#then his dad gets to make a speech for some reason? and then everything becomes about getting day and mhok together??
keepthetension · 3 months
still thinking about night
when they moved to bangkok, night (still a kid himself) would've been the one taking care of day until their mom came home (what is their age difference btw?). when he got older he became a party boy who went into the nightclub business; can't imagine their mom was thrilled about that. dude spends the bulk of the show being blamed for causing day's accident and just generally not being a good enough big brother (he does eventually get a "i forgive you", though sadly not a "sorry i was an asshole"). feels like such a third wheel at their family dinner that he straight up tries to leave, and then starts to cry because day remembered what food he likes. at his own pre-wedding blessing, his own mother doesn't say anything nice about him. and most of what we see of the wedding is night and his new wife running around to matchmake for day. but also like the entire raison d'être of this whole-ass relationship is to illustrate a Big Point for day's benefit
representation for the all parentified kids who can also never do anything right! but like, representation that's TOO FUCKING REAL, you know?
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lactoseintolerentswag · 7 months
Rise Characterizations Pt. 3!!!
Now that Leo and Raph are done, it's Donnie's turn for character analysis as a writing reference. So without further ado,
Donnie Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Straight up talks like a redditor who hasn't touched enough grass (affectionate)
Oscillates between very scientific paper polished, sometimes adding a dazzle of shakespearean for dramatics, or abbreviations/a shorter version of a word with a more fun connotation (i.e. "brekkie" instead of breakfast)
Uses food as surprised exclamations or curses, "oh my peaches and cream", "banana pancakes!"
Emphasizes each syllable of a long word when he's excited or trying to make a point. Conquered becomes con-qu-ered
Either exaggerates his speech or speaks in deadpan
The science terms he uses as battle cries aren't chosen at random, but rather are related to the action/subject at hand, i.e. yelling "fibonacci" when throwing his spinning tech-bo
Will overly describe an item or a situation, and often gets caught up in these observations before processing what just happened
Will repeatedly yell "help!" when he's distressed and/or outnumbered
Refers to Mikey as "Michael"
Refers to his brothers as "brethren" or "gentlemen"
Refers to splinter as either "father", "papa", or "dad" depending on the weight of the situation
Refers to his tech as his "babies"
Answers the phone with, "You're conversing with Donatello"
Uses "gesundheit" instead of bless you
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The fixer, he supplies the family with tech and resources. He always has a trinket made for the situation at hand and/or offers his knowledge/data collected. He's always prepared to help. Even with outside resources, he likes to feel useful in solving their problems (i.e., building Todd that dog park)
The theater kid, in a similar vein to leo, Donnie has his own style of dramatics. He often uses shakespeare-like language, is mentioned to regularly recite the jupiter jim musical soundtrack, and has a music mode for his battle shell. He belongs on a stage, or at least thinks he does
Not good at lying, despite the glamour he can put on in the spotlight. This may be due to the side of himself that over explains his thoughts
An over-thinker, who really tends to over-complicate things. His first theory or idea will always be the most extreme buck-wild concept. After some filtering, he still word vomits
A dreamer/big idea guy. He does have big ideas and goals. A lot of these he's able to put into place, although some go a little haywire (see Albearto). He doesn't do things in halves, and puts everything into a project
Meticulous, someone who's very detail oriented. As mentioned before he tends to over-complicates things. This may be impacted by his love for data and collecting information (he does record Everything for a reason)
Always on the edge of violence, which is surprising. Donnie's not known as being the angry archetype of tmnt, but he can get a little violent in his fighting style and does often cite his desire to use lethal force
Low empathy, which is mainly due to his issues processing and recognizing emotions. He's been pegged as unemotional, but in canon he's rather emotional and expressionate, just lacking the skills to process such emotion (he's just like me fr)
Praise motivated, as seen with his interactions with Splinter. Also desires the praise of his brothers, who he doesn't feel understand him with all the teasing that's sent towards his direction. This also pushes him to seek validation and acceptance in other groups (i.e. the purple dragons), to feel a sense of security or belonging
Ignores his own mistakes, and will often pretend like they didn't exist or ever happen. This most likely has to do with his desire for praise, so he feels bad when he fails. If he never made a mistake, he never has to feel bad
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Fourth to unlock mystic powers
Uses "Bootyyyshaker9000" as most of his usernames and passwords, with his alt. username being "Alpha-Bootyyyshaker9000"
Has a fear of bees, spiders, and of course beach balls
Breaks the fourth wall the most
Loves the smell of pineapple, hates the texture
Has a hobby of rooting around in the junkyard and dumpster diving
Uses cheat codes in video games
Mikey's next of course :)
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kneelingshadowsalome · 4 months
OK OK OK, but can we revisit the daughter "sitcom" scenarios?! I loved them sm.
Imagine Engel is out somewhere, like the store or whatever. Their daughter, who is about 12-13 at the time, just got her first period...😦
She just kinda awkwardly walks into the room and is trying to figure out how to tell him...
Konig is totally panicking, probably frantically calling Engels phone to get home ASAP. Poor boy probably didn't even know that you can get your period at that age and thinks some really bad is happening 😭.
But once everything has settled down, he starts to treat her the same way he treats Engel on her period, maybe even letting her stay home from school.
König is 1000 miles away from his comfort zone
I imagine the conversation goes something like this: (D=daughter, K=König, R/E=reader/Engel)
D: “I think my period just started…”
K: “Ja? Just remember to do your homework.”
D: “No, I mean… I think I just got my first period? I’m bleeding–”
K: “Bleeding? Where?? ”
D: “…??? There...?”
*uncomfortable staring and silence”
D: “I just… Do you know where mom keeps her pads?”
K: “...Pads?”
D: “Dad!! You’re just repeating my words!”
She leaves the room to look for the pads herself while König calls her mother: now imagine a colonel, a commanding officer of thousands of soldiers, responsible for important pre-decisions throughout the whole organization, calling his wife and asking what to do in this kind of a situation 🧍‍♂️ König is rubbing the back of his neck while walking anxious circles in the living room, almost bumps into a sofa while Engel calmly explains what's going on and that this is all completely normal.
When she comes back, König has just closed the phone, sighs, then takes a rather stiff stance to indicate he is about to give an important speech.
“Now then, my pretty young fawn. You are not my little girl anymore… Today, you’ve become a woman–”
“Dad, wtf?!? Ughh….”
She storms out of the room again, about to die from cringe: why does his father have to be such an embarrassment and an awkward mess? Why the hell did her mother even want this odd big loser as her man???
She’s sick of his stupid speeches and ridiculous rules and poor attempts at jokes, she's more than sick of listening to her parents’ disgusting cooing all the time. Only the noise canceling headphones can block out his dad’s profuse lovesick confessions before they start to bonk each other, thinking she can’t hear it all upstairs. Meanwhile she's not allowed to have a life of her own because the "world is a dangerous place"...
She can't wait to get out of this household, especially when even more cringeworthy conversations follow once her mother comes home. The only reason she's eavesdropping is because they're finally speaking of her instead of "how beautiful his sweet Engel looks" or "how silly and clumsy her big bear is":
K: “Does this mean she starts to have boyfriends?”
E/R: “She probably has had a few already.”
K: “What?!”
E/R: “Well not really. They’re just kids, fooling around. I wouldn't worry about it yet.”
K: “Should I talk to her about… you know, birds and bees? Just in case?”
E/R: “You? Absolutely not.”
K: “But–”
E/R: “I’ll talk to her at some point. They probably have sex education at school.”
K: “She can’t go to school. She said she was in pain.”
E/R: *sighs*
K: “What...? I already called them and said she's ill.”
E/R: “She's not ill, silly. It's just a period, it comes every month. You of all people should know...”
K: “Ja, I know... The torture days :)”
E/R: “Torture days for who?”
K: “I'm in so much pain every month, you have no idea...”
(Daughter upstairs makes a furious dive for her headphones :|)
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amuseoffyre · 6 months
Have had a couple of days and a rewatch and some mulling to put together my thoughts:
The good:
the writing - I've talked at length about the use of metaphor, symbolism, allegory and the like to add meat and substance to the narrative
the continuity tied in to S1 and the foreshadowing coming full circle, plus running themes continuing
the music is flawless throughout - both the soundtrack with songs and the original score and the way old motifs are used to add parallels and depth to scenes
the acting across the board has been staggeringly good. Especially for Taika, Rhys and Con. I can see why so many reviews had been raving about it.
the bits of set-up for S3 that have been planted if/when they get it
new characters who are an absolute delight
Family Trauma the TV show - intense to watch but cathartic af
Badass ladies and the soft boys who love them
The bad:
too much story and not enough time to tell it
sacrificing a lot of crew-related stuff - I know this is primarily the Ed and Stede story, but we're told that Olu was always talking about Zheng, but we never even got a single line of it. Buttons' disappearance gets one sus line. We gloss over the probation and why Ed is back in his leathers literally the next day. Again, I know, time constraints, but it does feel weaker for it.
speedrunning so much that it's taken several rewatches to catch everything that's going on - yes, it can work as a narrative device, but not all the time
still not over Zheng falling for Ricky's gift. Do not trust the aristocratic white dude, especially not when you've been blackmailing him. And I know there's some logical sense to her being so used to being able to manipulate desperate people on the fringes with both carrot and stick, but it feels like severe underestimation on her part about how ruthless and cruel and petty Ricky could be. He's not like the pirates - he has the power and privilege and it feels like she ignored that.
whatever that Teal Oranges pivot was so Jim could have a girlfriend, especially since they didn't have time/space to actually develop the Olu/Zheng and Jim/Archie stuff. Archie was barely a scrape of characterisation because of time constraints.
The ... Forbs Boding
Izzy - it falls under the typical archetype of Loss of a Role Model especially given all Ed's dad issues, which I thought we were beyond, but then it also fits with the running motif of the show of change, death and rebirth. We've had confirmation of the existence of a place between life and death plus a character who was beaten to death coming back from it and a seawitch turning up at the grave. I can see why it was done as it has been foreshadowed since "the only retirement we get is death" but after all his growth in S2, having Ricky be the one to get the jump on him is... hm. I feel like they had him and Ricky talking and Ricky causing his death for a reason. Feels like there's set-up for S3 planted and ready. My Forbs, they are A-Boding. ffs, they Obi-Wanned him right after he did a speech about "our spirit will last beyond your whole fucking empire". Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine vibes.
The way trauma is/isn't being dealt with - I feel like there's stuff there that is set up for S3 as well, because we've seen how Stede is still bottling all his stuff and hasn't dealt with any of it, while Ed has done some processing and started to make peace with himself over it. Stede still has his mental lockbox and while he tries to pretend it isn't there, it still informs so many of his decisions.
All the Star Wars vibes - I've always been convinced this was the Empire Strikes Back season and now, they have all the pieces in play for the Return of the Jedi arc: Stede and Ed are together and recovering but will have a role to play, Izzy is in carbonite with a seawitch control panel, their allies are out there getting pieces in place, and the Imperial figurehead villain who showed up in S2 is still out there and convinced he holds all the power. And I just realised that this means that if they use Hornigold, he's the equivalent of Boba Fett - Bounty Hunter for the Empire XD
On the whole, I am content with it and am already having thoughts about the potential for S3, but I find it incredibly frustrating knowing how much more it could have been with the budget/time they wanted and didn't get.
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purpleheartskies · 18 days
In s4 and s5, there were no scenes of Shannon and Robby, which was disappointing. There were only scenes of Shannon and Johnny, and these scenes portray an important contrast between Shannon and Carmen.
