#the back pocket hole twins
fenixfoxtrot510 · 5 months
Don't be afraid to fuck around and experiment when trying something new.
Sometimes, I have to get a little creative with things like sewing because I do everything by hand and am self-taught.
Sure, the first attempt may look like this:
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But what you learn from that failed first attempt may lead to your second attempt looking much better!
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50 notes · View notes
writingoddess1125 · 8 months
The old men of One Piece finding out they have a child with you. Final Part
Shanks, Buggy, Mihawk X FemReader
Healthy mix of Angst and Fluff.
Support me on Ko-Fi
Author Note at End!-
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Dee woke up first, feeling the scratching of wood on his face. Sitting up quickly he saw they were in a cell- more accurately the brig of a ship. Sitting up quickly he felt his head throbbing in discomfort, he saw Bee also knocked out and shook him hard.
"Get up-" He hissed, smacking Bee across the cheek which snapped him away.
"What the h-" Dee slammed his hand against his brothers lips quickly. Bee noticing were they were and rubbing the side of his head. Dee carefully removing his hand-
"We have to be quiet..."
"Do you remeber what happened?" Bee questioned, Dee shaking his head. It was all too fuzzy for him to remeber.
"Doesnt matter.. we just gotta get out of here" Bee nodded at this and both kids stood up, Dee deciding to climb to the top of the cell greatful he had been in the crowsnest for a while and learned how to climb the mast.
"Hey this ship is old enough, I think if we push in this plank will pop up and we can try and shimmy our way up"
Bee followed his twins lead and climbed up next to him- Both beginning to push on the plank and pry it from its position. Dee greatful they were both skinny kids slipped his way through the open planking the dim space before pulling Bee up behind him. Once in they looked around.
They stared in awe- realizing this is must have been were they were stashing the treasure- it was small just big enough for the twins to stand with an inch of head space above them.
Bee grabbed some gold coins and shoved them into his pocket with a greedy smile. However Dee eyes went to a series of 3 boxes nearly stuck in a corner, kneeling down as he grabbed one and cracked it open seeing some odd looking fruit.
"Did you find food?" Bee said appearing like the Imp he was and peering down at it- it was boxes of fruit. Both boys groaned at the sight, You forced them to eat fruit most the time since they didn't really have a taste for healthy. Bee picked up the first one he saw and held it with one hand and frowned-
"That's it? Just some old fruit? They don't even have chocolate?" He grumbled figuring better tasting stuff was more valuable.
"Just shut up and eat it- We don't know if we will get food again" Dee argued back, Grabbing one from the box as well. Insync the two took a bite of their respective fruits and shivered in disgust as they tasted it. Bee barely able to swallow the first bite and quickly chucked it at a wall-
"What the hell was that!?" He yelled, Dee chewing his own in disgust before his eyes widened as he covered his brothers mouth. But it was far too late. Heavy footsteps quickly marched above them and both boys hit as the secret hatch above them opened- they saw a large pale man frowning as he looked at his secret treasures, he had a big purple fur coat, a wide brim hat that matched, way too small of eyes that made him look squashed like a pug. As he looked around clearly keeping an eye on his treasure Dee unfortunately was not keeping an eye on Bee who had grabbed a gold Dagger from the collection of goods and stabbed the captians hand. The large man yelled and jumped back-
Just like with all things- It seemed improve was Bee's go to!
Like two little rabbits both boys rushed out of the hiding hole and rushed out the Captian's Quarters while the blinged out Captian yelled and yanked the knife from his hand.
Dee and Bee ran through the halls of the ship, This wasn't like their dad's so it was difficult to navigate. However as if luck was on their side they rushed to the Main Deck- there they saw the ship and crew-
It was like they got flash banged by glitter- All the crew mates were wearing sequence in some way while the ship looked like someone had dunked it in cheap glitter and rhinestones.
"Did we get kidnapped by literally the lamest pirates?-" Bee questioned as the crew looked at the twins in shock.
"The hostages are escaping!!!" A crewmate yelled as all hell broke loose, The boys scrambled and darted in different directions. Dodging and lacing through the grown men at best they could- the boys were quite literally running laps around these idiots and having them knock into each other-
"Enough!!" What was assumed was the first mate held a gun up and fired directly at Dee clearly not caring about keeping a hostage for ransom anymore.
Dee stood in shock as the bullet came right at him- Before silence. Bee stood there in shock as Dee slowly looked down, There sat the bullet perfectly stuck to his chest. Carefully he pulled it off him and dropped it to the ground. Shocked just as much as the Crew members.
The Crew yelled before the grown men all charged at the boys- Dee picking up an oar and ready to defend himself. Till the oar didn't come off his hands- he started to wave it around wildly to get it off, Hitting the men in the process of doing so.
"Sorry!!" He yelled as he tried to kick off the oar from his hands but it smacked a guy in his teeth and landed perfectly back in his grasp sticking once again. His feet sticking to the ground as he bent backwards as a guy jumped at him and jumped into the sea around them.
"I-Im sorry!-" Dee cried as he spun around and the oar stuck to him swung and smacked another pirate inbetween the legs.
The oar finally unsticking from his hands and falling to the floor with a unflattering thud.
He looked to hear cackling as he watched Bee have the damn time of his life- He bounced like a spring everywhere, going incredibly fast as he punched different crewmates with the force of the abilities.
It seemed everytime Bee swung a wave of force would come out of him sending men flying at kicks and punches. He laughed loudly at this and looked on at the destruction he was causing.
Once all the crew mates were knocked out the hard steps and laughter from the Lower Deck caught their attention. The massive Captian clapping in praise as he walked up to the Main Deck.
"The Tack Tack fruit and the Bam Bam Fruit- Fitting you two would stumble upon it! One makes you Just sticky enough that nothing on the outside can harm you just stick, while the Bam Bam fruit lets you double your natural abilties every time you hit it twice"
The Captian bellowed as he stared down at the two boys- Pulling off his coat with a laugh revealing the many gold chains on his body and heavy rings on his fingers.
"Behold a true devil fruit! The Bling Bling Fruit!" He yelled as he clapped his hands and his whole body turned into glittering gold before punching the ground hard shattering thay part of the deck, The boys jumped out of the way of the impact.
"Too bad it won't keep you from being crusted to death!!" He yelled as he began to jump and use himself as a human Canonball- The boys barely dodging the attacks, the few times Bee tried to make a hit the mental just hurt his hands and made him jump away.
The Blinged out Captian continue to terrorize the boys, as well as landing blows on them that they barely were able to escape.
The Captian laughed loudly as the two boys were just trying a means to escape at this point, The older man hitting Dee who flung overboard barely able to stick to the side of the ship to keep from hitting the water.
"DANNY!" Bee called out as he rushed to pull his brother up. As he did so he saw the Captian power up and jump ready to crush to two under his weight.
"BLING BLING CRUSSH- OOF!-" He cried out as a Special Muggy Ball suddently smacked into his back exploding and propelled him into the ocean past the two kids. Both boys frozen as they saw The Big Top ship came into View, Buggy at the front as massive hooks came to the side of the blinged out ship and pulled it close.
"DAD!!!" Both boys cried out, Buggy and You rushing from the Big Top to the smaller pirate ship quickly and towards the twins. Buggy using his Chop Chop abilities to grab both twins from so close to the rails and pull them close.
"Oh thank Heavens you're alright!!" You cried out as you kissed their faces, tears rushing down your cheeks as you held them both close.
"How did you find us?" Bee fried out, As you smoothed your hand over his and Dee's face.
"You don't make your ship shiny cause you turn into a sailing Lighthouse thay anyone can track-" Buggy pointed out as he gestured to the glittery ship.
"Are you two hurt? Oh my goodness is that a busted lip!?" You cried as you looked at Dee's face.
"We are okay, we did most of the damage anyway! And the bullets didn't hurt me!"
"Yeah We were beating them all up too! And fought the whole crew with our awesome abilties!!" Bee yelled excitedly.
Buggy froze at this like a record scratch, staring at his sons with the most deadpan stare he could possibly muster as his eye twitched.
"Boys- Please elaborate on what the hell you mean by that?-" He asked as he put one of each hand on his shoulder and kneeled down to their eyelevel.
Bee grinned widely at this as he giggled excitedly, before snacking Dee and his hand sticking to his brothers face. Dee glared at this and yanked him off him aggressively before kicking his brother in the shin- making Bee cry out and hop on one leg, of course after that second jump he shot through the air.
Buggy giving his signature scream in shock before his hands flew out and grabbed Bee quickly before he flew into the ocean.
"YOU TWO ATE DEVIL FRUITS?!" He screamed out as he brought back bee carefully and proceeded to grill them on finding out how and why-
"Yeah the Tack Tack fruit and the Bam Bam fruit!!" Boy boys said in unison.
They ate a devil fruit- both ate a devil fruit... you turned away and felt your body stagger a bit as the words that Buggy was screaming in panic about to the twins was mumbled on you-
Both of them... Cursed to never swim... while you're out on sea... and both of them are pre-teen boys that don't listen...
You didn't remeber your face smashing into the main deck due to you fainting- However you sure as hell felt it when next thing you know Buggy is fanning your face and holding you in his lap in panic. Your boys standing around you as well and a few crewmates with a wet rag for you and a first aid kit.
"Buggy... please tell me your genes did not win and have not one...but both our twins eat a devil fruit"
You whimper out, Buggy wincing at your words a little and nodding that unfortunately it was true-
"Oh dear Gods..." You sigh- almost ready to faint again.
"Mommy I promise we won't cause any trouble" You heard Bee said, his voice softer then normal as he was clearly worried. Dee nodding in agreement as he too looked worried that you were mad at them.
"I know my loves- I... it's just very dangerous"
You say softly, Sitting up with the help of Biggy who rubs your back in comfort. Dee and Bee stand there nervous for a moment, before Dee whispers to his brother who grins and reach into his baggy pants pockets.
"Here Mommy! I have just the thing to show we will be okay- TAHA!" He yelled out as he pulled out two large handfuls of treasure.
Both you and Buggy's jaw drops at the sight. "Where did you get that!?" You yell and Dee smiles at this.
"On that ship we escaped" He said proudly, Buggy started in saying to bring it to the treasure room but the boys refused. Saying it was theirs and they would hide it in the best spot! Running from the both of you laughing as they plotted their treasure spot.
"I suppose a Pirates life is for them" You said with a tired chuckle, staring at the two as they ran away to the lower deck. Buggy helped you stand fully this time, not bothering to chase the kids for their nice lump of treasure.
"They will be amazing pirates for sure- and great men"
Feeling a arm around your waist, glancing up with a raised brow to see Buggy wide grin.
"You know, I haven't gotten that much time with the boys especially in those important younger years. I did miss so much and wish I got to experience those baby years as a Dad"
You slowly raised your brow as your eyes narrowed at the man who continued to grin with mischief in his eyes.
"What if we-"
You sent him a glare that made him smile nervously.
"Hell Fucking No-"
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It had been about 6 months since Shanks had returned into Vivians life. It had been slow going but getting there. The two had days were it was just them together and you could see that spark in Vivian's eye slowly coming back as her and Shanks hung out more-
Today was one of those days, Both having returned from a day out boating and having a picnic.
"Hey Mommy! We're home!" Vivian yelled put holding the empty picnic basket in her arms as Shanks smiled at you.
"Hey you two, How was today's boating adventure?" You ask, Smirking at the proud smile on Shanks face as Vivian began to mindlessly chatter about how much fun she had with Shanks. The man was clearly doing everything in his power to make it up to Vivian.
"I'm glad you two had fun"
As you speak this a wash off a odd feeling it you- You lean against the countertop, feeling lighthearted and dizzy. Assuming you had first thought you may have over worked yourself or not had enough water.
"(Y/N)?.." You hear Shanks call out to you as you felt odd. Closing your eyes as you staggered and fell being barely caught by a panic Shanks who called your name but the words warping before you feel unconscious.
When the doctor had arrived he had done every test imaginable and came out with grim results. An illness that couldn't be cursed and only be drawn out- he did everything he could in terms of medication however you all knew it was grim. Vivian took the news worse then anyone, insisting that you could improve if she did more. You and Shanks both having to slow her down and keep her from having a breakdown at that.
It had been a month since your diagnosis and you knew you were rapidly falling apart. Your legs being the first thing that went- you lips starting to get a sickly shade of blue and pain coursing through your form at all times. Vivian having decided to try and become a sort of care taker for you despite Shanks being there who helped you daily, she was desperate in wanting you to get better and it broke your heart to see-
"It's okay Mommy, you'll get better. Just takes time"
Laying in bed you watch Vivican fuss with your blankets talking about keeping you warm so you could get better. However you knew you wouldn't... your time was approaching and there wasn't anything to be done.
"Vi.. could you do me a favor and run to the market to get my favorite icecream?" You ask softly, watching her nod and run downstairs to do as you asked. Leaving you and Shanks alone, there was a few moments of silence before you sighed.
"Shanks... when I'm gone please take Vivian with you... she can't be alone" Shanks opened his mouth, most likely yo protest you dying but you held a hand up calmly.
"I know what will be happening to me... and in truth, I don't want to suffer either.. which is the second thing I need to ask of you-"
You saw his eyes water at this, bowing his head at the words. You knew you were asking too much of him- But he was the only one you trusted now and needed his help.
"What do you want done?..." He asked softly, his voice barely over a whisper.
"First... I want to have a nice dinner with all of you- And I want to tuck Vivian in... after she goes to bed.. me and you share one final drink together"
You say calmly, reaching over to grab the bottle of pain pills the doctor had given you. Holding the bottle out to him, his resolve cracking at this as tears rolled down his cheeks. Clutching the bottle hard and nodding.
"Okay... I can do that... And after?" He spoke between tears and trying to control his emotions. Tears running down your own cheeks at this point.
"Cremation.. and my ashes spread in the sea... the most beautiful place you can think of"
Shanks nodded at this tears running down his cheeks as he slipped the bottle into his jacket pocket for later.
When Vivian got back she was met with a surprising display, both her parents in the kitchen cooking. You seated on one of the chairs slowly and carefully cutting up ingredients while her father was stood adding it to different pots and mixing it with a spoon.
