#the aesthetic looks alright though
hindbodes · 1 year
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I found this old screenshot from a LÖVE game on my harddrive. It’s not mine.
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dailyperkele · 4 months
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DAY 4 - Smoke in the moonlight
A "snake" sitting atop snakes.. uh.
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twisting-in-wonderland · 10 months
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Huh-? Why's my sax's mouthpiece all messed up?
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... Ah.
(wip progress + 'lineart' under read-more--)
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portfest outfits are so cool looking,,,
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antikosm · 5 months
Aro/Ace Terms Masterlist
Please let me know if I forgot anything
NOTE: There is a distinct difference between someone's personal orientation versus how they feel about sexuality/romanticism as a whole. Someone who's sex/romance repulsed may be in favour of open sexual/romantic expression or even vice versa (shoutout to @sowearecleariamhere for informing me of this!)
Types of attraction
Sexual - I wanna have sex with that
Romantic - I want to date that
Sensual - I want to hug that
Platonic - I want to be friends with that
Platonic crushes do exist. They are called “squishes”. You go through the same process of having a romantic or sexual crush but instead of landing them in bed, you’re on the floor at 2am with pizza rolls, Shrek in the background, talking about eldritch monstrosities (or whatever your shared interest is)
Aesthetic - that looks so heckin’ cool/pretty I love it
Intellectual - the desire to engage with another in an intellectual manner, i.e. having a conversation, picking their brain, and finding out how they think
Terms describing degree of attraction
Aromantic - lack of romantic attraction
Asexual - lack of sexual attraction
Aplatonic - lack of platonic attraction
Aroace - lack of both sexual and romantic attraction
Demi - attraction only forms once a strong emotional bond has been formed
Grey/gray - rarely/seldom experiences attraction
Allosexual - someone who experiences sexual attraction
I think I’ve also heard/seen it referred to as ‘arosexual’ but that’s honestly a bit confusing
Alloromantic - someone who experiences romantic attraction
I personally shorten both of those to “allo” (pronounced ‘aloe’)
Apothiosexual - sex-repulsed
Apothioromantic - romance-repulsed
Apothiaroace - often shortened to just ‘apothi’. In addition to being aroace, apothis are repulsed by romantic/sexual scenes, items, displays, etc. to varying degrees
Sex-neutral and sex-positive/favourable aces exist as well
Not all of us have the same level of comfort with sexual and romantic activities so please check. I mean that applies to everyone anyway, but please check and don’t assume that just because someone is aro/ace, that doesn’t mean they are sex/romance repulsed
Queerplatonic - Queerplatonic typically refers to a relationship that bends the lines between a romantic relationship and a non-romantic relationship. A queerplatonic relationship (QPR) often goes beyond what is socially acceptable for a platonic relationship but does not fit the typical notion of a romantic relationship.
Alterous attraction - a type of emotional attraction to someone that isn’t entirely romantic or platonic.
Chastity - actively refraining from sexual activities. This is NOT part of the ace/aro spectrum, though it is a common assumption when someone says they are ace/aro. Thankfully we’re getting a bit more representation in media now so it’s not as common of an assumption as it used to be, but it’s still there, especially in those communities.
An absolute FANTASTIC addition by @heyftinally in case anyone doesn't see the repost
Gonna expand on sex favorable/neutral/repulsed, since this is a masterlist after all: - Sex favorable - regardless of your sexual orientation, you personally want to engage in sexual activity with someone (significant other, one night stand, friends with benefits, etc) - Sex neutral - if you're with someone who wants to engage in sexual activities then you may or may not, depending on a variety of factors, but you have no strong inclinations for or against engaging in sex itself as an activity. Basically it's "alright" Sex repulsed/averse - the idea of personally engaging in sexual activities makes you want to hurl/cry/claw your skin off/spontaneously combust. If someone suggested doing sexual activities together, you would probably vehemently say "No!" before they even finished the question. You would rather do anything else - Sex positive - refers to your attitudes about sex in general. Regardless of where you fall in the above three terms, you recognize that other people want to, and should have the freedom and right to, engage in consensual sexual activities, even if you personally don't like or want those activities. Essentially shorthand for "I respect the right of other adults to have gay sex, have gender-weird sex, have sex with multiple people in and out of monogamous relationships/marriages, and have weird, wild, freaky kinky sex, so long as all participants and consenting adults". You can still personally want zero sex for yourself or think a particular kink is weird/ick, but you can, in tumblr speak, be normal about consenting adults doing consenting adult stuff - Sex negative - conservative purity culture, basically. You think nobody should have sex ever, or at least not until marriage, and when they do it should only be the "right" or "good" kind, as arbitrarily decided by you/society/some collective. You think badly of, look down on, and may even treat badly anyone who doesn't have the "right" kind of sex in your opinion. You are not normal about consenting adults doing consenting adult activities (even though they don't involve you in any way)
A wonderful addition from @overlord-of-chaos Sex aversion is not the same thing as sex repulsed.
If you are sex adverse, you personally have no desire to partake in any of those actions but seeing or knowing other people partake in that doesn't bother you.
Sex repulsion is when you can't stand doing it yourself, seeing/hearing about/knowing that others partake in it, or even just the idea of it.
Microlabels/Terms describing flavour of attraction
Note: -sexual is used for many of these so we don't have to deal with duplicates confusing things. All of these prefixes can be used with -romantic, -sexual, -platonic, and I imagine -alterous as well
Abrosexual - orientation fluctuates between a variety of orientations
Aceflux - similar to abrosexual, but orientation is contained to asexual spectrum
Acespike - someone who is asexual but may experience intense, brief, and random bouts of sexual attraction
Aegosexual - disconnect between oneself and the target of arousal
Amicusromantic/sexual - only experiences romantic attraction to those who they have formed a platonic relationship with (subset of demi)
Angled aroace - the same as oriented, but for those who are demi, grey, flux, etc.
Anthrosexual - someone who is attracted to humans and alterhumans regardless of gender identity/expression
Bellussexual - has interest in the aesthetic/aspects/certain sexual actions, but does not experience sexual attraction or want a sexual relationship
Caedsexual - previously allo, but now ace due to past trauma
Cupiosexual - wanting a sexual relationship but not experiencing sexual attraction
Finsexual/gynesexual - attraction to femininity
Fraysexual - opposite of demi. Attraction dissipates once an emotional connection has been formed
Linsexual - attraction to androgyny
Lithosexual - experiencing sexual attraction but not wanting it to be reciprocated
Loveless Romantic/Lovelessromantic - those who cannot feel love or feel disconnected from love but can feel romantic attraction/don't feel disconnected from the concept of romance
Minsexual/androsexual - attraction to masculinity
Orchid - the opposite of cupio; experiences ____ attraction but has no desire for a relationship of that type
Placiosexual - not wanting to be on the receiving end of sexual activities but wishing to perform them on others
Quiosexual - unable to distinguish between sexual attraction and other forms of attraction
Qui(r)oromantic - inability to distinguish between platonic and romantic attraction
Reciprosexual - not experiencing sexual attraction towards someone until you discover they experience sexual attraction towards you
Requiessexual - similar to caedsexual, but rather than trauma, ace identity originates from a state of emotional exhaustion, usually from a past sexual experience
Oriented aroace -  an aromantic asexual (aroace) individual who experiences a form of tertiary attraction, that they feel is significant enough to warrant a place alongside their aroace orientation. (i.e. gay aroace, bi aroace)
Angled aroace - someone who is on the aroace spectrum (grey, demi, fray, etc) who experiences a type of attraction significant enough to stand alongside their aroace orientation
Examples of mixed orientations
Heteroromantic asexual biplatonic
Poly greyromantic pansexual
Apothi abroplatonic
Placiosexual aromantic finplatonic
Aroace cupioplatonic
Pan lithioromantic
Fraysexual biromantic aplatonic
You can get WAY more specific than what these cover, but just to give a general idea
Amatonormativity is the assumption that all human beings pursue love or romance, especially by means of a monogamous long-term relationship. The term was coined by Elizabeth Brake, in her book Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law (2011).
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amalasdraws · 7 months
https://www.tumblr.com/bigmammallama5/732632789726478336?source=share do you have any tips on how to detect ai and deepfakes?
Good question and I'm gonna be honest, it's not always easy and it will only get harder and harder. I'm just an artist who has spent their personal time to dive into this topic and study images. I'm still learning and there is a lot I don't know. But let me show what I know. This will be long, but I will make a summary at the end! So far, even with ai having become better and better there are still almost always some things wrong with an image, and they all have a very specific look to them. So let me try to show you some and point out some of them.
As we all know, a biggest struggle ai had were hands. And even though here and there we still see messed up hands, I say "had", because the hands is actual a good example on how ai is improving and will only get better. Still, looking at pictures that show more hands is always worth it, because somewhere in the back there will be most likely at least one messed up hand.
Another issue a lot of ai still has is hair though!
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It's very obvious still in many ai "drawings" and in those otherwise well rendered portraits. Hair starts to blend with the ears a lot, or with the clothes.
There is also often this very odd look between something too sharp and way too blurry
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There is often a very specific texture to the hair. I actually do not know the artistic or specific name for it. I can only describe it as this weird sharp feeling that makes it look oddly pixely, and then you have areas where it's very blurry. And the kind of loops and almost flame like looking hair we see in the last pic out of the three here is also something very common with ai.
As an artist I know we make mistakes too! The way I draw hair is flawed too! But it's not only that it's flawed here, but it's following always the same pattern and falls into the same issues over and over again, no matter who is "creating" the image. Those flame like loops are a common one, next to the odd blends and weird sharp and blurry textures.
But ai is getting better, and we not only have "art" and something that tries to be a drawing/painting, but photos too.
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A lot of those "photos" have a very specific texture and look to them! Again, it's not always the mistakes, but the very specific optic too. A lot of the images are oddly smooth, too rendered, with always blurry backgrounds. And when you look closer at the background you will see the mistakes! The crowd behind Jesus is a hot mess once you look closer. Bob Marley's hair has the same issue than I described before. Lincoln is surrounded by people with messed up hands and don't even get me started on the faces behind Caesar.
So a lot of ai images look alright on a first and quick glance, but as more time you spend with them, as more mistakes you will notice. The wehre is Waldo of ai horror.
And those "photos" shared here are still very obvious. Not just the mistakes and messed up details but the very specific aesthetic too.
Those images get better and better and as less details you have, as less mistakes you have!
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With photos like this it becomes harder and harder. There are not many details and no hands. Not many mistakes can be made. Also the very obvious plastic looking smoothness isn't so much here anymore. It kinda still is...but differently. And always the blurry background!! Sometimes the hair is still a giveaway. Collars and clothe straps are also often still a giveaway upon close look. As is jewelry. Earrings will be different and necklaces often don't go all the way around, just end, or blend with the hair or clothes.
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Often details on jewelry is also blurry and not shown properly. This is a trick with many details. With jewelry, batches, hair, ears, text. So it's often blurred out and not shown properly because ai doesn't know what to really show here.
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It's often really just the small details and when we scroll down quickly we will miss them. Like the wedding ring on the middle finger, the pens on top of a closed pocket, the batches that are always blurry, messed up faces that blend with a blurry background.
And sometimes it's so subtle that I could only really tell that right is the ai image in comparison to the real photo on the left. The real photo shows hands clearly and even when things are blurred out it doesn't feel that it's done to hide things. The ai image on the right hides the hands. There is also a very dead look in the eyes :D
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And here I could only tell because the text in the back doesn't make sense. Even blurred out we should be able to make out something here
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And after seeing a lot of ai images I recognize the kind of blurred out bg in combination with a very smooth and well rendered foreground/characters.
And here the only giveaway is a closer look at the backgrounds as well
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To summarize it:
Ai and fake news rely on a fast living world. We are being bombarded with tons of information and messages daily and we scroll past quickly. But the best tool, for now, in detecting ai is taking our time! Those images get better and better but so far there are still always some things off!! Especially in the background!
Hair. Often weirdly smoothed out and oddly sharp at the same time
Hair often blends with the ears or the clothes
Details are blurred out.
Jewelry doesn't match (example earrings). Details on metal often blurred out and never shown. Necklaces blend with hair or the clothes, and don't go around the neck.
Background is always blurred out.
In this blurred mess there are often hidden very messed up faces and/or hands.
A very specific smooth and yet too sharp/too rendered aesthetic combines with an always blurry bg.
Text, especialyl in the background, is not legible and doesn't make sense.
Backgrounds are often (so far) the dead giveaway. Somewhere in the back things become muddled and messed up. This shows also very well in ai decor/architecture. There will be odd lines that don't align or align too well. Curtain poles that end in the furniture, a plant that is behind a lamp suddenly having leaves in front of the lamp. As longer you look as more you will notice.
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Take your time with images! Sit with them! Especially when it's framed as important and political news. Is it ai and propaganda, or did it really happen? Don't fall for the quick buzz and outrage! Some things are obvious right away but with others you have to take your time. And it's time you have! If you are still unsure if a pic is real or not, do some research on top. Image reverse search. Can you find it anywhere else? Are other news outlets sharing it? Does the image/message make sense? For example there is now a deepfake of Bella Hadid voicing support for Israel. Ask yourself, does this make sense? If it feels out of line compared to previous behavior, do some research! Media literacy is not just as being able to recognize a fake or real right away, but being able to do research. To question things! Don't just take every post online for face value. Even when shared by a mutual you trust. They might have been tricked!
There are so many information online and it's great to have access to so information, but it's also difficult to wade through all of it. Media and truth are a weapon and it's being twisted and bend used to manipulate. Always has! But ai and so many people being able to post and share things, it becomes bigger and bigger and more dangerous. So don't just take everything that is handed to you and share it further no questions asked. Media literacy and being able to think for ourselves and do the research is important!! And as research becomes harder and harder, as sources are being messed up with ai and other fake news, it's even more important to sit with the images and study them. See the flaws, the mistakes. Compare it to other news and images.
This got long, and I started to ramble at the end. Sorry But I hope this helped
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justporo · 7 months
Headcanons about living with Astarion
I thought about some of this lately and since yesterday's warmup got out of hand... (Behold him lounging:)
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First things first, if you think living with Astarion will be neat and organised just because he himself always looks put well together: you are in for a surprise
This man - as much as he cares for aesthetics - tends to be messy
Especially since it's been forever that he could actually have and keep stuff, so expect books everywhere, cups left on surfaces, stuff laying around on the floor (and let's be honest, growing up as a noble before didn't teach him anything about being domestic...)
He'll learn though, especially when you reach a point where you could almost throw stuff at him (but he still struggles with it and him buying so many books surely doesn't help)
Astarion is basically cat: lounging everywhere - no surface is safe! Although a comfy sofa or chaiselongue are preferred spots!
Especially when you've sat somewhere and it's still nice and warm and smells of you; "Was that your seat, darling? Well, not anymore!"
But then he would pull you in with a chuckle and have you cuddle up on his lap and also refuse to let you go ("Love, I've only just gotten comfortable, you can't leave now!")
What he lacks in order he makes up with style - to a point it might make your blood boil: "Astarion, please, I couldn't care less if the red of the drapes matches the pillow cases!" "Yes, well, darling - don't take it personally - but I wouldn't have expected you to care anyway." Then he has to dodge several pillows being flung at his head)
Astarion leaves little notes for you to find, like for example if he's gone to run some errands or maybe just because - to tell you he loves you; at some point it kind of becomes a game of him hiding notes somewhere in the house and waiting how long you take to find them - scolding you if you take too long! ("My sweet, a trained donkey would have found it by now! Open your eyes, love, you can't possibly be that distracted by my beautiful face!")
Astarion learns about companionable silence with you - obviously he's very chatty and you love nights just wasted away with talking and joking - about everything and anything; but he also learns how pleasant it can be to just sit there, all cozied up with you and feeling the deep peace of easy silence with you
That or spending some quality time together: him spending time with reading or doing embroidery, you with drawing, also reading or anything else - as long as you're together
At least for a while Astarion really enjoys having a place where he can just... be; obviously this eager little vampire can't sit still forever but he revels in the knowledge of having a place he can always return to, somewhere to be safe and comfy, somewhere he can always be with you
Alright - at least that's how I could very well imagine living with Astarion might be, hihi. This man keeps living in my head - by now I'm sure he's changed my brain chemistry forever, for good...
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gojoidyll · 8 days
Back on my Boothill x Halovian!Reader agenda!! People want more, well, here's some more!! <3
feel free to request any boothill x halovian!reader scenarios cause I honestly like this dynamic heh
how you met
I imagine that Boothill was looking to buy a new hat. The old one got torn up in a gun fight, much to his dismay so he had to go get a new one, also to his dismay.
Cowboy hats were hard to come by surprisingly, but luckily he found just the store.
The store itself had an influx of clothes and other accessories that could be found anywhere and from any time. Cowboy hats included.
Now, when he walked into the shabby looking antique clothing store. He was surprised that there were actually quite a bit of customers, but he paid no mind to it because he maneuvered himself right to where he knew the hats were. And boy there was quite a selection. Luckily, however, it didn't take long to find one that matched his ... certain aesthetic. Grinning with that pointed grin of his, he reached for the hat that caught his eye, but only to be met with grabbing another hand.
