#that’s why he doesn’t understand castiel
calmangel · 3 days
No because why am I scared of being made fun of for loving these men when Destiel is probably the most beautiful thing ever created.
An angel pulls a righteous man from hell and heals his wounds and is so overcome with this triumph that he screams DEAN WINCHESTER HAS BEEN SAVED so loud that he awakens fallen angels. He rebuilds this man from dust. The man is scared of Castiel, they don’t trust each other, but they need each other—the man begs the angel to see why Heaven, why God’s plan is corrupt and the angel should trust him. Against nature, breaking from the script, against God, his Father—the angel rebels. The angel rips out the part of him that serves Heaven all for this man and only because he asks. Only because now he’s starting to feel, and angels don’t feel.
What’s coming isn’t an easy task—the man considers giving himself up but the angel won’t let him, beating him unconscious while yelling I rebelled for this? And still, when the day comes, the angel dies for him. The angel attacks his own brothers for this man, is incinerated instantly, and never gave it a second thought.
After the angel is resurrected, they spend years trying to fix everything for each other and almost always do it wrong. They are eventually sent to purgatory together, and the man spends every waking moment praying to his angel. He could’ve escaped, he could’ve been angry at the angel for his misdoings, but he stayed, ripping flesh and killing anything in his way to get to the angel. But he doesn’t understand—the angel, upset, says they’re after me, Dean. I avoid you to protect you. The man won’t listen. He can’t. He pulls the angel to the exit but their hands slip right there, on the precipice. And the man is so distraught that he tells himself he’d let go by accident, but we know this isn’t true. The angel wanted to stay, wanted to feel punishment. The angel saved the righteous man and stayed behind.
But they can’t be kept apart can they?
The angel finds his way back, like always, and Dean is seeing his face everywhere. Dean blames himself. It’s easier than thinking his angel wanted to stay. It’s easier than being abandoned.
Heaven isn’t happy with this angel—this silly thing that gave up its innate purpose and programming all for a human—so they attempt to rewire him, resorting to lobotomy as a way to force him into conforming. They create infinite copies of his human and force him to kill each one, testing his loyalties. And after all this, after being turned into a mindless soldier through torture, it only takes one thing to break the connection. Dean, on his knees, saying I need you.
And this does not fix everything. Now the angel is desperate to undo his wrongs, searching for ways to repay him; so desperate that he misplaces his trust and is irreparably damaged, intimately violated by God’s Scribe. His grace, every part of his angelic traits, is stolen from him, literally ripped from his throat before the Scribe sends all angels plummeting to the Earth. And now the angel is an entirely new species—a human, soft and vulnerable, with nothing to his name—a prime target of angry, wingless angels.
There is only one thing he can do. He can call his human, beg for help, but it’s not going to come quickly. He has to decide between eating and warding himself from his murderous siblings. He virtuously refuses to steal or hurt anyone. He just wants to be safe. He trusts the wrong person and, seconds away from being saved by his human, is stabbed through the heart. Although his brother is injured, Dean caresses his angel’s face and sobs, insisting that the entity inside his brother’s body fix Cas despite how it will hurt the entity and likely put Dean’s brother at risk. It doesn’t matter. Then they go home, and the angel feels safe for the first time as a human.
But nothing lasts forever. The entity inside Sam is anxious, insecure around Cas, and so Dean asks the angel to leave. For probably the first time, Castiel feels intense sadness. Betrayal. Grief. Stress. And it’s because of his human, the one human he was attempting to make everything up to before. Well, apparently he hadn’t done well enough. The angel leaves, still desperate for cash and food, resorting to sleeping in the storeroom of a gas station to stay warm.
The angel has to protect himself from enemies, stealing angelic grace just to keep going. At the same time, Dean takes on the mark of Cain and slowly loses sanity. The angel earns a league of likeminded angels that believe in him, and it finally looks like maybe he can do things on his own again. Naturally, this can’t last for long—his allegiance to this dangerous, marked human is too risky for any angels to trust him.
And his allegiance is tested, but holds strong. Dean can tear the angel to pieces and he’ll still lay there on the floor, unwilling to harm him, and Dean will walk away knowing he could’ve killed Cas but didn’t. Couldn’t.
Over and over, they fight together or they fight each other and it never ends any different. They stick together. They get angry about how the other is acting. And they stay, because leaving just isn’t an option.
The next time the angel dies, the righteous man isn’t the same. He can’t accept it now, now that it seems real and now that the angel was so solidly good, so individualistic and pure. He burns his body and watches, red-eyed. This time it’s real. This time God isn’t on their side to bring him back. So he does what he knows—he drinks, he hides in comfort, he puts himself at risk. He starts thinking that maybe the solution to their problems is for him to die—really, hadn’t they destroyed the natural order enough?
And then the angel calls him from a payphone and all thoughts of ending his life are wiped from his mind. Dean didn’t care how he’d returned, just brought him home and indulged in a way they never did—they took a fun case, they dressed up like cowboys and caught a bad guy.
They’re not allowed fun, though. They’re doomed by the narrative—the God that is insistent upon failure. Over and over they’re tested, and no matter whose mother is killed and whose psyche is broken by being blamed for it, they stay together. Because you can hate and love at the same time. Because you don’t really hate them.
And at the end of it all, they’re still together. In the angel’s last moments, it’s still only about his human. What’s important is getting Dean safe, is coming up with a plan that saves Dean. Because even though Castiel had all his grace, Dean was the powerful one. Dean was the one who needed to kill God, who needed to stay alive, and who deserved a life.
And the angel did the only thing he knew how to do, the only thing that always worked—he sacrificed himself for his human. He told his human that he was in love with him, and told him the things he needed to hear, and let himself be swallowed up by eternity. All for Dean. For Dean, who was still beautiful.
And this did save the world, but Dean wasn’t the same, really. He vowed to give himself a good life, try to move forward, but it really wasn’t going to happen was it? It was always going to end in his brother’s arms after a hunt. And he was okay with it. And when he got to Heaven, sitting beside his true father with a beer in hand, he heard Cas’s name and smiled. It had been ages since he smiled.
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scoobydoodean · 3 months
So—Dean is refusing to torture Alistair in the beginning of "On The Head Of A Pin", right? And Uriel is telling him he has to. And you’d think that when Dean asks to speak to Cas alone, it’d be in an effort to bargain or plead (something Uriel isn’t amenable to at all and never has been) or to let Cas give him a more candid and convincing argument on how this is the right thing.
But when Dean gets Cas alone, he just wants to know why Uriel is in charge of Cas now, and then he wants to tell Cas torturing Alistair is going to bring something horrifying out of Dean. Cas doesn’t do any convincing at all. He doesn’t make any further argument for why Dean has to do this—he doesn’t tell Dean it’s for the greater good. Hell—it seems like Cas got demoted because he balked at asking Dean to do this to begin with. Cas doesn’t want Dean to do this and doesn’t try to convince him to! But the scene cuts and Dean is pushing his torture-set-on-wheels into the room where Alistair is being kept! So why? How does that interaction result in Dean suddenly deciding to do something he was refusing to do moments before???
I think it’s because Cas showed Dean sympathy.
The episode opens with Dean trying to tell Sam he’s hurting. He’s grieving Pam (they’re driving from her funeral), he feels like her death is his fault, he feels like they aren’t making any progress on saving the world—they’re just fuck ups who are going to fail.
DEAN I'm tired of burying friends, Sam. SAM Look, we catch a fresh trail— DEAN And we follow it, I know. Like I said, I'm just—I'm just getting tired. SAM Well, get angry!
No sympathy from Sam. Sam wants Dean to nut up—and that's what Sam said last episode too, and it's what he said the episode before that too while under the Siren's spell.
They get into the motel and Uriel and Cas are standing there waiting for them when Dean just wanted to sleep after an awful day, and Uriel says they're needed. Dean says he just got back from needed, and Uriel tells him to mind his tone. Then of course,
CASTIEL Dean, we know this is difficult to understand. URIEL And we— URIEL gives CASTIEL a significant look. URIEL —don't care.
So no one is showing Dean any sympathy, right? Everyone is telling him to shut up and do what needs to be done—except Cas. Cas is sympathizing with him. And when Dean gets Cas alone?
DEAN You ask me to open that door and walk through it, you will not like what walks back out. CASTIEL For what it's worth, I would give anything not to have you do this.
And that's all it takes. That's literally all it takes—is just a single shred of sympathy—someone saying that they care that Dean is in pain—that they care what this will do to him and don't wish this on him. Just someone saying that they understand and that they care is enough and Dean agrees.
Don't ever let anyone tell you Dean "needs tough love".
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 4 months
Let It Out
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader, Castiel & teen!reader
Requested by Anonymous
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Having two older brothers who fight monsters had its own set of problems. Being a witch doubled those problems. Suffering from a depression that you didn’t dare tell your family about, that just multiplied everything until every little task felt impossible to complete with such a weight on top of you.
You had had a handle on your life for a long time—after all, you were used to the hunting and the lack of sleep and the loss. That is, until a certain archangel friend of yours died. That was when your depression really got going—Gabriel was gone, and it was like his death reminded you of everyone you’d ever lost, and you couldn’t take it.
The worst part was that you couldn’t tell your brothers; they were busy saving the world, the last thing they needed to hear about was your problems. Besides, they had it just as hard as you, if not harder. Why should you make it all about you?
So, you didn’t say anything, and it was taking its toll on you and your skill set. Magic was dependent on emotions, and yours were everywhere.
It wasn’t just your magic that was changing; school wasn’t going so well either. The boys were too busy to have noticed, but your grades were dropping and—
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice snapped you out of your reverie, and you turned to see him holding up a piece of paper. When you caught a glimpse of the front, your stomach dropped. It was your report card. “What’s this?”
“I-um…” you had nothing to say.
“You can do better than this. Much better. We both know that, so what happened?”
“I-I just…got distracted.”
“Distracted?” You hadn’t noticed Dean in the corner of the room until he stood up and spoke. “By what, hunting? I thought you agreed, school comes first.”
“It does!” You insisted. “I just—“
“If you can’t do both, you know which one you’re dropping,” Sam said.
“No!” You panicked. Hunting was the only outlet you had for your powers, and right now your powers were the only outlet you had for your grief.
“We agreed!” Dean insisted. “You said you would drop hunting if you can’t do both.”
“But I can!”
“This says otherwise.” Sam waved your report card.
“That’s not fair!” You cried. “One report card doesn’t-“
“Your grades have been dropping for a while,” Sam interrupted. “I just didn’t think they would get this bad. I should’ve mentioned it sooner, I just…” he sighed. “I thought it would get better.”
