#that's your cue to smile gaster
zarla-s · 1 year
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Can’t get up the nerve yet, can you Gaster.
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cycle-verse · 5 months
Two weeks later, Error adjusted his outfit before scooping up Pic, whom Stain had helped dress in a little suit. “Hi poof, are you excited?”
Pic looked up at him with a little nod.
Error grinned and kissed his son's head. “It’s not a lot today, but I get to marry your dad,”
Pic stayed quiet, resting his head against Error's chest.
Error rubbed his back.
“I'm gonna hand you to PJ now but you’ll see me soon,” Error gently handed his son to PJ.
In another room, Stain was currently adjusting his dad's bandages before pulling his coat on. “Ready?”
Ink nodded, "I am..."
Stain looped his arm through Inks and grinned
Ink smiled a bit. He was hyped up on painkillers but honestly didn't care.
Stain began to walk with his dad around the same time Gradient and Error were. There wasn’t much of a ceremony. Error had just wanted to do it as soon as they could because things weren’t safe and he wanted to go into the future with his husband.
Ink didn't mind either way, just excited to marry Error.
Error was as well and as soon as he saw Ink, he grinned wider
Ink smiled at him, rather excited, and it was a miracle he didn't decide to run over.
Error fidgeted with his hands and it was obvious he WOULD run over to ink if he could
Ink let Stain guide him over, knowing that he would probably get too excited if he didn't.
Gradient was leading Error too and the boys grinned at each other once they met up, handing Error and ink to each other.
Ink happily switched to hold Error's hands, very excited.
Error smiled at him. He listened faintly to whoever was marrying them, but he focused more on Ink.
Ink did, too, more focused on Error than anything else.
Soon, the I do’s came, and Error said it with speed.
Ink happily said it back, not even waiting for a cue.
Error pulled him into a kiss before pulling away and laughing as the children all echoed, ‘Ewww’
Ink chuckled a bit, tucking his head under Error's.
Error wrapped his arms around Ink.
”I love you,” Error whispered
"I love you too, Ruru," Ink was still smiling.
Error turned to face the kids. Cross was in the small crowd too, grinning at the couple.
”I’m going to let you two have your time, kids, inside!” Cross called.
Ink nodded, letting them go while he moved to squeeze Error in a hug.
Error took Ink's hand and led him just beyond the dome so they could have an uninterrupted view of the stars, just for a moment. He didn’t even see the portal that opened behind him.
Ink was content following Error and looking up with him. He was rather proud of the sky he'd made.
“Well, well, well. Look at the happy couple,” Malevolence hissed and Error turned, pulling Ink behind him
Ink was a little surprised, not expecting to see Malevolence, but also a little pissed.
“Oh calm yourselves. I’m not here to take another wing or your kid,” Malevolence huffed
"But you're still here for something-" Ink moved to stand next to Error. There was no way he'd just stay behind him.
Error still had an arm braced in front of Ink.
“Just your husband, since Nightmare has decided my play toys are now off limits,” Malevolence reached out and attempted to knock Ink out before reaching to wrap Error in his tentacles.
Ink wasn't exactly going to go down without a fight, however, and he didn't have a weapon, so he did the next best thing and summoned a gaster blaster.
Malevolence scowled and reached to attack Ink, leaving Error mostly unharmed although at some point he’d knocked Error out instead of Ink
Ink quickly fired his blaster at Malevolence before summoning another to set off too.
Malevolence dodged and dodged, getting a bit tired out but he wasn’t about to give in
Ink wasn't either, but he only had so much magic on hand, even for someone as strong as him
Malevolence took his time to keep attacking Ink, a tentacle wrapping around the unconscious Error in case he needed to just snatch him and run
And he might've, but that would leave a pissed Ink that would try to follow. Ink was, however, not really guarding his right side, or even paying attention to it.
Malevolence noticed that and attacked on his right side
Ink tried to guard it, but easily failed, and was knocked out pretty easily.
Malevolence grinned and scooped up Error before opening a portal back home, ignoring Ink's body behind him and the scream from Stain, who’d peaked out the door to check on his dads just to see this
By the time Ink would have woken up, was on the couch. Stain was panicking and yelling somewhere else while PJ sat beside Ink, curled around Pic.
Ink quickly sat up and looked around, trying to figure out if it was just a nightmare that Error had been taken.
“Cross is sending us to live with Uncle Geno…”
PJ whispered, “Stains pissed… papas gone and we aren’t even being allowed to do anything,”
Ink quickly buried his face in his hands, then pulled them away after a minute, "I need to save Ruru-"
“I knew you’d say that… Cross says he’s not letting you go until you’re healed more.” PJ sounded robotic, broken.
"PJ, I can't just leave him-" Ink stood up.
“I know but what help are you to Papa if you’re still really hurt… I don’t want to lose both my parents in one day!”
"I'm barely injured-" Ink seemed distressed, for obvious reasons.
“You lost your wing two weeks ago and you’re still not healed from that,”
"But still- I don't need my wing-"
“But you need just a bit more… I want to save Papa too but not at risk of you… I don’t want to be alone again,”
"PJ, please-"
“Dad. You have nine kids who need you right now… please… at least stay to see us off,” PJ whimpered
Ink took a breath and a moment to rub at his face then nodded, "Alright..."
PJ was crying softly. This was a lot on them, they were the third oldest, and with Stain pissed, and Gradient packing, they’d been left in charge of their six younger siblings.
Ink moved to pull PJ close, "I'm sorry..."
PJ buried their head against his shoulder, “I don’t wanna lose you too! We’re already being made to leave and I don’t wanna lose you!”
"I know, baby, I know..."
PJ just continued to cry as Cross came down the stairs and sighed.
“I’m sorry,” Cross whispered
Ink looked up at him, quietly rocking back and forth with PJ.
“I wish I could have gotten there on time… I’m… I'm coming up with a plan right now but when Error got taken, the dome fell… Geno’s is safer for the kids right now.”
Ink nodded, "I understand..."
“I swear, I will get Error back here,”
Ink nodded, still holding PJ, "I trust you..."
Cross nodded and sighed.
“PJ…” Cross whispered and PJ just shook their head
"If you need to go, baby... it's ok..."
“I don’t wanna leave you,” PJ whispered. “We aren’t leaving until tomorrow, but you need to pack,”
"Go pack, baby... I'll still be here..."
PJ softly nodded and got up, slowly trudging upstairs. Cross sighed and wiped away a few tears that had been constantly falling for a while now.
Ink let them go before quietly looking at the ground.
“I’m so sorry Ink, I should have been there… should have stopped him,” logically Cross couldn’t have been. He’d done amazing, taking control and getting the kids somewhere safe so they could go after Error without risking the kid's safety.
"You took care of the kids for us... that's all you needed to do..."
“But he’s my friend, you’re my friend, I should have saved him,”
Cross put a hand over his mouth to keep from crying. “I told the council,”
"You did...? What did they say...?"
“I gave them cold damn proof of what Malevolence did but they need fucking witnesses before they’ll do shit… that shit includes a search party for Error,”
"A search party won't save him..."
“Their exact words over the phone were ‘a warned search party sent into suspicious territory’ which essentially would be them telling Malevolence they’re going and then searching his house… it’s all they’ll offer,”
"Which won't save Error... they're only trying to avoid it because Malevolence would kill them..."
“And by the rules, they have to do something so they’ll do the bare minimum,” Cross agreed
Cross sighed. “And the only protection the kids have is staying there so I’m taking matters into my own hands… once the kids are safe at Geno’s, I don’t care what you do as long as you stay safe,”
"I'll try, but... I want to get Error back."
“And I understand… just wait till tomorrow… except maybe not near the house since apparently, someone refused to leave claiming he’s old enough!”
“Cause I am!” Stain yelled down the stairs.
"You're 16, Stain, go with Geno."
“No,” Stain shook his head.
“He’s been like this since the Council made a dumb comment about Gradient taking Errors place on the council temporarily,” Cross whispered
"How about neither of them will do that because they're only 16."
Cross sighed, “For now we’ve denied that but you’re his dad and the only one who technically can tell the council no… but I’m just worried about everything because we know how they get.”
"What, do they need a handwritten note?"
“No clue… they’ve literally just fucking teleported people there for meetings before,”
Ink sighed and rubbed at the bridge of his nose, "Miraculous that they can't just teleport Error out then."
“They give us the same bullshit every time,” he grumbled. “I just think they don’t care enough about Error,”
"They really don't, and that upsets me."
He nodded softly and sighed. “If you go after error. I won’t stop you… just try to come back for these kids. I can’t protect them from the council. Geno can try but if they make the boys take your place, all I can do is sit beside them during meetings…”
"I can try, but no promises, though I can go yell at the council to not make or let Stain and Gradient join."
“You can try but we both know they don’t listen,” he sighed and looked up to see Moku at the staircase. “Hi buddy,”
"I know they don't."
“We can’t find Scar… and usually Papa plays hide and seek to find her,” Moku whispered and Cross cursed
Ink moved to get up, "I can try to find her."
“Are you sure?” Cross asked
Ink nodded, heading upstairs.
Like always, Scarlet was hiding somewhere in her room.
Ink went up to her room, "Scarlet?"
There usually would be a little giggle in response but today there was just a tiny sniffle from under the bed.
Ink moved to get down on the floor to look for her, "Baby...?"
“Daddy,” Scarlet whispered, hiccuping. “tell Uncle Cross no. I don’t wanna go,”
"I'm sorry, baby, but you have to."
Scarlet whined a bit. “But there’s no stars at Uncle Geno’s.”
"I know, but it's only for a bit, baby."
“But…” Scarlet crawled back out from under the bed
"I know, I know, but it's for your safety..."
“But this is home… that’s not home, it’s uncle Geno’s home.’
"I know, but it's safer at Uncle Geno's."
“But…” Scarlet just hugged him.
Ink wrapped his arms around her, gently rubbing her back.
“We’ll come back right?”
"Of course..."
Scarlet nodded softly. “Gray packed my bag…”
"That's ok..."
Scarlet sighed and looked around as if checking that Gradient got everything
Ink let her, not minding that she did.
Scarlet moved when she spotted one thing he’d forgotten and held it up to show him. It was a puppet of Error that Error had made, “Here… cause you miss papa too,”
Ink very carefully took it, "Oh... thank you, baby..."
Scarlet nodded and gulped “I miss him too but I'm sure Moku can let me hug his plushie papa. You don’t have one,”
"I know, but it's your puppet. You keep it, baby."
“Are you sure?”
"I'm sure, baby. Don't worry."
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misty720 · 11 months
That's my husband - Ch7:
Monday morning and no alarm sounds to wake the dead was what Chara looked forward to every week. Papyrus still rose early to jog, shower, wake the kids, and make breakfast. Chara still took the horde to school except Papyrus woke her instead of the annoying buzzer from the clock. However, this morning he started with waking his woman with a kiss on the back of her neck and then her shoulder feeling challenged after Sunday's failed advance. Chara squirmed against him as she began coming to and rolled over to wrap her arms around him. He gave her a sweet kiss which she returned and rolled him over her. As if on cue, a knock echoed from the bedroom door and a scruffy little voice called, "Momma, Papa! We're ready for breakfast!"
"NO ONE'S HERE BY THOSE NAMES!" Papyrus answered receiving a light chastising smack on his arm from Chara.
"Go jog. I'll throw some pasteries in the oven and scramble some eggs. I can do that much," she fussed playfully. Her husband just laughed and kissed her before standing up to stretch. "Good morning, Kabel," Chara exited and pat her troublemaker on the top of his head. "How about I make you kids some cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, and cut some fruit?"
"Did we do something bad?" he asked following her heels down the stairs.
"No, not at all. Why do you ask, my love?"
"Then why are you punishing us with breakfast?"
"KABEL SKELETON, APOLOGIZE TO YOUR MOTHER," Papyrus scolded him leaving the bedroom to go for a run. "I EAT HER COOKING TOO, AND YOU DON'T HEAR ME COMPLAIN."
Chara inhaled slowly and pinched the bridge of her nose. 'That... that's my husband alright...' she thought to herself knowing he didn't mean it how it came off.
"Sorry, Momma..." Kabel obeyed.
"It's alright, sweetie. Just be careful about things you say to others. Think first and ask yourself if it would make you feel bad hearing someone else saying it to you. A lot of times, the answer is correct, but not always. What's funny to one person might be hurtful to another. Everyone is different, my love." After breakfast, Papyrus rode with them so he and Chara could run some errands while out. "Pap, you know you could have stayed home and rested. I know you're tired," she made conversation.
Chara just smiled, rolled her eyes, and shook her head. 'That is also my husband...' she mused.
"Well, we need groceries for one. I just used the last of the eggs and milk. I thought we might pick you up a new pair of work shoes since yours are starting to break down, the car needs an oil change, and I need to make a payment on your business loan. I also thought we could grab lunch before picking up trouble and minion."
"Nope! Processing fees are worse than the gas burned to bring in cash when it's right next to the shopping center where we'll be anyway."
"We don't have a safety net in the bank by paying excess fees and spending frivolously, Pap. Those extra fees versus gas spent is only a couple hundred a year but it adds up when applied to everything. A couple hundred here and there adds up quick."
"Are you really about to say 'time'? To the person who was given a way to manipulate time by Gaster?" Papyrus grinned and shrugged.
The first order of business for Chara was the oil change where they were stranded at the shop for an unpredictable amount of time. As she handed the guy behind the counter the key for the transaction, Papyrus told him in jest, "DON'T FORGET TO TOP OFF THE BLINKER FLUID, ALRIGHT. NYEH HEH!"
"Funny, sir... I see what you did there..." the guy replied unamused tagging the key.
'Oh dear stars, that is my husband!' Chara screamed internally and palmed her face in a vain attempt to hide herself cringing at his joke. After receiving the key back, their next stop would be to drop off the payment and spend an hour or so in the store as he went through every pair of shoes available to find the absolute best fitting pair. She had given up rushing him a long time ago. After finally deciding on the perfecg pair, they headed to the grocery store which took half the time getting through with Papyrus because he knew exactly what he needed and where to find it. Chara was the one who liked to browse and take her time deciding which new snacks to try and trying to remember which foods the children randomly decided they suddenly liked or didn't like.
Once everything was loaded in the cart, they stood in line to check out and pay. "Ooh! Someone likes eating healthy! It's not often I see a cart with so much whole food!" the cashier exclaimed in a bubbly voice.
"WE TRY AT LEAST. BUT IT'S HARD TO GET ONE OF MY FOUR TO EAT GREEN STUFF AND IT'S NOT THE ONE YOU THINK," Papyrus cut up with the lady in a hyperbolic manner and pointed to his wife.
"Papyrus!" Chara chastised. "I am not a child so don't lump me in with them."
"Oh! This is your husband?? I would have bet money on you being a child if you hadn't said something! You look so young and adorable!" the cashier kept up her appearance.
"Um, thanks? Yes, that's my husband and he thinks he's a comedian like his brother. Pap, pay the bill and let's go. We don't want to hold the nice lady up."
"DON'T BE SALTY, LOVE. YOU MIGHT JERKY THE MEAT BEFORE WE GET HOME," Papyrus chuckled at his own joke. Chara gave him an indignant side eye taking the receipt from the lady.
"Thank you, miss. Have a good evening," Chara turned to her politely to speak before taking the cart. "Papyrus. Must you?" she hissed exiting the store.
"I WAS ONLY TEASING, DEAR. YOU GET SO TOUCHY OVER BEING THOUGHT OF AS A CHILD SOMETIMES," the tall monster scratched his crown as he put the bags in the trunk.
"Pap, we've been over this so many times. I'm not a child. I'm your wife and people mistake me for your child so damn often if I'm not dressed to the nines. It's frustrating only being seen as an adult through your validation if I'm with you because no one takes me seriously..."
"Grr! How dare you make sense to me and appeal to my empathy." Payrus kissed her cheek climbing into the passenger side and took her free hand. She knew he was right especially about others taking him seriously as an adult. People often mistook his jovial and whimsical nature as childish and innocent, but Papyrus knew all too well the harsh and ugly truths of reality. He simply chose to not let it affect him much. He was an optimistic soul with his own little dark side only Chara was privy to. 'Yep... that's my husband for sure...' she reminded herself as they left for home.
Later that evening after homework, dinner, and nightly baths, Papyrus finished his day catching up on his favorite shows. Two tiny munchkins sat in his lap watching with him while Serif studied in his room with headphones on. Chara leaned on him half asleep from boredom. His detective dramas were not her favorite but she didn't fuss since he didn't always have time to watch them. "Papa!" Sylfae grew restless and began squirming under her blanket.
"YES, PUMPKIN?" he indulged her.
"I wanna play before bedtime! Can we build a fort?!"
"Yeah, Papa! Can we?!" Kabel joined in.
"You are actually going to have them drag their bedding down here to set up a mess for me to clean tomorrow?" Chara gave him an unamused scowl.
"I'LL CLEAN IT UP AFTER WE PUT THEM TO BED, I PROMISE. THEY WON'T BE TINY FOREVER, DEAR." She agreed reluctantly and watched as he daughter dragged her dollhouse downstairs to make a wall. Papyrus tossed a large blanket over the back of their couch and the dollhouse to make the cover and another on top to make the back wall. Kabel stuffed the inside full of their pillows and extra blankets. It was then that Papyrus dove inside and barricaded himself in. "I, KING PAPYRUS, HAVE DECLARED THIS MY CASTLE FORT! NYEH HEHEH!!"
"Attack!!" both young ones shouted jumping through the gap where his eye sockets peeked from behind a single pillow knocking him and the blankets down.
"It's too dark!" Sylfae cried.
"Papa, I'm stuck!!" Kabel exclaimed.
"AS LONG AS YOU'RE BREATHING YOU'RE FINE, SON." He then pulled the blankets off of them and bundled them up. "WELL, NOW THAT IT'S DESTROYED, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?"
"Let's rebuild it! Then, you can read us a story under the roof," Sylfae giggled with excitement.
"YOU TWO KNOCKED IT DOWN SO YOU CAN REBUILD IT. THEN, YOU CAN DECIDE ON WHICH BOOK - WHICH ONE BOOK. IT'S ALMOST BEDTIME." The two rushed to their rooms to grab a book and argued which one was the lucky pick. "NOPE! NO QUARRELS! BRING THEM TO MOMMA AND SHE'LL DECIDE." Chara smiled at him as she draped herself over the back of the sofa.
"Kabel, this is your reading assignment for school. Nice try, but we'll go with minion's pick tonight even though it's a little above your level. This was Serif's book once right?" Chara chose. Papyrus nodded in confirmation and took the novel.
"Rats! Caught again," Kabel sighed.
"What is all the noise??" Serif asked exiting his room for a snack.
"Papa is going to read us a story in the fort we built," Sylfae answered peeking out.
"Which story?" She held up the cover to the small window to show him. "Sweet! I love that one!" Serif joined them in the spacious area making it cramped as Papyrus started reading.
