#the ones that were inspired by my friends are on the second sheet the “whack” babies~
konveeart · 6 months
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SK8: Renga Stickersheets! I had fun making these back in April. I made them as an attempt to explore the art of making chibis • v •,,. They ended up having various styles as for a couple I picked elements from how I remember some of my friends draw theirs. I still haven't settled but this gives me all the more reasons to play around in my next attempts~
They are available in my store~ 4 more days to go!
✧Shop here.⋆。
{The shop will remain open until the 8th of November。. .⋆。⋆}
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Low Profile (reader x fred and george)
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Summary: You and your best friends find yourself entangled in a secret polyamorous love affair, right under their family’s noses.
Warnings/Notes: Cw language, kissing (but no sex of any kind), family not accepting poly/queer relationship, bruising. This is for the wonderful and talented @lunalovecroft​’s 2.7k trope-inspired writing challenge! It’s also part of my loose series of fics that take place over the summer when y/n stays at the Weasleys’ house. No twincest- v shaped poly relationship. Here’s my masterlist if you want more! Enjoy!
Ever since you and Fred hooked up the first night of the summer, you’ve been joined at the hip even more than usual, and since George is always with Fred and usually with you, he had to be told once it was clear that you and Fred were gonna be more than a one night stand. You were a bit sad, knowing that it’d probably make him feel left out, in a way. You noticed that George looked a bit miffed when the two of you told him you were dating, in the loosest sense of the word. 
“What’s the matter, you jealous Georgie?” you tease, putting your hand on his knee flamboyantly. He blushes and you and Fred exchange a look.
“Oh my god, you actually are, aren’t you?” Fred asks, half-mocking. For once, George seems to be at a loss for words. He looks quite uncertain and a bit sad. You figure that you may as well break the tension and speak honestly; it’s more important to you to be frank and maintain your friendship than anything else. You clear your throat.
“George, honestly, if you’d been there instead of Fred that night, I’d probably have hooked up with you, too. We’ll all still be friends. That’s why we’re telling you, so we’re not keeping secrets,” you say, trying to goad him into speaking. He shakes his discomfort off and begins.
“Oh, I knew this would happen! We used to just be friends before the two of you started making eyes at each other all the time. Now I’ll barely be able to talk to the two of you- my two best friends, mind you- without all this lovey dovey shit. What an absolute nightmare!”
You open your mouth to speak, but George barrels on, looking at Fred this time.
“And you, some brother you are. You know how I feel about Y/N, I thought we had an agreement to keep it platonic all around?”
“It’s not my fault they’re interested in me!”
“George, I said I would have kissed you that night too! Actually, that’s what I’ve been trying to say to both of you. I’ve got feelings for you, both of you.”
They stop bickering and turn to look at you, turning the idea over in their minds.
“What are you saying?” asks Fred, looking a bit hurt.
“I’m saying,” you take a deep breath, “that I’ve never been better friends with one of you than the other. We do everything together. I don’t want that to change. Besides, you two are identical. Did you think your birthmark was that big of a selling point, Freddie? Of course I think you’re both good-looking, look in the mirror for goodness’ sake!”
They blink at you, then turn away to confer with one another in whispers. You tap your foot impatiently, but when they turn around, they’re beaming.
“So what you’re saying is you’d be fine with us sharing you?” George asks.
“More than fine. I’d be absolutely chuffed,” you say, returning their smiles.
“It’s settled, then,” Fred says, and plants a kiss on the top of your head. You look up at George permissively, and he puts his arm around you and gives you a squeeze.
“One thing, though. Mum and Dad can’t know. Mum especially. She’s not the most open-minded when it comes to this stuff. Especially with us. At least, I doubt she is,” Fred says.
“Yeah, funnily enough it never occurred to me to ask what she’d do if my twin brother and I started a poly fling with our best friend who also lives with us and sleeps in our bedroom, but if I had to guess, I don’t think she’d approve,” George adds, smirking.
“That’s ok. We have a pretty good track record when it comes to keeping secrets,” you say, a mischievous glimmer in your eye.
That evening, you’re helping Molly fold linens when she steps away for a moment to take the kettle off. You feel four hands slip around you from behind and soon you’re pulled into a kiss, Fred on your left, kissing you hard on the neck and collarbone, and George kissing your lips, taking your bottom lip gently between his teeth. You kiss them passionately but push them away after a second, regaining your composure.
“Not here!” you hiss, grinning. They exchange a cheeky glance and kiss you on each cheek before scurrying back to their room, giggling. You shake your head and turn back to folding sheets, just as Mrs. Weasley returns.
“My, my dear, that’s quite a bruise you’ve got there, what happened?” Mrs. Weasley clucks, gesturing to your collarbone where you’re surprised to see a dark, newly formed hickey.
“Oh, pickup quidditch match. I’m not very good, I’m afraid,” you say, the rush of the small lie filling you with butterflies.
“Well now, we are wizards after all. We can’t have you running about looking as if you’ve been sleeping under the whomping willow,” she says cheerfully. She extracts her wand and uses a quick healing spell on the spot, which fades quickly. You wonder if she really doesn’t recognize the bruise as a hickey, but you shrug. The twins have certainly gotten away with worse under this roof.
That night, you and the twins are in the kitchen having a midnight snack. The rest of the house is quiet. You’re sitting on the countertop, helping yourself to a biscuit, and George is leaning on the counter beside you. You feed him a little bite and he licks the crumbs from your fingers playfully. Fred is rummaging through the fridge across the room, and George peers into the fridge nosily. Something piques his interest, and he heads over, whispering to his brother indistinctly. You catch them giggling, and can hear snatches of their conversation. They appear to be working on something as they chat eagerly.
“Take the…”
“... and the… yes! Use a…”
“... that’s just bad…”
“...dare you…”
You hear the familiar sound of compressed air decompressing, and Fred whirls around with a pie tin full of whipped cream in his hand, grinning devilishly.
“No!” you whisper-scream, nearly falling off the countertop, but you’re not fast enough. Fred flops the tin into your face with a splat, and George laughs so hard he winds up on the ground kicking. You lick the cream from your lips, hungry for revenge.
