lie and certainly not the full truth but it would make do for now.
he stayed silent and she used that as a means of returning to the project, acting oblivious to the way she could feel his eyes trained on her. eventually, he seemed to understand she wasn't going to entertain him and so he got back to work, minimal chatter about the project being the only source of noise in the overbearing silence.
and then she left, as quickly as she arrived and with the same minimal words. she didn't look back when she existed the door and she didn't look through her car window to see if chris was still standing on the front porch. he decided to head back inside when he could no longer view her car and found his brothers who he knew would have at least a question or two.
"how was your date?" nick asked from his seat on one of the stools in the kitchen, a teasing smile planted across his face.
"was she everything you expected and more?" matt giggled alongside him and chris actually groaned out of frustration.
he had told matt and nick she was pretty. it wasn't a lie; it didn't take a genius to realise as such so he had no idea why they were acting like him stating the obvious was the end of the world and him confessing his love. they hadn't shut up about her since chris and her got partnered together and even more so since she arrived at their house, messaging ridiculous things on their groupchat.
"it wasn't a date," he rolled his eyes, taking a seat beside nick and stealing some of his fries in the process.
"so it was bad?" matt pushed and chris threw a fry at him.
"she doesn't talk much, short as fuck answers and only trying to talk about the actual project. it's like talking to a brick wall," he recounted earnestly.
"maybe you're just boring," nick shrugged, earning him a loud scoff from chris.
"maybe she just doesn't like people," matt said something a little more sensible but it also made chris frown because it sounded rather genuine.
it actually made a lot of sense; from the way he'd never heard her so much as speak even though it was approaching the end of high school entirely and the way she attempted to ignore every last friendly approach he tried. yet at the same time, he knew there was something beyond what met the eyes and he thought if he dug deep enough, he would actually find the treasure beneath.
and then his phone vibrated.
sorry did i leave a bracelet at your house? i think i was playing around with it and forgot to pick it up on my way out
chris (bio)
hold on let me check for you
okay thanks
chris (bio)
yeah there's this charm one which is definitely not any of ours
shit i'm sorry
chris (bio)
no you're good! i'll bring it to school tomorrow
we don't have bio tomorrow
chris (bio)
don't worry i'll find you :)
chris returned to the kitchen and laughed a little at his brothers' confused glances, "she forgot her bracelet."
"more of an excuse to talk to her," nick beamed and chris shook his head fondly, slipping the bracelet between his fingers and studying the charms closely.
he wondered if there was a story behind them, a reason for those specific charms to have been selected. there were two stars which make the most sense to him. there was also a paint palette and he smiled at that; he guessed she was in tune with art after all. what confused him the most was the little lightbulb. it was very small, barely there, yet he felt like it stuck out the most. it was in the centre and looked the oldest. he was probably reading too much into it but he was one to dwell on things so just maybe it was in his nature.
he spent a lot of the rest of the day examining the charms, far longer than he would like to admit. she just intrigued him, he wanted to know more about her, what was beneath that mask she slipped on so easily. he twisted the bracelet in his hands before he slid it onto his wrist, thankful for the adjustability, in the hopes that he would not forget to take it to school the following day.
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
TAGS: @mattslolita @mattsleftnipple03 @sturniolololover @hearts4chris @sturniofilmd @luvsturns @that-general-simp
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
You've always known Kamisato Ayaka as a young lady of great artistic talent.
While she might not share her older brother's tolerance for self-propitiating debate or her housekeeper's ability to, well, make a meal that fails to leave you bedridden, no one quite share's your Ayaka's affinity for anything and everything that involves creating something beautiful out of little more than ink and paper and her own talents. It seeps into everything she does, from her unwavering poise to her melodic voice to her bladework - swift and precise and vicious, a perfected dance her opponent can attempt to follow, but never completely overtake. Everything she does is perfect, really, even if you know she hates it when you make her sound like some flawless, ephemeral goddess.
Everything she does is beautiful, and you can't help but admire... well, everything she does.
Her calligraphy, for one. It's far from something she practices often, and you know it's more of a party trick to the children of noble clans than anything she'd consider a proper form of art, but it really is a thing of beauty - the practiced confidence of her brushstrokes, how effortlessly she scrawls out proverbs and haikus to appease to expectations of her better-of guests. She indulges you, occasionally, guides your hand as she shows you how to write your name in neat, tapering kanji. You're always too flustered to pay attention, and your improvised lessons have yet to result in any improvement, but she doesn't seem to mind retreading old ground. You count yourself lucky to have such a patient teacher, of course.
