#so we gaslit ourselves this time
therealcalrissian · 1 month
okay so we’re all just delusional because tech is in fact probably just dead.
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babisawyer · 3 months
I think whoever developed cellphone cameras should be shot.
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 months
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Full Worm Moon in Libra ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
Heey~ Yesterday/today is the first Full Moon of the astrological year!🍹Starting off this March, when the Sun is in Aries and the Full Moon is in Libra, the Human world is balancing good and evil⚖️Balancing Positive and Negative. Masculine and Feminine. Electric and Magnetic. Light and Dark. Yang and Yin☯️
With Libra’s aenergy, there are themes of JUSTICE taking place, and spiritually attuned peeps are going to see themselves flip🙃In a positive and empowered way, of course! In this event, take a look at your 7th House of relationships with others, which, ultimately is a reflection of your relationship with the unconscious part of yourself. 7th House is aspects/qualities/elements of ourselves we aren’t very conscious of unless we ‘make the effort to make the unconscious conscious’, says Carl Jung.
This Full Worm Moon in Libra, you will notice that your 7th House gets activated in such an empowered way that you will be rid of all shame and regret pertaining to all your 7th House-y-actions… Let’s make this make sense:
If whatever is in your 1st House makes you soft, polite, kind and gentle, to a point where you’ve often turned into a doormat, accommodating other people’s whimsical ego, you’ll now begin to see yourself embracing more of your SASS and general bitchiness that are already reflected by whatever is in your 7th House😾
If on the other hand, whatever is in your 1st House makes you unkind, argumentative, abrasive, competitive and generally conflicty, to a point where you’ve always been the mean girl or boy or whatever, you’ll see yourself mellow out significantly and suddenly able to reflect on the importance of being considerate, based on whatever sweetness is already in your 7th House🍬
This year, is a year we become whole by embracing ALL aspects of ourselves and turn it all into authentic personal power🪁
‘There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.’ – Victor Hugo
[Moon PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Pile 1 – You’ve Taken Care of Everybody’s Opinions
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L i g h t – Page of Pentacles
No matter your age, you feel like you’re still a student of Life, especially in terms of understanding Human relations. The reason for that, is that your heart is too pure for this world. Irrespective of age, you feel like you’re still grappling with understanding how some Humans can be so… bad. And you’ve wondered if maybe you’re the really bad person. You’ve been gaslit into questioning your own Soul. Your Soul is good, so good that you trust too easily because you see the positive in all situations. You’re an effervescent optimist! It’s taken you such a long time to realise it’s time you stopped considering other people too much.
Up until the time you find this reading, you’ve been hard at work in growing yourself, developing a stronger character by fully knowing what makes you, you. That way, you won’t be as easily swayed by other people’s opinions that seem to paint you in a bad light when you’ve literally been nothing but kind, understanding, and earnestly cooperative. Because you’ve been surrounded by people who earnestly want to dim your Light, because these people want to corrupt your Soul and take away your optimism, some of the noises of their opinions have become a permanent noise in the background of your mind.
D a r k – 3 of Swords
Sometimes, you find yourself gossiping about your ineptitude in your own mind. And you’re left brokenhearted wondering why you’re so lacking as a person. But, you do realise these aren’t your actual voice, right? Those are the opinions of those who have been exceedingly critical of you. They’re jealous more than anything; and because you’re so kind and take everybody seriously, you’ve taken even these shit opinions too seriously, all because you are by nature empathetic and considerate. But now, it’s perfectly safe for you to stop considering other people’s negative opinions of you.
If I’m being honest, you should fight back. Give ‘em a taste of their own medicine. And if that’s not your style, IGNORE ‘em. Completely ignore ‘em and remove them from your Reality and sooner than later, one way or another, you’ll hear from someone else how they’re doing pathetically now that you’re no longer part of their miserable life. And that, would serve them right. They didn’t treat you right when a person as kind and helpful as you were in their life; now let ‘em deal with their own karma~ Why should you care? Ungrateful bitches will never see anything good in Life anyway.
b a l a n c e – 10 of Cups Rx
For many of you resonating with this Pile, I sense the people who’ve given you so much of this particular brand of pain is family. Or perhaps, people you’ve considered to be best friends or your ‘tribe’ even. Of course, the pain of betrayal and abandonment coming from such people can be quite devastating. But, Imma share this thing I saw on Pinterest that goes something like,
‘My therapist told me that the reason family and closest friends can’t seem to support you is that they can’t stand the idea of you becoming something more than they could ever envision themselves to be. They can’t bear the idea that you’ve come from the same place, yet they’re still in the same place.’
WHOA. I think that applies to your situation with this reading.
This Full Worm Moon in Libra is validating your hard work at developing yourself to become a much greater version of what you were in the past. Those who aren’t happy with your progress, those who won’t support your dreams and goals, are you sure you still need them? Love yourself enough to know you deserve better company. ‘Family’ isn’t defined by blood—that’s literally only karmic bond—rather, it is a feeling of warmth and acceptance coming from those who make you feel that you do truly belong~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Green Historian (Herodotus) & Priestess of Luck
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 2 – Someone Like You Doesn’t Happen Every Day
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L i g h t – King of Wands
Are you aware that you’re gifted with this rare ability to absorb other people’s pain and transmute whatever bullshit causes them pain back to Light? Yeah I know, that doesn’t sound at all like a ‘gift’. But although having a gift such as this can be traumatising when you’re young, all of the spiritual work you’re doing will in time be rewarded 3000-fold! At the time you’re finding this reading, good karma is about to hit you back in the head LOL
I’d suggest you connect with your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides and then try to find other PACs either on Tumblr or YouTube with keywords like ‘what’s your good karma returning to you?’ or something like that. The year 2024 is going to be very energetic for you. You’ve done A FUCKTON of spiritual work for other people and yourself, it is now time you’re taken care of by forces beyond the corporeal.
I sense very strongly Mother Earth herself and the fairy, sea, and animal kingdoms wanting to give back to you for all the aenergetic healing you’ve done for them as well. Bihh? Who are you?? XDD
D a r k – IX The Hermit Rx
You’re somebody who possesses a unique duality within. You’re like the sea itself. Beautiful, calming, deep, mesmerising, nurturing and soothing; but treat you wrong and you’re raging waves that can swallow and kill anything in your way. Actually, if everything were up to you, you’d want always to be on your good side and hope everybody views only this side of you. You’re so kind and charitable, more than people give you credit for. Alas…people are stoopid and ungrateful.
The problem that you often have with people is that they’re not decent enough. They don’t use enough common sense. They’re lacking in politeness. They don’t observe social conundrum. This kind of thing bothers the living shit out of you. You’ve a strong sense of rules. After being let down quite a bit, you’re now realising interacting with Humans is exhausting.
b a l a n c e – Knight of Cups Rx
In many ways, you’ve tried to minimise human interactions and that’s all fine. The Full Moon is just reminding you that you still have many good friends in the incorporeal realms. Although they can’t really be there for you in the physical, they can always be there for you aenergetically. You know most of them are telepathic, right? Try to connect more often to get healing energies from them~
Also, perhaps this isn’t immediate for all of you choosing this Pile, but there’s a strong feeling that you need to adopt a pet. There’s a pet animal somewhere in this world who’s your soulmate and they’re finding their way into your Life. If you already have a pet, be prepared to have a new family member~
If getting a pet isn’t resonating, there’s a sense that you could meet a Human soulmate when being in the presence of an animal. Be alert! Kyaaah~
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei) & Priestess of Energy
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 3 – You Fear Your Own Superhuman Manifestation Power? Bitch??
