#sorry for becoming a star wars blog
amaraudermind · 1 year
Listen okay I'm just so in love with parallels in media and I especially love when parallels aren't obvious or are hyperspecific
Which is why I'm obsessed with the parallels that exist between Ezra and Anakin, like. They are as characters so very different from each other, their character arcs are different, their relationships are different, nothing about them is immediately similar. And yet. The parallels they draw when they draw them are just. Soooo
I don't even have coherent thoughts about their parallels they just exist and they are wonderful and I love it
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no-ones-here-tm · 1 year
Hc that Hux feels safest in small spaces bc he would hide from Brendol in them when he was younger so that he could calm down and the beating/belittlement wouldn’t be as bad.
Second Hc that Hux has curly hair and he flatirons it bc Brendol would have it straightened when he was younger because it made Hux look to much like his mom. When I say curly I mean like and in between mix of 2C and 3A because I’m indecisive and I can’t decide how curled I want his hair to be.
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snfies · 2 years
star wars posts are starting to show up in my recommended posts, i think this is it for me
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snowzing1 · 2 months
I kinda hope this can become a trend of sorts, I'd love to see everyone's version of Frans related content to the audio, it'd be so cute. But it also took me a good few weeks, maybe a month, to make something this simple. I haven't kept track. Maybe one day in the future I can redraw this but better. I wanted to do a different pose, before settling on this because of all the different versions of each character and I wanted to try making it as easy to follow with your eyes as possible
Aus in order (I hope)
Classic Undertale by Toby
FaithTale by Momo & Vivi
DanceTale by Teandstars & sterrenschijnsel
HowlingTale by ComyCat
CircusSwap by Isabella
FlowerFell by Siviosanei
Fresh Sans by Crayone Queen Fresh Frisk by jjaydazo
HorrorTale by SourAppleStudios
BirdTale by Greyscale
FateTale by Pinky102ZaneXd2
RealFell by Slastena Shipper & JustLovers (official blog)
MusicTale by Kiwid_nz Tumblr + Deviantart
Written in Blood by Sofiathehooman
UnderFell by Vic the Underfella Tumblr + Twitter
OuterTale by Mimi Pippinski
CandyTale by BabyAbbieStar/arumi-star
Vlasttale by nakamiraa
AxeTale by uhhbananafrappe, azulandrojo & ataleofaxes
UnderLust by StaleElephantBones & NSFWShamecave
GangsterTale by cocpcoco
FreedomTale by Freedom
UnderSwap by p0pcornPr1nce
SnowWhite au thing by FransFanatic
Kingdom of the Crystal Sky by The Writing Mobster
The World After the War by Isabella
The colours mean nothing, it's just to make it easier on the eyes and such for people scrolling.
Please correct me if I have discredited at all, I used google for a good chunk and didn't dig that deep into the individual authors. Nor do I keep up with communities in general. I'm bad for that. I wanted to do so many more aus but ran out of audio time. I want to do more like this sometime and try doing different or more aus
I was threatened to ping some of these people and I feel bad, I'm sorry TwT It was also an added panic to find out which of these people are still active/ like undertale or Frans and which don't. I'm sorryyyyyy
I also reached the tag limit.
@jjaydazo @slastena-shipper @kiwidnz @sofiathehooman @nakamiraa @cocpcoco @thefreedomskeleton @fransfanatic @fic-and-art-for-ships
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
i just stumbled across your blog by chance and ohh my god i am in love with it 😻 you write my babygirl war criminals so good <3 anyway i can't stop thinking about how the 141 + graves would be with a fem!reader who has a huge and blindingly obvious crush on them :P BUT ALSO!!! she gets really bratty and annoying because she wants their attention like all the time 😔 anyway yeah ur blog is giving me life i hope both sides of ur pillow are always cold 🙏
Hello! I'm glad to hear you enjoy my silly writings! I try my best to write them as well as I can, thank you :> I'm sorry to say this, but I only write for four characters at once, so I left Graves out this time. But you're more than welcome to send the same request in again a second time with Graves, I don't mind!
TF141 with a Reader who Has a Huge Crush on Them
Price: This guy would know fairly quickly. He’s had a crush here and there as well when he was younger, so he knows how foolish some people can act when they have one. You walking into a pole as he talked to you, your irises as wide as possible, was kind of a dead giveaway. He’d be worried about you, asking you if you’re doing alright, but won’t push you. Price believes that you have a crush on him because he’s an authority figure, although he is also aware that he’s fairly good looking as well. Though, he won’t force you out of your comfort zone and use it against you either. You having stars in your eyes as you listen to him talk to you is sort of cute, though. It does remind him of his youth. Might become a bit more touchy with you as a result, lightly punching your shoulder or putting a hand on it and squeezing it. Nothing big, since he wholeheartedly believes your crush on him will wane eventually. However, as much as he likes you, he wouldn’t really be happy with you needing his attention on you all the time. He’s a captain, he has a lot of work and needs to do organizational things as well when he can, so he can’t really spend too much time with you. When he can, he will, but you will need to tone it down a bit as well. If you keep being a little brat, however, then he will call you out on it and tell you in a gentle tone to calm down a bit. He’s not going anywhere, he’s not taken, so you really have nothing to worry about. If you’re being especially good for him, he might reward you with a hug. It’s a good reward because he’s a very good hugger, very comfortable and strong, and he doesn’t just give his hugs out to anyone. But you need to behave.
Gaz: Will also notice fairly quickly that you’re crushing on him. In his case, the fact you would always be in a good mood whenever you were alone with him was what gave it away. However, he, too, is a sweetheart about it and won’t push you. He’ll give you a few more smiles than usual, give you a few more touches and try to spend more time with you. Many people have had a crush on him, so he’s fairly used to it by now, but it’s still very flattering. You’re cute when you’re stammering around him, leaning into his touch when he puts his hand on your forehead, checking you if you have a fever since you said your face felt hot. The way your irises turn into hearts whenever you look at him doesn’t go unnoticed by him either, it’s always fun to see. However, he might sometimes hold your hand intentionally to fluster you a bit. If you’re particularly close, he might kiss your cheek as well when you give him a gift to show your gratitude. Overall, he’s having fun, but he won’t abuse the power he has over you either. Instead he’ll let it slowly form, let it take a natural shape. You always wanting his attention is also fairly cute to him. Not many people vie for his attention as much as you do, quite a few people tend to dismiss him, but it’s nice to be the center of attention anyway. Will invite you to spend some time with him if you’re being jealous, like taking a walk or cooking together. If you’re especially jealous he might offer to cuddle with you for a bit before he has to go back doing stuff a sergeant needs to do. He may not be the warmest person, but he puts all his heart into cuddling someone. He does want you to feel appreciated as well since he does like you as well. So yeah, feel free to knock on his room and ask him to spend time with you, he likely won’t say no.
