#source: a batfamily incorrect quotes blog
Steph *holding a can of Pepsi*: Do you guys want some Pespi?
Ruth *laughing*: Some what?
Steph: Pespi
Richie: It's PePsi not PeSpi, Stephanie
Steph: That's what I said Pespi.
Grace: Pespi?
Steph *shrugging* : It's normal it's because I'm ambidextrous
Richie: Ambidextrous?
Ruth: She means Bisexual!
Grace *at the same time*: She means bilingual!
Pete *exhausted*: She means she has dyslexia
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gothamundernightlight · 8 months
Incorrect Batfam Quotes
Jason: I will no longer use gendered language when greeting people. Instead, I will use the alternative welcome.
Bruce: I’m almost afraid to ask, but what is the alternative welcome?
Jason: Approach if you dare, friends and enemies.
Bruce: …
Bruce: That’s good, can I use that?
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
I feel like I owe you an apology. Every time you brought up batman fanon or WFA, I thought you were just being a grinch.
I haven't really looked into the fandom since I was in an obsessive comic phase like ~15 years ago, and one of my favorite Batman comics is Li'l Gotham, so I just assumed it was the familiar "how dare you like goofy baby stories more than the dark serious stories?" sentiment I often got from Hardcore Batman Fans, as if liking it meant I couldn't enjoy the other comics, too.
But I happened to browse some tags recently and…oh my god. OH MY GOD? I can forgive the strange overwhelming amount of WFA-esque content- people like what they like. I can't forgive the people making meta posts over "proper characterization" sourcing their own ass? To argue Bruce is only ever written well when he's portrayed as a good dad?? To insist Dick is always the loving supportive big brother who does no wrong? Where is all this coming from?? I love lighthearted, silly side content stuff, but I thought it was widely understood these clowns are walking disasters, when did that change? I truly, honestly thought the "never reads comics" talk from people was just a way to belittle others' preferences, but I really… don't think they DO read any non-WFA comics to have some of these takes. Wow.
I'm so sorry for doubting you.
listen. I appreciate your honesty here. I AM frequently a grinch for no reason except the perverse pleasure that it brings me to be a grody little hater.
but I am no remotely goofing about the severity of the disconnect between the people who are fans of Batman comics and people who are fans of a made up version of the Batfamily born from incorrect quotes blogs and AUs where the Bats recognize that they have mental health problems and actually deal with them.
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animemangasoul · 3 years
Interviewer: Life as a superhero can be lonely. Do you ever plan on settling down?
Tim: Sure, if I find the right person.
Interviewer [curious]: And if you don't?
Tim [shrugging]: I'll just marry Kon.
Interviewer: *nearly choking on air*
Interviewer: As in Superboy?
Tim: *nods*
Interviewer: Doesn't he already have a girlfriend?
Tim [sips water]: She'll understand.
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athenadcvell · 4 years
Duke: What would you do if you weren't a vigilante?
Jason: I'd try to eliminate all Cancers.
Duke: Wow, that's actually pretty impressive.
Jason: Yeah, and then I'd move on to the Geminis.
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damianwaynerocks · 4 years
dick!robin: ow! my armkle!
riddler: what?
bruce: *sigh* his wrist
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drop-zone-homefront · 5 years
Dick: [Gives Damian a hug]
Damian: What the hell was that?
Dick: ...Affection?
Damian: Disgusting
Damian: Do it again
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batbrosbeforehoes · 6 years
Oh goodness, look at my wrist, I’ve got to go.
Tim Drake, at any social event. probably
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gothamundernightlight · 8 months
Incorrect Batfam Quotes
Steph: I no longer identify as a women. I identify as an omen. Whether of doom or good fortune is entirely up to your vibes.
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animemangasoul · 3 years
Dick: What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?
Tim: I married and divorced Kon twice.
Dick: Excuse me, what?
Tim: Yeah, I don't know either. I was extremely drunk.
Dick [stunned]: Do I even want to know how you managed to do that in such a short time?
Tim [shrugging]: Like I said, extremely drunk.
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animemangasoul · 3 years
Tim: Every day I look at you and I realize I'm stuck with you for the rest of my life.
Jason: Well, like they say. Acceptance is the first step to adaption, so you're making great progress.
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