#still waiting for the final all clear from hopper who we booked it through before we tell anyone
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COSMIC - S1:E5; Chapter Five, The Flea and The Acrobat - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘣 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘴 𝘔𝘳. 𝘊𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯.
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|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
His heart racing, Hopper could hear the blood pumping in his ears as he ran through the twisted corridors of the Lab. Beads of sweat dripped down his face as he swiftly maneuvered the facility be had just broken into in search of the missing boy.
"Will?" His desperate calls echoed off of the cold tile walls.
In the midst of his frantic haste, he had gotten turned around. The chilling corridors all seemed the same and a new wave of panic flooded him. Taking a deep breath, the chief tried his best to recompose himself. He came across a crossroads, it resembled a four-way intersection that one may find on an ominous back road in the country. He stared ahead and sighed.
Each corridor was identical to the next. Cold and unwelcoming.
"You gotta be shittin' me." He growled under his breath.
Grabbing his bearings, the man kept straight and hoped for the best.
The hallway stretched for what felt like miles, when finally, after a few turns, it came to a dead end. He looked around and noticed this was quite different than the others.
The chief's instincts that had earned him the title in the first place suggested to him that the small corner of the facility had been long forgotten. This particular area had been neglected the upkeep that was evident in the rest of the laboratory. Ahead of him lay two doors; an old broom closet, labeled as such, and a rather ominous looking door, with an accompanying window with a glimpse inside an untidy room.
This particular room piqued his interest. The door was closed, though the handle seemed to be broken, the room ajar. Hopper cautiously stepped toward the door, reaching his arm out and slowly pushed it open.
Hopper stepped inside the cluttered room, his heart racing, not knowing what to expect. It was clear that the room was designed to have a greater purpose, but had been hastily abandoned and eventually forgotten. It seemed that just about every item in the room, much like the rest of the facility, was made of steel. From the counters to the filing cabinets with half-opened drawers. His eyebrows furrowed in curiosity as he stepped inside and around the steel table to the cabinet on the opposite end of the room.
Knowing he had little time, he shone his flashlight into the drawer and he quickly rifled through the filing cabinet waiting for something that might catch his eye. Hopper sighed in disappointment when he found nothing useful. He began to shut the filing cabinet in defeat when he caught a small glimpse of a peculiar label shoved all the way to the back, almost like it was meant to be forgotten.
Tilting his head in curiosity, Hop pulled the drawer out as far as it would go and even then, the man had to reach for the file. It a wonder he caught it in the first place. He pulled it from the drawer and examined the front with haste.
The label on the edge of the manilla folder had been scratched out and written over many times that it was now indistinguishable. The front cover was all blank, except for a few words that had been scribbled in black ink.
The familiar words sparked something in Hopper. With no time to waste he shoved the file into his jacket and closed the cabinet, making a run for the door.
Fortunately, Hopper was able to retrace his steps back to the where he had gotten lost, this time making a right turn down the hallway. He continued his calls for Will when suddenly, he found himself in a room, not that different from the strange room he found himself in earlier. Only this room, contained a bed.
And a security camera, which happened to be the first thing Hopper noticed when he entered.
He stepped closer to the bed, the light of the flashlight landing on a small stuffed animal, that was placed neatly at the top of the bed near the pillow. Frowning, Hopper moved his flashlight to the wall above the bed, a small piece of printer paper had been taped to the wall.
It was a drawing, clearly done by a child.
There were two people depicted in the drawing, in the form of stick figures. What appeared to be a tall man standing next to a smaller stick figure who he could only assume to be artist. The child wore a frown, and they faced a table that appeared to have a cat on it. Hopper almost didn't notice the words above each stick figure.
Above the child, was the number eleven. And above the man, written in messy handwriting was a single word.
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
The five of us were scattered around Mike's basement. El was curled up on the couch, most likely physically exhausted from contacting Will. Mike was sitting at the opposite end of the couch by El's feet, concentration etched in his features. Lucas occupied the lounge chair deep in thought while Dustin resides at the bottom of the stairs.
"What was Will saying?" Mike wondered.
He began reciting Will's words from earlier in an attempt to recall the only clue we might have that he might be alive.
"Like home... Like home... but dark?" He stood up from the couch, hands still in his jacket pockets as he began pacing the room.
"And empty." Lucas pressed his intertwined fingers against his forehead, his eyes closed deep in thought.
My leg bounced up and down at an alarming rate, a nervous habit I picked up at a young age as I spoke up, my eyes still focused on one random corner of the room.
"And cold."
Dustin sighed.
"Empty and cold. Wait, did he say cold?" He looked around the room, seeming to second guess himself.
"I don't know, I think? The stupid radio kept going in and out." Lucas sighed.
"He did. He said cold." I muttered, unable to shake the haunting voice of my friend's terrified cries for help.
"Like home." Mike repeated once more. "Like his house?"
"Or maybe like Hawkins." Lucas offered eagerly.
"Upside Down." El muttered.
"What'd she say?" Lucas asked.
"Upside Down." Mike said, a hint of astonishment in his voice as something seemed to have clicked.
"What?" Lucas repeated.
Mike walked over to the table I sat at and looked at the overturned game board. It was then, I recalled what El had been telling us the other night, with Will's game piece.
My mouth fell into a silent gasp as everything began falling into place. I turned myself back around in the chair and looked at the board.
"Upside down." I breathed.
Mike had taken a seat across from me, both hands on the game board while the other boys got up and joined us at the table.
Mike began flipping the board over multiple times as he explained.
"When El showed us where Will was, she flipped the board over, remember? Upside down. Dark. Empty. Cold." He finished, locking eyes with me as he said the last word.
"Do you understand what he's talking about?" Lucas asked me and Dustin.
We replied simultaneously.
We both looked at each other with confusion and a hint of annoyance for a split second before dismissing the thought.
"Come on guys, think about it. When El took us to find Will, she took us to his house, right?" I offered, gesturing all around me as I spoke.
Lucas shrugged.
"Yeah. And he wasn't there."
"But what if he was there?" I offered, eyebrows raised as I looked between my brother and Lucas. "What if we just couldn't see him? What if he was on the other side?"
The boys, aside from Mike, of course, seemed to consider this. Mike jumped back in as he flipped the board right side up once more.
"What if this is Hawkins and..." he flipped it back. "This is where Will is? The Upside Down."
Dustin seemed to perk up as he connected his own dots.
"Like the Vale of Shadows."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Dustin slammed Mike's collection of Dungeons and Dragons guides and spell books on the table and began flipping through the various guidebooks. After a few moments he stopped on the page he had been looking for and began to read aloud.
"The Vale of Shadows is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world. It is a place of decay and death. A plane out of phase. A place of monsters."
As he read the next sentence, Mike, Lucas and I all shared the same, unsettled look, and a chill ran down my spine.
"It is right next to you, and you don't even see it." Dustin finished, and looked up, sharing our looks of concern.
Mike spoke up.
"An alternate dimension."
It seemed I was not the only one who was having difficulty handling the information.
"But... how... how do we get there?" Lucas asked worriedly.
"We cast Shadow Walk." Dustin said.
"In real life, dummy." Lucas deadpanned.
"We can't shadow walk, but... maybe she can." Dustin offered.
We all look to a drowsy looking El.
"Do you know how we get there? To the Upside Down?" Mike asked her gently.
She shook her head softly and we all felt the heavy ache of disappointment. Some of us were better at hiding it.
"Oh, my God!" Lucas sighed dramatically.
I tuned out the bickering that began between the boys when I gestured for the handbook and Dustin complied, sliding it over to me.
Maybe, just maybe, there must be something in one of these books that could help us or even give us an idea. I began flipping through the spell book and found myself lingering on my characters class, the Druid. More specifically, the Druid spell pages, getting lost in thought.
My eyes scanned the pages, my hope and curiosity had bubbled down to desperation and boredom as I read the all too familiar page. This time, with a new lense.
I recognized the many spells I had used in previous campaigns; Produce Flame had gotten me out of a pinch with a mimic once, I smiled at the memory. And of course, Plant Growth - one of my personal favorites - Will would always tease me about my love for plants carried on into my character.
I soon found myself unable to tear my attention away from one of the lower class spells I always used, Cure Wounds. Something in the back of my mind kept gnawing at me. I bore my eyes into the page as I reread the words over and over again.
"You or a creature you touch regains a number of Hit Points equal to 1d8 + your Spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on Undead or constructs."
It dawned on me. That night we saw "Will". It was just moments before we heard the sirens, I realized my cut had mysteriously vanished. I had immediately gotten distracted when we heard the sirens and then everything happened one after the other that I had forgotten.
'How could I possibly have forgotten something like that?'
I thought about El. A week ago I never believed it possible to move things with your mind, but yet El could. It made me wonder.
I shook my head, clearly, I was grasping at straws.
'Remember what mom said?' I asked myself, some part of me desperate to bury the ridiculous notion growing in the back of my mind. 'My body has always been faster than most medicines.'
I broke myself out of my thoughts to see Dustin and Lucas packing up. Suddenly realizing how tired I was, I happily joined in and grabbed my jacket from the chair and we said our goodbyes.
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teamhook · 3 years
Finding Hope ::  August Rush Birthday Fic
A new chapter for the birthday fic for my favorite dork  @hookedonapirate cause I love her to death.
Thanks to my beta @ultraluckycatnd she is the best!!
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Killian has never been this nervous in his life. Not even when he used to perform in front of a crowd. His mind keeps taking him to the worst possible scenario. She is married with children. There's no way someone as bloody amazing as her is still single.
He finally arrives at the Estate. As he works up his nerve to knock on the door, he is met with an older man in a suit leaving.
"Excuse me, Sir, I'm looking for Emma Nolan," Killian said to the man.
The man annoyingly looks Killian up and down with a reptilian gleam in his eyes. "I'm not her butler, dearie. She is not here, she is out looking for her brat."
"I'm sorry for bothering you." Killian walks away, dejected.
After hanging up with Emma, Elsa asks around their old teachers and finds out they have been trying to find someone to do a solo performance at the upcoming event at the park.
Elsa quickly volunteered her friend. The Concert at Central Park, she couldn't believe it. For some time now, Elsa has tried convincing her friend to play professionally.
“Emma, when are you going to allow yourself to be happy again?”
“I am very happy. Thank you very much,” Emma answers.
“You know what I mean, but to clarify, I'm talking about when everyone else goes home. You're a music teacher who doesn't play music anymore.”
“I’ll think about it. Okay?”
This is the push Emma needs and besides, she did call her.
After placing posters of Hope all over the park and nearby street corners, Merlin passes out fliers with the young girl's picture and inquires if anyone has seen her. He only gets people shaking their heads no as they walk by.
Merlin notices a skinny man with shaggy hair walking with a boy roughly around Hope's age and decides to approach them. "Excuse me, I was wondering if you or your son had seen this girl?"
The man looks at the flier and dismisses it with a wave of his hand.
Merlin studies the man's movements. There's something wicked about the man and sets off alarms in his head. He doesn't like the fact there is a young boy around that type of person.
As they walk away, Henry turns to Walsh. "Was that a picture of Hope?" the boy asks.
"Mind your business, you didn't see anything, okay? If you want to stay on my good side, that is," Walsh threatens the boy.
Henry knows what the words mean. Walsh will send him away and he won't have a place to sleep or food, so he nods his agreement. They walk further away in silence. The closer they get back to the theater, the thought of keeping a secret from Hope kills him. What if she can be with her family?
Walsh and Henry failed to notice Merlin had followed them at a discreet distance. He sees them go inside the theatre. Merlin makes a quick call to the police with his concerns.
Merlin looks down at his watch and returns to the park to check on Emma's progress.
A few hours later, the derelict theatre is raided by the police. The police managed to capture most of the kids, but Walsh manages to escape. Henry and Hope evade the police together, finding refuge in a church.
Hope and Henry find an empty pew to sit on in the back of the overfilled church. Hope’s ears perk up when the choir begins singing. Henry puts a protective arm around her as they listen to the music.
Hope rests her head on her friend's shoulder. She wonders what they would do now. There had been so many cops and she knew if they had caught her, they would return her to her foster home. But she was on a mission to find her parents and no one was going to stop her from finding them.
The music stops and Henry nudges her to stand up. They have to find somewhere to sleep and some food would be nice. "Hope, come on, let's go. We need to go find shelter for the night. I don't think the theatre is safe anymore."
Hope nods. "Do you think anyone else got out in time?"
"I don't know. There were so many cops and everyone scattered. Maybe?"
As the kids were leaving the church, a man wearing some sort of gown blocked their exit before they could make their escape. "Hello, children," He says with a warm smile.
Hope and Henry share a look.
"It was a beautiful practice. We have a talented choir. I'm so sorry, I have failed to introduce myself. My name is Father Hopper."
"Hello," Hope says.
Henry looks between them. "I'm Henry, Hope's brother."
Father Hopper nods. "Your parents must be worried sick. I can escort you both."
"Oh, that's not necessary. They are probably outside waiting for us," Henry says quickly as he extends his hand for Hope to take.
Hope grins as she reaches for Henry's hand.
Father Hopper steps aside hesitantly.
The kids try to make a quick escape.
"I know you both came in alone. I know there are no parents."
Henry and Hope stiffen and are about to run out of there.
"Please, don't go. You are safe here. We can offer you sanctuary. At least for the night. Mother Superior has an empty cell we could offer you."
Hope pulls on Henry's hand.
"Follow me and I will escort you to her. Mother Superior will take you to your cell, but perhaps a snack before bedtime?"
At the mention of food, the kids' stomachs growl at the same time.
They follow him through some long halls. He knocks on a door and a petite woman opens the door.
"Father Hopper, what can I do for you?" the woman says with a smile.
"Mother Superior, I found these kids, and they are hungry and in need of a place to sleep."
"Oh, hello children. You can call me Blue."
"Like the color?" Hope asks.
"Yes, like the color. And what should I call you?"
"My name is Hope and this is my brother Henry," Hope answers.
"Okay, follow me to the kitchen so we can get you something to eat," Blue says with a small smile on her lips.
Once in the kitchen, Mother Superior, or Blue as she prefers to be called, makes them some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with two big glasses of milk. She doesn’t say a word, just observes them, and the children are happy for the quiet.
The kids eat the sandwiches hungrily. Once they finish, she takes them to the room they will be sharing.
“Goodnight, children,” Blue says as she closes the door.
Once the door clicks, Henry turns to Hope. “We have to be out of here before they come to check on us. If we wait any longer, they will call the cops.”
“Okay, we wake up early and make a run for it,” Hope says in agreement. She was happy she was no longer alone. She wished Henry was really her brother.
After sleeping a few hours, Hope wakes up. She squeezes her eyes shut trying to fall asleep for a little longer, but the music is calling her. She pushes the blanket off and quietly leaves the room to make sure she doesn’t wake up Henry.
She walks the halls as quiet as a mouse. It doesn’t take her long to end up in front of a big piano. She slowly approaches it and caresses the keys.
“Do you play?” a voice from behind asks.
Hope slowly turns around to face Blue and shakes her head no.
“Do you want to try it?” Blue asks.
“Yes,” Hope says without hesitation.
Blue grabs the sheet music to find something easy to play, but is startled as Hope plays a sweet melody that warms her heart.
Once Hope finishes playing her inner song, she turns to Blue with a shy smile.
“Well, darling. Aren’t you full of surprises? I thought you said you didn’t know how to play?” Blue says teasingly.
“I don’t. I’ve never played the piano. I had a flute once, and played the violin. In school, I wanted to play on the piano, but I haven’t seen anything as big and beautiful as this.”
Blue nods. “Hope, this is an organ.”
“This is an organ? I thought an organ was inside of us?” Hope says, scrunching her face.
“Well, yes that too, but this is a church organ,” Blue answers. “Where did you learn that song?”
Hope shrugs. “I don’t know. I just hear it all the time.”
Blue nods and hands Hope the sheet music. “Can you play anything from this?”
Hope grabs the sheet and looks through the book. Without knowing, she picks the hardest song to play. After finishing playing, Hope turns to Blue. “Was that okay?”
“Hope, that was perfect. You are very talented. I believe you are what’s called a prodigy.” Blue sighs. “We know you and Henry are alone. Hope, the safest place for both of you is with Child Protective Services.”
Hope shakes her head. “ I don't wanna be sent away. We don’t want to go. You don’t understand, I just want to find my parents! I know they're out there somewhere. The music is what I hold on to. And I can't let go. Somewhere inside me, I know that the music in my heart came from them, and I know they always wanted me. Maybe they just got lost, but my song will help me find them.”
“I understand. I truly do but being on your own, there are bad people out there. My job is to make sure that you are safe. Both you and Henry.”
Hope shakes her head defiantly. “If you send us back, we will only run away again.”
“There is something I can do to help you. There’s this wonderful school where they would welcome you. You could play your beautiful song for them.”
“What about Henry? Can he come too?” Hope asks.
“I’m sorry Hope, but I don’t think so,” Blue answers sincerely.
The boy in question appears. “It’s okay, Hope. You should go. Maybe this will help you find your parents,” Henry says with a sad smile.
Hope runs to him and hugs him tightly. “When I find my parents, I will ask them to help me find you.”
Blue clears her throat. “Let me make some calls.”
Once Blue is gone, Henry speaks up. “I’m sorry, Hope, but I have to go now.”
Hope nods. “I will find you, and we will be a family.”
Emma makes two very important calls. One to Merlin for any updates and the other to Elsa.
“Mr. Wilde, I understand. Your department's doing everything they can. Please keep me posted.”
As soon as Elsa answers, she tells Emma the news about The New York Philharmonic.
“Emma, I know it’s just for one night, but they want you back.” Elsa waited for her friend to freak out, but got the opposite reaction.
“Elsa, I know the perfect piece. Maybe she can hear it. You know she has Killian’s beautiful blue eyes. She is so perfect and I really want to find her. I used to swear I could hear her all this time. I know she was trying to reach out to me," Emma says, crying.
Elsa sighs. “I know you will find your little girl.”
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 3 years
you can read it on ao3 too. link is in the notes.
When Billy wakes up in the hospital, all he can hear is the sound of some dumbass machine beeping. He wants to make it stop, but when he goes to pull the blanket away, he’s stopped by the tubes and bandages.
He looks down at himself, frowning. He tries to think back, but all he remembers is getting in his car-- Steve Harrington slamming into his Camaro with an unknown car-- to go to Karen’s.
Had there been an accident? Had Harrington been involved somehow? He’s not sure and his head is beginning to throb so he decides to go back to sleep.
When he wakes up again, Max is sitting next to him in a guest chair, tears streaming down her cheeks as she holds his hand. They are alone. He wants to ask her what’s wrong, but then she begins to talk.
“Billy, you fucking asshole, you better stop this shit. Just wake up, please.”
Billy clears his throat and Max jumps as she looks up his face. Her eyes are wide, her hair a mess.
“Billy?” She whispers.
His mouth and throat are dry as he says, “Who were you expecting? Santa Claus?” It barely comes out as a whisper.
Letting out a strangled half sob, Max gets up and hesitates. He watches her blink several times.
“Billy, oh my god, you’re okay!” She leans forward and gives him an awkward hug. He pats her back, totally confused.
“Yeah, shitbird, why wouldn’t I be?” He asks.
Slowly she pulls back and looks at him. “You don’t remember?”
He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. He remembers a room, hot and humid, the sauna? At the pool? He’s locked in. Max is at the window.
I’ve done things, Max. Really… bad things. I didn’t mean to. He made me do it.
Billy shakes his head, no.
He made me do it?  Billy thinks to himself. He who? Neil? No, not Neil. A shadow?
“I’m gonna go get a doctor,” Max says. She gets up and leaves quickly.
He’s not alone for long before a team of nurses and doctors come in and begin poking, prodding, and asking him questions.
At one point he looks over at the door and sees Max looking at him from the hall. There’s a girl next to her. A girl that shouldn’t be there. Billy’s not sure why, but she really shouldn’t.
Had he dreamt her? Had she died?
He can’t remember, and then someone asks him a question that he doesn’t know the answer to. He closes his eyes to try to answer but when he opens them again, both girls are gone.
Over the next few days, Billy drifts in and out of consciousness. Sometimes he wakes up alone, but more often Max is there. The impossible girl is there with her the most, but sometimes it’s Harrington or one of the kids. Sometimes he opens his eyes and it’s like his room has been invaded by quiet and subdued teeanagers. Sometimes he talks to whoever is in his room, but often he says nothing.
The weirdest times are when he wakes up alone with Steve, although this is probably in part because Steve is almost always asleep. Billy can’t understand why Steve of all people would want to be here alone with Billy.
It takes Billy several days to piece together what happened in the span of just a few days, all the death and destruction. Billy remembers bits and pieces, and he is flooded with guilt every time he sees the impossible girl, El. She was Chief Hopper’s daughter, but that didn’t make sense either. More people would know that Hopper had a daughter, right?
The one thing no one wants to answer is what happened to his car. Sometimes he thinks he remembers a crash, but he isn’t sure why.
One day he wakes up to find Steve staring at him from the guest chair. He’s sitting with his fist under his chin and Billy’s sure he’s not really seeing Billy.
Steve jumps when Billy clears his throat.
“Hey,” Steve says.
“Hey.” Billy keeps studying him. “Are you ok?”
Steve shakes his head a little. “I have some bad news.”
Scowling, Billy shakes his head. He cannot even begin to guess what Steve is going to tell him, how things could possibly get worse.
“Your dad sold your car to the junkyard this morning,” Steve says.
Throat tightening, Billy shakes his head a little. “Why?”
Steve chews on his lip. “Because I rammed the mayor’s car into it and totaled it that night.”
“The mayor’s car?” Bill asks.
He’s sitting behind the wheel of the Camaro, looking right at the kids, at his sister. His body is flooded with hate and anger and fear.
There is a loud crash as another car hits his, and he’s knocked around.
“Yeah, we kind of stole it,” Steve says.
Rubbing his cheek a little, Billy lets the news wash over him and then something clicks. He begins to shake so he pulls his blanket closer.
“I’m really sorry, Billy,” Steve says. “We tried to stop him, I tried to buy it off of him, but he wouldn’t listen.”
Billy shifts as he tries to figure out what to say as he bites back bitter tears. Everything hurts in a whole new way. He wants to go to sleep; he wants to go back in time to that night he’d left to meet Karen; he wants to go home to California.
He wants his mom.
“Shut up,” Billy snaps. “Just shut up and leave me alone.” He doesn’t want Steve to see him like this. He covers his face with his arm as he lets out a small sob. He feels stupid. He’s alive and healing, he shouldn’t be fucking crying about something as stupid as this.
“I cleaned out your car before your dad sold it,” Steve murmurs. He sets a plastic grocery sack on the bed.
Billy lowers his arm and he chokes back a sob as he sits up and opens the bag. There’s some lighters, a bunch of cassettes, and an old battered shoe box. He wants to ask if Steve went through the box, but he’s so flooded with relief all he can do is pull the box close. With shaking fingers, he opens it and swallows hard.
The box is full of things from his mom that he wanted to keep hidden from Neil. Letters, notes, birthday cards, and several pictures. There are a few cassette tapes that shed’ forgotten when she left. When he was younger, he’d listened to them on low volume in the front room, and then later he’d made mixed tapes from them so he could hide the originals. He knew if his dad found any of these things, they’d get destroyed and then he’d probably beat the shit out of Billy. Billy had carried the box in his backpack as a kid until he finally got his car and he’d shoved the box away so Neil wouldn’t find it.
The most important thing though, was a small stuffed dog that had lost most of its stuffing over the years. He takes it out and holds it so, so gently with one hand and begins to stroke its ear.
Pulling it close, he covers his face again and begins to sob, his whole body shaking.
“Thank you,” Billy mumbles when he’s finally calmed down enough to talk. “Thank you.”
“It was nothing,” Steve says.
Billy drops his arm and looks up at the other man.
“No, Steve. It isn’t nothing. It’s everything.” Still clutching the dog, Billy reaches out and grabs Steve’s sleeve tugging him down. He knows he’s not gripping hard, but Steve comes easily. Billy wraps an arm awkwardly around Steve’s shoulders. It’s hard. The tubes get in the way, tugging a little painfully, and his whole body protests at the movement, at the touch, but he doesn't care. Steve is unsure at first, but eventually he wraps his arms gently around Billy.
“Thank you,” Billy whispers into Steve’s neck.
When they pull apart, Billy clears his throat and glances in the box again. With a heavy sigh, he closes it but keeps the dog under his arm. The dog had helped him through some of the worst nights of his childhood, and it has a comforting familiarity. He’s not even worried that Neil will see it because Neil hasn’t once visited him in the hospital.
Sighing, Billy lays back on his pillows. He watches Steve sit back down. He curls in on himself a little and turns to stare out the window. Billy falls asleep staring at him.
When he wakes up again, he’s still clutching the dog. Steve is gone and in his place Billy finds El and Max curled up in the chair reading comic books together.
The following weeks are hard. The dog never leaves Billy’s side and no one says shit. Steve comes alone every couple of days, and is often the one to bring Max.
No one brings up Neil, and Billy is too scared to think about what might be waiting for him there. He tries to not think about  home  , but when his dreams aren’t about him being flayed, they are him cold and alone on the street. Logically he knows this probably won't happen. There have been enough lawyers sniffing around, talking about getting him a settlement, but Billy doesn’t really want to be alone just yet, which is really frightening for him. He’s not used to needing anyone for anything, but considering he has a hard time walking on his own many days, he feels justified in not wanting to live alone.