She has a little more fondness for painting. You're always happy to see her, sitting cross-legged on the cliffsides that outline the Kamisato Estate, a cloth canvas in her lap and a few jars of water-color paint scattered around her. She always seems just a little brighter than she usually is when you interrupt her sessions to bring her tea, to offer to fetch a few more brushes or a proper easel, but she never lets you stray far once you've come to her - always urging you sit and model before returning to your duties, insisting that she can only paint landscapes for so long. You do wish she'd actually let you see some of the finished pieces, but Ayaka's always been so humble, so quick to brush off praise. You can understand why she'd be so shy about something she only considers a pastime.
Admittedly, there are aspects of her talents that manage to go over your head. Her poetry is beautiful, her prose evocative and romantic, but the subject she describes so charmingly sometimes escapes you, her stanzas often breaking down into (what you can only seem to understand as) rambling, meaningless nothings - lovely nothings, sure, but still nothings. You adore her kindness, and but her frequent gifts occasionally feel overly intimate, considering your relationship as master and servant - chains of folded cranes and silver hairpins sometimes turning into necklaces of braided ribbon, vases of flowers you don't recall telling her you have a soft spot for, rings with her clan's insignia carved into the surface. You're not entirely sure what any of it means, but...
But, everything Ayaka does is beautiful.
So, you're sure that whatever her intentions are with you, the end result will be beautiful, too.
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doomsdaydicecascader · 3 months
hey, could you go into more detail with what you mean with ‘being precious’ with characters. im curious and i like your writing a lot <3
i think it's difficult to express without it reading as just "mary sue" critique, you know. tvtropes bullshit. but it is kind of a thing that occupies the same space. and atop that, it's a thing that's a little bit difficult to express without context but i think there are three pretty meaningful examples of a character being made worse by the author from which you are smart enough to discern what i mean
the thing which ties them together is this: you are meant to come out of their story with an affection for the character that rivals the author's care for them - the author wants you to feel as much for this character as they do, but is afraid of portraying the character in flawed or even grounded ways, when the character's flaws or ways in which they are a grounded character tend to be what makes them relateable or worth caring about.
example number one is albus dumbledore. the end of harry potter is genuinely one of the worst things i've ever read, even before the terf shit, and this is best expressed through the way characters around him act - he is always right, except when he's wrong, but the ways in which he's wrong are okay because the character archetype that he turns out to be in the last book before he dies is "guy who makes the hard decisions because nobody else will", winston churchill guy. and naturally, jk rowling adores him so much that she made him the protagonist of her flop three-movie pentology even though there was a better protagonist right there with newt. he is a character who is thoroughly adored by the author in a way that ruins the story.
example number two is johnny, from the room. tommy wiseau is by no means a great artist, but i think a lot of people resent analyzing the room as art because it is so obviously bad and i think that takes away from its most compelling fact. johnny is characterized as too good for this world, as though the world itself was closing in on him, ready to take him out. his future wife is cheating with his best friend, lying about him being an abuser to her friends, his boss doesnt give him his promotion for no reason, his mother in law would put aside her cancer diagnosis to further tear apart her daughters marriage, and through this, johnny does nothing wrong. he was always too good for this sinful world. he is a character who is thoroughly adored by the author in a way that ruins the story.
example number three, as mentioned in that last ask, is lin manuel miranda's portrayal of alexander hamilton, which kind of combines the both of the previous examples. throughout hamilton, alexander hamilton is repeatedly portrayed as a tortured artist, a guy who writes like he's running out of time, a guy whose writing is so powerful that he could have meaningfully changed the world, if he were not also, a dipshit idiot who got shot in a duel. and hamilton is interesting, because the story itself bends over backwards to imagine new outs for him. when his wife, who is so upset by his actions that she exempts herself from being in the writings from which hamilton was based, something i am to believe is made up whole cloth for hamilton, the story itself goes out of its way to say "what if the stuff that his wife destroyed would have redeemed him" when the answer is, probably not, he was a shithead, but lin manuel miranda can't help but ask, "what if hamilton was actually just like me fr, a misunderstood dude who just wanted to make great art", he is a character who is thoroughly adored by the author in a way that ruins the story.