“It will! Don’t stop me from hunting,” you pleaded.
“You’re not giving me much of a choice!”
“Sam, you can’t—“
“That’s enough,” Dean barked, and you both shut up. “We made an agreement, and you’re going to honor it. Until the grades go up, you’re not hunting.” Dean slung his bag over his shoulder as he spoke. “We’ve got work to do. You stay here and study for that test you told me about, understand?” Dean’s tone left no room for argument.
“I understand,” you grumbled, unable to look him in the eye, whether from anger or sadness you weren’t sure.
Your brothers were gone without another word.
As the Impala’s engine started up and the boys drove away, your hands curled into fists and you let out a yell of frustration. You jumped in surprise when the table next to you fell over. Did you bump it? You didn’t think you did.
Maybe you needed to pay closer attention to your powers. Or maybe you just needed to put them to good use.
“What do you think you’re doing here?” Dean demanded.
“I think I’m saving your bacon!” You retorted before casting a spell on the closest ghoul.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Sam insisted before taking a headshot at the ghoul heading for Dean.
“You’re welcome,” you grumbled as Dean shot the ghoul that you had petrified with your spell.
“Y/N behind yo-“ a third ghoul pounced on you before Sam got the chance to warn you.
Dean tried to aim at it, but he couldn’t get a clear shot without risking hitting you.
Sam jumped into action at your cry of pain. The ghoul had bitten into your shoulder before Sam managed to tackle it off you.
As soon as you and Sam were clear, Dean blasted the ghoul’s head off.
“Y/N?” Sam was by your side in an instant, peeling the fabric of your shirt away from your bleeding shoulder, cringing when you cried out in pain. “Ok, you’re ok, you’re gonna be fine.”
“That was crazy,” Dean grumbled as he knelt next to you to examine your injury. “That was really stupid, kid.”
“I-I didn’t see him,” you cringed. “I-I’m sor-“ you broke off with a cry of pain when Dean lifted your head, jostling your injured shoulder.
“You shouldn’t have even been here,” Dean sighed, glaring at you. “And I thought you got that guy with a spell! Your magic doesn’t seem to—“
“Dean, she’s bleeding a lot,” Sam interrupted quietly, glancing nervously at the growing puddle of blood beneath you. “I think we should try for Cas.”
“Hey Cas,” Dean stepped away from you to talk to the angel. “Cas, we need you over here! Y/N’s hurt pretty bad. Can you—“
“I’m here.” Sam jumped in surprise when Castiel appeared next to you.
“Cas,” you croaked, whimpering when Sam moved to make room for Cas.
“Shh, it’s alright little one. This won’t hurt at all.” Cas placed two fingers on your forehead, and your wound slowly sealed itself with a blue glow.
“Thanks Cas,” you breathed as you slowly sat up, rubbing your shoulder as the pain slowly went away.
“Cas,” Dean spoke up. “I think her magic’s gone all wack, can you—“
“Dean, I’m fine, really,” you said. The last thing you wanted was your brothers looking in too deep to why your powers seemed to be failing. You would look weak.
“Her powers aren’t anything physical,” Cas said. “If they’re not working correctly, she either mispronounced the spell, or she’s not in the correct mental state to perform magic.”
“Cas.” You wanted to interrupt him, but it was too late.
“Y/N.” Dean stepped closer to you, and you ducked your head to avoid his gaze. “Sweetheart what’s he talking about?”
“I’m fine.” Your voice came out small and timid.
“Y/N, talk to me.” Sam stepped forwards.
You shook your head, blinking hard and fast in a failed attempt to keep the tears at bay. Your hand unconsciously sought out something to hold onto, and your fingers clamped onto Cas’s trench coat.
“Are you alright?” Cas’s gentle voice was the only invitation you needed, and you practically flung yourself into his arms, burying your face against his shirt as your tears began to fall. Cas froze for a moment, unsure of what to do, but slowly he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you tightly against him.
“It’s alright,” he soothed. “It’s ok, I’ve got you little one.”
“I can’t do this anymore,” you sobbed, clutching onto Cas like a life preserver. “I-I miss Gabriel. And-and Joe and Ellen, and my-and my dad.”
“I know,” Cas sighed. “I know, it’s ok.”
“I didn’t mean for it to mess up the hunt.”
“It’s not your fault,” Cas promised. “You’re allowed to feel like this. It’s ok to feel sad, it’s ok.”
“Maybe we should take her home,” Sam cut in.
“Don’t go.” Cas’s heart constricted at your whimpered plea as you held on even tighter to him.
“I won’t,” he whispered to you before looking at Sam. “Go on, I’ve got her.” With that, Cas disappeared with you.
You jumped in surprise when you arrived suddenly in your room.
“I’m sorry,” Cas said. “I didn’t mean to surprise you.”
“I’m ok,” you sniffled, still unwilling to let go of Cas.
“Ok.” Cas smiled. “Would you like to lay down?”
You nodded, and Cas led you over to your bed and let you lean on top of him after he laid down.
“I’m sorry,” you said finally, your throat constricting as the tears returned.
“Don’t ever apologize for what you’re feeling,” Cas said, wrapping his arms around you. “You can let it out now, you don’t have to hide it.”
“I just don’t want Sam and Dean to think I can’t do this,” you cried.
“You can trust them. You don’t have to be alone with this, you never do.”
You didn’t respond, and Cas didn’t push it. He held you in his arms and you finally let out your years upon years of tears that you hadn’t let yourself cry before. Eventually you fell asleep, and still Cas didn’t move.
Most times when he was needed, it was so he could heal your or your brothers physically, and that was easy for him. This was much harder; he wasn’t well versed in human emotion, and he wasn’t all that sure that he was helping you correctly, but he sensed that his presence was all you needed.
So here he would stay.
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Hey if we’re talking about Dean and angels, entirely in good faith I’m sure, you wanna see one of my most personally loathed Dean transgressions?
It’s this bit from season 9:
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[IMG: Dean Winchester with a phone to his ear, facing left, Sam is out of focus in the background of the shot. The captions read “Well, trust me, they’re just monsters with good PR.”]
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[IMG: A man leaning against his car on the side of the road with his phone to his ear, the other side of the conversation. The captions, continued from the previous image, read: “So, if you run into one, torch his ass with holy oil.”]
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[IMG: Later in the same conversation, Dean, leaning back and facing slightly right speaking into his phone. The captions read “And, uh, spread the word.”]
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[IMG: The same as above, Dean continues speaking, the captions now read: “The more hunters that know, the better.”]
I’ve cut for the relevant stuff but that’s Dean’s solution to the problem of a bunch of fallen angels being on earth. Warning hunters about them I get, but this? To Dean angels are monsters with good pr, helping them or even sparing them isn’t in the equation, the solution is to burn them alive with holy oil.
Just to be clear, these are the last words exchanged with Cas on the matter:
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[IMG: Castiel in the foreground looks back at another angel, Hael, who is looking around with concern, holding her harms to her chest and stomach. They are outside, framed next to a dumpster and an outhouse, Castiel is speaking into a payphone. The Captions read “Some are just looking for direction.”]
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[IMG: Dean Winchester holds a cellphone to his ear, listening and looking perturbed, he is in a hospital hallway. The captions, continued from the previous image, read: “Some are just lost.”]
Cas expresses that some of the angels are just lost and confused, that he met one and wants to help her.
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[IMG: Dean in the left half of the frame, looking down, speaking into the phone. The captions read “No Cass, I know you want to help, okay, I do.”]
Dean warns him not to, and I actually like and understand Dean’s point of view here. Dean might understand that Cas cares about the other angels, but he cares a lot more about Cas not getting hurt, and he’s personally seen that some angels are out for his blood, and considering Cas just finished getting tricked by an angel that caused this whole mess I don’t think it’s unreasonable for him to be skeptical of Cas’ judgment here. I mean, no more than his own considering what he’s about to do and also considering, oh yeah, it was Sam and Dean going to Metatron for help that put him back into play in the first place, but this is like understandable and in character. Dean wants Cas to prioritize his own safety, that’s cool.
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[IMG: Castiel, centre frame, looking off to the right, speaking into a payphone, he looks upset. The captions read: “And do what? Just abandon them all?”]
Cas for his part views not helping the angels that he can as wrong, not fighting against them or hurting him, but just not doing everything he can to help. The conversation gets cut off before they can really get into an argument about it, and Cas ultimately takes Dean’s advice and tries to leave Hael and go to the bunker alone.
Now you know and I know that Cas ends up having to kill Hael when she backs him into a corner, despite his attempts to leave peacefully. Dean doesn’t know about that, his last word from Cas is that he wants to help the angels.
Cas has done plenty wrong by heaven, and a lot of what motivates him to help is the weight of that guilt, but his desire to reconcile and repent for his mistakes, and to help the other angels is a well established and consistent trait of his. Dean knows about this, he literally says “I know you want to help.” He just doesn’t care.
Because angels are “monsters with good PR”
anyway this is why I can’t stand it when people claim Cas should’ve trusted Dean with the angel tablet back in season 8. Forget the fact that Kevin literally got kidnapped from the place they were keeping him (and planning to take the angel tablet) two episodes later, Dean himself is not someone who can be trusted with information about angels, not if Cas cares about the well-being of his species, and he does.
Anyway that’s my take on it you’re welcome to disagree obviously, but Imo just because Cas is the poster child for angel massacres doesn’t mean the fact that his best friend seems to consider him and everyone like him to be sub-human isn’t like. An issue.
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The Dangers of Hope Ch. 3
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Series Summary: When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
Pairings/Characters in the series: Endverse!Dean x Reader, Emma (OFC), Castiel, Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Michael, Zachariah, Risa, Johnston (OMC), Patrick (OMC), Theresa (OFC), other survivors and soldiers.
Series Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Show level violence, some gore, angst, smut, fluff all the usual for a series of mine. ❤️ Endverse!Dean (that's a warning for his anger and callousness as well as his extreme hotness. 😁) Each chapter will have their own specific warnings.
Chapter Warnings: None really. Angst. Dean being a bit of an asshole. A brief, near sexual encounter. Smidge of fluff.
Word Count: 3,654
A/N: So, I've had this idea for quite a while. Basically since I watched The Last of Us. I loved Pedro in the role of Joel, but I kept thinking how incredible Jensen would have been. Which then made me think of how amazing he was as Endverse!Dean which then led me to this idea. Lol! I've stolen the premise of Ellie's storyline from TLOU, but made her a grown up, a reader insert, and a love interest for Dean.