One morning, close to when he’s supposed to get released, Billy wakes up in a cold sweat clutching his small dog. His throat hurts and he thinks he’s been screaming again. He stares up at the ceiling as he tries to catch his breath.
“That happen often?” Steve asks from the doorway.
“Wuh?” Billy jumps and looks at the door. “Jesus, Harrington, we need to put a bell on you or something.” He laughs, but it’s hollow.
“Sorry.” Steve folds himself in the chair. He leans on the arm and looks up at him. “So does it?”
“Does what?”
“The screaming nightmares. I could hear you from the goddamn elevator. Surprised nurses didn’t come running in.”
Shrugging, Billy asks, “What’s it to you, pretty boy?”
Steve smiles a little and shrugs. “Figure I have a right to know what my roommate gets up to in the middle of the night.”
Frowning, Billy asks, “Roommate?”
“Yeah… I mean if you want. I talked to Max and Susan and they think you would probably rather not live with Neil any more.” Steve sighs a little. “Robin’s been itching to move out, and like, this is the perfect excuse, honestly.” Steve chews on his lip and Billy just kind of stares at him numbly.
“No bullshit?” Billy asks finally.
“No bullshit.”
Pressing his lips together, Billy shakes his head, no, and sinks lower into the bed. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” Steve says softly, genuinely confused, although that’s not hard for Steve.
“Because I don’t have any money, fuck face!” Billy snaps. Steve blinks once and busts up laughing. “Are you serious right now?” Billy growls.
Laughing so hard he’s actually crying, Steve wipes his cheek. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I forgot the lawyers haven’t been up yet, but Joyce and Hopper helped get a huge settlement for you. All your medical bills are going to be taken care of, of course, but you’ll also be getting a monthly allowance for the rest of your life. Dude, you never have to work if you don’t want to.”
It’s Billy’s turn laugh, but laughing hurts and his tears are more from pain but he ignores them.
“No shit?” Billy asks.
“No shit.”
Billy opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. He never has to go back to his dad’s house again. He can hardly believe it. He pulls the dog closer and takes a deep breath.
“Yeah, ok,” Billy says eventually.
Steve smiles at him. “It’s gonna be great, you’ll see.”
“Mhmm,” Billy says and begins to idly fiddle with his hospital bracelet while Steve starts telling him about the apartment. It’s not great, but it’s pretty nice, and big, and Steve just goes on and on about plans for cooking and parties and just everything sounds so nice.
And for the first time in a really long time, Billy can feel himself to start getting excited for the future.
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sinfulserpents · 5 years
another hopper! reader hc or fic babe?maybe continue the one you already wrote because that was super cute! like interactions between hopper and billy would be hilarious
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based on this headcanon
aight lets imagine that hopper was able to take max and billy away from their shitty home life
and because he’s a huge softie at heart
papa bear hopper comes out and he lets them stay at your house 
it would take them both so long to get used to their new settings
but after about a month max would join in on el’s excitement to be living with her best friend
my babies
billy would take much longer to sort of get used to it
like every slam of a door would still make him jump
or when your dad would come home drunk after a night out with his work mates billy would be sent into a panic attack
and while hop set up the spare room for him and max to sleep in
billy would often find himself sneaking into your room in the middle of the night because
“i sleep better when i’m next to you - somehow you stop the nightmares.”
max would also sneak into el’s room too while they gossiped about mike and lucas
but billy would creep back into his respective room when the sun rose not wanting to piss off your dad
however, one time billy would finally be getting a proper nights rest
like baby boy was full snoring
he hadn’t been able to sleep properly like that for a long time
so that’s how your dad would find you when he walked into your room to wake you up for breakfast
billy’s head on your chest
your legs intertwined
he’d clear his throat to try to wake you both
but when he realised that wasn’t going to work he’d roll his eyes and let out a ‘wake up!”
Billy would jump up like a flash of lightening 
immediately spluttering out apologies and excuses like
“im so sorry sir”
“i didn’t want to be disrespectful - it’s just that your daughter has a good chest to lay on… wait! no! shit! i didn’t mean like her, you know? boobs. I mean’t like her chest.”
all while you sat there and looked between the pair
your dad would shake his head and chuckle under his breath
because the hargrove kid was actually a huge dork
and raise his palm so billy would stop rambling
“i was just coming to wake you both for breakfast. I know you’ve been sneaking in here for the last couple of weeks Billy, you’re not light on your feet… also don’t talk about my daughters chest to me again.”
with that he’d leave your room
and billy would let out a sigh of relief before crawling back on top of you
burying his face in your neck and letting out a string of “thank gods”
billy would 100% take y’all to school in the morning and drive you home at night
hopper would be reluctant at first
you know that he had to give our boy a couple of speeding tickets
and he would probably make billy go to a safe driving course just to be safe lmfao
but your dad would eventually get used to it 
always telling billy to “drive safe hargrove or your body wont be found”
once y’all got home from school you and billy would be studying on the kitchen table while the girls studied in the living room
and you’d have this huge biology exam the next day
so you told everyone not to distract you
putting on your headphones and listening to your songs through your walkman
but then el would walk over to your table not understanding a word
like the lil angel asked max what it meant and not even our firecracker knew
so she’d go to tap you on the shoulder but billy would stop her
gesturing to the seat next to him
so she’d shuffle over to the chair and sit down 
pushing her book in front of him before pointing to the word
and billy would chuckle and be like 
“you don’t know what catastrophic means?”
and el would shake her head while trying to say the word out loud after billy gave her the definition
billy wouldn’t say it but the girl that was weirdly named after a number was starting to weave her way into his heart
as was max who had joined the three of you at the table, tossing billy her math homework
billy would raise his eyebrows and be like “what do you need maxine?”
the girl would roll her eyes and sigh
she doesn’t like to ask for help
so billy would scan over the blue sheet of paper with circles that were cut into half and quarters
“let me guess, you don’t know how to write these pie diagrams as fractions, huh?”
max would bite her lip and shake her head while billy grabbed a pencil and turned the paper to face her
beginning to explain the concepts to his lil sister
from then on this kind of became a routine
billy would help the girls with the homework first before doing his own
and you’d always comment about how he’d make a good middle school teacher
which he’d groan about and tell you to “bugger off”
we stan a king who is trying to not swear as much around kids
because there was no way that he was going to become a teacher
but when the time came for y’all to put in college applications 
don’t try to tell me that he wouldn’t ask you to help him write a application for middle school teaching
he’d so get accepted pls don’t kill my dreams
after a while billy would probably get tired of his mullet
the only reason he grew his hair was to spite his dad who said long hair was for “pussies” and “belonged on girls”
so he’d tell you that he’d meet you at dustins house where everyone was hanging out after because he had to do something first
you wouldn’t pry but would give him an “okay, see you then” kissing him goodbye and driving off
billy would stare at himself for a really long time in the mirror with a pair of scissors in his hand
he kept going to cut it but then stopping himself
until he heard the familiar sound of hoppers voice followed by a womans that he recognised as joyce byers
so he’d walk out of the bathroom 
ultimately halting their conversation
and hopper would glance between the nervous boy and the scissors in his hand
and just let out a “what are you doing, son?”
billy would try not to smile at the fact that HOPPER just referred to him as son
but would nonchalantly raise the scissors and look between the pair of adults
“i-uh, was thinking of cutting my hair.”
joyce would smile before gesturing him over to the kitchen table offering to do it for him
when billy finally arrived at dustins he’d knock before letting himself in once he heard the kids yell an “it’s open!”
and all conversation would come to a stop
the party would stare at him in shock
while you’d stand up from your position on the couch next to harrington who had his mouth opened in an ‘o’
you’d walk over while raising a questioning eyebrow 
“you cut your hair?”
billy would shrug and nervously look down at his shoes 
“thought it was time for a change. do you not like it?”
your hands would run through his short locks and billy would shut his eyes 
he loved when you played with his hair okay
and you’d kiss his cheek, telling him that you loved it
while leaning up on your tip-toes to whisper in his ear
“i can still pull on it while you go down on me.”
billy would b l u s h 
and cough to stop himself from being turned on then and there
max would smile at him and give him a thumbs up before returning to the D&D game
el would just give him a loud “badass” before also joining back in the game
billy wouldn’t admit it but having yours and the girls approval meant the world to him
it wouldn’t stop him from telling steve to “bag your face harrington” when steve started talking to him though
don’t even talk to me about how much billy would love ‘family dinners’
his blood related family never had dinner together
so when your dad brought home beer and pizza every friday night
while you all sat in the living room just lounging around eating and talking
he fucking loved it
domestic! billy has me soft™️
he. deserved. better.
we’re gonna pretend the final ep of s3 didn’t happen okay? cool
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hawkinshellfire · 3 years
Right Where You Left Me
Chapter 12 - Lover
 Chapter 12 - Lover
  We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
And this is our place, we make the rules
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
“Let me help you with that.”
 “I can do it,” Joyce says stubbornly.
 “What the hell is in there?” Hopper asks, pointing to Joyce’s duffel bag. 
 “Clothes?” she replies.
 “Why do you need so many?”
 “We’re going for two weeks, Hop.”
 “The cabin isn’t that far, we can always come back if you need more clothes.”
 “But then we have to come back to reality and I was planning on spending two weeks very far away from it,” she smirks. 
 “You aren’t saying that because there are a bunch of books in that bag, are you?”
 “There may be  one, ” she admits, “but it’s not what I plan on distracting myself with.”
 She steps towards him, drops her bag on the floor next to his feet and runs her palm along his chest. Rocking forward on her toes, she brushes her nose against his and pulls back with a devilish smile.
 “Tease,” he calls after her. 
 Joyce looks back and tosses a wink over her shoulder then reaches for her bag and walks it over to Hopper’s car.
 “Jesus son, get her bag,” Mr. Hopper remarks as he comes up behind them.
 “She won’t let me,” he tells his father, “I offered.”
 “You make sure you take good care of Joyce while you two are up there. And be sure to stack some extra wood so you don’t run out. Remember, you can always come back early if you need anything.”
 “Don’t worry dad, we’ll be fine.”
 “Joyce, if this one starts causing you too much trouble you make sure to give him hell, yeah,”
 “Will do Mr. Hopper,” Joyce smiles. 
 They arrive at Hopper’s grandfather's cabin just after lunch. The wooden house, surrounded by a wrap-around porch, sat in the middle of the woods near a small pond. 
 Joyce excitedly leaps out of the car, leaving Hopper to get the bags while she checks out the cottage. 
 There was an old fabric couch in the center of the room across from a large fireplace, a small kitchen with a yellow fridge and a bedroom and adjacent bathroom off to the side. 
 Her heart leaps when she realizes there is only one bed, despite knowing that she was going to get to spend every evening curled into Hopper’s side and every morning waking next to him, the reality settles in and makes it all seem so real. They were going to have two uninterrupted weeks together and she was giddy with excitement.
 Hopper comes up behind her and drops their bags to the floor, his arms circling around her waist while he drops his head to her shoulder.
 “So? What do you think?”
 “It’s perfect,” she smiles.
 He squeezes her, pressing their cheeks together before placing a kiss on the top of her head and moving to the kitchen. 
 “Why don’t we unpack and stack some firewood before I make us some dinner?”
 “Sounds nice.”
 He begins to unload the freezer bag, filling the fridge with goodies while Joyce slowly walks around the cabin and admires the art hanging on the walls. A photo of Hopper and a man she assumed to be his grandfather hung over the mantle. 
 Running her fingers along the throw blanket hanging over the back of the couch, she wanders into the bedroom. 
 This was the perfect place to spend the next few weeks. Away from the chaos that consumed real life, she could focus on the two of them. Just her and Hop. The world could wait. 
 Peering out the window over the bed, she smiles at the swans swimming in the lake and moves closer. 
 “Joyce?” Hopper calls from the kitchen. 
 “Do you want one burger or two?” 
 “Two please!”
 “Great. It’ll be ready in a few minutes.”
She’s nervous. Hopper can tell by the way her hands are folded in her lap and her shoulders are slumped. They’re sitting at the two person table located next to the kitchen, enjoying the burgers he prepared for them. 
 “You’re quiet,” he observes out loud.
 “Sorry, I was just thinking,” she admits.
 “How nice this is,” she smiles softly. “The food is good.”
 “Joyce,” he says in a near whisper. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
 “I’m just a little nervous,” she tells him. 
 “It sounds stupid,” she looks down. 
 “It’s not stupid,” he reassures her. 
 “What if after this week you decide that you don’t want this?”
 “I’ve wanted this for a long time, I was just afraid to admit it to myself,” he tells her, reaching for her hand over the table. 
 “But what if it’s too much, spending all this time alone together? Doesn’t it just feel so - serious?”
 “Come with me,” he demands, standing up and tugging her towards the living room. 
 She follows his lead curiously, their hands still wound together and she watches as he excitedly brings them towards a stack of old boxes. 
 He drops her hand and begins rummaging through the cardboard boxes one by one. Triumphantly, he turns back to her holding up a string of multi-coloured Christmas lights.
 “Lights?” she says confused.
 “We’re going to put them up. Make things more fun,” he explains. 
 “But it’s summer?”
 “So?” he shrugs, “who says we can’t put the lights up whenever we want? This is our house, we make the rules.”
 Skeptically, she accepts one end of the light strand and stares up at him. “You really want to put them up?”
 “Absolutely! Go grab me that tape in the kitchen.”
 When Joyce returns with the tape, Hopper already has three strands of lights stretched out along the floor. She passes him the tape and waits for instruction while noticing he put a record on. 
 The soft sounds of jazz fill the cabin only ceasing when a crackling sound from the old needle in the vinyl interrupts. 
 The two work to string up the lights in tandem, Joyce ripping off pieces of tape and Hopper using the pieces to attack the multicoloured bulbs to the ceiling. Only when the ceiling has become a sea of reds, blues and greens do they take a step back to admire their handiwork. 
 A strange comforting sensation overcomes Joyce as she stares up at the lights with her arms folded across her chest. Somehow, Hopper knew this would comfort her. She adored him for always knowing exactly what she needed. 
 From behind her, he watches as she marvels at the decorations and proudly smiles to himself. 
 “May I have this dance?” he asks.
 Feeling calm and bold, Joyce accepts his hand and allows him to twirl her into him. She crashes into his chest laughing and smiles up at him while he brushes her hair out of her eyes. 
 “Feeling better?” 
 “Much,” she smiles. “Thank you. You’re always so full of surprises.”
 “Speaking of surprises,” he grins and releases her, “I have one more.”
 He disappears into the bedroom and re-emerges holding a Polaroid camera.
 Proudly, he holds it up and snaps a photo of Joyce beneath the lights. 
 “Where did you get that?”
 “My parents said we could borrow it. Smile.”
 Embarrassed, Joyce pulls her arms around her chest and casts her gaze to the floor while he snaps another photo. 
 “You don’t have to do that,” he says softly, stepping towards her. “You know you’re beautiful.”
 The moment she smiles at his compliment, Hopper snaps another photo and lets it fall to the floor. “There’s  the smile.”
 Joyce gestures for the camera with an open palm and takes it in both hands when Hopper hands it over. 
 She raises it and snaps a photo of him, allowing it to fall to the floor alongside the one of her. 
 Hopper scoops both photos up from the wooden floorboard and turns them towards her. In her photo, Joyce looks petite beneath the lights and her smile takes up most of her face, while Hopper has his eyes closed and his nose scrunched in his photo. 
 “Oh god let’s get rid of that,” she says, pointing to the picture of her.
 “Not a chance. This might be one of my favourite pictures of you.”
 “You’re kidding?”
 “Nope. You look perfect.”
 The pair fools around with the camera some more before clearing their dishes and working as a team to wash and dry the plates. Joyce yawns as they work and nods when Hopper asks if she’s ready for bed. 
 He allows her to go into the bedroom ahead of him to change into her pyjamas. When he joins her a few moments later, he finds her propped up against a pillow in a pair of sweatpants and an old shirt with a book in her lap. 
 With a childish grin, he snaps a photo of her before setting the camera down on the nightstand and joining her. 
 “What was that for?!” she exclaims when the flash goes off.
 “I just want to remember this moment.”
 He slips beneath the covers next to her and uses one arm to pull her closer to his side. 
 “Do you mind if I read?” she asks. 
 “Not at all.”
 Joyce is fast asleep against Hopper’s arm in a matter of moments. Carefully, he places her page holder back into her book and slides the novel from her hands. Once it’s on the table next to the bed, he reaches for the light switch and turns out the lights.
 The next morning, he wakes before her and gently rolls her away from him so he can slip into the kitchen and surprise her with breakfast. He stumbles upon the Polaroids scattered across the floor on his way and decided to put them in a stack on the table.
 The final photo he picks up is the first one he took of Joyce, the one she claimed to hate, but there was something about it that made him want to preserve the memory. So, he slips it into his wallet before beginning to prepare eggs and toast. 
That afternoon, Joyce trails behind Hopper as he leads the way to the lake behind the house. He places a blanket down on the grass and begins to unpack the picnic basket he prepared while Joyce stares out over the lake. 
 “It’s so peaceful,” she remarks.
 “It was my favourite place as a kid. Still is.”
 “I can see why. I don’t think I ever want to leave.”
 “Then we’ll stay,” he nods. 
 “Yeah right. Unfortunately, we have to go back to reality eventually,” she sighs.
 “Says who? Who’s to say we can’t just run off and start our adventure out here?”
 “Your parents, for starters,” she points out. 
 Joyce joins Hopper on the blanket he’d delicately laid out for them and folds her legs beneath her. 
 “Nah, I say we do it. Let’s just be crazy impulsive kids and we get the hell out of Hawkins. It’s not like anything ever happens there anyway,” Hopper says. 
 He leans back on his palms, legs outstretched between them and pinches his eyes shut. He knows what he’s saying sounds foolish, but a large part of him would love to leave Hawkins with Joyce and never look back. He hadn’t had a chance to tell Joyce yet, but lately, he’d been dreaming of leaving Hawkins more frequently. His father had been on his case about applying to serve and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. While he knew it was the right thing to do, he and Joyce had a good thing going here and he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Was it childish to prioritize his teen romance over the duty he had to his country? Absolutely. But despite his father’s claims that he was a man (who should go and make the Hopper men proud) he was young and in love and a large part of him wanted to remain an impulsive, love-sick kid. 
 “We can’t,” she laughs, “but wouldn’t that be fun?”
 “C’mon Joycie. If we don’t leave now, then when?”
 Joyce laughs, placing her hand daintily on his shoulder, “One day,” she muses. 
 “Besides,” she adds, “we have to go back because I start working in a few weeks.”
 “Of course, my little librarian in training,” he teases. 
 “I’m not a librarian in training! I’m helping out for the summer!” 
 “I’m just teasing you, Joyce, I think it’s great that you’re going to be working at the library.” 
 “Really. It’s literally the perfect job for you. Besides, now  you  can take me on a date,” he winks. 
 “Speaking of dates, do we get to eat on this one?” she giggles.
 “Of course,” he says, retrieving two wrapped sandwiches from the bag he packed. “Grilled cheese.”
 The two dig in and begin making plans for all the things they want to do during the week when the first drop of rain lands on Joyce’s cheek. Within minutes it’s absolutely pouring and the pair scramble to their feet and prepare to take cover. 
Hand-in-hand, Joyce and Hopper dodge the raindrops as they sprint towards the cabin. When they reach the back steps, Hopper releases Joyce’s hand and pushes the screen door open to let her inside. 
 She’s drenched from head to toe. Her cotton t-shirt now stuck to her chest, showing off her pale purple bra, despite her efforts to stay warm by folding her hands across her chest. 
 Joyce follows him into the main area of the cabin and he shakes his arms and chuckles. 
 “I didn’t see that one coming,” he says. “Come here,” he calls her over when he sees her shiver. “I’ll start a fire so we can warm up.”
 Hair leaving a trail of water droplets on the floor, Joyce makes her way over to the fire where she stands with her palms pressed to her sides while waiting for the fire to start. 
 Hopper rummages around in the pit, eventually turning back towards her once the flames begin to burn to life. “There we go it shouldn’t be long until it warms up.”
 “Thanks, Hop,” she smiles. 
 With his wet hair slicked back and his shirt pressed to his chiselled arms, Joyce has a hard time tearing her gaze away from him. He catches her staring and she quickly looks away. 
 Stepping towards the fire, she stretches her palms out and falls to her knees so that she can be closer to the heat. Hopper follows her lead and kneels down next to her. Outside the sky has turned an ominous grey, leaving the fire to be the main source of light inside the cabin.
 Joyce shivers again and instinctively reaches for the hem of her soaked shirt and pulls it over her head. She notices Hopper staring as she sinks back against her heels and shyly grins at him. 
 “What?” she asks.
 “Nothing,” he lies.
 “You’re supposed to remove wet clothing or you’ll freeze. Hasn’t anyone ever told you that?” 
 “I might have heard it somewhere,” he shrugs. 
 Staring down at her petite frame clad in only her jeans and bra, he slides himself closer and reaches for her shoulder with a calloused hand. 
 Slowly, he runs his thumb along her exposed collarbone and she shivers.
 “Are you still cold?” he asks.
 Gently, his hand glides down her arm and he moves closer, taking up the majority of the space in her orbit.
 They lock eyes as his hand falls from her arm before he reaches for the hem of his own shirt and tosses it somewhere behind him. 
 Her palm settles on his bare chest and Joyce looks up at Hopper through hooded eyes. His heart lurches at the way the fire makes her face glow. She looked absolutely radiant. 
 “Hop,” her voice snaps him out of his trance.
 “You’re staring.”
 “Sorry, it’s just. Jesus Joyce, you’re beautiful.”
 Unsure of how to respond, she leans forwards, placing both hands on Hopper's shoulders and kisses him,  hard .
 He responds by placing open palms on her bareback and tugging her as close as their knees will allow. 
 Hands roaming Joyce’s bare-back, Hopper begins to kiss along her jawline and down her neck. She tilts her head back in response, granting him more access. 
 From where they sit on their knees, their upper limbs tangled, Joyce reaches for the button in Hopper’s jeans and undoes it while he licks along her collarbone. His palm settles on her inner thigh and the soaked material of her jeans suddenly becomes hot beneath his touch. 
 When kneeling becomes an inconvenience and they are forced to part for breath, Hopper looks over at Joyce with a caring smile and whispers.
 “Can I try something?”
 She nods in response, a mixture of nerves and excitement.
 “Lay back,” he whispers.
 He guides her as she lays against the blanket on the floor and slowly slides himself down her body. When he reaches her naval he pauses before looking up and locking eyes with her. 
 “Is this alright?” he asks.
 She nods again.
 Wordlessly, he helps her slide out of her soaked pants and tosses them to the side. Leaning down, he places a hesitant kiss on her inner thigh and she trembles. 
 He reaches towards the elastic waistband of her cotton panties and again pauses to smile up at her. 
 “It’s okay,” she gives him permission before he has a chance to ask. 
 Joyce draws in a deep breath as Hopper once again kisses her inner thigh. 
 Her hands lay limply at her sides but she immediately reaches for his hair when he uses his tongue to lick along her center in one fluid motion.
 He smirks as she bucks forward, the hand clutching his hair a sign that she’s enjoying this but he wants to be sure so he asks again.
 “Is this-?”
 “ Yes, ” she hisses before he can finish asking, the desperateness in her tone something he’s never heard before. 
 Once again, he leans forward and runs his tongue along her slit, this time following the motion up by teasing her with his index finger. 
 Joyce tightens her grip on him and admires the way his flexed arms look in the firelight. Propped up on her elbows and sprawled out on a blanket in front of the fire, she closes her eyes and tosses her head back while Hopper’s head bobs between her thighs. 
 It isn’t long before she’s trembling beneath him, coming undone around his tongue while she whispers his name harshly beneath her breath. 
 They manage to stumble their way through the dimly lit cabin towards the bedroom afterwards, where Hopper manages to make Joyce come undone yet again. 
 After breakfast the next morning, Joyce finds herself wrapped in one of Hopper’s flannels while they sit on the back step and watch the sunrise over the water. 
 With the sky painted a faint shade of pink and the stillness of the water only shifting beneath the ducks that swim across, it felt like a scene from a movie. Leaning her head on Hopper’s shoulder, she reaches for their shared cigarette and takes a long drag. 
 They sit in silence for the majority of the morning, Hopper occasionally shifting next to Joyce when he reaches into his back pocket for another smoke. She keeps her open palm resting on his lap, where he’s tracing gentle circles with the edge of his thumb.
 Before lighting another, he shimmies from beneath her and cups her cheek in his hand, sliding his thumb along the curve of her jaw before his fingers settle on the nape of her neck and he brushes her lips with a gentle kiss. She smiles against his lips, caught off guard by his abrupt, tender action.
 He chuckles under his breath when he feels her smile and she demands to know why he’s laughing.
 “What’s so funny?”
 “You’re smiling,” he teases with a grin.
 “Well, it’s your fault for kissing me like that!”
 “I couldn’t help myself.”
 Their laughter fades and Joyce shifts back into her previous position with her head resting on his shoulder. 
 “What are you thinking about?” she asks. 
 “How much I love you.”
 “No you were not,” she forces a laugh. At this point in their relationship, it wasn’t unusual for Hopper to tell Joyce he loved her. Though she’d yet to say it back, she adored the way he’d become comfortable with saying the words to her. He seemed to like to remind her with any chance he got and she received butterflies in her stomach each time the words rolled off his tongue. She also knew that he wasn’t hurt by the fact she hadn’t said it back. He wanted her to mean it when she said it and she was confident that when the time came, she would. Besides, she was certain that she loved him, she was simply unsure of how to process those feelings.
