vic-studies · 4 years
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> Congrats! You did it!! Celebrate, if you haven’t already.
> Here’s a secret: you have the same right to be there as everybody else. Imposter syndrome is real, especially when there are few others in your department that look like you. I need you to know that you got where you are out of grit and merit. Regardless of what resources you and your (male, white) classmates had before this point, you are all in the same place, and that is no accident. You are perfectly capable of success, even if someone has the audacity to tell you otherwise.
> Use all the help you can get. I was hesitant to get help or go to study sessions because it made me feel like I wasn’t smart enough to do the work on my own. But here’s another secret: the work is designed for you to need help/ work collaboratively. Email your TA! Go to office hours! Find/start a study group! Text the person who always talks in class (or better yet, set up a group chat). You already paid for these resources, you might as well use them
> Join societies/ clubs for women/women of color. Having women in you corner who get what you’re going through is invaluable. Especially if they are in your field! Listen to what they have to say, because a lot of the advice will be specific and you won't be able to find it elsewhere. Plus, it helps to have a few friendly faces you can be yourself around
> Find your support circle. Not every friend you make will be in that circle, which is fine. Make sure you have a small number of people, both at school and at home, who support you and who you can talk freely with. Understand the difference between casual friends and those in your circle. That way you don't end up oversharing with people who don’t really know you -- and coming away feeling empty/awkward as a result
> Your mental health matters. Take time to process your emotions and seek help as soon as you need it. Psychology Today and Therapy for Black Girls are fantastic places to start looking for a therapist, and Loveland Foundation may be able to help you offset the cost if that’s one of your concerns. Even if you’re not seeking regular counselling, these can be great resources if you’re going through a rough patch. For a free option, look into your schools counselling services! (as a note: most if not all of these services will also offer online telehealth meetings)
> Be patient with yourself. You cannot and should not be at 100% all the time. That’s ok! Work hard, but play harder. Know when to pause and take breaks to refocus your energy and have fun :)
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studyingstuffwithem · 4 years
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“The Hate U Give” and “The Book of Unknown Americans” and two incredible books that describe the struggle between living in your truth and living as people see you. Dealing with issues such as racism, disabilities, friendship, and fear, both novels take on the challenge of inspiring, educating, and serving as a catalyst for a change in perspective. I highly recommend these books. They’re both beautiful, heart breaking, and empowering. I read THUG in 3 days and The Book of Unknown Americans in 2.
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study-van · 4 years
Hey! So I saw that you reblogged my "active studyblr" post and I'm trying to ask the active members of the community if they would follow a study/academia-based instagram. I'm considering moving some of my blog posts and photos to instagram, but wanted to see if people would actually follow it. What are your thoughts? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!
Ohhh, I actually do follow a lot study instagrams so I’d love it!!!
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satie-studies · 4 years
Hi Satie! I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much I love your blog. I also wanted to let you know that I created an Instagram for this studyblr and was wondering if you'd be willing to follow it! I follow back :) it's @/studyingstuffwithem // Have a lovely night!
Thank you so much, I feel flattered😌❣️I don't have a studygram but I'd love to follow what you post! You guys should follow her too! @studyingstuffwithem
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studious-kiddo · 5 years
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22/100 days of productivity
Good things that happened: Saw Hellboy & ate McNuggets with a bud. Filmed an open mic and listened to some great talent. Ran a 5k with another bud and ate Pad Thai together afterwards. Had a club magazine photoshoot and I’m still laughing over the pictures cause they’re so ridiculous!
Not-so good things: still haven’t heard back from internships. Relationship is /tense/ with the rents rn. Screwed for my programming midterm, haven’t started 3D modeling hw, and am working on a class case study rn and it’s 2:30 a.m. Ugh.
🎶: manhattanhenge by corner club
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pumpkinstudylatte · 6 years
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i found this app called HUJI Cam which allows you to take pictures analog 90’s style and love it so far!
this is my study space after i cleaned it up a bit featuring a lovely wallpaper by @eintsein, and a to-do list I made before going to bed. the background is my biology notebook, doesn’t it have the most stunning cover? 🌸
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lawschoolstudying · 6 years
Hi, my name is Emily and I just created this blog today. I see that you're very driven and it's quite admirable. I really like your content!! Please consider checking out my blog - I know I don't have a lot of content of my own published but I'm on summer break and we all start somewhere! :) Keep up the great work!