You know Fred is secretly quite vain about his hair, and you waste no time sliding off the countertop and wrapping him up in a hug from behind. He suspects your ulterior motives immediately, but it’s too late for him to escape.
“Oh darling, give me a hug my sweet,” you say, making exaggerated kissy noises while burying your pie covered face in his nice clean hair. He flails about, and you tickle his ribs defensively, causing him to buckle. You fall to the ground with him, giggling and shoving at one another. Just as George joins in, trying to drag you off of his brother, kissing you all over as he tugs on your legs, you hear a floorboard creak. 
Ginny, whose room is closest to the kitchen, stands at the foot of the stairs, gaping at you. You’re sure she saw the kissing, and, well, the whole situation does look a bit… familiar. You whack George on the head and nod in Ginny’s direction.
“Oh, hello Ginny,” Fred says, disentangling himself from his situation beneath you.
“Hello, big brother,”
“Hello, Ginny,” George says, surprise straining his voice.
“Hello, other brother,”
“Hello, Ginny,” you say uncertainly, standing up and wiping your face off with a tea towel.
“Hello, Y/N,” she says. “Some of us are trying to sleep, you know,” she says, raising an eyebrow knowingly. Everyone speaks in hushed tones once again, having remembered that it is indeed the middle of the night. She nods curtly and scampers back upstairs, smiling cheekily.
“Did she see?” George whispers.
“Oh, she saw,” you assure him.
“But she wouldn’t say anything, right?” Fred asks.
“Surely not,” his brother replies nervously. 
“But if she does…” 
“We’re toast. No way mum believes us over her.”
“You guys are being too paranoid. Ginny isn’t a snitch like Ron and Percy, she wouldn’t blab on us for a bit of… roughhousing,” you say hopefully. The twins agree, and you help each other get cleaned up, George dabbing your face clean with a wet towel, giving you gentle kisses in between. 
The rest of the week goes by uneventfully. As far as you know, Ginny doesn’t say anything about what she saw, and life in the burrow goes on as usual. In the mornings, you and Hermione read quietly in the living room over tea. She reads the paper, you look at the comics, every once in a while stopping to remark on a thought you’ve had. 
Then George wakes up. He’s quiet in the mornings, a bit slow, although not very grumpy. Then Molly gets up and usually whips up some sort of breakfast, and by the times everyone’s up you all gather round the long table and eat together. Then, if you’re lucky, you run off outside or to a neighbor's house or abscond to the attic with Fred and George, away from prying eyes and away from Molly’s commands. If you’re unlucky, Molly enlists at least one of you in some chores, usually out in the garden. 
The next time the three of you come close to getting caught, you’re doing just this- de-gnoming with Fred, George, and Ron when Ron gets a headache and goes inside, complaining that it’s far too hot. In reality, the day is rather mild, although the sun is bright enough that Fred and George both have pink sunburns radiating across the bridges of their noses. You flick Fred on his sunburnt cheek and he winces.
“Ow! What’s that for?!” he asks, nearly dropping a gnome right back into the grass. 
“I need your attention!”
“For what?”
“A kiss,” you reply devilishly. He obliges you and kisses you dramatically, dipping you low, holding you in his arms. “Like this, mi amore?” he asks in a silly accent.
“Lunchtime!” Molly calls from the doorway, causing Fred to drop you to the ground and George to leap in front of the two of you oddly, trying to obscure his mum’s line of sight. You brush yourself off and head for the house, hoping Mrs. Weasley didn’t see anything.
“Fred Weasley!” Mrs. Weasley says shrilly, and you all cringe. You hold your breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop. “Fred, did I just see you toss Y/n to the ground? That’s no way to treat a guest, especially when you’re meant to be doing housework!” You sigh deeply, relieved. “Come in, dearie, I swear, sometimes I don’t know who raised those two!” she says, putting an arm around you to guide you in the house.
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hiduprakyat · 3 years
imagine going to school to learn and all you hear during social studies is just the worst takes you've ever heard in your life
if you are unaware, here in malaysia we are having a white flag and a black flag movement. The white flag movement was started to help people in need of financial of food aid. If you need help you hang a white sheet, shirt, towel, or anything white outside your house, and people with means will come and help you. Inspired by this, a group of young people started the black flag movement. On certain days, people supporting the movement will hang something black (like the white flag movement, anything will do) outside their house, take pictures and post it on social media with hashtags #lawan (oppose) and #kerajaangagal (the government failed). This means we want three things: 1. prime minister muhyiddin yassin (or mahiadin or whatever the hell his name is) to resign; 2. parliament to reconvene; and 3. the emergency to be lifted. On the 1st of august, a rally was held
so we had a "debate" today. Less of a debate and more of a discussion, really. We were supposed to talk about whether we agreed to these movements or not. And really their hot takes are just. Can you believe these people are going to be the country's future? Some of these scorching takes include:
"I disagree with the black flag movement because the pandemic is getting worse and if we change governments now they might not be better"
sis. You remember the fact that you literally just have to choose between muhyiddin and pakatan harapan right? You remember the fact that pakatan harapan was literally the best government we've had since 1957 for the 22 months they were in power until assmin, zuraida and muhyiddin fucked everything up right? You see how everything went straight to shit right after muhyiddin took power right? You read newspapers right? seriously this might just be one of the worst takes I heard today and let me tell you I heard a lot of those
"I disagree with the black flag movement because it's going to cause another covid cluster"
just because we're in art stream and we don't have science doesn't mean it's an excuse for you to be stupid. Remember that those people are vaccinated, wearing masks, and in an open space. Remember that we are not, all 55 of us in a class are going to be squeezed into a small classroom made for 40 in a month, and we are going to have to eat in aforementioned tiny classroom. If you think it's going to cause a cluster we're never going to go back to school as long as muhyiddin continues to be prime minister.
