#so like even tho i wasnt sure that i would use them every day since it's only in very loud and busy environments where it gets triggered
This is your sign (if you're financially able to) to buy that support need you've been considering. If you've been thinking of getting a cane, just get one. If you've been wondering whether to invest in stuff for any sensory needs you might have, get it! If you think that fidget toy might help with your mental health issues, just take the leap. You literally never know until you try and the worst thing that can happen is that you just keep that item for rare occasions when you do need it or sell it on to someone you know does need it. Please don't suffer in silence because you're guilting yourself out of something that could drastically improve your quality of life <33
#case in point my dad leant me some money recently and i was able to buy ear plugs for my noise sensitivity#they arrived today and ive been testing them out for about 12 hours?#i went to kpd and we had the music louder than usual to hype up the energy since one of the korean lecturers was visiting to see what we do#i wasnt used to or expecting the noise levels so i popped them in and instantly felt calmer it was actually so weird but comforting#so like even tho i wasnt sure that i would use them every day since it's only in very loud and busy environments where it gets triggered#i took that leap and im already so much happier#like maybe i wont use them daily since my headphones are also noise cancelling but these are subtle comfy and filter noise w/o blocking it#and like obviously they were on the more expensive end for earplugs bc i wanted quality but i weighed up the vfm#and i can tell these will last me ages and come in handy for a wide range of uses#i even tried laying on them and! theyre comfier than any earplugs or headphones ive tried to sleep in before!!#so so happy#neurodivergent#gad#anxiety#autism(?)#support needs#disabilties#actually nd#psa#oh and btw before ppl twist my words disabled ppl with limited financial support/financial issues deserve support needs#as much as if not more so than anyone#i only put that bc i have ppl in my life with mental health issues who r impulsive spenders often w the excuse that 'its for my depression'#when what theyre buying is not a support need but rather a temporary object that has no function other than to provide a dopamine rush#if you are struggling with impulsive spending then it might not be as wise to buy smth that feels like support but isnt long term/practical
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jakesangel · 8 days
jake helping you w heavy periods -requested
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heavy periods isn't something funny. cramp pains on the lower side of your belly, so heavy they will even spread to your lower back and thighs. on the worst days, the discomfort even interferes in daily activities. but since dating jake he wouldnt leave you alone in this : being with jake, means being supported 100% at all times. at first he didn't get it tho : seeing you suddenly in pain and in some kind of mood he wasn't used to it, he would freaked out, thinking your mad at him. are you okay, baby ? did i do something wrong ? he'd pout to you, not understanding at first on your sudden change. after explaining him you current condition, he'd be relived to know you aren't mad at him but he'll still be sad to be helpless. he would be extra cuddly, rubbing your skin where he thinks would help you, or kissing those places. he would also be more soft on you, understanding that your mood swings are coming from your hormones n you are'nt purely mad at him
after that jake would never be unprepared again. he had bought heat pack for you lower body pains, snacks, pads or tampon of different size, n kept all of those in a designed place for you in his bedroom. jake would never leave his angel in pain alone, so either you're at his dorm or your own place, he will come to you w those product to help. you also don't need him to tell him when you get your periods, as he would track them thanks to phone apps. he won't tell you tho, he will just be extra caring on those days, leaving you comforting and supportive text messages and bringing you your favorite food and snacks on those days. he would even buy you a special plushie, he'd ask you to hug when he isn't there for you, dressing it w your fav shirt of his and spraying his perfume on it.
but one the days he is finishes his schedule earlier, he will come to you, without forgetting to bring the products he bought especially for those days. he would text you before coming over , telling you that he will use the emergency keys of your apartment. once arrived, he will super soft for you : he would become your legs and your arms, holding you in his arm, bridal style, because you are his princess, if you need to go to the toilet. he wouldn't hold you without making you laugh, dramatically playing like a knight, trying to make you forget about your current pain. i'm afraid that won't be possible, princess y/n, he'd say taking your body in his, me as your knight in armor, wouldn't less such princess use her feet in such situation, he would add, taking you to your bathroom. he would also make sure to keep the heat pack, warm on your body and his hands soothing your lower back, soothing you.
if your cramps are terrible, he would pout at your sight, feeling helpless is an awful feeling form him specially where youre the one in need of help. he will remain by your side tho, actively looking for pills against periods pains n would bring them along your snacks. he would then kiss you as a reward to be this strong for taking the médecine but also enduring this pain every month. you're so strong baby, i could never do it, hed say kissing your temple. or if your mood isn't the best, he will endure them and not make you feel invalid. oh baby why are you crying, he'd hold your face w both of his hands holding your cheeks, the movie is this munch for you right now, no ? he would then add, swiping away your tears. lets put something less emotional, m'okay baby ?, he'd finish, softly kissing you, adorationn spreading out of his body.
notes : hai anon here is ur request >< i wasnt so sure of what you wanted so i tried to stay general, tho i hope it still pleases you >< please lemme kno in the inbox !! i also hope youre done w ur periods <3
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey
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wiltkingart · 3 months
as another fruity tguy i really REALLY love the way u draw men so so much i see your work and i feel warm from head to toe cause you make trans men so beautiful. i can feel in every work that you love transmascs and being a tmasc and it comes thru in every paintstroke to me.
sorry to hijack with a big paragraph but last anon rly spoke to me and i wanted to share my experience if its ok
to last anon-- my journey is perhaps different from others but for me when i started T i also felt like it was the most important, life or death thing, but after spending time on T i found that even if the results werent as Manly as i was hoping for originally, i suddenly found myself in love with the simple fact that i had changed and my body had changed in a way that was on MY terms, even if it wasnt """perfectly passing"". since then ive found that not having T or having to lower my dosage was no longer painful or frightening.. im not sure how else to explain it other than At First, it felt like the testosterone was trying to fight Against the woman that Was my body, to sort of Transform it completely into this Man, but one day i just suddenly realized "oh. im not fighting anymore. and im actually pretty happy" and even tho i wasnt Perfectly masc by a long shot there was suddenly.. peace. i fell in love with my patchy body hair and my funny voice and my weird dick and then to my own suprise i found myself falling in love with the things i used to hate and wanted to get rid of. i suddenly loved my boobs (i wanted top surgery for YEARS before t) i loved my eyelashes, i loved the way my body looked in womens clothes, and i still loved being a man. im still a man and happier with that than ive ever been, but im more feminine now than i really ever have been! and its because suddenly being a man and having this mans body was something that belonged to ME, not to anyone else. this happiness and this body were on MY terms!!! so anon, i hope that you can try hormones and you get to explore the changes that bring you joy and that you find even more joy in the things you never expected before. but if you dont get hrt? youre still one of us always. i hope you will still find the love in your heart for yourself and the man you are regardless. peace and love and trangenderism ❤️
just want to add on that i relate heavily to your part about "falling in love with the things i used to hate and wanted to get rid of" because my chest was one of my biggest source of grief pre-T and could not imagine a life for myself without top surgery, and even injured myself from binding too much. but something about being on hrt and finally seeing and experiencing myself with more masc features (and living my life as a guy, in my own way) gradually flipped a switch in my brain and i started to love my boobs. and then when i stopped T i was worried and scared i would lose that love, but now i actually love them more than ever (if my art wasnt indication enough hehe). there's so many ways to be trans, and be a man, and i'm so grateful i gave myself the patience and space to explore that, and that i can continue to explore and experience joy with it. peace and love and transgenderism forever 💙
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dots-and-loops · 1 year
hello so apparently you can pin posts so I will use this power the best way i can, best hyperpop albums !!
warning: leftist wall of text about music, enjoy reading c:
fishmonger is a must no matter what you listen to, best hyperpop album out there. so much different genre mixings, so many creative ideas, so much oomfh in a single god damn album while still sounding really good. there is no bad song in this album yet there is so many elements from different genres. listen to it! its good really good it has alt/indie rock elements to it :D
jane remover is an artist who boggles my mind because the fella wasnt even 18 when she created the album that has shaped the hyperpop realm since the day it was posted, having effects to the genre to this day. album influenced the genre and i am sure of it! while some of the songs were removed from the album it is insanely fun and unique 4 songs to listen to.
apparently white tiger is digicore but it’s basically the same genre. smooth album, taking inspiration from others while still keeping it fresh and original with various cool and unique ideas. executed well and the songs transition very well, never felt like the song was forced into the album. definitely listen, this more experimental one. while the last 2 were more mainstream in the genre (that means if you listen to hyperpop you know these albums) this one not so much, but the internet sweaty nerds who listen to sematary and dg love 2hollis for some reason
sidenote: 2hollis’ new album “2” goes also extremely hard so listen to that too, even tho its more electropop
sidesidenote: i am pulling these genres from rym i dont differentiate the genres that much.
while frost children’s album “spiral” i didnt enjoy that much this one i enjoyed a lot. definite improvement can be seen. up there with fishmonger as one of the best imo, the beats of this song are impeccable. the lyrics are a point where they can improve but MAN, i can let that slide with the beats. they go hard. transitions between songs are also insanely well executed and make me tingle every time c:
very fun album, consistently high energy from start all the way till the end. all 3 six impala’s songs are very very good. hell, earwax imo is even better than wflytd. but this i would recommend listening to more, because this has everything and it has the everything in extreme quantities. have fun fucks
bit of a wild pick, since twikipedia previously made pretty generic hyperpop, but this album for some weird reason stuck to me. yeah the lyrics can be a bit lacking at some points and not all the features were,,, good. but something about this album is just, good. the beats are solid and unique even when inspired and i dont care about the lyrics when your singing voice is as good as theirs. the singing just somehow fits the music so well. it’s not what i have is so god damn underrated its borderline criminal, the song goes HARD. the buildup, delivery and the ending are just amazing. might be a bit different from previous albums but it’s a good listen. mark my words, in a few years time twiki will make an album up there with the best. but rn imo twiki needs more experience, few more albums and they are golden
honorable mention: food house - food house, SUMMER03 - midwxst, cypress grove - glaive.
sidesidesidenote: you have listened to (or at least have heard of) 100 gecs, i dont feel the need to add them here since the its pretty self explanatory. i will say that 1000 gecs was ass and 10000 gecs was miles better. sue me.
thats it, if i missed a good album then reblog or add a # or smth idfk i came here from reddit. soryy for broken english at some parts, i can use fancy dancy words all i want but english is not my first language and sentences can be confusing and broken sometimes :p. if you reached this far, first of all why and thanks for bearing my infodump, i like the silly beats music. i dont even care if you actually listen to them or not i just like talking about the albums :)
september 2023 update: frailty jane remover was an album i completely missed lmao ! listen to that too :D
after making this list i got informed about the artist duo black dresses, they are slaying hard their music bangs.
some more good albums/ep’s: recovery girl, despite everything it’s still user, I know theres something left for you
october 2023 update: listen to wallsocket listen to wallsocket listen to wallsocket listen to wallsocket listen to wallsocket
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wndaswife · 1 year
Hi, i wasnt sure if my ask got lost or if you haven't answered it yet (if do you have it please ignore this) but i was wondering if the heart necklace elizabeth wore as candy was an actual item candy wore (possibly pat giving it to her) or whether it was just the costume department giving this to her to wear? Since she pretty much wore it the entire show.
