#that cat is so disgustingly cute
kingdomoftyto · 1 year
Decided to check out the audio drama Fawx & Stallion this weekend and GUYS... guys this show is SO FUNNY. I couldn't stop laughing for the first three episodes straight.
It's the story of some wannabe detectives living in Victorian London. Specifically, they live at 224B Baker Street, just across the street from a certain pair of decidedly more famous detectives--and they're sick and tired of having all their potential cases scooped by Sherlock Fucking Holmes. Luckily for them, while Holmes and Watson are out of town looking into some matter about a dog, a new case comes along and drops--by default--into our would-be heroes' laps.
And just who are these aspiring crime-solvers?
Hampton Fawx: detective and gentleman. What he lacks in common sense he makes up for with raw theater-kid enthusiasm.
James Stallion: gentleman and detective. A loyal friend and companion when he's not being a self-important arse. Runs on approximately 20% gin and 80% spite.
and finally Madge: neither gentleman nor detective. She's just been stood up by her date and she's going to make that everyone else's problem. She'll agree to help on this case just for the Drama.
It's a hysterical romp so far. A lighthearted farce set just offscreen from Holmes' own capers (for now!). Our main trio lacks even a single braincell to share between them, but by GOD they're going to solve this case and I'm going to be cheering them on the whole way there!
From what I can tell, new episodes are typically every other Monday, but the show's on a short hiatus for the holidays, to return in 2023. The first five are currently available to listen to, though, and I highly recommend it!
#Fawx & Stallion#certain details omitted so as not to spoil the little ep1 surprises :3c#this is a fun one to go into without much prior knowledge so if you're sold then please check it out now!!#I don't want to rob anyone of the gleeful little gasps that I let out as certain details came to light#but if you would like a few tiny spoilers to give you some more miscellaneous character info:#Hampton is asexual (I did not know this going in and it took me a bit to pick up on it but it is alluded to already in the show!)#James and Madge are legally married (which is why I left her surname out of the main post) but#they're both gay and happily pursuing other relationships with each other's blessing.#James is in a committed relationship (basically reads as married) to an Inspector from Scotland Yard and they're disgustingly cute together#his partner Archie is extremely long-suffering because Hampton and James' antics end up getting them in trouble more often than not#and Archie has to clean up their messes without seeming like he's showing favoritism.#(that description sounds like it could be tense but it's actually more in the tone of sitcom hijinks. it's lighthearted and hilarious)#and Madge is a complete disaster lesbian who apparently has an on-again-off-again relationship with Martha across the street#yes THAT Martha across the street#and anyway the three of them--Hampton James and Madge--all just share a flat with an ancient cat and#spend their days drinking booze and amateur boxing and bitching about Holmes and Watson#it's great. please give it a listen :)
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soothingsoftness · 2 years
debating on finishing this lil doodle
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five minutes | l.m.h
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pairing... bf!minho x gn!reader tags... established relationship, disgustingly fluffy, excessive references to soondoongdori, minho is a cat personified, soft mimo!
operation put your boyfriend to sleep in five minutes is a go.
wc... 1.4k words a/n... ah, yet another domestic fluff fic featuring softy minho. a star specialty! sorry guys this is kinda my fav thing to write ever r u sick of me 😁 anywayz this was inspired by this soft thought and this tiktok like i saw it and immediately thought : lee minho.
ALSO ALSO! HUGE THANK YOU FOR 1K FOLLOWERS! i never would've thought i'd reach this milestone and words couldnt express how incredibly grateful i am for each and every one of you who read and enjoy my works <3 i love you guys thank you so much!
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Minho turned the doorknob and pushed the front door open, greeting Soonie who stood by the entrance with a tilted head. Shutting the door, he hung his bag on the coat rack and bent down to pet his beloved cat’s chin.
“Hi, baby,” the cat nuzzled his head into Minho’s palm and circled around his arm, “where are your brothers, hm?”
Meow… Soonie walked off to the living room as if to answer Minho’s question. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he followed his cat toward the faint nose of your favorite series playing on the TV.
When he entered the room, Minho saw your figure strewn lazily across the couch. Dori was cuddled up against your chest and Soonie hopped up to join Doongie by your feet. His heart warmed at the sight of his loves all huddled together.
“Honey, I’m home,” Minho grabbed your attention with his gentle, sing-song tone, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.
You switched your attention from the screen in front of you to the man standing in the doorway, returning his smile and giving a small wave. “Hi, my love. How was your day?”
Minho padded over to you, scooped Dori up against his chest, and settled himself where the cat had previously taken solace in your arms.
“It was alright,” he said, scooching backward to press his back firm against your front. “Tiring, as usual, but it's fine.”
Though he couldn't see it, you nodded in acknowledgment and pressed a soft kiss to his head. You brought one hand up behind his ear to scratch at his scalp, something you had found he enjoyed.
“Do you want to go to bed already? It is pretty late.” From its place above the TV, the clock read 10:37 PM. “Maybe we should move our little cuddle session to the bedroom.”
Minho sighed and shook his head. “But, I'm already so comfy here. Plus, you wouldn't dare disturb the cats, would you?”
“Please, remember the last time we slept on the couch the whole night? I don’t think we want that happening again.”
“Y/n,” Minho called your name, dragging out the last syllable. “My back hurts so much! Remind me why we stayed on the couch again.”
“I told you we should have moved to the bed! But you wouldn’t listen to me,” you snickered at your boyfriend from the kitchen while you continued to whisk a couple of eggs for your breakfast.
You set the bowl down on the counter and walked over to Minho who was still lying on the couch. When you came into his sight, he made a show of stretching his arms and legs, akin to a cat, accompanied by a few exaggerated groans.
“I don’t think I can get up at all today. I should just call in sick,” Minho draped an arm over his face, letting the other fall limp over the edge of the cushion.
“Don’t you have an important meeting today? I doubt your boss would appreciate you missing that on account of an 'ouchy' back.”
“Well, maybe if you gave me more cuddles, I’d feel a bit better.” Minho peeked at you from under his arm, proposing this cute, yet slightly impractical, solution. “Unless you want me to miss work and stay at home with you today.”
“Alright, you big baby.” Rolling your eyes, you moved to straddle Minho’s lap, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on his forehead. Now chest to chest, you wrapped an arm around his shoulders, letting the other one snake up his neck to play with the hairs at his nape.
The time you spent wrapped in each other’s warmth turned from seconds to minutes, the comfortable silence lulling you back to sleep. Minutes turned to hours, leaving Minho’s meeting unattended and the scrambled eggs forgotten on the kitchen counter.
“Ugh, at least give me five more minutes,” Minho offered as he continued to stroke Dori’s back, drawing a vibrating purr from the cat. “I don’t wanna get up yet.”
“Oh, come on, you have to brush your teeth anyways. Now get your lazy bum off the couch so we can cuddle on the bed.” You grabbed the throw pillow from behind your back and swung it at Minho’s side, accidentally startling Dori in the process. The cat jumped out of the man’s arms, causing him to throw a frown over his shoulder.
“Now look what you did! You’re scaring our babies.” Finally, Minho stood up, offering you his hand to pull you up as well. You met his hand with your own and anchored yourself up, giving him a sheepish smile.
“Oops.” You shrugged and skipped off to the bedroom, leaving your boyfriend with your three cats in the living room.
“Unbelievable.” Minho took a few steps towards the bathroom, paused, and turned back to look at his cats. “Well, are you coming with me or not?”
While your boyfriend finished his night routine, you lay on your shared bed and grinned to yourself. Operation Put Your Boyfriend to Sleep in Five Minutes was a go. You knew Minho was tired, and you wanted to send him off into a good night’s sleep in the most loving way you could.
The hallway light switched off as Minho opened the door to your bedroom, sporting a playful frown. It was time for Step One: Put him in a blanket.
“Come here, baby,” you peeled the duvet back and patted the space on the bed right next to you, beckoning your pouty boyfriend over to you. “Let’s get you to sleep, yeah?”
Trudging over to his side of the bed, Minho slid onto the mattress and pulled the heavy duvet over his body. Freshly washed, the warm, lavender-scented blanket immediately soothed his senses.
“You could’ve at least stayed with me while I brushed my teeth,” Minho continued to pout as he turned on his side to face you, “and, I don’t know, given me a back hug or something.”
Though his tone was playful, you recognized the look in Minho’s gaze. He yearned for your comfort, but he didn’t know how to ask for it. Reaching over, you cupped his face, gently caressing his cheek with your thumb. You peppered a few pecks on the corners of his mouth, kissing his pout away. Perfect timing for Step Two: Give reassuring pets.
“I’m here now, it’s okay.” His hair was soft in between your fingers as you threaded them through the fluffy locks. They smelled faintly of his coconut shampoo.
Tired, Minho let out a yawn, nose scrunched and eyelids shut. He leaned into your touch, humming contently.
Faintly, the door creaked open and you could hear light thuds on the carpeted floor, followed by a slightly louder thud on the bed as Doongie entered the bedroom and jumped up to join you. He stepped all over Minho’s body—drawing out a quiet yelp from the man beside you. You giggled as Doongie finally plopped down on Minho’s pillow, snuggling against the top of his head. This brought you to Step Three: Tuck him in.
With your boyfriend lying under the covers, you hooked one leg over him, moving your hand on his head to tuck it into your neck, cradling his body with no intent to stop any time soon.
For a second, the universe felt still. It was as though the ever-rotating hands on the clock had stopped moving, pausing to witness this intimate moment between you and Minho; as if even the angels in the skies above didn’t want this sweet gesture to end.
That was until Minho decided to take matters into his own hands and execute Step Four: Put one arm out for temperature regulation.
“It's too warm!” Minho whined into your neck, breaking the silence, and removed one arm from under the blanket, exposing it to the cold air. “Ah, that's better.”
He turned on his side and wrapped his now free arm around the small of your back, pulling you closer to him, if that were even physically possible.
Seeing your bodies pressed flush against each other, Soonie—who was previously lounging at the foot of the bed—crawled up the sheets and nuzzled into the barely-there gap between you and Minho, with Dori following suit.
Within five minutes of lying down, the night ended with your small family cuddled together on the warm, cozy bed, basking in each other’s comfort.
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taglist: @kflixnet @jinnixxn @elllisaaa @captainchrisstan @laylasbunbunny @starsandrqindrops @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @forlix @mires-empire @quesweebs
comments, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated! © like-a-diamondinthesky 2023
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reverie-starlight · 9 months
fluffy hawks drabble-turned-mini-fic because i love him. if you think the feather necklace trope is overused, this is probably not the place for you. also important to note: let’s say for the sake of my sanity that this takes place before seasons 5/6, okay? I know what's up in the manga, I'm just ignoring it to be happy :)
fem!reader, no physical descriptions aside from wearing dresses + enjoying it and reader could be perceived as chubby, but no explicit mentions of body type!! shopping for clothes is just hard and it’s briefly reflected on in this. lots of soft fluff. pet names (baby, sweetheart, pretty girl, etc) I just got a bunch of cute dresses and now I'm gonna make it hawks' problem. this is like. disgustingly soft and so incredibly self indulgent avert your eyes. please. very smiley and giggly. a bit suggestive at the end bc I have no self-control.
soft laughter and the sound of rustling sheets were the only noises heard in your shared bedroom that afternoon. surprisingly enough for both of you, keigo had finished his patrol early and caught you on the way up to your apartment. almost immediately after walking in and getting your shoes and coats off, he had grabbed you and sped off to your room, dropping you on the bed and launching an attack.
you were both so happy to have some extra time together that it boosted your energy immensely, resulting in a impromptu play fight. it wasn't very often that you got to be so playful anymore with things picking up for him at work. you were both still young, so when you got the chance to act like it, you definitely took it.
"keigo!" you shrieked as he pressed a slew of quick, light kisses over your face and down your neck. a ticklish sensation was left in their wake, even more so because of his facial hair. he just chuckled and rubbed his face against your skin to draw out more laughter. feathers flew around and brushed against your cheeks and other places he couldn't focus his attention on.
his arms were wrapped tightly around your waist to limit your movements, but you still squirmed around to try and get the upper hand. eventually, after a few more kisses to your chest and stomach, he loosened his grip to give you a fighting chance and you flipped on top of him, making sure not to hurt his wings, which ruffled in excitement.
"so what are you gonna do with me now, sweetheart?" he grinned up at you, eyes positively glowing with mirth.
you felt your own gaze go soft and cupped his face with your hands, rubbing your thumbs over the apples of his cheeks. "I dunno," you murmured, keeping your voice low in volume and sweet in its delivery.
your eyes wandered over his features, admiring him in the golden rays of sun coming from your window. "you're so pretty, keigo..."
he went a little red but smiled softly. "that's my line, angel," and then he leaned up to steal another kiss from you.
eventually you both settled down, laying in bed together and talking about your days. keigo told you about having to chase down a bank robber and some purse snatchers, and how a little old lady asked for help getting her cat down from a tree. you snickered at the thought.
the atmosphere turned serene as you both laid there. you were close enough that your breaths mixed and your foreheads touched, his hands absentmindedly running over your soft skin and the curves of your body. "so how was your day?" he whispered.
"it was okay. I had a shorter day at work, so I went shopping and I got some new clothes..." you sat up and walked over to where the bags were discarded before he tossed you on the bed. "want to see them?"
he whined a little when you walked away but quickly sat up as well, nodding his head at the second part. "I'd never pass up the chance to see you trying on clothes, baby, who exactly do you take me for?"
you smiled and shook your head fondly. "alright, alright. sit tight, I'll be back," you said and headed to the connecting bathroom, ignoring his grumbling about how you were depriving him of getting to see the best part.
and when you came back out, in a pretty little sundress, twirling so he could get the full effect, he stared at you in awe.
he knew from past shopping trips and many teary conversations with you that finding clothes you actually felt confident in could be… difficult. of course he thought you looked amazing in everything, and if he had it his way, he’d buy every single outfit you even glanced at, but there was just something so alluring about seeing you happy and proud in clothes you felt good in.
“such a pretty girl…” he murmured to no one in particular. it looked a bit like he was in a trance as he took in your figure. attempting to hold back a shy smile from forming at his words, you looked down at the ground to keep yourself from getting too flustered.
he grinned and held his hand out for you once your eyes met his again. taking it, he gently pulled you towards him to stand in between his legs and rested his chin on your sternum, not once breaking eye contact. his hands moved to toy with the hem of your dress.