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L i g h t – Knight of Pentacles
See, you’re a bit of a wild child—that’s how you’ve always been. But you’re not one without a plan! You’re a kid with visions most others couldn’t understand. Your inspirations and daydreams come from a much higher plane of consciousness. Because you’re daring, a lot of people you know probably think you’re reckless at best, crazy at worst. Or maybe it’s the other way around XD
Nevertheless, you’re the kid who realises ALL your dreams when you grow up because you really put in ALL the work necessary to make your dreams come true. In spite of oppositions, in spite of setbacks, in spite of heartbreaks, even after thoughts of giving up, there’s always something there deep within you that keeps recalibrating you to your original Divine Game Plan!
Why do you think that is? Because whatever you dream for yourself, it’s meant to happen. Life’s greatest joy is bearing witness to all of your hard work getting paid in kind. Most of all, paid in your spiritual satisfaction over all you’ve done with your Life~
D a r k – I The Magician Rx
Well, for many of you stumbling upon this Pile, you were probably attracted to another Pile which would likely be your main pile. If that is the case, this Pile is just serving to dig a bit deeper into some strange fears you have about your manifestation abilities. By nature, you are a master manifestor already. You can easily create Realities with just a thought. The occurrence of synchronicities with you is a lot, a loot higher than most people. At the time of stumbling upon this Pile, you’re probably already experiencing synchronicities by the hour!
You’re almost already ONE with your God Consciousness. This is a Creator Consciousness that only some VERY high-vibrational beings can have access to, let alone understand. If there is any semblance of fear in you regarding a VERY big manifestation you’re working on (or know you’re getting pretty soon) it’s probably related to how others are going to perceive you if you have all of these blessings, right? Hmm…?
b a l a n c e – 10 of Wands Rx
You fear that others are going to be envious of you. You fear losing connections with those whose hearts are not big enough to be happy with you when you have more. You fear even, to some extent, that you’re going to be seen as a villain because you seem to have it all so easily. When in reality, it’s not like you didn’t put in all the work—both the seen and the unseen! Nevertheless, you’re still bothered by this idea, fact even, that most people love a company in misery.
In that sense, there could be something in you that’s withholding this manifestation out of fear. It’s like…this manifestation can’t come to be until you give your permission for it to manifest in your physical. That said, this reading is just pointing out this unique mechanism in your manifestation in regards to your surrounding/environment hahah
There’s really not much else to say but that your Divine Timing is now decided by…You. God Creator. Are you ready…?
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Red Physician (Galen of Pergamon) & Priestess of Illumination
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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[Moon PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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girlactionfigure · 1 day
how to be an ally
Antisemitism has been on the rise for the past few years, but since October 7, antisemitism is at the highest levels it has been since the 1930s. Yes, it’s that bad. If you haven’t heard about it, or if you don’t see it, ask yourself why, instead of casting doubt on us. 
Believe us. 
The Jewish community is hurting. Since October 7, especially, we have been gaslit on a global, unprecedented scale. After Hamas live-streamed a massacre, we are being told, globally, that it didn’t happen. Or that it wasn’t as bad as we think. Or that we deserved it. Or that we did it to ourselves.
When college students demand a global “intifada,” a term used to denote two violent Palestinian uprisings that predominantly targeted Israeli civilians, we are told “intifada” just means “to shake off.” When Hamas terrorists are caught on camera, various times, calling Israeli female hostages “sabaya,” a term Islamists use to describe sex slaves, we are told we misheard it. When an international team of forensic pathologists confirmed that Israeli children were decapitated, we are told we lied about it. We are told we lied about the rapes on October 7, despite the preponderance of eyewitness testimony, forensic evidence (e.g. broken pelvises, mutilated genitals, bloody underwear, semen on a girl’s back), and perpetrator admissions. No matter the evidence, the world keeps moving the goalposts. 
Our words are scrutinized under a microscope, and are received with doubt or outright denial. The gaslighting is such that we feel like we are living in a parallel universe.
So when we tell you how bad it is…just listen to us. Even if you don’t understand. Even if you don’t see it. Believe that we know our own experience better than you do. 
We are so, so tired of fake allies who are quick to point to the antisemitism of others but won’t even begin to deconstruct their own biases. Antisemitism is very, very old, and very, very embedded into nearly every culture, so it’s likely that you have antisemitic biases, whether big or small. That goes for Jews as well!
This is not a personal accusation, and I’m not calling you a bad person. But sincere allyship begins with you. It’s very easy to point fingers. It’s a whole lot harder to take a hard look at your own actions and beliefs.
An example: several years ago, Shaun King was accused of antisemitism on Twitter (for the millionth time!). Instead of apologizing and holding himself accountable, he rebuked those accusations, saying, “I fight Nazis every day.”
In other words: instead of seeing where he could do better, or where he went wrong, Shaun King deflected by pointing to the antisemitism of Nazis. And yes, of course Nazis are antisemitic. But just because Nazis are antisemitic doesn’t mean that Shaun King can’t be antisemitic, too.
Something incredibly frustrating is that politicians on both sides of the political aisle use our existence and our experience of bigotry as a “gotcha” against their opponents. Instead of addressing the antisemitism on their side of the aisle — and it certainly exists on both sides of the aisle — they will relentlessly point to the antisemitism of their opponents, without ever addressing the antisemitism of their allies. But if they were truly serious about fighting antisemitism, politicians, whether left or right, would begin by addressing the antisemitism on their side before pointing fingers to prove a point. That’s not fighting antisemitism. That’s exploiting our pain. 
People have been speaking for Jews for 2000 years. But we have our own voices, and we can speak for ourselves. The problem is that we are 0.2% of the world population (and, in the United States, 2.4% of the population). Though for centuries antisemites have depicted Jews as powerful puppeteers pulling the strings, and though we are accused of running the media, the truth is that we are vastly outnumbered and our voices are drowned out. 
According to the ADL Global Index on Antisemitism, 1.09 billion people across the world hold antisemitic attitudes. There are 15 million Jews in the world. Others’ narratives about us are far louder than our own narratives. That’s a problem.
As an ally, we don’t need you to speak for us. But we do appreciate you giving us the space — and, if you have it, the platform — to speak for ourselves.
Facts don’t lie; antisemites do. A recent Jerusalem Post study found that, since October 7, 46.2% of New York Times articles were empathetic toward Palestinians alone; whereas only 10.5% were empathetic predominantly toward Israelis. In other words, the Israeli narrative of events is getting buried. 
Similarly, the recent viral AI post, “All eyes on Rafah” had over 47 million shares. There are 15 million Jews in the world. A similar “pro-Israel” post, “Where were your eyes on October 7?” was shared only 500,000 times before being removed by instagram. 
Our community is small and our voices get drowned out. Give space to our voices, rather than create even more noise. Nobody is more qualified to speak of the Jewish experience than we are. 
Look, I get it. Vocally supporting the Jewish community at this time is not necessarily the popular thing to do. Because of the tremendous suffering of Palestinians, anyone who shows empathy toward Jews — yes, including Israeli Jews, who not only form half of the worldwide Jewish population, but are also hurting tremendously right now — can come with consequences. You might be ostracized. You might be put on a “Zionist” blacklist, as they are popping up in just about every industry, ranging from Hollywood to psychology. 
