#that and he's one of the few decent teachers in the whole manga
delawaredetroit · 4 months
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Exactly. Knowing how to think is much more important than just knowing what to think. Because otherwise you eventually become inflexible and unable to grow or adapt to change.
What I like about Gran Torino is that he is the only living member of All Might's inner circle that approved of Izuku. It's unfortunate that he never outright expresses this to Izuku though. (But it makes sense why that is the case. Gran Torino was the only one close to All Might who knew Toshinori before All Might after all)
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pinkroseblooms · 4 months
i just started Bucchigiri and love your stuff!!! 😭 Can you do one for Matakara having a crush on a new transfer girl? She wears the boys uniform and a hoodie over her head so she doesn't get attention. He only finds out cuz she helped treat his wounds after a fight once and it's been their secret ever since
Thank you so much! Hope you like this!
Just Between Us
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Summary: Matakara takes it upon himself to befriend the new introverted transfer student and develops a crush, unaware they're both keeping secrets from the other. wc: 2.2k a/n: no warnings, mostly just fluff and a few swear words. reader is afab but I personally written them as being gender fluid. I also headcanon Matakara as bi disaster. Enjoy!
You yawn, barely paying attention as your teacher goes on about something to do with…history? English? Biology? At this point you don’t bother keeping track; no one else does. Usually everyone in your homeroom is openly hooting and hollering over the lecture; on good days, most of the other students are zoned out or passing notes, not even attempting to be sneaky about it.
Speaking of, a folded up card gets flicked on your desk; you look, puzzled at it, and back to your seatmate. On your right is Matakara Asamine, smiling patiently and pointing to the paper.
You roll your eyes but smile back; he has your number, the two of you could easily have a whole conversation over text if you wished to. Still, you open the little piece of paper and read what Matakara scribbled: he’s asking if you want to see a movie after school. You stifle a chuckle and write back an affirmative, deliberately sliding your hand over the surface of his desk; after he reads your answer, Matakara pumps his fist silently in a display of excitement. Your profile is obscured with your hood up and your head turned, so you hope he doesn’t see how wide you’re grinning. 
It’s only been a few months since you transferred to Ichizu and you’re grateful to have made a few decent friends; with the district's reputation, you hadn’t expected to do much in the way of socializing. You weren't particularly street smart or experienced in self defense even: you were one of the few students who fell into the “harmless wallflower” category. There were a handful of kids at school who were like you; they just sort of walked around, didn’t speak much, and were largely ignored by the majority of the school populace as too weak and plain to bother with. 
The Minato Kai and Siguma members mostly kept to themselves, interested in their own rivalry and their own personal circles of friends and acquaintances. Normies like you were mildly entertaining to mess with, and while you did get some teasing and the occasional shove in the hallway, you had sufficiently flown under the radar.
At least, until Matakara Asamine decided he wanted to make you his friend. From the beginning you were surprised, but not especially wary. The general opinion of Matakara was that he was strong and had integrity, two traits that Minato Kai prized; his revered older brother would surely be proud, who you had also heard good things about. With all that in mind, you didn’t hesitate too much when Matakara and his friends asked you to sit with them to eat or tag along to the batting cages. Frankly, you let everyone else do most of the talking; it was fun though. You genuinely enjoyed the company and Matakara shot down any attempts to get you to pledge with their gang. 
“What are we going to see later?” You ask as you take a seat next to Zabu, handing him the manga he had lent you a week prior. “Sorry it took so long, I lost it in the pile.”
“Eh, you can keep that if you want.” Zabu scrunches his nose at the volume, sliding it back towards you. “I’m not into that sappy shit.”
“Huh?” You raise an eyebrow. “Why’d ya buy it?”
“I heard it was supposed to be good, but it was cliche as hell.” Zabu shrugs, jabbing his elbow into Sakegaki’s side; said boy had been reaching his chopsticks into Zabu’s bento to nab a piece of grilled meat. “What movie? Are we going to see a movie?”
“Hey guys!” 
Matakara almost startles you with how loudly his voice booms; he plops down onto the bench next to you. “Sorry, the bread line was crazy today.”
“Figures, it’s half off day. What’d you get?” Zabu asks curiously.
“Yakisoba, here,” Matakara takes one of the sealed baggies of treats and puts one on top of your plate. “I owe you for last time, your favorite is the melon bread, right?”
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to.” You add. “Thanks though.”
“No problem.”
Lunch period comes and goes and you completely forget to ask what movie the four of you are going to see, but it doesn’t bug you much. You don’t really mind if it means you get to sit by Matakara again; the last time you went to the movies with him he had shared a bucket of popcorn with you, whispering into your ear every now and again to comment on something. You spend the rest of the day hoping you’ll be able to sit next to him again, maybe have one of those moments where your hands touch by accident. Zabu doesn’t know what he’s talking about in your humble opinion: if it was up to you, your school life would be one big, romantic comedy cliche, and Matakara would be the male lead.
Except, as things are now with you passing for a boy, you’re pretty sure your role as of now is the quiet friend, the awkward loner adopted by the popular kid. Not a bad deal all things considered, but it makes having a crush something of a pain in the ass. Still, you’ll take some yearning on your end if it means you can continue going through your school days mostly unnoticed and unbothered. The fact of the matter is presenting as a girl is a hassle; even the toughest girls in your class have to deal with being pursued and bugged by obnoxious wannabe casanovas who think they’re the earth’s gift to women. 
So far, you haven’t had any risky encounters: the gender neutral bathroom, dirty and falling apart like everything else in the school, helps avoid your secret getting out and you skip changing for gym because…well, pretty much everyone else does anyway and the teachers don’t care. You can’t see any reason why you shouldn’t keep passing as a boy until graduation; not to mention, the boy’s uniforms are comfier. 
“Where’s the guys?” 
It’s the late afternoon and you’re changed into baggy sweats and battered sneakers; inside your jacket are four packages of candy picked up from the convenience store you’re presently loitering outside of to sneak into the theater. Matakara is late; you’re about to text him when you hear his voice calling out to you. Down the sidewalk, Matakara is running your way, smiling wide and out of uniform; as he reaches you, your eyes widen.
“What the hell? You’re bleeding man.” You step up to him, craning your neck to get a good look at the cut over his eyebrow. “What the hell happened?”
“Ah, one of Siguma’s guys challenged me on my way here.” Matakara raises his fingers to the small gash. “Oh wow, I didn’t realize his kick landed that hard.”
“Matakara, hold on a second.”
“Where are you-?”
You rush into the store; in three minutes you’ve returned with a box of bandages, a small bag of cotton swabs, disinfecting ointment, hand sanitizer, and a bottle of water.
“What’s the water for?”
“Flush out the wound. Some of the blood’s drying.” 
You make Matakare sit down on the wooden bench on the side of the building and lay out the supplies. He watches you silently as you pour some of the clean water onto a swab and begin to carefully wipe off the dried blood, soaking up the bit that’s still oozing. Matakara is obediently still and doesn’t wince as you swipe a few dabs of ointment over the injury after sanitizing your hands properly. 
“You do this a lot?”
“Nope.” You confess, handing him the bottle of water. “Here, have some. It’s always a good idea to drink water. I’m gonna put the bandaid on; can’t believe you didn’t realize you got hit so hard.”
“I was kinda in a rush.” Matakara’s hand dwarfs the plastic bottle; he’s looking down a bit guiltily. “Sorry I was late. I thought it’d be over quicker.”
“Well, the guys are late anyway, so it works out.” You gently smooth the bandage across his eyebrow. “There, it should be fine. Are you sure you don’t feel dizzy or anything? Maybe we should skip the movie.”
“No!” Matakara says, sitting up straight. “I’m totally fine, seriously. Thanks for taking care of me.”
“I should be the one saying that.” You sit next to him with a sigh. “Don’t apologize; I’m lucky you want to hang out with me at all.”
“Of course I do! You’re fun to be around and you’re a good listener and you’re really-” 
Matakara stops talking; he suddenly looks away and takes a sip of water. You stare at him, a bit flattered and a lot confused. Matakara's been acting a little off all day come to think of it.
“Should I text the guys? You told them where we were gonna meet, right?” You check your phone while Matakara finishes the water. “Think they went straight to the theater?”
“Um, actually, Sakegaki and Zabu aren’t coming.” Matakara tells you; he scrunches up the bottle and tosses it cleanly into the recycling bin next to him. “You don’t mind, right?”
“Oh. No, it’s cool.” You’re not lying but now your curiosity has peaked. “Is everything okay with you guys?”
“Yeah, nothing wrong.” Matakara says quickly. “If you want I can call them, if you’re not comfortable with it being just us.”
“Why wouldn't I be?”
Matakara’s hands are clasped and he’s still looking at the ground; he looks troubled and you feel bad for pushing the issue, whatever it is, but something is definitely wrong. 
“I don’t mean to presume.” Matakara begins slowly, measuring his tone. “It’s none of my business, but I, um, when you got close to me, I kinda felt…your chest.”
You stare at him blankly; Matakara’s cheeks flush and he finally gives you a ‘look’. 
“Oh.” You blink. “Shit. I guess you found me out.”
“So, you were born a girl?”
“Why are you…?” Matakara averts his stare. “Wait, sorry, it’s none of my business.”
“No, you’re fine. The thing is, it’s just kind of easier to pass myself off as a guy, ya know?” You pat his shoulder. “So, would you mind keeping it between us? Honestly, I don’t really care if people see me as a guy, girl, whatever, but it would make my life easier if you didn't go telling anyone else.”
“A secret?” Matakara perks up. “Between us?”
“I’d appreciate it.”
You’re a bit taken aback; you know Matakara’s a nice guy and all, but you didn’t expect him to be this easy going about your charade.
“You can trust me.” Matakara puts a hand over his heart. “I can swear it in blood.”
“No, no more bleeding!” You blanch at the thought. “Dude, it’s not that deep.”
“I know, but it’s just nice.” Matakara rubs the back of his neck; he’s beaming at you, eyes crinkling in the corners, cheeks flushed. “You know, we’re always around other people or you go off on your own; when we are together, you don’t say much…I feel like we haven’t actually gotten a chance to really know each other, so I like we have this thing that’s only for us. Does that sound weird?”
“A little, but I see what you mean.” You tug the strings of your hoodie so it closes more around your face. “If you want, we could do this more.”
“Hanging out,” You clarify, voice softer than you mean for it to be. “Just the two of us. If you want.”
“Then, it’s okay I didn’t invite the others? You’re not uncomfortable with it?”
“I probably feel the most comfortable around you, Matakara.”
You chance peeking out and realize you’re screwed: Matakara is leaning over, right in your face, eyes glued to your face and almost shining. He radiates warmth, like he’s trying to make you gravitate closer to his side, unknowingly pulling you toward him.
Actually, it’s more like his hand is placed over yours and he’s moving his face close to yours; for a moment you and Matakara stare at each other mutely. His hand covers yours and you don’t feel uncomfortable but your heart might actually combust inside your ribcage from how tenderly Matakara is gazing at you. 
“Do you really mean it?” Matakara breathes, voice almost like a sigh. “Can we go to the movies now? Just you and me?”
“Uh huh.” You nod dumbly, swallowing the spit you didn’t realize was pooling from glancing at his lips. “I, um, bought candy for everyone, four of them.”
“More for us.” Matakara smiles brightly, standing up; he’s yet to let go of your hand. 
“Works for me.” You don’t try to pull your hand away, allowing Matakara to pretty much lead you down the sidewalk in the direction of the theater. You’ve never seen him act almost childishly eager and his attitude is admittedly infectious. “Let’s share a popcorn bucket, it'll be less expensive.”
“Yeah, we should split a drink too.”
Matakara looks back, and you can’t miss the mischievous glint in his eyes as your cheeks grow hot.
“…I’m gonna have to watch out for you.”
“I don’t mind. In fact,” Matakara is grinning a little too innocently for the look he’s giving you over his shoulder. “You can look at me all you want.”
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maddmuses · 11 months
mun is superior, pass it on.
Name: Madd, Maddlynn Maddithan, Maddie, Maddster, The Maddest, Waffles, Maddwaffles, Maddest One Around Age: 27+2 we ain't countin' them COVID years Gender: pebsi (fluid)
Food(s): Barbacoa, Tacos, Tomato, Steak, Corn on The Cob, Salsa, Mint Ice Cream, Stroganoff, (still true af untouched except ig we can add caldo de res which I have been really about lately) Drink(s): Bepsi, Milk even tho it hurt me, Coors, Vanilla Bepis (even tho I can't fucking find it) Book(s): The Legends of Drizzt, Percy Jackson and The Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, Assorted D&D Manuals, Any decent Graphic Novel, Strong Manga series; Hajime no Ippo, Eyeshield 21, Boku no Hero Academia, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Hikaru no Go, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh/GX, Naruto, Slam Dunk, karate shoukoushi kohinata minoru, One Piece. We also addin' Chainsaw Man Favorite Author(s): R.A Salvatore, Ed Greenwood, Akira Toryiama, Tite Kubo, Masashi Kishimoto, Oda, Rowling (Pre-TERF) nah fuck that bitch not even pre-TERF she was wildly overrated, Tolkien Song(s): We don’t have time to be here all day, I’ll list some recent listens; Ocean Avenue - Yellow Card, No Flex Zone - Karmin and Watsky, I’m Something Else - SomethingelseYT, Dammit - Blink182, Punk Rock 101 - Blink182, Almost - Bowling For Soup, Stan - Eminem feat. Elton John, Absolutely - Nine Days, Simple Plan - Summer Paradise, So many Ninjasexparty songs, Rambe - Slow, Rambe - Don’t Greed, Zombie Love Song - YFM, Maroon 5 - Sugar, Reunion - Busted, Year 3000 - Busted Honestly those all slapped so imma add a few more recents: Montero, Good 4 u, My Nonfiction, Boyfriend Complex, anything by the nerdcore rappers
Movie(s): The New Guy, Spider-Man Homecoming (okay just that whole trilogy was best honestly), Spider-Verses too, Star Wars: A New Hope, Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy: Big Picture Show, Hairspray (Musical)
TV Show(s): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy, The anime adaptations of most of the manga I listed above, Ash Vs. The Evil Dead, King of The Hill, South Park (It fell off), Community, One-Punch Man, Gravity Falls, Scrubs, Venture Bros., Bob’s Burgers, Futurama, Daria, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, The Boondocks, Saturday night Live when it’s decent, King of The Hill, Futurama, The Conners, As Told By Ginger, The Bear
Band/group(s): Busted, Blink 182, Maroon 5, Sum 41, Bowling For Soup, Ninja Sex Party Solo Artist(s): Rambe, Owl City, Billy Joel Place(s): Oregon, San Diego School Subject(s): Drawing, English, History Sport(s): Boxing, Karate, Football Male Actor: ?????????? Female Actor:  ???????????? I CAN LIST CRUSHES I GUESS BUT YOU DIDN’T ASK I DON’T THINK ABOUT ACTORS THAT MUCH
Best Friend: Brandon (no longer roommate, he still isn’t on tumblr) Significant Other: Am the Single Pringle ;'( Siblings: TONS Dream Job:  Online Content Creator, Teacher, Professor Tattoos: Nada Piercings: Nope Languages: English, Spanglish, Spanish Lite
Reason Behind URL: Well Madd is a component to my standard web handle maddwaffles, for prefix being appropriated from an ex while we were dating (it was a cute thing because we matched) that just hasn’t really evaded me. When it was yallneedahero I would have a more clever answer for you. Reason Behind Icon: I love Isane Nami and you should too # of Posts: 20,535!!!! HOLY SHIT BEFORE IT WAS ONLY 5,235 I SCALE SO HARD Why You Joined: idk!?!!?!?!?!? # of Blogs: P much just this one now
tagging: @pick-your-poison-please @burdenedreverance @midnightactual @waspandr @thundertempo @linklewinklewoman @rangikuxmatsumoto @baiika @auburniivenus @badassbarmaid tagged by: stole from @orihimex and stealing again
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alright so half way through the year (2021), reading classics/older stuff only as much as possible n these are my top 10 reads so far:
10. battle angel alita aka gunnm
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pretty good, the definition of strength and self are some of my favourite themes, great art & aesthetics, the story was just a little bit choppy at times but all in all pretty good as I said
9. shaman king
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another pretty good one, I think it had a lot of good messages and I loved how philosophical n thought provoking it was and tried to be showing a variety of approaches to life, great art & a pretty good cast
8. hellsing
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big fan of chaos, destruction and so on so I really enjoyed it, the only downfall was the simplistic plot & how predictable it was that alucard would always pull through but watching the cast dance around to the tune of madness was undoubtedly entertaining
7. drifting classroom
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really old but really good especially for how short it was, pretty fast paced but the story was well handled and never really felt like it was going off track and even had a few comedic moments, honestly didn't really expect to like it but the mc was great, cast was great, art though old was also pretty good... honestly just really good lmao
6. uzumaki
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I hate sp*rals now but this was really good, I'd always heard how great junji ito is but finally getting around to his works for myself and he's truly a master of the genre, innovative, creative and all with such little material tbh.. like spir*ls??? who knew
5. remina
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another piece by ito, really short, only 6 chapters but it's absolutely phenomenal what he did with those 6 chapters
4. initial d
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man... I don't like cars like that and honestly I hate driving but this manga was great, despite the fact that they refused to draw the characters decently, the art was great in literally every other department and not just looking pretty but everything was clearly drawn to immerse the reader in a certain atmosphere whether that was the speed of the car, the slowness of thought, pain of loss, melancholy of stillness it was all just beautiful, the story was pretty solid, somehow kept me entertained by somehow excellently diversifying the feel of every race because honestly they should fundamentally all be the same but the atmosphere around every race was different and engaging in it's own way... absolutely loved it
3. dragon ball (z)
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the first manga I read this year, dragon ball straight into dragon ball z and honestly I loved it way more than I thought I would, like I figured I'd have to turn off my brain and just accept fight fight fight but the whole story from db to DBZ, story, characters, everything was masterfully done, sure it can be said to be a simple pursuit of strength but I loved how Goku wasn't about violence he just wanted to be free and to be the best self he could be and that's something I never knew before reading, I'd always thought he was just dumb muscle but based on his origins I think his simplicity is a strong point, great cast, phenomenal art, really good vibes, absolutely loved it
2. banana fish
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always heard of it, finally got to it, glad it lived up to it's reputation, really really good, great ever unfolding story, loved the constant bashing of the american government, beautiful aesthetic, great cast... yh
1. Great Teacher Onizuka
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great teacher onizuka... didn't have any expectations really but man... what a great manga... very touching, hilarious, decent art, pretty good cast... of course unrealistic in a sense, lots of hijinx n all that but really really touching...
other reads so far ranked highest to lowest:
sailor moon
city hunter
negima (not a classic but a friend promised to read my favourite manga spirit circle of I read it lmao)
flame of recca
saint seiya knights of the zodiac
riki oh
I was trying not to make the post too long & I'd already done "reviews" of most if not all of the these so if you want to see those they should be tagged by name somewhere on here
also if you wanna see what I've read, what I'm reading & plan to read you can check out my anilist
and as always, shamefully plugging my aesthetics animanga page (it's not letting me tag it for some reason but it's @moodthroughmanga)
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On surpassing childhood heroes and finding ourselves with the help of our friends and family.
