#that's the GoodTM stuff
luckydxy · 2 years
21, 25
Character Development Questions ;; Accepting
21. What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
Ara leans towards givers.  She’s unaware of this & tends to classify herself as the open-minded, or even charitable, sort but at the end of the day if you don’t have something of value on offer- she’ll drift away. This isn’t necessarily a monetary thing- typically emotional.  Her relationships tend to be one-sided as a result. With the opposite party being expected to give much more than she herself is willing or able to offer.
As I mentioned, Ara is very much unaware of this & it gets to be a strain in every relationship of any kind. She is the one who will destroy groups from the inside out. The one who will love-bomb a vulnerable soul & leave them an emotional wreck once she's tired of them. The toxic friend you have to cut out of your life if you don't want her dragging you down with her or stepping on you to get ahead. She's truly volatile at times & the danger lies in how unassuming she is. She's sweet. Generously affectionate. She can be loyal. She could remember your birthday & even save your life. It's not that she wants to hurt these people she calls friend or partner. It's that she can't stop herself. She thinks this is how relationships work.
Ara seeks out the righteous. The kind-hearted with unwavering morality. She craves the stability of their presence & the praise that they recieve as a result of their natural good nature. She tries to mimic them & blend in. Look at her friendship with Martin Septim for example : she puts on a show of heroics throughout the Oblivion Crisis to impress him. In hopes that he'll think she's like him. She wants to be like him. But deep down ? She knows she can't.
So in reality, Ara attracts & keeps company with thieves, liars, murderers & the morally corrupt. She's trapped in a vicious cycle of seeking goodness, clawing at it, & destroying it in her desperation for acceptance. Again & again until the height of her reign. At which point she at least comes to terms with the fact that she has a negative impact on most of the people around her & starts to wear it as a twisted badge of pride. Armor, even.
Ara might of had a chance to recover & learn how to interact with people in a healthy way before Sheogorath got ahold of her- but the very moment she fell into his hands it was over. The indoctrination she faced in the Isles was simply too much. She was so susceptable to his every whim & he used her needs & desperation against her. Ara thinks she came out of this situation on top, a throne isn't something to scoff at afterall, but that's a testament to how badly Sheogorath actually twisted her psyche. Years, decades, & eventual centuries of direct enabling from Haskill & the citizens of the realm only cemented the work Sheogorath had begun. By the events of Skyrim, pointedly the coming of the Dragonborn, Ara is beyond hope & a danger to all around her.
25. What do they need and want out of relationships, and how do they go about getting it?
I guess I sort of mentioned most of this in the previous question, but I'll try to briefly list specific traits she seeks out versus what she actually needs.
WANTS : attention, affection, praise. individuals who make her look good by association. individuals willing to look the other way. aka unquestioning enablers. to be the best & brightest in a room. the most loved. the most important. to always be thought of first. to be looked at as someone with a brilliant future. reverence teetering towards worship.
NEEDS : a stern but level-headed voice of reason. a stable consistent. a broad perspective. an open-minded friend. someone willing & able to tell her no or that she has gone too far. honesty. actual love rather than performative. tough love. a genuine familial bond. a priest.
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
More Reading Thoughts: “The Black Gate Opens”
What’s this?? Another chapter review within a week of the last one??? Gasp! Incredible! Unheard of!
(I just didn’t have a lot of stuff to draw for the last chapter, haha. We’ll see how this one goes.)
Haha another reference to people traveling “in the van”. Guess I’ll have to draw another Volkswagen ;-P
Aww, Merry is left behind…poor thing. Poor all of them, really.
“Bergil was with him, and he also was downcast; for his father was to march leading a company of the Men of the City: he could not rejoin the Guard until his case was judged.” Oh nooo, Bergil, bby 🥺 Has to watch his father leave, wondering if he’ll come back. Argh.
And Merry has to do the same thing with Pippin!! Argh! This is just like that one scene in the movie, but without Aragorn at his side to comfort him…
“Everyone that he cared for had gone away into the gloom that hung over the distant eastern sky; and little hope at all was left in his heart that he would ever see any of them again.” Merry noooooooo 😭😭
“He was roused by the touch of Bergil’s hand. ‘Come, Master Perian!’ said the lad. ‘You are still in pain, I see. I will help you back to the Healers. But do not fear! They will come back. The Men of Minas Tirith will never be overcome. And now they have the Lord Elfstone, and Beregond of the Guard too.’” BBY SON 😭😭😭 Bergil has inherited his father’s defiant optimism. You keep up your spirits, buddy.
The king’s head!! They put the king’s head back on the statue!!
And they broke the bridge to Minas Morgul and set fire to the sickly white flowers. Good. This may only be small pocket change compared to the might of Mordor, but any way they can destroy the darkness and ruin and replace it with beauty and light is a good thing.
Imrahil urging them to use the name “King Elessar” for the psychic damage is GoodTM.