 “I was,” he admits. “I think I’ll love you forever.”
 “You can’t love someone forever, it’s not possible.”
 “Fine. Then I’ll love you until the clocks stop ticking.”
 “What does that even mean?” she challenges. 
 “It means exactly what you think it means. My heart will belong to you until the clock stops ticking.”
 “Hop, the clock is always going to tick, that’s the entire point of time.”
 “Exactly. So you know I’ll love you long after we’re both gone too.”
 “That’s morbid,” she teases.
 “It’s romantic.”
 “Says who?”
 After a few moments of silence, he speaks again. “I mean it, Joyce. ‘Till the clock stops ticking.”
That evening, Hopper invites Joyce to join him fishing but she declines and opts to spend her evening reading instead. After he sets out with his tackle box, wearing a hat Joyce describes as “ridiculously cute” she draws herself a bath and climbs into the tiny tub with plans to finish her novel. 
 It’s a quiet evening, the only sounds interrupting her thoughts coming from the crickets that begin to chirp with the rising moon. She loses herself in a world of fiction within moments and without a window in the bathroom, there is no way to tell how long she’s been reading. It’s perfect and blissful and everything she never knew she needed. 
 With a few chapters to go, Joyce places her bookmark between the pages and drops her head back against the tub, pinching her eyes closed as she absorbs the calmness the silence brings. 
 Moments later, the creaking of the floorboards on the back deck announces Hopper’s return and she finds herself smiling. 
 “Joyce?” he calls out as he enters the cabin.
 “In here!” she yells through the semi-shut door to the bathroom. 
 The sound of his footsteps gets louder as he nears the door and she hears him come to an abrupt halt just outside the door.
 “You can come in,” she laughs in an almost teasing tone. “I was just reading in the bath.”
 “Are you sure?”
 He pushes the door to the bathroom back slowly, the mere thought of Joyce sitting naked already overstimulating his senses. He finds her sitting in a tub with hardly any bubbles, book in hand. 
 “How was fishing?” she asks without looking up.
 “Not bad. Caught a few,” he says, though his focus is elsewhere. “How was your evening?”
 “Wonderful,” she beams, “I’m almost done with my book.”
 “I’ll leave you to finish it then,” he offers, rocking back on his heels.
 “Stay,” she whispers. 
 “I don’t know if you’ve noticed how small that tub is Joyce but I don’t think we’re both going to fit,” he chuckles.
 “I meant here,” she pats the empty air next to her. “Sit with me.”
 “Alright. Why don’t I read the rest to you?”
 Hopper waddles over to the side of the tub and plops himself down onto the tile floor. With his legs outstretched he reaches for Joyce’s novel, careful not to lose the page she’s on. 
 He begins to read, pausing every now and then to admire how she crinkles her nose when she becomes invested in a particular sentence. 
 “Earth to Hop,” she reaches over the side of the tub and waves a hand in his face. “Why did you stop reading?”
 “I got distracted.” 
 “By what? You were  literally  reading the words off the page.”
 “By  you ,” he smirks, lowering the book. 
 Hopper places the novel down on the floor next to him and pushes himself to his feet. With a dopey grin, he grips both sides of the tube and looks down at Joyce. Her eyes widen when she realizes what he’s about to do and a shriek escapes her lips just as he slips into the water, fully clothed. He hovers over her to steal a kiss and brushes her cheek with a soap-soaked palm. 
 “Turns out we both do fit,” he beams.
 “Barely,” she laughs. 
 Waiting until Hopper climbs out of the tub, his clothes heavy from the weight of the water and pressed to his body, Joyce grabs a towel and dries her hair before stepping out after him. She stands before him in nothing but a tiny towel and smiles shyly. 
 No words are exchanged. He glides towards her in three large steps and cups her face in his palms. He walks them backwards, towards the door and down the hall while they kiss. They bump into the doorway and two parts of the wall before making it to the bedroom, where Hopper lifts Joyce and carries her towards the bed. She wraps her legs around his centre and allows her fingers to dance through the baby hairs at the base of his neck while he carries her across the room. 
 After placing her down on the bed, her petite frame still damp from the bath, he looks down at her with hungry eyes. 
 “I’m not made of glass Hop. I’m not going to break,” she reminds him. 
 He nods.
 Desperately, he moves forward to close the distance between them, greedily gripping the back of her neck while snaking his tongue into her mouth. She reaches for the hem of his soaked shirt and helps him remove it. His belt and bottoms are quick to follow and their damp naked bodies collide once again while their kisses grow sloppier and more desperate. 
 They tumble to the left and Joyce finds herself in a position to climb on top of Hopper. Straddling him, she looks down at him with wide eyes and grins. In a hushed tone, speaks while running her hands down his bare torso. “Tell me what you want.”
 It’s a question while simultaneously a demand and it sparks something animalistic inside of him. He tosses both arms around her waist, tugging her closer while his lips curl up into a massive smirk. He presses them against hers hard, the force of them catching her off guard. Hopper pulls back slightly so that his lips ghost over hers while he speaks and in a deep sultry tone he replies, “I just want you.”
 Cupping her chin in his palm, he greedily kisses her before leaning back against the pillows, tugging her with him while whispering, “Come here.”
 Sitting on the back porch steps, Joyce passes her joint to Hopper and smirks when he coughs on his initial inhale. After a few hours of trying to convince him to get high with her, Hopper had finally conceded and agreed to split a joint with Joyce. He’d been high a handful of times in the past but was always hesitant when it came to smoking. On the other hand, Joyce enjoyed an occasional joint whenever she could. She found it eased the chaos swirling in her mind and it served as an escape from the hell that was her Hawkins life. She had never, however, been high with Hopper.
 She watches as he focuses on his breathing and laughs beneath her breath. It was so typical of him to try and be good at everything; even something like this. As if on cue, Hopper inhales incorrectly and begins coughing.
 “Jesus Joyce, how do you smoke this stuff?”
 “They are no worse than your nasty cigarettes,” she says. 
 “They’re way worse! I don’t even think you can compare them.”
 “I can and I will. Your cigarettes are ten times worse.”
 “Agree to disagree?” he asks.
 “Fine. But you know I’m right.”
 “I never said that.”
 “You didn’t not say it.”
 “You’re infuriating.”
 “You find it fascinating.”
 “What can I say, you intrigue me,” he admits.
 “Does that mean once you get me all figured out you’ll get bored?”
 “Bored? Of you ? Not possible.”
 “Oh c’mon. You won’t be bored of me a few years from now?”
 “I won’t be bored of you a hundred years from now,” Hopper smiles at her. 
 “Now I  know  you’re lying,” she half-laughs.
 “I’m being serious Joyce. It’s me and you from now on. Come here,” he says, standing up and gesturing for her to do the same.
 Joyce slowly rises to her feet and follows Hopper into the cabin. He marches straight towards the support beam next to the couch and fetches a pocket knife from his pants. 
 “What are you doing?” she asks when he raises the blade to the wood.
 “Carving our initials.”
 The next forty-five minutes are spent carving their initials into a heart while discussing the exciting future plans they both had. 
A day before they were set to return home from the cabin, Benny and his girlfriend Helen drove up to spend the night with them. The day was packed with outdoor activities and by the time the four of them settled around a campfire with some beers, Joyce was absolutely drained. She curls herself against Hopper’s chest, not caring that Benny or Helen may find it odd that she chooses to sit in his lap. 
 They decide on playing truth or dare. Despite Joyce’s initial protests that it was a childish game, she finds herself having fun. 
 “Alright Joyce, truth or dare,” Helen asks.
 “Truth,” she responds. 
 “Tell us about your first kiss with Jim.”
 Joyce blushes and casts her gaze downwards before beginning to speak. Rather than describe the kiss they shared at her party, she begins describing a party they both attended in the ninth grade.
 Hopper nearly chokes on his drink when she begins telling the story, knowing exactly which story it is. All these years and he never thought she remembered that kiss. They were both drunk (her far more than him) and it was never mentioned again. It hadn’t even been mentioned now that they were together, which further convinced him she had no memory of it happening. 
“Joyce!” A young drunken Hopper called after Joyce as she sprinted from the party. “Joyce, wait up!”
  When he finally catches up to her on the sidewalk, he’s out of breath and panting. 
  “What is it Hop?” she asks with an exhausted sigh. 
  “Don’t let them get to you okay? It’s just a stupid game.”
  “A really stupid game,” she mutters. 
  The two of them were attending Randy Smith’s birthday party when a game of spin the bottle broke out. When Joyce refused to participate in such a “childish” game, Randy stood up in front of everyone and exclaimed it must have been because Joyce had never been kissed and everyone laughed. 
  To prove that she was cooler than everyone else, Joyce downed three drinks and stormed away from the party, leaving Hopper to chase after her. 
  Hopper knew that this was the exact reason Joyce hadn’t wanted to play. Just a week prior she was telling him that she wanted her first  real  kiss to be with someone special. She asked if he thought that was stupid and he told her no, in fact, it was sweet. 
  “Can I walk you home?” he asks, noticing that she’s far drunker than she’s letting on.
  “Sure,” she nods. 
  The pair walks home in comfortable silence, Hopper occasionally offering his arm to steady drunken Joyce on the bumpy pavement. Midway through the walk, Joyce starts rambling about the heap of trouble she’ll likely get in at home and that’s when he knows she’s had far too much to drink. She never talked about her home life like this. 
  As they’re approaching her house, Hopper asks if she’ll be alright. She looks him in the eye and meekly smiles before replying that of course, she would be, she always was. 
  Unconvinced, he follows her to the door where he spontaneously wraps his arms around her and makes her promise that she’ll call if she needs anything. 
  While pulling back, he locks eyes with her and before he has the better sense to stop himself, he’s leaning down to place a brief, chaste kiss on her lips. 
  Joyce says nothing in response, instead, she offers him a shy smile and a timid wave as she turns towards the front door. 
  He feels like an ass his entire walk home. She wanted her first kiss to be with someone special and he just took that away from her. With any luck, she wouldn’t remember it and he could carry on as if it never happened. 
  The next day at school she doesn’t mention it and he thinks he might be in the clear. A month later she tells him all about her first kiss with a boy from her art class and he’s convinced she doesn’t remember that night on her porch.
  It was his first kiss too. He never forgets it. 
 “That’s so sweet!” Helen coos. 
 “I didn’t know you remembered that,” Hopper whispers to Joyce so that only she can hear. 
 “You never brought it up. I thought you wanted to pretend it hadn’t happened,” she admits. 
 “God no Joyce. I was embarrassed and thought you either didn’t remember or if you did you wish I hadn’t done it. We really did suck at communicating huh?”
 “You did,” Benny interjects. 
 In the midst of their confessions, their whispers had somehow turned into a full-blown conversation without them realizing they had an audience. 
 “Everyone at school has known you two were into each other for years. You’re literally the only ones who couldn’t see it,” he informs them. “I can’t believe it took you two  this  long to figure it out.”
 “But we figured it out,” Hopper smirks, leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on his girlfriend’s lips. 
 “Gross,” Benny whines, which causes everyone to laugh.
 “Alright, Benny, truth or dare?” Joyce asks.  
Tossing their bags into the trunk of the car, Hopper leans over and smirks down at Joyce. 
 “What?” she asks when she catches him staring. 
 “Remember last night when you were teasing me about being a typical boy that’s fascinated by cheerleaders because of, I believe your exact words were ‘they wear stupidly short skirts’?”
 “Yeah?” she replies skeptically, “what about it?” 
 “Well, it’s not too late for you to join the squad for next year.”
 Joyce’s eyes nearly pop out of her head and she swats at his arm to scold him for making such a ridiculous statement. 
 “You wish,” she scoffs. 
 “I  do  wish.’
 “Hop!” Joyce exclaims, “stop picturing me in one of those ridiculous little skirts!”
 “I can’t help it. You’re already hotter than the rest of the cheerleaders without the skirt. If you wore the skirt I think time might standstill.”
 “Oh yeah?” she laughs.
 “On second thought, maybe don’t join. When I told you I’d love you until the clock stopped ticking I was hoping that would last longer than the first pep rally of senior year.”
 “I can’t believe we’re going to be seniors,” she muses. 
 “The seniors that everyone wants to be,” he reminds her. “I’m going to go after a football scholarship and you, my genius girlfriend, are going to get into any college you want, I’m certain of it. Then we can get the hell out of this small town.”
 “Me and you?” she asks softly. 
 Hopper closes the trunk of the car, sealing in their bags and smiles over at Joyce, “Me and you." 
 “‘Till the clock stops ticking,” he adds with a cheeky wink before tossing the keys into the driver's seat and beginning their trip back to reality. 
  My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
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forever-rogue · 5 years
Lucky You - Part 1
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A/N: Soo, this is my first time writing for Billy and ST in general. Hopefully it’s not complete garbage. This will have a few other parts too! Anywhooo enjoy! No spoilers contained within! xx
Word Count: 4K
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning: Language, Billy being Billy (but nothing too bad)
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“What?!” you snapped, finally unable to ignore the pale ocean eyes that were boring holes into your back. You’d felt his gaze linger on your figure as soon as you had gotten into the school’s gym that was crawling with tons of other students at the moment, meaning that he could watched anyone else - anyone but you. You wished it had been anyone but you. You hated Billy Hargrove…that’s what you had been trying to convince yourself of for the last several months.
But any sort of resolve you had against had slowly been dissipated since the day you had laid eyes on him and first saw that smile, that damned smile that almost never appeared on his face, but when it did you were done for. It was all but perfect, a megawatt smile on a face as beautiful as the most magnificent sunset. But you vowed you’d be in your grave before you ever admitted any sort of attraction to him.
“Well, well,” his warm voice was laced with amusement as he slowly sauntered over to you, sweat glistening all over his well toned and tan body. You refused to turn around, not wanting to give into his power, because you knew that he knew exactly the effect he had on women…most importantly you, “look what the cat dragged in.”
You let out a sigh, running a hand over your face in an exasperated manner, willing him with every fiber of your being to just to away. But of course he didn’t, no, fate would not be that kind. When you didn’t respond, he reached up and gently tugged on your ponytail, knowing it would annoy you more than anything.
“What the hell is your problem?” you almost screeched as you whipped around and came around face to face with him, your hand raised to smack him thoroughly across his pretty mug, just like he deserved. But Billy caught your hand, his fingers clamping down tightly on your wrist as that trademark smirk stretched across his lips.
“Not so fast Princess,” his voice was low but soft as you struggled to free your hand. He seemed amused at how easy it was to fluster you, but he eventually let you go, his hands landing on the his hips, just above the shorts that were slung low on his bottom half. One wrong move and they’d be on the ground, leaving him more exposed than anything. It was a tempting thought, and caused you to bit the inside of your cheek to keep your mind from wandering too far into the gutter.
“What the actual fuck do you want, Hargrove?” you tried to keep your voice tinged with as much as venom as possible, making it clear that you did not like Billy Hargrove. The quickly spreading tingling you felt running through your body was clear evidence that none of that was true. You had felt the sparks flood through your veins as soon as he hand had made contact with your skin. He held up his hands, trying to play the innocent victim card.
“I just wanted to say hi,” he cocked his head to the side, much like a confused puppy, his beautiful eyes as innocent and wide as possible. Damn, he was good, “you look lost, Princess. What’s got you wandering into the gym? Should you be in the library, all caught up in those books you seem to love so much.”
“If that’s your pitiful attempt at humor, it’s not working,” you sighed and took a step away from him. The larger the distance between your bodies, the easier it would be to refuse his advances, or so you figured anyway. Out of the corner of your eye you spied Steve coming out of the locker room, running a hand through his hair, trying to get it back to it’s normal state. A wave of relief flooded through your bones at the sight of your best friend, more ready than ever to leave and forget all about that this encounter. You were definitely not going to think about any of this tonight while you were locked in your bedroom, under the covers, and left with only your imagination. Definitely not.
“It’s seemed to put a bit of a smile on your face” he raised an eyebrow and you just rolled your eyes, ready to head off to the safety of Steve’s warm presence.You just flipped him the bird as you turned on your heel, “awe, come on, you don’t mean that!”
“Do too,” you countered without skipping a beat or casting another glance back in his direction. You heard him sigh softly, a sound of annoyance mixed with defeat, and it gave you a small sense of satisfaction. Another day that you had resisted Billy’s charm advances. It was a good day, and the rest of it was going to be spent with your best friends, which would provide a welcome distraction.
“You’ll go out with me at some point!” he called over at you, causing you to stop dead in your tracks.That was not what you were expecting at all, especially not from Billy ‘Bad Guy’ Hargrove. You swore you could almost detect a bit of softness and fragility to his tone, but surely that was impossible? This was Billy after all.
You turned around and held out your arms as a gesture of both what the hell and try me. You noticed that the corner of his mouth slowly started to turn up into a small smile, “I wouldn’t hold my breath, Billy. But you’re welcome to try. Spoiler alert though, I happen to despise assholes.”
“I’ll accept your challenge, Princess,” he suddenly seemed to have his spunk back, excited by the prospect of the challenge of winning you over. He liked a challenge, difficult or not and you were proving to be the hardest one to date, “once you finally get over yourself you won’t be sorry.”
“We’ll see,” were the last words out of your mouth as you almost skipped over to where Steve as now waiting for you. His mouth was hanging open and a confused grin was etched across his face. He’d only witnessed the last bit of your encounter with Billy but it was enough to make all the hair on his body stand up on end.
“What just happened? Did I just stumble into the twilight zone?” he quickly looked between you and Billy, as you just shook your head and pulled him along with you, “Hargrove-”
“Nothing to worry about, Pretty Boy,” you reassured him, opening the door and stepping into the chilly winter afternoon, pulling your scarf tighter around your neck. It was the middle of January, and winter was still in full force - your favorite. That, combined with the sparks from your interaction with Billy, was enough to lift your spirits as you giggled at the look on Steve’s face, “Billy’s on some weird vendetta, thinking that he can get me to go out with him. I told him he’s welcome to try, but it’ll never work. I, Y/N L/N, will never ever go out with Billy Hargrove.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You abhorred February the majority of the time it rolled around, for a multitude of reasons, namely because it signaled the end of the winter, and the onslaught of spring which led to summer, which was the absolute worst. But anyways, you also hated it because of Valentine’s Day, which you insisted was a crock of shit, all consumerism that got people to buy things they didn’t need, and to shame people who were single.
Not that you didn’t have a Valentine - you always did, a savior in the form of your best friend, Steve. You both hated Valentine’s Day, so you figured why not suffer together? After the first year you had done it, you’d both had so much fun going out and making fun of the all the couples, so in love and showing their affection off to the world, you’d decided to make it a tradition.
“Mornin’ sunshine,” Steve greeted you with a big grin on his face, and a large frosted sugar cookie in his hand. You gave him a quick hug before eagerly taking the large treat and shoving it into your mouth, relishing in the buttery sweetness, “Happy Valentine’s Day to you too.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled, as a few crumbs fell past your lips. Steve sighed and let out a chuckle as he wiped the top of your shirt, “Happy Disgusting Love Day to you!”
“Ahh, there you are,” he laughed as you started to riffle through your locker, attempting to gather all the things you needed for the first period, “hey, we still on for the usual after school? I was thinking we could go see a movie after dinner? It won’t be too late, I promise, and you’ll have plenty of time to finish your homework, little nerd.”
“Very funny, Pretty Boy,” you sighed dramatically at him; teasing each other was the pinnacle of your relationship and you wouldn’t have changed it for the world, “but yes, whatever you want to do is fine with me. But just so you know, I’m picking the restaurant for this evening. I think Hopper’s taking Mrs. Byers to that fancy place. Maybe we can go there and gather intel!”
“You’re so nosy,” he laughed as the bell rang, signaling the start of classes. His eyes widened as he realized he was going to be late again, and he couldn’t risk that. He’d already gotten into too much trouble this year, “I’ll see you at lunch, gotta go!”
“B-bye,” you waved meekly after him, shaking your head at him; he was always something else. Grabbing the rest of your things, you shut the locker, but almost proceeded to drop everything out of your hands as Billy stood there, watching you intently, “Jesus H. Christ, Hargrove! You could have, you know, said something instead of standing there like creepy weirdo.”
“For someone so observant, you’re very clueless,” he threw his back with laughter, momentarily removing the heart shaped lollipop from his mouth, his curls bouncing magnificently in the light. You huffed at him and got ready to walk away so you wouldn’t be late either. Billy stopped as soon as you took a step and reached out to grab your arm in his - he had a strong grip and it sent a shiver up your spine, “hang on for a moment.”
“Billy, I’ve got to get to class,” you stated matter-of-factly, “don’t you have to do the same?”
“Yeah, but when’s the last I cared about that?” he went back to sucking on the lollipop, making a deliberate show of it, and you had to struggled to keep your eyes from flicking to his lips. It would have been wrong to admit that your wished your were that sucker.
“Maybe you should try it sometime,” you pointed out, a mischievous idea crossing your mind as Billy just shrugged, a self righteous little smirk on his face. You reached over and snatched the lollipop from his mouth, surprising him and yourself as you stuck it between your own lips, sucking on it for a few moments before releasing it with a loud pop.
“What are you doing later?” he blurted out his, his tan toned chest rising up and down faster than it had previously. Your actions had caught him off guard and sent all the blood rushing down south, his already tight jeans becoming more and more uncomfortable with each passing moment. A small, delicate laugh escaped your now sticky lips as you slung your backpack over your shoulder, “ahh, come on, Princess, you know you want all of this. Any other girl would be dying to be in your shoes right now.”
“Maybe you should find one of them and proposition them,” you were proud of the effect you had on him as you noticed how he shifted his weight back and forth, a grimace on his handsome face, “besides I’ve got plans.”
“Harrington?” he asked through gritted teeth, annoyed by the idea of that pretty boy having his hands all over you. He knew you were close to him, but he hadn’t realized you were that close. You nodded, and he slammed his hand lightly against your locker, “I didn’t realize you were dating him. Does he even know where your c-”
“Eww,” you stopped before he could go on any further, holding up a hand to silence him, “Steve’s my best friend, dude. I’m not fucking him though, the thought of that alone is enough to make me want to die.”
“Then why are you spending the Valentine’s with him?” he was confused by your words that clearly clashed with your thoughts on him.
“Don’t have a boyfriend and he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Therefore as best friends, we’re spending the day together,” you raised both of your eyebrows at him, “duh. Besides, there’s no one here that’s even remotely captured my interest.”
“Come on, Y/N, just go out with me,” he was growing frustrated by your refusal to give into him. He never had to try this hard with other girls, they always threw themselves at him. Billy Hargrove didn’t have to beg a girl to go out with him, they begged for even the slightest bit of his attention. But not you; no, you provided a challenge he couldn’t back down from him. He was the hunter and you were the prey and he wasn’t stopping until you were his.
“Why?” you played with the sucker in your mouth, just to taunt him a little further, “you’ve given me no reason to say yes to you. Besides, Billy, let’s be honest here, I know your type. You just want a challenge, you only want me because I’m saying no, but as soon as I give in you’re just going to fuck me and then never speak to me again. I’m not into that, I don’t want a bad boy Billy.”
“It’s not like that,” he insisted quietly, although he knew you had a point. He had a reputation for a reason after all, but it had quickly changed once he had met you. He’d dropped all the other girls as he pursued you, attempting to win over your affection.
“Whatever you say, Billy Boy,” you gave him a wink as you turned away and started to head to class; you were well late now, but it was worth it. Any time spent antagonizing Billy was worth. You kept the lollipop in your mouth, a small piece of victory, “keep trying, maybe one day it’ll work!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
By the time March rolled around you were already eager for summer vacation to start, the lull of time off from school drawing you in like a siren calling to a sailor. Even though it was still a few months until you could enjoy the freedom of sleeping in without an alarm, not having to worry about homework, and getting to hang around all day with your friends, it was constantly on the back of your mind. You were...distracted to say the least, and there was just one other thing at the forefront of your mind.
Normally it would be school and cramming for exams, making sure to keep up your already perfect grades, but this year there were...other distractions. Namely in the handsome form of Billy. He’d taken it upon himself, almost as if he was on a personal mission, to get you to agree to go out with him. Just one date, one little date he always insisted, reassuring you that that was all it would take for you to fall for him. Normally you’d just roll your eyes at him, pat his cheek and tell him he was cute, but it was never going to work.
Your resolve had weakened ever so slightly, your words less sharp than normal, your glances softened, eyes not as hard as they used to be. You thought it hadn’t been that obvious but the relentless teasing from Steve and Nancy were enough to see that you were incredibly obvious. You denied everything they said, firmly reiterating that you would sooner be in your grave than ever even kiss him. You’d gotten close enough to that when you’d stolen his lollipop the month prior, the taste of which you were sure still lingered on your lips, sometimes bringing a blush to your cheeks.
But it was Pi Day, which you wouldn’t have known about, but your math teacher was a huge nerd, much like you were in other ways, and wanted to celebrate. He’d brought in several pies to share for the class and only taught for a few minutes before deciding to let you all do whatever you wanted. You were glad for the reprieve; it had been a long week already and you figured you’d use the period to take a quick cat nap - not before eating your piece of pie of course. It was a delicious looking Boston Cream Pie and you were eager to dig into it.
You were only stopped when Billy stepped next to you, sliding into the abandoned seat across from yours. Of course, he just couldn’t let it go.