He looked over and met a pair of eyes just as shocked as he was.
"Sorry about that sir. I was trying to get the hat behind the one you were getting."
It was you. A pretty little thing with ears sprouting behind your head. It was obvious to Boothill that you were a halovian. Though, he will admit that this was the first time he ever saw one up close and personal.
"That's alright, missy," he took off the hat that he wanted after letting go of her hand and even grabbed the hat she wanted to give it to her, "though, just so you know, I would of fought ya for this hat if need be."
The little laugh you let out was music to his ears. Damn, the rumors that halovians were angelic in everything they do must be true, was what he thought.
"Even if that was the case... I would win," you sent him a little wink before walking towards one of the nearest mirrors to check out how the hat looked on you. And Boothill does admit that he checked you a little before deciding to leave.
Though leaving proved to be harder than he thought. Especially when the cashier was trying to rob him of all the credits that he owned.
"Why you fudging little-"
It was an argument, alright. But what surprised him was the little gasp you let out when you came to wait for your turn at the cash register.
"Mister you can't... you can't say that!"
It was the second time that day that that little confusion slipped out. However, when he looked at your appalled expression something sort of clicked in his mind.
He heard that halovians are able to communicate with others through their feelings. But, as far as Boothill knew, they could only do that with other halovians.
But judging by your expression, you heard every cuss word that left his lips.
He didn't know how you were able to do it, especially considering he wasn't fully human anymore nor a halovian. But in that moment he didn't care as he sported a wicked grin.
He just found himself a new translator until his synesthesia beacon was fixed.
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heizouology · 11 months
˗ˏˋ tattoo artist kaveh and piercer alhaitham ´ˎ˗
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ tags: nsfw, kaveh x afab reader, alhaitham x afab reader, kaveh x afab reader x alhaitham, threesome, double penetration, lots of praise and aftercare (kaveh), slight sadism (alhaitham), degradation (alhaitham).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ notes: kaveh and alhaitham are roommates and work at the same tattoo and piercing studio. i imagined kaveh’s tattoo style to look like @/zihwa_tattooer’s work on instagram. i’d sell an organ to be tattooed by her, i’m a whore for fine line omg.
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❛ kaveh ༉‧₊˚
kaveh is so insanely pretty and he’s got the prettiest tattoos too. simple, aesthetic, black fine line designs are placed in certain parts of his body - his arms, hands, and back, complimenting his features instead of overpowering them. you can’t help but admire them every time you see him, which he doesn’t mind - he loved the attention you give him. he also has few cartilage, adorned with gold leaf and feather themed jewelry, all done by alhaitham.
a month into your relationship, he gave offered to give you a tattoo, free of charge. unsure of what to get, he picked out a few designs from his flash that he thought would look nice on you. you settled on a simple butterfly below the back of your neck, a place he recommended, as it’s one of his favorite places to kiss you. the process was pretty painful but kaveh’s steady and light hand, along with his calming praises and small talk, made it a lot better. also, his hair was up in a clip, which was a little treat for you as well - you loved it when he wore his hair like that.
during sex, kaveh always prioritizes your pleasure over his own. he's so gentle with you, constantly mumbling little praises and encouragement as you ride him, caressing your back with a feather-light touch and helping you keep a steady rhythm. he loves you so, so much, and hates to see you in pain - he constantly checks in to make sure you're alright, making sure you know your safe word, etc. he remembers all of the places that make you feel good, all of your favorite positions, and all of the little praises you love to hear.
he'll eat you out before fucking you with his dick, making sure that you're all nice and wet for him. he loves it when you tug on his hair, urging him to continue. your moans are like music to his ears, fueling his desire to bring you as much pleasure as possible.
kaveh’s a switch, though he prefers giving rather than receiving. when you want to be dominant, though, he’ll make the sweetest moans, begging you for more. he loves it when you mark him up with hickeys, and will wear his hair up to show them off the day after, letting everyone know that he’s yours. he’s so happy and grateful that he’s loved by someone like you, and treasures every little mark you give him, knowing it’s a symbol of your love.
he thinks you’re the most beautiful person in the world as you’re coming down from your high. he never lacks in aftercare - he knows how much you need reassurance and love afterwards, so he’s quick to pull you into his embrace, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he caresses all of the places he knows will be sore later.
“you’re already beautiful, but i think you’d be even more beautiful with a few tattoos,” he whispers as you lay against his chest. his hand goes to cover yours, his thumb rubbing over your outer hand and wrist, a little smile forming on his face as he imagines designs for you. “a floral design here would look so pretty. imagine us holding hands, tattoos showing and all.”
his hand then moves to your side, tracing it with his fingers. “then, maybe one here as well, starting from here and extending all the way up here,” he explains, starting from your waist and ending next to your breast. “we can add little snakes or cute butterflies to the design. make you a beautiful little garden.”
secretly, he dreams of getting matching tattoos with you as your relationship progresses. he’s drawn out some ideas based off of your shared interests that he’ll show you when the time comes, but for now, it’s his little secret.
the next day, he'll invite you over to his studio after hours to work on your new tattoo. besides loving aftercare in bed, he cares for your tattoo aftercare as well. he’ll constantly be nagging at you to not scratch it, carries aquaphor with him just in case you need to reapply, and once it’s healed, he has a small little bottle of sunscreen for when it’s exposed to the sun, knowing that you always forget to put some on.
he doesn’t want his little piece of art getting ruined, especially if it’s on such a beautiful canvas as yourself.
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❛ alhaitham ༉‧₊˚
alhaitham is so fucking hot. he usually wears basic, black t-shirts and tank tops, showing off his bulky tattooed arms. his upper body is covered in bold tattoos - usually traditional, though he does have a sword tattoo on his forearm from kaveh. he's got a side labaret, a tongue piercing, and a ton on his ear - industrial, helix, you name it. on his large, veiny, tattooed hands are a collection of silver rings, not a single finger plain.
when the two of you began dating, you said you've been interested in getting a septum for a while, though you were still on the fence about it - you were scared about the healing process and if you'd even like it. you got your ears pierced when you were young, so it would technically be your first piercing. he offered to do it for you, and if you didn't like it, you can simply take it off. though, he assured you that you’d look beautiful with it. the idea got you interested, and he took you to the studio to get it done.
the piercing was quick, though it did hurt a little, especially since you didn't have the best pain tolerance. your eyes got a little watery, a single tear falling. it was a little embarrassing for you, though alhaitham guiltily thought it was kind of hot. he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a sadist - he never has these thoughts while piercing his clients, but seeing you like this was different. after putting in your jewelry, a cute little gold clicker, he quickly excused himself to grab you a cup of water, though it was mainly to calm himself down.
he fucks you hard and rough. he loves seeing you beg and will often deny your orgasm to see you all needy, crying for him to let you cum. he loves holding your wrists so he has complete control over you. he thinks it's so cute that you're so small and weak in comparison to him - it fuels his lust to break you and then spoil you afterwards.
he loves to degrade you, too. he'll call you a whore while fucking you mercilessly, saying you're such a slut for him and his cock. he'll never say anything meant to hurt you, though. if he notices his degrading goes too far, he'll apologize and make it up to you, toning down the roughness and slipping in a few praises instead.
during one of your sessions, he has you standing in front of the bathroom sink, holding onto the counter for your dear life as he's pounding into you. he holds your chin so you're forced to stare at the lewd sight, kissing your sensitive ear and neck as he does so.
"look at how cute you are," he coos with a low voice, grunting as he thrusts into you. his hand moves to cup your breast, giving your nipple a little pinch, causing you to gasp in pleasure. "you'd look so pretty with piercings here. have you considered getting them done?"
his hand cradling your chin moves down to hold your other breast, flicking your nipples. "imagine how good they would feel while we fuck," he mumbles, his warm breath against your ear as he stares at your reflection with you. "of course, i'll pierce them for you - don't want any other man seeing you like this," he whispers, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "what do you think?"
you're too fucked out to say anything, so you nod. he smiles as one of his hands travel down to your stomach, his index finger stopping on top of your belly button.
"and maybe one here. you'd look so pretty with one, and you'd get to wear more of those tiny shirts you like so much," he mutters. you told him you've been interested in wearing clothes that show your midriff, though you're self-conscious about showing your stomach. he would assure you that you'd look fine every time you bring it up, though it wasn't enough to boost your confidence. “so, so pretty," he purrs, circling his finger over it and giving your cheek another kiss, before his hands travel down even further.
his hand stops at your clit, slowly rubbing it with one hand as he holds your chin again with the other. "and maybe a piercing on the hood here, too. wouldn't it feel so, so, so good here? the smooth metal rubbing against your clit as i fuck you. imagine how sensitive you'll be when i put a vibrator against it," he teases, increasing the intensity of his fingers. "and imagine how hot you'd look with one. a little secret between you and me.” the idea of getting a clitoris hood piercing was never on your mind, but with the way he described it pushed you off the edge, and you were forced to watch your reflection as you cum.
"that's my girl," he whispers, watching you with a smile as you tremble from the intense pleasure, his hands moving to your waist to hold you steady.
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❛ alhaitham and kaveh ༉‧₊˚
god, fucking the two of them at the same time would feel so good. while you're dating one of them, the other notices the two of you having sex in their room and can't help but join in.
while kaveh's so gentle with you, making sure you're alright and giving you plenty of kisses and praises, alhaitham is merciless, manhandling and degrading you. it’s the perfect balance between being spoiled and being ruined, and you’re in love with it. the two of them are competing to see who can fuck you best, and you're unsure of who's winning - your lover or his roommate.
you lay on the bed as alhaitham opens your legs, kissing from your stomach down to your folds. he sucks roughly on your clit and prods his tongue into your hole, causing you to feel his piercing against you. the pleasure is intense, almost too much as he slips two fingers in, fingering you quickly and deeply, abusing your g-spot. he runs his tongue on your clit, making you feel his hard tongue piercing, causing you to go insane in pleasure.
as alhaitham bullies your pussy, kaveh’s behind you, giving you the much needed kindness you weren’t receiving from alhaitham. he hushed you as he lovingly kisses your ear, nibbling and sucking on your earlobe. his hand travels down to your breasts, groping them slowly so as to not overstimulate you, but rather enhance your pleasure.
with alhaitham’s aggressive oral and kaveh’s sweet care, you find your high approaching, and they both know it by the way your body reacts to them. alhaitham speeds up his fingers and licks as kaveh teases you with his hot breath against your ear, and you find yourself cumming hard on alhaitham’s tongue.
the two of them let you catch your breath, and once you do, kaveh is gently turning you around so you’re facing him, taking off his pants to reveal his hard cock. he scoots down, resting his head on the pillows as he guides you to sit on his dick. you lace your fingers with his, slowly sinking down onto his dick while he sings little praises for you.
“angel, you’re taking me so well,” he gleams, watching as you fully bottom out. “so perfect, so, so perfect.” he says, pulling you down to his chest as he thrusts up into you.
“quit babying her, she’s a slut,” alhaitham bickers. “she knows how to put a dick in her.”
“shut your damn mouth, you’re just jealous because you’re not the one fucking her right now," kaveh sneers, and though his words were harsh, he didn't change his tender touch on you.
alhaitham sighs, watching as kaveh fucked you with so much care, whispering into your ear and drowning you in kisses. he’s so vocal during sex, something that alhaitham wasn’t. getting turned on by the scene, he takes off his pants, stroking his dick.
after a while, when you were soon nearing your high, you noticed that alhaitham was gone from your side. from behind, you feel someone prod a finger at your other hole, prepping you for his cock. it was alhaitham. you're scared of the pain - you weren’t used to getting it there and it hurts a little, which kaveh notices and quickly stops.
"i... i can't..." you stutter, holding onto him. alhaitham slows down, though his fingers don’t leave your hole.
"it's alright, babe," kaveh hushes, stroking your cheek. "it'll feel better soon, okay? you'll feel so good with the two of us inside of you. can you do it for us? i know you can handle it," he says. from behind, alhaitham's kissing your back, paying special attention to your tattoo. you nod, causing kaveh to smile and kiss your forehead. “thanks, my love.”
kaveh thrusts into you again, this time more slowly and deeply. alhaitham continues prepping your asshole, adding in another finger. once he thinks you're ready to handle him, his fingers leave you, being replaced by the tip of his cock, which stretched you way more than his fingers did.
"just breathe, okay?" kaveh says, holding your hand. as alhaitham slowly inserts himself in, kaveh's mumbling little "i love you"s and "you're doing so good for us" against your lips, wiping away any tears that fall. the stretch is painful, but you know it'll be all worth it in the end.
after a few careful thrusts from alhaitham, careful to not hurt you, the pain soon turns into pleasure as you get used to his size. your winces became moans, and you hold onto kaveh. he asks if it’s okay for him to start moving again, and you nod, allowing him to pick up where he left off.
"enjoying it already? you sure are a slut, huh," alhaitham grunts from behind, increasing the intensity of his pace. their thrusts aren't synced - while one pulls away, the other is going in, causing you to be constantly stimulated. it feels so good feeling so full, and you soon find yourself reaching your high, gripping onto kaveh's shoulders for stability.
they fuck you through your orgasm, slowing to a stop once you’re done. they let you take a little break as they litter kisses all over you. you snuggle up against kaveh, sapped of energy, until you hear alhaitham laugh as he lifts you up so your back is pressed against his chest.
"think you're done already? we haven't even came yet," he teases, making your heart sinks. you were already so tired, so fucked out, but you weren’t done yet? you'll be having a long night.
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seamsterslocal · 1 year
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summer binder picture tutorial
this is the third binder ive made for myself recently and the first one i’m writing up. it’s designed to do a few things: 1) allow me to put it on by myself without dislocating my shoulders 2) allow me to breathe well enough to partake in normal activity 3) be cool enough to wear throughout a muggy 90-100F summer 4) not constrict my ribs in a way that aggravates my lack of connective tissue and causes intense pain.
this has become necessary even though i had top surgery many years ago, because when i had it i was extremely skinny and since then i’ve increased in size by about 50%. this has been really fucking good for my health in every single way* except that when my chest is squishy or moves at all it’s So Goddamn Triggering for me. but also since ive had top surgery ive developed and/or been made away of a plethora of chronic conditions that make every single commercially available binding option medically impossible. unbound, my chest is pretty much what you’d expect for a chubby cis guy but venturing out into the world in just a tshirt no longer works for me
*anyone who badmouths weight gain or fat bodies in the notes WILL be blocked
under the cut are a bunch of process pictures and explanations of what they all mean:
first i’ll give you a look at the pieces and measurements:
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most of the seams are sewn in this picture and one half is turned inside out, allowing you to see both the finished dimensions (right) and the placement of the fusible horsehair canvas that gives this lil scrap of linen any structure at all (left)
to get your chest measurement, you’re gonna have to do some math:
first measure above and below what you want to bind. average these numbers. mine are something like 32 and 34, which average to 33. subtract a few inches--this is to allow the air movement between the laces at center front and back, critical in the summertime. i deleted 3 inches bc i like that number but you can go bigger if you want. the more inches you subtract here, the more youll be able to ratchet all your chest material down later, but at the same time you need to leave enough fabric for a sturdy garment. let’s say a range of 2-6 inches/5-15cm. by taking your measurements this way, you’re essentially measuring the chest you would like to have. that + the horsehair canvas work together to compress any squishy tissue/force anything that doesnt compress up and to the outside (basically into the armpit/lower shoulder--the chest might stick out but it will give a very puffed chest captain america pectoral silhouette)
you can also see how ive clipped my curves and pre-drilled my lacing holes. i used the marlin spike on my knife to open up the holes on the interfacing side, mainly as a way of marking them. this worked well bc the interfacing’s glue kept the linen from raveling
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this is the same stage but looking at the non-interfaced grey linen/cotton blend (the black is some 100% linen from my cabbage stash). you can see ive broken the solar-plexus-to-back measurement up into a bunch of pieces to save on fabric but that’s not necessary. my original pattern was just two pieces (front and back) and chopping the straps into thirds on both sides was aesthetic
in the following picture you can really see how this is really just overgrown regency stays:
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i thought about doing side lacing but didn’t think that would be comfortable for me. on the front, the side seam allowance was pressed inwards before turning to create a finished looking slot. on the back the side seam is left unfinished with an extra wide seam allowance, and is inserted into that slot.
here’s a closeup on it pinned in place (you can adjust the angle of the side seam and the fit during this pinning stage):
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that side seam was just topstitched in place once i had the fit how i liked it, and the armhole was reinforced with more topstitching
alright, time for eyelets: first, you can see how well the marking worked:
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next, two rows of basted eyelets (left), one row of eyelets sewn with a doubled and waxed cotton thread (center right), and one row of eyelets opened and stainless steel rings placed (right).