Okay my friends, do you remember when I talked about how Dabi and Hawks needed to surpass ir get over Endeavor?
If you don't, then let me make it short for you. Basically I said that Dabi and Hawks are still trapped in the memory of what Endeavor was and that makes them at least a little blind to the present, and specially to the future.
In order to be redeemed, Dabi first needs to heal. That means he needs some help to go pass the harm Endeavor caused him. He needs to be acknowledged, he needs someone that understands his story to help him see there are other options, options where he has a real future, not just dying or rotting in jail. He has a life, he has people that is willing to walk that road with him, he's worthy. And Endeavor was an abuser, yes, but he's meeting (hopefully) his justice and he's not able to hurt him anymore, not as he used to. He needs to get passed Endeavor being his childhood hero (and nightmare), but never forget.
Hawks goes on a slightly different road. Even when he understands many things about reality and Endeavor, he's still basing his value system on what Endeavor made him feel as a child. It's not the person he can't let go of, but the idea. Now, this is problematic in the sense that society is changing, the whole hero system is changing. He's so young and full of life, he still has time. He thinks he doesn't, he thinks his time is over. That's not true. However, Hawks needs to focus on the present and the future, needs to find his rebirth in the hands of the new generations and situations, not in the past.
On that post, the one I was talking about a few paragraphs above, I take Izuku for my example. And then Horikoshi just proved me a bit right with chapter 317 of the manga.
(spoilers under the cut )
If you've read the chapter, you know it was intense. We saw a different Deku, one that doesn't go to UA and doesn't even look like a hero. He doesn't smile, the light in his eyes is gone, and do you know who hs reminds me of?
Yes, Shigaraki Tomura.
Nice touch, because it keeps the emphasis o the parallel between Tomura and Izuku. If you want to read more about this, search in the tags of my blog. I've talk a lot about it.
Deku, who hasn't been taking care of himself correctly, even rejected All Might through a very symbolic scene. All Might, the hero he based his entire life in, was worried about him, offering food. Deku told him he doesn't need to worry anymore, implied that he's already surpassing Toshinori. Deku takes off, leaving Toshinori on his knees, with the bento on the ground, forgotten.
That takes us to the first part of this meta: Surpassing childhood heroes.
This is not exclusive of Izuku, let's clarify that. This whole path began with the very first chapter, when All Might saw in Deku something he has forgotten. He saw something new, the possibility of Deku doing what he never could.
It was the same with All Might and Nana Shimura, or with Lemillion and Nighteye, for example. Legacy, yes, but also going beyond the figure that made you who you are— or were.
An essencial part of growing up is understanding that the people you admired as a kid are not perfect. You can stay within their lines, because at least as a hero you have a duty with the public: you need to do your best, which means you need to try and do better than the ones before you. All Might is a great dude with great problems. He did many things wrong, because he's human and human do things wrong all the time, they can't avoid it. Still, he's responsible for all his mistakes, no one else can take the blame for that.
Deku wanted to be a hero when he didn't know what it implied. He didn't know the system was so corrupted, he was just a kid. So, when can't just be the type of hero he wanted to be. It wouldn't feel right. I believe the story won't allow him either.
There's nothing wrong with Deku surpassing All Might. Yes, he looks exhausted, but that was expected. He's like 16 years old and he's already the pro-heroes against a terrible being. Not just that, he also has to deal with all the knowledge he's getting. That surely is wearing his heart out. He's growing up really fast, becoming a man and getting through all the trauma. It's the war effect.
Shigraki Tomura went through this phase too. He has grown pass AFO. He's not under his control anymore, but he's still being held back. Violently.
In this shonen, Deku is our role model, right? Keep that in mind.
Now, since I've already told you that Deku is not going to be the hero he was going to be when this whole manga started, what about the name? How is this "My Hero Academia"?
Second part, everyone: finding ourselves with the help of our friends and family.
What does this even mean? Well, dear reader, not matter how hard we try, there are things we can't do alone. Overcoming a mental illness, redeeming ourselves, becoming who we want to be... We need support. We need someone to help us stay strong.
I believe that the title "My Hero Academia" refers to Deku's Hero Academia, at least in this meta. This means, this is the story of how Deku learned to be a hero. And that how it's about the old generations, pro-heroes and other figures in his life, yes, but it is only the first step.
The first time Deku acted as a hero was to save Bakugo Katsuki. Then he did it again to save Uraraka Ochaco. To save Todoroki Shoto, etc.
The point is, the teachers and pro-heroes and adult figures in Izuku's life inspired him, but they didn't teach him how to be a hero. The ones always pushing Deku farther, the ones making Deku behave like a real hero, are the younger generations, specially his classmates.
Deku needs his friends. He needs to understand he doesn't have to do everything alone (All Might's mistake) and he needs to understand that this is not just his fight. His friends are family have the right to fight to, they have the right to know what's going on. He can't just do like Endeavor, who pushed his family to the front line and then told them they could not follow him anymore.
The difference between the old generations and the new ones is that these kids have been fighting together since day one. They overcome whatever comes their way by pushing through together. Take Tsuyu and Deku with the first accident at UA. Take the kids during the summer camp, during the license exam, during the war. In a parallel, take Shigaraki Tomura and the League of Villains. They were few, but they reached the top by doing things together.
Deku needs to go beyond, but he can't forget who he is and where he came from. He can surpass All Might, but he doesn't have to completely reject him or leave him behind forever. He needs to act based on the present, but he needs to keep the past close, because the road that take him where he is, that's the road that makes him strong.
There are two lessons in here. Remember this is a meta and it's only my opinion. I can be wrong, you can add whatever you want to this or refute it. I'd love to hear what you think about this!
But well, the first lesson is that you can't live in the past. You can't live in a memory. Yes, maybe that dude rescued you or let you to die somewhere. Yes, maybe the hurt will never go away, maybe you'll never heal completely, but you can't stay there. Living in the past is the same as dying. You can remember it, but then stay in there forever.
The second lesson is that you can become the best you, the hero you or whatever, but you need people to help you. Maybe it's just one person, maybe it's a whole group, but you need someone. Bakugo could have ended up like Endeavor (in the sense of being obsessed with the first place and forgetting to be a decent human being) if it wasn't for his friends at UA. Shoto would have been trapped in his memories if it wasn't for Izuku, etc.
Don't worry, Deku is on his way to be a great hero. At some point, someone is gonna slap him or shake him out of that edgyness. And once the class 1-A and the other kids are set in motion, once they decide it's them (together as one) against all (the quirks of AFO), this is going to become My Hero Academia again.
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thomotomo · 3 years
“Oh shit”
Pairing: Zach Dempsey x Trans Male Reader
Summary: You get caught by your crush in your binder in the changing room.
Words: 2.3k
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You walked inside the changing room, having waited for everyone to leave it. Luckily for you after PE class you had a hour hole where you didn’t had class allowing you to wait until you were sure that everyone had left the room until you could change in peace.
You walked inside and went straight to your locker, the faster you did it, the faster you could go do something else. You took off your clothes and reached for the one you usually wore. You heard a bang echoing through the room along with footsteps going quickly.
You tried to put your shirt above your naked torso but the stress along your internal prayer for that person not being Bryce had made you end up in a tangled mess with nearly nothing covered, especially not the one you wanted to hide. The person stopped in front of you and you barely kept a sigh of relief when you noticed it was only Zach, your crush. Great.
You then remembered that you still didn’t put your shirt on and you turned your back to him to change quickly, face burning with shame. He had hidden his face in his hands, it was
“I-I’m sorry I didn’t knew there was s-someone else!”, he spoke up first and you could feel that he was at least as ashamed as you were.
“I-It’s nothing.”
“No no! I’m really sorry. Erm I-I just forgot something in my locker..”
He quickly went over his locker as you finished to put all your clothes on.
“Are you decent?”, he asked, still not facing you and you were glad he respected your boundaries.
“It’s… It’s okay. Erm thanks for not… looking.”
“O-Of course! It’s normal! It’s your privacy after all!”
You smiled at him shyly before remembering that you could do anything and you were craving a hot chocolate from Monet’s. You opened your mouth just as he did and you looked at each other and smiled awkwardly .
“Maybe we should go outside first?”
He agreed and you left the room, Zach right behind you. You walked in the corridor and went outside the building in silence, which was quite awkward in your opinion. You stopped once you were far enough from the school building.
“I didn’t knew you were hum…” he stopped himself when you dead panned at him and he flushed a bright red.
“I- No I didn’t mean like that because of course you don’t want anyone to know about it but… Okay I’m going to shut up.”
Both of you stood there awkwardly and you were shuffling your feet but as it seemed he wasn’t about to say something more.  You took a step backward and smiled at him.
“I’ve gotta go… See you later.”
“See you later!”
You left him there and went to Monet, ordered a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows on the top. You sat at a table hidden in a corner as you thought about the strange interaction you just had with Zach. You really hoped he wouldn’t say anything about it because if he did you were in deep shit.
At least he had seemed a bit flustered and pretty with what he saw so maybe it was a good sign? You really didn’t knew but hoped nothing wrong was going to happen following that.
You decided to bury these bad thoughts by drinking and listening to music allowing yourself to relax a bit before your last period. You sat here, comforted by the coffee’s atmosphere, really this was your favourite place in the whole town. Your phone rang, indicating that it was time for you to leave for class.
You took your backpack, leaving a small tip for the waitress and went back to the school meeting up with Alex at your locker. Both of you discussed heartily about the last exams you had to take in that class which was AP Biology. You sat inside the classroom next to each other, hoping that you won’t get a bad grade. You tried to ignore the feeling of someone watching you as you were pretty sure it was Zach. You never hated more the fact that he was in your class than right now.
The teacher walked inside and you shut up as she started talking about the exams you passed few weeks back. She pulled them out and went to distribute them around the class. You grinned at Alex as you see your mark, it was above what you had hoped for: 96!
He looked a bit disappointed as he got “only” 78 but you offered to help him to work on the points he might not have fully understood. Right after that the teacher decided you had to do an assignment in duo. You waited until he told more, hoping that maybe you could do it with Alex but sadly she was going to partner you with someone. You listened as Ms. Honecker paired people together and sadly/luckily for you, you ended up with Zach. From one side you were happy because you knew he was working well on the other side you knew it was going to be awkward.
You heard that Alex was paired up with Monty you smirked at him and watched Alex turn a bright shade of red until he swatted you on the arm.
“Shut up. You’re no better!”
“Firstly, I didn’t say anything and second, that’s true. But I’m not the red one!”
“You were thinking so loud it’s practically the same! Of course, you teased me first!”
“Now please go with your partners! This work has to be returned to me for the first week of next month! Good luck everyone.”
You took your backpack and went to meet Zach where he was seated and you nodded at him feeling a bit awkward (just as you predicted, congrats you can now open a fortune teller salon!). You sat next to him and took out your textbook.
“Do you want to come to my house after class? We could start writing a bit more about the subject.”
“Yeah good idea… So… What do you want to start the searches on?”
Both of you worked for the two hours, searching through the textbook interesting info about genes and evolution, sometimes discussing about what particular species you wanted to concentrate on to talk about their evolution and genes that had been kept or not through their evolution.
It was quite interesting and Zach seemed really into Biology and you liked that he was as much a fan of this subject as you were. You were clearly going to have fun for this assignment with him. The two hours went quickly and you packed up your things.
“I…Have to go to my locker and talk to Alex. Do you mind if we meet each other in say… 10 minutes?”
“Good for me!”
You left the classroom, meeting with Alex in the corridor. He grinned smugly at you and you sticked out your tongue at him.
“So? You seemed quite cosy with Zach back there huh?”
“Shut the fuck up Alex! You seemed quite at ease yourself if you want to know!”
“Mmh yeah. And fuck his arms are huge if you want to know!”, he recalled, licking his lips.
“Nope! I don’t want to know more! Especially if you want to describe me some kind of fantasies about him!”, he laughed at you as you reached the lockers.
“I won’t be able to walk with you. Zach and I are going to work on the project.”
“Yeah sure thing “work” I know what kind of work you want to do!”, he did quotation marks with his hands as your face was feeling quite hot at the thoughts of it. You swatted his arm with your hand.
“You’re not better! So, I’m going to go, see you tomorrow Alex and you better tell me that you got that dick instead of harassing me.”
He flipped you off as you walked away to meet Zach. He was scrolling on his phone and straighten out when he noticed you walking toward him.
“You good?”
“Yep we can go!”
He grinned at you and oh my god that was such a beautiful smile. You stood there stunned for a few seconds before following him to his car. You went in and he drove you to his house in a comfortable silence.
When you reached his house, you were quite in awe, it was quite big and pretty fancy (at least on the outside but you were betting that inside it looked quite as beautiful). You walked inside and woaw the inside looked fancy as fuck too, more in a modern way but you were sure that this sofa costed as much as you manga collection. There was a girl seated on said sofa and Zach ruffled her hair.
“This is May, my little sister! May this is Y/N he’s my partner for an assignment.”
“’Sup! So, you’re Y/N? Nice to meet you!”
“Likewise.”, you smiled at her, wondering if Zach talked about you seeing as she seemed to “recognize” you.
You followed Zach to his room and both of you sat on the ground and took out your things. He put on some music in the background and both of you started working on the evolution of the whale and you had fun debating on what interesting part to chose to speak about and more generally discussing about biology.
At a moment you were quite close from each other as you showed him something on your phone. You felt your face burning, trying to ignore this proximity as he read the article on your phone. You had worked for an hour when you decided to take a break from the work.
As Zach was to the bathroom you sent a message to your dad, telling him you won’t be back before 7pm because you were working with Zach. You closed your phone as he walked back in the room with cookies.
“I took some cookies if you want to eat.”
“That’s awesome thanks Zach!”
You took one and ate it as you looked at the room. It was big and a lot of basketball and baseball stars, a classic jock room in your opinion. You felt Zach’s curious gaze on your face and you looked up at him.
“You want to ask something right?”
“Ah! Erm yes… I mean only if that doesn’t bother you…”
“It depends if it’s invasive or not.”, you shrugged, trying to play it cool.
“I was wondering… Does anyone else know?”
“Apart from Alex and my parents nope. I mean that’s kinda the point?”, the question seemed a bit weird because that was obviously the point for nobody to know about that except people with whom you felt wouldn’t do anything to you because of this. But you “let it slide” because it was probably the first time he was faced with this situation.
“Yes… Sorry I… I’m curious but yeah I should shut up.”
You laughed quietly and went back to your cookie you noticed on a shelve the Attack on Titan manga. You quickly finished to eat the cookie and pointed at the shelve, deciding it would be a good way to change the conversation and make it less awkward.
“You like manga?”
“Ah yes! My mom bought me the 1st tome for me to try and at first I was sceptic but I really enjoyed it! Did you read it?”
“Obviously! It’s like in my top 10 favourite manga!”
You grinned as you found another common interest apparently. You discussed about manga for a good ten minutes before you continued to work on the assignment. You had found maybe like 2 pages of sources when the time came for you to go back home. You started to gather your things and Zach did the same, putting everything on his computer.
You took your backpack and Zach accompanied you downstairs and to the front of his house.
“Hey, I can bring you back to your house if you want?”
“Oh, that would be awesome, really thanks a lot.”
He nodded and took his car keys and you sat next to him in the passenger seat, giving him your address so he could drive you. The ride was spent in discussing contrary to the earlier ride.
Once you arrived in front of your house you took your backpack and got out of the car, Zach doing the same. You looked at him curiously as he fiddled with his car keys.
“So… Y’know I wanted to say that erm… I don’t mind who are…”
“Zach what the fuck does this-“, you frowned at him, clearly he was acting weird and this sentence’s formulation was definitely a bit offensive. You weren’t being yourself for people to mind it.”
“I-I’m sorry. Shit I didn’t mean it like that! What I meant is like… I- fuck that.”