When I saw the final ep i was so surprised by the full murder scene, especially when the axe went into betty's head i was just 0_0. Next time I do watch it tho I'm def gonna have to count the times she swung it, to see whether they did 41 hits, i dont think they did and just skipped ahead. I think they should have made her keep going to get the full feel of just how many she did.
I have two other questions to ask since I didn't get them.
1:who the heck was that random woman who was with allan?? i mean she came out of now where and suddenly they were making out and i'm just???? i guess it sorta showed how little he really cared about his wife being murdered??
2: i dont really get what happened with don and the judge, when he had to give the court money, and then he went to jail for 24h? then later on he had to give them more money and he said in jail for 3 days? i dont know if you know more about what was going on and why he was in a cell for days?
What were your final thoughts on the final? I also found the ending..not weird but like..oh?? like them riding off into the sunset, and of course going past the motel.
no it didn’t have any significance in the book, that was all costume design n stuff!!! i think it sorta fits her, idk she seems like the type to really like heart shaped jewelry and think it’s super cute to get it as a gift or something… maybe she did get it from pat
well in the book she reaaaally liked those cheesy romance cards, she used to exchange them with pat all the time so i guess that was maybe related to it??
honestly i thought it would be more graphic because the book went into a lot more detail (but ofc tho like.. you’d have to be kind of ill looking for scenes in film that perfectly portray how the murder went in books because they tend to be a lot more descriptive, like the way the skull was broken into by the axe for example)
1. the random woman was a neighbor i believe or someone he worked with! in the book it was only implied they had a relationship or assumed by witnesses, but maybe i didn’t read into it right and it was for certain that they did have a thing. tho yes there is some passiveness from allan with the whole thing, he’s not really a likable person in my opinion
2. not sure if this law still applies and if it’s the same in every court, but even lawyers have to follows rules n stuff, so because don kept speaking out of line and kept breaking all these rules like don’t talk to the media, he was charged a fine and had to stay in jail for an amount of time
i talked more ab how i thought of the finale in another ask and i don’t wanna bore u if you already read it xddd but in case u didn’t, i liked the ending! in the book they only ended with the montomerys leaving wylie but i really loved how love & death added that sort of reflective part to all of it, and i really liked how they added the where r they now kinda thing at the end
how about you?? did u like it?
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the-rxven-king · 1 year
Still thinking about Amadeus all these years later 💕
Got any OCs you're currently obsessed with atm? The council of I Heart Amadeus would like to know, oh great one of many fabulous OCs~
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idk who you are and idk if i ever will but know that i think about you sometimes cause it makes my heart so happy that someone loves one of my characters so much even tho i get scared to talk about them more often cause i dont wanna be obnoxious, you are always amadeus anon in my heart and i love you pls come into my inbox whenever you want to ask about whatever i will try to answer quickly sometimes it just takes a while for my brain to feel ready but i will Always try to answer questions about my ocs
i will ramble about some of my characters under a cut i dont wanna flood anyones dash with my bullshit if they dont want it!!! anyone playing in a campaign with me..... proceed with caution if you read!!! even tho i am coming back to this after deciding i needed to be done and. i didnt say too much spoilery shit. i didnt even talk backstory much. its fine.
as for ocs im obsessed with i am Entirely Not Normal about my character nowell, i wasnt fully normal about him when i first made him, but at the time i was only really talking to my ex and all the parts of nowell that really made him Nowell to me were things he didnt want to discuss so i didnt get to explore him to his full capacity. i dont blame him since nowell is one of the darkest characters??? ive ever made???? in terms of the things hes gone through? i affectionately call him a walking trigger warning. but it still made me sad sometimes
now tho? when i was able to put him into a modern horror dnd campaign and i played him a bit before our current hiatus? where ive gotten to fully explore him and every single facet of him, good and bad? it really unleashed him fully in my brain and it kinda makes me really emotional. i fully developed his backstory out more than i felt i could before (because what did it matter before if i could never utilize it? had to dull him down to be easier to deal with and honestly i think thats had an effect on his character now too) and ive learned more about him, hes grown into himself and he truly is out here changing my brain chemistry. i love him so, so, so much and i have drawn him more than any other oc i have im pretty sure. hes my most drawn son and i really wish i was braver about posting oc art on my blog now a days like i used to be in the past because i love my art of him. im pretty proud of it and the way hes made me want to create again. i just wish i could do him more justice yknow??? g uh hes everything to me im holding him so so gently in my arms
and also my boy veth???? g o d i love him sm especially since i!!! recently got to confirm/drop a big lore reveal about him in my campaign thats been going for like 2 years at this point!!! my party finally knows hes the only survivor of the royal family of kuzania and thus the rightful heir to the throne and not the BBEG whose currently ruling! i feel So Free now that i can mention his princely-ness truly i do. hes just. so sweet and so lovely and hes everything i love in a character cause truly i just accidentally made My Type in a man and now its just veth. the only way he could be even more my type is if he was a tiefling instead of an elf but he makes up for that by being like. 1/4 platinum shadow dragon. and one day thats gonna pop out with him i know it to be so. i want him to be able to have a bit of a draconic-ish form because of how STRONG that 1/4 dragon blood is. im gonna work on it eventually, but im v happy with him hes so pretty and i adore him
he also recently canonically got with a PC in the campaign (hes a main story npc!!!) and im So Not Normal About Them theyre driving me up a wall and i literally cried over them earlier this week because my friend came at me with a fuckin baseball bat of an answer to a vague scenario/question i told them about cause im batshit and think about character scenarios every day of my life.
im also leaving my setting for that campaign open for friends who arent playing in it to make characters and throw em in and one of my friends made an au of a character she already had that im Deeply And Completely Obsessed With named creed to put him into this world specifically to date veth cause theyre obsessed with veth like i am their chara and we had joked like "aha what if we just picked them up like barbies and made them kiss just to see if it worked out" and now they are literally The Couple Ever. like there have never been 2 men who were more perfect for each other in this entire world and the way they have a fuckin grip on me. i have also cried over them several times. veth is a poly king and by GOD is he winning rn. we have made this au version of creed canon in stadalon so veth is gonna have TWO boyfriends!!!! perhaps 2 husbands! perhaps 3!!!! cause another friend has an oc to kiss him with!!! we shall see!!!!
guuuuh and also my vampire spawn shadow genasi/tiefling requiem??? recently hes been So Loud in my head. i specifically made him to romance a character my friend made (same one who made creed) named harbinger cause i saw him and immediately fell head over heels and begged her to let me kiss him and other friends in the call at the time he was shown immediately jumped on the bandwagon wanting to make characters in relation to him (2 of them made siblings for him, theyre triplets! and the other just decided to make the most normal man ever (a fuckin lie. theyre Not Fucking Normal) because of the triplets happening and me being like imma out-goth this goth tiefling and out came requiem) and the last friend in call decided hell why not make a whole campaign out of these losers just for this One Blue Tiefling Our Friend Made That We All Love.
in campaign shit is Constantly Happening but me and them were talking and she told me that harbinger is finally starting to get to a point hes falling for him and requiems already been there cause hes disney prince ass level falls hard and fast. im cheering and screaming and kicking and crying i love them so much we keep talking future scenarios for them and im so deeply in love with how soft and gentle and adoring theyre going to be with one another one day and i would die for them both.
plus i just. Love requiem sm hes such a big soft sad bastard and the fact that he loves and cares so fuckin deeply and hes so kind? so open? so genuine? was not in the plans when i first sat down to play him he was supposed to be more moody and a bit more intense than he is now. he held my face before i even opened my mouth to play him and said no. i am kind. i am patient and understanding and i was born to love and to take care of people. i have also cried over him. i love him so so much and im just guuuUUUH yknow what i mean.
anyway. ill leave it at those 3!!! or i will never shut up!!! i have more ive been thinking about a lot recently but i will leave it at my 3 most precious blorbos if you made it this far i adore you pls take all my love
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2022, a crashing rollercoaster
Hey you,
its been a while. Ok yeah, maybe a little more than "a while". The year is over, and i think its time to reflect. But first, let me catch you up on everything thats happened since I last came on here.
Im still in Leeds, and will realistically stay here until I leave for University. Youre probably wondering what happened, why im not in Singapore. Well... my dads job didnt think he had enough experience, so what was supposed to be a delay, turned into a cancellation. So I have basically had to go to a school i wasnt supposed to be at in the first place, for a whole half-year. It was absolutly horrible and I had no friends. There were three (sometimes four) nice girls who I would sit with during snack and lunch. But it was almost always just us sitting in silence or me going on the computer in front of me, so I didnt look like an absolute fucking loser. I would go on VG and read the news every day and must have looked like such a loner to the people behind me. The girls were nice, but I didnt feel like we ever got to know eachother, I felt so fake the entire time.
And dont get me fucking started on the morning forms. I fucking hated coming in there just to sit in awkward silnce while staring ahead. And those horrible meditation sessions that the form tutor would do. I would just sit there with my hands in my lap, hoping for it to end. The girl sitting next to me was nice tho. I think she could tell I wasnt enjoying myself. I can honestly say I had no friends in that place, and that it was single-handedly the worst school experience I had ever had. And I know parts of it was my fault. I wasnt willing to make friends because everything felt so temporary. Even being in England still does. But wait, why are you talking in past tense? Im happy you asked. You see, I begged my dad to send an email to IB headquarters and ask to get the official copy of my diploma so I can apply directly into college (Englands equivalnce to highschool), without having to take their middle school exam (because fuck that!). And it luckily arrived on the last day of chistmas break... so I dropped out.
The plan now is that im going abroad to stay with my aunt until september, because I honestly just cant deal with staying in this horribly sad country. Everything about it is sad. The weather, the food, the disgustinly chlorinated water, the people, the buildings, even their fucking buildings are sad. I just cant fucking deal with it, It so similair to back home. No, its ven worse here. What was even the point of moving.
I have been so incredibly stressed because of the whole situation and its really taken a tole on me. I have had so much anxiety, to the point where I cant even sleep at night without panicking. Im constantly tired, I have lost so much weight, I have a breast infection in both my breasts (to be fair, I did have it before coming here), im depressed, and honestly, a little sui*idal.