"Ah Vi, Thank you for the ice cream love. Wanna help us make dinner?"
Vivian smiled widely at this and nodded. It turned into a wonderful time together, the family making a wonderful curry dinner that was filled with laughter and nice stories- You and Shanks talking about your guys dating in the past, Vivian felt like she was in cloud nine. You were smiling and cheerful while Shanks was attentive and kind.
Once having your fill and eating the ice cream together Vivian watched you and Shanks together. After the family time Shanks carried you upstairs to Vivian's room were you read to her, kissing her forehead and tucking her in to the best of your abilities.
That evening once Vivian was put to bed Shanks laid you back in your own, careful in his task as he tucked you in with his hand and added several pillows to make you comforble.
Once laid out he grabbed two bottles of Rum. With shaking hands he added the crushed up pain pills in one and mixed it calmly before handing it to you.
Tears rolling down both of your guys cheeks as you both sat there together. Shanks leaned over and gently kisses your lips, sniffling as tears rushed down his cheek.
"I want to say I love you (Y/N)... and you have blessed me with not only your presence but our beautiful daughter.."
You smile at his kind words, returning the kiss and caressing his cheek.
"I love you too Shanks, you are a wonderful man who made me a Mother to a beautiful daughter.. I know you'll take wonderful care of her"
Holding your bottle up you both cheers and take the first sip of many, At this you two drink that night and for the final time.
When day rose, you were gone. Vivian had been woken up by the sound of the doctor talking, rushing out to see him and Shanks talking calmly his face red from crying. She rushed to him and peered into your room were a white sheet covered your form. Her eyes widening and her body running cold at the sight- She didn't even hear the words from Shanks as he laid a hand on her shoulder.
She stepped forward and he followed silently behind as she took a seat on the bed and touched the outline of your hand. Tears running down her cheeks as she looked on at your covered form, her hand hesitating in wanting to lift the shroud but stopped herself. Instead looking at Shanks who was silently crying while standing there.
"W-Was she in pain?" She asked, Shanks shook his head no at this. Vi nodded softly at this, before standing up from her seat and stepping towards Shanks and pressed her face against him- slowly her sobs began to fill the room as she wrapped her arms around his leg and cried. Shanks placing a hand on her head as he let her, she needed to cry.
The next few days had been a blur, Vivian had said her final goodbyes to you, crying by your side before the doctor took your body to he cremated. Shanks took control, he had organized the memorial, picked up the ashes to bring with him on his journey to sea and been with Vivian every step of the way. Vivian keeping the rights to the house and bakery when she wished to return, as well as packing up her room to be set onto his ship.
It was so much going on and all too quickly, yet it seemed like he was watching it in slow motion. Watching how Vivian looked out at sea or held the apron you always wore, it was hard for her yet she seemed to understand and accept it as well.
"Vivian.. are you ready?" Shanks called out, Stepping into her empty room as he crew took the last few boxes to his ship. She was standing there looking out the window holding your apron. Snapping from her thoughts she looked at him and nodded, folding the apron and putting it in her suitcase before following Shanks silently.
Once to the ship Vivian hesitated for a while, standing there as she watched the ship bustle to set sail as quickly as possible. She turned to look at the island, holding her suitcase still as the wind picked up through her red hair.
Vivian stood there, tears running down her cheeks as she looked out at what had once been her home with you.. her life that she knew with you was gone.
Feeling a hand on her back she looked up to see Shanks, looking as glum as her as he looked down at her. No words would be a comfort to her, they both knew that... but ironically they would only have each other from now on and the memories of you to keep them floating.
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It was like clash of the titans in your home- Ever since you and Mihawk's tumble on the couch.
Mihawk and Alucare seemed to be constantly and silently fighting with each other. While they claimed it was training you were pretty sure Alucare taking a razor to the back of Mihawk's head was not apart of training or the need for Mihawk to quite literally toss his son to the other side of the island as punishment.
However it seemed in some way they were getting along- mainly when the two did real training in the orchard by your home. Since Alucare had a interest in blades Mihaek had taken up to training him- even procuring a curved sword he called a kilij to train him with. Alucare had taken up to this training well and had been getting better everyday. It had genuinely turned into a rather picturesque family envirment for the past few months much to your delight.
Today was just the same, Alucare and Mihawk up at dawn to train- Then silently fighting with each other, you cleaned up from breakfast and right on cue Mihawk walked in having let Alucare leave for school taking a seat at the dining room table.
You two shared a small conversation with each other as Mihawk unwined, you pausing however to take a break.
You rubbed your lower back in mild discomfort, you didn't notice Mihawk's gaze on you. How his eyes lingered on your form as you moved through the house.
"Dinner? Sure we can have dinner together next week, sounds like fun- Oh before I forget let me get you some tea-"
"Let me" You heard him say, and stand up quickly. Gesturing for you to take a seat quickly as he went to make the tea.
"It's okay Mih-"
"You're back hurts. It's more then acceptable to make my own tea and for you to rest.. You shouldn't work yourself so hard" Mihawk says calmly and surprises you by how he just took over the kitchen and sets down a cup of lavender tea, you raised a brow at this since he normally drank black.
"It's just mild back pain-" You pointed out, narrowing your eyes at him. Something was clearly up.
"Let's go to the doctors... if you are uncomfortable it's safer" He insisted as he took a seat and sipped his own tea ignoring your hard stares.
"...You know something don't you?-" You point out adding some honey to the lavender tea. But he stays quiet and continued to sip his tea.
At first you refuses to go to the doctors, hoping to prybit out of Mihawk what he was hiding- However the man just kept pestering you to go. It only took a few hours of his nagging for you to decide to go.
A few hours passing and Alucare returned, Clearly having decided to skip classes again to just return home. Walking in cautiously to see Mihawk in the kitchen and you nowhere to be found.
"Where is mom?" Alucare asked as he saw Mihawk quickly chopping vegetables-
"She will be returning shortly-" was all he said, but Alucare knew that tone. The old man was up to something.
The door slammed open and both men turned in surprise looking like two startled black cats with their fur raised- You were never one to flare your temper but oh boy did you look pissed. Holding a paper in your hand and glaring hard at Mihawk.
"You knew!!" You yelled pointing at him, Alucare stepping to the side out of the line of fire. Mihawk lowered the cooking knife and turned to look at you as you stomped forward.
"What did the doctor say?" He asked calmly, a almost playful tone on his face as you tossed the paper directly to his chest which he caught and began reading through carefully.
"You knew you got me pregnant again! You knew this whole damn time didn't you!!" You yelled, Alucare jaw dropping at the news and clearly now wanting to leave the room.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" He said calmly as he read through the paper, a smirk on his face as he read through it. You snatch the doctors paper from his hands that indicated you were in the early stages of pregnancy.
"You knew!- You ass!" You blush flustered as you hold the papers. Mihawk staring at you blankly and shrugging slightly like he didn't know what you were talking about- You placed your hand on your hips and narrowed your gaze.
"Damn it Mihawk we are both too old for a baby! Besides I can't fit a newborn in this house its-"
"Come move in with me" Mihawk said, this surprised you and Alucare together over how serious Mihawk seemed about this.
"I have missed the birth of one of my children already.. as well as you being forced to raise him on his own- I will not allow it a second time... I want both of you to move in with me" He explained, Gesturing to both of you with his hands. An air of silence followed.
"Mihawk- I couldn't just mooch off of you, I mean what would they think if just a random person moved into your home? I-I wou-" You were cut off again with a raised hand.
"You wouldnt be mooching off of me, you will be my wife and if anyone who dares come to my island has an issue with you as my wife they will learn quickly not to-"
Pause. Wife? Your eyebrows raised at hearing this, your cheeks feeling far too warm and chest fluttering.
Alucare looking slightly surprised by this as well.
"Wife? Since when have you married my mother?-" Alucare demanded as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"I planned on asking next week, however things have changed with the arrival of your sibling. So I'm asking now" He said bluntly.
That's when it clicked, thay dinner that Mihawk had asked you to join him at- That ment he was most likely going to propose then to you and ask you anyway to be his wife-
You covered your mouth in shock at this revolution. Mihawk smiled calmly at this, as he stepped closer to you. Alucare scrunched his face up in disgust at being caught in this sort of emotional situation.
"...If you're still interested I'd prefer to ask now. The ring order won't be ready till tommorow however..." Mihawk admitted as he placed his hands on your hips. Tears welling up in your eyes and you nodded.
"Yes, I will marry you-" You whisper out, Hugging the man you were so close to castrating just moments ago. Mihawk returning the gesture calmly as his hand settled on your waist.
"We will be moved out by the end of this week, it will be a bit of a sail to my Island so I will make sure everything is safe for the journey" He stated calmly, Alucare looking ready to barf at this point.
"I get no say in this do I-" Alucare asked as he stared at both of you.
And that was that.
It seemed Mihawk really did manage to do as said, by the weeks end he had purchased a larger ship since he didn't think the Hitsugibune sea craft he usually used would carry you all comforbly and keep you safe. So he purchased a larger sea vessel, hiring also some local men to pack up the house and load everything onto the ship- Since your house was tiny it didn't take long.
Mihawk hadn't let you lift a finger- when you offered to help move things or even to cook lunch to bring on the journey he had refused and took the task himself. Alucare had also been weirdly okay with this all, he hadn't made a lot of friends in school so he wasnt attached to that- He'd explored all of the island and neighboring islands as well so he didn't care about the area-
Just like Mihawk had said, by the end of the week the small family was ready to depart- everything had been packed, enough food for up to 6 people to last a year instead of 3 as well as every supply imaginable.
You held Mihawk's had as he escorted you on the ship- still helicopering you. One hand on your lower back as he lead you on board.
"Mihawk Dear I'm not made of glass" You giggle softly, seeing the rather focused look on his eyes as he made sure you were fine while on board.
"I'm aware, but I wish for your safety only Darling" He says softly, Making you blush deeply and turn away in surprise. Alucare followed behind and rolled his eyed at the flirting between his parents.
Alucare looked at the island he had called home for the last time, feeling the tug of the small ship as it pulled from the docks ready to set sail.
This was the start of a new life.. and while he would never say it- he was excited for whatever was to come.
Author Note:
WOW! This sure has been one hell of a journey! I'm so glad that all of you have enjoyed these stories and have given me the chance to write for so many of you! These series has gifted me my first 800+ followers to my page and I couldn't be happier!
As a way to celebrate and yelp organize these stories I have organized them and put them on AO3! That and with some extra stories to go with them! They are also separated into individual stories as well!
Twice as Difficult Buggy x Reader and Twins
Memories that Wait Shanks x Reader and Vivian
Copy and Paste Mihawk x Reader and Alucare
Thank you all again and I hope to see you all soon!
Tag List-
@lunanight1021 @lolavegas20 @cuteastrash @thatcharmingmushroom @marsilis @thesadvampire @amecchii @zaphira-san @matronofthevoid @mothmans-left-nipple @hoe4fiction @manyimaginativemuses @alyholmes02 @arianyo @chaoticpercy-jacksonkid @lansy-4 @skeetyeetyote @untoldshortsofthefandoms @dank-memes19 @peachycuptea @kenqki @psycheflame @commanderfreethatdust
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steddieas-shegoes · 3 months
On school picture day, Steve always gets the kids ready. It’s not that Eddie doesn’t want to, it’s that he kind of hates making them dress up for a photo when 99% of the time, they’re just kids.
Except Steve had to go to a training conference for guidance counselors this week and picture day is happening whether they like it or not.
Their oldest, Jules, can do everything herself now. Prefers it, actually. She’s been extremely independent since she turned 10 a few months ago and neither of them try to stop her.
But their twins are only six, and James and Connor are like tornadoes who interrupted a category five hurricane and wore their most stained clothes while doing it.
“Let’s at least brush your hair,” Eddie suggested, already mentally preparing for the arguments that would cause. “Just for the picture and then you can mess it up however you want.”
“But daddy lets us wear it crazy!” Connor lies.
“And he lets us take off our shirts!” James lied even more.
“You guys don’t even know how to lie right,” Jules said as she finished braiding her own hair.
“We don’t lie!” They said in unison.
Eddie used to think the twins talking and doing things at the same time was just coincidence, but now he knows it has to be some kind of evolutionary benefit to outsmart the parents.
“Let’s call daddy then and ask,” Eddie said, immediately being met with silence. “Oh, can we not? If he lets you do that stuff, then it shouldn’t be a problem right?”
The twins shake their heads.
“Great!” Eddie pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and pretends to dial Steve. Steve’s not gonna answer, so he just sends a quick text to let him know it’s fine and to let it ring to voicemail. He holds the phone up to his ear as it rings twice and then goes to voicemail. “Hey sweetheart. You know how it’s picture day? Mhm. Well the twins told me you usually let them just go without brushing their hair or even wearing a shirt! I thought that sounded silly. So you don’t?”
“Wait! Okay we lied a little!” Connor yelled, suddenly panicking at being caught.
“And maybe a lot!” James added, already trying to climb Eddie’s side so he could reach for the phone.
“I’ll go get them ready, love you, bye!” Eddie rushed out and hung up so he could hold James safely. “I think you think I’m a fool.”
“No dad, you just let us be crazy,” James said.
“So does your daddy. Just not on picture day. You know the rules. We do this for him, right? We get nice and handsome and we smile for the camera so we can hang the pictures on the fridge.” Eddie glanced at last year’s school photos, resisting the urge to cry at how big they’d all gotten so quickly. James was missing three teeth now, Connor seemingly lost a ton of his baby fat early, and Jules had started wearing earrings. “He likes seeing your faces on the fridge.”
“But can’t we just wear our regular clothes?” Connor begged from his other side.
Eddie looked down at what they were wearing. It wasn’t that bad. No stains, at least. And no holes. That was rare for them.
“You can wear these clothes if you let me make your hair look nice,” Eddie bargained.
“Daddy’s gonna kill you,” Jules said with her arms crossed.
“He loves me too much. Plus who else would do the dishes every night? He can’t kill me!” Eddie joked, tickling James before setting him down on the floor. “To the bathroom, my princes! Make haste!”
They ran for the bathroom quickly, nearly tripping over each other in the process.