He took your face between his hands and kissed you. Your eyes widened comically, you didn’t knew he arbored those kind of feelings toward you. After a few seconds he freed you and was visibly blushing, just like you were feeling your face burning.
“I didn’t knew how to say that so… I really like you and-”
“Me too!”, you blurted and put your hand in front of your mouth as you saw him laugh gently at you.
“I’m really sorry if I hurt you earlier… I really didn’t want to say things like that…”
“I understand.. But be careful next time…”
“Yep I’ll do my searches to avoid any mishaps ever again! Can… I have your number maybe?”
“Of course!”
You took out your phone and exchanged numbers, you were biting your lower lips, happy with the ending of the day. His phone vibrated with what seemed with a message of his mother and he looked sadly at you.
“I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“See you tomorrow Zach;”
You smiled at him and he took you once again by surprise by giving you a peck on the lips before getting back in his car, leaving you here with a giddy smile and a fast-paced beating heart.
A/N: Thanks for reading it! I hope you enjoyed my fic don’t hesitate to like and reblog!  And if you want to support my writing please think about leaving me a tip on my Kofi
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sachiwrites · 4 years
some friends to lovers hcs for sakusa pls? i've been thirsting over him for a while and seeing him in the recent manga chapters plus season 4 is just--
same fam, same. its been a whole mess over here. yikes this got long
— you are 210% that neighbor who his parents rely on to acclimate their son into being a somewhat decent member of society. is it a hardy task for someone at the age of six? yeah. was sakusa an absolute shit at that age too? of course. but he stopped that one kid from pulling your hair in class that day so he’s basically your unofficial hero. even if it was only because apparently you had ‘cooties’.
— naturally you continued to have this unknown disease for most of your life. but apparently so did everyone else in Japan. except when you got older it simply became known as- physical contact.
— “kiyoomi, why don’t you play outside with your friend?”
—“ they’re dirty.”
— sticks and stone may break your bones but the mud streaked across your face and hands would most certainly kill sakusa. or at least that’s what you thought at the age of seven when you went grab him off his front porch anyway. he sort of whined and pushed you for it, causing you to fall back on your rear, much to his parents obvious disdain. or as so you gathered as you smirked over their shoulder as they carried you inside, earning an extra few years of sakusa’s ire.
— “yoomi, lets play tag.”
— “it’s kiyoomi. and no, play by yourself.”
— “sakusa-san, yoomi doesn’t want to-“
— “run”
— the two of you were ‘reluctant’ friends until the age of eight. more or less, sakusa was required to spend at least half an hour outside with you a daily. half way through that the tenture you had mercy on him and introduced him to video games within the safety of his own home. sakusa has zero interest in crash bandicoot, but he likes you a little more for your concede.
— but his parents knew what they were doing when they put their son’s social reputation into your hands. for a while you were his only friend but occasionally you were able to integrate him into society. through little things like sitting down your lunch next to his and offering to be his partner in project.
— “i don’t need your help with this.”
— “maybe, but i need yours, so pretty please.”
— sakusa was a young genius and it would benefit you to take advantage of that feature. call it payment for all your years of servitude.
— the only time you found yourself not needing to be a crutch in his life was when he was playing volleyball. it was an option during recess to give the students an opportunity to scout out interests in athletic ventures. the sport was almost too perfect for sakusa- as an indoor requirement with almost no physical contact. it was his niche. a part of society that catered to his needs in a way that didn’t require your intervention.
— naturally, others began taking notice of his talents. other students were more likely to invite him for games during breaks- most knowing to keep their distance and touch to a limit. his own enjoyment of the sport slowly geared him towards pseudo-friendships that allowed him to play more and garner his skill set.
— “im going to try out for the volleyball club.”
— of course you knew this much. it was what he was so obviously looking forward to the most in junior high. it was just his decision to share his own thought with you the struck home.
— “yeah? i guess i should get some cheers ready for you games, eh?”
— he flinches away from your enthusiasm, his face portraying a mistake in letting you know so soon. but not once did he ever deter you from coming. in fact, you continued to be made aware of each an every upcoming match regardless of importance.
— “we have a practice match against haizen today.”
— wasn’t the most significant but he invited you so you’d be there. probably more vocal than you needed to be but he could mark your attendance and that’s all that mattered.
— a small part of you was worried that volleyball would take your place. it obviously had more suitable attributes than you. but it almost became a staple in your evolving relationship.
— in fact the first game you missed inflicted the first real argument you could remember having with sakusa. it surprised even his parents when you met him the next day to walk to class. you were use to a quiet shoulder but not a cold shoulder.
— “is something wrong?”
— it continued for most of the trip until you couldn’t take it anymore and reached for his arm. instead of shaking you off, he turns on you, gaze lit a flame with an emotion you didn’t recognize.
— “i had a game and you didn’t show up.”
— thinking back you did recall most of the students congregating towards the gym after class. it vaguely registered but you’d seen less of sakusa that day and more of pressing from your teacher to get your grades in order.
— “i had to stay back with my instructor. i needed help with my studies.”
— it was a little embarrassing- not something you wanted to admit. especially to someone like sakusa who obviously excelled where you fell short.
— “you’re an idiot. you come to me for that. ill help you after my games.”
— perphas it was in that moment that you should have realized that sakusa was more cognitive of his reliance than you were.
— what he does realize it how much he’s going to have to help you if he intended for you to join him at itachiyama. the school had shown interest in him earlier than year and it was mutual. but it’s prestige called for academics when sports weren’t your strong suit.
— matches weren’t the only appointments sakusa held you to. nearly everyday after class, whether your place or his, he made himself present while you studied. he wasn’t an overbearing tutor but he called you out in your faults and made you aware of mistakes before they became a habit. he wasn’t going to make you a super genius but you would become a student worthy of acceptance.
— the two of you were building something that only your parents noticed at first while watching from the doorway. itachiyama would be a dynamic chapter for both of you.
— the title of that chapter is: volleyball. because wow does that become an even bigger part of your life. itachiyama was already a powerhouse before sakusa but now he’s a cog in the wheel and an important one at that. quickly climbing ranks and becoming an imperative part of the team. if only he was more receptive to his newly popular status.
— he was still the same old germaphobe- avoiding crowds and wanting to get home as soon as possible to shower in his own tub instead of the school issued ones.
— his personality sort of highlighted your presence more than you expected. but given sakusa’s overall avoidance of unnecessary interactions, it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise.
— “he can be a bit much, but please take care of him.”
— above your bowed head, his older teammate coo and awe at sakusa’s cute little friend. this of course leads to more teasing for him but it’s all part of being part of a team- a larger whole. something you were willing to give up a bit of sakusa for.
— “are you two dating or something?”
— oh but that. you get a lot of that. not just by his teammates either. everyone seems to notice how sakusa tolerates you more than anyone else. though part of you wants to point out to his fan base that they would get a lot further if they just gave him his space. -yet here you were huddled up close in the library while he looked over your school work, so what could you say to that?
— “are you paying attention?”
— “hey, i got most of these right. give me a break.”
— not thinking about it, you go to ruffle his hair as a retort. an action sure to give you his ire- but it doesn’t? in fact his gaze doesn’t even lift from his book. and is he leaning closer? weird.
— sakusa is making rapid progress not only within tokyo but on a national level. it’s one of his teammates that points out his accomplishments to you one day while you’re waiting for sakusa to emerge from the locker rooms.
— “your boyfriend is really something else. already the ace of the team and he’s climbing the stats nationally too. you must be proud.”
— you are proud. very impressed, in fact. but sakusa is not your boyfriend. an important note that you most certainly do not get to point out because now sakusa is here and is corralling you towards the exit from his pressure of his chest against your back.
— he’s much more hands on now. less in tolerating your touch and more so initiating his own. it’s a late realization but most of your attention is stuck on that same teammate who is waving mischievously from the door.
— but oh man. it’s becoming a lot more obvious to you now when sakusa offers to hold you books while you change your shoes, and holding on to them even as you travel to class. he sits a little bit closer to you during study hall now, the erratic hitter of your knee brushing against his with every jerk up.
— “...are you okay, ‘yoomi?”
— he doesn’t complain about the name. not even a pinch of his brow, just confusion as he peers down at you.
— “im fine.”
— huh
— it’s all fun and games until his fingers catch yours one day while you walk side by side. it seemed like a fluke, just an accidental swing and bump. but then they’re latching and now you’re connected?
— “yoomi?”
— “it’s cold”
— yeah. okay, fair enough.
— periodic becomes occasional and now it’s a habit.
— and of course everyone takes notice. because sure sakusa tolerates you more than most. but now there’s a basis for it.
— “ah, so tables have turned.”
— “i knew it.”
— “top in the nation and already dating. our little kohai is such a pillar.”
— you’re beyond overwhelmed. worse because kiyoomi looks mildly irritated but doesn’t seem to be denying any of it.
— and you just have to ask.
— “yoomi are we dating?”
— because wow, only yesterday it seemed like he was still just your best friend. one who held your hand, shared his lunch, fell asleep on your shoulder in more than one occasion-
“— “we’re together. we’ve always been.”
— okay, yeah but context here.
— but then he’s dragging down the mask across his face, letting it hang under his chin. his lips are on your temple and phew, that’s new.
— “we should get home. i have a match tomorrow.”
— a game that becomes a statement in more ways than one.
— “ooh, is that sakusa’s jacket? so the rumors are true.”
— you fumble with the sleeves that seems to be determined to swallow up your hands. when he’d first offered it to you, it seemed so natural.
— “you might get cold.”
— god your boyf-... friend was so confusing.
— “not really. he hasn’t asked.”
— your classmate seems unconvinced but doesn’t comment further. that’s doesn’t say the same for the rest of the class who use every opportunity to chip at your resolve.
— “haven’t they been dating the whole time?”
— “they always hold hands now.”
— “i mean that’s his jacket isn’t it? it’s he like a germaphobe?”
— it’s getting harder to concentrate on the game. and certainly doesn’t help with every glance sakusa tosses up into the stands. by the end of the match, you’re beyond frazzled and ready to just sakusa the second he emerges from the gym.
— his teammate offer thanks in exchange for your praises on a game well won. it helps to distract you for a brief moment-but there he is now.
— his fingers slip befeeen yours like they belong and you can’t find the voice to complain. after congratulating him, there’s not much more said on your part. he walks you to your doorstep, not just the entrance, and lets his hand fall away. yet you both linger.
— “are we-“
— “are you-“
— when it comes down to it. obviously sakusa fails when it comes to words and actions seem to speak clearly.
— sakusa doesn’t protest when you reach up and undo his face mask for him. going as far as to lower his head, aware of your intentions, when you lean in.
— it’s a short kiss. a testing peck to balance in the shallow end before diving deep. his nose nudges yours and it’s your laugh that breaks the kiss.
— kiss-with kiyoomi sakusa-your once reluctant friend and now?
— sakusa leans in again. this time his hand on your shoulder for stabilization. there’s no tongue or extra touches. it’s just the act.
— life is all about changes.
— you smile and decide, yeah, you can do this.
— before he can leave, however, he’s tugging at the collar of his jacket.
— “i prefer to use my own detergent. but you can have it back tomorrow.”
— or maybe just some adjustments.
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: The Anime (pt. 6)
The anime is a different species than the manga, something that frequently happens during the adaptation from page to screen. Since they’re so different, I’ll analyze them separately.
In the previous sections, we talked about NatsuMikan's anime journey and how they differed from their manga counterparts. In this final part, I'll wrap up the anime analysis, focusing on the objectively worst arc in the story, and how even in garbage there are some diamonds to be found.
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The Circus Arc (Episode 23, 24, & 25)
At first, the lion is just an opportunity to explore the common mistreatment of animals in circuses.
Later, however, it’s said that the lion is actually a preachy parallel to Natsume, treated like trash and forced to jump through fire to serve his master. Or at least, that’s what Ruka is brainwashed to believe, and he is shamed for feeling that way. Ruka, driven to rescue the lion out of a desperate desire to help his best friend, falls victim to Reo’s brainwashing to the point that his eyes lose their shine.
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Meanwhile, Mikan also has developed beef with the academy, because they emphasize alices over hard work (something that is never brought up in the manga after she first meets Class B). This seems strange, because it isn’t even important to the Circus Arc, and is just used to give Mikan something to complain about for a few scenes.
Natsume is sick during a mission and, because this goes untreated, the next day he collapses. Ruka refuses to hand him over to Persona to go on yet another mission and instead barricades the classroom, not allowing any teachers inside. The only two words Natsume can make out are “Ruka” and “Mikan”, the names of the people closest to him. Mikan holds his hand while Ruka argues with the teachers on the other side. The Natsumikan (as well as Ruka’s protective love for his best friend) is one of the only reasons to watch the Circus Arc other than for the unintentional comedy.
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Literally this scene is the only thing this whole arc is good for.
Natsume is handed over to Persona, eventually, when Narumi betrays Class B, and Ruka starts a full-on violent uprising with the Circus animals as a result (yes, this really happened)... (though to be fair I’d have done the same thing… it’s just the manner in which this is all done really frustrates me, especially because Ruka resents using animals for violent purposes).
Ruka, due to Reo’s brainwashing, sends a lion to attack Mikan while Reo and his goons escape. Another vaguely Natsumikan moment occurs when a barrier of fire protects Mikan from the lion and Natsume jumps over to Ruka to bitch-slap him across the face and snap him out of his brainwashing. That should have been enough, if it had to happen at all, but Natsume then proceeds to rant about how it’s not Ruka’s place to worry, and how Natsume doesn’t go on missions he doesn’t agree with, so it should be okay. This undermines everything that happened in the arc and even in the anime up to that point. Natsume is introduced as a depressed, cold, and mistreated boy who is abused and controlled by the school. The end of the Circus Arc claims that he is responsible for all of his own suffering and that the school, while not perfect, isn’t so bad and shouldn't be held accountable for its abuses and corruption. It’s not just unsatisfying, it’s downright infuriating to see an abused child coddle an oppressive system with his whole chest while shaming and discouraging any worry done on his behalf. It reeks of victim blaming and isn’t the beautiful message they seemed to have been convinced it was.
Episode 26
Anyway, the anime concludes with Natsume and Mikan having a positive relationship. Persona’s warning never meant much in the anime to begin with but it’s completely irrelevant now. Natsume helps Mikan by giving her advice about Hotaru and then giving her a nice smile. I like the Natsumikan in this ep, where Natsume not only notices that Mikan is sad, but is also bothered by it and wants to help her feel better. It’s cute. He is now at a place where he feels he can openly help her, instead of doing selfless things in secret. He can ask her how she is and give her advice, because she has helped him reach that point. They've been helping each other this whole time, of course, but this is the first time Natsume's smiled at her and the sweetest of all their interactions (in the anime).
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We will ignore that the anime seems to think all these events took place over the course of three different seasons so it’s somehow spring now.
The anime leaves the love triangle “unresolved”, a claim Wikipedia supports. I’m likely to disagree with this opinion, not because I dislike Ruka (which is completely untrue), but because the love triangle was solved. Mikan didn’t pick Natsume or anything, there was no kiss or confession, but with the ratio of Natsume : Ruka, Natsume got the bigger helping of screen time with Mikan and her romantic feelings for him are glaringly obvious.
The anime is good at elongating episodes and adding new humorous side-plots. It was not good at formulating its own plot or trying to make out Natsume’s backstory (which, to be perfectly frank, I’m not even sure what anime!Natsume’s backstory is). They should’ve stopped at the Kaname episode if they knew they couldn’t handle creating a decent closing arc. How sad.
The otherwise open-endedness of the anime leaves much to be desired, especially after that abysmal Circus Arc, which leaves many viewers hankering after a different ending, a longer story, more to see.
That’s where the manga comes in, so stay tuned for upcoming essays about that!
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fiore-rosewood9 · 3 years
14 and 23?
Thank you for the ask kind tumbrl-er. Before I start I would like to mention that anything I say is related to personal experiences in a fandom and there is no right or wrong answer. People come in all shapes and sizes and that also means - Different sets of experience.
TRIGGER WARNING - Mentions of slurs, r*pe, p*dophilia, creepy behavior, mentions of psychological analysis on a character, personal experiences with fandoms and a long rant. If any of these disturb you, please refrain from reading this and skip this post. This is not meant to cause drama, but I had to involve them to explain my point. I also mention sensitive topics like the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 9/11 and the r*pe of Nanking, if you are related to any of these or have someone you know who died during this time, please refrain from reading, because I was extremely emotional and cried a bit while I wrote these, because what I wrote still has an effect on me.
Again, this is not meant to bash/hate on any ship mentioned here.
This is not meant as a personal attack for anyone who ships these. Also this may be a rant, I apologize for writing a whole novel and not a short answer, but I feel passionate about what I write here. This is going to be a really long post, so I do not blame you if you don't read all of it. I am going to mention a lot of things that are not related to the ships, but they do have significance in my mind and are related to my rant. With that out of the way, my answer is under the cut -
14 - Has a fanbase ever made you ship or not ship something? Why?
Yeah, I have been forced and threatened to ship certain things, via texts which made me leave certain fandoms. Hetalia is a cespool simply because I have been in it 8-9 years and can speak confidently about what happened to me. I thought the hate and immature fans in hetalia all left by the time it was 2016-17 but nope, there are still bad apples here and there. I just try to tell them I am not here for childish games and I am not here to debate which ship is the ''best'' since that is what certain people did all the way back in 2013. I am here just to enjoy my self and reblog fan art and headcanons and talk about hetalia and other fandoms and appreciate the manga/anime.