To make matters worse, my parents have become religous freaks. And its definelty not helping that my mom has befriended some super religous woman, with the same background as us. Theyre making me do some weird post-menstruation shower ritual every fucking month (yes, theyve been tracking my period, gross!). Dont get me wrong, I dont actually end up doing them. I protest for a while and then I lie and pretend like ive done it. Around two weeks ago my dad came to my room to tell me to do the ritual, and I told him I couldnt because I was sick (and i actually was). Long story short, he didnt believe me and started yelling at me. I told him he was pressuring me into becoming religious. He freaks out and basically threatens me and pushes me (at some point even yanking my phone out of my hands, saying hes going to take it from me). All this while my mom watches and doesnt do anything besides saying my dads name and grabbing his arm every now and them. She even left at some point, but made sure to come back to gaslight and guiltrip me. I told her that if anyone touched me ever again I would call the cops immidielty. I havent really spoken to dad since. Its honestly really strained the relationship with my parents, and its making me realise that we will never have a normal relationship. In some ways I wish I could just be religous so I could save myself the anger, stress, and constant fighting with my parents. But whenever I give the idea further thought, I cringe. Even religion is ruined for me because of them. I feel that I shouldnt be religous, as revenge. The only way I could ever see myself becoming religous, is if I married a muslim man, and he helped me heal from all this fucking trauma. But I dont think I will do that. The only upside is that he wouldnt leave me, because of the stigma of divorce in muslim communities. But heck, I honestly just want to be loved. As gross and sappy as that sounds.
This year was supposed to be filled with laughs, new starts, new frienships, money, and much more. And instead I got none of it. I dont know, maybe this is what I deserve. Its safe to say that 2022 was my worst year yet. There were some highs, but mostly lows. Real fucking lows.
Im honestly just happy that I get to leave this wet-red brick country (even if its just temporarly), and hopefully in the meantime, my dad will get a job somewhere else so we can leave. If not, University is my only way out.
Now youre pretty much all cought up with whats worth to be cought up on. Before I leave, Ill share my new years resolutions and what I hope to focus on in 2023.
New years resolutions:
-Drink 2L of water a day, Gain weight, Workout once a week, Grow finger and toe nails, start daily journal, Grow hair and repair hairline, Get a new hobby, Grow eyebrows and eyelashes, Read 3 books, Solve Cains Jawbone, Clear skin, and to watch a musical live.
And in 2023 I hope to repair (as much as possible) my mental and physical health.
That would be all for now, until next time! <3
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Meeee. I want a longer version of the voyeur deku and bully kacchan. but in kacchan's pov tho. 💜💜💜👀
My dear anon. You ask and so you shall receive 💓
Pt.1, Pt.2
Tw: implied gangbang, stalking, implied noncon
If there’s one thing Katsuki Bakugo hated more than Deku, it was you.
No, actually, scratch that.
He couldn’t stand you around Deku.
As his childhood friend-or rival, whatever the fuck you wanted to call it, Bakugo knew Deku like the back of his hand.
He knew how he liked his breakfast, eggs runny with cheese and pepper sprinkled in the middle. He knew how crazy he could be as a fanboy for All Might, collecting over 500 antiques of the hero. He knew how he liked spring better because then he could stand under the Sakura trees and close his eyes in bliss while the petals floated softly down on his face.
He knew how he liked to steal your panties and jerk off to them.
He knew that his favorite position to watch him rape you from the front so that he could see every expression while you were filled to the brim with cum.
How the fuck could you be so blind?
Did you not notice the way your undergarments slowly started to vanish, one by one? Did you not realize who’s handwriting it was when you found yet another threatening yet lewd note in your locker? You had to actually be brain dead to not catch on to how he was always the last person out, just to trail behind and watch how your ass swayed when you walked out of the classroom.
But no, apparently you were even more stupid than he thought.
Because instead of correctly matching a face to actions, you thought him, Bakugo fucking Katsuki was the one doing all of this.
He supposed he couldn’t actually hold it against you though. I mean, he was the one slipping a hand up your shirt when you were walking out said door, he was the one who was shoving you against the lockers right when you were about to unlock it and find the notes, and he was the one who tore your panties in two, dangling them in front of your face while you pleaded for him to give it back. He never did, of course, he simply threw them over his shoulder and proceeded dragging you away so he could fuck you in privacy.
But he guesses there wasn’t much privacy if he was being watched all the time.
It was actually pretty typical of Deku. To leech off of what he left behind and try to claim it as his own. First his All Might obsession, then his shoot style, and now you? It’s pathetic, but typical.
He should’ve realized it wasn’t the shadows moving in the corner of his eyes when he was buried to the hilt inside your warmth. When the hairs stood at the back of your neck in the showers, it wasn’t because he was fucking you dumb, it was because someone else’s moans were in synch with his.
But it’s okay, because he knows and you don���t. He knows how the dweeb looks at you, how he sports a tent in his pants when you innocently lay a hand on his shoulder, he knows why your window is broken even though you fell asleep with it intact.
He catches Deku one day. He catches him red handed like the little rat he is.
It was so easy, too, the green haired little shit follows him around like some lovesick puppy anyways. Sometimes he can’t tell if he’s following you or himself.
You walk home from your night classes one evening, when the night is darker than your own shadows and the stars barely dust across the sky. No one else is around, and so you clutch your bag a little more tightly against you whenever you hear a leaf or a start car rustle in the trees surrounding your path back to the dorms.
Bakugo knows your schedule, of course. You take English and Statistics in the morning and save Quirk Training for the evening when you’re the most tired-a stupid plan, in his opinion.
Or at least he thought, at first. Turns out that you’re the easiest to follow when you’re spent and covered in bruises from being thrown against rocks and burned by fire from class. He wishes he could’ve seen you in person when that all happens, but it doesn’t matter when you’re stumbling down the cobblestone path towards your dorm, deaf and blind to any person that might be right behind you.
You just want to go home, he can accept that. Especially when he can so easily trail after you, merely 20 feet away on the same path as you. No one would suspect he’s up to no good from the leisurely way he strolls with his hands in his pockets, and he would bet his entire life that you wouldn’t waste a second to turn around and check your surrounding in favor of hurrying up to your room so you can sleep the aches away.
He might be subtle, but Deku isn’t.
The fucker hides in the bushes and almost crawls like a bug in the foliage after his two favorite people. It’s not even a clever disguise because his hair is three shades lighter than the leaves on the thickets.
Bakugo can hear the twigs snap and rustle as he bumbles around trying to be inconspicuous. He rolls his eyes and turns around, a deep scowl on his face.
“You’re not fooling anyone you bastard. Get the fuck out here right now before I blast you away.”
It doesn’t even take a full three seconds before Deku’s head meekly pops up and he gives a weak smile.
“H-hey Kacchan. Nice to see you here, I just dropped my papers-“
“No you didn’t. How long have you been following us?”
Deku blanches and slowly lifts his eyes to meet Bakugo’s. His mouth might’ve tried to open and refute the accusation, but when he saw the subtle smirk in the latters eye he found himself caring less about being caught.
“Howd you know?”
“You fuckin’ kidding me?” He scoffs and takes a quick glance back at you to ensure that you hadn’t walked too far off. You were still slowly trudging away, an easy distance for him to cross. “You’re about as stealthy as my quirk you freak.”
Deku laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head, also trying to quickly turn his head to see where you are.
“You likin’ the show so far?”
“Huh?” The green haired boy snaps his head back to him, blushing furiously now.
“You heard me. And don’t pretend to be so scandalized, you’re not holier than thou.”
The low voice to an almost predatory tone makes Deku drop the act. He straightens up a bit taller and his eyelids lower, his brows raised in a mocking sneer of some sorts. His lips curl and his teeth gleam in the moonlight, almost looking like fangs.
Bakugo has to remind himself for a moment not to back up a step.
“Yeah, I’m likin’ it.”
“I knew it. I bet you watched us every time we fucked, you bastard. Next time I’ll make you pay for front row seats since that’s where you always seem to be.” He crosses his arms and stares Deku down.
But the other doesn’t cower. Instead, his expression morphs into that of a weird hopeful look.
“I wouldn’t exactly say fucked is the right word. I’d say raped is better, Kacchan.”
It’s the utter confidence and ease in which he says this that makes Bakugo do a double take, his scowl breaking for a moment.
But he regroups. He knew this little shit was weird and fucked up, but he didn’t realize he was twisted beyond repair. In reality, he knew he was actually having sex with you without your full consent but hearing it from a guy like Deku made it so much worse.
It made his heart pound a little faster, while it made Dekus mouth water.
“Yeah? You liked watching me motorboat and fuck her tits? You liked hearing her scream for me, scream to get away from me too?”
And even in the shadows from the trees he can see how hard the degenerate nods his head eagerly like a dog waiting for its bone.
Even though he doesn’t like how the glint in his eyes darken with each vile word coming from his own mouth, he can’t help but go further down this rabbit hole and see how much Deku can take before he snaps-he’s never seen him so hungry for something before, except for when he would be around All Might.
So he eggs him on.
“I bet you got off on watching her struggle underneath me, didn’t you?” It’s less of a question and more of a statement to which Deku confirms.
“I did. I got off so many times I thought I’d have to get it checked out. But honestly, I think you could do better.”
Katsuki wasnt expecting that response.
“Who the fuck are you to-“
“Have you ever really savored the look of fear in her eyes? Have you ever tied her up and really played with her?”
His voice gets stuck in his throat as Deku continues.
“She’s pretty when you fill her up, but I can’t help but wonder..what would she look like with every hole plugged?”
He has no right looking so shy and nervous when such filth leaves his salivating lips. A drop of spit falls to the cobblestone and as Bakugo grimaces and steps back a bit, he realizes that he has not given his childhood rival as much credit for being a creep than he actually is.
“No fucking way. You better not be suggesting you get in on any of this action. She’s fuckin’ mine and I’ll be damned if I have to share her with some useless fuck like you.”
“I promise I won’t be useless, Kacchan. I’ll make sure to keep her moving at all times. She won’t stop bouncing when I’m with her, please, please let me give it a try too.”
And when he doesn’t look convinced, Deku rambles on like a madman. “I’ll even gag her with her own bloodstained panties so that she can shut up and I can focus better. I won’t ask you for her pussy either, I’ll take her ass or throat instead if you want!”
Katsuki wishes he didn’t hear the childhood boyish eager in his voice as he spoke.
He also wishes his dick didn’t get quite so hard when all of that was said.
“God, just shut up already, she’s getting farther now. Okay look, I’ll let you give it a go this one time only so that I can fuck her in peace without you staring at my ass the entire time.”