next time i’m going to mark the eyelets same as i did above, but do this step differently--i’ll mark and baste the steel rings in place BEFORE widening the eyelets. this is bc i had a lot of problems keeping the eyelets on center
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eyelets half done on this one! on the left are eyelets sewn with doubled and waxed cotton thread and on the right eyelets sewn with quadrupled and waxed thread. the center is basting again. i was able to force the holes back in line while sewing the eyelets but it was kinda annoying. adding a second picture that doesnt have great focus but hopefully shows how that process worked and shows the spike clearly
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i ended up using this white cotton thread because it’s stronger than my black cotton thread (which the rest of it is sewn with). [eta: after this was first posted, i pressed the whole thing heavily, which effectively de-waxed the thread, and i dyed the whole thing a medium charcoal grey, the thread blends in perfectly on the lighter side and isn’t such a sore thumb on the darker side]
bonus: the piecing layout for that little piece of strap. the whole light gray half of the binder was made from 1/2 of one of the legs i cut off some linen suit pants to make slutty camping shorts last year and i really really didn’t want to break into any of the other three halves for this garment--i have Plans for it
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overall the fit of this is incredible. it DOESNT hurt my ribs which every zip-up garment ive been able to find (and it is difficult) does due to really thick elastic at the base. it doesnt aggravate my sensory issues with the synthetic fibers that every commercial option is made of. i can walk up a hill or stairs, or go to pt, without getting too out of breath. i can eat with it tight, or loosen the front easily and without taking it off to make eating easier and less nausea-inducing. it is reversible!
best of all the lacing at the back gives the garment enough movement for me to get it on without dislocating, and the interfacing and steel rings give it structure once it’s on. the shaping comes only from fusible horsehair linen canvas and stainless steel rings like youd use for chainmail, there’s no boning at all, which makes it very quick to sew (except the eyelets, but metal grommets would be sturdy and quick provided theyre of good quality)
there’s a small amount of gaping on the outside of the shoulder strap, which i plan on fixing with a tiny tiny dart in the armpit, i want to add pockets to tuck the laces into, and i need a better lace for the back, but it’s completely wearable in time for the 90 weather next week which is all i wanted. i’ll do a reblog when it’s perfectly finished with an update on the fit but for now it is done enough 
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the little ridge where it doesnt lay flat against the shoulder is most visible with just a single t shirt over it. with a flannel or a sweater, it disappears, and by itself, it’s hidden in movement
eta: after dyeing this, i relaced it a bit looser in the back and that gape mainly disappeared. ive decided to leave it in instead of smoothing it with a dart because the loose fabric gives space for my chest to expand when breathing and shapes my silhouette in a way that emphasizes my shoulders
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waterlilydrops · 2 months
Gold Digger
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x fem!reader, Logan Sargeant & Oscar Piastri & Zhou Guanyu & Yuki Tsunoda x family member!reader
summary: “...Didn’t she say she wasn’t serious?”
word count: 0.5k
warning: blurb, family AU(?)
note: I’m not sure if I used the warning tag correctly, please feel free to correct me
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“Please, Y/N, tell me you’re not serious about this boyfriend either.” Logan nervously stared at the woman in front of him.
“Give it a rest, Logan. When have you ever seen me be serious?” You rolled your eyes in a less than elegant manner, admiring the manicure you had done today, looking quite pleased with yourself.
The four boys in front of you visibly breathed a sigh of relief.
After all, they had just cause a big mess.
You suddenly decided to do your nails today, enlisting the help of your new boyfriend to take care of the four children at home.
Oscar ushered them all onto your new boyfriend’s Maybach. The boys chattered excitedly as they headed to the city’s most expensive restaurant to give the man a run for his money - and, of course, to unintentionally cause a few other mishaps throughout the day.
Well, it seemed like the man had the sense not to come looking for you to complain.
Oscar, however, was blunt as ever: “Where did you find this easy touch this time?”
“At the hair salon, I was getting my hair done,” you gestured while running your fingers through your smooth hair, “Lewis happened to bring his date in for styling - let me tell you, that woman’s sense of aesthetics is seriously lacking, her eyes were too wide, and her nose was overly fake.”
“The point,” Oscar impatiently tapped the table.
“I said, ‘you are handsome and seem to have money, why not consider me?’ and he agreed,”you shrugged.
“...He bought me a Birkin bag?”
“He seems alright to me, I like him,” Guanyu cut in bluntly, “If you're thinking of settling down, he’s a good choice from all aspects.”
The other three boys looked at Guanyu as if he were a traitor.
“I’m just stating a fact: you’re around the same age, you look good together. Plus, Logan needs money for college, Yuki wants to go to chef school, and Oscar’s karting expenses, they all need to be figure out.”
You were almost teary-eyed, “Guanyu, you always think about the family.”
“And he said he can offer me an internship at plus44,” Guanyu took a sip of his soda, “even though I'm not of legal age.”
“Oh—” “Damn it!” “Seriously?”
Yuki sighed, Logan rolled his eyes, and Oscar grabbed a handful of fries and tried to stuff them into Guanyu’s mouth.
“So, Oscar, what do you think?” Yuki looked at the youngest boy.
“I don’t know...” Oscar absentmindedly played with the ketchup with his fries, swinging his legs on the seat, “He seems alright, Logan intentionally spilled soda all over his car, and he didn’t say anything.”
“Hey!” Logan exclaimed, surprised that his little brother had blurted out what he had done.
“Probably because he has plenty of those luxury cars at home,” Yuki pointed out calmly, “It's not a big deal to him.”
“That‘s not true, I saw the veins on Mr. Hamilton’s arm when he clenched his fist,” Guanyu grinned mischievously, “And, Logan, need I remind you about the pleasant conversation you had with him about Roscoe?”
Logan angrily stuffed a piece of McNugget into his mouth, unusually silent.
Oscar remained impassive, as if stating a fact, “If even Logan can be deal with, then he must be pretty tough.”
Yuki looked incredulously at his seemingly indifferent brother, “So you‘ve also betrayed us, Osc?”
“You might not dislike him either, Yuki,” Oscar retorted, “I heard you praising his taste in food to Pierre.”
You listened to the whole “Hamilton’s Wonderful Day” with your chin resting on your hands, then cleared your throat, giving the four boys a warning glare, “Alright boys, don’t overdo it, I still want to spend a couple of days with him.”
Your words were met with a chorus of complaints and grumbles.
You smiled and shook your head, glanced at the time on the phone, and got up to leave.
“Hey Y/N, where are you going?”
“Lewis invited me to go for a drive tonight,” you smiled sweetly, then paused for two seconds before adding, “I might not be back tonight — Logan, take care of your brothers.”
With that, you slung your arm through your Louis Vuitton latest bag and walked out of the door with brisk steps, humming an unknown tune.
Leaving the four boys sitting there, looking at each other in confusion.
“...Didn’t she say she wasn’t serious?”
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reverieblondie · 6 months
Be Sweet to Me
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara X Fem!reader
Warnings: None for this chapter, but there will be eventual smut, Pining, and teasing. For now- Fluff and Miguel struggles with grumpiness and realizing his touched started, but he's just over worked. Alternating POVs
Summary: People say many things about you're co-worker, and sure he's not the most social but you won't give up being friends with him! Little do you know Miguel is juggling so much in his life, and getting used to you is proving to be more difficult than he thought.
A/N: I am so excited to be finally be making this series! The Alternating pov's is different than what I normal do, but I think it works best for this story! This is heavily influenced by the song Be Sweet by Japanese Breakfast. Unsure how many chapters this will be, so look out for updates! if you would like to be tagged please comment to let me know!
Word count: 3,447
Part 2
“Y/n, I need you to organize the samples and make sure that all the documents are in order before the meeting.” 
Giving a slight huff you stop your work, turning on your heels to face your coworker.
“Okay, but what's the magic word?” you playfully tease with the slightest hint of condensation. 
Turning his head you see the unenthused glare in his eyes despite them being shaded behind the round tinted glass. You're still not fully convinced he needs those things inside, some kind of light sensitivity he's explained once but you suspect he might just like the cool guy aesthetic it gives him. Though you wouldn’t blame him if that was truly the case, it does look kinda cool. 
Face scrunched in that way you have gotten used to seeing over these past few months since working here at Alchemax. Chiseled jaw clenched shut, his full lips pressed in that iconic frown, thick brown hair styled back to try and tame the unruly waves, and tall bulky figure that you used to be intimidated by, (okay, sometimes you still are) but you have slowly adjusted to your co-worker: Miguel O’Hara. 
He stared at you for a beat before turning back to his work without another word, his oh-so-subtle way of telling you to shut it and do as you're told. “Alright alright, I’ll get it done. Don’t have to tell me twice.” 
One thing you have learned about working with Miguel is he may not always speak with words so if you want to create an effective work area with him you have got to be good at reading his expressions. Working with a guy like Miguel had its challenges, for one his mood: he's not exactly the easiest to get along with, and people call him cold or cocky depending on the day.  
Then there was how busy he kept himself, always working on something, typing on screens, working with experiments, or tapping away at that clunky watch of his. Even on the days he’s not around due to him ‘working from home’ you can tell just by his face that he hadn’t given himself time to rest. What on earth could keep a man so busy? Well…you had an idea or two… 
Despite his grumpy demeanor you were determined to become friends with Miguel. It didn’t matter what others would tell you about him or how much he distanced himself, you saw the subtle glances, the repressing of smiles, the slight cracks in the shell, You two would become buddies you were sure of it. Maybe he just needed someone to show him the effort, to be sweet to him, then maybe he could lighten up and bring his walls down.  
Pulling out all the stops nothing was going to stop your attempts, you were always nice (even on days where that was particularly hard) Helping with things he didn’t ask of you, organizing and cleaning up behind him. Coffee was always a winner, you knew exactly how he liked it too, you kept making different attempts then stopped on the one where he wasn’t making a face while he took his first sip. -Success! 
Then there was the friendly encouragement, pats on the shoulder, and high fives. Sure he seemed hesitant to them at first but he slowly became used to them, baby steps. 
Every passing day was closer and closer to your friendship blossoming!
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Magic word…was she serious? Why should he say please? It's her job to listen to what he tells her and do what he says considering he’s worked here longer. Miguel keeps typing away at his computer, lamenting in his mind how his co-worker was quite the character. 
Miguel couldn’t deny that having a co-worker who was tasked to help him in all his research did help him out more than he would ever admit. Having to juggle the secret identity of Spider-Man, being the leader of the spider society protecting the multiverse, and having to keep his role as head geneticist in Alchemax. Everything could get taxing very quickly on him. Layla was a great AI assistant but she was limited, so having an actual person tagging along to help him with work was bearable, though…you were a bit exuberant and that was taking some getting used to. 
The jokes, the odd habits, your clumsiness, the smart remarks you mumbled under your breath, your overwhelming friendliness. All this he could begrudgingly handle, but the thing that was still overwhelming him was the touching! Sometimes it wasn’t even touching at all you would just be so close.
First noticing it when you would stand so close that he would accidentally bump into you, if he was looking at a sample you were leaning over him to watch. You had no spatial awareness, running into him, running into things! The first month of you working here you broke so many things by running into them he thought they would run out of beakers.
Then the friendly gestures started happening. Miguel was used to people keeping their distance, meeting his gruffness, but you…oh no…you must have seen it has some challenge! The encouraging words, patting of his shoulder, spontaneous high fives, squeezing past him in tight areas, adjusting his coat for him, dusting off crumbs from his chest! Your Friendly proximity made him tense, it was…new and different, and he didn’t know how to handle it.
Though it could be worse, you could be a completely useless idiot. To Miguel’s surprise you did have a brain in that head of yours, so the trade-off for actual decent help was some playfulness from you he would just deal. It’s not like he wasn’t used to playful coworkers, the spider society made sure of that. Still, you were different…and that blossoming tingling your touch would leave on him…it was…annoying.  
Miguel's eyes move over to you as he watches you begin the task of organizing the samples and getting everything prepared for the meeting. Begrudgingly he was tasked with having to explain the recent studies and developments the two of you had made. The meeting was honestly bullshit, he hated having to report to the chairman, but they liked to keep a thumb on Miguel, making sure he was still their best brain. In fact, you had offered to take over and run over the presentation for Miguel but they denied that, had to be him…bastards 
For a moment you turn your head and look towards Miguel meeting his eyes, you shoot him a thumbs up and a smile, that friendliness still shining through. With an annoyed huff, he turns away getting back to his work. Still adjusting…
The two of you worked diligently for a couple of hours, in silence of course, there was no time to get distracted with chatting when so much needed to be done. Rubbing his hands over his face he could feel a wave of extortion taking over him. Sleep was something he wasn’t getting regularly, there was just never enough time in the day so sacrifices must be made. 
Eyes growing heavy and vision slightly blurring he feels himself slipping, but he can’t, he won't. Then a shrill alarm begins to blare from Miguel's wrist snapping him back awake. Miguel is quick to place his hand over his watch and sneak out of the lab unnoticed, lucky for him you were too concentrated on your work to notice his absence. Checking the message on his watch, it is a local emergency, something he can handle in fifteen minutes tops. With a quick few cracks of his neck, he's leaving to save the city again. 
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Stretching feeling accomplished in yourself getting everything prepped single-handedly. Roaming your eyes around the lab you note the lack of bulk in the room. Huh, no Miguel? He must have done one of his disappearing acts again, probably just going to lunch without you. Invite yourself to lunch with him one time and now he doesn't even tell you when he's going. Matters on that guy, oh well, you might as well go get something before the meeting anyway. Coming to a stopping point you gather your things for a nice quick bite in the cafeteria. 
“I can’t see how you can work with him.” Ah, so much for a nice quick bite…
Sitting there trying to enjoy your lunch it’s the usual suspects who come to sit next to you, talking more at you and around you rather than to you. You can’t help but think that this annoying tinge you feel is what Miguel felt when he was ambushed by you. Though you couldn’t have been as annoying as these people. Complainy and gossipy types are not the best combos with your meal. 
Their subjects range from many topics like complaining about work, to failed experiments, personal problems, idol gossip, then it lands to the one directly aimed at you…Miguel. As soon as the question is asked you're looking up from your food to see all eyes on you. Chewing quickly and swallowing to ask your question. 
“I’m sorry what?” 
Sophia groans, “O’Hara, how can you work with him?” 
“Uh, well he does his thing, I do mine?” 
Julius chimes in “Isn’t he a total dick to you though?”
Cassidy is now giving her input to the topic, “Oh I can only imagine what you go through on the daily.” 
“Well ac-” trying to interject, you can’t even get a word in till you're being cut off by one of them.
“Yeah! Like I bet he is always bossing you around.”
“And probably insulting you in some way,” 
“One time he called my team brainless idiots because we messed up one small thing” -it was not a small thing, that took you and him an all-nighter to fix…
“That was-” you try again only to be cut off once more.
“Oh, and he is always being rude!” 
“God, how can you work with that monster!” 
With that last comment you had it, the noise wasn’t meant to be as forceful as it came out but they kept cutting you off and then bad-talking your research partner, you were fed up. Slamming your hands on the table with a hash slap, effectively silencing them, you rise from your seat grabbing your tray in the process. 
“If you have issues with him you should speak to him like he’s a person. He’s not some monster. Sure, he is not exactly social, but if this is how people talk about him behind his back it makes sense why he keeps his distance... I've lost my appetite, excuse me…” 
With that, your lunch break was over. 
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“You saved us!” 
“He’s a hero!”
“But…he’s kinda a jerk…”
“Didn’t he punch an old lady before?”
“I thought she punched him?” 
Uhhgg…would anyone ever get that story right? Miguel is prying the last bus hostage off him as they cling tightly to him. The vulture from his dimension was up to his usual antics but he made quick work of him and was now cleaning up the shocking mess. Having to save the people from the bus was no big deal, it was the pushy reporters, camera lights flickering in his face and the clingy person keeping themselves pressed to him that was the pain to deal with. Taking deep breaths he’s trying to keep his cool, but he can feel himself threatening to boil over. 
How come he can’t just ever save people and leave? Why was there always this extra crap to deal with? Finally getting the person off and seeing that all of what he could do was done he's trying to get out of there, but people can be so pushy…
Questions, Comments, Flashing lights, Praise, Criticism…he couldn’t help but snap, 
“Get out of my way! Leave me alone! And for shock's sake, try to learn to protect yourselves!”  
The crowd was shocked by this sudden outburst, but this should have come as no surprise from the grouchy hero. Spider-Mans in other dimensions were always known for being friendly, witty, funny, and nice to all they saved, Miguel didn’t exactly follow this blueprint. Miguel didn’t exactly mean to sound rude, just being a hero gets exhausting and patience was something he needed to work on. 
Miguel hears the gasp and murmurs amongst themselves about how he’s a dick, a jerk, arrogant, blah, blah…
Rolling his eyes, hidden underneath his mask he couldn't help but think of how irrational these people could be, say one thing the public wasn’t fond of and they are at your throat. It’s all of a sudden no longer how he just saved a busload of people, or saved the city by defeating a villain; No, now it’s about how rude he was. 
“I hate you Spider-man!” -great…this just makes everything so much better with this thankless job. 