Eddie’s phone vibrated in his hand with a text from Steve that just said ‘if they don’t brush their hair for pictures, Santa won’t come.’
Eddie texted back quickly: so cruel. as his most sexiest elf, I wouldn’t pass over their house.
Steve sent a ‘🙄’ and then a ‘😘’.
Eddie pocketed his phone and went to help the boys with their hair.
When they got the pictures back a month later, Steve shook his head, but couldn’t quite hide the fond smile.
James and Connor both forgot to give normal smiles into the camera.
But their hair looked almost perfect.
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okieedokes · 20 days
you can stay with me | don hume x f!reader
summary: don let’s you stay in his room after the party!
word count: 1,141
warnings: none just fluff
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Don Hume bows his head shyly to the applause of the crowd below him. It seems that everyone in the auditorium who hadn’t left with their respective sweethearts were joined in celebration of the young athlete.
He steps off the stage to join the group of men who have quickly become his closest friends as they all take turns shaking his shoulders and kissing his head in pride. Becoming flustered by all the attention, Don excuses himself to the bar, hoping another drink will settle his nerves.
Distracted by all the commotion, Don doesn’t notice the girl walking towards him until she crashes into his frame. The drink in her hand splatters the pair, soaking his white button-down and the front of her soft pink dress.
Any feelings or confidence Don had felt prior had been instantly replaced by embarrassment as he steadied the young girl with a hand on her waist.
“I’m so sorry! I’m the biggest clutz!” You exclaim whilst shaking your hands to remove any lingering drops of brown liquid.
Don takes this opportunity to take in the young woman who stood before him. A once pale pink dress perfectly hugs your frame, complimenting the soft curls in your hair and the scarlet tinge of your lips. As your face reddens with embarrassment, Don realises he had been staring in admiration whilst you continue to spew apologies.
“No, it’s okay. It’s my fault, I wasn’t looking.” He reassures, withdrawing his hand in the process.
“I’m sorry. I really should get going before I trip and accidentally kill someone!” You joke, but it fails to fool Don as he catches the tears brewing in your eyes.
“You were great!” You add before running towards the exit as the tears threaten to spill.
Don turns to check that any of his fellow teammates are not watching him, knowing it would be the main topic of conversation at training the next day if they saw him run after a girl.
Once satisfied they were all distracted, he took off in your direction.
Upon leaving the auditorium, the darkness made it difficult to see anything, let alone your slight stature, until he heard faint sobs around the corner of the building. Sure enough, the cries led him straight to you, your arms wrapped around your body that shakes with each sob.
Don raises a gentle hand to your shoulder, careful not to frighten you.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asks softly.
“Oh yes, I’m fine. I was just worried about getting caught covered in booze when I returned to the dorms… I’m on a scholarship and need a clean slate to keep it.” You utter between sobs, and Don realises that you both may have more in common than he had once thought.
“I understand; I’m only here because of the team…I’m always worried I’m going to screw it all up.” He confesses, shoving his hands into his pockets nervously.
“Oh, come on, Hume, everyone knows you’re the best stroke Washington’s had in years!” You chuckle; your sweet smile doesn’t go unnoticed by Don.
“Hey, I have clean clothes back at my dorm. If you want to borrow a jacket, or something before you head home?” He doesn’t know why he suggested this, but he’ll do anything not to say goodbye just yet.
“Don’t you want to stay and celebrate?” You sniffle.
“I was about to leave anyways; I got to practice early tomorrow.” Don lies and, without hesitation takes the girl's hand in his as he guides her toward his dormitory.
Upon reaching the dorm, Dons realises his guest may not be impressed by his bare bedroom. However, when he unlocks the door, you enter without hesitation, making yourself comfortable on the edge of his twin bed, feet dangling below.
“So, do you like rowing?” You pipe up as he searches his cupboard for a coat with minimal holes, settling on a fleece bomber jacket.
“Well, I’m getting a job out of it and a room, so yeah.” He mutters, closing the cupboard door behind him.
“I think it’s more than that; I’ve seen how you row.” You tease, a sly smile playing on your lips.
“You’ve been watching me?” Don questions, struggling to believe a girl as beautiful as yourself would ever take notice of him.
“Hard not to.” You admit, smiling softly.
Don notices the goosebumps on your arms and places the jacket around your shoulders. With his tall stature the garment almost swallows you up, but you wrap yourself in it nonetheless.
“I suppose it should be getting home.” You announce after a minute of silence.
“I’ll walk you back.” Don insists, wanting to savour any time left with you.
“I’m sorry, but you can’t; if my hall director sees you walking me home this late, she’ll get the wrong idea.” The girl giggles as Dons face glows bright.
“You can’t walk back alone. It’s nearly midnight.” Don objects, taking your hand in his as if he was pleading. Although he had only known you briefly, the thought of anything bad happening to you made his stomach churn.
“You can stay with me-“ He adds before fully acknowledging the inappropriateness of his offer. To his surprise, your face doesn’t appear disgusted, and instead, you flash your sweet smile.
“What about your bunkmate?” You giggle.
“Oh… I have a feeling he’s not coming back tonight.” Don mutters, glancing over at Shorty’s empty cot.
“Well, if that’s what you want…” You trail off before Don interjects.
“It is,” He assures, Bobby’s encouragement from earlier replays in his head as he bows down to meet your gaze.
You can’t help but lift your hand to brush the loose strands of hair that frame his face back. Don takes this gesture as permission to kiss you.
You intertwine your bodies together as you lower yourselves onto the mattress. You’re unsure whether it’s the liquor or the feeling of Don's strong hands on your body that causes your head to spin as you hesitantly pull away.
“Are you okay?” Don asks, his brow furrowed in concern that he had done something wrong.
“Yeah, my head is sore, probably from all the drinking.” You reply, and he places a calloused hand on your forehead.
“Hmm, you should probably get some sleep,” Don murmurs as he rolls onto his back, allowing you to rest your head on his chest. You tuck your knees up, resting them against his side as he strokes your hair gently.
“Good night, Don…” You’re voice trails off as you fall asleep feeling the safest you’ve been since leaving your childhood home months ago.
Don, who had never been much of a talker, places a soft kiss on your forehead before dozing off himself.
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strxwberry-milku · 3 days
𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐝 𝐀 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 ?
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 @trc-punzel ✰part3 of the Gif euphoria series
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Roomate!Jimmy x Reader x Twin!Jey
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: You always had a thing for twins…
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Daddy k*nk , Gagging , Cream Pie , Spitting
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Looking for cheap apartments were really hard to find especially when you just recently moved into Las Vegas. For the past couple of weeks you have been staying in a motel browsing the internet in search of an affordable apartment . It was now night time, and even though you were tired and exhausted you still decided to keep doing your research. Low and behold you found yourself a perfect apartment with everything you needed in it,the only slight problem was that you’d be sharing it with a complete stranger….. you would deffo have to pad lock your room or sumn cause you can’t trust people nowadays. Being sneaky and shi you opted to find out who you were sharing your apartment with, so you searched up this app called “ roommate finder”.
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Typing up the apartment complex info that you’ll be moving in too, it was able to spot the resident you would be staying with. “ So his name is Jimmy huh ?” you smirked and kept on scrolling through the pictures he added unto the website . “ He’s so fineeee Lord help me” you took a deep breath as you could feel your cooter mama starting to get a bit wet, laughing at your own stupidity you closed your laptop and sat it aside on your bed side table and proceeded to go to bed since tomorrow would be an eventful day seeing as though ur moving in with the roomate.
“ Thank you so much ” you smiled to the man who helped carry your luggage up to your apartment door, “ No problem Miss ” the man called “Jerry” presuming from the name tag clipped onto his milky, white shirt smiled and then turned around to head back to his truck. Taking a deep breath you finally examine the exterior of the building infront of you.
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( pick which one you like )
Smiling you pick up the keys from your back pocket and push it into the key hole , rotating it to the right , the door slightly opens signifying that you can go in. Upon entering, you see…..
“ Ay! Yo Uce! pass me the salt real quick” I say and continue to stir the pot of spicy, authentic Jamaican soup I made. Just as Jey was about to pass me the salt , I hear the front door squeak open. Halting my movements I quickly turn around attempting to catch whoever was brave enough to enter this house , knowing damn well I got my strap on me . ( boy please 🙄) I make eye contact with this very pretty woman “ Damn she sexy asf” I thought in my head ;forgetting that a complete stranger was in my house, biting my lip I futher study her curvaceous figure . I could deffo tell she keeps up with her maintenance because her skin was flawless and glistened like gold in the sunlight , not a single imperfection to be found and her long pink bow decorated nail set , sat perfectly on her delicate fingers.
“ And who tf is you ?” my brother rudely interupts. Visbly taken back from his sudden outburst she meekly responds “ I’m Jimmy’s new roommate…” Poor thing , she must have to be confused and have the wrong Jimmy because from what I know of, the app that I have on my phone ( Roomate Finder ) hasn’t notified me of any new incomers.
୨୧ JEY’S POV ୨୧
I had to laugh because ain’t now way this bitch gon come up in this house and claim to be my brothers new roomate when he doesn’t even have one , she must be drunk or sumn, though now that I’m looking at her properly she does look kindaaa…..Sexy . “ Bitch, get tf out!, you ain’t nobody’s roommate “ I said harshly as I place down the salt on the kitchen counter and hastily make my way towards her shy form. Now you can say that I’m a bit of an asshole for shouting at her ( ya think? 🙄) but what would you do if a random stranger randomly came inside your family’s house ? the same thing right ? mhmm thought so .
quickly grabbing my brothers arm , I drag him back “ Chill out bruh , clearly this is a misunderstanding ” I said and sat my brother down on one of the high top chairs around the counter . Turning my attention back towards her I gesture her to come inside. “ Jimmy are you dumb ? she could be a murderer for all we know !” Jey whispered aggressively making sure to keep a close eye on her every movements . “ Relax, I got this” I say and leaned back onto the fridge . “ Sooo you said you were my roommate. Is that correct?” I questioned with a straight face.
୨୧ YOUR POV ୨୧
I sure as hell wasn’t expecting this.Why is this man acting slow ? and who tf is that other midget shouting at ? anyways lemme keep my cool. “ Yes I just recently moved into Las Vegas about four weeks ago, I found a perfect apartment , which is this one and saw that I would be staying with a roomate , so obviously I had to check that I’m not bout to be living with some mad person, No offence” I paused and made eye contact with the man supposedly named Jimmy . He chuckled a bit “Nah it’s fine, I understand ” Smiling at his response I continued my story. “ Being noisy and shi I browsed the internet until I came across this website called ‘Roomate Finder’ and typed up the name of the apartment I would be staying in, I saw most of your pictures pop up and information about you, You seemed kinda cool and not weird so i decided to take the risk and live here.” There expressions were nothing short of confusion, I wanted to laugh so bad.
“ Hollup, lemme see sumn real quick ”…..
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irisintheafterglow · 9 months
The Archer (gojo x you)
summary: after your best friend becomes viewed as a monster, the only thing to do is cling to the ones that loved him too. (or, screaming who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay?)
wc: 1.1k
cw/tags: hurt/comfort, angst but heartwarming ending, manga/anime spoilers, established relationship, pet names (babe, baby, sweetheart, etc), mention of vomiting but nothing descriptive, yeah did i mention angst
note: i just need to hold gojo satoru and tell him that it's going to be okay is that too much to ask for (anyways hope you enjoy the pain that my brain farted out)
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated <3
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“Su?” He freezes, rooted in place as the sun casts shadows on his unreadable expression. “Where are you going?” He sticks his hands into his pockets and turns to you with a smile so fake you need to take a step back. He'd lost a lot of weight but what terrified you the most was the calm aura that surrounded his weakened body, a contentment that was scary to see on someone in so much agony.
“Mission, just a few Curses plaguing a village of about a hundred.” Forcing normalcy into his voice was as successful as forcing a square block into a round hole and you couldn’t stop the worry from leaking onto your face. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Because I had another dream.” His face falls, washing over into careful blankness. He was used to this, your technique and the consequences it brought. It was, however, a long time since you confronted someone directly about what you see. “You know, Future, it doesn’t show me what will happen.” He won’t meet your eyes and you hesitantly take a few more steps toward him.
“It shows me what can happen.” 
His words are cautious, delicate as if saying the wrong sentence would break you like a fragile piece of pottery. “And what did you see?” 
“Something that I’m begging you not to fulfill.” You swallow the lump in your throat and blink back the fear threatening to spill over from your eyes. “I’m so scared, Suguru. I’m so fucking scared.” You stumble the rest of the way forward and his arms wrap around you instinctually, holding you tightly as you continue to plead for him not to go. He pulls away to look at you and a sliver of hope pokes the back of your mind when you see the conflict in his eyes. It disappears as resolve hardens on his face. 
“You’re family. Whatever I do, I will not harm you.” 
“I need you to promise you won’t–”
“I can’t promise anything beyond that.” After a moment you have no choice but to nod, defeated, and he pulls away for the last time. “You have my word.”
The news hits you like a train that you saw coming ten miles away, knocking the air from your lungs and sending shards of invisible shrapnel into your body. Because of your technique, you know before everyone–Yaga, Shoko, Nanami, the higher-ups, Satoru. You feel the moment Suguru makes his decision in your own body like cruel twin telepathy and you rush into the nearest bathroom to expel everything you’d eaten that day. You feel the same sensation again when word reaches Yaga, the whispers of massacre and Curse User and traitor seeping into your ears. Nothing, however, could compare to the storm you felt when Yaga told Satoru. 
You fall asleep early in the days after Suguru leaves. Not because his absence didn’t keep you up at night, but because you didn’t really know what to do except hide in dreams. Dreams that kept you in a state of blissful ignorance; you, Suguru, Satoru, and Shoko at the fair or the park or the beach, not scattered into four separate corners by indifferent Fate. Suguru’s departure felt like a severing of your soul, like your brother died rather than your best friend leaving. You avoided others like prey escaping a predator, paranoidly checking reflections in windows for people you didn’t have the energy to talk with and ducking behind corners when voices got too near. When the few missions you completed were over, you were back in bed, curled into yourself so tightly that no one could reach you. 
No one, at least, except Satoru.
He calls you some nights later and you squint against the harsh light of your phone screen. 