"WHEN I LEFT MY OFFICE THAT BEAUTIFUL SPRING DAY..." As he read the first couple of chapters, the little two dozed off soundly atop their nest of pillows and blankets. Once little snores and steady breathing could be heard, their papa marked the page and carefully removed the top sheets that served as the roof and back wall. He gently cradled his daughter and motioned for Serif to pick up his brother so they could put them in bed. "GOODNIGHT, LITTLE PUMPKIN. I LOVE YOU," he whispered kissing her forehead and tucking her in. Chara was tucking in Kabel when Papyrus entered to tell him goodnight as well. "GOODNIGHT, YOU LITTLE TROUBLEMAKER. JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER AND UNCLE ASRIEL... I LOVE YOU," he spoke softly and brushed the wild wavy strand out of his face.
"We weren't that bad..." Chara pouted.
"WE DIDN'T CALL YOU BOTH THE TROUBLE TWINS FOR NOTHING," he muttered on exit to tell his oldest goodnight. "GOODNIGHT, STINKY! I LOVE YOU TOO!" he spoke to Serif not so quietly and put him in a headlock reminiscent of how Undyne used to do.
"Dad! Come on! I'm almost big enough to take you, ya know!" Serif protested.
"Alright! Fight me!" Serif laughed as he took out his dad's footing sending both of them to the floor. "You might be bigger, but I'm squirrely!"
As the two wrestled trying to pin the other, Chara warned them, "You better not wake the others up! I'm not staying up with them if you do! Serif, you can stay up since you're so full of energy."
"Not now, Momma! I've got Dad in a full nelson and Imma 'bout to make him tap. Unless he wants to keep wearing me like a backpack!"
"UNFORTUNATELY FOR YOU, I'M FLEXIBLE," Papyrus reminded him as he slipped out and picked Serif up wrapping him around his neck vertebrae in a backbreaker power mover.
"Gah! Dad! No fair! I can't get a grip on you because you're all bones."
"NYEH HEHEHEHEH!! Papyrus laughed all the way to Serif's room where he dumped him on his bed. "GOODNIGHT, STINKER. SLEEP WELL." He petted his son's head, but Serif stood up and wrapped his arms around him.
"Goodnight, Dad. I love you."
Chara wore a smile that touched her eyes watching them interact. 'Now that... that's my husband,' she said to herself when Serif threw his arms around her and picked her up.
"Love you, Mom," he said hugging her.
"Oh! Serif! I love you too, sweetie, now put me down," she laughed. "I get it. You're taller than me, geeze." She kissed his temple and left for bed with Papyrus in tow.
"Do I really have to answer that for you?" Chara arched a brow at him opening her book to read a little before bed. "Why? Do you regret having them??"
"All the more motivation to hire more help."
"FAIR. READ TO ME? I STILL LIKE IT WHEN YOU READ YOUR STORIES." He curled up and laid his skull in her lap and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Of course, my love." She started where she left off the night before reading the first passage again. As his breathing steadied, she couldn't help but think to herself, 'That's my husband, the father of my children, and the love of my life. He's such a dork.' She grinned leaning down to kiss his cheek bone and worm her way into the blankets for sleep. Feeling her shift, Papyrus squeezed her tighter and buried his face into her neck without ever waking up.
End ❤️🧡🤍🧡❤️
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circus4apsycho8 · 3 years
debacle rewritten. | chapter i
Pairing: Gaster x Reader
Summary: Things changed when you were the first Special Agent to ever be partnered with a monster. History was made the day you shook hands with W.D. Gaster, the reclusive Royal Scientist of King Asgore. Despite his coarse exterior, the two of you grow to be a good team.
When a national threat emerges, you two are the first to be assigned to its investigation. It's a complex mystery - foreign to you in that it involves the use of magic to thwart evidence analysis. With your partner by your side, the two of you learn to navigate this new territory together.
Warnings: This fic will eventually contain large amounts of blood and gore. PTSD will be mentioned. Explicit language. Eventual smut.
A/N: Hello all! I just want to quickly establish a few things.
So, I got the opportunity to actually visit an FBI field office over the summer, and that's the inspiration for this story. I'd like to point out that the field office here and people on this branch are all fictional. I did my best to keep everything modern and realistic, but that will probably slip in some areas for the sake of the story.
Secondly, no political comments, please. I hear enough of it IRL and don't want it leaking here.
I think that's about all for now. I hope you enjoy! (Sorry the intro is so long, it's the last time it'll be this long!)
This is it.
A lengthy sigh escapes your lips as you straighten the cuffs of your suit for what must be the millionth time today. Nervousness bubbles within your stomach as you fiddle with your hands. The only noise present is the ticking of the clock mounted on the wall behind you. The chair you’re seated in fails to aid in your relaxation as your eyes flit about the office, eagerly awaiting the arrival of someone. Anyone at this rate. You aren’t sure how much longer you can just sit here.
A few moments pass before your anxiety grows too great for you to remain sitting. You stand, rubbing your face as you take a moment to breathe. Panicking won’t help anything. You have to give yourself credit, too – out of all your coworkers, your boss selected you to be the first human ever to be partnered with a monster for a federally-assigned task. This is a historic moment marking the unification of human and monsterkind alike ever since they escaped the Undergroud. As a result, you’re here – about to be partnered with one of King Asgore’s most trusted scientists.
Why me?
Your thoughts are interrupted when you hear the door swinging open with a slight creak. You immediately turn to see who has joined you.
There stands your boss, Special Agent in Charge Warner Boothe. He’s a man in his thirties with hair done up more neatly than normal. You swallow, ceasing your fidgeting as you face him.
“Hey,” he greets, a taut smile on his face. You can tell he’s nervous too, which simultaneously comforts and scares you.
“Hi,” you reply. “Is it time?”
“Just about. I came here a bit early because I wanted to talk to you.” He steps inside, closing the door gently. He adjusts his tie as he faces you. “Look, I’m not going to lie. There are a lot of people out there. Paparazzi, reporters, news cast, security…it’s a lot. More than what we’ve dealt with in the past. It’s intimidating as hell, but you’re going to be great. Just be yourself.”
You grasp your forehead, sucking in a deep breath. “I’m…I’m about to be on national news. That thought alone is scarier than any job I’ve worked before.”
How are things going to change after this?
Warner chuckles, patting your shoulder. “In the time that I’ve known you, you’ve navigated even the most complex of challenges with a level mind and clear conscious. That’s part of the reason I chose you for this. You’re going to be fine. It’s just a matter of believing that yourself.”
You exhale shakily, nodding. Yeah. They’re just people who want to see what’s going on. And yeah, they may be broadcasting it for the whole nation to see…but hey. It’s a historic day, and you’re here for it firsthand.
“Okay. Thank you. I think I’m ready now.”
Warner smiles. “Good. I’ll show you where you’ll be waiting until I give the cue, which will just be me announcing your name towards the end of my spiel.”
With that, you follow him out of the waiting room. The place is relatively empty, which makes sense considering the event today. King Asgore is here, along with Queen Toriel. They would be making a speech alongside your boss, presenting you and your new partner.
Eventually, you make it to the hallway leading outside to the patio, where you hear muffled voices. The door has been propped open by a weight. You step to the side, nodding at Warner as he smiles and exits.
You close your eyes for a moment, trying to gather yourself. It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay. You repeat that over and over as you stare at the carpeted floor and dim hall. Pictures of previous Special Agents in Charge line the wall, and a lounging sofa has been pushed against the wall you’re leaning against. You can’t bring yourself to sit again, though. You’re far too jittery now.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we are ready to start,” comes a familiar voice. You recognize it as King Asgore’s.
You hear Warner’s voice come on next: “I agree. First of all, allow us to officially welcome everyone to the Ebott Field Office. Today is a landmark event that will further aid in the advancement of human and monster unification.”
“We have decided it is time we merge our resources, manpower, and intelligence in order to create a safer nation,” Asgore adds.
“And in doing so, we are creating a partnership. A very special partnership, at that – the first official monster-human team.”
“The formation of this team signifies the Federal Bureau of Investigaton’s alliance with monsterkind.”
“And it is now I introduce the Special Agent selected for this opportunity…” Warner says your name, which almost makes you lightheaded for some reason. Even so, you narrow your stare before taking a deep breath and stepping outside.
It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the sun’s brightness, but soon you see both Warner and Asgore smiling at you kindly. Asgore is dressed in golden armor, donning his massive trident. Despite his large stature, you can see the kindness embedded within his stare.
The crowd applauds, so you smile and do your best to relax as you step towards the center, where two podiums stand side-by-side. You wait behind it with your hands folded in front of you, noting that there is a pen on top of both podiums.
“And it is now I introduce the Royal Scientist selected for this opportunity… Mister W.D. Gaster.”
The audience applauds again as a tall skeleton walks out. He’s much more graceful than you are, and by the looks of it, way prettier.
He’s dressed in a white, long-sleeved button up covered by a pinstriped waistcoat colored black and grey. He dons a pair of matching black trousers and tie to complete the look. Two scars run in opposite vertical directions from his…eye sockets? In any case, there’s a pair of white pinpoints there too. And they seem to be focused on you.
Gaster stops when he’s directly in front of his podium, remaining silent as your superiors continue their speech.
“With the signing of the agreement, we mark the first partnership between the FBI and monsterkind,” Warner says as another Special Agent hands him the agreement. He signs one line before handing it to Asgore, who signs another line. He proceeds to give it to Gaster to sign. You watch as he signs his name with a few elegant flicks of his wrist before sliding the paper to your podium.
On this day:
September 5th, 20XX
An alliance was established between the FBI and King Asgore.
Warner Boothe
Asgore Dreemurr
W.D. Gaster
And there, you sign your name, heart racing as you watch the ink form your name. Wow. This…this really is huge. You will yourself not to shake as you set the paper down, turning to Gaster with a determined stare.
Your mind seems to be on autopilot as you slowly raise your arm, offering your hand. He studies your gaze for a moment before smiling smally and encasing your hand in his, firmly shaking it.
That small gesture elicits a cheer and a round of applause from everyone around you. You smile, picking up the paper before handing it to Warner and looking out at the crowd one last time before you’re escorted back inside.
I think this is where I’m meant to be.
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anfie-in-the-box · 3 years
X-tra Dark Cream Teaser
I’m still very much not participating in Dark Cream Week, yet somehow this thing is done right in time, so I’m posting it with respective tags.
The story of X-tra Dark Cream is going to be pretty big and serious. Like, plot-wise, lore-wise, so-many-other-aspects-wise, you have no idea what you’ve got coming. And I just really hope you all will enjoy the ride.
What you need to know now is that I’m kind of getting back to my very own idea that you can find right here. Though it’s a different timeline, not Genocide Route. What they share is a concept of both Dream and Cross being villains, at first sight their atmosphere and aesthetic are kind of similar, but that’s it. What exactly is happening here will be explained in the story, and let me tell you, Dream and Cross have a long way ahead of them before they reach the point described in this little teaser.
So I’ve got a question for you. Answer honestly.
Would you like your Cream extra dark?
Just a Bad Dream
Once the portal is safely closed and there’s no more negativity pouring right into Dream’s cursed soul, he hurries to Cross’ side, hugging him tightly. Dismissing his huge knife, Cross hugs Dream back with a weary yet content sigh. “My greatest hero, once again taking down the whole world in my name,” Dream murmurs, ever so appreciatively and very, very gently. Cross caresses his spine through the clothes and the gloop, and, although he never really bothers to use words after a foray to one AU or another, the tremble of his hands is telling Dream enough. So, as much as the fallen guardian wishes to hold Cross like this forever, he lets go.
“I believe you are due for a good rest now.”
Dream cannot help a smile when Cross doesn’t argue, merely lingering to give his spine one last stroke. One could say they are finally figuring out their routine, grasping the ways to make their complicated lives easier, if only a little bit. For Cross it’s definitely lots of sleep and lazing around after all the work he’s done; no matter how much he doesn’t like it, and despite all the bad dreams that he’s most likely to have with all the LV, both old and new, still raging in his soul.
Dream, on the other hand, won’t be sleeping any time soon. It would do him no good at all — this lesson he learned the hard way. There isn’t much to be done when Dream’s whole being is brimming over with shattered positivity of the whole AU, — agonising grief and fear from those who survived; absolute despair from the last moments of those who died; guilt of those who were supposed to protect their people, parents and rulers all the same; at last, contempt and helplessness of every single soul. Oh, the two of them truly are beneath contempt, aren’t they? Breaking entire worlds, taking away a mere possibility of them functioning like they are supposed to. Monsters who only seek to twist and corrupt.
That’s what they say, Dream knows it all too well, both from careful whispers that no one else was supposed to hear and from straightforward, provocative screams right in his face. It’s good, exactly how he wants it to be, but right now he couldn’t care less. Dirt on Cross’ clothes matters more than this.
Actually, that’s what Dream’s going to busy himself with. Cross’ new uniform is piled up beside their bed, soaked in humans’ blood and covered in monsters’ dust. There’s no doubt washing these will be a real pain in the neck, but that’s exactly what Dream needs right now. Something basic yet not too simple. Easy enough for Dream to be able to pay more attention to Cross, whose even breathing and serene expression bring peace to the fallen guardian’s rotting soul, too. This way his hands are occupied, all of the energy he’s gathered is guided in the non-destructive direction until it settles, and his troubled mind is resting even without sleep. It’s a nice bonus to be able to look after Cross, ready to help him break free from yet another nightmare, for the dreadful, horrific visions are always haunting him in reality as well… At least in the first moments after waking up, although sometimes it takes Cross much longer to snap out of it, even with the aid of Dream. Hopefully, this time won’t be so… troublesome.
It’s so obvious that Dream isn’t in the slightest used to doing the laundry — any laundry at all, let alone something as tricky as washing all this blood and dust out, — it’s almost funny. Although, to be fair, it really isn’t supposed to actually be useful — a mere distraction, nothing more, nothing less.
Cross will overwrite his clothes anyway. And, if that fails (though lately the number of failures has lessened significantly; the thought makes Dream’s chest tighten with warmth and pride in his most loyal ally and dearest fiance), they’ll just trade new armor in some AU for the delusive sense of safety. Material needs don’t concern them anymore.
Dream’s progress on washing the uniform is still close to none when he feels a sudden powerful wave of severe distress, and merely a moment later the air gets heavy with magic. Bones and blasters are everywhere, there are so many of them there’s no speck of whiteness left, everything bright red and purple instead. It’s not the first time — neither it is the last one, Dream’s under no illusion about that part, — yet it’s no less mesmerising. If only it weren’t so dangerous for both of them.
Dodging all the attacks, getting closer to Cross is the easy part, that Dream’s doing effortlessly, without sparing it much thought; it’s not like Cross is able to properly hurt Dream, neither in his sleep nor while being fully conscious. Especially not like that. Cross wouldn’t gather enough harmful intent, and considering Dream’s nature is far from ordinary…
It’s even easier to throw Cross out of their bed, his body light, though trembling violently. He jolts awake the moment Dream’s hand touches his chest to grab the fabric of his shirt, but his mind is still very far away. Out of reach. It’s only the lack of resistance that shows Cross has recognised him, if only a little, on some kind of subconscious level. Nothing other than that — just pure black hate pouring down his cheeks and LV raging on within his soul. No way Dream will stand such a state of affairs any longer. Cross is his and his only, he doesn’t belong to whatever hell he’s seeing. And so the fallen guardian growls, as if his own life depended on it, “Wake up!”
Please, please let this one end quickly. Dream hates hurting Cross more than needed.
“Wake up!”
Of course that doesn’t work, it rarely does, but Dream has to try anyway. Besides, it’s usually when the struggling begins. Not this time though; good. Dream feels every single bone directed at his back, oh so clearly hears the Gaster blasters charging. Nothing ever comes. Nothing ever would; not when he’s close enough for Cross to feel the familiar warmth and weight of his body, that Dream knows for sure.
Holding Cross’ hands tight, chanting “Wake up, wake up, wake up”, as if it were a spell (or a plea,  or a prayer), Dream reaches out to Cross’ chest with one of his tentacles, pressing firmly right in the middle of the ribcage, forcing his soul to appear. Cross sharply inhales, obviously in pain, and even tries to arch his back, — only Dream doesn’t allow it, keeping him in place. That’s when his tentacles come in handy…
Other than that, nothing much happens. “Thank stars,” Dream thinks, taking a deep breath. From now on, he needs to be extremely careful. Souls are not to be toyed with. Or, well, the souls of those he loves are not to be toyed with. All the others are perfect but hollow dolls to be filled with oh so very hurtful fragments of their shattered dreams.
That’s what Dream and Cross do. That’s what they’ll continue doing, and no haunting visions would ever take Cross away. They’re together in this.
With his gloved hand Dream cautiously touches the soul, pulsing with LV and shining red and purple, no trace of it ever being one of a monster. Cross’ eye sockets and mouth open wide… It’s almost like he’s screaming without a sound, or maybe the sound merely goes just as far away as his mind is.
Dream’s never asked. He’s not going to ask this time, either.
The charged blasters fire all at once, and the bones are falling behind his back, yet none of the attacks ever land as Dream bawls, “I am Dream, and you are the one who swore an oath of loyalty and love, the one who saw through me, and accepted me, and stayed by my side! You are Cross, and whatever hell you’re seeing, you do not belong to it!” Cross’ mismatched eye-lights get a bit less blurry for a second, and that’s Dream’s cue to finally act with all he’s got.
And so he lets Cross go, leaving utterly motionless body lying on the floor, only for all of Dream’s tentacles to hit the soul at same time before it disappeared once again.
This time Cross actually screams; there is unparalleled agony in his voice, unexpectedly hoarse, as if he’s been screaming like that for hours. It hurts so much to hear it.
Dream is certain it’s better than whatever Cross has just broken free from. As Cross himself once said, “At least in reality I’m in this mess with you.” Very vividly Dream remembers his own response — a warm smile and quiet, confident “Likewise.”
That was then. Now Cross is looking at Dream with lost, pained, vulnerable expression, and his eye-lights, though faded to white, are still blurry — only this time from exhaustion, not because he’s seeing something too much different from reality. That Dream knows how to deal with. He doesn’t help Cross get on his feet, picking him up instead, holding him with hands and tentacles the same.
It’s nice to feel Cross’ weight, and his soul beating more and more steadily. Soothing, really. And that is why Cross only squeaks a little, otherwise showing no signs of discomfort or desire to argue about his position. Not like an argument would lead him anywhere, even if he had enough energy to start one.
They don’t talk until both of them are back in the bed, so close to each other it’s still very easy to hear their souls beating, their breaths warming what little space is beetween them. Dream squeezes Cross’ hand and offers a smile. It’s a tender one, if only a bit teasing.
“Hush now, Cross. It was just a bad dream.”
No words can ever describe his immense relief when Cross smiles back. And all too clearly Dream sees the moment some kind of mischief sparks in his love’s eyes.