If you've never seen TLOU, don't worry - you don't need to have seen it to understand this story. 😊
I've taken some liberties with the Endverse in my story, changed a few things from canon, but kept lots of things too.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. It will be ten chapters and I will do my very best to post one chapter every weekend. ❤️
A/N 2: So, here I am with chapter 3. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you so much for all the very kind comments that this series has received so far. You're all fabulous.
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The next morning Dean was sitting at the table in his tent, listening to the camp waking up around him, when his tent flap opened and Cas strolled in. Dean rolled his eyes.
“Jesus, we gotta put up a piece of wood on the tent poles or something so people can knock.” He said in a surly and growly, early morning voice. When Cas didn’t respond, he challenged him with an even surlier tone. “What? Why are you here?”
Cas walked further into the tent. “I saw you gave Y/N back her daughter.” Dean raised his hand and then dropped it, conceding the point. “And,” Cas continued, raising his hand in the air and waving it slightly, “no more manacles.”
Dean spread his arms wide. “These are all things I already know, Cas; why are you telling me this?”
Cas shrugged slightly. “So, can I assume this means you no longer think she’s going to turn into a monster at any minute?”
Dean blew out a puff of air. “It means, she’s been here a week, and hasn’t turned yet. And since that isn’t really something that happens to people who get bit, I think I can be reasonably certain she won’t turn, randomly, out of the blue one day. And I gave her back her kid so she can look after her, and I can get Risa back as a soldier instead of a nanny.”
Cas wore a very enthusiastic expression as he moved closer. “Come on, even you have to admit that this is exciting.”
Dean arched a brow. “Exciting?”
Cas’ voice became awestruck. “Dean, this is the most hopeful sign we’ve had in…years!”
“Aw, don’t come at me with that hopeful bullshit!” Dean’s scowl and fierce countenance was immediate and slightly intimidating, even to the angel. 
“Hope is nothing but a fucking lie, okay? We know it. We HOPED we could stop Lilith breaking seals and we didn’t, we HOPED we could stop the apocalypse, but we failed at that too. We HOPED we could save everyone, and well, we’re doing a pretty piss poor job of that, aren’t we? Every single time we go out on a raid, I hope we come back with the same number of people we left with, but it doesn’t happen very often, does it? We hoped -” 
Dean cut himself short and swallowed hard, lowering his voice. “We hoped that Sam would be strong enough to say no, but…he wasn’t. I hoped I could save him. And-” He cut himself off again and rubbed a hand hard across his face. 
“So just don’t come at me with ‘hopeful’.” Dean said, sneering the word.
He tapped his fingers against his chest. “Cause I gotta live in the reality of this situation. And look, if you wanna hide away from that reality, you wanna get blitzed and bombed every day, and pretend like you’re some kind of sexual guru, fuck around with dozens of girls, I don’t really give a shit. Okay? Do it. But I,” he banged his chest with his whole fist this time, “I have to live in the reality of our lives.”
Dean stood up and stepped closer to Cas, swinging his arm out sideways. “And the reality is I have no fucking clue why that woman hasn’t turned.” He shrugged dismissively. “Maybe the person who bit her wasn’t fully turned themselves, or maybe they didn’t fully break the skin so it didn’t take completely. Who knows. All I know is that she’s probably not gonna turn and so now we’ve got one more mouth to feed. Two, actually.” He said holding up two fingers. “And two more people draining our resources.”
He stepped back and turned away, giving Cas his profile. “That’s the reality. So you wanna join me in it, great. If not,” He turned his head to look at him, lifting his hand towards the entrance, “there’s the door. Or, you know, the tent flap.”
He dropped down onto the chair he’d vacated and rubbed a hand across his lips. He looked up when Cas spoke softly. 
“I don’t wanna live in this reality, Dean. I just can’t anymore. So I choose hope, I choose to be hopeful that maybe she marks a change, maybe things can be different. I’m telling you, this reality isn’t the only option.”
Dean shook his head. “It’s my only option. I learned a long time ago, and you should’ve too - hope is dangerous. Reality can’t hurt you like hope can.”
Cas’ expression was discouraged and disappointed as he nodded, looking away from Dean. He said nothing more as he turned and walked away.
A little while after Cas left, Dean moved out to his campfire and cooked and ate his ration of eggs and potatoes. As he drank his coffee, he was actively trying to push the argument with Cas out of his head. He had a camp to lead, he didn't need this crap clouding his judgment.
It was ridiculous to think the woman represented some kind of new hope for mankind. He rolled his eyes at the very notion.
Still, he found himself calling out to Johnston as the soldier walked by. The man stopped abruptly and turned fearful eyes on Dean. It drove Dean a little crazy that after more than two years of Johnston serving the camp, of protecting it and helping to run the day-to-day work and activities there, he still seemed petrified of Dean. 
I can't possibly be that scary, Dean thought with a deep scowl. Not like I've had him flogged for looking at me wrong or something.
Dean rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the fear radiating from the other man.
“You settled Y/N and her daughter?” He asked.
Johnston's blue eyes were slightly bulging and his prominent Adam's apple moved up and down as he swallowed. “Yes, sir.”
Dean waited a minute for him to elaborate before prodding him gruffly. “And?”
The other man seemed at a loss and Dean snapped his fingers impatiently. “And where did you put them?”
Understanding finally lit in Johnston's eyes and he began nodding. “Oh, yes sir. I put them in the southwest corner. Fourth row, the tent on the end.” He seemed proud to get that much out. But then he raised a finger. “Oh, the tent is red.”
Dean nodded and waved at him. “As you were.” 
Johnston saluted (even though Dean had told him a million times not to) and hurried on. Dean sighed deeply and without thinking about it too much, he headed in the direction of the red tent. 
When he got there he shouted out a hello, feeling slightly foolish and vowing then and there to make it a project to put some kind of wood near tents’ openings so people could knock.
The flap opened and Y/N's face lit up with a beaming smile when she saw him. “Hi!” 
Not knowing what to do with her enthusiasm, he just nodded. There was a slightly awkward moment and then Emma, her big blue eyes staring up at Dean, poked her head out from behind her mom, keeping her arms tightly wrapped around her hips and leaning her head into her side.
Y/N lifted her arm a little so Emma could shuffle out from behind her a bit more. She combed down Emma's slightly flyaway curls with her fingers and then settled her hand on the little girl's thin shoulders.
She gestured to Dean. “Say hi to Mr. Winchester.”
The little one just pressed closer and looked away from Dean to bury her face in her mother's side.
Y/N gave him a slightly chagrined look. “She isn't usually this shy.” She said by way of apology. 
But Dean simply shook his head. Unlike Johnston, he understood all too well why this blue-eyed moppet was scared of him. She'd watched him nearly end her mother's life - not something she was ever likely to forget.
Dean hated that that realization came with a trace of guilt. Feeling very annoyed with himself, he straightened up and nodded curtly.
“Good.” He said succinctly, responding to nothing. “I just wanted to make sure you were settled properly.”
He turned in an abrupt about face and started walking away. 
“Dean, wait!” Y/N called out to him. He turned back to see her wave Emma back into the tent and head towards him. When she reached him she wore her bright smile again, and he frowned deeper as a result.
“I wanted to ask you about something.”
Dean said nothing, waiting for her to continue. She seemed to be a little nervous, fiddling with her hair. She finally clasped her hands in front of her and continued. 
“So, I was talking to Eric?” She said as though it was a question. Dean did give her a puzzled look.
“Eric?” He asked.
Y/N had opened her mouth to continue talking, but then closed it and gave her head a shake, pointing to the side at nothing in particular. 
“Eric Johnston? The…soldier that brought us to this tent and helped us set it up.”
Dean nodded in recognition. Yes, he remembered now, that was his first name. He never used it. “Right.” He waved her on. 
“And I was asking about school for Emma, but he said there isn't one.”
Dean shook his head. “No, the parents, guardians, they look after that themselves.”
Y/N nodded. “Yes, but I was thinking…well, I was a third grade teacher in the…before.” She thumbed behind her as though their former, normal lives were just right behind them, around the corner, instead of existing eons ago.
She shrugged. “So, I was thinking that maybe I could start a kind of school for the kids here. Eric figured there were about 35 or 40 of them. So I thought we could hold lessons somewhere outside most days, but if the weather's bad, maybe we could use the main cabin.”
Dean was scowling harder now, so she rushed on. “It would only be for a few hours a day. Wouldn't be anything spectacular, but it could help them with reading and math, and just some basics. Keep the kids' minds occupied and give their parents a couple of hours on their own.”
She shrugged. “It's nothing much, but it might help people feel a little more hopeful about the future.” She finished with another bright smile.
Dean felt his ire rise with that word again - hopeful. This woman was going to upset everything, tip the precarious balance of the camp on its head. 
He shook his head angrily. “We don't do shit like that. This isn't a fucking gated community, okay? These are survivors who get by together. That's it.”
Y/N's eyes were so earnest it almost hurt to look at her. “But, don't you see, it could be a community. Not gated, but open. We could do more for each other than just survive.”
Dean crossed his arms over his chest. “Look, if you're unhappy with being here, we can happily help you on your way.”
Y/N raised her hands. “No, of course not, that's not what-”
Dean cut her off with a cold, hard voice. “And you can't teach kids like this.” He waved a hand towards the red rings encircling her irises. “You'd scare the shit outta them. Take one look at you and freak out, thinking you're gonna turn into a monster any minute.”
That pulled Y/N up short and Dean could see by her slight flinch that his words had hit home. She was quiet a minute and her smile was dimmed as she nodded.
“Right. That's…no, you're right.” She gave an imitation of a chuckle. “There aren't many mirrors around, so I…sometimes I forget about…” she gestured to her eyes.
She shook her head. “I was just trying to find a way to be helpful, you know.” She shrugged. “But yeah…” She trailed off and Dean felt a sick gnawing sensation in his stomach as she gave a final dull smile. 
“Okay, well thanks.” She said as she turned away. Though what she could have possibly been thanking him for, he had no idea.
He thought about Cas’ disappointed expression, and Y/N's bent smile and he gritted his teeth. This morning was not going well for him.
The day didn’t get much better from there. He spent most of it planning their next raid for canned goods. They were running low, and it was September already. Over the next couple of months they’d have to make sure they had whatever they needed for the winter. Once the snow hit, the winter roads were sometimes impassable for weeks at a time. 
They were having to go further and further out from the camp to find supplies. The area was becoming picked clean. There were four or five other, smaller, groups of survivors within about a hundred square miles of their camp. For the most part they all rubbed along together alright, pretty much just leaving a big buffer of space between the camps, and leaving each other alone.
