#the idea of having to -- as it were -- sit down with duolingo and start to learn again in this state fills me with despair!
vaguely-concerned · 4 months
the thing about growing up undiagnosed high-masking autistic is that it feels a lot like being expected to spontaneously develop, nay, somehow autogenically manifest from somewhere deep in your soul, a perfect understanding of ancient greek. and you scrape by for a long while on route memorization of established texts and sneaking looks in dictionaries while people glance away and frantic spiritual google translating and you form a tattered highly specialized vocabulary and some exceedingly hazy theories of grammar. but then one day the world will be like 'wonderful, you've really got this down huh! now it's time to go out there in the world and compose your own poetry! have fun!' and then you sit there like ':) oh no!' and in your cobbled-together desperate lingo it's very hard to find a way to tell people 'my nervous system has been burning for so long that there's only electrified ash left in here to carry the signal and all that greek ate every other language I may have known at the beginning so now I don't understand anything at all anymore I don't know how to truly speak and I don't know how to truly listen it's all greek to me' without them going 'but don't be silly you're so eloquent!' and/or 'well have you tried to spontaneously be a fluent latin speaker instead that worked great for me!' and then I want to go lie down at the bottom of the deepest ocean forever and never get up
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hobiebrownbrowser · 1 year
Constant Arguments pt.2 <Back massages>
Summary: After the argument things got better. Until he started to disappear like always.
Contents: Kissing, cuddling, etc
Bad Spanish= blame Duolingo and the internet lol
"¿Por qué estás levantada princesa?" = "Why are you up princess?"
"que voy a hacer contigo.." = "What am I going to do with you.."
"dulces sueños mi amor." = "Sweet dreams my love."
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It was happening the way you thought it would. Still waking up on a cold mattress alone at night. You wanted to call him. Knowing damn well he wouldn't pick up anyway. You were more worried than angry, having to worry about his safety more than anything else.
It sent chills up your spine just thinking about Miles not coming back. You pushed the thought aside. Looking at the alarm clock too see it was 3AM. It was still considered night. The sun was hiding from the moon. I don't know why but it always felt that way. Just how Miles emotion's were hidden from you. Locked away in his heart where you couldn't reach.
You sighed, Looking at the slightly opened window. The air making the room colder than usual. You got up to close it. Stumbling in the dark until you reached the clear glass. The night was beautiful. The sky being filled with stars you've always wanted to touch.
The sight was memorizing. Wondering if Miles saw the same thing you did when he left every night. No matter how many times you told yourself you were fine with it, deep down his absence hurt. It felt life a knife was forced into your back. Missing his small touches more than anything.
You tightly shut your eyes. Eventually closing the window. You decided to stay up a little longer, Taking out your notebooks to study for a test you had tomorrow. Slowly easing the pain that reminded you of Miles. At least it was a distraction from something else. 'Someone' else.
How long has it been? 2 hours? 3? It was hopeless waiting for him to come back. The notes on every page memorized in the back of your mind on repeat. You looked outside one last time before getting up, Your stomach growling as you exit the room and towards the kitchen.
"¿Por qué estás levantada princesa?" You were startled by the sudden voice. Almost dropping the food in our hands. You looked back too see Miles sitting on the couch. Neon lights catching your eyes as he stands up.
You'd be lying if you said his mask wasn't imitating, His body turning until he was directly facing you.
"I was hungry.." was all you could say. His mask retracting to reveal his handsome face. He was breathtaking and he knew that. His braids complimenting his looks.
He looked you in the eyes before the food in your hands. It was more like a small snack, A tub of your favorite ice cream in your hands as you grab the scooper from the drawer.
Miles looked at you again before rubbing his temples. Covering the small smile that was daring too plaster on his face. You were the most adorable human he laid eyes upon. Giving up the tough act and taking off his suit for the night.
The thought of him laying next to you made your heart flutter. Finally being able to feel his arms wrapped around you tightly. It was a one time opportunity. Finishing in the kitchen and quickly following his lead like a lost puppy.
You noticed he was limping a bit. Walking slower than normal. He must be tired. Whatever he does out there must take alot of strength and energy. You quickly examined his built structure. Wanting to ease the pain somehow.
An embarrassing idea popped up in your head. What if you gave him a massage? Like what those places do to loosen up the tension in people's bodies. It was a silly idea. But you wanted to try it nonetheless.
"Hey babe...?" All you heard was a "hm" Miles being to tired to turn around. How were you going to explain you wanted to relax his muscles?
"Does your body need aftercare?" Miles stopped in the middle of the stairway. Looking back at you with a raised brow. Of course he'd take it as an invitation and not a helpful gesture.
"Not like 'that' Miles." You rolled your eyes. Urging him to keep going and you'll explain on the way. Miles shook his head 'no'. Clearly lying from the way he kept limping up the stairs.
You scoffed, Questioning if he could go any slower than this. It broke your heart a bit seeing him struggle. A part of you giggling, thinking he was waddling like a penguin.
"What's so funny Hermosa?"
You shook your head clarifying that it was nothing serious. You both reaching the top of the stairway and back to the bedroom. Miles immediately aiming for the bed, lying down clearly exhausted.
"Are you sure you don't need me to help?" You could tell he was thinking hard about what you said, A smile creeping on your face as he ushers you to come closer. Pulling you towards him as you both just lay there.
"Miles! My ice cream is gonna melt..." You whined, His grip not loosening on your waist, His eyes already glued shut. You poked his cheek. A small grunt emerging from his throat before he fluttered his eyes open again.
"que voy a hacer contigo.." You simply shrugged, bringing back up the offer to relax his muscles for him. He groaned again, sitting up from the bed and pulling off his shirt. Your heart dropped seeing all the scratches and scars on his back.
You wanted to kiss all of them. Taking away the pain they'd brought him. Without hesitation you kissed the one that ran down his spine. His body tensing up before relaxing to the cold touch of your lips.
You took a firm grip on his shoulders. Putting pressure with your thumb before rubbing in a circular motion. Making sure to get every crevice of his neck before moving somewhere else along his back muscle.
You couldn't really reach anywhere else with the position you were in. Telling him to lay on his stomach for more access to his pressure points. He paused for a moment before complying with you.
It was time to work your magic. Pressing on his back until you found an exact spot that felt like it needed treatment. A bearable sigh coming out of Miles nostrils everytime you found a painful spot. You didn't want to hurt him, being extremely careful in those sore parts.
Miles would let out a shudder every minute or so, The room temperature slowly dropping the colder it got outside. Your ears perked up to the sound of something hitting the window. A single water droplet catching your eye before many more revealed themselves.
It was raining, no wonder it suddenly got colder. You quickly finished up so Miles could rest. Miles pulling you closer to him.
"Ew. You stinky." Miles gave you a look, just wanting to sleep. Kissing your forehead and closing his eyes. You watched with glee, giving him a peck on the lips before grabbing your bowl of half melted ice cream. Finishing it off before following Miles lead to slumber.
"Dulces sueños mi amor."
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anadiasmount · 6 months
HEYY fellow Latina here (Mexico) can you do something with like helping jude with his Spanish
HAII! 🤍 i’m from colombia 😋!! and ofc ofc! i did a fic sorta based with the idea of slightly teaching him spanish here!
“jude you have roll your r’s,” you say then show him again with your tongue. “rhss…” he attempted that made you grimace then laugh. “stop making fun of me! i’ll never get this!” he groaned and got up from his seated position headed to the kitchen. “yes you will! just watch how i do it, it’s simple just be kind sassy with it.”
“rrrrr,” he tried again slowly, taking a sip from his water bottle. “they’re you go! okay now slowly say this, ‘la rosa es roja’,” you motioned with your hand for him to say it slowly and to feel the r in his tongue. “la rosuh ez rrrojuha,” he moved his head while saying but getting wrong, making you smack your forehead.
“rosa has one r not a sassy r,” you reminded him hearing a ‘blah blah’ drop from his lips.
“try that again. and then we will say ‘me puedes ayudar a encontrar este restaurante’, okay?”
while your move to spain was a easy and smooth transition for the two of you. jude insisted and found it hard to communicate in spanish, already knowing and learning the basics like “hola. cómo estás? muy bien. gol. buenos dias, tardes, noches.” he just wanted to jump in and already know the language.
jude had not known you had latin/hispanic decent till you told him your full name and background. if he wasn’t in love then, he fell for you more. wanting to know about your traditions, beliefs, culture, food and dance. he would ask you later on to teach you spanish. but the spanish you spoke was slightly different to the one in spain. he didn’t care, he just wanted to communicate with the media, but most importantly one day with your family.
jude did not anticipate for the lessons yet to come. you taking it completely serious and printing papers of the alphabet and numbers, and some sentences to repeat over and over again. your afternoons that are once filled with cuddles and movies, now we’re sitting in the kitchen and going over the material.
you found his accent absolutely adorable, the cheeky grin he would have, how his íntense gaze stared into yours, his index finger guiding him as he pronounced the sentence and going over the words. “let’s make a deal. for every sentence you say right, i’ll give you a kiss. but if you don’t, then we’re going to repeat it in another way. so focus.”
this was way better than duolingo jude thought, paying attention to how you said every sentence and keeping in mind which words you said with power and aggression. out of the five sentences you wrote down for him he got three right. but you couldn’t stand the small pout so you just gave him a kiss to feel better.
over the next few months he could understand you, either asked you to slow down or repeat it, and you would try your best to make him understand. “okay jude, para la cena quieres carne o pollo? también puedo hacer una ensalada?” you said in spanish hearing jude’s footsteps follow you to the kitchen.
jude thought about his answer before slowly responding back to you, “yo quie-e-ro pollo con ensalada. per-r-ro no lechugaaa, mejor espinaca.” you gave him a shocked looked before peppering kisses all over his face.
jude’s heart warmed when you called him “love” and told him you were proud of him. “gracias a ti,” he thanked you before going over and retrieving the chicken and spinich to make dinner.
if you thought his spanish was better then, it was even better now. seated at your parents anniversary, jude’s leg bounced up and down. “relájate, todo saldrá bien,” you reassured him, jude giving you soft eyes and placing a kiss to your temple. “segura? mi español todavía no bueno.”
“eso no importa. ya te aman, y vas aprendiendo.”
when you started dating he couldn’t understand anything you or your parents said. he felt left out and often wondered what exactly you were talking about but now? here he was talking in complete sentences in front of your whole family. your cousins staring at him in a daze, your mother smiling at him, your dad talking to him about football.
“if it wasn’t for you, i wouldn’t be able to do this. this was all i wanted. to communicate with your mom and dad. so thank you so much princesa, te amo de aquí hasta la luna si no mas,” jude whispered along your lips, making you bite your lip as you teared up.
“te amo a ti, mi bello.”
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roosterr · 1 year
guardian angel ✹ ch 4
note: ran out of nik gifs lol. this chapter beat my ass, it took me so much longer to write than the others, im actually kinda glad its over with lmao. but anyway, this is the final part in the series, so i really hope you enjoy!!
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pairing: nikolai x gn!reader
word count: 3.9k
no use of y/n, no description of reader
readers callsign in kilo '0-9'
summary: you find yourself in the middle of the lions den, with no real idea of when, or if, help will arrive. you better hope nikolai finds you fast, or you might not live another day to endure his less than appropriate flirting.
warnings: canon-typical violence, descriptions of injuries, minor character death, a little bit of angst, also a little bit of fluff, poor duolingo knowledge of russian, nik still flirting with you even though you're both kinda dying,
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sitting tight in the back of the van, kattan opposite you staring holes into your head, it starts to seem more and more like you're missing something. he's watching at you with a look that's a lot more satisfied than it should be. you're already aware that you fucked up by getting in the van, but then you were under the impression that you were in control. now however, with every passing second, every bump on the road, you feel it slipping through your fingers.
as the van slowed to a stop, it became clear to you that waiting for backup to arrive was not an option – you weren't even sure they'd be able to find you, but to save your sanity you chose to ignore that thought. you had a job to do, and no matter what was about to happen, you needed to make sure baranov died; you could worry about everything else later, including how you were going to get out of this.
the door slides open to reveal baranov, who sharply gestures for you to get out. with a sideways glance to kattan, you step out into the cold air, skin prickling from the temperature or from the unease you're not sure.
you watch as they share a quick glance, and suddenly you're all too aware of how out of your depth you really are. you're not sure what they communicated, but there's no way it can be good. for a moment, the three of you just stand there, waiting for someone to make the first move, break the silence so tense you can almost feel it weighing you down.
"well?" you ask, raising a brow and looking between them with distrustful glare. they meet eyes again, more obviously this time.
"you wanted to see the weapons, they're inside." kattan says, gesturing to the warehouse behind him. it's surprisingly well kept, looking distinctly less run down than you'd expected, but still you feel the fear building in your chest. you absolutely did not want to go in there, but unless you were prepared to fight them – and however many people they have waiting inside – it looked like that was your only option.
"remember what i said," you begin, curling your nails into your palms so hard your worried you might draw blood, "if you try anything, you'll–" 
"we remember." baranov cuts you off, burning your attempt to stall until you could figure out what to do. "go inside." they way he stares at you, like he sees right through you, right through the mask covering half your face, sets off a fight or flight response in you.
"...you first." you utter, meeting baranov's glare despite the uncomfortable feeling under your skin. he gives you a suspicious, questioning look before you continue, "i don't like people walking behind me."
baranov clicks his tongue, and you see him pointedly roll his eyes as he turns around and marches through the door into the warehouse. kattan stays put, regarding you with the same unnerving look from before.
you bring your hands up to your hood, your mind drawing a blank for any more excuses to stall. you sigh quietly, and take a few hesitant steps forward. when kattan sees you move, he turns and goes through the door ahead of you. as you reluctantly follow behind him, you spare a glance back to the road you came down, hoping – praying – that your comrades find you before it's too late.
the inside of the warehouse is filled with various crates and locked containers, which you can only assume are all filled with less than legal merchandise. the lights above you flicker every now and then as you follow kattan deeper into the building. times like this make you wish things could just be easy – if this op had gone to plan, you'd already be sound asleep in your bed by now.
kattan comes to a stop next to baranov, in front of an open crate. "there." kattan crosses his arms over his chest, nodding his head to the crate with a stony expression.
you gulp, taking a cautious step forward and examining the weapons inside. the crate is full of a seemingly random assortment of weapons – not at all what was mentioned in the intel you'd gathered. 
you feel your stomach drop all the way to the floor.
"is there a problem?" baranov snaps. your eyes must've betrayed your thoughts.
you refocus your expression, instilling whatever confidence you have left into your voice as you reply, "this isn't what we agreed–" 
"enough." he cuts you off, taking a stride forward as you step back. "this game has gone on long enough, sergeant." baranov hisses, watching your wide eyes flit between the both of them.
"...right." you mutter, removing your mask and shoving it into your pocket, "i guess i was a little optimistic."
"i'll admit, you're committed. but," kattan steps forward as well, pulling a gun from his waistband and pointing it at you, "i'm afraid that won't save you this time." he gives you a smug smirk as he takes yet another step closer to you.
"afraid not." you grit your teeth, muscles tightly wound as you follow kattan with your eyes. you think back to the look he had in the van earlier, and realise with a surge of anger that they'd both known the entire time.
you look to baranov, closing the weapons crate with his back turned to you. looking back to kattan, with his cocky smirk as he slowly advances on you.
just one more step, a little bit closer–
you swing your arm up, grab kattan's hand holding the gun and push upwards, narrowly missing taking a bullet to the face. he struggles to wrench his arm free, but you pull him forward and use his momentum to shove him to the ground on his stomach. you bend his arm unnaturally behind him, causing him to reflexively loosen his grip, enough for you to snatch the gun from him. without a moment of hesitation, you press the barrel to the back of his ribcage and squeeze the trigger.
the gunshot echoes through the warehouse, and your ears ring with the aftershock.
a wet cough escapes kattan as you push yourself to stand, a pool of crimson already forming underneath his body. you turn around and raise your arm to shoot baranov too, but you find the place where he was standing empty.