When some of us point out that Carmen has never encouraged Johnny to try to build a relationship with Robby, people immediately bring up the school fight as a justification and frame Carmen as the sympathetic party. But, Carmen didn't try to encourage Johnny before the school fight either. In s2e5, when Johnny was drunk and told her about Daniel taking in his (Johnny's) son, she just focused on the rivalry and told Johnny to be the bigger person. In s2e9, Carmen herself told Johnny that Amanda said that Robby is going to go to school, but again she didn't encourage Johnny to try more to become a part of Robby's life. Carmen however throughout the series has wanted Johnny to do better with Miguel. She has blamed, explicitly or implicitly, Johnny whenever Miguel has been violent and been in fights---s1 Halloween fight, s1 avt, and s2 school fight---in which Miguel himself had chosen to behave that way. He picked the fight with Kyler on Halloween. He chose to fight dirty in the avt although Johnny even told him not to. Miguel also started the school fight between him and Robby and provoked Robby to his limit. Miguel was even going to break Robby's arm for no reason at all. He also used what Johnny had told him in confidence against Robby. Carmen has never once considered that her son is to blame. She is the mature adult and Robby is a kid who was attacked and antagonized by her son multiple times (including in s5). Carmen cannot be so self-righteous as to act like she and her son have the moral high ground in this situation. Also, she has willingly chosen to be in a relationship with Johnny who is Robby's father and to encourage Johnny to gradually take on more of father-figure role to Miguel since the school fight and now of course to the baby she and Johnny are going to have, regardless of Johnny's negative past and present behavior with Robby. She is the one who has chosen to intertwine their lives more. In s3e8, when Johnny talked about his failure with Robby and not wanting to fail with Miguel, Carmen talked about everything Johnny had done for Miguel and specifically told Johnny that he is a sensei and that is his calling. She is the one who later went to him and made the first move, and they slept together. In s4e4, she offered to get Johnny pills when he became impotent over Miguel hanging out with Daniel, changed the subject to telling Miguel about them, and then told Johnny in a motherly way that he can tell Miguel when he himself is ready because he said that kids can be weird about their mom's dating someone new (projecting his own past onto Miguel). She told Johnny it would make him feel better. In s4e7, she pressured him to play "dad" to Miguel and got annoyed with Johnny for botching it. In s5e1, she was aware that Johnny took Robby down to Mexico to look for Miguel. Miguel's father is a dangerous person so the whole situation was dangerous for Robby as well, but she was okay with Johnny risking Robby to get Miguel back. In s5e3, she did ask Johnny about how things were with Robby, but she didn't show more interest or encouragement that he do more with Robby than checking the status of their relationship, like encouraging Johnny to have breakfast with Robby instead of him having rushed over to have breakfast with them. Later, when it came to Johnny being a father to her kid with him, she scolded Johnny like a parent would and told him to figure out how to not be "that guy again" when they were buying the pregnancy test. He later gave her a speech that as long as he's doing this parent thing with her---their child---he'll do whatever it takes. She said that she knows he would. He then said that he may screw up from time to time, but he won't run away, and she then gave him the news that they're having a baby. In s5e5, she was only okay with Robby having dinner with them after Miguel said he was okay with it. Robby is Johnny's son! Why is Carmen in a relationship with Robby's father?
In s4e8, when Shannon showed up, Carmen immediately got territorial about Johnny. Shannon, recognizing Carmen's reaction to her, made her place in Johnny's life known: Robby's mom. Carmen kindly excused herself. Shannon then told Johnny to be Robby's dad and take care of the Silver situation. In s5e4, when Shannon came over to get Robby's things and she realized that Johnny had knocked up Carmen, Shannon was actually supportive and tried to help Johnny so that he wouldn't screw up again. While Carmen has never encouraged Johnny to do right by his first born from another woman but has steered his focus towards her own son who is not Johnny's, Shannon wanted to help Johnny not screw up with his upcoming child with another woman. Also, whereas Carmen simply scolded Johnny to figure out how not to be "that guy again", Shannon did something to help Johnny not be "that guy again". She gave him helpful advice and actually helped him set up a means to earn an income. (She also doesn't know that her coming over when she did saved him from being scammed, but that was just coincidence.) Back in s3, when Shannon was in rehab, she did to try tell Johnny that rehab would help him too. Carmen, despite being a nurse, has never encouraged or offered to help Johnny with overcoming his alcoholism and instead ignores it, even being fine with them celebrating their pregnancy at a club with Johnny ending the night drunk and commiting a crime. Oh, but in s4, she did offer to get him pills to help with his impotence because as a nurse she has access to certain medications. Carmen had shown more concern about Johnny's impotence than she ever has about his alcoholism.
The contrast between Shannon and Carmen is actually quite interesting and noticeable. Had Shannon and Johnny not been addicts/alcholics, it's likely they would have been more supportive of each other over the years. Shannon has always shown a rightful bitterness towards Johnny because he had abandoned her, in addition to abandoning Robby. Of course, Johnny and Shannon didn't have to actually be in a relationship to be supportive of each other while they co-parented Robby, but Johnny's and Shannon's poor decisions have lead to Robby's life and mental health being what it is. And, regardless, sadly they continue to emotionally neglect Robby, like not caring how the baby news would affect him, not caring who he wanted to spend the summer with, and not caring about the lifetime of trauma that they have given him because they were "young and dumb", as Shannon put it.
Seriously, though, go back and rewatch the Johnny impotence scene in s4e4. The level of dysfunction portrayed in Johnny and Carmen's relationship is as bad as Johnny's dysfunction in bed. Their scenes in s5e3 are also enlightening, as Carmen's annoyance of Johnny's stupidity and emotional immaturity is dripping in those scenes. I still can't believe that people cheer on this dysfunctional blended family built on Johnny neglecting and abusing Robby to prioritize Miguel and the Diazs, and Johnny having impotence over Miguel hanging out with Daniel while Johnny didn't care that Robby was training with Kreese. It's like "Come on, people! We, as an audience, can at least have better standards for healthy parenting and relationships." smh...
(These are general thoughts and not directed at anyone in particular.)
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shinsouscatpisssmell · 8 months
< previous
Other woman pt.3
"You said it'll be ready in 30 minutes?" Reiterating what was previous said as his concentration was focused on scrolling through his Twitter feed.
"Yes,sir! May I have a name for the order?" The waitress on the other line had asked.
"its for suna rintarou. Uhuh,yeah.thanks." the loud beeps of the phone plays in his ear and he sighs and walks to get his hoodie.
Walking back afterwards to kitchen while Passing by a dirty pile of dishes in the sink only to open up an empty fridge despite a few bottles of alcohol and one or two waters scattered on different levels of the shelves.
He twisted the cap off chugging the water like a man quenched with thirst in a dry desert. The cold splash of the water hits inside his stomach making it grumble.
The feeling makes him reminisce of what he had given up. A Table full of warmly made food despite Ria's busy schedule giving him a kiss on the lips as she sits across from him and they talk and joke about their day. Now it sits in the dark with blanket of dust on it and empty with just two chairs that are never sat on anymore.
He taps the tips of his shoes on the ground to get his heel in. It's something use always did and it became a habit for him after spending time with you so long.
That's what these days for him consisted of now. mostly training. Think of you both. Home.think of you both. takeout. Think of you both. Sleep. Dreaming of you both. Repeat. After Ria had walked out he never heard from her again until he got divorce papers served a month after the ordeal. In a state of anger he had called your number and left an angry voicemail he wish he hadn't. He knows you didn't mean to be a homewrecker. You were kept in the dark as he wanted just like everyone else. The twins always just wrote it off as suna being suna. Just like he wanted. But in that moment he couldn't stop himself from his unreasonable. He was blaming you. Eventhough it was himself he hated more for losing the woman that stuck by him. The words he had spoken to were meant to hurt you in the moment and from the punch Atsumu had laid on him he could tell it accomplished what he wanted it to do.
Atsumu and him got suspended by the coach for a few days after that. Suna spent it mostly trying to reason with Ria who had blocked his number after the first 10 calls back to back. He spent it mostly blaming you for thay unpredictable call but the feeling becoming fruitless as his conscious takes over his reasoning.’
He had listened to the voicemail again a few days later and cringed at the harsh tone of speech he had used. Regretting what was said,he never attempted to talk to you to apologize a part of him still placing all blame on you.
He shakes his mind from his thoughts as he pulls into a parking space. This is one of the places he had planned to take you to a week before everything happened.
It was fairly busy but not as it usually was. He had walked to the hostess desk and asked for his order.
“It’ll be ready for another…10 minutes give or take.” She said and he nodded as a response. He could see her lips purse together as she wants to say something. The pen in her hand fidgets towards him and he puts it together.
“Do you want an autograph?” He asked and the blush takes over her face.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be a bother. You’re just like my dad’s #1. We watch your every game.” Suna slips the pen from her grasp and one of the spare napkins on the side of the cash register. He smoothly writes his names on it and hands it back to her.
“Thank you.” She scatters off to get his food before he could even give a response to her. Laying on a near by wall he goes back to his focus on his phone texting a few people and reading articles that contained his name name. By coincidence an article written about some famous basketball team was in there and as he read it through it he couldn’t help but admire the pictures that were taken. He couldn’t hold back his shock seeing your name as the hold the place of photographer.
Come to think of it ,he never asked what you did for work. He never asked about much about you to be fair. He didn’t really want to know about your life long as you stayed pretty and by his side when he wanted you to be.
You were so different than Ria so naive and easy to manipulate. Just a simple girl from the country side that he could tell a few sweet nothings too and she would forget anything.
His head shoots up from his phone when he catches what he makes out to be your laughter over the tables of people conversing.
Searching the crowd to see if it was just his mind playing with him only to spot you in a simple purple dress.
You were on your phone while the seat in front of you was empty. He saw it as an opportunity to walk over.
“Yes, you have to go to bed. It’s almost 11 be glad you guys stayed up THAT long.” He over hears you.
Coming to a full stop in front of you he takes all of you. Your face slightly fuller from before while your body is more chubbier than before. The dress is doing nothing more than complementing your newly given figure. Your make up adding to the beauty of your face makes it to were he can’t take his eyes of you.
Feeling his burning stare on your person. You meet his eyes and you’re both stuck in a staring contest for a minute before you purse your lips together and scowl as you silently talk into the phone.
Not seeming to get the hint he comes to sit in the empty chair.
You scoff at his audacity, “excuse me? Someone is sitting there.”
“I don’t see anyone. Besides I just want to talk with you.” He reasons and you place your phone face down lift and quirk an eyebrow up.
“Well sorry if I don’t want to talk to someone who had a whole marriage going on when he started to date me! How do you just keep hat a secret from everyone? I thought Atsumu and osamu were yer best friends? I should kick yer ass for hurting them.“ talking as if he cheated on them and not you.
“i just wanted it to be a secret. I didnt need the paparazzi on my ass about every little outing i had with ria.“ suna says as if it was a logically reson.
“no your ass just wanted to cheat in secret without the world knowing how big of an asshole you were.“ spitting back and he held up his hands in defense.
“listen, im just trying to talk. Its been 2 years an-“
“and last time i checked you said all you wanted 2 years ago over a voicemail. Let me try to remember those words exactly. Hmmm,“ you pretend to think for a moment before snapping,“ wasn't along the lines of ' you ruined my fucking marriage. I wish i never met you and you were nothing more than a easy lay that would come running whenever i called.’ that was word for word ,right?“ tucking your hands under your chin waiting for him to confirm it and he hangs his head in shame.
He got drunk two weeks after the divorced finalized and went on a stupar taking his anger out on you the ghost feeling of the punch that he was left with had risen.
“I wanted to apologize. I just couldn’t find the right words.”
“Right words? There are no right words for what you fucking told me. ‘An easy lay who came running when you called’ that’s all I was too you. My love meant nothing. what I thought we shared meant truly jack to you,” he could see the whites of your eyes turn a ting red and you dab the water lines of your eyes so it didn’t ruin your eyeliner, “do you even know what I went through? The stress you had put me under when when I was still carrying my babies. I was hospitalized for two months or I could’ve lost them but you didn’t care. You only cared about blaming your mistake on others.”
“Babies? You had multiple?” He slumped down in his chair
“two of the most beautiful girls.“
Silence ovee took the table and suddenly the lights of the restutrant turned off and workers came out with candles lighting the place some placing one on random peoples table and the rest coming towards you.
placing three candles around the table while the rest of the workers go into a form a line letting the waiter that was serving you that evening through with a cake.
Shaped into a heart with the words ,“ will you marry me?“ on it with a ring box sitting open to show a diamond ring.
You sputter out of embarrsment, “i think you might have the wrong table.“ you laugh the situation off and the lights of the resturant come back on as the diners and workers look around in confusion waiting for someone to speak up.
Heels click in a a quick panic on the ground as a tall woman tries to catch her breathe and composure while coming up to your table, “That was actually meant for me to ask you.“ she smiles sheepishly and folds her arms over one another while looking at the male figure whos gawking at her newly founded presence, “but this is quite the surprise too.”
“Ria?” He says silently.
An//: ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ SURPRISE SHAWTY! ria and you make such a cute couple <3 the next part will be the final part to the series. What words are going to be said?
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smkkbert · 5 months
Time for a story - You have saved this city
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Starling City was celebrating in a way that Oliver had never seen before. There was music coming from everywhere. People of different age, different ethnicity and different neighborhoods were standing together or even dancing together. The owner of a beverage trade had brought a truck full of cooled beverages. A bakery and a pizzeria had opened and given out food. Other people that had come to join the celebration had brought more foods and drinks. Everyone was sharing what they had. Everyone was celebrating together.
After President Harrison had acknowledged the team’s service for the city and pardoned all crimes done in that service, she had soon left. Apparently, her work had been done after she had said what she had said. It had certainly been a good thing though because everyone had visibly relaxed once she and her military officers had left.
He still felt like he was caught in a dream, a good one for once even. All or at least most of the problems and worries that he had had hours ago had vanished. He had always hoped that the team was one day officially accepted by the city in some way. Now they weren’t just accepted. They were so much more and that allowed him to leave here and just go back home to his children and be a free man.