Thank you ! I’ll definitely check it out xxx
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studyingel · 4 years
10 questions
i was tagged by @study-van and @tulipteastudies thank you!♡
rules: answer ten questions, then tag and pose ten questions to ten people
@tulipteastudies‘s questions:
what’s your favourite film and why? // 12 angry men, what it reminds me of is very special to me and it was one of the first movies i remember being impressed of
which languages do you/would you like to speak? // well i’m studying spanish, italian and german but i would like to speak french, greek, russian and latin too lol though these are just dreams for now
what’s a song or music artist that you’re in love with right now? // hmm hozier and robert plant now and always hbfbvj
is your workspace well-organised or a chaotic mess? (no judgement, mine is a mountain held together by hope and delicate balancing) // a MESS. i organise the space every now and then but i happen to destroy the place again in a short time lol also i like casual studying 
did you have a favourite fairy tale or folktale growing up? what was it? if not, what was your favourite childhood book? // i loved hansel and gretel! i used to mark my way everytime i walked lol i also loved aurora a lot
if you could only wear clothes in three colours for the rest of your life, which colours would you choose? // black, red, brown
do you have any pets? if not, would you like any in the future? // i have a golden retriever baby girl!! (she’s not literally a baby she’s 8 lol) and i’m always in touch with animals around me
have you had enough to eat and drink today? (yes this is a self-care checkpoint, go have a snack and a glass of water u study legends) //aww that’s so sweet of you! yes i’ve had enough♡
what’s your favourite season? // autumn, i love every aspect of it. 
what is your current goal in life? any and all sizes and scales count, it doesn’t have to be a monumental, long-term goal // currently i want to improve my art and make progress on my languages, that’s a broad definition i know but i don’t set specific or very long term goals, they tend to pull me down quickly and i like to keep space for options
@study-van‘s questions:
If you could get fluent in one language immediately, what language would you choose? // chinese. i probably can never do it without magic lol though there are a lot of languages i would like to be fluent in, especially my current focus spanish
What kept you/has been keeping you sane during quarantine? // books, tv and the amount of extra time the situation provided so that i could improve myself and do the things i was interested in.
Which book would you like to re-read for the first time? // hmm might be the handmaid’s tale
Do you have any guilty pleasures? // i probably do but i can’t think of any right now
Do you have a favourite quote? // i have many, but this came to my mind now: “You painted a naked woman because you enjoyed looking at her, put a mirror in her hand and you called the painting “Vanity,” thus morally condemning the woman whose nakedness you had depicted for you own pleasure.” by John Berger and “If anybody has discovered what life is all about… it is too late. I am no longer interested.” from Bluebeard
What’s your favourite part about school? // to be honest i don’t like my college physically. i don’t like the concept of class lessons (except some which are given by decent teachers, other than that it is hard to keep focused when the lesson is not efficient), i don’t like seeing the same people every day (even though i like them), i don’t like people’s attitudes, i don’t like having to deal with professors face to face in which their ego is all over the place etc. it just drains my energy most of the time but i missed it in quarantine though, at least some aspects of it like being around friends
If you could talk to your 13 year old self, what would you tell them/advice would you give them? // don’t ever force yourself to fit in a certain group or society if it takes away from who you are
If the pandemic magically ended today, how would you spend tomorrow? // well i would like to go on a culture trip
Without saying who the person is, what is a question you wish you could ask someone but can’t? // wHY lol
If you could go out to dinner with one fictional character who would you choose? // assuming this is not a date, zulema zahir from vis a vis 
my questions (sorry they are not the most creative):
are you a morning person or a night person and why?
do you like casual studying or are you organised?
is there a book/movie/tv show that you think changed your perspective notably, if so what is that?
is there something that most people seem to like but you don’t?
coffee or tea?
do you play any instruments and if so what is that instrument?
favorite artist/musician/actor/actress?
one author you would read without a doubt? 
would you like to live in the past or the future and why?
a random fact about yourself?
i’m tagging: @studyingstuffwithem @studyingbo @bbstudies @lostinmynotebooks @scorpihoe-studying @melaschnie @biospych @bellebestudying @flossstudies @cstudy  (of course no pressure to do this♡)
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coffee-study-coffee · 4 years
Hello! I saw that you reblogged an "active studyblr" post and I wanted to reach out to those most active in the study community to let you know I made a new instagram account @/studyingstuffwithem. I've already scheduled a number of posts like book reviews, study tips, college life posts and more! please consider following it -- i'll be more active on there and want to enagage with as many of my tumblr folx as possible. thank you, enjoy the rest of your day!!