Ghost: Another one many people have a crush on. He’s used to being the center of someone’s romantic attention, but he never really cared much for it, never was one to just jump into a relationship without really knowing the person well beforehand, so he never gave anyone a chance. Ghost also knows when you have a crush on him, especially since you’re always trying to spend as much time with him as possible, even if it’s just hanging out while he’s filing reports. Though, in all honesty, Ghost won’t treat you differently from before. He won’t be any more touchy than before, he won’t go out of his way to spend time with you. You’re still you, regardless of how endearing it is that you can’t hide your crush in the slightest. Although it could be argued that you bumping into this behemoth of a man and then falling back onto your butt is borderline careless. He’ll offer a hand to help you up, though. Unlike the Gaz and Price, he might bring you having a crush on him up in a conversation, asking you if it’s true. Regardless of your answer, he’ll go quiet for a bit before patting your back and going about his day again. It’s his way of saying “Thanks. Good luck.” A man of few words even when he’s not speaking. You always wanting his attention does get on his nerves a bit, though. He needs his alone time occasionally, so you sticking to him like a limpet is a bit annoying. Has no qualms about telling you off either, though. He’s a lieutenant, he knows what he wants and he can bluntly convey such. But that’s just his way of speaking, give him a few hours and you can spend some more time with him if he isn’t busy. You can do a puzzle with him, it calms his nerves and his mind gets to stay sharp too.
Soap: He’s also a very observant man, a very smart cookie, so he’ll have it figured out when you made him a pie with a handwritten note, little hearts instead of dots over the i’s. You’ve never done anything like this for anyone else, though, so he knows. Is a bit smug about it. Not too many people have had a crush on him since he’s friend material more so than anything else, but there was one person, maybe two. He’ll grin like a Cheshire cat when he knows you aren’t looking. Becomes far far more touchy than before. In fact, he’ll flirt with you as well. If you’re speechless then he’s won. Gives you side hugs, bear hugs, hugs from the back, you name it. Will also offer to let you nap on his big, broad, manly chest if you complain about being tired. He sort of wants to get you to confess to him. Yes, he has not had many sweethearts throughout his life since he was always busy with soccer and the military, but he thinks someone being this head over heels for him could do him some good. And he also wants to stroke his ego. And yeah, there is a chance he might develop feelings for you as well while he’s being this affectionate with you. He’s affectionate with many people, but he’ll turn it up a notch with you, he’s not immune. Doesn’t mind you being annoying for his attention either. He can be very annoying too when he wants attention, so there’s a chance you’ll annoy each other into spending time with each other. Even if there’s no need to. For some people, Soap can be a bit off putting with his curious nature and how social he is, but he’s glad that’s not the case with you. So yeah, you’re more than welcome to go drink some shots with him at a bar and then snuggle the stinking night away because you’re drunk and he’s almost entirely sober.
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copaganda-clobberfest · 10 months
(i could not come up with any other tourney name. sorry)
You know that trope? That one trope *Everyone* hates? The trope in which a well meaning antagonist to our heroes, one looking out for the good of a certain community, suddenly does something horrible and drastic to make not only them, but the ideology they stand for the most villainous of all?
and no, I’m not talking “well meaning” as in… they had a sad life. Their parents died or something. Etc.
I’m talking:
“This person wants change in a corrupt system.”
“This organization made up of a marginalized group only wants their basic living rights.”
“This person wants equality for their people.”
Etc etc etc. Only for it to drastically become:
“This person wants change in a corrupt system… so they BLOW UP AN ORPHANAGE OF GRANDMOTHERS.”
“This organization made up of a marginalized group only wants basic living rights… so THEY’RE ACTUALLY EVIL UNSYMPATHETIC TERRORISTS.”
“This person wants equality for their people… EXCEPT HAHAAA THEY DONT” That stuff. Stuff that makes you really question what the writers were really trying to get across.
But enough of that, let’s talk tournaments. With as much as this trope makes these villains blow up houses of grandmas and likely makes you, the viewer, want to blow up something too, you can now throw them at me and I’ll let them blow up each other!
Here are the rules.
No Harry Potter. Thank you!
Submit via the ask box and submission tab on this blog please. I sadly don’t have one of those google thingies :( I’m goofy
When sending in your finest challenger, give me propaganda too! Propaganda will be included once we’re ready to get the polls out.
Fictional peeps please.
You can submit up to 3 characters/groups of characters/whatever whatever in an ask/submission.
The following is a list of antagonistic fictional characters, or antagonistic fictional organizations/groups I am automatically putting in the poll:
Magneto, X Men
The White Fang, RWBY
The Flash Smashers, Marvel
and Amon, The Legend of Korra
But please please PLEASE send me propaganda for those four if you have some! Falls to my knees like a Victorian orphan boy…..
Anyways, I hope I explained the premise of this whole ~tournament~ correctly, or at least half decently. Hope this goes well, and may the worst troper win in the COPAGANDA CLOBBERFEST!
Inspired from @look-how-they-massacred-them, @battle-couple-battle, @controversial-blorbo-bracket, @greengirlfight, @ffshipbracket, @star-wars-tournament, @the-robot-bracket, @tmblrsfavshow, @bestanimatedmovie, and @fave-fight !!!!!!!
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7077070707 · 10 months
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best friend
feat — gojo satoru
contents & warnings — not proofread because im fucking lazy, mutual pining, friends to lovers, suggestive content, gojo being a dork as per usual
a/n — guys i’m sorry for writing ANOTHER gojo fic but he’s just so fun to write. this is slowly turning into a gojo blog (i hate him). ALSO, im actually a dc girl so i’m with my pookie on this one,,, but like at the same time i might prefer starwars… it’s hard out here, they’re both so peak. um!!! as you can tell i’m oddly passionate about all this comic and movie shit from my stupid rambling so im just gonna stop!!!
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you and your best friend satoru trek indoors, both sweaty and fatigued from the blazing summer heat. you’re still finishing off the popsicle that gojo generously bought for you from the convenience store, for the whopping price of ¥180 (a true gentleman, he is). he claimed to be donating to charity, with you being a charity case – so in response you simply kicked him in the back of his knees which resulted him folding like a foldable chair. 
gojo was mindlessly chewing on the remains of his popsicle – that being the stick – and shoves his hands into his pockets. you were both passionately arguing over which franchise was better, and it was quickly becoming more and more heated. 
