#survival guide
bulliness · 5 months
A part of Pixlriffs post on his efforts to strike in solidarity with Palestine. There's more to the post (this is only the first paragraph) but I wanted to give props to him for acknowledging Gaza at all. A lot of creators and celebrities much bigger than him have said absolutely nothing, so seeing someone who could easily ignore the genocide and continue on as normal be open about his support for Palestine is refreshing :)
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roninreverie · 1 year
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Just thought you all should know, I call the checkmark step the
"Tech of Success"
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 5 months
Fuck it. Earthquake Drill/PSA time.
If you see this post, AND:
A: You are in a setting in which it is socially acceptable for you to do so without reason, i.e. you are alone in private (pretty much the only acceptable setting actually XD)
B: You are capable of doing so without causing yourself pain, discomfort, ailment or inconvenience due to a disability, injury etc.
Drop, Cover and Hold
Move no more than a few steps - the fewer, the better. Move away from any tall objects like bookshelves or TVs which could hypothetically fall on you.
Immediately drop to the floor, onto your knees. This controlled fall will prevent you from being knocked to the ground by an actual earthquake and gives you more control over your movements as well as faster reaction time. You want to avoid being knocked down by an earthquake where at all possible.
If there is a sturdy desk near you, crawl and get under it. If not, stay where you are, so long as it is a safe place.
Cover the back of your head and neck with your hands and form the turtle position, like you'd do in a tornado or if a nuclear bomb went off.
If you are under a sturdy table, keep your neck covered with one hand and use the other to hold onto one of the legs of the table if you can. This is a critical in an actual earthquake, as in a strong earthquake the table will most likely move (esp if it has wheels on it). You have to be prepared to move with your table when it does so. If it is jolted to the left by shaking, you crawl to the left with it.
If you are NOT under a sturdy table, keep turtle-ing.
Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds if you are practicing, or until you are sure that the shaking has stopped in a real earthquake. Check that your surroundings are safe before standing up again and for the love of fuck be careful not to hit your head on the table on the way out.
If there's just been an actual earthquake, turn on the radio for further instruction. If you're just practicing, find out what station you should tune into in the event of an actual emergency. If your area doesn't utilise the radio as a means of post-disaster instruction, what the fuck??
Congrats! You just practiced what you should do in an earthquake. These steps should come to you automatically, you should know them by heart and be able to immediately leap into action when the ground starts to shake. If you don't, practice every now and then until you're do.
If you have a disability, you should have your own set of personalised earthquake safety steps that you can take. These steps will be unique to you and your needs.
If you are driving, slow down, pull over and stop until the shaking stops. Stay in your car. After the shaking has stopped, you need to assess your own situation. How bad was that earthquake? Is it safe to continue driving? Are the roads damaged? Will emergency services need the roads to be clear? Before an earthquake hits, you should think about what you'd do in these types of situations.
If you're in bed, use your pillow as a shield for your head and your blankets to shield your body from flying glass, etc.
If you're on the beach, Drop, Cover and Hold until the shaking stops and then fucking run (DO NOT PANIC) as tsunami may be imminent. If the earthquake was light, you should be fine as the risk of tsunami is low, but get out of there anyway just in case. If the shaking made it hard to stand up or lasted longer than twenty seconds, get the fuck out of there as fast as you can because those are tsunami conditions, motherfucker. You need to reach high ground or be as far inland as possible. If you can reach high ground (at least 75-100 meters above sea level) within five minutes of running/walking, then go on foot. If there will be traffic congestion, go on foot. Only go in your car if it will get you to higher ground faster than running would AND if it will not cause congestion (e.g. your beach is in an area with a low population). Unsure? Go on foot. Do not enter alleyways or narrow streets unless it is absolutely critical to your survival and you can exit them again with haste. Best to stick to wide-open areas such as paddocks, fields and wide streets.
Your school, workplace and other facilities that you use will have their own specialised earthquake safety protocols. Follow the instructions of the authority figures in these settings. If you are in a supermarket or a similar retail setting, leave your trolley behind when you evacuate the building, I beg of you. You'd be surprised how many people (boomers) will throw hissy fits at having to leave their groceries behind in events such as fire drills and building evacuations. Please don't be one of these people.