"I disagree with the black flag movement because people are dying and these people are selfish in their demands"
this, my friends, this thee worst take of the day. Look here. I'm not even going to break this to you gently. As long as perikatan nasional aka PN aka penghianat negara (nation betrayer) is the ruling government, the number of covid cases and death toll will continue to rise. That shit doesn't take a political analyst to figure out. The black flag movement calls for all this bullshit to stop so we can concentrate on battling covid and the distribution vaccines instead of watching the backdoor government do politics with our lives and safety for the sake of power and money. They've already destroyed the economy. The longer they take to control the pandemic, the worse it's going to get. We need to get rid of muhyiddin and his ministers once and for all, put a capable cabinet up there and get this thing over with. I literally do not see how is demanding any of the three points selfish. Honestly if you think wanting what's best for our own country and its countrymen is selfish then you can jump in a hole and die for all I care. Society needs less people like you. Fuck you
This whole thing took ten minutes longer than it should have taken, BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WITH THE ABSOLUTE WORST TAKES THAT THE ABSOLUTE MOST TO SAY AND NONE OF THEM WERE VALID. I was the second to last to speak and honestly now I understand why parliament is always so goddamn noisy. I had my cursor on the unmute button for the better part of the half hour and I was so tempted to just press on it and start yelling. But that wasn't going to help with my attitude scores so I just sat there and yelled at my bookcase until it was my turn. And then when it was finally my turn I was so mad I was shaking and probably smoking from the ears. I had SO MUCH to say and there was no way I could express it the way I wanted to in mandarin and my entire thought process was in english. So I just told them off about the clusters through gritted teeth and slammed that mute button after I was done.
I swear to god I'm so mad right now. It happened like fifteen hours ago and I'm still so fucking angry you have no idea. The next time I see these classmates in person I probably need to bring a stick and whack each and every last one of them on the head. That said, 🏴🏴🏴 fuck y'all. This is now a political blog
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iridescentwinters · 5 years
counting stars
– summary: liv was so curious as to why noah spent almost half his time in school making paper stars. and one day, curiosity got the best of her, and she followed him after school to see what was really going on with him.
AHHH CAN’T FIND THE POST THAT SUGGESTED THIS PROMPT but inspired by that particular prompt!!! tiny warning, lots of walking omfg lmaooo
↳ also available on ao3
liv’s gaze was focused on the person sitting at the desk next to hers. her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, while noah’s were creased in concentration, as he folded the small cutted-out pink origami sheet into a tiny star.
it was like noah’s thing, being creative every second of the day. every time liv looked at him in class or even in lunch on the days the girls decide to go to the café, he was either fiddling around with his colourful origami sheets or was writing in his leather journal. but her question remained the same every time she looked at him. why the hell was he always making tiny little stars and placing them into a jar?
out of her burning curiosity, she asked kes if he knew, considering he was friends with micah, but even he shrugged his shoulders and admitted he had no clue too. micah wouldn’t answer the question. liv always tapped her fingernails against any surface, which was a tick she had every time she was restless. why the hell was noah so secretive? despite having the cliché ‘bad boy’ reputation, there wasn’t really anything bad boy-ish about him. he was quiet; reserved, and only talked when necessary. anyone who knew liv, knew that once she was curious about something, she wouldn’t stop till she found an answer.
which was why she followed him one afternoon, after school.
okay, okay, she knew that it was classified as stalking and an invasion of privacy, but she couldn’t help it! as far as she knew, noah was never at the skate park with his friends. he was always in a hurry to catch the bus which came 10 mins after dismissal. liv wanted to know why.
being sneaky wasn’t her forté, but noah always seemed to have his head in the clouds, so she easily took the same bus and walked a good distance behind him. it was a good 15 minute walk. oh come on, liv grumbled in her mind, trying to not get tired. i didn’t sign up for a fucking marathon.
liv found herself standing in front of the hospital. she blinked several times. she followed noah, only to end up with more questions. why was he coming to a hospital? is he sick? does he need meds? does he take meds in a druggie sense? realising that noah entered the building on the right already, she scurried over so that she wouldn’t lose sight of him.
lifting her head up, she found the boy heading into one of the wards. as she approached it, she read the sign on the wall. A1-10,  Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
liv’s heart pounded. she was considering to just march up to wherever noah was in that ward and demand for an explanation.
all of that serious anger faded, once she peeked in and caught sight of noah. he was sitting on the edge of the third bed on the left, chatting gleefully with the young girl, who was the patient. she had a pink beanie on but was dressed in the usual white-and-blue hospital pajamas. she had a smile brighter than any street lamp in all of the Netherlands.
liv’s heart pounded against her chest. just by taking one look at the girl’s facial features, she immediately identified her as noah’s sister. it all suddenly made sense, how in that one lunch period before christmas break, noah looked uncomfortable while their friends talked about how they were spending their christmas with their loved ones at extravagant places. noah probably spent it with his sister, in this place.
liv felt sick to the bones. she knew she intruded big-time. and she was about to leave, until she turned around too quick and bumped into a nurse. “hello dear, are you looking for someone?” the nurse asked kindly.
and a little too loudly.
noah looked up, and caught sight of liv, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. his eyes narrowed.
shit… liv knew she was now fucked big time. “err…” she started, trying to find an explanation, “i was just...erm–”
“she’s with me.” noah swooped in, saving her from further embarrassment. he set the rounded jar on the small desk next to his sister’s bed, whispered something to her, before getting up and joining the women.
the nurse’s smile brightened. “oh! i see.” she said. she looked like she was going to say something else, but one of the patients started calling for her, so she settled with a pat on noah’s shoulder, before leaving them standing there.
liv awkwardly shifted her bag strap on her shoulder, not really knowing what she should say. noah took one good look at her, before walking forward. liv followed suit. once they were outside, noah looked back at liv. after an incredibly awkward pause, he broke the silence with a question. “happy now?” he asked finally. liv cleared her throat. “w-what?”
noah gave her an ‘are-you-serious’ look. “you really think i wouldn’t clock you? kes and i are barely friends, he wouldn’t just randomly ask about me. neither does he continuously press on one matter.”
liv’s shoulders sagged. “i-i didn’t mean to overstep.” she muttered, her cheeks turning crimson red out of embarrassment. when noah didn’t respond, she took a step closer to him, and placed her hand gently on his arm. “i’m sorry, noah.” she was apologising for more things than one. and she genuinely meant it.
noah sighed. “you could’ve just asked me.” he said. “i would’ve told you. you know i would’ve.”
liv had no response for that. noah heaved out another sigh, before talking again. “i make those stars for eline. she holds one, then makes a wish before putting it in the jar.” he cleared his throat, trying to keep his emotions in check. “i want her to have as many wishes as she can get. it’s the least i can do for her.”
liv’s lower lip quivered. “how old is she?”