“Hiya Princess,” he smirked as you set down your plastic spork, letting go of the idea that you’d get to eat this pie in peace. You propped your elbow on the top of the desk and rested your head in your arm as you glared at him, “what? No greeting? Not even a smart remark?”
“What Billy?” you gave in, watching as his face between through several expression changes, ultimately landing on bemused. He looked good today, better than anyone should have looked if you were being quite honest, and it was getting harder not to stare at his chest, how the shirt he wore was perfectly taught across his muscles. He reached over and swiped his fingers across the top of your pie slice, scooping up a bit of the whipped cream.
“Just wanted to say hello,” he said innocently as he brought his fingers to his lips and licked off the sweet cream, tongue darting out of his mouth purposely to make sure he had your attention. He never broke eye contact with you, and it was a horrible struggle not to give in and watch him, and you instinctively licked your own lips which suddenly felt way too dry and chapped. You wondered how his lips would feel against yours, if they were as soft and supple as they looked.
“I’m sure,” you suddenly regained a bit of confidence as you came back to your senses, taking the plate and pulling it further away from his reach. He’d been hovering around you even more lately, always making sure to catch your eye, a smirk or wink cast at you. He was starting to break you down, and you had a feeling he knew. But you refused to admit defeat, and even if you wanted him (which you didn’t, you constantly assured yourself), you were never in a million years going to let him wear you down. You weren’t like all the other girls and never would be.
“I can be a nice guy,” he must have felt a rush of bravado because he reached over and placed his hand under your chin and tilted your face up to look at him, “maybe not to everyone, but for you. I can tell there’s something different about you, and I want to know more. I can tell you like me too, Princess, even if you’re denying it to yourself. I can see the way you look at me, especially when you think I’m not looking.”
“Oh?” you were growing more annoyed with him by the second, his normal swagger setting back in, “and how do I look at you?”
“With those big innocent eyes...I can tell you’re not though. I’m guessing I’m going to get to find out soon enough just how not innocent you are,” the words barely left his mouth before you took the plate of pie and smashed it onto his face, covering his features in the sticky chocolate cream.
“Tell me how I look at you now, Billy,” you fumed, all eyes in the classroom turning to face you as you single-handedly embarrassed him in front of everyone. He wiped the pie off of his eyes, anger spreading throughout his body as he bit his tongue to hold back his words, “don’t you dare presume you know a single thing abut me, Hargrove. I will never, ever go out with you, and that isn’t just a bunch of words, that’s promise.”
“Miss L/N! Mr. Hargrove!” your teacher wasn’t quite sure what to do as an awkward silence hung in the room and people starting to whisper among themselves. He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, shushing the people around you, “that is enough out of the two of you. Detention for the next three weeks for the two of you, no ifs, ands, or buts.”
“What the f-”
“Do you want to make it four weeks?” he raised an eyebrow at you, stunned by your sudden insubordination; you were normally the teacher’s pet, always doing whatever you were told. But there was something about Billy that set you off in a completely different direction.
“No,” you sighed, casting annoyed glances between him and Billy, who was silently fuming as cream slowly dripped off of his face and onto the floor.
“Good,” he sighed, “now I want the two of you out of my classroom. Hargrove clean yourself off and Miss L/N, I recommend you take the time to reflect on your actions.”
“Fine,” you grabbed your bag and stormed out of the classroom, leaving them all behind, annoyance filling every fiber of your being. You never used to be like this, you were the good girl. But now? Now Billy was starting to get to you, and he was likely pissed to the point were he’d never let you live it down.
“That was a bit dramatic, wasn’t it?” Billy scoffed as he stumbled out of the classroom, heading for the bathroom. You remained silent as he started to walk past you, a cool air about him, “didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Shut up,” you hissed at him, wishing your actions had been a bit more of deterrence on him, “I hate you, Billy Hargrove. You’re nothing to me, and you never will be. Drop the act and just leave me alone.”
“You just pied me in the face in front of everyone,” he pointed out, “you think I’m going to let you get away with that? I don’t think so, Princess.”
“Whatever Billy,” you rolled eyes at him, trying not to think about how good he looked, even covered in pie, that you may or may not have wanted to lick off of his face. It simply wasn’t fair, but you weren’t going to let it get to you, “we are never ever ever going out. No matter how hard you try.”
“We’ll see,” he said with a smirk before starting to duck into the bathroom, propping it open with one toned arm, “I always get what I want. And I want you. You’ll give into me eventually, trust me.”
He didn’t give you a chance to get another word in before he disappeared into the bathroom. You thought about storming in after him, but stopped yourself - the two of you alone in the bathroom might lead to exactly what you were trying to prevent.
You were weakening little by little and Billy knew it.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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orphancookie69 · 3 years
Disneyland 2021: Cast Members Only (4/27)
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Hello there, coming to you live from my Teacup in Disneyland, ready to...spill the tea on my recent experience! Yesterday was the first of a 3 day cast member preview of Disneyland. But like everything else, COVID has left its mark on the Disneyland experience. 
We arrived, parked, which all the spots for parking are now social distanced. Walk over to where the tram would be, but for that day, it was not running. You go through the first check, which they told me I was not allowed to wear my neck gaiter and could conveniently purchase an appropriate face mask at the vending machine around the corner. I can not tell you how much it cost, and I really don’t want to know. What I do want to know is, what is wrong with a neck gaiter? 
Next stop was the first of two security stops, you walk through in groups of 2 and must allow yourself to be smell checked by a police dog. Cute dog but a little violating. Then have your bag searched, and walk through a metal detector. (Who would of thought stuff that only happened to someone at an airport would make its way everywhere?)
Then you walked the path normally taken by what I always considered the first ride, The Tram. On the way there I tried to appreciate it for the fact that the tram moves faster than will allow one to enjoy the scenery, but it took about a half hour to walk the path, and for a place known for lines and walking-it really does not need more walking. It is my sincere hope that the tram is working by the time people pay for tickets.   
We got tickets for Disneyland, my cast member friend told me that the park hoppers were gone in a matter of minutes once the slots opened up that they could reserve a day for. So we finally get into Disneyland, it took about an hour or so to get to the gates-and they were open until 7 pm. Tickets are now on the app, but also now is the virtual board pass for some rides and all your meal ordering options. 
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When we got there, we went to Star Wars Land. I don’t generally like what Disney has done to star wars since buying the rights, but as a kid who watched it with her dad growing up, its pretty damn cool to see it brought to life like this. Part of the joy of a theme park, is going somewhere else and feeling like home is so far away. Like look at this shot, that can’t be in California’s backyard....that’s clearly a desert planet on a clear day. 
We first tried to go shopping, but it took way too long to figure out how to enter and how to exit-since you can’t enter the way you exited these days. Once we did figure that out-you had to wait in line 6 feet apart and be checked in before allowed to go in. The stuff was expensive, as is to be expected. They are also doing a lot more “Limited Releases”. Like I grabbed a cute Boba Fett doll, but one was a limited release and one was normal (?). 
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So after that we grabbed food, and it was not bad but I would not order it again, I guess it fit theme? But to get it, we had to open the app, order it, and then set up paying for it on the phone-you could not walk up to the counter unless you had a reason to, unless you already ordered it. Then we finally get it ordered and it says you can pick up in a half hour, or ask for it now. We asked for it then and still ended up having to wait as we watched the screen tell us if we could finally approach the counter. 
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They were also offering free Photo Pass downloads, so you know when you go and see the photographers and they take your picture but it cost to download them? Free today, so we went to every person with a camera we could find. We visited like 6 of them in a couple of hours, and this is the only good picture we got from them. I would be mad if I paid for a photo pass and could only stand one of the photos. 
So then we tried to go on a ride, and it needed a virtual boarding pass to go on. So we left Star Wars Land and went into Fantasy Land. It was nice to get on Mr Toad’s Wild Ride and It’s a Small World, but those are the only rides with not stupid long lines. Yes the lines were stupid long and hard to tell where any of them started, with just cast members and their families. It was nice to see the characters, a lot of them were out. We tried to go on favorites like Haunted Mansion and Pirates of the Caribbean, but the “20 minute wait lines” were miles long. 
I am happy to say the shopping was nice. The company was excellent, and I will admit to properly geekgasming in Star Wars Land. I am a little disappointed in  Disney, when Knotts has been open successfully and less chaotically the entire time during COVID, and they have been closed. They really should have taken a page out of Knotts’ book on how to run a theme park during a pandemic. It would have helped immensely yesterday if they had just taken 1 tip from Knotts. I know I would not pay for that experience, and until things get back to “normal” I think I will be a Knotts Patron.  
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mustardprecum · 5 years
27 for harringrove please 🥺 (it’dbe appreciated if steve’s the one that’s preggers thank you!)
[27 “I’m pregnant.”]
Steve had decided to try and get pregnant. The notion came to him shortly after El’s birthday, when Steve realized that all his kids were over twenty-one. The abrupt ache of an empty nest got the ball rolling, and after more researching and reading than he’d done during any one year of school, he made his decision.
Most of the people in his life were well meaning when he told them, but also rudely disbelieving. After all, Steve was a single omega in his mid-twenties, mostly living off a trust fund from his parents and a hefty inheritance from his great aunt. Money he was very grateful for, considering he’d never be able to afford owning a house in the new development near downtown with his sporadic part time jobs. 
(Good ol’ Aunt Phyllis would have been stoked to find out that he choosing to be a single parent.) 
The issue with the public perception of his personality was the fact that it was largely based off the person he was in his sophomore and junior year of high school. Steve had grown and changed from the flakey teenager. One could almost say he was literally an adult. 
At least Dustin supported him. Mostly. 
“Steve, you can’t be serious.” 
Dustin sat at the island in Steve’s kitchen, eating a bowl of cut up strawberries that Steve had put out for him. Old habits die hard, and Steve had been one of the few people who could get a young Dustin to eat his fruits and vegetables. “I mean of all the people in Hawkins, in the world, why him?” 
Earl grey tea was kind of gross, but Steve was trying to stop drinking coffee for his caffeine fix. He took his time stirring in a packet of stevia while he considered his answer. 
Billy Hargrove had come along in Steve’s senior year of high school and had promptly become a massive pain in the ass. Although, one thing that set him apart from all the other alpha meatheads was the fact that his taunts and jabs were purely personal for Steve, and never once did he resort to misogyny. 
God, the bar had been so low at that time. 
Over the past ten years, Billy had mellowed out slightly but noticeably. He worked at the mechanic Steve frequented for oil changes and tune ups, and lived in the periphery of Steve’s life because of his association with Max. And he still seized every opportunity to try and rile Steve up by getting in his personal space and commenting on his ‘ugly’ shirts. 
(Steve didn’t know when Billy developed a hatred of polo shirts, but it was apparently long lasting.)  
In the grand scheme of things though, none of it mattered more than one thing: Billy’s genes. He was a dick of the massive variety but goddamn if he hadn’t spent the past ten years being the most gorgeous person Steve had ever seen in his entire life. 
He smoked like a chimney and often had a beer in hand, but his skin was clear, his hair was soft, and his abs were extremely enviable. 
“I don’t want to go through a clinic,” Steve started. He quickly held up his hand before Dustin could start ranting. “I’m not going to ask someone I babysat to donate. I’m not really close with any other alphas in town, and an alpha is my best bet.” 
Dustin knew all of that. As a male omega, Steve would have fertility issues with a beta for scientific reasons he didn’t actually understand. Mike and Lucas had both been presented as options in Dustin’s argument, but the idea was too wrong. 
“Billy is…close enough, but far enough. You know?” Steve set his mug down; he honestly didn’t want to drink his tea. “If he says yes, working on inception will be pretty easy. If he says no, it’s not really a big deal. We’re not friends, so it won’t have to be awkward.” 
Privately, Steve assured himself that it had nothing to do with the crush he used to have on Billy. Therefore, it wasn’t inappropriate to ask. 
“But he’s such a tool,” Dustin said around a mouthful of strawberries. “Do you think he won’t be a tool about it?” 
“God. I know he’s going to be a tool about it. But,” Steve shrugged. “Just think of how cute my baby would be.” 
Dustin raised an eyebrow. 
“I would have a really cute baby, Dustin. And you would have a really cute little baby pseudo-sibling.” 
Poor Dustin, the only child, twenty-three and still wanting that younger sibling. He perked up, still looking skeptical but finally chewing quietly. 
“Plus, it’s all going to be in a contract. No parental or financial obligation,” Steve added to sweeten the deal. “I’ll get a positive test, pay him, and he’ll fuck off to wherever he spends his time.” 
Dustin hummed, drumming his fingers on the table. “I’m still godfather?” 
“Okay,” Dustin bounced, smiling broadly. He was excited for a baby, and when he smiled, he looked like a cheetah cub. “Well, Max said she’d text you his number so…good luck?” 
Sending the text was nerve-wracking, even though all he sent was ‘can we get lunch?’ Steve had put his phone face down and tried to distract himself with scrolling through reddit and Tumblr, but waiting for a response was even worse than sending the message. 
He’d followed up with several messages explaining who he was, once it occurred to him that Billy probably had no idea who was texting him. Eventually, Billy finally responded telling Steve to stop blowing up his fucking phone. 
Despite Steve’s fears of Billy’s attitude after that response, he was invited to a Starbucks in between their homes. Steve distantly recalled Max mentioning that she was envious of the studio apartment that Billy was renting over a storefront. How privileged was he that he couldn’t imagine having the same room functioning as the bedroom/living room/public space? 
Billy was already there when Steve arrived. He was sipping a green frappucino and staring down at his phone. 
The last time Steve had seen Billy even in passing was the month before during the Hopper family’s Fourth of July party. He was even more gorgeous than Steve remembered even looking a little grimey like he’d come straight from work. 
“Hey,” he approached the table, trying to smile when Billy’s blue eyes snapped up. “Thanks for meeting me. Mind if I grab a drink real quick?” 
“Depends, pretty boy,” Billy leaned back, smiling in that special way that gave Steve a major sexuality crisis in high school. “Why did you ask me out?” 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Steve whipped his head around as if anyone else cared about the two of them meeting up. No one was looking. He sat down heavily and sighed. “I’m…I have a favor to ask. But I kind of wanted to ease into asking.” 
“Interesting,” Billy drawled. “What could ‘King Steve’ possibly want from little ol’ me.” 
“I’m almost thirty, Billy. Please don’t call me that.” Steve looked down at his hands, maybe this was a bad idea. There was no way Billy would agree to being a donor. 
“Look Harrington, I’m leaving in five minutes so spit it out.” 
“Oh come on,” Steve whined, bouncing his leg. “It’s not the sort of thing you just spit out!” 
Billy slurped loudly at his drink. “You want me to murder someone?” 
“Obviously not. Kind of…the opposite?” Steve winced when his voice went squeaky toward the end. He cleared his throat, deciding to continue because Billy had wrinkled his nose. “Okay, so, I used to babysit a lot and I know how to take care of kids. I miss taking care of kids. And, well, I have money and time, right?” 
“Right,” Billy said blankly. 
“Right,” Steve nodded and took a deep steadying breath. “So I’ve decided that I want to start a family. With a baby. And me. Single.” 
Bringing up starting a family generally brought up the question of Steve finding someone to settle down with. The issue was that he didn’t want a partner or a romantic relationship; he didn’t feel that having a child should presuppose finding a mate.
“But I need a sperm donor and, uh, well,” Steve’s nerves were completely frayed at that point. Which was probably why he ended doing the saddest jazz hands. 
The blank look was gone and Billy’s eyes were practically sparkling, which Steve translated as trouble. He bit his lip, knee still bouncing noisily under the table. 
“A donor,” Billy practically purred. “You want me to get you pregnant.” 
When he phrased it like that, Steve couldn’t help but blush. He cleared his throat, wishing he’d just gotten a drink before bothering to speak to Billy so that he could sip it and buy some time. “Basically. You don’t have to sleep with me, the cup method works fine.” 
“And other than not-sleeping with you,” Billy sounded a little snotty. “What’s in it for me?” 
Only a little mocking was infinitely better than outright refusal. And he was getting to the part Steve was actually comfortable with. “$600 for each attempt,” he said. It was a lowball, but considering it was under the table, the supplemental income wasn’t half bad. “I’m tracking my cycle, so we’d only need to try about two days each month.” 
“And after?” 
Steve paused. “After inception I’ll give you an extra thousand.” 
“No, I mean once you’re pregnant, how does it work?” The serious look on Billy’s face was unnerving. Steve was briefly worried that he was about to say he wanted to stay in the picture. “You know how to take care of kids that don’t go home at the end of the day?” 
“Does anyone?” 
Billy’s face hardened. “You don’t just have a kid on a whim, Harrington,” he said lowly. “Can you actually take care of one for the rest of your life?” 
Living in a town like Hawkins and having a direct relationship with Max meant Steve was familiar with the Hargrove family history. How Billy’s mother abandoned him, how his father abused him, how long he’d lived in that toxic place before finally escaping and taking Max with him when it seemed Neil was turning on her as well. 
Despite how horrible that was, Steve couldn’t help the warm feeling in his chest. 
“I don’t yell, I don’t believe in corporal punishment, and I’m on book four of twenty on my parenting book reading list.” He didn’t add that they were all audiobooks because he had such a hard time reading. “I wouldn’t try to have a baby if I wasn’t ready to do everything I could to give them a good life.” 
Steve hoped his face was as open as he wanted it to be as Billy searched him. Of all the reactions he expected, this hadn’t been one. It made him feel better about Billy as a candidate. 
Finally, Billy slurped his frappucino again and grinned wolfishly. “When do we start?”
Continued on AO3
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The News (Sriracha, Part 41.)
Series description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could let you far away from all the trouble.
Part Summary: The wedding came way sooner than you expected to, you could maybe say that you weren’t even prepared for a thing of such a caliber. Also, did El and Mike really told Mr. Clarke that they’re cousins?
A/N: This chapter is a complete and utter chaos and I love it so much. Inspired by all of the romantic songs from the 80s’. There is a lot of callbacks to the OG Stranger Things (like El and Mike being cousins) and into the origins of this series as well.
Word count: 5K
Tagging: @nemodoren @missdictatorme @ysljordy @creedslove​ @hopperlover​
Series master list: H E R E
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Life can go completely crazy once you decide to something insane with it. Like having a wedding with a guy who you love without any judging, yet still being a college student. The big date was set on the first July of 1986, which meant that you had to study for that semester’s finals, take care of the new house you owned, having Eleven moving back and on top of that, you were doing preparations for the wedding. Now, that was what you called busy.
It was quite weird when you once took El to Hawkins High to sign the papers with her, meeting professor Clarke in the process. You let Max and El go to your car while he wanted to have small chit-chat with you.
"How are you and your Hopper doing? Everything fine?" - He started, putting his palms entwined on his chest. After a while, you nodded, being completely confused. After a small rant about your approaching wedding, he proceeded to the thing which was itching his curiosity.
"Have seen Eleven before here a couple of times before. First, if I'm correct, it was in 1983. Then she came to the Snow Ball of 1984... I thought she was Mike Wheeler’s cousin and now I get to know she's your and Hopper’s daughter?" - He asked curiously. What the hell was going on in the fall of 1983? You hadn't known much about that time from El’s perspective, yet Mike mentioned that was the year when they first met. Trying to hide the nervousness and confusion behind a smile, you nodded.
"You know kids, Mr. Clarke. They like to make things up and they don't exactly think about the consequences either. It was probably some joke or whatever." - You giggled, telling yourself that you have to talk to both of them about this. It wasn’t an issue that could bring some great consequences in the future, but it would be weird to see two teenagers who proclaimed being cousins... Well... Holding hands, kissing, and stuff. - "Especially these boys. You know Dustin and Lucas, Mike and Will. They love to make up stories and wild stuff. Sometimes even I don't know what should I believe when they're telling me something. Their imagination is just amazing."
"Right, haven't exactly thought about that. You have any information about Joyce, Will, and Jonathan?" - He asked and this time, he wasnt suspicious. You nodded with a happy smile, telling him all about their life in Maine. You wanted to visit them in there for a short vacation, taking Mike, Lucas, El, and Dustin with you - Steve Harrington told you that he and Nancy would gladly go with you to ride in the second car.
"Mr. Clarke, you're invited to my wedding!" - You yelled at him when you were leaving the corridor, pointing a finger at that slim, tall man with a mustache. - "I hope that you'll come. July the first, party starts at two p.m.!"
But when you sat behind the steering wheel, that was a different story. You looked at Eleven who was sitting at the passenger seat, having a hell of a confused face. - "Cousins? You and Mike told them that you're cousins? Where are we? In Texas or Alabama? For the love of God." - You asked unbelievably. Max on the backseat leaned in with a burst of laughter. She didn't know about that either since she wasnt around at that time.
"It was Mike's idea... And Mike’s a boy and boys are..." - Eleven wanted to defend herself, her brown eyes looking at you while you started the engine. You stopped her by pointing your index finger at her.
"Uh-uh, young lady. Only I can say that boys are stupid and that's because I'm living with your father. We clear?" - You asked with a giggle. They told them that they're cousins... Jesus Christ... You couldn't wait to tell Hopper. It was clear that he will lose it once you'll tell him what Mr. Clarke asked you that day. After taking the girls for some ice-cream, you picked up Hopper at the station, since his shift was just ending. While Eleven ran off with Max to look at the movies int he rent shop Harrington was working at, you entered the police station.
"Afternoon, Flo. Every time I see you, you look better than the last time. How do you do that?" - You asked, leaning your head to your shoulder. You loved that woman so much - you still remembered how much patience she had with you and Hopper at the start.
"You, honey, are going blind. Nice to see you too." - She got up with a giggle, hugging you and kissing both your cheeks. - "The big day.s on its way. How you're feeling? I was so nervous I couldn't sleep a month before it happened."  
"Oh, I'm more nervous about my finals than about my wedding. Jim will probably get drunk and he’ll cry in the corner with my father about me being a big girl and stuff. I hope he gave you the invitation card? If he didn't, I swear to God..." - You rolled your eyes, having Flo gently patting your shoulder. The old lady disappeared for a second to snatch you some coffee and a piece of cake. Callahan, Powell nor Hopper noticed you chatting with Flo yet, so you had the time to observe Jim.
He looked way more relaxed as a normal officer. It could be seen that he's happier than that before. He didn't have as much responsibility as he had when he worked on the position of the police chief, even though he was doing an excellent job being the head of Hawkins police. Yet now, he had more time to have fun with the two other men and there was something simple about listening to orders.
"Honey, don't worry about that. The Monday after you said yes, he came to the office yelling that he's about to marry you. For real this time. And the following week he gave the cards to at least half of the station." - Flo chuckled, watching the men as well. It took them a while to notice you standing there but when they did, Hopper immediately started to pack his stuff. Normally, Powell or Callahan drove him home, so it was a nice surprise seeing you standing there.
"How you're doing, girl?" - Powell gave you a tight fatherly hug, have you smiling from ear to ear in the process. - "You're looking tubular. That's how the young call it these days? Also, new haircut?" - The man asked when you gave a short hug to the younger policeman.  
"You're about two years late with tubular, dear Powell. But thanks for noticing since this grumpy bastard didn't." - You let Jim slide a hand on your waist, looking at him with your eyebrow risen.
"You know that I still can cancel the engagement?" - Hopper mumbled before stealing a kiss from you. For a short moment, you were just looking at that handsome man before calling him out with: - "It’s more probable that I would do that, baby. So don't try to piss me off."
"And that's the facts. See you around boys, we have a family night." - Hopper waved at them, leading you out of the station, telling you about his day. Max and Eleven were waiting for you outside, holding a few rented movies. You were taking them to the cinema that night, true, but you allowed them to watch some movies in the living room. It was Friday, so neither of them had to wake up for school.
The other few weeks were just crazy - you and Hopper had to choose the flavor of your wedding cake, you had to study for finals hard, there were the dress tests and even three weeks before the wedding, you hadn't found the right one. Steve Harrington, Robin, Nancy, and your mom became the party for each of the tests since Hopper wasnt allowed to see them. The location was paid, the menu was completed, the decorations were also set to go, but the dress...
And also the finals.
You'd swear that you hadn't sweat this hard at the previous exams you were taking. And writing the final essay wasn’t a walk in the park as well. It was the result of many things that happened in 1986: from Hopper being MIA to coming back, buying a home, finishing the reconstructions, having Eleven coming back to your life, the whole proposal, and marriage thing... You straightaway cried when you got the letter you passed and that by the start of the next semester, you'll start a whole year lasting practicum at the children's traumatology in the hospital of Hawkins. That was a miracle happing right there.  
After that, it was time to concentrate on the chaos you called "my life". And it was hard sometimes to stay mentally stable. Especially when the countdown to the wedding itself came. It was a week before the first of July when you stopped in the door leading from your bathroom, looking at Jim quietly reading in the bed. You looked like you're about to puke something, your eyes being widened and opened.
"Are you alrite? Somethin’ happened in there?" - Jim put the book down, quickly snatching his new reading glasses from the top of his nose. With the same face, you walked through the bedroom, shaking your head.
"This doesn't look like your nothin’ happened face. What's goin’ on?" - He asked once again when you were purring the pajamas on. Eleven was listening to the Romantics on the second floor, so you heard some parts of A Night Like This resonating through the house.
"Marriage is the scariest of all social constructs I've ever seen." - You started explaining, climbing into the bed next to Jim. Oh, so that was what this was about. - "I mean, two people can live together without having to marry, you know? All it takes is love and time and..."