Aragorn guessing the mind of Sauron is giving me huge Death Note vibes. “He knows that I know that he knows, etc. etc…”
Oh now this is interesting. Some of the men from Rohan and Lossnarch are too afraid to keep going towards Mordor, so instead of scolding them, Aragorn tells them to turn back and take the port city of Cair Andros back from the enemy if they can. Some of them do, and it’s good, because they’ll still have the chance to prove their courage with a battle that’s more their speed. And others choose to stay with Aragorn, who treated their weakness with kindness.
I could make SO many spiritual parallels here, like SO many, but I think I’ll save that for a future essay post.
Ohhhhhohoho Mouth of Sauron time—
“At its head there rode a tall and evil shape, mounted upon a black horse, if horse it was; for it was huge and hideous, and its face was a frightful mask, more like a skull than a living head, and in the sockets of its eyes and in its nostrils there burned a flame.” OHOHOHO DUUUUUUUDE
Aragorn: *has a staring contest with the Mouth of Sauron* The Mouth: “I CAME OUT HERE TO HAVE A GOOD TIME AND I’M HONESTLY FEELING SO ATTACKED RIGHT NOW”
“And there to the wonder and dismay of all the Captains [the Messenger] held up first the short sword that Sam had carried, and next a grey cloak with an elven-brooch, and last the coat of mithril-mail that Frodo had worn wrapped in his tattered garments.” aND A BROKEN PAIR OF EYEGLASSES HAHAHA F R I C K—
Gandalf: “Bring out the halfling, and we’ll consider your terms!” The Mouth: “👀 Umm…ahaha…about that…er, ah, FOOLS! HOW DARE YOU CHALLENGE SAURON!”
I love the fact that the Mouth of Sauron panics here 🤣🤣 HE DOESN’T HAVE FRODO!! SAM CAME AND GOT HIM AND THEY ESCAPED! LOLOL
Actually, if you look at his words carefully, you can tell that Sauron actually has no idea how bad he fumbled this. He speaks of ONE Halfling, not two. He speaks of a SPY, not a carrier of the Ring. He briefly panics when Gandalf demands to see Frodo as evidence. Don’t you think Sauron would take the chance to brag about it, if he’d gotten the Ring back from Frodo?? But he hasn’t!! The Halfling(s) slipped through his grasp! And he has NO IDEA how big of a cock-up this is!!! HAHAHAHAHA GET REKT DIAPER-BABY
But in the moment, we don’t have time to pick apart his words. In the moment, the tiny army of the Free Peoples is surrounded by an enemy host more than ten times their size. It is reasonable to assume that they are all about to die. Hoooolyyyy crap.
Pippin thinking these grim thoughts about the end of his life, noooo. “I might as well die quickly and get it over with. It’s all gone wrong.” And he thinks of Merry, and he thinks of Frodo, and “I wish I could see cool sunlight and green grass again!”, and AAAAAHHHHHHH—
*sobbing* The Eagles are coming! The E-eagles are comi-hi-hiiing!
“‘This is my tale, and it is ended now. Good-bye!’ And his thought fled far away and his eyes saw no more.”
(I would just like to issue a formal note of gratitude to C. S. Lewis for not letting Tolkien HECKING KILL PIPPIN in this scene. You have done the Lord’s work, sir. We salute you.) EDIT: Sorry, this is an unconfirmed rumor started by the RotK movie trivia website. Should’ve checked my facts first. :-P More discussion can be found here.
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tres-fidelis · 5 years
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((I had a stroke of genius last night before falling asleep, spent the entire work day with this buzzing in the front of my mind, then came home to spit this out of my head.
@machinesandman​ @xfactxr​))
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preciousghouls · 6 years
reblog and put in the tags an underrated animanga u’d like to recommend to others!! can be more than one and it’d be great if you include the reason why!!
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appassaddle · 3 years
The key to having a good time when watching TLOK is to approach it like a shitty action movie that flopped in theaters.
Like ATLA you can approach with all the worldbuilding and metaing like any great fantasy world (LOTR, etc.) bc its genuinely on that level and can be approached as such.
But LOK, if expectations are at "mediocre 70s kungfu movie", its the greatest thing you've ever seen. Be there for the animation, the score, characters of choice, the ladies, and sick action sequences. Plot whomst. Like, is it like GoodTM? *waves hand* Is it consistent with established stuff in ATLA? Not... really. Is is an engaging and beautiful watch? Absolutely. (Also its worth noting its spot in queer media rep, which is worth knowing if nothing else.)
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yoyo-inspace · 4 years
Ramblings about Episode 1
I wrote ramblings because this isn’t a review of any shape or form it’s just me going on about things I loved (most of it) and some I didn’t like (very little). 
Spoilers, obviously
So!! AAh! It’s back. 
I’ve honestly stayed away from almost every recent trailer and all the showing of clips and such so I am going into this relatively blind tbh. Which is nice. Anyway. 