“she turned 14 on christmas eve.”
her heart literally dropped out of her chest. the two stayed quiet again for a while, just processing their own thoughts.
noah’s gaze was fixed on liv. he couldn’t help but break out into a small smile. “you know, you’re not very good at sneaking around, right?” he asked, making liv’s head snap up in shock. “what?”
he snorted. “you think i wouldn’t notice you get on a bus you’ve never taken before? or how you were the only person walking in the same direction as me?”
liv smirked a little. “oh, so you have my after-school route memorised, stalker?” she teased, making noah roll his eyes. he bumped shoulders with her. “we both know who’s the real stalker here.”
liv sighed in defeat. she couldn’t get out of that one. she then looked at the time on her watch. “i should probably get going…” she trailed off. noah didn’t respond immediately. he looked back at the hospital building, before returning his gaze on her. “or you could stay and meet eline. we were planning on ordering food. hospital food tastes like shit.”
liv’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “she’d be okay with that?” she asked. noah slipped his hands into his pockets. “she wants to meet you. you’ve kind of got her curious.”
liv smiled. “i’d like that.” she admitted. the boy hid a huge smile, and gestured towards the building with his head. liv was definitely nervous. what if she doesn’t like me? i mean, i literally barged into her life through stalking her brother!
but all of those worried thoughts disappeared right after noah introduced her to eline. the younger girl beamed at her, and immediately dived into a conversation with her. “you’re so pretty!” she gushed. she beckoned liv to sit on the chair next to her bed, and once the older girl did so, her fingers immediately raked through her curly hair. “i looove your hair.”
liv chuckled. “thank you.” she said. eline pouted. “i wish my hair looked like that before everything fell out.” she said, patting her beanie. liv sadly smiled, gently flicking at the girl’s cheek. “that really doesn’t matter. you’re beautiful either way. noah must have a hard time fighting all those boys that want to court you.” she joked, making eline squeal lightly. noah let a huge smile take over his facial features, as he watched the two girls interact. half an hour later, the trio then had dinner, and they were laughing and joking together as if they’d known each other forever.
eline yawned a few minutes after they were done with dinner, and noah knew it was time for her to go to sleep, and liv sensed it as well. she patted her hands against her sides. “well, it’s pretty late and i should probably get going.” she said. eline pouted. “noo…” she whined, before breaking into another yawn. “don’t go…”
liv squeezed her wrist gently. “i’ll be back.” she promised. that made eline smile. her eyes fluttered shut. “you were right noah.” she mumbled, sleep heaving in, “she’s pretty and amazing.” she chuckled, as if she made a joke. “pretty amazing. ha! i’m so funny…”
noah couldn’t tell who was more embarrassed; him or liv, who was blushing hard. “good night, kid. i’ll be back tomorrow. and you know what to do if you need anyth–”
eline let out a snore, making liv let out a snort and him roll his eyes. he looked at her. “ready?” she nodded, and the two of them quietly headed out of the hospital.
the sky was dark out, and liv looked at the time on her watch. 8:30PM. she hadn’t realised time went by that fast. when she snapped out of her train of thought, she realised that noah was leading her in a different direction from the bus stop. confused, she looked at him. “isn’t the bus stop the other way?”
noah smirked. “there’s a stop right in front of the main building.” he pointed at the stop which was just a few metres away from them. “i usually get off there. i just wanted to see whether you were really following me or not by getting off at the other one.”
liv scoffed, before whacking him on the shoulder. “you-jerk!” she huffed, but she was unable to stop a smile grow on her face. “that walk was so long!”
it was noah’s turn to scoff. “it was just 5 minutes.” he deadpanned. liv pouted. “it felt like 20 max…”
“lazy.” he teased, ‘boop’ing her nose. they then drifted into comfortable silence, while waiting for the bus. on the ride home, liv looked back at noah. she nudged him, stirring him awake. “hey.” she greeted. noah sat back up straight, brushing his arm against her. “hey yourself.”
“i just.. wanted to apologise again.” she fiddled with her fingers. “what i did was uncool and–”
“liv.” noah said softly. “it’s fine.” he placed his hand over her smaller one. “stop apologising, okay?” liv slowly nodded. “thank you, though.” he then said, making her furrow her eyebrows together. “for what?”
“for spending time with eline. it’s usually just me and her.” he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “she wanted to meet you for some time, after i… mentioned you to her.” he did more than mention, but she didn’t need to know that.
liv’s heart did funny things after hearing that. “i-of course.” she quickly said, avoiding what he added on afterwards. “and i meant what i said back there. i’ll come back.”
noah smiled. “she’d like that.”
the bus came to liv’s stop a little later, and surprisingly, noah got off with her. liv looked at him, surprised. he rolled his eyes. “i’m not gonna just let you walk by yourself this late at night.”
liv was too tired to argue, so she just started walking forward. thank god she didn’t live that far away from the bus stop.
approaching her building, she turned to face noah. she yawned softly. “good night, noah.”
noah stepped closer to her, and enveloped her in a hug. her heart stopped beating for a split second, before wrapping her arms around him. he then kissed the top of her head. “good night, liv.” letting her go, he took a step back. “see you soon.” he said, before walking away from her.
the both of them plopped on their beds, with huge smiles smitten on their faces.
no one asked for this lmfaooo had the idea to write this for too long
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erule · 7 years
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In the oblivion
 Title: In the oblivion  
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k+    
Warnings: angst, fluff, romantic, married!life, husband!Dean, daddy!Dean, memory lost        
Summary: A witch took away the reader’s memory. Will Dean make her remember that she’s his wife or not?  