Dekus eyes light up and he lifts a leg over to step over the hedges. “Really, you mean it? I can fuck her too?”
Bakugo snarls and turns away, heading towards the same path you took. “Whatever, just don’t think this is gonna be a regular kind of thing. I worked hard to get myself a toy and I’ll be damned if you fuck it up for me.”
And when they both join the other towards you, there’s a moment when you glance back that you think the shadow that has been following you this whole time has turned into two.
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voidgearr · 2 years
Since it is Sora’s birthday im gonna list stupid ideas/headcanons for his birthdays in general. Warning its a lot
-Riku has painstakingly planned out every aspect imaginable. He has gone over what could go wrong, who’s coming, EVERYTHING.
-Kairi makes sure to keep Sora from not spoiling any of the surprise for himself, even though they have a surprise party every year. She usually takes him on a date somewhere while frantically asking everyone if they’re ready or not.
-Roxas, Axel, and Xion all help bake a cake. There’s a couple scrapped ones because Riku kept telling them it wasnt “right” (or they genuinely screwed it up). Roxas and Xion got to decorate it!! They had a lotta fun :D (Bonus: Axel tried using pyrokinesis and that didnt go too well)
-Ventus and Aqua are just trying to calm everyone down. Its very frantic on the islands during Sora Birthday Planning Day (tm). They’re also decorating!!
-Terra is doing everything— Decorating, helping bake the cake (who knew he was such a skilled baker?), making sure Riku doesn’t have a breakdown or get overstimulated, the whole works. He may be a himbo, but he is very talented i love him so much
-Goofy and Donald show up last minute with like. wayy too many gifts. They want their son to have the best day ever tyvm.
-Sora has the same reaction as he does every year. It’s always genuine tho! He loves surprises and parties r always super fun for him :)
-Bonus bonus I think Vanitas would TRY to crash the party but not understand what is happening, and when Vani says he’s never celebrated “his,” Sora immediately starts planning Ventus and Vanitas’ parties. He does not know their birthdays (yet). Actually, he needs to find out everyone’s birthday…
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bakugou thoughts pt 2001847471 :)))
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- if u go to the park, and somebody is like, walking their dog n the animal barks at y’all??? bakugou is barking back. mans full on squares up, n barks at the dog until it backs off
- he rarely gets into shows/series, but when he finds one he likes, he’ll only watch the first few episodes and then make u watch the rest with him. he’ll always say sum “if i dont watch with you, then i gotta make extra time for your needy ass. ‘m prioritizing my fuckin’ time. it doesn’t mean anything, shut up.” ...... he’s lying. it does mean something. it means he wants to share the things he likes with u
- pls he’s so smart, and generally pretty aware, but sometimes he’ll just do something so duMb. like, u kno that thing that happens sometimes with hair?? like, when it sticks to ur fingers and no matter what u do, u can’t get it off?? bakugou is literally breaking his wrist a foot away from u, shaking his hand back and forth and cursing soooo loudly. u just gotta go up to him and gently remove the hair from him like “oh honey- no.”
- peanut gallery comments. lots of them. mans will sit fully dead silent, not talking for the whOle day, but the second u do something embarrassing?? like trip??? suddenly he has a LOT to say ..... smh men
- animals just always like him. its absolutely unexplainable bc he’s so loud n moves super suddenly,,, but the amount of street animals that follow him home is ridiculous. srsly. sometkmes he even has other people’s pets trying to follow him home
- respects absolutely no one n that somehow strangely makes him the most respectful u’ve ever seen??? like- he hates everyone the exact same so u won’t ever catch bakugou in an act of discrimmination
- he can’t draw at all but if u asked him to draw something, it’ll be the same skull every single time. it’s a good skull, but it’s soooo obvious he learned how to draw it from a tutorial in the midst of his emo phase
- will fully make fun of others for baby-talking around their s/o, n then just fully go home n look at you like “tired.” “hungry.” “kiss.”...... like okay baby man, maybe try putting a full sentence together before u start trying to run your mouth. hypocrite.
- probably sleeps like the dead. contrary to popular belief, i absolutely do not believe he’s up at every single noise. man’s could sleep thru an explosion, im sure of it. that being said tho, it’s probably actually hard for him to turn his brain off n fall asleep. he prob goes to bed so “early” bc he has to wind down for a good hr or two until he’s ready to actually sleep
- he’s got a vendetta against salespeople. like, if his phone rings with some bullshit about a product? if somebody, god forbid, tries to walk up to your door? fully frothing at the mouth annoyed. will chew out any employee who’s too underpaid not to listen to him
- eats like an absolute animal. no rlly, its bad. holds his spoon with a fist and digs at his meal like its the gold rush. the worst table manners you’ve ever seen rlly
- he gets sorts antsy if he sits for too long, so he’s always off doing random shit. like, u’ll look out the window n he’s just like, raking the .3 leaves from ur driveway, probably trying to guess where the wind will be so they wont blow back
- ik this with my heart and soul okay,,, bakugou has never had a conversation with u that wasnt from exactly .2 meters away. like,, if he’s comfortable, then he’s just close all the time. like he’s waving his hands around and yelling and you just have to take his face in ur hands and go “im literally right here. ily but pls tone it down for the sake of my hearing.”
- very much guard dog behavior when y’all go out. absolutely will not leave ur side for even a second, like, at a bar or during a concert. even if u go to the bathroom he’s like, leaning against the wall and waiting right outside the door
- gets absolutely bitchy about your phone blowing up while you’re hanging out. its not that he’s suspicious that ur, like, cheating on him, it’s just that he doesnt understand why u’d even leave ur phone on in the first place since he always has his turned off when ur around. if he gets annoyed enough he’ll fully take the phone out of ur hands, say sum “yeah, you don’t fuckin’ need this anymore. you’re done with this.” n toss it across the room while he kisses u senseless
- tbh his ultimate love language is 100% playfighting. v much would go heart eyes if u even seemed like u might try n wrestle him. obvi u dont win, but his favorite is how u laugh while he pins ur hands above ur head
- he sneers at other angry people. will fully, fully sit there like “jesus christ, they need to calm the hell down. annoying as shit- fuckin’ loud too.” ....... -i. who’s gonna tell him
- silent conversations with ur eyes. no rlly. if y’all are with friends and somebody says something questionable, bakugou is immeadiately turning to u, eyes hardly even shifting but u just know he’s hurling insults in his head
- he doesnt realize his own strength sometimes. like- he knows he’s strong, but if u ever open a door n ur like “woah, careful, this is heavier than it looks” bakugou is .2 steps behind u practically ripping the damn thing off it’s hinges. he’ll look at it, huffing like he doesn’f even understand the issue
- he rlly likes when u call him by his name. pet names are fine, but he srsly is super soft for the simple stuff. like when u look over at him, all excited, smile wide like “hey katsuki, u gotta see this! c’mere!”
- his road rage is severe. no rlly. bakugou drives like every day is a race n he’s one win away from going formula one. you’re pretty sure that the only reason he passed his license test is bc the instuctor was too terrified to tell him no
- bakugou probably does that thing where if you’re sitting on the counter top, watching him cook, he’ll stand between ur legs. hands on ur thighs or resting on ur hips while you tell him about your day
- can’t explain this one, but he doesnt kill spiders. he takes them outside. says sum “they eat ticks, idiot. what- you actually want a fuckin’ blood disease? Hah? ‘m not gonna kill it. motherfucker’s gotta earn his keep before dyin’ just like the rest of us.” while he v gently picks the spider up into his hand and walks it outside
- ik that his one cheat food is sugary cereal. like, he’s a health freak, but the one thing he can’t help but make a concession for is sugary cereal on the weekends
- he’ll sometimes get in this over-stimulated mood where everything pisses him off, n the only thing u can do is leave him alone. u learn this quick bc his anger doesn’t discrimminate and if u push him even after he tells u what’s up?? pls bakugou will lash tf out. at u. like, ik y’all like to write it but that whole “it’s okay- it’s just me. just look at me.” thing does not work with him,,, u literally gonna get merc’d if u try
- he’s probably a guy who’s gonna be super big on passing touches. like he drops his hand on ur head when he passes, or bumps his shoulder into urs when he laughs. no footsies tho. too sappy even for him- pls if u tried to initate that he’d crush ur toes under the table aHAHAHA
- feeds every street cat he comes across. is probably super fond of the ones with a bunch of scratches/scars on them. he’d die if u knew, but one time u caught him feeding a scratched up calico n going “bet u beat his stupid ass, right? that’s my girl. we always win, huh?”
surprise suprise,, my brain rlly never shuts the hell up about this man
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isabella-111 · 2 years
Are you still doing ships ? If so I would love for you to do one. I would love a marauders era one!! I always felt like I would get along with Remus and my friends have said the same but with James Potter lol but I wasn't to sure.
I'm 18 and 4'11 but I have a big attitude and are very protective of people I care for but I can be calm and collected when I want to be. I'm very clumsy (tripping over my own feet or the sidewalk). I say "How Rude"(Stephanie-full house) alot so I guess it could be a little catchphrase. I'm a cancer and Hufflepuff so equally a big sweetheart but with an attitude who acts like I could end you💀(I'm to clumsy for that). I can be very loud coming from a loud Puerto Rican family my voice raises just to talk. I listen to alot of old school music(Eminem, snoop dog etc) but also I listen to Doja cat and alot of musicals. I used to be in choir till I transferred to a new school middle of senior year. I tend to take my grades seriously but not enough to get super high in my classes. I like to read but I also like to collect books and stickers and pins. I act like a child at heat 🙂😂. I love building Legos like I could sit there for hours and build. I'm very girly like feminine in a way like I like skirts and dresses but also jeans and heels. I like skin care as well. I care for people very deeply and I'm a good listener. My friends are my family.
I hope I gave enough info lol sorry it's alot
But who would you ship me with ??