"fuck!" you groan, your eyes scanning the area nearby for any trace of where he could've gone. he could be hiding around any corner, and in a warehouse literally filled with guns, you didn't like your odds.
before you could think too much about it however, the sound of heavy footfalls reaches your ears from further into the warehouse. you could tell they were getting closer, and in a split second of panic, you decide to take cover behind a stack of crates before they see you.
just as you duck out of sight, you count five armed men coming around the corner to where you were just standing. you focus on calming your breathing and your rapid heart rate, watching as one of them crouches and inspects kattan's body. the rest of them look around, presumably on the look out for you.
you lean more around the corner, bringing your gun up and pointing the barrel squarely at the man next to kattan's body – the one closest to your hiding spot.
with a deep breath, you pull the trigger and hiss a curse as he moves at the last second and clutches his leg where you hit. you fire two more shots at the others, hitting one in the chest and cursing again as the other narrowly misses your target.
the remaining three finally gather their senses, returning fire at where you hide and forcing you to take cover again. your breathing has picked up again, blood rushing in your ears and drawing out the sound of bullets flying towards you.
there's a pause, but before you can react, a hand grasps your shoulder from behind and slams your shoulder back into the crate. you try to point your gun at the assailant, but he rips it from your grasp and tosses it to the ground out of reach, pointing his own gun at you as you struggle. 
shit– one of baranov's men must've crept up behind you in the chaos.
he shoves you to the ground, restraining your arms behind your back and clicking a pair of cuffs far too tightly around your wrists. he pulls you roughly onto your feet and shoves you back out into the open, where baranov and the other two men stand waiting.
"you two– watch the perimeter." baranov commands, never once taking his chilling glare off of you. the other two nod, before turning and disappearing the way you'd came in.
baranov brings your attention back to him by stepping forward and gathering the front of your hoodie in his fist. for a moment, he holds your stare, giving you that same cold look that has the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end.
with a disdainful scoff, he pulls you from the other man's grip and shoves you to the floor again, dropping you aggressively against a metal shelving unit that makes your vision blur as your head collides with it. you blink, ears still ringing and a warm wet feeling growing on the back of your head.
"you are such a pain in my ass, kilo 0-9." he growls, crouching in front of you and watching as you try to regain your senses. a pained groan leaves your throat, and you squint at his unfocused figure at your feet.
"...i try my best," you mumble, subtly tugging at the cuffs binding you. to your frustration, even dislocating your thumb wouldn't help you to get out of them they were so tight. "...but maybe i'm just a natural–"
"заткни пасть!" baranov roars, delivering a harsh slap to your face. your head snaps to the side, your vision once again swimming and the sick feeling in your stomach only growing stronger. "i will make you pay for what you did, you annoying little доносчик." he stands again, his form towering over you and his shadow blocking the flickering light from above.
“i had everything, i was on top of the world. i’d finally gotten everything i’d ever wanted,” he begins, nothing but pure malice in his eyes as he glares down at where you sit, still reeling from your head injury, “until you took it all away from me!”
"and for what? a paycheck? a pathetic little sense of victory?" he spits, kicking your leg as he slowly paces before you. "i worked all my life for that empire! and you burned it all to the ground, like it was nothing!"
you feel hot blood trickle down the back of your neck, the urge to vomit still not leaving you, and you pray to anyone who would listen that somebody finds you soon, because with the way your vision is still blurred at the edges, you don’t think you’ll get out of this on your own.
baranov abruptly stops his pacing, running a had through his hair in an erratic display of anger. “i thought killing you would be enough, that revenge would satisfy me, but i’ve changed my mind, sergeant.” he’s not shouting anymore, instead his voice is low and quiet, but no less threatening. he turns his head to look at you from the corner of his eyes.
“you see, simply killing you would be satisfying, of course. that was my original plan; lure you in with something i know you self-righteous hero types can’t resist,” he says, waving his arms to emphasise his words, “but then it would be over. you would be dead, and you’d never be truly sorry for how you wronged me.”
even through the fog in your mind, you feel a cold dread building inside you. baranov turns to face you fully.
“so, thats why i’ve decided instead to make you suffer.” he crouches down again, closer than he'd been before.
“i will make you watch," he grabs your throat, pulling you closer still, "as i destroy the things you care about, just like you did to me.” his voice is just above a whisper.
“commander karim,” he squeezes your airway, “the american,” squeezing tighter as you desperately try to breathe in, “and of course, your precious little pilot.”
“no…” you wheeze, rattling your cuffs as you squirm in baranov's grasp. the edges of your vision darken for a moment, and you let your unfocused gaze drift from his sharp grin.
behind him, in the shadows of the stacks of crates and shelves, something catches your eye through the blurriness. a glint of reflected light from the yellowish bulb overhead, behind the man who'd dragged you earlier. you seem to be the only one to notice the fourth presence.
“they will all die, because of you.” baranov finally releases you, once again shoving you back against the metal shelving. you cough once, twice, your breaths ragged and eyes glaring daggers at baranov as he stands again to tower over you.
“you won’t…” you draw your legs into your chest, glaring up at him with renewed defiance. he takes one menacing step towards your curled up form, that insufferable smirk still pulling at his lips.
“oh,” he chuckles darkly, “i will.”
you scoff, and with all the force you can muster, you shoot your legs out to collide with one of baranov's ankles. he stumbles back, regaining his balance a few paces away from you, but he's a second too late – the figure in the darkness has already leapt out and sunk their blade into the neck of baranov's guard, ripping it out of his flesh and throwing it in baranov's direction.
you watch as the knife ricochets off a stack of crates and clatters to the ground next to baranov, already struggling to get your cuffed wrists in front of your body in your dazed state. the mystery person tackles baranov before he can fully recover, sending them both tumbling to the ground and grappling for control over the other.
your heart practically soars when you realise it's nik, pinning baranov to the ground and landing a blow to his face that felt extremely personal.
somewhere in the struggle, baranov gets a hold of the knife, swinging his arm and catching nik in the stomach just below his vest before you can warn him. your head is pounding, the ache from being thrown around earlier catching up to you and making it that much harder to focus.
baranov rolls them over, on top of nik now as he clutches the laceration with one hand and resists baranov's attempt to stab him again with the other. a grunt escapes you as you finally manage to get your cuffed wrists over your legs, feeling the muscles in your shoulder stretch painfully – another injury to slow you down, but you couldn't think about that right now.
despite the pain clouding your senses, you push yourself up to crouch, wobbling slightly before you find your balance. for a second you watch the pair grapple with each other on the floor, mind racing to think of a way to help nik without allowing baranov to hurt him any further.
you have to get them off each other, is the only thought you can come up with, so before you can hesitate you launch yourself onto baranov's back, hooking the chain of your cuffs in front of his neck and dragging him backwards with all your weight.
the knife falls to the floor again, out of reach of either of you. with all the strength you can muster, you pull the cuffs towards yourself in an effort to cut off baranov's airway. he thrashes in your hold, desperately trying to wedge his fingers in between the metal and his flesh. but in your slightly concussed state, he manages to catch you off guard and throw his head back, landing a strike to your nose, which stuns you enough for him to rip himself out of your grasp.
your head spins all over again, eyes watering and blurry as you feel baranov twist and pin you beneath him. his hand goes to your neck, and through your distorted vision you see his other pull back in a fist aiming squarely at your face.
you flinch, bracing to be hit, but the impact never comes; nikolai sinks the knife once into the side of his neck, and again into his chest, before grabbing his body and shoving him off of you.
you watch as baranov sputters, your own chest heaving as you take in some much needed air. nik searches through baranovs pockets, pulling back with a tiny silver key in his hand – the key for the handcuffs. he takes your bruised wrists into his hands, his touch unbelievably gentle, unlocking the cuffs and discarding them to the side.
he slumps down beside you, close enough thar his shoulder touches yours, and his hand cradling the stab wound on his stomach. a moment passes where neither of you move, still reeling from your injuries and the fight as you massage the raw skin of your wrists.
"thank you," you murmur once your vision finally stops spinning, shuffling to face nik and placing your hand on his arm, "you saved my life…"
"does that mean i'm your guardian angel now?" he chuckles, groaning when his abdomen shifts painfully. your head pulses, your own injuries catching up to you, but that back of your head seems to have stopped bleeding so you decide it can wait. you'd rather take care of him first anyway.
"i guess it does," you give him a weak smile in return, before undoing the straps of his vest, "now let me patch you up before your bleed to death." he chuckles again, sitting up so you can lift the vest over his head and set it down on the floor. you turn to the side, looking through the different packs until you find the one with basic medical supplies; bandages, disinfectant, and sutures – though you sincerely hoped you wouldn't have to do any stitching.
you hear nik move again, and the shuffle of fabric, and look back at him to find him pulling off his shirt. completely and utterly distracted from what you were doing, you feel an unmistakable heat rise to your face as you study the way his chest rises and falls, a thin sheen of sweat–
"if you wanted to undress me, all you had to do was ask," nik's teasing voice breaks you out of your trance. your eyes snap to his, the amused expression he wears only making the embarrassment worse.
"oh, shush…" you mumble, look back down to the medical supplies in your lap and willing your heart to slow down – he was still injured, you needed to take care of that before it became a problem. you grab his hand and place it on your shoulder, "just tap me if it hurts too much, okay?"
"конечно." he gives you a small, reassuring squeeze. you smile tightly, and begin to disinfect the laceration. thankfully, it wasn't too deep, so you wouldn't have to demonstrate your awful stitching skills. 
despite the circumstances, he looks ethereal above you; his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut, his rippling muscles glistening with sweat and a firm grip on your shoulder. it takes everything in you to concentrate on patching him up instead of gawking at the way the dim light of the warehouse hits the shape of his body.
after successfully stopping the bleeding without getting too distracted, you finish up by securing the gauze with a tight bandage. you look up from your work to find nik already looking at you, with the same look in his eyes from the night before, when you watched the stars together.
"i'm so glad you're okay, милая." nik smiles, cupping the side of your face with the hand not covered in blood. you feel the warmth of him seeping into your clammy skin. his touch has a calming effect on you, instantly soothing your overactive mind.
"i'm glad you found me," you smile back, leaning into his palm and bringing your own hand up to cover his, "sorry for getting us into this mess in the first place." you mutter, your gaze falling to the floor with a twinge of guilt.
"there's no need to apologise, дорогая." he caresses your face with his thumb, tilting your head slightly to bring your eyes back to his. you give him a meek nod, and mirror the tiny smile he wears.
you move to sit next to him again, sighing as you rest against the cold shelves. the two of you sit in relative quiet for a moment or two, listening to your own exhausted breathing and the hum of the lights.
"nice aim, by the way." you nod your head towards baranov's body.
"yeah," you reply, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of your lips, "knife went right past him."
nik laughs, airy and tired, and lifts his arm to wrap around your shoulders "ah, now you're making fun of me." he chuckles, looking at you with an amused light in his eyes.
"that's the second time you've missed, isn't it?" you tease, feeling his arm tighten around you.
"тихо…" he grumbles, shaking his head with lightheardted disapproval, "but for the record, i'm glad i missed the first time." his gaze softens as he examines your faces, his other hand coming back up to cup the side of your jaw.
"you better be." you murmur, suddenly very aware of his still bare chest as he pulls you closer to him. 
"after all, if i'd shot you," his voice is just above a whisper, the space between you so small you can feel his warm breath on your face. with the hand on your jaw, he brings you even closer, resting his forehead against yours as your eyes flutter closed, "i would never get to do this."
without another moment of hesitation, you feel his lips against yours, passionate yet gentle as you sigh into him. your arm comes up to loop around his neck, his hand moving to the back of your head to press you further into the kiss. you're momentarily reminded of the ache in your head, but it's an afterthought as you press yourself flush against him.
the heat in your chest, your face, your whole body, is burning, heart racing faster than you'd ever felt it as nikolai's mouth moves against yours. you feel his stubble prickle against your skin as he tilts his head further, his tongue swiping across your lips.
when the need for air gets too much, you reluctantly pull away to catch your breath, nikolai chasing your lips and giving you one last peck before you get too far away. he smiles warmly at you, coaxing a similar expression to light up your own face.
"so, are farah and alex coming to get us, or…?"
"my hero…" you whisper, earning a grin for nik as he strokes your cheek with his thumb. you rest your head in the crook of his shoulder and chest, revelling quiet in the moment between the two of you; and for the first time in a long time, you feel a genuine spark of happiness ignite in your chest.
"...бляаты… i will tell them i found you…"
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masonmyluv · 1 year
Learning English 🇬🇧
Pedri Gonzalez x English reader
One shot
Angst, Fluff and Smut (sub! Pedri)
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"tienes que aprender a hablar inglés (you have to learn how to speak English)" you said to your boyfriend. "por qué?" He asked from the couch where he was currently watching tv. "Because you have to know it! Maybe you won't play forever in Spain and you need to know it" you rolled your eyes. He didn't say anything for a while until the typed what you said in google translate, then he gasped loudly. "Jugaré por siempre para barcelona y no es mi problema aprender inglés (I will forever play for barcelona and it's not my problem to learn English)" he said angrily and stormed off to his room. "Mierda" you groaned.
Truth was, you sometimes wanted to speak in English as well since it was your native language. Speaking 24/7 in Spanish was exhausting, especially with an attitude like Pedri's. You plopped on the coach where he sat previously and continued the series he was watching.
"Mi amor...despertar (wake up) Pedri gently shook you. "Huh? How much did I sleep?" You asked. "Not much" he said. "mira lo siento por eso. se que quieres lo mejor para mi y actué como una polla (look I'm sorry for that. I know you want the best for me and I acted like a dick)" he sighed. You stood up quietly. "¿Te has enfadado conmigo? (Are you mad at me?" He asked. "estoy decepcionado de que no quieres aprender mi idioma. aprendí el tuyo, así que ¿qué te detiene? (I'm just disappointed you don't want to learn my language. I learned yours so what's stopping you?)" you asked him. "No soy un aprendiz rapido (I'm Not a fast learner)" he sighed. "lo que sea. cuando usted realmente quiere darle una oportunidad por lo menos, hágamelo saber (whatever. when you really want to give it a try at least, let me know)" you said, going to bed separately. You didn't feel like sharing a bed with him after the mini argument you had over some bullshit he created.
"¿Cómo coño hago esto? (How the fuck do I do this)" Pedri asked his best mate, Pablo. "Duolingo" he shrugged. "Es bueno? (Is good?)". "no lo sé. nunca lo intenté. ( I don't know. I never tried)". "muy útil, Gavi" (very helpful) Pedri said, rolling his eyes.
You were cooking dinner when he arrived home from training, but you were still mad at him. "Good evening, mi amor" he said, wrapping your arms around your waist. "You not talk to me?" He asked. "Babe..." he whined. "Fuck off, Pedro" you groaned. "Okay you know what? Realmente traté de hacer eso por mí mismo (I really tried to do it alone" he said, raising his voice. "No sé qué mierda quieres de mí (I don't fucking know what you want from me)" he said.
"No se trata solo de aprender un maldito idioma. ¿Qué pasa si algo no funciona en nuestra relación y ni siquiera lo intentas y me abandonas? ( It's not just about learning a fucking language. What if something difficult comes in our relationship and you wouldn't even give it a try and abandon me?)" you shouted. "Por ti, quemaría el mundo ( For you, I'd fucking burn the world down)" he said, his breath fanning over your neck. "I tried, mi amor. descargué ( I downloaded) Duolingo" he chuckled.
"Pedri, puedo enseñarte. Incluso tengo una idea de cómo. (Pedri, I can teach you. I even have an idea how.)" you smirked. "Really? Que idea?". "Go upstairs and wait for me...desnudo (naked)" you smirked.