Assess other setting you may be in and determine what you would do if an earthquake hits. As I live in earthquake-prone New Zealand, I've made it a habit of mine to assess the settings and locations that I frequent and determine the best course of action.
Run outside. Running outside in an earthquake is your cheat code to immediate death. Falling signage, building facades, chimneys, scaffolding and other hazards could, and do kill people. Stay where you are. If you are walking outside a shop with a facade above the street and an earthquake hits, step away from the facade immediately.
Panic. Earthquakes are not the end of the world, they're just the ground having a bit of a rave. If you can react calmly and efficiently to take the appropriate steps, you'll be fine.
Seek shelter in your doorway UNLESS you are absolutely certain that it really is safer than the rest of the structure of your house. In all likelyhood, your doorway will be no safer than the rest of your house, and then there's the combined hazard of swinging doors to worry about as well. You'll probably be safer to just Drop, Cover and Hold. It really does depend on your house, and this is something that you will need to assess for yourself.
Go anywhere near fallen, exposed or otherwise sketchy powerlines, or just powerlines in general. Treat all wires as live at all times, even if there's a power outage.
Go near the beach shortly after an earthquake. Wait until you've received an all-clear from your local authorities before going near the beach.
Light candles. If your house uses gas for a stove, heating, etc, do not light candles, matches, lighters or anything which can produce a spark or open flame. Turn off the gas at the mains after any strong earthquake. You won't know if there's a gas leak in some instances. Best to get out of your house if a gas leak seems likely, or if you start to suffer the side effects of gas inhalation. And if you smell gas, turn it off at the mains if you can and/or get the fuck out. Only light candles when it's absolutely necessary (ALWAYS DEFAULT TO TORCHES/FLASHLIGHTS AND HEADLAMPS) AND only if you live in a house like mine where there is no gas usage, AND only if you are capable of extinguishing the candles at a moments notice. Best to only use tealights or candles with sturdy bases, and never leave a candle out of arms reach (never leave a candle unattended, earthquake or not). In general, avoid needing to use candles at all: have enough spare batteries for your torches to last until power can be turned on again (could be days or weeks).
Walk in floodwater, drink floodwater, drive in floodwater, etc. After an earthquake, you may experience flooding from ruptured water pipes, etc. I will be frank: This water may contain shit and piss in it. Also glass, metal, other harmful chemicals, a bunch of stuff. You can't see through floodwater due to its murky properties. There could be gators in there and you wouldn't know it. Don't touch it.
Open your fridge or freezer door. Food in there can keep for hours when the power goes out, so long as you keep the doors shut.
Go barefoot after a strong earthquake or if there's glass/debris etc. Find shoes, put the shoes on. Wear the shoes.
Also many other 'don't do's' but this post is getting too long so please go read up on these yourselves. What you should and shouldn't do depends on where you live. Go research it for yourself, it may save your life. Also put together both an emergency kit and an evacuation kit: you'll find plenty of guides online for how to construct these.
Earthquake safety is fucking important, and you should know how to react in an earthquake even if you are not living in an earthquake prone area - you never know when you're gonna be caught out, as fault lines can often remain completely unknown and invisible until they strike. I've met immigrants who have come to New Zealand from non-earthquakey countries and haven't known what to do (babe how do you come to the shaky isles and not know what to do if the ground starts to shake omg). Plate tectonics, volcanoes, explosions, meteor atmospheric entries (lol shockwaves), mine bumps, shitty ground infrastructure etc can all cause minor to severe earthquakes (or similar shaking effects). If nothing else, keep in mind Drop, Cover and Hold. That shit's lifesaving.
And yes I have a hyperfixation on these things, don't judge me. Kid-me grew up during/post Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, no wonder my ADHD ass started obsessing over these things.