“Hey, Sleeping Beauty.” There’s a forced smirk in his voice that you see through like glass, immediately noticing the way his pained tone wavers with every uttered word. “Did I wake you from your beauty rest?”
“Mhmm,” you hum exhaustedly, groaning as you sit up in the darkness and swing your legs over the side of your bed. “Door’s open if you need it.”
“Yeah…okay.” The melodically teasing tone in his voice drops in an instant, as does its volume. You make sure there’s an unopened bottle of water ready for when he gets to your dorm. He was probably just as dehydrated from sobbing as you are. “I’m sorry.” 
“For what, love?” 
“Waking you.” You laugh softly, rubbing your eyes and sitting back on the edge of your bed. 
“No, you’re not.”
“You’re too good at that.”
“What, knowing when you’re lying? I thought we weren’t supposed to lie to each other. Relationships 101.” He huffs as much of a chuckle as he can. “What are you really sorry about, Satoru?
His voice cracks and your heart feels like it’s been stabbed a hundred times. “I need you. Really badly.” There was no suggestive air or promiscuous tone in his voice, just unfiltered desperation not to be alone. “Can I–”
“Of course. Get over here; I miss you.” 
You time the duration it takes for him to get to you, two minutes on the dot. He opens your door slowly as if to check if you’re still awake, and shuts it just as gently. You flick on your nightstand lamp and feel your stomach sink when you fully take in just how tired he looks. There’s no trace of anger or frustration on his face, only pure loss. The bags under his eyes deepen as he sighs, avoiding your eyes for the first time you can remember. He just stands there in the middle of your room, deflated and suffering. When he speaks, it’s a strangled and helpless choke. 
“I couldn’t–”
“Shh, just come here.” You rise from your bed and catch him when his knees buckle, his face buried in your shoulder. He doesn’t cry or heave like you did; he just grabs whatever he can with his hands and holds you so needily his arms start to tremble. “I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” 
When you finally slide under the covers with him, he’s still clinging to you like you’d float away if he let go. “Stay.” He pleads with you even as you have him locked against your chest, gently carding your fingers through his hair. It’s soft between your fingers and reflects the little moonlight seeping through the cracks in your curtains. 
“I will.” You press another kiss to his forehead as if to seal your words, but he doesn’t feel safe yet. 
“Please, stay.” 
“I swear on my life that I will not leave your side.” You try to lace Cursed Energy into your words, make them as unbreakable as you command them to be. Squeezing your eyes shut, you breathe him in, willing him to let himself go. To not be the honored one or the strongest sorcerer, but Satoru, to break down and grieve just as any other man would. 
“I’m so sorry.” There it is, baby. Just let go. 
“I know, sweetheart. Rest now, I’ve got you.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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bossidiotart · 1 month
Part 2 of this. @endlesslogo tagging you in case you wanna read part 2 of the story inspired by your art
Donnie stared down at his chiming phone. A number he didn’t recognise lit up the top. After the third ring, he turned off his phone and pocketed it. If it’s anything truly important, the caller could just leave a message. He turned back to his project and continued soldering.
The clock on his vambrace screen reads nearly 3am. He wonders if Leo had managed to go to sleep. He hasn’t come in to pester him all night long. Good. It’s always a good sign when Leo finally gets to sleep. Hopefully he’s getting a restful sleep and peaceful dreams.
Yet..something in the back of his mind is nagging at him.
The notification for a voicemail sounded in his pocket. Guess whoever was calling had something important to say. Likelihoods of what it could be played in his mind as he set down the solder and pulled out his phone again. He opened it and went into his voicemail. He tapped on the transcript.
Donnie. Donnie, please, come get me.
I don’t know where I am or how I got here, but…
Donnie tapped the play button and put it on speaker. There was silence and some sort of static at first.
The soft shell’s blood ran cold. Leo? Donnie listened to the message that was transcribed, still as a statue. Leo sounded terrified. His voice shook and was hushed as though he were hiding from something.
“-or-or how I got here, but-“
A deep rumble that almost sounded like thunder emitted, pulling a gasp out of his brother. A pause that felt like an hour long stretched out. Then, a horrific scream. It chilled Donnie to the bone and made him want to hide deep inside a hole. Another scream joined in; Donnie realised with horror that it’s Leo screaming. A loud crash, and the voicemail cut out.
Ear-splitting silence settled. Donnie sat paralysed. He jolted and swiped at his vambrace. The trackers blipped on screen, and he immediately searched for Leo’s.
…wait, what?
His tracker is in his room. That’s not possible. Unless…
Donnie dashed out of his lab, leaping down stairs and hurdling over unpacked boxes. Leo’s room soon came into sight; he slid in front of the door and threw it open.
He quickly scanned the room. His eyes landed on the sleeping form of his twin. Confusion settled in his mind like sticky, melted marshmallow. What the fuck? Leo’s here? But the voicemail…
Annoyance bubbled. He stomped into Leo’s room.
“Nardo, if this is some kind of sick prank, I’m really not in the mood.” Donnie shook his allegedly sleeping brother. “Come on, dum-dum, I know you’re not actually asleep. What the hell was that voicemail?” He shook him harder. Annoyance built. “Nardo! Leo, wake up!” He still doesn’t stir. Donnie scoffed and pulled Leo onto his back. The slider’s eyes remain closed, his face slack. The elder pulled the younger’s eyelids apart. Donnie’s eyes widened. That’s…not normal.
The pupil in Leo’s eye had blown so wide he could hardly see the reddish iris. Donnie let go of the eyelids and opened the other eye. Same thing. This.. this cannot be good. He pulled out his phone, turned on the flashlight and shone it in Leo’s eye. It didn’t react. Oh, this is definitely not good. Donnie chewed on his lip as he tested Leo’s other eye, getting the same result. What to do, what to do.
Leo is alive, thankfully. He’ll have to check his vitals to be sure he’s truly alright, however. Donnie glanced at the time on his phone screen. Nearly 3:30am. Raph won’t be up for another 3 to 4 hours. Donnie took in a breath, cornered a resolve, and scooped Leo up from his bed. The soft shell trotted down to the med bay, his stomach twisting at how limp his brother is. He shouldered his way into the med bay and set Leo down on the bed. His heart pounded as he tested Leo’s vitals. With each one that passes, he feels a little better but at the same time worse.
Donnie slapped a wrist monitor on him and fell into a nearby chair. His vision zeroed in on the monitor until it was all he could see. Resting heart rate is normal. Rhythm is normal. He instinctively slipped his hand into his sweater pocket and pulled out his phone. He reopened the phone app; he stared at the number Leo called from. He tapped on it and brought it up to his ear.
“The number you have reached-“
It didn’t even ring.
Donnie hung up. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and stared hard at the wrist monitor. Leo’s stupid heart mockingly beat at its normal rhythm. Donnie’s pocket buzzed and burst out into song.
The soft shell yanked his phone out and stared at the unknown number on the screen. His heart pounded. His hands trembled. He hit the green button and held it to his ear.
“Ohmigosh thank the spirits you picked up!” Leo’s unmistakable voice came through the speaker. “You got my voicemail, right??”
Donnie swallowed against the confusion and fear as he stared at his comatose twin in front of him.
“I did.”
“Great! So you guys are on your way, right?”
Donnie stared at his brother’s still form.
“Don? You guys are coming to get me, right?”
“Donnie?” Panic edged Leo’s voice. Donnie took a breath.
“We…can’t find you.”
Donnie gnawed on the inside of his cheek.
“I mean, something’s up with your tracker. I can’t pinpoint your location.” Donnie’s leg bounced a hundred times a second. “Can you see any landmarks where you are?”
“Uhhhh.” Leo’s voice faded some as Donnie imagined him moving away from the phone to look. “Not really. It’s mostly trees, streetlights, and an empty road.”
“That’s not much to go off on...” Donnie muttered. His eyes flicked up, and his heart seized at the sight of his unconscious brother. Right, his actual brother is in front of him. But what about the one on the phone..?
He could try to trace the call, but what if it only points to the Leo in the med bed? Only one way to find out…
“Stay on the line, Leo, I’m going to try and trace this call.” Donnie pressed his phone between his head and shoulder as he typed on his vambrace.
“I ain’t going any-“ A distant rumbling sound cut him off. “Shit. On second thought, I gotta run. I’ll try to find another phone.” Click.
Donnie sat in silence. His fingers hovered over the vambrace screen. It blinked at him. His eyes stayed glued to the screen. His mind spun every which way in baffled attempts to explain. This…it’s not possible. He looked once more at his comatose brother. What have you gotten yourself into, Leo? On his vambrace, the screen continued blinking as a dot pinged over the med bay.
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stylinsoncity · 11 months
This SEL timestamp takes place about a year after the events in Rio and a few months after they've toured the rest of South America. As mentioned in chp 25, they've started traveling to preternatural villages around the world. This covers some of that.
This is sort of integral to stories about vampires, but there's a lot of talk about feeding, etc. Just fyi!
The Inner Village might be Harry’s favourite of all the preternatural villages they’ve been to. He’s not saying he’s ready to move to New York City and he can’t imagine Louis is either. But there are pockets of the Inner Village that are incredibly wonderfully gay and coming from their close-minded town, it’s a relief. There, they attend a drag show operated entirely by witches. They also meet Kristen and Teo from the Stonewall Coven, a found coven made up of queer witches. Harry has never met or heard of a found coven, at least not in Europe. He has a loving coven of his own, but the idea that there are witches uniting to support and love each other as family nearly makes him cry. Seated at their dimly lit bar table, the emotion is so obvious on Harry’s face, although only Louis catches it. He smiles and gently squeezes Harry’s hand in his own. The two of them garner some attention of their own, although they’re used to it by now. Even here in such a progressive place, a vampire and witch coupling up is rare.
“Like, sex is a different story,” Teo says. “Obviously, we’ve all fucked a vampire.”
Louis lifts his brows, his lips curling. “Are we just a fetish to you?”
Harry sputters, trying to complete a sip of his martini.
“I mean…” Teo shrugs. “I think most vampires would say fucking a witch is a fetish to them. And listen, I’m trans. I have to deal with men fetishizing me for that too. None of it’s ideal. But when it comes to witches and vampires, it’s like fire and water. Anything beyond a hookup is uncharted territory. And no one ever dares to try.”
“You should,” Louis says. “You’ll have more men to pick from. Ones who aren’t dickheads.”
“Well, if you have a twin brother, send him my way,” says Teo, their gaze lingering on Louis for a second longer than Harry likes.
“We were a bit like that at first, fire and water,” Harry cuts in. “But now, nothing makes more sense than this. We’ve just been told for centuries that witches and vampires can’t get on. And it’s not true.”
“And how long have you been dating?” Kristen asks. “Because if you say it’s only been a month or so, I’ll need more proof than that.”
“It’s been a little over a year officially,” Harry says.
“And also,” Louis says, lifting their joined hands from beneath the table, turning their hands so Harry’s ring catches the scarce light in the room. “We’re engaged.”
“Well, fuck,” Kristen says. And when Louis presses a kiss to Harry’s hand a second later, she adds, “Okay, I’m sold.”
It’s not to say that great love only exists between a vampire and a witch. Harry’s parents had a beautiful marriage, exactly the kind he wanted for himself. And Louis’ mum and Perry love each other deeply.
It’s only to say that great love exists in places some might not think to look. Sometimes it starts between rivals. Sometimes it takes years to flourish. Sometimes it feels like the universe is completely opposed. But sometimes it’s there waiting, in the most uncanny places, if you want it badly enough.
Every day in New York, they get up to something new. They tour museums and art galleries, including one where Louis buys him a painting and has it shipped to the estate for safekeeping. They dine at restaurants from Michelin-starred rooftop establishments to hole-in-the-wall haunts. They day drink (and night drink) and nap in parks in between. They make the most of their month-long stay. No, they won’t be relocating but Harry already knows they’ll be back. Often.
That day, after brunch and a bit of shopping, they retire to their rental penthouse to escape an incoming thunderstorm. The day isn’t a loss at all. He found the stick and poke kit he wanted so that Louis could attempt to tattoo him. After an order of sushi and a shared shower, they get started.
“Was nice to see Teo and Kristen again last night,” Harry says, mostly to distract himself from the initial shock of pain. “And all their friends too.”
“Yeah, they’re a fun lot,” Louis says. “Fucking crazy too. Crazier than us when we want to be.”
“I think Teo has a tiny crush on you.”
“Yeah, but it’ll go away.”
“Oh, so you agree?”
“When we hugged, their heart did a bit of a thing. That’s all.” Louis looks at him. “Now yours is too.”
“Do you think they’re attractive?”
Louis exhales a small laugh. “They’re objectively good-looking. Haven’t thought about it beyond that.”
“Everyone has a crush on you. It’s annoying,” Harry says.
“Who’s everyone?”
“In every place we’ve been to, there’s always someone who starts to fancy you a little. Isabelle in Argentina, remember? Damien? I think he was in Peru. Oh, when we went to Italy. The twins we met? Justine and Luca? They were both into you.”
“Isabelle was technically into both of us,” Louis says. “And I’ve got a list of my own, love. You’re just a bit better with names than I am. The girl with the pink hair last night? She couldn’t stop looking at you.”
“Should’ve remembered that, to be fair. But yes.”
Harry doesn’t remember her looking at him, but maybe that’s the point.
“I don’t mind, so long as none of them get too close,” Louis says. “I know you’re all mine.”
Then he glances at Harry. Harry actually feels his heart skip a beat. Louis smiles and refocuses on his work. He’s tattooing a bird to match the one Harry tattooed on him a year ago. It’s just a simple outline and for his first shot at tattooing, it’s looking quite nice already.
“Does it hurt?” Louis asks.
Harry shrugs. “Not too much. You’re gentler than I am when I tattoo myself,” he says. He watches him wipe blood and ink away. A thought strikes him. “Do you feel thirsty doing that?”
Louis’ hand stills momentarily.
“Just a question,” Harry says tentatively.
“I always feel thirsty around you,” Louis says, his gaze focused intently on the tattoo. “I’ve said so before.”
“But not literally.”
“No, literally.”
“So, even after you’ve fed?”