"¿qué tienes en mente (what do you have in mind?" He asked as you emerged in your shared bedroom. "A partir de ahora, solo se acepta hablar en inglés. Si hablas español, pararé todo. (from now on, only speaking in English is accepted. If you speak spanish, I will stop everything.) Understand?" You said, starting to take of your clothes as well. "Yes" he half moaned. "Good boy... what am I going to do with you hm?" You asked, sitting on his lap, a pair of cuffs in your hands. "Fuck me" he said. "Not so fast, pretty boy. I'm fucking done with your attitude yeah? Gonna have my way with you" you smirked, tying his hand together above his head. "Keep them there. No touching or I will stop" you warned him. "Please..." he groaned. "Nah uh... you've been a bad boy... I need to teach you a lesson" you said, sucking at the skin on his neck. "Fuck... I'm so hard.... Please" he groaned. You trailed kisses down his abs, while his dick poked your immediate thigh.
"Baby, my love, please I need more" he begged. You smiled against the side of his dick, licking a long stripe on the throbbing vein. "This is what you want?" You asked. "N-No... I need... I need... oh fuck!" He moaned louder when you took him into your mouth. "I need inside you... please... baby... I'll do anything... just—". "Okay pretty boy... you've earned it" you said, taking him into your hands and teasing your entrance. "This is what you want?" You asked and he nodded. "Words, Pedri". "Yes, yes oh fuck!!! Baby" he moaned when you sank down on him. You couldn't help but let out a moan as he felt much bigger like this. "Move" he ordered. "How?" You played dumb. "For fuck's sake... move!" He groaned frustrated. "Beg. Me" you smirked. "You're gonna get pay for this..." he said. "Please, Y/N, fuck me".
You did a little victory dance in your head, then started bouncing on him as you both moan uncontrollably. "Please baby... let me touch you" he said. "Will you be a good boy?" You asked and he nodded. You bent over, stuffing your breasts into his face as you untied his hands. His hands immediately sank into your butt cheeks, urging you to go faster and harder on him. "Fuck Pedri..." you moaned as he snapped his hips up, meeting your movements. "You're gonna be a good girl, Y/N? Be a good girl for daddy" he smirked, feeling you clench around him. "Pedri fuck..." you moaned as you came, which triggered his own orgasm.
You took a few minutes to regain your breath, him flipping you both so he could slip out of you. "I learned a lot of English for sure" he smirked, still hovering over you. "I'm glad I could help" you smiled tiredly. "Don't give me that face" he said. "It's look, Pedri" you said with puppy eyes. "Fuck... you little devil" he said, tickling your sides. "You'll pay for that soon, I won't forget that" he said, tucking you into his side. "If you say so" you mumbled. "And not think that I will give up on us... I will fight for you, us" he said, suddenly being serious. "Because I fucking love you to the sky and back" he said. "It's to the moon and back" you giggled. "Shut up. You're ruining the moment" he said. "I love you too, Pedri. To the sky and back" you chuckled, before he kissed your lips softly.
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Hope you like it ❤️
Feedback is always appreciated <3
Spanish parts are translated with Google Translate (because I don’t know Spanish 🥲) so let’s ignore the mistakes :)
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
I think your ideas are very funny. I have a request, can you write something where Ao Bing and Nezha react to off brand products, neon light sign fails, movies badly explained, weird Duolingo lines? Here are some examples I found down below.
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Oh thank you! These are a little unusual, but I can def see these scenarios happening with LMK Nezha and Ao Bing cus if their lack of exposure to the modern world. Nezha in my au is a little better, but he still has trouble explaining things.
Tang: *just spent a few hours retelling the Journey to the West*
Nezha & Ao Bing: *both politey sitting and listening. Nezha might have tuned out the parts he wasnt in.*
Macaque, interupts via the shadows: "A nerd and four convicts spend literal years picking up a bunch of paperwork."
Tang: "No!!"
SWK: "I mean... he's not wrong. Master really was a nerd."
Nezha and Ao Bing are just left snickering as Tang works himself up defending the novel.
Ao Bing probably finds those mispelt/damaged signs hilarious. He's so used to proper written grammar and taking things at face value, that something as simple as "Fre shavocado" makes him start snort-laughing.
Imagine the gang are in the middle of a battle/chase and Ao Bing just Stops. And clutches his stomach laughing. The others are so confused that the fight pauses for a moment.
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Half the gang just *cracks up*. The demon they're fighting too. Nezha has a moment of "Oh grow up." but he smiling. Fight resumes after a few minutes XD
As for offbrand products; they wouldn't have the context of brand recognition to understand why certain things have the same composition but different names. Nezha probably doesnt care and goes for the cheapest version; "Cus its the same thing." while Ao Bing has a mindset of; "Wait. Isnt the more expensive and popular version supposed to be better?"
SWK dumps down a punch of cheap snacks for the gang to pig out on, and some of the labels catch the princes eyes.
Nezha: "Wukong?"
SWK: "Yea bud?" "Why is the chocolate paste called Nut Master?"
Mei: "Lol what?" (°v° )
Rest of the kids: *start laughing*
SWK: "I wasnt even looking too hard. I was just grabbing whatever."
Ao Bing, clueless but smiling politely: "I dont get it. Tastes good though." ^_^
Nezha: *has to physically restrain himself from making a dirty joke*
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I hope this is the kinda comedic nonsense you were looking for XD these were fun to think about
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agermanadventurer · 3 years
A start
Let’s start somewhere shall we?
The German language is generally considered quite hard because of it’s grammar - which is understandable. If you are a monoligual English speaker you have never encountered the different complexities that are going to show up. But have no fear-! All of these things have been learned before and can be learned by you if you aspire to. I am not going to make this blog a step-by-step blog to learn German - I simply don’t have neither the time nor the patience to do that. But I will guide you to some free sources to get started to be able to follow along with other things I’ll be talking about in the future, and these are both things I’ve come across in my studying and also things I wish I had found earlier.
BOOKS (pdfs)
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german language course - Simply named German Language Course is a pdf book that is written by several collaborating authors in an effort to create a beginner’s guide to the German language. It’s constantly being improved but the newer version here is lacking a bit and the original release from 2006 linked above is a bit more put together but choose from your own accord.
basic german - Basic German, a text/work book for grammar! Really- there’s a lot of grammar in there but it’s quite easy to navigate and can be useful for anyone learning the language or the grammar. 
mein-deutschbuch.de - Mein Deutschbuch is technically a website but nevermind that. It offers lists of different grammar rules and gives you excercises to practice your grammar. The only downside is that everything is in german. It’s great for more advanced learners though.
pdfdrive.com/german-language-books - And here’s a link to many other free books that can be downloaded.  
YOUTUBE CHANNELS (for language learning)
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Get Germanized - A youtube channel dedicated to teaching it’s viewers German and also about the German culture. There are full course German videos only focusing on exposing and teaching as well as shorter videos with cultural comparisons and entertainment. 
Easy German - Easy German publish videos for both advanced learners and beginners. They focus much on teaching spoken German but also talks about grammar,  and they offer new vocabulary. 
Learn German - A channel that uses a simple artstyle to explain different parts of the German language. The channel also sorts their videos after language level so even for someone in level C1 might find something useful in there.   
Learn German with Herr Antrim - Herr Antrim wants to teach you German for free. His videos brings up grammar, pronounciation, and tak about the German culture.
Besides these channels you also have plenty of videos repeating german phrases and vocabulary for when you sleep (can’t really recommend to sleep while you listen to them) and you can sit down and take a few notes from those too if you want to become familiar with the sounds and some of the phrases.
YOUTUBE CHANNELS (for entertainment and exposure)
Hi From Hamburg - Lila is an american who moved to Hamburg and is making videos talking about her experience with it and she makes a lot of videos for simple entertainment. Her channel is one of the few English ones I’m going to include in this list. 
Dinge Erklärt - Kurzgesagt -  Kurzgesagt is a channel with pretty animation explaining different concepts, ideas, and myths in our modern society today. They talk about philosophy, science, religious ideas, psychology, and more.
maiLab - MaiLab is a scientific channel in German. In their videos they talk about various topics within biology, chemistry, psychology, or of different concepts and myths in society today.
Related to maiLab are also channels like Quarks and MrWissen2go.
100SekundenPhysik - For those who are into physics, this one can be intresting for you. 100SekundenPhysik brings up and explains physics, but in German and in short comprehensible videos. 
Dagi Bee - For those not as interested in science, here’s an entertainment channel (and a few more after this). Dagi Bee is a channel created for entertainment, she features music videos, make up and hair turtorials, reaction videos, vlogs and more.
Marvyn Macnificent - Marvyn makes entertainment and vlog videos; challenges, make up tutorials and reviews, collaborations (and videos with friends), and also different types of discussions of other social media figures.
Alycia Marie - This channel is for any make up and cosplay fan. Alycia’s channel is made up of make up tutorials, make up reviews and comparisons, as well as cosplay displays. She also have a second channel for her music.
Other channels like Dagi Bee and Alycia Marie is for example Luisa Crashion and Jasmin Azizam
DoctorBenx - A look into the gaming part of youtube and we have DoctorBenx as a prominent figure on the list. His videos consist of him playin games such as Minecraft and Roblox but also GTA5 and simulator/indie games. He works closely with the youtuber AwesomeElina.
Vlesk - If anyone’s still into Among Us you’ll want to check out Vlesk who almost exclusively makes videos of said game at the moment. His channel is rather young still but the older videos are him playing TTT in Garry’s Mod. 
Zombey - For those more intrested in playthroughs, Zombey is more appropriate. His channel features many different games such as Demon’s Soul and Fall Guys. 
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Duolingo - Duolingo is always mentioned when it comes to these things, but it’s a good app. It provides a simple, almost game-like, format that helps you practice different concepts in your target language.
Memrise - Can’t forget Memrise on this list. Memrise uses video clips of real life people using the language to get you to associate the phrases with the situation and to get you to immerse yourself with the language. 
Drops - Drops focuses on visual learning, getting your brain to associate the vocabulary you’re exposed to with the pictures and symbols on the screen. The app is great for learning new vocabulary and you can choose yourself which topic to start with.
Wordbit German - WordBit German is useful for vocabulary exposure. You download it and every time you open your phone a German word is shown on the screen and you can mark different word by familiarity.
HelloTalk - This app helps you to reach out to native speakers of your target language and you can also help others seeking to learn your language. You can send voice messages, make corrections and translate the messages directly. The app can be used for free, but there are many functions that are limited without paying. Other similar apps are also available (often with lower quality but they are free). 
PODCASTS (language learning)
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Slow German - The journalist Annik Rubens talks about everyday topics and phenomenons in the german culture and society in short recordings. Perfect to practice your listening comprehension as a beginner and get used to the new parts of the phonology - and it’s available on Spotify. 
Easy German - They also have a podcast! They also talk about the german culture but also topics relevant to the rest of the world, though in a bit more natural speed and with a bit more relaxed manner. (Available on Spotify)
Radio D - Unfortunately not available on Spotify but it is easily found with just a google search (and by the attached link). The podcast is made for complete beginners, guiding you throughout different scenarios and settings and building up your understanding and basic knowledge of the language. Transscripts are also available for download.
Coffee Break German - A series of lessons where the listener, together with the English speaking host Mark, gets to learn German phrases and vocabulary from scratch with the help of Thomas. Each episode is between 20 to 30 minutes so get your pen and paper out to take effective notes. (Available on Spotify)
 You will come across many other podcasts, these are just a good place to start.
PODCASTS (for entertainment)
Eine Stunde History - With new episodes every Friday this podcast takes events throughout history and compare their relevance to today and the future. Perfect for those who have an interest in history. (Available on Spotify)
ZEIT WISSEN - Woher weißt Du dass? - The central theme being science, this podcast gives you a scientific perspective on a new question that is being explored every week. You want to know if humans can hybernate or what the consequenses of having sex with the neanderthals were? Not necessarily! But now you can! (Available on Spotify)
Verbrechen - This podcast features true crime, being led by Andreas Sentker and Sabine Rückert. Sabine is the one talking about the cases she’s been met with throughout her career in law enforcement. (Available on Spotify)
Biologie Passion Podcast - If you have a biology test coming up, if you want to repeat some long lost knowledge from school, or maybe you just have a passion for biology - then this is a good podcast for you. Christian Schweda is happy to teach (or reteach) you some biology. (Available on Spotify)
Eli’s Abitur Crashkurs - For those of you who are study freaks in general, you can visit Eli on Spotify! She has made a podcast on everything she has to study for during her Abitur. And the best thing is - they only come in 10-20 min episodes. But be aware for speedy speech. (Available on Spotify)
Die Copycats - Both on Youtube and on Spotify these guys talk about all sorts of nerdy things from video games to bad music and give their opinions on many other things. They’re quite small so go and give them a bit of love. (Available on Spotify)
#QueerAsBerlin - Not available on Spotify unfortunately. But as the title suggests is this podcast a commentary, interviews and a view on different aspects of social problems through the lens of the LGBTQ+ community in Berlin.  
Bin ich Süßsauer? - For my fellow asian LGBTQ+ people out there; this underrated podcast features an asian host in Germany, talking about different parts of LGBTQ (from what I understand the host themselves are trans and therefore the general theme) with different guests. Of course this can be enjoyed by anyone, just a small shout out for diversity. (Available on Spotify)
Schnapsidee - der Podcast über Liebe, Love & sexy sein - From the name alone you are most likely able to deduse the theme of this podcast. Anna and Paula talks about their love life, relationships, and sex! Their content is lighthearted and enjoyable to listen to. (Available on Spotify)
Dick und Doof - Without any real theme to their podcast, the two friends Sandra and Luca is having a great time, and we get to listen to their conversations about anything and everything. The both of them focus mostly on humour, sprinkled with an insight in their private lives. (Available on Spotify)
Alliteration am Arsch - Or AAA in foreshortening, features Bastian Bielendorfer and Reinhard Remfort who found themselves as friends after realizing the things they had in common and now we get to listen as the both of them discuss anything and everything through the lens of comedy. (Available on Spotify)
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kaistarus · 3 years
The Only Exception
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Pairing: NishinoyaXReader
Words: 2.2K
Summary: Nishinoya was genuinely happy with his life. He’d gotten used to being by himself and had accepted the fact that that was how it was supposed to be. Until you came along and threw everything he thought made sense out the window.
A/N: I really like this fic. It’s one of my favorites Nishinoya ones so far just because it’s his pov and timeskip and the amount of love feels makes me happy. i got a lot of serotonin while writing it :D
Nishinoya had never been someone’s first choice.
He knew that sounded dramatic, but it was just a fact of life. The sky was blue, Tanaka could chug three-fourths gallon of milk before vomiting, and Nishinoya was never anyone’s preferred option--which never bothered him so keep the pity to yourself.
He learned to accept this when he never got scouted for the All-Japan Youth Camp and after the only person Nishinoya ever even kind of loved ended up loving his best friend. It taught him to keep his expectations low and to focus on things he could control, which was what led him to solo-traveling Japan and then the world. He realized things might be better on his own, and with the constant itch that he was missing out on something bigger traveling alone just made sense.
But then you came and ruined everything.
Hold on. That came off way more aggressive than Nishinoya wanted. He meant there was a perfect vision for how his life would go-pyramids in Egypt, Hollywood sign in Los Angeles, deep sea fishing in Italy-until he toppled over you in the streets of Italy. He’d been sprinting toward the docks when you stepped out of a marketplace and he collided into you, knocking you flat on your butt and sending your groceries all over the sidewalk. Nishinoya fumbled through his best apology in broken Italian while shoving produce into your paper bag, but froze in surprise when you snorted rather than began an enraged lecture.
He swore his heart actually stopped when your eyes met. You were clearly amused by his flustered behavior and when his heart started back up it was abnormally fast. Not once had he understood what Tanaka meant when he explained the first time he’d seen Kiyoko, but the first time Nishinoya saw you everything Tanaka said clicked. If Nishinoya had been fifteen he probably would’ve proposed to you on the spot.
But he wasn’t, so instead he shakily handed you your groceries with furiously red cheeks.
“Come ti chiami?” You asked with a raised brow.
Nishinoya blinked several times. He racked his brain for what he’d been taught on his last fishing trip, but it was mostly curses and inappropriate sayings he should probably avoid using. He was pretty sure Duolingo mentioned ‘chiamo’ as name though.
“Nishinoya?” He answered like a question and felt relief wash over him when you nodded.