However, Dean was starting to worry about what would happen now that resources and supplies around them were starting to run out. In this last year, they’d started having to drive hours and hours away from camp to find un-ransacked grocery stores and restaurants in the abandoned cities. They could manage it because of their size, but some of the smaller groups had very few working vehicles, making it harder for them to travel. Dean worried what would happen when they got desperate. 
He wanted to be ready for winter.
So, he tried to spend the day planning the best route to hit as many cities as they could without hitting too many known Croat hives, or cleaned out cities. But he kept getting interrupted by his soldiers. The concerns of the camp were unending, and sometimes felt completely overwhelming. 
The morning kept being interrupted by issues and grievances his soldiers brought him from some of the camp inhabitants. He tried to put out as many fires as he could, while continuing to plan the raid.
Then he ended up spending far too much of the afternoon talking about drainage and irrigation with the young guy who used to be an engineering student, and an old farmer who’d spent his whole life in the fields. The two very different men were teaming up to try and see about making bigger winter crop plots this year. They’d grown some winter vegetables last fall and winter, and even that small amount of fresh food had made a big difference in the health of the campers. So this year they were hoping for more. 
Finally the men went off to plan some more and Dean folded up his maps. He hadn’t made much headway into the raid route, but the light was getting low; he’d have to come back to it. He fried up some spam and a few of the cooked, frozen potatoes they’d put up in the spring and sat beside his fire for a while before tossing water on it and going inside his tent. He lit a lantern and started to try and look at the maps again, but he was interrupted by Risa.
Dean lifted his chin towards her by way of greeting. She came forward and dropped a small piece of machinery on his table. “Here’s the piston for that Ford we towed back last week.” She said, referring to the truck they’d found abandoned on the side of the road with no owners in sight. “Should work.”
Dean nodded. “Great.”
Risa lingered a moment and then walked closer to him. “How are you?”
Dean shrugged. “Fine.”
She moved forward to stand between his legs and then reached out to run her hands over his cheeks and down his neck. She bent over and pressed a brief kiss to his lips.
“I miss you.” She said, her voice softer and more intimate than it ever was when they were soldier and commander. “You haven’t been to see me in weeks.”
“Sorry.” Dean said gruffly and then let her kiss him again, kissing her back for a moment before pulling away. 
Not willing to give up, Risa straddled his outstretched thighs and reached for his zipper. “It’s okay, I bet I can find ways to entice you back.” She said, dark brown eyes flashing with heat.
But Dean grabbed her hands and pulled them away. He kissed her briefly to try and ease the sting of his rejection. “Sorry, not tonight.” He nodded towards the maps on his table. “I’ve got shit I gotta finish.”
Risa bit into her lip, looking down at their hands entwined in his lap, and then nodding before she stood up. She lifted her mouth in a smile. “Yeah, sure. ‘Kay.” She nodded again and pointed to the piston as she left. “Let me know if that works.”
Dean sighed as his tent flap fell back into place. And that was the third person he’d disappointed today. Without his permission Y/N’s face floated into his mind. Despite what he’d said to her, he couldn’t deny how beautiful that face actually was. The red pigment in her eyes made no difference to that beauty.
He couldn’t erase the image of her crestfallen expression when he told her she’d scare the kids. That was complete bullshit and he knew it. Five seconds in her shiny presence and the kids would be eating out of her hand.
He growled slightly as he could feel himself caving. But would it really be so bad to let her teach the kids somewhere? They’d have to stay out of the way, and she’d have to keep them all quiet when they were together in a mob. But it might actually free their parents up for more of the endless tasks it took to maintain the camp.
If he let her do it, he’d have to make sure she knew he was only saying yes so that they could have the kids out of the way for a while. This wasn’t some hopeful mission for the future. It was just a practical solution for improving the camp.
He nodded. Yeah, I'll tell her tomorrow. 
But even as he though it, he got up and walked out of his tent, moving towards the southwest corner of the camp. Within a couple minutes he was standing in front of the red tent and again found himself clearing his throat and embarrassingly calling out a hello, like he was the Avon lady.
Y/N poked her head out of the tent and smiled. But she lowered her eyes a little and wouldn’t look directly at him. He wanted to punch himself.
“Hi.” She said softly, and then stepped out of the tent into the cool, late evening breeze. She waved towards the tent. “Emma’s sleeping.”
He nodded. She rubbed her arms and he frowned. “Didn’t they give you a jacket?” Then he noticed she was still wearing the grubby clothes she’d been wearing when she came. “And clean clothes?”
Y/N nodded and even in the dusky twilight Dean could see her blush. “Yes, but I realized…I’m all dirty.” She shrugged. “Nothing but basin baths for weeks. I’d like to get cleaner before I put on the clean clothes. One of your soldiers said there was a place where people went to bathe nearby. But he didn’t have time to take me.”
Dean nodded. “Yeah, there’s a river about four miles south of camp. It does the trick. I’ll take you tomorrow.” 
He scowled; he didn’t know where that offer had come from. He could have had one of his soldiers, or any other camper really, take her out to the river. But he didn’t rescind the offer and Y/N nodded happily.
“That would be wonderful.” She said rapturously. 
Dean nodded curtly again. “Yeah. And uh…you can do the school.” Y/N looked directly at him now and her face was surprised, but clearly thrilled. 
He nodded and scowled. “Yeah, the kids'll get over it." He said with a nod to her red eyes. "But just make sure you all stay out of the way of the work in the camp. And let the parents know we’ll have some work for them during the hours their kids are gone. We can use the extra hands.”
Y/N nodded. “I’m sure they’ll be happy to help out where they can.”
Impulsively it seemed, she threw her arms around him, squeezing his arms tight to his sides as she hugged him. Shock coursed through him and he didn’t know how to move. Thankfully it was a brief hug and she was soon pulling away.
“Thank you so much, Dean. I’m so excited. I think it’s going to make a real difference. Just wait.”
As she bid him goodnight and bounced back into her tent, he shook his head, frowning deeply. 
Fuck, he thought, everything is too different already.
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @akshi8278 @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @deangirl96
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
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delulu4dean · 7 months
“Five Gum…”
Warnings: idk, cringe outdated pop culture references. Gender neutral terms(just wanting you so you don’t get like confused <3 )
Pairings: Cas X autistic!reader(platonic), Dean x child!reader
Summary: Castiel is hanging out with Dean’s autistic child, and they have a lot in common.
Word Count: 1,278
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Your dad, Dean Winchester, is out on a hunting trip with your Uncle Sammy. He left you alone with Castiel. You don’t know what Castiel is to your dad, they say they’re best friends, but the way they look at each other says more.
You didn’t mind being at the bunker with Cas though. Out of everyone, you got along with him the most. You had some sort of mutual understanding that Sam and Dean don’t get. You assumed it’s because Castiel didn’t know much about human interaction, social cues, pop culture references, and you were well, autistic. Your dad has made the joke that you and Castiel tilt your head the same way when you’re confused, and both don’t understand his sarcasm, and how even though your Dean’s kid, you’re a mini-Cas.
“So what are we doing today?” Castiel asks you.
“I know my dad is protective, but you really don’t need to babysit me, I’m 18. I am an adult,” you explain to Castiel.
“That’s not why he leaves me with you, he just doesn’t want you to get lonely.”
You nod, understanding. Today you’re probably going to do what you and Cas always do, exist next to each other while doing your own things. He’ll be reading something, you’ll be drawing something, and occasionally you two will look at each other, and ask how it’s going. It’s always worked that way.
And that is what you do today. You both go to the library together, Castiel picks out a book, you pull out your sketchbook, and you start doing what you learned is called “parallel play.” At least that’s what it’s called in kids, but you figured the term can be applied here too. You start sketching away as Castiel looks at you, narrowing his eyes.
“You wear that jacket all the time, why?” he asks.
“It brings me comfort. You wear that trench coat all the time, even indoors when you don’t need to. Why is that?” you throw the question right back at him.
“I suppose it also brings me some sense of comfort,” he concludes.
You nod, satisfied with his answer, and go back to sketching, as he goes back to his book. The only sounds filling the room are Castiel’s occasional page flipping, and your constant scribbling. This goes on for half an hour, only to be interrupted by your stomach erupting in hunger. Castiel does not say a word, as he gets up and goes to the bunker’s kitchen, and comes back with a prepackaged peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
“Oh thanks. When did we get these?” you raise an eyebrow.
“I got them the last time I went grocery shopping with your dad. He said you were having trouble eating because the foods we’ve been getting weren’t the right texture, and I remember when I was human I loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, you can never go wrong with them. But I know you sometimes just want ready made food, and when I saw these in the freezer section, I told Dean to get them.”
A smile comes across your face as you open the packaging and take a bite. These prepackaged peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were one of your safe foods, your other one being boxed mac and cheese. You bounce happily as you eat, something you do whenever you’re eating food you really like. And if it’s super good, you’ll kick your feet a little too.
You lick your fingers after you finish your sandwich, and sign “thank you” in ASL, something you do when you don’t feel like talking much. It’s a thing you do with everyone, you’ve taught them basic signs like “yes” or “no” or “please” or “thank you” or “food” or “water” to communicate when you don’t feel like talking.
“No problem,” Cas responds, smiling at you.
You nod and get back to your little activity while Castiel gets back to his. The silence is nice, you get to focus on you sketch, which is a picture of Castiel sitting down in his chair, reading. You occasionally glance up at him, getting the details you need, but you’re not going for realism. You have your own cartoonish art style and you’re drawing Castiel in it. Once you finish, you show him, and a big smile appears on his face as he puts down his book.
“You drew that? That’s me,” he says, and you nod. “I love it.”
You smile and start putting your art supplies away, as he goes back to reading. You clean up your space and put everything back in your room, before returning to Cas. You look over his shoulder at the book he’s reading, trying to not disturb him. He flips through the pages as he reads. But the page flipping and the silence get too much.
“Dicks out for Harambe,” you blurt out, not thinking.
Castiel once again sets his book down, this time not intending to pick it back up, as he looks up at you concerned. You didn’t think before speaking, but being on the internet you hear this phrase a lot. So you said it, and now Castiel is concerned.
“Who is Harambe and why are we exposing ourselves for him,” Castiel asks.
You think for a moment, wanting to answer him, but there’s no way to answer him without sounding stupid and insane. You take a deep breath, giggling a little at the thought of explaining “dicks out for Harambe” to Castiel.
“It’s an internet thing. This gorilla, Harambe, was killed, so we uh, expose ourselves, as you put it, to pay respects to him,” you attempt at an answer but Castiel furrows his eyebrows, getting even more confused.
“How is that paying respect?”
“Well it isn’t… it’s a joke…”
“I thought jokes were supposed to be funny,” he bluntly says.