“I’ve said so before,” Louis says again. “Even when I’ve fed, the thirst is still there. Just…quieter or something.”
“So, if you could keep drinking, you would?”
Louis pauses and looks at him, lifting the needle away from Harry’s skin. “I don’t get the question.”
Harry's senses tingle slightly due to a subtle shift in Louis' mood. He tries to choose his words carefully, but no matter how he twists and shapes the sentences in his head nothing really works.
“I’d never hurt you,” Louis says. “It’s impossible for me to hurt you. Because I love you and you’re my mate. And if something were to happen to you and you weren’t here, I wouldn’t want to be either.”
“I know that,” Harry says quietly. And he should leave it there, but— “I don’t know if that fully answers the question.”
“Have you got infinite blood? ‘Cause that’d be news to me. There’s no universe where if I kept drinking, it wouldn’t kill you, is there? So, no. The answer is fuck no.”
“Why are you getting so angry? It’s just a question.”
“Why are you asking me if I want to drain you of blood?” Louis fires back.
“It’s not like it’d kill me, Louis. I’d come back.”
Louis blinks. “What?”
“I can’t die. We’ve established that.”
“But you did die!” Louis says. His voice breaks. His jaw locks. Willow finally appears in the room and curls herself around Louis’ ankle. After a breath, Louis tries again. “Your heart stopped for long enough that you were dead. I know it.”
“Yes, but I came back,” Harry says.
“But you still died, yeah? Whether you came back or not, you’d be dead. So, no, I don’t want to fucking kill you. I don’t think about it. I don’t want to think about it.”
“Now, explain to me why it sounds like you want me to?” And when Harry doesn’t immediately refute that, Louis’ eyes go wide. He puts the needle down on the sterile tray beside them with the small ink pots and stained tissues. “Are you actually serious right now?”
Harry just wants to be honest. Because truthfully, he never considered these thoughts so egregious, but he also never dared to share them with Louis either. Now, that he mostly has, it feels deceitful to not come out with all of it. And he’s also learned that it’s better to expose the whole truth as uncomfortable and as painful as it may be. Better to do that than spend an eternity keeping this to himself.
“Before, when I thought I’d die from the curse, I thought about it,” Harry says. “But only ‘cause I feel safest with you, and it seemed like the most ideal way to go if I had to go at all.”
Louis laughs. Actually cackles. And stands. “Good thing you didn’t think to ask. I would’ve assumed you’d gone completely insane.” He yanks his latex glove off and tosses it onto the coffee table.
“Where are you going?”
“I need a drink,” Louis says, strolling off towards the kitchen.
Harry puts his face in his palms for a moment. They bicker on occasion, solely because they’re both stubborn, highly opinionated people. But he can’t remember the last time either of them was genuinely cross with the other. He feels Louis’ cloying anger even when they’re in separate rooms.
Willow lingers in the corridor, visibly uncertain about who needs the most comfort. Mentally, Harry sends her to Louis. He could use a drink himself. He loiters there on the couch for a minute or two longer, waiting for Louis to come back. And when he doesn’t, Harry sighs and goes after him.
In the kitchen, Louis has a beer open in front of him while he taps away furiously at his phone.
“Will you please relax?” Harry asks. 
“No, I don’t think so,” Louis says. “Here we are having a nice night and you reveal you’ve got a death kink or whatever it is.”
“I haven’t got a death kink,” Harry says. “For fuck’s sake…”
Louis sets his phone down. “When you had that thought back then, did you also consider what it’d be like for me? To watch you slip away? To be the cause of that?”
“I did, actually. Which is why I didn’t bring it up back then. I knew you wouldn’t do it.”
“Because I can’t.”
“Fine. But you clearly don’t know how it feels for me either. On the receiving end of things. It’s like…euphoric. It feels like I could just sink into it and stay there forever. And I’m sorry if that worries you or whatever. I’m not saying I want to die. I’m not saying I want you to kill me. I’m saying when you feed, if there was a way to feel the way I feel infinitely, I wouldn’t be opposed to it. I’m just saying I’ve thought about it. That’s all.”
“But that’s impossible. Without me killing you.”
“Yes, you’ve said. I get it.”
“I could never.”
“You said that too,” Harry says. “There’s the blood curse anyway, so—”
“Even without the blood curse…never.”
“Okay,” Harry says. “I’m sorry I mentioned it at all, alright? Can you finish my tattoo, please? Before you get drunk?”
Louis rolls his eyes and has another swig of his beer.
“I’m sorry,” Harry says again. “Come on, Lou, please?”
Louis looks at him, his eyes slightly narrowed as he thinks. With a shake of his head and a sigh, he says, “Yeah, alright,” and starts back to the living room. Quietly he puts his glove back on and sterilises the needle. Then he starts on the tattoo again.
Harry pushes his fingers through Louis’ fringe. “Are you cross with me?”
“No,” Louis says. “Just let me concentrate. Or I’ll tattoo a penis here and be done with it.”
“I don’t mind a penis, though, do I?”
“A lopsided one,” Louis clarifies. “With very hairy wrinkly balls.”
Harry laughs and relaxes his arm. “Such an arsehole.”
“I can add one of those too.”
When they laugh, the tiny hint of tension left between them is hardly of any consequence at all. And later, when they crawl into bed, Louis draws him into his arm like always. Harry traces his collarbone with his fingertip while listening to Willow scurrying about on the floor. For a cat who can phase silently through the air, she’s making plenty of noise with every move. When she darts up onto the bed and then immediately flings herself to the floor, Louis laughs.
“You wouldn’t think a familiar would get the Zoomies, would you?” Harry says.
“She’s just like any cat, I guess,” Louis says.
“I don’t think she’d like that,” Harry says. “I think she considers herself a very unique, one-of-a-kind cat.”
“Makes sense, considering who she’s bound to.”
“Are you saying I think too highly of myself?”
“No,” Louis says. “You should think highly of yourself. And you’re definitely one of a kind.”
Harry smiles. “So are you. There could never be anyone like you.”
Louis turns and presses a kiss on Harry’s forehead. Harry nestles more comfortably into Louis’ side, his eyes slipping shut.
“I’m sorry I lost it a bit earlier,” Louis says quietly.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry I brought it up.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. I don’t want you to feel like you can’t share things with me. Even something like that.”
“I don’t. But if it’s something you’re uncomfortable with, I should be more careful. And I will be.”
Then there’s silence and more inexplicable tension. Harry suddenly feels less sleepy than he did seconds ago. He lifts his head off Louis’ shoulder and looks at him.
“It’s impossible for me to do it, I mean that,” Louis says, meeting his gaze.
“I know, Louis,” Harry says. “And I’m not asking you to.”
“But I am who I am,” Louis goes on. “Or what I am. So it’d be a lie to say I haven’t thought about it.”
Harry hesitates. “About draining…”
Louis pinches his eyelids. “Don’t say it like that.”
“Okay. How would you put it then?”
“There’ve been times after I’ve fed, especially…if we’re fucking at the same time, when I want to drink again or I want to keep drinking, even though I know… And there was a time when I was drunk and it was a little hard to stop.”
As he speaks, he doesn’t look at Harry. As if he’s ashamed. Harry reclines again and takes Louis’ face between his palms.
“Look at me. That’s alright,” Harry says. “I love you. I love how much you want me.”
Louis winces at that. “That makes it sound more innocent than it is.”
“Whatever. I won’t lie and say it’s not…sort of exciting? And like…It’s not that much different from when you choke me a little, is it?”
“It’s completely different.”
“Not to me. Not completely. You say you wouldn’t hurt me but spanking hurts,” Harry says with a laugh. “And I like it.”
“Also, different.”
“If you say so,” Harry says. “I know that for you it’s something you have to control. For me, I know you’re in control, so I don’t worry. I just let go. And it feels nice to let go. I know you’ve got me.”
“I do,” Louis says. “Always.”
“You’re getting enough to drink, though, yeah? Like that’s not the reason you want to keep going, is it?”
“Trust me, it’s not. I get enough,” Louis says.
“You’re just greedy then.”
“I’m a vampire,” Louis says. “Greed is what we’re all about.”
“You’re not like most vampires, though.”
“Maybe not, but there are things that are just biological. Like my bond with you. Can’t do anything about that. And no matter what, if you say something like you said today, offering yourself up like that, there’s a part of me, even if it’s small, that wants to take you up on it. And just…devour you.”
Harry looks at his mouth. “And I’m meant to be afraid of that?”
“Maybe,” Louis says. “Not of me, but the general idea of a vampire wanting you in that way, yeah.”
“You’re the only vampire that matters.”
Louis grins, his ego visibly stroked. Harry can’t take his eyes off of him.
“If it were any other vampire, I’d never say the things I said today. It’s only because it’s you. I trust you. Completely.”
Louis looks at him. He takes Harry’s hand and presses a quick kiss to his palm. “I can’t do it, though.”
“I know,” Harry says. “I thought I lost you that day too, you know? I felt like I couldn’t breathe. And like the world was closing in on me or something. So, I know what it’s like. And I’d never want you to have to go through that again.”
Louis nods. “Me neither.”
Harry looks at his mouth again. “But I think you should feed,” he says. “Right now.”
Louis lifts his brows. With a small exhale, he says, “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Literally the opposite. I’m offering you a late-night snack.”
Louis laughs. “You’re definitely that,” he says. He licks his lips. Then, after a second, he leans in and kisses Harry slowly, capturing his jaw between his fingers and his thumb. He kisses him for so long Harry nearly forgets what they were talking about at all. He’s hypnotized by Louis’ tongue against his own. He’s lulled by the comfort of their bodies close.
Their lives are not perfect because no one’s is. They still have occasional worries, especially when they have to decide which parties and gatherings to attend back home when everywhere they go, they’re a topic of discussion or gossip. Returning to Ravenoir even for short periods is often stressful. And like earlier has proven, they can still misunderstand each other.
Life might not be perfect but being with Louis is. There’s nothing questionable or unsatisfactory about this kiss or the way Louis holds him. There’s nothing as sublime as the moment he pulls away suddenly, holds Harry’s jaw firmly and sinks into his jugular.
Harry shudders and digs his fingers into Louis’ bicep. The burst of pain is quickly washed over with warmth that floods his whole body. His head feels light and airy as if he’s floating on a cloud. Weightless and worriless with nothing to fear. With Louis’ need so evident and certain and all-encompassing.
Louis pulls away with a deep breath and kisses him again. Now that Harry can move, he moves with purpose, shoving Louis' pyjamas down past his waist, wrestling with his own.
“Thought I was only getting a late-night snack,” Louis says.
“It’s more like a late-night buffet,” Harry says. “All you can eat.”
Louis laughs as he sinks down Harry’s body, leaving kisses all along his chest and abs. “Mm, I do like the sound of that,” he says.
Harry will have to blame it on all the pent-up tension, good and bad, but when Louis deepthroats his cock, he thinks he could come with just another second more of that pressure. Then Louis pulls off, smiling as if he knows it, and licks a few times along the length of his cock instead. Because as he’s clarified thoroughly today, Louis is a vampire. Vampires like to toy with and tease their prey. And Harry knows Louis doesn’t think of him as prey, but sometimes Harry feels like he is. And he doesn’t mind at all.
The truth is that Harry would bare every part of himself to Louis without hesitation or fear. He would accept whatever Louis wanted to give or take from him. Maybe if it were another vampire, that sort of thinking would be insane. But it’s solely this vampire who matters. No other would do.
He often likes to hold Louis atop him after they’ve come to prolong the closeness. He likes the weight of him. He likes running his fingers through his hair until Louis drifts off. "Louis?"
“It’s not difficult, is it? Feeling thirsty all the time?” Harry asks quietly. Because the thought is on his mind and if he doesn’t ask, he’ll just stay awake worrying about it.
“No,” Louis says sleepily. “Not at all."
"You're sure?"
"I promise," Louis says. He draws a breath. "Thirst is tied to emotion. Like lust and love… And you’re a triple threat, that’s all. You’re hot. You taste incredible. Can’t help that. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Harry smiles. "Makes sense..." He listens to Louis’ breathing evening out. He feels his limbs loosening further. “Wait, what’s the third thing?”
“You said triple threat.”
“Oh,” Louis says. “You’re hot. You taste incredible.”
“Are you fishing for compliments?”
“Just tell me,” Harry pleads.
“You’re the love of my life, Harry,” Louis says. “I reckon that’s the biggest one of all.”
It’s not the first time Louis has said so, but it’s also impossible to get used to something like that. Hearing the person he loves most affirm the inverse is true will never cease to amaze him. So, he feels his eyes prickle slightly, but he doesn’t actually burst into tears or anything. He simply wraps his arms more tightly around his fiance. “And you’re mine.”
“I know,” Louis says. “Can I sleep now, babe?”
“Yeah. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
���Good night.”
“Night,” Louis says.
“I love you so much.”
“Okay. Sleep well.”
“You too,” Louis says. And then after a second, he whispers, “I love you.”
Willow hops up onto the bed in the midst of their laughter at which point, they mutually decide to turn their love on her. Because great love is also infinite, which means there’s plenty to spare.
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izartela · 8 months
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What if they couldn't get Leo out of the Prison Dimension?
It's been months since the invasion; months since they last saw Leonardo's devastated face behind the too-quickly closing orange portal.
Months since Donatello holed himself up in his lab to find a way to get his brother back.
Considering Mikey's current level of mystic ability and the strain opening that portal already put on him, another attempt at the orange turtle forcing his way through the dimensional barriers was out of the question unless they wanted to risk losing him too. While his remaining brothers were slowly losing hope and already going through various stages of the grieving process, Donatello was not about to give up that easily.
So he worked tirelessly (apart from sparse naps at his desk when his body refused to stay awake any longer), with empty coffee cups as the only indication of the passage of time. His family tried to get him to rest more but gave up around the three-month mark after he blew up at them and used every cheap trick in the book to hurt them. He wasn't proud of that, but it had to be done; he couldn't afford to be interrupted, not before he brings his twin back.
But one thing shouted at him off-handedly during that fight stuck in his head. "Are you sure there's a Leo left to rescue?"
It struck him then that his family had already given up on Leo and gave him all the more fuel to spit out every horrible thing he could think of at them.