"You're afraid of bein’ married is what you're tryin’ to say, am I rite?" - Jim chuckled, looking as you tried to figure out the most comfortable position. You settled on your belly, having a small pillow under your breasts, watching Jim sitting next to you. You made a dumb face before nodding.
"You’ll be just fine, trust me. You already have me under your thumb so there's nothin’ to worry about. Come ’ere." - The man chuckled, putting the book on his nightstand to snuggle you.
"It wasnt too hard to domesticate you, but... I'll be Mrs. Hopper next week. If you'd die, I would have the right to have the money from the police office and stuff. It's the legalities that make me anxious." - You mumbled horrified. Suddenly, you jumped when Hopper just started to laugh out loud.
"You haven't even got married and you're already thinkin’ about havin’ me dead? Well, that's nice." - He continued with the laughing, having you chuckling too. - "Trust me. It won't change a thing... Except for your surname."
But even if Hopper assured you a million times, just like your mom and Steve, you still couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and you were sure that as soon as you'll be walking down the aisle, you'll run away with Bon Jovi playing in the background. Steve even offered you that he can ’kidnap’ you so Hopper would have to find you, but you said no that offer, no matter how fun did that sound.
The first of July was the worst day you have ever endured since you had to get up pretty early and you didn't even have a bachelorette party. Hopper left to your parent's place while Robin, Joyce, Nancy, and your mom with Lena gathered at your place. You heard Robin asking your mom if you're fine when she saw you getting up from the bed - your mom had to explain to her that you had a problem with getting up since the day you started kindergarten.
You puked through the first hour they arrived, spending it on the toiled, bawling your eyes out. When they managed to get you out, robin made you do the basic things, like taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and drink at least a cup of coffee to raise your pressure. You were looking like you were about to faint for the last hour and a half.
"If you don't want to marry the man, you shouldn't accept the ring is what I'm saying." - Your mom told you while she and Jules were making a hairstyle on your head. You looked puffy, tired, and not well at all. Nancy was sitting on your bed, reading some girly magazine as well
"I do want to marry him, I just really don’t feel good." - You told them, clearing your nose with a tissue.
"I think it's the nerves that are fucking you up." - Robin got up and stood behind Nance so you could see her in the mirror too. She was speaking in the most boyish manner possible, she never fucked around with you or Steve and that was why you liked that girl so much. - "Read it in my mom's Cosmo." - She shrugged her shoulders, sending you a small smile. You nodded, earning a curse word from your mom who barely cursed.
As soon as everyone made sure they have everything, like dresses, jewelry, and stuff, everyone got into two cars - Eleven, Max, Nancy, and Lena were in one, while in the second one, there was you, your mom, Julia, and Robin. Mom told you that you're even prettier than she was on her big day. Robin knew how to crack you up with her jokes and how to bitch you down in case you had any side thoughts - that was why you chose her to ride with you. Both of your best friends didn't go exactly easy on you and that was why you adored them.
When you saw the church closer and closer, your hands started shaking and your forehead got wet like a helter-skelter. It all felt so right, yet so wrong at the same time. You knew Jim for three years almost and there were occasions when he proved to you that he’d go to hell for you. Not even that made you sure if it was all a good idea or not. Take on Me was playing in the background while girls were speaking about the flowers and decoration, so you decided that it was time for a little walk.
A little walk to Bloomington maybe? To run away from all that chaos inside of you? Or something like that? Just when your palm circled the door handle, Robin and Jules walked out of the preparation room. You leaned into the door innocently, having a smile on your face. Both of them knew what were you thinking about, so they walked to you from both sides, both of them entwining their elbow with yours. - "You are not running away. You are not going anywhere, milady. What you're going to do is that you'll dress up to the white dress, look like a princess and you'll make one old grumpy idiot very happy once you say yes." - Robin told you, dragging you back inside the room.
"And then, we'll have a party and you'll drink your ass off with us, understood?" - Julia asked sweetly too. They were two crazy sons of a bitch, so they made you exactly what they said you're going to do. Not even hour from that, you were marching in the back room dressed in white, having too long high-heels on with a veil over your face. You heard Jim coming - it was quite hard not to hear the men arriving. He had a few shots of Scotch or something your dad had at home since he was louder than usual.
As you heard more people, like Karen Wheeler who came in to wish you luck, coming in, you understood that it's happening. You will be a wedded woman in less than an hour. And that was... Surreal. The clapping of high heels intensified as you started to imagine all the horror scenarios again.
"Heard you're having some trouble here." - Jonathan and Joyce snuck into the room to say hi. Joyce was looking breath-taking in the lilac-colored dressed you've sent her to Maine. And that hairstyling? She was killing it. Jonathan was looking breath-taking too, yet his eyes were all over Nancy.
"It's just some slight turbulences." - You chuckled nervously, letting her hug you. After that, she stepped away, taking in the sight of you.
"My oh my, you're something." - Joyce chuckled, hugging everyone in the room as well. - "Hopper is really lucky these days, I mean, look at you. I know you're nervous and all, but as soon as you'll stand in front of him, you won't even remember that, trust me. I've done this too." - She chuckled, making you chuckle nervously as well. Jonathan then patted her shoulder, telling her that they have to get into the right order. She opened up her mouth and giggled excitedly, biting her lip after that. - "See you in ten, baby." - She hugged you for the last time and went outside. Everyone was going outside and you knew that the only person who will be waiting for you once you have to go there too will be your dad.
And he was smiling when you did so.
"You look just beautiful." - Was all he could say when you held the skirt up a bit so you wouldn't fall flat on your face. A smile was all you were capable of before you entwined your elbow with his, looking at the door leading outside for the last time.
"I know what you're thinking about." - He chuckled, looking at the door as well. - "Are you sure about doing it, though? Do you realize what consequences would that have, honey? You'd leave him in there alone, standing in front of all of the people you and he would look like a fool. Jim would be... I wouldn't say angry but disappointed for sure. Maybe he wouldn't talk to you after that for all I know." - Your dad took a deep breath in, straightening himself, making sure he's looking good.
"Believe it or not, I thought about running away too, so that's some genes here. Your mom would never, but I was scared like a little boy. But we’re twenty-six years in and I have never regretted marrying that awesome lady." - He looked down on you. For the first time that day, you were smiling without having some other chaotic feelings inside your head.
"And I mean... I wasn’t the happiest with Hopper at the beginning, but as time went, you two showed everyone in this bloody town what love is supposed to look like. You separated here and there, yes, but you also gave home and love to a girl who needed it. He taught you patience and you taught him to love. That's how it is, baby. And as far as I can say, I think you're doing the right thing. There's no need for second thoughts, no need for looking for a chance to escape because you'll be fine this man no matter what." - Your dad finished and you both had tears in your eyes.
"You’ve been drinking, haven't you?" - You asked to stop yourself from crying, snickering your old man with a burst of honest laughter. He didn't answer, but you saw on his eyes that he had a few glasses with Jim. - "I love you." - You whispered just before the door opened up and the cannon started to play. Everyone was standing up for you and you could see your mom and Jules weeping in the first row. You, one of the craziest and toughest sons of bitches were getting marries. Who would d have thought that it would happen so soon?
It felt weird to walk there, looking everyone you knew in their eyes. Karen and Tim were smiling at you, having Mike by their side and when you were in the middle of the aisle, you heard Joyce started crying as well. She was telling everyone that she's sorry, but everyone was just smiling, having tears in their eyes themselves. No matter how happy everyone felt, you were numb. Completely numb. All you could concentrate on was not falling, on your pulse, and the rhythm of your breathing.
Jim was standing there with his palms entwined in front of him, giving you the warmest smile he ever had. It was there. The last stop where you could turn around and run away from everything. It wasn’t that you didn't love him, for the love of God, you just... You were scared. Even if it wouldn't change your day-to-day life, you knew that it will have an overall impact on everything. When your father gave your hand to James, tears in your eyes could be seen. And Jim knew that these weren’t happy tears.
He remembered the wedding he had with Diane. He felt like throwing up until the ceremony was over, he didn't know if he chose to do the right thing or not, he was fighting himself. And now you were doing the same thing. It was natural and James understood everything since he had gone through all of that once. Marriage was one big unknown. What happens once you'll walk out of the church like a wedded couple? That was a thing no-one, including you, couldn't be sure about. But Hopper knew that this time, he has chosen the right person to go through all of these shenanigans with.
You had endless patience with him - and when James said endless, he meant endless. Eleven, the Russians, the Demogorgons... You absorbed all of that. When he was at his lowest, drinking and taking too many drugs, you made him stand on his feet. When he was acting like a jackass, you acted like one too until he calmed down. When you met, you looked past his temper issues and impressive love life to see him for the man he was. When it came to the terms of having a partner, you were the best person for Hopper. The best one had ever met.
"How you're doin’?" - He asked with a boyish smile when the wedding register spoke to the guests. You nodded, gulping quietly, looking at his palms holding yours. Jesus, he was looking good. He was looking great. If you'd have the chance, you'd undress him as soon as could.
"Pretty good, you?" - You whispered back, finally starting to smile. You didn't know shit from what the man next to you was talking about, the only thing you could see was James just... Smiling. Something about vows woke you up from the trance, looking around to see Steve handing you the cards you have written. Neither of you wanted to have some normal-ass pathetic vows. With your sense of humor, it was clear that this will make a lot of people chuckle.
"James Hopper." - You started, already having a nasty grin on your face. - "We already know that we can make it at our worst and our best. We already tested that we can go through both healthier times and even the times when things aren’t... Exactly good. I promise to occasionally fold your clothes if you'll promise me to start my car in the winter. I promise that I’ll cook you a warm dinner every evening as long as you'll promise me that you'll even come home." - You finished, cracking your mom again. She had her eyes already completely red and Hopper didn't even start. No-one knew what you're talking about, but that was what made the vows even funnier.
"Miss Y/N Y/L/N, soon to be Hopper. I know that I already promised you a lot of things and there will be more things to come, for sure. I have promised you a bed and I delivered it to you. I now promise you in front of everyone that I will repair you the gramophone every time you manage to break it again, I will paint every room in the pomelo color if you ask me to, I will fold my clothes and maybe try to do the laundry sometimes and mostly, I won't ever let anyone hurt you." - He looked you in the eyes, having you on the edge of crying as well. - "And if they will, I will hurt them back."
You both were shaking when you were putting on the rings. Hopper had almost broken your ginger, having you burst out with laughter. When you finally had it on, he kissed it with a warm smile, looking you in the eyes. You’ve done the same thing once you managed to slip it onto his hand. And the sweetest part was when you were finally allowed to kiss him. It was a miracle that you didn't swoop him off his feet since you pulled him down hungrily. They were right. Once the formalities were over and once you signed the piece of paper with both your former surname and the new one, the stress faded away. Happiness overtook the ruddle, having you live your best life.
And when you finally took the dress off, changing into a pair of jeans, your old Converse shoes, and a nice shirt, you were finally feeling it - not until the first dance, of course. The golden ring was looking spectacular on your left hand, being put directly above the silver one you've accepted twice. It also felt heavy, but that was a thing that will go away.
The party started great with you and Hopper taking all of the traditions that came with weddings - cutting the cake, breaking a plate, throwing your flower into the crowd of women, eating from one plate, dancing with Jim and your dad, opening the presents and cards... And of course, there there were the speeches.
Hands down, your parents’ speech made you cry. Aiden made you chuckle. The kids had the most chaotic speech of the evening, six of them trying to talk at one time. Jules told you not to be dumb and to listen to James, at which you rolled your eyes. Joyce made herself cry and Jim’s eyes water, while Jonathan and Nancy’s speech was more about wishing you luck. But Steve Harrington, boy oh boy, wasn’t he something? His speech left you crying.
"So, good evening everyone, my name’s Steve and I’m living in Hawkins since... Ever. And the thing I'm notoriously famous here is the way I was trying to win Mrs. Hopper for years. For your information, I was the best friend of her dearest brother and she often reminds of the times when she saw me running naked around their pool, so, thanks for destroying my self-confidence because no-one is better at it than you." - Steve started on a comedic note, having you laugh into James’ shoulder. He was laughing as well, smoking. - "I won't tell you more about my romantic failures, since, this evening is supposed to be a happy one." - Steve smiled and made you a toast. Nancy was worried that maybe, since he wasnt the best at this type of activity, he’ll say something about the second world war or that he'll start talking about his grandpa, but Jonathan just chuckled at that.
"And I can fell that it is a happy evening for everyone here. The food was great, the ceremony was sweet and you guys are the most adorable couple I've seen ’till this day. Thank you for allowing me to be here with you." - Steve ended and drank a bit of his champagne and so did you. But as always, there was something off about the taste. You frowned, trying to figure out what is wrong with it.
"What's that face for?" - Hopper whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"The wine and the cake... I don't know, Jim, it tasted way better when we were picking it." - You said honestly, having Jim nodding at your remark.
"If you don't like the taste, don't eat it and drink it. What about dance now when we’re done with the speeches? It was lovely, but my ass hurts." - James whispered again, having you laugh and nod. You danced the whole night, not having a single alcoholic drink. But Jules was a different story. Steve from biology had to walk her home because she wouldn't make it on her own. Most you loved dancing with the kids - these lunatics had such dance moves that you didn't know where they got it from, especially Lucas and Dustin.
It was a long day, but once Hopper carried you inside the house, you made exactly what newly wedded couple is supported to do once they arrive home. Eleven was staying at Wheeler’s, which was kind of a gift they gave you. Without telling too many details, you fucked in almost every room in the house, which left Hopper destroyed, laying in the bed at four a.m.
Yet you couldn't fall asleep. Why? Because while your hubby slept in your bed, your face was inside the toilette the whole time. And something on the back of your head was telling you that maybe, it isn't the nerves as Robin told you.
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lesbyers · 4 years
Leaves And Lavender
{1} {2}
Chapter 3
Robin’s Advice
(btw if y’all are confused abt the timing this is after s3 but Hopper’s alive and the Byers haven’t moved because uuuhhh fuk u)
It was a the next day and Jane was in Science class with Lucas and Dustin, she was thankful to be with them. They were the type of special friends that never failed to make you smile, even so Jane’s mind was still filled with the sinking feeling of guilt but her thoughts were interrupted suddenly by Lucas nudging her with his elbow.
“Hey El, Dustin thinks that Sally Benson will say no if I ask her out bu-”
“She’s way out of your league dude!’
“No she’s not!”
“Dude seriously it’s Sally Benso-”
“What about Max?” Jane asked frowning.
“Oh we-“ Lucas began nonchalantly, Dustin cut him off a shit-eating grin on his face
“She dumped him!” 
“She didn’t dump me!”
“She totally did!”
Before the arguing continued Jane cut them off.
“She dumped you?” she asked
“Yeah she randomly called me and dumped me on the phone last night. Erica wouldn’t stop laughing at me” Lucas said casually, rolling his eyes
“Aren’t you sad? Mike was sad.” Jane asked
“Nah she’ll take me back soon anyway, she always does. Plus if I go on a date with Sally she’ll totally be jealous!”
“I don’t know man, maybe she dumped you for real this time”
“Whatever you can’t judge me, you’ve never had a girlfriend before Suzie”
Jane stopped listening, she didn’t understand what she was feeling, she felt kind of happy hearing what Lucas had said and that made her feel guilty, she thought of Max, Max was her best friend so why did it feel different compared to Mike or Lucas? It was confusing, so so confusing. Jane felt her mind get hazy again and then it was back, the sinking feeling. She decided she had no other choice but to try and figure out what she was feeling otherwise she became was afraid that she might go completely insane.
“Hey Dustin. What do you when you don’t know something?” she asked nervously, her gaze averted. “Like something you don’t hear at school.” she bit her lip hoping he wouldn’t think she was acting weird
“You mean like advice?”
“Yeah, advice...”
“Oh I usually just ask Steve or something” Dustin didn’t seem to recognise Jane’s distress, if he did he wasn’t showing it, she was grateful for it. Her stomach was twisting in knots and her mind was hazy.
“Where is Steve?” she asked 
“Uh he’s usually at the movie rental store” Dustin replied
“Yeah he only works there ‘cause he loooovess Robin!” Lucas teased in a sing-song voice.
Jane began debating the possibility of asking for advice, could she really talk about it? She didn’t really even know what it was? Either way Jane knew she couldn’t ask Joyce or Hop, she didn’t know how they’d feel after what Will had told her. Steve was her best bet, she didn’t know him well So he couldn’t hate her and he was older so he must know more, that’s what’s Hop had told her. She decided she would talk him after school.
The rest of the school day dragged on, Jane anxiously biting at her nails through classes, trying her best not to seem too anxious during lunch. Finally the final bell went and she flew out of her classroom and clumsily hopped onto her bicycle.
“El!” Will panted bursting threw the school doors.
‘Shit’. Jane had planned on leaving without Will noticing.
“Hi” Jane said flatly
“Why didn’t you wait for me?” Will breathed
“Oh uhh.. I’m going to uuhhh” Jane fumbled for a believable excuse
“I’m meeting Max at th-the arcade” Jane spluttered
“Oh oka-“ Will started
“Bye see you at home!” Jane cut him off quickly pedalling away
She clumsily road her bicycle to the Video Rental Store. She had only learnt how to use a bike without crashing it about a week ago with Will, she wondered if he bought her excuse, she definitely wouldn’t have but god she hoped he did.
Jane dismounted her bicycle, staring at the entrance to the store, realizing she hadn’t really thought this through, what the hell was she supposed to say “I thought about kissing a girl, is that wrong?” “I never liked my boyfriend when we were together, am I broken?” She was terrified of the answer she might get but she realised she was even more afraid of not knowing.
As Jane entered she was made uncomfortably aware that the store was empty.
“Hi how can I help you” Robin said flatly, not looking up from the book in her hand
“Um” Jane began, clearing her throat, “Is-is Steve here?”
Robin looked up, “Oh you’re that weird girl from the mall right? Jane?”
There was a heavy silence as Jane quietly nodded
“Oh uh and Steve isn’t in today, I can pass on a message if you want I guess?”
Jane felt her heart drop and her cheeks flush red.
“Uh- no- I- It’s okay!” Jane spluttered
“Hey, hey are you okay?” Robin asked noticing the tears forming in her eyes
“I-I-uh“ Jane began, her words were cut off by the small sob that came from her mouth.
“Ok, uh I’ll um lock up early and you can tell me what’s going on okay?” Robin said quickly, noticing her distress
Jane nodded her head stiffly, staring at the floor.
Robin locked up and flipped the door sign around so that it read “Sorry! We’re Closed.”
She hopped up onto the counter near the cash register and patted the spot next to her.
“Jump up kid”
Jane crawled onto the counter, sitting across from Robin, she stared at her shoes and for a few awkward seconds they both sat in complete silence.
Robin cleared her throat
“Uh, what-what’s been bothering you?” She asked calmly
“I feel..wrong...”
“Like, I- I shouldn’t be...like me” Jane flinched at how stiff her words sounded
“Okay..” “how did that start?”
“My boyfriend, he used to be my boyfriend I, I didn’t like him, I don’t know why I-”
The tears welled up in Jane’s eyes again.
“I dumped him and he- we’re friends but I should like him and I don’t I like, I like someone else, I shouldn’t like them and I- it’s wrong” Jane breathed out deeply and steadied her breath. She stared at her shoes, cringing at how none of her words sounded like they made any sense
“I’m sorry” she breathed
Robin put her hand on Jane’s shoulder,
“It’s okay, I get it.” She said softly
At those words Jane’s head shot up, what did she mean she got it?
“Is, is the person you like, a girl?” Robin asked carefully
Jane nodded her head quickly, a look of shock on her face.
“Well Jane, I think you’re like me then.” Robin said as a smile crept onto her face
Jane laughed nervously, the thought of someone feeling the same way as her never occurred to her, she’d never really been able to share any common life experience with anyone before.
“Like you? It’s normal?”
“Yeah, I thought I was weird too, I was around your age when I first felt it too.”
“All my friends were getting crushes but all I wanted was to hang out with my best friend, Tammy Thompson was her name, she- she was so pretty and I just wanted to be around her all the time but all she wanted to do was talk to boys. I felt so alone and wrong and I just wished I had someone who helped me back then.” Robin had such a kind look on her face, something about her made Jane feel safe, like Hopper did, but different
“Her name’s Max...” Jane spoke quietly
“The redhead girl that Dustin used to like?”
“She seems nice” Robin said with a smile on her face
“So, it’s not wrong if I like girls...and not boys?”
“Some people will think it is because they don’t understand, but it’s normal, people like us are called lesbians.”
“So I’m lesbians?”
Robin laughed “No Jane, a lesbian”
“Oh..I’m a lesbian..”
“Yeah, liking the same gender means you’re gay. Boys who like boys are also gay and girls who like girls are called lesbians” Robin explained
“Oh, okay” Jane answered
There was a pause, Jane remembered something Will had told her about after one of the kids at school yelled at him.
“What’s a fag?”
Robin’s smile faded and she sighed “That’s a mean way of saying someone’s gay.”
“If someone calls you that come and talk to me okay? If you ever feel sad about um, this stuff you can always come here and ask for me okay? Not everyone is nice about that stuff Jane” Robin tried her best to sound as welcoming as possible, she knew what it was like to feel alone and she hoped Jane didn’t have to feel like she did when she was her age.
“Thank you, Robin.” Jane smiled softly
“Call me El” she added.
“Okay El” Robin paused “You wanna go get ice-cream with me?” She asked
Jane’s face lit up “Yeah”.
Things were going to be okay.
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COSMIC - S1:E1; Chapter One, The Vanishing of Will Byers - [Pt. 3 - FINAL]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘖𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥'𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘏𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘢 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥.
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The bell rang, signaling the end of class. The guys and I were quick to pack up our belongings before making a beeline for Mr. Clarke's desk, eager to see if the Heathkit came. All the while Mr. Clarke was reminding the already fleeting class of our homework assignment.
"Remember, finish chapter 12 and answer 12.3 on the difference between an experiment and other forms of science investigation. This will be on the test, which will cover chapters 10 through 12. It will be multiple choice with an essay section." His voice faltered towards the end of his sentence as he realized no one had been paying attention.
His head turned to us and he didn't seem too surprised to see us so eager. Mike couldn't take the wait any longer and spoke up on the behalf of all of us.
"So, did it come?"
Mr. Clarke looked solemn. "Sorry, guys," Our heads began to hang in disappointment at his words. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... It came!"
My face lit up with relief. We followed Mr. Clarke down the halls in anticipation. Mike got to the door first and eagerly threw it open, the rest of us close on his tail.
Since Mike was the first through the door, naturally he dove for the desk chair as the rest of us scuttled over each other, each of trying to get a close look at it. Lucas and I seemed to have the same idea as we fiddled with the knobs on the Heathkit as Mr. Clarke addressed the new device we were all so eager to see.
"The Heathkit ham shack," The boys and I were in awe.
"Ain't she a beaut?" Mr. Clarke sighed. Dustin then spoke up. "I bet you could talk to New York on this thing."
"Think bigger." Said Mr. Clarke. I rose my eyebrow and looked to my teacher as I questioned, "California?"
"Bigger." 'No way.'
"Australia?" Mike pressed. We all turned out heads hopefully to Mr. Clarke as he responded with a smile and the shake of his head. We all exclaimed.
"Oh man," Lucas chuckled in excitement. "When Will sees this, he's totally gonna blow his shit." My smile faltered at the mention of Will, as Mr. Clarke scolds Lucas for his foul language. Lucas apologized turning back to the Heathkit, and I shake my head slightly trying to get my mind off of Will.
Lucas seems to have found the right settings on the dials based on the high pitch frequencies coming out of the Heathkit. Mike has the headphones on and begins to speak into the mic in an Australian accent.
"'Ello, this is Mike Wheela', president of Hawkins Middle AV Club."
Dustin then practically ripped the headphones off of Mike's head, a big goofy grin on his face as he placed them on his head. Mike was in a fit of giggles as he spoke. "What are you doing?" Dustin proceeded to do the exact same thing as Mike just moments ago.
"'Ello, this is Dustin, and this is the secretary and treasurer of Hawkins Middle AV Club. Do you eat kangaroos for breakfast?" I giggle, shaking my head thinking about the poor confused soul who is stuck listening to the boys ramble on. As Lucas grabs for the headphones, I turn around so I'm facing Mr. Clarke, and I give a polite, yet warm smile. "Thank you."
"You're very welcome Mr. Henderson," He returned the smile, seeming appreciative of the fact that at least one of us said 'Thank you'. He has always been a great teacher, and I don't think anybody ever really appreciates or even thanks him very much. I can't imagine how frustrating it can be as a teacher. I laugh to myself at the sight of my friends playfully fighting over who gets to use it next, when our fun gets cut short at the sound of a knock on the door. We all turn our heads to see the Principle walk in, a couple of men behind him.
"Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, may I borrow Y/N, Michael, Lucas, and Dustin?" To say my stomach dropped would be an understatement as I got a better look at the men out in the hallway and realized it was the Chief and one of his officers.
My mouth ran dry.
The four of were seated on the couch in the Principal's office, Chief Hopper, and officer Callahan - I believe his name was - seated in chairs opposite us. I was seated between Mike and Dustin, I kept my mouth shut unless told otherwise, and my hands have woven together in my lap, much too afraid to do otherwise. The boys, on the other hand, were freaking out and all trying to speak at once. I tried nudging them warningly with my elbows but they just ignored me. It seemed I had made the right choice in being quiet, as Hopper seemed to have gotten impatient almost immediately.
"Okay, okay, okay. One at a time all right? You." He points Mike. Mike shakes his head. "You said he takes what?"