i dont really want to use the term "mary sue" or whatever because it is pretty loaded, and honestly, if the story you're telling justifies this feeling, i tend to really enjoy characters who really are just flawless, characters who the authors love and want you to love too. but theyre character studies - half blood prince and deathly hallows are almost entirely about dumbledore and his relationship to the cast, and it's the worst shit i've ever read. the room would be so unbelievably forgettable without johnny. and hamilton is hamilton.
and its the kind of thing i found myself prone to doing too - that kind of feverish, "he would not fucking say that" behavior about a character who would definitely, absolutely do that. i felt this way for a while about jane in post-canon, and i still kind of think post-canon jane deserved a better arc, to make a tragedy out of her existence, but that is a desire i have because i care a lot about jane crocker, you know?
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yume-yuurei · 8 months
Phantom thief
October TWST collab with @jade-s-nymph - day 13.
(Riddle × reader fluff)
There was still a week or two left before Halloween, but, punctual as always, the Heartslabyul Housewarden started preparing in advance. Considering this event will gather residents from all over Sage Island, including high-standing individuals and elite of all kinds, putting any less than maximum effort into costumes and decoration is ultimately out of option.
Not like Riddle has ever done anything other than his best. His mother would have had his head on a platter if he had - after all, Mrs. Rosehearts expects only perfect reputation and flawless image from her child.
That means every little detail must be in order. And whatever is happening right now is, in fact, nowhere close to order.
"WHAT?!", rings out an outraged screech, loud enough to crack glass, alarming students from all around.
Riddle was pacing back and forth in the common rooms, leaving a clear circular pattern with heel imprints in the carpet. Deuce sweatdrops, having already regretted coming here. The Housewarden had already been stressed enough on a daily basis, but the shade of red that his face this time around gained was alarming.
Barely a minute ago, he was notified of serial disappearances all around the dorm; Some fiend had apparently thought it would be a great idea to steal all the clock and watches in the entire Heartslabyul! As absurd as it was, the little prank set Riddle, a natural perfectionist, off on a whole another level. His card soldiers always come late as it is, but with all the watches disappearing every day is bound to become a disaster.
The Queen's most trusted soldiers, Trey and Cater, had to go an extra mile to console their dormleader that day. The former even decided on baking extra sweet strawberry tarts just to avoid the younger boy's mental meltdown.
"Just think about it - a phantom thief appearing as if out of nowhere, disrupting peace and urging the detective to unravel the mystery behind their act... It's, like, straight-out-of-a-novel scenario!", Cater exclaims, "Take it easy, consider this a game. Or, eh, a... puzzle of sorts? You like those, right? Leave all the prep work to froshies and go catch the criminal!"
"YOU- You think this a game?! How can I-", the red-haired boy takes a deep breathe. 'Keep calm, breath and count to three...', he repeats to himself. "How am I supposed to 'take it easy' when I have a rulebreaker on a loose? The Queen of Hearts' rule number 53, stolen items must be-"
"He's right, Riddle", Trey chimes in, wiping hands with a towel, "You've been running yourself ragged lately, way more than needed, and Halloween is over a week away." He steps closer to the counter, leaning on it and giving one of his signature smile - warm and reassuring, befitting a typical older brother, "Our dormmates are working extra hard, all of them are excited for the holiday, so they're motivated to do their best; and aren't all these preparations the same we do before unbirthday parties? We got it down to a fine art, nothing bad will happen if you leave the freshmen unattended. At worst, Cater and I can supervise them. Right, Cater?"
The boy in question didn't answer, too occupied with choosing hashtags for his new photo (he switched his attention from one thing to another again...), mumbling under his breath. Trey heaved a sigh, planting hands on his hips like a stern teacher that was forced to deal with a notorious troublemaker.
"Cater.", he said in a harsher tone. Having gotten used to Clover's usual patience and soft voice, both Cater and Riddle shivered.
"Y-YES, sure thing!"
Nobody would ever want to deal with an enraged Trey...
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"Why are they so insistent on me doing this personally and, moreover, alone...? These two are acting strange.", Riddle was standing at a balcony overlooking the Gardens, where students of Heartslabyul were working on preparing decorations. Everyone had a task of their own - no slackers in sight. 
The two upperclassmen managed to talk Riddle into stepping away from his duties to focus on investigating. Which was weird, as there was nothing 'fun' about having to fish out troublemakers and give out punishments, at best it only added more stress to his life...