- Ciel x Sebastien (Sebastien is just there for Ciel's soul) I mean he does care for him in some aspect and I think he said something like - "I will always be with you til the day you die, my lord". There is a normal age gap between adults, and then there is lowkey p*dophilia. How old was Ciel anyway ? 12-13? Even though he is a teen, at this age people are not really mature in many aspects. I have collegues who have what you may call ''Sugar daddies'' in the west and let me tell you, they don't really act nice to their sugar babies. Unless it is some sort of consensual sex roleplay and you are living in a fantasy with your partner, most girls and boys I see feel ''trapped'' by their words.
The sugar daddy (In rare cases mummy) exploites them for attention and tends to lash out if the baby looks at their phone and doesn't pay 100 percent attention to them and tries to buy their attention which is simply wrong. Okay, I moved way offtopic, but certain ships kinda remind me of this unhealthy dynamic in a way. I know my opinion isn't worth shit since this is the internet and everyone thinks they're the next new hot thing around here but I just see them as servent and master and more like frenemies where Sebastien would do anything for Ciel, but you see, that is kinda his job. Just like how doctors act professional and it is their job to cure/heal you if you have some sort of pain.
- Izuku Midoriya x Bakugou Katuski - (I was in this fandom for a short time and only watched up to a certain season so please excuse me if I what I say is not accurate, this is also a long rant so you can skip if you want, in the last two paragraphs I explain about the pairing speciffically) So like from what I remember Katsuki is a bully. I really despise this ship, purely because bullying to me is not something cutesy and fun that people do. It makes you wish you kill your self faster because self harm no longer works. There was this weird person on tumbrl that sent me hate through tumbrl and I made a post about them, how I was a ''bad person'' for hating on this ship. I mean, I am allowed to dislike and even hate what I want. It is not you who has went through trauma and has CPTSD is it? In my high school, even though it was an economical one, except learning Economics, Accounting, Finances and other stuff I also got to learn things like Psychology, Ethics, History and Geography.
And each subject is tough, as in - You can't pass high school if you don't know the details. Except the book that we used in school that we learnt our lessons from, we were also made to carry two other books that we used for exercises, and other than that we had books that were by different authors, we had to read, but they didn't lift our grade in any way. So I have learnt psychology and world history for 4 years in high school and I learnt world history and world geography for 3 years in middle school. And now the first year in Uni, I got to learn psychology for year too. They also made us buy 9-10 books by different psychologists and write about them. From what I hear from my americans friends and collegues, they kinda don't teach you world history, it is like unless you know all of Thomas Jefferson's favourite foods you will be failed. I don't know if this is true, but judging by how they teach what Communism and Socialism is, in the american schools, I am kinda losing hope for what americans actually know about the outside world, aka, anything that is not the US and Canada.
I am not a psychologist and I have never studied to be one, but my own problems and the problems of my family and friends made me start reading even before high school in order to self improve as a human being because I have - Fatal flaws. I also have a few mental illnesses whcih have been diagnosed by psychiatrists, but where I live, mental health and the lgbtq+ is extremely shamed. This is why I never tell anyone I go to a psychologist, because people don't understand you and laugh at you and shame you. The lgbtq is harassed and can't marry or adopt children, however, this somehow is not a hatecrime. Which extremely frustrates me since this is against human rights in my book. You can't just harass a person for their sexuality. I may not have a phd in psychology but I naturally tend to help people and listen to their problems. It seems that I also give good advice and help people well, so sometimes in friend groups I am know as the ''heart'' and the ''psychologist''. I say that because I know a lot more than 4-5 articles that I read on psychology today, healthline or verywellmind, while people nowdays read a few articles and call them selves a psychologist. I am not one, but have the skills and knowledge to be one and can spot articles with old outdated information that hasn't been relevant in the past 30 years or so.
But that is the majority of people, who concider it a mental illness and base the lgbtq on what stereotypes they see on TV and what their parents told them. The internet is made for global use and that means that anyone can write all kinds of shit and use it. However there are a lot of problems with this when it comes to psychology and psychologists and psychriatrists. Many people still believe myths and things that were proven to be wrong. For example, in my country the word - Autist/Autistic, can be used as a slur, it is similar to what the Americans have in the - N and R words. And this is extremely upsetting, because while I am not on the spectrum, I don't think anyone should be degraded and be shamed of this label. Autism is a spectrum, but here it is used to signify that someone is slow. They're not slow, their brain just works differently. But that can be used for other illneses too. I think anyone suffering from mental illness deserves the support of family and friends and a normal life. I think anyone who is a decent and kind human being deserves a peaceful life.
So in real life Bakugou x Izuku would be a crap pairing. Because bullies x their victims do not mix well. Bullies in real life are cowards. They're like predators in the jungle. They are not real leaders. They always settle for someone who is clearly weak and vulnerable (This case - Izuku has no quirks and is useless in their world) so being beaten up, emotionally and verbally bullied isn't really fun. On top of that, when a bully develops an unhealthy dynamic, other people of the group, who never oroginally bullied the victim and were neutral or even friends, go and bully the victim, because they can and they will. Usually victims are powerless and telling the teacher and sometimes beating up the bully doesn't really make the bully leave you alone and respect you. And sometimes, you end up in the hospital with a broken leg and an arm and small injuries in your chest because bullies can't handle anyone standing up to them and ruining their status. Bullies have extreme, neurotic fear of being alone, so they find other assholes and bitches like them and attack always people - Who never did anything to them to insult them.
The bullies create it them selves. No one is an easy victim, not the person who wears glasses, not the anorexic girl that sits on the first desk, not the boy in a wheel chair, not the man with a stutter, not the woman covered in scars, no one. It is also a fact that schools profit from bullies since bullies usually have rich parents that think their child is somr sort of angel when in reality their child loves to make others cry and hits them when they don't get what they want. The problem with bullies is that they are hard to stop. Sometimes telling them off works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes punching them works, sometimes it doesn't. Etc. We can't predict which bully is bluffing and which bully is serious and will beat you up. They do not realize or care that they hurt their victims, even if the victim becomes a millionaire, to them, this person will always be inferior weakling that they need to torture psychologically and make them cry. They're sadistic. Bakugou from what I remember became jealous and only stopped bullying Izuku when he became ''strong'' that means strong physically. And for boys, it is generally easier, you hit the gym and no one bullies you. But what if you are a girl? I don't see girls being more respected or feared for being muscular. It is kinda like the jock x nerd. Cute in theory, but in reality it is beyond abusive. Even if the victims kill them selves bullies do not care. They just move on to another victim and are proud that they broke someone and are not as weak as them.
America x England - (OOOOH BOY, HOW MUCH DO I WANT TO BE CANCELED, HAHA) Well, as someone who has been 9 years in this fandom, I have a long history with this pairing. I do not know if I ever explained why do I hate it so much? I have a long and complicated history with it. This where my inner historian comes in. My uncle is a professor in history, but not in our city and we are not very close but I was always interested in history, but now I am a bit skeptical when it comes to history, because you never know how someone can twist it since history is written by the winners. Whatever I say in this post, is not meant to cause drama or offend anyone. From now on I am going to use, vulgar language and this may not be suitable for some readers
This is not meant to be hateful towards people who ship it, but I hate this ship, with passion. This has to be the worst ship, in the fandom history, ever. If you want, feel free to block me if that triggers you. I don't know from where to begin, since I am going to get canceled if I speak my own personal truth and my experiences. I have read the manga when I was 13-14 and have matured since then. The hetalia fandom in the past was more different than in 2021. So like there were ship wars, fan arts, roleplaying, everyone cosplayed hetalia and homestuck since they were the biggest fandoms, Carley Rae Japsean's song Call me maybe was blasting on the radio, Gagnam style was the shit and life was good. I was young, naive, full of hope and looking for fandoms to join in, since it is was a relativly new concept for me. I did not know what these cutesy boys I saw on deviant art were so I decided to scroll down through the comments to see what it was, and I read the name - Hetalia. If you then pay me one million dollars/euro and tell me that Hetalia is going to be my favourite anime and the fandom I stay the longest in - I would have rejected the money and not believe you. Pshht, Hetalia? What does this anime about personification of countries has that the other animes don't? Well, to that question, I can't answer and still ask my self.
When I first came into the fandom I only knew about it from deviant art and from a site called - Shamchat. This site no longer exists and has a site specifically made to fill the hole of it. I roleplayed and I think my happiest years in the fandom were 2013-2015. Those were the years where I met really, really kind fans. It is like everything else went downhill and the kind and sweet fans left one by one. And I was just left with hateful immature tweens and teens who only cared about their OTP and didn't care about other fans's emotions. I apologize if this sounds like a pitful story and I am pitying me, I did not mean it to sound it this way, or as a whining. I do not like whining.
They also seem strangely neurotic if you ask them why they ship UsUk. I can perfectly tell you why I ship anything without being mean. They just straight up insult you and send you passive agressive smileys - : ) - like this and never explain why they insult you, they just curse you. I do not understand why you make America to be the top? When he is clearly a power bottom?????? I mean, if you ever look through canon manga England and him as a country in a history book you wouldn't think he is a ''uke'' (I really hate the little girls who use japanese and think they kniw the language just cause they watched the anime and think they're quirky if they saw kawaii out loud). In fanfiction he is not fleshed out, he always seemed to blush and say baka and be a boring character over all. While Alfred is this dumb himbo/bimbo character that can't put 2+2 and laughs at everything like a small child. He is 19, for fuck's sake.
He is still a child and people can mature up until 25-26. But these ages are not real ages. For example Germany is 20, even though Bismarck unites Germany in....1871 if I remember correctly? Don't quote me on that and the americans have freed them selves in 1776. So technically Germany as we know it, should be younger but isn't. And they're both still awkward babies. America doesn't have a concrete religion but from what I know, Christianity seems to the most popular religion there as for now. I don't know if Alfred (Even though he is fictional) would identify as a catholic, protestant, puritan or some other stuff but he is awkward, he has a boyish charm that Ludwig does not have. So I can't imagine these good bois being tops with experience. Usually tops/doms come with lots of experience behind their back, or at least this is what people say whom I know who are also part of the lgbtq and bdsm community. Alfred just doesn't have the vibe of a top, he is more of a switch to me, or at best a power bottom. Ludwig has a dom/top vibes but he is extremely awkward in all senses of the word. America doesn't have a concrete religion but from what I know, Christianity seems to the most popular religion there as for now. I don't know if Alfred (Even though he is fictional) would identify as a catholic, protestant, puritan or some other stuff but he is awkward, he has a boyish charm that Ludwig does not have.
So UsUk was forced down my throat ever since I can remember, I have been insulted, threatened and took 2-3 hiatuses purely due to bullying. I Really HATE, HATE, HATE - feminine Arthur. I do not know why this is the fandom's fetish, or at least used to be even though some fans still draw him that way. I really love art, I used to draw and still do. I went to classes through out almost all of my life and I know my proportions. Whether you look through normal fan art or hentai manga (Arthur has the most porn idk how or why) he always has these weird proportions.....of a malnorished tween girl. There is some porn of him either as a child (A toddler by the judgement of his body) or of Alfred as a child, and they fuck. How is this supposed to be hot for anybody? I also remember (Which is why I left amino) on amino that users were extremely childish and lied about their age. Like no, you're not 17 and a half and are ''too mature for your age'' you are 17 and that still is a minor in my book. Also in one of the translated hentai comics there is this...idk how to describe it, there is this shaving scene where Alfred becomes a man and has his first boner from what I remember, the artstyle is great, but the scene can be described a child grooming. England lies to America how boners are a horrible disease and it can only be cured if he stays next to him. He then goes to France who tells him that boners are healthy and normal at this age and is upset at England for lying to him. Then when he frees him self America smiles, laughs and pisses on top of England I think he later fucks him. Like people can try to force their weak argument over england being a uke somehow now, but Pirate England is a top, how in the hell would anyone think he is a bottom?
UsUkers also love weird fetishes and force them down your throat, and not only shame you when you don't ship the ship, they shame you when you don't have their fetish. So like people go to my dms and ask me if I want to MPREG with Arthur beign the ''woman'' in the relationships, and golden showers. I also remember leaders acting unprofessionaly towards me. Some user was sending me child porn and when I told one of the leaders they just told me it was my problem and to fuck off. It deeply upset me so I took a hiatus and when I returned I was just met with another shit wave. I think I left last year because some girl was harassing me and constantly wanted attention. I told her to leave me alone since I have lectures and can't speak to her right now and she told her friend I was ''mean'' to her and her friend started insulting me in every comment on every posted I posted, be it fan art or fanfiction I wrote. Also they can't roleplay properly. I feel like I am in 4th grade where children used to insult each other. Like what stupid (probably american white girl) thing going to tell me this time ? Hmmmm option A - Alfred says that Arthur has horrible teeth, option B - Alfred says that Arthur has horrible cooking, option C - asks for sex and wants to impregnate him even though they are both males, it seems to be quite jokes among them. I get that americans want to see their country as this buff, strong, brave, macho type, but real people have strengths and flaws. In my opinion no country is dumb, they all look after their personal interest and empires love to exploit others, it is just how it is. They basically use english stereotypes and call it a day.
Before leaving I went to another ''better'' amino where I blocked one of the leaders. I don't remember if their name was Alfie or something else but it was something like that. And another leader asked me to unblock her, mind you. I was hesitant but I did. I usually do not block people unless they share content that causes negative reaction out of me - panic attack/rise in adrenaline/shaking/desire to puke/anxiety/etc or they have been a total asshole/bitch to me in the past. So I don't have the screenshots, since I changed my phone a few months ago. I used a Lenovo one and now I have an old huawei I used to have since we don't have money for a new one. So I saved the screenshots where they started saying how Francis is a rapist and I thought we passed this phase. I told the original leader and they all seem to not speak english well but she told me that this leader thought I was mean. I mean...she joked about rape, am I supposed to text - XD LMAO YEAH THE R WORD IS FUCKING FUN, YEAH DUDE YEAH! XD LOL LMAO. From what I see, if I have explain his behavior, he just has a high libido, which is nothing to be ashamed about.
There are also different types of attraction - Aesthetic, Romantic, Sexual. And he appreciates anything beautiful. He also says that ''You can't force love on anyone'' and is generally a really sweet guy. Also from what I see he copes with his loneliness by having casual sex while Arthur copes by abusing alcohol. People cope with loneliness in different ways, for him LOVE is important and he craves intimacy. He is suggestive and says sex jokes which is relateable. He also has moments of walking around naked, and while that may be perverted, far more people have done more perverted things than him. Also Greece and Turkey have a lot more sex than France has ever had. I don't know if it is canon or fanon but I read somewhere that Greece loves sex without a condom since it excites him. France is perverted but so are many other people, if a person is assertive towards such personality he will respect the other person's wishes and not force the issue, because he understands the concept of boundaries. It seems that some fans are either too young or too stupid to understand what is common sense and boundaries. Some couples in real life suffer from mismatch in their libido which is why they go to a couple therapist and ask how they can revive their sex life.
He is not a creep. I have met old men stalking me around after school and I have had a guy at a bar putting something in my drink not knowing that I saw everything so I just left. Real creeps do not understand the concept of boundaries and the fact that people are not their sexual slaves, they crave power and dominance and love ruining people's lives, it doesn't matter who their target it, as long as they are depressed and on their knees crying and shaking in pain and fear. So yeah, rape is not something to laugh at but it seems the shitty girls that got into hetalia think it is peak comedy. With Antonio it is different, I do not like throwing the term - P*dophile around because that is a harsh accusiation but from what I remember from manga...didn't he try to steal North Italy who was a child...to marry him? He never wanted South Italy but got used to him at some point, so I am sorry for ruining all of the Spamano shippers's fantasies. He also raised him. Which brings me to the second point.
England raised America. Period. It is canon, it is in the manga, he found him as a child. England loves America because he is the first thing that did not hate him, for him. Europe in the past hated England, this is why France jokes that he is the - black sheep of Europe. He was abused by his brothers, especially Scotland and threw things at him and chased him away. Scotland is not only an abusive alcoholic though. He is more complex and loves his brother in his own way but historically England was not kind at all to Scotland. So these people were telling me that I am a wh*re because I don't ship their precious UsUk? Well guess what honey, England isn't a useless girly bottom, America is neither a top, nor a dumb guy and England most likely changed his diapers. Also why would America blow his revolution if he wanted to be free? I mean England taxed the hell out of him and was a bit of a narcissitic asshole, so why shouldn't America want to be free from tyrany?
Also for people who bring the - BUT FIORE, ENGLAND KILLED JEANNE'DARC SO THAT MEANS FRANCE SHOULD HATE HIM, YOU'RE A HYPOCRITE! - well hun, France held a grudge for centuries until he got even by helping America with Spain and Prussia to free him self from England's grasp. America was the only thing that didn't hate him because he didn't know him. He was an alone child and he finally had someone to take care of him and listen to him talk, that wasn't a human, that didn't die (Davie) and England is an introvert but he has many issues which is why to him the loss of America hurt so much. Because everyone else hated him, or at least in his mind it looked that way. Portugal was always his friend and in a rare case lover and France had a love/friend/hate relationship with him. People can make the argument that France took care of him but France was probably around 12 in human years and England looks to be around 10 when he wore that blue dress of his and when England had a bow and green cloak and shaggy long blonde hair. France still cuts off his hair to this day. While England was in his late teens 17-8 when he found America who was clearly around 5-6. Their pairing doesn't make sense from a psychological point. So I would love to not have any usuk shit in my feed. I have enough abusive people in my life who treat me like a punching bag, I don't need to get upset online too.