Swing off before the police come to further irritate him. As he swings back to Alchemax he’s wrapped up in his thoughts. This hero thing was not easy…everything he did wasn’t right, not what people wanted…he was always messing up in some way…nothing was ever good enough, he had to stretch himself thinner and thinner, keeping everything together. The pressure is immense…
Getting back to Alchemax, he changes and tries to resume back to his work, the fight had successfully woken him up but now he’s starving. Eating like sleep has also become a thing he has had to cut for the sake of time, but something quick should be fine before he gets back to work.
Stopping by the cafeteria Miguel immediately spots you sat by Sophia, Julius, and Cassidy, not good company for you to keep. Well honestly anyone, they might catch their stupid. Making sure to be as unnoticed as possible last thing he needs is you trying to wave him over to your table. Coffee with a bagel is all he needs to grab so he can make his escape back to the lab. Grabbing a coffee that thankfully wasn't made by you, his sensitive ears can’t help but catch what's being said at your table. No surprise it’s about him. 
Listening in he is catching fragments of the conversation sipping his coffee trying his best to ignore the meaningless conversation, till a remark of him makes him pause at the threshold of the entryway. 
 “How can you work with that monster!”
Monster…huh…is that how people see him? Mutated, sure, grouchy, and tempestuous maybe, But a monster. A ping in his chest makes his hands tighten around the cup. Talons threatens to poke through but he resists. If they want to see him as a monster then so be it…he doesn't care…
Suddenly, a slam, followed by your familiar voice catches him by surprise,
“He’s not some monster. Sure, he is not exactly social, but if this is how people talk about him behind his back it makes sense why he keeps his distance”
“Not some monster…” Your words can’t be helped from echoing through his head. You sound so angry, you never sound angry. Looking over he sees your face furrowed in a glare. He didn’t think your face knew how to do that. Watching as you walk away in a haste away from the table he's leaving to his usual eating spot hidden away from others. 
Taking his shades off in the empty break room he dims the lights down as he sinks into one of the chairs. Finally getting even a moment of a break, even taking time to peacefully relax he finds he is unable to. Even sitting leaning back he still feels teased, irritated, stressed. Trying to shut his mind for even a moment, a second of a break he finds it to be an impossible task. But as he sits, his usual stresses fade to be replaced by your words. Miguel could have cared less about what those idiots had to say about him. The surprising thing was that you were defending him…not that he needed it… but it was…kind of you…
Taking a bite out of the bland bagel he groans to himself, annoyed. 
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It's almost time for the meeting and you're pacing outside the doors with everything ready to go, except you haven’t seen Miguel anywhere. Running behind is a thing you are not used to from him, he’s usually so timely but you haven’t seen him at all since he left for what you thought was lunch. Did he get caught up doing something else?
 Minutes tick by and you're growing more anxious by the second. Would he just not show up? It’s a possibility, but he would be putting both your asses on the line, though he didn’t have to worry much about that, they wouldn’t fire their best brain, but…you're a bit more expendable.
Before you can continue thinking about your ass being on the chopping block Miguel is rounding the corner adjusting his coat and walking in a casual strut. Looking at him as he approaches you notice his appearance looks a bit different. That shirt does seem a bit wrinkled and his tie is completely messed up from earlier. What has he been doing? Mid-day workout? Did he have an accident in the lab and have to go change? But the clothes are the same, just wrinkled.
Or was he doing something else… Thinking for a moment over what you could be doing that would cause messed up clothes an image of a sweaty grunting Miguel pops into your brain. Pushing down the thought with an internal slap to yourself you decide to greet him as friendly as possible. 
“You're running behind Miguel” -okay you can’t help but tease him a bit. Friends rass each other all the time. 
“Yeah, got…caught up in something…” he speaks hesitantly, suspicious…
Miguel gets ready to go inside but you quickly grab him by the shoulder to get his attention “Hold on there, you can’t go in there looking like that” 
Turning to face you, he looks at you confused then looks down at himself, “What? I look fine.” 
Scoffing, you roll your eyes and point to his chest where his tie is haphazardly knotted together in a rushed fashion.
“Your tie” Before he can protest your hands are already getting to work losing his tie gently, “Let me help you” 
With the silk tie undone hanging down his chest, you're moving your hands to raise his collar. As you concentrate on the task your eyes are fixed on his neck you observe that as your fingers slightly brush over his warm skin his body teases slightly. Straightening his neck, you know he’s about to say something.  
“Why are you nice to me? I know what others say about me, so how come? Are you trying to pity me?” His voice is stern and this isn’t what you were expecting out of him right now. Did he hear you earlier? 
The slight laugh that escapes you couldn’t be helped. Moving your hands you cross the two ends to tie in a classic Windsor knot. “Leave it to you to think someone being nice to you is just a ruse to pity you. I just want to be nice to you.” 
Remaining silent you continue to loop and twist the tie, your knuckles blushing over him, you swear you see his skin pickle up for a moment with a slight shiver. Finishing up, you tighten it to his neck and carefully fold his collar back down, keeping your eyes on your work at hand, you watch as his Adam's apple slightly bobs as you adjust it properly. 
Sliding your hands to the silk tie you brush your fingers down the soft fabric straightening it while laying down flat against his chest. The feeling of his chest tightness under your fingertips and his breath seems to be slightly slow, you don’t know if he is hating this or being relaxed by it. 
Meeting his eyes, they are unshaded for you to observe their burgundy hue. His face is still stern looking but you know this one has that slight softness in his eyes, meaning his listening, he is waiting for you to speak again. 
“I want us to be friends, simple” 
Miguel's lips slightly part as if he was about to speak, but before he could the conference room doors opened with them calling Miguel in. Turning to you there is a look on his face you're not completely used to, but that will have to wait for now. Giving a quick pat to his chest you smile up at him. 
“You got this Miguel, good luck.” 
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bbydeathclaw · 7 months
pairing: silco x fem!reader (nsfw)
summary: Silco sends you away to try to get some work done and you decide to be a horrendous little shit about it.
tags: fluff, smut, established relationship, fingering, oral sex (f!receiving), good ol' mating press, teasing, bratty reader, simp silco
word count: 5.4k
adorably aesthetic mdni banner by @cafekitsune
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a/n: hello! this is my first time writing in a looong while almost 10 years to be exact please don't look at me. but I had to get back into it with this shamelessly self indulgent fic of my favorite brooding king pin. I hope you enjoy!
Silco had thought it a bit odd at first, the ease with which you’d taken your leave from his office tonight. Ordinarily when he’d attempt to send you away in favor of getting his paperwork done in a more timely manner, you’d put up some form of sulky little protest.
An overemphasized pout coupled with a look of feigned sadness, eyebrows furrowed together when you’d offer to assist him with said work. Your reason being that it would ‘probably get done faster’ between the two of you. 
A lie, and a blatant one at that. You were, on all counts, absolutely shit at keeping your focus on any tasks he’d try to give you. You knew it. He most certainly knew it. Truly he’d wonder why you’d even bother offering at all if you just spent most of the time trying to distract him anyway. 
Still, he can’t say he isn’t amused by your actions. He finds these juvenile acts of yours terribly endearing for the most part, and even starts to look forward to them, knowing full well that he'll give in to just about anything if you’d simply ask it of him. 
Which is why he can’t help but feel somewhat disappointed when you don’t do any of this at all, and Silco starts to regret his idiotic suggestion entirely until you throw a cheeky smirk his way instead. 
“Alright, I think I’ll go bug Sevika for a bit.”
A single eyebrow quirk, followed by a low hum of approval. 
“I’m sure she’ll be positively thrilled by that,” he replies, suppressing a smirk of his own at the thought of his second in command being pestered by someone almost half her size. 
He’s still disheartened by your willingness to leave, but ultimately makes peace with it knowing that you’d more than likely return at some point. You give him a small wave with your fingers followed by a wink over your shoulder, and Silco doesn't hesitate to drag his gaze over your body shamelessly as it saunters out of his office.
About an hour passes, and the music coming from downstairs is just starting to pick up for the evening. You enter the room with a fluid sidestep, leaning back against the door once it closes behind you. His good brow raises slightly. “Back so soon?”
You don’t answer at first, instead making your way over to one of the tables in his office, like a cat quietly stalking about until something catches its interest. He watches you methodically as you settle for one of Jinx’s old trinkets that had been long discarded, carefully turning it over in your hand. “Sevika called me a menace.”
This time he makes no attempt to hide the subtle upturn from the corner of his lips. “I’m afraid I’m inclined to agree with her, my dear.”
“She seems pretty cranky tonight.” 
“Hm, surely through absolutely no fault of your own.”
You bite the inside of your cheek in what he can only assume is an attempt to stifle a giggle before turning to face him with an adorably giddy expression that makes his chest tighten. 
“Whatcha doin’?” 
So innocent, as if you were completely unaware of the effect you had on him. Silco doesn’t answer you verbally, merely bringing his forehead to rest against his hand and lifting the piece of paper he’s holding in the air with the other. The sullen face you make doesn’t go unnoticed by him as you turn to put the gadget back down with an airy sigh.
“Well,” you drag the word out. “I guess I’d better let you get back to it.”  
“Yes, that would be nice,” he says in turn, though it comes off more teasing rather than the displeasure he’s trying to convey. 
You study his face for another beat or two before you finally respond. “Okay, if that’s really what you want.” It’s not. Not even in the slightest. “I’ll go see if Thieram needs any help at the bar.”
“My love, Theiram is more than capable of handling his responsibilities as a bartender alone. It’s why I hired him, in fact.” He pauses. “Have you perhaps considered staying up here and behaving yourself, rather than looking for more ways to wreak havoc amongst my employees?” 
For a moment Silco thinks that he may be tipping his hand too soon, fearing that you’ve caught on to the fact that he’s basically been doing fuck all except sitting here and waiting for you to come back to his office. His suspicion only rises with the way you’re tilting your head and downright beaming at him with ill-disguised glee, like you’d been reading his every thought. 
“If I stayed up here it certainly wouldn’t be to behave myself.”
The paper he’s holding makes an audible crunch sound, his hand crumpling the edge of it faintly in response to your suggestive remark. 
Before he has the chance to reply with some snarky comment, you’re already heading towards the door, making a show of swaying your hips and giving him another view of the delicious swell of your backside before you take your leave again. His chair makes an audible groan as he leans back against it and lets out a lengthy sigh, running a hand through his hair and glancing down into his lap at the result of your seemingly endless torment.
Intolerable minx.
By the third time you make your way back up, only about half an hour has passed, and Silco’s all but given up on the prospects of getting any semblance of work done tonight. His thoughts being entirely permeated by you and the state you’d left him in. 
The Last Drop is in full swing now, and the liveliness of everything going on downstairs comes through the open door as you re-enter his office. However this time, he makes no effort to acknowledge your arrival, his chair now facing away from his desk, turned instead towards the large stained glass window that bathes him in a sickly, pale green light. All the noise from the club gets muffled when the door shuts once again, followed by the sound of purposeful footsteps making their way over to him.
“Welcome back,” he states flatly, trying to sound as disinterested as he can manage in his current predicament while he looks over his clipboard in a vain attempt at trying to salvage what was supposed to be a productive evening.
“Hello there, almighty Eye of Zaun,” you chime back with a playful lilt in your voice. “Did you miss me?”
Silco’s eyes tick upwards and stare blankly at the window straight ahead, actively suppressing the urge to let out another heavy sigh. You were going to be the death of him at this rate, there was absolutely no doubt in his mind. How you managed to be both so insufferable and still so unbelievably charming he’ll never quite understand. Before he has the chance to turn his chair with an already fixed scowl, he hears a faint thud behind him, the distinct sound of glass meeting wood only slightly muted by a soft shuffling of papers. 
A few seconds pass before Silco finally spins around to face you, seeing that a tumbler has been set down right on top of the paperwork he had been ruminating over all night. He’s also greeted by the sight of you already sitting in a chair directly in front of his desk, grinning from ear to ear. His heart swells at the sight and his scowl gradually melts away, only to be replaced by something more along the lines of skepticism when he takes in your expression fully. 
Your smile is accompanied by what appears to be a look of pure satisfaction, though he has no clue as to why. His non-discolored eye narrows at you, like a parent trying to figure out what misdeed their child has committed behind their back. 
Silco regards you warily for another moment, taking in every minute detail of your face in hopes of detecting something that might give you away while he reaches for the glass set in front of him. Ice clinks against the sides as he swirls it around before bringing it to his lips, taking a long sip followed by a hum of appreciation. His eyes shoot back up to meet yours, and finds you now biting your lip while trying, and failing, to suppress a huge grin. 
You’re definitely up to something, that much he’s certain of now, and the fact that he still can’t figure out what it is causes his previously feigned discontent to turn into more of a bubbling frustration, having just about enough of whatever game you’re playing. A fleeting thought crosses his mind as he glances down at the drink now dangling from his fingertips, then back up to you. 
Silco knows you’ve taken in the brief look of suspicion on his face when you let out a laugh that, despite the visible displeasure he's exuding towards you, is still one of the sweetest sounds he's ever heard.
“I didn’t poison you, if that’s what you’re wondering,” you quip, clearly amused at the implication.
“At this point I would be grateful if you did.”
You laugh again, but it comes out more like a short exhale through your nose along with a relaxed grin, taking a sip of your own beverage, and Silco’s good eye narrows at you once again. 
“Are you drunk?”
“What? No.”
“Then what did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything.”
He practically glares at you for what feels like a considerable amount of time before it finally dawns on him that you haven’t left yet. 
“Did you need something darling? Or have you just come to find more ways to elicit whatever reaction you’ve been hoping for this evening?” Silco brings the tumbler to his mouth once more, letting it hover there momentarily in order to get the rest of his words out. “Because if the intended reaction was to see how far you can test my patience I can assure you-” 
Words die on his lips immediately when you make a move to stand, mismatched eyes shooting down to your waist to see what appears to be quite possibly the shortest skirt he’s ever seen you in, leaving so very little to the imagination.
He’s still holding the glass right up to his face while he watches you make your way around the only obstacle that separates the two of you before hopping onto one of the corners, your butt and thighs jiggling faintly when they make contact with the solid piece of furniture. “I just figured you could use a drink after such a long night of hard work. Is that so wrong?”
Silco tracks your movements with an almost predatory fixation, watching you lean back slightly to rest against your arms, crossing one leg over the other and he has to actively resist the urge to scoff. This thing is hardly covering anything, you’re essentially sitting there with your bare ass on his desk. The realization of that along with the sight of everything you’re showing has his cock hardening at an alarming rate.
You don’t seem to notice, or if you do you don’t say anything, eyebrows knitting together in a poorly disguised attempt at looking genuinely worried. “What’s wrong? You don’t look very happy to see me.” 
Silco sets the glass down onto his desk with a bit more force than intended, turning his chair to face all the way forward and bringing his mouth to rest against interlocked fingers. Any moment now he’s expecting you to hop right off that corner and make your way back downstairs, back to a place filled with depraved and perverted onlookers. 
Realistically he knows no harm would ever befall you while you were down in the Last Drop. All of his subordinates had been given clear instruction to keep a watchful eye on you at all times, and after a while a lot of them had started to do it less out of obligation and more so out of genuine care, especially Jinx and Sevika. 
Plus, he knows you can hold your own in a fight. Growing up in the undercity had hardened you just enough to make you a scrappy but formidable opponent. So logically speaking, Silco knows there's no safer place for you to be, but the thought of anyone other than himself seeing you in that, especially the less than respectable patrons that frequent his establishment nearly every night, makes his blood boil.
“Of course I'm happy to see you, my dear,” he retorts, turning his head to look over at you once more, eyes darting downwards to that indecent piece of fabric wrapped around your waist then back up to meet your gaze. “It's just that I'm seeing quite a lot of you at the moment, and if you go back downstairs, so will everyone else.” His last words come out strained as he shifts in his chair in a poor attempt to alleviate his growing erection.
“Oh, you mean my skirt? Is there…something wrong with it?” You lift your hips to take the tiniest of scoots towards him, and Silco’s eyes immediately hone in on the action. 
“Don’t be cheeky.”
Another scoot. “I’m afraid that can’t be helped, especially in this.”
At this point he wouldn’t be surprised if you really are trying to kill him, taking controlled and steady breaths while he attempts to suppress his growing ire in response to such a ridiculous question. Of course there’s something wrong with it. Silco’s sure he’d nearly be able to see the soft outline of your mound if you were to spread your legs, even in the slightest.
He lets out another deep breath before picking up his pen and casually scribbling his signature on one of the invoices strewn about in front of him. “You will not be going back down there like that.”
He’s not looking at you, but Silco can see the movements of you moving closer out of the corner of his unmarred eye.
“Are you..asking me to stay?” 
He doesn’t respond, instead electing to take another piece of paper to scrawl his name at the bottom offhandedly. He knows what you’re playing at, the fact that it took him so long to realize it irks him to no end. He wouldn’t mind answering honestly and just telling you that yes, he does want you to stay, but the thought of giving into your bratty little antics this evening doesn’t sit quite right with him. 