But while you have the option to “opt out,” we don’t. We don’t get to keep quiet, because this literally affects our lives and our safety. It’s getting increasingly frustrating to receive messages of “support” who will never publicly raise their voices in our defense. In remaining silent, you are contributing to an environment of fear and ostracism. That doesn’t help us.
Let me address a couple of things before you get confused.
(1) in the previous slide, I said that we can speak for ourselves; you don’t need to speak for us. In this one, I’m asking you to speak up. So what’s the deal?
Instead of, say, making a post about what is or isn’t antisemitism yourself, you can share one of our posts or even invite us to collaborate on your account. You can also publicly say “hey, this isn’t right,” or “Jewish people need support,” both in real life and online, or something of the sort, without making yourself out to be an expert over Jewish people. 
(2) you don’t have to be an expert on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to recognize Jews are hurting and to publicly voice support. If you don’t know what’s going on, I’d rather you not spread misinformation, but you don’t have to know the history or the facts on the ground to tell Jews that you see our hurt, and that you’re not okay with people hurting us. 
Antisemitism is a bigotry that has killed millions of Jews throughout history. It’s not a valid punishment for behavior or political views you dislike. All Jews should be protected from antisemitism, whether you like us as individuals or not. Period.
Before you share a Jewish person’s voice, ask yourself this: why am I sharing this? Am I sharing this because this person validates myviews? Am I sharing this to prove a point? Am I sharing this to show people, hey, this person agrees with me, so I can’t be antisemitic?
The truth is Jews can be antisemitic. Jews can perpetuate harmful behaviors and views that hurt the wider Jewish community. There were pro-Nazi Jews. There were pro-Stalin Jews. There are now pro-Hamas, pro-Islamic Republic, pro-Houthi, and pro-Hezbollah Jews. There have always been Jews who, for one reason or another, including internalized antisemitism, jeopardized the safety of their own community. 
If your objective is to “gain” something from associating yourself with any given Jewish person, that’s not allyship. It’s weaponization and tokenism. Allyship isn’t meant to be about you; it’s meant to be about the group you’re supporting.
You should support Jews because we are human beings, and our safety matters. Not because you’re trying to get something out of us. Period. 
I cannot stress this enough. This is the single most useful thing you can do to support the Jewish people, in my opinion. Antisemitism can be hard to catch because it generally looks quite different than other forms of bigotry, and it’s constantly evolving. It’s hard to keep up with all the conspiracies — because, most often than not, antisemitism presents via conspiracy theories — so learning the “formula” of antisemitic tropes, stereotypes, and conspiracies is extremely helpful. Once you become familiar with this, it’ll be much easier for you to recognize this insidious, mutating hatred.
Personally, I like to use this formula: 
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Please note: antisemitism doesn’t usually look like unabashed Jew-hatred. Antisemitism moves through conspiracies and euphemisms, whether “globalists,” “cosmopolitans,” “communists,” “capitalists,” and yes, “Zionists.”
Like every other sovereign nation on planet earth, Israel is not above criticism.
It’s very important to familiarize yourself with antisemitic tropes, conspiracies, and stereotypes so that you can criticize Israel in a legitimate way, rather than in a manner that hurts Jews. 
(1) it’s totally okay to criticize Israeli policies, actions, politicians, and societal issues. However, make sure that these criticisms are rooted in reality, because there is so much disinformation about Israel 
(2) it’s not okay to call for Israel’s destruction, deny Jews the right to self-determine, or revise Jewish history to satisfy your narrative 
(3) it’s not okay to scapegoat Israel for issues unrelated to Israel, as well as to ascribe sinister motives to every single thing Israel does 
(4) it’s not okay to engage in Holocaust inversion; that is, accusing Israelis or Israel of being like Nazi Germany. Full stop
(5) it’s not okay to subject Israel to double standards not expected of any other democratic nation 
(6) it’s not okay to project antisemitic tropes, conspiracies, and stereotypes onto the Jewish state
When you project antisemitism onto Israel, chances are this will not improve anything in Israeli society; however, what it will do is it will hurt Jews. 
Since October 7, the Jewish community has felt especially lonely. We feel that we’ve been abandoned by all our historic allies. We’ve been ostracized from our friend groups — or we’ve cut ties ourselves, because we don’t feel safe — and from our industries, which are becoming increasingly hostile to Jews who do not pass their political litmus tests, litmus tests with ever moving goalposts. 
We need support. Reach out to us, regularly. Lend an ear. Take us out for coffee. Let us know that you haven’t abandoned us. 
We also feel physically unsafe. As of June 1, at least twelve synagogues have been set on fire (or been attempted to set on fire), from Tunisia to Canada. Jews in the Diaspora have been murdered, kidnapped, and raped. These attacks have received little, if any, media coverage. Do what you can to physically protect our safety. 
Though most of us have absolutely no control over the policies of the Israeli government, our businesses are being targeted around the world. You can support our businesses that have been the target of antisemitic boycotts. 
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khepiari · 6 months
LawLu: irritated afterthought…
So sick of antis using the same, “age gap difference between Law and Luffy as ideal ground for grooming” nonsense logic to hate on the shippers and crowding our tags on Twitter!
Let’s face it, the only one who is grooming anyone in this ship dynamic, is Luffy.
My boy Luffy, princess carried Law like a potato sack the entire arc of Dressrosa, defeated the man who traumatized Law to the point of self-destruction, and might I remind you; Luffy single-handedly gaslit Law out of suicidal tendencies and reignited his curiosity for knowledge!
Yes, you are allowed to dislike, even hate a ship, but don’t you dare come with half-baked arguments to our tags, and our spaces to cry about the morality of a SHIP. It's a ship about 2D people! I have said this before in a post, I feel sad that it’s proving truer every passing day: antis love to 'hate connect'! Especially LawLu antis on Twitter!
Sometimes I feel these antis are more obsessed with LawLu than actual LawLu shippers! We come to the internet to share our fics/art/ideas and headcanons and clown amongst ourselves to feel happy and enjoy our free time! But Antis, all of them, are feeding off hate for something; that’s logically unsound, born of fiction and absolutely meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
Please remember, LawLu shippers have no patience for petulant people, we will block you instead of arguing with you; because we love our peace and value our limited time. Leave our tags alone, don't use our symbols, and stop snooping in our fandom space like a bunch of rodents.
Learn to bloody BLOCK and move on.