“Oh? Well, then I definitely woke up,” Cross says, almost nonchalantly, though there’s no way that would fool Dream, who knows exactly how much he weighs every word. “Because what I see now is not 'just a bad' dream but the worst Dream ever.” At that the warmth in Dream’s chest is blooming like a flower, bursting like thousands of fireworks. Then Cross adds, so gently, as if the two of them might break — and take the whole world with them. “You are my worst.”
And places a kiss on his forehead. Like a final blow.
That weird, silly fool. That wonderful idiot. Dream loves him so, so much.
It takes the fallen guardian a moment to find his words again, and to be sure his voice won’t be trembling as soon as he starts talking. For a moment Dream simply stares at Cross, who just looks back, so calm, so sure, so present.
“Good one,” Dream finally says. “Though if you're feeling fine enough to make flirty puns, we should go back to sleep.” It’s a perfect moment to return the kiss, only on the cheek. Cross seems content anyway.
“Yeah, let’s do that.” He chuckles. “Won't summon any more bones. Or blasters. Promise.”
Undertale © Toby Fox
Dream © jokublog
Cross © jakei95 / xtaleunderverse
Shattered!Dream © shattereddreamsau
Dark Cream © zu-is-here
X-tra Dark Cream © me (anfie / anfie-in-the-box)
Link to the Russian version will be here!
I'm too sleepy to write down the references, but there are quite a few! I'll update them later.
But god and stars, do I love Cross' wordplay in the end. That's the first thing I got to know about this story. Then it became "Two villains who have the whole Multiverse terrified being idiots in love". Then I blinked, and suddenly it's huge and super serious. That was fun. It still is.
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kittysukagasterfics · 3 years
Our Special Day
Note: So sorry this fic is super late but it’s here now! Anyway, onto the fic!
Handplates belongs to: @zarla-s
Summary: It’s a special day for everyone indeed.
     Sam paced back and forth in their room, heart thumping loudly and palms feeling clammy. Undyne had been trying to calm them down for the past few minutes but nothing seemed to be working. The albino was just too frazzled to be calmed at the moment. The fish monster could hardly blame them for feeling like this today though.
     It had only been about two weeks since all the monsters were freed from the Underground. Everyone had pretty much settled in and adjusted quite nicely to life on the Surface. Yes, there was the occasional prejudice from other humans, the newly appointed Ambassador of Monsters was always there to put a stop to it.
     Sam had admittedly been a bit hesitant to take on such a huge responsibility. The support from their friends was enough to convince them to take Asgore’s offer. The tiny albino could do without the boring meetings though. Gaster actually had to accompany them to make sure they didn’t fall asleep or appear bored.
     At least the nice secretary gave them free lollipops every time they stopped by.
     How was Sam themselves adjusting? Well, the first thing they did was visit the cemetery. David’s grave was well-kept as usual. Sam apologized in their one sided conversation with their brother for not visiting for a while. The albino smiled as they promised to tell David all about their time in the Underground. They left soon afterwards despite not wanting to.
     Since they weren’t exactly comfortable returning to their old place of work considering well, everything, Gaster suggested to Sam that they work as a freelance programmer. That didn’t seem like a bad idea so the albino quickly got to work and in just a few short days, had established quite the reputation as a programmer for themselves. Sam didn’t exactly know what Gaster did but they figured it probably had something to do with science. They just hoped it was something that made him happy.
    “*You ask Undyne if you look alright...or maybe you need to fix something...”
    “Sam, you’ve asked this literally five minutes ago. Stop your worrying. You look amazing!”
     Undyne gently placed her hands on Sam’s shoulders, turning them so they could see themselves in the room’s large mirror. The fish monster then picked up a nearby hairbrush off the table and used it smooth down a few stray hairs.
    “Everything is going to be fine, Sam. Everyone will make sure of it.”
     The albino took a deep breath and smiled to themselves. Undyne was right. All their friends had promised to make sure today went off without a hitch. All Sam had to do was to not stress themselves out and try to have fun.
     Just then, Asgore walked into the room just as Undyne was finishing up with Sam’s hair.
    “Howdy, you two. Sorry for the intrusion but it’s almost time to begin.”
    “*Oh, it’s alright! You tell Undyne to go on ahead.”
     The fish monster nodded before quickly leaving the room. After standing up and fluffing down their dress, Sam walked over to Flowey who had been waiting on a nearby table.
    “*You ask Flowey if he’s ready to go.”
    "𝚄𝚑, 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎…𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝙸 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚘𝚠𝚝𝚒𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜."
     Sam just giggled as they picked up the plant and headed out the door with Asgore. The albino’s heartbeat quickened with each step they took. They knew that they shouldn’t be nervous but the tiny albino just couldn’t help it. When the three finally came up the door, Asgore turned to Sam and smiled warmly.
    “When the music starts up, that’s your cue to come on in, Sam.”
     Asgore started to walk in, but then stopped and turned back to face the tiny albino.
    “I’m happy that I get to celebrate this special occasion with Gaster and you, dear Sam.”
     The tall goat walked in before they could react. He seemed... sad? No, he couldn’t have been sad. The ex-king of monsters was smiling. A smile meant happiness and joy. It didn’t mean sorrow and despair. Maybe Asgore was just feeling nervous as Sam was feeling? Or, maybe he was actually sad...sad because he was reminded of what he once had with Toriel.
     Sam had no more time to think about that though because soon enough, that familiar piece of music sounded from behind the large wooden doors. Pushing open the doors, Sam let their eyes wander around the room a bit. It was quite big with a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Everything was very clean and organized. The albino didn’t exactly know how they missed this place during their stay in the Underground but they just had to take Alphys’ word about how nice this place was.
    ‘*You soon focus every ounce of your attention to Gaster...’
     The tall skeleton had been looking nervous before turning to look at Sam as they made their way down the aisle. Gaster couldn’t help the smile that began to spread across his face. He watched how Sam held up Flowey to their chest like one would a bouquet of beautiful flowers. The way their long white dress flowed gracefully with each step they took was both endearing and breathtaking. Gaster couldn’t help the blush that was no doubt appearing on his face. Sam wasn’t only a ray of hope for monsters, but they were also his personal ray of sunshine.
     Soon, in front of all their friends, Sam and Gaster were saying:
    “*You do!”
    “I...I do.”
    “*You tell Gaster you don’t know who was crying more...Alphys or Asgore.”
    “He always was emotional during these types of events...”
     The albino giggled as they shifted themselves around to face the starry night sky. They were still dressed up in their wedding gown, having been too eager to change into more casual clothes. Gaster was the same, still wearing his nice black suit. Probably not the best attire to sit in the soft grass just outside the exit of the Underground.
     The two sat in silence for a while until the skeleton decided to break it.
    “It’s...still hard to believe we were actually able to get married, Sam.”
     Sam didn’t respond. Instead they just sighed happily as they leaned against their husband, not wanting this particular moment to ever end.
    ‘*You feel like everyday can only get better from here...’
Note: A happy ending for everyone! Again, so sorry for this being incredibly late! I was not only dealing with homework, but also writer’s block. But now it’s finished and sorry if it’s not as long as you all were probably hoping. 
Well enough of that, I’d just like to say a few words. Mostly just to thank everyone who has followed the development of this blog. Thank you to everyone who has sent nice messages and asks. Thank you for lifting my spirits whenever I was having a bad day. This blog was originally just supposed to be an escape from the hardships I was facing, but it soon turned into a blog to make people happy. It warmed my heart to see everyone fall in love with my OC, Sam.
In case you’re all wondering about the future of this blog, I’ll probably just be taking requests now that the main storyline is over. This can be anything from one-shots to AU ideas or you can even submit incorrect quotes if you’re interested, just nothing NSFW of course. Sam will also be taking all of your questions over at their ask blog again. Meanwhile, I’ll be working on that masterpost an Anon requested that I do so look forward to that in the future
Thank you everyone. Hope you all enjoyed reading. I love all of you so much. :)
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shatterflowerdemon · 3 years
I found
Words: 1,517
Reader & UT Sans & UT Paps & Error & Ink & Gaster
This came to me as I was cleaning. Please note that I am not very familiar with Error and Ink. I just see pretty designs and write. I haven't abandoned my other reader inserts, but the big wheel in my brain has been landing on 'oneshot' for days. I also post on mobile so I can't chop this.
"Oh fuck. Am I dead? I knew I shouldn't have had that pasta!" Everything that surrounds you is white. "Holy shit? Did I make it to heaven? Unexpected."
You scream and jerk, managing to scuttle back where you rest on the...floor? It's hard to tell in all this one shade of white. Then you look up. "Oh my fucking god, I am in heaven!" you yell before slapping yourself on the mouth. A skeleton that looks a lot like Ink- from that one AU on Tumblr- looks at you like you've grown a second head.
"Right, okay, back you go," he says, bringing his paintbrush down as if to strike you.
"What the fuck?" you roll out of the way. "Uh, watch where you point that thing!" He sighs and twirls it in this direction.
"Don't make this difficult."
You decide that you would prefer to, not liking the idea of the easy route. Hitting your elbow on the floor hurt. Isn't heaven supposed to be fun and painless? You can feel your heart thumping from adrenaline, too. Regardless of whether or not you're having a fever dream, you are very alive.
Ink attempts to slather or catch you in what looks like his namesake. You scramble and dodge, but the routine is tiring you out quickly. Then, right as you're cornered (in an invisible corner, of fucking course,) a hole opens.
"Dude, you left your- Uh." Error looks between you and Ink, clearly not understanding. "Scarf..."
Ink swings his paintbrush (Broom? Roomie? You forgot) down to rest at his side. "Oh, thanks! I didn't even notice. Just lay it somewhere. Gotta fix this first." You avoid another splatter, feeling like you're on the other end of mickey in that one Wii game with the paintbrush.
"Why's it so empty?" Error asks, glancing around.
"Just did a mass wipe. Decided a fresh canvas was in order."
"Oh. Okay."
You groan, dodging another splatter. "Why the fuck am I even in the doodle sphere?!"
Ink frowns. Error whistles, low and long. "Wow, you accidentally drug a creator here?"
"Shut up." Ink shoots again but misses widely.
Error snickers. "Let me handle this, squid." You watch his hands raise and remember what Error does for a living.
"Fuck no!" You scream, flailing and losing your balance. One minute, you're standing in a white room, and the next, you're nowhere.
It feels like you're falling for eternity. Darkness swims in your vision, making your brain try to fill in the gaps by tricking you with false images. If you scream, you sure can't hear it. Numbness creeps in.
A white oval emerges. Then it stays. Its not a false image? A form takes shape as if your eyes had to adjust. Half circle eyes, two cracks, and a thin smile. The body of spilled ink.
"Gaster." He makes a series of strange noises. Wingdings? "I'm sorry, I can't understand. I- I'm in the void, aren't I?" He nods, and two ghostly hands form before your very eyes. He holds them out to you. "Do you know the way out of here?" Another nod. You take his hands. His figure appears as if it's dissolving, then when you look down, you look the same, like a ghost. The hot iron of fear strikes you. "Wai-"
Your sound is cut out. Once again, for the umpteenth time today, your mind blanks out. An uncomfortable trend.
The first thing you register is cold. It's on your back, arms, head, everywhere. The next is something wet. You groan and shift. Why can't you be left to sleep in peace? WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE. You sit up quickly, disturbing the snow that had been blanketing you before. Something white and fluffy yelps. Your vision clears. Oh! It's a dog.
"Hey there, little guy. Thanks for the wake-up call." The dog barks cutely. You pet it, encouraged by the furious wagging of its tail.
A figure emerges in the distance, but it's hard to see through the snowfall. Whoever they are, they must be tall. Maybe someone on a rescue team? That'd explain the dog. You must have been drugged or passed out somewhere. It couldn't have been a long time since you're still alive in this weather. All your limbs have circulation, and you can't smell rotting flesh.
"DOG! UGH, I KNEW THE RED LEASH WAS SUPERIOR!" An odd sentence for someone on a rescue team, but you let it slide. Any help is better than no help. "OH. A HUMAN." Well, what else would you be? A bear?
"Hello? Do you know where this is? I think I hit my head or something." That would explain the hallucination.
It's like your heart stops and speeds up all at once. Papyrus is tall and a little foreboding at this angle. His scarf flaps in the wind that is currently picking up. He makes quick work of helping you up. The dog stays close by, tail wagging furiously.
There's no other option than to agree. If this is a hallucination, you won't fight it. Maybe you're lucid dreaming? Intense focus does nothing to change your situation. Not a lucid dream, then. Papyrus carries you and the dog through the storm, who happily snuggles close to you. At least Papyrus blocks the wind blowing towards the two of you. He chatters the entire way to his house. Instead of the familiar house you were expecting, he brings you to a different one. It's a large log cabin with no porch. It looks like they bought more string lights.
"REST HERE, AND I'LL MAKE YOU SOME WARM FOOD." Papyrus sets you down on a kitchen chair, swiping a quilt and tossing it over you. The dog (presumably annoying dog) settles on your lap as if he owns it. You say nothing. Papyrus returns with a plate of steaming spaghetti and water. "I MUST APOLOGIZE. THE FOOD IS REHEATED SINCE I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE IT A HABIT TO NAP IN SNOW POFFS." The spaghetti is great.
"Thank you, this is great. Uhm, weird question, but where are we?"
"MY HOUSE, OF COURSE!" he replies with a warm smile.
"I think they meant geographic location, paps."
And as if Tumblr hadn't already whooped your ass, here arrives Sans Undertale. Where's a dramatic cue of Megalovania à la trumpet when you need it? Honestly, the very last skeleton you wanted to see. It's like your Sans phase is coming to haunt you. Maybe today is just 'the attack of 2010's fandom.' The switch port could not have possibly done less to prepare you for this.
"Uhm, hi," you say. Sans plops himself down across from you at the kitchen table.
"hey. what's up?"
You make an awkward face. "I have no idea where I'm at or how I got here."
Sans takes it all in stride, pulling up your location on google maps and letting you take it all in. It's a country you've never heard of in your life. You rub your hands over your face and feel like crying. Papyrus, out of the goodness of his heart, offers you their couch for the night.
"hey, paps, why don't you get the human some bed stuff?"
"GASP. YOU'RE RIGHT, BROTHER." Aaaaand Papyrus is gone, taking the stairs two at a time.
"so, I couldn't help but notice you had a lot on your mind. penny for your thoughts?" He holds up said coinage, and it earns him a chuckle from you. Sans laughs himself and sets it on the coffee table.
"I promise I'm not insane, but I'm not from here, and I have no memory of this country. At all." Sans' expression betrays nothing. He closes an eye socket.
"eeh, figured that was the case." He sees your startled expression and shrugs. "I'm good at reading people. what do ya remember?" You close your eyes. The memories roll through, starting with a field of white.
"Black. A lot of it. Something...white?" You gasp, and the name flies between your lips before you can stop it. "Gaster."
Sans jerks, and your eyes fly open. He stares at you like he's seen a ghost. Sweat rolls down his skull. "how-" You can feel the frustration from your day boil over, forming tears that roll down your cheeks in thick globs. You sob into your hands, trying to hide it.
"there there," Sans says, patting you on the back. You finish crying quicker than you expected.
"Sorry. It's been a day." Sans nods and drops his hand. It lays limply at his side. "Guess I gotta fess up now. There's no easy way to say this, but I think you of anyone in this universe would understand." Sans watches with bated breath, apprehension bleeding through his sole eye light.
"I'm not from this universe."
"sheesh. and here I was thinking you were a mage or something. what a relief."
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actuallymuffet · 4 years
“I do.”
It was going to be the perfect day. A day that Muffet used to only know in her dreams, her wildest fantasies that would never come true. One part of her wishes she could go back and excitedly tell her past self what wonderful memories and events her future held, but the other part of her would hate to have spoiled the surprise.
Their wedding was going to be small, somewhat informal, attended by only a small group of their closest friends. It’s what Muffet felt most comfortable with—it was their special day, after all, and why would she want to share it with a huge crowd of people she barely knew? No, it was going to be much better this way she thought, they both thought. A small wedding held in their own mansion officiated by a friend. Not the most traditional, but not any less important for it.
And yet there were still so many details for Muffet to fuss over! She wanted everything to go smoothly, she still wanted to include as many traditional wedding things as they could, she wanted their guests to enjoy themselves, and most of all she wanted Nami to be happy with how it all went. Of course Muffet knew that Nami would be happy no matter what, but she didn’t see that as a reason to be careless.
The ceremony was set up to take place in the Great Room, with the reception in the ballroom just next door. An altar had been set up and adorned with spider silk curtains and flowers, lilies mainly as they were Nami’s favourite. Just enough chairs were set up for their guest list, which left perhaps an awkward amount of empty space in the room, but that empty space was then taken up by many spiderwebs filled with many, many spiders and one very bear-sized cupcake spider.
In attendance was Gaster, one of Muffet’s oldest and therefore best friends still remaining in the city and his significant other, Loghain. She’d also invited Rui because as far as Muffet was concerned, he was a part of her spider family, along with Kay! Kay was invited by both Muffet and Nami, though. They adored her way too much to not have her around for this.
Nami invited two of her best friends, Gin and Clint. Nami’s known them longer than Muffet’s known her, so their invitation didn’t surprise Muffet in the least and she was happy to have them in attendance. Tuyin’Asai was here as well, one of Nami’s ‘seabudz’ as Nami put it. Only for ninety minutes, though… shapeshifting limitations, or something like that.
They invited their mutual friend Crow as well, and of course Crow’s girlfriend Memo was here. Actually, Memo was their officiant! Memo was, in her own words, ‘somewhat close to a religious official, I guess, maybe?’ and so not a bad choice for an officiant, all things considered. Her offering to fill that role in the ceremony meant a lot to Muffet and was something that she would be sure to repay later whether the Jirachi wanted her to or not.
The sun had long since set by the time guests arrived…most of them. Memo and Crow arrived earlier than that, both to help set up and to be the ones to greet the rest. The latter fell more on Crow’s shoulders, something that Muffet and Nami had been assured by Memo that she’d practiced for. Kay had arrived early as well, though not by too much because Muffet didn’t want her traveling more than necessary during the day.
Muffet could hear the other guests arriving from the other room, left mostly alone for the time being with her anxieties. She wasn’t supposed to see Nami and likewise Nami was not supposed to see her, not until they were meant to walk down the aisle together. Though the tarantula she was with now (one of her oldest and most treasured spiders, a longtime family member) assured her that things were going fine, and the lovely Kay that was with her too told Muffet that she looked very pretty, Muffet still couldn’t help but fret, at least a little bit, and would probably continue to fret until she reached the altar.
There were some traditional wedding things that they couldn’t properly recreate in this city. There would be no parents walking them down the aisle. There were so few guests in attendance, there was little delineation between ordinary guests and bridesmaids/groomsmen. They didn’t have anyone to be a proper ringbearer, either. But they had a flower girl, and she was adorable.