“What are you doing this weekend, Nishinoya?”
He stared blankly before pointing at you with wide eyes, “I understood that.”
“Well you obviously don’t know Italian,” you rolled your eyes and he pouted at the incredibly accurate jab, “so, are you free?”
He looked around the empty street before pointing to himself. “Are you still talking to me?”
“Is there another Nishinoya around here?”
“I mean, there could be.” He looked up thoughtfully. “The odds would be crazy though.”
You laughed lightly which made a warmth creep up his neck. “I’m talking to you. I’m trying to ask you on a date.”
He looked at you like you’d grown a second head. “Why?”
“You’re attractive and you seem nice,” you cocked your head to the side. “Is that not a good reason?”
He stared at the ground intensely. “I guess… It is?” Then his original reason for being there struck him and his eyes widened. “Oh shit. I have to go,” he started leaving before quickly coming back. “Wait, I, uh, yes. Yes to the date thing.”
You chuckled, pulling a cellphone from your pocket to let him hurriedly create his contact before continuing his sprint to the docks-with a teasing recommendation not to knock anyone else over. That literal run in was the moment his entire world view became out of whack.
It wasn’t that he thought he was immune to liking someone-high school Nishinoya fell for any breathing human that gave him attention-he just lost the ability to imagine someone liking him. Maybe he’d been by himself too long or maybe that was just another fact he’d grown used to. He didn’t know anymore.
He did know that when he showed up at the restaurant thirty minutes early-there’s only so much pacing someone can do before they go insane-he hadn’t expected to see you. Just sitting on a bench beside the main entrance, looking too perfect while bouncing a knee and nibbling on your thumb nail as if you were nervous to be there.
Except it was only him, so that wouldn’t make sense.
“Hey,” you said when you spotted him standing in the middle of the sidewalk like an idiot.
“You’re here,” he raised a brow. You took it as the time, but he meant it in a general sense. He truly hadn’t expected you to show up.
“Oh,” you chuckled awkwardly, twisting the material of your clothes. “Yeah, I was kind of nervous.”
He mulled that over for admittedly too long, but it just seemed like such a stupid thing to say. It wasn’t that you looked stupid, but that’s what made it so confusing.
“You’re also early.” You pointed out when the silence became awkwardly long.
“I was nervous.” He said like it should have been obvious.
“At least we’re starting on equal ground,” you said with a shaky breath.
Equal ground? He wasn’t sure his brain was cut out for this type of critical thinking. He’d even spent the past few days planning for every scenario-even you sneaking out the bathroom like in the movies-but he never pictured you being nervous.
“Uh, yeah,” he tapped against his leg while glancing through the window at the half-filled dining area, “we can probably go inside.”
“That’s probably a good idea,” you gave him a quick finger gun before whipping around with shoulders to your ears.
Nishinoya blinked several times before looking back down the street. A part of him thought about running, saving you both from the shitty date to come filled with awful conversation starters he’d pulled from an online article for high schoolers. However his fate was sealed the moment you sent a gentle smile over your shoulder and his feet began following you through the door without his permission.
Ever since that day he’d been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Ever since you giggled behind your hand instead of wincing at the terrible jokes he regretted the moment they left his mouth; ever since you weren’t burdened by the need to translate for him the whole night; and ever since you were amused rather than annoyed at his nervous rambling and awkward icebreakers.
It was just too good to be true.
Like the first time you came over and teased him for the cheesy dialogue in his favorite action movies. How his chest ached when your head rested in his lap and you gazed at him with overwhelming amounts of affection. He’d never dreamed he’d have this-couldn’t have if he tried. Sharing his favorite things with someone while they traced designs against his palm and occasionally sealing them with featherlight kisses. The fire it sent up his arm was too much and not enough and he hadn’t realized how much he’d wanted this.
It was a little scary how much Nishinoya didn’t want to lose it.
And that thought started keeping him up at night. Nishinoya was never really scared of anything-it was kind of what he was known for everywhere he traveled. If anyone needed something done they asked the foreigner with a death wish. So, the idea that you had that effect on him was, again, terrifying.
But what was Nishinoya supposed to do when you press your forehead against his in the middle of the night? Running your fingers through his hair and paying special attention to the blonde strands he’d always been secretly self-conscious of, whispering low how they were one of your favorite things in the world. How could he regret anything when you rubbed your nose lazily against his and kissed him softer than he ever deserved? He didn’t give a shit how scared he was if it meant he could stay like this, with you, for as long as you’d let him.
Because his heart raced a million miles a second when you mindlessly held his hand under a table or leaned against him just to be close. Because for some reason he was the first person you called when you were excited or when you needed comfort. Because when he rambled too long about spearfishing or an old friend’s volleyball game your eyes lit with genuine interest rather than annoyance. And because he was in love with you.
Which he both wasn’t prepared for and had known was inevitable. Falling for you had been like getting hit by a semi-truck he’d seen coming for miles.
It probably happened sooner than socially acceptable, but that didn’t surprise him given his all or nothing nature. This outcome was decided the moment Nishinoya knew he’d be fine with you breaking his heart a hundred times if it meant he could keep waking up next to you cascaded by the rising sun because he was still too lazy to invest in curtains. Just you cuddling closer to him for warmth in your sleep would make every ounce of pain worth it.
Once Nishinoya’d acknowledged his feelings it was nearly impossible keeping them down. With every breathtaking smile, or brush of your hand against his, or bubble of laughter that rang throughout his apartment it nearly spilled from his lips like a breath. It took all self-restraint he had to hold it back. And it wasn’t that he didn’t want you to know because you deserved this piece of him-every piece of him.
He just wasn’t sure you’d want it.
His resolve lasted nearly a month-a month longer than he thought he was capable-before the feeling was too intense for him to keep down. And it wasn’t anything drastic that made him break. No, it was something so absurdly casual that he was almost pissed at himself when the words flowed from his mouth.
It had been a completely average morning, nothing crazy, the weather was actually gross with rain pounding against the windows and the sky a depressing shade of grey. But then you stepped out of his bathroom while rubbing the sleep from your eyes, giving him a lopsided smile before slurring a soft request for breakfast. It was like time froze and he was in a stupid romcom except you were there so it was actually an oscar nominated masterpiece.
Your head lolled to the side, half-lidded eyes filling with concern at his silence. “We can cook together. I didn’t mean it like-”
“I love you.”
That seemed to wake you up. Your body straightened while your mouth hung open in stunned silence. Nishinoya had expected this kind of reaction, so he clenched his fists tight in preparation for the worst.
“Are you sure?” You asked, barely above a whisper. “That’s a pretty serious word, Noya.”
He knew that. Nishinoya had spent too many nights losing sleep over that.
“You scare me,” he confessed, deciding if he was going to dig his grave he might as well make it deep. “I’ve never really been the one someone chooses. More like deal or settle with.” He grimaced when his heart squeezed painfully in his chest, “but I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone and that scares me. You make me feel wanted and I don’t know what to do with that.”
“Because I do want you.” You whispered and his stare locked on yours so quickly, meeting your loving gaze while his heart started racing. “And everyone you know must be really stupid because I feel lucky I got to choose you. I get to love you.”
He stared at you wide-eyed while his chest swelled with so much emotion he was surprised he hadn’t passed out.
“Sorry, that sounded really lame.” You placed a hand against your forehead and Nishinoya shook his head vigorously.
“I think that was the greatest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
You stepped closer and cradled his face, gently brushing your thumbs along his cheeks. If he wasn’t so manly and awesome he may have teared up, but he definitely didn’t. Which was why you obviously weren’t wiping any water off his cheeks before pulling his lips against yours.
Nishinoya set a languid pace that turned desperate when you tangled your fingers in his hair. He pulled you as close as he could, which was never enough, snaking an arm around your middle and sliding one to cradle the back of your head. 
When it got heated enough that he decided he’d very much like to move it to his bedroom Nishinoya’s stomach growled and you snorted against his lips. Nishinoya pouted, whining when you pulled away with a playful smirk.
“Later,” you said, pinching his cheeks and waving his head around. “Food first. We’re both hungry.”
He did love food.
He disrespectfully watched you leave him in favor of searching the fridge for food that could be thrown together for breakfast. A dopey smile covered his lips because he loved you. He was lucky enough to get to love you. And for some ridiculous fucking reason you were dumb enough to love him.
He would do whatever he could to keep it this way. For now, that was helping you cook breakfast. Tomorrow, who knows? But whatever it was you would be there, so it would be pretty god damn amazing.
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Yö - Kaapo Kakko - blurb
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(The gif is mine.)
A/N: He is the prettiest. So @nhlandotherimagines​​ and I were talking (again) and she came up with this idea. What a terrible friend would I be, if I didn’t elaborate, am I right? I know, I know. Goth Barbie has been sitting in my drafts for over a month. Believe it or not I am working on it. Also I am not too sure if I can classify this as a blurb because it’s pretty lengthy, but oh well.
Yö - Night
Word count: 727
The hotel room is dimly lit and quiet as we both get ready for bed, We don’t exchange many words. Over my time with Kaapo I have learned that silence can be actually pleasant. Just like now.
We slide under the covers, embracing each other and sharing the body heat. He leans over the nightstand to turn off the little lamp providing us with soft yellow glow. Nestling into the pillows he lets out a content sigh.
“Kaapo?“ I murmur into the darkness enveloping us. He hums softly in response, his strong arms tightening around my middle. “Tell me a story.“ My voice is barely above whisper, worried he’ll shoot the idea down.
“What?“ He mumbles into my hair.
“Can you tell me a story?“ I repeat myself. “Please.“ I add, my fingers gripping the duvet a tad bit tighter.
“What story?“
“I don’t know. Anything.“ I turn in his hold, looking up at his black silhouette. He hums again. This time in thought.
“Do you know the legend about Aurora Borealis?“ He asks after a while of peaceful silence interrupted just by our breathing.
Shaking my head no, I wait for my story like an eager child.
“In the forests up North, back in Finland, lives a fire fox.” He starts, his chest rumbling with his words. “It’s all black during the day, but burns like fire at nigh.“ One of his hands slides down to caress my lower back and the other sneaks down to lace our fingers. “They say that when the fox runs trough the forest the tail burns and creates the northern lights.”
“Wow.“ I breathe. “That sounds so cool.“ I say impressed and he lets a chuckle slip past his lips.
“The fox also burns trees.“ He adds with a grin I can’t see, but somehow hear in his voice.
“How are northern lights in Finnish?“ I ask curious.
“Revontulet. It means fox fire.” Kaapo explains, translating in the process.
“Wait. My duolingo knowledge says fox is kettu. How come?“ Now I really feel like a five year old seeking answers to Christmas magic.
“Kettu means fox, but repo is a very, very old word. We don’t use it anymore.“ Talking slowly and with ease like the patient person he is, he starts playing with my fingers.
“And repo is revon just declined, right?“ I look up, searching for confirmation.
“Revon is repo in genitive.“
“Same thing.“ I mumble rolling my eyes, well aware he has no chance to see my action.
He tries to muffle his laugh in the strands of my hair, but he can’t hide it. Not with the way his chest shakes under my palm. Then I hear a faint whisper leaving his mouth, but I can’t catch a single word.
“Nothing.“ He murmurs softly, his lips moving lightly against the skin of my forehead.
I prop myself on my elbow. “No, okay. Tell me. What did you say? Spill the tea.”
“Spill the tea? What does-“
“No. Nope. No way. Just tell me.“ I shake my head in protest at his attempt of distraction. “What did you say?“ I ask again. This time softer.
He merely stares at me silently. “I said.” Looking away, he pauses in his speech. I wait patiently, with no intention to rush him in any way. When he catches my gaze again, he lets out a sigh. His palms slowly move up my body from their previous spots and settle on my neck. His thumbs brushing my jaw gently. His touch bashful, yet confident and sure.
Leaning up, he brings my face down, making our lips meet halfway. My hands snake from his hard chest to his nape, one of them climbing higher to card in his golden hair.  The delicate brush of his mouth against mine makes me understand the words he can’t say, yet is so certain of. He pulls back without hurrying. Savouring the moment. Catching his breath. I chase his lips, blindly. Eyes still closed, stealing one more kiss.
“That’s what I said.“ His voice cuts trough the peaceful silence of the empty room.
“Would you mind repeating yourself?“ I ask innocently giving him a bashful smile.
Before he pulls me close again, I catch a glimpse of a little smirk settling on his pretty lips. Silencing my giggles, he speaks to me once more. Wordlessly.
Revontulet - Northern lights/Aurora Borealis
kettu - fox (archaic)
repo - fox
revon - fox (in genitive)
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crispyfishman · 3 years
Duolingo x Male!Reader Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 Duo’s POV
I must have fallen asleep at some point, because my dreams are haunted by scenes of Y/N. He hasn’t practiced Japanese in days; I have to kill him, but I don’t want to. I see his blood pooling on the floor, and no matter how hard I try to lower the knife I can’t. It’s like I’m the puppet of some higher power, forced to spread the knowledge of languages and kill those who refuse to learn.
I wake up covered in cold sweat. I have to let him go. The only one who’s going to hurt him is me, I can see that now. In the morning I’ll open the door and let him go, I tell myself. I have to.
Morning comes and I don’t get up. Would it really be so bad if I kept him here? I shakily stand up and walk into the hall. The guest room’s door creaks open. He lies in the bed, peacefully sleeping. When he wakes up I’ll let him go.
I quickly go to get some food and leave the door open after me. Y/N can come and find me when he wakes up. For now I decide to eat toast and sit quietly at the table, waiting.
The toast is good. I try to keep my mind off the conflict that is inevitably drawing closer. I could just shut the door and deal with it tomorrow… No. I have to face him at some point, and it’s better to do it now.
I hear a creak behind me and turn to see Y/N staring at me in confusion and fear. He didn’t speak, just watched me.
“You can go. Sorry.” I awkwardly broke the silence.
He just nodded and walked to the door. I wanted to stop him, to run after him and lock him back in the guest room and tell him to stay here where it’s safe. But I let him go.
Y/N didn’t come to school again. I overheard the teacher saying that he had transferred. I felt bad, but I couldn’t just let him go like this. I followed him on social media under a fake name, but he didn’t post anything about where he had gone to or why.
I understood it, of course; who wouldn’t be more cautious after being kidnapped? It was still irritating though. Maybe I should leave him alone. That would definitely be the wiser option, but I couldn’t help it. I needed to see him again.
“Hello, my brother.” I said awkwardly as I stepped into my house. His look of blank shock was almost funny, until I remembered what I was about to tell him.
“Y- Y/N? You’re alive!” He sounded very happy. Of course I was alive, I wouldn’t allow myself to be killed. “Yes. Obviously. And I have news.”
He listened quietly as I told him where I had been the past few days, and at the end of it he gave me a sympathetic pat on the arm. “Terribly sorry to hear that. Well, I suppose we must do something.” He abruptly stood up and walked up the stairs, coming back down soon after with a suitcase. “I’ll get rid of that boy for you. He lives at the big house on (street name), doesn’t he?” I nodded in confirmation and he grabbed his hat and a coat from the door.
“Off I go! Dinner’s in the fridge, don’t commit any crimes while I’m gone.” He smiled and started running down the street. I watched him go with a bored expression. My brother had always loved to kill random people from my schools. I had a feeling that Duo would be harder to kill than the others, but my brother could handle him.
I opened the fridge to see a bottle of milk and some baked beans. I started to cook the beans and drank the milk, then sat down to watch the evening news and practice my Japanese.
Duo’s POV
I heard a knock on the door, and opened it to see an unfamiliar man. He was tall, taller than me. His hair was the same colour as Y/N’s and I wondered if they were related. My suspicion was proved correct after he introduced himself.
“I am Y/N’s brother. You kidnapped him yesterday?” I nodded, then paused. Why was I confessing so easily? “I uhh nope.” I violently shook my head and took a step back into my house.
“You lie.” He seemed to grow taller and more intimidating. “I do not condone the kidnapping of my brother.” He took a step inside my house.