"Mirkwood." His face scrunched up in confusion.
"Yes," I croaked involuntarily, wanting to explain to him that it is just our name for road.
"Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?" He turned to the officer.
"I have not. That sounds made up to me." The officer replied. This timid, awkward man gave me the impression he was more of a 'Yes-man' and knew nothing about what he was doing.
"No, it's from Lord of the Rings."
'Oh, here we go.' I think to myself, sighing.
"Well, The Hobbit."
Mike and I look at each other, knowing what's happening.
"It doesn't matter." Lucas retorted.
"Knock it off!" I warn, trying my best to throw my whisper across the couch without drawing attention to myself.
"He asked!" Dustin nearly shouted.
"Guys!" I hissed.
"'He asked'" Lucas mimicking Dustin, not even listening to me.
I looked over at Mike for help but he is already checked out.
They continue talking over each other in a childish manner and the chief leans forward trying to silence them.
"Hey, hey, hey!" They quieted down finally. "What'd I just say? One at a damn time. You." He nodded to me. He seemed to tolerate just Mike and me.
"Mirkwood, as Mike was saying. It is a real road. It's just the name that's made up, it's what we call it. It's where Cornwallis and Kerley meet." I finish.
He seems satisfied, finally having a straightforward answer. He leans back in his chair, talking now to Callahan.
"Yeah, all right, I think I know that—"
"We can show you, if you want." Mike offered hopefully, cutting the chief off mid-sentence.
"I said that I know it!"
"We can help look."
"Yeah" Dustin added hopefully.
And just like that, the boys begin to talk over each other once again. Knowing better than to waste my breath trying to shut them up, I sit back once again, hands in my lap waiting for the Chief to continue.
"No," He says loud enough to quiet the boys. "After school, you are to all go home. Immediately. That means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating, no nonsense. This isn't some Lord of the Rings book."
"The Hobbit."
"Shut up!" Lucas gave Dustin a swat on the arm.
Dustin reached over and hit Lucas back, knocking me and Mike back in the process. I roll my eyes in annoyance, and fight every urge I have not to shout at them.
Mike finally snaps. "Stop it!"
They continue hitting each other and Hopper finally leans over and says quietly, in an irritated tone. "Do I make myself clear?"
I was the only one paying attention so based on his tired, lowered voice and his eyes on me, I could tell he was just talking to me at this point.
I shook my head. "Yes," I mutter.
He nodded his head at me in thanks. All the while, the boys were still bickering. Hopper's gaze landed on the boys, and he stood up and walked forward towards us. The way his tall frame towered over us was overwhelming, and enough to shut the boys up. In a deep, intimidating voice, he repeated his words, slowly.
"Do I make myself... clear?" The boys nod their heads in fear, their necks craning up to meet his eyes.
"Yes, sir."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
I've been laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling for about thirty minutes, give or take a few. I had managed to do all of my school work, including my project that wasn't due for another week and a half, read three books — granted, they were fairly short — and I was still left with nothing to do but worry about Will. The fact that I'm not allowed to help is driving me crazy, even though I keep trying to tell myself the adults are better equipped to deal with this stuff. My thoughts are interrupted by the crackling of the walkie-talkie that was sitting on my dresser. Since our mom couldn't afford two walkie-talkies, Dustin and I share one. I usually have it though so I can talk to Will.
The voice coming through sounded like Mike. Rather than getting my hopes up I just decided to stay put, staring at my ceiling, listening in.
"Lucas, do you copy? It's Mike. Lucas? Over."
"Hey, it's Lucas."
"I know it's you. And say 'over' when you're done talking so I know when you're done. Over." I roll my eyes and smile.
"I'm done. Over." I chuckle at this.
"I'm worried about Will. Over." My smile quickly falls.
I can hear Lucas sigh. "Yeah. This is crazy. Over."
"I was thinking..." Now I was really paying attention. "Will could've cast Protection last night, but he didn't. He cast fireball. Over." I sat up slowly, my eyebrows furrowed at the walkie.
"What's your point? Over."
"My point is... he could've played it safe, but he didn't. He put himself in danger to help the party. Over." A bittersweet smile flutters across my face briefly at this.
"Meet me in ten. Over and out."
'To hell with adults.' I tell myself. I leap off my bed and grab the walkie, knowing they'll still be able to hear me.
"Forgetting someone? Over."
"Y/n? Over." It was Mike.
"Don't worry, I'll let Dustin know. Over and out."
I retract the walkie before shoving it into my bag and heading for Dustin's room.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Once I had caught Dustin up on everything, the four of us had met up and we are now currently riding down Mirkwood. The thought of my best friend disappearing right here, exactly 24 hours ago was enough to give me chills.
"Ah, man. This is it." Lucas broke the silence as we approached the barrier closing off the path where his bike was supposedly found. We all came to a stop.
For a brief moment, the woods were lit up by lighting in the distance as thunder bellowed across the sky. Dustin looked up at the blanket of clouds above the trees, his voice shaking.
"Hey, guys. You feel that?" He was obviously referring to the rain that fell on his face. I roll my eyes. "I think maybe we should go back."
"No!" Mike and I said simultaneously.
"We're not going back. Just stay close." Mike and Lucas continued on into woods. I was eager to follow them but not without trying to reassure my brother.
"Dustin, he's right. Look, I know you're scared right now, okay? I'm scared too, but can you even imagine how scared Will must be? We have to do this. For Will." I didn't wait for a reply and ran to catch up with Mike and Lucas.
Knowing my brother, he would rather stay in a group than split up. Sure enough, he gave in.
"Hey, guys, wait up!" He said, dropping his bike. "Wait up!"
We started walking again, and as we did it I could feel the rain start to soak my neck and shoulders. I pulled my hood up over my head, turning on my flashlight and set off into the night, eager to find my friend.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The thunder rumbled, and as we ventured deeper into the forest I could feel the light drizzle of rain evolving into a steady downpour.
"WILL!" I cried.
"Byers!" Lucas yelled.
Dustin tried a different approach. "I've got your X-Men 134!"
Our flashlights were hardly making a difference at this point. Dustin spoke up again. "Guys, I really think we should turn back."
"Seriously, Dustin?" Lucas exclaimed. "You wanna be a baby, then go home already!"
"I'm just being realistic Lucas!"
"No, you're just being a big sissy."
"Did you ever think Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we're going to the exact same spot where he was last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?"
I start to slow down once I heard something in the bushes.
"Dustin, shut up." Mike spoke up.
'Okay, thankfully, Mike must have heard it too.'
"I'm just saying, does that seem smart to you?"
"Dustin!" I snap. "Zip it!"
Now the rustling was loud and clear.
"Did you guys hear that?" Mike asks.
I just shake my head, looking around for the source of the noise. The rustling is louder than ever and we all turn in the direction it came from. All our flashlights pointed in that direction. Then we heard it again. It was right behind us. We whipped around to find a girl, with a buzz cut, wearing nothing but 'Benny's Burgers' tee t-shirt. We all stood there, mouths agape at this girl, shivering and cowering in fear.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
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windless-hurricane · 5 years
She's the One
Chapter 2: Your Name
A Billy x Reader x Steve Fanfic
SUMMARY: You're One, one of the many kids experimented on in Hawkins lab. Eleven's sister. You were found and now you're here to stay.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This took a lot longer to write than I anticipated, but here it is! I'd also like to apologize to anyone who sent me an ask. I accidentally responded and now I can't find y'all. If you're still interested, just let me know in the comments. Thank you.
WARNINGS: Language, violence, and scenes involving blood and/or death.
TAGLIST: @cherrym4rk @torntaltos @bun-dpdbny @5sosxgrethan @acidrain707 @evelynfreakinaddams @qtmeryr @kayln97 @uwu-bucky @book--butterfly @laurmillen @art-flirt @thecornerstoreoftheuniverse
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“What can you do?”
“How old are you?”
“Are you Eleven’s sister?”
“Just how strong are you?”
“Can you show us?”
The kids continued to throw question after question at you, expecting them to be answered, but leaving you with no time to answer them. You just stared at them with wide eyes until Hopper cut them off with a harsh tone.
“I’ll be asking the questions here.” And silence befell on them once again. Wow, you thought. He really had a talent for getting people to shut up.
You looked to him and he reeked of frustration and worry. However, when he spoke, there was an ounce of sympathy in his voice. “Why were you in that chamber?” You knew he was going to ask that. It was obvious enough, but it still made you cringe with discomfort. You didn’t want to talk about that chamber, because for you, that thing was a personal hell you thought you would never escape from. It was frightening and you never wanted to go back. However, answers were something that they deserved. Not only would it have helped them through this crisis, it would also give them some trust in you.
So, you cleared your throat and began to speak, slowly but carefully. “Well...since you know Eleven...you must already know...what the lab did…to her...to us.” He nodded. “I was the first one...they did it to… They always said that…they got lucky with me. That I was their best experiment and...would lay the groundwork for the others after me. That's why...all the kids who did survive the experiments, got one or two of my abilities.”
“And what exactly are your abilities,” Dustin asked with a grin, but Hopper wasn’t amused. He shot Dustin a death glare, but he didn't seem to notice it.
“I-I can move things...with my mind,” you revealed. “And make people see what I want them to see… I can read minds too and...tell what people are feeling.”
“Can you control people?”
“No. I haven't been able to that...not yet at least.” You caught a glimpse of Hopper's annoyed expression and gulped nervously. “Anyway... The reason I was in that chamber in the first place is because...I helped the other kids escape. Three, Seven, and Eight.”
“You mean there's other kids out there right now,” he asked.
“Well, not ‘here’ here, but...around. That day...I wasn't able to get Eleven out, but luckily...she was able to get out on her own.”
“While I was in there though, I could hear things - voices. At first, I-I didn't know who they belonged to, but I slowly started to realize what was going on. The first voice I heard was from that woman, Joyce...and she was talking...about him.” You pointed to Will who was asleep on the couch with a blanket over him. “He went missing and you found him, but now...something's wrong with him.”
“You know what's wrong?”
You nodded, while never breaking eye contact with him. “I know everything...because...I heard everything. I know all of you too. I recognize you from your voices.”
At that, everyone glanced between each other in astonishment. You, you were someone that they just met, someone who had just entered the picture without warning. Yet, you seemed to know more about what was going on than they did. Hell, you even knew all of them without a proper introduction. So if that didn’t show a fraction of what you were capable of, then they didn’t know what could. You were someone worth the bargain. Even so, Hopper felt compelled to ask one last thing.
“How long were you in there?”
You shrugged, “5 years, give or take.”
“Shit,” one of the kids breathed out and you could make it out as Lucas. Hopper sighed deeply and you could tell it was from a mixture of sympathy and desperation.
“I'm sorry to ask this of you, but...we need your help.”
“And I'll give it,” you blurted out without hesitation. “I was going to give it regardless.” You said more quietly as you looked over to Will. “There’s a darkness in Hawkins that we need to stop...and it starts with him.”
“Okay, so if this thing is like a brain that’s controlling everything, then if we kill it...we kill everything that it controls.” You nodded as you continued to stare at the page from Dustin’s D&D manual. Mike’s deduction made sense, but the same question still stood. How do you-
“How do you kill this thing? Shoot it with fireballs or something?”
You jumped in surprise as Hopper snatched the manual away, trying to find the answer for himself. Dustin eventually spoke up, but it was less than confident.
“Well, uh, you summon an undead army, um, because-because zombies, you know, they don’t have brains.” He began to stumble over his own words. “And the mind flayer, it-it… It likes brains. It’s just a game. It’s a game,” he finally confessed.
“What the hell are we doing here,” Hopper groaned. Things weren’t looking good and that became more evident as Hopper and Dustin started to argue.
“I thought we were waiting for your military backup.”
“We are!”
“How are they gonna stop this? You can't just shoot this with guns.”
“You don't know that! We don't know anything!”
“We know it's already killed everybody in that lab. We know the monsters are gonna molt again. We know that it's only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town.”
“They’re right,” a voice interrupted. Joyce. “We have to kill it.”
Your face softened as you turned to face her. She was being overwhelmed by grief, sadness, and anger, but who could blame her obviously. She lost someone she loved.
“I want to kill it,” she declared.
“Me too, Joyce. Me too.” Hopper was doing his best to calm her; but deep down, he couldn’t even do that for himself. “But how do we do that?” And it hit you.
“Will knows.” Everyone stopped and turned to you. “Will knows how to kill it, because he’s connected to it. He already knows everything about it and that includes its weaknesses.”
“I thought we couldn’t trust him anymore - that he’s a spy for the mind flayer now,” Max reminded, causing Mike to shake his head.
“Yeah, but he can't spy if he doesn't know where he is.”
“Exactly,” you confirmed. “This will work.”
You all decided that the shed in the backyard would be the best place for Will’s interrogation. It was small, making it perfect to disguise in a short amount of time. So, you all went outside to find materials that could help in your endeavor.
You were encouraged to not use your powers until the real threat came and while that wasn't a terrible idea, you also hadn’t used your powers in five years. You were rusty and needed as much practice as you could get. So, whenever the kids came upon an object that was either too heavy to carry or too high on a shelf to reach, you helped them. It was enough for now.
You let out a small sigh as you wiped the blood dripping from your nose. “You okay,” you heard someone ask and you turned to find Hopper. You nodded.
“Ye-yeah, I’m okay. Thank you.” You moved to go back into the house since most of the preparations were finished already, but stopped once he spoke again.
“I’m sorry again that all of this was so sudden and that...we weren’t able to save you under more normal circumstances.”
“Oh… That-that’s okay,” you told him. “I’m just glad that...that you got me out...and honestly, this couldn’t have been a more perfect time. You need my help to stop this thing. So… I guess what I’m really trying to say is...thank you. Thank you for saving me.” You managed a small smile as you looked up at him and he simply nodded in response. However, the tiniest of smiles reached his lips as well.
“I know you said you already know me, but I think...you at least deserve something more proper than this,” he reached his hand out. “Jim Hopper.”
You gazed down at his hand for a bit before taking it like you thought you were supposed to. You tried to match his grip as you smiled wider, “One.”
You sat in the kitchen, hugging your knees to your chest. It was the first time you were left alone since being freed and now, you couldn’t ignore all the emotions floating around you. Anger, fear, regret, guilt, sadness, pain. To make it worse, you could hear every sad thing being said in the shed. It didn’t matter if you weren’t there. You could still hear everything like you always did.
Do you know what March 22nd is? It's your birthday. Your birthday.
Do you remember the day Dad left? We stayed up all night building Castle Byers… just the way you drew it.
I just felt so alone and scared, but… I saw you alone on the swings and you were alone too.
Tears ran down your cheeks and you couldn’t tell if they were for them, yourself and the life you could’ve had, or both. It was all becoming too much to bear and you couldn’t help the tears that kept falling and the sniffles that started to leave you. It wasn’t until you heard someone walk in that you tried to contain yourself. You tried to get rid of the tears with the sleeves of your shirt, but it seems like you didn’t try hard enough.
“Hey… Hey, are you crying?” And you froze. No one had ever spoken to you like that before. No one had ever used a voice that was so genuine and calming that it was enough to make your tears stop. That voice provided instant relief and you didn’t know why. You looked up to the owner of that voice and it was none other than Steve with a face of worry plastered on him.
You gazed into his eyes for a bit before answering. They were brown, just like most of the world’s, yet they still managed to be different. They still managed to be incredibly warm and beautiful. It was quite soothing. You gulped softly before averting your gaze.
“No,” you uttered, but of course he wasn’t convinced.
“Then, what’s all this,” he asked, gesturing toward your glossy eyes and red nose.
“Um, I- It just comes with the power.” You smiled softly in an attempt to make him believe you.
“Oh, so a bad case of allergies comes with your powers?” You looked at him in astonishment before bursting out in laughter, something you didn’t even know you were capable of.
“What? No.”
“Well, that’s what you said,” he began to laugh as well as he grinned a smile that could’ve made your heart stop.
“That’s not what I meant,” you tried to explain. “It’s just that...with my power...I can feel the emotions of everyone around me, but it’s not something I can really turn off. So sometimes... it can be very overwhelming...like right now.”
“Yeah, it really isn’t the best time, huh?” You shook your head, causing him to hum in response. “What if you just focused on one person?” Your eyes widened.
“What do you feel when you feel me?” His eyes widened too. “Wait, that sounds weird.” You let out a small chuckle as he started to panic. “I mean, what do you feel when...um-what do you feel when you see me?”
You tilted your head to the side as you felt him. Not physically, but just through the way you gazed at him.
“Worry and...nervousness,” you confirmed. “You’re a lot more tame than everyone else here.”
“Well, that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is,” you chuckled, and you didn’t notice the way his eyes scanned over your features or the way he smirked after.
“So, your name’s One, huh? Like the number?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“But it’s not your actual name.” You shook your head, only confirming his thoughts.
“No. I don’t remember what my actual name was. One was just the name they gave me. We were never...people to them. We were just numbers...experiments.”
“That’s really messed up. I’m sorry.” You shook your head again.
“It-it’s okay.” However, he could still tell from you expression that it wasn’t.
“How about...we give you a new name? A real name?”
For some reason, your heart flutter at his suggestion and a warmth flushed your cheeks.
“Um, I think-I think I’d like that,” you told him and his eyes gleamed.
“Ok, names names. What do you look like?” He brought his hand to his chin and pondered for a bit. “How about… Stacy?” You grimaced without meaning to and he took that as a no. “Alright... Oh! Heather.” You shook your head. “Really?”
“Really,” you responded.
“Ok, ok. How about… Let me think. (Y/N). That’s a nice name.”
(Y/N). It was simple and different all at once, and the way it rolled it off his tongue made you like it even more.
“I think that’s it,” you smirked and he mimicked you right away.
“Well, (Y/N). I’m Steve Harrington.” He stuck his hand out and you took it gently. His hand was a lot bigger than yours in comparison, but a lot softer. It was warm and careful, like he was afraid he would crush your hand if he squeezed a bit too tightly. It was sweet.
“Well, Steve Harrington. I’m…(Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you.” You both giggled softly until you were cut off by Mike yelling ‘We got something!’
“Duty calls,” Steve sighed and you nodded, letting go of his hand reluctantly.
Although the moment was short, you appreciated Steve going out of his way to make you feel better. He comforted you and even made you laugh. It was like for a moment, you weren’t in this situation. For a moment, it felt like it was just the two of you - living and living happily.
While you and Steve were talking, the group in the shed was able to bring Will back. Not fully, but partly. It turned out that the recollection of his memories was helping him gain some control within his body. It wasn’t much, but it was enough. He tapped his fingers until he spelt ‘Here’ and with every memory someone spouted, a new letter came after. Eventually, you all got the answer that you had been hoping for.
“Close the gate,” you all read aloud in unison. Before you could even process that however, the phone started ringing and a nauseating pain was sent to the pit of your stomach.
The feeling only worsened when Nancy yanked the phone out of the wall. You already knew it was too late.
“They know where we are,” you stated and the monsters screeching in the distance only proved that.
“That’s not good,” Hopper muttered. “Come on. We gotta go.” He motioned for everyone to follow him, but there was nowhere to go. It was too dangerous to leave. It was too dangerous to even think about leaving. You could already feel those things nearby. 
You shook your furiously, “No, no. Get away from the windows!” Everyone was stunned by the volume of your voice, but seeing as you were the only strong enough to handle these things, no one complained. They easily compiled and started huddling up in the living room, preparing themselves for attack. You subconsciously put your arm in front of Steve and the other out in front of you. The growling steadily grew closer and closer and the closer it got, the more you tensed up. You weren't strong enough yet and you knew it, but that wasn't an excuse. You still had to protect them. You would protect them. 
So you waited, waited for something to come crashing through the door... But it never came. Instead, the growling was replaced by thrashing and you instantly knew who it was. 
Something came crashing through the window and everyone pointed their weapons at it. You glanced over and it was one of the monsters, freshly dead. Everyone else was alarmed but you. 
“It's okay,” you whispered, but they were more confused than reassured. The lock to the door slowly started to turn and everyone aimed their weapons at it.
With a small click, the door unlocked and creaked open. Once they set foot into the house, you smiled softly. 
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stringerthangslove · 5 years
Mileven - A Secret Sleepover
El was lying flat on her stomach on her bed with her nose in a comic book – It was a Wonder Woman comic which was her favorite. From her stereo Every Breath You Take was blasting loudly; Mike had made her a mixtape where it was on twice because he knew she liked it so much. She liked to listen to it when Mike had gone home for the day and she was alone in her room; it reminded her of the two of them dancing at the Snow Ball and of how happy she had been that night. It made her feel like he was still there in a way.
Suddenly, El was disturbed from her reading when she thought she heard a noise coming from behind her. She turned the stereo off with her mind so she could better hear the foreign noise and as she listened closely, she identified the sound as a light tapping coming from her window. El turned around and used her powers to pull apart the curtains revealing Mike’s face as he stood outside her window tapping on the glass to get her attention.
“Mike!” El exclaimed in surprise and lit up in a smile as she always did when she saw him. She flung open the window with her mind and rushed over to give him a hand as he started to climb through her bedroom window.
“I don’t understand; is something wrong? Hopper’s gonna kill you if he finds you here past curfew”, El whispered, half excited half worried as Mike got through the window and stood in front of her.
“I know, I know, it’s just… I couldn’t wait till tomorrow; I just had to see you”, Mike said, taking both of El’s hands in his and kissing her lightly on her forehead. As he started to pull away El grabbed his face and pulled him in for a long kiss on the lips. As she let go of him it made her smile to see that even after six months together, he still blushed when she kissed him, and she felt her own cheeks flush as well.
“I missed you, too”, El said, “but this is against the rules; we might get in trouble.” As she said it, El found that the thrill of the situation outweighed the worry for her, and she decided not to think too much about the consequences.
“I know”, Mike repeated, sitting down on El’s bed, “but I can’t help it that you make me this crazy, so really it’s kinda your fault if Hopper murders me”, he finished with a grin.
“It is not!” El exclaimed in a mock indignant tone as she sat down on the bed next to him, grabbed a pillow and whacked him playfully over the head with it.
“Oh, you’re so in for it now!” Mike exclaimed, acting overly offended, and then he started tickling her.
“Mike!” El gasped, “Stop it! I hate being tickled!” El struggled to catch her breath between the fits of laughter and Mike was laughing as well until suddenly heavy footsteps outside the bedroom door made their laughter stop at once. They looked at each other, eyes wide open with panic.
“Hopper”, El gasped, “Quick; you need to hide!” They both darted off the bed and without thinking Mike dropped to the floor and shimmied in under El’s bed as the footsteps came closer. El kneeled down and came face to face with Mike who was under her bed.
“Are you okay under there?” She whispered.
“I’m fine; just act normal, okay, he won’t know a thing”, Mike whispered back, and that was all they had time for because the footsteps had reached the door and knocked gently before reaching for the handle. El flew up and got on the bed grabbing her comic book trying to look as natural as possible as Hopper opened the door.
“Everything okay in here? I thought I heard noise” Hopper said, looking around the room.
“Yeah, everything’s fine”, El said, putting down her comic trying to sound casual though she was clearly flustered.
“What have you been doing in here? Your face is all red and you seem out of breath”, Hopper asked suspiciously, holding her gaze.
“Oh, I, uh… I was jumping on the bead; I guess that’s what you heard. I’m sorry”, El looked at him with as much innocence as she could muster. She felt a pang of guilt for lying, but the trouble they’d be in if they got caught would be worse than she’d even dare to think about.
Hopper made a grunt and then smiled.
“You’re nutty, kid, you know that?” Hopper said, shaking his head, and then he crossed the room and sat down on the bed next to her.
“But you’re a good kid”, Hopper tousled El’s hair and she gave him a smile. Mike, who was under the bed sweating bullets, held his breath; Hoppers feet were only inches away from his face now.  
“Alright, I’m going to bed; don’t stay up too late, okay?” Hopper said, as he got up from the bed.
“Okay”, El agreed, and finally he crossed the room, got out the door, and closed it behind him. Mike and El both stayed completely still for a moment as they listened to the footsteps walking away.
“Mike, it’s clear”, El whispered, and Mike crawled out from under the bed and got up next to her.
“Phew! That was close”, he exhaled, and as they looked each other in the eyes they fell into a fit of giggles.
“Mike, we really have to be quiet; that was too close”, El whispered between giggles.
“I know, I know; it’s just too funny”, Mike whispered back also still giggling.
As they finally composed themselves, they were lying down on the bed facing each other.
“You make me crazy”, Mike said quietly.
“You’re stupid”, El said with a smile, “but I don’t want Hop to murder you.”
Mike smiled a little guiltily, “I know I shouldn’t have come tonight”, he said, “it’s just…”
Mike tore his gaze away like he couldn’t look her in the eye anymore.
“It’s just that every time I’m not with you I get… Scared”, he mumbled that last word like he was finding it difficult to admit.
“Scared?” El looked at him quizzically.
“Yeah. I’ve been meaning to tell you, but… That year you were gone, and I thought you were…” He briefly met her eyes again and saw that she knew what he meant, “that was the most difficult thing I ever had to go through, and… I’m just terrified that I’ll lose you again; I’m scared that if I’m not with you something will happen and… You’ll be gone again.”
Mike was still not looking at El, but she touched his cheek and gently turned his head to get him to look her in the eye.
“I understand”, El said softly, ”but you won’t lose me again; I promised, remember?”
Mike smiled, “yeah, I remember. It’s just something that I’m feeling sometimes.”