“dc is soo much better than marvel! what are you talking about?” he whines, pulling his hands out of his pockets and positioning them in a questioning, exasperated manner for the sake of exaggeration and his strong opinion. 
“no! no! no! marvel is cooler, and the movies are top tier. are dc movies as successful as marvel movies? no, i don’t think so.” you defend yourself, pointing an accusatory finger at gojo with some swagger. 
“well yeah, marvel movies are generally better but we’re talking about EVERYTHING, and everyone knows dc comics are superior. ‘cause, you know, the storylines are deeper and over all more interesting. and have you seen some of the art? arkham asylum’s art is insane! ALSO, CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW ICONIC BATMAN IS?” 
“i could say the same about spiderman. and iron man–” 
he cuts you off, “okay then, joker too!” 
“shut up! alright, fine… one point to marvel for movies, and one point to dc for comics.” you announce, albeit begrudgingly. 
“hold on, y/n.” leaning forward and wagging his finger stupidly, “there’s still more to it! what about games? or merch? lego adaptations? or even cartoons! maybe we could even add star wars to the mi–” 
“enough! it’s too hot for this, satoru! we can settle this later, and maybe even bring suguru as well, to defend his case for star wars.” 
a flash of disappointment shines upon his face at the mention of suguru, but maybe you were just seeing things. could it be that he was possibly saddened at the thought of his close friend being here? but why? maybe it’s because he wants to be alone with yo– 
‘no, shut up y/n!’ you think to yourself, ‘that’s obviously not the case…’ a small, sad after thought. you blame it on the lingering crush you had on your bestfriend and inwardly sigh. 
after the disappointed face that you claimed to notice, he flashes you a dopey grin and leans back. “alright, fine! you’re on! and damn, it is getting hot. i mean, even hotter. hotter than it was before, like previously–” he stops, “am i.. am i rambling?” 
“well, no. i mean, er– yes, yes you are. but it’s–” you giggle, “it’s cool, satoru. don’t sweat it!” your chest suddenly fills with a warmth, a different kind of warmth to the one the surface of your skin was feeling. 
he recovers and starts, “well, anyway…” he then abruptly takes his shirt off and throws it over his shoulder, his chiselled torso being revealed to you which raises heat to your face.
inside, you're panicking, ‘ohmygod.. what is happening? why is he stripping? huuuh..?’ 
he retrieves a wet rag and drags it across his body, creating wet droplets on his skin which was way more erotic than it should’ve been. the cool rag relieves him of the uncomfortable heat and he groans lowly, tilting his head up.
at the sound, you flush an even deeper red and panic even more, ‘oh my god! why? why is he so casual about this? i mean, how would he feel if i were to suddenly strip and wash myself with a wet towel? and make erotic noises as well! or am i making this an even bigger deal than it is? curse me and my brain…’ 
you stare shamefully at him, averting your eyes every now and then as an attempt to protect your wavering dignity. 
he catches your eye, and a shit eating grin presents itself on his face, “y/n? you alriiight? why is your face so red?” he teases, elongating his words and taking the piss out of you. 
you position yourself into a fighting stance, and retort defensively, “what? my face isn’t red! what are you talking about?” 
“why are you getting so riled up then? i’m only pulling your tail, ya know! unless you're actually flustered?” he quipped, inching closer to you. 
“go to hell gojo!” 
“why are you so flustered anyway?” he inquired, as if he wasn’t displaying his god-like body in front of you like a piece of exquisite art, “wait!” he lets out an exaggerated gasp, raising his hand to his mouth and you prepare yourself for the ‘shocking’ revelation his stupid little head cooked up, “you’re staring at my body! heeeey!” 
you grind your teeth, about to swing your fist at him. 
“i mean, i don’t blame you. girls are crazy over me.” he boasts, making you feel even more idiotic, “but hey, i’m crazy over you too!” you halt your actions and pause. 
“wait… what?” you croak out.
“you best believe it, pretty!” 
“you… you like me?” stunned by this unexpected declaration, “you like me, too?”
the boy smiles fondly at you, “of course. i just didn’t know how to confess… so i simply decided to do it on a whim, ya know – when my heart felt the fullest and all that cheesy crap.” 
“awww. gojo, you like me! that’s so cute!” 
his face gains an adorable pink flush, uncharacteristically flustered from your comment, and he sputters out, “wait what? why are the tables turning? when did the tables turn? how are the tables turning?!” 
giggling behind your hands, you assured him good naturedly, “well, just so you know. i like you too.” 
deadpanning at you, “i figured.” 
giggling once more, you twirl towards him and place a sweet kiss on the cheek of your now ex-best friend.
satoru smiles at the contact, but a burning question arrises, “so wait, does this mean we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now?”
you ponder for a moment, scrunching your face — gojo copying your expression, “err yeah, i think so! is that how it works?”
“how about i take you out on a date, pretty?” he suggests, finger gunning at you and flashing his signature goofy grin.
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macravishedbymactavish · 11 months
Alex Keller SFW Headcanons
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| Blog HQ | Modern Warfare Masterlist | 18+ MDNI |
Headcanons for the man who has me in a literal and metaphorical chokehold
He is a straight up a nerd. Think: Star Wars, lego, Star Wars Lego!
Sitting on the floor, clad only in a pair of baggy plaid pajama pants surrounded by lego pieces. Eyes shining as he scanned over the instructions, soul feeling free and finally alive as he snapped the pieces together.
Soft sounds of the original trilogy playing through the speakers from the TV. Ignoring the nagging pain in his lower back as the child in him squealed in delight.
Another component completed. Now, onto bag 4.
Prefers to clean up while or after you cook, rather than cooking himself
Tending to the food in the pan, he reached around you to grab the discarded utensils. Placing them in either the dishwasher or sink; making soft comments about how many spoons you decided to use for one meal.
"If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to cook for me," you teased, watching as the man froze. A mischievous smirk spread across his face as he pointed a spoon at you.
"If it weren't for me, you'd be out of spoons 5 steps ago"
Horrible (like "reminder on the phone but will still with upmost confidence say the wrong date") with dates. Appointments and anniversaries, he's not very good. He blames it on his brain shutting off from not being in survival mode when at home, but genuinely feels bad
"Ma said they have something for our anniversary and will pop over to drop it off closer to the day. I told her it's on the 18th, so Saturday would work better, " Alex explained mindlessly, leaning back against the counter. Eyebrows raising when you froze.
Smiling softly, you whispered, "Sorry, what day is our anniversary?"