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zzzzzestforlife · 4 months
working student's survival guide for life 👩‍💻💻📱
also my phone's colors are a little happier today, yay! 🌷
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everyone tells you how to launch and advance within your career, but i haven't found a lot of advice about surviving the day to day that has actually consistently worked for me. so here are some tips and tricks i learned the hard way. none of them are a magic pill, but i hope it helps even a little bit ☺️ these are also not really limited to being a working student, adulting can be a pretty universal struggle 🙈
talk to a friend — preferably a friend who shares common hobbies rather than a shared career, location, etc. you don't have to be picky by any means!! i talk to friends who are in the same career, school, etc. all the time! i've just found that when i talk to friends who share hobbies, it eliminates stress so much more effectively because the topics tend to center around our shared hobby and i've never found out later that there was an ulterior motive for the friendship because it's all just for fun!
take lots of breaks — don't worry about appearing unproductive because your work will speak for itself. i used to have my butt pretty much glued to my chair from 9-5 and most days even beyond. now, i take breaks to exercise, read a fun book, complete my studies, sometimes even take a nap, and i get the same amount of work done!! of course, knowledge plays an important role and for a time, putting in those extra hours may even be necessary, but it should definitely not be treated as the gold standard!
get a hobby — this is closely tied to the first point, and no, watching TV doesn't count (unless you actively participate in the fandom by creating fanfic, gifs, etc.). it can be hard to find something that sticks. it can also be hard to accept that this is something fun that you can suck at. but don't give up!! try many things! try things you've already tried! and for the love of all good things, do not turn your hobbies into a side hustle!! (unless you also commit to having new hobbies outside of those)
you've probably already heard at least some of this before, in which case, consider this a friendly reminder — you got this! 💕
more survival guides: done is better than perfect, the best night routines start in the morning, organize your life like an engineer, high-energy productivity checklist, tech girlie tips, take control of your life, on doing your best
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inusmasha · 7 months
Also like what sort of questions do y’all have about using herbs in your fanfic? Like what do you need to know? I wanna help! Lol!
Like how to prepare simple herbal medicine?
A list of flower meanings? The magical/symbolic meanings of herbs?
Herbs archetypes? What planet they are ruled by? Lore?
How to make your own medical kit? What herbs would help out in the wild both for eating and fighting off enemies?
Is your character a street medic?
Is your character named after an herb or plant or flower?
Do you need to find out what herbs would be helpful in your story??
Please ask me!!
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pearlssis · 5 days
how to be a fake extrovert 101:
1. Ask a vague questions (eg: what genre of books do you read?)
2. Do a follow up on that question (eg: oooh that's nice do you have any book recs for me?)
3. Leave the person on 'liked'/'reacted' for a few minutes while you draft another question (eg: movies? hobbies? any common context?)
4. Send reels/posts to them based on that common context to them
bonus tip: always add a msg/ question after you send the post so you that you leave the conversation open ended.
posting this here for my future self since I've taken pride in being a fake extrovert recently.
idk this post might seem like common sense but sometimes you just need a direction?
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apocalypse-lover · 1 year
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tabloidweather · 4 months
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2 January 2024
These tips for everybody else I guess
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snowglobesend · 11 months
A Loners guide to surviving highschool
As all my friends are going to graduate during my junior year, here are my go-to tips for surviving alone :)
Find a hangout spot. Doesn't have to be fancy, just a place you can go where no one bothers you. For me this is under the roof of the side entrance to our gym, but it could also be your library, the space beneath a staircase or simply in a park next to your school.
Spend your lunch break doing something you enjoy or that is useful. Bring a book, start your homework, revise the materials for your upcoming lesson, draw. Learn a new skill.
Buying lunch outside/at the cafeteria consumes at least 15min of your break. Leaving the classroom as late as possible another 5-10. Bathroom break 5.
Try to find a teacher you get along with. You don't have to be bff's, but just having someone who's excited to see you is nice & you could benefit from it when it comes to grading.
Don't be a teacher's pet. Getting along with a teacher is great, but being a teacher's pet will make you even more lonely.
A lesson got cancelled? Go outside, buy coffee and take the longest way possible back to school.
No friends outside of school? Same bro. Hmu
Don't sit in the back of the classroom. Not only will your classmates forget about you but also the teacher.