Alfred looks 5-6 years of age and believe it or not some children piss them selves even to the age of 10. Some have medical problems but that is not an issue for now. I have been a nanny. I have taken care of children of all ages, and they're telling me? That I should ship a ship where some guy changed another's diapers but the other guy grew up too quickly and now they are dating? IN WHAT WORLD, I REPEAT IN WHAT WORLD?Does that mean I should feel some sort of sexual attraction and would like to bang children I took care of, because they went to the gym and have what society conciders the perfect body? I guess in their mind I should. In reality somewhat every country is related to hetalia so the boundary between what is incest or not is vague. But even when usukers bring the - BUT THEY ARE NOT BLOOD RELATED? - so what, incest is still taboo and some say that since they don't have blood relation it is not incest, but this is why stepbro/sis memes are so prevelent. Since it is a taboo and taboos get some people excited sexually. Whether they are blood related or not is out of the question, Arthur did take care of him as a child.
This is not meant to cause the old FRUK VS USUK wars, but in my experience USUK fans are extremely harsh and cold, at least to anyone who doesn't ship their precious ship. It is like they can't stand anyone who simply objectivly says - I do not like this ship. Bruv, do you know how many other ships I don't like in other fandoms, and no one has given me shit or threatened to hack my computer and send people to beat me up, simply because I DON'T SHIP USUK? maaaan-Let's not forget that these hypocrites also spread lies and said that ''Himaruya said that UsUk is canon'' and there was this black and white fan art that rolled around Twitter, Facebook and other social media for a while and people believe it. I think Hetafacts or some other youtuber debunked that it was nothing but a pure lie. It should not matter what ship is canon, what should matter more is fans being civil and kind to another but no, let's insult other pairings and make people hate ships they didn't originally hate just because.
Here is another ship I don't like - Russia x China. Also another ship - Russia x Prussia, also another ship Russia x Lithuania, or Russia (Romantically) x Latvia, or Prussia x Liechtenstein (Romantically). I even met one person who shipped Sealand x England lol or England x Seychelles x France or Belarus x Liechtenstein (Romantically) I dislike all of these ships. Do you see the word hate anywhere? No, because I don't hate them? Do you know why? Well no one told me - ''I hope you die raped in shit'' and told me that I am ''r*tarded'' in my comment section on youtube because I said that I do not care about certain ships. You see I used to feel this way about UsUk too. It was meh, I don't care, I see them as father and son, because England literally raised him. Also England is proven to be a horrible neglectful father and a workholic and alcholic. This is the reason why Sealand is taken care of by Sweden and Finland.
I always saw him this way so I don't know how the new fandom just started seeing him as the gremlin that he is when he was always a fucking old grandpa gremlin, not a soft uwu useless femboy that loves sex and screams BAKA every 3 seconds and blushes for no apperent reason whatsoever. I have many things that I don't ship. For example I feel conflicted towards pairings like - China x Japan or Japan x America because the r*pe of nanking is a thing and Japan denies and while Japan may have attacked America, americans kinda rationalize the two bombs and laugh at it while if anyone mentions 9/11 they freak out. So they can joke about other countries's misfortune but if it theirs - NO,NO,NO! I think global issues should be adressed in hetalia and people should make vent/rant art. If you are an indigenous person and a white guy comes to you and asks why you wear normal clothes and he says that indigenous people only wear feathers and all, this is why we need to speak to children about racism. Or being told that being latino/a makes you ''Inferior'' somehow (IT DOESN'T), or you're black and you get told by a white person how you should go back to your home land ''with the bananas''. I can joke about my own country's problems but it feels extremely offensive if the country that did the crime (R*pe, destruction of religious monuments, statues of popular poets from my country, more r*pe, stealing boys and babies and forcing other religion on them so they can kill and r*pe their own mothers and sisters. )I do not blame their descendents for what their grandpas did to us, what I can't stand is the superiority complex they have and how they insult this country and speak in their own language like we don't understand them and pretend like nothing happened, which is why I hate a certain hetalia country with passion.
It really sucks how due to Covid the hate against asians has risen, I heard from my favourite youtubers how certain people harassed them and hurt them for ''spreading covid'' or something. Well this just horrible and we really need to re-think how we treat people who were not at fault for a fucking global pandemic. I don't know where Yao Wang would stand, since he is a fictional country but unless somebody projects their homophobia and xenophobia through roleplay or art and send me hate art, I don't really care who they are as long as their are respectful. I can't stand usuk, and I can't stand the fans. I try to block every account that has this content which sucks ass since they look like cool people but no, it has to be fucking ew ugh usuk they draw. I sometimes feel like a bitch for blocking them since they're not the same fans that have insulted, threatened and harassed me but I would like to not blow my chances and risk ever talking to them. If you want to, you can call me a hater, a basher or anything, I don't care.
In a way everyone in hetalia is related but lets say that I do not have concrete hate over this ship but the serial bullying I received from fans over the years. Which is why I ship things like Seychelles x Iceland or Hong Kong x Iceland and I can't choose. Usually when UsUk fans ''defend'' their ship they have two arguments - It is cute and - the revolutinary war and how much england missed him. Two people may look cute together but would their emotional maturity and personalities match? These are important questions, which is why for me Gerita personalitywise, matches but the emotional maturity gap is way too much. For UsUk America lacks basic emotional maturity, raises his tone, cuts off people when they speak, weird obsession about being a hero and a tiny bit of narcissism here and there, he overly trusts him self which can cause as much problems as someone who doubts them selves. England is in another place mentally is honestly much better off with anyone else that is not America or Canada. Portugal, Spain, France, Russia, Japan,etc. America also has more developed friendships with countries like Russia, France, Siciliy and probably Japan and Vietnam. I think he can date Lithuania for me their dynamic is so wholesome and pure and everything click together. Russia also works but some people are put off by it due to the cold war. RusAme/UkFr is much more than just love/hate relationship, I don't know why people have the impression that they constantly fight and make up. Normal couples don't do that. Whether it is incest or not it is debatealbe. I have seen dynamics like theirs and let tell you that these people always ended up divorced.
I will share some quotes from people on different social medias I have found that describe it better than me -
Quote number 1 - from fanpop
"USUK is actually one of my most hated anime pairings followed by Spamano a few places behind for the same reason. The thought of raising a child as a son/brother only to bang him when he's older is nothing but disgusting and makes England seem like a pedophile for "falling in love" with the child he adopted and raised. I honestly can't understand why so many people insist that America and England aren't brothers and that the pairing isn't incest when Himaruya, the anime director and characters in Hetalia have confirmed that America and England are indeed brothers. Some USUK fans claim that America's independence makes them non-siblings. That's just ridiculous. Even if America would say "I don't want to be your brother anymore" directly to England, it still won't make any difference and it certainly doesn't change the fact that America was adopted and raised by England. If the USUK fans want to ship this pairing, it's fine, but denying that the pairing is incest is just annoying. It makes it seem like they think incest is gross, but desperately try to deny that USUK is incest only to continue shipping it or to keep telling themselves that USUK will be canon, which will never happen just like (unfortunately) every other Hetalia pairing except (possibly) AusHun.''
Quote number 2- from deviant art
''t's this reasoning that made me think back to all the Journal reads, essays and editorials many of the Anti UsUk fans write about why they hate the pairing. They usually mention about the pairing being incest, pedophilia and/or not cannon. While all of those might be true, I think there's more reasoning to why UsUk usually never works. It isn't to say those shouldn't be mentioned, because they should be, and I will mention them. First off, incest. Yes, UsUk is incest, but not because they share blood, but because they're BROTHERS. The fact that England adopted America should not be anyone's excuse for why it's not considered incest. Incest means sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other. The definition of related is belonging to the same family, group, or type. Neither of these say anything about sharing blood, or having to be born from the mother's womb. If your parents divorced, and your father married another woman, who becomes your mother, she would be considered related to you, since you both belong in the same family. America and England are brothers, they're family, they belong in the same family, and even share the same family name (Don't believe me? Britain's full name is United Kingdom of Great Britain, just like America's full name is United States of America, which was declared by Acts of Union in 1707 before the Revolutionary War. Coincidence? I think not 📷). No, I do not count their human names, since they're mainly names used for the fanbase to use. Now, for pedophilia, that's the one that can be questioned. On one hand, if England and America are shipped when both are adults, then it shouldn't be considered pedophilia. On the other hand, they are about 800-700 years apart. Though, the same could be said with America and other countries like Japan, Ukraine and Belarus. While America may not be the youngest country, technically speaking, he's certainly the youngest most powerful country. So, if anyone in the fandom is going to pair up America with anyone, male or female, that country is most likely going to be thousands of years older than him. So, do I consider UsUk pedophilia? Well... not if America is already a grown adult. So, unless there are fanart or fan fictions with England being sexual or flirty with kid or youth America, pedophilia isn't really the big issue (especially since I haven't seen pictures or fanart of England being sexual or flirty with kid America, and are perhaps the only brotherly pictures and/or fan fictions I can find of England and America). Being that everyone knows that UsUk is CERTAINLY not cannon, I want to go more deep into why I feel UsUk doesn't work. Let's set aside the fact that it is incest, and look at this pairing from a realistic standpoint. I want to start from the bottom up, which would be the back story of how England's and America's relationship started. Why is this relationship so memorable, and considered adorable? Why does it work so well? To put it simply, the relationship between England and America is very relatable. They both reminded me of my two brothers, and my dad and my uncle. It's the story of the little brother, who looked up to the older brother as the greatest thing on earth; the most perfect person in the world. He could never think of anyone else that could be compared to his older brother. Then, suddenly, that little brother grows up and realizes that his older brother is a compete jerk, or isn't as perfect as he originally thought. Usually, this is hard for any little brother to grasp, and, once he does, the relationship between him and his older brother starts to friction. They no longer share the same relationship they once had. Little brothers can relate to America in trying to grasp and understand that his older brother wasn't the big, perfect person he once thought, when he says, “you used to be so big.” At the same time, older brothers can relate to England in losing the innocent little brother that thought he was the world, then having to watch him grow up, and turn into a complete
jerk himself, or lose his innocence. It isn't that England never saw any flaws in America, even as a little kid, but it's hard for him to watch those innocence and naiveness suddenly flushed down the toilet. Now, America is surpassing England, and England now needs America to help him at times. From what I've seen from my brothers and uncle, it's very hard for an older brother to admit he needs his little brother's help, that there might be things his little brother knows more than him, and to actually call or go to little brother for help. This is continually seen with England and America during World War 2 where America volunteers to help, and England continually refuses, but yet seems to need the help (this is especially seen in the Blitz series). When anyone takes these two characters, whose relationship represents and older and younger brother of our generation, then turns it into a gay relationship, it completely ruins the amazing buildup that Hidekazu Himaruya was intentionally going for. It's not that gay relationships are not relatable, but the one that's made in the UsUk fandom isn't something that gay couples can relate to. Turning something that was never intended to be a gay relationship into one is actually the reason why there are gay men and women that dislike yaoi. It's not only a misrepresentation of England and America, and their relationship, but it's a misrepresentation of gay relationships in general. That's mainly where it boils down to why I dislike UsUk. Yes, homosexuality is one of those reasons, being that homosexuality was VERY looked down upon back during World War 2, especially during the colonial days (if you were caught in the act of homosexuality, you'd most likely be kicked out of the city and, if not, be beaten by countless cowboys, then killed, and those cowboys would get away with it, not being punished for said act even if they were caught). More than likely, England and America were homophobic back during those days, since many Americans and Englishmen were completely against homosexuality. It wasn't until around the Cold War, or during the 1960's, when the world started changing their viewpoints. Though, with that aside, UsUk, to me, just can't work with the back story and buildup of the show. Though, the same should be said for many yaoi fandoms in general. Many of them just don't work with the cannon buildup set for the two male characters. If people try to pair America and England up, keeping the cannon story line of their relationship, it comes out as unrealistic, and a misrepresentation of gay relationships, the relationship between England and America, and history in general. It isn't to say that nobody should write UsUk. In my opinion, whatever shipping you want to use is completely up to you. Though, if you want to write a UsUk fan fiction, it needs to not ruin the cannon relationship buildup set for England and America. In other words, I don't want a UsUk of any type to use the same cannon back story from the Hetalia series, otherwise it just becomes very unrelatable, and ruins the intended relationship buildup between England and America as older and younger brother. Anyways, those are my thoughts on UsUk, and why I don't like the pairing in general. You can agree or disagree, but I wanted to get my thoughts out. You can let me know in the comments about your thoughts on UsUk. I'm interested in knowing what your thoughts on the fandom, whether you're a UsUk fan or completely against the pairing, like me.''
23 - Have you ever had a ship become canon, but you didn’t like how it was portrayed?
- Korra x Asami (It looks rushed and I think Asami deserves better, in my eyes Korra constantly changed relationships and has immaturity issues, I watched the show a long time ago tho)
- Light x Misa (Misa deserved someone who cared for her)
- Erza x Jellal/Gerard (Erza deserved better, the guy looks like he is an extra or made of plastic)
- Ban x Elaine (I really dislike this ship, I read some articles about Japan and I do not know if this real/legit and please excuse me if I spread misinformation, but from what I read, some people said that Japan has p*dophilia problems. Certain mangaka or their word for the comic/manga artist, put loli characters on purpose to please a certain fanbase that likes this type of content. I look like a loli somewhat because I have small frame while other girls matured on body way too fast, I remained skin and bones up until the age of 19, after that I somehow started to gain some weight on my legs but that doesn't mean I am still not short and skinny on my upper body. Old creepy men, asking where you live and asking you sexual intimate questions when you just want to buy you self some dinner after school, isn't my idea of fun. Which is why - 100000 years but has the body of a loli is bullshit. There are older women who have smaller bodies but no matter how young you look, every human being starts developing wrinkles and hair falling at some point in their life. They may be small, but they surely don't look like lolis.
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atamascolily · 3 years
Unicorn Chronicles, Book 3: “Dark Whispers,” by Bruce Coville
Whenever people grumble about how long it's been since their favorite fanfic updated, I can't help but smile a little in sympathy. As someone who's read a lot of CLAMP manga, I've grown used to the stutter-stop of hiatuses and discontinued stories that will never be finished. To quote the Princess Bride, "Get used to disappointment". It's just an occupational hazard.
I know people who only read completed stories, but I would have missed out on a lot of great material and works that really matter to me if I followed their example. It also meant that I got really good at imagining what happens next.
So it was a delight to discover that Bruce Coville had actually finished the Unicorn Chronicles when I was busy with other stuff (i.e., life) and there were two more volumes. Coville specifically thanks readers for nagging him about finishing, which is simultaneously #hilarious and #relatable.
Song of the Wanderer came out in 1999, right on the cusp of the Harry Potter boom that shook up the juvenile fantasy genre. (Both series are published by Scholastic.) Dark Whispers came out in 2008, and you can see how much the genre has shifted in the cover art alone:
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This is gorgeous art by Petar Mesedlzija, but it only tangentially fits the descriptions in the books: Cara doesn't really wear anything like this outfit, and the story emphasizes she keeps braiding her hair to keep it from tangling. She has a sword, but she doesn’t really ever use it?
Furthermore, the layout, design, and chapter headings of Dark Whispers are clearly meant to capitalize on Harry Potter: Grimmwold has a looping signature reminiscent of Dumbeldore's in the opening prologue, for instance. It's a very different feel from the way the first two volumes were presented, and tbh, I miss the old way that has gone the way of the dinosaurs now.
Inevitably, with such a long gap between volumes, Dark Whispers ended up with a very different style and tone than its predecessors. The most obvious difference is that it's REALLY LONG--464 pages in hardcover. Some of this increase in length is attributable to Harry Potter proving that giant fantasy tomes can sell like hotcakes, and some of it is the fact that the storyline is now really big, with a lot of different players moving in different directions.
Inevitably, this means that instead of following Cara's POV for the entire book, as we did in the first two volumes, we are constantly shifting narrators. It's completely understandable, but as a reader, I find it really annoying--like I am suddenly reading an entirely different series with overlapping plot and characters. It's not that this new series is bad, per se, it's just... not what I imagined when I was making up the ending in my head in the early 2000s. I do not know if this disjunct would be so obvious or unsettling to someone who was reading all four volumes together for the first time.
Anyway, so since it's been literally a decade, Coville makes the sensible decision to open with a recap from Grimmwold, in his role as the keeper of the Unicorn Chronicles: unicorns and human hunters are at war; the latter are lead by an immortal woman named Beloved with a personal grudge against the unicorns, and she just got an amulet so she can invade Luster.
In Cara's plotline, she is still coming to terms with the fact that her grandmother, Ivy Morris, was a unicorn in disguise, and is now Queen Amalia Flickerfoot. Her grandfather Jaques is super depressed (because literary references, yo) and also because this is super-weird for him, too. As they prepare for Beloved's assault on Luster, Grimmwold reveals that pages from the Unicorn Chronicles are missing, and that others reveal an unsettling prophecy about unicorns confronting their own darkness and a mysterious figure called the Whisperer.
Another human, Alma Leonetti, comes forth and suggests that the centaurs might know more details. The Queen sends Cara and her friends to investigate, while Jaques and Thomas the Tinker go on separate missions. Thomas does give her a watch that marks the days and also explodes, so you know right away she's gonna need both on her trip. M'Gama the geomancer is trying to determine where and when the Hunters will invade: the date is the forthcoming Blood Moon, but she's still working out the details on the place.  
Grimmwold tells the group a story about Alma Leonetti, and how she tracked down the wizard Bellenmore, who opened the gate to Luster for the unicorns. Bellenmore has a snarky talking lizard and great tastes in decorating:
On the mantel above the fireplace stood a row of earthenware mugs with hideous faces. One of them winked at me; another leered and rolled its eyes; a third stuck out its tongue and made a rude noise. Then they began to sing a bawdy song until Bellenmore waved a hand to silence them.