“If you could please step outside...” I tried to get him to leave, but he stood fast. “Sir, I have no idea who you are.” He kept staring into my eyes as he moved backwards out of the house, but stayed on my front porch.
I was starting to get tired of his games. He could never beat me, so what was he trying to do?
It became clear when he jumped forward and knocked me to the ground. Oh, he was trying to beat me. How pathetic. I stood up again and hit him in the face. Contrary to my expectations, he did not move. He hit me again and then started to pat his legs, as if searching for something.
“I’m sure I put it somewhere here. Give me a second.” I waited on the floor, curious. What was he looking for?
“HAH!” He pulled a knife out of his sock and waved it at me. “Behold, my knife!”
I stared at him blankly. “You do realize I’m immortal, right?” He looked mildly concerned and sat down in front of me.
“How old are you, exactly?” I tell him I'm immortal, and this is the first thing he asks? “2000 or so, I’m not entirely sure” I reply.
“AND YOU KIDNAPPED A HIGHSCHOOLER? THAT’S MESSED UP.” he seems to be missing the point here. He shook his head. “What you have done is unforgivable.” He stabbed me in the neck.
I laugh. “That won’t work.” But when I try to heal my wound, I find that I can’t. “Really? It seemed to work perfectly fine.” He looks smug.
“How? I’m not meant to die…” I struggle to find an explanation. It must be that knife of his. Some kind of an enchantment, or something? I reach for it, but he moves it out of my reach.
“No.” He watches my blood flood out onto the wooden planks of my floor. “Well, you were interesting while you lasted. Now I have to go. The chances of Y/N burning the house down get higher every second I’m out.” He steps over my body to the door, and walks out.
I spend my last moments thinking about Y/N. If only I had got to know him better… Oh well. I let myself fall into eternal sleep.
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What's you opinion about duolingo. I am kinda interested in it. Is it worth the time.
I don't find it uses up much time because I tend to use it when I'm waiting for something else anyway and would just normally be sitting doing nothing. Like if I'm letting my tea brew for a few minutes I'll do a lesson.
I am enjoying it but I don't know if it's right for everyone. The way we were taught languages at school was very much like "here's the basics of grammar, once you've got that then we'll start speaking the actual sentences." Whereas unless I'm missing something (to be fair I have no idea how to use it properly so it could be the case) they pretty much just launch straight in with Duolingo. I do really enjoy the lessons themselves. They have lots of variation in learning methods so it's not just repeating a phrase like it was at school: for example they have a sentence written out and said aloud and then you have to pick the right words for that translation; they might have a sentence with a blank space for you to fill in; they have an audio of the sentence being said and then you have to write down in the foreign language what you hear etc. So it tests you on lots of levels and in ways that make things stick. I've taken some advice I read and now that I've tackled a few topics and I'm doing the harder stuff I will go back to the basic stuff to refresh myself, rather than just doing all the lessons for one theme at a time. But I do sometimes think they go too far when skipping out the basic stuff. Swedish pronunciation is really tricky so it would be great if there was a box that popped up to explain why a k is sometimes a sh or wh sound (thanks to @caneedan for explaining it to me). Or for example I'm now learning about the definite article and about plurals but they haven't explained the rules to me so I feel like I'm just guessing individual words instead of the wider rules. And having looked it up the grammar rules are quite straight forward in Swedish but the point is I would rather not have to look it up.
What I'll say is that I have learned more of a foreign language from Duolingo than I have anywhere else. I did French for 5 years at school and Latin for 6 and I learned a hell of a lot less than I have in a few weeks on Duolingo. That might partially be down to me wanting to learn but I honestly didn't think I could ever learn a language because my brain works by cramming in tons of information and then forgetting everything except for a few random things I find interesting as soon as it's not needed anymore. That's how I did all my school and uni exams haha. And languages are things you have to remember. So I am really pleasantly surprised at how well I can remember things. But I do think that for some people you might have to top it off with other sources or it may just not work at all.
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ksyescribe · 4 years
The Boys™ Speaking A Foreign Language (HQ Edition)
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Featuring: Oikawa, Osamu, & Ushijima
Warnings: Some slight manga spoilers!
A/N: This headcanon is centered around these bbs speaking Spanish but I think they can really be applied to any language! I hope you guys enjoy! Also thank you @cttnclouds​ for the Osamu fusion idea you’re literally an angel and i love you.
Oikawa Tōru
Why he learned: 
He moved to Argentina. It’s either learn or get really got at using hand signals.
Learning Process: 
Honestly? Probably tried the whole DuoLingo thing the first few weeks after he got the okay to move to Argentina. But after a while he burnt out.
He probably got up to like the introductory phrases and then fell off. Probably because he had to deal with all the logistical stuff that comes with moving.
(Someone help him cause he literally thought moving would be an easy one two three job :’) Iwa-chan help!)
The next time he remembers that he’s literally going to a new country with a new language is like a month before he moves.
He’s shopping with Iwaizumi for some new clothes and stuff when Iwaizumi just goes “So how’s your Spanish coming along?
freeze frame, his face looks like this: (∩╹□╹∩)
Anyways he really like stress buys like three different Japanese books that he then FORGETS ABOUT for the rest of the month.
He reads them on the flight to Argentina. The only things he learned were how to ask for the time and directions. 
Oh boy, Argentina’s going to be fun :’)
When he uses Spanish in front of you for the first time:
Right so, the first time you see him use his sorry excuse for Spanish is at the little corner coffee shop down the street
Of course everyone’s like eyeing him cause, why is a foreigner here in the hidden gem of the city? But also he’s kinda cute what?
Anyways, you’re minding your own business until you hear the heavily accented Spanish.
And pues, we’re all little chismosos so of course you pay attention to what he’s trying to do (order a coffee but he literally cant remember what the word for sugar is dear god someone help this man)
After cringing you step up with the translator app on your phone open and obviously help him out. 
He’s a little impressed because: 1. Your Spanish is so smooth and flowy it sounds like you’re reciting poetry and 2. Why didn’t he think of the translator app tf??
So you get his order shoot it back to Sandra over the counter in fast Spanish and then order your own stuff before moving off to the side to wait for your coffee.
Oikawa might be an idiot right but he’s not going to pass up the opportunity to ask you to teach him Spanish?? 
I mean you’re cute, you’re obviously a local from the way you were greeting everyone inside the shop, and well, you’re the only person who’s tried to help him out so far and that means a lot to him.
For some odd reason you actually agree? You still don’t know what caused you to say yes. Probably the pitiful look he had when he told you he had to move cause of work and he knew nobody else here.
How you help him with learning/bettering his Spanish:
Honestly, he bitched a lot at the beginning but forcing him to only communicate in Spanish really helped him out. 
So taking him on town trips and having him tell you about what he’s seen or what he wants to do in Spanish really helped him. Also having your friends come with is really fun cause he tries to teach them some Japanese words while they translate that into Spanish.
Also being immersed in the language is a big plus.
But I think the #1 thing that really helped him was watching novelas with you. 
Like he wants to understand what Gabriela is yelling to Sofia about in real time not through the subtitles. (But damn Gabriela really slept with Sofia’s fiance? Wack, that man is not worth it hun)
You know his Spanish’s getting better when you walk into a completely new bread shop that the two of you are visiting and he just goes ahead and orders in fluent Spanish.
Leaves both you and the attendant in shock. But he just comes back and asks you in Spanish too, “Lo hice bien? No me trave verdad?”
The woman literally swoons from the whole encounter. He is now a danger to any woman within five miles of the vicinity. Gets all cocky about it.
Favorite Spanish Word: Alborotar - Disturb? That’s what google says but it’s more like mess up.
Miya Osamu
Why he learned:
Honestly? This Mexican-Japanese fusion place opened up and he just wants to talk to the chef about where he gets his ingredients from because this shit tastes amazing!!
Learning Process:
Went home the first night after eating at that restaurant and bought a year subscription for Rosetta Stone. 
He’s kind of regretting it because like, maybe he should’ve gone with the monthly plan? Fuck he shouldn’t have gotten ahead of himself.
He tries to do an hour of the program a day minimum. There’s some days where the hour like drags on and other days where he’s so pumped that he does more than one hour.
His max was one day where it snowed so hard that nobody could go out so he spent like 10 hours doing Rosetta Stone.
He tried going to like one of the Brazilian stores around his house to try out his Spanish with them but was sorely disappointed to learn that Brazilians do not speak Spanish.
Still got some bomb ass brigadeiros though so who’s the real winner here huh? 
Actually put up a craigslist ad for a Spanish partner. 
It’s up for a whopping 5 minutes before he promptly deleted the ad. 
Instead!! This man signs up for one of those international pen pal services and gets matched with someone fluent in Spanish (it’s you hello).
And it turns out said person is coming to Japan soon for a year abroad?? And they have a basic Japanese foundation?
Yeah dude he lucked out.
Out of all three boys, his alone learning goes pretty well. Gets a good foundation of Spanish.
When he uses Spanish in front of you for the first time:
This one’s so cute!! He actually does it sort of by accident?
He’s made friends with everyone at the fusion restaurant including the chef because he actually managed to hold a decent conversation in Spanish.
His brain just automatically switches to Spanish when he enters the restaurant.
So when you hear him bust out into a full fluent Spanish conversation with the waiter you kind of sit there like: (・о・)
This man even orders and asks you if you want to split a bottle of wine in Spanish.
You could only nod because holy shit. 
Like yes you’ve heard him speak it over the discord calls before but in person?? That’s a whole nother story.
Specially because his pronunciation is so good?? And he has the right accent? It’s so smooth like it just flows naturally from him.
And he can actually roll the r’s god damn sir
How you help him with learning/bettering his Spanish:
So he has a pretty good grasp on the language which means he doesn’t need much help with learning.
But you can help expand his knowledge. Like teaching him about how in some countries/dialects things might be said differently. (Like how there’s 17 ways to say straw. Hondurans say pajilla and that’s all I knew for a bunch of years)
He’ll also need help with learning about a lot of food names. He only knows the basic names, not any special fruits or like combination dishes so that’ll be fun. 
You actually start cooking new latin recipes every Saturday so he can familiarize himself with the cuisine.
Some ingredients are hard to come by but the adventure in finding them is so worth it.
His favorite recipe so far? Making Pollo con Tajadas from Honduras. The Bandeja Paisa from Colombia is a close second.
Favorite Spanish Word: Popote: Straw (in Mexico)
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Why he learned:
His last current concern is literally “he would like to work harder at studying languages”. 
Fair, makes sense. 
But instead of going with a familiar language he just says fuck it time to learn the latin alphabet with Spanish. 
yeah okay why not
Learning Process:
Ushijima is more of a visual learner. 
Which in it’s own makes sense. He’ll probably get a book that has like those floating numbers over items and it tells him what it’s called in Spanish right?
You know what he does?
This man. This 24 year old man. Goes home, opens up Netflix, and puts on... wait for it... DORA.
I kid you not!! Ushijima Wakatoshi will always begin learning a new language by watching children’s shows.
You know why? 
Because he read an article a while back where it said that the best way to start learning languages is by watching children’s shows due to the fact that the shows are literally tailored to teach kids the language.
See what he did there? Y’all thought he was a big dumb dumb but in reality he’s a big smart smart.
Uh, anyways.
He will sit down to watch the children’s shows with a notebook. He takes very good notes, has a Japanese translation for everything.
His show watch list: Dora la Exploradora, Plaza Sesamo, Maya Y Miguel, Go Diego Go, and Handy Manny.
The crazy thing? It actually works. He literally gets his Spanish base from these shows. 
I kid you not bro, he literally somehow managed to sound like a FLUENT speaker. I-
But from there he picks up some more books and audio files to try and increase the complexity of his knowledge.
He’s the best speaker out of the three.
When he uses Spanish in front of you for the first time:
Honestly? He’s been looking for a Spanish partner for a while and he genuinely doesn’t know how to go about it. 
One day though, he overhears you on the phone with your mom. 
He’s seen you before. You’re one of the girls working under the main manager and you’re actually really helpful. If he remembers correctly, you’re the only co-manager that can wrap the compression sleeves just how he likes them.
Anyways, not uh, important.
He’s not one to eavesdrop but, well you’re in the equipment room and he needs to grab one thing. Just a quick in and out. He’ll even turn off his ears.
But then you start speaking like fluent Spanish? And suddenly his ears are very active. 
He doesn’t harass you while you’re on your call. Instead he waits until after practice.
Then he just comes up to you and goes, “Perdóname por molestarte pero, estabas platicándo en Español anterior?”
Kind just sat there like: ◉‿◉ - ( ̄ー ̄) - ⚈ ̫ ⚈
You can’t even speak, you’re still processing that he just spoke Spanish like a natural??? So you just nod.
He launches into a whole talk about how he’s been learning but he needs a speaking partner so that he can get better.
At some point during his whole speech you sit down because your brain IS NOT CATCHING UP.
In the end you agree to become his partner. He’s paying you in food how the hell can you say no?
How you help him with learning/bettering his Spanish:
Like I said before, he’s already good.
You mostly help broaden his knowledge about the culture from Spanish countries and their cultures. A lot of it is through food and the small glimpses of hispanic life from Japan. 
Can’t really teach the customs and traditional stuff unless it’s in person.
You’re actually getting ready to go back home for your once a year family reunion when suddenly this man invites himself to your trip?????
I mean, it’s not a bad idea in the first place but then he offered to pay for your trip and well...
You’re kind of broke and he’s rich so it works alright?
God but going back home? Ultra boosts his spanish.
Not sure if it’s the atmosphere, your family, or just the fact that the country is now in a whole nother language, but this man just adapts. 
It’s really uncanny. 
While he’s here, your family teaches him a lot of Spanish idioms and phrases that don’t translate over well and he starts incorporating them into his every day usage.
Someone on the team got hurt and he literally walked over and rubbed their wrist and went “ Sana, sana, colita de rana. Si no sanas hoy, sanarás mañana.”
When you leave his apartment? “Te veo Mateo”
But he also gets to see how unique and beautiful the culture in your country is. 
His favorite part of the trip? Probably your family’s land that’s just surrounded by nature.
He also really liked the traditional shops that the old ladies from the village ran. (They also liked him and pinched his cheeks and called him a big strong boy so maybe that has something to do with it.)
His favorite Spanish word: Topogigio (to-po-i-yo): In Honduras, frozen ice cream (? not really but don’t know how else to describe) that is typically sold in a small bag. Flavors: Fruit juice or traditional ice cream flavors. 
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kara-does-fandom · 4 years
Why MC doesnt get her working phone back (part 1. Leo, Jean, Arthur, Sebastian)
At least, not til Comte finally caves and gets phones or laptops for the residents. 
Listen, you werent sure why you still had service and access to the modern internet all the way back in the past. You were glad you could still check in on things and listen to that one song on youtube you liked... but maybe you, Sebastian, and Comte should have figured out what would happen after you found yourself explaining your little pocket computer to the boys. Comte is a blessing of a vampire and manages to track your laptop down during his tech shopping trip. 
So here are reasons you dont see your phone as often as you’d like
As an inventor, he is fascinated by the phone. As an inventor, he is also fascinated by youtube’s DIY community and spends hours watching how people build things, the explanations on inventions, and likely the art restoration videos and other stuff dealing with old art. Likely spends a bit of time with discussions and videos talking about the pros and cons of different art materials and makes extensive notes on what toxic pigments exist and tbh Comte will have a shopping list on his desk and notes on what Vincent isnt allowed to have even when it comes into fashion. Maybe it wont effect them as much due to being vampires but.. nah. Best keep everyone safe. Leo also spends a good deal of time with cat videos, because of course he does. You see your phone occasionally, mostly when it is recharging. The library is even worse, as is his room during the first week of the DIY and invention youtube as there are scattered notes and ideas everywhere. 
Comte compares notes with you on what Leo uses the most and gets a laptop for him. You arent too surprised when a tablet shows up later. Be it an art tablet like or something like an ipad, Leo scribbles his ideas on anything and you had wondered what he’d do when he discovered layers and a good erase tool. 