Don't get into some weird friend groups for the sake of not being alone. Sometimes spending time alone is less stressful than people who don't truly care about you.
Partner/Group work? Ask to work alone and try to present your results. That way the teachers know you get things done on your own and leave you alone next time. If working with someone is inevitable split up the work and copy their notes afterwards.
Have a car? Wonderful. Spend your break there. Get comfy. Bring pillows and snacks, maybe a blanket.
Feeling alone? That's alright. Times will get better again and you will not be alone forever. Most of the friends one makes during high school are simply for company in class but outside it doesn't matter anymore. You will find your people.
Don't push people away. Smile, be nice and don't insist on doing everything by yourself. That often makes a difference whether people are willing to talk to you or not.
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citrusshower · 1 year
Step 1. Let yourself be broken into pieces
Step 2. Carefully collect pieces and put them in a empty birds nest
Oh you hurt yourself, again!
Step 3. Clean the open wound under running water. Let it bleed until it stops. Rinse once more.
Step 4. Sit with your wound and watch it heal.
Step 5. After some time of isolation take the birds nest and put it in a body of open water, ideally a stream.
Step 6. Watch the birds nest floating away from you. Don't try to catch or follow it, as those pieces can't longer be part of you.
Step 7. Once the nest is out of sight continue sitting at the bank as long as you'd like.
Congratulations! You succesfully let go of an identity that was no longer serving you. Enjoy that new stronger form your breathing in.
Additional Steps:
Step 9. You most likely will break multiple times throughout this lifetime. This is a very natural event that takes place in the human experience. Every time you find yourself broken repeat Steps 1-7.
Step 10. Rest assured that there is a more evolved form of yourself waiting on the other side.
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lucibat · 7 months
How long can the human body last without water? (If it's anything more than 1 day I don't wanna hear it)
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c0zy-r3tro-pals · 1 year
The Riff dump!!! We watched some survival guide videos today so he!!!
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cosmichighpriestess · 3 months
It's always your choice if you want to create a reality of heaven or hell. It's all in your state of consciousness. You have all the power to reprogram your beliefs. Reality is literally a figment of your imagination. It's just a story you tell yourself. When you feel fear and worry understand you are creating the opposite of heaven you are creating more lack and hellish realities. You have all the power within to switch your thoughts and beliefs about everything you don't prefer into what you prefer to experience. Focus more on the images instead of the amount you want or the situation you want. Focus more on the feeling and the experience you want. For my loving, strong empaths who are under spiritual warfare understand and remember that preparing for an attack invites an attack, you are creating it within your present belief system but here is a survival guide: Listen, I know that narcissist and the enemy invoke a lot of fear in you on purpose. But always remember fear is actually an illusion.
You never need to bow down to them. They try it with me, they try to manipulate me, control me, gaslight me, the enemy sends me nightmares, attacks, the narcissists make me feel uncomfortable for speaking, being myself, shame me for anything and everything, disrespect me, call me a bad mother for protecting my daughter, make me feel fear for doing something "wrong ", not the way they want it, standing up for myself ect. But that is why you need to become the observer observing their behavior instead of reacting to it. Forget setting boundaries because they don't know what boundaries are. Especially if they are physically abusive. Yes of course, stand up for yourself if you are able to but sometimes that just leads to more heavy abuse. Their demons came to steal, kill, and destroy. Don't fall victim to their old outdated, archaic tactics. They are so predictable.
Zoom out, see the higher perspective. Imagine you are someone else watching this pathetic person belittle another person (you) and you are just silently taking notes on the things they say and do. Think to yourself ,
"Oh interesting that they appear to put down everyone in this movie, everyone at the store and they have nothing nice to say about anyone. Hmmm so I'm just another trigger for them because they are wildly insecure. Oh interesting they have no boundaries because no one told them they felt uncomfortable around them. I'm the first person to introduce them to boundaries. Oh wild, they project onto everyone not just me. The audacity. " And what is it you think the narcissist is actually experiencing within themselves? The reason why they invoke so much fear in you and others for speaking up is because they are the ones who are terrified of being called out. They are actually at an elementary level of consciousness appearing to be grown adults who never received the love they needed from their parents. They are in fear of basically everything. They are afraid of your feelings, they will invalidate your feelings and then attack you for telling them how you feel.