Love is something that Kay will be the first to admit that she doesn’t completely understand. A lot of people have told her she’ll understand once she’s older, and she knows she loves Muffet and Nami, but it’s never been something she can wrap her head around. But more than anything, she knows weddings are important.
She fiddles with her hair clip—a mix of the lilies and spider lilies in her basket, trying it on both the right and the left. Which one would look better, she wonders? She’d seen part of the Great Room during the rehearsal, but what if everyone’s sitting in different places now? The best time to make this decision probably isn’t two seconds before heading down the aisle, but she wants everything to be perfect for Muffet and Nami’s big day! 
Kay’s taking her job as flower girl very seriously; after all, this is their wedding; the last thing she’d want to do is mess it up. She hasn’t stolen anything all day, either! (Though Muffet mentioned the silverware at the reception might be fair game, and Kay can’t help herself if that’s the case.)
Her ears perk up as she hears the music start, and she hastily decides to pin the clip on the left, grabbing for her basket. That’s her cue! She turns before the doors open, giving Muffet a thumbs-up as she moves into her spot.
The doors open in front of her, and Kay takes a deep breath, giving the brides one final smile as she walks down the aisle in front of them. It’s not a huge crowd—composed of Muffet and Nami’s closest friends, but she’s determined to do her best for all of them. She smiles at the few faces she recognizes, waving to Rui and Muffen in between tossing flower petals.
Each step is very deliberate, scattering the petals to form a pretty path for the brides to walk down. Toe, heel, toe heel… just the way Muffet showed her during practice. Occasionally she’ll pause to shoo a spider or two out from the aisle so they don’t get stepped on, but she keeps her eye on her goal—where Memo’s standing at the front. When she arrives, she thinks fast, dumping her remaining petals on the ground in the prettiest array she can manage. 
She exchanges a sheepish grin with Memo, giggling as she takes her place at the side of the hall. Muffet wouldn’t have asked her to do this job if she wasn’t allowed to have a little fun with it, right? However, once the music starts, and the doors to the Great Room creak open, Kay straightens up, gaze following everyone else’s as the brides start their walk down the aisle. They’re both so beautiful, Kay thinks, and they look so happy! 
Love isn’t always something Kay understands, but maybe sometimes it’s a helping hand (or six?), when you need a friend. Maybe it’s in the way someone helps you attach spider silk to your dress, or fusses over the lilies in your hair.
And maybe, it’s in the way Miss Muffet and Miss Nami look at each other as they stand side-by-side in their prettiest outfits. She may not completely understand it, but… when she looks at those two?
Kay thinks love might be pretty great after all.
(Big thanks to @spiderstaff for writing this section of the drabble! 💜)
Once the door closed behind Kay, Muffet became much more aware of how soon she would be doing the same. But before that was one more important thing, a moment shared only between her and the love of her life. Since they would be walking down the aisle together, the first time Muffet and Nami would see each other would be behind this door, out of view of the other guests, just before making their entrance.
Her SOUL had been practically beating out of her chest before she saw Nami, but when Muffet finally saw her she’d swear that it stopped.
Nami was gorgeous. Muffet had always known that, but it was more apparent now, dressed in an outfit as regal as she was. She was wearing a white waistcoat that followed the form of her lapel fins down her torso, with white detached sleeves hanging translucent pink veils. The headpiece she was wearing looked better than any crown Muffet could imagine on her, with the pink leafy stylings on the side accenting the rest of her outfit perfectly.
Muffet almost couldn’t keep herself from crying at the sight so beautiful and breathtaking, and how she did manage to keep her composure will be a mystery forever. Though they each had their own door to enter from, neither of them needed to speak to tell the other to meet in the middle first. Muffet opened with a quick kiss on Nami’s cheek, nothing too long or pressed. She wouldn’t want to leave a lipstick mark, evidence of how much she’d just bucked the tradition of saving the kiss for the altar. Rules be damned, no force in the world could’ve kept that kiss from her. Her SOUL glowed bright through her dress, evidence that her happiness was through the roof right now.
“You look more beautiful than I ever could have imagined, ma chérie,” Muffet said, lightly cupping one of Nami’s cheeks with two of her hands. “How did I ever get so lucky…?”
“Oh, hush,” Nami replied, in a voice Muffet could recognize as ‘trying not to happy-cry’ only because she was sure her voice sounded the same. “I’m the lucky one, here.”
The musical cue was their signal to go to their respective doors, and even though they both knew they would be hand in hand in just a few moments, it was still difficult for Muffet to pull herself away from her. Nami took her place in front of the door on the left and Muffet the right, with her head still turned to smile wide and bright at Nami right up until the moment they pushed open the doors.
Because there were two doors into the Great Room and neither in the center, the aisle was split, and so Muffet and Nami had to walk alone for a few slow paces before meeting in the center of the room where the aisle became one again. Every pair of eyes was on them, but Muffet, for once, didn’t mind that. As soon as she’d stepped into the room all of her worries, her anxieties, her fretting disappeared. There was no going back now, not that she’d ever want to, and that feeling of ‘this is it’ is what she’d needed to finally calm down.
Muffet linked each of her left hands with Nami’s right as soon as they got close enough, gently pulling the two of them close enough to press their shoulders together. Muffet could only hope that it wasn’t obvious to everyone else how misty-eyed she was beginning to feel as they approached the aisle. The light of her SOUL somehow managed to increase even though it was already rather bright; normally Muffet might feel self-conscious about that, but not right now.
This walk meant so much to Muffet, far more than she could ever put into words. She’s lived for many, many years now, but never did she think she’d have her day like this. Nor could she have imagined how perfect her spouse would be for her. She’s been with Nami for years now, and they’d been the best years of her life. From their first date to their first anniversary to the proposal, every mundane day or city-wide event in between, they’d been with each other. They’ve found each other in both worlds they’ve been taken to now, their love has lasted despite both of them spending time away from the city before. Nothing, not even the Stars above, could separate them.
If Muffet couldn’t call this fate, there was nothing else deserving of the word.
The two of them reached the altar and again Muffet was reluctant to want to make more space between them, but they had to leave at least some room between the two of them even as they held hand at the center of the altar, facing each other now with Memo at their one side and their friends at the other.
“Friends, family, and spiders,” Memo opened, “We’ve gathered here tonight to share in the moment the union of these dearly beloved, and be witness to an everlasting bond made ceremoniously official. Everyone here tonight has been invited because you hold a special role in Muffet and Nami’s lives, you are present to celebrate their marriage and witness their vows of love to one another. Will all of you gathered here do all in your power to love and support this couple now and in the times ahead? If so please respond, ‘we will.’”
Again Muffet found herself trying very hard to keep tears from flowing as she heard her friends, the people she considered family in their own right, repeat their affirmations after Memo.
“And Nami and Muffet, have you come here today with the intention to be joined in marriage? Do you pledge to choose respect, kindness, and compassion towards one another, to listen deeply to one another, and to speak truthfully to one another, today and always?” 
Memo, for how much she was worried about messing up, was reciting her words pretty well. She practiced. A lot.
“We do.” said in unison with wavering voices.
“Muffet and Nami, your true love is something that you both cherish, and today you dedicate the rest of your lives to giving one another happiness and support. Your marriage is based on your heartfelt and sincere acceptance of one another, as you are, in each moment. Today, in the presence of those you consider your friends and family, you pronounce your love for each other and make a pledge, a lifelong commitment to one another, and the words spoken here will support your marriage and your declarations of love.”
Nami’s vows came first, which had the side effect of being great for Muffet as it allowed her time to make sure her voice wouldn’t break as soon as she tried to speak aloud.
“In my old world I only really had one friend on the surface, we were two people at odds with… Well, at odds with a lot up there. We were the only two who really had each other’s backs and times were often hard, but when they were hardest I could always look at her and say ‘I believe in you’. It felt like I was talking to a dear friend, someone I loved who no matter what happened I knew would have my back as I had hers. Muffet, more than anyone else I’ve ever met I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I believe in you.
You are everything to me. The person who makes my heart beat the fastest, who makes me laugh the hardest and smile the widest. We met in one world and followed each other to another. They say fate moves in strange ways but I think it's acted quite clearly here.
You are my best friend. You are the love of my life. You are my partner across worlds and I’d cross countless more to stay with you. You are my muse and inspiration. You are the part of me I didn’t know I didn’t have. I love you, Muffet.”
Muffet was now more sure that she would be able to speak coherently, but she was no longer sure she could hold tears back. In fact, she was one hundred percent certain that tears were now streaming down her cheeks. She felt she could hardly be blamed for crying here, though. Her smile was still a mile wide, her fangs on full display as she felt the love behind every word Nami spoke.
“Nami, it was fate’s decision to bring you to me, but my decision to love you as I do. I’d spent centuries underground and could only ever dream of having a wedding of my own, but never did I believe I would be lucky enough, in that world or any other, to find someone I would want to plan the rest of my life with. Nami, lucky is too weak a word to properly describe how I feel with you.
I feel completed, like I’ve found a piece of my SOUL that I did not even know it was missing. You’ve helped me grow and learn to love, both you and myself, more than I thought would be possible for a monster like me. You’ve shown me time and time again that your love for me is without condition, and I can only hope that I’ve done a good enough job in returning that sentiment.
I vow to you that I will commit my life to you, whether we live it in this city or the next. I vow to you that my SOUL will never feel dimmed again, that I will always be able to smile and enjoy living so long as I may do it with you. You are the one for me, Nami, and I love you.”
Muffet could see that Memo was having a hard time not getting teary eyed too, but only because Memo was so close. She wondered briefly what the other guests were thinking, but she didn’t necessarily care. All she knew for certain right now was Nami’s love for her, and that’s all she needed. But Memo continued, because they had only just gotten started, really.
“Nami, do you take Muffet to be your cosmically fated wife?”
“I do.”
“Muffet, do you take Nami to be your cosmically fated wife?”
“I do.”
“Then may I have the rings, please?” the Jirachi said. Gin from Nami’s side handed Memo the ring he held, and Gaster from Muffet’s handed his held ring over as well. “These rings are not what hold your love for each other, but may they serve as reminders of your bond and your commitment to each other, to both you and others, to show the love between you two in a form other than words. Nami,” she said, handing Nami one of the wedding rings, “placing the ring on Muffet’s finger, repeat after me: With this ring, I give you my promise, to honour you, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways and all worlds, forever.”
Nami took the ring from Memo and took Muffet’s upper left hand with one of her own. Her touch was gentle, Muffet felt, caring, loving, and said so much in such a simple physical gesture.
“With this ring, I give you my promise, to honour you, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways and all worlds, forever.” The rest of the world might as well not have existed in that moment to Muffet as Nami repeated those words and slipped the ring onto her finger, which was made to mesh perfectly against the shape of her engagement ring that she wore. Every moment tonight was a memory she would cherish forever, but this specific instance would be held especially dear to her.
“And Muffet,” Memo continued, after giving just enough time to treasure that moment, “placing the ring on Nami’s finger, repeat after me: With this ring, I give you my promise, to honour you, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways and all worlds, forever.”
Muffet took a subtle and deep breath as she took the ring from Memo, trusting in herself that her hands would not shake too much as she took Nami’s hand in her own. “With this ring, I give you my promise, to honour you, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways and all worlds, forever.”
She brushed her thumb across the back of Nami’s fingers for a moment before sliding the ring onto her love’s finger, similarly formed to fit against the engagement ring Nami wore on the same finger. Her SOUL felt ready to escape from her chest as she looked back up to meet Nami’s eyes, all five of her own completely focused on her. Memo’s voice was there again, but it almost barely registered in Muffet’s mind.
“And now, after the exchanging of vows and the giving and receiving of the rings, by the power invested in me,” Memo said, lighting up her wish tags and streamers for added effect, “I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now seal your bond, with a kiss.”
It couldn’t be said that either of the two of them moved first. Rather, they moved at one, closing the gap between them as they’ve patiently been waiting so long now to do. Not just waiting throughout this ceremony, but for the past many months, ever since the proposal when they both knew this time would come.
Their lips met as more happy tears fell. Muffet wrapped one pair of arms around Nami’s neck and the other two around Nami’s waist, while Nami’s arms went to Muffet’s shoulders. Muffet could feel Nami squeezed her and squeezed her in return, wishing that they could somehow be physically closer still than they already were. Muffet leaned a little more into the kiss, pushing Nami backwards so that with her grip around the Marai’s waist she could dip her and hold her at a slight downward angle.
The kiss lasted as long as it needed to, but still felt simultaneously not long enough and longer than a lifetime. The kisses that came immediately after, with Muffet seizing the opportunity to pepper Nami’s face in kisses as long as she was still dipping her, were each much shorter but no less full of love.
The reception may have only been for a small number of people, but considering this is Muffet we’re talking about, of course she filled the room with what was probably way too much food and drink. There were loads of freshly baked pastries and desserts, and more on demand if anyone wanted to ask her for some, and plenty of drink choices both alcoholic and not.
Muffet had a few glasses of cider herself and far too many cupcakes, but really she spent a lot of the reception talking to her different friends, and thanking them for coming. She spent some time with Rui, since she was worried he might feel awkward or out of place, but him and Muffen were getting along fantastically. She also spoke to Kay, if you count ‘picking her up in a tight spinning hug and telling her she did so good’ as speaking.
Muffet also had her dance with Nami, something you could really say she’s spent years practicing for since it was never her strong suit before meeting the Marai. But she was proud of how well she danced with Nami and how intimate a dance that was so simple and usual before felt simply because it was repeated on this night.
Muffet also made a quick trip back into the Great Room to grab a bouquet she’d attached to the altar. It wasn’t held during the ceremony nor thrown immediately afterwards, since they’d opted not to fuss about that particular tradition, but that didn’t mean Muffet didn’t have a plan for it.
With the bouquet in hand (and another cupcake in another, as she passed by the snack table again) she cornered Gaster, a smile so innocent set on her face.
“Deary, it really does mean so much to me that you and Loghain joined us tonight. I would’ve been distraught without you here, not in the least because it would mean I’d be unable to give you this.”
She held the bouquet of flowers out to Gaster, that innocent smile replaced now with a more fangy smirk.
“I told myself, why throw it when I can just give it to you directly, hm? Don’t keep me waiting too long, Gaster dear~” She finished with a triple wink before leaving him with the bouquet, off to find her wife.
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mellifluencex · 4 years
“I do.”
Looking at either of them you probably wouldn’t be able to guess just how old they were, but time was a subjective thing. She’d been away from Runeterra for six years now, but that was a figurative drop in the ocean of how long she’d been alive. Yet, the time she’d spent here had been some of the longest- and easily best- years of her life. She felt like she’d been waiting an eternity for just the past couple of weeks. Time was a subjective thing.
This day had been exciting throughout, luckily they had friends to help them organise and thankfully they didn’t need to accommodate for many. And it really had been a full day, despite the ceremony not taking place until after the sun had set Nami had risen full of excitement at the crack of dawn. Perhaps she didn’t fuss as much as Muffet, but that didn’t mean she was any less full of enthusiasm for the day’s proceedings. 
The Great Room had been decorated for the ceremony itself, decorations which far outweighed the number of seats arranged but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Flowers and spider silk, the combination of a regal hall and an oceanic cavern. Memo and Crow had arrived first for they were two of the most involved with the process and the preparation. Memo was their officiant after all, who had said with a confidence typical of the Jirachi that she was something close to a religious leader, she supposed. The vampire was to greet the other guests, something the former had assured them she’d practiced for. 
Their oldest friends still present in the city were in attendance, Gin and Clint from Nami’s side and Gaster from Muffet’s. Nami had set up one of her favourite pictures of the old mansion family in the Grand Room, one of her, Daylen, Hozuki and Nagisa. Despite them not being here she had felt nothing but happiness looking at the photo as they would always be here with her in spirit. Daylen had even been the one who had enchanted the ring she had given to Muffet. 
Gaster’s significant other was here, Kay and Rui who both already felt like a part of the spider family. Tuyin’Asai, the laid back kraken from the shore would be here for as long as her abilities would allow. There was of course the countless spiders themselves and she’d been sure to strategically arrange some tanks for her oldest sea friends around the mansion. She was with Archimedes now as she was getting ready for the ceremony itself. 
Tradition hadn’t been her greatest concern today. There was no real way they’d have been able to recreate a Marai ceremony of union and that was altogether a much less formal affair anyway. She’d known nothing about surface weddings until coming here so she didn’t have any standards that needed to be met. Muffet was here and she could have done this day with just the two of them if needed. They had rings, they had the most important guests and they had lovely things to promise each other. They also had an adorable drow girl with flowers, what else can you really ask for?
Nami was as Nami had always been; happy-go-lucky despite whatever circumstances she may find herself in. It was an important day- her most important day- but that didn’t mean she wasn’t full of breezy cheer. As if to emphasise this, she sang as she got dressed and ready for the ceremony. Soon she’d see Muffet in her dress, and they’d be ready to move down the aisle together. 
Love is something that Kay will be the first to admit that she doesn’t completely understand. A lot of people have told her she’ll understand once she’s older, and she knows she loves Muffet and Nami, but it’s never been something she can wrap her head around. But more than anything, she knows weddings are important.
She fiddles with her hair clip—a mix of the lilies and spider lilies in her basket, trying it on both the right and the left. Which one would look better, she wonders? She’d seen part of the Great Room during the rehearsal, but what if everyone’s sitting in different places now? The best time to make this decision probably isn’t two seconds before heading down the aisle, but she wants everything to be perfect for Muffet and Nami’s big day! 
Kay’s taking her job as flower girl very seriously; after all, this is their wedding; the last thing she’d want to do is mess it up. She hasn’t stolen anything all day, either! (Though Muffet mentioned the silverware at the reception might be fair game, and Kay can’t help herself if that’s the case.)
Her ears perk up as she hears the music start, and she hastily decides to pin the clip on the left, grabbing for her basket. That’s her cue! She turns before the doors open, giving Muffet a thumbs-up as she moves into her spot.
The doors open in front of her, and Kay takes a deep breath, giving the brides one final smile as she walks down the aisle in front of them. It’s not a huge crowd—composed of Muffet and Nami’s closest friends, but she’s determined to do her best for all of them. She smiles at the few faces she recognises, waving to Rui and Muffen in between tossing flower petals.
Each step is very deliberate, scattering the petals to form a pretty path for the brides to walk down. Toe, heel, toe heel… just the way Muffet showed her during practice. Occasionally she’ll pause to shoo a spider or two out from the aisle so they don’t get stepped on, but she keeps her eye on her goal—where Memo’s standing at the front. When she arrives, she thinks fast, dumping her remaining petals on the ground in the prettiest array she can manage. 
She exchanges a sheepish grin with Memo, giggling as she takes her place at the side of the hall. Muffet wouldn’t have asked her to do this job if she wasn’t allowed to have a little fun with it, right? However, once the music starts, and the doors to the Great Room creak open, Kay straightens up, gaze following everyone else’s as the brides start their walk down the aisle. They’re both so beautiful, Kay thinks, and they look so happy! 