“I mean it, you’re absolutely stunning. the prettiest girl I’ve ever laid eyes on... my pretty girl.”
you couldn’t hold back your smile this time and he adored the way your lips curled upwards, how your eyes flitted around the room, staring at anything but him, clearly affected by his words.
he sent a feather out to tilt your chin back towards him and he was suddenly reminded of something.
“ah right- I have something for you,” he dug something out of his pocket and proudly presented you with what looked like a thin brown faux leather string…
with a bright red feather attached to it.
you gasped and took the item into your hands, closely inspecting it. you treated it with the utmost care, as if it were your most prized possession. it very well might’ve been.
the string had a clasp at the back to make it easier to put on and remove, and it looped around the... stem? bone? (you made a mental note to clarify with keigo later) of the feather multiple times. it was secured with a thin silver wire to ensure it wouldn’t slip out before the rope continued on to the other end of the hook.
he actually had one of his feathers turned into a necklace for you.
“keigo, I… this is incredible, oh my goodness!” you beamed at him and leaned down to properly hug him.
he was incredibly perceptive. of course he knew that all those times you had jokingly asked him about keeping one of his feathers with you were actually silent requests. even if you’d never outright ask him, he could tell you longed to have a piece of him with you. especially when he had to wipe your tears before a long mission and you stared longingly at his wings. he took pride in the fact that you found comfort in them.
who was he to deny the love of his life? what’s one feather from his arsenal gone, anyway? it was going towards the cause of making you happy, and most importantly, there was the added bonus of keeping you safe.
“here, let me put it on for you,” he said, gesturing for you to sit on his lap and hand him the necklace.
you got settled and he happily clasped the ends of the string together at the back of your neck. the bottom of the feather rested just above the neckline of your dress and you touched it gingerly.
as soon as it rested against your skin, he took control of it and ran it across your cheek, making you giggle and pull away a bit.
“thank you, keigo, I love it.” you turned around on his lap to face him and pressed your lips against his.
he hummed into the kiss and pulled away with a sly smile. “of course, baby. besides,” he toyed with one of the straps on your shoulder. “it goes with your new dress, don’t you think?”
you put your arms around his shoulders, gently stroking the arches of his wings and nodded in agreement. he placed his hands on the tops of your thighs and gently squeezed. “wanna see if it goes with my other dresses, too?”
“oh, absolutely. but..." he shifted a bit and pulled you closer, so that you were fully pressed against him. "I don't think I've appreciated this one enough... what do you think?" he slowly trailed his eyes up from your legs to meet yours.
you tilted your neck forward to rest your forehead against his. "I think that you'll find some of the other things I bought more interesting than a sundress, keigo."
his sly smile turned into something more eager and you laughed when he dramatically flopped backwards on the bed with a groan. "you're too good for me, angel, seriously. what did I ever do to deserve you?"
you offered him a shrug and a tiny smile of your own. "exist."
his eyes widened a fraction and you could tell that your words deeply affected him from the way they welled up. he cleared his throat to cover up any emotion in his voice and sat up again to cup your cheek, murmuring "sweet girl, you'd better hurry up and try on those other dresses, because if you're not off my lap in three seconds, I'm gonna pounce, and we're not leaving this room 'til we're both spent."
butterflies erupted within you and he watched fondly as you gasped and ran off to keep your little fashion show up and running.
the following days after receiving his gift were... not surprising in the slightest.
you always knew when keigo was taking a break or in his office doing paperwork because he took every opportunity to bug you with his (your) feather.
every. single. one.
and you also knew before he even had the necklace made that if he were to ever give you one, this would likely happen. he was a menace, after all. part of his charm, he always said.
at first it was a bit embarrassing having to fight with a feather in front of your coworkers (who weren't aware you were dating a pro hero, so they probably thought you were some fangirl who bought faulty, cheap merch of his), but it very quickly became endearing.
cause yeah, if he knew you were going to be around people he'd make life difficult for you and then take all of your whines and complaints with a mischievous grin when he walked through the door, clearly lying when he said he'd take it down a notch.
but when he knew you were alone? or having a particularly stressful day? all you had to do was lightly tug on the necklace. upon your signal, he'd immediately take control of the feather and bring it up to caress your cheek, run along your neck or tap your nose.
honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way. you adored his playful side, and he knew he could get away with most things via feather necklace. even if it was only because you were too flustered to scold him for anything anymore by time he got back. complaints soon turned into requests for cuddles and wanting to return all the affection you received.
the feather necklace was a gift for you, sure, but it definitely benefitted him as well.
I edited this super quickly, so apologies if there's any mistakes! I'll find them eventually when I look back at this fic and end up contemplating my choices to post without properly editing :')
hope you enjoyed!! <3
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animeomegas · 10 months
Headcanons for Dabi and Todoroki (separate) with a super loving and sappy Alpha? Snuggling him whenever they can, making him breakfast in bed, absolutely disgustingly cute compliments, getting him a gift or at least some candy once week. Just a total simp.
Aww, this ask is just too cute!! <33 I live for alpha being a complete simp for their omega. Enjoy~
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Dabi has a lot of conflicting emotions about an alpha like this, and it's definitely a journey for him.
At first he thinks you're making fun of him.
Then he thinks that you're a bit pathetic tbh.
And finally, when you refuse to give up, he decides you're totally insane to be so smitten with him. He really has no idea how or why.
Eventually he just accepts that you're weird and lets you get on with it.
Of course, he finds himself slipping into loving the constant positivity and adoration, slowly but surely.
He comes back from a running some villainous errands one day, and he's aching and sore and his mind starts wandering, wondering what you're going to have set up for him.
A hot bath? A lovely homecooked meal? Pizza and a film?
He starts trying to guess, until it suddenly hits him.
He's being spoiled by an alpha who has made their desire to mate with him very, very clear, and...
He likes it. He's used to it. He doesn't want it to end.
Oh no.
He almost turns around a books it, but then he thinks about how sad and worried you'd be if he didn't go home, and shit, he's got it bad.
He opens the door slowly. He doesn't know why he can fight heroes, steal from banks and literally murder people just fine, but suddenly opening this door has his heart beating out of his chest. What's wrong with him?
He's greeted immediately with the sight of you cuddled up on the sofa with a pile of blankets and a bowl of fresh popcorn. Popcorn and a film, that's what you had planned. He was close.
Your face lit up as he came in, your beautiful smile directed to him and only him. He felt the urge to crawl into the blankets with you, and he definitely needed to get a grip on that. He'd never felt safe enough to nest before, but you were ruining everything.
"Dabi! Welcome home! I missed you so much," you said. How disgustingly domestic.
"Yeah, I'm back," he said lamely.
"I can see that. Here" -you pat the space on the sofa next to you- "I've picked out that new comedy you wanted to see. Come watch it, unless you need to shower or change first?"
Dabi shook his head, mouth dry, "No, I'm good."
"Great! Come on then!"
He blindly obeyed. This was not part of his plan, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't feel angry about it.
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At first, Todoroki is so confused. And a little embarrassed.
Why are you doing so much for him?
He knows you're in a relationship and that people do things like that sometimes, but you just seems so happy when you're doing things for him?
Is he doing enough for you? He doesn't know.
But this only lasts for a few weeks, or as long as it takes for you or Midoriya to encourage him to embrace being in a healthy, loving relationship, and then he embraces it whole-heartedly!
And it unlocks a (cute) monster.
Todoroki lives to be pampered.
You could definitely use 'my prince' as a pet name, because it absolutely fits him.
He basks in the genuine and constant affection. It makes him feel fuzzy and warm, and he's always reaching out for you.
He quickly turns from the kind of omega who only holds hands in private, to the kind that always wants to sit on your lap and fall asleep on your shoulder, no matter where he is or who is watching.
If you bring him breakfast in bed, or stroke his hair, or bring him gifts for no reason, you get that beautiful little smile from him every time.
He engages spoilt cat mode very quickly.
Todoroki is cuddly, you just have to introduce him to it and then he never gets enough.
Please cuddle him, stroke his hair, buy him soft clothes, cook him dinner, it makes him so content and happy.
At first, Todoroki is so confused. And a little embarrassed.
Why are you doing so much for him?
He knows you're in a relationship and that people do things like that sometimes, but you just seems so happy when you're doing things for him?
Is he doing enough for you? He doesn't know.
But this only lasts for a few weeks, or as long as it takes for you or Midoriya to encourage him to embrace being in a healthy, loving relationship, and then he embraces it whole-heartedly!
And it unlocks a (cute) monster.
Todoroki lives to be pampered.
You could definitely use 'my prince' as a pet name, because it absolutely fits him.
He basks in the genuine and constant affection. It makes him feel fuzzy and warm, and he's always reaching out for you.
He quickly turns from the kind of omega who only holds hands in private, to the kind that always wants to sit on your lap and fall asleep on your shoulder, no matter where he is or who is watching.
If you bring him breakfast in bed, or stroke his hair, or bring him gifts for no reason, you get that beautiful little smile from him every time.
He engages spoilt cat mode very quickly.
Todoroki is very cuddly, you just have to introduce him to it and then he never gets enough.
Please cuddle him, stroke his hair, buy him soft clothes, cook him dinner, it makes him so content and happy.
"I'm home!" you called out as you pushed open the door, carefully manoeuvring the little shopping bag you had clutched in your hand. A smile automatically bloomed on your face as you heard the tell tale sign of Shouto coming to greet you. The sound of his socked feet padding along the floor was just too cute.
"My darling boy," you cooed as Todoroki's smiling face came around the corner to greet you. You opened up your arms and he ran into them, squeezing you tightly and nuzzling his face into your shoulder. "How was your day? You must have got back from patrol about an hour ago, right?"
Shouto pulled away and pouted, "You weren't here when I got back."
"I'm sorry," you said, pressing a kiss to his nose and watching as his pout melted away. "I went past that new bakery and I couldn't resist getting you a little something."
Shouto's eyes focused on the little bag in your hand for a moment before taking your hand and bringing you through to the kitchen. You placed the bag on the counter and gently pulled out the box of macarons. The box was half red (strawberry, red velvet, and cherry) and half white (coconut, white chocolate, and cookies and cream). He opened the box slowly, eyes wide.
"They look amazing," he said breathlessly. "Half red and half white?"
"There's nothing as pretty in my opinion," you cooed, ruffling his hair. His little smile lit up the room.
Shouto picked up one of the cherry ones and fiddled around with it for a moment. Taking the hint, you took the macaron from him and held it up to his mouth.
"Open wide, darling."
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glo0b · 5 months
Cuddles with a croc
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I do not own the art or characters
whom: Sebek x gn!reader
TW: nsfw? if you squint hard enough
word count: 791
request: He gets turned into a camen in alchemy class, we’re one of only 3 responsible-ish people on campus, so crewl has us watch him, but doesn’t tell us what’s going on cuz he’s in a hurry. Croc in a blanket burrito, lots of Steve Irwin behavior from us and lots of kisses on the snoot, crewl takes croc back, Sebek now  gets quiet and turns bright red when we’re around lol
Thank you lovely @anunholyabomination for requesting this! I hope you like it since it's my first time writing a fanfic lol. Remember to drink lots of water and get lots of sleep so you can stay beautiful you!
It was any normal day in Alchemy class with Sebek. He was yelling at his poor partner for being an idiot and putting the wrong ingredient into the transformation potion till thick green smoke started to form. “HUMAN! WHY ARE YOU BAC-” Before poor Sebek could possibly continue destroying his classmates' ears the caldron explodes, covering the room in the thick green smoke. Slowly the smoke clears revealing a small caiman sitting where Sebek should have been standing.
Here you were peacefully sitting in Ramshackle relaxing on your very much needed day off when you heard a knock at the door. You gently move Grim off of your chest, careful not to wake the sleeping cat thing. You still had no idea what kind of species to identify Grim as. He could be a feline- aaaand now the knocking on the door is even louder and frantic. “Coming! Hold on!” You quickly responded as you rushed to open the door. You opened the door to reveal an equally tired looking Crewel holding a bundled up blanket that seemed to be emitting chirping like sounds…wait was that a caiman?! “Here pup, take care of him for me” Crewel simply shoved the bundled up caiman into your arms and leaves.
“But I don’t- sigh well I guess I’m gonna have to figure out how to take care of you myself.” You look down at the small caiman and coo at its cute little face. “Awww, you’re just a little guy~ Oh! I should totally give you a cute name to fit that little face!”. Poor Sebek, now he has to be cuddled by this human! Well maybe the cuddles won't be that bad. “Hmmm, y’know you remind me a lot of friends….plus you’re just as cute as him!” The caiman looks up at you as if he understood who you were talking about. “Your name should be like his, what about Seby?” Yuu looked into the caiman’s eyes and understood it didn’t seem to enjoy the name. “Don’t judge me! I’m bad at names…” You pout, trying to think of a name the small creature would enjoy. “What about Sebok then?” The caiman moves its head as if it was nodding. “Sebok it is!” You held Sebok close and kissed his little snoot. You had put Sebok on the couch and wrapped him up in more blankets so he would stay warm since you remembered how an Australian guy on tv had said caiman have to stay at least around 97 degrees and no more than 104 degrees. “I wonder how a caiman possibly got into NRC especially when it feels like the dead of winter out there.” You look down at Sebok and giggle when he starts to make the same chirping like sound from earlier. “I really should send a picture of your cute little face to Sebek, you’re just too adorable!” You lean down and start kissing Sebok’s little head while making exaggerated kissing sounds. Thankfully Grim was still asleep so he couldn’t see this disgustingly sweet action and get jealous. Sebok didn’t seem to mind the kisses that much, he actually seemed to enjoy them. 
A few hours passed of you showering Sebok in kisses and cuddles. “Oh my! It’s already past twelve!” You quickly pick up Sebok and the somehow still sleeping Grim and head upstairs to your room. You placed both Grim and Sebok on the bed before looking through your dresser to find some sleepwear. You start to undress and take off your undergarments so you could put on clean ones. Once you finish changing you turn around and find Sebok frozen in place. “Oh? Are you ok little one? Are you cold?” You sit down on the bed and put Sebok in your lap. “I’ll warm you up” You smile as Sebok nuzzles into your body and slowly starts to drift off. When the small caiman finally falls into a slumber you pull the covers over the two of you and slowly start to fall asleep yourself.