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iseathegalaxy · 1 month
i've processed it. i have thoughts.
discussing the season (especially the finale) yesterday and today, @icantlivewithoutdreaming pointed out the conversation sorrounding the use of a "red herring" throughout s3
red herring [n] something that distracts attention from the real issue — Merriam-Webster Dictionary
i see how some may try to explain what we saw by using this literary device, however, i don't agree. why? let's see.
see loki, for example. all throughout season 1 we're told about the time keepers, how they're the maximum authorities at the TVA, how they were there at the beginning of time and how they'll be there at the end of it, and how they're responsible for the order in the timelines and for keeping the peace, which they do through the agents. now, i want to emphasise the word told because we don't see any of this ourselves, we're just told all of this is true and, just like loki and given none of us know better, we believe it because "why would they lie about this?" this is a red herring, the time keepers are a red herring because they distract us from what is actually true, and it's done in a way that we have no way of knowing if it's all as we're told or not precisely because of that, because we're told, we don't see anything for ourselves so we just have to trust what we're told. we can suspect, of course, but until loki doesn't start poking around and finding things out we're all as much in the dark as him.
now, the bad batch season 3. here we are shown everything, we're not told anything. we see the context for everything the squad goes through, we hear the lines of dialogue directly from who says them, we see all the actions and interactions, as well as the clear allusions to other pieces of media (winter soldier: tech's fall, the reconditioning program, the masked assassins, the fight sequences, the personal stakes when fighting the assassins, etc), we're pretty much presented with everything we need to connect the dots ourselves, as if it was designed for us to do excatly that and draw this very specific conclusion: tech is not dead, he just suffered bucky's same fate, he got winter soldier'ed.
but then what happens? the finale comes out and we're basically told "you see all that which we gave you? all those dots for you to connect? well, psych! it was all a 'distraction', the assassins are no one, you won't even see their faces, if they were literally anyone else it wouldn't fucking matter" and so we're all left like "...what? then... why?" like being smart and analysing the media and it's clues and hints and attempting to unravel that mystery which was clearly given to us only ended up with us being told "you're reading too much into it, it's not that deep, don't be dumb"
that's not a red herring, it honestly just feels like having been gaslit and it sucks.
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thegeminisage · 2 months
ok, i'm getting behind on ym star trek updates. last sunday we watched ds9's "sanctuary" and tng's "parallels," monday we watched ds9's "rivals" and tng's "the pegasus" (out of order!!! 💔) and last night we watched ds9's "the alternate" and tng's "homeward." we were supposed to do "rivals" and "the alternate" monday, and then the "pegasus" and "homeward" last night and i really wish we had bc i was not in the correct headspace to really enjoy the alternate but that's what i get for forgetting to check my spreadsheet!! ANYWAY.
sanctuary (ds9):
i love sisko in this episode. he has the same vibe w his subordinates as he does with jake, that he will back them up even if they're breaking rules but also when kira didn't do her homework he does have to lay down the law a little bit. lovingly, but he does. and since he never does it w/o a reason and w/o compassion nobody really minds
i'm sorry but the reverse sexism was really funny. thank you 90s tv for being brave. especially with her having multiple husbands. get it girl
kira and haneek should have explored each others bodies also
quark picking up the nephew like yeah hes gonna do it again. poor odo
literally it was such a good little conundrum bc all the logical reasons they gave for bajor not being able to support more people were like correct or whatever BUT THEY WERE FARMERS. you get the idea they really could have helped and that kid didn't have to die but inherent, knee-jerk suspicion of new/foreign people just got in the way in both cases. like you had the solution right there!! unfortunately, as we know, people
why is it ALWAYS kira's episodes that go this hard also. it's always like "here's a thing about the complex and ugly truth of the human(oid) nature and how we just have to live with ourselves" and every time it pops off
parallels (tng):
we were just saying "there's no ways tng would have the pussy to do something like this" when tng came on and also was really good
first of all, my worf e deanna DREAMS are coming true. sorry to the actors ik they hated it but i know in my heart worf e riker e deanna is real..............
i read the episode summary for this one but it said AMNESIA not WORF SWITCHING REALITIES. so i had fun going wait the cake WAS chocolate earlier and being gaslit along with worf
his little surprise party hat. please.
i didnt notice data's eyes being blue at the time but going back and looking at the pics is WILD
my baby boy wesley crusher was there also........i missed him sm
the universe worf left was crazy. picard dead, geordi dead, deanna forever without her husband...jesus christ
but my FAVORITE part (aside from the romance) was the bit there the zillion enterprises showed up and the crazy borg-hunted riker was like NO NO WE'LL NEVER GO BACK girl i was like oh but i wanna see inside those other enterprises! actually no i didn't
worf finding out deanna began having the potential to develop feelings for him after the ritual suicide thing and then IMMEDIATELY turning around to seduce her when he got back to his universe...so true. i would have done the same thing. i know he's gonna get w dax later and deanna will eventually marry riker so he's GONNA fumble it but don't fumble it!!!
rivals (ds9):
have only seen princess bridge 1 time when i was a teenager so i was not able to enjoy the biggest appeal of this episode rip
actually i thought the a plot of this episode kind of sucked ass. i didn't find the conman particularly funny or charming but i also didn't hate him enough to get invested in his downfall. also, it was so stupid that he took that machine when the guy explained that it had literally killed him............like, girl, are you stupid? obviously ds9 can save it with endearing characters and like, Acting, but i wasn't having much fun with it
i DID love the obrien bashir racketball matches though. first of all the fact that luck decided who won and not actual skill and no we'll never know...but secondly, bashir like Oh No I'm Going To Kill Him With Tennis. like, my guy, you could have just showed off less out of the gate. it went against his twink instincts though
keiko's go-get-em-tiger was really good. he would have won anyway i just know it
quark trying to DRUG A DOCTOR. his audacity truly knows no bounds. i hope those orphans got their blankets
i do like also that when they figured out the matches had been rigged they weren't even mad about it, they were both just curious and trying to experiment. i love when obrien and bashir hang out it's really great
the pegasus (tng):
picard day really good. yes. be miserable. i love riker getting to dunk on him
i really really REALLY enjoyed riker's energy when his old captain came aboard. jonathan frakes isn't the most technically accomplished actor on that cast, but he does such a fantastic job with that shift - riker is normally such an easygoing, funny, down to clown guy that whenever he gets :| you notice RIGHT away. episodes where he gets to be serious and angry wouldn't work if he got them all the time (though my lament for tng is that we don't get character stuff more often...), but BECAUSE they're rare, even a little too rare, you take notice all the more
i wish we had gotten to see riker sparring with worf <3
argument between riker and picard was FUNNNN i don't like picard but i DO like it when sir patrick stewart acts and i think him being on his game and jonathan frakes also being on his game was wonderful. first of all, i love it when they say the m-word, and secondly, riker grinding his teeth because he WANTS to tell and all his instincts are screaming at him to tell and he CAN'T because his loyalties are divided or whatever...delicious.
beaming aboard the ship frozen in rock with the perfectly preserved bodies. mwah. dead bodies won't even age. i know it was a budget thing and space probably wouldn't really keep them from decomposing THAT well but it quite literally took riker back to the scene of the crime and he was like yeah no i'm not having it. GOOD for him.
bonus when riker gets locked into the brig <3
the alternate (ds9):
i recognized the scientist by his hair!!! he mentioned before he copied it from him
dr mora die challenge. it's not exactly that he "abused" odo in the traditional sense but he did put him in a cage, and he dehumanized him with his experiments, and every single word out of his mouth was either dehumanizing or patronizing. i love how quick they both were to correct the assumption about this guy being odo's dad - like yeah maybe an adoptive dad in a way but odo wasn't a "child" he was just so different from humanoids he had to figure out communication from scratch
like, this mf commenting on odo not having gotten the ears, or like wow you can tell what emotions people are displaying just by looking! say that again to my face i'll kill you.