"The 18th. No, the 17th, " his eyebrows scrunched together as he thought. "No, actually 18th. Final answer" 
Leaning over, placing one hand on his cheek as you gave him a soft peck on the lips. "It's the 21st, actually"
Takes FOREVER to get ready for anything (especially fancy date nights and events)
Sitting on the edge of the tub, you watched in awe as Alex continued getting ready. Shirt still unbuttoned, belt not yet threaded through the loops of his pants; and he wasn't even halfway through his hair styling routine.
Multiple bottles and products lined the counters, all of which in use at one point or another as you sat and watched. Your outfit was ready and laying on the bed for when he was done with his hair.
After so long together, you'd become efficient in the timing of when to start getting yourself ready for a night out. Depending on which hair product he reached for next.
He has a super dark sense of humor
"Hey, since you have a ton of tattoos," you started, leaning against the doorframe as he fussed with his hair. "If a shark came and bit your arm off, would you be more upset about losing the arm or the tattoos?"
"The tattoos," he answered immediately. Pausing after to look himself up and down, nodding. "Definitely the tattoos"
Terrified of holding babies (despite being a total natural). He loves interacting with younger kids though.
"Uncle Alex!" The young boy squealed, running over and wrapping himself around the man's legs. "I'm a brother now, too!" 
Smiling down at his nephew, Alex laughed. Hoisting the boy up into his arms as he listened to the excited stories about his new little sister. Nodding along with genuine interest until the baby was brought over to him.
"Be fair. You can't just cuddle your nephew. She'll get jealous, " his sister, Ellie teased. Holding the newborn out. 
Freezing in place, as his nephew squirmed out of his grasp. Loudly encouraging him to hold the baby. Looking over at you, Alex sighed when he realized he was outnumbered.
"What if I drop her?" He whispered, fear flashing behind his eyes as the small bundle was passed over to him. The girl remained asleep as she was cuddled by tense arms.
"The obvious answer is don't." Mrs. Keller walked up behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders. Pressing into the tense muscles. "And relax. Things are more likely to go wrong when you're stressed out and stiff like a board"
Appreciates a good horror or FPS game - but nothing beats couch co-op and cuddles.
Snuggled against your side, he yelled nonesense as your characters scrambled around the screen. Grabbing boxes and flinging them onto the truck.
"What?!" You both laughed, watching as his character hoisted an animal into the air. "I have the chicken!" 
"We'll I'm moving an entire sectional by myself, so drop Cluck and help me!" you elbowed him lightly
Absolutley can't fall asleep in silence, no matter how hard he tries
He blames a lot of this on his childhood, the sound of clocks ticking throughout the house driving him mad. Reminding him of the sleep he wasn't getting. 
Even now, years later, as an adult, he tells you that if it's too quiet, he can still hear the distant ticking. He doesn't tell you that the silence also brews night terrors; that's not a side he wants to burden you with.
On the nights when he falls asleep alone, he'll usually have a movie or YouTube video playing in the background. If you can't fall asleep to a lot of noise, he'll opt for a fan or one of those sleep background noise tracks.
Unlike some of the other COD men -- I think he'd be the opposite of a human furnace. He'd be like a reptilian creature looking to sap your warmth at any given moment.
He makes a point to cuddle against you, as much contact between your bodies as possible. Almost like a human backpack.
"You're so warm," he sleepily mumbled, pressing his face into your back. Humming in content at the feeling of your body warming his.
His hair lightens so easily during the summer (In MW2019, he was dirty blonde. MW2022, as an operator he has dark brown hair)
"You're like two totally different people," you laughed, fingers running through the light locks as he rolled his eyes.
"It'll be back to normal by halloween," he half-heartedly grumbled. Adjusting the sunglasses on his face, holding back a smile. 
100% cries during movies, has no shame. Especially since it gets extra cuddles from you (even if you lightly tease him for it)
Your heart aching within your chest, the protagonist grieving their loss. Sighing softly, you silently reached forward, grabbing the box of tissues from your coffee table. Holding the box up to your boyfriend, who was trying (and failing) to hide his soft sniffles.
Head falling against his shoulder, feeling his arm tighten around you. His chest shaking with emotion he was trying (and failing) to hide.
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @bowtruckleninja
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yandere-wishes · 4 months
Opinion on the absolute ANCIENT history of Star Wars legends? Meaning Tulak Hord, Marka Ragnos and such
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Anon I am SO SO SO SORRY this took me forever to answer. I loved the ask so much that I wanted to have the perfect mood and ambiance for when I answered it. Suffice it to say that that hasn't happened for a good while now. But I sincerely hope that you are still lurking around this blog and get a chance to see my response. I cannot express how excited this ask has made me!! I harbor an extremely unhealthy obsession with ancient Sith lords and their lore
I'm going to start off by saying that, if we were in the Star Wars universe I would have already become a Sith lord. Due SOLELY to how much Darkside lore I read~🖤❤️
I swear whenever I see a new Sith lord my brain goes: "Omg he's so ugly." Then he proceeds to live in my head rent-free for three days and on the third night, I find myself dreaming of making out with him... this has happened one too many times...It might be a little bit concerning. XD
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Tulak Hord gives off major samurai vibes so I feel like he does follow some sorta Sith honor code. That being said he most likely acquires his darling as either a war trophy from some rival or conquered planet. Or she's a wide-eyed Acolyte who he can twist into his perfect darling. 
He's also so pretty and I want to kiss him so badly!!
 I'd love to be his little darling, a war trophy won in battle. Kept locked away within his fortress. A prize none but him are worthy to see. 
After each bloody campaign, he returns to you, his starlight. A dividend that keeps him fighting, keeps him tethered to the dark side of the force. He fights to provide you with an empire, to win your praises at his many accomplishments. 
 Little does he know of the aversion you harbor for him.
Tulak Hord the monster who took everything from you.  
No, but to be fair, I'd still be MADLY in love with him. Just imagine Lord Hord coming home from the battlefield, bloodied and still high off his bloodlust. 
Imagine straddling him as you lovingly peel off his bloodied armor. Kissing his flesh every time it appears from under his armor. He'd run his clawed gauntlets over your back tracing your spine. Making you shiver from the frigid steel. Your warmth feels welcoming, innocent, he longs to corrupt it. 
Then obviously kissing when you get to his helmet. Deep and passionate. Filled with hate and love. Out of fear, you've learned to play your role as a doubtful lover, a devoted wife, to a fault. 
"The universe is more complicated than you could ever imagine, starlight. Be thankful that I've shielded you away from all its inconsistencies."
It's getting harder and harder to remember why you resist him so much. Why push him away when his presence is so overwhelming? Consuming you wholly. 
"Thank you, my lord." 