Which is why he makes the conscious decision to ignore you as you move close enough to where your upper leg is now narrowly brushing his elbow, the shift causing him to mess up the tail end of another signature. Silco chances a glance towards the movement and regrets it almost immediately when he takes in the soft curve of your thigh, his cock twitching painfully at the sight.
He makes his second mistake when he follows the tantalizing trail of your body upwards and is met with the most unabashed, shit eating grin plastered across your face. He has to force himself to look away, the hand not holding his pen coming up to drag his long fingers back and forth across his mouth as he contemplates the idea of sending you away all together, leaving you pouty and disappointed. And for a moment he comes close to doing just that, until he makes the grave error of risking a glance up at your face again.
You’re not smiling anymore, expression replaced by something far more lustful and serious. Silco simply stares as your tongue slides out to pull your bottom lip in between your teeth before gently nudging his elbow with your knee. He doesn’t hesitate in dropping his arm to offer you the space in front of him, and you slide over gracefully. He stays perfectly still while you plant a foot atop each of the armrests of his ornate chair, knees pressed tightly together.
He finally responds to your earlier question with one of his own. 
“What would possibly give you that idea?” His voice is light and teasing, all traces of anger gone. “You’ve been nothing short of a nightmare all evening, love. And now this?” Fingertips come up to stroke the side of your calf, humming appreciatively.  “What am I going to do with you?”
This earns Silco a wide, toothy grin as you scoot forward. “Whatever do you mean? I’m just sitting here.”
“Don't be coy with me, sweetheart.” He leans forward, breath fanning over your knees as he speaks. “Be a good girl and tell me what you want.”
“I want you,” knees parting just barely, “to answer my question.”
Silco pushes his tongue against his cheek in minor annoyance before sliding both hands up your legs and over your knees, then back down until he reaches your hips. He grips firmly at the supple flesh and yanks you closer towards him, eliciting a sharp squeak followed by a string of giggles.
“I think you might be the most aggravating creature I’ve ever had the displeasure of courting.”
Your face adorns a look of mock appreciation. “Awe, thank you!”
Slender hands travel back up to your knees. “Truly just a tantalizing little menace.” He waits for you to part them further, granting him the access he’s so desperately craving. “One that I’m both drawn to and irritated by all at once.”
Your smile is nothing short of haughty, as if you’re truly taking everything he’s telling you as a compliment. “Well now you’ve really got me hot and bothered,” you shoot back, knees moving further away from each other until you’re spread all the way open for him.
Although spoken in a sarcastic tone, Silco sees that your words are in fact true, his eyes taking in the sight of your already dripping cunt.
“Indulge me, sweetheart,” he says, one hand coming up to trace the backs of your thighs with his knuckles, causing goosebumps to decorate your soft skin. “Why the need to be so difficult tonight?” 
You shiver at the touch, bottom lip still tucked between your teeth as he brings a thumb up to stroke lazily over your pussy. 
“J-just for fun,” you retort, but your voice doesn’t hold the same conviction. “Wanted to see..how long it would take.”
“How long what would take?”
The laugh you let out is shaky at best, but there’s still a bit of confidence left when you answer. “For you to ask me to stay.”
It only takes about half a second before Silco’s thumb pushes into your core and his tongue cards a long, hot stripe along your folds. The noise you make spurring him on further as his mouth envelopes your clit, giving it a harsh suck before pulling away with a satisfying wet plop sound.
“I don’t recall asking anything of the sort,” he chides, sliding his thumb back out. “If memory serves me correctly, you came into my office several times practically demanding my attention.”
Silco punctuates his last few words by pushing two fingers into you, pulling another sharp inhale from your lips as he turns his palm to face upward and curls them inside of you.
“Has it ever occurred to you,” he starts, bringing his thumb to circle against your now swollen clit, drawing a long whine out of you as you work your hips against him. “..that perhaps I attempt to send you away in order to finish with my tasks quickly, just so I can get back to doting on you with said attention? Selfish little creature.”
Your eyebrows pinch together, speaking between shallow breaths. “You.. could have just.. said that.. you know.”
Silco smirks, watching you look back at him with a pair of pleading eyes. “And deny myself the pleasure of seeing your lovely pouts and open displays of petulance?” He adds a third finger. “I think not.” 
“Silco,” you whine, “please.”
His cock twitches in response, and he doesn’t waste any time bringing his mouth back down to your bud and swirling his tongue around it lavishly while his fingers twist and turn inside of you. He watches you throw your head back, one of your hands snaking upwards to grip the edge of the desk above your head, the other coming to latch onto the top of his head hard as you roll your hips against him. 
“There, that’s it,” he coos, “show me how eager you are. Use me.” 
This draws another string of small gasps and moans from you, coupled with lewd, wet, slurping sounds as Silco continues to lap and suck at your clit, bringing his free hand to grip your thigh and anchor you to him. The strain in his pants grows increasingly more painful when you sigh his name affectionately, followed by a noise of protest when he removes his fingers from you all together in an effort to tug at intricate buttons of his trousers, freeing his aching cock and palming himself to the sight of your ruined state. 
Your arousal coating his fingers serves as a welcome lubricant for him to stroke himself languidly, relishing in the feeling of you bucking up into him, using him to chase your own end. His licks are hot and thorough, leaving no part of your heat untouched.
“Yes,” Silco groans into you, “just like that.”  
Your other hand comes down to unbutton your top, cupping and squeezing at one of your breasts, and he knows you’re close by the way you’re begging and pleading above him. The sound of your voice feeds into his determination, letting go of his cock in order to wrap both arms around your thighs, securing you in place and devouring you like a starved man.
The way you cry out his name while your walls flutter around his tongue has him reeling, mismatched eyes boring into you, watching your orgasm in complete reverence as your fluids run down his chin.
“Good girl,” Silco sighs, his movements slowing down to let you ride out your climax. “You always make such sweet sounds for me.” 
Your legs tremble and the vicelike grasp you have on his hair loosens before you slump back down onto his desk, words barely managing to come through your short and labored breaths.
“Could've been making them a lot earlier if you’d…stop trying to kick me out.”
A hint of a smile creeps up on his face as he presses small, feather light kisses up the backs of your thighs, leaving glistening spots of your slick behind in their wake. “You know, it is possible to keep your unsolicited remarks to yourself every once in a while.”
Yours breaks into a devious grin that tugs at his heart without mercy. “Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” 
“Mmm, point taken.” 
Silco stands to turn your body so that you’re taking up the full length of his desk before climbing up onto it and bracing himself with a hand on either side of your head. His length bobs thick and heavy with need, bringing it to rest against your slit.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?”
You roll your hips against him needily, coating his cock with your arousal. “Maybe.”
“You drive me absolutely mad,” he growls, voice dripping with carnal hunger as he pushes your legs up against your chest once again, lining himself up with your entrance. And it’s the way you're looking up at him with your lip tucked in between your teeth in anticipation, the slight inward curl of your eyebrows in an almost pleading expression that has him pushing into you in one, smooth buck forward, making you gasp as he bottoms out inside of you.
Silco sees your eyes roll back, and he has to physically stop himself from doing the same. He wants to see it all, wants to see your blissed out expression while he fucks you, wants to see all the different ways he can make you come undone beneath him.
You make a pitiful attempt at stifling a moan, one that ultimately fails when Silco starts to rock his hips against yours, pulling them back slowly and savoring the feeling of his cock dragging along your walls before driving them forward with a sharp, pointed thrust. But he’s right there with you, exhaling a throaty groan at the feeling of your walls engulfing him so deliciously, the sensation being nothing short of divine.
“Look at you, taking me so well,” he whispers, lowering his head and tilting it to place gentle kisses along your jawline before nipping at your earlobe. “Like we were made for each other.”
The breathy whine this elicits causes him to straighten himself upright again, picking up his pace steadily, and soon the room is filled with the obscene, wet smacking of skin against skin as Silco begins to pump into you with feral-like need. He readjusts your legs so that your calves are hooked over his shoulders, letting him fuck you so much deeper. 
You’re a mess of broken pleas beneath him, and he clings to every single one, a symphony meant solely for him and him alone. Silco watches you with wholly, unabashed devotion as your face twists and contorts in pleasure, pleasure that only he can bring you. And though he wants to feel like he’s still in control, he knows deep down he’s equally ruined by what you do to him, maybe even more so. His seafoam eye glazes over, and strands of hair fall loosely around his face as he ruts into you. 
You reach up and try to put your arms around his neck, but the position your legs are in only allow you to claw at his shoulders helplessly. “S-silco, please..”
“Oh? I see someone’s finally learned some manners,” he taunts.
The huff of annoyance you let out amuses him more than he’d care to admit, “For fuck’s sake, Sil. Let me hold you.”
“Demanding thing,” he scolds, but gives into your ‘request’ regardless, lowering your legs just enough so that your knees fall to the side and hook over his forearms, letting you wrap your arms around his neck with open urgency. And now you’re pulling him down and holding him there, like the waters he'd nearly drowned in.
Silco’s jaw goes slack as he turns his head and pants in your ear like some wild beast, whose sole purpose is to bring you to your end. Like it was all he was ever made for. Your head turns to meet his lips with your own, and he tries to keep some semblance of restraint while he kisses you, but he can’t, not with you. It’s hungry and sloppy, full of exceeding desperation. 
He breaks the kiss reluctantly to make his way down to your neck, lips and tongue moving against the delicate flesh and littering your throat with marks of all kinds, leaving no room for anyone to question who you belong to. “Mine,” Silco snarls possessively in between sucks and bites.
He's about to pull away when one of your hands slides up to the nape of his neck, tangling your fingers in his hair and locking him in place, begging for more, more, more, and Silco’s more than happy to oblige. You’ve got him wrapped around your finger so tightly, and this realization both excites and ruins him as he begins to ram everything he has into you with new purpose.
“Oh fuck, Silco. Right there,” you cry out, voice becoming raspy and hoarse from your continuous gasps in between moans. 
"Yes, that's it. Show me how much you want this, how much you need this," he huffs out through gritted teeth, trying to establish some form of dominance once again, but it's no use when he realizes his words are just as applicable to him as they are to you.
He forgoes his hold on your legs, letting them fall to your sides briefly before wrapping them around his waist. Your eyes flutter shut and your head starts to loll to the side, but Silco grabs your jaw quickly and forces you to look directly at him.
“None of that, darling. I want you to look at me when you come undone,”  His breath comes out ragged and primal. “You want to be a good girl for me, don’t you?”
You nod frantically in response, eyes drifting downward to stare at his mouth, like a silent plea. He takes the hint without delay, squishing your cheeks together until your lips form a small pout before leaning down to kiss you fervently. His tongue swirls around yours, hot and wanting, before he pulls away just enough for him to pant into your open mouth, his connecting to yours by the thinnest string of saliva. 
Silco can sense your second orgasm approaching rapidly, and he brings his fingers towards your lips. You take the hint right away, wrapping them around his digits and sucking on them lavishly. Once he’s satisfied enough, he removes them and snakes his hand down through your intertwined bodies, settling for the bundle of nerves located between your legs.
Your moans increase in pitch, arms and legs squeezing even tighter around him as he works you with skilled flicks of his wrist.
“You’ve endured this so well, my love,” he whispers against your ear, voice laced with unrestrained hedonism and resolve. “Let’s reward all that effort of yours tonight, shall we?”
His question is rhetorical, but you nod so eagerly for him nonetheless as your walls begin to pulsate, clenching so unbelievably tight around him you’re practically pushing his cock out, nearly sending him over the edge himself.  
“That’s my girl,” he sighs with heavy grit and worship. “You feel incredible.”  
Silco’s face comes back up to hover over yours, looking directly into your eyes while he fucks you through your climax, his own looming closer and closer. He leans down to kiss you, swallowing your labored breaths greedily as his thrusts begin to stagger before coming to a complete halt, his pelvis flush against yours as his cock twitches obscenely within your heat. He lets out a harsh, guttural moan right into your mouth as he spills into you, your walls continuing to milk him with stuttered squeezes, and he has to pull away sharply to exhale a series of delirious gasps. 
Your chests heave against one another, waves of pleasure slowly dissipating as your sweat soaked bodies stay interlocked. Silco shifts slightly, bringing his hands to stroke the top of your head lazily with his fingertips. His forehead comes to rest against yours as he places soft, tender kisses along your cheeks, your eyes, your lips, anything within reach.
He’s rewarded with a giggle, followed by a dopey little grin.
“You know,” you say as your breaths finally return to normal. “I just remembered the other reason you try to send me away while you work.”
Silco already knows the answer, but you punctuate your words anyway by wiggling your ass, causing the sound of his paperwork shuffling beneath you, followed by a light yelp as he smacks your bottom lightly. 
“Impossible little wench,” he chastises, lifting himself off of you and being greeted once again by the sight of the thing you keep referring to as a ‘skirt’. He grabs the edge of it with his fingertips, holding it up like it was a cursed object. “Where in Janna’s name did you even get this from?”
You bark out a laugh before propping yourself up hastily to look down at it with pride. “Ran let me borrow it.”
“Excuse me?”
“Borrow it,” he repeats, “as in you have every intention of giving it back to them?”
You stare at him for a moment, no doubt mulling over your answer.
Silco smirks at your response before leaning in. “Good girl. Besides, I think we may find many more uses for it still.”
Your eyes widen with child-like wonder, but for the entirely wrong reason. “Oh, so you’ll wear it for me, too?”
He stares back at you blankly, blinking several times before rolling his eyes almost theatrically, earning him another small fit of laughter as he finally graces you with a response.
“Whatever pleases you, I suppose.” 
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guillotinebypierre · 8 months
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Club culture was a crazy thing.
Especially in South Korea, where apparently young people only knew how to socialise if alcohol was involved.
Y/n was not a fan of clubs. Never had been and he had sworn to himself that he would never be a fan. Good thing the place they were going to was no club.
"Yo Y/n are you busy next weekend?", his friend Jongin asked him. Yes, THE Jongin, as in Kai from EXO.
Y/n worked as a photographer. A very good one at that. So good in fact, that Kai requested him to become his personal photographer after a fateful photoshoot for his solo debut, thus creating a somewhat surprising friendship. To Y/n, Jongin was just another regular dude who was a really nice person but could also be a fucking pain in the ass. He could, however, not deny that he enjoyed the behind the scenes looks he was able to get by knowing someone in the industry.
"No I'm free, all my schedules for photoshoots end on friday. Why'd you ask, though? You have something in mind?", Y/n asked while mindlessly scrolling through his Instagram home page.
"I was invited to a party, and I want you to come with me-"
"Jongin you know I don't do well with alcohol and clubs", Y/n cut him off.
"Dude, relax! It's not a club and nobody is gonna force alcohol down your throat. It's just a simple get together between me and my friends! Nothing over the top, I promise.", he reassured him.
This seemed like a trap. All of Y/n's alarms were ringing but, for whatever reason, he decided to go with it and agree.
And that brings us back to the start of the story. Y/n and Jongin sat in the back of a black limousine that was driving them to a huge mansion in a rather secluded, gated community a bit away from central Seoul. The area was quite beautiful, luxurious houses equipped with the most insane looking backyards, pools, basketball, tennis and football fields Y/n had ever seen before. Palm trees everywhere, something very out of character for Seoul. It was almost as if they had tried to mimic an American aesthetic or whatever.
The two men continued being driven up the seemingly never ending hill, Jongin being all giggly and basically jumping around in joy like a small child whose mother had just allowed him to eat candy for dinner. As the pair's chauffeur suddenly stopped the car, dread started filling Y/n's thoughts as he became self conscious and felt underdressed. He was wearing a simple outfit, consisting of a black Prada polo shirt that hugged his muscular chest and biceps while accentuating his small waist. He had on black dress pants with a designer belt and to top it all off some Prada loafers.
Jongin originally told him to dress casual but he still felt like, given the circles Jongin tends to hang out in, he should make himself presentable. They got out of the car and it was as if Y/n was shellshocked. They stood in a cul de sac, around them similar expensive limousines transporting all kinds of celebrities. Y/n looked around at the estate in front of him, loud music blasting out of the open windows and doors while atmospheric lights bathed the room in a sultry and sensual ambience.
He looked around once more, now acknowledging the people who were attending this 'party'. He saw members of NCT, people he was all too familiar with due to doing photoshoots for their most recent album. He also saw multiple girl groups, most noticeably Red Velvet and TWICE. The former of which he had known very well, the ladder of which being an almost unachievable dream of his as apparently JYPE had some kind of policy prohibiting them from hiring him due to him having worked with their 'rivals'.
"Dude are you just gonna stare or are you going to join me and get your ass inside?", Jongin said while smirking at him.
"What happened to the 'simple get together', Kai?"
This was a bad sign for Jongin. Y/n only ever used his stage name when he fucked up.
"Alright hear me out, I had to lie! You wouldn't have come otherwise and you would've missed out on so much fun man", Jongin tried to explain himself while pulling Y/n inside the mansion.