dax was so weird in this episode. i kept wondering if she was possessed or something because she showed up out of nowhere and offered to buy drinks with bashir and said something about the pillar being moved. a red herring which was perhaps unintentional but unsettling nonetheless. her personality is still fluctuating a lot - at times she's prissy and at other times she's just one of the guys! but at least now she has one, from time to time. not in this episode though
i felt. SO BAD for that little life form they kidnapped. you suffocated it to death :(
i also felt terrible for odo. firstly, he deserves to kill that guy. secondly, how humiliating for him to be seen in goop form by half the station...he doesn't like being seen like that :(
i still blame dr mora though for basically triggering that last transformation...i was so mad at the end when odo was like yeah we can reconcile :) like i get loving the people who "raised" you even when they "abused" you but this wasn't quite that. i wish we had got more of a sense of them having, at any point, actually ever liked working together to solve the mysteries of shape shifters. i looked him up on imdb though and he DOES come back so maybe better luck next time
homeward (tng):
i fucking hated this episode.
firstly, who brought worf to his parents? i thought it was their adult son who was in starfleet, but was it worf's dad who brought him home? cuz this guy is worf's age and was not officially in starfleet...
secondly, there should be a clause in the prime directive about "if everybody is about to die save them with the least interference possible." i get that that runs the risk of like, being written down in their bible as jesus and altering their culture, but the idea that the culture is better off totally annihilated than altered is a little bit missing the forest for the trees. like, putting those machines on the planet in the first place would have been WAY less inference than having worf and his brother lead them to safety.
ALSO, I CANNOT BELIEVE WORF'S BROTHER KNOCKED THAT WOMAN UP. like, this kid is not gonna pop out of the womb with his surgical alterations!!
also, that guy who killed himself didn't get his special document delivered back to his people...worf KEPT IT as a souvenir? one of the only surviving documents from their old culture??
furthermore, his brother did not "won up to responsibility" by staying with those people. he's further contaminating their culture with his outside influence including the HALF HUMAN BABY and since he's marooned there he will never see his parents or brother ever again. because he got the awooga eyes. like, yes, he saved them when starfleet (picard in particular) were being horrible, but also, he didn't save their culture even a little bit, and he's lying to himself if he thinks he did. and WE COULD HAVE SAVED THEIR CULTURE WITH THE MACHINES. that was so much lower risk...................
redeeming factor of this episode was that worf is HANDSOME under all that klingon makeup. like i knew he was attractive because i've seen like headshots online but i like never saw him moving his face and acting without it. he's actually really expressive..........why do you hire a man this beautiful and then put him under all of that. like he's absolutely stunning i was so shocked
TONIGHT: ds9's "armageddon game" and tng's "sub rosa," which i have seen celebrated online for some reason? something about sexy ghosts??
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sophieinwonderland · 18 days
CW: Heavy mentions of general abuse in a relationship, but mainly asking about fakeclaiming.
Hey, we actually have a question. It's kind of personal to us. But it's something we have been trying to ask for advice on, but we feel kind of...iffy.
We fully agree with non fakeclaiming. No one can know what goes on in another's head. No one besides you and anyone you are truthful with. That's what makes this hard to explain as we feel as though we are fakeclaiming even though we do think we have personal trauma and general evidence for the person in question not being truthful.
I'll keep this short. We were in a relationship with someone we'll call Green. Green and our system met in 2021 IRL during school. This was our last year of HS and also theirs. We had been self aware of ourselves for about a year at that point. We knew Green for a month or two, before coming out as a system to them. We explained Tulpamancy specifically. They ended up coming out 3 weeks after us, and we became suspicious then, but chalked it up to them kind of needing Time. Although even then we did communicate our suspicion and it cost a huge thing.
But specifically, there's one part that really nailed in the board hypothetically that we think they were pretending.
Specifically within the few relationships between our system and Greens. There'd be intimacy. They started claiming a few months into the relationships that when we'd do something relating to that topic with them, they could get pregnant in their headspace. Immediately due to a lot of DID and OSDD systems and I'm pretty sure even non-traumagenic systems, that was a huge red flag. Yes pregnancy splits can happen where people internally can be seen as pregnant due to a split occuring. But they cannot become pregnant or anything. Especially not due to external things.
They claimed this though. And it caused turmoil. As with especially myself independently, although I cannot share my name for protection reasons, i had a good relationship. And seemingly a daughter and son. And then I stopped fronting due to job stuff and unrelated things, and then got basically yelled at by my said partner. Before the relationship basically was broken.
I've been dormant since, but the collective has realized they lied about a lot of things, I come to only to hear the possibility that I was lied to, and I was manipulated, gaslit, and deceived, when used.
So I wanted to ask. If you have any advice. Is it possible for what they said to happen? Like legitimately? Because I absolutely can't handle the guilt of fake claiming someone. But I also cannot handle the idea that we were all lied to for 3 years and guilted into staying.
That's hard.
I can't speculate on your specific situation.
In my opinion, system pregnancies can be caused through belief and suggestion. If someone believes physical intimate activities can cause headmates to get pregnant internally then I'm sure it could be a real thing.
But even if theyvwere real... and this might be a hard pill to swallow... they weren't your children. At least not in any biological way. And you don't have anymore of a responsibility to them than you might have to someone's introject of you.
It sucks that there are people out there who will lie and take advantage of others. And I don't know if your ex was faking.
But I think regardless of if they were faking or not, they WERE using the situation to manipulate and take advantage of you.
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nerdyhubbydragu · 9 months
Warning! Pokémon Scarlet/Violet: Teal Mask spoilers!
You've been warned! :D
What if... This generation is a story about victims of bullying?
Base Game:
Students are being "bullied" by Team Star
In reality Team Star were the ones being bullied
Miraidon/Koraidon was danger to the society when he was out of the crater
In reality he's left the crater because he was bullied by the toxic Miraidon/Koraidon "alpha"
Teal Mask:
Ogerpon was a monster that raided Kitakami
In reality he was misunderstood, as he took revenge on his bullies for beating up his friend
So they were the real villains
But let's take it further...
What if in Indigo Disc we learn that:
They were bullied by Dokutarou (the theorised fourth "Loyal" or their leader we can see in upper right corner in animation about Ogerpon's past the first time they are shown) and beaten into loyalty but promised power if they bring him Ogerpon's treasures
But the chain of violence doesn't grow further, it branches out
We meet the turtle, but it's angry for no reason, another bully? (Or he's just there being bullied and we see him in battle form later when he fights us like Ogerpon to let us prove ourselves before he joins us)
No, it turns out he's been puppeteered by the same bully that turned Loyal Three Evil!
Dokutarou's heard of Ogre's reaches, so he's manipulated three Pokémon into getting him those
He's heard about reaches of Otohime castle (the castle where Urashima Tarō is taken by the turtle, the treasure he gets from Otohime is called Tamatebako), he's manipulated another one to get those too!
(Maybe he gets it, opens it, and it doesn't end well for him)
What if Loyal Three were Poochyena, Aipom and Staraptor that went through the Johto's Legendary Trio, but this time instead of terrible accident it was bullying that killed them?
Give it a thought and let me know what do you think about my theory! ;)
PS: Kieran could have been gaslit and bullied by his sis, there are some hints for such scenario in their interactions... even if she means well in the end she bullies him being toxic by accident as she's awkward in interacting with him and doesn't know any better...
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theoldlesbianwithcats · 3 months
It pains me to see how low gold stars' self-esteem can be, because we've been gaslit by the so-called lesbian community to think of ourselves as privileged no matter how much shit we went through for being lesbians.
