#spoonie fitness
deidricslater · 2 years
Hi. I’m Deidric, system cohost and stunt aficionado. Idk what aficionado means I like doing stunts n urbex n athletics. The body has h-EDS and nobody else in this damn system does anything athletic; I’ll be using this blog to keep track of my progress. Would love to receive tips and tricks from other crip athletes; right now I’m looking into low-impact repetitive exercises and learning about stretches. Nice 2 meet y’all, looking forward to making friends
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Disabled people will literally display the most concerning symptoms you’ve ever seen and then just be like nah it’s fine I’m good now that happens sometimes. anyways you wanna get tacos?
it’s me I’m disabled people
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lizzie-gains · 1 year
So I have a favourite virtual yoga studio, Alchemystic Studio. They specifically are Indian teachers and teach a decolonised practice. I love every session I get the pleasure of attending, however I don't get to attend as many as I'd maybe like, because they're on the other side of the world and the time zones make it hard. Yoga is definitely the kind of movement I can, and want to, incorporate into my regular movement practice - especially to help with the pain and mobility. I do use videos and recordings to guide my practice, but sometimes a live class (even if it's virtual) can be really good, and once I've booked a class I have the motivation to attend it.
The past two days, I've gotten up for a 4am yoga class and honestly I think it was worth the interrupted sleep, I feel amazing now.
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But also I'm definitely going back to bed 😴
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1/30/24 - fitblr
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Did a workout yesterday and today I'm having a rest day.
I did my best to complete the Slim in 6 DVD workout. I had to take a lot of breaks and make some adjustments but I got in a lot of squats and some crunches so for that I'm proud. I also think I'm starting to see an increase in my flexibility so I'm also happy about that. My lack of flexibility as I've gained this weight has been a concern of mine so any improvement is good.
The workout was a lot harder than I expected it to be, but I plan on doing that first one in the series a few more times to improve. It's an older recording from beachbody so the adjustments aren't as good as I was hoping but I'm working on just staying hydrated and staying in motion as much as I safely can. I did this as a challenge for myself.
I had my fiance take some pics of me to establish my best baseline and use to keep me motivated as I keep going. I'm weighing in at about 305 to 308 lbs right now on most days so I'll keep pressing on!
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x22817 · 11 months
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The situation is insignificant. Hek will find a comfortable position to lay all 50+ lbs of Bean on me
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fndportal · 2 years
I am one of the most medically examined people in North America. For over a decade, no one could explain why I lost my ability to walk, speak, and use my hands. Why the lightning-like headaches? Why the ringing in my ears? Test after test came back negative. Doctors thought I might have a genetic abnormality no one's ever seen before, or a condition so rare that it had previously escaped medical classification. Then I got accepted to the top undiagnosed disease research program in the world, and they told me the only diagnosis I was unprepared to hear: it was Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), a much-misunderstood condition which was once known as Conversion Disorder, and before that, as Hysteria. And that was only the beginning of things getting weird. The essay above is the product of three years of research into the history, neuroscience, and politics of FND. It touches on the many medical failures that define the history of the disorder, the pervasive sexism and lazy mind-body dualism that prevented scholars from seeing it clearly, and why - finally - a better understanding may be at hand, with revolutionary implications for how we understand human consciousness and the experience of having a body.
FND fucked my life up. This is my reply. Thanks for reading.
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rynieryn · 11 months
Consistency. A word that tortures me. I have never been a consistent person. I mean, unless I committed to something and had to do a certain thing to maintain that consistency, I have never been consistent.
I have become comfortable with failure. I shrug off consistency because I have just become settled in the idea that by failing and staying in that failing state, well nothing can get me. WRONG. I get me. There I am though, being consistent with how I talk to myself poorly.
Recently, on Saturday through to today, I had food poisoning. I was miserable, and the whole time I was saying to myself - "you're a failure. you are so weak." I even let sick me get attacked.
Why have I become consistent in the worst ways? Because I'm comfortable in being sad and failing.
Today, I had plans to really just go all in with my health. I was going to fast and go to the gym. Fun fact: I did not do either of those things. I had to accommodate my being ill. So I ate 3 very small meals, and I did yoga instead of going to the gym.
I was going to say how much of a failure I was, but the reality is, I'm not failing. I'm accommodating to my needs. I'm taking the steps to still maintain a healthy life without over working myself. I did that today.
I'm proud of you for doing what you did today too.
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countfagula · 19 days
Okay I’m absolutely a “Steve has chronic migraines and is hard of hearing.” Bitch because same but also think of this “Steve has chronic pain because of trauma.” Because that’s an actual thing that can happen! It’s one of the reasons I have such debilitating pain!
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incognito-liger · 20 days
*Me, having the worst heartburn of my life after drinking a liter of energy drinks*
I bet I could fix that with two beers
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thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
I might invest in a lazy boy style recliner chair. Idk if I'd have room for it in my room tho. I've laid in them before and have definitely felt better. Any suggestions?
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hauntedhearse · 5 months
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obsessed with this brand of leggings lately IG: kadiecov ∞
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lizzie-gains · 4 months
I've completed all of my PT set workouts this week 😊 had to bribe Henry with a peanut butter lick mat today to keep him from disturbing me during floor work. I had a really low energy day yesterday when my last workout was scheduled, but I listened to my body, rested, and then had a great workout today.
I'm going out for dinner with Chris and his new(ish) work mates as a very overdue Christmas dinner. The pub we're going to used to have heaps of great veg options so I was really excited, but I downloaded the menu and it seems to have been cut down a lot. There's a spinach and ricotta ravioli, though, so I'm pretty sure that will be my top choice 🍝
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3-6-24 - fitblr weigh in!
I thought for sure that I had gained weight so I was really nervous to weigh in for like at least the last few weeks, but yay! I'm actually down to 302.2!!! I'm that much closer to being under 300 lbs so I'm very happy about that!
I'm also joining a program through the insurance plan under my fiance's work that is designed for people trying to lose weight who are at risk for conditions like type 2 diabetes and folks with high or abnormal cholesterol.
I have my own scale, but one is being provided by the program that is supposed to sync with the app from what I understand. I'm a little nervous about the new scale because there us generally some difference between scales and I'm afraid mine might be off... like what if I actually weigh more than my scale has been telling me? The new scale might be more accurate so I'm a bit anxious about that and what that means... so I might run some kind of adjustment if needed... I guess that will all depend on what actually happens. And I also don't need 2 scales either... I guess I could donate the other one? Maybe? It's a smart scale too but I don't have it hooked up to any apps anymore and I just do the entries manually in the LoseIt app... well these are just rambling thoughts. Everything will work itself out in time.
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daltongraham · 1 year
I am very, very grateful that we can afford to pay someone to shop for groceries, because just putting them away hurts my back so much it feels like the early 2000s when I was bedridden for years with a herniated disk. Like level 8 pain.
I'm also grateful that the pain goes away a few minutes after sitting. But I am just not physically able to do a grocery shop on my own.
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Was too busy hating on Picasso to notice that I’m disabled and now I’m exhausted :(((
Reason no 1738293828 to hate that man :(((
He hates to see a girlboss winning :(((
Common ableist L
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countfagula · 3 months
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Been getting back into working out to help strengthen my muscles for support and I’m starting with trying to see how long I can plank this week so far I’ve improved quite a bit.
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