Ok so you see your phone a lot more often when it comes to Jean, but you also sit down with him one evening in the library after offering to help him with his learning math and reading. You go over what the future technology can offer, and you eventually settle in next to him and find some good basic learning to read and math videos, websites, and other stuff. Sure, you may have personally subjected yourself to duolingo as you prepared for your trip to Paris, but maybe you will offer that later. The shy boy doesnt really ask for much else when it comes to what your phone can do, and honestly its charming to see him leaning over your phone’s screen as he stumbles through his lessons. You are reminded of those tumblr posts of actors in historical or fantasy garb using everyday tech. 
Jean is quite happy to use your phone for the small things, so while Comte might not get him a device of his own, you end up with a set of bookmarks on your laptop ad maybe Jean gets his own Youtube or a playlist full of videos to help him, nestled quietly amid your own. 
Oh god, Arthur. After ensuring he knows how to avoid his own famous creation on the endless internet, you... kinda dont see your phone ever again. He loves tumblr and all its drama, phrases, and the odds and ends of random info you can get as they float across your dash. You know for a fact he will likely get his own account the moment Comte returns with a laptop for him. He spends hours researching various medical stuff. Being the mansion’s doctor gives him a responsibility and he, like Leo, spends a good deal of time making notes on what advancements sound good at first but end up very damaging in the long run. Sebastian finds himself buying at lest two new notebooks for Arthur which quickly get filled with things he feels is important for the health of not only the other vampires, but you and Sebastian, who are the only humans. Other search history includes sex tips, as how could he not want to know if the future holds any new knowledge on pleasing his partner, and maybe a few movie clips or writing stuff. He half resigns himself to stumbling over Sherlock stuff. Your grimace of a smile when he asked how popular it was told him all he needed to know.
Comte of course gets him a laptop. Comte looks into solar power or some other extra electricity generating technology. Comte quietly starts making his own list on what inevitable purchases he will make as he listens to you and his boys as they confer over the phone screen and decides Santa Comte will have a very full bag of goodies that winter. 
He initially confiscated your phone the moment he figured out it worked with the predictable noises about messing with the flow of time and the future cannot influence the past and other things. You got it back, of course, especially after he resigned himself to the knowledge that the damage had already been done. Now he uses your phone to look up recipes, play some background music during chores, and look up anything else a good butler might need to know. He falls back into old habits from when he lived in your time, using the internet to augment his research as a historian. 
It takes him a while to decide between a phone or laptop. You arent sure what he got, as he keeps it as secretive as his little notebook he uses to keep tabs on the residents, but you can easily figure out he uses it for much the same reason. 
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uhgoodmoni · 3 years
Our Clock is Ticking | KTH
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After a post Christmas breakup with his girlfriend Taehyung is celebrating New Years alone in a hotel. The ball drops, yet 2021 doesn’t come. 
Warnings: angst and some fluff
Ao3 - Wattpad
(Taehyung POV)
I pull my lips together in a frown, glancing down at the last text I sent. 
‘Merry Christmas I guess’ 
‘Read at 1:34 am’
A deep sigh heaves from my chest. Yeah. Merry fucking Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stuck in an unfamiliar country in an unfamiliar town by my damn self. Guess we picked the perfect time to pick a fight. I bring my eyes to the clock. It’s 5:00 pm on New Year’s Eve. I could be at home with the rest of the boys but nooo. She had to drag me out to see her damn family and then pick a fight with me so I’m stuck spending the holiday alone. 
My head falls back against the couch. What the fuck am I going to do now? It’s already passed the new year in Korea, but maybe I’ll call someone. Jimin… Yoongi. I don’t know. What would I even say? Hey, Mara and I broke up yesterday, and now I’m alone on New Years. Tch. Yeah. As much as I’d love to spill my guts out to them I’ve cried so much this week I feel just like shit. At this point, I just want to fly back home.
Luckily I was able to snag a flight back to Seoul for tomorrow. Not that it didn’t cost a lot, but there’s no way I’m spending another day here to wallow in my self-pity. 
The phone screen still shines up in my eyes and I look one more time. A tiny circular picture of her sits at the top of our text. Her tongue stuck out to touch the camera when I took the photo. Silly. 
When I take that flight tomorrow, will I ever see her again? I grind my teeth together, my thumb pressing against the power button. Despite how much anger is burning inside me, I hope the answer is yes. 
‘I’ll be happier if I lived this next year without you.’ She really said that. I roll over onto my side, curling up on the cushions. She’s probably right. I honestly did make everything harder for her. She was always so understanding though. I wonder if she even meant it. 
I sniff, wiping at a stray tear I hadn’t noticed. I’d like to think that she didn’t mean it. That she was just angry and it spilled out after all the dumb shit I said. Or what maybe I didn’t say. A shaky breath leaves my body, and my eyes clench shut. Oh, why can't I stop thinking about it? 
Maybe she did mean it. I had never seen her say something with more conviction and anger, her body shook as she had screamed it at me. Her face had gone red like the wine we were drinking. I’m sure that fueled our anger too. But there had to be some backing behind her words. Even if this fight had been the last straw there were so many feelings leading up to this. Every night she spent waiting up for me. How could I not see her patience running out? Slowly but surely our clock had been ticking. Every time we greeted each other, said goodbye, kissed. Had her patience been running out then too? 
Even I knew we weren’t fine. Fuck. I should have said something. Maybe I didn’t tell her how much she means to me often enough. Probably not. Of course, she cracked for the holidays. But did she really have to be so cruel?
I glance up from the couch, feeling the vibrations of a phone call. Damnit, I was hoping to avoid talking to anyone for the whole night. Should have figured, they are probably missing me. I sigh looking at the contact. Hoba hyung, a facetime. Not even just a voice call. Internally I groan looking myself in the reflection on my screen and making sure I don’t look like the shit I feel like. 
After a deep breath, I answer the call. “Heyyy hyung…” I try and push away everything that has happened. If I tell him he’ll just be worried for no reason. 
“Taeee, Happy New Year.” I smile lightly looking at him. He looks tired cause he probably stayed up all night. 
I grin, trying to hide away the frown that was stuck on my face. “Hobaa why are you awake so early?” He raises an eyebrow and just shakes his head. 
“Just am I guess, and knew you’d be awake so I wanted to call you. How’s the holiday with the missus?”
It’s awful. I said something inconsiderate and ruined the whole thing. We were drinking and I took her defensiveness as an attack on me. Maybe it was maybe it wasn’t. Doesn’t matter. We broke up and she said she doesn’t want to spend another year of her life with me. Now I’m sad and alone on New Years’ Eve. Probably won’t even watch the ball drop. Soak up my misery. I still have that bottle of wine I bought. 
At least that’s what I wanted to tell him. And I will. Eventually. Just not today. 
“She’s with the fam they are cooking in the kitchen.” I grin and he seems satisfied with that. Hobi is always fooled by my lies. Part of me wished that Jimin or Yoongi had called. They’d be able to call out my bullshit…
“Well, I shouldn’t bother you then you better go help…” 
“Yeah… well, how was your night last night?” I say, trying to get him to stay on the call a little longer. Damn, I wish I could go home. 
“You know… the usual. Jin passed out right after midnight. Me too.” He giggles. “But the others I guess you could say partied. Not really but we had fun.” I smile at this. Wish I had been there with them. 
“Wish I had been there.” I sigh, but smile softly to him, hoping to not reveal how I really feel. 
“No, you don’t silly. Go have fun!” He winks to me, “You’ll see us in a couple days anyway.” 
“You’re right.” I nod not feeling like telling him I’ll actually be on my way back tomorrow. It stays silent for a moment as he smiles up to me. 
“Stay safe and tell Mara I say hi!” He waves and I only nod. 
“Bye.” He says and hangs up. Well… I look at the clock seeing it’s only been about ten minutes since I last checked the time. It’s gonna be a long night. 
My palms press into my skull. Trying to nullify the ache resonating in the back of my head. Oh shit. I groan, shielding my eyes as I tentatively open them. Trying to bring myself to life I lick my lips, the taste of that wine leftover on my breath. I cringe, taking a deep breath. Did I really end up drinking last night? I thought that wasn’t the plan. I lift my head from my pillow seeing the bottle resting on the counter. Still full. I swear I could remember at least drinking at least a glass though. Except now I no longer taste the wine on my tongue. As if it had never been there in the first place. 
I exhale and plop my head back down. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Fuck. 
Again I lift my head up, searching for my phone on it’s charger. What time is it? Oh God what if I slept too late and missed my alarm. 
2:34 pm. Fuck.
I pull up my ticket on my phone. 4:30 pm. Could I make it in time? Might as well try… I read over the confirmation email. 
Thank you for your purchase… Your flight is for 1/1/2021 4:30 pm.
I toss myself from the bed, heading to my suitcase. Should I change? Do I have time? At least I should brush my teeth. I flick through the email, feeling like I’m forgetting something as I shuffle to the bathroom. 
Sent at 2:00 pm. 
I squint my eyes at this. Specifically remembering that I got this email yesterday and not today. Maybe it’s like a reminder. I shrug and wet my toothbrush.
An alarm sounds from my phone as I set it down making me jump. I scrunch up my face remembering I had a headache, but it’s not really bothering me anymore.
 I look at the alarm… a reminder I set for myself. But it was supposed to go off yesterday. It did go off yesterday. 
Reminder: flight tomorrow leave by 1:30.
I shake my head, lifting my head to the mirror. I look like shit, but I have this whole week let's be honest. Setting my toothbrush down I pull up my calendar. Did I get it wrong or something? No, my flight confirmation definitely says the first. 
I glance at the little red dot on the calendar indicating the date. 12/31/2020. Pressing my lips into each other, I raise an eyebrow staring at the screen for a minute. It has to be wrong. I almost laugh to myself. Am I crazy? 
I check the time again on my phone. 2:40 Thursday, December 31. 
Have I completely mixed up the dates? I could swear that yesterday was New Years Eve. I push my hair back, looking back into the mirror. Though I didn’t watch the ball drop so maybe I was just mistaken. 
Just to be sure, I look up the airport’s number, and give them a call. There’s no chance I’m missing the flight. After a confusing phone call they confirm my suspicions. My flight isn’t until tomorrow. Feeling very confused I finish brushing my teeth and start running the shower. How could I have mistaken yesterday for New Years Eve? I guess it happens. But I so clearly remember the date. Hoseok even called me wishing for me to have a good night. Had I imagined that as well?
After being refreshed from the heat of the shower I check my phone’s history. No call from Hoseok, which means I must have been in a daze of grief. Still, It doesn’t feel right. The call is so fresh in my mind.
I look to the clock after cleaning up my room. It was a mess. I hadn’t picked anything up and would have had to pack last minute in the morning if I left it that way. Despite wishing I was on that plane back to Seoul right now. I feel much better than I did yesterday. I should stay productive, keep my mind off things. 
Time has gone by particularly slow today. Even after cleaning up myself and packing for tomorrow. I’ve been avoiding my feelings all day. I resorted to playing on Weverse and messing with Duolingo. Despite wanting to write, I knew that I would just dig myself into a hole. 
Maybe this time around I’ll call Hoseok. I don’t want to wake him up though. It’s still early and I know he’ll want to sleep in after the late night last night. 
‘You awake?’ I text the group chat. Maybe Jin or I don’t know, anyone to save me from my thoughts will answer. Though, maybe it’s a good idea to talk about it with one of them. Maybe they could tell me what to do. Ugh, it’s so confusing. Even though Mara said she never wants to see me again I doubt that she really meant that. Right? I certainly don’t want that to be the last time we ever see one another. I swallow. She was so angry. So upset. Her hands shook as the tears streamed down her face, and she sniffed trying to hold back the storm behind her eyes. And I just stood there. Like a jackass. A deer in headlights. Didn’t cry. I couldn’t, I didn’t want to react, cause I thought she was overreacting. She shouldn’t have cared so much about what I said. It wasn’t meant to make her so upset. 
My face finds the palms of my hands. I’m so dumb. What the fuck possessed me to be such an asshole? All she wanted was for me to care and I didn’t. But I do. I really do. My cheeks form a blush as my face heats from the tears. I press into my temples willing myself not to cry. Stupid.
Feeling the buzzing of my phone, I look down. It’s Hoseok, and I huff before answering.
“Hey Tae bear!” He greets happily in my ear. I try to smile but I just want to be with him and not on this dumb call. Instead of being alone I wish I was home. 
My eyes start to water and a horrible feeling starts crawling up my throat. I know that if I try to speak I’ll just… 
“Are you there?” 
I swallow, trying to push back this feeling. But I can’t, It’s pushing back. Tears prick at my eyes, and I just want Hoseok to be here to hold me. Despite trying so hard to hold the tears in, the feeling overwhelms me and washes over me. I heave out a hard sob. Revealing a feeling I had been holding back all day. My breaths are fast and choppy as the tears roll, and I cling to the phone curling my knees into my abdomen. 
“Tae… Are you okay?” He sounds worried. I try to slow my breaths and answer him but I can’t. It just. I squeeze my fists. I hate this feeling. 
The stream of tears doesn’t stop as I hug myself closer. “Sorry…” I barely hiccup out.
“Taehyung are you okay? Are you hurt? What’s happening?” I shake my head, pressing my eyes into my knees. The tears soak at my pants and I take a deep breath, sighing out slowly to try and relax. 
“I’m sorry Hobi…” I sniffed, should have figured that would have happened. Wiping away at my face with my shirt sleeves, I start to explain. “Mara and I... it’s over.” I bite my cheek to hold my composure.
“Tae what happened?” he asks, sounding confused. Great, I shake my head. I just want to be with him. I don’t want to have to deal with this phone call. “I told her she doesn’t do enough.” I deadpan, taking in my own words myself. “I said that.” My heart twists, causing more tears to wring out from my eyes. Knowing now how it made her feel. Coming from the mouth from someone she loves. I meant it lightheartedly, but that’s no excuse now. I know her better than that. She does more than enough. God I hope she knows that. I hope that’s why she screamed at me. “What do you mean?” He practically shouts, but I can tell he’s trying to remain calm. “What happened? That doesn’t make any sense. When?”
I sigh, “Like a week ago…”
He interrupts before I can continue, “Where are you? Why didn’t you call?”
“I’m fine, I’m at a hotel and I’m flying back tomorrow.” 
He sighs, “What happened? You guys…”
“It was dumb. I said something dumb.” I groan, pushing my hair out of my face. “It just spiraled after that cause we were drinking and I thought she was overreacting cause I didn’t mean what I said.” Hobi listens as I go on, “ I could tell that it upset her but I didn’t care, cause I didn’t mean it like that. I should have immediately apologized. No. I shouldn’t have said it at all.”
“Why don’t you call her and tell her this?” 
I shake my head knowing he can’t see me. “She said she doesn’t want to be with me another year of her life.” It takes a lot to swallow that down. I really toppled the jenga tower. Instead of fixing the problem all I did was be inconsiderate and ruin everything. I’d like to blame the alcohol but it’s far too late for that. Not that she would believe me but truly it was a joke. My shoulders fall, a misunderstanding that I was too petty to reverse. 
“Oh.” He says plainly, leaving both of us in silence. Damn. Now I feel like shit. I should have waited to tell him. Now he’s just gonna worry too much. I could have waited to tell him.
“Sorry, I’m fine really I’ll be coming home tomorrow. I just want to be with you guys again.”
Hoseok sighs, “Tae don’t say you’re fine if you’re not... It’s okay, you’ve been with Mara over two years. You’re definitely not going to be fine.” A hot tear runs down my cheek, and I can tell my face is swollen. “Why don’t you stay on the phone with me and later all of the guys and us will be there for the ball drop.”
“No, no…”  I mutter, knowing that they’ll all just worry their heads off. “I’ll wait to talk to the others when I get home. I think I just want to sleep early and get this day over with.” What a hell of a way to start the year, I sigh. 
“Do you want to stay on the call?” He asks, and I really contemplate this one for a while. 
My breathing is shaky as I agree, “Just till I fall asleep, thanks hyung.” 