Taking a deep breath, he slid a card out of his back pocket - Seven of Hearts. Deuce said that cards like this one were found in place of every stolen item. Whoever was behind this all was being bold, to leave a piece of evidence on purpose? But why a card; was it a reference to their dorm setting? A mocking in the face of THE Queen of Hearts?
"Unacceptable...", the Housewarden grumbled, "I'll see to it that the rulebreaker receives a suitable punishment."
Another 'surprise' was waiting for him in his own room. The tall Grandfather clock, surprisingly enough, was standing steady in its natural place. Nothing would've been amiss, if not for the lack of clock hands. In their place was pinned another card - seven of Hearts. The floor under the grand clock had faint trails of scratches, as if somebody had tried moving it but, after failing to do so, had decided to put everything back in place. Riddle took a long furious stride towards the clock, heels clicking with each step. Even with the shoes' added height, he finds it difficult to reach the card, which infuriates the boy even further. With a stomp and a 'hmph' Riddle (unwillingly so) goes to fetch a stepping stool.
"I can't believe this petty little-... what does this mean?!"
"Dear Mr. Detective ;) Riddle,
You must've noticed some things missing in Heartslabyul. I hope you don't mind me stealing some of your precious time.
If you want me to return all that has disappeared, I expect to see you tonight, south of the rose maze. Make sure to look your best!
Your phantom thief.~♡"
...were they... toying with him? Who would dare to demand an unscheduled audience with him, and in such a bold manner, too?! The audacity them must have to assume he'd just follow their demands blindly!
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Late evening rolled around, just an hour before curfew. Even the tough fabric of his school uniform couldn't keep the chilly autumn wind away. Riddle folded his arms, tucking palms into his jacket to preserve warmth. Rose bushes and hedges stretch out far, high and wide.
...He came here out of his own will, not because he had no other option. Of course.
Nobody's in sight. Only crickets' song fills in the cold silence. Whoever had left that note must've played a prank on him to make him out as a fool. That's what he was about to think of, if only he hadn't noticed a faint glow of a candle from behind a bush. Rounding a corner, Riddle notices a path of rose petal leading deeper into the maze, straying from the general path.
Getting into a ready stance with a magic pen in hand, the Housewarden sets off to follow the trail.
A hint of a classical piece, one from his personal collection of favorites, plays from afar, growing louder with every step taken forward.
The petals take him to a clearing. A round table is served with a dainty teapot, a set of matching cups and plates with a colorful flowery pattern. Next to them are fresh tarts and cupcakes that emit mouthwatering aromas and puffs of heat. Fairy lights decorate the area, painting it in a warm pink glow. An old-fashioned gramophone creaks with every spin of the needle, playing a merry tune. This setting doesn't seem hostile.
He only lost his composure for a second, but that was more than enough for the phantom thief to make their appearance without being noticed.
"Do you like this?", they whisper in Riddle's ear, blowing some air and almost making him squeak in fear.
The flustered boy turns around, just to come face to face with the Ramshackle prefect, [Name]. Their figure was covered by a dark coat, the cape falling off their head to reveal a mischievous smirk on the prefect's face. After taking a step closer to Riddle, they take a hold of his hands, placing gentle kisses on knuckles of each with a fond smile.
"Sorry about making you worry and run around all day long...", they mutter out, "...but I just couldn't find a way to keep you from entering the gardens otherwise. I know for a fact that Ace and Deuce wouldn't be able to distract you without spilling everything, and Trey and Cater are already busy."
"Are you saying that they were all in on your scheme?", the boy asks, bewildered. How hasn't he noticed sooner?
"Aha, ma~ybe? It doesn't matter! Now, as a payback for wasting so much of your time today, let me treat you to some tea.", [Name] loops their arm with Riddle's, leading him closer to the table and move a chair out for him.
He hesitates for a while, making prefect furrow their brows in worry.
"You should've already memorized it by now... All stolen things must be replaced. So you better make this worth the time I spent.", he says, turning to look them in the eyes, grabbing them by the collar of their shirt and pressing a kiss on their cheek with a little too much effort, almost making them fall backwards. He takes a seat on his chair with a huff, desperate to mask his growing embarrassment, and hides his blossoming blush with a hand.
[Name] takes a few seconds to process the notion before they erupt in a fit of giggles, taking a sit opposite of the housewarden, happy with the outcome.
This evening date promises to be a pleasant one.