As they got inside Y/n immediately smelled the alcohol in the air, paired with the smell of greasy food, curtesy of the amount of pizzas and fried chicken laid out on the tables for the guests to eat. He hated to admit it but these celebrities sure knew how to throw a party.
The night picked up pace incredibly quickly, the onslaught of new guests apparently being over. It was going on full blast, drunk idols making out and laughing like maniacs wherever one would look. Y/n, still without a single ounce of alcohol inside his system, had lost sight of his friend. He thought that Jongin was either passed out drunk, getting laid or was kidnapped, and decided to just go outside and relax by the pool.
He stood at the edge of the backyard, overlooking the city, which was now only visible due to its skyscrapers and bright lights illuminating the dark sky. He sighed, battling himself mentally on whether to call it a day or not and just go home without Jongin before a raspy voice interrupted his thought process.
"I've never seen you before, at these kinds of parties, you know? Are you a newly debuted idol?"
"Oh no I'm not an idol at all, just a plus one-"
"Well Mr. Plus One, mind if I take the spot next to you?", she interrupted him.
She stepped up next to him, allowing him to take a clear look at her face and finally getting him to realise who he was talking to the whole time.
Hirai Momo. Momoring. The Dancing Mochine. Twice's Main Dancer. 1/3 of the JLine, whatever you want to call her.
"What's up tiger? Cat got your tongue?", she asked him as she turned to face him.
"No I just didn't expect to speak to someone like you tonight-"
"What's that supposed to mean", she asked fake insulted
"That I didn't expect to meet an A-lister tonight
She smiled at him, a small blush forming on her cheeks, either from his compliment or the alcohol being breathed in like air at this party.
The night continued like this for the pair as they got to know each other more and more. They had chemistry together, their conversation bouncing off each other naturally and progressing naturally, neither one feeling bored and reciprocating each other's energy. The sound of the party behind them seemingly drowned out as they only had eyes for each other.
"You know Mr. Plus-One-"
"It's Y/n. Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you Ms. Hirai-"
"You can call me Momo, handsome", Momo said while starring into his eyes.
"As I was saying, what did you do to get to this party? Whose plus one are you exactly?"
"Jongin. Or Kai, from EXO. His name depends on how angry I am at him"
"Makes sense now. Of course someone like him would be friends with a guy as hot as you. What do you do for a living, Y/n. Like how did you get to meet someone in the industry?"
"I'm a photographer. I met Jongin back when he was doing photoshoots for his solo debut. He liked my work so much that he requested for me to be his personal photographer and SM kinda started using me for all their artists. I actually tried applying for JYPE, too, but they rejected me because I worked with SM before. Seems quite petty if you ask me", Y/n replied while taking the last sip of his water.
"You're telling me that I could've gotten your number before if that old geezer didn't have an ego the size of Seoul? I swear to god he will pay for his sins.", Momo replied while laughing and smiling at Y/n.
"Who says that you'd get my number? Someone's confident", Y/n teased her while raising an eyebrow
"Oh please, Y/n. I could get you naked and fuck you right here in front of everyone in like 3 minutes if I wanted to", Momo replied while smirking at him.
The two had moved closer together a while ago and where now touching skin on skin while speaking to each other.
Y/n looked down at Momo and saw her bite her lip while eyeing him up and down, her eyes trailing his lips, then his eyes and back to his lips again.
"Are you currently seeing someone?", she asked while backing off and slowly walking towards the hot tub.
"Nah I'm single. I'm looking for someone right now but there haven't been that many that have caught my attention"
"Am I one if them?"
"I think you can answer that question yourself, Momo"
They soon arrived at the hot tub, Momo bending down and taking off her clothes, exposing her red lacy underwear to him. She looked over her shoulder, seeing as Y/n shamelessly stared at her thick ass, almost as if he was in a trance.
"Are you just gonna watch or do you care to join me, pretty boy?", Momo asked while getting inside the hot tub.
This seemed to shake those thoughts off of Y/n as he began stripping down to his underwear and joined Momo. She swam over to him, her hand immediately interlocking behind his neck as she sat on his lap. She looked him in the eyes, almost waiting for him to make the first move.
"I want to fuck you right now", Y/n said, boldness somehow taking over.
"Then fuck me, baby", Momo said before smashing her lips on his.
They kissed, nay it was more like they tried sucking each other's face off, tongues battling for dominance as neither wanted to back down. Their hands roamed around each other's bodies, Y/n finding his way towards Momo's ass while Momo dug her nails into his wide back, marking her territory.
The pair continued making out as they explored their needs, pleasure taking over both of them as lust dictated their every move. Not wanting to lose any time, Momo unhooked her bra, throwing it away somewhere before pushing her panties to the side and fishing out Y/n's dick out of his underwear. She stroked his cock, getting it hard before aligning the tip and slamming herself down onto his length.
She underestimated how much she could take, closing her eyes in a mixture of pleasure and pain, before biting down onto his shoulder and taking a few moments to relax. Y/n felt her body on top of his as Momo slowly accustomed to his length and thickness before starting to ride him. She moved her hips in an expert way as she threw it back on him, her walls clamping down onto him with each lap she completed riding on top of him. He was so deep inside him that it drove her insane.
Momo leaned down, moaning and groaning into Y/n's ears as her face reddened even more, rivalling her underwear. She viciously rode him, her climax coming closer and closer as if it was inching towards a goal line, her moans becoming more sporadic and breathy rather than drawn out and controlled. Her ample breasts bounced as her breathing quickened, her pussy becoming tighter and tighter around Y/n before she let out one more loud scream in ecstasy and fell down on top of him. Y/n came, too, his cum dripping out and overflowing out of Momo's pussy as the pair caught their breath.
"Do- Do you happen to have a camera with you, Y/n?", Momo suddenly asked.
"Just my phone, why'd you ask?", he replied.
"We need to get a room. Follow me pretty boy"
The lovers jumped out of the hot tub, oblivious to the few idols who were sober enough to witness and register what had just occurred in front of them, before walking inside the mansion and up the stairs. The second floor of the house was somehow even more luxurious than the first one, expensive paintings and vases littered around the walls and floors, a red carpet going all the way to a big double door.
Momo limped towards the door, her legs being almost like jelly, before throwing the doors open and revealing a large king sized bed. She turned around and gestured for Y/n to close and lock the door before jumping on him and kissing him hungrily again.
Y/n walked forward, falling with Momo onto the bed before taking his lips and kissing, biting and licking every part of her body. Just as he was about to go down on her, however, she pulled his hair and said to him
"I've had enough foreplay, fuck me already"
Y/n took his dick, aligned it with her wet snatch and inserted it in her. Her back arched immediately, mouth forming an 'O' shape as her hands reached around to grab literally anything for support. He slowly picked up his pace, moving his hips while also applying force and slamming inside her, fucking her like he had some pain inside him.
Suddenly, he turner around, pushing her head down and having her ass up, before grabbing a fistful of her hair and taking out his phone. He hit record, the phone now picking up on the loud moans, in contrast to the quiet and breathy ones she had let out earlier in the hot tub, these ones seemed like they were for the entirety of Seoul to hear, so everyone knew who this dick belonged to. Y/n pulled her hair, making Momo look at him before letting go and going to town on her ass cheeks, slapping each of them with vigour as the skin rippled and the recoil moved like the waves in a still body of water after being disturbed. Her moans grew louder and more frantic, her eyes forming tears of pleasure as she once again tightened around his base and came with a lot scream of pleasure.
Momo took a few moments to regain her composure, before finding almost superhuman strength and flipping both of them over so now she was on top, riding Y/n like a Harley. She looked him in the eyes, a hungry expression on her face. Her juices flowed down her thighs, souvenirs of her prior climaxes as she began riding him without falling off. She decided to get nasty with him, spitting into his mouth before inserting her tongue in and playing with it, exchanging saliva with Y/n.
Her hips, once again, moved in a circular motion as she felt every single piece of her lovers dick, her insides memorising every vein, every inch stretching her out like nothing had before. Sweat beads trickled down her forehead, the two of them coated in a layer of it as the exercise tired them out. Her hands were on his abs for stability, her head thrown into the air as she felt things she had never felt before.
Y/n started feeling like his climax was coming soon, the boiling sensation in his core greeting him as he watched Momo's breast bounce around while she jumped up and down on him, impaling herself with his dick.
"Momo I'm close."
"Alright pull out, I want it on my face"
He pulled out of her, Momo going onto her knees while sticking her tongue out, her fingers playing with her pussy and nipples as Y/n stroked his cock, the visual imagery becoming too much as he soon erupted in a geyser of hot, white, thick and sticky semen that covered Momo's entire face.
Y/n fell back onto the bed as Momo scooped the cum up with her fingers and put it in her mouth. She walked, or rather wobbled, around before grabbing a towel and cleaning her face. She then, too, fell back into the bed and almost immediately fell asleep after cuddling with Y/n.
The next morning Y/n woke up relatively early, stretching his arms before realising that he was alone in bed. He looked towards the table in the centre of the room and found a note.
"Hey handsome,
this is Momo. Thank you for giving me the best night of my life. Unfortunately, I had schedules so I left early, but I would love to see you again. I left you my number at the bottom of the page and I hope to hear from you soon.
P.S. I will speak to JYP about hiring your fine ass for a photoshoot for TWICE.
take care, tiger
love, Momo xoxo"
Y/n smiled to himself before pocketing the note and walking downstairs, finding Jongin passed out on a coach surrounded by other drunk idols. He picked Jongins phone up and called for the manager to get him.
"I swear he will be the death of me"
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after-witch · 8 months
Horrorfest: It Knows Not How it Sounds [Yandere Vampire Chrollo x Reader]
Title: It Knows Not How it Sounds [Yandere Vampire Chrollo x Reader]
Synopsis: He's going to kill you--and this is how you react? Curious, curious, curious.
For Horrorfest request:
Vampire! Chrollo could be interesting? He fits the image of a vampire well, with his inclusion of religious imagery, goth aesthetic and his personal search for his self (his “soul“). Perhaps he becomes interested in one of his would-be meals, being attracted to their humanity and their perspective on his vampirism (maybe them seeing it as a curse, not a boon)
Word count: 1565
notes: yandere, vampire, some descriptions of blood, mild wounds, dying; Chrollo is a pretentious asshole even as a vampire
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Humans are so very interesting. And so very predictable.
Chrollo Lucilfer knew the first truth at an early age. He has learned the second truth over the years, the decades, and then the centuries. 
For instance, humans always seek comfort. That is certain, whether they are rich or poor, old or young, beautiful or ugly. They want to be held and warm and fed; they want someone to comfort them when they cry; they want to be told that, in the end, things will be alright.
This is true even for the humans that he kills, for so often in their last moments, they cling to him, desperate, wanting him to be their savior even as he is the one draining their blood. 
Therefore, it does not surprise him too terribly when your shaking arm reaches up for his face; when your increasingly exhausted expression takes in the sight of him, eyes wide, looking for kinship or absolution or someone to tell you it will be just fine.
It takes his victims some time to really comprehend what is happening, after all.
It is usually at this point that (if they haven’t already--not everyone is so slow on the uptake) they realize what he is--vampire--and he goes back to lapping at his victim’s blood, enjoying the way their muddled dying thoughts are spiked with a renewed bright acidic terror. 
The taste is not his only reward. There is the entertainment, as well. The thoughts of the dying. 
The thoughts come to him like moving pictures, flashes; not only visuals but sometimes words. Monster. Him, covered in blood. I don’t want to die. Lovers, children, things left unsaid. Mother. This word, so common, most often paired with the foggy memory of a chubby hand held in a larger one.
Your eyes widen after a moment and ah, there it is. Like a clock. “Vampire,” you mouth, lips that were perhaps once rose-red now growing paler, the more he blood he takes from you. 
“Yes,” he breathes, and you make the softest of sounds when he nudges your head back with his hands, giving him access to the open, bruised weeping puncture wounds he’d created earlier. Your blood still flows freely enough, and he laps at the edges before he begins to suck from the wounds. 
He wonders how he must look from your eyes, though he may see it soon enough. His pale skin and dark hair. The fangs jutting from his mouth. The blood on his lips. Even his clothing, silken black with delicate lace. A storybook vampire, he supposes; all that’s missing is the smell of dirt and decay, though that is perhaps a stench better left to his more unhinged colleagues than his own delicate scent of roses and musk; purloined perfume bottles were easy to come by when you could simply kill the ones who set them on varnished bureaus. 
But what pulses through his mind is not pure abject horror at the sight of him or fleeting, terrified thoughts of a life that will be incomplete.
Instead, it’s something that startles him so fiercely that he yanks himself away from your neck:
Pity, pity, pity. For him--for him! 
A warm almost sour sensation lingers behind on his teeth, and he licks it away. He has never, in his centuries of killing, been… pitied. 
Your head rolls a little to the side, eyelids drooping, but you gain enough awareness to realize that he’s no longer feeding on you. Your voice is a soft croak when you do speak, words spoken as if you don’t understand why you’re even permitted to say them at all. You should, after all, be dead. 
“Why did you stop?”
He considers you for a moment. He keeps a grip on your shoulders--you might just fall, if he lets go--and makes you face him. Finally, he mirrors your question. But only to satisfy his curiosity, or so he tells himself. 
“Why do you pity me?”
Your eyes widen again, but this time not in the realization of the monster before you. You likely don’t know how he felt your pity. He doesn’t care to explain it to you, either, and after a few moments you furrow your eyebrows.
If he weren’t feeding on you, it might be a cute expression. Perhaps it still is; even lambs to the slaughter can have their charms.
“You’re…” You swallow. “You’re a vampire,” you say. But that usual horror is replaced with something else, something Chrollo wants to stick his finger into and pull out so he can see it more fully. Pity, yes yes, but something more. What is it? And why do you feel it so strongly that he couldn’t stand the shock of it?
When he doesn’t respond, you continue. 
“You have to kill people to survive.”
He snorts. 
“That’s never given me pause before.”
And oh, the way you look at him is absolutely beautiful. Your eyes glisten with tears--not from the pain, surely, but for him?--and your lips, nearly colorless though they are, curl into a pretty pout. 
“But it should, and I’m so sorry it doesn’t.” 
You wince, the shock perhaps ebbing away, letting you feel the pain of your ripped flesh more fully than most of his victims have time to do. But you don’t even press your hands to the wound, and he likes you better for it.
But still. You pity him because he’s a killer? What a waste of the emotion. 
“I have lived for centuries,” he tells you, speaking as if to a child, learning lessons at a father’s knee. “I have seen things your mortal mind could not comprehend. I have seen kingdoms rise and fall, seen civilizations turn to dust.”
He can practically see the cogs in the clock of your mind turning. Perhaps you will be one of those who foolishly asks him for the gift. He has rarely given it, and he wouldn’t give it to you; but he wouldn’t tear you apart for the audacity as he has some others. Your death would be merciful, calm--you’ve earned that. 
But when you speak again, you don’t ask him to make you into a vampire.
“But you must be so lonely.” Your words are sudden, fast. Perhaps you don’t realize you’ve said them until it’s too late to wonder if you’re being too presumptuous, because you stumble over your next words. Or perhaps you’re just that emotional over the thought of him, and wouldn’t that be a delightful novelty?
“Everyone around you dies… your-your family. Friends.” You shake your head, blinking as a few tears finally do drop from your eyes. “You can’t live a normal life… you can’t go out in the sun.” You look up, as if you’re imagining the warm feel of it on your skin.
It’s a sensation he has long since forgotten, but to you it must be as normal as breathing. “I-I can’t imagine how sad that must be. To never be truly warm. To not see the flowers reaching up to the sky or see the grass in the morning, all green and dewy.”
Your arms, no longer trembling, wrap around your chest. 
“I just…” You don’t look at him when you say these last words, but you don’t really need to, do you? Not with the way your voice is choked with emotion, the way tears fall so prettily from your eyes. “I’m so sorry that this happened to you.” 
You are a wonder, truly. Bleeding from the neck, no doubt light headed from blood loss, in the face of a nocturnal creature who moments ago was draining the life from your body… and you apologize to him?
When you live for centuries, you often lose the ability to be surprised. But here is that sensation, now queer, once again. And all because you happened to take an unfortunate shortcut through the park on this night, making yourself easy prey for him to pull into a darkened alley and feast. 
Now, though, he finds his hunger satiated. Or at least satiated until he finds another victim. Someone less worthy to stay alive than yourself, of course. 
After some consideration, he leans backward, and releases his grip on you. His hands ache for the warmth of your skin underneath him, and not for the usual voracious reasons. 
Yet another curiosity to add to his growing list. 
You look at him like he’s lost his mind. Maybe he has. 
“Aren’t you going to kill me?”
Perhaps, if he weren’t who he was, he might feel it too--this feeling of pity. Because you have no idea what he intends to do, and what it will mean for him to keep you alive now. 
You have no sense of the impulsive need that has rooted itself in his brain, a need he hasn’t felt since he was a young fledgling of a vampire. He wants to know you; know what you think and why you think it.
What life has created you so earnestly that you can feel genuine sympathy for a creature like him? Have you known hardship, and it was an impulse to sympathize? Or has your life been so unmarred by difficulty that the pty came easily to you, pure, sweet thing? 