“It is… to younger people I guess,” you shrug.
“And you said it because…?”
“I said it to fill the silence.”
Cas takes a moment to think, nodding, taking in what you just explained. He then takes his phone out and types away and you look at him, waiting for him to say or do something. He pats the seat next to him and you sit and look at his phone. It’s one of those fruit sensory videos on TikTok that you got Castiel into. Not the baby videos(well they are the baby videos) but the ones to popular music. You and Castiel watched as blueberries and strawberries bounce around the screen to Lincoln Park’s “Numb.”
“Why are we watching this?” you finally ask.
“You seemed like you needed something stimulating to watch or listen to,” Cas answers you.
“That reminds me,” you say, running to your room to grab something quick.
Sam and Dean walk into the bunker, and as soon as they see everything, they just look around, confused. The ground is covered in bubble wrap, and the map table is full of Pop-it fidgets. You look up at your uncle and dad, as you and Cas run around barefoot on the bubble wrap, playing with the fidgets.
“What are you doing?” Dean asks.
You look up at him, with an innocent smile on your face.
“Five gum!” you yell at him, throwing a pop-it fidget at him, and he catches it. “Stimulate your senses!”
“I think they are making a joke, because this is a way to stimulate our feeling sense, which is something people on the spectrum often do,” Castiel explains to Dean.
“Yeah, I know what they meant, Cas,” Dean chuckles. “You two have fun while we were gone?”
You and Cas both nod.
A/N sorry if this is silly, I’m autistic and Kin cas so I thought it would be fun to do Cas and Dean’s autistic kid. But autism is a spectrum! While this may be how autism is for me, it doesn’t represent everyone with autism :)
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t00muchheart · 1 month
Jump the Shark is SUCH an interesting look at John Winchester and Sam’s & Dean’s relationships with him via how they respond to Adam’s existence both initially and after accepting that he’s really their brother !
It also just says so much about where they’re at currently—Sam seeing hunting as a life that can’t be escaped, only prepared for (because he tried to escape and now he’s facing a destiny); Dean wanting to send Adam away from the hunt to Bobby’s (the safest place he can think of) because he deserves a chance to get out, live a normal life (like Dean would have if he’d had the chance). These are themes that come up consistently as we get to the end of season four: in It’s a Terrible Life, Sam Wesson believes he’s destined for something more, while Dean Smith doesn’t believe in destiny, wanting to hold onto his normal life; in The Monster at the End of this Book, Sam believes that they should use Chuck’s prophecy to approach Lilith (to encounter their destiny) while Dean believes they should try to work around it, to avoid the fate that’s laid out for them.
And all of that is symptomatic of their current places in the overall narrative: Sam trying to take his powers and embrace them, use them for good (because they feel inescapable, and if he has to have them he wants to use them to save the world), and Dean trying to resist the plan the angels have in place for him, to push back against the future they say he’s destined for.
And they were set up for that by their destinies and by the people around them. There’s Ruby, who has acted like Sam’s friend, helping him grow strong in order to achieve her own ends, who is acting as though she’s different from the demons but who is only pushing Sam to get stronger and hunt more because it will position him where she wants. On the other side, there’s Castiel, saying he’s like the other angels but privately having doubts, beginning to feel, helping Dean find a loophole to save Sam from Lilith and beginning to try to understand humanity, to see why it deserves salvation.
And Adam’s role in all that is so interesting because by the end of the episode we know he’s dead, has been dead, unwittingly dragged into the world of hunting by John even after his death, and Dean insists on a hunters funeral even when Sam suggests asking Cas to bring him back—because in his eyes, being dead but not in the mess of the Winchester’s lives is the better option, the better place to be. (But of course, he’s ultimately dragged into it anyway, revived just to become the vessel Dean refuses to be and then locked away for it, locked away for over a thousand years)
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Prompt: okay but cas would show up with a handful of weeds, with the roots and dirt still on the bottom, and give them to dean because 'it's the human tradition to bring flowers, right?' and dean would 'yeah. yeah cas that's right' because that is how they say i love you @deanspunchingbag
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Title: Surprise me
Pairing: Castiel x Reader (they/them)
Characters: Castiel, Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,
Word Count: 1,254
Summary: What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Thank Jack that Castiel doesn’t know you’ve been in love with him for a while. If only he would reciprocate your feelings, even a little.
Warnings: Alcohol, consensual licking of arms and neck (sort of)
A/N: This was the first idea I came up with for the prompt and it became self-indulgent. Hush. This is in second person POV.
What if you’re friends with Castiel and the Winchester brothers? Castiel, as an angel, obviously has issues with understanding body language and subtext, so you help him out now and then. One day after a case, you all go to a bar. For shits and giggles, you start teaching him about flirting. You’re not a great flirt, but you can read body language and explain it.
Dean, of course, interrupts you and explains to Castiel, for a couple hours, how to flirt with the ladies and men. You just giggle and chuckle at the stories he tells. It’s even funnier when Dean makes Castiel “practice” these “new moves” on him. Dean keeps at it, and finally the angel seems to be getting the hang of it.
Suddenly, Castiel gets up and goes to get everyone another round of beers, deciding to all get a shot of tequila, salt and lime. He sits back down next to you and distributes everything evenly. He tells you “The bartender said it could be a good tool to flirt with so I thought I’d try, but they didn’t explain how.”
Dean tells Cas to watch Sam and him. Sam and Dean eye each other in their silent communication, they salt and lemon their wrists and lick before shooting the tequila. You giggle when you see their faces.
The brothers aren’t big tequila people,they prefer whiskey or bourbon.
Castiel looks confused and says “That doesn’t seem very flirty.”
You giggle at them and tell Cas that “It isn’t. They’re chicken.”
Castiel then asks you to show him how to shoot the tequila flirtatiously. You know you’re a bit more than buzzed for this, and mumble “What the hell, why not?”
“Okay,” you begin. “I’ll show you. The idea is to make it as close to a body shot as you can, since putting your mouth on someone can be considered flirting if not a potential interest in sex.” You tell him step by step how to make a tequila shot flirty and sexy by taking the ladies wrist—you take Castiel’s wrist, in this case, and place a kiss on the sensitive area/spot inside before licking it.
You tell him how “Most people will laugh it off. That’s when you salt the wet area on their wrist so it sticks.” You salt his wrist and then grab the slice of lime, telling the blue-eyed man to open his mouth only a little. He looks confused, but does as instructed.
You notice Dean and Sam eyeing each other again and nod. They make some excuse to get up, and walk away as you continue teaching the angel.
You stick the lime in Castiel’s mouth to hold it. “The idea is to get a subtle kiss here. They’re going to come and bite the lime to get the juice, and you can either let them have the lime when they do, keep the lime so they only get the juice and you get the lip press, or if you wanna be a true sneak, spit out the lime and get the kiss you want instead.” You smirk at him, not telling him you’ve always been scared to do the latter.
Castiel quirks a brow at you and you have to stop the shiver that it causes, dominating you so easily.
He’d only have to do that brow at you and you’d probably do whatever he says. You can feel yourself beginning to get wet.
Ignoring it, you continue your lesson.
“So, you lick the salt, juice the lime and shoot the tequila, but this is the flirt…sexy way.”
He squints his eyes at you.
“You ready?”
He nods. “Yes.”
Still holding his wrist, you proceed to lick his wrist.
With his free hand, Castiel removes the lime and asks, “If this were you doing this to a man or woman, what would you do?”
“Me?” You ask. “For a guy I wanted to sleep with, I’d just ask him if he wants to go back to my place for sex. Men tend to like directness, from my experience. Women, though, I’d flirt with and tease. I’d probably do what I’m doing right now and make sure I was the one with the lime, so we could make out instead of shooting tequila.”
“You haven’t tried flirting with men?” Castiel inquires.
“I have, but I get nervous for some reason. I’ve taught many friends how to successfully flirt, but for some reason I end up acting like a fish or stuttering when I try to flirt with me.” You roll your eyes and shrug. “It’s easier to be friends with people I like than it is to actually…pursue,” you quietly confess to Castiel.
Castiel tilts his head, keeping his eyes on you for nearly a minute in silence. The silence isn’t awkward, but calming and companionable.
It is one of your favorite things about Castiel, you think to yourself. You can just sit together and do different things, but still feel like you’re engaged and doing something together…or maybe that is just you.
And then, he asks a really weird question: “How do you like to be flirted with?”
You furrow your brow at the question, initially confused, but then you think about it. You look down as you think, then say the first thing that comes to mind when you’ve gone on really good dates. “Be interested in me and actually listen to what I’m telling you. Tell me about you, your past, your history, experiences that I might be able to relate to, about your family and friends, your aspirations…”
Castiel’s head tilts the other way as his blue eyes continue to watch you.
“Be accepting of me and my truths, my authenticity. I may have been born female, but I am very good at taking care of myself. I’m choosing to be here with you when I could be elsewhere. Be satisfied I’m here with you.”
“You are,” agrees Castiel. “And others. You care very deeply about your found family, as you call us.” He uses air quotes and slightly smiles. He leans forward, getting your eye to look into his. He is mere centimeters from your face. “I’m very happy you came out here with me tonight. It makes me very happy to spend time with you.”
“Thanks, Cas,” you give him a small smile, feeling your cheeks heat up. Your brow furrows again. “Cas, are you flirting with me?”
He looks down at his wrist. You follow his gaze and see that you’re still holding it, but resting on the table now. He gives a sheepish smile and nods looking at your hand.
Your heart races as adrenaline pumps through you at this disclosure. You take a deep breath and exhale. Then, you rotate and slide your hand into his. “Okay.”
He looks at you, confused. “What do you do when they realize they’re flirting back?” Worried, Cas’ blue eyes search your face.
You grin at him. “How bout we get outta here, just the two of us?”
It takes him a few extra seconds to connect the dots and nod. “Yes, okay.”
He scoots out of the booth and you follow him, keeping his hand in yours. You look around for the brothers who are sitting at the bar, chatting.
You both walk outside, looking up through the light pollution to see the moon and brilliant Venus close by.
“Where to?” He queries.
“Surprise me, Angel.”
He bends down and plucks a daffodil that has broken through the asphalt parking lot. Castiel hands it to you. “For you.”
You smile and take it, putting it behind your right ear.
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loserchildhotpants · 11 months
here have an angst drabble inspired by an evil post by @sheepstiel that posited ‘you know what would be evil. dean rescues cas from the empty but cas is set back to factory settings.’ #remembers nothing... etc’ 
@sendhelpnewobsessionincoming asked to be tagged when i eventually got around to writing it
this will probably have a sequel at some point bc... pain and suffering lol
“You need to calm down, Dean.”