- wow this series is already gorgeous. like. I love it? the look of it? so much
- new titles are AMAZING so many details though the subtle angels in the beginning (I love my big bang theory alright) is still my favorites 
- LYRA’S BABY PICTURES!! They were in Asriel’s notes. That almost had me tear up. Fuck. 
- The Cittàgazze set is probably my favorite thing I’ve seen in the show so far. I’m big into Escher and the Escher influences (even on some of the stuff we have only seen behind the scenes and with production stuff) is obvious and I love it. love the style of the angels. love the creepy vibe of it. love those ridiculous stairs. 
- The kids are very creepy and that is Good. 
- Will and Lyra! Dafne and Amir! They’re so good together!! I love them!! Will is Peak Mom Friend and Lyra is already more Chaotic. I’m living for it. 
- The dæmons are already much better this season. I’ve kind of fallen for Ruta’s dæmon already. “We will not be indifferent”. Nice. 
- There were so many small book moments, especially between Lyra and Will, that I was sure they were going to cut but that they didn’t and that made me so happy. 
- The torture scene. fuck. Idk, some might find it more toned down, but I found it ridiculously horrifying. I hate things under your skin stuff. aah. 
- I thought it was Ruta doing the opening monologue but seeing the credits. nope. fucking XAPHANIA. played by sophie okonedo. I bet she was cast for the scrapped Asriel episode, and that’s another reason to cry about it. probably won’t see her until s3 :(((((( 
- The specters are so different to how I’d have imagined them, but I love what they’ve done with them. Deliciously creepy.
- The design of the knife is GoodTM. 
- Will Keen as MacPhail is so good, I love the Magisterium stuff and I’m so glad they introduced them all so early. Fra Pavel doesn’t get payed enough for this shit. 
- Pan is the absolute best. 
Alright so that was me rambling. Mostly about things I loved. So, some things I wasn’t as keen on: 
- I still don’t like the witches being The Flash, but that is what it is.
- I’m split on the decision of giving the witch rescue scene to Ruta instead of Serafina. It gives a better and more memorable introduction to Ruta (though her entrance at the witch meeting was rushed as fuck!!) but it also robs Serafina of that and makes her more of a pacifist. Like. I get it. Totally. Not sure I like it. 
- Pacing was a bit off but it didn’t bother me a whole lot. lee was absolutely not doing anything in this episode though so that felt weird. guess they needed to remind us he exists. and I say that as someone who likes lee. 
- some lines continue to be a bit... “Ah yes this works on page not as well on screen” but I can live with that. 
Honestly that’s about it. I really really loved this opener. Let’s hope it stays that way. I’m fully anticipating them to stray from the book and honestly I’m here for it. I’m excited what they’ll do to expand the world. 
Also next week - MARY!!!! <3 
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possessionisamyth · 4 years
so lupin is a handsome skilled and clever thief but he has geomon who sometimes cannot read the room to save his life and Jigen who reads the room and does what he wants anyway thereby making fujiko kind of a paramount of social interaction which is why he likes going out with her a lot as the other two tend to be fine with whatever but she's always specific
but lupin finally gets his zeni date and finds out zenigata is just as specific about places as fujiko is, and is actually really good at picking delicious spots that don't threaten the livelihood of his wallet
and unless it's someone flirting with him, zenigata is also damn good at talking to people casually as much as he does formally but his words turn jumbled when lupin does PDA like hand holding or clinging to his arm or even a sneaky kiss on the cheek
 lupin finds zenis GoodTM communication skills to be really hot and they talk about everything but work without issue, their dates are always far from hideouts or police stations obviously, and they're also unique from his dates with his other partners cause with fujiko they'll go to fancy restaurants and parties cause they like talking to other people while talking to each other as they laugh more that way, with jigen it's bars or places either picks since they can make a date out of anything, with goemon it's always nature like parks and hiking if it's not a museum or something to make goemon relaxed, and with zenigata it's stuff like karaoke all night or drinking at a hole in the wall restaurant and just walking in the night life
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callioope · 3 years
Continuing my reactions to Avatar: The Last Airbender. 
This post is about Book 2. See my overall impressions and thoughts on Book 1 here.
Quick/General Thoughts
Uhhh pretty wild there is both a solar eclipse and a super comet happening in the same summer… anyways!!!
Ba Sing Se was so messed up omg
SMH more adults trying to take advantage of Aang. I was furious with the Earth Kingdom general who tried to force Aang to fight the Fire Lord well before he was ready. Clearly he was not ready! And then the audacity for him to attack Aang and then Katara to provoke the Avatar state was whole levels of messed up. 
The Great Appa Kidnapping: Yeah, so, as soon as the sand traders took him, I was like, “Oh no. I’ve heard about this. They are going to be in trouble!” But even then I didn’t know it stretched out over so many episodes. These episodes broke my heart! Aang’s complete distress at having lost Appa. Then the episode from Appa’s POV. Poor Appa! He goes through so much. It’s devastating. And then both Appa and Aang both dream of how they originally met each other? UNFAIR. CRUEL. HOW DARE THE CREATORS DO THIS TO ME. (I’m being facetious I love it I live for this kind of drama this is how i express they were doing good storytelling)
The whole “final chakra” being about letting go of attachments… hmm that felt VERY Star Wars of them… Filoni is this your doing? (Although actually I don’t remember seeing his name on any Book 2 episodes.)