Notes: This is the story I wrote for the Fandom Writing Challenge, my prompt was glow. This contest is such a great idea! Hope you like it, feedback is always appreciated :) Shoutout to crossieaus on IG, whose picture inspired me, thank you. P.s.: there’s a link for a song, I suggest you to listen to it, while reading the passage.
Dean woke up with a bad headache. He wasn’t even able to recognise his own room. There were pink sheets on the bed, a pair of shoes with high heels behind the door, some photographs on the table with a computer and a woman’s bag. Well, definitely it wasn’t his room. He also noticed that he was almost naked, except for the pair of boxers he was wearing. Damn, he got probably laid with a girl and now he was in her house. It wouldn’t have been the worst thing ever some years ago, but now it was.
So, he got dressed and then he went downstairs. There were plastic plates and glasses everywhere. He understood immediately that there was a party there, last night.
<< Where the hell am I? >> he asked himself, with hoarse voice.
<< Hey, stranger. >> a girl answered, appearing from the kitchen with a broom in her hands. Dean’s heart stopped, when he recognised her and a sense of loss hit him in his chest. << You’re in my house and we kind of have a moment, last night. If you know what I mean. >> she said, blinking.
Dean raised an eyebrow.
<< Since when you’re so coquettish? >>
<< Excuse me? >> she asked, a bit angry.
<< Nevermind. Where’s my brother? Did you see him? He’s very tall, good-looking, long hair… >>
<< I don’t know, there were a lot of people here yesterday night. >> she said. Then, she stopped to stare at him. There was something in the way he was clutching his jaw or in the faded spark in his green eyes, that reminded her of something. << I’m sorry, do we know each other? >>
Dean took a deep breath, before he could talk. Cas had warned him: he had to be very careful and very polite, if he wanted to tell her the truth. He only had one shot. He managed to control his voice, or it would have cracked down.
<< Yeah, Y/N, we do. >> he replied. She locked her eyes into his ones, so glossy, tired and a bit circled in red. Dean gulped, concerned. There was something about him that was slipping away from the tip of her tongue, like a memory that didn’t want to come up in her mind and it literally gave her the urge to scream. She had met him somewhere. << A witch took away your memories from you a couple of months ago, when we were on a hunt. I’ve been searching for you since then, because that dumb witch sent you away from me. >> he explained. He took a step forward, his hands were trembling. << I’m your husband. We even have a kid together, Bobby. He’s two years old and he’s with Jody, our friend, now. She’s taking care of him, don’t worry. >> he said. She seemed shocked, scared and astonished. He thought she could faint right now. << Look, I know that this is hard to believe, but it’s the truth. >> he continued. Her gaze was lost beyond the wall behind Dean. She didn’t move a muscle. It was like she felt paralyzed. Dean understood her, he really knew how hard was managing to take all the pieces together, but he had to bring her home, so she had to believe him. << Please, say something. >>      
She took a deep breath, feeling like her heart could break all at once and there was nothing she could do to help herself. That was not possible. That’s what her mind was shouting, inside. The walls she had in her head were about to fall, but she couldn’t allow it. So, she bit her bottom lip, looking at him. She wanted to go away, to run from him, but there was this melancholy in his irises, that kept her standing still.
<< I think you’ve made a mistake. >> she whispered. She knew that it was stupid to say, because how could he be wrong about his wife? Anyway, she had said it and she had to follow it. She had to do what was the best for herself.
He shrugged his shoulders, sensing this huge burden on his chest, this feeling of losing. The only feeling you can taste in your mouth, beside the blood, when you’re about to die. Not for real, no. But he hoped, for a second, that the ground could swallow him alive.
<< No, listen… >>
<< Please, get out. >> she said, holding the broom tight, like it could take her on her feet. Dean remembered how she used to cling to him in the same way. It hurt somewhere between his stomach and his throat. << Please. >>
<< You’re gonna remember. >> he said, in a low and controlled voice. << You’re gonna remember me. I will remind you. I’m not giving up on you, ever. >> he promised, pointing a finger at her.
Then, he did what she told him and went out from the house. She looked at him walking, outside the window, before that she slipped against the wall, touched the floor and began to cry.
 << Are you sure that she lives here, now? >> Sam asked, closing the car’s door.
<< Hey, treat her well! >> Dean replied, after the car made a high sound. Sam rolled his eyes. << Anyway, yeah, I do. >>
The neighborhood seemed so quiet, except for the rumors that came from the house she was supposed to live. Dean opened the door and the loud music hit them in their bones. There was a party, that night. The rooms were full of people, talking, drinking, joking, kissing, girls walking in a bikini (turned out that Y/N had a swimming pool).
They decided to split up, in order to find her quickly. Dean went to the living room, where some guys were probably stoned, a couple was kissing and one was smoking. He raised an eyebrow. It was like the Y/N he knew was gone and been replaced by someone who liked parties and drinks, but she was the opposite, in reality. She was the kind of girl who liked to stay home with him cuddling on the couch, she barely drank a glass of wine at dinner. It seemed like the spell made her party animal’s behaviour to get out. Had she got it, in the first place? Dean was confused. And there, she was. Y/N was dancing, bare feet, on the table in front of the couch, a very short dress and without her usual glasses. She looked so beautiful and so free. He smiled, bitterly. That’s when he realized: she didn’t have that life, because she couldn’t. She always had to look after him or Sam or Bobby. She had responsabilities she couldn’t run from. She was doing it now. She was running away from them and from him.
He decided that it was enough, when a guy helped her to go down. He was looking at her like she was a piece of meat, but hell, she was still his wife, after all.
<< Hey, excuse me, excuse me, but I think that it is my turn. >> he said, moving in front of her.
She noticed his firm chest, his shoulders and his collarbones as first things that made her weak in the knees. Probably it was the fault of the four (or five?) beers she had drunk. Well, whatever, that guy was smokin’ hot.
<< Hey, handsome. Did we meet somewhere? >>
<< That’s a very lame pick up line, sweetheart. >> he replied, with an ambiguous smile.
She bit her bottom lip. That man was a challenge she was ready to accept.
<< Where have you been all my life, stranger? >>
He gulped, looking strangely hurt, but then he caressed her cheek and her heart skipped a beat.