A/n : dont be sorry i love when people have long requests makes to easier to write for them....hope you like it
your friends were right i ship you with James potter
- i do believe that you and remus are great friends tho actually I think thats how you and James met
- i imagine you guys met like this
You and remus walking down the stairs of the hufflepuff common room to get to the party you and the other hufflepuffs were hosting
You had tripped on your heel almost falling down the last step when the boy know as james grabbed you before you could fall
James: did you just fall from heaven cause you look like a angel
James : * chuckles * sorry I couldn’t resist it but are you alright
You : * laughs * yes sorry bout that
James : no problem darling
Remus : soo i suppose you guys already met james this is y/n , y/n this is james
James : hi nice to meet you y/n
You : nice to meet you too....can you out me down please sorry that’s rude of me
James : its not love and yes of course sorry * he puts you down and blushes embarrassedly and half flustered *
You : thank you james I appreciate you saving my life
James : anytime love but now can i ask you to dance
You : id love to
James : i wasnt joking about you looking like an angel
You : * laughs *
* you and james dancing *
Remus : look at those crazy kids * he says sarcastically*
Sirius : yup he just tannered his way into her heart and i love it its like a film
Remus : im sorry sirius but teen beach movie is not a film
Sirius: * rolls his eyes * stfu you don’t even know
Remus : * laughs *
- drunken karaoke to old d12 music with james>>>
- james would be aw of your singing voice and how amazing you sounded thats why he started calling you angel cause he always says “ you have the voice of a angel my love”
- you and james building levels would be so hilarious cause you would both get way to into it
You : james that doesn’t go there
James : i think i know where it goes
You : do you tho ?
James : no but I’ll figure it out
You : james thats bot how legos work
- james would suprise you with book and stickers randomly just so he could see you smile
- james would make sure that you got a pin from every single place you guys traveled too
- james utterly adores you and he has since the day you quite literally fell into his arms
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jeo9n · 3 years
Majesty || JJK
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre : Angst,fluff,smut,King Jungkook
Warnings : angst, future smut, reader is like rlly shy:/, mean jungkook, virgin reader.
this is my first fanfic pls be nice to me🥺 also let me know if i made any mistakes.
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Growing up poor was never easy. ever since my siblings and I were younger our mom tried everything to provide a good life for us. Her being a single mom of 3 children and having to work all the time was rough. Nonetheless our mom made sure we had a good childhood. As i grew older i started noticing how hard our mom worked for us. I wanted to start working too so our mom could get a little rest. So I started working at small bakery in our small village even tho I didn’t really liked it there.   
My two older brother’s were already married and had a family of their own and had long since moved out. My mom wanted me to get married really bad. She kept on looking for a potential husband for me, but none of them would ever chose me to as their wife. And i was honestly happy about that. The idea of marrying some stranger and leaving my mom behind wasn’t something that I wanted to do. But I knew I had to get married eventually.
There were some news going around that a new mysterious King was looking for a wife. flyers have been passed around for a "potential wife competition“ here and there, who would even attend such a thing? anyway, that’s all that was being talked about in the village young girls being excited for potentially marrying a King and becoming his wife. I honestly felt bad for them. Why would a King even marry a poor girl when he could marry a girl that came from a more wealthier family?
A few days have passed and the day for the competition was becoming nearer and nearer. As i was walking home from the small Bakery that I work at with some baked goods for my mom and I, I could see every mom going crazy for the upcoming day, every mom made sure that their daughter looked the absolute best. In hopes that the King takes interest in one of these girls. As i reached home my mom greeted me with a hug. „how was work?“ she asked „good i brought something to eat“ i said as i handed her the basket i was holding with a smile on my face. She took them and put them on a plate for us to eat. „so have you heard the news?“ she asked „what do you mean? What news?“ I asked her with a confused look on my face „you know what news“ she said while sipping on her tea. „The King is looking for a wife.... and I was wondering since you’re still not married and probably won’t be for a while why don’t you.... participate in the competition?“ she looked at me with a hopeful look on her face „Mom no. I don’t want to participate in such a thing.“ i said while munching on my croissant. „You know Y/n I don’t think it would be a such bad thing, both of your brothers are already married and have a family of their own, don’t you want the same thing?“ she asked. Well, i do want a family... but i want to find my Partner naturally not at a competition with thousands of other girls.
„I don’t even know what he looks like mom for all we know, he could be some old disgusting looking guy that has a fetish for younger girls“ I said with a look of disgust on my face. „Well, yeah, your right“ she said. „But he could also be some good looking guy but if you don’t participate, we’ll never know...“ she said while finishing her cup of tea. Okay maybe she’s right and it won’t be such a bad thing... participating won’t hurt right? Because my mom was right it’s time for me to get married. „ I‘ll think about it okay? Im gonna go head to bed now tho i’m really tired. goodnight mom.“ I said while giving her a kiss on her cheek. „thank you sweetheart.“ I heard her saying as i was walking to my room.
The day of the competition came sooner than i thought it would. My mom kept on bugging me to say yes so I eventually agreed to attending the competition. Ever since then my mom made sure i looked my absolute best. She bought me a long white nice looking dress, made sure that my hair always looked shiny and healthy. And i honestly felt so pretty my dress hugged my figure so nicely and my hair looked so beautiful all thanks to my mom. „You look so beautiful y/n i’ll miss you so much“ she said with tears in her eyes, as if i won’t come back home with her later tonight. „Relax mom it’s not like i’m getting married or something.“ I said while giggling. „Well you might“ she said with a big smile on her face. „I won’t.“ I said while rolling my eyes but she just looked at me with that smile still on her face. „Come on we don’t wanna be late“ she said while grabbing my hand, and leading me to where the competition was gonna be held.
Almost an hour later my mom and I arrived at this huge building. It was one of the biggest building i have ever seen. There were so many pretty flowers surrounding it, I was in awe at the sight that was in front of me. As i was looking around i noticed all the other girls and started feeling a little self conscious... they all looked so pretty with their colorful dresses while I was here wearing a boring white dress. How would I even stand out among all these girls? I doubt the King would even look at me.
An old Man with a smile on his face started approaching us „good evening ladies you all look beautiful i must say.“ He said with a big smile on his face. „ I know the weather is beautiful today but the King would rather have all you girls inside“ he said, while stretching his arm out pointing to the building. „let’s go ladies“ he started walking towards the entrance and we all followed him.
The room itself where the competition was being held wasn’t that big as I thought. But the old man told us it’s because, the King wanted to get a close look at us. So, he chose a smaller room so he could look at all of us more closely. ...I was so nervous my hands were trembling and i kept picking at my nails a habit of mine that i never got rid of. Even tho my mom told me stop many times. All the other girls seemed to be not as nervous as I was. They were all taking to each other, except for me I stayed by myself sat at a table. I didn’t feel like talking, I was way too shy to approach any of them anyway.
30 minutes later the King arrived. The doors to the room have opened, and the King and the older man from earlier started walking inside. There were gasps coming from all the girls, as soon as they saw his face. I was at the back so I wasnt able to see his face yet, but I once I did My eyes widened and my heart started beating faster. He was probably one of the prettiest man I have ever seen. He had a such flawless good looking face. Everything about him was perfect, he was tall, his eyes were pretty, his nose looked pretty, even his dark hair was pretty. It was slicked back with only on strand hanging in his face. Truly flawless. He was stood at the center of the room wearing a white suit with gold details on it. He looked around the room looking at every girl carefully. With the older man right beside him, his eyes wandered around the room and they found mine. I immediately looked away once we made eye contact, I couldn’t bear to look into his eyes. I felt myself blushing. Once I thought he looked away, I looked at him again but he was still looking at me. And I wondered why? Am I not pretty enough? Does he think I don’t belong in a place like this? The older man beside him started coughed and he eventually looked away.
The older man started introducing the King to us. „Ladies this is Jeon Jungkook King of Aramella“ he said. And we all bowed to greet him. „As u all know the King is here today, to find a Wife, that can fulfill his wishes and dreams and stay by his side till the rest of your lives. So, if u think you would be his perfect wife, than please step forward.“ the older man said.
And all the girls immediately stepped forward. Well, except for me. I didn’t have enough confidence in me to step forward.
The Kings eyes wandered around once again. He looked at every girl in front of him that stepped forward. But soon his eyes found mine again and he looked at me with furrowed brows.
„Why aren’t you stepping forward?“ he asked me with a cold tone to his voice. And suddenly everyone turned around to look at me.
stay tuned for part two. ☺️
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kateneedscoffee · 3 years
Synopsis: Maybe they were right maybe they were wrong about him
Requested: No
Pairing: Sakusa Kyoomi x f!reader
Warnings: Unsupported friends, angst, and pretty much fluff
Author's note: This gif is actually too cute. My inspiration came from a fic that I read not to long ago. Where Sakusa and reader were dating and he overheard reader talking to their friends. Can someone please tell me who wrote this? FOUND IT
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It’s been about six months since Sakusa confessed his love to you. And of course, you accepted his feelings. Everyone knows that Sakusa isn’t just any type of boy that would show PDA. It was hard to hold his hand without washing your hands more than once or putting sanitizer.  Or even a simple hug without him pushing you away.
Of course, your friends noticed your behavior changed around Sakusa. And that what leads to the ‘talk’.
“You need to break up with him, (y/n).” Says the tall blonde. She was leaning against the lockers, chewing on a piece of gum. You were supposed to meet Omi (a nickname that you gave him, during your three months together) for lunch. A daily habit between the two of you.
“She’s right (y/n). You changed so much since you started dating him. You don’t hang out with us anymore especially since exams are coming up in about a month.” the brunette piped up. The three of you have been friends since the beginning of first year at Itachiyama High. The teacher assigned the three of you to work on a project together. This leading to study groups to going to the mall and drinking boba.
Maybe they were right, Sakusa never showed that much affection to you. He only tells you “did you wash your hands for a minute” or “did you shower twice before touching me”. It was hurtful, but you decided to give him space he needed. Not approaching the way, you do anymore. But you still tell him you love him every day. While your friends were talking about how you should break up with him, you’ve been getting miss text messages from him.
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‘Where is she’ Sakusa thought. As he was walking down the hall, and as he was about to turn. He heard 3 voices: one which belong to you and two other females. About to go over to you, he heard one of the girls spoke up. Halting his steps, he went to hide behind the corner. “(y/n), you’ve done so much for him and for what…he doesn’t even acknowledge you!” declared the brunette, “Its best to break up with him, for your safety and to protect your heart.” A pang stabbed Sakusa’s heart. They were right, he barely acknowledges you. You do so much for him; making sure he ate, cooking his favorite dish, making sure he has extra masks and hand sanitizer. And all he did…. was move away from your touch.
Lowering your head, trying to hide the tears that threaten to fall on your face. “That’s not true! Kyioomi loves me and I love him too! He isn’t like any other boys; he shows his affection in another way,” Looking at them both, “and I don’t need your opinion on who I should date or not, so if you please kindly leave me alone and never talk to me again.”
Both girls scoff at you, saying ‘whatever’ and left you alone in the hall. Patting your eyes with your sleeve to get rid of the unnecessary tears and fixing your skirt before turning around to head to lunch. Before bumping into a broad chest, sputtering out of apologies when realizing it was your one and only boyfriend. A mask adorning his face, hands in his pocket looking down at you. “O-oh Omi, I was just talking to my friends I was about to come over.” When trying to walk past him, his hand grabbed your arm pushing you into his chest. Wrapping his arms around you and giving you a bear hug. 