My fave continues to be the long-suffering Sokka, just trying to get his family to Omashu, it shouldn’t be this hard!!! This was literally what I wrote at the time of watching “Chapter Two: The Cave of Two Lovers,” and OH LITTLE DID I KNOW!!! [cut to Book 3… lmao… anyways]
Sokka making a map to help keep track of the maze-like cave/tunnel is actually really clever. I can’t believe people think he’s stupid. I mean, sure, it didn’t end up working, but that’s because the cave was magic or whatever, and that is beyond his control!
Side note, but lol at Sokka’s purchases and love for shopping. His ridiculous belt! How excited he was that it matched his bag!
Second side note, I was pretty excited to see that gif where Sokka is making that “I’m watching you” gesture and then goes “Water tribe!”
Yeah, notice how I don’t have much to say about Katara? It’s not that I don’t like her or that I don’t think she’s interesting, but. I just don’t really have a lot to say about her. 
I was amused by how she handled those bullies. My impression before I started watching was that she was going to be this like, pure and GoodTM character, but she definitely has her flaws and that is better.
I really liked the scene where she is able to calm Aang down while he’s in the Avatar state. There was good build up to that, showing her worry every time he entered it and her awareness of the fact that he only ever enters it when feeling upset. The fact that she was able to do that clearly Meant Something. So again, I suppose, I really feel up to this point that the show is very much like “Aang/Katara Endgame!” it felt very obvious to me. And I knew before starting the show that Zuko and Katara are a thing — but Aang and Katara is just so heavy handed that it was impossible for me to ship them with anyone else. They were just foundational to the show. Like it always felt like a foregone conclusion to me, almost as if they were established from the beginning although they obviously weren’t.
I spent like, the second half of Book 1 thinking “WHEN TOPH WHEN TOPH!” Imagine my ire that she still isn’t around for the first five episodes of Book 2, which is titled “EARTH” my goodness.
But OH was I delighted by “Chapter 6: The Blind Bandit”!!! I loved her intro, I loved how Aang is just immediately in awe of her skills when he sees her. He knows she’s exactly the teacher he’s been waiting for. “She waited and listened!” he says. Yes. I love it. (But also, lol at Sokka booing Aang.) Despite this, Aang really does not handle that first interaction very well!
So frustrating how her parents were treating her. “She’s fragile and helpless!” what a thing to say about your daughter. [Also you literally named her “tough”?!] And he is basically going to imprison her, wtf. & how do you get off saying “the avatar is no longer welcome here”?! smh children whose parents try to “control” their kids always end up being the most rebellious.
I was amused that “my dad changed his mind” apparently was a popular lie daughters use on this show. *facepalm*
I liked the contrast between how Toph wanted to teach Aang and how Katara thought he should be taught! That was interesting. And yeah, Toph certainly lives up to her name. 
Zuko & Iroh
Spent a good portion of the early part of this season wondering how Zuko and Iroh could possibly be related to the awful Fire Lord (and Azula for that matter — jeez she is nuts!), and longing to know what happened to Zuko’s mom. (Obviously that would be answered soon!)
Knowing that Zuko eventually joins the Aang crew, but also remembering that I never saw Iroh with them, made me SEVERELY worried that something terrible would happen to Iroh. And I spent the entire rest of the series worrying about that. Uh, especially since, apparently Iroh is hopeless at Survival 101. Honestly that was surprising to me. 
Zuko deciding they needed to split up was devastating!!! No!!! I loved the adventures of Zuko & Iroh!! He said, “There's no reason for us to stick together,” and I was like, “Yes there is you idiot! Because you’re family and you love each other!!!” I was so sad. I mean, also Iroh is currently the only person who likes Zuko, so, you know, that might be a good reason to stay with him. Just a thought. 
The last thing Zuko needs is to be alone, that will NOT be good for his issues. And lo and behold, look! Immediately, he’s struggling on his own. But I did like that episode (“Chapter 7: Zuko Alone”) because we get to see Zuko’s mom! (Uh, did she have a name?) Turtle ducks are so cute.
“Everything I’ve done I’ve done to protect you.” THIS. SLAYED. ME!!!!!! I mean, y’all know Rogue One is my jam so this parallel with Zuko’s mom and Galen Erso????? I lost it. I just lost it. Plus, though it isn’t confirmed until later, we can tell she’s sacrificing herself to save Zuko and just. (A) what a completely messed up family, but (B) MY HEART. SHE BETTER BE ALIVE is all I’m saying.
Interesting side note: they never show Ozai’s face in the early seasons. 