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sylenth-l · 2 months
*slides in* Hi! First of all: I love your art forever and ever it is so beautiful and gorgeous to me. It's my favourite ever. Also, inspired by your recent posts of Fel carrying Osiris, I was thinking... How about drawing a pietà scene with them? Or maybe with Red and Fel, that would be more thematically correct for a pietà.
ALSO also: I remember quite a while ago, you posted drawing of our favourite Hunters as hunters from Bloodborne (and what amazing pictures they are!!! I drooled over them for hours I swear) and you wondered in the tags how Exos would even work in a setting like that? I forget your exact wording but whatever. I present to you: the concept of steampunk Exos! Steam powered, even. Bloodborne is seemingly based on Victorian England, so it could work! Possibly. Maybe. If they can do weird blood magic they can do steampunk Exos :)
Anyway! Thank you for continuing to show us your beautiful art and I hope you have a nice day 💖
Aah, thank you!! 🥺💙
Well that's an interesting idea, I'm writing it odwn! I sometimes think about doing homages of some artworks, but I always feel like... it's too much responsibility maybe?.. I feel like I have to make it look absolutely flawless and that's utterly impossible, so I'm scared to even try and mostly just rotate all the ideas in my head, lol. For example, with Red and Fel I was thinking about redrawing Repin's "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan", since it's. well, pretty much exactly what happened akjsdhfkj (It's an extremely famous painting in Russia, portraying tsar Ivan the Terrible, who accidentally killed his own son in a fit of anger and got absolutely devastated once he realized what he's done. Tbh it's so well-fitting that I've always wondered if it was an intentional reference to that story from Bungie. Most likely no, but still! Very on point.)
There's one painting though, which I think I can actually make a homage of... Mostly because I wanted to draw something like that with Felwinter myself, so when I've seen that painting I was like whoa! That's it!! But I won't say which one it is, he-he... Hopefully I'll get it done soon
About the Exos - oh yes!!! That's possible! Actually, I've finally got my hands on "Lies of P" recently (and I freaking love that game already), and it has something similar going on there. At least, I think so; there's still some ~magic~ included from what I got so far. But I'm still at the beginning, so! Will see later! Very curious about how puppets work there in general and how there's such a... drastic gap in quality between P himself and everyone else.
(Please don't tell me anything about it though, I want to dig into everything myself)
Have a nice day too!!
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freakattack · 5 months
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Been thinking about the wario guys drawing lately. It's kind of hard to pin their "art styles" because while all of their microgames are made by them we also don't know how they got the art assets you know? It's warioware. It's anarchy. In mega microgames orbulon has a memory microgame where you control what looks like a crudely-drawn music band but then in touched when you turn on the real-life diamond city news it's the same damn band. they just look like that. So you can never know for sure. That being said, here are all of the most unambiguous examples of their artwork that i can remember
Wario: i already made a post about this bht i don't care. Wario is an amazing artist. If he actually wants to make something look good, like himself, he can. But most of the time he doesnt give a shit so he just craps out whatever. I get it. I'm the same way except it just so happens that i don't give a shit about anything so youve never seen me make good art even though i totally could if i wanted to. Dont look at me like that
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Orbulon: orbulon, i am happy for you. I do not hold this against you and i think we all have a right to draw our ideal selves. Who among us hasnt drawn ourselves 10ft tall and jacked. Hypothetically. Dont look at me. Dont look at m
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Anyways unlike wario i would like to believe that orbulon is gracious enough to share his talents with others and thats why most of the other game and wario title cards look like.... that. They probably all requested orbulon to draw them looking super cool and gave him very specific and at times vaguely frightening directions. Red wanted to look like freddie mercury for some reason. Pyoro did not make any requests becayse he has better things to do so orbulon took some creative liberties there. I'm not going to post every game and wario title card here because if youre reading this you probably have already seen them and if not go do that. I'll wait for you.
Penny: Ok now that we have all seen orbulons beautiful portfolio let's look at penny's. Penny is very self conscious of her art skills and so her portfolio has only one piece. Penny do not despair for i love your turtle drawing and i would kill myself for you.
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Kat&Ana: Flawless. 10/10. The best artists here by far. Put it in the louvre
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Anyways i am probabaly forgetting key examples here as it is currently ass o clock at night so if anyone has any non-microgame works of art from the wario crew you are welcome to bust in and give me them. I'm making a collection
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