If you were his Acolyte things would play out a bit differently. He'd have trained you for so many years. Building you up to be the ultimate weapon and simultaneously his ideal darling. You're too far gone, mistaking toxins for affection. You've learned to cherish every bruise and broken bone that comes from him.
You were such a naive little girl when he first took an interest in you. Now he's morphed you into the scourge of the battlefield. The mere mention of your name sends generals running away in fear. 
He finds you after every campaign. Permits you the honor of washing his armor and tending to his wounds. Basking in the way your nimble fingers apply bacta to what little scars he may have received. 
Tulak is such a tremendous master. Personally seeing to your wellbeing and recovery. 
He pulls you onto his lap, kissing your open wounds as he stitches them for you. Sometimes he pulls his helmet up and plunges his tongue into the trauma lapping at the blood and broken muscles as he ravishes in your delightful moans. He'll whisper sweet praises into your ears, telling you how proud he is of all you've accomplished, what a stupendous sith lord you shall make someday, ruling by his side. All while his iron-clad fingers work bruises into your soft flesh. 
You are his perfect little doll.
Tulak Hord's perfect little acolyte.
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Would it be wrong to say that I kinda want to be Marka Ragnos' concubine? Or just his pretty little princess who's always at his beck and call!! Look he's literally a giant hulking red alien with golden horns... what's not to love!! 
Plus I'd give anything to just sit on his lap as he holds court. Tracing patterns across his chest and relishing in the feeling of his claws scraping across your flesh, leaving his mark even when he's focused on galactic domination. 
Prior to that Marka would totally dress you in the most ethereal dresses!! All lavish golds and blood reds. Somedays they'd be full-blown multilayered dresses and other days (when he wants to show a bit more dominance) he'll have you wearing danity silk dresses that show more skin than you are comfortable with. 
He'd also shower you with praises throughout the day. Calling you his "sweet little princess" and "pretty girl". look getting called "pretty girl" by a sith lord is free therapy and I am HERE for it😤😍😤😍. 
I also have this random headcanon that Marka Ragnose is (in some ways) a father figure to Vitita/Valkorion/Tenebrae. That being said it's only logical for Marka Ragnos' darling to be (younger) Vitita's mother figure. In a twisted forceful way, they're kinda like a happy family. Also forced Yandere family is one of my fav tropes, so I had to reference it here lol. 
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Okay, guys seriously this ask has made me so happy since the MOMENT I got it!! If anyone wants to send in asks for any Star Wars Sith lords (well-known ones, obscure ones, hated/loved ones) my ask box is wide open. 
In conclusion, I've been collecting Sith Lords to simp over like an 8-year-old collects Pokemon cards. Sith lords are unconventionally HOT and I'd totally be down to be there sweet little darling !! Like please just let me be a Sith Lord's cute little side piece, the eye candy that hangs off his arm. His pretty little bunny girl that'll do anything to please him.
(*Concerningly looks down at the pride and self-respect I just smashed.* "Whoops...that wasn't supposed to happen") 
Anon I think I answered your question with these little stories. I am very much IN LOVE with the ancient Sith lords. And it doesn't just stop at Tulak and Marka. I literally NEED a harm of Sith lords. Look they may not be conventionally handsome, but there's something about "the dark forces warping their appearance" that makes me go absolutely feral!! 🤣🤣😍😍
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djarin · 6 months
looking for some new mutuals ! hello friends!! i wanted to follow more gifmakers who run in the same fandoms as me, so if you're interested in becoming mutuals, pls like and/or rb this post and i'll check your blog out!! :D
if you're into any of these fandoms, i'll probably follow you:
star wars (any/all)
marvel (any/all)
what we do in the shadows (tv)
good omens
our flag means death
bbc sherlock
percy jackson
shadow and bone
the queen's gambit
fellow travelers
wednesday (netflix)
older disney movies
lord of the rings/the hobbit
anything mlm/gay... let me know in the tags because i'm always happy to find a new hyperfixation 🤭
mutuals, if you could sb, much appreciated!! :')
sorry to tag some of you to get this post more exposure, hope you don't mind!! @astaerion @calkestis @cal-kestis @alivedean @edteachs @seance @buckysbarnes @cobbbvanth @chrrispine @padme-amidala @bixcaleen @dani-clayton
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animatedjen · 1 month
Hello, just passing by. Cool blog. I love Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order & Jedi Survivor and I'm seen your answer will Kata. I'm sorry if I'm not correct I blurry remember the moment Greez talking with Kata and saying something like this, that Cere was a special lady and that she would like Kata. Hmm how sad and sweet what Greez said.
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Their conversation about Cere happens at the end of this compilation video. Greez is also very thoughtful towards Kata in the post-game dialogue: finding ways to care for her (offering food, telling stories) while still giving her space to mourn. It's a softness that he doesn't really show towards anyone else - except his family.
I do hope to make a story video for Greez eventually, which would explain all my feelings way more eloquently than I could write here. But he's become the emotional core of the Mantis Crew, and is exactly who Kata needs right now as she adjusts to a new life.
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evcrgardn · 1 year
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once upon a dream
jake sully x fem!navi!reader
genre: angst
warnings: mentions of death and blood, maybe a bit creepy, hurt (this was literally so painful to write)
note: first fic on this blog! <3 this is inspired by a scene that i love so much from braveheart and the jake and neteyam memory scene in atwow :(( this has been in my head for so long so i really wanted to turn it into a fic. this is very sad but i hope you guys will love it still :)) reblogs are appreciated! + will probably edit this when i have the time
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.・゜゜・  Just when he was about to sleep, Jake’s ears perked up at the sound of footsteps outside the tent. He does not know why, but his gut tells him that he should check out whoever might that be. He slowly gets up, very carefully making his way out of the tent, not wanting to wake Neytiri and the kids up.
The sound led Jake deep into the forest. Along with the footsteps, the sound of flowing water from afar, as well as the chirping of the nocturnal creatures of the forest filled the peaceful night. He was unsure why he was even following the source of the footsteps, and why his heart was racing in his chest. Better be safe than sorry, he thinks. He would never forgive himself if anything bad happens to his family or his people just because he ignored this. 
He then spots a silhouette, which seemed like that of a Na’vi’s, from afar. “Hey,” he calls out. “Who are you?” he asks in Na’vi, making the figure halt its steps and turn around, yet he still could not identify who it is. He was about to ask once more when the figure suddenly starts walking slowly towards his direction.
As the Na’vi figure comes closer and closer, Jake’s heartbeat goes incredibly faster. He draws his knife for his safety, although he surprisingly doesn’t really sense any danger from this person at all.
When the figure finally comes face to face with him, Jake’s knees suddenly feel weak, dropping to the ground, as well as the knife that was previously in his hand.
