#super accessible and easy to consume
mysisters-bike · 7 months
Eric Harris: Online
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We explore Eric's affinity for escapism and his behavior online. Super long post, tl;dr at end.
As a teenager, Eric grew more withdrawn. His interests began to take shape around computers and he was particularly fond of Doom II, a 90’s first-person shooter in which the main character (Doomguy) fights hoards of demons on Earth. Doom II included multiplayer, as did its predecessor, Doom. However, one large development that Eric especially enjoyed was the ability to create custom levels for Doom II. 
To this day, Eric’s Doom files (.wad) still roam the internet, somehow miraculously not lost to the sands of time. He seemed to particularly enjoy creating deathmatch levels and would encourage users reading the .readme files for his levels to email him and play with him. 
Creating these levels for Doom was a passion project for Eric. He would work carefully on his wads, even going as far to create his own monster death animations. While it’s very easy to create and distribute modifications for most games today, this was an impressive feat in the mid-late 1990s. Computers and access to the internet was still hitting the homefront, albeit in a massive boom. As technology flourished in the home, Eric found a means to channel his creativity. 
In the infamous “U.A.C. Labs” level, Eric created two fast-paced levels that incorporate jump-scares, plot-twists, and lots of action. He nearly overloaded one of the areas with a spawn of 150+ some monsters that is triggered by the player coming too close to a key that’s required to access the next area. Eric was very proud of this particular level, writing in the .readme: …This one took a damn long time to do, so send me some bloody credit man!...Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may NOT change a damn thing with this WAD, if you do, I will blow you up. And it will be cool. 
See below: blueprints drawn by Eric in his journal detailing one of his wads. These can be found throughout his writings.
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Clearly, Eric was interested in protecting the level’s artistic integrity. This was work he took a great deal of pride in. Eric was described as being interested in pursuing a career in digital development by Brooks, who thought it was feasible he may end up as a videogame designer. 
What was it about Doom that Eric enjoyed so much? 
For starters, the game was paramount in its offering of gore, metal music, and gameplay. Doom was nonstop action with intriguing stories that could be followed along in both game and book. It is my theory that Eric enjoyed high-paced, high-action activities to stimulate a mind he was not entirely comfortable being alone with. This was also a world in which Eric could control – he could smite down the monsters in his path and he knew what lay around every corner. This may be considered a form of escapism, which is not necessarily new behavior in teenagers. Interestingly, however, there are multiple studies that have been conducted specifically observing the video game escapism phenomenon.
During periods of heightened psychological distress and escapism, the individual increases the amount of online activity, video game play-time, and gambling frequency (Jouhki, Savolainen, Sirola, & Oksanen, 2022). These three behaviors are specifically intriguing as they all provide forms of distraction.
Have you ever been to a casino? There are no windows, therefore, there is no sense of the passage of time. You are inundated by flashing lights, loud sounds, bright colors, and excitement. I once found myself with a drink in hand, sitting at a digital slot machine with interesting animations and upbeat music. It was a penny slot, but I won $20 on my first try. Next thing I knew, my friend and I had spent 5 fast hours playing slots, digital blackjack, and having the time of our lives. I ended up only losing $10 in the end. 
Casinos are intended to be a distracting environment that draws in the consumer and traps them for hours of endless stimulation. This is the same idea applied to video games, which are intended to provide hours of entertainment, something humans are constantly in search of. For example, small rodents do not require a television. While providing pet rodents with enrichment is undoubtedly very healthy for them, their enrichment simulates foraging, which is their biological purpose. Humans, now more than ever, rely on entertainment from every angle. It is especially difficult for those going through a psychological hardship to not stimulate their minds. Rather, it can be easier to avoid and escape the difficult and, often, intrusive thoughts. Psychological distress and a method to avoid dealing with such troubles creates the perfect storm within an emotionally unintelligent and unequipped teenage boy.
Eric spending hours building a new level in Doom was simply a way to ease the passage of time. Controlling and manipulating the environment may have provided a sense of control that was not otherwise found in everyday life. In addition to this, Eric understood Doom better than he was capable of understanding his emotions. 
To Eric, Doom symbolized something he was not: powerful, strong, and capable. In the basement tapes, Eric and Dylan explain their murderous motivations. Eric references his favorite game: “It’s gonna be like fucking Doom man; after the bombs explode.”
I often argue against the claim that video games were to blame for Eric’s violent behavior and plans despite this evidence. Longitudinal studies have proven that video games do not influence violent crime or behavior. After a 2-year study on Singapore youth, it was concluded that 27 hours of gameplay per day would be required to see any clinical effects or behavioral changes due to violent video games (Ferguson and Wang, 2019). In Eric’s own words, he was fighting himself to separate from his moral compass in order to follow through with the plan he and Dylan had been concocting. In order to do this, he began to think of their plan like it was another Doom level he was crafting. Video games may not be the direct cause of Eric’s violence, but I do believe he used them to justify his violence (to himself).
It was also during this time that the social internet was booming. WebChat Broadcasting System (WBS) and American Online (AOL) began the excitement of site hosting and chatrooms. Personal profiles encouraged a space for teenagers like Eric to freely share their thoughts and interests and connect with others on a scale that had not yet been seen before. Eric took an extremely strong liking to the new social sphere he’d discovered and created multiple AOL profiles and webpages.
Eric even created a webpage to host a series of “Jo Mamma” anti-jokes, crediting himself, Dylan, and Zack Heckler under their respective screen names Reb, VoDkA, and KiBBZ. One of the jokes on their site read: Jo mamma so fat she doesnt even look at the nutrition value tables on the food boxes she eats.....she just buys them and eats them.....cause shes fat...JJJEEYAAAAAA!!!!
Much like people today sharing private thoughts on Facebook or Twitter, Eric was sharing his private thoughts on his own websites. Ranging from “jo mamma” jokes to death threats, Eric didn’t hesitate over-sharing every thought he had on his personal blog. 
Online oversharing is an extremely new and modern communicative phenomenon. The scale at which humans are now able to communicate is unprecedented and, frankly, not something humans were ever equipped to be able to do. Eric’s internet presence feels like a primitive version of how a teenager today would dump their opinions and ideas onto Twitter.
On these blogs, Eric would share self-described “missions” in which he and Dylan would test homemade pipe bombs. He described lists of things he hated, desires to kill others, and people he hated. As we have already discussed, Eric would also make mention of Brooks Brown. 
Eric would also describe fantasizing breaking into Brooks’s home and urinating on him and his family members and would also, unprompted, share Brooks’s phone number in a “mission” post. Eric would share Brooks’s number online on multiple occasions:
…This mission was also liquor free as a result of this person named Brooks Brown (phone number) who tried to narc on us.
A reason he might have shared such tenacious things online was to seek the thrill of seeing what he could publicly get away with or attention from outsiders. Eric might have enjoyed attention from any angle, be it support for his ideals or shock. This attention, no matter where it came from, would still feed his ego. Eric wanted people to see and he didn’t care what they thought.
Studies have shown that individuals who post their own photos or private messages to personal blogs are attempting to construct their desired public identity (Jung, Song, & Vorderer, 2012). As Eric shared more and more deeply personal thoughts, he was further crafting the public Doom-esque image of himself he wanted others to see.
Eric also displayed a troubling tendency to overshare online. Have you ever scrolled on your social media timelines and found a post that was just unsettlingly personal and wondered, Why on Earth would anyone want to share that publicly? 
The tendency to overshare just stems from an overall need for attention. Social media provides a very easy way to continuously farm serotonin. Consistently sharing ideas and thoughts into a space where others can very easily validate them can almost serve as catharsis for a large amount of people. However, oversharing on social media has actually been discovered to have a direct association with anxiety issues, problematic social media use, and attention-seeking behaviors (Shabahang, Shim, Aruguete, & Zsila, 2022). 
I theorize that Eric was mainly searching for attention with each new entry he put forth onto the internet. This was a teenager who had been deprived of the right kinds of attention and would seek to push boundaries in order to get it. His posts were also indicative of his declining mental state. As his posts became darker and darker, it became clear that this was not only Eric’s outlet for gaining attention, but in some areas had evolved into his personal massacre planner. 
Read one of Eric's most troubling online posts here (pages 39 and 40)
What would prompt someone to write such horrible things? Why did Eric feel this way? Why did he claim to hate the world? What about his life left him and Dylan feeling like they “had no other choice?” I theorize that Eric projected his loneliness and lack of meaningful relationships onto the rest of the world. After all, how could any of this be his fault? In his mind, something must have been terribly wrong with him to be rejected by everyone.
Why was he so angry? Truly, we can see that Eric’s anger was displaced. I theorize that Eric blamed the world that felt like it had betrayed him so many times for his shortcomings. His self-esteem was incredibly low and he was poor at maintaining friendships. From time to time, he was targeted by bullies and felt like an outsider. Rejected children often react aggressively and underestimate how disliked they are by their peers. 