“Don’t fucking start with me right now,” Dean mutters flatly, pacing crop circles into the floor; he’d usually muster more vitriol, but he’s exhausted and still half-terrified.
Jack insisted on everyone staying out of the dungeon as he rescued and healed Cas, and so, of course, Dean is directly outside the dungeon door, anxiously waiting to be let in.
For a long time there was just stressful silence, but then, after roughly three hours, he, Sam, and Eileen had heard the bizarre, pulsating sound inter-dimensional rifts make when they materialize, they’d felt the barometric pressure throughout the bunker shift, and Dean very nearly barged in, breaking his contract with Jack.
Sam’s hand on his shoulder was the only thing that reminded him of the terms of this agreement.
A peculiar torture, knowing Cas is right behind that door, and Dean still doesn’t understand why he’s not allowed in yet. 
He wanted to be there to receive Cas from the Empty, he wanted to be the first to touch Cas, to speak to him, but beggars can’t be choosers, and he can’t question Jack — not with the stakes so high, and not after it took so long to get Jack to bend.
Dean paces in angry circles for another hour, and then Jack summons Eileen — and only Eileen.
Sam and Dean are flummoxed, but can do nothing about it; the door opens, Dean sees absolutely nothing, Eileen walks through, the door is shut again and Dean goes back to pacing.
When Eileen reemerges, she looks nervously between Sam and Dean, and tells them, while half-signing, “you need to be prepared. This… isn’t going to be easy.”
“What does that mean?” Dean asks.
“The Empty took from him,” Eileen replies, face regretful, “it’s… hard to explain.”
“Am I allowed in there?”
“... be careful, Dean,” she says — and Dean wants to tell her that he’s insulted she thinks he’d be anything other than that with Cas, but it quickly occurs to him that she means with himself.
Knowing he’s allowed in now, he doesn’t bother hemming and hawing in the hall any longer — he lets himself in, Sam right on his heels, and they both stop before they’ve made it ten feet inside.
Cas’ body — vessel — is young again. 
He looks malnourished, windswept, weak, but not grotesquely harmed, as Eileen’s ‘prepare yourself,’ tone in the hall might have implied.
Swallowing the guilt that comes with seeing the evidence of Cas’ long imprisonment and torture, Dean ventures forward again, opening his mouth to greet him, but Jack intercepts him, looking at Cas and saying, “Castiel, do you know who that is?”
“This is the Righteous Man and Michael Sword,” Cas answers in monotone, “I recognize him as all Angels can. The color and sound frequencies of his soul indicate that he has divine purpose, and the engravings on the spires of his soul specify what purpose that is.”
Dean’s brought up short again.
No one says anything; Jack looks at Dean, repentant, and trying to communicate nonverbally that this is not a joke.
Dean’s not sure he believes that yet; it’s an awful joke, a bleak, horrendously un-funny joke, but no alternatives are coming to mind.
“Do you understand where I’ve brought you from?”
“You’ve told me I’ve come from the Empty, but I have no memory of this.”
“Oh… oh, no,” Sam utters just audibly.
Dean’s stomach churns, sharp and hard.
“Regret is a corrosive,” Jack explains to Cas, but also to the room at large, “the Empty uses regret, shame, and guilt, and sort of… injects all of one’s memories with it, amplifies it in the ones that already contain it, which reduces the memories to only regrets. Regret strips the memories of all other qualities, until all that’s left is the interject; the regret. Memory becomes feeling only, a reductive feeling, which makes everything smaller and smaller until…”
Jack glances up at Dean and finishes, “... well, until there is nothing left.”
There’s loud static in Dean’s head.
Jack adds, “this is how the Empty feeds. This is what it takes. It is the full power of regret.”
“I’m missing memories?” Cas asks Jack.
“Many years of them, yes,” Jack replies.
“Heal him,” Dean rasps, barely a whisper, white hot terror sparking at the soles of his feet, flickering up into all of his body as it tenses from the hairs on the back of his neck to the nerve endings under his nails.
“I cannot heal what isn’t there,” Jack responds sorrowfully, “there is nothing broken. There is — there’s nothing.”
“Why does he — look like that?” Sam asks, throat sounding thick.
“Castiel used to age his vessel’s appearance purposefully, to feel closer to the two of you,” Jack tells them, “I think, at first, it was so that a unchanging human person who does not visibly age wouldn’t alarm the two of you by how unnatural it seems — the same reason he gave his vessel vital signs and engaged in sensory processing in the third dimension. He didn’t want to upset either of you by being too… alien. Then he came to appreciate looking as though he belonged among you.”
Cas raises his hand to his jugular, and must be setting a pulse into motion, then he studies Sam and Dean for a few moments and his vessel ages rapidly before their eyes, until he looks about their age, until he’s just as he looked nearly a year ago — the way he looked in this very dungeon when the culmination of he and Dean’s shared memories were so fortified with happiness, fealty, and unwavering, unconditional love that it was enough to save the world.
He glances between Sam and Dean blankly, and asks, “is this more acceptable?” 
“He —” said he loved me - but he said he loved me. He loved me. It was the most important thing he ever said, the way he said it, what he told me... he said he loved me, he can’t have lost that, I can’t have lost that — Dean can’t say it.
No one else knows.
He and Cas were the keepers of that beautiful, terrible moment in time, but Dean’s just flashing morse code into emptiness now. 
“... Dean?” Sam starts worriedly from somewhere over Dean’s shoulder.
Emptiness in his eyes, empty hands, an empty mouth with no words left for Dean; an umbra. 
Shaky legs move backward, Dean’s unsteady where he stands, and while it’s hard to look away from Cas, it’s also too painful to keep staring. All he can do is retreat.
“Dean?” Sam asks again.
Dean can’t get out of the dungeon fast enough; he shoves past Eileen and Sam, even as they shout after him; he can hear Jack’s voice in his head, apologizing so gently, full of a child’s fear that they’ve done wrong by their parent.
He can’t breathe in the bunker, he thinks he might vomit, so he rushes outside for air, and the summer storm raging there mutes his voice as he pants, out of breath from running, and then roars into the night; no particular words, just grief made audible, just another monster languishing, just the sound of suffering.
He’s bombarded — what if I’d convinced Jack sooner? What if I’d been able to figure it out myself? What if I’d grabbed Cas when the Empty first came for him and just gone with him? What if I had gotten to him sooner? Would he have any memories left? Would he have lost even more of himself had he stayed any longer? Is this why he’s so skinny? Did the Empty run out of incorporeal food and so cannibalize him? What more could I have done? I should have gotten to him sooner, I should have saved him faster, then there’d be something left, there’d be anything left —
How many times? Dean wonders as his voice crackles like dying embers, splintering and winding down in a clap of thunder, tears bubbling to his eyes, and in how many ways can he be taken from me? How many more times will I have him ripped from me? How many more times can I survive it?
When Dean lands in a sprawl in the mud, head in his hands, fingers clawing at his scalp, he feels Sam approach, he lets Sam wrap him in a hug, and he thinks to himself — I can’t. I can’t survive it. Not even once more. Not even now, I think.
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naturegirl555 · 2 months
Ranting about supernatural because I hate this show so so much (I’m so so obsessed with it to the point where it’s concerning) and I’m on season 6 episode 20 “the man who would be king” and can I just say how incredibly annoying the boys are! Like can you maybe hear cas out maybe! His reasons for doing these things aren’t malicious or demonic. He is fighting a war in heaven which they couldn’t give to shits about and now they are gonna be mad because he was MANIPULATED by crowley (I love the man but still) like can they use their brains for one moment. And I feel this may come off like I hate Sam and dean and I do not in any way they are very complex characters with trauma and trust issues but cas has done everything for them. He was trying to save them. He didn’t know the outcome. Like Sam and dean have never made a mistake before. Because I remember a couple seasons ago where Sam was going crazy gorging on demon blood because he thought he could do good with that power! So why be so hypocritical and get mad at cas in the way they did. And can we just talk about how broken cas looked when they trapped him in the holy fire! Like Sam said to him did you bring me back without a soul on purpose and his eyes god! Like in what world would castiel who saved you both from hell do that purposely! It was already hard enough to save dean it was a group project in a way he didn’t have help with Sam! And cas is also doing all of this because he thinks its what god wants. He is so blinded by his faith again because he got brought back to life. He had the idea that he was brought back for this reason and chuck did absolutely nothing because all he wants is drama and trauma for the collective and not caring about how his kids feel! Castiels faith breaks my heart because no one could understand it. Dean couldn’t and Sam couldn’t. Castiel has been an angel since the beginning it’s not so easy to give up everything you’ve ever known even when you know that it might not be the right thing. Was it easy for dean to see his father the way everyone else saw John. No. So why can’t it be difficult for cas. They truly never give cas a break. And yes I’m a major destiel shipper. But the way dean acts towards cas sometimes makes me so enraged. But this “breakup” dean looked heartbroken. Castiel had lied to him. Him of all people. The man who he had a profound bond with. He just wanted cas to ask for help and cas didn’t because he doesn’t do that. He’s never been not capable before things have never been this difficult for him before. And when you look at what castiel did there was truly nothing wrong with it. He was blinded and manipulated and he didn’t want all of the shit they endured to stop the apocalypse to be for nothing. He didn’t go to dean because he saw dean living a normal life he saw him getting out and he wanted to respect that. How could castiel have known dean wasn’t happy in that life. Castiel isn’t very good with human emotions and his thinking is very black and white while the winchesters have shades of gray thinking. So how is it fair to blame cas for all of it. I’m sorry about this rant i just feel so much about this! Like castiel is my favorite fictional character of all time and I wish I could’ve teleported into the show and been his lawyer because no one would listen to him no one ever does. I love all of them very very much but it would be dumb to think castiel doesn’t deserve better. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk about castiel. It may happen again
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destieltaggedfic · 2 months
Retired Dean - Part 6
So, I didn't post on Friday as I was away in the bush and had no reception.
there is rest for the wicked – fleeceframe   Ao3
15x20 didn’t happen AU.  They stopped the end of the world for the last time and now Cas and Jack are back.  With everyone safe, Dean starts relaxing enough that his body starts making up for all the sleep he has missed his whole life.  He may even relax enough to let the words out he wants to say to Cas.
Word Count: 15k                              No Sex
The Life I Want – Areiton   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  After a hard case, Dean asks Cas what he’d want in his life if they retired.  Cas keeps accidentally saying We and Dean’s on board with that too.