Oliver looked around the hundreds of people that were celebrating. He felt pride for everything they had achieved. When he thought about how all of this had started – his one-man mission that he hadn’t wanted to let anyone in on – and what it had grown into now, it was unfathomable. And it certainly was a reason to celebrate.
But as much as he wanted to celebrate with the people of the city here, there was one thing that he definitely wanted more. He wanted to see his children, hold them in his arms and tell them that everything would be okay. He knew how much he had suffered the past days without them, so he knew that it must have been worse for them. They weren’t even old enough to really understand what was going on. They had just lost their baby sister, their dad and their home in the blink of an eye.
Turning to Felicity, he found her eyes already on his. He didn’t need to ask her to leave. She knew that he wanted to go, and she was sure that she felt the same way. She took his hand and nodded her head. Oliver pulled her close and kissed her forehead.
With Felicity’s head resting on his shoulder, they shared another long gaze. Oliver realized that there was something else that he wanted more than to celebrate here. He wanted to connect with Felicity. He wanted to know how she was feeling. He wanted to comfort her over the losses that she too had experienced. He wanted to tell her how turned on he had been by everything she had done tonight. He wanted to hold her and make her forget that she had been forced into a situation like this.
Oliver could almost hear his blood rushing in his ears at how much he wanted Felicity right now. The kids came first though. Once they were peacefully asleep in bed, he’d be able to take that idea up again.
When he lifted his head, he took a quick look around. As soon as he found John, Roy and Laurel standing together, he beckoned for them to come closer. Tommy, Curtis, Lyla, Nick and Bruce followed from different directions.
“I know I don’t have to thank you,” he said to them, “because all of this is a part of you as it is a part of me, but I still feel very grateful that you all were here tonight. I know how much you risked and I know how hard that decision must have been for you, but it was worth it.”
Since he had started being the mayor, Oliver had become used to giving speeches. You couldn’t be a mayor and not get used to it. With his team that was more than just a team but friends and family even, he knew he didn’t have to say much though. They knew what he was feelings, and they didn’t expect him to spell it out for them.
“We need to see what changes there will be for our work with the new law and how we as a team adapt to that.” He smiled softly. “But not tonight.”
“I guess you are going to see your children?” John asked.
Oliver nodded his head. “Nothing could stop me from seeing them now.”
“Then go and celebrate with them,” Nick suggested, putting a hand on his shoulder, “you deserve it.”
“And you celebrate a little longer. You deserve that too.”
The team obviously didn’t need to be told twice. The last days had been hard on everyone, so they all felt the need to catch their breaths. They all deserved that.
While most of the team mingled with the rest of the partying people again, Bruce moved away a couple of feet but stayed for himself. Oliver didn’t miss that.
“Hey, can you make sure we get back to the kids as soon as possible?” Oliver asked, turning to Felicity. “I’d be there in a second.”
Felicity frowned briefly, but she shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head. “Sure. The van is still over there in that alley. The fight didn’t leave any marks on it. Curtis checked. We can take it to the hotel.”
Oliver nodded. “Just give me a minute. I’m right behind you.”
“Okay.” Felicity shot him a smile and straightened up on her toes to peck his lips. “I’ll be waiting.”
Oliver squeezed Felicity’s hand before he let her go. He watched her moving through the crowd and disappearing into an alley. Only then he turned around and strolled to where Bruce was standing, still in his full gear and with his mask on.
“I thought you wanted to go.”
Bruce didn’t look at him when he said that. He continued to let his gaze search through the crowd instead. Oliver knew what that meant and how that felt. Bruce was still highly alerted. He couldn’t yet see when an immediate danger was indeed over. It hadn’t been too long since Oliver had felt the same way.
“I will, but I wanted to thank you first.”
That made Bruce turn his eyes away from the crowd after all. Even under the mask, Oliver could see that he was almost smirking.
“Didn’t you say a minute ago that you knew you didn’t have to thank us?”
Oliver chuckled and nodded his head. Bruce was right. He had said that, and he had meant it. Although Bruce wasn’t at home here, Oliver knew that Bruce would always come here and help if he had the chance.
“I did, but I thought you deserved a thank you nonetheless. You came here all the way from Gotham City. You fought here tonight despite the crime in your own city. You took care of my family.”
Bruce didn’t say anything for a long moment. He just looked at his boots. When he lifted his gaze eventually, there was an expression in his eyes that Oliver knew all too well. He couldn’t say that he was surprised to find that expression there although he might have hoped that the feelings that were expressed that way had ceased by now.
“You know why I am here. Why I had to come.” Bruce looked into the direction of the alley where Felicity had disappeared. He then turned to look at Oliver again. “Did you think it was different?”
“I guess not,” Oliver replied honestly, “but I might have hoped so for you.”
Bruce sighed and nodded his head. Oliver knew that Bruce himself was certainly hoping for his feelings to change. For a time, he had closed himself from the idea of getting to know someone and risking falling in love. Lately, Oliver felt that Bruce had closed himself to that idea again.
“Felicity told me that you were thinking about dating someone.”
“I did. Didn’t work out.”
Oliver was about to say something more, but Bruce put a hand to his shoulder and looked at him intently.
“You should come over to Gotham one day soon and we drink a nice glass of whiskey. When we do so, we can talk all you want about whatever you want.” Bruce squeezed his shoulder. “But now you should go and reunite with your family.”
Bruce was right, so Oliver nodded his head.
“If you ever need help or someone to talk to whatever, you know I will be there. We all will be.”
“I know.” Bruce nodded his head. “And I might come back to that offer one day soon. For now, you will go home to your family, and I will go back to Gotham tomorrow morning too.”
Oliver nodded his head. Since there was nothing more he could say, he turned around and left. He felt sorry for Bruce because, having been where Bruce was now, Oliver knew that he needed someone that he could trust and someone he could lean on. Oliver didn’t know where he’d be now if it hadn’t been for Felicity.
Probably still hidden in the foundry, killing people from a list, he thought to himself and quickly shook his head. That was definitely not the right thing to think about now. What he should think about now was that Felicity had become a part of his life, and had turned his mission into what it had become and they had built a beautiful family together. That was where he wanted and needed to go now. So he did.
→ → → → →
While the elevator rode up to the penthouse, Felicity rested her head on Oliver’s shoulder and closed her eyes for a moment. Adrenaline had been rushing through her veins these last hours. Now that the fight was over and she had found some rest, the tiredness threatened to crush over her.
“I’m gonna sleep like a baby tonight.”
“I hope better than Tommy when he was a baby,” Oliver whispered, “because he refused to sleep.”
“Only until I was home.” Felicity chuckled and angled her head back to look at Oliver. “He’s always been a mama’s boy.”
Scrunching up his nose, Oliver touched his forehead with hers. “True. Lucky me, we have four daddy’s girls though.”
“Three,” Felicity whispered, “we have three daddy’s girls as it is.”
The pain of losing Mia returned with a force that robbed Felicity her breath for a moment. It had been inside of her since the moment Mia had been taken from them, but her worry about Oliver’s arrest and the attack on their home had pushed her grief for Mia further into the background. It had still been there, but she had tried to comfort herself, knowing that Mia was in a safe and loving home.
When the doors of the elevator opened with a quiet pling!, Felicity remembered why she wasn’t allowed to wallow in self-pity. She had lost a child, and she doubted that she could ever be consoled about it. At the same time, she still had five perfectly healthy children with them and that was something she had to be eternally grateful for. Just seeing these five children made her realize how lucky they really had been.
There was silence for the beat of a second. Then everything went incredibly fast.
“Daddy!” Tommy screamed out.  
Emmy, Tommy, Millie and Addie ran into Oliver’s arms. He took a step out of the elevator, spread his arms and caught them. His arms wrapped around all four of them, and he hugged them tightly. They seemed to be hugging him back just as tightly. Felicity felt tears pricking in her eyes at the sight. Hours ago, she hadn’t been sure when she would see her kids again or when they would see their father again.
“Thank God you’re alright.” William, who had approached her, said and pulled Felicity into a tight hug. “I was so worried.”
Felicity hugged William back. “What are you doing here? How did you even get here?”
When she had talked to William earlier today, she thought that she had convinced him not to come here. Since Oliver had turned himself in, he had suggested that he should come back to Starling again and again. Felicity, though, had told him again and again that he was safer in Boston, far away from all of this here and with some of Bruce’s men looking out for him. Apparently, he had decided to not be convinced tonight.
“After we hung up, I called Bruce. I told him that I needed to be here with my siblings. If things had gone differently tonight, they would have needed me. And I needed them.”
Hearing the pain in his voice, Felicity cocked her head and pulled William into another big hug. Because he was so much older than his siblings, she sometimes forgot that at least a part of him was just a scared, little boy too.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered to him, “I didn’t want to keep you away from them or us. I just thought-“
“It was safer,” William ended her sentence. “I know, and I understand, but I just needed to be here.”
Felicity nodded her head, took his hand and squeezed it. “I am very glad that you are here. You would have indeed been missed tonight even after our success.”
“Once the news proved that everything was alright, I told Thea that it wouldn’t be long until you showed up. She took Sara, Connor, Robbie and Louis to the loft. Getting eight kids to sleep had been only impossible. With only four of them, it might get easier.”
“I wouldn’t be sure that anyone is getting any sleep tonight,” Oliver said. He had let go of the four kids, who were now occupying themselves with Hawk, and approached them. He immediately pulled William into a big hug. “I am very glad that you are here.”
“Not half as glad as I am that you are here,” William replied, “this family isn’t the same without you.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Felicity whispered.
Her gaze locked with Oliver’s while he was still hugging William. She didn’t need any ability to read minds to know what he was thinking. His eyes were telling her that he felt the same way about her. They felt the same way about everyone in this family. This family was only whole when it was together.
This was as together as they would ever be again, Felicity thought with another stitch of missing Mia. She doubted that she could think about her family without thinking about Mia anytime soon. Or ever.
Oliver, who hadn’t missed the change in her facial expression, loosened himself from the hug with William and clapped in his hands. “Okay, this calls for celebrating, so who is in for a midnight snack?”
“Me!” Millie and Tommy exclaimed in chorus, raising their hands.
“What midnight snack?” Emmy asked.
“I was thinking about crêpes?”
“With Nutella?” she asked.
“Of course.”
“I want mine with lemon jam,” Addie exclaimed.
“You can have your crêpes with anything that’s in the fridge,” Oliver announced. “Who’s gonna help me?”
The kids all raised their hands at once and even Hawk lifted a paw. Emmy had taught him to lift his paw like that on the command Who’s gonna? because she had been sure that it would lead to some funny moments. She had been right.
“Alright,” Oliver nodded his head, “then you go to the kitchen already. I will follow you in a minute as soon as I have changed into something… more casual.”
He gestured down his body. Since he was still wearing his suit, he was indeed not really dressed for cooking a midnight snack.
“No,” Addie said, grabbing his arm and lifted her feet from the floor, so Oliver was carrying her entire weight on just his forearm, “leave it please.”
“Yes, leave it,” Tommy agreed, “it’s cool.”
Although Oliver didn’t seem to fond of the idea to keep on the leathers, he had also always been very bad at denying the kids any wishes. He pulled down the zipper of his jacket and tossed it on the armchair in the corner.
“In that case I am ready.”
Millie already grabbed Felicity’s hand to pull her into the kitchen with her, but Felicity stopped her.
“Go ahead. I really have to get changed,” she said, “because I am so sweaty that I am sure nobody will enjoy their crêpes when they smell me.”
“Ugh.” Addie scrunched up her nose. “Crêpe with smelly arms.”
Oliver wrapped his free arm around Addie and lifted her higher against him. He whispered something into her ear that made her giggle. She then turned in his arms, wrapped both of her arms around his neck and snuggled her head against his shoulder.
“We will go ahead and make the crêpe. I guess you want one with a scoop of mint chocolate-chip ice cream?”
“This is a hotel, Oliver. This might be a fully equipped kitchen,” Felicity told him, cocking her head, “but why would you think that we have something like that here?”
“Because I know that it’s your comfort food,” Oliver replied very matter-of-factly.
Although he didn’t say it, an addition to the sentence filled the silence nonetheless. They had her comfort food here because she had certainly needed a lot of comfort in the last days. He wasn’t wrong with that.
“So go ahead,” Felicity agreed, “and I’ll follow in a minute.”
While Oliver and the kids went towards the kitchen, Felicity headed towards the bedroom. She took of Oliver’s old leather jacket and just dropped it to the floor. She let her pants follow and just kicked them onto the same pale as the jacket.
She had already turned towards the bathroom door when she realized how seductive the bed looked. She hadn’t had much sleep these last nights and days. If she maybe just lay down for a couple of minutes and caught some rest, she’d be ready to spend the rest of the night with her family, celebrating their success.