“And besides”, El added, “Hopper’s looking out for me, and you’re looking out for me, and I’m looking out for me.” El grinned.
“Right, and you’re a total badass; how could I forget”, Mike grinned back.
“Yeah, I’m a badass”, El agreed, and then she started tickling him and they both giggled again though trying to be quiet, and, eventually, they dozed off both lying on El’s bed, facing each other and holding each other’s hand.
Mike woke up first the next morning and looked at his watch.
“Shit!” He exclaimed and put his hand on El’s shoulder to gently rouse her.
“El, El, wake up; it’s eight thirty; Hopper will be up soon”, he whispered until she opened her eyes and looked at him groggily.
“What, what’s going on?” She said sleepily.
“Listen, I’m gonna climb out the window and go knock on the front door; Hop will never know I was here, okay?” He gently stroked her hair as he talked.
“Okay”, El said. Mike leaned down and kissed her.
“Alright, see you in a bit”, he got up from the bed, opened El’s bedroom window and before he climbed out, he looked at El and they smiled at each other confidentially knowing that they now shared a new secret. Mike walked around the cabin to the front door where he knocked hard and insistently.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming, I’m coming!” Hopper yelled from inside the cabin and when he opened the door Mike said, innocently, but with a hint of smugness:
“Morning, Chief; How’s it going?”
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alias-b · 4 years
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Without The Lights~ Billy Hargrove x OC Camille Harper
Chapter 10: Shadows Of The Night
A/N: A secret bleeds and Camille finds comfort with her friend. Billy has dinner at the Harper house and things don’t go as planned. TW: Talk of assault and abortion. Sexual content.
  “Let’s see it,” Camille purred.
  “Harpy, you’re making me blush.” Billy’s chest heaved softer. “I don’t think you’re ready for it just yet.”
  “I’m ready,” she uttered, sultry. “Don’t make me beg.”
  “Kind of want you to beg.” Teeth tugged at his bottom lip. They leaned closer in response with wandering eyes.
  “Show it to me, Billy.”
  “If you insist...”
  “Okay. You two need to stop it, I am going to be sick.” A girl muttered from the next lab table to their right. Robin. Her face pinched in genuine disgust and amusement. Heather was laughing next to her, covering her lips. Camille noted they’d gotten closer over the new semester. World’s colliding still at Hawkins High. Chemistry class went on around them. Lab partners working together.
  “What…we’re just talking grades? What else could we be-"
  "What else indeed, Harper." Robin twitched one brow and Camille broke to chuckle.
  "He won't show me his damn test still. I stayed up diligently tutoring him, I deserve to know.” Camille cocked her head. Robin snickered at her finally, doodling in the corners of her paper.
  "Hm, that's what she's calling it." Billy mused while he slipped a stick of cinnamon gum into his mouth, earning a light swat at his arm. "Don't damage the goods now, Harpy." She loathed him especially today.
  “Get an A plus, Camille?” Heather looked around Robin to see Camille grin with a nod. “No surprise there.” Fingers picked up the exam and Billy huffed at it, angling still so Camille couldn't see his paper.
  “What did you get? Tell me or I'll burst.” Camille pressed. Life picked up even still. Quieter than she liked. The Party met frequently outside of school. Watching out for the others as much as they could. Billy shook his head, frowning, and her shoulder’s fell. “Oh. You studied so hard for it. It’ll be fine, we got you to passing so we'll just keep at it.”
  “I guess.” Billy flicked the paper around. “Because I got a B fucking minus. No more D letter grades.” He broke to offer a grin that illuminated his entire face and she pushed at him. "Read it and weep for me, babe."
  “Billy!” She hushed when he bounced in his seat, too happy that he’d fooled her. “That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you.” He licked his lips, cheeks heating. Those words held tight and didn’t let go. “We have to celebrate. My, uh, mom’s home tonight. We should go out to a movie. I need a night out and I think you earned one.” She was nonchalant about it.
  “A movie?” His focus shifted, hands lowering the exam to the table.
  “Yes. A movie." Camille's sly eyes flicked to him. "You know, moving pictures. Big screen. Popcorn.”
  “On this specific date?” He blinked. “Valentine’s Day.” Camille exhaled out her nose, leaning on her elbows to watch his face.
  “Yes, Billy, I want to go to the movies with you on Valentine’s Day. Clear enough?”
  “That sounds suspiciously like a date.”
  “Maybe it is.” Camille shrugged, going back to her paper as if she hadn’t just rocked his shit apart. “I’ll pick you up this time.”
  “Wine and dine me, I might try harder at this whole good grade thing.”
  “Seriously, you’re trying hard now and it’s paying off. You're slowly going up full letter grades. Evidence is clear. You're a dummy but, you're not dumb.” She filled in a worksheet, winking. Camille shifted to adjust her shirt sleeves up. Pink with red hearts and cherries. Billy stared at her when she didn’t look at him again. Admiring this person he’d come to value.
  “Thank you, Camille,” he’d said it so quietly, she barely heard it. Billy was writing on his own page now when Camille peered at him. She gave a nod.
  “Seven o’clock? I’ll come get you.”
  “Guess I’ll be waiting.” He flipped through his book. Camille opened her mouth to speak when their school’s intercom picked up. A high pitched sound caused every student to cover their ears. It echoed and adjusted before Camille grew cold.
  “Hey. R-” The feedback was static and then even again. “It’s Camille…if you couldn’t remember my voice. You probably don’t want me calling. I waited for two hours. You damn coward.”
  “Is that you?” Heather leaned over to whisper and Camille’s eyes went wide. All her classmates had already turned to stare at her.
  “No…! No!” Camille jerked herself up like she’d become possessed and raced out. Billy almost fell from his chair in shock, unable to react.
  “Ms. Harper!” Their teacher called. The horrid message continued while Camille tore down the hallways.
  “I just had some stuff I wanted to say… It was really shitty. What you did. Not just leaving me to go to a clinic myself. Leaving me to abort our baby  myself. Getting me pregnant in the first place. You are just…fucking awful. And I ignored it thinking it was love. That’s not love. Learned the hard way, I guess. But, wherever you are. Manipulating another poor girl. Fuck you. Fuck you for all of us!”
  Camille passed students who stopped to whisper. Few came out of classrooms with curious teachers. She banged on the front office door. Locked. A tape recorder sat in front of the mic with no one around.
  “Fucking eat shit. I was…I am a child. You were the adult! Can’t be an adult? You’re disgusting.” Camille heard her words echo through their entire high school. Shedding that burning spotlight upon her skin. She pressed her head to the window and wept, unable to take it before she covered her ears. “I loved you. I thought I did. Maybe I don’t know love either. But, today, a friend helped me see…just a flicker. What it could feel like. And I’m going to find it one day. I know you won’t. How could you? I don’t regret what I did and I hope one day I don’t always feel guilt and shame when I think of you. You should be ashamed, you fucked a teenager and bragged about it…”
   “…I hope you never touch another woman again, shithead. Can’t get college girls so you bat at high schoolers? One day, you’re going to meet a girl who sees you for what you are. I hope it eats you. You won’t touch me ever again. And that, I can be proud of. Just fuck you. Stay away from me. Not like that’ll be hard now. You’re twenty and you got into bed with a fifteen year old. You’re sick. Don’t spread that illness to anymore girls like you almost did with me. I see you again, I’ll destroy you. Fuck you! Just, fuck you!” Camille heard herself cry and lost it, her elbow bashed into the glass while teachers tried to tear her off. She clawed and kicked. Made a scene. Flashed her queen bee stinger. Bared her teeth. “Don’t set foot in Hawkins ever again. Have a great life.” Unable to stop the harrowing tones as it tried to loop, Camille grabbed a glass paper weight then smashed the tape and mic both to bits. When the torture ended, she sunk to the floor as her English teacher came first to hold her.
  “I had to do it, I had to!” Camille was sobbing. Body jerking with each heave. Inconsolable. She wondered what it must have been for the gate to the Upside Down to tear open and unleash hell. Something like this.
  “Shhh, it’s alright. I’ve got you, honey.” Ms. Strode always had that soft spot for students. “We’ll call your mother.”
  “Oh, my god. Margaret, wake up!” Another teacher found the office aid, passed out behind the desk. “Call the police.” Everyone rushed around while Ms. Strode got Camille to her feet. Billy was there after pushing through crowds, eyes huge when Nancy raced to catch up with him from her own classroom. Students looked at their queen fallen from grace.
  “Camille, we got you.” Nancy got around Billy and came to her other side. Billy turned to see every judgmental, shocked, and intrigued expression.
  “The fuck are you all looking at?! Show’s over, dicks!” Billy Hargrove flipped his switch and they cowered back to keep moving about their day. “Assholes.” He followed after the women when they got Camille into the empty nurse’s office.
  “Nancy, can you stay with her?” Ms. Strode got up and Billy charged in.
  “Me, too.” He didn’t ask permission. Camille was lying down, covering her face and crying hard still. Nancy held her and Billy came to her other side. Their teacher left to make some calls. They let their friend weep until she was silently gasping. Waiting for flesh to just peel off bone.
  “It was her. Edna.” Camille grew numb. “She’s trying to ruin my life all over again. But, she’s been watching me. She’s known the entire time. Bitch. Trying to get me to fucking crack.” Nancy rubbed her back to soothe her cries.
  “You can’t stay in that house. Your mother-”
  “That’s it, she hasn’t made any move at all. I don’t…get it.” Camille let Billy wipe her tears and shift long hair from her face.
  “Camille,” he realized it, “if…if this chick has been spying on you. She could know we saw your mother. In Dayton.” She lifted her eyes, stilling.
  “You know Hopper’s been watching out for her too.” Nancy spoke to calm her down.
  “She knows that we know everything. It's like she's trying to tear me down so I'm isolated and admitting it. Why didn’t she go to Rosemary or Noah? Lab never came for me.” Camille whispered.
  “Maybe she…wants to torment you first.” Nancy frowned. She watched Billy Hargrove comfort her friend and noted how it wasn’t strange anymore. Seeing him around like this. “Camille, you’re bleeding.” Nancy pulled her friend’s sleeve up. “You might need stitches.” A nasty set of cuts swelled just under her elbow. Camille hissed upon seeing it and Billy was already digging for something to stop the blood with their nurse helping in the main office.
  “I didn’t even feel that in my state.” Camille whined.
  “Hold still.” Billy helped her clean it like many of his own wounds before.
  “What am I supposed to tell her? My mother.” Camille ached and her friends paused for a brief moment. “Hawkins is a small place. Come tomorrow, the whole damn town is going to know about me. Edna wants that. She’s trying to break me.”
  “Well, as Dustin would say, when one of the Party members needs assistance: it’s our duty to provide it.” Nancy recited and Camille tried to smile. “And we will.” Billy was gentle when he wrapped her arm up.
  “Hell of a bruise coming.” He huffed, chest falling.
  “Not going to a hospital.” She brought her sleeve down. “Can you guys stay with me awhile?”
  “Not like we were planning to leave you.” Nancy pressed her head to Camille’s shoulder and rubbed her arm. Billy sat on the floor and let her hold his hand. Silent, they waited for Rosemary to appear and whisk Camille away. Ms. Strode appeared and gestured that her mother was waiting. Camille stood taller and wiped her eyes, opting to walk alone down the long hallway. Where she was gawked at by passing students. Eyes ahead, she swayed along and didn't give any of them a damn thing. Not one piece of her.
** ** **
  “Camille.” Her mother shut the door. The entire car ride was silent. Rosemary was shaken, stuffing nervous pills into her mouth. Camille didn't dare ask what they were for. Steve dropped her car off then left with Jonathan and Nancy when Rosemary wouldn’t let anyone else inside the house. “Camille, baby, talk to me. Just please.” She sat her daughter down, sounding desperate. Hands cupped Camille face, raw and splotched red. “This is because I wasn’t around enough.”
  “No, mom, I was stupid.” Camille wheezed. “I couldn’t tell you or dad.”
  “I’m so sorry, baby. You needed us. You went through that alone.” Rosemary came to hug her close, too tight. Jarring. “I’ll quit.”
  “No, fuck, mom. No. Do not do that. I’m better now. I am.” Camille forced a smile. “I made a bad choice. I learned.”
  “You never came to me. We did not teach you to lie.” She stated that with genuine confusion. As if they groomed her incorrectly.
  “I just wanted…to be perfect for you both.” Her reply was the most honest she’d been in awhile.
  “This is all Noah’s fault. He filled your head with… He couldn’t let you grow naturally. We kept a distance, thinking... I told him, I told him this had gone too far. Become too much. That we lost control in the shuffle.”
  “Mom…what are you talking about?” Camille watch her mother’s eyes. Manic. The moment flooded out. Of course, she knew exactly what it meant.
  “No, sweetie, I’m sorry. It’s just…daddy and I made mistakes too. But, I’m fixing them. I love you so much. Please…know that you can come to me. You’re my sweet girl. Mine.”
  “Mom, that…uh, you’re squeezing me. It’s okay.” Camille drew back when Rosemary let her go, speaking her syllables slower.
  “Everything is going to be okay.” She cocked her flawless head like one of the damn Stepford wives.
  “I know.”
  “I love you. I’ll keep you safe inside here. I promise.” Rosemary kissed her head.
  “I…I love you, too.” Camille gripped the couch and her mother came up. There was a moment of unsettling staring before the doorbell rang. She jumped up too quick. “I’ll be fine. I am fine. I’ll get that.”
  “Rest today. I’ll make us dinner. One of your favorites.” Her mother floated off down the hall to pour herself some brandy and Camille wiped her face. She hurried to open the front door, surprised at who was there waiting.
  “Robin? Hi.”
  “Hey, sorry, I…” Robin held out a pink backpack. “You forgot this. I snagged your assignments.”
  “Thank you, um, do you want to come in?”
  “A chance to see the new Harper house renovations? Sure.” Robin stepped into the doorway. “Changed a lot since your twelfth birthday.”
  “Yeah, wow, that was an odd day.”
  “The bouncy castle and the dancing clown that terrified all of us.”
  “You know, I have nightmares about that voice still. He had the strangest name.” Camille joked and Robin smiled at her. “Guess we didn’t see each other much after that.”
  “High school changes people. Start to discover new things about yourself.”
  “You’re almost too right about that,” Camille hung her backpack up. “Thanks for this.”
  “Yeah, I just…wanted to make sure you were okay. You know? Heather will be glad to hear it too." Robin shrugged, cheeks pink over freckles. "I also wanted to say that…what you said to that asshole was really cool.”
  “Ah, thanks. Words just came, I guess.”
  “I hope we see more of that Camille.” Robin offered, pointing with her thumb behind her. “Well, I should…”
  “Right, um, thank you again for coming, Robin. I appreciate it.” Camille paused. "I'm sorry."
  "For what?"
  "Ignoring you after my birthday party." She replied. "Glad you and Heather get along. Her parents are...strict. Girl needs more friends in her life." Robin twitched a sort of half smile at that, face softening.
  “I’ll see you around school, Cam. Don't make me split you and Hargrove up.”
  "We're not even together really."
  "You should tell him that." The teen beamed at her and moved to go outside.
  “Bye, Robin.” Camille shut the door and Rosemary was there in a flash, glass in hand.
  “Are you alright?”
  “Better, yes. Um, I had a...a kind of date tonight with Billy.”
  “Why not invite him over for dinner instead? I’d like to meet this boy you like. Your friend.”
  “Uh, I’m not sure, he-”
  “Tell him to be here at seven. I’ll make us all a chocolate cake.” Rosemary definitely hit the pills hard today. Washed them down with sips of expensive brandy. Only drank that when she was upset. Usually stayed with something white or blush otherwise. It was always how Camille could gauge her moods. By what was in her glass.
  “…Okay.” Camille waited for her to go after another awkward beat. Her breath left tight lungs so she picked up the phone to dial.
  “Hargrove.” Billy surprised her. He was never the one to answer. Neil always lied, telling her Billy was "out" before smacking the receiver down on her.
  “Billy, it’s me. My…My mother invited you to dinner. Can you come?” Her voice was shaken. Billy didn’t dare ask why over the phone. “It’s at seven. I’d really like you to be there.”
  “I’ll be there.” They both hung up and Camille plastered a smile to go help her mother cook.
  “He’s coming.”
  “Wonderful.” Rosemary moved items around. “Does he make you happy?”
  “Yes, he does. We're friends, we help each other.”
  “That’s all I wanted for you, you know.”
  “I know. I am happy. I am. You’re an…amazing mother. You know, I see women wearing your clothing and I always smile. You touched all their lives in a small way. Billy’s stepmom gushed about how she wore one of your blouses on a date. I’m proud of what you did. You did your best. Daddy did too. I know that.” Camille found something heartfelt in all this bullshit. All this pain. And I killed daddy, Camille wanted to say. She apologized for it even still. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you, I was ashamed.” Rosemary was holding her again, shaking. Unraveling.
  “I’m proud of you, Camille. We’re going to be just fine. You became an amazing woman. Never stop. I just wish you'd come to me. Please, know that you can.” She kissed her cheeks and Camille relaxed. “Come on, let’s make something to impress this boy of yours.” Her daughter could only nod. The twinge of fear didn’t quite melt away. But, she was up for ignoring it. Camille Harper lived her entire life in a den of wolves. You don't just slink out of it when they begin to starve.
** ** **
  “You’re early,” Camille was relieved when she opened the door in a short, pink sweater dress with black tights. Billy had his shirt buttoned up higher than usual. Only one open. Frankly, that was more surprising than the flowers in hand.
  “For your mother. Moms love me.” He cocked his head so she allowed him inside. Camille kissed his cheek so she could whisper.
  “Something’s off.” She warned. “She’s…” Camille came out to listen as her mother hummed in the kitchen to music playing on their stereo. “She’s like…clingy and weird. Doped up.” Rosemary opened the door to interrupt them, removing an apron. She reminded Billy of twenty Karen Wheelers. All dolled up to the max. With Karen, you still got something genuine there. Rosemary lived her life in the artificial. Her current mental state amounted to shiny sequins popping off a campy prom dress.
  “Camille, darling, introduce me.”
  “Billy Hargrove, this is my mother, Rosemary Harper.” Camille stepped out of the way with the flowers. “Billy is my friend from class. He transferred into Hawkins last fall. Brought us these flowers.” The teen realized Billy was making a jab with them.
  “Sunflowers. How sweet? How’d you know?” She outstretched a hand and Billy took it in both of his
  “Mrs. Harper? For a moment, I thought Camille had a sister." He turned up the usual appeal. "Nice to finally meet you. My stepmom talks about your clothes all the time.”
  “A charmer. Flattery will get you everywhere in this house.” She grinned. More sparkly sequins threatened to burst. Billy remembered a red, sequined scarf his mother owned. Part of an old Halloween costume. Shiny and wild to the eye. As a kid, he'd playfully run about the house with it wrapped around his shoulders to music. Made him feel like a star. Until Neil came home to catch him one Tuesday afternoon. Knocked three baby teeth out. His mother threw the scarf away after that. Probably for the best. “Come into the dining room. Camille, go set the table for me.” Billy met Camille’s eyes, brow lifting subtly. They went in after her. “How do you like Hawkins, William?”
  “Oh, Billy is fine,” he swallowed. “Hawkins is…different.”
  “Used to be a much quieter place. Such a pity.” Rosemary sighed, bringing a dish to the table. “Chicken pot pie.”
  “It smells amazing, mom,” Camille let Billy pull out her chair before he held out one for her mother next.
  “He’s just a doll, isn’t he?” Rosemary served pieces up when Billy slipped into a seat across from Camille. Music still played and candles lit the table.
  “Thank you, Mrs. Harper.”
  “Rosemary, please.” She’d insisted, eating from her plate. Both teens waited until she swallowed to pick at their food. “Camille tells me you’re from California. You know, I dressed so many celebrities in LA. Award season was my favorite time. Sometimes I miss that. Hawkins must absolutely bore you, poor thing.”
  “Delicious,” Billy remarked, nodding. “And I thought that as well until I moved here. Met some…interesting people.”
  “Well, that’s good then. With the right people, you can make any place a home.” She sounded like fucking Glinda the Good Witch. If she snorted a great deal of coke. Billy watched her smile and paused to swallow. His lips lifted with some force. Camille nudged his foot under the table. “That’s what my Noah used to say.” Her mother was noticeably dazed.
  “I’m sorry for your loss.” Billy offered.
  “That’s appreciated, young man. I can see that you’re very important to my daughter, Billy. Glad to see her in the company of good friends who care about her.” Rosemary was still smiling. “Because if anyone dared to hurt her, oh, I do pity the next boy who crosses my baby.”
  “Mom.” Camille set her water down, eyes widening and Rosemary sat back. Collected.
  “Camille, you are beautiful and you are still so stupid. I really thought we taught you better. I can see now, we didn’t. Pity. You just never could grasp people. You never could trust your instincts.” She poured blame into Camille’s soul like gasoline. All they needed was a match.
  “Whoa…” Billy sat straighter when Rosemary’s knife tapped her plate. Camille’s jaw dropped.
  "Mom, stop."
  “If you don’t think for a second that this boy only wants what they all do… What have I taught you? Are you going to sleep with my daughter? Leave her shattered like the other did? Are you going to try to take her from me? When I finally have her all my own. Oh, no. I will not have it!” Rosemary smacked the table and stood. Camille jumped to her feet.
  “Billy, I think you should go now.” She came around the table to push at him. “Mom, what the hell is wrong with you?”
  “No, I’m not going anywhere.” Billy was tense, fists clenching. The words blurted out. “Look, I care about your daughter-”
  “Words.” Rosemary was a rubber band snapping. “Men, you’re all the same, you make messes and we clean them up. You hurt us and we lick our own wounds. You use and use and we come to our knees after. Where is my credit?! Huh, I took good care of you, I did. And you want to throw it all away by growing up. Without your mother, Camille!” Her daughter stopped and almost burst herself, remembering Judith King alone in that hospital. Rocking.
  “Mom…calm down,” Camille realized the magnitude of the grave danger she was in all at once. The boiling pot she couldn't leap out of. She had to stay in control. Told herself she was. Didn't trust her fucking instincts. Her fatal flaw with people. Camille's hand lifted to slip the knife from her mother’s fingers. “I think you need to go lie down.”
  “Oh…oh, yes. I am not myself. I think I,” Rosemary clenched with tears. “I think I drank a little too much brandy. Too many pills to relax me. I’m so sorry, I’m sorry. I wanted one good night for you. For us.”
  “I know…let’s get you in bed.” Camille looked at Billy and helped the manic woman off to her room.
  “I didn’t mean that, I’m just so scared.” She crumbled.
  “Go to sleep. We’ll be fine.” Camille tucked her into bed and hurried out, shutting the door. Billy’s hands were on her shoulders, dragging her back to the stairs.
  “You are not staying here tonight.” He was heated, voice low. “You don’t even have to come stay with me if you don’t want to. I’ll take you anywhere. I’ll take you to Harrington or the Wheeler’s or to the damn Chief, I don’t care. But, you are not staying in this house tonight. I mean it.” Camille wrapped her arms around him. Words. “Pack a bag, we’re going right now.”
  “She wasn’t always like that, since my father…something’s coming undone inside her as well.” Camille sniffled and Billy held her back this time, firm as if to reassure her. She packed a bag and wrote a quick note to let her mother know that she was safe with a friend.
  “Come on,” Billy reached for her hand without thinking to get her out of there. “Where am I taking you?” They got into his car so he pulled out of the driveway. She fazed out of existence. Her elbow burned still. That pain was the only thing keeping her attached to this world. “Camille, talk to me. You need to stay right here now. Okay?”
  “I…” She shook her head. Tried to flood back in. For him. “I don’t know. You pick.”
  “My house it is,” he inhaled. “Dad leaves before us for work tomorrow. I’ll sneak you into the window again. Can get ready at my place and I’ll take you to school... Camille. Focus here. You're fading on me.”
  “Okay...yes, okay.” Her body mellowed out. Numb even when he beckoned to snap her back. “I don’t want to cause more trouble for you at home.”
  “You couldn’t possibly.” He hitched with amusement then. Camille looked outside at the trees, lips opening when she found words to grasp.
  “You meant it, I could tell.”
  “Meant, what?”
  “You cared about me.” She turned her head and his eyes stayed on the road. Billy didn’t speak so she went for his hand, clasping it between both of hers. “Everything that happened. I want you to know that you’re making it. Doing better. You’re my friend and I care about you too. And I forgive you. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you touching my life. And just, thank you, Billy.” His chest sunk and he squeezed her hand tight. “Just needed you to know that.”
** ** **
  “Shhh, they’re sleeping,” Billy eased Camille into his bedroom window. She had one leg over when the door opened a crack and Max poked her head in without knocking.
  “You’re not as sneaky as you think,” she whispered, amused. “Saw her pass my window.” The younger girl came forward to take Camille’s other hand.
  “Keep it down,” Billy hissed, hands under Camille's arms to heave her inside. She felt his muscles flex and let her face heat. “Go shut my door.”
  “I heard about… Well, we all…” Max shuffled her feet. Camille dropped her bag and sat on Billy’s bed. “I’m sorry.” She came and wrapped her arms around Camille’s neck when she got emotional. Billy shut his window and sighed, sneaking out to grab a glass of water. His sister was kneeling on his bed, holding his friend close and petting her hair. “It’s okay.” Billy offered her the cool glass quietly so she came out from Max to drink, eyes red and tired.
  “Come on, go change.” Billy was ushering her into his little closet with her bag. Flicking the swinging light in there on. Max stood, gaze sliding from him to the floor. He didn’t try to kick her out.