I slowly open my eyes, crusty, and still swollen from last night. The hotel room is lit up around the curtains. My alarm didn’t go off again? My hand wanders to the nightstand to pick up my phone. 
3:00 pm. My eyes widen and my heart jumps up with me in bed. Are you fucking kidding me? How in the hell did I sleep that long? Oh, God. There’s literally no way I’d make the flight. Why didn’t my alarms work? I stare at the time, wishing it would magically change to a couple hours earlier. How is it already the afternoon? Was I really that tired? 
Not even bothering to stand I press my cheek into my palm. What the fuck? My teeth grind together. Why? After all of this shit. Why now? Can’t I just have one God damn easy day? 
Is it possible to cancel my flight ticket this late? I should at least try. Maybe there will be some open tickets on a later flight. Though I highly doubt it as it’s New Year’s day and everyone is going home. God, I’ll be lucky to find a flight this week at all, I barely found this one. 
On my lap my phone pings. I look down expecting maybe Hoseok. 
Mara… Can I call you?
Immediately my stomach begins to spin. What could she have to say to me? I try to relax as I stare at the text. She’s already said the worst so it can’t be anything bad? Even if she tried apologizing I just... I fucked up. Would she forgive me?
After a moment I text her back, now anxiously awaiting her call. I hope she wants to talk it over. I hope that I can apologize. I hope she didn’t mean what she said. The phone rings, but I give it a moment before I answer. Stupid. I don’t want to seem desperate, but I am. 
“Hey this is so out of nowhere but what day is it?” She says, sounding completely normal. Like we had just been talking not that long ago. Like we had spent Christmas and this entire week together. What day is it? That’s what she's calling for?
I stifle a sigh, glancing at my phone’s calendar, “What do you mean? It’s the fi…” The phone says the same thing it did yesterday. 12/31/20. “No way…”
She gives an exhausted laugh. “I am going crazy over here… I’ve celebrated New Years’ twice, and this morning my dad asks if I’m ready for 2021. Please tell me I’m crazy.”
“Uh that's strange,” I scratch my head. Holy shit does that mean the other day I hadn’t been imagining it? That I really had already been through the 31st. Today is the third New Years’ Eve. “I… I don’t know what to say other…”
“Damn. I’m sorry Tae. I shouldn’t have called. This was dumb and I sound so stupid. I’m sorry I should leave you be…” I shake my head as if she could see, “hey, wait, wait, wait. You didn’t let me finish. Genuinely the same thing has happened to me but I thought I was just mistaken because I went to sleep early.” 
She huffs, laughing out of relief, “Ha, I thought I was still drunk from the night before…”
“Sooo, what does this even mean?” I ask knowing she doesn’t know the answer.
“Well, my parents don’t seem to notice so I don’t really know.” 
“Hoseok is the same way…” I add, wondering if he’ll call me again today. Shit does this mean I still have a flight tomorrow? If tomorrow ever comes. What the fuck.
“Sorry again, I don’t really know why I called you…” I frown at her words, “I… I guess you’re the only other person I could really ask.” Nothing makes any sense, and my head starts to pound from my thoughts jumbling in my head. 
“It’s okay, I… don’t mind.” I cringe, unsure of what else to say. She doesn’t respond right away, probably thinking the same thing. It’s a heavy moment. There’s so much to say but neither of us are speaking. Even though she isn’t saying anything I can only imagine how she looks. She’s probably curled up on the couch in her pj’s, probably making the same face I am. Just sad. Which is dumb, if we’re both sad then obviously the argument shouldn’t have happened. 
“Well, if this happens again I guess we are just fucked.” She kind of laughs, making me smile, but my face drops again as she continues, “I’ll leave you be then… Happy New Year’s Tae.”
“Mara…” The buzz of the phone line lets me know she hasn’t hung up. I close my eyes, trying to formulate my thoughts before I open my mouth. “I’m sorry.” I shake my head, feeling stupid, “You are more than enough, I…” My words get caught in my throat and I can’t finish my sentence. 
“Me too.” She mutters. 
I sniff, “Can we talk… like in person.” “I’ll try and tell my parents that talking to you is more important than the ball dropping.” She sighs, and regret washes over me. Her parents probably hate me. They had been in the house during the argument. My eyes fall to the floor. I really just fucked it up. “Where even are you?” 
“Oh, this Hilton near a movie theater I think.” 
“I shouldn’t have sent you out. I’m really sorry Tae, it’s probably not safe for you to just be in a hotel.” 
I almost laugh, at least I know she’s worried about me. “I’m a grown man…”
“Tch I know it’s just… I shouldn’t have let you leave in a city you’ve never been okay.” After another moment, “Well I’ll come later. Just text me your room number yeah?”
I hum in answer and she hangs up. That went a lot better than I expected it to go. 
As I step towards the door, I swipe my hands down my pant legs, hoping my hands aren’t sweaty, and hoping I don’t look nervous myself. God that shouldn’t even matter. Clearing my mind, I pull open the door to see Mara standing there awkwardly, with her hands folded together. 
“Hey.” I mumble, leaning against the wall to make room for her in the tight entrance, gesturing for her to come in. Her eyes are shielded by her hair as she walks past me, but she wasn’t looking up at me anyway. After closing the door behind us we silently walk over to the couch, each taking a seat. In my lap my hands fumble with each other, and I bite down my lip. I guess it’s a bit more awkward trying to find the right words in person. 
I nod a couple times, managing to psych myself up to start the conversation. “I… I’m really sorry Mara.” The words come out breathy as it finally feels right to say them to her. 
She lifts her pointed chin to me with a small smile, shaking her head. “I accept your apology, and I’m sorry I took it too seriously.” Her body turns towards mine as she continues, “I’m not even sure why it really got me that mad because it was a dumb joke and it just hurt my feelings.” 
“That's all that really matters, I hurt your feelings and that's a good enough reason to apologize.” I finally make eye contact, feeling comfortable talking to her again. Those eyes are just the same as they’ve always been. She’s not cruel. She has a kind heart and her eyes show that. Why am I acting a fool?
“If anyone should apologize…” She sighs looking around the room, “It’s me.” I look down at my hands still thinking. “God.” She sniffs, and I immediately bring my face up to see her crying. “That's such an awful thing to say.” She chokes out, hands covering her face. My mouth drops and I do what I would normally, scooch closer to her and wrap my arm around her. Her head continues to shake in disappointment with herself.
“Listen it’s…”
“No!” She pushes me away, looking at me, her eyes reddening already. “It’s not okay.” Her eyes squeeze shut, tears rolling down her cheek. Even if she did say it, my heart still pangs looking at her like this. “I… I didn’t mean it.” She shakes her head, frantically wiping at her face. “I can’t even believe that those words came out of my mouth.” Her face becomes hidden as she buries it away in her hands. 
I turn my head away from her, unsure of what to say. It’s not like I can say I knew she didn’t mean it, because that would be a lie. I still feel like deep down she feels like her life would be easier without me. And honestly it probably would. 
“Maybe you’re right though.” I whisper, surprised that the words came out of my mouth. I certainly didn’t mean them to, but they did. They just slipped, like the tears I hadn’t noticed forming in my eyes. I roll my eyes, wiping them away. No use in feeling pitiful. What was I to expect with this lifestyle? Maybe I’m just meant to be alone during this time. 
“No… no.” She sniffles, realizing that her words had taken hold. “Oh Tae,” She sobbed, pushing herself into my chest. “I need you in my life. I can’t express how much you mean to me. I really didn’t mean it. I can’t even believe I said that.” Her tears soak through the fabric and I barely hug her back. Even if she wants me back in her life there has to be some backing behind her words. Moments of unhappiness.
“Tae listen to me.” Her fingers grasp at my collar, bringing my attention to her. Her brows were furrowed in anger as she pressed her fists into my chest. “I love you. There’s no one like you. I…”
My eyes roll away from her, doubtful. The tears flowed smoothly now, there was no stopping them. I press my fingers into my eyes, trying to see through the tears. It just doesn’t make any sense why she would say that and not mean it. “T… there has to be a reason.” I hiccup, attempting to push her away from me. “There has to be a reason you said it.” I blubber, hiding my face in my shirt sleeve. Wishing I could stop crying. Wishing I believed her. 
I feel her wrapping herself around me, and taking my hands away from my face. Weakly I let them drop to my sides. Letting my lashes stick together by keeping my eyes closed. 
“Kim Taehyung.” Her breath is hot on my face, as her soft fingers trace under my eyes. “There’s no reason.” She sniffs, “I love you.” She leans into me, our foreheads touching. “Please don’t keep what I said in your heart.”
 My head slides away from her, resting on her collarbone, and taking heavy breaths. How can it not linger? This feeling. 
“Please forgive me Tae.” She hugs me closer. Of course I can do that. That isn’t the problem. “I want to go into this year with you… I want to spend all the years of my life with you.” She rambles on, “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” I can’t respond, and so she continues, “please we can fix this…” 
I sigh, collecting myself, and taking a deep breath against her skin. “Yeah.” It’s all I can muster, still not sure how I feel. It’s not like I don’t want to be with her, it’s just… Does she really want to be with me? I couldn’t live with the fact that she didn’t want to continue this but did anyway. I’m not even sure how I could forget this. I don’t want it to stay on my mind but I don’t think I’ll be able to help it. Though as we sit here, I’m just grateful to be in her arms. 
“Hey” I open sticky eyes, to the someone poking my cheek softly. Mara’s swollen but soft eyes are looking into mine, us still glued to each other on the couch. We must have fallen asleep, I blink a few times, stretching my arm out from under her. She has a small smile, one that makes me melt. Speaking softly she pulls her phone around to me. “Look.” With squinted eyes from the bright screen I see that it's 11:58 pm. She sets the phone down, leaning on her hand, “We didn’t miss the ball drop. Do you maybe want to watch it?” 
I smile whispering, “I thought you didn’t want to watch it a third time.” 
She sits up shrugging, “it’s different this time.” Her eyes find mine, and then she immediately looks away, “Though I doubt this tv gets the right channels.” I shuffle up in my seat as she gets up, rolling her head over her shoulders. 
After my mind has adjusted to being awake I stand, following her as she flips the tv on, scanning through the channels, though the time has already turned to 11:59. There's some news channels but they aren't showing the countdown. 
“Dangit we are gonna miss it.” She whines, but only looking half upset. 
I huff at her pout, quickly pulling up the ball drop on youtube. “See it’s that easy.”  25. 24. 
Her teeth show in a smile as she curls around me, watching the ball fall on the tiny little screen. 19. 18. “Can we kiss?” She kinda laughs at herself after asking, her eyes falling to the floor. Though I’m shocked she asked. 
“Yeah… of course.” She still seems hesitant, until I set the phone down on the bed, turning my attention completely to her. 10. 9.
She attempts to look in my eyes, but her’s just drag down to my chest once more. “I love you Tae.” 8. 7. My hand finds her chin, pulling it up slightly so our eyes do meet. And the blush forming on her cheeks makes me blush in return. Reminding me of the first time we kissed. 6. 5. I push my forehead onto hers, rubbing circles on her temples. 4. 3. 
“I love you too.” 2. 1. And I pull her face into mine, our lips softly clashing. Making me miss her more, and never want to let go. But I do. Breathing softly onto each other’s faces, breaking into smiles. 
She looks down to my phone with a grin, pulling it up to my face. “Look! It’s 2021!” 
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25 more things I learned during a global pandemic from your Local Teenage Train wreck :) (Pt. 2)
1. Gaining weight is okay. Losing weight is okay. Bodies fluctuate and are inconsistent. Just make sure that you’re trying your best to be healthy, whatever that means for you. 
2. School is hard, especially during a global. freaking. pandemic. Don’t beat yourself up if it’s harder to get up in the morning or your grades aren’t as high as they usually are. It’s hard right now. 
3. You’re mental health comes above all. School, responsibilities, and personal projects are not worth your time if it’s affecting your mental health. If your gut is telling you to take a break, take a break!
4. If you feel lonely, get a plant to keep in your room. Do some research as to that plants do best with the type of lighting in your room, and figure out some basic care instructions. Have someone to take care of besides yourself. Name your plants, and take care of them. 
5. Even if you’re not good at writing, I suggest you keep a journal during this time. It kept me sane over the summer, and even though I eventually stopped because of limited time with school starting back up, it helped to keep me sane in the worst of the pandemic. 
6. If you’re spiritual (or even if you’re not) learn how to do shadow work. This isn’t anything that has to be spiritual or done in just one religion. It’s basically giving yourself a chance and a space to be open and honest with yourself and to learn what you might need to work on through writing. If you google it, you can find a more in depth explanation, and prompts to start doing it. You basically give yourself a prompt. They can be questions like “What’s the biggest lie you’ve told someone else or yourself?” or they can be a little less heavy like “What are five non physical things that you genuinely like about yourself?”. This can be pretty heavy, and can dig up some unwanted emotions, but that’s the whole point; to deal with the emotions you may have been repressing and letting fester inside of you. 
7. On days when you’re not feeling well mentally, take a break. It’s okay to drop everything and get an extra hour of sleep, read, or do something else to make yourself feel better.
8. After hard days, I know the last thing you want to do is get up and continue on, but here are some ways to do it:
- lay out an outfit that’s put together, but not as over the top. No sweat pants or crappy clothes, but it doesn’t have to be your usual put together outfits with a full face of makeup. A nice crewneck and a nice pair of black athletic leggings can go a long way. 
-wear your comfort jewelry. I wear my beaded necklace that I bought for myself,  the silver ring my grandma gave me and the gold cross ring that my mom gave to me when I got confirmed. 
-eat breakfast. A handful of cereal will do. Anything. But eat something. I like to make oatmeal. It sounds boring but if you make it right, it tastes just perfect for mornings when you don’t feel hungry but know inside that you are. Recipe is next on the list :)
-go to school. I know you want to lay in bed. I know the last place you want to be is a crowded building full of pubescent teens that aren’t nice, but go. Go to learn. Go to absorb knowledge like a sponge, and don’t worry if you fail and lose some of the water, because you can always soak it up later. 
-if you have practice, rehearsal, a game, whatever, be gentle on yourself. Today might not be your best day physically, because the brain controls everything. Forgive yourself if you can’t land that double pirouette, get to the high note, or make that assist. You’re abilities are stagnant, and they’re going to change depending on how you feel
-When you get home, turn off your phone. Friends, social media, etc. can wait. Set a timer for one hour. Do work for just that hour. When the timer rings, finish what you were doing and then stop. Now have a 20 minute break and do something that’s not screen related. Read a book, draw something; heck, stare at the wall for 20 minutes and space out. When the timer rings, do another hour and repeat the same process until it’s all done. 
-have a playlist you listen to to heal you. Sad boi hours are ok, just make sure to have a playlist of songs that get you moving again. 
-Sleep. Even if that means putting off work for tomorrow. It’s ok. You really need it. 
9. Oatmeal seems gross until you know how to prepare it. When you do, it’s revolutionary. It’s a high volume, low calorie food, so you’ll stay full for a while without overeating, all while consuming less calories than you would with a traditional breakfast cereal. 
The right way to make it: 
-measure out half a cup of old fashioned oats. Not steel cut. Those aren’t as good. 
-MOST IMPORTANT STEP: add half a cup of water and half a cup of milk of your choice. I personally like almond milk because it’s kind of sweet already even when it’s unsweetened. 
-SECOND MOST IMPORTANT STEP: add a pinch of salt, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and allspice, and a teaspoon or two of maple syrup. This is what makes it taste palatable. It’s less sugar than store-bought, and tastes amazing. 
-Microwave that shit for one minute and stir. It should look kind of lumpy, but not a ton. Then, put another minute on. Stir at every half increment. (After 30 seconds, every 15 seconds, and then every 7) This is so it doesn’t boil over. Then, take it out, stir it one last time, and let it sit for a second. 
-Wash up some berries to put in it. I love blueberries and or blackberries. 
perfect oatmeal every. single. time. Feel free to add more toppings like nuts or if you wanna treat yourself chocolate or substitute the spices, but this is honestly one of my favorite breakfasts that keeps me full throughout the day. 