She crawled into bed, lay down on her stomach and hugged her pillow under her head. With a sigh, she closed her eyes. She knew immediately that she had made a terrible mistake. There was no way that she would just lie here for a couple of minutes. She was almost passed out before her eyes were even fully closed.
→ → → → →
She woke up from a wonderful smell that she couldn’t quite match to its source. She cautiously opened an eye to check how much light could possibly blind her. When she found that the room had been left in some dimmed half-light that wasn’t too unpleasant for her tired eyes, she opened her second eye too.
Oliver was sitting on the edge of the mattress, holding a plate of crêpe with mint chocolate-chip ice cream and a cup of what Felicity realized had to be hot chocolate out for her. He blew the steam in her direction. When he found her eyes on him, he smiled.
“I thought you could need a little refreshment before you go back to sleep.”
Felicity rubbed her hands over her face and sat up. Scooting back until she could lean against the headboard of the bed, she took the plate and the mug from him. Although her nose was already filled with the wonderful smell, she lifted both to her nose to take it even more.
She had already begun pitching into this midnight snack when she frowned and lifted her gaze to Oliver.
“The kids?”
“Passed out on the couch.” He chuckled. “They barely made it until they were done with their crêpes. William is with them in case they wake up.”
Felicity nodded her head and took another fork of the crêpe. It had been a while since she had eaten a lot, never mind enjoyed any of it. She only realized now how hungry she had really been. The events of the night and everything that had happened before that had cost a lot more of her energy than she had realized before. She probably needed a lot of food and sleep these next days.
Oliver moved further onto the bed until he sat next to Felicity. He waited a moment before he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple. Felicity forgot about her hunger almost instantly. She put the mug and the plate to the nightstand and snuggled up to Oliver instead. She turned onto her side, wrapped both of her arms around his middle and pushed her face against the crook of his neck.
A long moment of silence passed as they just took each other in. Oliver’s hands moved up and down Felicity’s back and thigh, while her hand rested on his chest and felt his heartbeat. She pressed her nose against his skin and breathed him in. She had missed this smell of home and safety. She couldn’t imagine what it had felt like if she had been without that smell forever.
“How have you been?”
The question came from both of them simultaneously. Felicity angled her head back, so she could look at Oliver and they both chuckled. Of course each other’s wellbeing had been on their minds the entire time.
“You start,” Felicity asked in a whisper, her head resting against Oliver’s shoulder again, but her gaze was still on his face, “please.”
Oliver sighed, tightening his hold on her. He looked at the ceiling for a moment. Felicity realized how tired he had to be too. She lifted a hand to his cheek and stroked her fingertips through his short stubble. He sighed once more, snuggling his face into her touch as he always did.
Felicity realized that she didn’t need an answer. She had needed to ask him because that was who they were. They communicated, especially when they had been through bad times and even more so when they had been apart for a while. By now they knew each other so well though that they didn’t need to talk about how they felt they knew it.
In his face, Felicity could see that Oliver was tired from everything that had happened the last days, and he was worried about how that would affect their family’s future. When he had been in prison, he had told himself a thousand times that he had had no choice but to turn himself in. Too many innocent lives would have been taken if hadn’t. At the same time he had feared what would happen for his family. He had felt helpless at the fact that he had been locked away while they had lost their anonymity, then Mia and finally their home.
She also knew that Oliver understood exactly how she had felt. She had worried about their family falling apart with Oliver being away. She had worried for the safety of their children, especially since Mia and William had not been with them where she could personally do everything possible. She had been heartbroken about losing Mia and losing their home. She was overwhelmed by everything that had happened these last days, and she would need days to truly process everything that had happened and weeks to recover from it.
They both would.
With their eyes still locked, they agreed that now wasn’t the time to wallow in self-pity. Now was the time to reconnect.
Felicity moved on top of Oliver, straddling him. With her hands still on his cheeks, she leaned down and captured his lips in a gentle kiss. For the break of a second when their lips just touched, she wondered if kissing Oliver would feel different now. They certainly were different people since they had kissed the last time. You didn’t go through what they had gone through and come out of it unchanged.
In their hearts, Felicity realized there was one thing that hadn’t changed though. They still felt the same kind of strong love as they had felt before. They felt this love for their jobs, for this city and its people, their friends. They felt this love for their family, and they felt it for each other.
As their lips opened up to each other and their tongues met in a familiar slow dance, Oliver put his hands to Felicity’s hips and pulled her closer to him. At the same time, he sat up, so his chest was pressed against hers too.
This was how she had always felt safest. Wrapped in Oliver’s arms and with their children somewhere nearby where she knew they were safe too, she felt as safe as she ever had. Nothing could happen to her or the people she loved and every pain she knew was only half as hurtful as long as it was like this.
Oliver moved his hands up and down her back slowly like he wanted to explore her body for the first time. He grabbed the hem of the shirt she was wearing and pulled it over her head. Their lips met again immediately, just like his hands resumed exploring her back. They stroked up and down her skin like he was searching for any changes. The traumatic experiences they had been through had rarely left physical marks on her though. His body was covered with those, but not hers.
Felicity sighed. She didn’t want to think about that now. All she wanted to think about was them in this very moment.
Frowning slightly, Oliver pulled back. “Everything okay?”
“Yes.” Felicity moved her hands up and down his chest. “Why?”
“You were shaking your head.” He cocked his head, rubbing his hands over her back slowly once more. “We don’t have to-“
Felicity broke him off with a kiss. She took hold of the hem of his shirt, pulled it over his head and tossed it into some corner of the room. Putting her hands on his chest, she looked him straight in the eyes.
“It’s just… thoughts.” She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “But I don’t want to think right now.”
Oliver looked at her intently for a moment. He seemed to weigh whether she was saying the truth or if there was some deeper truth that he needed to bury for first. Since he knew her better than anyone else, he found his answer rather quickly.
“Oh, I can make you forget all thoughts, my dear.”
With those words falling from his lips, he turned them effortlessly. Felicity’s back pushed into the mattress, and Oliver let his lips travel from her lips to her cheek and further down her neck. Felicity closed her eyes, leaned back and just enjoyed. He would certainly make her forget everything else that wasn’t them in this moment.
Peppering a trail of kisses over her collarbone, Oliver pushed his hands under her back and unclasped her bra. He took it off and dropped it to the floor. His lips never left her body as he did so. They continued their way down her body now, leaving more kisses on her right breast before they first kissed her nipple and then wrapped around it. A long moan escaped Felicity, and her back arched off the bed, bringing her body closer to Oliver’s lips.
Oliver had been right. He did make her forget all the other thoughts that occupied her mind minutes ago. All she could think about now was how good his lips felt on her skin. The tip of his tongue flicking over her nipple made goosebumps spread all over her skin. His body pressed against hers just made her feel like her skin was on fire in the best way.
When Oliver’s lips continued their way down her body, Felicity’s fingers found their way into his hair. She scratched her fingernails over his scalp lightly and enjoyed the way his hair tickled the skin between her fingers.
While his lips and tongue explored her belly button like he had just discovered for the first time that it was there, his fingers hooked into the waistband of her panties. Felicity lifted her hips off the mattress and wriggled out of it. Oliver left no time now though. He finished the path down and settled between her thighs, hooking her legs over his shoulder to give him better access.
Felicity, although already lost in the pleasure of her fantasy of what it would feel like to have his lips cover her center, opened her eyes. She lifted her head off the mattress, so she could look at Oliver. His eyes were wide opened and darkened from pleasure. The sight alone threatened to make a moan fall from Felicity’s lips. Oliver grinned. He knew the effect he had on her, and he enjoyed it. Felicity kicked his shoulder lightly, but Oliver only caught her foot at the ankle, kissed it lightly and placed it back on his back.
“Lean back,” he whispered, “and try not to think.”
Without any further warning, Oliver dove in. He licked a long path from her center to her clit, starting and stopping right before the most sensitive parts. He was a tease like that. Still, that touch of his tongue alone made her back arch off the mattress and a moan fall from her lips. Her thighs tightened around his head. She couldn’t have stopped it if she had wanted to. Oliver simply put his hands on her knees and gently pushed her legs a bit further apart again.
There had been countless times and occasions when Oliver had teased her like that for what had felt like an eternity. He had heightened her pleasure without taking her high enough to make her fall over the edge again and again. It had been maddening in the best way possible. Tonight she was sure that she wouldn’t be able to take it.
Luckily, Oliver seemed to feel the same way. He didn’t seem willing or able to deny her or himself the pleasure that they both needed so much right now. When his tongue touched her sensitive skin the next time, it thrust into her core.
“Oh God!” Felicity moved out her hand to hold onto anything that would anchor her to this time and place because she felt like she was falling out of it. Her hand found the sheet, holding onto it tightly. “Oliver.”
His name falling from her lips in a whispered plea, spurned Oliver on even more. He thrust his tongue into her in a slow rhythm, while his thumb closed over her clit. He stroked it gently, bringing her small waves of pleasure that ran over her smoothly like the ocean water when she was lying at the beach and the flood was coming closer.
Her nerve endings felt like they had been set on fire. Everything was prickling and tickling and felt so incredibly good. Oliver’s tongue and thumb were so very gentle. He knew how quickly he could take her how high without overstimulating her. His stubble scratched the inside of her thighs, certainly leaving nice little marks there.
When Felicity’s breathing quickened, the one of Oliver’s hands that wasn’t occupied between her legs made its way up her body over her stomach to the valley between her breasts. Felicity caught it there, laced her fingers through his and held onto him.
Oliver’s movements quickened. His tongue switched between circling her entrance and thrusting in now. His thumb flicked over her clit in a quick rhythm that took her higher and higher with each and every movement. Her fingers tightened around Oliver’s, and her back arched off the bed even more. The familiar tightening in her stomach announced that she was close.
“Oliver,” she whispered his name once more, saying it like a prayer, “yes. Oh!”
A long moan escaped her when the pleasure reached its peak. Waves of trembles ran through her body, making her blood boil with desire for more. It was crazy. She was on a peak of pleasure, her head filled with nothing but all the good ways Oliver made her feel right now. Still, she wanted more. When it came to Oliver, she would always want more.
As the waves of pleasure ebbed away, Felicity lifted her head off the mattress slightly, so she could look at Oliver. She wasn’t surprised to find his eyes on hers already. He was resting his cheek on the inside of her thigh and just looked at her. He looked content, at peace. Underneath that, Felicity could see his hunger for more though. He felt it just as intensely as she did.
Even in moments like this, moments of intense desire and pleasure, he managed to look at her like that. It was an expression of love, one that proved that she was her home. Felicity reached out her hand and touched his cheek. He snuggled his face into her touch like he always did.
“I love you,” Felicity whispered.
Oliver grinned. “You only say that because of the good sex.”
“Possible.” Felicity matched his grin. “And I feel my love cease. Maybe you should… put more wood on the fire, preferably after you have taken off your clothes.”
She stroked his back with his foot suggestively. Oliver dipped his head down and placed a terribly innocent kiss on her clit. It made a shiver run through Felicity, but she giggled at that. It was so typical of Oliver to tease her just a tiny bit more after she had teased him.
Pushing an arm under her head, Felicity watched him wriggling out of bed and coming to stand at the foot of it. He didn’t make much of a show of it, but Felicity liked to watch anyway. Everything Oliver did was worth watching. That man could advertise toothbrushes, and it would look sexy. When he was unbuttoning his pants and pulling them as well as his boxer briefs down, it was one of the sexiest things Felicity had ever seen. His abs flexed slightly. His cock bobbed free, already ready to put more wood into the fire.
Oliver just stood there for a moment, letting Felicity watch him. He enjoyed that as much as she did. When she lifted her hand and beckoned him to come closer with a movement of her forefinger. He didn’t hesitate. He crawled onto the bed until he hovered right over her, his knees next to knees, his hands next to her shoulders, her face over hers.
Felicity reached out her hands and framed it with her hands. Slowly she pulled him down to her. Oliver bent his arms until his nose touched hers. He lowered his body onto hers, careful not to crush her. He stroked the tip of his nose over the back of hers before he lowered his lips onto hers.
With a sigh, Felicity opened her lips to the touch of Oliver’s tongue. He deepened the kiss instantly and shifted his hips until his cock rested against her still sensitive sex. A moan escaped Felicity, and Oliver swallowed it eagerly. Pushing his arms under her arching back, he turned them around and sat up, so Felicity was sitting in his lap.
Pulling away slightly and moving a hand through his hair, Felicity looked at Oliver’s face intently. She had already taken in the changes the last days had launched on him. This time she just took him in without anything that had been or hadn’t been these past days. She just looked at the face of the man that she had fallen in love with so long ago and that she had built this wonderful life with that she never wanted to give up.