If you assumed that I was delighted to see Iroh has been tailing Zuko this whole time, you’d be correct. I had hoped that was the case and was very glad it was. Although *facepalm* again at Zuko. I suppose he had no way of knowing Katara had healing powers but it was so frustrating knowing if he had just listened to them for one minute they could have helped Iroh after Azula blasted him. At least he made him tea and nursed him back to health. 
If the evil advisor of Ba Sing Se had files on everyone and knew everything that went on… I mean… did he know about Iroh and Zuko? 
I didn’t jot down any notes about this at the time, BUT. Man. Did I ADORE Zuko and Iroh’s adventures in Ba Sing Se. I mean it was a nice relief from all the other crazy stuff happening. (Not happy to see Jet though. Ugh.) 
Finally, though, Zuko’s betrayal at the very end of the season totally shocked me. Because of spoilers, I knew he’d join Aang’s crew, and so it was so confusing! And such a regression, I really didn’t understand it and was very worried about what it would mean for his redemption arc — but more on that in the next post, don’t want to get ahead.
Oh. Boy. Again, I knew she was going to be crazy, but I don’t think I was prepared for just how messed up she is. “Do the tides command this ship. You said they would not allow us…” Jeez that is pedantic in a very bizarre way and obviously not what was meant… Yikes.
Also, Azula is much better at finding Zuko than Zuko is at finding Aang. Just a stray observation.
“Father regrets your banishment. He wants you home.” [insert IT’s A TRAP gif here]
“If the Earth Kingdom finds us, they'll have us killed. If the Fire Nation finds us, they'll turn us over to Azula. Earth kingdom it is.” Yeah, this line was hilarious but also sad. It really said a lot about Azula, and Zuko and Iroh’s relationship with her.
Had no idea Azula had her own crew. It was incredibly clear that Ty Lee felt coerced to join her and didn’t really want to, but that was less clear to me for Mai. Mainly seemed like Mai was bored with where she was and was just like “shrugs might as well do evil stuff.” 
I did know that a character named “Mai” would eventually be Zuko’s love interest (and it is pretty heavily portrayed that she has a crush on him), so at this point, I was very much like, “Hmm. This character is too apathetic and annoying, I don’t want her to end up with Zuko!” Plus, the fact that her name was pronounced “May,” (which was not how I thought “Mai” was pronounced) and I knew Zuko would have a thing with a lady in a tea shop, I wasn’t 100% sure Zuko/Mai were end game. 
“She’s crazy and she needs to go down.” I think Iroh said this. I just don’t know what to say. Why is Azula the way she is? That’s never entirely clear to me. In some ways, it’s implied she was just Like That (in the flashback where mom is like “What is wrong with you?”) and perhaps she’s just her father’s daughter. I don’t need a reason, per se. Idk. I just don’t know what to say to her. She clearly needs help. 
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toasttedbaguels · 7 years
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i’m. seriously contemplating your food choices here bagel,,,
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I want more hk headcanons please. ÒwÓ
Thanks for the ask!
You might want to head over to @hongkongenthusiast and ask them, because I haven’t paid that much thought to HK (if you are @hongkongenthusiast then what are you doing here you probably have a million more headcanons than me lol). However, I shall try to satisfy you:
- I have an (probably forever) unfinished College AU Iceland x Reader, and in it I set HK as a tech savvy business student whose part time job is getting called to dorms to fix people’s devices, and he makes a decent amount of money off of that. He’s also a Soundcloud artist in the AU, and I can honestly see that in canonverse too. (Also, I’m calling for ANY college/school AU headcanons! Just drop them in the asks or something! I love thinking about that stuff!!)
- HK has memes. Lots of them. He makes memes out of the countries’ faces too; at world meetings, if one of them has some strange reaction to something, he manages to take a picture and make it grosser, then posts it on social media. 
- Goes to get togethers with the younger/teen nations where they try to do normal human teen stuff. Sometimes China lets HK host it at China’s house because it’s bigger than HK’s, and usually he just turns it into a big party (and a Big Headache for China: if HK’s theme song is anything to go by, I can see China being like “Turn off the loud banging! Respect your elder’s ears!” lol)
- He’s so fashionable it hurts. Like he’s always on the trends, has Top Brands and stuff. Or at least it looks like that to others, nobody can really tell if he’s wearing a real Gucci coat or if it’s one of his knockoffs.