It has been a week since Crewel had taken Sebok from you. Even though you only took care of the caiman for a day you felt really attached to him. You also noticed how Sebek would blush when he was near you. The poor thing would always storm off while hiding his boner. Perhaps one of these days he would get rid of this burden by telling you how he feels….well of course after he’s had some fun with you in the janitor's closet or an empty classroom. If not Lilia will have to intervene so he can get the grandchildren he wants. Hm? Why did you get an invitation from Sebek to come have tea at Diasomnia?
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dmercer91 · 1 year
hiiii, could you write something for protective matthew knies :))
protective!matty headcanons, mk23
matt knies is the boyfriend, actually
maybe you’re a little accident prone (this is incredibly self indulgent)
so he isn’t just protective in the sense that he’s dealing with other people or PR, but he’s physically protective over you too
he realized very early on that you seemingly didn’t care to pay attention to what you were doing, ever.
you walked straight into a patio door and then stood back, chuckled and then opened and walked through the door, just completely unfazed
so he’s started trailing behind you to be your eyes and protect you from random things
he doesn’t even realize it sometimes.
you’ll drop something under the table and he’s covering the corner of it with his hand while you go under to get whatever fell
he only realizes he even did it when you actually end up knocking your head on his knuckles on your way up
he’ll pull you back into his chest by your collar like a cat when you’re about to trip over something
if he’s walking in front of you he’ll kick stuff out of your way and keep his head down so your feet are in his peripherals
you’ve fallen off the bed, so now he just has you on the side by the wall (though you were originally very stubborn about which side of the bed you got) or he just lays directly on top of you
if you’re ever spending the night with the tavares’ since he moved up to toronto, he’s trying to inconspicuously always be the one to take your shirt off cause the basement ceiling is low and he knows you’ll go too fast and punch it so hard your hand swells
when he takes you skating the first time he watches you extremely closely
he’s consistently reminding you that you cannot take things out of the oven without the oven mitts on
if you’re making pasta or something he always lurks until it’s done boiling so he can strain it for you (and make sure you remember to turn off the stove)
if you go for a walk together he’ll always hold your hands or put his arm around your shoulders or keep his hand on your lower back or neck so you don’t stray away
he’s told you before that you need blinkers and break lights (he’s right, however you slap his arm for saying it)
if he’s talking you to the mall (especially somewhere like the eaton centre) he never strays from you
that’s one of the only things you noticed, because very early into your relationship he came into a lingerie store with you and you told him maybe six times that he could wait outside if he wanted
he was so obviously flustered but he just kept shaking his head cause he knew that you’d forget that he was sitting on his phone and go to the next store without him
you honestly thought he just wanted to partake in dressing room endeavours until he did the same thing at a kitchen supply store in which he looked so bored he might’ve actually shed a tear (dressing room endeavours he got regardless, he wasn’t gonna complain about it)
it finally clicks for you that he does all these things when someone on the team sees him pull you away from a curb before you can trip over it and comments about how grossly in love you are and how well he knows you
“you two are disgustingly cute,” “what’s that supposed to mean?” “he didn’t even look up from his phone! just grabbed you like it was an instinct. happens all the time, too. it’s like you’ve been engraved into each others brains or something,” “… huh,”
matt blushes harder than he ever has “don’t read too far into that,”
on top of this, he’s also protective of you when it comes to media, especially when he gets to the nhl
the leafs media is pretty brutal, and he was actually forewarned by multiple teammates to ignore any and all press releases or reporters on twitter so he knew the two of you would have to stay more or less private
he has an instagram story full of sweet pictures of the two of you but all of which include less than half of your face and no @
your account is kept private, but the photos there are more relationship confirming, obviously (some of them he is heavily teased for. cooley has your notifs on just so he can comments ludicrous shit)
if you’re in any wag group photos you ask not to be tagged and his number / last name is always covered
he actually goes to aryne to ask for advice if ever you do want to be more public (he leaves it entirely up to you) and she thinks it’s the sweetest thing ever that he wants to make sure nobody makes an issue for you
if ever you do get found out against your will, he’s probably more nervous than you are and he’s making you promise not to hide it from him if someone ever says something
if someone asks about you in a scrum he’s always so excited to talk about you but he keeps it very short and sweet in case he’s accidentally giving you away
the best way to put it is private, not hidden
cause in another life he’d be boasting to everyone about how amazing his girl is, so he doesn’t want to hide you completely but he prioritizes your personal life and protection over his need to brag
he’s also very protective of you in the conventional way, meaning about other people in person
the first fight he gets into in the nhl is because someone chirped him about you
you were by the glass during warmups and he basically spent half of his allotted time parked in the corner flirting with you like a complete idiot
obviously someone will notice, that’s a little strange behaviour
unfortunately that someone isn’t well known for keeping their mouth shut
it’s his first fight, so he absolutely got his ass handed to him, and you were in the press box just aggressively rolling your eyes
if ever you’re out for drinks together or even with the team he’s like your shadow
downtown toronto is not the place for someone unfamiliar with the area to be left, so you’re kinda glad for it
that’s until he’s a little past tipsy and he’s glaring at every man from ages 19-40 in the bar the second they come near
he sends poor mitch a cold stare after he asked you if you liked being at the game and you were like matthew it’s mitch??? mitch marner??? toronto maple leaf mitch marner, your alternate captain??
he does the same to a middle aged man who comes beside you to order a drink and mind you, the guy hardly even notices you’re there
“i don’t trust him,” “he’s fifty!”
you don’t really get it until it comes in handy and then you never complain again
if he actually feels like he needs to be protecting you he sobers up extremely quickly and suddenly your sweet, usually angel boyfriend actually seems his size
the only time he’s had to step in he was promptly laughed at cause of his age, only for the guy to look behind you, and be met with a table full of the maple leafs staring at the commotion
you quickly learn that the unspoken rule where players protect their rookies certainly extends to the rookie’s girlfriend
one time he had to go to the bathroom at an mlse event and rather than leave you for what ended up being a minute and a half at best, you were given a body guard out of jake mccabe
easily the most awkward experience of your life, but hey! now you’re best friends with jake mccabe
if you’re on a walk or something and there’s commotion in front of you or someone strange looking is walking behind you, matty is suddenly very hungry and you’re taking the nearest right into the door of a diner until things calm down
“do you want dinner? im hungry,” “matty it’s one in the afternoon we just ate,”
that’s actually how you found your favourite spot for date nights, cause he bought a slice of pie and you swore he could’ve eaten the whole thing if it was put in front of him
he’s always calling you on roadies to ask how your day is going, and then he’ll immediately ask if anyone’s been giving you trouble
“anyone giving you a hard time? guys in your dms i get to fight off?” “well, jacer [tavares’ son] is becoming quite the flirt. he drew me a flower n’ said it was pretty like me” “oh, so i’ve got some competition?”
he’s never weird or jealous about it, but he knows you’re very non confrontational so he tries his best to make sure you’re not uncomfortable without sounding like he doesn’t trust you
he’s never been angry with you about it, so you eventually realize that he’s just incredibly and fiercely protective of you and you come think it’s sweet over time
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zeninsama-moved · 1 year
pay up!
gojo satoru x female reader
satoru's poor time management has you working overtime, and this cheap bastard has something other than cash to pay you with (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
note from author mercury: this is my entry for our slimeball collab over on @bastardblvd , figured the host of the slimiest event on this corner of the internet should probably contribute a lil somethin. let's pretend like i'm not shitting bricks bc this is my first time writing for gojo <3 ending is a little abrupt but i needed to get this out asap or i'd be scrutinizing it for the next five months
content warnings: female reader, unprotected sex, oral and fingering (reader receiving), overuse of the word 'cute', praise and obnoxious petnames (reader receiving), needing to keep quiet, fucking on the couch while the kids are asleep down the hall so if that's a concern for you please don't touch, panty fetish if you squint, cumshot?, implied you've fucked before, unfair compensation for your labor lmao, multiple references to the slimeball au so that may be super jarring if you aren't familiar.
↳ word count: 3.9k
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It's almost eleven, which means Satoru is... very late.
Shit happens, you get it. Maybe work ran later than expected, or the train hit a freeloader on the way back to Grimetown, but still. You can’t help but feel bothered by the lack of text message from your pseudo-employer.
You would never complain about Megumi and Tsumiki. They're absolute angels, and caring for them has never felt like work. Besides, your only other options were a waitressing job at Franky’s or the graveyard shift at the gas station, which you heard is filled with... interesting characters at that time of night. Caring for the coolest elementary schoolers alive seemed like a no-brainer. The arrangement worked out in your favor as well. Satoru ended up moving you into his apartment complex due to his demanding schedule, wanting you to always be close – like two apartments down the hall close.
Contrary to the name, the Luxury Condos on Bastard Boulevard weren’t much of an upgrade from your last apartment. The landlord must be loaded because it’s a miracle this place passed inspection, but you’ll gladly accept updated appliances and neighbors without a small army of pet rats. Even the offensively high rent doesn’t bother you because your pseudo-employer paid it all in cash. 
(You tried asking Satoru exactly where he got all this money from, to which he said, “It ain’t easy being the sexiest designer sunglasses model on this side of town. You gotta work hard to play hard!”)
Anyways, whatever is holding him, you hope it’s a good excuse.
In the meantime, you’ve taken up camp on his sofa, wrapped in a throw blanket that smells vaguely of Satoru's disgustingly expensive cologne. You were too lazy to change the channel from whatever cartoon Megumi was watching before bedtime, laughing through your nose every now and then. It’s not that bad, but still… You’d really, really like to go back to your apartment and hit the hay.
Maybe a little snooze won’t hurt, but of course, right as you close your eyes...
The smart lock clicks behind you. It’s a quarter past eleven when Satoru enters the apartment, looking gorgeous and unbothered, sunglasses low on his nose and DAISO cat-print tote bag slung over his arm.
"Daddy's home!" 
"Shh!" you're glaring from the couch, lips drawn in a frown. "Megumi and Tsumiki are sleeping! Where the hell were you? You couldn't give me a heads up?" 
"Sorry, babycakes. They loved what I was giving 'em, so the shoot ran overtime." Satoru grins at you, pulling the sunglasses off his face and ditching them in the catch-all along with his keys. His shoes are toed off and left by the front door. "Why, you miss me that bad?" 
You're tempted to throw one of the many decorative pillows right at his big, dumb head. Instead you sink back into the couch, pulling the blanket tighter around your frame, grouchy. "Whatever," you sigh. "You're four hours late, so you better pay up." 
Satoru sucks in air through his teeth. "Yeah, about that..."
You don't like where this conversation is heading. 
"Some big guy outside the train station jacked my wallet on the way home. You'll never believe it, he had this fuckin'... worm? On his shoulder? Shit, it was crazy. So I don't have the cash to pay you, but–" 
You glance over your shoulder at the man now rummaging through his bag behind you, eyes and tone full of warning. "Satoru..."
An opened package is waved in your face by a beaming idiot.
"– Ichigo daifuku! Your favorite!"
He's so full of shit. There’s one piece of mochi left, does he really think his already-eaten train snack will fix this? Probably, and as much as you'd hate to admit it, you do like strawberry daifuku mochi. Dammit.  
Despite your annoyance, you don't get up from your spot on the couch. You're tempted to storm out, blow past Satoru and grab your things, maybe give him a good shove while you do it. However, you're tired, and no grand display of your frustrations would change the fact that you'd be returning tomorrow to pick up his kids from school. Also, your apartment is literally two doors down, so you wouldn't truly be escaping Satoru – you'll still feel his annoying energy seeping through the absurdly large gap under your door while you sit there, in the apartment that he bought you, stewing in your annoyance and eating your feelings in a single daifuku mochi. 
God, you might hate this man. You don't even wanna look at him, but despite feeling this way, you let Satoru move closer, ditching the bag of sweets in favor of pinching your puffed-out cheek in his fingers.
“Aw, come on,” he pouts, redirecting your face towards his in an attempt to get you to look at him, but you don’t give him the satisfaction. You force yourself to look anywhere else but the man above you and stubbornly pretend you can’t feel the cool puffs of his mint-gum breath, or notice his devious grin from the corner of your eye. “Don’t be mad at me, babycakes. Is there anything I can do to make it better?” 
“You can go to the ATM and get me some cash."
“Yeah, besides that.”
On the subject of things you hate about Satoru, you hate how quickly he switches up on you. One minute, he's the most annoying man you've ever had the misfortune of knowing. The next, he's smooth and serious. The kind of man that confidently leans in and ghosts his lips over your neck, intentionally fanning his breath over your skin because you made the mistake of telling him you're ticklish there.
"There must be some way for me to make this up to you," Satoru murmurs into your neck, the low vibrations of his voice making you shiver. It's then that you finally cave, eyes slowly meeting his, brilliant blues hidden behind heavy lids.
Unfortunately, he's very handsome.
"Okay," you huff. "Fine."
He kisses your cheek, then your nose, and then he kisses you.
You hate to admit it, but Satoru knows how to kiss. His lips are warm and soft, meshing with yours with confidence, tongue easing into your mouth in a practiced motion.
He momentarily breaks the kiss to join you on the couch, kneeling on the cushion beside you and leaning back in, cradling your cheek in his hand, murmuring against your lips before kissing them again.
"Let me show you just how much I appreciate you."
Satoru reaches down and rests his hand between your thighs, cupping your pussy through the rough fabric of your shorts. You bite your lip at the sensation, stifling a needy whimper, but he knows. Your grouchy demeanor melted so easily for him.
How cute, his little tsundere.
He squeezes you softly, then rubs four fingers up and down, keeping his pace slow.
"You know I can't do it without you, right?"
Your hips lift off the couch, chasing his hand as it continues its unbothered pace. Satoru rewards you by focusing the stimulation on your clit, switching to tighter, firmer circles over the sensitive bud.
"You're just saying that," you mutter.
"Nuh uh," Satoru teases. "I've never seen anyone be so good with my kids. They love you, you know. Maybe more than they love me."
That's not too difficult, you want to quip, but opt to bite your tongue instead. Satoru's touch feels way too good, you don't want him to stop or risk having your orgasm put off just over a snark. Instead, you curl your fingers into the nape of his neck, fidgeting with the shorter tufts of hair there. 
Satoru kisses you again. His hand stops playing with your clit just to skim higher, unfasten the button and zipper on your shorts so he can touch you where you both want it most.