The most important question of all, he thinks, as he pulls you closer to him and shushes the soft sounds you make--
Will you continue to pity him once he has taken you for his own? 
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lady-of-endless · 1 month
Things you do that make their heart melt
(La Squadra x reader)
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Author's Note: Those are random but that's the point. I tried to be a bit explicit for those who are at the start of Jojo part 5 and maybe don't remember each character's Stand name or ability. I couldn't write this only for my 3 darlings from La Squadra as I started it because I love them all too much. Proud La Squadra stan. Excuse any grammar mistakes. Enjoy!
Risotto Nero
- How you can balance being serious and being affectionate so easily. This is something he admires a lot and wishes to be capable of too sometimes. Yes, he's a serious and stoic man but the whole La Squadra knows just how big his heart is. Sometimes Risotto wishes he could show a bit of affection to the ones dear to him. Risotto is a softie inside but the nature of his occupation forces him to be as reserved and stern as he is now.
- How you can protect yourself. Being a hitman is tough, nothing new under the sun, but being the leader of the team is even worse. It's hard to watch out for others when he also must make sure that everything is working out smoothly. But he cares about you and your safety so damn much it's almost dangerous. So seeing you handle enemies alone helps him fall asleep at night with fewer worries. Also, watching you fight and come up with strategies makes him smile slightly and so subtly that of course, no one can notice it.
- How you look dressed in black with silver accessories. Aesthetically wise, black is one of his favorite colors and no one can tell otherwise. When you decide to match him with a dark outfit, his gaze will follow you more than usual. Be sure of the fact that he'll use his Stand, Metallica, to give you subtle signals, or not so subtle, by pulling onto your belt or necklace.
(it's loving Risotto hours)
- How you calm yourself down after an intense moment. Prosciutto himself is not proud of when he snaps at people, thinking that it's not graceful behavior so he starts studying you from afar while calming down. He analyzes your soft tone, your calm face but alert eyes after being harsh, to learn from you but he finds himself falling for it. Like his brother, he also craves a bit of softness in his life but will never admit it, not even to himself so seeing you simmer down and transform into someone calm and understanding makes him want your presence more.
- How you counter him when he is too cruel to his brother. He is harsh with Pesci and he knows it, but he thinks it's only for good. It's not about how you're stubborn enough to argue with him but about how it reminds him that if something ever goes wrong with him on a mission, someone else will make sure that his brother is still alright and progressing. Also, as you two are arguing, things get pretty heated in no time and as the distance between you closes in, everyone knows that it's better to leave you two alone.
- How focused you look when deciding on an outfit. That and how you ask him for an opinion. You can see him leaning back in an armchair just looking at you searching through your clothes with an amused but admirative look on his face. Prosciutto likes to make himself look presentable and if you do the same, he can't help but find that fact attractive. Plus he can play dress up with you without you even suspecting it and he can't get enough of it.
(why is he like that? Love him though)
- How you let yourself be angry sometimes. To him, almost anyone seems calmer than him, but seeing someone being as furious as him from time to time and that someone being you? That's new. It doesn't happen often and in some odd way, he finds it fascinating. As much as he enjoys teasing you, he'll never be the type to say "Just calm down" or "You're exaggerating" because he knows how much it enrages someone already angry to hear this. He will be very understanding when you're like that. Plus, if someone or something gets you angry, he gets angry too so it will end up with the two of you being a scary couple.
- How your eyes shine when you smile and your smile in general. He is baffled by how when your lips are curved into a smile, your eyes are radiant too. Usually, he uses this expressiveness of yours against you, teasing you about it but when you smile so warmly, he feels like he's looking at the sun and that's unnerving because it makes him blush. He can't understand it.
- How your nose scrunches when you get a brain freeze from consuming something cold. This along with how your cheeks and nose redden when you're cold. He rolls his eyes at himself for like such a shallow and obvious thing but can't help it. It's not how adorable you look it's more how no one notices such details but him. It's his guilty pleasure. He has a kink when it comes to your reactions to cold temperatures.
(ugh I love him so much it's pathetic)
- How you encourage him randomly sometimes. Pesci's already having a hard time adjusting to hitman life and constantly being scolded by his brother. At first, when you encourage him, he's stunned, flustered, embarrassed even but in time he starts to feel so much better overall because of it. His stress goes down and he gets more confident and sure of his actions because of your praise.
- How you're kind to the innocent - animals, kids, etc. Since he followed his brother and joined the team, the shock from seeing so much violence in his life all of a sudden left a mark on him. When he notices you being soft to the innocent and helpless while still being a hitman, he starts to heal. His only wish is for you to keep this side of yours so he can keep his too.
- How peaceful you look while sleeping. Again, being in an Italian hitman team is not easy, it distorted any perspective on peacefulness he had before. Seeing you rest without a frown on your face reminds him that there still is peacefulness in this way of living.
- How you're intelligent enough but don't flaunt it. Sure, he likes good looks but that's not as important as intelligence, any type. Melone is a bit of a sapiosexual, he knows it. If you come up with smart questions during meetings, his attention is immediately on you from that point on until the end of the meeting. Also, if you're genuinely curious about how his stand, Baby Face, works, it only adds to your charm.
- How you pick up on his "di molto" catchphrase. Melone works a lot. I mean A LOT. Besides progenation, he's skilled at finding out hidden info about the target, too. But usually, he does it alone, no one accompanies him and sometimes he can't help but feel slightly ignored. So when you start spending enough time with him to start using his phrases, he starts to feel less alone.
- How you walk. Simple as that. He has been caught many times staring at how some people walk, it's a well-known fact. So if you walk a bit slower and move your hips a bit more intentionally, making it look natural, he's dead. To hell with the mission for a few moments of pure admiration.
- How confident you are. You don't need him to hype you up and he won't, but you'll always catch him looking at you with a proud look on his face. However, not everyone can be confident all the time and Illuso knows it very well. When he finds you letting your guard down and looking disappointed with yourself, he'll act right away. He hates seeing you struggle with shallow insecurities as you are just so wonderful in his eyes...
- How you take time to relax. He always insists on you taking everything a bit more slowly, so when you finally do it, he's more than pleased. He likes to see your facial muscles loosen up, causing a relaxed expression. He wishes to see it more often and he wishes for you to prioritise taking care of yourself.
- How you study yourself in the mirror while getting ready. He will use his Stand's ability to enter that mirror's dimension just to look at you from that perspective. This applies to intimate moments as well, just a heads-up. However, his favorite moment to do that is when you're fixing your hair, there's something about it that he finds so damn attractive.
- How you focus on the mission at hand. That, and how serious you look while doing it. Don't get it wrong, he's also focused on the missions but he looks more laid-back, like a natural. He finds it funny and adorable how you look so stern and even suggest him to pay more attention.
- How you always mention Sorbet and Gelato after their death. Everyone knows that Risotto said to forget about it after the funeral to focus on getting back on track as fast as possible and avenging them afterward but to Formaggio, this never felt right. So when you mention a memory from time to time to everyone, his heart feels a little bit lighter.
- How you dance to your favorite songs. He thinks that the majority of members of La Squadra are too stiff and grim sometimes so catching you dancing around alone to your playlist makes him smile. For him, it's like a breath of fresh air. Expect him to join you.
174 notes · View notes
nyimasu · 10 months
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CONTENT WARNING! — eyes wide shut au, orgy, unprotected sex, voyeurism, pet names (love, sugar, baby), reader and geto have tattoos and you're a bit shy at first, praises, hair pulling, poly dynamics with gojo (what's new), lingerie kink, biting, secret pining, slight corruption kink, fingering, oral (reader receiving), cum eating, double penetration, all three of you get unhinged towards the end and break the orgy grandmaster's rules / WORD COUNT — 5.5k (pure brainrot)
ANYA'S CORNER — aesthetical hedonism to its finest, this work has been clearly inspired by stanley kubrick's last masterpiece, "eyes wide shut". also big shoutout to my love, @nagumoan for helping me throughout the various phases I had to come up with to finish this lmao love you dearly, loni!
P.S. : this fic is not proofread but I still hope you enjoy it! see you soon 🦋
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“What’s on your mind, Suguru?”
When you ask Suguru to do something different tonight, you realize your words backfire immediately because your dark-haired partner scoots closer to you on the sofa, his pupils dilating when you press a kiss to his lower lip. Then you wait for his response.
But the man is thinking so hard about your implicit request that his mind drifts away. Your sultry laugh brings him back to reality, though.
The man chuckles, amused by the hint of confusion in your question. "Nothing too wicked or extreme, my love. But what I have in mind for us might require you to get out of your comfort zone for a while. Are you still okay with it?"
You nod without hesitation, and your hand on his thigh brings Geto to smile, luring you closer to kiss you. Always so respectful and caring, your lover.
So, a couple of conceited phone calls from his part and a quick run to your wardrobe later, here you are, waiting in front of a wooden door to open to a villa— no, to a mansion probably built in the 19th century.
Tonight it’s shrouded in darkness and lush nuances of deep green, probably trees caressed by the capricious hand of the wind.
What a perfect night to find beauty and grace in you again, Geto thinks to himself. His eyes brim with mischief, his lips stretched in a smile under the white and golden mask he has on, while your gaze reflects the stardust coating the sky.
You are clothed in nothing more than a Venetian mask, a black coat, silvery high heels, and a set of lace lingerie your boyfriend is really fond of.
The aforementioned has your arm linked with his, and you both look at each other when the gates creak open.
Oblivious to his thoughts, you look up at him, and Suguru tilts his head towards the other masked couples before you.
“Let me introduce you to a whole new world. You haven’t seen anything like this before, not even in your wildest dreams. Come with me, love.”
Curious, you follow the rest of the guests and enter into the perfectly curated garden preceding the main body of the mansion, which soon welcomes you all with a cascade of candles covering every inch of the walls, starting from the corridor.  
“There’s nothing to be afraid of. I wouldn’t even think of putting you in harm’s way if I wasn’t sure you were going to be alright. You’re safe with me.”
You search for Geto’s eyes for reassurance, and he feels your gaze on him. He squeezes your hand oh-so lightly first, then stops right before you walk past the living room’s frame door.
The noise in the background doesn’t act as a distraction to either of you, so your partner simply shifts his grip from your arm to your lower back while he puts you at ease by saying:
“I know, of course. I’m not questioning that.” you reply right away, fidgeting with some of the rings of his dominant hand, the one wrapped around your waist.
Then you step forward to take in the smell of fresh flowers, tobacco, and other scents in the living room.  The staccato pace your heels set as you walk around to look at the candleholders scattered across the immense living room goes unnoticed, but not the swirls of ink on your body when the cloak slips to the side to reveal the tiniest sliver of skin.
“It’s just that this,” you punctuate the last word with a sigh, pointing at the opulence surrounding you. “I’m a bit intimidated by all of this. Everything screams expensive. I mean, look at these chandeliers! They’re magnificent, and I can bet my entire lingerie drawer that they're gold. Like, gold gold. Whoever owns the place is filthy rich.”
Now, that catches the attention of some of the guests, but you pass by them without noticing their stares on you. But your partner does, and he’s not the only one.
Your eyes are set on him only as you make your way back to Geto once more. Once you’re within reach, you feel his hand snaking up the cloak’s slit, and you giggle at the feeling of his feather-like touches on your thigh.
Do not get distracted, you reprimand yourself and gently take Suguru’s hand in yours to finish your sentence.
A muffled smirk follows your theory, probably because someone has made their presence known behind you. Alarmed, you turn and stare at the stranger. Somehow, the way they carry themselves is familiar to you, as if you’ve already met this person before.
And they’re tall.
Like, really tall.
On second thought, even their way of speaking sounds too much like the one used by another person you practically see every day.  
“Oh, sugar. Is this a legitimate bet? You know, I would love to have all your panties and bras in my bedroom. And to answer your question: yes, they’re gold gold. I’ve personally commissioned them to be made by the finest Italian craftsmen alive. They’re gorgeous, aren’t they?”
Before you can speak your mind, however, the masked person in front of you stops laughing after taking a look at your and Suguru’s intertwined hands; when they do, the stranger leans against the wall, an inch away from another candleholder. “Cuties.”
He only speaks that way with you and his closest friends.
Geto scoffs, his walk steady as he takes his place next to you. His arm links with yours again before shifting attention to the stranger.
Well, you two are not such strangers to them after all, because the lightness in your lover’s voice when he answers the stranger rings a bell.
“Do not change the subject, you freak. So, panties and bras, huh? You’ve never told me about this peculiarity of yours before. You want to wear, sniff, or jerk off with it?”
The masked one laughs again, this time while they clasp one hand around Geto’s forearm. It's big, all spidery fingers and gorgeous veins standing proud against their porcelain-like skin as the figure adjusts the cloak around their broad shoulders.
Girl, get a grip on yourself.
Shaking your head to push your horniness into a corner of your mind, you come to realize that you know them, and they seem to be quite intimate with you and Geto as well.
God, you have their name on the tip of your tongue, but it escapes you the moment you look at their attire. All your focus goes to their shiny patent leather shoes, and then up to their cloak.
Strangely enough, their robe is not pitch-black like yours. It's magenta-hued. And the mask? Oh, it’s almost as if it’s been dipped into liquid gold because the shimmer of it is just too bright and too real to be fake.
“Ah, Suguru. I would rather not say. A man keeps his secret stash of the finest food close to his chest. You of all people should know it, considering you keep the most delicious Zunda a breadth away from you.”
The stranger’s hood is down, and your eyes land on pure snow-white hair framed by the mask. But then, the person shifts closer to you and Suguru, and the lights shine on their entire figure. 
On their inhumane eyes.
Also, no one calls you “delicious Zunda” but him, a man with a terrible sweet tooth who happens to devour every single sweetery he finds in your house whenever he swings by to see his best friend.
No way.
Baffled, you sharply exhale and whisper: "You've got to be kidding me.”
The relationship between you and Geto is exclusive. Nevertheless, you both agreed to expand your horizons when the time and people involved felt right. And Suguru thinks tonight might be the night. Jealousy never pertained to him, especially when it comes to you.
You shove a hand under the person’s mask and lift it up by the chin. Behind the mask, there’s a pair of bright, light blue eyes staring right back at you, while plump lips curled in a shit-eating grin match Suguru’s hidden delight.
He let you take off his best friend’s mask because your lover knows that, deep down, you and the other man have some sexual tension you both need to work through.
You’ve never admitted it out loud, partially because you don’t want to hurt Suguru, but you’ve always found Gojo attractive, and the white-haired man has been doting on you ever since you and Geto started to date five years ago.
You’re so deeply in love with him —and he with you—that to have a stranger come between you is unthinkable. But a man Geto trusts with his life?
That’s another story.
He does feel, however, that the spark between you and his best friend is ready to ignite.
 “Gojo Satoru. I was hoping to spare myself the sight of your ugly face tonight; that’s why I asked Suguru to go out. But I didn’t think he would take me to your fucking place.”
Gojo stoops closer, his eyes boring holes in your face as he bends his knees to meet your fuming gaze. It brings him immense joy to see you in distress because of him, and you hate when either he or Geto get to your eye level. It makes you feel smaller, and you are already much shorter than them. Ugh.
If looks could kill, he’d be in a pool of blood at your feet by now.
My guests?
“Aw, is my little dove bothered by my presence? You didn’t tell her everything, did you, Suguru? Because if you did, she wouldn’t have come to us this easily. Well, enjoy your last moments of tranquillity while I help the rest of my guests get comfortable.”
The air whistles as Satoru puts on his mask again and walks towards the centre of the living room, his cloak floating behind him, akin to a king’s. And somewhat, he really is of royal blood, considering he’s one of the richest and most influential member of the Gojo clan.
Upon his arrival, the others wandering in the living room halt on the spot, and so does their chit-chat. The silence following Gojo’s entrance makes your blood evaporate.
What did you just walk yourself into?
“Before we start, I’d like to repeat some ground rules some of you may not be aware of.”
“Greetings, dear guests of mine. Thank you for coming to my abode. So, as you can see, I’ll be your grandmaster tonight.” he points at his golden mask and red cloak before continuing.
Contrary to your partner, modesty really isn’t Gojo’s strongest suit.
That last bit is directed at you, and you fight the instinct to give him the finger.
The snow-haired man raises a hand and puts down his thumb. “Rule number one: we never take off our masks. It’s mandatory, for it helps us conceal our identities. No one must try to pry out information about others. Whoever breaks this important rule will be kicked out.”
He’s going to drive you insane alongside Suguru, you can feel it in your bones. What are you saying? No need to fool yourself by feigning ignorance, at this point.
They always do.
Everyone nods to his words, and you roll your eyes, much to Geto’s amusement. Well, you have broken that rule, already.
“There’s no number limit of participants in the encounters, but I do warn you: I will be keeping an eye on each and every single one of you, so don’t do anything that will prevent the other parties involved to enjoy themselves. If you dare to do anything against your partners’ desires or act without explicit consent, you will be taken and kicked out.