It was you.
I must be dreaming, Jake thinks. If so, then he wouldn't want to wake up from this dream. You look down at him as he kneels properly on one knee in front of you as if he is a knight kneeling before his queen. "Y/N," he utters your name, looking at you straight in the eye. “Oel ngati kameie.”
You gave him a warm smile that could light up the whole of Pandora, making his heart swell in his chest, "Oel ngati kameie, Ma'Jake."
Tears were starting to form in his eyes from hearing your voice for the first time in years. The longer he looked at you, the more tears came in. The bioluminescent flora lit up your face in a gorgeous purple hue, your freckles also glowing like the stars in the evening sky. Woodsprites were floating above you, a clear sign that Eywa brought you to him. You did not change a bit, your face still radiant and youthful as it was before.
You were as beautiful as the day he met you… and the last time he saw you, which was years ago, during the war against the Sky People. He remembers how your ikran led him deep in the forest to find your body covered in blood. He embraced you in his arms as he called for your name, so many times. He waited for you to respond to his touch, wishing that you’d open your eyes and give him that smile of yours that he loved so much. But no, you did none of that.
Instead, you laid there in Jake's arms as his heart breaks into pieces, your face peaceful as if you were just in a deep sleep. He could still remember that day as if it was just yesterday. He may have led the Na’vi clans to victory against the Sky People, but he felt defeated, because he lost you.
In fact, before the battle, you two made a vow to each other: that the two of you will survive, and after that, you will become a mated pair before Eywa and be together for the rest of your lives. Unfortunately, the vow was broken by you.
"Y/N, I missed you. It's been so long," he tearfully says. He could no longer hold back the tears. He could no longer hide the pain that he's been trying to keep to himself for so many years.
"And I you," you responded, reaching down to hold his hand and pull him up so you could face each other at eye level. Jake looked at you with so much love and longing. You were his woman. His first love, and you will always be.
"How are you?" you ask, bringing your hand up to his face to wipe his tears with your thumb. You smiled as you stared at him, your hand cupping his cheek. Your eyes scanned every part of his face. He had a few wrinkles showing he’s aged and faded battle scars, his golden eyes were glistening with tears. His hair is much longer and thicker than before, his body also larger now.
"I... I'm good. I'm happy to see you."
Jake has clearly changed over time but still looked as handsome as he was in his younger years. You could still see in him the reckless skxawng that you fell in love with.
"I see you are Olo'eyktan now... and you have a beautiful family. I am very proud of you, Ma'Jake." He's come so far. From just being a nobody, he became a warrior, became one of The People, became the sixth Toruk Makto, and now, the Olo'eyktan of the Omaticaya. Jake forces a soft smile though his pain is still evident. He hides it very well from everybody, but now that you're here in front of him, perhaps he could just let it show just this once. Even the strongest men can break down and cry.
"I think about you everyday, yawne. I'm sorry–"
"Hush. Do not," you cut him off, your index finger touching his lips. "I am with the Great Mother now. I am with The People... and I am happy. What happened has happened already. It is not your fault."
Jake could only nod at your words, though in his heart, he wishes that he could have prevented it. If he could turn back time, he wouldn't have let you fight in the battle, though he knows that isn't possible. You were a fearless warrior, and you surely wouldn't let yourself be left behind while others fought for your home. You would rather die fighting than stand and do nothing.
"You must wake now, Ma'Jake," you tell him, "It is almost morning."
Jake frowns at your words, his eyes glossy with tears and his ears folding back. "But I don't want to. I wish to stay here with you." He says, his voice laced with pain and desperation. Many years have passed since he last saw you... since he last felt your touch and heard your voice. He's fully aware that this is all a dream, yet who knows when you'll come back to visit him again? If this will be the first and the last time, he wishes to stay here with you for a bit longer before he goes back.
You took both of his hands in yours, rubbing circles on the back of his hands with your thumbs as a way to comfort him. "It is not your time yet. You have a family to protect. They need you. The People need you," you say, reminding him of his duties as a father and as Olo'eyktan of the Omaticaya. "The right time will come for you to join me." You placed your hand on Jake's chest, feeling the way his heart beats. "I will always be here. I will always watch over you," you assured him.
"I love you," Jake places his hand on top of yours, expressing his undying love for you. "I will always love you,” he adds. His voice already sounds raspy from crying.
"I love you, Ma'Jake. Take care of yourself," you say, giving him one last smile before you vanished into thin air.
"Ma'Jake, wake up."
Jake wakes up to the sound of Neytiri's voice. She was looking at him, her large eyes were filled with worry. "You were crying, Ma'Jake. I was worried. I had to wake you up."
Jake sits up, wiping his eyes that were indeed wet with his own tears. It seems that he was literally crying. He turns his head to Neytiri. "I saw her, Neytiri," he whispers.
Neytiri smiles at him, fully aware who Jake is talking about. You.
Jake rarely speaks about you, but Neytiri knows that he still carries the pain of losing you in his heart. She has no hard feelings about it, really, for she has witnessed the beautiful romance that blossomed between you two. She knows Jake is true to her and their kids, but she also understands that it is impossible to forget someone you love, most especially a first love. It is the same for her and the late Tsu'tey.
Jake recalls how heavenly your voice sounded like and how angelic you looked. He smiles. "She visited me in my dream. It was wonderful. It felt so real."
He hopes you’ll come and visit him again soon.
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pastanest · 1 year
A/N: I’m really sorry but read-more links aren’t working on my blog atm, I’ve raised a ticket with Tumblr and they’ve registered it as a bug that they’re looking into but for now I can’t use them because they mess up the whole post :(
Eleventh Doctor x gender!neutral reader
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Dating Eleven Would Include
so to begin with, he’d be awkward and clumsy as per usual
over time he gets more accustomed to the blossoming feelings for you and relaxes into them, being more open to flirting back
PDA comes so naturally to him he consistently catches himself out when he becomes aware of the fact he’s holding your hand, swung an arm around you or pulled you in for a hug on instinct
the Doctor is always going out of his way to do sweet things for you
he remembers every place you’ve referenced wanting to visit, every favorite food you’ve mentioned, every dream date idea that he has pried out of you with the least subtle questions and motivations you can imagine
and he uses all of that information to his advantage, regularly planning said dates out for you in the most beautiful places in the universe
a regular picnic? nono, not on the Doctor’s watch. we’re talking planets entirely made of meadows, as far as the eye can see, inhabited by sentient orbs of light that exist in complete peace and harmony, floating around amongst the flowers and creating a field of stars every time the seven sun’s set
a date at the cinema? try the biggest cinema screen in the universe that you have to sit 50 feet away from, with special goggles just to protect your eyes from the power of the light from the screen. 