"And you know," he murmurs between kisses, fingers sneaking under the loosened waist of your shorts, then your panties, until you feel his fingers make contact with your bare clit. He watches your reactions closely, smiling when you gasp and buck up into his touch. "I like you too. How can I not? You're too damn cute."
His slender middle finger skims your folds, feeling the wetness there, letting it gather and get him all slick, making it easier when it finally pushes inside you. Just one finger already feels like so much, almost too much. He feels your walls bear down, his cock twitching lazily in his pants. How long has it been since he’s had you last? 
You let him have you once before, back when he spent the whole day helping you move into your new apartment, carrying all those heavy boxes for you like the gentleman he is – and you, being the sweet peach you are, insisted on making him dinner as a thank you.
You reminded Satoru of a cute little housewife, puttering around the kitchen in your apron, though nothing was cuter than the sight of you sinking onto his dick that night, your hands and pussy clinging to him like you couldn’t get enough.
Every time he jerks off, he thinks of that adorable, pinched look on your face when the fat head of his dick first speared you open. 
It's kind of embarrassing, the hold you have on him. 
When you're taking his finger with ease, Satoru presses a second into your cunt, further stretching it out. "Come on, baby, open up for me," he coaxes, voice low and sultry. "Fuck, you don't know how bad I missed this pussy. Gonna let me fuck it again? Hm?"
"Uh huh," you're nodding, dazed, and the sight of you makes Satoru grin. The heel of his palm presses into your clit, providing the right amount of pressure when combined with his fingers.
"Yeah? Gonna let me have this cute pussy to myself?" 
Cruelly, the motion stops.
The lack of stimulation makes you pout.
Satoru's fingers glide out of you with an embarrassingly loud squelch, intentionally brushing along your clit as they withdraw from your shorts and panties. His hand emerges, fingers glistening with clear threads of arousal webbed between them, and before you can think, he slips them past your lips and presses firmly on your tongue, prompting you to suck.
"Tastes good?" Satoru coos, delighted at your eagerness. "Let me taste now, okay, cutie?" 
Shyly, you nod. His fingers withdraw from your mouth, leaving a dribble of spit on your bottom lip. 
Satoru repositions himself to kneel on the floor in front of you, tugging you by the hips so your bottom half comes right to the edge of the couch, dangerously close to his face. He leans in and presses a soft kiss to your cunt, the sensation muted by your shorts, but it still makes you gasp. His fingers hook into your shorts and you lift your hips to help him pull them off, but he makes no effort to remove your panties with them. Instead, he fixates on the little wet patch right in the center, caressing it with his finger. Admiring it.
Fuck, you’re so cute. He can’t wait to get his mouth on you. 
"Need to keep quiet, okay?" Satoru instructs, peering up at you through his lashes, watching you take your bottom lip between your teeth and nod. The last thing you need is to disturb the two rugrats asleep down the hall, even if you could pry yourself off Satoru and pull your shorts back on in record time. You don't want this moment to stop, not when the promise of his mouth on your cunt is so deliciously close.
You look so sweet like this, he thinks. Chest heaving, eyes wide and eager, one hand fisting the hem of your shirt, holding it over your stomach for a better view. Satoru smiles up at you, maintaining eye contact as he presses a kiss to your inner thigh.
“What a beautiful girl.”
Satoru buries his face in the soft warmth between your legs. His nose presses into your clit, taking in your scent as his tongue ventures lower, finally getting a taste of your pussy and he shamelessly moans. It’s faint through the fabric. He knows he could taste you better without them, but something about eating pussy through a cute pair of panties never fails to get him so fucking hard. He likes watching them get wetter and wetter, until they're completely soaked from arousal and saliva and clinging to the shape of the pretty pussy underneath.
Your other hand flies down immediately, resting on the back of Satoru’s head to urge him closer, and of course he’ll indulge you. He’ll eat you just the same, dragging his tongue in broad strokes up to your clit, then sucking it into his mouth.
The muted sensation makes you whine. It’s not enough, yet so good. Enough to make your little pussy flutter under your panties. You push his head harder against your cunt, desperate to keep the kissing suction over your clit. You’re certain you could cum like this, between the pressure of Satoru’s tongue and the vibrations when he moans against you. 
A string of saliva connects Satoru’s swollen lips to your panties when he pulls back for air, but this time he pulls the soaked fabric aside, finally getting an eyeful of your pussy.
“Well hi, gorgeous,” he lovingly coos, pressing a light kiss over your clit. “Did you miss me?” 
Is he… really talking to your pussy? 
Scratch that, you hate him again. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, breathless. 
“What do you mean? We’re having a moment,” Satoru replies, voice still sweet and airy, the same way one would talk to a cute little pet. 
If you didn’t need him so badly, you’d kick him right in his dumb face.
Fortunately, Satoru cuts his little bit short and dives back in, tongue sweeping through your folds, finally getting his first real taste of your pussy. You taste even better than he could imagine. 
You release a breath you didn’t even know you were holding, body melting into the couch. Your fingers tangle in soft white hair, urging his head deeper, wanting to feel more of his mouth and Satoru obliges. His tongue dips into your cunt, fucking you with it, then drags up to your clit to lick in slow circles.  
He really, really wants to be inside you right now. His dick is throbbing so hard, he’s amazed he hasn’t passed out yet, but Satoru’s always been a man with a sweet tooth. He doesn’t mind setting his needs aside a while longer if it means eating out some pretty pussy. 
Maybe not too much longer though.
His fingers join between your legs, still slick from your saliva and arousal, and slip easily into your cunt. Making you cum is easy for him, his fingers thrust deep with each lazy roll of his wrist, stimulating that spot inside you with ease. Though, he can tell you're craving more of a stretch, so Satoru, being the chivalrous, generous, oh-so-kind man that he is, gives you a third finger.
Your jaw drops at the intrusion, pussy now spread wide to accommodate the stretch of three fingers as they curl and stroke your sensitive walls, drawing out more wetness and arousal until it drips down his wrist in clear drops.
Satoru knows you're close when you let out a particularly desperate moan, your hips stuttering and walls fluttering so perfectly on his fingers, clit pulsing against his tongue.
"Satoru, I'm–" you warn, trying to keep your voice low.
"I know, baby," he coos in encouragement. "Feels so good, doesn't it? Go ahead, pretty baby. Cum on my tongue if you need to."
You don't need any further coaxing. When you cum, you cum hard, hand smacking over your mouth to muffle your cries as Satoru keeps fucking you through your orgasm, fingers thrusting and tongue lapping up every drop of arousal your sensitive pussy drools out, just for him.
He rests his head on your inner thigh, watching fondly as you come down from your high. His fingers still thrust into you but his pace has slowed significantly, working you through it until your walls stop contracting. Your arousal coats his entire hand when it withdraws from your cunt, even pooling on the couch beneath you. It'll be a bitch to clean, but Satoru can't bring himself to care about that now. His dick might explode if it's not buried in your cunt in the next thirty seconds.
Even as you lay there, chest heaving, you still crave more. Your hands are greedy, grabbing at Satoru while he makes his way up and eases you back against the couch.
“Easy there, tiger,” he chuckles, hooking his fingers into your soaked panties and peeling them down your legs. "Let's take these off you first."
Your panties are discarded somewhere – probably his pocket, that pervert – before Satoru goes in for another kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. One hand rests beside your head, supporting his weight. The other reaches down and palms his dick through his pants. "You need my dick that badly? Hm? Turn around." 
You oblige, rolling over to lay on your stomach and pretending the sound of his belt unfastening doesn't make you warm with anticipation. Satoru shifts to straddle your thighs, placing one of the cushions to rest under your hips, keeping you nice and comfortable while also elevating your ass to be closer to his dick. A win-win.
"Shit," he sighs, pulling his dick from his briefs and jerking it slowly, slicking himself up with your wetness. Precum beads at the tip and he rubs it against your folds, mixing your messes. "It's been a while, huh?" 
"Satoru," you whine, pushing back against him, wiggling your hips slightly in a silent request for him to quit teasing you and get on with it.
Maybe that makes you greedy. After all, he was just nice enough to let you cum on his fingers and tongue, but you don't care. It doesn't hurt to be selfish every once in a while, especially with Satoru of all people.
When Satoru finally presses the thick head of his dick into you, it feels like you’re being split in two. He's immediately met with resistance, your cunt bearing down, struggling to accommodate it even with all the prep he gave you. So he starts slow and shallow, dragging his heavy dick in and out, bullying your cunt into relaxing and letting more of him fit. He pulls out and taps the head against your entrance again. "Come on, sweetie, open up for me~" 
He eases into your cunt again, but this time Satoru leans in, his opposite hand settling on the other side of your head, smothering you with his weight in the best way possible. His body blankets yours, pinning your back under his chest and ass against his hips. His dick pushes into you with more persistence, inch after inch sinking deeper until he's buried to the hilt.
Your eyes roll back, mouth hanging open in a silent scream. You're probably drooling all over his couch, but it's hard to feel shame when he's filling you out so nicely. He's so deep, it's like he's forcing the air out of your lungs and replacing it with his dick.
His lips ghost over your shoulder, kissing it sweetly, then he starts to move. Slow, deep thrusts, only withdrawing an inch before he's chasing that warmth again. He fucks you as hard as he can without being too noisy, limiting the smack of his hips against your ass, even though he really wants to see it bounce from the force of his thrusts. If he could, he’d be making you scream right now, watch some pretty tears stream down your face because of what his dick does to you. Yeah, that would be cute.
Satoru ruts ruthlessly into the tight heat of your cunt, chasing the orgasm he’s needed so fucking desperately. Balls slap against your clit, heavy with all his pent-up release. He takes advantage of your open mouth and forces two fingers inside, pressing down firmly on your tongue and delighting in the way you slobber around them, in the way your cheeks subconsciously hollow and suck them deeper, still tasting your pussy on them.
Sucking on his fingers keeps you quiet, gives you something else to focus on if not the relentless pounding against your cervix, or how close you’re getting to snapping and cumming all over his dick.
“Shit, you’re so perfect,” Satoru huffs against your neck. "I can feel you squeezing me, baby, I know this little pussy wants to cum."
It’s hard to moan his name when his stupidly long fingers are prodding the back of your throat. You’re babbling, crying out for Thatowu to keep fucking you, it feels so good, and he’s grinning like an idiot above you. Yeah, baby? It feels good?
Satoru’s fingers withdraw from your mouth only to snake underneath your body and stake claim on your clit, massaging in slow circles, coaxing you closer to your orgasm. You can’t take it anymore. Your body goes limp, cheek smashed into the cushion, gaping mouth smearing drool all over the fabric while your cunt creams around his dick.
“Shit, that’s it, baby,” Satoru moans, feeling your cunt squeeze around his dick like it's trying to swallow him whole. “Shit, you’re gonna make me cum. Is that what you want, baby? You want me to fill this pussy up?”
You’re too fucked out to answer, but that’s okay, because Satoru wasn’t really asking. More like letting you know he’s seconds away from driving his dick as deep as possible and unloading right against your cervix. God, he’d really like that, but he can't risk having any more rugrats right now. Not when his career as the only sexiest designer sunglasses model in Grimetown is taking off.
Instead, he pulls out of your cunt and manhandles you onto your back, quickly stroking his dick, filling the living room with the lewd sounds of your wetness squelching around him. You're laying there, dazed, legs spread wide and pussy exposed, all swollen and leaky and clenching around the air. The sight of your debauched face sends Satoru over the edge. He releases with a groan, cum splattering on your lower stomach, inner thighs, all over your pussy, before pressing the head right against your clit and letting the rest of his load drip.
You both need a minute after that. Maybe several minutes. 
Blood still rushes in your ears when you come to. You push yourself up on shaking arms, Winnie the Pooh-ing it with your tee shirt and lack of panties. You're a mess, all sweaty with his cum painting your lower half, even parts of the couch underneath you. Maybe he'll offer up his shirt as a cumrag so you don't have to do the walk of shame to the bathroom.
You watch Satoru, who is already back to his normal, irritating self, snatch his bag off the side table, already craving a little something sweet. He chomps into the last strawberry daifuku mochi in the packet and you frown.
“Hey, I thought that was for me."
“We can still share,” Satoru teases, waving the mochi-half in your face with a grin.
Huffing, your eyes drop back down to the open bag on his lap and… wait a minute. Has that been here this whole time?
“Satoru, is that your wallet?” 
He looks down, a little rice flour on his chin.
“Oh, shit! Where did that come from?” 
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starfxkr · 3 months
jj’s kitty having a pet cat that she BABIES to no end. like carrying her like a baby and that cat EATS IT UP but JJ’s conflicted between being a dog person and how sweet and cuddly the cat is
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"you're just the cutest little baby in the world aren't you baby. I love you soooooo much my little smoochie." the way you were fawning and cooing, one would think you're talking about jj in some disgustingly lovesick cadence but no. you were pacing around your room with you fat grey cat cuddled in your arms like a baby. "if anything ever happened to you I'd kill myself." the serious tone in your voice as you stopped made jj get off your bed and scoop the cat into his own arms.
"allllright sweetheart you need a break before you start cryin." he looked over at your big watery eyes, "again."
you let out a pained whine, "I know...I just love her so much."
"nahhh don't start this shit! go get some juice and come back when you're calm." he gently pushes you out the room before directing his attention to the purring animal in his arms. "fuck, you really are so stinkin cute."
she makes grabby paws towards him and he leans down, letting her caress his face and give him soft kitten licks on his nose. besides himself he can feel his heart swell, his face growing hot.
when you come back into the room jj is sitting on the bed, face buried in her soft fur before he looks back up at you in tears, "goddamn it she got me."
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couchpotatoaniki · 4 months
An Annoying Kind of Pretty
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Pairing: College Rival!Jungkook x College!Reader (British college, so basically senior year in highschool--they're 18) Word count: 4k+ Tags: mega fluff, light swearing, mentions of very mild violence (banter...maybe), mentions of clowns, reader is terrified of them, honestly, just cute shit, and they're being idiots A/N: I'm in the middle of reading Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert and this just sprung to mind soooooooo yeah
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No matter how much you scrub, you can't get this darn plate clean. At this point, you're ready to smash it to pieces so you don't have to spend another second on it. But, alas, this is not your dish and therefore dish-smashing rights are revoked. A true travesty, considering how ugly the damn thing looks anyway. Society would be better off without it.