I mean, yeah, they all saw Kraang Prime catch Leonardo right before the portal fizzed out; they all knew that he didn't have his swords anymore to help him fight, but come on! Have some faith in him! Leo always had some convoluted clever plan that would get him out of trouble (usually through more trouble, yes, but ultimately out of it regardless).
Donnie trusted his brother to push through and survive—for his family.
Still, those despondent words were now stuck in his mind, no matter how much he negated them. He had to make sure that Leo was okay. He had to try to connect with his communicator. Maybe they would even be able to talk if he made the connection strong enough! He had tried it briefly before, but he hadn't bothered to enhance the signal at the time, deciding to focus solely on rescue attempts.
The number of empty coffee cups only grew as he switched his focus to learning everything he could about interdimensional signal amplification. There wasn't much information on the subject (with humans being woefully ignorant about pocket dimensions—or any other dimensions for that matter—and yokai, in turn, being ignorant about technology), but he followed every crumb he could get his hands on, no matter how ridiculous. He lost count of the different attempts at connecting with Leo's communicator. Voice communication seemed to be out of the question, at least for now, but surely he could at least check up on his brother's status. To at least make sure that he was okay.
That there was still a Leo left to rescue.
However, no matter what he tried, he always got the same message from the system: 'pulse not found.' It was still the same message as before he even began his signal enhancement attempts. Nothing he did would yield a different result.
He did everything he could, used every option available to him. How could he not have gotten any signal by now?! Not even the faintest of heartbeats, made irregular by the signal disturbances and fluctuations across dimensions?!
Or perhaps...
Donatello didn't want to let the thought enter his head, but it still poked and prodded at his brain after every failed attempt.
What if he had already managed to connect, and the message was actually reflecting the truth?
What if Leonardo was already gone?...
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nishithedevil · 5 months
As promised, part 3!
Capital Prince and District Princess
Lucy Gray x capital gn reader
part 1 part 2 part 4 part 5
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The next day, we mentors were escorted to a large circular building, informed that we would be required to convene with our assigned tributes and devise strategies for the impending games. As we stepped into the room one by one, the tributes were already present. The setting featured small metal tables with two chairs each, arranged around the railing on the second floor. In the center was a sizable hole offering a view of the lower floor. The tributes sat on chairs facing away from the railing, handcuffed to the metal tables, while an empty chair was positioned in front of them.
We were instructed to stand a few paces away from these vacant chairs, positioned in front of our designated tributes. Upon entering the spacious room, my attention immediately fixed on Lucy Gray – her vibrant, colorful dress made her unmistakable. All I wanted to do was rush to her and envelop her in an embrace, shielding her from the harsh and cruel realities of this chaotic world. She occupied the table positioned to the right of the entrance.
When I positioned myself as told, I saw Corio a few tables to my right, doing the same in front of Jessup. Professor Highbottom soon walked in alone, took a few steps towards us and began talking.
"In spite of yesterday's tragic events, our president has decided that the show must go on. Show everyone the capital is not afraid of such acts of terror. To which end, doctor Gall wishes you to preview the arena this afternoon with your tributes. Later this evening, there will be a special televised presentation of each tribute to our audience to, y'know, get to know them. You have an hour to come up with a strategy."
We were all turned towards him, watching and listening to him as we spoke. He stood there for a few more beats, then turned around and walked back to the entrance. Though he stopped in his tracks and pulled out a tiny vial with, presumably, his favorite alcoholic drink, and downed it in one go. As he pocketed it he spoke out loud again, "You may begin." when he noticed we were still standing.
We all did as we were told and went to sit down in the empty cold chair. I realized something I didn’t before - a very thin small notebook on the table with a pen on top of it. Most definitely put there for us to write down what we agree on and possibly use it for the news later on.
Lucy Gray was the first to speak up, "I'm so sorry about your classmate."
In response, I offered her a small, tight-lipped smile. "Thank you," I replied, and then, after studying her for a moment, I mustered the courage to ask, "...Are you okay?"
She grimaced at my question. "Wearing my mom's dress is the only thing keeping me together. It's like she's..." she sucks her breath in through gritted teeth before continuing, "wrapping her arms around me." then looked down at her handcuffed hands.
I couldn’t think of anything to say in this situation that would sound even mildly comforting, so I decided on speaking a bit of truth. "My mother, she used to smell like roses. She died in childbirth." At that I feel a few tears forming in my eyes. "We were going to have a third twin."
"Are... are both of your parents gone?" Lucy Gray asked, her gaze still directed downward. I could only nod in response, my fingers fidgeting with the pen in my hand. "So you're an orphan, like me," she concluded, her voice lowered. The atmosphere around us suddenly changed, and it felt…uncomfortable. Turns out Lucy Gray’s past was a tough conversation for her. I didn’t press further.
Instead I tilt my head to the side, in silent understanding if not a bit of disbelief. It’s interesting that despite having such different backgrounds we still had some things in common like that.
Not knowing how much time we had left, I knew that we at least had to discuss something about the games. "So, I came up with a few ideas,” I began, “every new one more absurd than the other. But for now before I can fully complete one, I need one favor from you. That's all."
Lucy Gray lifted her gaze, anticipating my request. "I just need you to sing. In these interviews.” Before letting her get a word in, I continued, “It's just, the night before the games is your last chance to win people over. I can't send you gifts in the arena without their money."
She looks to the side, seemingly in thought, and then back at my fidgeting hands, "Maybe a guitar can persuade me.” then she leaned forward a little bit and with a warning tone says, “Maybe.”. She leaned back on the chair and asked, "You really wanna take care of me in that arena, Y/N?"
I lift my head up from looking down at my hands that I unconsciously put in my lap and turned my gaze right at her. She leaned in on the table, I followed suit and said, "Start by believing that I can actually win."
I was struck speechless for a second, "N-no, Lucy Gray you misunderstood me I-'' But I was cut off by the professor calling out, "Snow, let's go." I lift my head up in confusion but then I see my brother walking towards the professor with one of our classmates, to which my confusion subsided and I turned back toward Lucy, gathering my words to clear this.
I grab her hands in mine, giving her a squeeze as she looked down at them with a puzzled expression before lifting her head up to look at me. "Of course I believe you can win Lucy Gray. If you want to so badly, I will do everything in my power to help you from outside. But my plans don't involve you winning the game. My plan just involves you surviving the first 3-ish days."
Now she looked at me even more puzzled, but this time with thoughtfulness and a surge of confidence. "What do you have in mind, my little rebel?" she smirks, leaning ever closer to me.
The only thing I could feel in that moment was my beating heart going faster and faster, and I began being hyper aware of my surroundings. Especially on how soft her hands were, despite how she has been treated these past few days. It felt as though I was holding a very delicate flower and one sudden move can make it collapse and crumble in my hands. They were soft as silk.
The professor suddenly turned towards us, "Alright, time's up, that was enough planning. Now let's see how well you can put that in practice." I didn’t even realize he was near because of how close Lucy Gray was. After his words, the peacekeepers escorted us out before returning their attention to the tributes and harshly beginning to uncuff them and push them out. I let go of Lucy Gray’s hands and with one last glance I mouthed, ‘I’ll see you’ before turning away from her.
As they lined the tribute I was to the side with my classmates when I almost lost my balance and awareness before my eyes landed on Lucy Gray, which somehow grounded me and I walked up to her when I realized they were all lined up and waiting. All mentors positioned themselves next to their tributes, behind me Jessup stood alone. I almost started wondering where the hell Corio had gone to, but then I heard footsteps running, and when I turned I saw him adjusting himself standing next to Jessup. Thankfully he arrived before we started moving.
As we walked towards the very dark tunnel entry, all the tributes were looking around, trying not to freak out. I do gotta admit, it did look very eerie. Walking through the bars, a woman's voice echoed around us, speaking "Enjoy the show" in a very monotone way.
When we passed the security bars, without looking anywhere but in front of me, I took a hold of Lucy Gray's hand, not sure if I was seeking comfort for her, or trying to give her some. Lucy Gray looked down at our intertwined hands, but I could not see her reaction due to the darkness. Not long after walking in though, we saw two cameramen close by to our right, so we had to let go of our hands, hoping the camera did not catch our small act of affection.
Nevertheless, that didn’t stop Lucy Gray from moving closer to me, bumping our shoulders gently, seemingly looking for comfort now more than ever.
As we were moving around, a guy with curly hair walked up to the cameramen and grabbed them, asking them to turn their cameras to his tribute. Suddenly we hear a loud noise from behind and realize that the doors have been shut. But then around us big windows started to be revealed, shut behind big metal slides. Light began pouring inside the arena. My body turned towards Lucy Gray, though she probably didn’t notice me in that moment as she was looking at the surroundings..
Then we heard a booming male voice, "Welcome to the arena of the 10th annual Hunger Games. Tributes, mentors, you have 15 minutes to survey the space and discuss strategy."
Everyone around us was doing their own thing. Some mentors were telling their tributes a strategy, some were still looking around. Lucy Gray turned to me slowly, "Please, don't let me die in here tomorrow, Y/N.” her voice was becoming smaller and more worrisome as she spoke, “Please." This was nothing like the Lucy Gray from before. Seeing her in this state brought a chill down my spine at how uncomfortable I was for having her put in this situation, even if I had no choice in her being here. But I had to ground myself, no time for regret. Now it’s time to find a way to get her out of here alive.
Just as she said those words, on the far end of us an explosion occurred. The impact of the explosion blew us away and we all fell. Suddenly the arena was exploding from every side possible, and instinctively I tried to crawl towards Lucy Gray, to cover her with my body, thinking that that would do something to protect her from the flying debris everywhere around.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to do that since the impact from every new explosion blew us away in a different direction, so me and Lucy Gray just stuck together on our hands and knees trying to find a way to escape. As we stood up an explosion from above came and all I could think about in that moment was Lucy Gray. So I pushed her away as everything fell from above.
I tried to run in her direction, but I got knocked down, a big pillar landing on my lower half, trapping me underneath it. I tried crawling out from under it, but it was to no avail. I managed to wheeze out, "Help me" to anyone who could hear me, thinking this was going to be my end. I could barely breathe from all the smoke and dust everywhere.
As I slowly lift my head towards the light, the entry tunnel, I heard voices yelling for everyone to get a move on and get out of there. All of a sudden, through the dust all around, I could slowly make out a figure coming towards me. As it got closer and closer I soon realized it was none other than Lucy Gray, running to my aid. She stopped for a second above me, looking at the situation, before she went to the side and with all her might tried to lift up the pillar.
At that moment Jessup came rushing from behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder and sliding down in front of her, "C'mon, the gate is open." He gets on his hands and knees and grabs her by the hand, "Cmon! They wouldn't have saved you!" He exclaimed frantically before giving up and standing up. Without one quick glance back at her, he starts sprinting towards the exit.
Two other tributes follow him but then they are suddenly shot at by peacekeepers behind us. Lucy Gray instinctively leans down on the ground so they don't see her.
As they run towards the two tributes, Lucy Gray starts lifting the pillar with all her might, managing to lift just enough for me to slide out from.
Just as I turn on my back and exhale, we smile at each other through the dust. Out of nowhere a peacekeeper comes and grabs Lucy Gray by the arm, lifting her up and taking her away. We extend our hands to grab a hold of each other, Lucy Gray struggling against the peacekeeper, but it’s to no avail, and she is taken away from me as I gradually slip into unconsciousness.
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echoooo000 · 3 months
I wrote a thing about Vash burying Wolfwood in the 1998 continuity
Twin Sized Mattress
(1.6k words)
He was dead.
Vash had to keep telling himself that as he looked at the upturned dirt, the makeshift grave. He didn’t have the resources for the burial Wolfwood deserved, who was laid gently in the hole in the ground, around the size of a twin-sized mattress.
People often recounted their loved ones looking peaceful in death. This was nothing like that. Wolfwood looked like he loathed everything about the situation. But he couldn’t.
He was dead, he reminded himself.
He looked like he was simply having a nightmare, his brows furrowed, even in rigor mortis. Vash felt heavy, ill, as he looked at him, wanting to memorize his features. He didn’t want to forget him, the way he looked, the way he talked, the way he loved. The way he cared , even when the man really didn't want to.
The reality was, Vash couldn’t forget him, even if he wanted to, even if he tried. It wasn’t possible. That didn’t stop him from being paranoid anyways. A man, involved in his life for such a short span of time compared to the 150 years Vash has been alive, had altered many things within Vash. The way he saw himself, most prominently.
Wolfwood didn’t see Vash as a monster nor as an abomination. He saw him as a person , even when Vash physically wasn’t one. Wolfwood defended Vash, even when Vash himself wouldn’t. He blocked the stones thrown at him by the townspeople, he felt anger for Vash when he refused to.
He called him an angel frequently, almost nonchalantly. As if he wasn’t aware of the words he was uttering. But Vash knew Wolfwood was aware. Aware of the impact it held on Vash, aware of the way those words pierced through him, so intimate it hurt.
He wouldn’t hear Wolfwood call him angel ever again.
He was dead, he reminded himself.
Vash sucked in a breath, painfully aware that he was the only one still able to draw in air. The nagging feeling that the man in the ground should be him ate away at his insides. His hand idly reached into his pocket, taking out the pack of cigarettes he had taken out of Wolfwood’s suit pocket before laying him in the grave.
The edges of the box had been stained dark crimson, almost brown now, with blood from Wolfwood’s wounds. Vash traced his thumb over the stains, almost reverently. Blood spilled in a human sacrifice. He took out a cigarette, placing it between his lips, trying to imitate the way Wolfwood usually held it. He didn’t want to forget that either.
He didn’t light the cigarette, as he looked down at Wolfwood. He had to finish burying him first. But even imagining it, the dirt thrown onto Wolfwood, felt innately wrong. Vash shouldn’t be burying him like this. He should have a coffin, a gravestone, not some hole in the middle of the desert. A nameless grave, known only to few.
“Well…” Vash sighed, “This is shit, isn’t it, Nico?” Vash said, his voice hoarse. He wasn’t sure why his voice was so rough. He hadn’t cried yet, not allowing it. He knew if he cried now, he would latch himself to Wolfwood’s body and never let go, opting to bury himself with him. A lump formed in his throat and he struggled to swallow it back down.