I was thinking of this because I stumbled upon a twitch channel hosted by a fakebian and her gold star girlfriend. They were talking about their couple, their sexuality, their past, etc. The gold star was apologetic and kept saying that she was so much luckier than her girlfriend because she didn't "go through comphet".
However, here are the facts as they were telling them. The gold star:
Got repeatedly belittled by her mother for being a lesbian as a teen ("you're only a lesbian because you're too ugly to please men")
As a result, allowed many bicurious girls and women to "experiment" with her (= use her sexually)
Had a toxic long-term relationship where she was raped
Was the live-in sidechick of a bi woman in a het marriage for years, even though she admits that it destroyed her mental health, until the bi woman left the husband for her (that's the fakebian)
The fakebian:
Had many boyfriends and was in a happy marriage with a guy for years, has a child with him, still friends with the guy.
Bragged about having an open-minded family who never cared if she liked women, admitted that she never felt any social pressure to be with men but just went with the flow
That's it.
The fakebian never told her girlfriend that no, actually, she was the one who had it easy and being a gold star seems very difficult. It's very clear that she's still the one calling the shots in the relationship and the gold star got brainwashed into thinking that having boundaries or desires is messed up. The gs would say things like "It took her a few times to start reciprocating but it's ok! I never asked anything of her, it's fine, I swear! It would have been fucked up to expect her to reciprocate since she had never been with a woman! I prefer giving anyway!" (meanwhile the fakebian was repeating to the nervous bicurious women in the chat that they'll always be better in bed than any man ever) and "I never minded being a bi woman's first time with a woman, no one cares!" and her gf answered "only assholes care about that" 😬
I'd like to help other gold stars be unapologetically themselves, to know who they are, what they want and speak up about it, to be in touch with their emotions and their instincts, but that lack of confidence and boundaries can be so ingrained I don't even know where to start...
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loveislandthegame · 3 months
thoughts on today’s volume !
but first, there was some sort of scare about hacked gems being taken away. they weren’t, it’s just that the full number is cut off, so you’ll only see the last 4 digits (i tend to be late with these kinds of things , i need to be more active in the fandom)
i’m glad that FB is too incompetent to copy a certain game that does have anti-hack measures 🌝
now the actual stuff:
ispy was actually kinda fun, for a game within a game. for some reason the islanders never acknowledge this anymore, but i got everything right ! idk if it’s because i’m boring or what but MC’s secret was just that she eavesdropped … mind you, damn near everyone in the villa does that 😭 at least we got to defend ourselves for free
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as for the ensuing drama between sophie/jack & emel/oakley…i had to reread screenshots because it was such a narrative trainwreck. MC said it better than i can:
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and i get that they were trying to cause tension between you and your LI but…that was kinda pointless babes 😭 beyond the fact that i wouldn’t care if jin was playing me because i want claudia, it’s so damn obvious that “everything is going to plan” meant that the recoupling was going the way he wanted, not that he had a plan
is there actual branching when it comes to patching up the drama ? i doubt it, but i helped the girls. however i didn’t agree to help jack fix his failing relationship because they just need to break up (and also leave the villa)
i refuse to have a repeat of uma making the entire afterparty about her messy ass ‼️
i chose to spend the night with claudia, jin was sad but also understanding . we got disqualified from the hideaway lmao but i assume, or at least, i hope it’s set up so that Arguing Couple (sophie and jack for me) always get the hideaway, even with people romancing the guys . i hope the wlw girlies weren’t alone in having to read sophie grossly brag about…69ing jack. lol. 🤮
the star of the show: claudiaaaaaa ❤️❤️❤️ the story about her stuffed crab was cute (and strangely relatable, not a crab but i caught two dolphins in a claw machine when i was a kid lol) i hope the next recoupling comes ASAP
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P.S. once again we got Paywalled Backstory, a diamond scene where your LI spills the tea. i was actually paying attention this time, so here’s a summary:
bombshells christy and brad were plotting together trying to stay in the villa… (apparently treating a competitive show like a competitive show is a bad thing)
LI (jin for me) catches them, strikes a deal with them: he won’t tell the other islanders about their plan if they stop being snakey, but #Chrad gaslit him, “nobody will believe you!” or whatever, so he picks them both as two untrusty islanders during some game . the villa kicks off, blah blah blah
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fayeandknight · 10 months
Personal post in which I am processing old trauma.
It's weird how you can clearly recall an experience but have no emotional response/true comprehension of it until many years later.
My relationship with my ex fiance happened during my first three years of college, if you don't count the stalking and harassment that went on for several years after. I'm in my 30s now, that was a long time ago.
It took me a few years after breaking up for the last time to realize that the relationship wasn't just "really shitty" but had in fact been extremely abusive. To this day when I think of him I think of screaming and crying, breaking glass, blood, absolute terror, and the inability to breathe.
Over the years I've been processing the truth of things he'd normalized/minimized/gaslit me on and trying to give myself grace for the long term effects it's had on me. And for a while I thought I'd acknowledged all of it. But recently (last year or two) it's hit me like a sack of bricks that he tried to murder me. I don't mean going too far in a fit of anger, I mean he planned out and followed through on a deliberate plan to kill me that I survived by sheer luck.
That day has always been a cold, stop motion memory since it happened. I can recall it in a series of snapshots, each clean and neat and utterly detached from each other.
He tells me we'll have the house to ourselves.
He's drawn me a bath in the big Jacuzzi tub with rose petals in the water.
I undress and get in.
He is sitting on the side of the bathtub.
He is cupping my face for a kiss and whispers something about Ophelia.
My head is underwater.
I am flailing and grabbing at his hands, the side of the bathtub. Water is going everywhere but I can't get out from underneath his hands.
I can't breathe. My lungs are burning. I am beyond terrified. This is the inevitable end. This is how I die.
His hands are off me and I am able to get my head above water.
He is taking keys off the counter and handing them through the cracked open door.
I am soaking wet and holding my clothes against me in a bundle that mostly covers me.
I shove past the person on the other side of the door and run barefoot back to my dorm.
He gaslit me hard about this that it never happened. I didn't even get a chance to bring it up. He just showed up the next day to take me on a date (which he very rarely did) and complained about how outside of sex we never had one on one time because there were always people in the house. I was still in shock I think and don't really remember what happened in between my running out of his house and him showing up at my dorm apartment. I do remember being in the living room of his house after the date and having a very public fight that he pulled out of nowhere.
For a long time that memory has been something I shied away from even thinking about. It was a cold spot in my brain that gave me mental frost bite.
And then when I did acknowledge it, it was framed as 'I almost died' in my mind. But the more I think about it, the more clear that this was a planned murder becomes.
We were in college and he lived in a busy frat house/known party house with four other guys. He either dedicated significant time to tracking people's coming and going to find a long enough window of time to drown me and dispose of my body. Not a small feat considering the near constant foot traffic in the house. Or he engineered having that house be empty.
The tub, which wasn't normally used due to being disgustingly dirty, had been spotlessly cleaned.
He never got undressed or into the tub with me. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt with shorts and angled his legs away from the tub.
He referenced Ophelia, who dies via drowning. I was a theatre major at the time.
He very much intended to murder me by downing me in that bathtub.
The only reason I survived is because someone forgot their keys on the bathroom counter and had to come back for them. That's it.
It's so wild to me how long it's taken my brain to feel, I don't know safe??? enough, to really put the severity and full implications together. I didn't repress the memory, just avoided it. And I'm not even shocked that he tried to kill me, more that he tried to murder me - though I'm not sure how much sense that distinction would make to anyone else.