<< Looking for you. >>    
 He went back to the bunker. He had to find something, anything, that could help her to remember. He called Sam, while he went to their bedroom to search for some stuff he could bring to her.
<< Dean, hey. >> Sam said, appearing behind him.
<< Sammy. Where were you? >> Dean asked, chechink the room out.
<< I got back here yesterday night. I thought you had everything under control. >> he coughed, blushing a little. Dean smirked.
<< Well, it was. This morning she basically kicked me out from the house. She doesn’t even recall that she had a family. >>
Sam put a hand on Dean’s shoulder.
<< I’m sorry, brother. >>
He sighed, feeling so beaten even into his bones. He just hoped that she could hold the pieces together for a little longer.
<< You know that I hate chick - flick moments, right? Let’s get to work. We have to find something useful. >>
Sam tried to think, but it was difficult: they could have called Rowena, but he had read that forcing a person to remember their whole life all at once was dangerous. Dean’s plan was better. Still, what was enough powerful to bring back all of her memories?
<< Pictures. >>
<< What? >> Dean asked, searching in the drawers. << Could this be okay? >> he replied, showing Sam Y/N’s red underwear. Sam raised an eyebrow. << She wore it the night Bobby was… Nevermind. >>
Sam shaked his head.
<< Photographs, Dean. They could give her an input. >> << Yeah, good idea, Sammy. I’m gonna take a couple of them. >> Dean stated.
Dean moved to the desk in his old room and took a pair of framed photos: one of them at their first anniversary of marriage, in which they had a glass of Champagne in their hands, on the Miami beach; in the other one, he was holding Bobby for the first time ever, outside the hospital (she took the picture). But his gaze was caught by a piece of a thing that was getting out from the closet. He took it too, then he drove his car to her house again.
She blinked, taking his hand to bring him outside. Sam was nearby and he noticed them. She took off her dress and smiled at him, while the other guys were already in the pool.
<< Come on, mystery guy. Come and get me. >> she said, then she dived in the cold water. << Come on! >>
Dean smiled at Sam, then he undressed and dived in underwear like her. The water was really cold, he was scared to have a heart attack in the middle of the mission. But the temperature got hot instantly, when she approached him and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek. He closed his eyes. Hell, he had missed her so much, it felt unreal.
<< I don’t remember your name, mystery guy. >> she said. He quickly opened his eyes.
<< Dean. My name’s Dean. >> She whacked her forehead for a second, but just for one.
<< I’m Y/N. We’re gonna have a lot of fun, tonight. >>
Dean made a thumb slip on her collarbone, looking at her lips.
<< I hope so. >> he said. Then he crushed his lips into hers and felt lost in the moment.
 She felt every inch of her body burning up, when she heard a car stopping by. Her skin recognized him, even if he was still outside. She put her head between her hands, closing her eyes: it was like someone was playing with her mind. It was not funny at all. Here eyes were so tired of crying. She was tired of laying on the floor, waiting for a sign. A sign that could show her that maybe it was a damn dream and she was about to wake up.
<< Y/N! >> he called. What was his name? Dean. A little voice in her head echoed within the walls. That was his name. Sweet and familiar for some reason. << Please, babe, open up. >>
She hardly got up from the floor to open the door. He tried to talk, but her eyes were so red and so swollen, that he had to stop.
<< Y/N, you cried. Go wash your eyes with some water, we’re gonna wait for you here. >> Sam said, gently.
<< I’m sorry. >> she said, biting her bottom lip.
Dean’s heart contracted. He thought that it could be a stroke. Damn, looking at her like that because of a dumb witch, made him want to punch someone straight in the face. He had lost two months of his life without her, two months that could never come back and now, he also had to see her suffering. It was unfair. She hadn’t to pay so much.
<< For what? >> Sam demanded.
<< For not remembering. I can’t feel anything, when I look at you. >> she answered, referring to Dean. He clutched his jaw. << I don’t even remember giving birth to my own child! I don’t know who you are! And perhaps, you’re just messing with me! >> she shouted, frustrated.
Dean left all the stuff he had in a bag on the mat, then he took her hands into his ones and locked his eyes with hers.
<< Hey, look at me. Look at me. >> he said, softly. She barely could focus on him, but she did. << We’re not telling you lies. You are Y/N, you are a Winchester and you are my wife. This is Sam, my brother and your best friend. You used to talk about books and to joke on me, because I’m scared of flying. We also have an angel as friend, Castiel. He’s always so caring with you, because once you slapped him right in the face after he gave himself up to Lucifer and he learned not to make you angry. But this is another story. >> he explained, while her eyes were growing wide. << Listen, you’ll try to remember what it feels like to be you. You’ll try and if it fails… >> he was saying, but he had to stop for a second. He gulped. Saying that words, costed him a lot. << If it fails, you’ll never see us again. >>
Sam opened his mouth to object, but Dean shaked his head. That was the deal. He had decided.
She nodded.
<< Okay. >>
So, she accorded their visiting. She went to wash her face in the bathroom, then she went back to the living room and listened to Dean. He was nervous, she could tell. Somehow, he was like an open book to her. Maybe there was something in the past between them, for real and that’s why she felt so attracted to him the other night.
<< Well, let’s begin with something simple, alright? This is a picture of us during our first anniversary. >> he told, showing her the picture.
She stared at it. It was authentic, not photoshopped, because it was made in a very good way. She touched it, making her fingers slip on thei silhouettes. They seemed so… happy. It was hard to believe that they were hunters, that they fought everyday for our lives. That was what Dean told her, anyway.
<< Does it remind you of something, Y/N? >> Sam asked.
She shaked her head.
<< I’m sorry. >>
Dean gulped, looking anywhere but her.
<< It’s okay. It’s not easy. >> Sam replied, then he gave her the other photo to her. << Try with this. >>
She looked at it. The little boy was supposed to be his son, probably. Her fingertips caressed his cheek and for a moment, it felt like she was sensing his skin, soft and warm. He smelled like babies, a weird smell, but that she would have recognized everywhere, because he was her son. They were connected and they would have been linked for a lifetime.