Numerous witness statements describe a distaste or distrust of Eric. One incident after another, people found Eric unapproachable. He kept mutual friends with Dylan, but it’s most likely he was more Dylan’s friend in the circle than he was anyone else’s.
Playing Doom and creating .wads for the game was a form of escapism for Eric; he could create a world he was in control of
Escapism damages an individual's ability to solve emotional problems; it's not a relief, it's merely "putting off" the problem the individual must solve without teaching any healthy coping mechanisms
Eric was crafting an image of himself that he wanted others to perceive; someone who was strong, badass, in control, and took no names...all of which he did not truly think he was. Eric knew he was just an average teenage boy and he hated it
Eric needed attention from anyone he could find, whether or not those accolades be positive or negative. He was pushing his boundaries to see what he could get away with; to see what he could feel
I've been taking all of what I'm posting from a case study I wrote a while back. I keep forgetting to cite my sources since it's...you know...tumblr.
Ferguson, C. J. & Wang, C. K. J. (2019). Aggressive video games are not a risk factor for future aggression in youth: A longitudinal stud. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10964-019-01069-0
Jouhki, H., Savolainen, I., Sirola, A., & Oksanen, A. (2022). Escapism and Excessive Online Behaviors: A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study in Finland during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(19). doi: 10.3390/ijerph191912491.
Jung, Y., Song, H., & Vorderer, P. (2012). Why do people post and read personal messages in public? The motivation of using persona blogs and its effects on user's loneliness, belonging, and well-being. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(5). pp 1626-1633. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2012.04.001
Shabahang, R., Shim, H., Aruguete, M. A., & Zsila, A. (2022). Oversharing on Social Media: Anxiety, Attention-Seeking, and Social Media Addiction Predict the Breadth and Depth of Sharing. Psychological Reports. https://doi.org/10.1177/00332941221122861
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saltydkdan · 8 months
Salty i wanna get into Baki which one do you recommend,the manga or the anime?
Oh you just woke up the fucking beast (I'm so sorry).
I LOVE this question, and as a recent Baki fan myself, I can tell you that getting into the series as a Western consumer can be rough if you don’t have a basic guide to know what you’re getting into…. so that’s what I’m gonna make this post (TEEHEE).
This series has gotta be one of the most insane shonen- actually no- one of the most INSANE PIECES OF FICTION I've ever experienced, and I NEED more people to check it out. Like, LOOK AT THIS SHIT DUDE.
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Baki out of context somehow even puts Jojo's Bizarre Adventure to shame. The way I usually pitch it to people is that Baki is as insane as people THINK Jojo is before they read it. Shit is just... MAN LMAO. OBAMA IS FUCKING IN THIS.
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Unlike more popular stuff like Dragon Ball and Hunter x Hunter, a lot of this series has just never been officially localized, so knowing where to start, and even how to support the series, is a hard task if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Thankfully THAT’S WHAT YOU HAVE ME FOR. This Tumblr post is gonna be your one stop shop for how to get into Baki as an English speaker (and it’ll give me some space to ramble about one of my latest favorite series).
But uh before we get into the nitty gritty, wanna put some trigger warnings for the series for those who may want to know. Listen, I know how some of these are gonna look to the average person, but this series just be like that sometimes, if you can’t take stuff like this trust me it’s insanely valid. You’ll understand if you choose to take the plunge.
Animated Blood/Violence, some animated gory imagery, Incest (???), Nudity, Urine stuff, Bigfoot/Animal Violence, Death, Uncomfortable looking muscles, and one instance of sexual violence (offscreen)
If you are comfortable with all that (and again, valid as fuck if you aren’t) then let’s talk BAKI!
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First off, Manga or Anime?
You would think that either would be fine, but my personal recommendation for Baki as a beginner, is to watch the anime over reading the manga. Simply put: The anime is a lot more widely available and accessible in English speaking territories, and is fairly easy to support officially with its current iteration.
For whatever reason, the manga just never really took off in the West when compared to other series, so it was only ever officially released in English a handful of times, and they only ended up publishing the first few volumes. Theoretically, you can read the first few books to start, but the entire series all together is legit longer than One Piece at a whopping 1,203 chapters, so you are gonna run out of material real quick. The fraction of officially available manga barely scratches the surface of the series.
Even if you’re stubborn about reading the manga and want to try reading fan translations, they come with their own separate batch of issues. Plenty of fan scans you can find online range from wildly outdated, to generally being poor quality at best. There’s even some fan translations that just straight up make shit up and don’t even properly translate the original script. Adding in extra dialogue and slurs randomly to make the text seem way edgier than it actually is.
Full disclosure, I wanna cut through my bias here and say that there are indeed some great scans available on the internet if you look hard enough, especially for the more recent content! But they aren’t super easy to track down with how the series is formatted, and you may accidentally find yourself reading the story out of its proper order.
The watch/read order of Baki is a bit of a toughie for new people, but is actually pretty simple once it’s explained. The story of Baki is split up into multiple different series, kind of similar in format to Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Though instead of “Parts”, Baki is split up into completely different manga and TV series. This is why many fans get confused initially, especially with the watch order, because it isn’t laid out in an easy to understand way at first glance.
The most well known series are currently streaming on Netflix, but those aren’t the ones you wanna start with. Nope, the story of the Baki anime actually starts way back in 2001, in a TV show that isn’t streaming officially online. Now if you want to watch out of order, I’m not gonna stop you. You can do whatever you want, by all means, but you’re gonna be missing some VERY important story context, and some characters just won’t hold the same weight.
So if you DO want to watch in order, come with me my friend. Let me show you-
Baki the Grappler (2001) (24 episodes)
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This is the original 2001 anime adaptation, the very start of serialized Baki anime. You’re gonna wanna start here trust me.
This series isn’t streaming anywhere officially online, but you can find it… places. Seek it out, trust me, because otherwise you’re gonna pay way too much for out of print DVDs on Ebay. Thankfully though you have options! The series is both subbed and dubbed (as well as every series I discuss from this point forward.
This show is the very start of serialized Baki anime, the very beginning of Baki Hanma’s story. Although it’s not in the way you may think. Despite this being the earliest point in the Baki timeline, it’s actually an adaptation of a later story arc from the manga.
Now I know what you’re thinking, “Didn’t you just say this is where I should start? Why is it adapting something from later in the story?”, and yeah it’s valid to be confused. While yes this is the first ever Baki anime, for some reason the staff behind it made the decision to move this later arc up a bit from the original manga. In my honest opinion, I feel like this is actually a great decision.
As you will see as you watch, this honestly FEELS like this should be where the story begins. The escalation of power and storytelling from this point onward feels very natural, and you won’t miss out on anything or spoil yourself whatsoever on later events.
This is the de facto best starting point.
Grappler Baki Maximum Tournament (2001) (24 episodes)
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This is effectively the second season of Baki the Grappler. For whatever reason they decided to title it something else, and while this is the norm for the series later on, this name change is weird because it adapts an arc from the original manga just like the first season of anime I just talked about.
Whatever lol.
Anyway this series, much like the previous, isn’t officially available as of now. So your best option is to SEARCH for it. SEARCH on the INTERNET. Or y’know. The good ol’ expensive out of print DVD on Ebay route.
In my opinion, compared to the first season, this one feels a bit slower paced and a bit of a slog at points but HOLD STRONG TRUE BELIEVER. This season is the introduction to a lot of mainstay characters in the series. Many of which you will come to love, even if you don’t know it yet.
BAKI (2018) (39 episodes) (NETFLIX)
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This is the modern adaptation of Baki. After the last series ended in 2001, the anime went on hiatus for 17 years before it was announced that it would be coming back with a modern coat of paint.
Contrary to what you may think, this isn’t a ground up reboot. It’s a continuation of the exact point they left off years ago, right after the Maximum tournament. The only thing that kind of sucks about this is that, at least for the English dub, they replaced most of the voice cast. Most of the new VAs do a great job, however you may need to get used to Yujiro Hanma having Shadow the Hedgehog’s modern VA from the games haha.
Thankfully, you can officially support this series easily via Netflix. Normally I’m pretty eh on Netflix as of late, but this being the only way you can support the show officially in the west, I personally recommend it.
Baki Hanma (2023) (39 episodes) (NETFLIX)
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This is the most recent anime! It’s also on Netflix.
Me and my friends just got to this on our watchthrough together.
Anyway, this is my list! If after you catch up you wanna hop into the manga and read the fan scans, I’ve heard that you can start on Baki Hanma/Baki Son of Ogre (chapter 183).
Hope you enjoy the funny man punching show! Feel free to report back and tell me how you feel about it (positive OR negative)!
Like I said, I've been watching the series with friends on Discord every night or so when we're free and MAN. Baki is fucking AMAZING WITH FRIENDS. It just never slows down after a certain point, and it just gets stranger and crazier.