Love isn’t always something Kay understands, but maybe sometimes it’s a helping hand (or six?), when you need a friend. Maybe it’s in the way someone helps you attach spider silk to your dress, or fusses over the lilies in your hair.
And maybe, it’s in the way Miss Muffet and Miss Nami look at each other as they stand side-by-side in their prettiest outfits. She may not completely understand it, but… when she looks at those two?
Kay thinks love might be pretty great after all.
(thank you @spiderstaff for this contribution to the drabble!)
When she arrived at the door Muffet was already waiting for her and it took everything she had not to just be frozen in place, completely in awe of how beautiful she was. She always looked gorgeous and she’d seen her in plenty of pretty dresses, but more than the sum of her parts she simply looked breathtaking. Her hair looked amazing, her dress was outstanding and the smile was heart melting. She felt that same body wide glow as when they first decided to start dating, that same uplifting glow when Muffet had answered her question with yes the first time she’d given her the ring. 
There were two doors to the Grand Room and they were to enter from a different one before meeting, but it was on instinct that she simply came to meet her in the space between the doors. After she approached Muffet gave her a small peck on the cheek that Nami wouldn’t dream reprimanding her for, rules be damned. Was it even a rule? Well, no one else could see them right now anyway. Which just made it even better, she felt like Muffet was the only person in the whole world.
She wanted to cry in happiness, she really did, but she thinks she could hold off just a little longer. “You look more beautiful than I ever could have imagined, ma chérie,” Muffet said, lightly cupping one of Nami’s cheeks with two of her hands. “How did I ever get so lucky…?”
Trying even harder not to cry she simply managed a very quiet, very smiley “Oh hush,” as she placed one of her hands over Muffet’s. “I’m the lucky one, here.”
When the music started they separated to move to their respective doors, even that small parting feeling unreasonably difficult even given the circumstances. Especially considering after pushing open their doors, the paths came to meet in a centre alley and they were side by side once again. 
It was difficult to describe; considering how excited she had been all day she didn’t even have the words to describe how uplifted she felt as they moved down the aisle together arms linked, the music playing and eyes on them. Her heart was singing in her chest and she squeezed Muffet’s hand a little tighter. It felt like a very long walk and a very short one, she was even closer to tears as they reached Memo at the end. 
“Friends, family, and spiders,” Memo opened, “We’ve gathered here tonight to share in the moment the union of these dearly beloved, and be witness to an everlasting bond made ceremoniously official. Everyone here tonight has been invited because you hold a special role in Muffet and Nami’s lives, you are present to celebrate their marriage and witness their vows of love to one another. Will all of you gathered here do all in your power to love and support this couple now and in the times ahead? If so please respond, ‘we will.’”
Just a little longer not to start crying, she could do it. Though, it was harder still when everyone present repeated their affirmations.
“And Nami and Muffet, have you come here today with the intention to be joined in marriage? Do you pledge to choose respect, kindness, and compassion towards one another, to listen deeply to one another, and to speak truthfully to one another, today and always?” 
Memo, for how much she was worried about messing up, was reciting her words pretty well. She practiced. A lot.
“We do.” said in unison with wavering voices.
“Muffet and Nami, your true love is something that you both cherish, and today you dedicate the rest of your lives to giving one another happiness and support. Your marriage is based on your heartfelt and sincere acceptance of one another, as you are, in each moment. Today, in the presence of those you consider your friends and family, you pronounce your love for each other and make a pledge, a lifelong commitment to one another, and the words spoken here will support your marriage and your declarations of love.”
Her vows came first, which came with the difficulty of being the first to speak and not burst into happy tears. But as soon as she started, she found the words flowing from her effortlessly.
“In my old world I only really had one friend on the surface, we were two people at odds with… Well, at odds with a lot up there. We were the only two who really had each other’s backs and times were often hard, but when they were hardest I could always look at her and say ‘I believe in you’. It felt like I was talking to a dear friend, someone I loved who no matter what happened I knew would have my back as I had hers. Muffet, more than anyone else I’ve ever met I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I believe in you.
You are everything to me. The person who makes my heart beat the fastest, who makes me laugh the hardest and smile the widest. We met in one world and followed each other to another. They say fate moves in strange ways but I think it's acted quite clearly here.
You are my best friend. You are the love of my life. You are my partner across worlds and I’d cross countless more to stay with you. You are my muse and inspiration. You are the part of me I didn’t know I didn’t have. I love you, Muffet.” 
When Muffet gave her vows in return is when the tears finally broke. She kept her breathing steady and it was far from blinding, but they slid down her face freely as she smiled at the spider. 
“Nami, it was fate’s decision to bring you to me, but my decision to love you as I do. I’d spent centuries underground and could only ever dream of having a wedding of my own, but never did I believe I would be lucky enough, in that world or any other, to find someone I would want to plan the rest of my life with. Nami, lucky is too weak a word to properly describe how I feel with you.
I feel completed, like I’ve found a piece of my SOUL that I did not even know it was missing. You’ve helped me grow and learn to love, both you and myself, more than I thought would be possible for a monster like me. You’ve shown me time and time again that your love for me is without condition, and I can only hope that I’ve done a good enough job in returning that sentiment.
I vow to you that I will commit my life to you, whether we live it in this city or the next. I vow to you that my SOUL will never feel dimmed again, that I will always be able to smile and enjoy living so long as I may do it with you. You are the one for me, Nami, and I love you.”
“Nami, do you take Muffet to be your cosmically fated wife?”
“I do.”
“Muffet, do you take Nami to be your cosmically fated wife?”
“I do.”
“May I have the rings, please?” the Jirachi said. Gin from Nami’s side handed Memo the ring he held, and Gaster from Muffet’s handed his held ring over as well. “These rings are not what hold your love for each other, but may they serve as reminders of your bond and your commitment to each other, to both you and others, to show the love between you two in a form other than words. Nami,” she said, handing Nami one of the wedding rings, “placing the ring on Muffet’s finger, repeat after me: With this ring, I give you my promise, to honour you, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways and all worlds, forever.”
And she took the ring, gently taking hold of Muffet’s upper left hand and slipping the ring slowly onto her finger. “With this ring, I give you my promise, to honour you, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways and all worlds, forever.” The ring was shaped to fit perfectly over the top of the engagement ring the spider already wore, the one she had given her when she’d first asked if Muffet would marry her. Everything seemed so incredibly quiet and distant, even Memo who was so close by. Muffet seemed like the only person- the only thing- in focus. 
“And Muffet,” Memo continued, after giving just enough time to treasure that moment, “placing the ring on Nami’s finger, repeat after me: With this ring, I give you my promise, to honour you, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways and all worlds, forever.”
She felt her heart singing even louder as Muffet took her hand, the small rubbing of her thumb sending fresh tingles all the way down her arm, threatening to melt with joy as Muffet repeated the words. The ring placed on her hand fitting against the engagement ring Muffet had given her in kind. 
“And now, after the exchanging of vows and the giving and receiving of the rings, by the power invested in me,” Memo said, lighting up her wish tags and streamers for added effect, “I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now seal your bond, with a kiss.”
They moved as one, exactly like they’d been holding the desire to be as close as possible in this entire time. Nami’s arms went over Muffet’s shoulders to meet behind her as two of Muffet’s went past her neck and four more around her waist as they met in a kiss. It was like every kiss they had ever shared and more. A kiss that blotted everything else out and a kiss she couldn’t help but smile into as the spider dipped her slightly. A smile that turned to giggles as Muffet peppered her with smaller kisses afterwards. 
It might be small as far as the number of guests was concerned, but looking at the ballroom where the reception was being held it wouldn’t be hard to believe there was enough food and drinks arranged for hundreds of people. 
Pictures were taken, many snacks were eaten and the Marai had her fair share of bubbly drinks. A bridal fair share by anyone’s reckoning. She spent time talking with her friends, then dancing with them after she’d shared the first with Muffet. She sang, though in far more of a champagne fuelled karaoke way than the professional attempts she might have made at someone else’s wedding. 
She paid special attention to Kay of course, thanking her for a wonderful performance and making sure to tell her exactly where all the best snacks were situated. She had fun with all her friends and their family arranged, but the best time was spent with her wife. 
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aeris-blue · 5 years
Requests, you say? How about Gaster teaching Grillby how to ice skate? That'd be cute ^^ (Whether drabble or drawing, up to you)
Oh my, this is just adorable! Thanks!
“This is a terrible idea,” his glow danced along the blade of the skate he was attempting to tie. His fingers fumbled with the laces as his nerves got the best of him. Gaster sat on the slightly wet cushioned mat and tugged the strings tight enough he could feel the rivets. Of all the odd places Gaster had drug him over the last several months he didn’t think the monster could surprise him anymore but an ice skating rink was not anything he had anticipated.
As odd as it was for the gangly, moderately uncoordinated, skeleton to be so enthusiastic for an activity like this he found it hard to latch onto his energy. The way the humans had stared at him as he’d paid for entry, the way they were still staring, was putting hints of green in his flame that tainted the purity of the white skate.
‘It will be fine,’ Gaster assured him with that cockeyed way of his. At least he was a little on edge too: his good eyelight would flick to someone whispering before focusing on him again. ‘You’re a very talented swordsman and an elegant dancer, this is just combining those things.’
Grillby stared dumbly at his partner the swooshing sound of those already in the rink helped punctuate his deadpan: “Gaster, they are nothing at all the same.”
‘You haven’t even tried it yet,’ he braced his hand against Grillby’s knee and rose with a tremendous wobble to his feet. ‘And at least here there isn’t a giant body of water underneath us.’
Grillby swallowed in fear of the thought, the sound of ice cracking splintered through his mind settling underneath the top layer of his flames. Gaster stepped heavy footed over to the entrance, an eager expression painted on his face.
His breath coiled hot from his mouth only to fog up his glasses in the strange mismatched temperature that air conditioning and heaters in the same area created. With another hefty sigh he pulled his glasses away to clean them against the light jacket he wore over his usual attire. Once they were secured properly he rocked forward off of the wooden bench. His ankles gave a dangerous wobble but he realized that’s why the laces needed to be so tight.
If walking was this difficult he was increasingly nervous what skating was going to be like.
Gaster stepped onto the ice then turned a tight circle to face him, ‘Now the first thing--’ His skates clicked together and he was suddenly jerked to the ground landing on the top of his femur with a wince.
Grillby’s soul stuttered, “Are you okay?” He reached down ready to take the skeleton away from this ridiculous idea and do something in normal shoes, on normal ground but his assistance was batted away.
‘That’s normal.’
“Well excuse me if I wanna skip the first step then,” he crackled despite himself.
A puff of warm air hovered lazily around Gaster’s teeth in a haughty huff, ‘This is good though. I can show you how to get up! Watch closely.’ He curled his knees up to his chest then lifted his shoulders before the rest of him followed suit, his skates threatened to betray him but he righted himself fully.
Gaster stuck his hands out in a sarcastic jazz hands before he tucked them in his pockets to warm them back up. It didn’t seem to take long as next thing Grillby knew the hands were around his and gently pressing him towards the ice. With a crooked step Grillby found his dominant foot against the ice and a mere second later so was his other foot.
Alright, he did it. Good. His grip on Gaster’s hands was way more intense then he had intended and the poor monster was trying very hard to disguise his discomfort.
That was his cue to let go. Unfurl his fingers. Maybe awkwardly apologize? But no. He was still clinging to Gaster’s hands as if they were the only thing keeping him upright. Luckily Gaster didn’t seem to mind.
A pair of hand bullets appeared between them, ‘Now the trick to this is keeping your wait on the pads of your feet and your knees bent.’
“Like dodging,” he muttered repositioning himself.
‘Sort of,’ Gaster hummed while the bullets signed.
Grillby did his best to follow instructions, but he didn’t exactly feel graceful as he stomped his feet behind Gaster as they moved hand in hand around the rink. Each step was uncertain but he was growing less paranoid as they made their laps taking comfort in the other monster’s presence.
Eventually he built up the confidence to bend his knees the way Gaster did, to gently push of the ice and move forward. It wasn’t pretty by any means but he was able to loosen his death grip on the boney fingers he held.
The sound of the blades against the ice was soft, precise, timed in a way that could be its’ own music. Swish. Swish. His flames began to in an imitation of the song stoking into their usual oranges. He could almost--
He shut his eyes lightly, only focusing on the sound of shredding ice: back and forth. Maybe, maybe this was fun, well, enjoyable at least. Gaster repositioned his grip on Grillby’s hand and squeezed lightly as a display of comfort. The cool of the ice rushing to greet him wasn’t enough to put a chill in his core or make him feel stiff, the awkward feeling of the skates was almost completely gone when you were hovering inches from the ice, it was all so different but not in a bad way.
He opened his eyes confused not to meet the thin black clad figure that had been leading him. That didn’t make sense he was holding-- Grillby watched as the hand bullet dissipated upon being released. His flames snapped as he slid into the wall to stop. A few of the children around the rink chuckled at the sight but he didn’t know how else to do it.
With his features fixed in a playful scowl he turned around to glare daggers at Gaster who was waving with a mischievous grin. “Gaster!” He bellowed across the rink.
The skeleton’s shoulders jerked up in a display of shock before he took off in the opposite direction. Grillby’s grip on the wall tightened indecisively, he was enjoying himself more than he thought he would but he still lacked anything resembling skill or grace.
Gaster mocked him from across the room actually managing some simple leaps and spins as he swayed lazily from side to side making a point to yawn as wide as he could muster. Fine. Fine. He let go of the wall and charged like a bullet fired from a pistol.
The other monster had been so shocked, so completely dumbfounded by the sudden movement, that he’d nearly forgotten he needed to get out of the way. At the last moment he hopped to the side leaving Grillby to smack once again into the barricade around the rink. ‘Goodness you can be fast if you want to,’ Gaster mused before he skirted teasingly away.
Grillby took a breath and, in much more of a controlled manner, skated after him. They danced an awkward dance that left Gaster always out of his reach, just enough to give him hope before the fabric would sway away from his fingertips.
He’d reach further and further out trying desperately to grab anything he could only to just barely miss. It would be frustrating if it wasn’t for that skeletal smile, that soft hiccup of grinding mechanical noises that came with his laughter, or even just the sight of him moving in such a fluid movement.
Gaster was usually so shallow and reserved in his steps; allowing only his hands to flutter about however they desired. Here he was extending his arms in crisp clean movements, his legs were making strong lines as he suddenly changed direction. It was so different than his usual self that always stepped on his toes when they danced or cursed at his limbs when he had to get in the truck. Gaster always glowed so bright, he was smart, and cunning, but graceful wasn’t a word he thought of until seeing him like this.
Finally, Grillby reached out and snagged the monster’s hand as he attempted to perform a tight spiral to dodge. Somewhere between Grillby’s over extended arm and Gaster’s already started momentum he found himself nearly tossed to the ground in good company sliding on his back across the ice still firmly grasping Gaster’s hand.
They laid there on the ice a bit dazed as they wondered how they got there before Gaster started to laugh, and without any attempt to hold back. The people that skated around them gave them odd looks as Gaster tried, and failed, to contain his laugh but they didn’t matter. Grillby squeezed his hand tight and laughed right along with him until the skater in charge of safety informed them they needed to get up.
‘Do you remember how?’ Gaster asked with shaky hands as he breathed out the last of his laugh.
“It’s the first thing right?”
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gasters-story · 5 years
Chapter 35
Word Count: 2,054
"So you just let him do it?" Rocksan asks while staring at her clasped hands. Gaster took a sip of his coffee before answering.
"Is there a problem with that? Should I just let Papyrus stay dead?" Gaster asks back at her. "Sans took at least most responsibility away from me anyways."
Rocksan looked up at him confused. "Most responsibility?" She repeated. As if on cue, Papyrus came into the room with a book. He ran up to Gaster and offered said book to him.
"Can you read to me more?" He asks with an excited tone. Gaster didn't answer at first, glancing at Rocksan since he knew she was watching.
"Don't you have a brother who can?" He responds, earning a frown from the kid.
"But you promised cause I fell asleep at the library…" Papyrus muttered sadly. Gaster let out a sigh.
"I've got a patient, so later." Papyrus blinked at the scientist's answer. He looks over at the bed Rocksan was in.
"Oh!" He looks at Gaster again. "Can I help?" Now he's found something new to be excited about and soon let down for.
"You're a bit too young and small for that." Gaster says. He adds on once Papyrus frowns again. "If you grow and learn enough then maybe."
Papyrus quickly perks up. "Smart I'll grow tall and smart and help you! And help with a lot more things!" The kid was practically bouncing with excitement.
"That's right, I guess." Gaster mutters at first. "Now go get Sans to read to you." With that, Papyrus was already heading off to do so. For a moment after he left, it was silent.
"That was softer than I expected from you." Rocksan says quietly. Gaster looks at her and squints a bit.
"Oh really? You basing that off a first impression? Because if I remember correctly yours wasn't pretty either." Gaster retorts. Rocksan looks away and starts to mutter.
"I just didn't expect it out of you, or any of this." Gaster chuckled quietly and took another sip of his coffee. "I thought before you would use them for the barrier or something… not that I would've wanted that as a mother but…"
"The situation between then and now is different." Gaster starts as he stares into his cup. "They weren't for the same purpose or mistake, so therefore their fate didn't deserve to be that way.
Rocksan went silent as she thought about it. Gaster did the same, not bothering to talk more than he has to. He went to leave only to be stopped again. "Thanks for talking with me, by the way."
Gaster paused for a moment, then shrugged and kept walking. Not much came to mind on what to say on that.
For most days, Sans checked on how Rocksan was healing. She requested to stay even though she didn't have to and Sans thought it was fine since they didn't normally get patients nor anything to work on in the labs. Gaster didn't like her staying longer but just decided to accept it since he normally didn't have to deal with her.
Sadly today wasn't that kind of day. Anton visited this time with Grillby since there was apparently a scheduled hang out between Sans, Papyrus, and Grillby. In the end, that meant Gaster had to deal with Rocksan and Anton planned to bug the royal scientist. A bad turn of events for Gaster.
"Oh great." He muttered as he saw Anton entering the room Rocksan and him were in.
'Yo!' The flame monster wrote as soon as he entered. 'Sans said I could find you here!'
Gaster rubbed his skull a bit as he responded. "I'll have to talk to him later… Why aren't you watching them or something?"
'They can handle themselves!' Anton wraps an arm around Gaster. 'Besides, we dad's weren't invited to this hang out!'
"We?" Gaster repeated, knowing that Rocksan was of course paying attention to them. "You're the only dad here, remember?" Anton just silently laughed.
'Sure thing.' Anton then noticed Rocksan watching for the first time. 'Oh hey!' Things could only get worse from here to Gaster. 'The name is Anton! Hope you don't mind reading!'
"No it's fine." Rocksan said with a shake of her head. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Rocksan." As soon as Anton essentially let go of Gaster, the scientist was making his way out of the room. He wasn't going to stay for this interaction.