“Kyio, is everything all right? You're kind of scaring me right now.” said (y/n).
“I…. heard what you and your friends were talking about and I’m sorry for not treating you right.” He mumbled. “It’s not your fault, Kyio. I’m sorry for intruding your space sometimes and I should have kn- “pushing his mask down and cutting you off, kissing you with his warm lips on yours. A little shocked at first, but you kissed back.
It felt like the kiss was forever, both of you were panting against each other. Touching your forehead with his, “I love you, okay? I was scared that you would run away from me, but you didn’t. So, thank you…germ.” Pushing his mask up and lightly flicking your forehead.
“Come on, lunch is almost over. And you need to eat, I know you haven’t been eating much, so I pack some of your favorites.” Grabbing your pinky with his and walking to class. 
“Your cute, Omi. And I love you too.” Squeezing his pinky with yours. A blush creeping up his cheeks and thank the gods, he’s wearing a mask.
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actualbird · 2 years
Heyo! I hope you're doing okay! I haven't messaged you in a long time and I hope you're feeling great!
I haven't played the game since the last time I messaged you (was it November or December) and I would love to go back into the game but I'm really lost? What did I miss and how could I "catch up"?
If you played it, should I give Mystic Messenger a try?
🌺 The I'm-not-dead-yet-Hibiscus-anon ♥️
eyyo, hibiscus!!! long time no talk!! i hope youre doing alright :D
last you messaged was a little bit after luke's birthday event so u stopped i guess mid december!! so the only things u missed was the Xmas Partyland event and the currently ongoing event A Love Poem To Skadi
for Xmas Partyland, there wasnt any plot to that event! tho if u wanna catch up on stories there, u can watch the cards (SSR for marius and artem, SR for vyn and luke) on yt, im quite sure theres vids of all those
Skadi event has a bunch of plot going on so i'll break it down in hopefully a more digestible action plan kdfbsjfd
main plot: the manor
this plot kicks off in the intro scene upon entering the skadi event!! so all u have to do is play through that to see why mc goes to skadi and also why all the boys are there too HAHA. this will take like, half an hour tops. dont have to debate or anything, just enjoy the hilarious coincidences hehe
manor exploration
the intro thus leads into an exploration bit of the event where u and an nxx boy (u can only unlock one at first but u get to unlock them all as u play the other event bits) investigate and explore a manor. thru investigating objects, u learn more about the story. you need to have explored with every boy and investigate key objects with each of them to finish this plot
which i havent even finished HAHA. ive unlocked all the boys, im just taking my time cuz exploration is kinda overwhelming, i gotta move around.....
side stuff: town quests
so skadi is an island with a bunch of residents and u can do little favors or jobs for a bUNCH of locals and they give u rewards. these rewards can be used to get items (one of which is an item that unlocks a new boy for exploration) and also learn about their respective stories
ive finished the quests for two locals now and their stories r rlly sweet :(((( i like this bit a lot, makes the location charming and brings it to life
side stuff: boy encounters!!
so everyday, the boys---aside from exploring with u at the manor---are also just frolicking around skadi. each day, theyll be at a random location and theyve got new dialog bits to unlock. the first 4 dialog bits that r unlocked in the first 4 days come in that order (like, dialog 1 then 2 then yadda yadda) but after those first 4 are unlocked, all proceeding dialog bits are random!!
it's rlly fun since theres like, not rlly a plot. the boys just wanna hang out with mc and theyre all very sweet haha
side stuff: debates/dispute resolution
so u can get a certain item currency (it's this cute looking cupcake) thats used in the event wish pool (it's the Fairy Wish in the bottom right corner) where u can get a bunch of free items and if u get all the special items (highlighten in blue for each "pool") u unlock the next "pool". ppl r grinding for these cupcakes cuz thru the Fairy Wish, u can get a free hot boy in the hot spring invitation HAHA. ive been grinding....i want luke.....pls....
u can get these cupcakes thru doing quests for the locals, unlocking achievements, but mostly thru dispute resolution where u can just debate annoying-er locals for as long as ur AP permits with a 5 debate maximum per annoying-er local. it's kinda like the MED thing in lost gold!
the highest strength annoying-er local is a pigeon. thats why there are so many pigeon memes these days HAHA
aaaand of course for this event, there are the cards!!! SSR for EVERYBODY like lost gold with the exact same boy schedule
also!! ive not played mysme kfjgsdj. tho i have heard of it!! but yea since i dont know anything there, i cant say a thing haha
i hope this helps!!!
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 7
a/n: im sorry but takeru could take my uwus like hes so adorable yall 🥺😭
-LETS BE HONESTTT WITH OURSELVES. oikawa bringing takeru to practice cuz he forgot he promised to watch him n so he asks you to watch him while he rushes off to change— and then takeru goes OFF after he hears that YOURE the person uncle tooru keeps talking about. he basically just exposes oikawa, gets on your good side w all the embarrassing blackmail material he can provide, and oikawa comes back to you grinning like a madwoman HAHAHAHAHA c,:
tumblr moot:
-‘ Omg Takeru spills to his mom and grandmother how Oikawa had a crush and how awkward he is around this girl. Which leads to them inviting her over without Oikawa knowing. He comes home one day, a lil upset because yn wasn't at practice only to hear her giggling with his mother and sister while having tea ‘
Tumblr media
uwu yes i love this req so lets start
so basically
two words:
uncle oikawa
bahahaha no not really but yes really tho
this is going to basically be the scenario where takeru has accepted you as his auntie
so sit down my little grasshoppers because this is finna be a long one
it all started when oikawa forgot his promise
oikawa prides himself in being a know-it-all and being ‘responsible’ or shit like that but hes,,,,, far from that
like how he was currently running towards the gym where takeru’s volleyball class was at because he forgot that his sister made him promise to pick his nephew up since she was working overtime today
oikawa tooru didnt care about his appearance and the way he huffed as he sonic nyoomed his way there since he was more scared of what his sister would do to him if she finds out he was late
the sight of the gym door has never felt so good
he yelled and a head peaked out that belonged to the one and only boy
‘uncle, youre so loud’
he chided and tooru rolled his eyes before grabbing his hand
‘hey, go get your stuff. im late and y/n is going go kill me if im not there’
takeru rolled his own eyes and went at a snail’s pace as he packed up his knee pads and his water bottles
‘hmm,, dont lie uncle. you just want to see the pretty goddess nee-chan’
so basically,,
its been mentioned that you call the boys a lot or its them calling you and oikawa happens to be the one who calls you constantly
and takeru lives with them and he’s usually up quite late so he hears tooru downstairs while talking to you
like one time, he couldnt sleep and his mom told him to drink warm milk to help him so he was just going down the stairs when he heard tooru laugh
now, dont get him wrong
hes heard his uncle laugh before so hes seen how he laughs around girls and it was like nails on a chalkboard
but this time, it sounded very genuine and his chuckles were almost,,, shy
and he figured that tooru was talking to a girl since he kept saying a girl’s name
‘y/n-chan~ youre so cute~ dont make me come over there and kiss you~’
oikawa cooed and takeru cringed 
so he was talking to you
he was no stranger to your name as he once teased his uncle for being whipped and got an hour long rant about how beautiful you were and nice and angelic and how you were just an angel on earth
so yea he knew you
tooru’s voice became clearer as he stepped foot into the kitchen
even a child like him could tell his uncle was basically in love with you
and he doesnt even really know what love is!!
the child said and tooru, who believes in ghosts and is the biggest scaredy cat, shrieked at the sudden voice 
‘oikawa-san? what’s wrong?’
your voice could be heard through his phone but tooru quickly told you good night and ended the call before he got off the chair and crossed his arms to stand in front of takeru
‘what did you say?’
he asked and takeru looked up at him, mimicking his pose
‘i said, its disgusting, uncle’
oikawa looked offended
‘what?! how could you say that?!’
takeru shrugged then he walked over to the fridge
‘yozora-kun told me that girls have cooties and we would die if we get it’
god it was such a childish thing to say but to an actual child like takeru, it sounded perfectly valid
‘its gross and nasty and he said you get all sweaty and you get a fever and ew’
tooru shook his head in disbelief before going over to help the boy get a glass
‘its not nasty or gross or disgusting, takeru. its actually,,, really nice. you dont die from it and you get sweaty when you get nervous and you dont get a fever, you just get flustered, thats all’
takeru still didnt believe him
‘well, he also said girls become monsters and they would eat your face’
oikawa chortled 
‘you heard me. all girls are monsters and you should protect yourself, uncle’
but when he met you, my oh my, you were no monster
you were,,,,,, really really really pretty
poor takeru doesnt really know the real meaning of beautiful so he settled on you being really really really really pretty
like when oikawa dragged him in the gym, takeru stared at you 
his mind couldnt process on the fact that someone as pretty as you even existed 
but that doesnt really say much since hes only like 8
oikawa was hurriedly shoving them both in the gym and he was annoyed that takeru was just standing there but he was really just watching you as you scurried around to give the team their towels
‘takeru! come on!’
tooru’s voice snapped him out of it so he finally walked forward
oikawa called out and iwaizumi was about to yell at him for being late but you already had your bad bitch face on and you were strutting over
‘oikawa tooru, do you know how late you are?!’
you scolded and pulled his ear down to your height
‘eeeehhhh~~??? y/n-chan dont be so rough! it hurts! dont hurt oikawa-san!’
he teased to ease your anger but you sucked in a sharp breath
‘ill make sure it hurts more’
oikawa turned pale and started pleading and stuttering
‘please pleaseplease y/n-chan, i had to pick up takeru and it was a total mess and-’
at the mention of takeru, you let go of him and you finally caught sight of the little boy
ohmygee he was so adorable and youre just a sucker for adorable kids so you kinda squatted to his height since the height difference wasnt that big
you gave him a big smile and waved a hand
‘hey, you must be takeru. im y/n’
the poor kid’s face turned red unknowingly and he stiffened before nodding aggressively
‘my name is oikawa takeru and i am 6 years old’
he hand out his hands to prove his age and you giggled before nodding
‘my name is l/n y/n and i am 16 years old’
you held out 10 fingers then switched to having 6 up like he did
‘waaaa youre,,,’
the boy paused to subtract with his fingers before looking up at you with wide eyes
‘youre 10 years older than me!’
you sweatdropped at the sudden thought of being old 
‘hmm i guess i am’
you tilted your head to the side and continued to talk to the boy, completely oblivious to the stares from the others
they all sported a bright red blush and red ears at the thought of you being so good with kids and what if it was their own?
kindaichi gasped and held his hands to his face to cover the burst of all shades of red that decorated his entire face
‘ne, nee-chan, i know you’
takeru spoke as you led him to sit down on the bleacher, away from the practicing team and from any rogue balls
‘oh? you do?’