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sreegs · 9 months
this started out as a short rant about non-stick cookware but i've got an infodump about cookware in general and suggestions for what's the most useful vs the least useful in the kitchen. the thing about cooking is you can do a lot with a little equipment, despite appearances to the contrary. however the vessels you cook in are the most used tools in the kitchen, aside from a chef's knife
ok, first my little rant about non-stick cookware:
it doesn't last, and that's the main flaw of non-stick cookware. whether it has a non-stick coating or it's a special material that is inherently non-stick (at first), eventually they wear down and the non-stick benefits you bought the pan for pretty much disappear.
that isn't to say non-stick cookware is not useful. I have one non-stick frying pan in my kitchen and I use it to cook eggs and other things that are notorious for sticking. i also use it to reheat leftovers just because it's easier to clean. that's all i use it for
so, if you're in the market for cookware because you're moving out or just finally getting a kitchen of your own, do not go buying all non-stick pots and pans. sauce pans, skillets, stock pots (the big pots you use for soup), sauté pans, etc, those actually need your food to stick in some cases, especially for soups and sauces. why's that?
it's about the fond. example: when you're making a soup you usually start by sautéing solid ingredients in the pan first. those get browned and they leave a bit of slightly-burned foodstuff on the bottom of the pot. that's called fond. it's super concentrated savory flavor. right before you add the stock to the soup, you "deglaze" the pan by adding a little bit of liquid to the bottom of the pot and gently scraping it off and integrating it into the soup. fond is also like the basis of all sauces and stews and gravies pretty much anything else you're cooking
where should you buy cookware? obviously you can always buy new, I suggest buying direct from the manufacturer if you really want new. you can also find good cookware at garage sales.
if you have access to them, restaurant supply stores have cheap cookware but it's also made to be beat to death in a commercial kitchen. it works just as well as the stuff aimed at the consumer because, well, metal pans are metal pans. it's not rocket science. but there is cheap bad cookware in the restaurant supply store so shop carefully
so what kind of cookware should you buy? here are options i recommend, but not in any particular order:
stainless steel
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stainless steel pans are versatile and they last forever. they work on the stovetop and they go in the oven too. so not only can you use them to fry up some veggies, you can also use them to roast a beast in the oven. they're easy to keep clean, though they eventually get a patina especially on the bottom. use dish soap. the easiest way to get tough spots off them are gentle abrasives like Barkeeper's Friend. these range from cheap to expensive, and some of the expensive ones are worth it (but not too expensive. like $100-200 range for really nice ones. remember, they last forever, so it's like a one-time fee)
good stainless steel pans should be heavy. if you're out shopping for them, pick them up and compare how they feel. if you spot a really cheap one and it feels light like a non-stick pan, avoid it.
carbon steel
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these got popular lately, and frankly i don't have too much experience with them since the one i had ended up being left behind in a move. however they're totally fine to work with and are easier to maintain than a cast iron pan. however they sometimes come with wooden handles (a lot of them are wok-shaped because, well, a lot of woks are carbon steel), so remember you can't put wooden-handle pans in the oven. also since they're thinner they're probably not as good for the oven as other materials in terms of both performance and longevity
taking care of them is a little harder than stainless steel, because after you wash and dry them, you have to coat them in a thin layer of oil to prevent rusting
cast iron
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okay first i want to get the cleaning bit out the way: YOU CAN WASH YOUR CAST IRON PANS WITH DISH SOAP. that bullshit about only using salt and water and never getting soap on it is from an era when soaps were made of lye. MODERN DETERGENTS ARE NOT MADE OF LYE, THEY'RE NOT EVEN SOAP. HOWEVER: DO NOT SCRUB YOUR CAST IRON WITH METAL SCRUB SPONGES
now about cast iron itself: it's cheap and it's a long-term investment. your cast iron gradually becomes a non-stick pan over time if you maintain its seasoning. a cast iron pan becomes seasoned naturally over time as long as you wash it soon after it cools down from cooking (don't ever leave food or water in it, it will rust), and after it's clean, you cover it with an extremely thin layer of cooking oil.
you can re-season cast iron that has lost its seasoning too. i don't want to turn this post into a cast-iron infodump post so i'll leave it to you to google "how to season cast iron pans" and "how to maintain cast iron pans". just remember the "don't wash it with soap" line is bullshit unless you actually have dish soap that contains lye, like where'd you get that?
these are also great for cooking in the oven as well as the stovetop. their high-density and dark color make for good heat distribution. a lot of people swear by cast iron as the best material to sear meat with, however i never really noticed the difference between cast iron and stainless steel.
enameled cast iron
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le creuset can sit on it and spin. don't buy their shit it's overpriced. enameled cast iron is much more affordable from companies like lodge who already make cheap, good, regular cast iron pans. it's a cast iron pan coated with ceramic. enameled cast iron is really good for even heat distribution, however you do have to be careful not to chip it. it may also, despite your best efforts, just wear down over time because ceramic isn't as wear-resistant as metal.
enameled pans can go in the oven as well.
non-stick pans
only buy one (1) non-stick pan. make it a frying pan or sauté pan. and do not spend a lot of money on it. like $40-50 tops. i've seen $100+ non-stick pans and i think someone made those as a joke. it's a grift. you will be replacing it on a semi-regular basis depending on how often you use it.
if your non-stick pan uses a coating, if it starts flaking it's time to get rid of it. those ceramic non-stick pans you just gotta toss it when they lose their smoothness
that's it. post over. go cook. if you have any questions send an ask
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Growing up, I didn't appreciate Princess Peach much. In my teen years, I was trying to get away from things that were pink and girly for reasons of toxic masculinity, and Peach seemed like such an empty character.
I liked Zelda. Zelda's cool. Zelda's badass. Zelda gets to be a ninja and she fights Ganon and she's a battle mage and and and and
To my male sensibilities, Zelda had the better aesthetic.
But the problem is? Aesthetic is all Zelda is allowed to be. And I say it that way because I don't want people to think that's all Zelda is. There is so much potential in this character. But it's potential that never sees the light of day, because the will to use her isn't there.
The problem isn't the character. Zelda and Peach are not in competition with each other.
The difference between them is that the Mario franchise loves Peach. She's been playable so many times over the years, since her playable debut in the American Super Mario Bros. 2. She didn't start out that way; Even that game was kind of a fluke.
But as the series grew, it fell in love with its leading lady. She didn't just get to be a cool supporting character; she saw playability not just in the ensemble games like Party or Kart but in core Mario games.
The Wii era brought with it a renaissance of Peach. While Mario still gets games all to himself here and there, it's rare now to see a game where Luigi is playable and Peach isn't. She often gets focus time in the RPGs like Mario RPG or Paper Mario. She's even gearing up for her second solo adventure in Princess Peach Showtime.
The Mario franchise loves Peach.
While Zelda is left behind, floating around the margins of her own series. Her games are based around exploring Hyrule, fighting monsters, dungeon-diving, and collecting utility tools that both increase your combat options and expand your access to the map.
Aesthetically, you could easily make a game in the same format and have Zelda collect spells rather than Link collecting tools, that serve identical functions. If you really wanted to put the work in, you could even do both and let players choose their protagonist at the start of the game.
Functionally, there is little difference between blasting open a wall with a bomb and blasting it open with a fireball. Or latching a hookshot onto a grapple point versus casting some kind of warp spell or magic rope. Link's gameplay can suit Zelda just fine.
Even in the modern open-world games like BOTW or TOTK, Link's toolkit is more magical than technical anyway - sometimes to the point of explicitly using Zelda's gear to do all of his cool stuff. It would be trivially easy to map Link's gameplay onto Zelda. But the will isn't there. LOZ doesn't care about Zelda, the way SMB cares about Peach.
Zelda and Peach both take frequent turns at the damsel role. But outside of that, Peach's series treats her as a capable co-protagonist armed and ready to carry adventures on her own. Zelda's treats her as a power-up for Link to consume.
I'm older now and I'm over all that "Ew pink and girly shit" bullshit that dominated my embarrassing younger years. I have a lot more respect now for Peach than I ever did then. And I still like Zelda too. These characters, as I said before, are not in competition.
But I wish Zelda's series loved her even half as much as Peach's.
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ovaruling · 11 months
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@non-suspiciousname @junipercastor i’m not a dietician or doctor disclaimer disclaimer if you have preexisting conditions this may not be for you disclaimer disclaimer i cannot account for every human experience disclaimer disclaimer BUT the easiest way to do this is to first learn what “high fiber foods” means.
and before i begin, here’s how much fiber we more or less need via a helpful Harvard health article.
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so, to recap: for women—the ones who matter to me—that’s 25g for adult women who are 50 and under. women 50 and over, that’s 21g.
and i included the extra paragraph about Metamucil etc bc that is important to note. a lot of people do think they’re getting quality daily fiber in these powders.
here’s a helpful article abt the differences between soluble and insoluble fiber. both are important in their own ways!