Felicity got up on her knees and reached behind her. She took hold of his cock and couldn’t stop herself from grinning when Oliver took in a sharp breath at her touch. She considered teasing him, but now was just not the time for that. With that thought in mind, she placed the tip of his erection at her entrance and slowly sank down on him.
Her forehead dropped against Oliver while she was taking him in inch-by-inch. He stretched her in that perfectly arousing way. It made goosebumps run over her skin. Her lips fell open in a silent pant. Her fingernails dug into the skin of his shoulders slightly.
When he was fully inside of her, Felicity moved her fingers down Oliver’s back slowly before she lifted them again. Oliver angled his head back and straightened up as much as he could, trying to steal a kiss from Felicity’s lips, but she kept them right out of his reach. They breathed the same air. She could feel his breath on her chest whenever he breathed out too, but she didn’t let him kiss her. Not yet. She wanted to watch him like he had been watching her before.
Felicity shifted her hips cautiously, just enough to cause some friction. Oliver’s lips fell open and he left out a little moan. The sound made Felicity’s stomach prickle with arousal. She loved to know that she could make him release those sounds. She could offer him just as much pleasure as he could offer her.
Slowly Felicity lifted herself onto her knees, held her position for a moment and then lowered herself just as slowly. Oliver’s body was trembling, his hands digging into her hips hard. His breath was strangled.
“You are driving me crazy,” he said between gritted teeth, “I hope you know that.”
Felicity chuckled slightly. “Oh, I know.”
When Oliver tried to kiss her this time, she only avoided his kiss for a moment. Oliver was about to release a grumble when she gave in. She lowered her lips onto his and kissed him hungrily. Her fingers moved into his hands and grabbed some strands. Using her hold on him, she pulled his head back gently, offering her even easier access to his warm mouth.
They settled into a slow and even rhythm. They moved together in perfect synch, letting their bodies meet in a way that offered them both the pleasure they had been missing out on for days. While their hips were meeting again and again, their hands roamed over each other’s body, and their lips met in gentle and intimate kisses.
Felicity wished it could stay like this forever. The intimacy and closeness of this moment was something she didn’t want to let go easily. She wanted to keep just as close to Oliver as she was now for as long as possible. The burden of these last days didn’t allow Felicity to hold onto her self-control as much as she would like to, and she could see that it was the same for Oliver.
It was all she needed to do. She whispered his name, and Oliver knew immediately that she needed more. He tightened his arms around her waist and thrusted up harder and more quickly. Felicity matched his rhythm.
She was so close, but something was missing. She couldn’t say what it was, but something was keeping her from falling over the edge. Her entire body was filled with tension, her skin feeling like it was poked into with sharp needles again and again. She knew that her orgasm was close. Just a little something she couldn’t put her finger on, and she’d just fall over the edge and bathe in pleasure, but her body wasn’t entirely ready. Not yet.
Oliver moved his lips to the side of her neck and sucked at her pulse point. And that was enough to send Felicity over the edge. Her body trembled when the tension left her muscles and nerves. She moaned and let her head fall back, just letting the pleasure wash over her and take her to a blissful height.
When she noticed that Oliver’s movements lost their rhythm, she locked her eyes on his. The expression in his was hazy and cloudy. She knew that all he could see was her, and just like she had troubled before, he troubled to fall over the edge now.
Putting a hand on his cheek, she whispered, “I’m right here, Oliver.”
That was all he needed. He thrusted into her twice more before he came. She felt him stilling inside of her, his cock twitching between her soft walls. Made a warm shiver run down her back. Her name fell from his lips in a passionate whisper.
Still moving slowly through the last sensations of their pleasures, they held onto each other tightly. Sex had always been an important way for them to communicate. Only now they really knew that they both were really whole and okay.
With their foreheads still touched, they continued sitting there for a while, enjoying the continued intimacy. Once again it had been taken from them by separating them from each other, but they had fought back until they had been reunited. They had always done so, and they would always do so again.
→ → → → →
For a split second while waking up, Oliver wondered why he was feeling so peaceful. These last nights had been filled with tension. If he had found any sleep, he had woken up repeatedly and not caught much rest. When he woke up this morning, he felt well-rested and didn’t feel even a spark of panic.
He opened his eyes, frowned at sat up. The unfamiliar room made his head spin for another split second. Then the memories of the last night came back to him, and he allowed himself to fall back into the pillows and just smile for a moment.
A lot of the worries that had bothered him these last days and nights had gone away. He wouldn’t be charged with any crimes. His work was officially acknowledged. He was back with his family. He could look into a brighter future.
Looking around the room once more, he puckered his lips. One problem was left. They didn’t have a home. Their beautiful home had been burnt down and from what Oliver had heard and seen on photos, there was nothing left to repair. They could either rebuild the entire house from scratch or think about something else. Given the changed circumstances with their identities uncovered, Oliver knew there was a lot to think about.
But not now, he decided and rolled out of bed. He looked around briefly and found that Felicity had put some clothes – boxer briefs, sweatpants and a T-shirt – for him on one of the armchairs. He put them on, wondering how Felicity had managed to sneak out of bed without him noticing. He must have been passed out.
He left the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen, thinking he would find his family there, but only Raisa was there. She smiled when she saw him.
“Good morning,” she said with happy voice, “coffee is just ready. Ms. Fe- I mean Felicity would certainly like to have a mug.”
“Not just her. Thank you.” Oliver brushed a kiss to Raisa’s cheek as he walked past her. He then poured two mugs of coffee, turning his head back over his shoulder towards Raisa. “Where is everyone by the way?”
“In the living room, watching TV.”
Oliver perked up his eyebrows. “TV for breakfast? When did that start?”
“Today. You… will see why.”
With that mysterious hint left, Raisa left the kitchen. Oliver took the two mugs and followed the noises he could hear, assuming that had to be the direction where the living room was. Indeed, he found a door that had been left ajar and when he pushed it open, he found everyone gathered in front of the TV.
Without paying any attention to what they were watching, Oliver sneaked his way to Felicity, who was sitting on the backrest of the couch. He wrapped an arm around her, offering her one of the mugs of coffee. His lips found their way to her pulse point and placed a gentle kiss where he had left a nice little red mark.
“Oliver,” Felicity whispered and flinched as she hadn’t heard him coming.
He was about to whisper something in her ear, but the sound of his name seemed to make chaos erupt. The kids jumped from their seats, ran towards him and talked insistently to him all at the same time. Oliver wasn’t sure if it was the stress of the last days or the excitement of the kids, but he couldn’t follow what they were saying.
“Okay,” he said, lifting his hands, “how about you choose who talks first, so I can understand anything you say?”
“William,” Emmy suggested, and her siblings nodded.
Oliver looked at William, perking up his eyebrows. William hadn’t been as over the top as the others, but even he looked excited.
“The elections take place today,” he said, “I mean the mayoral elections.”
Sipping from his coffee, Oliver frowned. “Who would they vote?”
“Well, since one mayoral candidate was taken out,” William replied, gesturing towards the TV, “there is only one left. You.”
“You never dropped out of the race,” Felicity reminded him, “and even if you had, after last night a lot of people wouldn’t care.”
“The elections have already started, and apparently voter turnout is quite high,” William continued, “and first counts prove that people haven’t come to spoil their ballot. They came to support you.”
Oliver looked at the TV and found this information confirmed there. People had come to vote, and they were voting him. They didn’t have much choice since there was no other candidate, but they had still decided to come and vote him.
Maybe, after everything they had done and everything they had been put through, they had really saved this city. In more than one way.
* * *
Only eight chapters left!
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davekat-sucks · 24 days
I voted for Bro in the “who is the worst poll” because I assumed it is who is the worst “person” not who is the worst character or who is the character we hate the most (I can’t stand Cronus or Calliope. If you would have put Ult. calliope I would have jumped on that shit.) I voted Bro because of things Dave said throughout the story. One being Dave seems too into incest.
And there was something Dave said during Act 6 to Dirk directly. One of them being the “he shouldn’t have been around children” line. Then they added to the epilogue that Dave had respect that Dirk choose to end his life because Dave saw it as Dirk not wanting to be the person Dave warned him he could become and John undoing that choice would deny Dirk “his personal autonomy.” Even though I mostly ignore what the epilogue chose to do, I still think it had some relation to the original story. There’s even more things in the story that make me think Dirk is a predator too but I don’t want to draw this out any more. I still think it’s a strong possibility (I’m like 80-90% sure of this) that part of the story is that Bro diddled Dave before he turned 13.
Interesting. People had always thought of Bro to be a pedo. There's even an implication he had used Dave in smut filming with his puppets. Nobody ever thinks Dirk would have much predator traits. Probably because he is the same age as Jake and the others. At best, his actions at best seem more destructive (fitting for the Prince of Heart) than predatory. Some may think Lil HAL fits more in line with the predatory nature since the AI was also there to help execute and orchestrate the plans, even behind Dirk's own back. Would have love to put in Calliope or Ultimate Calliope, but I doubt she would get any decent amount of high votes considering the fanbase still believes she reps the "good fandom". Some even don't mind Ult Calliope taking over Jade's body. That's how much they hate Jade in general too. So then, may I ask this question. Why did Bro slice the meteor in half to save Dave when he needed to enter the game? Was it really just a moment in the flash to make him look cool? To save himself? Would Dave have entered the game after the egg breaks when the meteor struck?
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Secondly, how did Davesprite escaped from Jack Noir after Bec got prototyped? Bro got killed by Jack after said prototype. Davesprite got wounded, but managed to escape. How? The likely answer was that Bro was able to protect him, even if Davesprite had sustained injuries. Which follows up on this.... Why? Why did he save Davesprite? What reason did he have to if he's not technically his brother from this timeline? And if one says that Davesprite ran away after getting hurt to leave Bro behind, why isn't cowardice or something like vengeance mentioned from Davesprite in the narrative by the time he joins with John and Dave in the ship? There nothing that hints of this even with Davepetasprite^2. Remember. Everything from Act 1 to Act 5 pre-Cascade, happened all the same. From John not getting the other present in Dad's car, Vriska creating the inevitable Jack Noir, Dad and Mom still dying, Murderstuck... everything still happened the same in both pre and Post Retcon. So Bro doing stuff like slicing the meteor and fighting Jack happened regardless of Retcon. Some also see Dave being a bit unfair towards Dirk when they meet during that speech. Dave is basically telling Dirk that it is likely every version of his Bro would become a bad person no matter what. That even if he and Bro are offshoots from each other, a version of Dirk will become that monster. He does not know what life Dirk had trying to grow up alone and trying to base Alpha Bros' actions and personality through the ironic movies. We barely even know if Alpha Bro himself was a good person too. Alpha Bro knew about The Condesce's plans and actions to take over the world. But all that guy did was make movies with subliminal messages saying how bad Betty Crocker, made money off it, and then when shit really hit the fan, he finally decided to join with Alpha Rose Mom to kill ICP and then dying To Condesce. Doesn't it question on why didn't Alpha Dave Bro kill The Condesce sooner since people on Earth had already adored him for his movies? Was there reasons for him not being able to approach Sea Hitler as she is, even with his own training to be as stealthy and fast like how Bro was? It's not like The Condesce can mind control humans. It has been shown and stated that even something like Vriska's powers, she can't control humans. Was part of him making so much money was to secure Dirk a good living condition since he would be rich? That can't be because the world has gone to shit and Dirk had to defend himself from The Condesce's army. Maybe it's because I am on the side that doesn't think Bro was that much of an abuser and that anything within Act 6, especially by Post Retcon, is shit that I cannot take seriously. But it still makes me wonder about Bro's last appearance in the timeline as well as what Alpha Dave was like past his achievements and demise. And if Dave really need to go on like that to Dirk.
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galladegamer · 2 years
I think I might've figured it out.
I was thinking about the possible story with Lesley and how Yellow guy runs on batteries when I realized...what if the different episodes' subjects have something to do with it? So here's my theory: Once, there was a family (Episode 3). The mom was named Lesley, the dad was named Roy, and the kid was named David (the name on the tombstone and the D on yellow guy's shirt) (another thing to note is that in episode 3, Duck shows pictures of a random family, which could possibly be Lesley, Roy, and David). Lesley was at work (Episode 1) so Roy told David to make friends with the neighbors (Episode 4). The neighbors gave David a bird (little baby pigeon?) who flew into the street. David chased after the bird, but in a series of gruesome events, was hit by a car (Episode 5) and died (Episode 2). This is what we saw in that one Claymation scene in episode 5 (notice how panicked Lesley sounds in this scene, as if she's losing a son, which if this theory is true, she is). Roy becomes quiet and reclusive, metaphorically eating up whatever family they have left (just like how he ate the family in episode 3). Lesley, meanwhile, has to go to therapy (Carehound). This didn't work (notice how nonsensical the elevator's therapy speech is) so she decided on a DIFFERENT coping mechanism. She decided to bring her son back (like how Yellow guy brings duck back in episode 2 (which is also the exact same way that Lesley puts a replacement duck figurine there in episode 6 (notice how both times their heads get taken off))). What she did was she make a new version of David. A robotic version (Episode 6). She then decided to give her new robotic son (not biological, which is the reason for the "You're not my real son" outburst. Notice she doesn't say "You're not my son", she says "You're not my REAL son"). She decided to make a reboot of a show her kid once starred in. A show created by her husband and a friend of his. A show called "Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared." Red Guy doesn't know he's in a show this time, which is why he's more aloof now.