Word Count: 2k                                 Graphic Sexual Acts
Singer Salvage, Dean Campbell Speaking - soft_pine   Ao3
15x20 didn’t happen AU.  Life is good.  Dean and Cas have retired to rebuild Bobby’s house and business.  Sam is finding new, gentler ways to hunt but every now and then Dean feels guilty that he isn’t out there on the front lines anymore.
Word Count: 6k                                 No Sex
Just Your Heart, In Exchange For Mine – noxsoulmate   Ao3
Canon AU.  After getting an injury saving Charlie from the Stynes, Dean started having seizures and so couldn’t hunt anymore.  So instead he opened a bakery where he met Latin professor Castiel.  But what Dean doesn’t know is that Cas is actually a witch and for his protection he accidentally gets spelled into cat form by his coven until a witch killer can be found.
Word Count: 47k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
The Gambler – insominia   Ao3
Nonspecific timeframe.  It was a random ghost hunt that made Dean retire.  So random that Sam didn’t believe Dean was actually serious until he was moving out.  He didn’t really understand why Cas was going with him though.
Word Count: 4k                                 No Sex
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waywardxwords · 8 months
Part Two
Summary: *Part 2 in the Highway to Hell series* While trying to wrap her head around her newfound role as a prophet, she finds herself connecting with the oldest Winchester brother. Word Count: 1,383 Warnings: Some light drinking, a little bit of cursing...nothing crazy!
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Castiel demanded that she stay the night with the boys. The uncertainty inside of her had been replaced with fear, and though she didn’t know these men (or the angel) from Adam, she somehow felt as though she could trust them. So, shockingly, staying the night at this stranger’s house brought her a weird peace of mind.
She stared at the ceiling as she contemplated the last twenty-four hours. Shadows of the tree branches just outside the windows danced across the ceiling.
“Can’t sleep?” A deep voice came from the doorway. Dean entered cautiously. He and Sam had decided to sleep in the bunker to give her some space and privacy.
Somehow she managed a smile and let out a soft laugh. “Guess I just have too much on my mind.”
Dean nodded. “Understandable,” he shoved his hands into his jean pockets and she took notice. The man must not own many clothes if he slept in jeans. If she understood his life correctly, she knew he must spend most, if not all, of his time on the road.
“Weren’t you terrified?” She asked as she tried to shift to face him. She winced only slightly at the pull of her healing wounds. Dean took a seat on the coffee table and looked down at the ground as he thought about her question.
“Sometimes,” he nodded with a slight shrug. He surprised himself with how comfortable he felt with this girl. “In the moments we were in serious shit, yeah. But I mean, this was our life. Always has been. We didn’t have a choice.”
“Neither do I, apparently,” she looked down and picked at a loose string on the plaid-print couch.
“Hey,” Dean said to pull her attention back to him. “When you understand what we do, you’ll understand why we do it.”
His tone was serious, the pressure from his gaze felt debilitating to her.
“We save people,” he stressed, his tone urging her to understand. “We hunt things that kill people.”
She nodded slowly and tried to understand how to phrase her next thought. “But in order to do that…you have to kill people?”
“Not people,” Dean corrected. “Things.” He thought it over as she shifted a bit more on her side. Dean licked his lips as he contemplated continuing. “Look, you’ve had a really long twenty-four hours…you should try to sleep. I think we’ve filled you in enough for now.”
She wanted to argue, but she figured he might be right. Her fingers gripped the blanket that was draped over her and tugged it up closer to her chest. “You’re probably right,” she nodded before continuing. “But I know sure as hell I’m not sleeping tonight…or not right now, anyway. You think Bobby has some hot chocolate or something?”
Dean raised his eyebrows. “Not too sure about the hot chocolate, but I could almost guarantee the ‘or something’.”
A slight frown pulled across her face but she stood to follow Dean anyway, as she tried to ignore the sting as her bandages pulled. He popped open a cabinet, knowing his way around Bobby’s kitchen (or liquor cabinet, at least). He pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and two small rocks glasses.
“Ah,” she managed a small smirk as she rested her weight on the counter on her elbows. “The ‘or something’ category usually leaves me with a headache, but with the day I’ve had…why not?”
Dean chuckled and nodded as he set the goods down in front of her. He unscrewed the cap to the Tennessee whiskey and poured two glasses, straight up. “Yeah, Bobby doesn’t usually carry the good stuff…but this’ll do. It’s the only thing that puts me to sleep these days.”
She nodded as she took her glass and tipped her head to him in thanks. “To not going totally insane,” she smirked as she held the glass in front of her.
Dean smiled and tapped his glass against hers. “I’ll drink to that,” they made eye contact as they tapped their glasses back down on the wooden countertop and then took a sip.
Dean was impressed with how smoothly she seemed to take her liquor. She only winced for a moment before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “Whiskey your drink of choice?” They walked back towards the living room, with her resuming her spot on the couch, but this time Dean took a seat next to her, leaving enough room in between.
“I guess I owe that to my college days,” she shrugged as her eyes glanced down at the caramel colored liquor. “You learn how to hold your alcohol when your roommate is in a sorority and you’re invited to all the socials.”
“Sororities, huh?” Dean couldn’t help the smile that pulled at the corners of his lips. “I bet you have a lot of fun stories.”
“Number one rule of the sorority code,” she leaned a little closer before whispering. “We’ll never tell.”
Dean shook his head with a laugh and took another swig from his glass.
“What about you? You don’t seem like the fraternity kinda guy to me,” she eyed her company as Dean moved his glass around, swirling the liquid within.
“Thanks, I think,” he frowned. “I didn’t go to college. That was more Sammy’s thing.”
“Ah, right,” she nodded. “Too many monsters, not enough time, right?”
Dean smirked again. There was something about her he couldn’t seem to put his finger on. 
“What?” She caught onto his stare and seemed to fold under the pressure. Her cheeks warmed up with a pale crimson color and she found her eyes averted to the glass in her hands yet again.
“Nothing,” Dean shook his head and broke his trance from the woman beside him. “It’s just…you’re different.”
“Like crazy, psychic, prophet different? Or this girl talks too much, especially when she starts drinking, different?” A soft laugh slipped through her lips as she took another sip from her glass.
Dean felt like he had smiled one too many times tonight, but he couldn’t help the grin he felt creep upon his lips. “Just different,” he shrugged and let the comment fall off there.
Before either could say another word, a slight breeze blew throughout the room. “She needs to sleep,” Castiel appeared just in front of the window, his silhouette haunting almost.
“Jesus, Cas,” Dean groaned as he closed his eyes for a moment. His newfound friend (and drinking partner) grasped at her chest, both taken by surprise. “Can you use a door or something?”
“But why?” Cas seemed genuinely thoughtful. Dean just shook his head and stood from his spot on the couch.
“Forget it,” he mumbled. “Well, angel’s orders.” He nodded back towards her. “Get some rest, you’re probably gonna need it.”
She nodded for a moment and glanced at the hardwood floor beneath her feet. “Um, Dean?” She hesitated for a moment as she gnawed at her bottom lip. She was hesitant to ask her next question as her eyes traveled over the makeshift bed in the window bay she assumed one of the boys might use regularly. She went back on the thought almost as soon as it had crossed her mind. “Nevermind. Goodnight,” she managed a smile up at the man.
Dean knew better as he eyed her carefully. His eyes followed hers to the window bed, and then traveled back to her. “Hey, uh, would you mind if I slept over there? The basement can get a little cramped with Sasquatch. Unless that makes you uncomfortable or anything,” he hurried to add in the last part, just in case his thought process wasn’t reading hers correctly.
He relaxed when he watched her smile and nod. “That would be great.”
Castiel made himself scarce, yet again, as Dean made up the makeshift bed. He moved his glass to the floor as he pulled up the blanket and rested his head on a small throw pillow. Just as he closed his eyes, he heard her whisper.
“Hey, Dean?”
“Hmm?” He glanced over towards her. In the dim glow of the moon, he could make out her biting her bottom lip once more.
“Don’t mention it,” he whispered back. Both fell asleep with smiles on their faces, something neither thought was possible.
Part Three here!
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profoundbondfanfic · 6 months
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A Ghost Story by emmbrancsxx0 [Explicit, 257k words]
Castiel Novak has haunted his family's estate for 150 years, awaiting the return of his lost love. Upon their reunion, Dean Winchester learns of his past reincarnation. After the night of Castiel's resurrection, the two try to find out why they've been given a second chance. The answers may be hidden in the forgotten memories of Dean's former life - but sometimes the truth is better left buried.
A Lonely Vigil by saltnhalo [Mature, 34k words]
Castiel Novak is twenty-six years old when he's killed in the Civil War. The first soul to be laid to rest in the grounds of the new Lawrence Memorial Cemetery, his spirit remains in a liminal space—not in the living world, but not passing on, forever tasked with helping other spirits to go where he cannot. His vigil over the grounds of his cemetery is a long and lonely one, unable to interact with anyone who still remains in the land of the living. Until he meets Dean Winchester.
A Million Ways to Go by ChasingRabbits [Explicit, 91k words]
Castiel Novak is a preacher's son living in a world of black and white. Pragmatic and dutiful, he doesn't understand why anybody would want to make waves. Then the Winchesters move in down the street. Soon many of the skeletons in the Novak family's closet are exposed, and as the family faces them, Castiel begins to understand that there are many ways to see the world and so many more ways to live than what he's been told.
Bumper Cars by mansikka [Explicit, 111k words]
Two teenagers are missing from an abandoned carnival, and there’s enough to raise suspicion that their disappearance involves a ghost. Dean, Sam, and Cas arrive in town to investigate, though what they find leads them away from those teenagers, and on the trail of a ghost story that churns up things from their past. Can newly-human Cas, and Dean, with the help of shipper!Sam, work out the mystery behind the abandoned carnival and its ghost, and along the way, figure out the riddle that is them?
Dean Winchester is Not Afraid of Ghosts by Desirae [Explicit, 48k words]
When photographer Dean Winchester is not capturing momentous occasions like weddings and graduations with his Nikon, he is moonlighting as the cameraman for the South Shore Paranormal; a ghost hunting series on YouTube, headed by his brother Sam, and Sam's best friend Gabriel. Despite his brother's adamance, Dean Winchester does not believe in ghosts. And no one is going to change his mind. Certainly not a scam artist like Castiel Novak. Castiel is a self-proclaimed medium... and Gabriel's brother. When a member of the SSP team has to leave the crew, Castiel is the replacement, much to Dean's dismay. But the more they work together, the more Dean is drawn to Castiel, the man stirring up protective instincts usually only reserved for family. What happens when Dean realizes that Castiel is not the fake he always thought he was, but instead, a generous soul that Dean is rapidly falling in love with?
ghosts that we knew by dothraki_shieldmaiden [Explicit, 89k words]
Dean can’t help it. Castiel’s laugh is infectious, washing over him and sweeping him up in its tide. His throat and stomach ache with the feel of it, unfamiliar muscles worked past their endurance. He hasn’t laughed like this in weeks, maybe years. Cas doesn’t stop laughing, and Dean relishes it. It’s such a good sound, deep and throaty. It rumbles over him the same way that Baby’s engine purrs, to where he can almost feel it in his gut. Dean’s giddy, the kind of happy that hunters don’t get to feel, and if it weren’t for the ceiling, he thinks he might float away. Cas’ eyes crinkle when he laughs, and his smile goes wide and gummy. He’s so brilliant, so alive— But you’re dead, Dean thinks helplessly. But you’re dead.