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and just so we’re clear on the benefits of upping your fiber intake:
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i recommend a quick google to see the fiber content per serving of a variety of foods that i don’t have time condense here. but, like, beans are a really inexpensive way to do this (add some rice to it and you have a complete muscle-lovin’ protein btw! all the essential amino acids are covered when you combine rice and beans 🫶). beans and legumes are incredibly rich in fiber, and they’re budget-friendly, shelf-stable, and easy to make and easy to incorporate into infinite delicious possible dishes.
but your fiber can be gotten from so many different sources! (my data here is approximate from individual checking. pls allow 1-2g of fiber for margin of error in case i mistype!)
for fruits: 1 cup of blackberries OR raspberries has 8g of fiber!!!!! 1 medium apple has around 4-5g of fiber. an average banana or a serving of strawberries have 3g of fiber. an average avocado has 10g of fiber. and so forth
for grains: steel-cut oats have 5g of fiber per 1/4 cup uncooked (oats are generally rich in fiber anyway, but steel cut in particular). a slice of whole grain bread should have around 3g fiber. brown rice contains 3.5g fiber for every cooked cup. one cup of cooked quinoa (which is also a complete protein!) contains 5g of fiber. bran is almost 15g per one cup serving.
if you’ve got access to chia seeds, a 1oz serving provides 10g fiber. here’s a yummy super easy recipe for peanut butter chia pudding!!!
nuts and seeds provide a lot of fiber too. 1oz of walnuts contains nearly 2g fiber! 1oz of almonds contains 3.5g fiber. peanuts contain 2.5g fiber for 1oz. sunflower seeds are 12g per 1 cup serving (though that’s a lot of them to eat—1/4 a cup would be closer to 3g)
and my fave prunes are 12g per one cup serving. again, that’s a lot of them to eat. 1/4 of that would be 3g.
beans/legumes are king for fiber. 1 cup of cooked black beans contains 15g of fiber. 1 cup of navy beans contains around 19g of fiber. 1 cup of kidney beans contains 11g of fiber.
split peas are i think around 8g per cup when cooked? cooked broccoli is around 5g. corn is around 4g.
i could go on but i’m literally hooked up to an IV for medication rn so i’m one-handed lol i apologize for how cramped this is
but here’s a great list from the Mayo Clinic of high fiber foods and another list of 40 foods from a women’s health mag and also another from healthline, which also has a handy chart for fiber requirements for more specific age groups based on sex
and yes, there are also high-fiber cereals, but beware of the much-touted and rightly-feared ingredient of psyllium husk. it’s more or less used as a laxative and can be outright dangerous for your digestive system and is very painful if not consumed in militant moderation. ask me how i know lol. please please be careful of psyllium husk. like, for real. just stay away from it altogether imo.
sorry this is a lot of discombobulated info, but again i’m one handed at the moment. but hopefully that helps a bit! fiber is linked to longevity and good colon health and that’s what i want for women forever
EDIT: go slow with this! if you’re not used to the recommended daily intake, you will need to gradually work up to this so as not to upset your gastrointestinal system. you may otherwise find yourself in discomfort. GO SLOW. add fiber-rich foods in small portions over time to allow your body to adjust. it is well worth the patience—but don’t overload your system by eating a ton of prunes and thinking you’re doing yourself any good that way. introduce gently and in moderation until you feel comfortable with how it makes your digestion feel!
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
Well, first off thank you for loving my content so much!! I'm so glad that you love it so much. In all honesty, I wasn't going to respond to this because I REALLY don't want any requests right now, but I thought why not do these ones any ways. I've got some time. So I hope you like it.
Warning: Hinted stalking, breaking an entering.
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Now Midoriya is an elite villain. He's a villain... but he has his ways of making it into top level society. One particular evening, he went to a runway show. He stood around with others who weren't either too terrified to go up to him or were sucking up to him.
It was a good night, warm, and he had a suit on to match him perfectly. With a glass of champagne in hand he mingled with others. However what really caught his gaze was you, walking down the runway with such confidence and grace.
You had him absolutely blown away. You instantly shattered his thoughts and consumed his being as if it was as easy as breathing.
And from the moment he saw you, it was the moment he knew he had to have you.
When you had gone back stage, back in your more normal and comfortable clothing away from all the bright lights, judging stares and flashing lights you sighed in relief at being away from it all. You loved your job. You really did. And you were good at it too. But often then not it could get overwhelming for you.
Ready to leave, you packed up your stuff and you left. It was a chilled night, perfect to walk back to your apartment. So with your jacket on, you exited the event, not noticing the pair of green hypnotizing eyes that were latched on to you.
When you entered your apartment, lights off and the smell of home flooding your nose, that's when you were truly glad to be back home. You locked your door and headed towards your room to change into some comfortable pajamas and head to bed.
"You looked amazing tonight."
"OH GOD." You jumped as you turned your head to your kitchen.
Sitting on your kitchen counter, a glass of apple juice in hand was Midoriya. His eyes were the brightest thing in the room. Green eyes, luring you in like that of the richest and most deceiving of poisons. Your blood went cold when you realized you knew him. Anyone with access to the news would know of the top ranking villain in Japan.
Midoriya saw the realization in your eyes and found it intoxicating. He smirked as he tilted his head. He pushed himself off the counter, putting down the glass on the table. Your breathing increased. Before you could even think of running, he was already in front of you, blocking your way down the hall. His hands now sat in his pockets as he looked down at you.
"W-what..." Your voice was stuttery. In truth, you were afraid of him. Of course you were afraid of him. There was a villain in your home and you didn't know how he got there nor what he wanted. "What do you want from me?" You asked hesitantly. "I don't have much money on me and I don't know anyone affiliated with you. I'm sorry if I've upset you in any sort of way... sir."
He found you amusing. He chuckled softly, almost more of a light giggle than a chuckle. "There's nothing tangible you can give me that I can't take for myself, dumpling... However, I do want one thing from you." He told you. You nodded your head eagerly, ready to give him anything he wanted. "Your time."
For a moment you just stared at him confused. You tilted your head lost.
Midoriya turned his body away from you, walking to the windows of your apartment to look down at the street below. The room was still shrouded in darkness but at least now you could see more of his features. You noticed the dark freckles on his face as dim light from outside shone on his face. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows allowing you to see his muscular yet scarred arms.
He then turned back to look at you. "Your time." He gave you a soft smile, that you dare call cute. It gave him a sort of boyish charm. "Allow me to take you on a date. Just one."
You hesitated, looking around, expecting this to be some sort of prank of some sort. "You... You want a date... with me?" You pointed to yourself. He nodded with a smile on his face, the most sincere expression you could ever think possible plastered on his face. You hesitated. "Will you leave me alone if allow you to?"
He nodded his head. "Yep." He raised one finger. "Just one. One small date and I'll leave you alone. Unless you want another one." He looked around your apartment before looking back at you.
You didn't really have much of a choice now did you?
Now Midoriya isn't a bad partner. He was an amazing partner. Always caring for your needs, providing for you and caring for you in a way that made you feel as though you never knew love existed before him. He supported you in anything and everything you did (as long as it was good for you and wasn't causing you harm that is).
But there was one thing that he was rather two face about and that was your job as a model.
Now he loved your modelling career and wanted to support you so much in it too, but the only issue was that if he saw how beautiful you were, of course others saw it too. Which made him incredibly possessive over you.
Any meeting he had with his group and you would be in attendance, he would have you seated on his lap like it was the most natural place to be in the world. A single glance at you the wrong way would have someone's neck being wrapped around by blackwhip and a death glare from Midoriya. That or a knife in their skull. It really all depended on whether he felt like being merciful or not.
Anywhere you went you were always with him. Him or Shoto if he was busy. It wasn't that he didn't trust you, or that he didn't believe in you in protecting yourself.
He always believed in you.
He just didn't believe in the fuckers that eye-fucked you without your consent. So you have no need to fear. With Midoriya as your boyfriend there was never a dull moment.
Or a moment where he didn't have his arms wrapped around you. Because as a villains prize, how could he ever let you go?
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yooniesim · 2 years
I've seen a lot of people over the past couple days discussing patreon early access and whether or not it's included under ea's new policy. Most seem to agree that exclusive/perma-paywall models are bad, and a lot of people seem okay with early access. So I thought I'd share just why I don't really approve of the early access model either.
1) Trusting patreon creators (in the sims community) with your private information is a risk. Unfortunately, it's been shown by exclusive and early access creators alike that it simply isn't safe to trust them with your info. Eacc creators (not just exclusive) have communicated with each other about those that have shared their content early, and the info they have can include usernames, email addresses, real names, and possibly even paypal information if you have it linked to your patreon account. Users have been doxxed and harassed over sims cc of all things. I, personally, don't feel I can pledge to anyone safely anymore, whether they're following the old 2-3 week early access model or not.