Hi there, of course! If anyone else is looking for some more study tips and content follow them on Instagram!!! @/studyingstuffwithem
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englishobservations · 4 years
Hi Marisa! I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much I love your blog. I also wanted to let you know that I created an Instagram for this studyblr and was wondering if you'd be willing to follow it! I follow back :) it's @/studyingstuffwithem // Have a lovely night!
Awe thanks!!!!! I hope you are too! I followed back with my personal insta: @/ Written_universes 💕💕💕
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sydthefuturenurse · 4 years
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Thank you so much @tulipteastudies for the tag!! These are so fun to do!!
1. What’s your name?// Sydney
2. What year are you?// well I switched my major last year and have to almost completely start over but I could probably say I’m in my second year with where I’m at?
3. What are you studying?// Well originally I was going to early childhood education but last year I switched to Nursing!
4. After graduation what’s next?// Hopefully working at the children’s hospital in my state for two years then going for nurse practitioner!
5. Are you a morning or a night person?// because of my job I have definitely become a morning person
6.front/back/middle of the class?// I like being in the middle
7. Best feedback from a teacher or professor?// My high school band teacher who when he realized I was failing some classes my senior year sat me down and helped me with math and told me when I finally got it that he knew I would do good things I just needed to set my mind to it.
8. Best study tips// I struggled hard with time management I recommend getting a planner and planning your days out everyday by hour and making sure to give yourself mental health breaks
9. Three fun facts// I played French Horn,Mellophone and Trombone. I have been a caregiver for almost three years. I am currently trying and failing to grow my own plants 🌱
And now for tags! This is just for fun no pressure only do it if you feel like it!!
@justanotherstudyblrinthecrowd @sydstudies @studyingstuffwithem
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
Hello! I wanted to reach out to those most active in the study community to let you know I made a new instagram account @/studyingstuffwithem. I've already scheduled a number of posts like book reviews, study tips, college life posts and more! please consider following it -- i'll be more active on there and want to engage with as many of my tumblr folx as possible. thank you, enjoy the rest of your day!!
hi! i am not on instagram but i’m sure some people who follow me are!
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studyingstuffwithem · 4 years
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Hi I’m Emily and welcome to whatever this Instagram account ends up being (a booksta, a studygram, a public journal). I’m so excited to finally have created an instagram to pair with my Tumblr (studyingstuffwithem). Posting stuff like this on Tumblr started as a hobby but it eventually grew into something bigger than I imagined — now I just have to bring the audience from there to here. 
This summer has been FULL of reading. I finished “The Silent Patient” by @alex.michaelides and recently began reading “Small Great Things” by @jodipicoult. Today, @markmanson’s “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” was delivered to my house so I HAD to start reading that. I’ll let you know how it is, I’m so excited! - https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_t5yAA07C/?igshid=6faowwrs0ytm
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study-van · 4 years
Hey! I'm not sure if you're interested but I ended up making the instagram account @studyingstuffwithem. Feel free to follow it! :)
Thank you!!
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satie-studies · 4 years
@lattesandlearning just tagged me in this really cool piccrew tag and I couldn't help but join! This is how you can do it
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My hair has gotten long during quarantine and I am enjoying the androgynous vibes... as for the clothing those were the most grandma-y clothes I could find haha
I tag @study-van @studyingstuffwithem @diaryofastemstudent @businestudi @venustudy and anyone else who wants to give it a try!
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torytriestostudy · 5 years
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hullo, i’m Tory! I decided to create a studyblr for the new school year and just wanted to introduce myself::
who i am: 🌱
20 years of existence as a mayonnaise person in a ketchup-based world
USA (northeastern) college junior with mexican+puerto rican heritage
i’m studying anthropology and english
massive lesbian living exclusively for the harolds in the world
leo sun ☀️ / sag moon 🌙 / virgo rising ☝️
courses: 🌱
anthropology//junior year writing ✏️
english//creative writing ✏️
english//american literary history
english//latin@ literature
english/professional technical writing ✏️
i just now realized all of my courses are writing/reading based and i’m….
what i’ll be posting!: 🌱
my notes/studying materials and maybe some assignments here and there
pretty pictures of my school, it’s the nicest place
resources+info of my studies in mexica (aztec) spirituality
the miracle that is my time management plans
and stories about whatever silly things are going on!
cottagecore-influenced things from my dorm/food and stuff 🏰
my inspirations: @intellectys / @emmastudies / @studyingstuffwithem / @studylustre / @the-literaryowl / @lessfamiliarsouls / @artemistudying / @universi-tea / @eintsein / @acadesk //
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