But you scrub, scrub, scr--"Are you done?" A deep voice rumbles behind you. Involuntarily, your eyes close to hide the annoyance flickering through them, lest he somehow sees through the obscured reflection of the kitchen window. This time you've spent together has taught you he's almost decent at guessing body language (almost--he's still otherwise a useless male).
Gosh, if only you could destroy the plate and take a shard to one of his annoyingly pretty brown eyes. Honestly, the fact that a man like him has such wonderful features is what you'd consider to be a crime that nature has committed.
"What does it look like?" Yeah, maybe you should relax your jaw before your teeth grind to dust. Your dentist would have a heartattack if she saw the stress they've put them under lately (she likes to talk about them like they're some separate entity, a bit odd but she's sweet and likes to rant about her cats so you can happily bare it).
"Looks like you're slacking off."
Excuse me? "Maybe I'd be more efficient if you didn't leave your dishes to grow a mini ecosystem in your kitchen. You're likely worshiped as a god by bacteria since you created them their own little world."
He rolls his eyes. This you can't see through the haze of his reflection on the slightly filthy window but you've somehow grown accustomed to his mannerisms. Like a shitty superpower.
"Don't be so dra--"
"If you dare say 'dramatic', the next thing I'll be cleaning are your insides off the floor and countertops."
His reflection raises a hand in mock surrender. "Touché. But for your information, I don't live here."
This makes you turn around, pinning him with a glare. "If you don't live here, which ogre or troll does?"
"My brother. But he's been... ah, what's the word--" he waves his hand in a circular motion with his eyes closed, only to open again at the snap of his fingers--"backpacking across mainland Europe for past three months."
A huff leaves your nose as you return to the gruelling task at hand. You're going to need a shower after this, maybe two, just to make sure you don't catch the Black Plague or some other disease that would trigger another pandemic. "Then why am I here?"
"Because you owe me, remember?"
"Yes, you--not your brother that can't even remember to put away his dishes before he goes on stupidly basic holidays."
"'Stupidly basic'?" Jungkook's frame hobbles into the corner of your eye as he mocks you with a smirk. Darn him and his unusually large (and unfortunately well sculpted) build. A disgustingly natural beauty that demands attention, but you'd rather poke your eye repeatedly than admit that to him lest his cocky smirk and big head grow more than it already has.
Yet, you can't help a glance in his direction. Props to you though, your face managed to not betray your soul and remained in it's usual disinterested state.
"If I had a penny for every time I've heard someone backpacking across Europe, I'd be so rich I wouldn't have to pay you back with my services."
"Considering you sprained my wrist and my ankle, I'd request both payment in money and services."
The thought of the Incidents sent and involuntary shudder down your spine. About two weeks ago, you were minding your own business in the library, one thing led to another and long story short, you accidently pushed the usually well-balanced hulking man onto the hardwood floor and his hand landed at a funky angle. Less than 72 hours had passed and various shenanigans ensued involving 12 glue sticks, streamers, a helium tank, and an unwanted clown roaming the gymnasium which led to his second trip to Accident and Emergency.
In all fairness, he shouldn't have even been there helping to set up the farewell assembly for the final years in the first place. His fault, really, but he wouldn't hear of it since you did crash into him as you were running away from a definite (maybe) psycho killer.
"How many times do I have to apologise," you huff.
His finger taps his chin in mock thought. "Preferably forever, seeing as though I am having to limit my activities while it's the summer holidays before we go off to uni. But I suppose having you as my little servant until I get better is decent enough."
You send him another glare before carrying on. Almost spotless, this dish. "This is abuse of power."
He raised his cast as well as a deadpanned expression onto his face. "And this was just regular abuse."
"It was self-defence."
"Against me or the very innocent clown you claimed was 'chasing' you?"
"Both. And he was chasing me. I was terrified."
"Remind me when your birthday is?"
"No particular reason. Certainly not a clown-related one for retaliation. None whatsoever."
Your head turns so quickly to him that it almost gives you whiplash. "You dare."
"We'll just have to see."
Huffing, you finish up the last of the dishes, with Jungkook sat on the countertop beside yours (with a bit of difficulty). Guilt begins to bleed out of your heart and pool into a warmth in your cheeks as you once more mumble an apology to him, the dishes suddenly looking more appealing for your eyes to land on. "I... I really am sorry, though."
He sighs--as he usually does when you once more feel horrible about the state he is in and try to voice it. "Stop that."
For the millionth time, you purse your lips, ready to let a few beats of silence pass before you could say something to return it back to that annoyingly fun hateful banter than the heavy and suffocating air that follows an apology. Jungkook, however, did not care for your mental plans (you don't really think he cares about much of anything besides his grades, friends, and snacks like a typical man).
"Can I... admit something to you? So, like, Truce?"
"...Truce." You reach out for a cloth to wipe anything left on the countertop, but ears keenly remained on him.
"I'm kinda... glad you fucked up my arm." You send him an incredulous look, to which he blurts in response, "don't get me wrong, it hurts like shit and I'm no masochist, but having you here doing my bidding--" his lips quirked at the sight of you murderous glare, "--and keeping me company is... nice."
"...'Nice'." The word feels funny to your ears as you hear it, and even funnier when you speak it.
"Yes, nice." His feet swing a little, his head hanging a little sheepishly. "My friends are cool and all, but you're, like, really fun to piss off." Okay, you might actually end up killing him. "And we don't really hang out all that often during the holidays. Plus, you've got a different vibe to you that I think is... nice--" There's that fucking word again, how on earth did he get higher marks than you in English? "--and my parents work a lot regardless so having you as company is, I suppose, ni--"
"Get a grip, dude." Your eyes roll by themselves. "You're rambling."
His lips pout and his cheeks puff to make a ridiculous (yet adorable) face of a child being lightly scolded for no reason. "You said Truce."
"I'm hearing you out, aren't I?"
"Yeah, but you're still being mean."
"Boo-hoo." He look up at you and his narrowed eyes make you retract your statement. "I mean, sorry. Carry on."
"That's it."
"What's 'it'?"
"The thing I wanted to tell you."
"What thing?"
"You know...the thing."
"You spewed a lot of crap in that short frame of time, I truly have no idea what you're talking about."
Jungkook's eyes narrowed once more, this time in suspicion. "You know exactly what I mean."
"No I don't." It's pitiful to say that your face is losing the battle to keep your smile away, which ultimately makes him gasp and point accusingly towards you.
"Yes, you do, you egg."
"Going for the Shakespearean insults? Wow, I must've really ticked you off," you laugh.
Lucky for you, the nearest thing to him was an almost-finished kitchen roll, otherwise he would've landed you in A&E too from his well-aimed throw to your forearm.
"I'm trying to be sincere." His voice is at that whiney pitch he uses when he's frustrated but not enough to care about it. He tends to only use it around his friends, but the more hellish (a potential exaggeration) time you spend with each other, the easier it slips out of him.
"Stop saying 'nice' like someone's pulling it out of your arse and not in a fun way."
"Well, what else am I supposed to say?! That I think your wonderful and funny and interesting and I like it when we spend time together!"
You try not to let the admission show up in your expression, not when it's making your heart race a mile a minute. "I mean, yeah. Don't stop on my account, keep telling me how you think I'm the most amazing person on the planet and you worship the ground I walk on, please."
He rolls his eyes and smiles in that adorable shy why which tells you that he knows exactly what you're trying to do and appreciates the way you relieve the tension. "Jesus, even when you take the piss out of me you still say 'please' in a way that makes me want to..." he trails off, then sighs. "Nevermind, ignore me."
Oh no, you're not going to let it go that easily. "Hard to do when your pig-headed ego takes up half the room." You take your gloves off--making a mental note to burn them in the incinerator for all they've had to deal with today (it's a mercy, really)--and turn towards him to give your full undivided attention. As if that would make it any easier for him to speak. "Go on, please."
He rolls his eyes again, trying even harder to hide his smile but it's fails just as easily. "Stop it."
"Stop what? Could you tell me, please?" Your head cocks to the side and your eyes challenge him in a teasing sort of way.
"God fucking damnit, Y/N. I don't know how I'm going to survive uni with you," he laughs, but the way he looks back at you feels a little too fond.
It takes a second to process what he just said. "Um, what?"
"You said... wait, are we going to the same uni?!"
"Um, yeah? We got into the same uni."
Shock takes ever your expression for a moment. "You remember which uni I applied to?"
He looks at you incredulously. "Yeah, of course I remember. And don't be so damn humble about your exam results, I know for a fact we're both getting in."
You take a second to find a response in your head, which seems momentarily empty except for that one phrase 'of course I remember.' "Well, that's beside the point." Jungkook raises a brow at you, not buying it but willing to shelf the matter for now. "What did you mean by all that earlier?"
He looks down, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "I have no idea what you mean."
"No no, you can't get out of it that easily."
"I think I can."
You take a few steps to his side and try to perch yourself up on the side of the counter next to him. He doesn't say anything as he helps you up with his good hand wrapped around your waist--and neither do you in case the combustion of heat in your body will expel flames out of your mouth the second you open it, right for your rival to see. "You're infuriating, you know that right?"
"Really? Haven't heard you say it before."
"Shut up," you chuckle, lightly shoving his shoulder with your own.
"Never. I know how much you love my snark, even if you don't admit it," he grins in return, looking at you in a way that makes your insides turn and twist. God you didn't think you could hate his stupid face even more than you do now (or something like that).
Then there comes a moment where everything went still. You think it's slightly unfair that this boy is able to bend people to his will with his looks and charm, and now apparently he can bend time too. Okay, maybe in this instance it doesn't feel as bad because you strangely don't mind having time suspended when he's there with you.
Those brown eyes flicker down to your lips so quickly you wouldn't have caught it had you not been intently gazing at him too. Rushes of heat fill every inch of your body, and to be honest, you don't know how to respond to it.
Times like these are few between you two, mostly because most of your interactions happen where there's a number of people around. But when it's just the two of you...
It feels slightly dangerous, but in a warm, comforting way that's so addictive you get a little scared of how much you don't want it to end. And also how his lips don't look as repulsive to press your own again as much as they usually do.
Damn him and his witchery.
"Anything else you want me to do?"
He raises a brow. "I want you to do a lot of things, you're gonna have to be more specific."
It was your turn to roll your eyes. "I mean, any cleaning up you needed me to do for your unhygienic brother?"
"Ah... no. The dishes were the main thing."
"Okay..." Silence stretches around the two of you until you find enough boldness within you to break it. "What were the other things?"
"What other things?"
"That you wanted me to do."
"Uh, I think you might fracture my balls too if I said them."
The corner of his lips curve. "There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity."
"Wow, I didn't think you knew it existed since you tend to cross it a lot."
"Har har," he deadpans, making you smile.
Your hands run over your thighs, a nervous tick you have that you have no doubt he's clocked onto by the way his good hand reaches out to squeeze one of them gently. Your hand, that is, though a corner of your traitorous mind that's steadily becoming louder over the past couple of weeks the longer you spend time with him thinks that maybe it wouldn't be so bad if it was your thigh instead. It's certainly big enough and you've seen the way he handles modelling clay for his art homework. There's no doubt he'd be able to relieve the tension of the muscles there. Or anywhere else--ah, no. Nope. Absolutely not.
"Sometimes I kinda kick myself for doing this deal with you." At your quizzical look, he clears his throat. "Makes it harder to ignore you when you're right with me for a good chunk of the day."
"You couldn't ignore me even if you tried."
He snorts. "Tired and proven."
Your brows scrunch, though your heart still beats against your chest. "What, really? You've tried to ignore me? Damn. Here I was hoping it would've worked out."
"Oh, I tried a few years ago, I think? Closer to when we first met. But unfortunately, you're hard to ignore."
Mockingly, you straighten you back and lift your head up. "Given how perfect I am, smarts and looks and all."
His smile is a bit weaker this time. "Yeah... Practically impossible to keep my mind off you."
Silence flows once more for a moment or two and you realise his hands is still wrapped around yours. "You know I tried too...in the beginning. Unfortunately, that didn't last long either."
His brow quicks. "Given how perfect I am, smarts and looks and all?"
"The opposite, actually. You were too dumb and ugly not to. Out of pity, really." From your teasing expression, he knows that he was right.
"Riiiiight, 'pity'. We'll go for that blatant lie if you want to save face."
"I have no idea what you mean."
"I think you do."
"I think I don't."
You don't realise until now how close your faces have gotten, able to feel the soft gentle breaths against your lips from his. It feels so difficult to maintain the distance but even more so to move closer to further.
"When you asked me what I meant by all that... ask me again."
"Ask me what I meant by everything I said before."
You've been sensing this coming for a while now, longer than whatever time you've spent together in his brother's now-clean kitchen (thanks to you). Like the sky is falling, but you can't seem to look away from it.
"What did you mean?"
Jungkook's tongue peeks out to run along his bottom lip. "I meant that I... I think you're amazing, potentially out of my league--"
"--definitely out of your league--" Definitely what you would consider a lie because look at him and his social skills and his grades and passion and whatnot.
"--and so damn sweet and kind."
"Did you not just hear me call myself out of your league? Or pay attention to most of our conversations in general."
He sends a questioning look to you, as if he can see through your bullshit. "I think we both know you don't think that--for some stupid reason, because you actually are out of my league."
"Don't be humble, it doesn't suit you."
"I'm not. Just truthful. And the truth is, I find it hard to be around you and not fall for you. I see the person you are when you let your guard down with people you care about and how annoyingly well you follow that moral compass of yours even if you use fancy mean words to distract everyone else."
You snort. "If only you heard my thoughts about you while I was doing the dishes. Maiming was not off the list."
He tried to bite back a laugh. "Given the condition of those dishes, I would give you a free pass for homicide."
"Good thing your teen boy-genes haven't totally overtaken your common sense of hygiene."
"I think we can both agree we're growing out of the 'teen' bit of our lives."
"Nope," you deny quickly, waving your hand out as if to undo what he just said. "I'd like to stick my head in the sand and forget about how quickly life is moving into adulthood until it hits me like a train--"
"--or a clown--"
"--thank you very much," you end tightly, sending him a light-hearted glare.
"As I was saying," he continues, amusement lighting up his face, "it's hard not to want to kiss you at times."
"Even when I'm mouthing off to you?"
"Especially when you're mouthing off."
Even though you were expecting it, it takes a minute to process. "Oh."
"Yes, 'ohhhhh'," he mocks, nudging you with a teasing smirk.