- I just read a bit of Wikipedia on HK’s history with a) China, b) England, c) Japan, and d) England again, and so: HK probably would’ve been a kid when he got handed over to England, since he didn’t really industrialize/grow in population or infrastructure until England came along, and I think that would physically make him young. England (in accordance with @hongkongenthusiast ‘s headcanon) was more like HK’s teacher than his temporary parent. I think England would have (being an arrogant bastard like all the old dirtbags) prided himself on being Gentlemanly and Civilized and Industrialized, and he “taught” HK that stuff (England’s colonial occupation brought things like buses and trains and communication lines to HK). Basically England introduced him to the products of the Western world, and kinda opened his eyes to what Europe was like? Or at least what England was sorta like. But there also seemed (correct me if wrong) to be a certain amount of racism present between colonizer and colony? There was apparently a 3rd Episode of the Bubonic Plague and it hit HK, and all Europeans were moved to a place called Victoria Peak; lots of the people living there were the elites, who could have as many as 20 Chinese servants (the move can be argued as health precaution or racial zoning). So idk how much England actually “loved” HK, he might have just been exploiting him? And also, at the beginning of England’s rule there was a 6 day rebellion where some people decided to fight the English govt because they feared changes to traditional customs and stuff. If HK were involved I see him just playing on the street one day, and somehow being taken in by one of the leaders of the rebellion, and then learning about why those people were planning to fight for. After that I see Hong Kong being really skeptical of England at first, especially since China gave him up unwillingly. Idk how Chinese-HK relations were before the England colonization, but I hc China was sorta protective of HK, and he didn’t always tell Leon what was happening when things got bad... and I think collapse of the Qing and Opium War counts as things going bad... so I think Leon might have been under the delusion/impression that England was kinda just kidnapping him instead of trying to make his life better? But England wasn’t really trying to protect HK for his sake, he was just sorta looking for an advantage so... I think the Eng-HK relationship is kinda cold, not as warm as China-HK before everything went downhill. But HK, because his sorta-independence and infrastructure development, started growing more physically.
As for the Japanese invasion, they pretty brutally struck opposition down when they arrived. The British pulled out quickly, and I think that’s the nail in the coffin for England and Hong Kong, idk how apathetic HK looked/felt when he was young, but I think he’d at least be a little hurt that England first took him away from China and then just left him to fend for himself when things were rough... even if after the brief occupation England and HK kinda went back to normal, the power transition was smooth. Ok I don’t plan on turning this into historical hetalia but basically I’m conflicted on HK-Eng-Chn-Jpn relations in history.
- I don’t know how long it takes in the morning to make hair look like HK’s, but I think he must have a pretty extensive beauty/care routine? In the young people internet age with selfies and everything, I think he’d do his best to Look GoodTM (for the cameras, of course).
- I think HK is always up for a day just lazing chilling around his house, perhaps watching TV or texting Emil or the other young nations. He might also go to China’s to annoy him.
- Lowkey cares about people (also taken from @hongkongenthusiast) but doesn’t show it often. I think he and Taiwan both have a thing where they panic if something bad happens to China, but Taiwan shows her panic more, while HK is just internally screaming. Teacher’s ill?? Why? He hasn’t been sick lately, what’s wrong with him? Idk or maybe I’m being too sympathetic to China, it might not be this way after the HK protests and stuff.
- Also, if an Elder (looking @ you China and England) catches him swearing, HK is a master of censoring things, or making up code words. This is kinda inspired by the protestor code words, like “I’m doing magic” means “I’m lighting something on fire” for the HK protests. But in regular contexts, he’s very good at covering up sensitive information.
- He doesn’t have as many nation-duties as China or England, so he’s got more time to do human stuff. I think he’d like to go wandering around the city and seeing what the trends are, and maybe send some funny photos back to the young nation group chat or something.
- He’s stated to be punished by England for setting off firecrackers, and I’m pretty sure he figured out England hated those (because 1. they’re loud and 2. they remind him of America’s Independence Day firework celebrations and 3. maybe he doesn’t like Chinese New Year because it was a tie that connected HK to China and the rest of the Asians? That tie could have inspired loyalty with the Asians and tore him away from England). Therefore, because HK is a prankster and quietly mischievous, I think he just liked them more because he found out it annoyed England. Also they’re loud and fiery and I think he’d appreciate that?
Ok that’s it I’ve run out of headcanons for him. Thanks for asking and ask for more if you want (but I probably won’t give you many back)!
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thedicepaladin · 4 years
Ask meme questions~! 22 & 51 for Sapphire, 57 & 68 Melody :3
Aaah thank you for the questions! (ALSO FOR THE SAPPH ART AHHH)
22. What is a promise they’ve broken?
She didn’t even realize what she’d done until he was like “Hey. I thought I told you not to look into my past stuff??? Wtf” and she was like OH SHIT THAT’S RIGHT I WENT AND TALKED TO UR SIBLING OOOOPPPPSSSS that was... not goodTM
51. What is the most beautiful thing in the world, for them?
Probably the sky? Or just sights that she hasn’t gotten to see before. God, if she ever got to see the ocean... like just actual beaches I think she’d lose her mind.
57. What makes them angry?
Ooof not a whole lot. She’s usually sweet and understanding to a fault. But! If people are messing with anyone she considers a close friend, she’ll raise hell just watch.
68. What was the best moment of their life?
Probably the first time she performed for an actual audience/crowd? Of the applause and feeling like her practice and hard work had paid off.