‘eung! uncle talks about you all the time! and he calls you too! i live with him, see, and nana yells at him for being on his phone during dinner because hes talking to you’
takeru admitted and you turned red, suddenly flustered
‘he talks about me? what does he say about me, take-chan?’
the little boy paused, holding his chin to think, then he lit up
‘he calls you beautiful goddess y/n-chan!’
‘he does?’
you asked, wholeheartedly surprised
takeru violently nods his head
‘yes! uncle talks about you all the time! my friend yozora wants to meet you too!’
‘hah? who is that?’
takeru sheepishly scratches his cheek
‘yozora-kun told uncle that girls are gross but uncle got mad and told him you were different because you were pretty and nice and yozora wants to see if you really were’
you laughed at the childish claims of this yozora boy
‘well,,, take-chan, do you think im gross?’
you asked, making the boy flustered again
‘no,,,, nee-chan is really pretty’
he mumbled while twiddling his fingers and you squealed before hugging him
‘oh, take-chan! you should visit more often!’
takeru nodded, smiling at how warm you were
‘eung! i love nee-chan! see? i can say i love nee-chan because im not a coward like uncle!’
you pulled away just slightly with a raised eyebrow
‘what are you talking about, takeru?’
the child puffed out his chest and his lip took on a smug angle
‘uncle talks to the mirror every morning! he says hes practicing! he takes forever just saying he loves you in the mirror and he doesnt let me pee! but its okay! because uncle can keep being coward but i get the pretty nee-chan!’
a disbelieving smile settled itself on your face and you absentmindedly caressed his smaller hand
‘what else does uncle do, take-chan? you see, nee-chan wants to tease him!’
takeru paused then lit up
‘oh! before i was born, mama told me uncle ate flowers because he thought his fart would smell like roses!’
your cries of shock made the boy laugh and you joined in with him
‘also! iwa-nii made me a tree house, right?! and uncle wanted to go in but he was too big so he got stuck at the front door! iwa-nii had to take the front part out and used soap to get him out!’
your cackles attracted the now ready captain and oikawa had an uneasy look
that little brat mustve told you some embarrassing stories based on how you laughed
‘oi! takeru! you shut your mouth right now, young man!’
he shouted and quickly stomped over to you at the bleachers
but you held the boy close, protecting him from the angry brunette
‘no! you stay away, oikawa-san! nee-chan will protect you, take-chan!’
you proclaimed and takeru was more than happy to snuggle closer and stick his tongue out at his uncle
you had a similar mischevious look and a wide but scary grin on your face that spelled nothing but trouble
was he,,,, being blackmailed right now?
tooru was scandalised at the thought and the act causign him to lunge over to you, tickling your sides so you could loosen your grip on the child
but you held on, giggling loudly causing takeru to also laugh when tooru’s fingers would touch his side too
‘no! stop-! ack-! tooru!’
you shouted but tooru was able to find an opening to grab takeru by under his arms and you reached over to grab him back but he was already lifted high
‘now what did you tell her, you brat?’
takeru shrieked but tooru hummed, not quite believing him
‘i dont think so’
tooru sat down on the floor and placed takeru on his lap with his fingers quickly hitting his ticklish spots
‘NOOO!!!! UNCLE!!!!’
you giggled and joined over, completely forgetting where you were and what your responsibilities are
okay can we take a second on how cute this moment is?
like despite the team practically being in love with you, they couldnt help but think of how much you guys looked like a family
iwa herded everyone to stop staring and keep practicing bc he knew that this was the first time tooru has been truly happy in a very long time
by the end of practice, you and takeru were practically best friends already
you were very sad to have to let him go home but he promised to come back soon
tooru gave him over to iwa so he could talk to you while you were packing up
you were putting on your jacket when you felt him tap your shoulder
with a smile, you turned around and he mirrored your grin
well,,, it was more like a shy and bashful grin
from behind him, you could see takeru being lifted by mattsun and his laughter echoed in the wind
tooru noticed your gaze then chuckled softly
‘thank you for,,, yanno,, keeping him busy’
you waved your hands around with a laugh
‘nonono! its okay! really! hes so adorable that i look forward to seeing him again!’
he let out a relieved sigh then placed his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet
‘y/n,, youre really good with kids’
that comment made you flustered but you waved it off
‘nah, i just connect with them more. theyre so easily entertained and the innocence is nice’
‘well,, youll be a great mother in the future’
you chuckled then ruffled his soft hair
‘youll be a great father in the future then oikawa-san’
at first, he was just going to laugh it off but then the image of you playing with a child who possessed chocolate brown locks and beautiful e/c eyes appeared
he turned red and he fumbled for a response, completely speaking gibberish with no idea of what to even say
unfortunately for him, the team was not in a far distance and they could hear oikawa sputtering nonsense so to ‘help’ him, they started shouting for you guys to hurry up
‘come on! lets go, you guys! the bakery closes in a 10 minutes!’
makki yelled and you perked up and waved to signal you were going
‘come on, oikawa-san!’
you grabbed his hand and pulled him along
takeru noticed his uncle’s red face and a cute sly smile creeped up on his face
then he started a plan
and wow god must’ve wanted him to succeed because its like the fates and the stars and the universe just aligned
takeru was walking with his mom around a supermarket when he noticed your familiar h/c hair
‘y/n nee-chan!’
he shrieked before he could even stop himself and you were startled, wildly looking around for the person who said your name
takeru shouted again, running away from his mom towards you
yall what is oikawa’s sister’s name? lets name her ‘tara’
tara shouted for her son and ofc ran after him when he didnt listen
you greeted back and winced a little when the force fo the little boy crashed into your legs
‘nee-chan! momma, look its nee-chan!’
takeru said when his mother caught up to him
‘oikawa takeru! you never run in the store like that again, you hear me?’
she scolded but then smiled up at you
‘oh hello darling, you must be y/n. im tara, tooru’s older sister and takeru’s mom’
she outstretched her hand for you to shake so you awkwardly shook it
‘uh-im l/n y/n’
‘momma! shes the pretty nee-chan i told you about! and shes the one uncle talks to every night!’
you cringed a little when takeru was excitedly talking as he was attracting other people with his loud voice
tara bless her heart noticed your discomfort and told you to go and follow her to the checkout if you were done
she ended up paying for your stuff despite your protests but she excused it as ‘consider this as payment for putting up that idiot brother of mine’
takeru wanted to show off so he held your bags but you still held on to their own to help tara out
‘ne, nee-chan! why are you not with uncle? its practice today, right?’
takeru asked as you three walked down the street
‘natsu’s sick so i was picking up some porridge for him to eat. i excused today because i wanted to take care of him’
takeru lit up
‘nee-chan! you should come over! nana wants to meet you too!’
tara rolled her eyes at her son with a smile
‘no, take-kun. nee-chan needs to go home to look after-’
‘ah, its okay, oikawa-san! natsu wont be awake for a while so i can spare an hour or two’
tara made small talk with you while takeru hummed in front of you
‘thank you so much for putting up with my two boys, y/n. i heard from hajime that you kept takeru company while tooru practiced’
you nodded
‘it wasnt a big deal though. i love takeru, hes a sweetheart. and oikawa-san takes good care of him’
tara chuckled
‘as much as takeru loves to poke fun at tooru, he really does appreciate him you know? without a father, i worried on who would be his male figure. but tooru lived up to his title and takeru wants to do everything he does. like say, volleyball’
you followed along and you could see the little bits of tooru even by the way takeru walked
the little skip that his uncle had seemed to copy itself on to the nephew with even the happy humming
‘oikawa-san is,,, a really great person’
you off-handedly mentioned and tara looked at you from the corner of her eye 
warmth blossomed in her chest because although she knew how much of an insecure and rash person her brother was, he deserves someone who talks about him with such love in their voice
even the look in your eyes was enough to make her think,
yep, you are the one
omg nana oikawa is ltr head-over-heels for you already
the love for y/n is an oikawa thing
when takeru opened the door, nana oikawa rushed to greet her grandson when she saw another person
a girl
‘nana! nana! this is y/n nee-chan! uncle’s pretty goddess!’
uwu nana knows who exactly you are
lets just say shes exactly like takeru and has witnessed her son lovingly talk to some y/n girl at 3 in the morning
and her son has expressed his love and admiration towards you every chance he can
so yes lets just say she knows who you are
thats why nana brightly smiled and quickly ushered you into the house
‘oh come in! come in! takeru-kun, go lead y/n-chan to the couch and make her comfortable! ill get tea!’
takeru nodded and he grabbed your hand with his small one to go to the living room
you awkwardly sat stiffly, not exactly knowing what to do as this entire family seemed to know who you are
takeru settled himself beside you and was actively talking about what they did at volleyball practice today
you were enamored in his story that you didnt notice nana walk in with a try of tea with tara trailing behind her with cookies
you moved to help her but nana shook her head with a gentle smile before sitting down at the chair beside the couch
‘here you go, dear’
you bowed slightly and held the cup of green tea
everyone was now settled and you were nervously tapping your finger against the cup
you dont even know why youre nervous
its like youre suddenly meeting your boyfriend’s family without your boyfriend actually there
you jumped a little at the voice of nana and she smiled at you
‘oh dear dont be so nervous! we’re not that bad! we dont bite’
‘unless you want us to’
takeru whispered and you giggled, ruffling his hair with your free hand
‘so youre the famous y/n-chan then?’
you nodded again
‘takeru told us all about his adventures at seijoh the other day and, well,, he likes to tease his uncle but,, we believe him’
tara smiled, remembering her son’s words
‘nee-chan, i told them that uncle was very weird and shy and awkward and it was so weird’
he whispered, yet still able to be heard by everyone in the room
‘oh my, when we heard that we couldnt believe a person, much less a female, could even do that to him! i worried that my son would never develop interest in any girl but it seems i was worrying for nothing!’
nana giggled and you couldnt help but smile, realizing her laugh sounded exactly like tooru’s
‘you know, y/n, tooru’s never really had a crush before. and believe me, id know but even with his last girlfriend, which was also his first, he didnt seem interested at her in that way-well, maybe he was but he wasnt exactly enamored with her like he is with you’
you knew little about tooru’s first and last girlfriend
it was the butt of mattsuhana’s jokes all the time but you never partook bc you could see how,,, sad,,, tooru looks whenever its brought up
but you turned red,hand waving at her last comment
‘oh nonono, youre wrong. uhh, how do i say this,, oikawa-san,,, he just appreciates me bc,, i,,, reject his advances,, and,,, bring him milk bread,,, and banana milk,,,, and such,,,’
you trailed off and the two older women shared a look behind their cups
heh, it was refreshing to have tooru do the chasing this time
‘you must be wondering how, we, you know, know you, right?’