Alma bluffs her way to Luster and eventually persuades the unicorns to keep one of their kind on Earth so humans don't forget true beauty and goodness and the spark is kept alive. The hunters keep trying to kill the Guardian, but they always replace the fallen with a new one and the cycle repeats.
We also learn that Ivy summoned Moonheart to heal Cara as a child, which is what alerted Beloved to her presence, forcing her to kidnap Cara and flee because Beloved wanted the child, too. Ian Hunter was a first grade teacher who had no idea about any of this until Cara disappeared and he was radicalized by Beloved and went through an intensive training camp she's built up for her army.
Meanwhile, Ian is in India, tracking down the Rainbow Prison where Beloved has imprisoned his wife. He makes a deal with a mysterious entity, the Blind Man, trading occasional use of his sight for the knowledge he needs. Beloved's men attack Ian, but he is saved by a street urchin named Rajiv who is eager for adventure, and the mysterious Fallon, who is trying to find a doorway to Luster. The three of them team up and head for the Himalayas to find the doorway to the Rainbow Prison while Beloved's forces pursue them. We learn that Fallon is super-hot and also seeking his best bro Elihu, in a relationship that I'm pretty sure was sexual although it's never stated directly.
There's also a plotline involving the delvers - the evil dwarves we mostly forgot about in Book 2. The King keeps talking to the Whisperer, and sending his subjects to do Evil Things as the alliance with Beloved continues. (The delvers do not love humans, but they hate unicorns and so the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" at least temporarily).
The plotlines converge when the delvers attack M'Gama the earthmancer's house and steal a macguffin and kill Flensa, M'Gama's servant. Cara's party splits up, with Finder and Belle hunting the macguffin while Cara and Lightfoot continue on. Finder is killed (sob) and Belle regrets being a jerk to him. Cara's group is attacked by delvers and she is captured and taken underground. (The delvers either don't know Beloved has an amulet already/don't care/want one for their own purposes.) Cara tosses the amulet into an abyss when it fails to transport her to earth, and she is imprisoned in the dungeons with a delver dissident who has had his name ritually stripped from him for defiance.
Cara renames the delver "Rocky" and the Squijum shows up with the amulet and steals the key. They meet up with Grimmwold, and escape. They also encounter the gryphon Medafil, who is lost below ground, only to wake a monster known as the schwartz, a Terminator-like blind dragon that never gives up pursuit. Cara defeats it using the expanding light sphere from Medafil's nest, and they emerge in the centaur's valley, where Belle is waiting for them with the news of Finder's death.
The centaurs are standoffish, but eventually Cara persuades their leader Chiron to spill the beans: after the war with Beloved began, the unicorns decided to expunge all the darkness from their souls with the aid of a magician named Elihu (hi!), which gained sentience and has been egging Beloved on ever since. It's also corrupted the delvers,which is why they hate unicorns so much. In exchange for the info, Cara agrees to mercy-kill Chiron, which none of the centaurs can do for personal reasons. Cara reports this story to the unicorns, who are all :shrug emoji: about it.  
Meanwhile Ian and company are stuck in the Rainbow Prison, the Dimblethum is being tormented by the Whisperer, and ends up taking the macguffin the delvers stole and placing it at the Axis Mundi, the world-tree of Luster, so that Beloved and her forces can enter there. Lightfoot tries to stop the Dimblethum but isn't in time. And the book ends on the seriously metal note of Beloved opening the portal beneath the blood moon and invading Luster with her army. *cue 'Bad Moon Rising'*
[Which, I may note, is pretty much where the LAST BOOK also ended.]
SO. That was a lot.
Once again, the core group of characters from Book One gets broken up. Thomas the Tinker gets sidetracked pretty quickly and isn't seen again; the Dimblethum gets a few brief sequences, but doesn't do much until the end. Lightfoot and Cara are separated fairly early on and don't have much time together, though their musings about their sudden familial connections at the beginning are nice, even though Cara also keeps shipping Belle with Lightfoot. Lightfoot himself doesn't get to do much, Finder dies, and Belle is likewise sidelined by the narrative for a decent chunk of the story. Coville also keeps emphasizing that Lightfoot is a Prince, which just grates on me, too.
I would also like to see more of Cara? She has plenty of scenes, but after two books of focusing solely on her, it's so strange to suddenly be jerked in different directions and it makes me grumpy.
It's great to see Medafil again, but I found the whole delvers/underground plot to drag on too long for my tastes. I'm glad Coville brings back that one delver from the first book who let Cara go because he thinks (rightly) his king is batshit crazy.
I like Alma Leonetti's story, but it feels unrelated to the plot, so I'm not entirely sure why it's there. I think it was originally a stand-alone short story, and I think it's better suited as one, because I can't figure out what its narrative purpose is. Or is it just that Grimmwold is contractually obligated to tell at least one story per book?? Or maybe this is something that will pay off in Book 4.
Ian Hunter's story basically bores me, and I found that whole subplot extremely tedious. He's been more or less retconned to be sympathetic and a victim, and I just don't know how I feel about that.
I HAVE SUCH MIXED FEELINGS ABOUT THE BIG REVEAL. On the one hand, it's a great twist to see the psychological shadow as the literal villain; on the other hand, it takes away some of the delvers' and Beloved's agency as villains in their own right because they're now Pawns of a Bigger Bad. It also just seems like such a weird thing for the unicorns to do--and maybe that's a way of making them more alien, but I don't know.
Coville explicitly uses the word 'hubris,' so it also feels weirdly victim-blaming to me because the unicorns are doing it to themselves (and this isn't just a war, but genocide we're talking about here!). For better or worse, this twist muddies the black and white/good vs. evil paradigm into shades of gray: the unicorns are beautiful and good but also arrogant assholes; Beloved is homicidal but also in terrible pain; the delvers are misunderstood and need to be embraced rather than ignored.
Alma Leonetti consistently delivers the best lines - I guess she's taken over the role Ivy Morris used to play, since Ivy is now a unicorn:
"Perhaps the unicorns need to try to recover some of what they have lost?... You face a dedicated enemy who has shown no mercy, one who will stop at nothing to destroy you. And what have you done? Gathered together, which is good. Prepared to defend yourselves, which is good, too. But is it enough? How fiercely are you willing to fight to save your lives? How strong can unicorns be? ... Maybe you need to take in some of that darkness you once released."
I remember feeling oddly disappointed on my first reading, which unfortunately persists on re-read. This story has now moved in a very different direction from the one I expected, and while that's not necessarily bad, it is unsettling and strange. As I mentioned earlier, some of that might just be that the final result doesn't match the story I made up in my head; or it could just be the inevitable result of such a long gap between books and the changes in the fantasy market post-Harry Potter. I don't know.
(I wish I had written down my thoughts about an ending--aka fanfic--because while I could write one now, it’d be reacting to canon, rather than creating it.)
Either way, major kudos to Coville for writing this book, because I had assumed the series was dead and would never be completed, and he fucking did it. That’s such an inspiration, honestly.
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My Hero Academia AU: Crossover
Izuku Midoriya <<<
Makoto Naegi
Nagisa Shiota
Mikado Ryuugamine
Ken Kaneki
Role in the universe:
As the protagonist of My Hero Academia, Izuku’s role is pretty much the same as the canon story line. He still inherits One For All and he’s still in Class 1-A, I’ll explore the actual changes in another section.
I feel as though Makoto would have a none-combative (if any) quirk, probably one centered around emotional manipulation. I also think Makoto would be in the general studies department though I imagine he’d get along well with the heroics students.
Nagisa would most likely have a quirk involving snakes or his bloodlust (again, if any), I don’t think he would have one that is considered “villainous” but it would probably be close. I’d like to think he’d be in the heroics department (preferably 1-A since I’m fond of AUs/canon-divergence that yeets a certain purple gremlin) since I imagine his natural talent for assassination would exist in practically every universe he’s in.
Mikado would probably be quirkless but I could see him having some kind of tracking ability (yeah I think I’ll go with that). He would probably be in the support or management department since, while he does try to get more involved in his own universe, he seems to be more in his element when he takes a “behind the scenes” approach. I’d also like to imagine he still has a decent number of contacts online (maybe not necessarily a gang) so he probably uses that to his advantage.
Ken’s quirk would be pretty similar to his ghoul powers though probably not as OP as it is in later seasons, again I don’t think his quirk would be considered “villainous” but it would probably be close. I feel as though he’d be in the heroics department (probably 1-B but only because there isn’t really anyone else in 1-A I hate) but I’m also fond of the idea of him being a vigilante.
How they became friends:
This section is largely going to be focusing on how Izuku befriended the others.
Makoto Naegi: I think the two of them would probably meet after getting into UA, probably after the sports festival since 1-A doesn’t really start interacting with other departments until then (that we see on-screen anyway, I don’t know if it’s different in the manga). The two of them are both the type to make friends easily and I imagine they’d probably bond over being the “boring” ones; Izuku due to his previous quirkless status, and Makoto would probably still be fairly average (initially anyway) regardless of the universe he’s in. I feel like Makoto would be the one Izuku goes to if he needs to vent since he wouldn’t be connected to the trauma 1-A ends up going through and he offers good advise.
Nagisa Shiota: I feel as though the two of them would probably encounter each other during the 10 month time period where Izuku was training for the entrance exam. I’d like to think Nagisa would offer to help train him since he would probably know a few tricks even without the whole assassination thing. I think for the most part they’d bond over their analysis skills since Izuku’s pretty knowledgeable about quirks and Nagisa’s good at picking up on potential weaknesses, they’re both good strategists in their own right so they’d probably come up with a decent number of tactics together.
Mikado Ryuugamine: Izuku most likely meets Mikado online and probably wouldn’t know who he is until they’ve spoken face-to-face for a few days. I imagine Izuku probably has a decent online presence so I’d like to think they bond over the dumb/funny theories they find. Mikado would definitely be Izuku’s first point-of-call if he needs information since he’d likely know someone who could help him if he didn’t have any information himself.
Ken Kaneki: Similarly to Makoto, I don’t think the two of them would meet until after getting into UA. I’d like to think they properly meet each other somewhere between the attack on the USJ and the sports festival and that they probably end up training together by accident. I feel as though Ken would probably have a more cynical view on modern heroes and the two would probably bond by discussing the current attitudes towards various heroes.
AU specific headcanons:
- Ken has heterochromia.
- Mikado runs a small blackmail circuit without realising, seriously this boy knows everyone’s secrets before they do.
- Mikado and Ken both prefer underground heroes and a good chunk of their conversations theorising about them. Occasionally they’ll get Izuku involved but they try not to do it too often since his homeroom teacher is an underground hero.
- Makoto only really knows about the top 10 heroes but he still appreciates the rest.
- Nagisa is somewhere in the middle when it comes to heroes. On the one hand he typically views it as people would view the traditional emergency services. On the other hand, as someone who likes superhero comics, he does fanboy over the newer heroes though not to the same extent as other people his age.
- Makoto probably becomes a therapist after UA since the various villain attacks kind of left him with first-hand knowledge on helping someone with PTSD.
- Mikado probably becomes an informant for various hero agencies since his information network definitely got bigger while he was in UA. He probably starts an actual agency just to make it easier to gather intel.
- Nagisa most likely becomes an underground hero but he assists the mainstream heroes often enough for the more attentive civilians & hero school students to recognise him while suited-up.
- Ken would definitely be an underground hero (if not a vigilante) and is usually one of the first choices for infiltrating villain groups because he’s good at undercover operations.
- Izuku is the only one of the group to become a mainstream hero.
- Inko tried to adopt Nagisa and Ken because yes they still have their trauma and mama Midoriya is the best.
- Izuku and Makoto have a sixth sense for when people are self conscious about their quirks and instantly start encouraging them.
- Nagisa and Ken find out about Endeavour by accident and instantly offer to fight him on Shoto’s behalf. No, they don’t care that he’s the number 2 hero, they will throw hands because they know what it’s like to live with people like that.
- Mikado blackmails the people who mess with his friends because this boy didn’t create an entire intelligence network to just never use it.
- If he exists in this AU, Nagisa definitely vibe checks Mineta at least once a week (if he exists in this AU) and his female classmates definitely appreciate it.
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anderseeds · 4 years
I saw a Witcher/Hellsing crossover mentioned in the tag and I was just inundated with ideas for it, so I’ll ramble here instead of attaching a tl;dr to that post. I’m a huge fan of the Witcher, and yet somehow I’ve never actually considered a Witcher AU for Hellsing (and Andercard of course; it’s my modus operandi). This is based on the Witcher games, books, and a little bit of the The Witcher RPG since the Netflix show isn’t my thing. 
First of all, for the unfamiliar:
Witcher = a person (usually as a child) that has been mutated and trained to be a monster hunter. They have greater endurance, enhanced healing, enhanced senses, are able to drink potions that would be deadly to the average person, and can perform a small degree of magic called ‘signs’. One can tell a person is a Witcher by their eyes, since they look like cats eyes. Sometimes Witcher’s have other indications, but the eyes are the most consistent feature.
To become a Witcher, a candidate must go through three trials. All of them are exceptionally difficult and painful. The first two trials, the Trials of Grasses and Dreams, basically break down the body through use of various potions and rebuild it, while the third is basically a test for those who survive the first two trials. Very few children put through the trails survive; sometimes there’s only one survivor among those brought in to undergo the trials, and those who die do so in complete agony. Understandably, many Witcher’s are bitter about this whole ordeal and resent being turned into what they are. Witcher’s are also regarded with suspicion and dislike and no better than the monsters they kill, which makes being a Witcher even more torrid.
Vampires = vampires in the Witcher aren’t like your traditional vampires. They’re a race rather than creatures born of humans and they reproduce as any other creature does. Lesser vampires are generally unintelligent, beastly, bat-like creatures, while Higher vampires are intelligent and near indistinguishable from a human. Higher vampires often live among the other races and can integrate well, though some choose to live only among their own, and a rare few even stay with Lesser vampires. While Higher vampires are very different from their Lesser counterparts, they can turn into giant bats or similar creatures.
Higher vampires also don’t need blood to subsist. They can eat whatever they like, but some vampires do drink blood because blood is addictive to them and offers an experience not unlike drinking alcohol. Blood also has rejuvenating and strengthening qualities to it. Lesser vampires do seem to drink blood as part of their diet.
Honestly, Witcher vampires require a lot of explanation, so here’s the wiki for them. They’re a really interesting take on vampires.
Conjunction of the Spheres = a point in history where different dimensions collided with the world of the Dwarves and Gnomes and various different races fell through rifts and got trapped there. At the time the books start, they’ve all been there for well over a millennia and have thoroughly integrated. 
Since Nilfgaard is based on the Roman Empire and has a religion functionally similar to Catholicism, I think it’d be appropriate to place Anderson as being from there. He’d be proud of being Nilfgaardian and would introduce himself as a Witcher of Nilfgaard alongside mentioning his guild. But being a Nilfgaardian Witcher is kind of an oxymoron since the Witcher schools were around before Nilfgaard started spreading through the South, and Witcher’s aren’t actually wanted or really used there anymore... in fact, the school most strongly associated with Nilfgaard - the Viper school, which is where I’m placing Anderson - was straight up destroyed by Nilfgaard. An Emperor (Upsurpur of Fergus var Emreis, specially) tried to take over the School of the Viper, failed, and then the Nilfgaardian army destroyed their keep and banned the Viper Witcher’s from entering core Nilfgaardian cities. Nowadays, most Nilfgaardian’s barely know what Witcher’s even are. Viper Witcher’s are thoroughly displaced; unwanted and relatively unknown in the South, reviled in the North, and with no keep to take refuge in, but Anderson still considers himself Nilfgaardian and is loyal to the Empire and the Great Sun despite no longer being welcome in his home city. He’s also has loyalty to Emhyr because he always regarded Fergus’ son as the rightful Emperor during the Usurpers reign and he’s happy when Emhyr returns to take the throne.
Before all that happened, Anderson grew up in various orphanages in Nilfgaard, going first from a decent one in the City of Golden Towers, and then to an over-packed and impoverished one closer to the border. Support for the orphanage eventually fell through, and almost all the children ended up at the Viper school when a Viper Witcher saw an exciting opportunity to expand the guild and took all the boys. Anderson went on to become a Witcher, while all but one other orphan died during the trials. 
The potions used on Anderson were experimental and had a lot of vampire components for regeneration purposes. Anderson has a chip on his shoulder about that and specialises in hunting vampires as both a consequence of his hatred, and because his enhancements make it easier for him than his fellow Witcher’s. 
Continuing under the read more since this is getting long.
Since Anderson’s trials emphasised regeneration, he has very accelerated healing and benefits hugely from Witcher healing potions. To accommodate his frequent use of potions, Anderson has a very high tolerance, which has been strengthened by both himself and teachers in his youth by repeatedly testing his limits. In battle, he tends toward longer blades than his fellow Viper’s and keeps a multitude of them on hand. He’s particularly good at using them as projectiles. His signs are used on occasion, but not often; everything but his Yrden and Quen are relatively weak. Sometimes he uses potions to bump up his Igni.
He’s also just a well-read and educated as he is in manga/OVA. The School of the Viper highly valued knowledge, so all Witcher’s received a decent education. Anderson built on this by attending lectures at academy's during his journeying and has visited and appreciated Oxenfurt Academy a few times despite it being a Northern institution.