Thank you for the asks again!! For anyone who wants to send any, I have the list here~ Of course, if you have your own questions not on the list, feel free to send them!!
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piplupod · 4 years
the wolf is so pretty wow!!!!!! where did u get her from?? :0 ive rlly wanted some pelts myself too but ive always been worried abt the source and if its ethical
i got her from a seller on instagram!!! they needed to pay off a bill so they were selling her to help w the bill payment ;o; north_wolf_taxidermy is their handle if ur interested in looking!! they’re canadian tho so i dont think they can sell outside of canada (esp wolves) bc of laws :(
omg yea thats a really good worry to have and consider!!! pls excuse me if i dump a bunch of thoughts on you but i wanted to do a small Tedward Speaks moment abt this bc i have MANY thoughts abt it shdgdjkl
SO. FIRST THING. anyone who knows me well will know that i love love love animals (i think its kinda funny that im the one of six of my family that LOVES animals the most and yet im also the only one who got into taxidermy and vulture culture and preservation SHDGHSFJKL), and also that in everything i do the environment is like,,, my priority a lot of the time LOL. Im the person who will pick up litter on their days off (i do this and i actually carry around gloves and bags in my backpack in case i feel like picking up trash or see a bunch of it while im walking home from work or while im on a hike or smth sdhgsfjkl) SO BASICALLY WHAT IM GETTING AT IS THAT I TRY AND DO THINGS AS ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY (not just friendly but BENEFICIAL) AS POSSIBLE!!
that said: pelt preservation often uses a bunch of chemicals that Are Not Great for the earth. (i still believe that real fur is better for the environment than faux fur but thats another convo LOL) there’s also the danger of the sketchy ethics around fur farms that crop up because of demand on fur and pelts.
ANYHOWDY. trapping and hunting are the main sources of fur (though there are a few fur farms out there, and i’m still trying to decide how i feel about more ethical fur farms tbh, its really complicated) that you see on the market! roadkill can be a source, but oftentimes roadkill is quite damaged, so if you see someone claiming that this perfect fur is sourced from roadkill i’d be VERY skeptical!!!
trapping and hunting are quite ethical though if done right! its often done for population control so that the predator/prey balance and ecosystem doesn’t fall out of wack (i’m researching this today LOL bc i was curious abt WHY it gets out of wack). trapping and hunting are also often done in ways that try to cause the animal the LEAST amount of suffering and pain as possible. there are traps that only catch the animal, without hurting it at all!! those huge clunky painful leg traps are a thing of the past for most trappers (the good ones at least)!!
basically u gotta do ur research and make sure ur seller is GoodTM!! there’s issues w lying (”i source everything from roadkill, everything was found dead :)” when in reality they’re probably buying some stuff from trappers(BUT SOME PPL ARE GENUINELY TRUTHFUL)). of course it is LOVELY when we can take things that are already dead, but there’s issues surrounding that as well (the bones are actually important for the ecosystem, as many animals will gnaw on the bones and get nutrients from that, as well as the bones degrading into the soil and fueling future plants), so it’s like.... we are just trying to do the least amount of harm and the most harm displacement as we can while admiring and respecting nature and animals.
i like to also have a good reason for getting into this for myself personally since i struggle a lot with guilt and shame (hashtag trauma am i right LMFAO). for me, the reason I’m doing this is to honour and respect animals in death. I like to give them a respectful home where they will be appreciated, and not just hung on a wall like a trophy (trophy hunters make me SO ANGRY DHGSJLKL). i like to learn about anatomy, life and death, and nature through my work with animal remains. it is also meditative and spiritual for me! my work with my furbits and bones is very centered around respect for the natural world. ALSO BE AWARE THAT IF YOU TALK ABT THIS OR SHARE ANYTHING ONLINE OR OUT IN THE WORLD AT ALL, UR GONNA RUN INTO PPL WHO ARE JUST DETERMINED TO BE ANGRY AND DISGUSTED W YOU NO MATTER WHAT LOL. they just don’t understand and that’s not ur fault or ur job to help them to understand!! i try to explain a bit, when i see this ignorance, because it’s part of my spiritual work w the dead, but some people just aren’t worth anyone’s time.
YEA ANYWAYS WOW TEDWARD SPOKETH LOL, if you have any questions or wanna talk abt it OR have me take a look at a seller and suss them out for you, i’d be happy to help you out!!! im super passionate about this stuff and i think it might be a special interest of mine actually shgdshfjkl
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dead-men-disco · 4 years
I am. SO stressed.
My laptop charger broke during moving bc it's a poorly made piece of crap so I haven't been able to use my laptop, but now that September is coming up I obviously need it for a LOT of things, mainly uni stuff
The thing is, I can't bloody afford to replace it bc on average it's like. Anywhere between £17.99 - £20 (thanks Lenovo) and I need that money to buy the basic essentials for living on my own for the first time - I literally don't have anything. Plus, I've had a few threats from my parents about kicking me out before then, which would uhhh. Not Be GoodTM.