10. Learn a new language. Yes, Duolingo is annoying, but do it. Find one that you’ll like to learn and that’s easy for you. Try them on like old clothes and find one that fits just right. For me, it’s French. Expose yourself to that language. Listen to music, read books (or try to) and watch movies with subtitles. Soon enough, you’ll be eager to learn more. 
11. Learn how to use notion.com. It’s super amazing. You can literally keep track of your entire life there. It’s pretty fun to use as well. I made schedules for each day after school, a reading log, a want to read list, a personal habit tracker, etc, and they’re all extremely helpful. 
12. Make a list of things you weren’t allowed to do as a kid and do one every day. Heal your inner child by finally itching the spot that may not have been scratched for years. 
13. Learn how to make origami stars. They’re really easy, and I can’t recommend Maqaroon’s (Joanna’s) video on how to make them enough. Once you’ve got it down, get yourself a nice big jar and write down things you’re grateful for on the slips of paper you’re going to fold. Fill up your gratitude jar and make a wish once it’s full. It will come true. 
14. Have 30 minutes a day to put your phone down and read. Yes. You will have to sacrifice something to do this, but it’s so important and good for not only information retention and learning, but for mental health as well. Even if you have to get up half an hour earlier to do it, it’s worth it. 
15. It’s okay to be alone, but learn to recognize the difference between alone and lonely. If you’re lonely, here are some things to do:
-write a letter to a friend. It’s something nice you can do for yourself and others, and it’s not feeding into the toxic instant reply culture that we live in
-read a book or watch a show that gets you to connect with the characters, even if that means (I've said it before and I’ll say it again) rereading a favorite ya series or binging atla for the fiftieth time. It’s good for the soul.
-take a walk and smile at the people you see coming past. Again, it’s good for the soul. 
-go to the coffee shop and ask the barista to make you a drink that tastes like “_____” (insert whatever you want there. It could be a color, song, feeling, etc.) It’s weird and uncomfortable, but it gives you a conversation starter and 9.9 times out of 10 a really good drink. (Also helpful for when you think the barrista’s cute)
-Reading in general. It opens up so many new worlds with the turn of a page. 
16. Monitor your food intake. No, don’t restrict your food intake, monitor it. This means first seeing exactly what your putting in your body and altering it to gradually improve to a clean diet. Humans weren’t built to process all the preservatives, additives and sugars found in most processed food (cereals, chips, anything in a foil bag that’s either really sweet or really salty) and it’s important to cut down and if possible eliminate as much as you can of it out of your diet. Food is fuel, and you truly are what you eat. You’ll notice that by increasing your vegetable intake, reducing white processed sugars and carbs*, and cutting out sodas/extra sugars, that you’ll feel better. This isn’t a weight loss thing, but you may start to trim down a little bit once you go more intense with it. You don’t have to eliminate anything fully, and please enjoy your favorite “bad” foods! Everything in moderation is perfect! Just make sure that you’re getting the good stuff in there too! *Side note, do NOT cut out carbs! See my post on how I’m losing weight to get more into depth on this. 
17. Buy fresh flowers for yourself. Who says that you have to wait for someone else? That’s completely false, and you should totally treat yourself to a nice bouquet on occasion, especially in the dead of winter. 
18. The whole idea of self love is flawed. Loving yourself has nothing to do with the way you look. Loving yourself comes with genuinely loving your life. If you don't love the way you’re living, change it. Make and set goals. Fail at achieving those goals. Get back up and try again until you finally get it, but make sure that whatever you’re doing, you’re doing to love the life you live. Life doesn’t live you. You live life.
19. Have candles and incense. (Or a diffuser if you’re not allowed to burn stuff) Making your environment smell good makes a huge difference
20. Once you turn 18, get a tattoo. It doesn’t have to mean anything. Pick something small and get it behind your ear, on your ankle, wrist, fingers, whatever. You’ll love having the memory when your old. 
21. Realize your worth. We often put ourselves down because we think that valuing ourselves is equivalent to selfishness. It’s not. At all. You are just as important as everyone else. Your voice matters too. 
22. Go to art museums
23. Go to free concerts in the park
24. Expose yourself to new art, ideas, and literature
25. Life is gonna suck sometimes. It’s just how it is. That doesn’t mean a bad day’s gonna last forever. As cheesy as it is, keep your head up :)
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selfcareparker · 3 years
(lovely anon) ok so this may sound so dramatic but; let me paint you a picture: i’m responding to your latest message, sitting on the edge of the sofa. i type in “lovely anon” into the search and see this longgg post come up and i’m like uhhh... i scroll down and see the people you tagged and literally. when i saw @ lovely anon. i . cried . like full on tears. my brother goes “what are you doing” “she tagged meeeee” and he continued what he was doing and didn’t care LMAOO but i was so emotional? i love and appreciate you too and aAH IM CRYING!! you’re just really sweet and i didn’t expect it at all and it was really lovely to be a part of something :’)
the kermit pic sent meee but yes yes yes!! when you start uni let me know, lol i’m so excited for you!! let me know how it goes cuz i’m literally hype hahah & yes we will be in our sad corners of the world, missing england but you’re right it’ll be sooooo worth it in the end!!! and oH i’m glad you talk to them lol i truly thought you like haven’t seen them/haven’t spoken to them this whole time😭 that would’ve been awful!
also i totallyyy get what your saying about the english speaking thing. and idk why you’re insecure (well i *knowww* bc it’s not your first language and you’re studying it in college so yuh) but your english is great :)))
lol yeah that makes sense.. my mom took french in college and she remembers NOTHING HDJSHSJ (the fact that you wanna learn MORE languages i- ahh i so admire you.. you literally know so many languages🥺) yea i mean you know a bunch of languages bc you know the base of words lol, but i wonder if because you know latin it’ll be easier for you to learn french? oh- oh wait you said it’ll be easier HAHHAHA
THERES SO MUCH EXCITING STUFF TO TALK ABOUT HDGSJSJSL it’s so wild to me that you can’t watch chaos walking :( i’m a professional hacker tho so i’ll try and find a way for you LMAO (by professional hacker i mean i literally have gotten multiple free trials and i’m pretty sure the hulu police are after me bUT ITS THEIR FAULT BC WHY IS IT SO EXPENSIVE???) i mean the movie was good? and cute? and funny? but yea don’t think it’s gonna be the most fantastic thing haha AND THE DOGGO AWWW (i saw it again today- or my today lol, saturday, aND THESE OLD PEOPLE CAME AND SAT IN FRONT OF ME AND MY FRIEND LIKE ITS A LONG STORY LMK IF YOU WANNA HEAR IT)
SHARK FILMS?!?!! PLEASE READING THIS I HAD NO IDEA YOU WOULD LIKE SHARK MOVIES TOO FHSKSHSHDJDJGAJAYSJS ok so i haven’t seen any of the classics (i’m working on it) but i would probably watch jaws to laugh at it? not like that lmao but like comparing it. OKAY BUT HONESTLY I BARELY KNOW ANYONE WHO LIKES SHARK FILMS AHHH OKAY im adding “the shallows” to my watchlist bc it sounds super good AND SAME AHSJD ANY BODY OF WATER IN A MOVIE I JUST KNOW ITS COMING LMAO watch me not go in the water anymore after seeing that picture HHDJSJ
WHEN I READ THIS I JUST GOT DONE TALKING TO MY MOM ABOUT THE MEG AND THAT SCENE WHERE THE SHARKKK JUMPEDDDD AND ATE THE OTHER ONEEEE AND THEN JONAS HAD TO DO- bro i cannot (i think that one is my favorite because i love me a bit of romance and the subtle romance hAD ME) 47 meters down PHEW could you imagine?? i try not to think too hard about it i’m like “don’t be dumb catherine, don’t put yourself in a dumb situation” (not autocorrect having “dumb bitch” ready i am not lying) and i literally understand... there is no other way to explain 47 meters down
i CANNOT watch horror movies, can’t can’t can’t, i literally hate them i cannot do it!!! the thrill is tempting and it’s cool in the moment but i cant lmao. i don’t have nightmares about scary things (for the majority of the time) but going to sleep i’m like oooohhhhhh shit 🥲 literally what you explained
music !!!! music !!!! music !!!! (u ever write a word and now it looks weird lmao) MY BROTHER DOESNT LIKE MUSIC AND ITS SHIT IM LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU- anyway, my music taste is all over the place i mean......... it’s crazy. earlier today i was listening to meghan trainor’s album “title” oUT OF NOWHERE, but just a few minutes ago i was listening to fall in love with me by earth wind and fire soooo lol .. megan is *chefs kiss*, i’m not familiar with stormzy🙈, harry styles.... IM SORRY IM THAT PERSON but i don’t listen to his solo music EEK i only listen to adore you... and not that frequently... the music video freaked me out... i like niall’s solo music a lot more, which i listen to a lot more. now. one direction. favorite. please & thank you. i have a playlist called “boy bands” and it consists of one direction and the vamps (obsessed with cherry blossom btw) but as you can see my taste is all over the place!! fr fr if i sent you what apple music has as my “favorites” it went from ariana grande to carrie underwood to glee (OBSESSED DONT LET ME TALK ABOUT IT) i mean please if you let me i will nonstop (hamilton HDJSH) talk about music all day😩 & NOOO UR MUSIC IS GREAT HAHSK IM NOT A BIG RAP PERSON BUT DOJA CAT IS MY FAVORITE!!
okay good, i’m glad :) i was just nervous that you did feel that way <3 and GOT IT HAHAJ healthy pressure is always good :’) my friend got me these pens cuz i love stationary and school supplies lol and was like “now you have to write something” soooo yea i feel that! and i saw you posted the ficcccccc literally so proud of you 🥺🥺 i’m trying to decide if i read it tomorrow or tonight..... sleep or a literal beautiful creation made by the sweetest person and is v v nice smut and college!peter and 4.7k...... sleep aint really calling no more.
GIRL ALL OF MY SENTENCES ARE TOO LONG HAHAHAH IN FACT THIS IS TOO LONG SOOO (also why am i 3 days late..😑) anywho it’s 1 in the morning so <33 lovely anon
oh my god the fact that you cried nearly made me cry too😭😭🥺🥺 (also, your brother LMAO), i wasn‘t even sure if you‘d see it but i immediately thought of you so of COURSE i included you <333
the hulu police lsjsjaiaik, girl i was ready to get a hulu membership when i wanted to watch big time adolescence and i couldn‘t find it anywhereee, and when i got to the payment it said i need a bank account that‘s based in the US or whatever. like bro i was about to pay you!! but i was forced to find it somewhere (and i did, on levidia,— not that i‘ve ever used it because it‘s illegal 😤 i would never!!! i‘d rather support billion dollar companies and spend my money on watching films that i can find for free 🥰🥰🥰 not
i‘ve found chaos walking online so i‘ll watch it som time this week!! also YES TELL ME THE STORY
okay so idk if you watched/are planning on watching falcon and winter soldier but i watched the first episode the other day and they were speaking french (just a few seconds) and I UNDERSTOOD SOME WORDS DLDJDJ and i was so proud of myself. i‘ve only ever learned french with duolingo lol (i only do like 5 mins a day and that‘s why i was so surprised that i understood some of it!!). and yeah apart from latin i feel like italian, german, french and english are all similar in a sense.. i mean obviously they‘re completely different languages but for example there are some grammatical constructions in french that i think i wouldn‘t understand if i only spoke english? so when i translate those things into english you can‘t directly translate them bc you say things differently, but when i translate them into german then it makes more sense to me. idk that‘s something i noticed so i feel like if you already know multiple languages it‘s easier to learn another language compared to if you only know one language and are trying to learn a second one. even if the languages aren‘t similar then i think you get the hang of it easier.
ikd slsjsjs also i don‘t want you to think that i‘m a linguistic genius or anything lmfao, like i‘m only fluent in english and german and i‘m just a wannabe (ew that word) polyglot sksj (yes i had to google polyglot— i do think learning ancient greek would be super cool tho? like imagine studying latin AND ancient greek, whew). and honestly i don‘t think i‘ll ever be fluent in another language bc i don‘t plan on living anywhere other than germany or possibly england and i‘m not dedicated enough to properly learn any other languages esp if i don‘t have anyone to speak the language with. but i still try my best and i just love language/languages as a whole so yeah i‘m happy & just learning as much as i can dkdjh🥰
(I guess language/linguistics are/is my passion (which sounds sooo lame lmaoooo) and the word passion comes from the latin word pati (i think💀) which means to suffer, and in german passion is called Leidenschaft which basically means suffering too, idk why i‘m telling you this maybe you know it already. but ok dumb fun fact, in german you can make compound words with as many words as you like, and the longest official german word is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz which is a law for the monitoring of labels on beef... this is such a dumb fact but i think about that word like once a day idk why dodjsjsj so... 👁👄👁)
but i‘ll stop boring you with my linguistics talk because truly i don‘t know much about languages but i am interested omg i‘m gonna shut up now.
now water + sharks. (so in non-covid times i always go to croatia with my dad during the summer, and even before ever watching a shark film i was always kind of scared in water.. but after watching so many shark films wldjdj HELP Like you know when you go deeper into the ocean and you can‘t see or feel the ground/floor? anymore.. then i just start imagining sharks. like i can‘t help it i just imagine a shark sneaking up on me or feeling something graze my foot ABD I JUST START FREAKING OUT SSKJSHSJ. idk. anyway kdkdh i do love the ocean/swimming though but the older i get the more i realise how fucking scary the ocean is ( even if we’re gonna disregard sharks)
your brother... what‘s wrong with him? HOw CAN YOU NOT LIKE MUSIC LIKE WHAT THE FAWK
OKAY BUT SAME ABOUT THE ADORE YOU MUSIC VIDEO DLDKDJSJSKSLSLKSKSJSHSH and yeah i have to say harry’s style (styles lol) as a solo artist isn‘t reaaally my cup of tea, and i only like the popular songs from his second album and the first album is only good when i‘m in the right mood (haven‘t actually listened to it in a while though, but kiwi is one of my all time favourites along with only angel but i hate the start, like it takes 40 seconds to actually begin properly). i like mgk and because of him i watched the dirt which is a film about motley crue, and now one of my favourite songs ever is same ol situation and i‘m into rock now lol. +++ justin bieber. I had a justin bieber cardboard cutout thingy😭 i was the biggest Belieber on earth when i was 13-16, but i didn‘t like his last album and tbh he‘s become a bit weird lately, BUT OH MY GOD. i Listened to his new album yesterday and i‘m in LOVE with the song hold on
i really like niall‘s music toooo!!!! And doja cat 😌😌😌😌 And THE VAMPS OG MY GOD. i got to see them live bc they were the opening/support act for little mix and ajdsjskslslsjsjsj. (Also i love concerts, some of the best memories of my life are concerts, i‘ve seen nicki minaj live 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 and justin twice and my heart fills every time i think about how excited i was, it was my first concert ever (16th of September 2016 😌) and i was the happiest person alive seeing justin drew fucking bieber (even if i‘m not tooo sure about justin nowadays)
i have a confession? Idk what hamilton is. I mean I‘ve heard about it and i keep googling it but i‘ve never watched it (is it even a film???? or like a proper musical? also pls tell me you grew up with high school musical. i have a few friends who didn‘t and it makes me so sad 😭😭😭 hsm is the best thing to happen to my childhood , the sooooongs— i still listen to some of them every week or month lool they make me so happy)
(Okay wait i was about to recommend some stormzy songs but you said you‘re not that into rap so i won‘t dksksjl)
What you said about my fic AHSLSLSJB (i wasn‘t sure if you sent an ask about it earlier? idk that might have been someone else, so if it was (and you‘ve read it already) i hope you liked it sksjsj i was...... unsure about it. and i have this reeaaallly long peter fic that i started writing in december and that‘s the only peter thing i currently want to write but also i can‘t because idk how to continue kddjj.) but I’m definitely getting back into writing i have a few blurbs that i want to write so 🥰🥰🥰
Oh and pls as soon as you read this let me know: violet or yellow? (it‘s just a tiny thing for my new theme slsksj)
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