Vash stood in silence for a moment, just looking at Wolfwood, raking his gaze over his form. It was almost physically painful to look at him. It always hurt to look at Wolfwood. It was like looking directly into the sun. Vash’s sun. It hurts for a different reason now, similar to when a star dies, so do all the planets around it.
“Nico…” Vash started, not quite knowing what to say. He hoped Wolfwood could even hear him, he hoped that God, the one Wolfwood whispered prayers too when he thought no one was looking, would deliver his message. The rosary Wolfwood had given to him months ago felt like it weighed fifty pounds, hanging around his neck. It felt like a magnet, connecting him to Wolfwood, wanting to drag Vash down with him. He clutched it with his metal arm, too holy to touch with flesh.
“I always thought I was going to be the one to bite the bullet first.. It’s ironic that it’s the opposite…” He said, his voice breaking. Tears fought their way to spill, and still, Vash wouldn’t allow it. “I hope you can still protect me from up there…or wherever you are now” There was still so much to say, but he can already imagine how Wolfwood would reply. Vash wanted to apologize for not being able to help him, but he can practically hear Wolfwood scolding him.
“Stop beating yourself up. It’s not your fault, Needle-noggin’” He would say. Yet, Vash would still feel like it was. He always did. There was silence again, like Vash was waiting for Wolfwood to reply.
He was dead, he reminded himself.
How many times was he going to say it to himself until he believed it? No matter if it took centuries, millennia. He couldn’t, not after all that happened.
His subconscious rendered him useless. He felt…he didn’t know what he felt. Vash and Death were old friends. He experienced death first hand, lived and breathed it. He caused it. This was different.
The grief he felt was different .
Vash knew what grief was too. He knew it with Rem, with the people Knives had killed because of him. This feeling he felt, weighing heavy in his chest, was nothing like that.
This was deeper. He didn’t even know how to put such an emotion into words, he didn’t know how to make it tangible, for him to understand. But it was there, festering. It threatened to consume him if his guard was down, desperately trying to claw its way out of his chest. It wanted everyone to know Vash’s pain.
Vash forced it back down. He wouldn’t suffocate others with his own grief.
For him, guilt and grief usually went hand in hand. And the guilt Vash currently felt was continuously running scenarios through his head, on loop. Scenarios where he had done something. Scenarios where Wolfwood would still be alive.
He snapped out of his stupor, cutting those running thoughts off. He couldn’t let those types of thoughts take hold right now. He sighed.
“I’m sorry…” was all he said, his teeth biting into the unlit cigarette he still held in his mouth as he picked up the shovel again, preparing to cover Wolfwood’s delicate corpse—in reality it was anything but delicate, covered in scars and calluses, open wounds—with coarse sand. But before that, Vash grabbed the hem of his coat, the ends already tattered with wear, and used his metal arm to tear off a piece the size of his forearm.
It wasn’t much, but Vash needed something to shelter Wolfwood from the roughness of the world. Vash had tried to do that when Wolfwood was alive too. In those quiet moments they shared. They were nothing amazing, no grandiose professions of love or anything of the sort. Those feelings were shared in quiet, small moments. Moments when Vash watched the sunset silently next to Wolfwood, who was smoking a cigarette. Or moments when they could only afford one bed at an inn, and they lay together, backs facing each other.
They would always wake up pressed against each other in the morning. Even in sleep, they would be seeking comfort from each other. Vash knew the same thing would apply in death.
Vash began to cover Wolfwood now with shaking hands. The shovel felt heavier than it should be, the sand he lifted with it even more so. He moved like a machine, rhythmically dumping sand onto Wolfwood. This was wrong, he repeated to himself. Yet, Vash continued anyway. The sun was setting when he finished, and he let the shovel fall to the ground, scrounging through his pockets.
He pulled out Wolfwood’s lighter, holding it in his palm. There were scratches littering it, and it was obvious that Wolfwood had had this lighter for a while. It was a miracle it still even worked with how many packs the man smoked in a week.
He clicked the lighter to life, bringing it to the end of the cigarette. He inhaled deeply, the sting of the tobacco searing through his throat and nose. He coughed harshly, tears stinging his eyes. He sobbed. The sound surprised him, as if it wasn’t coming from him, as if he wasn’t expecting it at some point.
Vash rubbed furiously at his face, trying to force the tears to stop, but the relief he felt wouldn’t allow him. He took another ragged inhale, the tobacco stinging again, but this time the sting was dulled by the nicotine. The smell of the cigarettes would linger, buried in his coat, his hair, his skin. Any other time, the smell of Marlboro Reds would be comforting to Vash because it reminded him of Wolfwood. Now, it felt like he was being crushed under the weight of grief, under the tears that wouldn’t stop spilling.
He gasped between the sobs, feeling like he couldn't breathe. He had half the mind to start clawing at the sand, to dig him back up. He wanted to. Vash wanted him back, wanted to see his face. But he knew that no matter how much he looked at Wolfwood, how much he memorized, how much he reminisced, Wolfwood wouldn’t wake up. He wouldn’t come back.
He was dead , he told himself.
He is dead . His mind refused to stop repeating it.
No, Vash wouldn’t learn to accept it, even if he repeated it a million times. He inhaled the tobacco again, his tears reluctantly ebbing to stop. He was sure this feeling was going to be permanent, and for however long Vash lived, he would have a bleeding wound. A wound around the size of a twin-sized mattress.
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byhuenii · 3 months
⊱☆⊰ i like your…facade
shuntaro chishiya x fem!reader
synopsis in which chishiya likes to get under the skin of ryoheiarisu’s protective twin sister and, maybe he likes it when your annoyed at him even if it comes off as rude.
warnings annoying!chishiya twin!reader fluff?? crack NOT PROOFREAD i think chishiya is into people degrading him?
a/n i miss my silly little man and had the sudden urge to write about him 😘
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𓈒 ˙ ♥️ ּ 🦢⠀ . ࣪𓇻 ݁
“so. how do i know i could trust you?” yn leaned on a wall arms crossed near her stomach, her eyes bright big boba like though that was contradictory to her demeanor.
chishiya whom yawned scratched his head titling it to the side, “you don’t trust me?” a sarcastic pout formed his chapped lips, rolling your eyes you licked your bottom lip while pressing them together. “i don’t owe you a reason chishiya, i just want to get out of here with my brother.”
“i’m trustworthy enough for you and your brother join kuina and i!…and usagi can join too sure” chishiya maintained your eye contact sticking his hand out for you to shake it. you looked at his hand glancing back to his eyes giving him an annoyed look. “i don’t trust you once again so no. but since you saved my brother,” you heaved a sigh “i’ll join.” you shook his hand before pulling it away giving him a flat smile.
arisu seemed nervous yet ecstatic he didn’t know how much longer he could last at this so called beach, usagi just wanted to go home no surprise. “ig we’ll meet you at your room tomorrow and discuss plans” usagi smiled at kuina and chishiya before turning around on her heels walking closer to you.
kuina and chishiya watched as the three of you walked away, telling from your body language it’ll take him a lot more to earn you and your trust. he liked that for some reason, what kind of issues did you have? why did he like that? something is definitely wrong with him.
“well that went whats the word..Fabulous!” kuina empathized the Fab in a sarcastic tone. chishiya stuffed his hands in his pockets giving small nods. “i’m going to play a game tonight, i’m running low on time.” he walked ahead of kuina, kuina furrowed hee brows in confusion he just did a game yesterday..
𓈒 ˙ ♥️ ּ 🦢⠀ . ࣪𓇻 ݁
that game was dreadful annoying and muscle inducing. for a spades game that felt like so much work—the card you guys already had so it was pointless. frustrated you harshly run your hands through your hair groaning outloud, god you just wanted to leave this damn hell hole. “you know what my little ladybug!” a low cheery voice rumbled the empty lobby.
rolling your eyes you had already knew who it was and you didn’t even want to deal with him right now, just the cherry on top of a beautiful ice cream sundae, “what do you want fleabag.”
“i think you put up this whole facade.” his hands were stuffed in his pocket. the hood of his hoodie rested on his head as his hair rested out, an earnest scoff left your lips. the scoffed turned into a laugh.
chishiya felt his stomach do a little tingle, it felt like butterflies were flying all over the place, how could he find a laugh so attractive? “you’ve never been so wrong in your life fleabag. i don’t put on no facade.” your voice was a sweet but harshly bitter,
chishiya just had a lipped smirk. he knew he somewhat got under your skin and it was kinda hot. “this “facade” you say i’m having is just me, it’s me only caring for my brother and i getting out of the jail.” you put your fingers up in air quotes.
“so if you excuse me i would enjoy my rest before i have to deal with those stupid speeches you executives have to tell us.” you finally took a deep breath, you turned on your heels to leave but you kicked your dry lips facing back towards the hooded man.
you had almost forgot about the card in your hand, 5 of spades. it was useless, “i forgot i had this. here yours stupid card” you gave him the crumbled up card. huffing you walked back to your empty room.
chishiya had been smiling like a mad man, he doesn’t think you realized. well he didn’t care. his heart was thumping, he felt his ears get hot. the slightest touch from you sent his body into this trance, and hell it wasn’t even a hug it was graze of the fingertips because she was mad and handed him the card.
it’s safe to say chishiya went to kuina’s room to tell her and recap the whole conversation with you, if you could even call it a conversation. his ears were still tainted red. maybe he was into you.
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birrdies · 7 months
last life fic (1.8k words)
Etho was good at mostly being alone. 
Silences were easy things to fill with simple nothings: tinkering with faulty machinery, tearing his latest project down to its barest bones and starting all over (just for the hell of it), exploring as far as his tired legs would carry him. When hands are busy and a mind is occupied, it’s difficult to notice the nothingness close in on him. 
Solitude. It didn’t matter the world or game. To Etho, it was as much a talent as it was instinct. To build a fortress up from the ground and pretend he didn’t care that he didn’t have enough to fill the empty rooms. To spend nights alone, because it’s for the best. Because he didn’t need it any other way. There was nothing he needed that he couldn’t wear nor fit in his pockets. 
There were things he wanted, sure, but need and want were different things. Want was frivolous; it was a thorn in his side that he never could muster the courage to pull out. Need, was permanent. Need was saved for when things went bad. When the thorn was ripped from skin, when he needed to staunch the bleed. 
This game wasn’t any different.
Want was a crumbling snowy castle resting like a tomb in the center of the end of the world. Want was a pair of twin staircases, a shield painted red and blue, and his name scrawled on the deed to his own freedom, handed straight into the hands of a madman. 
Need was a fence splitting their home in two, the ravine and impossible task that separated them. Need was a burrow underground, a set of new faces, a message of death written in red. 
Need was picking at the remains of what once stood as his home like a vulture. 
Only one of the towers still stood. The moon hung low in the sky overhead, a silver spotlight on everything that he once had. The ground was upturned all the way through to the stone underneath. Dirt and wood and remaining pits of soul sand sunk into the holes dug and blown into the groundwork of the castle. Like it had tried burying its own body but couldn’t quite get the job done. 
Etho skulked his way across the wreckage. This place belonged to the enemy now. It wasn’t his home anymore, no matter how much it masqueraded as such. 
There wasn’t much left. A few potions he’d tucked away underground days before. A beaten set of iron armor. Scraps of gold and stale bread. Less than he wanted and more than he needed. The rest he could recover with time buried underground. That, he was used to.
Burying himself underground, gathering what he could to fool others into thinking of it as strength, only to rise from the dirt with a sword, bow, and the need to be the one to walk out of there. Not enough to be a phoenix rising from ashes into flames, but rather a body climbing out of the dirt to fight and survive.
He’d played more games than he could count that way, in the solitude and protection the caves and earth below had to offer. When he was alone, there was nothing that could truly hurt him— not in any way that mattered. Really, he should’ve been relieved. He should’ve felt lighter on his feet, a burden shed from his back. 
But instead, he didn’t feel much like anything at all. 
It hurt less than it should have, but more than Etho ever anticipated. The thorn had been pulled clean and he bled, but he felt less the pain and more the uncomfortable twinge. The calculated knowledge that skin had been broken but the detached thoughtlessness not to feel it. 
He was alone again. But that was okay. At least he knew what to do with it.
“Find anything good?” Etho looked to the half-collapsed parapet above his head. Cleo leaned over the edge, her hair hanging in her face. Another need, if he wanted to survive. The more bodies the better. It didn’t make him any less alone, just more fortified. Etho wasn’t so prideful as to think that he’d last out there on his own. Not this late in the game. Not with the Reds out for his blood. 
With a sigh, he shut the chest he’d been rooting around in. “Invisibility potions,” he said, packing whatever he could away in his pockets. “Extra armor I stashed. Some iron and gold. I bet Grian and Joel already picked up everything else worthwhile.” 
Cleo hummed. Etho grasped the wrung of a rickety ladder to hoist himself up onto the parapet beside her. She stood with ease, hands on her hips and an amused quirk to her mouth as she overlooked what never belonged to her.
“We’re going to stick it out with Ren and his shadow freaks?” Cleo asked after a moment. He could feel her gaze on the side of his face, but he didn’t return it. “That’s our plan?”
We. Our. She was just as bad as Bdubs. Etho had the thought to be angry, but really all he could manage was confusion. Curiosity. How did they make it look easy? Like handing over trust was as easy and mindless as breathing? Meanwhile he was a machine short-circuiting between two ends of a binary: what his heart longed for and what his head demanded. The desperation to claw more out more lives for Bdubs from anywhere he could. Anywhere except himself. 
“The Greens and Yellows should stick together,” Etho said, detached and factual. “At least until we knock out the rest of the Reds. Joel and Grian are going to be a big problem… Tango, too, now that I think about it.”
“You’ve made a lot of enemies this go-around, haven’t you?” Cleo teased. He knew she was teasing, but suddenly he was punched by the first flare of something since he stood on the opposite side of that cliff face. 
Etho scoffed and turned to overlook the rest of the hills. Lava burned far off, an orange glow that bled into the night sky. When that wither erupted from the heart of the snow castle, Etho thought that was the end of the world. But it was nothing compared to this: the damage left behind.
“I didn’t even do anything,” he said quietly. 