His visual mutations are fairly mild: bright green, slitted cat eyes and slightly pointed canines. He gets the same sort of toxicity appearance as Geralt in the games if he takes too many potions (reference). He can pretend to be human with some effort, but the eyes are hard to hide since the pupils are slitted and they have a degree of luminescence. 
While the keep still stood, Anderson collected information on the Wild Hunt alongside his fellow Witcher’s. He also became a teacher of young Witcher’s, but many of them died during the conflict at the keep and more still when Viper’s had to remain on the path year round instead of wintering at their home. Eventually some of the remaining Viper’s did start wintering at other places/keeps despite their reclusive, secretive nature, but a lot of Viper’s simply remained on the path year round. Anderson is among those who rarely chooses to winter and will instead travel to a warmer climate to do work. 
Many provinces in the south are... fairly safe and prosperous, so Anderson often travels around all the Continent to find work. He has some disdain for Northerners like he does Protestants in canon, especially since they treat him like a monster while most Nifgaardian’s don’t even know what he is. Basically, Melitele and the Eternal Fire are stupid, Elves are hot respectable beings, Northerners are barbarians, dwarves and gnomes who??, and god don’t even get him started on Skellige. Typical Nilfgaardian in his opinions. 
Alucard is a little harder to figure out since I like to think of Alucard as one of the vampires that arrived during the Conjunction of the Spheres, and we don’t actually know all that much about the world vampires came from... the books have basically nothing. The games expand on vampire lore by giving us three tribes and links to Etruscan civilisation, but its still slim pickings. Since Alucard stayed in society and assimilated, I think it’s fair to say he was part of the Gharasham tribe. 
I also think vampires were generally peaceful since if one kills a fellow vampire in the games, they’re rejected and pursued by vampire kind. That might not be the case in the world vampires came from... but since other vampires are the only ones who can kill a fellow higher vampire, they would have to be somewhat peaceful to accommodate their longevity and near inability to die. Alucard might have warred once or twice, but it isn’t until he encounters humans that he really starts going off the rails. 
Over a thousand or so years, Alucard kills humans for fun and consumption and gets into human husbandry. When the Witcher’s start being made, numerous of them try to kill him over the years, and all of them fail... until a group surges in together and defeats him. He’s consequently stuck in a state of non-death for a century before a fellow vampire locates him and helps him reform. Luckily, Alucard doesn’t return to his awful ways, because a century of being isolated and stuck in a never-ending state of fear taught him a lesson in basic decency. He develops some respect for humans, and especially for Witcher’s. 
His interest turns to observing humans and Witcher’s instead, and they’re a lot more complex and interesting than he gave them credit for. Especially a certain green-eyed Witcher who seems to particularity dislike vampires... he does, however, still indulge in blood on occasion, since he sees no issue with drinking of those who seek battle with him or do ill unto others. Maybe innocents get caught up in that sometimes, but he doesn’t deliberately go after them these days.
On top of being a higher vampire, Alucard would also be an Elder vampire since that seems to be the case for all vampires who came during the Conjunction of the Spheres. It fits the fact that the Elder vampires are incredibly, incredibly powerful beings. Staying true to canon, he’s perhaps the most powerful of Elder vampires, being among the first to arrive and active enough to keep him in peak form, while other Elder vampires are withered recluses. 
Since he partakes in so much blood, it could qualify as a drinking problem... but he drinks so much of it that its gotten to the point that it rarely negatively impacts him. 
Alucard finds himself fixated on a vampire hunter Witcher he hears about during his journeying. They clash a few times, and Alucard thoroughly impressed with Anderson’s abilities and it convinces him to tail Anderson through the North (and occasionally in the South). It takes decades for Anderson to warm up to Alucard, but Alucard’s thousands of years old; he can wait! And he does, doggedly pursuing Anderson until they develop an amicable rivalry. 
This would probably take place after or before the events of the main books (not the short story ones). Otherwise, there’d be an awful lot going on around them.
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📱 Find Me (Tooru Oikawa) #7; Getting Closer
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Author’s Note: This is longer than normal I think, and it only has one screenshot in it 😂 I hope you still enjoy it, I promise it’ll get better in the next chapter!
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Oikawa glanced at the clock hanging above the door, arms crossed as he impatiently tapped his index finger on his upper arm. When he wasn’t looking at the clock, he was glancing down at his phone hidden beneath his textbook, but you still hadn’t responded to his messages. It had been two days since he revealed himself to you and the lack of response was driving him nuts. Did you hate him? Were you just too shy to interact knowing it was him?
The lunch bell finally chimed and he shot up from his seat before his fans could even move, rushing from the room toward the second floor where the second year classrooms were located. He remembered every single thing you had told him about yourself and he was determined to use this information to find you.
The problem was that as soon as he started asking around, several girls claimed to be the person he was looking for and, before long, the rumor mill was working at full capacity. The whole school quickly became aware that Oikawa Tooru was looking for a second-year student. Some people even added their own spin to the story, claiming that the second-year had stolen from him. Various other versions also existed, but that one seemed to be the most popular.
His plan was going nowhere fast. With a huff, he decided to change his strategy and ask Watari instead. Said boy was sitting at his desk, reading a novel while munching on his bento box. His hands slapped onto the desktop, dark eyes shining with determination as he looked upon his underclassman.
A bead of nervous sweat rolled down Watari’s cheek at the intense gaze and he swallowed the rice before speaking. “Can I help you with something, Oikawa-senpai?”
“I need your help finding someone.”
He quirked a brow at the request. That’s the second person that had asked him for help in locating someone this week. He briefly wondered if he could turn that into a career. “Okay, what do you know about them?”
“They’re a second-year and their name is F/N.”
Watari’s gaze shot over to your desk, sitting empty since you had left the room for the lunch period. Was this just a coincidence? Only a few days earlier you had been asking him for help locating someone – someone that turned out to be the very same boy that was currently looking for you, but you had claimed it was your friend trying to find him. “Is that all you know?”
“They are a Pisces. They like milk bread but they disrespect its name by saying it’s not very important!” Oikawa huffed at the memory, pushing away the hair that had fallen across his forehead. “They enjoy watching Unus Annus but they only binge-watch it which is just insane. They also love the rain and enjoy anime. Is that enough?”
‘More than enough,’ he thought to himself. It most definitely was not a coincidence, but he didn’t really feel comfortable ratting you out like that, not when he didn’t know what was happening. “No one springs to mind, but I’ll ask around.”
Screams echoed out in the hallway as a group of girls struggled to get through the door at the same time, hurling insults at each other as if they were trying to win a prize for doing so. Oikawa cursed under his breath, thanking the younger boy before quickly escaping through the door at the back of the room, the girls quickly giving chase.
You were just turning the corner when you ran straight into Oikawa, nearly dropping the manga you were holding. When you met his slightly frantic eyes, your body tensed up. Of all people to run into, it just had to be the one person you were trying so desperately to avoid. ‘Did he figure it out?’ the thought had your heart racing, but he only apologized and rushed past you, followed soon after by a group of girls that nearly tripped down the stairs in their haste.
You fell against the wall, heart beating wildly within your chest. ‘Maybe I should transfer to Nekoma,’ When your heart finally settled, you returned to the classroom, your nerves slightly rattled from the encounter. You didn’t know what you would do if he found out who you were and you really hoped you didn’t have to find out.
You jumped in surprise, your body taking on a strange pose that Watari assumed was from some anime that you had watched. It certainly wasn’t very appealing and made you look quite silly. When you realized it was just Watari, you relaxed your posture, offering him a sheepish smile. “Sorry, you startled me…”
He chuckled, offering you a kind smile. “I was hoping we could talk.”
Suspicion immediately crept up in your mind at the unusual request. While he was a kind boy, you weren’t friends by any stretch of the imagination and he had only approached you once in the past and that was only because you had a project to do together. “About what?”
“No thanks.” You replied bluntly, quickly trying to dodge past him and back to your desk, but he took hold of your arm.
“He was looking for you today,” he explained softly, glancing around to make sure none of the other students were close enough to hear the exchange. “And you were looking for him the other day, too.”
It felt like ice had just been poured over your body but you were pretty sure you never agreed to the ice bucket challenge. You looked at him with cautious eyes, swallowing the lump that had formed within your throat. “Did you… tell him?”
He shook his head and your body relaxed a bit, releasing the breath you hadn’t realized you had been holding. “I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you, but I feel like I should warn you. Oikawa-senpai is stubborn, he’s not going to give up on finding you. I think you should talk to him.”
“Thanks for the advice, Watari-san, but I’m really not interested in having anything to do with him.” You forced a smile before tugging your arm free just as the bell rang. You couldn’t focus on anything as you fell into your seat, head falling onto the desk.
Your phone buzzed almost silently within your bag and you were tempted to ignore it. ‘Reason two I should have gone to Nekoma. My inability to ignore my curiosity.’ Glancing at the teacher to make sure she wasn’t paying attention, you dug around for your phone, sliding it under the desk as you clicked the power button.
Eight new messages, all from Oikawa.
You suppressed a groan as you read through the messages he had sent. He was so determined to find out who you were, even if you clearly had no interest in him. You started to type out a reply, but you hesitated over the sent button, unable to bring yourself to press it.
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With a scowl, you erased the message and threw your phone into your bag, burying your head in your arms. You really didn’t like how things were turning out. Unbeknownst to you, Watari was glancing over at you with a worried look. He had seen first hand how messy things could get with Oikawa involved and he knew you to be a decent person even if you didn’t interact with each other that often. He didn’t want to see you hurt, but he wasn’t sure how to handle this situation, especially not knowing the full context.
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▸n e x t
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datleggy · 5 years
a list of every anime i love/recommend, accumulated over the last 10+ years
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The main character is a teenage boy named Natsume, whose parents died when he was too young to remember them properly. He’s passed around random relatives homes, but because he can see yokai (spirits), he’s ostracized by classmates and his foster families (ALL HIS CHILDHOOD FLASHBACKS ARE SO FUCKING SAD) and eventually very distant relatives (an older couple who never had kids of their own and have so much goddamn love to give D:!!!) take Natsume in, and the story basically starts from there. 
It’s a very heart-warming story following Natsume’s new life in this new town, accepting his ability to see yokai, forging new relationships in the form of friends and family, and even with the yokai themselves. 
This is honestly probably my favorite anime/manga period, because it’s so sad but so cathartic and you watch as the main character grows and learns to trust those around him, and finally gets the unconditional love he’s always deserved, not to MENTION THE FACT THAT THEY DO A WHOLE EP WHERE NATSUME IS TURNED BACK INTO A LITTLE KID AND IT IS SOOOO GOOD OMG
Plus for those of you who enjoy whump, this show has a decent amount of it. Mainly emotional whump, but also some episodes where Natsume is injured or sick--as well as I believe one where his companion (the chubby cat on his shoulder who’s actually a pretty badass yokai) gets shot with an arrow and is down for the count. 
10/10 would and have watched again. 
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SUMMARY/REVIEW:  The main character is a sixth grader named Sana. She’s a gifted actress on a t.v. show everyone likes and she’s silly and fun, very intuitive and surprisingly empathetic for a child. 
Her main problem is in school, where Akito, who she deems the leader of her class’ wolf pack of rowdy rude boys, lets them terrorize not just the teacher, but all the girls in class, as well. 
I don’t really want to give a lot away, so I’ll just state the obvious. This anime/manga is shoujo, which means that it does focus on a romantic relationship throughout the series. Mainly the one between Sana and Akito. Sana is absolutely oblivious about her own feelings, while Akito is a stubborn little shit. 
I remember watching this at like, age 12 maybe? And I really enjoyed it because (although I do enjoy your typical silly doesn’t take itself too seriously slice of life shoujo) this particular anime, while super funny and light hearted at times, was also really dramatic and even kinda dark, which was surprising considering the characters ages and the general kid-friendly vibe (especially the opening for the anime). 
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SUMMARY/REVIEW:  Our main character is initially Shinichi Kudo, teenage detective, who’s on a date with childhood sweetheart Ran (whose father also happens to a detective but like....not a good one lmao), when his nosy ass self decides to go and check out some shady business and gets “poisoned”. 
The poison he’s given is intended to kill him, but what it actually does is turn him back into a child. And now, as Conan Edogawa, (who’s 7 but like....we just supposed to believe all these cops and detectives on the force are cool with a seven year old wee lil babe on these really gruesome ass crime scenes??? lmaoooo) we follow him on his adventures as he solves crimes and tries to solve the biggest mystery of all, his own! 
I absolutely LOVE this anime/manga, even though I’ll be honest, there is SO MUCH FILLER, but I like the characters enough that I really don’t mind. The show is at least 900+ episodes in at this point, and there are a total of 26 movies so far, last time I checked. 
Also, the show is a whump fangirls’ dream come true. The main character is thrown out of windows, balconies, shot at, and in one occasion actually shot, he’s had broken bones, sprains, almost been blown up or drowned/burned, been sick, and oh, his occasional transformations from child to teenager are incredibly painful. 
This show is probably at fault for my love of whump, since it was one of my first animes at like, age 9. smh. 
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I’m not even going to summarize this one. The title does it for me. This is truly one of the funniest animes I’ve ever seen. Motherfuckin Satan works at a McDonalds part time and it is the BEST. 
Technically I would count this show as a kind of harem, but only because there are like three main girl characters after the overlord Satan himself. I usually dislike harem type animes but the way this is done is sooooo good I couldn’t resist. 
I would watch a million filler episodes of Satan trying to solve problems at his minimum wage job tbh. I love every single character, I love the plot, I love everything about this anime! In terms of comedy (with the occasional plot driven serious moments) this is IT bro. 
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The main character is Ciel Phantomhive (roughly 14 years old). His parents are killed, his house is burned to ashes, and he’s kidnapped (around age 9 or 10 I believe) and abused. During this abuse Ciel calls upon a demon to free him and help him get revenge on those who harmed the Phantomhive household, which is where Sebastian, one “hell of a good butler” comes in. 
We then follow Ciel and Sebastian on their path of vengeance, and along the way we meet Ciel’s human servants, three very clumsy and seemingly bad at their given tasks characters (i love them all), and some of his extended relatives and connections. 
My favorite thing about Black Butler is the art, both in the anime and manga. Everything is so detailed and pretty! 
The characters are interesting, the plot is dark but they manage to make most of the series overall pretty light-hearted and funny in general. Though of course there are chapters/parts of the series that get really grim (which duh, the whole thing focuses on revenge so...) 
I have to say, the arc I enjoyed the most has to be the movie, Black Butler: Book Of the Atlantic. It is beautifully drawn and sooooooo entertaining. 
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Our main characters are Inuyasha, a half-demon, who’s been in a sort of spiritually binding coma for the last few decades, and fourteen year old Kagome, who falls into an old well in her family’s shrine and finds herself being transported into another time period. 
Together, she and Inuyasha travel across the lands in the feudal era to find the scattered shards of the shikon jewel, a powerful jewel which grants anyone who possesses it ultimate power. 
I was too young to stay up and watch Inuyasha on adult swim, so my mom would tape the show on a VCR for me to watch the next day after school--yes, I’m old old. lmaoooo I ADORE this show. 
It’s so good! It’s got everything! A tortured lil half-demon with a sad past who’s stubborn and rude but got a good heart! A fierce and equally as stubborn main protagonist, who’s whole ass family knows exactly where she goes off to??? and are supportive af????? like???? her mama packs her and her squad of demon/exorcist/demon hunter pals bentos?!?! lmao i love it. 
The characters are awesome and funny and likable as all heck, and of course they all have their sad backstory, but like, unlike some animes (lookin at YOU Naruto) they don’t go mega overboard on it, at least not without some plot behind the episode. 
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Before I even start in on the summary, ya’ll should watch this soley bc of the cute ass 90′s style animation alone. LOOK AT ALL THAT SHINY HAIR!
ANYWAY. Main character is teenage hooligan and overall cutie pie Yusuke! He gets struck by a car and fucking DIES in the first episode after shoving a little boy out of the way, only to end up in the spirit world where the head honcho up there (who looks like a wee baby) tells him “Oh shit, didn’t expect you to like, actually do anything self-sacrificing EVER so like, you’re not on our list of people who were supposed to die today...” 
And uh, I don’t wanna give anything away, so I’m just gonna say that if you haven’t seen this anime yet, you definitely should! It’s hilarious and dramatic, the fight scenes are very well done, all the side characters, who eventually become main characters are a blessing (specifically Hiei, who’ve I’ve had a crush on since I was 12) and the ending is a satisfying one, which you can’t really say for a lot of media. 
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I still get weepy when I think of this anime, so all I’ll say is it’s about a badass demon slaying nurse and her demon companion and some very tragic shit. 
It’s a great anime overall, especially if you like crying yourself to sleep at night :) 
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The main character is high school student Mai, who is hired by Naru, the head of a Shibuya psychic research, and together, with a group of questionable exorcists/psychics, they encounter paranormal phenomenons and some outright scary shit. 
I’m not really a fan of the horror genre tbh but I do like mystery, and the series deals with that quite a bit. They deal with each case for several episodes so nothing feels too rushed. 
The series is really fun in a creepy, wtf is that way. I recommend the manga, only because it’s more detailed in terms of plot than the anime. 
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I didn’t really make this list in any particular order but if I had to say, Assassination Classroom and Natsume Yuujinchou probably tie for BEST ANIME PERIOD! 
This anime is about a weird ass “alien” creature, no one knows where it came from or why tf it’s here on earth, all they know is that in one year it’s threatened to blow the world up. 
His only request to the government is that they let him become a teacher for Class E, the worst class of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, and he will stay put, so that they can attempt an assassination on him during this one year period. 
AND LISTEN! I am a shallow hoe, so I literally never would have read this manga or watched the series had I not been roaming Barnes and Noble one day with my S.O. and picked it up to read as a JOKE! 