Anton would say something but his only way to do that would be to head over to the other and get his attention. He just decided he can do that later and looked at Rocksan.
'So how well do you know Gaster?' Anton asks her first. Rocksan hesitated at first but Anton didn't seem to pay mind to that.
"Kind of a while…" She mutters. "I mostly just see him on the boat rides he takes occasionally since I do that.
'Oh? You're the person? No reason you were gone then!' Anton smiles more than he was doing before. 'Thanks for all your help then! You make traveling around this big place a lot easier you know.' Rocksan was admittedly flattered at the thanks. 'If only we had a similar way to get around Hotland though, to get to the capital and back easier. So far we just got more paths getting built around.'
"Yes. Plus it's hot there, as the name implies." Rocksan adds. "What… what does Gaster specialize in? Do you think he could at least make an attempt at it?"
'I don't know but he is the royal scientist! So I bet he knows quite a bit and could help. He's told me once he's been studying sciences of all different kinds for as long as he can remember!' Anton writes, liking Rocksan's idea. 'I can ask him later.'
"As long as he remembers, huh…" Rocksan repeats quietly. Anton perked up a bit but didn't manage to hear what she said at all.
"All right. Visiting time is over." Gaster says as he re-enters the room. He grabs Anton by the arm, which catches the elemental by surprise. Anton makes his arm change shape a bit and moved to pull away from the other before reforming it to the way it was before.
'But I only just got here!' Anton writes quickly.
"And? I didn't plan on you being here at all really." Gaster crosses his arms.
'Fiiiine. Can I ask you a quick question then?' Anton asks and gets a look from the other like "you just did". 'Do you think you can build something in Hotland so we can easily get around?'
"I'll think about it. Now out." Gaster answers after a slight pause. Anton pouted a bit but starts to head put like told.
'I'll just visit another time.' Anton writes, not knowing if Gaster was looking since he was turned away.
"If I let you." Anton silently laughs and quickly heads out at the other's response. Gaster glances at Rocksan once the flame was gone before moving to head back out as well.
"Wait, please." Rocksan requests, making Gaster do so without a response. "I wish to ask you a question myself. Sans doesn't seem to remember me, as well as Papyrus. What about you? Do you remember your past? Of who you were before this?"
There was a long pause before Gaster decided to answer. "Souls are fragile things, especially when outside of the body. They can be easily tampered with and wiped clean of memories or personality. I would say I lost both. The only key I have of my part is my original name from a database, along with the information that belonged to that name."
"And that is?" Rocksan leaned forward a bit from being intrigued.
"Aster. Aster Wingding." Gaster looked back at her and glared, as if she was asking too much. Rocksan's eyelights shook in their sockets. The other studied her expression for a moment before deciding to leave. He felt the need to quickly get out of the labs so he decided to at least head for Asgore's castle. There was a person he wanted to see that could maybe ease his bones that had recently begun to shake.
"…Should I make some tea?" Was Asgore's first question to Gaster when he arrived, looking clearly troubled. The royal scientist just accepted and found a seat in Asgore's big armchair. Ashore got the tea ready as soon as he could and gave a cup to his friend. "Are you alright?"
Gaster didn't answer for a few moments. He took a sip of the fresh tea after letting it cool down to soothe himself amd think of an answer. "What do you think are the chances of meeting someone from a previous life?" He then began to name percentages and explain, as if reading a datasheet from his head.
"Relax, please." Asgore rests a hand on the others shoulder for comfort. "Did this really happen? Did you meet someone from when you were human?" Gaster didn't exactly like that phrasing but he just pushed past that.
"I only think so. I have to confirm but the look in her eyes said a lot already." Gaster muttered and took another sip of his tea.
"I see…" Asgore says quietly. "I say go for the answers you really wish to know and get them while you can, but make sure to be careful on if you may regret those answers."
Gaster takes the time to think as he lets silence fill the room. A realm of possibilities stood in front of him and an unknown past. He could think of a few to ask but with the only known factors a few others were not really an option for Gaster. Asgore meanwhile just patiently waits for the other to say something.
"I think I just need a breather for now." Gaster mutters. Normally he didn't go to the king or anyone else for personal matters like this but it was a choice recently made on a whim rather than thought, things he normally didn't do.
"I see. I hope I helped in some way." Asgore removed his hand from the other's shoulder. He was beginning to leave when Gaster spoke again.
"And thanks for the tea, too." He looked back to see Gaster rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Asgore let out a small chuckle.
"Anytime. Let me know if you need some more." Asgore knew that was Gaster's special way of saying thanks for everything. He just left after that by his friend's request.
That left Gaster with his thoughts completely, staring off at the opposite wall. Maybe he should go back through the logs that the scientists from before left behind about him before he asks any questions so he knows he didn't miss anything. The most he got before was a name, age, date of birth, death, and revival. Unless they were trying to isolate most main variables as much as possible, there could be more about him. If not, he guessed Rocksan was the last of possible chances to get answers.
Gaster got up from the chair once his cup was empty. Maybe he'll go for another walk, or perhaps just check the files now rather than later. He definitely wouldn't go to Rocksan first, that was the last step. He just left Asgore's place without telling the king as one would expect from the royal scientist. He thought he should go for the files since it'll take a long while to go through them all and then a walk to think about any new factors. It sounded like a good plan to at least Gaster since it'll take a few days to even do the first part without interruptions from Sans or Papyrus, or both, and breaks. Even if Rocksan left by the time wege was done then she would still be doing her job of boat rides around most of the Underground since she's managed to do something for monsters with that and they would hate to have it not be as organized since she said where they would go if they had no one on board.
His chance shouldn't disappear, his probably overthinking made that clear to him.
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canadian-buckbeaver · 6 years
Down the Portal Hole (ch. 1)
Welp.  This turned into a multi-chapter endevenur... I’ll work on the next chapter later.  @saiyurimai and @the-tinkerbell0522, enjoy! @lina-lines, @nikki-on-edge and @babypizzawonderland prepare for next chapter
Based off a discussion with Sai, and a dream.  OCs and Sonas galore!  
Sai’s mansion has grown in size and holds many monsters and humans.  Friends all alike they spend their days enjoying the sun or working on their own many projects.
But when Gaster’s project fails, they find out that the multi-verse is far more complex than any of them imagined.  How the smallest different decision or coincidence can lead to the biggest difference.
Just off the mainland of the USA, located on the equator line, there is a small, unassuming island.  It is one that not many know of, and the majority of those who know of it, live there.  Only accessible by an hour's boat ride, this little island is paradise to those who call it home.  The island itself was perfect.  Warm and tropical, but not too hot, flowers, trees and other shrubbery grew wild here - shielding the mansion from other, unassuming eyes.  Here, monsters and human's live in perfect harmony, all living and loving under the same roof.  
 Sai and Sebastian first built the mansion many years ago in an attempt to escape the many of the politics that surrounded her home life, and protect him against the Anti-Monster/Demon Groups that walked around unchecked.  As the years slowly passed, the mansion slowly grew, expanding in both size and the number of occupants.  Sai couldn't remember what exactly what caused the trickling of roommates, but she never complained.  She had many friends and mates and was more than happy to share her place with them.  How they all came to live in the mansion, that is a story for another day.
 Despite life in the mansion being perfect and lazy, the occupants never found themselves bored.  The days were never the same, there was always some new chaos to them.  One the day that IT happened, the days started out on just another day for them.  It appeared to be just another normal day at the mansion, perhaps one that was even quieter than usual for them.  There were no meetings with the nearby townspeople, no meetings about selling the energy that the little island produced, nor were there any grocery runs that needed to occur in town.  It was supposed to be a calm, relaxing day.
 The kitchen was an orchestra of scents and sounds.  Pots smoothly bubbled and simmered on the stove under the meticulous eye of the demon butler.  Sesshomaru was, as usual, sunbathing in the front yard, his long white hair smoothly blowing in the breeze.  Edge and Berry were busy working the vegetable garden with the ex-demon lord, Asmodeus.  Vixen and Deacon were holed up in one of the many rooms, suffering through the dragon's heat together, just the way that Vixen loved to do.
 All while everyone hummed and lived and loved, there was a little group gathered in the lab of the basement.  Here was where Gaster worked and experimented, working days and nights on his research.  And today, today he said that he had something to show them.  Something that would revolutionize the world as they knew it.  In the dim light Grillby, Sai, Stretch, Alana and the three babies gathered around Gaster.  The atmosphere was tense, unhelped by Gaster's refusal to answer questions until the moment where "all would be revealed".
 Alana's little orange ears still flattened slightly as she watched the scientist, her entire body trembling.  Her own Gaster had been none-too-friendly with her, leaving her with mental scars that she would be battling her entire life.  Even though she knew that this was not 'her' Gaster, he looked too close for comfort.  Slim and Black were often her rocks, supporting her, but they were currently busy training with the Undertale Undyne. "So when will everything be revealed?" she asked, her glorious fox tail wrapping around her like a security blanket.  As if by instinct, she pressed herself further against the wall when the purple eye lights met her hazel ones.
 Gaster smiled at her, making sure that she could see where his hands were.  That he was no threat to her.  "Very soon, Alana," he told her.  "Just as soon as Bucky shows up..."
 As if on cue, Bucky ran through the lab doors, her curls wild and free, blue eyes wide.  "SORRY I'M LATE," she panted, glancing around at the assembled group.  "I would have been here sooner, but someone drew on my cheeks with red lipstick..." she said, glaring at her mate.
 Stretch chuckled, walking over and pulling her close to himself and Honey.  "To be fair, you did fall asleep on the couch.  What was I supposed to do?  Ignore the perfect opportunity to perfect my art?"  Honey giggled and cooed, reaching out to her mother.
 Bucky grumbled back at him, eyes flashing but took she took Honey in her arms, holding her close.  “You just wait…” she warned him.
 Sai decided not to mention that there was still the faint outline of a heart on Bucky's cheek. It was sort of endearing in a way. "So we are all here," she said, turning to Gaster.  "Now, what is your big surprise?"  Gaster was one of her two fiances, and easily the smartest one in the entire house.  Her other fiance, Grillby, raised his brows as if to mutely agree with her.  
 "Just a moment," Gaster said, clicking a button on a nearby remote.  Apparently, he had decided to record the great reveal today.  With a great flourish, Gaster reached up and tugged the sheet from the contraption behind him.  "For years I have been able to shortcut and instantly appear where I desired to go.  A trait that has been passed down to the eldest son of every AU.  I have long debated the pros and cons of developing this power, knowing how it could revolutionize the commercial world.  Fresh food any time of the year.  Real Japanese green tea at the snap of a finger.  Mail would be instantaneous, no longer waiting for the delivery of cards or parcels.  And health care would no longer be forced to risk the death of vital organs or blood. I have managed to harness the power of my shortcuts and project into this machine!"
 The machine would have been a perfect ring if it did not have the little outposts of lights.  The purple lights shimmered ominously at them, making the entire group shiver.  Made of solid steel, it stood about eight feet tall, towering over the little group.  Sai gave a little whistle.  "Impressive," she whispered, her eyes reflecting the purple light.  He never failed to surprise her.
 "Reminds me of Stargate,"  Bucky muttered, earning a snort from both Stretch and Alana, and an amused but annoyed look from Sai.  
 Gaster puffed out his chest, bathing in their reactions.  "I have run simulation after simulation.  This is pure perfection.  No accidents, no mishaps.  The portal is stable and strong.  Once I am able to better control how much solar energy it requires, I can start commercially producing them, putting them into every household.  Eliminating the need and use of cars and airplanes, the carbon dioxide output would decrease.  Without the need for roads, farms can be built and trees planted.  Global Warming will become nothing but a thing of a past!"
 'He's a little excited about this, isn't he?' Grillby signed to them.  Despite his nonchalant words, his eyes glimmered behind his glasses.  He too was excited for his friend and lover.
 Alana's ears twitched towards the contraption, biting her lip softly.  "Have you tried it out for real?" she asked softly.  "Without the computer tests?"
 At her quiet words, Gaster deflated slightly.  "Well.  No.  Nothing 'real' yet," he admitted.  "But that is why you guys are here.  In front of everyone, I will try out, and prove the effectiveness of my product."  Quickly crossing the floor to a nearby computer, Gaster typed furiously, activating the machine.  With a small popping sound, a rippling sheen spread in the little ring.  The sheen, like the lights, was a dull, flickering purple.  The more that Sai looked at it, the more she realized that it matched the same colour as Gaster's magic.
 "Stars..." Stretch whispered.  Cornel and Ignatius looked at the portal, chattering and babbling to one another in a language that only they understood. 
 Honey shrunk back with a small whimper, hiding in Bucky's arms.  "Me too, Honey," Bucky whispered, eyeing the portal with distrust.  There was something about it that she just couldn’t put her finger on…
 Gaster stepped in front of the freshly-formed portal and addressed the crowd.  "I will now enter the portal.  The coordinates I entered are of the far edge of the Underground forest, closest to the little area where I grew up."  He looked around.  "Would anyone like to come with?" he asked.
 Grillby and Sai stepped forward immediately.  "We will," Sai said, cuddling the little flame-haired twins, "it would be great to show them where you grew up."  Grillby nodded in agreement.
 "Alright. We shall make a family outing out of it," Gaster said with a smile.  Reaching out, he wrapped an arm around both Sai's and Grillby's waist, propelling them forward.  "Watch and be amazed," he told the rest of the group.  The rest of the group looked unsettled and worried, watching as they walked on.
 Together, they stepped over the outer rim of the ring, stepping through the portal.
 The magic felt like cold water, Sai realized as she shivered.  It felt cold and heavy, drawing her deeper into the magical depths.  Still, Gaster confidentially propelled them on, heading towards a tiny light and the end of the tunnel.
 It was only when the three of them stepped onto snow instead of the tiled floor of the lab that the realization of what they just accomplished hit them.  Gone was the lab, gone was the mansion.  A dense forest surrounded them, the tops of the trees unable to be made out in the artificial ceiling.  Birds were singing, but other than their slight sounds, the forest was silent.  "It's so peaceful," Sai whispered.  Corbel and Ignatius looked around, cooing softly, feeling their parents' wonder.  "Wow," Sai whispered again, "you really did it!  You really did it!"  The twins giggled and waved their fists in excitement, following their mother's tone.  If she was happy this had to be good! Gaster grinned and pulled them all in for a gigantic hug, absolute joy seen on his face.  He could support the entire world and make it a better place for their children.  For their children's children!  He would be a hero...
 The crackling and hissing of failing magic popped the feeling of elevation.  Slowly the three of them, the twins clutching tightly to Sai's sweater, turned around to look at the portal.
 The portal sparked and fizzled behind them before dying completely.  Gaster and Grillby stared at the vast emptiness, before looking down to Sai.  Her eyes wide, she clutched the twins closer to her.  "No… why… what happened?”
"I do not know…” Gaster responded looking paler than before.  Grabbing his phone he began to punch numbers into his phone, trying to reach the main computer.  "None of my tests… none of the outcomes calculated this.  It was supposed to be stable.”
"Yeah well, it isn’t!  And now we are stuck here, in God-knows-where!” Sai spat at him, anger consuming her conscious.  Gaster had been so confident in his machine and now this happened? It was the cry of one of the twins that brought her back.  "It’s ok… we’ll find our way back… somehow.” she promised them, ignoring Gaster’s worried look.
Grillby mentioned to the ground.  'Fresh tracks, about the same size as Sai.  Shall we follow?  They might lead to shelter or some way out.’
"Good, someone at least has an idea.” Sai snipped, still angry, causing Gaster to flinch.  Stomping along, she lead the way through the forest, carrying the twins close to her.  She knew that she was being unfair to Gaster, he hadn’t gotten them stuck her on purpose, but she couldn’t stop the venom flowing from her mouth.
They walked for what seemed like hours, the trees blending into one continuous loop.  Sai could feel her patience slowly begin to run out as they continued on.  Grillby, however, was looking everywhere, puzzled.  "What is so interesting about the trees?” Sai finally demanded
‘It’s just… this seems so familiar…’ Grillby signed.  'Familiar but backwards…’
"Backwards?” Gaster asked, now also looking around.  "Yes… I see what you mean…”
"Then could someone fill me in?” Sai asked, more and more annoyed.  The twins were cold and hungry, some shelter would be nice, as would a nice portal home.
Gaster looked at her.  "This is like the Undertale where Grillby and I originally came from, but there are some unique differences.  Like things have swapped places…”
"Swapped?” Sai asked, eyes questioning.  So they weren’t even in the right area?  She was about to ask more when a branch snapped in front of them.  
The three of them froze, looking up at each other before slowly turning to the noise.
The person in front of them was slightly smaller than Sai they noticed immediately.  Dressed in a pair of jeans and a purple parka, she stared back at them, her breath fogging her glasses.
Hiding her brilliant blue eyes and curls.
“BUCKY!!!!” Sai screamed, handing the twins off to her mates and launching herself at her friend.  Bucky stumbled back to catch Sai, almost falling backwards as Sai sobbed into her shoulder.  "Oh, thank stars it’s you!  We’ve been walking for hours and hours!  Gaster’s machine fucked up and sent us to the middle of nowhere and we weren’t sure how we were going to get home, but you seemed to have found us ok, thank Asgore!  The twins are hungry and cold and I’ve been a total bitch and hangry…“ the words tumbled from her mouth.
Bucky blinked and gently patted her back, letting Sai cry and sniff.  Finally, it was only Sai’s shoulders that were shivering.  "Hey now, don’t cry.” she smiled at Sai, offering her a tissue.  "Your face will freeze if you continue.“ she shot that familiar smile.
Sai sniffed and gratefully took the tissue, wiping her eyes.  "Uh.  You’re right as usual, Bucky.” she sniffed, wiping her nose.  "What would I do without you?“
Bucky smiled at her.  "Well, here’s the thing… I’m not exactly sure how you know me, but I’m always happy to be of help,” she said.
Ice froze Sai’s stomach as she stared at Bucky over the tissue.  Bucky… Bucky didn’t recognize her?  But… “How?  You are literally…”
“How curious…” Gaster said, pulling out his glasses and staring at Bucky, eye lights flickering as he scanned her, paying close attention to her cheek.
“hmm…. mind filling us in on what’s so curious, doc?” a familiar husky voice asked.
“and why you guys are bothering our mate?” a slightly deeper voice asked.
Orange arms appeared from the fog, wrapping around Bucky’s hips.  Two tall and lanky Papyruses hovered over her, cigarettes in their teeth, orange eye lights scanning the intruders.  One dressed in an orange pullover, the other dressed in an orange and black hoodie.  "they seem to know you, Buck,“ Stretch chuckled, nuzzling to her cheek, still watching them closely.
"or perhaps they confuse you for someone else,” Bee suggested, kissing her cheek.