  “What happened after?” She hesitated when his eyes landed on her face. “Thought her mom invited you over.”
  “I don’t know, she just…freaked out on us.” Billy shook his head. His sister looked encouraged.
  “So, you helped her leave.”
  “For tonight,” Billy ran a hand into his hair and plopped down on his bed. Max pressed her lips. “Don’t give me that look, not like I’m in your nerd party.”
  “Maybe we can start our own side party? I don’t know all the rules but I think I’ll make some of my own up.” Max shrugged. “It can be a secret too, no one will see us coming. Just think about it, maybe come up with a cool name.” Billy lifted one brow at her, lips pressing when she stood.
  “Max.” He mustered the courage. Let it flood out. “I’m sorry.” Hands clenched in his lap when she came forward, touching his face so he’d look at her expression.
  “I always wanted a big brother,” she admitted. “Nice to meet you, Billy.”
  “You too, Mad Max.” Billy let her hug him. A quick, tight squeeze he needed. One arm returned it because she needed it too.
  “Name the secret side party.” Max moved to the closet door. “Camille, I hope you feel better.” There was some quiet shuffling.
  “Thank you,” came the muffled reply. Max crept out to get back to her room and Camille appeared, drained. Billy looked up and there was a beat.
  “Hi.” She crawled behind him atop the covers. “School’s going to be a nightmare tomorrow.”
  “Figured you’d want to skip.” Billy pulled his pants and shirt off, not bothering with much else before he reclined next to her. Camille shifted in a baggy tee, curling her bare legs up. He took note of them briefly.
  “No. Queen Bee can’t back down. Right?” Camille closed her eyes and opened them. “I don’t regret anything about the choice I made. I won’t let those people scare me into thinking that I should.” He didn’t argue with that. “Sorry, we can’t go on a normal date.”
  “We’ll get there. Eventually.” Billy turned his head to see her, idly hitting the last lamp to shut off.
  “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Camille sighed, burying her face into pillows that smelled like him. Billy came up to shift so he could slip covers over them both. She scooted into him, allowed his hands to smooth up and down her back. Billy was careful of the wound on her arm, relaxing while they warmed up. Dim moonlight sunk between the curtains. Camille watched the shine of his eyes in the dark. Her arms curled between them, fingers shifting out to touch his chest.
  “Let me guess,” he purred. Hands smoothed over his skin. “You want to try something?”
  “Hm, what gives you that idea?” Camille drew closer, lips just barely brushing his.
  “We have to keep it down,” he warned, breathless before they kissed. Heated flesh pressed together. They held each other for a while there in the dark. Billy was more still as she explored him. Tracing over contours and scars. She cupped his face, thumbs smoothing along cheekbones. Following the swell of his full bottom lip before her mouth opened against his. Camille felt him get aroused against her thigh.
  “I want to touch you,” she uttered, fingers in his hair until he adjusted and reclined more on his back. One arm pulled her into him so she draped her body along his. Lips peppered over his collar and neck. Billy suppressed a moan and tilted his head back, hand finding hers. Camille traced his hip and guided him until she cupped his shaft through thin briefs. Fingers edged up and down the feel of him. "Oh." The softest little sound sent pride shooting up his body. He was well aware of what he was packing. Billy’s lips parted to sigh and he shifted her hand under the fabric. Longed so to be touched. Fingers wrapped around the shaft. They found a pace together. Pumping slow and rhythmic while her mouth was on warm skin.
  “Camille.” Billy came undone, hand sliding away so she could work him until he was hard and slick. Her thumb rubbed circles into the tip. Torturing him. Unraveling him utterly. His arm squeezed her closer when it became too much. “Fuck,” he craned his neck to bury his face into her hair, muffling his sighs into the pillows. “More.” She slowed to longer strokes, coming out to slip her tongue into his mouth. Drawing it out. Billy held himself together. Just barely.
  “Do you think about me when you’re alone?” Camille was going painfully slow, lips lingering down his chest. Turning the tables. "Doing this to yourself and thinking about fantasy queen Camille. Hm?" Billy tried not to scoff. No comment. “Have to give to get.” She recalled his own words. Tormented him with them. Fingernails scratched down his chest. Her mouth left little pink marks he’d remember tomorrow.
  “Yes, god, Camille.” His hips tried to rut in tune with her hand. “Few minutes after I met you just so we’re clear.”
  “Crystal.” She teased, slipping to run her tongue down his happy trail and all the way up to his tip. Billy gave a wanting little arch to be inside her. Fingers shifted into her hair. “This is more like it, yeah?”
  “Close,” he reached to stoke himself, eyes intent on her own until she opened her mouth when he offered his tip. She just felt too good. Swallowing him down all the way. “Better.” Camille gave a hum that vibrated his dick, plunging it further into her throat. She came up to find her pace again. Kisses and licks smeared arousal down his skin. Camille brought her bottom into the air and focused on the pace. Mouth slipping over him with ease. Fingers guided her by the hair, twisting locks from her face. Billy watched her suckle and pressed his head back. She'd ruin him for other flings too. They played together, heated, and as quiet as they could be. He felt his stomach flutter, body growing taut. Camille worked him, swirling her tongue as hands ran along his hips.
  “I’m right there,” he confessed, tapping her shoulder before fingers latched around her wrist. Billy tried to warn her again when her eyes lifted to his. She gave a sort of nod, massaging his skin to let him know it was alright. Lips opened when he let go, climax pumped in spurts along her tongue. Camille slowed to swallow in time before she could choke, lapping to finish him off. His muscles clenched and released rhythmically so she drew it out. Exquisitely. Billy gave a soft moan like honey. Camille came up on her knees, wiping her swelled lips on her hand. Splayed, he watched her tuck him back into his briefs before plopping next to him.
  “Been waiting to return the favor,” she mused, chest steady with deep breaths while he came down from the high. While he came down from her. Blue eyes darkened with clouds. “Taste you, I mean.” Billy, unable to stand it, came up to hover and took her face in one hand. Gazes flickered intently. “You don’t have to kiss me after, I get it.” As if it was a challenge, he pressed her into the bed to kiss her as obscenely as he could. Tongue slipping along lips and between teeth. Spit trailed when they parted.
  “Don’t tell me what to do.”
  “I think you like it,” Camille hushed, “just a little.”
  “What happened to not dating boys you go to school with?” Billy came up so she followed, braced on her hands. Legs opened while he sat between them.
  “Technically haven’t been able to date yet.”
  “You know what I mean. Flings were banned too.” He countered. "Friends who go down on each other is great and all, but...you want more and so do I. So, I'll ask you again. What happened to no flings for queenie?"
  “Guess the same thing happened with you moving on from one skirt to another,” she replied. “Haven’t even tried to continue the rounds. I wouldn’t blame you.”
  “Harpy is dodging the question,” he touch his ear, tilting toward her so she caved.
  “I can make exceptions.” She shifted to prop herself up on pillows. They observed each other.
  “Just admit that I make you hot already, Camille.” Billy lingered, easing forward. “We played this shit for months. Just let go. Can’t stand it anymore. Admit you got off to me. More than once. Lift up your shirt.” The command surprised her. Slowly, she shifted fabric up, baring herself to his eyes. Billy bit his lip at the sight of her, pleased. Nipples pebbled against cooler air. “Take it off.”
  “You take it off.” Camille hitched a gasp when hands eased up her sides. Cupped her breasts for good measure before the shirt slipped over her head. Fabric bunched around her shoulders.
  “You thought about it, what type of fuck I’d be.” He hummed, fingertips edging down the soft skin of her inner thighs.
  “Had a vague idea, you flaunt it well.” Camille licked her lips, teeth nipped at her bottom one so he came forward for a slow kiss. “Didn’t try hard to do it. Just happens when you’re…heated.” She gasped as he cupped her, offering a slow rub. Felt like he was out to claim something.
  “Heated like this? Admit it, Camille,” he ghosted his mouth over hers, eyes direct to hold her attention. Palm on her still in a way that was possessive. “You sat next to me in class squirming because you knew…I’d make you quake. Yes or no?”
  “Ye…s…” She grew timid so he advanced, lips closing around a nipple. Teeth tugged. Steady, he tormented the other bud. Tongue flicking up toward her neck.
  “What was that?” His thumb circled her clit through fabric, slicking it in her arousal.
  “Yes.” Camille tried not to melt but he was the sun and she’d flown far too close.
  “Thought about how I’d push a dress up over your shoulders and make you moan. Don’t have to say anything,” Billy’s fingers slipped under fabric, “it’s already written all over you. You got wet with my cock in your mouth.” Camille was rocking to meet his hand, jaw clenched before she stole a kiss. His forehead touched hers when two digits slipped into her with ease. Billy hushed her when she whined, body clenching him. “You wondered what it would feel like buried here.”
  “Billy,” came another plea. Her expression faltered, lost in euphoria. Lost in him. Drowning again in fire. He didn’t let up.
  “Camille…” He drawled in a quiet, sing-song tone that always ruined her. His free hand came to rest by her hip when he slid closer. “Just say the words.” Billy pumped slowly, thumb teasing that stiff bundle of nerves. Heat swelled. Her flesh cried out for more. She caved.
  “Yes…I…” Eyes closed and opened, lips parting to sigh. Billy had her. “Fuck it, I thought about you.”
  “So, process of elimination,” he was rubbing her more intently now, “I make you…?”
  “Hot.” Camille bit back a moan. “You make me hot. Okay…Ha…Happy? Fuck.” Her hips shifted back so he came with, thighs forcing hers apart when her back hit the wall.
  “Camille,” he chided, lips along her jaw. “I can’t make you come if you squirm like that.” Her hands found his shoulders to cling. “You want to, don’t you?” Billy was savoring every bit of this.
  “Yes,” she watched him slow and gave in, “I want to come.”
  “All you gotta do is ask me,” he smiled against her mouth, "just ask and I'll give you what you want."
  “Billy, fuck, make me come. I want it.” She recalibrated. “I want you. Let me, please.”
  “Since you asked me so sweetly.” He bent to leave a mark on her neck that she’d have to see in the morning. Fingers pumped and curved inside her, knuckle deep. Camille shuddered against him, moving to fuck herself in turn. He felt her clit twitch, muscles clamping down against him. “Come.” He coaxed. “You’re right there, just let go. Let go, Camille.” He made her feel so good. Hazel eyes closed so he took her jaw again with one free hand. “No, you stay right here. Look at me.” Billy wanted to watch her come undone. She could only mouth the words, eyes widening when orgasm raced within her veins. She rocked unsteadily into him. Thighs quivering. “There you are.” He eased, keeping her in a state for as long as he could. Lips offering only encouragement. Pride. Fingers slipped out of her, holding fabric aside to see her soaked and twitching. “Fuck, Camille.” Beautiful. She slipped down so he eased her against the mattress to nestle into his chest. Fingers danced all along her back. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” He felt her hitch to muffle a laugh into his chest.
  “It is, isn’t it?” She tucked herself into him, contented. Billy craved a cigarette but couldn’t stand to slip from her to grab one. Instead, they breathed and traced shapes into skin. “Made the exception because I like you…dummy.” Billy shook his head, thoroughly entertained. “It’s different between us, isn’t it?”
  “Yeah, think so.”
  “Feels like we’re on the same edge, terrifying as it might be.” Camille sighed, relaxing further into him. “But…it’s not lonely. Not anymore.” He could only nod, arm looped around her back. Her body breathed in tune with his. Lulling to the heartbeat pulsing under her ear.
  “Go to sleep.” He murmured into dark hair at last. Camille didn’t feel she had a choice at this point. It tugged her away. Billy held her and soothed every little twitch that dared to disturb her mind. Up until it came for him next.
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peachywise · 5 years
an umbrella academy fanfiction // klaus hargreeves x reader 
- part i: the introduction || part ii ⋆ part iii ⋆ part iv ⋆ part v ⋆ part vi ⋆  more parts to be released 
- synopsis: A child and a ghost whisperer walk into a diner. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but really it’s just the start of an odd, slightly painful night. Turns out they need you and your power to do something, and Klaus seems way to thrilled and fascinated by you and what you can do. (takes place after the events of the first season) 
- notes: lmao how long has it been since i wrote a fic?? too long thanks anyways the reader is they/them pronouns and everything is pretty vague description wise for inclusivity and shit!! also even though this is klaus x reader focused ~romance~ wise i’ll be writing a shit ton with the reader interacting with the other guys like this part is deadass just as focused on number five as it is klaus. let me know if you guys want this as a series??? i won’t write more parts if people aren’t down but i left it open-ended so it could be a series but honestly, it’d be fine as a one-off too so read what you will k love you bye. tw for swearing
link on ao3 
“Isn’t that a health code violation?” 
Looking up from your book you'd been reading for the past half hour, you heaved a heavy-handed sigh. Sitting on the back counter of the dead dinner you worked at was the least of this shitty establishments problems. “I’ll be sure to let the rats in the kitchen know of your concerns,” you replied simply. 
Dog-earring the page of your book, you set it down beside you. Hopping off, you stepped forward towards the counter as the kid who just entered sat down on one of the stools, planting himself with a look of clear repugnance as he eyed his surrounding subtly. Resting your elbows on the counter, you propped your head on your hands and gave a friendly grin, “I’m sure they’d be happy to whip up some Mickey Mouse pancakes, special just for you.” 
His face though perfectly deadpanned couldn’t hide the slight tick of annoyance in his eyes. “Just get me a black coffee,” he muttered. 
“Coffee will stunt your growth.” 
“You’ll be stunted if you keep up this horrible customer service.”
“Ouch,” sarcasm dripped from your tone as you raised your hands up in mock defeat, “the kitten’s got a bit of a bite there, doesn’t he?” 
Quite honestly, your day was now veering on to a particularly delightful route you hadn’t expected when you first woke up this morning. You suddenly believed some sort of divine karma was finally rewarding you with some quality entertainment. He could banter— a bit on the aggressive side, but you would take what you could get out of the interaction. You knew it wasn’t going to last long. 
“Look, are you going to give me the coffee or are you just going to stand around all day uselessly taking in the air that could be breathed in by more deserving people?” 
Oh, so he’s got knobby knees and wit to match. 
Letting a slow amused smile cross your face as you gave a lazy curtsy, you casually made your way over to the fresh pot and grabbed one of the porcelain white mugs, giving him a knowing look as you poured a good ‘ol black cup of joe. Setting the pot back down, you sauntered your way back over still holding the smile. The kid rolled his eyes, reaching out a hand as he impatiently said, “thank you,” in a refined and expertly practiced condescending manner. But you didn’t hand it to him. No, instead you casually leaned back against the back counter and took a long sip of the burning hot liquid. 
Well, the little tyke certainly did not like that. 
In what was an actually flash of blue light before your eyes, the kid vanished from his place on the rickety red vinyl stool and was beside you a moment later, ripping the mug from your hand with such force that caused the liquid to spill over the sides, scorching your hand and splashing it on your already grease stained, 50’s themed uniform. So, he was words and action. You could respect that. 
“What, no screaming? Not even another smartass comment?” He half-heartedly asked, his eyebrow quirked slightly as he studied you. It was like he was waiting for some sort of delayed reaction from his little magic trick. While yes, it was a little jarring to see it in the flesh for the first time, the moment he had walked through those glass doors you expected a bit of a ‘powerful’ confrontation.
You knew he was Number Five. You knew he was a part of that Umbrella Academy. 
“You know who I am,” he stated in his all brilliant glory. Well, look at that. Seemed he was a real Sherlock as well as a tiny space hopper.  
Easily taking the cup of coffee back, wincing slightly as the cold air pressed against the new burn you tried to seem unfazed about, you took a sip and mumbled against the rim of the cup, “I’m a bit surprised you’re here and actually alive, but it’s easy to remember a face that hasn’t aged a day." Setting the mug down on the counter, you pressed a hand to your hip and questioned, “how is that exactly? Did you run from home just to make yourself immortal? Found yourself an Edward Cullen to bite you or something?” 
Now, you’ve had people look at you like you were stupid before, but no one with a talent such as him. Even though he was looking up at you, he still mastered that beady squinty little look that read ‘you’re the joke of the earth’. Precious. 
“I don’t know who Edward Cullen is, but I’m not immortal, and I don’t have time to explain the whole story to you in detail. Let’s just say I got stuck in time.” Doing his little magic flash again, he appeared back on the other side of the counter, continuing to speak as he added, “Is anyone else here? I assume you’d rather show me what you can do without anyone else around.” 
Ah, yes. What you could do. So that was why he was here. Part of you wondered if someday it would happen. That’s why you knew who he was when he first walked in after all. You kept tabs on all of them, at least a bit. Yeah, the whole “Umbrella Academy” was famous for a little while when you were a kid, but most people had since forgotten them and the kids in the academy had grown up and had become almost unrecognizable. Well, apart from Five. And maybe Allison, but hell, she was famous for a while different reason now. 
Like the others, you were born October 1st 1989 to a completely unexpecting mother who got the shock of her god damn life. If you were 9 months pregnant in under a minute flat, you’d probably be pretty shocked too. However, you were just stunned that something as odd as that could actually happen and result in you getting powers.
Unlike the others, when your parents were approached by professor evil monopoly Reginald Hargreeves, your mom rejected anything he offered in favor of her miracle baby. She was certain she was the new Virgin Mary despite absolutely not being a virgin and refused to give up that title up. At least at that moment, she didn’t want to anyway.  
“You managed to figure out where I worked, and I assume at this point you know my name,” you started, “so why don’t you just tell me what I can do and let me know why you're here so I can turn you down and get back to my book.” Gesturing your hands around the extremely empty diner, you breathed, “I’m a very busy person as you can see.” 
Five didn’t say anything, instead just giving you an almost thoughtful look. You didn’t trust it one fucking bit. 
Quicker than you would have expected out him, he reached over and picked up one of the plates on the counter and threw it your way with such force you wondered for a second if the reason he'd been missing for so long was because he’d taken up a passionate love affair with baseball. On instinct, damn the treacherous thing, your body chilled as a static feeling pushed out of you, surrounding you in a soft, nearly invisible blue bubble-- your force field. The plate bounced right off and landed on the floor, shattering lamely and loudly. 
It was legal to kill a kid who had been missing for years, right?
“Can’t you play a game of catch with the poor kid?” Came a new drama-dripped voice in the door, the little bell ringing softly as he spoke. “His father was a sociopath who didn't pay him any mind, he’s very stunted as you can see. So desperate for the affection and attention of strangers.” 
Klaus. He’d been harder to track over the years, but from the feather collared jacket and lack of shirt, you could spot the eccentricity of him miles away. 
Taking on a protective stance, you moved from behind the counter and positioned yourself in front of Five, stage whispering to him, “careful, looks like one of the kitchen rats got out. They’re very diseased.”
Klaus tilted his head to the side, his mouth snapping open and his eyebrows rising up in stunned amusement. Pointing at you, he turned his attention towards Five and stated, “I’m wounded! This seems to be going on spectacularly, don’t you think?”
Shaking your head with a slight grin, you started to speak to ream five out for throwing a freakin’ plate, but your words died off on the tip of your tongue when your gross ass boss pushed open the doors to the kitchen, his loud, gritty greased voice shouted, “what did you break out here?” His spine went rigid a bit when he seemed to finally note the presence of two other people, but his eyes quickly glanced at the shattered plate and his face continued to get splotchy and red. “Is that your kid who broke it? Jesus, that’s coming out of your paycheck.”
Wow, that 50 cent shitty plate? How would you ever survive? 
Hands slipped around your neck in a hug as Klaus propped his chin on top of your head, his attention fully on your boss. “I’m so sorry sir, you know how it is with kids, gotta get all those angst and deep-seated feeling out somehow. Yesterday we found out he’s been pretending the family cat was his girlfriend. Had to take him to the hospital to get those scratches on his little friend checked out, if you know what I mean,” he smiled, moving away from you to pat the clearly seething Five on the head. 
Before the kid could say anything or do something that would get you in more shit, you plastered your own happy little smile on and bent down beside him, wrapping your arms around his shoulder as you continue to address your boss. “He was just upset because he found out I told his teacher about his little bed wetting problem.” Five ripped your arm away with incredible force and stepped away from you both. Sighing dramatically, you rested the side of your face on your palm and slightly shook your head, adding, “It’s so hard, I just don’t know where we went wrong!” 
Klaus snickered behind you, while your boss looked properly petrified and regretful about having walked in on the whole ordeal at all. 
“Just uh-- forget about it. Clean it up okay?” 
Giving him a wink and you stood back up, you flicked your wrist in a lazy salute. “You got it, Boss Man.” He couldn’t turn back around and get back to the back room fast enough. 
Turning the face the two once again, Klaus grinned as he said, “brilliant work,” raising his hand for a knowing high five. You happily obliged. 
“Was that really necessary?” Five ground out from between his teeth, as you shot him back an incredulous look. “Was it necessary to throw a plate at me?” you retorted, fully not expecting him to reply with, “Yes. It was the only way I could make sure you had a force field.” 
Running your hand through your hair tiredly to get it out of your face, you crossed your arms again and didn’t bother to argue anymore. “Just tell me what this is about.” At this point, you were tired and really just wanted to get back to your quiet night. Klaus was also giving you a once over every thirty seconds and you weren’t quite sure what he looked so bloody excited and anxious about. 
“I have a theory, and I’d like to test it out,” Five said. Klaus quickly interjected with, “and I’m one of the test subjects,” wiggling his eyebrows as he did. 
Narrowing your gaze, you questioned “one of?” 
“Well, it requires you, but before I explain, to what extent can you use your powers? Have you done anything more than just deflect things off your field?”
You shook your head, confusion still clouding your words. “That’s all. Some guy tries to knife me? He bounces off. Sometimes I get lucky and he stabs himself in the process. It’s a simple thing. 
“How many times has someone tried to knife you?” Klaus asked with a small snort, but Five cut him off with a great little bomb of information. “I’ve done some calculations on how your power works, and I think that if someone like us was in the field with you it might nullify our powers.”Huh.
“And... math makes you think that?” 
Five rolled his eyes. You got the idea he did that a fair bit. “I want to test out to see if that’s true, so if you will,  please conjure up your field around you and Klaus and we’ll see if it works on him.” 
Flashing your eyes to Klaus who almost seemed to jitter with excitement, your eyes got slightly wide when you asked, “wait, there’s a ghost here? Like right now?” You swiveled your head around like you would actually be able to see it.  
Klaus nodded his head. “Ben, meet Y/N, Y/N meet our brother Ben.” Pressing a hand to his heart, he added, “forever in our hearts and forever by my side. I am his saving grace.” Turning his head abruptly, he quickly said, “shut up,” to the air-- or Ben, rather-- slicing his hand in a silencing sound. 
Raising a hand hesitantly, you gave a flick of your wrist in that direction, squeaking out a small, “Hi Ben.” 
“If you two idiots are done,” Five muttered, but you stopped him as you said, “three idiots. It’s rude to dismiss Ben’s presence. You're his brother, be respectful.” Five ignored you. “The sooner we test this, the sooner we can leave.”  
Oh, now he was speaking your language. 
Shaking out your shoulders, you widened your stance and clapped your hands, saying, “alright, let's go.” Klaus gave some excited little claps as he stepped to your side, telling Five, “field trips are always so much fun!” 
Taking in a deep breath, you let the energy seep out of you until that familiar snap surrounded you, this time entrapping not on you, but Klaus as well. 
The smiling man quickly went silent. 
“So,” you started hesitantly, turning to study his face. “Did it work?” 
Multiple emotions seemed to cross his features, and it revealed to you certain hopelessness and vulnerability that was so unfamiliar to you and what you had known about him. It dawned on you at that moment that you had no idea what this meant. To him. To Five. Christ, nerves started to wrack through your body when you realized they could be having you do this just to try and kill you because they see it as some sort of ridiculous threat. Still, that seemed unlikely. No, they needed it somehow. 
And as Klaus turned towards you, looking at you as if you were some wonderous figure and not just some crappy diner waiter working two jobs just to get by, you realized that whatever they had been searching for, they had found. Whatever Klaus had been searching for, he had found. 
“They’re gone.” 
His voice was just a fraction above a whisper, but it sent a chill across your skin as his intense gaze once again studied you with incredible fascination. But as he took a step forward, his hand oh-so-gently reaching for your hand, your focus went away and the force field fell, all the sounds and senses of the real world hitting you all at once. 
Five was staring at you both with an odd look you didn’t quite know what to think of. 
Clearing your throat, you took a small step back as the fog cleared out of your head, stating back a dull, “huh?” 
“We’ll be at your apartment in the morning. Get ready to meet the others.” 
Wait, what the fuck?
“My apartment? You guys haven’t even explained what you guys want from me!” You blurted, moving your head rapidly as you looked back and forth between the two. 
“I’ll explain everything tomorrow,” was all Five said, as both him and Klaus began moving towards to door, clearly content with what they came here to do. Well, that was nice for them. They could sleep soundly as you sat up in bed all night looking up fucking umbrella academy conspiracy theories to try and convince yourself what happened here was actually real. 
“There’s no way in hell you’re getting those Mickey Mouse pancakes now!” You shot back as he exited the door, huffing as you turned around to go clean up the plate.
Then something smacked hard on the back of your head, landing on the ground with a little rattle. 
Spinning around, gripping the back of your head, you were about to yell obscenities at Klaus who’d just thrown a spoon of all things, but he was already halfway out the door calling behind him, “I thought your little bubble would just appear like a party trick, bye!” 
Idiots. Idiots had just taken over your life. 
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