I was hooked after the first chapter and I am soooooooo glad I picked this manga up, bc it is absolutely not the type I would normally go for, cover art wise. I finally, after many many years, learned not to judge a book by its cover bc LORD this anime is so goddamn good, you don’t understand! Like, I’ve watched it so many times and still laugh at the same parts, cry at the same parts, am proud af at the same parts! like, this anime is an instant classic and should definitely be more popular than it is. 
assassination classroom and natsume yuujinchou????? MASTERPIECES! 
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pinestripes · 4 years
Check-In, a Fullmetal Alchemist Oneshot
Summary: Roy Mustang has no idea why he is having such a hard time focusing on his work today. Maes Hughes, however, knows exactly what is driving his best friend to distraction. “Kids, huh?” Parental!RoyElrics. Oneshot.
Rating: Teen, for a bit of language.
Can also be read here on AO3  and here on FFN.
Author’s Note:  Love me some Parental!Roy. This is set after Edward joins the military, but a little before the main plot of the series actually starts (i.e. before Liore), so it fits with both the 2003 anime and the manga/Brotherhood. As always, dedicated to @thebusytypewriter for being my fearless editor.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At his office desk, Colonel Roy Mustang suddenly came to the realization that he had not actually read any of the paperwork he had been flipping through for the last ten minutes. He had skimmed it, while rolling his pen between his fingers and tapping his foot against the floor, but he couldn’t even recall the general subject of the file.
The officer sighed and put his pen back down on the desk with what was probably more force than necessary. He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms in front of his chest. He stared at the ceiling with a glare that would have set the troublesome paperwork on fire without the assistance of a transmutation circle, if that was possible. 
That glare turned onto the office’s phone, then to the wall clock, and back to the ceiling again. 
Roy realized his foot was tapping once more.
He sighed, picked his pen up, and returned his attention to the files on his desk. After five minutes of flipping the pen between his fingers and rereading the first few lines of the page over and over again, Roy conceded momentary defeat—er, decided to take a break to the lavatory.
His eyes paused on his office phone as he stood.
The rest of his team suddenly seemed very interested in their own work as he began to head out the door, where he almost ran into Lieutenant Hawkeye entering the office. She carried close to her chest yet more paperwork. 
“And where are you off to, sir?” the ever-vigilant and incredibly dedicated Lieutenant asked mildly.
Roy gave his most charming smile as he tried to edge around the woman. “Lavatory.”
“Hm.” Riza stepped aside, but before Roy could flee, she asked in a more sincerely gentle tone, “Have you heard from the Elrics yet?”
As the (likely intentionally) loud paper shuffling in the office suddenly quieted, Roy sighed and shrugged. “Not yet. Fullmetal is probably just trying to piss me off.”
“I doubt Alphonse would let him do that.”
“Who knows? I’ll just have to remind Fullmetal of military procedure when they get back,” he responded, and then ran for it.
In the lavatory, Roy tried to take his time. He wet and combed his hair. He splashed his face with water. He even checked for stray nose hairs. Finally, he could come up with no more excuses to keep him out of the office any longer—until a perfect solution walked in the door. Bearing pictures.
“Roy!” Lieutenant Colonel Hughes greeted, delighted. 
“Maes.” Roy smiled, sincerely. He had been busy recently, unable to meet with his best friend, so the surprise meeting was welcome—and Hughes’s obsession with showing off pictures of his family would likely delay Roy’s return to the office by at least fifteen minutes.
And, expectedly, Hughes gushed over Elicia and Gracia for quite some time. Roy didn’t listen that closely. He usually did, honestly, but today he just couldn’t seem to focus.
Hughes picked up on his friend’s state when Roy neglected to answer a question. “You feeling alright? You seem off today.”
“Sorry. I’m fine—just tired.”
Hughes quirked a brow, apparently evaluating Roy with a best friend’s eye and deciding he didn’t believe Roy’s bull. “Uh-huh.”
“Really! Things are just hectic in the office.”
“Sure,” Hughes replied, and then perked up. “Hey, are the Elrics in town? I thought I might catch up with them while I’m in the East.”
Mustang shrugged with a wry smile. “Sorry, you just missed them. They headed out to New Optain earlier this week.”
Hughes slumped in disappointment and sighed. “Dammit, I’m never able to catch them. What were they in New Optain for?”
“An investigation,” Roy replied, leaning in. “Caught wind that some military officials there were buying up land with possibly alchemically-transmuted gold. I sent Ed in to see if he could get any concrete evidence—and I figured that sending in a state alchemist might be helpful for a little strongarming.”
“Oh, yeah—I’ve heard that case mentioned in the investigations office. Have they found anything yet?”
Roy rolled his eyes and growled, “I don’t actually know. Fullmetal has decided he doesn’t need to check in with his superior officer when on a mission, even though it’s protocol. He didn’t even call to let me know he and his brother had arrived.”
Hughes frowned, looking worried. “Think they’re alright?”
“I’m sure they are. Most likely, Fullmetal just forgot. And/or his brother forgot. The other plausible option is that Edward is just ticked at me for some reason. It’s exactly something he would do,” Roy replied, tapping his foot on the bathroom tile. 
“Oh, yeah. The kid is always ignoring protocol and trying to antagonize me. He acts like he’s so high and mighty, but when it gets down to it, he’s pretty immature.” Roy pointed his forefinger at Hughes with all the sternness of a strict school teacher. “He’s in for the lecture of a lifetime when he gets back. He needs to understand that a petty squabble is not worth me being unaware of his status. I can’t give him help if he won’t tell me when he needs it.”
“Kids, huh?” 
“You’ve got that—” Roy sighed before stopping mid-sentence. By the look on Hughes’s face, his friend was trying very hard not to laugh at him. “What?”
“You’ve been fidgety and distracted the whole time we’ve been talking. It makes sense now. You’re worried.”
Roy blinked in shock. “I’m not worried.”
“Oh, you are so worried. It’s adorable!”
Roy glared at his so-called friend. “I said I’m not worried! Those boys can handle themselves just fine. I’m angry that they haven’t called in—that’s all.”
Sobering up, and taking a still-amused-but-more-sincere tone, Hughes continued, “Roy, I’ve known you for long enough that I can tell when something is really weighing on you. You’re worried about the Elric brothers, and that’s that.”
Roy crossed his arms petulantly. “So what if I am? They’re—what? Thirteen and fourteen? Any decent adult would be concerned for their safety.”
“Weren’t you the one who just said that they can handle themselves? That they just forgot to call in?” Oh, yeah—Hughes was definitely laughing at him again.
“Yes, well—” Roy floundered. “They’re still kids, even though they’ve been through a lot! It’s like an instinct to be worried!” 
“Yeah, a paternal instinct.” 
With that, Roy spluttered for several seconds, unsure of how to make a comeback. His response ended up being largely incomprehensible: “They—I— father...Fullmetal—damn call—kids—you, Maes!” and so on.
Hughes just stared with that dopey grin of his. 
Finally, Roy had enough and stomped out of the bathroom, muttering angrily under his breath, letting the door slam behind him, and ignoring Hughes’s cheeky call of “Hey, let me know when you’re free so we can grab drinks while I’m in town!”
Roy finally made it back to his office, making his subordinates jump with his loud slam of the door and heavy collapse into his desk chair. He felt their eyes on him, including Hawkeye’s, but he ignored them to once again pick up his pen to do his paperwork. Damn Hughes.
Ten minutes later, the officer had still only managed to fill in the first few lines on the page. Why couldn’t he stop tapping his <em> foot? </em> He was going to break this pen in half—
The phone rang. 
Roy slammed his hand down on the receiver and jerked it up to his ear. “This is Colonel Roy Mustang.”
“Colonel?” Alphonse’s tinny voice came through, sounding timid at the officer’s harsh tone. “It’s Alphonse.” 
Roy winced and tried to soften his tone for the younger Elric. “Hello, Alphonse.”
Work in the office subtly paused as the Colonel’s other subordinates listened in. 
“Did you make it to New Optain alright?” Roy continued. 
“Yes, sir. We’re sorry we didn’t check in like we’re supposed to; the phone lines were down for the first couple of days we were staying here because of a storm, and then—well, things got a little busy.” 
That wording with the boy’s tone of voice? A cause for concern. “Busy how, Al?”
“Oh, nothing too bad! From the start, the officers here were pretty suspicious of Brother’s reasons for being in New Optain and hardly left him alone, so we had to keep coming up with ways to give them the runaround while we investigated. We found documents that are pretty foolproof evidence of their deals, including some transmutation circles and materials for making gold.”
“So they haven’t given you any serious trouble?”
“No, sir. They don’t even know we have the evidence.”
Roy gave a silent sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, what just might have been a sense of relief washing over him. “Well, try and get out of there as soon as you can before they decide they’ve had enough and try to stop you. The investigations office here needs that evidence before they have sufficient reason to arrest that many officers.”
“Brother and I can probably catch the train this evening.”
“Where is your brother, by the way? Technically speaking, he’s the one who’s supposed to be reporting to me. Looks like I’m going to have to give him a lecture on protocol after all.”
“Ed’s asleep right now. He’s exhausted from the last couple of nights we spent getting into the officers’ hideout and investigating. We were out really late, and he couldn’t sleep in because he couldn’t let the people we were investigating know something was up. I told him we should just spread the investigation out longer so he could actually rest, but he didn’t listen. He always pushes himself too hard.” Despite the exasperation that colored it, Roy could hear what may have been a smile in Al’s voice—or the ghost of one, perhaps. 
The officer felt his expression softening. “He’s lucky he has you to watch out for him.”
“And I’m glad you and the team watch out for the both of us,” Alphonse laughed. “Ed’s too stubborn for me to deal with on my own!” 
With a promise to relay the Colonel’s instructions to his brother and to get back to East City as soon as possible, Alphonse hung up. 
As Roy put the phone back on the receiver, he eyed the rest of his team. Riza was smiling softly, eyes still on the form she was filling out. The rest of the men were working on their various projects—Falman sorting through files, Breda and Havoc doing paperwork, Feury fiddling with a radio. Relaxed shoulders and expressions coupled with the quiet ambient noise of work being done gave a new air of peaceful contentment to the room.
Roy looked back to his desk, eyeing the paperwork there. He resolutely picked up his pen once again and began to fill out the top form. 
It seemed he had gotten his second wind. 
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
Book 2 FAQ!
Book 1 FAQ Beginning of Book 2
Dang y’all, 14 chapters done for Book 2! It’s been a little bit of a struggle to hash them out on time BUT I deliver. I’ve asked, y’all keyboard smashed in my inbox...let’s get INTO IT!
4 KIDS?!
Yep. And all 4 of them are full of personality! I guess I dreamt them up to convey all of the unspoken parts of the My Hero universe (canon or not). 
Are the kid’s names in relation to their abilities?
No unfortunately, they’re names are based on their personalities/the major event that happened around the time they were born (no spoilers about it tho! Gotta read book 3 to know why!). Lili Perla is based off of Pearl from Steven Universe and their character type. Iwata El Roca is a nod to Luchador’s names and a character that passed away in the AU to honor them. Tensei Oro is a play on their family position, Tensei was the first born twin and his uncle was the first born, Oro is spanish for ‘gold’ and it’s a play on being first (ya know, because they give gold medals for 1st place!). Hanaka Rosa is a double trope name, Hanaka (Japanese: hana- flower, ka- power) is a nod to the tough girls with flower names in anime and Rosa (spanish: Rose) is a name used in telenovelas as the woman that causes all the romantic tension. I did the whole Japanese first name, Spanish middle name because thats what I want to do when I do have kids.
Why did Mineta have to be in this AU?
I hear you! The thing is that I DREAMT it like this. He’s the slightly incompetent teacher that gets dunked on by the parents. Good news is that he’s single and isn’t as gross in this part of the AU. He’s this AU’s punching bag if you will.
It was weird when you wrote in hate-crime/dorm incident bc I didn’t think about it that way...Why did you decide to explore it?
That part felt important to me to write. Yes the canon shows like actual crimes of different intensities, but not nessatreily hate-crimes done in schools. As you know, being LGBTQA+ in grade school is a terrifying thing to express if don’t want to stand out. The constant fear of peers judging you, bullies hurting you and teachers that seemingly don’t care about you if you come out is enough to silence anybody. Imagine that but in a hero school?! The hate-crime would be a villainous act and the culprit would have to do desperate measures to make sure nobody rats on them to maintain a clean image/record. Plus on the flip side, any ally that stands up for their oppressed peer is hailed the hero but they wouldn’t have to stand up for them if there were real consequences and punishment for the bullies. So in the AU, I wrote it how I’d want such hate-crimes to be handled. Not only justice but also accommodations for the victim.
The Mcdonalds order cracks me up! What is your Mcdonalds order?
I throughly enjoyed the Mcdonalds order part too. It’s a nod to the proposal in Book 1 when they went to Mcdonalds before the peer over. I wrote it to show that the family goes every now and then. My order is: Triple Cheeseburger, Large fries, Large sweet tea, 2 sausage and egg McMuffins & a cone. And yes, there will be a Mcdonalds order for every child because it drives the plot.
Will there be more interactions with the pro heroes from the canon series?
YES! Though old, theres more interactions planned with them. Of course, it’s all in Book 3 (trying not to spoil anything!).
Is it spoiler if you tell us if your kids (or one of them) becomes a villain?
I’ll tell y’all right now....NONE of my kids becomes a villain. It might look like one or two of them might from the way I wrote them but they’re just latina.
Will one of your kids be the next Ingenium?
Yes but I won’t tell you which one. But I can’t wait to reveal it to y'all!
I see all the call-backs to your self insert character’s past...Is it alluding to the conclusion?
I dreamt it as such and I fixed it in writing as a way to come full circle. Notice that Lili didn’t get any of her mom’s past from her mom? It wasn’t until when she confronted her on the couch in chapter 13. Even then, it wasn’t the full story nor did it fill in all the cracks and time skips after her mom’s time at UA. In Book 3, we explore more of the past. The conclusion is yet to be revealed.
How big is that house?!
It’s a little hard to explain? I want to say its big but parts of the house are disproportionate. It’s a two story house with no attic nor basement, 3 bath room, Master bedroom, 2 large bedrooms, office space, guest room, full kitchen, dining room, large living room, three car garage and a decent size backyard. What I’m trying to say that it’s big enough for that chaotic ass family.
Where’s Aizawa?!
Let the mans rest! He’s alive but he’s busy being a grandpa and taking naps. 
Canon villains OwO?
Y’all ate UP the Dabi surrender in Book 1 and his little mention in Book 2. But in this AU (not to spoil anything to anime only and manga dabblers) the League of Villains are still rampant but dispersed. In Book 3 (and part of Book 4) they pop in to drive the plot from a canon storyline. In the series, the rookie Hawks has been seen as a double agent and exposes a corrupt Hero Society. Same concept but in this AU, Hawks has gone missing when he failed to kill Best Jeanist. Here’s where the kids go into play BUT more on that as the plot progresses!
I really want to see art of these OCs! I wanna see how Iida’s genes transferred over to his kids!
I hear y'all! I’ve slid into DM during commission windows and have the means to pay for some line art at least...but with no responses. I’ve got my self insert character done in this post if you wanna check it out plus the artist was super sweet during the whole process. I may commission them again when they got a window of commissions open. But I may do a lineart of the kid’s faces in the near future.
What if....hypothetically....Shinso stayed?
Oh boy, okay so the Shinso stans have BOMBARDED my asks since the last arc of Book 1. So what if Shinso stayed...obviously I wouldn’t have 4 kids, just the one that we were gonna have. We wouldn’t be married and overall just be loveless the more we see our friends get married and start families. The company would still be there but delayed by 5 years or so. Our son would grow up to convince me and Shinso to separate when they get at around High school age. Tenya still wouldn’t have said anything but done the reunited part differently. I would’ve considered cheating but morals would’ve stopped me. Eventually, when our son decides to move out, we’d stay as housemates and basically die alone....aren’t you glad this AU isn’t such a downer?! Luckily things are patched up with my self insert and Shinso, because he comes into play in Book 3!
Eri Nurse! In your AU!
Yup! I’ve actually read some NurseEri! AUs on twitter and Tumblr (btw, some of y’all that like my posts have good taste in fics!) and it manifested in my dreams and created UA Nurse Eri. She shows up a few more times in the AU, so don’t fret if Eri is your fave.
Is it okay if I follow you on a different platform? Do you have another social media that I can follow you on?
You can follow me on Twitter (@oketsusama). It’s my personal twitter that I repost memes and get my news from. So it’s not as poppin as my Tumblr, but at least it’s AU free over there lmao.
What’s you favorite rare pair in the My Hero canon storyline?
Oh! and DON’T hate me, but I stan the Sero x Iida rare pair! There’s crumbs of the pair on twitter and here but the ones that I did read got me in tears. If you haven’t seen this tag on twitter and Tumblr, DO IT! The one on twitter had a lot of angst in it and it got me HOOKED on some of that goofball with their geeky partner energy.
Not a question, but I like your //Palma-sama Speaks in the tags. They’re funny and makes your posts that much more personalized.
I will cry! Thanks for reading that far! I like doing the ‘talking in the tags’ thing to basically point out the callbacks to new readers that stumbled upon that chapter of the AU. 
How long is this AU?!
It’s quite long BUT the ending is marvelous, trust. 
Thanks for reading! That’s all the asks for now, keep asking them! I love reading them. Next is the finale of Book 2! Everything will still come out 2-3 days of each other until further notice. Stay safe, drink water!
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