2) There is no quality control. There is no way to determine what you're going to get before you pay for it, and if it's not good quality, you're most likely not going to get a refund. Patreon doesn't make creators refund you, they have to decide to do it on their own. So you can have mods that don't work, ridiculous high poly meshes, no proper LODs, low quality textures, etc and you're stuck with that.
3) There are no standards. People on here argue a lot about what should be charged for and what shouldn't, because there's no consistent standard for what is acceptable or not. Should sims/tray files be early access? Recolors? Conversions? Only mesh edits? What about tiny mesh edits? Is it the time alone that matters? But if that's the case, how much time should a creator have to spend on something for it to be worth paying for? There's no agreement, and so what people will put behind a paywall gets more and more ridiculous over time.
4) New (and some old) accounts making patreons without interacting with the community in any other way besides making money off them. There's no standard for who should make an account and when, so a lot started out just with the sole intention of making money. Also, there are older creators that tapered off their interactions with the community to purely focus on patreon. Early access took over the community so completely because it was easy and anyone could do it, and so they did. This only furthered the problems with quality and standards of cc.
5) Early access creators becoming exclusive over time after they built a following. Also, other shady methods to make more money I've discussed in other posts, such as: making super tiny edits look more enticing by lumping them together in "add-on packs", linking their "free" content through link shorteners/simsfinds/tsr, steadily raising tier prices in order to access all of their content, releasing a piece of cc for early access then coverting the same piece of cc to another frame and putting it under early access again, increasing the early access time period or "forgetting" to unlock things on time, and more. All of this just shows me that many early access creators aren't much better than the exclusive creators. They're toeing the line to stay in the public favor, and perhaps avoid legal consequences, and nothing more.
6) Shifting the focus in the community from creativity to monetary gain. Modding communities (such as those for the Sims, TES, Fallout, Dragon Age, Stardew Valley, and many many more) are built upon learning from one another and working together to enhance the gaming experience. In other words, to have fun! Modders have done amazing things without having the goal of making money off of it, and while it's nice to have that as an option, the sims community shows that it winds up hurting more than it helps when it consumes to this extent. I've talked about this before so I won't go into it too much, but creators are burned out and tired, and other simmers are frustrated and bored. It changed the community as a whole and it shows.
As a concept, early access is fine, but in practice... when everyone is doing it, in so many different ways, with no sense of standards... it becomes a problem.
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archandshri · 1 month
22nd March ‘24 - [arch] Mad About Munch, Warm-up sketches and daaarknesss???
Good evening, Shri! I forgot that it is Friday, but at the beginning of writing this, I have an hour and 27 minutes until Friday is over, so I WILL be on time!
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Wow, like a lot has happened? But I also don’t have tons to show for it. (it’s because I’m working on cool secret project that I’m not allowed to talk about which is fun!)
Stuff i have been doing
Museums :0!!!! I have been travelling and in my old age apparently, I like old art now???
Gathering a lot of reference images - photos, but also general inspiration
Finally organising my digital space a bit! I backed up like 3 years' worth of Procreate images and cleared out half my iPad
Getting some of my sketchbooks, especially comic development, digitised and onto Google Slides! I follow a similar process to when I was at uni still, with a huge PowerPoint for a project that contains reference images, inspiration, plot bullet points, and links to google docs where I write the scripts, development sketches and finals. It makes it super easy to go back to important parts of the development and be reminded of things I might have lost in the development process
Warm-up sketches because you bullied me into it (affectionate)
Continuing to explore colour
2 things I would like to tell you more about: 1) Edvard Munch!!!!!! If you ever get the chance to visit the Munch Museum in Oslo, do it!! I hadn’t seen a whole museum dedicated to one guy before, but seeing so much of his work in one place, in person really helped me understand it better. They also had a fantastic audio tour to rent that made it super accessible. I had just come from thinking about colour last week and becoming more comfortable with darker colours, and I had been thinking about personality and narrative in settings and backgrounds - both of which he does really well. In particular, The Sick Child, Eye in Eye, and The Sun stood out to me.
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2) Play. AGAIN!!!!! I feel like I’m constantly having to fight myself, reminding myself to let go, play around, and explore without the expectation of a final outcome. You told me to try some 20 min warm-up and cool-down sketches - which I’ve been doing and has been going great! They’re not all perfect and aren’t supposed to be, but I’ve also had some really fun outcomes that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. I also feel like I’m getting more of a grip on colour :0
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Plus, I’ve found that I haven’t wanted to post my terrible sketches or even my better ones?? Which has been nice to make without the need for sharing. However, I have found myself craving a final image to share with all of Tumblr and Instagram, thinking of possible images that would do well on those platforms. I think there is a small part of me that wants to create those because it would be fun, but I think it’s mostly to fix the number-shaped hole :/ Hank Green made a good video which mentioned the fact that platforms are EXTRA BAD with teaching creators to be addicted to them, even more so than consumers. Video here. It’s good.
I was listening to the Imp and Skizz podcast earlier (Episode - Rendog pt 1), it’s a great podcast, they chat about Hermitcraft a bit but mostly about what being alive is like and being a creator, I really recommend them too. Anyway, Skizz said he was once told to ‘create videos that he wanted to watch.’ And I think it’s a good approach to have when creating. What do I wanna see/ read?
I would love to chat to you about the balance between dark tones and silliness in storytelling too, but it is 11pm and I do have to get up early tomorrow. Plus, I’m not sure I have enough thoughts yet. But for now, it’s left me thinking: what do I want to make? Am I campable of silliness in stories? I want to tell stories with an undertone of darkness, that discusses difficult themes, but how to we do that while keeping it entertaining and not just Too Much(™)?
I dunno, just thoughts I’ve been having. I wanna get them down, even if I don’t have any solutions yet. In the meantime, please accept these sketchbook pages in lieu of philosophical answers. 
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Thank you for listening to my rambles once again!
Love <3 Archie
Ps. I saw Frozen the musical and it was Very Sibling, and I cried. It made me think of you and I think you would like it (it’s only a bit different to the film but it makes such a difference omg)
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alpaca-clouds · 6 months
Modern Loneliness And Parasocial Relationships
With the entire drama going on with Baldur's Gate 3 and people harassing the voice actors - especially Neil Nowbon - I cannot help but think about parasocial relationships and how they happen.
I was always super anxious about this. Like, literally. Even as a little kid, before I ever knew this word, I was super anxious about not wanting to fall into this. I did not really understand the dangers of it, but I knew that this kinda feeling was going to be somehow dangerous for me.
And yeah, unpopular opinion, but I think parasocial relationships with real people (opposed to fictional characters - because yeah, you and me, we both have parasocial relationships with our favorite blorbos that never can be anything but parasocial given that the blorbos are not real and can hence never know you) can be actually dangerous to people. Because they are going to mess with your head. And if you are in a bad headspace to begin with, that can be dangerous.
Because what happens if you go fullon parasocial relationship with a person is that you kinda think of them as a friend. While they of course do not know that you exist. Yet, there are moments when they act accordingly (like you do not exist) that are going to be hurtful to you for one reason or another. And depending on your emotional control this might lead you to act demanding - because you feel like you are owed that attention.
I really think that right now there is a big issue going on with how a lot of us are lonely in real life. Modern society for so many reasons fosters loneliness, because we are lacking Third Spaces, aka community spaces, where we can go and meet people. Where we can hang out with other real people from our actual real world surrounding. Like, some people have real world friends - but a lot of people have not.
I think that hit espcially hard for the people who started university or another new phase in life just as COVID and the lockdowns hit. Because not only did they not get third spaces to meet people - but often then lacked the second places (work, university) too, while just having moved out of a family home and suddenly being all alone.
So a lot of our social interactions moved online. I mean, I will not exclude myself from this either. Most of my friends I know from online spaces. As someone who has been bullied for most of his school life, this always has been true. But of course the big difference is, that those people know I exist - and in a lot of cases I might have even met them in real life, or might even spend the holidays with them and their family.
But social media had already blurred the lines a lot before. By making celebrities very accessible to the average media consumer. You could suddenly just interact with them (or let's face it, their social media team) fairly easy on twitter or facebook. And maybe they (or their social media team) would even answer you.
The thing of course is that most celebrities (even those celebs who are more like youtube or twitch famous) have a very curated online appearance. Like, all of their posts basically are PR approved. Or at least they put some effort into deciding what someone else gets to see of their lives. Technically they are just playing a character. Because... Well, they do want to have a life outside of their celeb status.
And, you know. There were always groopies, who would build those parasocial relationships with their favorite stars and starlets. But I think internet and social media has intensified this. And the pandemic did, too.
But folks really need to understand that celebrities and creators are not their trained monkey to reply to any interaction that folks want from them in a specific way that is expected. They are people, who have their own lives. Who often enough have families and partners and all of that. And their fans do not have a right to be somehow part of that.