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ihaveanimagine · 6 years
You pick the skelebros, please include classic. They find out that their s/o is a writer, and writes amazing stories, full fledged books, but never shows anyone because she thinks they’re shit. She writes mostly romance, and a lot of it is monster x human, and then she also writes fantasy, but usually portrays the humans as the villain, not the monsters. She has one book, that is actually about everything that has happened since they fell into the underground, in extreme detail. Everything.
(I did UT, MT and Gaster!Sans and Papyrus)
Sans found out about your work through Alphys who hadrecently fallen in love with your newest novel involving a “Shape ofWater” vibe and showed it to Sans who instantly recognized the Author’sname. Wanting to reveal he knows of your books in the cheekiest way possible,Sans asks Alphys for the cheesiest romance novel you made, and she hands himthis book called “The Tale of the Underground”.
Sans kinda just snorts at the title, inwardly squealing athow cute the title was and began to read it. He was surprised that this wasBASICALLY your diary dictating your thoughts as you travelled the Undergroundand…ooooohh boy, haha, Sans pulled at the collar on his shirt.
Ho boy was this detailed.
Marking the page, Sans went home and awaited your arrival.The second you walked in the door with a distracted “Hey, Babe!” Sansopened the book and read aloud: “…after sans had licked the red spaghetti sauceoff his teeth, i suddenly had the hugest urge to kiss his teeth until my lipswere numb.“
Silence was the only response he received.
“that offerstill stand, dear?”
This sweet cinnamon roll was simply dusting (the dirt kind,not the dead monster kind) the house when he came across an unfinished booksitting on your desk wide open. Papyrus wasn’t one to snoop, he honestly didn’tmean to, but he saw the words “Papyrus” and “Gorgeous” nextto each other and allowed himself to read several one chapter.
Wowie!! Whoever this author is must have VERY good sourcesbecause it sounds like his wonderful S/O wrote this from entirely their persep-OH!! IT WAS!! Papyrus felt a wave of embarrassment and fluster overflow hisemotions. H-HE REALLY SHOULDN’T CONTINUE, BUT…HIS S/O OBVIOUSLY PUT A LOT OFWORK INTO THIS BOOK A-AND HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO GIVE AN ADEQUATE CRITIQUE!!
So he read everything up until the part you stopped writing(which he spent a good 10 minutes mourning over) before rushing back to hischores, waiting for you to get home later tonight.
Once you walked in the door Papyrus scooped you in his arms,twirled you around and planted a big fat kiss to your lips before allowing youto speak.
“Wh-what’s withthe greeting?” You asked, face completely red from blushing, “N-notthat I mind!” Papyrus simply grinned and kissed you again before helpingyou brush off the snow from your clothes.
“Aww, that’s awfully sweet of you!”
You just knew thatsentence was going to come back and haunt you….
Mafiatale!Sans (Colt)
He’s supposed to be grabbing a book on “how to wash bloodstains out of white clothes” when he sees your name scrawled across a bookin the “bestseller” section of the bookstore. At first he thinks it’s acoincidence, but then he picks up the book and thumbs through it, when this employee bounces along andasks if he’s interested in the series.
Series???? This should be good. Naturally, he says “yeah, but I dunno where tostart” which allows the employee to gush about how much she loves your work and how it has almost exclusivelyhuman/monster pairings that more often than not revealed the darker side ofhumanity through satirical situations and comedic monster characters.
Colt had to snort a little at that, not that he wasjudging (he was probably the reason you began the monster/human pairingsanyway) but he knew how much you wanted to repeatedly smack the whole ofhumanity with a baseball bat until it gained some sense and hey, the pen ismightier than the sword, right?
So after Colt accidentallybought one of the shorter book series, and a book labelled “Trip Down Under” heleft the store (completely forgetting his original goal) and began devouringthe books whenever you weren’t with him.
Once he got to “Trip Down Under” he nearly had a heart attack.Before this book, he thought your other ones were marvelously written, balancingpure, unadulterated snark with mushy romance (a trait that he was proud toadmit only he was the recipient of irl)but this one was………an extremelydetailed step-by-step walkthrough of your entire trip in the Underground.
Granted, there were different names and places andenvironments used, but this was creepy!!!He specifically remembered having this exactsame conversation with you at 1am about whether or not condiments were anacceptable flavor spice for pet foods that the protag and her romantic interestwere having.
So, what does he do? After his post-mission meeting withDon Asgore ends and he heads home and proceeds to do your normal routine of smothering each otherin relieved affection before placing his hand on your back and the other onyour head, dipping you backwards.
With a feral grin, he leaned in and whispered to you: “Am Iliving up to your expectations as your bone-ified,straight-shooting, suave-talking punster of a soulmate?”
You suddenly regretted every life choice you’ve ever made.
Mafiatale!Papyrus (Sniper)
This guy was most likely gossiping with Bayonet (Undyne)when she offhandedly mentioned this romance novel series she was reading thatwas set in a fantasy world that had a boss fight similar to the one she experienced when you had gone through Waterfall. Shethought it was just a coincidence, after all, the fight became common knowledge after a while but Sniper’s experience taught him nothingwas a coincidence.
So he went and Googled everything he could about thisauthor. 
He found online versions of your books, and read the book that Bayonet said she was reading, and BOY WAS HE SURPRISED. You certainly were detailed in your adventures, but you changed enough facts and names and places so it seemed that every important Family Secret you experienced were all different.
Being the little prankster he was, Sniper wanted to give you a scare. But, in order to do that, he had to pretend he had just heard about your book, and went and Google’d a picture of you.
You briefly considered lying to him when you felt embarrassment and a bit of fear well up inside you, but that idea wasquickly erased. “Sniper, darling….that’s….that’s me!”
Sniper looked back and forth between you andyour online picture before turning to you with a flirtatious smile: “OH GOOD, FOR A MINUTE I THOUGHT SOMEONE HADSTOLEN MY RECIPE FOR FONDUE! WINK!”
Gaster!Sans (G)
You and G were out on a casual date in the town, arms linked, pulling you close together as you wandered aimlessly, idly chatting abouteverything and anything. Your romantic peace was interrupted by a pair of girlswho spotted you entering the park and ran over to greet you.
They immediately began squealing about your latest bookcalled “Echoes of Home” which set you off into an internal panic, G WASN’TSUPPOSED TO FIND OUT ABOUT THIS BOOK, OH STARS YOU WERE GOING TO DIE OF EMBARRASSMENT!!!
Without any regard for your dwindling dignity, the girlscontinued to fangirl about “Echoes of Home” Going on and on and on about howmuch they fell so hard for the “teeth-grindinglyhot-headed, self-righteous, aloof little jerk of a hunk”.
At one point in the conversation one girl looked over at Gwho had been relatively silent and said with an awe-struck face “Is this him???”She almost screamed with glee. Sensing this was your way out, your shushedloudly and began dragging G away with a quick wink to the girls who giggled andwaved goodbye (you were sure one was about to faint from swooning so hard).
Once you were both out of earshot G threw you a curious look“what was that about?” He asked, your face erupted into color and tried tobrush it off as nothing.
The matter was dropped until you walked past a bookstore with “Echoes of Home”displayed proudly on the window, showcasing the edition of the book with a picture of the main characters in each other’s embrace. “ain’t nuthin, huh?” He asked with anincreasing smirk, you frantically tried to pry G away, but CURSE HIS STRENGTH he was too hard to move!!
“huh, this guy on the cover looks like a weird version ofme. total coincidence, am i right?”
“ah, darlin’ I’m messing with ya. I’ve known about your bookwriting career for a while.”
“You wHAT!?”
“yeah, your fangirls are rabid.”
Cue an embarrassment-induced faint.
Gaster!Papyrus (Aster)
Aster was out on a grocery runwhen he came across an elderly woman struggling with her bags and decided tohelp her. While he was stuffing the bags inside her car, the old woman hadmentioned that he reminded her of the main protagonist in this book: Tall,suave, drop-dead gorgeous, and the personification of chivalry.
Since there wasn’t aplethora of writers in the Underground, Aster made an inquiry as to who thewriter was, the old woman couldn’t remember for the life of her, but she didgive him the book’s title and recommended he read them as soon as possible.
And so he did.
The book was a romance novel filledwith cheesy fantasies that were definitely made for the hopeless romantics.Scenarios of tall but gentlemanly heroes with a passion for science or artoften guided or encouraged a lost, starry-eyed female to follow her dreams andscrew with the system if it tried to stop her.
After several novels, hefinally read the one the old lady had recommended him, and, oh dear, is that-!!???It is!!!!
This book was a, uh, detailed edition of your travels in theUnderground.
He knows this because he’s the one who taught you thatspecific chemical formula of the carbohydrate strings which would allow foroptimum flavor!!!
And- hey wait, he rememberedthis part!! This was when he took you out on your first official date with him!!He was always so scared he over did it on the pulling out all your chairs,taking your coat, having no physical contact beyond hand holding or arm linkingbut this narrative showed that you-you….oh….didyou really think that?????
Aster felt his face explode incolor and he had to put the book he felt so flustered.
Later, when you came homethat day from a sleepover with Alphys and Undyne, Aster met you at the door likenormal, took your coat, kissed your cheek and asked you how your day was. Onceyou both got the pleasantries out of the way, Pap circled his arms around youand bent down.
“Do I really make you swoonjust by existing, my darling star?”
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gasterimagines · 7 years
Hello Darling! How would Gaster react to walking on in an artistic s/o deep into their work? When he finally gets their attention, he sees they have the paint/charcoal/art medium all over their face? Thank you~
-You were probably sitting in either the art room he created for you out of a spare office or on the dining room table, your charcoal sprawled out in all directions on the surface of your canvas AND on your surrounding perimeter, but you paid that no mind as you continued to sketch with a slowly disintegrating pencil, humming as your mind was swathed with blurry dreams and a concentrated spark. Once in awhile you rubbed the underside of your jaw or flicked a knuckle across your nose as you fled deep into your mind, attempting to create a masterpiece as realistic as you feasibly were able.
-Gaster had just gotten home from the lab that afternoon with a tired sigh, shrugging off his coat languidly and placing his briefcase neatly against the wall, still wary of the times both he and you had tripped over it. He wasn’t in the best condition that day; his head was pounding, his hands were twitching, and his heartbeat was anxiously thrumming as he breathed deeply, praying that he wouldn’t look as ravaged as he did at the laboratory when you welcomed him home from work. He straightened and softly called out your name, his hands being haphazardly clasped across his chest.
-When you didn’t respond, he tried again with a shaky, raised tone.
-Once again, when the silence draped over his ears, he willed himself not to panic. He told himself over and over again to calm himself, you were just somewhere in the house, you were a grown adult, think rationally. It didn’t stop him from anxiously shuffling through the house, slightly dejected about the lack of your presence, before realizing where you could be.
-He rushed over to your choice of art space, only to see you hunched over your work.
-Gaster let out a breath of relief, muttering a term of endearment as he shook his head, chuckling at your mannerisms and silently deciding that you were possibly the cutest person he’d ever met.
-He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your stomach, placing his chin on your head so that he could see what you were drawing. It was a charcoal sketch of the pale-coloured rose-crown he had made for you, but he wasn’t able to see much as you jerked in surprise.
-He let go of you, spooked by your sudden jump.
-You turned, about to curse, but you stopped cold when you saw Gaster staring at you incredulously.
-He blinked a few times, still staring at your face.
-Finally, you ask him what he’s looking at.
-And he begins to giggle like a schoolgirl.
-That giggle turned into a high-pitched snigger that had you raise your eyebrows and gaze, understandably confused and overloaded with sensory, when he brought out his phone to take a picture of your expression.
-You lunge for the phone, hotly demanding knowledge on what was so hilarious.
-He promptly shows you the photo of your perplexed face, covered in smears of black and silver.
-And then you indignantly rub your hand on his shirt.
-You were sitting in your separate office, lazily stroking your paintbrush over the canvas and listening to the crashes, screeches, and explosions that littered the air and rumbled the ground, willing the cause of the caterwaul to shut its grizzly mouth. You gently pet the thick paper with dabs of reds, waves of blue, and lines of white, paying careful attention to the model before you, which jumped in place every moment or so from the force of the tremors below. You had a hulking block of patience that usually took nuclear weapons and hurricanes before it wore to a slim sheet, but, today, as your medium trembled in your fists and on your artist desk, you had enough of the earthquakes that were Gaster’s lab experiments.
-You yelled out to him, vehemently asking him to, you guessed it, knock it off.
-The natural disaster that was happening beneath you hadn’t ceased at your call.
-So you tried again.
-This time, however, the rumbling of the earth calmed to a dull vibration, and you hummed with a satisfied appreciation, musing that maybe Gaster did care about you to some degree.
-You turned back to your painting and tuned out the rest of the world for the next few hours, time whizzing by like an irritating mosquito until it was around seven in the dusk, when you had completely forgotten what you had promised.
-But Gaster didn’t.
-You had told him that you would join him for one of his favourite activities (which was drinking red wine and talking shit) and it seemed, to him, as if you had bailed.
-Cue anxiety anger.
-He furiously growled your name, knowing from experience that it was usually enough to snatch your attention.
-This bitch.
-He gets up, plants a scowl on his face, and snarls as he storms from the living room and into the hallway, his light but sharp steps alerting you of his oncoming flare-up, but what you hadn’t anticipated was his magic flinging open your door with a violent, crimson flick of power.
-You also didn’t expect him to open his maw to give you a piece of his mind and immediately blanch, gaping at your crimson-splattered image before him, no words escaping from between his fangs in his frozen shock.
-He stared, and you gazed just as intently back.
-Until both you and he realized.
-Gaster let out a gurgling sigh as he bared his canines in blistering exasperation, his claws moving up to the bridge of his not-nose to pinch at the slight incline that adorned his face and his red pupils rolling far back into his skull as you sheepishly wiped your colourful hands against your already devastated jeans.
-You timidly reveal your painting, which is of a crystalline vase of perky echo flowers and yawning opium poppies, receiving a mutter in return for your peace offering.
-“Just get that idiotic medium off of you and follow out on your promise before you lose the chance.”
-You salute him, rushing off to the bathroom to change, giving him a cheeky poke in the side as you passed, relishing in his snake-like hiss as he demanded that you hurried.
-You revisit your art studio later that night as you prepare to retire to your bed, only to find the work in progress painting gone, with little evidence of where it went or how it dissolved into thin air. You, half anticipating that Gaster had already gotten rid of it, give a solemn shrug and mope into your shared bedroom.
-You must never know that he snagged the painting only to put it in a place of honour, right above his office desk in the basement.
-You’ll end up finding out about it anyway. He notices that you’ve become a bit distant and bleary, so he decides that since he doesn’t like when you’re being all mopey and depressed, that he should inform you of where he’s put it just to see you smile again (because he was beginning to feel guilty for making you think he had discarded it).
-He gets really pissy when you become all happy and sunshine after that little conversation, though.
-It was a beautiful day outside, you had commented as you and your cloaked sweetheart sat on his riverboat, which sluggishly swept itself down the valley’s streams and through the mountain ranges, which you admired wholeheartedly as the minutes gently ticked by. Gaster had a gorgeous piece of scenery he was revering as well, he just wasn’t going to admit it was your own profile as you stared wistfully upon the copious fields of flowers that were padding by, waving you two on as a breeze caught both them and your hair as you decided to take out your sketchbook and pastels. You had seen something interesting within the fray of wildflowers and weeds alike that caught your attention like a vice. Gaster stalled the gondola on your unspoken request.
-He adored your concentrated expression, the way it contracted as you meticulously crafted detail after detail upon the blank white sheet, softening as you were prideful of the outcome and puffing out like a chipmunk’s cheeks when you were beyond dissatisfied at a blunder. He resolved not to interrupt your stupor, no matter how deeply he wished to fluster you with a few well-spoken phrases of love. You were too cute to disturb now.
-About twenty minutes had passed.
-Now, Gaster wasn’t one to rush you when you were in ‘art mode’. On the contrary; he would allow you peace and quiet for hours un-end if you so desired it. Today, though, he felt a spark of subtle impatience course through him as you flipped the pages of your pocket-notebook, scrawling little bursts of swirls and waving lines upon the sheets of once-barren alabaster material.
-He had a surprise for you at the end of the riverride.
-A romantic surprise that he couldn’t wait to bestow upon you, but your ass was more interested in the layers of petals that encrusted the meadows before you in fragrant, pearly colours.
-You rubbed your chin and placed your knuckles against your cheek and gazed for a few heartbeats at the landscape every tenth stroke or so, before returning to the drawings upon drawings that had, over the few weeks you’ve owned said sketchbook, piled up like end-of-the-month taxes; bountiful and profuse.
-Another ten minutes flew by, and you were still inside of your own mind.
-The boat began its languid descent down the river once again as Gaster allowed the beck to flow again, lazy as sun-melted caramel.
-You didn’t glance up immediately, but, once you did, you jerked your head in the boatman’s direction as the field of flowers disappeared over the sloping region surrounding you.
-You let out an exclamation of protest, but the riverman was less than interested as he chuckled at your complexion, which was smeared with pale smudges of ash and smoke pastel. He decided not to comment on it as he sent you a half-wry grin, his eyes shimmering with infatuation as you brought up the page you had been working on, allowing him to see the masterfully crafted pictures of baby’s breath that you had blissfully bestowed upon the face of the earth with your talent. You remarked sarcastically that it would have been better if the gondola had stayed in place.
-“You truly are an artist, my dear, with the boat standing still or not,” he said quietly, his blue stare connecting softly with yours, “Though you are the masterpiece here, I distinctly enjoy how much… expression goes into your work. You are an artisan, my love; never forget.”
-You blushed and flicked your eyes to the water beneath, sniggering as you attempted to hide your sudden bout of embarrassment.
-You didn’t realize what he said was a pun until you observed your pastel-besmirched face within the brook that trickled delightfully and merrily beneath you. Needless to say, you didn’t give him the enjoyment of outwardly enjoying his surprise, blaming your apathy on his antics when he queried as to why you seemed so sour.
-It was a social gathering that you were 100% not keen on attending, yet Gaster had convinced you to get dolled up and arrive at the affair anyways, a scowl still slandering your expression as you strode into the doors, your arm linked to his. He glanced at you apologetically before the gates of the property opened, but he plastered a beaming grin on his face and enthusiastically shook the hand of the butler who had acknowledged who he and you were, granting you access to the innards of the large, white house. You managed to crook the tips of your lips into a tiny smile at the surprised face of the servant, amused by his confused laugh as your boyfriend cheerfully greeted him, but you weren’t able to get very far in that endeavor as the furious feeling returned to your chest tenfold as you spotted the congregations of beautiful, pretentious people.
-You were greeted by the supercilious, patronizing owner of the manor, who you were pretty sure was a misogynist as you saw him bark at his wife for leaving the bedroom and lash out at a poor, plump maid, who looked rightfully terrified as her master roared. He didn’t touch upon the fact that his son was smoking a blunt on the balcony, as you had saw and told the monster close beside you when you both were walking up the driveway to the gates, but that was a detail overlooked as he brought his attention back to you.