“And it’s not just the screen that’s big, it’s the highest quality speakers ever invented, and they are completely invisible! 4D sound systems? Not here, 8D AND UP ONLY BABY! That does mean that if we see any movie with freak weather patterns, we may have to bring several changes of clothes to suit the climates they simulate around our seats. Which are levitating in total darkness. So we will also need a very powerful torch to find our seats. Which I have already invented, naturally. It plays tense music whenever it’s switched on.”
“That’s a lot to process, but I am stuck on the torch - why did you add tense music as a feature?”
“For dramatic effect, why else?!”
he’s fiercely protective of you 
we all know the look in his eyes when the Daleks rock up, the fury that burns when he recalls anything regarding the Time War; that’s the same expression that greets anyone or anything that causes you harm in any way whatsoever
he’s almost scared to admit that he’d tear a planet apart to find you, save you, fix any harm that has been done to you, if that is what it cost
whether you are with him through his regeneration into 11 or not, you show him parts of his personality that have been hidden for hundreds and hundreds of years, feelings he never thought he would be lucky enough to find again
and it terrifies him, of course, to consider what he lost in those feelings before, how he could lose you in a new, more painful way 
but you reassure him
with every hold of your hand, every bright smile, every hug, every laugh at one of his silly lines, every kiss, every whisper in the dark when he lies with you until you fall asleep in his arms, you comfort the Doctor that no matter what happens, you will find your way back to each other
you, the Doctor and River Song are absolutely in a three-way marriage
River flirts with you more than the Doctor and he’ll sulk about it
“Honestly, what’s the point in me being here?! Should I drop you two off on an isolated moon to engage in your…shenanigans?! Ooh, ‘shenanigans’, now that’s a good word, I should use it more often!”
you and River both know him so well and share your frustrations over his occasional idiocies the girl’s that get it, y’know?
picture this: the Doctor being so excited to see River but she just runs past him and straight to you because the two of you have orchestrated sleepovers in the TARDIS and routinely fail to let the Doctor know ahead of time iconic
the two of you never make it official, but it is understood on both sides that you are in a relationship and nothing will break that bond
and you are the happiest couple in this universe, and every other
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sitp-recs · 6 months
Hiiii I LOVEE your blog, I’ve been following it for ages but have never put a request so.. here goes..
Can you rec any hurt harry fics on the longer side??
Please and thank u☕️
Hi anon! Welcome to the ask box 😊 sure thing, love me some Harry whump, I’ve included both physical and emotional/mental hurt:
Bad Medicine by playout (E, 25k)
As an Auror, Harry is no stranger to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries but he has reached his limit with his confidential information appearing in the Prophet after every visit. He's angry enough to give even his childhood nemesis's private practice a go. At least if Harry's secrets show up in the paper now, he'll know who to hex.
Match Fit by ravenclawsquill (E, 25k)
After picking up a groin injury just two weeks before the Quidditch World Cup Final, star Seeker Harry Potter reluctantly agrees to seek help from world-renowned Magi-Physiotherapist, Draco Malfoy.
A Year in Training by Omi_Ohmy (M, 25k)
Harry is finally living his dream and training as an Auror, but nothing seems to be going right: he’s just so angry all the time. And Draco Malfoy’s presence on the programme really isn’t helping with that, either.
Breathe In (and Feel No Hurt) by Constance1 (T, 38k)
A tale of love, loss, and of finding hope again. Or the story of how Draco turned into a house-cat in order to secretly bother a depressed Harry Potter until he was no longer feeling sorry for himself.
The Four Doors by @fluxweeed (E, 48k)
It’s been four months since Harry lost his memory. Four months of dead ends and no answers. With time running out until his memories are gone for good, Harry agrees to a course of Legilimency therapy with a renowned specialist: Mind Healer Draco Malfoy.
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse. That is, until he stumbles upon the surreal and beautiful world of a mysterious fae creature…
Merlin Works in Mysterious Ways by lordhellebore (M, 82k)
When Harry is forced to form a Blood Bond with Draco Malfoy under threat of death, he thinks his future will consist of a cold home and sexual frustration. But when a group of left-over Death Eaters decides to stir trouble, their lives change completely – and it takes them both some years to figure out whether it’s for better or for worse.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 (E, 91k)
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (E, 93k)
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he's a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography.
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (E, 104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Any Instrument by @dictacontrion (E, 131k)
Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case. Being asked to figure out why Harry Potter can't control his magic might be exceptional enough to qualify.
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atruththatyoudeny · 1 year
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Happy 28th! A warm and heartfelt thank you goes out to @pocketsunshineharry​ for being our omegaverse-queen and for always finding new (and old) fics to recommend ♥ Authors, you deserve all the love! Always.  ♥♥♥
Down the Line | sunflouwerhabit | [280k] “I hate all of you.” Louis’ cheeks flush. “You better watch yourself or Wootton is gonna release an article claiming all of our woes are a direct result of a serious Mario Kart addiction. He’s already got an insider ready to tell him Niall prances around the clubhouse pretending to be Yoshi.” Some of the boys chuckle, but Louis’ heart nearly stops when a honk sounds from second base. Everyone turns in that direction and Harry fucking Styles slaps a hand over his own mouth, as if trying to muffle the fact that he’s a motherfucking Siren. Louis stares. He wasn’t… it really wasn’t that funny? He couldn’t possibly be laughing at Louis, right? He… What? “Sorry,” Styles gasps. His shoulders shake as those dimples, which have had blogs and articles and entire columns dedicated to them, bloom. “Sorry…" Louis hates him. Louis hates him. Louis hates him. ~~~ OR: Star shortstop Louis Tomlinson only finds solace between the white-chalk lines of a baseball diamond, until Harry Styles- the absolute bane of his existence and (probably) the worst pitcher in Major League Baseball- becomes an overnight sensation in the city Louis calls home.