They cannot regulate their self-esteem, or emotions(they are terrified of their own feelings) they are completely dependent on outside validation and narcissistic supply. They need your attention. It's a hit to their ego when you ignore them. They feel entitled to being above the law, being above other people, they feel entitled to your energy. They fear not having a new narcissistic supply to feed off of, they also fear prison/jail for the heinous things they've done to innocent people.
They are afraid of people like me that know their psychology because they don't want you to use their own psychology against them, they don't want to feel any type of shame bringing them back to the shame they felt from their childhood. They feel worthless, unlovable, ect. and they feel as though they have no real value. They feel empty inside, they attempt to fill the void with everything EXCEPT the things that would actually allow them to feel fulfilled and connected to their true self. They are living in constant denial. They live in constant denial that the emptiness is there. Their feelings of lack of self worth is the reason for their exaggerated sense of their worth. They are deeply afraid of the consequences of their own actions. They are afraid that their reputation is going to be ruined. They fear being powerless over you or situations they feel they have no control in which is why they try to take your power away from you to avoid humiliation and accountability.
They don't allow themselves to feel anything they are avoiding and will blame you and twist the truth to make themselves feel better because they are deeply insecure. They barely have any empathy if they have it all. They are in competition with you constantly whether you are aware of it or not. They have no intentions on healing because they are terrified of feeling their feelings and they have invented a false identity they actually convinced themselves is who they are but they have no idea who they are because they avoid inner work so they have no idea who you are and invented a false persona for you. Because it serves their fragile ego.
As you can see they are more afraid of you than you realize. So next time they invoke fear in you and project onto you their own fears and insecurities just start laughing at them. Just go somewhere else. Go outside, in the next room ect. And laugh to yourself because you were more secure in yourself the entire time.
When you are alone, meditate, connect with God, give your burdens to God and your angels or spirit guides and then reprogram yourself so that you no longer attract these types in your future. Love on yourself even if it triggers them, just start believing in yourself and keep observing them without reacting because they feed off ANY reaction or attention you give them. If they are physically abusive, be silent and observe and record them secretly when they are being abusive if you can. Plan out your responses in a smart way. Do not call them out and don't let them know you know their weaknesses. Always carry protection if you are around someone physically abusive and always be ready to hit record on your phone. But it is best to get away if you can, just take your losses because God will give you back everything they took xten. Trust and have faith. And reprogram your beliefs that are creating this situation within yourself because these unfortunate circumstances were created within you first to begin with. All is well, don't worry about anything when you have God no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Keep focusing on yourself and your own happiness, you must have a burning desire to change your state of circumstances by going within.
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missmitchieg · 4 months
I Wrote A Book and It’s Not What You’d Expect It To Be..(Physical copy and Kindle e-book dropping January 19!)
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glitchmaker · 10 months
How to survive a Hisuian Zoroark attack.
1) Don't run, don't panic, you have a 90% chance to die anyways, don't increase those odds.
2) If it approaches you slowly, use a Pokemon.
3) If it charges you, you will not have time to get a Pokemon ready. Instead get ready for a fist fight. If you get a few lucky shots on it you can assert dominance and catch it. Catching it is the best way to survive. Hisuian Zoroark have low HP and defensive stats although they are very fast and probably could slice your head off in a single movement.
4) If you successfully did step 3, holy crap, you only had a 0.02% chance of survival, good job.
Remember: Hisuian Zoroark don't typically use illusions to scare you off, if they do use them to intimidate you or throw you off, it is most likely already behind you.
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existential-labrador · 11 months
Okay, Ted Lasso’s done.
Never Have I Ever in June.
Good Omens in July.
Praying for OFMD in August (based on nothing except wishful thinking.)
I’m away for most of September.
Which brings me nicely to Loki in October.
And that obsession will be months long so basically my year is sorted.
Ooo plus Sex Education at some point!
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