His index finger is the second one to curl. “Rule number two: everyone keeps their cloaks on until I say so. As grandmaster of the evening, I have the right to decide whenever the fun begins,”
His eyes beam with unhidden delight under the golden mask, enhancing the ethereal hue, and they’re so breathtaking to look at that a few women close to him audibly gasp.
Have I been clear?”
A collective ‘yes’ follows the second rule, and you are beginning to understand this is not your normal Friday night. Once again, you look at Suguru, and he leans over you to hear you whisper,
“You brought me to an orgy.”
He sighs, ready to get you both out of here if he hears even the slightest amount of doubt in your voice. His voice is feeble when he asks: “Will you stay?”
You don’t respond right away, rather you rest your head against his shoulder as Gojo declares the third and final rule of the evening. He’s watching you and Geto like a hawk as his voice reaches everyone in the room, and the snarly remarks after he’s done confirms your hunch.
“Rule number three: as your grandmaster, I have the right to accept or deny your requests to partake in your liaisons. You cannot, however, refuse me. Especially you two.”
Your whole body freezes, and so does Suguru.
Gojo is pointing at you and your partner from across the room and, useless to say, many eyes are on the both of you as Satoru concludes his speech.
“The Sun Dragon and the Moon Lover are mine. No one will have them but me.”
Your spirit is on fire, enraged by Satoru’s claim, and when you finally answer Suguru, you work your jaw so hard that your muscles start to protest.
“I will stay. I want to smash his head against the wall. I hate him.”
Suguru kisses your hair. “You’re so bloodthirsty, my love, but no, you don’t hate him. In fact, I think you fancy him enough you might give yourself up to him tonight.”
“What are you talking abo-”
“Tsk-tsk”, he tuts. “Your mind and body hold no secrets to me. I know you better than you know yourself. Promise me this.”
He lifts his mask enough to let his lips rest in the crook of your exposed neck, right where your vein quivers under his touch.
“Smother him the same way you do with me. He's as crazy about you as you are of him and me. Do not hold back.”
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“Go, my guests. Search for beauty and grace.”
An hour has gone by since the orgy officially started and apparently, Gojo isn’t the only person you know at the party/orgy.
And your surprise knows no limits as you walk by yet another room, and a glimpse of sandy hair tells you the man who’s pounding a very pleased girl is someone you’re acquainted with.
Turns out that some of the guests are close friends of yours, as well. You can’t see their faces, of course, but their movements and voices are unmistakable, including the ones of a man you never thought you’d see there.
The same could be said about you, since you’re not the typical regular at orgiastic festivals.
“My love.” Geto gently urges you to stay quiet, because the others guests are watching you and who you know for sure to be Nanami Kento stare at each other while his hips stutter and his deep voice bounces off the walls in a long, “Fuck”.
Sensing your eyes on him, the man cocks his head towards you and the girl beneath him mewls in need.
Oh, my God.
His partner’s pathetic attempts to gain his attention fail again and you eventually walk away from the scene with Suguru by your side. You and your friend will have time to catch up later.
For now, you just need to get through the night in one piece.
Many guests keep staring at you and Geto, mainly because of the tattoos both of you display with such ease. Out of everyone, you and him are the most tattooed people in the mansion.
Suguru’s white dragon on his back and right arm compliments the black snakes wrapped around your thighs and part of the hips while the argent, celestial constellations starting from the base of your neck then falling onto the forearms like shooting stars balances out the vivid streaks of fiery dahlias that bloom across the entirety of Geto’s left arm.
The moment they come too close, the grandmaster is already there to confront them, sneaking an arm around your bare waist, or by standing so close to Suguru that the teeth of jealousy sink into your flesh over and over again.
Together, you make one hell of an attractive couple, and because of this, a couple of men and a woman tried to approach you and Geto.
All to no avail.
First, he called dibs on you and Geto. Then he chickens out, leaving your mental sanity to hang by a thread.
“It seems you’ve forgotten what I said earlier. They’re mine. Find someone else to have fun with”, and the moment the guests disappear, so does Gojo.
Now that your most sordid desires have been discovered by your lover— and the man still wants you despite everything, for God’s sake—, you’re just waiting for him to act upon his demand. Will you keep pouting like a little girl when he leaves over and over again?
No fucking way. Time to take the matter ibto your own hands.
The man whips his head around to look at you. You often call him by his first name, but not with that sultry tone. When you do, it is always for one reason only.
To edge and tease him is your biggest delight, and the tent in his tuxedo pants is already painfully tight around his girth when he replies, “Yes?”
“There’s something we should do.” the sentence tumbles off your lips slowly, every syllable dragging into the other when you finally reach the east wing of the mansion, right beside a huge pool table. Geto is unsure if you realised it, but you’ve been following around Gojo the entire night, and now you’re a few metres away from him.
The orgy grandmaster in the middle of a conversation with a brunette and her rather bulky companion, and your heart stops. The two guests are Shoko Ieiri and Fushiguro Toji.
To say you’re wet would be an understatement.
Goddammit, how many of our friends come to these orgies?
You quickly set aside the question. You’ll deal with everyone else later, for your mind is set on the goal at hand. Also, to think that they’re about to witness what you’re about to do has you squeeze your thighs together as something warm leaks through you.
Geto doesn’t miss a single beat and comes closer to you, his taut chest colliding with yours as his height consumes the air around him. Any sense of shyness or shame is long gone from your body, so you rest your back against the pool table like a languid cat when a sudden gasp leaves your lips.
“We have something to do, you say. What is it, my love?”, Suguru taunts under his breath. His gorgeous fingers are stroking the damp spot at the front of your panties while his thumb flicks patterns around your clothed clit.
“Go on. I want to hear you say it.”  
Good. The almighty Gojo Satoru is not as detached as he prides himself to be.
Without warning, his other hand flies to your hair. The pin that holds it slips off and vanishes in Geto’s pocket, and your strands fall around your face. You stare at him, until he turns to glare at Gojo.
You follow his lead, and you both find the grandmaster with his arms crossed on the chest, laboured breath and foot tapping furiously against the marble floor.
“Fuck me on this pool table while everyone’s watching. Come on, I know it’s to die for.” you say that so nonchalantly that Suguru falters, taken aback, while a low grunt rumbles in Gojo’s throat. He’s close enough to hear you purr such lewd words just fine.
Little do they know, the request is aimed at them both.
The room has fallen silent, Shoko and Toji as amazed as the rest of the guests, but the first to break the ice is the grandmaster himself. He’s regained some self-composure by the time he sidles up to Geto, but you’re one step ahead.
Lost in the haze of lust, they don’t notice you’ve hopped onto the pool table until you press a heel onto Suguru’s crotch, the other on Gojo’s. They both snap back to reality at the feeling, and you giggle when they get harder under the stilettos.
“Shit. You’re soaking wet, love. You’re clenching around the fucking air.”
“You didn’t think I had it in me, did you?” you let go of their groins to spread your legs further on the table. Suguru is the first to grab your thigh, rings digging into the flesh while Gojo’s hand brushes against the other, his approach softer but needy all the same.
Veins pop out of their hands as they both keep you in place, and Satoru glances at you for consent, to make sure you’re fine with him touching you. You nod, then you throw back your head the moment Geto pushes aside your panties with two fingers. He yanks at your roots and you moan as a string of curses at the sight of your puffy cunt echoes between you three.
“B-both.” talking is getting harder by the second, and despite the mask, you can still feel Satoru’s breath fanning on your wet folds. The slit where the mouth is channels the warm air, so you’re really fucked.
“Let me see,” Satoru falls to his knees to take a good look at your pussy, to feel his mouth water with each bead of arousal escaping you, your muscles clamping to have some kind of relief no one can give you but them.
He gulps and whistles to try to ignore how hard he’s got in seconds. “What a sight. So drenched and ready to be filled, uhm? Is this for me, sugar? Or Suguru?”
The mask is definitely not helping.
“What do you want us to do? Use your words.” Suguru coats index and middle finger in your juices and gently prods at your entrance, so ready to pull him in, and they both wait patiently for you to speak.
“Don’t stop. Your fingers-”, your eyes roll back as you lift your hips up to motion for Geto to continue. “I need them in me. Please.”
He obliges with a sigh, because he loves to finger you as much as you adore to sense his fingertips poking your insides.
Your partner buries two fingers in you altogether and you nearly lurch backward at the intrusion, but Satoru is quick to ground your hips on the pool table with his other hand as Suguru starts to massage your inner walls, curling and scissoring his digits apart. 
They both have such nice hands, your mind is spiralling into an endless vortex. But before you can do so, a tap on your thigh brings you to look down.
Satoru is waiting for you.
Power must have gotten to your head, it has to, because your fingers yank down his hood to glide among his pure, soft hair as you breathe out:
“Your mouth, Satoru. Y-your tongue. I want everything.”
Then you remember. No one is allowed to take off their masks, not even the grandmaster.
“I’ve been waiting for so long for this”, Gojo whispers to you, eyes skittering all over your lower abdomen and breasts. Too bad he can’t see your face. “You taste so fucking good.”
A gentle kiss close to your knee shakes you to the core.
Eyes widening in surprise, you ogle shamelessly at Gojo, at his mask slightly tilted up only for his lips to be free of any hindrance. You have no time to react because they immediately latch onto your lower lips, taking half of your pussy in his mouth with a satisfied growl.
Suguru has shifted his attention on your bundle of nerves, focusing on it to let Gojo devour the rest of you.
If it wasn't for the mask, both men would see how much their ministrations are affecting you, but fret not. Your body is showing them plenty to compensate.
Geto laughs and his hand still in your hair descends to your tits. He circles, pinches your nipples through the lace, mimicking the same motion on your clit — you won’t last long, not when he’s hitting all the right spots and his best friend is eating you out the way you like it in front of a bunch of people.
Geto has shared intimate tips on how to pleasure you, and Gojo is following them by the book. Those two had agreed on doing this way before tonight.
How does he know- Oh. Oh.
And you do so with a shared moan from you and them, because you rest your head against Suguru’s chest while your eyes fix on Gojo.
Suddenly all too self-aware of everything, you try to back down from the men, but they both hold you in place. The coil in your stomach tightens even more when Geto’s hoarse voice reaches you.
“Look at us.”
And at that moment, you see Suguru’s inked arm coming between you and the grandmaster, more specifically his hand. It rests on Satoru’s nape and pushes his face into your cunt, almost as if he wants to suffocate him between your legs, but the snow-haired man chuckles at that and tongues your entrance straight away.
The pace set allows him to nose your clit, but when he draws back it's Geto's turn to circle it with his thumb. You can’t escape them.
They’re both right.
“That’s so hot.” you hear someone say, probably Toji.
“It’s too much.” adds Shoko.
“Too fast”, you don’t even know who you’re talking to at this point and you raise yourself on your elbows, back arched on its own. Even the heat emanating from Geto is too much, and you do babble something along the lines of, “N-no, ’s too much. I can’t-”
Satoru stops briefly to kiss your inner thigh, his and Geto’s heart-shaped eyes tunnelling on your heaving chest. Your cleavage is sticky with sweat and Suguru plants his forehead against it as Gojo growls.
“You can.”
And the orgasm comes quicker than expected. The coil cracks, your legs try to snap shut around Satoru’s head but Geto helps him to keep them open as you come with a strangled sob. Breath stuck in your lungs, you feel Suguru come closer to let you moan on his collarbone.
Pleasure clouds your mind as Gojo runs his tongue through your folds to lap up your release and you protest meekly, on the edge of overstimulation.
Gojo wails, keens at your feet when you pull his hair while your inner walls clench around his wet muscle, but he catches on quickly and wets three of his long fingers with your juices as you still fuck yourself on his tongue. Suguru helps you ride through the orgasm, caressing every sliver of your skin he can reach.
“Ssh, that's it, love. Come on his tongue. Look at how needy he is to please you. Give him every droplet of you.” is what cuts through the noise in your ears.
Tears have pooled under your eyes yet you don’t give in to them, rather your hands find harbour in both men’s locks as the last moments of blissful release wash over you.
“Thank you.” you say, voice veiled with a bit of tiredness. Geto strokes you gently around the neck and Satoru pecks you on the leg affectionately before pulling away to allow you and your lover to gawk at him and his fingers, slick with your cum, and he licks them clean with a low whimper.
It’s so painful, the wanton need you have to kiss them both after they gave you a bone-shattering orgasm. But you can’t.
Not here, not now.
Your eyes flash black, pupils dilating beyond normal sense. Suddenly you’re not so spent, anymore. And neither are they.
Suguru doesn’t need to be told twice. You’re still a tiny bit out of it, but suddenly you’re in Geto’s arms, and he’s walking so fast amongst the little crowd that had gathered around you that you almost miss Shoko and Toji. With whatever strength you have left, you simply yell:
Satoru grabs his best friend by the tuxedo’s collar and he grunts, out of breath: “My room. Now.”
Toji’s deep chuckles rattle against your bones, and you hear faintly the grandmaster encouraging his guests to enjoy themselves while he’s gone, because he needs to “step back for a while”.
“Guys, we need to talk. My place, tomorrow morning. Bring the mimosa!”
Since he’s spent uncountable days there, it doesn’t take long for Suguru to get to his best friend’s suite. You’ve completely recovered by now, still you wait until your partner has laid you down on the queen-sized bed before acting.
“Hey, slow down. I’m not going anywhere.”
Once within arm’s reach, Suguru lets out a snort when your arms circle his waist and you push him on the bed. Now he’s on his back while you straddle him, and your eyes land on his groin. He’s so stiff with need that the moment you unzip his pants, his cock slaps against his stomach.
“Easy, my love.” Geto laughs amidst pants, for your hands are everywhere on him. You practically tear his shirt apart to feel the familiar scent of him fill your nostrils, but when you pull aside your panties to sink on his girth, your lover places his hands on your hips, stopping you.
You pout, defeated. “I just want you inside me. Don’t you want to be inside me, Suguru?” in saying so you pout in faux defeat, all while stroking his cock.
The man grabs your waist. Hard.
“Just wait a minut-”
Of course he wants— hell, he needs to fuck you into the ground until you cream around his dick. You always look so pretty when you do, all loose limbs, glassy eyes and bitten lips.
But he promised a certain person to wait for him.
“No. I’m done waiting.” you shake your head, his pleas falling on deaf ears. You’re about to pull his hands away from you and have your way. Well, just before the lock clicks.
Having your back turned, you don’t see who’s locked the door until Satoru’s abs graze your shoulders. And his erection is pressed against your back, causing you to short-circuit.
When did he have time to undress? Why is he so huge?
But these are the last things you need to worry about, because as soon as his lips are on your neck, you realise his mask isn’t where it’s supposed to be.
His angelic features, twisted in desire, are a sight to see.
And yours fall on the bed once Gojo takes it off of you. The dim lights in the bedroom are easy on the eyes, and much easier is to be eye-fucked but not one, but two men.
“So am I, baby. So am I. '' Satoru peels off your panties without hesitation and once they’re past your hip bones, he gives them a pull and ball them up in his fist. Geto watches his best friend pump himself with your panties acting as a fleshlight, grunting and moaning.
I’m such a lucky girl, your mind is going in circles as you get rid of Geto’s mask. I have them both all for myself.
Now that you’re all face to face, you cave in. First, you drag Suguru in a kiss, violent and brimming with passion he reciprocates just as strongly as Gojo, with his face perched on your shoulder, awaits for him.
“Sa- ngh, I can’t. ‘T-‘toru.” 
“Now you can ride me, love.” Geto assists you as you sink on his cock. Inch by inch, you impale yourself on his girth until you bottom out, all while Satoru keeps your lips prisoners of his. His moans are yours and yours his, even when you break away to inhale some fresh air.
The name has Gojo’s blood go straight to his lower abdomen and once Geto lets you go with a final bite on your lower lip, the snow-haired man hauls you flush against him, and you’re welcomed with an open-mouthed kiss. You sigh in it and unconsciously peck at his lips, making him growl.
He’s about to explode, amd Suguru with him.
The moment doesn’t last long because the angry tip of Gojo’s cock, smeared in spit and your arousal that still coated the panties, is breaching past your folds to sit inside your full pussy.
You’ve broken every rule set by the orgy grandmaster, and he and his best friend lured you to participate to an orgy culminating in a dissolute threesome.
“Be a good girl and take me. We know you can, right, Suguru?” Satoru abruptly lurches towards Geto to give him a quick kiss to which your partner responds by cradling his face with a hand. The moment is so intimate, so special that your heart flutters.
You look at them tenderly for what it feels for an eternity, but they don’t let you feel left out for long, because their lips, their teeth mark your skin as Satoru eases himself in you, chomping down on your neck to restrain himself from coming already. You nearly do the same.
Feeling so full, stretched in any way possible now that his shaft rests upon Geto’s is truly divine.
It is worth the risk, since you grind on Suguru’s abs and raise your arms to lock them around Gojo’s neck to whisper,
“Give me more. More, more, more... ”
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© nyimasu — do not copy, translate, repost and modify my works.
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