"That must've been annoying in class then."
"Very," he nods solemnly. "There were times I wanted to throw caution to the wind and traumatise everyone."
"From the shit some of my friends say, I don't think people would be that shocked if you'd kiss me."
"Huh, maybe you're not as airheaded as you make yourself out to be."
"Rude," you mumble. "I pay attention. I just tend to...second guess."
"I think my feelings for you were a bit obvious. I mean, I think I could've survived without having you be at my beck and call this summer but I said yes anyway."
"Manipulative bastard."
"Anything for you," he sends a cheesy grin your way, making you laugh at the sudden and very inconvenient butterflies fluttering about in your stomach.
"Okay, from that tone, I can tell you're imagining something horrifying so let me change that to 'anything within reason'."
"You are slightly terrifying."
"Why, thank you," you smile, and he smiles too with that buttery warm look of fondness again before he leans in slowly, giving you enough time to move away. But when you don't, he pressed his lips against yours and fucking hell it's the softest thing you've ever felt.
You don't know how long it takes for the kiss to break but even breathless you still miss the warm softness against your mouth. And apparently he felt the same because it takes very little time for him to capture your lips again, untangling his hand from yours to cup the side of your jaw, keeping you in place--not like it was possible for you to leave his addictive taste anyway, it might take dark magic for that to happen.
Maybe something even more potent, when his tongue slips its way past your lips and you find that he's stolen every single thought that occupied your mind. Again, time slips away until you're lungs are burning from the lack of air and you both pull away--though not too far from one another.
"So," he says breathless.
"So," you repeat in the same manner, mind still a little fuzzy.
"That was... something."
"Good something or bad something?"
"I don't think 'good' is a strong enough word I want to use." You hum in agreement, and reluctantly pull a little further away, his hand dropping back down onto yours. He looks at you curiously. "So..."
"Would I be too soon if I asked you to take pity on a poor simp like me and be mine?"
"Hmmm," you hum in thought. "Given your performance, I'm inclined to accept."
"I can upgrade you from being my reluctant servant to my reluctant lover." He wiggles his borrows and you groan.
"With a romantic declaration like that, I find it hard not to accept," you deadpan, before sighing and leaning against his shoulder. You want to bottle up that sound up and listen to it until you get sick of it--which you have a sneaking suspicion is about as likely as the sun imploding in your lifetime.
"Would you let me continue to wreak havoc on your life?"
"Then yes. I accept." He raises a brow expectantly and you clock on to what he's waiting for. "I'm not saying it."
"Say it."
"I take back my answer."
"No backsies."
"What, are you five years old or something?"
"Just say it! Say you'll be my lover."
"If you manage to make this relationship last for 50 years, then I will."
He huffs, leaning his head on top of yours, fingers linking with yours. "I suppose I can agree with that. I'll keep a note of it in my calendar."
"How unusually organised of you."
"Like I said, I'd do anything for you."
"Within reason, of course."
"Of course. Doesn't need to be logical reason, just reason."
"Good to know. Now, let's get out of your brother's place. I feel all the germs crawling all over me and need an extra hot shower--maybe two--to feel even remotely clean after that ordeal."
He laughs as he pressed a kiss on top of your head. "Yeah, okay, we can do that. Though I hoped you reminded me before I kissed you."
"You just did again after I told you, dumbass."
"In my defence, I did tell you it was hard not to. If I die of some unknown disease, I blame on you." You roll your eyes with a smile as the two of you hop off the counter and make your way out, hands still clasped together.
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tasteleeknow · 1 year
dilf lee know! 💋
you dug into my brain and now i'm just thinking of this clip of him playing with a baby that makes me a little weird. sigh. this is going to be soft. probably disgustingly so.
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you'd heard him use this voice before. the one he uses with cats and felix. but now? it was constant. always cooing and awing at everything your toddler did. he laughs as the baby dribbles his food down his chin. "who'd you get the messy genes from?" he coos. "not me," he adds in a whisper. he was better at feeding than you were, at keeping him focused and calm. you couldn't help staring sometimes, watching as he spoke to the toddler as if he could comprehend every word he was saying. the baby stared back, like he was hooked on every word from his fathers mouth. you know what that's like. you imagine them in the future, hand in hand as minho points things out and explains the world to the tiny little copy of himself.
sometimes you'd have to coax him out of the sweet tone of voice once the baby was asleep. he was using it so much during the day that he'd speak to you that way even when the baby wasn't around. it wasn't that you didn't like it. you loved it really. but you missed the way he'd drop his voice and stalk you across the room, switching from his soft gentle persona to the one that made you feel like prey. you take a step towards him, reaching up to tangle your fingers in his hair. "stop talking to me like i'm a baby... or a cat," you scold. he grins then attempts to convince you that you're just as cute though, squeezing your cheeks between his fingers.
when the baby trips over and looks to his dad for guidance on how he should be feeling, minho grins then falls himself, rolling around on the pavement without any care for the people strolling by. he reaches his hand out towards you. "is mummy gonna help us up?" he asks and you watch as the small child mimics his dad—tiny hand reached out towards you. you scoop him up into your arms, leaving the giant baby on the ground. he whines, kicking his feet in a mock tantrum until the baby in your arms laughs and points—fall totally forgotten.
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welcometomyoasis · 22 days
Give your moots tropes they suits
hi anon! thanks for sending this i love moot games <3 i feel like i've done something similar before but i'll do it again :))
@brownsugarbaybee - rivals to lovers. flirty rival singers who have a lot of sexual tension between them. they probably confess out of frustration one day (kind of like kiss and make up by blackpink??)
@wonijinjin - my darling is so meet cute and friends to lovers coded so let's make it both. they have such a cute meeting one day (maybe at a coffee shop) and then they become friends and it develops from there.
@heavenfilm - 2 oblivious, curious cats who get to know each other one random day and can't get enough of each other. everyone watching is just like :/ are they dating yet?
@haecien - long distance relationship but make it set in a time before handphones and email. we've already established cien likes writing letters, so this is perfect. and then when they finally meet, make it super romantic like running from far away and leaping into each others' arms.
@wheeboo - for rania, because of her recent wonwoo fic, i'm thinking of the "you see the best in me and you teach me to love myself" trope. like someone who has been hurt before but he helps to heal her and rebuild her heart.
@slytherinshua - hyper golden retriever x black cat. zanna is really hyper and she has so much energy. i see the s/o being more calm, and just standing to the side watching her endearingly while she rambles about something she loves.
@weird-bookworm - okay. for some reason. i am thinking of barbie island princess for sky. what trope is that? lost princess who has a pure heart x prince who just falls in love with her for who she is (plus the fact she can basically talk to animals)
@babyleostuff - idk if this is a trope, but like poetry/ literature lovers who have a meet cute at a quaint, lovely little book shop. they reach for the same book and giggle when their fingers touch.
@addicsvt - okay hear me out, but i'm thinking of 2 people who have little siblings, and they meet while taking bringing their siblings to the park. and their little siblings practically set them up by saying things like "can we play house? we'll be the babies and you can be the mommy and daddy"
@justsomekpopstuff - soulmates. they meet and instantly just fall in love with each other. then they become that horribly loving, disgustingly in love couple
@starshuas - sweetheart x sweetheart couple. they are just the cutest and sweetest couple ever. they go on cute dates to the gardens, sob over sad movies together. they are very wholesome :)
@planetkiimchi - secret romance. on the surface, they are rivals in 2 different dance groups. behind the scenes, they are the most adorable couple ever
@nonononranghaee - arranged marriage. they each go into it not really believing in love but then through their marriage they find themselves learning to love.
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charrywoman · 9 months
No Amount of Freedom Gets Me Clean.
Part 1
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OKAY. IS THIS GOOD?? IS THIS BAD?? I’m returning to my tumblr author era because I had this idea and just had to execute. I THINK IT WILL BE A SERIES BC I HAVE A PLAN?? WOULD ANYONE WANT THAT OR IS THIS A FLOP? LMK! anyway, enjoy:)
A crimson glow spread across your cheeks as he gently swiped at the smudge of chocolate in the corner of your lips. You giggled when he popped his thumb in his mouth and said something corny about how sweet you tasted. The laugh was fake, forced even, and anyone who knew you knew that. Peter knew that. It went unnoticed by him though as you leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, murmuring a thank you.
“You know,” MJ sat down across from Peter and Ned. “I don’t think that angry scowl is going to make Harry’s head spontaneously burst into flames. Unfortunately.”
Peter didn’t bother to look away, shrugging as he said, “Maybe if I stare for just a little bit longer it will.” He was practically squirming in his seat with jealousy. It was torture watching you be so disgustingly but undeniably cute with someone like Harry freaking Osborn, but Peter told himself that he deserved it, so he kept watching.
MJ didn’t even have time to quip back because in the next second Peter was furiously whispering that you were walking toward them and demanding her and Ned act casual. She rolled her eyes. “You’re literally the one being a weirdo.”
“Hi, MJ. Hi, Ned.” You smiled, purposely ignoring Peter while emptying your lunch tray into the trash can beside their table. Three weeks ago Peter insisted that he, MJ, and Ned start sitting at the specific table.
It was weird for everyone to see you and Peter at such odds. The two of you had always been inseparable. Where there was you, there was Peter. It had been that way since you and your mom moved next door to Peter when you were 6-years-old. May called you “her Peter’s saving grace.” You came into Peter’s life just after he moved in with her and Ben, and she says that it was his friendship with you that made him blossom. And then came Ned. And then MJ. The four of you just made sense, but most of all, so did you and Peter.
You laid upside down on Peter’s bed while kicking your legs back and forth in the air, flipping aimlessly through a comic book that was already there.
“Wow. They’re really generous when illustrating your ass. It is definitely not that big in person.” You held out the page next to Peter’s own body and pretended to compare the two. “What are you doing reading comic books about yourself anyw-” Peter snatched the comic book from your hands.
“Heeeyyy,” you playfully whined, “I was just getting to the good part. You were about to share a passionate kiss with the girl whose cat you rescued from a tree. What a hero.”
Peter rolled his eyes, “You’re so annoying.” He sat down on the bed next to you, and you maneuvered your body to mirror his position.
“Yeah,” you agreed, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning over to press a sloppy, dramatic kiss to his cheek. “But you looovvveee me.”
You pulled away from Peter but left your head resting on his shoulder, and he instinctively laid his cheek against your crown.
“Yeah, you’re right. I do.”
Mr. Cobbwell was background noise as you doodled hearts and stars and flowers all over your notebook page. Chemistry used to be your favorite part of the day, it was the only class that you, MJ, Ned, and Peter all had together. Now, you dreaded it.
“Isn’t that right, Ms. Y/L/N?”
You looked up from your notebook paper for the first time since class started. “Uh, I’m sorry. What was the question? I was-”
Cobbwell cut you off with a sigh. “Don’t forget about seeing me after class, okay?”
You nodded and pretended to pay attention for a few minutes to satisfy him before going back to drawing. After Cobbwell called you out it felt like time was going by agonizingly slow. When the bell finally rang, you let go of breath you didn’t know you were holding.
As if it weren’t awkward enough, only you and Peter were left in the classroom when you walked up to Cobbwell’s desk.
“You wanted to see me?” You asked, toying with the strap of your backpack.
“Yes,” He sat back in his chair. “I want to talk about your grades, Y/N. What’s going on? You’ve dropped two letter grades since September, and you’re on the way to dropping another considering you failed the last exam. You went from being my top student to barely qualifying to be in AP Chemistry.”
You lowered your head awkwardly. It was silent between the two of you for a few moments as you thought of something to say.
“So,” Cobbwell continued. “That’s why I’ve assigned you a tutor. If you complete the 6-week assistance course and your improvement is evident on the next exam, then I’ll be willing to give you enough extra credit to keep you from entirely failing the course. But the grade you get at the end of the semester is totally up to you. No more favors. Sound good?”
“Mr. Parker,” Cobbwell waived Peter over to his desk. Both you and Peter stood in shock as you realized what was happening. “Peter is going to be your tutor for the next 6 weeks. The two of you used to be my dynamic chemistry duo. I want to see that again!”
This can’t be happening.
“Mr. Cobbwell, when you said you needed me to tutor one of your students I didn’t realize that,” Peter paused for a moment trying to find the right words. “Um. I didn’t realize you meant Y/N.”
“Is that an issue, Peter? I asked you to help a student who is struggling in Chemistry, and you said yes. Are you not capable of making good on your word? Do I need to find someone else for the job?” Cobbwell was lecturing now, attempting to make Peter feel guilty.
“No. No, it’s fine. I can do this.” Peter said as he turned to look at you. “We can do this.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Great!” Cobbwell clapped his hands together. “Then, get to studying! Y/N has plenty to catch up on.”
The frame of your body was shrinking as you hurried ahead of Peter in the hallway. He was out of breath when he finally caught up to you at your locker.
“You’re failing chemistry?” Peter asked, concerned. You avoided his question and continued shoving books in your lockers
“Hey,” Peter grasped your arm just as it was about to dive back into your backpack. For the first time in four months, you looked back at him. His heart was beating impatiently against his chest like it was waiting for him to pour out every thought and feeling he had since the last time you spoke to him.
Your face softened for a moment and Peter took that as his cue to continue. “Talk to me, Y/N. You’re failing chemistry? That’s not like you. You love chemistry. And you definitely love being better than me at it.”
You pulled your arm away from him. “It’s not a big deal, Peter.” You shut your locker door. “Look, let’s just get this over with and do what we have to do for the next 6 weeks. This doesn’t change anything between us.”
Peter nodded. Deep down he had already known that, but a small part of him hoped that just maybe it was going to change things.
Behind Peter, you noticed Ned and MJ walking toward the two of you with confused faces. “I’ll be at your place at 7 tonight. May still has dinner at 6 sharp, right? So, you’ll be ready by then. Great. See ya.” You didn’t even give Peter time to answer before you turned your back to him to catch up with Harry and his friends.
Peter was still watching you walk away when Ned and MJ reached him.
“Um. What was that about?” Ned asked.
“I think I’m Y/N’s tutor?”
Peter thought if he ignored the clock that time would go by quicker. He has spent the last half hour toying with the food on his plate, not daring to take a bite. He was nervous, but he wasn’t sure why. It was just Y/N, Peter had told himself. That’s just it, though. It was you. Peter felt like he had been given a second chance to fix things with you, and he wouldn’t mess it up this time. He was desperate.