Heart by Speary [Mature, 90k words]
The heart is a funny thing. Some say it loves, and others say that it is just a muscle, keeping you alive for some minuscule amount of time. For Cas Shurley, the heart was a defective reminder that each day was maybe going to be his last. For years he had been in and out of hospitals. For years he had viewed time as something trickling down the drain. Then Sam Winchester died. He died, and Cas got to live. And in what universe was that fair? But he accepted the gift, and told himself that he would live. Each beat of Sam’s heart in his chest was an anthem, a siren song beckoning him back to life. This new heart though, wanted him to do more than just live. This heart had a story to tell. It would wake him up in the night, and visit him with cold drafts and a sense of purpose that would propel him out of bed. But before he could truly live and act on the demands of his new heart, he would have to get out of the hospital, and he would have to meet the Winchester family. And though he didn’t know it, he would especially have to meet Dean, Sam’s brother. And meeting him would remind him of just how much more there was to life than just the living.
Hope and Clay by tabulaxrasa [Explicit, 20k words]
The museum is haunted, the security guard is dead, the ghost has an alibi, and Dean is… worried about his relationship status with Cas (currently: It’s Complicated). A Winchester family hunting trip threatens to go awry from the weight of too many secrets– and an unstoppable killer from the dawn of time.
Rest in Pieces by xylodemon [Explicit, 22k words]
"Goddamned ghosts," Dean snaps, stabbing his shovel into the dirt. "Goddamned Heaven." (or: the one with the Ghost Apocalypse)
Under Construction by thestarsarefalling [General Audiences, 42k words]
Castiel's been quietly haunting the house in which he's met his untimely demise for a long time. Up until this moment, he's only had to deal with squatters and adventurous teenagers, who were easy to drive out with some spooky moans and creepy words scratched into walls. But when his building is slated to become a construction site, Castiel encounters Dean, the contractor and new owner of the home, someone who doesn't scare easy.
Winchester's Haunted House by deansmultitudes, Kitmistry [Teen and Up, 3k words]
For the Halloween evening, Dean turns his new home into a haunted house for neighboring kids. But once all the guests are gone, is when the real haunting begins.
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miss-madness67 · 6 months
Super Daddy (Sam)
Prompt: Your kid shouldn't be telling everyone at school you and Sam are hunters.
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Having a kid as a hunter is not easy, but since the beginning, you had decided along with Sam that you wanted a normal life for her. No monsters and no moving around. Nevertheless, neither you nor he desired to step away from the hunting life. It was your duty, after all. So you made a compromise. Your daughter would know about what you really do, but you will keep her at arm’s length from that life. She would not hunt, and she would not get involved in that business. That's why she stays at the bunker. Most of the time, you and Sam are with her, trying to be the most normal family possible. If Sam or you were to be needed in a hunt, her uncle Dean would take care of her. Sometimes even Castiel helped too. So far, your semi-normal life has been working.
Your daughter is in preschool, you know it’s tough on her because she doesn't come from a normal family. Today, at Father's Day, you received a call from the principal claiming that your kid yelled at another child. Apparently, the cause had been that in her Father's Day presentation, she had said that Sam is a hunter. Of course, because she is the daughter of Sam Winchester, and she is super smart, she had to tell everyone about hunting facts, like how her parents and uncles once tracked a vampires' nest. It is safe to say that no one believed her and made fun of her. That's how the fight happened.
“Baby,” you say, “I know you’re super proud of your daddy for getting rid of the monsters.” Your daughter slouches in her seat, sensing the lecture. “But you’re not supposed to tell anyone what mommy and daddy work on.”
She nods, you’ve talked this with her plenty of times before. “I understand, mommy. I just wanted the other kids to see that my daddy is cool.”
You look back at Sam with a hit of a smile on your lips. He’s staring at your daughter, slightly surprised. Then, an idea seems to pop inside his mind. “Honey, you know what’s even better than hunting.” Your kid shakes her head. “Not telling anyone about it.” She doesn’t seem to like that idea. “It’s like a secret group, don’t you see?”
When you realize she’s not completely convinced, you decide to step in. “You like all those superheroes, yes?” She nods. “Well, just like they can’t reveal their secret identities, we can’t reveal what we do. It’s better for everybody, alright, sugar?”
She likes the analogy because she looks convinced. “Yes, mommy. I’m sorry I yelled at that girl.”
“It’s ok baby, why don’t you search for uncle Dean and tell him we’re here?”
She doesn’t wait around and runs towards the garage, where Dean is most likely at. Sam snakes an arm around your waist and brings you closer. You lean into his touch and sigh. Yes, you love your little abnormal family.
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vampzmeel · 28 days
so, i have just finished my first ever watch of Supernatural.
i started late december 2023 ended late march 2024. heres what i have to say.
WHY DID PEOPLE LITERALLY JUST LIE??? like when i heard and had the finally spoiled for me i was told “cas died and went to super hell cause he confessed his love to dean.” like no???? that’s literally no what happened???? castiel sacrificed himself by admitting dean was the reason he understood and found happiness which led to the deal he made with the empty to be fulfilled. and also cas went to the empty not this mysterious “super hell” he went to the normal place where angels and demons go when they die.
i was also led to believe that jodi dies SHE LITERALLY DOESNT??? EVER???
anyways never trusting any of u fuckers again.
also how are they supposed to make a season 16??? like they have the perfect ending sam and dean being together in heaven, like dude let them be happy 😭
last note, anyone who doesn’t believe in wincest doesn’t understand that incest doesn’t have to be sexual to be incest.
i loved all of spn even when honestly it should’ve ended at season 5. but the journey was good and the characters great.
time to start a rewatch with my season one dvds 😎😎
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
The boys comforting you about your family issues in highschool headcanons
The HSL Boys comforting you about family issues
N/A: Family issues are such a hard thing to deal with, especially since they can take some many different forms. I hope you doing well anon !) ! Disclaimer : if you feel like you need help, please don't be afraid to ask for it because you don't have to face this alone <3
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𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
He has do deal with some family issues as well (he’s literally on his own 99% of the time) so he kinda understand (it might be different from your situation but at the end of the day you both get ✨trauma✨ sooo)
If you need to blow off some steam or rant about it, he’s your man 
Let’s say you want to avoid staying at home for as much as you can, he’ll follow you around if you want him to  
Would propose you to say at his place for a little while if you need to
If things are really messed up (if we’re talking about abuse here), he encourage you to take actions (just like he did with Nathaniel)
And ofc, he’ll stay by your side the whole time
𝙻𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 :
He’ll be very concerned 
Your well-being is one of his main priorities so knowing that this isn’t going well for you at home worries him a lot 
He’ll be constantly checking up on you to make sure things don’t escalate 
If you need to get away from home for time to time, you’re welcome at his place
He’ll be constantly asking Leigh if you can come over but he wouldn’t really tell him why because he doesn’t know if you would be okay with him knowing about your situation 
(And if Leigh says no for some reason he’d be like « huh did you really think it was an actual question brother ??? Read the room »)
Would try to cheer you up and distract as best as he can 
Whether it is by writing you some poems or songs, or by spending some quality time together, my boy is invested 
Just like Castiel, if things are taking a turn for the worst, he’ll be very direct about how this situation can’t keep going on (likely he’ll be tempted to confront the problematic family member)
𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
So you would think that Nathaniel is the most likely to understand how you feel in this situation
And you’d be right, he does understand it perfectly and a little too well
He might feel overwhelmed because of this (the abuse he suffered from is still very fresh in his mind)
Nonetheless, he wants to be there for you and will often let you know that you can count on him no matter what 
After all, you were the one that came to his rescue when he was the one with family issues
He wants to help you just like you did but he’s not sure how to do so
Like Castiel, now that he lives alone, he’ll propose you to stay at his place if you need to (or he’ll tell you that you can come anytime you want)
Might even, give you a spare key 
He tries to be always available for you because he’s concerned about what’s going on at your place
I feel like you would have some endless conversation about this, at night while you’re at his place (you guys are ✨trauma-bonding✨)
𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 :
He lives in a household where everyone love each other and where they’re all supportive no matter what happens so he struggles to comprehend how some parents could be so hard on their kids (you know that friend that has a supporting and loving family and every time you come over you’re like « so that’s what a functional family looks like, damn » haha, that’s actually not funny, we all want this)
He’ll get angry, not at you but at your family (depending on what are the circumstances, if we’re talking about family issues because one of your relatives is diseased then ofc he won’t be angry)
Would try to comfort you the best he can 
He would offer you food or ask you if you want to play some games (is that his solution to every problem ? Maybee)
He’d even accept to go take a walk if that’s what you want to do (and you know how much he hates going outside)
He’d tell his mom about it (I feel like Armin and his mom have a good relationship where he feel safe telling her what’s going on in his life so he’d go to her for advices)
She’ll tell him that you more than welcome at their place whenever you feel like it (and if one of your family member isn’t treating you well, she’d want to go kick their ass)
Stan Armin and Alexy’s mom guys 
𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗 :
Unlike the other boys, he can’t tell you to come over if you need to stay away from home (his dad is a bit of a bitch in my opinion)
So you guys would just hang out in town for hours (and he’ll bring Cookie because dogs are the most comforting beings in time of crisis)
He’ll buy you some sweet things to eat while you’re both out 
And then he’ll listen to you, constantly praying for the situation to not get worse 
He’s very worried about you, you really important to him
He’ll randomly hug when he thinks about the situation too much or when you’re getting upset (Kentin the empath, the comeback)
If things are really getting out of hand, you might be surprise to see him at your front door, ready to deal with this shit (he doesn’t know where he found the courage to do that but the truth is that he really loves you and can’t stand the idea of you being hurt in any way)
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That's such a hard topic to write about (but unfortunately it is a very common issue that's why I think the world would be a better place if parents agreed to go to therapy)
Hope it satisfy you and wish you all the best ! <3
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