Seeing romantic gestures between couples makes me feel cold and frightened and grief stricken. And for a long time I attributed that to my most significant/serious relationship being an epic shit show and a half. But I'm starting to realize that it's also because one of the few romantic gestures I've received was actually part of the plan to murder me. So I'm trying to be gentle with myself when I experience those feelings.
I'm not some bitter shrew who hates seeing happy couples. I am experiencing the fallout feelings of an extremely traumatic and very nearly fatal event.
Anyway I'm not really expecting for anyone to have read this whole mess. But if you did, here's a picture of Forte snuggling me from this morning as thanks for sitting with me for a bit.
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facelesspassport · 4 months
Don't listen to those people. There are not always clear signs that a man will hurt/kill you, and even when there are signs we can not always be expected to recognize them. A man's sudden withdrawal from the relationship is no clearer an indication of danger than his sudden lovebombing. It is absurd (and disgusting) when people say that a woman, "should have known to leave", before her husband killed her. And it is absurd to believe that any woman would be able to walk away from years of marriage with ease- not when society constantly tells us that refusing a husbands authority is one of the greatest evils a woman can commit.
I can assure you that the last victim of femicide felt like her marriage was worth fighting for. Im sure she genuinely believed that her husband had a good heart deep down, just like you feel about your husband. When she told people, "my husband has been really cold and distant for the last month", absolutely no one said "he is about to kill you, girl, leave!". No. They only said "love is hard work", and she couldnt argue with that. Sure, she was worried but she never felt as though he would kill her. Because that would be insane! I mean, really. What sane woman could suspect her own husband is evil? What normal wife doesn't feel a deep sense of trust and love for her own husband?? It is good that we are approaching the fifth wave, recognizing this pattern, and protecting ourselves by staying vigilant with male partners. But even with our vigilance most of us still wouldnt know when to leave a man, because of our instinct to be loving and pressure from society to trust our husbands unconditionally. When women express fear or concern we are branded "paranoid" and "hysterical", and when our male partners exhibit red flags it is often excused and ignored by others. No matter how you slice it, the most common cause of death in adult women is homicide via a male partner/relative, and I refuse to believe that these millions of murdered women are simply too dumb to protect themselves- rather they are just subtly gaslit their entire lives until it is too late. Im sure that 99% of them were told the same things youre being told right now: "oh, dont be so worried over nothing, silly goose. your husband would never do that! if he really wanted to hurt you it would be sooo obvious and you would have plenty of time to escape so dont worry at all! :-) you should never be scared of a man because theyre not all dangerous but even if some of them were dangerous you still wouldnt need to worry because its soooo obvious when they are dangerous! and you arent stupid like other women you are smart so you would be able to tell right away :-)) ".
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cometconmain · 23 days
You understood the post re: what happened to middle eastern Jews around 1945 PERFECTLY and thank you thank you thank you for doing so. It feels like I've been going crazy. I'd like to add that when non-Jews come at us about Israel, It's also not immediately obvious that they don't know what happened to the other Jews in the region, or the long history of Dhimmi. We're used to being treated like we deserve to be killed for breathing, so it just looks like more of the same antisemitism - and when we try to explain it, we're told we're centering ourselves in someone else's tragedy. I do not have the words for saying what it feels like to see someone non-Jewish understand this. It gives me a kind of hope I hadn't anticipated seeing since I was little and believed in miracles, makes it feel like I can meaningfully work towards a solution without condemning my people to be horrifically killed, again, and told that it wasn't happening and if it was we deserved it. Thank you for giving me this hope.
This has really made my night and I am so happy that me trying to learn has made a difference for you in a world that's weirdly and horribly obsessed with opposing and ending your very existence.
I got here because some really REALLY patient Jewish people chose to sit me down and check where I was actually trying to come from, then helped me identify that my activism had been infiltrated by both bad faith actors and other history-ignorant people alike, and in my intention to help Palestinians without first being educated in the full history properly I was being dragged into the radicalisation rip without even realising it.
I am very sorry to anyone I made feel unsafe while spouting things I didn't understand and I'm really glad even this ultimately bare minimum act of trying to listen for once may have done something to hopefully start making up for that.
I'm going to keep trying to listen and learn because while what's happening to the Palestinians is also still fucked up and needs to end (and I want to listen to Palestinian voices on horrific things that are being done to them by their own military and the Israeli military I just need to figure out what's truth and what's Al Jazeera propaganda which those Jewish people I mentioned are currently helping me with), spreading incorrect history, denying that Jewish people are also indigenous, refusing to recognise our (non-Jewish Westerners') massive part in causing this conflict and continuing our oppression of Jewish people doesn't achieve that in any way and just adds more horrors into the world, both for Palestinians and Jewish people, a group who have never seen an end to their persecution and many of which have understandably given up hope in seeing.
You're not imagining it, you are being gaslit about your own history both by already-bigoted people who are doing it intentionally and slowly-radicalising people who don't know any better (but who really need to stop and check where their info is coming from; it's not like we don't know about propaganda on the left or that misinformation is rife and we have a responsibility to try to filter it out. There's no excuse to keep insisting on not looking when people ping us about issues in our activism and information), and you are entirely valid in feeling hurt, angry, endangered and betrayed by that.
We are out here and we genuinely want to help everyone. Unfortunately, our ignorance of history, politics and how to find reliable non-extremist news sources is being leveraged by shitty people who see an opportunity to take our anger at what's happening to one group to sicc us on the other, a time honoured fucked up but horribly effective tactic of bigots the world over.
We can be reached though. There is hope. And when we're reached we will try to reach others (I have an overdue conversation with a good friend coming up neither of us are looking forward to because I'm pretty sure she thinks I've been hijacked by the evil totally-all-the-same-beliefs Zionists who want us to turn a blind eye to war crimes against Palestinians so they can push them all out and take everything for Israel or whatever, when I literally just want her to learn the actual history/different types of Zionism/etc with me and stop applying settler-colonial theory to a place where the problems are actually very different in nature and require a different approach neither of us know how to do yet because we need to remove all the antisemitism bugs from our activism database on this first or it'll keep infecting the rest of our system until it takes over and whoops when did we become Nazis? Fuck. I know she wouldn't want that so I'm hoping to use the same approach that worked with me without her deciding she should just throw out our over ten-year-long friendship. Wish me luck. 😆 )
You are also valid in trying to make sure you're safe. Deradicalising people is always a risk and you are so valid in not being able to pick good-faith-but-ignorant people from the raging dickheads when we all share and spread the same stuff. We usually can't pick out the differences either; that's why we fall for it slowly without even realising it's happening.
One last thing.
You never deserve it. It did happen, it is happening, and you NEVER DESERVE IT.
Anyone saying otherwise has been radicalised and needs a serious wake-up-call kick up the arse. All the best intentions in the world of helping other people who are suffering and don't deserve it do not suddenly make it ok to attack Jewish people or say they deserve oppression, disenfranchisement and genocide. They do not and they never will. That is bigot talk. That is actual Nazi talk and it is never warranted or remotely justified.
(I, too, am ignorant of what Dhimmi is. Do you want to tell me about it? I'll look it up now too but I'm open if you feel safe to share. DMs are fine too if you prefer.)