This is also why I have never and will never condone real person fiction of living people (and those who still have people living that have known them). Because no matter whether it is fiction or whether what you write about them is more like a role of the public facing persona they inhabit... It is just crossing a line for me to publish scenarios (especially sexual or very violent and traumatic scenarios) involving real people, who might in one way or another find out about this. And be it just because some asshole talkshow host thinks it would be funny to make the celebs read those fanfics live on air in front of an audience.
Most of all: Celebrities and creators are people first and foremost. And if you would not think something appropriate to do to a person you know in real life then, no, it also is not appropriate to do to a celeb.
If you want to keep yourself from falling into the parasocial relationship trap, I have one tip for you, that works rather well for me: Speak of them with their last name or their full name, whenever you do. It does not matter that they might use only their first name or some nickname for online accounts. If you know their full name, use it. It helps your mind put some distance between you and them. To remind you that yeah, in fact, you do not know that person and they ae not your friend. They are if anything just someone you look up to a lot.
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baidudownloader · 11 months
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How to download from CSDN.net without an account
CSDN.net is a popular website for programmers and technology enthusiasts to share and access information related to computer science and software development. However, downloading files from CSDN.net can sometimes be a tedious and time-consuming process.
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medfetabdl · 3 months
A lot of people really liked seeing the outside of the Philips Intellivue MP5, so let’s take a look on the inside
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When you take off the back housing this is what you’re greeted with. We can see the power supply, the rear IO board, and the measurement module
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After removing a few more T-10 screws the power supply and the rear IO board slide right out. This is the rear IO board
1: USB port
2: Nurse call relay output
3: RJ45 Ethernet Jack
4: VGA video out
5: board to board interconnect for the power supply
6: Nurse call Relay, the actual Relay component
7: Battery contacts
8: An RJ45 Jack not accessible from the outside, if I had to guess this is either a management port, or it’s a backup port in case the one accessible from the outside breaks but qualified technicians still need Ethernet access to perform maintenance.
9: Piezoelectric buzzer, this will beep is the power supply suddenly gets disconnected and it will continue to beep for quite a while after the power supply is disconnected and even if there’s no battery on board
10: 2 super capacitors. Super capacitors have specs that are somewhere in between a battery and a capacitor. The larger one is rated at 2.2 farad and the smaller one is rated at 1 farad. Farad is the unit of measure for capacitance and it’s named after Michael Faraday. If I had to guess these serve 2 purposes. 1 is to make the power loss buzzer beep and the other is to keep the date and time and any configuration settings stored in volatile memory since there’s no CMOS battery. This is actually pretty smart because batteries die and often leak, but super capacitors don’t leak and corrode and they are ridiculously fast at charging up.
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After removing the power supply, recorder driver board, and rear IO board this is what we are left with. The motherboard, the measurement module, the NBP pneumatic pump, and the LCD high voltage backlight board. It uses a fluorescent backlight so it needs a high voltage to make it light up, this can be anywhere from 500 to 1200 volts but they often provide very little current so touching it probably kill you but I still wouldn’t recommend it.
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After removing the measurement module were left with just the backlight driver board, the motherboard, and the NBP pneumatic pump. There is a metal shield over the main components of the motherboard for EMI shielding.
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Removing the metal shield grants us access to the CPU (the largest chip on the board) what I assume is a graphics driver chip (the second largest square chip) and 2 EPROMs that are the memory for some software aspects.
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Once everything is out we can get a look at everything
1: Battery
2: measurement module side plate
3: measurement module
4: printer
5: Rear IO board
6: printer driver board
7: power supply
8: everything else
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The attention to detail is amazing! That one little hole in the plastic just exists to access that screw inside. You can certainly tell that this device was never meant to be a consumer device. It’s built to be taken apart and serviced. All the screws are identical which makes disassembly and reassembly very easy. Unlike consumer products you can definitely tell that there was no expense spared in this things hardware design, that’s due to the fact that they know hospitals are going to pay the 5 figure price of the device because of its extreme quality, attention to detail and very long projected life cycle. Unlike consumer electronics it’s made in Germany and has a ton of hand assembly involved.
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This is everything I have for mine. The monitor itself. 3 lead ECG cable. 5 lead ECG cable. Pulse oximeter. Hospital grade IEC power cable. Blood pressure hose. Adult arm blood pressure cuff. And the Intellivue remote. I got the remote today, idk why but people are selling them for super cheap on eBay. I paid $10 for it brand new in box. They usually go for like $500 from philips directly so I have no idea why people are selling them for so cheap. It does have to be plugged in via USB but it comes with a very long cable.
I finally got around to getting one of my servers to run the Intellivue XDS application. It’s a windows application meant to act as the server for Intellivue monitors. It also has a remote monitor function so you can view what’s on the monitor on the server, but it doesn’t work with the software version my monitor has. It can also log data but I spent 4 hours trying to setup the windows server needed to get that to work and just couldn’t get it to work. It’s probably due to the fact that the documentation on it is absolutely terrible.
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my-forgotten-notepad · 6 months
One Piece: Fan Devil Fruit Ideas
I have been thinking about One Piece lately, and I thought I could try my hand at developing some ideas for unique Devil Fruits that can be used within the world of the series. Here are two of them.
The Shuwa-Shuwa No Mi [Fizz-Fizz Devil Fruit]
The Shuwa-Shuwa No Mi is a Paramecia class Devil Fruit that turns the consumer into a Fizzy-Human. Granting them unique attributes and abilities: being able to manipulate carbonation and emit carbonated gas from their body. However, the more the User uses their powers, the weaker their abilities become until they consume specific beverages or CO2 gas canisters to replenish their inner stockpile. The user can increase the intensity of the carbonation with sharp, quick motions. Just like how a bottle of pop becomes pressurised once it has been shaken up.
The Shuwa-Shuwa No Mi is a weaker version of the Gasu-Gasu No Mi [Gas-Gas Devil Fruit].
Here is a small collection of moves/applications a user of this Devil Fruit could use. [Feel free to add more that you think would fit with the theme of this particular Devil Fruit]
Fizzy-Jump: A sudden burst of carbonated air or fluid from the user's feet to make a sudden leap or shift in a direction.
Fizzy-Burst: A sudden blast of carbonated air or fluid from the user's hands, capable of blocking/deflecting projectiles from their bodies.
Fizzy-Punch: A punch that is enhanced by a burst of carbonated air or liquid exploding out from the user's elbow to increase the speed and power of the strike.
Fizzy-Rush: A larger, longer version of Fizzy-Punch. Great at rushing down an opponent or surprise attacks; however, the longer the user uses this technique; the weaker Fizzy-Rush becomes.
Fizzy-Cloud: The user releases a massive cloud of CO2 gas, blanketing an area. The user becomes uncarbonated for an hour after using this technique and needs to naturally build it back up.
Pop-Cannon: When the user shakes their arms before throwing an object, releasing an instant burst of carbonated gas to propel the object hard.
Pop-Rocker: The user forces all their carbonated energy onto their fist and releases it all into a single focused point. Causing a contained explosion. In this technique, just like Fizzy-Cloud, the user becomes uncarbonated for an hour in exchange for such a powerful move.
Pop-Off: A stronger variant of Fizzy-Burst. There is more carbonated pressure in this move and rather than blocking or deflecting, it is used as a means of forcing or throwing enemies away from the user. The user becomes temporarily weaker after having used this technique.
Pop-Jet: A stronger version of Fizzy-Jump. Pop-Jet is a mild form of sustained carbonated propulsion using gas or liquid to shoot oneself across a far distance. The user becomes temporarily weaker after having used this technique.
Super-Soda: A technique that allows the user to push their powers to the limit, giving them access to all of their abilities for three minutes. But as a result, the user is temporarily paralysed, decarbonated, and dehydrated as a result of stressing their body to such a degree. In this state of super carbonation; the user can ignore any of the negative drawbacks of the Devil Fruit. Excessive use of this powerful technique can, however, kill the use
The Abura-Abura No Mi [Grease-Grease or Oil-Oil Devil Fruit]
The Abura-Abura No Mi [Grease-Grease/Oil-Oil Devil Fruit] is a Logia Devil Fruit. The fruit turns the user into an Oily-Human. Through which, they are capable of taking on the qualities or emitting oil in various states or forms. The fruit also leaves the user with slick, damp skin, which makes the user slippery [but not to the same extent as the Sube-Sube No Mi]. The user has an extra weakness in addition to the standard weaknesses; being exposed to absorbent material, an exfoliator, acids, or chemical solvent. As well as the user being very easy to burn or set on fire
Here is a small collection of moves/applications a user of this Devil Fruit could use. [Feel free to add more that you think would fit with the theme of this particular Devil Fruit].