Teach me how to love | perfectdagger (sincerelyste) | [70k] Louis can’t believe he’s third wheeling, again, so he scans the bar trying to find something better to do. And as he does, he recognizes a face. That face looks angry, almost fuming and Louis takes a gulp from his beer and looks to the other side, pretending he didn’t even see the bloke, pretending he has no clue who that person coming over his way is. “You’ve told everyone and their mother that I’m a bad fucker?!” That’s how Harry greets him. Smooth. Not really. The one in which Harry is bad at sex and Louis spreads it all over town and to make up for it, decides to help him with no agenda of getting anything from it, but in the end, he ends up getting more than he bargained for.
just tell me you love me (that's all i need to hear) | finelinelarents | [21k] Harry has always been insecure about her the lack of experience surrounding her love life and is not helped by the fact her best friend - Louis, can get anyone she wants, just with the bat of an eye. She's everything Harry wants to be, confident, charming and incredibly gorgeous. When Louis decides to help set Harry up with someone in an attempt to make Harry feel better about herself, it doesn't go particularly well. On the verge of giving up and thinking she's destined to die alone, Harry finally finds a man who is interested in her. He's the man of her dreams with his big muscles and suave demeanour, Harry can't believe her luck. The only problem is that Louis doesn't agree. OR The one where they just can't get it right, until they do.
The Luna of Which Pack? | reader_chic_2 | [72k] “This is cute, Lou. Really loving this faux innocent look going on. But if you ever want to get back to your beloved Simon, you better start talking. I may be kind to my family, but you, darling, are not family.” Internally, Harry began patting himself on the back. He praised himself for not only besting the cunning, snarky omega, but also maximizing on this potentially negative opportunity that arose. Then, Louis chirped up with a slick grin. “Perfect. I’ll shut up. Can I sleep in your bed again? It’s really comfy. Reeks of lonely ruts, though. You should really change your sheets more often, you know.” . . . When Harry's wolves accidentally kidnap the intended Luna of Simon Cowell's pack, he must decide what to do with the irritating omega Louis Tomlinson that does not want to return home. With the elders disagreeing with the young, new pack alpha Styles, a war erupts due to his opposed decisions. And Louis finds himself right in the middle of it.
Unleashing Adoration | hazzahtomlinson | [6k] Harry needs a new job. Louis’ schedule has gotten a bit busy lately, so he trusts that Niall will find someone who can take care of his dog, Clifford, a few days a week. Somehow, Harry gets the job; and maybe a little more than he bargained for.
Halfway Home | Itsmotivatingcara | [103k] Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson were improbable childhood friends, much to Harry's dismay. They were thrown together each summer when Harry was forced to visit Louis' grandfathers' ranch in Black Hills, South Dakota. With each passing year their friendship blossomed into something more. When trail rides turned to stolen kisses, and tragedies turned to confessions, until they could no longer deny the inevitable draw they felt for one another. Though life and their future plans soon set them on different paths. Ten years later, Louis is the proud owner of Halfway Home Wildlife Refuge. Harry returns to the ranch to escape the perils of his past in London, and though their memories still haunt Louis, he won't let that deter him from his goals. However, someone has been keeping a close eye on the refuge, and possibly Louis specifically, and Harry's return may have unleashed more that just old passions. There's a hunter lurking in the Hills, someone who's decided they've bided their time long enough.
Invisible String | BoosBabycakes | [85k] Louis swears on his life that that man came out of literal nowhere and he thanks each lucky star for having good breaks in his car. This strange alpha also happens to be the most beautiful being Louis has laid his eyes on. For some unknown reason, the omega feels safe around the alpha. It might seem strange, but you can't always explain why or how things are the way they are. All you can really be sure of is that they happen for a reason. There's a higher power (call it what you want) that knows better and definitely knows more than you do.
now i think that i could love you back | maroonmoonlouis | [42k] “I do not care if she banishes me to my chambers for a month or the rest of the year, you two must see reason,” Louis protests, feeling a minor fit coming on. “He is nothing but an insufferable, cocky, cloddish, pitiful excuse for an Alpha, and he deserves to live the rest of his days in solitary, not me.” “My, my, what an array of abuse. I surely would loath to be this inadequate excuse of an Alpha you speak of, but alas I cannot relate to possessing such deficiency,” a honey-glazed voice drips out from behind Louis, and the omega can feel the steam pouring over, ready to burst out of his already flushed ears. - Or, the one where Omega Prince Louis is thrown a Courting Ceremony. A weekend full of competition ensues for his hand in marriage. As if he’s not already stressed about choosing his future Mate in three days, it’s just his luck that his enemy, Alpha Prince Harry has decided to partake as well.
You sunshine, you temptress | Darling28 | [88k] A story about a forbidden love & secrets that come to light. ❀ ❀ ❀ Eyes as green as the forest And eyes as blue as the lake When they met a love began Stronger than the tide And wilder than a river Fearless Despite the ban Fairy and wolf Together one
I like the way you say my name (when you soak it in grace) | louisismycat (tiflamomet) | [66k] “It’s like I’m fucking orbiting around you, you know? Like you’re some huge, beautiful planet, and I’m a piece of space junk lucky enough to be pulled in by you somehow, and now I can’t leave, even if I wanted to. And I really fucking don’t want to leave.” OR Louis is transferred to a new city to temporarily cover for his counterpart while he is on maternity leave for the next six months. His new co-workers talk endlessly about Harry, the omega who he’s covering for. And Louis finds himself jealous of whatever alpha as snatched him up. Until he learns Harry is actually an unmated omega three months out from becoming a single parent.
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bimblipop · 4 months
Taking requests!
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Welcome to my blog! Im a new writer trying to get into writing and i will post occasionally, but heres some things i write for:
Current status: NOT ACTIVE.
(Bolded means i mostly write for that fandom\more familiar. This means your request will most likely take much shorter then other ones.)
-Danganronpa 1,2, & 3. -[Ouran Highschool host club] -Food wars, Shoukogeki no soma! -South park -Twisted wonderland
-Demon slayer/Kimetsu no yaiba -The disastrous life of Saiki K -Genshin impact -Obey me, one master to rule them all! -[Tears of themis] -Love Unhoylc (Both orignal and class ver!) -Error 143 -Arcana twilight -[Mystic Messenger] -Spy x Family -Jujutsu Kaisen (Im most likely following the plot when Gege didn’t become a straight serial killer) -[Lullaby of demonia] (The gems are getting to me.😕) -love and deep space
-Honkai Star Rail
Rules for requests:
[Insert game or show here ] = I am not very familiar with this game/show. I recommend for you to not rquest for this if you want the piece to be detailed and canon/acurate.
-Do not request incest, r@pe, ped0philia. (Yes, student x teacher counts.)
-Im so sorry but i only do x readers or headcannons! I genuinely dont know how to do character x character (Romantic wise , i can do platonic!) 😭
-Please mention if you want headcannons instead of a full story in your request! I would prefer if you could be specific so i can have a idea of how to start writing a story (I struggle so hard with that part help)
-I post extremely slowly!!! I have a lot of other things going on in my life, so please don’t expect normally timed updates.
I hope you guys will enjoy my stories i put out on here, and im begging hoping for some requests. Bye!!!!!
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