Anyways sorry for ranting I'm just. Very stressed rn 🙃🙃🙃🙃
(Also does anyone recommend Ko-Fi or something similar?? I was thinking I could maybe do small writing commissions or something, but I don't think anyone would be interested 😟)
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misshannah-s-world · 4 years
I’m reading (listening to) the tmi books for the first time in years
listen to me i know i’m about a decade late to the party but i read this book series when i was 14 and i’m still not over it.
this is my first book review that’s not done for some school thing in 7th grade so there’s that let’s go (and also not really a review i’m just bored and have a lot of feelings about these books)
This will probably be a comparison between my book tastes back when I first read it and now (i’m listening to the whole series in a hopefully healthy attempt to deal with quarantine as one does)
Now to the review, as I remember from way back when, what attracted me to this series was the existence of all these magical beings in one world. That is one thing that back then i’d never seen before and it sounded amazing (plus that it satisfied my current obsession with anything to do with dark angels and vampires). 
Now, back then I didn’t have much of a critical thinking, as probably many more impressionable kids reading every YA book they come across, so everything l read sounded like the bee’s knee. Some of it was, as proved my recent listening to the first book. The Downworld is still my favourite fictional world, with its many intrigues that can be interpreted as mirrors of the real world (that’s what I loved about it to begin with, how it adressed racism and homophobia and many more topics that most of the YA books i was reading back them avoided for obvious reasons). 
More, some of the characters in this book and the whole series basically shaped me and opened my eyes to some of the realities of the world through the guise of a fun fantasy book.
I’m not saying that it does not have its issues, the first of them coming towards the end of the book, where Clary and Jace find out that they’re (allegedly) related. I don’t really remember a lot about what I thought about that at 13 when I did not know how it all ends up, but I know I had a feeling that Valentine was lying (and I mean it’s been years I think we all know he was, and if we don’t, new fans, they’re gladly not realted, go read the books if you’re into this stuff). An issue a lot of antis have about this books is the “incest” plot, and I fully understand that, it probably would have been scarring if I didn’t just HAVE A FEELING that it was a lie to begin with. 
As of now, my main issue with this book is one that a kid reading it way back when would love about it  - it can be so cheesy that I ended up cringing when listening to it. And it is hard enough to cringe when your audio is at x2 speed. I had to literally press pause and do a double take on some things that Jace (especially) says. Like i can chalk it all up to him being an edgy teen with a shitty dad saying stuff like “god is dead and we’re all alone” (obvs not an exact quote) and i’m okay with that but boi does he need to chill. Having said that, at 13, Jace was obviously my favourite, i think i had some of his quotes up on a wall.
I love me some Alec Lightwood and goodTM character development now if ya’ll know what I mean.
I don’t have much to say about the plot of “City of Bones” in particular except that I cared more about it at 13 than now, but that’s only normal as I was the target audience back then and there is just something about reading books about characters older than you that makes you go “oh yes they’re mature they know their shit”, whereas now I look at Clary and all I want to do is shake her and tell her to listen to her mom, Luke and friends sometimes.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk i guess, see ya next time with COA and hopefully an actual review cuz this felt more like an introduction (even if i have no actual audience because as i said before i have a lot of feelings AND i’ve got shit to study i’m avoiding)
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I love my teacher so much, turns out I had an exam today which I completely forgot (and I wasn’t the only one!!! It wasn’t clear that the exam was today okay!!) so I try my best but it’s not great (cause I am NOT doing good today) plus I had a physics exam this morning so I’m completely drained. As I go to leave the teacher wants to look at my exam just to check how everything is and he notices that it’s not goodTM, and I’m kinda known as the smart kid (even tho I’m really not) so I tell him that I didn’t study cause I didn’t know the exam was today. He says “don’t freak out, you’re gonna come back tomorrow after lunch and you can do it then. I think he could get in trouble for that cause the government can be pretty strict about exams n stuff. So like I’m in the bathroom crying, I just want to go home and take a nap. That teacher is so sweet, I swear to god.
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reverietrolls · 6 years
✒︎✒︎ dori ✒︎✒︎ artie :3
- Dori doesn’t really know how old he is, or when his birthday is, or for how long humans can live. For now, he’s just hoping it won’t be too soon in comparison to his loved ones (haha whoops)- Really wants tattoos but doesn’t think he’ll get any, since they’d be hidden by either his clothes or grey paint anyway? But he has plenty of designs in mind...... his matching one with Rokele is one he def doesn’t mind having tho and might as well never cover it up since it’s not too big- Artie carries a little cactus around wherever he goes! He misses being able to work with plants at his lil old farm but it reminds him of home.- He rarely (if ever) throws something away! He’s always trying to make his old stuff into new things so he doesn’t have to get rid of them. He has a bunch of little trinkets and jewelry with reused parts and it makes him feel GoodTM 
Send me “✒︎” for a random, dumb, pointless fact about my muse.
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