Then we get to the book. I have three different theories on what that book could've contained before it got shredded.
An incantation for the council
This is basically if everything I just said was completely wrong and instead it's some sort of demonic thing about something. Not much to say here, except that if it's true, then maybe it's a good thing that yellow guy shredded it.
2. The script
This one is one that I personally really like. It would make sense after all. The thing is that there isn't much to say about it other than that.
3. A scrapbook
This one might seem weird, but there's a chance that it's a scrapbook of David when he was alive. It would work with my current theory and I think it would also work with how Lesley acts. She would like Yellow Guy to know who he once was. The only thing that strains this option is why would she want the others to see it? Would it really matter if they did?
This multiple theory thing goes for the stairs too, because I have some theories on who could be a floor above Lesley.
The council
If you remember, in Episode 2, Lamp speaks about some organization named the council. I think at some point in Episode 5, someone talks about "the ancient ones" as well, but I can't remember very well. They seem like such weird comments that they can't just be jokes.
2. The director
There's a chance that Lesley isn't the only one working on this show. There could be a director that works on the basic scripts and then Lesley fine tunes them.
3. Roy
Seeing as Roy is Yellow guy's dad this could also be very likely. Who knows? Maybe Roy IS the director.
So that's my personal theory about the Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared TV show. I only saw each episode once, so it's not completely fine tuned just yet, but I still think it could all be very interesting, especially since there are still things I have yet to talk about. Here's a list of other possible things that could be important.
Why would an uncle be "in the distance" in episode 3?
The big boy and bigger boy rooms aren't just one off jokes, they appear in Lesley's model of the home.
Was yellow guy always smart? After all, he was only dumb because of bad batteries.
Why was red guy so desperate to leave the house in episode 5?
In episode 2 of the original YouTube series, Yellow guy says "My dad is a computer." Is Roy a robot too? Does the original YouTube series even have anything to do with the TV series?
After Lesley said yellow guy wasn't her real son, she said she was kidding.
Why can dumb yellow guy see smart yellow guy in reflections and vice versa?
The shovel appeared as a teacher in DHMIS 6 of the original YouTube series
Speaking of the shovel, did Lesley dig up David's corpse and use it to make the robot like how Yellow guy digs up duck?
All of these questions are being left without answers, which is why we all try to answer them in different ways. But we always say any other theory that doesn't go with our theory is wrong. That's just not true. As Becky once said in an interview, "We've read a lot of theories online about what it all means and they are all correct.
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fights4users · 10 months
Just you? | The page, Alan and clu
Someone said this ages before me but the page was meant to get Alan at the arcade, Alan inside the grid. Clu wanted him but settled for Sam. I want to dive a bit deeper into that, especially after reading betrayal (really the novel does wonder for his character and providing additional context for legacy).
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Backup plan—
Contacting Alan was the last desperate attempt to find a normal way out. I can imagine Kevin would have talked about him quite frequently, about how good he was and maybe even admitting to clu he was the one to originally write tron. So, clu figures out a way to contact this “great user” and make him fix everything. Maybe he could finally give the grid a purpose from the outside or do some work on the inside to stabilize everything. I don’t even think clu knows what all needs to be done to fix everything- he’s been lost and a bit power hunger for a while now I’d imagine he’d be forceful with Alan but have good reason to be.
I think having Alan rewrite and fix the grid from the outside (or in if possible) would make the most sense. What the hell use would alan have otherwise? He wouldn’t have a disk! Sam only got one once he was put into the games, additionally alan wouldn’t have the knowledge of the grid to use his disk as a key after receiving one. So getting Alan in the first place had nothing to do with “out there” or “world domination”.
Last resort—
I saw a theory a while ago which I wholeheartedly believe that said, Clu only did all of this (the army, the world domination plans) to give the grid a purpose. It really makes his authoritarian decent into madness all the more tragic, as stated before he never had a chance to be good. He can’t create new programs he can only rewrite what’s there— he’s slipping and out of ideas because endlessly building in a overheating system is a absolute nightmare. A mindless army works great as it takes up as little energy as possible, you can conserve what remains and give your citizens something to actually do… now mind you it’s not a good something to be a mindless drone. After Alan falls through he goes on with the first plan. I also believe the world domination thing also comes about because he’s a reflection of Flynn’s  arrogance back when he made the grid— this is so his speech can almost identically match Flynn’s “in their is our destiny!” -> “out there is our destiny!”. More that for a character motivation that makes sense.
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Clu is a dangerous line. As the more you read into things the more sympathetic he becomes the more you understand his motivations and what lead him down this path. You almost forget how horrible his actions are from how badly a hand he has been dealt. He is fascinating and so unbelievably sad that he saw this (Dictatorship, mind control, genocide ,etc.) as the only way out. He is the antagonist but not the villain.
No one was expecting Sam to be the one to arrive at the arcade. Clu didn’t take Into account Alan’s care for him,  probably because clu had his own issues with Sam since he was a baby. It’s interesting as Sam is basically the crux that sets off the film. Plan B didn’t work so we’re going for the crazy world domination plan, let’s use you to lure your dad out of hiding. To me it sort of comes through as the backup plans of backup plans to him- if Alan had come would he have concerned himself with Flynn at all? This god is helpful, this god sticks to his words and thinks things through…oh god the absolute angst potential in that. (Again keep in mind that Clus hatred is for a Flynn who didn’t go through 20 years of  philosophy lessons).
This is all me just theorizing anyway, my own way at picking through legacy trying to understand it. 🤷‍♀️ Clu is such a fascinating character that you really have to feel bad for, and again it’s a little concerning? Because you forget how much bad stuff he really did just because they fumbled Flynn SO hard. The Kevin Flynn who made the grid does not feel like the same Kevin Flynn who broke into ENCOM with his buddies one night and I don’t know how to explain it.
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ilikeyoubetterthisway · 4 months
The Kyoto Arc - A Ryuumo Analysis
I wanna talk about the Kyoto Arc (and later the Beach Mini Arc and Festival Arc), in relation to Izumo and Ryuuji.
The Kyoto Arc starts with Rin being revealed as the son of Satan, everyone is feeling conflicted, specially Ryuuji, Shiemi and Yukio. They get tasked by Mephisto (as always), to go help at the Kyoto field office and we are shown Ryuuji feeling even more conflicted and stressed by the fact that he's returning home.
We know that he had a fight with his dad about the whole Satan and rebuilding MyoDha thing, which is the reason why Ryuuji wanted to become an exorcist, to bring everyone back together. Tatsuma clearly didn't agree with Ryuuji's decision of becoming an exorcist so Ryuuji feels even more determined to achieve his 'ambition'.
With this we know that Ryuuji's mind is going to be all over the place but still with some space for special moments.
The Arc starts on ch.16 but we will start talking from ch. 17.
Here everyone is boarding the train to Kyoto and the tension is high. Everyone is ignoring Rin and feeling scared and wary of him, as well as annoyed and conflicted with everything that happened.
Izumo arrives to the train wagon and sees the whole melodrama and after ignoring Shima's suggestion of sitting beside him, she decides to sit on the same seat row as Rin. He is confused by this and asks her if she's not scared of him, she simply mocks his question and explains that there are many people that have demon blood in them, but everyone's problem is that he is the son of Satan because they don't know if he will be a threat or not.
Then she proceeds to call everyone out on their idiotic behavior for making the problem bigger than it really is and we get a panel of the Kyoto trio sweating nervously, but we have an emphasis on Ryuuji with him being the only one with a speech bubble of a little "...".
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Izumo is calling everyone out but Ryuuji is the one that has the main reaction. (Ryuuji and his habit of taking all her words personally).
Rin gets happy that not everyone is scared of him and he thanks Izumo as he switches to a first name basis with her. Izumo is annoyed and embarrassed by this, telling him to not get too casual with her and she proceeds to exclaim how much she hates cowardly people that proclaim something but back out when it counts, having focused panels of Ryuuji and Shiemi with conflicted expressions.
(This is funny since Izumo is calling (him) them out on the same reason Ryuuji called her out during their surprise exwire test, back in ch. 6, and he's the one that reacts the strongest to her words (Again... did you feel it a bit too personal, dear Ryuuji..?).
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Anyways, Ryuuji immediately flares up, raising from his seat with his hand curled up in a fist and hitting the train seat, shouting at Izumo that he's done listening to her stuff, asking her who is she calling a coward? Izumo smirks and mocks him by asking him to take a guess (meaning that he was one of her main targets) (also, her smirking satisfied when Ryuuji reacted to her words, she rlly enjoyed that).
So, when the gang is starting to break apart, Izumo is the one that reminds them of the words they repeat over and over, about friendship, bonds and nakama power, she is one of the main people that keep the group stable (acting like the mom already).
Coming back to the main plot.
Ryuuji gets mad and shouts which only leads them all to get the Bariyon punishment, again.
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Shima comments that the moment feels like déja vu, and that it was thanks to Izumo and Ryuuji that everyone got punished again, mentioning that they haven't made any progress.
Ryuuji and Izumo both proceed to blush in embarrasment as Izumo tells Shima to shut up. They got caught in a heated argument and got everyone punished just like last time, for the top students to be caught like this twice in a row and causing everyone to get punished on their behalf, this is becoming a common (and embarrassing) incident.
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After the Baryon incident with Shiemi realizing that Rin's flames aren't hot but warm, they arrive in Kyoto. Everyone is feeling annoyed with the tension high once again during the bus trip towards Toraya Inn.
When they step inside the inn, on ch. 18, all becomes chaos: everyone starts happily greeting Ryuuji, as he embarrasedly tries to explain that he's there for a mission and not for a visit, but that's when they call his mother.
Torako comes running to the front door and after looking at Ryuuji with almost joy, she snaps at him in anger for having dyed his hair. They start bickering and Torako embarrasses Ryuuji in front of his friends, total mom behavior. As she explains how the Inn helps with the financial issues, here comes a short but at the same time big Ryuumo moment:
Izumo proceeds to tease Ryuuji (while she blushes), by calling him Bonbon and Ryuuji snarls at her in total embarrasment, nervousness, and blushy cheeks, by calling her out using her last name.
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Lemme rephrase this again:
Izumo (the girl that doesn't want to get close to anyone), went out of her way, to tease Ryuuji by calling him Bonbon, an actual flirty nickname, in his own house, in front of his mom, all their friends and a big part of MyoDha, causing him to blush and answer her in total embarrasment by using her last name, all this while she is also blushing, o sea, this was a huge decision made by Izumo.
And, I don't know if this is the same for you in your country but at least in mine and in some movies I watched, when people use bonbón or bonboncito to refer to someone (usually a guy), is because they see them as an incredibly attractive person, is a nickname you use to flirt. Also, a bonbón is a marshmallow, a candy (the ones you roast with fire just like how Ryuuji looked when having Karura on top of his head jaja). And, if all those weren't enough, Izumo of course called him like that for his title 'Bon' (Young Master). She really went and made this elaborated joke that Ryuuji noticed and most likely was the only one who understood it, just to tease him and make him blush, which she succesfully accomplished.
For them to supposedly be at each other's throats minutes ago, Izumo completely changed the dynamic between them by teasing Ryuuji with a flirty nickname instead of the (you could say), mean nickname (gorilla). And Ryuuji answered with a positive but still embarrassed reaction by blushing and calling her by her last name for the first time in the manga.
(Also, funnily enough, Ryuuji started calling her on last name basis the following chapter after Rin started calling her on first name basis, hmmm... sudden change, don't you think dear Ryuuji..?)
This is the moment that made a shift on their relationship and it was started by Izumo and positively answered by Ryuuji.
Izumo took a huge step forward by teasing him like that, when we know that she's hellbent in not wanting to make friends or close bonds. Izumo will totally make the exception for Ryuuji, take time out of her schedule to tease him with a flirty nickname in front of his mom, all their classmates and the entire welcoming party of MyoDha, being the one to take the initiative towards a new and different dynamic between them.
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A small moment that I think is funny to add, is this one where Rin is trying to fix things up with Ryuuji, and he's probably thinking of a way to make him less annoyed so he tries using the nickname "gorilla-boy", but it only causes the opposite effect with Ryuuji now getting more pissed jaja. (Sorry Rin, sweetie, only Izumo can call him gorilla, also him being all shy and nervous when asking Koneko to eat with him, cute).