-He seemed to warm up to you and Gaster just fine, and beckoned you towards the refreshments table so that you could eat your fill of minuscule, vegan sandwiches and gluten-free, milk-free, fun-free sweets.
-He followed you to the large buffet of shrunken food and began having small-talk with ostensibly the only monster in the entire residence that night, asking about the recent speech the 5’ 3” monster had put on about the political relations between space-dweller and man.
-You, rightfully disinterested, swiftly kissed where your boyfriend’s ear would be and headed off, ignoring his startled call as you weaved through the crowd of gowned women and tuxedo-clad men, arriving to the large, moonlit balcony that overlooked the extensive gardens of the mansion in a quick, angered blur of activity and noise.
-Besides the two young women who were steadily making out on a marble bench, it was silent and you were alone. The girls glanced up, humiliated and aghast, but you quietly reassured them that they could remain and continue if they pleased, you didn’t mind. They glanced to one another, stunned, before giggling and assuring you that they would leave you in peace, as you looked solemn.
-You thanked them and complimented their relationship, to which they both snickered and nodded, heading back into the glittering fray of the gathering behind you.
-You, very much so indifferent to the occurrence that had just unfolded upon the seat, sat upon the very marmoreal settee-like slate that the ladies had been softcore loving each other on, and brought out your sketchbook and a muted, graphite pencil, which was your version of a comfort object.
-You began to draw and blend with the pencil (which you did with your fingers, coating them in silver), gradually relaxing as the night lingered on. Nobody disturbed you, which you were grateful for, since you saw couple after couple coming out to the veranda to kiss and confess their feelings. One even got engaged. You managed to shake yourself out of your art-trance to clap and whistle as the still-standing man squealed with delight, kissing his new fiance with overzealous vigor. They stuck their tongues out at you, tearfully laughing as you gave them an eager thumbs-up, saluting their upcoming nuptials.
-You returned to your sketching after that, and nothing else had disrupted you since.
-You didn’t noticed that, around the strike of midnight, Gaster had emerged from within the estate and stood beside you, glancing at your temple every now and then, his gaze enraptured by both the glow of the moon and the gleam in your eyes. He leaned against the railing of the balcony and murmured your name.
-And murmured it again.
-This time, you looked up from your sketch and locked your wearied stare with his, gasping slightly as he leaned down to kiss you.
-He pulled away, complaining that he had missed you the entire night. He peered at your drawing and smiled freely, saying that if you were going to draw more masterful orchids such as the one you did that night, that he’d have to steal your sketchbook. You, rightfully exasperated, groaned in displeasure and covered your face with your hands, running your fingers down your features, glaring as Gaster began to snicker.
-You asked him what he was laughing at. You really shouldn’t have, for he laughed a great deal, but tonight you were too tired to think straight.
-“Well, baby…” he skimmed his yellow orbs sideways for a heartbeat before glancing back to you, sniggering harder, “Uh, you just rubbed your fingers, which are covered in lead, on your face.”
-You grumbled, griping that he had brought this upon you.
-You almost never got any time to relax at the shores, since there was always one little aquatic, attention-whore of a puppy prying and whining for every ounce of your mental and physical being to be focused onto him. You knew he adored you, sure, and you cherished the ever-loving shit out of him, yes, but sometimes you just could not keep up in stride with your fish friend’s tail-strokes. As smart as the pain in your legs and shoulders would be every waking second of the day  with the knowledge of both the previous and upcoming workout you have had and will receive, you still looked forward to it. Even if it was anything but peaceful at times.
-Today, though, was one of those blissful days when Gaster fell asleep on your lap, something akin to a purr rumbling in his chest as you stroked his briny, froth-laden head as he dozed. His face was handsome and almost… charming as he slept. His ragged features were diluted and his rows of teeth were hidden beneath a sweet smile. He looked less menacing, less predatory, more…
-Like the person you knew he was within.
-You still knew he could tear the guts out of a great white if he put his mind to it, but you decided to let that little detail slide as you brought out the small sketchbook you had brought to the coast and began to work with the scarce amounts of water colour that you managed to stuff into your little drawstring bag.
-An hour or so had passed, and Gaster was still in a serene state of slumber. Your picture, though, was turning out particularly awful as you, time and time again, hadn’t learned a thing about using salt water to moisten your paints. It wasn’t going to work like you wanted it to now, it wasn’t going to work how you wanted it to ever. Starry blotches of white sprinkled your canvas as the spice of the ocean dug into the complicated, tight-knit surface of the paper, drawing a hiss from you as the sea anemone you were attempting to create peppered itself with pallid, irritating space that you could never fill again.
-Suddenly, Gaster jolted awake, snarling with malicious fury.
-This action slammed your painting into your face, sprayed your watercolours all over the both of you, and petrified you to the point where your resting heart rate registered as a panic attack. His eyes flashed with an animalistic, savage gleam as he bared his fangs, his thundering gnashing rendering you to a shaken, shivering body in the sand as you watched him bat away your canvas and your mediums, cursing with a gurgling screech.
-Alarmed, you asked what was wrong as calmly as you could muster in your terror-stricken state.
-He turned to you and his gaze became tender, a sharp and strange contrast to the violent expression that was contorting his face with its ugly grasp. A touch of presence brushed against your mind, “You gave a sound of pain,” he stated simply, his eyes narrowing as he abruptly reached to the conclusion that, no, nothing was indeed wrong. He relaxed at that as you replied vehemently that you were just cursing your artistic abilities, to which he stared at you quizzically.
-You, still quite shOOk, asked him what he was looking at.
-“Well, Y/N…” he began, quirking his eyebrows and poking your cheek with a sharp claw, lightly stroking it down to your mouth, “I like what you did with your face, but I think I liked it better before.”
-He pulled his finger away to show you the array of pinks, purples, and greens that tarnished his pale flesh, which were the exact culprits that were, by process of elimination, discolouring your entire complexion.
-You hissed again.
~Mod Jellyfish~
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livelaughlove200 · 7 years
Something More (Ink x Error) Chapter 2
"Birds are singing, flowers are blooming..." "On days like these" "On days like "Mistakes like you..." "Glitches like you..." "SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL!" With a snap of their bony fingers, both of the Gaster Blasters fired. The two beams of magic collided together in the center of the battle field. Neither skeleton was backing down, so they began to push their magic, increasing the power of the Blaster as much as they could. A ball of magic began to form in the center, giving off a strong and dangerous aura. With no warning, the ball in the center ignited, pushing both skeletons far away from each other. The floor of the void shook as pieces of the ceiling and the wall began to fall down on both Ink and Error. Thinking quickly, Ink got his brush out and made a portal to somewhere else underneath him. He looked up at Error with a slight mocking smirk. "Well, looks like the funs over. See ya later, glitch." With a small wave and a slightly dark chuckle, Ink jumped into the portal and left Error alone in the crumbling void. He said nothing for awhile, letting everything fall around him. Then, with a wide, yellow smile, he started giggling, then chuckling, then he was in a full on maniacal laugh. One he regained his composure and stopped laughing, he looked over at the spot where the other skeleton had left. "Oh, don't worry Ink. The fun will never stop! You of all people should know that." Using his light blue strings, Error opened a glitchy portal leading into another AU. He walked through it with a smirk leaving the void to crumble behind him.
___________________________________________ Ink gently landed on his feet with a sigh of relief. He would never in his life show it, but he was always scared when it came to fighting Error. He knows how strong he is, and he fears that one day, he won't be able to stop him. His brown scarf blew in the wind as he looked down at himself to see all the damage to his body. He flinched slightly when he saw how many wounds and bruises he had. With a small sigh, Ink fell onto his back looking at the blue sky. He realized that his destination was UNDERTALE: Pacifist Route, where they were all living happily and safe on the surface. A small smile was on Inks lips, hearing children of both monsters and humans running around, laughing and playing together. He closed his eyes, enjoying the blissful moment. He was about halfway asleep when a certain voice woke him up. "Hey there Ink. Boy, you look beaten to the bone, heh."
Ink smiled as he looked up and saw no one other than Classic Sans himself. Still wearing his wide smile and his bright blue jacket. Classic was always Inks favorite, he was always someone he could go to for good/bad jokes and sometimes serious conversations. He trusted Classic with everything, even his own life. He offered Ink a hand up and he gladly took it. "Heh, good one. How are you doing Sans?" Sans gave a light shrug, looking over at the children playing. "It's been alright. Everyone's happy, and the kid promises no more resets. I wonder how long that promise is gonna hold." As if on cue, a small child in a purple and blue stripped shirt began running towards them. A big smile on their face as the wind blew through their brown hair. "Sans! I came up with a new-!" They looked over at Ink and their already wide smile managed to get even bigger. "Ink!! You're back!" They jumped on him and wrapped their arms around his waist, giving Ink a big hug. Despite his injuries, Ink just swallowed back the pain and gave them an equally big hug with a smile on his face. "It's great to see you again Frisk!" He ruffled their hair up a bit and they giggled. They let go then looked up at him with their big brown eyes while pulling something out of their pocket. "I made something for you for when you returned!" Classic chuckled a bit at Frisk then turned to Ink.
"Ever since they saw your art, they've been doing a lot of drawing and painting. It makes a huge mess, but they're getting better at it." Frisk smiled when they found what they were looking for. They held a carefully folded up piece of paper up to Ink with a bright smile on their face. "Here you go! I'm nowhere near as good as you are, but I hope you like it!" Ink smiled at Frisk and took the paper gently. He rubbed their hair again. He carefully unfolded it and looked at the drawing, but he wasn't expecting what he saw. It was a picture of everyone. Frisk, Sans, Papyrus, Asgore, Toriel, Alphys, Undyne, even Flowey was in it, with a bit of a scowl on his flower face, as usual. Ink smiled looking at how well Frisk had drawn everyone, but then, he saw who was standing in the center, around everyone else. It was him. Frisk had drawn Ink with a big smile on his face, his usual bright eyes looking even brighter in the picture. With his brush on his back and his hands on his hips, he looked so happy in the picture, and everyone else was smiling around him too. Everyone was so close together as if they were never gonna leave each other. When he saw the title of the picture, his soul skipped a small beat. It read in big, capitol, rainbow letters at the top "My Whole Family".
Ink couldn't help it as small tears began to fall from his eye sockets. Running his fingers over the paper gently, his smile slightly widened. He never had a family to be with, not even a brother to call his own. Seeing something like this, he couldn't help but cry. Frisk looked at his face and began to get worried. "Ink? I'm sorry, do you not like it..?" His head shot back up quickly as he looked down at the almost heartbroken Frisk. He quickly scooped them up in his arms and hugged them tight. "I love it Frisk! It's so amazing, thank you!" Frisk began smiling too as they giggled and hugged Ink back. Classic just stood there and smiled watching the two. Chuckling a bit, he walked up to them and placed a hand on Frisks shoulder. "Alright bucko, let's give Ink some room to breathe. Looks like he's been through a lot today" With a slight pout and a quiet okay, Frisk let go of Ink and wrapped their arms around Sans neck, holding onto him as he carried them. Looking back at Ink, he smiled again and started walking. "C'mon buddy, let's go over to the others. I'm sure that Toriel will help to heal ya." Ink smiled and nodded. Before he started walking, he gave the picture one more look as he folded it gently and placed it in his pocket for safe keeping. He followed behind them as the sun began to set. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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kittysukagasterfics · 5 years
Sealed With A Kiss
Note: Thank you everyone for the notes on the last fic! I know I say this a lot but it honestly makes me super happy to know people love reading my fics! Anyway, onto the fic!
Handplates belongs to: @zarla-s
Request by: @randomstuff7739
Summary: Gaster seems to be anxious about something. Will the Human be able to figure out what it is?
     The Human had notice it for a while now. Gaster had been acting weird for the past few days, tensing up whenever they gave him a peck on the cheek or were sitting really close to him. The Human wondered if they had done something wrong but couldn’t recall doing anything different from what they’ve usually been doing. Of course, that didn’t ease their worries any less. But whenever they ask him about his behavior, Gaster got really dismissive about it.
    “*You ask Gaster if he’s feeling alright.”
    “Of course I’m fine, Human. Why the question all of a sudden?”
    “*You tell him you’ve been worried about him because of how he’s been acting lately.”
    “What do you mean, Human? I think you’re very much mistaken. I’ve been acting how I usually would.”
     No matter how much questioning they did, Gaster wouldn’t admit to acting weird around them. He would also put them back into the cells if he thought the Human was being too pushy with the question. Still, they persisted with their mission to get answers from him or at the very least, figure out what was wrong. But seeing as they got nowhere doing it by themselves, the Human needed to enlist in some help.
     The problem with getting the brothers to help, however, was that they usually thought the Human wanted to play some sort of game. The Human didn’t mind though. It was probably better that way.
    “what kinda game is this? it seems really boring right now...”
    “*You whisper to the brothers to lower their voices.”
     Subjects 1 & 2 were following the Human down the hallway. Gaster had to finish up some work so he told all three of them to stay in the testing room until he got back. The Human took at the opportunity to try and spy on him, along with the brothers of course. They reached his work room where the Human peeked around the door frame and saw Gaster writing at his desk. Maybe the Human could try to wait and see if he falls asleep soon. That seemed to be the only way they could safely look around.
     Sure enough, after a while of waiting (and petting the brothers to keep them quiet), The Human heard a small thud sound from the room followed by light snoring. That was their cue to hurry and search for clues. Gaster was pretty much unpredictable when it came to his sleeping pattern at this point.
    “*You cheerfully whisper to the brothers that it’s time to look around for clues.” ‘*Now they look interested...”
      The Human continued to act like this was still a game by telling them to search for clues. Subjects 1 & 2 nodded excitedly and begin to search around. The Human opted to search Gaster’s desk, being careful not to wake him. Even though they felt a little guilty snooping through his things, it was probably the only way to get answers. Besides, it wouldn’t be the first time they did it either.
    ‘*You look through an assortment of books when you find a black book...it looks like a journal.’
     Flipping through the book, the Human read through pages of written research logs. It was, of course, written in Wingdings, but the Human just translated as they read along. They only weren’t able to read the entry numbers. At first, it was mostly recorded observation of the brothers but after a hundred or so pages, they begin to see themselves being mentioned every so often. Then, after even more pages, the journal would sometimes contain entries only about them. Nothing seemed to stand out to them. That is, until the Human got to a more recent entry.
     They couldn’t make out the log number, but it was most likely written today. It read:
Entry #???:
I’ve been feeling very strange lately. At first, I thought nothing of it as it was probably nothing. But it’s been getting stronger with each passing day. I can only conclude this is once again the Human’s doing. It’s different this time, though. I feel neither annoyed nor threatened. In fact, I’m not exactly sure what this feeling is. I want to try something with them but finding the right time will be difficult. Maybe when we’re alone perhaps? Whether this is the best choice or not is to be determined...
     The entry ended there. However, the Human reread it over a couple times. It was vague at best but at least he had no ill feelings towards them. It raised one more question, though. What did he want to try with them? They could possibly do like Gaster mentioned in the entry and have him be alone-
     Suddenly, the Human heard Gaster begin to stir. In a panic, they quickly closed the journal. They motioned for the brothers to hurry and the three of them rushed back to the testing room. The Human and the brothers managed to avoid getting caught albeit at the cost of losing their breath. Subject 1 even fell asleep as soon as he sat at the table. Gaster didn’t seem to suspect anything when he entered the room to start testing.
    “Alright you three, it’s time to go back to your cell-”
    “*You ask Gaster if you could talk to him...alone.” ‘*He gives you a wary look.’
    “I would ask what you want but I have a feeling you’re going to be vague in your answer anyway...”
     After putting the brothers back in the cell, Gaster and the Human walked back to the testing room. The Human begin to explain that they were honestly worried about him lately and just wanted him to be okay. While they went on talking, Gaster had turned his head away. He was feeling mixed emotions about what he should do now. They were both alone but that didn’t make it any less nerve-wracking. Gaster could almost hear Alphys yelling at him for not taking the chance. Well, not this time.
    “*You’re in the middle of talking when Gaster suddenly pushes you against wall.”
     The Human looked up at him with a slightly scared expression. Gaster was taking deep breaths as if he was trying to will himself to do something. He finally open his eyes after repeated asking to do so. The two of them just stared for the longest time until the Human started to ask what was wrong. Gaster couldn’t take the tension anymore and lean in towards the Human.
     Unfortunately, he leaned in with too much force and ended up accidentally smacked his skull into theirs...hard. Gaster recoiled back from them, rubbing his slightly bruised face. He glanced at the Human and realized in horror that he had made their nose to start bleeding, causing them start crying. Gaster quickly reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a handkerchief, and handed it to the Human. They graciously took it and held it against their nose to stop the bleeding. There was an awkward silence between the two of them until Gaster spoke up.
    “That...didn’t go how I wanted it to...”
    “*You ask him what he trying to do.” ‘*He looks uncomfortable now...’
    “...Let’s just focus on patching you up, Human.”
     The bleeding had finally stopped but blood was still present on the Human’s face and hands. Gaster used a damp handkerchief to clean off the remaining blood. Thanking him, they repeated their question.
    “Well, Human...I need to confess something to you. For years, I’ve thought of myself as cruel and uncaring. With the War happening, getting trapped in the Underground, and then finally with Toriel leaving. I distanced myself from everyone I cared about away. But then I met you.”
     Gaster placed a hand on the side of their head. They said nothing and continued to listen.
    “I’m still not sure why you care for me like you do. I’ve tried deny your advances yet you continued to shower me with affection and gift in an attempt to gain my trust. When you confessed your feeling for me, I wasn’t sure how to react. I won’t lie by saying I never remember the first time you kissed me. That’s what I was trying to do, even though I have no lips...”
     The Human didn’t need to hear anymore. They pulled Gaster down to their height, a clearly determined look on their face. He was surprised by this sudden action as he stood face to face with them.
    “*You tell Gaster not to wait any longer and to just go ahead and kiss you.”
     He certainly didn’t wait as he tilted the Human’s head up and pressed his mouth against theirs. They wrapped their arms around his shoulders, deepening the kiss. They didn’t want to let go. They wanted this moment to go on forever. Eventually, the kiss was broken from the Human needing to breath. They panted lightly as they laid their head against Gaster’s chest. The Human smiled and looked up at him.
    “*You ask him what he thought about the kiss.”
    “Hmm...1-S was right. Humans are really squishy and soft.”
     ‘*You’re not sure how to respond to that, so you bring him in for another deep kiss.’
     The two of them chose to stay in each other’s company for the rest of the night. Gaster was relieved to know that he no longer had to run away from his feelings. The Human, however, was just glad he never found out they had gone through his things.
    “By the way, Human, do you happen to know why my work desk is disorganized?”
Note: Thank you everyone and especially you @randomstuff7739 for the wait while I work on this fic. It’s been a really hectic week with me preparing to go back to school next Monday. Thank you so much for reading! Requests are always welcomed! Stay tuned for more.
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