Oil-Spill: The user releases a thin wave of translucent oil on the ground to cause it to become slippery and dangerous for people to walk on.
Grease-Trap: The user releases a large burst of oil that congeals around the target.
Grease-Ball: The user coats their hands in thick, congealing oil on their hands. The user can fire these off at enemies or objects.
Grease-Ball Crunchy Style: The same as the prior technique but the user as harsh or sharp objects in the grease like glass, nails, splinters, rock, etc.
Oily-Step: The user releases bursts of oil from their feet to create unstable platforms on a liquid surface. An avenue the hero can take to avoid being submerged in water.
Oil-Press: The user compresses their body before firing themselves as a jet of oil through a tight gap or cluttered space.
Grease-Glug: The user fires strong bursts or whips of oil from their body. It's often used to disorientate an opponent or to deflect an incoming attack.
Oil-Land: The user creates a large congealed platform of fatty oil to avoid being pulled into massive bodies of liquid.
Oily-Kenpo: The user enhances the preternatural coating of Oil on their skin to mimic the agility and speed of the Sube-Sube No Mi. This technique prioritises constantly increasing speed and abusing your opponent's momentum.
Oil-Burner: A truly double-edged technique. The user raises their temperature so much that they can cause their oil or grease to catch fire. It's an unstable technique that puts the user at great risk due to how flammable they have become. The technique also dries out the user, leaving the user unable to use any of their techniques or natural Devil Fruit abilities for a period of time.
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startistdoodles · 2 years
Hello Miss
I was wondering if you had any tips and advice for new digital artists and animators.
Don't break the bank getting the highest-quality stuff right off the bat in the hopes it will make you a better artist. Start off with tools that are free/inexpensive and accessible to you. My first drawing tablet was a Wacom Intuos Draw ($60) and my software of choice was Gimp (free). You can upgrade later as you hone your skills and wish to invest more into doing what you enjoy.
Don't get so caught up in having a "unique" art style. Draw in whatever style comes naturally to you! But don't be afraid to try new things either. In fact, you should try new things as often as you can! Try a different coloring style, a new way of lineart, a new way of drawing hair or eyes or poses. Pushing your boundaries and experimenting is key to developing and growing as an artist and you may find new methods of the drawing process that you enjoy more!
References, references, references!!! Use them for everything: characters, environments, lighting, color, shadows, poses, textures!!! Trust me, I always think I know how to draw a good tree until I pull up images of actual trees and use them as refs and my art comes out looking much more natural. Don't trust your memory. Use a reference.
Consistency is key! You'd be surprised how much you can improve just by drawing every day. It doesn't have to be too complex or time consuming, but drawing something every day helps keep your skills sharp.
Take breaks, please I beg you take it easy on your hands pLEAse- Buy yourself a stress ball, stretch your hands after long periods of drawing, and don't forget to get up every couple hours and eat actual food and drink actual water. Go for a brisk walk, get some fresh air. Take care of your brain, it needs the enrichment and nourishment lest you suffer its wrath.
Open yourself up to criticism/advice from other artists. If you are looking for a way to improve your work, don't be afraid to watch tutorials! There are many of them out there for all sorts of topics. And if you are able to, having another artist who you can receive constructive feedback from is also super helpful. Don't take criticism too harshly though, artists are generally very supportive and like to help each other out when it comes to improving others' work. So it's never meant in a rude or condescending way (so long as you are familiar with the artist and they're not known to be a jerk).
That's about all I could think of for now, hopefully this helps you out! Happy creating ^^
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teememdee · 7 months
thoughts on new lol narrative direction
Okay so today’s dev update basically confirmed my suspicions that the narrative team has deliberately moved away from short stories as a medium for lore. Which… if they have the evidence that people don’t engage with them as much as they’d like then I can understand why they made that decision but I’m still a little sad about it. Out of the way sure, but short stories are really effective on giving a character voice and personality along with a deeper insight to their thoughts and feelings about the world in a way that is shown and not told through a written biography or out of universe voicelines. I would hope they still return to written narrative for parts of bigger things (like the big Star Guardian ‘22 story) or just small gaps to be filled, like the random Yorick and Illaoi post-Ruined King story they dropped months ago.
Naturally it’s hard to have a full opinion on this as they’ve just said they’ll be exploring other mediums without specifying what those mediums will be. Short stories (while still requiring great care and effort from a writer) are definitely an easy and very accessible way to get information across quickly. Comics like the Katarina comic from earlier this year I really enjoyed, I’d definitely love more of those. My fear is that they’ll put a lot of hope into Riot Forge games. I love Ruined King and I know others have enjoyed Mageseeker, but games both cost money to experience and as of right now, all RF games are different genres, which appeal to some and don’t appeal to others. I haven’t played Mageseeker because it doesn’t exactly look like my kind of game but I might find the story really interesting. The thing that I like about League Lore is that it’s so detached from the actual video game you can consume and understand and be invested in it without ever playing a single round of it. Yes gameplay videos and everything get uploaded to the internet anyway, but I personally generally prefer going to an official website that I know would contain everything. So I don’t know. I hope these mediums they’re going to explore can still somehow provide the depth that short stories can, as well as be generally accessible to all who might be interested.
And maybe this is just the art student in me currently taking a class about artist books, but part of being easily accessible is how easy these short stories are to share. If you’re talking with a friend about the lore and they want to see for themselves, you can just send a link to the short story. You don’t have to be all like “well 15 hours into this one spin-off game there’s this cutscene and hidden piece of paper on the floor that says—” like that’s. Annoying. Additionally just for going back to check references the short stories are really easy to pop in and check on. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone back to one to check a detail or characterization moment. Much easier than having to remember some gameplay moment or scroll through a wiki to find something that hopefully someone has uploaded. You know where everything is if it’s plain and simple on the Universe site.
As for Arcane being canon now I don’t particularly care? Like I’ve never minded the non-canonness of it but also because I’m not deeply knowledgeable about Piltover / Zaun champs and lore it might as well canon for me personally, and given the ratio of people who know everything about P/Z lore and the number of people who have watched Arcane I can understand why they made this decision, it’s easier to make the popular thing actually canon instead of having like 10 people on twitter scream at others for how it isn’t. I don’t know exactly how far the ripple effect of lore changes this makes will go. But basically I don’t mind. Those 10 people are going to be mad and I can understand to an extent but I’m not one of them.
Hextech and Skarner stuff, as the video says, has probably the largest ripple effect. Again I don’t super care and perhaps it’s too early to judge and cry “booo they’ve ruined Camille!” or “they’re retconning the whole lore!!!” before we even see what these changes are. Maybe I’m too much of an optimist. I like Seraphine and they’ve already mostly adjusted her to this non-Brackern Hextech lore situation so. I think she’s fine as is now. Again we’ll see. How we’ll see though??? Would love to know. I really don’t quite understand how they’re going to do things without short stories or without a big focus on them. Like not even champion color stories? Weird.
I think there is hope for me for the Kassadin and Kai’Sa reunion to actually happen now. If they play it out in a full cinematic in any way I think I might actually die. But that’s a pretty big thread that’s just been hanging over these two characters I love so much and Kai’Sa is a true It Girl at this point so. I think it’s coming. Please go poorly. Please give Kassadin’s wife a name.
One of the devs said they’re going to focus on actually getting the narratives up before focusing on how they’re presented on the Universe site, which… these seem like things that should happen pretty much at the same time but okay. Does this mean the map will get updated ever?
Lastly, of course as a Music Universe Lover I can’t help but wonder how these changes to the base lore could reach over into the AU. Riot Games Music used to post just a simple picture / illustration of what the music-verse characters were up to maybe every two to three months and I’ve really missed those. It’s really felt like they’re leaving that kind of immersive world/narrative behind, but maybe they were just focusing on preparing for this boy band to drop. Still wish it was K/DA or even better, True Damage getting another song? Why did we need another group. Pentakill has three full albums. Anyway.
tl;dr - I’m genuinely bummed about them moving away from short stories and can’t truly get excited for more without knowing exactly how they plan on telling stories in the future.
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davidmariottecomics · 9 months
Keep it Forever? Me and Physical Media
Hello friends! 
I swear that this blog isn't just me advertising that I've got some stuff up for sale on ebay (but also, I totally do). 
As I think I've made pretty abundantly clear, I'm a big proponent of physical media. At a guesstimate, I probably own something around 2-3 dozen VHS tapes, 50-ish records, 100+ video games, 100-150 CDs, probably 200-300 DVDs & Blu-Rays, and more books and comics than I could reasonably count. And that's not even getting into toys and plushies and other physical collectables that Becca and I have strewn across the house or in storage. I am a person who likes to own things. And I'm starting to hit the point where I also need to be a person who doesn't own all things I have. 
Why Physical Media Matters
While I'm pretty sure I've written about this before, doesn't hurt to reiterate why I am such a big proponent of physical media and owning the things you like. 