Peter groaned when he looked at the clock again and only 3 minutes had passed.
“Okay,” May sat her own fork down to her plate. “What’s up?”
Peter hadn’t told her yet. He didn’t know how. “Hey, I know it’s been four months since Y/N last came over and then disappeared with little to no explanation at all for either of us, but she’s going to be here in 15 minutes!” May would just make a big deal of it and he didn’t need that right now.
As if on cue, two knocks came from the door. May looked at Peter quizzically, as if to say “Who could that be?” But Peter knew.
May opened the door. “Y/N?” She engulfed you in a tight hug. “Y/N! Peter it’s Y/N! Y/N is here. What are you doing here? We’ve missed you so much haven’t we, Peter? You know what, I’m going to go whip up a batch of those cupcakes you and Peter have always loved. The ones that are made with cookie dough instead of cake batter? I can’t believe this! Come in, come in!” May didn’t really give you much of a choice though since she was already pulling you inside.
“Actually, May, um..Peter and I have some studying to do tonight.”
“Oh. Oh, that’s fine, honey. It’s too late for sweets anyway. I’m always getting ahead of myself.” The disappointment in her voice made you feel guilty. You avoided her gaze, shifting back and forth on your feet as an attempt to no seem awkward.
Peter was fast to change the subject saying, “We’ll be in my room if you need us.”
A familiar flutter erupted in your chest when Peter opened his bedroom door. Star Wars bedsheets. Comic books. Action figures. Video games. Superhero posters. This was the best side of Peter, all the greatest parts of him splattered throughout his room like a trophy on display. There had been a time when all of it was just for you. Only you were special enough to know and love the Peter that lived behind these walls.
Your mom was out of town for a business trip, so you were spending the weekend with Peter and Aunt May. It wasn’t uncommon for you and Peter to have a sleepover. May had been babysitting you overnight practically since the first day you moved next door.
Peter was sitting at one end of his bed and you were at the other.
“Okay,” you tossed a piece of popcorn into your mouth. “Who are you crushing on right now?”
Peter went stiff. He had been crushing on the same girl since he was 8-years-old. “Um. No one really. I don’t really have my eye on anybody.”
“Ugh, Pete. You’re so boring!”
“Okay, fine. Who are you crushing on?”
A shy smile crept across your face. “I don’t know. Well, I guess if I had to pick, I kind of think Brad Davis is cute.”
Peter pretended to gag himself. “Brad Davis? You’re way better than that.”
You rolled your eyes at him, throwing the pillow in your lap at his head. “You’re probably right. Brad has definitely kissed like tons of girls, and I haven’t even kissed one boy! Isn’t that embarrassing? I’m 14, and I haven’t had my first kiss yet.”
“Well, I haven’t had my first kiss either.”
There was a beat of silence.
“Should we just get it over with?”
Peter nearly choked on his own tongue. “W-what do you mean?”
“Peter, I mean should we just kiss each other and get our first kiss over with!” You explained like it was the most casual idea in the world.
“Yeah. Yeah, okay.” Peter agreed.
You crawled up the bed until you were sitting right in front of him.
“So, how should we…?” Peter trailed off.
You laid your palm against Peter’s cheek and brushed your thumb back and forth a few times. You secretly praised your mom for making you sit down and watch all of those cheesy rom-coms with her. It made you feel prepared. Peter’s face was hot to the touch because he was blushing.
He was watching you innocently yet also so intensely. Before this, you couldn’t remember a time when you and Peter had been so intimate. You closed your eyes and pressed your lips against his. Kissing Peter felt natural. It felt like something you could do forever.
The kiss only lasted a few minutes before the door swung open. “Do you guys want to order piz- OH NO. MY EYES.”
After that, May decided that Peter had to sleep on the couch whenever you stayed over.
You were still basking in nostalgia when you sat down beside Peter at his desk.
“Do you want to start with atomic structure?” Peter asked. “It was covered in the beginning of the new unit, and I’m sure it will be on the next test.”
You ignored him, picking up a picture frame on the side of his desk. It was a picture of you and Peter on Halloween. You were both 10 and obsessed with Mario Kart. You begged your parents to let you dress up as Mario and Princess Peach.
“I can’t believe you still have this. I remember we ate too many gummy worms that night and May told us that we had gummy butterflies growing in our stomachs and we cried.” You laughed. It was the first time Peter heard you laugh in so long. It made him smile.
You looked back up at him. For a moment, there was a sense of normalcy between the two of you as you smiled at each other.
“Y/N, I-”
You cut him off. “Yeah, so atomic structure, right?”
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gravity-what · 4 months
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Enjoy some cute dragons for Lunar New Year! 🐉🎆 (this was mostly an excuse to draw the idea I had for Lao Mang Lone soup Omi)
And uh…enjoy an angsty story to go with the drawing??? I’m sorry
Under the cut (and also posted here on Ao3)
“What have you done?”
“Come now, what’s with that face?” Hannibal laughed. In his disgusting tendril a child-sized lizard squirmed and thrashed, trying to claw the vine from where it was wrapped tightly around the creature's neck. Chase couldn’t take his eyes off the scene, his own skin rippling in response. “And here I thought I was doing you a favor! Wuya told me all about that convoluted little plan of yours to get this bean sprout on the Heylin side but, well, take it from someone with experience in this kind of thing. Lao Mang Lone really is the easiest way to go.”
“You- I-“ Chase stuttered, for once not knowing what to say. What to do. The tiny lizard snarled, its claws scraping uselessly against the vine, its tail thrashing in agitation. The frills around its head flaring in anger. The thin skin there was torn and bleeding from where the child had clawed himself. Where Omi had clawed himself.
“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue.” Hannibal mocked, his disgusting laugh echoing around Chase’s atrium. “Or, I guess in this case, lizard? Kid’s pretty cute isn’t he?” He added, lifting Omi fully off the ground, his snarls getting cut off as he choked and only thrashed more. Something that was bound to only hurt the child if not break his neck. Chase made an aborted movement forward to help but hesitated as he saw the tendril tighten threateningly. “Vicious to boot. Should have seen the way he tore through that little temple of his when he ate the soup. Almost as impressive as you! For such a small size, the kid really packs a punch!”
How had Hannibal managed to do this? What had he done to trick Omi into drinking the Lao Mang Lone soup? Had he even known what he was doing? Had he agreed to this? Chase couldn’t imagine a world where Omi drank the soup willingly -a memory flashed into his mind. a glass and iron cage. The scent of Lao Mang Lone in the air. Someone had to drink it if they wanted to escape- No. No. Omi wouldn’t have. Not here. Not now. Not like this.
“This is some sick joke.” Chase snarled, managing to wipe the shocked and distraught surprise from his face. His gaze turned to Hannibal’s disgustingly smug one, Chase finally able to pull his eyes away from the little dragon. “This isn’t real.” It couldn’t be real. This was something else. Hannibal had the Moby Morpher. It had to be a trick. “I don’t know what you are trying to pull-“
“Well now!” Hannibal cut him off, bringing his other tendril to his chest in a fake act of offense. “Is that any way to respond to a gift?! If you don’t want him, well, I could always use another pet.”
Chase felt panic shoot through him at those words, remembering his own time under Hannibal. Being trapped in this early, feral, state of the Lao Mang Lone. Being at the mercy of this disgusting bean. A single claw out of place leading to punishments thousands of times worse than the offense.
Chase clenched his jaw. Trick or not, he couldn’t leave Omi to that fate. Chase knew he had already shown his hand in this. Had shown it ages ago to Wuya when he had been too stupidly secure in the idea that he had managed to lock Hannibal away for good. And now, here he was, back again and having worked Chase into a corner with only one way forward.
“A gift implies he is being given to me for free,” Chase acknowledged, his hand’s fisted tight at his sides, trembling with held-back rage. “But I know you, Hannibal. What is the price of this so-called gift.”
He watched as Hannibal’s decrepit smile grew, showing off his broken and rotting teeth. “Well, now that you mention it, I suppose there are a few things I want…”
[some bonus additional context for the art: I imagine this image is a few months after Omi was transformed and in that time Chase ‘visited’ the temple to make sure that what Hannibal told him was true (it was) and stole the reversing mirror from Spicer to make sure Omi wasn’t just transformed via the Moby Morpher and had something done to his mind (the reversing mirror changed nothing) and then proceeded to check everything to make sure that there was no other possible explanation for this and finally, after he could no longer deny that Omi had truly taken the Lao Mang Lone Soup, he gave Omi more of it to help him start to work towards regaining himself and the above is the outcome. A moment of clarity from his little one. Omi’s still not all there. still has no idea who he is or what he is, but for a second he is no longer feral or hungry and Chase gets this small moment before it eventually slips away.]
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tehriel · 9 months
I saw your post about taking writing requests and wanted to try my hand! If it doesn't vibe with you and you don't want to do this request, that's ok!! My request: Phantom x gn!reader where it's a rainy, stormy day at the ministry and not much is happening so Phantom and reader find something or more than one thing to do to entertain themselves throughout the day? Thank you so much if you do decide to do this!! Wishing you a good day/night <3
I got you friend~
Made Phantom chaotic bored and seeking attention.
Was a fun write~
It went very spicy, so over 18 please my friends and the mature-rated is below the line but the explicit is on AO3
Reader is afab non-binary, body bits do be described in the explicit, if that gives the ick, completely understandable
Hope you enjoy it c:
The wind was an unhappy banshee. Less of an ominous howl against the windows of the ministry and more of an “AAHHHHAAAHHHH EEEEEEEEE,” followed by dog whistling. Rain threw itself at the ornate roofing. The sky was straight up, slapping the cathedral, and it stood proudly at the top of its hill, flipping off the storm clouds with the inverted cross atop its steeple.
Phantom sighed loudly and rolled onto his stomach, eating a face full of antique ministry rug. He was very close to the open fireplace. Ghouls loved a fireplace—it wasn’t that they were feline, more that cats were demonic.
“You good bud?” You placed your warm mug down to ask.
You didn’t get an answer, so your eyes left the page of your book to see he’s raised a thumb. His Switch had run out of battery only ten minutes ago. The ministry may have been defiant to the last—but power lines were only ever looking for a reason to go down.
“What am I doing with my life?” His voice was muffled on the carpet.
Ten minutes and he’d already hit an existential crisis. It might be a record. “You and I are ghouls doing very important house-sitting while everyone else is on tour.” You scanned for your reading spot and wriggled into your nook of the leather couch, finding it.
“What do I dooooo?”
You put your finger on your spot, “At least one of your guitars isn’t electric; play some Wonderwall or something—dudes love playing Wonderwall.”
He rolled to the side, and his big calf eyes had gone dull. “Come on, you know I love Wonderwall—so rude.”
You smirked into your book; you did know that.
He harrumphed, stood up, and sauntered toward his den.
What a creature. You knocked down five pages before you heard the beginnings of Wonderwall—he’d be content for hours. But he wasn’t. He strummed quietly for a while, then he sang—then sang it again loudly. Whatever he was looking for, it wasn’t a wonderwall.
Despite all this, you got lost in your salacious book, and your tail lazily batted the couch.
‘Tucker tucker tucker tuck’. They were ghoulish, skittering, sock-covered footsteps on floorboards. You didn’t look up—he tracked down the hallway and back again. His steps caught speed, and then you heard him slide against the polished floor. “New record!” You heard him cheer at some point.
You were determined to read this book to the disgustingly raunchy finish.
“Hey, _____.”
“What’s up, amore mio?”
He didn’t say anything.
You sighed, tracked your spot in your book and looked up from it again. “Love?”
Phantom looked you dead in the eye, sitting on the coffee table. His light grey skin was speckled with cute moles. His noir haircut let it flick in any way it pleased.
 He bit into a banana, skin on, halfway up the shaft. 
He chewed it.
You blinked and went back to your book.
You heard him gag.
You wouldn’t laugh—you saw what he was doing then. Your sweet puppy-eyed ghoul was looking for attention. You would usually indulge, but perhaps your devilish nature was showing tonight.
“______, come dance in the rain with me~” he jumped up after a while.
Thunder shook the defiant building. “I don’t think that’s rain; I think it’s a power wash setting,” you murmured to your pages.
“Sounds fun~”
“Sounds wet.”
“No, you sound wet,” he said childishly.
“Do I?” You wouldn’t crack a smile, “While it is that kind of book, Amore, I’m nowhere near the good stuff yet.”
His eyes narrowed on the cover as if he’d named it his rival. “Can’t be that good…” he muttered, and you heard him walk behind your couch to pry.
You skipped back to some pages you’d read the night before that had… left a lasting impact.
There was some time before all he said was, “I see.” But his voice was not alright, so he pulled away quickly.
“You good, Tom?”
There came only grumbling as he disappeared.
Things eventually began heating up in your book; you got a fair way in before you heard ‘tick….tick…..tick’ behind you on the stained glass window. You begrudgingly pulled yourself from your smutty dream world to look over and through the pane. 
Phantom was out there in the rain throwing small rocks. He saw you look, and you watched him spin in it and splash in a puddle. He was right; it did look fun. You couldn’t be tempted. You didn’t negotiate with terrorists. You did watch him for a while, his black tail streaming behind him as he ran. Phantom knew he was cute. Endearing dork. Sometimes, you just wished he’d tell you what he actually wanted, not what he thought you wanted—it seemed he was all too used to ignoring his own needs and feelings. He was a bit of a hopeless case.
You loved him. 
You turned back to your book—whatever he wanted, he could ask for himself.
It was some time before you saw him again. You heard him drip back into the room, then some wet rustling and the slap of wet fabric landing on the coffee table.
You glanced to see his back was bare, silhouetted and sat by the fire as the world had grown darker, dripping wet from the rain. His hair was weighed down and stuck to the back of his neck as it trickled down his back. So that’s how he would do it?
Then the little shit shook himself out, sending water spray everywhere.
“Eh! Phanta!” You squealed.
“Oh, sorry, ______,” he grinned apologetically over his shoulder, his sharp teeth glinting.
Your eyes narrowed. He did have a pretty back; it was speckled with freckles and had cut shoulder blades. He wore his black uniform pants low. You might have wanted to run your fingers against that defined spine of his. But this was a taunt.
Using a degree of willpower, you shifted your gaze back to your book, and whatever happened in the pages only got hotter—well, that was unhelpful.