“You didn’t have to,” Cleo retorted. She rested a hand on Etho’s shoulder and he lacked the grit to brush it off. There were few people he both feared and respected in equal parts, and the person standing next to him was one of them. “Surviving this long always puts a target on your back. Plus, you’re the lucky guy who’s left to clean up all of Bdubs’ messes.” “You know a lot about that, don’t you, Cleo?” 
He didn’t know where it came from. The words were nasty and sharp but his voice was even and calm as ever; he wasn’t convinced he’d even said it. But Cleo only raised her eyebrows in surprise and turned her attention to the rest of the world. She pursed her lips. 
Neither of them said anything. The longer he stood in the bones of something he loved, the more he felt the ache start to sink in. Like pins and needles it started to spread from the pinch in his side, through his chest, up the back of his throat, and behind his eyes. It didn’t hurt yet, but he knew it could. He knew it would, when the worst of the numbness receded. If it ever did. 
He didn’t know if it would. He didn’t know if he wanted it to. It was so much easier to deal with like this. 
“It‘s okay if it hurts,” Cleo said finally. The hand on Etho’s shoulder never wavered, only squeezed the tense muscle there. “I’d be more worried if it didn’t. You’re more human than you pretend to be, Etho.”
The center of the snow castle's been caved in. A bomb detonated by Martyn. The walls to the east were crumbled and resorted to nothing more than dust. A fatal blow from the wither. A large, steep drop between the gap under the walls and the bottom of the hill. The last time they fought side-by-side. A single fence post remained in front of the door to their bedrooms. 
He was good at being alone. In fact, he was better off for it. 
He didn’t need Bdubs. He never needed Bdubs. It was convenient. It was easy. But then it wasn’t. Bdubs kept dying. Bdubs needed more lives. And suddenly it wasn’t anything about needing him and everything about wanting him. About doing everything within his power to keep him.
It was silver-tongued lies and trigger-finger betrayals. Scar coiled in fishing line, an axe through his throat before he knew what happened to him. The curse was easy to blame, but the truth was it simply provided him an excuse. A loop-hole. He would’ve done it either way. He would’ve made a way. 
Because he wanted Bdubs and his brain forgot where the line between want and need stood. 
“I could’ve given him a life.” A stab of remorse. The numbness started to fade as the sun threatened to rise and reality set in over the remains of what he had. “Things could’ve been different.”
“Maybe,” Cleo relented. She sat leaning against an old pillar of wood that supported what was left of the parapet, staring at Etho with an unusually soft expression that he had a difficult time feigning strength in front of. “But we both know Bdubs was dead either way.” 
“No.” Etho shut his eyes. He willed the burning behind them to fade. “I could’ve given it to him, Cleo,” he said again, because she didn’t understand. 
It was his fault. He fought tooth-and-nail to protect the single thing he was foolish enough to let in. Only to shoot it right down in the same breath. A punishment for his mistakes, doled out by his own hand. 
The wood beneath him creaked. Cleo shuffled behind him until he felt her body heat slotted against his back. Her arms wrapped around him, trapping him in her embrace and squeezing his shoulders and chest tight. He didn’t open his eyes. Because he feared when he did reality would come crashing down, and he’d be forced to remember that one of them would likely be dead by the end of the day. 
Cleo hooked her chin over Etho’s shoulder. The side of her head pressed flush with his. Shakily he laid his hands on top of hers, afraid she’d let go. 
“For what it’s worth,” she said against his ear. “I think he’s already forgiven you.”
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izvmimi · 2 years
cw: brief nsfw. minors dni. cheating reader, complicated relationship dynamics, a part 2 to nova’s ( @raichijingos ) fic calling twice.
Izuku watches you carefully as you finish up your conversation with Katsuki, and once you hang up the phone, a sweet, complacent smile on your face, he crosses his arms over his chest loosely, a bit of trepidation evident on his face.
“I’m a bit impressed and disturbed by how convincing that was.”
You raise your eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
This question is posed with your voice a little too light, and therein lies the insecurity and hurt festering in the pit of your stomach. Izuku stands a bit closer, but doesn’t hold your hand. Not yet, at least. For now, the two of you stand in front of the imposing skyscraper where your cheating partners supposedly work, and most likely fuck just as much, and you wonder if the building grows just a bit larger.
“I think I shaved a few years off my life in that one minute pretending not to be angry,” Izuku mumbles as you start to walk through the glass doors. You’re still angry too, you think, perhaps because denial is no longer feasible at this point in time, especially since you’re now standing in the same building where your so-called friend opens her legs for your partner.
She’s in the room now, you think and you grit your teeth. Will she get her clothes back on by the time you make it up the elevator?
Izuku obtains wristbands and directions from the receptionist and returns to where you stand, handing you one tentatively. You notice the slight hand tremor and frown. Your own heart is steady for now.
“Calm down,” you tell him suddenly. 
He blinks, then looks away. “Yeah.”
“We’re even,” you murmur under your breath. You can see him dry swallow, as he remembers that just last night he was balls deep inside you in your hotel room, and probably can fill up a notebook or two with the exact tones your voice makes when you cum. 
You shoot him a look and he says nothing more. Now you are the one shaking, you realize as you press the elevator door close key four times in rapid succession. It won’t make the elevator move any faster. It won’t negate the fact that Bakugou has fucked your friend a countless number of times. It won’t change anything.
You still have his stupid ring on your finger. You also wonder if Izuku still has the engagement ring he’d planned for his unfaithful girlfriend burning a hole in his back pocket. It’s pretty like yours. Pretty and worthless. 
You remember how he cried when you, without thinking, immediately marched over to his hotel room and told him the news. Still furious, not able to forget the fact that you could see the very obvious pair of women’s panties in the corner of the image in the bedtime selfie he’d sent you, and even worse, the fact that your so-called friend had acted oddly to the suggestion that he could, perhaps, be cheating on you. She was a god awful liar.
If it hadn’t been her, a witch hunt would have ensued immediately. And yet, she pretended to be exhausted and had been desperate to re-address it in the morning. 
And never called that morning, nor this morning.
In retrospect, you should have known. She was always around, always too invested in Katsuki’s whereabouts, and called him her evil twin. Funny how willing she was to fuck family, really?
So you did the same. Izuku was more a brother to you than anything. But pain is as pain does, and you had needed to do something, anything to regain control over the situation.
And while you couldn’t pretend it completely eased the hurt, you have to admit you liked it. Like indulging in forbidden fruit, there was a subtle thrill in it once the endorphins rushed in along with all the heat to your pussy lips, along with the drag of his thick cock against your walls. There was something cathartic about the release, the idea of someone, anyone holding you tight, burying their head in your chest, stretching you wide. Being wanted, being wanted, being wanted. 
Would it hurt her to know that you could play so dirty the same way it hurt you? To know that you were sharing without each other’s knowledge, neither the true fool?
Or was this her plan all along? A decoy, so to speak. 
The elevator door opens on the floor, and you no longer have any time to ponder, the ding of the bell so loud you think you can hear it in your throat. There’s a feeling that seems like disembodiment as you walk out. You’re not paying attention to Izuku behind you.
Down the hallway, where you’ll turn right into his office as directed, you can see her step out first, followed by Katsuki right behind her. Her eyes make contact with yours and her lips pull into a weak, half-hearted smile.
And you see red.
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poisonsword · 3 months
Hear me out:
Mafia AU.
In the city of Krat, there are several murders being committed in the city whose vital clues to solve these cases always goes missing. The murders always has the victim strangulated and hung up in display with the message: Ergo is death.
Here comes fresh junior detective: Romeo. A fresh graduate from the academy, raring to solve these cases and put a dent on the crime-ridden city, including putting a stop to Ergo, a miracle-drug that plagued the streets that promised to cure all ailments and give the user euphoria (if they can survive the side-effects after).
Keen for details, Romeo starts to see patterns in these murders that other officers are unable to connect, and is able to determine the next victim. One day, he catches the murderer: a masked man with long silver hair, just after committing the act. The masked man is surprised to be caught, and Romeo manages to pin the man down and begins asking questions.
But a bullet grazes his shoulder, and when he looks up, he sees a figure in the shadow before Romeo gets shoved off and the masked man escapes.
And thus he goes down a rabbit hole of who these men are, unbeknownst to him, his little encounter with them had piqued an interest of a mastermind.
It becomes a game of cat and mouse that frustrated Romeo until,
One day, Romeo comes close to another murder scene-- or what WAS supposed to be another murder, but it was a trap for him instead.
He finds himself locked in a room with a young man with hazel eyes sitting on a table. Romeo tries to reach for his gun but the young man clicks his tongue
Carlo: I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Romeo hears a swift swish of cloth behind him, and suddenly there is a garrote wire pressing against his neck.
Carlo: I'm sure you're familiar with my little brother's calling card and I'd hate it if we'd have to use it to you.
Carlo comes close to Romeo and trails a finger on the wire pressing on Romeo's neck.
Carlo: I mean, I do like you detective. You saw through our false leads, you figured out our pattern. You're the first person to come this close and you have a lot of potential.
Romeo: I'm not joining you.
Carlo: Oh sure. And miss out the chance in retrieving the evidences you need to incriminate us?
Carlo reveals the missing evidence that Romeo needs to finish the cases and lock them up
Romeo: What?
And so, Romeo learns that the mysterious duo are the sons of an infamous mafia leader that is one of the people behind the Ergo-drug that plagues the streets. All the victims were Ergo-importers or important sub-sect leaders whose deaths helps to diminish the influence of the mafia leaders in the city.
Basically, the brothers want to see the downfall of the black empire in the city. And in other to do that, they had to play the game themselves.
Romeo: Why are you telling me this?
Carlo: Because now you have these choices: Walk away from this empty-handed and no one will ever believe you, none of the cases will be ever be solved and this city will go to ruins, or let's say, you do walk away with any of this evidences--
Carlo slides his hands into Romeo's coat pockets and plucks out one of the evidences Romeo tried to steal.
Carlo: You are going out of here inside a body bag.
Carlo smiles
Carlo: Or you can join us and actually fight back. Bring justice to the victims of Ergo and stop all of this madness. You take care of the "legal" things and we take care of all the blood.
And while it took some convincing and maybe a few arguments and misadventures, Romeo does join them. Carlo and him shakes hands, and Romeo finally sees the face behind the mask and the silver-haired wig of Carlo's twin, Pinocchio.
(Romeo: Pinocchio, that's actually his name? Carlo: Our mother loved the story. You have a problem with that? Pino: *deliberately staring at Romeo while he winds his garrotte wire* Romeo: No no. I just-- I do appreciate that he stuck to the 'puppet and his garotte string' theme.)
Then he meets the rest of the team, the sponsor and insider: Venigni and the weapon arms-dealer: Eugenie.
Well, that's all for today folks! That's all that I can think about. I'm not sure if I even got the Mafia thing right, this is just based of what I can remember from the Mafia AUs I used to love years back.
I just enjoyed thinking of Carlo as a mastermind while Pino is his right-hand man in destroying the mafia group of the city, and Romeo as a detective who eventually learns to keep up with the twins and make his own mark (whether as a good detective fighting evil or even joining the dark side to fight the darkness, I'll leave it up to your interpretation). Kind of like 'we work in the darkness to serve the light' thing.
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thenightfolknetwork · 3 months
I've got kind of a big dilemma here. I've always assumed i was sapio and just strange. I've never liked lying, and I have some weird allergies so my diet's pretty low sodium and we don't have cast iron pans but other than that my life has been pretty "typical", for lack of a better word. But I graduated last year, so my parents were going through baby pictures, and my dad pulled one out I'd never seen before from the day I was born and the baby in the photo was Not Me. Like one thousand percent definitely not me. I mentioned it, and my mom freaked out and told me not to be ridiculous and buried the picture at the bottom of the box. But I know when I'm being lied to, and there is no way that's a picture of me. And the other day I got a box in the mail that smelled like pine sap and lilacs and the ground after it rains, and there was a letter and a stone with a perfectly round hole in it inside. I'm adopted, apparently, and the stone is supposed to help me see hidden things until my eyesight improves. My bio family has invited me to a party on the spring equinox so I can meet them. But I have this sinking feeling that if I go they're not going to let me go back home? I love the parents who raised me and I don't want to leave them, but I do also want to meet my bio family and my "twin" (the baby from the picture who I guess is about my age now?). Do you have any advice for how to set the proper boundaries with my bio family so I can meet them without losing the life I've been raised in?
I'm afraid I don't quite follow your thinking here, reader.
Infant substitution is practised in a variety of different cultures on this plane of existence and several others. Without more information about your biological family's background, I am hesitant to make any sweeping proclamations about their specific practices. That said, I see no reason in your letter to assume they are planning a spot of interplanar kidnapping to usher in the equinox.
There are a few tangible signs they might not be being entirely honest about their intentions - if they are insisting you wear specific clothing and jewellery for the event (undyed, natural fibres, for example, or a crown of columbine and foxglove) or if they are at all cagey about the details of any rituals and ceremonies involved in the celebration, for example.
But without these red flags, I'm afraid you may be falling victim to nothing more or less than a rather pernicious strain of anti-liminal scaremongering.
By all means, ask your relatives about any etiquette you might need to be aware of, and whether the event will include a formal refutation of obligatory reciprocity. These perfectly ordinary things to take into account before travelling to another realm. Indeed, if your biological family shows any reluctance in answering, that might be another red flag.
Beyond these formalities, though, you run the risk of causing serious offence if you show up at the equinox celebrations with pockets full of salt and breadcrumbs, refusing to eat or drink and festooned in protective amulets.
With all due kindness and respect, I urge you to consider where these ideas and anxieties have their roots. Regardless of your true genus, you have been raised in a profoundly sapio-centric society. We are none of us immune to the prejudices and preconceptions taught to us by the society we're steeped in.
But we do have a choice about if and how we carry those ideas with us in the future. Take the time to educate yourself on infant substitution in general and, if possible, on your biological family's culture in particular. I think you'll soon find these fears are unfounded.
Finally, please, don't be too hard on yourself for internalising these misconceptions. We can't help the world we were raised in or the assumptions it taught us. But we do have the power to unlearn those harmful patterns of thought, and to work together to create a better present.
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