After this moment, is just plot stuff, everyone is distressed by Todou and the Impure King eyes thing, so we will skip a lot of this. Rin is still trying to talk to his friends and do his training, Ryuuji is dealing with his issues with his dad, Shiemi is feeling with low self steem, Koneko is sad and stressed, Shima is tired of everything and Izumo is annoyed and troubled by everyone's stupidity, etc etc.
We are also introduced to the other canon ship that shares a lot of similarities in personality and appearance to Ryuumo: Juzo x Mamushi, or as I like to call them, Jushi, jaja.
Also, we get Uwabami getting Ryuuji to feels suspicious of people from MyoDha, (they are already training him to be the bearer of Karura, jaja, pls, give him a break).
Anyways, we jump to ch. 23, after everyone finds out that Rin is Satan's son, Ryuuji shouting at his dad, Rin punching him while flaring up, and the gang (minus Rin, Yukio and Takara), gather in the kitchen to heal Ryuuji and talk.
Now, this may be a short moment but many things are happening here, and this is the summarized version:
We get Izumo being the one to ask him what happened and Ryuuji explaining the situation.
And this is the detailed version:
Ryuuji arrives to the kitchen, completely defeated and exhausted, he has no space of mind to get into defensive mode against anyone, specially Izumo, since we know how much he reacts when she or anyone questions him or calls him out on anything.
As highlighted by the sketch at the end of the chapter, all the energy he had has been depleted. He's done with everything and is currently vulnerable and exposed.
And is the same thing with Izumo: she just came out of the shower, she's feeling refreshed and new, her mind free from any disturbances from her surroundings, and we see how this clearly allows her real self to show up: by having a nice conversation with Shiemi, noticing the improvement on her demeanor and also about to ask if they (Rin and Shiemi), were having a thing; her behavior towards Shima is still the same and when Ryuuji comes to her, completely defeated and exhausted, her first reaction is to ask him what happened for him to be in this state, her reaction was getting worried about him. Just what the real Izumo would do.
And while looking into each other's eyes, Ryuuji answers her truthfully and openly. And a surprising detail here is that it seems he didn't say anything about what happened to Shima and Konekomaru, judging for their surprised reactions to his words. This means that Ryuuji only talked after Izumo asked him about it (The Kyoto trio walked all the way to the kitchen together and Ryuuji never said a word until Izumo asked him about it).
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(Also, it makes me laugh how the panel of Shima being excited to see Izumo in a yukata is immediately followed by a panel of an angry Ryuuji, I know they are in different moments but it was still super coincidental, ksks).
Anyways, here Izumo is the one asking Ryuuji what happened for him to be in this state (she's worrying about Ryuuji), while looking at each other during these panels, ugh dying. Ryuuji finishes explaining the situation and Izumo notices that Shiemi is getting worried about Rin. (Ryuumo supporting Rinshi, lessgo).
This moment feels so different from all their past interactions since Ryuuji is feeling defeated and exhausted from all the discussions with his dad and Rin, he's finally answering Izumo's questions in a calm manner, as well as Izumo just came out of the shower, she's feeling relaxed and fresh, so she will take her time to put up her walls and boundaries.
This is how they react to having a mess around them, they are the ones that get things under a semblance of control, trying to make sense out of it by setting things straight and explaining the situation. They are the top students who just recently caused a ruckus and got everyone in trouble, but when things get messy they are the ones that decide to take responsibility, to bring back some sense of order and stability by whether explaining the situation or looking for answers, they become the parents of the squad~.
He arrived vulnerable in front of Izumo and she proceeded to worry about him. The only one to whom Ryuuji has finally answered in this calm manner, looking remorseful and defeated, is Izumo.
Anyways, Rin gets his death sentence and Shiemi immediately tries to convince everyone to help rescue him (on ch. 26), Ryuuji accepts, followed by Koneko and the next one to do it is Izumo, and then Shima follows them by force.
When they go up Kongo-Shinzan, on ch. 27, Izumo is the one that finds Ryuuji's dad, Tatsuma (mah girl was already scanning the entire forest and risking everything for him).
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Like, really? The girl who wanted nothing to do with them proceeds to find the missing person in the middle of the night in a huge forest with no illumination device almost instantly. Now that's dedication.
Then Ryuuji asks Shiemi and Izumo to take care of his dad, and later we get moments of Izumo wanting to keep the promise she made (cough to Ryuuji cough), and wondering why she's doing what she's doing (because she cares about everyone).
No because, again, really??
Izumo is behaving so different from her usual tsundere behavior: she worried and acted angrily to the group for being idiots, she teased Ryuuji, worried about him, scanned the entire forest to find his dad and then proceeds to tentatively agree to take care of Tatsuma with the Impure King releasing its deadly spores a few meter away from them.
But the most interesting thing is that she made it a promise. On the upper right panel she just says "sure." It wasn't a full confirmation nor a 'leave it to us' or something serious like that, it was a simple casual word and later we see Izumo refer to it as a promise.
This is what the real Izumo would do. What her heart wants to do, that is why she is feeling so conflicted and confused because she is going against the promise she made to herself about not trusting nor getting close to anyone because she can't lie to her real self, the one that actually loves and cares about her friends and their goals.
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And we also got several panels of Izumo worrying for Ryuuji.
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(Just look at the lower left panel, Izumo with that soft but worried as heck face, which she makes just before the Impure King awakens completely and Ryuuji gets in real danger, ugh cutie).
(Also, I like how Izumo and Shima are the ones with actual worried faces when Ryuuji inherits Karura because they are the ones that know what it is to have familiars that are powerful enough they can turn against you at any moment if you show a glimpse of weakness or wavering heart. Izumo having Uke and Mike and Shima with Yamantaka, Rin is still unaware of his demon side and Nee is too innocent and good hearted to want to hurt Shiemi at all).
Anyways, Rin manages to defeat the Impure King with the help of Ucchusma. Shiemi and Izumo, as well as Rin and Ryuuji, share very wholesome friendship moments and everyone is safe and sound back in Toraya Inn.
This concludes the Kyoto Arc, which emphasized Izumo having the initiative, giving and wanting attention from Ryuuji, and him answering back with positive reinforcement, as well as many instances of Izumo worrying about Ryuuji, showing how much she cares about him.
Thank you so much for reading this far!! See you in the next one~!
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twothpaste · 10 months
i'm interested to hear about Porky for that character meme
First impression: The first time I saw Porky was in Smash Bros Brawl when I was like 12, and I was probably about as bamboozled as every other kid back then. I remember being creeped out and a little captivated, wondering what the hell could possibly be up with this rampaging kid / old man / ??? In some kind of life support mech??? Like damn these Mother games must be crazy. (Proceeded to emulate Pokemon instead for the next 6 years 🤸)
Impression now: Oh, I see! He was The Best Villain In All Of Media. That's what was up with him. He carved out a corner in the back of my brain where he's been living rent free for a decade. If I think too hard about him I go off the rails and sometimes become cataclysmically sad. Awesome.
Favorite moment: The entire Empire Porky Building is a mesmerizingly monolithic character study unto itself. But his climactic speech when you finally reach him at the 100th floor is like. God. Fucking hell. Where does one even begin. The surprising eloquent conviction with which he speaks, after a whole dungeon of childish taunting. And then, it's actually such a thin veneer after all. He's deluded himself into thinking he's a godlike visionary, but everything he declares about "humanity" is so insecure and immature and downright wrong. The unnerving spite and tragedy of it all. The urge to pity him feels like a bellyache. How you know where he came from and what a hapless child he used to be (and maybe still is) - but to the people of Nowhere?? They've got no fuckin' clue. And he doesn't belong here, but at the same time, he embodies every individualistic capitalistic apocalyptic thing they tried to shove under the rug and forget about. Just. Agh. Turns my brain and bones to jelly.
Idea for a story:
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Unpopular opinion: He's not "insane," or mind controlled by Giygas, or gone "crazy" in the aftermath of Giygas' influence. A thousand lifetimes are sure to do something to a guy's head, sure - and I'm sure his mental health ain't great - but like?? Everything about him hits so much harder if he is of relatively sound reasoning (like every other capitalist), and if he's acting on his own will. Stripping him of his psychological agency renders him so thematically & conceptually toothless to me, idk. If he was just acting zany & evil 'cause he was out of his mind or whatever, then none of the shit he does or says really means anything!! Giygas brought out the worst in him. Aloysius and Lardna conditioned him to make terrible choices. Porky chose to spend 3842389 years committing atrocities unto mother Earth and mankind.
Favorite relationship: His friendship with Ness is so bittersweet, and his use of Claus as an extension of himself is both harrowing and fascinating. I think my fav is his narrative dynamics with Lucas though. How they both faced cruelty at the hands of shortsighted adults and the world at large, but learned completely different lessons from it. How Lucas, presumably a boundlessly kind and forgiving person, gets pushed to his absolute limit with this guy. How he's gotta grapple with the ethics of Porky's fate, whether or not he deserves to spend eternity trapped by his lonesome. How Porky coerces this humble farm kid into the role of Ness, chasing the high of his friendship and rivalry. How he calls Claus his "double," right in front of Claus' actual double, just to drive the knife in deeper. How he thinks he represents the grim reality of human nature, while Lucas stands tall and faces him as a shining counterpoint. Everybody explode now.
Favorite headcanon: Uhh shit I dunno what my favorite is. The Masked Man is based on one of his original comic characters he used to draw when he shouldda been paying attention in math class. He had a crush on Ness and didn't know what to do about it and now it's the whole universe's problem. He has a laughably poorly-informed admiration for Ronald Reagan, 'cause his dad spoke highly of him. If he were just a guy in the 2020s, his goal in life would be to usurp Elon Musk by being exactly the same but "smarter" and "more competent" (he would fail because he's neither).
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chainofclovers · 1 year
Ted Lasso 3x10 Thoughts
I intended to write this last week, but I’ve been really busy. But 3x10 was a real joy, so I do want to capture something about it, so I’m just gonna try to quickly hit the highlights and any of it sounds similar to stuff I said in discord, so be it. 🙂
Rebecca spit tea in Ted’s face! She was planning it! He liked it! I loved it!
OK but really, everything about that moment…Rebecca reclaiming the Hockney, and the way it no longer signifies the loss of her marriage (and I think it’s so interesting that Rebecca says in 1x1 that she and Rupert bought it together on their fifth anniversary, but in this episode Rupert asks her about the Hockney “he” bought for “her”), and now that it’s back on the wall the drawing is about football again, and she’s wearing a flowy pink dress reminiscent of what she wore on the boat in Amsterdam but this time it’s something she would have picked out and purchased herself that suits her perfectly, and the Hockney scene blends so perfectly into her telling Ted that her reasons for wanting to win. Exchanging victory plans followed by a quick but thorough dousing of liquid via spitting ritual…it was so 1x10 of them. 
@talldecafcappuccino said something about Nate facing some of his worst fears (as articulated at the team movie night in s1) in this episode—he is unemployed, and he makes a return (albeit temporary) to his parents’ house—and that really stuck with me. That moment when he reminds his dad that he literally told him he hated the sound of Nate playing violin is a remember-forever moment for me. Some of the parents on this show are true villains, but I think it’s as important if not more important to depict the very real pain that comes from that mismatch between thought and speech, the damage that can be done bit by bit even when intentions are good, even when a parent genuinely desires good things for their child. I’m doing a terrible job articulating it, but I appreciated the small-yet-ultra-concentrated scale of all the Nate moments very much. 
Speaking of the scale of things, the grand yet quiet gesture of Nate getting Rene from the sewers to let him into the club (why are sewers so important to this show?) to fix up the locker room for Will…the sprig of lavender…the simple heartfelt apology…the intentional use of “Wonder Kid." Loved it. Completely loved it. I’m really looking forward to what’s going to happen with Nate and Ted talk, but it was completely essential that he reaches out to Will first, and that it’s an action-oriented apology that is specifically about the nature of a kitman’s work. 
Speaking again of the scale of things: Rebecca’s speech to the other potential Akufo League owners. I’m very glad it was a monologue and not a soliloquy. In-scene, non-fourth-wall-breaking speeches are always a tiny bit bigger than what my personal sensibilities w/r/t secondhand embarrassment would prefer. But they are essential to Ted Lasso. And I think Rebecca’s speech absolutely had to be scaled big—she literally made herself bigger right beforehand, in this lovely moment of honoring her child self and connecting to the silliness of the ritual and the absurdities of childhood and adulthood. And it had to be big because it was in front of Rupert, who has literally interrupted her mid-speech before, stealing all the thunder for himself. I really appreciated that Rupert becomes human before our very eyes, and that Rebecca is able to genuinely draw from the things that made her love him in the first place, while there is nothing unclear about how bleak and miserable and awful Rupert is. He fucking tries to kiss her after the cathartic moment with the speech and the food tantrum, and her rejection is so clear and strong. I can’t think of a better way to almost purely visually illustrate (although the words are important, Rebecca's face says it all) what it means for her to be free of the hold he had over her for so many years.