1. You own the thing. This is probably the single biggest point of physical media to me. You own it. Definitively. You can go and pick up this object that you have and use it. You aren't subject to the terms, conditions, and service changes of companies. If I want to watch Bratz: The Movie or play Super Smash Bros Melee or read The Lady from the Black Lagoon, I can. I don't have to see if it's currently on a service that I'm paying for or even available digitally. I don't have to worry about limited time availability. I don't have to worry about increasingly clueless executives who in trying to maintain the wealth of stockholders basically erase projects from existence, nor do I have to worry about changes of ownership or site design or functionality or licensing agreements that can take your purchases and just blip them away. 
2. Preservation. Piggybacking right off of that, some things *only* exist as physical media. Or, at least, only officially do. I mentioned Smash Bros Melee because it's a Gamecube era game that only exists on/was released for Gamecube. The game only exists as long as there are people who have working copies. There are books that I own, that, similarly, are no longer in print and have never been made available digitally. While most physical media can eventually deteriorate, there are things I have had for the majority of my life (and some things that pre-date me, honestly) that're still in really good shape because they've been cared for and it's important to me that these things exist and it's cool that I can do a little bit to help that. 
2.5 - As an aside, I do just want to say that I am in favor of digital archiving as a tool of preservation. Between the things that only exist digitally and the things that can have a longer preserved life by being converted to digital, I do think it's an important part of the preservation conversation too. With sort of an asterisk of just because I think most works shouldn't be lost, I don't know that it means they should be digitally accessible if it comes at the expense of the creator(s). Preservation = good. Piracy = still bad. 
3. Tactility and greater use. This one goes especially for books and comics, but I like being able to hold things. I like having my reading material in print so that I can, y'know, consume it on the beach without wifi or power or whatever. While a lot of my physical media is dependent on technology still, there are certain things that are more usable in more ways/places because they're physical. 
Why I'm Clearing Some Out Tho
On the other side of all of this, there are some very compelling reasons not to keep all my physical media. And these are some reflective conversations I'm having with myself. Some stuff's easy, right? Things that are redundant--whether they're exact duplicates of something I already own and somehow acquired twice or, like with some of my Transformers, I don't actually need 6 mildly different variations of Bumblebee--are easily put as something that can go. But once you get past that, for me at least, a lot of it comes down kinda to the Marie Kondo "does it spark joy" method. 
Potentially unfortunately for me, a lot of stuff either does spark joy, or sparks almost a sort of FOMO. Tied to preservation, there are some things that while I haven't really engaged with them in heck, maybe a decade of owning it, I worry that if I got rid of it, I wouldn't have it when I *do* want it. But there are also some things where I know it is no longer meaningful to me to own this thing, but I think it might be meaningful to someone else. 
I know I've written about this before, but I'm not really a Funko Pop guy. I have owned a few that I've thought were neat. But even the one I'd say was my favorite, I found tucked away because it had been on a low bookshelf behind our living room furniture before our last big cleaning/reorganizing session for that room, and I don't think I had realized that I hadn't seen it in such a long time. It wasn't just that it had been tucked away, it was that I hadn't thought to see if I knew where it was in months and months. And so, we're parting ways. 
It is tough--at least for me--to be at the intersection of genuinely believing in the good of physical possessions (and, yes, I recognize the faults in them too), wanting to be a person who does preserve things, and honestly, believing in some part of me that the reason I have all this stuff is I might want or need it in the future. That there could be a reason I held on to the Steve Oedekirk Thumb movie collection that'll somehow be relevant to my job or to finding a treasure chest or something. But also knowing that I need to make some space. And that I could use some extra scratch. And that there are things that I bought with enjoying them in the future in mind, but that I now don't think I'll ever return to. 
Loss and Regret
Nothing that I'm trying to get rid of do I feel like I'm going to regret parting ways with. But I've heard and--to some extent--have experienced that feeling of great loss in the past. I think all of us have had or know someone in our lives who has had some variation on the experience of "my [parent] threw my [toys/comics/books/important childhood memories] away and I used my adult money to try to get them back." Or, closely related the "I [lent out/went on vacation with/otherwise left the house with] my [toys/comics/books/important childhood memories] and they're now lost forever." 
I've had a couple of those experiences. The summer between my senior year of high school and my freshman year of college, I lent a friendly acquaintance who was going to the same college as me a bunch of my Gameboy games because they had just found their Gameboy and wanted to get back into it, and I was mostly playing my DS and only my Pokemon Gameboy games at that time. I'm fuzzy on the details, because it has been a decade now (whoof), but as I recall, said acquaintance didn't remember to bring my games when they came to college and somewhere between when they moved into the dorms and their first extended trip home, their family moved and the games were "lost in the move" and if they were ever found, I was never told. And there were some really good games that I miss even today. 
Another time, we were living out at the ranch and a lot of our stuff was in storage in the barn (yes, I lived on a non-working ranch and, yes, we had a barn). Now, sometimes that meant things got a little gross. There was dust and the occasional bugs or mice that found their way into things. But overall, it was actually pretty secure. That is, until the barn flooded once. And I lost a ton of meaningful stuff: books and comics and toys. In particular, I remember that the flood lead to the death of my Marvel Legends build-a-figure Galactus, which was quite the loss. 
And my third big loss/purge is when the ranch was being sold, I had to go back to the ranch, and to the barn, and go through and try to parse at least some of my stuff down. At that point, I was in college and knew I only had a storage unit to work with to hold this stuff, and I was distraught with changes to my life around the ranch being sold, so I know there are things that basically got thrown away that I probably could've kept or saved or gotten to someone who would appreciate them, but in a wave of angst and just deep tiredness, some stuff just got tossed and because it's been a while and I was a little hazy at the time, I still don't entirely know what all was lost in that either. 
I bring all of this up because, like I said earlier, I know that I and many of us have that experience of losing the things that mattered. And I know when I posted about selling some Transformers not too long ago, I had a couple people reach out to say "hey, I don't want to see you lose something that matters to you if you just need money." I wanna reassure folks that, no, it isn't just that influencing my decisions here. I'm really trying to be thoughtful in my decisions. So, don't worry. ;D
Next week: Inspired by a conversation on Becca's Twitch stream yesterday (viewer discretion advised on this last stream: there's some language and a spooky drawing and a slip of some NSFW art for a sec), I'm going to talk about manuscript wishlists and like ways to maybe find agents and editors that'd be a good match for you! 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Craig of the Creek (Cartoon), Honkai Star Rail (Video game), My Adventures with Superman (Cartoon), Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge (TV show, my friend Sina's in the finale!!!!), The Broken Room by Peter Clines (Book), Crime Scene Kitchen (TV show), Dumbing of Age (Webcomic), It's Walky/Joyce & Walky/Shortpacked (Webcomics), Solve This Murder (Podcast), Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Praise Petey (Cartoon), Queen of the Damned (Movie), this very cute Superman drawn by Fernando Luis Cruz during a Superman conversation on Becca's last Twitch stream, this hunky boy Superman drawn by Gigi Dutreix on said stream (and the hunky lady She-Hulk too), The Prank Panel (TV show), Chainsaw Man (Manga) 
New Releases this week (8/9/2023): Nothing from me! Sorry! But...
New Releases next week (8/14/2023): Brynmore #2 (Editor) Godzilla: The War for Humanity #1 (Editor) Sonic the Hedgehog #63 (Editor) Toldja I had a bunch in the pipeline! 
Announcements: Becca will be tabling at Cartoon-a Palooza in Temecula on 9/15 & 9/16. It's a cool free all-ages little con, so come on out and see them! I'll be around too, I'm sure! 
Wanna support me? Consider joining my Patreon! Not only do you get the blog, but you get neat extra stuff like Patreon exclusive blogs, sneak peeks on other stuff I'm working on (and sometimes full original comics posted there), and coming up this week, the first of my sharable scripts and pitches! And even more at higher levels! Or, you can buy something from my webstore! Some of the stock on that stuff is running low and not going to be reprinted anytime soon, so prolly a good time to check it out! 
Also, at time of posting, I still have not pulled Kafka in Honkai Star Rail, but when I do (boy I hope I do), I'll let you know.  Pic of the Week: This is just a very nice picture of Nadja. But those Supermans are also kinda the pic of the week!  
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Nice to finally have a trailer for this game; I know a lot of people like it, but everyone I've asked about it always just goes "it's soooo gooood, but I can't tell you anything because it'd be spoilers! Just play it!" which like. doesn't work for me, especially when it comes to something that's not super easy to access. (I don't know how to run an emulator) If you want me to consume your favorite media, I need to be sold on it, not just told "it's good, trust me :)" I'm stubborn. Are people afraid to tell me that the protagonist is dead from the start? I know that. It's kind of in the name. I watched Yu Yu Hakusho too. Now that someone has actually showed me anything about the game, it looks really cool!
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