You felt his weight against the couch as he came to drip beside you. Your nose crinkled from the wetness of it, but you relaxed anyway. Then you felt his big, wet head rest on your shoulder. Dark eyes trailed your book while black claws grazed your thigh.
He was a ghoul that needed a lot of care and attention. You knew this. It was very hard not to give in to it.
After a lengthy admission of feelings, the too-perfect male heartthrob was getting on his knees before the geeky boy who had helped him overcome his academic failures. You swallowed. You knew Phantom was reading too. His tail flickered against the couch. You turned the page. His claws at your thigh dragged rougher.
“_______,” he whispered softly.
“You okay, my love?”
He didn’t answer. 
You found the point in the book that you were up to, pointed to it, looked over, and drowned into the dark depths of his eyes. 
His brows were knitted.
You knew what he wanted—he only had to ask.
He looked down and shook his head, “I’m good.” He stood and walked away.
You sighed, watching him return to his den. Did he not think you wanted him? When he appeared again, you would crumble for him—he was only torturing both of you at this point.
That time never seemed to come. You finished one of the raunchiest sex scenes of your life, and you looked up to find he was nowhere to be seen. There was only the angry rapping of rain against the church’s facade. You placed your bookmark in your book—so this was his next ploy, then? You would have to go find him?
You tracked the phantom puddles like ectoplasm towards his den. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness of his room. His den was a cacophony of stolen gems from an abandoned Halloween store in town. It smelled like licorice all sorts, and caramel apples on Halloween night. He was on his gothic four-post bed with its red and black velvet lashings. Guy just wanted to be Legosi’s Dracula. 
His back was to the door, bare spine curled, the point of his tail hidden and likely in his hands.
It looked like he finally died of boredom.
He huffed.
“There something you wanted?”
He didn’t say anything.
It was like approaching Howl in his castle while he moped. The bed dipped as you came to sit beside him. “What do you need?” You prompted again.
You watched his wet, saggy head shake.
Ah, darling. “You want me to go?”
His head finally shifted to look at you. Of all the puppy eyes. He whispered your name, his chest rising as his breath deepened.
“Phantom,” your brows drew. You were going to give in—he had to know you wanted him, and still… he had to trust you would catch him if he took that leap. You shook your head and began standing; he’d given you no answer.
“Stay.” He caught your wrist and shoved you to the mattress hard. You heard his heart leap at what he had just done. His eyes went a little wide. 
You looked up at him, just as surprised as him at what he had done.
“Uh… sorry…” his brows drew. “I’m… not sure what I’m doing with myself. I feel like I’m going crazy.”
“You did try to eat a banana with the skin on,” you nodded up at him.
“I don’t think that was too far outside the realms of normal for me.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” you chuckled. “You feel like telling me what you want yet? You know you just have to ask, right?”
He hummed and hid his face in the crook of your neck, hair still damp against your cheek.
“Tom?” You ran a hand over his nape.
“I want you,” he muttered. 
“What do you want to do with me, Amore?”
His only reply was to graze your neck with his teeth—suppose that’s all you would get. The book had left you feeling hot and sensitive; you swallowed, and he drew a soft noise from your chest.
The lightning tattooed the image of his body looming yours against your eyelids.
“Did you not think I wanted you?” You ran your claws down his back, making him shiver against you.
He huffed. “My brain is not always my friend,” he admitted and licked at your throat.
You traced fingertips down his abdominals and lower. “What is it saying now?”
He searched your eyes; it seemed he was deliberating whether or not to say something. “That you’re too kind for your own good… that you would do this with me out of pity.”
“Pity, hm?” Your heart hurt for him. “Think your brain underestimates how fucking selfish I am,” your smile twisted to show your teeth. “I sent the sisters fucking home to the convent so you’d only look at me.” You growled, and your tail flickered against his calf.
His pointed ears turned violently red. “Oh.” His body heated against yours.
“I’m not usually so territorial,” you clawed softly at his back. You weren’t with the other ghouls in your pack. “I want you to tell me…”
“I want to taste you, and I want you to…” You saw the labour of his breath in his shoulders over you. “Cum on my cock.” He withdrew from your throat to find your eyes. His had darkened to pitch, “I need it _______.”
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 11 months
♡ Garden of Love ♡
Terzo x fem!reader
A/N: how's it going, ghesties?! First time writing for Terzo, sorry if it's ooc haha extremely!soft!Terzo in this one, like I'm talking butter on a hot summer day kinda soft. Absolute slut for this man. Enjoy!
~Fi 🪻
Warnings: disgustingly sweet, bit suggestive at the end (it's Terzo what do you expect)
Word count: 2.1k
All the Italian was translated with Google
I would love some feedback about how I wrote Terzo :)
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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You were sitting in one of the many beautiful gardens the abbey had, tended to by none other than Primo, or Papa Emeritus the first. The sweet smell of Honeysuckle and Rose hit your nose, on this beautiful afternoon.
This was by far your favorite thing to do when you'd finished all your tasks for the day. Hearing little bees buzzing about, birds singing their songs and the quiet rustling of the leaves when a subtle breeze passed the garden gave you peace of mind.
It was refreshing, really, with all the chaos going on inside the abbey all day. You were just sketching away in your little leather-bound sketch book. Whatever you could see, it was going on the page. All kinds of plants, trees, flowers, even a little black cat that sometimes lurked around the unholy grounds adorned your page.
Putting down your pencil and closing your eyes, you took a deep breath and could almost taste the sweet blossoms on your tongue, another familiar smell hit your nose. It was him. A small smile formed on your face, you couldn't help it, he just made you smile. "Hello, Terzo" you said softly, keeping your eyes closed.
"Buonasera, amorina" he answered, his voice sweet like honey. You could melt right then and there just from those two words. Terzo made your heart flutter. He took a seat next to you on the wooden bench at the back of the garden. You two just sat there in a comfortable silence for awhile, just soaking in this gorgeous day.
"What were you doing before I interrupted, Bella?" He questioned. You let out a small laugh. "You didn't interrupt anything, my love" you smiled and he smiled back at you. "You were, eh, sketching something, yes? " you nodded, opening up your little booklet to show him. "Just some flowers I saw around the garden. And that cute black kitty that takes a nap on this bench, I've seen it a few times." You spoke.
"Ah, yes. I've seen the gattino around here as well." He answered. You scooched closer to him so you could show him all the sketches you made. "Here. This is what I did today but there's more from other days as well" you told him, placing the booklet in his gloved hand. He took it and flipped through the pages, admiring your talent and eye for detail.
"These are beautiful, amore" he marveled. He continued adoring your little pieces of art, his lips forming into a smile. "You're so talented, amorina. Have you showed these to Primo? I think he would be as amazed as I am" he smiled. A blush crept up to your cheeks, even after all this time together his compliments still flustered you.
"Not yet. I have thought about it, though. I usually let him go on about the flowers and don't have enough time to show him after" you laughed. Terzo chuckled. That sounds just like his older brother. " I think he would appreciate it." He assured you. You gave him a soft smile in return. He took your hand into his and leaned back against the bench.
He really needed a break. Being Papa is hard work so he truly enjoyed these little moments of peace you two shared from time to time. Terzo closed his eyes, the evening sun perfectly hitting his features. You could stare at him like this for hours. He was so beautiful, inside and out.
He continued to bathe in the sun, you admiring him, before any of you said anything. You didn't want to, but eventually you broke the silence. "Do you have a favorite flower?" You asked him softly. He inhaled deeply before opening his eyes. "I haven't really thought about it. Flowers were always, eh what do you say, Primos 'things?'" You chuckled and he smiled at you, before he continued. "I did see one in one of his flower books, heliotropium, I think it was called. I like that one" you hummed, acknowledging his answer, your hands still intertwined. You asked him why he liked it and he chuckled.
"You with your questions, amore" he laughed. "I'm just interested" you responded. "I know, I know , Bella" he smiled, giving your hand a squeeze. "It has a nice color, a light purple. The meaning of this flower is eternal love and devotion. That's why I like it, because of my eternal love and devotion for you" he said, cupping your cheek with his white-gloved hand, smiling at you.
You couldn't hide the smile that adorned your face, placing your hand on top of the one on your face. He gently stroked his thumb across your cheek, leaning in to give you a passionate kiss. You melted into him, his lips were so soft. He pulled away, leaving you in a haze. It was almost scarry how much power he had over you with just a single kiss. He withdrew his hand and crossed his legs. "So what is your favorite flower, amorina?" he questioned.
"The Edelweiss flower. I'll show you." You opened a fresh page in your sketch book and quickly began sketching an Edelweiss. "It looks something like this" you showed him the drawing and he examined it with care. "It's very beautiful, amore. What color is it?" He smiled softly. "It's white. Edelweiss means 'noble white' in german" you answered. He looked impressed, Terzo loved how educated you were, especially on things like this.
"It's a fitting name" he responded with an adoring smile. "It reminds me of you." You said quietly. He hummed. "How so?" "It stands for perseverance and bravery, as well as renewal. All of those things remind me of you. " You smiled. Taking his hands into yours, you could've sworn you saw the slightest sheen in his eyes. "I'm honored, amorina" Terzo smiled. He kissed your knuckles and lightly squeezed your hand.
"It only grows really high up in the alps, having to break through many layers of stone on its way to the sun. An old tale says, the Edelweiss can prove how strong someone's love is, this is why it's called the lovers flower sometimes. Many men have died trying to get this flower for their lover, but if they return their love will last until the end of time." You continued. You had the biggest smile on your face, sharing these moments with your lover was so precious to you, and to him, no doubt.
Terzo brushed a stray piece of hair out of your face, letting his hand linger on your face. "Your mind truly is beautiful, amore" he spoke softly. You thanked him with a sweet smile. You two stared at eachotherfor a while, admiring the beauty of one another. Terzo broke his gaze and looked around the overgrown garden."I've never noticed how nice this garden is. Perfect place for a glass of Vino, no?" He smirked. You jokingly rolled your eyes at him. "I would like that. Very much, actually." You responded with a smile.
He'd been so busy lately with all of his Papal duties that he had barely any time for you. He would stumble into his chambers every night, half asleep, just exhausted from all of his tasks and duties throughout the day. It broke your heart to see him like that, so him asking you on a date for the first time in a while means he's probably done with the worst of it and Imperator had cut him some slack once in a while, but we all know that won't last too long.
"Great" he clapped his hands together with a smile,"I'll have everything arranged then, amorina" . You too just looked at eachother for a while, getting lost in the others eyes. That was until you could hear Sister Imperator angrily shouting Terzo's name in the distance. He let out a defeated sigh and his head fell forward against your chest. "Why can't she give me a break for 10 fucking minutes" Terzo complained, mumbling something Italian into your chest.
Chuckling, you gently stroked his hair. "We'll have so much time together tomorrow, my love. An entire day without Imperator eyeing you from every corner" you responded softly. He sighed once again, looking up at you. "I suppose you are right, amore" he sighed. You pulled him into a kiss by his neck, hoping this would give him some strength to finish his day. Terzo smiled at you, Oh Sathanas, how he didn't want to leave you. It had been so peaceful, just you and him. He longed for more moments like this. Where he wasn't Papa or the leader of a satanic church. But instead just Terzo. Your Terzo. He got up, straightening his clothing before bidding you goodbye to go see whatever Sister was complaining about now. You blew him a kiss which he caught with his hand, pressing it against his heart. You couldn't wait for your date, just you and the love of your life, in this beautiful, overgrown garden with a glass of wine.
It was now the next day and you had just finished getting ready for your little rendezvous when it knocked on the door of your shared chambers. A smiled spread its way over your face because you knew exactly who it was.
He looked so handsome. I mean, he always did but now he looked especially good. "Buongiorno, Bella" he smirked at you. It was great so seem in his usual horny good spirits. He really was out of it yesterday, at least a little. He could hide his feelings pretty well, but you could tell. You knew him and his heart. You were going to have to talk with Sister Imperator after this. "Good morning to you too, Terzo," you smiled.
"You look lovely as ever, amorina. Shall we?" He asked, holding out his arm for you take. You gladly accepted, and the two of you were on your way. You had made him a little gift after the nice time you had together in the garden yesterday. Terzo and you talked on the way about anything, really.
How your day had been so far, the upcoming plans for a tour, and if the Ghouls were doing well. You already knew that of course,they loved you and wanted you to visit them as often as you could.
Arriving at the garden, there was a classic checkered picnic blanket laid out on the soft grass, with a bottle of wine and some fruit. You two got comfortable, and Terzo filled your glass with wine. "A toast, amore" he spoke with a smile, raising his glass "to you, my lovely bride" "to us" you corrected him with the biggest smile as you clinked your glasses together.
It was a gorgeous day, the sun was out and you were right here, next to Terzo. "Terzo.." You began, he hummed in acknowledgment. "I have a gift for you"
He looked surprised has you handed him a little piece of paper. His eyes widened when he took a look at your gift. It was a beautifully painted image of a heliotropium and an Edelweiss flower, stems weaving around eachother and roots intertwining. The vibrant purple color of the heliotropium contrasted the pure white of the Edelweiss perfectly, just like you two contrasted eachother. Under the flowers were some words written in a neat cursive. 'That our eternal love shall persevere'
"Oh satana aiutami.." he mumbled. He looked at you with the most loving eyes you had ever seen. "Amorina, I.. this is absolutely beautiful. Thank you" he said, tears in his eyes.
"of course, my love" you smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. "Ti amo tanto, amore" he whispered. You were gently stroking his cheek and holding his hand, when he leaned in to kiss you. His kiss was filled with so much passion you felt like you might explode. You slowly pulled away. "I love you too, Terzo" you answered.
The second those words left your mouth, Terzos lips were on yours again, almost desperately. The way he kissed you knocked the air out of your lungs. He placed a hand on your waist and pushed you back onto the picnic blanket. You wrapped your arms around his neck to get him even closer. He pulled away ,painting, his paints smeared.
"I think we should continue this in our chambers, yes?" He panted with a sly grin on his face. You couldn't answer fast enough. He picked you up and carried you all the way to your bedroom where the two of you strengthened the bond of your love for all eternity.
amorina = little love
amore = love
Bella = beautiful
gattino = kitten
Buonasera = good evening
Buongiorno = good morning
Oh satana aiutami = oh Satan help me
Ti amo tanto = I love you so much
strengthened the bond of your love = you know exactly what this means
Hope you enjoyed!
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