Like Dean and herself.
Then why she couldn’t remember?
<< Do you feel anything? >> Sam’s voice reached her, but she was lost in her thoughts.
Yeah, she felt something.
She felt like she was separated from her own skin, divided by a dam from the past Y/N and the present Y/N.
She felt like she should remember her little boy, the day he was born at least, because he was her own blood, her own love.
She felt like Dean meant the world to her, once. He was her support, her partner, in crimes and in hunts, her best friend for life.
She felt a hole in her heart. That’s what she felt. A big, bad hole that threatened to swallow her alive, if only she could let it. But she couldn’t and she couldn’t tell them either.
So, she lied.
<< I feel nothing. >> she said and a tear went down on her left cheek.
Dean closed his eyes, blocking a sob that wanted to go up in his throat.
<< Y/N… >>
<< I respected my pact of the deal, Sam. Now, you’re gonna respect yours. >> she replied, getting up from the couch, determined.
<< We’re not giving up on you. >> Dean replied, fiercely.
<< You promised. >>
<< I promised to bring you back home! >> he shouted.
<< Get out! >> she exclaimed. << Get the hell out from my house or I swear, I’m gonna kick your ass out myself. >>
He stepped closer to her.
<< Try it. >>
Sam intruded in the discussion, before they could do anything. He took Dean for a shoulder and brought him outside. He was screaming that he couldn’t abandon her, floundering, but Sam didn’t let him go. She went behind the window to look at them.
<< You can’t tell me you don’t remember! >> he yelled, slamming the pictures on the glass. She held back the tears in her throat, without saying a word. << Who’s lying now Y/N, uh? >> he asked, with a pair of shadows unders his eyes. He almost scared her. << Who’s lying? >>
<< I’m sorry! >> she speaked.
Sam tried to take Dean, but he kept floundering.
<< Look at this. Look at his and tell me you know what this is. >> he said, taking a little thing from his pocket. She stared at it and something in her mind clicked. << Look more closely, Y/N. Look. >>
 It was the 4th of July.
It happened to be Dean and Sam’s best memory of them together, but it also was the day Dean proposed to her, some years ago. He had bought some fireworks for the occasion and now she was looking at their glow. They were really beautiful and sparkling, that night, on the hill behind the bunker.
<< They’re glowing. >>
<< Nah, you are. >> he replied.
<< Oh, shush. >> she said, lying her head on his shoulder. << You do. You glow in the dark, babe. You’re the only light I can see at the end of the tunnel. >> Dean said. Then he kissed her palm. The sweetness in his eyes was the only relevant thing she could focus on, in that moment. << That’s why I would never forget about you. Even if we have our problems sometimes, I have always loved you. I really did. I still do. I forever will. >>
She smiled, biting her bottom lip.
<< I hope so, because you’re gonna be tied up to me forever. >>
<< We’re already married, babe. >> he replied.
<< But we’re gonna be parents, too. >> she said. Dean’s eyes grew wide and his smile with them. She laughed. << Looks like you’re gonna love someone more than me. >>
He caressed her cheek with a thumb, a spark in his eyes. They were literally glowing.
<< I’m gonna love both of you equally. Dean Winchester has a big heart. >>
<< Oh, I know. >> she replied, putting her arms around his neck to kiss him. << He seems to be a good guy. >>
 She went out from the house immediately. Dean stood in the middle of the road, looking at her with his beautiful green eyes circled in red. All the memories, pieces and pieces, were coming back to her.
The first time she held Bobby into her arms.
The night Dean confessed his love to her.
The day that witch took away her memory.
<< I know what it is. >>
Finally, she felt it too.
<< Babe… >>
<< I love you, Dean. >> she said, before she could burst into tears.
He ran to hug her, to hold her tight and never let her go again. They fell with their knees on the street.
<< You came back to me. >>
She let her head to rest on his chest, trying to mantain her breath normal.
<< I did. >> she whispered. << I did. >>
Tags (it would be awesome if you’d read it):
@devilfaraackles​ @deanreaderreblog​ @supernatural-jackles​ @bringmesomepie56​ 
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NEW RELEASE! - Eye Contact
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Eye Contact
By Stacey Grice
Publication Date: June 21, 2018 Genre: Contemporary Romance
Dr. Andie Fine lives, eats, and breathes her job as a trauma surgeon. Another day, another surgery, another life saved. That is, until the night a certain car accident victim lands on her operating room table. The strange connection she feels with this particular patient impacts her in every way.
Vaughn Bennett is a brilliant artist whose life has been defined by a specific pair of eyes for over twenty-years. The only piece of a girl he could remember from an experience he could never forget. Countless sketches and thousands of hours trying to capture her likeness have haunted him. Waking up from a coma in a hospital room is not how he thought he’d finally find her. With one look, he knew.
Andie is a career-focused, medical professional.  Falling for a patient is out of the question, but Vaughn is determined to win her over. He elicits something in her that she’s never realized she was missing. No matter how hard she tries to fight it, he won’t stop until she’s his.
Until fate has a way of complicating things.
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Prologue Vaughn 1995
It’s got to be at least ninety five degrees out here, I thought as the beads of sweat across my forehead started to become full enough to drip down my face. My mind raced as I walked home from school. Two miles or so in the hottest time of day was a small price to pay.
Ms. Hattie’s not going to be happy when Mr. Leake calls to tell her I was missing from his fifth period class. Screw him. He can call her if he wants. Whatever punishment she’ll dole out can’t possibly be as bad as dealing with Stephan and his punk friends.
They had been itching to pound my face in for days.
How was I supposed to know that bench in the courtyard was off limits?
When I was pushed in the hallway earlier, knocking my books out of my hands and scattering my folders and papers all over the halls for everyone to step on, I knew who had done it before even looking up. When the reflection of light gleaming off of the pocket knife peeking out caught my eye, I knew I was done for.
Of course they’d pick on me. I was the new kid and only in sixth grade. I hadn’t even been there for three weeks yet and already I’d found trouble.
I swear, I just can’t win. 