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allsadnshit · 2 years
I'm feeling more and more like even though I share what I do about my opinions on the healthcare system and food and etc because I really deeply WISH someone else had put this perspective into my orbit when I was first sick and getting pumped full of birth control and constant ads for "sick women" that ultimately people have to choose for themselves what makes sense and sometimes talking so loudly about how toxic it is to be abusing substances, eating highly processed foods, and all that other stuff is actually just added guilt and pressure cause I remember how overwhelmed I was at "doing the right thing" for my body when I was constantly seeing such conflicting information everywhere
Nowadays I try to meet people with "trust yourself" when they come into my dm's about their endometriosis worries or pre diagnosis stress. We all know someone who says they cured themselves on a vegan diet. We all know someone who says they cured themselves in a heavily meat based diet! Honestly either is way better than perpetuating any sort of eating disorder. Do I recommend eating stuff full of canola oils and corn syrup? Definitely not but if you're going to be frozen in fear otherwise then I think maybe this isn't a next chapter moment for you! Maybe you need more time to work some things out and figure out what route you want to take.
I think the most important thing for chronically ill people is to trust how they feel about their illness and body and allow themselves to be curious about different paths to healing that are available in many different cultures and walks of life. I hate seeing people being gaslit and pressured by the medical system about stuff or trusting them and getting no answers or real help but feeling like it's somehow their own fault? No one asked to be sick and there is so much controversy about what it means to not be able bodied in America especially during covid and especially during an economic collapse that's barely being talked about.
My wish for myself and my community is to have the freedom to explore and choose for ourselves what we want to put into our bodies, our lives, and have real option with transparent information and disclosures available without judgement or pressure to handle illness any particular way! And however that looks for each other, for that to be respected.
That's what's on my mind today.
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kfanopinions · 1 year
Baekhyun Shadow Self (18+) Astrology Analysis
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disclaimer: i just want to say to please take this with a grain of salt. 1.) this is the first time i'm doing a shadow self analysis 2.) as i am not baekhyun, i can not confirm nor deny any of what i'll be talking about. 3.) there is an 18+ section which may or may not be true. i just thought when i looked into mine it was interesting so might as well add it ^^ note: please keep in mind that i was able to do this because of complete birth data provided. thank you
okay for those who might not know what a shadow self is, it is our parts of ourselves that we might deem unacceptable, our insecurities, things we hide away from others and even ourselves. i'm looking into baekyun's 12th house placements: sun and venus. also, i'll be looking into his lilith placement
insecure could be wearing a mask more often then not this mask wearing could be used to keep up the illusion that they are someone they're not
“who are you? who who who who?” undeveloped ego, can cause a person to be unsure of who they really are. this can lead to:
self denial || shyness || low confidence || low self-esteem
i'm addicted to... people with this placement may have an addiction/abuse drugs and alcohol. it's sort of like because they see their lives as an illusion (looking at their life through a tv/mirror) the drugs/alcohol could emphasize this illusion feeling
extremes they can have a tendency to exaggerate which can affect them and others (i'm keeping this vague on purpose)
all that glitters isn't gold people with this placement (if) they're famous they may have a turbulent life where they can feel a lot of pain
"where my demons hide" getting in touch with their subconscious inner demons may help resolve issues.
*i do want to note that a lot of information i was getting is that baekhyun may have a really hard time connecting to his subconscious. almost like he may push it back as far away as he can. this can also include any dreams that he may have. they can be clues to how he can possibly deal with some problems - it being on a subconscious level, he may not even think about his dreams in such a manner. this is just my interpretation though so please take it with a grain of salt.
don't push me away! may repress manifestations which can make it harder for himself to achieve things
time to set self limits! he may have a tendency to put up walls while his subconscious/inner self will try to tear them down. so it's this constant put up, tear down cycle
isolation for two please 💖 he may want to take his partner to an uncharted island just the two of them for some time, even if it's just an hour. with his venus in the 12th house it has this "exiled" feeling.
this may also cause him to fall for the wrong people and have a forbidden romance.
boundaries in love he should try to set boundaries because and this is my own interpretation but he could almost get gaslit into thinking he's the problem. with his venus in the 12th house it's like he can take on the feelings of his partner - this can cause him to feel hurt
say what you want gosh darn it! with his venus in the 12th house he may not be sure exactly what he wants in a relationship but his heart and soul is always searching for that divine connection
don't you know that you're toxic he, when isolating himself, can get really dark, like unresponsive dark. he may even get into a toxic relationship that is doomed to fail (which he probably knows) but its all to get out of this feeling of loneliness
guilt tripping okay this came up with having/wanting material possessions. taurus which is his sun and venus sign is an earth element. earth elements talk about wealth and material possessions. so it's not surprising he may want to have a comfortable living (money and possessions) but it's like he also feelings guilty at the same time for having it (?)
going along with this guilt tripping idea, both his sun and venus talk about having setbacks which he can see as "atoning" and i use this term lightly (he just feels like anything bad is probably justified) it also talks about suffering a great loss of wealth and/or property. so he could experience this as well.
inferiority complex i'll define this as a self-sabotage because he doesn't have a connection with his subconscious. decisions are based on his emotions and not logic
"you don't own me!" look his lilith is in aquarius so this man does not want to be "owned" he needs freedom like he needs air to breathe! i'm not exaggerating here but, as much as he wants freedom, he also want to belong and fit in with other people.
he needs to find balance with the freedom within his soul and the societal responsibilities that he has
"hi, it's me. i'm the problem it's me." jkjk but people with this placement struggle to connect to people on an emotional level. for them emotions are put on the back burner. so it might be hard for baekhyun to make those soul deep connections with people.
escapism he wants to escape the humdrum of boring everyday life
commitment problems
marriage (this is dependent on his other chart placements which i haven't nor will look into because its none of our business really) but he may not get married. people with lilith in aquarius do better with short and electric connections over long-term connections.
it all goes back to this feeling of wanting to be free and not restricted.
religion/teachers okay i'm not going to go in depth with this but he may want or has rejected/rebelled against religion (if he was brought up with it), or what he was taught (if he was restricted in someway)
traveling and foreigners seeing the world and learning about it (for himself) can shape his opinion on things (to which he won't change his mind once he forms his opinion). also meeting foreigners may help as well (?) lol
Plus-Side Info
because this was a heavier analysis i want to add some weird ass stuff i found out so any baekhyun fans let me know if you think this is true
sweets/candies he could like these a lot
secret talent (?) okay, so fans won't know this but he could be very good at something and not even his group members will know this. with sun and venus in the 12th house, the house of secrets, it's like he may find this fun and exciting that no one knows this about him (which i find adorable!)
below the cut (18+)
okay please i beg of you to take this with a f**king grain of salt! this is just a fun addition from all the heavier stuff above.
open about sexual experiences (i guess if someone were to ask he might and i stress might just openly talk about it lol)
trying out new things (experimental with positions, locations, etc.) but within reason
odd places/positions
"weird" kinks this could just be things like knife play/blood play (things we don't usually think about) i'm not saying it's this but think outside the box for this one
uses sex to escape reality / detached when having sex don't expect anything romantic here not gonna happen
sexual liberation
cheating i mentioned commitment issues above so he could end up cheating or his partner could cheat on him (and i'm not gonna say he likes it, but it may/may not bother him)
multiple partners maybe polyamorous (this might help with his feeling of not being "restricted")
toy usage
and this is all i'm going to say cuz sh*t got crazy haha
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