you nodded at nana’s question
she chuckled then placed her tea down
‘you see, we are aware of tooru’s,,,, expiditions. and by that, we mean the interest of others in him and his returned interest. but hes our family so we know that his interest is,, actually fake’
you looked down, knowing exactly what shes talking about
‘especially with girls, we see his annoyance, his ignorance, and we’re not proud of it. but with you, when he talks about you, its as if he was talking about the,,, the love of his life!’
you were startled, not sure if you should be proud of that or confused about that
‘mom! dont say that!’
tara nagged but nana shrugged her off
‘no, i want to express my gratitude for this girl. y/n, i want you to know now that,,, my son is damaged’
‘takeru cover your ears’
tara hurried and the boy shot his mother a confused look but still did it anyways
‘tooru,,, feels that he shouldnt burden us as he’s now the man of the house after his father and i’s separation. and,,, perhaps its the past of his father’s but,,, he doesnt let anyone in, except for us and hajime’
nana oikawa’s eyes held sadness
a raw emotion that shouldnt be shown to a stranger but by how much and how often tooru talks about you, she practically knew you already
‘and he refuses to do anything that isn’t necessary. he hates doing pointless things unless they will serve him purpose in the future thats why he focuses on that damn sport so much, even giving himself injuries! i worried and worried for him but then,, you came along. all the sudden, i see the life in his eyes that was wrongly taken from him, be replaced and its all because of a girl. ive never heard tooru talk about someone else other than his team or hajime so it was quite a surprise for us that he found someone who was, what he considers, worth his time. and the way,, the way he looks when he talks,,, y/n, i believe you are what he says, an angel’
a sudden wave of tears appeared as nana oikawa looked up to meet your eyes and you let out a stiff laugh but you tightened your grip on your cup
‘you are,,, my son’s angel’
the conversation was quickly shifted by tara as she could see the conflict in the way your eyebrows furrowed and the rapid movement of your pupils
she knew that you were probably still at a stage that you didnt realize your captain’s real and authentic feelings for you and she didnt want you to find out this way 
tara knows how emotional her mother can get regarding her son so she switched to another topic to not get too in deep with the whole situation
next thing you knew, you were giggling and laughing at nana oikawa’s merciless onslaught of her son’s childhood events
you attempted to hide your laugh by sipping your drink but it still came out wholeheartedly
‘yes! i wondered for a whole week as to why my roses were disappearing and i never would’ve thought id find my son eating them at 6 in the morning!’
nana cackled while takeru was so laugh-tired that he slumped over to your side, completely breathless
‘oh! dont forget the mickey mouse one! you see, y/n, we spent about a week at my aunts house and tooru saw a mouse! the poor child woke everyone up at midnight, screaming about a mouse sleeping next to him! and just to top it off, we visited disneyland and, whew, we just know now to avoid mickey mouse. to this day, that child is still traumatized by that cartoon’
meanwhile at seijoh,
oikawa was sneezing nonstop and iwaizumi has bonked him many many times now
tooru irritably snapped and iwa was even surprised at how snippy he was
‘oi, what crawled up your ass and died today’
oikawa pouted then stomped his foot like a child
‘y/n isnt here today’
‘oikawa shes taking care of her cousin! she has a life outside of us you know?’
makki teased but flinched when tooru stomped his foot harder
‘but im her life! im all she needs!’
the entire team sweatdropped at the sight of makki and mattsun holding back their bara arms vice captain from beating up their captain 
‘ill be sure to give him mickey mouse stickers next time!’
you teased and they laughed
there was still remaining giggles left when the door handle twisted and the front door opened, revealing the man of the hour himself
takeru perked up and ran to the door to greet his uncle
‘uncle! uncle!’
he exclaimed and tooru sighed before grinning at him
his ears twitched at a familiar muffled giggle but he thought nothing of it by excusing it as him missing you so much that hes now hearing you
the thought of you dampened his mood again
‘uncle is too sad to play with you, takeru’
takeru’s head tilted to the side and one eyebrow was raised
‘heh? why? iwa-nii bonk you too hard?’
tooru shook his head solemnly
‘no. my darling wasnt there today and-’
‘oikawa-san, welcome home’
you emerged into the small hallway and tooru’s jaw dropped
then he snapped out of the surprise and ran straight towards you, picking you up and twirling you around
he cheered and you giggled, trying to hold on to his shoulders to stabilize yourself
‘dont be so loud, oikawa-san’
you chided but with a smile
tooru calmed down however he still held you in his arms and was looking up at you with a grin, completely missing the fact that youre even at his house
‘its so nice to have y/n-chan greet me at the door. its like i have a wife! you wanna be my wife, y/n?’
you blushed a deep red and flicked his forehead
‘oikawa-san, your mother and sister is-’
you whispered harshly but a sudden shout made you both turn
you and oikawa looked at each other exasperatedly but with a fond look in your eyes
you whispered
‘avenge me, oikawa-san’
that was enough for him to drop you gently and run to tackle takeru, who was giggling and kicking the air
you returned to your spot on the couch but shrunk back at the smirks the two oikawa women were directing to you
nana oikawa wanted you to have dinner with them so you stayed and oikawa held your hand under the table
even though they could obviously see it but yanno just stay quiet
‘y/n-chan, as much as i love you being here and meeting my family, how did you get here?’
takeru proudly raised his hand and swallowed his food
tooru nodded and reached over to ruffle his head
‘thank you, takeru! you turned uncle’s bad day to a good one!’
you turned to him with a worried look
‘huh? did something happen while i was away?’
tooru shook his head and pouted at you with his puppy eyes
‘y/n-chan wasnt there at practice today and oikawa-san missed her very much and-’
‘oikawa-san, please refrain from speaking in third person’
again, the two oikawa women shared a look
yep, you are the one
oikawa naturally took it upon himself to walk you home by saying ‘y/n-chan shouldnt walk home by herself!’
but in reality, he just wanted to spend more time with you because he didnt get to do that today
he just wanted his daily fill of you
you both were walking down the street, hand-in-hand
‘i love your family, oikawa-san’
you said and he giggled
‘well, just wait a few years and youll be a part of it too’
you blushed and smacked him on the chest making him wince and exagerrate an ‘ow!’
‘your mom,,, really loves you. and your sister, and takeru! theyre really nice and im happy your family loves you so much’
‘what about you? do you love me?’
you hummed
‘eung! i love oikawa-san! and the boys! i love all of you!’
oikawa had a sad smile on but he didnt push any further
‘well! you met my family already so now its my turn to meet yours!’
you turned to give him a deadpan expression
‘oikawa-san, my father chased you with a broom. i dont think its safe for you to even step foot at my front porch’
oikawa scoffed and puffed out his chest smugly
‘hah! your oikawa-san is a strong man! he doesnt get scared over some broom!’
‘oh! oikawa-san! i need to get your opinion on this! i want to give iwa-san this mickey poster but-’
noticing that oikawa was no longer walking beside you, you turned around to see him staring at the spot you were previously at 
he didnt answer and you giggled
‘oh? is it mickey mouse? you scared?’
you neared the phone to his face and then his eyes settled on the terrifying face of the disney character
oikawa screamed
anyways, how yall been? i know ive been gone for a hot sec but uwu hey!!! 
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my favorite sophitz hcs for ur daily dose of the best ship in kotlc
sophie has a designated napping chair in fitzs room that she sleeps on after school
they have telepathic conversations whenever theyre bored in class which turns into competitions on who can distract the other the most or fitz trying to make sophie blush as much as possible
telepathy classes are both their favorite time of the day because they basically just talk for an hour straight
every five minutes one of them will burst into laughter or start blushing to which tiergan just rolls his eyes and shakes his head at
sophie finds out fitz can paint nails very well because biana and makes him paint her nails all the time
splotching matches become so competitive like very competitive
the gym has to be absolutely covered in mattresses in case of another brain push incident and elwin is there on standby
keefe collects bets from prodigies on who will win, biana sells pins that kids replace their family crests with for the entire day, and dex records the match so they can mock the loser by playing the video many, many times
they usually end up in a tie until one of them says something funny/distracting and they lose focus
the best match will always be when fitz teasingly calls her sweetheart and the splotch instantly hits sophie in the arm
she calls him a cheater and he laughs at her blushing face but its okay because when theyre about to kiss, sophie takes another splotch and dunks it on his head
OH AND fitz stands by her locker everyday since shes always late and hands her a baked good or a jug or coffee
speaking of baked goods, sophie cannot bake at all, at least in the elvin world (that one time she did was w Edaline and she mostly just watched her conjure things up)
apparently their deep connection and trust and them being the most powerful cognates, does not help them in baking
“What did you do?!!” “Nothing! I just put it in the oven at 350 degrees-“ “350?!? Are you insane, Soph?!” “What is it meant to be?” “Fifty!” “FIFTY?!”
even verdi would not eat it
but when theyre not burning the house down- i mean baking, they usually hang-out in fitz or sophies room, but most often they’re out by calla’s tree
fitz would be reading a book while sophie would be listening to music from her ipod
when they start having dancing classes for their school gala, sophie is her usual clumsy self so fitz offers to teach her while they sit outside
sophie would play music and they’d dance with their books scattered around them until the sun started to set and when she would laugh, fitz would spin her around and they realized that it wasn’t just the leaves from the tree that were falling anymore
the first time edaline spotted them she nearly fainted and quickly called grady to come over
he was just about to barge out of the house and get all over-protective when sophie leaned her head against fitz’s chest and closed her eyes. fitz just looked down at her adoringly, his teal eyes sparkling in the sunlight
Grady sighed and decided maybe it wasnt so bad that his daughter had another boy in her life that made her happy, even if the boy might make her happier than he did
sophie had never laughed harder than when she saw fitz come into her room after he talked with grady
“It’s not funny! I’m honestly shocked my echo didn’t start up again!” “You’re so pale you look faded!”
one funny day, sophie was so sleepy that she somehow accidentally put on fitz’s crest that he had forgotten at her house and she didn’t notice until he saw her and broke out into a grin
“So that’s where my other crest went.”
ALSO after many games and very quick wins, they are officially banned from playing base quest together on the same team
when shes serious or wants to annoy him, sophie uses fitz’s full name
“You wouldn’t, Sophie.” “You never know, Fitzroy.”
it leads to a lot of tickle fights but hey what can you do
fitzs favorite color is red because sophie looks very pretty in red and also because mr snuggles is red and mr snuggles reminds him of sophie who looks very pretty in red
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