I thought I’d finally gotten out of hell. I had known my previous foster parents were creepy. They never did anything but smack me, curse, yell, occasionally spit at me—the usual bullshit—but when I was taken away a few weeks ago and placed in Ms. Hattie’s care, I didn’t argue. I ended up overhearing that the husband had been caught “inappropriately touching” one of the girls or some such crap. What a slime ball. She was only like six years old.
Ms. Hattie seemed kind, and my new foster brother, though a little older than me, had been pretty cool so far. I should’ve told him about Stephan, but I didn’t want him to think I was a wuss. I should’ve just let the idiot cheat off my paper.
In woodshop the previous week, I’d noticed him trying to look over at my quiz paper for answers and quickly covered my sheet, shielding it from his view. After later learning that it was his second year in eighth grade after not passing the year before, I regretted trying him like that. He was bigger than me with a nasty face that always looked like he was gritting his teeth. Now he’d found a new weakling to pick on. A few days later, I got pushed and cussed at for talking to a cute cheerleader named Molly in my gym class. I learned I wasn’t allowed to talk to her when all three of them cornered me in the boy’s bathroom and threw my backpack into the urinal after one of them pissed in it.
Maybe I need to show him I’m not a pushover. Maybe I need to knock his ass out and prove I’m not one to get messed with, prove I can hold my own.
No. I need to just bide my time. Stay safe and don’t rock the boat. I have a lot to figure out in this new school and this new house before making waves.
This is definitely a nicer neighborhood than my last one, I thought as I looked around, admiring the Leave-It-To-Beaver style, a stark contrast with just the month before when I had to walk home from the bus stop in the ghetto while making sure I didn’t give the wrong look to the dealers on the corner as I passed them. In Ms. Hattie’s neighborhood, everyone had a nice yard and a garage for two cars.
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I never even saw them, never heard a thing. One second I was looking forward and thanking my lucky stars for the pretty neighborhood then WHACK. It felt like a two-by-four had just been swung across my back. I fell to the ground, squirming and gasping to try to catch my breath, and a shadowed figure came into my vision, the glare from the sun up above making it impossible to see who it was. Then he spoke.
“I don’t know who you think you are, maggot, but you messed with the wrong guy.”
Stephan pulled me up off the ground by my shirt and spit in my face before the first punch struck my jaw. Almost immediately, I couldn’t see anything. Fists rained down onto my face, jaw, and nose, plowing into my stomach until I couldn’t stand up anymore. Then the kicks came, the voices of the two friends who followed him around like puppies taunting and egging him on in the background. I faintly heard laughing, felt more spit hit my cheek, and thought it was over, but then he topped it off with more pain by reaching down to grab my head with both of his hands and slamming it back down into the concrete.
Everything went black for a moment—I really didn’t know how long—and then I heard her. A girl was talking to me with a calm singsong voice, muddled and far away, but I could feel her touch like she was right there next to me.
“Don’t move anything. I saw them hitting you and they slammed your head down pretty hard,” she said with a breathy voice. I tried to get control of my breathing but couldn’t inhale without coughing, which made my head feel like it was going to explode.
“I called 911. They’re coming to help you. Do you live here? Close to here? What’s your name?” I could barely keep my eyes open anymore. Everything was fading in and out and the room was swirling, but I wasn’t in a room­—I was outside. I couldn’t focus on anything.
“Look at me. Please try to open your eyes,” she pleaded.
I looked up and saw the prettiest girl I had ever seen hunched over me. Her wispy blonde hair was blowing around her face and her eyes were light…maybe some shade of blue, bluish with little specs of… I closed my eyes just for a second; the light was too bright.
“No, please keep your eyes open. You can’t pass out.”
I tried my hardest to keep them open, not wanting to disappoint her. She looked like a kid, maybe even younger than me. The harder I tried, the heavier my lids got, and things were fading to black again.
“Keep eye contact with me. Just keep looking right here,” she urged, bringing her face closer to mine. The sun was completely behind her head and I could see her better. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. “Keep eye contact.” She lightly touched the side of my head, her fingers slightly in my hair to keep me still. “Keep looking. Keep eye contact. They’re almost here. I can hear the sirens.”
Her breath smelled like chocolate chip cookies and her skin was like a porcelain doll. She had to be an angel, which meant I was dying. Those jerks had beaten me to death—actual death. I’m going to be in so much trouble.
“Keep eye contact. That’s good. Just keep looking right at me.” Ms. Hattie was going to kill me if they hadn’t already. The sirens were loud and growing louder the closer they got. I tried to focus on her face. I watched her lips moving. “Keep eye contact. Keep eye contact.” She kept saying it over and over, almost like she was trying to remind herself as much as me. Her eyes were mesmerizing, even with as much pain as I was in. I was staring up at her, maintaining eye contact just as she instructed, then suddenly she was gone. Where did she go? 
I felt hands on me and heard male voices, grown-up voices, and then I heard her again. I couldn’t see her anymore but I could hear her.
“Three boys…hit him with a baseball bat…punched his face…kicked him over and over…ran away…bleeding…passed out…tried to keep him awake…I don’t know his name…”
It’s Vaughn. 
My name is Vaughn. 
I wanted to tell her. I wanted to know her name too, but the words wouldn’t come out. The men put a mask on my face, covering my mouth and nose, and rolled my body onto my right side, the sharp pain in my ribs igniting a fire in my chest. They rolled me back over onto some sort of board, and then they lifted me up and carried me away…away from her, away from my angel.
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Author Bio:
tacey Grice writes contemporary romance novels that will surely take you on an emotional roller coaster. Known for her dynamic characters, you’ll get a tale that’s raw and unapologetic. There will most always be angst mixed with sweet, humor balanced with grit, and a whole lot of REAL. She likes to take each reader on a journey of courtship with challenges, triumph, inspiration, and a few laughs as well.
She lives in Northeast Florida her husband and daughter and works full time as a Labor and Delivery nurse. When she’s not nursing and/or crafting stories, she can be found spending time with friends and family, people watching, enjoying great food, and reading or relaxing at her happy place—the beach.
Stacey absolutely LOVES to hear from her readers so be sure to follow her on social media and join her Facebook fan/readers’ group.
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