I am soooo excited that we (re)met Roy’s sister and she really is that doctor from the A&E and she’s awesome and clearly a very good and fun mom and she’s having such a good time teasing Roy out of love which is basically the adult version of the incredibly important role Phoebe plays in his life. Also, Elodie Blomfield is so good as Phoebe. The moment when she figures out the “Roy Kunt” kit is so great. And everything about Jamie being there and his familiarity with the family!?! 
Roy and Keeley! Roy’s tiny terrible handwriting! I like that we didn’t get the big moment of Roy and Keeley kissing and reconnecting to each other, and I also like that we didn’t get the moment of Nate resigning from his job. In both stories, we got the most important gestures, the most important decisions that led up to these moments and came after these moments, and considering the show needed to go big for Rebecca’s speech I think it’s essential to have a little restraint elsewhere.
Barbara! Everything with the snow globe reimbursements! Ahhhhhhhh! Barbara is the coolest and I would pay the big bucks to hear Katy Wix talk (in a good thoughtful environment obviously) about her autism and her acting choices when playing Barbara because her timings are so incredible and so hilarious and she’s built a side character into someone who fully enriches the overall story and I assume it’s all connected but I’d love to hear about this role straight from the source. I was already such a Katy Wix fan from Taskmaster and reading some of her writing online, and she was just perfection in this episode. 
Beard. Oh God. Beard. What are you doing. His grudge against Nate and the kind of willful immaturity of his character in this stage of his relationship with Jane. Other than the day out with Henry in 3x8, when is the last time Beard was critical and compassionate with anyone in his life? Ted looks so bummed about that axe-throwing offer. I think Beard had to know deep down that Ted and Roy were never in a million years going to be saying yes to this invitation; it’s not that Jane would want them there. I think 3x11 and 3x12 are going to have a lot of Ted-and-Beard by necessity and I’m basically on pins and needles.
I am nervous about many things for the rest of this season, not because I think they’ll be handled badly in the show but because I can see so many different possibilities (for the truth bomb, for all the moms, for what Rebecca understands about her life today and what it could be, same for Ted, same for Beard, because I feel like Ted has to leave in some way but something’s telling me it’s not as simple as leaving or not leaving) and it’s making me feel insane. But 3x10 was a wonderful time and the lavender sprig and the spitting hit that perfect sweet spot of callbacks that propel the narrative forward and I’m grateful to have had it. 
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bonniecupcake · 1 year
29 and 38! I dare u >:3
Dare accepted!
Here is my cannon (based only on things from the show and the movie since I still need to read the comics…😅)
It is a longer thread about my idea of the tallest and the membrane so I will put it under a cut
ask game
29: Are the Tallest intelligent or not?
The way I see the tallest Red and Purple isn't leader material. They do have soldier skills and can show quick thinking in some situations, but most of their actions are less than ideal. For me, the reason they've become the Tallest and got to rule the whole Armada is because of the sudden death of their previous leaders. Irkens needed someone to take the spot quickly so they could start to function again as a society. Red and Purple not being mentally prepared were put in the new position just as a show for others. Suddenly getting so much privilege and not having to do anything for sure got into their heads. They rule still having teens mentally, bullying others, and thinking about what is the most fun for them now when they can have everything.
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38: Professor Membrane: a good daddy or a neglectful cold father?
I can't treat Membrane from the show the same as the one from the movie because of how different their act, so I will separate it...xD
Professor Membrane is a good dad in the movie. He shows parenting skills at the dinner table with Gaz: seeing his son going thru a rough time, giving him space but still wanting him to eat dinner with the family without forcing him to do it. When Dib gets out of the room, Membrane leaves what he was doing to talk to him, he is excited to see him. The problem is that Membrane just wants to do what he thinks is the best for Dib, but still gives him father love, saying he is always proud of him, or the moment when he didn't want to interrupt Dib's speech, holding and hugging Dib and Gaz. He is very lovely and caring in the movie and also extremely hot, which is not important to this question but still worth mentioning! xD
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When it comes to the show...ya he is a bastard...
Never being at home, all the time ridiculing and making fun of Dib, at best just brushing him off. The way he treats Dib is like an experiment went wrong and now he doesn't know what to do about it so he treats him on the same level (maybe even worse) as his other creation. I do like to think Dib is the Membrane clone when Gaz is his biological daughter that's why he doesn't put so much pressure on her to be like him, for her he is just a neglectful father.
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mike-haters-dni · 1 year
Some S5 Ideas, Before Information Starts Coming Out etc, Pt. II
Part I | Part I.V
The pre-Hawkins Infiltration Training Arc begins after Mike notices Lucas training to avenge Max, and decides that would be a much better use of everyone’s time than sitting around being anxious for something to happen. He then gets everyone together and lays out the plan for becoming apocalypse-ready, which involves them organizing and working on relevant skills. Thus begins a rotation of scenes in which each of the boys leads a lesson in their specialty: Mike comes up with team-building and group operations exercises (assigning everyone clear combat roles, physical challenges that require teamwork, practicing stealth and silent communication though hand signals, etc), Lucas is the personal trainer/health coach and teaches basic hand-to-hand combat, Dustin teaches field medicine, survival skills, and anything relevant about the layout and state of Hawkins, El (in collaboration with Dustin) explains in detail how her powers work and where she’s at strength and skill-wise, and Will gives a run down of everything he knows about Vecna. Of course, everything we see them go over is foreshadowing for future events.
Lucas intercepts Mike and Dustin trying to eat snack cakes for breakfast like 3 times, also El gets her training arc after Dustin gets curious and wants to do some (completely voluntary and not similar at all to what she did at the lab, he assures both her and Mike) tests to get some data on how her powers work. This involves things like measuring how fast she can throw objects of different weights or how many pounds of force she can apply to a scale under different conditions. Seeing her powers quantified like this inspires her (perhaps in a negative self-critical way) to see how strong she can actually get through practice.
Since Mike and El are officially made group leaders, the rest of the party (mostly Dustin and Lucas) starts jokingly calling them Mom and Dad. Mike plays along and eventually starts referring to El as “your mother” when talking to them, which El eventually starts responding to. (lmao)
Also, whenever the group split up Dustin calls one team the A team and the other the B team. Mike eventually figures out why (A team is the team with El on it) and one time he calls his team the B team before Dustin does, which makes him very happy.
Also Mike and El get matching action ponytails, provided we can justify getting rid of Mike’s current bangs, which on the one hand are a staple part of his character design, but on the other hand he’s clearly in the midst of a style change so like there's precedent. Idk, I just can’t picture him trekking through the woods without his hair pulled up lol
The new human secret final boss antagonist is the DOE director lady (who I'm making up, btw) who funded Brenner’s project. At first she acts like she’s sorry about what happened with El and Brenner like she didn’t know what he was really up to, and she’s working to keep Sullivan from nuking El and the entire town, but after poking around some classified documents we find out she totally knew the whole time and actually gave Brenner more funding once he produced El and the only reason she’s protecting her is because she’s trying to get her investment back. She wants to either control El again or kill her if that's not possible. In a casual super villain speech she gives to Mike one night while smoking out of a window in a suspiciously empty hallway, she compares her to the atomic bomb or some super weapon that was created half-accidentally, except this super weapon is a maladjusted child with anger issues. She’s hurt people before and its only a matter of time before you end up dead too ooooh so give her back to meee. Mike (and everyone else) of course doesn’t buy this for a second (though there may be some moment where he has to pretend that he does to facilitate some desperate plan) and she and Sullivan get murdered in the end after our heroes betray them.
The reason Vecna goes dormant for such a suspiciously long time is because he was working on new monsters, including:
A mimic monster. Designed to weaken trust within the groups by making everyone paranoid that the teammate they’re talking to is actually a mimic, who just recently did a pretty good job pretending to be said teammates, save for the fact it eventually tried to kill them.
A super duper predator-type murder monster that’s nigh-unkillable except by like shoving an explosive down its throat. Like this thing shows up and the only thing you can really do is run and/or hide. It’s existence would really require someone in the main cast dying to it tho so we’re gonna call this a fun au idea :)
Through some Vecna mental space shenanigans, Mike gets to fight an evil doppelganger version of himself that represents his worst qualities and resulting self-hatred. Listen ok, it would be a great thematic final challenge to illustrate his character growth. Plus its not like, completely out of the realm of possibility, I mean, Vecna shows people their worst fears and shit in the form of other people so like if the person you have the biggest problem with is yourself then you would confront yourself. No one tried besting Venca in hand-to-hand combat to make him leave you alone, maybe that would actually work and also be really edgy and cool. Also, it would be a fun reference to everyone's favorite 80s video game, Persona 4—
Vecna is actually killed in the second to last episode, but uh-oh the gate is still open and the monsters are still fucking shit up. Turns out there’s a secret final thing we gotta do to actually end all this (Probably collapsing the upside down or whatever dimension the monsters are actually from). Idk if it’s really in line with the themes of the show, but I do really like the idea of things not ending with Vecna’s death because he already infected the entire upside down/hell dimension with his, shall we say “ideology”, so killing the one guy in charge is not enough to end the war. Its like a metaphor. Plus, that means we get both Vecna and the mindflayer as big bads.
The show ends with a cheesy-ass prom scene, followed by the kids riding out to a hill over looking the town and giving “I love you guys” speeches and getting ready to begin the rest of their lives <3.
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imkorais · 2 years
_Sanji x reader_
_Reader with a sad past (mom attempted suicide)_
_WARNINGS: mention of suicide_
Sanji was obsessed.
How could he not? There, lying next to you on his bed in the dim light of his room. He was enchanted by that spark in your eyes, which obscured even your wet cheeks, your shiny skin and your chapped lips. What were you just saying to him?
"I never understood what she meant to tell me that day. It's just that.."
First hiccup, another one and tears finally began to flow. And soon his hand is covering your eyes. No need to ruin this pretty face, he thought. With his other hand he took the last shot from his cigarette, then threw it in the ashtray on the bedside table to his right and looked back at you.
"After Dad’s death everything went downhill. She…" Sanji squeezed her almost choking her, pushing her face against his chest. Nevermind, he already knew where the speech was going and how it reminded him in particular of the past that he had kept behind.
Vinsmoke Sanji had always been good at sensing when someone was suffering, whether it was a rat, a woman or a child. Even more he knew what his duty was: to protect his comrades and prevent them from suffering. In fact, when you showed up in his cabin that first night looking for someone to make the lump in your throat that formed every night disappear, he had welcomed you, listened to you and rocked you. Afterwards he promised you that none of them would ever leave you alone, because there was no logical reason why you of all people should ever feel alone. He had been telling you these exact words on that first time, then also on the second time (over that nice hot tea he gently made for you) and again on the third, fourth, fifth time and so on. Even you had lost count of how many nights you had spent in the blond cook’s cabin. However an interesting rhythm had been created: in the evening both of you would retire to your respective rooms, later, in the middle of the night, you would go and look for him knowing you'd have surely found him, often and willingly with something delicious prepared by him in the morning, probably while you were too busy avoiding him out of embarrassment. It was easier at night, it’s always easier at night. This is what you were thinking about as you sank a little more into his embrace as Sanji’s chin leaned on your head and his fingers ran down your back. A thrill filled you and you sighed. "I really thought my mother hated me. She kept ignoring me for months until one day she chose to take her own life." You stopped waiting for his reaction, but when he didn’t say a word, you pulled your forehead away from him to lift yourself from his bed.
Enough for tonight, that’s enough. You can’t go on like this. You had started to think about it a lot in the morning, everytime you noticed the black bags under his eyes or at night when you were turning over in your bed and swearing you wouldn’t move from there. You felt the guilt weigh on your stomach, since, really, he didn’t need your pain. And yet you needed it. The urge to reach him and let you be lulled by him had become an obsession. At this point there was nowhere else you wanted to be.
Perhaps it was because of this thought that your movements blocked or the hand that in the meantime had climbed up your back grabbing your nape, two dark eyes fixed in yours. You started shivering. Suddenly you felt yourself grabbing and pushing on him, one hand on your back preventing you from lifting and the other pushing his head into the curve of his neck. Inevitably, you blush. Oh god.
"Ehm, Sanji-"
"I get it, don’t worry."
Now, you really couldn't process how much times you had spent like this, however you could see light laying on his bed. Was the night already over? The others would wake up in some minutes. It’s a shame you felt so at peace there, between Sanji's arms.
Suddenly he loosened his grip to light a cigarette and blew a cloud of smoke over you, expecting you to get away from him or even leave, but you didn’t.
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